PZA Boy Stories


The Perfect Slaveboy


Chris Wong, a gay 15 year old has recently discovered not only his sexuality but also his unaccountable interest in allowing himself be dominated by another. His best friend Brian would not mind becoming his boyfriend. But Chris falls into an Internet trap, is kidnapped, and shipped halfway around the world. The buyer, a brilliant biochemist, Dr. Yi, has other plans for this boy. With experimental procedures and new biochemical treatments his plan is to make Chris into his 'perfect slave boy.'
Publ. May-Jul 2007 (Lolita bondage); this site Jun 2008
Finished 66,000 words (132 pages)


Chris (15yo), Dr. Yi, his master, and Brian (15yo)

Category & Story codes

Boy-Slave story/future
Mt Mdom nc/cons anal oral – bondage body-modification


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Author's note

The story, originally published on the Lolita Bondage website under the title 'Experimental Slaveboy', is edited by the author especially for this site.

Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author at through this feedback form, please mention the story title in the subject line.


Chapter 1

"Dr. Yi? I believe that we have found your boy," said Mr. Dubrandt.

Mr. Dubrandt was smiling, his mind imagining a check with two small wings flying from Dr. Yi's bank to his. (Make that large wings – the check would be quite hefty). The boy in question happened to be a precocious 15 year old whom they had just kidnapped. At this very minute he was in a very large crate, together with all the things necessary to keep him alive for a long journey, being air freighted to one of the small islands off the Malaysian coast. Where Yi now resided. A simple way to take a small boy out of the United States and into a foreign country without any interference from pesky authorities.

Mr. Dubrandt needed to deflect Dr. Yi's concern about the boy's apparently being too old for the success of his experimental drugs.

"I assure you Dr. Yi, this boy has only recently – and I mean very recently, started through puberty. In fact, I am so sure that this boy will make you the perfect experimental subject, I have already taken the liberty of beginning his transport to your laboratory at my own expense."

Mr. Dubrandt had his own trained staff. Their competence put his mind at ease. He was quite certain that Dr. Yi will be happy with this boy. (And even under the worst case scenario, the boy could still be adequately trained and resold at a handsome profit). The boy had at first been almost overlooked – being too good to be true. At first his people suspected a ruse, or a possible sting operation, providing a dossier of a boy that would make the most jaded pedophile drool.

"Certainly Dr. Yi, if you find any reason, any reason whatsoever, to find this boy not completely to specifications, we will gladly repossess the subject at our own expense. There is always a good market for a boy so delectable." This was a small exaggeration since he felt the boy way too skinny for many of his usual clients, but Dr. Yi was mostly interested in the boy's other attributes.

The call went well, and the imaginary bills kept flying into his bank in Mr. Dubrandt's imagination. To think that it was the boy himself who through his naivety gave himself up to his kidnappers. One would almost have thought the boy himself was complicit in his own abduction.

It was Mr. Kerry who called him personally. A very bold move but one that in hind sight he now was thankful for. Mr. Kerry was correct in concluding that his boss would want to in on the boy's abduction right from the start. The bonus from Dr. Yi for just the right boy was in six figures. He would have to make sure that Mr. Kerry had a bonus delivered as soon as Dr. Yi made payment.

It started out so un-dramatically. The usual ping was sounded in one of their computerized searching facilities run by Mr. Kerry. He was in charge of their Internet location section which had yielded a number of excellent recruits over the past years. The advent of a so far reaching global Internet has taken so much of the work in finding new recruits for their insatiable clients. To think the entire episode occurred less than two days ago.

"Hay boss, we got another hit." The boss in this case was Mr. Kerry who just happened to be in the office finishing up paperwork on another recent "acquisition."

This involved a kidnapping requiring a delicate touch since the young teen in question was quite street smart and not easily duped. He was now well on his way to the company's main processing center. The boy's new owner was already there anxiously awaiting his newest sex slave. The boy will have an unusual and difficult life. Nor will the boy ever again leave his owner's dungeon. (And workshop). This will be his fifth slave over the years, and the second thing he will do to the boy is to attach him to some ring sunk into the concrete floor by way of a heavy chain to the metal collar welded around the boy's neck. (He will even force the boy to connect the chain, and pour the concrete). The other slaves, still working at various duties, help this owner to produce high tech movies (CD format now) involving men, boys, big dogs, big cats, goats, sheep, and even miniature stallions. This unheralded movie producer is now richer than Stephen Spielberg. The one thing in the boy's favor is that he appears to be not only a true submissive, but a masochist as well.

Getting back to our story, Mr. Kerry replied to his cohort: "So just make the usual reply, Bud. I don't need to know these things. It's probably some 60 year old wetting his pants with pictures of tortured boys."

The company actually ran a few Internet porn sites, and was like a thousand others even if their primary focus was on non-traditional sex such as BDSM. What was unusual about these sites, however, was that an amazing amount of what they had to offer was free. In fact these sites were electronic chicken hawks – looking for that prize. And even if it took a thousand hits before anything even remotely promising came its way, it was still an easy way to obtain their prey.

Bud made sure the program sent the usual "pop-up" along with a spybot and an invading Trojan. The invaders were usually unsuccessful these days of more sophisticated virus scans and firewalls, but why not, even if only rarely successful. The "pop-up" invited the user to search out even more hard core BDSM and slave/master sexually related material. It had been Mr. Dubrandt's idea that the best sex slaves were those who at least responded to their captivity and enslavement on a sexual level. Most of their clients were looking for the more compliant and "trainable" subjects. Of course it was not often that the person responding was a suitable candidate. But their game was a patient one.

It was only a half hour later when Bud heard another "ping" from another computer. It seems that the "pop-up" snared a client very interested in bondage and slave-master scenarios, without being interested in any severe "torture" scenes. (It was usually only older clients who were more into the torture). This caught the program's "interest" so that the next stage was initiated. This program was much more sophisticated. It tried to entice the client into filling out a "questionnaire" in its attempt to "better to serve its customers. It used an offer of free porn to entice a reply."

Bud was mildly surprised when he returned from lunch to discover that the client in question sent back an almost entirely filled out survey. He began to read the reply when in a few seconds got VERY interested. He called his boss who had gone home.

"Mr. Kerry. I think we have a chicken. Listen to this. Sex - male, age -15, definitely gay, and this boy identifies with all the most compliant figures in the given scenarios."

"Bud, thanks for calling. This is a real possibility although 15 seems perhaps too old for most of our clients. Look in the special database and see if we have anyone currently interested in obtaining such a boy?"

"Already done, Mr. K. We have five. Of course they all have very specific nationalities and body types."

"Any reply that makes this boy specifically interesting?"

"Just one boss, and why I called. Where it asks about how long been interested in sex, get this, 2 months! I'm wondering if the boy might be a lot younger."

"I'm coming in. We need to know more about this kid and find out first of all if he's legit. And call in Dr. Seuss. I want his opinion." This Dr. Seuss was actually Kerry's nick name for their tame doctor who for special favors, would advise them on the probable psychological disposition of their prospective new boys. And if the inducement was great enough, even help handle the kidnapping.

Two hours later, Dr. Galloway (Dr. Seuss) was opining.

"I'm sorry to say Kerry, I'm not very sanguine about the identity of this client. In spite of his apparent abysmal ignorance of sexual matters and apparent lack of experience, his command of the language, how he expresses himself shows much more intellectual maturity than a mere 15 year old. I think that we have an imposter here or worse, maybe even a sting in progress."

Mr. Kerry, who had been so hopeful just a couple hours before, felt almost betrayed. "So, you think there's no way this is a 15 year old?"

"Of course I can't be positive. If he's 15, then from his replies I would posit him to be in the last percentile in his physical and sexual development. He describes himself as "a bit on the scrawny side" and just over 5 feet [1.50 m]. This could correlate to his late sexual advancement. But he would also have to be an unusually precocious teen. A very unlikely combination. Sorry."

"So you think we should abandon this reply. Too much a possibility of a sting?"

"No. But we must proceed as if it might be a sting. Perhaps we can invite this kid to respond on a more personal level. His first reply would suggest a very confident and even naive lack of reticence. The boy even gave us his e-mail address. I would suggest trying to get him to respond to a personal e-mail. But not one of your usual programmed features. This will take more finesse. If he is that intelligent, we do not want to scare the boy away."

An hour later a very specific e-mail was sent to the boy in question. The e-mail was presented as a usual SPAM reply, inquiring if the recipient wanted to join a specific chat group. The ploy was a resounding success.

Later that evening, Bobby W117, (aka Mr. Kerry), was IM-ing Lonely Boy 27. Things had progressed better than can be imagined. It turned out that the subject in question, using the name of Lonely Boy 27 seemed to be responding to the older participants in the chat group. Mr. Kerry finally got into private electronic conversation with the boy and attempted an unusual ploy.

B W: "What I don't understand kid, is how come you are talking to this old man, when you're just 15? I'm just a dirty old pervert who would like nothing better than to get into your pants."

L B: "How old R U?"

BW: "34. Old enough."

L B: "But you're exactly the person I need to talk to. And it's so anonymous. I can tell you things. And ask you things. I'm just so unsure and scared about some things."

B W: "OK kid. Fire away. Just don't embarrass me. J J "

L B: "Well, I know I like boys, and that I'm OK with, but I get real worried when I seem to get all excited about bondage stuff. Like I WANT someone to do things to me. I just got some neat stuff from this awesome site and I almost came just looking at some of that stuff. All kinds of bondage and slavery stuff. I kept imagining I was this guy's slave. How sick is that?"

B W: "Look kid. That stuff is tame. There's whole groups of people out there into all that stuff. Of course they're usually a lot older. Sure your just 15?"

L B: "Yeah. Last time I checked. You mean I'm not psycho or something?"

B W: "No more than the rest of us. I wish you were older kid. I'd like to get to know you real personal like. Maybe even make you MY slave."

L B: "God that turns me on just thinking about it."

B W: "Actually I think I'm talking to someone much older than 15. Some of the questions you asked earlier were pretty astute."

L B: "Honest! I guess I'm a bit precocious."

B W: "Now I know you're putting me on. I'm not even sure what precocious means."

L B: "Yeah? I'll prove it. My picture and name were in the school paper the other day. I'm the kid all the way on the right."

Both Kerry and Bud were pretty excited by now. Maybe this kid was real after all. But for a kid so smart he was also so stupid. A few minutes later a scanned picture was seen on their screen.

It was a picture of the school's championship Chess Team. Pictured far right was a Chris Wong, 3rd board. Very small, very cute, and very 15-ish. (Actually, more like 13). The caption said he was a Sophomore.

A bit later, the three men started plotting. Kerry was excited. Knew they had someone special.

"First of all, what time is it in L.A.? I'm calling the big boss."

An hour later there were four conspirators conspiring to kidnap one small boy. Mr. Dubrandt was taking the lead himself. He made it a conference call.

"Look Kerry. We can't mess this one up. I have a possible client in mind and it could mean big bucks. But there's two things I must absolutely know first. You said that the kid himself left the questions about top vs. bottom unanswered, and also about being a sub. How come?"

It was Dr. Galloway who answered. "This kid is seemingly a complete neophyte about sex. He probably didn't even know what those things meant. But from his other replies I believe that we can confidently state that he is a very compliant individual sexually."

"Not good enough. This is too important for probabilities. For this special client we need a near total submissive. And most important we need to be sure he's had virtually no sexual experience. How sure are you that he is just going through puberty? Awfully old for that. After we snatch the kid, we find out. Dr. Seuss, how about it? How about you first handle the kid and see how he responds sexually to his situation."

"OK. I think it would be best at first to see how he reacts to just one person. The kid's small enough, it should be easy. And damn it Dubrandt, my name's Galloway."

It was 7:30 a.m., on the corner of Adams and Ketcher when a van stopped at a stop sign. A small boy, barely 5 feet [1.50 m] tall and less than 80 pounds [35 kg], was picked up bodily and literally thrown into the maw of the open backdoors. Thirty seconds later, the boy was unconscious on the floor of the van and the van was making its third turn since the stop sign. Thirty minutes later, the boy was just awakening in the side room in a nearly empty warehouse. Dr. Galloway was the only person inside with the boy. Two others waited just outside the door.

The boy looked up and tried to sit up. "What the hell!?" He was suddenly frightened as he realized that his hands were bound together with the ubiquitous duct tape and they in turn were taped to his body. The tape encircled his entire slim waist. He tried to move his legs and found his ankles were similarly bound.

"Here, let me help you sit up." The good doctor pretended solicitousness. The kid became even more frightened.

"What the hell's happening? What's all this about?" And in an almost crying voice: "Please, don't hurt me."

"No problem there kid. You're safe with me. Maybe I should introduce myself."

This question stopped the boy in his tracks thinking-wise.

"I don't know you. What's this all about? Why am I here?"

"All very excellent questions kid. I talked to you on the internet last night, remember? Said I'd like to get into your pants."

The boy gasped. "Oh shit!"

"Don't worry boy. I'm not going to hurt you. But I AM going to get into your pants." The doctor even snickered.

The kid watched warily as the doctor started unwinding the tape on his ankles. The boy unfroze a bit and let him hold onto his legs. The doctor saw something interesting. The boy was obviously getting aroused.

"That's quite a boner you've got there boy. Want me to do something about it?"

The boy was totally torn. Excited and wanting the man to do something in the worst way. Yet scared that he might get hurt. Scared won out. Even if his ankles were now free.

"What do you want? Are you going to let me go?"

"Well boy, maybe, but let's find out. Perhaps you'd rather me wrap your ankles back up, throw you into the trunk of my car and bring you home. You maybe want to be my slave?"

The boy started breathing heavily and his boner became a steel rod. His common sense was fighting his libido and was losing at this point. The doctor suspected this and decided on a direct approach. Without a word he started feeling the boy up. Then he opened the boy's belt and in a single motion pulled down the boy's pants. The boy just lay there quietly. He seemed to be enjoying this. The doctor sat up on the table, took the boy into his lap, and started pulling down the boy's briefs. The boy finally reacted. He started moaning and simply leaned back into the doctor's hold. The doctor was now quite aroused himself. His dreams of such a compliant boy were up to now considered pure fantasy. The boy's penis jutted out rigid and dripping. The boy was almost oblivious to everything but his sexual arousal. The doctor took hold of the boy's now exposed genitals. At the first touch the boy came in a blast, his entire body spasming upwards with each contraction. Spunk shot everywhere as the boy was now squirming quite forcefully as the doctor kept moving his hand around the boy's testicles. The doctor was now so aroused that he almost forgot his mission. With a monumental force of will he stopped his exploration. He pulled up the boy's briefs and then his pants, but still kept him in his arms. The doctor was living one of his fantasies. The boy was now finally starting to realize just what he had allowed the man to do to him and a touch of guilt, coupled with a rushing return of fear, quickly brought him back to reality.

"What are you going to do to me? Can I go home now?"

The doctor thought for a moment and not anxious to lose his connection with the boy, prevaricated and delayed.

"Well, do you want to go home boy? Maybe you'd rather stay with me?"

What amazed the doctor was the pause that occurred in the boy's response. As if he was even considering the doctor's offer.

"No thanks. I need to go home."

"You don't sound too sure boy. What's the matter at home?"

"Nothing really."

"I'd really like to know boy. Maybe I can help."

"No. You can't do anything. I just can't wait to be out of there. My step-mom hates me and my dad doesn't care anymore since he found out about me."

"Found out what?"

By this time the boy was actually crying. The doctor held him even tighter and the boy responded.

"You know. About what I am."

"When did this happen?"

"Well just last month. I didn't even know myself until almost then – well not for sure. Not until I started having wet dreams about boys." The boy exclaimed in anger: "My step-mom just calls me a half-breed freak. She said terrible things about my real mom just because she wasn't Chinese."

The doctor was amazed at the boy's apparent unconcern at his situation. His hands were still taped to his waist. But he had all the information they needed for now.

"OK boy. I tell you what. I think your dream of becoming a sex slave is going to come true."

The boy suddenly woke up to his predicament. In a hurry. And his intelligence made a rapid assessment.

"Shit am I dumb!" Then he asked: "What's going to happen to me? Can't you let me go? I promise I won't tell."

"Too late boy. And besides, you're way too valuable."

The boy's ineffectual struggling was easily overcome, especially when the doctor opened the door and the other two men came in. One was Mr. Kerry who was smiling broadly as he relayed via cell phone to Mr. Dubrandt the newly discovered information. Instructions were relayed. A special container would be delivered in the morning. The boy would be kept there until he was made ready for shipment. A lot of money made things happen fast.

The doctor had to release the boy's hands and arms to make his examination. As he unwound the tape he also noted the boy's extreme arousal and sighed.

"Oh if things could have been a bit different," he thought. "Well at least I had him for twenty minutes."

Chapter 2

But now he had to get to work. As the boy was kept on the table he was strangely quiet. The doctor almost wondered if the boy were not a bit happy with his situation. He seemed certainly resigned to it. He quietly complied as the doctor made his medical exam of the boy. Even when he pulled down the boy's pants and examined his scrotum and rectal areas. The doctor couldn't refrain from inserting a gloved finger into the boy's apparently virgin rectum. The boy had a second orgasm at its insertion. The doctor sighed heavily knowing that the boy would never be his.

After a lengthy examination, the doctor finally drew an exclamation from the boy when he presented a hypodermic needle and vials to draw the boy's blood.

"Quiet boy. I'm sure you had a blood test before. This won't hurt me a bit."

The boy even laughed at the joke. After that the doctor finished and let the boy get dressed.

The boy was now getting really frightened again as the other two men kept staring at him and whispering. He looked up at the doctor and asked: "What going to happen to me?"

It was the big guy with the red hair who answered.

"Just made arrangements boy. You were just sold. Tomorrow you will be sent on a long trip to your new owner."

"Sold? For real? You mean I am really going to become a slave?"

It was the doctor who answered. "Just like you fantasized about boy. You'll like your new master. He's Chinese also."

The boy seemed to just stare for a moment and then sighed. "He won't hurt me will he?"

"Boy," the doctor realized he was lying big time, "You'll be a sex slave. Too valuable to hurt."

The boy shuddered a bit and then murmured almost to himself: "I'm only half Chinese."

The huge crate was delivered the next morning right before noon.

"NOOOOOOO!" The boy's voice echoed loudly through the deserted warehouse. That is deserted except for Chris, his two captors, a forklift, an awaiting truck, and the truck driver. The boy, Chris, had slept fitfully on an old blanket, still locked in the small side room. Somebody new stayed the entire night but every time Chris woke up, the man, whom Chris had labeled the ugly guy, had been sitting in a chair reading magazines. The guys called Mr. Kerry and the doctor didn't come back until Chris had been up for hours and complaining that he was so hungry – to no avail. The ugly guy barely said anything except shut up or one of its variants. And the worst thing was when he had to go pee and the man made him go in a cup. And it overflowed! Geesh!

The wail from Chris occurred when the doctor said that Chris had to be readied for shipment to his new master and opened the door to show Chris the huge shipping crate.

"What's that for?"

"That's how we are going to ship you. We have to get you ready."


The doctor took hold of the boy and wacked him pretty hard on his butt. "No choice kid. And if you shout again you will be punished."

The boy started crying. "Please, let me go home. I promise not to tell."

"Too late. You're going into that box and that's it."

"But I'll die in there."

"You think we'd let anything happen to you? You're too valuable boy. Here let me show you."

The boy's curiosity overcame his fear and he let himself be led out to inspect the crate.

"See boy. That tank there is to make sure you have all the air you need. That thing there is so you can pee if you have to. And that one there is water so you don't go thirsty."

There was actually a lot more to the crate than that but the doctor thought it was not necessary to explain everything. For example there were drugs and a mild muscle relaxant in the water. And the sheath into which Chris was to be cocooned even had its own cooling system. Quite a few deep cycle batteries kept the entire system running and could last for over three days. The time for the trip including a couple planes and the times on various trucks would take an estimated 30 hours. But Chris didn't have to know that.

The doctor had been informed by the lab where Chris's blood was sent that the boy was healthy so the last piece of information needed had finalized the deal with the boy's soon to be new master, Dr. Yi.

The boy was literally dragged back into the room and Chris saw the guy he dubbed the quiet man, because he never more than whispered to people, or talked into his cell phone, was hanging what looked like a hot water bottle from a pipe. There was plastic all lining the floor below it and a couple other chains hanging from the pipe. He was scared all over again. He wondered just what was needed to "get him ready."

"Take off all your clothes boy."

"What? In front of everybody?" There were only three men in the room at that time but the boy simply couldn't make himself strip in front of them. The boy started trembling. The men laughed.

The doctor looked over to the truck driver and to Kerry and said: "OK just hold him." They grabbed the boy and the doctor pulled off the boys socks. (The shoes had disappeared sometime the previous evening). Then he started undoing the boy's belt. Strangely, now instead of struggling, the boy just stood there and let it happen. The boy's pants, urine stains and all, were pulled down. Then the doctor, taking hold of the pant legs, pulled outward causing the boy's feet to lift off the floor, and also causing the garment to be stripped from the boy. The truck driver chuckled and pointed out the boy's evident erection poking through his BVD's to his boss. The boy finally squealed as his briefs were pulled and his feet were pulled out of them. He stood almost naked and now to the men's astonishment, just leaned his head back and became limp in their hands. The doctor couldn't resist fondling the boy again as he saw the beautiful 4½ inch [11½ cm] penis poking outward. The boy's nearly hairless testicles and penis were just slightly darker in tone than the flat abdomen above. As the doctor fondled the small orbs in one hand and moved his other through the boy's crack searching out his rosebud, the boy started moaning heavily.

Kerry saw what the Doc was doing. "That's enough Doc, we don't want to damage the merchandise, and we have to get the boy on the plane."

The doctor, almost moaning himself, stood, wiped the spots of the boy's pre-cum from his hand onto his trousers, and lifted the boy's shirt. He realized the boy appeared to be more easily handled if he were kept aroused so stopped short of causing an orgasm. The boy started to react when he felt the shirt pulled off and his arms lifted over his head. He tried to pull his arms away when he saw the quiet man wrap and tie the fattest but softest rope he'd ever seen around his one wrist.

"Stop struggling kid or we might accidentally-like pull your arm off." And with that the man pulled up on the now attached rope and the boy yelled.

And the boy yelled again as his behind was swatted pretty hard by the doctor. "Quiet boy. And you know that you can't stop this from happening."

The driver opined to his boss: "How about we just zap the fucker and be done with it?"

The doctor replied to that. "No. Instructions are explicit. No sedative." He recalled a phone call he and Kerry had received from Dr. Yi. "My instructions are to be explicitly carried out," said the greatly excited Yi. "He is to be conscious and aware during his incarceration and delivery to me. The boy must not be harmed, nor even be subjected to any significant pain. If your assessment of the boy is correct, this abduction, if handled correctly, can be very sexually arousing to this boy. And I want his entire experience to be a positive sexual one as much as possible."

The boy whimpered again but was compliant. The rope was thrown over the pipe, and as the boy was lifted off his feet, the other end was wrapped and tied around his other wrist. The boy moaned and complained about his wrists. But the boy's boner was insistent and dripping. The boy started breathing hard as his body was released and he was forced to support himself on his toes and wrists.

"OK boy, we need to clean you up and prepare you for a small trip." The doctor explained to the boy that an enema would be used to clean him out so that he would not have to go during the trip in the crate.

"But why can't I just go to the bathroom?"

"This is more thorough and won't hurt. The stuff we are using won't cause cramps either."

The boy moaned and complained about how full he was getting but the doctor finally persisted in emptying the entire bag. It then all came out in a smelly brown rush and down the drain in the corner. The doctor picked up a hose that was connected to a janitor's sink in the next room. The boy felt warm water being sprayed over him. Then the boy moaned when it was done all over again. This time the liquid was barely tan. By this time the boy started pleading to be let down that his arms were starting to hurt.

"OK boy, were mostly done. We can do the rest with you sitting down. Will you be a good boy?"

A feeble yes was heard. They dried the boy off bringing his hard boner back and then sat him on the table.

"OK boy, we have to do a few things to you but I promise they won't hurt. First we need to put a tube into your penis up to your bladder so you don't get yourself wet with pee during your trip." The doctor seeing the boy's agitation begin anew added: "Look, they do this all the time to patients in the hospital. It may feel weird but I promise it won't hurt." Well, he thought to himself, not until it is taken out. He used a Foley catheter of medium diameter. Putting on sterile gloves, he lubed the entire length of the tube with KY and placed the catheter on a sterile cloth. The boy was now watching more with curiosity and excitement than with fear. Then the doctor swabbed the end on his penis with some betadine. The boy's penis the doctor felt was rock hard and the boy gasped and squirmed as he took hold of it. The boy held his breath as the doctor started threading the catheter into the boy's penis slit.

"See, Ok so far?"

"I guess. It feels weird. All that can fit inside me?"

"It has to go all the way to your bladder." The boy flinched as the catheter penetrated the small sphincter at the bladder.

"Now here's the neat part. I'm just putting sterile water into this tube. It fills a tiny balloon up in your bladder and that stops the tube from coming back out. Here pull this end easy and see for yourself."

With a bit more encouragement the boy finally pulled on the end and was amazed as the tube would not budge after moving just a bit.

"Wow, I can sort of even feel it inside."

"Now watch when I open this plug."

Yellow urine poured out into a large cup held to the end of the tube. The boy felt weird with that tube swinging from the end of his penis. In fact he felt like it somehow added to how aroused he was feeling. "OK, boy, now for a haircut."

"Why, I just had one."

"Well, not like this." Kerry brought over the electric clippers and started giving the boy a baldie as the doctor held onto the boys shoulders. The boy started whimpering as swipe after swipe of straight black hair fell onto the plastic covering on the floor.

"Now one last item, and you will be ready for the box."

At the mere understanding of those words the boy seemed to take on a frightened look, but one also coupled with some excitement.

The doctor picked up a rather slender butt plug with a strange fitting on the back flanged end.

"What's that for?" the boy asked with real apprehension.

"We can't have you pooping all over yourself can we?"

"I guess not." the boy replied uncertainly.

"Well this is just your rear end plug. This is only slightly wider than the tube we already put into your butt. Now some boys think this kind of feels neat up their butt. It can make them feel real sexy."

The doctor lubed it up well and as Kerry held up the boy's legs, he gradually eased it into the boy's rectum, watching the boy's expression.

"I feel like I have to poop." The boy seemed excited again about what was being done to him. Then the doctor got large syringe filled with liquid, attached it to valve on the end of the plug and started to press the plunger. The boy suddenly gasped as he felt something expand inside his rear end.

"Stop. Please stop!"

The doctor stopped, realizing he had only half the bulb expanded to insure that the plug would not come out. There was also a weird valve built into the plug that would allow the boy to fart when necessary.

"Boy, that should not be hurting. What's wrong?"

"I feel like I'm going to burst down there. It feels too big."

"Does it hurt?"

"Well, only sort a."

"By the look of your penis I'd say you are enjoying it."

The boy looked up embarrassed suddenly. "Well, it feels exciting at the same time."

The doctor finished filling the bulb before the boy could object. There were only a few more gasps from the boy. The doctor signaled to the driver who left and returned with a weird looking bag not too dissimilar from an air mattress. But with an opening down most its length. The doctor then lifted the boy off the table and the bag was placed atop. And quickly laid the boy down onto the table and into the bag.

The boy tried to sit up and suddenly felt the plug in his butt and let out a squeal.

"Stay down boy. This will be your sort of mattress while in the box. It's to make you real comfortable.

"What is it?"

"Well it's like an air mattress. Only this one has a built in cover. Stay down boy we need to get you in this thing."

The boy started thrashing around and the doctor had to be forceful.

"Boy be still or we will hold you down."

But the boy started to panic as the true reality of the thing finally sunk it. He was being kidnapped and shipped in a box. And he started being fearful about what would happen to him after that. Momentarily living out a fantasy was one thing, but this was real.

But the boy was too easily overwhelmed. Kerry took hold of the boy's bare feet and stuffed them into a pocket at the bottom of the bag, and quickly pulled up the huge zipper almost to the boy's crotch. And then what was being done to him suddenly triggered another type of reaction. Suddenly the boy started to spasm, lifting the center of his body off the table. With a low moaning wail he started thrusting up and down.

With a surprise in his voice the doctor, said: "My god. The kid is having an orgasm!"

Just as suddenly the boy quieted and just lay still, half in the bag. The doctor was now able to thread the now stoppered end of the catheter through a hole in the bag, stuffed the boy's hands and arms into their separate compartments, and quickly finished zippering. The boy was recovering from his orgasm and looking up at the three men.

"Wow." Was all he said.

"We're almost done here boy. This part of the mattress will fit around your head and act like pillow. How do you feel?"

"I don't know. I mean I never felt like that before just wanking."

"No boy, how does the bag feel?"

"All snuggly. But it's not really very comfortable."

"Well we have to put the air in yet." And with that he attached a small hand pump and started filling the bag. It took several minutes but finally all the compartments filled and the boy was totally confined in his cocoon.

"I can't hardly move. But I guess it's comfortable enough."

Speaking to the other men the doctor said: "OK, let's get the boy into the crate quickly and finish up."

The boy started making some unintelligible sounds as they easily picked up the bag and brought it out of the room and over to the awaiting crate. There was a perfectly scalloped space just right to accept the small boy shaped bag. They carefully lowered him into the space, then started attaching the straps in the box to all the rings around the circumference of the bag. They attached all 14 of them and then the doctor went to each in turn and made sure they were all holding snug. The boy was safely in his box.

The boy kept trying to raise his head to see what was happening but finally gave up as the strain on his neck was too great. The top of the bag held his head snugly. Then the doctor connected the air blower to a valve on the bottom of the bag and turned on the switch. It was connected to a thermostat and brought air around the outside of the bag to keep the boy cooled down. The fan was almost inaudible.

"What's happening?" The boy finally asked.

"You are just being strapped in. You don't want to bounce around do you? And that you feel is some air to keep you cool. Sort of like the astronaut suits. You have your own built in air conditioner. Now I just attached the tube from your penis to a container that will hold all your pee. Now boy listen good, because this is important. See this?"

The doctor held up for the boy to see a tube with a small flange made out of soft rubber that was to be fit into the boy's mouth. It was not a full gag but large enough so that when the final padded piece was zippered around the boy's face, it could not be dislodges. The padded piece was merely another portion with air chambers. But it was shaped to fit the contour of the boy's face with comfort. The full zipper around the circumference of the piece was necessary so that the boy was then totally sealed away. The doctor was a bit surprised at how quietly the boy was laying. Only a sudden movement of an arm or leg could be seen poking against the outline of the bag.

The boy tried to nod but could hardly move his head. "Yeah," the boy answered anxiously.

"Well this is so you don't get thirsty. This fits into your mouth and you can use it like a straw. Don't get all worried though if you only get a small amount out at a time. It's designed that way."

"Come on boy open your mouth."

Finally the boy did and the doctor inserted the sucking portion into his mouth. "OK now close your mouth and see if it works."

The boy did as told and tried to nod again. The doctor could see the boy swallow and was satisfied all was in order. He now had one last thing to say to the boy as per instructions from Dr. Yi.

"Now listen carefully boy. This trip will take about 1½ days but there is something in the water that will make you relax and even nap now and then. Don't get scared. We've moved boys like this before and have never had a problem. When we place on the lid you will hear some noise. That will be us screwing down the lid. Next you might feel something moving over you and a slight weight. That will be some foam that will flow over the top of you and keep you protected from bumps. You will be on two different planes and a couple different trucks."

As the boy was taking in these words his eyes seemed to expand.

"How about a couple more sips?"

The boy swallowed again. There were a few different drugs in the water and the doctor wanted them to start working on the boy as soon as possible. "Remember the next person you see will be your new master. You will be trained to become his slave. You will have no other options. Think on those words as you make your exciting journey."

The boy started really squirming as the final piece was positioned blocking out his sight. It was quickly zipped and sealed. There was a whole lot of high pitched moaning now coming from the boy. And a lot more squirming. The doctor sighed loudly as the top of the crate was put into position and the driver started screwing it down tight. This was a bigger chore than he had expected. And he realized that he also had a hard-on. The idea of sealing a boy in a box was arousing. He wondered how the boy would react to his new life. So vastly different than he could possibly have imagined. And he realized he had started to loose his objectivity as he handled and talked with the boy. This was the very first one that they crated up and shipped off without sedating him first. It was quite an experience – one that will give him quite fond memories. In that very short time he seemed to really bond with that boy. Now the boy will become not only a slave for life, but be subjected to Dr. Yi's new drugs and conditioning technique in his long effort to train the perfect slave boy. Dr. Yi worked with quite a number of boys over the years but this was to be his own very first personal slave boy. He said that going into his middle years he needed the added comfort of a boy companion. One over whom he had full and absolute control.

The doctor was taken out his reverie by the noise of the forklift bringing over two large jugs. The steel bands around the crate were already in place and he could see several funnels being fit into holes atop it.

He had never waited to watch this part of the procedure and decided this time to watch. Both jugs were opened and most of their contents were poured into a larger empty container. With some haste both Kerry and the driver started to pour the liquid into the funnels. In less than a minute several gallons of the liquid was poured and the funnels removed. Now the fascinating part. Several minutes later suddenly a white foam was extruding from all the holes. And just as suddenly it stopped. The boy was now well ensconced. The foam that now filled the entire top portion of the crate filling even the smallest gap and will keep the new slave boy well in place until he reached his final destination – Dr. Yi's residence and laboratory. A place he will never leave.

Almost a day and a half later, the boy was actually surprised when he was awakened with a heavy jarring of his crate. He had been dozing off and on for the entire journey and sometimes when he awoke needed several moments before he could remember what was happening to him. And both a major thrill and excitement, along with a deadly fear invaded his mind. They made war and only by concentrating on the excitement part was he able to quell his anxiety and fear. He also tried to figure out if he would really miss his home, and was surprised to discover that there was a bit more relief in his thoughts than sadness. He would miss his very best friend though, and his friend will never know what happened to him. But he was definitely glad to be away from the tensions, fights, and ill will of his very unhappy home life. He wished he had told his friend his darkest secret – not that he was gay – he told him that, but that he harbored fantasies about being compelled to do things. Being in chains and stuff. But now he never would. In fact it was his friend who came out to him first, way before he was even sure about himself. But he was too afraid to do much with him. He sucked on his friend's dick a few times and that was it. A few tears fell from his eyes as he was remembering all the things he and his friend had talked about doing in their lives. Both in their immediate future and later on. He was suddenly scared again about what his future would now be. He then suddenly regretted sending that last message and his picture on the internet – none of this would have happened. But fortunately there was still a spark of feeling like he was on some kind of exciting adventure that kept him from real despair. And of course there was that one other thing. His entire kidnapping, his being confined to this crate, and the actual idea of being forced into sexual slavery had him more aroused than he had been in his entire life.

At long last the journey ended. Both excitement and dread warred in his mind as Chris heard someone apparently opening up his crate. He would sure be glad to be able to move more than an inch or two [5 cm] again. Just to stretch seemed like an amazing prize.

Chapter 3

Dr. Yi opened the crate with avid anticipation. Although used to weeks at a time working in almost total isolation, he now yearned for companionship. And of course sex. And like many other deviant members of society he had always yearned for a boy lover whom he could completely dominate and control. His particular predilection was to have a boy who was just at the cusp of puberty so that all or most of the boy's sexual experience would be only with him. So far, for people with means, this was obtainable. However, he yearned for something more than just that. What he really wanted, unfortunately, was impossible. He wanted a boy lover that he would keep – as in forever. And there was the problem – boys grew up. And he would also prefer a boy who could be conditioned eventually to respond positively to their master/slave relationship.

When graduating from med school in the United States at the age of 22, Yi was considered almost beyond brilliant. Indicating his preference for research, he was highly recruited by some of the best med labs in the world. He chose one that specialized in hormonal and behavioral modification drugs. Eight years later, and himself on the verge of some amazing and groundbreaking discoveries, he was unfortunately discovered with an under-aged boy. The company, not wanting bad publicity, paid people off, including the parents of the boy, and told Yi to find a new job. Yi went back to his native Hong Kong, where he worked for his uncle for a short term, just sorting out his life. He never really liked his uncle, but he was rich and for some unknown reason doted on his nephew since he had no family of his own.

To make a long story short, three years later, when his uncle passed away, Yi inherited many more millions than he had already inherited from his parents. And with all the new restrictions imposed by the new government of Hong Kong after the island was given back to the Red Chinese, Yi purchased his own small island in Malaysia and set up his own new lab. That was two years ago – now he was to fulfill all his lifelong dreams – he hoped. After his years of research he believed he had finally solved the problem of delaying secondary physical manifestations that occurred with the onset of puberty. He had even discovered, he believed, a method of blocking some of the body's chemicals that regulate growth and development of the human body. And he had just acquired his first test subject.

The photos he had seen of this boy had him so excited that he already had one of the best orgasms he'd had in weeks. And that was saying something for a person who had been able to have enhanced his own sexual equipment. Among the new treatments that Yi had been able to pioneer, was a fat based hormone that could not only mimic testosterone, but even cause a growth and increased sensitivity of a man's sexual organs. Of course it was not quite perfected, and after trying it out on himself, he discovered an unfortunate side effect. Two actually. One, his penis and testicles would NOT stop growing, and two, the increased sensitivity caused him instant arousal from almost the slightest touch. He was fortunately finally able to come up with something that could block the effect but not before his penis had grown to a full 10 inches [25 cm] long and over 2½ inches [6½ cm] in diameter when erect. His testicles also matched. But who can enjoy sex when there was almost no one who could accommodate you? But it was the other effect that caused the real problem. Just wearing clothes caused an erection. The only way he could appear in public was to wear some device that limited the erection, and that was not only hugely uncomfortable, but also SO frustrating to his increased libido. He did this when necessary; however, in the lab he would commonly walk around with his equipment just hanging out. Even when soft his penis and testicles were impressive.

And that leads to his other reason for wanting to obtain his own personal boy slave. He would have to modify the boy so that the boy could pleasure him properly. Of course this took no new science; only someone who could be operated on without worrying about such things as the boy's willingness to cooperate, and restrictive laws.

But now he had his own island, and his own boy. The boy was in the crate he was now in the process of opening. The crew he hired to deliver it to his lab had already left the island and now he was finally alone with his new boy. His anticipation was palpable. He wanted to savor this moment so that he had been very deliberate. He had a gurney on which to lay the recumbent boy and wheel to his awaiting cell. He even hid his sexual equipment for the time being. No sense in frightening the boy at the very start. He locked both doors, the one to his lab and the one to the loading dock. He removed the metal bands, took out the screws holding down the lid, and then, with a small crowbar, eased off the lid. There underneath was a white foam that had been injected into the crate. Fortunately the way the crate was designed, this was removed in almost one entire piece which he discarded next to the far wall. There the boy lay in an air filled (and boy filled) bag. He realized that the boy was conscious by the small movements against the bag. Fortunately it did not appear that the boy was currently overly agitated. He first disconnected the bladder tube and the air line to the bag. Now was the moment. He unsealed the small piece covering the boys face and unzipped it. With shaking fingers he removed it. The boy tried to look up at him and suddenly moaned and winced quickly shutting his eyes. The doctor reached over with a pair of wrap around sun glasses.

"Here boy, these should help." And with difficulty fitted them onto the boy.

"A noise came from the area of the boy's mouth that sort of sounded like "Thanks." Yi then removed the tube and gag from his mouth. The boy tried to talk but had difficulty.

"Boy, just wait for now. When I have you completely free I will give you something to ease your mouth and throat."

There was another throaty reply.

The doctor now undid the straps and then lifted the entire bag out of the crate and tried to strap it onto the gurney. The boy started moaning and trying to move making the transfer suddenly difficult.

"Boy, I need you to calm down and be quiet a moment. Just be patient and I will have you out of there."

The boy quieted and Yi did up the straps. He then moved the gurney down several short corridors and emerged into the lab proper. There, in the very middle, was a small cell, straight out of a jail house movie. Only this one had bars around all four sides and thus allowed any occupant no privacy. Along one side was a mattress atop a three foot [90 cm] high shelf. It had a soft cover that was only removable by undoing a zipper under the mattress. A comfortable chair was in a corner. And that was all. Not even a bed pan or container for human waste. There was barely room for the gurney, which was now wheeled through the open barred door.

"Here we are boy."

The boy was both anxious, scared, and excited all at once. He just wished he didn't feel so lethargic. Strangely, uppermost in his mind was curiosity. What would his master look like? Would he look nice? Would he be nice? (Needless to say the boy was quite naive). And then the thought of actually BEING a slave resounded through his mind in an almost fantasy. He could not really comprehend the reality of that notion so it was not quite real to him yet. But he was smart enough to realize he was being drugged - - he was told as much when he was crated – and he wondered if the drugs were responsible for his not being overcome with fear. Of course overlying everything else he was SO sexually aroused by the whole situation!

So too was Yi! He suddenly hated the necessity of his penile restriction but persevered. For now. He released the stale air with a turn of a valve and then unzipped the bag. He started pulling up the boy's legs when the boy yelled. "The thing!" He was pointing to his penis which was now sticking straight up. Yi realized that the catheter from the boy's penis was caught up in the bag and released it.

"Thanks sir," came a near whispered reply. "Why are you crying?"

Yi had tears running down his cheeks unabashedly. He could not articulate his feelings. The feeling of success, joy, possessiveness, and certainly sexual arousal were paramount. But underlying all of those was a small hint of caring for the boy, who looked to him like the cutest boy in the world. The boy was even Chinese.

"If only you knew boy how many years I have anticipated this moment." Of course Yi realized that this was an entirely UN-masterly thing to say to the boy but he didn't care. He made all the rules after all. Then the next thing Yi said was: "You stink boy!"

"I don't smell me," the boy said in all innocence. Yi smiled.

"OK boy for right now we must clean you up, look after your health, and then get you something to eat. You must be starving."

The boy smiled. This slave thing might not be too bad after all.

Yi pulled out a hypodermic and said: "Don't be frightened boy. This is to try to counteract some of the drugs in you. You probably will have trouble walking for a while. He injected the boy's arm. He was a bit amazed at the boy's passive nature even with the drugs. He also smiled seeing the boy's so very erect penis, which the boy suddenly realized and was now trying to cover with his hands. Yi laughed.

"Boy do you understand where you are and what is happening?"

"Well sort of. I was kidnapped. But I don't know where I am. Are you going to let me go back home eventually?"

Yi laughed again. "Boy, you are halfway round the world from where you were two days ago. You are on an island in the Malayan Archipelago." At the boy's puzzled look, Yi added: "Between China and Australia. Since you are obviously of Chinese extraction yourself, do you know from what Province your forbears came?"

"I'm only half Chinese. My mom was from Sansui. My Dad took her name when they married, bit she's dead now." There were a few tears brimming the boy's eyes. "When can I go home?"

Yi smiled. "Boy, you need to understand one thing right away. You are now my slave 3; forever. This is now your home."

Tears now started running down his cheeks. "You won't hurt me will you?"

"Boy, I promise that I will never hurt you to cause you pain intentionally." Yi knew that he was rationalizing just what he had planned for the boy, but for now he wanted the boy as compliant as possible. Some of the procedures he certainly did have planned will necessarily cause some pain. That couldn't be helped. And of course there was also the boy's extensive training.

The boy kept asking questions and Yi finally told the boy that he must be quiet and that he would get all his answers eventually. One of the questions concerned the cell with the bars. The boy was told that this is where he would be living just until all the medical stuff was done. He refused to tell the boy what medical stuff. Yi then carried the boy over to a huge tub.

"Sorry boy, there is no easy way to do this. This will hurt a little." And Yi removed the boy's catheter. The boy only whimpered a little at which Yi was impressed. "Good boy." Yi noted the beautifully shaped penis sticking straight out when erect, about 4½ inches [11½ cm] long with a small foreskin. On the small side but just perfect in Yi's mind. The glans was darker that the penis itself, which in turn was a few shades darker than the boys normal very light brown coloring. Its dimensions were perfect. He thought no modifications would be necessary. The boy's testicles, though also almost as dark as his glans, were very small and tightly snug with the penis in a very wrinkled pouch. He would have to change this. He liked a boy with a slightly pendulous testicle sac. Of course the testicles themselves would be removed shortly, and replaced with ceramic ones – very special ceramic ones.

Yi then thoroughly soaped him down, making sure to get into all the cracks and crevices. Especially the cracks and crevices. Yi thought that his erection was about to explode even through its restraint. He would do without it starting tomorrow. That was sure. As he was cleaning the boy's rosebud, he was also pleased to see, that it was really more a "brownbud." Too bad it will be a number of weeks before his own penis will make its acquaintance with the interior.

In spite of the boy complaining that he didn't want someone else to bathe him, the boy's erection also wound not abate, indicating that on a sexual level the boy was enjoying the procedure. After drying the boy off thoroughly, with a lot of embarrassment to the boy, Yi decided it was time the boy started to realize just what his role was. He was coming out of the drugs well and was much more cognitive of his situation and the doctor could see some alarm coming to the fore in the boy's demeanor and expressions.

"OK boy, to put it very bluntly, you are here to be my sex slave. You will be trained to take care of my sexual needs. Of course that doesn't mean that you can't also enjoy things."

The boy's erection became instantly rigid. He tried to cover himself again in acute embarrassment. Yi laughed.

"Boy, you will very soon lose all modesty. You will never wear clothes. AND you will NEVER, under pain of punishment, try covering up your genitals. After all they belong to ME now."

"But how about other people?"

"Most of the time there won't be other people. And the times they are here you are to remain naked in front of them." In spite of the boy's slightly darker complexion, Yi noted the boy's embarrassment.

Yi then laid the boy onto a padded table and commenced to engulf the boy's penis with his mouth. And putting a liberal amount of lubricant on his finger, he gradually inserted it into the boy's rectum. The hole was tight but not excessively small. Yi realized that his procedure to open the boy further should be very successful. The boy yelped and tried to stop Yi but the doctor was simply too strong and so much bigger for the boy's actions to have any effect. But the doctor's efforts had an amazing effect. The boy suddenly just lay down very passively and started groaning and whimpering. In very short order Yi was drinking down the boy's spurting output as the boy spasmed under him. Yi was now so aroused himself that he ripped down his pants, retrieved his member from its restraint, and started rubbing it over the boy's stomach. The boy looked on in amazement and not a little fear. He did not know that it was possible for any penis to be so big. And the man's testicles had to have hung halfway to his knees. He suddenly had an almost irresistible urge to touch them but fear stopped him.

The doctor by this time was so totally controlled by his monstrous libido that all he was thinking of was his own pending orgasm. The first spurt almost filled the boy's bellybutton area. The next ten spurts covered the boy from head to foot. Another bath seemed necessary. Yi was delighted at having the best orgasm he had had in months. He picked up the boy and crushed him to himself.

"Boy, we are going to do amazing things together."

Several hours later both Yi and the boy were eating dinner. Chris was trying to use the chop sticks that Yi had given him. He was even laughing as he was trying to scoop up some rice that wouldn't behave. Yi on the other hand could not keep his eyes off his new boy.

"Look, like this." Yi picked up the bowl and uses the sticks like a small shovel.

He was also planning all the tests he still needed to make, both physiological and psychological on the boy. He decided to wait for the next day. The boy had been through a grueling examination for the past few hours. In addition, there was a matter of some impacted stool that had to be cleaned out of the boy's rectum. Fortunately the usual stool softeners worked handsomely. Besides the usual checks for a normal thorough medical check-up, Yi had drawn quite a number of vials of blood needed not only for test for disease, but also in preparation for the boy's physiological conditioning. There were also the detailed preparation for the boy's coming surgeries, and some of these were definitely not minor. A number of very invasive procedures were planned. And Yi had to decide just how much of these future body modifications he was going to mention to the boy in advance. As he watched the boy eat – a boy literally starving for the past couple days – he sardonically smiled to himself knowing that little did the boy know that this was the very last normal meal the boy would ever eat. A large part of the boy's surgery involved the boy's mouth, throat and trachea.

But that was starting tomorrow. Tonight he would introduce the boy to the wonderful world of man-boy sex. And he was certain, given the boy's so far apparent predisposition towards submission, together with the hypodermic he had readied to give the boy, he would be a very satisfying sex partner. Also, as a part of his plan, he wanted to make sure that his boy was not only always ready for sex, but that he was always anxious for it. He was going to make sure that the boy's introduction tonight was a night to remember. He even had a short CD prepared to show Chris exactly what Yi eventually expected of his slave.

And it was. Yi soon came to realize that at the slightest sign of aggression on his part, the boy became completely passive, exactly what he wanted in his boy – and without training! Dubrandt filled his order well! Yi decided to put his boy into some minor restraints as a foretaste of things to come. Eventually his boy, during the day, will be held in different degrees of bondage from extreme to moderate depending on Yi's mood at the time. But at night, Yi wanted a partner more free to respond and also more comfortable to lie and cuddle with. So tonight he merely cuffed his ankle and using a leather strap, secured him loosely to the bottom of the bed. The boy responded better than he could have hoped for. And he was almost as insatiable as Yi. (Of course there was that hypodermic which effectively freed all the boy's inhibitions).

Yi lay on top of his new boy and started licking him in various places. Finally ending at his favorite of all, the area between the scrotal sac and the rectum. Chris was starting to moan heavily, was quite stiff and leaking-cum. If that was slavery, he'd maybe be good at it. Then Yi sat on Chris' face and demanded the same treatment. Chris was so wound up, even though he felt a slight distaste for putting his face so near someone's ass crack he acquiesced. As he continued he found he enjoyed this activity. He couldn't believe that just a few days ago, he would have been in his room and merely dreaming of having sex like this. He got even more turned on realizing that he was now a captive and being 'forced' to have sex. Yi gradually directed his slave's mouth to his monster penis. Chris really tried but his mouth just wasn't wide enough. But he was so in arousal by now he kept licking the entire monster and sucking on the end savoring the pre-cum welling out of it.

Yi started to buck and realized he wanted to slow things down for a bit. He therefore pulled away and then sat directly on the boy's face. Without missing a single slurp, the now so aroused boy never thought to stop but started rimming his 'master's ' hole. The very idea almost had Yi coming with almost no direct contact on his own penis. Yi then commanded his boy to push his tongue inside. Chris immediately complied. Several minutes later Yi pulled away again and started inserting his own finger into his boy's rectum, while pushing his own raging penis into the boy's mouth. He forced the head of his penis inside, and in spite of choking, Chris did all he could to stuff as much of it as he could inside his eager mouth. Both slave and master erupted almost together. Chris though he was drowning as cum rocketed so forcefully that it came out of his nose. He seemed oblivious to everything but the moment. His own orgasm was the most intense of his young life.

Throughout the remainder of the night, whenever Yi re-awoke and found himself so aroused by having his boy in his arms, he again used his boy for his pleasure. It was his dream come true. And he even surprised himself when he felt the desire to reciprocate. And Chris, in spite of the previous evening's medication having worn off, would do anything that Yi prompted him to do. He was in part sexually stimulated merely by the fact that Yi 'was makin' him do these things.

After one more protracted sex session that next morning, Yi left Chris asleep in the bed while he readied the operating theater. As he worked, he took delight in the thought that this would be his slave's last day as a 'normal' boy. Because of the complexity of the procedures, Yi had contracted with other practitioners whom he could trust. These included a surgical nurse, a dental surgeon, and an anesthetist. (Necessarily those not finicky with operating on a non-consensual patient). But the first procedure would only require himself. And he wanted his boy conscious for it so he prepared a spinal block for the pain.

"What's happening sir? Where are you taking me?" Noting the direction they were headed the boy added: "I don't want to go back to that cell please. I promise to be good."

"Nothing to worry about boy. But remember last night when I said that proper sex between man and his boy required the boy to be able to swallow the man's entire penis, and to fuck him with your butt hole?"

"Well, yes, but I'm too small. I can't do what you showed me in that movie."

"Of course not boy. It would hurt you too much. So therefore we have to make your throat and butt holes bigger."

It was a good thing the boy was strapped down in the wheel chair. As it was the boy strained at his bonds and screamed. "NOOOOOO!"

The doctor took hold of the boys head with both hands and made sure the boy was looking at him. "This won't hurt you a bit I promise. Boy, shut up and listen. It's just a little operation and you will be asleep for it."

The boys tears lessened and he finally asked in a whispered voice. "You promise?"

"Of course boy. Just think how much sex fun we can have if we can do it properly." The doctor never did mention some of the procedures the boy would never know about until they were completed.

In spite of the boy not being under the influence of the drugs administered to him last evening, he was instantly aroused by talk of 'sex fun'. Even if his imagination was unequal to the task of envisioning what the doctor had in store for the boy. But all in good time.

"And remember what I said when you asked me always wanting to have sex with a boy and you asked me about what would I do when you grew up?"

"Yes sir."

"And what did I say?"

"That you could keep me a boy all the time. But I can't understand how. I have to grow up."

"That's not true boy. I have invented a way to stop that from happening. You will be much like you are now for the remainder of your life – as my boy. You will like that won't you boy?"

"I'm not sure." The boy was looking uneasy.

"Now boy. It really doesn't matter. I am your master and I decide these things."

The boy tried to deny the truth of that statement in his own mind but was afraid to say anything.

An hour later the boy was left half sitting, half reclining in a chair very similar to one used by a gynecologist. His legs were wide apart and his naked butt was up almost as high as his head. He also had a good view of his naked penis and testicles. He couldn't feel anything from his waist down. Yi was ready to proceed.

"I thought I would be asleep?"

"Not for this very first part. I wanted you to see it happen. Now let me show you something that took me almost 10 years to develop and perfect."

Because of a new battery of drugs administered, the boy was rendered almost incapable of reacting in fear to what was about to happen. Yi brought over a tray and with sterile gloves lifted up a medium sized, egg-shaped, milky white orb. In fact it was made out of a special ceramic that held his amazing creation – genetically engineered bacteria that produced a very special chemical. One similar to testosterone but different enough. It would allow a person to become sexually aroused and have an orgasm, yet not trigger any of the secondary sex characteristics that occurred when going through puberty and beyond. And the special ceramic was porous to the escaping hormone, but kept the altered bacteria captive. Combined with the special implants that the doctor was going to make in the boy, one next to his pituitary, and a very large one within his prostate gland, the boy – his boy – would hopefully stay his boy – forever. And together with a drug therapy that the boy would receive over the next few months, his boy will soon become the horniest boy in captivity. Figuratively and literally. Dr. Yi smiled contemplating this eventuality.

"What's that?" the boy showed genuine curiosity.

"Now I know that you are smart enough to understand what I am going to say. The chemical in this will substitute for your testosterone. With this you will still be able to have erections and sex – in fact great sex."

The boy WAS in fact very intelligent, and in a very short time he understood the full implication of just what he heard as Yi explained. And he reacted. It came out sounding like a primal wail. "NOOOOOOOO! Please don't?"

It took the doctor a while to calm the boy down so that he could talk to him intelligently again. "OK boy I won't if you can tell me why not?"

Now the boy was genuinely confused. With some tears the boy lamented: "I don't want to loose my balls."

"Why not"

"Well NO ONE wants to loose them."

"Boy, I know you have the intelligence to think this through. Why do you not want to loose your balls?"

"Because than I'd not have sex any more. And can't have kids anymore."

"OK, that's fair. Let's look at the having kids thing. By your own admission you are a complete homosexual. Can you really tell me that you would even have had kids if we never met?"

"I don't know." And after a moment. "Well, probably definitely not."

"Good. Now about the sex."

The doctor pulled down his pants and uncovered his own penis and testicles. He pulled a huge boner instantly. He walked over to the boy and shoved one of his testicles into the boy's hand.

"Feel that. I no longer have MY testicles. I also have an implant. And I have fantastic sex." Yi had lied. HIS implant was merely an attachment for chemical enhancement, and he still had both of his well functioning testicles.

The boy was eventually convinced. Well almost. But enough so that the doctor was able to continue with the procedure without the boy wailing with apprehension.

The doctor quickly and deliberately opened a midline incision down and around the testicles sac of the boy. There was surprisingly little blood. Then he precisely incised a slit along one of the inner testicle membranes and eventually removed the small grey orb. He then detached it from a ligament, the vas deferens and the blood supply, and sutured the vessels. He made sure the boy was watching him loose his manhood. He believed this a necessary step in his training.

"Now we will have to do a bit of stretching boy." This will be a tight fit.

Yi pushed the orb into place and closed the sac with a number of tiny sutures. He then implanted a temporary capsule which would release a chemical that would greatly vascularize the membrane in which the ceramic was housed. The chemical would be readily introduced into his boy's bloodstream.

"There boy, one down."

He repeated the process with the other testicle, and then closed the original incision. Again there were quite a number of very fine sutures. He was meticulous, not wanting any significant scaring.

The boy came out his seeming hypnotic state and gave big sigh. "You promise?"

"I want a boy who will have as much fun with sex as I do. In fact boy, you will have better and more frequent orgasms than any other boy alive. I guarantee it." It was part of Yi's plan to have the boy totally addicted to sex. HIS form of sex.

The doctor did not apply any dressing. The procedure on the boy's rectum and prostate were next.

Over the next twenty hours, a lot of work was done on the captive boy. For these procedures the boy was put under a general anesthesia.

First, a huge implant was placed into the boy's prostate. Within the next several months, after it fully activated, the boy would be almost incapable of loosing his erection except for possibly several minutes immediately following perhaps say a third or fourth orgasm in maybe 2 hours time. His libido will have reached new highs for a mere human boy. The one thing the doctor was not too sure of was if the boy would be able to distract himself enough from the near continuous need for an orgasm, so he could indulge profitably in other pursuits. It will be fun to find out.

Next, grafts were made to the boy's sphincters, and additional muscle, taken from elsewhere, was added to supplement those already there. He wanted his boy to be able to maintain a tight hold onto his own huge penis.

After a couple hour break, another surgery was done on the boy's mouth, jaw, and throat. The jaw was made to easily dislocate, the throat was enlarged, and the nerve that causes the gag reflex was transected.

The next procedure was on the boy's trachea. Yi wanted the boy to be able to keep his penis down the boy's throat, and to be able to sit on the boy's face for extended periods. Thus the boy needed an alternative air route. This was accomplished by opening a hole from just under the boy's thyroid, and joining his trachea with the outside world. But this was a very complex procedure because he also wanted a flap of skin and ligament to be able to overhang the hole for two reasons. Cosmetically so that the hole was not very apparent, and functionally so that a micro filter could be put into place. He also wanted a plug to be able to be in place there so that the boy could breathe normally when the doctor desired. As long as this hole were left open, the boy would not be able to speak.

The final procedure would perhaps be the most traumatic for the boy. All the boy's teeth were removed including the buds of his wisdom teeth. And to make it easy for future removable implants in the boy's mouth, three metal pegs were implanted into the boy's upper and lower jaws. The doctor wanted no impediment to his enjoyment when using his boy's mouth. He also wanted to be able to attach easily removable items so that the boy's mouth would not take in that sunken look and also he had devised a nifty devise that would not allow the boy to open his own mouth. Another item was a metal and plastic devise that would be attached to the boy's mouth (and tongue) to allow for forced feedings when wanted. And there were for sure a number of uses for these pegs that he hadn't even imagined yet.

Finally the boy was started on a series of inoculations guarding against various bacterial infections including the few strains of hepatitis.

Yi finally fell into his easy chair that night completely exhausted,

but completely satisfied and thrilled. The boy was out of recovery and then re-sedated for the night and positioned into an airbed. Yi intended to not allow the boy regain full consciousness until most of his procedures were healed. Thus he also attached a PIC line for long term IV use, and a naso-gastric tube for feeding.

Perhaps a few weeks from then the last procedure would be undertaken. Yi would be rerouting the end of the boy's urethra. It would result in the boy's total inability to control the flow of his own urine. The doctor wanted the control of his boy's bodily functions in his own hands. He also intended to take away the boy's ability to control his own bowel movements. This however, would not need any surgery.

Over the next couple weeks the boy gradually recovered. The few times the boy had became conscious, the doctor was careful to not allow the boy to fully understand what had been done to him. Finally the last bandage was removed, and the boy's gums had healed sufficiently to allow the naso-gastric tube and PIC line removed. The doctor was thrilled at the lack of scaring at all the suture lines, and also the smooth gum line in the boy's mouth. The only place not healed enough yet was the throat. With the temporary plug in place and a bandage still there, the boy need not know of it yet. He was going to be difficult enough to handle when he discovered the loss of all his teeth, and even worse when he learned what next the doctor planned. This will involve devices plugged into the boy's throat and anus so that these areas can be further expanded.

Also during this down time, Yi had made meticulous measurements of the necessary areas of his boy's body and had spent literally tens of thousands of (Hong Kong) dollars for all the new accoutrements that the boy would sport both permanently and on occasion.

The permanent collar for the boy he had made out of stainless steel. It was quite heavy. He wanted his boy aware of it at all times. To it would be attached a removable chain that would be either fastened to some bulkhead somewhere or become the boy's leash. Other permanent attachments were also prepared. Yi was highly aroused just anticipating the event of attaching these symbols of the boy's slavery.