PZA Boy Stories

Bill W

Boy For Hire


Trevor Wiley lived with a drunk for a father, a drunk who liked to physically abuse him. One night Trevor had enough and he fought back, after which he ran away, hoping to find something better.

Publ. 2000 (Nifty); this site Feb 2012; revised text Nov 2016
Finished 39,000 words (78 pages)


Trevor (14yo) and Jeremy (16yo)

Category & Story codes

Consensual Teen-Boy story/prostitution
tt Mt – cons/prost oral anal


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Author's note

© 2013 by billwstories

Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author at Bwstories8(at)aol(dot)com feedback form with Bill W: Boy For Hire in the subject line.

In May 2013 Bill W sent me a revised text of this story. I uploaded this in November 2016 (sorry Bill, I forgot it and it took three years to find it back...).

Table of Contents

  1. The Final Straw
  2. No turning back
  3. Open for business
  4. My secret is revealed
  5. A New Beginning
  6. The seeds of misunderstanding
  7. The twins
  8. The birthday party
  9. A chance to be a kid
  10. Ironing out the wrinkles

Chapter 1
The Final Straw

This was going to be the last time the bastard beat the crap out of me. I'd had it and wasn't going to take his shit any longer. He swung around to hit me again, but I was ready for him this time and took the offensive. After blocking his blow, I kicked him squarely in the nuts and the son-of-a-bitch doubled over in pain, as a look of disbelief registered on his face. I knew he never thought I'd have the guts to defend myself, so he had continued to heap his abuse on me, but this was the last time he'd ever get that chance.

As he hunched over in pain, I brought my knee up forcefully under his chin and sent him sprawling on the floor. As soon as he went down, I gave a couple of powerful kicks to his side, just as he had done to me in the past, and heard a sharp crack. I assumed I'd probably just broken one of his ribs, maybe even more than one, but I didn't give a shit. He deserved it. Now, I squatted over his chest and brought my right fist crashing into his jaw and then my left came smashing into his cheek.

I was taking out all of the years of frustration and doing the same things to him that he had done to me, because I wanted to give him a taste of his own same medicine. I wasn't about to show the asshole any mercy and unleashed the cumulative years of pent up rage I'd been holding back, but had desperately wanted to be able to vent, so I used this occasion to do just that. My fists flew so quickly they were just a blur, as I struck any part of his body that got in their way. When my fists began to hurt from pounding him, I stood up and gave him a couple more kicks for good measure.

As I stood there looking at his limp and battered form, I began to wonder why I had taken his abuse for so long. Sure, he might have been my father and down deep maybe I still loved him, but why did I let him kick the crap out of me for so many years? Why did I take his abuse without fighting back? He would come home, get royally drunk and then find some excuse to beat me to within an inch of my life. He was a fucking alcoholic, animalistic bully and I spent years believing that every beating he gave me was my fault.

I even went out of my way to show him I was a good son and better than any son could hope to be, but nothing I did stopped the beatings. No matter how well behaved I was, it was never good enough and it took me all this time before I finally realized it wasn't my fault. It was the booze and his fucking disposition that had created this hell on earth for me, so now I was officially ending his reign of terror. At fifteen, Trevor Wiley was forever declaring his independence in the strongest possible fashion. I was going to leave this pathetic excuse for a father behind and make a life for myself.

I went upstairs, threw everything I had into a large, dark green duffle bag I owned and got ready to leave the house. First, I collected all of the cash I'd saved from doing whatever jobs I could for the neighbors and then I grabbed my jacket and knit cap, since it was still winter. When I went back downstairs and walked past the bastard's prone form, I spat on him, to add insult to the injury I had so forcefully heaped upon him. Then, I opened the door and walked outside, slamming the door behind me.

I stood alone in the cold, night air and tried to determine where I would go now. I had no other relatives and only a few friends, but I knew I had to leave this small town and get as far away from everything as I could. Butler, Virginia was a very small town and rumors spread quickly. I understood that once word got out that I'd wailed on my old man, some of the other locals would turn on me. Hell, the sheriff would probably even arrest me for assault and it wouldn't make any difference to them that he routinely beat the hell out of me, because he was my father and could discipline me any way he saw fit. I knew they would never accept self-defense as a legitimate rationale for the severe beating I'd just given him. The only way they would have turned on him would have been if he'd actually beaten me to death and I wasn't about to wait around until that happened.

Everyone in town knew he drank and often to excess. Dad was a civilian employee at Fort A.P. Hill, which was 30 or 40 miles northwest of here, and rode to work in a car pool with three other locals who also worked there. He would constantly bitch to them about what a terrible kid I was and how hard it was to keep me in line. Once he started feeding them that crap, word quickly spread throughout town that I was the devil's spawn and my father would not 'spare the rod' in his effort to make me an honest, upstanding member of the community. Only a few of our really close neighbors I worked for ever suspected his claims were unfounded and total bullshit, but since they didn't have any solid proof to the contrary, there was little, if anything, they could do to help me.

Walking down the dark road that led out of town, my mind kept going over each of the beatings I had suffered at his hands. I recalled the very first time it had happened as if it were only yesterday. My mom was still alive at the time and I had been out playing with some friends. As usual, Dad came home from work and started drinking heavily. I was supposed to be home by 8:00, so when I walked in five minutes late, he lit into me as if I had just robbed a bank or raped the girl next door.

I was only seven years old at the time and trembled in fear as he grabbed me by the arms and began shaking me like a rag doll. I nearly pissed and shit my pants, seeing I was so frightened, but he didn't let up. The next thing I knew, he threw me across the room and my body slammed into the wall. That knocked all of the air out of my lungs and I slumped to the floor, but he wasn't done with me yet. He came over, grabbed me by the arm again and dragged me to my room.

Once we were there, he tossed me on the bed and ripped the clothes from my body. Then he pulled me off the bed and made me bend over the side of the mattress, with my ass in the air, as he removed his belt. He then whipped me with that wide piece of leather for the next fifteen minutes, until he dropped from exhaustion. He had whipped every inch of my flesh, from my shoulders to my ankles, and left the marks that I still carry today. My backside was cut up and bleeding, but then the welts and bruises picked up where the blood left off.

After he'd finished abusing me, Mom tended to my battered body, but there wasn't much she could do at that point, except clean off the blood and apply some antibiotic ointment, in order to prevent infection. For several days afterward, I would lie in bed at night, on my belly, while trying to determine what I had done to make my father hate me so. Going to school was tough too, seeing the injuries made it difficult to do almost anything. Even sitting at a desk was painful, especially where my back or butt rested against the chair. My mom also had to give me an excuse to get out of PE class and explained it away by telling them I'd had a bad bike accident and couldn't participate for a couple of weeks.

The next beating came after I spilled my milk at dinner, so this flogging was the result of wasting food and making a mess. The time after that was because he saw me talking to someone he didn't approve of, so that punishment was meant to teach me to respect and obey his wishes. The next occasion he mauled my body was because I didn't clean my room well enough. The time after that happened due to the wind blowing the lid off of the trash can after I'd set it out at the curb, since I obviously hadn't put it on properly. Those last two thrashings were to teach me responsibility and encourage me to pay attention to detail.

After that, he smacked me around because I got to the bathroom first and made him late for his car pool. The time after that came about because I'd asked my mother to repeat something she'd said. Honestly, I hadn't heard what she'd told me, but that didn't matter. He whipped me again, but this time it was to teach me to respect my parents and pay attention. No matter what I did, I got bashed for it. Sometimes he whipped me with his belt, while at other times it would be with his hands or fists. There were other occasions when he used a wooden switch, a wooden spoon, the garden hose, an electrical cord or just about anything else he could put his hands on at the moment. Over time, I learned this took place at his whim and basically for any reason at all.

During those beatings, if my mom intervened in an attempt to protect me, it would only piss the bastard off and then he'd start slapping her around as well. No matter how hard I tried, I was never able to answer the question about why he hated me so badly, as I endured many more beatings, which went along with his merciless taunts. Every time he delivered another blow to my abused torso, he would tell me what a disobedient, miserable piece of shit I was.

When my mother drowned, while trying to save a little girl from a rain swollen creek, the beatings got even worse, if you can possibly believe that. It all culminated tonight, after I finally decided I'd had enough and fought back out of anger and frustration. I didn't know how badly I'd hurt him, hell I might have even killed him, but I really didn't care how he fared from my assault. Why should I? He never gave a damn about what he did to me or how badly I was hurt.

Over the years I had become numb to both him and his beatings, at least after about the first two-dozen episodes. After being pummeled so many times, I willed my mind somewhere else whenever he flew into one of his rages. I pretended it wasn't happening to me and it wasn't him assaulting me. Hell, as far as I was concerned, I wasn't even there. Afterward, I would tend to my injuries and then attempt to avoid as much contact with both the afflicted areas and the outside world as I could. Then, I'd pray all of my wounds, both physical and emotional, would heal before the next beating began.

Now, here I was walking down a dark, lonely county road, while trying to get away from him. I wasn't sure if there would be enough traffic to get a ride or if I'd end up walking the entire distance to I-95, but I didn't really care, as long as I got away from here. I figured that once I hit the Interstate, I could catch a ride to somewhere in southern Florida, where I wouldn't have to worry so much about finding shelter from the elements during the remaining winter months, especially at night when I needed to rest. If I had to, I would sleep out in the open, in a park or behind a school, but it wouldn't make a difference to me, as long as I wasn't near my asshole father. I had already walked a few miles down that long, unlit road when an old pick-up truck pulled up beside me.

"Where you headed to, young fella?" the driver inquired, while eyeing me.

"To the Interstate," I answered, hoping he might offer to give me a lift.

"Whatcha goin' there fer?" he followed.

"I'm going to Florida to visit my Grandma, sir," I lied. "She's been really sick and needs someone to help take care of her."

"Well, yuh got kinda a long haul ahead of yuh, so hop in," he offered and I immediately accepted.

I jumped into the cab and the driver burned a little rubber, when the tires spun on the gravel first, before grabbing ahold of the pavement. The driver was a fairly muscular guy, probably in his mid to late twenties, and wasn't bad looking either. From the things he talked about, I assumed he was a construction worker, which probably explained his muscular build. We had traveled about ten minutes before I got my first proposition.

"Hey kid, I was thinkin' about stoppin' fer somethin' to eat," he announced. "I'm hungry. How abouch yuh?"

"You can stop if you want to, but I'm ok," I replied. "I don't have much money, so I've got to save what I have for my trip."

"Who said anythin' abouch yuh payin'?" he followed. "Ah figured we could work outta little deal."

"What do you mean?" I asked naively.

"Well, I thought I could pay fer yuh meal, if yuh let me suck on yur dick fer a bit," he suggested, while flashing me a grin.

"And what would I have to do to you?" I countered, since I was afraid there was more to this than what he was saying.

"Nutin'. I'll suck yur dick and then yuh get to eat," he answered. "That's it."

I thought about it for a minute and concluded I didn't mind the idea of getting sucked off by this nice looking guy, especially if he was going to buy my food too. This might not be such a bad deal after all and a double win for me.

"Well, it depends," I stated, to see how far he was willing to go. "How much are you willing to spend for my food if I let you do this?"

He looked as if he was adding things up in his mind, but then finally responded.

"Ten bucks, tops," he stated.

He'd hit the magic number, so I didn't even have to think about it.

"Deal!" I agreed.

"Supah. There's a little place up duh road where we can pull over fer some fun," he announced, and it seemed as if he was getting quite excited about doing this.

It wasn't long before he pulled the car over and parked. We were stopped in a flat, open area just off the road, where the ground had previously been cleared of all vegetation, possibly when the crews were working on the roadway during the fall. There was plenty of room to get the truck off the road and then remain inconspicuous to passing motorists. After he turned off the engine, he got out of the truck, walked over to the passenger side of the vehicle and opened my door. The dome light didn't come on, so I figured the bulb must have blown.

"Just swing yur legs out duh door and I'll make yuh feel real good," he instructed.

I did as I was told and he knelt in front of me, as he started to unfasten my jeans. I lifted my butt off the seat, so he could pull them and my boxer-briefs down below my knees, as he exposed my 5¾" [14½ cm] circumcised penis. It was already half-hard in anticipation, and as soon he saw the state I was in, he began to chuckle about how excited I was about getting my rocks off.

"Well, it looks like yuh kinda like my idea, boy," he teased.

"I don't know any guy who doesn't like a good blowjob," I replied dryly.

"And that's what I'm gonna give yuh," he confirmed.

He then bent over, grabbed my cock in his hand and started to lick the bright pink head. As soon as he did that, I felt tingling sensations wash over my body and my excited boyhood jumped to full attention. He continued licking my dick, while his other hand reached up and started to fondle my balls. He was good, really good, and I was very aroused by his actions. When he flicked his tongue into my piss slit, he sent another wave of sensations outward from the glans, and I was still enjoying those sensations when he slid his mouth over the tip of my organ.

He easily swallowed the entire shaft and immediately had his nose brushing against my pubic hairs. He began to work his lips over the outer covering of my member and gently stroked the sides of my erection with the tender, moist flesh of his lips and inside of his mouth. As he continued doing this, I began to feel the churning in my nuts and the heat of pleasure radiated from my groin and extended to the tip of my dick.

"I'm nearly there. I'm going to cum soon," I warned him, but he didn't pull off. If anything, he sped up his actions. "Oh, ahhh… I'm going to… cuuum. Oh God, yes. Suck it. Suck it."

Since he knew I was about to blow, he took his hand off of my nut sac and slid it under my butt. That's when I felt one of his fingers searching out my butt hole, before he jammed it into my chute. He quickly touched something within me that triggered my release, because the sensations it elicited were more than I could take.

"I'm… I'm… ughhh…" but I never finished.

That was the last sound I uttered before several gigantic ropes of sperm jettisoned from my cock and flooded my benefactor's slurping mouth. He kept sucking on my dick until he had teased the final few drops of cum from my now wilting love muscle and then let it fall from his lips.

"Boy. Yuh sure pack one hellofa load. Damn tasty, too," he gushed. "Hell, yuh filled me up so much that I dunno if I ken still eat."

"You're not backing out of your deal, are you?" I stated, as I began to panic.

"No kid, yuh was good to yur word and I'll be good fer mine," he confirmed. "We'll go eat, all right. Hell, yuh ken even pick duh place."

Relieved, I asked him if there was a decent pizza place around and he said he knew just the spot. We stopped at 'Tony's Pizza Parlor' and had a large, thick crust, pepperoni pizza and cokes. It was really pretty good and we were on the road again in short order.

As we drove along this time, I closed my eyes, leaned back and began to think. Hey, if I can find other guys out there who would buy me things or give me money if I let them suck me off, then I might do better than I first thought. In fact, it could even be fun. I guess I'd always suspected I might be gay. Heck, I'd always found myself aroused when looking at or thinking about other guys, so maybe I could use it to my advantage. This might be just what I needed to prove whether I really was gay or not. I could also earn some money, get some food and relieve my built up sexual tension all at the same time. Hell, if the guy looks decent enough, I might even be willing to suck him off for even more money. I kept thinking about these new possibilities when the driver brought me back from my circumspection.

"Hey, boy. Yuh asleep?" he asked, in a hushed voice, in case I was sleeping.

"No, just thinking," I replied.

"Well, duh Interstate is right chere, so I just wanna let yuh know this is as fer as I'm goin'," he informed me.

"Thanks for the ride, sir, and thanks for everything else. I really appreciate what you did for me."

"Well, I'll keep muh eyes open fer yur return trip," he noted. "Maybe we ken have some more fun then."

"Yeah, that would be great," I agreed.

Even as I told him this, I knew I would never return here, but that didn't matter. It gave him something to look forward to, even if it never happened. He then pulled over to the side of the road, so I got out and thanked him again.

"Hey, kid. Head over to that truck stop over thar and yuh might be able tuh talk one of dem drivers into givin' yuh a ride south," he suggested. "Most of dem travel on duh Interstate, so you shud have a gud chance of gettin' there."

I thanked him again and did as he suggested. I started talking to the various drivers I ran across, to see if any of them might be heading south. Most of them seemed to be traveling north, but then one of the drivers said he was going in my direction.

"Yeah, I'm driving south, all the way to Miami," he revealed. "I can get you almost anywhere you want to go."

"That would be nice, but I can't afford to pay you," I admitted and the driver started to eye me up and down.

"Well, I'll tell you what, kid. If you let me have a piece of that tail, then not only will I drop you off where you want to go, but I'll even buy your meals along the way too," he offered, looking hopeful.

"What exactly do you want me to do?" I challenged, since I wasn't sure what he was suggesting.

"You don't have to do nothin', son, except let me fuck that cute little ass of yours," he clarified, while grinning.

"Uh, I… well… I don't know about that," I stammered. "I've never done… well… that before. Isn't there something else I could do instead?"

"Look, son. I'll be real gentle with you," he promised. "I've got some KY jelly in the cab and I'll loosen you up real good, so you won't hardly feel a thing."

"I'm… I'm... not sure," I stammered again, since I was worried it was going to hurt.

"Son, you're not going to get any better offer than I'm making you," he stated. "I'm going the whole way to Miami, so I can drop you off no matter where you're heading."

"Well, where would you suggest I go then?" I asked in return.

"You mean you don't even know where you're heading?" he shot back, totally bewildered.

"I just want to get away from here for a while," I countered. "I want to go some place where I'll blend in and where it'll be warm enough to spend all of my time outdoors, if I need to. It would help if there was also a good-size mall in a fairly nice neighborhood nearby."

"In that case, I'd suggest Ft. Lauderdale," he suggested. "There's a huge mall on the west side, near the Interstate, and I think you'd fit in there just fine. It'll be plenty warm enough too. Course, most of those parts would be."

I thought for a while before I answered him.

"If you promise not to hurt me when you do it, then I'll let you give me a ride to Ft. Lauderdale. Deal?" I offered.

"Sure, kid. I'll be as gentle as your own mama," he agreed, while giving me a big grin.

I thanked him, but the mention of my mother brought a whole new wave of emotions into play. I wondered if I'd be doing this if she were still around? I also wondered if she'd have left Dad and taken the two of us somewhere safe? I even wondered if she could have protected me or even had him arrested for what he did to us? Then, I reasoned there was no sense in worrying or wondering about things that could never be changed.

Since he was ready to leave, I hopped into the truck's cab and we were soon tooling down the highway. The trucker said he'd be pulling over to take a little nap in a couple of hours, because he'd been on the road for quite awhile. That's also when he would be expecting his payment.

I started fidgeting in my seat and began to wonder if I'd made the right decision. Although I'd occasionally thought about some guy popping my anal cherry, I'd always hoped it would be some cute young guy that I'd fallen in love with. Here I was with some strange truck driver in his late fifties and I'd agreed to let him deflower me for the price of a ride and meals. At the time, it sounded like the right decision, but now I was starting to wonder if I hadn't been a bit hasty. I think the driver knew or suspected what I was thinking, because he suddenly tried to engage me in a lot of inane chitchat to distract me from any other thoughts. Over the following hour, we began talking about anything that popped into his mind.

We had a long ride ahead of us, and we'd go through several different states before we even got to Florida. I was trying to figure out which state we'd be in when we pulled over, as I began to ponder my fate. I wanted to fall asleep and just forget about what awaited me, but I knew my mind would never let go of the idea long enough so I could get any rest. Instead, I decided to spend my time mentally preparing myself for what was going to happen. He promised he wouldn't hurt me and seemed to be a pretty honest and up-front type of person, so maybe I'd be alright. In the meantime, I tried to convince myself this would work out fine, even if it wasn't exactly how I wanted it to happen.

Chapter 2
No Turning Back

The driver was pulling off the Interstate into a rest area, so I knew it was time for me to pay the piper. He kept peeking over in my direction and grinning with each furtive glance, so there was no question in my mind what he was thinking about. He must have sensed I was getting more and more nervous the closer we got to our destination, so he decide to try to get me to calm down.

"Relax, son. I promise I won't hurt you," he assured me. "Shit, boy, you're probably hung as well as me, because I kind of got shortchanged in the old dick department. My old wand isn't big enough to do any real damage, just big enough to have some fun. Hell, I'll even make you another promise. If you calm down and do as I tell you, you're going to enjoy it. If not, I'll give you twenty bucks for your effort."

"What about the ride?" I asked, concerned.

"You'll get the ride to where you're going, whether you enjoy the fuck or not," he confirmed.

His response helped to make me feel a little better, not the part about the money, but the part about his having a small penis. If he was confident enough to offer me $20.00 if he hurt me, then he must be reasonably certain it wouldn't happen, since he doesn't appear to be the kind who has money to burn. I'm not sure if my logic was flawless, but it sounded good and made me feel better.

As he pulled into a rest area and parked his vehicle, he told me to hop into the sleeper and get undressed, which he explained meant taking off all of my clothes. He said he liked to get a full show beforehand, because it helped him get it up. He left the engine running, as he crawled back into the sleeper with me and pulled the curtain closed, which shut us completely off from the driving portion of the cab. He had already turned the light on in the sleeper, so everything was clearly visible.

"Damn, boy, you have sure got a real purdy body there," he observed. "Yep, and just as I suspected, you're probably a shade bigger in the dick department, too."

That made me relax even more, since I'd never considered myself big, especially when compared to the other guys I'd seen in the showers at school. In fact, I'd say that I was only average, so if he's smaller than that, then it shouldn't be bad, as long as it's not too thick.

He had been taking his clothes off as I was thinking about this and already had his shirt and trousers removed. He only had on a graying pair of briefs and his socks, so I studied the bulge in his shorts and it appeared as if he'd been telling the truth about the size of his tool. As he slid his jockeys down, out popped a slender, uncircumcised cock, maybe a little over 5" [12½ cm] in length. If the length reassured me, then seeing the thickness helped to put me completely at ease. I guess if I had to pick a penis for my first ass fucking, then this probably would have been one of the ones I'd have chosen. Totally naked, he moved down beside me and started rubbing his hands all over my body.

"Shit, boy, you're one fine looking specimen, if you don't mind my saying so," he commented, while taking a good look at my body.

"Thank you, sir. I consider that a fine compliment," I answered with more self-assuredness than I would have ever expected from me.

"Well, it was meant as a compliment, so that's how you should take it," he responded and then paused for a few seconds. "Son, if you let me suck your dick too, then I'll give you an extra $10.00 in cash."

"Ok. That will be fine," I agreed. "Enjoy yourself."

He didn't hesitate and bent over and started nibbling on my boyhood. Damn, my second blowjob in just a few hours. Yeah, I just might have discovered an easy way to survive for a while. The old guy was busy munching and licking everything from my navel on down to mid-thigh, since he seemed to have a taste for tender, white meat, but I'd have to wait to see if he also liked the darker meat of the drumstick. I hadn't been paying attention to what he'd been doing, when I suddenly realized he'd swallowed my rod in one gulp. This caused me to gasp and then I heard him chuckle softly to himself. He wasn't quite as good as the first guy, so I ended up lifting my hips up and down, as I face fucked him to get it over with. His mouth did serve its purpose though, so before long I reached my climax.

"Oh, yeah. Take it all, you dirty old man," I urged, as I thrust my hips faster. "I'm going to shoot and I want you to swallow all of my boy cream. Drink it all up. Here… here it… cuuums. Ohhh yeah. Ughhh."

I rammed my meat as far into his mouth as it would go and shot another hot load, this time against the back of my new partner's throat. I could feel it every time he swallowed, because my dick was in so far, and he didn't let even the tiniest drop escape his lips. Once he had completely drained me, he let my cock slip from his mouth and sat up, while wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.

"Real sweet cum you've got there, boy," he offered. "Almost like licking honey off of a bear cub's paw and good to the last drop."

After resting and savoring the flavor of my deposit for a brief time, he leaned over my head and reached into the corner of the compartment to get something. He then sat back and showed me the tube he held in his hand.

"Now relax, son, and just do what old Frank tells you," he urged. "I'm going to put some of this KY jelly on my fingers and then I'm going to use them to stretch out that tight hole of yours. I'll do it slowly, so it won't hurt. After I grease you up, I'll slobber some of this stuff on my pecker, so it'll slide in real nice. When I go to put it into you though, I want you to relax, and even though I'm not sure you'll need to, you should also push down like you're taking a crap. Just don't do it so hard that you shit all over my bedding, but just enough to open up your chute as much as you can. Do you understand what I just told yuh?"

I nodded my head in confirmation and Frank went about his business. He then placed his first finger at the muscular ring that controlled the opening and pressed against it, but my anus didn't want to cooperate. When I realized what was happening, I pushed down with my ass muscles like he'd said and his finger slipped right in. I had never had anything up my rectum before tonight, but this didn't feel bad at all, at least compared to the first guy earlier. He had had just rammed his finger up there and forced his way in, and even though it felt good once it was in me, Frank was going very slowly and making sure I felt as little discomfort as possible. I appreciated his gentleness and deep concern, as he slipped a second finger into my virgin hole and started twisting them around and bending the first couple of knuckles inside me. When he did that, he hit the same spot in my ass that the first guy had also touched and I immediately felt the sparks flying, which caused me to jerk wildly about. Frank giggled in response.

"That's your prostate, son, and it feels real good when it gets stroked, don't it?" he wanted to know. "My old dick should be stroking it a lot while I'm fucking you and that adds to the pleasure for most men. You'll learn to love that little button more and more each time you have sex."

When he finished telling me this, he inserted a third finger and started working the triumvirate around in my tunnel. I was getting really excited now and enjoying the sensations more and more, which caused Frank to giggle even more, as I squirmed beneath his touch.

"I told you that you were going to like it, son," he chortled. "I've got you loosened up enough, probably more than you need to be loosened up for old Frank here, but I wanted to make sure I wouldn't hurt you when I was fucking you. I hope you're ready, kid, cuz I'm gonna give you the ride of your young life. Old Frank might not have a big weapon, but he sure knows how to use it. It's kind of like they say, kid. 'It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog.' This old dog still has his teeth and knows how to use them, so to speak."

I got a kick out of the way he was putting things and how he kept trying to make me feel better. I think I was beginning to like him a little more every minute we spent together. Once he had me loose, he slipped a condom over his dick, added some lube to it and then moved into position.

"Ok, son. Pull your knees up to your chest and give old Frank a good look at that pucker," he told me and I did as he requested. "That's right. That's what you need to do. Now remember, as I start to enter, you push down a little, like you're taking a dump in the woods."

Again, I chuckled at his phraseology, until I felt his dickhead touch my rosebud. When that happened, I started pushing down with my anal muscles to make it easier for him to enter me. Once he'd got past the guardian to my sacred channel, he slid in easily and I soon felt the hairs of his legs tickle my sensitive ass. He told me I had done just fine and asked if I needed a minute before he started. I quickly told him that wouldn't be necessary and he began his partial withdrawal, followed by a quick thrust back into my ass. Once he got into a rhythm, Frank wrapped his arms around me and began to rub my back.

"Christ, son, what the fuck happened to you?" he asked in a shocked voice, once he'd felt the scars and welts that still covered my body.

When I realized what he was referring to, the tears started to well up in my eyes. Even though I had escaped my father, I still bore the reminder of what he'd done to me. As the rising moisture started to cascade down my cheeks, I answered him.

"My dad's a drunk and used to whip me whenever he got shit-faced," I explained.

"Damn, boy. That's some pretty mean shit back there," he acknowledged. "Is that the hell you're running away from?" I merely nodded my head in response. "Well, I guess old Frank don't blame you then. If it had been me, I'd most likely have killed the bastard."

"I did beat and kick the crap out of him before I left," I admitted, proudly. "He was bruised and bloody when I took off, and I even spit on him after I was done, to show how much I hated him."

"Good for you, boy," Frank enthused. "He's lucky he got off that easy."

His words made me feel much better about the confrontation with my dad. After we finished our conversation, Frank got back to business and maintained a nice, steady rhythm. I purred as his penis brushed against the responsive organ that lay just inside my entranceway, at the base of my penis, and I was really surprised by the lack of pain and the overwhelming gratification I was feeling from this sexual act. I had been very worried about doing this and praying it wouldn't hurt, but I never expected to get this much enjoyment from it.

Frank began to rock in and out of me faster and faster, so I knew he would be blowing his load soon. He had placed his hand on my cock, which was once again rigid and ready to party, so he pumped it at the same tempo he was working my butt. He was also panting hard and very loudly, so I started to worry he was going to have a heart attack in his final throws of sexual bliss and then die on top me. Wouldn't that be fun to try to explain away to a State Police Officer when he came to investigate?

'No sir, I didn't kill him,' I would try to explain. 'He just had a heart attack while he was fucking my ass. He was having such a good time that he was actually cumming and going at the same moment.'

Yes, it did sound comical, but I was certain any situation like that wouldn't be very humorous.

"Oh, God, son. You're so damn tight and so fucking good," Frank hissed, bringing me back to the present. "Man, I've never felt such a tight boy cunt before."

Judging from that comment, I was obviously not the first minor he'd fucked, but I certainly got the feeling he was really enjoying himself, even if I was inexperienced. Of course, I realized I was the master of understatement, but I was also new to this game and that was how I saw it. Even though this was my first time, it didn't seem to lessen the pleasure Frank was receiving from doing it. He was pumping harder now, like a piston in a sports car as the tachometer approached the red line, so I knew he wasn't going to last much longer.

"Oh, fuck, kid. Here it comes," he wheezed. "I'm going to fill the old condom up with my baby-making sperm. Ohhh yesss. Arrrgh."

His cock throbbed and expanded, just before I felt his hot blasts of his man fluids fill the tip of the latex tube buried deep inside the inner reaches of my love tunnel. A few seconds later, my own penis exploded in his hand and my jizz shot up into the air and landed all over me, Frank's arm and hand, and some of the bedding. He collapsed backward after we had both orgasmed and let gravity pull his cock from my butt. There was a strange slurping sound as his penis made its exit and almost sounded like a wet fart. If I wasn't so exhausted, I might have started to laugh at the strange noise.

When he'd recovered, Frank tossed me a rag to clean the spunk off my body and whatever else it was covering. Then, we both dressed and got ready to leave the truck. Since this was just a rest area, we only went inside and used the toilet, before he bought me a drink from a vending machine and then we got back into the truck. When he started the engine again, I asked him a question.

"I thought you were going to sleep here for a while," I pointed out, confused.

"Pokin' your backside woke me up, son, so we'll go a little farther and stop to eat first, before I take my nap," he replied. "You got old Frank's juices flowin' again, so I'm gonna take advantage of it."

I thought this was an interesting outcome of having sex, but whatever worked for him. After a couple more hours on the road, Frank started to look for a place to eat and we ended up stopping at a Waffle House. Before we went inside, however, Frank had something he wanted to tell me first.

"Listen up, kid," he began, and he looked serious. "If anybody in there asks what you're doing riding with me, you just tell them you're my grandson and I'm bringing you down to visit your sick grandmother at the other end of line. If you let them think you had sex with me, then some of them will probably want a piece of your ass too, while some of the others would probably call the cops on us. I'm afraid the others wanting to have sex with you wouldn't be quite as gentle with you as I was, since I'm sure some of them are packin' some really big equipment. Shit, I've happened to glance over at guys like that in the men's room when I was taking a leak and what they're hidin' in their pants would rip you completely apart. You might even bleed to death before they finished."

I thanked Frank for his warning and for making sure my first time had been so pleasant. He said it had been his pleasure and then took a ten-dollar bill out of his wallet and handed it to me.

"Here's what I promised you, now let's go inside and get a quick bite to eat."

We went inside, had our meal and then came back to the sleeper for some actual sleep. I curled up on my side and Frank cuddled up against my back and draped his arm over my chest. Here, a total stranger was showing me more affection on our first day together than my father had shown for me over the course of my entire life. How could you account for that?

When his travel alarm went off a few hours later, he left me there and got back into his seat to drive. I continued to sleep with the gentle rocking of the big rig and the hum of the tires over the highway. It actually turned out to be a sweet lullaby that kept me company until I awoke, which I did with a start. I had actually forgotten where I was at the moment and what had happened at home, but once I looked around and regained my perspective, I moved into the cab and sat on the seat next to my sexual instructor.

"Where are we?" I wanted to know.

"We've still got a few hours to go before we reach your destination," Frank answered, "but it's just about time to stop and get some breakfast?"

"You don't have to buy me breakfast," I objected. "You've already done plenty."

"Hell, son, don't look a gift horse in the mouth," he stated with a grin. "I want to buy you breakfast, so are you ready for to eat?"

"Yes, sir, and thank you," I agreed.

We stopped at a small dinner just off the Interstate and Frank bought me a huge breakfast. I had three pancakes, two eggs, home fries, four pieces of toast and orange juices. I think Frank was afraid that once he'd dropped me off, I might not be eating on a regular basis after that, so he was trying to fill me up so it would last me awhile. Before we got back into his rig, I gave him a hug and thanked him for his kindness. He blushed a little from my public display of affection and even looked around to see who had seen this. Once he realized we didn't know any of these people and concluded he didn't give a damn what they thought, he hugged me back.

We rode for quite awhile after that, as I watched the scenery pass by my window. I had never traveled very far away from home, so I enjoyed studying the various areas that we passed through. Much of it didn't look very different from the area where I grew up, at least until we hit Florida. Suddenly, the area seemed to become very flat and I missed the rolling hills and mountains looming up in the distance. It gave me an unsettling feeling.

When we finally reached the mall that Frank had told me about, he dropped me off and we parted ways. I thanked him, several times for his extreme kindness and generosity before he left, and then he wished me luck. He also gave me his cell phone number, so I could reach him at any time, in case I decided I needed a ride somewhere else. I grabbed my belongings and shed a few tears as I watched him drive off, before I decided to check out the area.

While I was looking around the surrounding neighborhood, I also discovered, there was a park in the area, with a small lake, but it also had lots of bushes that I could use to keep hidden and out of sight. There was a small, brick storage shed that had full, thick hedges running around it on three sides, so I decided to hide my dark green duffel bag on the backside of the building, in the bushes. After looking around some more, I determined I would also sleep there for the time being. There was a slight overhang on the roof, which would help protect me a little when it rained, and I doubted many people ever walked past the back of the building anyway. Part of the reason was due to the fact that there was only about a lawnmower's width between the hedge and the chain link fence, so until I found someplace better, this would be my new home. There was even a restroom just a short distance away from the shed, so I would be able to make use of that too.

Since my temporary arrangement had been figured out, I made a beeline for the mall, to see what I would find there. Frank had been correct and the mall was a huge. There was everything in there that I might need, except for a shower and laundry. I then used my time to go around the mall and explore, as I attempted to discover as many interesting things as I could about this new location. My recent exploration told me this was a fairly affluent community, so I was sure the mall would work out quite well as my base of operation to peddle my wares, as you might say. I kept looking for the security cams, as well as various benches were I could observe the traffic and be seen by the shoppers, yet stay off the mall cops' radar. When it was time to look for customers, I would also stroll around outside, near the main entrance to the mall and the theater entrance, but I'd do that primarily in the evening.

To make sure I knew everything about this place, I also walked completely around the exterior of the mall, as I scouted out every exit and looked for any potential hiding places as well. These would be areas I could take a prospective client for a little action without being spotted by security. After I got a slight feel for the lay of the land, I went back inside and located where each of the rest rooms were, including the ones located in some of the larger stores, and made mental notes about which ones had the least traffic. I also scoped out the most private and isolated stalls at each location, but I also made mental notes as to which ones I might be able to hide in overnight, if the weather got really bad. I knew I wouldn't be able to do this very often, because there would be too great a chance of getting caught, but there would be occasions when I might need a nice, dry sanctuary the evening.

Once I'd taken care of those things, I parked myself on a bench in an obscure spot against the wall, so I could study the various shoppers, without bringing too much attention to myself. I had already become aware there were quite a few upscale stores in the mall that would attract a wealthier clientele. This meant the more financially secure the people were, the greater the chance that I could make enough money to survive on by strutting my stuff. I also wanted to check out the age range of the shoppers as well, because I was hoping I might be able to attract guys nearer to my own age, and not just really old men. Hopefully, the younger guys would also be attractive, so I wouldn't feel so disgusted by what I was going to be doing.

I sat on that bench until closing time, while only occasionally taking a toilet or meal break. I skipped lunch, because I'd eaten such a large breakfast, and then ate dinner at an all-you-can-eat Chinese buffet. Unfortunately for them, they lost money on that meal. Hehehe. After that, I went back to my observation post and started to scan the crowd once more, but this time I noticed a considerable change in who passed by. When I first arrived at the mall, it was filled with senior citizens and young mothers and their small children, along with the employees from the various outlets. Occasionally, I would see a few others mixed in with them that didn't fall into any of those groups, but it was rare. By three o'clock though, the mall had started to fill with students, both college and high school, but after dinner I started to notice a lot of business people too.

Scanning the various individuals that roamed around the interior of the mall, there was definitely a lot of money represented by the diverse crowd. For that reason, I felt I might possibly be able to score with some of the older teenagers as well, since their parents probably gave them plenty of spending money, along with the younger businessmen I'd seen in here. A great many of them were also very attractive, so my hopes were high. Now, I just had to plan my strategy to attract the right type of individual to utilize my services.

When the mall closed, I walked back to my new abode and got ready to settle in for the evening. First, I took out the two small blankets from my duffel bag and placed one on the ground to lie on, while using the other to cover myself. I then used the duffle bag as a pillow, after I gave it a few healthy whacks to slim it down a bit, so the angle on my neck wouldn't be too severe.

I was lying between the hedge and back wall of the building as I got comfortable, at least as comfortable as I could get under the circumstances. Before I fell asleep gazing up at the wonderfully clear nighttime sky, I thanked God for providing me with a fairly warm and dry evening. I also quickly reviewed the items of clothing I'd brought with me and mentally prepared for how I was going to dress for work the following day.

Chapter 3
Open for Business

I sat on the bench near one of the larger stores and waited for my first nibble, since I was beginning to feel like a fisherman trolling for tuna. Even though it was winter, I dressed in a pair of real flimsy shorts and a sleeveless tee shirt, cut off a couple of inches above my navel. A couple of older gentlemen eyed me for a while, but no one approached. It was like that until the late afternoon, when school let out. A couple of good-looking older boys came over and sat by me and said 'hello,' and I felt they were thinking about asking me something, but were too shy to continue. I, being new at this, wasn't sure how to approach them either. Damn, I hated that I'd missed an opportunity, especially since they were young and good-looking, but they might still come back. Besides, I wasn't exactly desperate yet.

After dinner an attractive businessman, I guessed he was in his early thirties, sat beside me on the bench. He remained still and kept watching me out of the corner of his eye until he'd decided the coast was clear. Then, he bent over and whispered in my ear.

"Are you interested in making a little money?" I nodded my head in reply. "Then follow me."

He got up and walked into the store next to where we were sitting and I followed at a safe distance. He walked to the rear of the building and in the direction of a very private restroom that I had scoped out earlier. When I entered, he was just finishing up going around and checking to make sure the place was empty.

"Tell you what, kid," he began as he addressed me, "I'll give you $10.00 if you'll let me blow you and $20.00 if you'll blow me too."

"Twenty for either," I shot back bravely, "or forty for both."

He eyed me suspiciously, but then agreed to my terms. He then led me over to the rear stall, we went inside and he locked the door behind us.

"Money first," I demanded, while holding out my hand.

He reached into his pocket, extracted a wad of bills and handed me a couple of twenties.

"I'll do you first," he instructed, and I nodded my head to let him know I understood and agreed.

I quickly dropped my shorts to the floor, and since I wasn't wearing any underwear, I got on my knees on the toilet seat, facing him. This way, anyone entering would see only one pair of feet in the stall. He squatted in front of me, carried out a close inspection of the tool he'd just rented and then took my penis in his hand. His hand was very soft and tender, so just his touch was turning me on, and then he lovingly kissed the head of my cock, before he started to lick it. As he ran his tongue all around the glans, my penis immediately awoke from its slumber and Cyclops was now ready to play.

The guy's tongue slurped all around, as well as up and down my engorged member, like a mother cat cleaning her kitten. When he finally engulfed my young piece of flesh with his hot, hungry mouth, he immediately began to bob up and down on it. At the same time, he used his other hand to sweetly stroke my testicles and tug playfully at my scrotum. This multiple action soon brought me to orgasm and I rewarded him with several honey-coated spurts of my boy juice in exchange for one of the Andrew Jacksons he had already given me. Without saying a word, he licked his lips, winked and then exposed his own weapon.

Damn! It was the biggest one I had seen so far and was about 9" [22½ cm] long, pretty thick and circumcised. It was larger than I had figured on, so I knew this cock was going to stretch my jaw and throat to the limits. Tentatively, I flicked my tongue out at his swollen, purple head and tested the waters. His manhood was leaking pre-cum, which had a pungent, salty taste to it, but it wasn't bad. I swirled my tongue around the ridge of his glans and then let it trace along one of the clearly visible veins that ran up and down the length of his pulsating shaft.

Just as he'd done to me, I fondled his balls with my free hand and tickled the sensitive skin, as I played with the watery nuggets contained within, because I hoped doing this would bring him off as quickly as possible. As my lips began to slide down the sides of his slippery head, it forced my jaws to spread wide open, as I flicked my tongue into the slit in the tip. Doing this extracted a low, throaty groan from the guy, so I felt my actions must have been satisfactory and slid my mouth farther down his pole. I was careful not to let my teeth scrape along the skin, as my lips moved farther down his dick. I swallowed about 4 or 5 inches [10-12½ cm] before I started to gag, so I instinctively pulled back a little. Then, I started to bob up and down on just the upper portion of his flagpole.

The longer I sucked on his prick, the more of it I was able to take and the farther down its length I descended. I never got more than six inches [15 cm] into my throat before he blasted me with the fruit of his loins and several ropes of his sticky liquid shot down my throat. I swallowed his cum quickly, so I wouldn't choke on it, and then I sucked his man teat completely dry of its masculine milk and let his dick fall from my mouth. As I looked up into his face, he smiled and spoke.

"You're kind of new at this, aren't you?" he asked, and I nodded and blushed, while thinking he was going to ask for a refund. "You didn't do badly for a rookie though, so I guess you earned your money. Thanks kid. Maybe I'll see you around again."

With that said, he exited the stall, but I waited until I heard the men's room door close behind him before I did the same. As I waited, I thought about what had just happened and felt it wasn't too bad. His load was a slightly bitter and a little salty, but his cum was still better tasting than some of the medicines I had to swallow when I was sick. He also seemed fairly pleased with how I'd performed, so he walked away a satisfied customer and someone who might return for an encore. That's what I'd have to do in the future and keep the men who hired me satisfied, so they'd come back for more.

When I finally got off the toilet seat, I pulled my shorts up and then rubbed my knees and legs for a while. They were slightly sore and stiff from the amount of time I'd knelt on them, because that toilet seat was pretty hard. I think I'm going to have to get kneepads or find another way to do my business.

I decided to eat dinner next and took a rest. After all, forty bucks wasn't too bad for my first effort. I knew I'd been fairly bold by demanding more money than he had originally offered, but my gamble paid off. Now, I had a better idea as to what my services were worth and what I could charge in the future. All in all, I felt this was better than living with some old drunk who used me as target practice or a workout.

After my meal, I strolled around outside the theater entrance for a while. It was getting late and I was just about ready to call it a night when I was approached again. This time it was a guy in his late twenties and he was dressed in jeans, golf shirt and a windbreaker.

"Do you need a ride?" he asked, breaking the ice.

"No, not really," I replied, while eyeing him.

"Are you looking for someone then?" he followed, raising my hopes.

"Yeah, kind of," I agreed, and it appeared he was thinking about my response before he continued.

"Well, I'm kind of looking for someone, too," he offered. "Would you be interested?"

"What did you have in mind?" I quickly challenged, to make sure what his intentions were.

"I'm a little horny," he admitted, while raising his eyebrows hopefully.

"And…?" I prodded, to clarify what he meant.

"I thought you could help me get some relief," he added.

"What exactly do you want?" I added, since I wanted to know more.

"Oh, a blowjob would be good or a nice piece of ass," he countered.

"Well, it's twenty for a BJ or forty for a fuck," I replied quickly, but he took a second before he answered.

"I guess a blowjob would do just nicely then," he agreed.

"Follow me," I said dryly.

I then led him around the end of the mall and headed toward the rear of the structure. Once we were behind the two large dumpsters I'd spotted earlier, I continued my instructions.

"Let me see what you've got and I need the money up front," I announced, confidently - at least I wanted him to think I was self-assured.

The guy undid his pants and lowered them, along with his boxers, after he had removed his wallet. He dug into it, pulled out two tens, handed them to me and then shook his 6½" [16 cm] circumcised cock at me. It was only average girth, so I figured this would be no problem after the last guy and knelt down in front of him to begin my ministrations. He must have been extremely horny, because he began moaning and thrusting into me nearly as soon as I'd swallowed his rod. This made me wonder just what movie he had seen. It took him less than five minutes before he deposited his load and then went on his way. That's not bad, twenty dollars for five minutes of work. I guess I'll have to figure out what that works out to on an hourly basis.

Now that I was done working for the day, I made my way back to my sleeping area and got ready to turn in for the night. To my amazement, things had gone fairly well today and I was pleased with my ingenuity. I had worked this out all by myself, with no adults needed to guide me, and it appeared as if I was going to be able to survive. It might even be possible that I could afford to get my own place sometime in the future, although I still had to figure out who would rent to someone as young as me. After I'd prepared the area so I could go to sleep, I searched the stars and moon for any sign of what my future might hold. It was very relaxing looking up into the nighttime sky and I soon drifted off, with the cloudless firmament as my roof.

When I awoke the next morning, I had to wait a while before I could use the park restroom to freshen up and brush my teeth, because it hadn't been unlocked yet. I stayed out of sight until someone came around to do that and then I went in to get ready for the new day. This situation would have been perfect, if they just had a shower in there for me to use, but I would make do with what was available. I remained dressed in the same clothes I had worn yesterday and headed back to my designated seat at the mall. I'd only been there a couple of hours before one of the older gentlemen, whom I had seen the previous day, approached where I was seated.

"How much do you charge, son?" he asked, quite matter-of-factly.

"Twenty for a blowjob, either way."

"How about I give you ten to just see you naked while I whack myself off?" he countered.

"No touching between us then?" I followed, just to be certain I understood the ground rules.

"None," he agreed.

"Ok. Follow me," I confirmed, before I turned to walk away.

I led him to the restroom located in the back of the same store as yesterday, since I'd judged it to be one of the most secure for business purposes. I then moved to the back corner of the stall and used the commode to block any sign of my legs or feet from view of anyone else, before I requested the money. He handed me an Alexander Hamilton and I pulled down my shorts and just stood there. The old guy pulled out his 7" [17½ cm] uncut cock and literally beat the piss out of it.

I had never seen or heard of anyone being quite so aggressive or abusive to his own meat, but after several minutes of this violent pounding, the old guy shot his wad all over the toilet. He then cleaned up, put his dick away and thanked me. I pulled up my shorts and waited for him to leave the restroom, before I did the same. I then went back to my 'reserved seat' and spent the rest of the day with little or no interest from any of the other shoppers.

Things were pretty slow for the next couple of days, but it began to pick up again as the weekend came around. Even though he hadn't yet approached me, I had seen this same teenage boy hanging around and staring at me nearly every day I'd been here. Whenever I looked in his direction, he would always smile and sometimes say 'hi' or give me a little wave, so I had a feeling he was trying to gather up enough courage to do more, but as of yet that hadn't happened.

About ten or twelve days after I'd first arrived in the area, I was paid for my first fuck as a boy-whore. In preparation for this activity, I'd purchased a fanny pack to keep a tube of KY and a few condoms in it, because I wasn't going to do this without protection. I understood I couldn't afford to take unnecessary risks while doing this, so I made sure I was prepared for every situation, even if my customers weren't.

I took the guy to the most obscure restroom in the mall, which I'd discovered by accident earlier, but it was perfect for this purpose. The stall walls went all the way to the floor, so no one could tell if there was more than one person in there at a time. For that reason, it seemed like the best place to conduct my 'business' and explained to my 'John' that he had to wear the condom or the deal was off.

After he put the rubber on, lubed it up and I'd greased up my ass, he had me bend over the toilet and place my hands on the wall above the flushing mechanism. He then moved in behind me and slipped his 7" [17½ cm] cock into my ass. I felt a little pain, but not much, as he began sliding in and out of me. He worked me hard and fairly fast, but I was feeling more enjoyment from this than I was willing to acknowledge. It's possible this was partially due to the fact that his cock was rubbing against my prostate and eliciting a great deal of pleasurable sensations, which started coursing through my frame. Since I was unwilling to own up to what I was doing and what I'd become, I attempted to block this fact out of my mind. I was still contemplating this dilemma when he suddenly emptied the contents of his scrotum into the condom.

Having completed his release, he removed the rubber, flushed it down the toilet and exited the stall. Once he'd gone, I cleaned up the area between my legs from the excess lube, pulled up my shorts and left the stall. I also took a break before repositioning myself on the bench and trolling for my next score. It was then that I saw the same teen again. He was staring in my direction and it looked as if he wanted to approach me, but he merely nodded and then left.

I had been working the mall for several weeks now and managed to accumulate a fair amount of cash, so I went to one of the local banks and opened an account, so I wouldn't have to carry all of my earnings around. What I did carry with me, I kept some it in my right sock, just over the instep and under the laces of my Nikes. The rest was pushed in the side of my left sock where I could retrieve it quickly and easily for everyday use. Before going into one of the stores or restaurants to buy something, I always went somewhere out of sight first and removed some of the money first, so others wouldn't see where I kept it.

I had a pretty steady business and never went more than three days without some kind of action, but I'd even had some repeat customers. The only thing that wasn't working out like I wanted was the good-looking teen boy who still hadn't approached me. Most of the time he was alone when I saw him, but sometimes he would appear with a friend, but he never did more than smile, wave or say 'hello.' I was really curious about what he was up to or what he might want from me, but I still hadn't found out. I was forced to put any thought of him out of my mind, however, as I serviced another customer.

It was now early March, but I was still living in the park. Things were going fairly well, as long as I didn't dwell on exactly what I was doing to earn money, but my bank account was growing. If I kept going like this, I would soon have enough money for the first couple of months' rent, as well as the security deposit for my own apartment, provided I could find a landlord willing to rent to someone my age. I knew I had enough money to do this, because I'd been checking out the 'free' local rental magazines long enough to know approximately what I needed before I actually started to look for a place. I'd just have to convince the landlord I was old enough to be on my own.

I was spending another afternoon at my favorite spot when I saw that same teenager again. This time he walked over, sat next to me and said more than just 'hello'.

"You live around here?" he inquired.

"Yeah," I lied. "I'm fairly new in town though."

"Yeah, I didn't think I'd seen you around much before the past few months," he agreed. "My name's Jeremy."

"Trevor," I responded. "Nice to meet you."

"Same here. So where do you go to school?" he followed, which caused me to wrack my brain for a suitable answer.

"I'm home schooled," I answered, because I figured that would be the most difficult situation for him to check out.

"Oh, that must get pretty boring, with no other people around," he commiserated.

"Yeah, it is kind of lonely when you don't have anyone else your age around," I concurred, although I wasn't merely responding about the school part of it, but the fact that I'd been lonely being on my own for so long.

"I don't live too far from here," he stated. "Maybe you could come over sometime and we could hang out."

"Yeah, that sounds nice," I agreed. "I could definitely use a friend around here."

"This can be a really lonely place without any friends," he added. "I've got a few other friends, so I could introduce you to them too. Would you like that?"

"Sure. It sounds great, Jeremy," I agreed. "I'd like that a lot."

"Well, I should be heading home now, because I've got a family obligation tonight," he announced. "When would you like to get together?"

"I don't know, whatever is best for you, I guess," I responded. "I'm pretty flexible, seeing I make my own schedule, more or less."

"Yeah, right," he replied. "Well today is Tuesday, so how about Friday afternoon then?"

"Yeah, that would be fine," I confirmed. "Do you want me to meet you here then?"

"Yes, that would be great, Friday after school it is then," he repeated. "Take care, Trevor, and I'll see you again at the end of the week."

"Great and thanks for inviting me, Jeremy," I agreed. "I'll be here waiting for you."

He left and I was more than a little excited about my upcoming 'date.' Besides being friendly, Jeremy was drop-dead gorgeous, at least as far as I was concerned. He was about 5'9" [1.75 m] , had black wavy hair, the palest blue eyes I'd ever seen and I thought he was maybe a year or two older than me. Although I couldn't see under his clothing, he appeared to have a very fine body, possibly athletic, and I loved his somewhat shy demeanor.

From the way he was dressed, and judging from the amount of money spent on orthodontia, I'd guess his parents had some bucks. I'd have to devise a story and family history before I spent any time with him or met his friends though. I couldn't tell him my true story, not yet anyway. Who knows what I might be willing to share with him about my past if we do eventually become friends though. Maybe I could actually confide in him and work out some of these emotions I'd buried deep below the surface. Maybe down the road I might even find someone who would love me as much as I loved them. That would be nice, if only it could happen, but I didn't dare raise my hopes just yet.

From Tuesday afternoon until Thursday, I made several more contacts and earned quite a bit more money. Wednesday night was the best though. This guy in his forties, who was tall and balding, but in decent shape, offered me fifty dollars if I'd let him fuck me and I agreed. He took me to a sleazy little roadside motel and we spent the night. I had my fanny pack, with the KY, condoms and a few other necessities with me before I went with him and explained I would only do it if he wore a condom. He argued with me about it at first and even offered an extra $20 if I'd let him go bareback, but I told him I wouldn't even consider it. The were just too many negatives involved, such as the fear of contracting AIDS or some other STD, so he reluctantly gave in.

The guy had a fairly large cock, about 8" [20 cm] and cut, but it was on the thin to medium side when it came to thickness. He got what he wanted and there was very little pain for me. We even spent the rest of the night in the room and I got to sleep in a real bed for the evening, which was nice. In the morning, I was able to shower before he took me back to the mall, which was another nice fringe benefit.

As soon as he dropped me off, I walked to the park next, since I wanted to be able to change, but didn't want him to see where I was staying, before I went back to work. Thursday was actually kind of slow until the evening, but once it started to get dark things picked up. It was then that a decent looking younger guy, I assumed to be in his twenties, asked how much I'd charge for a blowjob. After we agreed on a price, and since it was almost time for the mall to close, I took him to the secluded spot behind the dumpsters at the rear of the mall.

This guy was really built, with powerful arms, a big chest and huge legs. He had a nearly 7" [17 cm] chubby, cut cock and I hummed a few bars on his joystick. After he fed me his cream, he fastened his pants and then unexpectedly pounced on me. I was caught completely by surprise and he knocked the stuffing out of me. He not only pummeled me with his fists, but he also kicked me with his feet, before he reached into my left sock, where he saw me slip his twenty earlier, and stole all of the cash I had there.

"Dirty little faggot. That will teach you to charge for doing something you love to do," he spat out. "You should be paying me for the pleasure of tasting my awesome morsel, so maybe this will knock some sense into your sick little ass."

He then spun around and left, but I was too dazed and in too much pain to notice where he went. Blood was running down my face and going into my mouth and eyes, from the cuts I'd sustained from his punches. I then began to stagger back to the cinema entrance into the mall, although I was barely conscious, and as I neared the doors, one of the movies was just letting out. A bunch of people started rushing past me, unwilling to offer me assistance, until suddenly someone stopped and grabbed me by the arm. That person led me to a bench, head me sit down and looked at my bruised and bloody face.

"Trevor, is that you?" the voice asked, and as I looked up I could barely make out his features, but it was Jeremy. "Shit, man, what the fuck happened to you?"

"Some guy just kicked the crap out of me and stole my money," I explained.

"Hell, we've got to get you to your house fast," he announced, which caused me to panic at his suggestion.

"Uh… nobody's there. My… uh… my parents went away for a few days," I stammered, as I offered up another lie.

"Then you're coming home with me," he announced. "I doubt anyone will be there either, but at least I can get you cleaned up and you can sleep in my room tonight. Shit, man, do you think you need to see a doctor?"

"No, I'll be fine," I assured him, although I wasn't sure how convincing I was. "I just need to wash up a little. I've taken worse beatings than this."

"You have?" he asked incredulously. "Who the fuck could have messed you up worse than this?"

"Some guy at my old school," I lied once more. "He didn't like me talking to his girl and hurt me really bad. Broke a rib and everything."

"Fuck, you're going to have to watch where you're hanging out and who you talk to then," he quipped. "My house isn't far from here, so do you think you can walk there?"

"Yes, I'll be fine," I replied, although I wasn't nearly as confident as I sounded.

"If by some strange chance my father is home," Jeremy added, "I'll have him look you over, because he's a doctor."

Well, that confirmed my suspicions about his family's financial status.

"Thanks, but all I want to do is get somewhere where I can clean up and rest," I insisted.

We then set off into the night and made our way to Jeremy's place. He took me to his room, but I didn't see anyone else around. His told me his parents were out for the evening and explained he was an only child, so the house was empty, except for us. Tenderly, he cleaned my cuts and applied an antiseptic spray to them. It stung like hell, but he said he had to use it, so the cuts wouldn't become infected. He then took me to his room and helped me get comfortable on one side of his king-size bed. He even allowed me to stay in the clothes I was in, because I felt he didn't want to aggravate my injuries by attempting to take anything off. Then he stripped down to his underwear and slid in beside me, after making sure I was comfortable. If I hadn't been in so much pain, I might have enjoyed Jeremy's company for the night.

Chapter 4
My Secret is Revealed

When I awoke the next morning, Jeremy was sitting on a chair at his desk, but he was looking in my direction.

"Good morning, sleepyhead," he teased. "How do you feel today?"

"Better," I answered, trying to sound convincing.

"So what do you want to do first? Eat, shower or talk?" he followed, with a grin. "I'd really like to clean up, but I feel kind of weak and afraid I might fall in the shower, so I'd better wait," I answered, while being very honest, since I was still quite woozy from the ass whipping I'd received the previous evening.

"No problem, dude. I'll just get in the shower with you and give you a hand," he quickly offered. "If you start to feel dizzy, then just let me know and I'll hold you up."

Damn. If I weren't dizzy already, then I sure as hell would be once I saw Jeremy's naked body, especially since he would be standing right next to me in the shower. I watched as he slipped out of his tee shirt and boxers and was very pleased with what I saw. Jeremy's body was fantastic. He had broad shoulders and a very well developed chest, with nicely defined pecs and a tight six pack for an abdomen. There was also a light coating of black hairs going across his chest, between his nipples, so I guessed he was going to be a real bear when he finished his trek through puberty.

Jeremy also had very muscular legs, with huge thighs and enormous, firm calves. The best part about him though was below his waist. Jeremy had a magnificent 7½" [19 cm] circumcised cock, which was also fairly thick, and a nice horseshoe-shaped patch of black hairs at the base, with a happy trail leading up to his navel. He also had a smattering of hairs sprouting from his loose hanging sac, which contained his walnut-sized testicles. I almost stopped breathing when I saw his entire package.

I've never considered myself a slouch in the looks department, but next to Jeremy I was the plain brown wrapper next to the decorative holiday paper. I was only 5'5" [1.65 m], with closely cropped brown hair, brown eyes, with some green flecks in them, and a firm body. I wasn't extremely muscular, but I was solid and had a decent swimmer's build. I also had fairly wide shoulders and a fairly solid chest, which narrowed as it moved down to my slim hips. I also had an adequate triangular patch of brown hair at the base of my 5¾" [14 cm] circumcised dick and a sparse scattering of hair on my somewhat tight scrotum. My chest was almost completely hairless, although there were a few hairs sprouting from my armpits. I also had a light dusting of hair on my arms and legs, which were firm and developed from years of running and swimming.

"Can you get undressed by yourself or do you need my help?" Jeremy asked, breaking my reverie.

"I'm sorry. I'm still not quite with it," I apologized, referring to my wandering mind, but I soon discovered Jeremy interpreted my comment to mean something totally different.

"That's fine," he said reassuringly. "Let me help you take those things off then."

Who was I to object? Instead, I watched as Jeremy came over, grabbed my shirt and tenderly lifted it over my head. Then, he slipped his hands into the waistband of my shorts and pulled them down to my thighs, which exposed my boyhood.

"I take it you don't like underwear," he added jokingly.

"I just don't like the way my boxer-briefs hang below these shorts, so I don't wear them."

"I don't blame you. The way you wore them looked perfect," he responded. "Come on and I'll show you my bathroom and help you into the shower."

I followed him into his private bathroom, which we entered through a door from his bedroom, and then he opened the door to the shower and moved behind me, so he could hold onto my waist as I entered.

"What the fuck happened to your back?" he nearly shouted, when he saw the scars and welts there. "This doesn't look like it just happened last night."

I was really too embarrassed to answer, but felt I had to tell him something. Swallowing hard, I began to speak.

"Jeremy, I can't tell you now, but I will explain it all to you when I'm ready. Can you live with that?" I responded.

"I was just curious, dude," he replied. "I didn't mean to get too personal. I just want to help."

"I appreciate that, but it's not something I'm ready to deal with just yet," I confessed. "Thanks for your concern though."

Since this had been agreed to, he grabbed my waist and helped me enter the shower and then I reached out my arms and used the shower walls to help me remain upright. He quickly adjusted the water to a comfortable temperature and then rerouted it through the showerhead in a warm spray, before he moved behind me. Unfortunately, the spray stung the cuts on my skin when it hit them and the pain caused me to step back from the pulsing flow and accidentally pushed my butt against Jeremy's groin.

"Oh, I'm sorry," I apologized. "Please excuse me."

"No problem, dude. I'm not that modest," he assured me. "It didn't bother me at all. I take it the water hurt a little when it hit the cuts."

"Yeah, a little," I confirmed. "I just need a chance to get used to it and then I'll be fine."

"Take your time, pal, I'm in no hurry," Jeremy assured me, when I suddenly thought about something else.

"Hey, don't you have classes today?" I asked, since it was now Friday, because he'd run into me and brought me home with him a day early.

"Yes, but I'm taking the day off to be with you," he replied. "I figured you could use my help and missing one day of school isn't going to hurt anything."

"That's very thoughtful of you, even though I'm sure you don't mind an extra day off. Thanks!" I told him, enthusiastically.

"No thanks are necessary, dude. It's entirely my pleasure, and like you said, an extra day off is nice too," Jeremy countered, as he squirted some body wash into his hands and started to clean my back.

His fingers and palms were feather light as they roamed over my body and he was being very careful to avoid aggravating my badly bruised torso and exposed cuts. When he started to clean down my spinal column, he hesitated for a moment and then I felt his finger trace along the scars that made up the map of the beatings my father had left forever etched into my skin. After doing this for a short time, he spoke to me again.

"Trevor, I'm so sorry about what you must have gone through," he said, in a very comforting voice. "I can tell these marks have been there for quite a while and happened long before last night. But I really feel badly that you had to endure whatever did this to you."

Since he seemed to be so concerned about me and was being so sympathetic about it, I decided to go ahead and tell him some of the information he wanted to know,

"My father did it to me when we lived together," I began. "He's a drunk and nowhere around now, but when we lived together he used to beat me for things he'd thought I'd done wrong."

"I hope he's dead or in prison then," Jeremy remarked. "I'm sorry you had to go through that shit, but I hope he got what was coming to him."

"He was taken care of, believe me," I responded.

Since he finally had his answer, Jeremy finished washing my back and moved down to my butt. He kneaded my two half-moons like bread dough and gently massaged the two fleshy mounds as he cleaned them thoroughly and ran his thumbs up and down my crack. I think he was waiting for me to object, but I never did, so he bent down and washed my legs and the back of my thighs. Then, he swung me around and got slapped across the face with my now erect penis.

"You could have at least warned me that that thing was loaded and ready to fire," he joked as he rubbed his cheek. "It damn near broke my jaw."

Now, we were both laughing, but once he got serious again, he resumed washing me. He was cleaning my penis and testicles, as he tenderly fondled them as if he was making love. I blushed as he continued, but it felt too good to stop him from continuing the stimulation.

"I hope I'm not overstepping my bounds and embarrassing you?" Jeremy stated, as he glanced up at my face.

"No, not at all and I really appreciate your help," I confessed. "You've been more than kind to me, especially since we'd just met, but I don't know how to thank you, so go ahead and do whatever you want."

"Just stay here with me until you get better," he responded. "That would be more than enough payment."

I merely smiled, to let him know I understood and appreciated his good intentions.

"Would you like me to help you with this though," he asked, while squeezing my dick. "It looks like it's about ready to go off, so it probably won't take much."

"Sure, go ahead," I agreed.

Jeremy began stroking my erection and quickly brought me off, as I shot a huge load into his shower, most of which went down the drain, although some of it also clung to the wall. Afterward, he started to shampoo my hair and once I'd rinsed off, he asked me if I wanted to stay their while he cleaned up or if I wanted to get out. I told him I'd wait, so he cleaned up quickly, before he helped me out of the shower and then toweled off both of our bodies. Once we were both dry, he then took me back into his bedroom, had me sit on his bed and went over to his dresser.

"I've got some older clothes in here that I've outgrown," he told me. "They should fit you and suffice until you get your own things. Fortunately, my mother hasn't come in here yet and packed them up to donate to charity."

He then brought out a small stack of clothes and carried them over to bed and placed them down beside me.

"Do you want to dress now or just lie on the bed and rest for a while?" he wondered.

"If you don't mind, I'd like to lie here for a few minutes," I confirmed.

"That will be fine and I'll just hop over to the other side, so I can keep you company," he offered. "You don't mind, do you?"

I shook my head, so he went around to the other side and placed his naked body next to mine. He waited a few minutes before he started to ask me questions about the previous night.

"Trevor, how the hell did that guy get you someplace where he could beat you up without someone else stepping in to stop him?" he wanted to know.

I had to think before I answered, because I certainly didn't want to admit it had happened while I was turning tricks.

"He asked me to help him with something and I didn't expect any problem," I answered. "I mean, I didn't think he looked dangerous."

"Why did he turn on you?" Jeremy pressed.

"I think it was because he wanted to steal my money," I offered.

"He stole your money?" he pressed, while looking shocked.

"Part of it," I confirmed. "He got the money I put into the side of my left sock, but I more money hidden in other places."

"That's good, Jeremy replied. "Look, when you're feeling better we'll go over to your place and get some of your things. Then, you can stay with me until your parents return."

"That would be nice, but you don't have to go over there with me," I countered. "I don't want to be any more of a problem than I've already been."

"You haven't been a problem and I don't mind," he stated. "Did you forget that you were going to meet me tonight anyway and I planned to have you spend the weekend here already? Besides, you're not strong enough to go over there alone, so I want to do this with you."

I was going to have to think of a way out of this situation too, but I didn't know how I was going to do this gracefully, without hurting his feelings or looking ungrateful?

"We'll see, but I don't need to go right away," I answered.

"Ok. I guess I have enough clothes I've outgrown to last you for a while," he agreed. "Where exactly do you live anyway?"

"Uh… uh… over… by the… park." I stammered, since I didn't know what else to say.

"Oh, you mean in the apartment complex," he observed. "That's one of the nicer ones."

'Man, I'd lucked into that one,' I thought.

"Yes, it's not bad at all," I added for Jeremy's benefit.

"So, tell me about yourself. What's your mom like?" Jeremy followed, in attempt to find out more about me.

"Uh… my mom's… well she's… dead," I mumbled, since I couldn't think anything else to tell him.

Jeremy's mouth dropped open and he looked embarrassed.

"Oh man, I'm sooo sorry," he apologized. "I guess I shouldn't have been so nosy."

"Hey, you didn't know and I'm cool with it, now," I replied, in an attempt to take him off the hook. "It took me a couple of years to get over her death, but I can talk about it now."

"Thanks, man, you're pretty cool," Jeremy offered, but then he hesitated as he searched my facial expression to see if I meant what I'd said. "How long ago did she pass away?"

"It's been a little over four years since she drowned," I admitted.

"Drowned?" he asked, looking surprised.

"Yes. There was some flash flooding where we lived and the streams were really overflowing. My mom was nearby when an eight-year old girl slipped and fell into the water, so she jumped in to try to save her" I answered. "The girl was being swept downstream, but my mom was able to push the girl closer to the bank, where some other people pulled the girl out of the water. The problem was, my mom didn't have enough strength left to save herself and the others couldn't get to her, so the swift current dragged her away and sucked her beneath the swollen waters. They found her body two days later."

"Wow. Your mom was a hero then," Jeremy observed.

"Yeah, I guess she was," I concurred. "I really think she would have chosen to give up her life, if it meant she could save a child."

I really believed this too, so it made me wonder why she hadn't stepped in to save me from Dad. Maybe she didn't think what he doing was life threatening, but it was. Maybe not my physical life, but he killed me emotionally just the same. Why couldn't she have saved me instead?

"Trevor, are you still with me, man?" Jeremy asked and I nodded to let him know I was, after he disturbed my thoughts. "You spaced out on me for a minute. I guess you must have been thinking about your mom."

"Yeah, I was. I'm sorry," I apologized. "I was just remembering what life was like when she was still around."

"Hey, don't fret it. After all you've been through, you don't need to apologize for anything or to anyone," Jeremy stated. "But you said earlier your dad is no longer around either, so who are you living with?"

I knew this was coming, so I hoped the lie I had concocted was believable.

"I live with an uncle," I offered. "He's a troubleshooter for a large construction company, so that's why we move around so much."

"That must be really hard on you," Jeremy commiserated. "I know I wouldn't want to live like that."

The conversation ended shortly after he'd made that comment and we remained quiet for quite some time. After a few minutes of silence, my body began to cool down, so I felt it was time to do something about it.

"I think I'm going to get dressed now, because I'm getting a little chilly," I told him, breaking the silence.

"Me too," Jeremy agreed.

We both got up and started to get dressed. I put on the clothes Jeremy had given me and he tossed on a fairly similar outfit. Suddenly, he threw something else at me and I went to catch it.

"I thought you might want this, Trevor," he offered, as I grabbed it.

It was my fanny pack, and as it hit came into contact with my hand, the contents spilled out and fell on the floor. Regrettably, I must not have zipped it up tightly the last time I'd used it, so the contents were spread out on the floor for Jeremy to see. Those items included a tube of KY, a handful of foil wrapped condoms, my vibrating dildo that I'd purchased at an adult shop in the mall to loosen my ass up for bigger cocks and a few other items I kept in there.

"What the hell have you got that shit for?" Jeremy wondered quite loudly.

He was staring at the items on the floor in surprise and I wasn't able to think of a suitable response. I wasn't prepared for this, so I froze. Jeremy could read the fact that I was embarrassed and this stuff was for more than just a little pleasure.

"You've been hustling your ass out there, haven't you?" he challenged, while eyeing my reaction. "That's why the guy beat you up. Right?"

I couldn't speak. Instead, I just scooped everything off the floor and headed for his door. I didn't get very far before Jeremy grabbed me from behind, to prevent me from doing that. He then managed to position his body between my escape route and me, so I was trapped.

"Trevor, where are you going?" he demanded next.

"I'm sure you don't want a faggot slut staying here, so I'll just go," I offered. "I'll just head back to where I belong."

I was trying hard to be brave and not cry, but I could feel the tears welling in my eyes. It didn't take long before I couldn't hold them back any longer and the tears started streaming down my cheeks and dropped onto my chest.

"Hey, man, I don't want you to leave," Jeremy told me. "I'm just trying to understand what you're going through."

After saying this, he wrapped his arms protectively around my neck, thus effectively avoiding my bruised face and chest, as he tried to reassure me. When I started to calm down again, he hit me with his next observation.

"You don't live with your uncle either, do you?" he challenged.

"Why would you say that?" I shot back, while trying to look shocked, but I'm not sure I succeeded.

"Since your mother is dead and your father is now out of the picture, I assume you're turning tricks for money," he reasoned. "That tells me you're living on your own and doing whatever it takes to survive. I kinda suspected you were a runaway after I saw you hanging around the mall so much, and considering the way you were dressed, it all makes sense now. You've been hustling to stay alive."

Once again, I couldn't respond and just broke down crying. I let all of my emotions come pouring out at one time and began bawling like a baby.

"Why don't we sit down on the bed and you can tell me about it?" Jeremy said softly and truly sounded concerned.

"Why would you care and why should I tell you about my rotten life?" I countered, since I felt no one else could possibly understand or appreciate what I'd been through.

"Oh, I don't know. Why don't we start with the fact that I like you and want to help?" he responded, while looking at me sweetly.

"You don't really even know me," I pointed out. "So how can you possibly like me?"

"It's just a feeling I have," he countered, "and if you tell me about yourself, then I'll know you well enough to be able to help you out even more. I know I'm asking a lot, but give me a chance to do what I can for you. Just trust me, please."

What could I say now? Was he really serious or did he just want me to tell him everything so he could have a good laugh? If this was all a joke, then I wasn't sure I was ready to open myself up to that kind of pain or take such a huge chance.

"Why don't you just throw me out now and stop wasting any more time?" I challenged, since I couldn't see any other reason for him doing this.

"Look, damn it. I know you've been hurt before, but I'm not the one who hurt you," he pointed out. "I'm trying to help and I'm not going to throw you out, no matter how much you push for me to do that. Look, I know you'll feel better if you talk about this and I'm willing to listen, so go ahead and tell me what you're running from."

After saying this, he guided me back to the bed, gently pushed me down into a sitting position and then he sat beside me, with his arm still around my shoulder.

"Come on, man, I really do care," he added, in an almost whiny tone. "You've got to believe me and it's time you started trusting someone."

Since he seemed sincere, I lowered my defenses and decided I was ready to tell him more about myself. What the hell did I have to lose? If this didn't work out, then I'd just go somewhere else and start over again, no big deal. Over the next hour, I told him about my father and all the years of abuse. I also informed him about my last day at home and lashing out at my father, but I also told him about everything that had happened to me after that. I filled him in about my trip here, how I was living in the park and what I've been doing at the mall. I had mostly been looking down at my legs the entire time I was telling him my story, because I was afraid to look up and see his reaction to what I'd just confessed to. Now that I was finished, I lifted my head slowly and immediately saw tears rolling down Jeremy's face.

"You're a hell of a lot stronger than I am," he said, once I had finished, "because I'd never have been able to live through the shit you have. It's settled then. You're going to stay here with me, permanently."

I started to say something, but he put his finger over my lips and wouldn't let me speak.

"No arguments," he stated. "The discussion is over and you'll stay in here with me, at least until you're healed. After that, you'll have your choice. You can either stay here in my room, use one of the spare bedrooms or move into the guesthouse, which is on the other side of the pool."

"Wait! Don't you think you should check with your parents first?" I pointed out.

"I'll take care of my parents after I've taken care of you," Jeremy insisted. "You lie here and rest and I'll run over to the park and retrieve your duffel bag. Don't try to argue with me, because you're not going to win. I'll be back in less than thirty minutes."

He made me stand up momentarily, so he could fold back the bedding next, and then he had me get into the bed, before he pulled the sheet and blanket over me. He also ran his fingers through my hair, told me to get some rest and then left.

I had a lot of thinking to do before he returned. So much had just happened and I wasn't sure if I understood any of it. I guess my biggest question was why was he doing so much for me? He'd only talked to me for a few minutes before last night and he's got everything, while I've got nothing to bring to this arrangement. How were his parents going to react? I hadn't even seen them up to this point, let alone met them.

That's when I remembered what Frank, the trucker, had told me on the trip down here. He advised me not to look a gift horse in the mouth, but I didn't want to set myself up only to get hurt again. I couldn't go through another turbulent relationship, such as I had with my father, so I didn't know if I dared to get close to someone again. I wasn't sure I could handle it if this didn't work out and my world come crashing down around me later.

Just about that time, the door to the room opened and Jeremy came in carrying my dark green duffel bag.

Chapter 5
A New Beginning

I had been with Jeremy for a couple of days now and continued to stay in his room, but he had also taken some time to show me around the rest of the house. I hadn't seen his parents during any of this time, but from what Jeremy told me, they worked a lot and then spent their free time together or with friends. We'd been up for about three hours today, but we still hadn't left his room.

"Trevor, you've got to be hungry by now," Jeremy suggested. "Let's go down to the kitchen and get something to eat."

I was famished, so I went downstairs with Jeremy to fill our empty bellies. After we finished eating, Jeremy took me out and let me see the guesthouse next, before we came back inside and he gave me a closer look at the spare bedrooms. Once we finished up, we ended up back in Jeremy's room.

"So, what's it going to be?" he wanted to know.

"I'm leaning toward the guesthouse," I responded honestly. "If I'm there, I'll be out of the way and won't interfere in any of your lives."

"Oh, I was… well, I was kinda hoping… you'd uhhh," Jeremy stammered, "that'd you'd stay in my room with me, like we've been doing."

"Jeremy, I appreciate everything you've done, but I don't want to drag you down and ruin your life, just because you feel some sort of obligation to me," I countered. "You've done far too much already and the guesthouse will help me tremendously, without getting in your way."

"But I've enjoyed the way it's been," he insisted. "I like having you around, because then I'm not so lonely."

"I've enjoyed it too, but I think it would be better for all of us if I moved out there," I insisted. "Besides, it would give me some privacy, but we could still see each other whenever we wanted."

"Fine, whatever you want," Jeremy agreed somewhat coldly, as he sat on the bed.

I immediately got the impression I'd just hurt his feelings, but that was the last thing I wanted to do. I walked over, sat down beside him on the bed and put my arm around his shoulder. He quickly jerked away and then turned his back to me.

"Hey, it's ok," he began. "I don't mind that you're not attracted to me. I understand you didn't need to be attracted to those guy's you had sex with at the mall, so maybe if I just give you a twenty every day, then you'd sleep in here with me."

His words hurt me deeply and I wasn't sure what to do next. Even though I now realized that refusing his offer had probably hurt him too, I wasn't holding up well after his blatant slam. I've been carrying a lot of baggage and wasn't strong enough to bear any more, so this last blow was more than I could deal with. I made a quick decision, looked up at Jeremy, and spoke.

"I'm sorry, Jeremy, this just isn't going to work out," I told him. "I'm going back to the park and getting out of your hair. Thanks for helping me out and maybe I'll see you around."

I quickly gathered up my things and headed for his door.

"No, Trevor, please don't leave me. Please stay," Jeremy pleaded. "Please. I need you."

Jeremy was sitting on the bed sobbing, so I knew I couldn't just walk out and leave him after everything he'd done for me. Even though my head was telling me I should go and not look back, my heart was telling me I couldn't hurt him like this by leaving him when he obviously needed me. I turned around, went back to the bed and sat about three feet [1 m} from him, before I began to speak.

"Jeremy, I can't stay in a place where someone is going to turn on me and throw my past in my face every time we disagree about something," I explained. "I've endured years of abuse from my father, so I won't move into another situation where I'll be abused again, even if it's not the same type of abuse. It's not that I hate you, because I really don't. It's just me and I'll have to deal with that. I'm just too insecure to be involved in any kind of relationship that isn't 100% open and trusting. I wish this could have worked out, because I'm actually attracted to you, so I'm hoping maybe somewhere down the road, when things have settled down a bit, we can work this out. Right now just isn't that time."

I then got up and started to move toward the door again, but Jeremy called out after me.

"Trevor, please don't leave me," he pleaded. "Please, I beg you. Everyone is always leaving me. I'm so lonely and I just can't stand it any longer. Please, Trevor, I need you."

I stopped dead in my tracks, unable to move and barely able to breathe. How could Jeremy possibly feel abandoned when he has so much? Man, I would have enjoyed being abandoned in such luxury, especially after what I'd gone through. I quickly mulled things over in my mind, and even though I still had reservations, I moved over to the bed and sat down once again.

"Jeremy, what did you mean when you said everyone leaves you?" I wondered, since I couldn't understand the implication.

He looked at me with his tear-streaked face and attempted to control his sobbing long enough to answer.

"Look around. Do you see anyone here but me?" he replied. "Have you ever seen anyone here but me?"

"No, but you said your parents are busy," I responded. "They work a lot and then do other things that parents do."

"Yeah, they're always busy," he scoffed. "Right now, my mom's on a trip to Europe for the museum she works for and Dad's so tied up at his office or at the hospital that he's hardly ever here. When they are home, they're either obligated to their various social commitments, functions for work or they're out with their friends. When they're not doing that, they're spending some quiet time together. Neither of them ever has any time for me.

"In sixteen years," Jeremy continued, "I doubt that if I were able to add up all of the time they've spent with me it would equal more than just a few months. Actually, it probably wouldn't be more than just a handful of weeks."

He paused after saying this, as he attempted to control his emotions. I could see how hard this confession had been for him to make and how much it had hurt. Having lived with my father, I knew what it felt like to think your parents didn't care about you or that they didn't want you around.

"I was drawn to you the first time I saw you in the mall," Jeremy continued. "From the way you were dressed, I figured you might be selling yourself to anyone who could meet your price. I've seen other kids doing the same thing there, so I was pretty sure I could give you money and you would go with me, but I didn't want it to happen like that. I wanted you to be my friend and come with me because it's what you wanted to do. Even when I thought it might be possible, I was still afraid you wouldn't like me. That's why it took me so long before I was able to approach you and ask you over for the weekend. When I happened to find you beaten and bloody, it just moved my timetable up a day. Do you understand, Trevor? I just wanted to be with you, but now I find out you never wanted to be here with me. Although it hurts to know this, I still don't want to lose you."

He started weeping again, but this time his chest was heaving uncontrollably. I felt like a really big asshole now, since I'd hurt the only person who'd been good to me.

"I didn't know this, so I'm sorry," I apologized. If I'd known your parents were never around, I might have decided to stay in the house with you, but I didn't want to be a burden or get in the way. You were doing me a huge favor by letting me stay here, so I felt that if I stayed in the guesthouse, then I'd have some place to be and wouldn't disrupt your family life. That was before I found out you didn't really have a family life, but there was more to my decision than just that. There were other considerations I needed to make, such as the guesthouse would also give me some privacy when I needed to get away from things."

I paused, because I hoped there was a way this could work out for both of us. Suddenly, I had an idea.

"What if we do this?" I continued. "I'll stay in the guesthouse, but you can either come and spend the night with me or I can come up here and spend the night with you. Neither one of us will have to be alone, unless that's what we choose. Does that sound ok to you?"

"Then you like me too and you don't want to leave?" he asked, while appearing unconvinced.

"Jeremy, I like you a lot and would really like to be close to you," I replied. "That's why I'm really hoping you'll agree to this."

"Great, because I don't want to be without you either," he stated. "I willing to accept this, if it's what you want, as long as I know we can still spend time together."

I was very relieved that we were able to reach an agreement that both of us could live with, because I certainly didn't want to hurt him, but I didn't want him to hurt me either. Who knows, maybe we'll even become good friends or possibly even lovers, but I'm not going to even think about any of that, especially this early in our relationship. We'll just go one day at a time and put one foot in front of the other.

"Jeremy, why don't we go down to the guesthouse now, so I can get settled in," I suggested. "Would that be all right with you?"

"Yes, sure. I'll even help you with your things," he agreed.

"What things?" I shot back. "All I have is in that duffle bag and my fanny pack. I think I'm quite capable of carrying those without any help."

We both laughed, although it was a little strained. I was hoping I hadn't just hurt his feelings again by refusing his offer.

"Yeah, but you forgot about all of the clothes in my dresser and closet that don't fit me any longer," he pointed out. "You can have those things too, so I'll get them together and then we'll move everything down there at once."

I kissed him on the cheek and gave him a squeeze, so he wrapped his arms around me and gave me a bear hug in return. He nearly caused me to pass from the pain when he crushed his chest against my bruises, which was quite excruciating. When he saw me flinch and heard me groan, he eased up.

"Oh, damn. I'm sooo sorry, Trevor. I forgot," he apologized. "I'll be more careful from now on."

I merely waved off his concern and we started getting the other things together. He found a box and we packed everything in it, and then he helped me carry it all down to my new home.

The guesthouse was actually quite roomy. You entered directly into the living area and then off to the right were the kitchen and dining areas. To the left were two bedrooms with a full bath in between and the place was totally furnished with some very nice things. The master bedroom had a queen-size bed, a large chest of drawers and a good size closet. The other bedroom had a queen-size bed as well, but a smaller chest of drawers and an adequate closet. I moved all my things into the master bedroom, unpacked and put everything away, which took 15 to 20 minutes, tops. Then, I grabbed Jeremy's hand, dragged him toward my bed and pushed him down on it. Catching him by surprise, I started to remove his clothes, so I could reward him for all of his good deeds.

"Trevor, you don't have to do this," he said. "Now that you're living here, you don't have to do anything you don't want to do, ever again."

"That's just it. I want to do this," I pointed out.

"But, I thought you only did that gay stuff to make money," he sputtered.

"Yeah, that's why I was doing it at the mall, but I also do it because I am gay," I confessed. "I guess I've never really accepted that fact about myself before, but I know now it's true. Does that bother you?"

"No. I just didn't know," Jeremy answered.

"Good, then lie back and enjoy," I advised him.

By this time I had his shirt, shoes and socks off, so I started working on his pants. I unfastened the snap and pulled his trousers and boxers down together, before I worked them off his legs. Then, I eased my body down beside him on the bed and slowly let my head move closer to his, until our lips met. I only allowed my lips to barely brush over his moist, ruby flesh, but then I opened my mouth slightly and pushed my tongue out, so I could explore and taste his full lips. He responded eagerly and allowed my tongue to enter his mouth, as he passively gave me permission to do as I wished.

I immediately let my tongue roam about the entire soft lining of his mouth and then started to examine his teeth and tongue with my snake-like muscle. As I continued, Jeremy began to respond to my oral exam by letting his tongue dart around my mouth with increasing intensity. We clawed at each other's bodies and used our hands roam over the other's flesh, until we couldn't bear the thought of letting the other one go. When I broke the kiss, I looked into his eyes and smiled.

"That's for coming to my rescue and for being so sweet," I advised him. "I hope you didn't mind."

"No, I definitely didn't, but I'm just not sure if I'm gay," he confessed. "I've never been attracted to another guy like this. Hell, before I first saw you, I would have said I was definitely straight, but things have changed now and I'm not so sure any more. Ever since I first felt this attraction to you, I've doubted my sexuality and these new feelings have both scared and excited me. I know the only reason I'm having them is because of you and I can't deny their existence, not even to myself."

"Don't worry about it and don't try to over think this," I urged. "If you're enjoying what we're doing, then just go with the flow. If not, just tell me. You won't have to do anything back or be part of anything you're not comfortable with. Just give it a try and see what you think."

For the first time, I was having sexual contact with someone that I actually cared about. It wasn't for a favor and it wasn't for money. This time it was happening because I cared about the person and wanted to do it with him. I kissed Jeremy's entire face, nibbled on his earlobes and ran my tongue all around the inside of his ear, before moving down his neck to his Adam's apple. I then repeated my efforts on the other side of his head, while trying not to miss even the smallest crevice.

After I finished doing that, I moved down his body and flicked my tongue against his quarter size brownish nipple and the fleshy nub became erect. I continued to run my tongue through the hairs that surround it and nipped at the firm nub, which caused him to gasp when I did it. I then nursed on his breast like a starving infant, and after a few minutes, I moved over and performed the same ritual on the other side. Once I'd finished with each nipple, I worked my way down the middle of his chest until I reached his navel. I then swirled my tongue over and around his outie bellybutton, before I worked my way to his crotch.

I thought of bypassing that area for now and then working my way back up later, but I didn't think Jeremy would last that long, since he was already writhing and moaning loudly on the bed. For that reason, I moved down to his nut sac, licked and sucked on each testicle, one at a time, and then tongued my way up and around his stiff shaft. I was just starting to lick on his joystick and treating it like it was a lollipop, before I began to nibble on the spongy surface of his glans.

After doing that for a while, I dropped my mouth over his woody and slid down its 7½" [19 cm] length. I swallowed several times as I adjusted to his length, until I had his entire shaft in my mouth and my nose was resting in his furry mound. I let my lips and tongue form a seal around his pole, so my mouth could suction the life giving contents from his scrotum. I then slid my lips up and down his boyhood, while I attempted to give him every pleasure possible.

While I was doing that, I was also stroking his balls with my free hand and tugging on the loose skin, as I rolled both watery eggs between my fingers and palm. Jeremy's body was reacting like a wind-up toy that had been over-wound and was jerking and thrashing with every movement of my head. His body was trembling, almost violently, under my manipulations and his groans were becoming louder and more frequent as he began to beg me to finish him off.

"Oh, Trevor, I can't believe you're sucking my cock," Jeremy groaned. "Oh, it feels sooo gooood. Oh, God, please make me cum. Pleeeze! I need to cum. Ahhh. NOW, please… Ughhh."

I felt his scrotum shrivel slightly, as his nuts were being sucked up toward his body, and then I felt his hard cock expand against the moist lining of my suction pump. His seed then exploded into my mouth and I greedily swallowed each individual sperm, since I didn't want any of it to escape my voracious appetite for his boy juice. He squirmed below me as he loosed several volleys of semen into my digestive tract and was behaving like a wild man in the throes of sexual ecstasy.

As his pulsing dick began to soften, his body became more relaxed and crumpled from the intense feelings that had so recently exploded from within. He was now a whimpering mass of flesh below me, as he tried to absorb and remember all of the wonderful sensations that had just ripped through his body. When his eyes finally opened, I was there to absorb the pleasure that radiated from within.

"Oh, my god, Trevor," he spoke in a hoarse whisper, "that was so fucking incredible. Not just the sex either, because I felt you and I were actually one. I've never felt anything like that before. Thank you… Oh god… thank you… thank you so much."

I placed my lips over his and stopped the conversation, as I let my passion flow from my mouth and into his. It also gave him the opportunity to taste his own cum on my lips, tongue and the lining of my oral cavity. I hugged him as hard as I could without causing myself pain and then put my head in the crook of his neck and left it there, as I enjoyed his warmth and softness. We remained like that for nearly twenty minutes, as we enjoyed the closeness of our two bodies pressed together.

"Thank you, Trevor. That was absolutely outstanding," he assured me once again.

"It was entirely my pleasure, Jeremy, and I loved it too," I confirmed.

After many more minutes of lying there together, Jeremy sat up quickly and startled me.

"I've got it. Next week at school I'll tell my friends about you and invite them over here so they can meet you," he announced. "We'll throw a big party in the house and you can get to meet my other friends too. Don't get all excited though, because I only have a few other friends and we're not really that close, but they're close enough to want to come to a party, because I want them to get to know you too."

"Do you think you might be rushing this a little?" I questioned. "It might be best if we waited a few weeks first."

"No way. I want you all to become acquainted as quickly as possible," he insisted. "This will be great."

"Whatever you say. It's your house and you're the boss." I relented. "I hope you know what you're doing though."

"Don't worry. You're going to love it and you'll have a great time," he assured me.

Jeremy was totally consumed with planning this party, but I wasn't so sure it was a good idea, at least not yet. On the other hand, it seemed to be something he wanted to do, so I didn't fight with him about it. He spent most of the weekend writing out lists, making plans, calling businesses and placing orders. He wouldn't let me in on the details, because he said he wanted me to be surprised. During school the following week, he gave his eight guests their verbal invitations and told them the party would take place on Friday night.

He also informed each of the guests to plan on spending the night at his house, because he was planning on raiding his father's liquor supply. Even though he wanted everyone to enjoy himself, he also wanted to make sure no one got injured on his way home. He also didn't want to take any chances their indiscretion might be discovered, since that could lead to other problems. He just wanted his friends to have a good time and was extremely excited about doing this.

All week long he made me stay out of the house, because he was setting up and didn't want me to see what he was doing. Anytime we got together during the week, it was always at the guesthouse and he even brought my meals over to me, so I couldn't glimpse any of the things he had done. I didn't want him to go to so much trouble, but he was a man possessed and wouldn't settle for anything less. When Friday finally arrived, he was acting like a little boy on Christmas morning. He wasn't able to sleep the night before, was up early the next morning and couldn't relax until he had opened all of his presents, which in this case it meant until the guests had arrived and the party was over. I thought I was going to have to pump him with tranquilizers before then, just so he wouldn't have a stroke.

Friday evening, Jeremy came to the guesthouse and dragged me over to the main house. He did this at 6:00, before the guests arrived, so he could see my reaction to his hard work. As I walked in, I could see there was enough catered food to feed 30 people, not just the ten he was planning on. The booze had been set out on the top of the bar and the mixers were on the table next to it. He had strategically placed the snacks all along the surface of the bar and had moved much of the furniture against the wall to open up the floor space. He had also put signs up pointing out the way to the game room and the toilets, but then he showed me his pride and joy. In the living room he'd hung a huge banner that he'd obviously made himself and it said, 'Welcome Home Trevor."

Needless to say, I was moved by his message and quite choked up. I was certainly glad he'd let me see this before the others arrived, otherwise I would have been reduced to a blubbering fool in front of people I'd never met. I hugged, thanked and kissed him, not necessarily in that order and I didn't do each thing only once.

As the guests arrived, he introduced them to me individually and I was impressed that the group he'd invited were all extremely good-looking guys. Even if their being here were my only present, it would have been plenty. When everyone had arrived, we began eating, drinking and playing games in the game room, where there was a full-size pool table, a bumper pool table, an air hockey table and three different pinball machines. The Play Station had also been hooked up to the 50" television, so talk about your kids in a candy shop.

We were all enjoying ourselves, at least that's how I read the gayety (no pun intended about sexual preference), until things started to get a little out of hand. Some of the boys overdid the booze and got a little tipsy and silly, but no one got too carried away. At about three in the morning, Jeremy showed the boys upstairs to the bedrooms and made certain they were all comfortable first, before he joined me at my pad.

We were both too exhausted to have any more fun, but I thanked him many times for the special night and assured him I'd had a great time. We fell asleep in each other's arms and I'd never slept better in my life. The next morning, Jeremy rose early to go up to the house to make coffee and fix breakfast for the boys, as soon as they woke up. He told me to stay in bed for a couple more hours and then to come over to join him. I was lying there, blissfully replaying the various evening, when there was a knock at the door. I told whomever it was to enter and in walked Kirk, one of Jeremy's friends. We exchanged greetings and then I asked what I could do for him.

"I would like you to do me a favor," he began. "I've got twin brothers who are turning 14 in a little while and I want to give them a very special present for their birthday. How much would you charge to give both of them a blowjob and then let them each fuck you?"

I was shocked to say the least and surprised he would know about what I'd been doing.

"Why would you ask me this?" I demanded.

"Jeremy told me how you were turning tricks at the mall to make money," he confirmed. "I mean I'd seen you there before too, so I was pretty sure that's what you were up to, but he told me you gave him the best blowjob he's ever had. I just thought you'd be the perfect guy to give my brothers a special birthday gift from me."

"Jeremy told you all of that?" I asked incredulously, as I wondered how he could have betrayed my confidence like this.

"Yeah. He said you and he were tight now, so that's why he was having the big bash in your honor," he answered.

I felt confused, betrayed and humiliated. How could Jeremy do this to me? How could he tell these boys our most intimate secrets? Maybe he doesn't really care about me the way I thought he did. Maybe I'm just a good time to him and nothing more. If that's the case, then I'll have to leave, but I'll need more money before I do that, so I guess I'll take this gig after all.

"A suck and a fuck will cost you fifty bucks each," I announced.

"Great and I want to give them their present two weeks from yesterday," he replied. "Their birthday and the party is actually on Saturday, but I want to give them this present first. Come to think of it, they're having a few of their friends over to the house for a party, so it would really make them popular if they had a special treat that all of the other boys would enjoy too. That way it wouldn't be the usual, dull birthday party, so what would you charge to do all of them, including my brothers again?"

This was becoming more bizarre with every passing minute, but I figured I'd go along with it, since I could make even more money before I took off.

"Twenty five each and they can choose one thing they want to do."

"You're on and I think I'll throw myself into the mix as well," he agreed. "What the hell. If I'm paying for it, I might as well have some fun too. Thanks, Trevor, you're a pal. I'll give you all of the details later. See you."

Once he was gone, I threw myself on the bed and let all my feelings rise to the surface. They erupted in a boiling mass of hysterics, because I was upset that Jeremy had betrayed me like this. I was beating on the mattress and pillows with my fist, as I vented my frustration and was totally losing it. A few seconds later, I heard Jeremy behind me, but he must not have looked at me before he spoke.

"Hey, Trevor. When are you coming over to the house?" he asked.

I turned and glared at him, picked up the closest solid object I could find and I heaved it in his direction.

"Leave me the fuck alone. I never want to speak to you again!" I screamed, as he looked at me, totally confused.

Chapter 6
The Seeds of Misunderstanding

"Why the hell did you just throw that at me?" Jeremy screamed, completely baffled by my outburst.

"Because I felt like it, you traitor," I shouted back.

"But you almost hit me in the head with it," he shot back.

"I guess it's too bad I missed then," I hissed. "Get out of here and leave me alone."

"What the hell is going on?" he demanded. "What do you think I did now?"

"Nothing, except tell Kirk I was a boy whore and gave you great head," I barked. "Now, get the fuck away from me. I don't want to talk to you any more."

"I didn't tell him that, he guessed it. Don't you remember he was with me that first day I saw you at the mall?" he responded. "He came with me a couple of times after that too and we saw you again. We both kinda guessed that's what you were up to and wondered what would make you do it."

"Yeah. I bet he just guessed about the blowjob too," I challenged.

"Ok, I did tell him that, but I only told him," Jeremy admitted. "I was trying to make him realize how special you were to me and it just kinda slipped out."

"I'm sure it did, but I can't afford those kinds of slip-ups," I countered. "Next thing I know, you'll be telling him every rotten detail of my life that I shared with you. Just go. Get out of here and stay away from me."

"Trevor, he doesn't think you're like that any more," Jeremy reasoned, thinking that would help.

"He doesn't, does he? Well, he just hired me for a job, two jobs in fact," I replied. "He just hired me to give his twin brothers a blowjob and a fuck for their birthday, but then he also asked me to 'entertain' his brothers' friends at their birthday party."

"He did WHAT?" Jeremy screamed, looking shocked.

"He asked me to help him make his brothers men and then make them popular with their friends," I rephrased, knowing he'd get the point.

"You turned him down, right?" Jeremy asked next.

"Hell no! As long as he knows all about me and for the kind of money he was willing to pay, I told him I'd do it," I answered.

"I'll talk to him and tell him you've changed your mind," Jeremy followed, thinking that would help.

"The hell you will," I threatened. "I've already accepted the job and I won't go back on my word. I'll move out if you want, so it doesn't get around town that you've got a slut crashing at your place."

"No, you're not leaving. You're staying here," Jeremy insisted.

"I don't want to stay here. I don't want to be around anyone who turns on me and reveals my secrets," I spat back.

"Trevor, I didn't turn on you," Jeremy reasoned. "No matter how you feel about me, you can still continue to live here. If you don't want to be around me or talk to me right now, then I'll stay away. You know where I'll be if you change your mind, but I won't let you live in the park or someplace worse."

Jeremy started to cry and then turned around and walked out the door, closing it behind him. I watched him slink across the yard to his back door and enter his house. How the hell could things have changed so quickly from last night to today?

I knew I'd hurt Jeremy again, but this time he deserved it. How could he tell Kirk all that shit? Worse yet, whom else did he tell? He sure wasn't going to explain this one away with a few words and I wasn't about to kiss and make up. Although I'm confused and upset, I still can't hate him. Even after I screamed at him and told him to get away from me, he didn't ask me to leave. In fact, he insisted I stay. I just can't figure him out. One minute he does something so utterly despicable and the next he does something unbelievably sweet. If only he could just trap himself in that last mode, then we wouldn't have any more problems.

I avoided Jeremy all that week and he never tried to come out to the guesthouse and talk to me. I did catch him staring out of one of the upper floor windows at me, well maybe just at the guesthouse to see if I was destroying it, but that's the most he did. He was true to his word and honored my wishes by staying completely away from me. On Saturday afternoon, Kirk came by to give me the details of my job. I'm not sure if he went to the main house first, but I eventually heard a light knocking on my door.

"Oh hi, Kirk," I said, somewhat surprised to see him.

"Hi, Trevor. I just came by to let you know what's going on," he began. "Friday night is when I want you to help me with my brothers and their names are Chad and Andrew. Do you want to come to our place to do this or do you want me to bring them here?"

"Why don't you bring them here?" I offered. "I think it will make them feel more comfortable if they're not in their own house when they do this. You know, they might be worried about getting caught or something."

"Hey, whatever you say. Here is fine," he agreed. "The next night is the party, so you'll have to come to our house for that. I'll have a room set up for you on the second floor and we'll send the guys up one at a time, starting with my brothers. I'll go last, so you'll know when it's over. I'm not sure how many boys are actually coming, but my brothers invited fifteen. That's not going to be a problem, is it?"

"That adds up to eighteen if everyone shows and that's a lot of sex for one night, but I'm willing to do it, as long as you've got enough money," I answered. "I mean eighteen would be $450 and $100 for the night before, so that's a lot of cash."

"Don't worry, because I've got eight $100 bills waiting for you," he replied. "The rest is a tip for doing me this huge favor. I'll explain to everyone that you're a friend and they aren't allowed to tell anyone about what happens. That should be enough to keep it quiet. I can't wait to see the expressions on my brothers' faces when I come back to pick them up later on Friday. By the way, what time do you want me to be back by?"

"If you drop them off at seven you'll be able to pick them up by ten. If they seem really into it, I might throw a little something extra in as a gift from me. We might even be able to spend some time just talking and getting to know each other."

"Hey, you're great, man. No wonder Jeremy thinks you're so special," he responded. "Hey, this is just a friend thing. I didn't ask you because I thought you were… you know… what I thought…"

"I know what you mean, so you don't have to say it," I answered, taking him off the hook.

"Look, Trevor. I wouldn't just hire anybody to do this for my brothers," Kirk added. "If I hadn't learned about you, I probably wouldn't have been able to give them this gift. I chose you because Jeremy said you were special, and after I met you at the party, I totally agreed with him. This means a lot to me and I know it was an awfully big favor for me to ask. I appreciate your doing this though, because I know it must be hard on you as well. That's why I'm throwing in the big tip. I wanted to let you know how much this meant to me and all."

"Thanks, Kirk. I'll see you and your brothers Friday night," I replied.

I knew it sounded like I just rushed Kirk out of here and all, but after what he'd just said I had some serious thinking to do. It sounded as if he really didn't think of me as just a boy whore. He said I was special and even called me a friend, but he also kept mentioning that Jeremy told him how special I was. Did I screw up and misjudge Jeremy again? I did a considerable amount of thinking over the next hour and rehashed all of Kirk's words. Eventually, I concluded that once again I'd fucked up royally. I'd jumped to conclusions and blamed everything on Jeremy, when it had been mostly my fault for deciding to make money that way in the first place. I had to go find Jeremy, so I could apologize.

I walked over to the house and the back door was unlocked. I went inside and there wasn't a sound to be heard. I looked all around the downstairs and he was nowhere to be found. I then headed up to his room on the second floor and found his door partially opened. I peeked inside and Jeremy was lying on his bed. I couldn't tell if his eyes were closed or if he was just staring at the ceiling, so I walked in. He didn't react as if he knew I was there, so I cleared my throat. When I did, he lifted his head and looked toward the door. When he saw me, he quickly sat up on his bed.

"I came over to apologize," I said meekly. "I think I jumped to conclusions again, even after all you've done for me. I should have cut you some slack, so will you please accept my apology?"

His eyes brightened and a huge grin came over his face. He leapt from the bed, raced toward me and stretched his arms out in front of himself, to welcome me into his embrace. I met him part way and we hugged like two long-lost siblings. I could feel the tears running down his cheek and dripping onto my shirt, and I'm sure he could feel the same from mine. He started to say something to me, but I just placed my finger over his lips to silence him. I then guided him back to the bed and we sat down. I broke away from his loving caress and looked into those happy, yet sad eyes.

"I should have come to you and talked about it after Kirk told me those things," I reasoned. "I had no right to read into what Kirk was saying, but that's what I did. I know you want to explain it to me, but I think it would be best if we don't say anything more about it. Let's just put this behind us and forget about it. We've got a week to make up for."

"Thanks, Trevor, and I'm sorry too, especially for giving Kirk the wrong impression," he apologized. "It's been a very lonely week and I've missed you terribly."

"I've missed you too," I agreed. "I don't remember if I thanked you for the party yet, but if I didn't, then I want to it now."

I pushed him back onto the bed and started kissing his beautiful lips. Not sweet, loving kisses, but passionate, lustful kisses. I needed to show him how much I'd missed him and how sorry I really was. I savagely attacked his mouth with mine and let my tongue dart around like a heat-seeking missile. I think he was shocked at my aggressiveness, but he passively surrendered to my desires. I began to remove his clothing and ran my hands all over his body, and then I stood up and removed my own. Once we were both totally naked, I bent over his prone body and began to nibble at those erotic spots on his head and neck, and then I followed that with dainty butterfly kisses. Butterfly kisses are applied with the same gentleness and gracefulness that a butterfly uses when landing on a twig or a leaf with a gliding ease that barely disturbs the surface as it lands.

As Jeremy was lying on the bed absorbing the warm tingling sensations from my loving ministrations, I moved down to his chest and started rubbing the bare surface of his hairy flesh and softly pinched each nipple. Jeremy's head began to flop from side to side, before I flipped my tongue out and teased his pink nub. I wet the entire surface of his breast and then started to suckle on it like an infant. My lover groaned and writhed in ecstasy under my sexual assault, and then I licked my way across his chest and treated the other tit in the same loving fashion.

From there, I brought my tongue down his chest until I reached his navel and cleaned the entire area with my spongy muscle. As I continued down his body, I bypassed his groin and licked my way down his thigh, over his calf and to his foot. There, I ran my tongue over and around each toe and sucked on each digit as if it were his penis. I then worked my way across to the other foot and repeated the procedure, before starting back up the other limb, eventually nearing my intended target.

When I finished with his thigh, I moved to his ball sac and began to lick and fondle that area tenderly. I took each testicle into my mouth, sucked on it and rolled it over on my tongue until I swapped it for the other one. Once I'd completed the same ritual to the other watery orb, I took both of his balls into my mouth at the same time and softly hummed on them, to let the vibrations ripple through and around them. After doing that, I licked my way up his shaft and continued to swirl my tongue around the surface of his pulsing love muscle, until I had worked my way around the rigid edge of his corona. I then stuck the tip of my tongue into the tiny slit at the end, which was opening and closing like a fish gulping water through its mouth before pushing it out its gills. All this time, I was enjoying the taste of the sweet pre-cum that was oozing from it and was reveling in his wonderful boy scent.

After I finished doing that, I opened my mouth, engulfed his glans and slowly worked my way down his hot, yet pliable rod, as I swallowed every fraction of an inch of his marvelous tool. While I worked it with my tongue, I was also beginning my suction and eased my head up and down its length. I used my lips to form a vacuum seal against the pliable skin, so I could draw the life giving juices from his scrotum. I brought him close to the brink several times, only to allow him to be brought back down without release. I ignored his pleading protestations to continue, because I had another plan in mind.

When I thought he couldn't take it any longer, I took the tube of KY and a condom from my fanny-pack, slipped the condom over his stiff pole and then used the KY to coat it, before I lubricated my rectum. When I finished, I straddled the upper part of his hips and planned to give him the release he had been begging for so long. Holding his burning pole of desire with my left hand, I positioned my opening above his dick and I slowly sat down on it. After impaling myself completely on his throbbing mast, I began the steady rhythm of rising and falling on it, as I tightened my rectal muscles at the appropriate times to coax his penis to climax.

"Oh, Trevor, ride me, pleeeze," Jeremy begged. "Let me shoot. Oh yes, let me cuuum. Ohhh, Trevor, I love you sooo much. Yes, please make me shoot my load."

I increased the pace of my pistoning motion and violently rode up and down on his hard iron stake, as I brought him closer to his long-sought-after relief. His hips were thrusting up forcefully and meeting me halfway when I glided downward on his wand, as he tried to hasten his orgasm. I could tell by his actions how desperately he wanted, maybe even needed, to give his churning testicles a chance to deliver their most recent production.

"I'm close. I'm almost there," he moaned as he squirmed totally out of control beneath me. "Do it, Trevor, make me cum this time. Pleeeze. Arrrgh."

I could feel it when his hot bolts of semen fill the reservoir tip of the condom, as several blasts exploded from his well-worked shaft. Jeremy screamed out in pleasure and his body flopped and quivered, like the death throes of a mortally wounded snake. When the tremors in his body subsided and his load had been spent, he fell into an immobile silence, like a child that had just finished convulsing from a seizure. I rolled off of his body and let his softening cock 'plop' from my ass, so I could lie beside him, exhausted from my own energetic efforts to please him. Neither of us spoke nor moved for many minutes.

"Apology accepted," Jeremy eventually moaned, in a weak, child-like voice.

The humor of his comment struck me, but I was too tired to laugh. I merely draped my arm across his chest, before we both passed out from an overload of sensations.

When I awoke an hour later, Jeremy was still beside me, but now he was lying on his side. He had his elbow resting on the bed and his arm was propping up his head, so he could look at me. He began to smile as my eyes fluttered open and I could read a silent 'thank you' radiating from those expressive orbs. I returned his smile and tried to add as much love to my own expression as I could, just to let him know that all was well with the world again.

"As much as I hate our fights," Jeremy began, "they don't seem quite so bad when they're followed by making up like that. It was incredible, totally awesome, and I definitely enjoyed it. I'm sure I made the right decision the day I invited you home and again when I asked you to live here. No matter how many arguments we have, I'll never regret those choices."

"Nor do I regret accepting your offers," I confirmed. "Jeremy, I'm sorry and I promise I'll talk things over with you first from now on, before I judge your actions. I will do my best to resist the temptation to jump to conclusions and will try to give you the benefit of every doubt. Kiss me and let me know this is all right with you."

Jeremy rolled on top of me and brought his lips down to mine. Our mouths opened, our tongues fought for dominance and we enjoyed signing the oral pact of consent. We continued to initial all of those never-ending clauses that seemed to accompany such agreements and when we finished endorsing the entire contract, we broke the passionate embrace.

"Wow, I'm glad that's over and you won't be doing that birthday party now," Jeremy said.

"Jeremy, you're mistaken," I replied, surprised by his comment, since I had explained to him before that I had given my word to Kirk about doing those jobs. "I'll still be doing the twins and I'll be doing their party, because I've already given Kirk my word and he's counting on me. You know that."

"But you don't need to go through with it now. Everything's fine," he reasoned.

"I know it is, but I've already made a verbal agreement with Kirk and I'm a man of my word," I explained. "I won't go back on a deal that I've already agreed to."

"Why would you want to do that with all those other boys," he wondered. "I thought you wanted me now."

"I don't actually want to do it with them and I do want you, but it's just that I won't go back on a promise or break my word," I reasoned. "That's me and it's the way I am. That's how I operate, but after this, I'm finished with those sorts of things. Ok?"

"You're still going to do it, even if I tell you I don't want you to or if I ask you not to do it?" he pressed.

"This time I must, but I promise I'll consider your feelings in the future," I agreed. "I won't be doing any other jobs after this one though. I promise."

"How can I love you if you're still going to do this with all those other boys?" Jeremy went on.

"It will just be this one, final time," I assured him. "You'll have to trust me and realize I'm doing this as a job and not out of love. I do it with you because I have very strong feelings for you. I love you, Jeremy, but with them, I'm just doing it as a favor for Kirk and I'll feel next to nothing while it's going on."

"It doesn't matter what you feel, it's what you are doing that matters," he insisted. "You don't need the money now, because I'll provide everything you need and you can give up this job."

"You're not listening, Jeremy, I've already given my word to Kirk," I reiterated.

"I don't care," Jeremy stated, as he put on his clothes. "I don't want you to do it and I forbid you to do it."

"Jeremy, please understand. This is the last time," I repeated. "I will honor your wishes after this, but not until after I've completed the job this weekend."

"NO! If you love me and want to be with me, then you'll tell them no," he demanded.

"I want to, but I just won't go back on my word," I repeated. "I promised Kirk and he's counting on me."

"I'm counting on you too, but I guess I don't count any more," he spat out. "If I don't mean enough to you to get you to tell Kirk you've changed your mind, then you can do what you want, but just stay away from me."

With that Jeremy left his room and slammed the door behind him. I couldn't believe this. After all we'd just been through and since we'd just made up again, I couldn't believe this was happening.

"Jeremy, WAIT," I screamed as he left and I scrambled to put my clothes on, but I'm not sure he heard me.

I don't know where he went, but my search of the house proved futile, so I went back to the guesthouse and tired to make sense of what had just happened.

Chapter 7
The Twins

I didn't see or speak to Jeremy again after he'd left me alone in his room. What was wrong with us, I wondered? Why did we have so much trouble staying together and keeping each other happy? I couldn't believe the two of us weren't able to get it together long enough to work these things out, because I knew how much Jeremy meant to me and I didn't want to lose him. I was also certain he felt the same way about me, so why did we keep having all these problems? Why couldn't we make this work?

I spent a great deal of time pondering this point, but without resolution. There had to be a way we could stop hurting each other and prevent magnifying every little difference into a major setback. I knew I was falling in love with Jeremy, very deeply in love, and I didn't want to lose him. I had a strong suspicion he was beginning to feel the same way about me, so I was unable to understand what our problem was. Why were we both acting like such losers? Was it always going to be this way or was there still a chance for us?

I hadn't been able to find a solution for my problem and Friday sneaked up on me, almost without notice. When I realized what day it was, I hurriedly began to prepare for the twins' arrival. A few minutes before seven, there was a knock at my door and Kirk was there, with his brothers standing behind him. I invited them inside, but I happened to glance up quickly and noticed Jeremy in one of the upstairs windows. When he saw me looking in his direction, he ducked behind the curtain, in an effort to keep me from spotting him. After I closed the door, Kirk spoke.

"Trevor, these are my two brothers. This is Chad and this is Andrew," he announced, as he pointed at the appropriate one when he said a name.

I exchanged greetings with the two boys and told them to make themselves comfortable. They both looked a bit uneasy and remained standing, so I thought I should clarify something.

"Kirk, do your brothers know why you brought them here?" I asked.

"Yeah, I told them I was bringing them to get their birthday present from me," he responded.

"Did you tell them anything else?" I pressed, since I wished to know if they knew the precise reason for this visit.

"Like what?" he asked, not catching my drift.

"Like about the present," I replied. "Such as maybe a hint about what it was."

"Oh, no," he answered, blushing slightly.

"Well, do you want to tell them or do you want me to let them know why they're here?" I pressed, since I wanted them to understand what would be happening before Kirk took off.

The twins looked very puzzled by our exchange and kept glancing between the two of us, and then at each other. I wished I knew what was going through their minds at this moment

"I'll do it," Kirk answered, while grinning in anticipation of his brothers' reaction to his announcement, as he turned toward them and spoke. "I wanted to give you two a very special present for your fourteenth birthday and my friend, Trevor, has agreed to help me with this. You don't need to know the how or why he's helping me, but you do need to know that he is my friend and everything he'll be doing will be done as a friend, a damn good friend."

Now, the twins looked twice as confused as before. The expressions on their faces were ones of total bewilderment and they looked to their brother for answers.

"Chad, Andrew. I've been watching you two for a long time and I've watched you when you're around the other kids your age," he continued. "I've noticed you have very little interest in the girls and you seem strongly attracted to the better-looking guys you hang out with. This may be innocent, but I strongly suspect something else."

The two boys started to protest, but Kirk quickly hushed them. After they had calmed down, Kirk continued.

"Whether or not you're gay is not that important, because I don't want it to interfere with you enjoying your present. What is important is that I want to help you both and Trevor is going to assist me in doing just that. He has agreed to help you learn about the joys of sex."

The expressions on the boys' faces changed from one of questioning to one of shock. They were both fidgeting around and shifting their weight from one leg to the other, but I wasn't sure if it was from discomfort with the idea or anticipation.

"Whether you are gay or not, Trevor is going to show you the pleasures of oral sex and he's going to teach you how to have intercourse," Kirk continued. "If you are gay, then this will be perfect for you, but if you aren't, then you can transfer this knowledge over when you have your first experience with a girl. I want this to be a special experience for both of you, and with Trevor's guidance you are going to take a giant step forward into manhood. I want you to enjoy this gift and I know Trevor will help you all he can. Don't be afraid to talk to him, ask questions or anything else. I'll pick you up in a couple of hours, so enjoy."

Both boys leapt from their seats and hugged their big brother and the smiles on their faces were enormous. I knew now that they would offer no objections to what we were going to be doing. In fact, judging from the looks on their faces, they were probably looking forward to it. My only problem would be telling them apart. From their outward appearance, the boys were as identical as two peas in a pod, and once we were alone I hoped to find out if they were truly gay, as Kirk had suspected. If they were, I would take a slightly different approach to their little 'gift,' and now that Kirk had gone, the two boys stood facing me.

"I hope you two realize how important it is to Kirk to be able to give you this opportunity," I began. "He loves you both a great deal and has expressed that to me on several other occasions. He is spending a large sum of his money to provide you this opportunity and has another surprise to follow, but I'll let him tell you about that one when he returns."

Both boys looked even more shocked and excited than before, and then they turned toward each other, as they exchanged grins and winks. After doing this, they turned back toward me.

"I would like you to be honest with me about one thing though, because it will make a difference in how I proceed. The answer you give me will be strictly confidential and I will not say anything to anyone else, unless you want me to. What I would like to know is if you two are really gay?"

Once again, the pair looked at each other for a while first, before they turned back toward me and nodded shyly.

"Thank you for being honest with me," I responded. "I know how hard it was for you to do that, and if you hadn't guessed already, I'm gay too. One of the hardest things for a gay guy to do is to admit it to someone else."

I gave them time to think about this before I continued, because I realized this wasn't going to be the only time they would have to admit this to someone else, be it family or friend.

"I want you to relax and I'm going to undress each of you so we can begin, but I need to ask you another question first," I added. "I can just do as your brother requested, which means I will give each of you a blowjob and then let you fuck me, or I can teach you how to make love to someone else. This would mean that I would also teach you how to kiss and how to attend to another guy's body. This means you will be focused on giving someone else pleasure and not merely enjoying the experience yourself. It's your choice and I can proceed either way."

"Show us how to make love," Andrew nearly shouted. I then looked into Chad's smiling face and he nodded in agreement.

"Fine. I want each of you to watch closely as I make love to your brother then," I instructed. "Watch what I do to him and how I do it. Don't worry about what you can or can't see, because you'll learn more about that when I do it to you. Is this ok with both of you?" They both blurted out a 'yes,' so I continued. "So who wants to go first?"

They looked at each other for a few seconds first and then Andrew gave me the answer.

"I guess I will," he said, beaming.

I had assumed early on that Andrew was the more aggressive and possibly the leader of the pair. I'd made this determination from the way he'd acted and how Chad seemed to look to him for support, before they answered any of my questions. They were both quite adorable and only about an inch or two shorter than me, which put them somewhere around 5'3" or 5'4" [1.60-1.65 m], with slender, but not overly skinny bodies. They had sandy blond hair, parted on the right and combed across their foreheads toward their left ears, deep blue eyes, the color of the ocean, and sensuous thin, red lips. I stepped over to Andrew and began his lesson.

I placed my hands on the sides of his face and brought my lips forward to cover his. He was a little rigid as I began, but he soon started to relax when I placed my mouth over his and ran my tongue over that delicate portal to his own inner recesses. As I continued to lick back and forth over that ruby threshold, he parted his lips slightly and gave me an opportunity to slide my tongue into his mouth. When he understood what I was doing, he opened his mouth even wider and accepted my exploration of the inside of his oral cavity. After a minute or so, I withdrew my tongue, while hoping he would follow my example and probe my still open orifice. After a several second delay, he hesitantly stuck his tongue into my waiting mouth and started his search. Once I felt that he had had sufficient time, I began to suck on his tongue, while trying to increase his arousal. He began to moan when I did that, so I knew I was getting the desired effect.

As we continued to kiss, I dropped my hands down and I began to unbutton his shirt. Once it was undone, I slid it off of his shoulders and down his arms, while exposing his bare skin. I then let my hands glide over his chest and stroke his sides, before I used the back of my hand to glide up and down the center of his hairless chest. The only time I stopped this motion was when I tweaked his small nipples as my hand passed by them. I also let my mouth drift from his and started to nibble on his ear lobes and soft underside of his neck. He was moaning loudly and his body was swaying to and fro.

As I was doing this to his head, I let my hands run up and down his smooth back, eventually winding up on his pert buttocks, and I caressed both cheeks through his trousers. I slowly began my journey down his chest with my tongue and found one of his nipples, which I began to explore it with my mouth. As I licked, nipped and sucked on that tiny nub, it became erect and Andrew's head lolled backward, in surrender. I then worked my way across his chest and attacked his other nub exactly the same way, before I licked down his abdomen until I got to his cute little 'innie' belly button. I flicked my tongue inside that small depression and elicited a little giggle from its owner, and then I let my moist muscle wash its entire surface, inside and out.

I now reached out and unfastened the clasp on his pants and pulled down his zipper, although I still held them up with my other hand and didn't let them drop to the floor. I gently guided him back to my bed, while watching Chad out of the corner of my eye to make sure he followed us with his undivided attention. I gently placed Andrew down on the mattress, although never stopping my stroking of his velvety smooth frame. Once he was on the bed, I dropped down on one knee and rested it on the carpet, so I could remove his shoes, socks and trousers. I moved back up his body, massaging his legs and thighs as I went along, and then tugged at his briefs and pulled them over his erect penis and down his legs. Andrew had a wonderfully gorgeous 5" [12½ cm] circumcised penis, with a bright pink head, and a light, semi-circular dusting of blond pubic hairs in his crotch.

I didn't think I'd have sufficient time to explore his entire body below the waist, so I merely kissed my way up the inside of both of his thighs, before I flicked my tongue out to lick his scrotum. I bathed the entire area with my saliva before taking both of his testicles into my mouth. I sucked on them tenderly and rolled them around the inside my moist oral cavern, before I gave them a little hum to increase the sensation. Andrew began to pump his hips upward from this pleasant stimulation and I thought he was going to blow his load then and there.

I eased off of him for a short while, to give him time to come back down a little, and then I began to lick the outer lining of his joystick, as I let my tongue dart up and around its rigid surface. When I moved up to the helmet, I flicked my tongue into his piss slit, which caused him to buck his hips upward once more, and then I ran my tongue around its spongy surface and dragged it hard across the raised ridge that defined the bottom of his pink glans. As I wrapped my mouth over the head and worked my way down his pole, Andrew began to talk to me.

"Oh, God, yes. Oh, God, oh, oh, that's fantastic," he chirped. "Don't stop. Pleeeze don't stop."

I began to suck on his cock and used my mouth like a vacuum cleaner, as I tried to suction out that sweet boy cum that was being produced by his marble sized testicles. I tasted the sweet droplets of his honey-coated pre-cum and calculated he hadn't shot many loads before today. I worked my mouth up and down his granite pole and let my lips form a strong seal against the skin, as my tongue was working along right behind it.

Andrew's hips were bouncing off the bed, silently urging me to finish him off and give him his release. He bucked a couple of more times before I felt his dick expand in my mouth and his balls pull up toward his body. Streams of a thin, watery liquid began to spurt from his cock head and the first squirt of his immature cum splashed inside my mouth. A few more shots followed it and Andrew's body slumped onto the bed, spent from his workout. As I let his deflating sausage fall from my lips, it was Chad who made the first comment.

"That was wild, man. Way cool," he observed. "You drove Andy crazy and he was hopping around like some mad beast. I can't wait for you to do me."

"Let's give your brother a couple of minutes to enjoy this and think about what just happened," I suggested.

Chad nodded his consent and we stood there watching Andrew enjoy the afterglow of his first sexual experience, other than from masturbating with his own hand or from his brother's hand, as I would later learn. Eventually, Andrew's spacecraft left orbit, slowly entered the atmosphere and drifted back to earth for a safe landing. His eyes were starting to focus again when he located his brother's face and then mine.

"I don't know what to say," he whispered. "That was wonderful, really wonderful. I didn't know it could feel that good."

I gave him another minute to recuperate and then I began the same routine on Chad. I had first thought the boys were exactly identical, but after I had undressed Chad, I found he wasn't quite identical is some areas. Even though he was older by several minutes, Chad had a smaller cock, at 4½" [11 cm] give or take a quarter of an inch, and he had a little finer dusting of blond pubic hair. Other than a small mole on his back, the two boys seemed to be identical in all other areas.

I moved forward and began to kiss Chad and soon our tongues were jousting with one another, as they darted back and forth, from one mouth to the other. As I continued to kiss his face and neck, I began to undress him, first removing his shirt and then his pants. Soon, I had him naked on the bed and began to work my mouth around his upper body. I licked and sucked on both of those dime size nipples and nursed on the tiny nubs, before I slid lower and worked my way to his navel. He was more ticklish than Andrew and squirmed about wildly, while also emitting high-pitched little shrieks, as my tongue darted in and out of that crevice.

Finally I moved lower, until I reached his nut sac and swirled my tongue around the outside of that thin fleshy covering, before I took both of those tiny nuggets into my mouth. I ran them all around the inside of my oral cavern and worked them over energetically with my tongue, before I sucked on them and did my little humming routine, as I let the vibrations amplify as they passed through those watery orbs. Chad's body was rocking from side to side as I did this, as the stimulation was driving him nearly insane, and then I finally released his testicles and made my move on his boner.

After I dragged my tongue up and down the sides of his little trouser trout, I swirled it around his coronal ridge. His hands were digging into the sheets and mattress, as he tried to keep himself from flying off the bed. By the time I let his love muscle slide into my mouth, he was almost delirious from the erotic feelings that were shooting through his body. As my lips touched the base of his cock and my nose was tickled by his smattering of pubic hairs, Chad's hips were lunging upward, trying to bury his miniature stump down my throat. I began to bring my head up and then slid back down his shaft, and Chad's body was bouncing on the bed, as he was trying to match my movement. This went on for a couple more minutes, before his fireworks exploded and shots of his watery fluid burst into my mouth. I sucked him completely dry and then released his overworked member.

After I had swallowed Chad's entire load and we had given him time to enjoy the lingering bliss of his workout, I told the boys we'd take a short break before we continued. I gave them each a soda, took one for myself and then we sat down to talk. They were both quite fascinating and only about sixteen months younger than me. Oh, how I envied them their lives and family situation though. If only I could have switched places with them and had a brother who loved me as much as Kirk loved them.

Then I thought about it some more. No, I wouldn't want to switch places with them, because I wouldn't want anyone else to have to suffer through my life, not even my worst enemy. I wouldn't even wish that kind of abuse on an animal, but it would have been nice if I'd found myself in a situation similar to theirs. Once I felt they were ready to continue, I asked them another question.

"It's time for me to get undressed," I informed them. "Do you want me to remove my own clothing or do you want to do it for me?"

This time they didn't look at each other first, but still responded almost in unison.

"Let us do it," the gleefully announced.

Andrew kissed my mouth, neck and chest after he had removed my shirt, while Chad removed everything else and started to work on my lower body. They had watched carefully and had learned very well. I was impressed with how they ministered to my body and brought me a great deal of pleasure. Once they'd completed their work on me, I asked them one more question.

"Are you going to go in the same order for this or are you going to switch this time?" I wanted to know.

They looked at each other for a minute, each face pleading with his brother, but neither spoke a word until Chad responded.

"Andrew went first before, so I think it's only fair that I go first this time," he announced.

"Is that okay with you?" I asked Andrew and he nodded his head in agreement, although not very enthusiastically. "Ok, Chad, then you come with me."

I took Chad by the hand, led him to the bed and I laid him down on the mattress. In all actuality, he'd soon be laying me on it, so to speak. I began by sucking on his cock again, to get it erect, and when it was rigid, I grabbed the tube of KY.

"Andrew, while I'm greasing up your brother's dick, I want you to work some of this lubricant into my ass," I instructed him. "Put some of it on your finger and then work it around the outside of my opening first and then work it into my rectum. I want you to use two fingers to work the lubricant in my hole and make sure you get it good and greasy. Don't be afraid to push your fingers all the way in and twist them around while you're loosening me up."

Andrew's initial reaction to my request appeared to be one of uncertainty, maybe even a little disgust, but then I saw a twinkle in his eye and a slight grin spread cross his face, so I knew he would do fine. I bent over to slick up Chad's prick, while I exposed my rump to Andrew, so he could prepare me. I finished getting Chad ready long before Andrew was done, so I stroked Chad's scrotum to keep his penis firm. When we were both ready, I straddled Chad's body, used my left hand to position his cock under my opening, and then sat down on his boyhood. Chad's eyes rolled back into his head and then his eyelids closed, before I heard him mutter a barely audible response to himself.

"Oh, my God. I can't believe this," he mumbled. "Oh, God, I'm in. I'm really fucking someone."

I slowly started lifting my body up and down, although I couldn't pull up very far, as I used my anal muscles to grip his penis. My legs, which were bent under me with my toes pointed toward Chad's feet, propelled me upward and then lowered me down again, as I established an erotic cadence. Even though Chad had ejaculated in my mouth not long before, the excitement of his virgin fuck was more than he could bear and he thrust his hips upward, as he pushed his love muscle into me as far as it would go. It wasn't long before I felt his cock expand slightly, just before he shot several small spurts into my bowels.

After he'd had sufficient time to enjoy the results of his workout, I let his spent penis slide from my hole. I pushed his body over slightly and then arranged Andrew along side of him. I didn't need to take a breather, since Chad had come so quickly that I didn't get much of a workout, so I let Chad enjoy his memories as I prepared his brother. I didn't need Chad to lube me up, since I was already slick from the generous amount of lube Andrew had applied earlier and from the addition of Chad's cum. When Andrew was ready, I took his virginity using the same method I had just used on Chad, except Andrew took a little longer and enjoyed his ride more.

I was bouncing wildly up and down on Andrew's flagpole and he tried to watch what I was doing, but his eyes kept rolling around in their sockets, as the stimulation overtook him. He finally gave up on his attempt to watch what I was doing and let his head flop from side to side, as those electrical impulses began to shoot throughout his frame. His entire body was tingling, as he began to feel the inevitable tightness build in his loins, signaling his release. He held off for as long as he could, but finally had to give in to nature and his thin streamlet was released into my bowels. There were three or four more spurts that followed his initial blast, but soon his stalk began to wilt and I could ride it no longer. When we had finished his virgin fuck, we took another short break, downed another soda each and then chatted a little more.

"Well, what do you think of Kirk's present, so far?" I prodded them.

"It's been fantastic," Chad volunteered, enthusiastically.

"Yeah, we owe Kirk big time for this one," Andrew added.

"I guess you're right about that, Andy, but he really wanted to do this for both of you," I confirmed. "That was his present to you, but now I'm going to add a present of my own. I'm going to let both of you fuck me again, but this time doggy style, so you can control the action yourself and set your own pace." I then gave them a minute to let this sink in. "You saw that I went nice and slow when I rode you, so I could prolong your pleasure, even though that didn't work out quite as well for one of you." After hearing my statement, Chad blushed. "You can do it the same way or faster if you wish, but most guys only like to do it fast when they're almost ready to blow their load. I think this time we'll switch the order again, so Andy will go first this time."

The boys were quite excited by the prospect of their second fuck of the evening and needed hardly any coaxing for their erections to return. I added a little more KY to Andy's dick, got on all fours on the bed, and instructed him about what to do. He took to it like a duck to water and was soon penetrating me, as he began a nice steady ride. To my surprise, he was very tender in his lovemaking, and once he got the hang of it, he reached around my chest, ran his hands over my skin, pinched my nipples and then grabbed my cock.

I hadn't had any relief yet, so I had a great deal of pent up sexual pressure held within, so I appreciated his attention. He pumped my cock faster than my ass, so it didn't take long for me to explode all over my chest, both of our arms and the bed. When he felt my orgasm subside, he dropped my wilting tool from his grasp and concentrated on screwing my ass. He even started to speed up and pumped with shorter, faster strokes, so after another couple of dozen thrusts, he buried his cock to the hilt and emptied the contents of his spigot into my well-worked ass. He then collapsed on my back, as his dick shriveled out of my cavity, before he fell, exhausted, beside me.

I summoned Chad to the bed next, lubed up his tool again and let him gratify himself in the same fashion. I was pleased that he lasted a lot longer this time, but it might have been due to Andy going twice in a row. Whatever the reason, Chad enjoyed this opportunity much more than the last and eagerly rammed his stiff tool up my anus. As he began to thrust his hips back and forth, with his prick driving in and out of my love canal, he also draped his arms around my chest, so I imagine he looked like some old horn-dog pounding a bitch in heat. He kept driving into me like that for several more minutes before he made his final thrust and deposited his spunk into my vault. He made a few more sporadic thrusts after that happened, before he finished, and then he fell forward and collapsed onto my back.

I gave him a couple of minutes to recover and then fell on my side, as I let him slip off my back and onto the bed. While he was lost in the afterglow of his climax, I took Andrew into the shower and I cleaned him up. By the time I'd dried him off and we came back out to the living area, Chad was ready for me to do the same thing to him. I worked his body over fully and cleaned everything in sight, before I washed my own body. I then toweled both of us off and we went out to put our clothes back on.

We had been sitting fully dressed and talking to each other for about fifteen minutes before I heard Kirk knock on the door. I didn't have time to move, because Chad and Andrew both sprang from their seats and raced to the door. I'm not sure which one opened it up, but they both gave Kirk a huge hug and a big kiss on the cheek as he entered.

"I guess there's no need to ask if they enjoyed it," he said with a loud laugh, and both boys hugged him again.

They each thanked him several times verbally, before they gave him another kiss on the cheek. The twins looked at each other again and then raced over to me, so they could give me a similar joint hug and each one kissed one of my cheeks as well.

"Thanks, Trevor," Andrew began. "That was wonderful and you're really special. Thanks for everything."

"Yes," Chad added, "that was really special and we'll never forget it." Then he turned toward Kirk and continued. "Did you know that Trevor let us fuck him a second time? He said it was his birthday gift to us."

Kirk looked at me and smiled.

"No, I didn't know that, but it doesn't surprise me," he stated. "He's a really great guy and has been a great friend to all of us."

The twins agreed boisterously and then Andrew posed another question to Kirk.

"Trevor said earlier that you had a second surprise for us," he blurted out. "What is it?"

Kirk looked at me again and smiled.

"Do you want to tell them this time?" he asked, while studying my face.

"Hey, it's your surprise, so you tell them," I countered, since I didn't want to take credit for what he had planned.

"Ok, ok," he said to the pleading twins. "Trevor has agreed to come to your party tomorrow night and do us another enormous favor. He's agreed to let all of the boys at your party, starting with you two, pick one sexual thing you want him to do for you."

They both started jumping up and down, while pumping their fists in the air.

"This is going to be great," one of them said, although I couldn't tell which one this time. "Our friends are going to think we're way cool and be really shocked when we tell them about this. Oh, this is going to be so great."

They then ran over to me, so they could hug and kiss me again, but this time on the lips. Then, they ran over to do the same thing to Kirk. He had to basically drag them out the door in order to get them to leave, so he could take them home. As soon as they drove off, I started to close the door. I don't know what made me look up at the house while I was doing that, but I spotted Jeremy peaking out one of the windows on the upper floor. After I locked up and turned off the lights, I crumpled, fully dressed, onto the bed and fell asleep.

Chapter 8
The Birthday Party

I still hadn't seen Jeremy since our blow-up over my doing this job for Kirk. I even tried to go into the house to see him a few times, but he kept the doors locked. I think I saw his parents roaming inside once one time, but seeing I wasn't sure they knew I was living there, I thought it might be premature to introduce myself and ask to see Jeremy. I planned to seek him out after this weekend was over and my promise to Kirk had been fulfilled, but I couldn't think about that now. I had some preparations to make before I left for the party.

Kirk picked me up at four and drove me to his house. I didn't see Jeremy anywhere as we left, but I had a feeling he'd watched us leave. It took about twenty minutes before we arrived at Kirk's house, since we had to travel on 35 mph [55 km/h] posted streets with many stop signs and traffic lights. I shouldn't have been surprised, but it was another huge, two-story modern house with a three car attached garage. It was just as nice as Jeremy's house and maybe slightly larger. Man, where do their parents get all of their money? He led me around to the rear of the house and took me up a back flight of stairs to the second floor. Once there, he showed me to the guest room, which was located in the corner.

"The party is going to be downstairs and in the backyard, but we'll bring the boys up here one at a time," Kirk informed me. "Don't worry about anything, because I'll make sure the boys all know enough to keep their mouths shut about everything that happens here. I know most of my brothers' friends and they're all pretty cool, so I'm fairly positive there will be no problems or I wouldn't have suggested this."

I thanked Kirk and relaxed until the first of the partiers arrived. There was a small TV in the room, so I started to watch a program to pass the time. After a while, I heard a knock on the door and in walked Chad and Andrew, with broad grins on their faces.

"Hi, guys," I greeted them.

"Hi, Trevor," they replied in unison.

"Have you decided what you want to do today?" I asked and they both nodded in response. "Well, it's Chad's turn to go first this time, so what have you decided on, bud?"

"I'd like to fuck you again, if it's okay with you," he announced, meekly.

"Of course it is. Let's get undressed and then we'll get started," I agreed, as we all took our clothes off and I took Chad to the bed with me. "Let's do it a little differently this time. Is that okay with you?"

"You mean there's another way to do it?" he asked, totally astonished.

"Oh, yeah. Let me show you," I announced.

Since I had already lubed and stretched myself well before Kirk showed up, I just fondled him a little, until he became nice and hard. I then slicked up his cute little dick, lay back on the bed, slipped a pillow under my butt and pulled my legs up to my chest.

"Are you getting the idea?" I asked, and he grinned and nodded his head to signal he understood.

Chad moved closer to me and slid his rigid little pole past my sphincter and into my hole. When he was all the way in, I reached up, grabbed his face and pulled him to me, so I could kiss him. I knew I wouldn't be kissing the other boys, but these two were already kind of special to me and I couldn't resist. I kissed him affectionately and slipped my tongue into his mouth, which caused him to moan. As I continued to kiss him he began his thrusting into my tunnel.

While he continued stroking his dick in and out of my ass, I was rubbing his chest and playing with his nipples. Chad was really getting into this session and his face was twisted up in pleasure, as he attacked my butt as if it was the last time he'd ever be able to fuck. Chad continued to pick up his pace as he got closer to his release and then bent down and kissed me fiercely. He broke our kiss momentarily, but was driving his young meat deep inside me for the final time, and then he arched his back and groaned.

"Oh, yes. Here it cums, Trevor. Mmm. Ahhh. Yesss," he hissed.

His throbbing penis went into spasms, as it shot streams of his liquid offering into my innards. Spurt after spurt washed the lining of my excretory tract and then Chad collapsed on top of me. I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him a final time, before I let him pull out and remove that small piece of his body from mine.

"Thanks, Trevor," he said weakly, "that was really nice. You're a great guy, so thanks again."

Andrew decided to do it the same way, so I guess there is a lot more that's identical about them than just their appearance. Andrew went through the same process and I was just as affectionate with him. It didn't take me long to note that Andrew was not just the more aggressive of the two, but he was also the better lover at this point in time. He had a larger tool, knew how to use it and how to make his pleasure last. He was also much more passionate and thoughtful than his brother, because as he moved in and slid his dick deep into my tunnel, he was also thoughtful enough to reach down and work my cock at the same time he was attempting to bust his own nut.

He slid his penis in and out of my slippery channel in long, easy strokes and jacked me off with the same pleasurable rhythm. After a few minutes, he started to feel the pressure building in his crotch and picked up his pace with both actions. He was starting to pant now and little beads of perspiration had started to trickle down and drop off of his torso. At this point, Andrew transformed into a madman and pounded my backdoor in a jackhammer fashion, as his fist flew up and down on my stalk. I worked hard to holdback my orgasm until Andrew was ready to cum, because I wanted us to climax together. Finally, Andrew made his final, deep thrust, held it there inside of me and his bubbling custard splattered all over my bowels. Just as I felt his first blast hit the lining of my intestines, my own cock exploded and sent ribbons of my baby seed shooting between our bodies. I'd actually made quite a mess, as the last of our wads oozed out of our pricks, and Andrew laughed when he saw it, once he had a chance to recover.

After Chad brought me a small stack of towels, I cleaned off Andrew's and my body and then kissed and hugged both of them, before wishing them each a very happy birthday. I hoped to be able to remain close to this pair even after today, hopefully as good friends, because we did have a great deal in common. They were both really interesting and I enjoyed being around them, not just for the sex either.

As they were getting dressed, I jotted down my telephone number on a piece of paper from the nightstand and handed it to them. Jeremy's father kept a phone in the guesthouse, with its own number, so it was there for my use. I told them to call anytime and for any reason, even if they just wanted to talk or hang out. Before they left, they thanked me again and promised they would call or come over to see me. I watched as they walked down the hall, until they turned to go down the back staircase.

A few minutes later, there was another knock on the door and in walked a good-looking Latino boy. He was about 5'5" [1.65 m], solid build, coal black hair, dark brown eyes, olive complexion and pearly white teeth that showed through his intoxicating smile.

"Hi, I'm Carlos," he introduced himself.

"Welcome, Carlos," I returned. "I guess you know what you're here for."

"Yeah, I've got an idea," he said, while looking at my chin instead of my eyes.

"Do you know what you want me to do for you then?" I followed.

"It's hard to choose," he responded.

"Well, why don't you tell me the kind of sexual experiences you've had and then maybe I can make some suggestions," I offered.

After I'd said this, Carlos looked down at his feet and seemed to be studying the carpet. I wasn't sure if his shyness was due to the fact that he didn't wish to share this information with me or because he was reluctant to admit he was a virgin.

"Carlos, anything you say will be kept just between the two of us," I explained, while hoping this would be enough to prompt a response. "I won't tell anyone else, I promise."

He seemed to relax a little when I told him this and then he looked into my eyes, to see if he could tell if I was being honest.

"Well, I have jerked off before and I've done it with my friends too." He offered. "I've even been sucked off one time."

"Carlos, I can either give you your second blowjob or you can get your first piece of ass," I suggested. "The choice is yours."

Carlos' face lit up when he'd heard what I had to say. I was pretty sure I knew what this meant.

"You'd let me fuck you in the ass?" he asked, amazed.

"If that's what you want," I concurred.

"Yeah, that's what I want," he agreed.

"Well, take your clothes off and I'll get you ready," I explained.

Carlos stripped eagerly and revealed his body to me. He had a thick torso, but he wasn't fat, and he was even beginning to show some muscle definition in his chest and arms. He also had a strong looking pair of legs, a 5½" [14 cm] uncut cock, which was surrounded by a thick patch of black pubic hair and there was the start of a little happy trail running up toward his navel. He was a fairly attractive and well-built young man.

I knelt down in front of him, so I could nibble on and squeeze his phallus gently, before I pulled back his foreskin and took his dick into my mouth. I only sucked on him long enough to get him nice and hard and then I began greasing up his pole. I got on the bed, doggy style and told him what to do. He crawled in behind me and rammed his prick all the way into my hole, with no hesitation at all. It's a good thing I was already loose or that would have hurt like hell.

Carlos had a sense of urgency about his orgasm and pumped my ass like tomorrow might never arrive. It only took him a few hectic minutes before he erupted in my chute and sent four or five squirts of his love juice deep into my bowels. Almost as quickly as it had begun, Carlos was pulling his deflating dick out of my butt, wiped it off with a towel and was quickly putting his clothes back on. I talked to him while he was dressing, about some things in general, and discovered he was pretty interesting too. He was into sports and really active, which meant his body was a fine example of how the hard work had paid off.

"Thanks, man, that was great," he said, as he was leaving.

"If you ever get another chance, just slow down a little and don't ram your dick in your partner so quickly, if you don't want to hurt him or her," I suggested, before he walked out the door. "You'll really enjoy it more that way too.

The next boy in was one of my surprises of the evening. He was a good-looking young man, with brown hair, brown eyes and a slender, but not skinny, build. I think he said his name was Courtney, or something like that, and when I asked him what he wanted to do, he replied like this.

"Anything we do here is just between you and me, right?" he wanted to know. "Nobody else is going to find out about this, are they?"

"No. Whatever we do here is just between us," I confirmed. "I won't tell a soul."

"Good, then I want to suck your cock," he told me.

I was startled that he didn't want a release for himself, but he was staring at my penis, as it hung casually between my legs, so it seemed as if this was what he really wanted.

"That would be fine with me, but don't you want to get off too?" I asked, just to be certain.

"Yeah, I do, but I really want to suck your cock more, and I was told we could only choose one thing to do with you," he confessed, while looking slightly sheepish after making this admission.

"Why don't you undress and we'll do a sixty-nine then," I offered. "That way, we can both get off and you'll be able to suck my dick for as long as you want."

He smiled, as his head bobbed up and down, because I was sure he was thinking he was getting away with a two-for-one deal. As he disrobed, he reveled a really nice 6" [15 cm] cut penis, so I placed him on the bed and swung around so our privates were in front of each other's face. I started licking on his more than adequate member and quickly brought him to erection. I then slipped my mouth over the well-shaped head that topped his sausage and started to give him the best blowjob I could. He also licked on my cock until he had brought me to erection and was now suckling on my own stiff organ. He was a greedy pup and tried to suck all of the liquid from my aching balls, as he nursed on my cock with a strong desire to get his reward.

I brought him to climax first and drew six volleys of a slightly salty cum into my mouth, and once he was empty, it caused him to speed up his actions on me. A short time later, I unloaded into his mouth and sent several blasts of my own love juice straight down his gullet. He didn't relinquish my penis after it stopped spurting, however, and kept sucking on it until it began to become tender. I had to ask him to stop, which he did, and then he sat up and looked at me.

"I've been wanting to try sucking someone else off for a long time now," he admitted. "I was just too afraid to ask anyone that I knew. Thanks, dude, that was great. Thanks for doing me too. It felt really good having you suck me off at the same time."

The next two boys were a suck and a fuck, but then came my next surprise. In walked Scott, a good-looking black youth with skin the color of chocolate milk. He was about 5'8" [1.75 m], had black curly hair, brown eyes and a big shit-eating grin.

"You gonna let me fuck you?" he asked eagerly, shortly after he walked into the room.

"If that's what you want to do," I told him, which earned me an even bigger grin. "Get naked and we'll begin."

Scott tore his clothes off, threw them on the chair and was soon standing in front of me sporting a nice 7" [17½ cm] erection. He was cut, fairly thick and obviously proud to display his wares. I slicked him up with a little KY and then got on the bed, with my back on the mattress, because I wanted to watch this stud do his work. When he was ready, I pulled my legs up to my chest, motioned him forward and he slowly slipped that impressive rod into my chute. He was in no rush and intended to enjoy this completely. I'm not sure, but I had the feeling this wasn't his first try at intercourse, of one kind or another.

He continued to smile at me as he worked my hole, so I reached up and rubbed his chest and pinched his nipples, in an attempt to bring him even more pleasure. He really got off on this and started pumping into me even harder. I wrapped my legs around his waist, since they were starting to cramp up from being drawn back for so long, considering that had been what I'd done with Andrew and Chad too. Scott was using long strokes, even though they were still fairly rapid, and his breathing soon became shallow and ragged. I knew he was nearing Nirvana, because he began pumping into me even faster and was giving me one hell of a ride, until he arched his back, drove his boyhood home and let loose with several voluminous spurts, which flooded the depths of my body. It took him a few minutes to recover from this session, after he collapsed on top of me.

"You're really good, man," he told me, sincerely. "You're the best I've ever had and you sure know how to squeeze your ass muscles to bring me pleasure. Thanks, man, that was really great."

His comments had confirmed my suspicions that he was not a virgin, although I was already pretty certain before he'd said that, based on his knowledgeable technique. I questioned him a little more, for some additional information about himself, since I felt I'd like to get to know him better. No matter what, I'm sure I'd remember Scott for a long time to come.

The rest of the group was pretty much the same. Some of the boys wanted to be sucked-off and some wanted to get laid. That was until the last of the guests came in. The final one to enter was Derrick. He was smaller than most of the others, being only about 5'1" [1.55 m] and looked as if he was also probably the youngest of the group. He had black hair and blue eyes, a tanned-like complexion and was rather cute. I could tell he was hesitant about doing this and he soon confirmed my impression. He also eyed me carefully and studied my nude body, before he spoke.

"I didn't really want to come up here, you know," he explained.

"Oh, why not?" I wondered.

"It's not that you're not nice looking and all," he answered, almost apologetically, "but I don't know much about this stuff. I just didn't want the other boys to pick on me if I said that I didn't want to do this."

"Well, I bet you jerk off once in a while, don't you?" I challenged.

"Yeah, so what?" he responded defensively.

"So, everything else is pretty much the same, only you're doing it with someone else," I told him. "There are only slight differences beyond getting off using your hand. Do you enjoy it when you jerk off?"

"Yeah, of course," he confessed.

"Then you'll enjoy this just as much, maybe even more. I just know you will," I assured him.

I walked over, pulled his polo shirt out of his pants and started to lift it up and over his head. Weakly, he cooperated with my efforts, but I could tell he still wasn't certain about doing this. As I removed his pants and his undershorts, I tried to reassure him that he would like what we were going to do.

"Relax, kid. You're going to do fine," I assured him, while trying to get him to loosen up a bit. "Just let me do my thing and I know you'll have a good time."

He seemed to relax a little after I'd said this, and then I reached for his 4" [10 cm] circumcised cock. He had a very light dusting of black hairs at the base of his penis and it looked as if he had only just recently begun his journey through puberty. I took his hand and led him over to the bed and he went with me, like a small child following a parent. I then pushed him carefully backward, until his body came to rest against the bed. After I lifted him up ont0 the mattress, I started to suck on his little-boy gland. It popped instantly to attention and I pulled off of it momentarily, since I didn't want him to ejaculate prematurely.

Once I felt he'd calmed down sufficiently, I coated his joystick with KY and worked my way over his body. I just couldn't resist and bent down to kiss his full, ruby lips. He looked confused, but gave in to the temptation and kissed me back. His mouth was slightly opened at the time, so I slipped my tongue into it and he seemed to enjoy this right away. He responded almost immediately and allowed his tongue to explore my mouth as well, once I withdrew my tongue. I sucked on his pink muscle for a while and then began to kiss his neck. Although I hadn't planned on doing this with anyone but the birthday boys, I just couldn't resist this shy little imp. I also decided I just had to suckle on his nipples next, before I finished his education. He squirmed as I nibbled and nursed on his small nubs and squealed with delight from the attention.

Now, I positioned my body above his, lined his tool up with my hole and sat back on it. He moaned with this new sensation and I bent forward to kiss him again. Slowly, I began working on his boyhood and lifted my body upward and then let it fall tenderly back down on his little muscle, until he lost all control and shot his small, clear load into me. I hated to let him leave this quickly, but once his dick wilted, I had no option left. I sat on the end of the bed and waited for him to recover and visually scanned his small frame. When he came to, he crawled up the bed toward me, wrapped his arms around my neck and kissed me once more.

"Thank you. That was really nice," he gushed. "Nobody has ever done anything that nice for me before. I'm glad the other boys made me come up here."

I wrapped my arms around his chest, pulled him onto my lap and squeezed him against my body. He was just so irresistible and I felt as if I were his big brother and taking care of him, while teaching him about life. I told him that if he ever needed to talk or if he just wanted to get together, he should just mention it to the twins. They would tell him how to get in contact with me by either giving him my phone number or telling him where I lived. He smiled, hugged me once more and then thanked me again. I helped him get dressed and gave him another kiss, before he went back to rejoin the party.

Once I was alone, I sat back and thought about my little man, but I only did that for a minute, before Kirk entered the room.

"Damn, there's a whole bunch of teenage boys downstairs and each one has a huge grin on his face," he confirmed. "You must have been pretty awesome, pal."

"Hey, at their age and with their hormones in high gear, it doesn't take much to get them off and give them a thrill," I replied. "I have to admit though, it was more fun than I thought it would be."

"Yeah, Derrick came back downstairs in such a blissful fog that several boys spoke to him before he actually heard any of them," Kirk pointed out. "They all teased him about it, but he was really enjoying every second of the attention. I think he looked to be the happiest one of all."

"I don't know what it was about him, but I took an instant liking to that little guy," I confessed. "It was sort of like he was my little brother or something."

"I'm sure he'd really like that, because he's an only child," Kirk advised me. "He spends most of his time with his old nanny and the hired staff, than he does with anyone else. Who knows, if you stay around here, he might even adopt you."

We both chuckled at that thought, although I considered it might be nice. If his parents were as rich as Kirk implied and I got to be part of the family, then I'd be able to teach Derrick about life. That certainly would be a wonderful change from my previous situation with my father.

"Here, this is for you," Kirk said, as he placed the eight $100 bills into my hand. "I didn't want to forget to pay you, but I also wanted to thank you. Thanks, Trevor, because all of the boys seemed to have a great time and my brothers really like you a lot."

"They're both nice too, so I hope we can all be close friends," I agreed. "So, what's your poison?"

"I've thought about it and I don't want to take advantage of you," he replied. "You're a nice guy and I wouldn't feel right about having you do something like that for me now."

"Hey, you've paid me more than enough, so I really don't mind," I explained. "What can I do for you?"

"Are you sure, Trevor? I… well, I don't… want you to feel obligated to do this," he stammered.

"Not obligated, but I want to help a special friend take care of a certain need," I reasoned. "It would be my pleasure."

"Well, I'm not gay, but I could sure use a good fuck, that is if you don't mind," he added, while studying my expression.

"Not at all. Why don't you get ready?" I suggested.

Kirk hurriedly removed his clothes and exposed an impressive 7¾" [19 cm] circumcised cock. He had a fairly hairy body, with a good scattering of fuzz covering both of his nipples and running down the center of his chest, past his navel and meeting with his thick triangular pubic bush. I used my tongue and mouth to get him ready and then lubed up that massive weapon. Once he was ready, I got on all fours and offered him my ass.

Kirk moved in behind me, entered me slowly and used a nice steady rhythm to start out. I felt every inch of his impressive joystick, as it rubbed along the well-used lining of my intestines, and he had his big hands holding onto my hips. He kept pulling my body into him as he thrust forward and then he'd push my body away as he pulled back out. After repeating the process for several minutes, he started to grind into me faster, as he began to feel the burning pressure building within his loins.

A few minutes later, he started thrusting even faster and kept it up until his nuts exploded and sent several waves of scalding teen juice into my excretory tract. His load was almost as impressive as his cock and his thick, creamy liquid filled me up. We both panted for a few minutes, as we recovered from the workout and then he pulled out and flopped down on the bed beside me. After another minute or so, he thanked me again.

"Trevor, I never pictured me doing anything like this with another dude," he confirmed, "but that was pretty awesome. I guess now I no longer feel my brothers are going to miss out on anything. I think I did before, when I first figured out they might be gay, but not any longer. That was as good as anything I've ever done before."

I thanked Kirk for his comment and told him his brothers would be just fine. He smiled and said he knew that now, before he added one final statement.

"Trevor, there's a stand-up shower in the toilet next door and there's a towel, soap and shampoo in there for you to use," he advised me. "Get cleaned up and dressed, but then I want you to come down and join us for the rest of the party. The twins really want to spend some more time with you and they also want you to get something to eat. They really like you a lot, so I'll see you downstairs shortly."

"That's nice, but I don't know if it's appropriate, especially after what I've just done with all of them," I mildly objected.

"Don't worry about it," Kirk insisted. "Everyone is cool and you'll fit right in. Besides, it's their birthday party and they want you to join in the fun. Don't you dare disappoint them either, because they want you to be their friend."

"Thanks, Kirk, and I'll be down in a little while," I agreed.

I showered, dressed, and went to the first floor to join the party. When the twins saw me come down the stairs, they came rushing over and insisted on taking me around, so they could officially introduced me to every one of the boys again. Even though I'd met each of them before and had been exposed to every inch of their bodies, it was fun and I had a very good time. I even got into some more in-depth conversations with some of the boys and realized that I'd really like to become friends with each of them.

I was also there when they lit the candles on the cake and joined in singing 'Happy Birthday' to the twins. Chad and Andrew even made a point to give me the first piece of their birthday cake, which made me feel very honored. Although I might end up walking bow-legged for a while, the whole night was a lot more enjoyable than I would have ever imagined.

Chapter 9
A Chance to be a Kid

Kirk took me back to my place after the party ended and I went directly to bed. I slept through the rest of the night and didn't rise until noon on Sunday. I looked for Jeremy and hoped he might show up, since what he had objected to was done and over with, but I still didn't see him. I kept calling his cell phone, but he wouldn't answer. I'd bet he was checking the caller ID and when he saw I was calling, he just let it ring. I won't stop trying though.

The school week started again and I got a couple of unexpected visitors after classes let out. On Wednesday, Derrick came by to see me and Thursday night the twins showed up. There was no sex, just pleasant company. The twins asked me to join them and a few of their other friends when they went to the movies on Friday, so I asked who else was going and they told me. They were all boys I'd met at the party, so I agreed to go, even before I found out Derrick was going to be part of the group. I wasn't certain what it was about him that attracted me so profoundly, but I'd found I was infatuated with the little imp. It wasn't a sexual attraction, although I wouldn't mind that either, but I just wanted to be with him, so I could help and protect him. He was just so shy, naive and immature in the ways of the world that he needed someone to look after him and I wanted to be that someone.

Kirk picked me up Friday night in his parents' mini van, loaded down with the other boys. He then drove us over to the mall and we all filed into the theater. I bought the largest tub of popcorn the theater had, so I could pass it around, and Derrick took the seat to my left. He also made sure his arm or hand touched me each time he reached for some popcorn and would give me one of those cute little smiles every time I looked over at him. Andy sat on my right, with Chad to the right of him. The movie wasn't all that great, but I still had a really good time. Derrick also sat beside me on the ride home and put his hand on top of mine as we rode along.

I was the first one dropped off, since I had been the last one picked up, so I went back to my place thinking my new life was much better than my old. I scanned the house windows to see if I would notice Jeremy, but I didn't see any sign of him. I tried the doors, but once again they were locked, so I entered the guesthouse, grabbed a soda and watched some television. I also called Jeremy's house and cell numbers, but he didn't answer. I went to bed still thinking about him and wondering if we'd be able to make up one final time.

Saturday, my phone rang just before noon. I hoped it was Jeremy, but it was Derrick. I was slightly disappointed, but Derrick quickly flushed that feeling from my heart.

"Hi, Trevor. What are you doing?" he asked innocently.

"Nothing much. How about you?" I replied.

"About the same. Do you have any plans for today?" he wanted to know.

"No, I don't, Derrick. Do you have something in mind?" I countered, while wondering where this might be leading.

"Well, I thought maybe we could spend the day together," he suggested. "You can come to my house or I can come to yours."

"Well, I don't know where you live, but I also don't have a ride," I explained. "You know where I live though, if you want to come over here."

"Ok, I'll come over there then," he offered.

"That will be fine, but I don't have a lot to do here," I pointed out, so he wouldn't end up being bored.

"That's ok. I'll bring some stuff with me," he suggested and then paused briefly, before he spoke again. "Do you think maybe I could spend the night with you?"

I chuckled to myself, because I was secretly hoping this might happen.

"Why sure, I'd love that," I agreed.

"Great. I'll be there in an hour or so. Is that all right?" he asked, just to make sure he wasn't intruding.

"Of course it is. I'll see you then," I concurred, before hanging up.

An hour later, a big old Lincoln came pulling into Jeremy's driveway and Derrick jumped out of it. He unloaded a couple of large gym bags from the back seat and was struggling a bit, as he carried them back to my place. I went out to greet him and give him a hand with his belongings.

"How long are you planning to stay?" I joked.

"Oh, just for tonight," he answered, quite seriously. "These are mostly things for us to do."

We then went into the guesthouse and he set the things down on the floor.

"What do you have there?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Oh, my Play Station and some games for it and a couple of board games. I wasn't sure what you might want to do."

"Just having you here is enough," I answered.

He grinned and wrapped his arms around me.

"I like you a lot, Trevor, and not just because of what we did at the party," he confessed. "I had fun sitting with you at the movie too."

"Me too," I agreed, before I acted on impulse. "How would you like to be my little brother?"

His eyes got as big as saucers and his grin broadened.

"Do you mean that?" he asked, not truly believing my offer.

"Of course I do," I confirmed. "It wouldn't be official or anything like that, but it would be for us."

"I'd really like that," he concurred. "I don't have any brothers or sisters and always wanted one. You'd be a great big brother."

"Thanks, little guy, and I think you're going to make a mighty fine little brother as well," I told him.

He hugged me and I bent over and planted a kiss on his lips. He squealed with joy and hugged me harder. It took him another minute to calm down a little after that.

"Do you want to play some video games?" he asked, still beaming.

"Sure. Whatever you want, little bro," I agreed.

He hooked his Play Station up to the small TV and we spent the next hour or so blowing things up. After that, we took a break, had a drink and then he said he wanted to find a movie on the television. He found something that interested him and then came over and crawled onto my lap, while hooking his arm around my neck and placing his head against my shoulder. We watched the entire movie this way and never changed positions.

"That was nice," he said, while kissing me on the cheek as the movie ended. "Maybe we can find another movie."

"That would be fine," I relented, since I didn't wish to disappoint this little angel.

Unfortunately, he was very disappointed though, but only because he couldn't find anything interesting to watch on the tube.

"Hey, Trevor. Can I call Chad and Andrew and ask them over too?" he wondered, while looking at me hopefully.

"Sure. Why not?" I responded.

Derrick immediately got up, pulled out his cell phone and began dialing. Nearly as quickly, Chad and Andrew agreed to come over, so when they got here, we ended up playing teams on the video games. It was Derrick and I against the twins. We all had a lot of fun and then I asked if they were hungry. Once I learned we all were, I ordered a pizza and had it delivered. When it arrived, we all dug in and gorged ourselves.

After we'd polished off the pizza, we played some board games next and were having a great deal of fun when the twins had to leave. We bid them good night, went back inside and Derrick found another movie on the television. He sat on my lap and cuddled with me again as we watched it. I could see he was getting sleepy, so I suggested we should go to bed. After he agreed, we stripped down to our underwear and climbed under the covers.

"Trevor, I had a really nice time," he told me, before he dozed off. "I haven't had that much fun in a long time, well not since the party anyway."

I kissed him on the forehead and he laid his head on my shoulder, swung his arm across my chest and placed his top leg over mine. He soon fell asleep and we stayed like that for the rest of the evening. I remained awake for some of that time and just watched my little angel sleep. As I mentioned before, I was fascinated with this kid, but not in a sexual way, not like with Jeremy. I wanted Jeremy to be my lover, but Derrick I wanted as a brother or a very good friend. I finally fell asleep after watching his chest rise and fall for several minutes, while also examining his sleeping, peaceful face.

When I awoke the next morning, Derrick was still pressed tightly against me, but his eyes open as he watched me sleep.

"I didn't think you were ever going to wake up," he said, slightly annoyed.

I kissed him and apologized, but I also told him I would make it up to him in due time. We went to the kitchen area, had some toast with butter and jelly, along with a glass of orange juice. When we finished our hasty meal and rinsed off the dishes, I scooped him up and swung him around for a brief time. He giggled with delight and then asked me to do it again. I did, but this time we almost fell over from the effects of centrifugal force and dizziness, before I dropped to the floor exhausted. We were both still laughing, as we lie there, side by side.

"Hey, little bro, what do you say about taking a shower with me?" I asked, wondering how he'd respond to my offer.

"I'd like that," he answered, without hesitation and a huge grin plastered across his face.

We went into the bathroom, turned on the water and hopped into the tub. We washed each other, while goofing around the whole time we did it, and then we got out of the tub and dried each other off. Again, there was nothing sexual about anything we did, just a great deal of fun. I don't remember ever having the chance to just be a kid before, so this was nice for me too. Derrick and I then went back into the living area, played some more video games and watched another movie. It wasn't long after that before Derrick said he would have to go home, but he invited me to come to his place the following weekend.

I told him I'd like to do that, but I didn't know how I'd get there. He then told me he'd have someone pick me up and bring me there, so I agreed to come. Once I did, he gave me another big hug and a kiss.

"Thanks, big brother. I had a great weekend," he assured me. "I'll see you next week too. I'll have one of the staff pick you up around 6:00 on Friday. Ok?"

"Sure it's ok and I had fun too, Derrick," I confirmed. "I'm looking forward to next weekend."

I helped him carry his things to the car when it arrived and waved at him as they left. As I walked back to the guesthouse, I noticed Jeremy spying on me. He was looking out of one of the upper floor windows again, so I waved at him, but then he disappeared quickly from sight. I went in and dialed his number, but he didn't answer. This was driving me crazy. How long was he going to keep this up?

The next week was very uneventful, but I still looked for Jeremy every chance I got. If he was still watching me, he was doing it much more secretively. When the weekend arrived, Derrick showed up on Friday night, riding in the Lincoln, to pick me up. I found out it was, indeed, one of the hired help driving the car for this purpose and we went back to his place. As soon as we went inside, Derrick gave me a tour and it was another of those huge, magnificent homes, maybe even a little nicer than Jeremy or Kirk's homes. Man, these guys sure live in the middle of some really big bucks.

Friday night, we spent the time alone and then slept together in Derrick's bed. Once gain, he cuddled with me throughout the entire night and I loved every minute of it. On Saturday, some of the other boys from the party came over for a while and we played outside for most of the afternoon and had a very good time. The entire day was totally spontaneous and we did whatever one of them suggested. These guys were really cool and treated me the same as the rest of their friends, while acting as if they didn't even remember what I had done to each of them at the party. Maybe it wasn't that they didn't remember, because I'm sure they did, but they just didn't treat me like a cheap slut. It was absolutely fantastic, because they merely treated me like one of their friends. This was more than I could have hoped for, since I was afraid some of them might shun me, considering what we had done together.

Saturday night after everyone else had gone home, Derrick and I went back up to his room together. Once we were there, I told him I'd had a great time and he said he was too. He looked so beautiful and so innocent as he was telling me this that I just had to kiss him. He relaxed immediately and let me do whatever I wanted with him, so I decided to give him a special thank you for all of the fun that we had together over the past couple of weekends.

Slowly, I removed his shirt and moved in to kiss my way down his chest. Derrick was quite ticklish, so he squirmed around a great deal while I was giving him pleasure. I sucked on both of his breasts, one after the other, and he moaned frequently, as I suckled on his immature man-teats like a young calf. His mouth remained wide open the entire time, as if it were a reminder for him to continue breathing while he enjoyed this simple pleasure.

After a considerable delay, I reached his waist and undid his pants, so I could pull them down, along with his briefs. After I did that, I removed his shoes and socks, before I moved back up to his cute little 4" [10 cm] 'monster,' which I soon found myself using it like a soda straw. I took his dick and scrotum into my mouth, all at the same time, so I could lick and suck on them simultaneously. He squirmed and moaned beneath me, as I brought his juices to a slow boil.

Derrick's passion kept burning until his miniature volcano erupted in a small blast of thin, watery cum. It may not have been plentiful, but it sure was sweet. When he recovered from his orgasm, I asked if he wanted to put his briefs back on, but he said 'no.' He told me he wanted us both to sleep naked tonight, so I got undressed, crawled under the covers with him and we both fell asleep. Once again, my little angel draped himself over me and didn't let go until morning.

Sunday morning we got up, showered together, got dressed and then went downstairs to eat breakfast. The cook fixed us a large meal and we stuffed ourselves completely. The woman told me she was glad to see Derrick had made a new friend, because she felt he had always been a very sad little boy, but then confessed he'd been a whole different person these past couple of weeks, since we had started hanging out together. I told her I thought he was special too, almost like a little brother, which caused her to smile and wink at me, before Derrick and I left to go back up to his room.

Sunday afternoon the twins came over and we shot some pool in the game room, but we also played some air hockey and video games. I'll bet you can't guess what the teams were. Ok, so you figured it out. After the twins left, I told Derrick I should be going home too, so I went up to his room to get my things and Derrick followed behind me. Once we were inside, he shut the door behind us and looked at me seriously.

"Can we do this every weekend?" he asked, and I could see the desire in his eyes.

"Well, little brother, I don't know about every weekend, but we can spend a whole bunch of them together. How's that sound?" I compromised.

"That sounds wonderful," he said. "Can I have a kiss before you leave?"

"Sure, I always kiss my brother good-bye," I replied.

I then gave him a brotherly kiss on the lips, tousled his hair and put my arm over his shoulder and around his neck. This was the way he walked me down to the car. One of the help drove us to my place and we said farewell once again, before I got out of the vehicle. I then waved at him as they drove off.

I threw my things into the guesthouse and went over to the back door of Jeremy's house. I was surprised when I found it was unlocked. I went through the house, made my way up to Jeremy's room and found him lying on his bed.

"Hi, stranger," I began. "I've missed seeing you around."

"It doesn't look like you've had much time to miss me," he snapped back.

"It's true, I've made some other friends as well, but I still miss you," I stated, while hoping to melt his icy exterior.

"It looks like you've been doing a pretty good business back there as well," he added, with bitterness dripping from every word.

"Jeremy, they're just friends," I responded. "I haven't been having sex with them. We've horsed around, laughed and had a good time. Nothing else. I don't want to be with them like I want to be with you, if you'd let me."

"You did the party though, didn't you?" he sneered.

"Yes, I told you I would do it, because I had promised Kirk I would," I explained. "That was the last time I plan on doing something like that, unless you don't want me around here any longer. In that case, I guess I'll have to go back peddling my butt, so I can afford a place of my own."

"I really want you to stay here, but I just don't know if I can trust you any more," Jeremy responded, a little too coolly for me to miss the slam.

"Jeremy, I love you and no one else," I confessed, while trying to find a way to gain ground.

"And all of the boys that keep coming around?" he challenged.

"They're friends. They could be our friends, if you'd let them," I pointed out. "Your friends could also become our friends. They're like brothers to me, but you're my only lover, at least I hope you are. What do you say? Please."

"I'll have to think about it," he snapped, but at least it was better than an outright refusal.

"Will you at least answer the phone when I call you and come out to see me once in a while?" I pressed, now that I had a slight advantage.

"I'll think about that too," he added, although not quite as sarcastically this time.

"Ok. I guess it's all I can ask for right now," I relented. "I love you, Jeremy, and I hope you still love me."

I left and went back to the guesthouse. I thought maybe I'd just listen to some music and found some CD's next to an old CD player. I checked them out and discovered most of them were Broadway musicals or classical music. I eventually found a CD that said Jesus Christ Superstar and knew it was a kind of soft rock musical, so I listened to it. At the end of the first disc, there was a song that caught my attention, so I replayed it. Yes, it kind of described my relationship with Jeremy.

Even though it was about a woman loving a man, it could have applied to my situation with Jeremy, at least most of it. Mary Magdalene, who was reputedly a prostitute who loved Jesus, supposedly sang this song. I guess our case was kind of similar, since I was a boy prostitute who loved Jeremy. I guess I shouldn't compare Jeremy to Jesus, but the situation was about the same. The song was I Don't Know How To Love Him and I played it one more tune, so I could listen to the words.

I don't know how to love him, What to do, how to move him. I've been changed, yes, really changed. In these past few days when I've seen myself, I seem like someone else.

I don't know how to take this, I don't see why he moves me. He's a man, he's just a man, And I've had so many men before In very many ways. He's just one more.

Should I bring him down, should I scream and shout, Should I speak of love, let my feelings out? I never though I'd come to this - what's it all about?

Don't you think it's rather funny I should be in this position? I'm the one who's always been So calm, so cool, no lover's fool, Running every show. He scares me so.

There was a little more to the song, but it wasn't appropriate to our situation. I compared the words of the song to my situation, starting with the first verse. It's not that I don't know how to love him, it's just that I don't know how to get through to him and can't find a way we can finally understand each other. I've also changed and I really do seem like someone else, at least since I've arrived here. For the first time in my life, I feel free to be a kid and just have fun. I like the feeling and I liked it here, but I still needed Jeremy to fill that void. I needed a lover to go along with all of my new friends.

In the second verse, it says he's just a man; well in Jeremy's case a boy, but a very special boy, at least to me. Yes, I've had a lot of men and boys before, but none of them have moved me like Jeremy. I didn't know exactly what it was and why I felt about him as I did, but I felt lost without him to fill the void in my soul. If it were just sex I wanted, then I could have plenty of that, but I needed Jeremy to provide the real love.

The third verse speaks to how to approach him. I wish I knew what to do. I have spoken my feelings to him and told him that I love him, but there was so much more to say. Should I just dump it all on him and hope for the best or what?

The last verse pretty much summed up where we found ourselves now. We were in a funny position. Since the night I'd broken away from my father, I'd been in charge of my life, called my own shots and ran the entire show, even though I had some help along the way. Maybe the problem was that I didn't know how to run my own life. I didn't have a very good example in my father and there was no one else to learn from. I'll admit I didn't know how to take care of myself very well, but I've had to do it anyway, although I could use someone to stand beside me. I needed someone to help me and guide me, so I prayed Jeremy would be the one and that he'd want to be there for me, the same way I wanted him there.

The last line probably wrapped it all up, but that might not be the precise word to use. Jeremy doesn't scare me and I wasn't scared of him or by him, it was just that I was scared I'd lose him. I was scared I'd have to learn to live without him. Even though we'd had our problems, I still loved him and needed him in my life. It wasn't only that I owed him for taking me in and caring for me, but I really cared for him too. I was deeply in love with him. That was what this was really all about.

Chapter 10
Ironing out the Wrinkles

A few days later, there was a knock on my door. I was hoping to find Jeremy when I opened it, but it wasn't him there.

"Hello," I greeted the person on the other side.

"Hi, Trevor. Do you remember me?" he asked.

"Scott, right?" I responded.

"Yeah, I'm glad you remember me from the birthday party and the other times we've been out together. I'm impressed," he stated, while flashing me a grin.

"Come on in, Scott. What's up?" I offered, while stepping out of the way so he could join me.

"I wanted to come over and talk to you," he clarified.

"Yeah, about what?" I wondered, since I wasn't sure if he might want another go at having sex with me.

"About how you helped me out," he added, although it didn't really answer my question.

"I helped you out?" I reiterated, confused.

"Yes, and you probably didn't even know it," he confirmed. "Actually, you helped two of us out."

"I did? I guess I don't remember that, so just how did I do it?" I wanted to know.

"You did it at the party," he replied. "You helped Carlos and me realize that gay guys aren't so bad after all. I know you probably don't understand, so let me explain."

I was completely puzzled by Scott's statement, but I had to find out what he was talking about. I led him over to the sofa first and then got us both a drink, before I sat down to discuss this in more detail. I couldn't help but admire his beautiful facial features. His skin was the color of chocolate milk, he had a great smile and was so damned attractive that I just wanted to reach out and touch his face right then and there. However, I wanted to hear his story even more, so I resisted the temptation.

"That night, when Kirk and his brothers told us about what they had planned, Carlos and I were shocked and wanted no part of it. At least, at first we didn't, because we had always hated gays and made fun of them whenever we could. Whenever we found out someone was gay, we'd make jokes about the kind of things they did with each other. When we heard that some guy was willing to do these things with us, we didn't know what to think, but we talked it over for a while and decided if we could get our rocks off, then why not? We didn't have to do anything in return and felt we might even enjoy it, but then later we could make fun of what happened. We weren't going to get fucked, but we might have the chance to do the fucking, so what the hell did we have to loose?"

"So because I was a joke to you, it somehow helped you out?" I asked, even more confused now than before.

"Let me finish, Trevor, please," he urged, this time looking slightly nervous.

"I'm sorry. Go ahead and continue," I urged.

"Well, Carlos went up first, and when he came back down, he told me you were a really nice guy and pretty cool," Scott admitted. "He said you let him fuck you in the ass, but it wasn't like he thought it was going to be. He said you were really nice and very helpful and that he actually liked you, as well as enjoyed what he did with you. I still wasn't sure until I came upstairs and spent time with you myself. Besides giving me one of the best fucks I've ever had, you also made me realize you weren't a bad guy. I enjoyed talking with you and suddenly began to feel guilty about my preconceived notions of you and other gays.

"When I went back downstairs and heard some of the others ask about the scars on your back, we were told how you had run away from home because you'd been mistreated by your father," he continued. "That's when I also found out that you ended up having to sell your body just to survive, so I began to feel really bad. I guess all of us at the party realized what happened to you could have also happened to any of us, but we were just lucky enough to be born slightly better off. We had a better start in life, but that didn't give us any right to judge you for what you went through. We all really liked you, Trevor, and that just didn't fit in with Carlos and my views about gays. After that night, we've had to rethink how we felt about those things now.

"The more we hung around you, like at the movies and at Derrick's house, the more we thought you were a pretty neat guy," Scott added. "We began to think that maybe you weren't gay, but that you just did those things to survive, but then we found out you really were gay and we still couldn't hate you, not like we did all the others. You made us realize that gays are people just like us, and not just a group we could hate. I wish everyone who hated gays and made fun of them could meet someone like you. I think all of them would change their minds then, just like we did. You're really special, Trevor, and I had to come over here and tell you that. I had to explain this to you and wanted to let you know I am happy to consider you a friend."

He stood up, so I instinctively stood up as well, and then moved toward me, so he could give me a hug. I was all choked up and couldn't speak, because that was about the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me. After what seemed like an eternity, I finally regained my senses, hugged Scott back and I thanked him. I also told him I would be honored to be his friend, and then we sat back down and finished our drinks. We were just sitting there talking when there came another knock on the door. I was stunned, because I'd never had a great deal of company, but I went over to see who it could be. I had another surprise when I opened it.

"Jeremy? Please… please… come in," I offered, as I led Jeremy into the living area. He looked around and spotted Scott.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know you had company," he remarked.

I doubted that was true, since Jeremy seemed to notice everything that went on around here, especially lately, so I assumed he came here to see what I was doing. To be more precise, he came over to see WHO I was doing. I figured he'd suspected I was turning tricks, so he came over to see if that was true. Now that he had seen we were only chatting, maybe I had a chance to get him to trust me again.

"Don't worry about it. Scott and I were just having a nice chat," I explained. "Do you two know each other?"

"I think we both know who the other one is," Jeremy answered, "but we don't hang out with the same crowd. He's a little younger than me."

"I know. He's more my age," I teased.

Jeremy looked at me and thought for a minute, before he responded to what I'd just said.

"Yeah, I guess you're right," he agreed, "and it shouldn't have made a difference. Hi, Scott, I'm sorry we haven't had the chance to get to know each other better. I hope we can correct that oversight."

We all sat down and visited for a while longer and then Scott said he had to go. I thanked him for coming by and told him he was welcome to come back anytime he wished. He left and I turned my attention to Jeremy.

"I'm glad you came over, Jeremy," I stated. "I hope this means you've forgiven me."

"Maybe. I just thought we could talk for a while," he relented.

"I'd love that. You start," I urged.

"Ok. So you're making a lot of friends, now?" he asked.

"Not a lot of friends, but some of the twins' friends have also become my friends," I confirmed. "The twins are my friends too."

"Are you really close to any of them?" he pressed, while looking worried.

"Not like you're thinking, but I'm closer to some than to the others," I confessed.

"I guess I didn't have the right to ask that question, so I'm sorry," he apologized.

"No, Jeremy, don't be sorry," I countered. "If we're going to be close, then you have to be able to ask me whatever is on your mind. It's just that I hope you'll learn to trust me again, so you don't feel that you need to ask those types of questions any longer. We've got to be comfortable with each other and not afraid to move or speak. I love you, Jeremy, and I want us to be close again.

"Then you don't just love me because of what I have and what I can do for you?" he pressed, expressing a doubt that had been buried in his mind.

"No, Jeremy, but I could see why you might think that," I stated, while trying to be understanding. "If that were the case, then almost any of these new friends I've made could do the same for me. Their families seem to be as well off as yours and I like them as friends, but I don't love them like I do you. Can you understand that?"

"I think so," he confirmed and then paused. "And I think I love you too."

"I'm glad to hear that, because I really love you," I confessed, as I wrapped my arms around him and gave him a huge hug.

Although I couldn't see it at the time, I knew a huge smile must have spread across my face when I said this.

"Have you really stopped doing… you know… that?" he pressed, since still he still had some doubts.

"Yes, Jeremy, I've stopped turning tricks," I confirmed. "As long as I don't need to support myself, I have no reason to do it any longer. I hated having to do those things with just anyone, but I didn't know any other way to make the kind of money I needed to survive, especially at my age."

"Well you can live here and my parents will provide everything else," he offered. "I told them about you and they said whatever I decided would be fine with them. I think they're a little relieved that I'll have someone here to keep me company, since they're gone so much. You know, it sort of relieves their guilt a little with you staying here."

"I guess that's one way to look at it," I replied and then paused for a minute to gather my thoughts. "Jeremy, we both brought a lot of baggage with us into this relationship. Mine was from the physical abuse that my father enjoyed giving me and from the lifestyle I adopted in order to survive. You've suffered through your own emotional neglect and had to live with the feelings that your parents abandoned you and maybe even didn't love you. We've both got to work through those feelings before we can truly love each other, but I would be happy to help you, if you'd be willing to help me. There are going to be a lot of bumps along this road, but if you want this to work out as much as I do, I know we can get past all of this."

"Trevor, I want that too and we'll do this together," he agreed. "I'm going to put all of this behind me, because I've learned I can't be happy without you."

Jeremy's words seemed to wash away the hurt of the past couple of weeks. I knew I wanted him more now than ever before and knew just the way to tell him how I felt.

"Jeremy, would you please kiss me?" I asked, politely.

He was slightly surprised by the suddenness of my request, seeing it came out of nowhere, but he got over the shock quickly.

"I'd love to," he replied.

Jeremy then moved over and let his lips brush across mine, while giving me little angel kiss of love. It's a kiss as delicate as an angel landing on the head of a pin - soft, sweet and tender, mixed with just the right amount of passion.

"So, are you moving in with me," I prodded, playfully.

"Not just yet," he answered. "I'm not sure how my parents would react to that, although I'm not sure they'd even notice. I will visit you a lot though, as long as you promise to do the same."

"I'm definitely glad to hear that and I'll be in your bedroom as often as I dare," I confirmed. "Am I going to get to meet your parents sometime?"

"Yeah, sure, if I can ever pin them down long enough to make the introductions," he responded. "They know about you, so the next logical step would be to have all of you meet."

"I guess I'll have to introduce you to my family then," I joked.

"Your family? I thought you only had a father and that you didn't want to have anything to do with him any more," he pointed out, confused.

"That part is true, but I've made a new family here," I explained. "I've got a little brother named Derrick now, a couple of twin brothers, and I think you've just met my brother Scott…"

"I get the idea and I'd love to meet them," he concurred, with a wink and a smile. "If you love them that much to consider them your family, then I guess I will too. Why don't we plan a party where I can get to meet all of them then? I'll invite some of my friends too and we'll make all of the introductions together. We'll even let everyone know that we're an item now. Does that meet with your approval?"

"Not only does it meet with my approval, it exceeds my expectations," I gushed. "I love you, Jeremy, and I'm going to show you, using any and every way I can. Are you busy for the next hour or so?"

"No, love. What did you have in mind?" he wondered.

"Come into my web and I'll show you," I replied, while emitting an evil, little laugh.

I took Jeremy over to my bed and pushed him down onto it. I crawled on top of him and began to passionately kiss every square inch of his face. Even though we were still fully clothed, we began to grind our hips against one another, so we were both hard within a very short time. We each tried to adjust our erections within the confines of our pants, but it just wasn't comfortable. Slowly, I began to undress my lover and pulled his shirt up and over his head, while only breaking our kiss briefly, and then I began to remove the rest of his clothing. When I had Jeremy completely naked, I quickly shed my own clothing and then I crawled back on top of him. We resumed our kissing and then Jeremy began to thrust his pelvis into mine.

"Are you ready, big fella?" I asked him, knowing I wanted him as much as he seemed to want me.

"You don't have to do this, Trevor," he stated, looking confused. "I don't want you to feel that you ever have to do anything like that again, for any reason."

"I know I don't have to, you big dummy," I teased. "I want to do it, because I want to show you how much I love you and I want you to make love to me."

"Are you sure?" he followed, not totally convinced.

"I'm positive, so let's get going," I urged.

I rolled off of his body, grabbed my tube of KY and then rejoined him on the bed. After lubing both of us up, I pulled my legs back to my chest, as a signal as to what I wanted him to do. He moved quickly and was soon poised to enter me and ready to commence with the lovemaking. He pushed his penis steadily against my gate, until it opened up and granted him entrance. It took only less than a minute before he was fully seated inside of me, and then he began the act of making love.

Slowly, he pulled his penis most of the way out of my body and then eased his cock all the way back in. He continued this steady rhythm, using long, full strokes and gently brushed against my prostate, as he scratched the itch that had begun to flare up in my bowels. I tried to concentrate on tightening my anal muscles each time his penis tried to make its partial escape and soon his pace was quickening, as his passion was growing more fevered. I could see his eyes were beginning to glaze over, his breathing was becoming more rapid and his heart was pounding within his chest.

While he was busy ramming my butt, my hands were roaming freely all over his upper body, as I rubbed his chest, sides and back. I also rubbed my thumbs all around his nipples, before I tweaked them gently, and I could tell he was getting close to blowing his wad. The perspiration created by his efforts was beginning to drip from his body and onto mine, as he began to hump my ass in short, rapid strokes, while also panting heavily. I wrapped my legs around his waist and attempted to entice him to go even faster, when he made his final thrust and spewed his juices all over my intestines. There were several hot volleys of his thick cream and I could feel it oozing deep within my bowels. Jeremy remained with his penis embedded in me for quite a while after he'd filled me with his love and started to kiss me as he recovered.

"I love you, Trevor. I really do," he whispered in my ear. "I'm so sorry for all the bad times I've put you through, but I won't ever do that again. I love you so very, very much, Trevor, and I hope you love me just as much."

"I do, Jeremy. Oh God, I do," I agreed.

We hugged and kissed, as he stayed inside me and never made any attempt to withdraw. After a few more minutes, he looked down at me and spoke.

"Trevor, I want you to make love to me now," he stated, taking me completely by surprise.

"Jeremy, I know that's not your thing and you don't particularly like the idea of doing it," I countered. "You certainly don't have to do it for my benefit, because I'm happy just the way things are."

"Like you said earlier, I know I don't have to do it, but I want to do it with you and for you," he explained. "Please, do this for me."

"Are you certain about this?" I countered, unconvinced.

"I am," he agreed.

With that, Jeremy pulled out of my love canal and spread out on the bed next to me. I got up and retrieved the tube of KY from my bedside table, because I knew Jeremy would definitely need it. Tenderly I began to grease up his tight boy hole and applied lots of lube. Gradually, I inserted one, then two and finally three fingers into his anal passage, as I pushed them in and pulled them out, while twisting them around. I did this to loosen him up for penetration, and when I thought he was finally ready, I eased into position, lifted his calves onto my shoulders and gently pushed the tip of my dick against his sphincter. His muscle put up some minor resistance at first, but once the head of my dick popped past the guardian, Jeremy relaxed and I slid completely into him.

The lining of Jeremy's intestinal walls was extremely hot and his chute was satiny smooth. I slid in easily until my pubic hairs were rubbing on those two full mounds that surrounded his boy hole. I began my assault on his rectum as soon I felt sure he was ready, and attempted to adjust the angle of my entry so I would be sure to stimulate his prostrate as I made love to him. Eagerly I pumped my hips back and forth, while taking long strokes at a medium pace and worked my way to the relief that I so desperately needed.

I could feel the tightness building within my gut as I neared ejaculation, but I willingly did not increase my pace, so I could make this last as long as possible. When I began to realize that I could hold out no longer, I began my quick bunny thrusts into his ass, until my love custard gushed from my penis and filled my lover. After I gave a couple of final lunges, to drain the last of my seed from my balls, I kissed and caressed Jeremy with all of the love and passion I possessed. Several minutes later, we broke our embrace and lie joined like that for a while longer, until my penis unwillingly slipped from his hole. We then went in to shower and cleaned up after our energetic session, and then Jeremy spent the evening with me. I can honestly say I've never been happier or more satisfied in my entire life.

The next day we started to plan our little party and it turned out to be very similar to the first party he held for me. Only this time it included both sets of our friends, not just his. It went over wonderfully and we had a great time. We had tons of fun and lots of activities for everyone to do together, but we also spent a lot of time just talking and getting to know the others better as well. I think little Derrick was disappointed at first, since it appeared as if he had hoped to have more time for just the two of us, but after I explained to him that he would now have two big brothers, he began to calm down.

I also informed Derrick that we'd all be able to spend a great deal of time together from now on and he immediately began to lighten up. After he considered this for a while, he seemed to conclude this would be a good thing, but he did make me promise that I would still make some time for just the two of us to be by ourselves as well. I told him I'd have to explain this to Jeremy first, but it looked as if he was finally beginning to comprehend exactly what it meant to be part of this new family.

After everyone else left, Jeremy, Derrick and I went over to my place for the rest of the evening. Derrick put on a movie (what else?) and we all sat on the sofa together. Jeremy was on my left with his arm around me and Derrick sat on my lap. While we sat there together, I noticed something I had missed before. Derrick was almost a miniature copy of Jeremy. He had the same color hair, same color eyes, same skin coloring and the same insecure nature. He was just a smaller version of my lover, which might explain the reason for my initial attraction to Derrick.

Derrick stayed over with us the entire weekend, at Jeremy's insistence, and we all slept together in my bed. Derrick cuddled up against me on my right and Jeremy cuddled up on my left. It may sound weird, but sex wasn't an issue, at least not for now. What was the issue was our love for each other, all three of us. I could even tell that Jeremy was beginning to take to little Derrick in much the same way that I had when I first met him. Maybe we all bonded so quickly because we were three boys that all felt unloved and were starved for affection, so this way we could fill that need for each other.

It was a wonderful evening, especially our time alone. I never felt more loved in my life, and if I was reading things correctly, neither did they.

The End

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