UnknownwriterRiley's Revenge |
SummaryA youngster plans the ultimate revenge on a bullying cousin when a secret is discovered.
Publ. Jan 2015
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CharactersRiley – narrator (11yo), Dirk/Derrick (14yo), Jon (12yo), various party guests (11-12yo) Category & Story codesTie-Up & Spanking Boy storyt(solo) bt tt – non-cons anal oral – bond spank clothing age-regression diapers (Explanation) |
DisclaimerIf you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now. If you don't like reading erotic stories about boys, why are you here in the first place? This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life. It is just a story, ok? |
Author's noteI lost contact with Unknownwriter (his e-mail gives an error message), but, he has sent me 31 stories, so I can continue for quite some time publishing his stories with one or two per month. Unknownwriter, if you read this, send me the new e-mail address, and to be sure it is you, mention your old e-mail in your message. |
Chapter OneI found the perfect way to get back at my cousin Derrick when I was school shopping with my mum. I'd turned eleven that spring, so was changing up from junior school up to Snider Comp, where Dirk – as Derrick liked to be called – was already in the fourth year and where he'd promised to make my life hell, unless I could do something about it first. My mate Jon had said he'd look out for me, which would go some of the way, seeing that although Jon was only twelve, two years younger than Dirk, and not all that bright, he was not only very practical but also very sporty, with a lean, muscular body that was very nearly as tall as Dirk. Thanks to this, Dirk was now somewhat cautious whenever Jon was around, although it wasn't all that long before that he'd bullied the pair of us the same. Anyway, like I said, I was shopping with mum when I spotted the very thing to get back at Dirk. Grey school shorts that were just like the things I was being fitted for but, obviously, very much shorter. I mean who would wear shorts for school. No one, that's who, but the shop still carried them. and what's more they had all the old outdated, uniform there too. You know, with the blue and purple band – the school colours – around the v-neck of the jumper, and the top of the long socks and even bright blue caps. Mind you, from the price of them it was obvious that the shop didn't expect to sell them as they'd been marked down so many times, that they were practically giving them away. The oddest thing was that they'd still bothered to dress up a boy size mannequin in the clothes and, that mannequin looked just like Dirk, albeit with much shorter hair, and without a brace on his teeth! Back home, with my new long trousered uniform safely stored in my closet, I couldn't help of thinking about Dirk wearing school shorts like those in the store, and spent the rest of the day trying to figure out a way that it could happen as, it was the least Dirk deserved after all the thing things he'd done to me, during the early part of the school holidays. Because we were cousins our parents just assumed we'd get on for some reason, despite the three year difference in our age but, well, we didn't and, never had. Dirk was just too much of a bully to give up the chance to pick on me, whenever he could although when our parents were around he was as nice as anything. At those times, at least, we got along okay, as Dirk, when he tried was actually rather a nice guy. That day we were sitting, getting along, watching the TV – well skipping from channel to channel making fun of the programmes mostly – while we waited for our parents to go out together, and leave us alone. Anyway, this old movie game on set in one of those old fashioned schools where they used to wear grey shorts like the ones I'd see in the shop several weeks later, and I laughed saying how embarrassing it would be to have to go to school in them. Dirk though didn't laugh, he just looked all serious and said, that it would be worse to be caught wearing nappies. It was an odd thing to say, but then Dirk had been saying quite a few odd things, not all of which I understood but when I asked him what he meant, he wouldn't say anything else other than, it would be worse than being in shorts. Then, he added that, perhaps, one day I'd find out and then he changed the subject. The rest of the morning went pretty much the same way, with me and Dirk getting on better than we had in a long time. Then, after lunch, his mum – my aunt – said she was going out for the rest of the afternoon and that we'd be alone in the house. This was followed by the standard, parent-to-kid lecture that we nodded through without really listening to as, by then we'd started to watch the one decent movie that was on and which still had nearly an hour to go. Once we were alone, things carried on as they had been, until the film got to near the end – the best bit – when all of a sudden, and without a word, Dirk just gets up from the sofa and goes upstairs. He doesn't say anything so I don't think anything about it, assuming he's just gone to the toilet or something. "Hey Riley can you come up to your room a minute." He yells down to me some ten minutes later, just as the movie is finished. I wasn't staying the night, so wondered what he was up to but all the same I went up to the spare room where I would have slept if I had been. The room was always fairly sparse but for the bed which had a big drawer that slid underneath it, for a second, spare mattress. However, when I got up there the mattress had already been pulled out, as had the mattress, which was now standing on it's side leaning against the wall. There was nothing else there, apart from several bits of rope and a large blue bag, I'd not seen before. A second later I couldn't see anything. The moment I stepped into the room, Dirk pounced out from behind the door and slipped a large laundry bag down over my head, and pulled the drawstrings tight around my stomach, trapping my arms, before I could think to do anything. Blinded, disoriented and confused, I was pushed forward to where the mattress drawer was laying open. The moment I got there, Dirk's knees were slammed into the back of my own knees, and I went down, landing first, thankfully, on the bed itself before being rolled off that and into the drawer itself. The next thing I knew was the loosening of the cords around my stomach, which led me to believe that, I was going to be shut into the drawer again. Dirk having done that to me several times in the past. But instead of pulling the laundry bag completely off my head, Dirk reached into it, grabbed one of my wrists, pulled that out from under the bad – which remained over my head – tied some cord around it, and then bound it to the corner of the drawer. This first rope, like all those that followed, was tied tightly with no slack at all so although there wasn't the room in the drawer for me to be totally spread out, I ended up pretty much stuck where I was, with my arms bent at right angles, and my hands tied just above my head. Then things got worse. I lay there just waiting for Dirk to close the drawer, when I felt a tugging at the tracksuit trousers I was wearing. Instinctively I squeezed my legs together as tightly as I could to try and keep them in place, but with my hands tied and being unable to see it was a fruitless effort as Dirk soon got not only my trousers down but the boxer shorts I was wearing beneath them. Suddenly, I was not only lying there bound and blind, but I was naked too, at least from the waist down to my socks and Dirk was now tying my ankles to the frame of the drawer so I was now almost totally spread eagled upon the plywood base. At least, now Dirk took the bag off my head. "Let me go." I said, trying to keep my voice calm so he wouldn't know I was getting to him, just like Jon had said. Dirk just smiled. "Why do you need to go. Well in that case I've got the perfect thing." My cousin opened up the duffel bag, fished around for a moment and then bought out something that looked like a white cloth folded in half with some tapes on the sides. I hadn't seen one in over nine years but I knew what it was. A large disposable nappy. "Let's see how you like this." Dirk said waving it in front of my eyes and I knew he was serious about putting it on me. I started to protest, but Dirk was ready for that too, and no sooner had I opened my mouth than he was stuffing what I could only hope was a clean handkerchief into it and then covering that with a load of this really stick, wide tape that I just knew wasn't going to come off in a hurry. "There that should keep the little baby quiet," he said before returning to the nappy. Opening up the folded nappy, Dirk laid it on the bottom of the drawer between my legs before sliding his hand under my nearest thigh, and using that to lift me up, just enough to get the nappy to go under my bum. Once it was he put me down again, and I have to say the softness of the nappy was something of a comfort after the roughness of the plywood base. Reaching back between my legs, Dirk pulled the front of the nappy up, over my privates, through my spread legs, and the stuck down the tapes to hold it in place as a soft warmth wrapping around me. "There, that should do it." He said and once more I expected him to close the drawer but he didn't. Instead he started to tickle me. Hard. Knelling beside the open drawer I was tied into, Dirk ran his fingers up and down my sides, as well as deep into my unprotected arm pits, until I was in uncontrolled hysterics. It was at this point that I remember I'd been intending to go to the toilet myself, at the end of the movie, but Dick's call and prevented me, and now all this tickling was making it worse. So much worse, in fact, that I found I couldn't hold it. Warm, moistness filled the front of the nappy I was wearing, before spreading down and around it. This made the absorbent cloth do it's job, swelling it up as it took on the remains of all the soda I'd been drinking, until it became even tighter against my privates. Then, just as all the rubbing this meant, was giving me an erection, Dirk stopped. "Ha, you wet yourself." He laughed, even though he'd clearly know that's what would happen. "Guess I'll be seeing you later then." Now, he finally did close the drawer, sending me into darkness, where I knew, with my hands and feet tied, I was going to be stuck in a wet nappy, until my cousin decided to come and get me, which no doubt, wouldn't be until right before his mum came home. Laying there, in the dark, breathing hard, I was fairly sure I heard the front door open, but assumed I'd imagined it right up until the time when I heard it open again some time later. This time, the sound was quickly followed by teenage feet pounding up the stairs and into the spare room, where, a moment later the drawer was opened again, and I was again blinded, this time by the light. "Look what I got for you?" Dirk laughed holding up a box that I couldn't see clearly enough to read. All the same I let him know what I thought of what I was doing, even if it did come out as little more than a set of muffled sounds due to the gag I still had in my mouth. "It's a five litre enema kit." I was told, and then to add insult to injury, Dirk added that he'd bought it with the money that had been in my pockets. I called him some names then as I'd been saving that money to buy Jon some more tools for the small workshop he was building at home, for his twelfth birthday, the following week. Not that Dirk heard me as he was first too busy unpacking the box, and then taking it to the bathroom next door, where I could hear water running, in a not too good way. Dirk returned from the bathroom holding a big red bag with a white hose coming out of it, and a rather large looking fluted douche nozzle, that was already covered in Vaseline. These he put down, carefully on my discarded clothes – the Vaseline leaving a stain that I'd have to explain to my mum come washing day – so he could undo my nappy. "Oh had a little accident, did we!" my cousin laughed, acting all surprised when he saw I'd wet myself. "Let's hope you don't have a bigger one later." The look in his eye, told me I was going to, but there was, for me, no fighting it as I was still too firmly tied. All I could do was watch as Dirk picked up the nozzle and screwed it onto the end of the hose which then disappeared out of my eye line, down between my spread legs. The next thing I knew something was pressing first against, then between my buttocks, before touching my rectum itself. Then, as if I could do nothing to stop it – and believe me I tried – the entire thing just went right inside me. "That was easier than I thought. You must like having things up your bum." Dirk laughed as he stood up, taking the enema bottle with him, on which he released the clamp allowing the gravity to force the cool water into my bottom. Tied and gagged, there was no way I could escape until the entire bag and emptied itself into me, and I felt like I was going to explode. At least at this point Dirk pulled the nozzle out of my rear but it wasn't over yet. A second nappy appeared, and was slid under me, before being taped up, extra firmly this time. "DO you want to go?" I nodded as best I could without banging the back of my head on the plywood beneath me. "Well, see if you can hold it in." Dirk suggested, just as he started to tickle me again. I tensed up, trying to hold still but it was like my cousin's hands were everywhere all at once. My sides, my armpits, my chest, my legs, and the soles of my feet. Given the way I was tied he could get to all my most ticklish spots and did so until there was no way I could keep my insides clamped shut. I lost control in a little over a minute, but thankfully the moment I did, Dirk also stopped tickling so in a few more seconds I was able to get myself back under control again and stop the leak. "Ha-ha! You loose, and wait until the guys at school hear about this." He laughed, "Still bet you want to go real bad now don't you?" I did. Nodding so hard that I hit my head a couple of times. "Well in that case I think I'll let you, but only if you promise to let me tie you up every time we're alone, without complaining. Got it." I nodded again, and would have agreed to anything, given the rumbling in my stomach at that moment. "Good." Dirk smiled, reaching up above my head where with just a couple of sharp pulls he released the ropes that had been holding me. A moment later I was out of that drawer and running for the bathroom with Dirk walking casually behind me. He even stopped me from closing the door, not that I minded too much as I was in enough of a rush as it was to be both empty of the enema and then cleaned up in the shower. When I was once more cleaned up Dirk made me keep my word, tying my hands behind my back, before I had the chance to put my trousers back on and that's how I spent the rest of that day. In the meantime we went back to doing what we'd been doing before, watching TV, but with me gagged, with my hands tied behind my back, and naked from the waist down to my socks, right up until the moment Dirk's Mum came home. It only being at that moment that Dirk released my hands, and I could make a dash for the stairs, and my trousers. Since that day, I knew I had to get Dirk back, preferably before he could tell anyone about what had happened as the last thing I wanted, at a new school was to be known as a kid who wears nappies. Chapter TwoAs soon as I saw the grey school shorts in that store I knew they would be the perfect thing to set Dirk up in, as revenge for what he'd done to me, the only question was just how I was going to do it. I was fairly sure I wouldn't be able to over power him, the way he'd done to me, and even if I could I wouldn't be able to get him dressed up in a full uniform while he struggled. No, I was going to have to find another way to do it. Some way in which I could get Dirk to put the clothes on by himself. But how? Thankfully, as I was to learn, my cousin had a deep dark secret of his own, which I could exploit and use against him. It was also the reason he had nappies big enough to fit me. He liked to wear them himself. He was a fourteen year old toddler. Of course I didn't know the full extent of Dirk's interests at the time he was tying me up in a drawer, and, I still didn't know half of it when I sprung my trap on him, but by the end of my revenge I knew each and every one of his deepest, darkest secrets, up to and including how they started, which had been a little under a year earlier, when he'd been clearing out the attic of his home and came across an old crib. The crib was hidden behind piles of junk at the back of the attic which Dirk, having recently turned thirteen, had been given as a chore to clear up, or at least, tidy up so his family could fit even more crap up there. The crib though was the largest item up there, and clearly wouldn't fit through the small hatchway down into the main house without some major de-construction, which Dirk just couldn't be bothered with, especially as the crib was made of really solid wood. In fact, he could barely even lift up the flip over top, that would prevent the occupant from getting out, let alone actually move the thing. So, not surprisingly he left it there, and cleaned around it. The afternoon moved on, but as Dirk continued to clean up the loose items around that corner of the attic, the crib started to intrigue him but it wasn't until he was nearing the end of the day that he actually thought about getting inside it. There was nothing odd about what happened, at least to begin with, Dirk just wanted to sit down, and there were no chairs, so instead, he lowered the side of the crib, and sat on the mattress with is legs dangling down to where they very nearly reached the floor. It was at this point, that Dirk realised just how bigger the crib was than anything else he'd seen. Just over ten years earlier, he had a vague memory of being too big for the crib he'd had as a baby and being unable to straighten his then three year old legs out fully, and yet, in this one it looked like he may well be able to lie down. So he tried it. Pulling up his legs, Dirk turned onto his side and then onto his back finding that although he couldn't actually lie down flat inside the crib, he wasn't far from it. Further experimentation proved that, if he could, however, easily adopt his usual sleeping posture, of laying on his side with his legs slightly curled up, without any trouble at all. Not only that, the crib was surprisingly comfortable, given that it was so solid, and only had a thin looking mattress. Dirk's mum choose the moment to shout up into the attic to see if he wanted a snack, which meant Dirk was up and out of that crib, in seconds. Yet, for the rest of the day, and into the night, he continued to think about it. Laying in bed that night, as he found himself going into the same position he'd adopted in the crib, Dirk's mind drifted back all those years to when he had been an actually toddler, safe inside his own crib and even started to suck his thumb as he drifted off to sleep. The very next chance he got, Dirk was back in the attic trying the crib out. It not being long after that, he was not only laying in it with the side down, but with the side up for that added feeling of security. It was only a matter of time, after that, before he thought about closing the lid. Dirk had a sudden feeling of helplessness the moment the heavy lid came down over his head. One that made him panic slightly, until he was convinced he could lift it back up again. Once the danger of becoming stuck was abated, he realised he liked that sense of helplessness, of being made to feel small but the size of the crib of being, like a toddler, trapped in a crib. It was another few days, and the third time Dirk got to be in the crib, that my cousin noticed the two small rings that came together whenever the lid of the crib was closed. One attached to the lid and the other to the side rail. It didn't take a genius – which is just as well as Dirk wasn't one – to work out that these were so a pin, or a lock of some sort could be attached to ensure, the crib's occupant couldn't get out. The very thought of being locked into the crib excited Dirk so much that he had to try it out. A quick visit to the general store at the end of his road – the same one where he would buy all his special things including the enema kit he used on my – and Dirk found himself sealed into the crib by a combination padlock. Of course, he knew the combination, and could easily reach his fingers between the bars of the crib to work the padlock, but it took time, so if his parents choose to come up to the attic it was unlikely he'd be able to free himself before they saw him locked into the crib but even that fear, didn't prevent him from doing it. The next stage in Dirk's adventures, came some time later when he was browsing through the often surprising shelves at the general store and stumbled upon a toddler's dummy, that came packaged with a rather old fashioned picture of a small child, in his underwear, laying in a crib, rather like the one he had in his attic – albeit without the lid – sucking on the rubber teat, and looking really contented. Dirk, liked the image but, didn't have to buy the dummy, he had some already. Back when, he'd been clearing out the attic around the crib, Dirk had found an old box filled with baby clothes, dummies, bibs, and bottles. At that time he'd had no use for it, but rather than carting it all the way downstairs, he'd just tucked it back into the, now neater pile, where it still was when he returned from the general store that day. Finding the box, Dirk went through until he found the biggest of the dummies it contained. Then, on an impulse, he also collected a baby bottles, and took them all down to the bathroom where, with the door safely locked, he gave them all a good cleaning. Back up in the attic, Dirk was about to climb into his crib for the hour or so he had before his parents came home, when he realised another difference between what he was doing and what he'd seen on the packaging. While he was fully dressed in his usual teenage clothes the toddler in his crib, had been in just in underwear. Dirk was wearing boxer shorts, as did any boy his age, but those didn't seem right for a toddler to be wearing, so it was back downstairs and a rummage through his closet and drawers before he found the closest thing he could to a pair of proper little kid briefs. This was a pair of old swim trunks some relative of his – thankfully not one we shared – had bought him for his family's trip to the states the previous summer. They were pale blue, with the letters USA and several stars on them. They were also rather brief. Needless to say, Dirk had never worn them having rightly pointed out that no one his age would do, and, that no one of any age, in the US would have either. So was that for the first time not only did Dirk have a child's dummy in his mouth, but he was also wearing the small briefs, as he climbed into the crib that afternoon, where once the side was up, the lid was down, and the two were locked together, to got the feeling of being a toddler. Yet, there was still something missing. Something he was well aware off, as he thought about it all the time, but something he didn't think he'd ever be able to do. Wear nappies. The only problem was, as far as he knew, no one made nappies that were big enough for a nearly fourteen year old. Or did they? Of course they did, it's just that they weren't on the general store shelves with the Baby items. They were down the back in the medical supplies, under 'Incontinence'. It being there that an almost breathless Dirk would start to buy them, initially with the money from his fourteenth birthday, and then with money that he got from a variety of sources, including the younger boys at Snider comp. Nappies weren't the only thing he bought from the 'Incontinence' isle either, as I would discover that day tied up in the mattress drawer, but they were the things he bought most of, and most frequently, and they were the things that I saw him buying in the days I started to spy on him, following my own humiliation at his hands. Clearly, despite the amount of times he'd done it, Dirk was still embarrassed about buying the clearly labelled teenage sized nappies, from the girl working the check out that day who just happened to be Jon's cousin (that being how I would find out what else Dirk had been buying). I knew Dirk's parents were going away over night at the weekend, as my mum had wondered if I'd wanted to sleepover. I didn't of course, although I didn't tell her why obviously. All the same, she gave me the spare key to Dirk's house, just in case I changed my mind, which couldn't have worked out better if I'd planned it. So it was, that I was able to let myself into Dirk's house after his parents had left and hide, waiting for him to make an appearance with my trusty instant camera – loaded with low light film so I wouldn't have to flash – and wait for Dirk to fall right into my trap which he promptly did. Upstairs, at the very moment I entered the house, Dirk was getting himself ready. Opening up the place where he kept all his secret stuff which by now included the dummy, bibs, bottles and various other baby and toddler stuff, along with, of course, the nappies I'd seen him buying. After putting giving the dummy's teat a wipe on his tee-shirt, Dirk put the former into his mouth and removed the latter. His jeans, boxers, shoes and socks soon followed until he was naked. He dick was already stiff and standing out from the pubic hair he had, but he ignored it. Instead he just lay down and did to himself what he'd done to me a few weeks earlier. Opening the nappy package, he unfolded it, and slipped it under his own bottom, before pulling the lower part back up between his legs where it was sealed into place from the tapes that ran around, over his hips and it was done. He was wearing a fourteen year old toddler wearing a nappy. Standing up, he felt the tightness around his privates and buttocks, and heard the crinkling sound that nappy made whenever he moved, before he did something he'd never dared to do before. Picking up the baby bottles. He went downstairs to where, unbeknown to him, me and my camera were waiting for him. At first Dirk was understandably nervous about moving around the lower parts of his house wearing nothing but a nappy that didn't really cover all that much of him, really. Sure if did completely encase his privates and his buttocks like it had to in order to do its job, but that was about it. As my photos would later prove, everything else was on show, including just how white his legs got from the knees up to where his private swelled out the front of the nappy. And even above the nappy, you could see a lot more of his torso than you could in anything else I'd ever seen he'd wear. That part was also a lot whiter than the rest of him, but, unlike his legs, it was also spotted with the occasional stray hair. Pubic hair that, didn't look quite right on a baby and which would have to be added to my plan. By the time he'd finished in the kitchen, filling up his baby bottle with – what else? – milk, Dirk was clearly feeling more confident about wearing his nappy as it wasn't as if anyone would actually look in on him, given that their lounge was at the back of the house, and over looked the garden which, itself was surrounded by high hedges. OF course, there was the little matter of me and my camera, but he didn't know about that as he settle down on the sofa to watch something childish on the TV. When the phone rang both Dirk and I nearly jumped right out of our skins, which in his case would have been rather noticeably given that you could see nearly all of his skin. The call was from his mum checking up on him and, by the sound of his mostly monosyllabic answers, asking all the same questions mum's always ask their kids when they're at home alone. What are they doing? Have they eaten? Are they okay? And so on for nearly half an hour, all the while Dirk just sat there in his nappy, occasionally sucking some milk out of a baby bottle. It looked really weird but made for some great photos. When the phone call was finally over, Dirk had another surprise for me. He'd wet himself whilst talking to his mother. And I know this because, he took an extra risk of changing himself right there in the living room, so I was able to capture the entire process – including the clear erection he had from the experience – on film for my revenge which I'd already decided was going to start the very next day. First though I had to get out of Dirk's house. I had him at a disadvantage but he was still bigger, and stronger than me, so couldn't yet risk a confrontation. As it turned out my escape was almost an anti-climax. Once his nappy was changed, and the old one was discarded, Dirk, refilled his baby bottle in the kitchen and went back upstairs. Naturally, I thought he'd gone back to his bedroom to continue his weird game of being a teenaged toddler but, I'd later find out, that he'd gone up into the attic to lock himself into an oversized crib, for the rest of the night. Not that it mattered at this stage, as it gave me the perfect chance to get out of the house, and start to plan my revenge. Chapter ThreeIt took nearly a month to get all the elements of my plan together but thankfully I didn't have to do it on my own. Jon helped. He just loved the idea of Dirk being all dressed up like an old fashioned naughty school boy in shorts, and, he suggested, that if we did in six weeks time, not only would we have more time, but it would make the perfect highlight my twelfth birthday. Slowly the plans came together. I surprised my parents by asking if I could have a party at home, and a proper party not a little kid thing with jelly and ice cream and all that. Jon then suggesting, as if on the spur of the moment, that we could do a fancy dress party. This helped calm my parents down that we weren't too adult and wouldn't be doing drink and drugs. They still weren't that keen though, as Jon had, somehow organising it for his parents to invite my parents to there's on the night of the party, so they'd be well out of the way. It was also Mr. Philips that gave Jon another idea, when he made some joke about birthday spankings. Not that it would be me getting the spanking of course, but Dirk, and with something Jon would make especially for the occasion. Jon, being a little less than academic – or 'thick' as Dirk liked to say – had been taking woodwork for a few years, and even had his own tools and things, which proved to be dead handy as we just didn't know where to get a real school cane from, like what would have been used back in the period Dirk would be dressed from. However, Jon was fairly sure he could come up with the next best thing, a paddle, he even had the perfect bits of hard wood already, so that was another thing we could tick of the list. Now all we had to do was get Dirk to cooperate and that happened almost exactly a week before my birthday. Slowly I crept towards my cousin's house, knowing full well that as his parents were out for the day, Dirk would once more be doing his teenage toddler thing up in the attic. In fact, I knew he was, as I'd been waiting for the lights to go on up there. All the same I didn't want him to see me, as that would give it all away and spoil the big revel I had planned for later. Carefully I placed the package I was carrying on the doorstep and then pressed the doorbell, using a short piece of sticky tape to ensure the bell remained pressed, while I made my exit to watch and wait for what would happen next. A few minutes later, with the bell still ringing, I saw the bedroom curtains flicker as Dirk looked out to see what was happened. From there, he had a clear view of the front door, the garden so it must have seemed all clear. Naturally he couldn't see either me, or my camera hidden in the bushes. Moments later, the front door opened a crack, and a shaggy head peered out, looking both up and down and around but again he saw nothing as I'd ducked down and the camera was well concealed. Eventually, Dirk's eyes went down to the package I'd laid, just in front of his doorstep, with the address label facing up, so he could see his own name, written in big, bold type. Just as I planned this sparked his interest and, probably before he even thought about it, he'd opened the front door fully, and stepped out into the open wearing nothing by that tiny little pull up nappy that I'd seen him in before. Only this time he was sucking on the dummy, but it was still there, hanging around his neck on a blue ribbon. Suddenly Dirk must have realised what he was doing, and what he was, or wasn't wearing, no doubt down it being rather cold that day, as he snatched up the package and went back inside, shutting and locking the front door behind him. Of course, by then, it was too late as I already had some more great footage of him as a toddler to add to my collection. What happened next I can only guess at, but Jon and I had planned it to perfection and given that it worked, it must have gone something like this. Back inside the house, probably in the safety of his bedroom, or even in the attic, Dirk would have looked more closely at the package and, perhaps noticed there was no stamp or return address (Jon didn't think he would but I wasn't so sure!). Then he'd open it and get a real shock. The first thing Dirk would pull from the package would be a note that said simply "Nice Nappy!" That would give him something of a shock but nothing compared to what he'd pull out next. A set of photos that showed him not only in his happy, but in his nappy with an obvious erection, and even laying in his cot, sucking his nappy, with a nappy that looked very much so like it had been used. These were photos that I had taken during that secret visit to his place, but of course Dirk didn't know that, so he'd then be seriously worked about where they came from and how they'd be taken – Perhaps he'd even search the attic for a secret camera (that was Jon's idea) – but what ever he did, he'd be sure to reach down into the package for the final note. This one, like the first, had been done on Jon's Mum's old typewriter so Dirk wouldn't recognise it, "Hello Derrick Marshall," the second note said, stating not only Dirk's full name, but just about ever personal detail that he had, from his birthday right through to the number of his school locker. Then, when it had him scared enough it laid out the demands. "As you can see we know everything about you, and unless you want everyone else to know your secrets to, then you had better do everything we tell you. "Behind this note you will see an order form. Part of it has already been filled all you have to do is fill in all the other details it asks for, marked with a star, add a payment for the stated amount, and then return it in the envelope provided. "Once the items you have ordered arrive. DO NOT OPEN THEM but wait for further orders." The order form was for the school outfitters mail order section but, I'd cut off the header so Dirk wouldn't know that, the return address being for a PO box. He also wouldn't know what he was ordering and paying for, as I'd used order numbers when filling it out, rather than names, but that, of course, was all part of the surprise. The fact he was going to be paying for his own humiliation, was just an added bonus and another of Jon's ideas as were a few of the extra items on the order form. The plan worked too. Dirk must have had misgivings about doing it, but, all the same, he filled out the form, and posted it off that same day (I was still watching.). In due course the delivery was made, the day before my birthday, which couldn't have been better timed as that was the same day Jon showed me the thing he'd been working on. The paddle. "Here it is." He said, holding it out and it was better than I could have even imagined. Jon had made a really good job. It looked just like something you'd see on one of those stupid American frat house comedies that Dirk liked so much – and on which he borrowed some of his bullying ideas it seemed – only Jon had gone one better. Using a template, Jon had drilled a series of holes into the blade of the paddle that spelled out Dirk's name. Now all we had to do was wait for a chance to put it to good use. But for that we had to wait until the second note was delivered to Dirk. "You're parents are going to be out on the day of your little cousin's birthday party but you will offer to have his party at your house." The note told him a few days before the big day, "however, once it is under way, you are to go up into the attic, and put on all the items that you find inside the box that was delivered. You must put on EVERYTHING, or else all those pictures of you as a teenage toddler will go to everyone you know, starting with your little cousin." What a birthday it was going to be. Chapter FourAt long last the day I turned twelve arrived, starting as all my birthday's did, with the expected rush of cards for me from far flung relatives, and a then a 'surprise' announcement that Dirk's family's present to me, was to look have my party at their much larger house and not to worry that my parents weren't going to be there, Dirk's parents would be in charge. (of course my folks didn't know that Dirk's parents would be out too.) and that it was going to be an all night party too, so my friends could sleep over. (Dirk didn't know that bit!) I acted all surprised even though the smile I had on my face was totally real. Mind you, even if I hadn't organised the entire thing myself, it still wouldn't have been a surprise as Dirk – true to form – had tried to ruin that, telling me about it the day before. Even adding, in a typical sneer, that he wouldn't be joining in any stupid "little kid" games, but would stay upstairs, didn't bother me. In fact, they made me smile even more. Not surprisingly, especially as, I would be planting a camera in the attic. The morning passed, as did the afternoon, until we finally got to the point where my family went out for the evening, although not before they'd given a long, and overly detailed, recounting of the usual lecture dropped me off at Dirk's house. Thankfully the lecture made us late so they couldn't come in, which was just as well given that the only people there, to start, would me and Jon Philips, who was waiting on the doorstep. Inside, Dirk was his usual idiot self, as he told us the dos and don'ts of what we could and couldn't do. Or rather he told me, as Jon said he had to go upstairs and change into his costume, showing Dirk the bag he was holding. Of course, he was going to do no such thing but instead would be putting the CCTV camera he'd borrowed from his dad into the attic room so we could watch live, while Dirk got himself ready to be humiliated. As the time of the party got nearer Dirk excused him and went upstairs, which gave the all clear for Jon to come downstairs still wearing the jeans and t shirt he'd had on before. Not that Dirk noticed as he had other things on his mind, which we got to watch once, Jon pulled out the little lap top from his bag, that was linked to the camera he'd planted. Up in the attic Dirk, locked the door – guess he didn't want us younger kids barging in! – and then opened the special order box which, couldn't have been better packed as right on the top was a brand new pair of pull up nappies similar, but not the same, as the ones he usual wore in secret. Only these had an added band around the waist for extra security. Beneath the nappy was the old style junior school uniform, complete with shorts, cap and blazer. just as I'd seen it in the shop, then finally came a few extras that had been put in. For a few minutes, Dirk just looked at all the things laid out on his bed, no doubt wondering what the hell was going on although I don't think that he put the sight of the uniform together with the fancy dress party that was, apparently happening beneath him. Eventually though he just started putting it on. Standing almost perfectly in front of the hidden camera, my cousin slipped out of his normal teenage clothes, and into the nappy. The ease with which he did this made it obvious that it was something he did often, as he didn't have to even think about how to do it. He just laid the nappy out on the edge of the bed, sat on it, pulled up the front and back, and taped it into place. The uniform would be quite so easy though. In most regards the uniform was similar to the one Dirk wore to Snider comp, in that it had a jumper, trousers, and socks. But the trousers were shorts, jumper was a V-neck not a sweatshirt, and the socks were longer than he was used to, and there were other bits too. The shirt and tie, for example. The shirt was a pale blue, and, according to the instructions Dirk received had to be fastened all the way up to the neck before the tie could be put on. This he clearly wasn't used to and struggled with the top button that he'd clearly never done up before. The tie, was pre-knotted, so all he had to do was put that over his head and under the collar of the shirt, before he tightened it. The V-neck went on the wrong way around the first time and had to be taken off again, before the V part was at the front where it should be, to show off the tie. The V-neck part being bordered in the same pale blue as the shirt and the strips on the tie. Socks came on next, pulled up to his knees, where they were turned down to show the twin blue bands that ran around them, and which were elasticated, to ensure the socks stayed there, and wouldn't drop down. It was time for the shorts then, which was something of a shame, as seeing Dirk trouser-less showed of the nappy he was wearing really well, and both Jon and I wondered if maybe we could have left the shorts out of the costume, although once Dirk had them on, we changed are minds as they really competed the look as they really were quite short, only coming down a little way over Dirk's thighs, leaving a lot of leg on show. Not as much as the nappy did, of course, but somehow it just looked like more. The shorts came with a snake's head belt, that Dick duly fastened, but not before he'd rolled up the bottom of his jumper so he could tuck his shirt into the shorts. The final parts of the uniform were a short waist length blazer, with a pale blue patch on the breast pocket and the pale blue cap that Dirk pulled onto his head, and tucked the loose strands of his hair into. When he'd finished putting the uniform on, Dirk spent a few minutes walking around the attic, no doubt getting used to the feel of the strange clothes, but, he hadn't finished yet as there was still the matter of the harness, Jon had discovered in the school outfitters, toddler section when we'd gone there to get the code numbers for the uniform order. Made from nylon webbing, with built in adjuster slides, it had a plain front plate that was designed to go on a small child's chest. Straps then came out from all four corners of this plate. Two going around the child's trunk, under their arms, and the others going up over their shoulders. All the straps came together in a large plastic buckle in the middle of their back. There was also a point where a leash could be attached, but that hadn't been included in the box. Jon had bought it in the store himself. Given the clasp was to be in the middle of Dirk's back, and we didn't want to give away that he may not be able to reach it, we'd included instructions in the note telling Dirk to fasten the clasp first and the to put his arms through the straps. This way he would be able to put it on without fastening it. Then, once he had it over his shoulders he could tighten it up so it was a good fit over his blazer. Once he'd done that it was time for Jon and me to spring our trap. "What are you two doing here?" Dirk shrieked, surprisingly managing to keep some of his teenage bravado, despite the fact he looked like a nine-year old, albeit a rather tall one. We stood there in the door, which we'd opened with the spare key, and said nothing for a moment. Then slowly, I pulled out a piece of paper from behind my back and held it up so Dirk could see it was a carbon copy of the letter he'd received. Then, with my other hand, I tossed a bunch of photos of him in his nappy, out onto the floor. Naturally he looked down at them, and then, when he looked back up again, Jon, stood there, menacingly bouncing the paddle in the palm of his hand, in such a way that Dirk could see his name was drilled in to it. "You!" he blustered, finally putting two and two together, "You did this." "Yep." I nodded, adding that it was time for payback for what he'd done to me. "You've been acting like a naughty little kid so it was time you were treated like one." "But 3;" he protested, although that was as far as he got before I cut him off. "Unless, that is, all those photos, and the new ones we've got," I paused so Jon could show the previously hidden camera, "are shown to any, and everyone." "NO!" Dirk made a grab for the camera but ended up looking right into the paddle instead, which made him pull up short. "That's the choice, either you are a little kid at my party, or else everyone finds out what you do up here. Simple as that." A silence followed but we all knew Dirk had no option to do what we were telling him, it just took him a little longer to come to terms with it. In the end though he just had a look down at the incriminating photos, sighed and said, "Okay what do I have to do." It was Jon and my turn to sigh then as for the first time we really knew that the plan was going to work. "Okay," I put down the stuff I was holding but Jon kept hold of the paddle, "First let's check you've put that stuff on right. Stand to attention." To his credit, Dirk did just what he was told without complaining. Putting his hands down by his sides and most importantly his head up which allowed me to do just what I had to in order to make sure he wouldn't be taking his uniform off until I wanted him too, which involved several cable ties. I'd selected four ties of varying thickness and lengths so they wouldn't be obvious. The first, and longest of these was the reason I needed him to keep his head up. I even explained what this one was for, as I threaded it through a small hole on the side of his cap, under his chin, and back up the other side to a second hole. These holes were intended for elastic to keep the hat on but I told Dirk we didn't have any but that the cable tie would do the same thing. Which it would, it just wouldn't be so easy to take off again. The next, and the shortest cable tie, was threaded through the knot on the junior school tie. The next, around the buckle of the belt. Both of these being pulled as tight as they would go without becoming obvious, and then the excess was snipped off. In both cases I told Dirk I was just fastening his tie and belt correctly as he'd done it wrong which he accepted. The final tie though caused some problems although by then it was too late. I had to go around behind Dirk's back with the thickest of the cable ties, which made him a little nervous, but when he felt me tugging at the harness he suddenly had an idea what I was up to but there was nothing he could do about it, as I pulled the tie tight around the harness's release catch. At once Dick stepped away from me and attempted to reach around behind himself only to find that he could barely even reach the harness release, and that, even if it hadn't been locked shut with the cable tie, he probably wouldn't have been able to release it anyway, as it needed both hands and he just couldn't get both his hands behind his back at the same time. "Be a good little boy." Jon said, with just a touch too much laughter in his voice to be as threatening sounding as he probably intended to be. Mind you the way he handed me the paddle, and approached Dirk while reaching into his pocket, did as good a job anyway, as Dirk froze to the spot looking at the thing that Jon pulled out of his pocket. "We don't want you running away do we." Jon held the walking leash up, "although how far you'd get dressed like that is another matter." Dirk knew my friend was right, and no doubt thinking that things couldn't possibly get any worse, allowed Jon to attach the walking leash to the harness clasp, between his shoulder blades, where he'd never be able to reach it. "Right then." I said, now that everything was ready, "Let's get this party started." Chapter FiveDirk's face was literally a picture when he came downstairs an hour or so later. It was a dozen pictures in fact, as sitting there in his living room were all of my mates, looking at him through the view finders of their cameras, when Jon pushed him though the door and into the midst of a group of eleven and twelve year old boys Dirk had lorded it over for so long and who were longing for some revenge. Naturally, Dirk wanted to leave but Jon was holding the leash, very tightly, and wasn't about to let go. Mind you, no one would have even heard Dirk's protests over the sounds of laughter from all of us which meant the primed question had to wait until that had died down before it could be asked. "Hey," my next best mate yelled out when I cued him, "He smells like my baby brother." "There's a reason for that." I said matter-of-factly while Dirk went the reddest red that you've ever seen. "But," came the scripted reply, "My baby brother only smells like that when he's got a nappy on." This time I said nothing, and I didn't really need to as all my friends already knew what the plan had been so their cries of surprise hadn't been at what Dirk was wearing, but rather that the plan had actually worked. Now then, they just had to wait for what they all knew was going to happen next. Jon had made sure Dirk was in just the right position so that the boy who'd asked the question – and who didn't actually have a baby brother – could reach out and poke at the rear of Dirk's shorts which gave a rather obvious crackling sound, followed by the exclamation, "He's wearing a nappy." The words echoed around the room in a somewhat overly dramatic way that if, Dirk had been paying attention probably would have given away that this was all a set up, but, as it was, he didn't notice a thing. Guess he must have had other things on his mind. Anyway, in the end, I had to calm things down again, or else there wouldn't have been time to do everything that we had planned. Once it was quite, I gave a little speech laying out the ground rules about how Dirk was being punished and that, if anyone saw him doing anything that a little kid shouldn't be doing then they were to tell me, so that we could do something about it." "Like what?" a voice asked, this time without being prompted. "This!" Jon pulled the paddle from where he'd had it tucked into the back of his jeans. A stunned silence filled the room, as this was something we hadn't told them about and, like me, they'd never seen a paddle before. However it didn't take them long to come to terms with the idea that they could not only see another boy get a spanking with it, but that it would be an older boy too. That got them all over excited again which I had to react too quickly before it got out of hand, again. "Right then, everyone knows that little boys like Dickey here." I patted Dirk on the top of his head, like he was a little kid even though I had to actually reach up to do it, although that did mean he missed the new name I'd given him as he tried to shake my hand off. All the while I continued to talk, "likes to tell people what he thinks about them, what they wear, what they do and everything else. But that's not the way little boy should behave, is it Jon?" My friend stepped forward, to agree with me and to show something else that he'd found in the stores. At first I don't think anyone other than Dirk knew what it was, but a few whispers later, and everyone knew just what the dummy was and what it was for. This one though, wasn't one of Dirk's private stash, and wasn't from the corner shop. Instead, Jon had found it in a joke shop which explained why it was rather bigger than normal ones, as it had been made for an adult joke shop. It was also made from such a bright blue that it even matched the school colours on Dirk's uniform. "Open wide." I told my cousin waving the dummy in front of his face. Naturally, Dirk didn't co-operate so Jon got to help him. SMACK! Everyone in the room jumped at the sound, although only Dirk really had any reason to, as my friend's hand slapped the backs of his legs with a sharp, if not all that hard blow. "Ouch!" he yelped, turning his head and lifting his leg up to rub at the red mark that was already forming there, against the paleness of his otherwise brilliant white upper thigh. "Open wide." I repeated, again offering him the oversized dummy. For a moment it looked like Dirk was going to refuse again but Jon raised his arm up again, taking aim at the front of his thighs this time, and he quickly changed his mind. Reluctantly Dirk opened his mouth wide, allowing me to push the oversized dummy all the way in until his cheeks started to bulge out slightly as the base panel came to be pressed up tight against his lips. Not surprisingly the sight of their fourteen year old former tormentor, not only dressed like a little public school kid, but with a dummy in his mouth, caused all my friends to start flashing their cameras again. This was followed by a load of questions about how we'd managed to do all this to him which Jon and I were only to happy to answer. We even made Dirk stand there, so we could point out all the various things we'd done to him, including how the cable ties on his cap, harness, tie and belt, would prevent him from taking any of it off – well apart from the socks – without help. "What if he needs to pee? He'll wet himself if he can't get his shorts off." someone asked, but I didn't need to answer that, as someone else did for me. "He's wearing a nappy, stupid. If he wants to pee, he can do it in that." Once again the room descended into whoops and hollers from everyone there, until nearly all of us had tears in our eyes. Dirk certainly did, although probably not for the same reasons we had, as for obvious reasons, he wasn't laughing. More pictures followed, with some of my mates wanting to be in the pictures to prove that they'd been there. This meant the cameras had to be handed around, so the owners could be in the picture standing next to Dirk or then, behind Dirk. We even had Dirk stand in front of a small stool so that, with an eleven year old standing on it, he'd look smaller than they were which added to the illusion that he was a little kid again. Someone had the idea to take the dummy out of Dirk's mouth to ensure that his entire face would be in the pictures, so for a some time, Dirk had to open his mouth over and over again, so it could come out and go back in, as and when someone wanted it. By the time the photo call was over, nearly all the cameras were full up, but all the same we had space for a final group photo, where all of us – or nearly all of us for those cameras without a built in delay function – stood in a semi-circle with, of course little 'Dickey' front and centre as the star of the show. And the show was only just beginning. Chapter SixAfter the pictures were all finished we had a slight break, for snacks and drinks, which gave Dickey – as we all now called Dirk – time to get himself back together. This could have been seen as a mistake but it wasn't. It was all part of the plan as, for the next bit we needed him to be in the mood to fight back. Never once, during the break had I let go of reins connected to the harness Dickey was wearing, so that wherever I went he had to go as well. Naturally this involved making sure he went as close as possible to all my friends who would 'secretly' attempt to pinch his bare thighs, or poke his padded bum, or something like that. Anything to just annoy him a little. However the real torment didn't start until I signalled for it. At the cue Jon got up from where he'd been seated, walled directly over to where Dickey was, and started to make fun of him, in the most ridiculous baby speak you'd ever heard. "Has little baby Dickey made wet-wet in his panties yet?" Jon said, over and over again, even reaching up to pinch Dirk's cheek like old ladies are always doing to little kids. Given that his hands were free, Dirk did try to know the hand away from his face, but Jon just carried on doing it anyway, not only teasing him now about pissing himself but having a dump too, which, proved to be too much. "Get OFF!" Dirk shouted. The room instantly fell silent as if on cue – well it was – all eyes turning towards the apparent schoolboy in apparent disbelieve, – this much was true as we'd expected Dirk to swear – which is why Jon said what he said. "You little foul mouthed brat." Jon grabbed the arm that had been raised and in a nifty little moved shoved it down and around, so that Dirk had no choice but to bend over slightly. At that point he released the arm and put my fourteen year old cousin into a head lock. "You can't talk to us big boys like that." "Sorry!" Dirk mumbled, breaking rather quicker than we'd expected, but then I guess being manhandled like that by a boy two years younger than himself, probably was something of a shock. Jon, after all, was rather stronger than most twelve year olds. "Jon's right you know." I put in, "Naughty little boys shouldn't say things like that. So we are going to have to do something about it." It was all prearranged of course. While Jon continued to hold Dirk in the headlock I released the reins enough so that I could sit in the chair that I knew was behind me. Then, Jon turned Dirk around slightly and with a few pushes and shoves, got him to lean over my lap, where I took over holding the back of his next, pushing it, and then holding it down, so that he couldn't sit up. At the same time my right leg crossed over the back of both of Dirk's legs totally trapping him in place across my lap. This left Jon free to get his masterpiece ready. When Dirk saw my friend pick up the paddle he really broke down. It was something we hadn't expected him to do until after the spanking but, even before anything had happened, he was begging not to be spanked, saying, over and over again. "I'll be good. I'll be good." As if that would make any difference. Jon took up a stance to one side of where I had my cousin draped over my lap, making it look like he was winding up for the biggest shot of his life. Then, he just placed the paddle on Dirk's up thrust buttocks, and left it there for a second as if he was getting his aim in. The at the touch of the hard wood on his bum, Dirk stopped all his fidgeting, and even remained still as Jon slowly raised the paddle up, and brought it down. Dirk both flinched and cried out, and yet he wasn't actually struck that first time. Jon, somewhat cruelly, stopping the paddle a fraction of an inch from his rear. It was only a tease, of course as when Jon then repeated the entire proceeding again, in the self same way, only this time he didn't stop. THWACK! "Ow! Ouch!" Dirk yelped as the paddle came down hard and swift on the seat of his shorts with a sound that was really deafening no doubt due to the double thickness of padding he had on his rear. Jon waited a second and then spanked Dirk for a third time, after which he didn't stop spanking him for nearly five minutes. The solid lump of wood he'd made the paddle from raising and slamming down some thirty and forty times until it had the effect it had been designed for. Dirk started to cry. Despite the nappy providing the extra protection from the nappy, beneath the shorts, Dirk's felt every single blow that was now being delivered to him. Not only that though but he was also made very well aware of the situation he was in by the comments my friends were making about his spanking. How he was a teenager, dressed like a little kid, turned over the lap of his younger cousin and spanked in front a group of younger boys, until he was crying. It wasn't even as if he had a single tear in his eye. No, by the time Jon had finished letting him have it, there were streams running down his face, which everyone got a great look at when it was all over and we made him stand up to face the crowd of onlookers. At this stage Jon gave me a questioning look, to ask if we were going to do the next part of the plan as, Dirk hadn't sworn but, I felt it was too late to stop now and, anyway, it wasn't like we were going to get another chance, to said the line anyway. "I think a naughty little boy needs to get his mouth washed out." My friends looked confused, as did Dirk, but Jon just shrugged and went into the kitchen to fetch a dish cloth that he'd coated in ordinary soap – we didn't want to use the chemical cleaner stuff for obvious reasons – which he then rubbed all over the bulb from Dirk's dummy, before shoving it right back in again. Once more Dirk's cheeks were pushed outward by the rubber bulb, only this time, a strange look came over his face as the taste of the soap filled his mouth. Instantly his hand came up to remove the dummy but we, of course, stopped that. "You're not to take it out until we say so." I told him, under the threat of another spanking. Only there was more to it than that, as earlier on Jon had drilled two small holes in the side of the baseboard, and now he was tying fishing line into these holes which, he could then tie up behind Dirk's head so that he wouldn't actually be able to pull the dummy out, especially as he cut the ends off with his pliers. "Right then," I turned to the crowd, "Don't you think little boys should be seen and not heard." Naturally my friends agreed. "And everyone knows that once naughty little boys have been punished they have to go and stand in the corner, don't they, so I think we'll do that." Taking up the reins I pulled Dirk out of the living room and into the hall way. There, directly facing the front door, the stair case went to the upper floor and it was around halfway up that I threaded the reins through the balustrades and used a padlock I 'just happened' to have in my pocket to hold it there. "You stay here and be a good little boy." I told my older cousin, before turning back to my friends, "Every time you see Dickey, don't forget to tell him what a bad little boy he is." In unison – and we hadn't rehearsed this bit, honest – everyone said "Bad little boy" and pointed at Dirk, who looked like he was about to cry all over again and, I don't think I'd have blamed him if he had as he was stuck there, with not enough slack in the reins to allow him to sit down, or move away, totally on show through living room door and, although he hadn't noticed yet, in front of the glass fronted main door out to the street. In theory anyone walking passed could have seen him standing there in his little junior school uniform, wearing a toddler harness, and with a large dummy in his mouth, clearly being punished for something or other. Chapter SevenIt was a little over ninety minutes before I released Dickey from his standing position by the stairs, during which time myself and my friends had watched one of Dirk's favourite movies – he could hear it by not see the TV from where he was – and done all things you'd expect a group of eleven and twelve year old boys to do. Every now and again, one of my friends would pop upstairs to use the toilet, and on the way they all teased Dirk for being a 'bad little boy' and did the same on the way back as well. Some using just those words, while others would enquire if he'd used his nappy yet, or how sore his bum was, or similar. I'd have liked to have left Dirk tied to the stairs for longer by the time the movie was over it was getting close to the time when my friend's parents would be coming to pick them up and I didn't want them to see what had happened so had to move Dirk into the kitchen where I told him to get started on the washing up, until all my friends had left. When it was all done, Jon and I returned to the kitchen where Dirk remained – the harness was locked to the pipe work under the sink so he wasn't going anywhere – and told him it was time for bed. My cousin smiled for the first time that night, when he heard that as he clearly though his ordeal would be over but, he was as wrong about that as he had been about a lot of things recently. Upstairs, we stood Dirk in the middle of his room while we set about removing his uniform in front of the video camera. Or the lower half of it anyway. The socks pulled off and the shorts pulled down to expose the nappy he had underneath which was, it has to be said, soaked. "Who's a wet little baby then." Jon laughed, holding the bag into which the sodden nappy was then dropped, before he took it down to the burry it in the bins. Left alone with Dirk I reminded him of how he'd tied me up and put me in a nappy that I'd been forced to use so he wouldn't complain too much as I got out another one and put it on him to wear over night. Thankfully, he didn't complain, as even though Jon had left the paddle I didn't really want to use it, as Dirk's bum already looked much redder than I thought it would. "Ah good you've done it." Jon said when he returned, carrying duct tape, and the next things we were going to use. Socks. "Little boys tend to fiddle with things during the night," I told Dirk, making a point to look down at his nappy while I did so, "So sometimes they have socks put on their hands to make sure they keep their little fingers to themselves." "Or rather that they don't fiddle with themselves." Jon added with a laugh. Dirk blushed but otherwise didn't do anything as we pushed up the sleeves on his blazer, and school shirt. We then put three socks on each of his hands. Starting with a short one, then a medium one, before finally a longer one that reached almost to his elbow. Each of these fixed in place with some more cable ties, over which we firmly duct taped in place with the ends smoothed right down so he'd never be able to pick them loose especially as they, obviously rendered his fingers and thumbs totally useless. Once Dirk's hands were rendered useless, we finally felt it was safe to remove the harness as, after all Dirk was hardly going to be going anywhere, without any trousers on, and his nappy clearly on show. However it wasn't the last Dirk was to see of the harness. Having removed the blazer, shirt tie and cap, we were left with Dirk wearing nothing by the nappy, the socks on his hands, and the dummy that was still in his mouth but he soon found himself once more wearing the toddler harness, only this time it was on his bare skin. As before though, it was sealed in place with cable ties just to be sure. "Okay, get into bed." I told him, pulling back the duvet so Dirk could lie on the bare mattress. I had him roll from side to side a few times so I could untangle the leash coming from the centre of his back, and which I now ran upwards, towards the head of the bed, where, using the same padlock that had been around the stairs, I locked it into place around his headboard. Meanwhile, Jon was doing something similar with a second piece of webbing. This was locked to the base board and around one of Dirk's ankles. "We don't want naughty little boys getting up in the night and doing naughty things do we," I teased my cousin, as he realised he was now effectively locked onto his own bed Dirk nodded his head as if he actually understood my reasoning which was weird, but then I'd been the one who'd had to fasten his second nappy up over the erection he'd sprung, so I don't think he'd hated everything we'd done to him, quite as much as he'd made out. The End |
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