PZA Boy Stories

Quantum Fantasy

Immortal Adventures 1



It is one of those days for thirteen year old Randy that everything goes wrong. He overslept, was late for school, got spanked, had to give a blow-job and was late for the next period. And that is not all. And his seven and a half inch [19 cm] dick makes it not easier for him as he can't find the opportunity to jack-off.

Publ. 2003 (ASSGM); this site Sept 2016
Finished 29,000 words (58 pages)


Randy (13yo)

Category & Story codes

School Boy & Fantasy story
Mt tt tgcoerc mast oral anal – humil spank cbt


This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

The theme explored in this story is FANTASY. Just as one can enjoy violent videogames or movies without committing or condoning violence in real life, a person can enjoy violent fantasies of abuse without promoting abuse in real life.

By scrolling down on this page and reading the story I declare that

  • I am of legal age of majority in my area ,
  • I like to read fictional stories where boys are kidnapped, raped, tortured, etc.
  • I understand the difference between fiction and real life,
  • I do not condone these actions in real life.
  • I agree that anyone who attempts to do in real life all or any of the things depicted in this story needs to be turned over to the local cops for the harshest penalties the law allows
If this type of material offends you (why are you here?) then

Author's Disclaimer

This is a text document which contains individual letters and spaces ordered in such a way that it may provoke feelings of an erotic nature in the hypothalamus of your brain. If you begin feeling a little strange while reading this, keep going because it can only get better. :)

Also, this document is completely and totally fictional. It never happened. All characters in this story are fictitious. The names used within are not representative of real people. Any similarities in description between these characters and real people are coincidental. This story is for entertainment purposes only and many of the activities could be fatal if attempted in real life; hence the term 3; This work is the complete and total product of my imagination, which I'm finding has fewer and fewer limits as days go by.

Author's note

Tardies has been completed. There were originally going to be eight 'periods' but I've reduced it to six. However, there have unfortunately been some revisions. I say 'unfortunate' because I don't really like doing that to people. Chapters four and five have some drastic revisions making them well worth rereading, but I do realize that some people might like the original more than the revised. But the revised versions, especially chapter four, contain harder scenes than before.

I don't plan to make any more revisions to future stories as I plan to complete all chapters before posting to avoid this kind of snafu in the future.

There is a sequel to Tardies in the works and one and a half chapters have been written. It's tentatively called Forever Wet. That may be the final title, or it may be changed before I 'publish' it.

Anyway, here's a full post of Tardies. Since some are revisions and Chapter Six is a completely new posting.

Cheers! Conn Pierre (=Quantum Fantasy, Donkey Boy)


First Period

Randy tore through his bedroom threshold at full speed and ripped the wrapper off his new computer game, Android Conquest. He had been wishing, hoping and would have died to be the one to save the world from invading androids from a distant planetary system, and now was his chance – his chance of a lifetime.

Giddy with excitement, he excitedly jumped into his chair and rushed the CD-ROM drawer's opening, crammed the disc into the machine, installed the game and began his heroic efforts to save the world.

Randy heard his father's footsteps behind him as the large man entered the room. "Randy, don't stay up too late. You've got school tomorrow."

"I know, Dad," Randy replied.

"Okay, I was just making sure."

"No prob," Randy said, a little annoyance in his voice. School was the last thing on his young mind as he began setting up his defensive strategies.

Randy lived with his mother and father in a dumpy old trailer park off a backroad outside of town. They were a bit isolated behind a patch of thick woods, so the place was not well known except by the people who lived there or had friends and relatives in the area. The park had been there for some thirty years, and Randy's parents had been living there since before he was born.

It was Edward and Bobbie's decision not to have kids until they were financially able to support a family, as they were having trouble supporting just the two of them at times, and things were not looking up when the accident happened. Randy was conceived. Knowing full well that they could in no way afford an abortion or a hospital visit to help endure labor, through natural childbirth, Randy was born in April of 1985.

The money they saved from doctor bills was never seen since they didn't have it to begin with. The house trailer they bought was used and well-used at that. The previous owners had allowed dogs in the house, and it was rumored to have belonged to one of those fictional entities that reside in many small southern towns. One of those freaks of nature, such as Alligator Man, Swamp Man, The Goat Man, or otherwise. Every small town has one, and this town was no exception. He was rumored to have allowed even farm animals to come in and out of the house trailer as they pleased, and in doing so, the smell that accumulated after many years was most putrid.

But the house was a bargain, which was all they could afford, so for lack of a better choice, they bought it and still own it to this day. They never had the opportunity to buy a different one. Instead they kept the same one fixed up as cash on hand allowed, and indeed, it held together save for a few leaks here and there. The air-conditioner, having been out for the last four summers, slipped to the backs of their minds as the repeated summers without it allowed them to grow accustomed to the heat. Box fans and oscillating fans compensate for the sticky, humid nights.

Bare necessities were taken care of, leaving not much convenience around the house. Though the house has three bedrooms, only Edward and Bobbie's room has a door on it, and it was moved from the bathroom entrance when Randy was born. The middle-sized room on the far end of the house contained a workout bench with weights and an exercise bike which both Edward and Bobbie used. Randy's room was in the middle of the house and the smallest room of the three. The room is really a study, but since nobody in the household takes education too seriously, and since they can't afford to furnish a study, it was given to Randy as his bedroom.

Randy earned a little money on the side doing odd jobs and yard work in town during the summers, and what he earned was his, and his most recent purchase, Android Conquest, siphoned all the focused attention he could muster from his young mind.

Randy looked at the clock on his night stand noticing that the time was 11:30pm. He had already been after this game for five hours, which passed as what seemed like thirty minutes. Edward had already been by twice to remind Randy of the time, and had since fallen asleep, not realizing the boy was still wide awake, eagerly fending off androids who were hell-bent on enslaving humanity.

Looking at the clock again, Randy gasped as he read 3:30am on the digital readout. "Oh, shit," he says under his breath, not able to decide if he should keep playing or jump in bed. He wiped the small amount of sweat from his brow then reached to switch on the fan in the window. He absent-mindedly wiped the dampness onto his bare thigh, then continued to stroke it gently as he observed the action on the screen while trying to decide his next move.

He continued to play for a few more minutes and became deeply involved once again. Taking a deep breath he looked up through the spinning blades of the box fan to see the first few hints of an approaching sunrise. Stricken with a mixture of horror and frustration he looked again at the clock and saw 5:47am staring him square in the face. Randy had to be up and ready for school by 7:00am! The bus stopped each morning at the entrance to the park at 7:10am to pick up the kids!

Only having an few minutes to sleep, he groaned with displeasure, saved his game, set his alarm, then jumped out of his clothes and into the bed. It was just in the nick of time as well. He heard his mother stirring in her bed, then soft voices mumbling back and forth. The first sounds of the morning were coming to life.

Randy tossed his body back and forth several times as he tried to get comfortable, but the combination of the morning heat, the desperate need to play Android Conquest, and getting caught staying up so late/early was keeping him from falling asleep at all.

After finally deciding to just lay still and let his mind take the punishment of doing something so dumb as staying up all night on a school night. After a few minutes, he finally drifted off to sleep.

The awakening was a rude, loud and obnoxious one as his alarm blared at him like a howling banshee. Randy jumped like a scalded cat, then staggered across the room almost in tears, but with the intention of annihilating the alarm clock for abusing him so. He barely noticed that he was awake and he instantly fell back down, face first on the bed, not even covering his naked body.

His parents had always trusted him in the past to be awake on time, but much to his shock and horror, the loud, authoritarian voice of his father jolted him out of a deep sleep and he shot quick, frightened gawks around the room as he tried to assimilate the sudden rush of reality displacing his dreams.

"Randy! Get up, now. You're gonna be late for school." Before he had a chance to respond, Randy heard a whistling sound in the air, followed by a stinging crack on his bare backside.

Howling, Randy quickly rolled over on his back, and the erection that had formed during the erotic beginnings of a what would have been the coolest wet dream bounced into view. His father was coming at him again, swinging a thick leather belt. The man struck Randy on his thighs with the belt, and continued swinging, hitting the boy's legs, chest, arms, face, even striking the boy's erect dick a few times as he began sobbing from the sudden and brutal attack by his father.

Edward was a hard man to please. His own strict upbringing rolled downhill into the life of his son. Randy was punished many times even when he did nothing wrong, just so Edward could keep Randy in line before he decided to do something rebellious.

Randy recovered quickly from the swift beating and looked at the clock, feeling his heart sink when he saw the time registering 6:50. He only had ten minutes to get ready and ten minutes to walk to the highway.

With his boner springing to life with all the glory of teen-aged beauty, he sat up on the side of the bed and began to dress hurriedly, putting on his clothes from the day before. At his age he had not yet developed a stinky sweat, but a youthful teen sweat that actually smells good, rather than the rotten onion and burnt enchilada with motor oil smell that old, grisly men have.

After dressing, he laid back down to get a couple more minutes of rest and heard his father leave for work. Randy slowly drifted back into a sleep.

"Randy! What are you still doing here!" This time it's his mother's voice that jolted him out of his sleep. "I thought your daddy told you to get up. Now get up and don't make me have to come in here again. You're already late and you're going to have to ride your bike to school. The bus has already been by. School starts at eight o'clock, so you're gonna have to hurry to get there on time."

Randy looked at the clock again and saw the red 7:15. The school was a good eighteen miles [29 km] away, and his mother, having no concept of what time it takes to ride a bike, didn't realize that he's already late.

He gathered himself together, quickly sneaked the weed out from between the mattresses on his bed, and ran out the door. He was on his bike and peddling furiously down the road by 7:18.


The boy pedaled his bike up and down the hills of the backroads leading into town. Though could feel the blood coursing through his veins, the bike ride was really not that much of an effort for him. His entire head was wet with sweat, however, which helped as the wind cooled him.

He'd had a raging boner ever since he left the house and it also began throbbing furiously as he continued his trek through the streets of town. This was evident to those who happened to notice him zipping by as the front of his loose-fitting white jeans had a prominent circus tent jutting obscenely from his groin. The boy had never owned a pair of underwear, so it bothered Randy none at all as he had grown used to being seen naked around the house, sometimes even when company was over. Not having a door on his bedroom left him open for such things when he least expected it. He had lived like that since he was born, so a public trouser tent was of no concern to him.

He skidded to a stop in front of the school, mounted his bike in the rack and hurried off to his first period class, History.

Mr. Davis was busy scribbling notes on the chalk board as Randy scooted past the front row and found his desk on the third seat back by the window. Mr. Davis, who must have had eyes in the back of his head, said, "Welcome to History, Randy. Meet me in the hallway."

Randy's heart sank as he clearly understood what that meant. He frowned and left the room to wait for the teacher.

After a couple of minutes, Mr. Davis came out carrying a wooden paddle in his hand. "Okay, why were you late?"

"I overslept," Randy said truthfully.

"Okay," Davis said, not really seeming to care. "You know what to do."

Each room had a networked computer, and each student's attendance record was recorded meticulously. As soon as a student received a tardy or absence, it could be accessed by anyone in the entire school district. Each student was allowed their first tardy for free, meaning no record would go into the computer.

Randy had used his free tardy during the first two weeks of the school year, so his only choice was a paddling. After the free tardy, the next two tardies could only be compensated for with five licks with a wooden paddle.

Randy assumed the position, his palms on the wall and his rear end out. Moving from this position during the administration of the paddling meant that the teacher would start over and give the full five licks once again.

Randy's eyes were closed in anticipation of the attack on his bottom. He thought he heard an arm rubbing against the inside of a shirt sleeve, but nothing happened, much to his surprise.


A searing sting spread across the mounds of muscular flesh beneath the denim material.


Randy hardly felt the second one, though the sound of the paddling echoing through the empty halls gave him a feeling of self-pity, as if the whole school knew who was out in the hall getting a spanking.


The third one really burned him. It seemed to make the stinging take on a life of its own and sting itself.


Randy grit his teeth tightly, the muscles in his jaws rippling with strength as the fourth attack on his tender bottom was heavily pounded into his firm and supple flesh.


The fifth was the hardest of all and it sent Randy's hips thrusting forward to relieve the stinging that gave the illusion that the entirety of his body was squeezed down into his ass and it was on fire.

Mr. Davis told Randy to go back into the classroom and sit down. All the other students eyed the boy with snickers and suppressed laughter as the teacher nonchalantly continued writing on the blackboard.

Randy thought sarcastically to himself, 'Boy this is going to be a great day.'

And the day had only begun.

2nd Period

The bell rang signaling the end of first period. There was a five minute break between classes and the distended bladder that was been begging for relief for the last twenty minutes rushed Randy to the bathroom. His extremely hard cock is pushing against the front of his pants, making his condition very obvious to all who see him.

He busted through the door of the boys' room and had his dick out before he even reached the long row of urinals. The piss spewed forth in a long, relaxing gush, and he felt the life slowly drain out of his body through his seven and a half inches [19 cm] of flaccid boy dick.

Just as he was zipping up, two older boys in the eighth grade who had noticed Randy entering the boys' room casually strolled over to Randy. Joshua and Kevin were Randy's contact for drugs. Though Randy does have some money, drugs are expensive and these two boys had worked out a deal with Randy. They would give him a quarter per week in exchange for all the blow jobs they want, and at any time they want them.

Randy looked at them and instantly knew why they were there. "C'mon guys, can it wait? I've got to get to class."

Josh and Kevin regularly skipped classes, and rarely showed up for their punishments for doing so, leaving them expelled much of the time. So they really had nothing to lose that day. "You know the rules. Any time we want it," they reminded him.

Randy loved weed, and hated the idea of giving it up. Working out the same deal with another dealer would be unlikely, and they probably wouldn't look as good as these two. Joshua and Kevin are fifteen and sixteen – a little old for eighth graders, but after having been held back a couple of times in the past, they were where they belonged.

Young Randy reluctantly moved into one of the stalls and sat on the toilet and Kevin followed, unzipping his pants on the way in. Before Randy could even get ready, Kevin was pushing the head of his hard prick into Randy's face, poking him in the eye and getting pre cum up his nose in his eager anticipation of receiving one of Randy's talented blow jobs. Randy parted his lips and allowed the stiff member inside his mouth.

The boy's neck action soon began to send Kevin into the throws of ecstasy as Randy's warm, wet and slimy tongue worked its way all over the bulging phallus of the sexy drug dealer. Randy's face was covered with his own spit and the dick snot of the horny pusher. After several minutes, Kevin is sent over the edge and sends his boiling load rocketing to the back of Randy's gaping esophagus.

Kevin pulls his dick out and squeezes the last few drops out of his dick, then grabs Randy's boyish head and proceeds to grind his slimy dick into the boy's face. Kevin mashed his dick around until it was pointing up and Randy's nose and mouth were buried between Kevin's teenaged cock and balls, smearing the gooey mixture around and not leaving a dry spot on his mug. Randy opened his mouth and allowed his tongue to mingle with Kevin's cock and balls so he could eat the cum off his druggie friend's gnads.

Before Kevin could even get out of the stall, Joshua was pushing his way inside, yanking his hard member in preparation for his own suck job. The action he'd heard from outside the compartment had aroused him tremendously and he was elated to finally have his chance.

Randy was already a mess from giving his last head job with his hair out of place and sperm all over his face. Joshua took advantage of the wetness on the boy's face by slathering up his own hard dick, rubbing his crotch in Randy's face. Randy, by now, has become quite the horny devil himself, and eagerly accepts the hard rod into his gullet.

Joshua, being younger than his friend Kevin, was a little more anxious to cum rather than relaxing to enjoy the feeling. He clasped his hands behind Randy's head and thrusted his hips forward, nearly dislocating the boy's neck as he jerked the kid's head toward his crotch and pistoned his dick in and out of Randy's throat.

Randy started to moan shamelessly at the instants when his air wasn't blocked by throbbing teen meat, and the sounds were loud enough to be heard in the now empty hallways. Joshua gritted his teeth and tried to repress his grunting as he neared the ever-coveted orgasm. His eyes opened wide, when at the last moment, he pulled out and spewed giant, thick ropes of cum all over Randy's face, neck and chest, drenching the kid in teen cum.

It was in his hair, all over his face, and was running down his neck and under his shirt. Randy's shirt was striped with wet streaks of Joshua's ample cum, with a long streak stretching from his shoulder to the middle of his shirt. Joshua, still vibrating with sexual energy, continued mauling the boy's face with his softening cock. With one hand behind the boy's head, and the other hand mashing his cock into his face, trying to meld their two bodies into one.

Joshua slipped his dick back into Randy's mouth, and Randy gratefully cleaned him up with his tongue. "Thanks, dude," Joshua said.

"We'll be lookin' for ya," Kevin chuckled as both boys leave the restroom.

Randy was a complete mess. Not only did he have two heavy loads of jizz all over him, but he also had a massive wet spot in the front of his pants of his own making. Grabbing as much toilet paper as he could, he mopped his face, trying to get as much jizz off him as he could. His shirt was impossible to dry, but since it was all he had to wear, he sopped as much jizz off of it as he could and headed for the bathroom door.

A clean, yet cummy-smelling Randy left the boy's room and quickly headed off to his next class, English.

Arriving in much the same manner as he had in History class, he quietly made his way to his desk and heard a few snickers as a few of the students obviously noticed the massive bulge trying to bust out of his pants, nearly sticking straight out, but arched upward so that the outline of his bulbious, mushroom-shaped dickhead was clearly visible through the semen-soaked fabric of the cheap denim.

Randy sat quietly at his desk, waiting for the teacher to say something about him being late. Of course, the inevitable happened and the teacher, Mrs. Heller, after eyeing Randy suspiciously and making a few keystrokes on her computer, got her paddle out of her desk and motioned for Randy to follow her out into the hallway.

With a sigh, Randy stood and walked into the hall, giving the whole class another good look at the outline of his hard-on through his pants.

Mrs. Winters made a repetitious sucking sound with her tongue, as if to say, "You naughty little boy." Then she spoke, "Randy, what's the problem today? You were late for first period, and you haven't done much better second period. One more today and you get detention. Did you know that?"

"Yes ma'am," Randy replied, obediently honoring Mrs. Winters' request to be addressed as 'ma'am'"

"Okay, I just wanted to be sure." She motioned for him to put his hands on the wall, and he did so. The paddling was rather unceremonious. Randy's head was still swimming with lust for the two boys he'd sucked, two boys who recompensed him with free drugs.

Randy tightened his butt muscles in anticipation of the paddling.


After the first strike he tightened even more, squeezing his butt cheeks together.


The stinging spread through his backside and he contracted his PC muscle, sending a thick gob of precum to the tip of his dick. As the teacher pulled back for another lick, Randy looked down and where the tip of his dickhead was pushing the front of his pants higher than his waistband, he saw a thick bubble of semen forming as it soaked through his pants from inside his dick.


Randy tightened his muscles even more, causing a burning sensation to force it way into his prostate area. The sudden sensation caused Randy to relax all his muscles, just as 3;


3;he was attacked without the preparation of tightened muscles. The pain was so great that his brain couldn't find the muscles to make them tighten to take on the last lick.


Randy felt his cock twitch on the last hit, and a surge of sperm bubbled up out of nowhere from the base of his penis, not in a full orgasm or ejaculation, but only a spontaneous release of sperm from his over-filled balls. The glob of sperm slowly crept toward the tip of his dick and soaked the front of his pants again.

"Alright, that's it," she said solemnly. "Now go back inside. We've got a pop quiz tomorrow."

"Okay," Randy grimly replied. He felt doomed. He had used up both of his tardies. The next one would mean detention, so he'd have to be sure to be on time for the rest of the day.

Though his butt was still stinging, his mind really wasn't on his class. His episode with the two older boys in the bathroom had left him very horny and he urgently needed to cum. He instinctively raised his hand, and the teacher called on him before he realized what he'd done. He stammered, "Uh 3; I, uh, need to go to the bathroom!"

Mrs. Winters frowned at him. "Well, it seems like you had plenty of time for that before you came to class. That's what the five minutes are for. You'll have to wait." She continued lecturing the class.

She didn't know he'd already been in the bathroom, but it wouldn't matter now, anyway. She'd already made up her mind. Randy just sat through the class, bearing what was already becoming unbearable – his rock hard boner.

He stayed completely hard through the remaining 40 minutes of class and was relieved when the bell finally rang.

The horny kid rushed out of the classroom, accidentally bumping into the one kid he really liked to avoid, and nearly breaking his dick in half in the process. Randy felt his heart sink, knowing that the feeling in his dick was telling him that this had truly happened, but he hoped THIS kid didn't feel it. Randy was wrong.

This is one bully who always gives Randy a hard time. He looks down where Randy's hiding his erection behind his books.

"What's up, Richard?" Randy asks in vain. Randy is a tough kid, and muscular, though a little short for his age. Randy always thought that, Richard most likely had some sort of glandular problem as he seemed to be as big as a college linebacker, almost twice Randy's size, even though Richard's only in the eighth grade. He was supposed to have been held back a couple or three times, but nobody really knows how old he is. He has a little facial hair, so he's definitely too old to be in the eighth grade.

Richard knocked Randy's books out of his hands, and saw the prominent bulge in the kid's pants. "What's that!" Richard asks loudly, trying to draw attention to it. Randy, though not easily embarrassed, likes to avoid confrontation with Richard as he seems to enjoy pointing out Randy's sexuality to everyone.

People turned around to look at them. Randy can feel the other kids looking him up and down, and can almost feel eyes gazing at the erection through his pants. Some turn away uninterested in their confrontation. All the girls know about the size of Randy's cock, so hands went over some girls' hearts as they hurry away fanning themselves with their composition folders as images of Randy's hard-on danced through their minds.

"I'll be watchin' you, prick," Richard said belligerently.

Randy, inside his mind, agreed. 'Yea, I bet you will. Watching my cock, no doubt.' He picked up his two books and made his way down the hall and back into the bathroom. His encounter with Richard had not phased his need to spurt a quick load, and he was glad to find an empty stall. There were six other boys in the bathroom, but they were soon finishing up and heading back out into the hallway.

Randy had his seven and a half incher [19 cm] out and was smiling and sighing with relief as he began stroking the shaft.

He heard the door open loudly, followed by a familiar voice, "I'd know those worn out old shoes anywhere," the voice said loudly. It was Richard again. "I BET THAT'S RANDY IN THERE PLAYING WITH HIS LITTLE DICKIE WICKIE!"

Randy let out a frustrated grunt and nearly jumped out of his skin when he heard a loud voice from above. "Watcha doin' Raaaaandy?" That asshole Richard had jumped up on a urinal and had caught Randy stroking off. "You gonna let me in there?" Richard finished.

Randy rolled his eyes. He knew that Richard would beat the shit out of him if he didn't do as he was told, so he unlocked the stall door. Richard came in with him and closed the stall door behind him. There were still a couple of other boys in the bathroom who know about Richard's fascination with Randy, so they always come into the bathroom when they see Richard come in between second and third period. They witnessed and got off to these confrontations between Randy and Richard.

Nobody really cared much for Randy. Everyone knew where he lived and figured that he wasn't worth much. He wasn't hated, but people felt indifferent about what happened to him because he was just trailer trash. The things floating around school about him being gay were not just rumors, but simply well-known facts. He was an easy cock sucker, and back when such ideas were rumors, enough guys had coaxed him into sucking their cocks that several pictures were floating around school showing Randy in all kinds of sexual situations with other boys. There was no use in Randy denying what he was because proof was all over school. He was the campus boy whore.

Richard took up most of the space in the stall, and he stood there, overpowering the smaller boy. "Turn around," he commanded.

Randy swallowed hard and obediently turned around. He felt large arms encircle his waist and unbutton his pants, yanking them to his ankles. Randy then heard a second zipper sliding down, followed by chuckles and giggles from outside the stall. The other two boys knew what was about to happen, and they loved it.

Richard turned Randy back around. "Suck it, and leave a lot of spit on it so I can slide it up your ass and fuck you with it."

Randy nodded his head and did as he was told, sliding his mouth all over the seven-inch [18 cm] shaft, taking care not to swallow while sucking, not that he ever did swallow while sucking, anyway. He only swallowed when he was rewarded for his efforts with a blast of boy cum in his throat. In mere seconds, Richard's cock was gleaming with spit.

"Now turn around and bend over so I can fuck you," Richard commanded loudly.

Once again, Randy complied and leaned over the toilet, grabbing the pipes behind the seat for support and to brace himself for the inevitable.

The penetration was quick. Richard positioned the head of his dick right square on the center of his anus and pushed hard. With one long stroke, he had his whole shaft buried to the balls. While Randy's well used asshole was elastic and pliable, still there was that momentary stiffness and intense cramp-like feeling as the ring muscle was forced open, but it was a sensation he didn't find unpleasant.

Richard took hold of Randy's waist and began pistoning his hard dick in and out in long, quick strokes. Randy felt his insides being pushed and prodded as he was impaled over and over for the next several minutes. Randy's balls were swinging back and forth wildly. He could hear the sounds of the two boys outside the stall whacking off to their imaginations of what was going on inside the stall. Richard was fucking in long, quick strokes until he Randy finally felt the bully's jizz splashing and sloshing around inside him.

The look on Richard's face was one of ecstasy. "Turn around," Richard said again. Randy again turned around, and knowing what was expected, began sucking the bully's cock that had just been pulled from his own butt. This wasn't a bad experience for Randy as he's often enjoyed putting his fingers up his own asshole, and licking them afterwards.

Richard was squeezing the last of the cum out of his dick and into Randy's mouth. When all was dry, Randy stood up and turned around so Richard could slap his butt cheeks a few times. It was a fetish that Richard enjoyed, and Randy was powerless to resist, for risk of further bullying. Randy grabbed the pipes once again, and stuck his tight, muscular bum out for Richard to play with.

Richard used both hands, kneading each of the firm globes in each hand, enjoying the feeling of the muscle fibers beneath the skin. He then backed up a little, and alternating hands, he slapped each one. One, then the other, several times, reveling in the sound of bare palms against a gay boy's sassy bubble butt.

Richard gripped the globular mounds of muscular flesh again and stuck his two thumbs inside Randy's butthole and wrappes his fingers around the outside of his ass cheeks. Pushing in, Richard squeezed tightly and rubbed the phallus of his semi-hard cock up and down Randy's crack between his thumbs. He squeezed the globes of the boy's butt together, enveloping his cock in Randy's warm crack. He pulled both hands out to the side and smacked both of Randy's buns at the same time.

Randy liked this kind of treatment. It didn't hurt like paddling hurt and he liked it when other guys smacked his muscular ass. He knew his ass was fine and durable and he got off on it when Richard did this to him.

Richard got down on his knees to get a good look at Randy's butt and his balls. "Push your cock down so I can see it, too!"

Randy complied, taking one hand off the pipes and pushing his 13-year-old, 10-inch [25 cm] hard-on straight down for Richard to see from behind. Richard put the palms of his hands against the tops of the backs of Randy's muscular legs and pushed up, forcing the muscular mounds of butt flesh to move upward, and with force, Richard slid his hands over the top, squeezing as he mauled and caressed the boy's meaty mounds. Gripping them in his hands, he shook the muscles up and down and back and forth, enjoying the feeling that the muscles, while firm, seemed to be separated from his skeleton so you could almost pull the muscles out, play with them and watch them snap back into position.

With a sigh of envy, he stuck out his tongue and slowly licked the entire length of Randy's butt crack, grinding his tongue hard against the warm and hairless dampness. The only smell was that of jizz and teen spirit.

Randy sighed at the feeling of having his crack licked by the mean bully. Even if Richard did treat him horribly in front of other kids, he still enjoyed the ass service he got from the older teen.

As Richard buried his face in Randy's ass, he ran his hands down Randy's heavily fleshed thighs and calves and squeezed the muscles hard, enjoying the feeling of rippling definition in the boy's god-like physique. Hugging the boy from behind, Richard wrapped his arms around the boy's legs and closing his eyes, wallowed his neck, face and both sides of his head in the boy's crack. Masturbating Randy's gaping but crevasse with the contours of his face, he stuck his tongue out and gyrated his face wildly, sending a wave of pleasure through Randy, causing his tingling dick to jump and drop more semen into the toilet.

Reluctant to stop, Richard said, "Okay, kid. That's all you get for now," making it sound like he was doing Randy a favor by pleasuring his asshole and that he himself got nothing out of it. Randy knew it was a lie, but didn't call him on it. As much as he didn't like Richard outside the bathroom stall, he wanted to hug his body and grind his own dick into his sex partner's crotch, but on the time he tried before, Richard pushed him down in the stall, causing the half naked boy to fall back over the edge of the toilet and land in the piss stains left by all the boys throughout the day. So he learned to restrain his own passions and only give what Richard wanted to take.

Richard, having finished his using Randy as a boy toy, left the kid in the stall with his pants down. Randy needed to cum, but as reality settled back in, he knew he had to get to class and save his load, hopefully for the next break between classes.

He pulled his pants up and rushed off through the empty halls to his third period class, Science.

3rd Period

Randy hurried down the hallway toward his Science class, trying to ignore the fact that he needed to piss so badly. Mr. Chandis didn't tolerate tardiness in his class, so Randy was psyching himself up for another paddling. This would be his third tardy today, and now that he'd already used his free tardy this year, and now the two following tardies, the fourth of the year resulted in a step up in punishment level.

Randy entered the classroom, hearing again a familiar round of suppressed laughter as his still bulging member pushed the front of his pants away from his groin and up into the air a little above his waistband. He couldn't decide if they were giggling at his boner, his wet crotch, or the dried cum-streaks on his shirt that he got between first and second period. Randy could smell the jizz on himself, and figured others could as well. Ignoring the sounds of muffled snickers, he sat at his desk, awaiting the inevitable.

Mr. Chandis turned around and made a few keystrokes on the computer positioned at the corner of his desk. "Randy, will you wait out in the hallway for me, please sir?"

"Okay," Randy mumbled as he shuffled toward the door. His heart was pounding in his chest as he passed his teacher who looked down at Randy's cock, obviously impressed with his endowment. Randy knew that this would be the fourth spanking today, and it was only ten o'clock in the morning.

Randy's mind wandered as he waited for about the next five minutes as Mr. Chandis got his class started on their book work for the day. He came out of his room, carrying his paddle. "Well, kiddo. It looks like you're having trouble making it to class on time today. You know you've already used up your free tardy, and now both of your primaries."

"I know," Randy said submissively, staring at the floor. He wanted to explain that it wasn't his fault, but he knew that in Jr. high school, kids take responsibility for their own actions, including showing up for class on time.

"Well, you know this means you'll have detention after school today, right?"

"Yea, I know."

"Okay, turn around."

Randy did so, and placed his hands on the wall in front of him. He braced himself once again for what was becoming an unavoidable consequence – his paddle behind. The board was swung through the air, five times in rapid succession, though hard enough that one sting hardly had the time to fully penetrate his flesh before the next impact made its presence known.






Randy felt tears welling up in his eyes as his tender butt smarted from the impact, destroying the glowing feeling he had been enjoying after his encounter in the bathroom with Richard. His whole behind was tingling, and on the last impact, the boy felt a surge of cum rush through the length of his urethra, stopping at the tip. His boner was on fire and was begging for release as the punished kid walked back into the classroom.

There was no way for him to hide his erection without making it obvious that he was doing so, so he just let everyone look at it pushing against his pants. The thought of being seen like this caused another short contraction which flooded his dick with more sperm, sending what was already in his dick out. A large, shiny streak quickly formed and was noticed by the three girls on the front row whose eyes widened adn they all looked at each other and giggled.

Randy's waist was at eye level, so the kids only had to look straight ahead to see his condition, and the glistening cum stain spreading quickly throughout the crotch of his white pants. Though the material was denim, it was quite thin for jeans because his family didn't have the money to buy the thicker denim. This was of the cheapest grade possible, so any thing worn under the jeans were visible, like red gym shorts or anything of contrasting color. Even white made the white look whiter as it contrasted with the appearance of the material with Randy's fleshtone legs behind the fabric. The other students coule plainly see the colors and contours of his hard penis where it contacted the material from the inside, especially the bottom of the bluish colored head that was mashed hard against the material. The very large bluish-purple vein that ran along the bottom side of his dick actually made an obvious bulge protruding from what was already sticking out. Randy knew this, but had not expected to be in such a condition at school that day. He felt as if they could all see his dick through his pants, and though he really had no problem with that, he knew it wasn't really a common thing to see at school, so in this way, he felt like he stuck out from the rest of the kids. Not only did he have the biggest dick among all the students and faculty, his sex glands were always in overdrive, even moreso than other boys his age.

Randy fidgeted in his seat for the next twenty minutes, and his throbbing, leaking dick only continued to demand his attention. He knew better than to ask for a hall pass, as Mr. Chandis was the last teacher to allow kids to leave. He was a firm believer in using the five minutes between class for bathroom duties.

The boy stuck his hand down his pants in the middle of class and squeezed his dick, filling the palm of his hand with his thick, boyish pre cum. He pulled his hand out of his pants and it was covered with slime. The girl sitting next to him noticed what he'd done and looked at him disgustedly as he smeared the gooey juice on the thighs of his pants.

Mr. Chandis turned around from the chalkboard and noticed that Randy wasn't paying attention, and seemed to be occupied with something else. "Randy," the teacher started. "Is there something you want to share with the rest of the class?"

Suddenly, in his state of mind, thoughts flooded into his mind of spewing jizz all over everyone in the room, but he was able to catch his mouth before he spoke. "Uh 3; N-no. I, uh, I just really need to use the bathroom."

"What were you talking to Jennifer about?"

"Huh?" Randy asked, confused.

"Come on out in the hall with me. We need to have a little talk." The teacher eyed Randy as he got up from his desk, and paraded across the front of the room as his damp crotch was eyed by all the students in the class.

Randy had suspected on the first day of school that Chandis was gay and liked boys and he quickly learned that it was true as Chandis was always calling on Randy to come up to the chalkboard so he could eye the boy's package as he walked.

As Mr. Chandis closed the door to the classroom, Randy heard laughter erupt inside and overheard one of the girls say, "Oh my God, did you see that! He's STILL got a rise! All he ever thinks about is SEX!"

"I think he's cute," another girl said.

Another boy chimed in, "Aw, he's ugly! And he's a fucking, nasty-assed fag!"

Randy turned around and his heart sank as he saw the paddle again. Mr. Chandis never fools around where school work is concerned, and takes it more seriously than tardies.

"Alright Randy. I want you to understand this. No talking in class, no goofing off, and be on time. That's all I ask, and we'll get along just fine. Now turn around and put your hands on the wall and stick your butt out."

Randy sighed and did as he was told. He felt the man's large hands slip down inside the back pockets of his pants, groping around and kneading his butt.

"I'm just checking to make sure you don't have anything in here, Randy. Just be still." He continued checking the boy's pockets.

Randy was wise to it and enjoyed it all he could, knowing that he was about to be paddled again.

"Let me just check your front pockets to make sure nothing is in there, either. We can't have boys bringing weapons to school." With that, he slipped his hand into Randy's right pocket and found nothing. He slipped his hand into Randy's left pocket and found that it was wet and slimy. Chandis felt the heat of the boy's hard and cracked a joke, "I see you're packing heat down here," and he firmly grabbed the boy's dick and gave it a firm squeeze and rubbed his hand in and out of the boy's pocket, grinding his hand and wrist against the hard organ. Randy gasped at the sensation of having his dick touched. He knew it was coming, but his dick was very sensitive, especially when it was touched by others.

"Let me see if there's anything down deeper in your pockets. I think it's bunched up in there." Chandis forced his hand hard down into the pocket of Randy's cheap jeans and ripped the bottom of it out, forcing his hand through the hole.

Reaching between Randy's legs, he grabbed the boy's balls and mocked, "What are these I found in your pocket?" He rolled the boy's jewels around in his fingers, squeezing and probing them. Randy lifted up on his toes in attempts to get away from Chandis who wasn't unattractive, but he was being a little rough with his balls which were already aching to release their cum. He reached down to pull his teacher's hand away from his gonads, but Chandis ordered him to put his hand back on the wall as he squeezed his balls as a threat to do more damage if he didn't obey.

Gritting his teeth, Randy did as he was told, put his hand back on the wall and let his teacher continue exploring his genitals.

Pulling the kid's balls up and trapping them between his hand and the bottom of the kid's shaft, he wrapped his fingers around the boy's pole and squeezed the sex organs together, pulling his shaft down by its base and tenting his pants out even further. It amazed Randy that he was doing this right out in the hallway where anyone could walk by, including the principal. But it didn't phase Chandis at all. He generously squeezed and fondled the boy's genitals. Releasing the kid's balls, he gripped just Randy's throbbing penis and snaked the skin up and down, breathing heavily. The teacher's own erection had, by now, grown to its full length and was pressing against his own trousers.

Chandis, becoming aware of his condition, pulled together the will power to stop playing with the sexy kid. "Now comes your paddling. Keep your hands on the wall and don't move or I'll start over."


Randy felt his dick throb and instantly felt a warm sensation encase the phallus. The teacher was unaware of this, however, and continued his paddling.




Randy threw his head back as the burning pain of his paddled rear, and the ecstasy he was feeling in his inflamed sex organ overpowered him. He began salivating madly as he lost control of his swallowing mechanism.




Seven licks and his ass felt like it had nails being driven into the flesh of his muscles.


The eighth and hardest lick and Randy felt the warm sensation encase his entire dick to the base as a massive glob of thick sperm jetted from the large, gaping hole at the end of his penis. His hand reached down to massage his flared sex as he turned around to face his tormentor.

Mr. Chandis looked down at the boy's crotch. "I see you enjoyed your paddling. You're soaked."

The cum had left Randy's dick so forcefully that it erupted through his pants and made a huge mess on the outside. He had not had a full orgasm, but just another eruption of excess sperm from his balls as a reaction to the paddling.

Randy reached down to rake up the sperm off his pants. Chandis quickly slapped his hand away, "DON'T TOUCH THAT! Leave it alone! Come here!"

Randy took a step closer to his teacher. He turned the boy sideways and studied the kid's side profile. The upward bow and density of the boy's dick made his cock protrude prominently enough without adjusting it to look so. But Chandis stuck his hand down the boy's ripped pocket and grabbed the boy's rock-hard flesh stick and pulled it down so that his erection was sticking out even further in front of him in his snug-fitting jeans. The fabric had been so stretched anyway by Randy's frequent hard-ons that even when washed, the jeans had extra ruffles around the crotch area, evidencing that a well-endowed package regularly fills out the fabric.

The teacher positioned the boy's cock for maximum protrusion from his crotch. The kid's strong and healthy ten inches [25 cm] pushed out horizontally for four inches [10 cm] and began bowing upward for the last six inches [15 cm] until it was pointing straight up at the tip and sticking up even higher than the waistband of his pants.

"Now hold still and don't touch yourself." The teacher took out his prick and whacked himself off while looking at Randy who was watching the whole thing as his own hard was throbbing more at the sight of his teacher stroking off to him. The teacher was so turned on by how he'd fixed Randy's genitals that it only took ten or fifteen seconds and he shot a copious load into the palm of his hand.

Breathing heavily from his orgasm, he told Randy to be still and he took his own sperm and gently smeared it up and down the kid's pants where his cock was outlined, starting at the tip. The man's touch was so gentle he could only feel the wetness of the sperm soaking through to his cock, but not his touch. Once the most obtruding part was covered with cum, the teacher turned Randy around again, looked at his creation and whacked off a second time into his palm and added another coat of cum to the kid's wet pants, making a big glob of thick sperm that was slowly draining down the kid's pants along the outline of his dick shaft.

Chandis used his finger to gently spread the sperm around the clothed contours of Randy's erection and pulled some back over the backside of the head to make it look like Randy had jizzed his own pants, which wasn't untrue, but the teacher wanted more. Randy hadn't shot anywhere near a full load, but the teacher's own was enough to suit his purposes.

"Okay, now go back into the class and do NOT touch yourself in any way!" Chandis stood up and opened the door for Randy. Naturally the whole class looked up and saw Randy begin his walk all the way across the front row, and also naturally, all eyes dropped to his crotch which was protruding like never before, thanks to the teacher's relocating of his cock to an inordinately pornographic position.

The room fell quiet as everyone eyed both his massive dick and the thick glob of sperm which was now dripping from the outline of his shaft where his cock curved into a horizontal shaft of flesh sticking out over his now even more obvious balls encased in the taut fabric. Everyone thought it was his own jizz, not realizing that the teacher had fixed him up that way. The smell of sperm was rich, mostly coming from his own sperm, which did have a very strong smell, but the teacher's gave off a smell of its own as well. Lots of the kids were taking in deep breaths through their noses to get a good smell of the sexed up Randy.

Some of the obviously gay boys in the class were becoming erect themselves at the sight of Randy, his spermy dick and his muscled form, thinking that as a result of his paddling, he'd ended up like this, an observation that was only partially true.

Randy settled back into his seat and the desk rubbed against his cock and scraped some of the sperm off on the edge. Randy noticed this and saw others looking, but was too horny to wait. He put his arm out on his desk and quickly dipped his head down and licked the sperm off the edge of the desk. Several classmates were still looking at him when he brought his head up. They saw the sperm was gone and knew without actually seeing him do it, that he had eaten it.

This whole encounter only left Randy even hornier than he had been when the period started. He needed to get his rocks off badly.

For the rest of third period, Randy was tense and sat on the edge of his seat, wide-eyed, and stared intently at the board, trying his best to keep his mind off sex until he could find time to take care of the problem. His boner fulfilled its reputation of not being denied, and the more he tried to ignore it, the more it made its presence known, through spontaneous contractions and small spurts of sperm. The pre cum simply drained from his granite hard dick. It actually felt like some force was brutally sucking long, thick streams of pre cum directly from his sex organs, commanding them to make more jizz than they were really supposed to.

His overworked reproductive system ached for release, then the bell sounded, signaling the end of third period. He quickly gathered his things and got up to move toward the door, but was stopped by Chandis. "Ah, Randy. Stay after class a minute, won't you?"

With a groan, Randy waited as the classroom cleared.

"Come around to this side of the desk, Randy."

The boy obeyed his teacher and walked slowly around the desk. The teacher leaned to the side to make sure no one was looking and the sperm that was still left on Randy's hard dick he used his palm and pulled the sperm all the way down the kid's shaft and smeared it all around. "There you go. That should get you to your next class. Don't be late tomorrow – or, you can be late if you want to, I guess," Chandis said with a twisted smile.

Randy's heart began thumping as he realized his relationship with Chandis had probably just changed forever and that their encounter was unlikely to be one of a kind.

Randy turned and walked toward the door again.

"Oh, one more thing, Randy," Chandis said.


Chandis got up and walked to the door, pulled Randy to the side so they couldn't be seen from the hall, placed his mouth over the boy's and stuck his tongue inside, giving him a few seconds of a French kiss. One of his hand traced the boy's back down to his butt and a finger slipped between his crack and poked at his butt hole. Randy's urethra convulsed as thoughts of full sexual encounters with his teacher filled his mind.

"Turn around," Chandis said as he turned the boy around facing away from him. The teacher sliped his hand back into Randy's ripped pocket and pushed his dick back into the grotesquely obscene position it eventually shifted itself back out of when Randy was at his desk. He gave the kid's pole one last squeeze, sayin, "Okay, you can go now, but don't touch yourself after you leave my class. I'm going to watch you walk down the hall. Keep your hands by your sides. If your hands move out of my view, I'm going to paddle you harder tomorrow. Is that clear?"

Randy's heart pounded in his chest at the thought of walking through a crowded hallway with his wet, sticky pants sticking out so far in front of him, but he vowed to obey his teacher to avoid another paddling.

"And also, don't wash your pants for the rest of this week or next week. I want you to wear those pants, don't wash them, and I expect you to come in here just like this through the end of next week," he said as he rubbed the boy's phallus.

The swooning youth's head was swimming with a high trip factor as he considered how he was going to cope with having to manage coming to class every day as the teacher described. He didn't know if he was supposed to be hard with a nice coat of sperm on his pants, or just hard.

Randy stepped out into the hallway and a girl rushed past him and accidentally rubbed briskly against the swampy crotch of his pants pushed out by his cock. She stopped, inhaling huge lungfulls of air. "EEEEEEWWWAAAHHH!" she exclaimed and she stomped toward Randy and wiped the wetness off her arm and onto his chest. Randy almost reached down to pull his cock back close to his waist, but the thump he felt on the back of his neck gave him warning that he should not touch himself.

With a sigh he rushed down the hallway, making a beeline for the bathroom and leaving a trail of sperm odor behind him. Some kids turned around and watched as he hurried away from them.

He found the bathroom, and wanted to scream when he found it was packed with kids. There was no way he would be able to relieve himself in here. He turned and walked out of the bathroom, looked back down the hall and saw Chandis still looking at him, obviously eyeing the bulge he'd forgotten about only seconds after he'd been warned to leave it alone.

He decided would make his way to the cafeteria for lunch. He had not had breakfast this morning, so he thought that maybe lunch would take his mind off sex for a while.

He never made it to the lunch room, however. He was intercepted by his friend Calvin. "Hey, Randy!" Calvin yelled.

"Cal!" Randy said, more excitedly than he really felt. He just either wanted to get his mind off sex, or get his rocks off, but couldn't seem to manage either."

"Hey, what's up. Did you get that game you wanted?" Calvin asked eagerly.

"Yea! It's cool. I spent half my money on it though. I stayed up most of the night playing it, and was late for school today. I already got three tardies today."

"Three? You were late for all three classes? That sucks ass."

"Yea, I've already got licks four times today, and detention."

"Aw, that blows." Calvin looked around the hall, then down at Randy's crotch. "Dude, what's up with the other you?"

Randy looked down at his dick. "Chandis. He's gay. I can't touch it or he'll paddle me."

"Huh? That's sick." Calvin pushed on Randy's dick, forcing it back into its normal, less obscene, yet still obvious position. "Let's get high."

Randy wasn't really hungry, and he did have a fresh bag of weed. Randy looked up and down the hall just in time to see Chandis look back at him. He knew that Chandis had seen Calvin push on his dick and he wondered if that was going to count against him. He didn't want another paddling. "Hang on a second Cal. I gotta do something first."

Randy put his hands down his own ripped out pocket and put his dick back into Chandis' favorite position. He walked quickly down the hall and walked back into the classroom. "Did you want to see me again?"

Chandis gulped as he looked again at Randy's striking appearance and his large cock right back into his favorite position. "No, I don't need to see you again. I've seen enough. It's okay that Calvin touched you. And you were right for putting your dick back into its proper position and coming to show it to me. Since you did that, I won't paddle you tomorrow like I was planning to do."

A gladdened Randy cheered slightly at the news and asked, "Well, can I show you something else you might like more?"

"What is it?"

"Well, I have to touch it to show you."

"Okay. That's fine, and it's good that you asked for permission before touching yourself. Show me what you awnt to show me."

Randy put his hand down his pocket and grabbed his dick, pushed it down by his left thigh, and bending it back on itself, he pulled it up through the hole in his pocket until his drooling dickhead and several inches of his shaft was sticking out.

Chandis was clearly turned on by this. He took a deep breath. "Come here." Chandis opened his desk drawer and took out an ink pen. Turning Randy sideways, he stuck the end of the pen against his dickhead and pushed. Randy's cock easily swallowed the entire length, though eliciting a moan of pleasure from the boy. Chandis clipped the cap of the pen on the outside of his cock, pinching the flesh between the urethra and the outside world. "There you go. Since you've shown me that, that is your reward. Now I will put your penis back inside your pants, foolish boy," he scolded Randy. "Never take your penis out in this classroom. Are you trying to get me fired or something? Now that you've done that, you can bring my pen to me every morning before class and I want it delivered to me from where it's at right now. I want to pull it out of your penis myself."

He roughly grabbed the boy's dick and pushing on the middle of his dick shaft, forced it back into his pants through the hole in his pocket it came out of. Randy hissed with displeasure as the clip on the pen pinched his organ in its most sensitive areas. The dickhead and the pen's cap grated hard against Randy's far left side of his pants pocket as Chandis pushed more of his cock down into the hole. Once Randy's warm dick was pushed along side his muscular inner thigh, the teacher grabbed the hard shaft in the middle and forcefully pulled up on it, bending his cock down at nearly a 90 degree angle as the front of the kid's pants were stretched to the limit, yet still stronger and unable to be ripped by his rigid cock which had to bend, giving in to the will of the teacher's even stronger hand and fingers. The intense force of the pen pressed harshly against the boy's urethra and this time grinding the sensitive top side of the dickhead against the abrasive denim material, and pinched the frenulum of his penis between the pen cap and the clip as the full length of the pen was forced down into his dick by his own tight pants.

The teacher felt the pen inside the boy's dick, but continued to pull upward, squeezing the shaft and the pen inside tightly, causing Randy's cum tube to take most of the punishment of this experience. He worked the boy's cock over to the Randy's right side and his dick snapped back into its normal erect position, then the teacher dragged his cock back over to the left, grating both the pen cap and Randy's sensitive dickhead against the zipper.

Finally the dick was back into Chandis' favorite position, which was extremely uncomfortable for the boy now that he had a large ink pen shoved inside.

Chandis patted the tip of the boy's erection, knowing it was painful for him and said, "See you tomorrow, Randy, and don't forget to bring my pen back to me." The pen itself wasn't uncomfortable for Randy. He'd had larger objects shoved down his dick before, even pens with clips, but not with his pants on. The pinching hurt and he couldn't wait to get somewhere where he could take it out.

Randy turned to leave and met Calvin back out in the hallway, suffering through the pen in his cock every step he took. Kids were clearing out of the halls and filing into their respective classes, so they decided to go out behind the gym to smoke out. Calvin carried Zig Zags, and Randy carried a pipe and bowl with him everywhere he went in the pockets of his shoes. His parents were both pot smokers and knew that Randy did the same, though they sometimes got on him about it. He knew they didn't care, and he'd been smoking since he was five, anyway.

Randy loaded a bowl and packed it with his fingertip. Using Calvin's lighter, he puffed the end of the pipe intermittently, slowly filling his lungs to capacity with the potent smoke, holding it in for about twenty seconds, then slowly releasing it into the face of his friend, who reveled in it. Randy grinned at him, his young body already beginning to feel a little happier even from the first inhalation.

They smoked and talked, smoked some more, then talked some more. Weed has an effect on Randy that's unusual. While most smokers get the cottonmouth from smoking weed, his body chemistry causes an opposite effect and makes him salivate profusely, and really fires up the semen and sperm production in his sex organs. The more he smokes, the more pronounced the effects become, and though he has already been in an overly-aroused state since early this morning, the weed actually makes it more bearable for his mind, even though his body suffers through the pleasure of it all.

When really stoned, Randy had to swallow about every four or five seconds as his mouth quickly filled with drool. Unfortunately, his dick can't swallow, and the dick snot is ejected from his young body as it has no other place to go.

The boys continued smoking and before they knew it, they had been through nine bowls of weed. Four and a half bowls each is quite a bit for an adult in such a short length of time, but for two teen-aged boys, it was as if the amount was doubled. Randy was extra sensitive to it to begin with, and he didn't even realize how stoned he was until he stood up to walk to his fourth period Math class and nearly fell on top of his friend.

"Randy, dude. Watch out," Calvin scolded him. "Get caught high and you'll be kicked out of school."

Randy sighed, his high taking his mind off his dick, though his dick had taken on a life all its own. Though Randy wasn't actively aware of it aside from the immense pleasure he was feeling down there, the dramatically increased flow of sexual juices was quickly wetting his pants to a point that could be visible from across the courtyard. All Randy noticed was a warm feeling, not realizing or even caring that he was actually pissing his pants with pre cum, oozing out around Chandis' ink pen.

"Oh, I forgot about that," Randy mumbled. He reached into his pocket and grabbed his cock, pushed it down alongside his leg and bowed the shaft upward once again, feeling the straightness of the pen fighting against the curvature of his cock. "Oh! Ow!!" Randy said with the beginnings of a laugh. He finall got the dickhead into his pocket and his cock's hardness did the rest as his prick shot out of his pocket about four inches [10 cm], leaving the other six inches [15 cm] buried inside his pants.

Randy gripped the end of the pen and pulled it quickly out of his dick. A long and thick, slimy trail of prefuck followed behind it, along with more precum drizzling out of his large cock hole.

Calvin looked at the pen. "Ew, nasty!" he said.

Calvin is not particularly turned on by body fluids, but the two boys are friends enough that he can handle Randy's overactive sexual emissions, even the time when they were wrestling and Randy accidentally shot a huge load all over Calvin's legs. Randy had been quick to rake the sperm off Calvin's legs and he hurried into the bathroom where he ate the sperm, flushed the toilet and returned with warm, wet towel for his friend.

Randy stretched the string of prefuck attaching his dick to the pen, but at arms length, the strand was still thick, so he grabbed it with his fingers and stretched it out to the side and it still wouldn't break. Putting the pen into his other hand, and stretching all that semen out beteween his fingers, then accidentally rubbing his hand against his dickhole finally made so much of a mess that he gave up, stuck the pen in his good pocket and crammed his draining dick back down through his pocket, alongside his thigh and back up into its regular and most comfortable position: up and to the left, rested snuggly between the prominent external oblique muscles of his sides and the sartorius, tensor fasciae latae, and gluteus medius muscles of his hip and waist areas. The muscles were prominent enough that he could nestle his hard dick in the groove comfortably so it could rest against his hip. The bulge and the outline of the dick and especially the large dickhead was still obvious, but it did cut down on the bulge a little.

Randy and Calvin parted ways and each went off to their fourth period classes without having had lunch.

4th Period

It was a very stoned and randy Randy that wandered through the crowded halls in search of his fourth period Math class. His bladder was so full now that he felt like he'd been split in two, but he no longer felt like he could piss if he wanted to because he was so stoned. His mind was in a daze and his cock was subconsciously being massaged by his own psyche, seeming to blend in with what was going on around him. His heavy eyelids were drooping, and his drooling cock was relentlessly spilling pre cum in his pants, this time wetting his left hip instead of his crotch.

The halls were clearing out and Randy lazily moped over toward E-Hall where his math class was located. He walked in the room and sat at his desk, relieved that he'd made it to class on time for a change. Mr. Berryman entered the room and Randy's heart sank again as he'd just realized that he'd left his math book in his locker along with all of his other school supplies. He was completely empty-handed for Math, and they usually always worked a page full of problems in class.

Of course, Mr. Berryman's first words were, "Take your books out and turn to page 89. We're starting on compound fractions today." He then turned and began erasing the chalkboard, wiping clean the work from the previous period.

Randy fidgeted in his seat and knew he was going to have to go back to his locker and get his things. He swallowed a mouthful of drool caused by his stonedness and cleared his throat, slowly raising his hand to speak.

The sound grabbed Mr. Berryman's attention and he turned around. "Yes, Randy, what is it?"

"Um, I forgot my math book. I need to go to my locker," Randy said as clearly as he could, trying in vain to cover up the fact that he was stoned off his ass.

To Mr. Berryman, Randy looked like a blathering idiot and the boy seemed not to look at him, but to stare through him. Mr. Berryman let out a long sigh and told Randy to go get his things as he began punching keys on his computer.

Randy hurried to his locker, but as he passed the boys room, the thought crossed his mind to go in and take care of his protractive erection, and so he did. The bathroom he entered had been damaged. The doors had been kicked off the stalls and had not been replaced for a couple of years.

He needed to masturbate badly and decided that now would be as good a time as any. He entered one of the stalls and quickly dropped his pants to his ankles and kicked them off, not caring that the floor had boy piss all over it. He plopped down on the edge of the cold toilet seat; his straining dick begged for relieve and the slit on the tip of the head was gaping wide open with clear pre cum steadily flowing out into the open.

Though the dickhead was already exposed, he pulled the excess foreskin to the base of his dick with one hand and made a hard fist around his thickly veined shaft with the other hand and began stroking his hard meat, sending slime over his fingers. He felt his heart skipping beats as he began losing control of his bodily functions. Saliva ran down his chin; he threw his head back in rapture as a jet of cum was propelled away from his shaft. The contraction wasn't yet his orgasm, however, and he bowed his head forward emptied his mouth into his hand, filling his palm with hot saliva.

With a loud splash and a sloppy sound, he gripped his shaft again and started working his meat toward his much needed orgasm. He heard the door to the bathroom open and heard the voices of two other males enter.

It was already obvious to the two other boys what was going on as they could smell Randy's cum as soon as they entered the bathroom. And seeing the position of the boy's shoes confirmed what they suspected. They walked over to the first stall and there he was, looking up at them, still holding his swollen shlong with his muscular legs spread wide and his large balls hanging down below his hairless crotch and in front of the toilet bowl, already coated with a generous layer of his own fucksnot and saliva.

"Look what we have here," one of the boys said. "It's Randy."

Randy looked up at them, still so stoned that he's not sure whether he should even try talking as there were a lot of narcs running around the school, and the last thing he wanted was to get caught. Only his desire to get high outweighed his desire to be an anonymous smoker, but when he was high, sometimes paranoia set in if things got a little sticky.

The two boys moved towards him. "Take off your shirt and sit up on the back of the toilet. I want to stand on the seat while you suck my dick," the jet-black-haired kid ordered.

Randy quickly took his shirt off, threw it on the floor where it absorbed piss puddles off the floor. He looked behind him. The only thing on the back of the toilet was a set of pipes and nowhere to sit comfortably.

"Well, get up there!" the bully said as he pushed Randy in the face.

Randy drew his legs up to the toilet seat so that he was in a squatting position and he raised himself up on the pipes. The second boy walked up, crowding all three of them in the stall and squatted down, moving Randy's hips to the left so his asshole was positioned above a large pipe with a large bolt on the tip. "There. Sit down now," he said as he pushed on the tops of Randy's hips.

Randy resisted at first, but the second boy pushed him off balance and he fell back onto the pipe which pushed hard on his asshole.

"Aaaannnnnnhhhhhhhh!!!" Randy moaned as the first boy stood on the toilet seat and aimed his hard cock toward Randy's slobbery mouth.

"Feels like Randy's high again. I can always tell when he's high because his blow jobs are extra spitty," the suckee said tauntingly as he felt Randy's saliva running down his balls.

Randy continued moving his head forward and backward, sucking the boy without swallowing because he enjoyed the feeling of semen and spit running down his chin and neck. He was enjoying the feeling of the cold, metal pipe digging into his crack.

Neither boy was interested in touching Randy's cock, and Randy himself didn't bother touching himself because he devoted all his energy to enjoying the giving of head to this nameless schoolboy who obviously knew him and his reputation as a great cocksucker.

Randy's dick was all alone in this sexual adventure and flowing prefuck like a slimy river. It had already formed a stream down his cockshaft and strings of it trailed from his balls to the backside of the toilet bowl in a small puddle. His dick was bobbing slightly as he administered the blow job.

The second brown-haired boy chimed in, wanting to get in on the action. "Okay, now it's time for a change. Randy, you keep sucking Daniel, but do what I tell you. Do what I tell you, and don't stop sucking him or I'll hurt you."

"Mmmm Hmmmm," Randy mumbled as Daniel's cock was in his throat. The vibration gave Daniel an extra jolt of pleasure and he sighed quickly because of it.

"Okay," the second boy said. "Stand up straight."

Randy lifted his ass off the cold metal pipe that had been digging to get inside him and slowly straightened his legs, being careful to keep his mouth on Daniel's dick and sucking it, while still raising his ass high into the air, feeling his cockhead rub against his rippled abs. It was a pretty hard maneuver to manage with two boys standing on one toilet seat and with one fucking the other.

"Okay, that's good. Now Daniel, you step down off the toilet seat. Randy, you keep sucking him, but you can bend your legs."

Daniel began stepping down from the toilet seat and to make sure he kept his mouth on Daniel's cock, Randy grabbed the older boy around the waist and held him close as he bent his legs to keep up with Daniel's movement. This threw Daniel off balance and he staggered sideways. Both of Randy's feet slipped out from under him and his legs went sideways as his waist came crashing down.

On the way down his balls were racked on one of the pipes, then his hard dick was crushed under his weight against the back of the toilet bowl and bent at a 90 degree angle, slid forward and became wedged underneath the toilet seat. Randy moaned in pain as his now abused cock sent signals of agony to his brain. He started biting down on Daniel's cock, but when the boy started getting excited, he caught himself and released his grip before it was tight enough to cause any pain or damage.

Randy was still gripping Daniel's waist, but now it was more to keep himself from falling face first on the floor than it was to keep his mouth around Daniel's cock. But now the boy had his hands locked around Randy's head to keep him there and he continued face fucking him, even though the kid was in what looked like an uncomfortable position.

The boy's dick was caught under the toilet seat, pressed against two days worth of bad aims of pissing boys staining the cold porcelain. Randy's legs were still up in the air. One tattered, high-top shoe was pushing against the wall and the other was pushing against the side of the stall, partly to give him more balance and the other half of him wanted more of Daniel's cock. His mind was so intoxicated with his own stoned sexuality that even his strange predicament wasn't a buzzkill for his appetite for sex with these two boys.

All of his pushing on the walls had Randy's cock wedged under the toilet seat all the way to the base of the shaft. The second boy took advantage of the situation, caressing and rubbing Randy's beautiful, outstretched and hairless teenaged boy legs, noting the wonderful, sinewy contours. Hardly any fat at all was on his beautiful legs, making them well defined and very sexy looking on his young body.

He stuck his finger up Randy's butt, which in that position made the sensation a whole new experience. He pulled his finger back out and sniffed. "Hmmm. He's clean. No shit smell at all, but I can't fuck him like this. You'll have to back up so I can get behind him."

Daniel began backing up while holding on to Randy. Randy's eyes grew wide as he felt the strain on his hard dick. His eyes tilted outward in obvious pain as Daniel tugged on him. Randy grunted and groaned as the boy pulled on his head to work his dick loose.

The second boy looked at the situation. "Oh, let me raise the seat and see if that helps." He tilted the seat up, crushing Randy's dick and the boy let out a long and loud wail around Daniel's dick, sending vibrations from his voicebox around the kid's dick.

"AAAAAhhhhh!!!" Daniel cried. "That felt good! Do it again!"

The second boy lowered the seat and raised it as high as he could with Randy's torso in the way and Randy wailed again, giving Daniel more pleasure.

"Okay, I gotta get mine out of this, though," the second boy said finally. He grasped Randy's cock and wiped his hand across it to get all the semen off, then wiped it all on Randy's inner thigh. Using his palm, he shoved against the head of Randy's cock, trying to force it back under the seat of the toilet. Suddenly the boy's cockflesh gave way and it was bent upward and nearly back over on itself, making the abused cock look broken. The second kid slipped and fell over Randy's body, forcing the boy's body down and sliding his dick all the way back under the toilet seat, undoing what little progress they'd made.

"Mike, this ain't workin', dude. I think he's really stuck bad," Daniel said, thoroughly enjoying his blowjob. "Just see if you can fuck it the way it is now. Somebody will find him and get him out. Just fuck it so we can get out of here."

Randy's mind swam and he felt detached from himself as he heard Mike talk about his ass as if it were an object separate from the rest of his body. He realized now that he was indeed going to be left here after they were done with him, but right now he didn't care that much because he was liking the blow job he was giving and he liked Daniel after getting to know his cock so well. He knew his bladder was so full that it was probably pressing his stomach out of place. As Randy was slobbering up and down the underside of Mike's hard cock, he mumbled, "I gotta piss."

"No!" Mike said, slapping the boy on the head. "Not while we're having sex with you. Just hold it!"

"I can't hold it!"

Daniel smacked him again, harder this time, and in the face. "HOLD IT!"

Randy felt hands from behind him as Mike took him by the hips and twisted his torso and ass around to the side as much as he could with his dick still hung under the toilet seat, and crushing and mashing his bladder, threatening to bust it open inside him. Randy's cock slid all the way around to one side of the bowl until it reached the bolt holding the seat in place. This was all the room that Mike needed. It twisted Randy's torso in an odd-looking, backbreaking position, and it left Randy's right leg with nowhere to go, so it rested uncomfortably against the pipes behind the toilet.

Mike started poking and prodding his anus with the tip of his hardened dick. The kid reached around Randy's head where he was greedily eating the other boy's cock, and ran his hand around the working sex hole, gathering his oral secretions for lubrication, smearing some on Randy's face as he brought his hand back to his cock.

He took his wet hand and slapped it between Randy's hard buns and proceeded to grind the front of his phallus into the warm cleft, using his hand to increase the pressure and feel more of the contours of the opening he was about to victimize.

Randy felt a wave of pleasure rush over him and he sighed through his nose as he thought of the teen cock sliding up his ass. He began to suck harder.

Randy had been fucked many times since he was young, so his hole was used to sudden invasions. The many encounters with several of the men at the trailer park left him an experienced fuck hole and sex doll. He was reputed to be the best looking kid anybody in the town had ever seen, and his reputation as a filthy boy slut was widely known around that part of the state, though it wasn't necessarily through a choice of his own. He didn't necessarily go out looking for sex. His reputation preceeded him. Sex always came looking for him. However, he lived with it with grace and as much dignity as was allowed by his encounters.

Though he was a rough and tough lad, he had learned at an early age that resisting sexual advances can be worse than submitting. He had once been beaten for trying to resist, and he still got screwed in the end as two burly men overpowered him.

As a defense mechanism, he's actually learned to like it and as a result he's been beaten up a lot less. He can fight, but it's less fun to him than just allowing himself to be used for the sexual fantasies and outlets of others.

Randy felt the length of the cock up his butt plow into him at full force as he was thrown forward, sending the cock in his mouth to the back of his throat and grinding the base of his dick against the pissy toilet bowl. The long-haired boy behind him rolled his head and began moaning as he fucked faster and faster, crashing into Randy's smooth buns. Randy could feel Mike's balls banging into his perenium as he was fucked harder. This was all torture to Randy's trapped cock because that was were most of the resistance was. His penis was taking a real punishment to give pleasure to the two boys.

The kid up his ass was nearing orgasm as his tempo increased even more, and finally he crammed his entire shaft into Randy's gooey grotto and pulled the kid to him tightly as he ground his whole crotch against the kid's crevice, corkscrewing him thoroughly and scraping the insides of his bowels to make sure he knew he had been fucked good.

A moaning Randy sucked the cock in his mouth harder and like using a straw, emptied the boy's balls into his stomach. He drank deeply and reveled in the taste of it, holding as much in his mouth as he could.

Randy actually liked this boy and looked up at Daniel, hoping for a kiss. Daniel knew what he wanted just by looking at him and said, "Don't swallow it! If you do, I'll kick you in the nuts!" Daniel dropped him on the floor. Randy's topside began falling, but he caught himself, planting his hands firmly in the puddles of boy piss and his own spit. Daniel picked up Randy's pants and turned them inside out. He wiped his crotch on the inside crotch of Randy's pants. He walked to the boy enduring the fucking and held his pants out. "Here. Spit my cum that's in your mouth into the crotch of your pants, but don't spit it out too fast. I want to rub it around carefully and give you a nice, big, wet crotch.

By then, Randy's overproductive and stoned saliva glands had added significantly to the liquid in his mouth, and having two different things going on at each end of his body was mind-blowing. He tried to focus on enjoying the fucking at his ass end, but Daniel was ordering him around at his oral end. He spit some into his pants until Daniel told him to stop. The black-haired youth smeared the cum and spit around the inside of the crotch of Randy's white pants with his fingers.

"Here. Spit the rest of it in my hands," he ordered as he cupped both hands to prepare for the load of jizz. Randy let his mouth drain and Daniel dumped the cum into the crotch of his pants and rubbed the fabric together.

Mike started moaning and fucking with shorter strokes and with a high-pitched sigh, it was obvious that he was unloading inside Randy, whose eyes were glassing over at the feeling of being fucked by the black-haired teenager.

Daniel threw Randy's pants at Mike. "Here. Clean yourself up and wipe his crack out, too. If he looks like he's been fucked, they'll know somebody did this to him."

"No way 3; I mean, I'll clean him up, but he's cleaning me up!"

Mike mopped his crotch up and wiped Randy's cummy ass crack with it, taking care to dig his finger around the hole to make it look clean and unused – well, at least unused in the last fifteen or twenty minutes.

Mike threw the pants back to Daniel, who mopped up the floor inside the stall with Randy's pants, picking up their own body fluids and the piss of the boys of the school.

Mike, who had fucked him, grabbed Randy under the arms. "Take my dick into your mouth and clean it. Suck the rest of the cum out of my pisshole."

"But don't swallow!" Daniel added.

Randy found the dick he had just been fucked with crammed down his throat. Luckily he had a clean butt, but he could taste the difference between jizz and butt juice, and he liked it. He sucked Mike's dick a few seconds and Daniel picked up Randy's pants off the floor. "Spit!" he commanded the boy. Randy spit into his pants as he was ordered, and Mike stuck his dick back in one last time for the final cleaning.

Daniel wiped Randy's face with his cummy, spitty and now pissy pants, then picked up his shirt and threw them behind the toilet in the next stall.

The two boys, satisfied that they had gotten their rocks off, left the still horny Randy in the bathroom, with his dick still stuck under the toilet seat. Unfortunately, he had not been fucked quite long enough to make him cum, but even if he had ejaculated, there was nowhere for his jizz to go. Some semen was leaking out, though pressure had been building behind the clamped part of his dick. The pressure on his prostate was great and every few seconds the pressure of his semen would force the prostate open and some semen entered his bladder. He was still incredibly hard and uptight about having his balls so packed with hyperactive sperm, and having the blood flow to his dick constricted didn't do anything to relieve his erection. But he had already been out of Berryman's math class for a good fifteen minutes, much longer than needed for retrieving his math book from his locker.

Randy tried to work himself loose from his predicament, but with the wall in the way, the best he could do was bring himself back to the center of the toilet. There was nowhere he could put his legs except on the wall. He had no choice but to wait.

His painfully distended bladder was begging for relief, so since his dick was already hovering over a toilet, he decided to take a leak. Even in this weird position, he would have been able to piss, except his cock flow was blocked by the tightly squeezed dick. He grunted, wondering if he'd even survive until fifth period.

He spent the next forty minutes ignoring his bladder and trying to think of a convincing story to tell whoever found him, but nothing came to mind that sounded convincing to him, so he waited and waited for the bell signaling the end of 4th period.

The bell finally rang and Randy's heart began beating faster in anticipation of being found with his legs in the air, his hard cock under a toilet seat, bladder bursting, his ball sack dangling freely, and his pants in the corner of a dirty stall.

The inevitable happened. The restroom began flooding with boys with near-bursting bladders needing to take a leak after the hour spent in class gave their lunchtime deluge of sodas, tea and water a chance to course though their young bodies.

The first boy walked and turned into the stall. "What the fuck!"

"What?" another boy asked as the first one started laughing. As other boys gathered around to see what the fuss was about, they all started laughing, too.

"Randy was playing with himself and got stuck in the toilet. Hahahahahahahah!!!"

Several boys gathered in the stall to get a good look at the trapped boy. Randy said, "Can you guys help me out of here? I'm really stuck."

"Yeah, it looks like you are," one kid said. He squatted down and got a good look at Randy's hard-on, trapped between the bowl and the toilet seat. "Oh, god, you guys have gotta see this!"


"Come look. His dick is caught in the seat and he can't move! HAHAHAHA!!!"

The laughter from the boys hurt Randy's ears it was so loud. Yet his stoned condition still overpowered his mental process and left his dick in a universe of its own that only interpreted everything as sexual. His prick was still leaking copious amounts of prefuck.

"Aw, man, he's got the ooze going on! He's all horny!"

"Where's my pencil!"

A fat kid named Terry squeezed into the stall past the other boys, squatted down and positioned the eraser end of his pencil at Randy's gaping dickhole and pushed it all the way in until only the tip was sticking out. "Hahahahaha," he cackled. "Anybody got another pencil?"

Every kid who had been to math class had an extra pencil, so there as no shortage of things to stick up Randy's cock slit. The fat kid pulled Randy's cock sideways and holding the tip of the other pencil, shoved a second one in beside it.

"Damn! He's got a huge peckerhole!"

Terry took a third pencil and shoved it in next to the first two. The boys, despite the fact that they all knew he had a massive dick, were amazed that he could take three whole pencils in his dick. Randy was still just wanting loose more than anything. The pencils in his dick were no bother because he was used to cock stuffing. He'd pushed as many as four pencils into his dick at home.

"Give me one more!" the fat kid said. He took the pencil and shoved it in beside the other three, all the way down to the point. "Damn! Look at that!" He reached into his backpack, took out his digital camera and snapped some photos. Other kids got their cameras out and started snapping photos, too.

"This will make a cool shot on my 'World's Stupidest People' website!" one kid said.

The fat kid eyed Randy again. "Man, he's not even hurting." He grabbed the tips of all four pencils and fucked the full length of them in and out of Randy's hard cock. Randy grunted and sighed with pleasure at the stimulation. Clear slime oozed out from around the four pencils. "Give me another pencil."

Randy heard this and wasn't sure what to expect. Four pencils, while he was experienced with them, was still pretty snug. He'd poked a few Q-Tips down beside the pencils, but never another whole pencil. He braced himself for the unknown.

Terry took the fifth pencil from another kid who was willing to sacrifice it to see what was going to happen. He pressed the eraser against Randy's cock, but the kid's pisslips just didn't have the give. Terry turned the pencil around and pushed the pointed at the center of the other four pencils and pushed, slightly spreading the other four pencils apart. Randy gasped. The first hint of insertion felt good to him. Terry pushed harder and Randy felt his cum channel stretching.

"Just a little more," Terry said, "And I'll have the widest part in!" The kid pushed harder on the pencil and Randy let out a yelp, partly because of surprise and because of the pain, which was less than he expected.

"The widest part is in," Terry exclaimed. "Now I just gotta shove it all the way down!" He gripped the pencil and started pushing. It was tight and hard to push down. With every centimeter, Randy felt his sex snot tube being punished more. He let out a quiet groan, trying not to give the boys the satisfaction of knowing that it hurt.

As Terry pushed the pencil deeper, it became harder to push it in more. He gripped Randy's cock and began driving the pencil deeper, using the ball of his hand as a hammer. This force it in with longer strokes, about a half inch per pounding. With every impact, Randy felt the pain travel deeper and deeper until the top six inches [15 cm] of his 10-inch [25 cm] dick were on fire from the inside.

The boys looked on, fascinated. Two of the boys raised Randy's torso so they could all get a good look at the five pencils sticking out of his dick hole of his hard cock which was still hung under the toilet seat. They took more pictures of him. A couple of boys came up and felt his cock by pressing against the bulging pencils showing on the underside of his dick. Randy was breathing heavily as he tried to resist complaining.

"Come on, get him out of there! We gotta piss!"

"He's stuck good. You'll just have to piss around him."

A couple of the boys stretched Randy's legs around to help him get his feet on the floor, then they raised his feet behind him and forced them between some pipes. Randy, even though he was very strong, didn't have enough movement available to get his muscles to work him free. He was still trapped. This position put one of the pipes directly against his butthole and pushed cruelly against it. He had to lean forward to keep from having his ass impaled by a rather abrasive pipe.

Randy's muscled legs were spread wide enough to get around the pipes behind the toilet bowl so he could hug them with his legs and keep himself from falling forward. He was doing more of a balancing act. The weight of all of his body was on the base of his cock. All he could really do with his legs was keep himself from falling forward which would have tried to pull his cock backward out from between the toilet bowl and seat and that hurt even more now than it did before. The only way he could be the most comfortable, but still in discomfort, was to use his back muscles to keep his torso raised, which also pushed his cock all the way through the toilet seat to the base, forcefully pressing the back of the seat against his pubic bone. Not only was his full body weight now resting on his cock, intense pressure was applied from the bottom of the toilet seat. His big, but relaxed calf muscles were bulging in toward the toilet bowl as Randy tried to hug the piss-stained pipes as best as he could from his current angle.

His balls were stretched out behind him and hanging down behind the toilet bowl, resting against the cold porcelain. His butt muscles were bulging with sinew and veins as he held himself upright to prevent further torture of his dick, especially now that it was stuffed full of pencils. He still had four inches [10 cm] of empty space inside his urethra. He was glad his balls were hidden from view because of what the boys might have done to them if they had seen them.

"Okay, this is as good as it gets. Come do your pissing!"

What boys couldn't make it into the other stalls used the one Randy was trapped in. With Randy being forced to lean forward, and with many of the boys sporting both piss hards and sex hards after watching the pencils being shoved into his dick, much of the boys' piss ended up hitting his chest or face, running down his torso, down his crotch on both sides of his dick and finally into the toilet. They boys were not careful with their aim, most of them purposefully pissing all over Randy. His pants in the stall next to him were taking a pretty good soaking as boys pissed all over them, too. Their warm, yellow piss mingled with the cum of his previous sex partners, Daniel and Mike, who had left him here to be found this way, knowing that something like this would probably happen. Randy looked up, and there was Daniel, about to have a good piss on him.

Daniel took his cock out, nodded his head upward as he pulled his foreskin back over the head. Randy picked up the signal and opened his mouth. Daniel stuck his 7-inch [18 cm] cock in all the way down Randy's throat, cutting off the air supply, and let the piss flow. Randy didn't have to swallow. The cock pissing in his mouth went too far back. Randy had no choice but to accept it.

Other boys looked over the Daniel's shoulder. "Eww!! Daniel got him to drink his piss!!!"

"Aw, sick!"

Daniel smiled at Randy. Randy looked up and continued drinking his long piss.

The black-haired kid finished pissing and pulled out, squeezed the last drops from his cock and wiped his dick off on Randy's face and hair. "Don't worry, dude," he said. "We'll send somebody to get you out." He gripped Randy's cock and snaked the boy's foreskin up and down, liking the way the pencils felt inside his stretched cock. "And Randy, if we get in trouble, you've had it," Daniel said as he squeezed Randy's dick and the pencils roughly with the intent to cause pain to show the boy that he meant business.

He smiled as he turned to leave the piss-soaked boy in the stall. All the boys took one last look at Randy as they left him alone once again in the bathroom with his bladder still begging for relief.

Randy heard the bell ring to start 5th period

A few minutes later, he heard the bathroom door open and heard the clip-clop of hard shoes and knew it was the principle, Mr. Waters. He walked up and found Randy there, naked and with his hard cock sticking ten inches [25 cm] out over the toilet water and five pencils sticking out of his dick.

"What happened here?!" The principal demanded to know. "Why are you naked and all wet? Where are your clothes, Randy?"

The stoned Randy, Daniel's threat and the still throbbing pain in his dick, said, "Uh 3; well, I was. I was kind of playing with myself and got stuck here."

"You were masturbating your penis? Is that what you were doing, Randy? Masturbating your penis?"


"You're all wet and you smell like urine. What have you been doing? Rolling around on the floor in it?"

"No." He didn't want the principal to think he was a complete piece of trash.

"Well, then how do you explain yourself!"

"I 3;uh 3; when I was playing with myself, I peed."

"You urinated on yourself? Is that what you did?

"Yes. I pointed my dick up and started peeing, then I pointed it around so I could pee all over myself."

"That is sick and digusting, boy! You should be ashamed of yourself! And for one thing, since you think masturbating your sex organ is so much more important than your schoolwork, you've earned yourself an extended detention in addition to your detention for being tardy so many times today. Plus you still get your paddling from Mr. Berryman. Now, where are your clothes?"

"They're in one of the stalls."

With a sigh, Mr. Waters looked in each of the stalls and found Randy's clothes lying in one of the corners soaked in piss and cum. He picked the garments up and brought them to Randy. "Who did this to your clothes? Did you do it?"

Randy, not wanting to know what Daniel might do to him for ratting on him, said, "I 3; I did it myself."

"You did what yourself? And how did you end up like that, stuck in the toilet?"

"I came in here, took off all my clothes and started playing with myself. That's how I got here."

"No, Randy. It's obvious that you took off all your clothes and masturbated your penis, but that's not how you got stuck in there. How did this happen?"

"I 3; I put my clothes over there in that stall and I wanted to 3; I wanted to rub my dick on the toilet."

"You what?!"

"So I climbed up behind the bowl on the pipes and tried get into a position where I could really rub all of my dick in the piss stains. I slipped and fell, and my dick slid up under the seat and I can't get it out. It hurts!"

The principle was becoming angered at what he saw to be Randy's stupidity. "What about the pencils. Did you shove all those down your penis, too?"

Randy looked down at the five wooden pencils peeking out of his dick. There was a long strand of dick snot hanging from the tip and draining into the toilet. "Yes. I put them in."

"Do you like doing that to your body? Do you like shoving things down your penis?"

"Yes." He felt rather foolish and helpless, stuck with his dick under a dirty toilet seat, completely naked except for his shoes and socks, and all in front of the school principal.

"And what about your clothes? Did you wet your pants?"

"No. I took them off, jacked off into them, and threw them behind the toilet.

" 3;before you came in here, I gather?"


"Why did you put your clothes behind that toilet? They're completely filthy now."

"I 3; I wanted the boys to piss all over them, so I put them there."

"You sick little pervert! I ought to give you a bare-assed spanking right now! You are in trouble. Don't forget that. I'm going to get the custodian so he can get you out of there." He threw Randy's clothes on the floor in front of the boy where it soaked up even more boy piss and sex juices.

The principal left and Randy felt like swooning from the rush he got from telling the principal all of the lies and wondered what he must think of him now. His attentioned moved back to his bladder, but there was no way he could piss with the flow cut off.

A few minutes later, the principal returned with the janitor who removed the toilet seat, finally releasing Randy's cock. The boy fell forward across the cumode, rubbing his body all over the rim of the dirty toilet rim. As he slipped forward, his hard cock fell into the unflushed toilet full of piss water. The end of his dick jabbed against the bottom of the toilet and shoved against the five pencils, shoving them in slightly further. "Ohhhh!" Randy loudly groaned.

The principal stepped into the stall and grabbed Randy's arm, pulling him up. Randy's dick caught on the inside rim of the toilet and once his cock cleared the obstacle, it was violently flung upward, sending a long snake of precum up unto the air. The string of slime never disconnected from his cock. One strand flew straight up into the air and fell back down on the divider between the stalls and the other strand landed on Waters' face and mouth. The principal got his handkerchief and wiped his face clean. "Give me those pencils!"

Randy gulped, knowing that pulling them out would be painful. He started with the center one. Just enough was sticking out for him to grasp the tip with his fingernails. He tugged on and painfully got a little more of it to stick out. He and carefully withdrew it, swallowing the tearing pain inside his dick with a straight face, something he'd learned to do easily as his father administered his regular beatings and punished him more for acting like a pussy about it. It was a tight pull and took considerable force to pull it out. The second and third pencils came out easily. The final two, as Randy handed the first thre pencils to the principal, were swallowed up by his cock. The boy gripped his dick at the base and slid his fingers up toward the tip, pushing the pencils out until the tips were showing. He pulled the last two pencils out together and handed them to Mr. Waters.

The semen that had built up behind the pencils was immense and the boy was truly making a mess. He instinctively gripped his dick at the base and snaked the skin all the way up to the head, pulling out a handful of semen while the principal and the janitor watched. Forgetting that he was being watched, he rubbed the semen off on his naked chest and squeezed his cock again to get the rest out.

"RANDY!!! That's filthy!" the principal bellowed. "Get your clothes on and go see Mr. Berryman! And don't EVER let me see you touching yourself like that again!"

"Okay, just a minute!" Randy danced in a circle as he turned around to finally get to piss.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!? You don't have time for that! You report to Mr. Berryman IMMEDIATETLY for your well-deserved paddling!" The boy was jumping up and down and marching in place as he bent down to put his piss and cum-stained clothes back on.

He pulled his pants up, then hurriedly headed for the bathroom door, feeling some of the load starting to drain from his butt and run down the inside of his leg.

He made it back to Berryman's class.

As soon as Randy entered the room, Berryman motioned for him to stop. "Hold on, there, young fella," he berated. "You wait outside in the hall, and I'll be there in a minute." All the students in the class looked up at him and noticed that he was a complete mess and they also noticed his raging hard-on pushing the front of his pants out.

Randy sighed went back outside. A couple of minutes later, as Berryman promised, he came out into the hallway carrying his paddle. He looked Randy up and down, ignoring his hard-on, but noticing that he was a mess. "Did you get in a fight with the water fountain?" He paused and took a couple of sniffs. "Damn, kid. You need a bath. You smell like a toilet.

"I just had a problem in the bathroom."

"Bathroom, huh. Well, that's fine. And you know we call your parents after the third tardy, don't you? And since you completely missed the class, that extends your detention. You've now got a third tier detention for a total of three hours, plus whatever Mr. Waters gave you.

The boy's heart sank again, which was becoming a familiar feeling for the boy. He had not been aware that his parents would be called for his tardies, but he knew he was probably in for a beating when he got home.

Berryman drew his attention back to the present. "Now turn around."

Randy placed his palms on the wall once again, and took a deep breath, followed shortly by sharp stings that spread across both of his cheeks.






The boy's muscled butt cheeks gave slightly to the paddle. He could feel the force of the paddling all the way to his butthole, which had been fucked a couple of times that day.

The five licks were delivered and Randy turned to leave. But he was stopped by Berryman. "Where are you going? We're not done yet. Get back over there on the wall."

Randy gave him a puzzled look, wondering what else could be wrong, then remembered that he was stoned and Berryman probably recognized it.

Berryman looked at the pitiful boy. "Now, I'm also giving you a tardy for being gone so long to get your books. There wasn't any reason for that, and you seem to have had a habit of being late today. So turn back around."

Randy did as he was told and obediently positioned his rear end for another assault.


Randy was thinking that Berryman hits harder than any other teacher, and so far he was right.



Randy clenched his eyes shut and gritted his teeth as he awaited more punishment of his backside.


The boy felt his urethra widened by a sudden rush of semen which resoaked the front of his pants and made them feel warm and wet with slime.


The pain in his rear combined with the pleasure in his dick made Randy's stoned mind swim with confusion, delight and despair at the same time.


The final blow sent Randy over the edge as he let out a long howl from the pain, which was beginning to satisfy the teacher.

Again, thinking the punishment was over with ten licks, turned to go to his next class. He glanced at Mr. Berryman, who dropped his head and nodded as if to tell Randy that he'd messed up again. "No. You don't understand, I'm not through yet," Berryman said. "Now, not only did you forget your books. And not only were you taking way too long about getting back here. But I can tell a kid who's high from a mile away, and you're just about as wasted as I don't know what. So turn back around, we've still got one more set to go."

Randy sighed again and couldn't imagine the pain in his rump getting any worse. It actually felt like he was still getting licks, even though, at the moment, there was no more contacting his rear than the inside of the seat of his pants.

That soon changed.


"Jeeeeeez!" Randy suffered through his teeth. He felt his rectum spasm and cramp, then it suddenly relaxed completely and the boy felt a long stream of another boy's spent cum draining down his leg. The teacher could not know this, however, and he continued with the paddling, never pausing.



Randy felt even more cum drain as he lost control of his anal ring, which was completely relaxed now. If he could have done so, he would have tightened his hole completely, but he couldn't get his mind to make the muscle function.


More cum was up his butt than he realized as even more cum ran down his leg. He could feel it drizzling down the inside of his muscular calf.


The kid's ass hole suddenly cramped again, and he shot another squirt of jizz into his already soaked crotch. He was a total mess inside his pants. "Oh, god! I need to go to the bathroom!" Randy begged.

Berryman was so shocked by the stupid request that he swung the board through the air and gave Randy another lick just for asking such a thing. "No. You can't. You go to your next class, NOW!"

Randy still had not shot a real load, and his stoned and dazed condition mixed some of his normal feelings up, sending his dick in to uncontrolled fits of ecstasy as he rushed off to his next class. His crack was soaked with the cum of two other boys, his legs were wet with his own jizz and his piss stained pants, and his own bladder felt like it was going to explode.

He had enough mind to go to his locker this time and get his art book and supplies.

5th Period

Randy was damned near dancing on his toes when he came through the door of his art class. The pressure in his bladder ever increasing and adding to the tension was his persistent horniness and need for sexual release. Being so stoned he almost forgot that he needed to pee, then he remembered just before he wet his pants, affording him the opportunity to so painfully control himself.

He scanned the room looking for people who might be eyeing him suspiciously and satisfied that he wasn't sticking out as bad as he thought, he moved toward his desk. But his relief soon turned to panic once again as he felt a rumbling in the pit of his stomach-that all too familiar feeling that cries out, "I need to be emptied."

Randy's heart sank in despair as he realized he would never make it through class unless he went back to the bathroom. He returned quickly to the door.

"RANDY! RANDY!!!" he heard the teacher yelling as he ran down the hall. She didn't follow, probably because she was too fat to run after the athletic boy.

Walking quickly toward the bathroom he felt his stomach rumbling more and then felt a heavy drop in his bowels signaling that the time was near. His need to piss was not helping matters and he tried to balance the muscle control to keep from squeezing the turd back into his intestines while contracting just enough to keep from wetting himself.

He walked awkwardly, arching his back into a concave position to keep the hard turd from pressing against his bladder.

His face twisted in discomfort, he pushed throught the door of the bathroom, noticing at the same time a figure in blue jeans and a black leather jacket walking around the corner from the adjoining hall. He recognized the figure and had experienced trouble in the past from this individual. He couldn't be bothered with that now, however, as nature's call was urgent and unignorable.

Randy was greeted by the smell of piss and disinfectant. Just like many of the other bathrooms, this one had the doors kicked off the stalls as well, but not caring a bit at this point, Randy had his pants around his thighs before he ever made it into the stall. He looked in dismay at the seat which had a good helping of piss dribbles all over it, but his need to evacuate himself outweighed his want for a clean seat. He gratefully sat on the pissy seat and felt the cold wetness on the backs of his legs and behind.

Randy heard the door to the bathroom open. "Oh, God!" he thought with a somewhat tense and terrified sigh.

He sat there trying to push the turd out but now his butthole would not cooperate. He still had a boner and there wasn't enough room to push his dick into the toilet to pee so he was trying to hold his piss and take a shit at the same time.

Footsteps were moving slowly through the bathroom and Randy knew that it was Dillon he had seen walking around the corner in the hallway. Still Randy stared at the floor, concentrating on dropping his load into the toilet bowl. His nervousness increased as he sensed that the older kid was just about to come past the stall partition to the urinals. He hunched over and crossed his arms in front of his midsection hoping to hide his obscenely large erection.

Randy saw a pair of well-used sneakers step into his sight.

He looked up and Dillon was there looking down at him. "Well, what have we got here?"

Randy's heart sank as the possibilities of what Dillon was going to do to him flooded through his mind.

"What are you doing, Randy?" Dillon asked tauntingly.

Randy looked up at him, wondering in the back of his mind if his eyes were bloodshot, then looked back at the floor, too ashamed to say anything at all. He wasn't sure why. There was nothing wrong with going to the bathroom, but it was such a private moment that having someone standing there staring at him on the toilet was still weird, even if it was a common thing at home.

"I asked you a question," Dillon said, putting on a convincable performance of agitation. "What are you doing?"

It was obvious to Randy that Dillon expected an answer. "I'm takin' a shit, Dillon," Randy croaked.

"Takin' a shit," Dillon chuckled. "Why?"

Randy rolled his eyes behind his closed eyelids, not believing this person's ignorance. "Because I had to."

Dillon sighed. "Well, are you done yet? I want to fuck you."

Randy let out a whimper and felt his heartrate nearly double as he thought of being screwed. "Not yet."

"Well, let it out. I haven't got all day, and spread your legs so I can see when it starts coming out."

Randy sighed, but got no relief from it. He spread his legs, exposing his genitals to this bully then cocked his head not sure exactly how to feel about this kind of humiliation and then sat there thinking about his butthole widening to allow the turd to drop.

"Pull your balls out of the way so I can see," Dillon ordered.

Randy did as he was told. He cupped his left hand under his nuts and pulled his scrotum to the top of his thigh and held his balls in place so Dillon could get a clear view when his shit that was to fall from his bunghole.

Definitely not wanting to piss all over Dillon, Randy squeezed the base of his dick as he tried to get his hole to relax.

Dillon asked, "What are you doing? Get your hand off your dick! I didn't tell you you could touch it!"

"But I'll pee!" Randy complained.

"No you won't. Let go," Dillon said. As Randy released his prick, Dillon spit on his little finger and shoved it down Randy's dickhole all the way to the edge of his palm. Randy let out a low moan and had to resist the urge to stroke his shaft, knowing that Dillon wouldn't like it. "Okay, now shit, Randy," Dillon commanded.

After a few seconds, Randy's hole finally started to give way and the deep brown turd peeked out from hiding. At the same time, he felt a rush of piss flow into his cock, then felt the intense pressure on his urethra as the piss met the large obstruction blocking its path. Randy grunted and pushed, trying to force the piss out, but Dillon shoved his finger in harder to get a good seal around the tip so none of the piss would escape.

"There it comes," Dillon said, grabbing and squeezing his own crotch as he saw about four inches [10 cm] of the turd hanging out of Randy's butt. Dillon then squeezed Randy's cockshaft right at the end of bulge caused by his finger and he brutally forced the piss back deeper into his cock and back into his bladder. He pulled his finger out of Randy's dick hole and slapped the boy hard in the face, causing the boy to clench his PC muscle a little and close the valve to his bladder. Dillon then put his hands under Randy's arms and lifted him off the toilet, the brown turd still hanging from his butt. In reaction to the new movement of his body, Randy's butthole tightened and pinched the turd off. Four inches [10 cm] of it fell onto the floor and the rest was pushed back into his belly. "You stupid shit!" Dillon stammerd as he put Randy down and slapped him across the head, sending the boy's hair into a toussled mess. "Pick that turd up and throw it in the toilet."

Randy knew better than to resist, especially in his vulnerable position. He still had his pants around his ankles and he would have no chance to pull his pants up to make a run for it.

Randy turned around to look for the fallen turd and found that it had rolled behind the toilet bowl next to the wall. He leaned over to pick it up, and in the tension of the moment he had forgotten that Dillon wanted to fuck him as he heard the sound of a zipper being pulled.

Too late.

Randy felt a blunt, moist object planted firmly against his rectum and already an arm was reaching around in front to hold him in position. Since Randy was surrounded on three sides by walls and on the backside by someone who would probably just as rather punch him in the face as fuck him in the ass, he decided not to resist and let the older kid have his way with him.

Randy sighed and got relief from it once again. He liked being fucked. There was no doubt about that. But the implications were that he was surely being missed in class and the one thought that brought him back into reality, he had not completely evacuated himself, a fact which he was sorely reminded of as Dillon's hard cock found the turd that was nearly as firm and forced it deep into his bowels and back into the depths from where it had originated.

Randy raised his head, then leaned back as a rush of fresh air entered his lungs as he inhaled to absorb the punishment his anal canal was receiving. He let out a low moan as the rather large amount of firm shit inside him was pushed around by a kid who was obviously enjoying both his own pleasure and the fact that he was getting it through the discomfort of his victim.

Dillon raised up on his heels and pushed Randy's back down, forcing him into an awkward position. Randy suddenly felt a surge of pleasure and surprise when Dillon's hard prick suddenly bumped against the back of his expanded bladder. Both boys gasped in pleasure at the same time, though Randy's mind also filled with assurances that his bladder could not take much of this before he lost control.

Dillon was fucking the boy slowly and each time driving his cock straight down to maximize the friction against his sensitive phallus as it rubbed forcefully against Randy's bladder. Panic struck Randy again and with all his strength he tightened his PC muscle to keep from pissing, thereby tightening his anal muscle as well, tightening Dillon's fucking experience. The tightness excited Dillon even more and his cock grew inside Randy as he corkscrewed his cock in and out of Randy's ass even harder.

Randy gave in to despair and allowed it to carry him away as the jabbing of the big dick against his bladder forced piss through his clenched muscles. He tried his hardest to hold it, but the pleasure of the release of even a small amount of piss resulted in a pleasure that sent Randy over the edge. He lost control of his bladder pissing all over his own chest and chin. His hard prick was spewing piss in hard spurts every time Dillon's cock rammed into his bladder.

A large puddle was forming on the floor and Randy could feel the wetness on his knees as the denim fabric of his jeans soaked up the quickly cooling liquid. Seeing Randy losing control like this only sent Dillon into further throws of ecstacy as he picked up his pace and made sure to ram his thick 7-incher [18 cm] in all the way to the balls before pulling back and driving it home again. He fucked the kid sideways, trying to push his cock out the side of Randy's ass, but the boy's fuck channel guided Dillon's cock where it should go, scraping the walls of Randy's fucktube as it penetrated. Randy's draining bladder was the edge of the path and took all the abuse to guide the dick head around the curve and into its proper place.

As Randy's bladder emptied, Dillon's fucking began increasing in tempo and forcefulness as Dillon himself neared orgasm. Randy himself realized he was close to cumming as well as Dillon kept pounding his throbbing meat against the boy's flared prostate. Randy tensed up and his mouth was hanging open and drooling clear spit down his chin and onto the floor as Dillon began making grunting sounds behind him. There was a loud and rapid slapping noise echoing through the bathroom with both boys moaning enough to release their passion, but trying to be quiet enough not to get caught.

Dillon suddenly buried all and held it there and fucked him deeply and spasmodically with short, deep thrusts, only pulling out about an inch and a half [4 cm] before burying it once again. He ground his entire crotch against Randy's butthole, then corkscrewed the boy, grinding his dick around in the his own cum he had deposited along with the totally destroyed turd which had made his screw all the more exciting.

Randy was still tense, still trying to get an orgasm out of his experience, but it was all too obvious now that he wasn't going to get his. Dillon got what he wanted and Randy mattered not.

Dillon laughed at Randy, his dick still buried to the balls in the boy's hole. He jumped up and down and Randy could actually feel Dillon's cock slapping the walls of his bowels. Randy sighed once again, knowing that he liked very much what was happening to him.

For a few more minutes, Dillon continued grinding his crotch into Randy's ass, allowing his cock to gently soften, basting it in his own cum and Randy's butt juice.

Once Dillon's breathing had returned to normal and his sexual high was coming to a close he pulled his cock out and looked at the shitty mess he had made. "Clean this up," he ordered Randy.

Randy turned around and given that he was still horny as hell and had been forced to eat a whole plate full of his own shit before, didn't have much trouble sucking the limp cock that was in his ass moments earlier. It reeked of his own turd, but it was of no consequence to him. He sucked heartily and cleaned the cock up good so that Dillon would be happy with him and not smack him around and perhaps he would even come back another time and fuck him again.

Dillon slapped Randy on top of the head signaling that he was satisfied with his cleanliness and zipped his pants, taking his palm and slapping Randy a few times on the jaw, grinning mischieviously at him – a knowing gesture that they would indeed be seeing each other again.

Randy swallowed hard as he lusted after Dillon, the kid who had just forced him to have sex when all he wanted to do was use the bathroom and get back to class.


"Oh, no!," Randy thought. He had no idea how long he had been in the bathroom and he reminded himself of his need to use the bathroom and he sat back down on the toilet. This time the broken pieces of lubricated turd fell out easily along with a loud fart of air that at been pushed up inside him during his fucking. He cleaned himself up with several handfuls of toilet paper, flushing at least four times. He wished that he had his empty shampoo bottle from his locker for a nice ass flushing. Instead he pulled an overly generous amount of toilet paper off the roll and soaked it in the toilet. He washed his ass hole and ass crack thoroughly and got another fistful to dry himself.

He groaned as he pulled his pants up, seeing the huge mess that had been made of them as he was pushed around on the floor in his own urine. The knees were two large circles of wetness and everywhere else it looked like a piece of bad geometry homework with all kinds of shapes of wet piss water and jets of cum all over his pants and shirt. Then he was reminded once again of his reinflated organ which he had forgotten about in his frenzy of worry over getting back to class. Skipping crossed his mind, but he had left his books on his desk in art class.

He really wanted his shampoo bottle, so he went to his locker, got the plastic container and returned to the boys' room. He went to the sink, turned on the hot tap, pulled his pants down and kicked them across the floor along with his shoes, socks and shirt. He was standing completely naked in the boys' bathroom at school.

After the water was good and hot, he adjusted the cold to cool the water just below the scalding level and he filled the bottle with the hot water. Reaching behind him, he pressed the spout against his asshole and squeezed the bottle, filling his guts with hot water. He moved the bottle away and blew the water all over the floor. A few pieces of turd fell on the floor, but he didn't care. He repeated this several times, filling his guts and blowing the water out again until he was satisfied that his asshole was clean.

Without bothering to dry himself, he pulled his pants up, causing a fresh wet area to appear in the crack of his pants. He rinsed his bottle and leaving a few remnants of tiny bits of shit and water all over the floor for the janitor to clean up. He was thirsty, so he filled the bottle with water and drank the whole thing. He then took his bottle back to his locker.

Luckily the hall was still empty. The kid was a mess. The wet pants were one thing, but if someone had been watching Randy from the side, it would have looked like an invisible hand was leading him along with an invisible grip on his dick through his pants. His cheap, thin, white jeans were stretched out obscenely in front of him, a condition which seemed to afflict him more often than it didn't. It was enough that everyone in town knew he was the kid with the biggest dick among all the school kids across all grades, even though he was only in the seventh grade, and he was bigger than almost all the adults in town. Most of the ones with bigger pricks knew of the boy and watched for him. He had been taken to their homes many times so he could be looked at, touched, fucked and used for odd jobs which he would be forced to do completely naked except sometimes for his high-top sneakers and socks, folded down to accentuate his very muscular calves.

Randy leaned sideways hoping to peep in when the teacher was not looking toward the door, knowing that his forehead could be seen before his eyeballs, telling everyone that somebody was trying to peep.

Mrs. Hinkle was at her desk scribbling in her gradebook when he looked in. Taking three deep breaths, Randy postured himself and entered the classroom.

Mrs. Hinkle was Randy's nicest teacher, but she didn't let broken rules go unpunished.

"Five tardies in one day," Randy thought and sighed.

Mrs. Hinkle looked up. "Welcome to art class, Randy."

Randy bit his upper lip and firmed his stance.

"What brings you to class today?"

Randy wiped his mouth with the palm of his hand, not knowing what to say.

Mrs. Hinkle stood up and walked toward Randy who wanted to cry, but resisted the urge to give in. She was carrying a paddle.

Randy licked his lips and gritted his teeth.

"I already checked your record today. You've had something going on in every period today," she said in obvious disapproval. "I'm not going to paddle you, but you will receive a tardy and you're going to get to help Stacy and Leslie clean out the supply room. They were late for class, too, and all three of you should be able to get it done by the end of class. You've got 35 minutes so go get to it."

"Yes ma'am," Randy said, though somewhat disappointed since he would rather work on his art projects than clean up some dusty store room.

He entered the store room to find the two girls busy looking through boxes of paint bottles and brushes, discarding those that were too dry to use or too worn out to be any good.

"There you are," Leslie said with a grin and narrowed eyes. "We've been waiting for you."

Randy wasn't sure he liked the way she said that before he noticed, Stacy had moved behind him and closed the door. Randy turned around and saw Stacy holding a set of keys. The teacher's keys.

"What are you doing with those?" Randy asked, not really sure that he actually wanted to hear the answer.

"They're Mrs. Hinkle's keys. I've got'em," Stacy responded with a mischievious smile as she walked toward Randy and and gripped his hard cock through his jeans. "I've been looking at your hard cock all this year and I want it."

Randy felt a surge of energy rush through his chest as it expanded to take in a heavy lungful of air. Being locked in the room with these two girls excited him to no end.

He stood there like a dummy and let Stacy unbutton his pants and drop them to his ankles. His throbbing boner jutted out from his body and Stacy took the cock in her mouth and sank her face onto it, tasting his boyish goodness and rubbing the phallus with her tongue.

After stroking him a few times to make sure he wouldn't go soft on her. She pulled a box out from the bottom shelf and pulled a few things out. She poured some white powder into a bucket and mixed it with some liquid, forming a paste. She then produced a cylindrical object complete with an electrical cord which she proceeded to fill to the brim with the white paste.

She then ordered Randy to come to her, and feeling he had no choice, obliged. She grabbed his prick and guided it into the filled cylinder then used a couple of rubber straps, wrapping them around Randy's waist, holding the appliance in place.

"What are you doing?" Randy asked as the excess plaster dripped from his crotch and ran down his balls onto the floor.

"I told you I wanted your dick, and I'm taking it," Stacy said as she plugged the apparatus into the wall.

It wasn't long before Randy began feeling the thick plaster of paris inside the cylinder warm up. "You know if you heat this up too fast it will be brittle."

"I don't care. I'm going home when I get done, and I won't have to ride the bus."

Randy intuited that she would be playing sick and he raised his eyebrows at her cleverness.

He patiently waited as the heat grew and grew inside the chamber. It was starting to become uncomfortable and Randy squirmed.

"Be still, you idgit! You'll mess up the mold!" Stacy scolded him.

Randy sighed, growing bored with this whole scenario.

There was a loud banging on the door. "What are you doing in there?!"

It was Mrs. Hinkle.

Leslie was quick to respond, "Uh, I think we locked ourselves in here," she said, putting her hand over her mouth to keep from laughing as she gripped the keys in her jeans pocket to keep them from rattling.

All three kids heard a sigh at the door as Mrs. Hinkle walked off, obviously to get her keys.

"This is going down bad," Randy said. "Help me get this thing off!"

"No!" Stacy said. "I want your cock!" She licked her lips and planted a kiss right on Randy's mouth. He swallowed hard and felt his pulse increase suddenly. Stacy moved to kiss him again and he put his hands up to push her away. Leslie saw this and moved behind Randy, grabbing his arms and pulling them behind him. He was, of course much stronger than either of them, but when he felt Leslie's cold hand grip his balls, he knew he had to cooperate or suffer horribly. He submitted to their wills.

Stacy planted her mouth firmly on Randy's and stuck her tongue in his mouth as Mrs. Hinkle came back to the door. "I can't find my keys," she said. "Do you have them?" Randy jumped to respond, wanting to expose their folly, but Leslie, sensing this, tightened her grip on his balls from behind and Stacy grabbed his head and ground her face into his. Leslie called back, "No! We don't have them! Please get us out of here!".

Stacy laughed through her nose at this, still kissing Randy to keep him quiet. Randy could feel his prick throbbing from the heat and he felt precum oozing through his tube and could feel his piss lips parting to drain some of the fluid from his sex organs. Kissing the girl didn't disgust him. Girls didn't disgust him, but he liked getting fucked more than anything and girls were incapable of this behavior, so they were pretty much worthless to him as far as sex was concerned.

Mrs. Hinkle called back, "I don't have a key! Something's happened to my keys and I can't find them! I'll have to get Mr. Whitehead!"

"Okay! Please hurry!" Leslie called back, almost unable to keep from giggling. Though she probably didn't mean it, her self-exertion to keep from giggling was causing her to increase her grip on Randy's balls until Randy's eyes were wide with terror that she was going to crush them for good. He raised up on his tip toes and moaned, a tear forming in his eye. Leslie realized that she was gripping his balls too tightly and loosened her grip, apologizing through a laugh using the index finger of her other hand to tickle the rectum between his musculed, fuckable butt cheeks.

The boy inhaled deeply at this new sensation and his mind swayed back to the heat enveloping his penis. The cast seemed to be shrinking away from his meat and the whole thing seemed to be quite loose in fact. He felt the apparatus slip a little and realized that he could work himself free of it. He squirmed and worked it lose. It rolled to the side on the table and he backed away onto Leslie's finger, who, not expecting this, ended up with her finger inserted deeply into Randy's butt. She let out a big "Ewww" as Randy let out a big "Ohhh!" and all three were suddenly struck with fear as they heard the keys jingling outside the door. The janitor, Mr. Whitehead, had arrived.

"I'll get you guys out in just a jiffy!" the voice said, almost sounding like something from Southpark. It was obvious he had no idea exactly which key was needed for this room because he rarely needed it. They had little time.

Stacy hot-handled the speed-cure appliance and opened it to remove the cast, which was still hot, but she wrapped it in a towel and carefully placed it in her book satchel along with a bottle of liquid latex, which she would need to make her own life-sized Randy dildo to shove into her horny pussy. Leslie was busy washing her finger while Randy staggered around trying to pull his pants up, still recovering from the emotional effects of sexual contact with two girls. Not being able to reach his cock for any kind of release for his sexual tensions from his recent fucking, and unusual sexual situation made his mind swim with all kinds of weird thoughts about what would happen if they were caught like this. His buzz from smoking during lunch had still not worn off, though he was coming down and would probably be able to at least keep things from looking quite as bad.

In an unexpected assault, Randy felt searing pain crawl into his guts as Stacy kicked him hard in the balls from behind with her pointed cowboy boots. Leslie followed suit with a kick from the front. Randy cried out in pain as the two kicked him again.

They heard the doorknob jiggle and keys jingle as the janitor worked with the door. Stacy ripped her shirt open and pulled on side of her bra down, allowing one bouncy tit to hang out into the air. Leslie also ripped her shirt and pulled her skirt halfway down her pants just as the door opened and Mr. Whitehead and Mrs. Hinkle stepped in.

The teacher observed the scene as the two girls ran toward the door with Leslie crying in a very good act, "Oh, Mrs. Hinkle! He tried to rape us!!!" And they continued running out of the store room, through the classroom and into the hallway.

Mrs. Hinkle and the janitor saw Randy on the floor in a ball with his pants around his ankles. Mr. Whitehead, a large and muscular black man of 6'3" [1.95 m] strided over to Randy and picked him up by his collar as if he were a stuffed animal until his shapely, hairless legs dangled above the floor. He then let the boy back down to the floor, but Randy was still in pain and his legs buckled. The janitor supported the boy by holding his shirt and by pinning his hands behind his back. Randy eventually regained his strength as he stood there with his pants still around his ankles and his bone waving in the air.

Randy felt his blood run cold as the teacher looked directly at him. Her narrow eyes moved lower and she saw his big dick as evidence of the girls' cries of horror about the attempted rape. "Randy! You are a disgusting, filthy boy! Just look at you!"

Randy looked down and saw his own proud member not only standing fully erect, but leaking fuck sauce down his shaft, coating it with a sheen, slippery mess.

"Of course," the teacher began, "you will be punished for this. But not by me. And not even by Mr. Whitehead here." She walked across the store room, knelt before Randy and pulled his pants up. "Oh, Randy. You truly reek. Do you ever wash these pants? They smell awful, and they're all wet. I never knew you were the type to wet your pants, but then again, you always are 3; shall we say 3; aroused, I've noticed."

Little did she know that piss was only half the wetness in his pants, and that little of it was even his own.

She ungracefully ripped his zipper straight up, the teeth biting Randy's super-sensitive glans and dickhead. The boy let out a hissy whimper as she mercilessly worked the zipper up his shaft. "That serves you right for trying to rape those two nice girls."

"But I didn't 3;"

She stopped him short with a hard slap across the face. "Shut up you little liar! The evidence is all right here," she said, smacking him in the dick through his pants, not realizing that she was sending a wave of pleasure through Randy's body. She looked down where the tip of his dick was pressing up against the material and saw a large bead of prefuck ooze through the thin material. "Oh, that is so gross. You should be ashaaaamed of yourself!! Now get out of here," she commanded, motioning to Mr. Whitehead to let him go.

The janitor pushed the boy hard, sending him staggering to regain his balance and he walked out into the empty classroom. It suddenly hit him that 5th period was over. He looked at the clock and saw that they were already five minutes into sixth period and his athletics class. He stood there, not sure what to do.

"Get going, get going!" Mrs Hinkle urged.

"C-can I have a pass?" Randy asked.

"A pass?! You have the NERVE to ask for a pass?! Why, I ought to whip your ass right now for even asking 3;" She thought for a moment then became deceptively nice – something Randy didn't notice in his state. "Why sure, you can have a pass, Randy. She filled out the pass, scribbled a note on the back side, stuffed it in an envelope and sealed it. She picked up the phone and dialed 619. Coach Newman answered on the other end. Mrs. Hinkle said, "Hi, Coach Newman. This is Mrs. Hinkle. Randy is running a little late because we had an incident here in art class. I'm sending him with a pass in an envelope and he's not to open it 3; okay, thanks." She hung up the phone.

"Here you go, Randy. Take this to athletics and give it to Coach Newman."

The boy's heart sank as he contemplated what she most likely wrote on the pass – that he'd tried to rape two girls, something that was patently false. But would the coach believe him?

Randy doesn't like playing sports that much; not organized sports anyway. So he decided to go the athletics route and be the water boy and the ball boy instead of taking PE, but he still had to work out with the team during class. It turned out to be hard work, but still better than stupid things like dodge ball and badminton.

He took the envelope, stuffed it in his pocket and left the room, wondering what was going to happen to him in athletics.

Randy hurried down the hall and out the door, dropped his books off at his locker, then started across the PE grounds toward his athletics class on the far end of the campus, not really getting into a rush about it. He looked out across the PE field and saw his coach, red-faced, clearly watching for the boy.

6th Period

Seeing the coach waiting for him, Randy's fear got the better of him and he made a run for it, darting off in the other direction. He looked behind and saw the coach running toward him, but the boy continued in confidence, knowing he could easily outrun the coach.

After losing the coach, the boy decided to smoke a bowl, having nothing better to do. He sat down and dropped his sack of weed between his legs, then rubbed the wet crotch of his pants, feeling the hard shaft beneath the sloppy, denim material. He picked some buds up out of the baggie and stuffed them into the pipe bowl. Retrieving his lighter, he flicked, lit and inhaled deeply, holding for several seconds before releasing. He followed up with a French inhale, pushing the smoke out of his mouth while inhaling through his nose, routing the smoke through his sinuses and into his lungs. Very quickly, the high set in, along with a copious surge of semen from his cock and a sudden burst of drool from his mouth.

He smoked several more bowls until he barely knew he was in the world and he stood up to leave, stuffing his pipe and bud into a safe place.

He walked up from the gulley and circled around to get back up on the road and found four college jocks standing there. Randy froze.

"Hey, stoner boy. Whatcha doin?" the apparent leader of the jocks asked.

"Uh, nothing," Randy mumbled as he became more aware of his throbbing erection, especially now that he was sure all four jocks were staring at it.

"Well, kid. We saw you run across the road. We're looking for somebody like you. Do you want to be part of our secret society?

Randy tried to think for a minute about what that could be, but in his high state, too many ideas rushed in and he had trouble deciding exactly what kind of secret society it could be. "Uh, what kind of secret society?"

"Well, it's a secret, of course. To find out, you have to be initiated."

"What's the initiation like?"

"Do you really want to know?"

Randy looked behind the college boys and saw security guards from the school wandering around the field. They were looking in his general direction. He didn't want to be caught and accused of something he didn't do. He blurted out, "Okay, I'll be in your secrety society. Just take me with you," Randy said quickly as he jumped into the convertible.

"Huh? Why are you so eager?" the leader asked suspiciously.

"I'll tell you later! Let's just go!" Randy begged as he looked back toward the security guards.

"Oh, I see. You don't want to be caught for truancy, I see. You might be just the one we're looking for! Let's go!"

The other three jumped in the car and they sped off as Randy hid in the floorboard of the back seat.

The blonde-haired jock in the passenger seat leaned into the leader and whispered into his ear, "That was easier than I thought it would be."

The black-haired driver whispered back, "Yeah, it sure was. Just don't say anything else about it. Once we have him inside the compound, he won't be able to get away. The doctor will see to that."


The car sped along the highway going a few miles out of town, right by the dumpy trailer park where Randy lived. "Hey, that's where I live. Can you guys drop me off?"

"What about the secret society?"

"Oh yeah," Randy remembered. "And I can't go home yet anyway. School's not out and my dad will really bust me if I come home too early."

"Good. We have plenty of time," the leader said as he winked knowingly at his companion in the passenger seat.

A few miles past Randy's trailer park, they turned left onto a smaller road, drove about six miles [10 km], then turned right on an even smaller road full of pot holes which the driver skillfully dodged, obviously having driven this route many times before.

A couple more turns and they were in the driveway leading through a thick stance of trees and up to an iron gate. The leader leaned out of the car and pressed the button. A British voice answered, "Did you bring me a boy?"

"Yes," the leader replied. "We have one."

"Let me see him."

"Hey, kid. Stand up so he can see you. Face the camera."

Randy stood up on the seat of the car and faced the camera which had already began nodding itself up and down as the man behind the camera got a look at the boy. Randy stared at the camera to let the man have a good look at his face, but he noticed the camera was looking at something lower than his face. Feeling somewhat dejected, the boy moved his hands to cover his pulsing erection. The man on the intercom cleared his throat. "Hmmm. We'll have to fix that bashfulness. Raise up his left pants leg until it's above his knee."

One of the jocks in the back seat did as ordered, raising Randy's pants leg, revealing the strong, shapely, and hairless calf muscle beneath, which was shrouded around the ankle by a loose, dirty sock and a dirty, white high-top sneaker.

"Oh, excellent! That's better than I had hoped," the voice said, rather psychotically. "Now lift his shirt tail up to his chest and PUT HIS HANDS AT HIS SIDE. I CAN'T SEE HIS TORSO!"

Without lowering his pants leg, the jock lifted the boy's shirt, revealing his hard and chiseled 8-pack of muscles, then another jock moved the boy's hands to his sides and out a bit, revealing the boy's oval-shaped hip muscles and the definition of his external obliques which accentuated the V-shaped indentation leading down to his crotch.

"Very nice work, boys. Bring him in!"

The jock released Randy's shirt and the boy pulled it back down. He sat down and started to lower his pants leg. The jock to the left of him grabbed the boy's leg and squeezed the strong muscle, looking the boy in the eye. Randy's heart jumped and his cock lurched as he imagined himself being fucked by the studly character. He tried to wash the scene out of his mind so he could concentrate on the weird feeling he was getting after the experience with the camera. He had already figured out that whatever this secrety society was, it would probably end up with his body being used in some way. Why else would some weirdo over an intercom and camera want to see his body parts before letting him in?

Randy was in awe of the spread that was before him. A massive, yet sinister looking mansion like none he had ever seen or dreamed of sat like a dark fortress in the middle of a large, unkept yard littered with empty, gothic fountains and dead leaves. Wind blew across the place like the breath of death itself. Suddenly the boy felt like he was going to panic, like he was being taken there to be murdered, or worse. He tried to stand up so he could jump out of the car and run, but the boys on either side of him grabbed his arms and held him down tightly. The boy started kicking his legs and screaming, so the jock in the passenger side jumped into the back seat and put his hand over the boy's mouth and a knee in his crotch. Randy felt his cock enveloped in pleasure from the pressure knee of his captor, and while he was still struggling to get away from the three jocks, he was still humping the base of his hard cock against the jock's kneecap, enjoying the pressure on his urethra.

With a mild wetness forming in his eyes, he realized it was no use. He felt like a slut for trying to pleasure himself under such circumstances. His heart began racing as they drove into a five-car garage where some old cars were parked. Some looked like they probably wouldn't even run, but one he was sure he'd seen before around town.

The left the car and two jocks lead the lad into the mansion while the other two followed, making sure the boy would not try to escape before his initiation.

The lobby had a rough, stone floor with cracks in it. This was apparently a very, very old place. As Randy was lead beneath the archway and into a long corridor, he glanced up and caught a glimpse of a satanic inverted pentagram. He recognized the symbol immediately and knew he was in trouble. His heart raced even faster as he wondered if he would ever see the light of day again.

The corridor was lit by an occasional dim bulb, barely giving the place enough light to make it look spooky. Some bulbs were out altogether, casting areas of sinister darkness that made Randy's skin crawl, despite the fact that his marijuana-induced hormone overload was keeping his cock hard and leaking the whole time in his pants. Even his smooth thighs were slick with semen that had flowed from the already saturated crotch to his legs.

"We're almost there, kid," one of the jocks told Randy.

"My name is Randy, not kid," the boy said defiantly.

"Not for long," the jock retorted, easily defeating Randy who was completely unsure of his situation or his future.

The boy's heart increased its pounding at the new idea. What did he mean by 'not for long'?

They arrived at a door which was much taller and larger than all the others. It had a large knocker which the leader jock banged heavily against the door.

After a few seconds, the door slowly opened and there stood a man who looked like he should have already been dead years ago. He was very old and wrinkled, though he moved about like someone half his age. "Come in, all of you," the old man commanded in a deep, British accent.

The five youths entered the room. The old man closed the door and locked it, placing the key in his vest pocket.

Randy's heart was pounding like never before now. He felt like it could easily jump out of his throat and land on the floor.

The old man walked in a circle around Randy, eyeing him as if picking out meat for supper. He walked around in front then gripped Randy's hard and wet fucktool in his hand, squeezing with a strength and firmness that surprised Randy, but didn't prevent him from letting out a grunt from the pleasure of it.

"Hmmmm," the man sounded, as if analyzing what he'd felt. He gripped the boy's shaft again, using his fingers to explore the flesh thoroughly, taking great care to finger the thick veins and bulging urethra he sensed through the wet denim. He turned to the head jock and abruptly asked in a raspy voice, "Have you been using this boy for your own sexual purposes? He's wet."

"No, we haven't. I swear. He's been leaking like a horny elephant since we found him."

"Well, that is a promising sign. He might just be the one. Take his clothes off and let me see all of him."

Randy gulped and froze as the jocks quickly started removing the boy's clothes until finally the kid was completely naked before the four jocks and the old man.

The weird old man walked in a circle around Randy once again with one arm folded across his chest and the other propped up where he rested his chin, tapping his long finger on his cheek as he continued checking out the young, muscled flesh of the sexually aroused boy.

The boy's prick stood tall and proud. This piss hole was gaping and clear precum was flowing freely down the shaft. Randy had just about had enough of all the staring so he moved his hands to cover his 10 inch [25 cm] tower of penis flesh.

With a show of more strength that surprised Randy again, the old man backhanded the boy across the face like he'd never been backhanded before. A loud slap cracked through the air, sending the boy reeling backward in a circle and down to the floor where he put his palm up to his face to check for blood as it certainly felt as if the skin had been ripped off.

"You shall NEVER cover yourself in MY presence!" he screamed at the boy. Eyeing one of the jocks, he said calmly, "Stand him before me."

The jocks quickly obeyed, standing the naked boy before the man. Randy instinctively moved to cover his gonads again and did cover himself for a split second, then remembered he would be slapped again, so he put his hand at his side.

The old man stepped forward and backhanded the boy across the face again from the other direction, sending the boy back to the ground. "That's for even thinking of covering yourself. Don't cover yourself. Don't even think about it."

Randy sat on the floor and actually felt a sob rise from his gut, a feeling he had not felt in a long time, even at the brutal treatment of his father. This old man was more than strict. He was psychotic and Randy felt his heart sink as he was already beginning to give in to the desires of this madman.

"Stand the boy before me," the old man ordered again.

The jocks stood the boy up once again. Randy almost moved to cover himself again, but caught himself in time. His hands barely moved, but it wasn't such a small movement that its occurence went unnoticed. The man stepped forward again and this time he made a claw formation with his fingers, revealing long, thick and hard fingernails. He ferociously ripped through the air in a diagonal motion in front of Randy's body, making quick and painful contact with the boy's erect penis, making four red welps across the boy's tough, but sensitive cock flesh. One gash went directly across the boy's piss slit, leaving three others running across the shaft and urethra.

Randy made a natural, instinctive reaction to guard the area that had just been attacked, which equated to covering himself. The old man made a motion and the four jocks grabbed Randy and positioned him for another attack. Using his other hand, the man made another expert attack on the boy's erection, making an identical set of painful, red welps criss crossing in the other direction. A perfect X of punishment made the boy's piss slit look like an asterisk. There was no blood, but there could have been if the old man wanted it.

Randy moaned as he was held in that position, prevented from covering himself as the old man contined to eye the boy's flesh.

The boy's legs were spread wide as he tried to steady himself from the pulling and tugging of the jocks. His balls were swinging freely and were an easy target for one last punishment as the old man, with expert precision and swiftness, planted the tip of his hard-soled shoe right between the boy's legs, racking his balls hard and following through with a continued motion that placed the man's foot even with the boy's face, close, but not touching as the boy's balls continued swinging from their punishment. The old man held his foot there for several seconds, then let it drop. He said to the now crying boy, quite simple, "Don't fuck with me, boy. You can't win."

Randy, surprised by the old fart's agility and physical condition, stood restrained by the jocks and unable to cradle his balls in his hands to help ease the punishment. The boy's abs showed his vain attempts to curl up into a ball.

The jocks continued holding the boy for inspection until he regained his strength. Then, having learned his lesson completely and quickly, he stood without attempting to cover himself, though his thoughts were constantly on escape from this hell house. But the boy didn't realize that the horrors were only beginning.

This story is continued in the sequel, titled: CLICK FOR THE NEXT PART FOREVER WET