PZA Boy Stories

Eithan Cole

Cole's Adventures

Discovering William


Cole, boy lover for as long as he can remember but never before having the opportunity to act out his desires, discovers young William at the age of six and his nine year old brother. Over the course of many months they share each others bodies in ways that Cole had only dreamt about.
Eventually, their adventures expand to include another man named Marcus and his even younger son Rory who is only five years old. However, Marcus turns out be be more than what he first seemed and opens up a whole new world for Cole and the two boys.
Publ. Dec 2008-2011(ASSGM); this site Apr 2009-Apr 2011
Unfinished; 225,500 words (451 pages)


Cole (27-28yo), Josh (8-9yo), Marcus (31yo), Rory (5yo), William (6-7yo), Myles (The boys' step-father), Claire (The boys' mother), Valerie (The boys' sister, 13yo) and Craig (The boys' real father)

Category & Story codes

Consensual Man-Boy story/love
Mbcons (in ch. 10 some non-cons) oral anal kissing


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is a work of fiction and did not actually take place. It depicts explicit sexual acts between an adult male and a preteen boy. Any actions involving sexual contact with a minor are purely the work of my imagination.

If this type of material offends you, please do not read further. For those that wish to share my fantasies enjoy!

Author's note

Please feel free to email me through this feedback form with Eithan Cole - Discovering William in the subject line – I'd love to receive feedback and/or suggestions for future instalments. - Sorry, in the summer of 2011 Eithan Cole's e-mail address was closed. I am afraid he stopped writing.

Table of Contents

  1. Discovering William
  2. Discovering William (and his brother Josh) I
  3. Discovering William (and his brother Josh) II
  4. Enjoying William and his brother Josh
  5. The Fun Park
  6. A Chance Encounter
  7. The Group
  8. The Swap
  9. The Swap Act II
  10. Harry and Zane
  11. Coming together
  12. Delivered as promised
  13. Young love
  14. The cave and the sailor boys

Chapter One
Discovering William

The first time that I visited my friend Myles and his wife during my vacation, I drove up to their place planning on being there for only a few hours. However, when I arrived I was introduced to his new wife Claire and her three children; Valerie (12), Joshua (8) and William (6).

They were very good looking children and I wondered were they got their looks because Claire wasn't that attractive as far as I was concerned. Their father must have been a good looking man was all that I could figure.

After a short while with the kids being all shy in front of me, Myles started up the barbeque and we had lunch outside on the patio which then turned into a tour of the farm. William came with Myles and I on the tour and came out of his shell a bit. Returning to the house, we started an impromptu game of rugby on the front yard with all three kids and Myles. I got to tackle all three of them to the ground on many occasions and this turned into more of a play fight than anything else. Being the youngest, I guess William had more energy than the others which meant that after a while it was only him and I left on the lawn. William is of average height and weight for a six year old with short blonde hair and green eyes and pale complexion. At one stage I had him on his back with me straddled over him pinning his arms above his head. He looked so adorable and cute looking up at me hardly struggling in my grasp. At that moment, I had an urge to lean down and kiss him on the lips. Of course I did no such thing, but my cock gave a twitch and I was aware that I was getting very turned on by the situation. Getting up and turning my back for a second, I adjusted myself so that my hard cock wouldn't be noticeable to him, Myles or his mother when we went back inside.

Throughout the rest of the day I kept watch on him and dreamt up fantasies of seeing him naked, which was rewarded later on when it was time for the kids to take their bath. Valerie was first and then Joshua, but William got undressed in anticipation of his turn next. Seeing him for the first time as he walked into the living room completely naked turned me on more than I would have ever dreamt possible. Instantly, my cock twitched and I became hard within a matter of seconds. He raced over to me and jumped up onto my lap putting his hand directly onto my crotch as he did so. My eyes widened in shock as I thought he may say something about it, but fortunately he didn't. He obviously felt the bulge inside my jeans trying in vein to escape as he looked at me with a quizzical expression on his face as he removed his hand.

There I was with a six year old naked boy in my lap with a rock hard boner throbbing inside my pants wanting nothing more than to fondle his gorgeous one inch [2½ cm] soft boy prick in my fingers and to kiss him on the lips and suck his boy cock until it was hard in my mouth. Not with Myles and his mother present in the room I wasn't. My hands went to his hips to hold him in place because I didn't want him to get down in fear that the bulge would be obvious if he did. Both Myles and Claire commented that William was usually the shy one and didn't usually take so well to strangers. They said he must like me and that I should have kids of my own, and why don't you have a girlfriend anyway? I couldn't answer then that the reason was because the simple act of William sitting on my lap, totally naked, turned me on far more than any girl could!

It was Williams turn to get in the bath and he hopped down and skipped off to the bathroom, while I covertly adjusted myself and crossed my legs to hide my cock sticking up from my jeans. The rest of the night passed as the kids went to bed, stopping to give each of us a good-night kiss. Both Valerie and Joshua gave me a hug and kissed me on the check before going to bed. William came to me after kissing both Claire and Myles good-night and kissed me fully on the lips with his soft, wet lips. I savoured that moment and fantasized about him almost every night for the next six months.


The next time I came home, I had organised to see them again soon after arriving back into my own country. I was only going to be home for a few days before heading back out again, but only for a short four months. Again, I made the two hour trip up to their farm and was greeted warmly. I was excited to see William again and was happy to see him a few minutes later as he came around from the side of the house. He had on a loose pair or shorts and T-shirt with a farmer's hat on. Boy did he look so cute! I was told that Joshua was with his Dad for the weekend driving with him in his truck. His father was a truck driver so the kids liked to go on drives with him as often as possible. I have to say that I was relieved that it wasn't Williams turn.

The day progressed much as the last time, but Valerie had a friend staying for the afternoon before both of them went to a sleepover birthday party. We played outside as Myles worked on building a deck around the newly renovated farmhouse and Claire was inside doing whatever. I played soccer this time with William and the two girls before we were all physically exhausted and lay down on the grass. I had recently bought a new Cannon 20D SLR digital camera for my hobby as an armature photographer so I got up and retrieved it from the car and began taking pictures of the kids play fighting and fooling around. I have to say that later, when I showed Myles and Claire, they were impressed so I downloaded the pictures for them onto their computer. There were some close up's of each of the kids, but in particular there were far more of William in various poses.

After putting the camera down, I joined in on the play fighting and was soon feeling the same desire for William as I had previously. I let him climb on top of me as I lay on my back on the grass, holding my hands down to the side. This bought his face within a few inches of mine and, completely by surprise; he leant down and kissed me on the lips. I was so completely take aback that I didn't react at all and just laid there with him laying on top of me looking into his eyes. I was falling in love with this boy! The two girls squealed and made puking gestures at the fact that William had just kissed me, but I didn't care in the least. Valerie then told me that he'd been doing that a lot with everybody and had even kissed her friend that was there that day. I have to admit that I was more than a little disappointed that this was not a sign from him that he knew how I felt, and was giving me permission to take the next step. At the time, I was full of desire for him and didn't want him to get off me. The girls both got up and I felt William starting let go of me. As soon as he did, I took hold of him and turned him over onto the ground, so now I was laying on top of him with his legs spread apart and me between his beautiful silky smooth thighs looking down at him. He screamed out in laughter as I held his hands above his head with one hand and started to tickle him under his arms, and then his sides. With all his wriggling to get free, his T-shirt had pulled up and I caught a glimpse of his little boy tummy and lower waist. Purely by instinct, I scooted down and blew a raspberry into his stomach and kissed him on his soft skin while still holding him down on the ground. My mouth was so close to his crotch and I was so filled with lust, that I forgot my surroundings and let my free hand move down onto his inner thigh and moved up until I cupped his boy package in my hand and squeezed very gently. It was the first time that I had ever held a preteen boys cock and balls in my hands through his shorts. The feeling was fantastic. I stuck out my tongue into his tummy button and let my lips suck on his soft skin for what seems like a whole second. I never saw his face as I was fondling his cock, because at that moment, the two girls both jumped on top of me sending me sprawling sideways onto the grass as they fought me to the ground, giggling and laughing. I came to my senses and looked over at William just getting up from the ground. Whether he knew what had just taken place I didn't know, because he still had that smiling face of a kid having a good time. He jumped right on top of he two girls and we all ended up in a heap together, with me trying now to hide the obvious boner in my pants.

"Okay, enough" I said and I extracted myself from the kids and turned away from them as I headed back into the house, adjusting my cock which was leaking pre-cum into my boxer shorts. After a quick visit to the toilet and getting myself sorted, I helped Claire with diner and getting the table set. Before long, Myles came in and got Valerie and her friend ready to go to their party, leaving me along with Claire and William for a little while. We talked about how long I'd known Myles (which was about six years at the time) and about how the kids really seemed to like me. I asked her about her ex-husband and how the kids got along with him. She told me that he would usually take one of the boys with him every other weekend for a trip in his truck but that he didn't spent that much time with Valerie. She wasn't really into the whole truck thing like the boys were so wasn't really that upset about not spending time with her 'real' father.

Myles came back and we sat down for diner at the table with William next to me on my right. I couldn't help sneaking a glance down to William's crotch, his shorts riding up his thigh having been pulled up when he climbed up onto the chair. His legs looked so smooth and I kept thinking about how only an hour earlier I'd had my hand on his cock feeling his little boy package under those shorts. The small bulge of his tight balls and sweet two inch [5 cm] soft prick was no more than two feet [60 cm] away from me, but may as well have been across the other side of the universe. He was telling his mother about how we'd played in the yard and how he'd beaten me in soccer and about the play fight afterwards. Myles and I were talking about work (we're both in the IT industry) but I was keeping a close ear on what William was saying so that I would be able to interrupt if he said anything that could get me into trouble. I didn't need to worry. Either he had no idea what I'd done, or he knew enough not to say anything.

After diner, we went to the living room and settled down to watch a DVD. William was told to get ready for his bath which he did so, but this time I wasn't lucky enough to see him naked before he went in. A little disappointed, I spread out on the couch as the three of us talked and I showed them some pictures on my laptop of my most recent work trip from around South America and Europe for about 15 minutes before starting the DVD. Of course we couldn't just start the movie as Claire wanted to watch the previews to see what was coming out later. They were just starting after being sat on the FBI and copyright warnings that you can't skip passed when William called out from the bathroom that he was ready to get out. Both Claire and Myles exchanged looks that most married couples have, each conveying that they couldn't really be bothered to get up and take care of him. Naturally, I volunteered and hopped up off the couch and went to the bathroom to fetch William and help him dry off.

When I walked in, the bath bubbles had long since disappeared and I had a great view of William sitting with his legs spread apart and his feet coming together under the water.

"You ready to get out mate?" I asked.

"Yep!" William replied as he stood up and stepped out of the bath onto the floor mat. I reached over and grabbed the towel and held it out for him. I couldn't take my eyes of his beautiful six year old cock and ball sack packed tightly underneath.

"You dry me." William said as he looked up at me with a huge smile on his face.

What's a guy to do? I draped the towel over his head and dried his hair and face. I then wrapped it around his shoulders and knelt down in front of him and began to rub him down, getting a good look at his soft cock. I wondered what it would look like hard and how big it would grow to. Moving around and down his chest, the towel dropped in front of him and I lost sight of that glorious package that I hungered to suck on. My hands came around and I found myself rubbing his crotch through the towel a little longer than was necessary, going slower as I savoured the feeling of once again having his young six year old prick and balls cupped in my hands.

I was startled out of my own private ecstasy when he said, "That feels good." Shocked at what I was doing, I looked up at Williams face to see him beaming down at me and I felt him push his crotch further into my hand. Stunned at the situation, I wasn't prepared for this development in events. At a loss of what to say, I immediately started to remove my hand from his groin and was even more surprised when I felt that his little cock had become hard! The towel fell away and I swallowed hard at the sight of this little boy's hard cocklet sticking out at me just waiting to be serviced.

"Do that again with your hand Cole, it's nice." William said.

Automatically, my hand moved to his cock and I held it between my finger and thumb and gently pulled back his foreskin to reveal his swollen head. Deathly afraid that Myles or Claire would walk in at any moment, I was hesitant to take this any further, but my brain wasn't functioning normally and I continued to stroke him back and forth slowly as he looked down at me. My other hand caressed his arse and up his back, then around his waist before sliding down his tummy and coming to stop with my fingers on his navel and thumb tucked under, playing with his tight little hairless ball sack.

By this stage, my own cock was rock hard and straining at my jeans for release. I could feel pre-cum soaking my boxers as I feasted on looking at his cock while I stroked it up and down its full hard three inch [7½ cm] length. Without even realising it, I leant in and kissed the tip of his prick, my tongue darting out to explore his exposed head and piss slit. I heard him moan softly above me and his hand moved to my head and pushed down, forcing his cock into my mouth. I opened up and let it slide in, the sweet taste of this young six year old boy in my mouth was pure heaven and I took him in until my nose was pressed firmly against his hairless navel. My tongue explored his cock inside my mouth as I pulled back and then back in to the hilt. Keeping my eyes open, I tried to focus on his little cock as he fucked my mouth, pushing in and out in a slow rhythmic motion. Looking up at him, his head was tilted back slightly and I could see his eyes were closed and that he was enjoying his as much as I was. He pulled out a little too far and his cock came out of my mouth. I took hold of it and stroked it as I held it against his silky navel and moved my head down to take his balls into my mouth. They were as tight as they looked with a seam running up the middle. At first it was just one that I sucked into my mouth and rolled it around with my tongue, and then both together, still stroking his hard prick and breathing in his little boy scent mixed with the fresh smell of soap after having just been bathed. My right hand took hold of his balls, now wet and slimy after being inside my mouth and gently fondled them as I took his cock back into my mouth. I moved my left hand around to his ass and explored his boy hole which was still wet and slightly soapy from his bath.

His thrusts in and out of my mouth were becoming more urgent and I continued to suck him in, his sweet three inch [7½ cm] cock fucking my mouth and I was loving every second of it. My head moving in opposite directions to his hips, taking in as much of him as I possibly could with William moaning above me had me so turned on that I experienced my very first orgasm without having once touched my own cock. I shot my load into my pants and I came in waves of pleasure, sucking on a beautiful six year olds' hairless cock.

My own climax subsiding, William was becoming more and more fervent in his face fucking and held on to my head with both hands. In turn, both my hands were on his ass, pushing him further into my mouth as he groaned through closed mouth and thrust deeply into me and held there. I felt his cock spasm in my mouth and I pushed my face deep into his navel and held his cock tight with my tongue as he dry-came inside, his cock jerking wildly until finally stopping with only a couple more twitches before I pulled off his boy meat and looked up at his face.

What I saw I would have died for right then and there. His angelic face smiling down at me with a dreamy look in his eyes. He knelt down in front of me and kissed me fully on the mouth with his lips parted inviting me in. I held his head and checks in my hands and my tongue explored his soft lips and then entered his mouth to meet his own probing tongue. After a short while, he pulled back and smiled at me.

"I knew it," he said. "I knew you were lust like my Dad."

I was speechless. Here I was thinking I had taken advantage of this sweet, young and innocent little boy, but the truth was that he had seen in me what most other people have no idea about and taken advantage of me.

"What? You do this with your Dad?" I asked.

He simply nodded his head and smiled.

"That's good." I said. "He must really love you William."

I looked down at his once again soft cock and picked up the towel. "Better clean up eh?" I said as I rubbed away my spit from his deflated cock.

"Better get dressed kiddo, we're watching a movie in the living room."

"Nah, its okay" he said, then in a quieter voice and more than a little shyly, he added "Thanks Cole. I liked that a lot."

"Me too." I replied smiling at him as he walked out and down the hallway into the living room. I heard Claire comment on how long it took to get out of the bath and William answered that we'd played a game of battleships with the bath bubbles. I was amazed at his ability to cover up what we'd just done so easily.

I emptied the bath and threw the towels into the laundry basket before heading to the toilet and cleaning myself up. I got back in time just as the movie had begun and the opening credits had finished. William was sat on the couch and scooted over as I came in. I sat down beside him and leaned back into the position I was in before getting William. He crawled up and lay on my lap with his head resting on my chest. Claire obviously hadn't noticed that he was skill naked in the dim light of the living room when he'd walked in, because she told him to go get some clothes on.

"I'm too hot Mom." He said. Ain't that the truth I thought to myself.

Claire looked at me with a 'do-you-mind' look. I gave her the 'whatever' look back and the matter was settled. My cock was once again getting hard as William's ass wiggled around getting my prick nice and firmly between his arse crack. He craned his neck and looked up at me and smiled, knowing exactly what he was doing. I bought both arms around him and placed one hand on his chest and the other on his stomach. In turn, he held onto one arm with both hands as we settled into watch the movie.

During the course of the next ten minutes or so, I was grinding my hips up and down, rubbing my cock between his ass checks with him mimicking the same movement. I could see his cock get hard again as I came for a second time that night inside my own pants, but this time only a few feet away from Claire and Myles. The rest of the movie was uneventful and it was time for William to go to bed. The light came on and William jumped up and kissed both Claire and Myles good-night.

"Don't forget Cole. And say thank you for helping you out of the bath." Claire told him.

He came over to me, still naked, and kissed me on the lips one more time, taking a little longer than he had with Claire and Myles. He opened his mouth briefly and licked my lips with his tongue before pulling back.

"Thank you Cole." He smiled and then ran off to his room as I watched that cute little ass jump up and down as he did so. Boy, did I want a piece of that!

Tearing my gaze away, I turned back to the others. "Well, I'd better be off too. Still got a two hour drive to get home."

After the usual good-byes, I got in my car and drove away, still not quite believing what had happened that night.

A few days later I had to leave for what I thought was going to be only four months, but turned into an agonising seven months before I would get to enjoy the pleasure of young William again, and his brother Joshua.

Chapter Two
Discovering William (and his brother Josh) I

I left home very early on a Saturday for my next trip at sea, three days after seeing my friend Myles, his wife Claire and their kids. Three days since I had thought I was taking advantage of the youngest, William, who was six years old, almost seven. It turned out that in fact it was him that had taken advantage of me, kissing me on the lips and practically inviting me to fondle his little boy package tucked away under his loose shorts and then pushing my head into his crotch and face fucking my mouth as I dried him off after a bath.

I knew that I wouldn't be back home for at least another four months and didn't know how I'd get through it knowing that William was back there waiting for me, available for me to suck his boy cock once more. Most nights after an exhausting day spent fixing various computer problems onboard the ship, I would lay awake at night dreaming of being with him again.

In my dreams I went much further with him than I actually had, sucking his cock to orgasm, probing his anus with my fingers, thrusting my own hard cock into his sweet wet mouth while sucking his balls in a sixty-nine position, pushing his legs up to his chest as he lay on his back exposing his puckered pink hole and gliding my rock solid cock to his recently rimmed hole.

In my dreams I slowly inched my way forward, resting my cockhead at the opening of his boy pussy and gently easing it in until just the tip was pushed in his tight hole. The look in this face is pure pleasure and I am slowly massaging his erect penis with one hand while gliding my cock further into the depths of his tight virgin cavern. His eyes are closed and he is moaning silently though a partially open mouth. I lean forward a little further, my hand that was gliding my cock into his ass moves up to take my weight, ending up about level with his shoulders and I feel myself sliding another inch into him. I dare not go any faster as it may hurt him and anyway, I want to savour this moment for as long as possible. Looking down at where our bodies are joined, his glisting prick is hard against his smooth hairless navel and my free hand is gently rubbing his cock and tight balls. I can see his hole stretched around my own cock and I feel him starting to push out, making it easier for me to penetrate him further.

In my fantasy, I'm able to push further into him until my low hanging balls are touching his ass checks, having entered him as far as I can go. His eyes are now open and he is staring into my eyes with an intense gaze, his legs now held out to the side of his body. His arms and fisted hands that were at the sides of his head while I entered him fully, now come up and pull my head towards his, forcing my cock even further into him and I feel his prostrate as my cock hits the back of his boy pussy. I let him bring my lips to his as he kisses me with his tongue stroking my lower lip before entering my mouth. I am in complete rapture as I ease out of him until just my cock head is still inside him and then return the pressure to glide myself back inside. This time it is slightly easier and I push all the way in until once again I have entered fully to the hilt. He starts to vigorously kiss me and his tongue is darting around my mouth and playing with my own tongue. His mouth is so soft and the scent of him is driving me wild, knowing that my cock is penetrated into his boyhole, his hips pushing into mine as I start to rhythmically move in and out of him. One of my hands are now holding his face as we kiss and the other is moving towards his chest between us. I am now almost lying on his chest so I have to push my hand between us to stroke one of his nipples and squeeze very gently. He gives a slight moan as I play with his hard nipple and he sucks my tongue into his mouth and holds it there for a few seconds as I squeeze even harder. I speed up my thrusting into his hole as I get closer to climax, I can feel his own boy cock on my navel as I push in and out of him faster and faster. His moaning is growing louder and he pulls his mouth away from mine arching his neck and back exposing his throat. I push into him again as I sucked on his neck hearing myself moan with exquisite pleasure. My thrusting has become harder and more intense as I feel myself getting closer to orgasm, the pressure building up in my balls and about to explode inside of my new found lover, a beautiful seven year old boy willing to do whatever I wanted to make me happy. Without warning William tenses and I feel his cock spasm, squashed between us as I at last feel the intense feeling of being about to cum inside him for the very first time, his anus mussels clenching and releasing my cock as his own climax subsides. I push in as far as I can and hold my cock there for a fleeting few seconds expecting the familiar feeling of orgasm and the hot gush of cum to come spewing out into Williams hot, inviting boy cunt.

Except it never does.

I wake up in a hot sweat, the sheets twisted and caught between my legs, under my back and wrapped around my arms. The alarm is sounding on the bed stand with a jarring buzzing sound and the morning light creeping in around the storm cover of the porthole. I open my eyes and realise that I am onboard in my own bed, alone in my cabin and extremely frustrated that I should wake up at just that moment. My hand automatically goes to my crotch and I give my hard cock a squeeze before reaching over to pick up the alarm. Turning it off, I see its 6:00am and think happily that this is my last day onboard before returning home for a much needed vacation. Four months turned into a long seven month trip as my replacement fell ill and couldn't make it to relieve me, meaning that I had to serve an additional three months on top of my usual four. My suitcase was mostly packed as I would be leaving around mid morning after completing the usual set up of the computer equipment shoreside ready for passenger checking for the new cruise. My replacement was due to arrive around 11am and I would hand over the ship to him, shower and finish packing.

I had to get up if I wanted to make breakfast in the officer's mess before 7am. But you know what? I was so damned horney after that dream I wouldn't be able to concentrate unless I relieved the need to cum after such an intense and pleasurable dream. I turned over onto my back and pushed down my boxers, grabbing hold of my hard cock and started to pump it like there was no tomorrow, fantasizing about William and trying to recall my dream with the same vivid scenes I had been having only moments before. I came fairly quickly, my cum squirting over my chest and stomach but there was not the same intense feelings I'd had in the dream and it left me feeling somewhat disappointed. But, I was going home and that meant I would be visiting Myles again shortly after. I'd already planned to meet up with them and I was going away for a few days together with them and the kids. It was now summer holidays back home and the kids would be off school so we'd planned to stay at a fun park with a hotel, pool, go-cart racing and a golf course.

Begrudgingly I got out of bed and headed into the shower to clean up. Ten minutes later I was dressed into uniform with my shoulder boards on with three stripes, radio, pager, leatherman and torch attached to my belt. Tahitian cruising usually meant loads of couples with small children. Whenever I got the chance I would find excuses to stroll around above deck checking out all the young boys playing in the pools and sunbathing with new found friends. Of course I never did anything inappropriate except maybe look a little longer at a particularly cute boy longer than would be considered normal. Occasionally I would have opportunity to talk to one or two either because they just wanted to ask what I did or whether I knew the captain or if I drove the ship. The kids centre sent them on mystery hunts that included getting an officer to sign a sheet of paper or to hand over a name badge or some shit like that. On turnaround days however, I normally had to oversee the check in operations and make sure all 25 check in computers were working and the wireless ship-to-shore network connection was functioning. However, on this day I would set the computers up, make sure things started smoothly and then be on my way to the airport.

My replacement arrived a little earlier than expected and relieved me of duty at 10am. I showered again and changed into my normal clothes that I would travel home in. I knew I had a long day ahead as I had three flights to catch to get home in about 27 hours from now. As was normal, I had a supply of sleeping pills to make the journey that much more tolerable. After the first flight I finally boarded the second for the long haul 14 hour flight back home. A couple pills later we landed and I was only one more flight from my destination. I arrived early in the morning and eventually got my family out of my apartment after they had greeted me back and fell into an exhausted dreamless sleep that lasted well into late evening.

Three days later, I was back on the road travelling to see my friends Myles and Claire. At least that was the pretext. I was really going back to see William and hoping that I would have another chance to be alone with him and that he would still be the same beautiful seven year old boy I remembered. I knew that I had turned him into something else in my dreams and wasn't so naive as to think that he would be that person. He would still be that devious little boy that pretended to act all shy, but in reality his father had been – well, I don't really know what his father had been doing with him. I only know that William and let me suck on his little boy cock after taking a bath and had kissed me passionately on the lips after which he had blurted out that he had known I was like his father and that he did things with him. I never actually got to find out what things those were – but I was hoping to.

I was riding my new Yamaha R1 motorbike and was approaching the small town just a few miles away from their house and my excitement was growing by the minute. I pulled into their drive which was a dirt and gravel road that crested a small hill and rounded a few bends before coming into view of the farmhouse. I knew that by turning up on my bike would mean that the kids would want to see it, sit on it and maybe even be taken for a ride on it. In some of my many fantasies I had taken William for a ride, him sitting in front with me pushing my crotch up against his butt. In my fantasies we stopped at a private spot off the road and I had undressed him and sucked on his gorgeous cock until he dry came inside my mouth. He went down on me and wrapped his red baby lips around my meat and deep throated me until I spewed sperm into his mouth and down this throat. In some of my most wildest dreams I had even mounted him and fucked his tight baby virgin ass out in the open for anyone to see, nailing his boy cunt with William moaning with pleasure as I did so.

I pulled up outside the house and turned the ignition off. I could see Claire through the kitchen window waving at me and pointing towards the garage where I could hear a benchsaw winding down. I hopped off and walked into the garage, removing my gloves and helmet and unbuttoning the top couple studs of my Gortex riding jacket. I wasn't prepared to see William so soon after arriving and my cock started to grow inside the tight confines of my riding pants. There he was, helping Myles cut lengths of wood to be used as fence palings in nothing but his baggy blue shorts with his t-shirt discarded on top of the quadbike. His silky smooth chest was covered in a thin sheet of sweat. It was around 30°C [85 F] and even hotter inside the shed. He looked up at me and smiled broadly, letting go of the plank he was holding and came over to me and gave me a hug hug around my waist. Holding my helmet in one hand I rubbed his fine blonde hair as he squeezed me tightly with his face pushed into my stomach.

"Hey Myles." I said in way of greeting trying to ignore the lust in my heart for the now seven year old boy cuddling me. We went inside for what looked like a well deserved refreshment for Myles, William and myself after a two hour trip on a sportsbike. Josh and Valerie joined us soon after finishing their daily training session with their calves. They each had a calf that they were entering into the local showday. Valerie was a very gook looking girl and was sure to break a heart or two even at her young age of 13. Josh was now approaching 10 years old and had bulked up a bit since the last time I had seen him, nine months ago. Back then I would have been interested in him if not for young William. He had been a little too skinny and lanky for my taste back then as he had obviously just gone through a growing spurt. But now he had filled out a lot, what looked like a well defined chest and was very tanned after spending so much time in the sun. It was obvious that Josh and William were brothers. William had the same defined body, fair hair and eyes that weren't so much captivating but had a certain gaze that held your interest. William hadn't bothered to put his shirt back on, in fact it was still back in the shed and he sipped his orange juice with both hands. Valerie helped herself to a soda from the fridge while Josh just plonked himself down on the couch next to William.

I stripped out of my riding gear and was relieved to be back in only a light pair of summer trousers and loose shirt as it was so hot out. I chatted with Myles and Claire for a bit about life, my last trip onboard, where I'd been and some of the sights I'd seen. I had spent a lot of time in Tahiti and had gained my divers license and had dived on some amazing sites. I had some underwater shots that I'd taken as my amateur hobby of photography had spread to underwater shots. I pulled out my MAC and started to show them a few images but as I suspected it didn't take long for the boys to want to go back out and see my new bike. I followed them out as they walked around it marvelling at its sleek curves and bright red and white sporting colors. William was the first to ask if he could sit on it, so I hefted him up and sat him on the seat. Myles was also interested and asked about the specs and so forth, but I couldn't keep my eyes off William straddling my bike, bent over holding onto the handlebars with nothing but a loose fitting pair of shorts on. God, how I wished I could caress his bare skin, kiss his chest and suck on his hard nipples, sit behind him on my bike pushing my hard cock up against his anus while leaning over him smelling his sweet boy scent. All the way up here I had been thinking of him in this position, the only thing missing was me sat behind him doing all the things to him that I wanted. I had to tear my eyes away as I looked back at Myles and Josh. We walked back inside with Josh walking close in front of me near enough for me to lay my hand on his shoulders. He stopped suddenly causing me to bump up against his back. He tuned around and smiled before shooting off inside. Had he felt my hard on through my trousers? I doubted it but a new thought entered my mind. Did he do that on purpose?

Claire made coffee while I talked with Myles. The boys went off to their room for a bit while we chatted, but before long they came back out after we'd finished drinking. It was a fine hot summer day outside and I suggested that we go out side and sit in the sun. Of course this lead to one of the boys picking up a rugby ball which was what I had anticipated. I joined them throwing the ball around until William suggested that it be him and me against Josh trying to score tries. I kicked the ball to Josh who caught it expertly and started to run at us. I tackled him to the ground and William jumped on top of us. The game went like this for ten minutes or so until both William and Josh at one point had me pinned down on the ground. Somehow the game had turned from William and me against Josh to William and Josh against me. They were laughing and smiling as all boys their ages do, Josh on top of me with my legs spread apart and him holding onto my hands with his face inches away from mine and William lying on top of him at an angle. I could feel my cock getting harder at the thought of these two beautiful boys so close with Joshs' cock pushed firmly into my groin that I thought it impossible that he couldn't feel my own rock hard cock. William, who last time I was here had let me – no, had seduced me, into sucking him off in the bathroom just a few meters away from his parents. I let Josh keep holding me down because I was enjoying him being close enough to kiss if I wanted to. All of a sudden I did just that. I lifted my head the couple of inched to his and kissed him on the lips. It was just a fleeting kiss and was over as quickly as it had started, but now that it was done I wasn't sorry. The look in his face was difficult to gauge and I didn't know whether I had crossed the line with him. If it had been William I was sure that he would have responded but I didn't even really know whether Josh had had the same experiences with his father as William had. He simply stared at me for a second until I heard William whisper above us, "Do it again!"

This time Josh bought his head closer to mine and our lips met. I felt his soft wet lips pass briefly over mine until he pressed down firmly and opened his mouth a little. Claire and Myles had gone back inside and we were further around the side of the house so unless they looked out of one of the bedroom windows they wouldn't have been able to see us so I didn't have too many concerns about being observed. I lifted my hands that Josh had been holding down and stroked is face as I kissed him, our mouths opened slightly and I traced his lower lip with my tongue until I felt his own tongue touch mine – it was so soft and his mouth felt very warm and inviting. I began to breathe a little heavier as I ventured further into his welcoming mouth, massaging his lips with my own and turning my head to better fit into him. I pushed on the back of his head to explore deeper and he responded by thrusting his own tongue harder against mine as we french kissed for what seemed like an eternity. With William our kisses had been brief and intimate, while with Josh, he had certainly had some experience and was more passionate and forceful in his kissing – something I hadn't expected from a boy who was only a few months short of ten years old. What I missed out on with William last time was that since I thought I had been seducing him I was very careful not to over do things and wasn't sure whether anything would actually happen or not, I hadn't been able to take the time to actually experience the sensations and the feel of him while we kissed and later with I sucked his little hard cock. This time with Josh however, I was enjoying the relaxed pace and could concentrate on the baby soft skin of his face under my hand, the feel of his lips pressing into mine, even the warm sweet taste of his saliva mixing with mine as our tongues played and the unmistakable feeling of his hard boy cock pressing into my inner thigh.

Eventually, our lips parted and I opened my eyes to see Josh panting over me, his mouth still partially open spreading into a huge smile. "Are you hard yet?" He asked. Of course it was a rhetorical question as it was plainly obvious to him that I was, just as I could feel his hard-on, he sure as hell would be able to feel mine.

"Ummmm 3; don't know. Why don't you find out?" I dead-panned after a short pause. His hand immediately shot down between our bodies as he groped around my hard cock and gently squeezed before cupping my balls through my summer trousers. In turn, I slide my own hand down as he lifted up slightly to allow me access to his package tucked away under his khaki type trousers. I could feel his hard prick through the coarse material and rubbed my hand up and down, judging it to be about four inches [10 cm] in length. It was hard to tell under the thick fabric but it felt like it was a good size for a boy of his age. I was looking him in the eyes as we both felt each other up, William hoped off and looked down at our groping hands. Josh had his hand wrapped around my cock – at least as much of it as he could considering I still had my trousers buttoned up. My own hand was working on his cock, running up around and cupping his entire package giving it a little squeeze. I wondered how many times he'd done this with his father, or with William for that matter.

"I take it William told you about what we did last time I was here?" I asked.

"Uh huh." He said in more of a moan rather than words. "Said you sucked him after his bath until he orgasmed in your mouth but he didn't suck you."

Just hearing a nine year old boy talk like that turned me on even more than I already as. With my free hand I reached up and pulled his mouth back down to mine as we kissed again, our tongues pushing into each others mouths again as we both fondled each others cocks. Josh's cock was getting harder and I could tell that it was starting to become uncomfortable for him. His package fit perfectly in my palm as I rubbed him a little harder causing him to push his moth down further into mine. His tongue was probing my mouth deeply; I closed my lips around it and sucked it in further enjoying the sensation. He pulled away slightly until our lips parted but remained within a few millimetres, our noses still touching.

"You kiss better than our Dad. He's not really into it and he's too rough sometimes." he said. "I like kissing with you a lot better."

"Me too." I answered. "Especially when it's with a cute boy like you." I bend my head up and gave him a partially open mouthed kiss and lingered on his lower lip for a second.

"You want to suck me like you sucked William?" Josh asked, his face still close enough to mine that he only had to whisper. I didn't answer straight away as 'Yes' didn't really seem a good enough answer to such a delightful question from a nine year old boy. Of course I freaking well wanted to suck him! Even more, I wanted them to suck me as I'd had to settle with just creaming my own pants last time. Instead, I just smiled and said "Sure."

"It's my turn!" William said standing over us both. He obviously wanted good old kiss too and was feeling a little left out.

"OK." Josh said letting go of my hard cock and lifted himself off me. What was I? A piece of meat? I thought as Josh stood up with his boner stretching the front of his trousers. I figured it probably wasn't a good idea to be doing this out in the yard in full view just in case Claire or Myles happened to come back out to talk or get one of the boys for a chore they hadn't done yet or something.

"Hey, how about we go down and see the Lamas or something?" I suggested.

Claire had recently bought a couple dozen Lamas to raise as the wool was very expensive and they could fetch a good amount of money by selling it. I hadn't really seen Lamas up close before and was actually a little curious to see them, but I knew it was a lame excuse nonetheless and so did they. William's eyebrows shot up in that 'WTF?' look kids have.

Instead, Josh had a better idea. "How about a ride on your bike? I know somewhere we could go."

I'd figured it wouldn't take long for the boys to want to have a go on it, meaning that I'd have to sit each William in front of me and hold onto the handlebars around him and Josh on the passenger seat behind, giving me the excuse to push up against William which was the reason I'd bought it up rather than driving in the car this time.

"Sure." I said. "I'll just ask your Mom if it's okay first." I put my hand down the front of my trousers to adjust my crotch – this time not having to bother turning away from the boys. They both laughed at me as I did so, so when I pulled my hand free, I put it up to my nose and sniffed.

"Ummmmmm 3;" They laughed even harder.

Before heading back inside, I got up to my knees and looked at William, indicating that he come closer to me. He knew what was coming and practically jumped at me. "I think I need a kiss from you baby." I said, using my new nickname for him.

I grabbed him by the waist and pulled him to me, our chests pressed together as I tenderly kissed him on his soft baby lips, closed at first but gradually opened up to allow my tongue to stroke his lips. William was still my favourite, his little boy innocence, the way his emotions and feelings showed so clearly on his face and the sorrowful eyes that saw into your heart. Kissing him was like kissing beauty itself and the taste of him was exquisite beyond description. He was by far the more affectionate of the two, not so passionate or forceful as Josh, but extremely tender and soft in my hands.

As these thoughts swirled around in my mind, my hand came around his front and slid over his small bulge feeling his tight little boy cock through his loose fitting thin shorts. He wasn't hard but it felt great all the same. I'd dreamed this moment over and over again in my mind for the last seven months and here I was back with not only William, but Josh as well and they were willing and even wanting to kiss, feel, suck and who knew what else. With my thumb and forefinger I traced his cock and balls, rubbing them up and down as I continued to hungrily kiss his hot mouth.

Knowing that I wanted to do so much more with these boys, I had to resist my temptation to pull Williams trousers down and suck on him right there and then. Instead, I pulled away and let my hand fall from his crotch which was now showing a little tent building up.

"Ummm, you taste good Baby." I said as I stood up and once again shifting my cock to a more comfortable position hoping my boner would soften in the next minute or two. "You guys go find your helmets and I'll tell your Mom we're going for a ride to the park okay?"

They both took off at a run back into the house while I took my time pulling my t-shirt over my front to hide the lessening bulge there. I found Claire in the kitchen preparing food for dinner in a few hours. As casually as I could manage, I told her I was going to take the boys to the park on the bike for a bit. She said it was okay so long as I kept to the back roads and they wore their helmets.

"Already getting them." I smiled.

A few minutes later we were ready to leave and I lifted William up onto the seat and I hopped on behind him, fitting snugly into the limited space.

"My nuts are squashed!" William shouted to be heard through our helmets.

Smiling, I replied, "Don't worry, I'll kiss them better in a bit eh?"

Chapter Three
Discovering William (and his brother Josh) II

Josh stepped up and threw a leg over the back seat and settled down, holding onto me around the waist. I lifted the bike up, started the engine and rode slowly down the gravel driveway careful to stay in the tire tracks until reaching the paved road. I was leaning into William's back holding onto the handle bars with him holding on around the gas tank and Josh holding on with one arm around my waist, the other hand pushing in between my spread legs and Williams behind groping and rubbing my cock. I drove slowly through the deserted back roads enjoying being this close to these two young boys, but also for their safety as I didn't want to have an accident and miss out on what I thought was going to be a very pleasurable experience. Josh tapped me on the shoulder and pointed left down another single lane paved road heading into the bush. I turned and drove for another few minutes until he again pointed to a clearing off the side of the road. We stopped and dismounted the bike, Josh first, William and then me.

"Down there." Josh pointed. "There's a track to the stream that nobody goes to but it's about five minutes to walk."

"Okay, lead the way then sir!" I said wanting to get there was quickly as possible. As soon as we started walking into the bush, William held onto my hand as he followed behind me. I had a good view of Josh's arse and thought about whether he'd been fucked by his Dad or not. I doubted William had because of his age, but because Josh was a couple years older he might have been old enough for him to at least try it out. Rather than wonder, I decided to be bold and ask directly.

"Hey Josh," I asked hesitantly. "What sort of things do you and William do with your Dad?" I hadn't asked this of William last time as I was still in too much shock at what had happened to be thinking straight and this was the first opportunity I'd had to ask either of them.

"Like sex you mean?" he replied. I nodded my head and he continued. "Ummm, he likes us to suck him a lot and he comes in our mouths sometimes. He doesn't usually suck us so we have to do that to each other mostly until we get the good feeling."

"You do that to each other?" I asked feeling a little silly that I hadn't thought that of course they would since they'd been doing it for a while with their father.

"Yep. Even when it's just us." William chimed in from behind. "Josh's is bigger than mine but that's only 'cos he's older." He said a little defensively.

"Cool." I said. "What else do you do?"

"Josh lets me put my dick in his bum!" William giggled.

"Really! Wow. That must feel awesome." If Josh let William do that, then did that mean he learnt that from his father and had been fucked by a bigger cock than just Williams? "Do you like letting William fuck you Josh?" I asked.

"Yeah, it feels kinda weird but in a good way when I jack off and he's fucking me." Josh was still walking ahead so I couldn't tell by his expression whether the thought of being fucked excited him or not. "Its better when Dad does it to me because he's bigger and it feels better."


Trying to keep my voice calm, I turned to look at William who was still holding onto my hand. "So what about you Baby? Does your Dad do that to you?" I asked.

"Nah, just Josh sometimes. Dad says my cunt is too little."

What the fuck? Did he just call his anus his cunt? My cock sprang to life as if all the blood in my entire body just drained into it.

"Right." I said in way of reply. "He's probably right." My thoughts were going wild at this point. What hadn't their Dad done with them? I'd thought maybe they'd been sexed up a little, a bit of sucking and fondling but nothing to the extent that they obviously had. "How long you been having sex with your Dad?" I asked Josh.

"Umm, about since I was William'ss age I think. I can't really remember. A while though. He only started doing it with William about a year ago but he doesn't know that we were doing it before then anyway eh William?"

"Yeah." William replied sounding a little puffed.

"It's just up here a bit," Josh said pointing off the barely seen track. "About a 100 meters [300 feet] that way."

Before I knew it we came into a natural clearing with a small patch of grass with a few fallen branches scattered around. The sun was beating down and we were all sweating a little and breathing a little harder than normal. Except in my case it was mainly due to the anticipation of what was to come.

"So, who's first?" I asked innocently.

"Me!" Wailed William jumping up and down on the spot.

"Ummm 3; You two like kissing so why don't you two kiss each other and I'll see what else I can do?" I said. The thought of seeing these two beautiful boys kissing would turn me on enough that I wasn't sure I'd be able to stand it just watching, but I had other plans in mind. "You should take off your t-shirts too since it's so hot." I added.

They immediately complied and took of their t-shirts and stood facing each other. William was about four or five inches [10-13 cm] shorter than Josh, the top of his head coming to about eye leel with Josh. William had a slighter figure and his chest tapered in down to his waist whereas Josh had quite a well defined chest, small nipples and was reasonably tanned – obviously the result of many hours spent outside without a shirt on when he was playing or doing his chores around the farm. Josh pulled William to him and bent his head down, William bending his up to meet Josh's lips. They kissed tenderly at first, their mouths pressing against each others and slowly opened wider while moving their heads in small circles and their jaws opening and closing slightly. Their chests were pressed together and Josh held Williams head in one hand while caressing his back with the other. In contrast, William's arms were hanging limply at his sides as he surrendered to the sensations of being French kissed by his nine year old brother. I moved in closer until I was standing next to the two boys and stroked their heads, one in each hand. Watching this spectacle in front of me was more than I could have ever have imagined in my own head. I pulled William's head away from Josh, leaned down and kissed him on the lips, mouth open and William immediately thrust his tongue inside playing with mine. His warm breath, coming in heated pants, played over my cheek as I savoured the taste of his saliva mixed with Josh's.

I felt down his naked chest to his right nipple and started to play with it softly with my thumb and fingers while with the other hand I reached out to Josh's stomach and brushed it with the back of my hand. I moved this hand down slowly and turning it over until I felt his hard boy cock under his combat style trousers. My hand cupped his balls and I rubbed his growing prick with my thumb.

I hesitantly withdrew my head from William, our lips parting and turned to Josh. He came forward with his lips parted and held an inch [2½ cm] away from mine. His tongue pushed forward and I followed suit, our tongues touched and we played them across each others for a few seconds before pressing together. I was still fondling his now fully erect penis and balls and had moved my other hand southward over Williams chest. I had to reach down further to gently brush over his package and feel his inner thighs before moving back up and cupping his marble sized balls and growing cock. I hoped that his sack was still as tight as it had been last time I'd seen it with the seam still clearly visible running up the middle. I was now fondling two boys and kissing one of them passionately out in the open – albeit unlikely to be seen by anyone. This went beyond my wildest imaginations and I knew this was only the beginning.

Slowly I pulled away from Josh's inviting mouth, opened my eyes to see him with his eyes still closed, enjoying the attention I was applying to his cock. "I think William needs your attention again." I whispered into his ear.

He drew closer to William again and they resumed the same loving kissing as previously while I slowly knelt down in front of them, able now to better rub their packages and add additional stimulus to their already hard preteen cocks. My hand fell away from Josh as I bought them both to William'ss waist turning him slightly to face me. I inched my head closer to William'ss crotch and kissed his trousers over his prick, moving up and down the short length. I buried my face into his cock and groped his balls with one hand and felt down his bare legs and up to his inner thigh again with the other. I felt up and around to his arse cheek, inhaling deeply to smell his sweet boy scent before slowly starting to pull down on his loose fitting shorts. I lifted my head to kiss his navel and probed his belly button with my tongue.

I looked up and could see them both still kissing, Williams body turned to me and his head bent around and up towards Josh who was stroking his chest and playing with his nipples. I slipped his shorts over his waist and more of his lower navel was revealed as I looked back down, tracing his smooth skin with my tongue, inching ever closer to the pot of gold under just his thin shorts and underwear. I tucked my thumbs under the waistband of his shorts and briefs and pulled them outwards, over his hard cock. There it was. That smooth hairless boy cock that I had fantized about almost every night in plain view as I pulled his pants down further revealing his full three inches [7½ cm] of boyhood. I licked around his lower navel and the base of his short shaft not wanting to rush into it. His pants and briefs dropped to the grassy ground and were soon forgotten as I held his cock between my thumb and forefingers, kissing and licking around his mound. Turning my head, I traced the length of his cock with my tongue until I reached his swollen head, and then flicked around it before engulfing it into my mouth.

Ahhh, the sweet nectar of him filled me with lust that I could barely contain it. I sucked him into me until my face was pressed firmly against his navel and stomach, my tongue massaging his full length inside my mouth as he began to moan softly into Josh's mouth. I look up to see his eyes scrunched closed as Josh vigorously kisses him, lips wide open and tongues darting around each others soft warm mouths. Josh's eyes were wide open, looking down at me sucking off his little brother obviously extremely turned on by the sight which would explain William's red hard nipples as he pinched them between his fingers. William reached down and laid his hand on my head, pushing it away and then back down on his cock, my lips pressing back into his mound as he pushed himself fully into me again. His hips moved rhythmically back and forth as he face fucked my mouth with an expertise I wouldn't have imagined possible from a seven year old boy. He'd gotten some more training from either his father or young Josh. I suspected Josh was the likely teacher as they'd mentioned that their father didn't suck them off that often or for that long. How anyone wouldn't want to do this with these two gorgeous, beautifully young smooth hairless boys was beyond me. I took hold of his boy cock at the base and started to rub back and forth while bobbing up and down on the top half of his prick, my tongue flicking the head and piss slit as I did so. With my other hand, I turned my attention back to Josh's crotch, grabbing hold of his cock through his trousers and massaging it.

His hands dropped down and started to unbutton his trousers which fell to the floor with amazing speed. Turning my head the other way and licking William's cock from the side, I got my first look at Josh's hairless preteen cock sticking straight as an arrow out from his soft mound. His well defined chest continued down to a flat stomach and the curved abdomen muscles turning inwards towards his prize where his legs joined. His cock was about four or four and a half inches [10-11 cm] hard, cut – unlike William's but a little thicker with an almost as tight ball sack tucked up underneath. I took hold of his cock in my fist and started to pump it as I continued to suck on little William's cock, paying particular attention to his sensitive head. His moaning grew in volume and intensity as he neared his first dry orgasm of the day inside my mouth. I sucked him back as hard as I could until his entire length was once again engulfed all the way in. His face fucking of my mouth ramped up to a fervent speed and he pulled his head away from Josh and held both hands to the back of my head and pushed me into him as firmly as he could with his cock reaching the back of my tongue. I sucked him in even harder and further wanting to give him as much pleasure as I could.

"Suck it Cole!" he almost shouted. "I'm coming!"

Josh yanked William's head back around to his and covered his wide open mouth with his own, enjoying seeing his brothers pleasure and wanting to be a part of it. William's cock tensed and touched the roof of my mouth before his hips bucked and his cock started to spasm wildly, his muffled screams of pleasure emanating from around Josh's lips. I felt his cock jerk five for six times in powerful orgasmic climax before his bucking slowed and his hands released my head. I continued to suck his cock slowly and gently for a minute after, letting him relax as his boyhood softened in my mouth until I eventually withdrew and his dick plopped out wet and shiny with my saliva and giving the occasional twitch.

I looked back up at William and Josh who had stopped their kissing and saw William's beaming smile and a look of pure satisfaction spread over his face.

"That was the best one I've ever had Cole." he said as I stood up. "Thank you!"

"No problem Baby." I said as I lent in to kiss him once again. My tongue entered his mouth and played with his. I wanted him to taste his own cock fresh from my mouth. I hugged him tightly, his naked body pressed firmly into mine as I kissed him, caressing his back and sides. Josh moved in behind William and pressed himself up against his back and moving his hands in between us and started to rub my still rock hard cock. Josh's head was to the side and a little above William's shoulder as we kissed. I pulled back and switched from William's warm mouth to Josh's inviting one. Reluctantly I extracted myself from this embrace and took a step back.

"About time I got out of these clothes don't you think?" I asked with a smile. It would be the first time either of them had seen me naked and I as a little nervous at their reaction. I had never met their father and wasn't sure what they'd expect. I'm a reasonably fit guy in my late 20's, I work out almost every day onboard and although I don't have a 'six-pack', I do have well defined arm, chest and stomach muscles. I'm also not particularly hairy, just a few fine hairs on my chest that I wax off anyway, a thin strip of light hair running from my navel to my pubic hair which I keep trimmed to a number two length. I also shave my balls which is a personal preference but one I was sure that the boys would prefer over a hairy bear. Because I'd spent so much time diving and generally being outdoors during my last trip around Tahiti for seven months, I was also fairly well tanned – even my lower waist and thigh area as I visited the tanning bed to even the tan up.

I pulled off my t-shirt and threw it to the ground as William giggled a bit, his excitement and anticipation showing. Josh stepped forward and grabbed my cock and balls in his hands again, unbuttoned the top button and pulled down my zipper letting my summer trousers slide down my legs. My rock hard cock was stretching the front of my black briefs and there was a definite wet patch where I'd been leaking pre-cum. Without hesitation, Josh knelt down in front of me and yanked these down and my cock sprang out, exposing my pulsing five and a half inches [14 cm]. I wasn't big by any means, but trimming my pubic hair gave the appearance of it being bigger than it was. I liked to think of my cock as the perfect size for fucking little preteen boyholes.

Josh hungrily wrapped his lips around my cock, his tongue sliding around my head as he sank deeper onto my shaft. I'd experienced blowjobs from previous girlfriends and one guy before, but there was something extraordinary about having a prepubescent boy sucking on your cock. Being the first time having my pole sucked like a lollipop by a boy, I wasn't sure whether this was just my imagination or if it really did feel this fantastic. His warm tongue was so soft on my cock and hip lips seemed to glide over my sensitive skin that I couldn't help but to push forward with my hips, probing deeper into his mouth. It didn't take long for him to fully engulf me, my cock touching the back of his mouth but not far enough to make him gag. My hand automatically went to the top of his head and pushed it out and then back in as I slowly face fucked this adorable nine year old boy, my eyes wide open watching my cock slide in and out of his wanting mouth with his lips tightly wrapped around my shaft. I motioned for William to come closer which he did, and I pulled his head to mine and kissed him again as I moaned in absolute bliss.

"You taste so good Baby." I said to him. "I want you to suck me until I come in your mouth."

He looked up at me with those big sorrowful green eyes and nodded his head in excitement. He dropped to his knees beside his brother, just a couple inches away from Josh's slurping mouth working on my cock with increased vigour. Josh released me and directed my cock towards William's hot waiting mouth. He opened wide, his lips over his teeth as he expertly went down on my throbbing cock, his soft baby tongue cushioning the underside of my pole as his cheeks bulged out and his breath over my navel and mound sending shivers throughout my body. He took me in about half the length and started bobbing back and forth sucking my hard pulsing member as Josh dived back in, licking lower down at the base, his mouth open and sucking me from the side. Their lips continually brushed each others as they worked on my cock, stroking themselves at the same time as they knelt in from of me.

I was in paradise, watching these two from above, my cock disappearing in and out of William's mouth, Josh kissing and licking the base with his nose buried in my navel, and my pubic hairs ticking his lips and cheeks. I was so turned on by the sight and sensations that I knew I wouldn't last long before exploding into William's mouth. I started to thrust my hips gently into him, his cheeks bulging as he tried to take as much of me as he could. I was holding his head and pushed with more force at the same time pushing forward into him that he took almost my entire length before pulling back a little. I could feel him still sucking as hard as he could which drove my cock to pleasures that I'd never experienced before. I could feel the build up and tightening of my balls, the unmistakable feeling of an impending climax as I pushed back into the hot vacuum that was his mouth. Josh had one hand holding onto my balls squeezing them as he moved up my shaft to meet William's lips wrapped tightly around my cock, his mouth open and waiting for the hot sticky treat that was about to geyser out of my rock hard cock into William's mouth. I was so close to coming that I couldn't contain it any longer, no matter how hard I flexed my PC muscle to stop my ejaculation. I thrust into William's mouth and pulled his head down onto my cock so that his face was buried in my navel as I came in huge squirting gushes all over the inside of his mouth and down his throat. William did his best to swallow but some of it escaped out from around his lips and ran down his chin to drip on his chest and legs. I continued to pulse inside of him as my orgasm slowly subsided as I slowly resumed my face fucking of his mouth to let all my cum leek out of my still hard cock onto his soft tongue and to prolong the wonderful sensations for as long as possible. Josh had other ideas and pulled William's head off my cock and kissed him fully on the lips, his tongue darting inside to get a taste of my man juice. He bent down and licked it from William's check and then his attention turned back to my deflating dick. He licked my head and took it back into his mouth, his tongue swirling around the head and sucking hard on my knob while squeezing and massaging my shaft to get every drop he could. Boy, did this kid love cum or what?

"Holly shit 3; that was amazing!" I said as I panted above them. "You guys are 3; where'd you learn to suck like that?" I asked knowing the answer.

I thought there was only so much technique you can learn while natural talent made up the majority of someone's ability. These two had that in abundance.

I knelt down to them both on the grass, my hands running up one leg each as they sat back. William was hard again and Josh hadn't yet had his worked on by either of us. I held both their hard cocks in my hands and started to masturbate them slowly as they kissed again, sharing my cum between them. Josh bought his hand over mine and started to move it faster up and down on his cock. I knew he was so hot and needed to be bought to orgasm as soon as possible otherwise he'd likely explode. I let go of William and pushed Josh down by his chest so that he was lying on his back. He moved his legs around so that they were spread eagled either side of me. His cock was rock solid and his ball sack was so tight tucked up underneath. His silky white thighs just cried out to be kissed and his balls demanded to be sucked on. I lent over him and kissed his chest, moving from one to the other, biting down gently and then a little harder as my tongue flicked around his erect nipples.

He cried out in a little pain as I did so. I moved on down to his stomach and licked all around his belly button, inserting my tongue into this small cavity.

Josh obviously didn't want to wait any longer, he let go of his cock and pushed my head down to his crotch and mashed his cock into my face. I took a deep breath just then and got a wonderful, glorious whiff of his excited cock. I sank my mouth over his tight ball sack and sucked both in at the same time while rubbing his cock with both thumbs as I held him down on either side by the waist. I rolled his balls around in my mouth for a bit, enjoying the slightly sweaty taste. William was still sitting next to Josh about level with his chest jacking himself.

"Hey Baby, why don't you sit on Josh's face and let him suck you?" I said as I pulled off Josh's sack, letting his slimy balls go.

"Okay." he said.

"God yes," Josh moaned. "Let me suck you William."

William scooted over and lifted one leg over Josh's chest, settling down as he leaned forward, his legs spread wide around Josh's face with his butt sticking up into the air facing me as he glided his cock closer to Josh's mouth. Josh immediately lifted his head to take William's cock into his mouth to the hilt. He spread William's ass checks wider with his hands and I got a great view of William's puckered pink rosebud smiling back at me. Although it wasn't technically a virgin hole as Josh had fucked him at least once, he was still a virgin for a man sized cock and I wondered whether I'd get a chance to fuck him. I was sure I'd be able to fuck Josh since he'd admitted that his Dad does, but the real prize would be to push my cock into William's boy pussy, to feel how tight he'd be and to cum inside him.

I was starting to get hard again as I directed my attention back to Josh's dick an inch [2½ cm] away from my mouth. I buried my nose into his soft hairless mound, his cock pushing at the roof of my mouth as my tongue lapped at his balls that I had sucked in at the same time. I could taste the small amount of bitter sweet juice that excreted from his cock, not yet old enough to cum but he was producing the natural lubricant that slicked up my mouth and tasted so good. I swallowed the salty liquid, enjoying the sensation while increasing the speed and depth of my sucking. He was himself sucking in earnest on young William straddled over his face, his hands still spreading his ass. As I watched, Josh inched a finger to William's boyhole circling the puckered entrance before gently inserting it to the first knuckle. William's arse muscles relaxed to allow Josh's finger to penetrate him further, arching his back a little as his cock was being expertly sucked for the second time that afternoon.

Josh's legs spread further apart and he lifted his knees up, feet planted firmly on the grass next to my shoulders brining his ass up giving access to his own pink hole. I took his lead, spat on my fingers and rubbed them over his boycunt. I wondered how much lubrication was needed and decided that rimming him was the better option. I'd never done that before with anyone let along a preteen boy and wondered whether it would taste like shit or not. I slipped back a few inches from his cock, bent my head further down licking his balls as I went. My mouth was over his cunt, my nose pressed into his smooth scrotum. Sticking my tongue out I licked around his boyhole before sliding over his entrance expecting to taste shit. I was pleasantly surprised that it didn't and pushed my face into him, my tongue meeting resistance as I pushed out to penetrate his used cavern. It slipped in easily as I moved it around, depositing my saliva within. I heard Josh moaning in pleasure as I worked his cunt with my tongue. My mouth watered excessively which helped with the process of getting him as wet and slippery as possible.

Was I actually going to get to fuck him right here and now? It was more than I could have hopped for if I did.

I pulled his ass cheeks as far apart as I could, stretching his hole wide allowing me to probe deeper and slime up his cunt real good. I moved back up and plunged back onto his hard prick, sucking him again with vigour while thrusting my middle finger into his cunt all the way until my fist was pressed against his ass. I finger fucked his boy pussy as I noisily worked on his cock, slurping and smacking my lips around his immature penis. I inserted a second finger into his anus and played with his balls with my thumb, pounding in and out as I stretched his cunt wider and wider until I slipped in a third to the second knuckle. Josh groaned with delight from around William's cock rammed firmly into his mouth. I saw that Josh also had two fingers deep inside William who was thrusting his own cock in and out of Josh's mouth, audibly moaning with every breath.

I sensed that Josh was close to coming. I pushed harder with my fingers, managing push them to the hilt and move them around inside his boy cunt. I sucked his cock hard in my mouth, bobbing up and down father and faster. I felt his cock expand as he pushed his hips up into my mouth, letting one hand go from William and pushed my head further into his crotch. His cock pulsated in my mouth with a sudden gush of salty pre-cum as he climaxed. His scream of pleasure was lost in the surrounding woods and sounded like heaven to me. His ass muscles contracted around my fingers as he came in waves of pleasure, pumping his cock in and out of my willing mouth. I let him take his time, not wanting to rob him of any experience or sensation that he so well deserved. Eventually his moving stopped and I released his cock which bounced onto his navel and withdrew my fingers from his ass with a sucking sound. It remained stretched and open as he lay back exhausted and let William'ss dick slip out of his mouth.

"Hey 3;" William moaned. "I haven't come again yet!"

"Hang on William!" Josh puffed. I had to laugh at these two. Complaining that the other stops sucking his cock because he hadn't come yet was something I thought I'd never hear from kids under 10 years old. But I loved it.

"You enjoy that?" I asked from between his legs brushing his spent cock with my thumb.

"Fuck yes! Our Dad never does it as good as that, he always just wants us to suck his dick and fuck me." Looking down at me, Josh asked casually, "So, you wanna fuck me now?" he added as William scooted off him.

HOLLY SHIT! It's going to happen! "You bet." I said, my mouth still tasting of his boy juice. I slipped up his body and lay on top of him between his legs, holding myself up with my elbows. I kissed him again letting his own juices pour into his mouth as our tongues once again touched and played. I pulled back my head and held it an inch [2½ cm] away from his. "Taste that?" I asked.

"Uh huh." he moaned. "Was that mine?"

"Yeah kiddo. That's your boy juice. Tastes great don't it?" I said.

"Umm." Josh rolled over and got to his hands and knees then stood up towering over me.

"Lay down on your back Cole and finish sucking William for me okay?" He instructed.

Not sure whether he needed a break or was just going to take a piss or what, I obeyed. William was smiling again and couldn't get his cock pushed back into my mouth fast enough. My jaw was getting a little tired after having sucked them both to orgasm once already but I was willing to endure it, so long as I got to feast on William's perfect little cock again. I attacked his ball sack as he straddled me, his prick jumping around on my face as I sucked and licked his tight sack and traced the seam up the middle. With my hands I resumed the finger fucking of his boyhole that Josh had started and was surprised at how easily one finger went in. I continued probing his ass with my finger and sucking is cock as I felt Josh stepping over my waist and lowering himself down on me. His hands found my now hard again cock and held my head to the entrance of his boy cunt.

Having just had three fingers up there I knew he was well stretched and lubed to take me in. He was experienced enough to know this himself and pushed himself down on me. My head entered easily enough and continued on its journey into Josh's tight hole. With a groan, Josh pushed down harder and was sitting in my waist with my cock fully engulfed into his boy cunt. It was so hot and tight I thought I was going to cum right then, but Josh sat still for a few seconds getting used to having me inside him which was long enough for me to hold off my climax. He lifted himself up by his knees, holding onto William's waist as he straddled me for support before plunging back down, again impaling himself on my rod. I lifted my waist to meet his ass each time he pushed himself up and back down again allowing me to enter him deeper each time. I couldn't believe I was actually fucking this nine year old boy while sucking on his younger seven year old brother William at the same time, the object of all my fantasies and desires over the last seven months. It was too good to be true and I half expected to wake up from this dream at any moment.

William's face fucking of my mouth became erratic and I knew that he was nearing his second orgasm. I pushed my finger as deep as I could into his hole and inserted another to the hilt. This caused him a little pain but his pumping increased and then suddenly stopped, his mound and navel pressed firmly into my face, his cock quivering inside my mouth as my fingers were squashed together by contractions in his arse. He let out a gasp as the orgasm overwhelmed him and fell back into Josh's chest who caught him and held on tight. His crotch still pushed down onto my mouth, his cock twitching as I lapped at it inside watching Josh caress William's chest and slide his hands down to brush his sensitive mound and the base of his cock disappearing into my mouth. He felt around my lips and William's shaking soft hairless cock as it came free of my mouth. I was so close to coming inside Josh and felt the build-up of cum in my balls. I was about to shoot my load of hot sticky goo into his arse for the first time and pushed upwards with my hips at the same time he sat down fully onto me, my cock hitting his prostrate causing Josh to cry out. My cock exploded inside him in an even more intense orgasm than when I shot my load into William's mouth. My cock expanded in his boy cunt as wave after wave of cum spewed all over the insides of his glorious cavern. My hands were at his waist pulling him further down onto me, ignoring the grunts of pain emanating from above. I pulled out a little and then thrust back up pulling him lower onto me, the last jets of cum soaking his insides as my climax abated. I was sweating and my hands were clammy as I slowly opened my eyes again to see William still straddling me, his cock now slightly softer resting on my throat as he leaned back into Josh with his arms around him cuddling him from behind.

"That looked awesome dude!" Josh said from behind William. "Did I do good?"

"You have no idea how great that was kiddo." I replied as I panted for breath. "That was the best fuck I've ever had!"

Both William and Josh rolled off me, my cock slipping out of Josh's cunt and landing with a slap onto my navel. We lay there for a few minutes panting and catching our breaths again as we cooled. I thought about what had just happened and couldn't believe the scale of what I'd found in these two boys. I first met them over a year ago and was so hot for young William but I'd had to wait until seven months ago to actually work up the courage to even try to feel him up or steal the occasional quick kiss on the lips. By chance I'd had the opportunity to suck William off after he took a bath – I thought I was being so bold at the time but it turned out he had in fact seduced me into it without my even knowing. Now it turns out that these two boys had been sexed up by their father for the last three years and I could have had either one of them whenever I came to visit. At least I knew now and would absolutely be making the trip up here more often and probably for longer.

My mind was racing with the possibilities, taking them in their own beds, fucking Josh just meters away from Myles and Claire's bedroom, watching Josh fuck William like I wanted to, maybe even taking photos or filming them for my own personal pleasure while I'm away at work for months at a time. I turned my head towards William laying next to me, his naked body still shinny with sweat and kissed him lightly, my tongue brushing over his red lips.

"I think I love you Baby." I said quietly into his ear. It was even true, I did. With all my heart and soul I loved that little boy.

He smiled back and me and said, "Me too Cole."

There was a rustle as Josh got up, his limp cock hanging beautifully in front. "We'd better get going or Mom will wonder where we are." he said as he picked up his clothes from the grass.

He was right; the last thing I wanted was to explain why we'd been gone for so long. I looked at my watch and saw that almost an hour had passed since we'd left.

I got up and heaved William to his feet and we all dressed before heading back out to where we'd left the bike. The trip back took about 15 minutes and all the way Josh played with my cock again through my trousers as he held on tightly on the back seat. We arrived back at the farm just as Myles was starting up the barbeque outside for diner in an hour. The boys jumped off the bike and headed towards Myles.

"Hey guys." He called from the patio. "Enjoy the ride?"

"Yes!" they chimed in unison and then laughed at each other.

I took my time getting off the bike, adjusting my cock before I did after Josh's continued grouping on the way back.

I sat down in one of the patio chairs and chatted with Myles for a while until Claire came out with a beer for the both of us. We sat and drank and made plans for the next day to head up north to a fun park hotel where we'd stay for a couple days riding the rollercoaster's and go-cart racing and maybe even getting a round of golf in. Myles suggested that we get two rooms, one for them and Valerie and the other for me and the boys.

"Not that you'd do anything of course, but Claire just doesn't think it's right to have you in the same room as Valerie. It's just better that the boys stay with you – you know, safer for everyone."

"That's fine mate. No worries." I replied as the images of what I'd just been doing to their two boys not 30 minutes ago played around in my head. Of course they'll be safer with me.

Chapter Four
Enjoying William and his brother Josh

Finishing the last of my first beer, I placed the empty bottle back on the table where Myles and I were sat at on the patio. God I felt like a cigarette. I gave up smoking a couple years ago but after what happened with the boys today and now having a beer, I felt that same old ache as we pondered over what to do for the two nights and almost three days we were going to be at the fun park hotel. Myles and Claire had already booked the hotel and at least one day was going to be spent at the park. Myles wanted to play a round of golf but it didn't really hold that much interest for me, not wanting to waste time when I could be locked up in a hotel room with the two boys. And besides, I was crap at golf and was happy if I managed to hit my ball with a half decent swing and get it off the ground.

I hopped up and walked into the house to get another couple beers from the fridge. Myles and Claire's farmhouse was fairly large, four bedrooms and an office with open planned living areas. The kitchen had an island table leading into the dining area and lounge with two big three seated leather couches and two leather chairs. They had a rather large plasma screen on the wall with home theatre speakers spread around the room. The stairs that lead up to Myles and Claire's bedroom were wooden with aluminium railings. The three kid's rooms were downstairs along with the main bathroom and study. They kept one of the rooms spare for guests so Josh and William shared a room while Valerie had her own.

I passed the boys laying on their stomachs on the floor watching TV. They eyed me as I came in and smiled, William giggling as I rolled my eyes back at them, smiling as I did so. Only 90 minutes ago I'd come in his mouth and fucked Josh. Now here I was drinking beer with his step dad on the patio planning a mini vacation with Myles insisting that they stay in my room because Claire didn't think it appropriate that Valerie sleep in the same room as me. I couldn't help but laugh at the irony of it!

"What's funny?" William asked from the floor.

Smiling, I replied "Nothing mate. Just thinking about earlier."

A sudden look of fear showed on his face as his Mom was just a few feet away in the kitchen and could hear us talking. "What happened earlier?" She asked.

I waved a hand and shook my hand in a dismissing gesture. "Oh nothing, just William being a dick." I walked around her preparing the meat for the barbeque and opened the fridge full of salads and desert. I took two bottles and popped the lids. "You want one Claire?" I asked.

"No thanks. I'll have a wine with diner" she said. "Can you ask Myles if the barbeque it hot enough yet?"

"Sure." I replied walking back out the french doors onto the patio. The barbeque and table were slightly around the corner where it couldn't be seen from the kitchen window.

"You ready for the meat Myles?" I asked with my head sticking around the corner.

Getting an affirmative answer I relayed that back to Claire who handed me a large platter of steak, sausages and kebabs. I let Myles do the cooking while I sipped on my beer pondering the events of the day, imagining the neck of the bottle as one of the boys cocks as I drank from it. I was staying for a few days this time and wondered how many times I could be alone with the boys. I didn't think that I would be able to wait until night each day when it would be Josh, William and myself in the hotel room where I was sure we weren't going to get much sleep, but I couldn't see how I could come up with reasonable excuses to be alone with them without raising suspicions. It was hard enough just being around them in from of their parents and not being able to kiss or feel them like I wanted to.

"So where'd you go today with the boys?" Myles asked absently as the meat hissed and spat on the barbeque.

"Ahhh 3; to umm the park." I stammered as I was jolted out of my personal fantasy.

"You were gone long enough for just the park. What you do there all that time?" he enquired.

"Not much. We didn't stay long." I improvised. "The boys wanted to show me where they went to school and stuff so we rode around for a bit."

Myles nodded, seemingly satisfied. "Sorry if they're a pain but they really seem to like you. You should've seen William when we told him you were coming back up. Bloody kid couldn't stop jumping up and down like a yoyo he was so excited."

"Why?" I asked innocently.

"Beats me. I can barely stand the sight of you." He joked before turning serious. "William's been a problem the last few months. Mood swings and tantrums and throwing things around the house like you wouldn't believe. Claire's been thinking of sending him to his Dad for a while, he hasn't seen his Dad for the last couple months for various reasons." Turning to me he continued in a quieter voice so not to be overheard. "I probably shouldn't tell you this, but Claire just found out that Craig, her ex, now bats for the other team and has a boyfriend."

Looking at Myles, I tried to put on a face of shock. Of course I wasn't surprised at all since I knew his secret that he liked little boys – like me. "Really? How'd she take that?"

"Okay I guess. They've been divorced for three years so it's not like he left her for another man or anything."

"Huh." I grunted. "A guy with three kids turns gay. Go figure." I said. In my head I was thinking that William hadn't seen his Dad for a couple months and his uncharacteristic behaviour and tantrums had started at about the same time. I easily came to the conclusion that he hadn't been sexed up all that time and was acting out of frustration by not having that male intimacy he'd had with his father. I knew that he and Josh had been having sex but maybe that wasn't enough for William. Myles hadn't expressed any problems with Josh who I assumed also hadn't seen his father for the same period. It explained why they were so eager earlier today.

"So do you think their Dad will want the boys if he's got a new partner?" I asked before something else occurred to me. "Do they even know?"

"Yeah they know. I don't think they understand because they didn't really react when Claire told them their Dad has a boyfriend now."

"I'm sure they do. Kids know a lot about these things from school and other kids. Not like when we were that age and girls were the enemy. You hear of kids having sex as young as 10 years old sometimes now." I said. "They know."

"Yeah probably. It's not a bad idea if he'll have William, maybe he can knock some sense into him."

Before long, the meat was cooked and Claire had the salads ready on the kitchen island. Myles and I went back inside and rounded up the kids. We served ourselves and all went back out to sit around the table since it was still fairly warm without a single cloud in the sky. We ate and drank wine while talking about the trip the following day. I found it hard not to continuously look over at Josh and William but every now and then I would glance their way – every time they were looking at me. At one point, William had a sausage squired on his fork and held it to his mouth, opening his lips slightly and licked the end while staring back at me. I didn't hold in my laugh well enough because Claire then told William off for acting stupid. I looked down at my food still smiling and realised I needed more ketchup from the kitchen.

"Anyone need anything from the kitchen?" I asked as I got up from the table.

"No thanks."

Back in the kitchen I grabbed the bottle from the table and turned around to see William standing there. "I need some more orange juice." He said.

"Sure thing." I replied and turned back to the fridge to get it. He held out his cup and I filled it before returning the orange juice. William stood there in the kitchen looking up at me. I knew that from here we were out of sight of the others at the table so I bent down to him and whispered in his ear. "I want to suck your cock again Baby. Can you stay awake until everyone goes to bed and come to my room?" I asked.

"Yeah." He replied with a huge grin spreading from cheek to cheek.

"Good." I said. "I can't wait." I pressed my lips to his and brushed my palm over his crotch feeling his little soft bulge of his cock and balls. I loved the feel of his perfect little package under my hand as I caressed and rubbed it through the same thin shorts he'd been wearing all day. My other hand slipped around his waist and lowered to his soft round buttocks squeezing them and running my hand up and down his crack with one finger pressed in between the two mounds and over his little hole. I entered his mouth and our tongues danced as I wondered when I'd get to fuck his little by cunt. I wanted so badly to pick him up, throw him down on the sofa, lift his legs to his chest, ram my cock so deep into him and pound his arse until I came inside him squirting my juice into his bowels. I was getting turned on again so after a fleeting few seconds I pulled back and kissed his cheeks and forehead, tussling his mousey blonde hair.

"Better get back eh Baby?" I said. He looked down at my groin and grinned. I looked down as well. "Oh fuck me!" My boner was clearly visible and there was a small wet patch at the front of my trousers. William giggled as he turned to head back outside. I adjusted my cock and pulled my t-shirt down to cover up the spot. As I was sitting down again at the table, Josh was giving both William and I knowing looks. I thought about how I'd fucked him that afternoon, him straddling my cock while I sucked William off as he sat on my face. I hadn't been able to see my cock in his arse, stretching his hole as he moved up and down on top of me nor his face as he plunged down, burrowing my prick deep into his cavity. I longed to see the look in his face as I fucked his cunt and to watch my shaft slide back and forth, disappearing into his boy pussy, our two bodies jointed as I pumped in and out of him. I winked at Josh who smiled back as we continued to enjoy the good food.

Once diner was finished and the dishes cleared away, Claire went out to check on the cattle taking Valerie with her. Myles and I and the two boys settled down in the living room to watch TV for a bit, Myles on one of the side chairs while I sat in the corner of one of the couches. William was the first to jump up next to me snuggling his back into my side and chest. I put my arm around his shoulder and stroked his stomach. I wasn't wearing shoes so I lifted my right leg up onto the couch to hide most of William's lower body from Myles' sight. Josh had sat himself down next to William but now moved positions, laying flat on his stomach over the couch with his legs sticking out over the armrest on the other end. This bought his head to William's waist but his own butt was too far away for me to reach. I continued to rub William's stomach and moved up to his chest as I watched the TV show, glancing down once in a while at what Josh was doing. He had leant his chin on William's thigh and was watching TV, seemingly uninterested in my caressing of young William.

This went on for a couple minutes before William lifted his hand from between us and stroked my thigh, moving up towards my groin. It was difficult for him to get a good hold as I had my leg up on the couch so after a few seconds of trying he gave up. Myles was turned away in the chair with his back slightly towards us, so unless he swivelled around to look back at us there was only a small chance of being seen. A part of the thrill for me was to be doing this just a few feet away from Myles with a chance of being caught out, but ones mind doesn't always calculate the risks at times like this. I slowly moved my hand down William's chest stopping to press my finger into his belly button briefly before moving further south over his shorts and onto his semi hard cock, rubbing it with the top of my fingers. I moved my hand down further still and pressed my fingers into his soft balls and played with his cock with my thumb. Josh looked away from the TV at my hand fondling young William then at Myles and back to my hand before looking up at me and William and smiled.

I glanced at Myles who was engrossed in the TV program and decided I'd take the risk. If he did look around, William's waist was hidden from view and I could extract my hand in a second if needed. I slipped my hand up and under William's shorts easily and lifting his briefs, I inched my way down to his hardening three inch [7½ cm] dick. I grabbed it gently in two fingers and thumb and slowly massaged it under his shorts while nuzzling his hair and breathing in his delicious aroma. I could see the outline of my hand as I groped and fondled him with Josh's attention firmly locked on what I was doing to his brother. Josh shifted his waist, lifting his crotch off the couch slightly as he used one hand to adjust himself before settling back down; moving his hips slightly as he slowly and quietly humped the couch watching with fascination. With this free hand that wasn't pinned under him, he stroked William's silky smooth thigh with his chin and cheek still resting on William's upper leg. I could feel William getting harder due to my fondling of his cock so I gently took hold of his dick and pulled back his skin, moving back and forth in rhythmic motions jacking his immature smooth preteen boyhood. God how I wished this moment would last forever and that I could live here with these two boys, sucking and fucking them whenever I wanted.

Unfortunately at that moment I heard the quad bike pull up outside signalling Claire and Valerie's return. Reluctantly I removed my hand from William's cock and slipped my hand back out of his shorts pulling his t-shirt down again to cover his crotch. Josh did the same and removed his hand from William's thigh and returned his attention back to the television. William grunted in annoyance obviously enjoying the pleasure Josh and I were giving him. "Later." I whispered into his hair reminding him of our secret plan once everyone had gone to bed.

Claire came into the lounge, took one look at the three of us on the couch and a look of exasperation crossed her face. "Boys, get off Cole. He doesn't need you climbing all over him all day." She said as Valerie plonked herself down on the spare chair to watch TV.

"Awww Mom, it's comfy." Josh muttered.

"It's fine Claire." I said in as casual tone as I could manage. "I don't mind."

Claire gave me a 'Are you nuts? They're a pain in the arse' look. "Anyway, it's time they got their baths. Josh, you're first." She said. "Now mister!" she added after a couple seconds when neither of them moved.

Josh got up slowly and headed off to the bathroom down the hall. I heard the water start as he came back out, opened the linen cupboard and took out a towel before heading back in. After his humping of the couch I suspected that he'd jack off while in there and wished I could go offer some help. Of course I couldn't. Could you imagine the reaction from Claire and Myles if I got up and said "I'm just going to see if Josh needs a hand in there." But it would be kind of funny to see.

William obviously had the same thought, or at least wanted to cum again after I'd fondled him and having to stop before he did.

"Mom, can I go in with Josh?" He asked. I thought that might seem an odd request from two bothers to a mother who didn't know what I knew about them. However, she didn't seem phased by the question obviously having been asked or being used to the fact that they bathed together regularly.

"Okay, just ask Josh if it's alright first." She said as she sat down at the dinning table with a folder of papers to read. William hopped up and almost ran to the bathroom door and opened it without knocking. I heard some mumbled talking and William shouted out down the hallway.

"He said its okay Mom." He yelled back before disappearing inside and closing the door. Lucky little shits! I thought as I imagined what they were doing for the next 20 minutes they were in there.

Finally Claire walked to the hallway and shouted, "Time you two got out."

"Coming." I heard Josh yell back. I bet, I thought as I imagined William on his knees sucking Josh or bent over the bath with Josh's cock rammed up his boy cunt being fucked by his nine year old brother. My own cock was leaking pre-cum as the images played around in my head. A few minutes later, the boys came back out wrapped in towels around their waist and headed for their bedroom, their hair still damp and clinging to their foreheads and necks. From behind I admired their beauty; Josh's broad shoulders and slim waist and William's shorter body with a little more baby fat curving down to his bubble butt hidden under the towel. Both were well tanned from their waists up and their hair was slightly darker than the normal light brown – almost blonde color it usually was. They disappeared into their room and emerged again a minute later wearing their pyjamas and hopped back up onto the couch next to me, but this time Josh sat next to me so that our shoulders were touching. I turned to him and whispered quietly, "You enjoy that in there?"

He looked up at me and smiled. "Uh huh." he murmured nodding his head.

The night dragged on. Claire sent the boys to bed, each giving us all a kiss goodnight before heading down to their room. Since Claire, Myles and Valerie were all watching I could only give them the expected brief light kiss on the lips before they headed off. I couldn't remind William about trying to stay awake and just hoped that he'd be able to otherwise I'd have to settle for a quick lonely wank by myself knowing what I could have been having instead. A little later, around 9pm Valerie was also sent off to bed and Claire announced that she was beat and needed some sleep leaving only Myles and I in the living room. We chatted for a bit about each others work, life and other things that you do. He got up and retrieved a couple bottles from the fridge handing one to me.

Seemed he wasn't tired and wouldn't be going to bed for a while. The next hour and a half was pure agony for me, knowing that every minute that went by William could drift off to sleep. He probably already was. Eventually at about 11pm I'd finally had enough and told Myles I was going to bed. He did the rounds making sure the doors were locked, lights turned off and the windows closed before heading upstairs. I was in the spare room next to the study. It was a good sized room with a chest of drawers, two side tables and lamps either side of a queen sized double bed. I sat there for a while listening to the sounds of the house, wondering if William was awake or not and how long he'd wait before coming into my room. I stripped down and rummaged through my bag to retrieve a fresh pair of briefs and changed into them. I also took out something else that I'd bought with me – something I'd hoped but hadn't really expected to use or need. Just in case you know? It was a skin colored five inch [12½ cm] slim plastic vibrator roughly the same length as my own cock and only a little thinner. I'd bought while overseas and used it a couple times in my own ass while jacking myself off but normally didn't particularly enjoy the feeling. Not that it hurt, it was just that I didn't get any pleasure out of doing it. Maybe I was doing it wrong or something – who knew. I also took out my small bottle of lube hoping that I'd get to smear it over and inside William's tight hole that I so desperately wanted to fuck.

I hid the vibrator under the pillow and placed the bottle of lube on the bedside table. Before slipping under the covers I opened the bedroom door slightly and peeked out. The boy's door was still closed at the far end of the hallway. Again, I wondered if William was still awake and whether I should go into their room to see. I decided to wait a little longer and got into bed. I was laying on my back and picked up my book to read, the light spilling out to the hallway, a clear sign I was awake and waiting for William should he sneak out of his room. I couldn't concentrate on the book and kept rereading the same lines over and over again until I put it down in frustration. I looked at my watch on the bed stand; 11:41pm.

Fucking hell! He's not coming! My cock was hard with anticipation and leaking over my clean briefs. I'd wanted to be fresh for William but that wasn't working out too well. I wrung my hands together as I decided to go see for myself whether he was asleep or not. Fuck it, even if he was I'd wake him up.

I got up and pulled on my tracksuit pants and a t-shirt before creeping out of the room and down the hallway. I listened at the door for a second without hearing anything. Slowly I turned the handle and inched it open a crack to peak inside. I'd been in their room many times before during the day and knew that Josh slept about three meters [10 ft] in front against the wall, his feet pointing at the door while William's bed was to the left about two meters [6 ft] away. Their room was large for a kids room, but since there were two of them, Claire and Myles had given them the biggest room downstairs. It was about five meters [15 ft] square, waist high drawers for both boys which were usually left open with clothes half in half out over the sides. Posters of racing cars and aeroplanes filled the walls and model cars dotted the table tops.

My eyes adjusted to the dark and I could see their forms under the covers of their beds. Josh was laying on his stomach, his head resting on his arm under the pillow with the sheets half way down his back. I stepped inside and turned to William's bed, kneeling at the headboard. William was on his back, head turned towards the wall breathing softly. The bed covers had been twisted around and one corner had been pulled up to his chest that he hugged to himself deep in sleep. It was obvious he'd been tossing and turning – possibly in a vein attempt to stay awake. As my eyes became used to the dark, more of his body became visible. The top two buttons of his pyjama top were undone showing his neck and part of his tanned chest. I brushed his hair from his face and gently turned it towards me and tickled his chest softly with one finger.

"William." I whispered into his hear. He moaned softly in his sleep. "William." I said again a little louder.

"W-What?" He asked groggily.

"William, wake up. It's Cole." I kissed him lightly on his parted lips.

His eyes opened as he woke to the realisation that he'd fallen asleep dawning on him.

"Cole 3; I fell asleep." He said as he knuckled the sleep from his eyes.

"It's okay Baby. You wanna get up and come to my room?" I asked knowing the answer. He stretched in his bed, lifting his chest as he worked the sleep from his shoulders.

"Yeah." He said yawning. I quietly pulled back the covers from his waist as he rolled over and swung his legs over the side of the bed planting them on the floor. I stood up and helped him to his feet placing one finger over my mouth telling him to be quiet. I didn't want to wake Josh because I was so hungry for young William and didn't want to share my attention between them. There would be plenty of time for that over the next couple of days. I wanted to be alone with William, to caress him and show him all the pleasures I could possibly give him. I picked him up in my arms, his legs automatically wrapping around my waist as I carried him from his room, closing the door behind us. The dim light from my room guided me as I held William close to me, my face and mouth just a couple inches away from his. I backed into my room and pushed the door shut with my foot.

Finally I had William alone in private, both of us wanting exactly the same thing – at least he would once he woke up properly. "Sorry to wake you up Baby, but I really needed you and wanted to give you the good feelings again."

"I tried to stay awake Cole but it was sooo long!" he replied sleepily.

"I know." I said, my voice full of lust and desire for this seven year old boy in my arms. "Can I kiss you?" I asked hoping that would wake him up a little. He nodded his head as he murmured a soft "Yeah."

I lent in and slowly kissed his bottom lip. No open mouths or tongue, just my wet lips gently kissing his three or four times as I savoured the feeling of his soft skin and the taste of his warm mouth on mine. Very gently I pushed in and parted my mouth a little, extending my tongue to brush over his lips. He responded by opening his own mouth, allowing my tongue to enter and delicately explore his own soft wet tongue. I could feel his heartbeat against my chest getting faster as he grew more excited. We were kissing open mouthed now, our lips working in unison with each other and our tongues playing like porch chimes caught in the wind, the same magical music enveloping us as our saliva mixed in our mouths. I moved us both over to the foot of the bed, still holding on to each other and William's legs wrapped around me, our lips locked together as we lovingly caressed each others mouths. I really don't know what it is about a boys' mouth at this age. So soft and tender that it's almost unbearable, their sweet taste and perfect baby skin – I can't compare it to anything in the world.

I lowered William to the bed, his bum on the edge and I lent over him, pushing him onto his back with my mouth pressed into his. I was bent over him between his spread legs, my weight on one arm as we parted, his breath coming in gasps. "You taste so hot William, I love kissing you." I whispered above him.

"Me too Cole." He replied in his little boy voice. "You and Josh both kiss the same."

"Really?" I was surprised to hear that as I thought that Josh was more vigorous than I was.

"Yeah, you both let me kiss you the same way and put my tongue in your mouths. Dad doesn't let me do that and you kiss me for longer too."

"I'm happy you like it Baby 'cos I like it too when you kiss me the same way." I lifted myself up a bit and knelt on the end of the bed.

"Scoot up a little so your knees bend over the bed okay?" I asked.

He lifted himself up and shifted back on the bed, his legs bent at the knees over the edge as I moved up on top of him straddling his upper legs. His hands rested on my knees as I bent down again to meet his mouth. His tongue lapped at my lips as he traced around them, the back of my hand stroking his smooth cheek. Moving my head away and down, I licked and sucked on his neck and throat as he stretched his head back and turning it to one side. I lifted up caressing his body, one hand on his side moving up to his armpit and the other rubbing his chest through his pyjama top. Both hands moved together to his buttons and slowly work their way down, undoing them as I went. His top spread open to reveal his bare nicely tanned boy chest, his ribs showing slightly and the normal baby fat caving into his stomach showing off his flat tummy. I moved my hands back down to his sides and glided them up pushing his arms above his head bringing mine lower down to continue to suckle at his smooth hairless chest. I slid my legs back off the bed and onto the floor pulling his body back with me a bit by the waist. My tongue traced circles around his nipple as he moaned in pleasure above me. I took one of them between my teeth and bit down ever so gently as I sucked it, one hand now sliding down his waist to his upper leg and thigh. I moved to the other nipple and gave it the same treatment as I slowly inched my hand over his soft cock and balls, feeling his semi erect dick through his pyjamas. There was very little fabric and I got the distinct impression that he wasn't wearing underwear. Licking and sucking down to his stomach I held onto his cock with my fingers and thumb, rubbing it through the thin material savouring every inch of his beautiful body, which was like putty in my hands.

Descending, my mouth sucked and licked at his belly button and hairless navel before moving over his pyjamas and onto his now almost hard cock. I kissed the fabric and held his cock between my lips, fondling his little marble balls as I soaked his pants with my saliva. I pulled on his pants and as they lowered, more of his hairless navel and his soft boy mound were revealed. My mouth went back up to lick and kiss his him there, his little prick lifting with his pants as they came down lower still until the elastic waistband was held at the base of his shaft. I licked at his mound and around his cock, lifting his pyjamas down over his swollen boyhood, his small pink organ pulsing on top of his three inch [7½ cm] cock. It slapped back down onto his navel as I looked up at him smiling.

"You weren't wearing underwear William." I said. "Did you leave them off just for me?" I asked.

"Uh huh." He replied. "I thought you'd like it and it feels better."

I moved down to his balls, sucking them into my mouth having to stretch his pyjama pants down at the front to gain access. They were tight around his legs and restricted movement so I had to sit up and pull his pyjama bottoms down and off and dove back into his smooth hairless sack tightly tucked under his prick, spreading his silky smooth legs wide with my hands.

William was breathing heavily above me as I traced my tongue up his short pole and flicked it over his head, my lips engulfing it and pulling it back towards me and sliding down his shaft to the hilt. My mouth vacuumed onto him as I sucked him hard, my tongue pressed firmly to the bottom of his cock as I pulled my head back holding onto the base to keep his skin tight. "Ummmm 3; Cole. Yeah, that's good." He cooed with his eyes closed and hands behind his head. I caressed his stomach and thighs as I continued to suck on his member, letting it slide in and out of my mouth; my saliva covering it with a sheen and dripping down the sides between his balls. Turning my head, I directed his cock to the side of my mouth, letting it poke my cheek out as I slurped up and down his shaft. I felt William move above me, his head up and lustful eyes watching me devour his prepubescent hairless cock. He moved his hand down to my head and pushed it into his crotch, lifting his hips to meet my lips as he started to fuck my mouth in short eager thrusts.

His quiet moaning from the back of his throat turned me on and my own cock was raging inside my tracksuit pants. I didn't want to cum and knew that if I touched myself now I probably would, so I kept my hands on William, helping him lift his hips as he pushed in and out of my sucking mouth. I also didn't want William to climax yet as I had other plans to make this last and to perhaps broach the prospect of fucking his tight little preteen ass. Before his fucking of my mouth started to speed signalling that he was close to orgasm, I reluctantly pulled off him, letting his hard cock slip from between my lips. He thought he'd just pulled back too far and aimed his cock back at my mouth expecting me to take him back in.

"Hey, not so fast Baby. We want this to last. Besides, It'd be better if I didn't have all these clothes on don't you think?" I said.

"Huh?" he sighed. "But 3; I want to cum now Cole!" He begged using the adult word for his dry orgasms.

"You will Baby, in a bit." I said as I stood up and looked down at him laying there with his hard cock on his navel glistening with my spit and pulsing with his heartbeat. I hated to do that to him, stopping when he was almost there and begging for me to suck him just a little bit more until he climaxed in my mouth.

"Why don't you suck me for a bit then I'll suck you again eh?" I asked as I took off my t-shirt and pulled him back up to a sitting position at the end of the bed with me standing in font of him, my cock rock solid contained under my trousers. I pushed them down past my waist and let them drop to the floor, William's eager eyes fixed on the bulge of my balls and hard shaft straining at the seams of my briefs. His own near orgasm fading, his hands reached out to grasp it as his head moved in and nuzzled my cock. I pushed my hips into his face and pressed his head into me as I moaned in pleasure.

I didn't want his caressing to stop but I wanted my cock in his mouth even more. I slipped my briefs down around my arse as he pulled away to let my prick spring free. They dropped to the floor along with my trousers and I stepped out of them, returning back to face William, his eyes glued to my neatly trimmed and shaved cock and balls, grasping my shaft in one hand as he moved in to pleasure me. His soft wet mouth kissed my throbbing head as he tasted the river of pre-cum oozing out, smearing over his lips. My cock was sensitive to his every touch, every movement of his deliciously soft probing tongue flicking around over my head as he engulfed my cock into his hot little mouth. William was sucking me in and out like an expert, never scrapping it along his teeth and applying pressure with his tongue, his cheeks hollowed in as he moved down my shaft taking more of me into him than he had earlier that day. He had my balls in one hand, gently fondling and squeezing them as he worked on my cock, his head bobbing back and forth with faint slurping sounds as I pushed into him.

His eyes were open, transfixed on my prick as he massaged the base of my shaft with his hand, his lips wrapped around my penetrating cock as I slowly fucked his warm supple mouth. William pulled back for breath and looked up at me, a string of my salty pre-cum stretched from his lip to my swollen head. He lapped at it with his tongue as I watched and lowered his mouth back onto my cock, his eyes looking up at me as he did.

"Oh God William, that's so good Baby!" I groaned, watching this seven year old preteen boy eat my meat and enjoying it. He moved his head down into my slick shaft, covered with his saliva until his nose was pressed into my short pubic hair. He held his head there a few moments, my cock fully in his mouth as I watched amazed that he was able to take me in. His hand ran through over my pubic hair, playing and pulling on them gently before pulling back out so just my head was still in his mouth. His tongue flicked around my head and over my piss slit before gliding back down again. His hand went to his own little hard cock and he started to massage himself. I could see his fist grasped around the small pole as he twisted his head from side to side while he continued to bob up and down on my cock. My hands ran over his head and cheeks, caressing his soft smooth skin, one working its way down to his shoulder and arm and the other pressing his head down into my crotch as he blew me. I could feel his warm breath getting heavier and it tickled my navel causing small goose pimples to appear. I thought maybe he was jacking himself and was about to orgasm so I lifted his arm to pull his hand way from his cock. He resisted and continued to massage himself vigorously. I cold feel myself heating up and knew that it would be only another couple minutes before I shot my load into his sweet mouth.

With great reluctance I pushed his head back and withdrew my cock from his mouth. "I don't wanna cum in your mouth Baby." I breathed. "I wanna cum somewhere else okay?"

He licked his lips, lapping at the remains of my juice while still masturbating himself. "You mean in my bum?" He asked.

"Maybe but you'll just have to wait and see. Is that what Josh did to you tonight in the bathroom?" I asked hoping the answer would be yes.

"Uh huh." he replied. Good, I thought. He'd be at least a little stretched for me and it wasn't anything new for him. Looking down at his crotch and his cock in his hand I asked "How about I help you with that eh?"

He nodded his head. "Yes please Cole."

He smiled his cute boy smile at me as I climbed onto the bed and tuned on my back, my head resting on the pillow with the vibrator hidden beneath.

"Come up here then and sit on my face Baby." I asked. He immediately complied and straddled my chest, his legs spread wide over my face, his hard boy cock poking down at my mouth and tight ball sack tucked up underneath. My hands went to his ass and pulled his cheeks apart and I feasted on his nuts, tonguing and sucking them. I didn't want him to cum too quickly before I'd had a chance to lube his hole and stretch is cunt as wide as I could with the vibrator. I really wanted to fuck his little boy pussy and this was the first opportunity I'd had and I wasn't going to let it slip away. I reached out and grabbed the lube from the table, keeping my mouth buried into his sack.

"Suck me Cole." William said above me. I ignored his pleading and squirted a large amount of slimy substance on my fingers behind his back. I did this by feel as I couldn't see what I was doing having my face pressed up into his scrotum, licking and sucking on his balls and lower shaft of his cock. Having greased up my fingers, I moved them back to his butt, again spreading his cheeks apart and felt around his puckered anus smearing the lube all around it. Boldly, I inserted two fingers into him which slid in with just a little force. He moaned above me as I slowly moved them in and out of his hole greasing him up. I poured on more lube to my fingers and continued to finger fuck his tight arse as I slipped my hand under the pillow to retrieve the vibrator. I didn't want William seeing so I moved my head up and wrapped my mouth around his little cock. It had the desired effect; he closed his eyes and turned his head up. I pulled the vibrator out and quickly moved it around onto my stomach behind his back.

While sucking hard on his cock, William started to push his hips into my face, his cock sliding in and out of my mouth as he began to fuck my face. I quickly smeared lube all over the vibrator and held his hole open with one hand. I directed the five inch [12½ cm] probe to his opening. At the touch of the vibrator to his cunt, William sensed it was different and tried to turn to see what I was doing. He couldn't see behind him and he turned back to me with a questioning look on his face.

I pulled my mouth back from his hard prick, now shinny with my saliva. "It's okay Baby. You'll like it." I said. His trusting look told me it was okay. "Push out a bit like you're going for a shit." I instructed.

I applied a little pressure to the vibrator that was touching his slightly opened hole after my finger fucking. The blunt end of the smooth shaft entered his boy cunt as he pushed out allowing entry of the foreign object. He moaned as he pushed his immature cock back into my vacuumed mouth. I moved my head back and forth over his cock slowly while at the same time exerting more pressure on the vibrator, inserting it deeper into his cavity, the lips of his cunt stretching wider to accommodate it as it slide into him.

This was fucking working! I thought silently to myself and felt my own cock become harder to the point that it was uncomfortable. I needed to fuck William's tight little hole and shoot my load inside of him soon otherwise I'd waste this chance and cum over my stomach.

I pushed harder at the end of the vibrator and it slid in further, almost to the hilt as I withdrew it and started inserting it again this time with more ease. His cunt was slick and slimy with the lube and I began to slowly move it in and out of his arse going deeper and deeper with each stroke. It surprised me when William started to fuck my face again with the vibrator shoved up his hole; he pushed back onto it causing it to sink deeper into him and then pushing back into my face, fucking my mouth at the same time.

"Yeah Cole, that feels so good!" he sang from above. I now had the vibrator buried into his boy cunt to the hilt knowing that he would be able to take me when I fucked him. I pressed down on the end of the vibrator turning it on.

"Ahhhhh 3; fuck!" William exclaimed quietly as his thrusts into my mouth intensified and he leant over me further, his legs spreading wider apart over me stretching the lips of his cunt further still. I tilted and twisted the vibrator in his hole as it jiggled around inside him, sending waves of pleasure up his entire body as I sucked his cock all the way into my mouth. His breath came in short pants, coming in unison with his quick thrusts in and out of my willing mouth as he neared orgasm. I knew this one would be pretty intense and spectacular with the vibrator working on his prostrate and hopefully massaging his G spot deep in his anus.

"Cole 3; It's happening." he moaned loudly as he held my head down with both hands and fucked my mouth deeply, pushing his navel firmly into my nose and holding it there.

I felt his cock spasm wildly and jerk around in my mouth. I held it in place with my tongue and sucked on it as hard as I could with my eyes open watching his face, his whole body shaking with pleasure above me. His eyes were squeezed shut and his teeth were clamped down as his quivering boy voice let out a guttural sound that lingered in the room. Spasm after spasm racked his body as he dry-cumed into my mouth, a buzzing vibrator shoved deeply up his boy cunt as his moaning subsided and his cock slowed it's pulsing as he recovered from intense feelings he'd never experienced before.

Slowly, his eyes opened and looked down at me, a huge grin on his face that turned into a pleasurable desiring laugh.

"Holly shit." He sighed. I pulled my head back to rest on the pillow as his still hard hairless cock slid from between my lips, and slowly extracted the vibrator from his stretched hole. "What the fuck was that Cole? I've never felt one like that before!"

"That was your G-spot Baby. It's deep in your bum but feels really good when someone fucks you and you cum." I answered.

William looked a little confused as he asked, "But Josh has fucked me and I came but that never happened before."

"Josh probably isn't big enough Baby. It's only when you get fucked by a man cock that can reach it." I explained.

"Oh." he said as he slid his waist down and lay on top of me, his head coming to mine as he kissed me again on the lips. "Thank you Cole."

I kissed his sweet lips and answered. "Its okay baby, but I think you should feel a real man cock up your cunt eh?" My voice quivered in anticipation.

"Okay." he said.

I turned him over onto his back and slid down his body, kissing and licking as I did so. I slid his cock into my mouth for a few seconds before sitting up, kneeling between his legs.

"Turn over onto you hands and knees." I instructed. He did so and there was his milky white bubble but, his legs spread apart showing his now stretched cunt just waiting for me to fuck. I slid my hands over his cheeks, my thumbs gliding up his crack to linger on his opening and spread it apart and I shuffled closer into him. His slim waist and back cried out for attention and I bent over and kissed and licked his sweaty skin from his shoulder blades to as low down as I could go. My cock rested in his crack as I smeared more lube over my raging hard cock and I directed this to his hot little hole, my head at his entrance as I pushed in.

I was actually going to fuck him right here, right the fuck now! I couldn't fucking believe it! Only in my wildest fantasies did I think that I'd ever have my cock penetrating the boy cunt of a beautiful horney seven year old imp, wanting nothing more than to have my prick buried deep inside him.

I pushed in easily and my head disappeared from view between his cunt lips, my slick shaft entering him. I was a little thicker than the vibrator, but William took me in easily. I was now half way into him when I told him to lay his head and chest on the bed, keeping his arse in the air. I caressed his cheeks and held onto his waist as I buried my cock into his hot cavity.

God he was so tight, I thought as my cock being squeezed by his arse muscles as it probed deeper into him. My balls pressed up against his cheeks as I entered him to the hilt, the base of my shaft at his entrance. I began to pull out half way and then forced myself back inside and the out again. My slow rhythmic motions spread the lube around my cock as I slowly fucked him from behind, my shaft sliding in and out between his lips.

"That feel good baby?" I asked him. I heard a muffled 'Yes' from his face buried in the pillow. "You feel so hot and tight William. I love your boy cunt darling."

Talking dirty to him turned me on and it obviously had the same effect on him. His arse pushed back onto my cock as I fucked him a little faster now with muffled grunts of pain coming from between his head and the pillow. My balls were swinging underneath my cock as I rocked back and forth trying to be as gentle as I could while my lust for him urged me on. My cock slid easily in and out of his tight cunt while I held onto his waist and pulled him to me with each thrust reaching as far into him as I could. I lent back and watched my cock slide in and out between his stretched lips, marvelling at the sight I never thought I'd see. It made me so hot that I wanted to see William's face and watch him as I fucked his arse.

I pulled out and told him to lay on his back. I lifted his legs into the air and up to his chest and then spread them wide to either side as I moved in closer to his hole again. He was looking down his body as my cock once again sank deeply into him with him watching in fascination as his arse was abused, stretched and fucked by my hungry thrusting cock. He grabbed his own cocklet in his fist and started to masturbate again as he watched me fuck him. I moved my arms in front of his legs and beside his chest and lent over him, my thrusting causing his whole body to move up and down on the bed. My head was a few inches from his.

"Massage my cock with you arse muscles baby." Immediately I felt them clenching down on my cock as I slide in and out of his wet boy pussy. My pre-cum juices were flowing and mixing with the vast amounts of lube slicking up his tunnel and allowing me to fuck him harder and faster than before. His mouth was open and he held his breath, concentrating on not crying out at my intrusion.

My balls were slapping against his buttocks with each thrust, my head held high in ecstasy as I lent over William's supple body, fucking his boy cunt with everything I had. I wanted to scream out in pleasure but clamped my mouth shut and clenched my teeth together, moaning in delight. William was still jacking wildly as his own pecker again which was rock solid. At the back of my mind I envied the ability little boys have of becoming aroused and ready again after such a short time. He had one hand wrapped around his cock and the other sliding down past his sack to his hole and felt my own cock as it quickly glided in and out of him.

His head was pushed back into the pillow and I could see his gloriously exposed next and throat. I lent further down to nuzzle in there, kissing and sucking at his throat forcing my cock even deeper into him. He moaned as I hit finally resistance, having reached his prostrate and getting as far into him as humanly possible. I bit down into his throat and sucked him hard and I pounded into him again and again. Suddenly he clamped down on my cock in his ass and his whole body shook under me. I moved up and covered his mouth with my own to muffle the cry of pleasure as he orgasmed again after only six or seven minutes.

It was powerful! He pushed his arse into my crotch forcing my cock deeper into him, his fist pounding his own cock and feeling around his stretched cunt lips, brushing my cock as it slammed into him again and again. My tongue darted around his mouth as I bent my head down to his, feeling the strain in my neck as I kissed him deeply throughout his orgasm.

My own cock was ready to explode after his climax and the intense tightening of his cunt. I thrust in again and again, the bed starting to creak with our movements until I felt that familiar build up of pressure and sensation of hot gooey liquid shooting up my cock. I pushed into William's cunt forcefully causing him to cry out as an intense orgasm racked my body. My cock pulsed once, then twice inside William before shooting what felt the entire Atlantic ocean into him. Pulse after pulse of pleasure electrified my body as my cock jerked and twitched deep in William's cavity. I could feel my semen sliding out of his ass around my shaft still buried to the hilt and down his cheeks as I recovered from probably the best fuck I'd ever had in my life. I'd thought that earlier today when I fucked Josh but this was something entirely different. William's flushed and sweaty perfect angelic face glowed with satisfaction and he breathed heavily below me and smiled.

"God I love you baby." I said to him as I slowly pulled my cock from his arse and lent down to kiss him again on his salty tasting mouth. I laid on him, taking my weight in my elbows and we kissed passionately and deeply for a minute, our tongues playing once again.

"That was awesome William. You're so hot I could just do this all day." I said as our lips parted.

"Do you like me better than Josh?" He asked breathlessly. "I think Dad likes Josh better because he can fuck him."

I figured that William was very insecure about whether people liked him, especially his father and I for some odd reason. It was probably true from what I'd heard of Craig from the boys, he sounded like he didn't really care much for their enjoyment when he sexed them up, just wanted them to suck him and then he'd fuck Josh leaving William alone most of the time.

"I love you William. I don't love Josh. He's nice and I like being with you both, but you're my favourite, nobody else." I replied. "And besides, I we just had sex so that means it's true."

I rolled onto my side beside him and stroked his chest as we lightly kissed each other. He seemed satisfied with my answer that I loved him and that he meant the world to me.

Our naked bodies cooled as the sweat evaporation into the air as we continued to brush our lips over each others, enjoying just being close to one another. I caressed his chest and rubbed his nipples with my fingers slowly. I looked across at his open eyes and saw the love and affection he held for me within his heart. I couldn't help smiling at him as I looked down his neck, and saw to my surprise a red welt on his throat where I'd bitten and sucked on it. My eyes widened as I thought of the consequences. Myles and Claire would undoubtedly question how he'd gotten it and I couldn't think of a reasonable explanation straight away. In what I thought was a flash of brilliance, I told William about it.

"Baby, you've got a hickey on your neck where I sucked it." His hand went to his throat to feel around.

"Where?" I touched his neck at the spot and his hand met mine over it. "I don't feel anything." He said.

"You won't, they don't hurt but your Mom and Myles will see it and ask you what happened." I told him.

"Oh shit!" He whispered.

I smiled at him and assured him it would be okay. "Just tell them it happened earlier today when you were helping Myles with the fence. A corner of a piece of wood hit you there okay? They should believe that"

"Yeah okay." He said as he relaxed once again.

After a while we got sleepy and I figured it was time for William to head back to his own room to get some sleep.

"But I want to sleep here with you Cole." He pleaded.

After a half hearted objection that it wasn't a good idea, that his parents might come down and find him missing from his bed and go looking for him, I gave in and we settled under the covers. William had his back to me as I spooned into him, our legs intertwined and one arm around his body nestled under his armpit. He held onto my arm with both of his as I softly kissed the back of his neck and breathed in his delicious boy scent as I drifted off to sleep.

My mind was still playing over what had happened even in my sleep and I had some of the most erotic dreams I've ever had in my life, but nothing could compare to the real thing laying beside me in bed. I thought I was still dreaming as I felt the covers shift over me. Through my closed eyes I could tell it was morning with the light shinning into the room. I heard a muffled sigh next to me and I opened my eyes a crack to see William on his back, the sheets down past his waist exposing his naked body and Josh kneeling on the floor beside him sucking his little cock into his mouth.

"Morning guys." I said. "Having fun?"

Josh let William's cock slip from his mouth. "Yeah." He said before diving back onto it, sucking it up and down its full length, his spit soaking William's cock as he worked on it.

"Mind if I help out?" I asked looking at the clock and figuring Myles and Claire wouldn't be up yet

Without waiting for an answer, I slid closer to William on his back and kissed his inviting lips again, my tongue entering his open mouth as Josh sucked at his organ. My cock sprang to life under me and began to harden. I moved my hips and adjusted it before moving my hand to William's silky smooth thigh, fondling his sack with Josh's chin nudging them each time he sucked William in.

For William this would have been total confirmation that we loved him, both of us focused solely on pleasuring him. His tongue danced around mine inside his mouth as I deep throated him, pushing my tongue as far into his mouth as possible. I didn't know how long Josh had been working at William's cock, but it didn't take long before his body tensed and quivered as he orgasmed into Josh's mouth pushing his hips up off the bed thrusting himself into his face as I swallowed his saliva and sucked his tongue into my own mouth.

His climax receding, both Josh and I released him to lay back and enjoy the sensation while I motioned for Josh to hop up onto the bed. I turned my body so that my waist was level with William's head. Josh lay down at an angle to me, his hard four and a half inch [11 cm] hairless dick sticking up at my face through his pyjama bottoms. I imagined the almost tight sack hanging down a little loosely between his thighs.

I immediately pulled down the front of his pants to expose his prick and balls and tucked the elastic waist band under his sack and took his cock into my mouth, sliming it up with spit from my tongue that dribbled down his shaft. I engulfed him fully and sucked his nuts as I covered his whole package with my caressing mouth and tongue. Letting his balls slip out, I concentrated on his exposed head. Josh was cut which I preferred in boys. Unfortunately William was not but that was something I could live with as I loved every other aspect of him so completely.

Josh started to buck his hips into my mouth as I felt William move closer to my cock and kiss the throbbing head with his lips and lick around the top, driving me crazy with desire to cum in his hot little mouth again. I knew that I was leaking pre-cum already and that William was getting a good taste of my man juices. It wouldn't take long before I shot my load into him this morning, the memories of last night and the vivid dreams I'd been having, not to mention waking up to the sight of Josh sucking on young William that I was already half gone.

Josh's thrusting into my mouth intensified. I held my head still letting him fuck my mouth, dictating the pace. As with yesterday, I could taste a slight salty tang in my mouth. Josh produced a very small amount of pre-cum which leaked out onto my tongue. I thought maybe nine was a little too young for that to be happening, but like the rest of his body maybe he was going to hit puberty earlier than most. I savoured the taste as he pushed his cock into my mouth to the hilt, back out again and thrust it back in with determination.

William's hard sucking of my own cock had me as hard as I'd been last night while deep inside his cunt, his lips sliding up and down my shaft and he held on tightly to the base and jacked me. Only a few more stokes of his hot little mouth would do it for me before I'd lose the battle and send a geyser of cum down his throat.

Josh gasped and drew in breath as he pushed his hard cock deep into my mouth and almost down my throat as he dry came, his ball sack squashed against my chin holding it in place as his cock pulsated, trapped between my tongue and the side of my cheek.

My own orgasm building, I shot a hand down to William's head and pushed his mouth down all the way as far as it would go. I realised that he was sucking his own cunt juices off my cock that undoubtedly would still be there from last night. As that thought went through my mind, my cock jumped and gave a huge spasm before ejaculating gush after gush of warm cum into William's mouth and throat. This time he was prepared for it and managed to swallow some of it with only a little dribbling out the side and down my prick.

Josh moved quickly to lay on top of William and lapped at my balls, licking the dribbling cum and swallowing it with a smile of his face. William pulled of my cock as I laid back, totally spent from so much fucking and cuming. I watched as Josh pressed his mouth to Williams, thrusting his tongue in to taste my sweet bitter jizz swirling around inside. At length, they disengaged and lay side by side panting for breath. I move around and lay beside them on my side, my head in one hand propped up on the bed looking at them. Their chests moved in and out with their breaths, William's flat stomach and crotch with softening cock on display. Josh had already pulled his pants back up over his cock and balls. He looked like any other normal nine year old just relaxing in bed with his naked little brother and family friend who'd just sucked him and who's cum he could probably still taste in his mouth.

"How'd you know William was in here Josh?" I asked.

"He wasn't in bed when I woke up so I figured he'd be here."

"I stayed all night and Cole fucked me." William told Josh.

"Nice." Josh said. "Did you like it?"

"Yeah, I orgasmed so big!"

"Ssshhhhhh!" I cautioned not wanting anyone to hear. "What time do Myles and Claire usually get up Josh?"

"Oh, they're up already in the lounge." He replied.

Oh shit. We were only two rooms away from them and I'd just been sucking and been sucked by their two little boys in their spare bedroom. If they'd heard they would have come in I reasoned to myself.

Getting up, I told William to get dressed and sent Josh back out the door. I was hoping that if we all went in at different times it wouldn't look suspicious. I watched as William pulled on his pants and top and then I knelt down in from of him.

"I really enjoyed last night baby and I want you to know I'll always remember it. I love you, you know that right?" I asked.

"I know. I love you too and I really liked it when you fucked me Cole."

I lent in and kissed his soft mouth again, tasting my own cum on his lips as I did. "Better go eh?" I told him and stood up. We left the bedroom and walked into the lounge.

"Morning." I said to both Myles and Claire as William headed to the kitchen for breakfast. They looked up and I saw Valerie at the breakfast counter eating her toast.

"Hey Cole. How'd you sleep?" Myles asked.

"Fine." I said. "It's a comfy bed."

"I take it William spent the night with you?" Claire asked.

I looked at her, surprised. Oh FUCK!! I'm dead.

"Umm, yeah 3;" I stammered.

"Sorry Cole." She said oblivious to my distress. "He wasn't in his bed this morning when I got up so I figured he was in there. You should have kicked him out. He's such a pain in the ass sometimes."

"It's okay. I was barely awake when he came in, I didn't even really notice him until I woke up." I lied.

"So, what time can you be ready Claire?" Myles asked. "We've got a big day in front of us."

"About nine I guess." She answered.

"Good. Kids, go take a shower after breakfast. You two stink." Myles said pointing as Josh and William.

They both laughed. So did I, knowing what they stank of and why.