Jason MastersBoarding School |
SummaryTales of initiations and pranks played by students on one another at a fictional English boarding school for boys aged 11-17 years.
CharactersVarious boysCategory & Story codesSchoolboy storytb – coerc mast – bond toys humil (Explanation) |
DisclaimerIf you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.
If you don't like reading erotic stories about boys, why are you here in the first place? This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life. It is just a story, ok? |
Author's noteThis is a work of fiction. The events in this story are not inspired by any real events. This story was partly inspired by Buzz Buzz by corazon65. This story uses British English spellings and expressions, so don't start telling me that I misspelled "ass". Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author through this feedback form with Jason Masters – Boarding School in the subject line. |
Zachary’s InitiationA boy goes through a painful and humiliating extreme 'initiation' at a boarding school.
5,500 words (11 page) Zachary was astonished. One minute he had been lying in his dormitory bed, just about to drift off to sleep like the rest of the First-Formers [11-12yo] after lights-out, and the next minute the dormitory door had opened and a crowd of older boys with torches had flooded into the dormitory. Now, the intruders separated into groups of three or four, each group heading to a different bed. None of the First-Form boys, Zac included, had a chance to react before they were grabbed and a knotted cloth was forced into each boy's mouth and tied there, gagging them and effectively quieting any noise they might make. Most of the younger boys, Zac included, were outraged at this assault and began to struggle violently, but they had no chance at all against so many hands, especially since all of the raiding party were older and stronger than they. Then the older boys began the next phase. Within seconds, each of the First Form boys was stripped naked then their arms were pulled behind their backs and bound there with plenty of rope. Not content with merely tying the younger boys' wrists, the older boys followed up by securing the boys' arms to their sides with ropes around their chests and their lower arms to their backs with ropes around their waists. By the time the raiding party were finished, none of the bound boys could move their arms. They could wave their hands slightly but little else. Two lengths of rope were then tied to the waist ropes in front and left hanging free while each boy was turned over onto his front. One boy held each leg of the younger boy firmly and it was at this point that the real horror began. Zac could feel fingers intruding between his butt-cheeks. He struggled and squealed in protest, hearing similar sounds from the neighboring beds as he did so. Then, there was a cold wetness on his arse-hole as fingers spread something slippery over his hole and around the insides of his butt-cheeks. Zac struggled mightily against this indignity; how dare they touch him there? But he may as well have not bothered. His legs were held firmly and he could not turn over to protect his nether regions. Whoever was doing this had easy access to one of Zac's most private areas, and at this thought, Zac's blood ran cold. Were they about to rape him? Zac had heard of such things, and imagining having it happen to him had supplied Zac with many jerk-off fantasies, but this was reality! Zac now struggled with a strength born of desperation and panic! The two boys holding Zac's legs had all they knew to hold on to the struggling boy, in spite of their greater strength. As they tightened their grip, Zac heard one boy mutter, "whoa, he's panicking". In the dim light, Zac saw another boy squat down near the head of the bed. The boy leaned close and spoke quietly to Zac. "Relax." The word did nothing to calm Zac's fears, but just the fact that someone was talking to him helped slightly. "You can't get away and we can do whatever we like, so you may as well lie still and let it happen. Anyway, I think I know what you're thinking, and it's not going to be quite like that. Close, but not nearly as bad – or maybe worse, depending." The boy didn't say what it depended on. He moved back and Zac again felt fingers intruding between his butt-cheeks – and something else. Zac could hear muffled squeals from the other first-form boys, but he had no time to think of them as the sudden pressure against his anus made Zac howl into his gag in identical fashion. Not only was it a totally unwelcome intrusion, but it bloody well hurt! It seemed ages but in reality was only a second or two before the plug slipped into Zac's rectum and his anal sphincter tightened around the base, helping to hold the plug inside Zac. Then Zac felt hands underneath him, feeling for the ropes attached to his waist-ropes. The two ropes were drawn down, one on each side of his penis and passed between Zac's legs then drawn back up between his butt-cheeks, one on each side of the plug lodged in his rectum. Zac felt the ropes being tied to the back of his waist rope. What was worse, the ropes through his crotch were pulled tighter than Zac would have believed possible before being secured. Worst of all, the tight crotch ropes pushed the plug deeply inside Zac and held it there securely, making it impossible for him to expel it. Zac squealed and howled into the muffling gag throughout the process, struggling as hard as he could, but it made no difference. The pain from his stretched anus was unbelievable! Zac couldn't understand how he could feel such pain and still live. This time, Zac barely noticed the fingers parting his butt-cheeks as his anus was examined carefully by torch-light. Then the boy who had spoken to him before once again leaned in close to Zac's face and again spoke quietly to him. "No blood. Don't worry, you haven't been torn open inside, no matter how it feels right now." Then, to Zac's surprise, the boy climbed onto the bed with Zac between his open legs and, facing Zac's rear, began to firmly massage Zac's butt-cheeks. There was a pause, during which all of the other First-Form boys were given the same treatment. While the massage was still going on, one boy stood in the middle of the dormitory and spoke in a low but clear voice. "All you First-Formers! Listen up! You're our prisoners for the rest of the night. I know you're scared, but be sure that you've already been through the most painful part of the initiation. You may feel like your arse-holes have been torn open, but we're not stupid; the plugs inside you are no bigger than you can take safely. The pain will go away before too long, so just lie still and let us do what we want. You can't stop us anyway, so you may as well cooperate." Having delivered that speech, the boy went to another bed and began the same massage operation on the bed's suffering occupant. To Zac's surprise, the massaging of his buttocks actually seemed to be helping reduce the pain, although perhaps it was only distracting him from it while his body adjusted. He lay helpless on the bed, his moans slowly becoming less vocal and less frequent as the pain subsided. The reducing urgency and frequency of moaning from the other beds indicated that the other boys were also beginning to adapt to the unwelcome intruders lodged in their rectums. After five minutes, the pain Zac was feeling from his stretched rectum had reduced to a level where he could think of other things. Like, what were these older boys going to do with him? With all of them, for that matter? Then the voice again, of the same boy who had made the first announcement. "Okay boys, it's time to turn them on. Controllers at the ready and we'll all do it together. Equality for all, you know!" There was laughter from many of the older boys and Zac felt the boy on top of him climb off, then something momentarily tickled the inside of one of Zac's thighs. He had little time to speculate on the cause, as the voice came, "Ready, Set 3; Full power!". Zac bucked in shocked surprise and moaned in protest as he did so, barely noticing the identical protests from the other beds. The vibrations from the plug stuffed up his arse were intense and at first even a bit frightening, but after the first few seconds and since there seemed to be no dire consequences, Zac relaxed a bit. What was this? It didn't feel bad. It was just 3; strange. Peculiar. Zac had never felt anything quite like it before. His previous pain was forgotten. The vibrations felt 3; good! Suddenly, the boys holding Zac's legs switched positions and twisted around, forcing Zac to flip over onto his back, while the boys holding the other prisoners did the same with the same result for their captives. "May as well put their shoes and socks on while we wait for results. We can't have our prisoners wandering around the school barefoot, can we?" came the rhetorical question from the voice, followed by the expected snickers of laughter from the older boys. The boy who had spoken to Zac rummaged around a bit before finding Zac's sports socks and sneakers. He put them on Zac, then stood back. Zac noticed, with sudden embarrassment, that all three boys were staring at his crotch. But worse was to follow. The vibrations in Zac's rectum now felt very good, and Zac suddenly realised that he was feeling a stirring in his most private place! Sudden understanding hit Zac with almost physical force. This was why they were staring at his penis. They knew. They'd known all along. This buzzing thing inside him was going to force him to have an erection in front of people he didn't know! Zac began to struggle almost as desperately as he had before, but the boys held his legs firmly and Zac's struggles produced nil results. Many of the First-Form boys moaned in protest as they too realised what was happening to them, but all of their moans held a defiant note. Zac stood out as the only one moaning in real distress. Zac's three personal captors exchanged concerned glances and the boy who was not occupied with holding Zac's legs wandered over to one of the other intruders and spoke quietly to him. They both looked at the whimpering, protesting Zac and the other boy nodded. This was repeated with a second boy; again, the unheard conversation and again the look and the nod. The boy returned to Zac's bedside, knelt down and whispered confidentially in Zac's ear. "Every First-Former here is getting a stiffy right now. You're no different. Calm down and don't attract attention and you'll just be one among many; the tree hidden in the forest 3; of woodies" he finished, his impish grin briefly visible in the torch-light. Zac tried to follow the boy's advice. It was good advice, he had to admit, but there was something so intensely humiliating about this situation that it tended to drive out all rational thought, leaving Zac at the mercy of his automatic reactions. He was close to tears but for the moment at least, Zac managed to hold them back. "Time for walk-ies" came the singsong voice of the boy who seemed to be in charge. Zac suddenly found his legs released but he had no time to even move before the two boys grabbed his arms and hoisted him to his feet. To Zac's intense shame, his half-erect penis wobbled around obscenely and obviously. The vibrations in his arse continued without abatement, driving Zac further and further into sexual excitement. Zac looked down as something bounced against his legs. He caught a glimpse of a wire connected to a box with a dial on it and had time to realise it was attached to his butt plug before the leader of the intruders intoned, "Forward, march!" All of the captors began to pull their naked, bound, gagged and butt-plugged prisoners to the dormitory door and march them out into the hallway, their erections wiggling with every step. Zac's mind was in a whirl. Where were these boys taking them? What was happening? Nobody said anything, but they didn't need to. The prisoners had little chance of fighting and no chance of escape. Under the circumstances, talking was superfluous. Down the stairs to the ground floor of the junior dormitory building they went. This building was where forms one through three slept, the equivalent of years seven through nine. The senior boys, from forms four through six, had their dormitories in a separate building, on the other side of a sports and recreation area. Zac watched in disbelief as one of the older boys opened the external door. No! They couldn't possibly be about to do what he thought! He looked down at his penis and confirmed that it was now completely rigid. They couldn't be about to make him walk around outside with his erection on display! They just couldn't! Almost involuntarily, Zac made a distressed squeak behind his gag. His captors did not let go of his arms, but they did look at Zac and then at each other before looking over their shoulders at someone behind them. Zac was far too preoccupied with his fear of exposure to notice. "You can walk, or you can be carried. It makes no difference," came the voice of the leader. "You're going outside anyway." Without further ceremony, the first boy was hauled through the doorway, kicking and struggling and making muffled protests and (if tone of voice was to be counted) dire threats of retribution. A procession of struggling, bound, gagged and naked boys followed, their erections bouncing around obscenely with every movement. Zac's turn came, and he managed to get out a squeal of distressed protest before he was carried outside, his naked erection on display for any eyes to see. Of course the senior boys had made very sure that there would not be any eyes to see them. Not only did they not want to be caught but also they had their limits and did not want to humiliate the younger boys in public. However, none of the First-Formers were aware of this and so struggled mightily as they were half-led and half-carried (or in same cases, just plain carried) by their arms across the recreation area to the senior dormitories. Zac was one of those being carried. So intense was Zac's embarrassment, he simply could not force his legs to carry him. He was so tense, he couldn't even cry from the shame. Without any warning, Zac found himself placed on his feet, his arms briefly released, then grabbed again. He looked around to discover that two completely different senior boys were now holding his arms. He looked around again in confusion to see his previous escorts now in charge of a different junior, who was defiantly walking toward the senior dormitories without being forced, his head held high. The boy on Zac's left was blonde with short, curly hair and blue eyes. He looked very like a teen-aged Cupid. The other boy was almost the exact opposite, having nearly jet-black, straight shoulder-length hair and dark brown eyes. Zac stared first at one and then at the other in complete befuddlement as they began to lead him forward again. "Come on, let's get you inside. I'm sure you don't want anyone else to see you like this," said the boy to Zac's left. "And I'm Gabriel, by the way." He nodded toward the dark-haired boy. "That's Cliff. We've been re-assigned to you. We'll tell you why in a few minutes. Right now, it's more important that we get you inside." Zac could not have agreed more! Realising that his only chance of relief from this public humiliation was straight ahead, Zac decided to give his captors no more trouble. In fact, he even quickened his pace slightly and the two boys holding his arms made no protest but matched their pace to his. The delay meant that they were the last inside the sanctuary of the senior dormitory building. The boy attending to the door made no comment as they passed him, but the look he gave Zac was speculative and curious. Zac barely noticed the look as the buzzing plug in his rear continued to work on him in a way which was highly distracting. They passed the senior day room on the ground floor and went up the stairs to the Sixth-Form [16-17yo] dormitories. Once inside, Zac could see that blankets had been laid on the floor at the foot of each bed and many First-Year boys, every one with a full erection, were already lying on blankets awaiting their further disposition. Zac was led to a blanket and instructed to lie down. The two boys helped Zac to lie down without putting any pressure on his plugged rear. Then the boys began to tie Zac's legs. Zac was shivering in fear, even after Gabriel said, "Sorry, it's all just part of the game." Before long, Zac's legs were bound with rope both just above his knees and around his ankles. When they were done, both boys moved away from Zac to help with another of the prisoners who was struggling and grunting angrily. As Zac lay on that blanket, totally helpless, a wave of despair hit him. Why were these boys doing this to him? He was scared! The plug continued to buzz insistently in his rectum, forcing waves of pleasure through him and keeping his dick fully erect, but it was the most humiliating, degrading pleasure Zac could imagine. Zac looked unbelievingly down his body at his erection, both slowly pulsing as it tried to become even more erect and slightly vibrating from the irresistibly buzzing device inside his rear. Even his own body had betrayed him. Zac could no longer hold back the tears. He didn't want to cry – to show the other boys he was weak – but he just couldn't help it. Trying desperately to stifle his sobs, Zac was unaware that he was under observation. Unnoticed by Zac, Cliff nudged Gabriel whose attention had been on the now-secured angry First-Former and, having gained his attention, indicated the crying Zac. Gabriel grabbed a spare blanket and both boys walked over to the weeping boy. The first Zac knew of their intentions was when they squatted down in front of him, putting the blanket across both of their shoulders to partially conceal Zac from observation by anyone else. There were some curious glances and even some frowns from a few of the other older boys, but nobody said anything or interfered. Gabriel gently stroked Zac's head. "We know you're having a hard time with this," he said, sympathetically. "That's why we've been assigned to look after you. We both had a pretty bad time with our initiations, too. But we managed to cope, in the end, and so can you. We'll help you." Zac looked back and forth at the two boys. Were they going to release him? Was the horror finally over? His hopeful look prompted the dashing of those hopes. "We can't let you go. That's against the rules of the game," stated Cliff. "But one of us will stay with you all the time, so you don't have to be alone. Don't worry, you'll be fine. We'll make sure of that." Gabriel gave Zac's head another stroke and continued, "Things are going to get a lot more embarrassing, for all of you. I'm guessing you'll have trouble with that since you already feel so bad about it all. We can't change what's going to happen, but we'll help you through it." Zac moaned and wept again. They weren't going to release him! He had to suffer this endless torment! He couldn't take any more! Suddenly, each boy moved in toward Zac and, lifting him upright, cuddled in close to him, wrapping the blanket around all three of them. Zac's thighs rested on Gabriel's and Cliff's legs, keeping his plugged posterior off the floor. "Shhh, shhh," whispered Gabriel, "you'll be okay. You really will. Trust us." In spite of his humiliation, those words comforted Zac. Perhaps it was the unashamed display of affection from the two older boys more than the words, but Zac began to calm down. The plug in his arse continued to relentlessly keep him near the peak of sexual excitement but now, it seemed less humiliating than before. "We can't keep you covered like this," said Cliff. "We've already broken the rules by covering you at all. If it was anyone but us doing this now, we'd be persona non grata with all our mates. The rule is, you have to stay naked the whole time." With no reply from Zac, Cliff and Gabriel lowered the blanket, exposing Zac once again to the view of almost everyone in the room. Zac shivered again but for the first time since this ordeal had started, he finally had hope that he'd make it through this horror. Cliff took all of Zac's weight momentarily while Gabriel sat down, then Cliff helped Zac to lie down again, this time with his head right in Gabriel's lap. Both boys faced the aisle between the beds with Gabriel's back against the bed. Cliff left to help get the rest of the First-Form boys settled while Gabriel remained with Zac. As he waited for whatever was coming next, Zac wondered at the difference he felt now. His dick was still fully erect and the buzzing butt plug, never letting up its assault for an instant, ensured it would remain that way; but somehow the humiliation now seemed at least tolerable. Zac relaxed and, in spite of the endless waves of pleasure he was being forced to endure, began to feel sleepy. Zac blinked as an especially intense wave of pleasure took him close to orgasm but, just as all the others had, it missed the mark and left him unfulfilled. Then Zac cast a sleepy blink around the room. It was dark and almost silent, the only sounds being of quiet breathing and the many, barely discernible buzzing noises from the anal vibrators lodged in every First-Former's rectum. Shocked, Zac realised that he must have been asleep! With this reassurance that sleep was at least possible, Zac allowed himself to relax once again. The room was warm and Zac closed his eyes. Thinking back, later, Zac could count three times that he was sure of, when he awoke that night to an intense rush of sexual pleasure. But it was never enough to allow him to squirt his load, and each time he eventually returned to slumber. He had vague memories of one or two other possible awakenings, but he could never be sure. As it inevitably must, morning came at last. Zac awoke to the constant and relentless buzzing pleasure device in his arse, still working its unwanted magic on his straining cock. He gave a half-sigh, half-sob of frustration, then a hand stroked his hair. Zac jerked in surprise but then remembered Gabriel and immediately relaxed. "Good morning." Gabriel's voice sounded amused. "I hope you slept. I'd say ‘slept well', but I know only too well how impossible it is to sleep well with that thing buzzing away inside you." Gabriel began to almost absent-mindedly stroke Zac's hair over and over and Zac realised that some time in the night, Gabriel had changed position. He was now lying directly behind Zac, cuddled up to and ‘spooning' the smaller boy. "In fact, I don't think I slept at all, when it was done to me that first night," murmured Gabriel. There was a pause, then a deep breath before Gabriel continued, "I was so angry!" The vehemence with which he expressed that last word shocked Zac, who suddenly began to take more interest. "I hated them for what they'd done to me!" the blonde-haired angel-named boy continued. Zac was listening intently. Gabriel hadn't at any time raised his voice above a quiet murmur, but the intensity of his feelings still came across to Zac. "But after a while, I realised two things," Gabriel explained. "First, that hating them wasn't doing me any good. Second, that they really didn't mean any harm and were okay guys at heart. After I managed to forgive them, things kind of worked themselves out." A pause. "Cliff had a much harder time dealing with it." The constant waves of pleasure endlessly assaulting his body were highly distracting, but Zac somehow managed to keep his attention on Gabriel's quiet but fascinating voice. "He nearly killed himself," whispered Gabriel, so only Zac could hear. It was a bombshell, which temporarily overwhelmed even the sensations from the anal vibrator. Shocked to his core, Zac found that his cock actually lost some of its stiffness for a minute. "One of the boys found him with the rope already tied, standing on a chair and about to put the loop around his neck. The boy realised that with the rope not around Cliff's neck yet, the sensible thing would be to charge at him and knock him off the chair. It worked. Cliff got a nasty bump of course, but that's better than being dead." Zac listened, fascinated, his own erotic torment momentarily merely a background event. "We managed to keep it from getting out, of course, otherwise we'd never have been able to continue these games, but they had a lot of work to get Cliff to trust people again, and we've been a lot more careful ever since. Cliff and I were given the job of making sure that never happens again. That's why we were assigned to you. You need us." Zac's mind automatically reviewed the events of the previous evening and suddenly some things which hadn't made sense at the time clicked into place like jigsaw-puzzle pieces. The way they had examined him after inserting the plug; the way they had spoken to him, reassuring him that he'd be okay, and the assignment of this inconceivably caring boy as his ‘guard'. It all made sense at last. Zac felt relief. Zac gave a gasping moan as the relentlessly buzzing plug in his rectum reasserted its control of his cock, now back at full stiffness. He so desperately wanted to cum! "I'm not supposed to tell you until it starts, but you're going to get the relief you want, soon." Gabriel whispered. "Every First-Former here is going to be wanked until he spurts his load in front of everyone. That includes you of course." Zac was horrified. To have someone else deal so incredibly intimately with him, where everyone could watch? It was, to Zac, the ultimate humiliation. For a moment, his mind reeled with the shock. But the insistent, erotic vibrations from the butt plug felt so good! He wanted to climax, and the vibrator was just not enough to push him over the edge. It kept him constantly close to orgasm, but that was all. "There's one thing I may be able to do for you. I don't know if it will make it easier for you or not, but it's the best I can offer," Gabriel's whisper continued. "Normally, the Head Prefect assigns who wanks who, but if you want, I can ask to do you. I'd probably be assigned to you anyway, but I'm not certain and I can't promise anything." Zac almost immediately nodded his head in acceptance. If he had to go through with this, at least he'd have someone who he half-trusted to do it for him. But what if someone else was assigned to him? Zac shivered from fear at the thought as Gabriel finally sat up and knelt behind the frightened boy. As they had been talking and whispering, other senior boys had been waking and getting out of bed, examining each captive First-Former in turn to ensure he was safe, both in body and in bondage although in truth, at least two seniors had been awake all the night, in shifts, to monitor the prisoners and ensure their safety. One boy with a bearing indicating authority walked between the rows of beds, saying names and pointing to a prisoner each time. The assignments had begun. He reached Gabriel and Zac. "Gabriel 3;" Gabriel didn't wait for him to finish. "He needs me to do it," he said, firmly. The older boy looked at the trembling Zac. The sight of the shivering, frightened boy would have found a soft spot in even a heart of stone and the Head Prefect was very far from being stony-hearted. "Fine, you get him," was the answer and the Head Prefect moved on, continuing to call out names and point to ‘assignments'. Gabriel lifted Zac almost to a sitting position and hugged him from behind, saying in a sing-song voice "I get to do you-oo-uu!" Somehow, the silliness helped to steady Zac's nerves. Or perhaps it was that hug. The Head Prefect stood at one end of the dormitory and called out, "Get ready!" Gabriel parted his knees and lifted Zac, placing him sitting on Gabriel's lap, the gap between Gabriel's legs ensuring that there was no extra pressure applied to the anal plug. One arm went around Zac's chest, to hold him steady. The other rested on Zac's right thigh. "Set!" Gabriel's right hand grabbed Zac's erect cock and squeezed. It already felt maddeningly good to Zac. He wanted to yell ‘do it, get it over with!' but he had to wait, like all the others. Muffled protests came from many of the First-Formers as they realised what was about to occur, but they were ignored. "Go!" Gabriel's hand began a rapid up-and-down motion on Zac's engorged penis and Zac was rapidly transported to a realm of pure ecstasy. As bad as the pain had been when the plug was first inserted into his rectum, so now the pleasure he felt was equally as good. Just as Zac had previously wondered how anyone could possibly endure such pain and live, so now Zac wondered how he could possibly endure such intense pleasure without dying. Zac's body tensed and the vibrations from the anal plug seemed to grow more intense than ever before as his rectal muscles contracted in pre-orgasmic bliss. He leaned his head back and closed his eyes, waiting for the inevitable. And Zac came. He orgasmed. He climaxed. With a howl of pure ecstasy which even the muffling gag in his mouth could not stop, Zac spurted his semen almost right across the aisle between the beds as the pent-up sexual excitement of an entire night of erotic teasing was finally released. Gabriel's pumping hand slowed and stopped, bringing Zac slowly and comfortingly down from his climax, then he released Zac's cock. A few seconds later, the insistent buzzing in Zac's rectum finally stopped as Gabriel switched off the device. Zac's senses rapidly returned to him. His whole world ceased to revolve around and depend upon his cock. He breathed hard, pumping in breath through both his nose and his mouth. It was fortunate that the knot in the cloth gag still allowed some room for air. Then Zac felt someone touching his softening cock and, opening his eyes, looked down. The Head Prefect was tying a blue cloth ribbon around Zac's penis. Zac stared, unable to interfere, as the boy tied a bow on the bottom of Zac's penis, then another on the top before walking away. Zac stared at the ribbon, confused. "You won!" gloated Gabriel, behind him. "You came first, by at least a second. You're gonna be famous!" All of the First-Form boys had climaxed by now. The last to orgasm was then given the penalty of a smack on his bare bottom with an open hand from each of the Sixth-Form boys. The spanked boy squeaked at each swat, but the swats were less vigorous than they could have been and they were endured with only a single tear as evidence of the pain. The Head Prefect spoke up again. "Congratulations. You're all now officially part of the school. We'll be letting you go, soon. If you hurry, you'll be able to get back to your dormitory before anyone is up and about to see you naked." Gabriel was already untying Zac's gag. Cliff was also there and was rapidly loosening the ropes. In minutes, the crotch ropes were untied and Zac was turned over so that the vibrating butt plug which had tormented him all night long could finally be withdrawn from his anus. There was only a little pain, and Zac merely grunted as it came out. Zac's arms were finally freed and both of his attendants began to rub his arms and legs, to help restore the circulation so Zac could recover faster. Glancing around, Zac could see that all of the First-Form boys were being treated the same way. Soon, all of the boys had recovered enough to stand without aid. Before the signal for them to leave was given, Gabriel placed a hand on Zac's shoulder, leaned down and whispered in his ear, "Maybe, another day, you might like to play games like this with us? Never as hard or as long as this of course, but wasn't some of it fun?" Zac didn't have time to reply before the Head Prefect called out, "We've checked and nobody else is awake yet! Go now and you'll probably make it back unseen. Go!" Zac joined in the general rush of naked boys scrambling to leave the Sixth-Form dormitory. As Zac ran across the open area toward the junior dormitories with the other naked boys, he covered his limp, beribboned dick with his hands and was acutely aware of his humiliating exposure; but at the same time, Gabriel's invitation was ringing in his mind. Especially, Zac remembered the fantastic pleasure of Gabriel's hand pumping his engorged cock. By the time Zac reached the safety of the First-Form dormitory, his mind was made up. He rubbed the indentations left on his arms by the ropes and thought to himself, school could be fun. He kept the blue ribbon. Damocles Had It GoodA schoolboy prank seems to have gone much too far and become dangerous.
800 words (1½ page) Christopher wriggled but could barely move with the tight box-straps digging into his body. How could his friends do such a thing to him, he wondered? Chris had been jumped immediately after he'd put his underpants on but nothing more following his morning shower with the rest of the boys. Then he'd been dragged through the corridors nearly naked and protesting loudly, all the way to the box-room. Once inside the room, Christopher's friends had quickly bound and gagged him with the multitude of box-straps to be found in that room, with a rag stuffed in his mouth to muffle his protests, then placed the helpless boy inside a coffin-like wooden box. A box which had terrifyingly wicked-looking spikes set into the underside of the lid! Carefully, the boys had propped the lid up so that it wasn't quite overbalancing. But only a small nudge would be enough, they told Chris, to send the lid slamming shut. Chris perspired with fear as he looked at those spikes and realised what it would mean if the lid closed. Surely his friends couldn't be serious? This was dangerous! But it seemed they were serious. They had placed the box close to the box-room door so that if anyone carelessly flung the door open, it would hit the lid of the box Chris was now inside of, slamming the lid down and driving the spikes into Christopher's helpless body. Then, they left, closing the box-room door behind them. Chris was thirsty and hungry and now he was going to miss breakfast. And it was a holiday, so he was unlikely to be missed until the bed time roll-call. Chris wondered how long he'd have to wait for release. He already needed to pee. The tight strap over his crotch was pressing against the junction between his penis and balls and the pressure made it more difficult for Chris to control his bladder. Time passed. Quite a lot of it. The perspiring, anxious prisoner in the box hardly dared to move even the tiniest bit, for fear of causing the lid to overbalance and drive those spikes into him. A long time later Chris had become desperate for the toilet when he heard footsteps coming up the stairs to the box-room. It was a single set of footsteps. Chris desperately moaned into his gag as the footsteps approached, trying to warn the person not to open the door, but it was too late. The door opened. The door hit the box lid, hard. Chris barely had time to close his eyes and turn his head slightly as the lid with the spikes crashed closed over the terrified boy, who immediately lost all bladder control. Chris whimpered behind his gag as a pool of his own piss accumulated around him. Why wasn't he dead? He should be dead. For that matter, why wasn't there any pain? He could feel the spikes pressing into his body, but there was no pain. Was he in shock? Would he feel the pain in a moment? More footsteps drummed their way up the staircase. Many footsteps, accompanied by giggling and open laughter. Chris was indignant. How dare they laugh? The spikes must have seriously injured him, at the least, and the boys he'd called his friends were laughing about it? The pain of betrayal was worse than the physical pain which Chris expected to feel as soon as the shock wore off. Then the lid opened. Chris blinked up through tear-filled eyes at his classmates, then looked down at his body to see how bad the damage was. There wasn't a mark on him. Chris stared in shock. How could this be? The spikes couldn't have possibly missed him. In fact, he'd felt them hit him. Why was he seemingly unharmed? "He's pissed himself," came an amused comment from someone. "Well, we did give him quite a scare," commented Barry, Chris' best friend, in reasonable tones. Barry saw the question in Chris' eyes so he laughingly reached out to one of the spikes and tweaked it. It bent easily. "Rubber, you idiot," said Barry, to Chris, although in friendly fashion. "You really thought we'd put you in actual danger? You great goof! This is one of the props from the Dramatic Society." Behind Barry, someone else giggled before adding, "I guess we're going to have to bleach it before we give it back, now!" Laughter from the others acknowledged this fact. The feeling of betrayal lifted from Chris as he realised that, apart from pissing himself, he'd never been in any real danger. Barry began to unfasten the straps which had held Chris helpless. "Let's get you out of here so you can shower and change into clean clothes," said Barry. "Then come to the study. Since you missed breakfast, we'll break a few rules and cook you some oatmeal with honey for elevenses." Chris glared at Barry and the latter knew that, sooner or later, he'd have to endure a retaliatory prank. But that was all part of the fun.
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