PZA Boy Stories

Sasuke Sarutobi

Over the Fence


For braking a window, a young boy has to learn the hard way, through pain and servitude, just how costly his mistake was.
Publ. Sep 2005-Feb 2006 (Lolita Bondage); this site Feb 2009
Finished 7,000 words (14 pages)


Frankie (10yo) and mr Sorester (adult)

Category & Story codes

Non-Consensual story
Mbnc anal oral bdsm spank toy electr ws interr


This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

The theme explored in this story is FANTASY. Just as one can enjoy violent videogames or movies without committing or condoning violence in real life, a person can enjoy violent fantasies of abuse without promoting abuse in real life.

By scrolling down on this page and reading the story I declare that

  • I am of legal age of majority in my area,
  • I like to read fictional stories where boys are kidnapped, raped, tortured, etc.
  • I understand the difference between fiction and real life,
  • I do not condone these actions in real life.
  • I agree that anyone who attempts to do in real life all or any of the things depicted in this story needs to be turned over to the local cops for the harshest penalties the law allows
If this type of material offends you (why are you here?) then

Author's note

First published on Lolita Bondage under the pen name Demi Hamlin.

Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author at okamijin(at)gmail(dot)com or through this feedback form, please mention the story title in the subject line.


Chapter 1

"I can't believe I'm doing this," Frankie muttered as he hopped the wooden fence to Mr. Sorester's yard. He gave one more fleeting glance to his friends, but their glares told him loud and clear to get his ass over that fence and get their ball back.

Frankie hadn't meant to hit it into Mr. Sorester's yard. And he really didn't mean to send it through the second-storey window. He'd even told them how much he sucked at baseball, hockey, and pretty much anything that used a stick. But they'd begged him to play, and now their ball was in the token creepy old guy's place.

After cutting the inside of his thigh on the top of the fence, Frankie landed on his hands and knees in Mr. Sorester's perfectly manicured lawn. He could hear his friends shouting for him to hurry up before they had to go inside.

Frankie had never seen Mr. Sorester. None of his friends had either. In fact, he didn't know anyone other than his folks who had actually talked to the guy. But all the kids figured he had to be old and creepy, and probably some kind of psycho since they never saw him come out of his house.

Sorester's house was made of dark bricks traced of black stones around the windows and door frames. The door looked like it had been painted a bunch of times. It was old enough to have a real doorknocker. Frankie scratched his head trying to figure out what the hell it was.

He heard his friends shouting for him to hurry up again, so he took a chance and went for the knocker. But when he touched the knocker, the door creaked open. Frankie almost choked on his heart. Already he could feel his dick rubbing against his underwear. Whenever the ten year old got nervous, his dick would get harder than a brick. At the moment, he could have pushed the door open with it.

Shaking, he pushed open the door, waiting for the creaking to stop before slipping in. The house looked fairly new, like one of those makeover shows on TV. He almost whistled when he saw all the brand-new flat-screen TV Sorester had in his front room. Down to Frankie's right was a long hallway lit by the sun from one of the high windows at the back. He walked down the hallway, seeing a staircase just to his left.

On his right were a set of windows. From the outside, they always looked dark, even when Sorester had the light on. But from the inside, Frankie could see a screen-like shade over them. He could clearly see the fence outside.

Frankie started to go towards the end of the hallway when he heard a noise. It sounded like it came from upstairs. He didn't think his dick could ever get any harder, but it managed to. It was practically bursting from his pants. He almost unzipped them to let it hang out because it was beginning to hurt, but he decided not to.

Figuring he'd already came into the Mr. Sorester's house without even knocking, Frankie thought, Just call the bastard, get the ball, and get the hell outta here. He started thinking about how all the kids would think he was so cool for going inside Mr. Sorester's house when his pussy friends just stood outside the gate. So he headed up the stairs.

On the second floor there were tons of weird pictures on the wall. They all looked really old, like things he'd see on the History Channel. Every one of thing was a picture of someone fucking someone else. At first Frankie felt really ashamed to be looking, but he couldn't help it. As he walked down the hallway his hand traveled to the rock hard bulge in his pants, and he rubbed the tip gently.

Then he spotted an open door. He leaned in, pushing the door open wider. Straight ahead was a pool of glass scattered all over a desk with a gigantic computer monitor on it. The room was set up as an office with tons of oddly named books all around, but Frankie ignored them and went for the computer. When he pushed the chair away, he saw that the ball had gone clean through the glass. He didn't know he could hit that hard. He started to reach in for the ball, but remembered seeing some guy get the shit shocked out of him in a videogame that way, so he checked for the cord and unplugged it first.

But when he went for the ball, he couldn't find it. It wasn't in the monitor, or on the desk or floor, or anywhere in the room. On the off chance it rolled out of the room, Frankie headed back to the hallway and started looking around. He saw another door kind of cracked next to the bathroom. His dick still harder than he'd ever been before, Frankie made his way to the room.

Nervously, he poked his head in, and then stepped in completely. He'd never seen any of the things in the room before. Some of it looked like giant rubber versions of his dick, but others, like the weird ball with the straps on it, the strips of leather hanging from a long stick, the weird-looking handcuffs, and the things that looked like his dad's jumper cables, had his mind guessing what the hell Mr. Sorester was up to.

"Looking for something?" a deep voice asked.

Frankie froze. His dick pressed so hard against his jeans that the zipper moved down a bit. He turned his head slowly and looked over his shoulder. There was Mr. Sorester. Not some old creepy man, but a rough-looking guy like those men in the black and white movies Frankie's dad watched. Sporting only a bathrobe, Mr. Sorester sat down in one of the chairs next to the door.

"I guess you're looking for this," he said, pulling the ball out of his pocket. "Nice hit. Put a hole through my window and my monitor."

"Sorry," Frankie blurted out. He was so nervous that it took him moment to notice Mr. Sorester's eyes were on his crotch. At first Frankie wanted to cover himself, but whenever he touched it, it always stayed hard. So he just pretended like he didn't know that Mr. Sorester was looking. But Mr. Sorester grinned cruelly, and Frankie was glad he was too dark-skinned to be able to blush.

"C-can I have my ball back?" Frankie asked. Mr. Sorester smiled even wider, and suddenly a look came over his face that scared Frankie to his bones.

"Sure," Mr. Sorester said. He spread his legs, revealing a monstrous set of balls and dick that curled around them, and dropped the ball squared between his legs. With a flick of his leg, Mr. Sorester's dick fell onto the ball like a dick mohawk. "Come and get it," he said.

But Frankie couldn't budge. He'd never seen a dick that huge in his life. It looked almost as long as his arm, and almost as thick, too. He didn't want to look, but he couldn't take his eyes off it. He wanted the ball, but not if he had to touch that dick. Already he could feel fear building up inside of it.

"Come and take it" Mr. Sorester said, this time more sternly. Frankie still didn't budge. "You want me to call your parents?" Frankie could imagine the beating his dad would give him for breaking the window and for going into someone's house without permission and wandering around like a thief. Frankie shook his head. "Then get over here and take this ball," Mr. Sorester ordered.

But Frankie still hesitated. Suddenly, Mr. Sorester's face contorted and his eyes looked like they sank to the back of his head. Frankie could feel his bladder itching to let it all go.

"Get over here now!" Mr. Sorester said. His voice sounded completely different, like he'd been faking the other one, hiding the darker, angrier voice until the right time.

Frankie was too scared to know what to do, so he went over and reached for the ball. He almost had it in his hand when Mr. Sorester grabbed him by the arm and squeezed tightly.

"T-that hurts!" Frankie whimpered. But Mr. Sorester ignored him and stood up, pulling Frankie out of the room. The ball rolled into the floor as Mr. Sorester dragged Frankie, whimpering, into his bedroom.


Mr. Sorester's bedroom had no windows. Everything looked dark blue or gray, and the only thing in there that made it look like a bedroom was the bed. But the bed looked strange, too. It had long poles at each corner, and there were holes at the top. All around the room were more of the weird objects Frankie had seen in the other room. But these were made of metal and looked like they'd hurt like hell to have them on. Frankie couldn't help himself, he started to cry.

Mr. Sorester pushed Frankie to the floor and towered over him as the boy scooted all the way against the bed.

"Stand up," Sorester said. Frankie did it out of fear. Sorester glared down at him, but Frankie couldn't make out his eyes. "What's that in your pants?" Frankie instinctively covered his little tent, but Sorester brushed Frankie's hands away with his foot. "Take them off," he said.

Frankie looked up at Mr. Sorester with tears streaming down his face. "M-my dad said I'm not su 3;" Sorester slapped Frankie hard across the mouth.

"I don't give a shit what your dad said. I said take off your pants."

"Bu 3;" Another slap belted Frankie in the mouth hard enough to knock him down. He could taste blood on his tongue.

He took one more glance at Mr. Sorester, and sobbing, undid his pants and pulled him down.

"I said off, not down," Sorester grunted. Frankie pushed his shoes off and stepped out of his pants. He didn't wait for Sorester to hit him again. He slid off his boxers. His dick was fully hard. The shiny brown head throbbed with each of Frankie's sobs.

"Well, well. Did you use that to fuck up my window? Huh?"

"No," Frankie whimpered. Sorester slapped him again. Frankie knew what that one was for. His dad did it all the time. "No, sir."

Sorester leaned over Frankie, and the boy shut his eyes waiting for another blow. But they didn't stay shut long. Sorester's fingers wrapped around Frankie's dick. It tickled, especially when Sorester played with Frankie's sac. He squeezed the little marbles gently, slipping his fingers around them so that he could massage them with his knuckles.

Suddenly, Sorester jerked down hard. Frankie yelped and tried to push Sorester's hands away, but the man's grip was too tight. With another jerk, this time up, Sorester had Frankie standing on his toes. And all the while, Frankie's dick stayed hard.

Sorester gave the boy's nuts a good twist, almost to so that they were on the other side. Frankie screamed as loud as he could, begging for Sorester to stop. "I'm sorry!" Frankie sobbed. "It ain't gonna happen again, I swear!"

But Sorester didn't even flinch. His face scrunched into a grimace and he hoisted Frankie up by his nuts onto the bed. When he let go, Frankie's hands went for his sore balls. But Sorester had other plans.

"Take off your shirt," he ordered. Frankie pulled his shirt off as fast as he could, but not fast enough. Just as Frankie got it past his head, Sorester grabbed his arms, and belted Frankie in the chest. The boy went limp for a moment as Sorester ripped his shirt off.

Frankie lay on the bed buck naked, crying as hard as he could. His balls still felt like they were in Sorester's vice of a hand. The man pulled a set of leather straps from the table of objects and ordered Frankie to lie on his stomach. The boy rolled over, and squealed as Sorester tightened the strap around Frankie's left arm, and then to the frame of the bed. He did the same to Frankie's other arm and then his legs until the boy was spread-eagle on the bed.

"You owe me for the window," Sorester said. He pushed a red-ball gag into Frankie's mouth. It was a tight fit, stretching Frankie's mouth to its limit. The boy tried to beg, but it all came out as muffles. A sudden sharp pain rose across his naked ass. He screamed, only to receive another blow from the belt. Just over his shoulder, Frankie could make out Sorester and the thick paddle-like belt in his hands before it struck his ass again. It was one of the shaving belts he'd seen in the barbershop.

"I've been watching you," Sorester said, pelting Frankie again. He had great aim, and had hit the same spot each time. Already Frankie's brown ass was turning a nice, rosy red. Sorester laid it into Frankie, emphasizing each word with another blow. "You're the hardheaded one. Always peeking into my yard. Always looking for trouble. You hit that ball in here on purpose, didn't you? Didn't you?"

Frankie was completely hysterical. No matter how hard he tried to pull loose, he just couldn't get free. And every time he jerked, Sorester hit him harder. After another barrage of blows and more "didn't you"s, Frankie finally shook his head yes.

"Thought so," Sorester said. He brought his arm far up into the air and planted as hard as he could right across Frankie's back. The boy screamed and arched his back as much as he could. He was sobbing so hard that he was beginning to drool.

"Well," Sorester said as he looked at the line of dildos on the table behind the bed. "Since you like breaking things, how about I break that little cherry you got there?"

Frankie didn't have the slightest idea what Sorester was talking about. All he wanted was to get loose and go home. He closed his eyes and tried to picture his friends still waiting outside for him and their ball. But before he could think any further, he felt Sorester's hand on his dick again. This time, Sorester pulled what little foreskin Frankie had left over the head of his dick, and clamp the foreskin closed. The metal teeth bit into Frankie's skin, and he instinctively tried to push it off like he was getting the last of his piss out. But that just made the teeth dig in more.

Try as he might, no amount of rubbing his dick on the bed would get the clamp off. And with his boner, it made it hurt more since it wouldn't go away.

Then Sorester lifted Frankie's right side and squeezed his nipple brutally. He gave it a harsh twist, and before Frankie could relax, Sorester put clamp on it. He did the same to the other side, and then patted Frankie's head. "We haven't even got started," Sorester said. "I'm going to pop that cherry of yours with this." He held up a black dildo in front of Frankie. The boy's eyes widen.

None of Frankie's murmurs and squeals could stop Sorester. He lubed the boy's ass up with vaseline, and with no hesitation began to shove the dildo into Frankie's virgin ass.

Frankie felt like someone was pouring hot grease over his ass. He yelled as loud as he could, begging and pleading, but it all came out as murmurs. The pain crept all the way down to his toes, and all he could do was bang his head into the pillow.

"I haven't even got the tip in," Sorester said. He reveled in Frankie's panicked screams. The boy was flailing around as much as the straps would let him, but Sorester continued to inch the dildo in until it was half-way in. Then he stopped.

Frankie went limp except for the occasional shaking from his sobs. Sorester took a peek at the boy's face which was stained in tears, and contorted into one of the cutest faces in pain he'd ever seen.

Then he shoved the rest of the dildo in.

Frankie's head bolted up. He buried it in the pillow as Sorester slowly pulled the dildo out. He stopped just before the tip was out, and shoved it all the way in. With each pass, he twisted it just a little.

Frankie's sobs came as hiccups through the gag, and he was completely out of tears. He begged as best he could, but Sorester was a pro, and worked is ass over with the dildo until Frankie's sobs fell into soft grunts.

Then Sorester pulled the dildo all the way out. For a moment, Frankie thought he'd shove it back in, but that didn't happen. He didn't feel the cool rubber, but instead Sorester's rock hard 9-inch [23 cm] dick. The dildo, only an inch [2½ cm] smaller, had paved the way for it. Sorester's dick was thicker than the dildo, so again pain rode up Frankie's ass.

Sorester didn't bother taking off his robe. He leaned over Frankie with his arms by the boy's head, and got his knees right under Frankie's legs, pulling them even tighter against the straps.

"Now you're going to get it for my monitor. Damn, you're still tight after all of that!" he said as he pushed all 9-inches [23 cm] in. He started off slow, driving his dick all the way in until Frankie's ass was on his hips, and then pulling all the way out and forcing it back in. But once he got his rhythm, Sorester tore Frankie's ass to shreds. The boy moaned loudly, his dicker getting harder and harder as Sorester fucked him raw. The clamp pulled at his Frankie's foreskin, but he could barely feel that pain compared to the pounding his ass was taking.

Sorester grabbed hold of Frankie's hair and tugged his hair back like he was ride a horse. His grunts rose over Frankie's moans until finally he shouted, digging his dick further into Frankie's ass. The hot cum oozed out of Frankie's ass even as Sorester pulled his dick free.

Frankie sobbed quietly as cum leaked out of his raped hole. Sorester wiped his dick off on Frankie's leg. He head for the door, but turned when he heard a sigh of relief from Frankie.

"Oh, we're not done," Sorester said. "I've just got to get a few things from the other room."

Chapter 2

Frankie's raped hole was still oozing cum. The ball gag in his mouth tasted salty from all his tears. The 10 year old could barely move from the leather restraints. He had managed to stop crying, but that was only to hear what Mr. Sorester was doing in the other room. He strained to hear a noise, but couldn't make out a thing.

Frankie rubbed his 4 inch [10 cm] dick against the bed hoping to remove the metal clamp on it. But the teeth were holding just as tightly as ever. He tried to imagine what he looked like strapped spread-eagle on the bed. There he was butt naked, his ass covered in cold, gooey cum. He dad always teased him about having a big ass. Sometimes after his dad would spank him, he'd massage it in his hands. Sometimes he did it without even whipping Frankie.

But his dad never left Frankie's ass as red as an apple. Even with his honey-brown skin the red marks from Sorester's beating were clear as day.

Frankie pulled at his restraints, but was too sore and weak to really make the effort. He just wanted to go home.

Just then he spotted Sorester's shadow. Frankie didn't think he could cry anymore, not with the way his eyes hurt, but the tears came as Sorester walked in. In his hand he was carrying two smaller black boxes, some wires, something that looked like a smaller, but thicker version of the dildo Frankie had been raped with, and some black things that looked like straws without hole to Frankie.

"I saw that you unplugged my monitor," Sorester said. He still had his robe on, and his dick was raging hard as he walked by. Already it was drooling. When he went out of Frankie's sight, the boy panicked, figuring all that drool would be square in his ass any second.

But that didn't happen. Instead, he felt Sorester releasing the restraints on his legs. He moved up to Frankie's hands, but stopped. "Listen good, boy," he said into Frankie's ear. "You're going to turn over and lay on your stomach. You still owe, and you're not getting out of this. Don't even think about running because if you do, you'll pay for it. You got that?"

Frankie nodded and waited for Sorester to release his hands. Once he was free, Frankie began to turn over, but suddenly bolted off the bed. Only he hadn't paid any attention to where he was turning and went head first into the wall. Frankie shot up to his feet, but Sorester was right in front of him.

He grabbed Frankie by the throat and squeezed tightly. Instinctively Frankie reached for Sorester's hand, but quick squeeze made the boy's arms drop back to his side.

"What did I just say to you?" Sorester hoisted Frankie back onto the bed and planted his knee in Frankie's stomach. The boy moaned, his mouth still gagged, as he struggled with Sorester to keep his hands free.

Sorester held Frankie's left arm at bay with his right hand, and with his other hand went for the clamp on Frankie's nipple. As soon as Sorester touched it Frankie knew what was going to happen. Sorester pulled it viciously, and instantly Frankie stopped fighting. The pain tore through his chest. With one hand, Sorester slipped the leather restraint back around the bed frame and tied it. He did the other arm quickly, and pushing all his weight on Frankie's stomach, got up to tie up the boy's legs.

Frankie mumbled that he was sorry and he'd be good and just wanted to go home. But Sorester paid him no mind. In fact, after he tied Frankie down again, this time with the boy's dick pointing to the ceiling, Sorester removed the clamps on Frankie's nipples and dick. There were little scrap marks and punctures all over the clamped flesh, especially on Frankie's foreskin from where he'd tried to wiggle the clamp free.

Sorester smiled as how pretty the boy's little dick looked all bloodied up. Frankie's brown pole was slender and curved downward and a little to the right. Sorester leaned forward and swallowed all four inches [10 cm] of it into his mouth. He ran his tongue up and down the tender foreskin, and just as Frankie began to moan in pleasure, Sorester bit down harshly. Frankie screamed, but Sorester kept chewing on his dick. He gave it one final suck before letting it drop from his mouth.

The little puncture wounds were bleeding now, but Frankie's dick was as hard as ever. Sorester wiped the dick clean with his bathrobe and then picked up what looked like a thin black straw. Frankie watched in horror as Sorester licked the black straw, took hold of his tiny dick, and pushed the straw right into his piss hole.

"Squirming only makes it hurt more," Sorester said. "But then, so does going slowly." He eased up his pace, pushing the straw deeper, then pulling it out just a little and pushing it in again. He stopped when he'd gotten a third of the length. Then he took another straw and a little black disk and thread it through on of the holes in the disk. He wrapped this around Frankie's shaft. He made two more and pulled them tightly around each of Frankie's balls.

Then he went for the smaller dildo. It looked a lot different up close to Frankie. It had a weird part at the bottom that looked like it would make it stay in his ass. He wanted to squeeze his ass shut, but with cum still oozing out of him, there was little he could do. The butt plug slid right in.

Sorester put two metal clips on Frankie's nipples and then sat the two black boxes on the bed. He attached the wires from Frankie's dick and balls to one box and Frankie's butt plug and nipples to the other. Standing at the foot of the bed with a sly grin, he flicked on the boxes and eased up the dials.

A pulse ran threw Frankie's dick down to his pelvis. It only lasts for 10 seconds, but the pain hung in him. He groaned and then squealed as another burst came from his chest and ass.

"That was what you were trying to avoid when you unplugged my monitor, wasn't he?" Sorester said. He turned up the dial on the box to Frankie's dick. Another pulse surged through the boy's tiny dick. He screamed and pulled at his restraints and then when stiff as the second blast hit him.

Sorester turned up the dial on the butt plug box and laughed as Frankie squirmed around in pain. With each burst the boy's face scrunched up, and with his mouth forced open by the ball gag, it looked like he was waiting for someone to cum into his mouth.

"Well, I'm hungry, so I'll leave you to your punishment," Sorester said, heading for the door. "Oops," he said, turning around. He adjusted the power on the boxes to make them higher. "Almost forgot about you trying to escape."

The more powerful pulse made Frankie gurgle in pain. "Enjoy," Sorester said, walking out of the room. Frankie lay there, his body jerking every 10 seconds and then another jolt 5 seconds after that. Pretty soon he was having orgasm after orgasm, made worse by the butt plug shocking the shit out of his prostate.


When Sorester came back two hours later, Frankie lying still on the bed with his eyes closed. Every few seconds his body twitched from the shocks, but he wasn't whimpering anymore or crying. Sorester nudged him to see if he was awake, and the boy's eyes opened immediately. He looked up at Sorester for a moment, then closed his eyes again.

"Good," Sorester said. "You're learning. I would have let you go, but since you had to try and run off, you needed to get punished. We're still not done yet."

At that Frankie began to whimper. Sorester shook his head, and reached into his pocket. Frankie started squirming again, despite the shocks. Slowly Sorester's hand came out of his pocket only to reveal a cordless fun. But Frankie had already gotten himself worked up. The tears came again.

"Knock it off or I'll turn it up higher," Sorester ordered. Frankie quickly calmed down. "Better. We're going to try this again. Let's see if you can do as you're told this time. I know your dad. He's a good guy, really nice. Call home and tell your father what you did." Sorester placed the phone in Frankie's hand and pressed it on. "I'm going to take off the gag, but you better keep your punishment between us or I'll make you wish you were dead."

Frankie already wished that, but he knew what Mr. Sorester meant, and he didn't want it any worse. So he called home. Sorester took off Frankie's gag and held the phone to the boy's ear.

When his dad picked up and Frankie said who he was, his dad was far from pleased. "Where the fuck are you?" he snapped. "Do you have any fuckin' idea what fuckin' time it is?

Frankie spoke as calmly as he could with the shocks blazed through him. "I'm over Mr. Sorester's house."

"What? Why? What'd you ?"

"I 3; I broke 3; I broke his window 3; and his computer monitor. I'm sorry, daddy 3;"

"I'm going to tear your ass apart when you get home. Put Mr. Sorester on the phone."

Sorester took the phone and walked out of the room. This was the first time in hours that Frankie could actually close his mouth. He glanced out into the hallway trying to see Sorester, but couldn't make out anything. It was dark outside, that was pretty much all he could tell.

Sorester came back into the room and held the phone to Frankie's ear again. "You're going to stay over Mr. Sorester's house tonight," Frankie's dad said much to the little boy's horror. His heart pounded in his stomach, and he wasn't really listening to what else his father said. "You do whatever he tells you to do. I don't care if he tells you to sit on a broken bottle, you better do it. And believe me, when you get home, I've got something waiting for you. And just so you know, if you give him any trouble, I told him to whip your ass. See you tomorrow."

And with that, his dad hung up. Frankie turned and looked up at Mr. Sorester who was grinning ear to ear. "Hey, that's what parents are for," he said jokingly. "You'd better listen to your father, Frankie. It can get a lot worse than this."

Frankie started crying again, but Sorester just lifted up the boy's head. "I guess you're hungry, huh?" Frankie nodded. "Fine," Sorester said. He held up his dick and pointed to Frankie's lips. "I have to take a piss. You better swallow every single drop, got it?"

"Yes, sir," the boy whimpered. Sorester pushed his dick into Frankie's mouth and shoved it as far as it could go. He waited until Frankie stopped gagging, pulled out a little and let his stream of hot piss flow down Frankie's throat. The boy gulped it down as fast as he could, never missing a drop. He even licked Sorester's piss clean as he pulled out.

"Not bad," Sorester said. He leaned down and shut off the boxes. Frankie chanced letting a small sigh out. "See what happens when you listen. You look a little tired. I'll let you get some sleep, but you have to earn it. If you don't want to, I'll turn these back on and up two levels and leave you until the morning."

"I want to sleep!" Frankie pleaded. The thought of more shocks had his eyes tearing up again. "I want to earn it! I will, sir. I'll be good, I promise!"

Sorester smiled cruelly. He walked back over to the table near the foot of the bed and leaned down. When he stood up, he hid one of his hands behind his back. "Are you sure?"

"Yes, sir."

"Absolutely sure? There's no backing out. If you don't do exactly as I say, well, I got a special place for hardheaded boys like you."

"Yes, sir. Please, sir!" Frankie begged.

"Alright then," Sorester said swinging his arm around to the bed. He plopped down a gigantic purple dildo. The head looked about half the size of Sorester's fist. Frankie shook with fear, but that only made Sorester laugh and say, "You can take it."

Chapter 3

Frankie eyed the gigantic dildo with more fear than he'd ever felt in his life. The monstrous thing glared back at him with purple delight. Sorester wore a grin from ear to ear.

"You can take it," he said as he reached for the jar of Vaseline. Frankie's face scrunched, and he was on the verge of whimpering. "Listen good," Sorester said, "because I'm only going to say this once. You're going to take all 15 inches [38 cm] of this in your ass, and you're not going to make a sound. Not a whimper, a cough, groan, or peep. If you so much as sniffle, I've going to show you what I do to hardheaded little boys."

Frankie nodded, fighting back the tears as best he could. He wanted to scream for help so bad, but he already knew no one would come. And if he didn't listen, not only would his dad make him pay for it the next day, but he'd still have to spend the night with Mr. Sorester.

Sorester loosened Frankie's legs and retied them just above his hands. Now Frankie's legs were stretched to his shoulders, his ass fully exposed. Sorester lubed his hole up really good. But before he slid the dildo in, he put the clamps back on Frankie's nipples and dick. Frankie winced, but he didn't make a sound. He just lay there trying not to think about the pain that was about to come.

Sorester waited until Frankie seemed lost in preparing for the pain to push the tip of the dildo in. Immediately Frankie jerked, trying to squeeze it out. But Sorester held it in place, slowly inching it inside the boy's ass. Frankie's butthole stretched to its limit before Sorester even had the tip of the dildo in. Little red streaks began to form all around Frankie's hole.

Tears were streaming down the boy's face. He held his breath to keep from screaming, exhaling as softly as he could. Sorester pushed the tip all the way in, watching Frankie's ass swallow the 3" [7½ cm] diameter dildo. Slowly he pulled it back out a little. Cum and blood covered it. He pushed it back in, deeper this time, twisting it just a little.

Frankie's dick throbbed as an orgasm washed over him. He didn't know whether to hate it or love it. But soon all he could feel was the rage fire sliding into his stomach.

Suddenly, Sorester rammed the dildo inside Frankie's hole. He fucked Frankie's ass with it viciously, smiling wider and wider as Frankie bit down on his lip to keep from scream. Just as suddenly, Sorester shoved the dildo in half way.

"Argh!" Frankie yelped, regretting it immediately. He cried harder, and almost begged for mercy, but he already knew it wouldn't do any good. Sorester shoved the rest of the 7 inches [18 cm] as far as it could go. Frankie squealed, and then sobbed quietly as Sorester fucked him with the whole of the dildo. He pulled it almost completely out and shoved it back in, going faster and faster each time. Already the dildo looks like a candy cane from all the blood, but Sorester was relentless. With one hand he rammed the dildo in and out, and with the other he jerked his dick, flinging his pre-cum all over Frankie's dick.

The harder his jerked his dick, the harder he dildo-fucked Frankie. The boy had completely given up being silent, and sobbed quietly. He closed his eyes, trying to pretend to be somewhere else, but Sorester was too skilled, and with each thrust, a new, harsher surge of pain washed over Frankie.

Sorester pulled the dildo out and slid his dick in before the hole could close. He ripped off his robe and leaned on Frankie's legs. He tore into the boy's ass, riding it so hard that his balls slapped loudly against Frankie's ass. He pounded Frankie until he could feel the cum bubbling up. Grabbing Frankie's head, Sorester forced his mouth open and pushed his blood covered dick down Frankie's throat and blew his load.

"Swallow it," he ordered. "Swallow every drop." Frankie gulped down as much as he could, with a little running down his cheek and some going up his nose. "Lick me clean," Sorester said, and Frankie obediently licked all of his own blood and shit, and Sorester's cum, off of Sorester's dick.

Spent, Sorester pulled away and slipped on his robe, and walked out of the room. Frankie laid his head down and cried as softly as he could. He knew Sorester would be back with his punishment for whimpering. All the boy could think of was being good now. If he was good maybe Mr. Sorester would let him loose and then Frankie could show him how good a boy he could be. He'd suck Sorester's dick all night long if he could just get loose.

But he couldn't dwell on that for too long. Sorester came back within minutes, but empty-handed. For a moment Frankie thought he'd gotten off. But when Sorester began undoing the restraints, Frankie gave up on that.

Once Sorester had Frankie loose, he removed the boy's nipple and dick clamps and sat him up. "We're going down to the basement," he said, leading the boy out of the room.

The basement was behind a hidden door in the hallway leading to the kitchen. Sorester pushed Frankie into the dark stairwell and watched in glee as the boy shook with fear.

At the bottom Sorester pulled a cord overheard, and Frankie could see several large tables and crosses and some things that little like headless rocking horses. One had a hole near on end, straps for the neck, arms and legs and was studded with little metal disks. Sorester led him to that one.

Frankie obediently climbed on, grimacing as Sorester strapped his legs and arms in as tightly as possible. When his neck was strapped down, Frankie could make out a small holder that could be turned towards his mouth.

Then he felt something cold slide into his ass. He squirmed around for a moment, but soon gave up. Sorester walked around to Frankie's face and placed a 4 inch [10 cm] dildo into the holder and waited for Frankie to open his mouth. Once it was all the way in, Sorester locked the holder down. There was no way for Frankie to get the dildo out of his mouth.

Sorester reached under the horse and pulled Frankie's dick through the hole. He attached a ring around it, and suddenly let it drop. Weight jerked on Frankie's dick. His toes curled as the weights swung back and forth.

"Since you can't learn how to keep your mouth shut, I'm going to shut it for you," Sorester said. "The dildos in your ass and mouth are two opposite ends of a circuit. Once I plug you in, you'll get a shock all through your body. I set this up so that your straps can adjust the setting. If you pull at them, it goes up for a while. If you leave them alone, it stays at its initial setting. See?"

Sorester stepped into the darkness, and Frankie heard a small pop and something humming. When Sorester came back, showed Frankie the control box and the setting, which was up half-way. A harsh jolt ran through his body. It was brutal enough to make his teeth hurt. He jerked so hard that he almost tore his arm of its socket. Then the charge settled to an annoying buzzing. It hurt, but he could handle it. Then the second jolt came, this one stronger than before. This time, the charge took longer to settle, and wasn't back to normal before another jolt came.

Frankie hiccupped muffled cries. Sorester grinned, and stepped back into the darkness. The low charge dissipated. Sorester unstrapped Frankie and helped him up. "That's what you're getting for the rest of the night," he said leading Frankie to another side of basement.

He took Frankie to a wooden cross with adjustable straps, and tied them to Frankie's arms and legs. He stretched to his limit, letting him dangle in the center of the cross with his back exposed. Then Sorester reattached the weights to Frankie's dick.

Fire spread across Frankie's ass as Sorester dug into him with a leather belt. It was studded down its length with little metal disks, and they caught on Frankie's skin, leaving little tick marks. Sorester hit him with most of his strength. The red lashes quickly turned blue. Frankie screamed loudly, shrieking with each blow.

"What did I say to you?" Sorester demanded with a cruel blow across the small of Frankie's back. The boy jerked and yelped, sobbing loudly. "What did I say to you?" Sorester repeated, striking him harder.

"D-don't make a-any sounds 3;" Frankie cried.


"No crying?"

"And what are you do right now?" Sorester trashed his arm back and forth, the belt licking over every inch of Frankie's backside.

"Crying 3;" Frankie answered in a sob. "Please 3; p-please stop 3; I'll be good 3;"

"I'll stop when you stop crying, got that?" Sorester said, emphasizing the last word with a hard blow that caught Frankie's balls. The boy squealed, but Sorester didn't seem to wear out. It took several minutes for Frankie to finally stop crying. Sorester checked him and discovered that Frankie had passed out.

A cruel smile raced across Sorester's lips. There were dozens of ways to wake up a bad little boy like Frankie, but one in particular came to mind. He untied Frankie and hoisted him on his shoulder. He took the boy over to a wooden table and strapped Frankie down with his cherry red ass exposed. Sorester fingered Frankie's ass, slipping in one, then two, then three and finally four of his digits into the boy's ass.

Frankie was still out cold when Sorester climbed the table and mounted him. His dick slid in with no trouble at all. Smoothly, Sorester pumped the little boy's ass, taking his time to savor each sensation as Frankie slowly came to. Once the boy realized what was happening, he instinctively squeezed his butt cheeks. Sorester chuckled and took that as his cue. Leaning over Frankie, Sorester rammed his dick viciously into the boy. Frankie started to scream, but chose to bite his tongue instead.

The boy moaned in pain, but Sorester still showed him no mercy. He pumped Frankie sp hard that the boy coughed with each thrust.

"Are you awake now?" Sorester asked as he drove his dick all the way instead Frankie. The boy sucked in a breath and wheezed.

"Yes, sir 3;" he groaned.

"Good," Sorester said, pulling out. He unstrapped Frankie and led the boy over to the restraint horse again. "I know you're tired, boy. But you don't get to go to sleep until I say so."

Sorester glanced at the watch on his wrist and looked down at Frankie. The boy looked like holy hell. His face was still covered in tears. His mouth was stained with blood, cum and drool. The boy's nipples were bright red even with his dark skin. Sorester didn't even bother with words. He pointed to the horse, and like a good boy Frankie climbed on. Sorester strapped him in and hooked up the electrodes. As he disappeared into the shadows, Frankie a soft buzz click on. Then the surge of electricity hit him. He jerked at the straps and the next surge was stronger than the first. And as each surge pulsed through him, he heard Sorester head up the stairs.

The lights faded and Frankie was left in electric darkness.

The End?