Chapter One Adam's Arrangement
I awoke that Tuesday morning, the same as I usually do, with the morning urination, a shower, dressed and went down to breakfast. As I was finishing the meal, and the daily edition of the Wall Street Journal, my stable hand, Hank, walked in the room.
This is not the norm for him. I usually don't see him in the morning. I usually don't see any of my employees, except the cook, Mrs. Garcia, as she serves the morning meal.
"Good Morning, Mr. Henderson," he said from behind me.
"Good Morning, Hank," I started, "is something wrong?" I turned to look at him as I asked the question. He was wearing his normal flannel over shirt, jeans, and boots. And since it was snowing outside, he also had a flannel cap in his hands he had removed upon entering my house. It was also apparent that he was very nervous. He usually gets nervous when talking to me, even though he is larger than me, physically.
"Yes Sir," he stammered.
I motioned him closer. He was wringing the cap around in his hands as you would a washcloth, and a small bead of sweat had formed just under his blond hairline. He does sweat a lot while taking care of my horses, but this was something else.
"Out with it, Hank," I prompted him.
"There's something you need to see at the stables, Sir," he said, looking downcast.
"Did Blackwind die?" One of my prized mares was ill, and I was concerned for her.
"No Sir, it's something else."
I sighed, wiped my mouth with the napkin, and followed him to the stables. I grabbed my overcoat on the way out. I looked around my family estate that I had inherited as we descended the steps towards the horses. Everything was white and getting whiter as the snow continued to fall. I love this time of year.
I warmed up immediately upon entering the stables and removed my overcoat. I continued to follow his lead down the middle row to the last stall. As I walked in the stall I saw what he was so nervous about. Lying in the hay of the empty stall was a young boy, asleep.
He looked to be about ten years old. Obviously, he was a runaway. His clothes and shoes were worn thin. His hair and face were as dirty as they could get. I looked his body over and noticed how thin he really was. He must have been on the streets for a while before ending up in my stables.
As I shook him awake, he moaned in slight pain. I saw a bruise on his arm through the thin material that covered it. He woke with a start, and scrambled to get away from me and Hank. As he cowered against the wall, the look on his face was pure terror.
"It's okay, young one, no one's going to hurt you here," I reassured him. "My name's Kyle. What's your name?" He didn't make a sound; just shook his head at me, still scared. I moved backward and away from him to give him his space. I turned to my stable hand.
"Hank, please go get my overcoat." He left the stall to do as I directed, so I turned my attentions back to the boy. "I've got some food for you up at the house if you want it. Or you may stay here and get fed with the horses. As I said, no one is going to hurt you here, so it's your choice."
Hank arrived with my coat, and I laid it over the edge of the stall's door. I told Hank to give him his space and allow him to do as he wishes. I offered the coat to the boy to wear up to the house.
"Just follow the footsteps to the house and a hot breakfast will be waiting for you," I smiled at him and left the stall to return to the house. Hank left the small space and returned to his duties of feeding the horses. I made my way back up to the house to wait for the boy.
About ten minutes later, I heard soft footsteps behind me, making their way into the dinning room. Mrs. Garcia was just putting another helping of eggs and toast on the table as the boy entered the room. He cautiously made his way around the back of my chair to stand just to my right, but several feet away from me. I turned and smiled at the boy.
"Have a seat," I motioned to him to sit in the chair to my right where Mrs. Garcia had placed the small breakfast. He slowly started making his way to the chair. "The slower you go, the colder your eggs will be," I reminded him. He moved a little faster to sit down.
Once seated, he began wolfing down the eggs and toast. I told him to slow down, or he might throw up the food later, as he had not had much to eat lately. He slowed down his eating.
I got up to call into the office to tell them I would be a little late, and the boy flinched and appeared as if he was about to run away from me. I calmed him down with a small smile again. I made my phone call into the CEO of my firm, and returned to the table to resume my seat. I watched him finish his meal.
"Finished?" I asked him when the last of the eggs and toast were gone. He nodded sheepishly. I smiled again and handed him the napkin that was by his plate. He took it, but had no idea what to do with it. "It's for wiping your mouth," I said while still smiling, disarmingly. He warmed to it and wiped his mouth with the cloth. I saw that his skin was considerably whiter than the rest of his face and his dark skin was nothing but dirt and grime.
"What's your name?" I asked again. He sat in the chair still looking at me. "I think I've proven that you're not going to get hurt here, child. Now, please answer the question."
"Adam," he said with a voice a little over a whisper.
"Well, Adam, it's nice to meet you. As I said before, my name's Kyle. Most people call me Mr. Henderson, but for now, you may call me Kyle. You look like you've had a tough time on the streets. You want to tell me what happened? Or why you ran away?"
He shook his head, no.
"I can't hear a head rattling. Please answer yes or no."
"No, sir," he said with a little more confidence.
"Well, that's okay for now, but later I will want an answer to that. For now, how about we get you cleaned up and some better clothes. Okay?" He looked at me with a little suspicion for a second then nodded.
We rose from the table and allowed Mrs. Garcia to take the dishes and wipe off the table. The two of us walked out of the room and up the stairs to the third floor. He followed me a few paces behind and gawked at the enormity of my house. I saw him actually stop and look at one of my prized paintings on the wall.
"It's a genuine Rembrandt painting. My father bought it several years ago. It cost him a great deal of money for it, so be careful." He backed away from it and resumed following me down the hall.
I opened the double doors that separated my Master bedroom from the rest of the house. The look on his face was one of utter shock. I get that a lot from people when they see it for the first time. He continued to follow me into the bathroom.
"Go ahead and get undressed while I get the water ready, Adam." He balked at that. "What's wrong?" He shook his head and backed towards the doorway. I realized what the problem was. "It's okay, you can get undressed once I leave the room."
I ran the tap and got the tub water to the right temperature. I told him to get undressed and get in the tub and wash himself. If he needed anything, I would get it for him. I turned and walked out of the room, leaving him to bathe. I went and got some clothes that were his size that had been put away from my youth and returned to the bedroom. I didn't hear anything going on in the room, so I opened the door to see him just sitting on the toilet, still dressed. I walked over and knelt down in front of him.
He was actually crying. It wasn't a hard cry, just some tears running down his cheeks, cleaning off more dirt from his face.
"What's wrong, Adam?"
"I can't do it, Mr. Kyle."
"Can't do what?"
"I can't get my clothes off," he whispered.
"Why not?"
"Because you'll see
"See what?"
"See what they did to me," his voice was just below a whisper and cracking as he spoke that last part.
I moved my hand to his shoulder and he pulled it back. I smiled again at him, and he collapsed into my arms like a baby. The real tears started flowing then. I just held onto him and allowed the cry to finish. I figured he had been abused by someone by the way he had been acting towards me and Hank. When he was done, I pushed him back to sit up straight on the toilet seat.
"If you have marks on you, they are nothing to be ashamed of, Adam. I'm sure you didn't want what happened to you and it was out of your control. Let's get you cleaned up and then we'll see about doing something that will help you."
He nodded. I reached up and started unbuttoning his shirt. Two buttons fell off as I was removing the garment. An untold amount of bruises littered his torso. I forced myself not to make a comment or reaction. I took off his shoes and socks next, yielding the same results around his feet. When I reached to take his pants down, he moved away again.
"You've trusted me so far, Adam. Trust me just a little more, and this will go by a lot easier." He nodded again, and I stood him on his bare feet to lower his pants.
When I did lower them, I saw more bruises than white skin on his legs. A large dark spot was on the crotch of his filthy underpants. I braced myself for what I was about to see. He closed his eyes as I lowered the former white cloth down his legs. If I were a weaker man, I would have vomited at the site.
It looked as if someone had stamped a boot on both his penis and testicles. Both organs looked like a pile of ground beef. I lifted his legs one at a time and pulled off his torn clothing. Without saying a word, I lifted the boy up and placed him in the soapy water of the tub.
He hissed as the cleansing liquid made contact with his skin, but made no move to stop me. I lathered up the washcloth and began cleaning him off. He had to grab onto the edge of the tub as I gently washed his groin area. When we were done, I pulled him out and let the dirty water flow down the drain.
That was when I took a good hard look at the boy. With blondest hair that would make any Nazi jealous it was as straight as a board. His eyes were a baby blue and a cute pert nose with high cheekbones. Not a freckle or spot polluted the skin on his face. His round face was beautiful for a boy, if you ignored the three bruises on his jaw line. He had a slight frame and perfect build for a ten-year-old boy. As I traced my hand down his torso, something very odd stood out immediately. The boy was without a navel and no scar to show that it had been removed.
"Um, Adam, where's your navel?"
"Bellybutton; like this," I said as I lifted my shirt to show him mine. His eyes got wide as he saw the indentation in my stomach. Apparently he had never either had one or seen one before. He reached out to touch mine.
"Does it hurt?" He asked as his finger ran over the top of it.
"No," I said, smiling. "But it does tickle a little." He was fingering the small hole. I ran my own finger over the spot where his should be, but I felt nothing but smooth, tight skin.
"We'll worry about it later. Let's get you dried and bandaged," I said. He had forgotten his own wounds in the fascination of my anomaly.
I took another cloth and patted his groin dry and then applied salve and wrapped a bandage around the wounded appendages. As for his bruises, only time would be able to heal those.
I led him out of the bathroom and back into my bedroom, where I had laid the clothes for him. I helped him put them on and then we walked down the stairs to the ground floor.
"Follow me, Adam, I want to show you something," I said as I motioned with my forefinger.
He followed me into my workout room. In that room, there are different weapons of martial arts. Swords, staffs, and etc. littered the walls. He was amazed again at what he saw. I pulled a staff off the wall and leaned against it as I addressed him again.
"My father taught me how to take care of myself. Now, I don't know what happened to you, and you don't have to tell me until you're ready, but I can show you how to never let yourself be taken like that again. Interested?"
"Yes Sir," he said, actually enthusiastically.
"Good. For right now, though, you should take the day and rest. When I come home tonight, we will talk about your situation and your options."
He nodded that he understood, and I made my way to the car. Armand took me to work and dropped me off as usual. I told him to keep an eye on the boy and make sure he's okay. He said he would and returned home. That whole day, I kept thinking about Adam and what I was going to do with him as I worked with people on their investments. I put the strange difference in his body out of my mind, as it wasn't paramount at the time. Armand picked me up on time, and we made our way back home, via a store. I needed to purchase an item for Adam.
I came up with an idea as I worked that day. We arrived at home and Adam was in the den watching a little television. I beckoned him to follow me as I made my way to my office. He sat down opposite me on the couch.
"I've been thinking about what to do with you, Adam," I began. He just sat and listened with his head down. "Please look at me when I'm talking; it's extremely rude to do otherwise." He looked up and had a worried look on his face.
"That's better," I said as I continued. "Do you know what 'slavery' is?"
"It's what they did to the black people long time ago."
"True, but what they did was wrong. What I'm going to offer you is a more legal form of slavery. Now, this is important; don't interrupt me until I'm finished. I've given this a lot of thought today. I need another manservant and you need a better place to grow up than the streets, so we can help each other out.
"Now, as a servant, you would serve me and the house. Your duties would include making sure I have a towel and washcloth in the bathroom in the morning, and be standing by my bedside with a robe when I wake at seven every morning. While I'm showering and shaving, you would make my bed and lay out my clothes for the day. I will show you how to do each of those things properly.
"After that, you make your way downstairs and while I'm getting dressed, you get the newspaper and prepare the breakfast table for me. Upon finishing breakfast, you clean up the dishes and for the day, make sure everyone in the house does their jobs.
"Also, during the day, you will study school subjects; math, English, history, science, social sciences, and a foreign language of your choice. As I arrive home, dinner should be getting prepared and laid out at about five thirty or so. After I eat, you will learn to play the piano, and then we get to your martial arts training."
He raised his hand to indicate he had a question. I prompted his question.
"When do I eat, sir?"
"You may eat before or after me, it's your choice. In the morning, I suggest you eat after me, and for dinner, probably before me would be better so that we may get to your lessons right after you clear the dinner dishes.
"Now, every Saturday morning you will have a quiz over what you've learned for the week in each subject. Also, every other Friday night I host a small party for some influential people here in Chicago and you will head up the wait staff. I will teach you what you need to know about that as well.
"When Christmas comes around, you get a holiday as I leave for some skiing in Aspen. You may do as you wish while I'm gone as long as nothing gets torn up or the house gets burned down.
"Now, as for discipline. If you don't do your duties, there will be punishment. If you do poorly on the quizzes, there will be punishment. Also, there are three things I will not tolerate; lying, stealing, or cheating on a quiz. There will be no reason for lying to me. If you make a mistake, own up to it and we will go on with life. Mistakes and accidents I can handle, as long as there aren't too many of them, but lying to me I can not tolerate. As I leave the house, everything in it belongs to you, Adam. As my slave, you have the position of authority, so there is no need to steal anything from here. Do you understand all that I've said so far?"
"Yes Sir, but what would the punishment be for not doing my duties?"
"If you don't do your duties or if you do poorly on your quizzes, the punishment will be a belt across your bare butt. And I wouldn't hold back because you're young. But if you do any of the three things I just mentioned, the punishment will be more than you just received from the streets and you will be returned to the streets with the clothes you wore in here. Do you understand that?"
"Yes, sir," he said.
"Now, a few more things to cover, and then we'll have dinner. First, your payment. I figured that a down payment of five thousand dollars would be appropriate and a final payment of twenty thousand dollars when you complete your contract."
"Twenty-five thousand dollars?"
"Yes, Adam," I smiled as his eyes lit up at the amount.
"When would I finish the contract, Sir?"
"When you turn eighteen. You get the rest of the money and you will leave to be on your own. Until then you will serve me and this house. Speaking of which, how old are you?"
"What do you mean, Sir?"
"How many years are you?"
"I don't know."
"You've never had a birthday or a party for it?"
"I don't know what that is, Mr. Kyle."
The kid didn't know what a birthday was, and was missing a navel. Both things were now at the front of my mind as I told him what a birthday was.
"As you don't have a birthday, I guess we'll make today your birthday and make you ten years old. How's that?"
"Sounds good to me, Mr. Kyle. So, I have eight years before the time is up?"
"That's right, Adam, very good at subtraction. That is, if you wish to do this. That brings me to the second point.
"I want you to think about everything I've said to you. Think about the pluses and minuses of serving me. If you decide to do this, then be wearing this collar in the morning at breakfast. I will give you some time to heal from your wounds, but I need to know your decision tomorrow morning."
"What if I don't want to do this?"
"I will return you to the streets in the morning, and where you go and what you do is not my problem. I will only make this offer once, so think about it. And while you serve me, you will call me either 'Sir', 'Master', or 'Master Kyle'; it's your choice."
"Yes Sir," he said.
"Now, it's dinnertime and you look hungry so let's head to the dinning room."
We ate in silence pretty much and he didn't feel like talking afterward, so I led him to the apartment above the garage that belonged to my last servant. He was older and retired a month before Adam arrived. I bid him good night and headed to my room.
That whole night, I kept thinking of Adam and how he would decide his future. I was hoping it would be with me.
Chapter Two Adam's Training
I woke to a strange site. Adam was standing by my bedside, dressed, and my bathrobe in his hands. He was wearing his collar.
I wasn't prepared to have him begin his duties yet. After all, he was still recovering from his ordeal on the streets, but seeing him standing there, made me smile at his willingness to please me.
"Good morning, Master Kyle," he said while handing me the robe.
"And to you, Adam," I returned. I'm not really a conversationalist in the mornings before my shower. I took the robe and headed into the bathroom, where a towel and washcloth were lying on the toilet's lid. I slid them off and had my morning piss while I saw him begin to make the bed.
After the shower and shave, I saw how the bed was made, and corrected him on his mistakes, but his eagerness to please was noted. I told him about which clothes to lay out on which day and pulled the ones for Wednesdays. I got dressed and I made my way downstairs where he had laid out breakfast just as Mrs. Garcia had instructed him to do. He was definitely eager.
I turned to him after finishing breakfast.
"Adam," I began, "I appreciate your willingness to do this for me this morning, but I had planned for you to heal before beginning your duties. If you want to take the next couple of days to do that, you can."
"Thank you, Master, and I will. I just wanted to show you I could do this."
"Good boy, Adam, and thank you. Now, if you want to accompany me into the city today and get your uniforms, you may. Or you may take the day for yourself."
"I'll come with you, Sir," he said after a moment to think.
We made our way into the city, and Armand dropped me off at the office. I told him to take care of Adam's needs for the day and pick me up at four o'clock.
As the day came to a close, I walked outside to see Adam standing next to the car, waiting for me and wearing his new uniform. He opened the door for me and I stepped inside. We traveled home with him sitting in front with Armand. It seemed that the two of them had formed a fragile bond together throughout the course of the day.
We got home and Adam spent the rest of the day in his apartment. I gave him his books he would need to study for his quizzes. I set the first quiz for the Saturday after that weekend, giving him almost two weeks to study and prepare for it.
Over the course of the next two weeks, Adam healed and then got into his routine as I laid it out to him on the first day. He took the down payment of the money and split it in half. He invested one half and put the rest into an account for safe keeping. I was proud of how mature he had become.
The first party he headed up was very successful. He understood how to use his authority I had given him very well, aided by Armand. My driver can appear very intimidating to others. He's about six and a half feet [2 m] tall, and weighs in at just over 250 lbs. [110 kg] of solid muscle, and cold black skin. I thought he would scare Adam, but the two have done very well together.
On the evening of the first party, he told one of the waiters that was giving him a hard time to leave. The man told him off, saying that he didn't have to follow the orders of a child. Adam told Armand to escort the 'gentleman' to the gate of the estate. No one else disagreed with the boy again.
There was even an incident where one of the waiters spilled a brandy on one of my guests during our after-dinner drinks in the den and Adam handled it like a professional. He even made a small joke about it that had the guest and her husband laughing. Another of my guests asked me where I found Adam.
"In my stables about a month ago," I replied. "My stable hand found him sleeping in one of the stalls."
"Well, he certainly knows how to handle himself," the man answered back. I agreed.
It was a combination of training and patience, I told him. But really, there were other factors involved in Adam's confidence. He had already been disciplined, but there was another revelation that happened that evening.
It happened a week before the party. I woke up to find myself alone. I waited for a few minutes, but Adam didn't show. So, I decided to take my shower and get ready. Just as I was finishing the shower, Adam ran into my bathroom, panting.
"I'm sorry I'm late, Master," he said. "I forgot to set my alarm."
"We will handle it this evening, Adam. Please lay out my clothes. You can make the bed after I leave for work." He nodded and left.
He was nervous during the entire breakfast. When I got home that night, he was still nervous. His piano practice didn't go well, and neither did his self defense lessons. After fifteen minutes of trying to get him to focus on his lesson, I called it quits.
"We're not going to get anything accomplished tonight, Adam. Go upstairs to my bedroom and lower your gi bottoms down. I'll be there in a minute."
"Yes, Master," he said, looking at the floor, and shuffled out of the room.
His wounds had healed by this time, of course, leaving only a few scars. He had a nasty scar on his small penis where the skin had been cut in the attack. It ran the length of his cock from the base to just short of the head. He had another scar on his leg and one on his shoulder blade. Otherwise, his was fit as he could be. His recuperative powers were phenomenal. I know kids can get over things faster than adults, but Adam had healed very fast. It was another oddity that I filed away in my mind.
I wrapped up my own gi and headed upstairs. He was waiting at the foot of the bed with his gi bottoms on the floor around his ankles. His underpants were still up, though.
"Lower the underpants also, Adam," I told him as I passed to the closet. I chose the same belt that my father used on me as I was growing up. It is three inches [7½ cm] wide and thick. I looped it to grasp both ends of the belt and walked back out to the bedroom. Adam was facing me with his head down and his hands over his groin to hide it. I thought it was a little peculiar, since I had seen him naked before, but paid it no mind at the time.
"Turn around and hold onto the bed's pole." He did as he was told, and I walked up behind him. I swished the belt through the air, giving it a few practice swings. I think I saw him shiver a little during that time.
"Now, you will count them as I deliver them, Adam," I began. "If you miscount, I start over at one. Do you understand?"
3; Yes, Master," he stammered.
I didn't hold back anything. I swung the looped belt down across his bare ass, striking the skin right on the right cheek. SWAT! He hissed and arched his back before crying out, "One!" The second landed just above the line of the first. SWAT! "Two!" I could hear a whimper in his voice after he said the count.
The third and fourth strikes landed on the outside of the first two, leaving his entire right buttcheek in wide red lines. Not having any other space to lay the next ones, they landed on top of the previous reddened areas. I knew from personal experience that they hurt worse than the first ones, but the boy never faltered in counting correctly.
After ten licks of the belt on his right cheek, I moved to his left and turned to face his side. Being right handed, it was easier to do it this way than to try and swing with a backhanded action. It was then that I noticed something.
His little cock was hard and sticking straight up. I saw that his eyes were closed, and he was crying, of course, but there was no mistaking the hard-on. Making a mental note to discuss it later, I continued with the whipping.
The eleventh strike was planted firmly on the cleft of his left asscheek with a resounding, "SMACK!" that filled the room. "Eleven", he hissed out. I continued with the next one, watching his small digit, never wavering. I moved up his buttocks with the next three, covering his left cheek as fully as his right.
As the nineteenth swat landed, I saw his body shudder and he gripped the pole tighter. His little cock jumped as I realized he actually had a dry ten year old orgasm. The signs were unmistakable. I was actually so stunned at this, it took a minute for me to recover enough to deliver the final blow.
3;Twenty, Master," he sighed.
"Turn around, Adam, and face me," I said from behind him.
He turned and his willie had dropped, following his orgasm. He was a mess. His face was flushed, either from the orgasm or from the embarrassment of having one, or both. It was lined with tear streaks and his eyes were puffy. He wiped the tears off his face and stood to face me.
"Now, are you going to be late again, Adam?"
"No, Master Kyle, I'll remember from now on," he stammered.
"Good. Now, pull up your bottoms and have a seat on the bed for a second." Again, he did as instructed, wincing as he sat down. "You have a choice to make, Adam. If you run away, I won't chase you, but I think you now know that life on the street is not for a young man. And you probably wouldn't last very long."
He nodded his agreement to my logic.
"Go get some sleep, and we won't speak of this incident again," I said as I kissed his head. He slid off the bed and made his way to the doorway.
"I really am sorry, Master," he said as he got to the door, and then closed it on his way out.
I had smiled to myself and called it a night also. The next morning, I woke to the door being opened and Adam walking in very cautiously, not only because of the soreness of the previous night, but because he was carrying my breakfast on a tray. He served me my breakfast to me in bed. To say I was impressed would be an understatement.
Since that night, I had not said a word about what happened during the whipping. I was letting him come to me and we could talk about it then, but nothing so far.
Following the night of his first party hosting, I was sitting down next to my pool. It has a feature I put in that allows the glass walls to retract into the concrete walls to allow both indoor and outdoor usage. Adam walked in and dove into the water with his suit on. He swam for a time while I read the Saturday paper.
"Did you finish your quizzes?" I asked him.
"Yes, Sir," he said.
"And how do you think you did on them?"
"Well, Master, you're gonna have to get harder questions," he said with a sarcastic smirk.
"Oh really?" I said and quickly moved after him in the water. He laughed and swam away as fast as he could. Being older, I was also faster, and caught up with him sooner rather than later. I tossed him up in the air and allowed him to land in the water. We played around for a while, enjoying the time together.
We were relaxing by the side of the pool when he turned and looked at me seriously, as if he had a question.
"You okay, Adam?"
"Yes, Master," he said, but didn't change the look on his face at all.
"Then why do you have that look on your face?"
3;," he started but balked a little.
"You know that by now you can trust me, don't you?" I prompted him.
"Oh yes, Sir."
"Then, what's on your mind?"
"It's what happened when I got the belt, Sir."
"Do you think you were wrong getting punished?"
"Oh no, Sir, that's not it; it's what happened during the punishment that I don't understand. It felt good somehow."
"Ah yes; that," I said, figuring out where he was going with that.
"The feeling that happened was
3; different," he said, struggling with the right words.
"It felt like every nerve in your body was tensed up, and a release of pleasure happened in your privates. Is that right?"
"Yes, Sir. That's exactly what it felt like," he said with wide eyes.
"They call that an orgasm, Adam. It's supposed to happen when you have sex."
"You mean like what they did to me that night," he said. It was the first time he mentioned the attack since the day he arrived.
"Do you want to talk about that?"
He shrugged and fell silent.
"Yes or no, Adam," I urged him. It was a time for him to totally trust me.
"I guess so, Sir. I guess so," he said and pulled himself out of the pool to sit on the lounge chair. I waited for him to don his collar and continue talking. He collected his thoughts and continued.
"This man came up to me and said that he would pay me fifty dollars to spend time with me. I didn't know what he meant, so I said okay and followed him. We went to a building where other men were spending the night and walked into a room."
He struggled telling me the next part.
"He tied me to the side of a bed and ripped my clothes off. He hit me on my back with his fists. Then I felt him kneel behind me and press his fat stomach against my back. I felt something go between my butt and push into me. It hurt a lot and I told him to stop, but he didn't stop. He just kept on pushing the thing inside me. When he had it in enough, he pulled it back out and pushed it back in. He kept doing that till he stiffened and I felt something hot and sticky shoot inside me. He pulled it out of me after that and opened the door."
By this time, I had gotten out of the pool and sat beside him as he told the story. I gently put my arm around him. He fell against my side and continued his story.
"He told others about me being there and I saw a lot of other men in the doorway. All of them had smiles on their faces, but I didn't like it. The first one ran in the room and did the same thing the first man did and put his thing in my butt. Another one sat on the bed and I saw him pull his thing out of his shorts and put it to my mouth. He told me to open it or he would punch my face in, so I did. He shoved his thing in my mouth so hard it went down my throat. I couldn't breathe, but he didn't care. Both men hurt me until they did the same thing the first one did and some stuff shot out, and they pulled out of me.
"They kept coming and coming till they had all done it to me. The first man did it again. When he was done, he hit me and kept hitting me till I blacked out, because the next thing I knew I was waking up in the garbage can outside in the alley with no clothes on, and no money. He lied to me, didn't he, Master?"
"Yes, Adam, he lied to you. But he did worse than that. He raped you, and had other men rape you also. Sex can be fun, even for children, but what they did was wrong. They made you do things that hurt you and violated your body."
"It means they did something to you that you didn't want or deserve done to you. They hurt you in a way that didn't help you."
He looked up at me with that.
"I whipped you with a belt, right?" He nodded. "Well, that helped you, besides the unexpected side effect of the orgasm, to make sure you do your job. It's called discipline and it's done to correct wrong behavior, like forgetting to set your alarm to do your duties. But what they did was hurt you in a bad way. Do you understand the difference?"
"Yes, Sir, I think I do."
"Good. Now, I want to ask you a question." He nodded. "What did you think about the orgasm you had?"
"It felt really good, Master," he said and then blushed a little.
"Do you want another one?"
He looked at me kind of questioningly, as if to ask, "Am I getting another whipping?"
"You don't need to get the belt to feel that, you know," I said with a smile. He exhaled a little, telling me I was right in my assumption.
He nodded, but a little hesitantly. I motioned for him to follow, and we left the pool area. I led him upstairs to my bedroom. I laid my towel down on the bed and turned to face my slave. I pulled him towards me as I sat down on the edge.
"You trust me, don't you, Adam?"
"Yes, Master," he said.
With that, I pulled him to me closer, between my legs, stopping just as he passed my knees. I reached to his swimsuit and pulled it down his legs by the side. When it made it passed his groin, his swelling cock sprang up to slap against his belly. He was certainly interested in what I was doing.
As I got the suit down to his knees, I had to lean forward, and to his left (my right) to get it down further. I made contact with his side, and he giggled a little. I lifted each leg, pulling his feet out of the swimsuit. I now had a ten year old erection staring me in the face as I sat back up.
I lifted my new apprentice up and laid him face up on the bed. Knowing that a boy's main erotic area is the groin, I wasted no time going to other parts of his body. I moved his legs apart and dove in slowly to my goal. I could tell he was nervous, but the excitement also showed on his face. He was as exposed to me as he was to the men who raped him that night.
I began licking him from his taint, through the divider skin that separated his testicles, to the base of his cock. He sighed under my ministrations. I reached up and moved his arms up to lie them over his head on the mattress. He put them behind his head in a more relaxed pose, and allowed me to work on his young body.
I sucked one testicle into my mouth and swirled it around using my tongue. I heard a moan escape his lips as this was done, so I continued. I popped that one out and siphoned its brother in after that. He opened his legs further, granting me better access to his privates.
I then turned my attentions to his hardened little cock. Taking it slowly, I licked from base to tip along the scar line. He flinched and groaned the entire time I was making my way north. Upon reaching the member's zenith, I licked around the edge of the head and with the skill taught to me by my father, I vacuumed the small digit inside my warm mouth. I didn't stop until the entire thing was inside. I had my nose resting on his stomach where his navel should have been.
The child went nuts upon feeling my warmth around his sensitive organ. I pulled off and went back down. Instinctively, he reached down and grabbed my hair, urging me onward. I wasn't about to disappoint him. Within mere moments, I built up a good rhythm which was driving him even crazier.
After another minute or so, he stiffened and I felt his cock jump in my mouth as another orgasm wracked his young frame. He released my hair as he calmed down and came to his senses. He looked down and saw me smiling back up at him.
"Master, I'm sorry for pulling your hair," he said with a little fear in his voice.
"It's okay, Adam. I understand what you were feeling, so I'll forgive you this time. In the future, be more mindful."
"Yes, Sir," he said with a smile.
"Well, how did that feel?"
"Out of this world, Master," he said with a larger-than-life grin on his face.
"That's what I thought. There are other things I could teach you about sex, if you'll let me."
"I'm your slave, Master. You told me that when you bought me," he said with a now serious look.
"That's an entirely different situation, Adam. I bought you to do work and serve me and the house. If you want to explore more about what you've just experienced, then it's up to you. I won't force you to do it like those men did. I don't operate that way. There is one condition, though."
"Yes, Master?"
"This is to be kept totally secret. No one is to know, not even the house hands. No one; understand?"
"Yes, Sir. Can I ask a question?" I motioned that he could. "Why did those men do that to me and not what you just did to me?"
"They were after only what pleased them, and didn't give a thought to what you felt. They are the lowest form of human there is on this planet, in my opinion. Don't judge either men or sex based solely on their example."
"I won't, Master."
"Good. Now, are you hungry?" He nodded, so we got him dressed and headed downstairs to see if Jeeves (believe it or not), our weekend servant, could scrounge up anything for lunch.
That was to be the beginning of his sexual education. I was hoping that I could help him get over what had happened to him on that night, and I did, but it took a while. That night, I took him to a concert in Chicago. We had dinner in a nice restaurant and enjoyed a really good performance by the symphony.
As we were leaving the symphony, a man walked up to us in the parking lot and drew a knife, demanding my wallet. I smiled as I looked at him.
"I suggest you put the knife away, sir, before you get hurt," I told him.
Two more men arrived to help the knife man. I was outnumbered, but that wasn't anything I couldn't handle.
"Go home, and sleep it off, before you wake up in the hospital," I said with a more firm tone of voice. They didn't listen. I had all of them incapacitated and unconscious within a few minutes. Two of them had broken arms, and the last one will never walk again.
"Not bad, Govn'r," I heard a voice say behind me.
I turned to see a fourth man with a knife to Adam's throat. A look of fear was in his eyes, and I couldn't blame the boy. I turned my attentions back to the man.
"Harm him, and there will be no place you could hide from me. Even in prison you wouldn't be safe from me. Let him go, and I promise not to kill you."
"I'm the one with the power, Govn'r. Your son ain't gonna see the light o' day," he said with a yellow toothy grin. But before either of us could make a move, Adam took matters into his own hands. He stepped back on the man's heel and as the hand moved out, he bit his hand on the bone leading to the thumb. The man screamed and dropped the knife.
Not one to let the advantage slip, I moved fast and laid him out with one swing to his filthy nose. He got back up in a flash and in one swift move, a punch was breaking the xiphoid process of his sternum. He would die in minutes as the tiny bone punctured his heart. I had nothing but contempt for him as he lay there dying.
I turned to Adam to see how he was, and he was fine. He spit out the piece of the man's flesh onto his grimy shirt.
"I hate junk food, Master," he said. I couldn't help but laugh.
Of course the police arrived a few minutes later, and I smoothed everything out. Too bad they arrived too late to save the last mugger, but that's life. We made it home a few hours later. I was impressed with the boy how he handled himself. He turned towards me as he mounted the stairs leading to his apartment.
"Thank you for the lessons, Master," he said.
"You're welcome, Adam. Good night."
"Good night, Master," he said and disappeared up the stairs.
Chapter Three Adam's Initiation
Over the next few weeks, Adam grew more and more confident as the success of his first encounter with the violent type sunk in since his rape. He didn't seem to want to experiment any further with sex, so I let him continue as if our sexual experience didn't happen.
Something happened just before my Christmas vacation, though. I had a party, as was the norm before the holiday, to celebrate the season. He did his duties as instructed. I had a date for the night. Her name was Sheila, and even from the beginning, I could tell it was a mistake to bring her for this. I wasn't able to find anyone, not that I mind going stag, but I was in the mood for some company, so I invited her.
She was rude to Adam from the beginning. No big deal, because he weathered it well, but she seemed to think that she was the lady of the house later on in the evening. The more she had to drink, the more she flung herself at me.
By the end of the evening, she was all over me. We headed upstairs for the night. Adam took his leave at the appropriate time to dismiss the staff and pay them for the night. She was on me the minute the doors to the bedroom closed. She wanted it every way she could get it. Her favorite place to get fucked was up the ass.
Don't get me wrong, she was a very attractive woman, and I don't mind giving a good buggering (as our British friends would call it), but something was making me dislike her more and more. When I woke the next morning to leave for my vacation, she was still asleep.
I showered in a hurry, dressed and headed downstairs. Adam was waiting for me by the door as I instructed him to do so. He wasn't dressed in his uniform, but it was a Saturday, and I told him it wasn't necessary. I just wanted him there to give him some last minute instructions.
He had plenty of food to last him, so I wasn't worried about that, and he knew how to cook without burning the place down. I just needed him to know where and how to get a hold of me if he needed me.
"One last thing, Adam," I said, and with my voice lower, "make sure Sheila leaves before ten o'clock."
"Yes, Master. Have a good time on your vacation, Sir."
"I will, and you have a good time off as well. See you in two weeks." I smiled and placed my hand lovingly on his left jaw line. He squirreled his shoulders up to meet my hand and smiled back. I turned and left for the car, feeling confident in his abilities to handle things at my house.
My vacation was very relaxing. I met a few 'snow bunnies' and got to know them very intimately. A blizzard had hit the Chicago area two days after my arrival at Aspen, so I called home to check on Adam. He said he was fine, and he had met a few boys in the area. He asked if they could stay over as the snow was making things hazardous.
"Of course it's okay, Adam. I trust you implicitly. One thing, though, make sure the horses are taken care of and kept warm."
"Yes, Master," he said and we hung up.
Two days later, the lines were down and it was impossible to get a call through. I wasn't worried about him. He knew how to take care of himself now, and it was normal for the lines to be non-functional during a blizzard.
I arrived back at the airport the Sunday after New Years Day. Armand drove me home and left for his home after Adam helped get the bags inside the house. I asked how his vacation was, and he went into a story about how he met his three friends; Phillip, Karl, and Horace.
"Horace?" I asked him.
"Yeah, I know, Master. He hates his name also, but he's sort of the ring leader of the group. He's kind of cool, too. You'll like him. And something else I saw when we were swimming. They have those navel things also, Master."
"Everyone does, Adam, except you apparently." It was then that I noticed he was a little nervous. "Are you okay, Adam?" I asked him.
He didn't answer right away, so I knew something was definitely wrong. I asked him if something had happened with his friends that I should know about.
"Oh no, Master, it's not that."
"Then what?"
"Well, you know that woman, Sheila?"
3;" I was waiting for the punchline to this.
"Well, she didn't leave when you told me to tell her to leave."
"And why not?" He could tell I was getting a little angry at him for disobeying me.
"Well, Sir, I told her to leave when it was about nine o'clock, but she didn't."
"Why didn't you call Armand over?"
He muttered something incomprehensible. I told him to repeat that.
3; pulled me onto her," he stammered.
Now I was furious, but not at him. I knelt down in front of him and told him so, but I also told him to tell me everything that had happened. After taking a deep breath, he began.
"I went into the room to tell her to leave, like you told me to, and she said, no. Before I knew it, she pulled me to her and kissed me. On the lips, too. I tried to push away from her, but she wouldn't stop.
"She took my pants and underpants off and pulled me on top of her. She used her hand to get my thing hard and put it in between her legs. I didn't know what to do. She rolled over and put me under her. She started bouncing up and down on top of my thing till I think she had an orgasm.
"She rolled off me and called me
"Pathetic," I helped him.
"Yes, Sir. What does that mean?"
"It means useless," I said through gritted teeth. I told him to continue with what happened next.
"She said that if I told you then it would be her word against mine and she would win. Please, Master, don't be angry," he said on the verge of tears. I pulled him into a hug and told him I was angry but not at him.
"What she did was just as bad as what those men did to you back in October. She raped you; that simple. You've been worried about this all this time, haven't you?"
"Yes, Sir. It wasn't so bad with my friends here, because they took my mind off of it, but when they left, I couldn't help it. I kept thinking you would be mad because I did that to your girlfriend."
"She's no girlfriend of mine, Adam. No friend or girlfriend of mine would ever do that to you. And you had no control over what she made you do, so it's not your fault."
"That's what H said," Adam countered.
"Horace. That's what he likes to be called," he answered.
"Oh. Well, he was right. In fact, I promise you'll never have to see her again in your life." I knew what I was going to do about her and it would happen this following weekend. "And because you haven't totally enjoyed your vacation, I'll give you another week off of duties and studies, excluding self defense and piano, if you want it."
"Yes, Master, I want it," he said with obvious signs of relief on his face. I wiped his tears from his cheeks and dismissed him.
I walked into my study and made a phone call to a person that I knew to handle the Sheila situation. I told him I needed to see him in my office the next day. Afterwards, I walked out to find four naked ten-year-olds frolicking around in the pool area. I smiled and went to the kitchen for something to drink.
As I passed by the glass wall that separated the pool, I saw the four of them lying on towels. I went in to introduce myself to Adam's friends. They panicked a little when I walked up and began covering themselves.
"Relax, boys. We have the same body parts, and when you've seen one set of buttocks, you've pretty much seen them all." That, of course, is totally not true. Young boys have the cutest butts in the world. I wanted them to feel comfortable with me, though.
Adam introduced each of them to me. Phillip, or Phil, was Phillip Stuart, and I knew his parents. He was tallish and a little gangly. He sported shoulder length brown hair and a sparse amount of freckles on his nose and cheeks. His skin was a little dark for someone from this area. Next was Karl Grant. This one was shorter than Adam and a little on the plump side. He had really short black hair and a round face to complement his round physique. His skin was almost milk-white; more common to the area.
Horace Crawford was the last one, and I could see why they made him the leader of the quartet. He was redheaded with more freckles than even God could count all over his body. The kid was really good looking, and he carried himself very well. He stood as tall as Phillip, but had a little more meat on him than the other one.
"Pleased to meet each of you. You are welcome here at any time." I shook their hands and left them to their fun.
The boys ended up leaving just before dinner. During dinner, Adam asked a question I figured he already knew the answer to.
"Master, what does the word, 'fuck', mean?"
"I would have thought living on the streets you would have found out about that, especially after your rape," I said. "Why do you ask?"
"Well, I heard them use it that night and I heard Miss Sheila use it the night before you left on vacation and when she forced me onto the bed."
"Did you hear us that night?"
He got a sheepish look on his face and answered quietly. "I couldn't sleep that night, and when I came into the kitchen for some cocoa, I heard a noise. When I got to your door, I heard her yelling, 'Fuck me', over and over again."
"Okay, well, the word itself is a curse word. It is not used in civilized conversation. It basically means to have sex."
"Would you do that?"
"Do what?"
"Fuck me, Sir." He said just above a faint whisper.
"You sure about that, Adam?"
"Yes, Master, I'm sure."
"Go into my bathroom and wait."
He got up from the table and left the room. I finished my dinner and headed upstairs after him. When I made it into the lavatory, he was standing next to the commode, bare ass naked, excluding the collar around his neck. I motioned him to get in the shower, and he complied.
As he climbed in the shower, I saw his back and something else caught my eye, besides his perfectly nice ass. The scar on his shoulder blade was gone. I looked down to his leg and it was gone as well.
I stripped and stepped in behind him. Before doing anything else, I reached around his body and felt along the length of his little pecker. That scar had diminished to almost nothing. I remember his scar being quite nasty when I gave him his blow job. Now, it was nothing more than a thin line.
Scars that were as bad as his don't just disappear like that and leave no trace. I knew something was different and odd about the kid, but this was impossible. I decided not to make a big deal of it at the time. I would address it later with him.
I had him bend down and stick his rear in the air. I inserted my finger inside his youthful ass to feel around. When I pulled it out, I reached back and picked up a hose with a graduated tip. I inserted the tip inside his anus. While holding it in place with one hand, I turned on the water with the other. I moved the tip around inside him while warm water filled his anal cavity.
After some time, his belly filled up with lukewarm water, and it began to expand. He began to fidget under the pressure that was being put on his skin. I told him to hold still, but he complained that it was beginning to hurt him.
"Just a few more minutes, Adam, and we'll be through," I reassured him. He nodded and grabbed his ankles to hold on. I continued to let the water flow inside my young slave. Finally, I turned off the water and pulled the tip of the hose out of him. I had him remain in the position he was to allow the warm water to do its work on his entrails.
"Okay, Adam, go ahead and expel the water into the toilet," I told him after about ten minutes. He ran the short distance to the porcelain fixture. I let him have his privacy as I walked into the bedroom.
When all the water was out of him, he walked in to stand by my bed, in a very submissive stance. The room was a little cool, so some goose flesh had risen on his skin and he shivered a little bit. I looked at him for a second and pulled him to me as I had done when I gave him his first blowjob. I wrapped my arms around him to have him feel the warmth of my body. He reached under my arms and did the same. He continued to shiver from either nerves, or the chilliness of the room, I wasn't sure.
I pulled him onto the bed and had him lie on his stomach. I had some olive oil remaining in the nightstand from before Christmas and poured some in my hand. I began to work the oil around on his buttocks. I wanted him relaxed, not anxious about this.
I kneaded his gluttial muscles with the oil and my knuckles. I poured a little more of the oil onto his back and worked it into his skin as well. His legs came next. By the time I was finished with his toes, he so relaxed, I thought he was asleep.
I had spread his legs out as I was massaging them, so when I went up to pour some oil on his anal muscles, I could actually see his small flower. With a slow deliberate move, I poured some more oil down the crevice of his rear mound.
He moaned a little as I began working the lubricant around his anal doorway. I could tell he was getting as worked up about this as I was. I inserted my finger inside him to try and rewiden his backdoor. Once I broke through, he flinched a little, but otherwise showed no sign of trauma. I inserted two fingers after a minute of working with the first. I spread the fingers apart some, and another moan escaped his lips.
A third finger was placed inside and I heard him grit his teeth at that. I waited for him to calm down from it before continuing. Once his head was back on the bed in a more relaxed way, I began working all three fingers around inside him. As I worked, I saw him begin to absentmindedly pump his hips in time with the rhythm of my fingers, and I knew he was ready for coupling.
I could wait no longer, either. As I withdrew my fingers, I began to move up his body, smothering his young frame with my adult one. I pulled my fingers out of his entrance when I got even with his body. As I moved up, I interlaced my forearms under his armpits and back behind his head. I laced my fingers behind his neck and held onto him as the tip of my cock touched his backdoor.
He began to fidget a little, getting nervous at the inevitable, so I waited for him to calm down again.
"Are you sure about this, Adam?" I whispered in his ear. He nodded ever so slightly, and with one mighty shove of my hips, I speared my young slave.
"UUUUHHHH!" was the sound that escaped from his lungs. He squirmed around, trying to get out from under me. The full nelson I had slipped him into prevented any thought of that, and he knew it. He was mine.
Again, waiting for him to calm down before proceeding, I waited. My cock was buried only an inch [2½ cm] inside him, but I was patient. He finally ceased his struggles and surrendered to my whim.
I eased more of my cock inside his lubricated anus, slow enough to allow him time to get used to it. As he felt me filling his backside, he looked up at me and smiled a little. A tear fell loose from its moorings and slid down his cheek. I released my hold on his neck and wiped it clean. Even though I felt a little sorry for the lad, I still was not going to stop until I finished inside him.
As I bottomed out in him, I raised myself up from his body to get better leverage. He rose up with me, and that surprised me. He got himself up on all-fours as I got ready to do the same. I reached under him and felt his cock; it was as hard as it could possibly be.
Not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, I slowly began to pull out of his asshole. With slow deliberate moves, I began to pump in and out of my young charge. He began to move with me after some time. Within only a mere minute of getting a good rhythm, he shuddered and orgasmed. The effect was instantaneous on me, and I came as well.
We collapsed back down on the bed. He was fidgeting a little bit, so I let him up. He crawled away from me, and my dick was pulled out of his ass as he did so. He crawled up to lie on the pillow. A trail of semen followed him as it flowed out of his hole. He curled up into a ball when he reached the headboard. I sank back down on my stomach and watched him.
"You okay?" I asked him.
3; Yes, Master," he said, but I could hear a faint sniffle.
"What did I tell you about lying?" I chided him. He froze. A second later he turned to face me.
"I really am okay, Sir. It's just I wish that this could have been my first time not before with those other men. That's all."
I smiled and moved up to him and hugged his small frame to my chest. He reached around and held on to me as well. I raised the covers up and slipped us between the sheets for a good night sleep. He was asleep in minutes.
I woke up the next morning with a peculiar sensation. My cock was hard and it felt like something warm was sliding up and down its length. I opened my eyes to find Adam riding me slowly. I slowly moved my arms behind my head and allowed him to continue at his own pace.
He continued to slide along the length of my erection, keeping the slow deliberate pace. He seemed to be struggling with what he was doing. I reached down and grabbed him by his hips. He turned around instantly, looking me in the eye.
"Having trouble, Adam?"
"It's not sliding easily, Master," he said while trying to hold himself in check.
I reached over to the nightstand and picked up the bottle of oil. Lifting him off me, I applied a healthy bit of it to the boy's backside and my staff. He lowered himself back down and I slipped back inside him a lot more easily. He sighed his relief.
He still took it slowly still, but it was less painful to him. I glided in and out of his rear door for some time before I stopped him and pulled him back down onto my chest. With one arm around him, I rolled us over, putting me on top. I pulled him back up onto his knees and me right behind him. If the kid wanted a good fuck, then I was going to give it to him.
Grabbing his hips again, I began to plow into the slave. With the oil lubricating his passage well, he wasn't in any real pain. He began moaning once I built up a good rhythm. Just to check, I reached under him and felt his cock and it was stiff again. He was fine, so I got into plowing into him.
His dry orgasm hit just after I touched his cock again, making his anal muscles clench, and sending me over the edge as well. I emptied myself into his bowels once again. It felt good for both of us.
I climbed off him and went into the bathroom for my morning shower. As I was showering, he walked in and asked if he could join me. I stepped aside to let him in. I admired his perfect body again before he stepped behind me.
"Master?" He asked as he was washing my back.
"Why did I have an orgasm when I got the belt that time?"
"I don't know, Adam. There are some people who like to be spanked and they do have orgasms from it. Perhaps you are one of those people." It seemed plausible to me. "Do you want to try it tonight?"
I got no answer, so I turned to look at him. He was standing with his hand over his groin again. I moved his hand away, and it was jutting straight out again. The quick recovery of a young boy never ceases to amaze me. The thin red line along the top of his cock stood out angrily. The rest of his cock was perfectly healed.
"You do, don't you?"
"Yes, Master," he said in a whisper.
"Well, once the staff has left the house and your self defense lesson is finished we can try it. Okay?" I could tell he was excited and a little scared as well. I took his chin in my hand and pulled his face up to look at me. "If you don't want to do something, then say so, Adam, and we won't."
3;I want to, Master, it's just that it'll hurt, right?"
"Well, yes, it will, but you yourself said that you had an orgasm while it was happening the last time. Even though it hurt, you felt good at the same time. So, we'll do it and see what happens. I have a special room to try this in that even the staff doesn't know about."
"You'll see tonight. Now, let me finish my shower so I can get to work. I have a meeting with someone important today." He nodded and we finished the shower in silence.
We got dressed and descended the stairs together, making light chit-chat. He bid me a good day as I left for the office. Once Armand dropped me off, I headed to my office room. I took care of normal, everyday business items until about eleven o'clock when my guest arrived that I had called the previous day.
He walked in the office and I gave him a manila envelope with Sheila's information and picture in it that I had prepared earlier that morning. The instructions were in it, as well as his pay for the job. He nodded and left the office without saying a word.
As wealthy as I am, there are a few people that I know that can do jobs that are not exactly legal. They know the punishment for thinking they can turn on me, also. This man and I have just such an arrangement. He's been doing jobs for me for a number of years and I keep him well taken care of. He has a sadistic streak that worries even me, but I try not to think about that too much.
Chapter Four Adam's Descent
I arrived at home that day to find all four boys playing in the pool again, but this time with suits on as Mrs. Garcia was around. Being naked was one thing, but being naked in front of an older Mexican woman was entirely something else.
I ate dinner with the four of them while they talked about normal ten- and eleven-year-old things. As mature as Adam is, he is still a ten year old boy with normal ten year old habits. I told the boys to go home after dinner and they left us alone for Adam's piano and self defense lessons. The staff had already left for the night, as usual.
After the combat training, I looked at Adam in the face and asked him if he was sure he wanted to do this. He answered in the affirmative. I told him to strip off his gi. Once he was fully nude, I asked him a question.
"Do remember what I did last night in the shower before we were in bed?" It took him a second to remember, but then he told me he did. "That was called an enema. It cleans out your lower bowels of waste. I want you to go upstairs and do it again just as I did it to you. Can you do that?"
"Yes, Master, I think I can."
"Good. Do so, and then meet me in the study."
He did as I told him and I stripped as well. The gi isn't difficult to remove, so I was in the study within minutes, waiting for him. He walked in the room about ten minutes later, sporting a really stiff one.
Once he arrived, I led him over to a wall of shelves my father led me to at a time long ago, and moved a special book forward. The bookshelf swung on its hinges outward to reveal a hidden room. I turned to look at Adam, and his jaw had hit the floor. I beckoned him inside. He was a little leery, and I couldn't blame him.
I took his hands in mine and led him into the narrow stairwell. He followed, but still stunned. The shelf moved back to its original place as we made it to the bottom step. Adam gasped as we were cloaked in sudden darkness, and I could feel his hands begin to shake. I felt for the doorknob and upon locating it, I turned it to open the door that blocked our passage.
Knowing where everything is by heart, I didn't flip the switch for the light; I just led my willing, young slave into the chamber. In the middle of the room, was a single pole that I knew all too well and I led Adam up to it as my father had done to me once upon a time.
I took Adam's hands and moved them to the pole. A pair of steel manacles hung from a pulley attached to the ceiling, and I pulled them down to just above his head. I placed his wrists in each of them. He was getting very nervous, now, which is exactly where I wanted him; nervous and a little scared.
I left him there and walked to the side where the end of the cable was located to pull his arms upward. I knew about how far to take him up and stopped at the right point. I returned to him, and I turned his collar around to put the d-ring in front. It was attached to a small cable that was itself attached to another d-ring on the pole.
I ran my hands down his youthful body, and I had guessed right about the height. His feet were just barely dangling from the ground. He was shaking like a leaf in high winds. I let him enjoy his anxiety for a while. I felt around to his front, and he still had a nice woody working as well. I stroked it a little, letting him get in touch with his feelings more.
Stopping just short of giving him an orgasm, I pulled away and walked over to the wall at the left. I knew the strap that I needed. Since it was dark, I did have to feel my way around some, but found it within seconds of searching. It was a thick, heavy leather belt that was used on me several times during my growing up years. Father made sure it was easily accessible.
I walked back over to my willing victim and felt his cock again; very willing by the feel of things. I looped the thick leather back to itself and brought it down on his young asscheeks with a loud, "SLAP!"
"UUUUGGH!" escaped his lungs, before sounding out, "One, Master". I brought the strap back again and brought it down against his skin for a second time. The same results with the added count. With the room being so dark, I wasn't sure of where I was hitting him, but by the sound of it, he didn't seem to mind getting it in the same place. Of course with the darkness, the sound of each smack seemed to echo louder than it normally would have if the light was on; strange how that is.
I wasn't using my full force as I did last November, but he was still feeling the effects, sure enough. A third one landed and I know it hit on the skin of either one of the first two marks. His gasp was longer and louder before he counted, "Three, Master". I lined up the fourth one and made sure it was a little below the one that just made contact. I think it hit the back of his leg, just below the crease of his asscheek.
I could make out some sound coming from him as I continued unabatedly raining down welts upon his backside. It took me a while before I figured out what he was doing. He was rubbing his cock up and down the length of the pole, trying to achieve orgasm. By the sound escaping his lips, Adam made his goal as the strap made contact for the tenth time.
But that didn't stop me. I wanted to see just how far I could push him. I moved to his left and brought it down again on him, but now it was on his left cheek. He wiggled and squirmed to get away from the lash of the belt across his new skin, but it wasn't going to happen.
"Master, please stop. I've got my orgasm, Sir," he complained.
I was next to him so fast it startled him.
"I know, my little slave, but now we're doing it for me. This isn't just about getting you what you want. Orgasms aren't just for you." And with that, I returned to my position and continued with the belt.
"SMACK!" another one landed just above the last one, I think, and he counted out a whimpering, "Twelve". This was not going to stop until we reached twenty, so I had another eight to go. The thirteenth strike landed on this side's crease at the back of the leg as well, sending renewed waves of pain through him.
As I landed the fifteenth swat, the familiar sound of him rubbing against the pole was reaching my ears again. I smiled as I landed number sixteen across his left buttcheek. The last remaining lashes were driving him nuts again, getting him close to that edge of orgasm. I planted two extra hard and long belts across both asscheeks as a finishing mark to his torment.
I let him hang there as I went to the wall that was located on the side of the door. On this wall was an assortment of oils, creams, gels and other lubricants. I reached for and found the olive oil. I have always preferred the olive oil to other lubes due to its natural consistency. Also, it has a bit of a sting to it when applied to welts; trust me on that.
I poured some of the oil into my hands and worked it into my palms. Making my way back to my captive, I poured a little more out and upon arriving at the pole, I began slicking his entire ass with the oil. Immediately he felt the stinging sensation, then some relief. I worked the olive base into his skin, feeling the texture that covered his rump. As I continued the work, I made my way inward to his boy's hole and slicked up that little rosebud. His backdoor muscle gave way willingly to two of my fingers as they invaded him again. I worked my fingers in and out, twisting as they pumped him, all the while he cooed at the attention.
"Ask for it, Boy," I whispered in his ear.
"Please, Master, fuck me," he whimpered into the pole's metal.
My cock that had been hard the entire time I had whipped him, had definitely been oozing precum, and was ready for action. I had to bend down to get lined up with his sphincter, but as I raised back up, my cock found it's mark. I held onto his hands as I continued to pull myself up inside him. That action also pushed him into the pole that was keeping him captive as well as giving him pleasure through his own erection.
He cried out as I fully embedded myself into him, but that didn't stop me from giving him the serious fucking I craved. With the manacles holding him in place, I pulled out of his ass, and quickly shoved it back inside. I felt his body shudder through another orgasm as my stomach made contact with his asscheeks.
He may have had another one, but I wasn't finished yet. Just on a curious notion, I reached around and checked his dick. Believe it or not, it was still hard as a rock. I began pumping it as I humped into his rear doorway. As I pumped into him, I felt his cock jump at each time I made contact with the skin on his rump. He hissed, but his cock would have a reaction as well.
I kept my suspicions to myself as I continued to lay into him. After all, I was trying to achieve my own orgasm. It wasn't long after that I felt the familiar building in my personal loins. With one last ultimate lunge that raised him off the ground even further, I sent more of my semen swimming into his bowels.
I leaned against his back, trying to recover a little of my strength. I came down from being planted inside his asshole and sat on the ground for a second more to recover. Once I thought I could stand properly, I got up and unclipped his collar from the pole. I went to the wall where the cable was secured and lowered him back to the ground.
From the sound of it, he must have collapsed to the ground as I gave him enough slack in the manacles' cable. I told him to close his eyes, and walked to the light switch on the wall, located just inside the doorframe.
Light flooded the room in an instant from a series of florescent lights from the ceiling. It took me a few minutes to adjust my eyes to the brightness, myself. As my vision cleared, I saw Adam still lying on the floor, and still manacled to the cable. I walked gently over to him, to help him up. His knees were still shaking as he stood. He wiped his eyes to clear his vision as well. He gasped as he took in the sights of the room.
I smiled at his reaction. I had the same reaction when I first saw it as a small boy. The room was divided up into four different categories, for lack of a better term. Each wall had a different type of device hanging on it, leaning on it, or standing next to it. The doorway was located to the far left of the wall behind us.
That wall was split in half. On one half, were an assortment of lubrications, oils, and other things of the sort. The other half of the wall held insertables, like dildos, vibrators and plugs. The wall to our left, right as you were looking at that wall, had an arrangement of hitting things. It was littered with different sizes of crops, canes, straps, whips, belts, paddles, and the like.
On the wall in front of us was a huge collection of binding gear. Ankle and wrist restraints, ropes, collars, bars (with and without cuffs), leather ball stretchers and spreaders of varying sizes, clamps, gags, and blindfolds hung from pegs on the wall. The last wall held torture devices aplenty. An electrolysis device, weights, an extendable rack, a set of adjustable stocks (I bought that one a couple of years ago at an auction), a cross (my father's), and other such things that would probably be used on him later.
"Go ahead and have a look around, Adam," I said as I undid his wrists from the manacles. He seemed genuinely curious about the place. I figured; why not allow him to have a look around. Besides, I got the feeling at the time the boy would be spending a whole lot of time down here over the next few years.
He chose looking at the wall that had the lubes and insertables first.
"Master, what are these?" He asked noticing the dildos.
"What do they look like, Adam?"
3; um," he stammered.
"You may use the word, 'dick', in this case," I encouraged him. "And that's exactly what they are, rubber dicks. Another word for them is, 'dildo'. They are generally used for a female to use when she doesn't have a man in her bed, but they can be used on young boys as well."
He smiled sheepishly again and returned looking at that particular wall. He touched each item as he passed it. I sat down on the floor and watched him as he passed each tool in turn. He seemed fascinated by each and every one of them.
"Oh, please replace this while you're over there, Adam," I said to him as he was passing the 'whipping wall' as I call it. He walked over and took the leather belt from me, smiling at the memory of what just had happened. As he made his way back to the wall to replace the belt where it belonged, I couldn't help but admire his perfect ass. Even with the welts I had just given him, it was still very succulent. It glistened from the oil I had rubbed over it earlier, and each of the red welts stood out across his skin, but it was still magnificent. I'm sure he takes it for granted as I did at that age, but it was no less wondrous.
He touched each and every object on that wall, feeling their textures, absorbing each of their personalities and noticing the differences in each one. I was impressed with his thoroughness. He moved on to the back wall with the bindings, doing the same thing. When he got to the last section of the wall, he noticed the different types of collars that were on display.
"Why so many different collars, Master?"
"You never know what you may need, Adam. You just never know, so I have to be prepared for it."
"Hmph," he said under his breath. An idea hit me as he was looking at that wall.
"Adam, do you see that metal collar?" I asked him. It was a simple stainless steel collar with a leather liner. It had a hinge with a vertical d-ring at the back and a loop with an opened lock in the front.
"Yes, Master."
"Bring it here, please," I told him and he did as directed. When he was standing right in front of me, I pulled him down to sit on his knees, so I could look at him in the face. "Whenever you feel like coming down here for a session like you just got, wear this collar around your neck. Deal?"
His eyes lit up at that and a big grin crossed his face.
"I'll take that as a 'yes'." He nodded. "Okay, then there are a few rules never to be broken. First, you don't wear this on the night before or of a party night. Second, your friends do not find out about this place without my permission and approval, nor is this ever discussed with anyone else without my approval, including the staff. Lastly, this collar is not to be worn outside of this house.
"Also, if we are to do this, you need to have an enema done before we come down here. I want you clean inside and out. Any questions?"
"No, Master."
"Good, now, continue looking around if you want."
He went back to the place at the wall he had just left and continued his tour. He asked about the rack and cross when he got to the last wall. I told him what they were for, and his cock jumped at the thought of being in one of them. He made a comment about the stocks that he had seen them in his History lessons before he ran away. It was the first time he had mentioned anything about running away, but I let it go for the time being.
Upon making the circuit, he returned to me as I was still sitting on the floor. He saw that I was getting turned on again by just watching him walk around the room naked. I couldn't help it; his butt was just so perfect. He turned and sat down in my lap, but before going all the way down, the little tart grabbed my dick and aimed it at his hole for another round.
I was amazed at his stamina. He sat down, but didn't go anywhere. He just sat there, enjoying my cock up his ass. I wrapped my arms around him, and enjoyed having my cock up his ass.
"I like the way it feels, Master," he said as if answering the unasked question. "I wish I could keep it there forever, Sir."
"So do I, you little slut," I chided him.
"Slut, Master?"
"It's a dirty word used for a woman that likes either a lot of sex, or kind of kinky sex. I was just kidding with you about liking sex too much. Don't go using that word, Adam."
"Yes, Master."
"There might be a way to fake having something up there, if you like," I suggested to him.
"One of the rubber dicks?"
"I was thinking more of one of the plugs. But first, get on your hands and knees and let me finish what you started."
He moved forward and I followed with him. He assumed the position I wanted, and I grabbed him by the hips again. This one was going to take a while, but I laid into him just as I did before. I took it slow at the beginning.
"Harder, Master," he said into the floor. I gave it to him and the little slut asked for even harder after that. I grabbed his hips with a firmer grip and plowed into him even more. It was almost animalistic in nature what I was doing to the lad now. He was going to have a sore asshole when I finally get done with him, that was for sure.
I pounded into him for a solid fifteen minutes before I climaxed inside him again. He reached under himself to whack his stiffy, and I batted his hand away and returned it to the floor. I pushed us down to the floor with my weight.
"Clench your buttcheeks tight as I pull out of you and don't spill a drop of what I just put in there." He did as I told him and I pulled my cock out of his spent rectum, leaving him lying on his belly.
I went to the wall with the insertables and picked off one of the buttplugs from one of the shelves. I walked back over to the boy I had just fucked and knelt down between his legs. Without any further lubrication, I inserted the plug in his asshole, sealing my sperm inside.
He gave a start and tried to move away as the widest part of the plug invaded him, but I held him in check by the small of his back. As the slender part passed the sphincter, he relaxed more.
I rolled him onto his back and sought out his groin's digit. He reached down to feel the plug in his anus, but I smacked his hand away. I lowered my mouth onto his hard-on and sucked in his tiny manhood. He gasped as warmth covered his most private area. I began to slide his tool in and out of my mouth and he laid back to enjoy the attention, which is exactly what I wanted him to do.
I placed my hands under his legs to bring them over my shoulders and on my back. This gave me the clearance I needed to reach the buttplug unhindered.
While I was sucking him off, I reached down and grasped the plug I had just inserted inside him and began twisting it. His pecker jumped a little in my mouth, and I knew he was enjoying the further stimulation. Not only did I twist the plug, I began to move it in different directions. I knew what it was doing to his insides. I knew the effect it would have on him; after all, little boys do have a prostate as well.
The moving around of the plug as well as its wideness was stimulating that small gland and having a profound effect on his pleasure. I continued the manipulations of both sides of his pelvic region as he got lost in his senses. He slapped his hands down to the floor just as he raised his butt up and a powerful orgasm wracked his young frame. His whole body seemed to explode in wave after wave of pleasure. The assault was too much for him to handle, and my poor young slave passed out on the floor.
I laid my head down on my hands as I brought them up around his hips and laced my fingers over his groin. I lay there, listening to the sound of his ragged breathing as I waited for him to regain his consciousness. He started coming around a few minutes later.
"How do you feel, Adam?" I asked him once he was coherent enough to understand me.
"Exhausted, Master."
"How does that feel?" I asked him, tapping on the buttplug.
"Weird, Master, but not bad," he said as he sat up. He flinched a little as the welts on his ass made contact with the ground, but he sat there anyway. I backed away to allow him to sit up as I pointed down to the plug.
"Well, keep that inside you for the night, Adam."
"Yes, Sir."
"Now, let's get out of here and get some sleep. What do you say?"
"Sounds good to me, Master. Would it be okay if we didn't do this for a couple of days, Sir? I liked it and all, but I don't want to get too used to this."
"Okay by me, Adam. Just wear that collar whenever you're ready. Oh, and by the way, I've got something to do late this Friday evening, so I'm going to be late. Just practice your piano and we'll skip the defense lesson."
"Yes, Sir," he said. We turned out the lights in my torture chamber and we headed back upstairs to the real world for a good night's rest.
Adam was a little sore, and moved a little gingerly the next day, but he weathered his first trip downstairs pretty well. He kept the buttplug inside his ass that whole night. At breakfast, he whispered the question as to how to remove the plug and I told him to just pull it out with his hand. He wrinkled his nose at that.
"Well, it's either that, or you never have a bowel movement again in your life," I said, smiling.
"Bowel movement, Master?"
"Poop, Adam," I said, putting it into terms a ten-year-old would understand. He smiled back and we finished breakfast making small talk.
The rest of the week was spent doing normal things as he studied and practiced his piano as well as his martial arts. On Friday, I drove myself into work, and afterwards I took a little trip to the far side of Chicago. I stopped at a particularly drab building that was pretty well run down. A van was already here. I smiled at my associate's effectiveness.
I walked inside and down the stairs to the basement. As I got closer to the far end of the corridor, sounds of someone in agony were getting louder. I opened the door to the room to find my associate there with three large black men engaged in a scene that was quite rewarding.
All three of them had their dicks buried inside a certain Sheila Winters' body. She was screaming at the intrusions, but they didn't stop. In fact, the more she screamed, the more they seemed to enjoy it. I nodded my presence to my associate; he had done well, choosing these three men. By the looks of things, they were very well hung, and Sheila was in some considerable pain.
I waited for the three of them to finish before speaking. I didn't want to interrupt their fun and my being there would definitely been a disturbance. I watched each of them climax inside her over next several minutes. When the third man came down her throat and pulled out, I walked over to the woman tied spread-eagled to the bed and he left the room with his friends.
"Hello, Sheila," I said as I got next to her head. I squatted down as she turned her head towards me. She already had a black eye and swollen lip. One tooth was missing from her front row of teeth.
"Oh, thank God you're here, Kyle. Please help me out of here," she begged.
"Now, why would I want to do that?" That stopped her colder than the winter we were going through.
"You did this?"
"Did what?"
"You had me kidnapped?"
"I don't know what you're talking about, Sheila. I've been in meetings all day," I said with a tone that told her she was not going to get any help from me. "However, I do think it's fitting justice after what you did to my slave, Adam."
"I didn't do anything to that little bastard," she screamed at me. "Now get me the fuck out of here, if you know what's good for you, Kyle. I know people, Kyle, and I will talk."
I laughed in her face, knowing that was going to just make her angrier. The look on her face was pure hatred.
"Do you really think you're going to live long past this weekend, Sheila?" That got her spooked real quick, and the look changed. "If I know my associate, and I do know him, by the end of this weekend, there's not going to be much of you left for the police to identify."
I stood up and she was so shocked at what I had just said, she was speechless. I put my gloves back on and turned to leave the room. When I got to the door, I turned back to her.
"You took advantage of a young boy, Sheila. It was a mistake of mine to ever bring you into my home. It is a mistake I am rectifying right now. We will never see each other again. Good-bye." I turned and left the room as my associate was getting one of his toys ready for her. The bitch was in for a long weekend.
Knowing my associate as I do, they weren't going to kill her, but she would never be the same again. I returned home in good spirits and had a surprise waiting for me as I walked through the door. Adam was standing in the entry way, wearing the metal collar. I smiled and told him to wait for me in the study. He smiled and headed for the room.
I went upstairs and stripped down and pulled a robe on. When I walked in the study, the only thing Adam was still wearing was the collar and an erection. I moved a certain book on the shelf and we walked down the staircase to the room. Again, I didn't flip on the switch, but led Adam straight to the pole in the middle of the room, after closing the door.
I put his wrists in the manacles again and hoisted him up a little higher this time, bringing his chest even with the loop on the pole. His asshole was perfect buggering height. Before I turned on the light, I went over to the bindings wall and removed a blindfold. I tied it firmly around his eyes and made sure he wasn't going to see anything before I flipped the switch.
The room flooded with light at the raising of the switch, causing me to squint a little till I adjusted again. I guessed right; Adam's backside was at the perfect height. I ran my hands down his beautiful body, paying special attention to the firmness of his buttocks. The buttplug was still firmly planted inside his anus. I wondered if he did give himself the enema as I instructed him, but I would find that out later.
I continued to trace my fingers up and down his body, savoring smoothness of his skin, worshiping its rigidity. How I wished some days I could return to this state. It was so innocent a time that going back was very alluring. He fidgeted under the feathery touch of my finger while it traced his sides, but I was almost lost in a world of my own.
I snapped out of it as he shuddered. It wasn't an orgasm, but it did bring me back to reality. I pulled my hand back and let loose a hard slap to his backside. The smack sent him into the pole and the first gasp of the evening escaped his lips. Before going on with any whipping or spanking, I used my finger and thumb to grasp the buttplug embedded in his rectum. I decided to play with him a bit before completely pulling it out. I would pull on it, but not enough to allow the thickest part to pass his sphincter, and then let it slide back in place. Then, just to cause a little pain, I pulled the plug almost to that wide point then push it back inside. He was squirming considerably as I continued to do this to his small anus. Finally, I pulled the plug completely out and he relaxed as he hung in his bondage.
But I was just getting warmed up. A particularly nasty paddle, that I hated when I was a child, hung from its leather strap on the whipping wall. I picked it up and walked back to my hanging victim. With one practice swing, I reared back and let it fly.
"WHAP!" The holey wood struck solidly against his perky butt.
"UUUUUUUHHHHHH! One, Massster," he said with some difficulty.
"Never mind the count, Adam, just enjoy it," I said with a small bit of irony. I pulled back and let loose another swing. As before, I didn't use my full strength on the boy. This was for fun, and I wanted him to enjoy it. If he was being disciplined, that would be an entirely different story.
I stopped paddling him after the tenth smack assaulted his ass. I smoothly ran my hand over his reddened asscheeks, reveling in their warmth. He just hung from the manacles, whimpering a little, but his pecker told a different story.
I replaced the paddle in its spot on the wall and walked over to the wall that held the restraints. I took a chain that formed a "Y" from the wall. At the stem of the chain, it had a clasp and on the other ends were alligator clips. I walked back over to the boy and clipped the clasp to his metal collar. I wrapped the chain around the pole and brought the other two ends to his chest after putting them through the loop on the pole.
As the teeth of the alligator clip bit into his right nipple, he screamed and thrashed around, trying to knock the clip loose.
"If you scream like that again, child, I will gag you," I warned him.
"I'm sorry, Master, but please take that off me."
"Please, Master. I'll do anything, just take it off," he was beyond begging.
"Anything?" This was going to be interesting.
"Anything, Sir, anything," he cried.
"No problem, but I think I'll let you suffer for a while before removing them."
"Oh, please, Master, please take that off me. It's killing me." He was getting to the point of begging, which is where I wanted him.
"It's not killing you, but if you don't stop this incessant complaining, I will go ahead and gag you." He bit his lip against any more complaints, but the writhing in his chains continued.
I got the left nipple hard and applied the other alligator clip to it. Unable to help himself, he screamed again. True to my word, I went to the wall and retrieved a ball gag. I walked behind him as his screams were still filling the room's air.
"Open your mouth, Adam," I said and he complied. The ball gag fit perfectly inside his teeth and I buckled it behind his head. The room was a lot quieter now. "I think another ten with the paddle for not obeying should help you remember next time."
I grabbed the paddle off the wall and walked back over to him. He was struggling as he hung there, but any such action was totally wasted effort. I took up my position to his left again and swung the paddle down on his already red ass with a loud, "WHAP!"
"MMMPH!" escaped his lips through the gag. He reared his head back at the pain of the strike and pulled on the chain attached to his nipple clips. The clips dug into his tender flesh and the first of many gagged screams erupted from him.
"Ooo, I bet that hurt," I teased him, noticing what he did to himself. "I guess you're going to have to learn to control yourself in the future."
The next swat landed right on top of the first and he grunted into the gag again. This time, I saw him grinding his pelvis against the pole, trying to achieve his first orgasm. Since that was why we were here, I allowed him to keep trying, this time. The remaining smacks were just as interesting as the sound of wood connecting with flesh filled the room constantly.
After the final blow was dealt, I returned the paddle once again, and returned to Adam's side. Tears were flowing out of the bottom of the blindfold, but his cock was enjoying itself. He was having a problem relieving himself, but he was still trying. I reached back and grabbed his left buttock, sending renewed pain through his system. He actually came once his cock touched the pole again.
3; thank you, Master. I needed that," he whispered as I took off his ball gag. I released the alligator clips from his nipples and removed the other chain from his neck. A small bit of blood had run down his chest from each nipple. I let him regain his strength before going on.
I took the stocks, something he was highly interested in the previous time, and brought them to the center of the room. There was a small platform that I brought with me to set the stocks on, making his anus the right height for fucking. I undid his manacles, allowing his wrists to go free. He dropped to the ground instantly, but I didn't let him rest. He was led to the stocks and I put his wrists in the holes on the upper bar. His neck was placed through a center hole just above his wrists. I made one improvement to this stock when I got it. Half way down is another stock for small groins (imagine that).
I wrapped his entire groin in my hand and pulled it across the piece of wood. As I held onto him by his gonads and pecker, I lowered the securing slat of wood into place and locked it. His feet were allowed to remain free, but I put two ankle cuffs around his ankles.
I wrapped a piece of leather around his cockhead and pulled a twine through the eyehole in the end of the leather. Each end of the string was tied to the upper parts of the stock and tightened. It stretched his cock straight upwards against the grain of the wood. A small ball stretcher was wrapped carefully around his nuts with another piece of leather that hung down. The loop on that one was tied to two strings. Each string was pulled down to tie off to the ankle cuffs and pulled tight.
"Now, Adam, you said you'd do anything, so here's what you're going to do. You're going to remain in these stocks till I decide to let you out. Good night and I'll see you in the morning." I left him and walked over leave the room, but stopped and returned to him. "I almost forgot," I said as I jammed my cock up his ass for a goodnight fuck.
He hissed at the sudden and unlubricated entrance of something so big into his smaller hole. I laid into him once again as I had in the recent past; slow at the beginning then sped up. Without any lubrication, his hole was a little more resistant to being penetrated, so being a little tighter; I came after only a few minutes.
"Keep them closed, Adam," I hissed in his ear. I pulled my weakening cock out of his well-fucked ass and retrieved the buttplug. Without preamble or any other lubricant than my jizm, I shoved it back inside him. And with that accomplished, I walked to the door, flipped off the light, and left him to his bondage fun.