5th Anniversary Stories |
DēdaTales of a Summer AfternoonPZA 5th Anniversary 2007-2012 Story![]() Story synopsis: Richie and Mike (12/13 yo) find two old collars of slaves of one the boy's father; they start playing (erotic) master and slave in the woods, so the tracking device send an alarm to the authorities. The older brother(s), who saw them playing, wanted to teach their younger brother(s) a lesson and told the slave police that their two new young slaves had wandered away. This is Dēda's version. Click here for the other versions. |
SummaryDuring their summer holidays, twin brothers Ritchie and Mike find two old slave collars and think that it would be fun to play at being master and slave. What they don't realize is that once a slave collar is put around a person's neck; it automatically activates and sends a signal the authorities. When they are captured as escaped slaves, Tim, their older brother tells the slave police that the family doesn't own any slaves. This results in the boys being arrested and taken to the slave police station. The police officers do not believe Richie and Mike that it was all a game. When their slave collars are scanned to check their slave status, only blank statistics appear further confusing the slave police. Clearing up the mystery becomes vital to regaining their freedom.
Publ. June 2012
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CharactersRitchie and Mike (13yo) twin brothers; Tim, their older brother, (15yo);Officer Reynolds (25yo), Officer Rhodes (45 yo), and John Riggins, the boys' father (also about 45 yo) Category & Story codesSlave-Boy storyMt tt – slave/cons mast oral anal – humil (Explanation) |
DisclaimerIf you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place? This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life. It is just a story, ok? |
Author's noteSometimes an author is challenged to see what he or she can do with a story outline. This is my response to the challenge. This story is completely fictional. Any resemblance to any one, living or dead, or to any actual events is purely coincidental. This is just the product of a lot of shared imagination. Enjoy!Sincerely, Dēda Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author at Deda(at)yahoo(dot)com or through this feedback form with Deda - Tales of a Summer Afternoon in the subject line. |
A Summer AfternoonIt was June and school had only been out a week. Ritchie and Mike were already bored. Their father was at work and their mother had gone to a card party at the home of one of her friends. Before she left, she had told them to mind their older brother, Tim, who at 15 was not someone who inspired much fear in the boys. They might go through the pretense of minding him, but in their hearts they knew that, with their mother gone for the afternoon, he was fair game for one of their pranks.Ritchie and Mike were identical twins. At thirteen they were both already roughly 5' 8" [1.73 m] tall and each weighed about 145 lbs. [65 kg]. Their lean teenaged bodies were well developed and firmly muscled from their participation in sports, primarily swimming and wrestling. Like most swimmers, during the 'season" when they were competing, they shaved off all body hair below their necks. Their flaccid penises were three and a half inches [7½ cm.] long but looked bigger without any hair in which to hide. Both had shaggy ash-blonde hair that was that was still cut short from being on their school's swim team. Every now and then, after a shower or when shaving each other's bodies for the swim team, they would stand facing each other and just look at one another nude to try to see if there was really anything that would enable another person to tell them apart. The only thing that they could see was the fact that Mike's navel was slightly deeper set than Ritchie's, but few, if any, would ever notice that small difference in the two of them. One of the running jokes with them was the fact that Tim, their older brother, couldn't tell them apart. Playing pranks on him had started almost as soon as they could walk. At 15, Tim was often exasperated with his two younger brothers. They in turn, enjoyed doing things to irritate him that would still allow them to escape punishment at the hands of their parents. Unlike his younger brothers, Tim favored his father's side of the family. Whereas Ritchie and Mike had curly ash-blonde hair and slim bodies, Tim had straight dark brown hair and, while not fat, was definitely one of those guys who would always border on being overweight. At fifteen, he was 5' 10" [1.78 m] tall and weighed 175 lbs. [80 kg]. A sore point with him was the fact that his penis was the same size as those of his two younger brothers. On the plus side, like his brothers, he was active in sports, but his game was football at which he excelled. That day, as Ritchie and Mike tired of playing video games, they heard the unmistakable sound of a shower down the hall from their room. Each got that wicked gleam in their eyes as they knew what their older brother was most likely doing. The twins had recently discovered that older brother Tim used the shower to mask when he needed to masturbate. Slipping quietly down the hall, they tried the bathroom door and were pleased to discover that their older brother had failed to lock the door. Without making a sound, they slowly opened the door. Sure enough there was Tim behind the translucent shower curtain engaged in the pleasures of shower sex. The twins quietly sprinted down to their parents' bathroom and quickly filled two water glasses with cold tap water. Then, taking the cold water back to the bathroom where Tim was still absorbed with massaging his penis, they positioned themselves just outside the shower area. Tim, absorbed in running his coiled fingers up and down his rock hard cock was close to orgasm. He moaned softly and then could be heard saying "Oh yes, oh yes" and then "Aaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!" As he erupted in a long stream of teenaged cum, the twins poured their glasses of cold water over the shower curtain. The cold water hit Tim in the very act of spewing his seed all over the tiles of the shower wall. Tim's cries instantly changed from ones of pleasure to ones of outrage. "You bastards, I'll get you for this!" screamed their brother at the twins as they erupted in laughter. Ripping back the shower curtain, he stood there shaking soaking wet with his four inch erection still dripping cum. "We're going outside," said a still giggling Ritchie. "Don't worry, we won't go far. Somehow, it looks like you can entertain yourself while we're gone." "Go, get out of the house! You two aren't worth having around," yelled Tim. The twins headed out the back door leaving Tim to try to figure out how to get back at his brothers. All three knew that there was no way that Tim could complain to their parents. After all, how do you tell your father or worse still, your mother, that you were interrupted in the shower by your two brothers while masturbating? Once in the yard, the two brothers looked at each other and realized that they really had no plans for what they would do once they were out of the house. Going back in now would only entail more pranks with Tim and the fun had worn off of that. Then Mike had an idea. "Let's go down to the lake. We haven't been there yet this year. I'll bet that we can swim out to the island. We've been talking about doing that for at least the last two years. This year, we're finally big enough to swim out there alone. What do you say, let's actually do it?" Ritchie looked at Mike studiously for a moment and then said "I don't know if Mom and Dad want us doing that. Still, it would be a lot of fun." Then he grinned wickedly and said to his brother "Let's do it." Suffolk Lake was only about a third of a mile [500 m] from their home. It was really an artificial lake with an earthen dam at one end of its mile long [1.3 km.] length. It had been formed by damming up a small stream but this had created a small, heavily forested island in its midst. From time to time, older boys in their town liked to go over there and party. They would generally swim out to the island carrying some beer in a plastic bag or Styrofoam container and then sit around naked on the island and drink until they ran out of beer. Since the lake was on some private land that had yet to be developed, the surrounding woods and underbrush kept the curious away. A definite advantage was the fact that there were no houses along the shore of the lake to object to a little partying by the younger set. Reaching the shore of the lake, both boys kicked off their sneakers and pulled their tee shirts over their heads. Their board shorts and boxers quickly followed. They stood there naked at the edge of the lake for a moment looking each other. Then Mike said "I'll bet I can beat you to the island." Quickly, he ran to the edge of the lake and waded into the warm, shallow water. When it was up to his knees he dove cleanly into the water and started swimming for the island 150 ft. [45 m] out in the lake. Ritchie followed only a pace or two behind. It was a good swim but nothing for two healthy teenaged boys who had spent the days since the first of the year practicing for and competing on their school's swim team. They reached the island and waded ashore shaking off the excess water from their swim. The two naked young Adonises walked up a narrow dirt trail to the small clearing at the center of the island. There was a small shed there that had been used by the original owner of the land before the lake was built as a place to store his garden tools. Now, it set there little more than a ruin with graffiti on its weathered sides and half of its roofing gone. The boys remembered seeing it when they had rowed over to the island last year with their Dad, but they had not had the opportunity to explore it during that visit. "Let's see what's in this shed," said Ritchie to Mike as he motioned toward the dilapidated little structure. "Sure, why not," replied his brother. Ritchie opened the door and looked inside. Adjusting his eyes to the momentary gloom, he could see little that would interest a teenaged boy. Then a faint gleam in the corner caught his eye. Using his hand, Ritchie dusted off a circular metallic ring that had been lying there for some time. Then it dawned on him what it was. "That's an old slave collar," Ritchie said with surprise in his voice. "Look, there's another one under the first," replied Mike. "What are these doing out here?" "Maybe the original owner left them behind when they built the lake," speculated Ritchie. "We could have some fun with these," said Mike laughingly. "Let's see what you look like with one around your neck," replied Ritchie as he quickly slipped the old slave collar around his brother's neck. "Yeah, how about you," said his brother as he returned the favor by quickly putting the second collar around Ritchie's neck. Both of the boys laughed out loud as they looked at each other standing there naked with slave collars around their young necks. Ritchie and Mike had only lived near Suffolk Lake in Fairview for the past two years. Slavery was a local option thing. Their family had moved from a town that did not allow slavery like the town did in which they now lived. Their parents did not own any slaves, and while they had both gotten used to seeing slaves in the community, neither boy knew very much about how the slave system worked. Both Ritchie and Mike thought that playing with two old slave collars was just something they could do to pass the time on a summer afternoon. Little did they know how wrong they were.
At the Slave Police StationSlave police officer Jim Reynolds was bored watching the monitor on the desk in front of him. There had not been any slave infractions let alone any major slave activity that required police intervention in the Fairview area for at least the past three years. Processing slaves in and out of the system was their major activity at his office. Jim had only been with the slave police for the past year and nothing eventful had happened since his basic training. At twenty-five Jim Reynolds was 6 feet [1.80 m] tall and carried about 180 lbs. [82 kg] on his trim, muscular body. This was his first job after spending three years on active duty with the Army after college. It was summer and he would have preferred to have been at the beach with his girl rather than being cooped up in the office watching for activity that was not going to happen. He decided to see if there was any coffee left in the break room. If he was going to be bored, he had better stay awake while doing it. With that he got up from his desk and walked into the next room to refill his cup.As Officer Reynolds was getting coffee, he suddenly heard the unmistakable pinging sound from his computer indicating a slave was out of place without a permit. This was followed almost at once by a second ping indicating a second slave. 'Crap' he said to himself 'and I thought that this was going to be a boring afternoon.'
Back at the IslandRitchie and Mike were turned on by the thought of being slaves, even for an hour on an island in a lake. The two teens stood there looking at each other with the collars around their necks. Then Ritchie reached out his hand and slowly ran it over the collar on his brother. It was smooth and strangely warm to the touch."That's strange," said Ritchie. "That collar is warm to the touch. It's almost like it's really working." Mike stretched out his arm and felt of his brother's collar. "It is kind of warm. Maybe that's because it was in that shed and exposed to the sunlight. After all, part of the roof is gone and it is summer." "Yeah, that's probably it," said Ritchie. "You want to take turns being each other's slave?" suggested Mike. "Sure, why not?" Then he stooped down and picked up a small pebble from the ground. "Guess in which hand I have this pebble. Guess right and you can be the master first. Guess wrong and I get to be the master first," said the boy as he quickly shuffled his hands behind his back shifting the pebble from one hand to another. Both boys laughed. Then Ritchie picked his twin's left hand. Sure enough, there was the pebble. Ritchie would first play at being the master while Mike was the slave. "OK slave, get down on your hands and knees. Your master wants you to service him," commanded Ritchie in his best mock master voice. Mike knew what Ritchie wanted. Being out here on the island naked was a 'turn-on; for both of the twins. This wooded refuge was the perfect place for two horny teens to have uninterrupted sex. Each of them had discovered the pleasures of boy sex only the year before. Then they had discovered that they could share the fun. This had happened one day when Mike had walked in on Ritchie masturbating in their bedroom. Ever since, they had enjoyed sex with each other. Finding a time and place so that Tim or their parents did not discover them doing 'it' was the ongoing challenge. Mike slowly got down on his knees in front of Ritchie whose penis was now fully erect. Then he reached out and circled it with his right hand. Slowly he started to move his hand up and down the rock hard shaft. With his left hand he reached up and found his brother's left nipple. He tweaked the nipple gently causing both of them to instantly harden. Then he circled them in turn with a wet finger brushing the tips gently. Ritchie was now breathing hard in response to Mike's experienced hands and could feel his own erect penis throbbing in anticipation of what might come next. With his thumb and forefinger Mike continued to caress his brother's penis and nipples as he continued to masturbate his brother. Completing his attention, he started to lick Ritchie's navel. Ritchie's eyes were glazed as he stood there naked and panting while his equally naked brother focused on satisfying his sexual needs. There was a thin film of sweat on Ritchie's body as he stood there naked and trance-like in the clearing at the center of the island. He was close to orgasm when Mike said "Is this enough oh 'Master' or should I use my mouth?" "Use it," commanded Ritchie in a shaky voice. Obediently, his twin removed his right hand from his brother's penis and began to stroke his right buttock. Then Mike's warm, wet mouth closed over Ritchie's throbbing organ. It only took a few minutes for the boy to bring his brother to a shattering climax. Mike continued to suck at Ritchie's erupting penis swallowing as much of his cum as he could. When Ritchie finally stopped, Mike had only a little cum on his face to show that he had indeed serviced his brother. "It's my turn to be the 'master.' Turn around," commanded Mike. Slowly Ritchie turned around so that his attractive bubble butt was facing his twin. "Get down on the ground slave. You know what I want," instructed Mike. Ritchie sank to his knees and then got down on his elbows so that his butt was a waiting target. Mike lined up behind his twin and slowly inserted his now rock-hard penis into his brother's inviting hole. Once past the sphincter muscle, Mike wasted no time in thrusting his organ as deep as he could into his twin's butt. Ritchie moaned in a combination of pain and pleasure. The boys might be identical twins, but they had definitely different ideas about the ultimate in sexual experiences. Mike rocked back and forth sweating in the heat of a summer afternoon. His eyes glazed as he panted softly as he approached climax. Then he began to thrust faster and faster until a loud series of short gasps led him to climax inside his brother. The now exhausted boy withdrew his penis from his brother's butt. Both boys lay on the hard dry clay of the clearing with the dappled sunlight on their bodies as they slowly recovered from what for them was some of the best sex of their young lives. After a few minutes of just lying there silently regaining their strength, Ritchie said to Mike: "We ought to be getting back home. Tim is going to be pissed as it is. After all, he has no idea where we are." "Yeah, you're probably right. This has been great. I can see how we are going to be spending a lot more time here this summer," replied Mike. "What about these old slave collars?" asked Ritchie. "Let's take them with us. We can have some more fun with them later," replied Mike. Reluctantly, the two naked boys got up and started for the water and their swim back to the shore of the lake.
The Slave Police InvestigateAs soon as he got back to his desk, Officer Reynolds had called his supervisor, Tom 'Dusty' Rhodes and reported that he had two lights on his monitor indicating that there were two slaves 'off the reservation' as the slave police called it when slaves were away from their master's property without authorization. The monitor clearly showed that the slaves were at Suffolk Lake and that would hardly be a place where slaves would congregate.Rhodes was a man of about 45 who had spent the past twenty years with the slave police. Now somewhat overweight and complacent, he nevertheless prided himself on never having taken any crap from a slave. Since there were two slaves involved, Rhodes decided that both officers should investigate and get the two slaves back to their master's property. Two might be more than one officer could handle, if by chance they happened to be armed. Monitoring the Fairview area was shifted up the chain of command to the regional slave police office while the two officers drove their patrol car in the direction of the lake. As they drove, Jim Reynolds checked his stun gun. No runaway slave would get the best of him.
Apprehending Two RunawaysRitchie and Mike reached the edge of the island and dove into the clear cool water. The swim back to the shore of the lake was fun and refreshing after their exertions on the island.The boys reached the shore of the lake and waded ashore. They stood there facing each other laughing as they wiped off the excess water from their swim. They were talking about what fun they had just had when a voice rang out. "This is the slave police. Put your hands in the air." Officer Rhodes had his service revolver leveled at their chests while Office Reynolds had his stun gun ready should it be needed. Ritchie and Mike looked at the two officers and were bewildered. "What slaves?" said Ritchie. "Who are you calling slaves?" he asked. "You two fit the bill. Those aren't exactly neckties that you're wearing?" replied Rhodes as he continued to level his weapon at the two boys. The twins had almost forgotten that they were still wearing the slave collars that they had found on the island. "We found these on the island over there and were just taking them home with us. We were just horsing around with them and were going to show them to our folks," explained Mike. Officer Reynolds noted the two piles of clothes on the ground and said "These are free boys clothes here on the ground. What are you two slaves doing with them anyway?" "Those are our clothes. We're not slaves," said Ritchie. "We just swam out to the island and hadn't brought our swim suits with us. This is a fairly remote area and a lot of boys swim naked here." "A lot of free boys, you mean," said Officer Rhodes in a gruff voice. "Put your hands behind your heads and come with us. You're under arrest as escaped slaves. Where are you supposed to be? Obviously, it's not out here at this lake." Looking at the business end of the officer's weapon, both boys slowly put their hands behind their heads. "We just live over there on Maple Drive. Our brother is home and can vouch for us," added Ritchie. "Ok, walk in front of me. Our patrol car is right over there through the woods on Pine Tree Cove. We'll take you by where you say that you belong on Maple Drive." "Can we at least get dressed?" asked Mike. "Not until we determine if you are or are not slaves. Right now, it appears that you two are slaves that have wondered away from your master's property." With the business end of his gun still pointing at their backs, the two boys were then marched naked to the road and the waiting patrol car. There, some of the residents of Pine Tree Cove had gathered wondering what a slave police car was doing on their street. They were surprised when two naked teenaged boys with their hands behind their heads emerged from the woods followed by a slave policeman pointing his drawn weapon at them. Another officer was following them with a pile of clothes in his hands. Neither Ritchie nor Mike knew any of these people. While being naked in the locker room with their teammates was nothing to them, being paraded naked past a group of strangers, most of whom were adult women, was totally humiliating. The officers loaded the two red-faced boys into their patrol car telling the Pine Tree Cove residents that there was nothing to fear. They were just arresting two young slaves who had wondered away from their master's property.
Not on Maple DriveIt only took a few minutes for the slave police to drive back to the boys' home on Maple Drive. Office Rhodes got out and went up to the door of the house and rang the bell.A wide-eyed Tim answered the door. "Good afternoon, son. Is the head of the house home?" asked Officer Rhodes in his most official sounding voice. "No," stammered Tim. "My mother is out playing cards and my father is at work." "I have two young men in the patrol car who are claiming that they are not slaves but they are wearing slave collars. They claim that they found them out on the island in Suffolk Lake and were just horsing around with them. However, the collars are active and are electronically reporting two slaves who are not where they are supposed to be. Would you come out to the car and see if you recognize these boys?" asked the officer. "We don't own any slaves," said Tim. "We moved here only two years ago from a town that didn't allow slavery and we haven't had the need for any slaves here in Fairview." "Well, in that case, I'll just take these two into custody. Here's my business card. Have your father contact me when he gets home if he has further information on this." "Yes sir, officer. I'll be sure to do that," responded Tim. With that officer Rhodes walked back to the patrol car and got back inside. "That young man says that his family doesn't own any slaves. He says that they only moved here two years ago from a town that doesn't allow slavery. I gave him my card and asked him to have his father call me," officer Rhodes explained to Officer Reynolds. Tim continued to stand on the front steps as the patrol car pulled away from in front of the house. 'Where the heck are those two brothers of mine?' he wondered. Slowly the slave police patrol car pulled away from the curb. 'I wonder who those two escaped slaves are?' thought Tim. The windows on the patrol car were dark tinted glass and he could not see who was in the back seat as the car started down the street.
Prisoners of the SystemWhen the patrol car reached the slave police station, Officer Rhodes unlocked the backseat door, opened it, and motioned for Ritchie and Mike to get out of the car. The two still naked boys stood there beside the car for a moment with their hands over their genitals."Put your hands behind your heads and march to that side door over there" barked the officer as he pointed at the side door of the slave police station. The two by now thoroughly frightened boys hurried to comply with the order. Besides, being naked indoors beat being naked on a public street. Once in the building they were marched down the hall to a holding cell and unceremoniously locked in by themselves. Three other currently empty cells made up the small cell block. At least they weren't sharing a cell with some real slaves. After all, not all slaves were kids and some of them were in fact hardened criminals who had been released into slavery as a reward for good behavior in the state's prison system. They were still naked from being arrested at the lake. Ritchie and Mike had never seen slaves naked in public. Both of them thought: 'It must be legal. Otherwise, why would we have been marched through that neighborhood stark naked for everybody to see or kept naked once we were arrested? Why hadn't Tim come out to identify us? What will our parents say? Where are our parents?' Officer Reynolds came back to the cell. "I need to process the two of you one by one. You on the left, come over to the cell door. Put your hands behind your head. You on the right, back up to the wall and stay there." Ritchie walked up to the door while Tim backed away. The officer unlocked the cell door and motioned Ritchie out into the hall. Then he relocked the door and marched Ritchie down the short hall to an interviewing room. Once inside, Officer Reynolds instructed Ritchie to bend over the small table in the center of the room. Ritchie watched as he put on a pair of latex gloves. Ritchie had a pretty good idea of what came next. As the teen-aged boy bent over the table Officer Reynolds inserted his finger up the boy's butt as far as he could reach. Ritchie winced in pain and then gasped as the officer's finger reached his prostate. "Just making sure that you don't have any concealed objects up there," explained the officer. Next Officer Reynolds took a wire from a small electronic box-like device that was on the table and plugged it into an opening on Ritchie's slave color. The screen on the device blinked to life in a blue-green light and then flashed a message to the officer. "That's strange," said Officer Reynolds. "There is no record on this slave collar to indicate who owns you. I've never before seen a slave collar that didn't have an imbedded ownership record in its memory chip." "I've been trying to tell you that I'm not a slave," said the boy. The officer just looked at him and then motioned for the boy to stand against the far wall. There were padded manacles that were fixed to the wall. "Stand up against the wall, spread your legs, and hold your hands over your head," instructed the officer. Then he secured Ritchie to the wall by both his hands and his feet. When he had finished doing this, he slowly ran his hand over the boy's naked body enjoying the feel of the defenseless young man now displayed before him. Then he ended up by squeezing Ritchie's half erect penis. The boy gasped as the officer took a moment to enjoy the feel of the source of his boyhood. Officer Reynolds then left the room and shortly returned with Mike. It didn't take long for the officer to repeat his 'examination' of the other twin's butt. Like Ritchie, Mike's slave collar contained no ownership information. This was followed by securing him on the opposite wall across from Ritchie. The two naked brothers stood there looking at one another across the small table as the officer took a seat between them. He laid his stun gun on the table and looking from one boy to the other he said "Who is your master and don't give me any crap." "We keep telling you, we're not slaves!" exclaimed an exasperated Ritchie. Officer Reynolds picked up his stun gun, walked over to Mike and touched it to the boy's arm. The charge from the stun gun jolted the boy and left him shaking. He struggled to breathe as drool flowed down the left side of his mouth. "Anymore lies and your brother gets it again. Hell, I can even use this on his balls. Got it?" said the officer with a wicked look on his face. A stunned Ritchie stammered "You took us to where we live. We don't know why Tim didn't identify us. John Riggins is our fa 3; er 3; 'master.' Please contact him and he will identify us." "That's more like it. Where does he work and how do I contact him," demanded the officer. "He's with the Ingram Engineering firm in the Boyle Building downtown. Their number is in the phone book. Please call him," begged Ritchie. "I'll give then a call. For your sake, he had better identify the two of you or your balls are going to get to know my stun gun really well." The officer walked over to Ritchie and touched the stun gun to his naked thigh for an extended period. The boy screamed and writhed in pain. "That can serve as a reminder of what you can expect, if you're lying to me," threatened Officer Reynolds. Leaving the two boys manacled to the wall, the officer left to use the phone. A dazed Ritchie looked helplessly across at his still groggy brother manacled to the wall across the room. 'How had it come to this?' he wondered.
Contacting DadThe receptionist at Ingram Engineering was surprised when an officer with the slave police called and wanted to speak with John Riggins. She had never heard him say that he owned any slaves and wondered what the officer wanted with him. How would you know? He didn't seem like the kind that would own slaves. Nevertheless, she put the call through to his office."Hello, John Riggins here," the boys' father said as he answered the phone. "Mr. Riggins, this is Officer Reynolds with the Fairview unit of the slave police. I have two teen-aged boys here in slave collars who claim that you are their master. They were found out at Suffolk Lake away from where they were obviously supposed to be. Are these by any chance your slaves? They claim that they belong at your home address." "There must be some mistake officer. I don't own any slaves," replied the unsuspecting father. "That's what they said, but they are wearing slave collars which are active. It doesn't seem logical for them not to be slaves," said the officer. "Just a minute officer. What do they look like?" "They're twin boys. About thirteen, I would say. Good-looking blonde kids. They must be active in sports or hard work from the way that they are built. Both are completely shaved below the neck perhaps for sports or for other uses by their master," said the officer. "Officer, those sound like my two twin sons. Where are you holding them?" "Out here at the slave police office on Monroe Street. Can you come by to identify them?" "Yes, certainly. I'll leave right away," said the now troubled father.
RecognitionIt took John Riggins half an hour to reach the slave police station. He parked his car and rushed into the station determined to get to the bottom of this.Officer Rhodes was behind the desk when Riggins arrived. A still trim man in his forties came through the office door and walked hurriedly up to his desk. "I'm John Riggins. I was told that you are holding two boys that you think are slaves. I think that they may be my sons. I'm here to identify them. That is, if they are indeed my boys." "Certainly, Mr. Riggins. May I see some identification?" asked the officer. Riggins produced his ID. Once he had examined it, the officer said "Please follow me back to the holding cells. Officer Reynolds left them there after an initial interrogation." John Riggins followed the officer thorough a door and down a short hall to another door. When they entered the small cell block, John Riggins was startled to see his two thirteen year-old naked sons in the first holding cell on the left. "What the Hell?" asked the surprised father. "Yes, these are my sons. Why are they naked and why are they wearing slave collars?" "We found them this way. They were apprehended out at Suffolk Lake naked wearing active slave collars. They first appeared on our monitors as slaves who had wandered away from their masters," explained the officer. "Officer, I can assure you that our family does not own any slaves." Then turning to Ritchie and Mike, he said in an angry voice "Where did you get those slave collars and whatever possessed you to put them on in the first place?" "We found them on the island at Suffolk Lake and were just horsing around with them. How could we have known that they would work? We found them in an abandoned shed on the island," said Ritchie. "What business did you have on the island anyway? I don't recall telling you that you could go out there? said their father, now thoroughly mad. Turning to the officer, the boys' father said "What do I have to do to take these two home? Believe you me, if they haven't learned their lesson, they will once I get them home." "Let's go back to my desk and we can take care of the paperwork," said Officer Rhodes As they walked back to the officer's desk, an exasperated John Riggins said to the officer "I don't know what I'm going to do with these two, they are always getting into trouble. They're not really bad boys, but they just seem to do stupid things like this trying out a slave collar. Talk about dumb things to do!" "There is an alternative that you might find attractive," suggested the officer. Fifteen minutes later they were back at the holding cell. The boys' father had a satisfied look on his face as he looked through the bars at his two naked sons. "Officer Rhodes is going to release the two of you into my custody," he said to his sons. The officer unlocked the door to the cell and motioned for the two boys to come out. "What about our clothes?" asked Mike. "Well, that's the thing of it," said their father. "You are being released into my custody but you will spend the next sixty days as my slaves. That way, you don't have to go to court to get this slave collar thing overturned and I don't have to pay any legal fees. Furthermore, since it is voluntary on my part as a parent, it won't go on your permanent record. Oh yes, I had to agree that the two of you will stay naked and shaved for the 60 days. That should be something that both of you will enjoy anyway. Since the two of you will probably be the only ones there that are naked, your workouts with the swim team ought to be a real hoot. " Ritchie and Mike stood there stunned and speechless. Officer Rhodes returned and inserted a coding device into each of the boys' slave collars. "You now have an ownership record on file with the slave police," chuckled the officer. The boys kept their heads down and focused on the pavement as they followed their father out to his car. Both were naked. A couple of people were passing on the street as they got into the car. The boys saw them looking at them and pointing. Both realized that this was just the first of a summer that would haunt them for the rest of their lives. The End |
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