Alex HawkMy GanymedeElijah's Visit - Ethan Lets Dad Do It |
Publ. 2004-2006 (Kristen); this site Nov 2012
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Charactersvarious boys (12-13yo)Category & Story codesMan-Boy story/loveMb – cons mast oral anal – first (Explanation) |
DisclaimerIf you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place? This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life. It is just a story, ok? |
Orphan storyThis is an orphan story, that means that the author's e-mail address is no longer active and there is no other way to contact the author. Are you the author, please contact me. |
Author's noteThis work is copyrighted to the author © 2004-2006. Please don't remove the author information or make any changes to this story. All rights reserved. Thank you for your consideration. |
A man on vacation in Mexico meets a young boy and soon they fall in love.
Chris (32yo) and David (12yo)
Mb – cons mast oral anal – first
1I took a sip of my Coke and closed my eyes. The beach was almost completely empty. It wasn't technically a private beach, but it was so far away from everywhere important that it might as well be private. The seclusion was why I came here. It was my first vacation in years, and I was burned out big time. The chance to get away for the summer was wonderful. I heard a dog barking and the sound of a boy laughing in the distance. I opened my eyes and lifted my sunglasses to look. There was a boy running along the beach with said dog. He was quite naked, which wasn't unusual. This wasn't a nude beach, but it was clothing optional. Not too many people took their options, but I was happy this boy was. The boy in question was blond, about 5'3 [1.60 m] or so. Thin, reasonably muscled, and fucking sexy as hell. Probably no more than twelve or thirteen, judging by the fact that the penis flopping between his legs as he frolicked had gained some size but hadn't yet sprouted any hair. I got an instant hard-on looking at the child as he played. At thirty-two I was waaaay too old to be thinking about a boy like this, but I couldn't help it. Normally I tended to chase after, and catch, boys who were about fifteen or sixteen. Usually homeless ones, since they were the easiest to get into bed. I'd never chased a boy this young. I closed my eyes and did my best to ignore him, trying to put him out of my mind, knowing that even here, down in Mexico, they'd take a narrow view to me fucking a boy of his age, more's the pity. I should have vacationed in Spain. The age of consent there was twelve, and 3; Sand flew up onto me and I heard barking right near my face. I opened my eyes to see the boy's dog, a golden retriever, only a couple feet from me. "Hello, dog," I said, holding my hand out. "Sirius! Sirius, heel!" the boy called out, running towards us. "Sorry, mister." "It's ok," I said, petting the dog. "Sirius, huh?" "Yeah, that's his name." The boy came over and crouched down next to my, his young penis dangling between his legs. Close up he was even better, and I could see that he was wearing this cute little white necklace It suited him well. "He's a lovely dog." "Thanks!" "Do you know where the name Sirius comes from?" The boy nodded. "Sirius was the name of Orion's dog. And Harry Potter's godfather." I laughed. "That's true." I let my eyes drink in the site of this gorgeous naked child crouching on the sand so close to me. He'd obviously not been here, or been running around naked, for long, because I could see the tan line where shorts had covered his body before. "What's your name?" he asked. "Chris." "Short for Christopher, or Christ-bearer, the saint who supposedly carried Jesus across a river," the boy said, promptly. "Well, I AM impressed." "Thanks." He blushed a little. "What's your name?" "David." "A good old Biblical name, that." "Yeah." My eyes drifted down towards David's penis. He was circumcised, which I preferred. As I'd thought before, it was indeed at that perfect stage where it had started to grow, but not get hair yet. I wondered if he made sperm. I wondered if he masturbated. He was almost certainly still a virgin. I pictured that young penis sliding around in some lucky girl's vagina and nearly came in my shorts. "So how old are you?" I finally asked him. "Twelve. How about you?" "Thirty-two." I was pleased my guess of his age had been pretty accurate. "Cool. So how long have you been here?" David asked me. "I just got here two days ago." "Cool. We just got in last night." "We?" "My mom and me." "Cool." "Yeah. We're going to be here all summer." "Cool, me, too." "Great! I'm sure I'll see a lot of you," I said. I'll hopefully see you in bed, I added to myself, feeling instantly guilty. "Great! Well, I'll see you later, then," David said. "Ok." He started to stand up, but Sirius, who was rapidly becoming my favorite beast, bumped into his master, and knocked the boy off balance enough to send him sprawling onto me. He ended up basically laying on top of me, forming us into a plus symbol. "Sorry," he said, lifting his body up, which caused his young penis to brush against the side of my body. "It's no problem," I muttered as David stood up. "Anyhow, I'll see you later, Chris! Come on, Sirius," he said to his dog and ran off to play in the surf. His butt looked amazing. I pictured my penis pounding into his tight little backside and suddenly needed to get up and leave. I nearly sprinted back to my cabana and set about pleasuring myself. When I came, it was one of the best, most intense orgasms of my life. I sighed as I laid there after the orgasm, feeling very, very guilty about the thoughts I was having about David. I mean, he was twelve! I had no business lusting after a twelve-year-old! I was twenty years older than him! But then I thought about his gorgeous little body and his cute face and that wonderful penis he had dangling between his legs and I knew that no matter how strong I thought I was, I'd never be able to resist his charms. I was going to chase him. I was going to get him. 2"Hi, Chris!" came the high-pitched voice calling out to me the next day when I got to the beach. David was already running around playing fetch with Sirius and still naked. "Damn, David," I said as he came up to me. "Don't you ever wear clothes?" I asked with a grin. David giggled. It was very cute. "No, not when I'm out here. It's cool being naked, you know?" "Yeah, I know." "Why don't you get naked, too?" he asked. "Oh, I don't want to get a sunburn," I lied. Really, I didn't want this twelve-year-old boy seeing my massive hard-on. "Oh, ok. Well, you wanna play with me and Sirius?" "Sure." David handed me the Frisbee Brand Plastic Flying Disk that he'd been throwing to Sirius. I tossed it out towards the sea and watched the dog charged after it, barking the whole time. "He's a good dog," I said as Sirius came back. "Thanks!" David picked up the Frisbee and threw it this time. We spent a few minutes playing with Sirius together and then I sat back on my towel and watched David's nude body as he played with his dog. God, this boy was sexy as hell. I wanted him so much, and felt such guilt for that desire. About an hour after I'd arrived, this woman turned up and went to talk with David. He pointed at me and the two of them walked over. "Chris, this is my mom, Mandy." "Mandy Josephson, PhD," she said, holding her hand out to me. "Chris Swanson, NohD," I said shaking her hand. She looked to be around my age, maybe even a little younger, and there was a scary thought. It was bad enough I wanted a boy young enough to be my son. It was worse that his mother was younger than me. Mandy laughed. "David told me he'd made a new friend down on the beach yesterday." "That would be me, I guess," I replied. "What's your degree in?" "I'm a psychiatrist. What do you do?" "Freelance HTML coding. This is my first vacation from it in years." "I'm gonna go play with Sirius some more, Mom," David said as he ran off. "This is our first vacation since David's father died," Mandy explained. "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that," I replied with sincerity. Mandy shrugged. "It's been a while." "How long?" "Six years. David doesn't even remember him all that well." "That's too bad," I said, shaking my head. Changing the subject, I went on with, "David's a really nice boy. Seems rather smart, too. Knowing about Sirius and all." Mandy laughed. "Yes, he's quite smart. He got skipped ahead a year in school a couple years ago, and it'll probably happen again when he gets to high school. He's a very nice boy, too. Always trying to help people." She smiled. "I imagine probably every parent talks about their kids that way." "Probably." "Do you have any children?" I shook my head. "No." I've had other people's, I added silently. "Just haven't found the right person, you know?" She nodded. "Tell me about it." She looked over at David. "David wanted me to see if it would be ok if he came over to visit you sometime. You don't mind, do you? I could use a little space to decompress," she said with a smile. "Not at all. He's a nice boy." "Good." I made a show of looking at my watch. "Well, I gotta get going. It was very nice meeting you." "Not at all, the pleasure was mine." "Bye, David!" I called out to my naked dream boy. "Bye, Chris!" he called out in return, waving at me. I turned away with great effort and headed back to another lonely, vigorous masturbation session at my cabana. 4The next morning I was awakened at an ungodly hour (nine), by the sound of someone knocking at the door. I peered through the curtains and saw David standing there next to a bicycle. He was actually wearing clothes. Shorts, an open button-up shirt and a baseball cap. I quickly pulled on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt (I slept nude), and went to answer the door. "Hi, Chris!" David said, brightly. "My mom said it was ok for me to come visit you." He looked at me and frowned. "Oh 3; I hope I didn't wake you up." I shook my head. "I was just getting out of bed." "Oh, ok." "Come on in," I said, standing aside. The boy parked his bike and walked inside. "Wow, you got a nice cabana." "It's not the same as yours?" "No, our floor plan is a little different. I like yours better." "Well, feel free to wander around," I said. "I'm going to get something to drink. You thirsty?" "Got any coffee?" David asked. I was startled. "Aren't you a little young for coffee?" He gave me an odd look. "No. I'm twelve." Rolling my eyes I started making a pot of coffee. From the living room I heard David call out, "You gotta lot of art in here." I walked into the living room. He was right. I'd brought a sizeable collection of my prints with me down here to Mexico. "Do you like it?" I asked. "Yeah, I guess." He looked around. "I do some art myself. Mostly drawings and such. I don't know if I'm any good, but I like doing it, you know?" "Well, I'd love to see some of your stuff one of these days," I said, not mentioning what other stuff I wanted to be seeing more of. "What are all these paintings?" "That one's by a guy called Caravaggio. He lived back during the Renaissance. Most of the prints I have here are by him." David studied the picture in question, which showed a naked adolescent boy. "He does a good job," David finally said. "Yes, he did." I pointed to some other prints. "Most of these photos are by a man called Will McBride." David walked up to a print that showed four boys in a locker room in various stages of undress. "That's a cool picture. Lots of nice use of shadows and light and stuff." I laughed. "Yeah, that's about right." David browsed around my little mini-gallery some more as I went into the kitchen to make him a cup of coffee. I added the cream and sugar he requested when I offered it, and then walked back into the living room where David was looking at a couple McBride pics. I passed him the drink. "So why are there all these naked boys in here?" he said as he took a sip from his coffee. "Well, until pretty recently the most beautiful people in the world were thought to be young boys. Like about twelve to fifteen years of age." "Really?" I nodded. "In fact in some of the old Renaissance paintings the models for young girls were actually young boys." "Wow 3; I never knew that 3;" "Yeah, it's not talked about a lot." David grinned. "These boys dress about like I like to." I laughed. "Yeah, I almost didn't recognize you when you knocked. I wasn't used to seeing you with clothes on." David grinned some more. "Yeah, well, the beach might allow you to be naked, but I figured if I was riding my bike around in the nude, someone might get unhappy." "For starters, you might." "Yeah!" He had a wonderful laugh. Choosing my words carefully, I said, "Well 3; you know, you don't have to wear clothes when you're visiting me." "I don't?" "Nope." "You don't care if I'm naked when I'm here?" "Not at all." "Oh. Ok, then!" David quickly ditched his shirt and hat, and then pulled down his shorts and underwear. Once he was nude, he stretched out his body. "Ah 3; that's so much nicer." "You have a very nice body, David," I said, taking a chance. "Like some of the boys in these paintings and stuff." "Thanks, Chris!" David said with a smile. He walked around my living room naked. It was all I could do to not grope him. "Hey 3; are you going to get naked, too?" "Naw, not first thing in the morning," I said, waving a hand. "Ok." "So you wanna watch a movie or something?" "Sure!" We looked through my DVD collection and made a few choices. Over the next couple hours we watched Aladdin, Men in Black and Spiderman 2. Or at least David watched them. Mostly I watched him, studying him out of the corner of my eye, largely focusing on his penis. I kept wanting to touch it and suck it. God, he was perfect. When the last movie was over, David stood up and looked at the clock. "I gotta get going home soon," he said. "Oh, ok." I stood up and turned off the TV. "Well, thanks for coming by." "Thanks for letting me! Do you mind if I come over tomorrow, too?" "Not at all. You can bring Sirius, too, if you want." "Cool! You're the best!" David came up and, to my incredible surprise, gave me a hug. A very nice, tight, friendly hug. A very nice, tight, friendly and above all else NAKED hug. I hugged him back, doing my level best to keep my hands off his pert preteen ass. I said, "You're pretty cool, too, David," and broke the hug. David gathered up his clothes and moments later was on his bike, riding home. For my part, I took a cold shower. This was getting ridiculous. 5When David turned up with Sirius the next morning, I was ready for him. I had coffee made, had a tray of sandwiches and some other snacks ready. By the time he knocked on the door, I'd also already masturbated twice. I was doing my best to keep myself in check. "Hey, David," I said, letting him in. "Hey, Sirius." I patted the dog on the head as he barked a little. "Hi!" David said, giving me a hug when I stood up. "You can put Sirius in the backyard, if you want. I think there's some birds back there he can terrorize." "Cool! Come on, Sirius!" He led his dog outside. Moments later I heard him call out, "Hey, you got a hot tub! We don't have a hot tub!" I walked outside. Sirius was already chasing a lizard or something, having fun like dogs do. Looking over at David, I said, "Yeah. It's a nice one." "Can I try it out?" "Sure, if you want." "Cool!" David quickly stripped down to nothing and hopped into my hot tub. Looking at me, he said, "You gonna get in?" "Ok," I replied, taking a deep breath as I started undressing. I was very happy that I had masturbated twice already. It would keep me from getting overly hard as I stripped. When I was finally nude, I got into the hot tub across from David. "Wow," he said as I got in and turned on the bubbles. "What?" "You got a really big penis." I was entirely taken by surprise at those words coming out of the mouth of a naked twelve-year-old boy. I felt said penis twitch and grow, despite my earlier efforts at prevention. "Well 3; yes, I do," I said for lack of anything better. "Mine isn't very big yet," David said, looking down into the bubbles. "It's bigger than it was last year, though." "Well, it'll get bigger as you get older," I replied. "Yeah. You gotta lot of hair, too." I laughed. "Body hair is a part of growing up as well." "Ok." David and I spent about a half-hour in the hot tub talking and chatting with each other. I kept trying to make my penis soften and finally it did. By the time we finally got out, it was almost entirely soft, though I turned away from David as I got dressed. He stayed nude. As we went back into the house, David paused in front of one of McBride's naked boy photos and looked at it. "Why do you like all these pictures?" "Because there's something very beautiful about them," I said, moving over to stand behind David. "What do you mean?" "The boys. They're just so virgin." David wrinkled his nose as he looked at me. "What do you mean by THAT?" "Well 3; this isn't going to make a lot of sense, so stay with me, ok?" "Ok." "You know what a virgin is, right?" David nodded. "A girl who hasn't had sex yet." "Well, or a boy. Anyone who hasn't had sex yet." "Ok." "When I say a boy is virgin, I don't mean that he's A virgin. I mean that he's a very beautiful boy who is old enough to want sex, but probably hasn't had it yet. Usually he's twelve, thirteen, fourteen or fifteen. He's probably a virgin as well, but even if he's had sex and isn't a virgin anymore, he's still virgin. Do you understand?" "I think so 3;" he said, pondering. "So, for example, you're still a virgin, right?" I asked, my heart fluttering a little as I pictured him fucking some very lucky girl. "Yeah." "But you want to have sex?" "Oh, yeah!" he said, nodding enthusiastically. I saw his penis twitch a little and lengthen. He wasn't hard, but he was chubbing. It was wonderful to see. "Well, ok, so you're a virgin, and by my definition you're also virgin, because you're a beautiful boy who is old enough to want sex, but too young to have had it yet." "Oh, ok," he said as his penis started really stiffening now. It got to be almost completely hard before he reached down and put a hand over it. "Sorry about that." "That's ok," I said with total sincerity. "You don't have to cover it up." "I don't?" "Not if you don't want to. It's not like I haven't seen a hard-on before." "Ok." He moved his hand aside. His young penis was now pointing almost straight up and pulsing in time with his heart. It looked to be about four-and-a-half inches [11 cm] long. "So I'm a virgin, and I'm virgin?" he asked after a moment. "Yes." I nodded. "Some people would use the word 'virginal' to describe boys like them, and like you, but I prefer to just say virgin. David nodded in return. "I like that." "Glad to hear it." "And does that mean you think I'm beautiful?" Carefully, I said, "Yes, David. I think you're easily the equal of all the boys here." David broke into a grin. "Thanks." "My pleasure." "So can we watch another movie?" he asked, walking towards the couch, erect penis bobbing with each step. "Sure." David selected Blazing Saddles, and we sat back together to watch it. Eventually that sweet virgin penis of his softened. I wished I'd been the source of that softening through, say, an orgasm. After Blazing Saddles was over, I excused myself to go to the bathroom while David picked out another movie. When I came back, I found him holding a videotape. My blood ran cold. I only owned one videotape, and I thought I'd put it away after watching it last night. "What's this one? Genesis Children? I haven't heard of it before." "Ah." I walked over and stood by my naked little dream boy. "Well, it's a movie from a few years ago about a group of boys from both America and Europe who get brought to an island by a priest who wants them to do religious stuff. It's actually not a very good movie in many ways. It's badly written, badly acted and has a bizarre flashback structure, but it does have one good thing going for it." "What?" I poked his bare stomach and grinned. "The boys in it run around wearing about as much as you do." "Really?" "Yep." He thought for a moment. "So they're all virgin?" I nodded. "You got it." "Cool. Can we watch it?" "Sure, if you want." "I want." We sat back and watched Peter Glawson and his friends prance naked all over the island. I was envious as hell of the various people who made the movie. You could never convince me that they weren't getting a little on the side from some of the boys. I also kept an eye on David's penis, noticing that it hardened up several times through the course of him watching the movie. This was a positive sign! After the film was done, I said to David, "So what did you think?" He thought for a bit and then said, "It was cool. I think I understand how you can like them." "The boys?" "Yeah. I'm not sure, but I think I get it. Kind of." He grinned. "I don't know for certain, though. I can see how they all match your virgin thing, though." "Yeah, they are that, that's for sure." David looked at the clock. "I gotta get going soon. I hope Sirius didn't crap on your lawn too much." "Oh, if he did, I'll take care of it." "Cool." We both stood up and David hugged me tight again. "I had a really nice time here today, Chris. Can I come over again tomorrow?" "You can come as much as you'd like," I said, totally aware of what I was saying, and pleased that he wouldn't be aware. "Good." He went outside and gathered up Sirius and then put on his clothes. We hugged once more and he was gone. For my part, I popped Genesis Children back into the VCR and went to my favorite scene (naked boys bent over with torches), and proceeded to pay a nice visit to Orgasmville. Much of the time I was remembering David's erect penis. God, I needed that boy. 6David's third visit went much like his second. He came over with Sirius, got naked, we got into the hot tub and talked. Once we were done, we got out of the hot tub, ate some food and sat back to watch another movie. After the first movie (Hulk), David got up to look at some more of my art. He came to one painting that showed Cupid and Psyche in a bed together. "Ha! I know what they just did," David said with a grin as he pointed. "Yeah, I think it's safe to assume that if you're Cupid, you don't have to settle for jacking off all the time." "Yeah, probably not," David agreed with a nod. I put the next movie into the DVD player (Matrix), and we sat back together to watch it. I could tell David was distracted by something, but I had no idea what it might be. When the movie was over, he said, "Chris? Can I ask you a question?" "Sure." I got up to get the movie out of the DVD player. "You said earlier something about Cupid jacking off?" "Yeah." David blushed a bit and said, "Ok. Don't think I'm stupid, but I've heard a couple guys at school use that same term and I don't know what it means." "Oh." I sat back down next to David. Taking a deep breath and trying to ignore the instant erection that I'd developed, I said, "Well 3; it's a way of experiencing the feeling of sex without actually having it." "Oh. Why would you want to do that? I mean, why not just have it?" "Well, David, why haven't YOU had sex yet?" "Uhm 3; I'm only twelve and no girl has let me?" "Good answer," I said with a smile. "But don't you want to know what sex feels like?" "Yeah," he said, his own penis hardening slowly up. Shrugging a little I said, "Well, jacking off, or masturbation as it's really called, is a way of playing with your penis so that you can get an idea of what sex feels like even if you're still a virgin." "Playing with my penis?" David echoed, looking down at his preteen hard-on. "Yes." "Oh. What's it feel like?" "Oh, it's wonderful, believe me." "Do you do it?" "Yeah," I said, aware that time seemed to be slowing. David thought for a moment and then asked the words that made my heart soar. "Can you teach me how?" Doing my best to remain calm, and appear reluctant, I said, "Well 3; I don't know 3; I mean, I could get into trouble if anyone found out that I showed you how." "You could? Why?" "Because adults and children aren't supposed to do these things together." "I'm not THAT much of a kid. I'm twelve." "Yeah, I know. But I could still get in trouble if I showed you." "I won't tell, I promise!" he piped up. I pretended to think about it, and then finally, slowly, said, "Well 3; I suppose it'll be ok. But you can't tell anyone." "I won't." "Ok. Well, I guess the best way to show you is to do it myself." "Alright." I stood up and undressed, now feeling more comfortable being naked with David than I had before. I sat down next to him on the couch and let him get a good look at my very hard penis. His eyes went wide. "God! That's HUGE! That's like twice as big as mine!" I laughed. "Yeah. Well, mine's larger than normal. It's about eight-and-a-quarter inches [21 cm] long and thicker than most, too. My friends call it 'the Behemoth'." David laughed. "I guess so!" "So you ready to learn how to masturbate?" "Sure." "Ok. Take your penis in your hand like this," I said, wrapping a hand around my erection. David put his right hand around his virgin penis. "Like this?" "Yeah. Now hold it kind of loose but kind of tight and stroke it like this." I gave myself a couple slow strokes. David looked down at what I was doing and then down at his own young penis. He ran his hand up and down a couple times along it. His eyes widened a little. "That DOES feel nice." "Now you start out slow," I said, demonstrating. "But then you go a little faster and it feels better and better. Try it." David did, his hand sliding up and down his penis. "Yeah, you're right." As I kept beating off while looking at this nice bit of live kiddie porn next to me, I said, "Now 3; you keep doing it until it either you get this really good feeling that's so good that you can't go on or until you get that same feeling and some stuff shoots out the end of your penis." "Stuff?" "Sperm." "Oh, ok." I sat back and watched David masturbate for the first time. It was so insanely sexy to see this gorgeous child playing with his virgin penis. I knew that even if I never got to do anything else with him, the memories of this would keep me warm at night. David began breathing harder and harder as he continued. "I think 3; I think 3; I think it's about to happen 3;" he gasped out. "Just let it 3;" I said, stroking myself faster. "Ok 3; I 3; oh 3; oooh 3; OH, GOD!" David screwed his eyes shut and his twelve-year-old body began shaking as his penis spammed in his hand and three powerful blasts of nearly clear fluid shot out the end, splashing onto his perfectly smooth, hairless chest. That was too much for me. "Here I go 3;" I managed to say before my own orgasm claimed me, several streams of pearlescent fluid shooting out onto my not even remotely hairless chest. It was easily in the top ten list of best orgasms I'd ever had. Once we were both done cumming, David grinned a ragged grin at me. "Wow 3;" "I know." He looked at the fluid on his chest. "So that's my sperm?" "Some of it. The whitish parts. The rest is just semen, a fluid the sperm travels in. See how much more I have?" I gestured towards my body. David nodded. "Will I get more when I grow up?" "Yeah." Giving into temptation I reached out and ran my hand along his bare chest and stomach, through a puddle of his first ejaculation. I grinned at him. "So you're more of a man now. Cool., huh?" He smiled widely. "Yeah!" "Here," I said, passing David an old towel I kept handy to clean up with. "Thanks." As he wiped himself off, I licked my hand clean, savoring the taste of David's first orgasm. I did it quickly, to keep him from noticing and then cleaned myself up. "Thanks for teaching me that," David said to me with a smile. "You're welcome." Then he moved over to me and gave me another wonderful hug as I sat there on the couch. Now we were both nude, which was much different from before. I held my breath as his naked body pressed against mine. I could feel his still slightly hard penis resting against my thigh. God, this boy was perfect. It was all I could do to keep from making out with him. David left shortly after the hug was done. I later wound up masturbating with the spermy towel wrapped around my penis. This lead to another intensely wonderful orgasm and left me wondering just how much further things would go with this incredible young boy. 7Early the next morning I was woken up by a phone call. "Mrphuglstk?" I said groggily into the phone. Then I lifted it up and said, "Hello?" "Hey, Chris, it's me, your favorite virgin virgin! Oh, did I wake you up?" "Not really, David," I said, shaking the cobwebs from my head. "What's up?" "Well, instead of me coming over there today, my mom wanted to know if you wanted to come over here and have lunch with us." "Oh. Uh 3; sure, ok. What time?" "Eleven?" "Ok, I'll be there." "Cool! Bye, Chris!" He hung up. I laid on my back and gave my penis a couple tugs. So the boy wanted me to come have lunch with him and his mom. Great. I'd be eating with the mother of the boy I was really trying hard to get into bed. Somewhere, some god was laughing. At eleven, I arrived at David's house. He met me at the door when I knocked, smiling wide and wearing 3; clothes. He had on a Yu-Yu Hakasho t-shirt and a pair of short shorts. Even dressed he looked sexy as hell. "Hey, Chris!" He came up and gave me a happy hug. "Hey, David. Hello, Mandy," I said to his mother as she came up. "Hello, Chris." She shook hands with me. "Come on in." I walked inside and let David show me around the cabana. It wasn't that big, a little smaller than mine, actually, but it was cozy. He took me into his bedroom and showed me some of his toys and such. I was amused by how few clothes he'd brought to Mexico with him, and I desperately wanted to strip him down, toss him onto his bed and fuck him on his Inuyasha bed sheets. Soon Mandy told us that lunch was ready and I went and sat at the table with them, thinking about how surreal all this was. Mandy was a very good cook, at least. I still couldn't get past all the odd feelings of guilt I was experiencing. After we were done, the three of us played Monopoly, a game I've always liked. Mandy wound up winning. At one point during the game, David went to the bathroom and Mandy decided to Engage Me in Conversation. "So I'm glad David's been spending so much time with you," she said. "You are?" I asked, my guts twisting a little. "Yes. He keeps telling me that he's having a lot of fun hanging out with you." "He's a nice kid. I like spending time with him." She nodded. "It's nice to have my space, too, believe me." "Well, I'm glad to help." David came back and the three of us sat back to watch a movie. Once it was over with, David saw me to the door, gave me a nice little hug and then hesitated for a moment, still holding onto me. I looked down into his eyes. He looked into mine. Then something incredible happened. David leaned forward, closed his eyes, and very gently kissed me on the mouth. I was shocked. Stunned beyond all belief. The kiss was short. He broke it off after only a few seconds. And then he pulled away. He turned a bright red and whispered, "I'll 3; I'll see you tomorrow," and then quickly closed the door. I was walking on clouds as I headed back to my cabana, though to be honest I was a little confused by what had just happened. Why had David kissed me? Was he attracted to me? COULD he be attracted to me? Was it even possible? Either way, when I got home it was more than enough for me to masturbate wildly while remembering the sensation of his lips against mine. 8When David arrived the next morning, he stripped naked, gave me a hug, and said nothing about the kiss, though as he hugged me, I felt his penis stiffen up against my leg. "Sorry," he said with a shy smile as he pulled back from me. "I don't mind, David, really. It's normal." We headed out to the hot tub, though not for very long because the weather seemed to be turning sour, then ate something and in our usual way headed into the living room to watch a movie. We went for Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow, which he'd not seen. After that was done, I said, "Well, what do you want to watch next?" "Uh 3; can we watch Genesis Children again? That was cool," he said, and to my amazement started to get an erection again. "Sure." I put in the movie and sat down next to David as the film began to roll. Throughout it, David's penis remained hard. About half way into the movie, with David still erect, he said, in a slightly nervous voice, "Hey, Chris?" "Yeah?" "Do you wanna masturbate again? You know 3; while we watch this? I was reading on the Internet last night that some people do that while they watch movies." He had a pleading expression on his face. My voice trembling a little, I said, "Ok. If you want to." "Ok, cool." David smiled widely and started stroking his hairless penis. I stood up and undressed and when I was naked, sat down by David and started jerking off, swinging my look from the movie to David and back again. As for him, he was, to my surprise, looking almost entirely just at me. Only about three minutes into the masturbating, David whimpered a little and said, "Oh 3; here I go 3;" as his penis jerked in his hand and his orgasmic fluids spattered all over his body. I hadn't been close to cumming, but watching David climax was enough to send me over the edge, and soon my sperm was flying out of me. When I was done cumming, David reached out a hand and said, "Can I touch it? You touched mine yesterday." "Sure, if you want." I shuddered a little as David's young hand moved down my stomach, dragging his fingers through my sperm. He pulled them up and looked at what was on his fingertips and then, to my even greater surprise, licked it off. He saw me looking at him and shrugged. "Well, you tasted mine." "True," I conceded. I hadn't thought he'd seen that. "Well?" "It's weird. Not bad, though." "Well, you wanna have some food?" "Ok." I cleaned up and put on my clothes, then went into the kitchen to pop in a pizza. After he'd cleaned up, David walked into the room, still naked. "Chris?" "Yeah?" "Are you gay?" I hesitated slightly before answering. "Why do you ask?" "My mom says you might be. I told her about your paintings and stuff." "Well 3; if I was gay, would that bother you?" David shrugged. "No." "Then since you ask, David 3; yes, I am gay." "That's cool." "Yeah?" I felt relief pass through me. "Yeah. I have an uncle who's gay. He's nice." "Oh, ok." We sat down to eat once the food was done cooking. Just as we'd started too much, there was a flash of lightening, followed by the sound of thunder. We looked up to see rain spattering into the backyard. "I'm glad I left Sirius at home," David said. "He doesn't like the rain." "Good that he's at home, then." When lunch was over we sat back to watch the special edition version of Return of the King. Just before it was over, the phone rang. I got up and went into the bedroom to answer it. "Hello?" "Chris? This is Mandy. Is David still there?" "Yes." "Oh, good. Listen, this storm is getting really nasty and it sounds like it's going to get worse. Do you mind if he stays there tonight? I really don't feel comfortable with him trying to ride his bike home in this." "Sure, he's behaving himself and everything," I added, assuming parents always wanted to hear that about their kids. "Good. Take good care of him, and make sure he's home for dinner tomorrow." "I will. You wanna talk with him for a moment?" "Sure." "David!" I called out. "Your mom's on the phone." "Oh? Cool." He came walking into the room and picked up the phone. "Hello? 3; yeah 3; uh-huh 3; ok, cool. Make sure you 3; yeah 3; yeah, he doesn't like the rain, but 3; yeah 3; ok 3; Ok, Mom, I will 3; yeah, I love you, too. Bye!" "So you get to sleep here tonight," I said to him as he hung up. David bounced over to my bed and laid down on it. "Cool. You got a comfy bed, too." "Yes, I do." I held out a hand and helped him up. "You wanna watch the rest of the movie?" "Sure!" We went back to the living room and turned the movie back on. Most of the rest of the night was going to be spent watching movies and hanging out, but at around ten the power flicked off. David and I sat there in the dark listening to the storm. "Sounds pretty bad out there." "Yeah." I dug out a flashlight and turned it on. "Well 3; we might as well get to bed. The power's probably off for the night." "Ok." "I'll get you set up in the bedroom and then I'll sleep in here." "Oh!" David looked and sounded disappointed. "I thought we were going to share the bed." I was so, so torn at this point. "Did you want to?" "Sure. It'll be more fun that way." God, this boy was sinful. Slowly, I said, "Well 3; ok. If you want to. Let me get things set up in there, then." "Ok." I rounded up a couple drinks for us and dug out some candles. I set them up in the bedroom and lit them. David walked into the room after using the bathroom and stood there watching me, his virgin penis sticking straight up. He looked so wonderful standing there in the candlelight. "Is there something wrong?" he asked after a moment. I shook my head. "No. I just 3; you look 3; very beautiful in the candlelight, David." "Thank you." David got under the blanket and said, "You getting in?" "Yeah." I stripped down to my boxers and got into bed with him. "Aren't you 3; going to sleep naked 3;?" David asked quietly. "Do you want me to?" "Yes," he whispered. I slipped my boxers off and tossed them aside. "Ok, they're gone." "Cool." "David?" "Yeah?" "Why did you kiss me last night?" David was quiet for a bit and then said, "I 3; I don't know 3; I just really wanted to 3;" "Ok." "You're not mad at me, are you?" "No, I'm not." I took a deep breath. "I really liked it." "You did?" "Yeah." Softly, David said, "Do you want to kiss me again?" I swallowed. "David 3; you know I'm gay." "Yeah." "You know I like young boys." "I know. I've seen your pictures." "I like them in ways other than just looking." Quietly, David said, "I know 3;" I turned onto my side. David was already turned onto his and facing me. I reached out and brushed a hand along his cheek. He shivered as I touched him. I looked into his eyes. He was nervous, he was scared, but he also radiated trust. Total trust and faith in me. I felt vaguely guilty about the fact that I was using this trust for sex, but there was no way I could resist the urge. No way to stop now. "Do you really want to kiss me again?" "Yes," he breathed. My heart beating fast in my chest, I moved closer to David, feeling the heat from his body. I kept my hand on his cheek, and then slowly moved it around to the back of his head. Then, gently, tenderly, I pulled him close to me. The first brush of my lips against his brought forth a small moan from his young body. The second moan was stifled by my mouth pressed hard against him. I never thought such a small thing as a kiss could be as potent as this was. I moved my hand off David's head and slowly down his back to that firm, cute, hairless little ass I'd been drooling over for the last week. David whimpered as I cupped his young butt in my hand. He pushed against me, his penis pressing into my body. "Oh, god, this is nice," he whispered as we broke our kiss. "Are you sure you want to be doing this?" "Oh, yes 3;" "What do you want to do?" "What is there?" "Well 3; we can masturbate each other. We can have oral sex. You can fuck me. I can fuck you. We can kiss. We can make love." "I want everything," he whispered. "Everything?" "Yes." I smiled. "Then you'll get it." I moved my hand around from his butt and wrapped it around his preteen penis. There was already a little precum dripping from the tip of it. I rubbed it all over his shaft, feeling him shudder with pleasure as I stimulated him. David's hand reached out and brushed against my penis. "Can I 3;?" "Of course." He put his hand around me and gave me a couple strokes. "It's so big." I chuckled. "You made that observation before." "Yeah." He started kissing me again as he kept masturbating me. He didn't really know what he was doing, but that was ok. The fact that a boy this pretty was doing it to me was enough to fuel my fires. As we kept kissing, I kicked the blanket down off our nude bodies. It was just too warm. Then I gently rolled David over onto his back. I began kissing his neck and his chest, sucking gently on each of his already erect nipples. He really started squirming as I did that. If he thinks that was nice, just wait, I thought to myself. I kept licking down, down, until I reached David's smooth, bare pubic region. I licked the soft, tender skin there. I'd never been with a boy who hadn't grown pubic hair yet. It was incredibly nice. Now I moved down further. Keeping my hand around David's penis, I gave the tip a gentle lick. "Ooooh 3; what 3; what was that 3;?" I said nothing. I just licked the tip some more, slipped my tongue all around David's shaft and then finally lowered my lips down around David's twelve-year-old penis, beginning to give the boy his very first blowjob. "Oh 3; oh 3; are you sucking my 3; oh, my god 3; oh, Chris, that's so 3; oh 3;" He moved his hands down and ran his fingers through my hair. I couldn't believe that I was actually getting to give a blowjob to my lovely young dream boy. Not just giving him a blowjob, but really making love to him. Giving David his first ever sexual experiences. No matter how many other guys he slept with later in life, I'd still be the first. I'd still be special. I kept sucking David's penis and moved both my hands down and under to cup his butt while I blew him. I knew he'd probably cum soon, but I also knew that twelve-year-old boys like David have a great talent to recover quickly. Not at all to my surprise, David started breathing harder and harder and was soon moaning rather loud, so loud that I almost couldn't hear the storm outside. His whole body tensed, he let out a small howl, and I felt his penis twitch inside my mouth as his warm, salty semen splashed all over my tongue and down my throat. I kept sucking him until every drop of his precious fluid was inside me, and then I moved back up his body, giving him a kiss on his lips. "That was 3; that 3; oh, god 3; that was so amazing 3;" David whispered, looking at me with slightly unfocused eyes. "I'm glad you liked it." "Did you 3; was my 3; was my penis in your mouth?" "Yes. It's called a blowjob." "Oh. I've heard of them, but I never knew what they were until now." "Pretty nice, aren't they?" "Yeah," he said with a broad grin. "I wanna do it to you." "Are you sure?" "Yes." "Ok." I rolled over onto my back and held up my penis. "You want me to tell you how to do it?" "No, I wanna try to figure it out for myself," he said, moving down towards me. "Ok." David took my penis in his small hand and gave it a couple slow strokes. "Wow, this thing is big." I laughed. "You keep saying that!" "It's true." "I know. You don't have to do this if you don't want to." "Oh, I want to, believe me." David leaned down and gave the tip of my penis an uncertain, experimental lick. "Doesn't taste like anything," he said after a moment. "Well, it's just skin, like anything else." "Yeah." He licked his lips and then bent his head down. I felt his tongue move over the shaft of my penis, from base back up to tip and down again. David sat up once more. "Did you actually put mine in your mouth?" "Yeah." "Ok." David leaned down once more and opened his mouth wide. Then he slowly, carefully, wrapped his lips around the tip of my penis and moved his head down. He only got the tip and a little of the shaft into his mouth. He swirled his tongue around and then started to choke and abruptly sat up. "Sorry," he said with a shy smile. "It's alright. It takes some getting used to." "Did I do it right? Did it feel good?" He was so eager to please. "It felt very good, David." "Alright." David leaned down and took my penis back into his young mouth once more. I closed my eyes and laid back, resting a hand on the back of his head, doing my best to enjoy the sensation of a twelve-year-old boy giving his first blowjob. He wasn't half bad at it, either. He wasn't the best, but with practice he'd get better. I wind up cumming if he kept it up too much longer. Not because of the skill, but because he was who he was. He was David, my ultimate virgin. It finally got to the point where I had to say, "David 3;?" "Yeah?" he asked, lifting his mouth off me. "If you keep that up, I'll be cumming soon." "Oh, ok. In my mouth?" "Do you want me to?" "Yes." "Ok. I'll warn you so you can brace yourself." "Alright," he said, and then started blowing me again. I laid back again and enjoyed what this wonderful, incredible boy was doing to me. Finally it got to the point where I had to whispered, "Ok, David 3; it's about 3; to happen 3;" David stopped moving, stopped stimulating me, but kept his mouth around my penis. I thrust up just a little on instinct and then let out a huge gasp of breath as I began to fire off my sperm into his young mouth. I could tell the quantity caught him by surprise. I could feel him trying to swallow, but he didn't manage it all and started to choke a little. He sat up, wiping sperm from his chin as I finished cumming. "I'm sorry," he said after he'd recovered a little. "I didn't mean to 3; I wanted to 3; I'm sorry." "It's 3; ok 3;" I said. I smiled at him. "You did wonderful." "I wanted to swallow it all. I'm sorry." He looked downcast. "Well, if you want to, you can lick up the rest." "Oh, hey, yeah!" David brightened up and went back down, eagerly licking up my sperm. Once he was done, he moved up my body and gave me a deep, lingering kiss. "You're so wonderful, David," I said after the kiss. I loved having his nude young body stretched out on top of me. "You are, too." David hesitated a moment and then looked away a little. "Chris?" "Yeah?" David looked back into my eyes. "I love you." My heart jumped. I had no idea what to say. This was really unexpected! Finally I looked into his eyes and said the first and only thing I could say. "I love you, too, David." David looked like he was going to cry with happiness. He started kissing me again, and I took the time to work my tongue into his mouth. This caught him off guard but he soon got used to it and was quickly twirling his tongue around in my mouth. "David, there's something we need to talk about really quick." "Ok." "You can't ever tell anyone about you and me having sex, ok?" "Why not?" "Because it's illegal for adults to have sex with boys, and I'd go to prison if anyone found out." "Oh." He looked scared. "I don't want that to happen. I love you." "I love you, too, David. So please promise me you won't tell anyone about you and I having sex, ok?" "Ok." David was pressing his hard penis against my body as we kissed, and my own penis soon recovered and hardened up in response. David reached down between our bodies and took it in his hand. "Do you want me to give you another blowjob?" "Well, you know," I said, "We can blow each other at the same time." He blinked. "We can? How?" "Turn your body around so that your mouth is over my penis and my mouth is under yours." David brightened up. "Oh! I think I see how!" He turned around, getting into the right position. "There you go." I leaned my head up and took David's delicate preteen penis into my mouth while he wrapped his mouth around my thirty-two-year-old erection. I was sixty-nining with a sweet, virgin boy! How could life get better than this? This time our mutual blowjobs lasted quite a bit longer than the separate ones had. It took many, many minutes before David started to moan and fire off his load into my mouth. I blasted some sperm down his throat only a few seconds later, pleased that we were pretty synchronized. I was so loving this young boy! When we were done cumming in each other's mouths, we kissed, our sperm mingling around each other's tongues. Then we each drank down some soda to clean said mouths out. Then we both laid there in the bed, David's youthful, hairless, nude body wrapped around me. "I really liked doing this stuff with you, Chris." "I liked it, too." "Can we do more in the morning?" he asked, sounding a little sleepy. "You bet." "Good 3; good night, Chris 3; I love you 3;" he whispered and moments later I felt his breathing start to slow as he fell asleep in my arms. I joined him in the realm of slumber not too long after. 9When I woke up the next morning, it was to the smell of food cooking. I sat up in bed just in time to see David, still nude of course, walking into the room with a little tray of food. Toast, cereal, eggs, nothing too big, but it was a very nice thought. "Hey, Chris. I thought I'd make some food." "Thanks!" I took the tray and set it onto the bed as David sat down next to me. With one hand I reached down to fondle his sweet young penis. "Then later maybe some sausage." He giggled as his penis stiffened. Then he moved a little closer and kissed me on the cheek. "I really liked what we did last night." "Me, too." I speared a bit of egg with my fork and held it up for him to eat. David stuck out his tongue and slurped up the egg. After he swallowed he said, "So does this mean I'm like your boyfriend now?" I thought for a bit and then said, "Yes," largely because I didn't know what else to say. "Cool." He gave me another kiss and then reached down to stroke my penis, which was already nice and hard. I laughed a little. "Don't be doing that while I'm trying to eat!" "Ok, I'll do this, then." David ducked his head down and I felt his lips slip around the tip of my penis. I began eating as quickly as I could as the pleasure in my groin mounted. Finally I was done and I set the tray aside, then reached down to pull David's face up to mine. I kissed him wildly and passionately as he ground his body against mine. After kissing for a few minutes, I pulled back and said, "David?" "Yeah?" "Do you wanna fuck me?" "Like in the butt?" he asked after a moment. "Yeah." "Won't that hurt you?" I shook my head. "No, it won't. Trust me. It feels really good, actually." "Ok. So how do we do it?" "Well 3;" I took out some lube from the nightstand drawer. "I put some of this onto me and then some onto your penis and we go from there." "What is it?" he asked as I passed him the bottle. "It's called lube. Squirt some onto your hand and then rub it onto your penis." "Alright." David did as he was told, his eyes going wide as he began to apply the lube to himself. "Whoof 3; that does feel good!" "I bet." I took the lube from him and worked it up into myself with a finger. "Alright," I said as I set it aside and laid onto my back. "Get between my legs." "Ok!" David said, moving into position. "Now 3; sort of get on top of me." "Alright." Once he was in place, I reached down and took hold of his erection, placing it into the right spot. Then I put a hand on his bare butt and pushed gently. David's unresisting body moved down and I felt the glorious sensation of his hairless twelve-year-old penis slipping slowly into my thirty-two-year-old ass. When he was securely inside me, I wrapped my legs around his smooth body and looked up into his face, which was a mask of almost overwhelming pleasure. "You like it in there, huh?" I asked with a smile. David's eyes were wide, his mouth hanging open. He focused on me and nodded. "I 3; wow 3; this is even better than the blowjob!" "Yeah, I know." I leaned up and kissed him. "Now just start sliding in and out." David nodded and rather awkwardly began to thrust. It was so cute seeing the look of concentration on my young boy's face as he enjoyed his first ever fuck! He kept looking down to see where he was going into me. At one point he looked up and gave me a ragged little smile. "This 3; is sweet 3;" "You like fucking me, eh?" "Oh, yeah 3;" I laid back and relaxed as David's lean, smooth, naked young body moved in pleasure on top of me. Ah, this was sweet 3; what a cute boy 3; what wonderful boy! How could I have even hesitated to tell him I loved him? I did. No question. "Oh 3; ooooh 3; oh 3;. I'm cumming 3;" my preteen lover whispered. I felt his penis pulse within me as his meager supply of sperm was pumped into my body. God, it was wonderful watching him cum! When he was done firing off into me, David collapsed on top of my body, breathing hard and looking happy. "That was incredible," he whispered. "Glad you liked it," I said, running my finger through his blond hair. David pulled back and slipped out of me. Without another word he moved his mouth down to my penis and began oralizing me. It seemed to me that he was better this time than when he'd first blown me last night, but it was hard to tell. Either way it felt good. But more than the feeling, I just enjoyed looking down and seeing David's smooth face, his mouth wide open and about half my penis sticking into it. Hot as fuck, and certain to cause that wonderful sensation in my own body. "David 3; I'm gonna cum 3;" David held still again as my penis began spurting into his mouth. He tried to swallow again and this time managed to actually get almost all of it down his throat. When I was done cumming, he sat up, looking a little woozy, and burped. "Sorry," he said with a giggle. "It's ok." I smiled at him. "Come on, let's go take a shower." "Ok!" David and I walked into the bathroom. I started running the water as he stood there staring at his face in the mirror. "Something wrong?" I asked. He shook his head. "I just think I should look different somehow, you know? I mean, I'm in love with you and I'm having sex and I think I should look different." I moved in behind him, cupping his soft penis in my hand, pleased to feel it start hardening up instantly. "I don't want you to look different. You look beautiful like you are." "Thanks!" He kissed me and said, "Let's get in the shower." David and I hopped into the water and got ourselves clean with only a small amount of grab-ass and things like that. Once we were out of the shower, we went back into the living room and watched a couple movies, just chatting and relaxing with each other. It was very sweet. At one point during the movie, David got up to get a Coke and brought me one, too. He pointed at a painting and said, "See? I'm like Ganymede. I'm your cup-bearer." I laughed loudly. "You're more like Ganymede than you imagine." "Oh?" I pulled the boy down onto my lap and kissed him. "When Zeus brought Ganymede to Olympus it was to have him as his lover, not just a servant." "Oh! Cool," David said, a little smile spreading across his sweet, smooth face. After the movie and after lunch, David and I went into the hot tub and fooled around some more. Sex in the water was always entertaining, and David was turning out to be a very enthusiastic lover. But all good things must end, and this day was one of them. David left at about seven that night, heading back to his mom. My sadness at his leaving was tempered somewhat by the knowledge that he'd be back in my arms tomorrow morning. David and I spent the rest of the summer happily having as much sex as his body could take, which, believe me, with a twelve-year-old boy is a lot. Most of the time we stuck with oral, but occasionally he fucked me, and a couple times I even fucked him, which was an incredibly intense experience. I think David's mom figured out what was going on between us. She never said anything directly, but I saw the occasional look from her when the three of us were together. She never stopped David from coming to visit, though. When the summer was over, David and I parted ways. I gave him a little pan flute as a present. He gave me a drawing he'd made of us together, both nude, me carrying him through a river and us kissing. It was very sweet and ended up framed in my bedroom. We stayed in touch, he and I, after the summer ended. We never actually got to see each other again, though, and eventually we drifted apart. I still think of him, though, and I hope he certainly thinks well of me. My dear, sweet young lover. My Ganymede. The End#2Elijah's Visit
Jake's younger cousin, Elijah, comes to visit him in Los Angeles. Jake is gay and Elijah is
3; well
3; unsure.
Elijah (13 yo) and Jake (c. 20yo)
Mb – cons mast oral anal – first
1I craned my neck, looking all around the baggage claim area. I was here at LAX to pick up my thirteen-year-old cousin, Elijah, who was coming to visit me during Summer Vacation. His parents were getting a divorce and I'd just finished my first year at UCLA. Somehow my parents decided this would be a good place for him to come and stay while things were sorted out. Finally I spotted him. "Elijah!" I called out, walking towards him. My cousin looked up. He was pretty cute, I guess. He was a little on the tall side for his age. Probably about 5'6 [1.68 m] or so. Thin as hell. Brown hair, brown eyes. Nice facial structure. If he wasn't my cousin, I would have pounced on him in an instant. Well, my cousin and only thirteen. Had he been a little older or not my cousin 3; "Hey, Jake!" he said, waving at me. He came up and gave me a real good, tight hug. "Hey, champ. How ya been?" He shrugged. "I'm ok. I can't find my luggage, though." "Let's work together, here." We walked over to the carousel and checked all around. At first I was confident that we'd find them, but as time went on and nothing showed up, I started feeling less certain. Then in a slightly embarrassed tone Elijah said, "Oh. Uh. Whoops." "Whoops?" I echoed. "What whoops?" He pointed. "Wrong carousel." "Right." I rolled my eyes and followed my cousin as we walked over to a different baggage carousel. He picked up a couple large duffel bags and one suitcase. "Ok. Sorry, Jake." "It's ok, Elijah. Let's get out of here." We got out to the parking lot and into my Taurus. It wasn't much of a car, but it got the job done. One of my friends had named it "Lex". I couldn't figure out why. "So you happy to be out here?" I asked once we were on the freeway. "Hell, yeah. California HAS to be better than Oklahoma." "I hear that. I've only been out there a few times and that place SUCKS ASS." "Word." We drove silently for a few more seconds and then I said, "Elijah?" "Yeah?" "Don't say anything like that again." He stuck his tongue out at me. My house wasn't all that far from LAX. About forty-five minutes after we left the airport we were pulling into the parking lot of my apartment complex. "Welcome to Le Maison de Me," I said to Elijah once we were in my apartment. He looked around. "Kinda small," he said, doubtfully. "Hey, look, it's not the size that matters. It's how much I pay in rent. And I pay a pretty hefty amount, so be happy with what you get." "Ok." He looked around. "Where's my bedroom?" "You're standing in it." Elijah looked puzzled. "This is the living room." "And you'll be living in it." "What!" "Look, I only have one bedroom, right, and one bed. Get the idea?" "Oh, yeah. You're gay, right? It's ok. I don't think you'll do anything to me or anything like that." Rolling my eyes I said, "Yes, I am gay, and no, I wouldn't do anything with you. But that has nothing to do with it." "Then what does?" "I don't know what you wear when you sleep, Elijah, but I can promise it's more than I wear." He got a vaguely ill look on his face and I continued. "I'm pretty sure you don't want to share a bed with me when I'm naked. Besides, it just wouldn't be appropriate." "Oh. So I have to sleep on the couch?" "Yeah, well. I know it isn't much, but it's what I have." Elijah sighed. "Alright. I guess I can't be too picky." "No, you can't." "Ok." I helped Elijah unpack and get everything settled. Afterwards I ordered up a pizza and we spent the rest of the day watching DVDs and chatting with each other before bedtime. The first couple days of Elijah's visit went fairly well. He spent a lot of time down at the pool, splashing around like an idiot and having a good time. It was nice to see him relaxing. On the fourth day of Elijah's stay I had to go out and do some shopping. I offered to take him along, but he said he wanted to just hang around the apartment. I figured some time for him to be by himself would be a good idea, so I headed out to Vons. I took my time shopping. I loved to cook, and I wanted to make something really nice for dinner tonight. I settled on some swordfish steaks (which had been marked down), some light garlic noodles, fresh green beans and chocolate pudding for desert. Tasty! When I got home, I unlocked the door and stepped inside, getting as far as saying, "Elijah, I'm-" before I saw him scrambling for the remote control and looking as though he was trying to pull up his pants. I caught an image of naked flesh against naked flesh on the TV screen just before it clicked off. "Ah! Hi, Jake!" he said, bouncing up to his feet. His face was a bright crimson. "Uhm 3; I didn't expect you to be home yet." "No, really?" I closed the door and started unpacking the groceries. After a bit I said, "I didn't know you brought a porno tape with you." "Uh 3; I didn't 3;" "I see." I sighed. "So if I should go to my bedroom and look at my video collection that, it turns out, wasn't so cleverly hidden under the bed, what will I find?" "Uhm 3; a small gap?" "Ah." Once everything was put away I went over and sat on the couch next to Elijah. "Ok, let's establish a quick new rule here. You stay out of Cousin Jake's room when he's not home and he doesn't put you in a feather boa and take you out to earn your keep, ok?" "I'm sorry," he said, hanging his head and looking guilty. "I just haven't ever seen a porno before, that's all." "Well, I guess it's not that bad." I picked up the tape case. "Manuel? You know this is a gay porno, right?" "Well, I didn't know that at the time! I only had it on for a few minutes. Besides, there's a shot of a girl sucking on that guy there, see?" he said, pointing to one of the pictures on the back. "So it does. And there IS a straight porn movie on the tape as well. But you have to go through the whole film to get to it." "Oh." Elijah looked up at me with his big brown eyes. "So you're not mad at me or anything?" "Well, I am, but not that much. I'll get over it. Look, if you want to watch porn and masturbate in here, that's fine." This made him blush again. "Just make sure that next time you, I don't know, do it when I'm sleeping or when you know I'll be gone for a really long time. Like try to find out how long I'll be gone, ok?" "Ok. I'm kinda surprised you're not chewing me out for this." I shrugged. "I'm the one who owns the porn tapes. What do you think I keep them around for?" Elijah grinned. "Yeah. I guess I just didn't think about you doing that, too." Looking over at the TV he said, "So 3; do you mind if I watch the rest of it?" "Right now?" "Well, yeah." A naughty little thought crept into my mind. If nothing else, this would be decent punishment for him creeping around in my bedroom. "Alright. But! I watch it with you and we watch it from the beginning, ok?" "Uhm 3; Ok. I guess that's alright." "Either that or no porno." "Oh, ok. But do we HAVE to watch the gay parts?" "It IS kind of a punishment for you, you know. That's for sneaking into my room. However, I'll be nice. We watch the first gay scene and then I'll show you the straight part, ok?" "Ok." I got the tape queued up and pressed play. Soon there was, up on the screen, two very underage looking boys making out with each other. "How can you like stuff like this?" Elijah asked after a bit. "Oh, it's pretty easy when you're gay." "Yeah, but, ok, I mean, like, how can you be gay? How can you, you know, like guys that way?" He wrinkled his nose. "Oh, it's pretty easy when you're gay." Elijah laughed. "Yeah, yeah. But I mean, like, how did you know you were gay? I mean, have you ever fucked a girl or anything?" "Yeah, I have. A few times. It's fun and all, but it doesn't really do anything for me. I'd rather just masturbate, basically." "Oh." "As for how I knew I was gay 3;" I shrugged. "I just knew. All my life I knew I was a little different from everyone else, and when I hit puberty I started getting hard-ons in the locker room all the time. THAT wasn't much fun. But there was one other boy who also got hard and he and me spent time talking and pretty soon we 3; well, you know." I smiled at the memories. "Anyhow, it just seemed really right to me. I tried it with a girl when I was sixteen, just to see what it was like and it just wasn't as much fun." "Oh." We turned our attention back to the movie. Now the boys were getting naked and one of them was sucking off the other. "I haven't had any sex at all yet," said Elijah. "You will eventually. It's a fun thing, that's for sure." "I wish I could do it now." "I wished that a lot when I was your age, believe me. Hell, I wish I had a guy over here right now that I could do it with." Elijah wrinkled his nose again. "Here?" "Well, not right HERE, no. We'd do it in my bedroom. I wouldn't want to gross you out TOO much by letting you see it." Silence returned to the room as we watched the movie. "Who's that older guy?" Elijah asked. "I THINK that's the father of Manuel. I'm not sure. I don't understand German." "Oh, that's what they're talking in? I was wondering." "Yeah." The movie kept cutting between the man trying to find the boy, and the two boys getting it on. Finally it got to my favorite part in the film where one boy was fucking the other. "God, gay guys really DO that? I thought it was just made up." "Yes, they really do that." "Doesn't it hurt or anything?" I shrugged. "Yeah, it can. But if you're with the right person it can be just the most incredible thing you'd ever imagined." "Oh. I guess it does look like they're having fun." "They are." "How old are they?" he asked suddenly. "How old do you guess?" "I don't know. Maybe fifteen or sixteen or something?" "Well, according to the box, everyone in the movie is eighteen or older. As long as they can prove it, I'm happy." "Oh, ok." Eventually the scene ended. I reached for the remote and said, "I'll skip it up to the straight scene." "Well, wait." A little surprised I looked over at Elijah. "Yeah?" "Well, I was just gonna say that if you want, you can just let it keep playing. I mean, it's your house and you shouldn't have to skip it all just for me." "Alright." I sat back and let it play, my mind circling around. Well, just WHAT was little Elijah thinking? I snuck a quick look at my cousin's crotch and was pretty sure I saw a little bulge there. I played back the course of the conversation with him. Was he maybe gay? Or thinking he might be? I know most guys were pretty confused at the age of thirteen, and it could just be that he was really curious. Maybe that's all there was too it. God help me if it was anything else. The last thing I'd need would be the Oklahoma side of the family talking about how I'd made my cousin gay. "So the boy is running away from home and trying to find his boyfriend? Is that what's going on?" Elijah asked. Dear god, he's analyzing the plot. "Well, like I said before, I don't speak German, but I THINK that's what's happening, yes." "That's cool. Is there, like, more sex and stuff?" "Oh, yes." "Ok." The movie continued to roll, showing off many, many more pretty boys having sex with each other. The scene where a girl turned up and gave one of the boys a short blowjob barely drew even a small amount of comment from Elijah. Finally the movie came to an end. Elijah said, "That was a pretty cool movie!" "You liked it?" Elijah tried to recover his cool. "Well, yeah. I guess. I mean, I haven't seen anything like it before." "Well, now we can watch the straight movie," I said, suppressing a sigh. I really, really wanted to jerk off, and watching another hour of movie without being able to was really going to suck. If I'd thought Elijah was into the last movie, nothing prepared me for how riveted to the screen he was as the straight film started playing, especially once one of the boys started to fuck the girl. "Damn, he's lucky!" Elijah said, the bulge in his pants now clearly visible. "Yeah. See that one there?" I asked, pointing to one of the boys. "Yeah?" "I'm pretty sure this is the first time he's ever fucked a girl. Just wait until you see him get going with her." "Really? Ok." He sat back and somewhat rubbed at his crotch. Grinning shyly at me he said, "I wish you weren't here, Jake." "Oh? Why?" I asked, sounding innocent. "So that, you know, I could, like, you know 3; jerk off 3;" The last part was mumbled. I laughed. "I was just thinking much the same thing." "Oh 3;" Very shyly now he kept his eyes on the TV and mumbled, "Well 3; we could just do that 3; you know 3; while we watch the movie?" "You mean masturbate together while we watch a porno film?" I asked, staring right at him. I was amazed. I never knew any boy could turn that bright of a red color. "Uh 3; yeah, I guess. I mean, if you don't mind. I mean, like, I don't want to do anything gay, but I really like this movie, you know? And I wanna jerk off and you wanna jerk off and so, you know 3;" "Sure, if you want. Just don't ever tell anyone, ok?" My earlier thoughts about how young he was and how much of my cousin he was were starting to recede somewhat. "I won't!" Knowing that I would probably have to go first, I unzipped my pants and pulled out my penis. It wasn't huge. Only a little more than six inches [15 cm]. I liked it, though. "You got a pretty big dick," Elijah said, looking down at me. "Thanks." I began slowly masturbating and said to Elijah, "You gonna take yours out, too?" "Ok." Looking even shyer than before, Elijah pulled down his shorts and underwear, exposing his thirteen- year-old virgin penis. It looked to be about four inches [10 cm] or so, and he didn't have very much hair yet, though he did have some. "How does mine look?" he asked quietly. "You have a very nice penis, Elijah. You'll make a girl very happy with that some day." "It's not as big as yours, though." He kept staring at my penis as he started stroking his own. "I've never seen another guy with a hard dick before," he added. "Yours will get bigger, don't worry. You're only thirteen now," I said, as much of a reminder to myself as anything else. "You really think it's nice?" "Yeah, sure. The first girl to get that inside her will be one damn lucky chick." "Cool," Elijah said with a little smile. He looked at the screen where the boy I'd mentioned earlier was about to lose his virginity. "That's damn sweet," he said as the boy entered the girl. "Yeah, it is! Makes me wish I was her." Elijah laughed a little and then very abruptly said, "Can I touch your dick?" I blinked. "What?" Elijah blushed. "Nevermind 3;" "No, wait. You wanna touch me?" "Well 3; I mean, I'm not gay or anything, but I'm just, you know, curious. I wanna see what it's like to, like, touch another guy. That's all." Sighing a little I said, "Look, Elijah. You're only thirteen and you're my cousin. I shouldn't even be jerking off with you, much less let you touch me." "Well, it's not like I'm going to tell anyone." "Yeah, but it would still be wrong," I said, trying to convince myself. "Why?" "Because you're thirteen and my cousin." "So?" "So 3; so it's wrong." I really was having a tough time believing this, mind you. I mean, I wasn't into young boys, but Elijah was pretty cute, and he was just asking to touch. Not THAT big of a deal, right? "Look, I just wanna touch it. That's all. If you don't want me to, that's ok. I just wanted to see what it feels like, that's all." "Alright, you can. Just don't ever tell anyone, ok?" "I won't!" "Ok." I let go of my penis for the most part, just wrapping my thumb and forefinger around the base to hold it up. Elijah licked his lips and then reached over, brushing the tips of his fingers along the shaft and then wrapping his hand around it. He held his hand motionless for a few seconds and then gave my penis a couple gentle tugs. "Wow 3; is mine going to get this big?" "Eventually." "Good." He kept stroking me. "This is kinda cool." "What, playing with my dick?" Elijah blushed. "Well, yeah." "So, what, are you just going to keep doing it?" I hoped he would. "Do you mind?" "No." I sat there looking at straight porn while being masturbated by my thirteen-year-old, allegedly straight, male cousin. It was a strange situation to be sure, but I wasn't really minding it too much. Looking down I saw Elijah's penis sticking up between his legs, being neglected. "Can I touch yours, too, Elijah?" "Oh, please, god, yes," he whispered. I put my hand around my younger cousin's small penis. His skin was so smooth. It wasn't nearly as big of an erection as what I was used to, but I really liked it. "Oh, that feels so nice 3;" "Glad you like it," I said with a little chuckle, getting up a good rhythm on Elijah's penis. We continued to masturbate each other while we watched the porn up on the TV screen. I'd never been in a situation quite like this before, and I wasn't sure how to handle it. I'd never really had any younger boys coming onto me, though I knew that it happened with some of my other friends. Most of them went for it. Now I was starting to understand why. Suddenly Elijah's body tensed up. He moaned and lifted his butt off the couch as his erection started spurting. Several sharp blasts of sperm landed all over his shirt and my hand. I slowed down my movements and then stopped them entirely as the last of his cum oozed out the tip of his penis. "Oh, god, Jake 3; oh, that was wonderful 3;" "I'm glad you liked it," I said, feeling a little strange inside. I reached down to my own penis to put it away. "No, wait. I gotta get you off, too." Elijah started masturbating me a little faster. "No, you don't have to, Elijah." "But I want to. You made me cum and I wanna make you cum." "Ok," I said, giving in. "If you wanna make me cum, go ahead." "Alright." I leaned my head back and closed my eyes, enjoying the feelings, but still feeling a little strange about the fact that this was basically child molestation. It was certainly getting me off, though. The boy was good at what he was doing. Well, I know that at that age, I had a lot of practice. In fact it wasn't more than about three minutes after Elijah really started jerking me that I said to him, "Hey, I'm gonna cum soon." "You are?" Elijah perked up. "Cool!" He started stroking me faster and faster. I let out a cross between a whimper and a moan, and my sperm shot out of my penis all over my upper body. It wasn't the best orgasm I'd ever had, but it certainly was far from the worst. "Did I do it ok?" Elijah asked, still holding onto my penis. "Yeah." I grinned at my little cousin. "Yeah, you did just fine. Let go, though, so that I can go get cleaned up." "Oh, ok." Elijah released me. I walked into the kitchen and came back with a couple paper towels. One I used on me, the other I gave to Elijah who cleaned up his own penis. "That was fun," he said. "Yeah." I sat down next to him. "You know, right, that you can't ever tell anyone about this." "I know." "I mean it, Elijah," I said in a stern tone. "I can get sent to jail for this." "Oh." Now he looked a little scared. "I'm sorry, Jake. I don't want you to get into trouble!" "Don't worry, I won't. Just as long as you don't tell anyone." "Ok. Why is it against the law, though?" I shrugged. "Because people think kids and adults shouldn't do anything sexual together." "Why?" "I'm not really sure. It probably has to do with religion. Most things that sounds stupid usually do." "Oh." "So on another note 3; why did you want to do what we just did?" Elijah sighed. "I don't know. I think 3;" He shut his mouth and looked embarrassed. "You think you might be gay?" I said softly. "Yeah 3;" "Why do you think this?" "Well, in the locker room sometimes I get 3; you know 3; hard." "Lots of boys do. That's not a big deal. You're thirteen, it happens." "Yeah, but I only do it when I'm looking at a couple of the other guys in my class. No one else, just them. And at night when I'm at home in bed and I'm 3; jerking off 3;" Elijah blushed a little. "I think about them and stuff." "Like think about them how?" "Like naked and us jerking each other and kissing and stuff. You know. Gay things." "Yeah, I know a little bit about that," I said with a laugh. "Do you think about girls at all?" Elijah shrugged. "Not really." "Well 3;" I sat back and stopped the tape, hitting the rewind button. "It sounds like you might actually be gay, yes." "Oh." He almost looked like he might cry. "I don't want to be gay," he said in a small voice. "No one does, really." I put an arm around his shoulders. "But it's ok. Don't ever let anyone make you feel bad about it. I mean, hey, I'm gay and I've turned out ok." "Yeah 3; yeah, I guess so." He smiled up at me. "You give good hand jobs, too." I laughed. "Yeah, well. Remember, that has to be our secret." "I know." My cousin looked shy. "Can we do it again soon?" I laughed again. "We'll see what we can do." 2The next week was 3; stressful. Weird. Every day I'd come home from work and find Elijah waiting for me. We'd watch a porno and masturbate each other to orgasm. We never did anything else with each other, just masturbating, though Elijah kept pressuring me to do more stuff. I still wasn't comfortable with what we were already doing, though, and the idea of taking it further was really weird to me. Further, Elijah seemed to be deciding more and more that he was gay. We didn't even bother to watch straight or bi pornos and more. It was just gay ones. By the end of the week I was sitting around talking with one of my friends. His name was Michael and unlike me, he was thoroughly into young boys. "So let me get this straight, as it were," he said to me over coffee. "You have a thirteen-year-old boy who might be gay and is throwing himself at you?" "Yeah." "Damn. You gonna do him?" I rolled my eyes. "Michael, unlike you I'm not the Poster Boy for sex offender registration laws." He stuck his tongue out at me. "Fine, send him my way. I'll give the boy a great education." "I bet." "Seriously, Chance. The boy wants to have sex with you. Why don't you just do it?" "Because it's illegal." "And?" "Immoral." "And?" I sighed. "That's all I got." Michael raised up one finger. "First point, you smoke pot. That's illegal." "True." "Second point," he said, holding up another finger, this time the middle one. "You have sex with other guys. That's immoral according to some and, until recently, illegal in some places in the USA." "True again," I conceded. "So 3; since the boy needs to learn how to have sex with a guy at some point, why not learn from his older cousin who he loves?" "You know, you're not helping at all." "I am helping. I'm helping you to do something you really want to do but don't actually have the guys to do without me helping. I mean, you wouldn't even be talking to me unless you'd already decided you wanted to sleep with the boy. You just need my affirmation." I glared at Michael. "You know, I really hate you sometimes." "I know!" he said cheerfully. Then a little more seriously, "Look. Sex in of itself isn't a bad thing. Sex between adults and teens is not in of itself a bad thing. It's only bad when there's a huge power imbalance and that power is used to get the powerless person into bed. Like with teachers and students. In your case, your cousin wants to have sex with you. You aren't forcing him to. He wants to. You have power over him, yes, but only for a few months and you're not using that power to get him into bed. Ultimately, it's just sex." I drank down a little more coffee. "You should write copy for NAMBLA." Michael laughed. "You know, I've had sex with about twelve underage boys over the years, from twelve to sixteen-years-old. Not one of them complained. They all had orgasms. They all had a good time. So have sex with Elijah. He'll enjoy it. You'll enjoy it. And you'll be more like me!" "You know, just because I sleep with one underage boy doesn't mean I'm going to turn into another you." "Maybe not," he conceded. "But at least you'll understand me a little more." "Maybe." I finished off my coffee. "Ok, so if I go for it, how do I do it?" "Pretty easy. Next time you're ready to go to bed, make a point of letting Elijah know that he's welcome to join you. Tell him there's a dress code, though. No one shares your bed without being naked. He doesn't have to join you, he can if he wants to, blah, blah, blah. If he gets into bed with you, you've got him. If not, then the next time he's bugging you, you can tell him he's had his chance." I considered this idea. "Huh 3; well 3; I don't know. I'll have to think about it." Michael polished off his coffee and looked at his watch. Standing up he said, "You do that. I gotta get back to work." "You know, right, that it's incredibly sick that you work in the Children's Section of the library, right?" "Tcha," he said, waving his hand dismissively. "All those kids are too young." He started walking away and paused. Looking over his shoulder at me he said, "Though some of them have awfully cute older siblings. See ya!" I rolled my eyes and sat back in my chair, thinking about everything Michael had said and trying to decide what to do. 3When I got home from my visit with Michael, I saw Elijah watching TV like usual. He looked up as I walked in. "Hey, Jake!" "Hey," I said, setting down the pizza I'd picked up from Little Caesar's. "Hungry?" "Sure!" We sat down and watched TV for a while as we ate. After we were done eating, I killed some time just talking with him and watching The Matrix. Finally at about nine, I said, "Well, I'm going to bed." "Oh?" Elijah looked surprised and a little disappointed. "I thought we might, you know, watch another movie 3;?" "No, I want to get to bed." I stood up and walked to my room, pausing at the door. Not turning around, not able to look my young cousin in the eyes, I said in a quiet voice, "If you want, you can come join me." "Uh 3; huh?" "There's just one thing you have to know first. I sleep naked. Anyone who is in my bed with me has to be naked, too." I let that sink in a little and then said, "Good night. I'll leave the door open." Then I walked to my room. Once there I quickly turned out the lights, disrobed and got into bed, leaving my door open just a crack. I wondered what would happen next. My penis was very hard and twitching with excitement at the possibilities. After a couple minutes the door opened a little and Elijah stuck his head into the room. "Jake?" he asked softly. "Yeah?" "Do you mean it? I can sleep with you if I want to?" "Yeah." He took a step towards the bed. "And I have to be naked?" "Yes." "Does this mean 3; we're going to have sex?" Taking a deep breath, I very quietly said, "Yes." "Oh 3;" Elijah said nothing further for a few moments. Finally I saw him starting to pull his shirt off. He slowly removed the rest of his clothing and then got into bed next to me. "So now what?" he asked as we lay there side-by-side. My hand shaking a little, I reached over and rested my palm on Elijah's bare chest. I could feel his heart beating about a million miles an hour. His nipples were stiff. His skin was smooth. He was so beautiful. I began to see what Michael saw in boys. "What are we going to do?" Elijah whispered. "Whatever you want." In the darkness, Elijah reached down and took my penis in his hand, stroking it slowly. "I want everything." Moving my own hand downward, I began masturbating Elijah and said, "Alright, then. You'll get everything." "Cool," he whispered. He leaned his face up towards mine and we began kissing. It was pretty obvious Elijah had never kissed anyone before. At first when he tried to open his mouth for Frenching, he opened it way too wide. "Don't open your mouth so wide." "Sorry." "It's ok, you'll learn," I said, kissing him again. Elijah and I kissed some more and then he said, "Can I try sucking you?" "Do you really want to?" "Yeah." "Here, then, let me blow you first so that you'll know what to do." "Ok." I moved myself down under the blankets, kissing my cousin's body as I went. When I reached his young penis I kissed the tip, licked the shaft and then slid my mouth down around it and began bobbing up and down. It was very cool knowing that I was giving this boy his first ever blowjob. I wondered if Michael always felt this powerful when he sucked off a young boy? Elijah started breathing pretty hard. I heard him whisper, "Jake 3; I'm going to cum soon 3;" I had only an instant to decide what to do. Finally I figured I'd make it as nice as I could for him and kept going. "Jake, I'm going to 3; I'm 3; oooooh 3; oh, god 3;" Elijah let out one last long moan and I felt his penis start kicking in my mouth, his sperm splashing down my throat as I tried to swallow it all as fast as I possibly could. When Elijah was done cumming, I moved up and snuggled next to him. "Well? What did you think?" "I liked it!" Elijah said with an eager smile. "Now I get to do you!" Before I could stop him, Elijah ducked down and took my penis in his hand, giving it a couple slow, steady strokes. He gave it a couple uncertain licks and then slid his mouth along the shaft, just rubbing his lips against it. Finally he opened his mouth wide and took me in. It wasn't the best blowjob I'd ever had. It was, in fact, pretty far from the best and closer to the worst. The boy had no clue at all what he was doing. One would have thought that seeing all those porn films would have helped, but apparently not. Still, hopefully he would get better with time. There's a real skill to giving a good blowjob. I let Elijah suck on me for about five minutes before I finally pulled him up and started kissing him again. After we broke the kiss, he said, "Why did you have me stop? I wanted to make you cum." "I don't usually cum while getting blown," I said. "Oh. I didn't know that." I snorted. "Of course you didn't. You're new to all this." "Yeah," he said with a grin. "I'm having fun, though!" As we kissed, Elijah began grinding his hard penis against mine. The weight of his naked young body on top of mine really felt good, though I certainly wasn't going to wind up cumming from it. He might, though. But I had a better idea for where his next orgasm should happen. "Elijah?" "Yeah?" my young cousin asked, lifting his face up from my chest where he'd been sucking on one of my nipples. "You wanna fuck me?" I asked him. Elijah blinked. "Like 3; like up your butt 3;?" I laughed at how his voice sounded. "Well, it's not like I have a vagina, you know." Elijah gave a nervous little laugh of his own. "Yeah, I know that." "So you wanna try it?" "Actually 3;" Elijah looked even more nervous now. "Uh 3; I do want to try it, but 3; like 3; you doing it to me?" Now I blinked in surprise. "You want me to fuck you?" "Yeah 3; "Oh!" I felt very surprised. "Uh 3; well, we can try that, but it's going to hurt at least a little. Maybe a lot. I don't want to scare you away from the idea, but I wanted to make sure you know." "Huh 3; uh 3; if it hurts, though 3; why do people do it? I mean in the porno tapes it always looks like the guy getting fucked is having a good time." I shrugged a little, looking up into the boy's eyes. "Well, it DOES feel good once you get going, especially if you're being topped, that's what it's called when you get fucked, when you're being topped by someone who knows what he's doing." "Oh 3; would you know what you're doing?" "Well, yes," I admitted. "Ok. So if you fuck me, it won't hurt, right?" "It probably will still hurt at first at least. Then after that it should start feeling really good. I don't want to lie to you, though. The pain will probably be pretty intense at first. I've been fucked a lot and even I have problems with it sometimes." Elijah appeared to consider this. Finally he slowly said, "Well 3; you're my cousin, Jake 3; and I trust you. If you say that you can make it feel good for me, then I'll believe you. Besides, I'm going to try it sometime. It might as well be with someone who knows what he's doing." Then the boy blushed a little, the feeling of warmth passing across his naked body. "And someone who I 3; love 3;" Oh, lord, I thought. I choose to ignore the last little bit and said, "I'll certainly try to make it good for you, Elijah, if you really want me to." "I do," he said with a nervous little grin. "Ok." I reached over to the nightstand and rummaged around until I found my bottle of lube. Once I found it, I said to Elijah, "Ok, get off me for a moment." "Alright." My cousin moved down to lay next to me. I squirted some of the lube onto my hand and started rubbing it all over my penis. While I did so, I passed the bottle to Elijah and said, "Put some of this on your fingers and then stick one up into yourself. Rub all over down there and get as slippery as you can." "Alright," he said, his voice trembling a little. He squirted the lube onto his fingers and then put them down between his legs. He let out a surprised little hiss. "It's kinda cold!" I laughed. "Yeah. It's like that at first." "I actually gotta put a finger inside?" "Well, yes. I mean, my penis will be going into there soon. If you can't even handle one of your own fingers, how will you take that?" "Yeah 3; ok." I watched Elijah's face as he slowly inserted a finger into his ass. He blinked a little and got an odd look on his face. "It 3; wow 3; it feels kinda weird 3; not bad, but weird 3;" "Yeah, that sounds about right." "So ok 3; I guess I'm ready." "Alright." I laid back. "Go ahead and straddle my waist. Keep your butt up above my penis." "Ok." I positioned myself under Elijah, holding my erection up. "Right. Now just sort of lower yourself down until you feel me going inside you." Elijah took a deep breath. "Alright." My cousin slowly lowered his body down onto my penis. There was a little resistance and then the tip of my erection popped up into him. Elijah let out a little whimper and said, "Oh 3; that's 3; ow 3;" I put one of my hands on his thigh and the other around his penis, stroking it slowly. "Just relax. Keep going. When it hurts, stop, but don't pull off me, ok?" He exhaled loudly. "Alright. I'll try my best." Elijah lowered himself down some more, and this time a little of the shaft of my penis entered his tight young virgin ass. He winced and held himself steady. "Wow 3; that does hurt a little," he managed to say. "I know," I said as I kept stroking his erection. "Just relax. Once I'm entirely inside you, it'll start feeling really good." "Alright," Elijah said again and lowered down some more. We went like this for about five minutes until I was finally all the way inside him. It was a real challenge to hold myself still. It was really nice inside Elijah's body. I kept hold of his thigh and penis and whispered to him, "So now I'm all the way inside you. What do you think?" Elijah winced a little and said, "It really hurts 3;" "Well, you wanna have me pull out?" He shook his head. "No. The pain is kind of fading a little, I think." "Alright. Well, when you're ready for me to start moving, let me know. That's when the good part starts up." "Ok." After a couple minutes he took a few deep breaths and said, "Alright, I think I'm ready." "Ok." Keeping hold of his naked young body, I started thrusting slowly, pushing my penis up into his tight ass. It was a major effort to keep from pounding the fuck out of him, but I maintained some self-control. "How is it?" I asked after a few moments. "Oh, Jake 3; it's 3; that feels so cool 3; I can't believe I really have you inside me like this 3;" I grinned at him and gave him a little kiss. "You wanna turn over and let me be on top?" "Ok." Moving carefully so that I didn't slide out of him, we rolled over and now I was on top of Elijah. I started screwing him in a slow, steady motion, trying my best to make sure he enjoyed it as much as I was. Judging by the look on his face, I was accomplishing my goal. One part of my mind still couldn't get over the fact that I was actually fucking a thirteen-year-old boy, especially one as beautiful as my young cousin. God, that was fantastic! I really had to make sure I told Michael thank you. We fucked for about ten minutes, Elijah jerking off every once in a while. Finally his masturbation accomplished its goal, and he let out a series of incoherent sounds as his sperm starting firing out of his young penis, his ass contracting around my erection as he climaxed. Well, that was it for me. I grunted and pushed deep into my cousin's ass as my penis started kicking inside his little body. Soon his underage body was filled with several sharp blasts of my sperm. When I was done cumming, I held myself over him, trying to get my breath back. "Oh, god, Jake," Elijah whispered. "Wow, that was nice 3;" "Glad you liked it," I said with a little chuckle and kiss. Elijah and I spent all day just having sex with each other. I fucked him. He fucked me. We blew each other. It was a fantastic afternoon! The next day was even better, cause I invited Michael over and, much to his happiness, we all three had sex with each other. Through the rest of the summer, Elijah and I spent a great deal of time making love to one another. We occasionally had sex with other people, sometimes men my age, sometimes boys his age, and always we had lots of fun. Eventually the summer ended and Elijah returned home to his parents in Oklahoma. They'd finished their divorce and he'd wound up having to live with his mother, which he didn't mind too much. He made sure to stay in touch with me. In fact, I recently got an email from him saying that he wanted to come and visit me this next summer and that his mother had already approved the idea! We'll get to spend time having as much sex as our bodies can stand! Ah 3; I can't wait! The End#3Ethan Lets Dad Do It
A thirteen-year-old boy succumbs to his father's lewd suggestions.
Ethan (13yo) and his dad
Mb – cons oral – incest
At 2 a.m. on one summer's night shortly after my thirteenth birthday my Dad came into my room and woke me up. "Ethan," he said as he shook my shoulder, "I need to talk to you." "What is it, Dad?" I asked sleepily. My eyes focused on him and I thought I saw him raise something to his nose and take a sniff. He smelled like he had been drinking. "Wake up, I wanted to know if you wanted to get a blow job." I woke up fast, and felt my young dick harden at the mention of the words "blow job." "Huh?" I asked. Was I dreaming? "You're thirteen now, and you're going to need to get your dick taken care of somehow." "Huh?" I repeated. What was he talking about? "Well, if you ever want to get your cock sucked, I can arrange for that." Dad brought a small brown bottle, the one I must have seen before, up to his nose. He held it under each nostril and took a big deep hit. Then he looked at me with a lustful look. "What do you mean?" I asked, now fully awake. I felt my dick throb in my jockey shorts. "I mean I know a set of lips that would be happy to give your penis a blow job." Dad's dirty talk had me as hard as a rock. "Whose?" I asked incredulously. "Mine," he grinned up at me as he brought the bottle up to his nose for another hit. "I'll suck your dick good, I promise. It'll be better than jacking off." "Jesus, Dad," I replied, "are you serious?" I couldn't believe my Dad was offering such an obscene service. Would he really suck off his own barely teenaged son? "Damn straight. I love boy cock. Don't tell your mother now, but I love to suck a boy off." My head was spinning, and my cock was throbbing. I had never had a blowjob before but had dreamed of having a pair of lips wrap around my hard-on. The lips, however, had always been female. "So what do you say, kid, you want a blow job?" "Shit, Dad, are you gay or something?" "No, Ethan, I just enjoy making a young boy feel good." He lifted the small brown bottle to his nose again, inhaled deeply, and then said, "So, do you want to feel good? You want me to suck your dick until you cum in my mouth?" "I don't know," I answered, "I'm not gay, and you're my Dad. Why do you keep sniffing that bottle?" "I know you're not gay, and you shouldn't worry about labels anyway," my Dad explained, "and who could better understand you, and what your dick needs, then your own dad, who after all is another man who himself has a prick?" "And that bottle," he went on, "is a special juice for cocksuckers. It makes me give cute boys really nice blowjobs." Now I really wanted one. Desperately. "OK," I said. "You really want to suck it?" "Yeah baby, I really want your dick" he replied. He brought the bottle back up to his nose and took another hit. He then put it down and lunged at my bed, pulling the covers back. He grabbed my shorts and pulled them down suddenly, releasing my stiff young prick to the freedom of the night air. "Fuck, that's pretty" He said. "Shit, I want to suck that prick." I said nothing as he grabbed my virgin cock at its base. He came closer to me and positioned his head over my meat, then began licking my head. "Oh, Dad, that feels good," I moaned. "Nice dick, Ethan, I'm glad I could be of service," he said as he continued his incestuous licking. He licked my head and the sensitive underside of my cock, and then he opened wide and swallowed my dick about half way down. He then cupped my balls and jostled them a bit as he bobbed up and down on the upper half of my dick. I was in heaven, and lay motionless as the pleasure washed over me. After a few minutes of this, my Dad lowered his head further and swallowed all five inches [12½ cm] of my cock. His lips were nestled against the root of my penis, where a few stray hairs sprouted in anticipation of my incipient pubescence. He continued to massage my smooth hairless balls and I felt them tighten with the tell-tale feeling of impending orgasm. My Dad bobbed up and down a few times and I felt the explosion begin deep in my balls. "Uggh!" I moaned, "Fuck, Dad, I'm cumming in your throat!" Dad continued to suck and suck and every drop of my jism was vacuumed deep into his paternal throat. After my ejaculations subsided and my body stopped twitching, Dad released my prick from his mouth and gave a few licks of the head. "There," he said. "Does my boy feel better?" "Yeah," I sighed, "I do." "Good," just remember that whenever you need a blowjob, I'm here. No need to seek out any girl, or boy, in your class to take care of it. Just ask me, and I'll empty your nuts." And he did many times thereafter. The End |