PZA Boy Stories

Mich Boyle

Lorraine's Little-Boy Lovers


The story of Lorraine Lawson – a 42yr old female pedophile on the hunt for beautiful young boys in her local park.
Publ. 2002 (Storiesonline); this site Feb 2009
Finished 4,500 words (9 pages)


Timothy (12yo) and Lorraine (42yo)

Category & Story codes

Woman-Boy story
Fbcons mast piv – first


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading stories about women having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Author's note

This story is another by Mich Boyle dealing with the subject of Woman/boy love. All comments and suggestions and criticisms are welcome. I invite all readers with an interest in this subject to write to me at mich_boyle(at)hotmail(dot)com) or through this feedback form, please mention the story title in the subject line.

Lorraine Lawson sat in the park soaking up the warm afternoon sun and enjoying the fresh air. She loved sitting in the park watching the people pass by and enjoying a soda, ice cream or a hotdog bought from the little stall at the entrance 3; She visited the park regularly – at least three times a week in the summer and to the casual observer appeared to simply love the park, it's birds and it's tranquility contrasted with the big city outside. She usually sat on a bench overlooking the childrens play area where groups of boys would often kick a ball around or perhaps have a baseball game.

At 42 she still looked good although she had long since cut her hair short and taken to wearing more conservative clothes. She was taller than average and if the situation called for it she could still look attractive in a shorter skirt or even jeans. She had put on just a little weight recently but generally she looked a good few years younger than her real age – perhaps as a result of her excellent skin care – due, she believed, to her own secret skin care recipe that she followed religiously.

Lorraine loved watching the boys in the park kick a ball around In fact if the truth were to be known the boys in the park dressed in their scanty soccer shorts and t-shirts and aged anywhere from 9 to 15 were the primary reason that Lorraine Lawson visited the park so frequently – for Lorraine was a female pedophile and she loved nothing better to feed her fantasies and her hunger for little-boys than to watch the boys at play and sometimes to take an opportunity to get to know one of them a little better.

Today she wore a blue denim knee length skirt, a white blouse and sunglasses as she enjoyed her soda and watched the boys. She loved the sight of their lithe bodies at play, long silky smooth and tanned boy legs and innocent faces as they shouted and played. Sometimes one team would remove their shirts and then she would enjoy the sight of lots of nearly naked pubescant boys playing in the park.

One boy in particular caught her attention. He was new to the group as she had not seen him before and he was exactly her type of fantasy boy. He was about 12 or 13 years old – just over 5 ft [1.50 m] tall – perhaps 90 lbs [40 kg] – and blonde short hair with a slim perfectly proportioned and smooth body. He wore very short red shorts and a sleeveless white t-shirt. He reminded her of her most recent lover – another young 14 year old boy that she had picked up at a mall about six months before. He had visited her regularly in her apartment almost every Saturday afternoon for the last six months – but alas had moved away just a few weeks before leaving her with an unsatisfied hunger that had to be appeased by finding a new young lover.

She observed the new boy with growing interest. On one occasion he retrieved the ball very near to her – not only did he have a perfect slim body but he had the most adorable innocent choir boy face with just a few freckles on his smooth cheeks – She had smiled at him and he had smiled back at her instantly – trusting and confident she thought – a beautiful boy just perfect for a stranger like her to befriend and enjoy. She felt a flush and a familiar tingle just briefly as she watched the new boy and resolved to chat to him as soon as an opportunity arose.

The game ended and he lay down on the grass to rest not too far from her. His shorts rode up high on his legs and she could even make out his blue cotton briefs underneath as he lay in the warm sun recovering from the game. He seemed alone as the other boys went home in groups or sat around discussing the game. Opportunities did not just happen and she had to do something to make contact before he left. Thinking quickly she tossed an acorn at him and he looked up to see where it had come from. He was surprised to see her smiling at him and beckoning him over to her.

"Please do me a favour and throw my soda can into that bin over there" she said as he approached her. He obeyed instantly – obviously used to obeying instructions from adults.

When he returned she thanked him and asked him whether he had enjoyed his soccer game telling him that she thought he had played very well. He smiled at her again and said that he had enjoyed the game.

"I havn't seen you here before," she said, noticing that many of the other boys were leaving and that they had not even noticed her talking to him.

"I've just moved into the area," he said confirming her assumption that he had not made any friends in the park as yet.

"Oh, where do you stay" she asked, and discovered that he stayed in an apartment not far from her own with his divorced mother and sister. Before long she had knew all about him – Timothy – age 12 but nearly 13, 7th Grade, loved soccer and swimming and had not made many new friends yet.

"Will you be here tomorrow?" she asked innocently.

"Yes – I think so" he replied.

"Well perhaps I'll see you then," she said, "and if I do ill buy you an ice-cream or soda."

She knew then that she had made a new friend and that the next step would be easy as long as he was there the next day. She had to gain his trust and confidence and then make a move. Boys were easy for a woman like her to befriend and as long as they trusted her, she would succeed in her ultimate goal. She left the park and made her way home – happy with her new project.

That night in bed her mind was filled with visions the young Timothy and how his young smooth body would feel against hers if her plans succeeded. Her hand found it's way to her wetness and her orgasm came quickly.


The rain clouds that came the next day stayed for a week causing periodic showers and keeping the children indoors and out of the park. Lorraine's frustration increased as she wondered about Timothy and whether he would even remember her if and when she saw him again. She was unable to concentrate at her mornings-only secretarial job and wished that the clouds would dissipate quickly. Her only relief came in the form of her nightly fantasies of innocent boys and of the many boys that she had seduced and the pleasures to be derived from them.

On the following Tuesday the rain stopped and the clouds gave way to gorgeous summer sunshine. She couldn't wait to get to the park after work and was pleasantly surprised to see the park busy and full of games and laughter once more. The boys were there and she was amazed when Timothy came bounding up to her to say hi and gave her a perfect toothpaste smile before returning to the soccer game. He looked even more adorable than before and 42 year old Lorraine knew somehow that just a little more work would have that perfect boy in her lustful clutches.

After the game they walked home together and she bought him the promised soda. As they strolled home he enthusiastically told her about the last week and his new school and about his new friends. Lorraine showed him the apartment building where she lived and suggested that they had a soda together in her apartment the next day – testing his re-action – he agreed immediately – she had the total trust of this boy she thought as she made her way to her apartment that evening – and if things went well he would be in her arms in no time at all. At this stage however it was all about trust.

The next day he joined her after the game, once more, and they walked to her apartment. She reminded him that they had agreed to have a soda there and he said that he had remembered that and that he was looking forward to it, smiling at her – almost knowingly.

They sat together on her leather couch and chatted – As they chatted her hand touched his knee lightly and as he did not move it away she started stroking it very lightly. Her heart nearly skipped a beat when he said

"I told my mom about you."

He was so innocent, she thought, and telling his mom about his new adult friend was natural, but she would have preferred him not to have said anything.

"Oh – what did she say?" she replied almost showing surprise.

"She said that I was to be careful of strangers because I might get mol 3; isted," he said.

"I think you mean molested," she replied.

"Yes molested – that's the word," he said.

"Did she explain what that meant?"

"Yes – she said it was when someone touched you in a private place."

"And how do you feel about it?" she asked carefully.

"Well – at first I was scared but when I though about it I guess that secretly it made me quite excited," he replied to her surprise.

"Really?" she asked, "why is that?"

"Well – I mean you are not exactly a dirty old guy in a raincoat so I got real excited thinking about it."

Her hand moved higher on his thigh – drawing soft circles on his soft skin.

"Are you going to molest me?" he asked smiling mischiefly at her.

"Do you want me to?" she asked feeling her own excitement mounting at the turn of the conversation.

"I wouldn't mind – It would be kinda cool because you're a woman."

"Would you tell your mother or anyone else?" she asked – sounding him out.

"Of course not – never – I swear," he said.

The boy was virtually offering himself to her – It was too easy she thought, but then again 12 year old boys could be very horny and the thoughts that his own mother had put in his mind about being molested had caused great excitement in him 3; clearly this boy was very ready and willing for whatever happened – What luck, she thought – The most beautiful perfect boy in the park was also the horniest, and was almost asking her to touch him. No wonder he had been so keen to come to her apartment with her – his chat with his mom had caused all sorts of thoughts in his head and he had figured her for someone that wanted to molest him. The boy was wise beyond his years – thanks to his mom.

Her hand continued to stroke his thighs feeling the very soft almost electric smoothness of the inner thigh close to his tiny shorts. He opened his legs slightly as if to encourage her.

"And what do you do when you get excited thinking about me molesting you?" she asked.

The innocent 12 year old blushed a deep red.

"Do you touch yourself ?" she smiled looking into his deep blue eyes.

"Yeah – I do a bit – when I think of that," he said.

They were on the same wave length exactly and they both knew where this conversation was going – the boy was almost too keen for her touch and she was in heaven as she steered the conversation to suit her ends. She felt herself lubricating.

Her hand brushed his shorts and went back to his thigh – The boy was as hard as a rock and she was not going to be able to resist touching him.

"I love boys your age" she almost whispered to him

"Why?" came an almost cheeky response.

"Cause you guys are just too horny and adorable to resist."

He smiled back.

"Can I kiss you?" she said

Without waiting for a reply she leaned over him and kissed him hungrily on the lips feasting her tongue on his soft boy lips and feeling his own tongue inside his mouth. He tasted of feint raspberry and pure boy as she showed him gently how to move his tongue against hers' during the kiss.

During the third long kiss her hand found it's way to his shorts once more and she squeezed his young boycock through the shorts feeling it's size and gently massaging it for a few minutes on the outside of his shorts. It was hard to her touch and she guessed it to be about 4" [10 cm] erect.

"Do you like that?" she said

He just nodded in the affirmative.

"Can I take them off?" she asked.

He lifted himself up and she hitched her thumbs between the waistband to gently remove both the shorts and his small briefs beneath, to reveal naked tiny boy hips with his freed cock standing upright against his flat tummy. A few fine whisps of pubic hair showed above the shaft of his cock but other than those few hairs the boy was as smooth as silk. She removed his t-shirt next and Lorraine now feasted her eyes on the naked boy on her couch. She shivered with excitement. He was soooo beautiful she thought staring at his slim boy body and caressing him all over.

"Can I touch you too?" he asked, almost expecting her to refuse.

"Yes sweetie – let me get my top off for you."

His first touch of her breast was electric and she felt the sensation go through her whole body. She showed him how to touch her softly and her nipples hardened to his touch. Her hand found his cock once more and she pumped him gently watching his facial expression as his excitement grew. She had so many things to teach him but for now her own desire was simply to have this perfect boy cock in her hand.

"Can you cum yet?" she enquired.

"Yes a little – not much yet," he responded

"How often do you play with it?" she asked, continuing to pump the boy.

"Every night," he said.

"Will you cum for me?"

He nodded yes again. She focused now on bringing the boy to orgasm. How incredibly lucky she had been to pick this one she thought. He was so perfect and so horny and willing to learn – If she handled him correctly and if he was true to his word about secrecy she could play with him for a few months – just like some of the other boys that she had found over the years.

His own hand touched hers as if wanting her to stop and she guessed that he was very close to climaxing and almost embarrassed to cum.

"Shoot for me," she whispered and nodded, "it's okay – I want you too."

The boy closed his eyes half way and let out a soft boyish groan – and then she felt the wetness as he let go and squirted just a few drops of white liquid on her hand and over his own tummy. His face contorted into a beautiful contrast of innocent boy child and naughty sexually gratified boy – a sight that she loved to see. She continued to stroke him through his orgasm and then slowly stopped 3;

"I love boycum," she told him, taking some on her hand and rubbing it into her own cheeks. "It's my special secret to having a smooth perfect skin – just like boys have."

He was a little surprised by this action but she assured him that some women, including her, believed that boycum was the best possible skin lotion and that she found it really worked. She also tasted a small drop telling him that she also loved to taste it.

"Did you enjoy that?" she asked

"Yes ma'am," replied the boy.

"If you promise never to tell anybody else ever – we can do lots of fun stuff," she said.

"I sure do promise."

"Have you ever seen a woman's pussy?"

"Only my moms – when I was younger and saw her in the bath."

"Would you like to see mine?"

The boy just nodded and Lorraine lifted he skirt to reveal her white panties. She noticed a small wet spot on them caused by her lubricating pussy as she removed them for the boy. He stared wide eyed at her adult woman pussy covered by a soft down of black hair, and immediately asked if he could touch. Lorraine loved the enthusiasm of this boy and opened her legs to invite him to touch. She showed him how to insert a finger and felt herself lubricating even more to his touch. She showed him how to lightly stroke her clit and explained that she would orgasm too if he continued doing that. His eyes lit up at the thought and he insisted on her showing him how to make her orgasm.

It didn't take her long to reach her own lust inspired orgasm and in just a few minutes she was writhing against the boys young inexperienced touch and stopping his fingers as wave after wave of pleasure invaded her whole body.

She wanted the boy against her so badly but decided that it was getting late and that there would be time enough for more pleasure on other occasions as she dressed once more and helped him into his own clothes.

"Will I see you tomorrow?" she asked

"You bet," came the instant response.

"Don't forget that it's a big secret," she reminded him.

"Don't worry so much about that," he said, "I won't tell."

With that he was gone and Lorraine was left feeling on top of the world. Another perfect boy was hers to train and enjoy. The events of the afternoon in her apartment played on her mind again and again that night as she coaxed herself to yet another climax.


Two blocks away in a different apartment – 12 year old Timothy stroked his cock in bed – a tissue at hand to clean up afterwards. He was so lucky he thought – A real woman to play with and perhaps even to have his first sex with – he couldn't wait. He had figured Lorraine for someone fun when he first met her the previous week and he sure had not been wrong. He had wanted to be molested like that for a long time – ever since he had first started playing with himself two years before – and now he had met a perfect older woman that loved cute boys. He wondered why grown-up's made such a fuss about adults playing with kids. It was the most amount of fun that he had ever had and he sure wasn't going to tell anyone about it.

Lorraine was just a tiny bit afraid the next day as she entered the park. What if the boy had told his mother? What if there were police there to arrest her? She looked around carefully almost as if expecting to see something unusual in the park in which case she would turn around and go home. But there was nothing unusual, and she had hardly sat down when Timothy came bounding up again to confirm that he was there and that he wasn't expected home until much later and could stay with her a long time. Lorraine smiled at the adorable and very eager boy and told him to enjoy his game. Towards half-time he appeared to be limping on the field and told the other boys that he was too injured to play. They shrugged and he came to Lorraine on the bench once more.

"I faked an injury so that we could get going," he told her.

"Okay," she said gathering her things. Together they strolled out of the park and towards her apartment – woman and boy – almost appearing like a mother and son. Lorraine could not get over how keen this boy was to be alone with her and for her part she could not believe her good luck in finding such an eager beaver.

Immediately they were inside her apartment she turned to the eager and waiting boy and kissed him hungrily telling that she had been dreaming of this moment all day. He kissed back and she frantically tore at his t-shirt removing it and tossing it on the floor. Her hands were all over him now. Like two lovers eager to explore each other and make frenzied love they kissed and removed their clothes. She felt like she was close to raping this naked and perfect virgin boy as she took him to her bedroom and lay on the bed, drawing him down onto her body. The lesson in Love that she had imagined herself slowely giving the boy was not to be – he was too eager and she was too aroused. She simply felt for his little cock and guided it deep into her wet and lubricating pussy. Her legs opened wide for her 12 year old lover as she welcomed him into her secret inner world that had known the touch of countless boy cocks before. She clutched at his child body drawing him deeper – caressing his back and butt and moaning all the while.

"Cumm for me baby," she whispered in his ear.

"Shoot your boy seed into me."

"That feels sooooo good."

Minutes later Lorraine felt the boy quiver and change rhythm slightly and she knew that he was about to cum. Her own climax erupted in wave after wave of spasm as she coaxed the boy and felt him shoot into her. Her nails clawed at his back and she wallowed in the sensation of having this wild boy child climax for the first time in his life inside a woman 3; but not a moment too soon she thought for he was clearly ready for this moment of adult passion.

Her orgasm subsided and for the first time she simply enjoyed the feel of the boys smooth hairless and perfect body against her own. In her view this was the second most enjoyable part of loving a boy – to feel the soft forbidden sensation of pure smooth boy on her – almost like a girl but masculine and inviting in a boyish way. This boy could be the best ever she thought as she continued to caress him in the glow of her after climax. He was so pure and innocent and yet at the same time so horny for sex.

She thought of the many boys that she had brought home through the years. There had been at least 30 ranging in age from 11 to 15 but lately her tastes and desires were directed at the younger boys in that age range. As long as they could cum and as long as they were thin and cute she would have them. What was a boy craving nympho to do after all, she thought. Grown men were brutes and simply just did not do it for her, as boys did. She thought about the first time as an adult when at about age 22 – almost 20 years before she had taken a boy-lover for the first time.

That very first boy had also been in a park at night time. He was 15 and streetwise and had asked her for some money. She had been having fantasies about boys and saw an opportunity to indulge them. She told him that she would give him some money if he let her touch him. He showed her to the toilets and she had jerked and sucked him in a toilet stall. After that her addiction to young boys had grown to the point where boys were her primary means of sexual satisfaction. She knew too how dangerous her exploits were but had developed a sixth sense for danger that had kept her safe over all that time.

She moved Timothy off of her now as her mind returned to the present and to thoughts of her latest conquest. He could be nurtured to stay with her for a long time – perhaps even six months or a year as her afternoon lover as long as he kept enjoying the pleasures that she could offer a willing sex hungry boy. They made love again – woman on top and then again and again until she and the boy were exhausted. Timothy's first time would not be forgotten by either of them as she let him out and sent him on his way in the late afternoon 3; with a promise of more fun to come on his next visit.


Timothy visited her at least three times a week after that and so it was that her chance encounter with him in the park had landed her a lover that stayed for almost eight months until one day he announced sadly that he was to move away. He was 13 and had grown in those eight months, developing a confidence and maturity that would stand him in good stead for his life time after that. Lorraine believed that this was partly due to her own tutoring and influence and proudly told him to use what she had taught him to get any girl (or woman) that he chose to have.


A beautiful slender 11 year old boy dressed in a tight fitting white baseball suit retrieved his ball and smiled innocently at the nice lady sitting near to where he was playing with his friends. Lorraine noticed him immediately and a slight tingle went through her body as she realised that the boy had the same innocent yet naughty smile that she loved so much. Lorraine smiled back telling him how well he was playing and inviting him to join her for a soda after the game 3;

The End