PZA Boy Stories


Austin and His Brother Cole


A run of bad luck causes a father to become much closer to his sons.

Publ. Oct 2016
Finished 10,500 words (21 pages)


Austin(12-14yo), Cole (11-13yo), their father Thomas, and various others

Category & Story codes

Consensual Man-Boy story
Mb tbcons oral anal – incest


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading erotic stories about boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Author's note

Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author at unicorn2012111(at)gmail(dot)com or through this feedback form with Cutter09: Austin and His Brother Cole in the subject line.


It's hard to imagine all the changes in my life the last few years. I sit here at the pool most of the day watching my sons frolic in and out of the water. Their tanned and gorgeous bodies, a testament to the past, their loving and gentle natures, a gift to their futures.

Cole strides up to me, dripping wet. His packed speedo demanding my attention. "Can we have burgers tonight Dad?"

"Jesus, Cole. Again?" I asked.

"Come on. Please? You know Austin will want pizza again if we don't."

"Nope. Tonight it's my choice for a change. I want steak and potatoes."

Seeing the disappointment on his brother's face, Austin came over with his hand out. "You owe me a buck, little brother," he said with a smirk.

"Neither of us wins. The bet was that he would take pizza over burgers. He's going with steak."


Let me go back to where this all began.

My name is Thomas Travers. My sons, twelve year old Austin, and eleven year old Cole, were just as devastated a I was when their mother was killed in the middle east. She worked for the state department, and was on a diplomatic mission when her convoy was attacked by muslim terrorists.

Of course we received a huge outpouring of sympathy from everyone. Family, friends, seemed like our whole town turned out for the funeral. I even received an email from our piece of shit secretary of state, who should have been on that trip instead of my wife. She was too busy making uranium deals with our enemies for her own benefit to go.

We muddled through, but we were like the walking dead. None of us were alive inside. After over a year, not much had changed. I knew we needed something to kick start our lives again. I thought about selling the house and moving somewhere that didn't hold as many reminders of the boys mother. But that didn't sit well with me. I didn't want them to forget her or the time they had with her.

Summer was approaching, and I decided we should spend it with my cousin in Australia. He and I were as close as brothers, growing up within a few blocks of each other. Our families would go camping together, he and I were in boy scouts together, even lost our cherries to twin sisters after prom. He met and married a girl from Aussieland, which means of course he moved there.

The week before school was out, I took the boys to our family doctor for checkups and whatever immunization might be needed. Austin, who was now fourteen went first, then Cole, now thirteen. I went in last, and Dr. Ambrose was friendly.

"Thomas. Good to see you again," he said extending his hand.

"Nice to see you too, Doctor. How are my boys?"

"They're both very healthy. I see more of their mother in them every time I see them. Especially Cole. They both have her big brown eyes."

"Yes, they do have their mother's eyes, except her's were blue like mine."

He looked at me oddly for a moment, then said "Oh, sorry. I must have forgotten. But the boys are healthy, though they weren't too happy about the rectal and scrotal part of the exam."

I had to smile at that. I remember the first time a doctor stuck his finger up my ass. I was embarrassed beyond belief. When he touched my prostate, it sent me into orbit. I was hard instantly, and after that he decided to check my nuts. I had to face him with a boner, and let him fondle my sack.

"I can understand. Early teens 3; worried about their development 3; and suddenly someone sticks a finger up your ass. It's worse than the first time you have to shower after gym class, and trying to hide your junk," I laughed.

"Well, those boys don't have anything to worry about in that department," he said.

As the exam continued, the doctor of course grabbed my nuts. I always hate when they do that. And why do you have to turn your head and cough? Anyway when he's lubing his gloved finger, he's looking at my dick.

"Your wife had blue eyes? Huh. I just can't imagine I was that wrong about her," he half mumbled the last part, shaking his head.

When we got home, the doctor's odd behavior had me second guessing. I went to our file cabinet and pulled out her old driver's licenses. She never threw anything away. They all said blue eyes. I knew I was right.

Something about it kept bugging me. It wasn't until I was just dropping off to sleep, that I remembered freshman biology. I set up straight in my bed in shock.

As I recall, everyone has two eye genes. A person with brown eyes could actually pass down a blue eye gene. Their eyes are brown, because brown is a dominant gene. So two people with brown eyes could have a child with blue eyes, because they both pass down the blue gene. But two people with blue eyes, do not have a brown gene between them to pass down. So two people with blue eyes could not have brown eyed children.

I can't believe it had taken a doctor's odd behavior for me to find out my wife had fucked someone else. At least twice too. Both times getting pregnant.

Why? Why would she do that to me? I thought we were happy. I know we had been delighted when she actually got pregnant. We hadn't been practicing birth control for four years when it did finally happened. Then we didn't after Austin was born, thinking if it happened again, good, if not, then we had our son. And it did happen again, just a few months later, she was pregnant again. Now I know why it didn't take so long the second time. She was fucking someone else who knocked her up twice.

Well, water under the bridge at this point. It's not like I have to divorce her cheating ass now. Austin and Cole are my sons, no matter who sired them. And I will never tell them about my recent discovery.

I have traveled a lot in my life, but never enjoy flying. I guess it's because I don't understand how something that weighs five hundred tons can stay up in the air. I'm the guy who jumps at every odd noise on the plane and actually listens to the stewardess when she points out the exits and demonstrates how to use the oxygen masks. Now we were headed to Australia, which takes forever to get to. I will just have to grin and bare it.

Cole and Austin seemed pretty excited to get away, and that is exactly what I wanted. I guess it was a good decision to go.

I prefer sitting in the back of a plane, preferably by the rear exit, because I figure it's the last part to actually impact the mountain side, that the pilots don't see through the clouds. We were in our umpteenth hour of the flight, and I was congratulating myself for having made it without drinking myself unconscious, when all hell broke loose.

First there was a commotion in the front of the plane, then a loud noise. Women started screaming, probably men too. Then the plane began a rapid descent. Now, I'm no rocket scientist, but I could plainly see that this was not good.

The flight wasn't fully booked, so I turned to my sons and said "Grab every seat cushion you can."

They were scared, but did as I said. Suddenly the lights went out and the oxygen masks dropped down from the ceiling. I was busy placing cushions around them, and didn't bother with the oxygen. It's probably bull shit anyway.

We must have impacted at a decent angle because it wasn't full head on, and we skipped over the water like a stone. Of course this is very jarring just the same. I saw debris flashing passed the window, and knew the plane was breaking up. Once forward motion had stopped, I told Austin to open the rear exit door, and I began grabbing up the oxygen tubes, and ripping them from the ceiling.

Water was rising from the front of the plane. We were going down, and pretty quickly. I saw people struggling to get out of their seat belts as water swallowed them up. I pushed Austin and Cole out the rear door, along with every cushion I could grab.

The planes angle became more pronounced, nose diving toward the bottom of the ocean. I jumped out just as the water level reached the rear door. Gathering the boys and cushions, I started swimming away from the plane. I didn't want to be caught in some sort of down draft.

Austin and Cole followed my lead and began swimming and gathering cushions. Once away, I started tying the cushions together with the tubing I had ripped out. I could hear screams and all sorts of sounds coming from behind me. My only priority was my sons. I managed to get fourteen cushions connected in a makeshift raft, before running out of tubing.

Austin and I got Cole up on the raft, then Cole assisted in getting Austin on board. Just as I was about to climb on also, someone bumped into me. I turned and to see an airline uniform. I don't know if it was the pilot or copilot, or what. I do know half his head was missing, and what was left wasn't pretty. I started to push him away, then changed my mind. I took off his jacket and tossed it on the raft. Of course following with his shirt, tee shirt, belt, and pants. I didn't bother with his boxers. Even I have some qualms.

My sons thought I had lost my mind. "If you see anything that may come in handy, pick it up," I told them.

I don't know how many people made it out, but we didn't see anyone else. A couple of more bodies floated by, but no one alive. They either sank, drifted in a different direction, or got eaten by sharks. All I know is that, for now, we were safe.

Assuming the airline realized something was afoul, I could only hope we would be spotted by rescue services. Of course that would depend on how far off course we were, and our drifting with the current. Getting us out of the water was the reason for the cushion raft. I didn't like the idea of my sons being shark food. I also thought that a larger object would be easier to spot from the air. It would also keep us from drifting apart and losing sight of each other.

"Well boys, this is when we find out what we're made of. The good news is we're alive. The bad news we're floating in the middle of the ocean and now one knows where we are, including me. How's that for stating the obvious," I said trying to lighten the situation.

"Dad. You are the master at stating the obvious. Now, what are we going to do?" Austin said.

"Are we going to die, Dad?"

"No, Cole. We're not going to die. I'm sure the whole world has heard by now what happened, and they're out looking for us as we speak. Remember when that plane went missing a few months ago. It was all over the news and the search went on for months."

"I remember, Dad. I also remember they never found them," Austin replied.

"Okay, bad example. They were way off course and probably hijacked or something. The important thing is that people started a massive search for them," I parried.

"Why'd you take that man's clothes?" Cole was always the inquisitive one.

I had forgotten about them. "To cover our bare skin. There's no shade out here, and I don't want you to get major sunburn before they rescue us," I picked up the shirt and handed it to Austin. As I did I noticed a package of cigarettes in the pocket.

"Thank God," I said, pulling them out. Of course they were soaked.

"Uh… Dad, you don't smoke," Austin pointed out.

"No, I don't but I know lots of people who do. Hand me his pants."

Cole passed them to me, and I reached into his pocket. There, as I suspected was a bic lighter.

"Ta daa," I said, as if I produced a rabbit from a hat.

"Great, Dad. If we come across any concerts out here, we can wave our lighter with the rest," Austin said shaking his head.

"Yes, you're right. Those lighters look nice it the dark don't they. Like out here where there are no lights, and a plane or boat passes near but otherwise may not see us unless I set his shirt on fire and start waving it around."

"Shit. Oh… sorry. Dad, you're right," Cole said excitedly.

When the sun went down, so did our hopes of being rescued soon. The next day, I told the boys to cover themselves with the clothes. They used his jacket over their faces as the lay side by side. I did the same with his shirt.

One day turned into two, and two became a quite a few. My sons were starving and thirsty, but rarely complained. You have no idea what hopelessness feels like until you are in a situation like that. Being helpless to protect my sons, was worse than dying. I just hoped I went first so I wouldn't have to watch my sons die.

I figured we were somewhere near the equator because there was little change in temperature, and fairly mild.

Waking, as the sun rose on yet another day I thought might be my last, I thought about how calm the water was today. I took the shirt off my face, to find we were in a shallow lagoon, and had washed ashore.

"Boys, I think you might want to see this," I said hoarsely. I was already gathering coconuts when they finally realized we weren't floating anymore.

Laying the hard as stone nut on a flat rock, I hit it with a pointy one. I'm sure I had lost a bit of strength but I was determined to get something for my sons to drink. I hit it again, and again before that fucking coconut cracked. I wanted only a hole in it so I chipped around the crack. I handed it to Cole and said "It taste like lion piss, but it's drinkable. I did the same for Austin. Then finished opening it to get the inside meat.

After we had two each, I told the boys to stay and rest, and not eat anything that they weren't one hundred percent sure of what it was.

I walked the beach until I found myself back to the lagoon. I had walked completely around it in about three hours.

The boys had found some bananas,and were chowing down like monkeys when I approached. "Well, It's an Island, with no signs of civilization," I informed them.

"So, there's no telephone either?" Cole asked.

Austin and I both just looked at him dumbfounded.

"No. Retard. There's no fucking phone," Austin said slapping the back of his brother's head.

"Austin! Enough. Both of you will just have to get along. We are in a bad situation, fighting among ourselves won't help. We need to look out for each other and take care of each other."

"Sorry Cole," Austin said ashamedly.

"You two start looking for stuff that will burn. Dry leaves and kindling. I'm going to check out the interior of the island. And no fighting while I'm gone."

The island was actually quite a bucolic setting. If I had come here for a camping trip or something, I might really enjoy it. However, being stuck here without knowing for how long and no basic tools or food, didn't seem like a picnic right now.

It seemed odd to me that there were no people here. It was a good size island, beautiful beach, plenty of fishing possibilities. I noticed that much of the vegetation on the lower elevation was obviously wash away by flooding. I assumed there was a monsoon season and it got bad enough here to keep people from building and staying. That is if anyone had ever been here.

There were two 'hills' with much higher elevation. I began an upward climb to get to the top of the highest one. I could see for miles. Nothing but endless ocean. Looking down between the two hills, I saw the most welcomed sight. A natural pool of water. By that I mean, a large hole in the rock that was high enough to avoid flooding, yet would catch rainwater.

I clambered down to it, and drew out a handful. It was fresh, not salt. Ok, now we had a drinking water supply. And we had fruit, I can probably catch fish, so we won't starve. We needed shelter.

Because of the flooding that I expected, we had to make a shelter on higher ground. But where? The angle of the hills was too steep to build anything on. Besides, without tools, building would be difficult.

I worked my way to the top of the second hill, I was looking out to sea, and wasn't paying attention where I was going. Fortunately I glanced down just in time to keep from falling about fifteen feet into a large gap in the top of the hill. It may have been caused by a meteor a million years ago, or an earthquake broke of a weak section. It was a huge chunk missing out of the side of the hill. It was like a grotto. It was open at the top, with a slight drop into a larger cave. The floor of the cave had grooves in it from millions of years of rain running off, but otherwise was fairly flat. There was a seven foot wide fissure that came down from the top. The cave itself, was probably twenty five feet across.

This was going to be our home for the foreseeable future.

I was pretty pleased with myself, having found both a water supply and a habitat. I trotted my happy ass back down to the beach and saw the boys playing in the lagoon. My first thought was Sharks.

"Get out of the water!" I yelled at the two dumbasses. "Jesus, I can't turn my back on you two for a minute. What if there were sharks…"

I was shocked silent when my sons cleared the surf. The were naked and extremely well developed.

"Why are you naked?"

"It's not like there is anyone around to see us," Austin argued.

He was right about that. I was just surprised, because neither of the boys ever left their rooms in their boxers. Even after their mother passed, there has always been a certain decorum.

"Just the same, too much sun isn't good for you. Small increments until you have some tan. Oh 3; I found us some shelter and fresh water," I said proudly. "Grab the raft and follow me."

Neither of the boys bothered to get dressed, but they did stop to put on their shoes. I led the way, mostly because they didn't know where to go, but also it kept me from staring at their beautiful young bodies.

As we made our way inland, I thought to myself. Damn, Austin is almost as big soft as I am hard. Cole isn't far behind either, probably erect he would be as large as me already.

I pointed out the pool of fresh water as we passed. "This is drinking our water. Do not piss, shit, bathe, or anything else in it," I instructed. Both boys stopped for a drink. I stared at them from the back as they bent to gather water in their hands. Their jewels hanging between their legs, drawing my gaze, their bubble butts causing some tightening in my pants.

Since my wife's death, I hadn't been with anyone. My sole recourse was my two hands. For some reason, I have always been able to pleasure myself with both hands. My right being quicker and less awkward of course, my left, was like someone else doing it for me. Right now I wish I had a few minutes alone time.

"Neat, Dad," Austin said when he saw the shelter.

"Are you sure this isn't like a bear's home or something?" Cole asked.

Austin prepared to smack his brother on the head again. "Austin 3; No."

"But, Dad, he's an idiot."

"What did I do?" Cole asked dumbfounded.

Cole is the sweetest boy on the planet, but sometimes he's not too bright.

"Put the raft over there on that flat area. Then fetch the kindling you found earlier."

I searched around until I found a long, fairly straight, tree branch. I took it down to some tide pools I had seen on my first trek around the island. Using the rocky surface, I whittled the branch into a spear. Then went in search of an unlucky fish caught it the tide pools.

We ate fish that night. My sons were proud of me for being crafty enough to make it happen. We talked by the fire late into the night. I explained that we needed to spend the next few days searching for anything that will help with our survival. That we need sharp rocks that can be used as hatchets, and materials to cover the hole in our roof.

"We're only making one fire a day, so we need to store up dry wood and kindling. I don't know how long this bic lighter is going to last, and it's the only thing standing between us and starvation or raw fish. If we keep the fire going, the lighter will last a long time," I also told them to only wear their shoes to and from the beach and grotto. We are far from any shoe store, so they shouldn't put any unnecessary wear and tear on them.

"Even more reason to stay naked," Austin said. Cole smiled and nodded.

"You maybe right, wearing our clothes all day and night and washing them is going to do them in soon. We can use our clothes as blankets on cold nights. But we need to stay in the shade as much as possible too."

Both boys were staring at me. "What?"

"You still have your clothes on," Cole said.

I had never been naked in front of my sons, but I did need to show unity. That we were all going to have to work hard and sacrifice personal comfort for the good of all of us.

Standing by the glow of the flickering fire, I took off my clothes. I had tried to forget that the boys were naked. Though I was still having trouble not looking at their bodies by the firelight. I managed to sit down before my dick began to rise. Austin and Cole seemed to be interested in what I had. I hoped they weren't disappointed at not getting a good look. I'm sure they would see it enough along the way.

For now, we were warm, safe, and full bellied. Tomorrow would bring a whole new set of trouble, I was sure. We lay on the makeshift raft, side by side, nude.

"Dad, I'm cold," Cole said. He turned onto his side and snuggled up close.

He was on my left, Austin on my right. I turned also, then so did Austin. All spooned together. Weariness soon overtook me, and I slept.

I was awoken during the night, by Austin moving about. More accurately, humping. I could feel his large cock in my ass crack. He obviously hadn't had a chance to give it a seeing to since we left home. I think he was actually sleeping as he slowly moved his hips back and forth, sliding his cock in my crack.

Suddenly he stopped and muttered "Shit."

"You ok son?" I whispered.

"Uh 3; yeah 3; I'm sorry, Dad. I must have been dreaming," Austin replied embarrassed.

"It's alright, only natural at your age."

He lay still for a moment, but I could tell he was struggling with his emotions and need. After another minute, and his cock didn't subside any, I nudged back a bit.


"Sh 3; it's okay son, I understand."

He tentatively began a slow humping motion again. When I didn't complain, he became a little more animated. Taking longer strokes, adding more pressure and friction. After a couple of minutes, his breathing became ragged grunts. Then he put his hand on my hip, pulling me against him, as his humping became frantic. I found myself helping him, by bending forward a bit, giving his cock full access to my crack. He groaned and I felt five or six pulses and spurts on my back.

"Thanks, Dad," he whispered when he was able.

"Good night son."

I woke first and needed to pee. Getting up, I looked down at my two sons. Austin and Cole were both hard as nails. Cole's was a little longer than my five inches [12.5 cm], and Austin had to be at least eight [20 cm]. Both had pubic hair, though Austin's was obviously further in development. Their circumcised crowns were noticeably thicker than the shafts. They must take after their biological father. Probably why my wife was fucking whoever it was.

I stood outside our grotto and let out a stream of piss. Looking out on the island, I absentmindedly scratched my back with my thumb. I discovered the crusty remnants of last night's dry hump encounter. I smiled to myself and started toward the water pool. By the time I got there I was stone hard, from thinking about last night. I picked off some of the crust from my back and brought it to my nose. I could barely smell anything, and after looking around a moment, I put the scraping into my mouth.

I don't know what I was expecting it to taste like, but whatever it was, this wasn't it. I actually expected to be repulsed by it, so I'm not sure why I tasted it in the first place. I wasn't repulsed, in fact, I scraped off more for another taste, before taking a handful of water and dousing my back.

We spent the day scouring the island for materials to use to make our grotto more secure from the weather. I had to come up with ideas to make it happen. It would be the next day before we would actually start on it.

We took a break midday, and had some fruit, and a quick swim in the lagoon. I was still very leary of sharks, but saw none. As the sun set, we retired to our grotto, and cooked fish.

We hadn't dressed all day and I was afraid the boys would burn. I cracked open a couple of coconuts, squeezed the meat into a paste, and smeared it on their shoulders, faces, and backs. They did the same for me, and we retired for the night.

I was just dropping off to sleep, when Austin moved in closer behind me. I didn't think anything of it till I felt his hand on my hip, drawing me back. I didn't resist and his cock made contact with my crack.

"Is this ok, Dad?" He whispered.

"Yes, just don't wake your brother" I whispered back. I thought about my taste test that morning, and wondered if it was different when not dried out.

He started out slowly, and I again bent forward for him. Cole was a little farther away, which allowed me to bend more. The coconut paste made it slick and he slid easily along my crack. At this angle, his cock actually slid across my pucker, not just along my crack. I straightened my legs out to give even more access, and better contact with my hole. I found it extremely thrilling to feel his cock sliding against my most intimate place.

Austin must have been imagining exactly what was going on down there, as he moved about. He would drag his cock down, then pause with his cock head right at my opening, before sliding back up. He did it agonizingly slow, applying pressure all the way on the up stroke. He kept it up for a long time. A constant torturous teasing of my hole. I know if I had touched my dick, I would have exploded.

His motion picked up a bit, and I knew the end was coming. Then he pushed on the center of my back, at the same time, pulled on my hips. His cock head lodged against my pucker, and he hosed me in cum. He wasn't actually in me, but pretty close. I felt each squirt of cum in my hole.

When he let go of me, I straightened up. "That was the best, ever, Dad" He said.

"Shh… You'll wake Cole," I reminded him. I soon heard him sleeping, and I could still feel his cum at my door.

The next day we began fashioning a roof for our grotto, using bamboo, large leaves, grass, mud, and rock. I hoped it would work. Only time and a storm would tell.

It was dark by the time I was satisfied with the results. We settled on just fruit for dinner, but had a fire anyway. I thanked the boys for their help and hard work and promised them a day of rest tomorrow.

"Can you teach us to spear fish like you do?" Cole asked.

"Sure, Son. You two find and whittle the spears, and I'll show you how."

"Maybe we should put some more of that coconut paste on us so we don't get burned," Austin said smiling at me.

I knew what he was thinking, and it had nothing to do with the sun.

When we laid down for the night, I was listening to Cole's breathing. So was Austin. When it appeared Cole was sleeping Austin scooted away from me, to the very edge of the raft. I didn't want to seem too complicit, so I waited a couple of minutes longer before scooting toward him.

He nestled his cock in my crack, and lightly pushed on my back. I bent to give him access, and he began sliding against me. He must have added even more coconut paste to his cock at some point before laying down, because it was very slick. He paused at my opening on each stroke, just as he had the night before. Then slide all the way up until I felt his balls on the back of my legs. I bent even further so I could get the sensation of his cock sliding against my hole, and he applied more pressure as he slid up.

The feeling and the taboo of it all, was thrilling. Each time he paused at my entrance, I held my breath. He pulled my hips back more, and I brought my knees to my chest. He slid down to my waiting hole and paused, then a slight pressure, and I thought he was going to cum at my hole like the night before, but he didn't cum. He held it there, with just the tip trying to unpucker my entrance. Then he slid up again and back down and paused with the tip parting my pucker again. And he stopped there.

What seemed forever he stayed at my hole. I couldn't take anymore, and wiggle my ass back at him, to get him moving again. He slid up again and back down, parting my hole with the tip of his cock, and stopped again. I wiggled and pushed back again, but he held his ground. I pushed back more and realized I was forcing more of his cock head into my entrance. I knew what he wanted, and he knew what I wanted, and made me work for it. I pushed back more and he applied equal resistance, until the thick cock head gained purchase inside my sphincter, causing both of us to moan.

Again he just held it there, waiting for me to make the next move. I did. I pushed back, and another couple of inches entered me. That was all the incentive he needed. He pulled back a bit then drove forward until I had about six inches [15 cm] in me, then again till he buried it all.

He stroked slowly at first, finding his range. Then he established a wonderful rhythm, that took me by surprise. I hadn't thought I would enjoy something so perverse as having my son's cock in my ass, but I did. I more than enjoyed, I fucking loved it.

"Play with your dick, Dad," Austin instructed.

I didn't need to. I was going to cum from his fucking me. And I did. I felt his cock swell and shoot in my colon, and I lost it. The best orgasm I can remember ever having.

He stayed in me until he began to soften, then withdrew. He hugged me to him with his arm around me, and whispered "That was great."

The next day we rested as I had promised. Austin and Cole came to me with their spears, and I gave them some instructions. They went to the tidepools and got us fish for dinner. Cole had speared all of them himself, and Austin was a little embarrassed he hadn't been able to spear a single one.

Having always been the older and more dominant of the two, this failure was difficult for Austin to handle. Cole didn't help matters any, when at dinner he said "How's that fish I speared for you Austin?" It was probably a good thing for Austin to be taken down a peg or two.

When we began to wind down for the night, Austin casually placed the coconut shell with the paste in it beside the raft. He again lay on the edge of the raft. We both patiently waited for Cole to go to sleep. Ok, probably not so patiently, I was on pins and needles. When I thought Cole was sleeping, I scooted back toward Austin. I heard the coconut shell rattle against the rocky surface, as Austin dipped his hand in. A moment later, he tugged at my hip, and I brought my legs up to my chest, and pushed back at him.

I felt his hard cock nudge at my hole, then he said "Do you want it?"

"Yes," I admitted.

He pushed the head in, and let me adjust before sliding in further. Once he had me open and giving me long strokes, he rolled us over onto my stomach. I didn't think it was a good idea, it would be difficult to explain to Cole if he woke up. But I didn't say anything as Austin returned to plowing my ass really well.

Austin kissed the back of my neck and slipped his hands under me and grasped my shoulders to allow for more forceful strokes. He didn't just pump up and down, he rotated his hips causing his meaty cock to stir my insides.

He was just a kid, and already a maestro at fucking. After he unloaded in me, he didn't retreat. He kissed my neck again and said "I love you, Dad," After resting a couple of minutes, he started in again.

The next day, I was sitting in a shade trying to figure out how to cover the fissure that ran down the wall of our grotto. The roof was easy, I didn't have to measure or cut anything. Just assemble it and lay it over the hole. Now I had to find a way to cut things to size and have it fill the gap, and find a way to attach it to the side of an incline.

The boys were in the tide pools fishing. Well, fishing and arguing. Austin had his fill of listening to Cole taunting him and left the tide pools saying "I don't need your help"

He stomped off into the lagoon. I looked up at him to see that he didn't go too far out. He stopped in water just touching his dangling cock. He peered into the water, searching for a hapless fish. I watched his cock dangle for a minute, then went back to doodling in the sand, working on my problem.

A few minutes passed, and I heard Cole call out to Austin, but didn't hear him respond. I glanced up and saw that he was just ignoring his brother.

I heard Cole again. Then again. This time I could hear something akin to panic in his voice. I looked up in time to see Cole running into the lagoon, still yelling at Austin.

"Leave me alone, Buttwipe, I don't need your help!" Austin said, still peering into the water. Just about then, Cole had reached his brother, and started jabbing his spear into the water with both hands, as hard as he could.

I stood to get a better look and Cole was still jabbing into the water. I then saw a red fog appear in the water and spread. Austin turned to yell at his brother, froze, then stumble backward.

Cole had ran out of steam and stopped jabbing the water. Austin grabbed him, and pulled him back to the beach.

"Dad, Cole just saved my life. There was a huge shark, and he killed it with his spear. He risked his life to save me."

I was too overcome to say anything, I just grabbed my sons and squeezed them as hard as I could. I looked over Austin's shoulder, to see the eight foot shark, as it washed ashore.

"I'll never be mean to you again. I promise, little brother," Austin proclaimed.

Cole spent about an hour chopping the sharks head off. He placed it on the end of his spear which he pounded into the sand. "It's a warning to all the other sharks out there. Don't mess with us," he said proudly.

We had shark steaks for dinner. And Cole told his shark story very dramatically. Austin and I giving him high fives, and ample praise for his bravery.

Austin must have been assessing his life that night, because he didn't fuck me. He made love to me. Slow passionate love. Caressing me, even stroking my dick, as he moved in and out of my rear passage. He was a master at that as well.

It's good to have kids around to do the tedious chores you don't want to do. The next day I put the boys to work skinning that shark. Then cutting the shark skin into strips. It would take a long time when the only tools we had were rocks. Sharpened, but still rocks. My sons are troopers for sure. That was a nasty job. They never complained and did as I asked. They knew I had our survival in mind and worked hard to do their part.

I set to work chiseling out niches in the rock walls inside our grotto. The end result was a thing of beauty I must say. Bamboo, shark skin, and large leaves, made a pretty sturdy wall, covering the fissure from the top to the bottom, leaving a small hole at the top for ventilating smoke from our fire, and the last few feet were left loose, like a bamboo curtain, so we could easily move in and out. It took us three days to complete, but it was worth it.

The night we finished it, Austin surprised us with fowl for dinner. He had manage to trap five birds, and roasted them over the fire. I don't know what kind they were, other than delicious.

Sitting around the fire that night, we were all pretty proud of our survival skills. Laughing and having a good time.

Then Cole said "Do you love me, Dad?" He had turned serious.

"Of course I do, Cole. Why would you ask a silly question like that?"

"Well, because you and Austin do things, and you don't with me."

I looked at him questioningly.

"At night. I've heard you, and even watched you once. You do things together, and I have to… do it by myself."

He was right of course. I hadn't tried to include him in our… activities. I had made effort to keep him from knowing about it. I didn't know he would be interested in participating. Mostly, I didn't want him to think badly of us. I had accidentally seen him stroking himself one afternoon.

"I'm sorry, Son. I guess I was embarrassed that we were doing those things and didn't want you to know. You know, back home, people would frown upon such things."

"We're not back home. You said we have to take care of each other, because we're all we have."

I could hear the sadness in his voice and my heart ached for him. He thought we didn't care for him, because we had excluded him. I reached down and took his cock in my hand. He was hard in an instant.

It was actually the first time I had touched either of my sons. Austin handles his own cock for entry into my welcoming hole, so I had never held it.

As I stroked him, Cole said "Dad, my friends at school always talk about blow jobs. What's that?"

I was going to cross another line with my own son. I told him to stand and he did. I admired his body for a moment. His hard cock, noticeably bigger than mine. His golden tan, with no tan lines. He was beautiful. Both my sons are beautiful.

I grasped his cock and pulled on his butt, drawing him closer to me. I took his cock into my mouth. It was a first for both of us. I managed to take him down to the pubes without too much trouble. His thick cockhead, at the top of my throat, teasing the rest of me. I started bobbing back and forth on him, and he placed his hands on my head and let out a wonderful moan. A sound that thrilled me because it meant I was giving my son pleasure.

He got the rhythm down, and began thrusting in and out of my mouth. His hands holding my head in place as he fucked my face. Soon his legs began to quiver, and his strokes unsteady. Suddenly I had a throat full of cum as he pulled my mouth tight to his groin. His pulsing slowed and I pulled back to catch the last shot on my tongue.

My first taste of boycum straight from the source, and I was hooked.

Austin had watched the whole scene unfold and was fascinated. "That was fucking awesome, Dad. Now do me," he said standing.

I thought it would be hypocritical of me to correct his language, when I'm sucking dicks in front of him. I took his larger cock into my hand and then my mouth. He immediately began to force it down my throat.

"This is not my ass. You will choke me to death at this rate," I said pulling off him.

"Sorry, Dad. I got a little excited. I've never had a blow job."

Cole beamed, knowing he had received one before Austin. I worked Austin's cock and he soon added his offering to Cole's in my stomach.

With no need to be quiet, or secretive, Austin and Cole kept me busy all night. Teen age boys seem to never run out of juice. I was spit roasted by them three times. Twice with Austin in my ass and Cole in my mouth, and once reversed. By the time they finally let me sleep, I was tired and sore. I was also very sated.

We woke up to the first rainy day since we had arrived. I got up and looked out at it.

"It's raining, Dad. Come back to bed," Cole said.

I looked over at the two grinning boys and their morning wood. Jesus, I had created a monster. Actually, two. But, I crawled back into bed anyway, and was attacked by the two teens. I now know how a girl feels on her honeymoon, when her husband doesn't let her out of the hotel room for days.

This wasn't a hotel, and there was no room service. So, someone had to get us food. Austin volunteered and went out in the rain. Cole stayed with me and in me. He fucked my ass slowly till Austin returned.


They both sucked me that day. Then it wasn't unusual for me to find them sucking each other on the beach. Though they learned not to do anal on the beach, sand hurts.

Austin did as he promised and never treated Cole badly again. With our new open sex lives too, the boys became even closer. They looked out for each other, and actually enjoyed each other's company.

Our days passed, each as the one before. We spent our time during the day finding or catching food. Our nights, we spent loving each other.

It was on our 164th day that we were startled by the sound of an engine. We were so shocked, we didn't bother trying to hide our nudity. I instructed my sons to hide until I called them, and they did. I got out of sight so I could appraise the situation.

One of those rigid hull pilot boats with four men aboard, coasted into the lagoon. They wore some sort of uniform, though not military. One stayed on board and three got out on the beach.

I stood as they got near me. "Friend or foe?" I know, brilliant right.

"You're American? Oh, 3; Uh 3; Friend," Said the one who seemed to be in charge. "What in the bloody hell are you doing here?"

"Plane crashed, got stranded here. And you?"

"I'm Captain Rodgers. We're from the Oceanica 2000. It's a private yacht. I assume you want to leave here."

"Just a minute. Who owns the yacht, and how did you find me."

"My employer is Harold Schumacher. We saw your smoke yesterday. I've been on this island before and knew it to be uninhabited. But it has a great beach. I was going to bring Mr. Schumacher here for a beach day. I thought it best to investigate first."

It had rained the day before, and we stayed in the grotto all day. We had put on fish to cook, got involved more pleasurable activities, and burned the fish. The ventilation hole at the top of our grotto came in handy, or we would have died of smoke inhalation.

I appraised him for a moment. I believed him. I noticed his crewmen were staring at me. I had forgotten I was nude.

"First let me say thank you. I would really like to get off this island," I said shaking his hand. "I'm sorry if I appeared rude, but I had to be sure you could be trusted, because I have my sons to consider."


"Austin, Cole, You can come out," I yelled over my shoulder at them. "You'll forgive our casual appearance, there's not much reason for formalities when stranded on an island. Boys, go get our best clothes. We're about to meet Mr. Schumacher."

When we were dressed, we were escorted onto the pilot boat. Then taken out probably ten miles from the island. As we approached, I saw a ship that was about the size of a U.S. battleship. It was huge, but obviously not military. It was white with blue trim, brass railings and very expensive.

The captain had radioed ahead to say they had picked up passengers. We were greeted by several more crewmen, as we boarded. Then escorted into the main salon of the yacht. A young steward offered us beverages which we quickly accepted.

After a few minutes, a very distinguished looking man entered. I stood and extended my hand. "Mr. Schumacher? Hi. I'm Thomas Travers. These are my sons, Austin and Cole."

"Rogers tells me you were in some sort of plane crash?" He questioned.

I started to explain, when he interrupted.

"That crash was six or seven months ago," he sounded surprised.

"Well, we were on the island 164 days. We floated on a makeshift raft for a few days before," I informed him. "So you heard about the crash?"

"Actually the whole world heard. It was a terrorist attack. The news was that the plane exploded in mid air, with no survivors."

First my wife, then us. Fucking terrorists.

I started my story again, and he interrupted me again.

"Just a moment. I would like my sons to hear this," he said. He spoke into an intercom and a moment later two boys entered. One was a little older than Austin, the other about Cole's age. Their names were, would you believe, Hartford and Chesterford. I'm not kidding.

I started my story again, and they all paid rapt attention. Austin and Cole occasionally added bits and pieces.

I was interrupted again as the same steward came in and spoke to Harold.

"Let's do it on Thomas's island," he instructed. He turned to me and said "We will be having lunch on your island. Would you and your sons care to freshen up before we leave?"

We were each given a stateroom, complete with showers. I had never enjoyed a shower more than that one. When I finally forced myself out of the warm water, the same young steward was there with clothes for me.

Leaving the ship by an even larger pilot boat, the six of us soon arrived back on our island. There were three stewards and a full table set under umbrellas, with our lunch waiting for us.

"I thought you would like to have some pictures before we leave, so Ash is going to photograph it all for you," he said referring to the young steward who had brought me clothes.

We had a marvelous lunch, with the boys getting along well, and talking animatedly. Afterward, Austin led Ash and the boys up to our grotto.

"Rogers also said you were nude when he discovered you," Harold said once the others left.

"Uh 3; Yes. Well, there's no reason to be modest when it was just us for so long," I explained. "What's your story Mr. Schumacher?"

"Please. Call me Harold. I inherited a small fortune from my mother, and turned it into a large fortune. Mostly mineral mining and rare earths. My sons are from my third and last marriage, never doing that again, and I have two daughters from my first marriage. She is a heartless bitch, who has alienated my daughters from me. My boy's mother is much easier to get along with, so I get to see them anytime I want."

"Where do you live?" I asked fascinated.

"I have houses just about everywhere. I spend a lot of time on my boat. I love the water. My sons and I are actually on an extended vacation now. I decided I needed to spend more time with them so I don't make the same mistakes I did with my daughters."

"I understand perfectly. We were on this trip to get away after my wife's death. We needed to bond and forget the tragedy. Little did I know how much we would rely on each other."

"Tragedy?" He asked.

"Yes. My wife was killed in a terrorist attack, while working for the state department."

"Jesus. You've certainly had a run of bad luck," Harold said shaking his head in sympathy.

"Well, you finding us was a shot of good luck if you ask me. I can't thank you enough."

We chatted like old friends for awhile. I have never known anyone as wealthy as he is, and I was surprised at how friendly and personable he is.

"Now that is a beautiful sight," Harold said.

I followed his gaze to see all the boys and Ash returning, completely nude. Ash was carrying all their clothes except shoes. All five were well endowed.

"I'm sorry sir. They insisted," Ash explained.

The other stewards didn't seem to be surprised at the unusual sight.

"It's quite alright Ash."

"Dad, did you know they were naked the whole time they were here?" Hart said excitedly. We had learned that Hartford preferred Hart, and Chesterford preferred Ford. Who can blame them.

"It wasn't too difficult to talk them into getting naked with us," Austin said to me with a wink.

"Now you know our little secret," Harold said.

I wasn't sure if I did, but I wasn't going to piss off the man who was going to save us from this island.

"And seeing those beautiful sons of yours I assume we may have a lot in common," he said cryptically.

"Each room has a steward assigned. Ash is your steward for as long as you are on our boat. He is assigned to your cabin, unless you find him lacking, that is," Harold explained to me when we arrived back on board.

"Cole, I completely understand why you insisted on bringing that shark head, but if you will give it to your steward, he will see to it. It will be processed and the jaws will be returned to you. That is unless you want a smelly shark head souvenir," Harold told Cole.

"That'd be great. Did I tell you how I killed it?" Cole responded.

"Yes," We all said in unison.

Cole had told the story in great detail during lunch. Then as we were leaving he retrieved the head and spear from where he had placed it months before. He had done it as a warning to other sharks, and I guess it worked. We never saw another shark in the lagoon or anywhere near the island afterward.

Turning to me Harold said "So, Thomas, where would you like to go?"

"Anywhere civilized will be fine. Whatever is convenient for you. It's not like I have any pressing engagements," I laughed.

"Excellent. I was thinking, our boys seem to get along well, and I enjoy your company, why don't you just join us for the rest of our trip. Then we can drop you wherever you want."

I was a surprised with the offer, but said "I will consult with Austin and Cole, but I'm sure they will jump at the chance to spend time with your sons on board a yacht."

"It will do them some good to have someone their own age to play with," Harold said. Then added "Me too," With a grin.

He and I sat in one of the upper deck lounges, talking for a long time and of course having a little libation. He told me much of his story, and I shared much of mine.

A steward I didn't know announced dinner and we went to the main dining room, where we were joined by all the boys.

"Dad, you should see the game room. They have everything," Cole suggested.

My sons were delighted to learn of the invitation to stay with our new friends.

After a wonderful dinner, Harold led me to the pool and spa. We undressed and donned plush robes, to sit poolside and watch the boys. I have to say that Harold is very well endowed. I was a little intimidated to learn that of all the males I have seen so far, I have the smallest equipment. His sons as well as mine, and even Ash, all have larger cocks.

"May I get you something sir?" Ash asked, standing next to me. He too was nude. I took my eyes off his cock long enough to request a frozen margarita. He turned and left and I looked at Harold in time to see another steward hand him a drink. This steward was also nude, and also well endowed.

"This is Marco. He is my personal steward," Harold said in way of introduction. "As you can probably guess, there is little I don't indulge myself of. While in the public view, I am seen with many beautiful women. While on my boat, I like to indulge myself of the pleasure only another male can provide. My sons also enjoy the same 3; proclivities, and I suspect you do as well."

I nodded in agreement.

"So, I thought it best to ask you, before assigning a steward to each of your sons. The tall blond one by the bar, will be assigned to Cole. The shorter more effeminate one over there will be assigned to Austin. Unless of course you have a better suggestion. They will not do anything they are not instructed to do, and they will do everything they are instructed," he said, emphasizing the word 'everything'.

"I appreciate your consideration, and I think the choices you made will be fine."

With a nod, Marco signaled the two stewards, who immediately undressed and each approached his assignee, and offered them refreshments. Two more did the same with Hart and Ford. Then our four sons huddled together for a moment as Ford whispered to the group.

My sons turned to look at me, and I nodded. They all got out of the pool and were given plush robes by their respective steward. Then exited the pool area followed by four stewards.

"I believe they will be occupied the rest of the evening," Harold laughed. "Would you care to join me in a sauna?" He added.

The sauna was the perfect temperature and not too steamy. Harold removed his robe and hung it on a hook. I followed his lead, and soon we were sitting facing each other in the sauna. Harold's cock looked even bigger than I had previously thought.

Harold must have read the expression on my face "Is something wrong Thomas?"

"I was just thinking I'm a little underendowed for this ship, I'm embarrassed to say."

"Nonsense. For me, you're perfect. Anything over a mouthful is a waste on me anyway," he said. I assumed that to meant he sucked, but didn't liked to be fucked. "And from looking at your sons, I assume you don't mind a larger one."

Well, as you can guess, I got royally fucked that night, and many nights after. There wasn't a night that I didn't service or get serviced by someone. Ash spent many nights in me or under me. As did Hart, Ford, and Harold. My sons were busy also, but not too busy to spend some quality time with their dad.

After we had been with Harold for about three weeks, we were sitting in the lounge, with drinks of course, when Harold said "Thomas, I took the liberty to check up on a few things for you. As you can imagine, there isn't a whole lot of your previous life left. Your property was repossessed by the bank and personal belongings were sold to pay taxes. Your job is gone, and your father in law passed away. Your parents are still alive, but have not been informed that you are."

I of course had thought of such things, but to actually hear it, was a bit of a shock. I guess I couldn't really blame them. I mean, we were dead as far as anyone knew.

"The good news is, I have a team of lawyers working on your behalf. Lawsuits against the airlines, of course. Then there is several banks and government institutions that are liable. There is a publisher who wants you to write a book, and I would dearly love to offer you a job."

"A job? Where?" I asked. I was going to need a job for sure now.

"Where would you like? I have offices around the globe, and influence at many companies."

"I've kind of gotten used to the beach and water. How about Florida?"

"I was hoping you would say that. I have an excellent position available for you there," he said smiling.

"What kind of position?"

"My office there is the headquarters of all my U.S. operations. I want you to run it. I know of your expertise in finance and accounting. I just happen to have a nice little house there that you can stay in until you're back on your feet too."

"I don't know what to say. You've been so kind to us already. I could never repay your generosity."

"Well, once we let people know you're alive, you are going to be famous. Having you as the face of our U.S. operations will only do us good."

I gave Harold the go ahead to start whatever proceedings his attorneys thought best. We spent another three weeks aboard his ship and saw many exotic places.

We became very close in those six weeks. I enjoyed being in his bed, almost as much as being with my sons. Our boys got on famously too. At the end of our trip, we arrived in Florida. Hart and Ford were due to fly back to their mother the next day, and Harold was leaving the day after.

Rogers maneuvered the ship up to a private dock, in back of a huge house. It was like something you see in the movies.

"Jesus H. Christ. Is that yours?"

"Yes, and yours too for as long as you want," Harold said smiling at me.

"This is the 'nice little house' you spoke of?"

"I may have exaggerated a bit. But if I had told you about it, you would have turned it down."

"You're damn right I would. I can't possibly stay here."

"You might want to rethink that. Right now there is a media circus parked outside the front gate. Your story has gone viral. The little information released because of the lawsuit, has sparked a media frenzy. When U.S. customs boarded this morning, I had to explain who you were and why you didn't have a passport. They had to get clearance to let you into the country. Something like that doesn't go unnoticed, and the media flocked my house.

"I told you, you're famous. The man who survived a terrorist attack, the man who saved his children during a plane crash, and survived on an island for almost six months. You are a publicist's wet dream."


So there you have it. I am sitting poolside at a large mansion. My best friend and now employer is one of the richest men in the world, and I have his personal number on speed dial. I am partway through writing a book about our adventures, of course I'll leave out the juiciest parts.

After eating fish and fruit on the island, and gourmet food on the yacht, my sons only want burgers and pizza. Which reminds me, tomorrow, I'm doing a commercial for Bic lighters.

The End

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