PZA Boy Stories


Inter-dimensional milking


Max is teenager from Earth in the distant future, who has been enrolled in a boarding school on the frontier world of Herschel Majoris. Because the human race is desperate to expand across as much of the galaxy as they can before the Great Expansion makes further exploration impossible, sperm is harvested from all males of reproductive capacity up to the age of 21 to enable rapid colonisation programs. The boys in the school have to wear special Envirosuits that contain genital portal panels – panels that open onto harvesting stations on distant worlds. With their genitals in these harvesting stations, the boys are aroused multiple times per day via brain implants that give them the physical sensations of very sensuous sexual stimulation, in order to produce powerful orgasms so that their seed can be collected 3;

Publ. 2015- 3; (damnd1.com); this site Feb 2017-..
Under construction, Jan 2018; 74,000 words (148 pages)


Max (teen)

Category & Story codes

Science Fiction/Milking Boy story
t-machine tt tg – cons mast anal – milking


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading erotic stories about boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Author's note

All work is 100% digital. No live actors have been used in the creation of these pieces.

I encourage you to share, reblog, download or store my art for your future enjoyment. Just please don't modify it – each piece already tells EXACTLY the story I want it to tell (with the author's consent, for publication on PZA a small change has been made in this story).

Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author through this feedback form.

Table of Contents

  1. A new life
  2. Max's first week as a sperm donor
  3. Making new friends
  4. Fresh air
  5. Explorers
  6. Sports
  7. Upping the quota
  8. Programming
  9. Rough waters
  10. Controller Jan
  1. A discovery
  2. Please; lecture me
  3. Punishment
  4. Embarrassment
  5. City life
  6. War Games
  7. Now or never
  8. Investigation
  9. Confessions
  10. Contagion
  11. Study hall
  12. Mentor

The world of Inter-dimensional Milking
List of characters, glossary etc.


Chapter 1
A new life

Three people stood together outside a large, modern complex of buildings. Although it was barely 8am, it was bright and warm, but none of the people were feeling very happy.

Max hugged his fathers, and then, overcome with emotion, they moved into a three way hug and he kissed Jonathan on the cheek. He was way too old to be seen kissing his parents at school, but as he was probably not going to see them in person for the next couple of years, he didn't give a damn who saw his display of affection.

Jonathan had tears in the corner of his eyes.

"Don't be like that Jonathan, or you'll start us all off," his other father Dominic said, giving the man a friendly shove.

Jonathan looked sheepish, and wiped at the tears. He'd always been the more emotional of Max's parents. Max looked at them both sadly.

"I wish I could stay with you. I'm going to miss you so badly."

"We're going to miss you too darling," Jonathan said, and Dominic nodded his agreement, and gave Max a manly hug.

"But your education is just too important. This is for the best. Once you've got your endorsements, you can get a job anywhere, and you can even come work with us if you like."

Max knew his father was right, but this was the first time in his life that he would be away from them for any length of time, and it pained him to say goodbye.

His new room-mate Sam, was standing a respectful distance away, waiting for them to complete their goodbyes.

Max forced himself to be strong.

"Goodbye then. Have a safe trip. Don't forget to call as soon as you arrive."

They hugged one more time, then he turned away from his parents, and walked with Sam through the security gates, towards the main building. Just before they entered, Max looked over his shoulder, and gave his still-waiting parents a final wave. They reciprocated, then watched him disappear inside.

"It feels weird thinking that I won't see my dads again for at least two years," Max confided, fighting to suppress the emotion in his voice.

"That's harsh," Sam commiserated, "but at least you can still talk to them any time on the Vone. It would be worse if they were living off-world."

"That's true. I just wish they weren't working so far away. When we lived in Maine, they could commute anywhere on Earth in an hour, but now we're on Herschel Majoris, it takes weeks to get to the other side of the planet."

"That sucks. Why are your parents working so far away anyway?"

"They're Tectonic Geologists. There's some really amazing mountains over there apparently, but that part of the planet hasn't really been developed yet, so they wanted to make sure I finished my education in a decent school instead of some frontier place."

"That's a good idea. I don't blame them," Sam said approvingly.

Sam lead Max along the school's main corridor, and Max looked around with interest. The school was really nice, and it had a quiet atmosphere of studiousness to it, with scholarship awards, and holos of classical Greek figures. But the halls were bustling with other teenagers, ranging in age from 14 to 21 just like any other school. The kids were laughing and joking and socialising at the start of another school day.

Max noted with interest that every single one of the boys was wearing an identical jump suit. The suits looked as though they were made of a thick leather or rubberised material. He'd seen Sam wearing one, and assumed that it was a uniform for some sporting activity, but now that he saw all of the kids wearing them, it piqued his curiosity.

"Hey, what's with the weird uniforms Sam?" he asked.

Sam looked at him curiously. "Haven't you ever worn an Envirosuit before?"

Max shook his head, "No, what are they for?"

"Well they've got temperature control, auto-hygiene, and radiation protection built in, and of course these include dimension seed-harvesters as well."

"Seed harvesters. What the hell are they?"

Sam stopped in his tracks, with his hands on his hips, looking at Max with a mixture of incredulity and humour.

"You're kidding. No-one told you that you'd be hooked up to a harvesting plant? Oh man, someone sure held out on you!"

Max was experiencing a sinking feeling.

"What's a harvesting plant?"

Sam was surprised that Max was unfamiliar with the technology, but if the kid had come from Earth, they probably didn't have a large enough population to contribute to the Human Expansion Program.

"A harvesting plant is a place on one of the frontier worlds, where they collect and store sperm. The sperm is taken from us."

Max gaped, utterly bewildered.

"I don't understand."

"You know, jizz, spunk, cum. The Expansion Bureau collects it from all the students in the developed cities on Herschel Majoris, and hundreds of other planets, and it goes to a breeding lab on one of the frontier worlds."

"What do you mean 'collect it'?" Max asked, a multitude of embarrassing options running through his head.

"They use dimensional micro portals, and machines that jerk you off and make you cum."

Max's mind was reeling.

"No-one is jerking me off!" he said, aggressively. "I didn't come to this school just so some pervy machine could collect my jizz!"

Sam smiled at him.

"Of course they will. You don't have any choice in the matter. And you're just doing your bit for the future of the human race."

"They can't force me. I won't let them. What can they do about it?"

"Of course they can force you. It's the law in all cities with a tech level of 7 or higher. All the kids have to do their part. Believe me, you don't want to find out what happens if you try to get out of it. And it's really not that bad, and you get used to it after a while."

Max walked with Sam in thoughtful silence, looking around and taking in the ambience of the place he'd be calling home until he finished his education. The girls seemed to be dressed in a more usual school uniform.

"Why don't the girls have to wear the uniforms?" Max asked.

"Because they don't get harvested. They don't make nearly enough eggs. The breeding labs use nucleated stem cells instead of eggs. That way, they can make as many eggs as they want."

Max noticed that the suits of all of the boys they passed, had a single light on the front. It piqued his curiosity, but for now, he was more interested in how these artificial eggs were made.

"So where do the stem cells come from then?"

"Oh, I think they're grown in a lab, cloned from millions of original donors."

Max furrowed his brow. He had considered himself a fairly modern, well-informed teen. He watched Galaxy News daily, and spent hours each week jacked into the Overnet watching holos, but he suddenly felt like a backwoods hick.

Although Earth was the origin of mankind, and would always be shown a special reverence by humanity, the hub of human activity had shifted far closer to the Galactic centre, from where it was far easier to continue the expansion and colonisation program.

"Wow, I didn't know this was going on. I am so out of touch."

Max looked at walls covered with video ads for products he'd never heard of. Many were for products whose use he couldn't even guess at. He really felt out of his depth.

They arrived at a door. Or more accurately, at the outline of a door on a solid wall.

"Here we are," Sam said. "I'll meet you back at our room to take you to lunch. You remember where it is don't you?"

Max nodded, somewhat forlornly. Sam put a hand on his shoulder.

"Hey, you're going to do just great here. It's just going to take a couple of days for you to get used to things."

Max smiled wanly.

"Thanks Sam. I'll see you later."

Sam nodded and disappeared into the throng of students on the their way to their classes.

Max reached out and pressed the button by the nurse's office door. Her face appeared on the video monitor above the button.

"You must be Max?"

"Yes ma'am," he answered.

"Please come in," she said smiling, and the nanodoor destabilised to allow him to enter.

In the nurse's office, Max was given a very thorough medical exam. At the end of the examination, Nurse Janeway said, "Okay, one last thing; if you'd like to take your clothes off and stand on the pad so I can scan you, then we'll be done."

Max had already stripped most of his clothes off during the exam, and only his underpants remained.

"You want me to take my pants off?" he asked, reluctantly.

"Yes please."

He looked at her sceptically, unwilling to be naked in front of her.

She said, "Most boys are uncomfortable being seen naked by a woman, but I'm a nurse, and a complete professional. You have nothing to feel embarrassed about. I've seen thousands of boys naked."

That's what I'm worried about, Max thought to himself, self conscious about his size. But he took his underpants off, placed them atop his other clothes folded on the table, and walked over to the pad where he'd been ordered to stand.

"Okay, please lift your arms up and stand still," the woman instructed him. "You'll see a red light beam and the pad will turn slowly. There's nothing to worry about. I'm just scanning you to get your measurements."

Max lifted his hands away from his groin, where they'd been shielding his privates, and held them out to the sides.

"Straight arms, hands open, look directly ahead," Janeway instructed. "Now, really deep breath and hold it." Max did as he was told, and a tall, narrow light beam projected onto his body. The pad turned slowly, making a complete revolution in ten seconds. "And you can breathe out again."

Max breathed out soundlessly, unconsciously trying to impress the nurse with his breathing control.

"What was that for?" he asked.

"The scanner? It's a point cloud digitiser. It was measuring you for your Envirosuit. Each one is made to measure."

"Oh," Max said, "Sam told me about that on the way here. He said it does something else too." He was nervous to put it into words in case Sam had been pulling his leg.

"Yes, the suits have harvester panels. Have you worn one before?" she asked.

"No. And I don't want to. Do I have to?"

"Well of course you do Max. Everyone has to do their part for the expansion."

"But why?" Max asked.

Nurse Janeway reached down and lightly held Max's testicles. He straightened in shock.

"Turn and cough," she said.

"Excuse me?!"

"Turn your head to the side and cough," she repeated patiently, "I'm checking for a hernia. I need to make sure your testicles are healthy."

Max turned his face to the side and coughed.

"Again please," she said, lightly pulling on his testicles, and feeling the coolness of each one through his soft scrotum.

He coughed again.

"Thank you."

She took out a small hand scanner and ran it over his pubic region and under his armpits.

"That's it; the examination is over. You can get dressed."

Max looked at her expectantly, waiting for her diagnosis on his testicles. Every boy wanted to make sure he was normal, especially down there.

She said, "You're perfectly healthy in every way. In fact, you're quite a big lad in some areas." She looked pointedly at his groin. It was a lie. He was actually a little on the small size for his age, but it was one that she told to all boys as a kindness for their self-esteem. He dressed, feeling a little happier.

"The reason why everybody has to do their part, is that it's vital that the human race spreads throughout the galaxy as quickly as possible. The stars are moving away from each other so fast, that within 25,000 years, conventional near-light-speed travel will no longer be fast enough to reach even the nearest solar systems. We need to colonise as far away as possible so that we can install space folding portals that will let us leapfrog out for as long as the human race is likely to exist. To do that, we need to place colonies on the furthest worlds. Transporting people is not feasible, but we can use dimension folding to supply gametes directly onto these distant worlds, then grow colonies directly on each one."

"But why do WE have to give our sperm?" Max asked.

"Because somebody has to, and donors out here on high tech frontier worlds are the best candidates. There are over 100 billion people living on Herschel Majoris. Seven billion of them are boys between the ages of 14 and 21 – the most fertile time in a boy's life. That's why it's a law that all boys become donors."

Max was unhappy with the idea, but he couldn't argue any more without sounding utterly selfish. He finished dressing, and Nurse Janeway said, "Okay, come back after lunch and your Envirosuit will be ready."

Sam took Max to the lunch room and as they sat eating he said, "All measured up?"

Max nodded.

"I still don't know how it's actually going to work though."

"They didn't explain? No problem. Look around; see the panels at the front of all the boys' Envirosuits?"

Max looked around. Every single suit had a panel about 4 inches [10 cm] square at the front of his crotch. The panel itself appeared to be made of soft satin, but was fixed into place with some sort of flexible metal stripping. None of the boys seemed to have much of a bulge. Max looked at Sam closely.

"All the guys seem a bit flat down there," he whispered, not wanting to give offence.

Sam grinned.

"Well of course! That's the point. All of the boys are COMPLETELY flat down there. Their junk is on another planet millions of light years away!"

"No way!" Max exclaimed incredulously. "How can that work?"

"Sorry man, I thought I'd already explained it to you. Look, you know the way that space folding lets you travel almost instantly between two points?"

Max nodded.

"Well that same technology is used to run the harvesting plants. That patch on the front of each guy's crotch is actually a micro-portal node. On some faraway planet, there's a tensor fold generator that folds space between there and here. Each of us is connected to it through these suits. It's a portal between the two worlds. Crazy as it sounds, all our dicks are literally on another world man!"

Max was dumbfounded. He was superficially aware of space folding; indeed, it was the technology that his family had used to travel instantly to Herschel Majoris from Earth, but he had no idea that it was so versatile, or could be made so portable. He pondered what Sam had said. Eventually he asked, "What does it feel like?"

"What, having your dick millions of light years away? Just the same as walking around nude, except without your dick and balls slapping against your leg all the time!"

Max laughed at the joke, even though his didn't hang low enough to do that.

"The only weird thing is, even when I'm running around, or laying in bed, it still feels like my dick are balls are just hanging there, which they are. I'll never get used to that."

"And what does it feel like when they 3; harvest your sperm?"

"We all call it milking. Well it's like a cross between a really good wank, and a great blowjob."

Max had never received a blowjob.

"It's like, you can feel this warm hand jacking you off really fast, and there's also a warm, wet tongue licking your helmet at the same time. It feels awesome if you're in the mood, but if you're not, then you just kind of, put up with it."

Max imagined what it would be like to feel someone licking his glans. It sounded quite enjoyable, and his dick hardened slightly at the thought.

"So there's someone on the other end jacking you off?" he asked.

"No, it's automated, but there are overseers. It's just set up so that the machines feel really great."

"How often do they milk you?"

"When you start off, it's four times a day, but the machines gradually increase that until they reach the maximum number of times that you can squirt in a day."

"So how often do they do it to you?" Max asked, "If it's not too personal."

"Personal? Max, every boy here is being publicly jacked off all day long. We all know it. The girls all know it. The teachers all know it. There's no hiding it, especially when you cum. Personal doesn't really matter anymore."

"What do mean, 'No hiding it'?"

"Well have you ever had a really good wank, where you cum hard? How does that make you feel?"

Max was self-conscious even talking about his masturbation habits but he answered truthfully.

"Sleepy I guess. Sometimes it makes my balls ache," he said, in a quieter voice.

"Yeah. Ever had a knee trembler, where you cum so hard that you kind of stagger?"

Max thought about the most epic wank he'd ever had. His parents were out, and it was in the shower. It had lasted over an hour. He kept stopping right on the edge of ejaculating, until eventually he came so hard he saw spots before his eyes, and almost collapsed to the floor, his legs as weak as jelly.

"Erm, maybe once," he said, without disclosing the details.

"Well you get at least one like that every single week here. That's pretty hard to hide. Even the ordinary ones are pretty intense and distracting. It's hard to just carry on like nothing's happening when that's going on. Look over there," he pointed to the edge of the room, where three boys were sitting. One had his eyes closed, and a gentle smile on his face. The other two were simply staring off into space. "See the green lights on their chests?"

Max could see the half inch LEDs just above nipple height on the left side of each boy's chest. He nodded.

"The green light means they're being milked. That's why they're sitting there. Some boys carry on whatever they're doing when that's happening, but usually most of us find it hard to do anything else. And sometimes, when you can tell it's going to be a really good one, you just have find somewhere out of the way to sit, and wait until it's over like they're doing.

Max looked around the dining hall. He could see eight more green lights, and although the boys were sitting at tables with other people, they were not engaged in any kind of conversation.

He looked at Sam's light. It was blue.

"What does a blue light mean?"

"Ahh, that means busy but not milking."

"What does THAT mean?"

"Well, for four hours every day, the milking machines do this thing where they just massage your balls and dick to make them bigger. By the time you're 21, your balls will be at least the size of big hen's eggs, and you'll have a thick 9 inch [23 cm] dick."

"Is that like a reward?"

Sam laughed, "No, no, although it would be a good one if it was! No, it's just that bigger balls make more cum, and thicker dicks can be milked more often."

Max pondered for a minute.

"So what does THAT feel like?"

"The massage? Well, imagine someone pulling on your balls firmly, and rolling them around between their fingers, just enough to make them ache the tiniest bit, but not enough to really hurt. And also imagine someone yanking on your helmet. That's what it feels like."

"That sounds pretty distracting too," Max offered.

"Yeah, you'd think so, but actually you get used to it pretty quickly, and just kind of tune it out. You can decide when you want it to happen. You can even make it happen when you're asleep, but almost everyone finds it wakes them up. I just let them do it in the morning, and at meal times. That way it doesn't distract me whilst I'm doing anything important."

Max looked around, and out of the 300 or so boys in the dining room, at least 100 of their lights were blue.

Sam stood up.

"Come on, might as well get back to our room. We've still got 45 minutes till afternoon classes."

Max stood and followed his new friend back to their room.

When they arrived at their room, Sam said, "I guess you'll be getting your Envirosuit this afternoon?"

"Yeah, I have to get it right after lunch."

"In that case, I guess you'll be wanting to have a final wank before it's too late."

"What?" Max said, somewhat nonplussed at Sam's bluntness.

"Well you won't be able to use your own hand now until you're 21, so now's your last chance."

Max's eyes widened. He hadn't really contemplated that aspect. He looked at the floor, dismayed, then back up at Sam.

"I didn't think of that," he said.

"I can leave you alone for half an hour if you like?"

Max was not the kind of guy who talked openly about masturbation, but he realised that it was now or never. Bashfully, and unable to meet Sam's eyes he said, "Erm, yeah. Yes please."

"Okay, no problem. One final thing before I go, did they nuke your pubes yet?"

"What do you mean?" Max asked.

"They didn't tell you? They often do that. You know the little blue scanner the nurse went over your groin with at the end?"

Max nodded.

"It wasn't a scanner. It's a hair remover. It turns your pubes to dust and kills them so you can't grow new ones for at least ten years."

Max looked shocked. He opened the front of his trousers and looked inside, then immediately pulled his trousers and underpants down. A scattering of dust that was all that remained of his pubes. It puffed from his pants to the floor in an almost invisible cloud. His penis looked as smooth and pale as a 12 year old's.

"Damn it, what did she do that for?" he said angrily.

"Oh, it's something about hygiene. If your junk is hanging in a warehouse with millions of others, they've don't want to have to keep washing your sweaty dick, or shaving your pubes all the time!"

"Well that's just great. So now I have to look like a little kid?!"

Sam chuckled.

"It's not like anyone's going to be looking at you. Anyway, if you're going to have a last wank, then you'd better get started."

With that he left, and Max took care of business. Twice.


An hour later, after a quick shower, Max entered the nurse's office where Miss Janeway was waiting for him with his new Envirosuit. It was lying spread out on the medical bed.

"Would you come over here please Max," she said.

He walked to where she was standing. Beside her was a complicated piece of equipment hanging down from the ceiling on a multi-articulated arm.

"I'm just going to do some last checks on your brain," she said, "hold very still," then she clamped the equipment around Max's skull. She pressed a button and a CAT scanner rapidly scanned his brain and the inside of his skull.

"Okay, now you're going to feel a bit of a prick at the top of your head. It might sting for a few seconds. Try to stay still. Ready?"

"I suppose," Max said, somewhat resentfully.

Janeway activated the insertion protocol and a computer-controlled arm moved to the top of Max's skull. Using the CAT scan data, it carefully lined up an optimal trajectory through his skull, then a self-sterilising laser cutter burned a millimeter-wide hole through his skull to the sensory area in the middle of his neo-cortex. A micro-manipulator, almost too small to be seen, moved out of the laser head, carrying an even smaller piece of circuitry, and deposited the tiny component inside Max's brain. Once it was there, the laser fired a low-intensity burst of light at the implant to activate it, and tiny filaments, like little octopus arms, snaked out of the component and formed neural connections with parts of Max's brain.

When the sequence was completed, Nurse Janeway typed a few commands on her computer to establish the connection and verify that the implant was working. She watched the front of Max's trousers rise as he developed an extremely hard erection. He felt it develop, but didn't make the connection that what she was doing was the cause, instead assuming that it was an after-effect of his recent solo session. He was side-on to her, and didn't dare to move to cover it, in case it drew attention to his 'problem'. Instead, he tried to will it away, looking around the office hoping to distract himself. Janeway grinned to herself. It was always amusing to see the different ways that teenagers tried to cope with an unexpected erection. She typed another command and his penis instantly wilted, like a puppet with its strings cut.

Finally, the Nurse unclamped Max's head, and dabbed a single drop of Steriseal over the tiny, already-cauterised hole in the boy's head.

"What was that all about?" Max asked.

"Oh, just inserting a neural-implant into your brain," she said casually, as though it was an everyday occurrence.

"A neural what?!" Max asked, "What does it do?"

"Two things: first it acts as a tracking device, so we always know where you are. Wouldn't ever want you to get lost. Now don't worry, we're not monitoring you 22/7 – it's just a precaution in case we need to find you."

Planet Herschel's slow rotation meant that a day lasted 54 Earth hours, but because the human body-clock naturally settled at 22 hours, 'days' were not marked by daylight and darkness (those days were called lights and darks), but by 22 hour cycles. This resulted in a rhythm of waking cycles that syncopated in relation to the darks and lights. One week you might be getting up in the middle of the light cycle, and the next, it could be pitch black. As a nod to tradition, just like most other colonised planets, the Herschelians retained Earth's 7 day week, which provided a good balance between work and rest days.

"The other function is the one that you'll like the most. It controls your sexual response. In short it can make you feel horny."

Janeway deliberately used the non-medical term so that the message seemed a little less clinical. Max looked at her in surprise.

"Yes Max, that was me that just gave you a boner," she said. "Or rather, the computer program." She gave a little titter at her joke, and unconsciously made a coy movement with her head. She was hot and she knew it. And she knew that the boys knew it too

But right now, Max was not impressed. He was annoyed.

"You just did that to me?" he asked, barely concealing his irritation.

"Yes. We have to test the program before giving you your Envirosuit."

"You could have warned me," he said grumpily. "And you could have told me that you were going to cut all my hair off earlier. I look like a little kid!"

"I'm sorry Max. It's very difficult to know how to handle that situation. A lot of guys get very hostile about losing the ol' shrubbery, and they get embarrassed about me forcing erections on them." She reverted to the clinical term in an effort to appeal to his maturity. It worked. He huffed and said, "Well could you please not give me any more surprises. I'm nearly adult. I think I should be treated like that."

Janeway smiled.

"I'm sorry Max. Then I should just tell you about the final function of the implant. It can be used to send you to sleep. If you try to avoid wearing your suit, or you become violent, we can very easily trigger a narcoleptic event to get you under control."

This was not news that Max was happy to receive, but he was a pretty law-abiding teenager. He didn't do drugs, or Virtutrash like some kids he'd heard of. He found it hard to even imagine why kids would want the experience of raping someone, or killing them; but there were plenty of kids who spent their weekends jacked into illegally hacked simulators where they could experience precisely that.

"That doesn't seem right. You can't treat people like androids, and just switch them off because they don't do what you tell them!"

"Actually, it's by far the most effective way of ensuring compliance," Nurse Janeway said. "Completely safe, and if needs be, it can be used to incapacitate an unruly student without any actual injury. But you're worrying too much Max. We very rarely use it, and unless you become dangerous, we'll be very unlikely to ever use it on you."

"Anyway, let's move on. I just need to confirm that the portal in your suit is working properly."

The Envirosuit had a zipper that ran from the neck to the navel. She unzipped the suit and turned the groin area inside out. Inside, Max could see a patch of silvery, metallic material down between the legs. Janeway opened a desk drawer and took out a rubber homunculus doll: a small naked man with giant lips and hands and genitals that reached past its knees. It was deliberately used to add humour to the proceedings and to reassure the new wearers that the suit was safe. Max smiled in spite of himself when he saw it.

She pressed a key on the computer, "What are you doing?" Max asked.

"Just establishing a connection and running the test program," Janeway replied. "Need to make sure everything is working properly."

She pressed another key, and the metallic material rippled like liquid mercury.

"Portal open," she said.

She picked up the homunculus by the leg, and pushed it against the rippling patch, and it passed through without resistance. She pulled it back and it was undamaged. Then she pushed it through all the way, deliberately putting her hand through the portal as well so that Max could see that it was safe for living tissue.

"Put your hand through, see how it feels Max," she said.

He was hesitant, but her test gave him confidence. He put his hand in. He felt nothing as he crossed the threshold portal. He wiggled his fingers on the other side. There was no more resistance than in the atmosphere on Herschel.

"It feels cool," he observed.

"Quite right. Well noticed. Yes, your testicles work at their best at a cooler temperature."

"So what would happen if the power went out and portal closed whilst I was um, in there?" he said, still uncomfortable with describing his body to a woman. "Would it cut my, um, my penis off?" He used the medical term to try to make it less embarrassing.

"Let's find our shall we?" the Nurse said. She reached for the computer terminal, but Max shouted, "No!" and withdrew his hand in a panic.

"There's nothing to worry about," she said laughing reassuringly. "There's a million safety protocols. The portals are powered by massive generators, and there are three backups for each harvesting plant, all at different locations, so even if one or two or even three of them failed, there would still be a backup. The chances of that are virtually zero. But if even one of them fails, the entire portal array sends a close signal, and your bits will be gently pushed back out into this world. It won't chop it off, or stretch it, or vaporise you."

"But what if all four DO fail," Max asked.

Janeway smiled. They almost always asked that. Even though the chances were trillions to one against, boys just couldn't help but imagine visions of their genitals being severed by a closing portal, leaving them forever separated on two different worlds.

"I completely understand your concerns Max," she said, "every boy feels the same."

"The fact is, although the portal is powered on the other end, it's controlled on this end, in your suit. Your suit has a quantum generator, and whilst it's not practical for it to power the portal continuously, if the portal ever completely loses power, the suit generator instantly takes over and gently closes the portal. Trust me Max, put your hand back in and I'll demonstrate."

With a look of great scepticism, he put his hand back into the portal.

"Closing portal," Nurse Janeway said. Max winced and took a deep breath. It felt as though his hand was suddenly wrapped in warm cellophane. The 'cellophane' tightened, and his hand was pushed back through the portal, which subsequently took on its non-liquid appearance. Max released his breath, pleasantly surprised, and it showed on his face. "See, nothing to worry about," Janeway cooed.

"Now it's time to put your suit on Max. Take all of your clothes off please."

He reluctantly did as he was told. Without pubic or underarm hair, he really did look three or four years younger. He looked down at his genitals. They looked kind of pathetic without hair. Janeway noticed without surprise, that his glans and foreskin were a little redder than this morning – a sure sign that he had masturbated heavily in the intervening time. This was common. School medical staff even had a name for the phenomenon. They called it the 'Goodbye wank'.

"Okay, one last surprise for you Max," Nurse Janeway said. "Because you're going to wear your suit for six days at a time, we need a special disposal system for your solid waste. This system combines a micro-portal and a stimulator." She he held up a six inch [15 cm] rectal plug. It was about an inch and a half [4 cm] in diameter. It had a narrow rounded tip, and at the base it narrowed to the width of a finger before flaring out to a wide, flat, rubber end. He looked at it with bewilderment. "It goes inside you," she explained.

"How?" Max asked.

Janeway made an 'inserting' mime with the plug. He stared blankly, and then a look of horror spread across his face, as he realised what she was indicating.

"You're not putting that thing up my butt!" he protested. "It's massive."

"Actually, it's no bigger than a poo," she said, using baby language again to soften her message.

"I've never done one that long or that fat before," he asserted.

"You'll be surprised how easily it goes in, and once it's there, you'll barely notice it."

"I don't want that up my butt," Max said, crossing his arms defiantly.

Adopting an assertive tone, she said, "Well I'm afraid it's going in there whether you want it or not, so bend over the bed and stop being such a baby!"

He looked at her, weighing his options. He was not a particularly rebellious teen, but now that he had their implant in his head, he felt powerless to resist. With a scowl, he leaned over the bed, resting on it with his hands.

Janeway dipped the tip of the plug into a jar of lubricant she'd opened. She leaned forwards and spread his smooth bottom cheeks, and placed the plug against his hole. He clenched instinctively.

"If you tense, it'll only be more uncomfortable," she warned. But it was the one piece of defiance he dared. He tensed even more, trying to turn his sphincter into an impenetrable barrier. Janeway pushed firmly and he resisted. She wobbled her hand so that the tip rotated – it was a trick they'd taught her at medical school. Max was unable to sustain his resistance against the moving tip and it slipped into him. As soon as Janeway saw the plug slip in the first half inch, she pushed it in smoothly all the way, until its progress was halted by its flared base.

Using a special screwdriver-like tool, she turned a dial on the bottom of the plug, and an inch up from the base, the plug bulged, forming a wide seal, and making it impossible to remove without ripping his hole to pieces. The screw head had an asymmetrical four point design that was very difficult for the kids to replicate, so it minimised the chance that they could remove the plug without her assistance.

The nose of the plug opened to reveal a one-inch [2½ cm] portal. His faeces would pass directly into the plug to be disposed of by the plant.

"All done," she told him. "You can stand up now."

"It feels like I want to take giant shit," he said, deliberately using coarse language as a petulant way of conveying his unhappiness.

"Yes, that goes away once the unit starts processing your faeces, but you may experience a slight feeling of fullness from now on," she informed him.

Max was seething mad at the violation, and she couldn't say she blamed him.

"Max, I'm sympathetic to your feelings, I really am. But the entire future of the human race is at stake. We need to colonise as many worlds as possible before the great expansion makes it impossible to travel interstellar any more. Surely you can understand that your discomfort, or even your embarrassment is a small price to pay for such an important mission?"

Max was a very community-spirited teenager; a member of the Junior Troop, when he was a kid, and now a Ranger. He could clearly understand the need for rapid galactic colonisation and the harvesting program, but he still felt coerced and violated. He glowered at the nurse without a word.

Ignoring his silence, she put a hand on his smooth bare shoulder.

"Right, no more unpleasant surprises Max, I promise. Let's get you into your suit."

She picked up the suit and handed it to him. He took it sullenly. It was extremely light. He put it on without a word. Although it looked like leather, the inside was very soft and spongy, and it almost felt like he wasn't wearing anything at all. He pulled both legs up, and he could feel the shiny smoothness of the portal panel against his privates. He pulled his arms into the sleeves and carefully pulled the front zipper up, to the middle of his chest.

"That works best if it's done all the way up." Janeway said. "It's an Envirosuit, the thermal and hygiene system is most effective when it's on properly." He glowered at her, but didn't move to raise the zipper. She patiently ignored his justified defiance. "And anyway, it's part of school dress-code." He pulled the zip up the last four inches [10 cm], huffing and making a show of his irritation.

"Okay, let's get your portal opened."

His heart rate increased in nervousness at the impending opening. Nurse Janeway could see that he was apprehensive, as most of the boys who were smart enough to actually comprehend the technology usually were. She cupped his cheek tenderly and turned his face so that he was looking at her. Speaking kindly in a soft voice, she said, "Don't worry Max, you'll be just fine. I promise."

In spite of his resentment, he responded to her maternal tenderness, and forced a brave, tense, half smile.

"Here goes," she said, and activated the portal. The bulge at the front of his suit suddenly flattened, and he felt his genitals bounce free on the other side. He heavily let out the breath he'd been unconsciously holding.

There were thousands of worlds with harvesting plants, but all of the boys in this school were connected to the same one. Thus, in a dimly lit plant, hundreds of millions of miles away, in row 87, column 483, walkway 194, a modest set of pink, newly shorn genitals flopped through portal 184,675,809.

"See, nothing to worry about," Janeway said. Max was looking down at his flat crotch. It was disconcerting to know that his genitals were no longer in the same room as him. It was even more unsettling to think of them, just dangling, on plain view, with who-knew how many people looking at them. He pressed the panel where his genitals had formerly been and instead felt his hand pressure inside his lower abdomen.

"So my, um, junk is in a harvesting plant on another planet now?" he asked.

"Um hmm," the nurse responded.

"Can anyone there see my stuff?"

"If anybody was looking they could, but the centre is fully automated. There are literally millions of genitals there, and I don't want to put you down kiddo, but yours are not remarkable enough to attract any kind of special attention!"

She didn't feel it necessary to let him know that every single portal also had a camera that she could monitor from her computer.

"Have you ever seen a harvesting plant? What does it look like?"

"I saw one on a training video. It just looks like a long wall with thousands of portals spaced about 6 inches [15 cm] apart across and up, and a young man's genitals hanging out of each one. And there are thousands of walls one after the other in a giant hanger. There were no people in the video."

"It sounds bizarre," Max said, forming a mental picture of the place where his genitals now hung. "And how do they actually, you know, collect the, erm, semen?" he continued, embarrassed by the sexual talk.

"Well actually, you're going to discover that bit for yourself in just a second. A small tube is inserted into your penis, and whenever you ejaculate, your semen is collected and delivered to a breeding area."

She activated the intubation sequence.

"You'll feel the system inserting the pipe now."

On planet 1RXS1609 b, small robotic arms moved into action. Soft grippers held his penis by the base, whilst another set gripped very gently just behind his uncircumcised glans. The second grippers moved towards the first, retracting his foreskin and revealing his glans. A narrow pipe with a lubricated, rounded tip slid painlessly an inch [2½ cm] into his urethra. Max looked at Nurse Janeway, his eyes widening as he was prepared. A small rubber bulb inflated inside Max's urethra, near the end of the tube, holding it in place and preventing any fluids from escaping around the edges. An indicator flashed onto her computer screen to confirm that the process had been successfully completed.

"Okay, that's finished. Any time you feel the need to use the bathroom, front or back, just go. The plug in the back will automatically dispose of solid waste, as it's produced, but if you feel the need to clear out a bit more urgently, just push like you would when you normally use the lavatory. The pipe in your penis will automatically route urine to disposal. It'll probably take a while before you get used to the idea of just going, without having to visit the lavatory, but I think most guys find it rather convenient after a while."

Max raised his eyebrows dubiously.

"Sounds disgusting."

She continued, "Now all we need to do is a test collection just to ensure that everything is properly calibrated. If you just relax and enjoy this next bit, you'll find it very pleasant. Why don't sit in this chair?"

Max was far from happy about the idea of being jacked off whilst he sat in the Nurse's office, but he knew he had no choice. He sat in the plastic office chair she'd indicated and watched her with apprehensive, puppy dog eyes.

She went over to the computer and sat at the desk. The screen was between her and Max facing away from him.

"You're going to feel something in your bottom as well as on your penis," Janeway informed him, then she activated the milking sequence on high intensity.

The small implant in his brain start transmitting signals directly to Max's sensory centres. He felt himself becoming extremely horny. He could feel his dick getting hard. Janeway watched it happen on the monitor. In the harvesting plant, the teen's cock rapidly filled with blood and curved up towards the ceiling.

She wouldn't have taken him for a bender. His cock looked so inoffensive in its flaccid state, but now, hard as nails, it has a distinct upwards curve. Although it was unprofessional, Janeway liked to guess at how the kids would look with an erection; whether they were growers or swellers, straight or benders, smooth or veined, whether the glans would inflate like a balloon or stay the same size. What made the game so entertaining was that there was little way of telling by looking at the flaccid penis, exactly how it would behave when the boy was aroused.

Max could feel his anus being rubbed, and what felt to him like a tongue licking the rim, poking back and forth just inside. At the same time, he could feel warm lips enfolding his engorged glans, and a tongue flickering all across its surface. He sat up straight, and looked at Janeway wide-eyed and alarmed. These were new experiences for him.

"Just sit back and relax. Enjoy it," she cooed.

Max could feel a fist encircling his dick and start pumping, but the mouth continued working on his glans. He couldn't comprehend how both things could happen at the same time.

He could feel something bulbous gently touching him deep inside, and in addition to the tongue at his hole, something small and softly knobbly was twisting between the outer and inner sphincter diaphragms.

It was surreal to Max, sitting in this still, quiet office, with Nurse Janeway patiently waiting opposite, whilst his body felt like it was being worked on by a team of expert whores.

He looked at Nurse Janeway with a perplexed, pained expression, but it wasn't pain he was experiencing; it was ecstasy. He was unaccustomed to this level of genital pleasure. His solo sessions were artless and utilitarian, designed simply to drive him to ejaculation. Occasionally, he might hold out longer, simply to prolong the pleasure and increase the intensity of his eventual orgasm, but it had never occurred to him that his body was capable of producing such erotic sensations. Nothing should be touching his hole like it was being touched. It contradicted every masculine instinct in his body. He wanted to say something to Nurse Janeway; to command or beg her to stop it, but the feelings were too intense, and all he could do was open and close his mouth wordlessly. Truth be told, he didn't want it to stop. He wanted to ride the wave all the way to the end, even though he was afraid where it would take him.

He started to flap his knees open and closed in a primal and automatic attempt to massage his prostate and the base of his own penis. He raised his hands a few inches in front of him, almost as though trying to ward off ghosts, then twisted his fingers and clutched his hands to his chest like an arthritic having a seizure. He had begun panting almost immediately, but now it turned into breathy little moans.

The 'hand' pumping his cock increased to fever pace, and his hole felt so good that he almost wanted shout at the pleasure. His balls were tingling, and although it made no sense, he was sure that someone was gently sucking them. In fact, he could feel the slick saliva on his smooth bag.

In the harvesting plant, 184,675,809's penis stood up, hard as rock, just like thousands of others around it. It twitched in time with its owner's heartbeat and excitement, but there was no army of trained fellators or masturbators expertly working it over. It was completely untouched.

Suddenly the tube leading from the urethra filled with thick, pearly semen. Each pump, pushed the semen further along the tube, as more joined it. One inch, two, three, four, and so on, until seven inches [18 cm] of semen filled the narrow tube. When the air pressure sensors attached to the pipe, detected that there was no more, the station pumped Max's donation away to the breeding lab.

Max was going crazy with excitement. He had no control of his body. He writhed and twisted, struggling not to fall off the chair, as the machine expertly stimulated him without taking him over the edge. His enraptured senses were elated, he found it impossible to maintain eye-contact with Nurse Janeway. His eyes wandered around the room and rolled back in his head as he threw his head back, grinding his teeth in the heights of passion.

Eventually, after five minutes of stupefying euphoria, the program allowed him to ejaculate. He grunted and moaned as though he was making the cheesiest porno, but his reactions were unscripted and completely beyond his control. Both lips were rolled inside his mouth, as he tried futilely to stifle the sounds of unadulterated pleasure. His adolescent whimpering continued through his nose. It was hoarse and emotional as his senses were overloaded by the sheer magnitude of his orgasm. He clung to the edges of the chair as his muscles contracted.

After the hugest ejaculation of his life finally came to an end, he could still feel himself being gently stimulated, with decreasing intensity, as he slowly regained his senses and came down from the greatest sexual experience he had ever known. Janeway sat watching quietly. A teenager's first milking was an incredible experience, but some of them found it too overwhelming, and she had to be on standby in case of unforeseen reactions or side-effects. Max's reaction was fairly standard, but Janeway never tired of seeing a boy discovering just how much more there was to sex, than mere masturbation.

As Max's breathing returned to normal, he pulled himself up so that he was sitting upright in the chair. He'd slid so low during his rapturous orgasm, that he was only just on the edge, holding the sides to stop himself falling off entirely. He looked at the nurse. His hair was matted and stuck to his head with sweat, and his cheeks were flushed from the arousal. Even his nostrils were slightly flared. He looked sheepish and embarrassed.

Janeway spoke in a calm voice, "Most boys feel a bit self-conscious after the first one. They're not used to those feelings, and many of them feel confused or even guilty about enjoying the feelings in their bottom. If that's how you feel, you shouldn't. Your reaction was perfectly normal. The program is designed to make you as excited as possible. Your body is simply feeling how it's supposed to feel. You're very lucky. Before this program, most men lived their whole lives never once feeling as good as you just did."

"B, b, but, HOW?" he asked, still bewildered by exactly what had happened to him.

"The implant," Janeway said. "That thing I put into your skull earlier. It makes your brain think your body is feeling all those things. In the early days, they really used to have machines that actually masturbated you, and there were wires on your testicles, but there's a limit to the number of times you can masturbate someone before they get too sore.

Anyway, that was high intensity. You get one of those a week. That's just for your enjoyment. It's up to you when you have it, so long as it's outside class-time. And you can decide how long you want it; five, ten, or fifteen minutes."

"Fifteen minutes," Max said without hesitation.

"Are you sure?" Janeway asked. "You just did five. Some boys find fifteen a bit too intense."

"Fifteen," Max said emphatically.

"Okay, fifteen it is," Janeway said, typing his choice into the computer. She smiled to herself. It amused her how one monumental public orgasm had destroyed this boy's sexual inhibitions.

"Any idea what time you want it? Most boys prefer late in the evening, but some choose the morning."

"Friday evening. 7 O'clock." he answered, thinking to himself that it still left him the rest of the night to use as he saw fit.

"Fridays at 7 it is. Now if you don't like that time slot or duration, you can change it once every three months okay?"

He nodded, but he didn't see any reason why he would want to change.

"Now, you'll experience four regular orgasms a day at first. They'll be a lot less intense than the one you just had. Some boys can ignore them, but most have to stop whatever they're doing. They'll occur at random times throughout the day – any time between 7am and 10pm. Most boys just like to sit quietly until they're over, without drawing attention to themselves, but some find every single time quite intense, and they usually have to time out completely so that they don't get distracted and fall down stairs or get into trouble like that. Your light will change to green, so teachers and other staff don't interrupt you when you're 3; making a deposit."

"It seems kind of weird, telling everyone that I've got an, um, erection. I always tried to hide them."

"Ha ha, yes, I know a lot of guys find them embarrassing, but it's not as though anyone will actually be able to see them. It's just a sign that people should give you a bit of space. Just FYI, it's considered rude to start talking to someone whose light is green. Imagine if you walked in on your best friend whilst he was masturbating; you'd show him respect and probably walk away until he's finished. It's the same here."

Max considered what Nurse Janeway had said. The etiquette made perfect sense, but the idea of letting everyone know that you were being jacked off was going to take a looot of getting used to.

"Now, there's one more thing I should tell you about Max. Because it's so vital that each young man produces the maximum amount of sperm, the system will massage your penis and testicles for four hours every day."

"Yes, Sam told me about that," Max affirmed.

"Good, so it won't come as too much of a shock to you. Eventually, you'll get to decide what times throughout the day you want it to happen. Some boys find it a little 3; unsettling at first, so to cause you the least disruption, it will happen to you for an hour in the morning before classes, during lunch break, and for two hours right after your last class."

"What if I'm already 3; busy when it starts?" Max asked, still coy about discussing his future milking.

"Then it won't start until well after you've finished."

"And what did you mean when you said some boys find it 'unsettling'?"

"Well, I have to be honest with you, because this is an actual physical massage, not a simulated one, most boys find it can be a bit uncomfortable, even a bit painful for the first few months."

"Painful how?" Max asked, getting nervous again.

"Nothing unbearable. Apparently it feels like a dull ache in your testicles. It stops just minutes after the massage is over."

"But they last for four hours every day!"

"Yes, but you'll get used to it soon enough, I promise."

"It doesn't sound like a good idea to me," Max protested. "Why do you even need to do it in the first place?"

"Because the bigger your testicles, the more semen they can produce. The massaging makes your testicles grow larger."

Nurse Janeway laughed kindly.

"Every boy is unhappy with this part at first, but when you leave this school, and you're a real stallion down there, you'll be very happy you were part of the program. Imagine if you had a boyfriend, and you both undress, and then he's twice as big as you?! Or you get a girlfriend who's only ever known men that were part of the program. How do you think she would feel if you only had five or six inches [12-15 cm] down there?"

It was a sneaky gambit, but one that Janeway knew was almost guaranteed to work.

"I suppose I'd feel pretty embarrassed," Max conceded grudgingly.

"Of course you would. Now has your erection gone down yet?"

"Yes," Max affirmed. "Why?"

Nurse Janeway typed a few commands.

"I think the quickest way to put your mind at rest, is simply to run the massage program now."

"No you don't have to!" Max said, in a panic. "You could do it later, when I've got used to the other stuff."

"Too late," Janeway said. "It's already started."

At portal 184,675,809, a scanner quickly identified the precise dimensions and orientation of Max's flaccid penis and scrotum. A gripper with four soft rubber fingers on the end of a flexible, omni-directional hose arm snaked out of a panel and firmly gripped Max's penis just behind the glans, and lifted it until it was vertical. Two more four fingered hands pressed into his scrotum with open fingers, using ultrasound locators, and gripped a testicle each. Using pressure sensors in the finger tips, the two testicle massagers pulled his testicles low, then started to roll Max's balls back and forwards between the two pairs of opposing fingers, pressing firmly. Max frowned. It was exactly as Nurse Janeway had described; uncomfortable, but not unbearable. He felt a dull ache in both of his nuts, that he seemed to feel spreading up the spermatic cords. The gripper holding his glans pulled the penis upwards as far as it would stretch, then eased off, repeating the pulling and releasing cycle every five seconds.

Max frowned at Nurse Janeway.

"See, it's not so bad is it?" she asked.

"It's really annoying," Max responded churlishly.

"Yes, but as I said, you'll quickly get used to it. Most boys don't even notice after a while. Anyway, we're all done. That massage cycle will continue for the next hour. Because it's your first day, they won't collect any more sperm from you today, but tomorrow, you can expect it four times. You've been given the rest of the day off, so feel free to explore the school, check out the clubs, and just generally familiarise yourself with everything. I guarantee you, that once you settle in, you're going to love it here!"

"Yes ma'am", Max said, rising, and heading for the door.

"Oh and Max," Janeway said, just before he passed through the nanodoor.

"Yes ma'am?" he said turning to look at her quizzically.

"Welcome to Friedrich Krupp High!"

Chapter 2
Max's first week as a sperm donor

Max's first day at Friedrich Krupp high, started much as it had everywhere else he'd lived for the past four or five years – with a boner. He was having a fantastic dream about a girl he knew, and she was doing all kinds of things to him, and then he woke up suddenly. He opened his eyes, with the unmistakable feeling that he was ejaculating. Furthermore, he could feel his dick and balls and even his asshole being worked on. He blinked, confused, and looked across the room. There was a teenage boy there. Why was there a boy in his room?

Slowly he realised where he was. Sam was already up and busying himself in readiness for his day. Sam glanced at him.

"Morning," he said, far too breezily for that time of the day.

"Mmmning," Max replied, in a thick, half-awake voice.

Sam glanced at Max's green light.

"Let me guess; you had a wet dream?" he said grinning.

Max turned on his side in case his boner was tenting the bed covers. He put his hands between his thighs. His groin was flat. There was no indication that his dick was hard. Max was bewildered. How did Sam know?

Sam saw the  puzzlement on Max's face, and explained.

"It happens to everyone the first few weeks."

Comprehension dawned on Max's face.

"Man, this is going to take a while to get used to. It's ages since I had a wet dream. I don't think I've had one since I was 12 or 13."

"Yeah, and that one doesn't count against your four."

"Beg pardon?"

"Wet dreams don't count."

"I don't understand."

"You know; you get milked four times a day. That one doesn't count against that."

"What! Why not?"

"Any time you get a boner, the computer kicks in. It assumes if you're horny, you're ready to be milked again. Most boys get milked in the morning. You can't help it – it's morning wood. But if you don't like it, try not to drink anything for a few hours before you go to bed."

"I don't get you. How does that help?"

"Some people find it stops them getting morning wood," Sam explained.

"So every time I get horny, the computer 3;"

"Yup," Sam replied, matter-of-factly.

"I am screwed," Max said, half to himself.

Sam laughed heartily. "Nah, it's not that bad. When you cum a lot, you don't feel horny all the time."

Max was unconvinced. "But everything makes me horny. I get a boner in gym class all the time!" he confided.

Sam laughed again. "Yeah, I used to as well. Especially when I was climbing the ropes! But trust me, it won't be a problem anymore."

Max contemplated what Sam said as he sat up. "I kind of liked that problem."


At 10.45, Max received his first scheduled milking. He was sitting in physics class solving equations on a pad, when he felt himself getting hard. Getting an erection in class was nothing new to him: feeling his dick getting licked and his balls teased whilst he was in a lesson, was a first. He gave a sharp intake of breath the second he felt the tongue on his glans. He stopped working, staring at his pad with a wide-eyed expression approaching horror. Even though he'd known it was going to happen at sometime during the day, and thought he'd mentally prepared himself, it still came as a surprise. He tried to ignore it, but it was impossible to just keep on working as he felt a moist tongue sensuously sliding over his helmet.

Max furtively looked around the classroom, certain that everyone must be looking at him, but most were concentrating on their work. Two other boys were not working, and he could see that they were both showing green lights too. One of them was simply sitting at his desk, vacantly staring at his pad. He was visibly breathing heavily, but he was doing so quietly and appeared not to have attracted attention. The other boy; a scrawny looking guy, was leaning back with his head lolling, eyes closed, tongue slightly out, and wearing a really dumb sex expression. Max was determined NEVER to look that goofy. He realised he was holding his breath, and forced himself to exhale as quietly as he could manage. His breath made a shuddering sound as he tensed his diaphragm to cope with the pleasure in his groin. Max stared blankly at his pad, completely unable to simply carry on solving the equation. He swallowed self-consciously.

Just keep working, he told himself. Nobody will notice if you don't draw attention to yourself.

He tried to continue working on the physics problem, but after reading the same simple formula half a dozen times, without taking it in, he realised that he was not going to be able to simply ignore what felt like simultaneous fellatio and rimming.

Act natural, he said to himself. But what was natural? He didn't know how to behave when he was being sucked off in a room full of classmates.

Then he became aware that his hole was being pumped. This was another new sensation. He felt certain that as much as he tried to remain perfectly still and keep breathing normally, his butt must be visibly tensing in time with the reaming his mind told him it was now receiving. He tried to focus on the feeling of his butt cheeks, isolating it from all the erotic attention his body was receiving. HIs eyes darted back and forth across his pad as he concentrated.

There didn't seem to be any external movement, and it didn't feel as though his Envirosuit was moving against the surface of his skin. He felt certain that there must be some kind of squelching noise that the blood rushing in his ears was preventing him from hearing.

Ever so casually, moving just his eyes, and without lifting his head, Max glanced around to see if he was attracting attention. The students continued working, oblivious of his milking.

It seemed incredible to him, that in a quiet room of 22 people, three of them were being casually masturbated, and nobody even noticed, much less gave a damn. The atmosphere was almost like a library, but his body felt like it was in a bordello. He couldn't just act normal. He didn't know how to anymore, so instead, he leaned forwards, and rested his head on his hands, eyes closed, waiting to cum.

Less than a minute later, he heard the teacher's voice. "Are you alright Max?"

He sat up and the class turned to see what was wrong with him.

"Fine thanks," he responded tersely, as the virtual tongue flicked at the rim of his glans.

The teacher, Mr Darklighter, was an old fashioned sort of man in his 180s. "Oh, you're 3; occupied. I'm sorry, I couldn't see your light."

Max stared at the teacher, blushing furiously, and a couple of the girls tittered at his embarrassment.

"I'll just leave you to, er, to continue," Mr Darklighter said, and turned to continue talking to the student standing by his desk.

Max glanced at the sniggering girls, then returned to his former position to ride out the rest of the milking. Two minutes later, he heard someone making a sound.


Max glanced in the direction of the sound. It was the goofy kid, obviously experiencing an orgasm. There were a few brief glances and smirks from the other students, but they quickly returned to what they were doing. The kid breathed heavily for a few seconds, then returned to his work. Max noticed that the other kid with the green light had already resumed whatever he was doing.

Max put his head back on his hands. One and a half minutes later, he could feel the computer driving him towards an orgasm. It was nowhere near as intense as the one in Nurse Janeway's office, but still more powerful than he was used to. He tensed his stomach, determined to give no sign as he came, but he couldn't help but screw up his face a little as he climaxed.

As he passed the pinnacle, he relaxed, and lifted his head to continue working. A girl sitting in an adjacent desk leaned closer and whispered, "Good one?"

"Okay," Max responded minimally, trying to be cool, in case it was normal to talk to girls about it in this school.

"It looked like you enjoyed the end," she pressed.

He studied her face, trying to ascertain whether she was taking liberties. She looked slightly bookish, but had a pleasant face, and bright eyes. He decided that she was just being curious. He gave her a tight smile and a small nod, then turned back to his pad to close down any further conversation.

After class, as Max was leaving, one of the girls made a playful comment as she passed him.

"Are you alright Maaaax."

A few of the guys patted him on the shoulders like he'd just scored a touch-down.

"Nice job Max."

"Welcome to the club."

"Lots more where that came from."

Max looked around him at all the students he didn't even know, who were talking about his first public orgasm. He was feeling a little overwhelmed and very self-conscious about his experience being such public knowledge. He blushed.

"Err thanks, cheers, no problem," he said to the boys encouraging him.


During the day, Max made three further donations, one during lunch, one in language class, and the last during maths at 4pm. He felt particularly self conscious during lunch because he was in conversation with five other guys. But as luck would have it, two of them also turned green at almost exactly the same time as him. The first to go was Martin. His light came on, and he simply changed the subject mid-conversation.

"Back in five," he said, and simply closed his eyes and sat waiting for the milking to be complete. Everyone had seen his light come on, so they knew what was happening.

Max quite liked his approach. It seemed to be the most dignified way of handling the situation, so when his own light came on 30 seconds later, he said, "My turn," then closed his eyes and waited for it to be finished.

After the last milking, he was relieved to know that there would be no more collections during the day, and pleasantly surprised by the fact that he had managed to give five loads without discomfort. It was two more than he'd previously managed in a single day, and he feared his balls would not be able to manage it.

That evening after dinner, he spoke to Sam.

"Hey Sam, the first time, I erm 3;" he was still not comfortable talking about it. "When my light came on in class, that girl sitting next to me started talking to me about it afterwards."

"What, Julie?" Sam asked.

"The one who was sitting to my left."

"Yeah, that's Julie."

"I was wondering, is that normal? Do girls and guys just talk about that stuff?"

"Not really. I mean, it's not like there's any rules, but mostly, it's just polite. You kind of ignore it when it's happening, then act like nothing happened after. Some guys will make a big deal of it, acting like they're studs, or playing up how good it feels for attention or a joke, or to interrupt a teacher. And sometimes there are some girls who talk about it if they feel like you might be embarrassed about it, or if they wanna seem cool. That's why you mustn't ever act like you're uncomfortable talking about it, or they'll do it just to make you embarrassed."

"Gotcha. That's kind of what I thought. I wonder why she was doing it then?"

Sam laughed, "Julie? Dirty spreader probably figured that as you were new, she could talk dirty to you, and you wouldn't know better."

"Spreader?" Max queried.

"Yeah, you know, spreader. A girl who spreads her legs for money. Don't you use that Earth?"

"No," Max replied laughing as well.


Two days later, Max got a vone comm. He was in class when it came in, so he had to wait two hours before he could check his messages and return the comm. It was his fathers. Max had not heard from them since their goodbye at the gate three days ago, and he was eager to speak to them. He rushed back to his room where he could have a bit more privacy, sat on his bed with his legs crossed, and activated the com. A tiny hovercam buzzed out of his wrist-comp and hung silently in front of him. The comm answered almost immediately, and the image of his fathers appeared in the air three feet [90 cm] in front of him. Max smiled like a kid on Christmas morning.

"Dads!" he said.

"Hey Maxie!" Jonathan replied in his usual ebullient manner. He was seated on a bed, and Dominic sat behind with his legs on either side of Jonathan's butt, and his arms around his husband's waist, and his head on Jonathan's shoulder.

"Hey kid," he said, giving Max a wink and playing it cool. "We've really missed you. How you doing?"

Max really liked it when Dominic was chill like that. He loved both of his dads immensely. He looked to Jonathan for tenderness and emotional support and warmth, and he'd be the one that Max turned to when he just needed to feel better about something. But it was Dominic that Max increasingly viewed as a role model. Dominic was a rugged sort of guy, and very masculine – but he was also really cool and laid back. He didn't feel the need to prove himself all the time. But what Max most loved about him, was that he was not afraid to show his affectionate side either. If Max was feeling emotionally low, it was Jonathan he would turn to, but when he needed strength or encouragement, a hug and few words from Dominic was more effective. Something about being encircled by his father's powerful arms, and pressing against the slabs of his pectoral muscles just made Max feel like the universe was safe and that things were going to be okay. Even now as he was getting old enough not to depend on his father's for much, just knowing that Dominic had his back gave Max a feeling of security: that even 50,000 miles [80,000 km] apart, Dom could make his world safe.

"Why did it take you so long to vone?" Max asked.

"Yeah, I'm really sorry Max," Dom said. "Solar spike. EM was high, and comms bandwidth was reduced to essential calls only for the whole trip. But we're here now, and with the planetary boosters, we shouldn't be out of comm very often – only when we're working out in the field."

"That sucks," Max replied, relieved. "I thought that you'd just forgotten about me."

"Forgotten you?! Sweetheart, how could you ever think that!" Jonathan interjected. "Darling, out of sight is definitely not out of mind. Remember when you went on your first Troop camp to Alaska back when you were 13,  we missed you terribly! And I'll let you into a secret;" he lifted his hand to his mouth in a theatrical shielding gesture, and said in a conspiratorial voice, "even tough guy here was looking at his watch every half hour until you came home safe!"

Dominic said, "Hey you, don't give all my secrets away. Now he'll think I love him or something!" He punched Jonathan lightly on the shoulder. Jonathan turned to look over his shoulder with a smirk, and Dominic kissed him lightly on the lips. Jonathan smiled happily and they both turned back to Max.

Seeing their little exchange made Max feel so much better about their separation. Even though they were days apart, seeing his fathers still carrying on so playfully together reassured Max that nothing important had really changed in any of their relationships.

"So how are you settling in?" Jonathan asked. "Made any friends yet?"

"Things are okay. It's a nice school. Yeah I've made a few friends."

"What about your room-mate, what's he like? He seemed nice enough when we met him."

"Sam? He's really cool. I like him a lot. He's really looking after me."

"That's good," Dominic said approvingly. "We were hoping you'd get along."

"And what about your teachers?" Jonathan asked.

And so the conversation proceeded for fifteen minutes, with Jonathan asking most of the questions, and Max telling them all about his new life. Eventually, Jonathan said, "Hey Max, I love your clothes. Is that the school uniform?"

Max nodded.

"Actually I wanted to ask you about that. They do this thing here. Apparently it's the law in all the big cities. It's where they make you 3; where they collect sperm from you."

"You mean milking?" Jonathan asked, grinning gleefully.

"You knew about it?" Max replied, shocked.

"Well of course we knew. We thought it would be a nice surprise. Do you like it?"

"Like it? Ummm, well 3;" Max felt a little put out that his dads had not warned him about it, and although he still felt really weird about being masturbated whilst he went about his daily business, he couldn't deny that the experience was physically pleasurable. But it felt weird to admit it to his fathers. "I suppose. Kind of," he conceded. "But I wish you'd warned me first."

Dominic spoke up.

"Look the truth is, on Earth, people are a lot more private about such things, and we thought that it might make you worry if you knew in advance that it was going to happen. We felt certain that once you got used to it, you'd love it. I mean what guy doesn't love a good wank eh?" He chuckled.

"Yeah but it's at least four times a day," Max protested, "and it's at random times. I can be right in the middle of a lesson, or even a conversation when it starts!"

"I imagine that must be a bit weird and distracting, but I'm sure you'll quickly get used to it."

"Hmmmph," Max grumped.

"And hey, I bet it really takes your mind off a boring lesson!" Jonathan added, in his usual, irrepressibly upbeat manner.

Max smirked, trying to remain grumpy. It was impossible to stay annoyed at Jonathan for long. He was just so cheerful and bubbly, and nothing he did ever had a bad motivation.

"Anyway dads, I've gotta go. I've got a holophoner lesson in ten minutes."

"Awww, Maxie, we miss you sooo much," Jonathan said.

"Yeah, but we can speak any time you like," Dominic added.

"I love you guys," Max said, sincerely.

"We love you too Max," Dominic responded, and Jonathan blew a big kiss. Max smiled widely, and happily, showing his teeth, then turned off the comm.


On Friday, at 7.10, Sam returned to his room with a couple of girls and another boy. He opened the door wide to allow his friends to enter, and was greeted by the sight of Max writhing on the floor.

Sam said, "I'll catch up with you guys at the Shay later. I'm just gonna make sure Max is okay."

Sam's friends had all seen boys at the peak of high level stimulation. It was something usually conducted in private, but occasionally, like now, a boy got caught out. The guys laughed at Max's incapacity.

Just before they left, in sing-song voice, Jade said, "Byyye Maaaax. Don't have too much fuuun!"

Max was only peripherally aware of her, and she was completely inconsequential to him. He lay on his back twisting and turning, his face contorted by the torments of ecstasy. Sam entered and closed the door. He crouched next to his roommate, leaving a little space between them. Max was clawing at the floor, and kicking out with his legs like an overturned beetle trying to right itself. He was gasping and grunting as the implant told his brain that every erogenous zone on his body, from his earlobes to his toes, was being expertly stimulated. To an inexperienced viewer, his behaviour was indistinguishable from a grand mal epileptic fit, until you looked at his face, when a more observant viewer would see intermittent flashes of rapture appear and disappear. And if you paid really close attention, you might notice that he was not making the continuous deep groans of pain but pants of lust as his cock was being masterfully teased.

"Max, are you okay?" Sam asked.

Max continued writhing, almost oblivious.

Sam reached out and firmly put a hand on the front of Max's shoulder, limiting the boy's movement.

"Max are you okay?" he repeated more forcefully.

His words must have penetrated the all-consuming euphoria of Max's feelings, and in desperate gasps Max panted, "Oh shi, oh shi, oh shi, oh shi!"

He was unable to muster the mental faculty to fully form the word in his mind, let alone the verbal coherence to utter it. Sam smiled and took his hand away. He knew how Max was feeling. He looked at his wrist-comp, 7.12. Max had been freaking for 12 minutes now. He must be going out of his mind. After the first few cycles, most boys only chose to freak for 5 minutes, and a few for ten. There were less than a dozen who could manage it for fifteen minutes, and some of them, Sam was sure, only did it to be macho. In fact, it was a common penalty for their teenage games, to increase your freak by five minutes for the next three month cycle.

Sam looked at Max.

Max gasped, "Let me c, c, c, cum. Gotta c, c, cum please!"

"I can't help you Max. You chose 15 minutes. You've only got two minutes to go."

Max frowned. He barely heard Sam's explanation, and he certainly couldn't think clearly for long enough to make sense of it.

Max had started on the bed. He'd lain on his back, hands behind his head, comfortable and ready to enjoy a relaxing stimulation session. But he hadn't counted on the effects of 15 minutes of incredible edging. The first few minutes were arousing, just as before, but soon, he became eager to cum. More than eager; desperate. But the implant wouldn't permit it. Unlike the stop/start edging of a human partner, the computer didn't need to take him to the edge then stop and let him cool down to prolong the experience. It literally controlled his ability to ejaculate. Without the ejaculation inhibitor, he would undoubtedly have squirted after just two minutes of the mind-blowing masturbation, and would certainly have cum two or three times in the thirteen minutes that he'd been freaking for. But the inhibitor prevent his brain from initiating an orgasm. Instead, he continued to feel more and more aroused.

By seven minutes, his body was no longer under his own control. His movements were on automatic as he squirmed under the endless waves of neural flares that were preventing him from taking command of his own thoughts.

As his body was compelled into motions as sinuous and convoluted as any boa constrictor, he twisted and fell off the bed with a thud. The impact momentarily jarred him back to awareness, and he clambered to his hands and knees ready to stand up. But before he could rise, he experienced a delicious feeling in his balls that doubled him up at the intensity. Gasping, he tried to straighten, but it was his cock's turn to receive extra attention. He felt a shiver run through his body, and he collapsed to his side. Before he could rally his thoughts, the computer had flooded his thoughts with delirious elation and he was beyond the ability to think once more.

His balls felt massive and he was sure that they were humming; actually vibrating with sexual energy. The corpus spongiosum along the bottom of his curved penis was so inflated that it stood out the size of a pinkie finger. If he could have touched himself, the rest of his penis would have been as hard as wood.

He could barely think. His attention flitted from his cock to his balls to his hole, but all the other erogenous zones were tingling with the gentle attention they were receiving too. HIs nipples stood out like Chinese coolie hats, and his lips were flushed and swollen.

At precisely 15 minutes, the computer sent an 'ejaculate' signal, and a fraction of a second later, the orgasm inhibitor deactivated. The ejaculate signal triggered a massive orgasm, and Max couldn't help but yell out loud with a husky voice at the intensity of the orgasm. His brain exploded with the white hot intensity of a supernova, and his senses was seared by power of the orgasm. He literally lost his sight for over 30 seconds as white fireworks exploded behind his eyes.

The program continued to send the orgasm signal for a full minute, and Max's balls attempted to comply with the command to provide sperm. His body squirted 14, 15, 16, 17 jets of fluid before it had no more give, yet still his balls contracted, his hole puckered , and the base of his cock clenched.

After what seemed like an eternity, the program wound down, finally giving Max control over his own body again. He curled up into a ball, with his back to Sam. He was sobbing his eyes out. The blistering intensity of a one minute orgasm on the back of fifteen minutes of dick thrilling, ball throbbing, hole teasing edging was too much for his emotions. He didn't know that his body could feel so good, nor that he could ever be stimulated so much that he would have given his eyesight just to achieve release.

Sam rubbed Max's back sympathetically. Country boys, younger kids and off-worlders sometimes had this reaction. They didn't grow up with the wealth of sex toys and stim channels that were a normal part of city life. They didn't know just how good their bodies could feel, and it fried their brains the first half a dozen times.

Max felt like a little boy being petted by his father after a boo boo. He stood up shakily, self conscious and feeling silly. He wiped his eyes with his fingers.

"Holy shit!" he said hoarsely, finally able to articulate his feelings, and he staggered to his bed on legs that felt like rubber. He looked at Sam with a bashful, sheepish grin. "That was fucking intense." He didn't usually use profanity, but regular language didn't remotely have the weight to express his feelings.

"Yeah man," Sam agreed. "It looked it."

Max laid on the bed on his side. The lips of his asshole still pulsed and vibrated as they sucked at the fantasy object that had been fucking him.

"I think I need to ask Nurse Janeway to change me over to the five minute program," he said.

"Yeah, 15 is a lot to manage. But you can't change programs for three months."

"Three months!" Max said, remembering what Janeway had told him, "I can't have any more like that!"

"It's only eleven more," Sam said laughing.

Max's eyes widened and he gaped at the prospect. Sam chuckled and went out to meet up with his friends.

Chapter 3
Making new friends

Although he was a very sociable boy, Max also enjoyed his own company, so on his first Sunday at Friedrich Krupp, immediately after lunch, he wandered off to a quiet corner of the school's massive grounds to watch a movie. Normally, Max enjoyed watching holo-movies, especially interactive ones, but sometimes it was nice to just go old-school and watch a movie on a 2D screen such as the pad he'd brought with him.

It was a warm day, and Max curled in the soft, gold coloured fur grass, resting his back against the comfortable cordons of a large sponge vine. This was a species of vine unique to Herschel. It grew 30 feet [10 m] tall, and its cordons spread out to the sides by two or three times as far. The lowest ones rested on the ground, whilst the higher ones drooped under their own weight, making the entire massive plant look as though it had wilted in the sun like an upside down octopus. Although its fat trunk was solid, the cordons were soft and spongy, making for a very comfortable resting place. The vine had no leaves, but reproduced via spores that drifted from the soft cordons. The spores filled the air with a subtle fragrance similar to lilacs.

There was a low buzz of insect activity, but the bugs stayed a few meters away from Max thanks to the tiny repeller badge that he wore. It emitted an ultrasonic frequency that the insects didn't like. He felt incredibly content. Although he'd only been at the school a week, he'd quickly settled in and made friends.

It was sunny, and it felt like a summer's afternoon on Earth. The star round which Herschel orbited, was a yellow supergiant, 30 times larger than Sol, and a little brighter. However the planet orbited much further out. Nevertheless, the sun was far larger in the sky than on Earth. Sometimes Max found it disconcerting, especially when he saw Herschel Minor passing large across the sun's face between them. It was a little smaller that Herschel Major, but orbited far faster. It was too hot for habitation, although, it was the centre of a massive mining industry. But today, the sun was clear, and Max felt good.

He selected a movie; it was a science fiction about exploring distant galaxies. He specified the characters that he wanted to feature in it, and the media computer seamlessly integrated them into the plot. Years of monitoring had already determined what Max most enjoyed in a movie, and the computer produced one that perfectly matched his tastes, with just a small amount of unpredictability to keep it interesting.

He lay on his side, leaning on his elbow, with his head supported on his raised hand, and drew his knees up towards his chest. Max had been milked during lunch, and now he could feel his balls being tugged and massaged in the harvesting station. Nurse Janeway had been correct about the testicular massage being painful. His nuts were aching as the manipulator arms tugged and pulled at his genitals to increase their size and sperm generating capacity. But what he hadn't anticipated, was how erotic he would find that pain. In spite of the four times a day that he was forced to ejaculate, he enjoyed the constant awareness of his genitals that the massage gave him.

By nature, Max had never been sexually outgoing, but the feeling of his balls being tugged and pulled and lightly squeezed, as well as the sense of not being in control of his own privates produced a background level of sensuality to his days that he had not even fully recognised yet, and would not feel comfortable discussing with anyone. Instead, Max lay on the fine grass, and watched his movie contently, whilst the massage continued.

When the movie finished, Max walked back to his room. He entered to find Sam sitting at his desk.

"Hey Sam," he said cordially.

"Hey Max," Sam responded. "What did you do with your skin time?"

"Excuse me. My what?"

Sam wrinkled his brow.

"Your skin time – you know, when you're allowed out of your EV suit."

Max looked at him blankly.

"I don't have a clue what you're talking about."

Sam pivoted on his chair to face Max.

"Oh man, I am sooo sorry. I must have forgotten to tell you about it." Sam held his hands up submissively and made a wincing expression.

"Forgotten what Sam, tell me what you're talking about."

"Well, once a week, on Sunday at 2, you get to take your EV suit off for half an hour. You can have a shower, but a lot of guys like to have a wank. Or sex if they can find someone."

"But you said that I couldn't have a wank till I was 21!" Max said indignantly.

"I meant whenever you want to. I didn't explain it very well. I'm really sorry."

Max looked at his watch. It was 3.30.

"So I can't take my suit off now until next week?"

"Nah, sorry Max. My bad. I should have told you about it."

Max considered the new information. He was somewhat irritated not to have been told in time to enjoy 'skin time' today, but, he reasoned, a few hours ago he thought he'd be wearing the suit for the next six years! He put his hand on Sam's shoulder.

"No problem Sam. But is there anything else important you think I should know?"

Sam thought for a few seconds.

"Not that I can think of, but if I remember anything, I'll let you know."

"Thanks man. So what did you do at skin time?"

Sam looked at Max with a dirty schoolboy leer, and made a masturbation gesture in his lap. Max laughed loudly. He was beginning to think that his room-mate thought of nothing else.

Whilst he certainly held no grudge against Sam, the missed skin-time opportunity did play on Max's mind. A couple of days later when they were alone in their room, he said, "Hey Sam, I know you said it would be bad if I took my EV suit off, but what would happen if I just took it off right now?"

"Well, I think you get two minutes to put it back on, then that implant in your head tells you to put it on, then you get another warning, then they send you to sleep."

"You think?" Max queried, "So you've never tried it?"

Sam shook his head. "Nah, why would I?"

Max pondered the question. It was strange to him that Sam would be so perfectly satisfied to spend years of his life wrapped up in a mobile prison cell, albeit one made of cloth, having his body manipulated to serve the wishes of the government. Having grown up on Earth, where personal rights trumped everything, he found it bemusing to encounter people who were perfectly happy to sacrifice them for the good of mankind. Max wondered whether his resistance made him a better or a worse person.

"So don't you ever, you know, get horny in between milking?"

"Yeah of course I do, sometimes."

"And doesn't it drive you crazy, not being able to do anything about it?"

"Well, I can't just have a wank, but there's lots of things that I can do about it," Sam said. "Why, are you feeling horny Max?"

Max blushed and lowered his head, still far from comfortable talking about his personal sexual habits.

"Yes, all the time."

Sam laughed. "Why didn't you say something? Look I can give you the address for all sorts of movies. There's passives, interactive, holo, and virtu – whatever you want."

Pornography was a normal part of life for teens on Earth. Earth had gone through many cycles of repression and openness about human sexuality since the invention of video porn in the 1980s. Every 50 years or so, a retrograde government would be elected, usually lead by Christians or Muslims. These ancient religions, although greatly reduced by the global availability of knowledge thanks to the Internet, still had huge numbers of followers, and usually in response to a perceived increase in 'immorality' or criminality, they would gain enough support to govern for a while – usually no more than 10 or 20 years, until everyone realised how much less healthy everyone's emotional state became under such primitive views of sex.

Max had grown up with pornography, and it was normal for boys to have access to vanilla porn as soon as they reached puberty. They were given pornography accounts at school, and part of the school syllabus was devoted to exploring and explaining different types of sexuality and sexual behaviour. However, more mature paraphilias were restricted from youngsters until the age of 21. However, such matters were a matter of planetary jurisdiction. Many colonies had been founded by the New Quakers, and other archaic religious groups, with the express purpose of raising their families within the suffocating morality of ancient religious beliefs.

Although Max's fathers had confirmed that Herschel was a progressive world, setting up a porn account had been the lowest of their priorities.

Max was relieved to hear that porn was legal on the planet.

"It's all white right?" he confirmed. He'd heard too many tales of sexual deviancy to want to risk the attention of the authorities. Public health videos were a normal part of school education, and these often graphic cautionary videos were both salutary, and hilarious. Max's favourite was "Sheep have rights too."

"Of course, of course," Sam reassured. "I mean, unless you're into really kinky stuff, you don't need to go black. But if you're into that stuff, I know people who could probably hook you up."

White and black were not in fact, references to skin colours, but referred, ironically, to ancient concepts of good and evil. White was the colour of angels and purity. Black – well that was what the bad guy always wore. White simply meant 'legal'.

"No thanks, I'm not into that stuff. Does your school have a porn hub?"

"Of course. Jeez, how backwards do you think we are? Didn't you get an account when they processed you?"

"No, they must have forgot."

"No probs. I can take you to admin tomorrow and get you set up."

"That's great but 3;" Max furrowed his brow.

"But what?" Sam prompted.

"Well, it's not the same as having a wank is it?"

"No. It's better. I mean honestly, how many of your wanks were as good as even the worst milking?"

Max pondered.

"Not many I guess," he answered reluctantly. "But I like having control."

"Yeah," Sam admitted, "that bit is kinda frustrating, but you get used to it, and I think it's worth it."

"I suppose it depends what you're used to," Max added ruefully.

Sam stood up and said, "Come with me."

Sam lead and Max quickly followed, curious as to where he was being taken. They arrived at the gym, and Sam walked past it to a smaller hall. Before he opened the door, he turned to Max.

"You wrestle don't you?"

"Sure," Max replied.

Sam opened the door and they entered, quickly making their way to the rear of the three-tiered bleachers. At first it appeared as though the matted area was full of boys wrestling, but Max soon realised that the boys were making very little effort to win. A kid from Max's Galactrix class was sitting in the front row. He noticed them enter and before Sam could even start to explain what was happening, the boy turned and said, "Hey you're Max, the Earther. You're in my Galactrix class. I'm Brill. Great to see you. Wanna wrestle?"

Max looked to Sam uncertainly, and Sam shrugged. Brill was taller than Max, and a little more slender.

"I'm not all that good. I haven't wrestled in a long time."

"Who cares? It's just about the squirts right?"

Max was unfamiliar with the expression, but he mistakenly assumed that it mean 'fun'.

"Erm, okay. I'll give it a try."

"Great, get undressed and we can get started then."

Brill took off his shoes and unzipped the legs and torso of his envirosuit and removed them, so that he was dressed only in shorts. Max followed suit. He'd wondered why the EV suit had removable parts, but had not yet had a phys class to discover the purpose.

He stood in his EV shorts waiting to see how Brill wanted to play it.

"Let's fight over here," he said, and gestured to an unoccupied area of the mats.

Max walked over whilst Sam watched smiling.

Brill got down on his hands and knees. Max assumed that they were starting from par terre, and moved behind him and wrapped his arms around Brill's waist.

"Whoa, what are you doing Max? Let's not go too fast."

Max let go and stood up, confused.

"Let's take it easy. Kneel down there." Brill indicated the space in front of him. Max knelt down facing Brill, bewildered. "Good, now let's just grapple a while – nothing too intense."

Max was unfamiliar with the drill, so he simply nodded and waited for Brill to take the lead. The other boy moved in placed a hand on Max's shoulder. Max reciprocated. Brill started to grapple, and Max fought back, careful to moderate his effort to match his opponent's. Max flipped Brill onto his back and the boy went down laughing.

"Nice move."

Brill wrapped his arms and legs around Max from the bottom, like a koala bear hugging a tree, and he rolled back, reversing their position. It was a move Max had not encountered before, and it surprised him. He struggled to get out from underneath Brill, but the boy entwined his legs around Max's. As Brill straightened his legs, it pulled their groins close. Max writhed and squirmed to escape, but Brill seemed to be holding him effortlessly. As he continued to twist and turn, it seemed to Max that Brill was not really trying to advance his position, as much as merely to lay on top of him.

When he had wrestled at school on Earth, it was something of an unspoken rule that you didn't really allow your groin to press front-to-front against your opponent's for any longer than was absolutely necessary. The ever present danger of an unwanted erection and the public embarrassment meant that it was pretty well adhered to. But now this gangly kid had him tied up, with their groins pressing. Max began to wonder if they fought by different rules in Friedrich Krupp.

Max twisted to the side and managed to get a leg free, then he used the foot of the freed leg to push down on the front of Brill's upper thigh. Brill collapsed away and lost the hold. Max dived in and tried to take advantage with a counter hold, but Brill was as evasive as an eel.

Before Max knew it, Brill had re-established the previous hold. The two boys struggled against each other, their bare skin, sweaty with exertion. Brill hooked his arms under Max's shoulders from the front, pulling down on the teen's shoulders from behind. It drew them close, chest to chest. Brill turned his head to the side, and nestled his chin against the junction of Max's shoulder and his neck. Max could hear Brill breathing hard. He tried to push the boy off, but he was clamped in tight. As Max struggled, it seemed to him that Brill was grinding his pelvis down on him deliberately, moving in a circular motion. It didn't seem as though the movement had any combat purpose. Max summoned his strength, and pushed the boy's torso up and away from him. He glanced over at the bench where Brill's top was lying, and he saw that Brill's light was green. Brill saw Max looking at his light and gave Max a lopsided grin.

"You're really great Max. I didn't know that Earthers were so boned."

The penny suddenly dropped and Max looked over at Sam, with a wide-eyed, 'What the fuck' expression. Sam grinned broadly back at him, and gave a 'Go on' nod. Max had never done it with a boy before. He hadn't even masturbated with one, but knowing that Brill was getting off on him made him feel strange. Tingly. Excited. He looked up into Brill's green eyes. The boy was nice looking. He had an almost Elfen slenderness to his face, with high cheekbones, and a mop of sweaty dark blonde hair. Max looked at the boy's nascent pectoral muscles appreciatively. Brill looked down at him smiling warmly, then at Sam, as if to ask why Max had stopped 'fighting'.

Max made a decision. He decided to surrender. Not to Brill, but to his own inhibitions. Max ran his hand down the boy's flat stomach, and over his small, tight abdominals. Brill instantly turned his attention back to Max with sparkling eyes. Max wrapped his own arms and legs around Brill, as the teenager had done to him previously, and pulled the boy down on him so that their sweaty stomachs were pressed together. Max's light turned green, and then the two boys slid and grappled, in a parody of competitive wrestling.

Meanwhile, on planet 1RXS1609 b, the penises in portals 184,675,809 and 184,661,656 twitched and throbbed as their owners writhed together. The harvesting computer started to run the milking program, and as the boys slipped and slid off each other's lean bodies, muscles straining and limbs intertwining, they felt as though they were being sucked and reamed, and tantalised and pumped.

In the flesh and blood world, it would be impossible to strain and move around as much as the boys were, without dislodging or striking the sex partner, but because the penile and anal stimulation was all in their minds, the boys didn't have to be concerned about disengaging, or accidentally kneeing their partner in the head, or crushing them with their thighs. The tension in their sinews, and the sheer muscular effort, and Brill's warm sweating body, added to the sexual experience in a way that Max would not have thought possible. The harder he tried, the better it felt.

Max flipped Brill over onto his stomach, and lay on the boy's back, groin to butt, and they 'struggled' in that position for 30 seconds. Then Max allowed Brill to overpower him, and they found themselves in a mutual face to groin position that would have been perfect for a 69 if they'd both been naked. Brill buried his face in the flatness of Max's portal panel, pulling fiercely with his arms around Max's waist.

Max allowed himself to be locked up for 20 seconds before struggling free. As Max fell backwards onto his butt in a sitting position with his legs on the floor in front of him, Brill quickly went for a double leg-lock. Max allowed the lean boy to take the hold, curious about where it was leading. Clearly, in this version of wrestling, holds had totally different objectives.

Brill gripped each of Max's ankles under his armpits, and leaned back, pulling Max roughly onto his back. Then he quickly moved closer so that he was kneeling, with his groin up tight against Max's butt. Max turned his body to one side, then the other, putting up only token resistance. In response, Brill yanked Max's ankles into the air, then pushed them backwards over his head, so that Max's knees were resting on the mat to either side of his head. Max was surprised by the move, and momentarily nonplussed to find himself in such a totally submissive position, with his ass in air, and Brill clearly mounting him. Brill had risen to his haunches, and he was pressing down on Max with his full bodyweight, using his groin to push back against Max's butt. He leaned forwards and gripped Max's wrists, holding the boy's arms above his head in a Mexican wave position. Brill used his shoulders to press down against the back of Max's knees. The boy looked down at Max with a slight grin and a twinkle in his eye. Max looked at him wide-eyed, shocked to discover that he really was powerless to resist now. His mouth gaped with dismay. Brill leaned forwards and clamped his mouth to Max's. Max instinctively turned his head to the side, and Brill followed, using the side of his head to steer Max's head back to the front. Brill moved his face away from Max so that he could assess if Max was genuinely unhappy, or simply unused to the activity. Max immediately closed his mouth. Brill smiled warmly, looking into the new boy's eyes.

"It's good Max, don't stop now. You're white hot."

Max had already come so far, and Brill seemed like a nice guy – rough and tumble, but sensitive at the same time. He opened his mouth just a little, and Brill accepted the invitation. He leaned forwards and clamped his mouth onto Max's, pushing his tongue into Max's mouth. Max was unsure what to do, but as he felt Brill's tongue slithering across his own, he moved his tongue in response, in a miniature version of the wrestling match the boys were engaged in. Brill seemed hungry for the experience, and his tongue started moving with a desperation that reflected his state of arousal.

In the harvesting station, although he had not yet been allowed to ejaculate, the thin collection tube leading from Brill's penis was filled with precum.

Brill was thrusting urgently with his groin again Max's upturned buttocks. Although Max couldn't know it, Brill was moving in time with the growing tempo of the reaming his implant told him his hole was experiencing, and the pumping that he felt working on his dick. Max found the unbridled animal lust unbearably arousing, and it felt to him as though his own dick had swollen fatter and harder than ever before; it was literally tingling with every fibre, as though he was cumming but not yet squirting.

Brill let out a few heavy breaths, "Uh, uhhh, ahhhhh." And collapsed on top of Max, releasing the boy's hands. Max realised that Brill had reached orgasm, but the computer would not allow him to ejaculate for another 90 seconds. He was disappointed that Brill was finished. He pushed up with his legs and Brill allowed him to move where he wanted to go. Max wrapped his legs around Brill's waist, and he hugged the slim boy fiercely, grinding his own pelvis against the blonde's, urging his new friend to continue. He need not have worried, because it was considered te height of bad form to stop wrestling before your partner was done, so after he'd caught his breath, Brill leaned forwards and resumed fighting earnestly, until Max achieved his own, considerably louder and more powerful orgasm. Brill held on tight to the bucking Earther, so that he was not bounced off.

Eventually, Max stopped writhing. Brill was on top of Max, and he looked into Max's sweating, red face. Max looked back glowing with happiness and post-orgasmic bliss. Brill smiled at him, then leaned down nuzzled his neck with his mouth and nose. Max hugged the kid tightly and they lay together for a minute, enjoying the ambience, oblivious to anyone else in the room.

Brill broke the clinch first, climbed off slowly, and stood up, offering Max a hand up to his feet. Brill picked up a hytowel from the bleachers and threw it to Max, then picked up another for himself. He wiped himself dry, and the towel, which was built from smart fibres, both soaked away the sweat, and cleaned his skin so that there were no bacteria or odours. Max copied his example, and both boys got dressed again.

Sam walked over.

"All done?" he asked, massively downplaying the immense eroticism of what he'd watched. His own light had turned green shortly after Max's, and he was feeling as chilled as the two wrestlers.

"You bet," Brill said. "That was a really pacing squirt. Thanks Max."

"You're welcome Brill. That was my first alien sex!"

Brill and Sam laughed out loud, and Brill said, "Ha ha – great job Earthling. Maybe sometime we can do a double-green together?"

Max correctly assumed that Brill meant a double orgasm where they would continue fighting until they each ejaculated a second time.

"Yeah, that sounds great," he said low fiving Brill with a happy smile.

Sam high fived Brill and said, "See you in Astro tomorrow."

"Yeah, later Sam."

Just before Sam and Max walked out of the wrestling hall, Max turned and glanced at the mat one last time. This time, he appreciated the thirty or so pairs of wrestlers very differently.

"You can come down here any time Max. There's always someone waiting to wrestle."

"White hot," Max said in a mellow tone of voice.

"Yeah," Sam agreed. "So, feeling better now?"

Max gave him a shy leer.

"Oh yeah!"

Chapter 4
Fresh air

Sunday, at 1pm, Max was in his room reading a comic, when Sam walked in.

"Oh hey Max. You came back early so that you wouldn't miss skin time again huh?"

Rather than going out after lunch, Max had come straight back to their room, and Sam was spot on about his motivation. There was no way that he was going to miss another opportunity for an actual wank. He blushed furiously but didn't answer Sam. It was going to take more than a couple of weeks at this liberal school to overcome a lifetime of modesty.

Sam grinned at Max's silence.

"Ahhh, you boned up tarabella!"

Max looked bemused.

"What did you just call me?"

"A tarabella. Don't you have those on Earth?"

"Never heard of them. What is it?"

"It's a type of monkey. The males are always horny."

In fact, the tarabella was not a type of monkey, it was nearer to a chimpanzee in appearance, size and genetic structure. Although, having evolved on Herschel Major, it was not part of the lineage of either creature, and was really an entirely unique type of primate.

The tarabellas had evolved in an environment with no predators, and as a result, the colonies grew to vast numbers, often numbering thousands or even tens of thousands of members. Because food supplies were plentiful, and the primates were cooperative by nature, there was little for the animals to do but eat, play, copulate and sleep. However, the differentiation of zygotes that lead to male or female tarabellas was greatly influenced by their diet; especially by a chemical found in their favourite type of fruit. This chemical made it hundreds of times more likely that the zygote would become female, and this resulted in populations of animals where the ratio of females to males was hundreds to one. Furthermore, the same chemical also inhibited pregnancy. As a result, the males were greatly prized, and the females were more than happy to work together to demand copulation. In fact, it was not uncommon to see a group of 30 or more females holding down a male, whilst they took turns impaling themselves on his penis. This rough sex was not without its dangers for the males, and over millennia, those with smaller, more robust penises become the most prevalent.

Over thousands of generations, the males developed huge testicles to cope with the constant demands for their semen, and it was common to see even a young tarabella with testicles that were each larger than a softball. In fact, it was the enlargement of the tarabella's testicles that had inspired the planners of the harvesting program to add a testicular massage, and increasing-frequency milking to the human sperm-collection system.

Because the male tarabella's lives evolved to be little more than a never-ending series of sexual encounters, they developed incredible sexual stamina, enabling them to copulate sometimes for days at a time. Even on the rare occasions when they were not engaged in copulation, the males sported constant erections. In spite of the constant calls upon their sexual services, the lusty teenaged tarabellas would usually drool a steady stream of pre-cum throughout their waking hours, even whilst they ate or played, as their over-sexed bodies eagerly prepared them for their next coupling. In fact, the name 'tarabella' was Herschelian for 'always ready'.

"Oh," Max responded with a smirk. "I guess so."

"So what are you gonna do, have a tug, or are you meeting someone?"

"I was just gonna, you know 3;" Max said shyly.

"Yeah. You should hook up with Brill sometime. You two were hot together."

Max didn't answer. Instead he thought back to his encounter with Brill. He'd never considered the appearance of a boy before, except as a benchmark to compare himself against, but he definitely found Brill very attractive. His slender body and hard muscles were nice, but it was something about the boy's lean face and sparkling eyes that really appealed to him. He thought about their passionate kissing. It was the first time he'd ever had an open-mouthed kiss with anyone, and certainly the first time he'd ever kissed, or been kissed with such urgent passion. Max's heart beat faster, and he smiled a little at the memory, gazing up at the ceiling of their dorm room with a faraway look. His penis started to slowly swell at the memory, and the harvesting computer took over. His light turned green and for a little while he didn't register that he was being stimulated as the program started off slow.

Sam noticed though.

"Hey, you better save it if you want to enjoy skin time!"

Max looked at him, and sighed with exasperation.

"I don't suppose there's any way to cancel the milking once it starts?"

"Nah, you're gonnna squirt now whether you like it or not."

Max tutted to himself, then lay back with his hands behind his head, and let the program run its course. If he was going to be milked, he might as well enjoy it. He thought about Brill again, fondly remembering the details of their 'fight'. Four and a half minutes later, the program ran its course, and Max's donation joined the 70 litres of semen that had already been harvested from the young men of Friedrich Krupp that day.

At 1:45 Sam started to undress. Max looked at his watch.

"There's still fifteen minutes to go."

"Yeah, I know, but I don't want to waste any time getting undressed when skin time starts."

Sam removed his top and legs so that he was dressed only in his shorts.

"I'm gonna have a wank in here. Where are you gonna do it?" he asked.

Max had already considered the question. There was no way that he was going to be comfortable doing that in front of Sam. He hiked a finger towards the shower cubicle without a word.

"Yeah, that's cool. You don't get sweaty and you can use the soap for slick if you have a wet shower."

The shower was capable of delivering water, or ultrasonic cleaning. The latter could be used whilst still wearing the Envirosuit suits. Max was used to jacking off in the shower at home on Earth, and he always used the liquid soap to form a thick lather that he could use as lube.

"Yeah," he mumbled, noncommittally.

"Course," Sam continued, "it's not as comfortable in the shower, and you can't watch porn. I'm gonna watch the latest Van Moon – she's hot."

"I don't like her. Her tits are too big, and all that green skin is so fake. Like she's trying to be Valdesian or something."

"I know what you mean about her skin, but I like big tits. What gets you harder, girls or boys?"

"Girls of course," Max replied without thinking.

"You and Brill looked good together though," Sam said.

Max frowned and pondered.

"That was my first time with a boy."

"It was hot. So what turns you on?"

"T 3; turns me on?" Max stammered bashfully. This was personal. "I dunno. Shaved. Nice tits. Not too big. Long hair." His mind drifted from his ideal woman back to Brill. He thought about Brill's strong, but slender jaw line, and his flat stomach. "A flat stomach. A nice face." He continued, not realising that he had started describing the boy.

"And what would you like to do?" Sam asked, hoping to add Max's fantasies to his own library for future use.

Max shrugged.

"I dunno. I hadn't really thought about it."

"Republican!" Sam challenged.

The Republicans were a political party in one of the largest nation states on Earth. For a period of 20 years during the early 21st century, they gained a reputation for telling any lie, misrepresenting the facts in any way, just to confuse the truth and undermine the presidency of the country's first African American leader. The Republicans' leader, Ted Cruz, was assassinated by a homosexual man who had been hospitalised after a hate speech co-authored by Cruz's senile preacher father, and delivered by Ted Cruz. In it, Ted promised that if he got elected, there would be an amnesty on all anti-gay hate violence. Many bigots saw this as a call to arms against homosexuals, and there were several months of violence, until there was such a massive public backlash by the increasingly compassionate silent majority, against the persecution of innocent homosexuals (and anyone deemed to ­be­ homosexual for 'acting gay'), that Gay-bashing became a crime punishable by life imprisonment. In the wake of this new gay-friendly sentiment, gay marriage was finally legalised in every state in America, leading to a golden age of equality. Cruz's assassin was given amnesty.

Eventually, the American public tired of the Republicans dragging the process of government and politics down into disorder, and they faded from public life. However, even though the last Republican died millennia ago, the name of their political party was still used as a synonym for 'liar'.

"Well, I guess I have thought about it a little," he said, underplaying the truth. "I guess I like the idea of sucking a girl's tits, or fucking her, or getting sucked."

"Boooring," Sam taunted loudly, adding a huge fake yawn. "Here, watch this and get some more ideas."

He held up his pad, and Vanessa Moon was milking a tied young man, whilst others were tied in various creative ways all around her 'dungeon'. Max watched for a while, his eyes widening. For some reason that he found completely inexplicable, Max found the idea of being one of her 'victims' very arousing. His light turned green. He looked at it in panic.

"No, not now! Sam, what should I do?!"

The time was 1:47.

Sam laughed uproariously.

"There's nothing you CAN do. If you take your EV off now, they'll sleep you before skin time. You're just going to have to let it run."

"But it can't. I'll be dried out before skin time!"

He started to undress quickly.

"Don't do it Max. Seriously, it's not worth it!"

Sam's tone was solemn. Max looked at him, and paused. His friend was deadly serious.

Angry at his lack of control, Max raged, "Fuck fuck fuck!"

"Might as well enjoy it though huh?" Sam offered.

Max didn't answer. He was thoroughly pissed off that he was going to have to wait yet another week. He scowled. He knew it wasn't really Sam's fault for showing him the porn, but he couldn't help blaming him. He breathed heavily for 20 seconds, cursing his raging libido.

Just as his surly silence was verging on uncomfortable, Max said, "Maybe I can still manage another one."

"Yeah, that's the spirit tarabella!"

Max grinned awkwardly, still annoyed at himself, but amused at the name, and waited for the harvesting station to take his seed.

At 1:59, Sam dropped his shorts.

"There's still a minute to go," Max said.

"Yeah, but the clock will stop at 2, so I'll be fine."

Max looked at Sam's smooth genitals. Sam's pale, flaccid penis was thick and 6 inches [15 cm] long, with a long, loose foreskin. A large, heavy pair of nuts hung below.

"Jeez Sam, who's your dad – a donkey?"

"Ha ha ha! No, I told you, it's all the massaging. Everyone gets a big dick here."

Max looked appreciatively. He wasn't particularly penis-fixated, but he knew an impressive dick when he saw one. He reconsidered stripping in front of Sam. He was still well short of the refractory period from his last milking, but he was determined to give it a go. He had two choices: he could turn his back and undress self consciously, or he could brazen it out, and act like he didn't care that his dick was half the size of Sam's. Max reasoned to himself that if he wimped out now, he was going to spend the next six years avoiding nudity in front of his roommate. He stripped off. Max had a slim 3 incher [7 cm], and the foreskin was still peeled back from his recent erection. His glans looked red and sore, especially at the base and his balls were riding high. Sam looked at his genitals for a good 15 seconds, appraising them with just the tiniest trace of a smile. Then he turned and lay on his bed with the pad.

"Good luck!"

At 2pm, Max heard a gentle beeping sound, but it didn't seem like it entered his brain via his eardrums.

"Did you just hear that?" he asked.

"It's in your head. Skin time!"

Max wondered how come he hadn't noticed the sound the week before. He concluded that it must have been drowned out by the movie he was watching. He walked into the shower and turned it on. He allowed it to run for a good five minutes, simply enjoying the water on his body. He knew that he'd be lucky to get to get a rise out of his cock after ejaculating twice in the past hour, so he didn't rush. The heat worked on his genitals, and his penis became softer and increased in length, and the foreskin slipped back over the glans. His balls gradually hung lower as his sack drooped and his cremaster muscles relaxed.

Max reached down and slowly started to pull at himself. He was still sore, and his glans felt overworked. He continued in spite of the discomfort, determined to be the master of his own body, but his penis wouldn't respond. He tried massaging his glans between his thumb and the edge of his index finger, but even that technique – usually a sure-fire way of giving himself a fast erection – failed to stir any interest from his body. His cock stayed resolutely and utterly flaccid, but he continued doggedly working on himself for another ten minutes before finally giving up in utter frustration.

Max walked out of the shower, drying his hair with a hytowel. He glanced at Sam, who was on his bed, lying on his back, legs wide, pumping enthusiastically at his cock whilst looking at the pad that he was holding. Max's cock had swollen into an impressive eight and a half inch [21 cm] log; straight, thick, sturdy, and very veined, with a bloated and glistening glans. Max was a little in awe of it. He stopped dead in his tracks, and stood behind Sam looking down at the teen's powerful-looking penis. Without meaning to, he stopped drying his hair, transfixed by the beast that his friend was beating into submission. He chewed his lip and swallowed; not out of desire, but as a contemplative action in the presence of greatness.

Sam suddenly turned and looked Max in the face, and Max blushed, embarrassed to be caught staring.

"Oh hey Max, what do you think?"

"It's amazing," Max answered.

"See, told you she was hot," Sam replied, talking about the video. Max thought better of telling him that he was talking about Sam's cock.

"Did you pull one off?" Sam enquired, still working on his own cock.

"No," Max said disgusted. "I couldn't even get it hard!"

Sam laughed heartily at Max's predicament.

"Tough break buddy!" he said with absolutely no sympathy.

Max stood by his bed as he finished drying off. He only had ten minutes of skin time left. It seemed pointless to put on his normal clothes, but he was enjoying his liberty from the Envirosuit. He sat on his bed naked. He was uncertain what to do. Sam was still enthusiastically working himself over, and it seemed rude to start chatting to him whilst his mind was on the porn.

"You can watch if you like." Sam said.

Max looked at his friend. He'd never considered himself a voyeur before, and it felt vaguely creepy to him, but he was fascinated by Sam's impressive cock. Max stared at it for a minute, taking in every detail. The boy's balls had risen to form a large knot of flesh beneath his penis. Suddenly Sam came, noisily and powerfully, bucking his hips, and arching his back. Max didn't know what to do. It felt like this should be private. He looked away, uncomfortable, then picked up his pad and loaded a comic. He sat cross-legged on his bed, staring at the screen, but he couldn't ignore the elephant in the room, and his mind was still filled with the sight off Sam's ecstatic orgasm. Sam was still breathing heavily.

"Just time for a shower before skin time finishes!" he announced.

Sam rolled off the bed and headed for the shower, but Max couldn't get the sight of his roommate's hefty dick out his mind. It wasn't that he felt any sense of desire for it, but he was taken by how powerful and potent it looked. Max was bewildered. He couldn't understand why he was so preoccupied by the sight of a penis. He'd seen plenty in porn, but there was something about being in the presence of a porn-star cock in the flesh that was a lot different. Max decided to get dressed, simply to distract himself from the weird chain of thoughts he was having.

With two minutes of skin time left, Sam walked out of the shower. His cock was semi-flaccid – softened by the warmth of the shower, but it still had some of its erect volume. It swayed hypnotically as he walked. Max pretended to look at his pad, but he kept glancing up at Sam's penis, which jiggled as he dried himself.

After a while Sam said, "Never seen a dick before?"

Max looked up with a guilty face, like a kid who's been caught spying on his mom in the bath.

"I 3; I 3; I 3;"

Sam smiled at him.

"I was just joking Max. You can look at my dick if you like. But you just seem like you've never seen one before."

"I've seen plenty but 3; but it's just that yours is so big!"

Sam laughed kindly.

"It's really not that big Max. Not in this school. I told you, the harvester does it to you. Yours will probably be like this in a year or two."

Sam dressed and Max felt mildly disappointed that he no longer had the opportunity to stare at him. Max heard a variation on the earlier beeping sound warning that skin time was now over.

"So everyone's got a dick like yours?" Max asked.

"Not everyone. Some guys are smaller than others of course. And some of the seniors are a lot bigger. You wanna know someone who's not all that big?"

"Sure, who?" Max asked. He hardly knew anybody, so he doubted it would come as much of a surprise.

Sam picked up his pad and browsed through his files, then he turned the screen towards Max and handed it to him. Max took the pad and looked at it. Standing there naked, with a playful grin, was Brill. His very pale dick was soft, and only a little longer than Max's, and slightly thinner. Max's heart skipped a beat as he saw the picture. His mouth suddenly seemed dry. He smacked his mouth nervously as he stared. And stared. And stared.

"He's perfect," Max murmured, too quietly for Sam to hear.

Max's light turned green.

"You like?" Sam prompted.

"What, hmmm?" Max said, stirred from his reverie. He looked up at Sam. Sam pointed at Max's light. Max looked down at it.

"Awwwwwwwwwwwww. You've gotta be kidding!" he said, exasperated.

Sam roared with laughter – a deep, belly laugh that was so hard it made his guts ache. Tears streamed down his face and he was holding his belly to stop the pain. He laughed loud and long, then he bro-hugged Max, and through the last remnants of his laughter he chuckled, "You're so funny Max. We're gonna be bros forever!"

Chapter 5

Max nervously stood outside the door of hall 2. His first couple of weeks at Friedrich Krupp, had been nothing but one introduction after another, as he met his new classmates in different activities and subjects. But that was a few week past now, and he was starting to become familiar with many of the students in his grade. But now, as he prepared to enter hall 2, he felt the familiar nervousness of moving centre stage amongst a group of strangers.

Back on Earth, Max had been a member of the Rangers since he was five years old. Rangers was an organisation for boys based upon the old Boy Scout organisation, which had fallen into disrepute in the early 21st century when most of the governing body had been caught running a rent boy ring.

Max was keen to continue some of his Earth routines in order to restore a feeling of normality to his new life in this very different school, on an alien planet. As soon as he started to settle in, he visited the school counsellor to find out if there was any similar club that he could attend at Friedrich Krupp. Miss Troy informed him that there was indeed, such a club, called Explorers, and it was held on a Wednesday evening.

Max didn't tell Sam that he was going along. On Earth, the Rangers was not seen as particularly cool, and he wanted to see what the Herschelian version was like before admitting to membership.

So now he stood outside, about to meet yet more new people. He took a breath, pressed the door button, and walked in.

Inside the small hall were about fifteen boys, all dressed in envirosuits. They appeared to span the entire age range of the school from 14 to 21. They were gathered in small groups talking, and waiting for the club to start. By the door, there was a small desk, and seated behind it was a man in his forties. He was the only person not dressed in an envirosuit. He was wearing a vaguely militaristic looking uniform.

As Max entered the man looked up and smiled.

"Hello. You must be Max, my name is Jarvis, I'm the squad leader here."

The man held out his hand. Max slap-tapped it.

"Yes, I just moved here from Earth," Max responded cautiously.

"You look nervous. You've got not nothing to worry about. They're a great bunch of guys here. They'll be sure to make you feel welcome."

Max glanced at the other boys. Some of them had noticed the newcomer, and were looking over in interest. Jarvis called one of the older boys over.

"Jivan can you come here please."

The boy he addressed appeared to Max to be two or three years older than him. He had dark skin and straight hair. If they'd been on Earth, Max might have thought that the boy was from India, but here on Herschell, where all the races had colonised the planet in equal mixtures, skin colour denoted nothing about where they lived. The boy had hard eyes and chiselled features. Max felt a mild sense of trepidation, and an undercurrent of admiration at the aura of danger that the boy gave off.

Jivan came over and said, "Yes sir?"

"This is Max. He's from Earth. He's going to be in your unit."

Jivan turned to Max, and looked him up and down dispassionately. Max was just starting to feel uncomfortable, when unexpectedly, Jivan beamed at him, white teeth sparkling against his dark skin, and black eyes lighting up warmly.

"Hi Max!"

Max was astonished at the transformation, and he let out the breath he was not even aware he was holding.

Jivan held out his hand and they slap-tapped.

"Great to have you in my unit. If you have any problems, you come to me okay?"

"Sure. Thanks," Max mumbled, still overwhelmed by the change in the boy's demeanour.

Jivan put his arm around Max's shoulder and led him over to the other boys, and introduced him.

At precisely 7pm, Jarvis walked to the front of the hall, and shouted, "Orderrrr up!"

The boys arranged into two lines facing towards the front and each other at 45 degree angles, and stood with arms by their sides at attention.

Jarvis said in a loud voice, "State the creed."

The boys all responded equally loudly, "Be strong, be honest, be true."

After roll call, the boys split into groups for activities. The first activity was map reading. Max was partnered up with a younger-looking boy called Shaun. As Max was already an expert at this from his Ranger days, he sat on a stool with the electronic map in front of him on a desk, with his partner standing behind to his left. Max traced his fingers over the 3D projected holomap, pointing to the various features and tracks that Jarvis had instructed them to find. As the exercise continued, Max became aware that Shaun had changed sides and moved a lot nearer. Shaun was standing so close to Max's right shoulder that Max could almost feel the other boy's body heat. He tried to ignore it, but his skin tingled at the proximity of the other kid. The boy was so close now that Max could feel the boy's breath; warm on the back of his neck. Max ignored it for 30 seconds, but he was simply unused to such close proximity, and soon he couldn't ignore it any more. He turned with the intention of pleasantly asking the boy to give him a little breathing room, but instead of seeing Shaun, he found himself looking into Brill's face.

"Wondered how long you were going to let a stranger breathe down your neck!"

"Brill!" Max said with a happy smile and far more enthusiasm than he felt was cool to show.

"Hey Max," Brill returned casually. "How ya doing?"

He gave Max a smile and an impish wink.

"Pretty good thanks." Max answered, belatedly dialling his excitement down a notch. What are you doing here?"

"I had homework to finish."

"So you're an Explorer?"

Max was surprised. Brill seemed too hip for this.

"Sure. Been in since I was a little kid."

"No way! I've been a Ranger since I was five."

"Ranger? Is that like an Earth version of Explorers?" Brill asked.

"Yeah, it seems like it. That's what Miss Troy said."

The boys exchanged notes about the syllabus and badges for a few minutes before Jarvis noticed their lack of activity and said, "Hey guys. How are you getting on with the map?"

It was a gentle way of nudging them back onto their task, and they took the hint. Max returned to the holographic map, and he and Shaun continued working through their tasks. Brill leaned forward, and stood close to Max's right side with one arm draped around Max's left shoulder, and his head over Max's right shoulder.

Max did his best to ignore Brill's closeness, but for some reason he couldn't figure out, he kept thinking how great it would be if he just turned and kissed the face that was so close. He wondered how the other boys would react if he did. He wondered how Brill would react. He wondered how he would react. Brill just seemed so nice. He was so relaxed and assured, yet he was equally comfortable in the slightly nerdy environment of the Explorers. Max had never met a person so totally at ease with himself. He was really starting to admire this boy who managed to meld such contradictory traits so effortlessly into his personality.

Max couldn't resist turning to steal a glance at Brill's face. Their cheeks brushed. Max could see the light catching on the soft golden down on Brill's cheek. He stared at it for a moment. It seemed angelic.

Brill turned Max's head back to the desk with his hand.

Smiling, he said in a low voice, "Concentrate on the map Max."

Max grinned. Then Brill gave him a quick peck on the cheek, and just as quickly returned his attention to the map, as though nothing had happened. Max stared down at the map, but he wasn't really seeing it. He was delighted, but overwhelmed by how strongly he felt about Brill.

He couldn't help but think about the naked picture Sam had showed him. He wished that he'd had the confidence to ask Sam for it, but he hadn't wanted to reveal how interested he was in Brill, or even acknowledge that he liked boys at all.

Although homosexuality was completely normal, Max perceived that guys who liked guys still seemed to be treated differently on Earth by many people, just as women were. It was far more subtle than in the old days, but there was still something that he couldn't quite put his finger on. And so it wasn't a position that he was eager to take on; especially as he'd always assumed that he was completely heterosexual. But now, for some reason that he couldn't fathom, Max started to imagine how it would feel to hug Brill whilst they were both naked. He considered how it would feel to wrap his arms around Brill's lean body; to feel his hard muscles. In his fantasy, they were both sweaty, and he could almost feel their slick stomach muscles and chests sliding off each other. His focus moved down, and he realised that Brill's slim penis was brushing against his own. As soon as he became aware of it, Brill started playfully rocking his hips side to side so that their penises rubbed against each other, bouncing as they went. Max reached down and gripped Brill's butt cheeks. They were firm. He pulled the blonde kid towards him so that their cocks rubbed more firmly.

Max's penis started to harden. The implant in his brain detected his arousal and immediately activated the milking program. Even though he'd already been milked six times that day, Max was not even aware as he was aroused in preparation for his seventh ejaculation.

His growing erection fed into his fantasy about Brill. His boner lifted Brill's still soft cock. Brill allowed his soft prick to be lifted and nudged by Max's vertical dick. Brill pulled away, allowing their stomachs to part, and looked down at the flagpole that was flying at full mast between them. He laughed playfully, and his voice was sweet and musical.

"Maaax. Bad boy!"

He smirked and moved closer again, then started grinding his own penis against Max's. Brill was hard in no time. Max could feel the heat of Brill's cock against his own dick, and his balls started churning. In Max's imagination, Brill's cock was hard as wood from the root to the tip.

Max's mind drifted further and he began to wonder what it would feel like to have Brill's penis in his mouth. It was a radical idea. He'd never thought about doing that with a girl's genitals, but now he found himself fantasising about Brill. He wondered what it would be like to feel the tube of flesh between his lips. He imagined the boy's puckered foreskin on his tongue. In his mind, he was playing with Brill's balls whilst he sucked him.

He continued to fantasise about sucking Brill's penis. He'd never given or received a blowjob, so the detail of his fantasy was limited, but he imagined Brill's hard but slender cock, with his foreskin retracting to reveal a swollen glans. He licked at the glans, enjoying its smoothness. In the real world, Max's mouth literally started watering, and he chewed his lip as he continued to enjoy his fantasy.

Jarvis had noticed something between Brill and Max as soon as Brill had arrived. It was clear as soon as Brill stood close that Max was happy at the boy's proximity, but it was also clear that Max was unsure of how to handle the situation. He became distracted, and barely seemed to be working at all. Jarvis noticed the peck on the cheek that Brill gave Max, and he saw how Max glowed with awkward happiness at the simple gesture. Then Max's light came on, and it confirmed that the boy appreciated Brill's company on much more than a platonic level.

Just as with Rangers, and the Scouts before, a disproportionately large number of the boys who joined the Explorers were homosexual, and joined because they enjoyed the close company of other boys. It was a thin line between camaraderie and affection; affection and sexual desire. Jarvis was perfectly happy with that. He saw Explorers as a way for boys to follow masculine pursuits whilst learning survival skills. That many of them also developed physical relationships, and learned about sex together was fine by him. He viewed homosexuality much as Earth's ancient Spartans had: a natural extension of close male bonding. Jarvis was heterosexual himself, but he recognised that sexual relationships between the boys only increased their sense of esprit de corps, and created a more effective squad.

"Max, MAX!"

A voice stirred Max from his reverie. He looked up, surprised. Jarvis was in front of him.

"You seem a bit distracted there Max. Why don't we see how Shaun manages? Pass the map across."

An expression of bemusement crossed Brill's face, then he glanced down and saw Max's light.

"Who are you thinking about Max?" The pitch of his voice rose on the word 'you'.

Max blushed brightly.

"Naughty boy!"

The expression was so close to Max's fantasy, that it was like Brill was reading his mind. He turned rapidly and looked at Brill, eyes wide in surprise. Brill smiled and winked, then using his right hand, he reached around put his hand on Max's flat tummy.

"Bad boy!"

"What did you say?" Max asked, amazed.

"You know what I said." Brill replied, grinning.

Max wrinkled his forehead. This had to be a coincidence.

"Don't stress out Max. Just enjoy. Maybe we can wrestle again soon. Or maybe even share skin time together sometime?"

Max's thoughts were crazy. He wished he could just rip Brill's clothes off there and then, and act out his fantasy.

"Uhh 3; uhhh 3; That would be great," he said lamely.

Brill hugged him, then slid his right hand all the way down between Max's legs, to the flat place where his genitals should have been. He squeezed, and even though Max's hard dick and tight balls were in a milking station light years away, Max understood the meaning of the gesture. He swallowed hard.


On planet 1RXS1609b, the balls attached to the penis at portal 184,675,809 rose so high that they almost disappeared back inside their owner. With millions of penises sticking out of portals all around it, in an empty corridor, in a vast warehouse, Max's penis started to twitch as he found the unbearable pleasure of Brill's closeness drove him towards orgasm. The harvester was not quite ready to give him release, so Max's penis bounced up and down as his eager perineal muscles tensed and relaxed, desperate to initiate orgasm.

On a monitor, one of the two controllers on duty watched Max's penis with interest. Just by its modest size, it appeared that its owner was either quite young, or was new to the harvesting program. The controller stared with amusement at the way that Max's penis was bouncing as the boy desperately tried to ejaculate. Some boys never did that, and those that did, generally grew out of it quickly, except during high intensity milking. This boy was on a normal cycle. He must be extremely horny indeed.

The thin tube in the end of the bouncing penis suddenly filled with semi-translucent liquid, and the penis continued to bounce. For most boys, they just got hard, then the collection tube filled with their sperm, and was pumped away; then it was over. There was no sign that the boy was getting close to climax unless you looked at the timer. Or at his balls. But even a boy's balls were not a reliable measure. Boys with smaller testicles that didn't so much hang down, as nestle under the root of the penis would usually rise still further, tightening right up alongside the base of the penis, or even in the case of retractile testicles, up into the lower abdomen. But after a boy had been harvested for a couple of years, his testicles became enlarged and tended to hang low, and these barely moved as the boy became more aroused.

As the penis continued to spurt, the controller tried to imagine what its owner looked like, and exactly what he was doing at that moment. Was he writhing around on the floor incapacitated, or was he trying to play it cool? Given the boy's evident arousal level, it was doubtful that he was going about his day as usual. The controller made a note to look in on this donor again 3;


Brill was close, and his hand was still between Max's legs. Max opened his mouth wordlessly. His lips had reddened and his pupils dilated as he approached orgasm. Brill smiled warmly at him, and Max leaned in towards the boy. Max's orgasm hit; powerful and overwhelming. He let out a few heavy breaths and clenched his knees together.

Shaun caught the movement with his peripheral vision and looked at Max to see what was up. Max was wearing an expression of pained ecstasy, and was looking far off into the distance. Shaun recognised the signs of a powerful orgasm.

"That's another cupful!"

Max turned to him, not initially understanding the comment. Then he put two and two together. He gave the kid a lopsided grin as he continued squirting.

"Feels like at least two!" he said. Although Max had been very shy about sex talk when he initially started attending Friedrich Krupp, he was gradually becoming comfortable with it.

The kid gave Max a dirty leer. It seemed out of place on such a young face.

"Hmmm, tasty!"

Max tried briefly to figure out if the kid meant the comment literally or figuratively. It had never occurred to him that someone might actually enjoy the taste of jizz.

Brill chipped in.

"Hopefully I can let you know soon!"

Max's thoughts went into overdrive.

Chapter 6

 "Hey guys, wait up!"

Max and Bryan turned to see Troye running to join them. The boy was NOT a natural athlete. There was none of the easy grace of a cheetah, and none of the raw power of a thoroughbred racehorse. Instead, Troye looked like a former quadriplegic on his first day out of traction. He was angular, awkward, gangly, and thin as a rake. He was also the funniest person Max had ever met.

Max smiled.

"Hey Troye."

"Greets Maxter!" the skinny boy replied with a toothy grin and a single handed jazz-hands wave.

Max grinned. He wasn't sure if Troye had his own uninhinbited way of expressing himself, even by Herschelian standards, or if it was merely that the kid used a lot of expressions that Max had simply not encountered elsewhere yet, but the dark-haired boy was certainly a very unique person. He was not camp, so much as flamboyant and extremely self-assured.

To anyone familiar with Earth's 19th century, you might have said that Troye reminded you of a street urchin. Even though he was only wearing a single piece of skin-tight clothing, he somehow managed to make it appear dishevelled.

"Just got out of bed?" Max enquired.

"Nah, why?"

"Bed head," Max responded, nodding at Troye's wild hair, which was sticking up spikyly all over the place.

"Lolol!" Troye said. And patted his unruly hair down, smoothing it ineffectively with his finger tips.

He turned his attention to Bryan.

"Bry-annnnn. Sib." He leaped in the air towards Bryan, with his arm up in a high five. Bryan raised his own hand to meet it, but at the last second, they both pulled their hands back and simultaneously chimed, "Whoa, too slow mojo."

They hugged warmly, and as they moved apart, Troye reached down between Bryan's legs and made a jiggling motion with his fingers, as though he was playing with Bryan's balls. Of course, thanks to the portal suit he was wearing, Bryan's actual balls were dangling in a vast milking station light years away, along with his penis.

"So how's it going Bry – still pumping strong?" Troye asked.

"Not as strong as you." Bryan answered. He turned to Max. "I swear, I never knew anyone who clocked more green time than Troye. How many you up to now, 15, 16?"

"Actually, it's 27," Troye said proudly. "I've got to max it out if I wanna impress the ladies!"

"How is walking around with a permanent cum face going to impress the ladies Troye?" Bryan asked.

"It's not," Troye answered with a lopsided grin, "but when we finally get out of these suits and I've got 14 inches [35 cm] to give them, and I can go all night, then we'll see who's laughing, pee pee!"

Bryan chuckled at the jibe. The term 'pee pee' was a baby-talk expression used to deride the size of another boy's penis.

Max listened to the light-hearted exchange amused. Troye had a reputation amongst the other students for the highest number of voluntary milkings. Apparently ever since he'd first arrived at the school, he'd been deliberately forcing himself to think about sex as often as possible so that the harvesting station would increase the frequency of his collection. Whenever a boy started to become aroused, the harvesting program activated a milking cycle. Over the course of the week, the average was recorded, and if it was higher than the week before, the computer increased the frequency of automated milking from that time onwards.

Max had become friends with Troye quite early on, and he noticed that the scruffy kid's green light seemed to be on more often than not, but it never occurred to him that anyone could squirt 27 times in a day. When he lived on Earth, that would have been two or three week's worth of orgasms.

Troye turned his attention back to Max.

"So Maxster, you any good at swimming?"


Max was momentarily bewildered by the right turn in the conversation.

"Yeah, swimming, splashy splashy," Troye confirmed making doggy paddle movements with his arms.

"Erm, yeah, okay I guess. Why?"

Now it was Troye's turn to look bewildered. He wrinkled his brow and looked to Bryan. Bryan gave an 'I don't know' shrug. With a lopsided grin, Troye spoke slowly like he was talking to an idiot.

"Beeecauuse weeee'ree abouuuut to goooo suwiiiimming!"

"No we're not. We've got gym."

"No, that was last month. This month it's swimming."

Max's bewilderment deepened. He turned to Bryan his brows furrowed, for verification.

"Yeah Max, he's right. Didn't you see the schedule?"

"I never read those. They send out so many, I started filtering admin mail."

"You don't wanna do that Max. Sometimes they send out important stuff. Just scan the briefs; you don't have to read the whole thing."

Max said, "Damn. I don't have my shorts with me." Then another thought occurred to him. "Hold up, how do we swim with the EV suits on?"

Max was referring to the Envirosuits that the boys were wearing. They were connected to a monitoring computer, and if they removed the suits for more than two minutes, it triggered a warning system, and the Expansion Bureau staff turned up to enforce the law. Because each boy had a chip embedded deep in his brain, which contained a transceiver and locator, it took real planning if he wanted to avoid being tracked and forced back into a suit.

Bryan explained, "The suit monitors are turned off during swim time, so that you can take the suit off."

"Oh, that makes sense," Max acknowledged, "but I still don't have my shorts. Actually, I don't think I even brought any with me. I'll have to buy some for next time. Don't suppose either of you can lend me a pair for now?"

"Shorts? What do you need shorts for?" Bryan asked.

"Well, what do you wear to swim?"

"Why would I wear anything? It's swimming."

Max studied Bryan's face for a trace of deception as they walked towards the changing rooms. He saw none. He looked to Troye, but frankly, the kid always had a mischievous grin and a sparkle in his eye, so Max didn't expect to glean much from his expression. Troye looked no more playful than usual.

"So you're telling me that you swim naked?" Max clarified.

"Of course. Who would wear anything to go swimming. Why would you need to?"

Max thought about it. The only reason was modesty, and he didn't want to seem like an uptight prude by admitting it.

"I dunno. I guess, in case the girls saw you, or something 3;" he trailed off lamely.

"Max, are you shy about anyone seeing your pee pee?!" Troye asked delighted at Max's discomfort.

Max blushed and looked at the floor, unable to hide his embarrassment.

"I guess, a little," he said, understating his feelings. "I mean, most of you guys have all been wearing EV suits for years. You're all going to be a lot bigger than me. I just don't wanna be the smallest, you know."

"Yeah man, but really, what does it matter what you've got?" Bryan reassured him.

"I suppose," Max conceded, but his sense of trepidation grew with each step nearer to the swimming pool that they took.

A few minutes later, they approached the door of the changing rooms. Max hoped against hope, that Bryan and Troye had simply been playing a joke on him, but as soon as he entered the changing room, he realised that they had not. There were about 25 teenagers either nude, or well on their way to being nude inside. He glanced around trying to play it casual, as he and his friends found some unoccupied benches and started to undress.

Bryan was the first one to get naked, and glancing at him furtively, Max could see that the boy had a respectable 7 inches [18 cm] of soft flesh between his legs. Like every other boy in the room, he was smooth as a baby, with not so much as a hint of pubic hair.

The harvesting station maintained all donors in that state for hygiene reasons. Once a month, as part of their daily cleaning cycle, they were sprayed with a special enzyme that prevented them from growing pubic hair. Although each of the boys was denuded when they first received their Envirosuits, the enzyme worked like a booster, that kept them as smooth as a baby.

Although Max had been furious when he was tricked into surrendering his pubes, as he glanced at some of the other equally smooth boys, he couldn't help but admit that they DID look better without the unruly mess of pubic hair.

Troye stopped undressing and looked openly at Bryan's genitals.

"Not bad. Not bad at all," he said, nodding appreciatively. "So you a shower or a grower?" he asked, referring to the size of Bryan's penis when erect.

"Ah, I put on another couple of inches," Bryan responded.

Max was still surprised at the easy way boys at Friedrich Krupp talked about their bodies and sexual matters. He wished that he had grown up there, so that he was a little more comfortable with his own body.

In the two months since he'd been there, he'd had nine skin times – the weekly opportunity to get out of the Envirosuits for 30 minutes. Almost every boy at the school used it to masturbate or engage in some form of sexual activity. Max had missed out on the first skin time entirely because he hadn't known it occurred. The second time, he'd got horny thinking about it, and had been harvested just minutes before skin time, making it impossible for him to get it up in tie to enjoy some hands on masturbation. Although his roommate Sam quite happily masturbated in front of him during skin time, Max was too shy to be seen aroused by his room-mate. Instead, he had covered himself, and gone to masturbate in the shower.

Max was determined to overcome his shyness, and quickly undressed, finishing before Troye. Just before he took his suit completely off, he hesitated, nervous that it would trigger a nudity alarm. It didn't. His genitals simply slipped out of the suit. He could feel the slender tube withdrawing from his urethra as he pulled his genitals through the harvesting panel.

Troye hung his own EV suit up on a peg and turned to the others. He looked pointedly down at Max's genitals. Max's penis was three and a half inches [9 cm] long – a little shorter than its usual length, shrivelled by nervousness.

Troye murmured, "Awww" and made a mock sympathetic face.

Max crossed his arms defiantly as if to say, "So what? I am what I am. I'm not hiding for anyone." It wasn't how he felt inside, but as he couldn't change his dimensions, he reasoned that the only way to deal with his enforced nudity was to brazen it out.

"Hey, you can't speak noodle," Bryan said defending Max. "At least when he fucks someone they're going to feel the sides!"

Max looked down at Troye's genitals. The boy had a ten inch [25 cm] tube of flesh flopping between his legs. Max immediately understood Bryan's 'noodle' comment. Troye's proportions were way out of whack. Although he was impressively long, his penis was finger thin, and jiggled, serpentine, like a wet piece of spaghetti.

Troye grinned, good natured, and replied, "Hey, it's not about width, it's about length! When I'm pounding their kidneys and the ladies are moaning for more Troye salami, then we'll see who laughing!"

Max couldn't help but smile at Troye's lewd brashness. The teenager had an unwarranted confidence, yet Max was certain that such self-assurance would work for him. He also had the sneaking suspicion that the boy wasn't the kind of person to be deterred by rejection in any case.

The teenagers walked through a rear exit, passing through a shower area into the swimming pool. Max kept glancing at Troye's snake-like penis, fascinated by the small ripples and jiggles that vibrated along its skinny length with each footfall.

They arrived in the main pool area, and stood along the side of the pool, a couple of metres from the water's edge, as they waited for the coach to arrive. The pool was 50 yards long, grading from water that was three feet [1 m] deep at one end, to eight feet [2½ m] at the other. Max and his friends stood near the four foot marker. He could see a low G diving area off to the right.

There were 40 or so boys all told, standing in a casual row to either side of Max's group. Looking up the line, he scanned the boys, taking the opportunity to get a good look at their junk so that he could compare against his own. He was easily one of the smallest there, but nobody seemed to be interested in ridiculing him. He looked to his left and was surprised to see two boys who looked quite out of place. They looked to be about 12 or 13 years old.

He nudged Bryan with his elbow.

"Hey Bryan, how old are those two kids?" He nodded towards the two younger boys.

"Those two, I dunno, about 13. Troye, do you know how old Maden and Jurnal are?"

"Yeah, they're both 12."

"Twelve!" Max repeated, surprised. "What are they doing here then?"

Troye answered.

"They're from Pilar – they're enhanced."

"I thought genetic engineering wasn't really allowed any more?"

"They're not engineered. They're just saturated. You know; using intensive brain imprinting. When they sleep, they get these direct transmissions to their brain. Those two rate over 250 points. They're total brainoids."

Max studied them more closely, intrigued. One of them looked every bit the twelve year old: small, timid, and out of his element amongst all these boys who were two to six years older than him. Max noted that, if the size of his genitals were anything to go by, he had not started puberty yet. He had a tiny penis, and a tight scrotum with balls that had clearly not dropped yet. He was standing with his arms across his body, looking as nervous as Max had felt.

The other boy was a little more robust looking. Still barely five feet [1½ m] tall, but with a lean body and nascent muscles visible beneath the skin of his belly. He was standing, legs apart, arms on his hips in a confident posture, as he talked to his shy associate. He was clearly the more self-assured of the two boys, and Max noted with interest that the kid had a semi-erection. And the kid's boner was bigger than his. It was jutting out at 90 degrees to his body, but kind of drooping near the end. He was standing opposite the other boy chatting to him as though standing naked with an erection was nothing out of the ordinary. Although he was acting as though he was unaware of his erection, any psychologist would have recognised that he was in fact standing in that pose so that he could display himself to his pre-pubertal friend, in a primitive assertion of his superior masculinity. The shy boy kept glancing discreetly at the erection, so it was clear that the more mature boy's posture was having the desired effect.

"Do they; you know: are they harvested?" Max asked Troye.

Troye looked at the kids.

"I dunno. Maden looks up for it, but Jurnal doesn't look like he could even cum yet. They both wear EV suits."

Bryan chipped in, "Why don't you ask them?"

"Nah, I don't want to be creepy. I was just wondering that's all."

"Why would it be creepy? There is one way you could tell," Troye added. "Check if they've got waste plugs in their butts."

"Oh yeah, of course," Bryan said.

It was immediately obvious that Maden did indeed have a waste plug. Like all of the other older boys, the metallic base plate could clearly be seen between the cheeks of his bottom. They continued watching the boys for a few seconds, and soon enough they were able to confirm Troye's earlier guess, that Jurnal had not been installed yet.

Waste plugs were part of the Envirosuit setup. Because the boys spent the vast majority of their week dressed in the suits, rather than allowing them to be removed for defecation, a six inch [15 cm] long waste plug was inserted into each boy's anus, and locked in place. The plugs incorporated micro portals, so as solid waste made its way into a boy's lower bowels, it was automatically rerouted to a disposal plant. At first, Max had hated the feeling of fullness that the plug produced in his rectum, as well as the sense that his anus was never quite closed thanks to the neck of the plug. But as he grew used to it, the advantages of being able to defecate anywhere, any time, outweighed the feeling of strangeness.

As the guys waited for the coach to arrive, the sound of ribald laughter to his right attracted Max's attention. He saw of group of boys who were two or three years older than him. One of them had a massive erection, perhaps 11 inches [28 cm] long, and he was swinging it in front of him in large circles by gyrating his pelvis. Max was amused by the boy's unashamed display. The boys around him were laughing loudly as he played the fool, and as he looked up and down the line, Max realised that at least half a dozen more boys by the pool had prominent erections, and nobody seemed all that bothered about hiding them.

"Lot of boners here," he said to Bryan.

"Of course. It's always like that when everyone gets out of their EV suits. I'd probably have one if I didn't just get milked half an hour ago."

Max was surprised by Bryan's candour, but the more he thought about it, the more he liked the idea that everyone was so unconcerned about their bodies. It was going to take him a while to get used to, but he felt certain that if he could drop his inhibitions, he would be a lot happier.

Max continued watching the sausage performer, when a familiar face appeared behind the group, watching what they were doing. It was Brill. Although Max had seen Brill every week at Explorers, and they'd wrestled a couple more times, they hadn't got to spend any real quality time together, so Max was thrilled to see the object of his fantasies. Brill's face lit up and he walked over.

Max immediately felt his heart pounding as he realised that Brill's nudity allowed him to get a good look at Brill's penis. Max looked down at Brill's dick, then immediately felt fearful of being caught looking. Even though it was completely accepted to be gay, especially out here on a frontier world that had left all the old bigotry behind, Max couldn't quite shake his discomfort at openly expressing his growing same sex attraction.

Max quickly weighed that against the chance of not seeing Brill naked again, and how bad he would feel if he didn't take this opportunity to add some actual first-hand visual footage to his fantasies. He put aside his discomfort, and took a good look at Brill's dick as he approached. It was beautiful. So much better than the photo he'd seen on Sam's pad.

"Hey Max. I'm up here," Brill said with a smirk, as he arrived.

Max looked up and swallowed hard, embarrassed at being caught staring.

Bryan leaned in and whispered in Max's ear, "Now who's got a boner?"

Max was suddenly aware that his dick was indeed hard. Very hard. It pointed to Brill's chin. He flushed, but refused to draw attention to it, or show shame by covering up. He was trying hard to fit in with the paradigms of this new school, and it was taking a very conscious effort not to shy away from all the new experiences.

Brill said, "Great to see you Max!"

He reached out and hugged Max tightly, and Max returned the hug, unsure if it was meant to be affectionate or not. He decided to play it safe and make it a bro hug, but his hard dick pressed against Brill's stomach. Brill dropped his arms from Max's waist, and cupped his butt cheeks, pulling Max firmly towards him, in an undeniably sexual gesture. Then he stepped back and looked down at Max's stiff rod.

"Looks like you're happy to see me too, or is it just from being out of the EV suit?"

"I 3; I 3; " Max stammered. He looked at the tiled floor, red-faced. "I'm happy to see you." He was unwilling to make up a face-saving lie that might push Brill away.

Brill flashed him a sparkling smile.

"Good! Perhaps you could take that thing," he waved in the general direction of Max's boner. "And start a fight with Gomez." He indicated the former willy waver who was now bashing his erection against the equally stiff, if somewhat smaller erection of another boy, in a kind of humorous penile swordplay.

Max looked bashfully at Brill. There was no meanness or spite in his tone or his face. Gomez and his partner were too jockish for his tastes, but he thought how much he'd like to engage in some dick jousting with Brill.

"Unless there's someone else you fancy doing it with. Someone closer," Brill added, with a mischievous grin.

Max was shocked. Yet again, Brill seemed to pick up on his thoughts. He leaned forward and whispered in Brill's ear.

"How do you do that?"

"What?" Brill asked with an exaggerated tone of innocence.

Max choked.

"It doesn't matter," he said, unable to admit to Brill how much he lusted after him.

Brill knew that Max's inhibitions were making it hard for him to articulate his feelings. Brill looked him deep in the eyes. Max felt like Brill was looking right down to his soul, but it wasn't an uncomfortable gaze because he saw nothing but warmth and affection in Brill's eyes.

After what seemed like an hour, but was actually no longer than five seconds, Brill eased the intensity of his stare, and said with wink, "Not to worry. Some other time Max."

Max started to breathe again. He felt almost tearful at the intensity of his feelings for Brill. He wanted to say something there and then, to tell Brill how much he liked him. He drew a breath ready to speak 3;

"Alright gentlemen, boners away, get into the pool with a partner!"

It was the voice of the coach who was standing on the other side of the pool. A ripple of disappointment passed across Max's brow. Brill gave him a half smile.

"I know Max, I know."

Max's eyes widened at the comment. Did Brill really understand the emotions that he wanted to express, or was he talking about something else? Max was frustrated that the moment was lost, but at least he could partner with Brill for the rest of the lesson, and enjoy his company.

Max turned and clambered down into the water, holding onto the side. There was a splash just in front of him, but to his surprise, it was not Brill's face that surfaced. Instead, a spotty face he didn't know rose out of the water.

"Hi there. You're Macksh right? My namesh Shtan. You don't mind if we partner do you?"

The kid in front of him was far from handsome. His face was pock marked with acne, he had a nose that was too big, and ears that stuck out at far too sharp an angle. Max turned to look at Brill with a look of panic on his face. Brill grinned at him, and gave him a cheeky wink before walking off to partner someone else.

Max turned to face the boy in front of him, and he was disturbed to discover that the kid had moved right up, placing his arms on either side of Max's body, leaning against the poolside, effectively cutting off any escape.

"You're the Earther right? I've sheen you around. I've never met an Earther before. I wash watching you earlier," Stan said. "You've got a nishe boner."

Stan was right up in Max's face, but Max didn't want to hurt the kid's feelings.

"Erm, thanks."

"Sho do all Earthersh have bonersh like yoursh?"

"I don't know. I never saw another one till I got here."

"Oh really? What about when you have shecksh? Or do you only like girlsh?"

Max felt like this dweeby kid's questions were way too personal for someone he didn't even know.

"I don't really want to talk about it with you Stan. I don't even know you."

"Oh I undershtand," Stan said, completely unphased. "You're embarrashed right?"

"I guess, a little," Max replied candidly.

Stan bent his arms so that he was only 18 inches [45 cm] from Max.

"You're really cute when you're embarrashed," he told Max.

Although he respected Stan's directness, Max was really feeling the pressure on his personal space, and Stan's aggressive interest was making him feel extremely uncomfortable.

"Do you wanna get together later" Stan asked, moving even closer. Max felt something brushing his abdomen a little way above his belly button. Stan pushed his pelvis forwards until their bellies were touching, and it became immediately apparent to Max, that the thing he'd felt touching him halfway up his stomach was Stan's cock. Stan's massive, thick cock, which was now trapped between their bellies.

Max was horrified, and he pushed the excited boy away.

"Can I get some fucking space please?!" he said, his anger flaring.

Stan grinned at him unabashed. Max looked down at Stan's eager penis through the water. It had felt like a small canoe when it pressed against him, and now that he could see it, it appeared to be over a foot long and twice as thick as his own former erection.

"Shorry, but you're jusht sho hot Macksh!" Stan gushed.

"Thanks, I really appreciate that, but dude, do you have to come on so strong?"

Stan looked momentarily abashed and awkward.

"Yeah, I can get like that if I really like shomeone. Shorry Macksh."

Stan's goofy lisp made Max feel sorry for the kid, and he felt guilty.

"No problem Stan. Let's just get on with the class okay?"

"Roger!" Stan replied, with a happy grin.

The class started with some basic swimming drills. Stan and Max took it in turns to swim across the pool and back, using various strokes. When it was Stan's turn to swim back stroke, Max saw the boy's massive, and now flaccid penis trailing along between his legs, like some kind of aquatic monster pursuing him, biting at the root of his balls. Although Max had been the unwilling victim of its attentions, he couldn't help but be impressed by its immense length. Even flaccid, it was at least ten inches [25 cm] long, and the root poked out of the water a good inch or two.

The class proceeded onto lifesaving skills. As the hour long lesson moved into the final 15 minutes, the boys had to practice rescuing a drowning person. Max went first. He had to swim two widths of the pool on his back towing Stan along. Max lay on his back in the water behind Stan, who was also laying on his back. Max then wrapped his arm around the kid's chest, and using a backwards sculling stroke, he towed Stan along. Now that he was closer, with Stan on his back, he realised that the kid had by far the largest, ugliest penis he'd ever seen. Although it was clean and smooth shaven, it had a greasy, dark brown appearance, and a lumpy surface, like cellulite. It had a thick, brutish foreskin, and a long bulbous glans, larger than a plum. Max was mesmerised and curious about why it was so huge but he didn't want to ask about it, in case his curiosity gave Stan the wrong impression.

"I've been in an Enviroshuit shinsh I wash eight," Stan said out of nowhere.

"Excuse me?" Max queried.

"I've been wearing Enviroshuitsh shinsh I wash eight yearsh old. That'sh why my dick'sh sho big." Stan clarified.

Max was shocked that Stan answered precisely what he was wondering. He continued swimming backwards.

"Why so early?" he asked, spitting water from his mouth breathlessly.

"My dad'sh the Cap. He figured it would shet a good example."

"Of this school? Wow, that must suck."

"Yeah, it'sh kind of annoying. Having him around all the time, alwaysh checking up on me."

Max swam on in silence for minute whilst he digested this new information. Cap was the equivalent of a dean or headmaster, so knowing that Stan's father was the most important person at Freidrich Krupp school explained a lot. Max had not seen the Cap many times since he'd been at the school, but the man was easily in his 60s, if not older, and even though teachers tended to be a lot less authoritarian than in the distant past, Dr Arnold still seemed excessively stuffy and uptight.

Eventually Max said, "Surely at that age, you didn't 3;" He let the sentence trail off.

"Jizsh? I dunno. I don't think sho. But the implant shtill made me horny."

Max wondered to himself if that was why Stan was so sexually aggressive and horny.

"Probably," Stan said.

"Probably what?" Max asked.

"Probably why I'm sho horny all the time," Stan explained.

Max was unsettled. This was the second time that Stan had answered a private thought, and he wasn't the only one – Brill had done so several times as well. He wasn't a superstitious boy, but nor did Max believe in excessive numbers of coincidences.

As he reached the other side of the pool and turned, he noticed that Stan's penis was hardening again. It slowly raised from between his knees, and flopped back onto his stomach with a slap. It extended along his belly like an extra limb. It looked better hard, but Max couldn't imagine any hole that could accept its width, much less its length. He stared at it constantly as he towed Stan back to the side where he had started from. As they neared the edge, Stan's foreskin retracted, to reveal its glistening head. The coach had noticed Stan's erection. The boy was famous amongst the staff for the size of his penis, and even though he'd been looking at it for three years, Coach Sandusky still enjoyed seeing it.

Max and Stan changed places, and Stan towed Max across the pool. Almost immediately, Max realised that Stan's gargantuan penis was going to be prodding him in the spine the whole journey. As awestruck as he was by the monstrous appendage, he didn't really want it rubbing against him for the next few minutes. He said nothing for the first half width, but it quickly became annoying to him.

"Is there any chance that you can do something about your dick rubbing against my back?"

"Shorry," Stan said, not at all sorry. In fact, the friction had been really turning him on. He turned onto his side so that his penis was not touching Max, but he was unable to swim strongly in that position, and they both rapidly sank beneath the water. They resurfaced spluttering.

"Shorry, can't shwim on my shide."

"Can't you, well; can't you bend it out of the way?"

"I'll try," Stan replied.

He tried to push his penis to the side, but it immediately sprang back to the centre. Then he pushed it down towards his knees. It sprang back up between Max's legs, pressing tight up against Max's genitals.

It was all Sandusky could do not to wet himself laughing. He knew that Stan was sexually aggressive, and he'd seen him coming onto other boys in the pool in the past. But his antics with the Earth boy were hilarious. Other boys tended to be much more blunt in declining the kid's advances, but Max seemed unwilling to risk offending the boy. It was a nice trait, but it was not serving him well now.

Max sighed, as Stan swam on. He wished he hadn't said anything at all now. Stan's dick was rubbing against his nutsack with every stroke. Eventually he could take no more.

"This isn't working. I don't want your dick whacking me in the balls the whole way. Put it back where it was to start with."

"Okie dokey," Stan said breezily, loving the entire experience.

He returned his penis to its original position, and continued the swim.

It was just as well for Max that this was scheduled phys ed time, or Stan would likely have ejaculated onto his stomach whilst his dick was rubbing between Max's legs. Stan had found it unbearably arousing as his thick cock had massaged the Earther's testicles. However, whilst the implants in their heads allowed them to remove their Envirosuits without triggering a nudity alarm, the same implants also blocked the ejaculatory response. Thus, the boys could get extremely aroused, but could not ejaculate, wasting their precious sperm. Some boys used that as an opportunity to wank without the mess, but most simply found the idea of arousal without completion frustrating.

Just as Max had done, Stan looked at Max's genitals for the whole time he was in tow. He was surprised at just how small Earther's genitals were compared to Herschelians, and he was desperate find out how Max behaved when he came. He wondered if Max had even had sex yet.

Stan finally reached out and gripped the edge of the pool, disappointed that the exercise was over. Max was 'saved&', and Stan released his hold around the boy's chest. Max's feet sank to the bottom and he stood up, relieved not to have Stan's wang poking him in the back any more. He turned to Stan.

"Don't take this the wrong way Stan, but I'm glad that's over."

"I'm not," Stan replied honestly. "You're sho cute Macksh."

"Thanks Stan," Max replied, genuinely touched by the older boy's affection.

"Why don't we get together for shkin time shome time?" Stan suggested, hopefully.

"Ummm, I don't know about that Stan. I still haven't even got used to skin time on my own, if you know what I mean."

Stan knew exactly what Max meant. The Earther was so shy about his body. It was one of the things that made him so cute.

"How about wreshling then – at leasht we can do that, huh?"

Max was feeling pressured, but he didn't want to hurt Stan's feelings.

"Yeah, I guess so."

 "Great!" Stan said enthusiastically. "When?"

Max had no intention of following through on it, but he thought that if he was vague enough, he could stall Stan until he lost interest or forgot about it.

"I don't know, next month some time?" he offered. "I'm pretty busy."

"Nexsht month it ish." Stan said, taking Max's deferral as a firm date. "It'll be great. I can't wait!"

Max couldn't help but be touched by Stan's child-like enthusiasm. Stan reminded him of a kid thinking about presents as Hitchmas approached. But he also found the kid's almost predatory sexual interest disturbing. He understood now, what people meant, when they said they just felt like a piece of meat, and frankly, he was relieved when coach Sandusky announced that the lesson was over and they should leave the pool.

Max climbed out of the pool, and glanced towards Brill, who was already out of the water five yards along the pool. Brill had a wicked smirk on his face, and he gave him a knowing wink. Max waited for Brill to reach him so that they could walk out together, but before Brill could get close, Stan's arm draped around Max's shoulder, guiding him towards the exit. Max turned to Stan surprised, and barely disguised his irritation at the way the boy seemed to be staking out ownership of him. He looked back over his shoulder at Brill, as Stan lead him away.

"Actually Stan, I want to speak to Brill a moment. I'll see you some other time."

"That'sh okay, I can wait."

"Nah, don't bother, I want to speak to him in private," Max responded.

Stan looked at Brill, then back at Max, and for the first time, Max saw an emotion cross his face that was not lust or puppy dog adoration. It was more like anger. It stayed for a moment, and then was replaced by a more neutral expression.

"Okay Macksh. Don't forget, wreshling nexsh month."

Stan walked away to get changed, as Brill approached.

"Enjoy that?" he asked.

Max didn't want to badmouth Stan, but his expression said it all. Brill laughed loud.

"Yeah Stan can be a bit 3; intense. You'll have to be strong with him, or he'll be all over you."

"He was already all over me. I just spent the last ten minutes with his dong sticking me in the back!" Max whispered.

"Yeah, his dick's really something huh? I feel sorry for him, with his dad and all, but he can really be a nuisance. You need to be careful."

The boys carried on chatting as they made their way to the showers. In the showers, Max was surprised to find half a dozen boys, including Stan, openly masturbating. As he briefly stood under a shower jet chatting to Brill, Max studiously avoided looking at any of the masturbators.

"So how come you're here Brill. I didn't think you took phys ed the same time as me?" Max asked.

"I didn't, but my schedule got changed so now I'm doing it the same time as you."

"White hot!" Max said, delighted that he would get to see more of Brill.

He lifted his head to look at Brill, but across from him, Stan was pounding away at himself, and making no effort to disguise the fact that he was looking at Max's dick. Max felt dirty and irritated, and turned his back so that Stan couldn't see his genitals anymore.

Coach Sandusky walked into the showers and stood watching the boys showering for a good ten seconds, before saying, "Okay guys, hands off cocks. It's time for lockdown again. Go and get dressed."

The boys shuffled from the showers to the changing rooms, and after a quick rub-down with hytowels, they all dressed. Max pulled on his Envirosuit, and even before he'd pulled the zipper at the front of his suit all the way up, he could feel the robotic arms in the harvester station, reinserting the collection pipe into his penis. It was a strange feeling to have his body and his genitals in two totally different locations, engaged in two totally different activities, and it was something that he didn't imagine he'd ever get used to.

As the period finished and they left the changing room, within minutes, 32 of the 40 boys' harvesting lights turned green.

Chapter 7
Upping the quota

"You fucking manj!"

Max looked for the source of the insult in the busy corridor. It was an older boy standing about 20 yards away, who was poking another similar aged boy in the chest. People were moving away from the source of the conflict.

"Don't be a valve. What are you gonna do; fight me?!" the other boy demanded, with equal aggression.

Bryan grabbed Max by the elbow and steered him 180 degrees away from the conflict. Max frowned.

"What are you doing? We've got Social Tech in a couple of minutes."

"We're going to have to be late then. There's no way we're getting involved in a fight."

"We don't have to get involved. We can just walk right past."

"Nah. Too risky. I can't handle a Max at the best of times. And I only just got done with double green."

"A 'Max', what do you mean?"

Bryan looked at him.

"You've never had a Max?"

"I dunno. What is it?"

"A max intensity milking."

"Oh yeah. When I first got here, I asked for mine to last fifteen minutes. It nearly killed me the first three months!"

Bryan grinned. "Yeah, I made that mistake too. But, I'm not talking about your weekly hi intensity. That's a level 10 stim. A Max is level 15. It's totally unbearable. You lose your mind. Even after you squirt, they keep you tweaked up on full. A minute or two of that and you're climbing the walls. And they keep making you jizz time and again, until your balls are empty. After ten minutes, you'll be dry for a week."

"Oh. Wow. That sounds pretty nasty. But what's it got to do with them?" Max looked over his shoulder in the direction of the fight. He could hear groaning.

"Well, the teachers aren't going to allow fighting, but they can't be everywhere at once. The implants monitor your brain, and when your serotonin level jumps, they automatically trigger a Max."

"That's pretty clever, but I still don't understand why that affects us?"

Bryan stopped walking, and looked towards the fight. There was a tide of people walking briskly towards them, away from the conflict. The people flowed around them.

"What can you hear Max?" he asked.

Max listened.

"Groaning?" he offered.

"Yeah right, but not just those two. Listen closer."

Max did as he was told. There did seem to be a lot of noise for just two people. He furrowed his brows.

"So what's going on Bry?"

Bryan turned and they rejoined the people moving away from the noise.

"It's not just the two guys who were fighting. Any guys standing nearby get a Max as well."

"That doesn't seem fair."

"It's not a punishment. It's just that when you see violence, your own brain chemistry goes nuts, and the implant picks up on that. Also, I suppose it's a good way to make sure the fight doesn't spread."

"Yeah, I suppose so. And at least no-one gets hurts. So how long does it last?"

"As long as it takes for the Calmers to get here. Five, ten, fifteen minutes. I guess it depends how far away they are, and what they're doing at the time the alarm flags. I once heard of a fight that started, when there was already another one going on, and the guys were on max for nearly 30 minutes. Apparently they were never the same again afterwards."

"Man, 30 minutes?" Max mused, "15 on 10 was enough to drive me crazy."

"Right, and that was when you only jizzed once. Imagine doing it time after time. Now you know why we can't go anywhere near."


Max was aware of the gentle babble of voices around him, but his attention was elsewhere. He was in a room millions of light years away having his sperm drained like a farmer milks a cow.

The boys of Herschel Majoris had different responses to the milking process. Some ignored the rigid erection and the expert stimulation, and continued whatever they were doing in the knowledge that within five minutes, the procedure would be over, and their small donation of sperm would be joining the millions of litres that were collected daily from males across the galaxy.

Some made the most of each and every milking, enhancing the experience with a five minute sexual fantasy. It took practice and preparation to be able to switch into a sexual fantasy at a moment's notice. It wasn't as if a boy could plan something out in advance, because the moment he became even the tiniest bit aroused, the harvesting plant initiated a new milking cycle and he would be forced to give up more sperm.

Some boys managed it by returning to the same fantasy session after session; treating each milking like chapters of the same story. Others simply had such fertile imaginations that they could instantly produce a fantasy on demand.

Every boy at Friedrich Krupp High had a chip implanted in his brain that produced the illusion that he was being physically stimulated. The effect was utterly convincing, and at that moment, Max felt as though he was being expertly rimmed and fellated.

In fact, whilst he was being milked, the experience was physically indistinguishable from actual sex. The chip didn't approximate sex; it sent signals to the cerebrum that were identical to the ones that a male would feel during actual sex: fantastic, highly stimulating sex, with multiple partners, each of whom was an expert at their specific task. But it went even further: the program specifically targeted the half dozen parts of the brain associated with emotional arousal and sexual excitement. The chip didn't just make a male feel great physically, but as soon as the milking began, he was totally in the mood.

Of course, when a male was in the mood, the people around him appeared very different, and could easily be incorporated into a fantasy. It was only natural, and most boys did it sometimes.

Max learned that, early on in his time at Friedrich Krupp. Within a couple of days, he'd gotten used to seeing the vacant sex face of boys who preferred to be milked with their eyes open. They usually had a pretty dopey or vacant expression as they were milked. But Max noticed that some boys seemed to have intense stares rather than vacant expressions. He asked his roommate about it one lunch-time. He nudged Sam, and gestured towards a boy a few tables across.

"Hey Sam, what's with that guy?"

Sam looked at the boy.

"Oh, creeper. Looks like he's arping that kid he's looking at."

Max looked at the boy more closely, and followed his gaze. He was staring steadily at another teenager two table away.

"Arping?" Max enquired.

"Yeah R.P. – role play. He's getting milked, and he's imagining doing something with that other kid."

"Oh, that's kind of stalky. Doesn't the other kid mind?"

"Yeah it is. That's why I called him a creeper. To be honest, everyone sometimes thinks about someone else whilst they're getting off, but it's not cool to be so obvious about it."

"So can't the other kid do something about it?"

"I guess he could call him on it, but it's not worth getting into a fight over. In a way it's kind of a compliment, but most people are a bit more 3; stealthy about who they're interested in. You know; less obvious. Most people get irritated by creepers, but you get used to it. Some people play up to it- especially the girls. I usually just ignore it or turn my back so they've got nothing to get off on."


If they were milked during the school day, most boys, like Max, simply stopped whatever they were doing, closed their eyes and sat quietly waiting for the milking to be complete. As stimulating as the experience was, Max didn't like fantasising during the day. He felt vulnerable; as though he might somehow start twitching or playing out his fantasies in a way that others could recognise. So he just allowed his thoughts to float freely whilst he was being milked. Most of the time that meant that generalised sex thoughts floated in and out of his mind: old fantasies, girls he'd liked in the past, Brill, Sam, and anything else that he found erotic.

Often, he found his thoughts focussing on his own genitals; or more specifically, the place where his genitals spent most of their time – a harvesting station light years away. It felt narcissistic to be thinking about his own cock whilst he was milked, but the thought of the plant where he was being drained was just too erotic. He'd never seen the harvesting plant, and it was mysterious to him. The thought of millions of excited penises, each being milked or massaged was such a fascinating and arousing image that his mind was drawn there time and again.

Even now, as he felt himself ejaculating precisely five minutes after the milking had started, he wondered what his dick looked like in the place where it was being milked. Was there even enough light to see? How hard was he? How much had he squirted? Could anyone else see it?

Max waited another few seconds then opened his eyes as his light turned from green to red. He turned to rejoin the conversation with the other three people who were sitting at his table, but before he could say a word, a girl he barely recognised came out of nowhere and sat on his lap.

"Max!" she said, as though she was greeting an old friend, "It's great to see you! You're the Earther right?"

She draped her arms around his neck. Max looked around at the others bemused, his penis still hard.

"Umm, yes," he replied, noncommittally.

She ground her buttocks against his groin, and hugged him tighter, wriggling provocatively in his lap.

"Do you mind if I check something out?" she asked.

"Errr, it all depends what."

"This," she said, then leaned forwards and kissed him slowly. Her mouth opened, and she pushed her tongue into his mouth, and started exploring the inside.

Initially Max recoiled with shock, but he didn't want to seem like a prude with the other guys watching, so he leaned forwards and reciprocated. He wasn't very good at kissing, but as her tongue slid over his, his body started to respond. The implant detected his renewed arousal, and immediately took over. His light turned green again. He moved his head away from the girl, and holding her shoulders, pushed her back, as he felt his still-hard penis being milked again.

"What was THAT all about?"

"Just carrying out a little experiment."

She glanced at his green indicator light.

"Thanks for helping!" she said brightly, then she stood up and walked over to another table where her friends were sitting and giggling as they watched her return.

Max looked at his friends bewildered.

"Am I missing something?"

"Didn't look like it to me," Troye snickered.

Max was bewildered. He felt as though there was a joke that he was not getting. But he could also feel a tongue teasing his penis. It became increasing hard to ignore. He shook his head, then lowered it to his hands to await his second orgasm in fifteen minutes.

In the early 21st century, scientists had discovered that a male's refractory time – the period of genital hyper-sensitivity just after an orgasm; and the amount of time before he was mentally interested in sex again, could be entirely eliminated using a drug called cabergoline. By the 22nd century, neurologists had figured out how to achieve the same effect using electrical stimulation of the brain's D2 receptors. This meant that males no longer had to pause after an orgasm if they wished to continue intercourse. However, suppressing the refractory period did not eliminate the aching muscles in the penis or the cremaster muscles that control the rise and fall of the testicles, so after three or four orgasms, whilst a male could still be aroused, most found it extremely uncomfortable.


When the milking cycle was completed, Max quickly completed his meal and left the dining hall with the intention of going to his room. However, he was interrupted in hallway by another girl.

"Hey you're Max right?" she said approaching.

"Yeeesss," he responded, ready to push her away if she tried to accost him.

"You've got a thing for Brill haven't you?"

"Uh, what do you mean?" Max answered, still defensive about his attraction to another boy.

"You like him. More than like him, right?"

"Yeah, I guess so," Max admitted. Now it was out, it didn't sound so bad.

"Ah that's cool. I wondered if you'd seen this?"

She held up a pad with another nude photo of Brill. This time it was a selfie taken in a bathroom mirror.

"Where did you get that?" he asked, starting to wonder if Brill spent more time naked than clothed.
"I can't remember. I think Farren gave it to me. Brill's really hot huh? It's a shame he doesn't like girls."

She gestured on the pad and the image zoomed in with perfect clarity on Brill's genitals. Max watched with growing interest.

"He's got such a cute stick don't you think?"

Max look at the screen. Brill had an erection, and if it was anything to go by, he was feeling very horny indeed. His glans was shiny and glistening.

"I guess so," he responded, trying to act casual. "But it's his face I like best."

"Yeah, he's cute. Have you two fucked yet?"

"Excuse me?!" Max retorted, shocked at her forthrightness. "Who ARE you?"

"My name's Zhena. You don't have to answer if it makes you embarrassed."

"It's not a matter of embarrassed," Max lied, "it's just that I don't talk about my private life with total strangers."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I knew you liked him, and I thought you'd be happy to see some pics of him."

"I do, and 3; wait 3; did you say some pics? Are there more?"

Max was determined not to miss another opportunity to get some photos of Brill.

"Yah. I got a bunch. Would you like them?"

"Yeah, certs. But how do you even know me?"

"Oh, everyone knows about you. There's not many Earthers on Herschell, and my friend Molly is in your design class. She's friends with Troye, and he told her that Sam told him that you like Brill."

"Oh," Max said, mildly disconcerted by the chain of people that had lead Zhena to him.

"What other pics have you got?" he asked, steering the conversation back on track in what he hoped came across as a nonchalant manner.

She tapped open a folder, then swished her finger above the screen so that the dozen or so photos of Brill filled the display. Max looked down at them. In the other photos, Brill was clearly being photographed by someone else, and he was in a playful mood. He was in various poses, acting like he was some kind of porn star. Max studied them with great interest.

"Your light's on," Zhena said.

"Excuse me?"

"Your light's green."

Max looked at his light, realising that it meant he was going to get milked for the third time in quick succession.

"Damn it!"

"What's wrong?"

"I only just finished a couple of minutes ago."

"Getting harvested?"

He nodded, somewhat uncomfortable discussing it, and blood starting to colour his cheeks in blotches.

"Guess you do like Brill huh?"

Max shrugged. "Yeah. He's cool. Can I get all of those?"


She transferred them to Max's pad with a few quick gestures.

"Thanks," Max said and with an abruptness bordering on rude, he turned and started walking briskly down the corridor. "Gotta go."

"Enjoy!" Zhena called cheerily after him.

"Thanks," Max mumbled without looking back, "I will." He started to jog.

Zhena walked off towards the dining hall grinning.

Max upgraded his jog to a run, sprinting for all he was worth, back to his room. He arrived with two minutes of the milking cycle left. He jumped onto his bed and lay there panting from the exertion. He quickly opened the folder on his pad, and browsed through the photos of Brill. He found one that he particularly liked. Brill was holding his testicles in one hand, and his hard penis in the other, and he was looking straight into the camera. He had his tongue out playfully, and his eyes were sparkling. Max stared at the photo, imagining that Brill was in the room instead of in a photo.

Although he only had two minutes to enjoy the fantasy, Max surrendered himself totally to it, staring intensely at the image of Brill on the screen.

Soon, he felt the program reaching its conclusion, and his body responding with the inevitable, and now welcome orgasm. However, just as he felt the familiar muscular contractions at the base of his penis, his Vone started vibrating. He ignored it, but it continued, insistently vibrating against his wrist. He continued trying to ignore it, but it had already brought him out of his fantasy. He pulled up his sleeve, and fumbled for the Vone and pressed the mute button but it was too late, the damage was done. His orgasm concluded, but he was no longer thinking about Brill.

Max waited until the milking cycle was fully completed, then he waited a bit longer so that his breathing returned to normal. He glanced at his wrist to see who the call was from. It was Stan. Max pressed the return button, and almost instantly Stan answered.

"Hey Macksh!"

"Hey Stan. You called." Max said flatly.

"Shorry, were you having a good one?"


"Your fashe ish red," Stan explained.

"What do you want Stan?" Max asked, with rapidly increasing irritation.

"Oh, I wash wondering if we could short out shome time for that wreshling?"

"I'm busy."

"But I didn't even shay a time!"

"I said I'm busy."

Max hung up before the boy could say another word, annoyed at Stan for interrupting his fantasy.

He lay on his bed, frustrated at the intrusion, but feeling shitty for the way he'd spoken to Stan. He was disgusted with himself for the way he'd rejected the kid. He knew that the right thing to do would be to call him right back, apologise, and arrange a wrestle in the next few days, but he still felt irrational annoyance at Stan for ruining a really enjoyable fantasy. Max promised himself that he'd call him back later and put things right, but as it happened, he completely forgot all about it.

The following day was equally strange. It seemed that no sooner had he been milked, than someone would come up to him and do something to make him horny again, and it would happen two or three times in a row. The same thing happened the day after, and the day after that, until by the end of the week, Max was all-but certain that it was more than mere coincidence.

Whether somebody would show him porn, or a girl would press up against him in an erotic way, or some guy he barely knew would start a conversation about his favourite jack off fantasy, or any of the other almost sure-fire triggers that would get him excited, it just seemed that everyone's sole purpose the entire week, was to keep him as horny as possible.

Finally on Friday, back in their room, he raised the subject with his roommate.

"Hey Sam, I feel like all week people have been trying to make horny. Have you ever had a week like that?"

"How do you mean?" Sam queried.

"Well, it started on Monday, when some girl I didn't even know starts tongue kissing me right after I was milked. Then another girl showed me these porn pics, then Troye was getting all weird and rubbing against me, and some girl showed me her mams. And it just carried on like that all week. And the worst part was, it always happened just after I got milked. I'm starting to get paranoid."

Sam laughed. "Oh, sounds like they're ramping you. It's a game some kids play with freshers and new kids. They wait till you just greened out, then they make you horny again. It's a like a challenge, to keep making you green again."

Suddenly it all made sense to Max.

"Oh that explains it." He thought about it for a few moments. "And that's 'ramping'?" he asked.

"Oh no, that's just tweaking. Ramping is when they keep on doing it all week. Remember I told you if you jizz more than four times a day, the quota goes up the next week? How many times do you think you've been green this week?"

Max thought about all the times he'd been tricked into getting milked.

"I dunno. Seven, eight times a day. Maybe more some days."

Sam laughed heartily. "Awww man, sounds like they got you good!"

"What do you mean?"

"Well from next week, that's how many times a day you're going to get harvested."

"No way! I can't go eight times a day indefinitely. My nuts are going to be totally shrivelled!"

"As long as you keep squirting, the harvester will keep taking!"

"Isn't there anything I can do about it? What if I make a complaint to Miss Janeway?"

"It won't matter. If you CAN squirt eight times a day, the harvester will make sure you DO squirt eight times a day. But let me give you a piece of advice."


"Don't let them ramp you again next week!"