PZA Boy Stories


Brotherly Love In Paris

The challenge was to write a short story which (1) takes place - at least for a part - in Paris, (2) includes a game of chess and (3) involves a snorkel but not in water.


Two brothers are in Paris with their parents. But the boys don't feel much for walking through a rainy city so they stay at the hotel and find another good pastime.

Publ. Dec 2014
Finished 4,250 words (8½ pages)


Bill (14yo), Jeff (10yo) and Ted (adult)

Category & Story codes

Consensual Man-Boy story
Mb tbcons mast anal – incest


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Author's note

Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author through this feedback form with StoTelAlex - Brotherly Love In Paris in the subject line.

"Okay, let's go, boys."

"But, mum, it's raining!"

"I know, but Paris is at its most beautiful in the rain."

"Yeah, right."

"Oh, boys, come on. We planned this so long ago. Don't be like this."

"Mum, why don't you and dad go explore Paris and Jeff and I will stay in the hotel? What do you think is better: you and dad roaming alone through the streets of Paris or together with two guys who won't be happy during the whole time?"

"Hmm. I guess you're right. Okay, you guys can stay here but don't leave the hotel. And Bill, you're in charge. And Jeff, you listen to your older brother. Deal?"


Their mother left to the lobby to join her husband.

"Where are the boys?"

"They're staying here. They don't want to go out into the rain. And then Bill reminded me that we would be alone. Just you and me, wandering through Paris."

The boys father went along with the idea, but in his mind he was telling Bill that he would pay for getting off so easy.

Upstairs the boys were happy to have the room all by themselves.

"Let's see what's on TV."

Bill zapped through the channels and stayed at a channel that broadcast 'Ratatouille'. They decided to watch that one. This way they saw some places of Paris without getting wet. But after the movie they got bored again.

"How about a game of chess?" Jeff suggested.

"I don't know," Bill said, "I find that a bit boring."

But then he got an idea to upgrade the stakes.

"How about some strip-chess?"

"Strip-chess? What's that?"

"We play a match and every time a piece is taken one has to remove a piece of clothing."

"So when I take a piece of you, you have to take off some clothes?" Jeff asked with a twinkle in his eye.

"Right. And if I take one of your pieces you have to take something off as well."

Jeff thought a second but then agreed. Bill grabbed a sheet of the hotel's stationary and made a list in which order they should undress. First the left shoe, then the right one, followed by the socks. Then came the shirt, the pants and undershirt. As a last piece of clothes came the shorts.

"Okay," Jeff said, "let's start."

Fifteen minutes later Bill was still wearing his pants, while Jeff was sitting in his underwear. Five minutes later it was time. Bill, sitting in his underwear, took Jeff's bishop. Now it was time for Jeff to take off his boxers. A bit reluctant he complied. Jeff stood up and slowly removed his shorts. Bill was intrigued. He hadn't seen his little brother naked for some years now. What he saw coming in to view made him melt a little. His brother had the cutest package he had seen. A nice tight sac with some cute little balls in there. And above it was an even cute 1½ in [4 cm] pecker. Bill couldn't help thinking his brother had a semi.

Jeff sat down again and they continued the game. Ten minutes later it was Bill's turn to get fully naked. Jeff had always looked up to his big brother and now he would get to see Bill's big dick. Bill took off his boxers and immediately his erect teenage piece came into view. Bill noticed that Jeff had to swallow. It made him proud to know his little brother was so impressed by his tool. Bill sat down again, but not before taking a glance at Jeff's groin, where now the semi had grown to it's full size of 3 in [7½ cm].

Fifteen minutes later the game had ended. Bill had won, but only by luck. If Jeff hadn't overlooked one of Bill's knights it would have turned in a draw.


"Sure. But I have to take a leek first," Jeff said as he stood up.

Bill admired his little brother's bouncing pecker as he stood up and his nice round, swinging buns as he walked over to the bathroom. Bill couldn't help himself. He had to stroke his own meat a few times to get the biggest unrest out of his system. He then quickly started to reset the chess-game. When Jeff came back Bill was almost done. He just missed one piece. Jeff shruged his shoulders and sat down.

"Aaahh!" Jeff shouted as he bolted back on his feet.

"What is it?" Bill asked very worried.

With a scared face Jeff looked at his brother and then, without saying anything, pointed to his butt. Bill looked and saw something plastic sticking out of Jeff's hole. It was the missing bishop. Bill carefully guided his brother to the bed and had him get on all fours.

"Don't worry, Jeff. I'll try to get it out. I'll be as gentle as I can. Just try to stay as still as possible."

Jeff obeyed his big brother and tried to follow his directions as good as he could.

"Try to relax your butt muscles as much as possible."

Bill took hold of the bottom of the chess piece and with a slight turning motion tried to pull it back out. Immediately Jeff pulled in a heap of air. Bill looked at his brother's face and noticed that it wasn't a face of pain. Bill tried again and now Jeff gave a small moan. Now Bill knew for sure Jeff was liking the feeling that the rubbing of his sphincter gave him.

I'll give you a nice time, little brother, Bill thought.

Bill no longer pulled on the piece, but he moved it in and out of his brother's butt. Bill was using the bishop to fuck his little brother.

Even in chess little boys' butts are no longer safe for clergy-men, Bill thought to himself.

In the meantime, Jeff was getting hornier and hornier from the rubbing of his sensitive entrance. He was moaning heavily. His little dick was leaking by now. It wasn't pee or sperm. The bishop was obviously long enough to rub the young prostate and Jeff was now leaking pre-cum from his small tap.

He must really like this, Bill thought.

But he didn't want his little brother to soil the bed, so while continue to play with the bishop, Bill held his free hand underneath Jeff's groin. Cupping his hand he caught all the juices. But then Jeff reached his climax. Shaking and gasping for air he collapsed on the bed. Bill licked his hand clean while watching his little brother having a very intense orgasm. As the orgasm slowly subsided Bill pulled out the bishop. It now gave way easy because Jeff was completely relaxed.

"Wow!!" Jeff said after regaining his breath, "that was the biggest one I've ever had."

"You mean you already had some before?"

"Yes," Jeff said, looking as if he was caught sharing something that should have remained a secret.

"I didn't discover orgasms till I was nearly twelve," Bill confessed to his brother.

Jeff was feeling a sense of pride. He had discovered something on an earlier age then his big brother.

"But it feels great, doesn't it? Having something up your butt," Bill said to his brother.

"Yes! It does! Do you want me to do you?"

"I'd love that," Bill said.

Jeff grabbed the bishop and walked up to his brother. But Bill stopped him.

"No, not with that. It's too small for me. Wait, I'll get the correct thing."

Bill went to his suitcase and pulled out a snorkel. He then covered it with a condom and handed it to Jeff, together with a tube of lubricant.

"Put some of this on my butt first and then shove that snorkel up into it."

Jeff complied with what his brother said and then carefully pushed the temporarily dildo into Bill's awaiting ass. Bill felt how the rod was taking possession of his inner cavities. Bill gave Jeff directions on how to move and position the snorkel so he got the most excitement out of it. Jeff was very good in following Bill's instructions and because Bill wanted to, the directions made his orgasm postpone for a while. He first wanted to enjoy the wonderful special time he now shared with his brother. But then he decided that it was enough. Jeff did as Bill said and within minutes Jeff was reaching his climax. Jeff was in awe about how much came out of his big brother's dick. The load was huge. Bill had put a small bowl from the bathroom underneath him and all of his cum ended up in it. Just before Bill collapsed Jeff pulled it away and admired it. He wondered how it tasted and stuck a finger in it and then put it in his mouth.

Right at that moment the door opened. Both boys were frozen to the spot and in shock. In the doorway stood their dad. What was he going to do? Would he beat them up for doing these things together?

Ted stepped into the room and locked the door behind him. Then he looked at the scene again. On the bed was his oldest son, on his belly, with a snorkel sticking out of his butt. Next to the bed stood his youngest with a bowl of white semen and a finger in his mouth. Ted couldn't help but thinking how hot it was that his two sons had spent such a hot time together.

"Next time make sure you lock your door and put the 'No disturb'-sign outside. Luckily your mum wanted to take a warm bath. Otherwise she would have been here as well and I don't think this is something you want to have her walk into."

Slowly Ted walked up to the bed and sat down.

"I already wondered why you would pack a snorkel on a trip to downtown Paris."

Bill started to blush.

"I had a hunch but now I know for sure. And you, sweety? Do you like the taste?"

Only thing Jeff could do was nod.

"I guess it's Bill's? You seem a bit too young to produce something already."

Jeff nodded again.

"But he made some nice juice as well," Bill said.

"He did?"

"Yes, I rubbed his prostate and did such a good job he started to make some clear liquid."

"Wow. Wish I could have seen that. But how did you rub it? Not with the snorkel I guess. It looks way to big for him."

Now Bill started to laugh. He then told Ted everything they had done while Ted and Margret had been away. Then Ted had an idea.

"I guess you don't want your mum to find out, would you?"

The boys looked at their father with fear in their eyes.

"Are you going to squeal on us?" Jeff asked in a scared voice.

"Depends. What is it worth to you if I don't?"

"Anything. Mum can never find out!"

"Okay. Then you'll have to do the following," Ted said, "Tomorrow, your mother has an appointment at the Beauty parlor of the hotel. She'll be there from 10 am till 4 pm. During that time I will come to this room and then you have to do what ever I tell you to, understand?"

Both boys nodded. Ted gave his sons a smile and then left to his own room. The boys were stunned. Had they just been blackmailed by their dad? Somehow they couldn't believe he would betray them to their mother. But on the other hand, could they risk it? That night both boys had a very restless night.


The next morning, after breakfast, Margret headed to her appointment at the spa.

"Okay, boys," Ted said, "go to your room and wait there for me."

The boys did as they were told and Ted went to his own room.


"Yes, Jeff?"

"What do you think he wants from us? In order to stay quiet?"

"I don't know."

"Do you think 3; I mean, how big do you think he is? You know, down there."

"I don't know. I've never seen him like that."

The boys didn't have to wait long for their answer. At 10:15 there was a knock at the door. As Bill opened it, his dad stood there in the hallway with a plastic bag in his hand. Quickly Ted went into the room and locked the door behind him.

"Okay, guys, you don't want mum to find out, right?"


"Then listen carefully and do what I ask you and I won't tell her."

"Okay," the boys said with some reserve.

Ted sat down on the bed and motioned for Jeff and Bill to come closer. Then he told Bill to help him to undress Jeff. When Jeff was completely naked, he then asked Jeff to do the same to Bill. Now Ted had both his boys standing in front of him completely naked.

"Now put your hands behind your head and keep them there until I tell you otherwise."

Now that the boys had their hands out of the way Ted had free roam to inspect the boys' goodies. Jeff had a very nice little tube. Ted loved the way it was resting on the tight sac with the little marbles. Bills dick was looking different. Bill was cut so his glans was exposed all the time. With Jeff, Ted first had to pull back the foreskin. When he then inspected both hard, little knobs he could clearly feel a difference in structure. Where Jeff's tissue felt very soft and velvet, Bills clearly had a thin, rougher outerlayer.

Ted also inspected both boys' sacs and balls. He loved the feel of the young testes going through his fingers. As he did he could hear both boys breathing heavily. It was a combination of nerves and arousal. By now the two brothers both had an erection. Ted admired the hard members for little while. But then it was time for part two of his plan.

Ted stood up and let his boys undress him. When he was naked, he climbed onto the bed and went down on all fours. He called Bill to him and gave him a condom to put on. Bill complied and then received a tube of lubricant.

"Now put some of that on my hole," Ted instructed.

Bill did and was then ordered to use his dick to spread it all over his dad's sphincter. After putting a bit extra on his dickhead, Bill aimed at his dad's hole. He pushed and more easily then he expected his hard dick disappeared into Teds back entrance. Bill couldn't help it. He immediately started to move his hip, fucking Teds hole.

After a few strokes, Ted stopped his eldest and called Jeff.

"Did you pay attention what I instructed Bill to do, just now?"


"Then I want you to do the same to Bill," Ted instructed his youngest son.

Jeff put on the size S condom that was handed to him and then went to work with the lubricant. Bill had to gasp a little when his little brother entered his ass. He had played with the snorkel a lot of times, but this time it felt differently. The foreign intruder was warm and although it had hard core, the outerlayer felt soft. Bill was surprised by how much better it felt to have a real dick up his ass then a lifeless object.

"Okay, Bill, continue what you were doing before." It took a while before Bill reacted but then he snapped out of his trance and started to continue fucking his dad.

"You follow your brother's example, Jeff."

Now Jeff started to move his hip as well. Bill felt how the small pecker was going up and down his sensitive hole. That he was moving his dick into his dad increased the excitement Bill felt. But he wasn't the only one. Ted couldn't believe his dream was coming true. How often hadn't he fantasized about fooling around with one of the boys? And now he had them both to his disposal! Somehow he had trouble thinking Bill was a virgin. The way he knew how to please his dad with that wonderful teenage dick of his, was astonishing. The more Ted thought about it, the more he felt the tears coming up.

Just before the tears reached Teds eyes, Bill interrupted him.

"I'm almost there, dad 3; I'm coming 3; Oh, fuck, yeah!"

Ted felt the uncontrolled spasms that were so typical for an orgasm. He also felt that there was something warm filling up the end of the condom. Bill, however, was not the only one who came. Jeff came nearly at the same time. He pulled his big brother's hip tightly against his own, so that his pecker was completely inside his big brother. Bill felt his kid brother spasm as the boy pressed himself against Bill's butt cheeks.

A couple of minutes later all three lay on their backs on the bed. The boys were enjoying the afterglow of their orgasms, while Ted was re-experiencing the hot actions over and over in his head.

Suddenly Bill climbed over to Ted's hip and immediately Ted felt a warm soft hand taking hold of his growing erection.

"Hey, Jeff, come look at this."

"What? What is it?" Jeff asked as he moved over.

"You were wondering how big dad was, right? Well, look for yourself."

Jeff started to blush by his brother's remark, but then he felt a comforting ruffle of his hair by his father. Jeff took a look and his face changed from embarrassment to surprise.

"Wow, dad, that's huge! Will 3; will we get that big as well?"

"I don't know. Maybe, maybe not. But since half of you is made up out of my genes I wouldn't be surprised if you did."

Ted knew that his 6½ in [16½ cm] wasn't that extreme, but he thought he didn't need to tell Jeff yet. Suddenly he felt two heads resting on his belly. As they did, Bill had started to jerk off his dad's hard-on. Ted also felt how Jeff's hands were now playing with his balls. Jeff was clearly impressed by the size of the big balls inside the hanging sac. After a few minutes Jeff noticed a difference in his dad's balls. They were slowly rising inside the sac.

Bill also noticed a difference in his dad's condition. The big piece of meat in his hands was now slightly increasing in hardness. Bill also noticed that the throbbing of the dick was increasing.

"Oh, yeah, boys 3; I'm getting close 3; please, don't stop."

This was all the encouragement Bill needed. He speeded up his rhythm and tightened his grip. That was all Ted needed. With a deep moan he started to shoot his load. Bill's and Jeff's head were still resting on Ted's belly and so he gave his sons a wonderful facial. All three of them lay there a short while without moving.

"That was awesome, dad," Jeff said.

"Yeah," Bill agreed.

"Thanks, boys. It felt awesome, too."

When the boys looked up to their dad, he couldn't help laughing out loud.

"It looks like you two joined your mum."

The boys looked at each other and then started to laugh as well. Both had a lot of strings of sperm running over their faces as if they had had a facial mask. All of a sudden Jeff bent over and licked one of the strings off Bill's face.

"Hmm. Just as tasty as yours, Bill."

Bill now licked some off Jeff's face and tasted the semen.

"Hmm. Nice protein drink."

The boys started to lick each other clean and when they had finished, Ted pulled them close. He gave them both a nice passionate French kiss and tasted a trace of his own produce.

"Boys, shall we take a shower before your mum is coming back?"

The boys looked at the clock and saw it was 12:30 pm.

"Can't we just lie here for just a moment longer? It's so wonderful," Jeff said.

"Okay, as you wish," Ted said giving his son another kiss.

But fifteen minutes later they decided that it was best to take the shower. Luckily for the group it was a walk-in shower without a cabin. They all fitted in there without problems. After everybody was completely wet, Ted turned off the shower. He then put some shower gel in Bill's hands and took some as well. Then they both soaped up Jeff. The young boy loved the attention his dad and brother were giving his body. And that was showing in a body part slowly rising again. As two pairs of hands were concentrating on his privates and his ass crack, Jeff was going crazy. He was moaning deeply. Then Ted told them it was time to switch.

Now it was time for Bill to be pampered by four soap filled hands. He, too, was soon moaning from ecstasy. Ted loved the way Bill's balls felt. He just couldn't stop playing with them. But then it was time for his boys to soap up their dad. After Ted was covered in foam, all of them stood there with a ragging hard-on.

Ted turned on the shower once more and told the boys to stand in a circle. They all started to rinse off the back of the guy to their right. Ted gently rubbed his youngest over his back, while he felt the hands of his oldest going up and down his own back. When they all were convinced the backs were free of soap, Ted told them to make a quarter turn. Now they were facing each other. Instead of the person to their right, now they had to rinse off the front of the person to their left. Ted loved stroking Bill's front part. Coming to the boy's loins Ted started to play with the stiffy. He also noticed how Bill was doing the same to Jeff's hard, little pecker. Then Ted felt a small hand grabbing his hard-on and starting to stroke it.

All three were now pleasing each other while the warm water of the shower was raining down on their bodies. The first to come was Jeff. As the youngest he was also the most inexperienced. After he had had his second big orgasm of today his legs could no longer hold him and he slowly sank to the floor. On his knees he was still jerking his dad, but now he also decide to play with his dad's sensitive hole. Ted loved the skills his young son displayed. While he was being pleasured, Ted pulled Bill close to him and increased the pleasuring of Bill. It didn't take long until Bill, too, had his second orgasm. For the second time today his dick was leaking cum. He didn't have the strength or the amount to shoot big loads, but there was still some white liquid coming out of his boyhood.

Now that Bill had come as well, he joined his brother in pleasing their dad. It had been ages since Ted had had two orgasms on one day. But he knew it would happen this time. And he was right. A few minutes after Bill had emptied his balls completely, it was Ted's turn. He, too, had still a few drops of semen left in his testes and they were now drizzling out of his cock. Bill motioned to his brother and immediately Ted felt a tongue licking the white stuff off his glans. Looking down he saw Jeff enjoying the taste of his daddy's honey.

Ted pulled his boy back to their feet and gave them a big hug.

"Are you not telling mom now about what you saw?" Jeff asked.

"After all this? Of course not. But," Ted said, "I do hope this won't be the last time we had this much fun."

"We hope so, too, dad."

They quickly got dressed and Ted returned to his room just in time. Five minutes later Margret returned.


That night Jeff and Bill were lying in bed, remembering the actions of that day.

"Say, Bill?"

"Yes, Jeff?"

"Did you think a trip to Paris would be this exciting?"

"No, I didn't. I think this will be the best vacation till now."

"I think so, too. Eh, Bill?"


"Can I sleep in your bed tonight?"

"Sure," Bill said, as he threw back the blankets. "But first lock the door. I don't want mom to find us like this in the morning."

"Yes, you're right."

After locking the door Jeff jumped into bed with his big brother. That night they spooned together. It was one of the best nights Jeff had. He loved the safe feeling his brother's arms gave him.

"Good night, Bill."

"Good night, Jeff," Bill said as he gave Jeff a kiss on the back of his head.

The End

Send feedback to the author through this feedback form with StoTelAlex - Brotherly Love In Paris in the subject line.

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