PZA Boy Stories




Twelve-year old slave Jan becomes too old to be attractive for his master and is sold and transported to a new master.
Publ. 2011 (3D Boys Forum); this site Jan 2012
Finished 6,500 words (13 pages)


Jan, slave (12yo); Redge Wright, his master (adult); Alex, his new master (13yo)

Category & Story codes

Slave-Boy story
Mb tb – slave anal oralbond


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Author's note

Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author at through this feedback form with Rpike - Boxed in the subject line.

Redge Wright has bought Jan, when Jan was about eight years old. At that age there is not much of a difference between girls and boys, both have usable holes, and Redge just wanted a fuck toy. He's not gay or something 3; it's just that boys are cheaper than girls.
Four years have passed, Jan got older. It is very hard to ignore that Jan is nothing else but a boy.

Jan had lost track of time: his master had placed him in the cage last night before going to bed, and then closed the closet door. Jan knew he had been awake for some time – maybe his master was sleeping in? He tested his restraints again, feeling the leather cuffs around his wrists and ankles in the darkness, holding him on his back in the metal cage, feet hanging in the air near the door, attached to the top. As the thin redhead contemplated his dour situation, he wiggled a little; the movement caused the thin rod spitting his asshole to rub against his prostate, and the stimulation made his cock go hard – he could not remember the last time he had slept outside of the cage, free of that damned rod. The rod was part of the door, which swung downward – every night it was forced into his ass when the door clanged shut, and stayed there until the morning. At least it was pretty small, and his master generally remembered lube. Most of the time. He remembered crying all night his first day as a slave, back when he was only eight – the relatively little rod had seemed so big then, until the first time his master took him to bed. He focused on just trying to relax in his restraints, or he would be even more sore when he got out. Or worse, he might squirt.

He wanted so much to cum, but the last time his master had discovered him with a pool of semen on his belly, he had been beaten so hard he ached for a week. He had not been let out of the cage at all for weeks after that, except to use the bathroom, or to get fucked by his master, and then only rarely. It was not an experience the twelve year old wanted to repeat again, but he could not remember the last time he had been allowed to cum – a month? More? His master had been getting more and more annoyed with him ever since he started to spurt last year. Jan had taken to yanking out any new pubic hairs that appeared – his master always got really angry when he saw a new one on his slave. Jan tried to think of the least sexy things he could and kept very still to prevent any other stimulation.

Only a few minutes later, after getting himself under control, Jan could hear something in the bedroom. A creaking announced that his master was getting out of bed – but that did not always mean he was getting out of the cage anytime soon. Shortly after, Jan heard his master muttering.

"Hmmm 3; should I make breakfast?" Redge Wright said to himself, "nah, think I'll fuck the kid and make him make it afterward." He finished scratching his balls through his boxers before shucking his clothing off onto the floor. "Rise and shine, bitch boy!" He yelled at the closet. The little fucker was getting too old for his taste; almost a teenager, the slave's cock and balls were growing, which annoyed him to no end. Redge hated the fact that the boy had started cumming, and figured if he punished the kid enough he would do it less. Redge just wanted a fuck toy – he was not gay! But, girls were about twice as expensive, so he had originally bought the eight year old boy as a relative bargain – hairless, a nice tight hole in the kid – it had seemed a good idea at the time. Now that the slave was twelve though, It was getting harder to pretend the boy was anything but a boy, and the thought of his slave's cum on anything in his house got him into a rage, but to Redge a cock cage to keep things in check was as good as admitting the slave was male, something he just did not want to think about.

"Rise and shine, bitch boy!"

Jan heard the yell clearly, just before the closet was yanked open, blinding the boy in the dawn light. His master fumbled with the latch for a second, and Jan felt the rod in his hole start to pull out as the cage door was lifted – his cock gave a little jerk when the thin rod slipped out with a wet sounding pop.

Nothing was said during this whole exchange – this is what almost every morning started out like for Jan, after all. Jan also knew not to make a sound if he could help it – otherwise he might get a gag stuffed in his mouth, and he would rather not have a sore jaw the next day.

His master freed his left hand from the restraints, then walked off, leaving Jan to undo his other hand, which was easy enough, and then his ankles, which were difficult because he pretty much had to bend double to reach where his feet were up near the top of the cage. The cage itself was tall enough that he could not stand upright, but only just, and it was wide and long enough that he could not quite lie down in it – it was built for a closet after all. Fumbling with his ankle restraints, he finally managed to free his left foot.

"What the hell is taking you so long?" his master yelled toward him, standing near the bed.

Jan quickly finished extracting his ankle from the restraint, and stepped out into the bedroom. His master was waiting, seven and a half inch [19 cm] cock erect. Even after four years, Jan had not gotten used to that thing's thickness. It hurt every time, although Jan had a suspicion that the pain had more to do with the way his master fucked him than with the girth.

"Bend over the bed, bitch," his master said.

Jan groaned inwardly, careful to let nothing but subservience show on his face. Master only wanted that particular position when he wanted to really put some power behind his thrusts, which meant it was going to be a sore day for the slaveboy.

Jan did as he was told, moving quickly to the bed and laying his chest across it, spreading his legs to each side so that his buttcheeks were spread a bit further apart – it hurt a bit less that way. Jan stared straight ahead preparing to bite the bedcover in pain, as he heard the splurt of the lube bottle, followed by his master's hand spreading his cheeks and putting some on his hole. His master had learned to do that, or he would not even fit.

"Fuck no!" his master said, rolling him over on the bed. "I want you tight as you can be today." He growled, "get on top of the bed and keep your legs together!"

Jan scrambled into the new position, quickly puzzling out exactly what his master meant. Jan kept his legs together, face down on the covers and ass in the air. A few seconds later, Jan felt his master's cock slap him on each buttcheek a few times. Jan nearly rolled his eyes at that – it was a ritual the man had been doing for years to scare Jan, but at this point, the slaveboy simply accepted his fate.

He felt the man's cock slip past his buttcheeks to rest against his asshole for a second. The boy, knowing what was going to happen next, gripped the sheets tightly and squeezed his eyes shut. Jan felt his master push forward, the pressure on his asshole increasing, before the crown of the man's cock slipped inside his pink little hole. The boy let out a muffled howl as the man sank all seven and a half inches [19 cm] into the boy in one long, slow thrust.

"Take it all, cunt," the man whispered into his slave's ear.

The boy just whimpered. His master started thrusting in and out, picking up speed steadily, his heavy nutsack slapping into the preteen's balls with each thrust. Much sooner than normal for Jan, the pain of the penetration was replaced more and more by the pleasure of the man's thrusts against his immature prostate, each thrust causing a wave of sensation to travel from that spot inside his body. The boy's cock steadily began to harden, and for the first time in quite some time, the slave boy actually began to enjoy his master's unkind attentions.

Soon the twelve year old's dick was hard as a rock, rubbing slightly against the pillow beneath him, and the boy started rocking back against his master's thrusts. His master showed his approval of it with a slap to the ass and a growled "enjoying it, bitch?" followed by a chuckle. It was only then that Jan realized something was wrong. He was starting to feel that strange sensation deep inside of him, that feeling that told him he was going to cum – he tried thinking of other things, but the feeling just kept on building.

In desperation, Jan broke his master's ban on talking while being fucked. "Master! Please stop!" he gasped between thrusts.

"Shut the hell up cunt!" his master said, swatting him across the back of the head.

"No master!" he said, more urgently, feeling his almond-sized nuts start to pull up in their sack. "I am going to c 3; cum!"

His master did pull out at that, but it was already too late, he felt those waves of pleasure build and cascade, causing him to shoot five strong squirts of boy-juice that had been building for months directly onto the bedspread.

"Oh, that's fucking IT boy!" Redge said, staring at the cum-stained sheets as he flipped the boy over onto his back. Redge was apoplectic – he raised his fist to punch the boy, but hesitated a second and settled for grabbing the boy by the back of the neck and dragging him off the bed. "You won't get any free time out of that cell for the next fucking year you little cunt." He screamed at the boy, dragging him to the cell and throwing him in before slamming the door shut. The slave just barely moved aside in time so that he did not get his side impaled by the anal-rod on the cage door.


Redge was still shaking bit, and still quite naked and erect, but he was too mad to finish up. He had to figure out what to do to prevent that boy from cumming, so he turned his computer on and tried looking it up – almost all of the suggestions were in regards to cock cages, which were useless. Some discussed modding the boy – castration or something, but if Redge had the money to afford a medical procedure like that, he would have just bought a damn girl in the first-place. At this point thinking about lopping the balls off the useless little shit did have its uses for fulfilling Redge's revenge fantasies, but was otherwise not going to be considered.

Redge eventually gave up looking and checked his email. There was some spam, and for the most part not much else, except one particular message from a regional company, boytraders incorporated. The message header read "Now offering trade-in credits for used boy-slaves toward the purchase of a new boy-slave!" Redge was intrigued and clicked the mail. It had a lot of other offers, but one thing that interested him was free appraisal and subsidized shipping for trade-ins, with live assistance!

He went to the live chat to talk with a company rep. Mary answered him, and he outlined his issues with his current slave, careful to keep anything beyond "too old for my taste" to a minimum – no point in lowering the return price. The woman asked for a picture, so Redge grabbed his camera, stalked over to his bedroom, threw open the door to the closet, ignoring the boy's pleading apologies, snapped a picture and returned to his computer to transfer it to the woman. The tentative offer he got back was good enough for him, and the woman sent him a PDF of information about shipping, including an advert for the fully subsidized shipping container, he opened it to look at it.

The advert read:

The Boytransport® inc. Boybox™ is a specially designed crate for the transportation of newly purchased boyslaves, or bulk orders. Boxes are sized to age ranges in order to prevent excess space for the boy – the Boybox™ is a low-cost transport alternative for shipping large amounts of boys unsedated, and is built to allow for stacking in larger transport devices, such as trucks. Rather than a great number of difficult-to-use and expensive restraints, the Boybox™ uses patented NutLock© technology to keep a slaveboy in place. Once the boy is in the box, simply lift up his butt slightly and slide his testicles through the large gap at the top of the NutLock©, and allow his butt to fall back down, keeping the testicles outside of the NutLock© Nutslot™. Simply secure the Nutlock© shield by pushing it down and placing the pin inside to prevent the boy from moving his testicles upward, and voila! The boy dare not move without causing pain his most tender bits. Furthermore, this slot allows ease of monitoring for the duration of the trip! The chest-board allows for mounting of a Boytransport® waterbottle (with ball-bearing stopper) – which can be refilled without opening the box. The foot board prevents the boy from getting any leverage with his feet, and keeps the boy securely folded inside the box.

Directly below the Nutslot™, a port can be opened for the insertion of a Boytransport® inflatable plug, (items No. 11342-11348, see catalogue for sizing information) to prevent those messy accidents on longer-term shipping. Similarly, a number of Boytransport® brand catheters are shipped free with every order! Catheters can be mounted inside the crate, or clipped off and pulled through the notch to expose the penis to the outside. Make your boy-slave know that he does nothing without your permission!

Redge smirked, thinking it might be rather fun to stuff the little bitch into one of those. There was even a store he could get one from close-by. He logged off before thanking the company rep, immediately got dressed, and got his car keys to go pick up the box.


For Jan, he was in a panic – had been certain that his master was going to beat him for cumming, but the fury he had seen in the man's eyes, and the fact that he had hardly touched Jan for it before throwing the slave-boy in the cage, meant to Jan's mind that there was something horrible in store for him. His master had not even tied him up! This was one of only a few times he had been in his cage and not bound – and Jan huddled into a corner, still a little sticky with some boy spunk on his belly, afraid to make a noise lest it draw his master's ire. Jan could not understand what was going on – there was hardly any sound. After about an hour, the boy heard the garage door open and the car pull out, and he knew his master was gone. Only then did Jan start to tear up. Eventually, however, he stopped feeling sorry for himself and resolved to take whatever punishment his master could deal out – Jan was determined to be a good slave, even if his body did betray him every once in a while. Eventually, however, he heard the garage door open, and some time later, almost a half hour as far as Jan could tell, his master came into the bedroom and opened the door.

"Well, slave, I have decided what I am going to do with you," his master said, an evil grin on the man's face. "I am going to sell you off, and I am going to make you help me put together the box to put you in!" He finished, opening the cage and dragging the boy-slave out. For Jan, he was hit with a multitude of emotions at once, which he mostly managed to keep from his face as he followed his master out to the garage. For one, he did not like his master, and would not be sorry to be somewhere else, but his master had also been the only other person he had really been able to interact with for the last four years of his life. He was elated to get the chance to leave, but he was afraid of an uncertain future.

The car was not in the garage. Instead, there was a pile of parts on the ground that must be the transport thing – it honestly looked like nailed together wooden boards with various other pieces of wood nailed to them, and a small pile of other devices that Jan could not puzzle out the use for. It had looked like someone else had tried to put it together and failed, to be honest. His master almost threw the directions at the boy-slave and yelled "get to it!" The thing did not exactly look like it was a luxury transport device, and he was already afraid to get stuck in the thing.

The directions were actually not all that hard to follow – mostly pictures of the bits and how they fit together, with little labels. Apparently the metal thing was a Nutlock, although he could not see that any nuts or bolts had come with the box, he did figure out what the black thing was pretty quickly – it looked a bit different than what he was used to, but the thing was definitely a butt-plug with a bulb at the end. There was also a little tube in a bag with a small packet of lube and a few other things, and a water bottle thing with an open tube at the top and one of those tubes with a ball on the end, like Jan's hamster had when Jan was six. Ignoring those for now, he fit the sides together, and used the provided nails to connect the boards and the bottom, careful to be exact in nail placement – if he was going to be stuck inside of it, he wanted to make sure he would not get poked by a wayward nail, and the nail holes that were there already seemed to be angled wrong. He realized that this thing was pretty small – much smaller than the cage, and probably as small or smaller than the box in which he had originally been shipped to his master. The directions did say this box was for his age-range though. His master was sitting there; just watching him put it together with a weird grim smile on his face.

It only took about 15 minutes to finish the boards, and to attach that nut-lock thing in the open spot. Jan was finished, finally, and he stood up. His master noticed this and got up as well. He had been reading a different version of the directions, it looked like, and bent down to pick up one of the extra things, that little plastic bag with the tube and other stuff.

"Sit on the counter!" his master ordered curtly. Jan did as he was told, scrambling up the wooden workbench before turning around to sit facing out. "Spread your legs." His master said. Jan was not sure where that tube was destined, but it was way too small to go up his butt, and he did not like the idea of the only other likely place – he had never had anything up there before.

Jan watched, feeling an odd mixture of interest and fear, as his master grabbed his limp cock, which due to raging hormones immediately plumped up to its full five inches [12½ cm]. For Jan, that in itself was an odd sensation – his master almost never touched Jan's cock, and to have someone else touching it at all was a decidedly interesting experience – but a nice experience, for sure. That thought only lasted until his master squeezed out a small bit of lube from the pointed tip of the lube bottle onto Jan's urethral opening. Then, without any warning, Jan's master shoved the tip of the tube into Jan's urethra, making the tip of the boy's cock burn. The boy yelped and almost moved to close his legs before remembering what he had been ordered to do. His master squeezed the bottle and an odd cool sensation ran down the inside of Jan's cock, replacing the burning sensation with a feeling of strangeness. Master removed the bottle and picked out the tube that had been in the baggy. Near the end, it in fact split into two tubes, one larger than the other.

Master placed the end of the tube that was not split against the now well-lubricated opening to Jan's five incher [12½ cm], and pushed the tube inside. It went in easily, but for Jan, it burned. He whimpered and squirmed a little as he could feel the slightly burning strange feeling of something going into his dick – it almost felt like he was peeing, but the burning and the oddness of the sensation made it seem like he was peeing out chilli sauce. Jan was mesmerized by how far that little tube was going into him, when his master stopped pushing it in. All of a sudden Jan felt like he was about to pee, and then the tube slid in a bit further due to a bit of extra pressure from his master, and urine started coming down the tube – his master quickly got an old open paint can and let the boy drain into it. His master then pushed the tube in a bit further, and got a bulb looking thing filled with a liquid out of the little baggy, and attached it to the smaller tube, and squeezed it until it was almost empty. Jan's master clipped off both tube ends with the same clip. Jan stared at the end of his hard, thin cock, now playing host to a little tube sticking out of the end. It did not hurt now, it just felt like he was constantly peeing, and it looked real odd to the boy. Jan's master got out a small piece of tape and taped the clip to Jan's belly, to keep it from hanging down.

"Get off the counter, boy" His master said, sternly, when he was done, putting a hand on the boy's back and pushing, making Jan stumble as he hopped down from the workbench.

"Well, get in the box!" he snapped, placing his hand on the boy's back again to push him towards it. Jan took a few steps toward the box before stopping.

The young slave looked at the box uncertainly for a second before deciding that he better ask. He put on his meekest voice and said "How will I fit, master?"

His master made a noise of disgust. "Get on your back, with your head on that sloped board, and your legs held to your chest" the man drawled in derision.

Jan hesitantly did as instructed, first stepping in the box before lying on his back, scooting his butt toward the odd wedge-shaped nutlock opening to give his head extra room to fit. He settled down on his back pretty quickly – legs held to his chest as instructed.

"Keep your hands at your side!" his master snapped. Jan stopped using his hands to hold his legs immediately. To be honest, there was no extra room for his legs at all if he did not hold them folded up, so he just sort of let them fall there, thinking that he probably looked like a dead beetle. Jan quickly came to the conclusion that after a few hours bouncing around in this wooden box, he would be sore as hell.

"Lift your butt up," his master said, crouching over the area near the Nutlock. Jan did as instructed, holding his legs tighter to his chest to lift his butt into the air. His master used one hand to grab the boy's nuts on the inside and sort of pull them one by one outside – it made Jan's balls stretch out a bit. Jan felt his master grab his balls on the outside, sort of ringing them with his fingers – it caused a dull ache in his gut, due to the slight pressure on them, like if Jan had taken a tap to his junk.

Jan made a grunting noise, causing his master to mutter "shut up," before continuing. Jan's master pulled the boy's balls down, and Jan reacted by releasing his legs a little, letting his butt fall back into contact with the bottom of the box. The Nutlock had a slight V-shape to it, and was narrower near the bottom, narrow enough that Jan's testicles could not come back through without Jan lifting up his butt again. The edges of the nutlock were rounded, a fact that Jan was thankful for: If the metal had been sharp, he was sure it would have been biting into his balls at this point. Still, Jan realized he was trapped with his testicles stuck on the other side of that opening. His master completed his task by slipping a bar through one of the holes on the side of the Nutlock and securing it in place. Now Jan was well and truly stuck – he could no longer lift up his butt to get his bits to an area with a wider aperture – his balls were stuck outside for the duration of this trip. Jan moved a little experimentally, but quickly found that whatever he did, it felt like someone was squeezing his nuts unless he kept the position he started in, with his legs pulled close to his chest, and his feet in the air.

Jan felt his master flick his balls and yelped. "Wow, pretty simple restraint for how effective it is," his master mused. Jan just felt it was diabolical – he would have much rather been cuffed in his cage – at least he could sort of wiggle in there, a degree of movement that was hard to achieve without pain in this case.

His master walked slightly out of sight for a second, before coming back with the thing that was very obviously a butt plug. Jan was slightly confused for a second – there was no where that the bulb portion could fit, and how was his master going to even get to his butt at this point? Remembering the design of the nut-lock, Jan remembered the port just below where his balls were stuck now 3; right where his butthole is, and the slave-boy flushed red. Butt plugs were a bit of a problem for Jan – anything that kept on rubbing his prostate if he even moved for extended periods of time tended to lead to the boy squirting and messing something up. That was one of the reasons why Jan's master tended not to use a plug on his slave: it was too obvious Jan actually enjoyed it. His master would have likely removed the rod in the boy's cage if he had any ability to weld, but Master seemed to like keeping control by punishing Jan if he ever had an 'accident'.

Jan was grateful to his master when the man lubed up the plug, and squirted a little on the slave-boys butthole. Jan curled his toes and held in a gasp as he experienced that odd mixture of pleasure and pain while his master slowly inserted the black plug into the twelve year old's anus. It almost as big as his master's cock in circumference at its largest point, or at least it hurt only about as much there, and Jan was very grateful for that fact. His normal reaction to something too big was to pull away from it – something that probably would have hurt his trapped testicles had he tried it. Finally the plug finished slipping in, seated firmly inside the boy. Jan did remember that the plug had one of those bulb things that could be used to inflate it – he had only ever seen something like it on an inflatable plug in a store, but he knew enough to expect what happened next.

There was an odd sound that reminded Jan of a gasp of air, and he felt the thing seated in his hole get a little larger. Jan grunted with each pump, as his little hole was stretched slightly wider. The boy knew that the bigger part inside of him was growing as well, as every pump also caused the plug to rub up against and provide more pleasure to his little prostate. After what seemed like an eternity of pumping, his master finally stopped, leaving the slave-boy feeling a very odd sense of fullness and with a soreness in his ass that was slowly fading as his muscles relaxed and got used to the size of the intruder inside of him.

His master grabbed a board that had not been part of the original design specs jan had seen and slid it into slots in each side of the box that sloped downward, effectively giving Jan's feet something to brace against. Despite the fact that this effectively further restricted Jan's movement, the boy actually liked the fact that he could rest the muscles he had been using to hold his legs to his chest. The next board that his master put in place was vertical at chest level, with mounting brackets for what Jan figured was the hamster-type water bottle. It also effectively prevented Jan from being able to really move his hands. His master slipped the water bottle in place, where the ball-stopper spigot rested against Jan's mouth. The redhead was actually quite happy when his master filled the bottle with a hose – the boy's stomach had taken that time to inform him that it had not had anything to eat or drink so far that day. Jan hungrily yet surreptitiously (lest his master get mad) sucked on the tube, feeling the cool trickle slide down his throat into his stomach.

At this point, however, it became clear that Jan's master was no longer really paying attention to him anymore, and was bringing over the large board that made up the lid of the boy-box. Once the lid was in place, Jan could see his master – was he still Jan's master at this point? – latching the lid in place, trapping the boy inside. There was more light in the box than Jan thought there would be – thin open slats let in small bars of light, and Jan could sort of see outside. Eventually his former master dragged the box outside the garage and left to re-enter the house.

Jan waited outside, listening to the bird sounds, straining to hear something else. He heard some of the neighborhood kids playing something, shouting several houses down, but no one came over to the box. Jan was grateful for the water – it was hot! Jan spent a lot of time thinking there, waiting, and decided that he would definitely not mourn the loss of Mr. Wright as his master. The slave-boy did wonder how he was going to prove his worth to whoever he ended up with; if nothing else, Jan would like some consistency. The boy had once begged his former master for a cock-lock, so he would not have to risk cumming and being punished for it, but Mr. Wright had refused. Mr. Wight had hardly ever even let Jan clean the house, or do most of the things Jan knew a good slave should do, and it still troubled the boy to no end.

An indeterminate amount of time later, as far as Jan was concerned, he heard a vehicle pull up to the curb near him. People got out and went to the house, and there was a conversation Jan could not quite make out. Finally, the men came back and Jan felt himself being lifted into the air. He had to brace himself to keep from sliding a little and putting pressure on his nuts, but soon enough he was placed inside what must have been a van of some sort.

"Put the transport tag on him – can't believe he got ordered already," Jan heard the man to the right of the box say. Jan felt a thrill of fear and excitement at hearing those words – he already had a new master! He felt calloused hands touch his scrotum for a second before something thin was looped around his nuts and tightened loosely – Jan realized that they had just put the tag on his nuts. The door slammed shut and the boy was left in darkness, which was no worse than the closet. The wood was a bit uncomfortable, though.

When the van started, however, Jan realized something else about that butt-plug. As the van vibrated, and started to pull away, Jan's cock sprang to attention with the little catheter still stuck in it. Every vibration and every bump that the van experienced was transferred through Jan's butt-plug like some sexual seismograph. Jan thought about trying to fight the feeling, but quickly abandoned that thought as a bump caused the plug to jab his prostate. Jan started to arch his back, his body preparing to let loose, when the pain of that movement hit his trapped balls, and caused his cock to wilt. Twice more this happened to the boy before Jan realized that this box was probably the most infernal torture device the he had ever experienced. He kept on getting so damn close, only to have the pain in his nuts when he tensed up to cum cause him to back off.

Jan experienced a full hour of maddening torture in the box before the van's engine cut off and the men opened the back, dragging the blinking, sexually frustrated boy out into the semi-occluded light of day. The men carried him inside some new house. It had high ceilings, Jan noted dully as his balls ached, not from any pressure but from the worst case of blue balls the lad had ever had.


"Oh hell yes!" Jan heard a boy's voice say, with the voice definitely cracking on the "yes." Jan's heart leapt at the thought of having a boy near his own age as a master.

"Ha, his balls are sticking out, that's awesome." The boy said with a laugh. Jan could see blurred shapes through the slats, and heard an older gentleman talking to the two men who had brought him, while the boy was undoing the lid-latches.

"Now, son, we promised you a slave on your thirteenth birthday, but I have to warn you that we had to get this one second hand." The older man's voice said kindly. "He is the closest we could get to what you asked for, but if we have a seven-day return guarantee on him if you decide you want to try something different. I'll let you two get acquainted. Call me if you need anything."

"Thanks dad, but I am sure he will be fine," Jan's new master said as he popped the last latch off the lid, sliding it onto the floor and revealing the most handsome face Jan had ever seen staring down at him. The boy's sandy-blond hair seemed to shine. Jan realized that the boy's head was backlit by a light, which was causing the odd halo effect, but his heart started beating faster at the sight. His master mumbled something that sounded suspiciously like "he's fucking perfect" before the older boy's face split into a grin. His master nearly nearly ripped the boards out of the slots as he deconstructed the box. Jan felt his plug deflate quickly, and gave a little grunt as the whole thing was withdrawn.

"So!" the boy said as he felt a light tug on the tag attached to his nuts. "Your name is Jan? Mine is Alex." His new master reached into the box and removed the bar holding his balls down, and carefully pushed them upward until they popped out of the slot. Master Alex giggled as he did so.

"So, can you talk?" Master Alex said, extending his hand to help Jan get out of the box, which was no easy task, positioned as he was. Jan realized he had been essentially tongue-tied by this new Master, and it took him a few moments to recover.

"Ye 3; yes, master, sorry," Jan stuttered, taking the older boy's hand and lifting himself up, "Thank you master," he finished meekly.

"Just Alex if we are alone, Master Alex if you need to when dad or mom is around. You can call them Master or Mistress, although from what mom seems to think about slaves 3;" He trailed off, before bending down to tweak Jan's clipped off catheter, before opening a valve to let the bulb in Jan's bladder deflate.

"I want to thank you for buying me Mast 3; Alex," Jan said, as the other boy grabbed Jan's cock with one hand while using the other to slowly extract the catheter.

"I think we are going to have fun together," Alex said, discarding the catheter into the box. The other boy was still holding Jan's cock which was now fully erect, and staring at it very intently, as if examining some sort of strange creature. "You know, someone needs to take care of this," Alex said, squeezing the slave-boy's cock.

Jan watched his new master, quite puzzled, as a strange look came over the other boy's face. Before Jan could really register what was going on, Alex's lips had wrapped around his cockhead. Jan moaned, but his first blowjob was not a very long one. Still sexually primed from the van ride, Jan exploded almost instantly into Alex's mouth.

Jan stood stock still as his new master stood up, the blond slightly taller than the redhead. Alex, with a wide grin on his face and a tiny bit of Jan's cum on his chin, swallowed it all.

"I take what I said before back." Alex said with a strange glint in his eye, and with a smirk Jan could only describe as devilish, he continued, "I think we are going to have a LOT of fun together."

The End?

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