Chapter 1 My Arkansas Vacation
A fantasy in five parts
(Arkansas Vacation 1)
Part I
It was May 1, 1999 and I headed off to celebrate my 48th birthday. I never thought it would be in Arkansas. But who would have guessed what took place last year. Trying to increase tourism they repealed virtually all sex and alcohol laws and lowered the age of consent to thirteen, ten with the parent's permission.
At first there was outrage from across the nation, but as the hookers, pimps and runaways started disappearing from the streets the talk subsided. Only certain newspapers and magazines would accept advertising from the resorts and clubs that sprang up throughout the state, but word spread quickly.
I flew into Little Rock and took my rented convertible southeast on I30 towards Peckertown. Appropriately for a town with that name it had turned into a mecca for boy lovers. Driving into town I was bombarded with signs for restaurants featuring nude waiters. Starved I pulled into the first one that looked half respectable. Not only was the restaurant more than half respectable all the men were gorgeous and as nude as possible. Looking at my waiter made me order two foot long hot dogs to get my mouth ready.
While I was waiting I noticed the busboys. Boy was the operative word and they didn't have a stitch on their gorgeous, smooth, hairless bodies either. I signaled one to come over. I stroked his cock while I asked for some water. He didn't even flinch.
On his return though he asked where I was staying.
"The In-Boy Inn."
"What name will you be using?"
"MC Fogel"
"See you at ten."
He wiggled his cute ass as he walked away. I ate my hot dogs, found my hotel and checked in. My suite had a king sized bed, refrigerator and bath. Much better than I had anticipated.
After showering I decided to check out the park. It had quickly become famous as a prime cruising ground and I didn't feel like waiting another five hours to get my pipes cleaned.
I put on a tank top, shorts and sneakers and headed over. It was a beautiful park. Plenty of shade trees, a big lake, and lots of bushes for privacy. After about ten minutes I saw a teenager, about 15, laying alone under a tree 'wearing' a thong bathing suit. I lay down next to him, leaned over and kissed him. My arm slipped around him and pulled him on top of me. My hands caressed his bare ass. I found a catch on the back of his suit and released it. The suit fell free, he raised his crotch for a second and I got rid of the offending garment. He stood up, helped me to my knees, took my shirt off as I pushed my pants down. My cock stood rigid as he stuck his rod in my mouth.
"If you want to finish this, it'll be twenty bucks." He said.
I put my hand into my pants, pulled out the bill and got to work. As I sucked him off my hands roamed over his shaved chest and eventually to his firm buns. As I continued to suck his cock my fingers began penetrating his ass hole.
He pushed my hands away. "I appreciate the thought," he said, "but I have a steady customer tonight and I have to save that for him."
I complied and shortly was swallowing his cum. He was nice enough to finish me off for no extra charge.
The rest of the day was spent going around to various clubs around town. There were many men cruising the boys that papered the walls. I knew if my date didn't show there would be plenty to take his place.
By a quarter to ten I was back in the room, washed and in my robe, period. I had a six pack of soda and a six pack of beer on the table. Ten on the nose I heard a knock on the door. I took a breath and answered. He stood there dressed only in an over long, button-down shirt. I smiled and let him in. He pulled my robe belt as he walked by.
I dropped my robe and walked naked over to where he stood. We kissed while I slowly unbuttoned each button until the shirt was hanging open. As I sucked on each nipple I ran my hands over his body. It was as smooth and firm as I had imagined. Except for the shoulder length black hair their wasn't a hair anywhere on his body. But the object rubbing against my leg did not feel like a prepubescent cock.
"How old are you and what is your name?"
"They call me Lion for the way I chew my meat and I'm a very legal fourteen. Where are you from and how long are you in town for?"
"I'm from New Jersey and till next Sunday." I responded as I slipped the shirt from his shoulders. As if on cue he stepped back and turned slowly around. Away from the din of the restaurant his was a more relaxed and natural beauty. My cock and I couldn't wait any longer.
I took his hand and led him to the bedroom. He smiled at the king sized bed, kissed my hand and headed off into the bathroom. Though he left the door open I left him his privacy and listened from the comfort of the bed. When he emerged his skin shone even more. He walked over to the bed.
"Before we continue Lion, I have to ask."
"No you're not my first, no I don't charge but do accept presents, and if you come up with something I don't want to do I'll let you know. OK?"
I reached over and pulled him on top of me. Our lips locked and our tongues met. We flipped over so he was on the bed and I started kissing and licking my way down his body. Every time I felt his cock it was harder and larger. Finally my mouth reached his crotch and I took his balls into my mouth and started licking them. He started moaning and thrashing around. I got nervous so I tried to pull off but he wouldn't let me.
"I loved that." Lion said.
Finally, I moved from his balls to his rod and slowly swallowed it. After adjusting my position I started moving up and down in a slow steady motion. His thrashing stopped but his groans became louder. He started fucking my face and I could feel his cock starting to throb.
After a couple more minutes he grabbed my head and forced it to his balls and shot his load down my throat.
"Don't swallow all of it." He said as I pulled off him.
I moved up to his face and we frenched again, swirling his sperm between our mouths.
When we separated he just smiled. I flipped his lithe body over onto his stomach and went down to his nice, firm ass. First I just rubbed his cheeks, with a little slap here and there.
"Spank me, please spank me MC."
"Are you sure?"
"Oh yes, it gets my ass so hot."
I put him over my lap and commenced spanking. He moans got louder as his cheeks got redder. Finally my hand started hurting so I put him back on the bed and pulled his ass into the air. I moved behind him and stuck my tongue between those two rosy cheeks. Quickly finding the entrance to his love canal and wondering at the pureness of the taste. Pretty quickly though I wanted more and moved my cock into position. I leaned over, gave Lion a kiss on the neck and plunged my rod into his asshole. His experienced but tight hole let me in and got a good grip. I settled into the saddle and started fucking away. Lion maintained his position and soon matched my rhythm. I really don't know how long it took but it seemed like no time and forever before I shot my load up that young ass.
I pulled out and rolled onto the bed next to him. He rolled into my arms and we both fell asleep.
I don't know how much time passed until I felt him shaking me. He had his shirt on and had my shorts and shirt in his hand.
"You want me to take you home?" I knew the disappointment was in my voice.
"No silly, I'm hungry, always get that way after sex. Let's go get some ice cream."
"Fine, lead the way."
As we walked through the hotel and down the street you could see and hear the sounds of sex from all over. Lining the streets were teenage boys clothed only in jock straps being ogled, felt and purchased by other men.
We finally got to the Big Lick ice cream parlor. It also advertised nude waiters and entertainment.
As we started digging into our sundaes the host came out on the stage.
"Gentlemen of all ages we have a treat for you tonight. This next act will boggle your imagination. With no further delay, The Olson Triplets."
Three young boys bounced out onto the stage. I hoped the owner had the proper papers because I'd be damned if these kids were ten, much less thirteen. Lion nudged me.
"Watch these kids, they're great. They've been doing it with each other since they were six."
The boys took their bows as the curtains moved away from behind them revealing a huge mirror and different boxes and apparatus moved in from the sides.
The first one picked up a whip as the other two dropped to the floor and pretended to be wild animals. As the whip cracked across their backs they snapped toward their brother's cock. Finally they knocked him down and threw the whip away. They picked him up and led him to the boxes and strapped him into position. One walked behind him and the other went up the other side and put his cock at mouth level.
The two brothers counted. "Three, two, one," and both inserted their cocks simultaneously.
As I watched their act I could feel myself getting hotter and hotter. It was a hot the ice cream did nothing for. Finally the act was over and the boys walked off the stage to loud applause. As they brothers walked through the audience men handed them money and got a kiss in return. Finally the first one reached our table.
I started to hand him a twenty but he waved it away.
"A friend of Lion doesn't pay."
"Well, I really enjoyed your performance. Your ability to suck and be fucked at the same time is rare in somebody your age."
"Lance, would you like to join me and my friend for a trio when you're finished for tonight?" Lion asked.
"This was the last show, lets go."
"Do you have anything to get, like clothes?" I asked the still naked Lance.
"Don't believe in them."
I had a feeling this birthday trip was going to continue to be something special.
As we walked back to the hotel I felt more uncomfortable about Lance's nudity than he did, especially when he rubbed his body against mine. But then those were stares of jealousy I was getting from my peers along the way.
As soon as we entered the hotel room Lion pulled his shirt off, grabbed beers and threw one to Lance and me then took one for himself. Lion gulped his down and got down on his knees. He prowled up to Lance, pounced on him and started chewing on his cock. Lance roared with laughter. The two boys flipped over and Lance wiggled his baby ass at me. I accepted the invitation. Ripped my clothes off, literally, and started licking at his ass.
Finally Lance lifted himself off Lion which forced me off too. He turned me on my back and got my cock nice and hard with his mouth. Then he straddled my cock and slowly took it up his hole. When he was all the way down Lion came over and sat on my face. I licked his hole while Lance bounced up and down on my cock. It was great.
Part II
Wednesday was Lion's day off and he suggested we get out of town and drive to Peckerwood Lake. We were both dressed in shorts and identical unbuttoned short-sleeve Razorback baseball shirts. As we drove with the top down through an increasingly rural countryside my boyfriend described what Peckertown had been like before the law had changed.
"It was always a small town but half the people left as soon as the county stopped being dry and the town committee voted to license the first nude restaurant."
"The one you work at?"
"No, actually that one was straight but for some reason the boys started flocking here and the boy-lovers followed right behind them."
"When did you start working?"
"A couple of years ago, and by the time the owners decided to go nude I'd figured out I was gay and since my family wasn't splitting I stayed."
"What about school?"
Lion took his shirt off and shook his head letting his long black mane flow in the wind as we headed around a curve. "Locals left, kids coming in weren't interested in school. Teachers left because they didn't want to be labeled as pedophiles so the town closed them. Any parents wanted their kids to get an education always sent them to boarding school anyway. I made it through seventh grade which is more than half the people around here do," he said with some pride.
Following his directions I turned into a dirt road that led to the lake. After handing the guard the $5.00 entrance fee he looked at the two of us and pointed to the left. I thanked him and he grunted.
"Normal people to the right, sex perverts to the left," I quipped and Lion roared.
The lake was lined with thick bushes but every fourty feet [12 meter] or so there was an opening. The twelfth one was empty so I pulled in, grabbed the blanket and picnic basket from the back seat and followed Lion to the lake's shore. The bushes had grown so you couldn't see anybody else on the shore and a swimmer had to be at least ten feet [3 meter] out before you could really get a good look. Lion spotted a man and a couple of teenaged boys swimming nude back along the lake a little bit.
I walked behind him and put my arms around his chest, he looked up and we kissed, long hard and deep. When we broke we lay the blanket out, stripped and I laid him down. I knelt alongside of him and started feeling every inch of his body with both hands. His hairless body flowed under my fingers like ripples on the lake. Each time I reached his groin Lion arched his back and purred.
After a quarter hour or so I turned him over on his stomach. I leaned down and kissed the nape of his neck and proceeded to give him a thorough massage. It started out as a prelude to sex but he really needed it. Every single muscle was tensed up, of course I'd found the same condition in other waiters and busboys I'd dated.
When I finished, I lay down next to him. Lion blew me a kiss and fell asleep. I watched him for a couple of minutes, then closed my eyes.
A gentle shake and a kiss woke me sometime later and I looked up into my lover's eyes.
"I'm hungry, let's eat."
"Maniac," he said with a grin. "First food, then a swim, then sex."
"Your the waiter, serve."
"I'm a busboy not a waiter, besides it my day off. You do it."
"All right," I said trying to mimic his accent as I reached for the basket.
"Don't even try it Marc. It took my daddy ten years to get close after he moved here. And he was younger than me."
I almost asked him about his family between bites but decided if he wanted to tell me he would. You never know how someone will react to a personal question, especially a gay fourteen year old boy.
Lion ate two roast beef sandwiches, a bag of chips and a Bud Light. I matched him and we got into a belching contest which I easily won. A lot more experience. When we stopped belching and laughing I took him in my arms and held him tight.
I had come down on vacation looking for a good time. Sex, partying, sex, relaxing and some more man-boy sex. I started wondering if I had found something more but pushed the thought out of my head. I couldn't bring Lion home with me, and the idea of my relocating was preposterous.
Or was it?
I threw the idea out the window and kissed Lion.
Once in the water we swam laps for a while and then started splashing. Splashing turned into grabbing. Grabbing truned into beautiful wet sex.
It started simply as groping as we passed near each other. We swam slower, more in rhythm and groping turned to stroking body parts and then to fondling.
I watched Lion swim a few yards away turn, take a deep breath and dive under the surface. I felt something biting my dick and I tried jerking it away but for a few seconds it wouldn't let go. Finally it released me, and Lion poppled up two inches from my face, out of breath but with a wicked grin.
"You scared the shit out of me boy!"
"I did?"
He dove under again and I felt a tongue at my ass. He popped back up and shook his head.
"Liar, liar, you did not shit in the middle of the lake."
"Call me a liar will you? For your punishment I'm going to fuck your ass right here and now," I snarled.
"Right here in the middle of the lake? Cool."
He turned and I stuck first one finger and then two fingers up his butt to loosen him up. Though God knows it hardly needs it. Finally I moved him into position. It was tougher than I thought trying to get his ass down low enough and keep his head up over the water. Once in I started some long slow strokes that had him moaning.
From somewhere behind me somebody said, "Holy shit!"
I turned my head and saw the two boys and the man Lion had noticed earlier swimming over.
The first boy went under and swam around us. "He's really fucking him in the middle of the lake. Hot damn."
"You want to try it Billy Jeff?" The other boy asked.
"If its OK with Sheriff Waters its fine with me," Billy Jeff answered.
The man laughed, "Shit, if you pull this off you two may never get out of jail, but I sure would like to see you try."
"OK Albert get over here," Billy Jeff said.
"Fuck no, you've been screwing me for over four years now, this is my turn to fuck you."
Billy Jeff frowned, and I thought he was going to back out. Typical of kids who are used to being tops.
Finally he nodded, "Look you can fuck me first if I can do you second."
"Fair enough."
The bald man swam over to us as the two teens got into position. I continued fucking Lion as I felt the man's hand on my shoulder.
"You really the sheriff?" I asked.
"Sheriff Reginald Waters but you can call me Whitey, and don't worry I'm out of jurisdiction."
"He's fourteen, and I didn't think I had anything to worry about anyway." I stopped talking as a low moan escaped from Billy Jeff.
"Oh yeah Albert, that feels good, fuck me nice and slow."
"Your ass is so tight Billy, feels so good. I'm going to make this last."
At this Lion clenched his chute around my cock and brought me over the edge. It was a long climax which resulted in my sperm floating to the surface of the lake. When my cock relaxed Lion swam over to the two boys and started feeling them up.
I turned to the Sheriff, "What are those two in for?"
"Vagrancy, kept finding them sleeping in the alleys and can't have that. That was almost sixty days ago and I've got to let them go soon, but man they've been hot to fuck.
We turned back and I looked around for Lion then realized that the black blob behind Albert was his head. He was fucking Albert's ass as he hung on for dear life. Albert was speeding up his strokes the more Lion fucked him and started moaning louder and louder. I looked toward the shore and saw a bunch of other couples either watching or swimming out to join us. A boy about fifteen swam in front of Billy Jeff and backed onto his cock. Another who had to be the first's older brother started fucking Lion.
I felt a surge of jealousy tinged with anger and protectiveness but just then Lion let out a roar of happiness so I stayed quiet. It wasn't much longer before Albert shot his load which started a chain reaction and as they finished shooting they seperated and started floating on their backs. When the five boys were in a line a round of applause broke out from the audience. I just stood and smiled at Lion who grinned ear to ear.
We headed back to the shore and seclusion. Lion took two more cans of beer out of the cooler and flipped one to me. "I hope you didn't get upset when I joined those two."
"A little when that kid started fucking you but you seemed to be enjoying it."
"You've got to understand, us kids have developed a very casual atitude towards sex and usually don't think about relationships very much. Shit I've got to take a piss, I'll be right back."
I thought I'd seen a blush there, and I didn't think it was about bladder control. The thoughts I'd been having about him and me came back.
Part III
It was Saturday morning and movement in the bed woke me. My eyes opened to see Lance's '12yo' naked butt head off to the bathroom, he always woke up with a piss hardon. I looked over at the clock, it was just after 9AM on the last full day I would be spending in the boy sex capital of the world, Peckertown, Arkansas. I shook Lion's shoulder, he had to start work as a nude busboy at eleven. The fourteen year old beauty shook the only hair on his body away from his eyes, groaned and gave me a kiss.
"How are you this morning?" I asked returning the kiss.
"Too warm and comfy to get out of bed, but it's time."
I started to say something but Lance chose that moment to walk into the bedroom unfolding one of my polo's. "Hey Marc, is it OK if I borrow this today?"
"Look darling, the little one is learning to wear clothes." I said.
"Look, I hate to wear clothes but its raining out and if I get sick then all three of us don't work and all three of us starve." Lance looked like he was going to say something else but he looked at Lion. "See you guys at the last show tonight, bye." And was out the door.
Lion jumped out of the bed, "Don't you dare call me darling, especially today."
"I'm sorry, but."
"Don't sorry me, your leaving first thing tomorrow and Lance and I will be nothing more than a fond memory you can't tell your friends about."
I saw tears forming in his eyes and reached out for his hand but he pulled away. "I wanted to talk to you about that."
"Yeah right, my coming to live with you in New Jersey, well the answer's no, this is my home and I'm staying here."
"Actually, I was thinking of moving here, if you'd live with me."
"Yeah right, your a little too old to work the streets."
"I'm serious, I'm an accountant, I can always get work. You kids are going to need someone to do taxes, watch your money for when your too old to work the streets."
"You see how fucking hot its been? Wait until July when the temperature and humidity get way up there."
I paused for Lion to calm down.
"Too hot to fuck?"
"Never to hot for that," he said with a smile. Lion got back into bed and reached for my cock. I returned the favor and it was a half hour before another word was said.
"Can I have an answer?" I asked as I spread our cum around on my chest."
Lion bent down and licked the cum, "Come to the restaurant at nine when I'm finished, we'll eat, talk, and come to a decision then. Now let's get dressed and you can drive me there so I'm not late."
Pulling away from the Tasty Buns restaurant I was both tired and hungry. Hunger won out, especially with supper ten hours away. I remembered seeing the notice for a special Saturday lunch at the Little Leather Club but decided that I wasn't in the mood for that scene.
Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the light spanking with Lion, and the fake whip play that Lance and his brothers use in their act. Yes, I even came twice while watching the serious S&M play that the youngens had engaged in at my first visit to the club. I'd even fantasied about a private session with Benjy, the ten year old star of the club.
For the closing act he had come strutting on stage, shaved head gleaming in the spotlight, wearing a leather vest, leather briefs and thigh high leather boots. In his left hand he carried a bull whip, cracking it in all directions as he paraded around the stage. He was followed by two boys encased in latex except for their eyes and nose. They were dragging a naked boy who they hung by his wrists, feet just off the ground. Benjy put his face inches from the slave's. From my angle I thought I read his lips asking the boy if he really wanted to go through with the act. The boy nodded and Benjy stepped and nodded. One of the latex covered boys shoved a five inch [12½ cm] dildo down the hanging boy's throat and strapped it in place.
Benjy went to work with his bullwhip and I swear it was magical. He worked that whip from the nape of the neck to the soles of the swaying boy's feet for at least fifteen minutes. Never hitting the exactly the same stroke twice. At some point the bleeding piece of flesh passed out.
Someplace along the line I grabbed my personal slave and pulled him onto my lap and with one hand finger fucked him while the fingernails on my other hand raked his back. I could feel his cock ringed cock rubbing against my leg as he moaned with pleasure.
For the finale Benjy let the whip snake around the boy's front, first from the right, then twice from the left. After the second he pulled the whip back turning the limp body. Blood was streaming from each nipple and the end of the whip encircled the cock. Benjy played with the whip and within seconds the unconscious boy shot a humongous load.
As I said, hot as hell but not what I'm in the mood for right now. What I did was go to a downtown restaurant, pick up the local newspaper and read the help wanted and real estate ads. Not many of the first, plenty of the second. After eating I parked back at the In-Boy Inn and headed over to the park.
Even though it was still overcast the park was full of scantily clad boys strutting their wares. I strolled through the park admiring the scenery until I spotted two boys having a catch. Despite the fact that all they were wearing were thongs the normalcy of it struck me. As I approached I realized that they were identical twins, down to their waist length blonde hair.
I had found my afternoon's entertainment.
Mark and Mike were thirteen and a half and adjusting from the San Fernando Valley to a town with less people than their old school. Their step-mother had purchased one way bus tickets for them the day Gov. Payton had signed the bill. Her last words:
"Your father and I are moving tomorrow and were getting an unlisted phone."
I found this out while I was playing with their thongs and they were undressing me in a secluded area of the park. As soon as we were all naked they knelt, one working on my cock, the identical tongue digging into my asshole.
I stroked each of their blonde manes and necks as they worked on my body. When I felt close to shooting I picked the one in front and brought him to my mouth. Between Mark's mouth and Mike's tongue my rod stayed rigid. With a slight touch Mark turned around, bent over at his waist and spread his legs so I could see his rosebud spreading open for me.
Mike didn't miss a beat, or should I say lick, as I bent over and started rimming his brother. As I lubed up Mark's sex chute with my tongue I reached through his legs and grabbed his prick. For boys that young it was huge, and if they were truly identical, I wanted one in me.
I stood up and pulled Mark into position. "OK Mark, I'm going to fuck your hot ass now. Mike, you lubed my hole up nice and I want you to fuck me with your boy meat."
"Cool dude," they said in unison.
As I penetrated Mark I felt Mike entering me. Once the sandwich was complete we took a breath, and then got down to work. I let Mike set the pace and I picked up his slow humping motion into Mark's tight butt while I slowly stroked his cock. After a few minutes we realized that despite the secluded area of the park we had drawn a crowd of other boy whores. One boy, who had to be the shortest one I'd seen moved my hand away and started sucking on Mark's cock. At a gasp from behind me I turned my head and realized that another boy was now fucking Mike, and the chain was quickly growing until there were ten boys behind me, and one had actually started fucking the boy sucking on Mark. I prayed they all didn't expect to be paid for this. The realization of what was happening drove me over the edge and I shot my load into Mark's butt. I couldn't pull out though and the motion kept me fucking as my cum seeped out of his hole. I looked around as best I could and there were boys fucking and sucking all over the place, besides the ones in the chain.
Needless to say this got me hot and hard again fast. I leaned back and brought my mouth to Mike's and we kissed. Our tongues dancing tight together. Suddenly he pulled back and yelled, "I'm coming, I'm filling your hole with my boy cum."
And he did, simultaneously Mark shot his load into the little boy's mouth and his butt tightened as a reaction and brought me back over the edge and I replaced the cum that had dripped out of his hole, and more.
Within minutes everybody in the chain had shot their loads and we collapsed on the floor, watching the other couples finish their sex acts. There was one trio who must have read one of those weird sex position books because I'd never seen it before and God only knows I couldn't begin to do it at my age.
I was leaning back on the twins, playing with their hair when a pair of hands covered my eyes.
"Guess who?"
"Lance? What are you doing here?"
He climbed into my lap, he was back to being naked, and brought his mouth to mine. "I saw you head back here with my friends and decided to arrange a special going away event for a very special man."
"You arranged this?"
He nodded and gave his killer smile. I brought him close to me and held him as one does a close friend. "Just wait till tonight and we'll really celebrate."
Lance kissed me, deeply, intimately, deeper and closer than we had ever before. "I'm sure we'll have a lot to celebrate. Now I've got to get to work and you've got to go wash up before your dinner date."
We kissed, he left, I spread around the three hundred dollars I had left in my wallet, silently thanking whoever had invented cash machines, and went back to the inn.
Part IV
I'm with the boys in the park, lying naked on the grass, the cookie in the center of a circle jerk. The two valley boys, identical twins Mark and Mike, their long blond hair wafting in the breeze were on either side of me, twenty other boy whores circled around me. They were all stroking their hard pricks, reaching over to their neighbor and playing with their nipples or butts. More boys came, every boy in Peckertown must have been there, whore or not. Lion arrived and squatted over my mouth and I started eating his ass, the sweetest tasting butthole I had ever tasted. Lance arrived with his brothers and took my cock into his asshole. The boys in the second row started fucking the ones jerking off around me.
I hear a cracking noise and the boys at my feat separate and Benjy from the Little Leather Club comes into view complete with bullwhip and leather outfit. Except this time with a six inch [15 cm] long thick cock sticking through the fly. Attached to a metal dog leash, and crawling behind Benjy, was the boy he had whipped during the show. The dried blood caked his body, his engorged cock and balls tied off so tight the dog boy would never be able to piss much less cum.
"Turn around and sit doggy, this is for men not dogs." Benjy said as his lashed his pet's back once for emphasis. Without a sound the dog, I mean boy, did as ordered. Benjy started to lift his whip.
"Put it down bro, you don't use it on Marc, ever." Lion whispered and the whip hit the ground.
"No sweat bro, now lets cover this guy with boy cum." Benjy said and laughed as he began stroking his cock.
Within moments cum began flying out of cocks everywhere, and not a drop missed my body. When a boy in the front row finished the one fucking him pulled out and shot his load all over me.
From out of nowhere a bell rang and as I turned my head all the boys vanished.
It was the phone next to my bed at the In-Boy Inn.
"Sir, you have a message. Lion said for you to wear proper clothes for dinner tonight and to arrive promptly at 9:05, not any earlier."
"Thanks, what time is it anyway?"
"Eight, that's when he told me to give you the message."
"Thanks again, remind me to tip you when I see you." I got out of bed and headed for the shower, wishing it was both loads of boy cum I was washing off of me and not just the one.
I pulled into the empty parking lot of the Tasty Buns restaurant, checked my hair in the rear view mirror and got out. Checking my clothes I knocked on the front door and waited. I saw the cashier walking up and waved. He too had changed from his work clothes to a long shirt and long pants.
"Aaron, you look good dressed up. I hope Lion told you I was meeting him for dinner here?"
"Sure, come in, your the last to arrive."
"I don't understand?"
"I didn't think so, follow me back to the kitchen."
I fell in behind him, admiring his butt as we walked, but mostly confused. We walked through the swinging doors and past the kitchen into a small dining room. A couple not much older than myself were working the stove, a girl walked in followed by two boys.
For a second I didn't recognize them.
"Lion, is that you? And is that who I think it is?"
"Excuse me Marc, in this house it's Daniel not Lion." He said as he reached up to kiss me on the cheek. "This is my brother Aaron, my sister Kristen, and yes this is my brother Benjamin, the star of the Little Leather Club."
"Wow, I had a dream this afternoon, I'll tell you the details later, but you were both there and called each other 'bro', wild guess wasn't it?"
Lion smiled, "And these are my parents, Elija and Francis Jorgenson."
"Pleased to meet you Mr. & Mrs. Jorgenson. You have quite a bunch of sons. Especially Daniel, I do care for him a lot."
"Please Marc, call me Elija and welcome to my home. Sit and join us for supper, we'll talk over dessert. Daniel, show your friend to his chair."
"Yes papa, Marc, here next to me."
Supper was long, filling and delicious. Over the first four courses I learned about the family and Peckertown, AK. Over the fifth I told them everything about me. Including the fact that I got myself tested regularly and I was HIV-.
Finally Kristen brought out a large chocolate cake, a smile crossing her face, "This is my first attempt at an old family recipe. I begged mama to let me try it for this special occasion."
"I'm sure you did it honor Kristen." Her father replied. "Now Marc, Daniel tells me that you want to move here and live with him."
"Yes sir, I know it sounds weird, and there's a huge difference in our ages, but for the first time I've met someone I connect to on a more than physical basis. God, that sounds so great to say," I blushed. "I hope your not embarrassed or offended."
"Of course not, if we were we would have moved away from here after the law was signed. As many of our neighbors did. It fills my heart with joy to hear you talk like that about Daniel. Now let my husband continue," Lion's mother replied.
"Thanks honey. You told us you were an accountant with some hotel and restaurant clients back in New Jersey. You also told Daniel that you wanted to set up practice here, to help the newcomers take care of their money, etc."
"Yes, with the boys I've met and seen since I've been here I can tell there's a need. The boys in the park, I guess most of the ones at the Leather Club, they're going to need help along the line."
Elija looked around the table, everyone nodded. "As you may have guessed we own this restaurant, we also own the In-Boy Inn, the Little Leather Club and another hotel that's remained closed. My wife and I are looking for someone to help us run the operation. The kids are good and smart, but even Aaron is only sixteen. We'll give you a good salary and benefits. Even buy a house for you and Daniel to live in."
I looked over at Lion, "Is this what you want?"
He hooked my head and brought it to his mouth and we kissed, kissed deeply for a long, long time. "If it wasn't what I wanted you wouldn't be here."
I kissed him back, "Yes, I accept. I have to fly back tomorrow, give two weeks notice at the firm and I'll be ready to drive back in three weeks. Be ready to work in four."
"Great, and Daniel, if its OK with your new boss you have our permission."
"Permission for what?"
"I fly home with you, stay with you and drive back with you. I know we'll have to be a lot more careful once were out of the state but at least we'll be together."
"Of course, of course I want you with me. I'll call the airport right away."
"I ordered my son's tickets this afternoon. I have faith in his judgement," Mr. Jorgenson said.
"I hope I live up to it. And I've got an idea for that empty hotel."
Daniel looked at the clock, "Marc, its almost midnight, we've got to get to the Big Lick for Lance's last show."
"Go ahead, have a good time," the boys' mother said.
"Thank's Francis, dinner was fantastic. Kristen the cake was delicious. Elija, I'm honored."
"Can I come with you?" Benjamin asked.
"As long as your dressed like that, no leathers." Lion answered. "You want to come Aaron?"
The four of us piled into my car and headed downtown. Lion, Daniel, good grief I keep going back and forth between the two names, snuggled next to me. I glanced in the rear view mirror and saw Benjy showing Aaron the leather vest underneath his regular shirt. They escorted us to a table by the stage. We ordered large gooey ice cream sundaes and as soon as we had our orders the lights dimmed.
Big Sol, the owner, came out and the crowd quieted down. "Gentleman, I've finally stopped saying and ladies," the crowd roared, "before I introduce the stars of our show I want to introduce a local star on a rare night off, Benjy of the Little Leather Club."
Benjy stepped to the stage and the crowd went wild shouting "strut it", "whip it", and similar exhortations. He raised his hands, "Friends, thanks, but let me introduce my friends, the stars of the show, The Olson Triplets."
Lance, Richie and Bobbie ran naked onto the stage to a roar of applause and went up to Benjy. Richie handed Benjy his whip while his two brothers ripped Benjy's shirt off revealing the leather vest. Benjy waved the whip in the air as Lion shook his head.
The triplets fell to their hands and knees and started prowling around Benjy. They clawed at his pants, finally opening the buttons and pulling them down revealing his leather briefs. Benjy kicked his loafers and pants off and roared. This was his element. Under different circumstances he might have been a child actor, probably put Caulkan to shame.
He stalked the triplets, the whip glancing off their backs without leaving a mark. He was an artist. Looking around I saw most of the men working on their cocks as their ice cream melted. Back on stage Lance and his brothers had tackled Benjy and were pulling his briefs off. The crowd gasped at the six inch [15 cm] cock on the ten year old. Benjy stood and Lance kneeled before him and started sucking on the man-sized boy cock while Bobbie ate Benjy's ass and Richie worked on Lance's ass.
"Lion, I need some help, get up here."
I pulled his shirt off, undid his pants, kissed him and pushed him on his way. Richie left Lance's ass and finished stripping Benjy's older brother, then started licking him from toe to head, carefully avoiding the groin.
"Have you ever watched them like this?" I whispered to Aaron.
He shook his head, "I've seen Daniel at the restaurant of course, and Benjamin in his leathers at home, but never like this."
"You've never seen his show?"
Aaron shrugged, "I'm the straight one in the family and S&M isn't my thing anyway, but my baby brother loves it."
On stage Lance was fucking Benjy who was fucking Bobbie who was fucking Lion who was fucking Richie while jerking the triplet off. Lion had to bend his knees a bit to avoid lifting the 'twelve' year old off the stage. As if on cue the five separated, came to the front of the stage and shot their loads all over me and Aaron. You could hear the loads shooting from all over the place in response. Almost a minute passed and the audience rose and gave the boys a standing ovation. My soon to be employees waved and left the stage and sat back down with us. The Olson Triplets headed into the audience to collect their tips. It took them almost an hour to get to our table, each one taking one of our laps, except for Aaron who settled for Lances's legs.
"That was great," Bobbie panted, "most tips we've pulled in in a while. Thanks guys."
"No problem, now Lion has something to tell you."
Lion told them about my, our plans, and they were ecstatic. As the seven of us walked back to the In-Boy Inn Benjy asked about my dream and I gave them all the details.
When we got back instead of heading to my suite they guided me to the hotel's showroom. Lion took my hand and led me into the center of the darkened room, I could feel the mats under my feet. I started to ask him what was happening but suddenly a spotlight shown on the corner and there came the twins carrying a birthday cake. As my mouth dropped the lights came on and shouts of surprise filled the room followed by a chorus of Happy Birthday. As my eyes adjusted to the light I saw the room filled not only with all the guests from the hotel but every boy whore who had been at the park, some of the boys from the Little Leather Club and others I didn't even recognize.
"Happy Birthday Marc." Lion said.
"Thanks Daniel," I said as I picked him up in my arms, "I love you."
Our mouths met, our tongues danced, my knees buckled and we lay down on the mat.
"Hey Marc, you've got to blow out the candles." Somebody yelled.
"Do it for me, I've got something else I'd rather blow."
I lay Daniel down on the mat. I liked Daniel better than Lion, its more real. I started licking his feet, as I worked up his legs I noticed that the party was in full gear. Men and boys were pairing up, although sometimes pair wasn't the right word, and getting into it. The slaves knelt before Benjy who released them for the evening. Benjy then headed over to Mark and Mike and led them to the corner.
As I tongue bathed my love's torso I heard a moan come from that corner. We both turned our heads and saw the slave master taking the two huge boy cocks up his asshole simultaneously. The identical twins were working their identical cocks at the identical speed up one tiny boy asshole.
The sight of that ended the licking and I dove right at Daniel's throbbing rod. I started by licking the precum from his slit, my tongue working inside his penis. My tongue worked down the underside until I reached his balls, I inhaled them into my mouth, my tongue bathing them, cleaning the sweat off.
Daniel pulled me off his tight nuts and put his cockhead against my lips and growled. As I swallowed his prick he gave out a long, loud roar.
The roar of a victorious lion.
Now over the course of the week the two of us had had a lot of sex and this was the hottest I had ever seen him. His cock seemed bigger than ever, a man's cock. When I felt him getting close I pulled off.
"Fuck me, take me like you've never taken me before my love."
Daniel flipped me over on my back and his face was an inch from mine.
"Say those two words again."
"My love."
I drew him to me, "My love, I love you Daniel."
"Will you love me when I'm twenty."
"I'll love you when your fifty."
"I love you too Marc, I'll love you when your eighty-six."
"Say it again."
"I love you."
"Prove it."
He lifted my legs over his shoulders, rammed his cock home and started pounding my ass. It wasn't a long fuck, but it was a great one. His cum spurting and spurting all the way up my love canal till I almost tasted it.
Finally he pulled out of me and stood up. Looking around I saw Mark and Mike on each side of me working their cocks, they were joined by every other boy at the party. Benjy was at my feet, hell everybody was at their appropriate place. My dream was coming true.
Actually, it was better than the dream.
Part V
Sometime during the night Daniel and I, still got to get used to Daniel, went up to my room and Aaron and Benjy took another. We lay down, hugged, kissed and fell asleep in each others arms, only to be woken immediately by a knocking on the door.
At least it seemed like that but then I saw the sun was shining so at least a few hours must have passed. "Coming," I yelled as I shook my love's shoulder.
I opened the door to see a small hysterical boy. I knelt and took him into my arms and looked up to see an older one, tears rolling down his cheeks as well. I stood with the little boy in my arms and put the other arm around the other. By this time Daniel was out of bed and running over.
"Aaron, what happened? Mom, Dad and Kris OK?"
"They're OK Danny, its one of the boys at the club, he died last night at their quarters." He turned to me, "We've never lost a slave before."
"Its my fault, its my fault." Benjy screamed, "my fault, I shouldn't have said yes."
"Andrew?" Lion said.
"Yes, I knew how sick he was, I should never have said yes."
"Bro, he had full blown AIDS and his liver and kidneys were failing. He asked you, begged you, to do that one last act so we could take pictures and send them to those fucking asshole parents of his. He was going to die soon anyway, ready to die, you gave him his revenge." Daniel whispered.
"I know, I know, but I've
"Aaron get dressed and bring his clothes down. Benjy, I'm going to put you on the bed while we get dressed and then we'll go down and see Andrew gets his wish. OK?"
He nodded and curled up on the bed. I couldn't take my eyes off him while I dressed. The young man I had seen always in full command, reveling in his role as slave master had reverted to the truth, a ten year old boy. Aaron walked in and gently dressed his baby brother.
They directed me to the closed hotel and then around back to a long dormitory. Benjy walked to the front and opened the door.
"I'm here my slaves, come to me, cry with me."
On mass forty boys rushed up and knelt before Benjy, crying, hands reaching. I recognized my waiter from that fateful lunch. The four of us sat on the floor and reached out to comfort and reassure.
"Take me to Andrew." Benjy finally said and as one the boys stood and led us past a long row of bunk beds to the lone single bed in the rear. Daniel walked over and removed the blanket.
"Here's the camera master." One of the boys said, "will you take the pictures. Fulfill his last wish?"
"Yes Paulo, lets do it and then we'll arrange for a proper funeral."
I stood silently and watched while Benjamin started taking the pictures. It was clear that Andrew had never washed the blood off after that show at the Little Leather Club. From this close his face revealed the ravages, not just from the whipping, but the diseases that had taken his life and future. Two of the slave boys gently turned the body over and Benjy finished the roll with pictures of the welted, bloodied back. He handed the camera to Aaron and turned Andrew over onto his back and kissed his forehead before covering him up.
"Andrew is at peace now. He is with God, a God that will understand his life and forgive him his sins and praise his goodness, as he will ours. I made a promise to Andrew and it will be kept. There are a few more of you who are very sick as well. We'll try and keep you healthy and alive but when the time is near, if you wish something it will be done. You are not just slaves to me and my family but real people that we care for. Let us pray in silence for our friend Andrew." Benjy bowed his head.
A couple of minutes later Elija and Francis Jorgenson, the boys' parents, walked in. Francis put her arms around her youngest son.
"My children, you are all my children, this is a sad day but a day that spells blessed relief for Andrew. He is free of the diseases, and the pain they caused him." She paused, "now step back please so the men from the funeral home can take his body and we will give him a proper funeral. We will close the club and all of you may attend."
"Thank you Mrs. Jorgenson," one of the boys said, "I, we thank you for all you've done for Andrew and us. I wish I could see his folk's face when they get the pictures."
"Lion, in the trunk is my pad could you get it for me."
"Sure Marc, what's up?"
"I think a letter should go with the pictures. Now let them take the body while I think."
By the time Lion returned they had removed the body and I was ready.
"I'll talk as I write so you all know how I'm going to twist the knife in their souls. Now do you know his last name?"
"McMartin." Paulo replied.
Dear Mr. & Mrs. McMartin
It is with little regret that I inform you of your son Andrew's death. I am enclosing some pictures of his corpse taken shortly after death. Your son was a good slave. I bought him at auction only a few months after you kicked him out of his home. He was a lovely boy at the time but the time in my factories and mines took everything from him. He was a good worker, most of the time. Whether it was working in the foundry, the coal mines or as a sex toy he always tried to please.
Unfortunately he violated a cardinal rule and I sentenced him to death. First a half hour under the lash and then I ordered my other slaves to fuck his ass and mouth until he died. In his last hours he gave a lot of pleasure to his fellow slaves, and for that you should be proud.
Don't worry about his body, I had it tossed into the blast furnace for fuel. There are no personal effects to send you, since as my slave he had none.
Respectfully, SL
"SL?" Lion asked
"Simon Legree, a famous slave master in fiction." Aaron answered, "Marc, I hope that drives them mad. But is it safe to mail it from here?"
"No, I'll give you another address and a note. Put everything in an envelope and stamp it and then send it and the note to my friend, he'll mail it from far away from here.
"Lion, if we're going to catch our plane we have to pack and get going. Unless you want to stay and help your brother through this?"
"No, go Danny, I'll be fine, besides Aaron, Mom and Dad will be here."
Lion gave Benjy a hug, "I'll call you tonight when I get there. I'm proud of you."
Daniel led me into my hotel room, turned, raised his arms. "Hold me," he whispered.
I took my love into my arms, kissed the tears running down his cheeks. I stared into the truth, the man I loved was fourteen years old. I thought this over as we held each other tight, and then I did the only thing I could.
I tilted his head up and said.
"I love you with all my heart."
I nodded.
"I was scared, scared that I would lose you over this."
"Just the opposite, seeing how you and your family care for those boys erased all questions."
"But I acted like a little boy."
"Big boy, but that's what you are, a big boy growing into a good man, and that's who I love.
"Now let's get going." We packed, drove over to his home over the restaurant for his stuff and headed down the road back to Little Rock and our flight to New Jersey.
As soon as we were out of town Lion stripped, took my cock out of my pants, put my hand on his and his mouth on my cock. Slowly he sucked me into hardness. His lips rising and falling the entire length of my cock. Each time he reached my tip his tongue flicked into my slit and licked out a little bit of precum.
Now trying to jerk somebody off while your being blown is hard enough. Trying to do it and drive safely requires a great deal of control. All I can say is thank God that I30 was wide and empty, and for a car with cruise control. I stroked his cock gently, tenderly. Cupping his balls in my hand I gently massaged them till I could feel his boy juice beginning to churn and then went back to his cock.
If you had asked me before we had gotten into the car if after yesterday's constant sex and this mornings sadness I could have cum I would have said no. And the same for Daniel.
However, as all of you hopefully know, there is something special about having sex with someone you love that energizes you, in every conceivable way. After thirty miles [30 km] I felt his cum soak my hand. Ten miles [15 km] later I filled his throat.
When he had finished sucking me dry he licked my right hand clean. I took the car off cruise control and let it slow by itself as I pulled his mouth to mine. By the time we stopped our tongues were dancing, and a car was honking as it swung past us.
I hit the gas and Daniel put his head on my shoulders as I put my arm around his naked shoulders and took off after the other car.
As we approached the airport he got dressed, looking like he had last night at home rather than what he looked like when I met him at the Tasty Buns just one week ago.
We made the plane with plenty to spare. Elija had gotten us first class tickets for the trip back to Jersey. My lover swore he had flown before but acted very much the little kid as we walked through the terminal to the plane.
Chapter 2 To New Jersey & Back
(Arkansas Vacation 2)
Once the plane leveled off on the second leg of our trip to New Jersey Daniel turned to me and blew me a kiss, which I returned with a smile.
"I've got a question Marc. Now that we're out of Arkansas what do we call each other? I mean 'lover' doesn't work in public."
"You sure your only fourteen?"
"In this lifetime, maybe I carried something over from a prior life as a sex fiend."
I sat back and thought. The reason the sudden relocation from northwest New Jersey to southeast Arkansas was possible was that I had no family in New Jersey, and my friends and coworkers knew that. Of course they also knew I was gay and that I'd gone to Arkansas on vacation.
"Why don't we tell the truth?"
"I'm not going to visit you in jail."
"Not the whole truth. Stick to basic facts. I stayed at the hotel your parents own and ate at their restaurant frequently. One day we got to talking about how much I loved the area and it turned out they needed an accountant with my kind of experience. Offered me more money and a house so I accepted the job. Turns out their son, straight son, was home from school and wanted to see New York City. I was willing, especially since it would give me some company on the drive back."
"Do I have to be straight? I'm not sure I remember how."
"Everybody knows I'm gay so if you are they might make connections we don't need."
"What school?"
"That boarding school you told me about, unless you've got a better one."
"All the rich oversexed kids get sent to Clinton Academy in Hope."
"Pass, I've heard of its reputation and I don't want to ruin yours."
"OK, we'll stick with White River Prep. Now if you don't mind I'm going to sleep."
I lifted the arm between us and he lay down on my lap. Oddly, I didn't get an erection despite his talented mouth being only inches from my dick. "That's love," I said to myself.
When we arrived at the garden apartment complex I called home Daniel's jaw dropped. "How many apartments are there?"
"About six hundred."
"That's more than all the houses in Peckertown. And this is only one part of town. Amazing."
I pointed across the central lawn. "But some guy from over there could have been at the party last night and I wouldn't have recognized him. One of the slaves could be from over there and we wouldn't have recognized each other."
"That I have a hard time believing, especially for a pervert like you."
"It's hard work being a boy lover up here," I said as I unlocked the door to my second floor apartment. I was carrying my love's suitcase and dropped it by the door. We had left my bags at the In-Boy Inn. Daniel found the phone and called his parents while I looked around the place.
I searched myself for a tinge of regret over my decision to leave my home of five years and job of eight. Sure there would be people, places and things I'd miss but it's not like I'm being exiled. Hell, this would give some of my friends an excuse to visit Peckertown, Arkansas, the boy sex capital of the world. .
I heard him hang up the phone. "Where's the bathroom Marc?"
"Back here, bring your bag while your at it."
He came racing past me empty handed. "Next trip, no time," he shouted as he flung the door closed.
While he was taking care of business I kicked off my shoes and picked up the phone. I left my boss a message that I wanted to meet with him privately Monday morning. There were ten messages on my machine. I picked up a pad and hit play. Six of the first eight were hang ups, the other two were salesmen as was the tenth.
The ninth was from a friend, ex-lover actually.
"And who is Jeff Crotas?"
I looked up at a very gorgeous, very naked boy. His long black hair was moistened and slicked back to between his shoulder blades. This time my cock reacted to the sight. Daniel, no Lion noticed and roared. He jumped into my lap and we kissed passionately for eternity. When I reached for his crotch he pulled away.
"You didn't answer my question."
"As I wasn't your first boyfriend you weren't mine either."
"I figured that much."
"Jeff was special, we were together for four years, lived here together for the last two. Broke up last Thanksgiving and this is maybe the third time he's called since then. To be honest the reason I went to Peckertown on vacation was to finish purging him from my system."
"Did it work?" Daniel asked as he wiggled his cute ass over the bulge in my pants.
I reached over and erased the messages. "Does that answer your question?"
He gave me a quick kiss. "Can I say something really grown up?"
The next kiss was quite a bit longer as I hugged his naked body next to mine. "Yes."
"I know your moving away from here because of me."
"Quiet, I've thought about this a lot. In addition to being with you and your family and friends, your parents are giving me the kind of job I've always dreamed of but haven't been able to find up here where they want five years experience before you can work the front desk. If we want to come up here to visit or go see my sister in Nevada we can. You even have phones, and I'll let all my friends and family know where I am, we are, so they can call."
"Good, now can we fuck before we go out to eat?"
I slung him over my shoulder, his stiff pick rubbing into my shoulder as I carried him into the bedroom.
I gently lay him in the center of my queen sized bed and made sure the shades were down as I unbuttoned my shirt. Where the living room window had fronted on a large lawn my neighbor's window was about four feet from mine. She was a nice grandmotherly type who had invited both Jeff and I for dinner but I didn't think she needed to see this. The guy opposite my back window probably had a rifle to go with his binoculars and would gladly plug me in order to save the world. Neither would get my new address.
I glanced in the mirror as I slipped my shirt off. A week of sun, sex and southern hospitality had given my body a health glow. I turned towards the bed. Daniel had propped himself up on the pillows and was slowly stroking his cock while watching my every movement. I quickly dropped my pants and drawers and slowly crawled up the bed.
"Y'all go down there," Daniel said as my head reached his cock.
I knelt and moved his hand from a very rigid boy pole. I slowly moved up and down his cock, slowly engulfing the delectable morsel until my nose was buried in his crotch. It smelled of boy. A light sweaty musk that's unique to young manhood. The tip of my nose felt the short pubic hairs left over from the last time he shaved them. I felt his fingers running gently through my hair and started bobbing my head up and down. Occasionally I would stop and lick the precious drops of precum from his piss slit.
He yanked my head off his cock. "Flip over, its time for that tight ass of yours to get fucked."
There was no argument from me as I lay on my stomach and his saliva slicked tool quickly penetrated my hole. Once he was fully in Daniel leaned over and licked the nape of my neck as he lay perfectly still. I purred like a pussycat and the sleeping Lion on my back came to life and took my neck between his teeth as he started ramming his rod in and out as hard as he could. I yelped as I felt his teeth begin to penetrate the surface of my skin but my pain didn't affect him at all. Like any wild cat my Lion was going for the kill. As in the wild it didn't take long before the conquest was complete and he was filling my rectum with boy juice.
He finished the hunt by flipping me on my back, eating my cock whole and swallowing my cum.
When he finally released my flaccid tool I pulled him up and after a brief kiss lay his head on my chest.
"Sorry Marc, but now you know how I really got my nickname."
"You want to tell me the story?"
Daniel shrugged and sat up, pulling the sheet over his lap.
I sensed his uneasiness. "You don't have to."
"It's just that it's a little embarrassing."
"I promise to laugh only were its appropriate."
For that I got a pillow in the face.
"Billy Ray Bob gave it me, he was my first lover. Lived on a small family farm outside of town. The other boys called him a hick so much he dressed and acted the part. Standard uniform was ragged overalls over a lean muscular body, maybe a t-shirt, mostly not, and work boots. Sun bleached hair almost as long as mine."
"Sounds sexy as hell. But what was he really like?"
"Smart as hell too, top of our class when they closed the school down. Even had some Razorback coaches to his football games, would have made it for sure. Anyway, he was the youngest of four brothers out there and boys being boys their play was rough, their fights real and when they got older had a sexual component."
"'Sexual component,' big words lover," I said as I kissed his forehead. I got an elbow in the stomach in return.
"I was second in the class smart ass."
"I know, your mind was what attracted me to you."
We both started laughing at that. After all, its only been a week since I walked into the Tasty Buns restaurant and fondled the busboy's cock.
"OK, it wasn't the first thing but we wouldn't be here together if it was just the sex."
Daniel leaned over and we kissed deeply. "That's one of the sexiest and nicest things anybody has ever told me. Before we get totally distracted," he squeezed my cock, " let's get back to the story.
"As the youngest Billy Ray was usually the bottom for his older brothers. Nothing fancy just blow jobs and butt fucking. Thing is Billy Ray found he liked it. Every girl in the school, and some from the high school wanted him but as he told me, 'I like being the fuckee too much to be the fucker.' And among his friends he made no bones about being gay and being the star student and athlete he avoided all the usual picking on the faggy kids got. So when I started realizing I was gay I went to him. For the first couple of weeks we just talked."
"About what?"
"Part was about the sex acts but a lot was about how we felt being different. The whole sin against God, go straight to hell routine. How his family and friends had reacted and how I thought mine would.
"Then one day I was walking to school with Aaron and he asked if Billy Ray and I had had sex yet. I stopped dead in my tracks. Must have turned ten shades of red. He sat me down on the Barker's fence and sat next to me. I finally stammered a no. What he said next really floored me, 'Why not?'"
"Shit, that must have really surprised you."
"When I didn't say anything he explained that everybody at school knew that Billy Ray and I were hanging out a lot after school and putting two and two together. Then I asked him how he felt about my maybe being gay. He said that I'd always been gay and had just taken a while to realize it. That I was his brother and he loved me no matter who I wanted to have sex with. Then he handed me the key to a room at the inn and told me to put the do not disturb sign out when we went in and the make up the room when we left. And not to give him the key back until I'd used it."
"It took my sister a long time to get used to the idea, and we were both older when I finally told her."
"How's she going to react to me?" Daniel really had a concerned look on his face.
"It'll take a little getting used to but I think she'll be happy that I've found someone I want to spend the rest of my life with. Of course your only a couple years older than my nephew so that will have to be handled gently. Anyway, what happened next?"
"Aaron and I got to school just as the bell was ringing so I couldn't talk to Billy Ray until right before third period math, our only class together. He was a little embarrassed and shocked and then I showed him the key. He asked me if I was sure, I nodded, he smiled and nodded back. The rest of the day flew by."
"I probably would have spent the day in the john beating off."
"Almost did but I figured I'd better save it up, I was younger then."
"Old man."
"Whipper snapper, now finish your story."
"We met at Ron's Corner Store as usual, bought a couple of cokes and tried to walk down the street like nothing was going on. We got to what you know as the In-Boy Inn and we walked around to the side entrance to avoid the lobby. On the pillows of the king size bed was a box of condoms and a gay porno tape. Billy Ray took me in his arms and gave me my first real kiss."
"How'd it feel?" My cock was beginning to rise under the sheets as my love talked.
"Great, natural, yeah natural really is the best word. Like frenching another boy was the most normal thing in the world. When we finished we stripped and lay down on the bed and let our hands gently feel each others bodies. He drew me into his arms and we kissed as we squeezed each others butt cheeks. He lay me on my back and started jerking me off. I reached for his but he shook his head and told me his turn would be later. When he had me harder than I'd ever been before he took my head into his mouth and started licking it. Before he had finished swallowing those hard four inches [10 cm] I was twisting around on that bed and moaning for all I was worth."
Daniel and I sat in silence for a few minutes as we both regained our composure. I glanced at the clock and saw it was after six but I wanted to hear the rest of Lion's birth before supper.
"I don't know how long it took before I finally came. He'd already had a lot of experience and I know he stopped me right at the edge at least three time. When I finally shot down his throat it was the biggest load I'd ever had. After he licked me clean we kissed again and I could taste my cum in his mouth. He got out of bed, popped the tape in the VCR and turned it on while he went to the fridge and pulled out two sodas. As we watched and drank my hand found his cock and started stroking. I was so caught up in everything I was surprised when I felt his cum streaming over my hand at the same moment a threesome climaxed on screen. I licked a little and it tasted good, then Billy Ray told me to take the rest and stick it up his hole to get it ready. By the time I had him loosened my cock was hard and I put it into position and slipped right in. His sphincter held me in place as I caught my breath. Finally I started humping and then it happened."
Daniel took a breath and I caught a faint blush.
"He was lying prone on the bed and with my cock fully in I lay on top of him, my mouth by his shoulder. I went to kiss it but instead took a bite, he yelped and tightened his ass muscles and I shot up his ass and let out a roar. And that's how I got the name Lion."
"How did Billy Ray feel?"
"Thought it was cool as hell and made me do it every time after that."
"What happened to him? Is he still around?"
"Oh you've met him. He's the guy at the front door of the Little Leather Club."
"That hunk, holy shit."
I let Daniel reminisce in silence and then he crawled into my lap and kissed me on the cheek. "Thanks Marc."
"For what?"
"Not being the jealous clingy type. I knew one guy about your age who didn't even want me to think about my friends much less see or have sex with them. I want to be with you but I'm not ready for the quiet monogamous life yet."
"All I want is honesty. Let's face it with all those sexy boys roaming around I'll probably pick some up too, but as long as were open and honest we'll be fine." I leaned over and kissed him gently on the lips. "And if we have sex with others not in our bed. We'll keep a room at the Inn for that."
"Agreed, and I know just the room."
In the morning I called my landlord and told them I was moving out and they could keep the security in lieu of notice. I was about halfway through the pile on my desk when my boss called me in. He took it well when I explained the opportunity I had and wished me well and held me to the two weeks notice I had offered. Those two weeks went quickly between work, packing, sightseeing, farewell parties. One of which I had to leave Daniel home even though he was a better sex partner than any of the guys there. Our final week was devoted to each other and doing what we wanted. On our fourth Monday in New Jersey we loaded the furniture and other things I wanted to take and had Goodwill pick up the rest.
About three in the afternoon we took a last walk through the apartment.
"For the first time I'm really sure this is happening," Daniel whispered.
"I never had a doubt, especially once I quit. Let's get going. I want to put in a couple of hours before I get too tired."
Before getting into the car Daniel took his shirt off and shook his mane of black hair out of the ponytail he'd been wearing while we worked. He looked at me over the car's trunk, smiled and roared. A couple of my now former neighbors stared as we got in the car and pulled away from the curb.
We spent the first night in Atlantic City because he wanted to see what a real casino looked like and where the Miss America pageant was held. The big old gray building was impressive as ever, even empty and dark. We got a later start than I really wanted to the next morning and continued on south into Virginia and then headed west. The drive through the lower Appalachians was stunning and as we entered Tennessee we started looking out for hillbillies and genetic mutations from all the inbreeding you hear about.
Daniel and I were about an hour away from the Arkansas border when I started getting tired. He's great company and kept me going with stories of Peckertown from before and after the law changed but driving gets tiring no matter what. We had just spotted a sign for a Best Western twenty miles [30 km] down the road when Daniel spotted two boys hitchhiking along the side of the road. I slowed down to take a better look. They were about twelve, thin and fucking gorgeous.
"Pull over," Daniel said as he undid the button on his shorts and slipped the zipper part way down.
"Be cool." I pulled over and the two boys ran over as they slung their backpacks over their shoulders.
Let me take a moment to describe these two visions. The first to arrive was about 5'3" [1.60 m] tall with black spiky hair. He was wearing tight black jeans, high top sneakers and an open black leather jacket that revealed a smooth hairless chest. The second was an inch or so shorter [1.58 m], shoulder length blonde hair, gorgeous hazel eyes and a dazzling smile. He was wearing a tight knit shirt, short cut off jeans, with a gap in-between and sandals.
"Thanks, I didn't think anybody would ever stop," said the black haired boy as he eyed Daniel's naked torso. A smile crossed his face when he saw the unbuttoned shorts and the obvious bulge. "Can we have a lift as far as your going?"
"Sure," I answered, "how far you going?"
"Arkansas, town called Peckertown if we can find it," said the blonde in a shy voice.
"Oh, I think we can help you, but we figured on stopping for the night in about twenty miles [30 km]." The boys frowned at the news.
"Uh Marc, the next Best Western's only another thirty [45 km] and its on the side of the border," Daniel said with his voice dripping of the south. I've got my owner's card so we get a discount on two rooms. Two adjoining rooms. How'd you guys like that?"
"A real room with real beds and a bathroom? We haven't had that since we left Maryland four days ago." The blonde said. Leather jacket was silently watching Daniel rub his crotch.
"Obviously we can't help pay for the room but I'm sure we can find some way to thank you," he said with a grin and a lick of his lips.
"Are you two going to get in or what?"
The two jumped in and we were off.
We stopped at a restaurant for supper right after we crossed the border. The staff was dressed only in thongs and our traveling companions couldn't keep their eyes of the barely concealed bulges. There was one busboy in particular they really wanted to jump, not that I could blame them.
Once our drinks had been served I turned to the boys. "So what are your names and why are you headed to Peckertown?"
"I'm Shawn," said the black haired one, "and this is Chris. We're from a small town in the Maryland panhandle. We've been lovers for a couple of months and my family found out, told Chris's and they forbid us to see each other. When my pa found out we were doing it anyway he took a belt to my ass and back. Two nights later we took whatever money we could find and headed out. I'd heard about Peckertown on the Internet so we decided that's where we had to go."
"Anything you want to add Chris?"
"Just that it wasn't just our folks, the other kids on school were getting nasty too. They wouldn't mess with Shawn but I had to cut gym because I was scared to go into the locker room. But you guys said you could help us find Peckertown. What can you tell us about it. Is it really boy heaven?"
"Depends, I guess. Why don't you answer Daniel."
"First, how old are you, and the truth. It's important."
"We're both twelve and we've got our birth certificates in our backpacks," Shawn replied.
"Good, I'll be honest with you. For men like Marc it is boy heaven. They can go down there and find boys of all ages, shapes and inclinations willing to have sex for money. For the boys it isn't always easy."
"Any kid been killed?" Chris asked.
"No, a couple of s&m scenes got out of hand but the boys survived and recovered. What I really meant was that street hustling or the clubs or restaurants are work. You've got to put in the time and energy to make a living."
"You sound like you've been through it," Shawn said.
"I'm a native, Marc's my boyfriend and he's moving down. Look, you two seem like good kids, do you really want to be street whores?"
Chris shook his head and looked at Shawn who kissed him on the cheek. "Only if we have to. We know we might have to sell our bodies somehow and if I've got to whore for us to survive I will," Shawn said.
"When we get to the hotel I'll give you a job interview," I said, "and see what we can do for you."
Over dinner they told us about their travels, including the truck drivers they'd blown for rides. There had been one who had lectured them on the evils of homosexuality and screamed "Hallelujah" as Chris swallowed his load. One young driver in his twenties had a ten inch [30 cm] cock and while Shawn took as much in his mouth as he could Chris licked the shaft. They knew they were lucky that they hadn't been beaten but they'd known where freedom lay.
We got to our rooms and gave Shawn and Chris instructions to shower and then knock on the connecting door without dressing. We did the same but tied towels around our waist. It was another fifteen minutes before there was a soft knock on the door.
"Come in," I said.
The door opened slowly and two visions of loveliness entered. Both bodies were hairless except for small patches of pubic hair. Shawn's hair had lost its spike and was a nice conservative cut. Chris's blonde hair shined now that it was clean.
"Shawn come here, Chris you go to Daniel."
They walked over and we began stroking their cocks. Once rigid they were nice sized for boys their age. OK, neither of them had Benjy's tool but few young teens did. But then Benjy was only ten. "How does that feel Chris?" Daniel asked.
"How do you like being nude and having someone play with your cock?"
"It feels really good Daniel. Please don't stop."
"On your knees Shawn," I said as I opened the towel revealing a throbbing rod. He knelt and looked at me for instructions. "Suck it."
He took it in his hand and held it as he licked the head and then took it into his mouth. For a young boy who'd only been doing it for a couple of months he was talented. I was grateful to the truck drivers who'd exposed him to bigger cocks than Chris's. I looked over and Chris was blowing Daniel, a look of contentment on his face. It didn't take long for both of us to cum in their mouths. When they had sucked and licked us dry they sat back on their haunches and looked at us.
"Sixty-nine," Daniel instructed. Shawn looked at me and I nodded. As I watched them kiss and then take each others cock into loving mouths I knew they had passed the job interview. But where were they going to work?
As if reading my thoughts Daniel turned and whispered, "Tasty Buns. They can take my place."
"What are you going to do?"
"Be your assistant, secretary, whatever."
I blew him a kiss and our gazes returned to the two young lovers. At one point they started fingering each others assholes but we told them to leave them alone. I had designs on Shawn's and I figured my Lion would love some tender blonde meat. Shawn and Chris went at each other with a fervor only love can create. When they finally separated cum was dripping down their cheeks but their cocks were glistening clean.
I motioned Shawn into my lap and Chris went to Daniel's and we kissed. Shawn's tiny butt on my lap had me erect but I decided to cool it and we watched TV for a while. When the news was over Chris got off Daniel's lap and they walked into the other bedroom.
"Good-night Daniel," I called as he closed the door behind them. He stared and nodded.
Shawn's gaze followed their every step. "You jealous?" I asked
"Yeah, I mean if he's your boyfriend aren't you a little jealous?"
"Maybe, but I know its not serious. Just beautiful sex with a beautiful boy." With that I kissed him and started fondling his firm breasts. He tensed for a moment and then flowed into it, reaching down he took my nipple in his hand and started playing with it.
My hands roamed over the smooth, muscular twelve year old boy, feeling every line and muscle. As my hands felt his back I realized the whipping he'd gotten six days earlier hadn't been the first.
"I see your pa's been kind of hard on you."
Shawn shrugged, nodded.
"You didn't like it but you took it like a man."
He nodded again, this time a little smile crossed his face.
"Well, you wont have to worry about that again, unless you want to."
"I promise, you two are going to be working in one of our restaurants as nude busboys. You'll be fondled and patted but that's as far as it goes unless you want to. Anybody gets too pushy you just tell your bosses. We take care of our own."
"How can I thank you?"
"Be the good worker I think you can be. I almost hate saying this, but I'd like to fuck your beautiful ass but only if you really want to."
His mouth met mine and our tongues danced. I picked him up and carried him over to the bed without breaking contact. I put him up on the bed and he flipped over on his stomach and stuck his butt high in the air and spread his cheeks. I rimmed his hole, tongue fucking him as far up as I could go. Then I stuck one finger up to loosen him up.
"Oh fuck Marc, that feels so good."
"Your ass is nice and tight, have you ever had a man's cock up there?"
"My big brother fucked me a couple of times last year but he wasn't as big as you."
I slipped a second finger in and twisted them gently and he moaned. After a couple of minutes I slipped my fingers out, bent over and whispered in his ear. "Are you ready Shawn?"
"Yeah, fuck me Marc, fuck my tight ass."
I put my cockhead in position and gently pushed through the outer ring. As I'd expected he gasped in pain but I pushed on until the head was firmly in. I leaned over and kissed the nape of his neck and massaged his back. "Relax baby, breath slowly and push out like your taking a shit and it'll be easier for me to get in." It took a minute but I felt him relax and pushed in another few inches.
"Oh Marc, you feel so good up there, I don't think I can hold much more."
"Your doing fine baby, your tight ass and my cock are the perfect fit." I started stroking his cock as I slipped the rest of the way in. When he felt my pubic hair brush his smooth butt he gasped in surprise.
"Your all the way in?" He asked in surprise.
"I told you we were a perfect match, now I'm going to start fucking your beautiful butt."
"Oh yeah, fuck me, fuck me good," he said as he squeezed his ass muscles tight.
I started with short easy strokes which gradually got longer and longer. I wanted to make this last because once Shawn got down to Peckertown he was going to be as busy as he wanted to be. At one point I withdrew and flipped him onto his back, lifted his legs in the air and slammed back in to the hilt. I started to pick up the pace now that I was seeing those beautiful features. He reached for his cock and started jerking off. We were both racing towards climax.
"In you or on you baby?"
"In me Marc, I want to feel your load fill my insides."
"Wont be, oh shit I'm cumming," I screamed as my jism exploded inside him. The impact sent him off and the first shot hit him in the face. I've had a lot of big loads since I first got to Peckertown but this had to be one of the biggest. When my cock was finally flacid I withdrew and lowered his legs gently to the bed.
"How was that baby?"
"Great Marc, I can't wait to do this again."
"We'll have plenty of opportunity." We kissed, turned off the lights and went to sleep.
I woke in the morning to find a mouth encircling my cock. I moaned without opening my eyes. "That's the way baby, man your good Shawn."
A hand grasped my cock as the mouth let go. "It's Chris.
When I opened my eyes all I saw was a mass of blonde hair bobbing up and down over my crotch. I looked to where I'd left Shawn and found it empty. "You and Shawn trade places?"
"Uh huh," came the gagged reply. I leaned back and enjoyed a very tender set of lips slide up and down on my pole. The first time I reached the brink he stopped in time, the second I wouldn't let him. He swallowed every drop. When we finished Daniel and Shawn came in and after a round of kisses we showered, dressed, packed up and headed out. The last thing we did was check their birth certificates and confirmed they were legal.
After breakfast we headed south and pulled into Peckertown right before supper.
I'll let you know what happens next
Chapter 3 Vacation's Over
(Arkansas Vacation 3)
Except for pit stops I drove straight through to the Tasty Buns restaurant. We made it right before the supper crowd started rolling in. There were hugs and kisses all around and the rest of the Jorgenson clan made Shawn and Chris feel right at home as we sat around a table in the rear of the restaurant. For the next couple of hours Daniel related his adventures in New York City and New Jersey in agonizing detail. Thank God he hadn't brought a camera or we'd never have gotten done.
Oh, all right I was really pleased that he had a great time with me and that despite his amazing maturity was still a small town kid.
"So Marc, how did everything go on your end?" Elija Jorgenson, Daniel's father, asked.
"My boss understood and wished me well. We both knew I was never going to become a partner and the hotel business is really hard to break into up there. Some of my friends were jealous but I reminded them they could come visit sunny Peckertown whenever they wanted."
"How about your sister?"
"Surprised but accepting. She hadn't heard of Peckertown so I didn't fill in all the blanks, including Daniel's age."
"Understandable, but in time you will and she'll accept it," Francis said. "After all, who couldn't love one of my children."
"True, very true." I leaned over and kissed Daniel's cheek.
"How sweet," Benjy drawled.
"Benjamin, be good and get going. You have a show in thirty minutes," Elija said.
"Yes father. Welcome home guys, I missed you." He came around and hugged us both. "And welcome you two, I'm sure you'll like it down here."
"Thanks Benjy," Shawn answered. "We're looking forward to working for your family."
"You're hiring already Marc?"
"Actually we both did father. You've been saying we need another waiter and Lars really wants the chance." Daniel said.
Elija nodded and held up one finger.
Daniel took a long breath. "If its all right with you I want to stop working here and go to work in the new office with Marc and learn that side of the business."
"How do you feel about that?" Elija asked turning his head.
"As long as he remember who's boss, at least in front of others. Besides, I can honestly say I don't like the idea of him parading naked in front of strange men."
"Hey, that's how we met."
Elija laughed and held up a second finger. "Welcome boys, you'll stay at the inn tonight, move into the barracks tomorrow and start working the day after."
"Thanks Mr. Jorgenson, we'll work hard. Don't worry about that." Chris said.
"As for you two slackers." Daniel's father put an envelope on the table and pushed it over. "Tonight you stay at the inn as well and tomorrow you move into your new house. Four bedrooms, three baths, pool and some other extras. Day after I want to sit down with you Marc and discuss your plans."
I opened the envelope and clutched the keys in my hand as I unfolded the papers inside. Daniel stood and looked over my shoulder. It was not quite a standard employment contract. Besides the usual salary and benefits it included a clause calling for my immediate dismissal if I hurt Daniel in any way or misused any of the boys in the family's employee.
Daniel pointed out the final article. At the end of four years if Daniel and I are still together we get full and complete joint ownership of the house.
"Any questions Mr. Fogel?" Mr. Jorgenson asked."
"Just one. Do you have a pen so I can sign this?"
He handed me one and I signed it.
"Now get going you four and get a good nights sleep. You've got a busy day tomorrow."
As we drove over to the inn Daniel looked at the dashboard clock. "You in the mood for some ice cream Marc?"
"Sounds good, gives us a chance to show Shawn and Chris some of the sights."
Lion's roar almost drowned out a voice from the back seat.
"Uh, Marc, we don't have any money and you've done so much for us already," Chris said shyly.
"Hush up boy," Daniel drawled, "when you're with me you don't worry about money, just having a good time. Understand?"
"Yes boss man," Shawn said, "I'm sure ya'll going to show us a good time tonight."
We pulled into the In-Boy Inn's parking lot, checked the boys into their room and walked down to the Big Lick ice cream parlor. Chris and Shawn walked just in front of us and I could sense their amazement at all the boy flesh visible and available for sale. When we reached the door Chris turned and hugged me.
"Thanks Marc, Dan, for everything. I don't know if I could do what those other boys are doing. I mean I'll be able to handle what comes with the job because its in a safe place but this." He shuddered and hugged me again.
"I know my friend, its a hard life and not for everyone. Now lets go in and have some ice cream to celebrate your arrival." I said as I returned the hug.
"Sure, thanks." He looked up at me as he broke and I brushed a tear from his eye. Shawn put his arm around Chris and they followed us in.
Big Sol, the owner, came over as we entered. "Welcome back guys. Aaron called and told me you were coming. Your table by the stage is waiting for you. And I see what he meant about watching out for your new employees."
Daniel waved at people as we walked to the table and I recognized a few familiar faces too. People I figured I'd be getting to know better as I settled in.
"Marc, I didn't say a word to Aaron. I swear."
"I did, you just suggested it before I could."
Right after we got our ice cream the lights dimmed and Big Sol walked up on stage. "Gentleman, I've finally stopped saying and ladies," the crowd roared as usual, "tonight is a special show. The stars of our show, The Olson Triplets, have been entertaining you for a while now. Today is their thirteenth birthday and to celebrate they've brought a special guest star into their act.
"Boys, come on out and strut your stuff."
As the music of the Backdoor Boys biggest hit, "Come in me, Come on you" started Lance, Richie and Bobbie ran onto the stage and waved to the audience. Richie and Bobbie grabbed Lance and while Richie sucked his cock Bobbie rimmed his ass.
Now you've got to understand this, a Bobbie rim job is not your ordinary asshole licking or even little insertion. Do you remember that guy in the rock group KISS with that incredibly long tongue? Well the two must share some genes because Bobbie's tongue is incredibly long. He held it out straight, curled it and slowly inserted it up Lances hole and literally and truly tongue fucked him.
The song ended and "Mmmbop" took its place. One of the spots swung to the left and bopping onto the stage came a younger version of the triplets.
"Friends," Lance said, "give a warm welcome to our younger brother, he's ten, he's queer as can be, and the newest member of our act. Here's Frankie."
Once again I prayed that Big Sol had his proofs of age and parental consents in order as the youth strutted back and forth on the stage, gyrating his hips and fondling his breasts and balls. About 4'6" [1.27 m], 80 pounds [36 kg], shoulder length brown hair, deep blue eyes and without a bit of hair on his body.
Frankie slapped Richie's ass and they switched places. Lance's cock was hard and glistening with saliva and younger brother slowly swallowed it down to the balls. He slowly sucked on the boy cock, pulling almost all the way off and then back in. Richie went around and played with Bobbie's cock for a bit and then went behind his baby brother.
Richie stuck first one, then two and then three fingers up Frankie's ass and twisted them around. For a minute I thought he was going to fist fuck him but he pulled out and rammed his rod up the tight, prepubescent asshole. Bobbie stood up and rammed his raging hard on into Lance's ass. This daisy chain kept going for ten very hot minutes.
Lance came first, shooting his load into Frankie's mouth and we watched the cum drip out of the boy's smiling lips. When Lance was finished Richie pulled out and shot all over Frankie's back, coating it from the base of the neck to the ass. Finally it was Bobbies turn. He pulled out and pushed Lance's back till it was flat to the ground. The first shot flew over Lance and landed on Frankie's hair.
Daniel and I led a standing ovation for a fantastic show. When they came into the audience after the show Lance led Frankie to our table and sat him on my lap. "Watch him for us guys, I don't want any of these guys getting their hands on him."
I gave Lance a quick kiss on the cheek. "No problem, come back when your finished." I felt the tiny naked butt wriggling around on my ass. It wouldn't take much of that before I'd shoot my load.
After a half hour or so the triplets returned. Hands full of money. Lance was the last to arrive.
"Thanks baby brother, we had a good birthday because of you."
"Great, now can we have that party you promised?"
"Oh, with my friends back in town I think we can have a better party than we'd planned."
Frankie started bouncing up and down on my lap again and I caught him in mid-bounce. "Settle down boy or I'll waste a load."
He turned and inserted his tongue into my lips. "We wouldn't want that," he said a minute later.
"Want to move the party to the inn?" Daniel asked.
"Not like the last one," Richie said.
"Just the eight of us, OK?"
"We'll lock the money up and be back in a second."
When the triplets emerged they were wearing t-shirts and flip flops. I looked at Lance who only wore clothing in bad weather and he nodded at Frankie while he handed the little boy his clothes.
As we walked back to the inn I felt like the luckiest man alive. I was with the love of my life in a place where loving and having sex with a fourteen year old boy was accepted. And the two of us were going to party with six other boys ranging from ten to thirteen.
Back in the room the Olsons had their shirts off before I had closed the door. I called down for room service and ordered beer, soda and chips. By the time I hung up all seven boys were naked and on the king sized bed. It was impossible to match a given limb with its mate, much less its owner. I stripped and I debated between joining and watching.
I was still thinking it over when there was a knock on the door. Opening it I found myself gazing into the eyes of a luscious redhead dressed only in a loin cloth with the I-B-I logo. "Your order sir. Where would you like it?"
"On the dresser, what's your name?"
"Bruce sir. Is there anything else I can do for you?"
"Call downstairs and tell them you're needed up here to serve."
As he picked up the phone I pulled the Velcro strip and watched it fall revealing a tight, firm ass. He hung up, turned revealing an eight inch [20 cm] long, three inches [7½ cm] thick hunk of boy meat.
"Bring me a beer and one for yourself Bruce."
He brought the two drinks and sat on my lap. I played with his cock as mine swelled against his buns. His free hand found my nipples and played with them as we watched the others.
All the boys but Frankie were sitting in a row on the bed. Frankie was going up the row sucking on each cock for a couple of minutes and then moving to the next. When he reached the end of the bed he ran around to the other side and started over again.
Shawn turned to Bobbie, "Your younger brother's hot but that tongue fucking you did looked so cool. Will you do me?"
Bobbie licked Shawn's face. "First my tongue then my cock?"
The two got off the bed and went by the full length mirror on the closet door. Shawn spread his legs and bent over and grabbed his ankles. Bobbie knelt down and rubbed the newcomers cheeks, smelling them, licking them, kissing them. Finally he spread them apart and let the full length of his tongue come out. After moistening Shawn's crack he started tongue fucking the boy.
Back on the bed Lance and Daniel were in the middle of a hot 69. Frankie was sucking off Richie while being fucked by Chris.
I looked down at the solid piece of meat in my hand, kissed Bruce and said, "Fuck me boy."
He got off my lap, pulled me up by my cock and found an empty space on the floor. "On your back sir and put your legs on my shoulders."
Bruce shoved three fingers up my hole and twisted to loosen me up. After a couple of minutes he pulled out and before my sphincter could react refilled it with his man sized cock. Filled it to the hilt. His head was well past my prostrate and I swear it was pressing against my ball sacks. From the inside!
Over by the mirror Bobbie pulled his tongue out of Shawn's ass and replaced it with his rod. On the bed Richie had moved behind Chris and was fucking him while Chris continued fucking Frankie.
Bruce was as turned on by all this action as I was and started fucking my butt harder and faster every minute. Chris was the first to come which brought off Richie. As soon as they had broken the chain I called Frankie over.
"Sit on my face and let me rim you."
"Yeah man, and then I'll sit on your cock."
"That's the idea little one."
I know I've told you before about the wonderful taste of young boys cocks, balls, etc. There is something different, special, to the taste of a ten year old's. A scent that hasn't been altered by puberty and the hormonal changes it brings. Frankie's, cum filled as it was, still had it and his ass tasted good. So good that I squeezed mine over and over bringing Bruce over the edge, filling my ass with cum.
When Bruce pulled out Frankie squealed, "Goodie, its my turn for a man cock."
I lowered my legs and my cock stood up straight. "Its all yours Frankie."
He sucked on it for a couple of minutes and then squatted over it facing me. Slowly he lowered himself, taking all my manhood inside. When I felt his ass on my bush I let out a moan and he started slowly rising and lowering himself over and over. It didn't take long before I was filling that beautiful boy ass with sperm.
The nine of us ended up in different combinations for the next couple of hours until we finally drifted off to sleep.
When everybody finally woke that morning Daniel and I sent them to Shawn's and Chris's room to shower and dress. When the door closed my lover and I were alone for the first time in a couple of days. I locked the door and lay back on the bed next to him and drew him into my arms.
Our lips met and held for a long luxurious kiss. Hands gently touching loving bodies.
"Welcome to Peckertown," Daniel said.
"It's great to be here."
I thought I caught something in his eyes but it was gone and I started to let it slide.
"It's great to be here, there or anywhere with you. And you alone."
"Mean it?"
I looked into his eyes and remembered that despite everything else I was still dealing with a teen and how fragile that psyche could be. "I mean it with all my heart. Four years from today we will own our house. Promise."
"I'll be eighteen then."
"And I'll be fifty-two and there will still be a thirty-four year difference in our ages. But you know something?"
"What?" He said with a smile.
"It won't make any more of a difference to our love than it does today."
"Not in four years or forty."
The ensuing kiss was passionate and when we broke I brought Daniel into my arms and rested his head on my chest. "I know we both had a good time last night and we said that it was all right to have sex with others as long as it wasn't in our house but did it bother you at all Daniel?"
"Man, what a run on sentence." We both giggled and then silence returned. "Yes and no. I haven't changed my mind about having an open relationship but somehow watching that boy fucking you bothered me."
"I understand. When it was you and Lance it didn't really bother me but watching all the different combos wasn't always fun."
"So no more orgies?"
"At least not with both of us together unless we agree before hand."
"Deal, now lets get dressed and move into our new home."
"Yes honey."
After showering and dressing we got in the car and I pulled out the envelope with the house keys. "174 Davis St. I presume you know where it is."
"174 Davis St! How'd dad get his hands on that one?"
"I don't know but it sounds special. Give me directions and tell me about it while we drive over."
"OK, make a left out of the driveway, make a right at Ron's Corner Store go down two blocks make a right onto Davis and its the fourth or fifth house on the left."
I repeated the directions and Daniel nodded. "OK, you seem to know the house well. Why?"
"We're moving into the home of the Right Reverend Joshua Erickson, former minister of the First Southern Baptist Church of Peckertown. Also the former home of Cody Erickson who made 3rd team All-State in soccer as an eighth grader last year."
"That's where the story begins I guess."
"Ends. Reverend Erickson was one of the leaders of the fight against the law. The only concession they got out of Little Rock was a local option where a city could vote on keeping the sex industry out. Well he talked the city council into putting it on the ballot but by election time the boys and boy-lovers had started coming and it lost by a wide margin."
"Thank God."
"Not quite what Fire & Brimstone Joshua had to say. He pulled up stakes and with as many of his followers as he could get moved to Alabama. He got plenty of offers for the house but vowed it would stay empty rather than be lived in by sin."
"Guess he changed his mind."
"Guess so, but this is where it gets interesting. As I said this was a good Christian family and Rev. Erickson had taught his four boys and two girls that charity begins at home and to help those less fortunate than themselves."
"And that brings us back to Cody."
Daniel nodded. "The boys had started arriving and Cody met one of them, Justin. Fourteen then too but looked younger and really innocent. He'd been thrown out of his home and drifted down here. Cody started talking with him, sneaking him food and then a couple of nights before they were to move he invited Justin to spend the night. Cody and Justin were talking, or so he claimed, when the Reverend came in and caught them in bed together."
"Don't tell me, I can hear him clear enough."
"Your right, he kicked Cody out of the house and left him behind."
"What did he end up doing?"
"Last I heard they're working at a bar right outside of town. He dropped out of sight like he'd gone with his family."
With that we pulled up in front of the house and it was impressive. Large, two stories with a railed in porch. Fresh coat of paint, newly mowed.
"Dad really went all out, The Reverend let it get rundown once they moved out." We sat for a couple of minutes until Daniel got out of the car and stretched. I followed suit and he turned and looked over the top.
Shook his hair.
And let out his Lion roar.
On the front door was the notice that explained one mystery. The Reverend had stopped paying his mortgage and property taxes so it had sold in a Sheriff's sale while we were gone. I unlocked the door and Daniel walked in first. The house, no, our new home was spotless, freshly painted and carpeted.
"I know things are cheaper here than in New Jersey but this must have cost your father a fortune."
"As you'll discover he's worth a big one. Unlike some of my friends we never worried about having enough anything and could always invite them over when things were tight at their homes."
"I guess you were raised in a proper Christian home too."
"Regular Baptist, not Southern. We still go fairly regularly."
"Maybe I'll join you."
"I'd like that. But lets see the rest of the house."
I wondered why I'd brought anything besides clothes and personal mementos from New Jersey. The house was furnished beautifully but simply. Lots of room for our own touches.
Speaking of rooms there were king size beds in each of the four bedrooms. But as we opened closets we saw they'd put Daniel's clothes in one bedroom and mine in the master.
"My parents don't really think?"
"No, but I like that they don't take it for granted that we're going to share the bed. It also says, 'we aren't going to ask and don't want you to tell."
Daniel put his arm around my waist. "I never kiss and tell anyway."
"Uh Huh. Let's get the stuff in from the car and then check out the pool."
It took us two hours to get everything in and put away. We also found the real reason the Jorgenson's had put Daniel's clothes in the other room. The closets and dressers in the master bedroom weren't big enough to hold both of our stuff.
We were drinking sodas we'd found in the fridge when the door bell rang. I opened it cautiously only to find an older lady holding a steaming pie. She reminded me of the neighbor I'd left behind.
"Hi there, I'm Mrs. Maple Thorpe and I live next door." She pointed to the right. "I was so glad they finally sold this house and fixed it up so nice. It'd become such an eyesore. Well, I know you must be busy but I baked you a pie, you know as a welcome to the neighborhood present. I'll just leave it with you and hope to see you around."
"Nonsense Mrs. Thorpe, come on in and have a soda with us. We don't have any coffee in the house yet."
She was past us and looking all around on the way to the kitchen before we could close the door. "You know me and Mrs. Erickson were really close. It was a sad day when they moved away, I mean they wanted me to go to Alabama with them but I've lived here all my life and Mr. Thorpe's buried in the church yard so I wanted to stay near him. And its just Maple, you hear? Is it just the two of you?" She finished as she got three plates down from the cabinet.
"Yes," I said, "I'm Marc Fogel and this is Daniel Jorgenson. We'll be living here together."
"Elija and Francis's boy?"
"Second son ma'am. Mr. Fogel's going to be our business manager and I'm going to be his assistant."
Maple didn't even blink. "So good you're going to learn a trade. Not like so many of these poor boys. Don't get me wrong I don't mind them being here or any of what they do but I used to be a school teacher here and most of these boys don't have any education worth talking about."
No, that wasn't the end of her monologue but she'd gotten me thinking and besides, her apple pie was delicious. When she left two hours later we knew everything about everybody on the block and returned a very clean pie plate.
"I guess we have time to check out the backyard before Mrs. Belami from across the street comes along with her pie and version," I said.
Daniel smiled and deepened his drawl two more levels. "Ya'll behave now boy. This is The South and we take our hospitality and neighborliness seriously. Besides, if Maple and evil ol' Mrs. Belami want to ply us with pies and gossip I don't mind if the pie's that good."
"Ya'll got a point there," I responded in my best fake accent. "Now lets check out the back."
The yard was enclosed by a ten foot high solid fence and stretched back about a hundred yards [90 m]. The in-ground pool was about twenty yards [20 m] from the end of the porch and at least twenty-five yards [25 m] long. "Is the fence new?" I asked while I took it all in.
"No, the Reverend, like most people around here, was of the good fences make good neighbors way of thinking. He just took it a little higher than most."
I took his hand and we walked down to the pool. It was full of sun heated water with a half dozen lounge chairs around the side. I pulled my young love close to me and kissed him gently on the lips.
"Lion, this is so much more than I ever expected when I came down here on vacation. To find you, your family, the job and house of my dreams. Much more than I ever dreamt."
He bit my nipple.
"Youch, I know its not a dream. I could never dream you up."
"You're what I was looking for too Marc. I didn't want to settle down with someone like Lance or Billy Ray. Nice kids and I love them but they're just boys and I wanted, needed somebody more mature who could appreciate me for more than my body and I didn't think was a gold digger."
We embraced and kissed long and passionately. I'd love to tell you what happened next, but I think there's something private about the first time you and your lover have sex in your new home. Suffice it to say we ended up floating naked in the pool. Very tired and very happy.
The next morning we crawled out of our bed, showered and padded down to the kitchen. We investigated cupboards and found some corn flakes and bread to go with the milk and butter in the refrigerator.
I looked across the table and saw the boy I had fallen in love with. Lion was sitting there running his fingers through his long black hair, occasionally shaking it out of his eyes. As I'd thought our first night a true, natural beauty. Inside and out.
Our eyes met and his smile grew a little. "Happy?" He asked.
"Oh yes, very happy."
A bigger smile.
"You've got to get to work. My dad does most of the office work before the lunch crowd and he'll expect you by eleven."
"I'll call and set up a time while you clean up the kitchen. What I'd like to do is drive around and see the various properties I don't know about and the closed hotel by the slave barracks."
"One, we never use the word slave outside of the club or when dealing with the boys who work there."
"Secondly, how did you know there was more that you hadn't seen."
"In the old South land meant wealth and vice-versa. I just figured that you own some of these buildings and just rent them out."
"Uncle Ezekiel, who owns the bank, actually has most of those investments. Though you'll probably find some joint ownerships when you get into that."
"Are you sure you're just learning this end?"
"Aaron was always the hands on type. Kristen loves to cook and Benjy. Well Benjy is Benjy and has enough responsibilities on his hands for a ten year old. I've always been into numbers and organizing. This is truly a family business."
"Now lets go run it."
On the wall by the phone was a list of numbers and I dialed the office.
Upstairs I reached for my suit but stopped when Daniel asked if I wanted to be laughed out of town. I still took slacks and a dress shirt but left the noose, I mean tie, and jacket home. The first place we went was a huge warehouse on the outskirts of town by the Interstate. There were a dozen company names over the different doors, sixty cars in the lot and a third of the bays had trucks backed in, including eighteen-wheelers.
From there we got on the interstate for about five miles [8 km] and pulled into a truck stop. Daniel pointed out its mate on the other side of the highway and nodded. Next exit was a strip mall with a pizza place, supermarket and a couple of clothing stores.
"This is purely a rental property and there's another one on the other end of town," Daniel said, "let's head over to the hotel. It's the next exit."
I pointed at a seedy restaurant on the other corner.
"No, that's not ours. I think that's where Cody works though. Come on, we don't have much time."
I put my arm on his shoulder.
"Next time, I promise. OK Marc?"
"Fine love. Let's go."
It was 10:50 when we arrived at the small office building across the street from the Tasty Buns restaurant. Daniel pointed to a spot in front of the end office and we pulled in.
"Yes, we own this one too. I'm going across the street for something to drink. Come get me when your done."
I waited till he was safely across the street. OK, there isn't much traffic but you always watch out for the one you love.
The front door opened onto a maple paneled reception area with one door in the back and a hallway leading off to the right. It was furnished with a matching desk which came with a pretty young lady.
"Welcome to Jorgenson Enterprises. Can I help you?" She asked.
"Hello, I'm Marc Fogel."
She got up before I could continue and came around. "It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Fogel. I'm Margaret Jorgenson, Ezekiel's daughter. My aunt's had such nice things to say about you."
"It's a pleasure to meet you and call me Marc please. I'm sure we're going to work well together."
"I'm looking forward to it. Is it true Daniel's coming to this side to work too?"
"Yes, I hope that's not a problem."
"Not now, don't tell him I told you but when he was younger he had such a crush on me it was embarrassing. Now before I keep talking Elija is waiting for you." She glanced at the switchboard. "Go on in he's not talking to anybody."
"Thanks Margaret, see you later."
I took a deep breath and reached for the knob and the door opened.
"Hi Marc, I see you've met Margaret. Where's Daniel?"
"Across the street, I guess he took your wanting to talk to me literally."
"Good, he's always been a good listener. Now come on in and lets talk."
The 'talk' lasted about two hours and ended only when Kristen called that they needed him to help cook. Without going into details we were on the same page and he even agreed with my thoughts about the shuttered hotel.
Elija showed me my office and Daniel's smaller but adjoining one down the hallway. There was a small conference room and a bathroom across the hall. The three offices and conference room were all decorated in light woods as well.
As we walked back into the lobby the outer door opened and two neatly dressed boys walked in. Both gorgeous, about fourteen and athletic. One blonde with freckles on his nose and one with long brown hair. Definitely not whores or even newly arrived runaways. I looked at Elija and saw amazement in his eyes.
He reached out his hand and took the blonde boy's hand. "Why as I live and breath its good to see you Cody. Everything work out all right after the auction?"
"Hello Mr. Jorgenson. Yes it did and I want to thank you and your brother for arranging everything."
"Well you deserve it. How are you Justin?"
"Fine sir," the brown haired boy mumbled.
"Good, look why don't you come across the street and say hello to everybody. They'd love to see you."
Cody fidgeted and glanced at Justin. "Maybe another time sir," Cody said. "What we really came for is to make an appointment and get some advice, maybe some help."
"Sure boys, I can't right now since they need me across the street. Shoot, where are my manners. This is Marc Fogel, my new general manager. Why don't you talk to him now and if he thinks there's something to go with we'll take it from there."
"Fine Mr. Jorgenson, thank you again," Cody said.
"I'll see you later Marc," Elija said and winked.
I led the boys to the conference room and we sat around the table. Margaret came in with a pad and pen for me as well as three sodas.
To tell the truth I was feeling good. Just starting and my boss was showing some confidence in me. All right the fact that I had two cute boys across the table from me helped as well.
"I'm glad to meet you Cody, Justin. Daniel's told me a little bit about you."
Cody blushed a little and Justin glanced in his direction. "How is Daniel?" Cody asked.
"He's fine. The two of us are living in your old house. Its quite a place."
"Mr. Fogel, I think we should keep this professional," Justin said.
"Fine, but please keep it Marc. Now what's your idea?"
"You may not know but after paying off the bank note and taxes owed Cody cleared just over ten thousand dollars."
"You got the money Cody?"
A brief smile crossed his lips and it lit up his face. "Well since my family left the state and 'nobody knows where they are' I was the only one legally available to receive it."
"Good for you. Please continue."
"Thanks," Justin said, "for the last year we've been working at this small bar outside of town right off the highway by the mall."
"I've seen it."
"Well our boss, Mr. Granger, heard about the windfall and offered to sell it to us. Between the house money and what we've saved we can swing the purchase but it would leave us with nothing to fix up the place. We'd like to make it into a sports bar. Get some satellite dishes and show the games on a few sets. Peckertown doesn't have anything like it and we think it'd work."
"What kind of business does the place do now?"
"Gets by I guess. Its never packed, its mostly locals who want a non-sex place." Cody answered. "Its just been let go so badly that nobody but regulars go there."
"Look, I'll come out tonight and get a look at the place. Treat me like any other customer. Then we'll talk again."
"Thanks Marc, you'll see it can work." Cody said.
I thought for a moment. "Look boys, you've got to keep this secret but I've got an alternative for you. You know the closed Holiday Inn an exit up from your place."
"Yes," Cody said, "they made Mr. Jorgenson close it after the law changed."
"Well we're talking about reopening it soon and there's room for a restaurant and a separate bar. I want you to think about opening, lets see 'Cody's Sports Bar and Grill' there instead."
"We'd run it the way we want to?"
"We'll discuss things but I don't imagine there'd be any real problems."
"Don't take this the wrong way but we don't want another sex place. No nude busboys or sex shows." Cody said.
"Fine, as I said I'll see you tonight and we'll meet again tomorrow morning at ten and you can tell me what you think and what your plans are."
Cody looked at Justin who nodded. "Sounds good, but you might want to dress a little more casual tonight."
"Fine, I'll see you then." We got up and shook hands.
I escorted them out of the conference room only to find Margaret gone and Daniel sitting behind the reception desk.
The two teens stared at each other. Justin and I instinctively backed away.
Cody broke the silence. "Good to see you Daniel. How you been?"
"Fine, you?" You could hear the anger.
"OK, busy working." Cody replied nervously.
Daniel stood and walked around the desk. "Too busy to come and say hello to your best friend. Oh that's right, you can't be friends with a faggot, can you? Willing to throw a lifetime of being pals away because I'm gay."
"Daniel, that's not fair."
"Its the truth."
"Yes, but that was before I met Justin, before my father moved away."
"If you've changed your mind why didn't you come see me?" Daniel's tone softened a little to bitter questioning. I could see tears beginning on both boys' cheeks.
"Shame, shame on how my father treated this town. Shame over how I'd treated my best friend in the whole world." Cody closed the gap between him and Daniel. "Forgive me Dan Dan, I'm sorry about what I said, how I acted, everything. Please."
Daniel looked at Justin. "Are you happy with Justin?"
Daniel looked at me and I nodded.
"I'm sorry too Cody. I should have made an effort after your family deserted you." Daniel held out his hand and Cody took it and they hugged.