UnikueSlaves Walk Together |
SummaryWhat can happen to boys that break the law.
Publ. Mar. 2017
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CharactersBobby and JoeyCategory & Story codesEunuch & Slave-Boy storyMb bb – slave implied oral – castration (Explanation) |
DisclaimerIf you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now. If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place? This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life. It is just a story, ok? |
Author's noteAttached distantly to the Slave Act universe, Slaves Walk Together takes place in Upper California where all boys are slaves. The stories are shorter than normal, but they are intended to be very focused on a single aspect or event. The first three are here. Also included is a story that could be interpreted as a precursor concept, we are introduced to Alex 6. The naming scheme of having a name and number comes from Logan's Run (movie). It seemed to be a nice way to depersonalize somebody. I will invite anyone to write a related story if they so desire. We can refer to this as the Slaves Walk Together subuniverse of the Slave Act universe. Stories can be given numbers randomly so they are like a catalogue. I would encourage a continuation of the short form (~430 words) as chapters of sorts. Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author through this feedback form with Unikue – Slaves Walk Together in the subject line. |
1Bobby and Joey were a little more rambunctious than other boys their age. They had the idea they were something special, but like most boys they were legends in their own minds. They typically wore loose fitting clothing, and today was no exception. The thing about loose fitting clothing, is that it was terribly out of fashion. Their parents were their great enablers, whether they liked it or not. Bobby's father kept a few cans of spray paint in the basement. So the boys decided to make use of it. They wanted to declare to the world they were the coolest, and there was a downtown alley where they could do that. "Yo dawg! That is pretty sweet," Bobby said with Joey's rendering of a functionally accurate cock with a mouth next it and the name Henderson above it. They didn't like Mr. Henderson much, ever since they had to serve two days in the cages. It isn't terribly desired to be reduced to a slave for a few days and spend that time naked in some cages at the front entrance of the school. When all the students were coming in the morning and again in the evening was spanking time. There were about ten boys that one day. Each boy was bent over a bench with his bum high up in the air. Other students are allowed to use a cane or a paddle on their bums just by donating to the activity fun. But if their bums are not raw by the end of the day, the teachers have some fun. So Joey was seeking some sort of symbolic revenge, even though Mr. Henderson would likely never see it. Just before Joey could reply to Bobby's compliment the two heard a familiar sound "Hands on your head!" It was the police! They were just about to run when both found themselves at the wrong end of a taser by each of the officers. The boys were handcuffed and their spraycans were collected as evidence. "If you boys try to get away, it will only get worst for you!" one of the officers said. Both boys tried to struggle out of their handcuffs, but it was futile. The officers were annoyed with the boys feeble attempts, and took them to their patrol van. Opening the back, they put two restraining knobs on the side wall. Joey was led into the back and the officer pulled down the boy's loose fitting shorts and lifted his bum onto the knob which expanded inside his insides securing him to the wall. Of course the virgin wailed at the intrusion. The officer punched the boy in the balls and said, "If you don't stop making noise, I'll make sure you are on one of these things for week!" Joey tried to stop crying but any fight was out of him. Now it was Bobby's turn. The same officer said, "The same applies to you too!" So Bobby's shorts came off and the boy was lifted onto the knob. He tried to keep the noise down but his cries couldn't be helped. The officer liked it when they squealed in pain, because it let him get away with more punishment. So he punched Bobby in the balls too. Their predicament was not a pleasent one. The boys were silent as they were driven back to the cop shop. They were walked half naked into juvenile processing, and once securely inside their handcuffs were removed. "Put your hands on the fingerprint scanners," an officer ordered. Both boys put their fingers on the scanners and their files came up immediately. "Well, look at what we have here. Joey Finkle and Bobby Cummings. This is now your third strike each, I wonder how many years you will get." The officer took them to the second stage juvenile processing, and the boys were told to stand still. One of the women started cutting the rest of Joey's clothing off, he said, "Not my shirt!" It was a shirt sold at a concert for his favourite band. The officer overseeing the processing said, "1 Point for Joey Finkle. No talking!" Bobby's clothing came off with the same pair of scissors, and the boys were put into a hot shower to wash themselves completely. After that their hands were tied behind their backs and inspected. "Level 2 pubic growth on both," the woman reported to the overseeing officer. The overseeing officer commented, "Disgusting boys who can't even keep decent hygiene!" What the officer was referring to is a general disgust for pubic hair on naked boys. Nudity is supposed to be the most innocent form, including a young tiny penis. But to have visible hair there was like a horrible taint on their innocence. In a world where many boys become slaves, even temporarily, those who have any expectation of nudity will religiously make sure their pubic hair is shaved or otherwise not visible because they might be summarily castrated as punishment. But like our own society, when boys start growing the hair it is like a step into adulthood. But when boys end up in a precarious position like Bobby and Joey, their pubic hair is more likely to hurt them. The two boys were tied down to a bench and the matron skillfully shaved their pubes with a straight razor. The two would look eleven after that. Both boys were given a silencing collar, to prevent any noise. The boys were lead down to a common area which had about sixty cages at the periphery, about half of them had naked boys in them. Elsewhere, equally naked boys sat at tables eating some food and playing games. Bobby and Joey were lead to cages that were just big enough for them to lay down in or sit up. "In an hour, you will get fed, you better get used to it!" the officer laughed. "In two days, you will have your hearing, until then you will stay here." Joey looked at the boys next to them, one boy was no more than eight years old. He had a more elaborate collar on, and no apparent testicles to speak of. But most of the boys were ten to thirteen, half castrated and half intact. An hour went by, but it took an eternity with nothing to do. But each cage in the set of five with Joey had a phallus pushed into the cage on a mechanical arm. Joey didn't know what that was for, but the young boy next to him just started sucking it. So he decided to do the same. Bobby watched in horror as his friend was sucking a large synthetic cock, and without Joey noticing he found the back of his head was pushed forward and the cock went deeper as it started ejaculating nutritional "cum analog" filling his mouth and forcing him to swallow so many times in quick succession. No boy could do this cleanly, and they ended up with this cum-like substance all over themselves. Bobby's turn was next. Every five hours for the next three days they had to eat the revolting substance. But finally they were released from their cages and brought to a small conference room and placed in more cages on the far side of the table. Their parents and an advocate entered the room with a prosecutor. The prosecutor sat down and offered the charges: The boys known as Bobby and Joey, henceforth referred to as Boy 675 and 676, are charged with possession of spray paint with ill-intent (59-394), illegally marking private and public property (59-395, 396), attempting to flee arrest (43-444), and lack of hygiene (55-293). The advocate first asked, "Please explain the charge 55-293." The prosecutor began, "When the boys were brought in it was discovered they had pubic hair, which is against community standards for naked boys, and above all is disgusting. It is also forbidden on a slave, which they became upon arrest." The advocate knew it was a crap charge, but there was no point in contesting it because it was factually accurate. In fact all the charges have been justified with evidence, their guilt was already established the day before. The advocate continued, "What is your sentencing proposal?" The prosecutor handed over a piece of paper and said, "I will let you confer with your client, and will return in an hour." He left. The advocate turned the paper over and read it, "Level 4 slavery for 4 years with mandatory castration, and Level 3 slavery for life." Both mothers were horrified, "They want our boys to be slaves?!?" Both boys became frightened, but couldn't make a sound. The advocate tried to calm them down, "Prosecutors always try to get the maximum sentence even beyond reason. We have a few options, there is a new program for wayward youths. It is essentially a three month hiking and work trip, it is meant to be physically challenging. This prosecutor has accepted it before." Joey's father asked, "What is involved?" The advocate said, "Both boys and any brothers more than half their age above seven would have to participate. They would become slaves for the duration, and only freed once they have completed the program. So far, 90% of the boys end up being freed." Bobby's father said, "Is there any other choice?" The advocate said, "Before this program, the most common option was short term slavery about one to two years." Joey's mother said, "Why does the prosecutor want to castrate our boys?" The advocate considered her innocence, but could hardly be justified considering the danger boys are in with slavery being common. So the advocate tried to explain, A male slave can be made to do many things, including hard labor or heaven forbid sucking some penis, but the one thing that intact male slaves cannot be forced to do is have sex. When the slave is castrated that limitation is removed, that is why so many eunuchs are used in sexual slavery. But additionally, a boy who has been neutered but is not a slave cannot refuse sex from anyone. It has also been rumored this prosecutor in particular collects them. Bobby's mother was shocked, "That is disgusting!" Joey's mother was enraged, "So this prosecutor wants our boys to be forced to have sex even when their sentence is over?" The advocate replied, "It is something they like to throw in to the offer and is entirely legal. We can put together a reasonable offer, and see what the prosecutor counters with. If we contest anything he puts up, we bring in an arbitator to examine it." Both sets of parents talked about it and they agreed on the program, which would include their younger brothers. The prosecutor came back at the time he said he would, and was given a file. It read simply, WBP - wayward boys program with the names of the other boys that would be participating. He said, "I will accept WBP, if in addition the boys are regressed back to twelve for minimum of six years, and are castrated." The advocate looked at it, and conferred with the parents. "That is reasonable, except for castration, we feel that is unreasonable." The prosecutor pointed out, "I consider these boys incorrigible, they have just had their third strike it most certainly justifies castration." The advocate replied, "These boys have gone down the wrong path I will grant you, but they are in no way incorrigible." The prosecutor said, "We will call for an arbitrator then." It took about half an hour for this older woman to enter the room. She looked at the files and the offers. The arbitrator asked the advocate, "Why do you not see 675 and 676 as incorrigible? I see in their files they have just had their third strike." The advocate replied, "Both 675 and 676 have their third strike, that is true, but those other strikes include jaywalking and for an argument at school." The arbitrator asked the prosecutor, "Are you looking to add these boys' testicles to the collection in your office?" Hinting at an inappropriate reason for suggesting castration. The prosecutor said, "I only collect the testicles of the boys that deserve castration, and I believe these boys will reoffend." The arbitrator asked the advocate, "Aren't there procedures to regrow testicles?" The advocate replied, "Yes your honor, but normally there is a prohibition on regrowing the testicles of criminally prosecuted slaves, which would include these boys once released, and the cost is at least five thousand credits per testicle." The arbitrator asked the prosecutor, "May I assume that you would be satisfied by letting them grow their testicles back at the end of their sentence?" The prosecutor saw where the wind was going, "Yes your honor." The advocate said, "We don't want these boys to be subject to forced sexual activity they would be obligated to if castrated." The arbitrator ignored the last statement and ordered:
This was the ruling that caused 675 and 676 to dread their life. Each managed to touch their testicles wondering what it would be like without them.
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