PZA Boy Stories


The Star


A boy movy-star is kidnapped and tortured for an audience and finally forced into a slutboy.
Publ. 1998 (ANCGS); this site Jan 2012
Finished 21,500 words (43 pages)


Roby (11yo)

Category & Story codes

Non Consensual Man-Boy story/hard
Mb non cons mast oral anal tort bond bdsm spank


This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

The theme explored in this story is FANTASY. Just as one can enjoy violent videogames or movies without committing or condoning violence in real life, a person can enjoy violent fantasies of abuse without promoting abuse in real life.

By scrolling down on this page and reading the story I declare that

  • I am of legal age of majority in my area ,
  • I like to read fictional stories where boys are kidnapped, raped, tortured, etc.
  • I understand the difference between fiction and real life,
  • I do not condone these actions in real life.
  • I agree that anyone who attempts to do in real life all or any of the things depicted in this story needs to be turned over to the local cops for the harshest penalties the law allows
If this type of material offends you (why are you here?) then

Author's note

The numbers and names of the chapters are added by Celadon for easier reading.

Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author at speedbump(at)hushmail(dot)com or through this feedback form with Blake - The Star in the subject line.


Chapter 1: Camp

Roby knew he was in trouble the moment his folks pulled away from Camp Gung Ho. He stood there in the middle of the parking lot feeling really alone.

Roby had never been to camp – in fact he didn't even want to go to camp. But his parents wanted him to take a break from work – the business – show business. Roby was a young TV star. You didn't have to look at Roby long to see what made him a star – his looks. He was stunning – you couldn't help but notice. He was eleven years old, but already a veteran of many shows and TV movies. The first thing that struck you about Roby was his hair – it was blonde-blonde – about as blonde as could be without being white – and strikingly long – long in the back almost down to his shoulders, long on the sides totally covering his ears, and long in front – worn straight to the top of his eyes. His large green eyes were a perfect compliment to the blonde-blonde hair. His face could best be described as all boy – in a pretty sort of way. The light sprinkling of freckles was a perfect addition to the all-boy look. Roby was small for his age, which was perfect for TV since he could play parts younger – but his proportions – his legs, ass, body – all were absolutely everything you could want in a boy – he was absolutely beautiful. That is why TV loved him – and why boy lovers loved him!

The fact was that Roby needed the break from work, from the admiring adults, the demanding fans, all the hoopla, the attention. But camp wasn't what he had in mind, even though he did like fishing. This camp especially seemed strange. Everyone from he camp director to the kids stared at him, some of them with obvious contempt for this 'celebrity', others with the look that made him nervous – the look that boys often give to girls.

Actually, this was one of the problems that he never expected would go with being a star. At first, Roby loved the fan mail, especially from love-struck teen age girls. It made him feel important. But then he started getting mail from the queers – men that loved boys. He just couldn't understand this – what could they possibly see in him? His agent usually screened these letters out of his mail, but he knew it was there. Then there were the times that he was fooling with his computer – something that he loved to do. He often stumbled across newsgroup postings asking for nude or shirtless pictures of Roby Green. Like sure, there are nude pictures of him floating all over the place! The fact was that his mother did not even permit him to be photographed without a shirt.

There was one time when his mother had gone into another room during a photo shoot with Teen World that the photographer had talked him into unbuttoning his shirt. It sounded kind of exciting to Roby at the time – something for his teeny-bobber girls. Little did he know that this picture would be a sensation among the queers – all the boy love sights passing on the peek-a-boo picture which just barely showed his belly button. All the news groups clammered for more, but his mother threw such a fit that there would never be such an indiscretion again. Now he was always buttoned, always classy. This classiness made him overdressed for this camp. His mother, always fearing photographers, had insisted that he dress nice for camp, just in case. So here he was, walking around a camp filled with kids wearing tee shirts and shorts in his teen-model type clothes – a white turtle neck shirt with an unbuttoned long sleeved blue shirt over it and tan dress pants with belt and sneakers. He looked great, but it was hot and he did stand out in his overdressedness.

"How are you doing, Roby?" It was the camp director, Mr. Kennedy, that he had just met. "Where are you going?"

Roby explained that he was looking for his cabin so he could get changed into something more camplike. Roby was surprised – even shocked when Mr Kennedy put is hand on Roby's belly and rubbed it while saying "Well, I think you look just fine – great, as a matter of fact." Roby immediately got goose bumps at this unexpected familiar handling and he pulled away.

"Well, I want to change anyway," Roby stammered.

"Well, if you need anything at all, you come see me, OK?"

Fat chance of that happening, thought Roby. This guy's got to be queer. Roby found his cabin, unlucky number 13. When he entered the cabin, his heart dropped. The other kids of the cabin, about a dozen of them, were lounging around. They were all a lot older than Roby, probably about 15 or 16 at least – no, some of them were older than that! Mr. Kennedy had said that he was going to take special care of Roby by putting him in a special cabin, but why this? The reaction of the boys was even worse. They seemed to take an immediate dislike to Roby – they seemed to want to bring him down to their level, get the 'haughty little pre-teen idol,' yet they had a kind of hungry look, like they couldn't wait to get their hands on this cute little piece of chicken. They were cat-calling and whisteling towards him, saying things like "well look at the pretty boy" and "hey, it's fresh meat." Roby's skin crawled at the way they were staring at him – as though he was a girl and they were construction workers! That was the only way to describe it. The oldest of the group, a big guy named Tony, came over to Roby, the others gathering around with him. Before long, Roby felt himself surrounded, with no way to escape. He felt like he was cowering, like a trapped animal, but he didn't want to show it.

"Hi, guys, I'm Roby Green" said Roby.

Tony immediately cut him off with "We know who the fuck you are. We see the TV. Boy you ARE pretty. Let's see what you got, sweet thing."

"What do you mean?" asked Roby, even though he had a pretty good idea what he meant.

"Show us your pecker, sweetie" shouted Tony. The others howled their agreement.

"I'm not going to do that 3;" started Roby, as he began to cry, when suddenly he was interrupted by a "whoa" from the boys indicating that Tony's authority had been challenged.

Tony stated that Roby had a choice: he could show his thing to them voluntarily or they would take a look themselves. Panic struck at this point and Roby quickly asserted that he would go to Mr. Kennedy if they so much as laid a finger on him. The group let out a loud laugh as Tony said "Get him, boys!"

Chapter 2: Displayed

Roby immediately broke out into a cold sweat and his skin suddenly felt prickly all over as utter terror swept over him. He looked around quickly for an avenue of escape, but he was completely surrounded by very eager eyes and even more eager hands. He decided to run for his life and he hurled himself into the group hoping to break through and make a dash for it.

A yell went up and Tony's voice could be heard over the others yelleing "Grab him – don't let him get away."

Three or four burley guys caught him in mid air and held him fast while the rest of the group all grabbed on to him and tried to hold him. Roby wriggled around and fought with every ounce of strength he had, but it was no use. There were too many of them – they were too big – there were too many eager hands. Eventually they dragged him in front of Tony, who was standing in the middle of the cabin with his hands on his hips. Roby's arms were pulled straight out and held by many hands. His legs too were being held spread eagled by many pairs of hands and others hands were around his chest and belly so that he effectively could not move a muscle – except for his head. His head was flailing back and forth wildly, so that his blonde-blonde hair was whipping back and forth, covering his entire face at times. Tears were streaming from his big green eyes as Roby screamed for his life.

"Hold him the fuck still," commanded Tony. Immediately a couple of guys grabbed handfuls of Roby's hair and stopped the squirming.

"Why are you doing this to me?" cried Roby.

"Why?" responded Tony, "Because you're so fucking pretty – like a girl, only better – right guys!" The crowd again howled their pleasureable agreement. "You swish around thinking you're such a big star – someone so special – so much better than us. Well, we're going to show you how special you are."

Before Roby even had a chance to think what was going to happen next, Tony bent over and kissed the revolted little boy. To Robby it was disgusting – a kiss of shame. He pressed his lips together and tried to pull his head away, but the hands holding his hair would not permit him to move even a little. Tony's tongue tried to force it's way into his mouth, but by gritting his teeth and pressing his lips, he stopped it from achieving its mark.

"Help him open up his mouth," growled Tony through his continuing kiss.

The crowd was roaring its approval as a couple of guys grabbed Roby's cheeeks and forced him to open up his defences. Tony's tongue immediately slipped into Roby's mouth and explored every section of it. His tongue went around Roby's teeth and the roof of his mouth, tracing a line with the tip over the top of his mouth. Then he felt Roby's tongue, which was attempting to escape this violation. It could not escape though and it too was explored over every velvity inch. Roby gagued and gasped for air, but it seemed like Tony was never going to let him up. He tried to wriggle away, but the many hands would not let him move. Next, Roby sensed Tony's saliva going into his mouth. He was spitting into his mouth! Roby couldn't believe the depravity of this act. He thought he was going to puke. Finally, Tony broke off the kiss, leaving strands of saliva hanging from Roby's lips. Roby gagued and coughed and tried to cleanse his mouth of the spit with his tongue, but it had very little success. The gang was howling and hooting and laughing at Roby's degridation and humiliation.

"Boy, pretty boy, you've got a lot to learn about Frenching," mocked Tony. "Now, let's see that precious cock of yours. Hold him tight, guys."

They didn't need to hold him tighter, he couldn't move – he could tell these guys were getting off on just holding him. Tony moved forward and reached down for Roby's zipper. Slowly he moved it down, making a big show of the unveiling. Finally it was fully opend and Tony reached into the opening. His fingers explored a little to find the opening in Roby' briefs. "He's got panties on," mocked Tony as his fingers wormed their way to the hidden treasure. When the fingers first touched his previously untouched penis, Roby screamed at the top of his lungs. An electric shock seemed to go from the touching of his cock to the tip of his toes. A couple of hands immediately clamped over his mouth, muffling any sound.

"Ah here it is." Roby's humiliation was complete as Tony felt up his balls. His finger teased up and down the sac until finally he closed his fingers around his cock and started to withdraw it. Tony started humming the stripper song which the rest of the gang immediately took up.

"Here she comes," teased Tony as he brought it out tantilizingly slowly. At first, just the tiny pink circumcised tip, with its beautiful mushroom cap and gorgious slit was visible and then finally the next couple of inches of fantastic, never-before-seen boy cock was pulled out. A loud cheer rang out. Tony wrapped his fist around the cock just below its mushroom head and pumped it while he said mockingly "It's not very big – but it is BEAUTIFUL!" He pulled out on it trying to see how long he could make it. Roby winced with both pain and humiliation and his screams and cries continued to be muffled by the hands on his face. One of the guys came over with a ruler and Tony laid out the flacid cock on the ruler, pinning it tight against it.

"Hmm, two and a quarter inches [6 cm] – not even a mouthful!"

Someone yelled to Tony. "Wait till you get him hard – then we'll see how big it is."

Roby's terror, of course, made it impossible to even think of getting hard, even though he almost wished he could to stop the laughing at his little pecker.

"Let's see his balls too," came a shout from the crowd. "Balls 3;balls 3;balls!"

Tony let the cock drop and reached for Roby's belt buckle. Roby observed a strange thing – almost all the guys were playing with their meat – they were getting off watching Roby's torture! He just couldn't understand it. Later, though, he would. Tony undid the belt buckle quickly this time and undid the latch on Roby's pants and began to peel them open. The white of Roby's tight briefs came into view with his flacid penis stuicking through. Tony began to pull down his briefs, again to the tune of the stripper and he hooked them under his little cock and balls.

Just then a voice rang out "What the fuck are you guys doing? Let him go," it commanded.

It was Mr Kennedy. The multitude of hands immediately let Roby free and he pulled up his underwear and pants and zipped up in a flash. He ran to Mr. Kennedy's side.

"Didn't I say he's mine! Get on your bunks!"

The crowd immediately scattered and Roby went outside with the camp director.

"Don't let their little horseplay throw you," he said as he draped his arm around the blonde little boy who was still crying. "I'll protect you for now. Come with me and we'll change your cabin."

Kennedy was leading the boy to his cabin, and while Roby was relieved that he had been rescued, he began to feel a little uneasy about that arm around his shoulder.

Chapter 3: Fondled

It was just a short walk to the camp director's cabin which also contained his office. The director's hand on Roby, though, made the walk seem a lot further. The man kept talking about the camp experience and whatever, but Roby wasn't listening because of the hand. At first it was draped over his shoulder, then it moved to his shoulder, where it did a little massaging, then down his back where it explored up and down its length, and finally to the nape of Roby's long neck. The hand went under his hair and began to play with the short hairs on his neck. Roby got goosebumps – again! Finally they got in the cabin and the old pervert told Roby to sit on the couch while he looked over the rosters of the cabins. Then he remarked about how hot the office was and he said something about getting comfortable and he began to take off his shirt while suggesting that Roby do the same thing. The guy tossed his shirt aside and told Roby not to be shy – that his shirts – the turtleneck and long sleeved outer shirt – had to be hot. They were, but Roby had no intention of taking off his shirts – or anything else!

The half naked counselor then sat down on the couch and started asking Roby questions about his ordeal, pretending to be interested in a fatherly sort of way, but Roby knew he wasn't being fatherly. Then the man kind of gathered Roby up and placed him on his lap. Roby didn't like being handled so familiarly. He didn't like being teated like a baby. And he definitely didn't like the hard bulge between Mr. Kennedy's legs that was pushing up against his butt!

Mr. Kennedy kept talking, but Roby knew it was just bable to cover up Kennedy's hand actions. He immediately began to rub Roby's tummy with one hand while pulling his blue shirt off his shoulders with the other. The shirt was restricting Roby's ability of fight off the hands.

"Roby, take off your shirt – I just want to see your chest – see if you have any hair – see your little titties – see your belly button."

He started to pull up on the front of the shirt, freeing it from his belted waist. Roby kept grabbing his shirt and pulling it down – sort of a tug of war was taking place with that shirt. Suddenly Mr. Kennedy won the battle and he succeeded in pulling up the shirt, showing a white expanse of smooth boyflesh. One of his hands immediately shot up under his shirt and grabbed one of his nipples. Kennedy was just getting a look at Roby's cute navel when the boy squirmed with all his might and fell right off his lap. He immediately started to slide on his butt away from the crazed director, all the while pulling down his shirt as far as it would go.

Kennedy was enraged: "Look, you litle faggot – if you don't want to spend the night in cabin 13, you'd better pull that shirt up to your tits right now."

Roby was just getting it into his head that he was going to have to make a run for it when the phone rang. The aggitated counselor grabbed it and barked "What?" Then he listened for a while and asked whether they were ready. He evidently got an affirmative answer and he hung up. Suddenly, his tone changed. "You will be in cabin eleven – real nice kids there – your size and age. Just walk down the path to the parking lot, walk along the edge of the parking lot to your right until you see a sign for cabin eleven. Why don't you go there now – I'll have your stuff sent over."

Roby didn't have to hear that twice – he was out of there in a flash, bounding down that path towards the parking lot – where his life would be changed forever.

Chapter 4: Kidnapped

"What a camp," thought Roby as he walked towards the parking lot. "I've only been here a couple of hours and I've been fondled by the camp director, been french kissed by a pervert and had my pecker displayed and measured by 20 queers – what more could happen?"

Little did he know! Roby was just beginning to feel better about being changed to cabin eleven. He was kind of in a hurry so he could get changed out of his good clothes into something more comfortable. Suddenly a roar of a white panel van was heard as it sped into the parking lot. Roby didn't notice it as he was finally beginning to think of fun at camp. He should have noticed, for his stay at camp was over. His freedom was over. His innocence was over.

The white van pulled up right next to Roby and some men jumped out of both the right side door and the back doors of the windowless panel van. They were wearing ski masks and before Roby even had a thought at what was happening, they were on him. The one man swept his feet out from under him and held him by his legs. Another man pinned his arms to his side and grabbed him around the torso. A third man clamped his hand over his mouth to muffle any cry out. In a matter of just seconds, they were handing him off to other guys in the back of the van. The original three guys jumped in the back, closed the door, and the van sped off.

The idea that he was being kidnapped just started to enter his mind as the six men in the back of the truck went to work on him. First of all, a blindfold was tied tightly over his eyes. Next, something was stuffed into his mouth. He didn't even have a chance to resist. The thing in his mouth was made up of a hard rubber-like material and filled most of his mouth. His tongue kept trying to push it out or aside or somewhere because he couldn't swallow with it there. He couldn't push it out because it had a round thing like a rubber ball at the opening to his mouth. He teeth sank into it to try to hold it there. Then there was a strap that went around his head and was fastend in back to hold it tight. The men had to lift his hair to get it buckled. Once buckled, he couldn't make a sound.

With the blindfold and ball gag in place, Roby felt himself being dragged to the side wall of the van where each of his hands was raised over his head and locked into a handcuff. His legs also received attention. One of the men pulled off his sneakers and tossed them aside and then his legs were pulled apart and each of his ankles were handcuffed, this time to the floor. In a matter of about a minute, before Roby could even utter a cry or think about resisting, he was secured in a very vulnerable, helpless condition. None of the men had said a word – until now.

Chapter 5: Probed

"Let's relax, guys. We have a long trip. Good work." The others uttered their approval. "Now it's time for a little fun and relaxation. Let's have some fun with this sweet piece of meat."

"Remember what the boss said – no marks, no sex, fully clothed – that's the way he wants him."

"God, he sure is beautiful – look at that face"

"Yeah, and that hair 3;"

"I can't wait to see what he looks like under all that clothing!"

"He look delicious even in all that clothing – good enough to eat!"

"Let's at least take a look at him – I'm just dying to see his titties!" The guy who said this went over and grabbed Roby's shirt and began to pull it up out of his pants.

"Hey – you know what the boss said – he gets to unwrap the sweet little package. Be patient."

"Oh Fuck! – let's have some some fun." Roby was scared shitless – and that was no exaggeration. His skin was cold and prickly when he heard them talking like that about him. The encounter with Tony would be a walk in the park compared what these guys had in mind for him. He had heard of boys being raped, but he really had no idea what this meant. He was about to find out.

While Roby was still thinking about the kidnappers and what they might want, he was jarred into reality when the six men began , all at once, to touch him in places he had never been touched before.

The first thing he felt was a hand pulling out his shirt from his pants and worming his hand under it onto his belly. The hand began to massage the velvity flesh of his stomach, all the while feeling around. It grabbed a handful of flesh and pinched his love handles. Suddenly a finger dipped into his navel and started to feel around. If Roby hadn't been so scared, it might have even been a pleasurable feeling – having his belly button probed. Roby began to think about what a big deal his mother made of being photographed with his navel showing, and here he was, trussed up and being fondled by a stranger's hand – and that belly button irresistably probed to its depths. While this continued, two other hands stretched his turtle neck collar out and entered his shirt from the top. The hands also were massaging their way down – this time pectoral flech. Each of the hands was looking for the same thing – his nipples. When they found them they began to massage and roll the soft, sensitive nubs of flesh between their fingers. At first, Roby was outragd and tried to squirm away from the relentless digits, but he couldn't move enough to get away from them. After a while of this, it actually began to feel good and he was moaning while at the same time crying through the gag.

Roby jumped when another hand grabbed his penis right through his pants. This hand too began the massage treatment – this time of his cock and balls. This outrage was not pleasurable in the least to Roby and he did not have any chance of getting hard from this manipulation. After a while, the hand tired of massaging through his pants and it began to unbuckle his belt.

"Remember what the boss said – no removing clothes" a disembodied voice said.

"Oh, OK," came the reluctant response from belt hands.

Roby would have squealed if he could have when belt hands then went right into his pants, wormed their way under his underwear and grabbed his cock and balls. Now the massaging began in earnest. Roby was going crazy with his senses being so stimulated all at once – finger exploring his belly button, fingers rolling his tits, hand groping his privates, but the outrage was just beginning. Another hand slipped under his shirt in the back and began rubbing his back. The back rub wasn't too bad until the hand forced its way into the back of his pants. The sitting position he was restrained in and the hand in the front of his pants on his balls didn't leave much room for the other hand, but it still managed to find its way to his ass cheeks and a finger began to trace its way up and down his crack.

Finally, the last indignity was when another disembodied person began to pet his hair, like he was a dog and then – unbelievable to Roby – he actually stuck his tongue into Roby's ear. This was the first of many things to be plugged into unusual holes on Roby's gorgeous little body. It wasn't long before there was a lot of moaning and Roby had a pretty good idea that most of them were shooting their loads. His suspision was confirmed when he felt something hot and sticky hit his face and trickle down his nose, across the ball gag in his mouth to his chin. He also felt some of the warm stuff hit the front of his shirt. Roby wished he was dead – but his ordeal was just beginning. Finally, all the hands ceased their probing and masssaging, and everyone fell asleep – except for Roby who was chained in such an uncomfortable position. He just wept silently.

Chapter 6: Raped?

It was dark when the van left the main road and turned onto the dirt road through the woods. After about an hour of travel, the van came to an unmarked gate manned by a guard. The guard unlocked the gate and opened it, allowing the van to go in. After about another fifteen minutes, the van came to a a huge lodge-like structure hidden among the trees. There were quite a few cars parked around it, but nobody to be seen. The van went around to the side of the lodge and stopped in front of a door that was marked "SERVICE ENTRANCE ONLY."

"OK, pretty boy, time for the unveiling."

It had been quite a while since anyone had bothered Roby. He had just been sitting there, crying to himself, all the while trying to get that gag into a more comfortable position in his mouth. His arms ached from being cuffed over his head and his legs too were tired of the spread position. His mind was racing all during the trip wondering what the ransom would be for his return, how his parents would respond, the press reaction, whether his career in show business would be wrecked. Every now and then he would be brought back to the reality of his situation when a hand would suddenly go up under his shirt and begin working over his nipples or dive into his pants to tickle his nuts or pull on his penis.

Roby had never thought much of rape, even though he knew that he was a hot issue among gays. Seeing requests for nude pictures of him, or discussions of whether his belly button is a innie or outie on computer bulletin boards struck him as perverted and disgusting, But rape 3; He wasn't even sure what rape was. His thinking was interrupted as once again a finger explored his navel, pushing deep in until it seemed to go right to his spine. At the same time another finger was tickling his nuts – tracing a line along the botton of his ball sac. 'Is this rape?' he thought. Probably. He also saw pictures of men giving blow jobs. Certainly that must be part of rape.

Roby made up his mind that he was not going to give any blow jobs – he'd fight and bite before that. He also made up his mind to stop crying and to fight what these people were doing to him. With that in mind he made a lunge with all his strength to try to move as much as he could in his restrained position. He arched his back a little and let his head flail back and forth.

"Sit still, sweetie," a voice said as suddenly the hand in his pants stopped tickling and instead grabbed his balls and twisted. He stopped struggling.

Roby again started thinking about what rape was and whether he was going to be raped – or whether he had already been raped. He decided that rape was probably giving a blow job and being felt up. In that case, they weren't going to rape him because he wouldn't do it no matter what. He was glad that they hadn't taken off his clothes – the boss didn't want that. But Roby couldn't understand that. Nor could he understand a tongue in his ear or a hand on his ass. Roby was about to find out by experience exactly what rape was.

Chapter 7: Prepared

When the van came to a stop, the men went to work again. Roby felt his ankles being released from the cuffs and his hands were finally released from over his head. It felt so good to have his hands down and he immediately went for the gag on his mouth.

"Oh no you don't," a voice said as his hands were immediately grabbed and jerked behind his back where they were again cuffed. Then he was dragged along the floor of the van to the open back doors where he was lifted out and stood up on his white-socked feet. Hands grabbed him by the shoulders and he was directed inside where they entered a small side room and the door closed behind them.

When they got inside, one of the men took the blindfold off Roby's eyes. His usually bright large green eyes were red from being tightly covered and caked with tears. When he focused his eyes, Roby could see his captors, in this case three hairy men, all in their thirties, he guessed. Robby moaned and tried to indicate to them that he wanted the gag to be taken off, but the one guy said "not yet, pretty boy." Robby looked around at what seemed to be a sort of dressing room. He saw himself in a full length mirror on one of the walls. He was shocked at what he saw. Disheveled would be a good word. His long hair was messed up, his face stained by tears and what he knew was cum. His blue shirt was off his shoulders and jammed around his wrists and their cuffs. His white turtle neck was stretched out of shape by those hands that manhandled his chest, his shirt pulled out of his pants and both his white shirt and pants covered with cum stains. Roby was disgusted with the realization that all of his captors evidently had been cumming all over him.

"Don't worry, we're here to clean you up," one of the voices said and he led Roby to a sink. He grabbed a washcloth and dipped it into soapy water and roughly washed Roby's face with it. "Got to look good for the boss." Next he took out a brush and fixed up his hair, combing it almost lovingly. Then he let the boy into an adjacent room with a toilet. He marched Roby over to it, reached around his waist and pulled down his zipper. He fished around for his cock and pulled it out and aimed it at the toilet. "Go" he said, as he began to tickle the slit on the end of his thing. Roby was so disgusted and ashamed that he didn't think he could, but nature was stronger and finally a stream of steamy piss flowed into the bowl. "Got to give it a jigle" said the guy as he shook the cock, stretched it, and began to play aound with it. Finally, he stuffed it back and pulled up the zipper. His hand next went down the back of his pants and began to squeeze one of his buns. Roby let out a squeal through his gag and tried to pull away. The man withdrew his hand and said "OK, not yet" and he led him back into the dressing room.

"OK, kid, it's almost show time – your audience is waiting." The other guys in the room laughed. "We're sure going to miss you"

"Yeah, how about one last goodbye," said another of the goons. He came over to Roby, stuck out his tongue and licked him, right up his nose to the top of his head."

"Now don't go messing him up, I just cleaned his face."

"Well I just made it cleaner. He then took some of Roby's fine blond hair into his mouth and began chewing.

"Yeah, goodbye, sweet thing. Sure am going to miss your sweet titties," said the other as his hand went down Roby's turtleneck to his right nipple, where it began to pinch.

"Alright, you guys – enough now. Anyway, I can't wait to see those titties on display – along with the rest of this sweet piece of chicken."

Again, Roby couldn't believe that they were talking that way about him – and he felt like he was going to faint. It seemed like this was going to be only the prelude to his humiliations and degradation – and he was right. The last guy finished preparing Roby by tucking in his turtleneck inside his belt and pulling his blue outer shirt up over his shoulders. He straightened out the collar of the turtleneck as best he could and smoothed Roby's hair where it had been chewed. Then he took him by the shoulders and let him out of the room and into his new life of shame.

Chapter 8: Stripped

Roby was led into a large cool room. As he was led in, he saw there were bleachers on either side of the runway he was being led down. The bleachers were full of middle aged men who immediately began to cheer and applaud the minute they saw Roby.

At the end of the runway was what looked like a TV soundstage – complete with overhead lights, mics, spotlights, and cameras. However, Roby was shocked when he saw the sets on the stages. In the middle was a large table, set on a platform. It was stage center with spots directed on it. The table was unusual in that it had padded manacles at each corner – obviously meant to hold someone down. Roby figured that someone was probably going to be him. Besides the tables, there were an assortment of various other devices. One thing looked kind of like the stocks that Roby learned about in history. Another device looked like the pummel horse they used in gym class. There was a huge cross – but not like in church – and this was no church. There were other frames of various sizes and chains – many chains – hanging from beams over the stage. There also was a rack on which there was an assortment of whips, paddles, leather devices and other stuff Roby couldn't even imagine what they were for.

This sight, along with all the grown men cheering wildly made Roby sick – but he figured he better not throw up – not with that gag. He'd choke to death – which might even be good, Roby thought. He started to shake uncontrolably, but the man with the hand on his shoulder began to rub his stomach saying "Easy, sweetie – you're going to love it" Roby doubted that but he tried to calm down and told himself he wasn't going to cry or give any blow jobs. They would not succeed in raping him.

Roby was led to the side of the table. His handcuffs were removed and then his hands were raised over his head and attatched to two hanging chains. They were not too tight this time, but Roby did not like the vulnerable position. The spotlight was now on Roby – he was definitely the star of this show. Suddenly he heard a voice.

"Roby, do you know me?"

Roby squinted through the bright lights and he saw someone he did know. He tried hard to remember, then it came to him. It was that photographer guy, Roy, from Teen World Magazine – the one that caused all the problems with the picture of him with the shirt unbuttoned.

"Yeah, I'm Roy – the guy your bitch of a mother got fired over one little picture. The guy you treated like dirt when I was shooting a set of you. The guy who wanted just one little picture with your stinking shirt off – but no, you couldn't show your precious titties to me, no matter how much I needed that picture for my carreer. I couldn't get more than a peek at your super secret belly button. Well tonight, it's my show, my little photo session, my chance to make a movie. Tonight you WILL take off your shirt and a lot more. Tonight we WILL see your titties, and touch them, and make them stiff and large. Tonight we WILL see your belly button and photograph every square inch of it. In fact, we will explore every inch of your cute little body. You will be the star of the greatest pedophile porno movie ever. Pictures of your every secret part will be scattered over computer newsgroups and boy love magazines all over the world. Yes, you are Roby Green – teen idol! You are probably wondering about our studio audience. These men have bid at auction and won the right to use every part of your body. And use it they will." An agreeing murmur was heard from the crowd. "You have made me a rich man – and its only right, for you and that bitch mother of yours ruined my career."

Roby was panicking now. All this over an unbuttoned shirt. He was sure he would be more than unbuttoned now. Roy continued. "Make no mistake about it – your former life is over. You are mine – all of you – every pretty little secret part that you tried to protect now is mine. And I'm going to share it with these one hundred and twenty men." A big cheer went up. "Do not even think of escaping. There are no windows and all the doors are locked and guarded. There is nothing but forest for a hundred miles around – no neighbors – nobody knows you're here – you will not be rescued. We are going to rape you – repeatedly – hundreds of times in hundreds of ways. We are going to fuck your sweet ass; we are going to fuck your mouth; we are going to fuck you in every orifice of your gorgeous body and we will think up some more ways to fuck you."

Roby went limp and thought he was going to vomit. When he heard this stuff of fucking his ass he right away thought what does that mean. Then it started to come to him and he began to struggle and cry. When he began to struggle, an attendent came up and grabbed his balls through his pants and said, "Stand still." Roby stood still.

Roy continued. "Pissant, listen carefully to the rules. We are going to take your gag off. You are not to talk except when we ask you to talk. If you talk any other time, the penis gag goes back on. And when you do talk to any of us, you will bow your head and address us as MASTER. Do you understand, Sweet Stuff?" Roby understood and nodded his head vigorously. Anything to get this gag off. The attendent came over, lifted Roby's long hair at the back, and unbuckled the penis gag. He then extracted it from Roby's stretched mouth. Roby thought his mouth had been stretched ten times its normal size – it felt great to have it off and he decided he wouldn't talk out of turn. He also remembered his vow not to cry or to give a blow job – or anything else he could help. He would fight. When Roby saw the gag, he saw why it was so uncomfortable. He had had a five inch [12½ cm] rubber penis in his mouth. Never again, he thought.

"Listen, Pissboy to the rules, Roy continued. "Whenever anyone tells you to do something, you will do exactly as you are told with no hesitation. If you hesitate, you will be punished. Do you understand?"

Roby nodded and a rumble went through the crowd. The attendent came over and slapped Roby accross the face. Roby understood. He bowed his head and said "Yes, Master." The crowd applauded.

"Now that we understand each other, we will begin our little photo session. Release his hands."

The attendent came over and unfastened Roby's wrists. It felt good to have his arms down again.

"You like posing for photos, don't you, Roby?"

Roby now knew the game. "Yes, Master."

"Well, we are going to shoot a series of FK photos and make the FK video that will be a world wide sensation, starring the beautiful blonde Roby Green – and your mother is not going to tell me that we can't see your sweet little titties!" The crowd cheered again. "You wouldn't mind if I take a picture of your cock, would you?"

Roby didn't know if this was the place to be defiant or not. He bowed his head and said "No, Master."

"Good. What I want you to do is unbuckle your belt and pull down your pants."

Robby thought about if he should do this, and what would happen if he made a run for it. After all, his hands and feet were now free, and maybe he should try.

Roy interrupted his thoughts. "That is your first mistake, cutie pie. You hesitated. Normally, you would be punished. But since you're so fucking beautiful, I'll give you another chance." The crowd murmured its approval. "Now, pull down your pants."

Roby didn't want to find out about Roy's punishments, so his hand went right to his belt buckle. He could see the men in the front rows leaning forward. He undid the buckle with shaking hands and then undid the clasp of his pants and opened it. He undid his zipper and pulled down his pants. Flashbulbs flashed and a video camera came right into his groin area.

"Step out of your pants and throw them into the crowd."

A cheer went up. Roby stood on one leg and pulled a pant leg off, then repeated the routine with the other. He tossed his pants into the crowd and their was a huge scramble, just like people scrambled for foul balls a a baseball game. One guy came up with the pants and immediately buried his face in them. Roby knew this was going to be the worst experience of his life and he just couldn't understand what all these grown men wanted with him – just a little kid. If ony he had realized just how beautiful he was with his blonde-blonde hair, green eyes, angelic freckled face and gorgeous little boy body.

"Roby, the men can't see your basket very well because your shirt is covering it. Cross your hands over your head."

Roby did as he was told and some of the men almost fell off their chairs. Many of them were already pumping their meat and Roby cou ld see this. His raised shirt revealed the little bulge in his briefs where his cock and balls were.

"Pissboy, hold your shirt up with your left hand and cup your nads with your other hand."

Roby never masturbated – he knew it was a sin, so it felt strange to do this to himself. He picked up his cock and balls through the fabric of his underpants and cradled them in the palm of his hand, holding them kind of up as he knew Roy wanted. The crowd approved.

"Next, Roby, pull down your panties."

For some reason, Roby just couldn't do that – he was just too modest – and in front of all these men – so he hesitated.

"Roby, now you will be punished. Help him."

Three attendants immediately grabbed him and put his hands into chains hanging from the ceiling. They pulled the chains up so that Roby was standing on tippy toes. Then all three men attacked his underwear – not pulling them off, but violently ripping them off. The process hurt – bad – plus it caused Roby to swing from the chains. He didn't cry, though. The crowd cheered. Now Roby's treasure was revealed for the whole gallery to see – and Roby could do nothing about it. With his hands stretched out above him, his blue shirt had slipped off his shoulders down his backl and his turtle neck rode up, revealing the smooth exspanse of boy belly from just below his navel all the way down. His lower tummy was beautiful – velvity smooth and nicely rounded, tapering down to his cock. There was no trace of hair, even around his cock – this area too was velvity smooth. His cock was gorgeous, hanging flacidly down – about two inches [5 cm] of gorgeous boy cock – with a pretty little mushroom shaped pink cock head – no ugly foreskin – and cute little slit on the end." The cameras came in so close they were almost touching it. Lots of comments came from the crowd about tasting that and good enough to eat and like that – all of which terrified poor Roby. His balls were a tight little sac, hardly wrinkled, nesting close under the prick.

The beautiful little blonde boy hanging there, cock and balls exposed, with white socks on his feet and shirts covering his upper torso made a very appealing picture, and a lot of the men shot their loads already. Roy came forward and said "I told you you would be punished for hesitating, so now you will be punished."

The attendant brought Roy a wooden box which Roy opened and showed to Roby. "Do you know what this is, gorgeous?"

"Roby bowed his head and said "No, Master."

"It's a ring for you – a little present. Wear it well."

Roby looked at the gold ring, about two inches [5 cm] in diameter and didn't have the slightest idea of what it was for. The crowd knew and approved, Roby noticed.

"Number 104, you're up."

A man about fifty with a badge saying 104 came out of the crowd with an eager grin on his face.

Roy said to him "Get him hard, but don't let him blow his load."

Roby couldn't see how he could possibly get hard, being as scared as he was,but when the man began massaging his cock and balls with both his hands, he began to experience a tingling right down to his toes. The man ran his middle finger up and down the dividing line of his sac all the while pulling his cock back and forth and massaging the sides. He tickled the sensitive tip lightly, almost like with a feather. Roby flailed his head back and forth, his hair almost covered his face as he writhed in both humiliation and pleasure. The crowd chanted "GO – GO – GO!" The eager number 104 then began to pump up and down the length of Roby's rapidly expanding cock until finally about four inches [10 cm] of boy cock was pointing stiffly straight out from his pubis.

Roby was so ashamed – hard in front of all these crazy perverts – but there he was – straight as an arrow, with his cock red and pulsating. It was even more striking with the total lack of hair down there. The crowd loved it and again it was lovingly photographed. Then Roy was back with the ring.

"You didn't forget my present, did you? Tell me to give it to you, pretty boy."

Roby knew that he wasn't going to like this, but he had no choice, hanging there with his cock hard as an arrow pointing at Roy.

Roby bowed his head and said "Please give it to me master."

"Gladly!" Roy took the ring and slipped it over Roby's penis and slid it down its length until it was at the bald base. Then he grabbed Roby's balls and stuffed them through the ring. They didn't go through very easily, so Roy twisted and manipulated them so that first one ball then the other went through, shooting terrible pain through Roby's nuts. He knew better than to scream, – he remembered the penis gag – so he just cried sofly and swang on the chains. When Roy finished, Roby looked down and saw that now his cock and balls were being obscenely pushed up and away from his body and held in this position so that they were easier to see. Now his boner was aimed at the sky and his balls were sticking straight out for all to see and, of course, be photographed. It hurt – a lot. The pain caused Roby to lose his erection. but his now flacid penis and sac were still on display.

Chapter 9: Spanked

After about a half hour of hanging on display in front the the audience, the attendant came and released Roby's hands from the chains. Roby was grateful to be free of the chains since it was both hard to breath and it hurt his legs to stand on tippy toes. He was shocked that these men could spend so much time ogling him – just a little boy! And why didn't anyone feel sorry for him? He would receive no pity there.

Roy began to talk again. "Let the ring be a reminder to you to obey without hesitation. Now your shirt is again covering what we all want to see, so cross your arms over your head and I'd like you to walk through the audience – and remember, keep your arms artfully crossed over your head."

No more hesitation for Roby – he began to walk. His shirt rode up again and his cock and balls were still being pushed up and out by the cock ring. As he went up one aisle and down the next , everyone reached out to pet or stroak or pinch his genitals. He was being groaped by 120 queer men! It was humiliating – awful – disgusting – and so hard not to use his hands to cover himself up, but he did it and when he was back to the stage he saw that he had a boner pointing to the sky again. The crowd cheered.

Roby uncrossed his arms and selfconsciously pulled down his shirt in the front. If Roby thought that this was a gesture of modesty, he was wrong with this group of perverts. The image of the beautiful little blonde kid standing there in the spotlight with bare legs and white socks with an obvious erection tenting his shirt was such a turn-on that men were shooting their loads all over the auditorium..

Roy then began to speak again. "Gentlemen, it looks as if our little pal here has been a bad boy – he has a hard-on – don't you, sweetie."

Roby was completely humiliated and he could feel himself blushing. He knew he had to answer.

"Yes, Master."

Roy asked the audience "What should we do with this bad boy?"

Immediately replies came like "Give him a spanking" and "Wail the tar out of him" or "Whip his ass."

Robbie didn't like where this was going.

oy spoke again: "Bad boy, do you deserve a spanking?"

Roby didn't know what to say. If he said no, who knows what would happen. Still, how could he say yes? Finally he stammered softly "Yes, Master."

Roy responded "Yes what?"

Roby said "Yes, I deserve a spanking, Master."

The crowd cheered and Roy called for number 87 to come forward. Another old man came up and he sat down in a high backed chair that was now in the spotlight. He called Roby over to him. The crowd murmered its approval. Number 87 took Roby's hand and pulled him over to the chair. Then he positioned Roby face down across his lap. The old pervert captured Roby's hard-on between his legs and held it there with pleasure. Roby knew it was with pleasure because he could feel the man's thing getting rock hard against the left side of his body. The man first lifted Roby's blue shirt and pulled it up and bunched it at his neck. Then he took the bottom of the white turtleneck and pulled it half way up Roby's back and bunched it there. The crowd gasped at this first full view of Roby's magnificent ass. It was gorgeous – two perfect grapefruit sized buns – firm – unblemished alibaster white – separated by by a dark boy-crack. Each cheek had a pretty little dimple on the side. The audience cheered. Roby felt sick.

87 put each of his hand on one of Roby's buns and began massaging, moving them this way and that. He jiggled them, formed them into shapes. Then he grasped them fully and pried them apart. A camera came in for a close view of Roby's secret treasure – his cute little puckered asshole. Roby felt like he was going to pass out. Then the man bent down and started to run his tongue all over Roby's ass, leaving a trail of saliva behind. Then he went down the crack with his tongue and finally planted a kiss right on his asshole! Roby's cock, imprisoned by the man's legs, suddenly surged at this violation.

Then the man came back up and released the globes of his ass and raised a hand and let it come crashing down on Roby's right butt-cheek. It followed with a hard slap of his left cheek. Then it continued faster and faster on alternating cheeks. Roby tried to squirm because it stung like hell, but he was held in place by the man's left arm and, of course, by his legs. The man started playing around, to the amusement of the audience, by faking striking a cheek and watching the dimpled cheek flinch all by itself.

The spanking continued for about five minutes – which was like an hour of agony to Roby. Then Roy handed a rubber covered paddle, something like a ping-pong paddle to 87. Someone from the audience yelled "Wail that shit out of him" and that's exactly what 87 did for the next five minutes.

When he was finished, Roby's butt was completely fire red. The man then gripped the hot buns and separated them again and then rammed his middle finger right up Roby's ass to the man's knuckle. Roby couldn't help it – he screamed with outrage – and the crowd loved it. 87 then removed his hands, and let Roby get up. Roby quickly pulled down his shirts to cover his shame. Again the crowd was delighted to see Roby's cock still tenting the front of that turtleneck white shirt.

Roy then commanded Roby to turn his back to the audience, to pull up his shirts to show his ass, to bend over and grab his ass cheeks, and " 3;spread them wide 3; so everyone can get a good view of your sweet treasure."

Roby did as he was commanded. The crowd howled its approval of the show, flashbulbs flashed and Roby thought his humiliation was complete, until Roy spoke again to the crowd and reminded Roby of things yet to come. "Gentlemen, we will return later to fuck his sweet ass. Now we will continue to explore his little body and find more treasures."

Roby was allowed to stand up and rest for a couple of minutes and the audience too kind of took a break. Everybody kind of left Roby alone and he was able to pull down his shirts to cover his balls and ass a little, He leaned against the table and felt the stinging of his whipped ass begin to reside and his erection also disappeared, so he had a bulge instead of tent down there. He reached under his shirt and pushed the cock ring up a little so it didn't feel as bad. He started thinking of a plan – he knew he had to observe – find out where things were. He had to resist also, but he did't know how he could do this. He had to be brave – he knew, so he decided he would not cry, not give the queers the joy of breaking him.

His reverie was broken when Roy told him to return to the spotlight, so he padded in his stocking feet over to the circle of light. Roy then told him to show the audience his cock, so remembering the penalty for hesitating, Roby immediately grabbed the bottom of his shirt and raised it above his now flacid cock and balls. As Roby looked down, he saw that the cock ring still displayed in genitals in an obscenely effective way. Then he was told to turn and show the audience his ass, which he did, and finally to bend over, grab his cheeks, and show his asshole. Again Roby complied. He was being trained well.

Then Roy changed directions and asked Roby a question. " Honey-boy, would you like something to cover your cock and balls?"

Roby immediately responded "Yes, very much, Master."

Roby was ready to perform in order to get little favors like getting his pants, or even just his underwear back. And perform he would.

Chapter 10: G-String

Roy was going to make Roby beg to be abused. "Before I give you something to cover youself, I notice you have lost your little hard-on. This makes you unhappy, doesn't it, Roby."

Roby knew what he was going to have to do. "Roby, get down on your knees and beg your Master to excite you."

Roby was tamed. He got down on his knees and begged, "Please, Master, get me hard."

Roy called another number and another lucky member of the studio audience came up. Roby was ordered to stand up, lift his shirt and spread his legs, which he did. The man immediately dropped to his knees and took Roby's cock into his mouth. Roby started to jerk away from this violation, but the man put his left hand around Roby's waist and grabbed his butt and held him in place. With his other hand, he held Roby's boy-cock at its base. The man swished it around in his mouth and licked it all over. He ran his mouth up and down its length, coating it with his saliva. Then he pulled up and held just the beautiful mushroom head in his mouth. He put his teeth just under the head and chewed lightly. Roby clenched his teeth to keep from crying out, but then his cry eventually changed to a low moan as his cock began to grow in the old pervert's mouth. The man then went back down his shaft and then gobbled Roby's nuts into his mouth.

Flashbulbs flashed and Roby could just picture this photo spread all over – he was both humiliated and experiencing erotic pleasure. Suddenly, Roy intervened and told the guy that was enough. The man immediately removed his mouth, leaving Roby with the largest boner he had ever had – it looked to be at least seven inches [18 cm], and his red, pulsating, spit covered cock made a truly obscene sight. Roy came over and grabbed Roby's erection with his fist, holding it so just the head peaked out from the top of his fist. He then began to pump the boy-cock violently, pulling Roby's hip back and forth obscenely.

He again ordered Roby to put his hands on his head and the attendant came over and handed something to Roy. It was a small triangle of bright red cloth with black strings dangling from each comer. Roby was told to keep his hands on his head while he put what Roby finally realized was a G-string over his basket. Roy's hand continued to feel Roby as he held the cloth in place and told him to spread his legs. A string was drawn up the crack of his ass and tightened and then fastened to the other strings. When it was in place, the crowd went wild.

The cloth just barely covered his cock and balls – his bare pubis and the base of his cock were still on display – not to mention his succulent ass. Roby's heart fell as he realized he wasn't getting any clothing – in fact he knew his shirts would soon go too. The bright red triangle really stood out in contrast to the little beauty's perfectly white skin and his striking blondeness, But the thing that really set off the audience was the fact that the pink tip of Roby's still erect cock peaked out the top of the triangle, winking its little eye at the audience! Roby's cock and balls were outlined very noticably under the triangle. Roby felt terrible.

Chapter 11: Belly Button

Roy continued the show. "Do you remember the trouble it caused when I almost got a picture of your navel?"

"Yes, Master"

Well, now you are going to show us your sweet belly button. We will all see it, photograph it, touch it, explore it, and do some other things to it that you never imagined. Now, Roby, lift your shirt and show us your belly button."

Roby didn't know where this was going, but he was sensitive about his chest and belly. He was never photographed without a shirt by orders of his mother and agent, but he even always wore a shirt while swimming and he never played without a shirt – it was part of his modesty – his very makepup. Now he had to violate himself. While he was thinking, Roy broke in.

"You have forgotten the rule and you hesitated. These men wanted to see your belly button, and you hesitated. Now you will be punished. Gentlemen, let's warm him up – PINK BELLY!!"

Roby knew what a pink belly was, although he had never received one. It was a kid thing, but suddenly he was being attacked by about ten grown men who evidentally had been pre-chosen to pink-belly him. The men rushed the stage, picked Roby up by his arms and legs, and carried him over the the table. They held his arms and legs down and pulled his shirt up to his tits and suddenly there were about ten hands slapping his belly. It hurt like hell, but Roby refused to give in and yell out or cry. When the slapping finally stopped, his stomach was red from the top of the G-string to the bottom of his rib cage.

When they finished, they again picked Roby up and brought him over to something that looked like an X with manacles on each arm of the X. Roby's wrists and ankles were attached and the spotlight came on – Roby was on display again. An attendant came up with a scissors and he began cutting the bottom of Roby's turtleneck shirt. Roy said that since Roby wouldn't show them his belly button, it would be put on permanent display – to be used by everyone. Roby's shirt was cut off all around just below the ribcage and the crowd applauded enthusiastically. The half-turtleneck looked very sexy to the audience. Roby's belly was bright red, but that isn't what the audience was looking at. It was his stunning, absolutely magnificent belly button. It was very large, about the size of a half dollar around and it was a very very deep innie. No flesh could be seen inside the crevice – it looked dark inside, like a cave. The skin around it was smooth, velvity, and teasingly rounded. This kid was absolutely beautiful, and the sight of the blonde kid, manicled spread eagled, bare legs, except for his white socks, bare bottom, except for the G-string, the now-half shirt and longer blue outer shirt and the magnificent navel was causing members of the audience to orgasm just by looking. Roby was shamed. What more could they do to him? He was about to find out.

Suddenly, two men came out of the audience, lucky bidders that they were, and both of them at once began to work over his cute tummy. One was licking all over it while another had his finger in the cute navel, exploring every nook and cranny. The finger both tickled and gave kind of an erotic shock to poor Roby. He tried to wriggle away from the probing finger, but he couldn't move that much. He began to feel his dick getting hard again as the finger and the tongue continued their devilish tracing and probing. Then the crowd let out a big cheer when Roby's cock again winked out at them from the top of the g-string.

Finally they stopped and two attendants came and released Roby's wrists and ankles from the bondage – but the release was short-lived as he was hustled back over to the table, forced down, and his wrists and ankles again manacled. His erection stuck up obscenely as viewed from the side of the table. Next an attendant came over with a jar of something brown and took off the lid. Roy said something about Roby's belly button being as sweet as honey as the attendant began filling the deep hole that was his navel right to the top with sticky honey! Then another member of the studio audience came up and began to lap up the honey with his tongue. This gave Roby a feeling that could only be described as ecstacy.

Roby yelled out "I've got to pee!" to the great amusement of the crowd.

Suddenly, Roby felt is cock spasm and, for the first time in his short life, he shot his load. The crowd howled its approval as Roby moaned with intense pleasure. The man just kept lapping while Roby's cum dripped down his lower belly and was soaked up by the front of the g-string. Roby felt the man poking with his tongue at the bottom of his belly button, getting the very last of the honey from every corner. It felt so good – and Roby was so ashamed. Finally, the man came up, with honey on his lips and around his mouth – and a big grin of triumph. The crowd cheered.

"And now, pretty boy," Roy continued, "we come to the highlight of this part of our show, when the man who bid the highest for the right to fuck your sweet navel gets his money's worth."

Roby couldn't believe what he was hearing. What did that mean – was that even possible?? Roby was shocked when he saw the winning bidder – Mr. Kennedy! Kennedy was stark naked as he got up on the table and stradled Roby's basket with his knees.

"I just wanted to see your belly-cunt – now I'm going to fuck it!" he said and he lowered himself so that the head of his throbing dick was aimed right at the center of Roby's gorgeous navel. Then he dipped its head in. His dick really didn't fit in Roby's cute hole – just the tip could get in – but he tried! Over and over he dipped in, in a slow fucking motion, pushing to the very bottom of his belly button. All the while his cock kept getting larger. This gave Roby no feeling of pleasure – it's violence hurt, and every time he thrust down, faster and faster with that rock hard pecker, it pounded his belly and knocked the air out of him. After a few minutes of this obscene torture, Kennedy yet out an animal yell and orgasmed right in Roby's navel. Wave after wave of sticky white cum filled and overflowed his sweet belly button. Then the pervert reached down and began to spread the cum all over his belly. Roby's shame was complete and he began to cry.

Chapter 12: Nipples

If Roby expected any pity for his crying from the pervert crowd watching his humiliations, he was very wrong. The crowd loved every minute of it. After Kennedy got off the little boy, they stared at his belly, still glistening from the cum just rubbed into it. His erection was now gone, replaced by pain in his stomach – pain from bruises. After a while, the attendants came over to the table and released the weeping boy's wrists and ankles and lifted him up so he was sitting with his legs over the side of the table. He self-consciously rubbed some of the cum out of his navel and tried to rub it off his stomach. His g-string was obscenely stained with both his and Kennedy's cum. He had a few minutes of rest – time to think of what was going to happen to him next. He figured his nipples would be next on display, and boy was he right.

Roy then commanded the little boy to stand up in the spotlight, which Roby did. Then he was told to lift what was left of his turtleneck up to his neck and hold it there. Roby knew how the audience would respond to this action, but he had no choice but to comply. He grabbed the shirt just below his ribcage and lifted it, showing his pretty tits to the wolfish crowd – and what a sight they were. They were unusually large – about the size of half-dollars – and very pink. They were indistinctly outlined on his boyish chest and perfectly flat – no sign of erection or pointedness. In fact, they almost were indented inward, with tiny white spots in their centers. The audience gasped in appreciation. They were nothing short of magnificent boy tits.

Immediately two men approached the stage and grabbed onto Roby's nipples. They began stretching them this way and that – pulling them out from his boyish chest and letting them snap back. They rolled them between their fingers; they pinched them and twisted them painfully. This sort of abuse was both erotic and painful to Roby – but pain took over any pleasure. The flat pink buds now were an angry red and protruded from his chest. Then two other men came up to do their part in arousing the poor little boy's tits. They fastened their mouths to the nubins and chewed and suckled. Their tongues tickled all around the tit flesh, only to be replaced by painful chewing and sucking. It took all the will power Roby had to keep his hands away from his chest – to push those obscene mouths away from this never-before-seen or touched area of the little boy's body. When they finally removed their slobbering mouths, Roby was horrified when he looked down and saw his obscenely distended nipples – red and glistening – sticking a good inch [3 cm] off his chest.

The crowd roared its approval when Roy approached the cute little kid holding his shirt up and showing off those indecent titties. He was holding something in his hand – something that looked to Roby like alligator clips that were joined by a string. Roy came right up and put the clamps on the boy's nipples – first the right and then the left. Roby screamed in agony and he quickly removed them with his hands and made a dash off the stage.

He didn't get far before what seemed like hundreds of hands grabbed him and picked him right up and carried him back to the stage. He was put roughly on the table and those hands immediately went about the process of abusing his little body. Mouths immediately went back to his tits; Hands pushed aside his g-string and were feeling his cock and balls – pulling them this way and that. He could feel people licking all over his body; once again there was a tongue in his sweet navel. His legs were being spread as far as they would go and then pulled straight up so that they were being pinned behind his head, displaying his pink ass hole for all to see – and touch. First one finger, than two were shoved up his ass, but Roby could not cry out. His mouth was being explored by a tongue keeping him from making a sound. Other people were licking his eyes and ears; Roby felt total revulsion and he wanted to heave. Almost the entire audience crowded around and tried to get a piece of the little kid. The remainder of his clothes were ripped from his body and taken as souvenirs. Even his socks were removed and his feet licked and his toes taken into people's mouths to be sucked. Hands were everywhere – stroking, tickling, probing. Tongues made his body glistening wet.

After about a half hour of abuse, Roy blew a whistle and everyone went back to their places. Roby was wailing now like the little boy he was. Roy was not impressed.

"Stop that crying, pussy boy," he commanded. "Now you know how you are going to please us for now on. Stand up."

Robby slowly got up from the table. All that was left of his clothes was the collar of his turtle neck, now stretched out of shape, hanging around his neck and, of course, the g-string, now pulled over his right hip.

"Get down on your knees," commanded Roy. Roby pulled the g-string over his crotch the best he could and knelt down. "Now beg for the tit clamps."

Roby stammered in confusion "Please put those those 3; things back on me."

"Those what?"

"Those clips."

"What should we do with them?"

"Put them on my 3; tits," he moaned in a low voice.

"Tell us all you want them on your sweet titties."

"I want them on my 3; sweet 3; titties."

"Before we honor your teets with our beautiful clamps, you must perform for us. Get down on all fours with your ass towards the audience."

Roby did as he was told.

"Now wriggle it for us and tell us to fuck you."

"I can't!"

"DO IT!"

Roby wriggled his cute ass and said "Please fuck me."

"Fuck you where?"

"Fuck me 3; fuck me 3; ."



"Don't worry – we will. Now, reach back and spread your sweet cheeks."

Roby did. The string of his g-string bisected his beautiful dimpled ass-hole, pink and winking at the audience. Roy walked up behind the boy and gave his ass a couple of sharp slaps, causing them to jiggle. Then he spread his sweet dimpled hole with his fingers, stretching it this way and that. Then he started to feel around inside the butthole, sticking one, then two fingers in and moving them around. Roby yelped in pain and humiliation while Roy finger fucked his ass.

"Turn over on your back and pull your knees up behind your ears."

Again, Roby obeyed. Roy continued his humping with his hand. Then he suddenly withdrew his fingers. Roby just lay there with his most private orifice on display for the audience of perverts.

"Now you may stand and cross your hands over your head again."

The crowd ogled the beautiful little kid again – his nipples still red and distended, the deep navel, sticky with cum, the gorgeous cock and balls outlined in the red g-string, his hair in beautiful disarray, the turtleneck collar the only thing left of his clothes, his absolutely perfect boy-ass, white and magnificent on display – flashbulbs flashed over and over again. Roy walked up to the boy and snapped the clamps on his tits. Roby did not take them off this time – he held his hands behind his head in the sexy pose the crowd loved. He held this pose for a long time.

Chapter 13: Cocksucker

"Keep your hands folded on top of your head, the way we like," ordered Roy as he approached the little boy. Roby couldn't imagine what was going to happen next – but he was still determined not to be raped – somehow. He would not take anyone's penis into his mouth. He began to worry about what exactly fucking in the ass was. He was starting to get the idea. He felt so dirty standing there with his arms over his head, open to everyone's leering – and leering is what they were doing! It seemed so long ago that his body was private 3; untouched. Now everyone was doing whatever they wanted with him.

Roy came up to Roby, reached down and pulled his g-string halfway down his thighs. He then grabbed his penis and pulled up on it so that Roby had to stand on tip toes. "Here – let me help you with this." He took the cock ring and slipped it through Roby's little love-balls and over his now flacid boy-cock. He put the ring in his pocket and continued to pull painfully at his member. "I notice you are not hard anymore. Don't you like what we are doing to you?"

"No 3; sir," responded Roby warily.

"Well, we'll just have to fix that. Let's play a game. Would you like to play?"

"Do I have a choice?"

Roby received a sharp slap across the face. "Don't use that tone with me, piss boy. Here's the game. You've got two minutes to get yourself hard and to spurt your cum all over yourself. If you do it, I will take off the tittie clips. If you don't, we are going to torture your cute little cock and balls."

Roby couldn't imagine what this meant, nor did he have any idea how he could possibly get hard – he was too scared. Besides, he had no experience at masturbating, so he could only guess how to do it.

"Your time begins now." Roby didn't want to find out about that 'torture' Roy treatened, so he quickly took his cock in his hands and began to move up and down the shaft as fast as he could. The crowd was shouting "CUM! CUM! CUM!" Nothing seemed to be happening, so he tried tickling the head of his little cock, but still no erotic feelings. He began to sweat and tried pumping harder. The crowd loved it. Finally, after two minutes, Roy blew his whistle.

"Get your hands away from your cock, sweetie." Roy playfully lifted the still limp member and kept dropping it. Roby was humiliated; the crowd was was hooting and laughing. "Looks like you lose. Gentlemen, to the cross with him."

The attendants came up from behind Roby. One of them put him in a full nelson and lifted him from the floor. Another one of them pulled the g-string off his legs and tossed it into the crowd. Roby began to struggle, not wanting to find out about cock and ball torture, but it was all to no avail. The attendants picked him up hand and foor and carried him over to the X-shaped cross. To the little boy's horror they tipped him upside down and began to fasten him in that position to the arms of the cross. When they finished, the boy was secured upside down, legs spread, to the X-cross. Roby's long hair was spread out like a halo around his head by that position – a sight that excited the crowd greatly. Roy approached the boy, who was now crying again.

"I told you to get hard and shoot your spunk all over yourself, but you didn't do it. So now you need to be punished."

Roy began to play around with Roby's limp penis, flipping it up and letting it fall again. The upside down position caused the little cock to fall away from the tight little ball-sac, which was obscenely exposed. Roy then began to mash the little boy's balls – which got a cry of pain from the boy.

Next he called out two numbers, and the corresponding audience members approached the boy-on-cross. The attendants gave each of them what looked like a short cane fishing pole – only about a foot [30 cm] long – with a length of black cloth attached to the end. They began to take practice whipping strokes in the air and Roby began to realize what they were going to do. Before he could even cry out his protest, one of the men whipped him across the nuts. Roby screamed in agony, but the other man also whipped him. Then they took turns – one after the other, snapping off stroaks across this most vulnerable part of his body. Each stroke caused a jolt of searing pain. Roby screamed and screamed until he could scream no more.

Finally, after what seemed an eternity, Roy called a halt to the torture – at least for the moment. Roby was allowed to hang there, his bright red balls fully exposed, for a couple of minutes until Roy again approached him. He was holding a black band, about an inch [2½ cm] wide with a velcro fastener. He grabbed Roby's balls in his left hand, wrapped the band around the top of the testicles, and pulled it as tight as he could. Roby howled in pain, but nobody cared. Then he was removed from the cross and stood up in front of Roy, who then proceeded to fasten a couple of what looked like large fishing weights to the band which were left to dangle, pulling down on the balls and distending them. Roby cried as hard as he had ever in his life.

"Stop your crying unless you want to be punished more," commanded Roy, as he gave the ball weights a kick, sending them swinging. Roby screamed again, but then stifled himself.

"Now we will continue our games. Since you were a failure at getting your own dick up, we'll give you a chance to pleasure a couple of our guests."

Roy called a couple of numbers out and an old black guy and a grotesquely fat middle aged guy came forward. Both were nude. The black guy was all wrinkled, but had a huge cock, dangling from his ebony body. The fat guy was all hairy and sweaty. He was already sporting a boner.

Roy continued with the instructions. "You are to pleasure these two men, one with your hands and the other with your virgin mouth. You are to make each of them cum – one has to cum on your sweet face and the other in your mouth. You are to drink all of it. Take your pick as to which will be done which way. You have five minutes to do this. If you succeed, we will take off the tit clamps and ball weights . If you fail, you will get a nipple ring."

Roby's mind raced. They wouldn't do that to his nipple! He had seen that on TV and thought it to be gross. No, they couldn't! But he was going to have to put a penis in his mouth if he was going to prevent this – and he had been determined not to do that.

He didn't have any time to think. Roy said "begin" and he had to act quick. He decided to do the ugly fat guy first, since he was already hard and he figured he would go off soon, so Roby wrapped his little hand around the pecker and began to move up and down the shaft. Thy guy moaned in ecstasy. It felt horrible to Roby to actually have to touch that thing, but he kept pumping – then he tickled the tip with his other hand and he felt it begin to pulsate. The guy yelled in pleasure and he began to shoot his load. Roby stuck his face right in front of the throbbing pick and was hit by the first wave of hot spunk right in his eyes and nose. Wave after wave kept shooting out, all over Roby's freckled face. The man grabbed Roby's head and forced it down on his prick, poking him right in the eye, and then rubbing it all over his face. Then, finally being spent, he wiped his prick off on Roby's beautiful hair!

Roby knew his clock was running, so he pulled away from the fat guy and went over to the old black guy. He got on his knees, and tentatively put the tip of the cock in his mouth. The cock immediately jumped and began to grow. He put more and more of the growing prick into his mouth, but it still kept getting bigger. He tried to get his tongue out of the way so he could swallow, but the huge cock kept growing until it reached the back of his throat and he began to gag. He started to pull off the cock, but the nigger grabbed him by his still sticky hair and began guiding his head up and down the length of the cock. He was getting his mouth fucked! His cheeks were sticking out as far as they would go and the action of his tongue got the guy even more excited. Again, he could feel the pulsating action of the cock and he knew what was coming. The guy started pumping spunk into his mouth – it tasted terrible, but he kept swallowing as fast as he could so he wouldn't choke. Finally, the guy finished and began getting softer. He, too, pulled out and wiped it on Roby's hair. Strings of cum dripped from Roby's mouth, but he actually smiled that he had beaten the deadline.

"Very good, sweetie – you're now an official cock sucker! And you will do a lot more cock sucking before we're done with you!" Roy went up to the little boy and rubbed the cum all over Roby's face with his hand. Then he commanded Roby to lick his hand clean. Roby was forced to stick his tongue way out to accomplish what Roy wanted – again he was humbled.

"Please, sir – remove the things," pleaded Roby. Roy took the clamps off and unfastened the black strap wrapped around his balls. Roby's nipples were an angry red and purple, still sticking out from his boyish chest. His balls too were swollen and red from the abuse.

"I have bad news, Roby. I lied about the nipple ring – you're going to get that anyway!"

"NO!!!!" shouted Roby, as again he tried to run aimlessly from the stage. Again many people grabbed him and carried him back to the stage, with every part of his body again being groped and fondled.

"Hold him still," demanded Roy. The hands wouldn't even permit him to twitch. Roy grabbed his right tittie and began to excite it, by rolling it in his fingers and rubbing and manipulating it. Then he was handed a needle about three inches [7½ cm] long. Roby screamed as the crowd laughed and cheered. Roy pulled the nipple out and pushed the needle through the sensitive skin. Roby couldn't believe the pain. Then he pushed a gold ring through the hole made by the needle and then snapped the ring shut. Roby looked down and saw the awful sight – his beautiful nipple now had a ring through it!

Chapter 14: Recess

The next thing that Roy did was totally unexpected by Roby – yet appreciated: he declared what he called a 'recess' so that the 'guests; could get a little food and rest and "renew their sexual energy for more hard-on action," as he put it. Roby didn't relish these perverts all with raging hard-ons again, but he did need a break from abuse, at least for a little while.

The three guys that had cleaned up Roby what seemed an eternity ago came over and cuffed his wrists in front of him. Then they grabbed him by the arms and escorted him off the stage to a room behind the bleachers. Actually it was a suite of rooms – a sitting room, a bed room with a king sized bed, and a bathroom. When they entered the suite, one of the men quickly shed his clothes, grabbed Roby by the hair and dragged him into an already-running shower. The man attached his handcuffs to a hook hanging overhead so that his arms were stretched out high over his head. Then he took some liquid soap and began soaping up the shamed little boy. Of course the man did an extra good job on the little boy's genitals and butt. His hand cupped and groped the cock and balls, all the while soaping. His other hand spread Roby's butt cheeks and the hot soap was massaged into his ass hole. Roby clenched his teeth and danced on his tip toes when the guy's middle finger suddenly went up his ass hole. He kept probing – moving it around in there – it both hurt and thrilled Roby at the same time. Once again, against his will, his prick began to come to attention – he didn't know why.

Suddenly, the guy popped his finger out of his little poop chute and continued the soaping of his body. He took special care rubbing his cute tummy and probing his belly button. His boy-tits too came under special attention, although when the man touched his ring-pierced right nipple, Roby couldn't help but to cry out in pain. The man then let the right tittie alone and concentrated his efforts at exciting the left. The man then soaped up the cute boy's face, feeling its every nook and cranny.

Then he shoved a finger into Roby's mouth and told him to suck. Roby was tamed – he sucked like a pro – first one, then two, then three fingers. The man felt around in his mouth, rubbing his tongue, his teeth. Then he pulled his fingers out and bent over and gave him a long, hard kiss. After a couple of minutes of exploring the little boy's mouth with his tongue, the man broke off the kiss and shampood Roby's hair. When he finished this, he unhooked Roby's handcuffed hands from the overhead ring and pushed him down to his knees. Roby knew what was coming. The man rubbed his swollen, stiff prick all over the boy's cute face and then jammed it into his mouth. His hand went to the back of Roby's wet head and he grabbed him by the slicked-down hair and fucked his mouth violently. Roby tried to pull his head back and he tried to push the man with his cuffed hands, but it did no good. The man guided his face up and down his prick until suddenly he withdrew it and then cummed all over the gasping boys face. The strings of semen solidified and then were washed away with the shower water. The boy just knelt on all fours in the shower, the water running on his shaking, naked body, gasping in horror for breath.

"Get used to it, pretty boy – you will be sucking everybody's dick before long – you'll even be begging for it. Now, get up."

Roby was hustled out of the shower, wet and naked and all three of the men forced him to march around displaying all his charms while they made obscene comments. Finally, one of the men began to towel him off – again concentrating on the boy's most private parts. His hair was combed and lovingly brushed, and then he was told it was time for bed.

Roby was led by his manacled hands over to the large bed and he was tossed like a sack onto the bed. Then one of the men said "Let's play" and all three of them jumped on the bed and wrestled Roby into all kinds of positions – pulling his arms and legs into different positions – exposing his cute bung hole, his ass cheeks, his cock – whatever – all in the most sexually provocative positions. Then they wrestled him onto his back and for the second time in his life, he was pink bellied. One man pinned his arms over his head and the others sat on his legs and then they all began slapping his cute belly over and over again until it was crimson red from his rib cage to his cock. Then they grabbed ropes that had been prepared and stretched his legs apart and tied them to the corners of the bed. His wrists were un-handcuffed and ropes were then secured to them and his arms stretched out and tied to the other corners – he was spread-eagled naked on the bed. The men marveled at his sheer beauty stretched out that way. His gorgeous prick, the fantastic navel, now stretched to form an egg-shaped O, the too-large boy-tits with ring, the blonde hair, the perfectly smooth tummy, the hairless crotch, the perfectly formed legs with soft downy blonde fuzz – all of it stretched out before their eyes.

"Time for sleep," one of them whispered in Roby's ear, just before he jammed his tongue into his earhole. He continued to fuck his ear with his tongue, then he licked down the ear and began to chew gently on his ear lobe.

"Hmm, just like candy," he muttered as he continued to chew. Then the lights went out and all three men had their arms around various parts of Roby's little body. One man lay on each side of him, while the third guy lay down resting his head on Roby's tummy. They snuggled into him and then they went to sleep. Roby, too, being so tired, drifted off and on into a fitful sleep, waking up when a hand would grab his ass or a finger run up and down his ass crack or a mouth go down on his cock or a tongue go up and down his body. Deep sleep finally came anyhow.

Chapter 15: Posing

When Roby finally awoke, he was horrified to find that one of the men was asleep with Roby's penis in his mouth! Roby at first wanted to push the man off him, but he quickly remembered that his hands were tied – in fact his arms and legs both ached from being held so long in one position. One of the other men was snuggled into the little boy's armpit with his arm across Roby's chest. The third man was nowehere to be seen – he must have already gotten up. Roby wondered what time it was. He really had no idea of whether it was day or night or how many days since he was kidnapped. Time was all confused. Roby started to cry when he began thinking of all the abuse he had been through and what would probably happen to him today. He couldn't believe that here he was, spread-eagled naked on a bed with some filthy pervert sucking on his penis. He could look down on his nipple and see that horrible ring through it. The nipple looked a lot better then it did before – it was still red and just a little bit enlarged. His other nipple was back to normal – for the moment. He was realizing just how much pleasure these homos got out of his nipples. The same thing with his belly button. He was thinking that if he had only posed a couple of times with his shirt off, like that kid from Neverending Story, this would never had happened. He felt so grown up when he was acting and all those adults were fawning over him – now he knew he was just a little boy – a boy to be used by hundreds of filthy perverts.

The missing guy came in and turned on the lights and waked his friends. Roby was untied and dragged out of bed. Luckily, no cuffs were put on him and he was allowed to go into the bathroom by himself. He washed himself completely, with special attention to his cock and balls and his lower belly, where he tried to scrub the saliva off left by the sleeping guy. He touched his right tit gently, being relieved that it didn't feel too bad. "If my mother could see me now," he thought to himself, "she'd die!"

One of the men came into the bathroom and grabbed him by the hair and pulled him out. "Breakfast, sweetie." Roby was shocked to see a doggie dish in the middle of the floor filled with what looked like dog food. "Get down on all fours and eat like the cute puppy you are – and no hands – and you'd better eat it all – we don't waste food here." Roby began to cry hard as he got down on his hands and knees. He bent down and tentatively tasted the food with his tongue. Suddenly there was a loud crack and Roby felt a burning pain across his butt – one of the guys had whipped him with a leather belt. "EAT!" he shouted. At that, Roby gobbled all the food.

After 'breakfast,' one of his captors roughly washed Roby's now-greasy face with a warm, wet wash cloth and then one of the other guys snapped what looked like a thick dog collar around his neck. The collar was black with silver spikes all the way around. There was a ring attached to the front of it. Once attached, the three guys all seemed to admire their handiwork. All three were obviously becoming sexually excited, which scared the shit out of Roby.

"Time to get dressed," said the leader of the group. He brought out a pair of red stockings which he told Roby to put on. These weren't ordinary stockings – they went all the way up his legs to his ass! When he had them on, his captors made him parade around while they took turns whistling at him and pinching or slapping his ass. Then one of the guys grabbed him in a headlock while one of the other guys put lipstick on his lips. When they were through, they stood him in front of a mirror and he was shocked to see how sexy he looked. The red socks seemed to accentuate the length of his legs and the whiteness of his ass, as well as the beauty of his cock and balls. Roby could imagine how the pervert mob would respond to him dressed like this. Finally, it was time to go. The handcuffs were again put on his wrists in front of him and a leash was attached to his collar and he was led by the leash back into the auditorium to be deflowered.

The crowd roared their approval when they caught site of Roby. Roy was on the stage to welcome him back for "more fun and games." Roy dropped his hands to Roby's groin and he began to fondle him. Roby danced on his toes as his cock and balls were manipulated, but he didn't try to protect himself with his cuffed hands – he had learned.

When Roy finished the feeling thing, he then told Roby that it was time to pose again. He was given a plush pig toy to hold in various poses while the cameras snapped. He was told to spread his legs; to cup his balls; to show his ass; to massage his tits; to pull on his cock; to bend over and spread his cheeks; to get down on all fours and spread his cheeks; to lay on his back and spread his cheeks. All these things Roby did like a pro. Then Roby was told to get on his back and to wack himself off. He was told that they wanted his prick to point straight towards the ceiling. He was threatened with punishment if he didn't succeed. Roby lay there in front of everyone pumping for all his life on his little cock. He was happy when his little dick began to harden. Finally, Roby succeeded – his cock red and throbbing – hard as a rock – about three inches [7½ cm] pointing straight up as he had been instructed. The crowd chanted "Woody 3; woody" while Roby was told to smile as he was photographed over and over again.

Next four attendants came over and grabbed Roby by his arms and legs and they carried him over to where a pole, about three inches [7½ cm] thick and ten feet [3 m] long, lay on the floor. They put him down and tied his ankles and wrists to the pole. Then they picked up the pole and carried Roby like some prisoner of African natives. They carried him – all red and white – over to a far side of the stage where there was a frame-like contraption into which the pole fit, suspending the helpless boy about three feet [90 cm] high in the air. The pain of bearing all his weight on his wrists and ankles hurt quite a bit, but not as much as the chosen group of about twenty crazed perverts that now descended upon him. Once again, no part of his helpless body was off limits – hands went immediately to his groin and his cock and balls were tugged and stretched; tickled and massaged. Other hands went to his soft stomach and ran up and down his chest. His nipples again were massaged and rolled; pinched and stretched – including his painful ring-pierced right tit. His head was pulled down as far as it would stretch and he could feel, through his tightly closed eyes, the fact that there were pricks rubbing all over his face and eyes, leaving sticky pre-cum all over him. Then one of the pricks found its way into his mouth and rammed itself in all the way over and over. He tried to squeal through this invasion when he felt his ass cheeks being sometimes massaged and sometimes slapped by many hands.

Then he felt his cheeks being spread and something hard pressed up against his anus. Roby tried to open his eyes to see what they were doing at just about the same time as everyone stepped back from him, the prick removed from his slobbering mouth, and all the hands touching him removed – except, that is, for his ass. The whole group had moved down to watch what was happening. Roby tried to lift his head to see, and what he saw terrified him – it was a fake cock, about a foot [30 cm] long, and real thick, black in color. When Roby realized what was going to happen he screamed "NOOO!" and then the pain of deflowerment began.

Chapter 16: Prepared to be Fucked

"Now we will get you ready to have your ass properly fucked."

It was Roy speaking amid the roaring approval of the crowd. Roby was scared to death. A couple of the attendants untied the shaking little boy's ankles from the bar and immediately each guy took a leg and pulled them back and apart as far as they would go. The crowd now had a great view of Roby's pink little asshole, stretched as far open as it would go. It was oval shaped and it kind of winked at the aroused audience. Roy took the fake prick and pressed its head into the hole. Roby started to wriggle as much as he could, but countless hands grabbed him and held him perfectly still. Roy began to press the shaft in the tiny hole causing Roby to scream at the top of his voice. The crowd loved it. The boy bucked with all the strength that he could muster, but all the bucking and wriggling couldn't stop the relentless pushing of the dildo into his ass. Roy was grunting and pressing and twisting the thing until it popped past the sphincter and started moving up his his poop chute.

Roby was screaming at the top of his lungs, but that just seemed to excite the crowd more. Finally, after about five inches [12½ cm] had gone up his ass, the hands released the boy and his legs were put down on the ground. His hands, too, were released from being tied to the pole, but not for long. His hands were immediately handcuffed to the ring at the front of the collar he was wearing around his neck. The tortured little kid was now free to run and jump and do what he could to get that dildo out of his ass. With his hands cuffed to his neck, he couldn't use them to get it out. The crowd laughed uproariously as he wriggled his ass, hoping it would fall out. The beautiful nude blonde kid with his alabaster, flawless skin and the bright red stockings up to his hips was a magnificent sight. His flacid cock and balls jiggled alluringly as he contorted to get rid of the fake prick. Finally, he rolled about on the floor, arching and twisting – but nothing helped – and the crowd loved it. Tears rolled down Roby's face as flashbulbs popped – more fodder for the internet.

After what seemed like an eternity, Roby rolled on to his stomach and tried to stay as still as he could. This, too, was an extremely sexy sight – the perfect globes of his beautiful little ass holding that plastic prick so that it pointed straight up! Then the attendants lifted him up by his arms and walked him over to what looked like a pummel horse – one of those things that gymnasts vault over. It was just high enough that Roby could lean over on it, with his cute tummy bent over the leather padding. His hands were uncuffed and immediately secured by leather cuffs to the legs of the horse. His legs were pulled apart as far as they would go again and secured in the same way to he legs of the horse. Then the dildo was roughly jerked out of his butt. He was now ready to be deflowered.

Roy began to question: "Roby, do you know what I am going to do to you?"

Roby thought through his haziness and responded "You are going to stick your thing into my butt."

"No, that's not a good description of what I'm going to do. For not saying it right, you deserve to be punished. Gentlemen 3; ."

No sooner did he say that then two audience members came up and started spanking him as hard as they could with their hands. Within just a minute or two, his ass cheeks were a bright red.

"Now, what am I going to do to you?"

"You're 3; you're 3; going to fuck my ass."

"That's right – I am going to stick my prick up your tight little ass. I'm going to ram it in and out over and over again. I'm going to explore every warm little inch of your asshole. I'm going to make you scream until you beg me for more. Then I'm going to shoot my cum into your ass until it overflows. Then, after I finish, everyone will get a chance to fuck you – in your ass, in your mouth, in your ears, in your belly button, in your arm pits – everyplace on your cute little body that can hold a hot throbbing prick. And do you know why I'm going to enjoy doing this?"

"Because you wanted to see my belly button?"

"No, because you're so damn pretty – and you've got such a pretty little ass!"

Chapter 17: Fucked

Roby's head was spinning when he heard Roy's plans for his ass – he couldn't begin to think how he was going to survive this. His ass was still burning from the dildo abuse, and his arms and legs hurt from being stretched into such an uncomfortable – and vulnerable position. He tried, but he could not move at all. There wasn't anything he could do to stop the ass fucking that he knew was coming. He resolved to take it like a man – no more screaming – and he would certainly never give them the satisfaction of begging for more.

Roby felt Roy's fingertips begin to softly run up and down his ass cheeks. He kind of tensed them and got a good slap on his right butt cheek for the effort.

"Your sweet ass is mine – don't you move it without my permission."

Roy then went into a gentle rubbing up and down the flanks of his back. Back and forth went his hands, then they massaged his butt cheeks and slowly moved down his legs. The hands gently pushed the red stockings down to mid calf and then the rubbing intensified up and down the insides of his creamy thighs. Then the hands found his genitals and began rubbing them. After a while, erotic feelings began to arise deep within Roby and his boy-cock began to jump. Roby hated himself for getting hard knowing what was going to happen. Finally, Roy's hands returned to his butt and he started pulling at and molding the white cheeks of his boy-ass.

Roby could see a couple of fat old men come up from the audience. One of them bent down and roughly kissed the beautiful kid on his lips. Then they walked behind him and he felt them each take one of his butt cheeks and pull them apart. Then he felt Roy's hand roughly rubbing his ass hole. As part of the rubbing, the guy stuck most of his fingers up his ass as far as he could. Roby couldn't help it – he screamed again. It didn't help, though. The fingers continued to stretch his little hole. Then he felt the fingers removed and he felt the man's prick rubbing up and down his ass crack. He laid his prick in the crack lengthwise and the men released his ass cheeks to form a kind of bizarre hot dog!

Then he felt his cheeks spread again and this time the tip of Roy's hard cock went to the entrance of his ass. Roy put his hands on Roby's hips and then, with an animal grunt, he jammed his cock in right to the hilt with one huge lunge. Roby never felt pain like that. He screamed that he was being ripped apart – and that's what it felt like. Roy pulled his cock out almost all the way, then jammed it home again. Again and again he did this. At one point, with his cock fully inserted, he lay on top of the small boy's back and he began to chew on his neck. Then he seemed to get more energy, so he pulled out again, grabbed a handful of hair and rammed in again. The tears were flowing freely down Roby's freckled face – his face contorted with pain. He jerked his head back and forth, his hair shooting through the air. But no matter how much he struggled, the man-cock continued its piston-like ravaging of Roby's no-longer virgin ass.

Finally, Roy let out a scream of his own and he emptied his horse-cock into the little boy's bowels. The crowd roared its approval.

Chapter 18: Gang-banged

Not only was Robby humiliated, but his ass hurt – a lot. It was an indescribable pain. Roby could feel liquid running down his legs and was sure that it was blood.

An attendant released Roby's wrists and ankles from their restraints and he was straightened up and walked to the center of the stage – in the spotlight. Roby was again ordered to assume the position of folding his arms over his head so that everyone could see him completely. The crying blonde boy looked beautiful – and beaten. He was crying freely. His blonde hair was disheveled, his red socks disarrayed and bunched on his calves. His magnificent large tits and deep navel were still attractive, and his boy-cock and balls, though unaroused, were still jewels. But what the crowd wanted to see was the mixture of blood and sperm dripping from his cute little no-longer-virgin ass. Roby could see it now, and the tears running down his freckled face flowed as he realized he was hurt. He would not get much rest, however.

"Boy-slut," Roy called, "you are now a true pussy boy to be used by all of us as we please. Don't you want to thank me for taking your precious cherry?"

Roby knew what to say. "Thank you, sir, for fucking me."

"Damn right. And you know what? You were good – very good. Nice and hot – and tight – although I don't think you're as tight any more – nor as haughty! And you will soon be as open as an old whore – for that's what you are – a whore. Now, slut, you will pleasure us. Do you remember the hard time you gave Mr. Kennedy?"

"Yes, sir."

"What did you do to him?"

"I refused to let him touch me 3;"

"What do you say to poor Mr. Kennedy?"

"I'm sorry I wouldn't let you touch me."

"That's not going to cut it, pussy boy. Why don't you invite Mr. Kennedy to touch you now – to fuck you like a dog?"

Roby knew something terrible that would hurt him bad would happen if he didn't say it, so he said softly, "Mr. Kennedy, would you please fuck me like a dog."

"Gladly, my little lad!" It was the excited voice of Mr. Kennedy.

Roy told Roby to "assume the doggie position." The attendant guided Roby in getting down on all fours.

"Cross your wrists and lower your pretty head to your wrists."

Roby did as he was told, realizing that his little ass was being presented for abuse.

"Now wag your tail for the audience."

Roby did this, and the audience went nuts at the sight of the beautiful little boy. He looked very small, kneeling in the spotlight, shaking with fear – and moving his succulent ass back and forth as a dog would wag his tail. His gorgeous blonde hair fanned out over his wrists and his skin appeared very white in the spotlight. His upturned ass invited another fucking. Roby was crying again

Mr. Kennedy knelt behind the little boy and put his prick between Roby's ass cheeks. He squeezed the cheeks together. Roby could feel Kennedy getting hard as a rock right there in his ass and then he felt the tip of that rod searching for his little asshole. When Kennedy found it he pushed it in and began grinding it in further. Then the prick began sliding into Roby's mushy poop chute. Once again the pain was intense. Roby felt the old lecher's hands reach around his hips and grab his folded belly. He then dug his fingers into the soft flesh and he pulled the boy into him. Finally, the prick slid all the way in. Roby could feel Kennedy's balls swinging and hitting his ass cheeks. He could feel his pubic hair against his ass. Then the man began humping him – in and out – over and over again. Roby again screamed in pain. Then Kennedy let out a horrible animal yell and emptied himself into the little boy's bowels.

After cumming and cumming into the cute little kid, Kennedy flattened the boy on the floor and lay on top of him, prick still inserted to the hilt in the boy's ass. He whispered into Roby's ear "You're good, boy – real good – a nice fuck." Then he bit Roby's ear and began to chew on it. Again Roby cried out in pain and cried bitterly.

Finally, Kennedy pulled his thing out of the boy with an audible popping sound. Cum flowed freely from the kid's ass. Kennedy got up and left the boy laying on the floor – not moving except for the heaving of his ribs which indicated his crying. Two other men came up and the gang-bang continued. One of the men grabbed Roby by the hips and lifted him back to a kneeling position. The other pushed his forehead to the floor and then pinned his head between his knees. The guy then buried his twelve-inch [30 cm] cock in Roby's hair and began to hump. At the same time, the other guy sent his shaft all the way up Roby's squishy ass in one hard stroke. Both guys fucked the boy until they came – one in the boy, the other in his hair.

The next two guys wasted no time as one guy immediately plugged Roby's asshole while the other shoved his prick into Roby's mouth. The two of them humped in concert both ends of the little boy. Roby no longer had the strength to do anything but be a rag doll to the crazed men

About twenty men took their turns at fucking the little boy at both ends in the doggie position. Finally, Roby was rolled over onto his back. His arms and legs were spread obscenely, cum and blood poring out of his ass; more cum spilling out of his mouth, his blonde-blonde hair matted with cum. His eyes were blank and he was moaning softly, unaware of anything happening any more.

The next two men approached the prone little boy. The one grabbed his legs and pulled them up onto his shoulders. Then he inserted his prick into the upturned asshole, squishy with cum dripping out of it. It was so lubricated and so stretched by this time that the twelve inch [30 cm] boner slid right in. The only reaction from the boy was a soft grunt as the guy pounded into him over and over, sliding him along the floor. Then the other man sat right down on Roby's sweet freckled face. He opened the boy's mouth with one hand and inserted his balls with the other. Roby's mouth did the job automatically now. After the two finished spewing their spunk into his ass and onto his face respectively, many others took their turns, fucking the boy over and over again.

Chapter 19: Niño 58

When Roby woke up, he found that he had been sleeping on a fairly comfortable mat. He immediately sensed that he was moving, and when he opened his eyes, he discovered that he was once again in the back of some find of truck – a semi trailer truck, he guessed. He also discovered, to his relief, that his hands and legs were not tied, for a change. But as soon as he moved, the pain all over his body reminded him of the ordeal he had been through – whenever that was. It suddenly came back to him what had happened. He had been raped by every single person in the audience at least once. He remembered the savage raping while he was on his hands and his knees. He remembered how he was flipped onto his back and his legs pulled back while he was fucked over and over again. He remembered how they had suspended his body horizontally from the ceiling by chains, one each on his wrists and ankles, and a type of sling around his tummy. As he was swinging there, he remembered the horror of being fucked at both ends and having his dick sucked – over and over and over again – the horror of having cocks everywhere on his little body – armpits, eyes, ears, hair, feet. As he passed his hand over his head he remembered the final indignity – how many hands had held him and groped him while Roy cut off all his beautiful hair. He had first used a scissors and distributed the blonde locks as souvenirs to the lecherous crowd. Then he used an electric razor and finally, put shaving cream all over his head and used a straight blade to remove even the slightest fuzz. He was completely bald and the crowd mocked him, all the while photographing him over and over. The last thing he remembered was a needle being shoved into his arm before he passed out. He had no idea how long he had been out, but he guessed it was quite a while.

"Good morning, leetle one. Eet's 'bout time you wake up."

It was the voice of a man with a heavy Spanish accent and Roby quickly noted that there were two other very Mexican looking men in the back of the truck with him. Roby sat up, noting a terrible pain in his ass. He discovered that he was fully dressed, in a tee shirt and something like gym shorts. He had on white socks, but no shoes. He also noticed something else – there were two other boys, about his age, in the trailer. One was chained against one of the walls with his hands spread eagled over his head. He was a blonde boy, about thirteen years old or so. He had a white tee shirt on but nothing else. His cock was erect and pointing out, a good four inch [10 cm] stiffie. Roby noted a few wisps of blond pubic hair at the base of his cock and he thought to himself that this was another boy that perverts would like – he was pretty like a girl. The other boy Roby couldn't see very well, for he was being raped on the floor by the other two men. He looked to be about eleven or so, with thick brown hair and huge eyes. He had a tee shirt, too, which was hanging loose around his neck. He was stretched out on the floor, with one guy holding his wrists and stretching them in front of him, while the other lay on top of him, with his cock stuck into his ass. The boy was crying profusely.

The third man, who had spoken to him, got a big smile on his face as soon as he saw that Roby was awake. He motioned to the boy to come over to him as he pulled down the zipper to his jeans. Roby knew what was expected of him and he also knew he had to do what ever they wanted if he didn't want to be hurt any more. He immediately scampered over to the man and fell to his knees at his feet. He reached into the man's pants and into his boxers and felt for his club. He was no longer shy about handling hard pricks and he quickly pulled this one out. When he got it out, he immediately wrapped his lips around its huge head.

"Not so queek, peegie," the man said in broken English. "You got to work your way up to that treat. First, clean my boots with your sweet tongue – and squeel like a little peegie."

Even though the thought was degrading, Roby was trained, and he immediately began to lick at the man's boots all the while squealing like a pig. The beautiful little tv star was reduced to bathing the man's boots with his tongue. Finally, the man was ready and he pulled Roby's face up to his crotch and set him to work on his cock. The man loved the velvety feel of the child's mouth, and he began to fuck it deeply. Roby's cheeks puffed out as he bathed the fucking prick with his saliva and tried to suck him off as quickly as he could. He had learned that he had some control over how long this kind of rape would last, and he sucked for all he was worth trying to end it. The man groaned loudly and he slid his hands into the boy's shirt and massaged up and down his smooth back. Then with a roaring "YESSSSS!" he shot his load.

In the meantime, the other two had finished with the dark haired boy and chained him to one of the walls of the trailer.

"That's enough – we've got work to do on heem," one of the guys said. He went over to the Roby, now sitting on the floor with cum running out of his mouth. "Get over there and lean over that table – belly down."

Once again, Roby did not hesitate. He got up and walked over to a little table bolted to the floor of the trailer and lay his belly across it. The man who had just received the blow job came over and applied leather cuffs to his wrists that secured each of his arms to the table's legs. His shorts and underwear were immediately jerked down. The one man began to massage Roby's cock and balls, mashing them into his pelvis. The other man secured his legs, spread wide, to the legs of the table. Roby began to moan with the manipulation of his genitals, and his prick began to grow with arousement, despite the horror that the boy felt realizing that he was responding sexually to more abuse. Roby smelt something that reminded him of something he had done when he was little – woodburning. He looked over his shoulder and saw that one of the men was holding what looked like a branding iron which was at the end of a long extension cord plugged into the wall of the truck. Roby screamed out with the realization that he was about to be branded – like a cow.

"Be steel, leetle one," the man massaging his nuts said as he began to twist them threateningly.

Roby broke out into a cold sweat, forgetting all about the hand on his cock and balls. Then the man with the branding iron came over to the trembling little blonde boy, grabbed his right buttock with his left hand and applied the red hot iron. Roby screached out at the searing pain and immediately went limp as he passed out. The smell of burning boy flesh filled the truck, and when the branding iron was removed, an ugly red and black brand was visible, applied to Roby's sweet butt saying "niño 58."

Roby's days of performing before tv audiences were over. He now would perform for rich men all over Mexico willing to pay for the favors of a beautiful blonde American boy who once had been a star.

The End

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