Chapter One The Deed
I had some pretty odd thoughts when I was fourteen. Okay so many fourteen year olds probably do but I bet they were nothing like those I was having, about being a little boy back in the old days, especially as I didn't want to be an ordinary little boy but one who was bullied mercilessly by well just about everyone but especially by older boys. And by bullied I don't mean beaten up I mean humiliated, in just about every way you could think off from being naked to be being dressed up in any number of weird clothes that boys my age wouldn't normally be seen dead in. Of course all of this was just a fantasy, until the summer I got to spend some time with the Hunter brothers.
The Hunters are my cousins, but we don't see each other all that often, just at family get together and the like, but all the same we get on really well whenever we do meet up. There's three of them, and only one of me, but we are all the kids in the family, and all boys, which helps. The Hunters are pretty close too, so they aren't where my fantasies of bulling older brothers come from, at all, especially as Mike – the oldest at seventeen – is pretty much as good a mate to his kid brothers, as any peer their own age would be. But it is just that which would make my plan so easy to put together, not that this was how it started out of course which had to do with the school they went to St Christopher's.
Despite being very happy at my own school, I'd long thought about what it would have been like to go to St Christopher's as not only was it private, but they had some of the best uniforms. Well, not so much now, as although Jon Hunter had looked good in his it was basically a smarter version of the one I wore at my Comp, albeit with a blazer that none of my mates would be seen dead in. But, it wasn't that uniform I was interested in but rather the older one, that I'd seen in the schools broacher, which was worn in days gone by. This not only had the same bright red blazer with the badge on it, but also a matching tiny cap and, if that wasn't embarrassing enough, there was the shorts too. Ever since I'd seen that picture I wondered what it would have been like for someone my age to go to school in shorts. Humiliating for sure. Humiliating, and yet, so exciting. At least to me, anyway. Which is why I had a plan so I could wear it.
Naturally the only place I would be able to wear such a thing was at the school itself, but that turned out to be rather easy, as Jon had told me the school had a large clothing store, where all the old uniforms, were kept, along with props from plays and the every other sort of textile that a school would normally have. So all I had to do was wait for the next school open day, or fete, and then sneak inside the school, find the clothing store, and steal the items I wanted. I just hoped the door wasn't locked.
On the day of the fete, I arrived with my parents as usual, but once inside managed to slip away, saying I was going to look at the sports events, knowing my mum wouldn't be interested in such things, however, instead of going to the fields, I snuck around the back of the school, until I found a small side door of the large Victorian building that was the centre of St Christopher's. Making sure the coast was clear I quietly opened the door, checked the coast was clear and I wouldn't need my "lost" excuse, before creeping inside, and closing the door behind me.
Inside the school was deadly silent, as most of the events were outside, on the playing fields, and around the gardens. All the same I didn't take any chances, quickly creeping along the corridor and down the stairs, working myself further and further into the school until I came to the basement storage room. My heart was pounding now, as I reached out and tried the door, which, thankfully wasn't looked, allowing me to sneak inside.
The storeroom was dark, and smelled of a mixture of sweaty boys and soap powder. There was a counter across the entrance but once I'd gone through the open hatch, I found just what I was looking for with literally rack upon rack of blazers, sweat shirts, shirts, and shelves of socks, ties, shoes and even underwear. They were all the modern styles of course, but looking a little further I found just what the holy grail with a rack of shorts, and even a few caps.
Lost in my own little world I carefully went through the clothes, selecting the largest sizes which I hope would fit me, and holding the clothes up against the jeans and t-shirt I had on, it looked like I was in luck as I was a little small for my age and clearly who ever some of this stuff had been made for, had been rather large.
In less time than I'd thought possible I had just what I wanted and it was time to put it on, but before that, of course I had to take off my own clothes, which I did with surprisingly shaking fingers.
Standing naked in the slightly chilly store room, I was obviously excited, but I had something to take care of that, in a pair of old style white y-front pants, which were a touch snug but at least held down the lump my dick was making as I pulled on a light grey shirt rather than a white one as Jon had told me these grey ones were used on the younger boys so anything they spilled on them wouldn't show so much. The tie was next, bright red without the stripes the older boys had on theirs. This was tied around under the collar of the shirt, and then fastened in a neat little knot even though once I pulled the grey v-neck jumper over the top it was barely visible any more.
The shorts were next. These I pulled up my legs and once I'd made sure to tuck in the shirt tails, I fastened the catch and pulled up the fly only to be slightly disappointed, that they weren't quite as short as I'd hoped, as although they came down to just above my knee, like normal shorts did, I had hoped they'd be a lot higher than that and show off nearly all my thighs which I knew from experiments at home, went a long way to make me look younger and, of course, was a lot more humiliating as teenagers just don't show their thighs any more.
Sitting down, on a handy chair, I pulled on a pair of the socks, ensuring to get the red strip around the top both perfectly straight and in alignment with each other which turned out to be a bit tricky but I got it in the end, with the socks, just below my knees. Then came a pair of polished, if slightly dusty, black shoes, that fit snugly on my feet, and which I had some trouble lacing up as I just wasn't used to doing laces any more. Especially not short laces.
Standing again, with my feet slightly squashed inside the shoes, I pulled on the bright red school blazer, which I buttoned, before reaching for the cap that in a similar way to the shorts, turned out to be a little bigger than I'd anticipated, so it was more like a baseball cap than the school cap I'd thought about, although I did smile at the thought of just how big the little kid the cap had been bought for must have been. Anyway, I was now ready to leave the storeroom.
Picking up my normal clothes, I rolled them up and put them into a mall school bag, that I'd found in one of the cupboards, and then it was time to take part in the best part of my plan. The bit were I not only walk around the pretty much deserted school dressed like a little kid, but then walk boldly out of the school's back gate, and around the streets, to the front entrance where there was a handy clump of bushes where I could change back into my own clothes, and meet up with my parents as if nothing had happened. Unfortunately, my confidence was to by my mistake.
Slowly opening the door, I peered out, listening carefully. Not hearing a sound I stepped out into the corridor, closed the storeroom door behind me and set up back up the stairs, along the corridor and out of the side door. There was next to no one around, as I stepped out into the open for the first time but all the same I kept my head bowed slightly, hiding under the peek of the cap, as I headed towards the path heading along the back of the school and the rear entrance.
Then it happened.
Just as I was approaching the gate a figure stepped out right in front of me. With my head still low I couldn't see the face of the person but from the clothes they were wearing I knew they were one of the schools older pupils, who had been acting as marshals for the fete. My mistake was not making a run for it, even though I was some distance from the school now, but the other boy was blocking the gate, which was clearly my only real escape, so instead I thought I'd be able to bluff it out.
"What are you doing kid?" the boy asked, in a voice I recognised as that of my cousin Jon.
Dumbfounded I knew I couldn't risk saying anything, without giving myself away, so I just stood there, staring at the ground, hoping that would be enough but of course, it wasn't.
Jon Hunter wasn't stupid, and although at first sight he'd clearly taken me to be one of the youngest boys in the school, by the time we were face to face, it was clear to him that I wasn't as I was, after all, about his height, and five and six year old boys, just aren't that tall. Then there was the matter of clothes I was wearing, and that I wasn't talking. So instead of asking more questions he just went to look for himself, snatching the cap of my head, which in turn caused me to look up at him,
"Jim!" he exclaimed clearly more than a little shocked to find his fourteen year old cousin, dressed like a little kid, "What the hell are you doing in that uniform? Again."
The 'again' wasn't quite accurate as, like I said, I'd never worn this uniform before but Jon and his brothers had found be dressing up in their clothes before, but I'd always managed to pass that off as a prank before, and I wasn't sure I'd get away with doing that again, especially in light of Jon's next question.
"Why are you dressed up like a little kid, and where did you get those clothes from?"
Clearly this wasn't the time for lying, especially as I didn't have one prepared, so I just took a deep breath and more or less blurted out the truth, or a brief version of it anyway.
By the time I was finished, I was very close to crying, not from what I'd been saying as such but at just being able to share it with someone. Jon didn't say much, just listened which was part of his job as a prefect, to listen to little kid's problems. Then, at the end, he told me that all the clothes in the stock room were accounted for so I'd have to put what I'd taken back, or else someone would get in trouble, but that he had an idea that could help me out with my fantasy.
So that's happened, Jon took me back to the stock room, where I changed back into my own clothes, while all the time I told him more and more about my humiliation and bullying fantasies, which he was soon summing up as my desire to be a little brother, or 'new boy' again but it wasn't until we were heading back out to the fete that he told me about his plan.
"Tell you what," Jon said, "You know the summer holidays are coming up and that my mum and dad are going away for a month or so, leaving Mike in charge, why don't we see if you can come over and stay at the same time. Then, while you're with us we could treat you like a little brother all the time."
"REALLY?" I exclaimed perhaps a little too loudly.
"Sure, Seb would love not being the youngest again, and Mike won't care, we can just tell him it's a game or a dare, or a project or something but you could dress like a little boy, and play little boy games, and be treated like a little kid all the time. We can get more clothes from the store for you to wear, and perhaps even some other things if I can work it out right."
It sounded like heaven to me, but there was a catch that came next.
"Of course, if we're going to do it right, then we'll have to make sure that you don't have any option but to wear the clothes we give you, so don't bring anything with you, and you won't just be in the house all the time, but out and about the village too, so others can see you, but you don't know anyone around here so that won't be too much trouble. And, of course, you'll have to do everything we say like a little boy, or else suffer the sort of punishments that go along with the age you'll be pretending to be."
I guess I should have been horrified at that, but I wasn't. In fact I was quite looking forward to it.
Chapter Two New Home
My parents agreed to the arrangements Jon and I had made, and would even drive me to the Hunter's house, and then go on for a short holiday of their own, meaning they wouldn't be staying which was great, as it meant Jon and I could get on straight away with what we had started calling our 'project.' My parents, even knew about the project, in principle, at least, and sent some money ahead to help out with what was going on.
The journey went off without trouble, and we arrived at the Hunter's house, just as the door opened and the three brothers spilled out, to great us. Mike at seventeen was the biggest naturally, and very sporty so even in a casual shirt and trousers, you could see all his muscles. Jon at twelve, was next, his hair longer than you'd think a private school would allow, spilling down over his shoulders, while Seb, at ten was the smallest even with his hair gelled up. However it wasn't until I was out of the car and standing next to them that I realised that he was more or less the same height as I was, and even Jon was now slightly taller.
Mum and dad stopped for tea in that family why where you have to if visiting anyone. Naturally, I guess, the project was the main subject of conversation, until Dad announced that they had to leave at which point Jon turned to me and said, "Let me show you your room. The nursery."
The name made Seb smile but it wasn't until I got there that I saw way, as clearly the small room I was going to be using for the next few weeks hadn't been decorated since Seb had been very small indeed. Consequently, the wallpaper, furniture and all the fittings were decorated in light blue, nursery motifs, that were just right for a little boy.
"There's some clothes on the bed, put those on so your mum can take all your big boys clothes with you, and in the morning we're going to get you some more clothes."
A lump came into my throat, when I was what they had laid out for me, there were only a few items on the bed, a pair of briefs, a pair of white shorts with a red stripe up the side, and what looked like a vest, also in red and white. They were indeed very, very childish and were, as I suspected had last been worn by Seb when he'd been eight or so, in some play or other, and which he had refused to wear since, but if Jon was expecting me to complain about them he was wrong as I was rather eager to try them on.
Stripping out of my clothes, I soon had the briefs pulled up with my back turned to Jon, to try and hide my excitement, although in the end that proved to be rather pointless, as the briefs were very brief, being little more than a pouch at the front and a panel at the back to cover my bum with nothing more than a waist band over the hips, so my hardness was still obvious as it continued to be when I pulled the small white shorts up to my waist. These too were rather too small for me, so they clung everywhere, and I was half scared they'd tear whenever I walked, but at least they were short.
As I'd been putting the shorts and briefs on, Jon had picked up the vest, and was holding it open for me to slide my arms into when I was ready. He even pulled it down my chest, not that it went all that far as it didn't quite reach the top of the shorts.
"Right come on," Jon gathered up my big boy clothes, "Let's see your parents off, shall we, so we can go and get you some more stuff to wear?"
My parents left a short time later, while trying to control their laughter at what I was wearing, and some doubts about if the tightness of the shorts was actually 'decent'. So much so that Dad gave Mike some money to help towards some new clothes, which Mike quickly passed to Jon. Then once my parents had gone, I was given a pair of little red ankle socks and a pair of slip on shoes to wear so we could go shopping.
Mike was allowed to dive the families old car, despite the hefty insurance premiums his parents paid, so myself and the three Hunter boys piled into the car and were soon at the place where I was going to be out fitted for my stay. This though wasn't, a children's clothes shop but rather St Christopher's school and the very clothing store where I'd stolen the uniform from, only this time we had permission.
"Hi Jon, been expecting you. I've got all the bits you wanted?" The boy who spoke was, Jon explained the one in charge of the store at least amongst the pupils, so he could get us the stuff we wanted without getting anyone in trouble and clearly he knew what was going on as he had a couple of bags of things already prepared on top of the counter when we arrived, all the same Jon gave him a low down on what was going to happen.
"This is my cousin Jim who wants to know what it's like to be a little kid, so were going to pick out some clothes that are really for little kids, say someone about seven or eight and in as many styles as you can manage."
"Sure thing," the boy picked up a tape measure, "Let's see what size he is"
A few minutes later once the tape had been over various parts of my body, the stock room boy, announced something I already knew that I was small for my age, and could probably fit into clothes for a large ten year old before adding the thing I wanted to hear that this meant he did have some of the more childish clothes that would fit me. He then directed Seb's attention to the correct part of his store so he could have a look around while Jon went through the bags that had been pre-prepared.
I was both excited and nervous as my cousin took items out of the bag, counting them off, starting with several pairs of T-bar shoes, in both brown and black, a set of slippers with cartoon characters on the toe, some Wellington boots. Then came various packs of socks in different colours and lengths, and a similar amount of vests, and briefs.
Meanwhile Seb and the storekeeper had started to assemble clothes for me, the first being a version of the uniform I'd already worn, only this one looked to be more in keeping with what I'd had in mind all along, as the shorts were much smaller. Then came a boy scout uniform, but in blue rather than the green I was expecting, but complete with garters, kerchief and another little cap. A sports kit followed, consisting of plain white shorts, and vest to go with the plimsolls I already had. Some Khaki shorts were selected for 'best', with a matching jacket. And finally a set of leather shorts, lederhosen appeared and were added to the pile.
"Right then, let's get you dressed shall we Jamie?"
"Jamie?" I asked in reply to Jon's question.
"Yes that's you're little boy name, now come on, get your clothes of."
There was no changing room in the stock room, and clearly I wasn't intended to use one as after all little boys aren't meant to be shy about being naked, especially amongst other boys, so I just took off what I was wearing there and then, in the middle of the stock room, much to the amusement of the stock boy, if not Seb and Jon too, although they'd both seen me naked before, which the other boy hadn't.
"Vest and pants first," Jon said, picking up the items from the counter and rather ignoring the fact I'd just been wearing both of the same, although nothing like the ones I was going to be putting on as they were both white and small, but at least they covered more than the previous briefs had. A grey shirt followed that felt familiar allowing me to realise I was putting on the same uniform that I'd stolen, but this time I just knew it was going to be better.
It was an odd sensation being dressed by another boy, at least for me it was, although Jon didn't seem to be bothered at all, but then I guessed he'd had to do this with younger boys before, so he was very efficient at not just putting the clothes on my but fastening them up as well, which isn't easy when you're doing it to someone else.
Soon the shirt, was on, the tie was tied around my neck and the jumper was being pulled down. Then I was told to sit down and socks were put on my feet, followed by the first change from what I'd worn previously. The black shoes weren't used but instead a pair of T-bar strap shoes were slipped onto my feet and the buckle fastened what seemed to be a bit too tightly, but when I stood up, I found that unlike the other shoes, these were a perfect fit.
The shorts came next, Jon feeding my shoed feet through the leg holes and then pulling them sharply up to my waist, where he tucked in my shirt, before fastening the clasp around my waist, and ran the zipper up. Like with the shoes, these shorts were a much better, and shorter fit than the others I'd worn as they showed off a lot more of my legs, Nearly all of my legs in fact, as they only came to the very top of my thighs, leaving a good clear section of my legs bare before my socks covered up the parts below my knees.
Standing once more the final too parts were added, the blazer and the cap. Both fitted better than last time but for different reasons. The blazer had been picked to be slightly large for me, so it would make me look younger, and smaller inside it, while the cap was an old fashioned one, and about as different from a baseball cap as it could be, while still being a cap.
"Perfect," Jon said when he was done, before turning to mock his little brother, "Hey, Seb, would like to wear this stuff?"
"No chance," the ten year old scoffed, "No one outside of first year wears that stuff any more."
"Anyway, Jamie what do you think of your new look?"
The store boy wheeled a full-length mirror out so I could look at myself and it was a shock that was so much better than anything I'd have been able to dream off before. Reflected back at me was what appeared to be cute little boy about to have his first day at 'big' school, even if the whiteness of my thighs did rather give away that I wasn't as used to wearing shorts as perhaps I should be. Other than that though it was perfect.
While I stood admiring myself, Jon, Seb and the store boy put everything we'd collected into bags, which Mike was told to load into the car. However just before we left I heard Jon say to the stock boy that we'd be back later for the 'other stuff'.
We emerged from the school and I was slightly shocked to see that Mike and the car were no longer there only to be informed that we were going to walk home. "Like this?" I asked, gesturing down at what I was wearing.
"Of course, that's the entire point isn't it so that people get to see you."
It was what I'd agreed to, although as things turned out we didn't actually see anyone for the entire trip home.
Chapter Three Cleaning Up
"I think," Jon, announced when they got back to the house, "That to save time, we'll get little Jamie ready for bed, before tea."
There was no argument even though it was only just gone the middle of the afternoon, although Jim did catch a rather strange look exchanged between the youngest and oldest of the Hunter brothers, with Seb smirking rather wildly, while Mike – who had yet to actually speak to the visitor – just shrugged his shoulders, as if he wasn't entirely sure what his brothers were up to, or if he did, he wanted nothing to do with it.
With his blazer and school cap hung up on beside the front door, Jim was lead up to his bedroom where he was told to take off his outer clothes, only to be told, whilst he was doing it, that he was making too much mess and that, from now on, he would have to be checked whenever he changed his clothes.
Once down to just his vest and underpants, Jim was led into the not into the same bathroom that he'd always used before when he visited but one next to the nursery he was now going to be staying in. This though wasn't like any other bathroom he'd ever been in as it was missing a toilet, and while it did have both a bath and a shower, those too weren't like anything he'd seen before. The bath was large, and standing alone from the walls so there was room all the way around it, while the shower, was more of a wet room arrangement, as there was just a shower head poking out of a tiled wall with a drain set into the floor. Neither bath nor shower had any curtains or walls to hide his privacy around them, but that wasn't what caught Jim's attention most of all, as that was the table, that took up the centre.
"This was here when we moved in," Jon explained, "the kid who lived here back then had some 'issues' that this took care off.
The table looked a bit like an oversized baby changing table only not quite as it had a rubber covered padded top section, but also anther part for the legs to go, whilst in the middle was a ribbed section – also in rubber – that led to a drain right under what had to be the seating part, of the table. Along both sides were various bits and pieces of tubing, and instruments.
I think we'd best have your vest off too, as we don't want to get it wet do we?" Jon asked, but not in a way that required a question, especially as he was already holding the bottom of the other boy's vest, and lifting it up over his head. Almost be reflex Jim raised his arms and allowed himself to be stripped down to his underpants. Not that he'd bee keeping those for much longer.
"Right hop up onto the table." He was told, and he did, albeit with some difficulty, as the table was quite high, meaning he had to turn his back to it, and then boost himself up with his arms until he was sitting in the correct spot, before leaning backwards, with the cold rubber padding on his back and legs feeling strange, if better than the ridged part he was sitting on.
Whilst Jim was getting comfortable, Jon was busy putting a apron on, over his clothes, which did little to make his cousin relax further, so the twelve year old slipped out of character for a moment to remind Jim that this was his idea, and that, no one was going to hurt him.
Pulling on a pair of rubber gloves, Jon started to fiddle with things at the side of the table, until there was the clear sound of running water, although just where it was coming from, Jim wasn't entirely sure at the moment. His thoughts soon distracted when he was told to raise his hips up to allow his underwear to be removed, leaving him totally naked, and rather exposed in front of his cousin.
"The first thing we have to do, is to make you look more like a little kid when you're not wearing anything!" announced Jon picking up a tub of cream, that he was soon smearing first on his cousin's legs but then, right up into Jim's groin, which naturally caused the older boy to react in the way teenagers do when someone touches their privates.
"I was expecting that to happen, but don't worry I know a way to take care of it."
Despite the blushing he was doing from sprouting an erection in front of his cousin, Jim couldn't help but smile at that, as he didn't think there was a twelve year old boy alive who didn't know how to take care of an erection, although as it turned out, Jon's way was a little different.
It only took a few moments, and some of that was taken up by Jon changing the gloves he was wearing and then washing them off afterwards but by then Jim had nearly forgotten everything that had gone one before. That though was about to change.
Putting the first set of gloves back on again, Jon pulled a shower attachment out from under the table, and once the temperature of the water had been tested, he rinsed off the areas of Jim's body where the cream had been applied, first with just water, then with the aid of a special rough cloth, and then with the water once more, until, much to Jim's surprise all of his pubic hair was completely gone, leaving him once more as hairless as a real boy of eight or nine.
"Right then that's the outside clean off, now let's do the inside."
At the sound of this announcement a boy of Jim's age should have been both embarrassed and worried, but Jim wasn't, he was excited. He knew full well what was meant and that he was about to get an enema from his cousin. It wouldn't be the first time he'd had his insides washed out, although it would be the first time someone else had done it for him, which is why he was excited. He could even feel his now bald private parts start to react, as he watched Jon started to collect equipment from the underside of the table he was laying on, and to extend a large stand from the side of the table, upon the top of which was a large hook for hanging an enema bag.
Jon worked slowly and with a purpose, he knew exactly what he was doing, as he'd practised doing it several times, even if this was the first time he'd done it with a real person, given that Seb had refused to play the part of the patient even though he'd been told he could keep his clothes on, and therefore there was no risk of actually getting an enema. The ten year old hadn't been willing to risk it although, clearly Jim was.
A red tube emerged from the same place the shower attachment had come out of the table, along with an strange device with two deflated balloons built into it, along with black rubber bulbs, like those used in old fashioned blood pressure monitors. Jon didn't explain what these were for as he assumed, rightly, that Jim would already know.
"Lie on you side a bit, and pull your knees up so I can use the lubrication."
A gloved finger was covered in gel, while Jim got into position, this was then rubbed slowly around the entrance to Jim's anus, before it was slipped, surprisingly easily into the hole, where it was once more moved around in order to ease the passage of what was to follow.
When he was satisfied that all was ready, Jon picked up the double balloon enema catheter, and lubricated the inner balloon, which he then, very carefully worked, along with the catheter inside his cousin, with a side to side twisting motion, just like how he'd read in the instructions.
Once that balloon was inside him, Jim felt a little uncomfortable although not as bad as when he'd put some other items up his bottom – not that he was going to be telling Jon about that – as it wasn't all that big, although that was about to change.
"I'll start to inflate it now. Tell me if it gets uncomfortable, but try to be a brave boy."
Without intending to Jon Hunter had slipped into the sort of talk he would have used for a younger boy, but neither of them noticed as they were both concentrating on the either the small hand pump bulb Jon was using or, in Jim's case the sensation of the rubber balloon slowly expanding inside his bottom which had to be the strangest feeling Jim had ever had.
Eventually, the expanding inside him, started to get a little too weird, and Jim told Jon to stop, which the younger boy did, but not before he'd given the bulb in his hand another hard squeeze just to make sure his cousin's rear would be as sealed tight as it could be.
"Now it's time for the water."
The second bulb now came into use, allowing the water to flow through the centre of the tube inside Jon's bottom, and into his colon. This happening time and time again, but at a very slow rate so that there was little discomfort and no cramping at all, until after some minutes there came a gurgle from the tube.
"Wow, it's all gone," Jon exclaimed, genuinely amassed about it. "Can you roll back over."
It wasn't easy given how bloated Jim's stomach was now, so much so that he actually looked like he was pregnant, plus he still had a tube coming out of his bottom which called from some careful arranging, to be comfortable.
"Right then, before we empty you, let me do one more thing. Sit back for a moment."
More items were pulled from under the table, neither of which Jim got a close look at, although one looked a bit like a big rubber ring, with a grove around the middle. His mind soon turning to mush however, when his cousin took hold of his private parts, and started to squeeze them all together, in one hand, while appearing to roll his other hand down them. The sensation was really weird, but not as weird as when something suddenly tightened around the bass of his privates.
"Keep still!" Jon warned him, when Jim attempted to sit up, only to find he couldn't now he was holding so much water in his belly, In fact all he could do was raise his head a short way, and see, Jon holding a sort of rounded cup made of some sort of mesh material that appeared to be heading down somewhere between Jim's legs.
There followed a fair amount of pulling and pushing on Jim's genitals, before there was a comparative loud snapping sound of something fitting into place, followed by click of metal on metal.
"There that will keep you behaving like a little boy," announce Jon, giving the small cage that he'd just locked onto his cousin's private parts a little jiggle. "No more doing big boy things with that any more." He laughed, a little, although not cruelly, holding it up slightly so Jim could see the cage was held in place by a small padlock that secured it to a thick rubber ring that was trapped around the root of his private parts and which, very obviously wouldn't be coming off, unless the padlock was removed.
A chastity devise hadn't been part of the argument, Jim had entered into, but that was only because he hadn't thought of it. Yet even though he could see just how well it fitted into the over all plan, he still wasn't entire sure, what to think about it, as after all he was, really fourteen, and not to be able to masturbate, was going to give him some issues. In fact, despite having just come a few minutes earlier, just thinking about not being able to, was making hard. Or at least it would have done, had there been enough room inside the small cage for him to expand.
Suddenly, Jim had an urge to go to the toilet that wasn't going to be going away any time soon, so instead of expressing any concerns about the cage, he just groaned and clutched at his stomach instead, signalling that it was time to let the enema out of him.
After carefully positioning Jim over the drain built into the table, Jon released the valve on the bulb inside him, allowing the air to come out, and for the entire nozzle, to be removed. Then he stood back, as everything else came pouring out of his cousin in a big, and rather smelly rush after which Jon was allowed to relax on the rubber chair, in order to get his breath back, before he went downstairs for his tea.
Chapter Four In the Morning
The next morning, Jim, or rather Jamie as he was starting to think of himself, woke early from a restless sleep caused, as his mind kept spinning though everything that had already happened to him, and more so, what could be happening to him in the time he had left living with his cousins. He wasn't scared though, although he knew he probably should be, but then this was, after all his own idea, even if he hadn't thought of everything his cousins had. So far though, he'd loved just about everything that had happened to him, from the childish clothes he was to wear, and even the deep enema he'd under gone the previous night, although the cock cage was taking some getting used to.
Jamie shifted in the small bed he was in, once more finding that his overly long teenaged body, immediately poked out of the sides, once more. His bare feet, stretching themselves, on either side of the dislodged covers, pokes as the did, well clear of the legs of the cotton two piece pyjama set he was wearing, and which was a good deal too small for him. The sleeves likewise, barely making it past his elbows, while the top in general left his belly and most of his back bare. The trousers rode up to his knees and were constantly riding down at and across his rear, although the cock cage at the front managed to keep them more or less in place. That though just increased the friction across his privates that stimulated his body to do the one thing it could, and that was to engorge. This adding to his long term discomfort.
Now fully awake, Jamie wasn't sure if he was meant to get out of bed on his own or if he should wait for Jon to come and get him. The rules of his stay had been expanded on the night before, along with demonstrations of what would happen if he didn't follow them. The two younger Hunter boys having got together a daunting, and yet exciting, array of punishment implements, that ranged from an old ping pong bat, and one of their dad's slippers, through to a heft leather strap, and even a cane, although the latter item was of the garden variety, rather than the traditional scholastic curved handle.
Each and every one of the rules had been discussed between the brothers, while they ate their take away pizza and drank soda. Jamie, had just had to sit there, dressed only in the tiny pair of briefs and a vest, picking at the chicken nuggets and milk he was served, whilst trying not to fidget – which wasn't easy with the succouring band of the cock cage, pressing so tightly on his newly hairless, and therefore itch, pubic region.
At the end of the meal, Jamie had followed the two younger brothers into the lounge, where, he was told to sit on the floor, in front of the sofa, while the punishment implements were discussed and, eventually demonstrated.
Clearly Jim Hunger had done a lot of research, into how and why these things were used, as he spoke with great authority and with much more detail than Jim himself had told him, while they'd been setting this up. Seb though, didn't seem to follow what was being said, and kept calling for demonstrations, which, eventually, his middle brother agree to.
A series of cushions were volunteered to take the place of the naughty boy, and were all suitable punished, as they leant over the seat of the sofa, or the arm, or just lay on Jon's lap. All of which was very impressive but still, Seb had questions, the most noticeable of which concerned what was to stop the punished boy from making a run for it. This lead to the demonstration Jamie enjoyed most of all. In which he was placed over the lap of his cousin, who then showed that rather than having him lay over both knees, if he was bent over just one knee, the other leg could be used to lock down, Jamie's legs so he couldn't move. Then it was just a matter of holding his arms out of the way of the spanking.
"Of course," Jim had added, "spanking don't just have to be on the bum."
"Why not?" his brother had asked, his eyes wide open beneath his mat of hair,
"Because only the boy being spanked, and anyone who got to watch, would know he'd been spanked, once he'd finished his corner time and was once more dressed." Explained Jim, "However, if you slap his legs, then, given that he'll be in shorts, everyone will be able to see, that he's been both naughty and punished."
A demonstration followed, with Jamie standing in front of the two while the whitest parts of his upper thighs – those parts usually covered by board shorts – were slapped, to show how red hand prints could be left on the flesh. Naturally, Seb also wanted to try this, and was soon so successful that not only did Jamie end up with sore, red legs, but he had a tear in his eye and a painful ache inside his briefs, where his erection was once more trying to make itself known, and, of course, failing.
That same ache was there again as Jamie lay in bed remembering what had gone on, but he dare not put a hand under the covers to see if he could do anything about it as, for one, he knew he couldn't, the chastity device was both well designed and solidly fixed to him. But more importantly, keeping his hands out of the covers was one of the rules he'd been told about.
Eventually, nearly two hours after Jamie had first woken, Jon Hunter poked his head around the door, yelling for his cousin to get out of bed 'or else' and down for breakfast.
With no clothes to wear, Jamie had little choice but to go to the kitchen in the ill fitting pyjamas he had on, fully aware how they trousers rode up his crack, ensuring that they clung to his body, while the thinness of the highly stretch cloth made them virtually see through. Sitting down had to done careful to ensure nothing got torn, as Jamie was pretty sure that if they did, he'd just have to sit there and eat his breakfast in the nude. Not that he'd be overly embarrassed about being naked in front of his cousins – not even the night before when Seb had got him to pull down his briefs so the ten year old could examine the chastity device and check just how hairless he was – but given that their breakfast table was in the out in the glass covered part of their yard, with a clear view of the drive and the street beyond that, this was another matter.
"Mike has gone out today," explained Jon, as he served up some sort of cereal that instantly turned to mush once the milk was added, in Jamie's plastic bowl, "So we're going to have to walk to where we're going today, but don't worry, I've picked out something great for you to wear little boy."
"Don't call me a little
3;" complained Seb around the chunk of toast in his mouth, before he realised his brother wasn't talking about him, "Oh right Jamie," he corrected himself, before he asked what clothes were going to be."
"Wait and see," Jon said with a smile, as he turned back to what he was doing, leaving Jamie to wonder once more just what was coming up for him.
Chapter Five Walking
Back up in the bedroom, Jamie's mouth fell open when he saw the items that were being laid out for him. The plain white t-shirt with the childish cartoon character wasn't so bad itself, and now were the open toed leather sandals. In fact the latter item was something he'd wanted to wear for some time, it was just the other item, the soft leather, lederhosen shorts, complete with authentic braces he wasn't so sure about. Yes he wanted to wear them, but he wasn't sure about wearing them outside on the street.
Jamie was allowed to use the toilet – which he had to do sitting down due to the way his penis was trapped inside the chastity cage – to wash, and clean his teeth, before he was dressed back in his bedroom. Jon insisting on dressing the older boy himself. Getting Jamie to raise his arms up so the T-shirt could be pulled over his head and down to as near to his waist as it would get. Then came the lederhosen.
The lederhosen had been used in a comedy skit at the school Jon attended, but they were authentic as one of the parents had bought them back for their son, who quite naturally had refused to wear them, and was only too glad to see the back of them. As an experiment Jon had tried them on, the previous day, and found them although rather tight, to be surprisingly comfortable, not that he had any wish to be seen out and about in them, as Jamie was going to be.
Unfastening the two buttons on the front, Jon lowered the flap that covered up the fly hole in the leather, and which also gave him access to the waist button, so he could unfasten the lederhosen complete. The braces had previously been removed, so it was now an easy matter for Jamie to lift up each of his legs in turn, and to place them inside the leather, which could then be pulled up to his waist, where, after breathing in slightly, the waist button could be refastened, holding them in place.
The shoulder straps were laid over Jamie's shoulders, and attached to the buttons at the back and front that would hold them in place, Jon, then spending a few minutes adjusting them until the strap grew tight over Jamie's shoulders, pulling the lederhosen up as high as they would go.
The leather was now tightly fastened around Jamie's waist, which left just the open flap at the front to be dealt with. This proved to be a bit of a challenge, as with the way the teenager's private parts were all bunched up with the chastity device, there was only one place they could go and that was to slip through the fly slit and protrude out the front. Eventually though Jon managed to push them back in far enough to fasten the fly flap closed.
The sandals, worn without socks, soon followed and Jamie was produced ready to go downstairs, where he was to find the rest of his clothing waiting for him.
"I've got everything ready!" announced a beaming Seb Hunter dressed in stylish black board shorts, and black and white, spotted shirt.
"The stuff for his hands too, like we talked about?" asked his brother.
"Yep, got that too." Seb picked up a pair of soft, leather, fingerless mittens, from the table behind him.
"Right put them on him then as we don't want him fiddling with anything." Jon said, before telling Jamie to hold out his hands in front of himself, so that could be done.
Jamie was nearly trembling with excitement, and had he not been in the chastity device his erection would have no doubt burst right out of the lederhosen, as being restrained was one of the best parts of dressing in childish clothes. The part that made sure that he couldn't change quickly back if he was caught, which always heightened the risk and excitement for him. Of course, it wasn't something that he could readily do on his own, as for necessity sake, he needed to be able to release himself at some point once the experiment was over but now he had other people helping that wasn't so much of an issue which is why he'd made sure to mentioned it, to Jon when they'd been setting things up.
His fist clenched into tight fists, Jamie watched as each of his hands was pushed into the leather mittens that he soon discovered were padded on the inside. The gloves came down, a short way onto his wrists, where they could be secured in place by buckling a strap, which Seb ensured he did as tight as he could, while leaving the two rings attached to the leather, free from the strap. Once he'd finished, Jamie's hands were reduced to helpless lumps on the end of his arms, and he couldn't have been more excited. Or so he thought anyway. But that changed when he saw what came next.
The set of white leather toddler reins hung from Seb's arm and all but glistened in Jamie's eyes, as this was the ultimate in restraints he'd ever thought about, and which he'd never thought he'd be able to find big enough to fit him. But as much as he wanted to ask Jon just where he'd found them, he couldn't take his eyes off them for long enough to do so. Not knowing that he'd been finding out before too long anyway.
The reins had transfers of baby animals, fitted across the font panel, with adjustable straps that could go over his shoulders and around his waist. The straps fitted with strong looking D shaped rings in various places and, naturally all the buckles were at the back.
Slowly and carefully, Seb unfastened enough of the buckles to allow Jamie to pass his arms and head through the various holes, before getting the older boy to turn around so he could fasten up all the buckles behind his back, as tight as he could get them. Naturally with Jamie's hand already rendered helpless there was no way he was going to be able to undo anything, even if the buckles had been in the front, but the brothers weren't finished yet.
Jamie was told to put his arms behind his back, which he did, while Seb held a strap around the lower part of his stomach. The ends of this Jon – who was standing behind him – clipped onto the rings on each of the mittens. The strap had an adjustment buckle in the middle, that was now just about over Jamie's belly button, and which Seb was now refastening, to ensure that both of Jamie's arms were pulled, crossed over, behind his back, so that his hands were pulled to the other side, with no slack in them at all.
Finally, Seb produced two small straps, one of which he handed to his brother so that, taking an arm each, they could buckle these around the upper part of Jamie's arm, but only after they were threaded through the rings in the toddler harness. Once this was done Jamie found that his arms were totally immobilised.
"There that will work?" announced Jon once they were done, "Any one who sees him will just think the straps are part of the lederhosen and won't notice that he can't actually move his arms."
"Great." Enthused Seb, himself bouncing a little on the balls of his feet in excitement. "Can we take him out now?"
With his arms restrained, there was little Jamie could do to stop himself being urged towards the front door, that was opened to allow him to pass through and out into the street beyond, but he wasn't entirely sure that he wanted to either. This was just so exciting for him. At least it was at the moment, he wasn't so sure that it still would be should they happened to meet anyone.
As it turned out there weren't all that many people about, and none of them seemed to take much attention to the three boys walking down the street, even though two of them were dressed in standard clothing of the time, while the other one looked like a refugee from an old style Bravian tourist board poster even if one old lady was heard to say how smart Jamie looked with his arms behind him, "like a little prince", completely not noticing that they were strapped into that position, and he couldn't have moved them even if he'd wanted to.
Turning from the street the threesome made it to a large open space, that was to be their shortcut, from their house to wherever it was that they were going and as there were less people around at this point Jon had another surprise for his cousin which, up until then had been hidden in one of the volumes pockets of his little brother.
It was two leather straps each about four feet long, that clearly matched the harness Jamie was wearing. There was a large spring clip and one end of each, with a looped handle at the other. The clip attached to the D-rings on the harness at the back, while the handles were held by each other brothers, allowing each of them to control Jamie as if he really were a wayward toddler.
Now the reins were in place, Jamie was told to walk in front of the brother rather than between them as he'd been previously doing. This allowed, them to keep him under control by pulling back one either one of the straps if they wanted him to turn in a certain direction, or, if they both pulled back, get him to stop completely. This did cause Jamie to trip up a few times, but ironically a firm hand on the reins, prevented him from falling over, which was just as well given that he couldn't use his hands to soften the blow.
Eventually the three boys reached a picnic spot in the middle of the park, that had long since been over grown and forgotten about and was therefore deserted, allowing them to take a rest without anyone getting too close to see what they were doing. At least that was idea, for although they had seen other people in the park already, mostly teenagers on bikes, none of them had come close, just laughed, at what Jamie was wearing, without really seeing the full extent of it.
"We're a bit early," announced Jon, "So we're going to wait here for a bit, but we don't want Jamie running off, so he can sit down here, crossed legged on this table, so we can keep an eye on him."
The table was an older picnic bench made of thick wooden slats, with a hole in the middle for an umbrella that had long since vanished. On either side were lower levels for people to sit, and it was onto one of these that Jamie was told to stand first, so he could get up onto the tabletop. The brothers then helping him down, as he couldn't use his hands, until he was sitting. His long, bare legs then crossed in front of him, like he was an infant in nursery school, in a way that left him otherwise sitting bolt upright.
Jon pulled a length of rope from his own pocket, and explaining once more that they didn't want Jamie running off, proceeded to tie his crossed legs together before feeding the rope under the table through one of the gaps in the slats underneath him. He then pulled the rope back out until it was on top of the table again. Pulling this tight, caused Jamie's ankles to move closer to the rest of his body, but also allowed Jon to tie the end of the rope to his already bound arms, half way up his back.
"There that should stop Jamie from wondering off, don't you think Seb?"
"Sure," the younger boy smiled, "That little kid it totally under our control."
"Good, now we can have a rest but before we do that, let's make sure we don't forget what we've done here."
Jon pulled a small digital camera from his pocket, and took some pictures from all angles around the captured teenager, but although Seb expected Jamie to complain about this, he didn't for it to, was part of the agreement for a record to be kept of what happened, so Jim would be able to look back, and perhaps improve on what had been done at a future date.
"Right then, Jamie, you wait there while we check everything is ready for you at our destination."
Suddenly the two brothers got up and ran off without another word, leaving Jamie not only dressed in humiliating clothes, totally helpless right in the middle of the park.
For a few moments Jamie just sat there, immobilised and wasn't sure what to do. His initial thought had been to shout, but then he remembered the teenagers on bikes they'd seen earlier and didn't want to attract their attention. He was sure, deep down, that Jon wouldn't just leave him here, as if nothing else he trusted his cousin, He just hoped he wouldn't be too long.
Chapter Six The Shop
It was an hour or so later before the three boys arrived at where they were going. But while, at first, Jamie had been relieved to have been released from the table and to finally stretch his legs out, now he wasn't so sure.
Leaving the park, the boys had approached the edge of the main shopping area of the town and, naturally there were more people around making him feel more and more conspicuous in the short, and tight leather lederhosen he was wearing, not to mention the toddler harness and the reins by which he was being directed along the streets.
Thankfully, despite Jamie thinking that they might, they didn't enter the main section of the town but instead turned off towards a much smaller, and lesser used part one the outskirts of the precinct and towards a shop that made the teenager's blood run cold. "One Stop Baby Shop" read the title telling Jamie he was in for something a little beyond what he'd originally imagined.
Without a word the two cousins, directed Jamie inside the door, and through the empty shop, through aisles of various baby items until they came to the counter at the back where Seb rang a bell to tell the assistant they were there.
The assistant emerged from the back room, behind a curtain, shocking Jamie on two fronts. The first that it wasn't a little old lady that he'd associated with such placed, and the second was just how much the youth looked like his older cousin, Mike.
"Ah good you made it here, okay," the youth, who's name tag, said 'Alex' said, "This must be the kid by brother told me about who wants to be treated like a baby?"
"It is," announced Seb pointing somewhat pointlessly at Jamie.
Alex ignored the younger boy to continue talking to Jon, "I see the reins worked out well then, and you had no trouble getting him here?"
"No, this was all his idea," explained Jon, giving a quick run down on everything that had happened, filling in Alex, on all the details he hadn't been able to get from his own brother, who it turned out, ran the clothing store at St Christopher's prep school.
While the conversation was going on, Jamie took the chance to look around the store in more depth, finding himself surrounded by prams, push chairs, cots, highchairs, car seats, and all the bits and pieces that went with being a baby, only some of it looked a bit on the large side but clearly nothing that could fit him, so that removed the one thought he had. For now at least.
"Right then, I've got everything set up in the back room. If you go through there, I'll shut up the shop for a moment."
The reins snapping on his back, told Jamie to walk through a side door into a room that looked even more like a nursery than the bedroom he was currently sleeping in at the Hunter's home. The wallpaper was white, with baby motifs, on it. There was a large high table over to one side, while on the other was a particularly large sized highchair and even a cot in the corner.
"Alex has agreed to baby sit you for the night," explained Jon, "so you'll be able to make yourself right at home back here won't you?"
"Where'd all this stuff come from?" asked Seb before Jamie could.
"It was ordered by some of our special costumers, but they haven't picked it up yet." Alex returned to the room. "So let's get started by getting the baby dressed."
"The baby?" Jamie mouthed to himself looking around, before realising they were talking about him, as buttons holding up the fly flap on his lederhosen were released and the flap dropped to show the top of the chastity device poking through the opening.
"Ah good you used that too." Alex nodded to himself before turning to get some things out of various cupboards underneath the large flat table. "Just get the shorts off and bring him over here."
As soon as Jamie's shorts were down, his sandals were also removed, leaving him naked from the waist down, apart from the chastity device, at which point he was led by the reins across to where Alex stood by the large flat table.
"He's not very big for fourteen is he?" the youth laughed, using his hand to compare Jamie's height to Seb's and coming away with the impression that the ten year old was taller, which wasn't strictly accurate, but made the younger boy smile. Jamie though didn't say anything not even when, Alex put his hands deep into the pits of his arms and seemingly effortlessly picked him right up, and plumped his bare bottom down on the softly cushioned tabletop.
"Lie back, little boy." Alex told him, but that wasn't so easy given that his arms were still bound behind his back, so Alex released the strap holding them across his belly allowing him to stretch his arms out, or he would have had not Jon and Seb moved into position on either side of him, to hold his wrists. Not that this was actually needed as once Jamie was far enough up the table for his legs to hang over the bottom, from his knees, Alex reached down the side and bought two large straps across both his waist and over his chest, tightening them so he wouldn't be able to sit up.
"Good you shaved him already?" Alex noted, with a smile. A smile that got a lot wider when Jon corrected him, by saying they'd used the special hair removal cream rather than shaving as that way they wouldn't need to do it again for some time, perhaps even months which certainly gave Jamie something to think about. Although not for that long.
Picking up a pot of powder from the side, Alex started to sprinkle a generous amount all over the now exposed parts of the boy on the table in front of him, before donning a single runner glove to start working it into Jamie's flesh, paying special attention around the enclosed private parts, in a way that both stopped the slight itching caused by the hair removal, but also to make the trapped genitals rather more uncomfortable.
Then came the thing Jamie had been expecting since they'd entered the shop. The nappy.
Brilliant white, it crinkled and rustled, as Alex unfolded it into a flat piece that he then placed under the fourteen year old, by gathering both of Jamie's ankles in his hand, and then tipping him backwards against the straps holding his upper body down. Then, once the nappy was in place, he lowered the legs back down again, spreading them slightly so he could pull the front panel of the nappy up between the legs, over the chastity device, until it nearly reached up to Jamie's belly button. He then, bought up the two side panels over Jamie's hips, and after first ensuring they were as tight as they could go. He fastened the row or three tapes up either side, until they were as tight as they could possible go.
"Right then," Alex said when he was done, "First off, let's make sure that Baby Jamie has enough to eat shall we?"
Un-strapped from the changing table, Jamie was lifted down onto his feet, with his cousins still holding on to his arms, even though with the padded mittens in place his hands were still rendered helpless and it wasn't like he was going to be going anywhere, wearing little more than a baby harness and a brilliant white nappy that made noise each and every time one of his legs moved, and even, it seemed when he was standing still, which is what he found himself doing once he'd reached his destination. The highchair.
Turned around so his back was to the chair, Jamie only then realised just how big the chair was, as not only was it large enough for him to sit in, but it was also quite a bit higher than it realistically needed to be. Highchairs, he'd always assumed, were made to bring the person sitting in them up to the height of the chair, but this one had clearly been scaled up in all respects from a normally sized one, as just like it would be on a real toddler, the seat was up at level of chest, and yet, Alex still had no problem with lifting him under the arms and plonking him down in the seat.
Once Jamie was seated in the highchair, Alex gave rapid instructions to the other two boys about just how to secure Jamie in place.
First of all, Jon brought two straps from behind the high chair over his shoulders while Seb concentrated on the two that came up from the sides and fitted around Jamie's waist. These all then were fixed into a single buckle, and where then adjusted to make them as snug and tight as they possible could be. These effectively pulled Jamie's upper body hard and fast into the chairs back rest, meaning he could hardly move. But there was more to come.
More straps were then fastened around Jamie's ankles, and knees, securing his legs to the legs and sides of the highchair, which meant that not only couldn't he move his legs, but that they were held in an open, spread, position, that was limited only by the sides of the highchair.
His arms, only recently freed, were now pulled down the outside of the chair, where they two were strapped into place, holding them completely straight and completely helplessly useless, and finally a wide collar was buckled around Jamie's neck. This wasn't all that tight, but it was attacked to the rear headrest of the high chair, so it still rendered him completely helpless.
Once all the straps were fastened by the brothers, and checked over by the shop assistant, Jamie, was barely able to move a muscle, trapped as he was sitting in a bolt up right position in the over sized highchair, while the three boys who'd put him there just stood back and watched, up until Alex announced it was time to feed the baby, at which point all three of those that could, left the one that couldn't, sitting there. Stuck and helpless.
About ten minutes later, Jamie was no longer alone, but he wasn't sure if that was the better option, especially when he saw just what was on the tray Seb was carrying all of which his younger cousin, didn't hesitate to tell him about. "A jar of infant vegetable dinner, a bowl of chocolate mouse, a large baby bottle of milk, a small bottle of gripe water, and this!"
The final item was a large cloth bib that Jon picked up and was soon fastening around the back of Jamie's neck via the tabs that were provided for doing so, while Seb picked up the spoon, clearly having been given the honour of feeding the fourteen year old baby first.
For once, Jamie actually resisted, at least as much as he could, at least until Seb pinched his nose forcing him to open his mouth at which point the food laden spoon was pushed, into his mouth along with the warning that if he spat any of it out there would be 'hell to pay;'. No mention was made of just what this hell would be, but it was enough to get Jamie to comply.
Thankfully the vegetable mixture wasn't totally disgusting, and didn't last long, although it was then followed by the chocolate mouse which had been liberally coated with what looked like chocolate sprinkles. This tasted better, although there was a strange taste about the sprinkles, that Jamie didn't think too much about, to start with, as he concentrated on eating as much of it as he could, even though he did dribble some onto his bib. This though was largely down to Seb doing some rather imaginative variations on the "train into the tunnel" reasons why Jamie should open his mouth, even if some of them really weren't all that suitable for a baby of the age Jamie was now considered to be.
When the two food dishes were empty it was time for the baby bottle, Jon pressed the teat against Jamie's lips with just about the right amount of force to push it inside before Jamie himself could do anything about it.
Oddly once the teat was inside his mouth Jamie found himself almost automatically sucking on it, which turned out to be rather more difficult than he imagined it would be, but eventually he got the hang of it and having found himself surprisingly thirsty, soon drank the entire bottle.
The gripe water came next which like the chocolate sprinkles had a weird taste, but then as Jamie didn't know what this should taste like, the didn't know if anything had been added to it, or not.
The food all gone, Jamie was left in the chair for a few minutes, while the remains of the dishes and bottles were cleared away, before it was announced that it was time for the baby's afternoon nap.
Slowly the straps holding him into the highchair were removed, and with Alex's help, he was lifted back down onto his feet, before being led over to where the cot was waiting for him.
The cot looked like a typical nursery crib, with a plastic covered mattress, between the painted white bars on both sides while the head and footboard were decorated in the same cartoon characters that were all over the rest of the nursery room he was in. What didn't look quite right though was the liberal array of straps hanging down from the cot's sides.
Moving around where the cousins held Jamie, in place so he could watch, Alex, lowered the bars on either side of the cot, so that, between the three of them they could lift Jamie onto the mattress. But then he had a change of mind about something. "I think some reinforcements are in order, hang on a minute." He said.
A moment later Alex was back carrying a second nappy, and a pair of clear plastic pants. "Bottom up!" Alex instructed the cousins who between them raised Jamie's rear off the mattress allowing the second, slightly large nappy to be placed over the first, and taped into place, every bit as tight as the one beneath it was.
A similar movement was carried out a few seconds later once the plastic pants had been fitted over Jamie's feet, and pulled up his legs, over the now doubled nappy, and then into place around his waist, where, once they'd been tightened firmly a small padlock was clicked into place to ensure they stayed there.
"We don't want any leaks do we, baby Jamie," Alex said in a voice so patronising and babyish that it really didn't fit his blood, muscular good looks at all, while clearly being one that he was used to using all the same. "Now we just have to make sure you won't fall out of your cot, don't we?"
The purpose of the cot straps had been obvious to Jamie from the first moment he'd seen them, and this was now confirmed as his legs were spread apart until they were at either edge of the cot, where a strap was buckled around his ankles, and tied to the bottom corners.
Three long straps were threaded under Jamie's body, level with his waist, chest, and just above his knees. All of these had secondary straps that could be attached to the base strap once they'd been buckled around whatever part of Jamie's body there were nearest, while the ends were locked onto anchoring points along the edge of the cot's baseboard.
By the time all the straps were fastened, Jamie found himself lying in the centre of the mattress, with held firmly at the ankle, knee, waist and chest, while his arms were once more pulled down his sides where they too were fastened to the straps around his waist and chest, meaning he couldn't have used them to free himself, even if his hands hadn't still been rendered useless by the thick, padded mittens he had on.
As Alex made the final adjustments to the restraints, to ensure they were all as tight as they could go, Seb once more slipped out of the nursery, and returned carrying a tray of baby bottles filled with various liquids that, from the colours seemed to be the entire range of toddler safe drinks from orange to blackberry. "I though we'd see which one baby Jamie liked best," he announced, as if he'd just thought of it, rather than it having been part of the plan all along.
"Great idea," his brother continued the pretence, "I'll go first."
Picking up the nearest bottle, Jon thrust the teat into Jamie's mouth, and giving it a little squeeze so the liquid flowed not only easier but faster too, helped along it's way by the gravity from it's position.
Once that bottle was empty, Alex picked one up, and showing off slightly, manipulated it so well that it was emptied in half the time Jon's had taken.
Seb himself went third, but was a little over keen in his squeezing causing some of the liquid to overspill out of Jamie's mouth, although thankfully the bib had been left in place, and proved to be more than fit for purpose as it soaked up all the overspill with ease.
The drinking continued until all the bottle were empty, and Jamie was feeling more than a little bloated, not that he got to say anything about it, as not only did he think anyone would listen, he soon wasn't able to, thanks to the baby's dummy that was being strapped into his mouth.
Despite his eyes going wide the first time he saw the large dummy being held by one of his cousins while he finished off the last of the milk he was drinking, Jamie still complied with the instruction to open his mouth as wide as he could, so the bulb could be pushed all the way into his mouth. He even lifted his head, as far as the fastenings would allow, so the strap attached to the dummy could be passed around the back of his head, and buckled into place, firmly enough so that he would be totally unable to spit the dummy out again.
The dummy proved to be the final touch as once that was in place both Jon and Seb stood back to allow Alex to raise both sides of the cot, until they towered several feet above, Jamie's head, where there were locked into place, with a loud click. Then, Alex, picked up another set of bars from where they'd been leaning against the wall behind the head of the cot. This turned out to be a lid, which was place over the top of the cot. Once side had built in hinge that slotted into holes left on the far size bars, allowing it to be raised up. While, at the front, was a simple clasp that came down over a large ring on the outside of the cot and through which a large padlock was fixed totally trapping Jamie inside.
"Here's what's going to happen," Jon stepped forward, kneeling down so that his head was at the same height as Jamie's was trapped, "You are now a naughty little baby boy who's been restrained in his cot for his own good, so you don't come to, or get up to any harm. Alex will soon be opening the shop for afternoon trade, and as it is late night opening you are going to have to stay here, until the shop closes again."
Muffled sounds could be heard from the cot, as Jamie took all this in, but that had, of course been thought of already.
"Don't worry no one will hear you and even if they do, remember this is a baby shop, so the sounds of crying babies are nothing unusual around here, so no one is going to take any notice, and even if they did, without the key to the cot, there's nothing they can do about it. Oh, and did I mention that me and Seb will be taking the key with us so that even Alex can't let you go?" After pausing for a laugh, Jon asked his brother if he'd forgotten anything, which he had, on purpose.
"You're going to piss yourself!" added the ten year old to an immediate rebuke from his sibling.
"That's no way to talk to a baby, Sebastian!"
"What? Oh right? Yeah! Well he is. Especially after all that drinking, not to mention the stuff we put in them drinks."
Jamie's eyes went wide at this revelation, which Jon soon confirmed, saying that even if Jamie had great bladder control there was no way he would be able to go the entire time he was going to be in the cot without wetting himself at least once, and probably more than once. "But then that's what the nappies are for, isn't it?" he concluded.
Instinctively, Jamie finally became to try to shout in protest, as this wasn't really what he had in mind, even if he hadn't actually ruled it out, but yet even as he tried to wriggle free from the straps holding him by throwing himself from side to side, it was clear he had not only no say in the matter but couldn't do anything about it either, so eventually he quietened down again. At this point Alex once more took charge.
"Right then, guys, I think we'd best leave baby to get some rest, as the shop will be open soon."
The boys left Jamie laying there, closing the door behind them, which was then locked for good measure, leaving Jamie completely alone.
The End