Giorgii WilliamsChanging History |
SummaryThis is a sci-fi, interracial, historical, adult/youth story it deals with time travel, changing history, southern platations, northern factories or sweat shops, sex and love between pre-teen and teen boys. All of the historicaly correct names and places had nothing to do with the main characters in the story, they were used only to make the story look more real, rather then just a sex fest with no purpose or goal in mind. With that out of the way let's get on with the story.The story is set in pre-civil war America and takes past the civil war period. Inspiration comes from both Stampley plantation and Seaward plantation. The main twists are that the confederacy wins the war and Lincoln is assassinated before he declares emancipation of slaves. Another twist is that there will be some time travel from our time to the past n some sideline characters will also travel back to present time.
Publ. Aug 2007-
3; (Black Boy Addiction); this site Oct 2007-
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CharactersSebastian "Seby" Morgan (6yo as the story really starts), his slave boy Joseph "JoJo" (6 yrs. older than Seby) and JoJo's brother Jackson (15 als the story starts).Category & Story codesBoy-Slave story/19th centuryMb tb bb – cons oral anal mast rim – interr (Explanation) |
DisclaimerIf you're underage, it is illegal to read erotic fantasies in your country, state/province, city, household, your countries thought police has banned reading politicaly incorrect fantasies. PLEASE STOP NOW! This story is pure fantasy, it has been scraped from the farthest, darkest reaches of the authors dirty mind. The story involves man/pre-teen boy, man/teen boy, boy/boy, pre-teen boy/teen boy, pre-teen boy/teen girl, pre-teen boy/female, interracial sex, if these subjects offend your hollier then thou mind set, please leave before we are forced to send the thought police to confiscate all your erotic fantasies, including those in your own dirty mind. |
Author's noteThis story is copyrighted so please do not sell it for profit or gain, you can post it to newsgroups or yahoo or google groups, but please post it in its entirety.Enjoy this labor of love and fantasy. Comments can be addressed to the writer at kelticelfster(at)gmail(dot)com or using this feedback form, please mention the story title in the subject line.
I would like to thank Johnny for his skillfull editing in making the prologue more believable and realistic. |
PrologueSeptember 11, 2007 - 5:40am PST. Three nuclear explosions detonate in Northern California.- 5:45am PST. Northern California is hit by the biggest earthquake in recorded history, measuring 17.25 on the Richter scale. Aftershocks continue for 12 hours with the smallest aftershock registering 10.4 on the Richter scale. From Santa Cruz to Eureka and east to the I-5 corridor, California sinks into the Pacific Ocean. The highest peaks of the coastal range now make a chain of small uninhabited islands. Mt. Lassen & Mt. Shasta erupt. - 9:00pm EST. President Bush and Vice-President Cheney address the nation in a national broadcast that preempts all other programing on all channels including the premium movie channels. They blame the California disaster on Iran, Syria, Iraqi Shite rebels and Al'Qaida and vow to make the Muslims pay for their audacity. President Bush declares Martial Law. All incoming and outgoing international flights are cancelled. All borders are secured from entry or exit. Vice-President Cheney announces mandatory draft for all males from the ages of 16 to 30 and that includes all the illegal aliens. Muslims and people of middle eastern descent are to be rounded up and put in special camps. September 12, 2007 - 10am EST. President Bush disbands, the Senate and Congress and takes full command of the country until the crisis is over. - 5:30pm EST on the front lawn of the White House a memorial service is held for the millions dead from the California disaster. President Bush vows to exterminate Muslims from the face of the earth. September 13, 2007 - 9:00am PST. A black bulletproof Chrysler 300 leaves the top secret headquarters of OSSI in Seattle. Fifty-nine year old hacker Ghost Worm leans back in his chair and stares at the monitor, the information he just lifted from Langley's Cray Super computers most secret and secure area confirmed his suspicions of a government conspiracy and cover up. He knew his theft was not spotted, he also knew that people like him would be hunted down by the imposed regime even though he was a relic of times gone by, he was still considered dangerous in the eyes of the new government. He set his computer to burn all the information gathered concerning the California massacre onto a CD and then have it completely wiped out of his puter. He stood up and stretched his 6'4" frame, his blue eyes ablaze, at 59 he still looked like he was early or mid thirties, he was in great physical shape by doing his martial arts exercises and running. Back in days gone by and mainly forgotten he had been part of a highly specialized commando unit in Vietnam, a unit that never existed in any military records. Fifty men with no names, no records, no future but death, somehow he and three others had survived Nam. His knowledge of various forms of martial arts, proficiency with any kind of weapon, his fluent command of at least 20 languages and his ability to blend into any surrounding enhanced by an inbred survival instinct helped him to make it back home. One of the survivors vanished into the jungles of the Amazon Basin disgusted with the governments sell out of thousands of POW's. He, code name Rasputin, due to his Russian heritage, and the other two survivors of The Blood Red Diamond joined their commanding officer as agents for OSSI. In late 70's after a dangerous but successful mission to end the traffic of heroin through Mexico, he retired from the agency by going MIA. Having remained invisible for 30 years, he had started to feel safe, but not anymore, not now, not with the facts that he knew. He had to vanish for good this time, time was of essence, the government was bound to locate him and hunt him down because his skills and knowledge were a constant threat to their survival. - 9:35am PST. The car pulls into the driveway of a nondescript house in one of the many towns north of Seattle. The door is opened by the ex-agent, his right hand is behind his back holding a cocked and loaded Vietnam era government issue Colt 45 automatic pistol. He greets his old comrade from Nam Killjoy, his voice and face not showing his misstrust. He leads the two OSSI agents to his basement living room, the 45 now visible. Killjoy now a Col. in the agency did not give the pistol a second look, the other agent a green newbie, whose only combat experience was probably playing war simulation games on his computer could not take his eyes of the cocked 45. "Rasputin we need you to return to active duty. There is need for your talents and gifts in what would be your most challenging assignment." spoke Col. Killjoy. "If you're talking about exterminating the mass murderers Bush, Cheney and their cabinet, that is no challenge but a pleasure." retorts the ex-agent. "What do you know and what proof do you have of their involvement in the disaster?" asks Capt. Opus. "Two years ago, President Bush and Vice-President Cheney requested a special study to be conducted by their most ardent supporters among the top seismologists. The purpose of the study was to find out which would be the most dangerous spots in the various northern California fault lines, in case terrorists tried to force major earthquakes in the state. The study was finished three months ago and the Top Secret report sent directly to President Bush. I have a copy of that report." "How does requesting the report involve them in the act of terrorism?" queries Capt. Opus. "Terrorists did not have access to the knowledge of the most devastating junctions of the various fault lines, nor would they have had the resources needed to place the nuclear devices right at the junctions of San Andreas & Humboldt fault, Humbolt and North Calaveras faults and San Andreas and Calaveras fault after it joined with the Hayward fault. The reason for that is that the explosives were placed underground right at the junctions of the fault lines and not above ground where terrorists might have had access." replied Rasputin. "Also there is are a few memos from the White House to the head of the CIA with explicit instructions to disrupt those same convergence spots with nukes stolen from the Soviet government after it's fall." continued the ex-agent. "Will the two of you quit discussing irrelevant data, we all know the President, Vice-President, their cabinet and the CIA were involved in the California massacre. We have more important things to discuss." cut in Col. Killjoy. "Rasputin you will need to report to HQ in Vermont, where Gen. DuPoupon will brief you on your assignment. What I can tell you is that you will be sent back in time to change American history by making sure the Confederacy wins the war, Lincoln is assassinated before he signs the Emancipation act and that ancestors responsible for beginning certain present day families are exterminated with extreme prejudice before they have any offspring's. This is a nutshell description of your assignment." informs Col. Killjoy. "Sounds interesting, now how do I get to HQ assuming flying is out of the question?" "You will be provided with a bulletproof Dodge Hennessy Viper powered by a prototype 545cid. 10cylinder Hemi with twin turbos, fully armed with front and rear machine guns, radar jamers and our own prototype cloaking device. Speed is of essence before we get involved in WWIII and destroy the world in a massive nuclear war. I presume you will have no need of weapons." says Col. Killjoy. "You are right on that bro, I always maintain a small arsenal at all times. So when do I collect the car and depart?" I ask. "As soon as we get to our local office, debrief you, supply you with cash and some necessary gadgets." Informs Opus. He does look like the penguin Opus from the comic strips muses Rasputin. "Your belongings will be moved to a safe place awaiting your return. Now pack what you will need for the trip east, do not pack anything for the time trip since you will not be able to take anything with you." Drones Killjoy. 1:00pm PST. A dark blue Dodge Viper with tinted glass all around peels out of the OSSI HQ in Seattle.
Here ends the prologue, most likely making people wonder what it has to do with an erotic sci-fi/fantasy story set in the U.S.A. before the civil war. There will also be parts of the story that might not make much sense as to why they are there or why they were given more then a sentence. I promise that as the story progresses, a lot of it will make more sense, since some of those people will return to the story. Also I am trying to give some credibility to the story by using real people, places and events when possible. For instance in chapter 1 you will hear about the main characters grandparents and a mention of some of his great-grandparents. Some of them like Col. Edwin Drake did exist and he was an astute businessman, he actually owned the first oil field in Pennsylvania 1859, as he will in the story. Another real person is Eliphalet Remington who did start the Remington gun company in 1816 and who had a son named Eliphalet Remington Jr. who was an excellent gunsmith, both of them will be featured later in the story. Also try to remember that in 1800's people got married a lot younger then they do now. For a girl of 15 to marry a man of 20 or 30 was not uncommon, so people in their early thirties could quite possibly be gran parents. Not sure how good my story writing skills are, but doing the research for the story, getting important dates, names, places and other facts to add some realism to the story is time consuming but quite fun, since I am learning a lot about pre-civil war history and even geography. Hey I had to make sure most the locations existed and if you look at the maps you will find them there. For instance Morgan & Coosaw Islands do exist and they are near a town called Wilkins. This will mainly be an erotic fantasy, but it will have some facts and dates that are important to the overall story.
Chapter 1There is a saying about priviledged kids being, "Born with a silver spoon." In my case, it would be more accurate to say, "Born with an 18carat Gold spoon in each hand"April 30, 1823 - A boy is born in Boston, Massachusetts, he was 11" [28 cm] long and weighted 10.5lbs [4,700 grams], blue eyes that changed from baby blue to practically navy blue. His parents Mary Louise Drake daughter of Col. Edwin Drake a career military man and astute business man and Sophia Remington daughter of Eliphalet Remington of the Remington gun company and industries. His father was James Allen Morgan middle child of Raymond P. Morgan, a direct descendant of the pirate Captain Morgan and Constance E. Lafitte heiress to the Lafitte Sugar cane plantations in Louisiana and descendant of the Pirate Lafitte . The boy was called Sebastian Marcus Lafitte Drake Remington Morgan, at that time he did not know the vast fortunes he was going to inherit nor the heavy responsibilities that were going to be placed on him. He was quite content snuggling to his mother and sleeping, oblivious to the part he would play in reshaping the history of the country he was born in. When Sebastian Marcus was three months old his parents took him on a trip to introduce him to his various great-grandparents and to his paternal grandparents, having already met his maternal grandparents who lived closed by in Boston. He was a quiet boy rarely crying or waking his parents in the middle of the night. Seby's great-grandparents were very pleased with this addition to their families. His ready smile, sparkling blue eyes and affectionate nature endeared him to all his great-grandparents who lavished him with toys, gifts and bank accounts. Before he was one year old Sebastian had more money in his bank accounts and various trust funds then an average northerner could ammass in a lifetime of working and saving. The family came to Morgan Island in South Carolina when Seby was ten months old, he instantly captured the hearts of his paternal grandparents and soon after became their pride and joy. A few days after their arrival on Morgan Island, where his gran-father grew indigo and extracted the dye, the boy was introduced to the plantation slaves as Master Raymond's heir and future Master of Morgan Island. His mother and granma sat in Whicker chairs placed near the steps to the house, Master Raymond stood to the left of the chairs to greet the nigger slaves and introduce his heir. The boys father was nowhere to be found, unless one went to the wine cellar. The boy being held either by his mother or granma, smiled to all the well wishers but being an active baby, it was tiring just laying there while the huge line of over 300 slaves wound it's way by him. He was starting to fall asleep when a young nigger boy, about 6 years of age aproached. Something happened, because Sebastian suddenly extended his arms towards the slave boy, since his granma was still holding him, he started to cry and wiggle until Missus Morgan gave him into the arms of the nigger boy. Once in Joseph arms, Seby wrapped his small arms around the boys neck and giggled. When his mother and then granma tried to pry him from Josephs arms he would not let go and started crying, so they let a nigger slave boy hold the heir of Morgan Island as the procession of well wishers wound its way to the end. The boy only let go of Joseph when it was time for his mother to feed him and then put him to sleep but even then the slave had to be next to him and holding his hand. When Seby woke up the next morning and not seeing the slave next to him he threw the biggest and only tantrum in his life, repeating JoJo between sobs, he could already say mama. His granma had Joseph called to the House for nany and babysitting duty. Thus started a relationship between two boys, one the heir of many fortunes, the other a poor nigger slave, but in the hearts of both boys they were brothers. Seby learned to walk and run with JoJo's help, got potty trained by his big brother, for that is how he saw JoJo in his mind and heart. Shortly after his first birthday his parents left for Boston, he stayed with his granparents on Morgan Island. Those were some of the happiest times in his life, the boys were inseparable. Joseph was being taught how to write, read, speak proper english and mathematics, his education being done in secret, since in SC it was forbiden by law to educate a nigger slave or freeman. Mr. Morgan had hired a qualified tutor Mr. Killroy, from Boston on Col. Drakes reference. During the lessons Sebastian would sit quietly and listen to everything, then flood JoJo with questions. When Seby was two he started being tutored together with JoJo. His granpa had a chinese gardener who took care of the atrium, greenhouse and the gardens, when the boy was three he saw the gardener practicing something and tried to immitate his moves but kept falling down because he tried to do it faster then Mr. Lieu. Mr. Shien Lieu was the son of the prominent Lieu family of Great Britain and China, his grand parents had come to England from China to expand their gardening empire. Mr. Shien Lieu had come to America to help expand the families empire and also to learn about diferent plants, flowers and vegetation indiginous to the North American continent. Tai Chi has been a family tradition going back a few centuries. He was a Master at it just like his father and eldest son, who incedently was the gardner at the Morgan and Drake estates in Boston, Mr. Shien got the job at the Morgan plantation on the advice of Sophia who suggested him to Constance. So at the tender age of three, and JoJo being nine the boys began to learn Tai Chi. Life was good on the plantation there were plenty of slave boys and girls around Seby's age that he played catch the nigger, pirates, had races, waded and learned to swim with in the local creek. He was a very smart boy, when not playing with other kids, he and JoJo could be found on the veranda reading. At his granma's insistance his parents enrolled him in the exclusive Boston's Academy for Young Gentlemen at the age of five. School was not a pleasant experience for Seby, academically he did better then kids older then him, socially he was an outcast, being picked on by older bullies, ridiculed as a bookworm or teachers pet by other students. He did his best to avoid any confrontations, yet a month into the school year an older boy poured a glass of milk on Sebastian, as they say "that was the straw that broke the camels back." He stood up, wiped the milk from his eyes and faced the seven year old bully Tom Wilson. "You're brave enough when your servants are close by to help, but are you man enough to fight a younger kid one on one, without your servants holding his arms?" Spat Seby The bully laughed and made deregatory remarks about Sebastian. "As I thought, you're a yellow bellied coward who can only fight someone if your sidekicks are pinning the other boys arms and holding his legs so he can't fight back. You're nothing but a cowardly bully" said Georg his blue eyes starting to turn as dark as a night sky. The gathered kids started laughing at the bully, and calling him a yellow belly. "You wanna fight me bookworm? bet you don't even know how to make a fist." laughed the older boy. "Try me yellow belly, and see who stands last." Spat out Sebastian. Thanks to his TaiChi training he went with the right hand punch delivered by the bully, he let the punch connect and draw some blood from his lip. Sebastian smiled. "You drew first blood, now I destroy you." he said as he went into his attack stance in Tai Chi. That brough laughter form all the kids gathered around the combatants. The fight did not last long before the director stepped in. Sebastian had a swolen and partially bloody lip, the bully had one black eye in the making, his nose was broken, most of his upper body had bruises and he was missing two front teeth. Both boys earned a whipping, then were sent home with notes for their parents. At home his mama and nanny fussed over his swolen lip and were proud of him for standing up to the bully. His father who was drunk as usual, gave him a spanking and a lecture at the top of his voice. The bully was the governors son, and due to pressure from the governors office, his parents were politely asked to find another school for their son. His grand and great-grand parents upon hearing of the incident became outraged and pulled all kinds of financial and political strings to have the governors son expelled from the school. Granma Drake being the editor and owner of the daily Boston Herald wrote scalding articles about the governor and his bully son. Many children who had been intimidated and bullied by Tom came forward with their parents to tell their stories of how the school and governors office hushed any complaints about his son. The school director who himself was in hot water for covering up Tom's bullying, recommended a tutor for Sebastian saying that the boy was more advanced in his studies then children three or four years older then him. The bad publicity from the bully affair and many lawsuits filed by irrate parents in an election year cost the governor his bid for re-election and forced him into the poor house. The tutor Mr. DuPont proved to be a great addition to the Morgan household, his knowledge was vast and he never tired of the countless questions the boy had for him. The man seemed to have knowledge beyond the times they were in, it was almost as if he knew the future. Seby was doing very well in his studies under the tutelage of Mr. McReady. School was over and it was now the begining of summer vacation. His mama told him to go find Abel, their black house servant, and see if he had the packing done. Lil Seby looked everywhere and found him in the servants bath, near the stables. The bath house where the white folks bathed was behind the house with a much nicer tub, tiled floors and benches. When Seby walked in the bath place Abel was standing in the big tub soaping himself up and did not hear or see the boy enter the bath. Now Seby was a wordly boy for only 6, he had seen a lot of niggers, boys and girls naked but they were all pickaninnies not grown up like Abel. The man had a very long, very fat and very black cock swinging between his legs with a huge nutsack underneath. Seby didn't know any of the words for those things, to him it was a peepee. He had seen JoJo naked since forever and always liked to look at him but never knew why, but now with this man standing there he just knew he had to see and know more. Then Abel saw him and had a big smile for the boy, all the servants loved lil Seby, he was so sweet and never mean to them even though at 6 he was still their master just like his papa. "Lo there lil massa, what you doin out here?" asked Abel stroking his meat while soaping it. "Mama wants ta know ifin you done packin up the stuff likeen she tole you to Mr Abel"? asks Seby his eyes glued to the mans peepee. "Yessuh I shore is all done wit that stuff lil massa, you tell yo Mama so" replied the servant with a smile noticing where the boy was looking. Thinking fast, not wanting to miss a chance to get close to this nude man Seby said. "I tell her Mr Abel but she also said for you to give me a bath out here too. I run up to the house and tell her and come right back, don't leave now Mr Abel" Quick as a flash the boy was back in the bath, Abel was just sitting in the tub thinking how cute the lil white boy was. He had bred many a nigger wench and also had his share of nigger boys and bucks and not a few white boys too but never had he been with a boy like lil Seby. "Well don't jus stan there boy get them things off you and git over here in the tub with Abel." "Yesssir Mr Abel" Replied Seby as he quickly striped off his short pants and shirt, he was as he most always was barefoot. Abel saw his tiny lil white willy, no more then an inch and half [4 cm] long, uncut as he himself was. Now in Africa it was the custom to cut the foreskin off of boys when they started to show signs of manhood, cockhair and such but Abel was born in america, right on the island plantation and that practice was banned by his masters. Abel's father had been a proud Watusi warrior and he taught him as many native customs as he could, including the Watusi Warrior secret way to help their cocks grow long and thick. Seby went to the tub and Abel reached down and lifted him up and in. The water only came to Abel's mid thighs but was almost up to Seby's chest. "Lets get you all washed up now boy" Abel said as he began to wash the little white boy. Lord his skin was so smooth and soft, Abel couldn't help himself and got a big hard-on. Almost 14 inches [35 cm] of thick nigger manhood, his cockhead showing out from under his generous foreskin. Seby felt something big and hard poke him in the belly which was under water and ask "Whats that Mr Abel?" "I's sorry lil massa, thats be Abels cock." "Cock?, whats a cock Mr Abel" asks the curious boy. With a laugh Able said "Whys that whats you call your peepee lil massa." "Fack is, I feel yous got you a hard peepee too, whys that boy?" "I think because of your big thing poking me in belly Mr Abel, I never seen one like yous got, its got hair around it and everything and your things under it are so big." Taking a chance Abel asked "you like that lil massa?" "Oh yes mr Abel I think its nice." replied the boy happily. Abel was still washing the boy and he let his hand move between the tiny butt cheeks to wash out the little hole, he let the tip of his finger probe in to clean out any shit the boy may have missed when he last wiped himself. "Oh oh that feels good Mr Abel what you doing?" asks Seby wiggling on the finger. "I's jus cleaning your hole for you boy, you like that?" "It feel funny, but kind of good when you do that." says the boy continuing to wiggle his behind. Abel finished washing the boy but kept running his hands all over the small white body. "You want to feel something else that feel good lil massa?" Abel asked with a catch in his voice. "Whats that Mr Abel?" With out answering Abel lifted the boy up and turned him around and began to wash the tigh boy hole with his long pink tongue while he fingered the boys hard little pricklet. "Oh Mr Abel isn't that nasty?" squeals Seby. "No boy, not ifn it feel good it ain't nasty at all" and with that he turned the boy and took his small cock and tiny balls in his mouth and sucked untill Seby began to jump and jerk in his arms saying, "no Mr Abel I's goaan pee in your mouth , I gots to pee bad." moans Seby. "That ain't pee boy you jus let it go" and with that Seby had the first dry orgasm of his young life. When it was over and Abel had stepped out of the tub with the boy still in his arms Seby asked "What was that Mr Abel, what happen to me." "You jus took a step to being a man lil massa and someday you do that you shoot out the baby making seed." Seby looked at him like he was crazy and said "What you mean, all that comes out of there is my pee." "yesuh for now but when you reach a bit older age then you make seed and it come outta your pecker." "Do you make that seed Mr Abel?" Smiling Abel said " I shore do boy." "Can I see you do that Mr. Abel?" "You can do moren that boy you can help me, now you put your hand on my pecker and move it back and forth." Seby finaly got to do what he wanted to since he first saw the nigger in the tub naked and without hesitation he put his little hand on the big cock, of course his fingers wouldn't go around the big dick. "No boy like this" and Abel placed his hand over the boys and showed him how to milk his fat cock. Seby wasn't content with that and he moved his hand into the black kinky bush that Able had and ask if he would get a cock like that someday and have kinky hair there. "Well boy sum day whens yous older you will get a bigger cock and hair but mos likely yo cock be smaller and yo hair be soft." "Whys that Mr Abel?" "Well boy it seems like niggers got bigger cocks and kinker hair then white folks do, spessaly Watusi Warriors." "Then I want to be a nigger Watusi warrio Mr Abel" "No boy I don't think you do but yo can play with Abels cock all yo wants to." By now Abel was stroking his cock hard and fast, "look boy here cums my seed boy watch it now, aaaaiiiieeeee" he cried as his cum flew all over young Seby. Seby jumped back but watched every drop fly from the big cock. "Oh Mr Abel you think I can do that too?" "Someday boy someday" and Abel took his hand and wiped some cum off Seby and put his finger to Seby's mouth. "Lick this boy and see how good it taste." Seby did as he was told and licked the finger clean and when Abel got more on his hand Seby licked it all up. "Yo like that lil massa?" "Yessuh I do" replied Seby. "Then why do'n you lick it from my cock?' Seby looked up at Abel to see if he meant he could really taste the big cock and when he saw Abel nod and smile he stuck out his lil tongue and lapped up the bit still on the semi-hard cock. As soon as his tongue hit Abel cockhead he began to get hard again and told Seby to suck him and put his mouth over the big cock. "Yes boy thats it, lick and suck ole Abels cock, put you mouth on it boy and Abel give you a whole loit of his seed." Of course Seby could barely get the head in his mouth but he did and sucked like it was his mama tit untill Abel told him to open up and shot another big load of cum into the boy's mouth. There was way more then he could swallow but he tried his best and then licked up all he missed. "Did I do good Mr Abel." he ask the big colored man. "Yo did fine lil man, jus fine." "Mr Abel you remember when you did thet thing to my backside, can you do that sum more, that was fun?" Well next to fucking a hot nigger wench or lil boy ass there was nothing Able like better then licking out a sweet boy hole but he decided to get the boy to realy like sex. So he laid the boy on the floor, started kissing, licking, nibling the boys tiny nips, he gave Sebys pits a long swipe with his tongue. Seby was moaning and trashing under the man. "My backside, Mr. Abel, put yo tongue an finger in there, pleeeeeeeease Sir." moaned Seby. Abel buried his face in the boys ass and licked away, he slid one finger in to the first knuckle. It was enought that Seby had his second ever dry orgasam. While the boy calmed down Abel continued fingering the boy's hole and Seby told him how much he liked that and Abel told him someday he would do something he would like even more. "Whats that suh?" the ever polite boy said. "I put my big pecker in there and corn hole yo lil boy hole" Abel told him. "You like my tongue and finger in you so much yo goanna love my cock in you." "Teach me bout corn holin now Mr. Abel, Pleeeease, teach me now." "No boy if I do it now you be hurt bad and then ole Abel be in big trouble, you papa either kill me or send me back souf an sell me, then we never be able to do these thing again, we wait till you a lil bigger, then ole Abel corn hole you proper. But now I gots to get you cleaned up again or your mama wonder what you do down here so long. Yo don't tell nobody what we do here no you hear me boy cause I be in a heap of trouble if you tell anybody, you promise me now." "I promise Mr Abel I won't tell if you promise to do those thing to me again and let me play with yo big pecker and then put it in my hole for me." "Mr. Abel yo say Watusi warrio have bigger cocks, why that?" "Dat be cause, theys have secret way to beat they cocks to make em longer n thicker, my papa showed me when I is a boy." "Will yo show me how Mr. Abel? Please, please, I'll suck yo cock an this time leave in my mouth when yo make ur seed, I wanna swallow all of it." pleads Seby and gives Mr. Abel his best lil puppy dog eyes. Abel can't resist the boys plea, so he sits the boy on his lap, his hardening cock, wedged in the white butt crack and slowly shows Seby what his papa taught him, he does it for a time then has the boy do it to see if he learned it. Seby is very smart and learns quickly. Abel stops Seby before he has another orgasm, lays down on the floor and has Seby lay on top of him, with the boys head above his hard warrior dick. Tells Seby to start sucking, while he uses his tongue and then a finger to fuck his white boy. After each of them have another mind blowing orgasm, Abel cleans Seby up with a cloth and sends him home. Seby races back home with only his undies on, jumps in his bed and starts to pump his willy the way he just learned from Mr. Abel, hoping that his willy will get as big as Mr. Abel's someday, he thinks about his big bro Jojo, wonders if has hairs round his pecker, does he make seed yet, and what will it taste like. He bets that Jojo's seed will taste lots better then Mr. Abel's. Maybe he can have Jojo corn hole him that'd be nice, he falls asleep dreaming of all the fun he will have on the island with Jojo and the other lil nigger boys they play with.
I WOULD LIKE TO THANK DAVE for his invaluable help in making this a better story with his tireless efforts to edit, help write parts here and there where I was stuck brain dead, for pointing out things to me that would make the story more believeble. Without Dave's help with this chapter poor Seby would have never been corn holed and would have missed on all the fun he had. |
Chapter 2The train ride from Boston to Wilkins seemed to drag forever, Seby was impatient to get to Morgan Island and show JoJo all he had learned from Mr. Abel, he wanted to see if his big brother, had any hair around his pecker, did he have seed, pecker lube and how would they taste, how willl it feel having JoJo's pecker in his butt, corn holin him and then filling him with his seed. Mr. Abel had said that once a boy reaches puberty he is supposed to beat off at least three to four times a day using the Watusi secret way, since he was not there yet and did not want to forget the secret way, he figured it would be alright for him to do it twice a day the Watusi way and two or three times the regular way, he realy liked the feeling he got when he played with his willy.Finally after what seemed like an eternity, the train pulled into the Wilkins Station, Seby was the first one of the train and ran to the waiting carriage. "Where's JoJo?" he asked Tom a muscular nigger. "He on the island, gonna help ya unpack, young Master Sebastian." replied the man. Tom went and helped Master James, Missus Mary and Mr. DuPont, get off the train and then loaded the bagage in the back of the carriage. It was a short trip to the pier where Odyssey Morgan Island's boat was waiting for them. The trip to the island was uneventfull, Tom, Jordan who was the main sailor of the boat and a nigger boy of about 15 or 16 years smoothly sailed the boat to the island. Seby was paying close attention to the niggers, looking at them with different eyes. He noticed that Tom was medium height, fairly muscular, Jordan was tall with muscles bulging everywhere. Seby was fascinated by how Jordan's muscles rippled and tensed and untensed as he sailed the boat. What caught the young boys attention the most was the shirtless teen nigger, who was probably around 6', beautifull chest with two huge dark nipples, a flat stomach that rippled with muscles, a trail of curly black hairs that started at his belly button and went down into his pants. Where a very prominent bulge was visible, the niggers butt was full and nicely rounded. "Master Sebastian, my kid brother Joe will be waiting for us on the pier at the island." said the nigger teen. Seby knew that JoJo had an older brother, but never met him. Now that he knew, this gorgeous nigger was his JoJo's older brother, he wondered if there would be a chance to do sex things with him also. "How old are you now Jackson and how is JoJo doing?" asked Seby, never taking his eyes of the slaves crotch. "I'm fifteen Master Sebastian. JoJo is fine, he's been living in the main house, ever since young master threw a fit and not let anybody look after him cept for Joseph." replied Jackson with a smile, noticing where the young masters eyes were focused on. He adjusted his manhood, did his young master lick his lips because of what he did or was it because he was thristy, wondered the nigger teen. Seby watched as the nigger teen adjusted his big pecker, he could now see a slight outline of it in the tight pants, wondering how good would it feel sucking on Jacksons pecker, while JoJo taught him about corn holing by filling Sebys butt with his seed. Before Tom and Jackson had secured the boat to the pier, Seby jumped out and raced towards his bra and best friend JoJo. The boys embraced and held each other tightly. "Know your place nigger, slaves bow to their masters not hug them. Help load the cart with our bags nigger." said Master James Morgan with derision. "Let go of the nigger, boy. I won't have people thinking you're a nigger lover. You are supposed to whip nigger slaves, not hug them like long lost friends." Spat Mr. James at his son and hit the boy's butt with his riding crop. James went up to the main house grumbling about nigger lovers, disgraceful and ungrateful offsprings. The boys separated reluctantly. "Don't pay James no mind, boys. How have you been Joseph? Seby missed you a lot this past year." said Missus Mary with a smile. "I'm fine Missus Mary, been fixing Master Sebastian's new rooms. Master Raymond moved Master Sebastians rooms to their wing of the house, I've been making sure everything is like Master Sebastian likes." replied Joseph happily. "Joseph, as long as James is not around and you boys are not in town, you do not need to call Seby, master. I know you two are the best of friends and Seby thinks of you as his big brother." said Missus Mary. "Also Joseph since you are older and assigned to look after Seby, I give you permission to punish him if he misbehaves." adds Mary ruffling the hair of both boys. She walks of towards the main house. "I like Missus Mary, she's nice. Master James must be in a bad mood today." says Joseph. "He was in a bad mood the whole train ride here. They refused to serve him whiskey, rum or wine on the train after he got sick all over the conductor." replies Seby. Seeing as the cart was loaded and Tom was pulling the mule, the boys set of for the house. Suddenly, someone grabed Seby from behind by his waist and lifted him up in the air, then gently set him down on his shoulders. "Now Master Sebastian, hold on to my head, but do not cover my eyes or we both fall." Says Jackson with a grin. Realizing he was sitting on the shoulders of his nigger Adonis, Seby's willy got hard in an instant. That reaction was not missed by the teen, since the white boys willy was pressed against his neck. Having the young white boy joyfully gigling, bouncing on his shoulders and rubbing his little woody against the back of his neck, was having an effect on the teen boy. He had enjoyed sex with various nigga filies since he was thirteen and with his brother Joseph for about a year, never having considered little boys in a sexual context, especialy white boys. Something about his adorable young Master, the way Sebastian had stared at Jackson's crotch, the way his cute, tight, butt bounced as he ran to greet Joseph, the way his little woody kept rubbing against the back of the teens neck as the happy boy bounced on his shoulders, was giving the teen boy a woody of his own. When they got close to the house, Sebastian asked Jackson to let him down so he could greet his grand parents who were waiting on the veranda. Jackson watched as the boy ran to the veranda, his beautiful butt bouncing with every step. The teen decided that as soon as he helps Tom unload the cart, he was going to his secret place and beat off, he knew that this time it would not be some fine fillie or his brother who would fuel his fantasy, but his cute little Master. Once the baggage was unloaded, Jackson turned to leave for much needed relief, his pecker & balls were aching for a release. Seby had noticed that the bulge in his Adonises pants was a lot bigger then it had been on the boat, he wanted to see the pecker that was making it, wanted to touch it, suck and taste the teens cum. He knew that if he missed his chance to see his nigger Adonis naked now, he might never get the chance again. "Jackson" called out Seby. Jackson almost did not hear, so absorbed was he in his thoughts, he turned facing his handsome young master. "Yes, Master Sebastian, was there anything else you needed?" asked the teen, hoping he was not needed and would be allowed to pursue his much needed relief. "Jackson could you please help JoJo carry my bags to my new rooms." asked Seby giving the teen his most successfull pleading look. Oh Lordy, how can I refuse to do anything this adorable little white boy asks of me, thought the teen, his pecker giving a jump in his wrappings. "Of course Master Sebastian, I just tought Tom was going to carry your bags." said the horny teen. "Tom is carrying Mr. McReady's, my mamas and Mr. James Morgan's bags to their rooms, mine are in my grand parents wing." replied the sneaky boy. He could see the flustered look on Jacksons face, the same look Mr. Abel had when Seby got in the tub with him in Boston. He knew that this was his chance to see his Adonis naked and do sex stuff with JoJo and his older brother, and he was not going to miss his chance. JoJo lead them to show Seby where his new rooms were, they were on the second floor of the north wing and instead of one room like he had before, he now had two very large rooms and one smaller one, also the bed in main bedroom was huge, it could probably fit four people. JoJo and Seby had been talking up a storm while walking up to the new rooms. Jackson was bringing up the rear carrying one large bag, while his brother was carrying another bag and Sebastian was carrying a smaller one. He could not keep his eyes of the white boys butt, wondering how it would feel fucking that tight cute butt, sliding all of his eight inches [20 cm] of hard nigger meat deep inside, then pulling out untill only his head remained, then plunging back in again until he flooded that desirable butt with his teen cum. Jackson did not pay any attention to the boys conversation, so engrossed was he in his erotic fantasy. Seby's exclamations at seeing his new rooms brought the teen out of his reverie, his wood almost exploded on the spot, when he saw Sebastian bend over to drop his valisse. "Jackson will you please help me and JoJo put my stuff away, then we will be done a lot sooner." said Seby with a smile. Sebastian knew he had Jackson where he wanted him, wantin sex with him. As the boys put away clothes and other stuff, Seby would accidentaly brush against Jacksons straining bulge, it took all of his willpower not to rip the teens clothes and attack the hard teen pecker right there and then. Little did Seby know that all his brushing against the teen was driving Jackson crazy with lust, the teen was also fighting the urge to rip his young masters clothes and rape him. "There we're all done. Jackson do you have any other duties to do today?" asked Seby. "No, Master Sebastian, not today. Tomorrow I help my papa clean the boat and make it ready to sail to pick up mail. But I do have something I need to do." replied the teen, his hard cock about to burst and flood his wrapings and pants with cum. "Goody, Goody." exclaimed Sebastian clapping his hands. "That means you can go down to the secret cove on the Ocean side that granpa showed JoJo and he's going to show us." said the boy happily. "Master, there is something I needs to do real bad, fore there is an accident." replied the teen with a pained look on his face. "Jacks needs to beat off his woody, Jacks needs to beat off." giggled JoJo. Jackson gave his kid brother a look that could kill, how dare he embarass him like that in front of their young master. "Don't worry Jackson you can beatoff when we are at the cove, I know granpa would feel better if JoJo and me had a big strong man like you to look after us and protect us while we swim in the ocean." said Seby with a serious look on his young face. "Master, I am a nigger slave, I cannot beat off in front of my white master." replied the flustered teen. "Who is going to know? JoJo says nobody from the island can see us in the cove, they have to go down there and we can see them before they can see us. Besides you don't want JoJo or me to drown do you?" asked the boy giving Jackson his patented puppy dog eyes. "Alright Master Sebastian, I'll go down to the cove with you and Joseph." replied the defeated teen. He was thinking that once he dived in the cold water his woody would go down and he would be safe. Poor Jackson, little did he know the plans his young master had for him. Seby had decided that not only did he want to see his Adonis naked and do sex stuff with, but he was also going to have Jackson move in the other big room in his suite, since he knew JoJo and him would share the big bed in his bedroom and maybe they could get Jackson to join them for some sex fun. Mr. Abel had opened the door to sex for him and Seby wanted to explore every aspect of it, with his brother JoJo and with his Adonis, it would be super if Jackson would be his Big Bra also. "Where are the towels JoJo?" asks Seby, removing his good pants to put on a pair of shorts. "I'll get them." replied Joseph as he ran to the linen wardrobe. Poor Jackson almost had a heart attack when Sebastian bent over to remove his pants and gave him a good look at the tight little white boy butt, encased in a pair of white man underwear that was bunched up in his crack. Oh Lordy, he had to control himself, doing anything sexual with the little boy would mean a beating of his life and then probably being sold far away from his family. But he sure could have beatoff fantasies about his little white master. Just look but don't touch the teen reminded himself. Jackson was still in a daze from the sight Seby had given him, he did not hear the boys say they were ready to go. Each younger boy grabed one of the teens hands and started pulling him out of the room and down the stairs to the main floor. "Granpa, we're going swiming at the cove, don't worry we have Jackson to look after us." said Seby, continuing to pull the flustered teen. Mr. Raymond saw the look of happiness on the faces of the two younger boys, the look of adoration Seby had when he looked at Jackson and the flustered confused look of the teen, he smiled and knew the teen had been outfoxed by his precocious grandson. "Seby, Joseph you boys listen to Jackson, he's in charge of the two of you." He said sternly. "Jackson, you have my sympathy, being stuck with these two hellions is no easy task. Since you are in charge, if either one of them disobeys you, give them a few good swats on their bare butts." he instructs the teen. "Even Master Sebastian?" asks Jackson surprised. "Especially Seby, he can be the sweetest, best behaved boy, but he can also be the worst imp in all of nine hells." says Mr. Raymond with a smile. "Now go on boys and enjoy yourselves, just be back in enough time to take your baths before supper." instructs the man. He smiles as he watches his grandson and Joseph drag poor Jackson away, maybe he should have Jordan bring Jacksons things over and put them in the second bedroom of Seby's suite. He knows his grandson well enough, to realize that Seby got attached to Jackson just like he is to JoJo. Seby could do no better then to have Jackson and Joseph as his surrogate older brothers. "Do you know where Seby and Joseph are dear?" asks his wife coming to the front sitting room. "They just dragged poor Jackson to the cove with them." replies the master of Morgan Island. "Oh Dear, I do hope you let Jackson know he has the right to punish either of them if they don't listen to him. They are both very nice and sweet boys, but they can be a trial also." replies Constance. "Of course I told him he should punish them if they do not behave." he answers. "Connie dear, I was thinking maybe we should have Jordan bring Jacksons things into the spare bedroom in Seby's suite. I have a feeling our precious boy has adopted Jackson as his bigger brother." says Mr. Raymond. "That's so sweet Ray our Seby now has good two older brothers he can look up to, maybe Jackson can tame both of them at least a little bit." she says and smiles. "I'll call Jordan and ask him to move Jacksons belongins to the spare bedroom, since Joseph will be sleeping with Seby like they have since Seby was out of his crib." she says and goes to have Jordan called. Jackson was still in a state of shock, Master Raymond told him to spank Master Sebastian if the boy did not behave or listen to him. He a mere nigger slave told to spank the heir of Morgan Island. Oh, to have his hand on that tight, smooth white boy butt, to run his hand over it, feel its every curve, run his finger along the butt crack, rub the pink virgin hole. To hear the squeals of delight as he probed his finger into the depths of that hot virgin boy hole and massaged his young masters prostrate, he must have died and gone to Heaven. It finally did sink in to Jackson that he was the one in charge and not the two imps dragging him along. "Stop, hold it right there." he said with a voice of authority. Both younger boys stoped, but did not release his hands, they looked at him expectantly. "The trail is to narrow for the three of us, so let go of my hands. Don't run but walk slowly, I won't have you falling down and hurting yourselfs." Jackson said with a firm voice. "Alright Jackson." replied a subdued Sebastian. "K Brother" said an equally quieter Joseph. The younger boys went ahead engrossed in whispered conversation. Jacksons eyes were focused on the two boy butts in from of him. One, his brothers he knew quite intemately, having fucked it quite often in the last year, the other he would give anything to get to know it as well as he knew Joe's. Oh Lordy what was happening to him, he must put those thoughts about his young master out of his head. He must think with the head on his shoulders rather then one between his legs, the one that was soaking his wrappings with pre-cum. The boys made it to the bottom of the trail, and Joseph with Seby in tow took off for the other end of the cove, where there was a copse of trees. "Come on Jackson, quit dragging your feet, or is it your big pecker that's slowing you down." Yelled Seby as he ran giglin after JoJo. Jackson felt like he was hit by a tidal wave at those words. Did his young master say what he thought he heard. He picked up his pace and caught up with the two boys as they were sheding their clothes under a canopy of leaves, provided by the trees. "WOW! JoJo you've got hair, do you have seed also or just pecker lube?." asks Seby. "What would a little boy know about pecker hairs, lube and cum." asks a curious Jackson. "I know a lot about it, Mr. Abel taught me about sex, beating off, sucking, cock lube and cum." responds Seby very serious. Suddenly the teen felt very protective of the little white boy. Jackson saw red, how dare somebody hurt his sweet young master. "Who is Mr. Abel? and he better not have hurt you, or I swear to God I will kill him." says Jackson with fierce determination. Next thing the teen knows, he is being wrapped in a tight hug by his young master. "Thank you, Thank You, Jackson, you're the best bigger brother in the whole world. I am the luckiest little boy in the world to have the two bestest big brothers ever." Says Seby, while hugging his bigger bra tightly, a tear trickles down his cheeck. He loves both these boys with all his heart, he knows JoJo loves him just as much and hopes that Jackson will also love him back. Jackson feels a warm glow all inside him at those sweet tender words, in his heart he knows his young master does love him as an older brother. He also realizes that he does love the little imp as if he was his flesh and blood baby brother. He picks the youngster by his arm pits and lifts him up, so he can give his newest lilttle brother a proper hug. Seby wraps his legs around the teens waist, gives him a kiss on the cheek, then wraps his arms around the older boys neck, rests his head on the shoulder and gives a contented sigh. Seby is in heaven, he now has two big strong older brothers, who love him and will protect him. It sure does not hurt that they are also the two most beautiful boys on the plantation. "Hold me Jackson, sit down on the straw mats JoJo has here, and I'll tell you about Mr. Abel and what he taught me." whispers Seby. Feels good being held by his bigger brother, but when they sit down, then he will be sitting on Jacksons woody, and he wants to feel it in his butt crack like with Mr. Abel. Once they are seated, Seby starts squirming trying to get Jacksons woody wedged in his butt crack. "Please! Master Sebastian, if you keep doing that I am going to shoot." Pleads the teen. "NO! we can't have that, not yet, I want to suck your pecker and make it shoot in my mouth." Declares Seby and jumps off the teens lap. Both nigger boys are flabbergasted by that statement by their young master. Joseph is wondering what has happened to his lil bra in the time they were not together, it is true that they have slept naked since Seby was almost two years old, and in the mornings compared their stiffies, but they never touched each others willys. Now Seby is telling them he wants to suck Jackson and make him cum. Jackson is having a fight between desire and reality, he would love to have his lil white brother suck him, and to come in the boy's mouth. He is also scared of the consequences such an act would bring. "Bigger Bra, take off your clothes, it's not fair since both JoJo and me are naked and you are not." Declares Sebastian "Master Sebastian, it's alright for little boys like you and Joseph to be naked, but I am almost a man, it would not be proper for me to be naked around you two." replies the shocked teen. "Who you calling a little boy? I have hairs and make cum just like you, also I have been corn holing your butt for the last four months." JoJo says indignantly. "You have? You know how to corn hole JoJo? YEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" exclaims the white boy. "Come on Jackson, Please take your pants off. I want to see what my bigger brother looks like. I bet you have a really big pecker with a lot of hairs and seed. Besides we always swim naked." pleads the boy. Jackson did not know what to think, he never imagined that a six year old white boy would not only know about sex but want to have sex with a couple of nigga slave boys. He reluctantly removed his pants, his wrapping was soaking wet from all the pre-cum. He wore a cloth to wrap his midsection like all the slaves did, Joseph now had better clothes and used white man underwear, it seemed a lot more comfortable than cloth wrapings. His woody sprang to full attention and slapped him on his belly as it was released from it's confines. "WOW! your pecker is not as big as Mr. Abel's but you have a lot more cock lube then he does." says Seby with awe, then before the teen can do anything he reaches over and licks a stream of precum oozing out of Jacksons pecker. "Master Sebastian, before anything else happens, you are going to tell us about this Mr. Abel and he better not have hurt or forced you do to anything you did not want." says Jackson seriously. "Alright, but you have to call me Seby, unless we are in town or around Mr. James Morgan and can I call you Jacks or bigger brother?" querries the boy. "You can call me Jacks, or bigger bra, I will call you either Seby or Lil Brother, since Joseph is kid bra." replies the teen with a smile. "Mr. Abel is our houseman, he's black and he has a huge pecker it's 13½" long and 2¾" across, he did not hurt me nor did he make do anything I did not want, I wanted him to teach me about corn holing but he said his woody was to big for a little boy like me, I did not want him to corn hole me just teach me." said Seby and then proceeded to tell the boys everything that happened that night in the bath house. Jackson had to stop the little imp for a bit while he ran and dived in the water to bring his cock down, he did not want to shoot just yet, not when there was the willing mouth of his white lil brother to drink his cum. "So Seby what's the Watusi secret way to beat off? will you teach us?" asked JoJo, after Seby had finished telling them about Mr. Abel. "Hummm, only if you teach me about corn holing." says Seby with a mischevous twinkle in his eyes. "JoJo, don't be angry, I want to suck Jacks first, but I want you to be the first to teach me about corn holing. The whole train ride here I was picturing what it would feel like to have your pecker in my butt, corn holing me and then shooting your seed inside me." says Seby giving his big bro a hug. "Why should I be angry lil bro? I'm happy you love me so much, that you are giving me the best gift ever, your cute virgin butt. Besides Jacks got my virginity." he grins. Jacks, figured he most definetly died and was in heaven, not only did he have the two smartest, most beautiful, loving boys in South Carolina as his brothers to love and protect. He could have sex with both of them. "Jacks can you stand on your knees for a bit I want to see something." asks Seby. Jackson, gets on his knees, not sure what his young master wants. Seby looks thoughtfuly then says. "You can sit down bigger bra." then whispers something in Josephs ear and both boys take off towards the ocean and the piles of driftwood. Jackson watches as the youngsters run to a pile of driftwood, carefully look at the various pieces, then run off to another group and repeat the process. He can hear their laughter as they enjoy searching for whatever lil brother wants. His gaze keeps wondering to their cute tight butts, one black as night the other white but nicely tanned, both of them are so perfectly round with their cracks spliting those globes in perfect halves. He notices that for a six year old lil brother is well built, there is no baby fat or any extra fat at all, his chest is not as well muscled as Jacksons but is showing a promise of being a well developed one, with nice pecs, his tummy is flat, which is unusual for a boy that young, legs are starting to show muscle definition. It must be all the running, swiming and those chinese exercises he's been learning with Joe. Seby stand about 4' 6" [1.37 m] just a foot [30 cm] shorter then kid brothers 5' 6" [1.67 m] frame, his light brown hair cascading in waves down to his shoulders. Well if lil bra wants to suck his eight inch [20 cm] teen pecker, then he sure as hell is going to suck on the boys cute one incher [2½ cm]. He must be the luckiest nigger teen in entire America, having two wonderfull younger brothers who love him and look up to him. He knows he must be careful with those two, like Master Raymond said, they can be the sweetest, best behaved boys, yet can also be two of the sneakiest hellions. He realizes that he is more then willing to give his life in order to protect his brothers. He has loved Joe since the day the boy was born, Seby wigled into his heart in less then a day, or did he. He remembers how proud he felt of his Joe, when he got the job of looking after baby Sebastian. A smile crosses his face as he remembers that day when the new heir to Morgan island was being introduced and how the baby took hold of Joe and would not let go for nobody, including his mama Missus Mary. He recalls the ruckus the baby threw when he woke up and Joe was not there in his room, half the plantation must have heard the screaming and crying that went on in the big house, until Joe got there. Joe has told him through the years about the young master, he had seen the boy running around the island naked as the day he was born. Joe had told him that Missus Constance's biggest complain was that they could not keep any clothes on the boy, the only time he would get dressed was for classes and eating with the family in the dinning room. He knows how all the younger slave kids love their Seby, none of them call him master, unless other white folk are around. He had seen the boy give his sweets to the nigger kids, leaving nothing for himself, saying he has more at the house, Joe had told him that Seby never asked for more sweets after he gave them all away. Jacks had seen lil brother's old clothes and toys make their way to the slave huts, recalls that from the time Seby was three, there were always presents for all the nigger children on the plantation under the big Christmas Tree in the front yard of the big house, supposedly from Santa Claus, but he knew it was from Master Sebastian, Joe had told him, that their young master would get the nicest overseer go to Wilkins and buy presents that the boy could not order from the north. He fondly remembers his first present from Santa Claus, a beautiful replica of Captain Morgans pirate ship that he would sail sometimes in the creek when nobody else was around. He remembers last years present, Seby knew that Joe was schooling his family and Santa Claus brought Jackson a beautifull book about sailing ships, he treasures all the presents Santa Claus gave him. No lil brother did not wigle his way into his heart in less then a day, he has loved Seby for a long time, it just took today for him to realize it. He is woken from his reverie by the boys screams. "Jacks, Jacks, come here and help us." Joseph screams. The teen walks over to where the youngsters are and sees them looking at a piece of driftwood about four feet [1.20 m] long and almost three feet [90 cm] in diameter. It's looks like a plain piece of driftwood. "What do want with a piece of log?" he asks. "Come over here and you will see better." they respond. Jackson goes over to their side of the log, then notices that part of it is missing making it look like a seat or bench. "Help us move it closer to the mats, please." says Seby. All three boys work hard rolling and pushing the driftwood, until almost exausted they manage to get it set the right way and next to the straw mats, JoJo had brought there a few days earlier. "What do you want that for?" ask Jacks of the two boys. "Well we can sit on it, but I have something else in mind for it today, just wait and you'll find out." replies Seby with a twinkle in his eyes. "Look why don't we go and swim for a bit, we're all sweaty." sugests the teen. "Not yet, Jacks, I want to suck your pecker first. Please lay down on your back on one of the mats, raise your arms and close your eyes, also don't do anything, let me do it all. I want to make my bigger brother feel as good as Mr. Abel made me feel." says Sebastian. Jackson wonders what his lil bro has in mind, deciding to trust him he does as asked. The teen is taken completly by surprise when he feels Seby's tongue lick his sweaty right arm pit. He lays back and enjoys the new feelings the boy is giving him. Seby took a lick at his bigger brothers sweaty pit and knew he liked the taste of his bra, the smell and taste of sweat and teen boy was exilirating. He went to town licking and sucking on Jacks pit, licking every inch of it, then licking and kissing Jacks shoulders and neck moving towards the left pit. Hands were busy gently running over the beautifull well muscled chest and dollar size dark nipples. He licked and sucked the left pit until it was clean as it could be. Jacks was moaning slightly. Seby then moved to one of his prizes, his bigger bras fantastic chest and nipples. He kissed the teens chest, licking it here and there, when his mouth got to the left nipple, his tongue swirled around the nipple, then sucked on the nipple while swirling his tongue around it and flicking the tip on the pointy end of the nub. Jackson was moaning louder now, he had never felt anything this good before, every inch of his body was on fire, his lil brother was taking him places he never knew existed. When his papa showed him about sex he taught him how to suck cock, how to take a cock up his butt and how to fuck, but he never showed anything like what the little white boy was doing. Seby was working on Jacks nipples for all he was worth moving from one to the other and back again, he could spend hours just licking, sucking and nibbling on those tasty and beautiful nipples and chest. The little boy had another goal in mind, so reluctantly he started moving his mouth and tongue downwards, licking, kissing, sucking on the teens chest and flat tummy. He spent some time licking and nibbling on Jacks outie belly button, hearing his brother moan with delight, made him redouble his efforts, he wanted this to be the best blow job Jacks ever had. He pushed Jacks hard woody out of the way as he licked the teens pubes, enjoying the musky smell of the boys crotch. Ran his tongue along the junction of leg and body, licked Jacks big balls, sucked one of them in his mouth and swirled it. Jacks was moaning, trashing and panting. Seby worked on the other ball next, he moved the balls out of the way and licked the spot between the butthole and the back of balls, he then licked Jacks hole and slid his tongue a little ways inside, enjoying the taste of his bigger brother. Jacks was in another world, a world where nothing else existed except him and his lil bra's talented mouth and tongue, his rock hard black pecker was producing copious amounts of precum, which Seby was using to lubricate Jacks woody which he was beating off slowly. Right when the teen boy tought he could not take anymore, Seby stopped. "JoJo could you put one of the mats on the bench, please. Jacks once the mat is in place please sit down on it, but scoot forward so your balls are hanging over the edge, I want to suck you now." said Seby. "Why lil brother can't you suck me like I am?" asks the puzzled teen. "Not the way I want to. Mr. Abel said that the best way to suck pecker is to make a straight line from the mouth to the throat, that way, I'll be able to swallow more of it and I want to see how much of my bigger bras pecker I can take." answers the precocious boy. Jackson sits on the improvised bench and scoots forward, so his balls are hanging over the edge of the bench. Oh Lordy, is this little boy going to try and swallow all of his eight inches [20 cm] of thick hard nigger wood thinks the teen, not even Joseph can take it all and he's been sucking on it for close to a year. Seby gets into position, with his mouth and throat in a straight line, he gazes lovingly at the beautiful black cock in front of him, the perfectly formed deep purple head leaking lots of dick lube, the long thick, silky black shaft, so perfectly round, so inviting, he runs his tongue over the head lapping greedily at the delicious pre-cum, it tastes so much better then Mr. Abels. He runs his tongue in circular motions over the head, then pushes the tip of his tongue in to the piss slit from where all that tasty nectar is pouring, he pulls the foreskin over the head and runs his tongue over the head and under the skin. Keeping the head covered, he slides his lips over it until it's in his mouth, works on it with his tongue and mouth sucking hungryly. Jacks is moaning loudly and clutching the sides of the impromptu bench. Seby takes his time with bigger brothers delicious pecker, he wants to savor every moment, every beautiful inch of it. His hands are busy playing with Jacks balls, rubbing them, kneading, gently tugging on them. He works his way down on Jacks pecker, every times he goes down he takes a bit more of it. The head hits the back of his mouth, he knows this is the moment of truth, will he be able to swallow Jacks cock. He takes a breath through his nose, relaxes his throat muscles and lets the head slide into his throat. He stops, letting his throat adjust to the delicious invasion. He did it, he did it, the head of Jacks cock is in his throat, an inbred instinct takes over as he uses his throat muscles to massage bigger bras head. He continues to work on taking every last bit of Jacks cock into his hungry mouth. Little by little Jacks cock disapears into his lil bras mouth, until there is only a little over an inch left. Seby pulls back untill only the head is in his mouth, he sucks and licks the oozing pre-cum, swirls his tongue over the tasty perfectly formed head. Jacks balls have drawn up, that means bigger brother is ready to shoot his cum for Seby, but the boy wants to have every last bit of this beautiful black cock in his mouth when that happens. He looks at Jacks with love in his eyes, his bigger bra's eyes are closed, he is moaning, panting, his breath is coming in spasms. Seby decides that this it, he has to be brave and take all of his Adonises tasty cock, he takes a deep breath and plunges downwards not stoping until his nose is squashed against the teen's pubes and his chin connects with the drawn up balls. While Seby was making love to his body, Jacks was feeling things he never felt before, he never knew his nipples could bring that much pleasure, nor having his pits licked and nibbled on. Seby might be the youngest of the three but he sure knew a lot more about how to have the best sex ever. After he sat on the improvised bench and lil brother started sucking his cock, he was in heaven, and when the boy took his head down his throat and started massaging it with his throat muscles Jacks went into a sensory overdrive, not only was his entire body on fire, but every nerve ending was tingling, lightning bolts were shooting through his body, his hands were clutching the bench, toes were curled backwards, curling and uncurling, his breaths were coming spasms, his knees went weak, he could not stand up if his life depended on it. Oh Lordy, his lil bra had taken almost all of his cock down his throat. He knew he could not last much longer, he was going to flood Seby's mouth with his cum, Oooh that tongue swirling over his head, sliding, probing his piss slit, suckin his precum hungrily. Then he felt Seby's lips start a rapid decent down the lenght of his manhood, he felt as every last thick inch [2½ cm] of his black teen dick slid down lil bras mouth and throat, when chin connected with his balls and the boys nose was pressed hard against his pubes, Jacks lost all control and with a scream erupted with the biggest load he ever shot in his whole life. Lights flashed in front of his eyes, his breathing was eratic, his heart felt like it was trying to jump out of his chest, his legs were shaking, his whole body was spasming, he felt weak, he almost passed out from the sensory overload. Seby heard the scream, felt Jacks dick get bigger then erupt down his throat, sending huge amounts of cum straight to his belly, he milked the cock with his throat muscles, when the spams started to slow down, he backed off until just the head was in his mouth, he tasted and savored his bigger brothers cum, sucking every last drop, when he saw that there was no more, he let go of the best tasting cock he had sucked so far. He sat on his heels and looked up at Jacks with adoration on his young face. The teen was still going thru his post orgasmic high. After sometime Jacks breathing returned to normal, he opened his eyes and focused on his newest and youngest brother's face, he clearly saw adoration etched on that beautiful face. "Did I do good? did you like it?" asked Seby. "Lil brother, not only did you do good, you were fantastic, and I loved it." answered Jacks, his heart full of love for the gorgeous boy sitting at his feet. He pulls the boy to him in a hug, then kisses Seby on the cheek. "Now come on guys let's go for a swim, we need to get back to house soon." said Jackson getting up shakily. Both youngster were next to him in less then a second their arms around his waist helping him to steady himself. They walked like that to the water, for the next hour or so they played, swam, dived of Jacks shoulders, pretty much just being boys and having fun. Once dry and dressed they headed back up to the big house. "Tomorrow when I help papa with the boat, I'll see if he lets me borrow some tools and some varnish, so I can make the bench nice and smooth and then varnish it, so it will keep against the rain." Said Jacks. "We'll help." came from both boys at once. Once they cleared the rise, Jackson felt it was time for him to go home and get some rest after all the excitment and workout he had that afternoon. "Come on Jacks, we need to take a bath before supper." said Seby pulling Jacks towards the main house. "I have to go home, you two go on to the big house. I'll see you boys tomorrow after we get the mail." replied the teen. "This is your home now Jackson, your father got all your things in the spare bedroom in Seby's suite. I suggest you three take a quick bath to wash off the salt water, then come down for supper." said Master Raymond with a smile. "Master Raymond, what do you mean my home? Why?" asks Jackson surprised. "Go take your bath boys, we'll talk after super Jackson." replies Mr. Raymond. The boys took a quick bath, with no playing around, got dressed and went to the dinning room. Jackson was scared, he had never been in the main house before today and now he was in the family dinning room, wasn't he as a slave supposed to eat in the kitchen with the rest of the household slaves. The family gathered around the table, with Master Raymond at one end of the table Missus Constance at the other end, Missus Mary and Mr. DuPont on one side, Seby and Joe on the other side. Jacks was standing by the door not knowing what to do, he was still wearing slave clothes. "Come on Jacks, you can sit on the other side of me." said Seby. "Jackson, come on sit down, next to Seby." said Missus Constance. Jacks did as he was told, after grace was said Master James made his appearance. "What's this, first I have to put up with one nigger at the table, now there are two of them, this is an outrage, I will not stand for this." Screams Master James. Poor Jacks tried to vanish in his chair. "Boy, you went to far this time, niggers aren't supposed to eat with white folk, it's a disgrace, how dare you make the family suffer such indignaty." Continued James. "JAMES, SHUT UP!. Seby had nothing to do with this, it was my and Connie's idea. THIS IS MY HOUSE AND I WILL HAVE WHO I WANT AT THE TABLE. And if you do not like it, you can eat in your room, the kitchen or maybe we should just send your meals to the wine cellar, since you spend most of your time there." Roared Mr. Raymond. "Mother, how could you allow such a disgrace, nigger slaves sitting at the table as if they are family. We are white, they are nothing more then dumb nigger slaves, not even human, just monkees from Africa." James ranted on. "How dare you lazy, ungrateful, drunken slob insult Joseph and Jackson in my presence. For Your information Joseph is better at his studies then you ever were. Jackson knows more about ships, boats and sailing then you do about drinking. I would rather have two nigger slaves at the family table then a drunken slob who keeps puking all over my table and floor. Now get out of my sight and do not dare show your face until you are sober." says Mrs. Morgan James storms out of the room, cussing everybody and everything under his breath. Jackson felt like dying, the whole argument was his fault, his clothes were to shabby for such a fine table, he was nothing more then a nigger slave and he was causing his masters to have an argument over him. "Granma, don't hold your breath waiting for Mr. James Morgan to be sober. In Boston he is drunk before he even gets out of bed in the afternoon." says Seby sadly. "Sebastian, why do you keep calling your father Mr. James Morgan." ask his granpa. "Because if I don't I get a whipping. One summer while I lived here and mama and Mr. James Morgan came to visit, I made the mistake of calling him papa, he whipped me real hard all the time screaming, that to me he was Mr. James Morgan, not papa, father or daddy." replies the boy with his head hanging down to hide a lone tear. Jackson upon hearing Seby's confession felt such hatred for Master James, like he never felt for anybody else in his whole life. "Ray, what James is doing to Seby is terrible, not to allow his own child to call him papa, it's unnatural." says Misssus Constance. "Connie, tomorrow I'm taking the boat to Wilkins, we need to get Jackson some proper clothes and I need to see my lawyer about James. I will not allow him to treat Seby like a servant. Whipping the boy for no reason." replied Master Ray, still very upset at his son. "Master Raymond, Missus Constance, I think me and Joe should leave the table, it is not right for nigger slaves to have their masters argue because of them." says Jackson standing up with eyes downcast. "Sit down boy, the argument has nothing to do with you, James uses any excuse to start an argument when he is drunk or when he is not allowed to drink. Once he started an argument because I put my best wines, brandys and rum under lock that he did not have a key to." says Mr. Ray. "Jackson darling, you and Joseph are more family then James is. So sit down, and we can start to eat as soon as they bring the food from the kitchen." says Constance with love. The meal started off with an air of unease, but leave it to the smallest imp to brighten things up and get everybody laughing, by telling them about his fight with the bully and how he destroyed the older boy. After supper Mr. Raymond asked Jackson to come with him to the library. Seby and JoJo, went outside and sat in a swing on the verranda catching up with news from the time they were apart. Those who saw the boys on the verranda thought it was such a touching scene, Seby with his head leaning on JoJo's shoulder, JoJo's head inclined on Seby's, arms around each other, talking, smiling just being two boys sharing a quiet moment. That was how Jackson found them after he was done talking with Master Raymond. He stopped, the scene on the swing frozen forever in his mind, he could feel the love those two had for each other and was happy that they had included him in that love. He cleared his throat to catch their attention. "How about you two help me put away my stuff, I'm not used to all this fancy furniture and stuff." he says with a smile. "JoJo we should have brought one of the mats from the cove, poor Jacks probably won't able to sleep on that fancy bed in his room." says Seby with a giggle. "I know! he can sleep under our bed and hold the springs so they don't make to much noise while I teach you about corn holin and then you show me how well you learned by corn holing me." giggles Joe. The three boys burst out in laughter, they walk in the house laughing and giggling on their way to their rooms. "Well Connie, tomorrow I will start the process to make legal what's in their hearts. Those three belong together." Says Mr. Raymond. "Yes they do, Ray darling, they will make us prouder then James ever did. The only thing that boy did right was to wed Mary Louise and then give us Seby." she says cudling with her husband on the sofa in the sitting room. "Guys what goes where? I got no idea bout this." says Jacks with a lost look. "Jacks, just leave your best shirt and pants an hang'em on the chair. The rest of your clothes, give to somebody they fit. Cause granpa is gonna buy you all new clothes tomorrow" replies Seby. "Jacks, shirts, pants, coats go in that tall thing called wardrobe. Undies, socks, shorts, ties go in the drawers in the cabinet. Books go on the shelves on the walls." instructs the savy Joe. "Your big tasty pecker goes in your brothers boy holes and mouths." giggles Seby giving Jacks pecker a squeeze. The three boys break out in a fit of laughter. They start putting things away, they sort Jacks clothes, find his best shirt and pants hang them on the chair, the rest of his clothes they put in a sack to give away. Jacks only has two books, one showing how to make an indian canoes the other one about sailing ships, both presents from Santa Claus. "Have you built a canoe yet Jacks?" asks Seby. "Not yet, maybe the three of us can do it this summer." he replies. "There is somethin else I have, but where to put it." says Jacks as he opens the box his sailing ship is kept in and pulls it out. "You still have Cpt. Morgans ship." exclaims Seby "Sure do, Love all the presents Santa Claus gave me." he answers hugging his lil (Santa Claus) brother. "Jacks, why not put it on top of the cabinet, that way people can see it when they come to your room." suggests Jojo. Once the boys finish with Jacks rooms, they sit on his bed and look around the room. "This sure is a nice soft bed, to fancy for a simple nigger slave like me." says Jacks laying down with his legs hanging over the edge. "I've gots somethin black and hard for you." gigles Jojo rubbing his crotch. "No fair, I gets your pecker first, Jacks can have it later, but I gets it first." complains Seby. "Jojo, we're gonna have to get Jacks some more books, I got a list from that store in Boston where we get all our books." exclaims Seby excitedly. "He likes everythin bout ships, boats an sailing." says Jojo. "Hey, I've read all the books you boys have here an I likes the stuff bout old Greece too." says Jacks Seby remembers having finished reading a book before they came to Morgan Island it was by some greek guy called Hommie or sumthin, the book had the same name as the islands boat. That's gonna be the first book he orders for his bigger brother. "Bras, come help me sort the stuff I gots for our friends here." asks Seby. The boys go to the other bedroom, Seby opens his valise and starts pulling things out, laying them on the floor. They sort things out, marking who gets what. "Jojo you think Rose Marie will like this?" asks Seby as he shows some materials and ribbons to his brothers. "She suppose to wrap herself in that?" asks Jojo. "No silly, here look at this." and he shows a picture of a pretty pink dress. "Her mama can make it for her." he adds. "Oooooooooo Lil brother gots a girlfriend." Teases Jojo. "She's not my girl, I thinks she nice and would look pretty in that dress." answers Seby, blushing. "She sure would look pretty in that dress, she can wear it to church on Sundays." replies Jacks, not wanting to tease lil brother, seeing as how embarassed the boy is. "The lady in Boston that sold me the cloth for the dress said this package had all the stuff her mama would need to make the dress." "I got's a 5½" rock hard nigger woody wantin to corn hole some boy butt. Who want it?" asks Jojo rubbing his crotch. "I do, I do." exclaims Seby undressing in record time. The other two get undressed quickly also, all three boys sporting woodys. Jojo had not paid much attention to his lil brothers body earlier in the cove, but now that he was getting a better look, he liked what he saw. "Turn around slowly lil brother." says Joe looking closely at Seby "Daum, Seby, you just keep lookin better and better all the time, no wonder you destroyed the bully, bet he wasn't as fit as you." says Jojo with admiration. "You chest and arms look mighty fine, bet you do a lot of swimmin, heck you got less fatty on yo tummy then me, how you do that?" says Jojo "My granpa Drake is in military and he showed me how he keep his soldiers fit, so I've been doing that and running every morning fore classes with Mr. McReady." answers Seby proudly, he's happy his big brother likes how he look. "You gots a mighty fine butt too, finer then any nigger pickaninie on the plantation. I sure is gona enjoy teachin you bout corn holing lil brother." says Jojo approvingly and licking his lips. "Really? you really mean that Jojo? I always tought my butt was ugly and the nigger boys we played with had much nicer ones." says Seby blushing. "Joe is right, lil brother, you gots the finest lookin boy butt on the island." says Jacks and whistles. Poor Seby was turning beet red from all the blushing, but he was real proud that his older brothers liked his butt and how he looked. "Lay down on the bed on your tummy, spread your legs, I'm gonna get you ready for some down home corn holing southern style." says Jojo and grins, that is what their papa always says when he's going to fuck either Jacks or Joe. He can barely wait to get his 5½" nigger boy woody in Seby's beautiful perfect white bubble butt, he's so proud his lil brother wants him to be the first one to fuck his virgin butt. Seby does as Jojo wants, he spreads his legs as far as they will go and waits in nervous anticipation for his big brother to stick his black pecker in his butt and corn hole him till he shoots all his seed deep inside him. Jojo get between Seby's feet slides close to his butt, he kisses those perfectly round smooth butt cheeks, running his hands gently over every inch of his lil brothers butt, he delights at how smooth and silky it feels, there's no blemishes anywhere, if ever there was a perfect most beautiful boy butt it sure is Seby's, he runs his finger down lil bra's butt crack, he hears lil bra moan as he rubs his virgin boy hole. Joe gently spread those cute butt cheeks, takes a whif of his lil brothers butt, then licks Seby's crack from top to right behind his lil boy balls, his tongue returns upwards stops at the virgin boy hole, he runs his tongue over his lil bra's tasty hole a few times, then gently he starts to slide it inside, licking inside the boy hole, he pushes his tongue as far as it will go, lickin, slidin it around, letting his spit run down his tongue into lil brothers hole, he raises his hand so Jacks can wet two of his fingers. Jacks gladly complies and sucks on two of Joe's fingers gettin them nice and wet. Seby is moaning and thrusting his butt upwards trying to get more of Jojo's tongue inside his hole. Joe pulls his tongue out and replaces it with one of his fingers, Seby pushes his butt up wanting to get all of big brothers finger inside him. Jojo slides his finger in and out of the boy hole, rubing the prostrate with every pass, he inserts the second finger inside, fucks lil brother with both fingers, rubbing the prostrate, making Seby moan, squirm and raise his butt to meet the fingers, he moves the fingers around, spreading them, closing them, loosening up Seby's virgin hole. His nigger boy pecker is rock hard. He asks Jacks for the lube, both boys have a jar of lard they use as lube for when they fuck each other or when their papa fucks them with his big man cock. Jacks puts a liberal coating of lard on Joe's woody, then gives the lube to Jojo, who removes his fingers from Sebys butt, to lube them. He spreads a liberal amount of lard around the virgin boy hole, then slides first one well lubed finger, then two, to lube lil brothers insides. Seby is moaning, groaning, squirming all over the place his brothers tongue and then fingers are making him all sweaty. "Lil Brother, pretend you're taking a big dump and pushin it out." says Jojo while rubbing the head of his hard 5½" nigger woody up and down Seby's butt crack. Seby groans and does as he's told, he pushes hard, loosening and opening his hole for his big brother. Jojo pushes his boy pecker hard, the head pops inside past the ring into the warm cavern. Seby does a sharp intake of breath. Jojo stops. "You ok lil brother?" he asks. "Yeah, you got your pecker inside me?" asks Seby "Just the head, Seby, I'm gonna take it slow till I get it all in, then I teach you how to corn hole a boy real good." he answers, sliding a little deeper inside. Seby laid on his belly, feeling his brothers hard black pecker enter his tight boyhole, the first time anything but his own, Abel or Jojo's fingers had been in there. It was all he had thought it would be, in fact it was even better then when Mr. Abel had his big thick caloused finger in there. Oh it hurt some but the joy of having Jojo's hard pecker inside him was way more nicer then the little hurt he felt. Jojo's woody felt way bigger then even Mr. Abel's finger had but it was soooo good, he wanted to feel every last bit of his big brothers woody burried all the way inside his boy hole. Jacks not wanting to be left out of the action, scooted over, so he was sitting right in front of Seby's face. Seeing lil brothers mouth was wide open he slid the head of his hard 8" nigger teen pecker into the open mouth. Seby was concentrating so much on his ass he was startled when Jacks wiggled his huge pecker in his mouth as if to say, come-on boy suck my big nigger cock. Seby started sucking Jacks big, beautiful, perfect in his eyes, delicious black pecker. He twirled his tongue around the most perfect pecker head he had ever seen, lapped hungryly at the piss slit to get all that delicious nectar Jacks was producing for him. He felt Jojo's woody sliding slowly ever so deeper and deeper into his boy hole, with one last thrust he felt Jojo's hairs rub his little ass, he had all of his big brothers pecker inside him, he also had all of Jacks cock down his throat with his kinky hairs mashed against his smooth face, tickling his nose. Seby was in heaven, his biggest fantasy of the day was being fullfilled, of having both his older brothers peckers inside him and boy they sure were all the way inside him. Without thinking he lifted his ass to get more of his big brothers pecker in him and that caused all three boys to move as one. Jojo pushed in and Seby raised his sweet white ass to meet his thrusts which were becomming harder and faster, Jacks shoved forward and that also caused Seby to lift his ass. Jojo pushed Seby's face went toward Jacks crotch, Jacks pushed, Seby was shoved back onto Jojo's hard nigger pecker and all the while his little boy willy was rubbing the rough cotton sheets of the bed. Jojo lay flat against Seby corn holing the small boy as hard and fast as he could. Jacks leaned forward lifted Jojos face and kissed Jojo passionatly, their tongues battleling inside their mouths, while his huge cock filled the liltte white boys mouth and throat. Harder and faster they rammed into him forgetting it was his first fuck but nobody complained. Seby was enjoying the feeling of having both his older brothers peckers pounding him from two sides, if he thought sucking peckers was good, getting corn holed was even better, but the bestest was sucking and being corn holed at the same time. He did not want this to ever stop, he never felt anything this good in his whole young life. If he could he would probably spend the rest of his life with one of his big brothers peckers in his boy hole and the other in his mouth. They were all lost in what each was feeling and all of them were getting closer to shoothing their seeds. Jojo into the what untill 10 minutes ago was a virgin white ass, Jacks deep down into the boys throat and Seby, his dry seed onto the bedding. Jacks was first to yell Oh Lordy! Lordy! Lordy! I is gonna cummmm, with Jojo almost choking on his tongue going AAAAARRRRRGGG he was so excited to be filling his little brother with his hot seed, knowing this was the first time Seby's butt was being filled with seed, and it was his seed. Only Seby was quiet but then he had his mouth and throat full of Jacks big and thick teen nigger cock shooting his seed deep into his throat, he could feel Jojo's cock swell in his ass and start filling his boy hole with his seed, his own little boy cock was exploding in the biggest dry orgasm he has had so far. Mr. Abel and his huge Watusi Warrior cock were forgoten he had his two older brothers to give him all their seed every night and day. Slowly Jojo pumped the last few drops of his cream into the boy he loved so much and Jacks pulled all but the head of his cock from the little mouth blasting three smaller loads and with his hand milked the last of his cum into the boy. Cream was flowing from Seby tight hole, and he was unable to drink all of Jacks cream and some dribbled down his chin. Jojo was laying with his face along side of Seby and when he saw his big brothers seed going to waste he stuck out his very pink tongue and lapped it up before it could drip into the sheets and be lost to him. Jacks fell forward his face was laying on Jojo's round black ass so he lapped at the sweat that lay there, his soft cock fell from the very tired mouth of the boy he had come to love in a very short time. Seby groaned and in a breathless voice said. "Will you big oxes get offa me so I can breathe." All three laughed and hugged each other, all talking at once about how wonderfull it was, Jojo saying how happy he was to have been the first to corn hole his lil brother and Seby saying how good it was and Jacks saying "Wait till you get my teen nigger cock in you boy, then you know how good it feels with a real big nigger cock corn holing your sweet boy ass not like that little pecker of Jojo's." he said with a laugh. Jojo replied "You like it good nuff when I stick it in your fat black ass." "Ya that I do kid brother, that I do, now what you mean bout fat ass." asks Jacks. "You have the biggest butt out the 3 of us." replies Seby and giggles. The three boys laugh, Jackson gets out of bed and gets his partially wet wrapping cloth, then cleans Seby's butt and Jojo's pecker. "We need to get some sleep, I need to help papa early tomorrow morning to get Odyssey ready to sail to Wilkins." says Jacks, getting back in Seby and Jojo's bed. He gets in the middle of the bed with one brother on each side of him, wraps his arms around their waists, then kisses each of them on their foreheads and goes to sleep. Jojo looks across big brothers chest into lil brothers blue eyes, they both smile at each other. Jojo moves his head closer, then gives Seby a light kiss on his lips. They soon fall asleep. Jackson wakes up early the next morning, it's still about and hour from sunrise, but he needs to piss, now how to get out of bed when there is a tangle of feet, arms, bodies pinning him down between the two lil imps, he feels their warm breath on his chest. Carefully so as not to wake them up he tries to untangle himself from the mess, he looks to see Sebys blue eyes staring at him, only half awake, but already smiling. "Mornin bigger Brother, who you trying to corn hole this morning?" he asks with a big wide grin on his face. "I need to piss, but you imps got me all wrapped up tween you two." replies Jacks with a smile. Seby just moves closer to Jojo and licks his older brothers nose a few times. "What? What? breakfast already?" asks a grogy Jojo. "I need to piss, is food all you thinks about?" asks Jacks. "No, I also thinks about sex with my two good looking brothers." he answers with a grin. The boys disentagle themselves, jump out of bed and together relieve themselves in the chamber pot. "Let's get back in bed, it's to early to go help papa." says Jojo. "I'm going to go do the xercises granpa Drake showed me, I always do them fore sunrise, that way i'm doing my running when the sun comes up." says Seby. "I want my tummy to look as good as yours, I'm coming with you lil brother." says Jojo. "Hey, I'm the one responsible for you imps, I'm also going, where we gonna do them?" asks Jacks. "I was thinking the atruim for the xercises and then run to the south end of the island and back." says Seby and adds "I'm ready to go." "You're still naked lil brother." says Jacks. "Jacks lil brother only get dressed to eat in the dinning room, church, classes and go to town." answers Jojo with a grin. "You guys can go naked also, or Jojo you can wear undies and bigger bro wear your cloth wrap. That way you don't sweat in your clothes." adds lil boy. So naked, undies and cloth wrapped the 3 set out for the atrium to do Mr. Drakes army exercises. Seby shows them what he learned and puts them thru the paces of jumping jacks, push ups, sit ups, knee bends and other stuff he learned from his granpa. Once done with that they sneak out of a side door and run to the south side of the island and then back to the house. They sit on the veranda and look at the beautiful sunrise, promissing another gorgeous South Carolina summer day. Getting back to their room they wipe themselves with towels, then get dressed in grubby clothes, take their town clothes with them, go down to the kitchen for an early breakfast and head to the pier where the boat is tied. Jordan is already there wearing only his cloth wrap, he reaches for his pants when he sees young master Sebastian aproaching with both his sons. Seby seeing Mr. Jordan is only wearing a wrap, removes his clothes faster then Jordan can get his pants. "Mornin papa, don't worry bout not being dressed, Seby runs around naked most of the time." says Jojo removing his clothes and just leaving his undies on. "Morning papa, it's alright to wear just your wrap round Seby, that's how I ran and did exercises this morning." says Jacks strippin down to his wrapping. Seby is inspecting every inch of Mr. Jordan with his eyes. The bulging muscles all over from the hard plantation and sailing work, huge chest that makes Jacks look small, thick muscular legs and a bulge in his wrap that makes Seby lick his lips and wonder how big is Mr. Jordan's cock. Jordan assigns work for each of the boys, Jojo, helps Seby teaching him about boats and their care. Jordan keeps glancing at the cute tight white butt and wonders if his sons have already explored it's delights. Once the boat is ready, they remove their undies and wrapings and dive of the pier for a swim. Seby is thrilled when he sees Mr. Jordans huge nigger man cock is hard as a rock, it looks almost as big as Mr. Abels probably thicker then Mr.Abel's. He wonders what it would feel like having a big nigger man cock stuffed in his lil white butt. They swim for a bit, then climb back to the pier and lay down in the morning sun to dry off. "Papa guess what? I corn holed lil brother Seby last night he wanted me to be the first one to do him." says an excited Jojo. "Papa, you won't believe this but Seby took every last bit of my teen nigger cock in his mouth and throat not once but twice yesterday and he sucks better then Jojo or any of the other nigger boys or girls I played with." says an amazed Jacks. "Oh Lordy, you two know the kind of trouble you can be in if the white folk found bout it?" says a worried Jordan. "Papa don't you worry none, last night after supper Master Raymond called me to the library. He told me he saw the same look on Seby's face when lil brother looked at me as he had when he met Jojo, that's why he had me moved to the big house, he also said he saw lil brother lick his lips everytime he looked at my bulge. So he figure Seby was interested in learning bout sex and he said for me and Jojo to teach his granson bout it, but to be gentle since his still a lil boy." said Jacks "They were real nice Mr. Jordan, I really, really enjoyed Jojo corn holing me while I sucked on Jacks very tasty pecker." said the lil imp staring at Mr. Jordan's cock which was starting to get hard from all this sex talk. Once they were dry they got dressed and waited for Master Raymond to come down to the pier and sail to Wilkins. James Allen Morgan came down for breakfast and not seeing the two niggers at the table, smiled. "Bout time the dinning room was for superior white folk only and not filled with nigger monkeys." he said to his wife. "All three boys had an early breakfast in the kitchen." she replied calmly. "That's the way it should be, niggers and nigger lovers should eat in the kitchen and leave the proper eating areas to white folk. Glad my folks came to their senses." "James how dare you make our son call you Mr. James Morgan and whip him if he dares to call you papa?" she asked with anger in her voice. "That nigger lover is no son of mine, I will not have him disgrace the proud Morgan family name by being a niger lover. I don't expect you to understand being a Yankee, but my folks, It's a disgrace that they encourage his association with those nigger monkeys." he spits out with venom. "Oh I understand quite well, and you can move to your own suite or move out of the house for all I care, but you will not be in my bed ever again." says Mary Lousie and storms out of the dinning room. "The only disgrace I see is the one standing in front of me. You are nothing but a self centered brat, who makes his wife work because he's to damn lazy to do anything but drink. I'm surprised you do not have servants pour whiskey down your throat so you would not have to even raise the glass. Pack your bags, I'll take you to Wilkins and you can catch the train to Boston there." said Mr. Raymond in an icy voice. "James, if you touch any of the boys or say anything mean to them, I'll have your father throw you overboard. as for that nigger lover boy as you call Seby, he's more of a man at 6 then you will ever be. He is always working and learning something new, he does not expect others to do everything for him like you do." says his mother. "Now get out of my house before I regret giving birth to such trash as you." she says and walks out of the dinning room. James Allen is livid, he storms to his rooms, grabs his bag stuffs some of his things inside, tells his wife to bring the rest when she returns with the disgrace, storms to the cellar where he stuffs the rest of the bag with bottles of rum and brandy. How dare they all insult him, He's a Southern Gentleman and gentleman don't work, they have slaves to do their every bidding. Poor stupid uneducated man, he does not realize that yes the slaves work the plantation but it's his father who runs it, who decides what crops to plant and where, he does not realize that there is work involved in running a plantation. That is why Walter made a go with Coosaw Island and his is still bare with no profit whatsoever. Worldlessly father and son make it down to the pier, board the boat. "Jordan please take us to Wilkins, you do not need to wait for James, he's leaving for Boston today." says Master Raymond. Seby helps Jojo remove the ropes holding the boat to the pier, then watches as both his older brothers work on raising the sail. Jordan calls him over and shows him how to steer the boat. James Allen is fuming inside, his wifes son is working like a nigger slave and his parents are happy and proud about that. Why can't they see that he is the only one of their children who turned out right, a perfect southern gentleman, Walt is another nigger lover working the fields with his slaves sometimes, his sister works to pay her no good husbands gambling debts. He is the best of the family and they all treat him like dirt. One of these days he'll make that little nigger lover pay for stealing his inheritance. If it was not for Jordan giving sailing orders to Joseph and Jackson and instructing Sebastian on how to steer the boat, the trip would have gone in utter silence. James Allen standing at the ships bow, his eyes and heart filled with hatred, clutching his bag filled with his pilfered sustenance. Mr. Raymond sitting on a coiled rope astern in the boat, watching as his granson, his pride and joy was learning how sail the boat. He was going to do everything in his power to keep James from doing any more damage to Sebastian, James will not be able to touch a single penny of Seby's money. He ponders how diferent father and son are. James is an arrogant, self centered, lazy, self righteous brat, that expects everything handed to him, with no effort on his part. Seby, his sweet, loving granson, Ray knows how much all the slaves on the plantation love the boy from the smallest babies with whom Seby takes the time to play and sing lulabies, to the oldest men, on whose laps Seby loves to sit as they tell him stories about Africa, the pickaninies that he plays with to whom he is their very own Seby, their best friend and playmate. He knows the boy is very smart for his age, his insatiable curiosity, wanting to learn everything he can, his boundless energy and joy at learning and mastering something new. Even though he is only 6, the boy not only knows english, but is learning how to read, write and speak chinese, he has heard the boy speak Zulu and Massai with some of the older slaves that still remember their native tongue. He needs to protect his boy from James, he also needs to get in contact with Seby's other grandparents and great-grandparents to make sure they also protect the boy from the drunken slob that sired him. He looks at Joseph climbing the ropes of the boat following his fathers instructions, now there is one smart nigger boy, he just recently graduated from school, Ray had to pull all kinds of strings for Joseph to be allowed to take the finals. He is so very proud of the boy for passing his finals with the highest possible marks. He wonders how will Jackson and Joseph take the news when they find out that he not only set them free but also adopted them as his grandsons, so that the three boys can be brothers legally as well as in their hearts. Him and Connie will most certainly have to throw a big party for that event. Odyssey aproaches it's private pier, Jojo jumps onto the pier while Seby hands him the rope to tie the boat. With a huf of indignation, James steps onto the pier and briskly walks to the train station never looking back. "Joseph, Seby take Jackson to Mr. Calvin's Clothier store, I'll meet you there shortly. There's something Jordan and me need to discuss." he instructs the boys. "Alright granpa." answers Seby waiting impatiently on the pier with Joseph at his side. "Come on Jacks." they both say. "Boy, Jacks is getting slow, must be getting old like Mr. Jamaal." says Seby with a sly grin on his face. "Hey who you pickaninies calling old? I had to help papa finish securing the boat since you two loafers only attached one rope instead of two." says the teen climbing onto the pier. The three boys head out to town and the Clothier store, talking, laughing teasing each other. "Jordan, we need to have a serious talk." says Master Raymond. "I hope my boys did not do anything wrong, Master Raymond." he answers worried that last nights adventures of the boys might get them in trouble. "Jordan, stop worrying, they have done nothing wrong, they are a joy to have around. Have you not noticed how the three of them are when they are together? they are like flesh and blood brothers, to them there is no diference in skin color." "Yes Master Raymond, I have noticed it first with Master Sebastian and Joe and now it's the same thing with Jackson, they are like peas from the same pod. It's hard not to feel the love they have for each other when being around them." he says. "Jordan, Connie and me want to ask you and missus for a favor, we would like to adopt both Joseph and Jackson as our grandsons, we would also like to ask you to be a subsitute papa to Seby, the boy has plenty of grand and great grand parents who love him dearly, but he does need a papa, who will love him like he deserves to be loved. James is not providing that for the boy, also we do not trust him around the boy." Says Mr. Raymond. Jordan is silent, not sure what to think or say, his sons not only living in the big house but also being his masters grandchildren, him being a papa to that sweet adorable Sebastian. It takes him awhile to digest all the news. "Master Raymond, It is an honor that you and Missus Constance want to make Joe and Jack your granchildren and for me to be Master Sebastian papa, that is an honor and a pleasure." replies the shocked Jordan. "Good then it's settled, you and the missus will move to the big house, 2nd floor north wing, close to the boys. Do not tell them anything about the adoption until we get all the paperwork done. We can tell them you and the missus are there to keep an eye on the three of them, since Connie and I have the west wing." advises Raymond. "Also, you, Clara, Jackson and Joseph will be free people and not slaves we will leave for Boston in about a week to get the paperwork done. Later today please bring the missus to the house's atrium, we are having a little party to celebrate Joseph graduating from school." he says with pride. "Joe passed his exams? he actually did graduate? he was so nervous when he went to Philadelphia to take the finals." says a proud Jordan. "The boy passed his exams with the highest possible grades and got his diploma with honors." adds Raymond. Mr. Raymond walks to the Clothier store the boys are waiting for him outside. "Well come on we have a lot of things to do in town today." he says and leads the way into the store. Mr. Calvin Klings rushes to greet his good customer and friend. "Ray, it's a pleasure to see you in town. What can my humble shop do for you today?" he asks "Well Calvin, we need to outfit Jackson here from head to toes with everything, Joseph will need some new long pants, long sleeve shirts, maybe shoes, the same goes for Seby, all three of them need to be fitted for suits. With the two youngsters do like always, leave plenty room for them to grow into, with Jackson maybe just a little." says Ray. "I have to run down to Paul's law offices, will be back later to pay for the damage and collect the imps." he says with a grin. "Ray I presume you'll want Jackson to have the same amount of initial clothing as Joseph got when Connie brought him here 6 yrs ago. In dress clothes, work and play clothes, underwear, socks and such." asks Calvin estimating the amount of the huge sale in his head. "Sure do." Says Ray heading out the door. Mr. Calvin, first takes care of the two younger boys, getting them what they need to replace what they outgrew. Then he takes Jackson into a private dressing room, has the boy strip so he can measure him, he almost faints at the sight of Jacks soft big nigger teen pecker. He fans himself silly, how he'd love to have gorgeous piece of nigger manhood corn holing him all night. He measures the boy, then gets him everything Ray ordered, he enjoys having Jackson try on his underwear, helps the teen adjust his package in them, poor Calvin he keeps fanning himself and getting hot flashes every time he touches Jacks meat to adjust it. Once Jackson is set with everything Ray asked for, he lets the boy get dressed in his new clothes and goes to fit the three of them for their custom tailored suits. "Now young men what style and color would you like for your suits." he asks them showing them a catalog with various drawings of available styles. Seby and Jojo, are old hands at this, they quickly find a style that they like and looks good on them, Seby goes for his usual dark blue color and Jojo his favorite white with black pin stripes. Jacks is totaly lost, he never had a suit in his entire life and now he's supposed to pick one, what if he picks an ugly one or something that will not look good on him. "Massa help, what's I do Massa." he pleads with Seby. "Jacks why don't we pick the color that would look best on you, then you can try some of the sample jackets Mr. Calvin has and pick the style, Jojo and me will help." Says Seby. After many discussions they settled on light blue for color and a style that would bring out the best in Jacks physique. None of them noticed that Mr. Raymond had returned as was watching as the youngsters helped Jackson pick his suit. The boys have good taste he thought, Jackson will cut quite a dashing figure in the suit they picked. "So what's the damage Calvin." he asks "Granpa, did you see the suit Jacks will get? You think it will look good on him?" asks Seby anxiously "Sure did boys, Jackson will look so handsome in the suit, I bet all the girls will be chasing after him." he says with a smile. Jackson was glad he was a nigger it did not show as much as it did on Seby when he blushed. "Boys, why don't you take the purchases to the boat then have Jordan go with you to the eating place where they allow niggers, he knows where it is. I'll meet you there." he says. The boys hapilly take off towards Odyssey, Jacks can't believe he got so many clothes and white man undies, they sure are more comfy then his old cloth wrap and shoes, real leather ones, it's hard for him to understand what he did to deserve all this. He is going to be the best slave on Master Raymond's plantation, he will be the best sailor on Odyssey and he will take real good care of his two lil brothers, he'll make Master Raymond and Missus Constance real proud of him. Jordan sees the boys aproach the boat, notices Jacksons new clothes the look of awe and confusion on his eldest boys face, smiles and happiness on the faces of the younger two sons. Master Raymond did say he wanted Jordan to be a substitute papa for Seby, so the boy is now one of his sons as far as he's concerned. "Well, well, don't you all look like real gentlemen and so handsome too." he greets them. "Papa, you should see all the clothes Master Raymond bought me and my room in the big house, it's almost as big as our whole hut. I'm scared papa, what do I do, I'm just a poor nigger slave boy." said Jacks with tears forming in his eyes. Jordan, took his eldest boy in an embrace, with a look let the other two know, they needed to be quiet and stow the packages in the boat. "Son, just be your usual loving, caring, nice boy, be mindfull of your elders and masters like you always have been. Take good care of your now two younger brothers, study as best as you can and you'll make me and your mama very proud of you." Jordan says hugging the boy close to him. "Also remember that just because you now live in the big house it don't mean you have to treat others not so fortunate as if they were lower then you." he continues. "I'll never treat anybody bad papa, I saw how Master James treats poor lil Seby, It ain't right to treat nobody like that, it ain't. I'll do my best papa to make you and mama proud of me, I promise." says the teen. Father and son stay quietly in a tender hug. Until Jojo's tummy rumbles. "I'm hungry, Master Raymond says for us to get you papa and meet him at the place where niggers can eat." he says rubbing his tummy. "When aren't you hungry Jojo?" asks Jacks "When he sleeps, maybe." replies Seby and gigles. "Hey, I'm a growing boy, I need food to keep me growing big and strong." retorts Jojo with a fake hurt look on his face. After a good satisfying meal of chicken, corn bread, potatoes, vegetables, possum pie and sweet meats, they return to Morgan Island. The boys went up to their rooms to help Jacks put his new clothes away. The house slaves were busy setting up the atrium for Josephs surprise graduation party under the guidance of Missus Constance. Seby managed to get Jacks alone for a bit when Jojo had to go potty. "Jacks, granma and granpa are having a surprise party for Jojo today, cause he got his diploma for graduating school, I got him a book with poems by John Keats, he likes him a lot and so do I. I got you a book about Robinson Crusoe, but you can give it to Jojo since he has not read it yet. I also know what is the first book we're going to get you for your library, it's about greek heroes and the name of the book is the same as our boat." says Seby conspirationally. "That is if you do not mind giving it to Jojo. if I knew you liked stuff bout old Greece I would have given you the book we'll order for you." he continues. "Seby, thank you for thinking about me, but you paid for that book and I have no money to pay you back, it would not be right for me to do that, you can give him both books, or one to him one to me, I don't know." replies Jacks. "You don't have to pay me, we're brothers we share. Besides I have more then enough money for all 3 of us. I get monthly allowances from all my granparents, great granparents even a couple of great uncles. So you gonna give him the book or not? I know he's gona love it." says the imp. "You sure it's alright lil brother? I would like to give him something nice for graduation." asks Jacks "Sure it's alright, I share my money you share your big tasty pecker." says Seby with a grin. "You're just like Jojo, always thinking bout food and sex." replies Jacks with a smile. "Hey, we're growing boys we need plenty of food and seed so we can grow big and strong and our peckers can get big and tasty like yours." gigles the imp and squeezaes the teens crotch. The party was a huge success, Jojo was so happy he actually passed the exams and graduated from school. After the party he had to show his diploma to all his friends. He was just as delighted at all the presents he got, him and Seby made bets on who could memorize their favorite poem first and recite it for the whole family. He loved the book Jacks gave him, he figured Jacks had asked Seby to get it for him. He adored the engraved Silver writing set Master Raymond and Missus Constance gave him, promising he'd write Seby every week when he was in Boston. He jumped for joy when Mr. Killroy presented him with a leather bound edition of Shakespears sonnets. He was awe struck at the authentic U.S Army sabre that Missus Mary presented him, saying it had belonged to her father when he was a captain in the army. But the best present of all was when his mama and papa said they were moving to the big house on the same floor as the boys to look after them. Life was sweet, he had two of the best brothers in the whole world, one older and one younger, he had graduated from school and his parents were going to live on the same floor a few suites down from him. Later that night when the boys were in their suite getting ready for bed, Seby showed them the Watusi Warrior secret way, hoping they all would have huge peckers like Mr. Abel. "Jojo, I want to suck your pecker tonite and show you what Mr. Abel showed me bout how to make the other person feel real good. Jacks, when I get ready to suck Jojo, will you corn hole me? I realy, realy like it when both of you have your tasty peckers inside me." says Seby and licks his lips. Seby had Jojo lay on his back, instead of starting at his big brothers pits or chest like he did with bigger brother, he scooted down until his face was close to Jojo's feet. He ran his tongue along the soles of Jojo's feet making the boy gigle and squirm. "It tickles." Gigled Jojo. Seby then took Jojo's right big toe and started to suck on it, running his tongue in the space between the toes, he worked every toe on big brothers right foot that way. He moved to the left foot, made Jojo gigle again when he tickled him by running his tongue up and down the sole of the boys foot, then he started working on the left foot toes, sucking on them like they were sweet candies. He proceeded to lick and kiss up Jojo's left leg and tigh, he licked the area where the leg connects with the rest of the body, asked Jojo to raise his butt a bit, licked up and down his butt crack enjoying the taste of his big brothers sweaty ass, his hands were rubing and kneading Jojo's butt cheeks. Sliping his tongue inside the boy hole he reamed it for all he was worth, lapping at it with pure pleasure. Once his big brothers hole was nice and moist he inserted one of his fingers inside and started moving it in and out. Jojo's balls were not as big as Jacks, so he managed to swallow both of them at once, swirling and licking them in his mouth. He avoided touching the boys hard pecker, but moved upwards, licking, kissing, nibling, sucking on the lower tymmy, he licked, sucked and nibbled on brothers outie belly button. Moving always upwards, he made love to Jojo's belly and chest. When he got to his brothers nipples he was in heaven, they were not as big as Jacks, but they were sticking out like tips of a cone from bros chest, he sucked on them like he was trying to get milk out of them, running his tongue all around them, sucking, nibling and flickin the tip of his tongue on the tasty nubs. He kept going back and forth between the two nipples, delighting in their taste, feel and texture, all the while slowing beating off his big bro. When Seby reached Jojo's chest, Jacks got down to the business of getting lil brother ready to take his teen nigger pecker, up his tight lil white boy butt. He ran his hands all over that cute tight white butt, squeezing, rubbing, massaging every inch of those globes of delight. Oh Lordy, he was actually running his hands all over that beautiful butt, feeling it's softness, it's unblemished perfection. He ran his finger up and down the crack, rubbing the no longer virgin boy hole, gently he spread lil brothers cheeks, ran his long pink tongue the lenght of it, licking the back of the prepubescent balls. His tongue licked and lavished love on the tight cute white boy hole, inserting the tongue into the hole, he proceeded to lick the inside of his lil brothers love tunnel. Jacks could spend days just reaming Seby's delicious boy hole. The boys were all in their own heavens that were interconnected. Jacks wet his fingers and inserted one inside Seby's hole, he pushed it in until he felt the boys prostrate, he massaged it, rubbing his finger up and down, pressing on it. He wet two more fingers and inserted a 2nd one. Seby did a sharp intake of breath, but pushed his lil butt towards Jacks fingers. The teen worked both fingers fucking lil bra with them, loosing the boys hole, the slowly inserted a 3rd finger, Seby moaned and pushed his butt hard onto the invading fingers. Jojo was on cloud nine in seventh heaven, when lil bra sucked on his toes, his body tingled with delight and continued tingling all over. By the time Seby got to his nipples, Jojo was moaning, groaning, thrusting his chest upwards wanting to stuff all of it in Seby's talented mouth, his nipples, his whole body was on fire, lil bro's finger in his butt rubbing his prostrate, was making his pecker harder then it had ever been, leaking pecker juice like never before, the slow beat off that Seby was doing, was driving him crazy. "Seby, let go of Jojo, lay on your back and lift your legs up." instructs Jacks, once he was sure lil brothers boy hole was ready for his big nigger teen cock. Seby did as he was told, wondering what bigger bra had in mind. Jacks pushed lil brothers legs up to his head and has the boy hold them by his sides, then he told Jojo, to stradle Seby's face, with his pecker over the lil ones mouth and his mouth over Seby's lil one and half incher [4 cm]. He greased his hard teen pecker liberaly with lard, then greased the lil ones, butt with plenty of lard. "Lil bra, push out like you did last night for Jojo, so I slide the head of my cock in your cute boy hole and teach you what real corn holing feels like." he says with a grin and lust on his face. Seby scruntches up his face and pushes down as hard as he can, he yelps when Jacks thick head breaks through his butt hole ring, he feels his ring closing behind Jacks head, his hips jump upwards, sliding all of his lil woody in Jojo's eagerly waiting mouth. He reaches with his hands and grabs hold of Jojo's butt and pushes it down, so he can suck and taste his big brothers pecker. He licks the head, swirls his tongue all around it, slides his lil tongue into the piss slit to get as much boy nectar as he can, he loves the taste of Jojo's nectar it has a sweet taste to it, with no trace of salt like Mr. Abel had. Seby sucks on the sweet pecker in his mouth, running his tongue all over the head and the shaft, he feels the head slide down his throat, but it does not go down as far as Jacks did yesterday. His boy hole feels like there is a log being stuffed into it slowly but surely. Jacks pushes and feels the head of his hard, thick nigger cock slide inside Seby's hole, he feels the ring tighten right behind the purple head, squeezing his big black cock. He sees his two younger brothers sucking each others woodys like there is no tomorrow, only the sounds of their slurping and sucking are heard. He carefully, so as not to hurt lil brother, starts pushing his teen meat deeper and deeper into the tightest boy hole he has ever corn holed. He delights in pulling his meat till only the head is inside, then sliding it back in and going a bit farther then before. Corn holing lil bra is better then he imagined it would be, the boy uses his love cavern muscles to stimulate and massage his hard teen nigger meat, sending shivers up and down the teens spine. With one last grunt and push he bottoms out in the tight lil white butt. Oh Lordy, Lordy he has never had his pecker in a finer tighter boy hole before, even when he took Jojo's viriginity the love hole did not squeeze and cling to his pecker like lil brothers is. It feel almost like the boys butt does not want to let the invading cock out, but wants it to stay inside forever. His lust takes over and he starts pounding lil bra's butt with long fast strokes, pulling his 8" of thick nigger meat till only the head remains inside, then slaming it all the way back in, in and out he goes in a frenzy of lust and desire, his heavy ball sack slapping the lil boys butt on every downward motion. Seby keeps pushing his butt upwards to meet his cock. Jojo is sucking Seby's lil willy, mezmerized by the sight of Jacks pecker dissapering and appearing from the boy hole he corn holed last night, Jacks cock is pounding that tight lil boy hole, faster and faster it goes. Jojo is enjoying sucking lil bra's small willy he can take all of it in his mouth, willy and tight lil balls. Seby is sucking his nigger pecker like there is no tomorrow, he loves the way the boy swirls his tongue around his head, slides his lil tongue into the piss slit to get all his juice, the way the boys finger is massaging and playing with his prostrate, while the other hand is squeezing, pulling and kneading his balls. he is not going to last long, he know that. Seby is in heaven, again he has both his brothers pecker inside him, Jacks pounding his boy hole filling him up with his big log, slaping his butt with his big balls. Jojo is pounding his face with his best tasting pecker ever, spanking his nose with his balls. His willy is starting to feel like he needs to pee real bad he knows he's going to have an orgasm any second. "Oh Lordy here I cum lil Bra, gonna fill you with my seed sweetie. Oh Yeah, take it baby, milk my teen nigger cock with your love hole. AAAAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHH!!!" scream Jacks as he unloads a good 7 loads of thick teen cum into his lil brothers boy hole. Hearing Jacks screams sends Jojo over the edge, his boy pecker erupts with 4 big loads of pre-teen cum, which Seby hungryly swallows. Jojo feels lil bras willy spasming in his mouth and knows that again all 3 brothers came at the same time. Jacks collapses on top of lil brother, trying to catch his breath. Daum that was the best corn holing by far. Both younger boys are kinda squished by Jacks, by can't say much since their peckers are still in each other mouths. Finally Jacks roll off Seby, his soft pecker ploping out of the well used hole with a pop. "Daum, lil brother you sure have the finest butt and boy hole on the entire plantation, and the things you did while I was corn holing you. WOW." says a tired and amazed Jacks. The youngsters separate once the weight of the big ox was off them. "Does that mean, my big brothers will be corn holing me a lot?" asks a hopeful Seby. "Daum, lil bra you're worse then Jojo, at least he thinks bout food sometimes." laughs Jacks. "We need to go to the bath house and wash up." says Jojo, gettin out of bed and going to the linen wardrobe to get some towels. All three boys head for the bath house that is behind the big house, none of them bothering to put any clothes on. Once the tub is ready, they get in, then wash each other well. Still naked with just their towels hanging over their shoulders they return to their rooms. All three plop on Seby and Jojo's bed with Jacks in the middle, as will become a habit with them.
Here ends chpt 2, next chapter all three boys get a surprise of their life.
Seby sets up some things that will prove to be very beneficial in the
future. Hope you enjoyed this chapter in Seby's adventures in the South. Chapter 3Seby is the first to wake up next morning he feels Jacks' big woody pressed between his and Jojo's legs. Puts his hand over Jojo's mouth and licks big brothers nose, he has been doing that for as long as he remembers it always wakes his bra up. Jojo looks at Seby with questions in his eyes."Let's wake up Jacks by sucking his pecker and balls and by fingering his teen hole," whispers Seby. Jojo smiles, he likes the idea of surprising his big brother, slowly the boys untangle themselves from Jacks, lil bra licks Jojo's finger, lifts bigger brothers balls so his other bra can have access to the teens boy hole. Carefuly so as not to wake up big bra, Jojo works his finger inside the teens hole. Both youngster grin at each other, Seby moves around so he can suck Jacks' pecker from above givin big bra an open shot at the balls and boy hole. In unison they start working on their older brother. When the lil imp moved so he could suck on Jacks' pecker from above his willy was above bigger brothers mouth, accidentaly he moved downward with his hard willy resting on Jacks lips. He feels bigger bras mouth open and swallow his woody and balls. Jackson is having a great dream, his papa is corn holing him, while he's doing Jojo and sucking on Seby's willy. He wakes up with a start, takes him a few seconds to realize what is going on, he moves making his lil imps realize he is awake. They jump off him. "Mornin, Jacks sleep well?" asks Seby "Mornin, Jacks have nice dreams?" asks Jojo with a grin. "Mornin, my favorite imps, now that's one hell of a way to wake somebody," answers Jacks with a big grin on his face. They hug, roll out of bed, do their morning absolutions, then naked, undies, undies they go do their exercises in the atrium followed by their morning run, finishing it off by watching the sunrise. They run to the creek for a quick dip to wash off the sweat, head for the house to get dressed and start their day. Most of the time they will wear play or work clothes, with or without a shirt and no shoes, those they only use for church and going to town. They wear their shirts since they will be having breakfast in the dinning room, rather then the kitchen. "Morning boys, did you sleep well?" asks Master Raymond. "Yes Sir, Master Raymond, I'm still getting used to the soft bed and having two imps wrapped around me," replies Jacks with a smile. "Oh yes Master Raymond, slept like a baby. when's breakfast? I'm starving," says Jojo rubbing his tummy. "Mornin granpa, Jacks chest feels nicer then the pillows," grins Seby and hugs granpa. Mr. Morgan chuckles at the boys responses. He had snuck into their bedroom last night after the boys took their bath, and saw how the younger ones had wrapped themselves around Jackson. "Was that the three of you running to the south side of the island early this morning?" he asks "Yes Master Raymond, we've been doing some exercises Master Drake showed lil brother and then running since Seby got here," answers Jacks. "Good for you boys, it will keep you fit and in good shape, specially Joe and Seby with the amount of food they put away," he grins. "Seby when are you going to start wearing clothes, besides the dinner table, church, classes and town?" he asks his grandson. "When I get to be a big boy and start havin hairs around my willy," grins the imp mischevously. Master Raymond laughs. "No wonder when we give your play clothes away they are practically brand new." "I do wear clothes when I play outside in the winter," replies the boy defensively. "Oh yes, how could I forget, you do wear undies, shorts and if we're lucky a short sleeved shirt," he chuckles They all laugh. "What's so funny Ray? Morning boys, now come here and give a hug, all three of you," says Missus Constance. "Oh we're talking about our lil nude boy and the heavy clothes he wears in winter," replies Ray. The boys go up to Missus Constance and give hugs. "Heavy clothes? we quit bying him winter pants and coats when he was three and a half, because he never wore them," she says puzzled. "For Seby, Missus Constance heavy clothes are undies and shorts," replies Jojo with a grin. "Ray, maybe we can find woolen shorts for Seby this winter," she says and smiles. "Grannnnma, woolen clothes are scratchy," pleads lil Seby. "How is everybody this morning?" asks Missus Mary Louise, entering the dinning room. "Fine Missus Mary," say both Jacks and Jojo. Seby runs up to his mom and gives a hug and a kiss. "Mr. Killroy and Mr. DuPont said they will have breakfast later they need to discuss tutoring of the boys," she lets her parents in law know. After a wonderful breakfast where the boys as usual ate twice as much as the adults, the family and the two nigger slave boys walk out to the atrium. "Boys in about a week we will be going to Boston, I need to take care of some business there. We will be staying at Col. Drake's place. So remember to be on your best behavior, especially Seby," he says. "Jojo, Jacks we can go to Mr. Goossmans book store, that's the place were all the books Jojo and me have came from," says an excited Seby. "Will I be staying in Boston, when you come back here granpa?" asks the worried boy. "No Seby, we have talked with your mama and agreed that you will stay on the island at least until you finish school. Then we shall see," answers granpa. Seby is jumping and screaming for joy at the news that he will live with his granparents and his two older brothers. "So what are you boys planing on doing today besides running around naked, undies and undies," asks Ray and laughs. "I want to take the presents I brought to my friends and the lil ones," says Seby. "After we do that I wanted to ask papa if he would let me borrow some tools so we can make the driftwood bench nice and smooth, then paint it, so it keeps against the weather," replies Jacks. "Me I just follow my brothers," says Jojo. "Driftwood bench?" asks Ray. "Yes, granpa, the day we got here Jojo an me found this realy nice piece of driftwood, part of it is cut and it makes a real nice bench to sit on after swiming or when we have lunch at the cove," says Seby. "Well go and enjoy yourselves and remember Jackson is in charge so you two listen to him," says granpa. "Boys come by the kitchen on your way to the cove, I'll have them prepare a lunch basket for you," Connie tells them, thinking for how many she should have the basket made for, and decides on at least a dozen hungry kids. They run up to their rooms to change for the day. Jacks and Jojo simply remove their shirts, Seby, well he just removes everything and goes au naturel. They had put all the gifts back in the bag, which the lil one grabs. "Jacks why don't you see if you can borrow the stuff from your papa, also see if he and your mama need help movin' to the house," goes lil brother. "Yes, they are movin' today, we can help if they need it an do the bench tomorrow," says an excited Jojo. Jacks takes off for his parents slave hut, while the younger ones go visit Seby's little friends in the slaves' area. When the pickaninies spot their Seby, they rush towards him hugging then talking all at once. The kids have fun giving away presents to their friends, chatting with them, some of the babies that have learned to walk surround Seby giggling and wanting attention. Which of course he gives gladly, giving them toys, hugging, holding them. "Mornin' Mama, Papa," greets Jacks entering his old place, giving his parents a hug. "Mornin' boy, where is Joe?" asks his papa. "Jojo went with lil brother to make the pickaninies and the babies happy," replies Jacks with a grin. "That boy is gonna spoil all the lil niggers," smiles Clara. "Papa you need help moving to the big house?" asks the teen. "No it's alright boy, Tom and his brother will be by to help, there ain't much anyways, just some personal stuff is all," he replies. "We get fancy furniture, new clothes, I gets to work helping with the house washing. No more getting dye," says mama happily. "Tom's brother and his woman will get our hut, they'd be sharing one hut with Tom before," goes Jordan. "Papa, can we borrow some tools? we need to make a piece of driftwood we use for bench at the cove smooth," asks Jacks. "You need them now or can it wait till your mama and me are done moving?" he asks his son. "We can wait papa. Mama you is gonna love the big soft beds in the big house. Jojo and Seby can help telling what goes where in the fancy furniture. Mama, Seby say we'll go to the store where he and Jojo got all their books, so they can get me books for my room, when we in Boston," says an excited Jacks. "You happy living in the big house with Master Sebastian and Joe?" asks his mama. "Oh Yea mama, very happy, they're the two best lil brothers a boy could want. I have to watch 'em, cause they is sneaky, but they be good boys an listen to me when I tell 'em to behave," he repiles. Jacks helps his parents pack their few meager belongings while Tom and his younger brother Jacob get there, to move his mama and papa to the big house. When they arrive, he goes to search for the lil ones. "Jacks, whar yo be? I is lookin for yo," asks his best friend Zeke, "Yo Zeke, I is in da big house now, wif Jojo an Seby. Has room next to their," replies Jacks givin Zeke a hug. "Joe haf room wif Massa Sebastian? whar he sleep floor?" wonders Zeke. "No, theys both sleeps on big bed," says Jacks not mentioning he sleeps there also. "Joe sleeps wif lil Massa Sebastian? yo is joshin me," asks an incredilous Zeke. "I is not joshin yo, they do," replies the teen with a smile. "Daum, Joe is one lucky nigger, so is yo," says Zeke. "Yeah, we sho is, we sho is," replies Jacks agreeing wholeheartedly. "So what yo fancy niggers doin today?" asks the boy. "I ain't no fancy nigger, still is Jacks," wondering if Zeke will stop being his friend. "Yo lives in big house, gots fancy cloths. Maybe no want po field nigger fo yo friend no more," replies Zeke feeling scared. Jackson grabs his best friend in a fierce hug. "Zeke, we is friends since we lil pickaninies. We always be friends, yo is my bestest friend," he says and kisses his best friend. Jackson tells his friend, their plans for the day, how they plan to smooth the piece of driftwood, then maybe paint it. What lil brothers are doing with their little friends, about them going to Boston and how scared he is, since he never went further then Wilkins. Zeke laughs at that saying he'd be scared to go to Wilkins since he never been off the island his whole life. Talking, laughing they look for the lil ones. They find Jojo, being followed by the pickaninies to the creek to swim, a beet red Seby talking and walking hand in hand with Rose Marie to her mama's hut. "Don' Massa Raymond buy Massa Sebastian cloths? he be naked all time," says Zeke. Jacks laughs. "Seby has plenty cloths, he no like wearin 'em. He like be nakid all time." "He sho is cute lil white boy, Massa Sebastian must like Rose Marie, he all red now," says Zeke with a grin. Seby and Rose Marie walk into her mama's hut, the boy is still blushing like crazy, his tummy has butterfiles in it. Rose Marie had taken his hand when they went to her hut. His lil willy is so hard, he's been telling it to go down, but it refuses to listen to him. "Mornin' Aunt Lucy, how yo be?" asks Seby and gives her hug, she has mended quite a few knee scrapes, bruises, bumps and cut for him for as long as he remembers. So to him she's like an aunt. "Massa Seby! I is fine, yo gots a cut yo needs aunt lucy to look at," she asks, not missing the fact that the boy is blushing an has a woody while holding hands with her lil Rosy. "No aunt Lucy, I gots a present fo Rose, fo when she's 8. I needs yo help," says the boy. Then removes everything he has for Rose Maries dress and asks if aunt Lucy can do it for the girl for her 8th birthday two months away. "Oh! honey chile, that sho is such a pretty dress. I can do it fo her," says a beaming Lucy. Both kids are blushing furiously. The boy excuses himself, saying he has to go meet his two older brothers to work on a bench in their ocean side cove. He leaves the slave hut, happy as a lark, she held his hand all the way to her hut. The smile she had on her pretty face when she saw the picture of the dress, he's in Seventh Heaven. Skiping and giggling he goes to the creek where Jojo is with the pickaninies. Once there he notices Jacks and a handsome nigger boy. Seby joins Jojo and the pickaninies in the creek. They play, splash each other swim having a good time just being boys with no worries or cares. Zeke is watching his young master with interest, checks out how well developed the boy is for a 6year old, drools over the most beautiful white or nigger boy butt he has seen, wonders how a lil white willy tastes compared to the nigger pickaninie ones. Jacks watches his best friend staring at Seby, he smiles, knowing what lil bra probably has in mind for his shy best friend, if Zeke hangs around Seby, he won't be shy for long thinks Jacks. After an hour or so, Seby excuses himself and Jojo saying they have to go do some work. Seby had noticed the other teen looking at him, he hopes the nigger teen liked what he saw. "Jacks yo an yo good lookin friend meet us at cove, Jojo an me needs to get food from kitchen," says Seby as he and Jojo race towards the house kitchen. Zeke's heart did a flip flop, Massa Sebastian called him good lookin. His thick teen nigger cock, was at it's full mast . The teens slowly go towards the path down to the private cove. Talking about things of interst to teens their age. Seby and Jojo got to the cove before Jacks and his friend, sitting on the bench, Seby naked and Jojo in his new white mans undies which he was so proud to wear. They are just sitting there talking about all the things young boys do. Seby is running his hand on Jojo's thigh, kind of a gesture without thought. Seby ask Jojo,"Who was that nigger with Jacks by the creek?" "What nigger you mean Seby?" "You know, that one who look about Jacks' age but a little shorter and he still got babyfat on him." "Oh, that be Zeke, he big bras best friend since they boys, used to be they always together, Zeke don't got no brothers or sisters so Jacks kinda like his brother. He's two months older then big brother" While this was going on Seby's hand was rubbing higher on Jojo's leg, touching his undie covered pecker and balls. "Does Jacks and Zeke do stuff like we do?" As Seby ask this he had a firm grip on Jojo's now very hard pecker and gave it a squeeze as if to emphasize what he meant. "I suppose they do, Jacks he stick his pecker in just bout any hole he can find, he fuck half the girls and women on the island and lot of the pickaninnies and niggers too," goes Jojo "You ever see Zeke's pecker?" querries a curious Seby. "Only couple times swimming, but that be some time ago, he younger then an it be soft. He got a fat one back then but not so long as big bras." "Seby you don let go my pecker I'se gonna mess my new undies," Moans Jojo "Well take them off then," replies the lil imp givin big brothers pecker another squeeze. Jojo was out of his undies right quick and Seby slid to the ground and took the hard boy pecker in his mouth. He had no problem gettin it all in and didn't stop untill his nose was pressed into Jojo's soft cock hairs. Seby likes that Jojo's hairs were still nice and soft and not all stiff and wiry like Mr Abel and even Jacks was stiff and kinky. "Oh lil brother that feel good, keep sucking my big pecker, I wanna give you my cream." Seby didn't need to be asked twice, he was fondling Jojo's balls and pushing his finger under his big brothers ass and rubbing his pucker. Neither boy saw Jacks and Zeke come out of the woods to the edge of the cove. the older boys just stopped and stared, Jacks wth a smile on his face seeing his brothers having some fun and Zeke with a look of amazement on his not quite handsome face. Zeke's lips were very big as was his wide nose, but the shape of his face was pleasing. He was just a bit shorter then jacks but heavier with a little belly fat and a large ole black ass. "Damn Jacks that be massa Seby sucklin on Jojo's pecker" whispers a shocked Zeke. "I'se reckon it be that Zeke ain't they cute together." "If one of the massers see that, Jojo gonna get a whipping fo shur, you best stop em," As Zeke was saying this his own pecker was rising underneath his wrap and he reached down to give it a tug. Seeing this Jacks said, "looks like you like what you see there Zeke." "Sho I like it but it ain't right a massa suck on a nigger boy." "Whys that Zeke, you and me done that a hundred time with each other and I gotta tell you that Seby likes to suck him and Jojo also cornhole the boy." Now like most boys Jacks was one to brag little and he said, "matter fact I have Seby suck me and I conholes him and suck his little boy pecker." Ever since the creek when Zeke saw Seby nakid with his little pecker so hard he dreamed of doing what he was watching but dared not really think bout it. Zeke was amazed that Jojo was rubbing his hands all over the white boy. Saying "I'se almost there Seby, now, take my seed" and with that he stiffened and pulled Seb's head tight to his groin as he shot his boy cream into the willing mouth of his lil brother. When he was done and Seby had licked up any milk that he missed both boys saw the two older teens. Seby's face lit up with a smile when he saw them and he jumped to his feet and ran over to them, grabbing Jacks around the legs and pressing his face against jacks half hard pecker. "Oh Jacks, me an Jojo jus had the best time, who be this nigger?" (When there were field niggers around the boy fell into field talk so that the niggers would not think they was trying to ack better then they were.) "This be Zeke, Seby, he work in the dye room. Zeke and me be friend sine we uns was pickaninnies. He be 15 like me" answers Jacks giving Seby a hug and rubbing his crotch against the boy. He then removes his clothes and sits on the mats. Seby never one to use much tack asked, "you and Zeke play like weuns do?" Seby had not missed the tent under Zeke's wrap and he couldn't wait to see it and feel it. "You ask to many questions lil brother," says Jacks with a grin. Zeke was speechless at the way his friend talked to the lil white massa, he stood with his eyes down as he was taught to do, not look white folk in the eye, ever! "Zeke, why is yo gots yo pants an shirt on, we is all nakid why yo not?" asks Seby, whishin nigger boys wore nothing under their thin cotton pants. That way he could see their peckers a lot better then just seeing bulges covered by wrappings. Zeke is blushin as bad as Seby was when walking with Rose Marie. He's just a field nigger, he should not be nakid in front of his massa, unless massa is gonna whip him. Jacks and Joe live in big house maybe it be alright for them to be nakid with massa. "Zeke, I don care if yo is field nigger, we is nakid yo shoulds be nakid also. Yo likes lookin at me nakid at creek an now I wans to looks at yo nakid," says Seby and gets up, moving menacingly towards Zeke. "Massa Sebastian, yos wanna see me nakid? Whys yo wanna do that," stammers Zeke, hoping he won't have to get nakid, his teen nigger pecker is hard as a rock and his wrapping is soaked with pre cum, he'd be to emabarrased for his massa to see him like that. "Yos gots to look at me nakid in da creek, yo likes whas yo saw?" continues the lil imp. Oh Lordy, what can he say, if he tells the truth, he'll get a whipin, if he lies his massa will be upset, before he can decide what to say he feels Seby grab his pecker thru the wrappings. Seby reached under Zeke's wrap to feel what caused his large tent and when his little hand grabbed onto a very large round pecker he exclaimed, "shit Zeke your pecker got to be as big as Jacks, maybe fatter too." Not that it showed but Zeke blushed right down to his toes and whispered, "thank ya massa Sebastian." Seby looked up aat the nigger boy and told him "whens we alone down here and no niggers or white folk around I', jus plain Seby." "Yes suh massa Seby," Seby just smiled at that. "Looks like yo sho likes whas yos sees. Wha's yo wanna play wif, Seby's willy, boy hole, maybe yos want Seby to suck yo nigga cock?" asks Seby never letting go of poor Zeke's woody. "Jacks, helps, please," pleads a terrified Zeke his eyes still downcast. "Zeke, gets nakid an let Seby see how good yos look, I knows he's gonna likes yo thick pecker. Seby suck nigger boy pecker betta then anyone I knowns," answers Jacks. Also standing up and walkin over to his friend. He removes terrified Zeke's shirt, then looks at his friend and tells him to either remove his pants or he'll help Seby to do it. Poor Zeke is almost in tears, why is friend against him, he'll get a whippin if he shows his ragging woody to his massa. Seby seeing the state of the boy backs off and lets bigger bra know with his eyes to back off also. "Zeke, I likes playin wif both my bras, loves it when I gets to suck one an the other be corn holin me. When I sees yo lookin at me in creek, I is thinkin maybe yos likes to play wif Seby also, and Zeke please don call me Massa, I is just Seby to all white folk and niggers," says Seby as tenderly as he can. Zeke looks at his best friend for confirmation of what he just heard the lil white boy say. Jacks nods his head. "Zeke, I is luckiest nigger boy on island I gots to be first to corn hole lil bra. Jacks be right Seby suck pecker best of all, he do thins to yo, make yos feel likes never bfore. An don calls him massa, he's might bite yo pecker off iffen yo do," says Jojo and grins. "Yos, has play wif massa? yos not joshin me? an massa wans play wif me? Oh Lordy, Lordy," asks and exclaims a stunned Zeke. This cute adorable white boy, wants to play with him, suck his nigger slave pecker, have Zeke corn hole him. Oh, Lordy, Lordy he sure is one lucky field nigger slave. While watching the lil boy at the creek he would have given his life just to have his tongue in that cute boy hole and to suck that lil white willy, now he finds out he can do a lot more then that, he can corn hole that white boy hole. Oh Lordy! Zeke is out of his pants and wrappings in record time for a shy boy like him, his pecker stood straigh out from his body, at full 7½" x 2½" across, the foreskin pulled partway back over the large purple head. Seby lets out a wolf whistle, when he sees how thick Zeke's pecker is, it's almost as thick as Mr. Abel's, not as long as bigger bras or the nigger servant in Boston who opened the door for him to sex play. "Yo sho likes what yo sees at creek Zeke, yos leakin pecker lube like crazy. I likes what I sees, bet yos tasty too," says Seby then reaches over to the teens wood, holds it in his hands an licks some pecker lube of the tip. Poor Zeke fell backwards on the sand when Seby's tongue touched the head of his pecker pulling the lil imp with him. They wind up on the sand with Seby between Zeke's legs his face right above the teens woody. He moved his mouth forward and before Zeke could think anything, he had the thick pecker in his mouth with the head pressing against the back of it. Seby bobed up and down a few times then said, "come over to the mats and lay down." As soon as Zeke laid down, Seby was between his legs trying to swallow that fat pecker to its base, he knew he could because he had got all of Mr. Abel's long fat cock in his mouth and wanted to do the same for Zeke. Zeke just laid there, his hands at his side, afraid to touch the white boy no matter how bad he wanted to. Seby got a good taste of the older teens pecker, noticing the boy was just laying there scared to move or breathe, he decided to give him the royal treatment. He scooted down until his face was at the teens feet, then taking one big toe he started sucking on it, licking it all around, while his hands massaged Zeke's calfs. He heard the teen take a sharp intake of breath. The lil imp worked over every one of the five dirty toes, sucking, licking them, licking the spaces between the toes, savoring their unwashed taste. At least now there was some reaction, the teens breathing was hard and fast. Seby moved to the other foot, sucking, licking every last toe, savoring the taste of a new boy. He moved upwards, licking, sucking nibling first one leg then the other, moving upwards while alternating his attention between both calfs then thighs, he spread Zeke's legs first he licked the junction area on the right side, then licked the other one. Zeke was moaning, his breaths were sporadic. "It alright to touch him, he ain't gonna break and he like to have his boyhole played with too," said Jacks after seeing that Zeke was just laying there petrified. Zeke looked at Jacks to make sure he wasn't trying to get him in trouble but by now Jacks was busy reaming his lil brother. Zeke put one hand on Seb'y shoulder, very lightly and when the boy didn't react he put his other hand on him. Soon he was rubbing the boys back and running his hand through the sof hair of the white boy. He had never felt hair like that, so soft and clean. He let his hand roam down over the boys smooth skin, unlike any Zeke had touched, (Zeke was not a big boy, except for his pecker. he had small hands with long fingers. His hands were soft like a womans from working in the dye room). Seby in the meantime encouraged by Zeke finally reacting, was licking and sucking the teens huge balls, he could barely get one ball in his mouth at a time. Swirling, licking, sucking one ball at a time, while his hand played with the other. His nose pressed aginst the back of the teens thick pecker, smelling of musk, sweat and teen boy. He told the boy to raise his butt up a bit, licked the backside of his balls, ran his tongue along the crack of the nicely plump ass, swirled his tongue around the well used pucker, yes Jacks has been inside, thought the imp. He slid his tongue inside savoring the taste, which was diferent then both his older bras, but not bad, kinda pungent from not being washed often, played with his tongue inside the hole, swirling it, lickin. Zeke sure was reactin now, pushin his butt into Seby's face, moanin louder oohing, aahhing. Seby licked two fingers and inserted them into the well reamed teen hole, then he scooted around and laid atop of the teen. He licked the lenght of Zeke's pecker then ran his tongue in circular motion from bottom to the head, where he greedily laped the leaking precum, slidin the tip of his tongue into the wide open slit, he engulfed the thick head into his waiting mouth, ran his tongue all around it, licked it, sucked the nectar oozin out of the slit, then swallowed half of it in one go, he slightly gagged for a bit when it went down his throat. Zekes small, soft hands rubbed the boys ass cheeks and then he dared to rub a finger over Seby' tightt pucker, Seby moaned around the pecker buried in his throat. Seby was wondering what it would feel like have this fat pecker in his hole and knew he was going to find out soon, even if Zeke didn't know that. As Zeke got bolder with his hand he put them on the boys head and held him as he fucked into his mouth. He got braver and tried to lick the cute white boy hole, Seby moaned louder into the dick that was now fucking his mouth faster and faster. Zeke got the courage to do what he had wanted from the time he saw the cute lil white butt, to eat that tasty lil hole, he lost himself in the delight of reaming and eating his first ever white boy hole. He fucked harder and faster in to the white boy's mouth moaning out. Sliding his thick tongue into the white boy's hole, tastin, lickin, swirling it around. "Oh massa Seby I gonna shoot, you best pull offen me," he didn't dare shoot into the white boy's mouth. Seby sucked harder and was rewarded with a heavy load of hot thick cream, he pulled his mouth back so he could taste it better. Different then Jacks or Jojo but he liked the thickness of it. When Zeke had stopped Seby looked at him and asked, "you like that Zeke?" "Oh yes suh massa Seby I sho did, I'se sorry about getting it in yo mouf." "I wanted to taste you Zeke," said our imp licking his lips to get every last bit of the thick creamy load. "Jojo yo gots the lube here? do me, so Zeke can corn hole me," he said, laying on his back and pulling his legs to his chin and spreadin them. Jojo complied and lubes his lil brothers hole real well getting it ready for the thick pecker, he had three fingers going in and out of it. Seby looked and saw Zeke sitting on the improntu bench with a look of wonderment. Seby stood and then got on Zeke's lap, facing him. Zeke was a bit chubby and he had tits like a 12 or 13 year old girl and Seby couldn't resist sucking on them and thats what he did. Now Jacks and Jojo watched to see what Seby would do to Zeke. Seby sucked on Zeke's tit like a newborn sucklin its mammy and Zekes tit were very sensitive. He was moaning, "Oh lil massa, oh that almos as good as you suckin my pecker." Seby liked to please people so he moved from one tit to the other, sucking, lickin, nibblin on the big round puffy nipples, flickin the tip of his tongue on hard nubs. Zeke was squriming, kissing the boys soft hair and holding him close to him, to touch as much of this white boy as he could. "Zeke can you get your pecker hard again?" "Sho massa Seby, I can get hard all days ifen I needs to." "Zeke I want you to cornhole me like Jojo and Jacks does." "Oh massa Seby I couldn't that, ifen got caught I get whipped, or worse fo sho." Nobodys gone whip you or even find out, its jus us and my brothers here." "Massa I real wanna do that but I'se awful big down there and don wan hurts ya." "I'se worry bout that Zeke, Jojo gots me ready with lube" and Seby reached beneath him and felt that sho nuff Zekes fat pecker was already hard. "Yo is hard an ready Zeke. I is lay on mat, and yos gets yo big thick pecker an corn hole me good." "Yes massa Seby," replied the excited teen. Now Zeke had a secret, not even Jacks knew about him. Zeke and Jacks had been fucking each other since they were nine, but then Zeke stopped cornholin Jacks and just used to suck him and let Jacks cornhole him. His secret was that he loved to cornhole lil pickaninnies, boy and girls. He never stuck his pecker in a girls twat cause he knew if he hurt them and they couldn't breed he be in big trouble but he liked them lil asses. The thing was he only like to cornhole lil people and when boys got hair on their pecker he stopped cornholeing them and then the boys would cornhole Zeke, as for the girls he just didn't bother with them when they gots their tits and twat hair, so Seby was perfect for Zeke ceptin he was white. Zeke had dreamed all his life of sexing with a white boy but there just weren't none around for him, he never been to the big house and the overseers didn't let their boys around the niggers cept the lil girls and breeders to teach em how to fuck and make babies. Zeke reached and played with Seby's small white pecker, all the boys Zeke ever cornholed he never saw a boy with such a lil pecker and he liked it. "Oh Zeke, please cornhole me now, I knows yo is hard and my hole is ready fo your fat nigger pecker." Seby reached for and took hold the big pecker, pulled it untill the tip was against his tight pucker. Zeke put his hands on the boys hip, by now Zeke had lost all fear of touching and using the lil boy. Seby pressed down and pretended he was gonna take a big shit and his hole opened and the fat cockhead entered his tight ass. Seby screamed with the pain and Jacks asked him ifen he was alright. For a minute Seby couldn't talk and then he said "I'se alright Jacks, why don't you and Jojo come over and help us?" Jojo got next to his lil brother and helped guide the big pecker into the small hole, he had never seen this before and was amazed the way Seby's ass opened up for the invader. Zeke could't wait any more and takin hold of Seby pushed his fat ass forward and rammed the rest of his big pecker deep into the boy. With one last moan of pain Seby wrapped his arms around Zeke's and pulled himself towards the chubby chest and rested for a minute and then started to move in synch with Zeke, he had all of the pecker in him, he could feel Zeke's kinky hairs rub his smooth ass cheeks. Seby thought if I can do this then I can do Mr Abel but that thought was fleeting. Jacks not wanting to be left out, greased his friends hole and in one move rammed all of his long teen nigger dick to the hilt. Zeke squeeld and rammed his thick pecker deep into Seby's butt. The three boys were moving in synch, Jacks pulls out of Zeke, he withdraws from Seby, Jacks slams his manhood deep into Zeke, he rams his thick nigger pecker deep into the white boys bowels. Jojo set on the bench and looked at the scene in front of him, his boy pecker hard as a rock. Zekes lips was like his tits and cock and ass, full and thick and seeing Jojo's hard boy pecker he swallowed it like it was pice of candy. With Zeke sucking Jojo's pecker and playing with Seby's willy, Seby started to suck on Zeke's tits again, he couldn't get enought of him. Hands were everywhere on all the boys, mouths sucking peckers fucking lips sucking tit. Sweat was pouring off the boys and they weren't gonna last long, Zeke was first to moan around Jojos pecker that he was goaan shoot and Jacks joined him with Jojo and Seby right behind. The strange pile of boy was jerking and jumping with all four cocks spitting out their seeds cept Seby's dry spasms. They all fell together, none of them seeing the small black face peering through the brush at them. "Wach yo all doin?" asks a boy still partially concealed by the bush. Seby recognisin his lil friend says "Jonah, we's havin fun playin wif each other." "Seby Missus Connie, says theys eats now, then she wans yo and Joe at bif house help Joes mama an papa," says Jonah, checking out all the boys, he has seen Seby an Joe nakid but not the other two. "We bests let Zeke looks af bench, then eats. Yo eats wif us Jonah, thar be plenty for all," says Seby. The boys let Zeke look at their driftwood bench, he studies it with a practiced eye, lets them know that him and his papa have all the tools they'd need to make it real nice, makes sugestions on what to do so it can withstand the weather. Tells 'em he has to work the next few days but if there are no indigo plant leaves on saturday, he can bring the tools and they can do it in one day, then wait till they get back from Boston to paint it or he can do it when there isn't much work at the dye making place. The boys sit down on the mats, Jojo opens the lunch basket and they all dig in, Zeke shyly at first but then with gusto like the rest of the boys. After a satisfying lunch, Seby splits the leftovers between Zeke and Jonah for them to take to their families. Youngsters being always in a hurry go up the path before the teens. Jonas promises to meet Seby and Jojo at the cove the next day so they can show him and explain about what they were doing when he found them. Zeke taging behind with Jacks is still incredulous about what happened in the cove. He actually corn holed lil Massa Seby and the boy loved it. The boys make it back to the big house, Seby and Jojo go help Jordan and Clara put away their belongings explaining what goes where when they get new clothes. Clara tells them she will sew most of her dresses and Missus Constance told her she will go with her to pick out materials and other things she would need to do it herself. Then she tells them that instead of helping with the laundry she might get the job of sewing for the big houses needs. Seby begs her to tell his granma, if she gets wool material, that she does not know how to sew boys undies and shorts. They all get a good laugh at Seby's plea. The parents suite is right across the hall from the boys, so they can keep an eye on them. That night being kinda tired the boys just wank each other off twice using the Watusi warrior way, then go to sleep in Jacks bed. For the next couple of days Jacks was going to be busy with their papa, helping with the boat and going to Wilkins to get clothes for papa, mama and the stuff mama would need to do sewing at home, with Zeke working in the dye making part of the island, the two imps would be free to romp on their own. Seby and Jojo already made plans to teach Jonas everything they knew about sex play and also that this time Seby would be the first to corn hole the boy. Next morning after their by now usual routine of exercises followed by a run, then relaxing while watching the sunrise our lil imps were ready for adventures without any supervision since Jacks, his parents, Seby's granparents and his mama were going to be in Wilkins most of the day, the boys pretty much had the run of the island. They have the kitchen help pack them a lunch basket, aunt Jemima knowing that the boys always share their lunch with their pickaninie friends packs the basket for the usual dozen hungry kids. Jojo and Seby wave goodbye to Odyssey, pick up their lunch basket on the way to the cove, once there Jojo gets naked, they decide to beat off using the Watusi warrior way, at first they beat off themselves then each other. They decide that since lil bra is better at it, that he will play with Jonah first, suck his willy and then corn hole him, getting him ready for Jojo to fill the boy with seed. They talk bout what poem they will make their bet on, and try to memorize it durin the trip to Boston, then see Jonah and an another boy coming down the path, the boy is also a pickaninie not much older then Jonas. "Seby, cans my big bra Sammy stay? he be 8," asks Jonah. Our imps look at the new boy, then at each other and decide that it will be more fun with two boys to teach bout sex play. "Sho he cans stay Jonah, he be yo bra," replies Seby "Yo do corn holin an suckin, yeterday," says Sammy. "Yo sho is right, Jacks, corn hole his friend Zeke, who corn hole Seby, while he also suck mi pecker," answers Jojo. "Yo kno how to corn hole an suck Sammy?" asks Seby. "I is heard bout it, from other boys, but I no do it yet, I is just beat off wif Jonah," he replies. "Yos wanna learn bout it?" asks Jojo. "Yea," answers Sammy eagerly. "Me wanna also," adds Jonah not wanting to be left behind. "Why yos not take yos cloths off," says Seby wondering what the older boy has for a pecker, he knows Jonah's is longer then his, always has been since they was lil. The two pickaninies get out of their light cotton pants, unwrap the cloths covering their midsection. Jonah has a nice lil three incher [7½ cm], his brother sports an almost four incher [10 cm], both boys peckers are not thick, they are almost pencil thin and their ballsacks have not dropped yet. Seby licks his lips, this will be the first time he plays with boys who do make seed yet like him. Seby and Jojo are in heaven what more could two horny boys ask, having two willing students. Seby looked from one boy to the other, not knowing which one he wanted more. Him and Jonah were the same age and he had seen Jonah naked lots of times when he was down by the slave quarters or at the creek with Jojo but he hadn't seen Sammy before. They sure looked like brothers, both kind of thin, even on a plantation like this one the slaves didn't eat enough or the right foods and all of them worked hard. They both had nappy hair that needed cutting and probably both needed a bath but Seby didn't care bout that, they could just jump in the water here and clean up. Jonah was about Seby's height, but he had a little pot belly common amongst slaves who didn't eat right. Very dark, wide nose and when he smiled which was often very white teeth and the inside of his mouth was very pink. Very full lips, nice for sucking a white boys cock. Seby thought but what he loved the most was the pretty round blackboy ass. His little pecker hung down with a rather long foreskin which to Seby meant that when Jonah got older was going to have a very big cock. Sammy was about 3 inches [7½ cm] taller then Seby and was already showing signs of muscle development, his chest had cute little titties and his arms bulged slightly when he bent his elbow but Seby didn't care about that, it was his three and a half inch [9 cm] soft cock and chubby ass that got his boy cock hard. Sammy's face looked like Jonah's, same big lips and bright white smile. Sammy kept licking his lips with a long pink tongue and Seby wanted to feel that in his boy hole before that cute pecker entered him. Jonah and Sammy were looking at Seby and Jojo as much as they were being looked at, no shyness at all. Sammy looked Seby up and down, having seen him around but not this close standing here with a what to him was a tiny litle white cock. He wondered if all white folks had such little cocks, never having seen any but this one. When the overseer came to their cabin to fuck their momma they never saw him naked, they were sent over to their aunts cabin till he was done and gone. What they saw looking at Seby was a small boy, with a very flat, hard looking tummy. Long straight legs a chest as big as Sammie's and the cutest face, long dirty blond hair that hung over his blue eyes, the only person they ever saw with blue eyes. Lips full and red, what is called a bow mouth, so cute. Sammy wanted to touch it and although he wasn't sure why he wanted to feel it on his now hard 4 1/5" pecker. Seby had good size ears, like a lot of white boys but his nose was a little button. To a white person he was very cute and grown up white folks knew he would grow up very handsome. Sammy had never had sex but he knew about it, he heard older boys talk and he knew his momma and the overseer did things together that must be sex. The nigger boys looked at Jojo, he was a nigger but he was different. He had lived in the big house most of his life, had been fed good food and was fuller then the other boys, a bit more stout, not skinny but just trim but with a slight round tummy from all the good sweets he like to eat. The first thing they saw was his pecker was, to them huge. It stuck out from his body almost 6". He had short kinky hair, small ears a big white smile and like most boys a sweet round ass. Full lips and a smaller nose then most of the niggers, and not as black as many of them even though he was in the sun playing all the time. Seby said, "lets go swimmin fer a bit and cool down sum, we'se all got hard peckers we needs to soften up a bits." All four boys ran to the water and after the normal horse play, mostly between Jojo, Seby and Jonah cause Sammy was afraid to play with the massa and his black brother to hard lessen theys gets in trouble. Seby took care of that when he went over to Sammy and rassled with him which forced Sammy to hold Seby and touch him so Seby said, "See I'se don't break, lets play like nigger boys." Seby splashed some water on Sammy, who splashed back, pretty soon all four boys were playing and having fun, they spent maybe an hour playing in the water, splashing, rasslin, grabin ass an peckers. Seby decided he wanted to play sex games with the pickaninies, so he grabbed Sammys once again hard boy pecker and told him,"You gots an nice big pecker, yous ever have anybody suck you?" "No suh" said Sammy. Seby took him by the hand and they went to the mats and Seby told Sammy to sit and then Seby got between his legs and took the large, for his age pecker in his mouth, it was the first pecker he ever sucked that didn't have no hair and when his face pushed into the smooth skin above the pecker he knew how his own must feel to Jojo and Jacks. Seby licked and sucked on Sammy and ran his finger thrugh the boys ass crack and felt his pucker causing Sammy to moan. "You all gonna cornhols me master Seby?" Seby smiled at the boy and told him "If you wants me to Sammy buts I'se want to play with your lil brother first, and calls me Seby." Seby remembred how Zeke like his tits sucked so he licked across Sammie's titties and Sammy moaned again, so Seby sucked on the succulent lil morsel going from one cute puffy nipple to the other, making Sammy moan louder, pushing his boy chest up wanting to keep his boy tities in his massas mouth. The boy's pecker was hard and if it could it, would have been oozing gallons of precum, the boy was that excited. Then Seby kissed him on his big lips he bout died from shock. He had his hands all over the boy, he didn't know what he was supposed to do but he knew it was goan be good. Seby licked the boys large nigger lips, pushing his pink tongue inside, Sammy opened his lips on instinct. Seby ran his tongue over the boys straight white teeth, licking them, Sammy parted his teeth and Seby did not waste any time gettin his tongue inside the hot boy mouth, the boys wrestled with their tongues, swapped spit, sucked on each others tongues. Sammy was liking learning bout sex with his young master very much, he could do this all day long. "Sammy youse play with Jojo for a bit whiles I play wif Jonah." Jojo had been sucking the smaller boys pecker and licking his tight lil hole, geting him ready for his lil white brother to corn hole him, he knew that Seby needed to see how good it felt to stick your pecker in a tight nigger boys asshole. Switching places Seby wasted no time, he went right for Jonahs ass, licking it, fingering it, sliding his tongue inside savoring the taste of a virgin nigger boy butt. Jonah who was laying on his tummy looked over his shoulder and asked, "youse gonna cornholes me Seby?" "I sho is Jonah, when I gets cornholed by my brothers it feel so good and now you gonna know bout it," replied Seby sliding another finger in the tight virgin hole. "Will it hurt Seby?" asks Jonah "No boy I be carefull with you cause it be youse first." As if Seby could hurt anybody with his little pecker. "You ready Jonah for me to put my pecker in you?" Very softly Jonah whispered "yes Seby." Seby put his lips to the boys ear and nibbled on the ear lobe and he kissed the side of the boys face and licked his ear as he put the head of his little boy cock at the tight pucker. Now Seby has a small pecker, but the only thin been in Jonah's ass has been shit and fingers so when Seby pushed his pecker in the boy with one shove Jonah yelped like he was stabbed. Sammy who was sucking on Jojo's cock stopped and looked to see why his brother was yelling and he saw Seby's white ass raising up and down over his now quiet brother. Jojo told him "don't worry boy he be alright, you go on suck my big pecker." "Yes suh mr Jojo" Jojo laughed at that but he liked hearing it, made him feel almost white and he grabbed the smaller boys head and shoved his pecker deep and began to buck as he shot his seed into the boys mouth. He held onto him untill Sammy had swallowed all his hot cream then he turned to watch his lil brother corn hole his first boy. He looked just in time to see Seby stiffen and then hump real fast into the small boy beneath him as he shot his dry seed. When Seby pulled his soft, pecker from the tiny ass he was smiling like Jojo had never seen and whopped and said, "Jojo I did it, Ise corn holed me a boy and nows I knows why yous like it so much." Jojo ran to him and took him in his arms and told him how proud he was and then he kissed him but not like brothers kiss but like he had seen Jacks kiss his nigger gals. Seby looked at Sammy and asked him "Sammy is youse ready to corn hole this white boy?" "Ise wants to massa Seby ifin it be alright wif you and mr Jojo." "Sammy iffen yo calls me massa again, Ise gonna bite yo pecker off. Asks Jonah if pickaninnies calls me massa," says Seby seriously. Sammy looks at his lil brother, he knows Jonah an the other pickaninnies be playin in da creek wif massa Seby since theys be real lil. "Sammy, Ise tole ya bfore, when no otha white folk be round, wes all call massa Sebastian just Seby," responds Jonah. "Whas bout Mr. Jojo?" asks the cautious older boy. "Yos can call me Mr. Jojo, but once I is corn hole yo, yos best calls me just Jojo, or Ise no corn hole yos no more," replies Jojo with a smile. Sammy tries to digest what he has just been told, everybody calls Massa Sebastian just Seby if no other white folk be there. If he calls the white boy Massa Seby he will bite his willie off, if he calls Mr. Jojo that after he corn hole him, he not get corn holed by him again. He don't want to loose his willie, and does want to have Mr. Jojo corn hole him often, he has heard from older boys how much fun it is to corn hole and get corn holed. "Sammy lays on mat, yos pecker be soft," says Seby "Sho thang Seby," answers the boy as he lays on the mat and spreads his legs. Seby knowing that Sammy really enjoys having his tities and nipples played with starts there. Sucking, licking, kissing, giving them gentle bites, flicking the tip of his pink tongue over the pointy hard nubs, going from one nipple to the other with his mouth, while using his fingers on the one he's not sucking on. Sammy is moaning, encouraging Seby to keep going, raising his chest so's to get more of it in that hot, moist white boy mouth. His nigger boy pecker is hard without anybody touching it. He's loving the attention he is getting from the white boy. Oh Yeah his older friends were right, sex is great. Poor Sammy does not know that this is just the beginning, that Seby and Jojo were planning to take him and Jonah to such heavenly delights that they never thought possible. Seby starts to work his way down towards Sammy rock hard 4½" seedless cocklet. He blows raspberries on the boys tummy making him giggle and squirm. He gets to the hard cocklett, most of the purple head is peaking out of the skin, Seby runs his tongue around it, slides his tongue through the piss slit, but there is nothing for to lap up. He takes the whole pecker in one swift move downwards, Sammy's butt jumps upwards, making it easier for the white boy to swallow the immature balls also. Sammy is screaming, trashing on the mats, begging Seby to never stop, to keep going forever. But Seby does stop, he asks Jojo to lube his boy hole. Sammy is laying on the mat panting, trying to catch his breath, having his nipples and pecker sucked and played with is WOW! WOW! nothing could be better then that he thinks. Once Jojo has his lil bra lubed, Seby tells Sammy. "Sammy, I is gonna sit on yo pecker now, Jojo is gonna help line it wif my boy hole. When he says push, yos push up an gets yos pecker in my boy hole, then Ise shows yo how good corn holing feel," Says the white boy stradling the still panting nigger boy under him. Jojo helps line up Sammy's pecker with lil bras boy hole, then tells the nigger boy to push upwards. Sammy does as told. As soon as Seby feels the head pop in he slides down until he's sitting on Sammy's hairless groin with the boys pecker buried all the way inside him. When his nigger pecker dissapeared all the way inside the cute white butt, Sammy let out a long sigh of happiness, the boy hole felt so nice and warm and tight and the way it was milking his cocklett. And then Seby started to ride his nigger pecker, first slowly, then faster, then slower, then faster. Sammy never knew he could have feelings like he was having now, he wasn't sure if he was in heaven or on earth, and to tell the truth he didn't care, he just wanted this go on forever, never stoping never ending, just the marvelous feelings of his boy pecker sliding in and out of the white boy hole. But all things must come to an end eventually, and so it was with Sammy, with a loud AAAAAARRRRGGGGGHHHH he had the best dry orgasm of his entire young life. He was panting, his vision was blurred, his whole body was shaking from the tremendous orgasm he just experienced. Slowly Seby got off the boy he had just introduced to the pleasures of boy sex games. "So Sammy whas yo think of corn holin? yos like it?" he asks the boy who was still coming down from his orgasm. Poor Sammy could only nod his head. Once Sammy came down from his high, he smiled a big smile all his pure white teeth showing and gleaming in the morning sun. "Oh Yeah, Ise like boy sex fer sho Seby, Ise wanna do it all time now," says the boy and grins. While Seby and Sammy were enjoying themselves Jojo kept Jonah busy by having them suck each other off, giving the lil pickaninnie his first taste of boy seed. The four boys spent an enjoyable morning at the cove, Seby got to take not only Jonah's virginity but also Sammy's. Sammy got to corn hole the other three boys. By the time they opened the lunch basket they had corn holed and sucked each other off at least once. Sammy was not shy or afraid around Seby or Jojo any longer, they played, joked and teased each other like old friends. They spent Friday packing and getting ready for a boat trip to Boston. Seby was wondering if they were going to take the Odyssey or some big ship that bring cargo for the town and the plantations around it. Saturday Zeke had them help him fix their bench so they could sit on it without having to put the mats over it. Sunday was a work free day at the plantation and everybody, slaves, overseers and the white master all went to a church Mr. Raymond had built on the island and had hired a permanent preacher to always be there. Seby for a change was actually dressed in his Sunday clothes. This Sunday was special cause even unkie Walt came to the service and he was Seby's most favorite uncle, regardless that he was his only uncle. The boys also found out that they would be sailing to Boston on unkie Walt's custom made ship, that he had ordered from Col. Drake's shipyard in Boston. It was called Argos, just like the boat in the story Jason and the Argonauts, that all three boys liked so much. Monday morning three very excited boys kept rushing the grown ups to hurry up so they could go sailing, the boys had taken all the luggage down to the ship the night before, so as not to waste any time.
Here ends chapter three of Changing History. What adventures await our heroes in Boston? tune in to this same channel in the near future to find out.