Sam the HamThe Basketball Players |
SummaryIsaac likes basketball and loves the twins. He's been sucking their cocks for a while now, but there's a difference between sucking cock and actually dating. That is a distinction he will soon learn.
Publ. Aug 2014
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CharactersIsaac (13yo) and the twins Max and Luke (14yo)Category & Story codesBoyfriend storytt – cons oral (Explanation) |
DisclaimerIf you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place? This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life. It is just a story, ok? |
Author's noteThis work is of pure fiction and any resemblance of the characters and settings to real life persons, events, circumstances, etc. is purely coincidental. The following story is completely fictional. It describes sexual acts between young boys so if you don't like that sort of thing, don't read it! However if you do, I appreciate feedback. Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author through this feedback form with Sam the Ham - The Basketball Players in the subject line. |
The DareIsaac tried to squash the nervous feeling in the pit of his stomach. He wasn't used to doing things that would get him in trouble. He couldn't remember the last time his parents or a teacher yelled at him. He was quiet by nature, the one who never caused any trouble. In fact he was so quiet that in carpools parents had forgotten that he was there. So sneaking out of his house and breaking and entering were two things that no one would suspect him of. "Ise, would you relax," Max said unlocking the door to the community center. Isaac grimaced. "Unlike you two I'm not used to committing felonies." "This isn't a felony, at best it's trespassing," Luke said as he stepped inside. "I mean we have a key so it's not like we are breaking anything." "I'm sure my parents will appreciate the difference," Isaac felt defeated as he followed the twins inside. The twins were his friends for some reason. There were complete polar opposites. The twins were always getting in trouble and didn't seem to care. They were a head taller than him with long blonde curly hair. He had his cut short and it was dark brown. The twins were popular and usually the center of attention, he was the follower. Yeah, he was a follower Isaac reflected as they walked into the gymnasium. That was how he had become involved in their little tournament even without wanting to participate. The twins had accepted a dare from a pair of brothers and in turn they would challenge the brothers to do something. There had originally been eight teams but the twins and brothers were the only ones left. 'The Kings of fools,' Isaac thought to himself, 'and I'm the jester.' "Ize, go get us the basketball," Luke said as he started to kick off his shoes. The supply room was on the far side of the gymnasium. The room was lit by the moonlight that came in through the high windows. They only illuminated about a third of the floor, a little strip of light surrounded by darkness. He had to have run up and down this court hundreds of times by now. The twins were the stars of the team, but he was pretty good sinking three-pointers. Reaching the other side of the gymnasium he ducked under one of the bleachers and found the basketball one of the twins had placed there earlier. They were supposed to lock away all the balls after practice but one of them had managed to slip away without anyone noticing. Climbing out of the bleachers he tried to dribble the ball, but it sounded like thunder in the silent room. He ended up just walking back over. On his way back he smiled noticing the twins were now naked. They made no effort to hide themselves. The twins hit puberty around age eleven. Isaac remembered how they used to show off their hair. He was still without any at thirteen. As he got closer Max was at half mast. That was enough to get Isaac hard. He tossed the ball to Luke. "How many pictures should I take?" "You only need to take three or four, but you can take a lot more for your private collection," Luke grinned as Isaac felt his cheeks flush. "All right just give me a second," Isaac said pulling out his phone. "First to score 3 baskets wins?" Max asked his brother. "Sounds good," Luke said as he dribbled the ball. Isaac walked far enough off to the side to get a shot of his two friends from head to toe. Luckily they were in the light from the window. The pictures wouldn't be a problem. The game started with Luke scoring an easy layup which was quickly answered by Max who took a shot forward of the free throw line. After that warm-up the two brothers seemed to be evenly matched. Max stole the ball and Luke blocked the shot. For the next few minutes the only sound was that of the ball and bare feet hitting the floor. Luke scored another layup and Max faked his brother out. He pretended to charge forward and pivot backwards and with a little jump shot the ball. It bounced off the backboard and into the net. Luke retrieved the ball and tried to charge accidentally hitting into Max and sending them both sprawling on the ground. Isaac grimaced but Max regained his feet first and chased after the ball. Luke was half a step behind him and jumped to try to block Max's shot. The shot hit the backboard with such force that it bounced back more like a tennis ball. Max knew that though. He had used the backboard like it was a teammate to pass the ball to himself. Luke had misjudged where the ball would be and Max had a fairly easy shot. "Game!" Max shouted before the ball had even hit the floor. "Fowl," Luke muttered. "Don't be a sore loser now," Max said as he retrieved the ball. Luke gave a big shrug. "What is that 53 to 1?" "No way!" Sensing things were going from fun to dangerous territory Isaac spoke up. "Can we get out here now?" The twins looked over at him as if they had forgotten about him which actually wouldn't have surprised Isaac. The twins were super competitive at times. Then in one of those weird moments they both looked back at each other and smiled. "Isa, you know we are already naked?" Luke said suggestively. "Yeah, care to help us out?" Isaac felt blood rush to his face. He was standing in the shadows, but he was sure his face was bright enough they could see it. "I'll do it as soon as we get out of here." The twins looked at each other and Max answered, "That doesn't seem efficient." Knowing the quickest way to get out of here was just to cave in, Isaac let out a sigh as he advanced towards them. "Fine." The twins met Isaac halfway and after he pocketed his phone Isaac reached out and grabbed both of the twins, one in each hand. Isaac grabbed a bit harder than he usually would which made Luke jump and grimace, but Max seemed to like it. Relaxing his grip Isaac started to roll each of the twin's balls in his hands. Isaac was right-handed and the first time he did this the left had received the short end of the stick. Just like in basketball, though, practice had improved his ball handling. Using his thumbs and ring fingers, he slowly circled their ball sack. He brought his index and middle fingers up separating their balls. Their balls were pushed to either side of their sack bulging outwards. Slowly he closed his hands around them using his thumbs and pinkies to massage both of them at the same time. Their ball sacks became tighter as the twins got hard. Isaac kicked off his shoes as he ran his thumbs up their shafts starting form the ball sack and moving along the length. When his thumbs reach their tips, he easily grabbed a hold of their shafts. Kneeling down Isaac used his shoes as kneepads. Now that he was at eye level Isaac slowly tightened his grip and loosened it before running his hand down. Their foreskins were slowly pulled back exposing the wet glans. Wetting his lips Isaac pulled the twins closer to him. Without a word the twins swung an arm around each other letting their hips touch. Opening his mouth Isaac licked Max first and then Luke. He went back and forth licking one and then the other. He squeezed the other one as he licked forcing more pre-cum out so Isaac could lick it up as his hand slipped back down to Max's balls. Isaac had grown soft as the game went on, but he was rock hard again. It wasn't just what was in his hand or what he was doing with his mouth. Pre-cum didn't have much if any taste to Isaac. However the sweat from the game combined with their pubic hair was producing a powerful smell. He could never really explain the smell. To Isaac it was so strong; it was more of a taste. There was something to it that just excited him. He could feel his own erection straining to be free. After several back and forth Isaac opened his lips and took Max's head into his mouth. He swirled his tongue around it twice before letting the tip of his tongue flicked back and forth along the underside of Max's head. Then he slowly brought the tip of his tongue into Max's slit. Isaac knew that urine was sterile, but this had taken some getting used too. Isaac started sucking the air out of his mouth. Max then let out a moan and Isaac's tongue was coated in the first shot of cum. Isaac kept Max in his mouth until he could feel his friend going soft and slip out of his mouth. Rolling the cum around in his mouth he swallowed. He turned his attention to Luke as Max slipped away. The whole time Isaac had been concentrating on Max, he had been rhythmically squeezing Luke's cock to keep him hard. Taking Luke into his mouth he started the same process he had for Max. Only as soon as Isaac had started to put his tongue along the underside of Luke's head his friend exploded. Not expecting it so soon the cum hit the back of Isaac throat. He gagged and unconsciously pulled back and off. He was just in time to get a second shot smeared across his lips and chin. "Sorry," Luke said. "You okay?" Isaac wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. "It's fine. I just 3;" He did not want to say. "Went down the wrong pipe?"Luke offered. "Yeah," Isaac said licking the back of his hand. It wasn't like there was toilet paper around. Then before Isaac knew what was happening he felt hands from behind and his shirt was pulled up. He was only wearing a T-shirt and it was thrown to the side. He was starting to twist around when the arms wrapped around him and he felt himself lifted up off of his feet. He felt his bareback pressed up against Max's chest as he felt a chin resting in the shoulder. Isaac glanced at Luke who was grinning. "Just returning the favor." Isaac struggled but only halfheartedly as Luke undid his shorts. He felt them pulled down along with his underwear. His cock sprung upwards hitting against his belly. He felt his pants and underwear pulled off followed by his socks. For some reason Isaac didn't feel self-conscious until his socks were pulled off. He tried to cover himself but Luke grabbed his wrists and pushed them against Isaac's side. His feet were just off the floor and he felt completely helpless. There was no fear, just some embarrassment. Luke kneeled down using Isaac's shoes for his kneepads. Luke leaned forward and licked Isaac's erection. Isaac wasn't developed like the twins. Luke could lick his balls and never find a hair. That didn't stop Luke from checking with his tongue. He slowly licked around every cubic centimeter of Isaac's sack before licking up his shaft. Isaac felt a peck against his cheek. He turned his head and his lips were met by Max's. At first it was just lips against lips. Max then deepened the kiss by invading Isaac's mouth with his tongue. Isaac sucked on Max's tongue and hooked his legs around Max's legs. Isaac was feeling so much he couldn't figure it all out. There was his foot pushing against Max's calf muscles. He knew there was light hair there but he couldn't feel it. Then there was Luke's tongue exploring every inch of his cock and balls. His hands were still pinned to his side by Max's arms around his chest. Then of course there was the kissing. He felt the stirring of his orgasm coming and turned his head away from Max. He could feel their cheeks brush against each other before Max nuzzled his neck. "Oh," Isaac said in a long moan. Then he felt it. The feeling radiated out from his crotch and sent a tingling sensation throughout his body. He felt his hands tighten and his legs contracting. Max was strong and his legs didn't give as Isaac's body tensed up. Then it was over. Isaac felt Luke pull away and he was gently lowered to the ground. He stayed there for a second, on all fours before he remembered he was naked. He started to look around for his clothing as the twins walked over to where they had left there's. A few minutes later they were all dressed and heading out of the building. None of them had said anything but the afterglow feeling was slowly wearing off. "Isa," Max said breaking the silence. "Are you angry at us?" "No, it was fun," Isaac said. He felt a slap on the back from Luke. "You like when we start stuff." Isaac didn't say anything to that. It was strange. He did like when twins did stuff like that, but it was still somehow embarrassing. On some level and for some reason, he felt a little guilty. Still, despite everything they were his teammates and his best friends. "You can show the pictures tomorrow," Max said when they came to the spot they would separate act. He had probably taken two dozen, but sensing an opportunity for revenge Isaac tried to look nervous. "Pictures? I completely forgot." The BallIsaac pulled his bike into the twin's driveway. He saw Max casually shooting a basketball. He wasn't exactly sure how he could tell it was Max. Especially from a distance it was hard to tell them apart. He guessed on some subconscious level his brain picked up a difference or two. "Where's Luke?" He asked coming to a stop. "Being yelled at," Max said taking a shot and glancing over at Isaac. The ball went through the hoop but neither of them moved to recover it. "What did he get in trouble for?" Isaac asked. It was unusual that one of them would be in trouble and not the other. "He's not doing so well in English." "English?" Isaac said climbing off of his bike. "That's pretty hard to fail." "He's not; he got a C on the last test. Our parents don't like us getting anything below a B." Isaac felt a little uncomfortable. He got good grades without even trying. "Anything I can do?" Max laughed. "Not unless you can reduce Bethany's breast size." Isaac must have looked confused because Max raised his hands and made a curving motion. "You know Bethany? She's stacked. Max sits across from her and since it's become hot she is wearing tank tops. He gets side boob." "Oh," Isaac said. "You really don't notice girls at all do you?" Isaac felt his cheeks flush. "I do." Max stripped off his shirt and stretched. Isaac could see his muscles ripple as he slowly moved back and forth. "That's what I think, what do you think?" Max said. "What?" Isaac said pulling his eyes away from Max's dime sized nipples. "Yeah that's Luke's problem," Max said walking towards the ball which had come to rest on the lawn. "You didn't say anything!" Isaac accused. Max passed Isaac the ball and they slipped into a one-on-one game. The score was 7 to 10 Isaac when Luke finally came out. Max had the ball but when he heard the door open he stopped dribbling and turned. "What's the damage?" Luke grimaced. "Just a warning. If I don't improve they say they'll make me quit basketball." "We can't have that," Isaac said darting forward and taking the ball from Max. He turned and jumped. The ball hit the backboard then went halfway around the rim before falling off away from the net. It hit the pavement with its familiar sound. Luke went for the ball and Isaac raced after him. However once it was in his hand he just stood there. "I'm thinking of asking Bethany to the dance," Luke announced. Isaac stopped in his tracks shocked. "I thought Bethany was going with someone. Mike wasn't it?" Isaac's subconscious pulled out an image of Mike. He was taller than the twins and more developed partly from being left behind early on. Isaac didn't think he was attractive. "No, they broke up last week," Luke supplied. "Bethany mentioned it to me when we were working on a project." "So how is asking her out going to solve your problem? You think you'll get immune to them if you stare at them long enough?" Max said with a grin. Luke laughed. "It's worth a shot. It could be like those people who inject themselves full of poison to build immunity." Isaac's eyes flipped back and forth feeling weirdly disconnected. It was almost like he was looking down on himself from above until Max turned and said something to him. "What?" Isaac said. Max laughed. "Can you stop staring at my chest for a minute? Do you want to watch the DVD now?" Isaac remembered the purpose of his trip today. His parents were conscientious to the movies he was supposedly allowed to see. The twins didn't have that problem. "Sure." They went inside and to the twin's bedroom where they turned on Game of Thrones. The twins still slept in bunk beds and they all piled onto Max's bed to watch. Isaac sat between the two of them, his back against the wall. It wasn't a surprise when he felt the twin's hands land on his lap. As the opening played he turned his attention down. One hand undid his zipper while the other fumbled for his button. They both tugged on his pants opening them a little wider. He watched as their hands slowly fumbled at his privates. He tried to hold back a giggle as their hands dug through his underwear one of them playing with his balls while the other started to stroke his shaft. As soon as they got him hard their hands moved from stroking slowly to rolling his cock between the two of them. By then the show had started and Isaac tried to turn his attention back to it. The twins continued to roll his erection back and forth between their hands. He was only a little over 3 inches [8 cm] so between the two of them he definitely wasn't a handful. Isaac had seen breasts and movies before but never the opposite until he started watching this series. He briefly wondered why you would like to hold something that big in your hand. The twins' four and a half inches [11½ cm] gave him an idea. Maybe it would be a little something like the time he had them face each other and did them both with one hand. Isaac's random thoughts kept distracting him and he didn't notice his approaching orgasm until it was happening. The feeling came sharp and fast. He felt his butt cheeks tighten and his toes curl. He let out a little grunt as he felt himself fire a ghost load. "Hey, Luke. You know if you get this far with Bethany you have to learn everything all over again," Max said. "I've watched porn," Luke said. "Yeah because that always helped you. Think she'll be as forgiving as you Ise?" Isaac suddenly felt embarrassed. Suddenly he realized he was a place holder for Max and Luke. The stuff they did, everything. He felt his face flush and not because of the recent orgasm. He wanted to get out of there now. Isaac reached for his phone pretending it was on vibrate. He looked at the blank screen as if he had received a text message and pocketed it. "I have to go," he said springing to his feet and zipping up his pants. Before either of the twins could say anything he was out the door heading downstairs. He jumped onto his bike and started pedaling trying to convince himself that his eyes were just watering from the wind. Over the next week Isaac tried to avoid the twins. It was a lot easier than he would've thought. Monday instead of going to lunch he went to the library supposedly to work on a project. Tuesday he managed to skip both lunch and basketball practice by feigning illness. He slipped by Wednesday again by visiting the nurses' office during lunch. Thursday was a bit harder. He was hungry but made sure he was at the end of the lunch line. When he sat down with the twins he whipped out a lab report. They had practice again that night and not wanting to be barred from the game Saturday he had to go. He just made sure to show up a few minutes late and just do the drills. When he did talk to them, it was just about basketball. When Friday rolled around he retreated to the nurse's office again this time his stomach really did feel sick. Despite Isaac's attempt to minimize his interaction with the twins, he did learn that Luke had managed to ask Bethany out. Isaac was determined not to go. Unfortunately, his mother had a different idea. It was only their school's second dance and it was the first year for his grade to have them. His mother thought they were great and wonderful. It gave her an excuse to dress him up despite his protests that he wasn't feeling well. She countered with the idea that he probably shouldn't go to the game if he couldn't go to the dance. Isaac found himself reluctantly sitting in the front seat as his mother drove him to school. He wore a white shirt button up shirt and what he personally thought of as fancy pants. Somehow it seemed appropriate to Isaac that the last time he had wore this outfit it had been to a funeral of an uncle. "Isaac, cheer up. A lot of boys and girls are going without a date. Max is so you can still hang out with him. Who knows maybe a girl will ask you to dance. That would be cute, you and Luke having a double date." Isaac glanced over at his mother. For one brief second he wondered how she knew all that before remembering basketball practice. It had been raining Thursday so both his mom and the twins' mom had driven them to practice. "It's not like that." "Then what is the problem?" she said turning into the school. There was no way Isaac was going to tell her. He hadn't figured it all out himself. What he did know was he was feeling hurt. He had felt more and now he had felt less. When he put that thought into words it didn't make sense, but he knew what it felt like. The car came to a stop. Isaac sat there for a few seconds. "I want to go home." His voice was low and quiet, but it was a small car. "Why?" His mother waited. Eventually she broke the silence. "You can't run away from your problems. I'll help you if you tell me what it is." Isaac glanced up at her. "Please." She shook her head and reached across him to open the door. "Go, have fun." Reluctantly Isaac unfastened his seatbelt and slid out of the car. He didn't slam the door harder than he needed to and he didn't look back. Not for the first time he wished he was more like the twins. He could picture them refusing to leave the car. They wouldn't have changed clothes. That wasn't him. Isaac made his way to the gymnasium. He showed his ticket for entrance. That was one of the ways his mother had tricked him into coming. She had already spent the money. The inside of the gymnasium had been made over with the loons and a few streamers. There was some music on and some people dancing. For the most part, though, people seemed to be in groups talking or just messing around. Making his way to the snack table he got some punch. He retreated into a corner near the bleachers were he could see part of what was happening. He didn't want to talk to any of his other friends or even let them know he was here. He was a prisoner, just doing his time. After several songs fast and slow he was out of punch. Deciding it was worth getting some more. He was only out of his corner for a minute but almost as soon as he returned there he saw Max come around and stand in front of him. "I didn't think you would come. Glad you're feeling better," Max said holding out a little paper plate. "You try the brownies Ise? There damn good." Isaac looked down at the offered brownie. There had already been a bite taken out of it, but he reached and picked it off the plate. There was just one big mouthful left and Isaac popped it in. As he bit down into it Isaac realized the taste was terrible. It was grainy and tasted nothing like chocolate. He quickly swallowed down the entire plastic cup of punch. "That's terrible!" Isaac said making a face. Max slid next to Isaac. "Sorry, I didn't want to waste food." Isaac punched him in the shoulder. "That wasn't food 3; It was dirt." Max laughed. "The look on your face was priceless. If I didn't know better I would say someone was trying to make them taste bad." "That's something you would do," Isaac said. Max seemed to consider this for a moment "Probably." For the rest of the song they didn't say anything. Then between songs Max said, "Glad you're feeling better." Isaac wondered if Max had really believed he was sick. Aside from today he was at least physically fine. He suddenly felt guilty about avoiding the twins all week. "Yeah, well my mom says I have to come here if I want to go to the game tomorrow." "They won their last four games you know. I think they'll be our last real challenge. Either way we should be going to the championships." Isaac wondered how that little tidbit had slipped by him this week. Of course they were undefeated so it wasn't a surprise, but still he didn't remember being told that. Maybe it had been on Tuesday. "Yeah." Isaac's single word response ended that conversation. He briefly wondered what they would do if Luke had to drop the team. "Is Luke here?" Isaac asked a bit too loudly. "Yeah," Max leaned out. "He's over there." Unconsciously Isaac leaned forward and peered around the bleachers. He saw Luke instantly, on the dance floor. It was a slow song at the moment and he was swaying back and forth with Bethany. Isaac didn't know why what happened next happened. Maybe Luke somehow knew his brother was looking at him or maybe Luke saw some movement out of the corner of his eye. Whatever it was, at that exact moment Luke looked over at them from halfway across the gymnasium. He smiled. Isaac broke at that moment. He wasn't sure why he wasn't sure how, but at that moment Isaac did not want to be there anymore. Without saying a word he headed straight for the door. The light difference from the gymnasium to the hallway hurt his eyes. Of course, he also wasn't sure where he was going. He exited on the far side of the gymnasium from where he entered and there was nobody here. He started down the hallway. "Isaac!" Max's voice stopped him. The twins rarely used his full name. They were the only ones to ever call him Ise. Isaac felt a touch on his arm and he pulled away. Max stepped in front of him and Isaac tried to look away. This time when Max grabbed his arm there was no shrugging it off and Isaac found himself being pulled somewhere. It took him a second to realize they were in the dark cafeteria. "Are you upset because Luke asked a girl to the dance or are you upset that we didn't ask you?" Isaac wanted to scrunch up into a little ball, just keep getting smaller and smaller until he disappeared. He tried to think of an answer or at least a way to change the question. "I don't know." "Would you rather be at the dance right now or hear?" Max demanded. "I don't know!" "Yes you do!" "No, no I don't. I don't," Isaac sat down on one of the benches. "I don't know, but I don't like this." He spoke the last part mostly to himself. Max was silent for what seemed like hours, but then sat down next to him on the bench. "Do you want to be my boyfriend?" Max asked. Isaac opened his mouth and then closed it. His mind was considering all the answers and all the problems with them. Most of them were bad. In the back of his mind he realized if he didn't answer next week would be like this week. He didn't think he could tolerate another week like that. "Yes." Max didn't say anything. He quietly stood up and Isaac couldn't bring himself to look up. "You want to dance?" Max said. Isaac looked up and saw Max standing there nervously. Strange to see Max nervous for a change, "What do we do?" Max let out a nervous laugh. "I don't have a clue. It's a slow song though." Isaac hadn't realized it but he could still hear the music from the gymnasium. He stood up and took a step towards Max. Max wrapped his arm around him; he was closer to Isaac's shoulders than hips. Isaac returned the favor wrapping an arm around Max. With their free arms they sort of held hands and slowly swayed back and forth. It was awkward at first but it was beginning to feel nice. They both sort of relaxed into it and Isaac realized his mom had not been completely wrong. The Tournament"Oh, Oh god," Isaac cried. "Brain freeze that bad?" Max asked taking a sip from his own slushy. "Mmm," Isaac muttered. "I hate those things." "Well you shouldn't drink so fast," Max said helpfully. Isaac gave his boyfriend a little shove, who shoved him back. The two scuffled or at least as best as they could scuffle while holding onto their slushys. They fell onto the grass in front of somebody's house and rolled apart. "You ready for the tournament?" Max asked. Isaac nodded. "Yeah it should be fun. Seven games in three days I'll be exhausted." "You want to still share a room with Luke?" Isaac was silent unsure how to answer. Isaac heard Max take a long sip before speaking. "So why are you avoiding Luke?" "I'm not," Isaac said. That was sort of true. Luke had started eating lunch with his girlfriend and her group of friends. Isaac wasn't so much avoiding him, as simply not seeking him out. "You two need to talk," Max said. Isaac took a long sip delay his answer. "About what?" "I don't know, whatever's bothering you." "Nothing is bothering me. We just haven't talked much is all." Max pushed himself up off the ground. "You know what the difference between you and me is? I have a problem with Luke, I punch him, he punches me and it's over with. You just hold everything in and make everyone guess what the problem is. It's annoying." Isaac felt the words fall on him like a physical blow. He glanced around not wanting to look at Max. "Does he even know?" "Know what? That we are dating? Of course he does." Isaac lowered his head. If Max had not told Luke then he might've had some wiggle room. "All right." "Good," Max said turning around and started walking away. "Come boy." "Hey, stop treating me like a dog," Isaac said running after him. *** Their slushy finished they retreated to Max's room. Isaac was the first one in and he turned around just in time to see Max coming at him. Isaac felt arms wrap around his small frame as he was pushed back against the bunk bed. Tilting his head up he met Max's lips. Opening his mouth he felt Max's tongue invade his mouth. The remnant of Max's blueberry slushy mixed with Isaacs's Raspberry and combined creating a new flavor. Isaac felt Max's hard length pushing into his stomach. He could feel himself become hard in response. The idea he could make someone else hard thrilled him deep down inside. Max broke the kiss and spoke to Isaac's ear. "Suck me off." Isaac dropped to his knees and started fiddling with Max's pants when he heard a voice. "Mind if I join?" Max spun away pulling up his pants and fell down onto the lower bed. Isaac on his knees was shocked to see Luke standing in the doorway. "I thought you were with Bethany?" Max said sitting up. Luke shrugged. "I came home," Luke slowly took his phone out of this pocket and placed it on the dresser. "Actually we broke up." Isaac stood up and sat next to Max on the bed wanting to be closer to his boyfriend. When he heard the news he felt a strange combination of feelings. Pushing them aside he asked. "What happened?" Luke moved to sit on top of the desk in the room. "She said I was just the rebound guy. Whatever that means." "I'm sorry Luke," Max said. Isaac was having conflicting feelings. On one hand he felt satisfied. Luke had hurt him so he got what he deserved. On the other hand he felt bad for thinking that. Luke had not intended to hurt him. "Sorry," Isaac finally ventured. "Well, it's not like she was putting out or anything. I only got to touch those breasts once and it wasn't even under the shirt." "You didn't tell me about that!" Max shouted. "What was it like?" Isaac shot his boyfriend a dirty look and Luke laughed. "Kinda soft and firm at the same time," he said. "Kinda like a cock, but softer and bigger." Isaac wrinkled his nose. The image his brain had just created was not very appealing. He then noticed both Luke and Max were looking at him. "What?" "Nothing," Max said. "It's just you're so gay," Max grinned as he said this taking the sting out of his words. "I'm bisexual. So don't get upset if I'm curious about girls. You're still my boyfriend." Forcing a smile Isaac still felt a bit uncomfortable but Max got up from the bed and gave him a kiss on the lips. "You two really are dating?" Luke asked. "I told you we were," Max said. Luke stared for a moment and then hopped off the desk. "Right, well I'll give you some alone time then." Isaac's eyes follow Luke out of the room. Then Max pulled him into a hug and started kissing. Isaac pushed him away. "I'm not in the mood." "What? Why?" "I don't know. Your brother just got dumped," Isaac said. "It's not like he was in love. He was attracted to her. They hadn't even talked before then." Isaac nodded but something was nibbling at him. "Am I attractive?" Max's lopsided smile faltered. "What? Well yeah." "So you're not going to leave me for a cute girl?" Max stared at him and then seemed to realize something. "Isaac, I told you I didn't realize you were crushing on us. Once I did I asked you out. You know I don't think things through. That's usually why I'm in trouble." Isaac felt himself smiling. "Yeah, you're an idiot." He added to himself and so is Luke. Max retaliated by pushing him down on the bed tickling his stomach. ***
Friday after school Isaac, Max and Luke along with the rest of the basketball team climbed into three vehicles and drove an hour and a half to where the tournament was being held. It was a tight fit everyone was glad when it was over. When they arrived at the place they had rented only three rooms would be occupied by the players on the team. The coach was a notorious snore and even his son too wanted to share a room with them. Isaac was secretly hoping he would get the one room that wouldn't have an adult chaperone but with the twins' reputation that was unlikely to happen. It wasn't like the twins had put stuff on fire. Well besides the time with the toilet paper. Their first game was that night. It was against a team they had crushed before and it was a replay of the previous game. They watched the next game. As Isaac watched the two teams battle it out, he noticed something. When he was playing basketball he never noticed the other players sexually. They were his opponents. Now as he stared cross court at one of the players from the team they had destroyed earlier, he realized the boy was pretty cute. Not as cute as Max, but he had nice smooth legs. He felt a little guilty looking but it was like Max said earlier. He was just curious. He thought about that as they ate dinner the night. As they retreated to their rooms he deliberately walked slower letting everyone ahead of him. Max caught on and dropped back too. "Want to find a quiet spot for a celebratory quickie?" Max asked hopeful. Isaac felt himself flush. The idea was both exciting and terrifying. It was exciting for the possibility of getting caught and terrifying for the same reason. "No, I wanted to ask you something. Luke's bisexual right? Like you?" "Yeah, he is." "Do you think?" Isaac stopped himself. "Do you think he would like to have things like they were before? Only you know official?" Max stopped and looked at Isaac. "I don't know. You have been kind of a jerk to him." Isaac wanted to protest, but it was kind of true. The situation was complicated, but if they could go back to what they were like only knowing they were like it. Well, it made more sense in his head. "I'll ask, but I don't know what he'll say." Isaac didn't like the sound of that. The twins usually knew what the other one was thinking. The next day they had three different games. The tournament was supposed to be easy but Isaac felt the schedule was a bit grueling. The high school it was being held in had multiple basketball courts and there was always a game going on. Max and Isaac could've gotten some alone time if they tried. He noticed Max and Luke seemed to disappear from time to time, but most part they were stuck together. It was only when they sat down for dinner that Max said quietly. "Luke wants to talk to you." Isaac announced he had to go to the bathroom and before he left the room he turned back to see Luke standing up following. Isaac headed towards the bathroom, but he stopped into a small recess where there was a utility closet. Luke saw him standing there and walked over. "Hey." "Hey," Isaac replied. There was an awkward moment of silence. "So you want to ask me out?" Luke tried to turn it into a joke. Isaac smiled. "Sort of I guess." "Isaac, I'm not gay, I'm bisexual. I would prefer a girlfriend." Isaac nodded. "Just thought I would ask." He went to leave when Luke grabbed his arm. "Hold up," he said "I would prefer a girlfriend. But I do like you." Isaac shrugged. He really wasn't sure about the answer. "So yes or no?" "Yes with the condition we remain friends if we breakup." Isaac felt himself smile. "I think we can do that." Luke smiled and before Isaac knew it he dove in for a quick kiss. Only then he looked down the hallway. Isaac was shocked at first but recovered quickly enough to say. "Yeah check after you do the deed." "Shut up. The way I see it, you owe me a few blow jobs so I can catch up with Max." Isaac grinned in response. Not totally against the idea. The next day was the last round of games. Most of the teams had been eliminated. The first game they won by a narrow margin. An hour after lunch was the last game. They trailed by less than five points for most of it. In the last two minutes they turned it around. Isaac intercepted the ball and ran down for an easy layup. Luke recovered the ball passing to one of their teammates who seemed surprised to get it. He almost lost it but managed to pass it back to Luke just as he crossed the three point line. He turned and shot putting them up for another three points. The other team got the ball and tried to put up a three point shot that missed. Max recovered and ran it back down court going for what would look like a layup by passing it to Isaac at the last second so he could score three points putting them ahead. The last 30 seconds of the game seemed to last forever. A second before the buzzer a players on the other team tried for a half-court shot. It bounced off the backboard spun around the rim and then fell out. The buzzer echoed. Isaac looked at the scoreboard. It was strange. He had known they were behind but not by much. The fact was until he looked he wasn't sure they had won. He felt his teammates pressing in around him slapping him on the back and congratulating him. They received a small trophy and took a team picture. They went to hit the showers then. When they got back to the hotel Max grabbed Isaac's hand and pulled him away from the group. Luke was following. Nobody seemed to notice not even their chaperone who was too busy talking to her son. They got into the elevator and Max threw an arm around Isaac's shoulder. Isaac leaned in to embrace before remembering Luke. He reached out taking Luke by the hand. Luke smiled and Isaac felt better than he had after winning game. Not breaking the awkward embrace they walked to their room. Max locked the door. When he turned around he said. "Isaac, strip." Isaac felt himself becoming hard as he pulled his shirt off. He kicked off his shoes and standing on one leg removed one sock at a time. He pulled his shorts and underwear down at the same time before stepping out of them, holding his hands up above his head. The twins looked at him appreciating the sight. Then the twins stripped. It had been a while since Isaac had seen Luke naked, but he didn't look all different. He didn't have long to appreciate the view, the twins were on him pushing him down onto the bed. Isaac felt his cheeks kissed and then the twins moved down to his nipples both sucking on them. They held him down and he tried to stay still as their mouths move towards his cock. Isaac inhaled sharply the first time he felt a cock touch his side. Then he felt another one on the other side and let out a little whimper. The twins' tongues started to go up and down his cock pushing it back and forth between them. Between the excitement of the game and stimulation he felt his orgasm building quickly. He arched his back as he felt it wash over him. His cock twitched and for the first time he felt something shoot out of it. Isaac let out a little gasp. The twins were silent for a moment not moving. "When did he start shooting?" Luke asked. "First time I've seen," Max said. Isaac looked down and saw a small glob of white stuff on his stomach. He felt like smiling feeling proud. Max put his finger into the mess and tasted it. "Salty." "I'll take your word for it," Luke said. Slowly them the twins moved. They spread his legs a little as they straddled one each and push their cocks down against his legs. They each placed their hand on top of their cocks and started moving back and forth. Isaac lay down on the bed with their pubic hair brushing up against his legs. This was new. The twins kept moving faster and faster and then shot their load. Luke came first firing a white mess onto Isaac followed closely by his brother. They probably shot 10 more times than he had and his accomplishment seemed a bit dwarfed by comparison. Then they started to smear it with their hands. Their fingers moved through the cum combining all three. Isaac wasn't sure how he felt but the feeling was amazing, the stuff against his skin along with the feel of his friends' fingers. Max looked at him first bringing it to Luke's mouth. Isaac could see his tongue slid down and grab a little bit. Luke returned the favor for Max. Isaac had been watching all of this but decided to join bringing up his own hand. He was somehow attracted by the idea and a little repelled by the idea. At the moment though he didn't really care. He offered his first handful to Luke then to Max. They kept going around until there wasn't enough left and they let Isaac up to wipe himself down. For the rest of the day though Isaac would've sworn he could still feel the two loads from his boyfriend inside his stomach. The End |
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