Andy Madding returned to the secret room with an idea to try out something that he'd never done before. He just wasn't sure what that was going to be but he knew the dungeon would have just the answer.
His buttocks were now fully recovered from the self spanking so he could do that again, and the marks around his wrists and ankles from his adventure as a prisoner had also cleared up but he'd done both those things and now wanted to do something different.
The dungeon had a lot of options built into it but some of those ruled themselves out as impractical for a fourteen year old boy to operate on his own. For example Andy really liked the idea of being locked in the stocks, but it didn't take much of a look over the heavy wooden instrument to realise that not only wouldn't he be able to get out of them on his own, but that he wouldn't be able to lock himself into them in the first place. Of course that didn't stop him from lifting up the top board and putting his head into the slot made for it, before closing the board down again. That alone gave him a thrill that stretched the front of his trousers, but his hands had to remain free so he didn't get that sense of being totally helpless that he liked so much.
Moving around the dungeon Andy examined all the large items of torture equipment it contained, but found none that really fitted into his idea of what he wanted to do, not that he had that much of an idea, but they all seemed just that little bit over the top for his liking, and not fun at all. At least those he could actually work out didn't. The recliner chair left him completely baffled just as it had done the first time he'd seen it with his mates that fateful day when they'd come into the old house to escape from the worst of the weather.
The chair just looked so out of place in the dungeon, given that it was covered in a soft material in contrast to all the leather, steel and wood, that everything else was made off. When the three boys had first seen it, Liam had suggested that it was just somewhere to sit down, but Andy hadn't been so sure, and certainly none of the boys had actually wanted to attempt to sit on it, largely due to the way the foot rest was split apart at a funny angle, that would clearly allow access to the more private parts of whoever was sitting in it. This clearly meant that its intend purpose was something more than just resting, but what? Andy wished he knew, but right now he had other things to look at.
Moving away from the chair, the teenager went back to examining the various things in the room, moving past the spanking implements and the rack of handcuffs, shackles and other bondage items, towards the only parts of the display he had yet to see in detail. The part that had, given the three friends more giggles than any other part of the entire place. The sex toys.
All school boys knew about sex toys, or at least thought they did, Andy though had spent a little more time researching these than most of his peers and for different reasons too. They interested him, not as jokes, or even novelty items but for what they were. Of course, he couldn't let his mates know this so he'd feigned innocence about what, the various strange things were, and where they went, while all the time having a pretty good idea about all of it.
Some of the items were obvious in their use, having long since entered into many a schoolboy joke, others were helped along by looking like the things they pretended to be, while others, where just weird yet Andy knew them all. From the ordinary smooth finished dildos, through the butt plugs to the anal beads. Not that he'd seen any of the things before but he just had the sort of enquiring mind that could work out the use for nearly all of them.
Only the one series of items had confused him back then but now he knew what even that was. The strong rubber ring with the metal cage fitted over the top, and sealed with a small padlock, hadn't appeared to have any particular use, appearing out of place along with all the other anal devices, but now Andy had realised it was a chastity device he knew what it was there, and just what good use it could be put use to. He was even thinking about putting it to some use, right up until he saw the item behind it on the shelf.
Shaped like an oversized cigar tube, it had fallen down, and was laying on the shelf instead of standing up as it once clearly had done. Made from clear, strong, yet soft plastic, the centre was hollow, with a top that tempered down, while at the other end a rubber seal closed off the only open part of the tube, to which was attached a short strap and buckle. The words, "Self lubricating" were written onto the side final giving away that it was a masturbation device just like the one Andy's peers would often joke about, while at the same time never admitting that they actually masturbated themselves.
At last Andy had found something new he could try and although he was a little apprehensive about putting his erection into anything, that wasn't going to stop him trying this thing out but where?
The recliner was the only real seat in the room, so that was the obvious place for the teenager to head towards.
Placing the masturbation device on the arm of the chair, Andy wasted no time in pushing down his jeans, before deciding he may as well remove the rest of his clothes while he was at it.
Once naked, with his erection poking up in front of him, already leaking slightly, Andy settled himself into the chair, sitting all the way back before once more picking up the masturbation device which he then positioned over the head of his erection.
As if by magic, as soon as the rubber seal at the bottom of the tube came into contact with Andy's erection, the entire device gave a little shudder and appeared to suck the teenager's erection all the way down inside it. The tube sliding all the way down in one motion, aided by the proclaimed self-lubrication that had the teenager groaning in soft pleasure.
It took a few minutes for Andy to get used to having something on his erection, but before he did, he realised he couldn't sit there holding the thing on himself, as that would be the same as having a wank. Then he remembered the strap on the bottom of the tube, and realised that if he fastened that around the underside of his balls, then it would hold the tube in place, leaving his hands free, to imagine it was someone else working him over. So that's what he did.
When the strap was fastened, it did indeed hold the tube in place but also seemed to set it into proper action so it really did feel like Andy was being wanked off by someone. Someone who knew exactly what they were doing. So much so that he could feel himself bulging out inside the tube, as it intensified its up and down motion.
More and more lubricant both leaked from the tube, and from the boy's organ inside it, as the motions surrounding it varied from soft and gentle up to intense and rather rough. But then, just as Andy felt himself reaching the verge of coming – which he did by letting out a loud moan – the tube suddenly stopped it's motion to become totally still, leaving the fourteen year old right on the edge of orgasm, with an organ that throbbed so hard, he felt a little bit faint.
Feeling the blood drain from his body, down to his groin, Andy inadvertently settled back into the recliner, which triggered the chairs built in mechanism to begin the process for which it had been carefully programmed and which once started couldn't be stopped.
The first Andy knew about this was when the restraints snapped into place. Metal clamps appearing out of invisible slots in the chair's coverings, to hold his wrists onto the arms rests, and his legs onto the foot rests which was all it took to render him helpless stuck onto the chair. A chair which then began to move.
There wasn't much movement in the upper parts of the chair although the seat did move forward slightly and the back lower down, but most of the movement was in the footrests. These not only slid slightly further apart but also rose both up and back so that Andy's knees were pulled back until they were all but level with then ends of the arm rests where his hands remained trapped.
And then things got even weirder.
From out of a panel set beneath the foot rest came a mechanical arm, that whipped itself around until it landed firmly, with a loud smack, on Andy's right buttock that was now hanging over the seat of the chair. Then it did it again.
Unable to see what was going on, as his view was now blocked by his head was now too low down to see, Andy was all the same well aware that he was being spanked slow and steady in a pre-programmed way that was, nonetheless, soon starting to sting.
From time to time the spanking would get harder and faster but for the most part it kept to the same pace, a pace that although didn't land any particular sharp blows, itself, did soon build up its intensity until there were tears in the teenager's eyes through which he could just make out that he was starting to go soft inside the tube.
However, as soon as Andy's erection started to wilt the tube sprang back into action, working itself up and down his penis until it was once more standing up at full erection inside it's smooth prison, and once more ready to shoot it's load only to be denied that for a second time.
Andy's mind was soon taken away from his denied orgasm, when the automated spanking he was getting moved up a notch so that whereas before it had felt like he was being spanked by someone's hand, not it felt like they'd picked up a hairbrush and were using the back on his bottom. Hard.
The gasps from the masturbation machine now changed to a different sort of sound, as the spanking became harder and faster until Andy was yelping at the pain it was giving him, which naturally caused the blood to leave his erection, which in turn started the masturbation device up again.
The combination of the tube working on his erection and the spanking was now so intense that Andy was both moaning in pain and pleasure, while tears ran freely across is face.
On and on the duel action went, with Andy getting to the verge of orgasm from the manipulation only for the spanking to drive that out of him again, and then for the entire process to repeat itself over and over again, until the tears turned to sobs both of pain and frustration.
The spanking was already beyond a point that Andy had taken on any previous occasion he'd spanked himself, and close to the point where he thought he wouldn't be able to take it anymore, and he was right, just not in the direction he thought as it was right about then that the masturbation device miscalculated and the teenager was able to experience the most intense ejaculation of all his fourteen years.
The spanking continued for a few minutes beyond the point where Andy had shot his load but by then he really didn't care about the sharp slaps his rear was getting as he was still basking in the glow of an orgasm that he would be bound to remember for the rest of his life.
Chapter Seven Rick & Liam
Baby Ricky awoke a little more groggily than usual, even though his alarm clock was buzzing away fit to burst beside his bed. Like every teenager on the planet Rick woke slowly, running on automatic pilot, to get out of bed.
The instant he was on his feet Rick became aware of the heaviness between his legs caused by the nappy he was wearing, beneath the footed and mitten sleeper he still now regular wore to bed and which he would need his little brother's help to get out of.
It had been totally embarrassing the first he'd had to sneak into Matt's room, to ask him to work out what had happened with the neck fastening but, to his credit the eleven year old, hadn't batted an eye-lid, just set to work freeing his older sibling from the all in one suit.
Since that day, the routine had become set in the Derek house, one that the boys managed to keep secret from their parents but which allowed for Rick to be Baby Ricky at least at night. Now, when Rick came home from school he would change into his nappy, and shortalls and remain in them until he heard whichever of his parents came home first, then he'd change back into his regular clothes. However, at night he'd change back, putting on the sleeper with the built in feet and mittens, just as he had that first time, and which he needed help getting out off, which is what Matt would do. His brother coming into his room, just after getting up to help Baby Ricky to undo his sleeper before going about his own routine, leaving his sibling to turn back into a teenager for school. Or so he thought anyway.
Sitting on the side of his bed Baby Ricky waited for his brother to appear resisting the never ending temptation to rub his groin with his hand, as he knew it would do no good and yet he so dearly wanted to as this was the day he was going to take his 'experiment' (as he continued to call his nappy wearing whenever Matt was around) to the next level. He was going to actually wear a nappy at school.
The day couldn't have been any more perfect for what Rick had in mind as not only was it a shorter school day than usual but it was one of the seemingly regular mufti days, meaning the pupils and staff could come wearing whatever they wanted to given him the option to choose some clothes that would conceal his nappy more than his regular uniform would have done. In the back of Rick's mind he wished it was a fancy dress day and that he could have gone as a proper teenage baby with clothes from the secret nursery or at least his shortalls, but he knew, deep down he just wasn't ready for that sort of exposure so this was to be the next best thing.
His clothes for the day were already selected. Shoes and socks as normal, but then the baggiest jeans he owned to hide the bulk of the nappy, and to finish off a large over sized t-shirt that would hand way down past his waist and so conceal as much as possible.
Once released from his sleeper, Rick acted as normal as possible, changing out of his baby clothes, before heading for the shower and then back into his room to put on a track suit before heading down to the breakfast his mum had laid out for him and his brother. It was then, only after seeing his mother off to work, and helping to clear up the kitchen that he returned to his room to get ready for school and then heading out to spend his first day at school in a nappy.
Registration passed at the slow crawl it always did, not least as none of Rick's mates were in the same form he was, so once the register had gone past his name, there was nothing for him to do but sit, half listening to the day's announcements while gazing out of the window while trying to work out just how many of his classmate's clothes could hide a nappy. Not that he thought any of them did. He just liked to think about it.
Rick's first real class of the day was maths not a subject he excelled at but one Liam Marshall did, which is why Rick made a b-line for the younger of his two mates
Pleased to have arrived before Andy so that he would have the advantage of copying off his brighter friend, should the need arrive.
The lesson passed fairly painlessly right up until almost the last minute, when seemingly out of the blue, Liam asked Rick an apparently normal question but one which made the older boy's blood run cold.
"Hey what are you wearing?" Liam asked, his head cocked slightly to the side.
It took a few moments for Rick to answer, during which time the mad thought that he'd been rumbled came into his head only to be dismissed again as nonsense. "Combat jeans and t-shirt." He eventually replied, before adding a comment about Liam being able to see that for himself.
"Yeah I can see that, but are you wearing something underneath, like shorts or something, cos you look really puffy around done there."
Following a natural reaction for a boy his age whenever another one mentions his 'down there' Rick shifted uncomfortably in his seat, adding to his problems when he made a very audible crinkling sound. This left his vocalization that he was just wearing normal boxers, slight more half hearted then it should have been and gave Liam more information than had been intended.
"That's odd," the younger boy said with a smirk on his face, "as the only underwear I know about that crinkles whenever you move is what my little brother Bobby wears, and it's not like you're going to be wearing anything like that, now is it?"
"Of course not." Snapped Rick, sharply enough to bring their conversation to the attention of the teacher, who soon put a stop to it, much to Rick's relief as that gave him the perfect chance to take care of business, and he asked to be excused.
"Make it quick!" the teacher said, but Ricky couldn't risk any haste making the noise of his nappy any worse so he took a normal paced trip to the front of the class and then out, where he headed to his locker to collect his bag and then to the nearest toilet.
Inside, Rick made a quick check he was alone before, heading into the end stall, and locking the door.
For a moment he stood there listening to see if anyone was about before he unfastened his trousers and pushed them down to his ankles, then off hanging them on the hook fixed to the back of the stall door.
Carefully he unpeeled the tape from the sides of his nappy, and pulled it off. He already had a plan of how to dispose of it, in a bundle of paper towels and then buried in the bin where it should remain undiscovered, and even if it was found no one would know it was his. It would be a shame to have to throw it away given that he'd barely used it, but he couldn't risk going around school smelling of wee anymore than he could be discovered wearing a nappy.
Opening his bag, he took out his spare nappy, some wipes and a tub of powder. The nappy he unfolded and placed on the closed toilet seat while he cleaned himself up with the wipes. This, as usual, made him stiff, but he daren't take the time to pleasure himself, so just worked around his hardness, before dusting himself with a touch of the powder, again afraid to use too much in case someone noticed the smell.
Finally Rick sat on the nappy, taped it around his sides, before pulling his big boy trousers back on.
Liam Marshall gave Rick an strange smile when he finally returned to the class but didn't say anything. At least not until break time.
Meeting up with Andy Madding, the three friends sort out their usual place sitting on a low wall around the back of the school where they sat around talking about the various things that boys their age talk about. Andy, for reasons he never explained preferred to remain standing, after only a few seconds on the low wall, which, it has to be said wasn't all that comfortable to sit on, which is why Liam fidgeted from time to time. Rick though, with his extra rear padding barely noticed.
The wall where they sat was about as far from the main school buildings as they could get which, naturally is why they had picked it a couple of years earlier, but it also meant they were some distance from the toilets, so, when it came time that one of them needed to relieve himself, they would hope over the wall, standing technically "out of bounds" while the watered the walls foundations. Liam was the first to give into this temptation followed a short time later by Andy.
"You not going to have a piss, Rick?" Liam asked once Andy was busy doing his thing.
"Don't need to."
"Why's that?" the younger boy asked, looking down without any subtly as the well padded middle section of his friend.
"Because I'm wearing a nappy."
Liam nearly choked, at least he would have done had he been eating anything: "What? You are?"
"No of course not. Stupid. Why would I be wearing a nappy?"
"Well," Liam's face went all serious, "Bobby's doctor said that sometimes boys our age start having, you know, accidents, for a short while, and that sometimes, they have to wear nappies for a bit but its nothing to be embarrassed about or anything."
Naturally, Rick found this bit of information more than a little interesting but was saved from having to say anything as Andy was climbing back over the way, rubbing a strange red mark around his wrist as he did so. "What lesson you all got next?" he asked butting right into their conversation.
Without taking his eyes from Rick, Liam answered over his shoulder, "Same as you, like at every time this week."
"Oh Right!" Andy shrugged, not having the best memories for these things. "What about you Rick!"
Rick explained that he'd got a spare half a lesson, due to some teacher training thing, but didn't tell his friends that he had a very special plan of what he was going to do during that time. One that was rather risky but which, none the less he was excited about. He was going to wet himself. Not a lot, just a bit too see what it was like to wear a wet nappy for some time without the option of being able to change it. It was something he'd done at home, but to do it in the yard at school as long as he cleaned himself up enough before the next lesson.
Naturally Rick waited until some minutes after the school bell had rung for the start of the next lesson, watching until all of his peers had dutifully trotted back inside the building, before checking that the few who remained outside, like himself were otherwise occupied, before he slipped off the wall, and stood behind it as if he was going to the toilet normally. He even put his hands down at the front of his body as if he was holding himself, when in reality he didn't even have his fly open, as he didn't need to. .
From experience, Rick knew to let his pee out slow and steady, with occasional breaks in the flow to ensure the nappy would be able to absorb everything, and not get flooded. While he was doing it, the teenager wondered what it would have been like to do the ultimate thing and to mess himself. Not that he had to go, as he'd long since got into the habit of not going to the toilet during the school day, due to the danger of being paper bombed while sitting in a school cubicle. Of course this had, during the his first few months at Cherrywood Comp, led to a couple of near misses, that almost left him with a mess in his underwear, that at the time disgusted him but now, excited him. How weird was that.
Rick had just about finished emptying his bladder when he spotted Liam running towards across the yard with some news that ruined his entire plan. The free period Rick had been expecting had been extended to cover the entire school who were now expected in the hall for a big meeting of some sort. Liam having managed to slip out to tell him which he did although after he did he had something else to say, that was even worse than his original news.
"Oh did you have an accident?" The younger boy asked, nodding towards his friend.
"No course not," Rick confirmed a little bit too quickly.
"Are you sure cos it looks like you did." And with that both the boys looked towards the front of Rick's trousers where there was indeed a tell tail sign that something wasn't right.
It would have been easy enough for Rick to lie and say he had but he left it too long, especially as the damp stain he was sporting wasn't in his crotch but at the top of his legs, so it would have been easy to excuse it as something else. Unfortunately, by then Liam had already recognised it for what it was, so lying was somewhat pointless, already.
"Have you... you know?" Liam's voice dropped to a whisper, even though there was no one around, yet all the same he pointed towards the middle of his friend's body. "Wet yourself!"
Rick was at a loss for what to say, although as it turned out he didn't have to say anything at all, for Liam was more than a little sure how to deal with the situation and, oddly didn't seem the slightest bit put out, and for a good reason to.
"Don't worry about it, Rick," he said, "I knew you were wearing a nappy earlier, cos you sounded just like Bobby."
"But I..." Ricky attempted to explain but his friend didn't give him the chance.
"Don't worry about it. The doctor Bobby goes to for his wetting had loads of boys our age going to him to, so its nothing to be worried about, although we'd best get you out of those wet trousers before anyone else notices.
"But I'm not wearing...." It was an automatic response that died in his mouth even as Rick started to say it, as clearly it was too late for any denials. Instead he had to get practical, for which what Liam was suggesting, was clearly the obvious answer. But how? They clearly couldn't go into the school toilets as they would be bound to be seen and worse yet, Rick's locker was right near the hall where they were meant to be along with everyone else. Thankfully Liam had an answer to that too.
"We can go to the junior school," he explained, saying that he'd done so on several occasions to change his little brother, without anyone knowing. The junior school had a special room for that, which was left unlocked so anyone could use it, what's more it was fully stocked with everything they'd need. Naturally Rick agreed but before they left Liam had one more thing to say. "You've got to be honest with me about..." he looked down at Rick's middle, "well, everything okay?"
With little real choice, Rick, of course, agreed and in doing so opened up the floodgates to what had, up until then been his most closely guarded secret. Or part of it anyway.
"I take it no one knows that you wear nappies then, Rick?" Liam asked as he started to skirt around the side of the comprehensive school, heading towards the twinned junior school that lay on the other side. "Other than your parents obviously."
"They don't know!" the older boy blurted.
"Really, they don't. You've managed to keep it a secret from them? So how do you get the nappies then?"
"I buy them." Rick explained, running quickly though the things he'd done in order to get hold of the nappies he was now wearing, but not, of course, anything about the secret nursery, or what he'd been getting up to there which turned out to be in his favour when Liam made him an offer he really wasn't expecting.
"I could get you some if you want. I'll just add them to Bobby's order on the internet."
Rick smiled for the first time since he'd wet himself. "Really! That would be great."
"Sure no problem. How often do you wet them, so I'll know how many to get."
"Not often." Rick admitted.
"So why were you wearing one today. Did you know you were going to need one or something."
Rick blushed. "Yeah, I guess."
"I guess you don't mind wearing them, cos do you know what, Bobby likes wearing his."
"He does."
"Oh sure. He doesn't like using them, obviously, but he likes wearing them. Says they make him feel like a baby again."
"A baby."
"Yeah sure, his doctor says that's not uncommon either. Seems there are some people who even wear nappies just because they like wearing them and being treated like a baby, well not so much like a baby but more like a toddler I guess."
When Rick didn't respond to that, Liam stopped and turned, to see his friend deep in thought, confirming what he was already thinking, that Rick didn't have a wetting problem at all but that he liked wearing them, and was a teen baby, just like all those Liam had read about online when he'd been 'researching' his little brother's incontinence. Naturally though, he kept this to himself. At least for now as they were just arriving at the side gate to the junior school.
"It's locked." Rick noted, accurately, but just as he'd said Liam had been that way many times before and knew the code, so it was only a couple of seconds before they were not only not standing in the street but inside a building Rick hadn't been in for over three years.
"this way," Liam whispered, leading his friend through a side corridor and into a room that was positioned right at the back of the school and which Rick was pleased to note, had a lock on the inside, similar to a toilet cubicle that would show it was 'engaged' to anyone wanting to enter.
The moment they were inside, Liam started to prove that what he'd said about being familiar with the room was perfectly true for within seconds he had a bottle of baby oil, some powder and a few baby wipes assembled and ready to go.
It was at the sight of these familiar things in his friend's hand that caused Rick to start to have second thoughts about what was about to happen. As much as he was now used to wearing nappies, even wet ones like he had on now, he wasn't at all sure about the idea of someone else knowing, even if it was his most trustworthy friend. All the same, even as he was thinking this the smell of the room and the products it contained was starting to get to him, causing him to start to stiffen inside his nappy that he put his hands down in front of himself to hide, even though Liam was still busy with his preparations.
A large vinyl mat was placed on a low table, next to the bottles and tubs of baby supplies, and a nappy. This was then joined by the one thing that truly had Rick worried, a roll of duct tape. Yet even as he worried about this, Rick became even more excited by the small of old baby products that came from the mat.
"Okay I think that's everything. Let's get started lift your arms up."
It wasn't an instruction Rick had been expecting which is why he did it without question, allowing the shorter boy to pull off his t-shirt with remarkable easy.
"Hey!" Rick complained, but Liam soon soothed his fears by pointing out that the t-shirt was so long it could get stained by the pee. This relaxed Rick, which allowed Liam to do something that should have been expected but none the less came as something of a shock. He pulled down Rick's trousers.
For the first time in his life, fourteen year old Rick Derek found himself wearing nothing but a nappy in front of another person. Not only that but the nappy was clearly wet as indicated by both the sign on the front, and the size of it, and the other person was one of his mates. If he could have died on the spot he probably would have, and yet, Liam didn't seem the slightest bit fussed, just telling him to lay down on the mat.
The vinyl was cold under on Rick's back, but then he was sweating even though the room wasn't all that warm, as he lay staring at the ceiling trying not to think about who's hands were unpeeling the tapes that held the wet nappy on him.
"Lift up." Was all Liam said, as he pulled the sodden nappy away from his friend's loins leaving him stark naked. Not that this was all that much of a shock in itself as both Rick, Liam and their mutual friend Andy Madding, had all seen each other naked any number of times so there was no need for any of them to be bothered about it, even if this situation was about as far from a school changing room, or a sleepover, than it could ever be.
Things then got that little bit weirder, just as soon as Liam had folded the used nappy up and disposed of it in the tub marked 'Biological Waste' in the corner of the room. Picking up a baby wipe he then proceeded to clean his friend's groin of any remains of the apparent 'accident' – that they both knew wasn't any sort of accident' – until Rick was once more dry.
"Oil or powder?" the younger boy then asked, in what could have been a reasonable question but which in fact, was another hidden test or how far Rick would want to go with this. When the answer came back in favour of the oil, Liam smiled to himself.
Pouring a generous amount of the clear Baby Oil, on his hand, Liam made short work of applying it all over the area of Rick's body that had been covered by the nappy, accept that is for the ever steadily growing erection.
"It's just like doing it to Bobby." The thirteen year old said, before joking, "Only he's got a little less hair than you."
"So more than you then?" Rick replied automatically, that been a favoured teasing point both he and Andy had over their friend even if he was now catching up to them. Liam though didn't reply as he was already applying an even more liberal amount of the baby oil, not to his hand, but directly to Rick's erection and the balls beneath it.
There was no further direct contact after that though. Liam made no attempt to rub the final application of baby oil into his friend's body. It was another test, he wasn't going too far. He'd have done it for Bobby, and indeed had done on many occasion, while the small boy squealed in delight, but he'd wanted Rick to ask him to do it but Rick hadn't as he hadn't realised he was meant to until it was too late and the reason for the duct tape was being explained.
The nappy that Rick was being put into although designed for older children, wasn't big enough for a fourteen year old as the oldest boy with a wetting problem in the junior school was eleven, and although a somewhat fat eleven, he was still smaller than Rick was. This meant the tapes built into the nappy weren't long enough to do the job they were intended to do, which is where the tape came in.
However the strips of duct tape that were pressed around the sides of Rick's body wasn't the last thing that happened as no sooner had Liam finished putting them on then he was reaching for a second nappy explaining that as clearly one nappy designed for a teenager couldn't prevent leaks, then one designed for a pre-teen wouldn't have stand a chance so Rick was going to wear two.
The second nappy went on just like the first, although before it was fastened at the front a liberal amount of baby powder was sprinkled inside, After it was fastened, Rick was told to stand up, which proved a challenge.
Despite all the weeks he'd been secretly wearing nappies, the teenager had never thought of wearing two at once, so the experience of the extra thickness between his legs was truly a new one which, as he soon discovered, also made it tricky for him to close his legs as much as he was used to, which in turn made standing up a little awkward.
"Not bad." Liam admired his own handy work, "But just to be safe."
Picking up the roll of duct tape once more, Liam proceed to run it a couple of times right around Rick's waist in what he called a 'safety precaution' before he was satisfied with what he'd done. And he wasn't the only one either.
He may have only been ever put in a nappy by himself before but Rick realised that his friend was truly an expert at doing it, certainly more so than Rick himself was. The nappies he had on now couldn't have been a more perfect fit even if that did mean that it was still possible to make out the ridge of his erection though them. Yet despite the embarrassment Rick should have felt about that, he still couldn't help but run his hands all over the only item of clothing he was now wearing. Feeling the oil inside, rub against his erection as the plastic crackled under his touch.
"Careful," Liam laughed, "Or you'll need another change in a minute."
"It's okay I don't need to pee."
"That wasn't what I meant." The younger boy sniggered, drawing attention, for the first time, to his friend's obvious excitement.
Instantly he caught on what was being meant – and just how true the comment actually was – Rick snatch his hands away from the nappy, mumbled an "Oh!" and blushed bright red. Liam though was already moving on to the next part of the plan that was rapidly forming in his head.
"Let's get you something to wear."
"I've got my jeans."
"You can't wear them, with a piss stain on the front." Liam held up the garment to make his point, hoping Rick wouldn't notice the drying heater in the corner of the room that was for just that purpose. "And it's the same with your t-shirt. Don't worry though they keep spare clothes in here for that very reason."
To prove his point Liam soon produced a large blue shirt from a hamper in the corner which he rightly thought would be big enough for his friend. Just, although Rick wasn't so sure.
"I can't wear that?"
"Why not. It'll fit." Liam held it up to Rick's chest. "See."
That though wasn't the basis for Rick's complaint which was down to the colour. The blue shirts with their clip on ties with horizontal stripes were only worn by boys in the junior school. Those in Cherrywood Comp wore white shirts and diagonal striped ties.
"Who is going to know?" Liam shrugged, "And anyway, you'd look really weird coming out of here dressed like a teenager won't you. You'd be better off fitting in with everyone else."
"What about you?" Rick pointed to his friend's jeans, and bright red shirt that was hardly junior school uniform either but Liam shrugged it off.
"They're used to seeing me around here, picking up Bobby, but no one has seen you, and you don't want to bring attention to yourself, now, do you?"
That was all true enough of course, especially as the junior school was out of bounds to the comprehensive pupil unless, like Liam, they had a younger sibling still attending there. So although still reluctant, Rick put the shirt on, and buttoning it all the way up the front, slightly disappointed to notice that it wasn't long enough to cover up the nappies any more than just the very top.
"Trousers." Liam mumbled to himself, as he returned his search to the lost property box that was used in wetting emergencies. Consciously he made it sound like he was having trouble finding anything suitable, when in fact, although there were several things that were clearly too small for a fourteen year old, there were several sets of track suit trousers that would have been perfect. Those though he ignored, as he had his mind set on the very thing he wanted Rick to wear and needed to make it look like there was no other option or else he knew Rick would never agree to it. So it wasn't until Rick came over to look with him, that he pulled them from the box.
"These will have to do." He held them up, to ensure they would be recognised for what they were, which they were.
"But those are shorts. I can't wear shorts. No one wears shorts at school."
"They do in junior school." Liam explained, ignoring the fact that what Rick said was actually true in so much that no one older than his little brother did tent to wear shorts outside of sports, and that the shorts he was now holding hadn't come from a pupil but from skit the staff had done at an end of year party where one of the female staff had dressed up as a cliched schoolboy from the old days.
Sitting in the audience that day, waiting for his little brother's part to come on, Liam had become overly interested in the short trousered uniform, as had a lot of the other older males in the audience. However, unlike the dad's Liam hadn't been attracted to the women wearing them but the shorts themselves and how smart and good they looked. These thoughts soon turning to wondering how they would look on a real boy of the women's size. A teenager. Then, on a previous trip to the changing room, to clean up Bobby, he'd found them, in the box and while he'd continued to think about an older boy wearing them, that older boy had never been himself. Now though, he'd quickly realised he had the perfect chance to bring that image to life thanks to his friend's hidden life as a teenage baby.
"It's either wear these, or go home in just your nappies, Rick." He explained.
The fourteen year old had no real choice in the matter. He certainly couldn't go home without trousers, even if he'd been wearing his regular underwear as that had to be amongst the biggest fears of any teenager, and that was without the added humiliation of wearing doubled nappies. He did, however, make his own search of the lost property box, but was unable to find anything, due to his so-called friend having hidden the more suitable alternatives, down the back of the box when Rick hadn't been looking.
"The bell's going to ring soon." Liam hurried the decision onward, by pointing out just how close it was to lunch break in both the junior and senior school. An event that would swamp not only the area around the building they were inside with small children who didn't know Rick, but scattered several hundred older ones who would easily recognise him. Rick clearly couldn't risk that, so had to get out of there before that happened even if that meant wearing something that was nearly as embarrassing as the items they were covering up.
Putting the shorts on made Rick feel rather babyish , which was odd given onesie, and the footed pyjamas he sometimes wore at home, not to mention the nappies he was also wearing. Of course Liam didn't yet know anything about just how juvenile his friend liked to dress both in private and in front of his own little brother so the shorts made a more dramatic difference to him than they should off done to Rick himself. And Liam liked what he look. A lot.
"Tuck your shirt in, Rick!" he advised, pointing that the top of Rick's nappy might show if he didn't which was more than enough to get Rick to do it and to get the result Liam was after. A result that caused a second erection on the changing room.
With little more than five minutes to spare, two figures emerged from the junior school side entrance, passing along the way several mum's arriving early to collect their offspring for lunch back at home. None of them found anything odd in what they saw, although several did wonder just why the apparently younger boy's shorts appeared to be rather bulky, and one, overly keen maternal nose picked up a smell she'd just left behind in her baby's nursery.
For Liam and Rick though, this was the start of a new adventure.
Chapter Eight Andy & Liam
Andy had been working up to this moment for nearly a week, ever since, in fact, he'd last visited the secret dungeon and now he thought he was ready. At least he hoped he was, as other wise he'd be spending a fair bit of time explaining himself in casualty just why he had an eight inch [20 cm] long dildo stuffed up his bum.
The dildo in question was the largest of the sex toys the dungeon had to offer which is why Andy had needed to work up to it even if this wasn't the first time he'd actually played with it. That had been the last time, when recovered from the machine spanking he'd given himself, he'd turned his attention to the other items on offer.
Being the biggest the dildo had been the first the teenager had picked up. Even though Andy had never seen one before he knew right away what the various things were for. He was, however, a little surprised by the weight of it, as it seemed rather on the heavy side for what it was, and couldn't, he reason, be a realistic weight, or else no one would be able to carry one around. It also smelt of rubber, which wasn't all that realistic but then you could hardly expect anything else given that's what it was made from. It tasted of rubber to.
Andy was a little shocked by that. Not the actual taste but rather that he'd raised it to his lips and tasted it. Still, once he'd got used to the idea he went that little bit further, actually putting his lips around the end of and pushing it into his mouth. That though didn't prove to be all the successful as he didn't know about re-directing his breathing through is nose so not surprisingly he didn't have more than a couple of inches in his mouth before he started to choke and had to remove it.
Not being one to give up, Andy realised he was going to have to work up to the large one, so took several more off the shelf for that reason which he then got to examine and try out one at a time.
One of the sex toys was six inches [15 cm] long, smooth and hard, with a switch on the base to make it vibrate, which did little to help with trying to suck on it, so Andy put that one to the side, and took up the next which was about the same length, but with a series of bubble shapes along it, before it tapered down to a flat disk shape at he end. This Andy knew was a butt plug. Yet it was also proved very easy to suck on for some reason, the teenager able to get all of it in his mouth with very little effort.
For a few moments Andy just sat there with the butt plug in his mouth wondering what he looked like with just the base sticking out from between his lips. Not that anyone would see him like that, of course, but he couldn't help wondering if they would realise just what he was doing or if, as he suspected, it just looked like he'd been gagged with something. These thoughts then changed to his wondering if there was a way that he could fix it so that the butt plug could be strapped in his mouth like a ball gag. But there probably wasn't, as after all it was designed to go somewhere else which was the very reason he was there, but which would become his homework.
It was only a short visit that day as Andy had to get back but before he went he was sure to not only pick up a the butt plug, but also a small tube of lubricant to make his practise go that little bit easier. He also took another item that he hoped would prevent some of the embarrassment of the constant erections he was getting as that, after all, was the purpose of a cock cage.
That night was the first time Andy got to try out the smallest of the sex toys for the reason they really intended for, realising even before he started that it was going to take some effort in order to get it right.
That first time went on for over an hour with the naked, and sweaty fourteen year old, trying numerous angles and positions in order to discover the perfect one for putting a butt plug in his bum. None of which appeared to work until eventually he ended up on his back with both his legs spread apart and one lifted up to give easy access to his bottom, and to allow the butt plug to go past his sphincter. Sort of.
Getting it in without pain though was another matter, but not one he was overly surprised about as he'd half suspected that it wasn't going to be all that easy, at least to start with, so even the first time he had his teeth gritted as he started to push it home. Nonetheless he still gave a yelp that he was thankfully able to smoother.
It felt strangely, alien once he finally managed to get the butt plug inside him. Even though the largest part was though his sphincter, his bottom still ached from the effort, giving him a sort of burning sensation to go along with the one of needing to go to the toilet that just wouldn't go away, as long as the plug was inside him.
That first experiment lasted for nearly fifteen minutes before Andy removed the butt plug from his body, yet in that time he'd managed to masturbate so much that his legs were a little wobbly as he sneaked out of his room, over to the bathroom, where he washed off the butt plug before hiding it away until the next time he would get to use it.
A pattern soon developed. The second night Andy tried the butt plug, he came home from school as normal, did his homework, had dinner downstairs, watched some TV with his parents and then returned to his room. There he went straight to inserting the plug, which this time he managed to keep in for over an hour, and had an erection for that entire time.
By the Wednesday of that week, the plan changed slightly as he was now able to get the plug in without any pain at all so inserted it even earlier but was unable to watch TV with his parents, not because he found the plug uncomfortable, but due to the erection it triggered just not going away, and being more than a little visible. It was time to use the cock cage.
Returning from school on Thursday Andy went directly to his room, where he removed all his clothes before nipping into the bathroom for a quick clean up and some swift wrist action before he was back in his room ready to put on the strange little device with the thick rubber band base, and cage top with tiny padlock.
Sitting at his next, naked, with his legs spread all the way apart, Andy took a few minutes to work out how the chastity device worked, as his first attempt to put it on himself had been somewhat less than successful. The cage sliding right off him the moment he stood up which did seem to rather defeat the object.
His mistake was obvious. The thick rubber band at the base of the device didn't just go around his penis about around both his penis and balls. The latter two items having to be fed through it one at a time, which Andy held the ring open with his other hand. When that was done, the rubber ring was more like a small collar nestled between his genitals and the rest of his body. The cage then fitting over his privates, the built in band around the opening slotted into the grove in the middle of the rubber, where it could be fastened closed with the tiny padlock so it couldn't then be removed.
It worked perfectly. Whereas on his first attempt the cage had been roomy, now his balls were added into the mix it was surprisingly snug with his penis forced to lay down, and slightly curled around his balls, where it was trapped, the moment the cage slotted into place and the padlock attached. This naturally meaning that with no room for it to move, there was also no way that it could possible get hard which also meant Andy wouldn't be able to masturbate but at least he would have a tent in his trousers all the time even if the cage did pull on his pubes from time to time.
With the cage taking care of the front part of his body, Andy soon had the plug in the back, which naturally made his penis start to twitch but that was all it could do as he pulled on an old pair of slightly too tight shorts that he'd found were the best way to keep the plug in place, before putting his regular clothes on over the top. A look in the mirror confirming that there was no outward signs of anything unusual about what he was wearing.
So it was that night, and the following one, Andy wore the plug while he did his homework, and then during dinner, and while watching TV. The latter two experiences were somewhat weird having his parents right there, but other than to tell him to stop fidgeting on the hard dinning room chair, they didn't notice which gave Andy the confidence to do the thing that would get force him to reveal his secret to one of his mates.
It was Saturday now, and Andy was dressed in fairly standard looking clothes, if a little mix-matched as the large wide leather belt around his waist didn't really go with the plain blue track suit trousers or t-shirt he was wearing. That though was the least of his problems, and the one he wasn't at all worried about. In fact no one could see what he was worried about, least of all Liam Marshall, when he saw his older friend standing on his doorstep, only that Andy was clearly worried about something.
"Is anyone else home?" Andy asked, in a roundabout way confirming that something was indeed, up, or not as the case may be.
Once Liam had confirmed he was alone, for now but that Rick Derek was coming round later to help him look after his kid brother, Andy invited himself inside, even passing a slightly smile that something, at least was going right, at last, as he'd figured of his two closest mates, Liam would be the most likely to have the house to himself. If not then, Andy would have had to risk going home and that would added even more to the distance he'd already been forced to walk since he'd had his little accident.
"So what's up?" Liam asked the moment the front door closed. "Apart from the obvious!"
The obvious was down to the belt around the fourteen year old's waist. The three inch [8 cm] wide belt that was buckled around behind him, with a padlock that matched the one at the front that locked a pair of handcuffs to a large steel ring set into the middle of the belt. Handcuffs that were locked around Andy's wrists.
"I'm stuck!" the older boy confirmed what Liam had already been thinking. "But there's more?"
"There is?"
"Yeah," Andy blushed slightly, but you've got to promise not to tell anyone, not even Rick?"
Liam nodded that he could keep a secret, just like how Rick Derek was a teenage baby, who liked to wear nappies. "So what's the problem?"
"Can we go to your room?"
It took only a few minutes for the two boys to walk upstairs to Liam's room which was, as usual, so much tidier than any other thirteen year old boys room on the planet for which there was a very good reason. Liam was, a good well behaved boy, which although he tried to hide when at school he couldn't hide from his closest friends. This being another reason, Andy had come to him first. That and the odd way Rick had been acting recently.
"So what's the problem?" Liam asked again once a few more minutes of uncomfortable silence had passed, "Have you lost the keys to the handcuffs or something."
"No I've got them."
"You left them at home then?"
"No I've got them with me."
Liam looked at him for a moment then spotted a possible problem. "Where? You haven't got any pockets."
Andy blushed. "In a safe place!"
"Where? You socks."
Reaching down with his cuffed hands, Andy lifted his right leg, so he could pull the track suit trousers up a little bit to expose his bare ankles. "I'm not wearing socks."
"So where are the keys then, and why can't you get them?"
Andy said nothing, prompting Liam to re-phrase the question. "If I don't know where they are I won't be able to get them for you will I? Just show me where they are?"
What Andy did next wasn't what Liam was expecting but then it didn't surprise him quite as much as it possibly should have.
The handcuff chain clinked as Andy's hands worked back on themselves, digging into his waist to find the drawstring on his tracksuit which he then pulled free from a slip knot. The trousers were worn baggy for a good reason, but which now allowed them to slide all the way down to his ankles. Andy's t-shirt was also somewhat big so that fell down to cover any embarrassment, but not to hide the string that hung down from beneath it on the end of which was a small key.
"Hey what's that tied to?" the question was an obvious one, so obvious that Liam didn't wait for an answer, he just reached in a pulled up Andy's t-shirt which gave him something of a shock. "What is THAT?"
"A cock cage." Andy replied with a blush.
"How's it held on and isn't it uncomfortable?"
"There's a lock on it, and You get used to it."
"A lock?" Liam couldn't see that as it was now hidden beneath his friend's genitals, but he assumed rightly that the lock was also holding the string with the handcuff key on it. But his mind was already on another question. "Who put this on you? And why?"
"I don't know. Thought it would be fun."
"Like being tied up." Liam may not have been as old as his two friends but he was, as Baby Rick was only too aware, very quick to pick up on just what they meant, even when they didn't say it. And he had this one completely sussed.
Andy though, misunderstood what was being said, "You like being tied up Liam?"
"Not really, but I wouldn't mind tying other people up." He answered honestly.
"Yeah, I think I would."
"Would you like to boss them around and make them do things too?"
Liam nodded and not just to the asked question either, but to the one he could see was laying behind it too. The secret one that Andy really wanted to ask him and to which he now asked himself: "Would you like me to tie you up sometime?"
Andy's eyes flew open, "Would you, and boss me about and stuff."
"If you wanted me to."
Quickly Andy got himself back together, "I could be fun." He said hoping he didn't sound as enthusiastic as he actually felt. At least now Liam had let go of his t-shirt the younger boy wouldn't see just how badly his trapped sec organ was trying to become hard at the thought of someone bossing him about and his having to do it.
"Hold still." Liam suddenly produced a pair of scissors, which at first made Andy jump until he realised they were just to cut the string dangling between his legs which he then did.
"What's with the string anyway?" the thirteen year old asked, not have worked out what that had been for.
"It's a safety device," explained Andy holding his chained wrists out in front of him, with the handcuff key hole facing upwards. "The key was meant to stay hanging over the top of my trousers, but I tied the string to it, in case it fall off. Problem was I couldn't reach it as it was down under my... well underneath."
"And where did you do this? You didn't come all the way from your house like that did you?"
"Sort off!" Andy admitted, although he hadn't been at home but at the secret dungeon, only he'd given away enough of his secrets for one day, so snapped up the more logical alternative, his friend had offered him.
Finally, Andy's wrists came free from the handcuffs allowing him to first rub the soreness out of them before pulled his trousers back up again ready for the journey back home again before Rick turned up to ask even more questions.
It was down at the front door that Liam asked a question that would ensure Andy would remained blushing all the way home. "That thing you're wearing. It's to stop you having a wank when you're tied up, isn't it?"
Chapter Nine Ricky, Liam & Bobby
"It's amazing how much nappies can hold." Liam said suddenly as he sat with his little brother, and his mate on the sofa.
"Only babies wear nappies." The six year old repeated without any further interruption to the animated movie the three of them were watching and which had just been interrupted by the advert that had apparently prompted his big brother's comment.
Rick Derek, on the other hand, said nothing even though he knew the small boy was quite very wrong on that point leaving it up to Liam to continue with his train of thought.
"They're very stretchy too, so the not only fit Bobby, but mum says they could fit me or even you Ricky."
"Really!" Rick replied before he could help himself, then covering it up with a laugh that sounded every bit as awkward as it was. Not that Bobby Marshall noticed.
"Rick's a big boy he wouldn't wear a nappy." Said the young sing song voice.
"Oh he might do," Liam laughed, genuinely, now he knew the truth even though it produced an instant denial from his friend.
"It would be pretty stupid, to wear a nappy if you weren't a baby." Rick's face went bright red.
"It would be funny though, to see a big boy in nappies wouldn't it Bobby?"
"Yeah, I guess." The little lad agreed.
With his brother having given the right answer, Liam pushed home his advantage, "You know we've got some large nappies upstairs, and they're pretty big so I bet they'd fit me," he turned towards his friend, "Or even Ricky."
Without thinking, once more, Rick excitedly said, "Really?"
However when the older of the three boys saw the younger one turning to give him an odd, look he quickly back tracked, "Just kidding. I wouldn't want to wear one. That's for babies."
"But Bobby wears one sometimes and he's not a baby, is he?"
Not wanting to hurt the little guy's feelings, Rick admitted that the six year old wasn't, but in doing so just got further into his friend's plan to put him in nappies. A plan that, Rick wasn't entirely against, it has to be said, just not like this.
"Tell you what," Liam got up from the sofa, "Why don't I go and get one and then see what you think?"
The thirteen year old was only gone for a few seconds before he returned with a nappy that was a little too large for Bobby, and which Mrs. Marshall was going to send back thinking that it had been ordered in error. It hadn't though. Liam had filled in the on line form himself just for this reason.
Sitting back down, he made sure his friend was watching closely as he placed the nappy on his lap, and unfolded it slightly. All the while Rick couldn't keep his eyes off the nappy, the sight, and especially the smell coming from the simple garment made his body tingle with excitement which, of course was just the sort of reaction, Liam had been hoping for.
"Come on Rick why don't you try it on. Me and Bobby won't laugh and we won't tell anyone either, will be Bobby."
"No way!" came the childish reply.
"I don't know." Ricky mumbled, but even as he did so, he was already changing his mind, "I guess it would be okay."
Bobby was tried to help the biggest boy make up his mind, although in doing so he was more of a help to his brother's plans than he realised: "Liam could put it on you, like has to me sometimes."
"That's true," Liam leapt at the chance he'd been given, "I can't see it being any different putting a nappy on a fourteen year old than it is putting one on a six year old."
"I guess." Conceded Ricky, especially given that Liam had already put a nappy on him previously and at Bobby's school.
"Right then, let's go upstairs and get you changed, Rick. Come on Bobby you can come too."
Rick expected to be taken into Bobby's bedroom, or possibly the bathroom, but instead the brothers led him into another room where a changing mat had been laid out.
"Right you lay down on that Rick, and let me do everything, as if you were a baby."
Once the teenager had done as he was told, Liam went to work, quickly realising that he probably should have asked Rick to remove his t-shirt he worked around this by rolling it up instead, so it was mid way up his friend's chest. Then he went for the jeans.
Rick's body gave a little shudder as his jeans were unfastened, and another as the denim was slid down his legs. A third following as they came off his ankles. But all the time, despite feeling rather awkward, he forced himself to stay relaxed, that though didn't prove to be so easy once Liam's hands took hold of his underwear. Yet he did nothing to actually stop it from happening.
Little Bobby giggled as the teenager's boxer shorts came off, causing Rick to automatically cup his hands around his private parts. An action that got them both told off.
"Oh come on you two, it's not like we've not seen it all before."
It did the trick and slowly Rick let his arms relax by his sides, along with the rest of his body which is why Liam found it remarkably easy to do what he did next.
Standing to the side of his laid out friend, Liam bent down, took hold of both of Rick's ankles and then lifted them up, effectively rolling the teenager up into a ball with his bottom pushed both forwards and upwards, in such a way that little Bobby once more had to stifle his giggles.
However before Rick could react to what was happening he once more felt the soft texture of a nappy being pushed under his buttocks and then, as his legs were lowered back down again, felt it being pulled up between his legs and around his hips.
Liam took his times making sure all the tapes were perfectly in place, to ensure the nappy was as tight as it could possibly go and that the fit was as perfect as it could possibly go.
"You look like a baby?" Bobby pointed out, somewhat rashly although the other two were already perfectly aware of that.
"He does a bit doesn't he," Liam agreed before suggesting that they go back downstairs and finish watching their movie.
It took until the next advert break in the movie before Bobby realised something was missing. "What about Rick's jeans?" he asked, as if for the first time realising he was sitting next to a teenager wearing nothing but a t-shirt and a nappy.
"He doesn't need them. You know what Mum says, 'only big boys wear trousers in the house'."
"But Rick's a big boy."
"Does he look like a big boy?" Liam laughed, giving his friend's very bare thigh a light slap.
Bobby giggled. "No he looks like a baby."
This was all getting a bit too much for Rick who looked for an excuse to leave, and could only think of one. The need to visit the bathroom which he tried to do, only to be stopped in his tracks by the fairly obvious question, "Where are you going?"
"For a pee!"
Liam grabbed his arm, "What's that thing around your waist for then?"
"You can't expect me to..."
"Sure, that's what it's for."
"Yeah go pee-pee in your nappy!" Bobby started to chant in such an infectious way that Rick found himself not only giggling along but actually wetting himself.
Thankfully the nappy did it's job and instead of feeling the warm pee trickling down his leg as he otherwise would have, Rick felt his private area and the top of his thighs warm and moist as his bladder emptied. It was a feeling he wasn't as unfamiliar with as he probably should have been and one that he rather liked, which is why he kept on laughing all the time he was doing it.
Liam was the first to stop laughing but he was content to wait until the others also stopped before he spoke, "See that wasn't so bad now was it Ricky but we'd best change you in case you leak."
This didn't seem like such a bad idea to Ricky as the last thing he wanted was to smell like pee when his dad came to pick him up so back upstairs the three of them went, and, once more Rick was laying down on the changing mat, this time so his nappy could be removed. However he didn't attempt to cover himself up until Liam came towards him holding a flannel.
"Don't be silly Ricky," the slightly younger boy said, "I've got to clean you up."
It only took a few minutes for the wash cloth to do it's thing but that proved not to be the end of the matter, as when he put it away, Liam got a couple of other things to replace it. Namely a bottle of baby oil and baby powder.
"We should do this correctly, as you don't want a rash down there does he Bobby."
"Nope!" the little lad said, inadvertently scratching himself between the legs as if to make the point.
It had to one of the weirdest feelings for a fourteen year old boy to have another boy put baby lotion into their hand and then to transfer that warm, silky liquid to their bottom and especially the private area, as under normal circumstances it may have been the usual thing to do but these weren't exactly normal circumstances. A point which was made very obvious but the way Rick's body reacted to what was happening and by something Liam said.
"This would be a lot easier if you didn't have hair down here."
"Baby's don't have hair there." Bobby confirmed, although oddly he had nothing to say about the erection the fourteen was sporting as he knew that's how his own very much smaller organ would have reacted whenever Liam had put a nappy on him.
Oddly none of the boys mentioned the erection, even when it was next covered in baby powder that was to make Rick smell as much like a baby as he was too look like one.
Finally the nappy itself was produced, and once more Rick's legs were lifted up so it could be slid under his bottom, and then taped up around his loins, covering, but not hiding the excitement he was clearly feeling at the way he was being treated.
"Right I think that's that done, but this time I think we should do it properly, don't you Bobby?"
"Yeah!" the little lad said before realising he had no idea what his brother was on about. So Liam explained.
"If Ricky is going to be dressed like a baby then we get to treat him like a baby, and he has to behave like a baby, so he has to do everything we tell him or else he'll get punished."
"Punished?" Rick repeated, slightly worried.
"Yeah, but don't worry about that as you're going to be a good baby aren't you Ricky?"
"I guess." The teenager shrugged. But it wasn't enough for Liam who needed more to make sure his plan would work.
"So you agree then, I'm in charge?"
"Good in that case, that nappy will stay on until it needs changing and I think we'll loose the shirt as well."
This Rick did and thought that would be the end of the matter until they got back downstairs and he was sitting on the sofa, when Liam produced his next surprise, a baby bottle that was apparently filled with milk.
"I'm not drinking from that." He protested but by then it was already too late, as Liam had aimed the nipple at his mouth and had pushed it inside. Oddly though once it was in place, Rick automatically started to suck on it, finding that it was quite some work to get out what turned out to be ordinary milk from the bottle.
"There's a good baby." Liam sat beside him still holding the bottle, "Drink all your milk."
When the bottle was empty, Rick had a funny feeling in his stomach and worried that he was going to be sick, but before he could say anything about it, Liam had pulled him from the back of the seat and did his best to put the larger boy over his shoulder where, after a few hefty pats to the back, Rick let out a large belch that sent little Bobby into a fit of giggles.
Feeling rather weird after just having been burped, Rick sank back into the sofa only to have something else present to his mouth for him to suck on.
The dummy slipped easily into his mouth, partly because it was an actually baby dummy so smaller than the novelty one Rick was more used to in the secret nursery. The cuddly Teddy bear that came next was a little more unusual however, as that wasn't something he normally did when he was playing at being a baby but, what could it hurt, so he took it.
"Okay Baby Ricky has to go and get changed now, ready to go home," Liam announced a short while later.
Ricky, who hadn't been aware of the time passing at all was slightly surprised given that it was still another hour or so before the Marshall parents were due home, which would be his normal queue to leave. Naturally he wanted to be back into his normal clothes by then, but why so early? He was about to find out.
"But before he does that we have to do something about this?"
Looking up from where he had been slightly dosing on the sofa, Ricky could see his friend was holding a pair of grey corduroy trousers, with one arm extending down into the leg, so a finger could poke out of a hole over the knee. "How did this happen?"
"No idea." Rick tried to say, before remembering the dummy in his mouth, and then repeat his words without the obstacle. And it was true he had no idea. He'd never seen the trousers before.
"Hey Bobby, what did mum say to you the last time you damaged your trousers like this?"
The little lad repeated the words as if he'd been taught them a few moments earlier, which he had: "Mum said if I make my trousers dirty then I wear shorts."
"But I don't have any shorts." Rick pointed out, inadvertently, walking himself further into his friend's plan.
"Indeed, but we can soon sort that out." Moving across to the other side of the room, Liam sat down in the chair his mother usually used, and pulled out a large pair of scissors."
Liam just spread the doomed trousers over his lap, raised the scissors up and went in for the kill. The scissors gliding easily through the soft material, some good three inches [8 cm] above the hole in the knee, that had been placed there by the manufacture. IN a few seconds the first leg had fallen off, followed shortly by the second one.
"There," he said when he was done, "Now Ricky will be able to wear them without worrying about tearing the knees."
"You want me to wear them?" Rick was a little confused, to say the least but Liam wasn't. He'd had this all planned.
"If you want to be treated like a little boy then you have to be dressed like one," he repeated, walking over to the desk, and taking out a twelve inch [30 cm] long ruler. "And that also means that you'll get punished like a little boy. Now stand up and bend over."
Looking down, Rick saw little Bobby was staring up at him with wide open eyes, and smiling, clearly enjoying the show, but otherwise showing little or no surprise about what was happen and there was a good reason for that, as he'd been in the position Rick was now in. Yet unlike Rick, the first time it had happened to him, he had probably deserved it and yet he'd made a great fuss about it. He certainly hadn't just got up off the sofa, and bent over.
Whack! Whack!
The ruler struck the rear of the nappy the teenager was wearing twice, once on each side, before Liam made his demand. "You are to do as you are told, like a good little boy, understand."
Rick nodded that he would but it wasn't enough.
Another blow landed, a much meatier one, right across the centre of the nappy with enough force that even through the cushioning padding, Rick could feel a stinging sensation mount in his buttocks.
"Say it properly, little boy!"
Rick started to say something, but no one got to hear just what it was as the moment he opened his mouth, Liam was once more using the ruler, not on his buttocks but down the backs of his totally unprotected thighs, where the skin was nice and taunt from the boy's bent over posture.
The blows weren't all that hard, but the stinging was sensational. It had been unpleasant on his rear, but was really stinging on his bare flesh. So much so that tears were already welling in Rick's eyes.
"Right then, that should teach you a lesson," Liam said putting the ruler down, "Now let's make sure that you dress like a good little boy, from now on. Put your new shorts on."
As Rick straightened himself but up into an upright position, he found the corduroy shorts being held against his nappy, and then lowered so he would be able to step into them, which he did. Liam pulling them up, over his nappy – which they only just covered – the legs now ending only just at the start of the teenager's legs, in what looked very much like the sort of shorts junior school boys would have worn a decade or three, earlier.
Instinctively, Rick's first action was to try to pull the shorts a little lower onto his legs, but having been fastened over the top of his nappy there was no way they would pull down that far, which only went to make them look even more juvenile, so that, if you discounted his height, he would look very much like a small boy of five or possible even four. They made the grey school shorts he'd worn home after wetting himself, look positively grown up.
"I can't go home in these." Rick protested even though up until this point no one had actually suggested that he would. Yet.
Oddly Liam agreed with him. "NO, of course not. You'll catch your death of cold without a shirt, which is why I've got you one to go with your shorts."
The shirt Rick recognised instantly, as the same sort worn by the local infants school, only in his size (well that of an obese five your old in reality) and which he found himself putting his arms in and then having to stand there while Liam did up the buttons over his chest, and even clipped the attached tie into place.
"Now in case you still get cold, there's this."
A v-neck jumper appeared, from the same source and once more Rick allowed himself to be dressed in it although it turned out to be a little short on him, leaving most of his wrists exposed, and barely making it down to his waist.
"Now some socks!" These too matched the rest of the outfit completely, being grey, and knee length, with a heavy elasticated top, that was turned over just below Rick's knees ensuring that the socks would stay there.
"And some shoes!"
These were probably the most surprising of the entire outfit, as they were brown t-bar sandals, that actually fit the teenagers feet, and while Ricky was dying to ask just where Liam had found them he couldn't as once more the dummy was back in his mouth.
"There don't you look like a smart little boy." Liam told him and Rick probably would have agreed had Mr. And Mrs. Marshall not picked that precise minute to arrive home. The headlights from their car lighting up the living room as they drove into the drive.
The three boys now had two options. Either they could stay as they were and try to explain the way Rick was dressed to the adults – who would no doubt, as Liam pointed out, relay that on to Rick's parents – or Rick could make a run for it. Not upstairs to get his own clothes as that would mean his passing right by the front door – again something Liam pointed out – but out through the patio, and around the side of the house.
Well, naturally, Rick wasn't sure he was ready to be seen out like this on the journey home but then it was already dark, so no one would see him, which was just as well given that he still had a nappy on under all this, but then not seeing anyone would mean he wouldn't have to explain how he'd allowed a younger boy to put a nappy on him, and then dress him like a little kid just starting nursery school. So he fled, which, of course was Liam's plan all along
Chapter Ten Andy & Liam
The door to the Marshall's house opened even before Andy got to ring the bell implying that it wasn't just the fourteen year old who was keen to find out what had been planned especially with the coils of rope he was holding.
Andy received the invitation to go to Liam's house the night before in a message passed on by his parents, so he'd been unable to ask any question about what the younger boy had planned, but he knew just what had been meant by the term "you know what to wear!". Which is why he was walking a little funny.
"I'm going to tie you up down here and then we'll go upstairs, like you're my captive, okay?" Liam asked.
Andy actually shivered as he stepped over the threshold, into the house. The scenario already sounding better than he'd dared to expect, so he agreed, not that there was any real doubt that he wouldn't.
"Good take your clothes off then."
That got Andy's attention: "What? Here?"
"Sure, no one can see. " Liam gestured around the built in hallway, "And there's no one else in the house, plus it's not like I've not see it before."
The 'it' the younger boy referred to was already slightly uncomfortable and causing a slight dampness in the front of the track suit trousers he had on, despite the pair of swim trunks he'd worn for just that reason, but, along with the things Liam had already pointed out, it wasn't as if Liam hadn't seen the cock cage before.
"Still," Liam continued, worried he may have pushed things too far too soon, "How about you just take your shirt off, then!"
Feeling a little exposed even before he started, Andy soon had his t-shirt pulled up over his head, and handed it over before turning with his hands behind his back, completely missing the weird smile his younger friend gave him.
A few seconds later Andy was getting something he'd been thinking about for some time, but had yet to experience, he was actually being tied up by someone else. Tied up well too. He'd been prepared to give Liam some pointers on the best way to do it, but he didn't need to as the thirteen apparently already knew to cross his wrists over before he used a good amount of rope to bind them together, winding the rope this way and that, to ensure the knots would slip.
"How about a gag now?" Liam offered explaining how he'd made one out of placing a small ball in the middle of a twirled bandana, so it couldn't come out. Andy wouldn't have been sure about being gagged, but he liked the idea his friend had come up with and wanted to try it so willingly he opened his mouth so the cloth covered ball could be pushed inside, and then turned around so the ends of bandana could be tied behind the back of his head. This causing the ball to become seated deep inside his mouth, forcing his jaws into a slightly uncomfortable position, which rendered Andy's tongue immobile.
"Okay, hold still now." Liam was still standing behind Andy when he said this, but there was a reason for that, which the older boy soon saw as a leather collar passed in front of his face down to his neck where it was buckled in place. If he'd known Liam was going to do this then he'd have bought along the big wide, slave collar from the secret dungeon, but as it was he was going to have to make do with this dog collar, but at least it had a ring on the front where Liam was soon attaching a lead.
"Right prisoner," Liam announced, taking up the lead, "That's you ready to go to the dungeon."
A soft tug on the leash, started half naked Andy walking forwards towards the stairs which he was allowed to take slowly and carefully given that he didn't have either his arms to support him or a voice he could call out.
Once at the top of the stairs, Liam lead his captive across the hall and into his own room, where he positioned Andy in the centre with the leash hooked over a clothes hook on the back of the door. Liam then made a sudden grab for Andy's track suit bottoms.
Shocked, Andy did the automatic thing and tried to prevent his trousers from being removed by spreading his knees apart. Liam counter acting by dropping to his knees, and attempting to lift up one leg but Andy just transferred all his weight to that leg so it wouldn't move. Eventually Liam stood up.
"Okay if that's the way you want it, we'll do this the hard way."
From under his mattress Liam produced the item he hadn't been intending to use until later, and which made Andy's eyes go wide.
"It's a paddle." Liam explained unaware Andy already knew that, "It's how they punish bad boys in the US."
That was the end of the explanation, for the next thing Liam was using a two handed grip to send the business end of the paddle into direct contact with Andy's bottom.
The elder teenager yelled into his gag, attempting to dance away, but couldn't get very far as not only was his neck still connected to the back of the door, but his trousers were now around his knees. At least now he knew why his hands had been tied so high up his back, it was to leave his bottom totally unobstructed.
"That's your only warning." He was told, "Do exactly what you're told from now on and you won't get paddled for real, got it?"
IT hadn't been all that hard a blow but already Andy's bum was burning more than when he'd spanked himself a dozen or more times, and although it wasn't worse than what the machine in the secret room had done to him, it was bad enough, so he nodded.
"Good, right when I pull on your ankle you lift your leg."
Andy complied with his instructions and soon not just his track suit trousers were gone, but so were his trainers, socks and underwear, until he was just standing there, wearing nothing by the chastity device, locked around his private parts.
"Good you wore it, so I won't have to punish you for that. Did you bring the keys too?"
Andy glanced towards where his trousers were now slumped over the back of a nearby chair and from which Liam had soon retrieved a set of house keys attached to which was a very small key, that fitted the tiny padlock hanging beneath Andy's scrotum.
"Is this the only key?" Liam asked, and Andy nodded, naturally lying, as he had another one at home, and a two more were still back in the second floor dungeon but he wasn't about to mention those even if he could talk, especially when he noted with just how much relish, Liam removed the chastity key from the ring and slipped it into his own pocket.
"Right then, I've got a couple of surprised for you now, and you better cooperate or you know what's going to happen, don't you."
The paddle was once more flourished but not used, so it was once more discarded as Liam took up some more rope and started to bind it around first one and then the other of Andy's ankles. He didn't tie them together though, but, as he explained, left a short amount of rope between them so that Andy would still be able to walk, but not able to take a full step or run, or go down the stairs. All of which Andy was completely aware of, of course, from his experiences at the old house.
When he was done, Liam unhooked the leash from the bed post, and picked up the paddle once more, "Right then, let's take another trip."
At first Andy was a little reluctant to be lead around wearing nothing by a small cage over his private parts, but aware he couldn't leave the house, as he couldn't go downstairs, as he was only able to take short little steps, he followed his friend out of the bedroom, down the hall and into the main bathroom of the house, where he was told to get into the bath, facing the shower, head while Liam got things ready for his next test.
However, because of the shortness of the rope connecting his ankles Andy couldn't actually do this, as he couldn't step over the side of the tub, but it was clear Liam wasn't going to help him, and fearing more punishment if he didn't, he soon figured out a way to do it, by adapting a manoeuvre he'd previously used when he'd tied himself up. Lowering his bottom onto the side of the tub, at the end, Andy leaned back against the wall and then both lifted and swung his legs up and over the side until they were on the anti slip mat, then, he just worked his way back up onto his feet.
Facing the wall where the shower head was resting Andy didn't have a clear view of what Liam was doing other than indirectly via the mirrors but he wasn't overly concerned until the younger boy put on a pair of throw away latex gloves and picked up a small bottle.
The bottle was placed on the side of the bath just behind where Andy was standing, while Liam put one foot up on the side of the bath tub, using it for extra height so he could hook the end of the lead up to the top of the shower rail which would, fairly obviously, mean, Andy would have to remain standing during whatever followed. However bizarre that appeared to be.
It was fairly bizarre too for once Liam had Andy fastened in place he picked up the bottle once more and started to spread it's contents over the lower parts of Andy's legs, in a way that made Andy's skin tingle, and produced a smell that wasn't overly pleasant. Not that Andy had much time to think about that due to the next item Liam picked up.
The can of shaving foam appeared from nowhere, Andy not realising what it was until his friend had glob of the white foam in his hand, a hand that was soon approaching and then spreading the substance around the top of the chastity cage he was wearing. In other words all over his pubic hair. Naturally as soon as this happened Andy realised he was about to loose his personal body hair, and would have moved his body, as best he could, away but by then Liam had already picked up the paddle once more.
"You said you were going to do what you were told, and it's not like shaving is going to hurt is it? Unlike a paddling."
Once Liam had regained his control, he completed spreading the shaving foam around Andy's groin, while explaining that, now Liam was his 'master' it was his job to ensure that Andy was totally clean, all over.
Leaving the teenager once more, Liam returned to the other side of the room where he busied himself with a few things before returning with a bulging hot water bottle that had a rubber tube attached to the top. The bottle he hung on the shower rail beneath where Andy's lead was fastened, upside down. Opening a valve on it he allowed some water and air to escape until he was sure there were no more air bubbles in the tube.
"Bet you're wondering what this is for aren't you," he laughed, "Well let me get one more thing and I think you'll get the idea."
From a cupboard beneath the sink, Liam picked up a long black plastic tube with a blunt rounded end, which he'd previously coated with something that made it both shiny and slippery to hold. None the less he soon had this fastened to the end of the rubber tube.
"Any ideas!" he asked, holding up the tube so Andy's wide eyes could have a look at it. The look being enough to confirm the fourteen year old knew exactly what was about to happen. Liam still explained it though, in detail, as just doing that gave him a great sense of power, similar to the one he'd got from making Rick dress up like a little boy. Only this one was different, due to the added nudity.
"I'm going to give you an enema, to make sure your insides are as clean as your outsides. Lean forward as far as you can, or do I have to get the paddle."
No stranger to things going up his bottom by this stage and more than a little weary of the paddle, Andy bent over as best he could while retaining his balance in the bath tub. When he did Liam got straight to work, pulling his buttocks apart and pressing the blunt end of the tube against the small hole he found there. Then he pushed.
Immediately Andy bucked away from it as much as he could, but that just earned him a slapped leg.
"Keep still." He was told, as five red finger marks appeared on the skin of his thigh, but that was the least he had to worry about as Liam exposed one of his secrets. "It's not like you've never had anything up your bum before is it."
Andy's head turned so sharply that a slight crack of the bones could be heard.
"What?" Liam laughed, "Did you think I wouldn't notice that thing you had up your bum, when I unlock the cock cage last time around. Now hold still."
It hurt Andy a little as the nozzle slipped inside him, but at least he didn't have to explain just how he knew how to relax his sphincter to make the passing through his muscle as painless as possible, and if the circumstances had been different he may have enjoyed what was going on, or rather going in, but just as he was thinking that, Liam gave his nearest buttock a slight slap.
"Tighten your bum up, or else you'll leak." Liam warned him before giving the nozzle one last push in to make sure it was as deeply embedded as it could go. An action which caused the business end to bump into that very special place deep inside Andy's rear that sent a thrill right through him, and especially to his private parts, which started to swell against the confides of the cage they were in, for the first time since he'd entered the bathroom.
After advising Andy to once more "Stand still", Liam moved back picking up a digital camera so he could take a picture of what he had accomplished so far, which he explained, he would use against Andy should news of what they got up to get out. Not that Andy would have said anything one way or the other, given just how much explaining he would have had to do on his own for his previous actions, that lead to him standing naked, in his friend's shower, tied up, gagged, wearing nothing but a chastity device and shaving foam on his private parts. Especially as even though it was totally contained within the cock cage, his erection – or at least an attempt at an erection – was fairly obvious.
After taking numerous pictures from various angles, Liam put the camera down to pick up a disposable razor from the counter, which he used to pull a long stroke through the shaving foam, working around the top of the chastity device. This he then repeated going in the over direction, and then back again until the bulk of the foam had been removed. The remainder was wiped away with a flannel, until there was nothing where Andy's small bush of pubic hair had been but for empty, and very bare looking skin.
Finished with the shaving Liam did one more thing before he started to clean up. He reached up and turned the valve on the enema hose. Instantly Andy felt the slightly warm water rushing into him. He'd never had an enema before, although he'd heard of them, and even seen the equipment to give them in the dungeon, he just hadn't known what to do with it, or why anyone would want to do it, until now.
It proved to be a very strange sensation for the teenager to have water pouring into his rear but one he didn't find all that unpleasant, even as a very full feeling started to spread through his abdomen. Yet nearly as soon as he was getting used to that the sensation changed again, as the fullness from the water pressure caused him to start to cramp, which in turned made him moan through his gag and wriggle his hips.
"Okay that will do for now," Liam reached up to turn off the flow. "Give it a couple of minute and we'll do some more."
True enough it was short while before the valve was once more switched to the open position, this time almost instantly Andy felt a rumbling deep inside his guts. A noise that was clearly loud enough for Liam to hear.
"That's what supposed to happen," he reassured his gagged friend, "It's your insides opening up for more water."
Andy didn't like the sound of more water, but was relieved the noises he was making were normal, or as normal as they could be under the circumstances.
Four or five minutes later, Liam was squeezing the hot water bottle, clearly impressed by what he found. "You took the whole thing, Bobby can't even do a third of that, but then he's a lot smaller than you. Mind you he doesn't like it as much as you clearly do."
Not sure if he should be proud of his achievement or embarrassed by the way his penis was attempting to swell up inside it's little cage, Andy was actually pleased he couldn't talk. But soon he had other things to think about, like his bulging belly as Liam announced he was ready to pull the nozzle out.
"Tighten up so you don't leak while I rinse you off." He was told as the nozzle fell with a clutter to the bottom of the bath, soon though the warm water flowing from the shower head over his body hit him firmly in the chest, before running down his body, cleaning his groin, and then down his legs where it washed away the lotion that had been placed there, along with all his leg hair.
When that was done, Liam once more got up on the side of the bath to remove the leash from the shower rail, before giving Andy the command he was waiting for. "Right you can get out of the bath, and go to the toilet."
When the dirty business had all been finished with, Andy felt strangely empty, and yet still excited, not least due to Liam making not the slightest inclination of releasing him just yet. Not even so Andy could clean himself up. That Liam did himself, making the older boy bend over once more so he could wipe his bottom, before finally discarding the paper he'd used into the toilet, and the gloves he'd worn all along into the waste basket.
"Right then, one more thing to do and then we can clear up in here."
Andy nodded as he was unable to do anything else, noticing as if for the first time the mess that had been created in the Marshall bathroom, the thought of Liam having to clear that up being slightly satisfactory to what he'd been through. But then those thoughts were taken from his mind as the leash was unhooked taken up in Liam's hand and he was lead right back into the bedroom once more.
Told exactly where to stand, at the side of the room, Andy was surprised to find himself being asked a question. One that sounded as if Liam really wanted a genuine answer too. "What do you think of what I've done to you, so far?"
It was, Andy realised his chance to stop things there and then. The only thing was, he didn't want it to stop. Despite, or perhaps even because of the helplessness he was feeling, he was enjoying himself. So he just nodded.
"I thought you'd say that." Liam laughed at his own joke. "Cos do you know what, I rather enjoyed doing it, and I'd like to do it again. What do you think about that?"
Again, and with no hesitation, Andy nodded.
"Right then, in that case here is what is going to happen from now on. You no longer give the orders when we're together, in fact you have to do everything and anything I tell you, just like my little brother does. Understand?"
Andy nodded and continued to nod as Liam continued outlining the situation.
"In fact you will behave just like my little brother, and do what I say, or else you will be punished." Liam raised the paddle he'd bought from the bathroom, even though it had been fairly obvious what he'd meant all along.
"That means that if I want to tie you up, then I will, anywhere, and everywhere that I want to, and in any way I want to. I will also be keeping hold of this, for now." Liam held up the small key to the chastity device the other boy was wearing, "And if you are really good maybe, just maybe, I'll take it off you from time to time. Or maybe I won't. It will be up to me. Understand."
Doing his best to swallow a lump in his throat that had something and nothing to do with the ball lodge in his mouth, Andy agreed.
"When we aren't together I still expect you to do what I say, so that means you have to still behave like you were my little brother, so you can't have any hair anywhere but on your head, including under your pits."
If he hadn't been gagged, Andy would have sighed at that announcement as he'd honestly thought his friend had forgotten about the small tuffs of hair he had under his arms, but clearly hadn't, and now he would have to shave them himself, not matter that his sudden baldness there would be bound to be commented on in the school changing rooms (no one would dare say anything about his having no pubes in case they were accused of being 'too interested'.) But Liam wasn't finished yet.
Finally, now you are a little boy under my control you will only wear shorts at all times." Liam waited for this to sink in and for Andy to think of the obvious problem, before he gave the get out clause, "That is except for school of course. At least for now anyway. However, if I see you in long trousers outside of school then I'll make sure you are well and truly punished, and perhaps, make you go to school in shorts too, understand."
His eyes wide – and his trapped privates twitching – at the humiliation a fourteen year old in junior school shorts would receive at school, Andy nodded.
"Right then. Now you know the rules, let me do something to make sure you remember them. Bend over."
Andy glanced back but wasn't overly surprised to see his smaller friend was picking up the paddle but even though he knew it was going to hurt, he wasn't frightened. He was excited as he turned to face the wall, spread his legs as far as the hobbling chain would allow, placed his head against the wallpaper, and, pushed out his bottom, ready for his punishment.
In the plan he'd worked out Liam had only thought about using the paddle a couple of times to drive his point home that he was now in charge, but upon seeing just how easily his friend was accepting what he was doing, he ended up giving a full half dozen blows with the hefty wooden paddle. The first couple of these were rather light, but the last two certainly weren't and by the time they were all done, Andy's face was full of his own tears, while sobs were being held back behind the ball in his mouth. Neither of which was entirely surprising given just how red and sore his bottom now was.
When it was all done, Liam surprised Andy by releasing the bindings on his arms allowing him to finally bring them down from the small of his back so he could rub some circulation back into them, but not, as it turned out, to do any rubbing of his red bottom. That it turned out, wasn't allowed, as Liam demonstrated by giving the sore buttocks a slap.
"I've only untied you so you can clean up the mess in the bathroom but if you start touching yourself then I'll make sure you get a revisit from the paddle. Understand?"
Still, gagged, Andy could only nod as although his hands may have been free he wouldn't be allowed to remove either the gag or the ankle shackles, not that he was entire sure he wanted to as keeping them on, whilst he was otherwise naked, made the normal house hold chores he was about to carry out seem more like the jobs a slave would do. A slave like he now was to his younger friend.