Chapter 1 Uncle Alan's Whore
-A bit of Jonah's past-
Jonah, the oldest brother (when he was 12yo) and Uncle Alan (when he was 17yo)
My name is Jonah and I come from a very happy and wealthy family. My parents loved each other so much that they devoted their time to making kids. That's the reason why we are several brothers.
First, there's me, the seventeen year old first born. I'm slightly chubby, with short red hair, freckles and deep blue eyes. I do have to say, I have a gorgeous uncut eight inch [20 cm] cock, courtesy of my father's genetics. It's really white, ending in a knob-shaped wide pink cockhead protected by lots of foreskin; and veiny all over the shaft, slightly pointing down and to the left. It's crowned by a heavy bush of red pubic hair around the base and all over my balls, a couple of huge low hangers, also thanks to my dad's genetics.
In line follow Jack and Jake, the fifteen year-old identical twins. Jean, the fourteen year older. Jacob and James, the twelve year-old non identical twins. Jeremy, the eleven year older. And Jed, the nine year older family pet.
Our family history changed dramatically when my mother passed away during labor when Jed was born. My father, I have to say, became distant and focused on his work to cope with grief. I was eight back then, and did not understand very much what death was. My father, however, had been very loving and told me mommy would never come back, but that she'd be watching me from heaven.
Grandma suggested that she move with us, but my father told her it was not her responsibility, and he'd find a way to care for his own family. It was then that my father brought uncle Alan into our lives, his younger brother who was seventeen, to take care of us while something else happened.
Alan was a very caring uncle, a good looking blond guy with eyes the color of the ocean and a wiry constitution. He would care for us, feed us, take us to school and care for the youngest at home. Fortunately, being so wealthy and all, we had a crew of servants which looked after the house, so uncle Alan was basically devoted to taking care of us. Dad, of course, was most of the time at work or traveling because of work, so basically we had a distant father and a male fake mother.
The service crew of the house was made up of three people: Gerome, a man in his forties who was the head house keeper, a butler if you will. There was also Anna, the cleaning master, and Jay, a twenty year old butler who worked under Gerome's orders and saw to the minor chores and the driving.
Two years after his arrival, I had grown very fond of uncle Alan. I would help him care for the youngest, especially Jed, who was only two years old back then. My father had consented that Jed's cradle and my bed be moved to Alan's room so that we could be close to the baby, especially during night time. At night I would rock him in my arms until he fell asleep, and then place him on his fancy and wonderful cradle, which had been placed between both our beds. I would then jump into my bed, so that we could both be ready if little Jed woke up crying in the middle of the night.
It was one particular night when my father was in Fiji on a business trip, back when I was eleven that my whole existence changed forever. I'd woken up from a terrible nightmare, and uncle Alan came quickly to me. He sat on my bed and hugged me. If I hadn't been terrified, I would've noticed how funny he looked with his hair tousled and his sleepy face, the loose shirt hanging and his white briefs.
"It's all right, champ," he said, "it's just a bad dream. Everything is O.K."
"But it was so real," I replied, "I thought I was gonna die!"
"Shhhh," he whispered in my ear, "everything is all right now, come on, go back to sleep."
He stood from my bed and started walking towards his own, when I spoke again.
"Uncle Alan?"
"Yes?" he said turning around.
"Would you stay with me until I fall sleep?" I said, genuinely scared, "Please?"
He sort of smiled and nodded. He came back into my bed and sat next to me. I pulled the sheets so that he could hop inside and he did so. I then thanked him and tried to go back to sleep, but felt still too terrified, so I once again asked.
"Could I hug you?"
"Yes, champ," he said, "Come here."
He was face upwards, so it was not hard for me to wrap my arm around his belly and rest my head against his chest.
"Thanks," I said.
"It's O.K. now," he replied a little sleepier, "go on to sleep."
He fell asleep almost immediately; he was very tired of course. His rhythmic breathing started soothing me, and I too started to drift away. I don't know exactly how it happened, but in a funny movement, my hand sort of went south and I felt a rock hard bump. It called my attention, for I'd never seen a boner before, so I pulled the sheets a little aside and noticed what the bump was. It sure made me curious to see that thing inside his briefs, for it was sort of a mystery to understand how when he was awake I'd never seen that thing come to that size.
I placed my index finger curiously over the bulge and felt a rock hard cock for the very first time in my life. He didn't even move. So I touched again with my index finger. When I noticed he didn't move I spoke to him softly.
"Uncle Alan?"
But the only answer that came was his steady and rhythmic breathing which quieted me, as If I knew I was doing something wrong.
So, once I knew he was still sleeping, I placed my whole eleven year-old hand more confidently over his rock-hard cock. I didn't know why back then, but I was breathing fast and my heart kept bumping against my chest as my young and inexperienced hand touched that lovely boner. Why, I didn't know either, I almost immediately felt curious about his balls, and moved my hand south, so I could feel them. They were soft and big under his white briefs. It was then that I noticed my eleven year old dick was also rock-hard, and realized it must be what happens when you do something pleasant and forbidden.
Once I felt confident, my hand started exploring uncle Alan's dick at my own rate, I caressed his balls and then his shaft and then, the round tip of his cock. It was then that I noticed a wet spot up there. At first I thought it was pee, but I instinctively brought the wetness on my finger to my lips and tasted pre-cum for the very first time. I'm a pre-cum and cum-starved asshole, I know that now, but back then I didn't know and was discovering it on my own. I noticed that the more I touched, the more the briefs got wet, and decided to keep on touching my uncle's lovely cock and balls.
Uncle Alan then mumbled something in his sleep and I turned my face up to look at him. But he was still soundly asleep, so I resumed my touching of his cock. I do remember I spent most of the night caressing his dick and balls over his briefs, until I fell asleep.
From that night on, I kept on finding the way to get in bed with him, pretending to awaken from bad dreams so he would come and sleep with me so I could keep on touching his yummy cock at night. As the weeks went by, I kept on becoming bolder and bolder in my explorations.
Until one night, when I realized I had had enough of touching him through his briefs, I decided to take it one step further. That particular night, uncle Alan had decided to wear boxers, so it made it easier for me to work. The minute my hand went down and landed on his cock shaft, the boxer moved aside, and the tip of his cock peeked through the boxer slit. It was just the opportunity I'd been expecting all those weeks, so I moved the boxer a little more so that his cockhead was completely exposed. That was the first time I saw it, round and big and of a lovely pink color peeking through his foreskin. The minute I started touching it, it started leaking pre-cum, and I decided to take it with my finger and bring it up to my lips. His boxer was so loose, that it wasn't hard for me to move one of the sides and let his balls show. I immediately fell in love with his balls and discovered my up to date manic fixation with testicles. He had a pair of big low hangers, they hung so much that coming out of his boxers they almost touched the bed.
I brought my fingers to his cockhead and started touching it. It instinctively jumped every time I touched it and I decided I wanted to see the whole of it, so I started pulling his foreskin down very carefully until the whole head was free, releasing a nice amount of pre-cum as it broke free. Uncle Alan kind of moaned, but I looked at his face and noticed he was still sleeping, so I carried on caressing his cockhead with all my hand, rubbing it as I would a knob.
When I realized he wouldn't wake up I felt bolder and, for the first time, I left my hugging position and sat on the bed so I could massage his awesome balls with my right hand and keep on polishing the awesome cockhead with my left. Uncle Alan kind of stirred in his dream, but I felt so sure he wouldn't wake up, that I kept on working it until, under my touch, his pecker spewed several long ropes of cum. I felt fascinated at the liquid emerging and knew this was what guys at school talked about when joking around the taboo topic of masturbation. I took a portion of it from uncle Alan's shirt and tasted it. And that minute was when I discovered I loved man milk and I would totally be a cum-starved whore forever. Uncle Alan's dick started becoming fluffy and I realized that had been it. So, I carefully placed his glans and balls back inside his boxers and embraced him and went back to sleep.
The following day was hectic, what with the kids going to school and everything, so, when the nighttime came and all my brothers where properly sitting around the dining room table, I went back to the kitchen to help uncle Alan finish dinner. My father was supervising the company's assets in Bangladesh, so it was just uncle Alan and myself with the kids. When I started serving the cereal in the bowls, I realized there was a funny white powder all over it
3; and I was sure it wasn't sugar.
"Uncle Alan?" I asked.
"Yes, Jonah?"
"What is this powder sprinkled over my brothers' cereal?"
"Oh, that!" he said, "nothing to worry about," he said as he poured a much smaller amount of the same powder over little Jed's bottle, "just a little extra something to help the kids rest better."
"Do you also give me that in my meals?" I asked realizing I never truly slept all through the night in my ventures with uncle Alan's cock.
"Why would I do that?" uncle Alain replied, "You are the only one who gives me a hand at night."
My heart started beating faster at his comment. 'My God!' I thought, 'He knows! He knows I grab his cock at night!" I was terrified at what he'd say next, but then he finished his idea and I relaxed again when he said: "It would be terrible for me if I had to wake up every time Jed wakes up in the middle of the night!"
Then I relaxed and started pouring the milk over my brothers' bowls.
"I see!" I said, and started out of the room with the bowls for my older brothers.
Once they were all in bed, I went to the room and started rocking little Jed until he fell asleep. I placed him in his cradle, and decided it was time for me to go on to sleep. But I knew I wouldn't really sleep that night, I wanted to go over uncle Alan's dick and make it spurt lots and lots of its lovely man milk for my own benefit.
When I was already in bed, thinking of what trick I would come up so uncle Alan would come to my bed, he came from the bathroom in order to go to bed.
"Hey, champ," he said smiling, "think you'll be able to sleep, or do you want me to come and sleep with you?" I smiled shyly, thinking once again he knew what I'd be doing at night, but again he completed the phrase: "So we save time and I don't have to wake up in the middle of the night."
"O.K." I said, and pulled the sheets aside so he could lay next to me.
He placed himself by my side and opened his left arm so I could cuddle next to him.
"Come over here, champ," he said, "time to go on to the land of the dreamers."
He was once again wearing loose boxers and I felt happy at the prospect of being able to fondle him at my leisure with the space the boxers would provide. No sooner had I embraced him than his breathing let me know he was sleeping.
"Uncle Alan?" I asked, but he did not reply and I knew it was time for me to start. This time I didn't even touch him over the boxer. I put my hand through the boxer slit – a wider slit than the previous night boxers' – and pulled his cock out from it, balls and all. It was the very first time I saw the whole pack and I automatically fell in love with it: seven inches [18 cm], round and pink cockhead; it was slightly pointing upwards, the shaft thicker on the base and with some interesting thick veins around.
I started over his cock. It got hard really quickly, so I pulled his foreskin down in order to see the whole of his pink, round, big cockhead in its splendor. I rubbed it carefully and the first droplets of pre-cum oozed from his pee slit. I was about to take his pre-cum from the slit with my finger, when I for the first time thought: What if I try it from the source? And I lowered myself so I could be at the right position and angle. I placed the tip of my tongue in the slit as I felt the smell of his genitals, a scent of soap and something I couldn't place but that called me to action.
His pre-cum was warmer coming from the source, and I loved it. I think it was by instinct, that my tongue started going around his cockhead and not only the pee slit. I heard uncle Alan moan a bit, but I knew he was still asleep and kept my tongue bath all over his gorgeous glans. He kind of stirred a couple of times, but I kept on going. I don't know exactly when I started, but I was already sucking him, bringing his cock in and out of my mouth with an urgency I didn't know I could. His hard cock started throbbing inside my mouth, and I didn't know why, but before I could take it out from my mouth, he shot a full load of hot cum into my throat, then a second, then a third, and I managed to swallow it all as it kept on coming. I never knew cum could cum in such quantity but uncle Alan seemed to be at his peak of manmilk production.
When I realized it wouldn't give me more, I stopped, noticing his dick was starting to go fluffy like the night before. With the warm taste of my first cum ration ever, I placed his cock back inside his boxers, embraced him and went to sleep. I do not have to say the story took place two more weeks every night in a row, my brothers given sleeping 'aides' and me having my way with my uncle's cock and drinking his milk every single night to the last drop.
Two months had passed since I'd fondled my uncle for the first time, when a turn in events happened.
That particular night I was extremely tired and did not really feel like sucking uncle Alan's gorgeous cock, no matter how much I loved drinking his hot cum. But as rule had become, he jumped into my bed.
"Good night champ!" he said, opening his right arm so I could embrace him. I rested my head on his chest and decided it was time to fall asleep.
Before soon I heard his constant breathing and knew he was asleep, but I too drifted off very quickly.
It must have been around one in the morning, when I was awoken. I was in fetal position and uncle Alan was embracing me in the same position, his hand running freely over my cock. I realized my dick was rock hard under his touch, his hand moving expertly all over my dick and I realized he must've done it a lot of times before with many other dicks. I did not move. I pretended to be asleep and let him carry on. For so many nights I'd touched him, but did not realize it could feel so good to be touched down there, the experience being totally new to me. I kind of lowered my sight and noticed that the warmth I felt between my thighs was his dick coming and going, the movement facilitated by the lubricant of his pre-cum. I saw his cockhead appear and disappear between my thighs as he rocked back and forth and his hand continued to go up and down my cock, which was already oozing pre-cum, probably as much as my uncle's.
His hand then moved downwards and he took my balls in his hand, first caressing, as if weighing them. Then he squeezed and a muffled moan escaped my mouth.
"You love it, don't you?" he whispered in my ear as he squeezed my balls once and again, "Probably almost as much as you love sucking my cock and drinking my spunk at night
I froze as he did so, and noticed my cock started shrinking, but he grabbed the cockhead and started rubbing it in a way it went hard back again.
"Come on, champ," he said still whispering, "don't be shy, I know you love it. Say something
I really didn't know what to say, so I just nodded, and uncle Alan kept on thrusting his awesome dick between my thighs.
"I love your cock, you know?" he whispered in my ear as he continued to jerk it and masturbate himself against my thighs, "It's big for your age
3; and I also love it when you suck mine, I love the feeling of my dick spurting all over your mouth, knowing my man seed is going inside you and you swallow it like you treasure it, like a real cum slut
"Uncle Alan," I said, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry I've
He placed his right hand over my mouth and clasped it so I couldn't speak.
"Shut up, champ!" he said still in a whisper, "I know you've been doing my dick night after night for the past two months and you'll have to shut up If you do not want me to say anything about it
3; You'll have to be my whore-slave for as long as I want
"Uncle Alan
"Did you think I wouldn't notice?" he asked, his hand never stopping its manipulations over my teen cock, "I have to confess the first time I caught you I got shocked, but not knowing what to do, I let you do as you wanted
3; and I'm so glad I did
3; now I have a cum-starved whore who drinks all of my spunk on a fucking daily basis
As he spoke, he kept jerking my cock and squeezing my balls. I was sure scared, but I was also loving it, loving every single moment of the abuse; not only the physical abuse, but the psychological as well.
"The first time you made me cum was incredibly hot." He continued, "But it got better when you first made me cum with your mouth and swallowed all of my spunk. That
3; that was when hell broke loose. And you decided to abandon me today
3; No champ, I'm sorry, but it was you who asked for it, and now you'll have to service my cock every time I want. Is that clear?"
"Yes, uncle Alan
"If you love manmilk, you'll sure have your ration every night, cause, as you can see, my balls never get tired of producing spunk
3; and you'll have to eat it every time I want you to, or I'll go to your dad and tell him I found you sucking my cock at night
3; what do you think he'd say?"
"No, please, uncle Alan," I begged, "please don't tell daddy anything!"
"I won't if you're my whore
"I am
3;" I said still terrified, but with my eleven year old cock being worked out.
He kept on thrusting, each time faster, until he stopped and kneeled, positioning his balls all over my face.
"Lick my balls!" he said.
I started to do so and I realized I was even harder as he ordered me around. I suddenly, for the first time, brought my hand and started touching my own cock, pulling it up and down.
"Who told you you can do that?" he asked.
"Uncle, Al
"Shut up!" he said slapping my face.
He stood from the bed and went somewhere. I was scared, scared I had made uncle Alan mad and terrified at the prospect of his telling my dad. He came back with a tie in his hands. He pushed my hands upwards and then started to tie my hands together.
"Uncle Alan, what are you
"Shut up!" he said slapping me again. I felt tears welling up on my eyes as he finished the knot between my hands and around my neck.
"There," he said, "now the bitch won't be able to touch his cock
3; because this cock now belongs to me!" he said squeezing my balls much harder than he'd done before, "is that clear?"
When I did not reply, he squeezed my balls even harder. "Is THAT CLEAR?" he asked again.
3;" I managed to answer.
"Yes, sir!" he said.
"Yes, sir
3;" I replied.
"Now that's a good bitch!" he said and then came back to bed.
He started touching me then in a more vicious way, he started jerking my dick again, but more violently, while at the same time he bit on my nipples. It hurt, but funnily, my cock was harder than it ever had been. It was then that I realized I was terrified and would be bound to be my uncle's toy forever. But the prospect of it was keeping me harder than I had anticipated and I realized I loved being owned by the handsome young man that was my uncle.
He went south and started sucking my dick, It felt glorious, especially when my dick started throbbing and I knew I was about to cum
3; for the first time in my life. But just when I was close to it, he stopped and squeezed the base of my cock with one hand while with the other one he squeezed on my balls. The pain was excruciating and I did not cum.
He lay next to me again, massaging my balls so they wouldn't hurt that much after the squeezing, and whispered in my ear.
"You'll only cum when I say you can cum, is that clear?"
3; sir
3;" I said shyly.
"Good!" he said smiling, "my little bitch is learning proper respect! Now, come on and suck my dick the way you know."
He pulled me down, my hands still tied, and forced his dick against my mouth. The minute I tasted his cockhead, my dick went completely engorged again, and I felt the painful delight of not being allowed to touch it. He thrusted his cock savagely against my mouth and I gagged at times, but the flavor and the feeling of being used by my uncle were more intoxicating than any drug.
He then placed me on top of him so we ended up in a 69 position. While I worked his dick in and out my mouth, he started licking my asshole. I went delirious at the discovery of another pleasure I had never thought possible. As he licked my ass, he managed to jerk my cock up and down. The warmth of his breathing in my ass cheeks as he licked my rosebud, and the intoxicating scent of his dick inside my mouth made me oblivious to the world. Back there, nothing existed but the awakening sensations of me discovering a world of sexual pleasure in uncle Alan's hands.
My work out over uncle Alan's cock was so good, it didn't take long for his hot load of cum to be shot into my throat. It made me wonder how much cum a man can produce, but it was clear for me that, uncle Alan being barely seventeen, was in the peak of his man seed production. The hot loads running down my throat also triggered my own orgasm, and uncle Alan dragged me so I could end up shooting my still semi-transparent immature teen first-time cum all inside uncle Alan's mouth. He sucked and sucked until I felt I was going dry.
He dragged me so that I was face to face with him and kissed me, mixing both our cum loads inside our mouths. It was probably the best experience I'd ever had. As I lay on top of him, he started caressing my hair as his tongue explored my cum covered tongue. The exquisiteness of the situation brought my senses as alert as they could be.
"Very good, champ," he whispered as he looked into my eyes, "That was a hot load of cum you gave me. As good as the way you eat my cock. I know you'll be a good bitch and work for my pleasure. Is that right?"
"Yes, uncle Alan
3; sir
3;" I said looking into his eyes.
"Very good. Now let's go on to sleep. Put on your underwear and come here. From now on," he instructed, "Your hand will have to be on my dick at all times during the night. Is that clear?
"Yes, sir
"Awesome. Good night bitch."
"Good night, sir." I replied and went to sleep next to him, my hand grabbing his cock as he had ordered.
I didn't really get to sleep all through the night. Probably a couple of hours after I had been turned into my uncle's sextoy, I felt him moving me softly and whispering in my ear for me to wake up.
"Uncle Alan
3; ?" I asked still partially asleep.
3;" he said grabbing my cock and balls with his hand, "What did you call me?"
3; I'm sorry, sir!" I said coming fully awake realizing I hadn't dreamed becoming my uncle's whore.
"Stand up," he said, "I need to go to the bathroom
Not fully understanding what he meant, I stood up and followed him to the bedroom's private bathroom. Little Jed was soundly asleep in his cradle.
When we arrived in the bathroom he ordered me to kneel and I did so.
"Now, champ," he said, "since you're my bitch and my toy, you'll also be my urinal. Open that gorgeous mouth of yours!"
Not sure of what to do, I did as instructed. When I opened my mouth, he pulled my hair so as to better position my face, took out his cock from his lose boxers and started peeing.
I do not have to tell you the following three years of my life were ones of ultimate discovery and pleasure. Uncle Alan was an awesome master and trained me in the arts of being a respectful, obedient and always available for his pleasure slave. Upon my twelfth birthday he used my ass for the first time, buying a series of butt plugs designed to open my hole for his seven inch [18 cm] dick. He would make me wear them, sometimes throughout the day, which kept me horny at all times, my reproductive system always working extra hours so that I could give him more milk than was humanly possible, even for a teenager.
In order to deal with my cock always arousing at inconvenient times, uncle Alan bought me a chastity device which he would place around my cock in order to prevent erections from coming. It was a painful yet delightful experience, having my ass always inserted and my cock unable to get hard, my system working the milk inside so at night he would release my loads with his vicious and horny ways. There were times when he wouldn't send me to school, arguing I was sick, so he could play me all through the day at his leisure.
What he enjoyed the most, I soon discovered, was torturing my young balls with all sorts of devious ways. It first started with the typical slap and squeeze routine. But as time passed by, he started becoming more and more creative. He would sometimes tie them with shoelaces in impossible ways, he would also use rubber bands sometimes, until he started buying all sorts of ball-torture devices, such as ball crushers of varied shapes and functions. He also bought an electro stimulation device which he never used at night, but that he used whenever I didn't go to school. When using the e-stim device, he would also place a gag-ball inside my mouth so I wouldn't scream, and electro pads all over my balls.
When my pubic hair started appearing, he also took on the custom of shaving it, saying he preferred me clean shaven, for I was not a man but a bitch. It was first the razor, but then he moved on to creams, because the result was more boy-like, he used to say. Through these three years, my cock came to its full-fledge size, seven inches [18 cm] of man meat for my uncle's fun. My balls also grew and, at the beginning, they did not hang as low, but all the torture exercises with the crushers and the weights he would use on them, little by little stretched my ball bag until my balls hung more than his actually ever did.
And so, my fourteenth birthday came and with it the realization of my being a man now. Uncle Alan was as loving and abusive as always, and I looked for more and more time around him. I would go through the days with a mad rush, so I could be ready for the time when he'd feed me his milk. I do not know if he was doing something in particular, but as time passed by, his loads were larger, thicker and with a flavor unlike anything I've tried in my life. My days were just a way to go by in expectation of my uncle's cock and his milk inside me and his using me in the most perverted ways.
And then it happened; the most horrible event that could've ever happened in my life. Uncle Alan decided it was time for him to move somewhere else, now that the youngest had grown. Jack and Jake, the identical twins, were now thirteen. Jean was eleven. Jacob and James, the non-identical twins had turned nine. Jeremy was eight, and little Jed was six. Since they were all attending school, uncle Alan decided to fly in pursuit of his own dreams leaving me alone and devastated inside. What was I going to do with all the sex drive and with all the man milk my body was accustomed to producing? What was I going to do with my ever growing hunger for man seed and cock? This of course I could discuss with no one and fell into a deep sadness that I thought nothing could ever erase.
But life had so many surprises in stock for me, and the sadness of uncle Alan's departure would soon fade away until becoming a pleasant memory of my youth.
Chapter 2 A new path
-A bit of Jonah's past-
Jonah, the oldest brother (when he was 14yo) and Armin, cousin and butler (17yo)
After the heartfelt departure of my uncle and master, my father decided to hire a nanny, but I told him it would be horrible for me and my brothers to be put in the hands of a stranger. So, being a man now, I told him I would stop going to school in order to take care of my family. It took some discussion, but in the end, he accepted my proposal. It took some arguments to convince him that we did not need a stranger to come into our lives, but I told him I could resume my studies once my brothers had found their way and he finally agreed. So, for the following years I took up uncle Alan's position. I cared for my brothers, made them breakfast, put them in the bus for school and work out the house chores, directing the servants. Through those years, I kept a close relationship with my uncle via e-mail, he would order me to do things for him via webcam, but mostly, he became my tutor for me to become the man I would become as years passed by, the man I am now.
Gerome was the harshest of all the service crew, because he was so experienced and didn't like being bossed around. But once my father made it clear I was in charge, everything went smoothly. Hungry for cock as I was, I started paying very close attention to Armin, the young buttler who had taken up Jay's position. Jay had taken over Anna's position when she left some years before, so our service crew was made up of three males: Gerome, who was around forty-five, Jay in his mid-twenties, and Armin who was barely seventeen years old. I am forgetting to mention the fact that Armin was my cousin on my mother's side, and my father had given him the job in order to help him through the harsh times his family was going through.
I started making up chores for Armin, like washing the windows from the outside when it was really hot outside, so I could see his sweaty outline through the windows, in jeans and with a leaveless cotton shirt marking the contours of his chest and torso. I would also clog the kitchen sink, so he could go on all fours, giving me the delightful sight of his butt-crack as he worked under the sink. Sometimes he would lay face upwards inside the sink cabin, so I could look at the gorgeous pack I could imagine inside his pants.
At night, I would fantasize about Armin's cock and ass and got my rocks off in long masturbation sessions I would conduct, making use of all the torture devices uncle Alan had left for me to use after his departure. One particular night was exactly when my plan started rounding up. Because Gerome had been taken ill, the house was basically being run my Jay and myself. Summer had started, and my brothers were signed up for summer camp. My dad had happily enrolled everyone in summer camp, except for me, for I'd insisted someone had to take over the house.
Again my father, who had started relying on me for everything family wise, accepted without a fuss. He talked to me a couple of times about how much he appreciated my efforts in keeping the family together, and about how much he loved me, even when he did not say it very often. My father decided to take a long vacation in Europe, and so I was left home with Jay and Armin.
For my plan to work, I needed to find a way to dispose of Jay, so I could have my way with my young cousin Armin; so, under the tutoring and help of my beloved uncle Alan who was so kind as to provide me with that 'little extra something' he used back in time to 'help the kids rest better', I carried on. Both Jay and Armin had been given special contracts to stay home living full time with me in case something happened, so the whole plan was very easily carried out.
Once Jay had finished the day's dinner, I managed to get him outside the kitchen and sprinkled the appetizer, the main dish, the dessert and the fresh-made lemonade with the sleeping drug. I did not want to face the prospect of their not eating this or that. Just in case, I sprinkled a bit of it on the hot cocoa Jay had kindly prepared, in case either of them chose the hot beverage instead of the lemonade.
Of course the drug took almost immediate effect, and Jay excused himself for bed. When my cousin Armin was about to do the proper, I sprang into action to complete my plan. "Armin?" I said.
"Yes, young master?" he asked. Every time he called me master, I felt a sudden pump of blood flood my cock and realized I was about to trade places now, from sub to dom.
"I was wondering if you could come and watch a movie with me?" I said innocently, "I'm not sleepy yet and I hate watching movies alone."
"Yes, of course, young master," he said and looked at his uniform.
"Oh," I said as if surprised, "why don't you go and take off your uniform and jump into something more comfortable. It would be really horrible of me to make you wear that as we have some fun."
"Thank you, young master," he said bowing, "I'll be back immediately."
He went on his way and I prepared everything for us to jump into bed while we watched the movie. The prospect of abusing Armin in his sleep was making my cock hurt inside my pants, but I really needed to have some cock and some man milk after all the months I had gone without since uncle Alan's departure. When Armin came back into the room, I had already brought a cup of hot cocoa for him and the idea seemed to appeal to him. I had made sure his cup had been sprinkled with a little extra dose of the sleeping wonder so everything would turn out the way I wanted it to.
He was a vision: his dark hair, not slicked by the gel, fell loosely all the way to his cheeks. His dark and thick brows framed his gray-green eyes giving him an air of middle-eastern beauty I loved. He was wearing a white T-shirt tight against his body and a pair of loose sweatpants, which allowed me to perceive and calculate the size of the hanging thing inside his underwear. I indicated the right side of the bed for him to sit and watch the movie with me.
"On your bed, young master?" he asked in awe, "I don't think it's my place
"Oh, Armin, come on!" I said smiling, "we're practically the same age. And we're cousins! Forget about protocol for once and let's have some fun as the teenagers we are!"
He smiled at that and then sat down. We started watching the movie and he kept drinking from the hot cocoa, until the cup was empty in his hand. I very kindly offered to fetch him some more and he agreed, so I came back from the kitchen with a new cup of steaming hot cocoa perfectly mixed with a little more of the 'extra something', just in case.
Before long, Armin was dead sleep on my bed. And home alone as we were, Jay having been dosified with the sleeping stuff, I knew my time had come after all those months.
"Armin?" I called, but there was no reply. I shook him lightly and called his name again. I shook him a second time, a bit more violently, and called his name again, but there was no response. So, I knew everything had come together as I had originally intended. Taking my time, I caressed his chest and torso over his clothes, stopping over his nipples and pinching slightly with my fingers. The little knobs came to life almost immediately and Armin did not respond, so I felt confident to move forward.
I ran my hand over the bulge in his pants, fluffy as hell but big enough for me to work with. I pulled his sweatpants down carefully, but he did not react either; luckily, he was not wearing underwear, so it was a much easier task. I then saw his cock, being born from a heavy nest of black pubic hair and resting over a pair of big round balls. Not low hangers, but delightfully big. I placed his cockhead between my index and thumb and squeezed. Not a stir. I squeezed again and his dick started responding, swelling under the provocation.
I put some saliva in my fingers and started working the cockhead, whose foreskin was so lose it came out almost immediately. His cock was a vision: it was not round as mine or uncle Alan's. This one was sort of pointy and reminded me of a firefighter's helmet. It was an average cock in size, probably slightly shorter than six inches [15 cm], but it was thick, especially nearing the glans and it pointed upwards like uncle Alan's. It didn't take long for his cock to go completely stiff under my touch, and I very quickly started eating it, as well as his balls. He mumbled and stirred at times under my touch, but I knew he was unable to wake up, so I kept on working it. His cock had a different flavor, and there was the musky scent of his day's labor. There was a slight tang of piss around his cockhead, and it made me even hornier.
That night I felt like I was alive back again, and did his cock twice, each of those receiving a hot load of young man milk in my mouth. I milked him and I then carefully dressed him back and waited for the dawn to approach.
When daytime came, he woke up, completely tired and scared that he'd fallen asleep, but I told him not to worry, for it was Sunday and there wasn't much to be done around the house. Jay, fortunately, was still sleeping, so I told Armin he shouldn't really worry. He thanked me for the hot cocoa and the movie, and went to his room in order to get groomed.
The following night was even easier. Both Jay and Armin were dosed with the sleeping drug through the day meals and with an extra dose at night. I asked Armin to my room and he came again for a movie. This time I really wanted to take it further, so, once I knew he was dead sleep, I began the thing. I removed his pants and underwear and began stroking his dick, which, again came alive as soon as I started touching it. I liked his balls, round and cute and I knew I wanted to do something harsher, so I took one of them between my index and thumb and squeezed. He stirred and moaned, but he was really deeply asleep with the drug, so I squeezed harder. And harder. He kept on moaning in his sleep and mumbling. Then I took both his balls, one with each hand and repeated the operation, squeezing harder and harder. The harder I squeezed, the more pre-cum his cock gave me and I knew that, in his sleep, he was so enjoying this.
I then tied his balls with shoelaces and proceeded to his cock, which I milked until he came, and continued to milk until he came again. And again. Until I had milked him four times in a row, my mouth full with the sweet and salty flavor of his spunk.
From that day on, and halfway through the summer, I kept bringing Armin to my room and I kept milking him every single night.
During day time, he seemed distracted and tired, and Jay kept asking him to focus on what he was doing. Little did they know poor Armin was being drained his energy at night at my unstoppable hunger for man seed. His young cock would give me around three or four loads a night, always big loads, so it wasn't a shock for me to know how distracted he was. I had become addicted to his cum, which tasted most differently from mine or my uncle's, and I loved having his cock in my mouth every single night. There were a couple of times in which, hungry as I was, I milked him six times in a row, making his balls go dry.
One particular Sunday, three weeks before the summer vacation came to an end, Jay's mother got sick and he asked me for permission to go see her. I told him it was O.K., that Armin and I myself could take care of the house and that he shouldn't worry. That Sunday I was planning on what to do with Armin, when I found him in the service bathroom looking closely at his dick. He'd been given a little dose of the sleeping drug during breakfast and lunchtime, but I was not planning on giving him his dinner dose, for I felt bold enough to try him with little of the drug inside his organism. Somehow I wanted him to know what I was doing, I wanted him to realize how he was being used for my own pleasure. I was sure I could find my way around having him, and felt also sure I'd manage to convince him.
The opportunity could not have been better when I found him with his pants down and exploring his dick with a funny look in his face.
"Armin?" I said totally scaring him. He released his grip on his dick and turned to face me, not realizing his pants and underwear were still down and his cock hanging free in front of me.
"Young master," he said.
"Is everything O.K.?" I asked casually coming closer to where he stood.
"Yes, master, why
3;?" he asked.
"It's just that you seemed very intent on exploring your cock
As the word left my mouth, I noticed a slight jump of his fluffy cock, realizing this would be much easier than I had anticipated. He became aware of his nudity and his face blushed at what I had just said, but my question was so casual it only seemed natural for him to respond.
"I'm sorry, young master," he said trying to bring his underwear up, but I prevented him from doing it.
"Is there something wrong with your cock?" I said, noticing he blushed again, "Come on, Armin, we're cousins and friends, aren't we?"
"Yes, yes, master." He said, "I just noticed my whole
3; cock
3; is kind of red, as if it was irritated, and I got worried. I mean I've never
"You're a virgin
3;" I said, and he blushed even harder. "Come on to my room," I said, "I can take a look and tell you if there's something wrong."
"Master, I
3; uh
3; I don't think
"Shut up, Armin!" I said, catching him off guard, and then softened my voice, "Are we not cousins and friends? Aren't friends supposed to help each other?"
He nodded and then I took him to my room, his pants and underwear pulled up but not closed. I asked him to lay face upwards on my bed and pulled his pants and underwear down, making him blush even more. I asked him to remain calmed, and soothed him. It helped he'd ingested some sleeping stuff, so he was in that kind of stupor before you fall deeply asleep.
"Let's take a look," I said. I sat on the bed and brought my face close to his dick. "It does look red," I said, but I knew perfectly well it was because of all the abuse I had subjected his pecker for the past five weeks every single night, "but I don't think it's anything serious."
I told him I had an ointment I could use on him so as to help him and he consented for me to do it, not without thanking me for caring for him and asking me to keep it a secret from my father; after all, he did not want my father to think he had a disease "down there". I told him I would keep his secret if he let me take care of him, after all we were cousins and he was my companion.
"So," I said, "do you want me to apply the ointment to alleviate your cock?"
"Yes, young master, please
3;" he said.
I went to the drawer where I kept all my sexual stuff and brought out some lube. Of course I did not tell him it was nothing but plain lube, but I knew I'd be having lots of fun that Sunday. I pulled his foreskin back so as to start over the cockhead, and he got kind of stiff. He felt embarrassed at his sudden erection, but I told him to relax, for it was a normal reaction. Before long, I was massaging his dick and balls with my hands all covered in lube. I took my time working it, and he suddenly realized things were taking a different route.
"Young master?" he said, but I did not reply and continued working his now fully engorged cock, his veiny shaft shivering under my now expert touch, "Jonah?"
"Shut up!" I said, and sat over his chest facing his cock. He was now sleepier than before under the drug's influence, and so he couldn't really fight me. I kept on working his dick out and grabbing his balls, lightly slapping them at times. I heard him moan, but he didn't complain again, he just let me do his dick at my own will. I kept working and working his cock, until his moans became more and more often. I felt his dick throbbing in my hand and, seconds later, his pecker spurted all his man seed, which I caught in my mouth just in time, eating the whole head so I wouldn't miss a drop. As I got there, I heard him moan much more deeply, as his milk changed places from his cock to my throat.
When I was done drinking his man milk, I moved from my sitting position and faced him. "You liked it, didn't you?"
He was sleepy under the drug, but he was conscious enough for my plans, so I placed my face very close to his and talked to him as I squeezed his dick and balls in my right hand.
"I'm gonna tell you a little secret, Armin," I said, "Are you following me?" He nodded and I continued, "The only reason why your dick is so red and irritated is because I've been milking you dry every single night. Your cock has been my toy all through the summer and I've been feeding on your man seed every single night. Are you following me?
"Yes, young master
3;" he said sheepishly.
"So," I said, "did you like my milking you today?
"Yes, young master
3;" he said once again.
"Very well," I said. "Then, I hope you know you won't be able to tell anything about this. If you ever do, I'll deny it all. Is that clear?"
"Yes, young master
"Then dress up and go on to your room."
And having said so, I dismissed him and went on my way to write uncle Alan an e-mail.
Jay's mother was evolving slowly, so I authorized him to take as much time as needed for his mother to get better. I did like Jay and I also wanted the time alone with Armin. For the following three nights, I did not call him to my room. If I wanted for things to work my way, I would have to let him stir for long enough to realize he needed my touch. It was also uncle Alan's suggestion that I not do anything until he came asking for it, for it was a sure thing he would come back if he'd enjoyed the milking I had subjected him not three days ago.
On the fourth night, as expected, Armin dropped by my bedroom as I lay naked from the waist down watching some porn.
"Young master?" he asked, and I turned, making sure he'd be able to look at my then fully engorged eight inch [20 cm] cock.
"Yes, Armin?" I answered, not pausing the porn and grabbing my balls in my right hand as I polished my cock knob with the left one.
"Young master, I
"I wanted
3; I wanted
"Yes?" I said as if losing my patience, "what is it?"
"I was wondering if
3; if you'd like me to come and watch a movie with you?"
"Do you want to watch a movie with me, or you want me to play with your cock and milk you, Armin?" He lowered his sight and blushed so much his face turned completely red. "I asked you a question," I said standing from my position and standing next to him, "Do you want to watch a movie with me or do you want me to milk your cock?" I said grabbing his balls in my hand and watching his cock go stiff at my touch. It was going to be so much easier than I had anticipated.
"Yes, young master
"Yes, what, bitch?" I asked in a harsh tone, "be clear on what you say!"
He sort of stuttered, still looking down, but he still managed to speak. "I want you to milk my cock, young master
I smiled and started massaging his cock with one hand and his balls with the other one. His legs started shuddering at my touch and I saw him partially close his eyes as he sighed under the warm touch of my hand. I did not want it to be so easy for him, cause I wanted to make sure I'd have bitch for a while. I asked him if he liked my touch and he said he did. Then I stopped touching him and sat down at the couch where I'd been upon his arrival.
"If you want me to milk that cock," I said smiling wickedly, "you're gonna have to help me with mine. Get on your knees!" He looked at me askance, and I spoke to him again, "Aren't I clear? Get down here now!"
Reluctantly, he got on his knees and approached me. I pointed at my fully engorged cock, which was totally covered in pre-cum, and he came closer. I knew he had no idea what to do, so I took one of his hands and placed it on my hard boner. Little by little he started rubbing it up and down, finding his own rhythm and letting me know he was perfect slave material.
"Good," I said, "now lick it."
His face came close and licked at the pee slit, feeling the flavor of pre-cum for the first time in his life. I ordered him to continue licking all around my cockhead, and before long, he was already tongue bathing my cockhead as an expert. I noticed his cock was rock hard as he worked my own cock and I smiled wickedly knowing I'd found myself my first bitch. He then decided he wanted something back there and started touching his cock. I reacted almost immediately, remembering that first time when I became uncle Alan's bitch.
"Who told you you could touch your cock, bitch?" I asked catching him off guard.
I stood up from my place and went to my drawer to fetch a couple of Velcro cuffs uncle Alan had bought when I was his bitch. He seemed surprised when I ordered him to bring his hands behind his back, but he complied almost immediately. Once his hands had been properly tied, I let him go back to milking my cock. I ordered him to suck on it, and, as soon as he took it inside his mouth I thrusted it all the way in. In and out, in and out, pumping fiercely as I face-fucked him. As I did so, I kept on telling him how good a whore he was and how my cock liked his mouth, I kept on telling him I'd make sure he always had my milk so I could have his to reciprocate.
The pumping was good enough and faster than expected, my pecker shot all its three-day load inside his mouth. As the first load spurted, he tried to move back, but I grabbed his hair violently, forcing him to keep my cock inside his mouth until my balls had emptied its lusty contents inside him.
"Swallow it, bitch!" I ordered him, "take your master's seed in your mouth! Take it all if you want to be milked as much as you want it!"
Once my cock had spurted everything it had to spurt, I made Armin stand up from his position and started milking his dick. He was standing, hand-tied and at my own will. I started sucking him violently, for I was hungry as hell for his milk.
"Master?" he asked sheepishly once again, "could I sit down while you milk me, sir?"
I looked at his face, his cock still in my mouth and pinched his balls. He moaned but did not say anything. "No," I said, "If you want to be milked it will be in this position. You want it or should I stop?"
"No!" he said.
I stood up and looked at him, anger shown all over my face. "What did you just say? Did you talk back to me, bitch?"
"No, master," he said, "I'm sorry master
3; I'll stand for you to milk me, sir
3; ?"
3; because you're my master, sir
3;" he said.
"And you are
3; ?" I asked grabbing his balls with my left hand.
"I'm your servant
3;" he said.
"My bitch
3;" I said, "You're my whore, for me to do with as I please
"Yes, master
"Yes, what, bitch?"
"Yes, I'm your bitch, sir. I'm your whore for you to do with as you please
"Do you really understand what that means, boywhore?" I asked, holding his balls and masturbating his cock softly, making sure he enjoyed every single stroke, so he would say whatever I wanted.
"I think I do, master
"Well, let me make it very clear for you, whore," I said, "it means this piece of meat over here is only mine from now on. You won't be able to touch it or jerk it or cum without my explicit permission, is that clear?"
"Yes, master
"It also means your milk load belongs to me and only to me, and that you'll be ready for me whenever I want to use your cock, balls, mouth and ass
3;" I said stroking his cock faster as I did so. I felt his legs shudder under my touch, knowing he was getting very close to shooting his load.
"Yes, master!"
"I think you got it clear, bitch!" I said, and went on my knees to grab his cock inside my mouth and force his cum. His load was awesome, huge spurts of his three-day load being thrown into my throat, his legs shaking as he released his whole lot of cum. I'm sure I emptied his balls, but I did not want to stop right there; after all, I had gone without his milk for three nights in a row, so, without untying his hands, I dropped him on the bed and continued to rub his cock knob as he lay in my bed.
"Please, master please!" he said pleadingly, "please, stop, master, it hurts, it hurts!"
"Are you giving me and order, bitch?" I asked without stopping my polishing of his cockhead.
"No, master, no
3;" he said, "please, master
"You dared overstepping your position as a whore, so you'll suffer the consequences of your irreverence," I said. And I carried on polishing his cockhead. It was amazing, but his cock was still rock-hard, which made my task easier, and I carried on the torture. I was hard back again at seeing how his dick was responding. It was no surprise; after all, I had worked it from three to six times every night, and I knew he could give me that many loads if I wanted. He kept on fighting in bed, begging me to stop, asking me to let his cock go. The more he begged, the hornier I got, my round cockhead all covered in my own pre-cum.
When I felt his cock throb in my hand I knew he was ready to shoot his second load. So I went down and took his cock in my mouth and started sucking him until he shot all of his tasty cum inside me, his body violently jerking at his second cum. Once I had swallowed it all, I positioned myself so he could suck me and get me ready for my second cumming. But I decided I was not done yet, so I took my cock from his mouth and went back to working out his cock.
He went mad, asking me to stop, telling me his dick and balls hurt and he couldn't take it anymore. When the pleading had become too much, I took the gag-ball from my drawer and placed it in his mouth, so he could stop complaining and I could keep on working him dry. His third and fourth cum loads were as copious as the previous two, and when he'd given me his fourth load, I decided to give him my second, all my milk going inside him as he hungrily devoured all of it.
The sun came out when I came for the second time. He was tired and wasted, his dick red with the abuse and his face completely blushed at his understanding of what we had just done. Without untying his hands, I brought him to the shower and washed his cock and balls perfectly clean. When I'd dried him, I brought him back into the room and secured the chastity device on his dick, making sure he understood what I was doing.
"Cousin?" he asked.
"Yes, Armin?" I replied.
3; what we did
"What we did is what any pair of horny bastards can do together. No one will know if that's what worries you. No one will know so long as you're my whore. Do we have a deal?"
3;" he said, looking at the chastity device secured around his dick, his face blushed so much his cheeks looked like ripe apples.
"In case you're wondering," I said caressing his balls, "that is a chastity device, used to prevent you for getting hard. This," I said showing him the key I was placing on my pants, "is the key to your chastity device. Your cock is now completely mine as are you."
I think he was scared at that point, but as I kept on talking I saw a little pre-cum dripping from his pee slit and realized he loved it, he loved being my whore as much as I had enjoyed being uncle Alan's. I kissed him in the lips and told him how good a whore he was. Then I dismissed him and he went to his room so as to get ready for the daily chores. My cock and balls hurt as hell, but I felt alive once again and I knew I was enjoying being a dom much more than I had enjoyed being a sub.
Over time, Armin proved to be an awesome whore-slave. He would go through his daily chores with his chastity device on. Sometimes I'd make him go around his daily chores wearing a butt plug. I really enjoyed seeing his face contort every time I made him do things which required an effort and I knew the butt plug became an annoyance.
On our days together, there wasn't anything I didn't try he didn't love. I tried all sorts of butt plugs and dildos on his virgin ass. The invasion of Armin's hole was something Armin seemed to really like. We tried all sorts of ball torture devices, the torture of his balls making him hard to the extreme and forcing huge loads of cum for my own pleasure. With him I tried everything from the regular milking to very extreme things, e-stim included.
Electro stimulation orgasms was one of the things I enjoyed the most, for he seemed to suffer greatly and came with no more help than the electricity. I got, courtesy of my uncle Alan, an electro sound, and I would fuck Armin's pee hole with the electrified object. He would cry and beg, but then ate my loads after being emptied. In days when we managed to be alone, I would work him all day long and had from four to six heavy loads of his cum for my feeding. I loved it that he was always ready and willing to succumb to my every perversion. Wax was something I tried on him which he seemed to suffer and enjoy.
Armin was probably one of the most awesome bitches I've ever had.
One year ago we moved to a different house. Truth was our previous home was huge and required a lot regarding service. It was me who brought the idea to dad's attention, a house much smaller would represent less expenses and a smaller service crew. It was me who chose the house as well, a good two story house with enough rooms for all of us and a room for the service crew to go through the day. The only requirement my father had asked me to pay attention to, was for the house to have a basement for storage and stuff. I convinced my father that two people would be enough for the housekeeping and he agreed. So we finally moved.
My father, no surprise, spent more and more time busy with business and we were most of the time on our own. Jay and Armin was all our service crew and did pretty well on helping me care for my brothers and the house. And six months ago I finally lost Armin. It was something bound to happen, I knew, for Armin decided to propose to his fiancée, a rather good looking young woman who had been his neighbor since they were kids. Talking him out of it was no good, for no matter how much he enjoyed being my bitch, he was also dealing with all those stupid ideas of family and hell and all that kind of crap.
The day he left I felt devastated, but once again, I knew I would grow out of it rather soon. Uncle Alan was very supportive when I told him I'd lost my bitch. He even came home and stayed for a week with us to show his support. The very few days he was with us, he sort of tried to revive the spark of what we'd shared, but truth was I was past that point and I no longer was a bitch; I wanted more than anything to have a new bitch of my own.
And I knew it was just a matter of time.
Chapter 3 Brand New Bitch
-Present day-
Jonah, the oldest brother (17yo) and Jean (14yo)
So here I am now, caring for my brothers and with no one to feed my hunger. Summer camp is approaching, and all my brothers will go as every year, except for Jack and Jake, the identical twins who follow in line after me. Jack and Jake are gone on vacation with dad to visit Europe. Summer does not look appealing to me this time, for there's nothing I'll be using my time in since I no longer have a bitch to help me with my lusty apetites.
It's probably midnight and I can't sleep. I'm in my room, trying to make myself sleep, and I hear sobbings coming from somewhere down the corridor. I stand up from my bedroom and walk passing all of my brothers' bedrooms' doors. It's Jean, my fourteen year old brother. I come inside his room and he tries and wipes his tears away, but he can't hide the fact that he's been crying. I sit down next to him on his bed.
"Hey," I say worried, "is everything O.K., Jean?"
"I'm fine," he says, but I know he's not.
"Hey," I say, "You know you can trust me, right? I'm your big brother and I'm here for you."
"Thanks," he says wiping his tears and looks at me, like trying to decide whether to say something or not.
"Come on," I say, and tousle his hair as I pull him towards me, "I love you, O.K.?"
He sobs in my arms a bit and then he finally talks.
3; I'm a freak
"Why exactly do you say you're a freak?" I ask him and he hesitates, but I nod for him to know he can carry on.
"I think
3; I think my dick is way too big and that my balls are abnormally big
3; it's so
3; embarrassing
I smile a little. He insists that he does think his dick is way too big for his age, so I ask him to show me. He blushes, his white lovely face red as an apple and I tell him it's alright. So he stands up and brings down his pants and underwear. Before me, there's my brother Jean's huge dick, a good six inches [15 cm] long as it hangs limp, I can't imagine how large it will be when fully engorged. His balls are low hangers, just as mine, but much bigger and rounder. I can't help feeling hungry for that cock, I haven't had cock and man milk for so long I start feeling dizzy as I stare into Jean's cock in front of me, getting a clear view for I'm sitting on the bed.
"It is big," I say, "but it's family genetics, Jean. Mine's big too, and my balls are also big."
He suddenly looks at my crotch and back at my face, even more blushed than before.
"Can I see yours?" he asks in such a way it's impossible for me to refuse. I nod and stand up.
I bring down my pants and briefs and my cock shows semi-erect. I'm getting painfully horny and I know I shouldn't, but Jean is so curious I let him stare at my meat.
"Yours is thicker," he says chuckling and extends his hand so fast I can't say a thing as he grabs my balls with his sweet white delicate hand, "and your balls are heavy."
I know where this might end and I bring my clothes on back again. "See?" I say, "you're not a freak. Don't get worried, you should be proud of that thing you have there. Now go back to sleep."
I leave his room and walk to mine, now almost unable to hide the huge hard-on under my briefs. I take off my pants and jump into my bed. I want to go to sleep but I can't. The image of Jean's cock hanging limp before my eyes is just way too much to ignore, as is the memory of his teenage hand holding my balls. I'm craving his cock and I want to have his seed. I know I want it, I want it so badly, but I know this young man is my brother and that makes me conflicted. Then, I realize my first ever was my uncle, and my first bitch was my cousin. What if
3; ?
But I do not want to explore that what if. I'm scared at the thoughts that run through my head, but truth is, Jean has an awesome chunk and I'm dying to have it. And measuring the size of his balls, bigger than mine and even bigger than uncle Alan's, I can imagine the loads of milk that cock could give me. I keep on struggling with myself. An hour has passed and the creepy plan is forming in my head. I want that cock and I'm gonna have it regardless of anything.
So I make some hot cocoa, but this time there's no sleeping drug on it. This time I want to have a cock legitimately. So instead, I add a good amount of a laxative to a cup and walk all the way to Jean's room.
"Hey!" I say. He's in bed, looking much more relaxed than before.
"Hey!" he says back.
"Thought you might use a cup of hot cocoa, like when you were younger?"
"Awesome!" he says and I place the cup in his hand. As he drinks it, I talk to him about how much I love him and about he shouldn't really care for his dick size and stuff; I tell him he should be proud at having such a big cock. But in my mind, there's nothing but my desire for him to finish the whole lot of the cup and the image of his lovely looking dick, which is darker in comparison to mine and even though he's almost as white as I am. I tousle his hair and tell him to go on to sleep. And then I walk to my room.
I sleep really well through the night and, as morning comes, I start knocking on my brothers' doors for them to get ready for summer camp. One by one they start coming down, their things perfectly packed. There's a sense of commotion around the house as they all come and go talking about how exciting summer camp will be. Everyone is sitting down around the table for breakfast, everyone except Jean. Knowing he won't come down, I ask Jeremy to go check on him and tell him to hurry up. Jeremy comes back and says Jean is feeling horribly sick. I tell them to carry on with breakfast and go to Jean's room.
"Hey!" I say as I come in, but Jean is nowhere to be seen. Then I look around and see his bathroom door ajar. I walk towards the bathroom and open without knocking, to find Jean sitting on the toilet. "Are you alright?"
"Please, go!" he says embarrassed, "I'm pooping, don't you see?"
I walk towards him, so that he knows he shouldn't be embarrassed. I kneel in front of him and look at his face, contorted with pain more than embarrassment.
"Are you alright?" I ask, but as I look at his face, I also take glances at the monster sleeping between his legs. Fuck I feel so dirty my cock jumps in anticipation.
"My stomach hurts!" he says, tears welling up in his eyes, "it hurts real bad!"
"Hey," I say, I'll go get you some medicine, "but I don't think you'll be able to go to summer camp
He says he doesn't care about summer camp, he says all he wants is for his pain and diarrhea to go away. So, back in the kitchen, I get everyone ready and send them on their way, not without telling the bus driver my fourteen year old brother won't be able to attend for he's sick. I'm walking back towards the house now, and I feel my cock swelling. I'm so gonna have me that meat. I'm so gonna eat Jean's cock and milk him dry. I now wonder how many loads he'll give me. I wonder how much man milk I can drain from those huge low hangers. It's 8:00 in the morning.
I bring back a syrup for Jean's diarrhea, I know it will stop really soon for it's just the result of the laxative. I come into his room and hear him sobbing behind the bathroom's door. So I step in and find him standing, his legs wet in his own crap.
"Go away, go away!" he yells at me. But instead of doing so, I keep on coming towards him.
"Relax, Jean," I say, "it's O.K. It was an accident
"I couldn't make it back to the toilet," he says sobbing and I smile at him in reassurance.
Truth is, I also smile because of the new opportunity that has presented as he looks at me and cries, crap running down his legs. I come to him and give him two spoonfuls of the suspension to stop his diarrhea and then I move past him and turn on the shower. "Come here," I say, and help him out of his shirt. I look for the first time at his rather thin body and look at the tiny pink knobs that are his nipples. They'll sure give me a lot of fun too, I tell myself. I gesture with my hand for him to approach me, but he stands still.
"Come on, Jean," I say, "let me help you. Everything's fine."
So I take his hand and bring him to the tub, where I gently sit him down. Very caringly, I start wiping the shit from his legs, occasionally making my fingers 'accidentally' brush past his balls and dick. It has the desired effect, for I see how his face blushes. Once he's clean, I bring him out of the tub and dry him, paying especial attention to his gorgeous man parts and his ass.
"Ouch!" he says as I dry his ass. I look at him askance and he says, "it hurts."
"Well, of course it hurts!" I say smiling, "the diarrhea has burnt it. Come here, let me give you an ointment."
I place him in bed face downwards, also making sure his dick is pointing down. I walk out of the room and bring out 'the ointment', which is nothing but my lube tube. I sit on the bed and ask him to relax. I squeeze the tube over his ass, a spurt of lube falling exactly over his cherry. He jumps in anticipation, but I tell him to relax, this won't hurt a bit. He exhales deeply and then my index and middle fingers start rubbing the lube against his asshole, which twitches every time I rub it. He does not say anything, but I can see his cock stiffen a bit. I don't say anything either, I continue to massage his hole and feel how it still twitches.
When his cock seems semi-hard, I decide to change tactics, and spurt a new load of lube, which I start working at his asshole, but move my hand boldly and bring it down his balls. At this he jumps a bit, but doesn't know how to react, so he doesn't say a thing. Now, my right hand is massaging his balls while my left is working out his hole. I hear him gasp as I move my hand from his balls to his cock, working its way up to his glans, which is still covered by the cute darker foreskin.
I pull his foreskin down so the whole cockhead is exposed and at this he jumps again and then finally speaks. "Jonah?" he says, worry in his voice, "Jonah, I think
"Shut up!" I order and continue my work out of his cock and hole. He then struggles, but I lean over him. Being chubby and taller than he is, it's not hard for me to keep him face downwards on the bed under my weight. Even when he starts struggling, I see his cock come to life and know he likes what I'm doing.
"Jonah, stop
3;" he says, anxiety in his voice, "please, please stop, please
But I know he doesn't want me to stop, I know because I feel his cock throbbing in my hand as I stroke it once and again.
3; please
3;" I hear him say.
But no matter how much he complains, I just can't stop, I know I don't want to stop and I carry on jerking his cock until, with all the stroking, it finally releases jet after jet of his teenage spunk which I cannot catch in my mouth. I feel his body jerking under my weight as all his man milk leaves his body through his pee slit.
He's done cumming and I release his cock from my grip. I come next to him and turn him over so he can face me. There's shock in his eyes, and his cock is still jumping, the last remains of cum leaking down from his pee slit.
"Look at me, Jean," I say. He avoids my eyes, like he does not know what to think, so I go down and kiss him profoundly on the lips. He's startled, but he does not fight back, he takes my tongue inside his mouth and then starts reciprocating with his own tongue.
We're kissing each other and I see his cock going hard again. I so knew it, I so knew Jean was fucking good bitch material the minute he told me about his cock size. He doesn't really notice, but as we kiss, I start stroking his cock once again. He's fully hard again, and when he feels my hand down there he pushes back from my kiss.
"No, Jonah," he says, "please
3;" But his refusal brings up my sex drive and I know I want his cock once again, I want to eat his man milk this time. He sees I don't intend on stopping and he starts begging again. "Please, Jonah, please
His face shows the same fear and anxiety and I turn into a predator, he tries to stand up, but I know the bed is the only place where I'll have him, so I push him down and look into his eyes.
"Stop fighting me!" I say, and devour him with my sight. He still seems scared, but his cock is rock hard and I know he loves what I'm doing to him. I stand up and grab a tie, with which I tie his hands behind his back. He's now totally helpless and ready for the milking. Now that he's tied, I let my hands run freely over his cock and balls. His cock is fully engorged, throbbing at every single touch of my hands. His big balls, his awesome family-signature low hangers, jump every time I touch them. He keeps on telling me to stop, but his cock keeps on dripping pre-cum and I know I have someone who'll give me as much man seed as his predecessor, my cousin Armin.
I make him stand up and he jerks, trying to break free of my grasp, but I catch him just in time. I bring him to an armchair and tie his hands to the arms of the chair and, as he thrashes, I also take my time to tie his legs, each to one leg of the chair. The sight of him secured against the chair takes my breath away. And even when he's begging me to stop, his cock is rock hard and leaking pre-cum.
I kneel before him and start polishing the knob of his cock. He stirs in the chair and thrashes as if he wants to release himself. He begs me to stop, he says this is wrong, he says it hurts. But I don't give a damn. He has a wondrous cock and I'm gonna milk his huge balls dry. He begs again but contorts under the touch of my hand, his dick spewing pre-cum time and again.
"I said, shut up!" I yell at him and he looks at me scared.
I know what I have to do. I go back to my room and get the ballgag uncle Alan bought me and secure him inside his mouth. He's terrified, I can see it in his eyes, but his cock loves every single moment of it. He mumbles something through the gag, and I know he's talking about Jay.
"Oh, don't worry!" I tell him, "Jay will be coming twice a week, and he won't be due til Thursday, so you see," I say smiling wickedly, "It's just you and I for three more days. And I'm gonna milk you dry, baby
His looks show his concern, but once I say the word 'milk' his dick jumps in the chair, and I know he's gonna love it. I kneel once again and I start polishing his cockhead once again. He mumbles through the gag and thrashes about, but there's nothing he can do, he's in my hands now and at the mercy of my lusty incestuous apetites. When I think the rubbing has been enough, I swallow his cockhead in my experienced mouth and start working out the head. As I do so, I see him throw his head back, partially closing his eyes at times as he succumbs to the workings of my tongue over his young cockhead. It is just too much for him to pretend he's not enjoying my mouth on his virgin cock.
I release the cock and go down to take care of his balls. I lick them first and every time my tongue licks, his pee slit gives me a little drop of pre-cum. Then I swallow his left ball and then the right and then the left; until I manage to eat both huge balls at the same time. The uncomfortable feeling of his balls being crushed inside my mouth make him thrash a bit more; I know it hurts, but the pain seems to make his cock harder and a bigger amount of pre-cum leaks running down his shaft.
"Oh!" I say letting his balls go off my mouth, "the bitch likes his balls crushed!"
I stand up from where I'm kneeling and go back to my room, where I fetch the regular acrylic ballcrusher. He looks at the item and his eyes open wide in shock.
"Yes, darling," I say smiling and bringing my cock from inside my underwear, letting Jean see it for the first time. He wanted to know whether my cock was big, well, here it is for him to see. My cockhead is glistening with pre-cum too, "I'm gonna crush your balls so you can gimme more of that teenage spunk you're keeping for yourself.
I place the first acrylic plate under his balls. He's mumbling something through the gag, but I carry on. Once in place, I start positioning the upper plate, which has a hole for his dick to go free while his balls are being squeezed to madness. And now that it's been properly placed, I start rolling the screws and the acrylic plates start coming together, squeezing his balls. He screams through the gag, I know it's hurting his balls, but his cock gives me a new and larger spew of pre-cum and I know Jean loves the pain as much as Armin did.
I keep on screwing as I continue to polish his cockhead, Jean going insane with both pain and pleasure. His cock starts throbbing and I know he's close, so I start unscrewing the crusher. I'm done unscrewing and bring my mouth down, just in time to get the cockhead inside my mouth and eat jet after jet of his lovely manmilk. He jerks about as his milk goes through my mouth. Once he's emptied his load in my mouth his body relaxes a bit, but I continue to polish the cockhead making him suffer.
I release his arms and, as soon as I do it, I make him stand up. His legs are shaking, and he looks at me. I bring his hands behind his back so I can tie them again and remove his leg bounds. I bring him to the bed and tie his hands and legs to the bed so he's tied in an X, the gag still in his mouth. I lean down next to him and start licking his nipples. I see tears in his eyes and I know he wants me to stop, I know he's freaking out, but every time I bite on his nipples he closes his eyes in pleasure.
His balls are swollen from the abuse, and swollen they look more appetizing, so I start rubbing them as I munch on each of his nipples at a time. His cock is hard again and I start slapping his balls. More tears. More complains under the gag. And more pre-cum. Lots of it. So I start working his dick back again. I know he's more than ready for me to carry on to phase two, so I stand up from the bed and go fetch a buttplug.
I stand in front of him and show him the plug as I cover it with lube. "You know what this is, right?" as ask him and laugh as I see his expression of terror. I go down and push the tip of the plug inside his ass. He tries to move, but he can't, so I keep on pushing. When the whole plug is eaten by his ass, a new load of pre-cum helps me lube his cock. I start polishing it again. Jean does not thrash anymore, like he's resigned to his horrible fate in the hands of his abusive older brother.
I then tie his cock with a shoelace and see him stir. I tie his balls with another shoelace in an impossible knot and start working his cockhead once again. I work it and work it until he starts thrashing about, and I know the time has come. I go down and eat his cockhead. I suck fiercely until he releases his third cum load of the day, making me the happiest abusive bastard in the world. His cock is going limp, but I still rub it and rub it, making him hard again. He's past complaining now and I rub and rub until I force a fourth load, which comes as copious as the previous ones.
His face is red as hell. His dick and balls hurt by the abuse. But it's only now, that I see him wasted, when I love him more. I remove the gag, and he intends on saying something, but I don't let him. I push my cock inside his mouth and start face-fucking him with all the drive his four loads have given me. He doesn't fight me. My cock goes in and out and in and out. My cock throbs and I know it's coming. I push a bit more and then my cock spurts one after another jet of my man milk inside his mouth. It keeps coming and I keep forcing him to swallow every single drop of my milk, until I've emptied my load and remove myself from his face.
"You loved it, didn't you, bitch?" I ask him. He does not answer and I grab his chin and force him to look at me. "Well, since you don't say anything
3; I don't
3;" he says, confusion in his face, blushed and his cock limp over his abused balls.
"I'm your brother," I reply, "I've taken care of you. And I'm gonna take care of you in some other aspects. I saw the lust in your eyes as you grabbed my balls in your room last night. I knew you wanted a cock and I knew you wanted for this to happen. And your cock sure loved being abused. So from now on you'll be my bitch, and I'll always make sure that huge cock is properly milked."
3;" he says sheepishly, "I want to be yours
He starts weeping and I love it. His eyes well up with tears and I love it. I know I'm a sadistic mother fucker who has milked his brother four times in a row. And I love it. I run my hand down his abs and towards his cock, which, at the touch of my hand, stiffens again. I laugh at him.
"See?" I tell him, "you're one hell of a whore!"
I start working his lovely cock one more time, but he doesn't complain. I sit over his chest so I can take his cock in my hand and work him hard and violently as I push the buttplug in an out of his virgin asshole. His abused cock gives me its fifth load, lots more of cum which I eat greedily. He's breathing heavily, his cock still throbbing as the last droplets of cum show in the lovely red cockhead.
"Are you hungry?" I ask him.
3;" he replies.
I untie him and he stands up. I send him to the shower while I order some pizza. The bathroom door is ajar and I come in to let him know the pizza is on its way. Before I can speak, I see him showering his body, paying special attention to his own ass, which he's rubbing and partially fingering. I'm so happy I got this bitch at home, and the fact that he's my brother makes it even hotter. When he finishes showering, I help him dry and place the chastity device over his cock. I explain what it is. He complains, but I slap him lightly on the cheek and tell him he's no one to talk back to me. He sheepishly asks for my forgiveness. I insert the buttplug again and then secure it. Then I help him dress and we got to the studio, ready to share a movie and a slice of pizza together. It's 2:00 in the afternoon.
Knowing he's got the plug inside as we eat makes me feel horny. I need to feed him well, for as the night comes, I'm planning on abusing him once more. And I know he's gonna give me so much milk once again. After eating, obviously, he's fallen asleep, dead with the abuse, so I carry him in my arms and bring him to his bed. As I place him down, he sort of stirs.
"It's O.K., my little bitchboy," I tell him as I kiss his forehead, "go sleep for a while. I want you rested and ready."
I start walking outside the room, when he talks to me. "Jonah?"
"I love you
3;" he says before drifting away.
"I love you too, bitch." I say and I leave the room.
It's 6:00 in the afternoon. I'm done preparing dinner. My new bitch is still sleeping. He's slept four hours in a row and I think that's fine, he needs to rest before I carry on. This time, his meal is spiced with a little something my uncle Alan recommended to increase sexual performance, endurance and cum production. I really want Jean to give me more than what he's given me. I know he's given five loads today, but that is not enough for me, I want every single drop of man milk he can produce. I'm such a cum-starved, incestuous, abusive bastard. And I love it.
3;" I call him as I shake him, "dinner's ready."
He opens up his eyes and looks at me. He sits on the bed and suddenly makes a face. The buttplug is inside and he becomes aware of that fact.
"It wasn't a dream, bitch," I tell him as I grab the chastity device under his clothes, "I did milk you and you're my bitch."
"Thank you, sir
3;" he says and my cock goes stiff. How does he know he's to call me sir?
"For what, bitch?" I ask him, still holding his chastity device.
"For milking me, sir
3;" he continues, "I don't deserve it
Fuck! My cock jumps inside my pants, and I know we have to eat ASAP, for I'm horny as hell again. Eating does not take that long and, as soon as we are done, I lift Jean and place him on the table. I pull his pants and underwear down and start working his balls. He gasps as I do so. I'm feeling nasty, so I serve a new bowl of soup. It's 6:45 pm. I bring his secured cock and his balls inside the bowl of steaming soup. He moans, for the soup is really hot.
"Any problem, bitch?" I ask him.
"No, sir
3;" he replies.
I know the soup is very hot and I can only imagine how it feels in his genitals. He's taking it like a good bitch and I love it. I tell him I'm still hungry, so I eat from the soup with his cock and balls inside it. I take a fork and start pinching his balls, pretending I want to eat them. He squirms, but stands still. The time has come for me to abuse him again, so I stand up and tie his hands behind his back with a kitchen dust-cloth. I sit down again and remove the chastity device. His cock goes hard immediately. I take turns pinching his balls and cock with the fork. I pull his foreskin back and use the fork on his cock. I can see he's going insane with pleasure. When the fork pinches his cockhead he moans, and I know I've found the best spot for the abuse, so I keep on pinching his cockhead once and again.
The soup is growing cold, so I bring the pot and serve a new spoonful of hot soup over his dick. He moans in pain, but takes it as a man. This is fucking good. I tell him we're done eating, so I bring him down from the table and carry him in my arms all the way to the bedroom. I tie him in an X on the bed and realize his shirt is still in place. But it's good. I bring a cutter and start running it over the shirt. I can see he's scared, but that only adds up to my sex drive. I run the cutter a bit down and start running it over his cock shaft. Now I run it over his balls. He's REALLY scared now. He's about to voice his concern, but I don't intend to let him, so I quickly place the gag-ball inside his mouth and carry on with the cutter. I won't cut him, I wouldn't hurt my brother, but I love the fact that he gets scared. It sends adrenaline down my spine and blood through my cock.
I cut the shirt and get busy on his nipples. I pinch them, first gently and then more violently. He thrashes and moans under the gag. He wants to move, he is experiencing that helplessness of being used and unable to do anything about it. His cock is rock hard and already leaking pre-cum. I know it's time for me to start on the abuse, so I stroke his cock up and down, releasing the cockhead so I can work it. I polish it as I slap his balls. Every time I slap them his pee slit regales me with a new droplet of pre-cum which I quickly take with my tongue.
"I think it's time for you to try a new toy, bitch."
He squirms pleading with his eyes for me not to, but I laugh at him. I bring the ball crusher which I still haven't used on him, but that uncle Alan used to love torturing me with.
"Look at this, whore!" I tell him as a dangle the device in front of his face, his eyes open wide knowing this is something we haven't tried yet. It is a metal ring devised to capture his balls from the ballsac. It is attached to a metal rollpin on top and has a structure which carries to a second metal rollpin under. The screws bring the balls crushed as they are secured on top. He complains through the gag knowing what's coming. I love the way he thrashes about in anticipation, knowing his balls will be mine for the crushing , knowing I'm going to enjoy every single fucking moment of abuse against his tender big balls.
I secure the ring around the top of his ballsac and position his balls on the right place. And start screwing. He starts squirming and thrashing about, but I keep on screwing. I stop and polish his knob a bit more. I screw a bit more. I polish his cockhead again. I screw a bit more. He's moaning through the gag and his cock is leaking pre-cum all the way down his shaft. He's hard as hell. I screw a bit more. And screw a bit more. I screw until his balls are completely crushed between the rollpins. Then I go back to working his cockhead.
I can see by the way his cock is drooling that he's loving the abuse. It's time for a little spin in our game, so I go to my room and come back holding a fleshlight. I lube it and push it down to his shaft. He squirms. I pull it up. I bring it down. And up. And down. I find a steadier rhythm until he thrashes so much I know he's gonna cum. I remove the fleshlight and pinch his nipples.
"Not yet, bitch!" I tell him and I know he's begging me for me to let him cum. I wanna hear it, so I remove the gag.
"What is it, bitch?" I ask.
"Please, sir
3;" he says between gasps, "please let me cum sir, please!"
It's 8:00 pm and I'm far from over.
"No!" I yell at him, "you will have to beg better than that."
"Please, sir, please!" he says again.
I pinch his nipples and slap the ball crusher. "Fuck!" he says and I laugh.
"You fucking horny slut!" I tell him slapping the crusher to the sides, "you fucking horny, horny cockslut!"
I remove the small ten centimeter [4 inch] rigged buttplug from his ass and he screams; after all, it's been there all day long. But I have some other plans for his asshole. I go to my room and come back holding my favorite ass torturing plug: A fifteen centimeter [6 inch] monster with the tip shaped as a round cockhead, then a thin waist, then a second cockhead underneath and then the plug end. Both cockheads on it with bumps shaped as pearls all over it.
I lube the new plug in front of his face. "No please, sir!" he says, horror in his face, "that's gonna fucking hurt, sir!"
I slap him. "Of course it's gonna hurt, bitch!" I tell him, "you have no right to cum unless you pay for it with your pain. And you cannot swear, or your balls will pay the consequences!" I finish screwing a bit more.
I place the gag back again on his mouth and start inserting the plug. He moans in pain and I see tears welling up in his eyes. That makes me hornier and I push the whole plug in one single movement. That proves to be too much, for his cock immediately spurts three long shots of white hot cum.
"What the fuck!" I yell at him as I take his cock in my hand and squeeze it madly so it will hurt. He thrashes about and then I use his own cum to polish his knob. "You fucking came without my permission!! I tell him, "And now you'll pay for it!" and saying so, I keep on polishing his cockhead.
I know it's a horrible yet amazing sensation, and I keep on polishing and polishing. He keeps on thrashing. I feel his cock throb in my hand and I know he's close to cumming, so I bring my mouth down and suck on it. As I do so, his gorgeous and veiny cock spurts his second load of the night, the seventh of the day. He's finished cumming but I keep on sucking and he convulses in bed, unable to making me stop. I leave the plug on its place and remove the crusher from his balls. I lay down next to him and remove the gag.
He's gasping for air and I'm slapping his balls, keeping my cock all covered in pre-cum.
"Jonah?" he asks.
"What?" I reply, "is that how you're supposed to address me?"
"I'm sorry," he corrects, "sir?"
"What is it, bitch?"
"Aren't you gonna cum, sir?
I smile and look at him. "Maybe, bitch, why?"
"I'd like you to cum, sir." He adds.
"What do I fucking care what you'd like?" I ask him harshly.
"I just wanted you to know, sir, that my mouth is available for you to cum, sir." He adds, "I'm all yours sir."
That is just way too much. I jump from my place an put my throbbing cock inside his mouth and start face-fucking him. Hard, fast, violently. My cock throbs in madness and then releases all of its load inside Jean's mouth. He swallows my whole lot of spunk. He loves it, I can tell. I untie him and bring him to the shower where I make him kneel.
"Open your mouth!" I command.
He complies instantly and I bring my dick next to his open mouth. He thinks I'm gonna make him suck me. But I'm not. I pull my cock up and seconds later, my pee slit opens to allow a golden flow outside. I keep his face up pulling from his hair, so the golden streams lands on his mouth.
"Swallow bitch!" I order.
He looks shocked at my command, but does not say a thing and starts swallowing as much as he can from my streaming river of piss. Until I'm done.
"Now, you're officially my bitch
3;" I tell him smiling, "and my urinal. And it's time to flush." As I say it, I step my right foot over his balls and he jumps but takes it.
"Thank you sir," he says as I finish.
I open the faucet and get the shower running. I wash him without untying his hands, as I would a pet. When he's done, I dry him and then secure his chastity device around his cock. It's 10:00 pm. I untie his hands and bring him to bed. I turn on the TV and have him cuddle next to me, the chastity device and the plug still on him.
"Good night, bitch," I tell him.
"Good night, sir," he replies, "Was I any good,sir?"
I smile as I look into his lovely blue eyes and kiss his full pink lips deeply, bringing my tongue inside his mouth. "You were really good, bitch," I tell him, "what do you want for a prize for being such a good bitch, slutty boy?"
"I only want to serve you, sir," he says, "and I want to always have you feed me your man milk, sir. I'm here for you and you alone, sir. You can do whatever you want with me, sir, I'll be happy so long as I can be of use for you sir."
It's so fucking sweet I can't believe how fucking lucky I am.
"You're a fucking good boy, Jean," I tell him, "and for a prize I'll think of something. In the meantime, go on to sleep. Oh, I was forgetting!" I say, "your hand will have to be on my cock at all times as we sleep. Is that clear?"
"Yes, sir," he says, "can you kiss me again, sir?"
I cannot deny him that, so we deeply kiss. And then I turn my face to watch some TV. He drifts away almost immediately. I'm also feeling tired. But I'm semi-hard and knowing I'm going to have lots of fun abusing Jean.
Chapter 4 A turn in events
-Present day-
Jonah, the oldest brother (17yo), Jean (14yo) and Jeremy (11yo)
It's Thursday 9:00 am. Jay is already in the house, taking over the stuff. Jean is sleeping, and I told Jay it's because he's tired due to the 'stomach infection' he experienced. Truth is he's tired because of the amount of milk I've forced from his balls and cock since Monday. I do think I'm going to be needing an extra bitch, given the amount of milk I'm draining from Jean's balls. It's not like he complains, he behaves as any good bitch would. But I think he needs to rest.
Jay is looking over the house and the phone rings.
"Hello?" I say over the phone.
"Hi. This is Mark Stevens, from the 'All American Summer Camp' Association."
"Oh, hi!" I say, thinking something might have happened with one of my brothers, "what can I do for you?"
"Am I speaking to Jeremy Moore's father?" the man on the other side of the line asks.
"You're talking to his tutor," I say with real worry, "is he O.K.?"
"He's O.K." the man says, "but there was an accident in a boat activity and he broke both his wrists. He's been given the medical attention covered by our insurance, but I wanted to ask you to pick him up or send someone for him, since he won't be able to carry out the program."
"I'll see to it immediately. I really appreciate the call, and don't worry, we understand this are common risks in summer activities. Thanks Mister Stevens."
"Thank you, Mister Moore."
I hang up and tell Jay the story. He's very comforting telling me everything will be alright. He offers to go pick up Jeremy and I really appreciate it. In the meantime, the four hour drive it will take for him to go and come back, I can tend to Jean and his awesome cock.
It's 9:30. Jay is gone to pick up Jeremy. I walk upstairs and enter Jean's room. He's placidly sleeping in his bed. I sit and he doesn't move. I pull the sheets aside delicately. I love doing this. He's wearing no underwear, so it isn't hard for me to start the work out. He's wearing his chastity device, so the obvious is to start on his balls, which I start caressing. He stirs almost immediately. He opens his eyes when his balls are in my hands.
"Jonah?" he asks still sleepy.
"Time for my morning milk, bitch," I tell him.
I'm already squeezing his balls. He squirms. I squeeze hard. I love squeezing his big balls hard. He closes his eyes and does not complain. I slap his balls. I squeeze. I slap. I squeeze. Before long, his cock starts leaking pre-cum through the chastity device. I make him stand up and tie him to an armchair. I've discovered it's my favorite form of abusing him. I make a mental note to buy a new armchair, one in which I can remove the seat and have his ass available for the abuse. I blindfold him, something we haven't tried yet.
"No, sir, please!" he says scared at my blindfolding him.
"Shut up, bitch!" I tell him as I slap him for talking when he hasn't been asked. As if I cared for his opinion. I place the gag on his mouth and retrieve the chastity device. "We're gonna try something new on your cock, bitchboy," I tell him. His cock swells almost immediately and I start stroking it. I take turns stroking his cock and slapping his low hangers. He moans under the pain and tries to retreat but he knows it's impossible. I pull down his foreskin and lube the cockhead, which I start polishing. I know he loves it when I polish his knob, so I keep on going.
He's hard and nice, his pee slit leaking pre-cum for me. I know it's time. I take a silk rope I've been saving for this moment for a long while and tie it around his cock and balls in a complicated knot, in such a way that his balls are tied separately from one another and from the cock. I can tell it hurts, but Jean only complains through the gag. His balls are individually tied now. I take his right ball and squeeze it. I take his left ball in my other hand and squeeze it. I'm now squeezing both his balls with my hands, squeezing madly as he thrashes about in the chair.
"Stop thrashing bitch!" I yell at him, "I know what I have to do with you!" I say. I bring another long rope and this time I secure his waist to the chair, as well as his neck. Now he can't truly move. I go back to his balls and continue squeezing. Fuck! I love the amount of pre-cum this bastard can give me when I abuse his nuts. I go back to my room and come back with the toy I'm gonna try on Jean for the first time.
I place the power box on the floor. I place the rubber loops on Jean's cock, one in his cock base and one in the neck of his cockhead. I place two electropads, one in each ball and connect the electrodes. And here we go. I turn on the power box and the fun begins. I bet he never expected this kind of torture and my pleasure increases. I increase the intensity and he squirms. He moans in pain. But I can tell his cock loves it, for it throbs every time the electric pulse reaches its destination.
"Like it, bitch?" I ask him and laugh at his helplessness.
I start working his nipples. I pinch them and lick them. I bite them. His cock oozes precum in a frenzy like never before. More and more and more pre-cum. I increase the intensity once more. He jumps in the chair and his cock regales me with more pre-cum, which now runs down his cock shaft.
It's 10:30. He's been under electro stimulation for a good thirty minutes now. He's getting used to it, so I know it's time to take him to the next level. I grab the thinnest of my urethral sounds and cover it in gel. I know he isn't expecting it, so it's even more fun. I go to his cock and grab the head. I lick at his pee slit and squeeze some electro gel on it. I remove the gag, I want to hear him complain and beg. The minute the first part of the urethral sound goes in he moans deeply.
"Fuck, it hurts, sir, it hurts!" he says.
"Of course it hurts, bitch!" I respond, "That's the whole point of it!" I laugh at him and bring the sound even deeper. I keep on pushing until the whole sound has gone in, but for the tip, the part where I'll attach the electrode. I jerk his cock with the sound inside.
"Ohsirohsirohsirosir!" he goes non-stop, "Pleasesirpleasesirpleasesir!"
"And we aren't even done yet, bitchboy!" I tell him.
He squirms and, Oh! How I fucking love it! I fuck his cock slit with the sound, in and out, in and out and see him suffer. It's time for the gag to go back, so I gag him, the sound still inside his whole cock. I place the electrode on the sound and plug it to the power box. Then the fun really begins.
He seriously thrashes about and moans through the gag. There's a lot of pre-cum going on in Jean's cock and I love it. The phone rings. I slap Jean and order him to shut up, for there's a phone call. I know he's going insane with the electro stimulation, but still he shuts up, even when his body still jerks about under the torture.
"Hello?" I say.
"Hi, Jonah, it's dad."
"Oh! Hi, dad!" I say outloud so Jean knows who's on the phone, "what's up?"
"Hi, Jonah!" he says, "I got a phone call from the summer camp about Jeremy.
"Yes, daddy," I reply, "They called me this morning too."
As I speak to my dad, I lean down and start bringing the electrified sound inside and outside Jean's pee slit. There's something twitching inside me, something really perverted that makes my cock pre-cum a lot as I speak to my father while torturing my brother. I'm past the point of caring, I know I'm a pervert and I've given in to my perversions.
"I was wondering," he says, "if I should come back home
"No!" I say, maybe a little too effusively, "No, dad," I rephrase, "I don't see the point of making you and the twins stop your vacation. Jay and I can perfectly take care of the house and both Jean and Jeremy
"Are you sure?" he asks, concern in his voice, "I lately think I'm dropping so big a burden on you
"No, dad," I answer as I work the sound inside and outside Jean's cock. His face contorts under the effort of not speaking, "I really like taking care of my brothers, really."
A wicked smile shows in my face as I say it and keep on working the sound. I can tell Jean is having a hard time keeping silent, but I love it.
"Jonah," Daddy says getting serious on the phone, "You're an angel. Thanks for everything you've done all these years
"Don't even say it, daddy. I love it, really."
"Can I talk to Jean, baby?" Daddy asks.
"Um…" I hesitate, but the sound is still going in and out, "I'm not sure that's a good idea, daddy
"And why is that, Jonah?" he asks again.
"Cause he's working out dad
3; You know how obsessive he is with that idea he got that he's too skinny
"Well, call him to the phone. I'd really like to talk to him."
"O.K. Daddy, wait up
I turn off the power box and remove the sound from Jean's cock; it throbs as I do so, releasing a new amount of pre-cum. I remove the gag from his mouth and place the phone next to his ear and mouth so he can talk to dad. The electro has been turned off, but I do not intend on stopping the torture, so, while he answers, I polish his cock knob.
3; Dad
3;" he says breathing heavily as I work his cockhead. "No, Dad
3; I'm fine
3; yes, Jonah has been taking care of me
3; no
3; no, daddy, everything's fine, really
3;" he is seriously panting, but I just can't stop the workout. His cock leaks and leaks pre-cum. "Yup
3; I was exercising, daddy, that's why
3; no, I'm feeling much better now
3; no, I'm fine
3; yeah
3; no, Jonah is awesome
3; yup, he's really seeing to my every need
3; feeding me well daddy, uhu
3; yup, my milk too
3; love you too dad, bye
I gag him again and turn on the electro as I answer again. "Hi, daddy. I'm back
"Hey, baby
3;" daddy says again, "thanks a lot for taking care of Jean. And thank you for Jeremy as well
"Don't even mention it, dad," I say as I insert the electrified sound again inside Jean's cock, "have fun in your vacation and send my greetings to the twins. Love you!"
"Love you too, Jonah. Bye now."
He hangs up. The electricity is running through Jean's cock and balls and I stand up to remove his gag.
"That's a very good boy
3;" I whisper in his ear, "What do you want me to praise you with, baby?"
He's gasping.
"The blindfold, sir," he says, "I
3; I want to see what you've plugged up my dick, sir
"Anything else?" I ask him as I remove the blindfold.
"If I may, sir
3;" he says between gasps.
"Go ahead, bitch."
"Your cock, sir," he says, "I'd like to suck on it, sir
"That's my boy!" I tell him and get my cock out of my pants. It's glistening with pre-cum and Jean looks at it like he worships it. I increase the intensity of the electro and show him the sound. He goes nuts as I take it out and he sees its length. He goes nuts as I insert it back, his eyes wide open like he doesn't believe how that can go inside his cock slit.
I push my cock inside his mouth and let him savor it, I let him find his pace to suck it. He loves cock, I know. He grumps with my cock in his throat every time the electrodes pulse. I'm getting close, so I remove my cock from his mouth and go on my knees in front of him. I increase the intensity of the power box in 'orgasm' setting and he starts thrashing about once again. I start pumping the sound in and out really fast. His cock is throbbing repeatedly, so I know he's about to climax.
I really want to eat his spunk, but I also want to see him orgasm with the electricity running down the sound. I decide to go for the second option and start pumping the sound in and out even faster than before.
He's still saying it as the first jet of his teenage spunk spits from his awesome cock. Second shot. Third shot. Fourth shot. I remove the sound and grab his cockhead in my mouth. There's a fifth shot. And a sixth. I love my brother's production of man seed. As I suck on his knob, he goes mad, his pecker still spewing.
It's 12:00 noon. I turn off the power box and remove the rubber loops and the pads. I then release the knots of rope from his balls, which automatically relax and go limp, hanging lower than usual. I release the knot from his cock as well. It's swollen and I see a couple of veins still throbbing. I suck a little more and rub a little more. He's going insane. I push my cock inside his mouth and it doesn't take more than five thrusts before it releases its heavy load into Jean's willing mouth.
Once he's done sucking me dry, I take my cock out of his mouth. He licks his lips and I love it.
"I love you cock, sir," he says, his face all blushed, "And I love eating your cum, sir
"That's my boy," I tell him and kiss him in the lips.
"Can you
3; can you milk me again, sir, please?" he begs.
"I can't, bitchboy," I tell him, "Jay and Jeremy are about to arrive."
"Please, sir, please!" he begs, more with his eyes than with his words. I can't deny it to him, after all, I've been milking him several times a day for the past three days.
"You can't get enough of it, now, can you bitchboy?" and as I say it, I go down on my knees. His cock is still rock hard, so the only thing I need to do is polish the knob. It amazes me that his cock is producing pre-cum again and I go automatically insane. It's 12:15, so I really must hurry up. I start jerking his cock with one hand and polish the knob with the other. IT doesn't take more than ten minutes before his cock starts thrashing in my hand. So I bring my mouth and start sucking his cockhead fiercely. His second load is released on my mouth. Five long shots of hot brother cum in my mouth! Once I'm satisfied with what I've drunk, I stand up and release his cock.
"Thank you, sir
3;" he says. I untie him and help him stand up. I take him to the shower and help him with the soap. He goes semi hard as I rub his body with the soap, but it's already 12:40 and Jay and Jeremy should be about to arrive.
I dry him and secure the chastity device around his cock. I dress him up, I love doing it. He looks at me and I think I see a little sadness in his face. That worries me.
"Baby?" I tell him, "Are you alright, Jean?"
"I am," he says looking down, "it's just
"Go ahead, Jean," I tell him embracing him, "what is it that's troubling you?"
"Jeremy is coming back, Jonah," he says, calling me by my name.
"And why is that a problem sweetheart?"
"Because," he says running his hands through my nipples, "you won't be able to milk me or feed me from your cock
I kiss him in the lips and hug him tight.
"I will NEVER stop tending to your nutritional needs. And now that I've tried it, I'm NEVER gonna go without your man milk ever again
3; You can be sure of that." As I tell him, I kiss him again. He holds on tight to me and kisses my neck. The door slams shut down stairs and we know Jay and Jeremy are back.
It's 5:12 in the afternoon. Jean is in his room all angry about Jeremy's come back. Jay left not half an hour ago, and I'm left in the house with my brothers. I'm looking over dinner, which Jay prepared and I'm supposed to watch. I go upstairs. Jean has fallen asleep, so I let him rest. I go on to check on Jeremy and find him weeping in bed.
"What is it, buddy?" I ask him. He doesn't reply. Instead, he looks down at his camp shorts, all wet in his own pee. "What happened, buddy?"
3;" he says gasping and weeping, "I couldn't take my weenie out
3;" he says showing me the cast on both his hands, which do not allow any movement from his thumbs or fingers.
"Why didn't you call me, silly?" I ask sitting down next to him.
"I was embarrassed
3;" he says totally blushing.
"Well, you shouldn't be," I tell him tousling his hair, "both your hands are broken, so I'm gonna have to help you bathing and peeing and I guess pooping too. Don't feel embarrassed, that's why I'm your big brother, O.K.?"
3;" he says, but still blushed.
"Now," I tell him, "let's get you showered or you'll be stinking of piss all day long."
I take off his shirt. I take off his shoes and socks. I then take down his pants and underwear. This is the very first time Jeremy's naked in front of me and I feel dirty, cause looking at his eleven year old cock is making my cock go semi hard.
I start to the bathroom to try and shake those feelings of my head and start the water running to fill the tub. When it's ready I go back to the room and cover his casts with plastic bags.
"O.K., buddy!" I say, "Time for a shower!"
I bring him to the shower and sit him in the tub. I shampoo his hair and rinse it. Then I soap the glove and start rubbing his body. I know I'm a pervert the minute I rub his nipples and my cock goes rock hard. I ask him to stand up to rub his legs and tummy, but what I really want is to see him naked as I rub him. I do his tummy and back, and I ask him to sit in the tub again. Then I take off the glove and take a small sponge. I put soap in it and I bring it down. I start on his pubis. He's hairless still. I rub a little on his balls and move down to his asshole. I rub back up. Fuck! Is he stiff? I rub there back again. Yes, he's stiff.
I let the sponge fall from my hand and rub his cock directly. He jumps, his eyes wide open, but he says nothing. He's completely stiff under my touch. I feel his three inch cock jump as I 'wash it'. I do the same on his balls, still young and kind of small. I've never had such a small set of balls in my hand.
3;" he says, flushed all over the face, "I think I'm clean now
"Let's take a look!" I say and ask him to stand up. He doesn't want to, I think he's ashamed of his boner, but he does not say it. I ask him to stand again and he complies. "Why are you embarrassed?"
He's looking down and says nothing.
"Is it because of this?" I ask grabbing his cock in my hands and rub it a bit more.
3;" he says.
"Relax, buddy," I tell him, "doesn't it feel good?"
He does not say a word, but I keep on working his dick and he doesn't reject me. I take the towel and start drying him, so he won't feel uncomfortable. I know I've crossed a line with my other brother, but somehow it doesn't feel wrong. I finish drying his body. The awkward moment is gone and his cock is fluffy again. I sit down on the toilet and bring him to me. I sit him between my legs facing the front wall and start drying his hair. But I can't help myself.
"You know how much I love you, right?" I ask him.
"Course I do, silly!" he tells me.
I hug him and kiss him in the head. But I feel my dick pounding inside my underwear at his proximity. Now I let my left hand go over his yummy cock again.
"I love you so much
3;" I whisper in his ear as I stroke his cock. It responds to my touch almost immediately and goes hard.
With my other hand I start caressing his balls as I continue whispering to his ear how much I love him. I think he's scared, but I feel his head falling to rest on me and then I know I should carry on. I keep on stroking but I'm really curious about seeing his cockhead, so I start peeling his foreskin down. He gasps, but still says nothing. His cockhead is fully out now, so I put saliva on my fingers and start polishing his tender knob. He gasps a little more. I make the movement steady and work out his balls with my other hand.
3;" he says between gasps, "stop
3; it feels funny in there
3; bad?" I ask him, but do not stop the polishing and the ball work out.
3;" he says and he is now gasping more often, "funny
3; oh, silly, please stop!"
But I know he does not want me to stop. I'm in over my head. I start kissing his neck as I continue to massage his balls and cock. It's three inches [7½ cm] long as stiff and it's thick for his age, I guess he'll have a big one like most of the men in my family.
"You know what will make you feel even better?" I ask him.
3; What
3; Jonah
I stand up and lift him to place him sitting. I kneel in front of him. His young cock is hard as hell and I know he's also beside the point of caring. I stroke his dick a little more and then I go down there. I swallow the cockhead and he gasps. I know he's feeling it in there, something he's never felt before and I know he's nervous and scared and confused. But he's also rock-hard and I can't stop myself from sucking at my young brother's cock.
He gasps repeatedly as I feel his cock throbbing in my mouth like crazy. I know he's really close to orgasm now.
3; Jonah
3; I
3; please
3; stop
3; I wanna pee
3; I'm gonna pee
I pay no attention to his pleas and I continue to suck him. His hips find a natural rhythm as his orgasm closes in on him. I'm expecting him to dry cum, so I feel surprised when his young hot cum is shot into my mouth. It's so copious I feel completely insane and suck until there's no more milk inside him.
3; what
3; was that
3;.?" He asks still gasping. His forehead is pearled with sweat.
"That is called cumming, buddy," I tell him as I stand to face him.
3; I thought I was gonna pee
"I know you did, buddy," I tell him smiling, "but what really came out of your weenie was a creamy stuff called semen or cum
"Did you eat my creamy stuff?" he asks, his eyes wide open.
"I did."
"Yuk!" he says, "That sounds disgusting, eating some creamy stuff coming out of a weenie!"
"It's not," I say, "I really like cum very much. I like it a lot. Let me show you
3; with my weenie
"Are you gonna make your weenie spit creamy stuff too?"
"If you help me
3; I call it man milk
3; here, help me out
I take my dick out from my shorts and his eyes open in disbelief.
"Jonah! Your weenie is huge!"
"Yours will be too when you grow."
"And there's so much fur in there, like they told us in class
"Here," I say bringing his fingers to my red bush, "feel my fur
He runs his fingers along my pubes. I'm going insane with desire. I drag his hand a bit and make it run over my hard cock, which I start stroking.
"Come, buddy," I say, "help me out here."
I pull his head towards my dick. He looks at it but does not know what I want him to do, so I direct him. "Lick the knob," I tell him.
3; no
"I licked yours
3;" I tell him and look at him as if I was mad, so he goes closer and licks at my cockhead glistening with pre-cum. I pull his head closer and ask him to open his mouth wide. He does and I push the whole head up his mouth. He starts sucking almost immediately. It becomes really obvious that he's a natural, for he finds his own pace. I won't hold longer. Feeling his soft young lips on my cock is more than anyone can stand. My cock throbs and spasms releasing the first shot. He tries to pull away, but I don't let him. I pull him closer to my cock so he eats all of it. Three. Four. Five long shots of my milk into his throat.
I let go of him and a sixth shot comes out surprising both of us and landing on his lips. I take it with one of my fingers and show it to him. "This is my man milk," I tell him, and bring it inside his mouth. He sucks on it and then licks his lips. It's more than I can take.
"Did you like my man milk?
He nods. I bring my lips close to his and kiss him. As I do so, I tickle his nipples and he laughs.
"Now, we'll have to keep this a secret, alright?"
"I know
3;" he says smiling.
"How is it that you know, buddy?"
"I'm not a moron, okay?" he says looking at me, "I know guys are not supposed to play with their weenies. And neither are brothers."
I'm surprised at his answer. "Then why wouldn't you stop me?"
"Because," he says, "it felt good you playing with my weenie. And I liked sucking your weenie too."
I look at him amazed.
"Have you done anything with your weenie
3; or somebody else's weenie?"
"No, silly
3;" he says, "I'd never seen any like for real
3; why?"
"Just wondering, buddy," I say, "come on, let's get you dressed."
"First up," he says smiling at me, "I do need to pee. Can you help me hold my weenie?"
"I'd love to, buddy," I tell him and stand next to him. I hold his little cock and see the hot steamy golden river emanating from his pee slit. Fuck, my brother Jeremy is so fucking cute and I just totally ate his FIRST CUM ever. And he ate mine. This can't get any better! I have two awesome teenagers to keep my milk apetites served. And they're both my brothers.
It's 7:00 p.m. We just finished dinner. I have to say, Jeremy's was spiced up with the sleeping miracle, so I can take care of Jean's cock. We jump in bed even though it's early. I put Jeremy on his bed and then come back to put Jean on his. I'm covering Jean and Jeremy comes in.
"Jonah?" he says all sleepy from the stuff.
"Yes, buddy?"
"Can I sleep with you? I might need to go pee at night
"Course buddy, come in!"
Jean gets instantly angry, but I blink at him and tell him I've got a secret. Jeremy comes to bed between us and drifts away really quickly. Then I explain to Jean about the sleeping thing and he smiles knowing I'll get to work his cock after all.
"Totally dead sleep, sir?" he asks.
"That's right bitch. Look." I say and shake Jeremy and poke his belly and he won't move. He still looks like he won't believe me. He pokes Jeremy in his cock. It's nasty for him to do that, but I feel my cock coming to life. He places his full hand and starts rubbing Jeremy's cock.
"You want it, bitchboy?"
He nods. I pull Jeremy's pants and underwear down. I don't know what's gotten into me, but I start rubbing Jeremy's cock and it goes stiff right away. Jean extends his hand and I slap him. I stand up and tie his hands behind his back.
"Let's see how badly you want it, fucking perverted whore!" I tell him.
I rub Jeremy's cock, which goes to its full three inches [7½ cm]. I peel the foreskin back and he stirs in his sleep. Jean's face is one of ultimate lust as I work out Jeremy's eleven year old cock. I pull down Jean's pajamas. He's not wearing any underwear so I instantly look at his gorgeous balls and at his cock, which is drooling pre-cum through the chastity device's opening.
I polish on Jeremy's pink and soft cockhead and he stirs in his dream again. I can see Jean is loving every single minute of it. I remove the chastity device and his cock automatically swells to its full size. I start polishing his knob as I polish Jeremy's. Jean is going insane with lust. I'm hard and my cock keeps on spitting pre-cum as I do both my brothers' cocks. With Jeremy's I'm tender. With Jean, well, we know how much he loves being abused, so I pinch his knob and squeeze his dick savagely.
As I caress Jeremy's soft hanging balls, I slap and squeeze Jean's huge low hangers. They are both oozing pre-cum. It amazes me how much pre-cum Jeremy's tender cock can make given his short age. I'm in heaven feeling both my brothers' dicks. I start sucking Jeremy's cock as I jerk Jean's. I switch places and suck Jean's cock as I jerk Jeremy's.
"Wanna suck him, bitchboy?" I ask Jean.
"Yes, sir," he tells me salivating as I propose it.
"Go for it, bitch." I order him.
He jumps over Jeremy's cock with a lust I've never seen in him. As he sucks on the young tender cock, I start my abuse of his balls. I squeeze them hard and let go of them. I squeeze them again. I let go of them again. I suck on his cockhead fiercely. I have come to know, in these few days, that the one part of Jean's cock that drives him to the edge is his cockhead. I suck it. I bite in spots. I lick the neck. I know what I want again. I take out the metal sound and start fucking his peehole. He goes nuts. I know he loves it. I don't notice it, but the pain he's taking, he's releasing into Jeremy's hard tender cock.
I take Jean's face and bring it to my own cock, which is demanding attention. That's when I see that little Jeremy's cock and balls are all red; Jean has seriously abused Jeremy's organ. I start sucking Jeremy delicately. As I eat the sweet pink cocoon that is Jeremy's cockhead, it starts throbbing. It spits his cum load almost instantly. Once again it's a copious load. I love my brothers. I cum almost at the same time as Jeremy, and Jean moans as he gets my load on his mouth. I know it's time for Jean's milking, so I go down and start sucking him as I squeeze his balls savagely. It doesn't take long for him to release his load, which I eagerly eat from his throbbing cock.
I allow his cock to go back to its natural size and I place the chastity device around it. It's 10:30 pm. It's time to sleep, so I position myself between both my milkboys. Jean, on my right, places his hand on my cock as ordered. I bring Jeremy next to me and cuddle him under my left arm. Once he's in position, I bring my arm around his waist and inside his underwear, getting a hold of his cock. I think this boy's level of stamina is impressive, for his cock goes completely stiff as I touch it. I smile. I'd love to suck his cock once again, but I don't think he could give me another load.
It's 11:30. Jean has totally fallen asleep, tired as expected of all the day's milking work out. My hand is still grabbing Jeremy's cock, which is still completely stiff. I stand from the bed, placing Jean's hand off of my cock. I carry Jeremy and take him to his bed. I place him in bed. He's totally asleep, which drives me crazy. What has really gotten into me, I don't know. It's probably the fact that I've been stroking his dick for the past hour as he sleeps next to me. I just know I need his milk again. I pull his underwear down. He's stiff as hell. I start sucking on it with a love and passion I didn't know I had inside. I love his cockhead, so small compared to mine and so pink and so soft to the touch. I suck and suck until his young balls release a new load of milk for me. I swallow eagerly.
I carry him and take him back to the room. Jean is still sleeping. I place Jeremy to my left and lay between both my brothers. I take Jean's hand and place it in my cock. And drift away.
It's 7:00 pm. The day has been uneventful. I did take a rest from my milking chores and it did not sit very well with Jean. I did have to take care of Jeremy's needs, especially the bathroom. I had some fun taking him to pee several times throughout the day, times in which I took advantage to playfully rub his cock and softly squeeze his balls. I did wipe the tiny pee remains from his cock with my mouth and he giggled every time I did it. For Jean I did leave the electro stim plugged to his cock base and pee slit for a while around noon. I left him plugged and locked in his room so he could be milked and without losing the condition his cock has gotten used to by now.
I did stop his torture around 2:00 pm. He had cum three times by then.
I take my brothers to the room and tell them we'll watch a movie. I find something to watch and lay in bed, Jeremy between Jean and myself. I told Jean I did not feed Jeremy the sleeping stuff and he feels disappointed. But I have other plans. I do want to abuse my brothers, but I want Jeremy to be awake for it. We're watching E.T. which, for some funny reason, is Jeremy's favorite movie. We're under the bed covers and I start touching Jeremy's fluffy cock, which starts going hard really quickly. He doesn't even flinch. He knows this is supposed to be our secret. He does lick his lips as I peel the foreskin back and rub his cockhead around. Pre-cum works its way up really quickly.
Jean looks at me, he knows I'm working Jeremy's eleven year old cock. I blink an eye at him and nod. He takes the cue immediately and places his right hand in Jeremy's balls. This time Jeremy opens his eyes wide and gasps. He looks at me askance.
"It's O.K., buddy," I tell him, "I invited Jean to our little secret."
Before long, I pull the bed covers and let Jeremy look at his cock and balls being worked by Jean and myself. He gasps. I gently kiss him in the lips. I then bring my tongue inside his mouth and he seems surprised. I order him to use his tongue too and he does. I start caressing Jean's hair with my other hand and gently pull him towards us. He joins in the incestuous kiss. I'm really working Jeremy's cock and Jean his balls. His cock is drooling pre-cum like crazy.
"I think that cock needs a little kiss, don't you agree, Jean?" I ask him.
"Yes, Jonah." I like it that he's not calling me sir, as if he knew we do not want to scare little Jeremy with our submission game.
"Well, then, let's give him that kiss."
We both go down and take Jeremy's cockhead between our mouths as we kiss. Jeremy's moaning now. I can only imagine how it feels to have two mouths playing with your cockhead, but I will know before the day is over. We move simetrically down his shaft and up to his cockhead once and again and again. I know Jeremy's going insane with pleasure, because he moans repeatedly and then gets a hold of our heads.
"Don't you think those balls might need a kiss too?" I ask Jean.
"I think so, Jonah
3;" he says and we both go down.
We start by licking his balls and I feel Jeremy move in the cadence that indicates pleasure. Then I suck his right nut inside my mouth and Jean sucks the left one. Jeremy's moan is deeper this time. As we suck his balls inside and outside our mouths, he moves and moans and pulls our heads. This is fucking paradise. We move up and start sucking on his nipples and he jerks again. I'm doing his balls with my hand and Jean is polishing his knob as we both suck and lick at his nipples. We go down again. Jean is eagerly eating his cock while I suck his balls bringing them inside and outside my mouth once and again.
"O.K. buddy," I tell him releasing his balls, "time to reciprocate."
"Do you
3; want me
3; to suck on
3; your weenie
3;" he says smiling in between gasps.
"No, buddy," I tell him, "I want you to suck Jean's weenie."
He nods. Jean sits resting his back against the bed head and Jeremy lies on his belly. Jean gently pulls Jeremy's head caressing his hair and brings him to his eager cock which oozes precum like there was no tomorrow. I pull Jeremy's midsection so he's on his knees and start sucking at his cock again. Then I suck at his balls. I peek and see Jean's face of pleasure as he forces his huge cock inside Jeremy's mouth. Now that Jeremy's mouth is full of cock, I move on from his balls and start licking at his ass. He jerks and tries to come away from Jean's cock to protest, but Jean follows my lead and pulls Jeremy's head so he remains in place, cock-in mouth.
I keep on licking at his ass and jerking his cock as I do so. He keeps on trying to complain, but Jean's cock prevents him from complaining. It doesn't take long before his hips start moving with a lovely pace, letting me know he's used to the ass licking. I move to phase two and start tonguing his rosebud. He tries to break free from Jean's cock again, but he keeps him in place with the huge cock pulsating inside his tiny mouth. Then I finish my tongue bath on Jeremy's ass and come up to assist him sucking at Jean's cock. Jeremy's a horny little bastard, pretty much like Jean and myself, so we both give Jean one hell of a blowjob together. I make sure to squeeze Jean's balls hard enough as we work his cock know with our mouths.
"O.K., now
3;" I tell both of them, "time to give your older brother the proper weenie treatment."
So I sit in Jean's place and let them suck my cock and balls with their eager mouths. As they suck me, Jean jerks Jeremy's cock. But that's not a pleasure they should have. So, I make them move so we're kind of like in a 69 position. They are sucking my cock and I'm now jerking theirs. Then I move from jerking their cocks to squeezing and slapping their balls. I'm harder on Jean, but I think it's time for Jeremy to start getting used to being tortured in the balls; after all, it's what really turns me on. He jerks a bit, but every time he wants to complain, Jean makes sure to keep his mouth in my cock. Little by little he starts getting accustomed to his balls being slapped and squeezed.
They keep on their mouth work on my hard rock cock and I start taking turns sucking on theirs. They squirm every time I do it, but I know they love it as much as I do. This is how it is supposed to be, so my cock starts seriously throbbing. I know I'm close and so does Jean, because he grabs Jeremy's head and brings both their mouths as if they were kissing, but with my knob completely captured between them. My cock starts spurting its load and they both catch jet after jet of it. Jean knows what he's doing, so, he starts cum swapping with Jeremy. He seems to like it well enough, so I suck him hard until his little pecker spews all of its load inside me. Jean's I give two touches and he releases his load inside my mouth too.
I bring them up, and kiss them. We three kiss at the same time and the three tongues together keep me partially hard.
"So, buddy," I ask him, "how did you like that?"
"It was
3; super
3; fun
3;" he says panting, "but my weenie
3; hurts a bit
3; and my johnnies too
"I know, buddy," I reply, "but you'll get used to it. Right, Jean?"
"Yes," he replies licking his lips, "it becomes better as time passes by."
We explain Jeremy that this is between us three, that no other brother should know about it. He says it's fine. But he does have one condition: that we let him eat our man milk and that we eat his. It's a pact. And we're all in on it.