UnikueSlave Act World VignettesContentsShort vignettes*, mostly about boys being castrated and enslaved.* Vignettes (literature): short, impressionistic scenes that focus on one moment or give a particular insight into a character, idea, or setting
Publ. 2015- (3D Boys); this site Feb 2016
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CharactersVarious boys, usually about 8-12yoCategory & Story codesEunuch/slave storyMb bb – non-cons slave oral anal – castr (Explanation) |
This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life. |
Author's noteThank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author through this feedback form with Slave Act World Vignettes in the subject line. |
Table of Contents
The Service Life Accountability, Verification, and Evaluation Act of 2050
SCHEDULE I Processing of Slaves
SCHEDULE 2 Restricted spaces
1. The Long and Short of ItCastrated and enslaved on his own parent's farm? "The regulations authorized by the Juvenile Livestock and Slave Amendment to the Slave Act for Magora County shall for the purposes of public decency with immediate effect require that all Juvenile Slaves have a free hanging uncircumsized penis no longer than three centimeters long without testicles OR require an appropriate model of Cockshield to minimize the appearance of the penis while preventing its use for any unsanctioned purpose. We also invoke the immediate temporary enslavement of all boys in Magora County." - The Announcement of the Mayor in Magora County, 2065. You might not realize what kind of effect the immediate enslavement of all boys would do to a county. Any shop selling boys clothing exclusively would cease that business immediately. Selling such clothing would be illegal to anyone no a tourist. A plan was enacted by the small towns that made up the county to proceed with the enslavement process. All the boys who were in jail were immediately castrated, collared, and marked. For them, the classification was ammended to JS2 by virtue of their enslavement being backdated to whatever they did – this way their enslavement wasn't temporary. A few of the boys had just been picked up on suspicion of a crime, but now they were full slaves without the courts even addressing the issue. The orphanages mostly just castrated their charges as well, but kept them mostly to the JS1 classification unless they could sell them as JS2 or even in some cases JS5. But one orphanage did things a little differently, they sought the enslavement of the girls as well. Over the next decade they become the most successful slave breeders in the county. The vast majority of the boys went to local schools, and the process usually went something like what it did for Jonathan, who was twelve at the time. Jonathan arrived at school around 9am as normal via the school bus. He like many of the other boys were farm boys. Jonathan and ten other boys from his class were processed at the same time. They all took off their clothing and deposited it in a garbage bag. Collars were given out, the type that can also have a harness attached. Jonathan got a red collar with electric prongs to administer pain if necessary. The boys were all measured for flaccid penis length. Jonathan's was under the 3cm [1¼ inch] cut off, so he was castrated. His friend Bobby was slightly longer so he was given a metal arrester clip for his balls and his penis was wrapped behind it, to be attached with other metal tubes. The metal arrester clip prevents a boy from developing any further. Sometimes it even reverses some development, allowing for appropriate castrations in the future. The boys were given harnesses that connected to his collar on the front and back pulled very tight by the large buttplug they filled him with. They were each given manacles on their arms and legs, and made to lay down on their stomach while their mouths were put over a small phallus ejaculating seminal fluid. Other boys were processed in much the same way, and afterwards they were lead out to their buses and instead of the normal seats the girls were sitting in, they were given small cages. When Nathan looked up after he was in his cage, he was Peter had nothing between his legs. But that was because his penis was circumscized. Nathan and about ten other boys were delivered to his parent's farm as work slaves. The boys would work the fields and receieve cum-meal at night. The slavery program included everyone from age eight to fourteen. Some of the boys who were not castrated, were investigated for breeding. After their induction as slaves for two years, many of the boys were freed. But Nathan became just another slave on the farm, because he couldn't produce another offspring. But he compensated for his parent's generosity by eating his father's cum twice a week. 2. The Meat off the BoysShane was waiting in line to see his teacher before heading home for the weekend. It was a trying week for the twelve year old. First some social justice bitch got into his face and then her boy friend got into him about it. That was a red card. Yesterday, some grade threes were harassing him – the naked buggers even tried to pee on him. His attempts to get away got at least two of them hurt, which was another red card. And now 3; "Shane, I am so disappointed in you! How can you keep going on like this? Here is your report card, you have three Ds, an F, and a C. This envelop is sealed with your two red cards and the report card: give it directly to your parents," his teacher said. The only response valid was "Yes, ma'am." Shane liked Grade Six, hell he liked Grade Five the best: He got to wear clothing. Very few Grade Fours are allowed clothing, and no Grade Threes are. His friend Robert from fourth was his best friend, until he was classified JS0 by his father. He never got the chance to even put clothes on. Shane walked home with his two other brothers. His elder brother Eric was fourteen, and his younger Simon brother was ten – still naked. He still remembers how the bottom 10% of his grade four class was classified JS6 – they sobbed as they were led away. But it was always that way, you should just hope that you do better than the bottom 20% and you get clothing and get to go on to Grade Five. When they made it home, he saw his mother, so he gave her the envelop. She opened it, and had the look of disapproval when the two red cards came out, but was just pissed when she read the report card. "Get those clothes off and go to your room!" she ordered. His shorts and shirt were off in a flash, and his naked dick betrayed him, but it wasn't one of excitement, it was one of fear. So he ran up the stairs and sat on his bed in his nearly empty room. Boys just don't collect "things" in their rooms anymore. He had three books on his shelf, a small collection of clothing, and a fancy pokemon dildo his brother got him last yule. "Shane, get down here," his father yelled. His naked cock swinged as he ran to his father's call. "Get Simon, and get in the back seat of the car." The naked boy just said "Yes Sir" and trotted off to try to find his equally naked younger brother. It took him a few minutes, but his brother was playing video games in the den. "Come on sport, we have to go to the car!" His brother stopped the games and hand in hand the brothers went to the backseat of the car. A few minutes later, his brother Eric was getting in the front seat, fully dressed with his father not far behind. They travelled for about half an hour before they stopped behind a building that looked like a cross between an industrial building and a boutique. The four got out of the car and his father was sure to hold Shane's hand and Eric held Simon's was they went into the boutique looking entrance. There were a couple of naked boys ahead of them with their families. The family ahead of them had three naked boys – triplets. The father signed something at the desk and the boys were taken through the door. Next it was their turn, and their father got some paper work and started to fill it in. Shane was too scared to say anything. But before he knew it both him and his brother were in the next room gagged. They had manacles put around their wrists and a collar around their necks. "Roger, clean these two then mark," a woman said to a younger man. The younger man put the two in a cleaning put tying their manacles to a chain from the ceiling and lifting them up. It hurt to hang, but the thing he put in their bums hurt even more. Hot soapy water penetrated deep and cleaned them for the next few minutes while he used a pressure washer to clean their outsides. After the enema was done a stinging spray covered their bodies from the neck down. It stung for ten minutes and was finally rinsed off. While they were hanging the man put a hot branding iron on their bums. They couldn't scream, but they tried. They were led down and chained together and walked over to a processing area. They saw the sign "Meat Boys" just before seeing the three triplets being decapitated and butchered. Shane thought to himself, his father must have sold them for boy meat. That is usually what happens to the bottom ten percent of the grade four class, the next ten percent are just made into juvenile slaves. But they were not decapitated with the triplets, they were taken to a wall and tied. Their gags were removed and Shane had his eight front teeth pulled. He cried like a baby, and so did his brother. Any blood and saliva was caught before it touched their clean bodies. But they were regagged and a string was put around each of their testicles. The chef came out and inspected the cookware. He made sure the oil in the cast iron frying pan was nice and hot. He took a gelding knife and cut Shane's balls off right into the frying pan. The eunuch felt so defeated. His brother was castrated next, again into the frying pan. A eunuch's balls were always flash fried for maximum tenderness. It was on a plate before five minutes, and they put a device on Shane's still erect cock. It was stimulating him, his brother couldn't cum yet so they didn't bother. Another thirty seconds and his last cum was ejaculating and the end of the device allowed a nice drizzling of last cum over his and his brother's lightly fried testicles. The eunuchs were released from their bonds and told by the chef, "You will take these plates and serve them to your father and brother. If you drop the plate or do anything else, you will end up as boy meat! Do you understand?" Both eunuchs nodded, and they followed the water holding their former boyhoods on the plates they carried. They approached a double door, and said to the eunuchs: "Once you place the plates before your masters, you will get on the floor in the slave kneel." The boys were led through the door and a few steps away they served their brother and father their testicles with a drizzling of cream of sum yung guy. They were on the floor with their head down. Their brother just wolfed down his serving of testicles, not even thinking that his could have been on the plate. After their dinner, the boys were led out and Shane finally saw his brother's bum mark: It said JS5. Juvenile Slave Level 5, general sex slave and farm labour. Just shy of Level 6: Meat Boys. Once classified JS6 they are usually decapitated within an hour, but with JS5 they will serve their father and brother's sexual needs for the next five years in their unaging bodies before likely being put down.
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