PZA Boy Stories


The Quiet Kid


For some reason, this seems to be one of the #1 favorite stories I wrote. I think it's really good too actually. It's about a kid at school who's super quiet and strange and doesn't have any friends. A group of curious kids try to find out why he's so antisocial but end up very frustrated. One boy feels really sorry for him though and tries really hard to become friends with him to cheer him up and keep him company. Plus, he thinks he's totally cute! But the closer he gets, the more strange things he notices about the boy until finally he reveals his big secret, and trust me, it's not what you think.
Publ. Jan 2006 (Nifty); this site 3; 2010
Finished 17,500 words (35 pages)


Adrian (14yo) and Jimmy (14yo)

Category & Story codes

Consensual Boy erotic story/love
tt tg cons mast oral anal piv – first


This story contains descriptions of sexual acts between minors. If this is not to your tastes, or is illegal wherever you live, please leave now, unless you wish to be educated and/or have an open mind. Nothing was hurt in the making of this story except for maybe a headache here and there when I wrote it too late at night. This story is pure and total fiction and if you don't realize that after the first paragraph, you've been smoking some funky granola. This story expresses my and everyone's attraction to little boys and is obviously fictional.

Author's note

I lost contact with the author. Are you the author, please contact me.


Sometimes school can really get a kid down. So many students all over the place hate getting up every day and moping around from class to class. With all the homework and other people to deal with at school, how could it possibly get any worse? Unfortunately, Adrian's case was worse. Having a slightly abnormal name was bad enough but that was only the beginning. In all his classes, he never talked unless he absolutely had to. He did his homework most of the time and got average grades because of it, but in group work he always remained quiet and wished he could work by himself instead. As far as anyone knew, he didn't hang around with any group and didn't seem to even be associated with anyone at the school at all.

Everyone knew he was a little different than any normal student but nobody really cared to do anything about it. A few caring students from time to time felt like they ought to try and become friends with him but never found the right time to do so. Adrian always had a certain look about him. With his plain clothes, dark hair, and grayish eyes, he just didn't look very approachable. If anyone ever got close to him, they'd take one look and feel like they ought not disturb him. He always seemed to give the impression that he had just came from a funeral so now wasn't a good time to approach him and that look never went away. Who wants to approach someone that looks like they'll start crying the second you force them to speak? So it's no surprise that he managed to make it through half of ninth grade without a single friend.

A few curious and mischievous students kept an eye on him one day during November in ninth grade. They secretly followed him out the door and were a little surprised at first where he went. Later though, it seemed to fit well with the type of person he was. They kept a great distance as they watched him walk slowly from block to block. It was a wonder he didn't get frostbite walking home every day in just a thin spring jacket, and also, they noticed, to school every day in the same manner. They followed him to a known foster home that had taken in many children without parents.

That was as far as the investigation went until weeks later, a teacher talked with the owner of the foster home when she and her husband surprisingly attended conferences. The teacher later happened to share enough information with a single curious student that it got back to the curious kids who had followed Adrian home that one day. They were told that the foster parents had mentioned that their little Adrian wasn't much livelier at home either. Ever since they had adopted him at the age of twelve after his parents died, he never seemed too interested in talking. He just sulked around all day silently, looking permanently sad and seemed like he didn't want anything to do with the world.

Despite his constant appearance of being sad, one of the more caring girls in the group of curious kids decided this poor boy's story was too much to bear. She just had to do something about it. So one day at lunch she told the rest of the group that she was going to go ask him to the upcoming dance. She crossed over the lunchroom and sat down across from him. She half expected him to be shy and uncomfortable since nobody had ever sat near him before but he didn't look that way at all. He simply set his sandwich down and looked up at her without saying a word. The blank expression on his face still seemed to convey the same sadness that it always did. The girl had never been so close to the mysterious boy so she couldn't help but study him a bit. He was a rather small boy, less than five and a half feet tall. He was a bit pale and had a medium build with normal but not noticeable muscles. His face was on the handsome side despite being so pale and when she got this close, she could see how beautifully his dark hair complimented the rest of him. His silvery eyes would be very charming too if they weren't so dull and sad looking.

As soon as the silence and staring seemed awkward, the girl forced a smile and said, "I know I've never talked to you but I've seen you around and 3; well I kinda like you. I know that sounds dumb cuz we've never met but 3; I still kinda like you so I wanted to ask if you'd maybe want to go to the dance with me?"

The girl was lying about most of that. She had really just seen the lonely, small boy from time to time and felt sorry for him. There was nothing she'd rather do than try to cheer him up.

Adrian kept staring without moving for a moment then softly and slowly replied, "That's really nice of you to say that about me 3; but 3; I don't really like dances."

His voice was so unemotional, the girl could hardly believe it. She expected him to either be nervous or excited or at least sound as sad as he always looked but instead there was just nothing. The politeness of what he said took her by surprise too. She didn't expect such a quiet, withdrawn boy to have enough social skills to say something so nice in return.

Adrian looked back down at his sandwich and took another bite as if she wasn't even there.

"Yeah, you seem kinda shy for that sort of thing 3; but I still like you. Do you want to maybe do something this Friday?" the girl persisted. She really wanted to go out on a date with him because she was, after all, one of the group of curious kids. She would have loved to spend some time with him to see what he's really like outside of school.

After another moment of silence, Adrian answered without looking back up at her, "I don't think my foster parents would like that."

The message was obvious though that he was the one that wouldn't like it. She didn't believe what he said at all because from what the teacher had said, it sounded like his foster parents would love nothing more than for him to get out and do something with someone like a normal boy. The girl pictured the mopey, quiet, withdrawn boy coming along on a date with her and it suddenly seemed like the last thing he'd ever want to do. She felt stupid for asking now and couldn't think of anything to say. Then Adrian suddenly continued.

"And plus, Ben Kraisse really likes you. You should probably ask him instead."

The girl's eyed widened for a moment at the shock of what she had just heard. She had had her eye on Ben for quite some time. He was one of the most beautiful boys she had ever seen but was too nervous to ask him out. Now that she had heard that though, she was amazed at the possibility that he might actually feel the same way about her.

"You really mean it?" she asked.

Adrian briefly looked at her and said, "Yeah," then went back to working on his sandwich. Somehow the girl knew Adrian wouldn't be the kind to lie about something like that so she smiled and thanked him sincerely, with no reaction from him. She felt bad getting up just like that but then took one more look at Adrian and knew that he wanted nothing more than to be left alone. So she got up and went directly to Ben's table and asked him on a date for Friday night. He happily agreed, shocked that the girl he had been fantasizing about for weeks had actually asked him out. After that, she came back to her group of curious friends and told them all about the strange encounter. One of them pointed out how odd it was that he would know that Ben liked her. Without talking to anyone or ever showing any interest in any student at the school, it would be pretty difficult to know something like that. They were all stumped and came to the same conclusion that they had even before they even took interest in him: Adrian was just a really weird kid.

"Man, that kid is so weird," one of the boys said while continuing to stare across the lunch room at him.

"So, why does it bother you so much?" the girl that had spoken with Adrian before asked.

"It doesn't, it's just that 3; ya know 3; he has to stop being like that sometime. How's he ever going to get a job and stuff if he never talks or smiles?" The other kids at the table nodded. "You should have told him to act normal when you were over there, you would have been doing him a favor."

"Oh come on, that's mean," the girl argued. "And plus 3; it's hopeless anyway."

"Oh yeah, I bet I could get him to stop being such a little weirdo."

"Hey, what's wrong with him? At least people leave him alone instead of making fun of him for being so small," a boy about the same height as Adrian protested, since he had to put up with that problem a lot.

"Well then why don't you mope around all day and not talk to anyone?" another girl joked.

"Cuz that's dumb," the boy replied and made a face.

They all laughed then the boy from before said, "How much you wanna bet I could get him to stop being such a loser?"

"Aww come on, don't. He's a nice boy 3;" the girl argued but the boy ignored her.

"Stupid freshmen always need to learn lessons about how to act at high school. I'll make him into a regular person by the end of the week," the boy proudly declared and the others snickered. The girl wasn't happy about it so she started thinking about her new boyfriend, Ben, to cheer her up.

The short boy was caught up in his own thoughts after his one comment. He was having a little trouble with a problem of his own but suddenly a clever solution came to him. He opened a small book and pretended to read it. Then after about a minute, he shut it in fake frustration and said, "It's too loud in here! I gotta read this before my next class."

"Way to procrastinate," one of his friends snickered.

"That's it, I'm gonna finish this in the bathroom," he laughed a little and got up with all his stuff.

"Have fun," one of his friends said sarcastically because reading an assignment at the last minute in a smelly bathroom was definitely not going to be fun.

The short boy walked to the furthest, most out of the way bathroom that nobody ever used during lunch time. He went into a stall and set all his stuff down then pulled his pants down. His penis was already hard and had been that way in anticipation ever since he left the lunchroom. He had slept through his alarm that morning and didn't have time to jack off before shoveling down breakfast and jogging the two blocks to school. Now he had been having erections all day and wanted to jack off before he embarrassed himself.

He happily started pumping feverishly at his extra sensitive penis. It felt so good. He closed his eyes and forgot he was at school as he continued pounding away. When he was getting near the big finish, he grabbed some toilet paper and fired off into that. He panted and laid back against the stall wall, enjoying the long awaited orgasm. When he softened up, happy to have finally relieved himself, he pulled up his pants, washed his hands, and ran off to his next class just in time.

Eager to fulfill his promise, the mean boy from the lunch table waited for Adrian outside after school with some of the others from the group of curious kids.

"Hey Adrian, come here for a second," the boy yelled.

Adrian stopped walking and looked over at them but didn't take a step towards them.

"Come on," the boy continued and motioned at him.

Adrian slowly walked around the corner of the building to where they were with a blank look on his face. The apparent sadness and lack of energy surrounding him seemed to bring down the whole group as soon as he got near.

They all felt like they ought to be cheering him up, not persuading him to stop being so weird and anti-social.

"You look kinda down, did you just get an F on a big project or something?" the girl that had talked to him before asked.

He looked at her and replied with a simple, quiet, "No," and didn't say anything further.

The kids all looked at each other then the boy decided to continue, "We all were just wondering why you don't have any friends or talk to anyone ever?"

Adrian shrugged.

"Oh come on, there must be a reason," the short boy insisted.

"I don't like friends," Adrian softly answered as he stared downward.

"Well, this is getting nowhere," the boy thought then tried to think of something else to say.

"Want to be friends with us?" the short kid asked.

"Not really," Adrian answered, now looking up but not at any of them in particular. He seemed to be looking past them, wishing he was somewhere else.

"Aww come on, we're really nice once you get to know us. And I know you are too. Thanks so much for telling me that Ben likes me," the nice girl said and surprisingly gave him a hug. She had always wanted to give the poor kid a big hug ever since she saw him. He looked like he needed one so badly. Despite her hopes though, he didn't move a muscle and after she let him go, he remained silent.

Now the boy who had made the promise to change him was getting frustrated.

"What's your problem? What's wrong with us that you don't want to be friends with us?" he demanded.

"Don't 3;" the nice girl said but it didn't deter him at all.

They all stared at Adrian until he softly replied, "I have to go," then turned to walk away.

The boy took that personally and grabbed Adrian's shoulder roughly and he stopped walking. Then he spun him around against the brick wall of the building and kept a hand on each shoulder. Everyone expected little Adrian to act scared now that a boy much bigger and stronger than him was pushing him around. To their surprise though, he didn't look even the slightest bit nervous. If anything, he looked more sad and hopeless than normal.

"Let me go," he said in his pathetic voice that didn't sound persuasive at all. He still had a high, boyish voice but he was always so mellow and sad that it sounded deeper all the time.

"Can't you see that we're trying to help you out? Everyone just ignores you and you don't have any friends and you don't even care! You know you'll probably never have someone just offer to be friends like that ever again," the boy sternly said to Adrian, who was still staring at the ground.

"I said I don't like friends. Let me go," he calmly and sadly replied.

He said it in a way that was so mellow though, it didn't sound like he had even convinced himself he wanted to be let go.

All the other kids couldn't believe how weird he was. Any other kid would either be terrified and begging or angry or sarcastic or anything, but not Adrian. How was that wimpy little request supposed to do anything to get the boy to leave him alone? None of the curious kids were going to do anything though because they didn't expect that the mean boy would hurt him.

Nobody could be so heartless as to start beating up a small boy that didn't do anything to deserve it and always looked like he was on the verge of crying. Unfortunately, the mean boy was really frustrated now. He pulled Adrian off the wall and turned him around then put an arm around his neck so he was stuck in a headlock.

The kids watched intently as something very strange happened. Adrian's teeth and fists clenched and his whole body tightened up like he was angry as a wasp and ready to fight off the mean boy. His hands were heading up to the mean boy's arm to try and pry it off then they slowly dropped down and his body loosened up again. They thought maybe he had somehow been knocked out but his sad eyes were still open, staring at the ground. He just stood there like he didn't care about getting hurt at all. He didn't even look like he cared about breathing because he wasn't struggling at all, just gasping for breaths quietly.

"Come on man, let him go," the short boy insisted and stepped up to the mean boy but he shoved him down into the snow.

The mean boy realized he didn't really know what he was going to do now. After a moment though, the wind gusted strongly and a bunch of powdery snow swept down from the school roof. It blew in both boys' faces and the mean boy took his arm off Adrian to cover himself. Even with the wind still blowing, Adrian started slowly walking away. A second later it died down and the mean boy yelled, "Hey!" and grabbed at his arm. All he got a hold of was the sleeve of his jacket but he pulled hard at it. The weak zipper on the beat up old jacket undid itself and it came completely off. Adrian turned around, instantly shivering since the temperature was around negative fifteen Fahrenheit [-25°C] that day. All he had on was a short sleeve shirt and some very beat up jeans with many holes in them so there was no way he'd stay warm for long. He held his arms together and stared down into the snow as his whole body shook.

Then he looked up like he was about to cry but no tears appeared. He stepped towards the mean boy and calmly reached for the jacket in his hands.

The mean and now very angry boy shoved him as hard as he could backward toward the wall. Adrian's small, fragile looking body hit the wall like a rag doll. A barely audible gasp escaped his lips before he stumbled sideways and fell on his side in the snow.

"Look at the little wimp. He can't even try to take his jacket back," the mean boy declared and thought about kicking him but figured he had already hurt the boy too much. Without thinking much about what he was doing, he balled up Adrian's jacket and threw it onto the school roof.

"You jerk!" the nice girl yelled angrily at the mean boy. He gave her a dirty look then said, "Come on, let's go."

The short boy sympathetically stared at Adrian lying there in the snow, making no attempt to get up, then followed his friends. The nice girl stayed though and crouched down next to Adrian.

"Come on, they're gone now, get up before you freeze," she said and tugged at his shirt. When he didn't respond, she took him by the arm and started pulling him up. He slowly got to his feet and leaned back against the wall with his eyes closed. He cringed slightly as soon as his back touched the wall and it was obvious something back there was hurting.

"Let's go warm up inside," she continued and brushed the snow off him and put an arm around his shivering body. They walked silently back into the school and she let go of him when he was in front of the heater. Luckily they were the only ones at those doors so nobody could see what happened to the poor kid. She brushed some more snow off him but he didn't do or say anything, just kept staring straight down.

"I'm really sorry 3; he never should have done that. He's such a jerk!" she tried to apologize.

"It's okay," Adrian muttered.

"No, no, no! That's not okay. He had no reason to do that to you," she corrected him. As rude as it was, she couldn't help satisfying her curiosity by asking, "Why didn't you fight back or anything?"

"I didn't want anyone to get hurt."

She was confused that he phrased it that way. He certainly couldn't have done much to hurt a boy so much bigger than him. He was such a strange kid.

"Well 3; is there anything I can do to make you feel better?"

Adrian finally looked up at her and replied as sadly as ever, "He's gone now."

She understood what he meant. He was fine now that everyone had gone and he wasn't going to be hurt any further.

"Are you 3; mad at him?" she asked curiously.

Adrian shook his head no.

She desperately wanted to do something to make this poor kid happy. He didn't seem to care about himself or getting hurt or made fun of or having friends or anything. He didn't even seem to care if he was happy or not. She started to wonder if anything ever made him happy. No one had ever seen him smile 3; in fact nobody had ever seen him looking anything but sad.

"His life must suck so bad. What can I do to make him happy for once?" she wondered and continued to think as Adrian warmed up about what she could do to make the whole incident up to him. Despite having a huge crush on Ben, she figured there was one thing that might cheer him up.

"You nice and warm now?"

He shook his head yes.

"Good 3; does your back feel okay?"


"I'm so sorry he did that to you," she said and wrapped both arms around him in a sympathetic hug.

"Don't be sorry, you weren't the one that did it," Adrian insisted and still didn't return the hug. The nice girl leaned in closer and gave Adrian a soft kiss on his cheek, which she noticed was still ice cold, as were his arms.

"I thought you liked Ben," Adrian said in his still sad, low voice.

"Well I do 3; but 3; well I just wanted to 3; you know, cheer you up. Haven't you ever wanted a girlfriend?"

Adrian stared at her and didn't answer but the answer was pretty obvious.

"Never mind," she said, remembering that he said he didn't like friends so why would he want someone even closer?

Just then she wondered if it would even make him happy if she could lead him off into the bathroom and pull his pants down and start sucking him off. That was every young teenage boy's dream regardless of their personality. Certainly that would make him happy for a moment 3; right? She seriously didn't know.

As soon as she let him go, he walked towards the doors and said, "I have to get going."

She remembered how cold to the touch he still was when she hugged and kissed him so she grabbed him by the arm and started to say, "Wait 3;" then stopped. His arm was now as warm as if he had a strong fever. It felt almost hot under her own slightly cold hands. She figured she must have made some mistake or felt him wrong before. Either that or the kiss had really got his blood pumping fast. Maybe there was hope for the little guy after all.

"Hold on, you'll get frost bite in seconds out there with no jacket! It's negative fifteen [-25°C]!!"

"It's okay, I won't freeze," he said then turned around and gave her a depressed, obviously forced smile that didn't even come close to portraying happiness. "Thanks for being nice to me."

And with that, he opened the door and started walking swiftly toward his foster home. The nice girl wished there was something she could do for him but she only had a bright pink jacket on her that she could lend him and she figured the last thing he needed was to be seen in that and picked on by more kids. She stood there awaiting her bus, hoping that he'd make it home safely without getting frostbite. Somehow she got the feeling that cold wouldn't affect someone who already seemed so cold no matter where he was. Maybe the cold air would be as sorry for him as she was and wouldn't blow on him at all because he had enough problems already.

The next day she looked for him in her first class, the only one she shared with him, and was horrified when he wasn't there. For all she knew, he was in the hospital after walking home with no jacket. She felt so bad, she couldn't even sit with her 'friends' at lunch. The short boy came over and sat with her because he was feeling as angry at the mean boy as she was.

"Hey Jimmy," she sadly greeted him.

"Hey Sarah," he replied and sat down.

"Adrian wasn't in my first class today. I hope he's okay."

"What happened yesterday after we left?"

"I took him inside and warmed him up at the vent then he just walked home like that with no jacket or anything."

"Oh my gosh," Jimmy gasped. "He's crazy!"

"I wish I could do something to help the poor kid. I just wish I knew what was wrong with him. There's got to be something that makes him happy though."

"We totally owe him," Jimmy agreed. "I know, I'll say it's my jacket up on the roof and see if I can go get it during gym."

"It's a start I guess," Sarah nodded. "But what else can we do to cheer him up?"

Jimmy smiled and snickered, "Well you're a girl, just give him a blow job."

He smiled even wider and Sarah grinned a little then said, "You little horn dog, is that all you think about?"

"Yes," he giggled.

"Yeah, I figured that. Fine then you suck him off," she joked and they both laughed. They changed the subject and tried not to think about him for the rest of the day, but they each couldn't help wondering if he was hurt or not.

As for Adrian, he had heated up his body at will and kept it that way for the whole walk home. The cold never bothered him since he found that he could do that. As soon as he got home, he didn't mention anything about the kids or his jacket to his foster parents. He just politely asked if he could take a warm bath and they, of course, let him. He filled up the tub, tested the temperature with his hand, then got naked and sank into the warm water.

Whenever he was at home, and knew nobody would bother him for a while, the sad look on his face faded away and he was at ease. It was opportunities like this that he did one of the few, secret things that did make him happy. He reached down his smooth body and grasped his hardening penis. Just getting into the bath had started getting him hard. His penis seemed to know what always happened to it during nice, warm baths. He wrapped his fingers tightly around it and gently rocked them up and down.

It relaxed him so much that he slipped deeper into the water, closed his eyes, and continued slowly massaging his penis up and down. Then sexy thoughts started flowing through his mind and relaxing time was over. He started to move his hand faster and faster as a fantasy played out inside his head.

There he was outside the school again, around the corner and alone with those kids. The mean boy threw his jacket up on the roof exactly like before but this time, Adrian stuck out his hand and suddenly the boy burst into flames and ran around like crazy. Adrian smiled slightly then realized that wasn't very sexy so he kept going with the fantasy. Everyone walked away and the mean boy disappeared, but it was Jimmy, the short boy, that remained this time instead of the girl.

"It's okay Adrian, you don't need a jacket to go swimming. Let's go!" he said.

They headed off to the school pool together and suddenly they were in their swimming suits. They were all alone in the pool and swam around with each other. Adrian hadn't said a word yet even in his own fantasy because he really didn't like talking to people. It felt so realistic to him since he was really under water in the tub. Jimmy swam towards him and they wrapped their arms around each other. Then he reached a hand down to Adrian's trunks and started feeling him up through it.

Adrian was jacking off quickly now that the action in his fantasy was picking up.
The two lovebirds got out of the pool and into the showers where they were ensured privacy. They took their swimsuits off and starting making out under the warm showers. Then Jimmy spread his legs apart and faced the wall. Adrian gladly gave him what he wanted right up his butt. His vivid imagination made it feel like he was really right there with him in his fantasy shower, sliding his penis in and out of the beautiful boy as he moaned with pleasure. It didn't take long for this amazing fantasy to drive Adrian to a wonderful orgasm. He sighed happily and relaxed in the bath, now filled with a bit of sperm.

As he lay there though, he thought about everything that had happened and grew sadder and sadder. Now those kids probably wouldn't leave him alone. All he ever wanted was for everyone to leave him alone. The less people talked to him, the better he felt. Unfortunately, being surrounded by thousands of kids at school made him constantly feel and look depressed. He avoided them as much as possible but now he'd have the mean ones hurting him and the nice ones trying to get him to talk about stuff. All he wanted was for it all to just go away. Soon the bathtub contained water, sperm, and tears.

The next day, Adrian actually did walk to school. He didn't see a point in asking for another jacket because he knew his foster parents didn't have one, nor could they afford one. Plus, he wouldn't get cold if he didn't want to. As soon as he entered the school though, he decided that the last thing he wanted to do was go to his classes so he headed to his usual hiding spot that he used to skip school.

When Jimmy got to gym class, he told the teacher his own jacket had 'somehow' found its way up to the roof and he had to go get it so he could walk home. The gym teacher was busy getting the class ready so he gave Jimmy the key to the roof and told him to be very careful. He entered the storage closet and climbed the cold metal ladder that led to an exit out onto the roof. He walked out and was delighted to see that there was no wind at the moment. There was no snow left on the roof after all the wind the previous day either. He walked over to the side that Adrian's jacket was thrown up to and didn't see it anywhere. He thought maybe the wind had blown it onto the ground overnight so he moved cautiously up to the edge and peered over. Suddenly the school's furnace started up and surprised him, which made him jump a little and lose his balance. He started tipping towards the edge and began to brace for a hard impact in the snow bank below. When he realized he wasn't falling, he opened his eyes and felt his shirt holding him up. Then it yanked him back and he fell onto his butt, safely on the roof. He looked up and saw Adrian's sad eyes staring down at him. He was wearing his lost jacket.

"Thanks 3; you saved my life 3; what are you doing up here, Adrian?" he asked and stood up.

"You wouldn't have died, just gotten full of snow," Adrian replied unemotionally.

"Yeah I suppose the snow bank would have softened my fall. But thanks anyway. I see you got your jacket back, that's good. That's why I came up here. I was gonna get it for you. We all owe you after what Josh did to you yesterday. I'm really sorry about that."

"Why?" Adrian asked.

Jimmy wasn't really prepared for that. "Well because 3; you know 3; people shouldn't be mean to you."

Adrian shrugged again and sat down with his back against the furnace fan unit, his usual hiding place.

"So, what are you doing up here? It's freezing."

"I like it here," Adrian answered and adjusted so he was nice and comfortable.

"Somehow I'm not surprised. You seem to like being alone. Why is that?" Adrian shrugged. "I'll be your friend if you want."

Adrian could hardly believe he was alone with the boy from his fantasy the day before let alone an offer to be friends. He had never been friends with anyone and really didn't want to be. But this was different. This boy was beautiful! He had light brown hair and freckles and blue eyes and was so small and skinny just like him. Then Adrian realized he couldn't just come out and tell him that he liked him if they were friends so there was no point.

"You already have friends," Adrian softly replied.

"That doesn't mean I can't have one more. What's wrong with having a friend? It's really nice to have someone to talk to and do stuff with. You must get real bored all alone like this?"

"Not really."

"Aww come on, everyone gets lonely. I bet you wish you had a friend."

Adrian looked right at him and said, "Maybe I should have let you fall into the snow bank."

Jimmy, now disappointed, looked away and quietly said, "I better get going. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone you're up here 3; hey how did you get up here anyway? The door was locked."

Adrian just looked away and ignored him.

"Well, bye," Jimmy said and went back down the ladder. He lied to the gym teacher saying he found his jacket and put it in his backpack already then joined his classmates playing volleyball.

Adrian felt sort of bad about being so harsh with Jimmy but it was the fastest way to make him leave so he could be alone again. He wished he could somehow let Jimmy know how he felt about him but if he did, it would just start rumors that he's even weirder than most people think 3; and he was certainly weird enough already. He pulled a book he had been reading out of his backpack and buried himself in it until the final bell rang. Then he waited for most people to leave and jumped down into the snow bank, brushed himself off, then walked to his foster home.

That night he fantasized about Jimmy and what could have happened on the roof. In bed, Adrian imagined Jimmy had come up there to tell him that he was gay and thought Adrian was the cutest boy in the world. Then he snuck down to the lock room with Jimmy and sucked him off to warm him up after being out on the cold roof. Adrian squirted all over his skinny tummy then cleaned up and drifted off to sleep.

He was lucky he had gotten a room by himself but it was only natural for all the more social foster kids to want to have a roommate to hang out with every night. A few of the other teenage boys got their own rooms in the large house though and it was obvious why they wanted to be alone in their own room at night and in the morning.

The next day, Sarah was delighted to see Adrian in class. She couldn't think of anything to say to him though so she just smiled at him once and that was it. At lunch, Sarah immediately sat with her new boyfriend, Ben, and Jimmy found himself sitting alone. He didn't want to sit with the jerks that used to be his friends but now weren't because they had been mean to Adrian. Then he spotted Adrian alone at his usual table and decided he might as well try sitting with him.

Jimmy sat down across from Adrian and said, "I figured if I'm gonna sit alone and you're gonna sit alone then we might as well sit alone together."

"That doesn't make any sense," Adrian pointed out in his same sad voice as always.

Jimmy kept munching on his lunch and Adrian pulled out his book and started reading it while he ate his sandwich. Jimmy didn't want to interrupt him so they sat there silently for the rest of the lunch period. In the class that Jimmy unfortunately shared with Josh after lunch, Josh asked him if he and Adrian were friends now or something.

"Shut up Josh, why should you even care? You hate him. You just better stay away from him and leave him alone!" Jimmy angrily warned him.

"Oh yeah, what are you gonna do if I don't?"

"Tell the principal and get you suspended for hurting him. He didn't even do anything to you."

"Ha! Good luck getting that freak to give a statement saying I even did anything," Josh laughed and Jimmy stomped back to his desk.

After school, Jimmy waited for Adrian and met him at the door he always came out.

"I thought since we both live kinda by each other, we could walk home together. You wanna?"

He watched Adrian's reaction and noticed that he was caught up in looking at something else. He looked where Adrian was looking and saw Josh outside walking towards them.

"Well, what do we have here? So you two are friends now, huh? You two morons sure make a nice pair," Josh said.

"We're not friends," Adrian quietly said.

"Oh, did you actually say something? It's a miracle. Well you just better not say anything to anyone that'll get me in trouble or you'll regret it 3; both of you!"

Jimmy stared at him with an angry, threatening look and Adrian seemed to be ignoring him. He just stared at the ground and didn't reply at all.

"Hey, don't ignore me when I'm talking to you," Josh said and shoved Adrian down into the snow.

"Hey, leave him alone!" Jimmy said and rushed to Adrian's side to help him up.

As soon as Adrian was up though, Josh grabbed the front of his jacket and held him there so he couldn't run away, not that he would have anyway.

"You got it?"

Jimmy was way too fed up with Josh treating Adrian like crap. He stepped forward and swiftly kicked him right between the legs. Josh let go of Adrian and felt over onto the ground clutching his injured crotch.

"Come on, let's get out of here," Jimmy said and grabbed Adrian's arm and hurriedly walked off toward their houses.

"He better not do anything to you cuz of that," Jimmy said when they were a block away from school. Adrian didn't reply. "If he does, I'll kick him in the nuts until he can't have kids. I don't think he will though cuz he knows I'd tell on him. Well, here's my house. Hey, wanna hang out for a while? My parents won't be home until supper. I know you like being alone but that's pretty close I guess 3; just me and you."

"No thanks," Adrian softly answered and continued toward his house without even stopping.

That night, Adrian fantasized about Jimmy some more. He kept wishing he could tell him how he felt 3; or at least see the little hottie naked. He fell asleep imagining that little Jimmy was right there next to him in bed.

The next day, Jimmy sat with Adrian at lunch and he was about as talkative as the day before. Jimmy was still glad to be sitting next to someone at all though because he felt like a loser sitting by himself. Josh didn't say anything to him during their class together but he kept giving him mean looks. After school, Jimmy met up with Adrian, this time making sure that Josh wasn't around. Unfortunately, as soon as they took a few steps around the building to walk toward their houses, Josh was there waiting for them.

Adrian obviously didn't consider himself friends with Jimmy but he still felt he ought to protect the little angel since this was partly his own fault. He stepped in front of Jimmy and Josh ran up and punched him hard across the face. Jimmy cringed and didn't look for a second because he didn't want to see his new buddy get hurt. Amazingly, the fragile, wimpy little guy turned his head back normal and didn't seem hurt at all. Then he did something even stranger. He lifted one arm up and swung it around once then looked slightly to the right. Jimmy peeked around him to see what he was looking at and his jaw dropped. Suddenly a huge thirty foot [10 m] tornado of wind and snow was heading toward them. As soon as it got near enough for Josh to hear it, he turned around and Adrian waved his arm in an arc like a Jedi doing their mind trick and a red clear barrier appeared in front of him. The tornado hit and lifted Josh off the ground and spun him around violently. Then it threw him at least fifteen feet [5 m] through the air onto the hard snow of the field and dissipated. The boys were completely protected behind the red barrier which soon disappeared.

Adrian turned around to make sure Jimmy was alright. Jimmy stared up at him, at a complete loss for words. Adrian held onto him with both arms then quickly flew up and landed on the roof of the school. He let Jimmy go then slowly and sadly walked over to the furnace fan unit and sat down with his back against it. Jimmy didn't know what to do so he walked over and sat down next to Adrian. Suddenly, Adrian put his hand on his eyes and started softly crying.

Despite what Jimmy had just seen, he felt so sorry for Adrian, he couldn't help but put an arm around his shoulders and ask what was wrong. Adrian didn't reply, just kept crying.

"It's okay if you can do stuff like that 3; I don't care, I think it's really cool."

Adrian just kept crying and didn't show any sign of stopping.

"Aww, please stop crying. I don't like seeing you so sad."

Adrian tried to slow his crying a little and soon stopped, but didn't say anything.

"Thanks for protecting me like that," Jimmy said.

"I owed you from yesterday."

"Well I owed you for keeping me from falling off the roof so 3; I promise I won't tell anyone anything about what happened. And nobody's going to believe Josh. Not like he can tell anyone anyway without saying that he was trying to beat us up. So now we're even, I guess. Why were you crying? Aren't you happy that we're safe now? I know I'd sure be happy if I could do stuff like that! Why didn't you tell anyone or show anyone? You could be super rich and famous! I know you don't like talking to a lot of people or anything but man that would be so super cool 3; I'm asking too many questions aren't I?"

"I'm sorry 3; I don't want to talk about it."

They both sat there silently until Adrian noticed that Jimmy was starting to shiver. It was windy and cold up on the roof that day. Adrian gently reached up under Jimmy's jacket and shirt with one hand and set it flat against his chest and suddenly Jimmy felt as warm as ever again.

"Whoa 3; so that's how you can stand really cold weather! You are so cool!"

"Nobody's ever been so nice to me. I've sort of been a jerk to you I guess. And you even risked yourself to defend me yesterday when I did nothing to deserve that from you. Why?" Adrian asked, now showing just a tiny bit of emotion in his still mostly depressed voice.

Jimmy had never heard him say so many words at once before. He thought about what he said then answered, "Well 3; I guess I just kinda felt sorry for you. You're always so sad all the time but you're never mean to anyone or anything so you don't deserve to be treated badly. Why are you so sad all the time and never want to talk to anyone?"

"Cuz I just don't want any friends. I like being alone more than with anyone. I'm happy when I'm alone."

"Does that mean you don't want me around?" Jimmy asked and looked really sad. "Cuz I just kinda lost most of my friends and I don't like being alone as much as you do."

Adrian could see that now it looked like Jimmy was going to cry so he said, "Come on, let's go before someone sees us."

Adrian somehow opened the locked door and they climbed down into the gym storage closet.

"Hey, I forgot, I gotta pick up my gym clothes to wash over the weekend," Jimmy said and bounded off towards the boys' locker room.

Adrian followed him because he'd probably start crying if he ditched him just now, and he didn't want such a beautiful boy to cry. While Jimmy undid his lock and grabbed his clothes, Adrian imagined that they stripped down and started having sex in the locker room. It was a hot thought but he cut it short when he started to get hard. The two walked out of the school together and towards their houses.

When they got to Jimmy's house he said, "Well, thanks for everything. If you ever need someone to talk to about anything cuz 3; you know, you don't talk to a lot of people 3; well I'm your man. You can tell me anything."

Just then, Adrian considered telling him about his feelings for him because it might seem like nothing compared to the fact that he had strange powers. But for the first time in a long time, he didn't want to risk creeping him out and not having him around anymore. It was such a strange feeling to actually feel like he wanted to have Jimmy around and he maybe even wanted to talk to him. Jimmy was the nicest boy he had ever met and Adrian still felt like he owed him something. So, he thought about what he could do for Jimmy that would show him he cared at least a little. Then a wonderful idea came to his mind and he was just crazy enough to try it. He'd make Jimmy so happy, he'd love him forever.

"May I come inside? There's something I want to show you."

Jimmy got the happiest smile on his cute little freckled face. He was delighted that Adrian had finally showed one little sign that he wanted to be around him.

"Yeah sure, come right in, make yourself at home," he answered and pranced in, followed by Adrian.

They took their shoes and coats off then headed into to Jimmy's room. They both plopped down on his bed and Jimmy said, "See, it's not so bad hanging out with a friend, is it? You could be at home right now doing something really boring by yourself instead."

"After such a terrible day, I do want to be home and by myself but I have 3; umm 3; a present for you since 3; you've been so nice to me 3; I think you'll really like it a lot," Adrian said, trying not to screw up his words since he wasn't used to talking to other people this much.

Jimmy sat on the bed with a delighted grin, awaiting his present.

"Close your eyes," Adrian said and he happily obeyed. Then he reached out a finger and touched Jimmy's forehead then set a pillow next to him with his other hand. As soon as he took his finger away, Jimmy opened his eyes and looked all around, trying to figure out what had happened. Adrian motioned with his eyes toward the pillow and Jimmy turned to look at it. His mouth hung open at what he saw. From Adrian's eyes, it was just a pillow sitting there on the bed but he made Jimmy's eyes see something completely different. For Jimmy, there lay a beautiful, completely naked, fourteen year old girl as beautiful as can be. Jimmy stared at the girl smiling up at him with her legs spread apart and all her lovely girly parts showing. Then he looked back at Adrian, who looked like he was about to smile but never did.

"Most boys our age seem to like this kind of present a lot so I hope you do too," Adrian said in a voice that didn't seem as sad anymore, but certainly not excited.

Jimmy was still shocked. He didn't know what to say or do. Many thoughts ran through Jimmy's mind but he figured the best thing to do would be to made Adrian happy and enjoy his very thoughtful present right away.

"I think you're pretty good at picking out good gifts!" Jimmy exclaimed. "Can I play with my gift right away? I don't have to wait until Christmas, do I?!"

"Of course not, go ahead. I'll leave if you want to be alone," Adrian said in a still low, unexcited voice.

Instead of answering, Jimmy started taking his shirt off in front of Adrian then worked on his belt and pants. He was still a little shy though so he turned around to pull his pants and underwear off. He got between the imaginary girl's legs and Adrian watched as he stuck his hard penis into the pillow and started rubbing it back and forth. Adrian knew all along that this was as much as present for him as it was for Jimmy. He watched intently as Jimmy's naked buns pumped back and forth against the pillow. It was so hot, it was giving him a raging erection already. He considered jacking off but decided against it because he didn't want to do anything to make Jimmy uncomfortable. He had maybe never seen another boy's penis before, seeing as how nobody ever took showers after gym class at their school since it wasn't required. For now he just enjoyed the wonderful sight he thought he'd never see in real life. There was an incredibly cute, naked boy thinking he was having sex for the first time right in front of him. It made Adrian happy that he knew Jimmy was so happy.

Jimmy loved the feeling of sliding his penis through the girl's vagina.

He had never felt anything like it before. He didn't want to be rude before but now he simply closed his eyes and started imagining other things.

He certainly wasn't going to say no thank you to the gift and crush Adrian like that and he really wanted to try anything related to sex that he could.

So now here he was contentedly thrusting through a smooth, wet, warm hole and imagining all sorts of wonderful things in his own mind. Very quickly the time came for him to fill up the imaginary girl with cum and he gladly let it pump out of him, spreading the best feeling he had ever felt through his whole body.

Adrian listened to the sexy little sounds he made as he squirted all over the pillow and loved what he heard. Then he watched as Jimmy pulled back and stretched out on his back. He didn't care that his penis was in plain view now. He was too happy over that wonderful orgasm he had just experienced.

"Oooh Adrian, that felt so great. That was the best present anyone has ever given me! I don't know why you don't want any friends cuz you sure are the best friend I ever met!"

"Thanks," Adrian said with another very fake, forced smile. "Don't' worry about not wearing any protection. It's hard to get a pillow pregnant."

Despite that being the most depressed sounding joke, Jimmy looked over at his dream girl, which he now saw was just a pillow covered in his boyjuice and laughed.

"Oh so you just made me think it was a girl 3; well I don't care, it felt real to me!" Jimmy declared gleefully then wiped his penis off on the pillow and put his underwear back on. "I'll clean that up later," he giggled.

Adrian touched the pillow and it was instantly clean again.

"Wow," Jimmy said and smiled at him again. "You're so cool!"

Suddenly he felt bad about not telling Adrian the whole truth. He just couldn't keep it a secret from such a nice, innocent boy anymore. He couldn't lie to Adrian after all he had done 3; he just hoped that telling him wouldn't make him not want to be friends anymore.

"Adrian 3; there's something I gotta tell you," Jimmy slowly said. The sudden seriousness of Jimmy's voice made Adrian's attention focus completely on him.

"I hope you still like me and that was still the best gift anyone has ever given me by far but 3; I 3; was imagining something else while I was doing it with her," he started and looked down shamefully. "And that's because 3; I don't really like girls 3; I kinda 3; like boys."

After several moments of silence, Jimmy looked up to try to gauge Adrian's reaction but only saw his usual sad, unsmiling expression.

Adrian may have looked emotionless but he was absolutely shocked at what he had just heard. The object of his affection was actually interested in boys! He started to doubt if he had heard him correctly or if he was just imagining it.

"You like boys?" he asked.

Jimmy nodded yes then nervously awaited his next reply. Adrian didn't know what would happen if he told him that he liked boys too. He knew he had to do something to comfort him though so he said, "I don't care."

That must have sounded insensitive to Jimmy because he frowned and didn't say anything.

"I mean 3; I don't mind," Adrian added and Jimmy stared back at him with his beautiful blue eyes.

Jimmy was a very understanding, kind boy so Adrian decided to really go out on a limb. He reached out and set a hand on his shoulder then slowly rubbed it up his neck affectionately and Jimmy smiled.

"It's okay, I still like you. I like you a lot," Adrian said with what looked like an actually sincere smile. His voice even sounded happy for once. He leaned closer to Jimmy, who had a delighted smile on his face. Jimmy was so glad Adrian appeared happy for once. He had finally made some progress in cheering up his new friend and he didn't care that he liked boys at all. Jimmy's thoughts were interrupted when he realized that Adrian had put both arms out and wrapped them around him. He set his chin on Jimmy's shoulder and Jimmy rubbed up and down his back.

"I knew that deep down inside you were the hugging type," Jimmy giggled and playfully leaned against Adrian so he fell over on the bed.

Adrian wished Jimmy had gotten the message he was trying to tell him. High school boys don't normally hug each other like that. How could he not realize that he liked him that way yet? Suddenly Jimmy started roughly rolling around with Adrian on the bed.

"Let's wrestle," he giggled gleefully and kept wrestling around, still in just his underwear and socks. Adrian was delighted to be touched all over by Jimmy's half naked body but he had never wrestled before and had no idea how to do it.

Jimmy pulled Adrian's arms behind his back and sat on him like that and said, "I pinned you, I pinned you. What are you going to do now?" Adrian didn't move a muscle so Jimmy let go and said, "You're not very good at wrestling, are you?"

Adrian shyly shook his head no after he rolled over.

"Well all you gotta do is 3; umm, wrestle around and try to pin the other person without hurting them."

Adrian pulled on Jimmy's arm and tried to pin him the same way he had done to him but he squirmed away then tackled Adrian. He laid on top of him but Adrian grabbed him and rolled so he was on top then held both of his arms down and sat lightly on his tummy.

"Ooh, good job, you pinned me. What are you gonna do to me now?" he giggled.

Adrian blushed for a moment because all this playful wrestling was so much like what they'd do if they were about to have sex. Then he leaned in and pressed his lips gently against Jimmy's. Jimmy was so shocked and confused that a moment later, he turned his head to the side and asked, "Hey, what are you doing?"

Adrian swiftly got off of him and sat on the edge of the bed with his head down.

"I'm sorry, I 3; I thought 3;" Adrian started but didn't know what to say.

Jimmy slowly got up and kneeled behind Adrian. He put a hand on each of his shoulders and said, "Adrian, you don't have to do that. It was a good present, really. I liked it a lot. You don't have to do that just cuz I like boys instead. I'm just happy that you're my friend."

Adrian turned to look back at him then said quietly, "But 3; I like boys too. And I like you a lot."

Jimmy paused then asked in amazement, "You like boys too?" Adrian nodded. "That is awesome!!"

Jimmy's excited comment took Adrian a little by surprise but he calmed down quickly when he felt Jimmy's arms wrap around him in a really tight hug. Then he wrestled Adrian into the middle of the bed and pinned him, which wasn't hard since he didn't resist at all. With a big smile in his face, Jimmy said, "You know what this means!"

Adrian looked a little confused so Jimmy set himself against Adrian's chest and slowly rubbed up and down his sides as he gave him a series of loving kisses on the lips. Adrian shyly set his hands on Jimmy's bare back and continued kissing him. Jimmy ran his tongue across Adrian's lips a couple times then broke off the kiss and smiled and blushed.

Then he blurted out, "Can I see you naked?" and turned bright red.

Adrian smiled again and shook his head yes. It was so cute of him to ask that right away. He loved how little boys always let their penises do the thinking. Jimmy got off him so he pulled his shirt off.

"You've got such a sexy body. Wanna know a secret?" Jimmy asked.

"Okay," Adrian said as he tossed his shirt on the floor.

"I've thought about you sometimes when I'm jacking off."

"Same here," Adrian replied and Jimmy blushed and giggled a whole bunch and said, "Wow!"

"Was I fun to play with?" Jimmy giggled and Adrian nodded and blushed some more.

"Well now we can play in real life. You can see me naked again too," he said and quickly pulled his underwear then socks off. Adrian pulled his pants and underwear off at the same time and took his socks with them. Jimmy curled up next to him and they each turned to their sides and embraced each other. They kissed briefly and Jimmy groped around Adrian's naked body.

"This is the first time I ever saw a naked boy in person," Jimmy said.

"Me too," Adrian replied and massaged Jimmy's shoulders.

"Mmm you got such a sexy butt," Jimmy sighed and rubbed his hand up and down Adrian's smooth buns. "You think we can maybe play with something other than a pillow sometime?"

"I'd like that," Adrian softly replied and kissed his neck.

"Ooh this is the best day of my whole life!" Jimmy exclaimed, squeezing him tightly.

"I wanna make you really happy now. Can I 3; you know 3; ?" Jimmy asked and Adrian stared at him with a blank look. Jimmy shyly looked away then got up his courage and asked, "Can I suck on your penis?"

Adrian smiled and blushed and didn't say anything but Jimmy already knew the answer.

"Okay shy boy, I'm gonna suck you till you cum like crazy!" Jimmy exclaimed and turned Adrian on his back.

Jimmy had seen a lot of sexy videos on the internet so he knew how to make Adrian feel really good. He scooted down a little and ran his tongue in a circle around his nipple. Adrian gasped and by the time Jimmy had his lips tightened around it, Adrian's hands tightly clenched the bed's covers.

"Mmm I knew you were such a sensitive guy," Jimmy said with a smile then moved over to his other nipple and sucked at that one for a while. It was like a dream come true for Adrian. Jimmy was so unbelievably cute. His smile and his voice all made him want to embrace him and kiss him and never let him go.

"Okay, penis time! Oh boy, I'm so excited! I always wanted to suck a boy's penis. I've sucked you a lot in my fantasies," Jimmy said excitedly.

Adrian blushed and eagerly waited for him to start.

"I like your penis, it's nice and long and hard," Jimmy said as he played with it in his hand. He pumped it up and down and giggled and added, "This feels so cool!" He slid the loose skin up and down and over the hard shaft. Adrian had a nice five incher [12½ cm], only slightly longer than Jimmy's. Neither of them had any real pubic hair around theirs either. Jimmy was happy to see that because now he could suck on nothing but smooth, sexy penis skin.

"Mmm okay I'll stop teasing you. I just gotta taste it," Jimmy said and lowered his mouth onto it. He swept his tongue around it, pressed his lips down, and sucked his cheeks in. Adrian sighed softly. Jimmy wanted to play with him some more first so he took his mouth off and licked up, down, and all around. Then he moved down and started sucking very gently on the skin around his balls. He gave them a little kiss then wiggled his tongue around on the tip of his penis again.

After being hard for so long from watching Jimmy have sex with the pillow, this dream come true got him leaking precum already. Jimmy gleefully sucked lower and lower until most of Adrian's penis was in his mouth. Then he started rhythmically bobbing his head up and down faster and faster. He grabbed onto Adrian's hips and kept sucking passionately. While he was sucking, he caught a glimpse of Adrian's chest rising and falling quickly. He knew that great sensations were traveling up and down Adrian's body and he was glad to make him feel good for once. Suddenly Adrian's breathing got louder and he thrust his hips forward. Then a warm burst of gooey boyjuice spurted all over in Jimmy's mouth. He gave one last tight lipped slide up to the tip and Adrian's spurted even harder. While Adrian was enjoying his first sucking induced orgasm, Jimmy licked his penis clean as lightly as possible, since it was so sensitive now. Finally he kissed his flat tummy then moved up so they could cuddle.

"I like you Adrian. You're so sexy and such a huggy, cuddly kinda guy," Jimmy said and gave him a soft kiss on the cheek.

"I like you cuz of that too," Adrian replied with a shy smile.

"Oooooh you're so cute!" Jimmy exclaimed and tickled Adrian's naked sides. At first Adrian just squirmed around and smiled but soon a beautiful, high pitched laugh escaped his lips. He kept tickling, wanting to hear more of Adrian being a happy little boy for once. Adrian wrestled around and tickled him back then finally got him pinned on his stomach and sat on his back.

Jimmy had never wrestled around with a hot, naked boy before and he was having the time of his life. He turned his head to the side and asked, "Hey, does this mean we're friends now?"

Adrian nodded and smiled then ran his hand through Jimmy's hair affectionately.

After a moment, Jimmy giggled and said, "It's so weird knowing you thought about me before when you were jacking off." Adrian blushed. Jimmy paused for a moment then shyly added, "I bet you've thought about doing more than getting sucked too, huh?" Adrian blushed even more and didn't say anything. "I know I sure have thought about it! Cuz you're such a hottie."

Jimmy gave him a volley of kisses and they both laughed.

"We should do that sometime, huh?" Jimmy asked as he stared at him with an adorable face.

"You bet," Adrian happily replied.

"Hey!" Jimmy exclaimed and sat up quickly in the bed. "My parents are going to be gone shopping after lunch tomorrow. You should come over for lunch then we can wait for them to leave and have some fun! I know where my parents keep some lube, heh heh heh."

"I think I'd like that a lot," Adrian smiled as he sat back on the pillow with his arms behind his head.

"Can I ask you something?" Jimmy asked and Adrian nodded. "What can you all do with your 3; um 3; powers?"

Adrian looked uncomfortable with the question and Jimmy was about to say he didn't have to talk about it when he answered, "Lots of stuff. Mostly telekinesis and energy stuff."

"What's that?"

"Moving stuff without touching it."

"Wow! Can I see it again?"

Adrian looked over at the pillow from before and it floated up into the air and did a circle around Adrian.

"Heh heh heh, my girlfriend is flying," Jimmy giggled. "Hey, can you make me taller?"

"No," Adrian answered with a smile.

"Can you at least make my penis bigger?" Jimmy giggled.

"Okay," Adrian smiled and kneeled behind him. Then he reached in front of him and started lightly jacking him off. Jimmy closed his eyes and enjoyed it. When he was all the way hard, Adrian stopped and Jimmy looked down, expecting to find a much larger penis between his legs. Instead he only saw his regular, hard penis pointing up at him.

"Hey, it's not any longer."

"Yeah it is, I made it nice and long, see?" Adrian laughed.

Jimmy was disappointed but Adrian's laugh cheered him up.

"You're a nut, you know that?" Jimmy said then turned around and wrestled Adrian onto his back. They both smiled and made out some more.

After a while, Adrian said, "I better get home now or they'll wonder where I am."

"Okay, but you gotta promise to come over for lunch tomorrow, okay?"

"I promise."

"Are you sure your par 3; um I mean 3; the foster people will let you?"

"I think they'll be happy I have a friend and definitely let me, especially if I can walk here."

"Well can you call me if you can't come?"

"Okay," Adrian agreed and Jimmy wrote down his number and gave it to him.

The two got dressed and on the way out Jimmy said, "I can't wait to see you naked again."

Adrian giggled and said goodbye and walked back to his foster home with a big smile. When he got in, he dropped off his coat in the closet. His foster parents knew he sometimes came home late and learned not to worry about it so they greeted him without asking why he was late. He sat down at the counter and looked up at them and they both froze when he smiled at them. They had never seen him smile ever and could hardly believe what they were seeing.

"Sorry I'm late. I made a friend at school today and I stopped at his house," Adrian said with a happy smile. Both of his foster parents were too stunned to say anything so Adrian continued, "He asked if I can eat lunch with his family tomorrow, can I? He only lives right down the street."

Finally his foster dad spoke up and said, "That's great, Adrian! Of course you can. What's his name?"


"Well I'm glad you finally made a friend. That's awesome, honey," his foster mother said. She gave him a hug and he smiled and went to the rec room to see if anyone was playing video games. They had a totally ancient N64 system but all the kids loved it and they played all the time. Adrian liked to play whenever nobody was around but sometimes the kids used him to even up a two vs one split. Adrian played a lot so he was pretty good too.

While still being pretty excited about Jimmy, Adrian's happiness wore off a good deal when he saw all three boys and one of the girls were playing Mario Kart. Adrian snuck in silently and sat on the couch behind them. They didn't even know he was there until Drew, who won the race, jumped up and danced around.

"Hi weirdo," Drew said and made a face at Adrian.

Adrian just looked down as the other two boys snickered.

"Stop it Drew, you know you're not supposed to call him that," Holly said.

Holly, who was a kind 16 year old girl, got up and sat down next to Adrian on the couch.

"You can take my spot if you want. I'm gonna go help with supper," she said.

Adrian took a seat cross legged on the floor and picked up the controller as another race was started.

"Ha ha ha, you're Princess Peach," the ten year old boy named Greg next to him said. Adrian ignored him and started the race with the secret boost and blew past everyone.

"Cheater," Drew complained.

During the last lap, Adrian was far in first place so to keep the other kids from getting mad he purposely hit into every trap and obstacle.

"Ha ha, I win again, you all suck!" Drew said as he came in first again.

"Adrian lost on purpose, you know he could beat you easy," Ben, a much nicer thirteen year old said.

Drew flew over behind Adrian and locked both arms behind his back and said, "Whadda you say Adrian, can you beat me?"

Adrian sat there and gave no struggle at all nor did he say a word. He hated when the other kids picked on him so he never did anything so they'd get bored and leave him alone.

"Ugh, you're so dumb," Drew said and let him go with a shove. Adrian kept remembering what fun he had wrestling around with Jimmy earlier that day. After some short but careful consideration, he thought it might be fun to wrestle with Drew too. He quickly turned around and tackled him backwards and tried to pin him. Drew was 15 and way bigger than Adrian so he easily threw him off, saying, "Get off me you little freak."

He sat up and stared at Adrian angrily and said, "What are you, high on meth today or something?"

Adrian looked down sadly then got up and sat back at the couch. Drew left the room leaving Greg and Ben staring back at him.

"What's up with you today, Adrian? You're always so 3; not like that," Ben asked.

"He is on drugs!" Greg said and shook his head. "I gotta go do my homework."

Ben looked back at Adrian and asked if he wanted to play any more but Adrian shook his head no.

Adrian stretched out and laid sideways on the couch, watching Ben do a race on single player. After one race, Ben turned around and asked, "Were you trying to fight with Drew before? You shouldn't cuz he's bigger than you."

"No," Adrian said. "I like wrestling."

Ben looked at him, not believing what he was hearing.

"Wanna wrestle with me? You're the only one my size around here," Ben said and Adrian got back on the floor.

Ben wrapped both arms around Adrian and they both squirmed around together, trying to pin each other on the soft carpet. Adrian finally got on top of him and held his shoulders down. He couldn't help but let a big smile cross his lips.

"Wow, you really do like wrestling I guess. I've never seen you smile ever," Ben said, which made Adrian smile even wider.

They wrestled around a while longer until they both got tired and they heard the call that supper was ready. Everyone came into the kitchen and sat down all over since there wasn't a table big enough to fit them all. They were having hot dogs and as soon as Adrian saw them, he was thinking of Jimmy's penis. He didn't say a word through the meal, just wolfed down his food. He was working on the last of his chips when he heard his foster mom say something that caught his ear.

"Hey, Adrian told me he made a friend at school today," she started and everyone stopped eating and looked over at her. Like a scared rabbit, Adrian dropped the chip and silently slipped out of the kitchen while nobody was looking. By the time she said, "Isn't that wonderful?" and everyone looked at where Adrian was sitting, he was gone. Everyone knew Adrian was a little weird so they ignored the fact that he was gone and kept listening as she continued to tell them that his name was Jimmy and he was going over for lunch at his house this Saturday. Everyone was astonished by the news.

Adrian slowly walked down the hallway into his room and pulled out his book that he had been reading and locked the door. The reason he had left so abruptly was, of course, because the thought of so many people suddenly staring at him and asking him things was not a pleasant one at all. He found it hard to read though because he kept thinking of how he and Jimmy would get to have sex the next day. He wanted to hold off on jacking off so he would be extra horned up for it but that night in the shower, all he could think about was Jimmy. His hand somehow found its way down to his penis and he ended up leaving a trail of cum running down the shower floor, pretending Jimmy was there with him. After that, he got a robe on and opened the bathroom door to find Holly waiting for her shower time.

"Sorry I took so long," Adrian apologized quietly and tried to walk past her but she put a hand out and stopped him.

"Hey, I heard you made a friend today. That's awesome. Good for you," Holly said with a big smile.

Though she was sincerely happy for him, he pushed past her and said, "You don't have to treat me like a little kid just cuz I look like one."

She turned around and caught him around the shoulders with a sort of hug and said, "I didn't mean it like that, sorry. You know I don't make fun of you like the rest of the kids. I just figured I ought to say how glad I was since you disappeared at supper."

"I 3; I 3;" Adrian stuttered trying to find a reason he could use.

"It's okay, I know how you are with attention," she said and gave him a little friendly kiss on the cheek. "Now get to bed before you freeze your little toes off."

Holly immediately knew she shouldn't have said that but she had a hard time not treating him like a little kid when he looked and acted like one. She always did because from the moment he arrived at the house looking so sad and lonely, she felt sorry for him. She let him go so he could be alone and she could get in the shower.

Adrian hopped into bed with all sorts of thoughts running through his head. He thought about how everyone would keep asking about his friend and keep teasing him and how great it was to have Jimmy as a boyfriend. He pictured the little cutie riding him there in bed and smiled. He was so cute with his tight buns wrapped around his penis, bouncing up and down, moaning so cutely. His thoughts kept flying by about Jimmy and school and his foster siblings until eventually he realized he wasn't even close to falling asleep. It felt like he had been awake forever so he decided to get up and get a drink of water.

He hopped out of bed and put his robe on and crept out of his room and down the hall towards the bathroom. It looked like everyone was asleep as he stared back at the door and gently pushed the bathroom door open. He wondered why someone almost completely closed it on their way out until the door swung open and there stood Holly with no clothes on whatsoever, leaning over the sink examining her face. Adrian stared at her, mostly at her breasts since he was slightly curious about girls, until she looked over and screamed. She shoved Adrian backwards and threw her towel up over her. Adrian was so distracted by the scene that he did nothing to lighten the blow against the opposite wall of the hallway. Unfortunately, a big, wooden framed clock right above his head wasn't hanging very well on its nail and the hit against the wall caused it to fall down on Adrian's unexpecting head.

"Owww!" Adrian yelled as the bathroom door slammed shut in front of him. He stood there rubbing the bump on his head as everyone started opening their doors and peeking out. He hated all the attention already.

"What'd you do, Adrian?" "You woke us all up!" "What the hell," all the kids started saying.

"Sorry 3; I 3; I 3;"

The bathroom door opened again, this time with Holly in a nightgown.

"Sorry Holly," Adrian shyly apologized. "I just wanted a drink of water, I didn't know you were in there."

"It's okay, it's my fault, I didn't shut the door tight I guess," Holly apologized then saw the clock on the floor and Adrian rubbing his head and gave him a hug.

"What's going on out here," the foster dad said as he opened the door to his room.

"Adrian wanted a drink of water and didn't know I was in there," Holly said and stressed the words in there so he knew she obviously wasn't wearing anything. All the boys started snickering and giggling. "And I kinda pushed him, sorry."

"It's okay," Adrian said and tried to break free of the hug so he could get away from everyone.

He picked up the clock and saw that it was still ticking then handed it to his foster dad and apologized again then went into his room. Everyone else went back into their rooms too. As soon as Adrian had undressed and gotten back in bed, Holly peeked in then turned on a dim light and walked over to his bed.

"I brought you a glass of water," Holly said and set it down on the nightstand next to him. Adrian sat up in bed with the sheets still covering him since he always slept naked. He took the glass of water and slowly sipped it.

Holly looked down and saw his naked butt against the sheets and couldn't help but let a little laugh out.

"Do you always sleep naked?" she asked with a big smile.

Adrian shook his head yes and blushed.

"You're so cute," she said and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

Adrian's strange, antisocial logic let him blurt out without thinking, "You can see me naked if it'll make you feel better. Then we'll be even."

Holly was about to laugh and say no thank you when she realized she had never seen a boy naked before and really, really wanted to. Adrian was so little though, she wondered if he even had much to look at. That only made her more curious though so she made up her mind.

"Well 3; if you want I guess," she answered.

Adrian tossed the sheets over then picked up the glass and kept sipping it as he sat there totally naked.

Holly smiled when she saw that he had a nice sized penis for a little boy. She had never seen one outside of her health book so she stared, delighted to have had the opportunity.

She didn't know what to say now though so she smiled and said, "Now we're even I guess. Goodnight, cutie," then went back to her room.

Adrian smiled when she was gone and finished off the last of the water.

Then he threw the covers over again and fell asleep quickly, thinking about nothing but Jimmy.

The next morning he awoke with a jump, panting like crazy. He started to cry a little because he knew he had his bad dream again. Then when he remembered what a happy Saturday it was going to be, he stopped crying and put some pants on. He rarely felt like wearing a shirt or socks right away in the morning when he didn't have to for school. On the weekends he always showed up at breakfast barefoot and shirtless. He microwaved some waffles and was glad everyone else was already somewhere else. He brought the paper plate of plain waffles (he didn't like syrup) to the rec room and sat on the couch eating them, watching Ben and Drew play Starfox. After the game Ben turned around and saw it was Adrian making all the waffle munching sounds.

"Hey Adrian wanna play?"

"When I'm done," he replied and started wolfing down another waffle.

"Well that won't be long, you practically inhale those waffles," Drew said without turning around and started another game. By the end of the next match, Adrian was done so he tossed his plate in the garbage and picked up the third controller.

"So 3; you saw Holly naked last night?" Ben giggled.

Adrian blushed and nodded.

"Lucky," Drew muttered and they all flew around, trying to shoot each other. "I bet she's gonna be pissed now," he said a moment later.

"No, I let her see me naked later so now we're even," Adrian replied.

Drew paused the game and they both looked over at Adrian. They stared at him and he stared back until Drew finally said, "You little perv."

Ben snickered and said, "You're so weird ya little nut."

They unpaused the game and both went after Adrian, which proved impossible because he kept spinning and doing trick moves. He eventually shot them both down easily.

They all kept playing until Holly came in and picked up controller four.

"So, is Adrian your boyfriend now?" Ben giggled.

"Shut up," she said and gave him a dirty look.

Adrian didn't shoot at Holly because she was so nice to him all the time so they shot down Ben and Drew together every match. After that they played Mario Party which took them up to 10:45. Then Adrian got up and went back to his room to put some socks and a shirt on. He told his foster parents he was leaving and they both smiled and told him to have fun. He needlessly grabbed his jacket and strolled over to Jimmy's house. When he got there, he nervously rang the doorbell. He was glad when Jimmy answered the door.

"Hi Adrian! Great to see you!" Jimmy ecstatically greeted him. He had jacked off like crazy the night before but skipped it this morning so the moment he saw Adrian, he wanted to strip him down right there but he knew they had to wait.

After removing his shoes and coats, Jimmy led him into the living room where his parents were waiting.

"Here he is," Jimmy beamed.

"Hi," Adrian shyly said with a polite smile and didn't know what else to say.

"Well hello Adrian. Nice to see Jimmy made a good friend. You two have fun now," his mom said.

Jimmy dashed off towards his room and Adrian followed. Jimmy shut the door after him and they both jumped in the bed and started wrestling around.

That quickly led to some passionate kissing and touching.

"Ooh I wanna do it with you so bad right now," Jimmy sighed.

"I thought about you all last night," Adrian affectionately said.

The two kissed until they heard someone coming down the hallway. His mom stopped at the door and said, "Lunch is ready."

They got up slowly, making sure their penises had gone back down, then bounded out of the room and into the kitchen. There was a plate of delicious tacos waiting for both of them at the counter with two swivel stools. They happily took a seat and started wolfing down the tacos. Neither of them knew better than to talk with their mouth full so they had a nice conversation going the whole time.

"We should go play video games after lunch. We've got an Xbox."

"Wow, at my house we only have an N64."

"Heh heh heh, that's really old."

"But those games are the best ever! Hydro Thunder and Starfox are great!" Adrian happily declared with a big grin. Jimmy knew he was completely giddy over what they were going to do later so now he was all smiles and laughter.

When they both finished eating, long before their parents, Jimmy got up and said, "Thanks mom!"

"Thank you, that was very good," Adrian said and followed Jimmy up the stairs. They entered a room with a big screen plasma TV and an Xbox and big couch.

"Wow," Adrian said and looked all around the room.

Jimmy popped in Halo 2 and showed Adrian how to play. They played a few games and kept glancing at the clock. Finally around 12:30 they heard Jimmy's mom yell up the stairs, "We're heading out, honey. Don't burn the place down. We'll be home around supper."

"Okay mom," Jimmy said and they looked at each other excitedly.

They both got up and peered out the window stealthily. When they saw the car back out of the driveway and drive off, Jimmy stepped behind Adrian and started feeling him up through his jeans.

"Mmmm," Adrian sighed softly as his penis shot up to full hardness.

He felt Jimmy kissing the side of his neck softly and it felt so good.

"Ooh, this is gonna be so much fun!" Jimmy exclaimed.

Adrian reached back and rubbed up and down Jimmy's buns. Then he turned around and leaned against the wall and Jimmy kept kissing at his neck. He slowly put both his hands down Jimmy's pants and rubbed his hands against his smooth butt. Jimmy started rubbing his front side against Adrian's tummy then said, "Come on, let's go get the lube."

They gleefully let go of each other and ran out of the room. Jimmy's parents bedroom was upstairs right down the hall. They slowly crept in and Jimmy led Adrian into the bathroom. He slowly opened the bottom drawer under the sink and there sat a nearly full tube of KY. They both smiled wide as Jimmy grabbed it and put it in his pocket.

"Wanna go get naked and have sex in my room?" Jimmy asked.


"Okay, let's go!"

They dashed back down the stairs to Jimmy's room and closed and locked the door. Jimmy pulled down the shade so nobody could see them and turned the light on. They both looked at the lumps in each others pants and giggled then started throwing clothes off. Soon they were both naked and jumped on the bed together.

Between kisses, Jimmy said, "I didn't jack off this morning."

"Me neither, I wanna do it so bad now!"

"Hmmm 3; who gets to go first?" Jimmy said and Adrian didn't say anything.

"Okay, let's flip a coin," he giggled and picked a quarter up off his dresser. They both giggled as he said, "Heads you get to do me first and tails I go first."

He flipped it up in the air then caught it and flipped it onto the back of his other hand and lifted it up.

"Oh you lucky boy, it's heads."

"Yay!" Adrian said gleefully.

They both stood there and Jimmy shyly said, "I'm kinda nervous 3; how do you wanna do it?"

"You lay on your tummy," Adrian instructed and Jimmy plopped down on the bed with his arms around a pillow.

Adrian opened the curious tube and squirted some out onto his fingers. He had never seen anything like it. He rubbed his fingers together and felt how thick and slippery the stuff was and smiled.

"This stuff is cool," he said then coated his whole finger in it. He spread Jimmy's legs out then crouched between them and gently stuck the finger against Jimmy's tight hole and rubbed around in a circle.

"Mmm, that feels nice," Jimmy said and relaxed.

Adrian slowly poked his finger inside and wiggled it around a little.

"Oooooh, that feels really nice!" Jimmy sighed.

He wiggled it over his little prostate glad and Jimmy cooed with pleasure.

"Okay, now it's penis time," Adrian said and withdrew his finger. He squirted a big line of KY down his penis and spread it all around. Then he cleaned off his fingers with a kleenex. He got on top of Jimmy and spread his buns apart.

"You've got such a hot butt."

"Thanks," Jimmy giggled. "I hope it feels real good fucking it."

Adrian giggled too then lined his penis up with the hole. He pushed very lightly against it, not wanting to hurt his new friend. After applying just a little more pressure, the head popped in and the rest of penis easily slid down into Jimmy's warm hole.

"Mmm, feels good so far," Jimmy sighed.

"Uhhhh, this feels so good," Adrian sighed as he moved his penis back and forth just a little. He plunged it in hard against his buns then up as far as he could without pulling it out. He did it a few more times and waves of pleasure washed over his whole body. He kept thrusting in and out really slowly, enjoying the sensation of it. When he started to speed up though, he found that it was hard to keep his penis from pulling out all the way and hard to get as deep in as he could. Finally he stopped and said, "It's hard to do it like this. Can you roll over on your back?"

He pulled out of him and he rolled over for him. Then he giggled and stuck a pillow under his butt to prop it up and pulled his legs up.

"You look real cute like that," Adrian said and Jimmy giggled some more. He gently stuck his penis back inside Jimmy's tight, warm hole and sighed when he stuck every last bit of it inside.

"Ooh, nice and deep now, huh?" Jimmy asked.

"Yeeeeaaahhh," Adrian sighed and started thrusting back and forth.

Jimmy put his hands behind his head and legs up on Adrian's shoulders and smiled and said, "This feels pretty nice."

"Mmmm yes it does," Adrian moaned and sped up even more. Slipping and sliding through Jimmy's tight little hole felt better than Adrian had ever expected.

"Heh heh heh, you're making me wanna do it so bad!" Jimmy said.

"It'll be your turn real soon at this rate," Adrian replied.

"Yay!" Jimmy said then panted as Adrian leaned forward and started sucking on one of his nipples. "Ohhh you're gonna make me cum before I even stick it in you."

As soon as Jimmy said the word cum, Adrian could feel it coming. All the wonderful boyjuice built up then with one final thrust flowed out of him with huge bursts. He couldn't help but moan out loud from the amazing feeling that filled up his whole body.

"Wow, I really felt you squirting. That was cool!" Jimmy said and Adrian gently pulled out of him. Jimmy wrapped his arms around Adrian's body and squeezed him repeatedly as he said, "It was all like squirt squirt squirt!"

Adrian giggled and kissed him. Jimmy accepted the kiss then quickly broke it off and said, "My turn! My turn! Get your butt on that pillow, heh heh heh."

Adrian took Jimmy's spot and Jimmy got between his legs. He squirted a lot of KY all over his penis then capped the tube and set it aside. Adrian was smiling already because he couldn't wait to make Jimmy feel so good. There was nothing he wanted to do more than make his new buddy happy. When Jimmy smiled at him with his lubed up penis pointing at the ceiling, Adrian smiled back and pointed a finger towards him. When he moved it up and down, Jimmy felt like there were invisible fingers rubbing up and down his penis. He closed his eyes and enjoyed it then giggled and said, "Hey, don't make me cum before I get it in your butt."

"Okay," Adrian said and stopped then held his legs up.

"Ohhh this is gonna be so great!" Jimmy exclaimed excitedly as he stared down at Adrian's nice and loosened up hole. He nervously put the tip up to it and leaned in. Adrian watched with a smile as he closed his eyes and slid it in, rocking it a little.

"Oh yeah, that's much better than the girl," he giggled. "Mmm I like it so much, I think I'm gonna have to squirt some cum in it!"

"You're a nut," Adrian laughed.

Jimmy moaned and sighed as he pushed through the silky, warm hole faster and faster. Soon his little balls were tapping against Adrian's buns with a quick rhythm. Adrian loved getting fucked even more than he thought.

Such a nice, smooth, medium sized penis wasn't uncomfortable inside him at all and he loved the way Jimmy touched him. He even set his hands on Adrian's chest as he fucked him then moved to his thighs. Even with the big distraction of the feeling coming from his penis, he still gently rubbed up and down Adrian's thighs affectionately. Then suddenly he grabbed his thighs tightly and thrust deeps inside him. Adrian felt every pulse just like Jimmy had said before. The feeling of cum flowing out of Jimmy's beautiful penis and into him was really nice. Jimmy let himself fall forward onto Adrian's chest and Adrian held him there. Then his butt moved back and forth a few more times and a couple extra squirts spurted out.

"Ohhhh uhhhh," Jimmy sighed and Adrian could feel his warm breath on his neck. He ran his hand through Jimmy's hair and kissed him on the forehead.

"I love you Adrian," he whispered.

"I love you too Jimmy," Adrian whispered back.

They cuddled together like that for a while then sat together naked on the bed and watched TV with their arms around each other. After one show, Jimmy looked down at his penis and said, "It's all goey from the KY, wanna come shower with me?"

"You bet!" Adrian replied and they ran energetically to the bathroom. Jimmy gave him a soft kiss on the lips while they were waiting for the shower to warm up which sparked a bunch of passionate kisses together. They both got hard instantly and stopped when they noticed steam coming out of the shower. Jimmy motioned for Adrian to go in first and as soon as he took a step in, Jimmy put a hand on his naked butt and rubbed it all around.

"So that's why you wanted me to go first," he laughed then turned around and rubbed Jimmy's butt as he got in.

"I just can't stop touching it, I love it!" he giggled.

They each got nice and wet then kissed each other and touched each other all over. Adrian grabbed the soap so they could actually clean up while they did so. He rubbed up and down Jimmy's penis with the soap then his own and Jimmy happily rubbed the suds up and down his penis with his hand. Then he took the soap from him and reached back and washed Adrian's buns. While he did so, he took a couple quick licks at one of his nipples.

"At this rate, we're going to end up getting out and having sex again," Jimmy giggled and handed Adrian the soap so he could wash him in his sensitive areas. Adrian gladly knelt down and ran the soap up and down Jimmy's smooth butt.

Then he turned him around and said, "I have an idea."

Adrian washed his butt a little more then let the water rinse it and gave each side a big kiss. Jimmy giggled like crazy, especially when Adrian gave one cheek a little lick. Then he licked a finger and gently worked it up inside Jimmy's tight hole. He wiggled it around his little prostate gland for a while then pulled it out.

He made Jimmy turn around again, revealing his totally hard penis. Adrian jacked him off slowly then looked up with an innocent smile and said, "I never got to suck you."

Jimmy got a big grin and replied, "Go ahead!"

Adrian put his penis up to his lips and slowly worked his tongue around the tip. Jimmy shuddered from the sudden sensation. Then he sighed happily when he felt Adrian push the whole thing into his mouth. An extra little delight came when he felt Adrian's finger poking between his buns. Moments later, it was back to massaging his prostate, adding even more pleasure to the awesome blow job. Jimmy was getting extra excited because this was the first time anyone had ever sucked him. It was so hot and all the awesome feelings worked together so well that after only a few short minutes, he cried out and spurted hard into Adrian's mouth. When Adrian pressed lightly on his prostate gland, he squirted even more. It wasn't a lot because he was still refilling from before but Adrian liked the way Jimmy tasted. He looked up at Jimmy as he still panted away from the awesome sucking then looked down with a big grin.

"Wow, friends sure make showers fun!" he giggled.

"I guess I like friends more than I thought," Adrian agreed.

"I wanna suck you again, that was fun!" Jimmy insisted so Adrian stood up against the back wall as Jimmy got on his knees.

"Mmmm, I love doing it, it feels really cool to be sucking on a penis," he said then started sucking away fervently.

"Wow," Adrian said between fast breaths. Now that this was Jimmy's second time doing it, he was doing a fantastic job. His lips and tongue were cruising over it so fast, Adrian felt like he was going to cum about thirty seconds after he started. Fortunately, it didn't come until a couple glorious minutes of pure pleasure had passed. He squirted out with extra force with Jimmy's hands lightly against his lower back. Jimmy giggled and licked his lips then gave him a kiss right above his penis.

"Come on let's dry off and go play some more video games," Jimmy said and turned off the water.

The two stayed naked as they played together. Around 4:00 they were both starting to get excited about seeing each other naked again.

"I like these bigger controllers, they have good grips on the joysticks and big heads. Those wireless ones with the small, round tips suck. They're really slippery."

"I like joysticks with small, round heads," Adrian said, the whole time staring at Jimmy's penis. Jimmy giggled like crazy and Adrian crept over and started playing with his penis from behind. Then he kissed his neck and shoulder and tried to pull him backwards. He started kissing his chest and Jimmy wrestled around and ended up on his side with Adrian kissing at his tummy.

"I wanna suck on it again," Adrian said and licked at Jimmy's smooth tummy. With one quick scoot he positioned his mouth over Jimmy's already fully excited penis and started to lick at it. Then he felt Jimmy's soft hand start to rub up and down his hardening penis then his tongue ran up and down it. Apparently Jimmy couldn't wait to suck him again. The two slowly sucked each others penises then sped up until one of them just had to cum. It was Jimmy's perky little penis that had cum flowing out of it first, followed very closely by Adrian's. The two licked each other off and agreed that they should do that again sometime because it was very fun. They looked at the clock and figured they ought to get dressed because Adrian was supposed to be home by 4:30.

"I'll miss you, I'll be thinking about you a lot," Adrian said on his way out and gave Jimmy a big hug. "Maybe you can come over to my house soon. I dunno if the other kids will be nice to you though or if we can get some time alone."

"Well I'd love to meet everyone and if they're mean, I'll just punch em in the face," Jimmy laughed. "Your room has a lock, right?" Adrian nodded.

"Okay well then we can just have a sneaky, quick suck off together in all our clothes."

Jimmy started to feel him up through his pants until Adrian shyly said, "Don't make me hard when I have to walk home."

Jimmy giggled and said goodbye. As soon as Adrian was about ten feet away he remembered something.

"Oh shoot! I forgot, I was going to ask him how he got his powers," he thought to himself. "Oh well, I'll ask him next time."

Over the next few days, Adrian's foster parents were glad to see him seeming happier once in a while. He was still mopey and sad as usual the majority of the time though, mostly because his step sibling were meaner than usual. They kept asking about Jimmy but he wouldn't say anything. Things were a little weird between him and Holly after seeing her naked and she was the only one who really treated him nicely. Adrian kept looking forward to the next time he'd see Jimmy though and that kept him in a happy mood sometimes. Luckily, school was on Monday and both he and Jimmy planned on asking each other to sneak off at lunch so they could have some fun.

The End

To be continued possibly if I feel like it :-P If you would like to suggest ideas for a sequel, I'd be so happy to hear them (unless they're really pervy) or if you have any comments feel free to e-mail me.