Michael JacksThe Apprentices |
SummaryScreen play of a Greek warrior teaching his slaves and pupil to be warriors and prepares them for the Apprentice Trials.
Publ. 1999 (Nifty); this site Jan 2011
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CharactersCreon (27yo), Theseus (13/14yo), and the slaves Charybdis (15yo), Toelmy (11yo) and Praxxus (11yo)Category & Story codesBoy-Slave story/historicalMtb bb gt – slave cons mast oral anal (Explanation) |
DisclaimerIf you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place? This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life. It is just a story, ok? |
Orphan storyThis is an orphan story, that means that the author's e-mail address is no longer active and there is no other way to contact the author.The email account that you tried to reach does not exist. Please double-check the recipient's email address for errors and try again.Are you the author, please contact me. Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the collector through this feedback form with .. in the subject line. |
Creon – 27 yrs old. a soldier in the Greek Army. Champion of Olympic matches and games. Beautifully built, but not overly so. Good arms, legs, pecs and abs. He wears a greek tunic with simple loin wrap(sometimes) and laced sandals. Armor is occasionally a part of his costume. He should be handsome and well hung (Anywhere from 6 - 8 inches [15-20 cm]) He is a man of great prowess on and off the field. Theseus – is a beautiful, young noble boy of 13 or 14. He is newly apprenticed to Creon. He is handsome and nicely built. His muscles are developing as is his phallus. He should have a moderate amount of pubic hair laced around a delicatly slim shaft of 4-6 [10-15 cm] inches. He wears a Greek Tunic and sometimes a loin wrap. He is eager to learn and to please his teacher. At first he is stand-offish to the slaves, superior, but soon learns his error. Charybdis – is an older slave boy, about 15 years old. If he wears anything, because of his station in life, he wears a loin wrap, but mostly he is naked. He is the servant of Creon and Theseus. Because of his nakedness, he is accustomed to it and rarely, unless needed, sports an erection. He is tall and well built, especially for a slave, and well endowed (5-7 inches [13-18 cm] when hard). His hair is dark and shoulder length surrounding a face the gods themselves would gladly die for. His eyes are the typical, dark-pooled orbs of the Aegean peoples. He is Creon's favorite and has received much instruction at his hands, both in warfare and sexual matters. He was given, at the age of five, to Creon by Creon's master and has been with Creon as his armor bearer ever since. When he reaches his own majority, at 17, Creon plans to set him free. Praxxus – an 11 year old boy slave to Creon. Cute and thin with light skin and hair. A poor-born Greek. Toelmy – another 11 year old boy slave to Creon. Darker skin and hair and an impish smile. Probably Egyptian in origin. Naomi – 15 year old Arab slave to Creon. Pretty and smart. Wears a skirt but no top. Also given to Creon at age five. She has grown up with Charybdis. Slaves – all slaves should be mostly naked – male, female, child or adult. Swimming and Olympic Boys – The swimmers can be naked boys of all ages. The Olympians must be boys who are 12-17. All must be naked or nearly naked. Citizens – should be dressed in tunics that are elaborately decorated in greens and golds. Soldiers – should be variously dressed in simple tunics and armor.
(The action opens on a hillside. A tuniced boy, Theseus is running at top speed across the hills. He is late. The camera cuts to the outside of a Greek sports arena. As the camera cranes up and over it picks up two figures, a naked boy, Charybdis and a man, Creon, in mock combat with short swords and shields. The camera comes in close to catch the sweat rolling off Charybdis as he swings the sword and fends off mighty but carefully placed blows by Creon.
The camera should neither hide nor focus on Charybdis's natural endowments, but they should be seen. As Charybdis attacks, he maneuvers Creon to topple backwards over poorly placed equipment and we see that he is without his loin wrap, wearing only his tunic. We can also tell that fighting does something to him – stimulates him, drives him. Charybdis laughs. Creon stands, fuming.
Charybdis's face turns to horror) Creon: Boy! Come here! Charybdis: (Goes to his knees) Sire! I meant no harm. Creon: Silence! (Charybdis is silent, cowed. Creon places his hand on the boys naked shoulder and shakes him gently.) Good job. Although it was lucky for you that equipment was there. (He turns Charybdis's chin up to face him and he is now smiling.) But don't let it go to your head. Everytime I fight you I get distracted by your handsomeness. You beguile me, boy. Charybdis: I am glad, sire. If I did not beguile you, you would trade me to a less wonderful master. (Reaching around Creon's waist, hugging tightly) And I couldn't bear it. Creon: (Running his fingers through the boy's long hair) Neither could I. (Breaking the embrace) You are growing strong and smart, Charybdis. No soldier has a better or more capable slave than I, boy. You will make a fine Olympian some day. Charybdis: But sire, the Olympians must be free born! Creon: Or made free. (The Boy's eyes light up) Charybdis: You mean that I 3; Creon: Yes. When you reach your majority you will be made free. Charybdis: (Goes to his knees again and reaches up under Creon's tunic to hold his penis) Master! What can I say? What can I do? Creon: You can let go of me before I ravish you right here and now. Charybdis: (Removing his hands) I am sorry, sire. (Theseus comes running in, breathless and stops at the sight of this naked slave and the new master to whom he is apprenticed. He stares at Charybdis and at Creon's erect penis beneath the tunic. He smiles haughtily.) Theseus: Am I to learn warfare at the hands of a naked slave and an over-sexed warrior? (Creon strides up to Theseus and slaps him across the face. Theseus recoils in hurt, anger and embarrassment) Creon:You are to learn at my hands and learn you will! Your father has paid for it and I will not let a citizen of Athens down. You will learn what I tell you, when I tell you and where I tell you. You will do ALL that I ask of you. (A look between the two) Pick up that sword, Master Theseus. Meet Charybdis my slave and assistant at arms. Charybdis, show him what he needs to know. I shall watch. (In Charybdis's ear) Go gently on him. Test him. Theseus: I cannot fight him if he is naked. Creon: You will fight him however he is. (Charybdis attacks and Theseus clumsily raises his sword to fend off the blow.) Theseus: Wait! I am not ready! Charybdis: A warrior must always be ready. (He attacks again and Theseus gets angry. Theseus swings wildly and Charybdis merely ducks under and away from the blows.) Theseus: Stand still so I can hit you. You are a slave. You must do as I say! Creon: He is to help me teach you. He can not teach you when he is injured or dead. Charybdis: (Laughing) He cannot kill me.
(Throws Theseus a shield as well. He also gets one for himself. He lunges for Theseus and Theseus backs up. Parrying, countering and defending himself fairly well, but he still moves backward since Charybdis is taller and stronger. Theseus's shield is taking a beating and he gets tired of backing up so he starts lunging forward, awkwardly, slashing with his sword. Theseus manages to move Charybdis back a few steps. Creon points to the pile of weapons on the ground, smiling at Theseus. Theseus presses forward quickly, with Creon's encouragement and pushes Charybdis over the pile of weapons.
Creon laughs. Theseus laughs. Charybdis fumes, looks at Creon who shrugs and smiles. Theseus reaches his hand out to Charybdis) Theseus: That was a dirty trick. And I am sorry. But it was funny. Charybdis: (Looking at Creon) You do not know how funny. Creon: He did it to me just a few moments ago. It was a just retribution. Well, are you ready again? Theseus: But Charybdis is tired. Charybdis: So are you, Theseus. Creon: But I am not.
(Creon takes it easy on Theseus but he backs him all over the field. Theseus is fighting for his life and it seems futile to him. Charybdis smiles at it all. He has seen it before. Theseus is fightling valiantly. He is strong and agile. The sunlight and sweat mingle on his young body and we see his attractive, youthful muscles flexing and shifting under his sleek olive skin.
His tunic falls off his shoulder but remains tied about his waist. His chest is developing well and his lovely nipples stand out through the sweat on his body. He frees his arm and continues defending himself, muscles rippling.
Creon is amazed that this boy has lasted. He is an excellent defender with great stamina. Creon presses harder and knocks Theseus to the ground.) Theseus: (Standing up quickly) Let's continue. I can do it! (Creon slices through with his sword and knocks Theseus' sword and shield to the ground. He then backslices and cuts the rope on Theseus tunic and it falls to the ground leaving him in his loin wrap. He breathes heavily and stamps his feet.) Creon: You are not yet ready to give commands. I will tell you when to fight, remember. When you have been bested the fight is over. (Theseus looks sad. Charybdis looks at Creon, then at Theseus and Creon motions that it is all right) Charybdis: (Edging over to Theseus) You did really well. No one has lasted that long with Master Creon. Theseus: Really? Charybdis: (Nodding 'yes') He was testing you. Theseus: I know that. I am not ignorant. Charybdis: I did not say you were. But remember one thing, I have been with Creon for ten years. I know his every move – his every tactic. He is always testing you – in sport – in warfare – in love – in music – in writing – you will always be tested. Theseus: Thank you, Charybdis. I hope you, also, will teach me. I could never have beaten you if Creon had not helped. Charybdis: I don't know. I am great on offence. I can attack. But my defense is weak. You are really strong on defence. Theseus: But my attack is weak. I know. Was he just going easy with me? Charybdis: To a certain extent. You and I together could never hope to beat him if he fought at full strength. We would end up in pieces as his enemies do. Theseus: He is as great as his reputation, then? Charybdis: Greater! Creon: What are you two babbling about? It's time for the noon meal. We will retire home. Gather the weapons. (Charybdis scrambles to pick them up. Theseus hesitates and Creon looks over his shoulder with a stern stare. Theseus realizes that it is his duty to help Charybdis. He obeys silently, and picks up weapons.)
(A few minutes later. The camera cuts to Creon's dwelling where two young boys and a teenage girl are preparing pillows and food and drink. They are slaves and are naked. The boys are prepubescent and undeveloped as they are still young, about 10 years old. Cute faces and bodies, though. The girl is a darker skinned Arab. Her mid-teen breasts are uncovered but her pubes are covered in a short, fluted skirt. She has a pretty face and flashing eyes.) Creon: Good work, Naomi. You are invaluable. (He caresses her cheek. She smiles and retires from the room.) Toelmy! You are a clever boy! (He pats Toelmy's bare behind) Praxxus – you do your race proud. You too will someday be a great fighter like Charybdis, here. (Pats Praxxus on the head and places his hand on Charybdis's shoulder. Calling.) Naomi! (She re-enters. Creon brings Theseus forward, still in his loin wrap) This is our new apprentice, Theseus. You will all serve him and obey him as you would me. Theseus, this is 3; Theseus: Wait! Let me! (Pointing variously and correctly) Naomi! Praxxus and Toelmy. Creon: Theseus is a show off. But he is smart. And I think he will treat you well. Am I correct? Theseus: Yes. I will never dishonor your hospitality or your name or the name of my father. Creon: Well spoken! I think that if you will teach Charybdis proper speech he will teach you other skills that are just as valuable. Charybdis: I will live to serve. (Creon motions Theseus to sit. The slaves, including Charybdis stand, waiting) Theseus: I think that I would like that. I have never had a brother, or even a close friend. My mother was always too protective. Creon: How did you grow so strong? Theseus: My father is a former Olympian. He insisted that I train since the age of five. Creon: You have done well. (The Slaves look at each other) Your body is well formed. Stand. (Theseus does) Remove your loin wrap. (Theseus panics and looks about at Charybdis who nods 'Yes, you better.' Theseus looks at Naomi, she shifts her gaze to the floor. Theseus removes his wrap revealing a fine specimen of a penis, vitally interesting with a good amount of hair, of good size and unfortnately for Theseus, erecting.) I know that was difficult for you but you had better get used to it. Naomi has seen more phalluses than yours. The rule is that all slaves and apprentices are naked when at home. This is home. When you step out the door you may wear your wrap or your tunic. Your exercise is to be taken with the other boys in the next room. You will sleep with them and eat with them from this point on. You may sit, now. (Theseus does) You all may sit. We are all celebrating our own and Theseus' good fortune. (Charybdis sits next to Theseus on one side of the table. Praxxus, Toelmy and Naomi sit opposite them on the other side and Creon is at the head of the table, near Theseus and Naomi. They eat.The camera fades to:) (Shortly after dinner. The Boys, naked in their room. They are lounging about, getting ready for sleep.) Theseus: Naomi is very beautiful. Charybdis: She is – very. But she is being groomed for another. That is why she wears a skirt. You had better forget her. Theseus: I cannot forget her. Charybdis: You had better remember then, and not damage the goods. (He thrusts his hips playfully. The Boys laugh. Praxxus and Toelmy enter with bottles of oil.) Theseus: What is this? Charybdis: May I speak plainly. Theseus: I give you permission to always speak plainly when we are away from Creon and Naomi. Charybdis: The boys are commanded to give us a nightly ritual. A complete massage with oil. Just lie back and enjoy it. I learned to do it at their age and it was not a hard task. I now have learned to enjoy it. Did you never have this at home? Theseus: I don't know. I don't think so. Charybdis: You are in for a treat. Lie on your stomach first.
(Theseus and Charybdis turn over and Praxxus kneels next to Charybdis and Toelmy kneels next to Theseus. They prepare their hands with oil and then pour a small amount down the backs and backs of the legs of the prone Boys. The Young Ones then start massaging at the shoulders of the Boys. They Boys moan.
The Young Ones are good at what they do. They work the back muscles, firmly yet tenderly. They work down the back to the buttocks. They massage gently on the firming and maturing cheeks of the Boys. They then start down the backs of the legs, kneading the muscles into compliance. They work the calves and then the feet. They stop and return to the upper body.) Theseus: (To Charybdis) We get that every night? Charybdis: Sh! There's more.
(The Young Ones straddle the Boys and lift their arms out to the sides. They massage out the length of each arm and back and then past the armpit, working the lattisimus dorsai and down the sides of the trunk past the hips. At the hips the Young Ones roll the Boys over onto their backs and continue pouring oil and massaging the legs on the front and down to the feet. The Boys are erecting with all this attention. The Young Ones ignore it and do their work.
The Young Ones stop at the feet and return to the neck. They again straddle the Boys, sitting on their stomachs. They oil their hands and massage at each side of the Boys necks, working across their firm pectorals and chests, and across their abdomens. The Young Ones slide down over and past the erect penises of the Boys. The Young Ones concentrate their attention for a while on the lower abdomen and pubic regions of the Boys and on the insides of the upper legs.
Then, much to Theseus's surprise, the Young Ones each grab a hold of their respective Boy's penis and stroke, gently and firmly, rubbing the scrotum and hard shaft. The Boys writhe in pleasure. The oil is an incredible aphrodesiac and the Boys are soon thrashing about as the massaging of their rock-hard phalluses picks up in speed. We notice that the Young Ones are also sporting hard penises as they kneel and stroke their master's teenage manhoods. The Boys start spurting their semen onto their flexing and contracting abdomens and the Young Ones slow their massaging and gradually stop as the orgasms of their masters subside.
Theseus is overcome but tries to watch Charybdis. Charybdis opens his arms to Praxxus and Praxxus cuddles up with Charybdis's strong arms around him. Theseus follows suit and Toelmy lies down next to Theseus and Theseus enfolds him in his arms. Theseus sees that Charybdis's hand is stroking Praxxus's erect penis. Theseus places one hand on Toelmy's tiny erection and Toelmy puts his own hand on Theseus's hand motioning it's okay for Theseus to stroke him. Theseus does so. Both the Young Ones shudder quickly and fall silent. Theseus and Charybdis look at each other. Theseus smiles, Charybdis smiles and Theseus kisses the top of Toelmy's head. All four drift off to sleep as the camera fades.) (Early the next morning. Scene comes up on the bedchamber of the Boys. They are seated, naked of course. The Young Ones are gone for the moment.) Theseus: I have never know such a feeling as the one I had last night. Charybdis: You have never been stroked? Theseus: No! Never! Charybdis: You have never done it alone? Theseus: Well 3; Charybdis: Come on, you can tell me. I do it all the time. Theseus: Why do you need to with the Young Ones around? Charybdis: Because I want to. Well? Theseus: I have done it 3; a few times. Charybdis: Well, get used to the idea. And be grateful that Creon keeps slaves for us. Not all masters are so kind. Nor do they instruct their slaves in the finer arts. Theseus: Toelmy is such a sweet, gentle and strong little boy. Charybdis: He is trained to be so. Theseus: Was our stroking their boyhood part of the nightly ritual? Charybdis: It is a way of thanking them for their service. They sleep, eat, bathe, live and exercise with us. Theseus: Are we naked night and day with them? Charybdis: Yes. Theseus: With such love and attention around, I could get used to this. Charybdis: I thought so too, but I am constantly delighted and surprised at the variations that Toelmy and Praxxus come up with. Theseus: Do you always have Praxxus attending you? Charybdis: Well, I have had both of them attending to me until now. But I will share. Theseus: Where are they? Charybdis: They are preparing the morning meal.
(Theseus stands and starts stretching. His penis is half erect. Charybdis stands and stretches also. He leans over and gooses Theseus in the crotch and Theseus pokes back. They get into a wrestling match. The camera should take the convenient shots of phalluses, scrotums, muscles flexing, buttocks rippling and anything else that happens by. They are both fine wrestlers but Charybdis is the older, larger and stronger of the two. He ends up on top of Theseus, sitting on Theseus's chest and pinning Theseus's arms to the ground.
His erect penis is stabbing Theseus in the face. Both penises are fully erect, heads engorged and throbbing in time with the beating of their hearts.) Charybdis: Shall we do it ourselves? Theseus: I would love to. (They stand and start caressing their erect penis shafts. They go about their work with the innocent enthusiasm that only the young posess. They are looking at each others hands and phalluses as they stroke. They move closer together and Charybdis reaches out for Theseus's penis and starts stroking. Theseus protests but Charybdis presses on. Theseus give up and lets Charybdis stroke him) Theseus: I thought we were doing it ourselves? Charybdis: We were but I am supposed to teach you everything. This is part of 'everything.' We are required to serve each other militarily and sexually, just like Praxxus and Toelmy serve us. Theseus: This is all so new. Charybdis: You'll get used to it. Theseus: Never. (Charybdis continues stroking Theseus and Theseus takes a hold of Charybdis's throbbing phallus and moves up and down it's shaft. The Boys increase their motions as their hips start thrusting into the air. Their lovely, long phalluses erupt in explosions of liquid ambrosia and they collapse together stroking lightly and finishing the orgasm of their friend's, now lover's penis.) Theseus: At least it will be easier to keep from erecting around Naomi. Charybdis: That is one excellent reason to stroke each other and ourselves and be stroked by the boys as often as possible. Naomi has always been too strong an attraction to me. Theseus: How long has she been here? Charybdis: Since I was five. She is my exact age and we have grown up together. I have watched her develop and she has watched me. She now sees all of me daily and I am restricted to looking only at her beautiful breasts. Theseus: They are a sight. Pomegranites ripe for the picking. Charybdis: You pick those pomegranites and you'll be peeing out of a stump. Theseus: Ow. I get the message. (Praxxus and Toelmy enter) Praxxus: The meal is ready. Theseus: Toelmy, come here, please. (Toelmy,wide-eyed, looks at Charybdis for permission) Charybdis: You must always do as Master Theseus says, unless you have specific orders from Creon or myself not do. (Toelmy approaches Theseus) Theseus: Toelmy, I wanted to thank you for last night. It was a new and wonderful experience. Toelmy: I'm glad I was of service. Theseus: You have made my first day here very pleasant. You have great hands and know how to give pleasure with them. Toelmy: I was grateful for your attention to me, Master Theseus. I liked your hand on me, also. (Theseus bends down and kisses Toelmy on the cheek. Charybdis stands dumbfounded. Praxxus waits.) Charybdis: (After a slight pause) I, too, am grateful. And I mean that, Praxxus. I may have never said it before. But we all have a new master and he teaches all of us hourly. You have a gentle knowledge of what pleases even though you are very young. Praxxus: Thank you. May I too have a kiss? (Charybdis kisses Praxxus on the cheek.) Charybdis: (To Theseus as they exit, the camera following them) That was almost embarassing. Theseus: I'm sorry, I felt it was appropriate. They are sweet and young and innocent. Charybdis: And they surely know how to please. Theseus: Do they ever! Who did they learn from? Charybdis: Myself and Creon. He gave them to me as my servants two years ago – when I was about your age. I have tried to teach them all that I was taught by my master. (The camera cuts back to Praxxus and Toelmy alone in the bedchamber. The Young Ones have grown erect. Their lithe, young bodies are beautiful and round, hinting at the perfection that they will attain within the next few years as phalluses lengthen and scrotums enlarge – as muscles take their places on lengthening and strengthening bones – as supple legs grow strong for combat and chests deepen for arms to be wrapped tightly around them – as tight behinds await the probing of their masters penises to fill them with the magic of manhood and endow them with the strength of a thousand warriors, the strength that has been passed down in the semen from warrior to armor bearer over the many centuries of Greek democracy. All of this potential has not been overlooked by the Boys in the attentions that they pay to the Young Ones. Nor has it escaped Creon's notice as we will see later.) Toelmy: I like master Theseus. I was afraid he wouldn't be nice but he is and I like him. Praxxus: So I see. I think that it is good that he likes you back. Do you think that Charybdis really likes me? Toelmy: I think so. Praxxus: I hope so. He is so strong and handsome. Toelmy: And so capable on the battlefield. Praxxus: And in the bedroom. I hope to grow up just like him. Toelmy: Well, if I do not grow up just like him I hope that I at least have as big and hairy a phallus as he does. Praxxus: His is splendid. Oh, I wish we were not so young. I would love to feel what they feel when they moan with pleasure and spurt from their penises. Toelmy: I just love playing with them and making them spurt. It is like I am in command when I massage their bodies and stroke their manhood. Praxxus: I live for every night with Charybdis. Toelmy: Do you want to take Theseus tonight? He is also splendid. He is even younger, closer to our age and he has all the things that Charybdis has. Praxxus: His penis is smaller. Toelmy: Not much. Less than an inch difference. And his semen spews forth as much and as forcefully as Charybdis's. Praxxus: You are right. Toelmy: He is also nearer to our age. We will be like him sooner. Praxxus: And he is handsome and caring. That is all a slave can ask for. I will trade you places tonight. Toelmy: If it is all right with them, let us trade off every night. Praxxus: Good idea. (Toelmy grabs Praxxus's erect penis and plays with it for a few minutes, stroking the shaft and tickling the scrotum. Praxxus takes Toelmy's penis and strokes, also. Soon, they close their eyes in a silent, dry, but warmly felt orgasm. They then run off, still erect but softening, through the door to join the Boys. Camera follows them to the table where the Boys are seated) Theseus: And what took you so long? Praxxus: We were just talking. Charybdis: (noticing their still softening penises) And touching? Toelmy: Yes – we did touch each other. (Look between the Boys) Don't be mad. It was only after talking about you two 3; Praxxus: 3;and your perfect bodies. Toelmy: And big penises. Theseus: (Look at Charybdis) It is all right. We will never forbid you to give each other pleasure. We will all four live together in pleasure. Toelmy, come and sit by me. Charybdis: Praxxus, your place is by my side today. (Toelmy and Praxxus smile broadly, almost beam and sit eagerly by their master's sides. The Young Ones realize that there will be no harshness, as they feared, with a newcomer. All four Boys feed each other and themselves as the camera pulls away and out the door)
(That morning. The scene is the practice field. Charybdis, naked, as usual, and Theseus, dressed in tunic only, are in combat with swords and shields. The tunic parts and flaps often, occasionally revealing Theseus's penis. Praxxus and Toelmy are watching. Creon is engaged in coaching the Boys.) Creon: No, Charybdis. Cut across, not up. That's right. Now, Theseus – guard the left. Too late. Good job, Charybdis. Oh, Theseus, don't get too angry. We need Charybdis around for a while. (Charybdis advances mightily on Theseus and Theseus goes down. He stays down, holding his privates.) Charybdis: Theseus, what is wrong? Theseus: I landed wrong. Creon: That is why you are dressed as you are. So that you will learn how to land. Theseus: I'll remember that next time. If I don't I'll have no children. (To Charybdis) Not so hard next time. Charybdis: (To Theseus) I have to make it look good or Creon will think I'm slacking or going easy on you. Theseus: We're you going easy? Charybdis: I can't. You're too strong and too fast. Now, I need work on my defense and you need work on offence. Let's go. Theseus: Again? I need a rest. Creon: In battle there is no rest unless you're dead. Theseus: Without a penis I might as well be dead. Creon: I understand – but go. (Theseus attacks Charybdis. His attack is weak but Charybdis's defence is even weaker. Theseus makes all sorts of 'touches' and 'points' that he shouldn't be able to make. Creon is livid.) Creon: No, Charybdis – you let this boy get the better of you! He is a better attacker than you are a defender. You must be strong in both.
(Charybdis's hackles are up, now, and he begins to ward off every blow that Theseus sends. As they work, harder than they have ever fought, the sweat begins to run off their bodies. Charybdis presses and Theseus tries to feint and attack the other side. Charybdis is ready and knocks Theseus's sword out of his hand. Theseus swings his shield and Charybdis's shield flies out of his hands. Charybdis swings mightily and knocks Theseus's shield, after may blows, back on top of his head and shoulders. He then cuts Theseus's tunic tie with his sword and Theseus's tunic drops to the ground leaving him naked. Theseus and Charybdis have stimulated themselves with exertion. They are erect while still battling hard. Theseus continues to swing his shield as a weapon.
Charybdis fends off the blows. Charybdis mounts a counter attack and Theseus fends off the blows. The battle goes back and forth, trading blows, erect penises swinging. The concentration on their faces is enormous, like their phalluses. Naomi comes by to watch. She makes sure that the Boys know she is there and looking at them in their exposed state, but they dare not look aside from the battle. She smiles – broadly. The Young Ones titter and Creon shushes them.
The battle continues until they are closer to Naomi. Charybdis presses tightly against Theseus, sword against shield, arm against arm, penis against penis, knee against knee. Charybdis works his foot around behind Theseus and with a mighty shove, topples Theseus at Naomi's feet. Theseus lies there – naked, hard and panting, in despair and embarrassment – he feels his defeat is total, militarily and sexually. Charybdis leans on his sword, also naked and hard but used to the gaze of this strange and beautiful girl. There is nothing and nowhere where she has not seen Charybdis naked, or performing well – on the battle field or in bed with their master or sleeping with the Young Ones. The sweat is rolling off their bodies.
During the following dialog Naomi leans down and tenderly wipes Theseus's brow and chest. He tries to cover his penis with his hands. She pulls them away and wipes off his stomach and then his back. She then moves to wipe the sweat off of Charybdis's brow, chest, abdomen and back. Unseen to any but Theseus she lets the towel slip and her bare hand caresses Charybdis's behind. Naomi stands to the side, finished with her duties, awaiting orders from Creon. Charybdis collapses next to Theseus. Theseus gives him a poke and a wink. Creon and the Young Ones come over. The young ones are also stimulated. Creon is beaming.) Creon: That was a fight! Theseus: But I lost! Creon: You two fought better than I have ever seen two boys fight. You used your instincts – and my training! Theseus: But I lost. Creon: This time. (Theseus kicks at the dirt) Charybdis has more experience. He is older and stronger. You did very well, Theseus. Charybdis: You were teriffic. When I slashed your tunic off I expected you to stop. Creon: All of the other boys have. They simply gave up when they were made naked. But you didn't. Theseus: It was planned? Creon: Not really. I leave it up to Charybdis, whether or not to disrobe his opponent. We like to see what you are made of. Theseus: You sure did. Creon: Yes, we did. We saw a fine, physical stallion of a boy. But we also saw the determination and grit of a true warrior. Theseus: Really? Charybdis: You were incredible. Toelmy: You were really great, Theseus. It was exciting. I never saw anyone who could last like that against Charybdis. Theseus: You weren't holding back? Charybdis: Not at all! I was having trouble keeping up with you. Creon: I think we need some rest and refreshment. You boys need a 'reward.' Toelmy and Praxxus, go and prepare. Naomi, you go too. (Naomi and the Young Ones scamper off. Creon helps his two young Boy warriors up.) Creon: You two sure received Naomi's attention. Theseus: Yeah. We each had something for her to look at. Charybdis: That was nice. Theseus: (Smacks Charybdis playfully) I thought yesterday was bad. But this time she saw me erect. Am I not to have any secrets from this household? Creon: Not if you are going to protect us or if we are going to serve and protect you. You and we must know everything. It makes it all worth fighting for. Theseus: Having Naomi would be worth fighting for. Creon: She is promised to another. You may look but you cannot touch. Charybdis: I already explained that to him. Theseus: But she touched your 3; (Creon is alarmed) Creon: She may both look and touch. Charybdis: She has touched me, in small ways, Creon, many times – caressing or wiping me down. Creon: And have you always maintained your respect? Charybdis: Yes, always. Creon: Good. Gather the equipment and join us at home. (He goes off and the Boys gather up the equipment.) Theseus: (Fondling his penis) She is so fine. Charybdis: What about me? Theseus: (Still fondling his penis) You're fine, too. Especially now. Your penis is inspiring. Can I touch it? Charybdis: Not here. Besides, I want to see what this 'reward' is that Creon spoke of. You better stop that before I do something we'll both enjoy. I do like looking at you naked. Theseus: I enjoy feasting on your body with my eyes. Well, let's go. My penis needs a 'reward' before I burst. Charybdis: Mine too. And I think it is waiting at home. (They run off, carrying the weapons and things. The camera fades)
(Scene at home a few minutes later. Praxxus and Toelmy are in their bedchamber and have prepared hot baths for the Boys. There are two large tubs with steaming water. They anxiously await their arrival. we hear Creon from the other room.) Creon: Hurry into your chambers the Young Ones await you.
(Theseus and Charybdis rush in, still naked and mostly erect. They see the tubs, look at each other and run to them. They step in quickly and settle down under the water. The tubs are long enough to let them lie back a little and their erect phalluses poke above the water. The Young Ones take pitchers and pour several pitchers full of the warm, water over the Boys heads. They sigh.
The Young Ones gather their soaps and cremes and lather up the Boys hair and wash their faces. The Young Ones then rinse them off and motion them to stand.
The Boys stand and the Young Ones start lathering them up. necks, shoulders, arms, pits, chests, stomachs, backs, buttocks and between the legs, down the legs and around to the front – up the legs and all around their enlarged penises and scrotums. The lathering is so thorough that the boys look like erect clouds. The Young Ones spend more time on the phalluses of the Boys until they spurt their precious volumes of semen into the water and onto the Young Ones and the ground. The Boys sit in the water, spent and exhausted.
They both reach out to the Young Ones and beckon them into the tubs. The Young Ones sit between the Boys legs, backs to them and the Boys cover the crotches of Toelmy and Praxxus with their hands under the water. Theseus gets an idea and stands Toelmy up, facing him. Theseus washes Toelmy from top to toe, behind to penis, and rinses him off. He then takes the little penis and scrotum into his mouth and gently tongues it until Toelmy's little body stiffens with ecstasy. Charybdis, not to be outdone, takes his signal from Theseus's first move and with one hand is washing and lathering Praxxus's body and with the other is stroking his erecting boyhood. Charybdis gets the soap off of Praxxus's lovely body and goes to suck on the deliciously delicate penis of the child. Charybdis, just having taken it into his mouth, finds that Praxxus's delightful body spasms with pleasure. He tongues it gently for a few moments, savoring the priceless piece of flesh between his lips. s
Both of the Young Ones settle back down into the water between the Boys legs and they sit there in the glow of sexual fulfillment. All four with their hands wrapped around something familiar. After a few moments, Naomi enters with towels.) Naomi: Praxxus and Toelmy. Time to get out. Come here, I'll dry you off. (They go over to her with a backward look at the Boys. They stand there, smiling broadly, with their arms out to their sides as Naomi rubs the towels across their dripping bodies, even crotches, and they scamper away.) Naomi: You two are next. Theseus: You're not serious? (A stern look from Naomi) Charybdis: I think she is serious. Theseus: (To Charybdis) After this I will have nothing to hide. Naomi: (Softly, having overheard) Just one thing. (They get out. They look down. They are, fortunately, soft. Naomi starts rubbing quickly all over their bodies. She dries chests, backs, hair, stomachs, behinds, penises, scrotums, legs and feet. It is all done in a business like manner and the boys have escaped with their manhood unchallenged and unenlarged. They go over and sit on the pillows as Naomi leaves the room, smiling.) Theseus: At home my mother never even saw me naked after I started maturing. I don't believe what has happened to me. Charybdis: Surely you don't mind my 3; Theseus: You are fine. We share a common bond. The Young Ones are fine. They want to be like us and I love the way they are always watching us. Charybdis: During battle today they erected. Theseus: So did we. Charybdis: They are so perfect. The love of another male is comforting 3; Theseus: And satisfying. What about Creon? Charybdis: What about him? Theseus: Does he ever 3; has he ever 3;will he ever 3;you know? Charybdis: Take favors from his slaves? Theseus: Yes. Charybdis: Often. Theseus: But he hasn't 3; Charybdis: He wanted us to introduce you to this new life first – get you used to it. He'll call for you soon. Theseus: I've heard tales of the love a warrior has for his apprentices. Does it hurt? Charybdis: Briefly – for the first time, only. After that it is just another pleasure in our lives. (Creon enters abruptly. He is dressed only in a brief loin wrap) Creon: Theseus! Charybdis! (They stand up hurriedly. Creon walks over to them.) You are turning into fine young warriors. (He reaches out and fondles both of the Boy's penises and scrotums, more for examination than for stimulation. He feels their chests and upper arms. Checks out their builds, closely.) You are really fine, boys. I wish I was half so fit at your age. Your arms and chests are well on their way and your young manhood will be worshipped at the Apprentice Olympic trials next month. (The Boys react with surprise and excitement) It will be a splendid sight! A thousand boys – bronzed bodies naked, lean and strong, proud as their growing manhood is revealed for all to appreciate – all competing in the games we have been practicing. Only the best warriors will have their apprentices there. Bring your loin wraps for we are wrestling and racing against the wind this afternoon. Charybdis: What are the other events, my master? Theseus: Yes, please? My father has never even taken me to the Apprentic trials. Creon: You will compete in wrestling, running, swordfighting and spear throwing. Theseus: But what if 3; Creon: I know your concerns. You throw the real spears only at a target. And you fight your opponents with wooden swords and shields. If you are hit it will only hurt a little. You wrestle naked and run with a small loin wrap if you desire. You may run naked if you wish. Charybdis: I shall run naked. (He drops his loin wrap) Theseus: I will tie myself up. A wrap is too bulky. I have heard of great athletes tying their penises to their bodies with string. Creon: It is often done. And it is a very pretty sight on boys of your age. (Theseus and Charybdis are beside themselves with joy) Praxxus and Toelmy – attend us at the wrestling arena. (The Young Ones scamper in and start dragging the Boys out , jabbering all the way, as excited as the Boys are. They all proceed out.)
(Scene The Wrestling arena, moments later – the Boys, naked again, [it seems like Theseus is getting used to it and liking it] are wrestling. Creon and the Young Ones are watching. The Young Ones are ready with water and towels.
Theseus and Charybdis are in a grip so tight that you could not pass a leaf between their bodies, struggling for the leverage to throw the other to the ground. It is amazing that Theseus can hold his own against the larger Charybdis. It is in no way degrading to Charybdis but rather encouraging to Theseus for he is very strong and capable, well beyond his years. And Charybdis is a fine, muscular boy with wit and cunning. But right now only brute strength is keeping the Boys off of the ground. Charybdis gets a slight edge and gets his arm under Theseus crotch and tries to lift. Theseus shifts his grip to Charybdis's scrotum, they both pull up and tumble to the ground where Charybdis gets on top, both are prone with faces to the dust. Now if Charybdis can only turn Theseus over. Charybdis is very quick and is rotating his chest all over Theseus's back as he tries to gain a hand hold. Theseus is also turning and trying to find an escape. Theseus makes the mistake of spreading his legs too far and Charybdis grabs for his penis and scrotum and uses them to turn Theseus onto his back. Theseus reacts quickly, though, and puts a scissorhold onto Charybdis's neck, drawing Charybdis's face to Theseus's crotch and rolling to the side. The Boys roll several times, dust, legs and arms flying. Charybdis ends up on top, chest to chest and trying now to pin Theseus's arms to the side. Theseus arches his back {his penis draws attention to itself as it flops and swings from the effort}. Charybdis switches sides and puts Theseus in a cradle.) Creon: End. (The Boys break) Theseus: (Protesting) But I was not finished. Creon: The rule is either pin the shoulders or place the cradle on your opponent. (The Boys stand and the Young Ones come over with water and towels. Through the following dialog they wash the Boys faces, penises and buttocks, to try to keep the dirt out of places of potential pain) Creon: You are both clever wrestlers. Theseus: Why does Charybdis always win? Am I not good enough? Creon: You are every bit as good but he is six inches [15 cm] taller, has more experience and is still somewhat stronger than you are. He also has two years on you. Although your strength is gaining on him faster than there is difference in your years. Theseus: How will I ever win? Creon: You will either fight other boys of your age or of your weight and size. It will be fair and you will have every chance of winning because you have fought no one who was not bigger and stronger than you. You boys will do well. Now, take a drink. (The Young Ones offer them dippers of water) It is time to race. You will race across this hill, down the pathway that leads to the shore. I will wait for you at the shore. Get ready. (The Boys jostle for position) Run!
(The Boys are off – the camera tracks backwards as they run, phalluses swinging, up and over the hill. As the camera reverses angle we see the downward side of the hill with the shoreline about a half a mile away. The camera takes angles of their bodies, chests heaving, buttocks working, legs slamming their feet to the earth, faces smiling as they look at each other in their race. Theseus is somewhat ahead and the camera closes in on the front of their bodies, moving slowly from their faces, tight with exertion, past their heaving chests and stomachs, across their swinging penises and down their fast-moving legs. The camera reverses angle again and we see the close glimmer of the sea and Creon standing near the shore. We also see many boys in the water, naked boys of all ages, enjoying a swim on this beautiful Aegean day.
They jump and dive and swim and float. The camera changes to the finish line.
Other Boys have gathered from their swim at the finish line and cheer the racers onward, marvelling at their speed. It almost seems like a mass of phalluses are swinging and waiting. The camera pans across as Theseus and Charybdis race past with Theseus in the lead. They don't stop but head for the water and dive in. Creon, shouting in excitement at the race he has just witnessed, and the other Boys go running and screaming into the water, following our young warriors, screaming congratulations and wonderment at their speed. Creon, Theseus and Charybdis come back out of the water, arms about each other's shoulders, laughing and smiling as the other Boys cluster around them, patting their backs. They reach the shore and collapse on their backs on the sand. The other Boys go back to swimming. Praxxus and Toelmy approach, having finally arrived, out of breath.) Creon: Theseus – I thought you never won. Theseus: This is one event that I was hoping I could win. Praxxus: I never saw a race like that in my life. You two are fast! Toelmy: Faster than the wind. Creon: Theseus, you can win next week. Charybdis: And me? Creon: You will do well in the race, Charybdis. But you alone will be the wrestling champion of the games! (Charybdis looks at Theseus, they smile. All are happy as the camera fades.)
(Scene that night. Creon is naked in his bedchamber. He has a large, attractive build and a long erect penis (at least 7-8 inches [18-20 cm]) which Praxxus and Toelmy are attending to. Toelmy rubs oil on Creon's legs and scrotum and Praxxus is massaging Creon's abdomen and phallus. As their hands begin to concentrate on Creon's massive manhood they move to be on each of his sides.
His hands go to their small penises and fondle and stroke the shafts of their little pleasure sticks. Their release comes very quickly. They continue to fondle their master's phallus. They know how to handle a man and Creon is soon groaning and thrashing. Toelmy takes Creon's large scrotum into his mouth and Praxxus takes as much of Creon's phallus into his mouth as is possible and the boys slurp the manflesh until Creon releases his semen. The Young Ones pull back and resume caressing with their hands so that Creon can receive the full extent of his orgasm. He pulls them both to him in his strong arms, kisses them on their cheeks and lifts them to kiss each of their scrotums and penises. He sets them down and they pull the coverlet over Creon's satisfied, naked body.) Creon: Go to your warriors. Praxxus: Yes, master. (They leave the chambers and the camera follows them down the hall to Theseus's and Charybdis's chambers. The Boys are asleep. The Young Ones slide in next to the Boys and the Boys rouse themselves and turn over onto their backs. Each of the Boys pulls one of the Young Ones down on top of him. The Young Ones grab a decanter of oil and spill it over their masters and their own crotches. They then work their masters erecting penises to their full glory and lay down on top of their masters with their penises tucked up between their legs. The Boys start humping the Young Ones slender thighs, their erect phalluses occasionally poking up to be seen between the soft and supple legs of the child consorts. After a while, with the Boys arms caressing the Young Ones backs and the hands of the Young Ones caressing the arm muscles of the Boys, the teenage mansticks explode with showers of nectar. The Boys and the Young Ones are drenched in the white, sticky love liquid and they simply hug tightly and go to sleep.)
(Scene the next morning. Creon's chambers. The Young Ones are up and laying out his tunic and wrap. Creon is naked and the Young Ones play with his penis when ever they pass close by him. They finish their duties and go off as Charybdis enters. Creon immediately goes over to him and grabs Charybdis's phallus and strokes. Charybdis responds by stroking Creon's penis. The masturbate each other for a few moments and then Creon turns Charybdis around and the camera angle reveals the Young Ones watching from the shadows of the room as Creon bends Charybdis over and inserts his heavy phallus into Charybdis's anus.
He thrusts and throws his hips forward reaching deep inside Charybdis, who furiously strokes his own penis in rhythm with the thrusting up his anus. Charybdis, getting double pleasure, ejaculates early, all over the floor of the chamber, he grunts, and moans and then bends over and grabs his knees as Creon furiously penetrates him, again and again thrusting to the base of his huge erection and finally screaming in ecstasy as he fills Charybdis's anus with his load of semen. Charybdis has not stopped moaning. Creon's hands roam over Charybdis's back, sides, chest and abdomen. They come to rest on his shrinking penis and full scrotum. Creon lies down backwards and Charybdis is careful not to let the penis up his anus come out of it's resting place as he sits on his masters lap. Creon caresses Charybdis's face and body, kissing what he can reach. Charybdis responds to the kisses on his lips and caresses the inside of Creon's legs, the only place he can reach.
The camera pans across the room to the Young Ones who are lying in penis to face position on the floor behind an arras and tonguing each other and licking and sucking on each other's penises. Their boy-sighs are soft – like their young bodies – and Praxxus stiffens his little body as his little penis affords him the maximum pleasure possible in one so young. Toelmy keeps licking, even after Praxxus's orgasm. Praxxus is working hard on Toelmy's delightful boy flesh and Toelmy moans and grabs Praxxus's head as he thrusts a few thrusts into Praxxus's mouth, the testicles in his smooth scrotum are rocking back and forth with his motions. He is soon still, with his penis buried in Praxxus's mouth. Praxxus pulls off his friends penis and spits into his hand.) Praxxus: Look, Toelmy! This came out of your penis. Toelmy: What is it? Praxxus: It is exactly what you wanted – what Charybdis and Theseus have when they feel good – semen! (They look at each other and giggle as the camera fades)
(Scene – the next day. The practice arena. Charybdis and Theseus are throwing spears at marked wooden targets. Praxxus and Toelmy run to fetch the spears so that they can keep the supply up. Creon watches. All but Creon, dressed in his tunic, are naked. Theseus now prefers to be naked, having settled in to the rigors of apprentice life, and is entirely comfortable around this man and the other boys. Love and physical attention are powerful things. The camera should track around the Boys to catch the throwing from every angle: as the arm muscles tense and relax, as the breath is inhaled and released, as the abdomen, chest and back muscles ripple with exertion, as the penises swing freely, as the legs flex and unflex. The Boys are even hitting their targets well. Creon steps in from time to time to fix the aiming technique or adjust the grip. The Boys look to him for approval and he gives it freely. He also lets them know when they drop concentration, and miss. The camera fades to Creon's home.)
(Scene – Creon's home – the noon meal. Naomi is setting the food on the table as the Boys and Young Ones run in, boisterous and happy from the day's practice. Theseus and Charybdis see Naomi and quickly sit, hiding their young manhood. Naomi still makes them nervous. As the Young Ones rush in, they run straight to the table and plop down next to their Boy for the day. Creon enters and takes his place at the head of the table.) Creon: Naomi, you have done well – again. Eh, boys? (The Boys all agree and dig into the feast of fruit, nuts and hardbreads which Naomi has laid out for them.) Praxxus: Did you see the three perfect markers that Charybdis threw? Theseus: Yes, I did. How do you do it? Charybdis: Just lucky? Theseus: Not likely. Toelmy: Theseus hit two perfect markers. Creon: Yes, he did. You are both growing in skill. Charybdis: Are we good enough to win at the trials? Creon: In spear throwing? Not yet! But with practice and diligence you will have a good chance. Theseus: Is that all? Just a good chance? Creon: Isn't that what we all have? The gods will smile on whom they wish. All, well at least many, of the boys are as good as you are. It is the competitive spirit that will also be tested. Starting this afternoon and every day from now on you two will be pitted against each other and the winner after two weeks will receive a prize. Charybdis: What prize? Theseus: Yes, what? Creon: A surprise. Praxxus: I think Charybdis will win. Toelmy: I think it will be Theseus. Charybdis: (Smiling to Theseus) I think they know something we don't! Theseus: (Laughing) How can you judge, Master Creon? We each have our strengths! Creon: (finishing his meal) Yes, and we will see who is the more competitive. I will retire for my mid-day nap and you best do as well. Naomi, will you attend the apprentices. Naomi: Yes, master. Creon: Praxxus and Toelmy – take the rest of the banquet away and clear the table. Then leave the boys alone. Praxxus and Toelmy: Yes, sire. (The Young Ones grab the plates and platters and hurry out, winking at the Boys. Creon exits. Naomi stands there, looking, staring, boring through the Boy's naked bodies.) Charybdis: I don't know about you Theseus, but Naomi's gaze makes me nervous. Theseus: Yes, and excited. Whatever we are supposed to do, I hope I can stay here, hidden. Naomi: Our master has told me to give you release before your afternoon ordeal. Charybdis: You mean we will lie with you?! Naomi: No, I am to remain a virgin. But I am to give you pleasure before your nap. Charybdis: (Standing up, erect and swinging) I'm ready. Naomi: (Smiling) So, I see. Theseus: The only secret I have from you and now 3; Naomi: It will be gone. I know. Master Theseus, I can tell you that I enjoy seeing you naked, you and Master Charybdis. It gives me great pleasure. But because of my vow, I am bound, as are you, to honor the sanctity of my person. My pleasures come only through my eyes. I envy you. You can take your own pleasure at any time, with any one you choose, except me. As for your secret, I too, have a secret. I have watched you, both, as you enjoyed each others lovely, strong bodies and I have wished to take the place of either of you and be the object of the other's attention. Charybdis: I have dreamed about your body many times, Naomi. Theseus: As have I. Charybdis: You are truly beautiful. Do what you will, I am ready. Naomi: Theseus? Theseus: I 3; I thought I was getting used to being around you. (Standing) I have grown used to being naked with Charybdis and the Young Ones and I enjoy it, now. I enjoy wrestling, running and even sleeping and eating – well, just living naked. But when you are near, I feel I insult you with my erection. Naomi: (Walking past Charybdis she puts her arm about his waist and leads him to Theseus, where she stops) On the contrary, your penis honors me. As does yours, Charybdis. It tells me that you think I am attractive. Theseus, that you worry about what I think, I am very grateful for your compassion and concern. As I said, my pleasures come through my eyes and if this (touching each Boy's penis) is my pleasure, looking at two handsome, young men with the full stature of the adult man, (plays with the shafts) long, strong and perfect, I must be content with this one moment that we are about to share. (Naomi stands hip to hip with the Boys, facing them) Charybdis: I am sorry for my selfish and unfeeling response a moment ago. Naomi: It is all right. I deal with my desire every day. I desire you, one or both, every night. Yet, I am alone. (She wraps her hands about each Boy's penis and begins caressing) Master Creon will not even break my virgin knot. But he daily instructs me in how to please a man. I hope, for my first try, it will be good enough for you. Charybdis: You are doing well already. Theseus: Yes, your hands are soft and gentle. (Naomi uses only her hands in long, fluid strokes, from base to tip of the Boy's beautiful phalluses.The heads shine under her attention. She attends them lovingly and caringly. She then lies them on their backs and positions herself to best stroke them. The Boys lie there in ecstasy. Looking at each other, they hold hands as this beauty of a girl strokes their spendid, young symbols of manhood and caresses their inviting scrotums, ripe with the promise of life) Naomi: I don't quite know what to expect. Theseus: You have seen what happens when we do it ourselves? Naomi: Yes. I have watched many times. Charybdis: You honor us with the truth. Theseus: The same will happen when you stroke as when Charybdis or I stroke ourselves or each other. Charybdis: The milk will flow, especially at your touch. Naomi: When? Charybdis: As you increase the rhythm and speed of your stroking. Naomi: (Increasing) Does it feel good? Theseus: It feels 3;fine. Charybdis: It won't 3; take 3;long!
(The Boys entire bodies are tightening in pre-release anticipation. Naomi looks down, strokes faster and faster up and down the engorged love shafts.
The Boys have their eyes shut and their stomachs are tensing. And suddenly their penises stream forth in globs of nectar. Naomi smiles as the Boys moan, writhe and grunt in orgasmic pleasure. She keeps the stroking motion up until the Boys can take no more and place their hands on her hands to have her stop.) Naomi: Is it all right? Theseus: It is more than all right. Naomi: Did I do it well? Charybdis: You did it excellent well. Naomi: I am glad. (She caresses their faces and chests) I have shared a private moment with two boys I care about. I have been intimate with boys I have longed for. I am content that I have touched you and shared in your sexual strength. I am amazed at the size of your phalluses. Are they both what I may expect from any young male? Charybdis: If you mean will the same thing happen with anyone, yes. If you mean are all males given the same equipment, no. We are both much smaller than Creon. I am slightly larger than Theseus, but he is two years younger. Theseus: My experience is limited, but I think every male is a different size and sometimes shape. Charybdis: I like the differences, it makes sex interesting and unexpected. Some are big like Master Creon. Theseus: Some men never grow much larger than Praxxus, my father is one who is very small, but he has seven children. And I have heard my parents take their pleasure often, even of late. The pleasure you can give a male's phallus is the same no matter his size or age. Even Toelmy and Praxxus gain pleasure from their penises. Charybdis: And I am sure that any male lucky enough to get you as a partner or mate will try his best to please you. And you will be fulfilled no matter his size. Naomi: Have you ever been with a girl? Theseus: I had never been with boy or girl before I came here. It is so new and overwhelming. Charybdis is a good lover. And now a beautiful girl has given me pleasure. Even if I can't return the favor I can wish I could. (Theseus is certainly well-educated and considerate. We can tell he comes of a good house and family) NAMOI: (Smiles) And you? Charybdis: I have been with Master Creon since you and I were five. He taught me everything I know. I have never been with a girl. But Theseus is a natural born lover. Naomi: Maybe we all are. Charybdis: Maybe so, you sure know what to do with your hands. Naomi: With your help. (A look passes between them. Naomi stands. She hands them towels) Here wipe yourselves off and retire, for the heat of the day is oppressing. Theseus: (Standing, penis now soft, and wiping off) Thank you. Naomi: I have not seen you soft, Theseus, at least not much, not since that first day. Theseus: With you around I cannot stay soft. Charybdis: (wiping off) Me either. There is something about an attractive person looking at you 3; Naomi: (With a final caress of each penis) A phallus is a beautiful thing. Charybdis: I agree. But your breasts are lovely, also. Theseus: And your face is heaven. May I kiss your hand? Charybdis: Me too? Naomi: Yes, that will be all right. (They gently take her hands and kneel to kiss them) Naomi: I guess we are all made for giving and receiving pleasure. Theseus: Good day, Naomi. Naomi: Good day. Charybdis: Good day. (Charybdis nods at her and smiles. Naomi exits. The Boys look at each other as the start for their chambers. During their walk, they are silent and contemplative. Their hands entwine. The reach their chambers to find Praxxus and Toelmy asleep on the pillows. They carefully and quietly lie down on either side of the Young Ones and enfold them in their arms. The Young Ones respond rolling and turning to fit bodies together as they all drift off to sleep in an embrace.)
(Scene – Charybdis and Theseus running hard across some landscape near the mountains. They are, of course, naked, and are enjoying the freedom. They are alone. But they must meet Creon at the end of their course. They run over several hills, through fields and up a steep mountain slope where they stop to rest and enjoy the view) Theseus: Zeus was kind in creating such a lovely color for water. Charybdis: (Amazed) I don't know if I will ever get used to your deep insights. You are amazing. Theseus: I only report what I see. Charybdis: You always see more than I ever do. Theseus: But you can see it, if you take the time to look. Charybdis: I'd rather look at you and your incredible body.
(Theseus leans over and kisses Charybdis on the lips, tenderly and softly. As he breaks Charybdis pulls him back for another kiss. Charybdis holds Theseus in the embrace and Theseus submits as Charybdis kisses down Theseus's face, neck and chest, stopping at his nipples. He tongues them and Theseus is in heaven. He moans and leans back. Charybdis moves, kissing and licking down Theseus's strong body, across washboard abs and into the region of Theseus's temple, his boyish-manhood, his pleasure-rod, his phallus, his young and now completely erect and throbbing penis. Theseus' hands roam over Charybdis's body, searching for pleasure places.
As he lies on his back Theseus finds Charybdis laying over him, sucking contentedly on his erection. Theseus finds Charybdis's anus and pierces it with his finger, Charybdis moans – and moves to have Theseus taks his enormous boystick into his mouth. The camera moves in and around, as the Boys choke on each others pleasure-sticks. Charybdis reaches the point of orgasm and his back arches repeatedly as Theseus is slurping and gagging in the effort to drink down the load that has been spewed into his eager mouth. Then Theseus himself starts humping in anticipation and Charybdis rams Theseus's penis into his mouth, drinking down the tart-sweet semen of his boy-masters tool of love. After their ejaculation, both Boys lie with their lover's penis in their mouths, tonguing it and kissing and licking at the large testicles within the loosening scrotums. They are content.) Theseus: Can we ever get enough of each other? Charybdis: I can't. My every moment spent in your presence stimulates me. Theseus: Now, who is poetic? Charybdis: It's true. As often as I could lie with you I would. Theseus: Do you think you'll get married? Charybdis: I don't know. I may have grown too fond of your penis to ever settle for anything else. Theseus: Including Naomi's supple breasts and hidden treasure cave? Charybdis: There you have me. I do not know. My penis longs to taste the firmness of her thighs. Theseus: I long to taste the firmness of her breasts and have her pleasure me with her lucious lips and then for me to bury my manhood deep within her and give her the pleasure she deserves. But I too, am not sure that I will ever marry. I will be a bachelor warrior, like Creon, and train boys to be warrior-lovers, like us.
Charybdis: I would like to stay with you forever. Theseus: And I with you. Charybdis: But can we forgive each other for wanting Naomi. Theseus: How can I not? Charybdis: That is true. I love you, Theseus. (He kisses Theseus) Theseus: (Breaking the moment, carefully) And I love you, Charybdis. (Realizing) But if we want to have the parts to love with we must get to Creon! Charybdis: May the gods of Olympus be merciful on us! (They tear off down the hill, back muscles churning, buttocks flexing and grinding and arms pumping. As they go out of sight the camera cuts to Creon, waiting. Over his shoulder we see the Boys coming into view. Creon smiles at their happy faces and swinging penises and fast running. The Boys arrive, breathless and panting, leaning on their knees.) Creon: Well, the slaggards finally arrive. Charybdis: Sorry, master Creon, but the sight of the sea and the mountain air begged us to pause for a rest. Creon: And no doubt the call of your longings kept you busy on the mountaintop? Theseus: We stopped to rest 3; Charybdis: It's no use. He knows. Creon: Of course I know. You love each other and I am proud and happy to have such fine boys fulfill their destinies with each other. I had hoped you would be good for Charybdis, Theseus. And you have been. He has learned of the gentle man from you. He has learned of the thinking man from you. (Charybdis looks pained) Do not worry, Charybdis, Theseus has learned much from you – how to love and be loved – how to fight and win. How to be strong around the most beautiful girl in the Aegean lands. For ten years you have lived with and respected Naomi, Charybdis. You now have both pleased me with your restraint around her. A lesson you will need someday. You worry for her, you protect her, you hope not to embarrass her. I am proud. You have treated her like your sister-goddess. Theseus: Then why today? Creon: It was more for her than for you. I know how you want her. I know your penises strain for release when she is near. It is normal and natural. You are young. Love and sex are always present, always there for you. I too desire her at times. But our life is with men and a man's love. I learned that from my master. We may stray to women at times but we always come back to this 3; (He takes their penises in his hand, the camera follows) 3;the strength of a warrior and the heart of a dove all combined in one, long, stem of manhood. And that is why I let her touch you. She too, has desires and she has been the faithful virgin. For ten years she has watched both Charybdis and his penis grow and erect. But she needed to know how to love a man before she leaves us. Charybdis: No! Creon: Yes. She is leaving after the trials in a few weeks. She is ripe and ready to marry and her new master has called for her. Charybdis: (Teary) What will our household be like without her? Creon: I will find another. Charybdis: She will not be like Naomi! Creon: You are right – and it is good to feel that way. Theseus: (Breaking down) Why? I too feel that way and I have only known her a very short time. Creon: It is good for you to have a sister to love and protect as you do Naomi. You will never forget her or your love for her 3; or her love for you. There is always one woman that a man can never forget. Your's is Naomi. It makes a man who he is. It lets him know pain – and joy. It is best. (Both Boys fall to Creon's arms and he embraces them as they cry briefly.) You have also learned that men cry. And you cry like men, not like babies. You have come so far. My young, god-like warriors. (They look up at him and he kisses their brows, tenderly, fatherly. The camera fades as it pulls back on the two naked Boys being cradled by the loinwrapped Creon in a moment of truth, tenderness and heartbreak.)
(Scene – that night in the Boy's chambers. Praxxus and Toelmy are playing some sort of game. Charybdis and Theseus are conversing, getting ready for sleep) Charybdis: I will love Naomi forever 3; Theseus: Yes, as a thing unattainable. Charybdis: She lived with me for my lifetime and touched my heart. Theseus: And your penis. Charybdis: (Smacking him) I'm trying to be poetic. Theseus: Then write it down. Don't spout it out loud. (Charybdis is somewhat hurt) I'm sorry. You are right. I know what she means to you. Charybdis: You are right also. I am glad I had a moment with her. And I'm glad I could share that moment with my lover. (Praxxus and Toelmy giggle. The Boys look over and the Young Ones stop – for a moment, then they burst out laughing.) Praxxus: (Hanging on Toelmy) Oh, Naomi – how I love you. Toelmy: Oh, Charybdis you are so big. How can I ever love you!!!! Charybdis: (Playfully) Why you little 3; (The Boys jump on the Young Ones and tickle them and wrestle with them. They thrash all over the pillows, laughing and screaming. Charybdis ends up with Toelmy and Theseus with Praxxus. The Boys look at each other and nod. They sit on the Young Ones chests, facing the little boys crotches) Charybdis: Now, lie still. Praxxus: But.. Theseus: Not a sound!! (The Boys reach down and tickle the tiny penises of the Young Ones and they quickly erect. They then stroke them, gently, lovingly, stimulating them to the point of their tiny orgasms as Praxxus shudders in pleasure from Theseus's attention to his boystick. Charybdis, however, gets a surprise as Toelmy's penis seems somehow larger than it has in the past and he looks down just in time to get shot in the face with Toelmy's ripening semen) Charybdis: Theseus! Look here! Theseus: Toelmy, why didn't you say something? This is exciting. Toelmy: I wanted you to find out by touch not by word. Charybdis: This is wonderful. Theseus: Incredible. (picking up Praxxus in his arms) And this young man will soon join the three of us. (Theseus kisses Praxxus's penis and testicles as he tries to pull Praxxus out of his momentary despair) You should be glad for your lover – for I know you are lovers – as glad as I am for both of you. Praxxus: It will not make you love me less because I am the only one now who cannot shoot? Theseus: You will be loved whether it takes one month or three years for your penis to grow. Charybdis: (touching each part as it is spoken of) You are loved not for your cute penis and your strong scrotum, although that is part of it, but for your handsome face, your fine, muscular body, your quick mind and your loving heart. Theseus: (Giving Praxxus to Charybdis and picking up Toelmy) And Toelmy – you are loved for all those reasons, also. You are both my little brother-lovers. Much more than slaves. Charybdis: Much more than brothers. (The Young Ones hug their masters tightly and the Boys pick them up and lay them down on the pillows, reach over and blow out the lamps and pull the coverlet over all four of their fine, naked bodies. The camera fades.)
(Scene – The next few days in a montage of activity. Charybdis and Theseus fighting each other with swords and shields. One taking a rest while Creon teaches the other, then switching. Creon massaging each one's back and sholder muscles. Praxxus and Toelmy wiping down the sweating Boys. All four of the Boys singing songs of courage. Sword fighting again. Crossfading to running naked over the countryside, penises swinging and muscles working. Cross fade to more fighting. The Boys wrestling naked and Theseus almost winning then being bested by Charybdis. Another race which Theseus wins. Spear throwing.
The Boys doing their lessons in writing and mathematics. The household asleep.
The Boys all naked on their pillows wrapped in each others arms, hands comfortably placed on the neighboring penis or scrotum. DAYTIME. More wrestling. Naomi walks by and the Boys are erect but this time they don't seem to mind. Creon teaching wrestling holds and take-downs. Praxxus and Toelmy imitating the older Boys in battle and the Boys and Creon looking on. More running and swimming with dozens of other naked boys. Creon reading poetry with all of the Boys listening. Another night passes as the Young Ones are naked. Creon is playing with them and they are stroking him. The morning finds Naomi rubbing the Boys down again after their baths. Then more Sword instruction, wrestling, running, spear throwing, running. Sex between Theseus and Charybdis as they masturbate each other. Running again, wrestling. And the montage winds down in Creon's bed-chamber with Theseus standing naked and erect in front of Creon. Charybdis, Praxxus and Toelmy are there also, watching for now.) Creon: Theseus, you are about to be initiated into the long line of boy-apprentice-warriors. Charybdis has told you of the practice but you and he have been forbidden to do it, until after tonight. Turn around and bend over.
(Theseus obeys. Creon strokes his massive phallus and places oil on the tip and shaft. He presses it gently against Theseus's anus. He slides in gently and Theseus gasps until his sphincter fully opens to allow his Master in.
Creon starts gently thrusting.) (Theseus moans in pleasure) It does not take long for it to feel good, eh, Theseus. Theseus: No, master. It is very nice. Do you think it is possible for me to be as big as you, Master Creon? Creon: It is entirely possible. But you must wait and see.
(HE begins to thrust more quickly and Creon and Theseus are moaning and grunting. The camera picks up the fact that Charybdis, Praxxus and Toelmy are stroking their erect penises. Theseus reaches down and strokes his phallus, now enormous because of Creon's penetration. Creon's body spasms and he gasps as he fills his young charge with the secret of manhood, the fluid of life rushes into Theseus's anus, warming him and Theseus's penis spurts in gushes of milky liquid. Almost at the same time Charybdis and Toelmy spew their precious semen onto the pillows and Praxxus moans in satisfaction. They all collapse, in a spent heap, around Creon and Theseus.
The camera cross fades to later that night. Creon is penetrating Charybdis and Theseus is penetrating Toelmy. Praxxus is underneath the Boys, who are on hands and knees, canine fashion, masturbating Toelmy and Charybdis. Charybdis has his hand on Praxxus penis. Creon spills into Charybdis and Charybdis spurts onto Praxxus groin as he continues masturbating the child. Theseus delivers his load of semen into Toelmy and Toelmy releases his fluid onto Praxxus's chest. Praxxus's back arches in pleasure and his penis spurts a small amount of the precious liquid.
Charybdis exclaims) Charybdis: Master Creon, all of your boys now ejaculate their semen. Look, Praxxus just emptied onto himself. Creon: Are you sure it is not your own? Charybdis: I saw it squirt out. It was his. He and Toelmy are now both young men. Creon: (Reaching over and picking up Praxxus) My little man. (He kisses him on the lips and on the penis) Praxxus: And look at my chest. Toelmy's semen is there.
(Creon looks and then picks up Toelmy and kisses him on the lips and penis.
Theseus and Charybdis lay next to each other and tickle, caress and fondle each other as Creon continues exploring the young and beautiful bodies of Praxxus and Toelmy. He kisses them all over. He fondles their penises and testicles. They return the favor. Theseus and Charybdis continue their mutual attention which leads to kissing deeply on the lips. After a few moments of love in the afterglow Creon carefully puts the Young Ones to his side and watches the affection between Theseus and Charybdis before gently separating them.) Creon: Remember that the day after tomorrow is the trials. Let us all sleep now and prepare for tomorrows practice. We must all be at our best. (The camera fades as they all lay down legs and arms intertwined for the rest of the night)
(Scene of the Apprentice Trials with hundreds of naked boys running, wrestling, fighting and throwing spears. Our Boys should be prominently featured, with penises and testicles swinging as they compete. The screen should be so full that we are almost on penis overload, as we don't know where to look. Everywhere there is a feast for the eye with well-built, well- endowed, finely-muscled boys filling the lens. Boys of ages 12-17 are all competing in the events. The camera follows as the matches are won and lost.
Charybdis should win every wrestling match. Theseus should win every footrace.
They are both bested a few times in spear throwing and sword fighting but in the end, amid several other splendid specimens of virile boyhood, they each are crowned as winner of their sport. The final, all around wreath-placing takes in four Boys. All are nicely built and hung, with at least average penises. Two boys from Creon's competitors are crowned Second and Fourth but Charybdis is crowned First – the winner – and Theseus comes in a respectable Third. Creon embraces the Boys, Praxxus and Toelmy are ecstatic as the camera fades on the triumph of classic Greek boyhood, in all it's naked splendor.)
The End |