PZA Boy Stories


Mythra Trilogy I

A Sub to Love


James is the founding master of the secret Council of the Mythra, a group of bdsm-masters and slaves based on the ancient Greek Spartans. James had no slave since ten years ago his slave hat outgrown him. The a friend ask him to take his young nephew Eric as a slave. Eric is 'the most beautiful lad he had seen in many years'. This story tells how Eric guided by his master James becomes an important figure among the Mythra's.

Publ. Oct 2002-Aug 2003 (Nifty); this site Jan 2017
Finished 141,000 words (282 pages)


Eric (13yo in books 1 and 2; 15yo in book 3) and his master James (c.50-55yo)

Category & Story codes

Consensual man-boy BDSM
Mt MM – cons mast oral anal – bdsm spank whipping chast


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading erotic stories about boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Author's note

This story is the property of the author and the copyright belongs solely to him, this story contains sexual material of a gay nature, if this offends or otherwise disturbs you then leave now as you should not be here, all characters are fictional and pertain to no one living or dead, for contact with the author please e-mail Artcart65(at)gmail(dot)com or send a message through this feedback form with Arthur: Mythra Trilogy in the subject line.

NB The age of some of the main characters is with consent of the author reduced.
The chapter titles were added by Céladon for PZA.

Table of Contents

  1. Eric
  2. Total Submissive
  3. Bonded Slave
  4. Cuffs, Ring, Restraint and Earring
  5. First Night
  6. Guests
  7. Training
  8. Conclave
  1. Dinner
  2. Whipping Entertainment
  3. History Lesson, Part One
  4. History Lesson, Part Two
  5. The Third Mythra
  6. The Fourth Mythra
  7. Official Installation
  8. Preparations for School
  9. First Day at School
  10. Taking Care of the Bullies
  11. Tony
  12. New Gear
  13. The Final Bonding
  14. a. Going to Sleep?
    b. Thursday's School Assembly
    c. Raising Master
  15. Dinner and Entertainment
  16. Tony Initiated
  1. Daniel
  2. The Work of a Sadist
  3. Daniel's Story
  4. Capturing the Sadist
  5. In the Hospital
  6. Section 23
  7. The Punishment starts
  8. Surprise for Eric
  9. Master Kristos
  10. Dungeon and Bath
  11. Spartels' Baths
  12. The Fifth Mythra


A Sub to Love

Chapter 1

Well here I sit in my seaside batch, semi retired, thanks to family investments and a little self planning, whiling away my days gardening, doing the odd job of renovation to the old place and spending time on the water where I love to be. Single again and have been for the last ten years since my last partner of six years outgrew our relationship and decided to go his own way with my blessing.

I'm now in my late fifties and quite like the idea of taking it easy for a change, just a little computer tutoring on the side to keep my hand in and for the interest sake. Here in New Zealand there is not a big B&D scene so I knew that it would be very quiet for my type of life style, only the faint fear of being alone disturbed my thoughts now and again but that's the way things are for people like me.

In my younger days (late teens) I had been a dominant/submissive and after a number of years training under the seven signs of the Mythra in Australia I had eventually returned home to start my own Council of the Mythra, although small in number those of us who were so inclined formed a tight knit group of about a hundred, and spread throughout the country. I held the title of Prime for five years before taking a back seat and concentrating on training for those who needed it and now my only involvement was as an adviser on the law and training under the sign of the Mythra.

It was about 1.00pm when I noticed an unknown car turn into my driveway and as I rose out of my chair I heard a toot from the driver, peering closer I thought I almost recognised the person but was not quite sure so I waited till he emerged from the driver's side as I moved toward him.

"Bryan Sinnet, what're you doing here after all this time?"

"Hi, James, long time eh?"

"Yeah, must be close to fifteen years."

"Yep, it's about that."

"So why now, hey, better come inside it's hot out here, I'll make a drink for you."

"Thanks James, I need one with this heat and if you could stretch to something with a bit of bight would be appreciated."

"Come on in then, I'll just have a coffee, the sun's not over the yard arm yet for me."

"Not for me either but I think I'll need it."

"So that serious is it?"

"Well not serious, but 3; ahh, awkward I should say."

"Ok come in, let's hear it all over a drink."

We both went into the lounge and as Bryan took a seat on the sofa I began to make the drinks wondering what had bought him here after all these years. The last time we had met young Cameron had been with me for only a year. I had never discussed with Bryan what my lifestyle was although he knew I was gay and had a boy friend in Cameron, but as far as I knew he had no idea what the relationship and what it involved was.

We settled into our respective seats and Bryan took his drink, leaned back and studied me while I waited for him to start with his problem.

"James, can I ask you some personal questions?"

"Of course you can, but I can't guarantee to answer them all."

"Fair enough, it's like this, my brother inlaw has a problem with his son. But first I want to know if you are the right person to help, I'm pretty sure you are but I need to know for certain."

"Ok, fire away."

"First, I see that young Cameron is not with you now."

"No, he decided to go his own way, we still see each other a lot and are the best of friends, he just outgrew what we had."

"Uhm, James, there was more to the relationship than just two men together, wasn't there?"

"How do you mean, Bryan?"

"Well he seemed, oh I don't know, like a slave sort of, but not really a slave like the old times, it's just little things I noticed, he seemed to always bow to your wishes as it were."

"In what way do you mean?"

"Oh things like, uhm 3; he would never walk ahead of you, always just behind you, and ahh, never answer a question before looking to you, also he always sat below you, you know like at your feet, but at the same time he seemed happy doing it all the time."


"Well, ahm 3; James are you into that sort of slave thing, you know all that bondage and stuff?"

"Ok Bryan, I'll put you out of your misery, yes I'm a trained Master and also yes Cameron was one of my slaves. So what has this got to do with your, 3; ahh problem?"

"Look don't get me wrong James, you do what you feel is right, you always have if I remember right, but this boy of Steve's, that's the brother inlaw, well he seems sort of different to the other boys around their town."

"In what way?"

"Like he's a really good kid, will do anything I or his mother asks, but the moment his father asks he just won't move, doesn't argue or anything, just stands there waiting for something?"

"So, that could just be a teenager's way, you know how they can get at that age."

"It's other things as well, like at school he goes up to bigger kids and taunts them till they start to bash the hell out of him."

"So what does he do about it?"

"Nothing, absolutely nothing, he just stands there and takes it with a smile on his face, he's been hospitalized twice over it, they took him to a shrink but he made nothing out of it."

"Hmmmm, anything else?"

"Well he'd go into town, wait around till he saw a cop car then break a window or something to get their attention, he'd never run off, just stand there waiting for them to pick him up, when they got him he would struggle with them till they had to use handcuffs on him then he would just stop and stand there for them again smiling and a sort of glazed look in his eyes."

"I see, so what do you want me to do about it?"

"I thought about you and Cameron and how he seemed to be so happy all the time reguardless of what you asked him to do, he was just so contented. So I thought about it a bit then suggested to my brother inlaw that I talk to you and if you were happy about it they would bring him to see you, I mean really James he's such a nice kid and they're at their wits end with him."

"Well from what you've said he maybe and I mean maybe, a submissive looking for some order, but I don't know for sure I'd have to meet him and his parents before I could make any decisons one way or the other."

"Look today is Thursday, do you think they could come over on Saturday, this is getting quite serious for them and I feel the sooner the better but it's up to you?"

"Ok I've got nothing on this weekend, can you get them here about 10.00am?"

"Yes no worries, they only live down in Matamata so they can do it in an hour and a half."

"Ok, now I don't want you to say anything to the boy about me and as far as the parents go, not to much to them either, leave it to me to tell them, ok?"

"Yeah, that sounds ok, well if you'll excuse me I have to get back to the office, and thanks James I know this is out of the blue but I couldn't think of anyone else that may help."

"One thing Bryan, how old is this kid?"

"He's just turned thirteen."

"Any girl friends or boy friends, like serious ones not just friends?"

"No, nobody at all, always by himself, never mixes with his own age group at all."

"Ok then, I'll see you all on Saturday."

"Good then and thanks again, James."

"Ok see you then, Bryan."

Now I had to think seriously about this, if the boy was a submissive it might be ok, but if he was just experimenting then what I did may be to much for him, especially at such a young age, I know that Cameron was only fourteen when we got together but he had enough dominance in him to be able to adjust and this boy appeared to possibly be totally a pure submissive, he would need to be carefully looked into before I made a final decsion.

I sat there for another hour going over in my mind about the possibilities and decided to have a large snifter of brandy, yard arm or not, I had a lot of hard thinking to do. A boy this young had to be treated very carefully and with great finess or he would be ruined for life.

After another hour and a second brandy I had made a preliminary decision and made my way to the back room of the house that had been closed except for some renovations since Cameron's departure. Once there I started to sort out the equipment and what I may need, checking to see that all was still in good condition and to make a list of what I may need depending on his size and build.

Now most people seem to think of a Master of bondage and displine to be a great big bear of a man when in truth the best Masters I'd ever met were of normal stature like myself, but there power came from within and they created a presence by force of will and not with a huge muscular body althought that also can be an asset but most of B&D is phsycological and if used correctly can be more affective than brute force although that is a part of it.

I collected the paintings of the seven Mythra and took them to the lounge room and hung them on the wall in line, then covered them all but the first with white cloths leaving only the one to be seen, this was the first of the series and was called 'Consent and Submission'. It was a painting of a white dove in flight with wings and tail spread open and clasped in it's beak was a length of chain with a shackle at each end, the background was of a pale blue slowly fading into a slightly darker shade near the bottom.

This was to be the first painting the boy would get to see and if things went further then he would slowly see the others as he progressed through the different stages. Saturday arrived as it does every week and I sat in the longe room waiting for my guests. At five minutes to ten the door bell rung and I went to open up, Bryan stood there with two adults and the most beautiful lad I had seen in many years. He was about 5'1" [1.60 cm] tall, slightly golden skin – by looking at his father I could see where the Maori blood had come from – dark hair just over his eyes and soft brown eyes with a look of hesitancy in them, his body was slim and firm but I could make out the few light scars from some of the beatings Bryan had talked about on his cheek and nose.

"Hello Bryan, I see you made it, come in, don't want to natter on the doorstep."

I let everyone into the small alcove that was the entranceway and stopped for introductions.

"Thanks James, this is Steve, my brother inlaw and of course you know sue my sister, and this is 3;"

"That's enough for the moment Bryan, I don't need the boy's name, he hasn't earnt the right yet to use his name here."

Sounds bad doesn't it, but I had decided on shock tactics with the boy from the beginning and to this end I would then be able to gauge his passive streak. Steve and Sue looked at me with horror and shock at my rudeness but Bryan stepped in to ease their fears.

"I think it's ok you two, James knows what he's doing."

"Thank's Bryan, would you like to take them both through to the lounge while I tell the boy what's expected of him?"

I had fixed a glare on the boy, looking right into his eyes and within seconds he was looking at the floor, I waited until the others were in the lounge then began his first of the tests.

"Come here boy, stand in front of me with both feet on that white square, heels together toes pointed outward at 45°, lift your head up and look at me, put your hands behind your back and clasp your fingers together."

The boy moved to the spot I had pointed out then lifted his head until he was looking into my eyes and as I stared at him there was a misty look coming into his.

"You know why you're here, boy?"

"N 3; n 3; no 3; sir"

"In that case I'll tell you, you're here to do what your told, by me, got that?"

"Y 3; y 3; yes 3; sir"

"Don't drop your eyes boy, look at me when I talk to you."

"Y 3; y 3; yes 3; sir"

"This is what you're going to do, you will stand there without moving, you will not speak unless I tell you to, you will answer me smartly as sir at all times is that clear?"

"Yes sir."

"Ok stay there till I come and get you, you don't move from that spot unless I come for you."

"No sir."

I left the boy there and made my way into the lounge to talk with the others and to explain to them the need for the earlier performance.

I relaxed into my chair and poured out a coffee noting that Bryan had already done the same for the others.

"Sorry for that Steve, Sue, it was just a test to see his reactions, it's early yet and we have a couple more to do and some of it may be a little embarrasing for you but I'll ask you to keep calm as anything I do or say is to find out what I need to know and to see it I can help him and you both with his problem."

Steve took the lead and answered for them both.

"Thanks James for seeing us, yeah it was a bit of a shock but Bryan swears you are probably the best one to try to find out what's wrong with him."

"Don't get it wrong Steve, there's nothing wrong with him, he just may see things a bit different from others, that's what I'm going to find out, now if as I suspect he is a submissive and you wish me to look after him, you do realise that he will have to move in here?"

"Yes Bryan said that it might be needed."

"What about his schooling?"

"Well he's only got a few years to go and I have a feeling he'll want to leave."

"Is that what you want for him?"

"No, of course not, we want him to go as far as he can, it's just this thing that's going on in his head we didn't think he would want to."

"Ok. fair enough, we'll leave that one for now, ok what I'm going to do now is to see how far he wants to go, again I'll ask you to say nothing, I want you to try to make it look as though you agree with everything I'm saying or doing, I won't hurt him but it can get a little hot at times but again I ask you to keep your cool for him if not for yourselves."

"Ok, James we're ready to try anything, he's a good kid, but all this stuff is driving us crazy, I've never lifted a hand to him, but I don't think I can keep doing it."

"It may be just what he wanted you to do Steve, ever think of that?"

"You're not serious are you?"

"If he is a submissive then that's just what he would try to do, he wants to be dominated, he's not sick or anything like that, it's just the way he is."

"Sorry James this is all a bit strange is all."

"Yes I understand Steve, by the way what is his name?"


"Ok, don't let on that I know, ok then here we go, just remember stay calm regardless of what happens."


"BOY, come here."

Eric came into the room his hands still clasped behind his back head up looking straight into my eyes ignoring the others there.

"Tell me boy, what was the instructions I gave you out there?"

"Sir, I was to stay on that white square until you told me to move and I was not to speak unless you told me to."

"And did you follow my orders exactly?"

"Yes sir."

"Tell me boy, if you were lying should you be punished?"

"Yes sir, but I didn't lie."


"I didn't lie sir"

"You're lying to me now aren't you boy?"

"No sir."

"Yes you are boy."

"Yes I am sir."

The misty look was coming over his face again mixed with confusion at the way the conversation was going.

"Do you know how I know you're lying boy?"

"No sir."

"I told you to wait till I came to get you, isn't that right?"

"Yes sir."

"And you ran in here like a wild animal as soon as I called, right?'

"Yes sir."

"So you lied to me, didn't you boy?"

"Yes sir, I lied to you sir."

"I also told you not to speak unless I said that you could, that right?"

"Yes sir."

"So you lied about that to didn't you boy?"

"Yes sir."

"So why are you chattering away like a rooster in the barnyard boy?"

"You are asking me to answer sir."

"If I want an answer I will say, speak, do you understand?"

"Y 3;"

Eric suddenly caught on to the game and nodded his head in agreement.

"Well it's too late now boy, you disrespected me in front of your parents and you lied like all small boys do, isn't that right?"

Hasty nodding.

"So if you're bad you should be punished, that right?"

Again the nodding head but this time a deep sigh of satisfaction and a glazing over of the eyes told me all I needed to know but I had to do this right for the sake of the peace of mind of the two parents.

"From now on boy, when I want an answer you will blink once for yes, twice for no, you will drop your head one inch as a sign of respect for me, you understand?"

One blink and a small nod of the head followed. I maintain a steady hard glare into his eyes never wavering letting him know that one movement would be noted.

"Right boy, place your hands on top of your head clasped as before, pull your shoulders back and spread your elbows to the side, this is the sign of present. When ever I address you, you will stand like that, now go over to that wall in front of that picture facing it with your feet in the same positon as before, you will stand there while I decide what your punishment will be. I don't want to hear a sound from you or see one movement, you understand me boy?"

The blink and small nod.

"Go now."

Eric moved over to the painting and I turned to talk to his parents giving them a wink and a smile as I did so and mouthed the words 'play along'.

"So what do you think Steve, what would you do with a liar?"

"Well James, I'm not sure, but I'll go along with what ever you think is right."

"What about you Sue, any ideas?"

"Uhm, well James, my mother used to wash out our mouths with soap, but I don't think that's enough for him."

I smiled as she made the concerted effort not to say his name.

"Hmmm well I think I have just the thing, I'll be back in a minute, just got to get something from the back room."

I went to the room leaving the door open and selected a heavy whip giving it a good loud crack which echoed in the house, then also put a pair of cuffs in my pocket and returned to the lounge carrying the whip openly in my hand.

"this should sort out our little problem, don't you think boy?"

Eric turned his head and the look of horror and then pleading came over his face as he looked from the whip up to my face, only to see me glaring at him.

"I told you not to move boy, that's going to be an extra five."

I let the heavy whip uncoil on the floor as I moved past him, the horror and terror in the eyes of his parents was evident from the momnet I walked in the door. Steve was the first to speak.

"My god James, he's only a boy, you can't use that on him."

"Why not Steve, he's a liar and he has no respect for people?"

"But that's a full bull whip."

"He has to learn Steve, so no time like now."

"B 3; b 3; but 3;"

"Come here boy."

Eric turned looking me straight in the eye head up, a mixture of fear and excitment showing in his face as he came and stood as he had been instructed before, his gaze never leaving my own.

"What you think boy, you deserve this?" I shook the whip in front of him."Speak."

"Yes sir, it's what I deserve, I'm a liar sir."

"You think you would like this then boy? speak."

"Yes sir I would like that very much sir."

"Well boy you're not going to get something you would like, this is punishment time not fun time."

I threw the whip on the floor but in full sight for him, his eyes were trying to waver to see it and then I thought it was time for the real first happy time for him, I looked over at his parents to see the look of sheer relief on their faces, I smiled at them amd winked.

"Well boy time for your punishment, you lied to me three times and you broke the rule I set you four times so that's a total of seven times you failed to show respect to meand your parents, is that right? speak."

"Yes sir that's correct."

"So five strokes for each offense sound right to you? speak."

"Yes sir it is a fair amount sir."

"Right drop your pants and underpants, then turn around with your hands behind your back as before."

"Mmmy underpants sir?"

"Five more for speaking boy, now do it."

Shaking with embarrasment and the fear of not knowing how the strokes wqere going to come, Eric began to drop his pants and underwear, blushing and trying to hide himself form Steve, Sue and Bryan.

"Hurry up boy and stand up straight hands behind you."

Eric blushing with the embarrasment and have no way to hide himself did as he was told and a clamped the hand cuffs on him which created an instant erection and more shame.

"Now boy, come here and lay over my knees."

Eric stumbled as he tried to obey and as he knelt down I took hold of the cuffs to lift his arms and open up the way for an old fashioned bum smacking.

"So it's now forty strokes boy, that right? speak."

"Yes sir."

"Count them out boy."

I lowered my hand for the first time squarely over his beautiful round tight butt, square in the middle between both cheeks and as I made contact I could feel his erection jump hard against my leg. I glanced over at the other three only to see an amused look on all their faces.

"Does he get the whole lot James?" Steve asked.

"Yes Steve he has to learn to do as I say, this is the best way for him to remember."

I had purposely stopped after the first one to let him think about it and as I felt a soft sigh come from him I gave him number two on the left cheek which made him jump at the unexpected sharp slap, and then waited again to talk to the others.

"So what do you think Steve, Sue, you want to leave him with me for a while to get him to tell the truth and show respect for you?"

Steve gave a small smile as he could see Eric's face and the reaction he was giving to the punishment.

"Well Sue what do you think, Personally I think James is just what he needed, don't you?"

"Yes Steve, I think he's in good hands now."

"Well James how long do you want him around?"

"Wait, I'll ask the boy, boy how long you want to stay here? speak."

"As long as you'll have me here sir."

With that answer I gave him a left right center combination of three harder than the first ones, this time he let out a squeal that was almost of delight.

"Well boy that's the first five, but you didn't count them out, now I have to start all over again, this time you count and say thank you sir, speak."

"Yes sir, thank you sir, starting now sir."

Steve and Sue with Bryan arose and made to leave, Steve leaving a parting shot.

"Thanks again James, we'll send him some clothes over and make arrangements for his schooling here in Auckland, this is definitely what he needed, I totally agree with Bryan's decision to talk to you now, if it's ok with you we'll get started home, again thanks."

"Ok Steve, I'll keep you up to date as things go along."

"Ok thanks again bye for now, and say bye to the boy for us later."

"Will do Steve, drive safely. Now boy, you got some counting to do."


"One sir, thank you sir."

Chapter 2
Total Submissive

Whack "27 sir, thank you sir, oh, oh, arrrrgh"

I felt the wetnes of his orgasm as it spread down my thigh so I gave him a little extra to help.

Whack, whack, whack. Three sharp hard ones as his hard steel like rod shot out more onto my leg.


"Unnnhh, 30 sir, thank 3; nnnhhh 3; you sir"

"No boy, that was 28, you didn't count those last ones, we start at 28."

"Yes sir, 28 sir, thank you sir."

I continued with the basting as I looked down at those two golden globes , now a bright crimson red twitching as my hand decended again and again, his lythe little body shivering and wrything as I began to lay it on for the final count, his hard little penis all of 5" [12 cm] rubbing and throbbing still against my thigh.

"38 sir, thank you sir."

Now I felt it was time to finish it and still keep him hard with out cumming before the end.

Whack, whack.

"39 sir, 40 sir, thank you sir."

He was grinding his pelvis into my thigh harder each time trying to cum again but this was my time not his.

"Stop moving boy and stand up."

"Yes sir."

"Turn around and face the other way boy, no talking and don't move."

He stood in front of me, his knees turning to jelly as he vainly tried to stand erect, his little 5" [12 cm] like a pointer out in front of him, throbbing and dancing as his heart rate increased. I reached over and removed the cuffs, the red rings of them visible but not cut into his skin.


Eric snapped into his position, hands behind his head, elbows out, shoulders back as though he had been doing this all his short life, his smooth golden butt glowing fit to light up the room. I reached over to the side table and took the bottle of skin lotion I had put there, rubbing a fair amount in my hands I reached over and began to tenderly masage his very hot butt cheeks. As I cooled him down I started to slide my middle finger in his crack and very lightly over his tight little rose bud, his effort to stay standing was a credit to him as I hit that one place he had never thought of as being sensitive enough to bring him closer.

"Stand still boy, this is not for you, this is for me and don't you dare cum or I'll take the skin off your back with my friend on the floor."

Without him realising I had slowly eased him around a little until I could see the tip of his cock dripping precum and when I thought he could stand it no longer I removed my hands from his butt.

"Turn around boy."

"Did you like that boy?"

Blink, small nod, he learns fast, he was a total submissive. The final sign was to see he remembered all instructions to the letter. A boy with dominant traits lets his mind wander at times of arousal, whereas a total submissive will never forget even after only one instruction. Now for his good time, all scenes must end for the sub with a gesture to show he is important when not under orders.

"Lower your arms Eric it's done for today, come here to me?"

Eric turned toward me lowering his arms as the realisation hit that I knew his name all along, when he saw my arms open for him he moved closer to me.

"Just stand there Eric, I have something for you, you were so brave, I'm really impressed with you, a lot of boys your age would have cried by now, but you're really brave and strong, I'm very proud of you, now stay there I have something for you."

As I said this I moved forward on the chair and took his rock hard dick in my mouth, gentley and with soft strokes of my lips and tongue began to give him his present, poor kid he only lasted about 30 seconds and then was colapsing on the floor as he shot every thing he had into my waiting mouth, whimpering and moaning as his legs gave out under him, I reached for him and took him in my arms pulling him up to my chest, kissing his forhead and rubbing his back through his shirt.

"You're so brave, I'm so proud of you Eric, you're such a good young man, I love you Eric."

"Oh Master I love you too."

"No Eric you don't call me Master or Sir unless we're doing a scene or if there is another master or slave here, now you just call me James, Ok?"

"Ok James, thank you so much, I thought I would never find anyone to look after me like you did."

"I know Eric, it's hard for someone like you."

Eric had by now climbed onto my lap and was sitting with a leg either side of mine as he scrunched in closer to me, his arms about my neck, his face and lips caressing my ear and cheek.

"You made a bit of a mess on me didn't you, kiddo?"

"Oh I'm so sorry James, but you were making me feel so wanted and so good I just couldn't stop it."

"It's ok kiddo, this was your first time so I knew you would not be able to help it, but you have to remember this that you are not allowed to ever cum unless I say so, that means no wanking at night either, that's the one thing you can never do unless I say so, if we are doing a scene or not you never cum without permission ok?"

"Yes James, I will really try not to."

"No Eric, it's not a case of try not too, it's the one rule that applies at all times, you do not cum without permission, ever."

"Yes James, never without permission, I understand."

"Then please remember this Eric, the penalties for disobeying this one rule are very severe."

"Yes James."

"Good man, now I'm hungry, what about you?"

"I'm starving."

"Thought you might be, so what will it be, I don't feel like cooking today so is it pizza or kentucky chicken?"

"Ok kiddo, there's the phone, order anything you like, the number is on the pad, I have an account there, tell them it's for me and they will take care of it, mine's a double peperoni with double cheese."

"Can I really have anything James, even two of them?"

"Ha ha ha yes kiddo today only you can have anything."

"Thanks James, I love you."

"Ok now go order before you become the meal for me, oh by the way, you might as well ditch the shirt, you look better with nothing on, just don't go in front of the windows too often, the neighbour is over 80 years old."

With a pull and a stretch the shirt disappeared and his frame was to die for when seen in the all together and as he went to the phone I was wishing my erection would go down a little so I could stand but I had decided that today was going to be his day and that my satisfaction would come later.

When the pizza arrived Eric brought it to the coffee table in front of me and laid it out, no cutlery or plates this was going to be an oldfashion finger licker, the only way to eat pizza, I leaned over for the first piece and then noticed Eric still standing beside me, not eating or reaching for the food.

"What's the matter, kiddo?"

"James, can I sit down there on the floor between your legs?"

"Why you want to sit there Eric, there's a nice soft chair over there, your butt might appreciate it."

"It's just I sort of think I would like it more to sit down there with you."

"Would you feel more comfortable there?"

"Yes I think I would feel better to be there."

"You're a good lad, and yes it is right for you to sit there, ok come on bog in, it's getting cold."

Eric slithered down onto the floor in front of me, leaning back against the edge of the chair, as his butt hit the floor he gave a little gasp and wriggle, I looked down at him as he lifted his head back toward me.

"What's the matter kiddo?"

"My bum's a bit hot."

"Oh really, how did you get a hot bum?"

"Oh James, I was a bit naughty and a told a lie to this nice man and he paddled me good, so now my bum's all red and hot."

"Hmmm, he must be a nice guy, if you play up I'll have to get him back again to sort you out."

I sat and watched the dreamy look come over his face as he remembered this afternoon, after he had inhaled the first five pieces of his pizza he again turned up to me.


"Mrumph" Pizza does that to you when your mouth is full.

"This is good sitting down here like this, I feel all comfortable and safe, it's like I've found where I should be."

"That's good Eric, but for now just enjoy, today is a free day but tomorrow your training really begins and you will have a lot to learn very quickly, ok?"

"Yes James, I can feel your love from here, I'll do anything for you, really."

"Yes kiddo I know you will."

I didn't bother to add the bit about 'one way or the other' but I had the feeling that OI had just struck gold in this beautiful boy at my feet, to find a total submissive is very rare and is to be treasured above all else as when found they will not go to anyother person but the first master they have, their devotion to their first master is unbreakable, I had met only one other total before and when his master of nine years had died in a car accident he had left a note stating that he would rather take his own life than go to another master, they found his body three days later from an overdose of pills clutching his masters favourite scene gear in his arms.

After the pizza's were demolished all bar two pieces of his second one, for a little guy of about 120 lbs [55 kg] he had secret holes to put food into, we settled back and I switched on the TV for the evening news as he cuddled around me legs and began to doze with a purring sound deep in his throat as thought to say 'I'm safe' as he dozed off I reached down and lifted him to my lap, he hardly stirred as I held him to my chest, tonight he would sleep in my bed so he had a good feeling of being loved and of being safe at last.

By 9.30pm I was also ready for bed so lifting my boy in my arms I carried him to my room and placed him in the bed, his eyes partly opened as I pulled the sheet up around him.

"It's ok Eric, tonight you sleep here with me, tomorrow things will have to change, now settle down I'm just going to do few things for the morning and then I'll be back."

"Hmmm, love you,mmmmmm, night, ahhhhh."

He sank back into the pillows as I left to rearrange his new room and check that everything was working as it had when Cameron was in there, I had a few secrets in there that needed checking, sneaky but needed to keep him on his mettle and also to keep him honest with the rules he would learn in the morning.

I returned to the bed and got in naked as I never slept with clothes on, I don't like the restrictions when I'm sleeping, Eric in his sleep must have felt me lay down and instantly moved next to me and rolled over till his butt was hard against my groin and then melded the rest of his body to mine until we were almost one person, I placed my arm over his chest and held him close as he sighed and snuggled in as close as he could, I reached over with my lips and kissed him on top of his head then fell into a deep satisfying sleep, the next day was going to be frantic and I'd need all the rest I could get.

Chapter 3
Bonded Slave

I awoke in the morning with the feel of a rigid member jabbing me in the back, my boy was feeling the effects of teenage morning rise, I leaned over and shook his shoulder.

"Come on kiddo time to get up."

"Mmmph, morning James."

"Morning Eric, come on, time to rise and shower we have a lot to do today, oh and no playing around in the shower."

Eric jumped out of bed, his flag pole leading the way to the shower. I rose and went to the second wardrobe and unlocked the door, inside was the internal security monitors, I switched on camera number two and watched as Eric got into the shower still at full mast. I guessed it would take about two minutes before he couldn't resist any longer, he's a tough kid, he lasted three minutes then his hand moved downward, time to move.


Eric snapped to attention in the shower as the water tumbled over him.

"BOY, what did I tell you, no playing in the shower, right?"

Blink, nod.

"For disobeying me you will not cum for one week and you will recieve ten strokes. If you cum again without my permission I will add a week everytime you do, now finish your shower, dry off and come to the lounge."

Blink, nod.

I left him there to finish and went into the back room for the last of the equipment for the rest of the days events and to pick up my favourite answer to disobedience. As I sat drinking my first coffee Eric returned and stood before me at present waiting.

"Rest position boy."

Eric dropped to his knees, his back arched, shoulders back, elbows high, hands clasped behind his head, his hard little penis out in front.

"You ignored my orders boy for that you will recieve ten strokes, get up and fetch my paddle over there on the side board."

The paddle was made from kwilla, a very hard wood, the overall length was 18" [45 cm], 6" [15 cm] of that was a heavy handle the rest was the blade, shaved very thin and with six small holes drilled down the center of it's 5" [12 cm] width, the blade was very flexable and it was never used on a young person for more than fifteen strokes as after that the holes left some very nasty marks, this was the ultimate attitude changer but had to be applied with care, especially for a boy as young and lightly built as Eric. I took the paddle from Eric's hand when he returned his hands shaking nervously, the dark wood of the paddle had an intensity all it's own.

"Rest, boy."

Again he went to his knees.

"You will turn side on to me facing to my left, 3; now place your head on the floor, keep your hands behind your head, this is the position of penitence, it is the third position, Now lift your butt a little higher."

Eric tucked his knees a bit more underneath himself, lifting his butt up further.

"Count them off boy."


"Yeoow, one sir." First sob.


"Arrgh, two sir." Sobs


"Arrrrgghh, three sir." Heavy sobbing.

"Quiet boy, keep it to yourself."

Crack, with this one Eric had moved about a foot along the floor.

"Mmmgph, four sir."

"Come back here boy, stop trying to run away."

Crack, crack.

"Mmmgghhng, five sir, six sir." Tears of pain were now flowing freely.


"Mmmgrngph, seven sir, oohh, aahh, ngngh, aahhh."

The last came as Eric's erection let fly splashing cum all over the carpet.

"That's two weeks worth boy, I told you not to come unless I told you."

Crack, crack.

"Arrgh, eight sir, nine sir."

I looked again, Eric was still rock hard his spent cum still dripping on the floor.


"Oohh, aaahh, ten sir."

"Stay there, boy."

I reached for the lotion again and began to rub gentley on his smarting rump, the line of small semi hole marks across his butt was almost attractive, when the cooling down was finished I sat back in the chair.

"Stand at present boy."

Eric got up trying not to be tempted to rub his sore spots.

"Ok Eric, come here kiddo, are you ok?"

"Ooohh James, my bum's sore as hell."

"Do you think you will forget the lesson then?"

"Not in a hurry I don't think."

"Well you see you came again?"

"I couldn't stop it, it just kept coming out."

"You have to learn to comtrol it Eric."

"Yes, but you do all these things to me and it makes me want to just keep doing it."

"Ok kiddo, but you'll learn. Now let's get some breakfast, we have a lot to do today and you'll need a good meal, come on."

We went into the kitchen where I started his breakfast and I had another coffee. I made him bacon and eggs with plenty of toast and marmelade and two large glasses of juice.

"I'll have another coffee please, Eric."

"Yes, James."

Taking my mug he refilled it then returned to his seat to finish eating. After the kitchen was cleaned we went into the lounge and I sat Eric in a chair facing away from the wall with the paintings.

"Right Eric, I've some things to tell you, you must listen carefully and remember everything as I'm only going to tell it once, so you must concentrate."

"Yes James."

"Now yesterday when you came in here I sent you to stand by the wall over there, no don't turn around, tell me what you saw?"

"Well there was a painting of a bird."

"Is that all you saw of it just a bird?"

"Well no, it was a blue painting and in the middle was a white bird like a pidgeon flying and it had a chain in it's beak and the colour changed to dark blue at the bottom."

"Very good Eric, that painting is called a Mythra, that's spelt M-Y-T-H-R-A. It's one of seven that I live and work by, that one is the first and it's called 'Acceptance and Submission'. The pale blue represents the life you have come from, without colour, the darker blue is the life you are entering into if you accept, the bird is a dove, which is the symbol or purity and honour the chain is the sign of submission. In this case you're the dove, pure and I hope honorable. Now we have a ceremony to perform for you as well as I, if we're going to be together, so do you think you're ready?"

"Yes James."

"Present, now dove of purity, stand before the first of the seven Mythra, May They Preserve."

I stripped out of my clothes, for this part we were both to be naked as sign of openess, once stripped I moved over in front of Eric.

"Dove of purity, under the sign of the Mythra, May They Preserve, do you accept me James as your master and protector?"

"Sir I do accept you as my Master."

"Dove of purity, before the Mythra, May They Preserve, do you swear to obey and follow my teachings and to show honour to myself and the Mythra, May They Preserve?"

"Sir I so swear."

"Dove of honour, by the Mythra, May They Preserve, do you freely submit to me, James as your master, to show honour and obedience to myself?"

"Sir I freely submit to you as my Master and will honour and obey you in all things."

"Dove of purity and honour, with this collar I take you as my slave, to protect, teach and to fulfill you wants and needs."

I proceeded to fit Eric with his collar, the outer leather was of black on the outside with a core of thin stainless steel, one end with an oval ring welded to it and the other end had four slots for the ring to fit through and enable a padlock to be fitted. On the front was a silver disk with a picture of the dove engraved on it. The inside of the collar was made from a soft kid leather, after fitting it I stepped back.

"With the fitting of this collar I give you the signet for a bonded slave and do avow to protect you and fulfill you wants and needs."

"Bonded slave Eric, as a sign of my good faith I give to you your safe word, and that word is 'Saphire' this word is yours to use when you safety is in doubt. It is to be given to no other and can not be taken from you, only by your volantary discharge can it be given back to me. It is your protection from myself and all others, if you accept this your safe word then say after me, 'I Eric, as a bonded slave to my Master James do accept my safe word, and that word is 'Saphire'.'"

"I Eric, as a bonded slave to my Master James do accept my safe word, and that safe word is 'Saphire'."

"Bonded slave Eric, repeat your acceptance."

Again Eric repeated word for word the acceptance.

"Bonded Slave Eric, as a further sign and in the interest of your safety I also give you your go slow, and that word is 'Granite' to be used in times of temporary difficult. Should you accept this your go slow then repeat after me 'I Eric, as a bonded slave to my Master James do accept my go slow and that word is 'Granite'.'"

"I Eric, as a bonded slave to my Master James do accept my go slow, and that word is 'Granite'."

"Bonded slave Eric, repeat your acceptance."

Again he repeated word for word his acceptance.

"Bonded slave Eric, at the use of either word I will on my honour desist in any activity so being engaged in should you utter these words, however they may not be used lightly and must never be given to another, on my honour I will obey them at all times if used."

"As a sign of faith you may ask of me what you will?"

"Master hold me, please."

"Yes Eric, come here my boy let me hug you, it's is over for this part, let's have a rest and you can ask me anything you're not clear on before we continue."

Eric relaxed into my arms as I enclosed him in my arms and then moved over to a chair to rest and to listen to anything he had to say.


"Yes Eric?"

"Do I wear this collar all the time, even at school?"

"Yes Eric, people don't need to know what it stands for, it is private for you and I only, and the only time it comes off is when you shower."

"What are the Mythra, are they more than just paintings?"

"Yes Eric, they are a way of life for people who believe in them. There are a lot of people out there into bondage and such, not all of them are trained and can do a lot of harm to others. Those of us who chose to follow this way are bound by its rules to never do serious harm to those who we're responsible for, as I am now for you, I can't throw you away. Only you can decide to finish our partnership, I'm bound to care for you as long as you wish to stay."

"Does that mean if I want to stay with you for the rest of my life you can't send me away?"

"Yes Eric, that's it exactly, I've accepted the responsiblity for your welfare and your care until you want to go."

"So I'm safe at last?"

"Yes kiddo, you're safe at last, you want a drink before we continue?"

"There's more?"

"Yes kiddo, one more very important part to go, now I need a drink so how about you?"

"Yes Master, I will get something for us now."

"Thank you Eric, Coke please and ice."

Chapter 4
Cuffs, Ring, Restraint and Earring

"Boy, you will stand before the second covered Mythra, you will spend your time rehearsing what was said to you earlier until you know every word and intent by heart. Do not move or make a sound, go now."

Eric in perfect position of present, went to face the second of the Mythra while I returned to the toy box and began to remove the rest of the days items, laying them out on the coffee table. The last of them I contemplated, it was not what I liked doing but it was part of who he now was and needed to be done. I reached for my clothes and dressed, ready for the next part of his ceremony. Once all was ready I moved over in front of him and removed the white cloth covering the second Mythra.

"Boy, this is the second of the seven Mythra, May They Preserve, It is called 'Honour Bound' the darker blue of the background represents your path into our world, the purple at the bottom is to tell you that there will be both pain and pleasure through your diligence, the dove standing on the hand is you being held in safety by my hand, the outspread wings and feet chained to the hand signifies your bondage to me, the erectness of the collared head shows that you honour your bondage, look deep into this the second Mythra and feel its message to you."

I left Eric standing there and could almost see him stand straighter as he took in the full meaning of the second of the Mythra. After ten minutes I began again, as I stood by the table with the final trappings of his servitude.

"Boy, come to me."

Eric turned, his flag pole waving before him as he came to stand before me, his eyes glazed, back arched, elbows spread wide, shoulders back, he stood unwavering before me.

"Bonded slave Eric, you now stand under the protection of the Mythra, May They Preserve, and I your Master, as you have shown favourably in your initiation I give to you these final signets as a sign of full acceptance by me and to denote your status as my protected slave."

I turned to the table and picked up the four cuffs, two for his wrists, two for his ankles.

"Bonded slave Eric, do you accept from my hand these signets, to be worn as your sign of honour and devotion to myself as your Master and to the Mythra as your guiding light?"

"Master, I accept your signets."

"Then bonded slave Eric, stand firm while I attach them, as once done they can not be removed by anyother but myself."

The cuffs were a matching set with the collar and made to the same specifications, their inner core was of thin stainless steel, on one end a small oblong ring and at the other there were four slots cut through to allow for adjustment. The core was covered underneath with a softer kind leather and the outer was covered with shiney hard wearing black leather, in the center on the outside was a disc with the dove engraved on it. The cuffs were fixed with small padlocks and as he grew they would be adjusted until he reached his full growth then they would be replaced with permanent ones that would be riveted into place.

I fixed first one then the other to his wrists as he stood, eyes glazed over, his 5" [12 cm] showing how he felt about it as I locked the cuffs into place.

"Bonded slave Eric, place your feet on the table one at a time."

Although this caused him to be a little unbalanced it was done so that I would not appear to him to be bowing to him as I fitted his ankle cuffs by bending down to the floor.

"Bonded slave Eric, with these the first of four signets you are bound by your honour to serve your Master and the Seven Mythra, May They Preserve, do you accept them as they are given?"

"Master, I accept them as given."

"Bonded slave Eric, give me your right hand."

Eric lowered his right hand keeping his left behind his head, presenting his fingers to me. I took up the gold ring and although a little tight on him I placed it on his middle finger.

"Bonded slave Eric, with this the second signet I bind you to me and the Seven Mythra, May They Preserve, that all will know you are spoken for, do you accept this the second signet?"

"Master, I accept this the second signet."

After speaking he returned his hand to its place behind his head, persperation was streaming down his face, his beautiful body taut with the excitment of the occassion. I reached to the table taking up his restraint cod piece, this was also made of soft leather, on the inside was a small steel tube fitted into a pouch at the bottom of the triangle with a strap running from the bottom and at the waist two straps with the same steel core as the collar and cuffs to be fitted with a padlock the same as the others. I sat on the edge of the table so he could stand in front of me and at the right height.

"Bonded slave Eric, as a sign of your devotion do you accept this the third signet, to be fitted and to remind you that your pleasure is my pleasure and at my discretion?"

"Master, I accept this the third signet."

"Then stand before me."

Eric came to stand in front of me and I could see the look in his eyes as he tried to work out how I could fit his rigid member into the cod piece. I reached under his scrotum and pressed against a nerve in his upper thigh and as he twitched I flicked a finger nail under his glans. His hard erection disappeared and as he was flaccid I placed his soft dick into the tube, running the waist straps behind his back and hooking the padlock through the ring but leaving it open, then reaching trough his tender young thighs I placed the remaining crotch strap between his legs and up to join the waisband finally locking them both in place.

Now was the time for the last one and it was the only one I disliked but true to the calling it had to be done or the ceremony would not be complete and my responsiblility to him and the Mythra would mean nothing. I reached for the last item.

I took up in my hand the earring, it was a ring of high tensile stainless steel and once fitted would need cutters to get it off, from it hung a gold disc egain angraved with the dove on one side and the letter J on the other. I opened my hand so that Eric could see it clearly and know what was to be done. This was it, now or never, if he refused it, then it would all end here.

"Bonded slave Eric, do you accept the placing of this the fourth and final signet?"

I thought he would take a little time over this, it was not to painful to fit but the mind could play many funny tricks on a young boy, to my surprise Eric never wavered.

"Master, I accept the placing of this the fourth and final signet."

I turnd to the table and took up the clamp and needle, placing the clamp onto his left ear I pressed the needle close, then with a quick movement pushed it through. A shudder ran through his body as the needle pierced his ear lobe, working quickly I inserted the ring and clamped it closed with the pliers. Finished I stepped back to look at this magnificent boy, now adorned in all his finery, it was truly a magnificent sight. Fe stood there, a small tear in his eyes, collared, cuffed, double ringed, and restrained, glowing with pride, erect and firm in his posture.

"Bonded slave Eric, as a sign of my devotion to you, you may ask of me anything and I may not refuse you."

"Master, anything?"

"Yes slave this one time you may have anything and I can not refuse you."

"Master, kiss me please?"

Of all the things he could have asked for and would have been given this one surprised me the most. Others would have asked to have had a sexual release but this boy only wanted a kiss. He was truly worth his weight in gold, I reached out and took him in my arms, lowering my mouth to cover his as he reached upward to meet me, I closed my lips over his and pushed inward with my tongue, tasting and savouring his youth and freshness. I made the kiss last as long as I could for him, puting into it all the love and feeling I could for him. When at last we broke apart I looked at the time, it was nearly five o'clock in the afternoon, both of us were now exhausted from the rigors of the day.

"It's over Eric, we need to rest. Come we'll go and get something to eat and then have a rest in front of the TV for a while. How do you feel?"

"I feel exhausted as well, but also happy and excited, but most of all I feel as though I belong, my mind's not going round in circles like it used to. It's sort of like last night when you made me cum, all electric but peaceful."

"So you're happy with our partnership then?"

"Oh James yes, yes it's everything I ever wanted, and all this feels so good to wear. Uhm, one thing?"


"Well, it's ahh this thing, round my waist, what if I have to go, you know?"

"Oh, is that all, well you ask me and I take you then when you're finished I lock it up again."

"Oh, ok, ahhm, what about the other stuff, you know, sex?"

"Well Eric, from now on I'm the only one to have fun, unless I feel you deserve it, at the moment you have two weeks of abstinenece to do for your earlier punishment."

His face fell almost to his knees.

"You mean that was real, I can't do anything for two weeks, not once?"

"Not once, my little love, I've got to keep you on edge from now on, keeps your mind on what you're doing."

"Oh well I suppose I deserve it, I was bad wasn't I?"

"Yes you were." (soft laugh)

"Come on let's get those eats ready."

After dinner as we sat on the sofa, Eric wrapped in my arms as he lay on my lap snuggling close I wondered if he would be so relaxed if he knew what the night was going to bring.


"Yes James?"

"Tonight your new life really begins, I'm going to have to do a few things tonight so that you can learn what is expected of you."

"What are they, James?"

"Have you ever had an enema?"

"No what's that?"

"It's a process whereby I clean you out from the inside, it's a little uncomfortable at first but you'll get used to it."


"You know that sooner or later we will be having anal sex, don't you?"

A smile came over his handsome face.

"Ohh, yes."

"Well you're very young and I'm going to have to make you be able to take me. I not overlarge but I want you to feel comfortable and not be hurt, so I'm going to have to start to loosen you up with plugs."

"What're plugs?"

"They're made of rubber and start off small then as you're able to take them I'll increase the size till you're ready."

"Mmmmm, ok, will it hurt alot?"

"No not much, I'll be very careful. Now the other thing is that from tonight you'll sleep in the other room unless I tell you to come to me. You'll be given instructions to follow while in that room. You already know what happens if you don't follow them exactly."

"Yes James."

"Now, tomorrow night we're going to have a guest to celebrate your initiation, you're to remember everything you learnt today and be on your best behaviour, ok?"

"Yes James, I'll try to make you proud of me."

"I know you will kiddo, I'm already very proud of you, today was special for me as it was for you, now come on relax and enjoy while we can before we start getting you ready for the night."

Eric snuggled down on my chest again, arms loosely around my chest, head on my shoulder rubbing his cheek on my shirt.

Chapter 5
First Night

At nine thirty I looked down at Eric and saw his eyes open so I suggested it was time for bed but first we had a few things to take care of, so getting him to stand up I told him to follow me as I made my way to the bathroom, it was time for the next phase of his education into being a submissive. When we arrived in the bathroom I took a seat on the closed lid of the toilet, and as he stood before me I still marvelled at his beauty, he was calm and waiting to see what was about to happen.


Eric jumped into his position looking so sexy and attractive in his new gear.

"Now boy, this is the beginning of your inhouse training, what we're going to do now you will carry out everyday before you leave the house for school."

I took the key that was on a chain around my neck showing it to him.

"This is the only key for your locks, it's a master key so I only have to carry one. Now I'm going to unlock everything and you will take them off as I do so, you'll place them on the vanity there in order with the padlock beside them closed, understand?"

Blink, nod.

Getting him to lift one foot at a time onto my knee I removed the ankle cuffs, then the wrist cuffs, followed by his collar and at last his restraint. His erection stood at attention as soon as the restraint was removed, throbbing with his heart beat.

"Now boy into the shower and wash thoroughly, don't play with yourself, shampoo your hair then stand at present and leave the water running, go."

Eric turned on the water making sure it was at the right temprature, then entered the shower as I watched. When all was done he stood at present as the water continued to run down his slim little body.

"Move to the front of the shower, boy."

I reached for the lather and razor on the vanity chest and made my way over to him, the look on his face as he realised what was about to happen was priceless although a little scared. Then it changed to resignation as he knew there was no way out. He was going to loose his pubic and underarm hair whether he liked it or not, it didn't take long but he did look cute when he was hairless as a new born baby.

"Ok boy, rinse off and come stand over here and dry off."

When he was dry enought to my satisfaction I reached into the cupboard of the vanity, taking out the bag and length of tubing with a rudder nozzel.

"Do you know what this is boy?"

Two blinks and nod

"This is an enema kit, we're going to clean you out now and you'll do it yourself every morning from now on, you'll lay over my legs when I've filled it, you watch closely as I do it so you'll know tomorrow."

I showed him how to make sure the temprature was not to hot and how much soap to add then sat down again as he prepared to lay over my lap. Once he was in position I got the lube from the vanity and liberally covered the nozzel then began to rub some onto his little tight rose bud while he squirmed and wriggled in delight at the new sensation of having his hole stroked. Then I began to ease my finger in. He jerked as he felt the first penetration he had ever had from that end but soon relaxed as I worked my finger and the lube slowly deeper, stretching him as I did so. By now his moans and thrusts against my leg were becoming louder and harder.

"Don't you cum boy, you hold it in or else."

"Ugnh, sir, argh, sir."

I pulled out my finger enough to give me room to start the second finger, now he was trying to thrust back against them as they worked their way inside deeper.

"Ok boy now the nozzel, I'm going to take it real slow for you, if it hurts you at all you can ask me to slow down, don't wait for my permission to speak, ok?"

"Gnnngh, yes sir."

The nozzel was only six inches [15 cm] long but would be enough for his first time, I would later put the ten inch [25 cm] nozzel on when he was used to doing it by himself. There was resistance at first as the nozzel began to enter him but it didn't take long before he relaxed and it entered a lot easier as I took it very slowly and with the odd little twist it eased in nicely. When it was fully in I left it there until he was really comfortable.

"Are you ok now boy?"

"Yes sir, ooohhh it feels quite nice now."

I reached up and loosened the spigot tap to let the first of the liquid begin to fill him and as it got to half way began to rub his stomach gentley. I had prepared a small three inch [8 cm] butt plug for him, not a lot but enough at this time to start to get him used to the feel of it inside him. He was going to spend a lot of time with one so he might as well get used to it now.

"You ok boy?"

"Oh sir I'm so full, I'm going to burst."

"Hold on boy, not much more."

His little five inches [12 cm] was now hanging down slack as his belly swelled out more and more. Then the last of the wash was inside him and as I sqeezed the bag to get the last drops out he began to moan with the fullness of it all.

"Now boy I'm going to take out the nozzel, don't let any water out when I do."

I eased out the nozzel readying the butt plug as I did so, his moans now a little louder.

"Now boy I'm going to put in a butt plug to hold the water in for a while. This is going to be uncomfortable but you'll get used to it and be able to do it yourself after a while."

I oiled up the butt plug and began to push slowly twisting as it began to enter until it pressed hard against his inner spincter muscle. His groan told me that it was more than he had bargained for but it had to be done, then as I pushed and twisted it broke through as he gave a yelp and then it was in, the base hard up against his hole.

"Ok boy, now go stand over there on the towel at present and wait till I tell you to move."

As Eric took his position on the towel the perspiration broke out on his face as the solution took effect, his legs began to shake and tension built on his face as the fullness overtook him.

I caught his eyes and held them with my own as the stomach cramps began to make themselves felt. His distended belly almost covering his now flacid 5" [12 cm] , groans of pain issued from between clenched teeth as the cramps became more intense.

"Look at me boy."

"Hold on."

"Come on show me how strong you are."

"Not long to go now."

Eric's beautiful face was now distorted with pain and his coloring had turned grey as he struggled on against the overwhelming pressure inside him. I rose from the toilet seat still looking him in the eye.

"Come here boy, stand by the toilet and bend over."

Eric did as he was told, the pain obvious on his face as he staggered to where I pointed and as he bent over I began to remove the plug.

"Hold your cheeks tight boy, don't loose any until I tell you to."

By this time Eric had the water in him for almost ten minutes and was close to collapsing on the floor as he valiantly tried to be brave for me.

"Ok boy sit and clean."

With a lound moan and an even louder gushing of water and faeces he let go. The smell didn't worry me over much, I'd been through this so many times I hardly noticed. At last he was finished his colour beginning to return but the look of pain still lingered on his face.

"Ok boy, tonight only, once will be enough. From tomorrow morning on you will do it twice, you will keep the water in you for five minutes each time, now under the shower and wash thoroughly. When you're dry come to me and we'll put the plug back in, you'll wear this plug all the time from now on or unless I give you another order, don't let me catch you without it."

Eric showered again and then bent over in front of me to have the plug returned, then, standing up he turned to me still at present waiting for the next order.

"Right, legs on the toilet seat, one at a time while I fix your cuffs, then your wrists and collar, once they're on you'll follow me to your bedroom and carry your restraint with you, tonight you'll sleep without it."

Eric's night was not going to be as he thought it might be, I had planned a long night for him with one of the oldest tricks in the book for a young sub, I had let him think that the next two weeks of abstinance would be just mind over matter, wrong, he was now going to find out what self control was.

"Lay down on the bed on your back, spread your arms and legs out as wide as you can get them. I'm going to leave you in that position and that's how you will sleep, do not move, do not play with yourself, do not cum, understand boy?"

Blink, nod.

"Good boy, see you in the morning."

I went to my own bedroom and opening the cabinet switched on camera one for the bedrooom. Cameron had lasted seven minutes the first night I had done the same to him but I had a feeling that Eric would last longer. There was a hidden tough streak in him and with the intiation today his will to succed was very strong. I sat back on my bed to watch. I was quite used to going three to four days without sleep so he was in a lose lose situation, oh well he'll learn.

Eric surprised me as he lasted twenty three minutes before his erection took over from his will power and he began to slowly move his right hand to his groin and the little flag pole standing there. I waited till it was in his hand and then moved silently to his room.

"BOY, is this how you show me honour?"

Blink, blink, blink, blink, face reddening, tears beginning to form.

"So you can't be trusted even with something so simple, right I've got the answer for you boy."

I reached over grabbing his right wrist and pulled it over his head to the bed rail, where conceald from casual observation were chains fitted with springloaded snap catches, snapping it to the ring on his cuffs I did the same with the left hand, then down to his ankles repeating the process.

"My boys don't cry until I tell them to."

I reached into my back pocket and took the blindfold out and tied it tight to his head leaving him in the dark.

"Seems you can't follow orders I'm going to make sure you don't do anything else silly."

From my side pocket I took out a ball gag and pushed it into his mouth buckling it behind his head.

"For disobeying me you will recieve ten strokes of the paddle in the morning and five in the evening in front of the guests, now do as you're told and go to sleep, next time I tell you to star-sleep you will not move, understand?"

Nod, nod, nod.

"Right go to sleep."

I returned to my room, I'll give him ten minutes and stir a little more. The whole house was not carpeted for nothing, I could move anywhere without making a sound. Ten minutes later I returned to his room with a long handled art brush with a mink tuft at the end. I began at his left ankle and lightly ran the brush up his leg, Eric nearly jumped off the bed bindings and all as the brush moved up his left leg across his scrotum and down his right leg, squirming and trying to moan through his gag. After five minutes of this precum was runing down his penis as he wrythed and groaned, when I thought he was close I stopped and quietly left the room, let me see half an hour should do it.

Half an hour later I went back and then proceeded to blow hot air over the head of his penis as it continued to produce his nectar, then taking it very slowly lowered my mouth over his throbbing head and millimeter by millimeter down his shaft till he was fully inside my hot mouth. I began to milk him slowly making long slow movements, then I felt him begin to tighten up as his orgasm came to close for him to bare. I stopped and left the room once again, by now he was like a wild animal, twisting and turning in his bindings.

By 5.00am I had visited him seven times, each with a different technique bring him to the point of release and then leaving him. At 5.30 I returned to his room, as I looked down at him, his blindfold soaked from his tears of frustration, his hard little 5" [12 cm] dick red and throbbing, his body covered in sweat.

"You sleep well boy, I'm going to let you up now, when I do you will stand at present for your orders."

I released his blindfold, gag and then his legs and arms and stepped back to allow him to stand, shaking from head to foot he made it onto his feet trembling but determined to follow orders. As he stood waiting I reached for his restraint and then did the same trick with his inner thigh nerve to get his erection down and fitted him into the belt, his groan was almost heartwarming in it's feeling.

"Well boy, you going to disobey me again when I tell you to sleep?"

Blink, blink, nod.

"Good boy, now go make my coffee while I shower, go."

I could see he wanted to go to the toilet but he had to learn to hold it so he might as well find out now. I went and had a longer than normal shower as he waited in the kitchen, I could smell the coffee from the bathrooom. Twenty minutes later I went throught to the kitchen.

"Stay there boy till I finish my coffee then we'll go and you can use the bathroom."

Of course I took my time having the coffee. It was the first of the day and he looked so cute hopping from one foot to the other still at present. I finished my coffee and stood up.

"Follow me boy."

Once in the bathroom I removed his cuffs and restraint as I had done the night before.

"You have ten minutes to piss and shower, move."

Everything was done in nine minutes and I replaced all his equipment then had him follow me to the kitchen where I poured another coffee and sat at the table.

"Ok Eric take it easy, get youself a coffee and come sit with me. You did very well for your first night, but we have something to do after breakfast, don't we?"

"Yes James, it's all my fault, I deserve the punishment, I'm sorry to let you down again."

"Hey it's ok kiddo, Cameron only lasted seven minutes the first night, so you did really well. You're going to be one of the best, I can tell. We just have to sort out a few things for you is all, I'm real proud of you though for you efforts."

"Are you really, I thought I let you down so badly, and then all during the night you came back so many times and did things, I thought I would die when you kept doing it to me."

"Don't worry, kiddo, you've only got thirteen more days left to go, he he he."


"Yes, Eric?"

"You going to do that stuff every night?"

"Maybe, 3; maybe not."

"Is this all training too?"

"Yes, you will learn to control your urges and your feelings after a while then the real good stuff begins."

"What's the good stuff like?"

"Oh that stuff is a surprise, now finish your coffee, 3; good boy, 3; now present, follow me to the lounge boy it's time to pay the piper, go and get the paddle and bring it to my chair."

Chapter 6

"Take the third position boy."

Eric lowered himself into the position of penitence, knees tucked under, his butt up in the air.

"Hmm, something's wrong here, 3; ah yes, stand up boy."

Eric rose to his feet once again, waiting.

"Go to the bathroom, on the top shelf there are some blue towels, bring one back here and lay it down on the floor, I don't want you making a mess on the carpet."

Eric scuttled away to the bathroom and soon returned with the towel and laid it out on the floor where he was going to be.

"Down boy, now when you feel the paddle on your butt you'll begin to count to forty slowly saying sir after each number, do not count the strokes, just count through to forty."

I hefted the paddle tapping it on my thigh so he could hear it, his tension and anticipation of the coming whack already showing in his muscles, a thin sheen of sweat breaking out on his skin, I lowered the paddle onto his butt resting it there, he gave a little start as it made contact.

"One sir."

"Two sir."

"Three sir."

I lifted the paddle and watched as he tensed his muscles ready for the contact, then lowered it to again rest gentley on his tightened butt, the tension of that first touch made him jump, the sweat now running freely down his back and thighs, his body tightening up waiting.

"Four sir."

"Five sir."

I lifted the paddle again six times as he counted, each time lowering it without force, he was now a quivering mess as his muscles became like steel ropes, sweat gathering in the hollows behind his knees as it ran down his butt and thighs, his back glistened with it as it pooled in the hollow of his back and ran down to his bent head to fall onto the towel below him.

"Tttttwenty ssssssseven ssssir."

The strain of waiting for the anticipated pain becoming to much as his voice cracked and stuttered out the call, I lifted the paddle for the eighth time and.


"Yeeoooooow, ungh."

The last sound was from the feeling of his butt plug being moved inside him at the strike of the paddle, and then he continued the count, at thirty five I again lifted the paddle and then lowered it without force to rest on the same spot as the previous hit, at thirty nine up went the paddle again, I could see he now knew that he was going to get the other nine all at once when he got to forty, as he said.

"forty sir."

His lythe little body tensed up further waiting for the sharp crack of the paddle, I brought it down so he could hear the swish through the air but at the last second before contact I eased up and just tapped him on the left cheek and said.


I looked down on him, sweating and quivering on the floor, his 5" [12 cm] shaft seemed to have grown to 6" [15 cm] , the head large and throbbing showing dark purple with the built up blood, the shaft thick and the veins distended pushing hard against the translucent skin, his precum was a continuous string from his slit to the towel where it pooled making a dark wet spot as did his sweat on the towel outlining his shape with it's wetness.

"Rest boy."

With a huge effort Eric forced himself up into position, his face was red from effort, the tears of stress and strain still ran down his face, his breathe coming in short pants and puffs as he tried to gather himself again.

"Stand up boy."

This last order took super human effort as his legs shook and threatened to give out under him as he tried to stand, his sheer will power forcing him upright, hands clenched behind his neck showing the white knuckles as he grasped them together.

"Now boy don't let me down again, ok fold the towel in half twice then carry it to the laundry for washing later and return to me in your bedroom, go."

Eric took off as I headed for his room to wait, when he joined me a few moments later I had him lay face down on the bed and took up the bottle of prestynol oil.

"Ok boy I'm going to rub this in to take away the marks by this evening so some of my guests will not see them and you won't have to explain that you don't listen to my orders."

I proceeded to rub the oil into his skin, in about four hours there would hardly be a mark left on his butt, it was an old herbal oil I had come across when in Aussie and it had been very handy over the years.

"Right boy stand up and we'll take off your gear so you can go and have your enemas and then take another shower, take your restraint with you and wash out the tube and dry it properly when you've finished the rest, then come back here and gather your gear and bring it into the kitchen, I'll be in to check on you to make sure you don't do anything silly, take this timer with you and set it for five minutes for each enema, don't try to cheat, I'll be checking, right go."

I went into my room and switched on the camera to watch him, this time I saw with great satisfaction that he made no move to relieve himself even though the precum was still dripping a little from his erection, it only stopped as he pulled out his plug when getting ready for the nozzel, I was glad to see that even though it was difficult for him he was very diligent in doing the job himself.

When he had finished I walked into the bathroom, he was still pale and sweating from the enema but continued to finish cleaning his tube as I entered, his butt plug was already cleaned and ready.

"You finished boy? 3; good, now set the timer for nine minutes and hop into the shower, you will wash with hot water for five minutes then turn on the cold full for the other four minutes, when you have dried yourself you'll come into the kitchen with your restraint, get going."

When he returned I had all his fittings spread out on the table with some cleaners.

"Ok Eric take it easy kiddo, now you're responsible for the upkeep of your leathers so everyday you'll clean them here and show them to me afterward, if they're good then I'll fit them on, if not, well you know what happens, ok?"

"Yes James."

"Alright then, let's start, you do the metal fittings with this Silvo then after it's all clean you'll use this dubbin on the leather till it all shines, ok?"

"Yes James."

"OK kiddo go to it while I make a drink for us."

At last he had finished and I inspected it all, he had done a beautiful job, everything was clean and shiney, the dubbin leaving a new leather smell in the kitchen, I motioned for him to sit and have the hot drink I'd got ready.

"So what did you think of your second paddling Eric?"

"It was worse than having the ten strokes. It just washed me out, at the end I could hardly think or stand, my head was going round and all my muscles felt as though I'd been run over."

"So you can see that there's a lot of different sorts of pain now eh?"

"Yes, I think that was the worse sort, not knowing when it was going to happen, then when you gave me that good one I almost fainted and then I thought I was going to cum all over the towel."

"So you reackon that the ten would have been better?"

"Yes much better, that would have been only pain, but this way it was terrible."

"Oh well you going to get five good ones tonight, so that'll make up for it won't it?"

"I suppose so."

"Ok buddy, now you have a lot of cleaning to do while I start to get things ready for our dinner guests and make a phone call, so you start in the bedrooms and then the lounge and dining room. Lastly the bathroom and laundry, now off you go, do a good job ok, one of the guests tonight is another master and I want him to see how good you are."

"Ok James, everything will gleam for you."

He disappeared into the bedrooms to start his cleaning duties as I went to the phone and dialed a number. When it was picked up and before the person could answer I stated who I was.

"I stand in the east to guard the seven"

"Good morning Prime Master, I will get Master Cameron immediately"

"Prime Master James, you honour me sir."

"Always a pleasure, Cameron."

"What can I do for you, James?"

"I would like to ask you to dinner this evening, you and your boy of course, I have just initiated a young man and would like you to meet him."

"So at last you've been able to replace me, how long has he been with you, what's he like?"

"Today is his third day, and he's very special but you'll see that tonight if you can come."

"Three days and you've initiated him already?"

"Yes but he's very special, you'll see, so you'll come?"

"Of course I wouldn't miss this for the world, as he's so new may I offer you the use of my boy to assist him. It would honour me to be able to do it for you."

"Thank you Cameron, yes he would be appreciated."

"Is it formal?"

"For us yes, it's special for the boy so I'd like to do it that way, although I have some other guests coming that are not of our calling but I'm sure they will be ok."

"What time then, James?"

"Shall we say six, and then the others will be here at seven, give us a chance to chat. Oh one thing, can you do the test for me?"

"The same one you did on me?"

"Yes, that one."

"Not a problem, I'm looking forward to getting my own back, ha ha ha. See you at six then."

"OK Cameron, six o'clock, by the way do you still have buzz with you, better bring him along. Keep the boys on their toes, he he, and thanks."

"Ok, bye for now."


I replaced the phone then looked up another number and rang, with their agreement the nights guest list was done and I began the work of preparing for the dinner.

By four o'clock all was ready, the house shone. Eric had really outdone himself in the cleaning, as we sat down for a spell I started to let him know what was going to be done tonight.

"Now Eric, in a minute you go and have a shower, clean your plug but don't put it in. When you're dry come into my room and I'll dress you ready. Now as you've not had visitors before I want to run over a few things with you so listen carefully and follow instructions tonight and make me proud of you ok?"

"Yes James."

"Right, first off the first guest will be another Master and his boy, they'll be here at six. The second guests will be here at seven, they're not in our scene so you will greet them differently from the Master, ok so far?"


"Ok, the first guest is Master Cameron, when he rings the bell you'll go and open the door then take one step back and come to the present, you'll keep your head up but not look into his eyes, keep your eyes a little to the left of his then say, 'good evening Master Cameron'; then look to his boy and say 'good evening sir'; look back to Master Cameron and say to him 'My Master awaits your pleasure sir, may I escort you through to him'. He will not speak to you but he'll nod his head. You'll bring him in here then go back and close the door and join us, you'll stand at present to my left and half a step behind me, have you got all that?"

"Yes, James."

"Good boy, now the other guests as I've said are not a part of us so your greeting will be different. There'll be two men and a woman so you will say 'good evening sirs and madam, welcome to the home of my master, may I escort you to him?'; then bring them in and take your place as before. Master Cameron and I will be sitting down so your place will be as before but at the second position this time. Master Cameron's boy will be by his side, now later his boy will be given to me to help you with dinner so when he comes to join us you will move to my right and he will be on my left, ok?"

"Yes, James."

"Good boy, now go have your shower while I get out your clothes for tonight."

"Ok, see you soon."

I left the lounge and went into the back room to get out his regalier for tonight and to find my old friend 'buzz' for him. Eric finished his shower and came into the room where I waited, his eyes popped as he saw what was ready for him. He would wear his usual cuffs and collar but his belt would be a full chastity belt and he would also have on a full chest harness. His 3" [8 cm] long plug would be replaced with my friend 'buzz' a 6" [15 cm] long plug the same diameter as his smaller one but with a hidden twist to its tail.

The belt was four inches [10 cm] wide with two rings on the front and two more at the rear; either side of where the padlock fitted, in the center of the front was the dove symbol on a silver disc. The belt was studded with stainless studs, the restrain was heavier than his normal cod piece and had holding straps that went under his buns and locked in place at the rear. The butt strap clipped onto the front and then again was locked into place at the rear.

The harness was also heavier than his other leathers, with a chest strap 3" [8 cm] wide and also studded to match the belt. The front halves were joind by a stainless ring from which the two shoulder straps were fitted. It was buckled at the rear and had four rings spaced so that two were in the front and two at the back.

The other addition to his normal leathers were the two arm bands that fitted just above his elbows, both had rings attached to the outer edges, also studded to match the rest.

"Ok kiddo, time to get dressed, come over here and I'll put your cuffs on and then your collar, 3; Ok that's the boy, now for your new belt, 3; That's good. Now before we put the butt strap on I'm going to put this new plug in for you, as you can see it's longer but the same thickness so you should be ok with it, besides you'll like the feel of it, it just reaches your fun button."

As he bent over I could see the marks of the paddle had all but disappeared, I pushed some lubricant into him gently and after doing the same to the plug began to push it in. After some ooohhs and aahhs and a squirm of those golden globes he looked up and smiled.

"Oh James, that feels so good."

"Not too much?"

"No it's nice, feels real good."

"Right now your harness. It should fit, Cameron was about the same size as you when he first wore it."

"Cameron, is that the Master that's coming tonight? was he your boy too?"

"Yes he was, that's why he's coming tonight, so that your first visitor knows what it's like to have people for the first time. Don't worry just do as I've told you and you'll do fine."

"Ok, James."

When he was dressed he went to the mirror and stood there, his eyes glazing over as he felt the heavier leather and the closeness of the fit holding him tight.


"Yes Eric?"

"Ahhm, do I look ok?"

"Little dove you look sensational, now go see that everthing is ready while I dress."


After he left I went to the wardrobe and got out my dark charcoal grey suit then a white shirt and put them on, fitting a black bow tie and the red sash of my ex office followed by white gloves and lastly reached into the draw and brought out the gold signet ring that I had not worn for nearly ten years, it had a black onyx stone with a gold dove inlaid in the center. I placed this on the last finger of my right hand over the gloves and then I was done and made my way out to await the guests.

As I entered the lounge I heard a voice from the kitchen doorway.

"Holy shit, uhm sorry James, but you look fantastic all dressed up like that."

"Thanks kiddo, it's been a long time, but it does feel good again."

Just then the door bell rang.

"Ok little dove, present 3; go and recieve my guests, boy."

As he went to the door I stood in the lounge to see his actions. He opened the door and took the one step backwards.

"Good evening Master Cameron, good evening sir, my Master awaits your pleasure sir, may I escort you to him?"

Eric then proceeded into the lounge and as I looked at Cameron's face I knew he had seen it, his jaw had dropped at the sight of Eric's signet ring.

"Master James your guests, sir."

Eric took his place behind me and came to present the same as Cameron's boy had behind him, he was a nice looking lad of about 15 blonde hair a nice tan and sparkling blue eyes, he held his position well and complimented Cameron nicely with his looks.

"Good evening Prime Master James, you honour me sir."

"Welcome to my house Master Cameron, you do me honour sir."

"Prime Master, may I introduce my slave Dennis."

"Welcome boy."

"Master Cameron, may I introduce my slave Eric."

"Well met boy."

"Ok, Cameron that's all out of the way, now let's relax a bit, take a seat. Boy, get Master Cameron a double bourbon, ice and soda."

"So what do you think, Cameron?"

"God James, how did you rig the lottery, he's double ringed, nobody is that lucky, and he's also a very beautiful boy as well. Three days and he's double ringed, I can't get over it, I'd heard about total subs but never hoped to see one here in this country."

"Well at my age you got to get lucky some time, I'm thinking of presenting him at the conclave in two weeks. What do you think?"

"It would blow everbody away, but he won't be ready for the kiss by then, that takes at least a year, you know that."

"Yes but I think under these circumstances I can get a dispensation for him for that part of the ceremony, who's the prime at the moment?"


"Yes a good choice, he's a good Master. I'm sure he will allow the dispensation for Eric."

"They are going to die when they see him, you know that don't you?"

"Ha ha yeah but I think he's worth it, and by the way not a word about him to anyone, just ask Nigel for a dispensation and that I'll talk to him on the night about it."

"Promise not a word, I wouldn't miss this for death it self."

I looked at Cameron and gave him a small nod, he closed one eye half way and then it started.

"Prime Master, may I ask you a favour?"

"You're my guest, Master Cameron."

"May I look your boy over?"

"But of course."

I sat back and told Eric to come to my front and face me and Cameron, then sat silently as Cameron started.

"Come here, boy."

Eric startled almost moved toward him, then remembed his orders only came from me and he looked to see my reactions. I stayed impassive giving no sign either way.

"I said come here, boy."

Eric looked to me again, I gave no sign. Cameron raised his voice to a roar.


Fear showed in Eric's face but he continued to look to me for a sign. Cameron got to his feet and moved to within a foot of Eric and again roared into his face.

"I'm a Master, when I tell you to move you move boy."

Eric stood his ground as the words echoed in his head, pleading me with his eyes for a sign.

"Why waste your time Prime Master, he's bloody useless."

Tears fell down Eric's face as he watched me and waited, wanting so much to do as he was told but knew he could not move without my command. I could almost see him forming the words for his 'go slow' and decided he had done his best.

"Come to me boy, thank you Master Cameron. So what do you think of him now?"

Eric came into my arms, his head on my chest as he sobbed out his frustration. I rubbed his back and held him close.

"You did really well Eric, I know of a lot of boys would have broken by now, you made me really proud of you, you ok now, little dove?"

"Yes thank you, Master."

"Good boy, now take your position."

Eric moved to the left of my chair and took his rest position.

"Well Cameron?"

"Perfect, absolutlely perfect, he's a real gem James."

Just then the door bell rang again as my last guests arrived.

"Boy, see to the door and welcome my other guests."

Eric went to the door and opened it to greet the other guests.

"Good evening sirssss 3; ooooooh god ooh god 3; Master, Master 'Granite'."

He screamed as he fled into the room arms out wide, I caught him and held him to me.

"Master Cameron, that's his 'go slow', would you allow your boy to welcome my guests while I see to him?"

"The honour would be mine Prime Master. Boy welcome the guests to Prime Master James home."

As I steered my frightened boy to the bathroom I could hear Dennis at the door welcoming the guests.

"Ok little dove, calm down now and tell me what the matter is, why did you dishonour my guests?"

Through the tears he began to explain and as the sobs eased he took a large lung full of air and told me all.

"Oh James, my parents were at the door. I was so frightened and sort of embarrassed and it all sort of rushed in on me. I didn't know what to do and you know my dress and everything. I'm so sorry I lost it and well you know I'm sorry."

"So it was the shock of seeing them was it?"

"Yes, I just got all frightened."

"Ok, little dove, are you ok now?"

"Yes the shock has sort of gone now, but what do I do, I've let you down again."

"Well Eric you have to do what's right and that's to apologize to them all, but it's got to be done correctly as there's a Master here so I want you to listen carefully again and follow my instructions, ok?"

"Yes James."

"Right you first go to Master Cameron, you will take the third position and offer him your apologies for dishonouring him and your Master's house. You then go to each of the others in turn and take the second position saying the same, then to Master Cameron's boy take the first position and say the same to him. After that you will come to me and take the third position and after apologising for dishonouring myself and my house you will ask for your punishment. Have you got all that?"

"Yes Master."

"Good boy, now wash your tears away and wait for me to call you to come back. Don't forget go straight to Master Cameron first, don't look at me or ask me for direction, ok, if master Cameron accepts, he will pat you on the head, the others including his boy will just nod, when they do you move onto the next one, got it?"

"Yes Master."

"Ok here we go, now wait till I call you."

I returned to the lounge to find Bryan, Steve and Sue all comfortable and with a drink being entertained by Cameron laughing and joking. As I arrived Bryan turned to me.

"Well James, it's really nice to see Cameron again, I see he's taken after you."

"Yes Bryan, he was one of the best and I'm sure his boy would agree."

"So what happened just now, James?"

"The short version?"

"That'll do."

"I, on purpose, didn't tell him the three of you were coming, to see his reactions under pressure. Considering his short training time he actually did rather well. Now what I have to ask you is that as part of his training he is required to come back here and apologize to everyone. Cameron and his boy know what to do, so all you have to do is as he speaks to each of you at the end just nod your head at him, he'll understand. Don't speak to him just a nod is enough, ok?"

"Yes we can do that, no problem, but won't this be embarrasing for him."

"Yes but he has to learn that, although you're his family, his first duty is to me and this is his way of realising that fact."

"Ok fine by us."

"BOY, come."

Eric entered the lounge and going straight to Cameron fell onto his knees then to the third position, his voice came out clearly and with obvious feeling.

"Master Cameron, I beg your forgiveness for my behaviour and for bringing dishonour to my Master."

As was normal Cameron gave no sign for about ten seconds, then he reached down and touched Eric on the head. As soon as he had been patted he arose and went to Bryan, going down onto his knees in the second position repeated his words and after the other two he went to Cameron's boy and then turned to me and fell into the third position.

"Master please forgive my behaviour and for bringing dishonour to yourself and your house, Master I ask for your punishment, that it may be severe for my bad attitude and dishonour."

I ignored Eric as he knelt there, as had to be done in these cases, and began to chat with the others about work and things, Sue mentioned the prostrate boy.

"Uhm, how long does he stay there, James?"

"Oh him, well till I decide maybe soon, maybe tomorrow but he'll stay there till I tell him different, he knows that, don't worry about him, he knows he has a lot to think about, now how about another drink?"

After about half an hour it was almost time to eat so it was time to relent a little on Eric.


A muffled answer.

"Yes Master."

"Your punishment will be decided later tonight after the guests have left, you may rise and take your place."

Eric rose to his knees and shuffled around to his position beside me, his form magnificent as he straind for the perfect position of present at rest.

"Prime Master James, as your boy is young may I offer the use of my boy to assist him with dinner?"

"Thank you Master Cameron, you again honour my house."

Eric quickly moved over to my right as Dennis moved to my left, as this was taking place Steve spoke up.

"Tell me James, do you always do things like this with the ahm 'boys' ahh you know all so formal and correct all the time?"

"No Steve, not all the time but tonight is special for Eric and we're training him at the same time as having some good company. Another time when you come you'll see that things are more relaxed but tonight is special for him, it may not look like it but the fact is that his mistakes tonight are amongst friends and it's a chance to teach him without the added pressure of strangers."

"Oh I see, but will he remember everything, I mean it's a lot to take in."

"He's a very exceptional boy, Steve, he'll remember everything, right down to the last detail."

"Well Sue and I have never seen him looking happier, we're so grateful that you are prepared to look out for him, and I have to say, ha ha, he looks so sexy with that leather on."

"Yes I agree with you Steve, anyway what about dinner, everyone ready, 3; good let's go to the table."

My dining table was a large round one with a split center for when I entertained more than six and could be fitted with an insert for up to ten people, as we gathered at the table Eric took notice of how Dennis was pulling out the chair for each of us as we prepared to sit and followed suit with Bryan and his mother.

"Boys, you can bring the appetisers now please."

The two boys turned toward the kitchen and as the neared the door I looked over to Cameron and gave an imperceptable nod as I reached into my jacket pocket for my remote, Cameron doing the same and at a nod we held down the button. We watched as two boys' knees buckled and a loud ooooooohhhhhhhhaaaarrgrgg came from their lips as they forced themselves through the doorway, their legs shaking and trembling.

Bryan burst out laughing at the results.

"What the hell was that about James?"

"They're both wearing anal stimulators, but these ones have a vibration mobe, we set them off with these remotes. Watch their faces when they come back."

We were all still chuckling when the two red faced and starry eyed boys returned with the first course. After the plates were on the table they both took their places beside my chair.

"Don't they eat with us?" asked Sue.

"No Sue, they're here to serve us, they'll eat later. It's ok, they know the way things go. How you boys feel? speak."

They answered together.

"We feel very well Master."

I winked at Cameron and gave the button another push.

"Unngghh, aahhhh, mmmph."

"What you think Cameron, do they like it?"

"By the look on their faces I guesse, mmm, yes."

We all laughed at their looks of pure heaven as the vibrations ceased, finally as dinner came to an end and the boys were serving coffee I asked Cameron.

"What do you think Master Cameron, the boys seem to have quite a buzz out of the evening, do you think they would like a glass of wine with their dinner?"

"Yes Prime Master, I think they've had a good buzz, a glass of wine would do them the world of good right now."

"Boys you may eat now, also you may both have a glass of wine, when you're finished you'll return to the lounge and bring some extra coffee with you, you have thirty minutes, go now."

The boys took off for the kitchen and their dinner and as we all agreed it was well deserved they had done us proud, we all went into the lounge and it was then I decided to tell the others about the upcoming paddling after dinner.

"So you see he has it coming, he knows it will be done here in front of you, that's part of the punishment. I'll have to ask the three of you not to say or do anything. He'll be alright after, you'll see how it works. He would normally be naked but this time I think it would be to much for him in that state so he'll just have a bare bum and I'm sure you've all seen that before, are you happy with that?"

Sue answered for them all.

"Honestly James, you've done wonders with him so far and only after three days, he's a completely different person. I can tell he loves you just by the way he looks at you all the time. So you go ahead and do what you would normally do, none of us will interfere, beside I won't to know how loud he can yell, ha ha ha."

"You might be surprised Sue, he's a tough little nut underneath, don't underestimate his inner strength."

The boys returned to the lounge and took their places beside my chair. I looked down at Dennis and said.

"Boy present."

Dennis jumped to his feet in the present.

"Boy I thank you for your help this evening, you have done great honour to your Master, I hope he rewards you justly for you efforts, you may go."

Dennis returned to his place beside Cameron's chair and knelt to position.

"Prime Master, you do my boy great honour and on his behalf I thank you."

"Thank you Master for your kind guesture, now we have some unfinshed business. Boy, the paddle."

Eric ran off to the bedroom and returned with the paddle held in both hands, he went down to the second position and offered up the paddle to my hands.

"Take the position boy, count them off."


"One sir."


"Unmph, two sir."


"Umph, three sir."

I could hear the tears in his voice but he wouldn't yelp, he gave a healthy grunt and held his silence. I could tell he was not going to weaken in front of his parents, his little golden butt was already red, the muscles playing hide and seek as he flexed with the pain.


"Urmph, four sir."


"Arrmph, five sir."

I dropped the paddle to the floor.

"Come to me, little dove."

As he came to his feet I saw the blood running from his cut lip where he had bitten himself rather than dishonour me by crying out loud in front of the others. He jumped into my arms and I stroked his hair and kissed his ear letting him nuzzle into my neck.

"Thank you Eric, I'm so proud of you, no one could do what you just did, you're very brave and need never worry about your honour again."

When the others saw him there in my arms they all said how proud they were of him and how brave he'd been. Steve actually stuck out his chest with pride at the feat nodding at Eric as I soothed his battered ego.

"You ok now, my little dove?"

"Yes James, ooh my bum stings something wicked though."

"Ok kiddo, go clean up a bit then come back and take you position, ok?"

"Yes Master."

When Eric returned the evening began to wind down and as the others left we waved them good bye from the door step, my arm tight around the most beautiful sub anyone could have.

Chapter 7

Now that everyone had gone Eric and I returned to the lounge for a little while until ready for bed time.


"Yes James?"

"You have a punishment to be taken care of."

"Yes James, I'll do anything you ask."

"That goes without saying. Now, present, boy, for the next three nights as a punishment for your bad manners this evening, you will wear full leathers to bed each night. You will remove them in the mormning for showering and then clean every piece until it shines. Is that clear boy? speak."

"Master, all is clear, thank you sir."

"You won't be thanking me in the morning boy, now go to your room and wait."

Blink, nod.

Eric took off for his room as I went to the back room for some sleeping aids for him. He had still not caught onto the fact this was punishment and sleeping in his regalia was not going to as easy as he thought. One day soon he will realise that what I say is not always the whole of the story, having gathered up what I needed I returned to Eric's room.

"Boy, face down on the bed spread-eagle."

Eric complied, his skin shining in the light, a golden glow coming from him as the sweat began to ooze from him, a little shiver ran through his body.

"Stop jiggling about boy, stay still."

I took up the spreader bar for his ankles and snapped it into place. This put his ankles a foot apart, in the center of the spreader was a welded ring. I pulled his legs upward and bent them back toward his head; reaching down to take one arm as he grunted with the unatural strain of the position, I clipped his wrist into the ring and then reached for the other to do the same. The strain was now evident as the tendons stood out, his back bowed, his stomach muscles tight. I took up the short strap with the buckle and clipped it into the two arm bands and began to tighten it until his elbows were close together straining the shoulder muscles. Eric was now moaning with the pressure being forced into his upper body, muscles tight, sweat pouring over him.

I took out two more adjustable straps fitting them to the rings on his ankles then down to the rings on his waist belt pulling then tight, but not yet enough to make then uncomfortable. His groans now coming faster as the strain increased with time, I then fitted his blindfold and ball gag setting them tight. Lastly was a pair of ear plugs now cutting him off from all normal sensations except feeling. The last items to go on were the two straps from his collar to his arm bands making them tight enough to just force his head back a little to add strain to the neck muscles, all finished I rolled him onto his side as he moaned and groaned at the pressure now created through his body. Taking a last look I went to my bedroom and switched on the monitor, at his age I had to be carefull of how much strain I put onto his body. I switched on the TV to a movie channel and settled back, it was going to be a long night, sleep deprevation was a part of the exercise and some added twists to keep him feeling it as his body adjusted to certain pressures I would change them and add a little something each time.

As I watched the movie I also kept a very close eye on my monitor. Eric's body had taken up a little of the strain and he had settled a little but was still sweating and a moan came from him when he tried to move to much. It was time to add something to his night, so I went back to his room with a box of number two clamps, these were not to strong, not much more than a light pinch of the skin, but over a long period became almost unbearable if placed correctly.

With his senses deadened he could not hear me in the room and as I touched him for the first time in an hour he jumped and thereby adding a strain on his joints. I took up two notches on the belts from his ankles to his waist belt bringing his legs lower and opening the gap between his thighs, now the clamps were added to the tender skin of his thighs, a knowledge of acupuncture can come in handy at times like this. A muffled grunt came from him as the first clamp went on in the inner thigh close to his scrotum this was followed by another eight on each side spaced 2" [5 cm] apart on the nerve line running down his leg. These small pricks would become more noticeble as time went on, I reached up and took a notch out of his arm bands making his elbows closer then another notch out of his head straps, his head now bent further back. I took out my remote, changed the settling and hit the on button, it was now under manual control and I could leave it going for as long as I wished, this was to create a conflict in his mind as his strained muscles on the outside fought with the pleassure on the inside. I left him to it, groaning, sweating, trying to find purchase for the inner stimulation and at the same time shaking with the unusual position of his body.

Two hours past as I kept an eye on him in the monitor. He was under a lot of strain but bearable if he put his mind to it. I had not planned to start on him with this so early but if I was able to get him to the conclave and could not arrange a dispensation for his kiss then he would need to be as ready as I could make him for the ordeal.

I returned to him with four clamps, these were fives and a lot harsher. I checked his heart rate and pulse, to my surprise he seemed to be almost dozing, this was out of the ordinary so I checked all his vital signs again to make sure, yep, he'd gone into a light doze. Trussed up like he was took a great deal of inner strength to ignore enough to relax to that extent, I took the first of the clamps and placed it on his upper ear, the extra pressure made him start back to the here and now, a muffled yelp escaped his lips, and again as the other three were applied, I tightened up all the straps another notch except for the neck straps. I could see by his neck tendons that I could not take more from them as it would do damage, the redness from the thigh clamps was spreading as the circulation was being lessened but not to a dangerous degree.

Now I could see the tears falling from under his blindfold as he was wracked with the pain of the new postition and clamps. His body was quivering from head to toe, sweat falling in a never ending stream, I switched off the butt plug to allow his body to adjust to the outer pain. It was then I heard it for the first time, a deep humming coming from deep in his throat, even and measured in it's timbre. After only three hours in restraint under pressure he had found his place of harmony. This not only confirmed his standing as a total sub but that he was also exceptional just as I had thought he was. A lot of subs never find their harmony under stress, it was the one safety factor that made him different from others, he was now in his own state of pleasure. The outer pain was now no more than a numbness to his brain, he could if he or I wanted stay in this position for hours without mental damage. I knew however that for every hour under this type of restraint he would need half an hour to regain full use of himself so I had to be carefull with his release when it came time. I left the room again to wait and watch.

By 3.00am he had been under restraint for four hours, it was time to ease him out. I went and removed the ear clamps as the feeling returned there was a small stopping of the humming then it continued in the same manner as before. I took one notch out of each strap, again the pause of the humming for a second or two then it continued. I left him for a half hour then returned to repeat the process and the second time removed the thigh clamps as well.

By 5.00am he was streched out on the bed all straps removed, the humming had ceased and he was awake, his smudged face under the blindfold looking almost angelic. I began to remove all his leathers except his cuffs and replaced his chastity with his lighter codpiece then picked him up in my arms and carried him into my room laying him on the bed and sliding down beside him.

I took this sweet little dove into my arms and drew him close kissing him on the forehead and stroking his bare back.

"How you feel little dove?"

"All strained and stretched out, but I sort of tingle all over."

"Were you aware of what was happening as something new went on?"

"Yes it was scary at first then I could see that white dove flying in a clear blue sky, it was sort of singing to me, and then it all felt so nice."

"What about the first hour or two?"

"That was terrible, I thought you were going to break me in half, and those stinging things on my legs they just kept getting worse and worse as the time went on, but then the dove came and it all went away, was that ok?"

"Yes my little dove, it was perfect, I've only known two people able to do what you did and they took a couple of years to do it, I'm so proud of you I want you to know that you have a very special gift, do you think you could find the dove again if you needed him?"

"I'm not sure, it seemed to be at a certain time, just when I thought I was going to die from the pain then he came and we flew around and he sang to me."

"I want you to try to remember the feeling next time and use it to keep yourself safe. Ok, you have the next two nights under restraint for your punishment and each one will be harder than the night before, but if you believe in the dove then he'll look after you, ok?"

"Ok, ahhm, James, I love you."

"I love you to little dove, now curl up here and let's get a little sleep, then you've got your chores to do, and don't you forget my coffee when you get up."

Eric snuggled down into my chest as he drifted off to sleep, I pulled him even closer as I felt him relax and drift off, then it was my turn.

I awoke three hours later with Eric wrapped around my waist clasping me tightly to himself, I shook him until he was almost awake.

"Move boy, get my coffee ready then wait for me, move."

His eyes opened then he kissed me on the cheek and rolled over off the bed running out to the kitchen as I got up and went to the shower, fifteen minutes later I was sitting down to a fresh cup of coffee, I sat myself sideways on the chair.

"Boy, come here."

Eric stood before me at present, his legs twitching waiting to relieve himself for the first time of the morning.

"Boy, you kissed me this morning without permission, over my lap, now."

Eric's face dropped, I could see the battle going on in his mind trying to work out what he'd done wrong, after all it was a kiss of love. To him it was the right thing and now he was going to be punished for it, the conflict was almost cute.

"Boy the kiss was very nice and thoughtful but you did it without permission for that you get five strokes."

He lay down on my lap.

"Count them out boy."


"One sir."

For five slaps I didn't need to work the clock all of them would be in the same place, square in the middle of his delightful little buns, but at full force and that was quite a bit.


"Two sir."

With my hand on his back to hold him I was then surprised as I felt a vibration under my hand, although there was no sound and he was totally aware the vibrations told me he had already found his place of harmony. This was so unusual for anyone to achieve I almost stopped in disbelief, I had never heard of it happening to anyone, to be able to be alert and aware but at the same time be in harmony was unheard of in all my years.


"Three sir."

His voice was calm and steady even though his body jumped as I used full force into the blows, he remaind calm inside himself.

Crack, crack.

"Four sir, five sir."

At the last stroke Eric slid off my lap and onto the floor in the third position at my feet.

"Oh thank you sir, it was beautiful."

"Ok stand up Eric, tell me why was it beautiful?"

"The pain was nasty, but after the first one it didn't seem important, I just floated there watching you tan my ass but I tingled as I sort of felt it but watched it."

"Did you see the dove again?"

"No, he wasn't there, it was like my own place, when I saw your hand come down it was like a shot of electricity then a calmness, it was so great."

"Eric I know you don't realise it now but you're about a year ahead of where you should be. I'm not sure how you did it, but to me it confirms that you're a very special boy. You have something that others never find in all their lives and you've done it so naturally. I'm so proud of you, you're going to be the most talked about sub in the country before evry long."

"Am I, really, I just feel so good with you, and you do things to me that make me feel good and so happy all the time. I just want to make you happy and pleased with me all the time."

"My little dove, I'll always be proud and pleased with you. I know you'll make some mistakes and with your abitlity it's going to stretch my training to the limits to find out how to keep you on your toes. Now come here so I can release you and you go get cleaned up and then come back for some breakfast and to clean all your leathers, don't forget your enema's, and I don't have to warn you about your flag pole either."

"I promise, James I'll never touch myself without your order again."

"Good boy, now off you go, don't be to long."

Eric spent the rest of the day cleaning the house and his leathers, everything shone like new as he worked harder and harder to please me, as though he had to do that. He was the find of the century, a perfect sub, a beautiful and perfect boy.

When the night came on I returned him to his room and began the same restraint as the night before but increasing the first tightening and using heavier clamps. After the initial pain and within thirty minutes he was in his place of harmony. I added two number seven claps to his nipples, all I got in return was a sharp grunt through the gag and then that humming again. Damn he was going to be hard to punish if this kept up, unless I went into some very heavy stuff but I didn't feel good about that yet, he was still to young to take to that edge. I'd look again at him after the conclave next week. I would maybe be able to introduce him to a light cat for a couple of strokes first, but I wasn't to ready for him to feel it's bight yet, under the training of the Mythra it was advised to not start the stronger whips until the sub was at least 15 years old, by then they were mature enough to handle the mental and physical trauma.

On the third night I decided to push him harder than he had been before so instead of going to his bedroom I took him to my back room, stopping outside the door I began to tell him the meaning and order of things once through the door.

"Boy, present."

He snapped to attention in position.

"Listen carefully, tonight you'll spend in this room. Once you enter this room you will never speak, ever, after you'll be responsible for it's cleanliness and the maintainenece of the equipment inside, you can never enter here without my permission, even if the door is wide open. You will never handle anything in there unless it is to put it back into its proper place after cleaning. Whenever you enter you will stop three paces inside the door and wait until told what to do. Do you understand these rules? speak."

"Yes Master."

"Any questions? speak."

"No questions, Master."

His nervous exitement was almost contageous as he trembled in anticipation, again a light sheen covered his body making him seem to glow in the light of the passage way, his leathers gleamed with a dull glow which emhanced his natural colour.

"Now boy, some peole like to call their rooms 'dungeons' or 'pits', but for us it is just a work room, it's your class room. This is where you will from now on recieve any punishment or if I wish to you will recieve a lot of pleasure."

I opened the door to the darkened room and entered ahead of him.

"Come boy, remember what you've been told."

True to form he followed exactly my instructions, stopping three steps inside the door. I reached over and switched on the lights, they were all coloured lights of a pale blue, giving the room a warm but eerie glow.

"You may relax boy and look around at your class room, but don't move and don't speak."

His jaw dropped open as he looked around, eyes wide as he tried to take it all in with one look. The room was 15 feet [5 m] wide and went the width of the house about thirty feet [10 m], the ceiling had been raised to give a stud height of 12 feet [3½ m] with a central beam of steel running down its length, to this was weld many varied hooks and rings. On the back wall was a painting of the seventh Mythra covered with a red cloth. Eric would never get to see this one as he would never be a Master, so when he was in here I would have to keep it covered from his eyes. On the walls were locked cupboards, each with a symbol of the dove as they were seen on the paintings, behind those doors were the equipment allowed to be used on a sub who had reached that stage of his lessons.

Against the other bottom wall was the cross; ten feet [3 m] from that in the center of the room was the rack; next in line was my cage, next the pommel and lastly the chair. Around each piece the floor was covered in tiles extending about a foot out from the edge, then the rest of the floor was covered in a water proof carpet. On the inner wall was the shower and a small single bed in an alcove built back into the house. The walls were done in fibre board with sound proofing behind that and painted in a mat finish dark blue with a 10" [25 cm] footing of purple at floor level.

I kept this room temprature comtrolled at 20 degrees Celsius [70 F] but could take it up to 40 [100 F] if I wanted to use a little heat at the right time.

"Boy present, place your arms behind your back."

I walked behind Eric taking hold of his arms and folding them up his back, clipping his wrists to the arm bands so that his arms were in a reverse akimbo fashion but tight against his back.

"Move under the beam, boy."

Eric moved to the center of the room under the beam.

I knelt down and placed a 6" [15 cm] spreader on his ankles, then clasped his arms and lowered him face down on the floor. I activated the small overhead crane I had fitted earlier in the day, lowering the chain to just above his body. From the hook hung four short chains with metal shackles at the ends. I took two straps and fitted them to his ankle cuffs, then to his belt pulling tight till he grunted as his kness bent backwards. I then lowered the shackles until they were down near the floor, taking the first two I fitted them to his calves then the others went onto his arms above his elbows. I fitted the adjustable spreaders on the chains holding the shackles and turned them until they were pushing his legs backwards and his arms forwards. With the lift upwards this created a four directional pull on all his tendons and muscles and when he was suspended four feet [1.2 m] off the ground his body weight increased the pressure on him.

To add to his discomfort I had changed his butt plug to a five, this was still only 6" [15 cm] in length but it was an inch thicker than before. It had been a challenge to get it into thim but he soon settled down and accepted it, even though it meant a lot of squirming of his little butt.

I started the motor and lifted him to four feet [1.2 m]. He groaned and wriggled until he could handle the strain put on all his joints, as he settled down to his suspension he calmed down and seemed to be enjoying it, a smile all over his face. That's when I hit the repitition button on the control box, this had the effect of dropping him one link at a time as the chain unwound, but it was not a steady drop as the control box was on a scrambler and even I didn't know when it was going to activate, it was totally random, so the sub would never know when he was going to be dropped that inch of chain. There was an emergency switch which I could use for quick release if he got into difficulty, I would be there all the time I was not going to leave him. At this stage it could get nasty with him being so young so for safety I stayed with him, even though the room was under camera three I felt better for him.

It took an hour for him to reach the floor but his humming had started after the third drop, continuing all the way never varying, although his body was stretched to the maximum and the drops caused him to shudder he never let up, he almost looked serene in his pain.

Over the next four hours I raised him three times, the last being to the top of the chain, his eyes were glazed over as he hummed his inner song even though his body still reacted to the scrambled dropping. When at last he was safe again on the floor I untied him over a period of two hours then lifted him into my arms and took him to my bed where he immediately collasped into a deep sleep, a small smile on his face. I took him into my arms and held him close as I stroked him amd caressed his cheeks with my lips, murmering soft words into his ear.

For the rest of the time until the conclave gathering he spent his time looking after the house and his equipment. I did not take him into the room again, even though I could feel he wanted to go back there, but he had a lot to get ready for and I wanted him to get used to the normal routine of the house and his duties. Now the day of the conclave was here and he was filled with nervous excitement at going to his first formal gathering of our calling. His leathers were shining, he had given himself an extra enema and he smelled of leather and that pure boy smell that he would soon loose as he got older, his skin shone with the glow of the oil I'd massaged into his skin, not a lot but enough to highlight his body to it's best advantage, except for his arm bands he was in full regalia and I was dressed in mine although this time my suit was a tuxedo and I wore a red cummerband with the sash.

"Stay here a minute Eric, I have one more thing for you to wear."

I went to my room and from the bottom draw of the dressing table took his last piece of clothing, I returned to where he stood.

"Now Eric as you're being presented tonight you are to be covered at all times until you're called to the main hall. I'll be with you most of the time and for you it'll be easier as being a Prime Master we'll have a seperate room from the others to be presented. Now you'll wear this but you don't have to put up the hood till we get there but then you'll stay behind it at all times, as you're with me you'll be presented last but we'll see the rest on the closed ciruit Tv in the room, ok kiddo let's put this on you."

I opened up the black silken cape with the hood and placed it on his shoulders, it covered him down to his bare feet. I closed the clasp at his neck with the silver dove clasp, the hood remained hanging behind him. I would pull this up when we got there and pull down the face screen to hide him completely from prying eyes.

"James, this is like dressing up for halloween, it feels neat, all soft and silky."

"You look great kiddo, come on time to get to the car, when we get there I'm going to explain what you'll do and about the dispensation and how you'll get it, ok, let's go."

We arrived at the hall and as I parked the car I turned to Eric.

"Now Eric you must stay at half step behind me, if I stop you stop, you don't speak or respond to anything. I'm going to pull your hood up now and cover your face so you can't be seen. There's going to be a lot of formal stuff going on, just stay behind me and concentrate on what I'm doing and keep your head up look proud because I'm proud you're here with me. Let them see how good you really are, ok kiddo here we go, from now on it's all formal."

At the door to the hall were two of the past Primes, although in the eyes of others we were all equal, my position as the Founding Prime gave me honours and benefits the others did not have, as I got to the top of the steps with Eric perfectly positioned behind me. The two Primes snapped into the present before me.

"Founder, you do us great honour this evening, your room is ready, will you allow me to escort you?"

"Prime, you do me great honour, please lead the way.

I could almost hear the soft gasp from Eric as he saw the two Masters at the present before me. We were taken to the private room set aside for me and ushered inside.

"Founder, is there anything you need, ask and it will be brought."

"Prime, I thank you for your concern but everything is as it should be, I thank you."

"Founder, it is my honour."

We were left to ourselves and as the door closed a lifted off Eric's hood to see his face.

"Well kiddo, what you think so far?"

"James, they presented to you, but I thought they were Masters, they don't have to do that to anyone?"

"Unfortunately kiddo, you got yourself tied up with a bit of an icon in this world, he he, because I was the founder of the movement here I get a little something extra. Now I'm going to tell you what's going to happen then you can watch the others on the TV and when it's your turn it'll be easier for you, ok?"


"First of all, we're at the bottom end of the hall, the others are in a room up near the front. We, unfortunately because of my position, have to walk the full length of the hall. You will do just like you did earlier, keep your eyes open. This is a very special night for you it never happens again, you're the first sub to ever be presented in this country after only two weeks of training and also you're the youngest as well. So you can be proud of the fact you're the only one ever to make it this far. Now as we enter the hall you'll see all the slaves will go to the third position, their Masters will go to the second, and you saw how the Primes will show their respect. If I wasn't here they would go one less positon, but this is special. We'll have to walk slowly, like in a parade. I don't really like all of it, but it has to be done right by me as well as you. It's our way of showing honour to them to take our time on the walk, you'll see the other presented slaves lined up on the floor with their Masters behind them. We walk past them and take a position out in front of the dias, ok so far?"


"I'll go through all the formal stuff, then I'll present you to the Prime Master Nigel. When I remove your cape you snap into your best present facing him. You stay where you are and don't move, there'll be a bit more formal stuff, then when I tell you, you'll go to the Prime Master, take the third position and respectfully ask for a dispensation from the kiss. He'll be here in a minute to see me and it'll all be arranged beforehand, you only have to do the formal request to make it binding. No one here will object because of your age and short training period; everyone here is on your side so they know that they are responsible for you welfare as well as I am. Ok, have you got all that?"

"Yes, James."

Just as he answered a soft double knock came at the door, I reached over and covered Eric's head with the hood lowering the face screen.


"Founder, you honour this conclave with your presence."

Nigel stood at present before me.

"Prime Master of the Chair, you do me honour for allowing me to be here."

Nigel relaxed from the present and stepped forward giving me the grip required and we both relaxed at this last of the formalities of greeting.

"How are you Nigel, congatulations on your taking the chair."

"Thank you James, it's so good to see you back with us again after all this time."

"Well, as you can see Nigel, I have a good reason."

Nigel as the present holder of the chair was the only one allowed to see a candidate uncaped.

"May I be introduced James?"

"By all means Nigel, informal?"

"Of course James, there's going to be enough formality later."

"Come here Eric, this is informal so you can relax."

I reached up and took off his hood, to my utter surprise Eric immediately dropped to the third position in front of Nigel. Hands clasped behind his head as required. Nigel reached down and took his hand lifting him upright then saw the signet ring.

"My god James, he's a double. Hell, this is going to be a night to remember. Welcome Eric, you have done your Master proud by your actions even though it wasn't called for."

Nigel pulled Eric to him in a hug then stepped back to look at him again.

"James, you have to be the luckiest bugger in the country, he's beautifull. Damn a double, I can't believe it."

"Thanks Nigel, I have something to ask you."

"Ah yes, Cameron did mention the dispensation, for this boy it's not a problem at all. I'll gladly give it, does he know what it's for yet?"

"No I'll explain it when you do the others. He's had a lot to take in already so closer to the time will be easier for him."

"Yes I agree, ok I've got to get this show on the road, see you out there. Eric, again welcome."

"Thanks Nigel."

"He's nice, James."

"Yes Eric, he's one of the best Primes we've had on the chair. Ok let's get comfortable and watch the ceremony, I want you to ask any questions you need to as the ceremony goes along, ok kiddo?"

"Ok, James."

I went to the fridge and got two cold drinks for us as we sat to watch the ceremony of the presenting at this years conclave. The hall was packed to capacity, I had a feeling it was something to do with Eric's appearance as I recongised old faces that had not been out in years. I had a suspicion that Cameron had spread the word about his being presented by me.

Chapter 8

As we sat and watched the ceremony as it was unfolding the camera panned over the assembled crowd all the Masters were dressed in their finest leathers. Their slaves stood behind them in the pose of relaxation, that is standing normally with their hands by their sides as their Masters sat at the tables surrounding the main floor. Only the Primes were dressed in tuxedo's and gloves of white cotton all the other Masters had on their leather gloves.

As the first slave to be presented was called the Masters slammed once on the table with their closed fist as a welcome to the slave. The Primes sat on the dais at their own table with the Master of the Rod standing to the right of them in front of his table of equipment. I explained all this to Eric as the first slave came to the center of the room taking his position in present facing the Primes, his Master in front of him.

Although because of the circumstances for Eric our formality would be a little different, it would never the less be similar in content. Nigel took his feet standing in the center of the dais.

"Master Alton, we greet you under the sign of the Seven Mythra, May They Preserve."

"Prime Master Nigel, you honour me with your greeting."

"Master Alton, it is well meant, do you have a boon to ask of the assembled?"

"Prime Master Nigel, I do have a boon."

"Master Alton, ask of us your boon?"

"Prime Master Nigel, I ask of the assembled to accept this my slave Peter."

"Master Alton, how does he propose to be worthy of this boon?"

"Prime Master Nigel, he would offer a kiss to the cat."

"Master Alton, if this be so then let him approach and ask his boon."

Alton turned to his slave and removed his cape, gasps went up around the room as they saw for the first time the new slave, a truly beautiful young man of about 16 strong and with a solid well built body, obviously to become one day a good Master, the slave went forward to below the dais and fell into the third position in front of Nigel and with a clear voice asked.

"Prime Master, this boon I ask to honour my master, that I may offer five kisses to the cat with two claws."

"Assembled Masters do you accept this boon?"

Every Master again slammed the table in agreement.

"Slave Peter, your boon to honour your Master is granted."

The boy rose and returned to Alton but this time he took the position of rest on the floor in front of his Master but facing the dais. The second one was called and the ceremony continued each giving his request.

When the second one asked for his five kisses to the cat of three claws Eric asked his first question. All the time we had watched I had allowed him to sit in my lap to feel comfortable with the newness of the ceremony.

"James, what's this boon thing they're asking for, you know so many kisses and how many claws the cat has to have?"

"Ah, well Eric this is the part you have a dispensation for. The number of kisses means the number of strokes from the whip called a cat-o-nine-tails. The number of claws means the weight in ounces [1 ounce is c. 28 gram] of each strip of leather making up the whip, example two claws means the lightest whip with a two ounce thong. You'll ask for a dispensation because you're a bit young and the cat can leave you marked for life; also five is the least number you can ask for and you get the whole five unless you cry out and then the Master of the Rod stops. He's the big guy standing by the table, he takes note of which whip is asked for and then gives the strokes him self, their Master is not allowed to. As you can see the Master of the Rod is a big guy, he weights over 250 lbs [115 kg] and is all muscle. He knows how to lay it on. Only a Prime Master can take over from him because we have had the highest number of lashes from the heaviest whip as part of us becoming a Prime at our inauguration into the chair."

"What's the most a slave has ever asked for?"

"It's always five kisses and either a two or a three. I can't think of anyone asking for more than that, besides you don't have to worry about it you'll have your dispensation. Just ask for that and you'll be ok. These guys have been in training for this night for most of a year and some of them won't make it to five, but that's not the point, it is that they want to try to honour their Master by doing it."

"Oh, I see now, ok so I just have to ask for my boon and they ok it all?"

"Yes that's it kiddo. Now watch, there's only two more to go then we'll be out there. Don't worry little dove you're going to knock them dead."

Eric snuggled into my chest as the ceremony went on. At last the final presentation was done, all six new slaves were at their Master's feet. Nigel rose again and a hush came over the hall.

"Assembled Masters, we have one more to present and it is for this reason that you were all asked to attend this conclave without exception. This presentation has never taken place in this country and anywho were not to attend would have lost all honour under the seven Mythra. May They Preserve. As this is the first time for this presentation it will be held under the rules set out in our neighbour's office of Australia. Masters I ask you to take your positions to show honour to Founding Prime Master James."

As my name was called I rose and told Eric to wait till I got back to take him through the hall. I lifted his hood and mask into position telling him to watch the screen as he will probably never see this again.

"Yes James."

"Now be patient Eric this is the biggest day ever held here and, little dove, you're the main attraction, so do the best you can, ok?"

"Yes James, I'll try to make you proud of me. James?"

"Yes kiddo?"

"I love you."

"I love you too little dove, ok here we go. Now wait till I come for you."

"Yes James."

I left him standing there watching the screen as I made my entrance into the hall. The slaves immediately went to the third position, the Masters to the second and all the Primes except for Nigel stood at the first. I walked the length of the hall, my heels clicking loudly on the wooden floor.

"Founder James, we the assembled greet you with honour."

All the leather covered fist banged on top of their tables three times.

"Prime Master of the Chair, the assembly does me great honour."

"Founder James, is there service we can offer?"

"Prime Master of the Chair, there is a service that can be offered."

A soft murmer went up around the hall.

"Founder James, the assembly could not deny you your service. Ask and it shall be done."

"Prime Master of the Chair, my service is to offer a presentation with dispensation, is this granted?"

"Founder James, this can not be denied, we await your presentation."

A loud gasp went up around the hall as everyone knew I had never handled another slave since Cameron ten years earlier.

"Prime Master of the Chair, I ask your leave to gather my presentation."

"Founder James, it is granted."

At this I turned on my heel to go to the room for Eric, a loud hubub of noise broke out. The ceremony had never been heard before here and the fact that I was again active was news to all. I got to the room and went in, Eric was standing staring at the screen in a daze.

"Ok kiddo, you ready for this?"


"I'll tell you when to go and ask for the dispensation, ok?"


"OK there's one last thing, you've heard about all the people talking about you being a double?"


"So you know that by wearing that ring on your finger everone will know that you are 100% submissive?"

"Yes, it's all I want to be."

"Ok, for you it's different. When you ask for your dispensation you don't use the third position, because of who you are and also my position you'll only go to the second position. This is to show all the other slaves you have a special place, it also shows honour to my standing, ok?"

"Yes, only to the second."

"Yes good boy, ok now let's get this show on the road, ready?"


"Let's go."

I lead him out the door and into the hall as the first eyes fell on him the whispering started as I knew it would.

"Look, look he wears the silver."

"It can't be, there's never been one."

"He looks small."

"Look how straight he is."

"But the silver must be a mistake."

"We'll know when he's uncaped."

"It can't be a double, not here, our group's to small."

"It's a chance in ten million."

"Yes but he wears the silver, James would never go against the rules."

"Let's wait and see."

"He's such a little bloke."

I hoped the nattering would not upset Eric, but as I glanced from the corner of my eye I was sure he straightened even further as we made our slow way down the hall. We walked past the row of other slaves presented that night and stopped a few feet from the dais.

"Founder James, who would be worthy to accompany you in black and silver?"

"Prime Master of the Chair, only a worthless boy to be presented to all assembled, to be honoured or disposed of as seen fit by the assembled."

"Founder James, you asked for a dispensation for this unworthy person, why?"

"Prime Master of the Chair, he would ask this boon of the assembled as he has been in training only two weeks."

"Founder James, why should he be presented with such little training?"

"Prime Master of the Chair, as you see he wears the silver, it is reason enough."

"Founder James, it is enough, is there among the assembled that would deny this presentation?"

"Founder James, there being no dissent, ask your worthless boy to ask his boon."

I turned to Eric and smiled to show him I knew he could do this, then removed his cape with a rather over large flurry, he snapped sharply into present, the gasps went up around the hall.

"He's double ringed, my god he's beautiful but so young, look at his present, it's perfect, god James is lucky to have found him."

The thumping on the table began in a sign of respect for Eric and to show me how they all felt about him. It continued until Nigel had to call a halt to continue with the ceremony, when at last the hall was silent he began again.

"Founder James, who would be this slave to wear the silver and be double ringed?"

"Prime Master of the Chair, I present my slave Eric for your consideration."

"Founder James, he would have a boon that would not be denied?"

"Prime Master of the Chair, he would have such a boon."

"Founder James, then ask him to approach."

I turned back to Eric, and saw he was a little nervous so I winked at him to tell him all was going to be ok.

"Bonded and double ringed slave Eric, proceed to the Prime Master of the Chair and ask your boon."

Eric moved forward to below where Nigel stood, going down on his knees, back rigid.

"Bonded, double ringed slave, you ask of the assembled a boon?"

In a clear steady voice Eric answered.

"Prime Master of the Chair, I would ask such a boon."

"Then bonded slave, ask what you will."

Everyone present waited for his request of dispensation, ready to agree the instant it was out of his mouth, a pin could drop and be heard in the room as his clear words rang around the room.

"Prime Master of the Chair, I would honour my Master by offering ten kisses to the five clawed cat."

I can't have heard right. Ten lashes of a five ounce [140 g] cat would nearly kill him. He was to small and light of build; especially done by the Master of the Rod, it could not be taken back, but there was only one way I could try to save him. The Master of the Rod used brute force in his whipping, whereas I had learned to use technique and even at full force as the blows had to be I could control the whip to do the least amount of damage, but his show of fearlessness was still going to hurt him beyond repair. The only hope was to do it myself and hope he yelled out at the first blow, and that's what everybody expected from him, one blow would satisfy the gathering. I lifted my right hand showing my signet ring to the dais.

"Founder James, you request the honour to hold the haft?"

"Prime Master of the Chair, I so request."

"Founder James it is granted, will you take the first of places for the kiss?"

"Prime Master of the Chair, we shall."

Then the unheard of happened as the senior of the Masters of the other six presented slaves stepped forward.

"Master Stephen, you have a request?"

"Prime Master of the Chair, we the presenting Masters would ask to withdraw our slaves this day to show honour to the bonded and double ringed slave Eric for his valour and trustworthiness in his Master Founder James. We would present again next year; for today we would not want to sully such an honourable slave."

"Master Stephen, it is agreed, bonded and double ringed slave Eric return to your master, your boon is granted."

Eric joined me in the center of the floor while the others took their slaves to the side as the Master of the Rod rolled out the cross into the center of the hall. Locking the brakes on the wheels he turned and went back to stand beside his table, lifting a five-whip in his hand for me to take when I was ready, but this was Eric's night so turning to him I ordered.

"Bonded and double ringed slave Eric, take for me the five clawed cat and return."

I was hoping the feel of the weight would make him change his mind, but he just strode to the dais lifting his hands for the whip and holding it out in front of himself returned to me offering it over.

"Boy, follow me."

I moved to the cross and he came to stand beside me, looking with glazed eyes at the solid Kauri timber of the cross with its four chains attached top and bottom. On the platform below was a small box with a leather bight bit in it for him to clamp down on with his teeth.

"Stand boy, while I release you."

I began to unlock his leathers, stripping him in front of the mass of Masters and Slaves. The oohs and aahs came out as they saw his small slender form, his skin shining with the oil and the sheen of perspiration now forming over him. Once he was stripped naked I gave him his next order.

"Boy, stand and face the cross."

Eric mounted the platform placing himself hard against the wooden cross spreading his arms and legs without being asked, as I clamped the shackles closed I whispered in his ear.

"My little dove, you shouldn't have done this, this is going to tear you apart. I'll be as careful as I can but there's going to be blood if you try to take all of them. I want you to take two then call out so it's over. I'm so proud of what you've done, but I don't want you hurt like this."

"James?" he whispered back.

"Yes, little dove."

"Please honour us both, and could you squeeze my nipple hard till it hurts, it'll help the dove to find me."

"Ok little dove, wait I'll get the bight for you to clamp down on."

"No, please this is for your honour."

The tears were falling freely down my face as I took his nipple in my fingers and squeezed as hard as I could. He flinched then in his chest I felt the vibration starting. I stepped back lifting the cat as the first of the humming started from his throat. I knew by twisting my wrist at the last moment before impact would bring the tails together and lessen the effect of the blow, but it would still sting more than anything he had ever felt. I brought the whip singing down on his upper shoulders.


His body contorted in the chains but no sound except that faint humming.

"One," the crowd called





For god sake Eric call out now, but the humming kept on. The third stroke was in the middle of his back but it wouldbn't be long before I started to overlap the strokes and then it was the dangerous part as he could easily be ripped open. I still had enough room to keep him clean but once the seventh blow was done it would be to late, he would be opened.



For God's sake Eric call out.



The humming grew louder but remained steady. His little body now striped almost to the bottom of his buttocks. I could get one more on his butt and one last one at the top of his thighs, then it would be to late unless he called out.





The last two numbers were called out with awe in the voices of everyone there. I walked to the cross, his humming still strong but he was aware and looking into my eyes as I stood beside him, I whispered to him.

"It's enough little one, call out or your skin will be broken, I can't hurt you anymore."

His face was ashen, the sweat was flowing down his face and body, he summoned up a smile for me.

"Please James, please mark me as yours, I need it, and can I cum now?"

"Honey are you sure, these marks will be with you for life?"

"Yes I'm sure, now can I cum?"

"When ever and how ever you want, little dove."

"Then make the last one the best one, leave your mark on me, please James."

"As you wish, little dove."

I stepped back lifting the whip.



No skin break yet but it was close. This one would have to be placed carefully for him as the last one was the one to draw blood for him but I was determined it wouldn't be much. I needed all my training to get him through this.



Still no blood thank the Mythra for his protection, but this one would draw it, I had to for him.



"By the Mythra he's done it, and look, look, he's cumming."

I looked to his front and he was sending shot after shot of his young cum out onto the floor in front of him. The hall went into an uproar, and then the chant started as I released him from the cross and took him in my arms to carry back to the room and tend to him, the Master of the Rod following behind me with a medicine kit (he was doctor in civie street), the chant shattered the hall.

"Eric, Eric, Eric, Eric."

He looked up to me as I carried him into the room.

"Did I do it James?"

"Honey you slayed them, you did what no one's ever done. You're going to be one of the greats of our history. They'll talk about your courage and honour for years to come. Now lay down there on your stomach while we have a look at you."

"May I come in, James?"

"Of course, doc."

The doc set about fixing the four open lashes on Eric's back, stemming the blood and rubbing in a salve to the rest of the marks.

"James, that was the most beautiful piece of whip work I've ever seen. To not break his skin for nine strokes was amazing, and as for you young Eric, well you leave me speachless, you have honoured your Master like no other has every done, congratulations."

Eric lay there naked on the couch letting the salve take effect on his back the four welts covered with guaze to protect the open skin. A knock came on the door.


"James, is he alright?"

"Yes Nigel, he's a tough little bugger when he wants to be."

"Eric, you are above honour, I've never seen a new slave do that, and to think you've only been bonded for two weeks, it's unheard of."

"Thank you, Prime Master of the Chair."

"Oh Eric, there's no need for that, tonight you're going to be honoured by all so for just now you can call me Nigel."

"I'm sorry sir, that would dishonour my Master."

"James he's is truly a gem. Ok Eric, 'sir' is enough for the rest of the night, ok, no titles."

"Yes sir."

"Ok, can you make it out to the rest shortly?"

"Yes sir, I'll be ok in a minute or two."

"James there was a unanimous vote, everyone wants to show honour to Eric for his devotion to you. Are you ok with that?"

"For him, anything Nigel, we'll be out soon, but I have no gear here for him, it's still outside."

"Please James bring him as he is."

"Are you ok with that Eric, to go back as you are?"

"Yes Master, they have all seen me anyway."

"Good boy, ok Nigel soon."

"Right, see you both then."

As we returned to the hall the whole membership had lined up along the length of the hall and as we entered they began to stamp there foot on the floor in recognition of Eric's performance. We made it to the center of the room where his leathers had been laid out neatly in a line and by the look of them they had been freshly cleaned and polished for him. We went to stand beside them, the stamping stopped abruptly as Nigel stood up from the chair.

"Assembled Masters, is there among you who would deny the bonded slave Eric the ultimate honour for a slave?"

No one spoke.

"There being none to dissent I ask you Founder James to dress your slave and bring him forward."

I dressed Eric in his leathers trying to be carefull of his cuts as best I could but even so the pressure of the harness made him wince and give a soft groan. When he was finished he took his place behind me and followed me to in front of the dais.

"Bonded and double ringed slave Eric, I ask you to step forward."

I turned to Eric and nodded, even with all that was going on tonight he had remembered to check with me first, even though he would have been forgiven had he moved without my agreement. He moved to the front of the dais, Nigel came down to the floor beside him holding in his hand a gold arm bracelet, as he pushed it up Eric's arm he said.

"Slave Eric, from this day and by this signet you will be addressed by all as Child of Mythra, only your Master may say different. I ask you know to take your place in the center of the room for all to pay homage to a Child of Mythra."

Eric had become one of a very select group; in fact there were only three others that I knew of in Australasia that held the title and it had taken them years to achieve, not weeks. I strode to the center of the room and Eric stood in front of me with my hands on his shoulders as the lines of Masters and the slaves came to him.

As first the Masters came, they would put there hand on his head and say to him while looking straight into his eyes.

"Child of Mythra, I honour thee."

When the last of the Masters had passed the slaves came and took the third position in front of Eric, old and young alike and said.

"Child of Mythra, I follow thee"

"When all had passed the Master of the Rod came before Eric carrying the whip we had used, taking the second position he lifted the whip up to Eric and said.

"Child of Mythra, I offer you your five clawed cat, so that it may never be used on another."

Eric reached out and took the cat almost reverently in his hands as the tears ran down his face. I could still feel the heat of his whipping hot against my chest even through my clothing. As the master gained his feet and left a number of slaves appeared carrying a large round dining table placing it in front of the dais. It was quickly prepared for dinner and the chairs for all the primes placed around it as Nigel spoke.

"That's the end of it people let's eat drink and you know what follows, and I want an extra chair set at our table, Mythra's Child sits with us this evening."

Then the party really began as we took our seats and the slaves ran around attending to everyone, especially, it seemed Eric, the sub I loved.

End of Book 1

Dear readers, even though this last part of the story has just been posted I have been inundated with emails from you all for the continuation of our sub's teaching and future life with James. Looks like I'll have to get another hard drive to keep the mail file on, how can I refuse you all? so if you will allow me a little time to complete my other stories I will continue with Eric's education and to those who asked for it I will explain more of the Mythra to them as it develops, the ceremony of presenting is as close to the facts as I can remember them from the directives. It's been a lot of water under the bridge since I had the opportunity to practice, so I hope my memory is as good as it used to be.
Arthur, 28 October 2002