PZA Boy Stories

Scrub aka Simon



Instructions to a new master at 'my school' (see f.i. Davie and David)
Publ. 2000 (ANCGS); this site Dec 2008
Finished 4,000 words (8 pages)



Category & Story codes

School Boy story
Mb tbMdom oral anal – humil spank (all implied)


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Author's note

These are old stories and published as is. Theyt were mostly written by one finger typing on software without such things as spell checks. The author is not that illiterate.

Most of my stories are huge gothic tales which are unfinished. The reasons:

  1. The official: Once I have set the scene the reader can complete his taste in his mind and this I cannot do for him.
  2. The real: get bored with the story which has been written for my fun.
If you shouldn’t be reading it, you shouldn’t be reading it but I can’t stop you so just ask your mum! But you better not show her.

If you don’t enjoy reading it – don’t read it – the story will get worse so you better stop now!

Comments welcome through this feedback form, please mention the story title in the subject line. It will be forwarded to the author.

Thanks for reading.


1.0 Introduction

I would like to welcome you as a new instructor at our school. This document is given to all new recruits so do not feel belittled if a lot of it is very elementary. It is also an attempt to introduce a little uniformity into the discipline side of the school. I consider too much a bad thing and a degree of unconformity is strongly to be encouraged but it is important to know what you are diverging from.

It is vital to understand that most instructors have favourites – maybe to love or to beat. I see nothing wrong especially if it causes a degree of jealousy among the other boys. Consider withdrawing a boy from his uncomfortable bed in the dormitory for which you are responsible and letting him share your bed. His view on this does not matter. Over your bed is a sensitive microphone. Its recording can be saved on a good cassette recorder and/or sent to the dormitory. (comment An English dormitory is simply a large room filled with beds and maybe a bedside chair by each) If as a result of punishment, the boy's posterior looks severely damaged please send him to Mr Jones, the nurse, (or in special cases have Mr Jones visit your room). You will find him a useful ally and a fund of ideas. It is a good thing to consult with him if you are interested in pseudo-medical treatments as he can get many unusual instruments and medicines made up or brought in.

Many new instructors ask about having visitors both adult and teenage. Please discuss details with me but I encourage this. They can sleep in the dormitories or the guest rooms but in the case of the latter I would advise a boy to be allocated to sleep in the room with them to deal with any problems that might arise.

1.1 The school

At any time there are between one hundred and fifty and two hundred pupils in all. The school is divided up into sections roughly.
  • Juniors currently 47 on roll aged between 11 and first signs of puberty. 6 dormitories supervised by six instructors. Interaction between these boys and the others is strictly controlled. That does not mean that is does not take place. Indeed it does but the juniors are carefully selected by the adults – the kids naturally have no choice in the matter. Particular attention needed in the case of brothers.
    Uniform white tee shirts buttoning onto white silk shorts. These are very short and revealing. Ankle sock and shoes complete the uniform. In the case of very cold weather a short vest may be permitted. But never any other underwear.

  • Intermediates currently 96 on roll up to about 15 year old. In dormitories of from three up to twelve – most dormitories supervised by two adults who should divide the work between them. Many dormitories have a dormitory captain and vice captain who together with form monitors (seniors boys) are expected to discipline the other lads.
    Uniform is to be decided by the instructors in consultation with me. It should not encourage boys trying to run away – not that this happens frequently and it should enable the boys of the various dormitories to be readily distinguished. A lot of instructors have harmless fun with these uniforms!

  • Seniors currently 30 on roll. aged up to 17 some are scarcely distinguished from instructors.
    Uniform leather shorts, black tee shirts, leather jackets and motor cycle boots. Most have a supervisory role in the school but some half dozen will be under training and demoted to intermediate or junior uniforms status etc. All seniors share a room with their supervisors although the supervisors have a 'staff room' which they can use if they wish for supervisionary duties, sleeping etc.

  • Sick room currently 12 boys. These boys may be from the school or elsewhere and are looked after by Mr Jones and his helpers. Some are genuinely ill others may be recovering from an especially severe punishment while other may be in for some unusual training or the subjects of some experimental projects or simply some unusual pseudo-medical surgery. Do visit the sick room, as you will see various forms of restraint not in common use elsewhere.

2.0 Crimes

While most schoolboy peccadilloes would defy listing without the use of terms such as dumb insolence, it is desirable to list certain actions which might be treated differently elsewhere. This list is thus not intended to be a complete list of crimes but a guide to you of general school policy on some issues. Equally it is not intended to be a guide to be followed automatically. It is rather a guide as to what is normal here so you can chose to diverge without missing out on the fact that this is a divergence from the general rule for which the boy should be appropriately thankful or otherwise.

If you feel other crimes should be mentioned in this guide please let me know.

I have tried to split the section up into the areas of authority. There is also a number symbols eg J4 I5 would mean for a junior the standard crime would be seriousness 4 for an intermediate of seriousness 5. There is no attempt to deal with seniors separately. The seriousness goes from
– = not a crime
0 = not punishable normally
1 upwards more and more serious crimes.

I would stress however the actual crime depends on so many other things eg the beauty of the culprit the type of boy the victim is etc.

2.1 Classroom crimes

  1. talking in class (J2 I2) consider to whom – subject etc.
  2. disruptive behaviour (J4 I7) treat severely
  3. cheek rudeness (unlimited)
  4. cheating ( J8 I9) maybe refer to m
There are many other classroom crimes (eg chewing gum) but good sense will be better than any guide here.

2.2 Playground crimes

These can be separated depending on who is the victim i.e. the person on the receiving end.

  1. Adult victim treat as if it had happened in class etc.
  2. Weaker boy victim, in this case very seldom should the boy be punished. In particular he should not be ill-treated for bullying, teasing, assaulting (physically or sexually) stripping, fighting etc. etc.
  3. Stronger boy victim, Watch for the victim fighting back (see below)
  4. fighting (J7 I8)
  5. loss of temper (J9 I9)
  6. crying (J5 I6)
  7. exhibiting himself (J9+, I8) whether voluntary or not unimportant
  8. cock sucking (J- I9)
  9. getting himself fucked (j- I12)
  10. damaging school property eg clothes (J4+ I4) etc.
These comments apply not only to activities in the playground but also in the dormitory and similar locations.

2.3 Dormitory and General crimes

These include all the other offences as the dormitory staff has general responsibility for the boys' behaviour.

Normal guide-lines apply to the more standard type of offence but certain general points need to be made. Any boy naked for any reason is stripped of rights as he is his clothes. Boys can and do have small placards fixed round their necks which outline certain other loss of rights. Any master can put these on but only the instructor who originally put it on may remove it. It is a very serious thing to change the inscription (J10 I30).

Some 'normal' offences are included in the list below to give a idea of relative seriousness.

  1. Planning to abscond J20 I25
  2. Wetting himself bed etc. J15 I20
  3. Peeing without permission J14 I19 (e.g. in corner of playground)
  4. Asking to go to toilet at wrong time J12 I16 (toilet visits limited to once a day I, twice a day J)
  5. Having an erection when naked J11 I14 (no account to be taken of reason having an erection at other times J- I0-0 depends on instructor's view of boy's type)
  6. Climaxing without permission J- I23 (whatever the cause)
  7. Failing to climax when told I3-8 (depends on time allowed etc., maybe repeated)
  8. Mouthing off J4+I6+, at least doubled if to adult
  9. Refusing sexual services to senior boy I18 (no excuses taken); I28+ to adult

3.0 Punishments

While most if not all punishments revolve around corporal punishment, the time both before and after the punishment are often used especially if the boy is a frequent offender or the corporal punishment has to be reduced due to the state of his backside.

Another consideration which greatly affects the severity of the punishment in the locale and the witnesses. Boys have differing views of this and the same crime needs to result in differing side punishments depending on the lads mental makeup.

There is also a need for variety as far as the adults are concerned and some research work has been done where a boy will be offered two differing punishments and can select freely between then. Thus some boys may prefer to receive an extra six strokes to remaining nude for an extra 24 hours. Naturally this will be used in deciding on his next choice. After all boys are not meant to like being punished.

3.1 Before the punishment

The length of time that a boy has to wait the punishment is important for reflection The effectiveness of this is increased if the boy does not know exactly what the punishment will be. In the case of a serious crime it is not uncommon for the boy to be called to account only to find that the punishment is to be further delayed.

The boy may have to attend lessons normally during this time or he may be put on show by being stripped etc – this can lead to additional punishments. Sometimes he may be locked up in a darkened room for this time or even strapped to a bed. His greatest enemies may even be instructed to take him his food and not apparently supervised.

Occasionally a spectacular may be organised.

The case that springs to mind was a 15-year-old who was a bully and rather a nasty piece of work. He was a dark haired lad with a lot of hair on his chest of which he was inordinately proud. In fact he teased the other lads in the dormitory for still being hairless babes. His instructors had let him have his head even making him dormitory captain. He had abused his position – with suitable encouragement.

Once he was unpopular enough he was accused (falsely) of trying to run away. Before the actual punishment he spent 36 hours naked in a room locked to a bed and blindfolded. He had no idea of which boys had visited him. He was then frog-marched to Mr Jones' inner sanctum. He was sat on a sort of dentist chair and his arms were tied to the sides. First it was explained to him that he was a spoilt little brat and he was no longer to be treated as a near adult. The next half hour was spent shaving his body His legs were lifted up to shave his arse and since a cut throat razor was used he was careful not to wriggle. He had a little hair on his upper lip and the right hand side of that was also shaved giving him an interesting lop-sided appearance. The next thing was he was given a huge enema by Mr Jones – an activity that the man can make great fun for the watchers if no for the lad. One dose was not considered sufficient and the fifth dose was plugged in by a butt plug which went right in and pumped up. Once this was done, it was only by observing how his anus pouted that one might realise that there was a plug in place. On the other hand no one would miss the swollen belly.

The next thing he had to ask one of the observers to wank him off. A punishment is always more effective on a well drained lad. Before he was taken out he was very well drained. He was then ready for his public birching. Not unexpectedly he peed himself after a few strokes and had to have buckets of liquid thrown over him twice before the punishment was completed. Not surprisingly he was very well behaved for the rest of the time he was with us especially as he spent two weeks as a junior and never got back into a senior role. A visitor shortly after this birching offered him a job as a valet/houseman and he is still working there.

3.2 Preparation for the punishment

There are a number of decisions to be made about the punishment. A simple check list follows but you may well need to modify this to you own wishes.

Where a section of places in common use is

  1. The playground. It is possible to tie the lad between the football goal posts. This is not visible from outside but is audiblefrom outside the grounds.
  2. The classroom. All the teachers' desks are provided by straps on the class side for use.
  3. The dormitory. Use the door jamb or one of the metal beds (with bedding removed)
  4. Your own room if you want privacy.
  5. The main hall for major punishments.
  6. The dining room for humiliating punishments and to get the boy to show he has learnt his lesson – in a secondary punishment.
  7. The head's study for demonstration to visitors.
  8. Mr Jones area – for 'unusual' punishments.
The Public
How many people are to see the punishment
  1. Just yourself
  2. Dome of the other teachers
  3. The victim
  4. The members of the group concerned – dormitory, class, team
  5. All Juniors and/or Intermediates and/or Seniors
  6. Whole school
  7. Visitors – usually at least once a week various adults and possible new pupils visit the school. The head often wants a suitable show – watch the staff notice board.

Decide between normal, torn, babyish, none – both when boy enters for punishment, during punishment and after punishment.

3.3 The punishment itself

See section 4 for the instruments used but there are other things to decide Is the boy to count? Is he to be tied? Are there to be pauses and if so how many and how long and are you to leave him in the hands of the other boys? Problems of boy involuntary peeing , erecting etc.

Are supplementary punishments given at the same time or to follow? Status of the boy afterwards.

3.4 Following the punishment

The questions are virtually the same as the period leading up to the punishment. It is usual for the boy to be nude so the other boys can take heed. Many boys get erections during the time following the punishment – leading to further punishments.

If the boy's backside is seriously lacerated, he must be seen by Mr Jones, who usually uses Iodine. You may want to consider other rubs for other purposes.

4.0 The Implements

The table below is far from complete.

Implement Notes* Min/max Strokes
Jun Int Sen
Hand N unlimited with Int & Sen used before/after other implement
light plimsoll N 6/12 12/24 12 + often ditto/ as warning or to group of kids
2 tailed tawse H 6/12 6/18 12/30 on each hand – classroom only
  N 12/24 12/36 infrequently offered to boy rather than H
Medium Belt C 8/12 12/18 as warning in class
weighted plimsoll N 6/12 At Will similar to above in gym class (always nude)
5 tailed tawse N 3/6 6/12 8+ for minor crimes
  H As above but on each hand when backside is too damaged
light cane C 6/24  
  N 4/18 8/24    
medium cane C 8+ 12+ Rarely used
  N 6+ 8+ very common quick punishment
heavy cane C 6+ 8+ eg talking in class
  N 6+ 8+ needs strapping down if more than 18
razor strop H 9/18 maximum junior punishment
Eton birch N 8/18 12/36 very severe instrument
Isle of Man Birch N 8/18 12/36+ Used when above is not available as it last from one use to next
Cat N 12/24 often repeated weekly for several weeks
Penis cat N 3/6 4/12 6/24 for unauthorised masturbation
*Notes: H on hand; N on naked backside; C covered backside

4.1 Where on the body

While the backside is generally used, it is worth a note on the various locations.

  • Hands
    A number of instruments are more commonly used on the hands starting from the Roman Ferule (ruler). When the hand are punished, the arm should be held horizontally in front of the body. A further punishment can follow any movement. The palm open and facing the skies. It is safer if the fingers and thumb are together. When striking the hand care must be taken to hit the centre of the palm as damage can be caused if the fingers or wrist are struck.

    It is the school's view that the same number of strokes should be given to each hand. It needs to be recognised that the kid will have difficulty used the hands for some time. This should NOT be an excuse for poor writing etc.

  • Back
    The ancient method of horsing a boy on another's back makes a good tableau as does a beating before the mast but this is all that is to be said for this location unless the others are too damaged for use.

  • Feet
    The bastinado is an interesting punishment particularly if followed by a run! However there are a huge number of bones in the foot and if you wish to give this punishment Mr Jones must supervise. The boy will be tied to an examination couch with the legs tied completely immobile. The thin wand-like cane is used at a rapid rate not over hard but after a couple of minutes the boy will really be suffering.

    This treatment is often used if the boy does not hurry enough to be on time.

  • Stomach and chest
    Not normally recommended. When used a similar cane to that used on the feet will leave interesting red lines. Care must be taken over sensitive areas.

  • Backside
    By far the most common area for virtually all instruments. It is a good idea to vary the instruments used when giving a medium or severe punishment. Even the hand is effective after a birching especially if the buds have not been picked out. The area can be sensitized by a very hot shower before the actual canning. One treatment given to an older boy in front of some youngsters was to give him a severe birching privately then allow him to don some thin shorts over which he was given a hand spanking. The fuss he made over what the kids thought they could take easily ruined his reputation and since they never saw his wealled backside he had no way of explaining the situation.

    As well as normal horizontal strokes across both buttocks. you can consider interesting varieties:

    • Moving round so the whole stroke is on one buttock. beware of the end of the cane or whatever – it can do a lot of unplanned damage From in front of the shoulder caning vertically one or other buttock.
    • From a similar position caning the side of the cleft between the nates. You must have the nates held apart and must cane the far side in order to avoid hitting the cleft itself.
    • From a foot 'below' the arse hit upwards as near the crack between buttock and thigh – a particularly sensitive area.

    There is also a possibility to give a glancing blow from th same position. The hits the more normal area but tangentially and is very painful but can break the skin even if not intended.

    After the punishment you should consider the application of an embrocation or similar. It needs to be well rubbed in.

  • Back of Thighs
    Basically a continuation of the treatment of the buttocks but can be rather more punishing. If the boy wears swimming trunks or shorts try to get several below them as this can be very embarrassing to a large lad. If the shorts are heavy it can be amusing to hit the area against which they will rub.

  • Front of Thighs
    As above especially the remarks about shorts but beware heavy instruments can damage the boy.

  • Inside the Thighs
    A particularly sensitive area especially near the genitals. Easy to mark with quite a elementary instrument and very effective scenery results from a skillful application to this area. Obviously the penis and testes need to he held out of the way. Do experiment.

  • Shaft of Penis
    A rolled up newspaper, a table tennis bat or even the hand can redden this area. Try using a leather glove. An interesting variety is to skin back the foreskin and grasp the shaft and foreskin with one hand before using bat or hand on the tip of the penis.

  • Testes
    Use hand only.

5.0 Sexual matters

There are three area to be concerned

  1. Self gratification – with or with out others present but inspired by boy
  2. Fun by other boys – bullying etc.
  3. Your own fun We will look at each of these seperately

5.1 Self Gratifuication

If this is a 'junior' severe punishment needs to be taken. This includes an erection if not authorised. Boys are expected to exert self control and many adults enjoy testing them frequently. Thus Mr Williams often gets the junior boy of a 'couple' to strip both himself and his 'mate' and then such his mate until him climaxes. If the junior gets an erection – then – Another method of testing is to actually masturbate him and if he gets an erection before he climaxes – You might also fuch him until you climax and watch to see if he gets hard.

More generally juniors are always naked with their hands at their sides while watching another boy punished as this gets many boys excited especially if the punishment is partially or whole sexual.

5.2 Fun By Other Boys

Normally the boy who starts this and often his mates are allowed /expected to get sexual satisfaction from the activity but the victim(s) are not. However you should delay your punishment until the other boys have finished with the victim. You should consider getting them to help with the victim's punishment as it is useful educationally. Boys are often over kind to their victims and need to learn what else they can do.

5.3 Your Own fun

Remember that you can require him to do things which he may find very difficult almost impossible distasteful or which you know he has refused to do in the past. It is often fun to have an onlooker – a carefully chosen boy or adult which will increase the punishment many fold.

6.0 Visitors

6.1 Boy's visitors

Normally completely forbidden except if the visitor is in a similar 'home' to ours when we will organise it carefully.

6.2 Officials

All the officialls who visit have the same tastes as ourselves. They should be regarded as Sponsors – see below. However they should not be given complete freedom to wander but should been constrained by an invisible need to know while being able to enjoy their own quirks to the full with the boys we select.

6.3 Sponsors

We cannot exist without the moneys for sponsors – there are however two types.

  • 'Specific' these have usually placed the son or some other boy in our care and interested in his progress. They will spend their time with their kid ansd the boy's circle of 'friends.'

  • The more generous are our governors. They have Carte Blanche to go anywhere, do anything or have any boy.

In both of the cases the room they 'sleep' in is bugged so we get plenty on them if they should turn difficult. You MUST make sure that they use that room for all their activities!

6.4 Your Friends

Normally the answer has to be no unless they have something to offer the school. Do however discuss individual cases with me. Thus there is the 'holiday home' which only has room for two adults and two kids. It is well away from this site and very isolated.

The End