StoTelAlexFinally A Break For Toby |
SummaryDuring a holiday Jake suddenly finds himself being the new parent of a poor little boy. Will the boy finally find the luck in life he never had?
Publ. Feb 2012-Dec 2013
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CharactersJake (adult), Toby (10yo), Jake's neighbor boy Steve (11yo), Roger (11yo) and William (9yo),Troy (adult) and his children Brian (13yo), Mariah (11yo), and Troy Jr. (9yo) Category & Story codesConsensual Man-Boy story/loveMb bb bg – cons (some non-cons) mast oral anal (Explanation) |
DisclaimerIf you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place? This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life. It is just a story, ok? |
Author's noteThank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author through this feedback form with StoTelAlex - Finally A Break For Toby in the subject line. |
Table of Contents |
He was now having a holiday and had rented a cabin at a nudist holiday resort. His cabin had a great view on the lakeside where the resort was located. In front of his cabin there was a big field that was used by the kids to play football. Jake loved to stand by the window, watching the boys and girls play outside. This day was extremely hot. The boys and girls looked for cooling down at the lakeside. They were swimming mostly the whole day. Suddenly the sky changed. Some dark clouds packed together above the lake. The kids got out of it just in time. The first lightning struck the lake and immediately it was pouring rain. Most of the kids fled to their cabins. Because there was no longer anything to see Jake turned around and headed for the bathroom to take a leak. When he came out again he noticed someone standing outside his front door. Jake walked to the door and opened it. He saw a boy that he had seen not so long a go. It was one of the kids who had played near the lakeside. The boy was shivering all over. "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at your own cabin?" Jake asked. "It's on the other side of the lake. I thought I could wait here till it lightened up," the boy said. "I don't think that's gonna happen." Jake was now checking the boy out. He was cute. About ten, eleven years old, Jake thought. Then Jake noticed the boy's little tool. The cold had had it's effect. Jake couldn't help smiling. "Wanna wait inside?" "Thanks." Jake put his hands on the boy's shoulders to guide him to the living, but immediately he felt how cold the boy had become. Jake then decided to guide the boy to the bathroom instead. "You know what? Why don't you take a nice warm shower and in the meantime I'll make you some hot chocolate?" "Okay. Thank you, sir." "Oh, no 'sir', please. Just call me Jake." "Oh, okay Jake, I'm Toby." "Well, welcome Toby," Jake said while he shook Toby's hand. "Say how old are you?" "Ten." Then Toby turned on the shower and Jake went to the kitchen to make the hot chocolate. When he had filled two big mugs, Jake returned to the bathroom with a towel. After he gave it to Toby Jake went back to the livingroom and sat down with his chocolate to watch TV. Five minutes later Toby came in and settled down next to Jake. With his hot chocolate in his hand Toby snuggled up to Jake and joined watching the game-show that was now on. Jake put his arm around Toby and started to stroke Toby's upper arm. After a while Jake noticed that his actions had given Toby a hard on. Toby looked at Jake to see why he stopped stroking him. Then Toby noticed what Jake was looking at. Immediately Toby crunched together in the opposite corner of the couch. "I'm sorry," Toby cried. "Please don't hit me! Please!" "Hit you?" Jake asked. "Why should I hit you?" "Because I'm a dirty little boy," Toby exclaimed now fully in tears. "No, you're not. You've just showered," Jake said as he tried to lift the tension with a joke. "That's not what I mean! That!" Toby yelled as he pointed at his little stiffy. "I'm not going to hit you. I would never hit you. Especially not because of something like that. It's normal for you to get in such a state a lot. At your age you don't have too much control over it. Any idea what triggered it this time?" "I liked you stroking me," Toby said in soft voice while his face turned red. "I liked it too," Jake replied as he gave Toby a firm hug. "Why don't you tell me some things about yourself," Jake said. "Like what?" "Well, for instance, where do you live?" "Here." "What here? You live on the park?" "Yes." "How is that? I thought that wasn't allowed." "We, that's my mum and me, we live in a cottage that is owned by the supervisor. As long as my mum lets him fuck her we can stay at it without paying any rent or getting into trouble." "Tell me about your mum, is she nice?" "Maybe, when she is sober. But I've never seen her that way. She always either has a glass in her hand or she is sleeping." "Is she the reason you thought that I would hit you?" "Yeah. I can never do anything right for her. And when I get hard it only makes her more angry." "And your dad? What about him?" "I don't know him. He left when he heard my mum was pregnant." "I'll go and have a talk with your mother later this evening. You can stay here if you want." "No, please, she'll beat me up big time if she finds out I've been talking." "I told you I wouldn't hit you and I will do everything to keep others from doing that." "You mean that?" "You've got my word." Now that he was given this assurance Toby calmed down a bit and gave Jake a big hug. The warmth of the hot chocolate had made Toby drowsy. After a few minutes Toby fell a sleep. Jake looked at the small, naked boy on his couch. He was falling in love with the cute kid. Then Jake decided to go and have that talk with the boy's mother. He took his car and drove to the other side of the park. Jake soon found the cabin and knocked at the door. When the door opened a very shabby looking woman stood in the doorway. "Yeah, what do you want?" She said with a very drunk voice. "I wanted to inform you that Toby took shelter at my place when the thunder started," Jake said. "So?" "I thought that as his mother you would want to know." "Well, I don't. I've got nothing but trouble from the kid. His dad left us broke and if he wasn't there I might have a chance at Supervisor. I wish he'd got lost." "Surely you don't mean that," Jake said in surprise. "Yes, I do. Why, do you want him?" "What do you mean?" "Just as I told you. You can have him. I never reported him after his birth, so to the authorities he doesn't exist," she said. Before Jake could understand what was happening the woman went in to the house and returned a few minutes later with a plastic bag. "Here, this is his stuff. His papers, his bear and his sketchbook." Then she noticed the boy. He was standing a few feet away. Apparently the car engine had woken him up and he had followed Jake trying to keep the damage to a minimum. Now his mum threw the sketchbook she was holding straight at him. She did this with such speed and so suddenly that Toby hadn't had time to react and catch the book. Instead, one of the corners hit him in the sensitive parts and he immediately went down. His mum found this very amusing. While she laughed out loud about Toby's situation, she went back inside and closed the door. Jake gathered Toby's things and then hurried to look at Toby. He lay all curled up on the ground with his balls cupped in his hands. The boy was coughing terribly. Not only because of the pain in his balls but also because he was on the edge of crying. Jake drove Toby back to his cabin and laid him in bed. When he came back with an ice bag Toby had regained his breath a bit. "Why did you go there? I told you she would be mad!" Toby said through his tears. "Toby, I don't think that's your problem any more." "Huh?" "Toby, I think she just gave you to me." "What? What do you mean?" "Do you have a birth-certificate?" "No, well yes, only the papers of the hospital, but she never reported me. Why?" "Then I guess that you're going to live with me from now on. She said she wanted you to leave and gave me this bag." Jake saw Toby breaking down again. Immediately he hugged the little boy who started to cry his heart out. "Oh, I'm so sorry for you Toby." "I 3; I'm sorry too," Toby said. "What do you have to be sorry about?" "I really like you and I love living with you because you're so nice to me. But I don't want me to become your problem." "Trust me, you're not a problem. Not at all." "Jake?" he said, looking at him with tear-filled eyes. "Yeah Toby?" "I'm confused. Why doesn't my mum love me like you do? She's my mum!" "Oh, Toby!" Jake said and now both of them let their tears run wild. Jake took Toby's head in his hands and looked him right in the eyes. "Listen to me, Toby. I don't know why your mother did what she just did. Maybe it has something to do with your dad, or maybe it's the booze talking. But I want you to promise me that you will not hate your mother unless you know the reason. Okay?" "Okay," Toby said through his tears. "I love you, Jake." "I love you to, big guy." They sat there for a while, strangled in a tight hug. After a few minutes Jake noticed that Toby had dosed off. Jake was a bit sleepy himself so he snuggled up behind Toby, put his arm around the boy's chest and pulled up the sheets. The next morning Jake was the first one to wake up. He cleaned up and went to the kitchen to make some breakfast and lunch. When Toby came to the kitchen Jake was just putting the lunch packets in his hand luggage. When Toby noticed the bags near the door he looked at Jake. "Sorry guy, I've only rented this place until today. We have to leave before 12.00. By the way, how are you today? You had a big hit yesterday." "Okay. It's still a bit sore. But it's gonna be okay. It's always been okay," Toby said. "Always okay? You've been hit there often?" "Well, occasionally. She sometimes kicked me there when she was too tired to use her hands." "Oh Toby." Toby just sat down on a chair next to the kitchen table. "Could you write my mum a letter? So she knows I'm okay?" "Why don't you do that yourself?" Immediately Toby's head went down and he started to sniff. "I've never learned to read or write. I've never been to school." "Don't worry. You dictate and I'll write. And when you're living with me I'll give you some home schooling." "Wow! You really want to teach me? Thanks!" "So, what do you want to tell?" Toby started to talk and Jake wrote it all down.
Hi mum,Jake wondered whether he should write that PS. But he left it there. While Jake put the stuff in the car Toby was eating his breakfast. He had given him an oversized shirt that on the young boy almost looked like a dress. When Toby had finished, they did the dishes and left. On their way to the reception Jake stopped at Toby's old home. He put the letter in the letterbox and drove off. At the reception Jake settled his affairs and then they left. It was only when they were half-way home that Jake realized he had never mentioned to Toby's mum which cabin he had rented and therefore the PS would give her a struggle. Serves her right, Jake thought. Toby has had enough trouble with her. During the ride Jake had a little trouble focusing on the road. He sometimes just had to look at his passenger. A beautiful boy, sitting next to him, in his birthday-suit. Sometimes when they passed a truck the driver blew his horn and Jake saw a thumbs-up from the man. Apparently they had a good view inside the car. When they pulled alongside at a truck stop, Jake handed Toby his lunch. Suddenly there was a tap on the window. Jake pulled it down and noticed that it was one of the truck-drivers who they had passed previously. "Nice kid you've got there," the driver said with a wink. "Troy!" Toby shouted. "You know him?" "He stayed at the resort once. I played with his kids." "So this is your dad?" Troy asked. "Yeah, he is." Immediately Troy got violent and tried to pull Jake out of his car. Luckily Toby got between them before it went out of control. "Stop! Please, he's my friend!" "You mean he's not the bastard who left you with that creature that should be your mother?" "No." "I'm not his biological dad, no," Jake said, "But his mum has kicked him out and I took him in. In that way I'm his dad now." "Oh, I'm sorry. I just 3;" "Don't worry. I met his mum. I don't blame you for getting mad at his parents for how they treated him and let others treat him. But I can assure you, I would never hurt him. He's too much of a good boy to do so." "He sure is. Hey, Toby, hope your new home will be a good one. If not, here is my card. You can always call me. I'll tell my kids hi from you," The trucker gave Jake another serious look and then went his way. "Thanks." After finishing lunch they continued their journey.
Jake had taken off his shirt and also the big shirt that Toby wore. He now held Toby tightly against him. Toby's arms were dangling over Jake's shoulders and his naked, soft ass-cheeks rested in Jake's hands. He loved how the warmth of the boy's body transferred to his naked chest, and shifted the boy a little before going up the stairs so he had a better grip. Jake had an 'innie' bellybutton. When Jake shifted Toby he felt how Toby's little pecker was poking into his inner belly button. Once upstairs Jake put Toby in one of the spare bedrooms. He wanted to pull up the sheets but when he took another look at the boy he melted. The sleeping naked boy had the looks of a little angel. He was so calm and cute and beautiful. Jake couldn't resist his urges anymore. Before he covered Toby up he lowered his hands and started to stroke Toby's body. The boy's chest, nipples and stomach felt very soft, almost velvet like. Then he stroked the boy's legs. They were just as soft and smooth as the rest of the body. He ended at Toby's genitals. He first put a hand under the little sac and felt the two tiny little balls rolling through his fingers. Then he concentrated on Toby's little dick. He loved the feeling of the smoothness of Toby's boy-meat. By the time Jake started to cover Toby up the boy was half-stiff. Jake bent over and gave Toby a kiss on his forehead. Then he decide to go to bed himself. It had been a long day for him as well. Before turning in in his own bed Jake went to the bathroom. Bringing Toby to bed had made him hot and he decided for a quick jack-off-session. However, he got an orgasm with such intensity he hadn't felt in a long time. Toby had certainly woken up some deep feelings. When Jake finally got into bed, he fell asleep within five minutes. Suddenly, in the middle of the night, Jake was wakened by a young voice. "Can I sleep in your bed? I can't sleep." "Sure, get in. But why can't you sleep? What's the problem?" "I can't stop thinking about my mum. Why did she give me away?" "I don't know but I promise you that I'll try to make it as comfortable for you as I can." "Thank you, Jake. I love you." "I love you too, Toby." They hugged tightly and Jake kissed Toby's forehead once more. Then the boy suddenly did something Jake hadn't expected. He crawled down to the end of the bed, took hold of Jake's manhood and started to lick Jake's ball sac. "Oh, Toby, what are you doing?" Jake moaned loudly. Immediately, Toby was scared again and leaped out of the bed. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry 3;" Toby kept repeating while he crumpled up in a corner of the room. Jake rushed over and hugged him. "Don't worry. I'm not upset or angry. I was just surprised. Why did you do that?" "I wanted to please you. Didn't you like it?" Toby asked with tears in his eyes and fear in his voice. "Yes, I did like it. I liked it a lot, but where did you learn this?" "Some of my mum's friends. Sometimes they'd come in the middle of the night as my mum was sleeping it off. Then they wanted me to play with their dicks." "Did you want to do it?" "No, not always. Most of them where very rude and mean. But with you it's different. I like you and I want you to feel good." "Toby, you should never have to do that if you don't want to, okay?" "Okay. But they were big and mean. I couldn't fight them. Then they would take it up with my mum or they would beat the crap out of me." "Oh Toby," Jake said hugging Toby. "Did anyone ever do it to you?" "No." "Or played with or touched your balls or dickie?" "No. If they ever touched my balls it was to squeeze or hit them." "Then how do you now this makes you feel good?" "Because of the reactions of my mum's friends." "But you never felt it yourself?" "Not that I know." "Come I'll show you." Jake picked up Toby and carried him to the bed. He laid him down with his legs spread and then climbed on top of him. Resting on his knees and elbows Jake was hovering above Toby instead of lying on top of the boy. "Put your hands behind your head," Jake instructed. Then he started to give him several passionate kisses on the mouth. "Close your eyes and just let things happen. That's the best way for you to enjoy." Toby was glad to obey his new-found friend. Finally someone who really loved him and wanted him to feel good. With his eyes closed Toby could concentrate more on what he felt. He could notice that Jake was working his way down. He went from Toby's mouth and lips to his neck and then further to his chest. When Jake got there, he shifted to Toby's left nipple. With the tip of his tongue Jake licked the little boy's nipple. Then he kissed it and started to suck on it for a while. When the nipple was hard Jake shifted to the right nipple and gave it the same treatment. Then he slowly continued his way over Toby's stomach. Finally Jake arrived at his main objective: Toby's privates. First he licked Toby's sac. His tongue played with the young testicles. He took one of them in his mouth and let it go round. At the same time he massaged it with his tongue. Then he took the other in his mouth and did the same. By now Toby started moaning. This encouraged Jake to go on. Jake now took hold of the small boy-tool and let his tongue go over the full length of the shaft. He striped back the foreskin and admired the exposed glans for a few seconds. Then he moved the tip of his tongue through the piss-slit and along the edge of the dickhead. Toby was almost lost. His breathing got heavier by the minute. This was the sign for Jake that he was almost there. He now took the swollen, but still small, purple head in his mouth. When he had only gone up and down two times with his head, Toby couldn't hold on any longer. Every muscle in his little body stiffened and he started moaning louder and louder as wave after wave of an incredible orgasm overwhelmed the virgin boy. It took about four minutes. Then the orgasm had stopped and Toby, who was now completely exhausted, fell asleep immediately. Jake laid himself next to the boy and with a big smile on his face he kept stroking Toby's hair and face. After fifteen minutes, he fell asleep as well. The next morning Toby was awakened by a movement. He was a bit disorientated. He wasn't in his own bed. Then he remembered he had gone with Jake to his new home and that this night he had had the most incredible feeling he had ever felt. "Sorry, I didn't want to wake you." Toby's eyes had just adjusted to the light and he looked at the friendly face of Jake. "I don't mind." "I was just going to take a shower. Want to come?" "Sure." Toby jumped out of bed and ran to the door. Jake couldn't resist a smile looking at the lively little boy. His nice round butt and the cute little morning woody wiggling from side to side with every step the boy took. That reminded Jake of his own adult member. He was surprised when he woke up. For the first time in nearly five years he had sprung a morning woody. It must have had something to do with Toby sleeping against him and his radiating body. In the bathroom Jake stepped into the shower cabin with Toby and turned on the shower. When he had made sure they where both completely wet he turned the shower off. Toby looked up at his adult friend with a puzzled look. "This way we can soap each other more easily." "All right!" Toby exclaimed with a big smile on his face. Jake took hold of Toby's hands and gave him a big glob of showering gel. Immediately Toby started to soap Jake's body. He started with the chest and had him then turn around to soap his back. Then he soaped Jake's legs and finally soaped his genitals and ass. At one point Jake stopped Toby because he was soaping Jake's dick so viciously that he almost came. Now it was Jake's turn. He started with the boy's face and worked his way downwards. He was now playing with the boy's privates for the third time in 12 hours. He could feel the nice squishiness of the boy's balls and the hardness of the swollen little rod. Toby started moaning so Jake stopped immediately with the massage. When Toby was completely soaped Jake turned on the shower once more and started stroking Toby's body to let the foam disappear more quickly. Then he decided he wanted to try something but first had to inform Toby. "Toby, you know I love you, right?" "Yes. And I love you," Toby replied. Then Toby advanced trying to hug Jake but his friend stopped him. Confused he looked at Jake. Did he do something wrong? "I want to do something but I need you to trust me. Do you trust me?" "Yes." "Okay. Then stand here." Jake turned Toby 90° so he was now looking at him in profile. Remembering what Jake had said last night Toby closed his eyes. He felt how Jake was now fondling his little boy member. But then he felt how Jake's fingers where running up and down his ass-crack. He liked it and started to give little moaning sounds. This encouraged Jake to continue. Toby suddenly felt how something was entering his poo-hole. His eyes opened wide and, with his mouth wide open but silent, looked at Jake. Jake returned the surprised look of his young friend with a comforting and approving smile. Toby felt how the thing inside him was now exploring his bowels. He also recognized what it was. It was Jake's middle finger. Then the finger hit its main target. Toby felt an exhilarating feeling throughout his body as the finger started to rub his prostate. He thought he was going crazy. On one side his balls and pecker were stroked and massaged while his prostate was massaged from the other side. Toby couldn't help it but within minutes he had an orgasm equal or, maybe, even better then the one he had last night. When the orgasm was over Toby had lost the strength in his legs. He collapsed on the floor and sat down with his back to the wall. While Toby was recovering Jake started to rinse off himself. Toby was still a bit weak but he managed to get up a bit and took hold of Jake's still hard member. Before Jake could react Toby had it already in his mouth. Jake wanted to stop him but then felt how the little boy's tongue was starting to caress the edge of his glans. He immediately melted and started moaning. The boy obviously knew what he was doing. Jake hadn't had such a good blowjob in years. Within five minutes Jake had his climax and started shooting. Toby kept Jake's dick in his mouth and swallowed every load that hit his throat. Then he fell back to the wall to get some rest. Jake was in need of some rest himself and sat next to him. He hugged his young friend and kissed him. "Wow, Toby! That was the best ever." "Thanks." "Where did you learn that?" "I don't know. As I said, some of my mum's friends would come over." "Yeah, but 3; sorry for asking 3; but how many where there?" "I don't know. I guess a couple of dozens." "Toby do you remember what I told you last night?" "You mean about only doing it when I want to?" "Yes." "But I did. Especially after what you did to me. And last night I didn't do it to you, so I owed you something." "No Toby. I liked giving you a good time. That doesn't mean I wanted you to return the favor." "Are you mad at me for doing it?" Toby asked with a trembling voice. "No. That is not what I meant. I did like you doing it and I really appreciated it, but I didn't expected anything in return for last night. You didn't OWE me anything. I just wanted you to have a good first night at your new home." "My new home!" Toby repeated with force. "I like the sound of that." They started laughing and stood up. "Come, let's get some breakfast and then I'll show you the rest of the property." When they had dried off, they went to the kitchen and Jake started to make breakfast. "What do you want as breakfast?" "Some pancakes?" "Okay, but only because it's your first day here. See it as a celebration." "Okay." After Toby had eaten seven big pancakes Jake took him to show him the rest of the property. They started at the kitchen by bringing the dishes from the diner. When Toby took a look outside he couldn't believe his eyes. "Wow. Is that real? Do you have a private swimming pool?" "Yes." "Can we go for a swim?" "Not yet, you've just had breakfast. This afternoon, okay?" "Yeah, great!" Then Jake took Toby around the ground floor. They started at the hall and went to the livingroom. From there Jake took Toby to the study/library. When they returned to the hall he took his young friend to the basement and showed him the play- and multimedia-room. There was a billiard, a big flat screen TV and all kinds of side equipment like a DVD-player, game-computer and so on. After that Jake showed Toby the first floor where there were four bedrooms and two bathrooms. Jake suggested they go to the study to discuss Toby's education. They decided that today they wouldn't start just yet. They would first set up a schedule. When that was done, Toby wanted to play some games so they went down to the playroom and hooked up the X-box. They played a racing-game for a while and when they stopped it was already two PM. They went upstairs but by the time they got to the backdoor, they found that it had begun raining. This meant they couldn't go swimming. Jake decided to go upstairs and help Toby to get settled in his new bedroom. By then they remembered that Toby had no clothes. He had never needed them. Living in a nudist holiday park he was expected to walk around naked. "I'll go to town tomorrow and get you some clothes." "Do I have to wear clothes?" "Yes. I don't mind you walking in your birthday-suit and I think you can walk around naked whenever you like but when we have guests or you go out, you need to have some clothes." Toby knew Jake was right, although he didn't like it. He had been naked most of his life and when his mum put some clothes on him he found them a nuisance. Mostly because they were never the right size. Once she had forced him into a Speedo that was two sizes to small. He could still remember the way it pressed his balls to his pelvis. Jake had picked up a tape-measure and started to measure Toby's body. He could then equate that to his clothing size. By now it was diner time. As an exception Jake heated up a pizza in the oven. After that they watched some TV until Toby fell asleep and Jake thought it was time to go to bed. This night Toby slept again with Jake in one bed, but now they slept in Toby's room.
When Jake had set up some toast with eggs and freshly squeezed juice, Toby came into the kitchen. Still naked and with his morning woody pointing strait ahead. Jake walked up to the boy and gave him a pet on the head. "Morning, sport," he said while he gave Toby's boner a wank. "Good morning to you too," Toby said and rubbed the front of Jake's pants. "I'm going to the stores later, why don't you get started with your homework?" "Homework?" "Yes, if you go and set your stuff up in the study while I'm gone, we can start as soon as I get back." "Okay." Toby ate his breakfast and then went of to get his stuff. Meanwhile, Jake went out the door and left to do some shopping. He went to the local 24/7 and got clothes for Toby and some groceries in general. Jake had just put the bags in the trunk of his car when he heard a familiar voice in the distance calling his name. "Jake!" He looked in the direction of the sound and found his neighbor and her son. He was a cute kid. Dark hair, dark eyes and one year older then Toby. Jake had always liked the kid. Especially now that the boy was becoming in that age where they develop a particular kind of interest. "Hi, Maud, Steve." "Hi. I thought you were away on a holiday?" "I was. I got back yesterday." "Then perhaps you could help me?" "Of course. What do you want me to do?" "My father was brought to hospital. I just got the call when I was inside the store. I really should go but I don't want to drag Steve along and I haven't got someone to look after him while I'm gone. So if you could 3;" "Of course, no problem." "Thanks, I owe you big time. Now Steve, you behave, you hear?" "Don't worry, mum. I'll behave." "Don't worry, Maud, I'll have everything under control. You just take care of your dad, okay?" "Thanks again." Maud went to her car and drove off. Steve waved his mum goodbye and then turned to Jake. "Can I go swimming?" "We'll see. Get in the car, there is something I should tell you before we get there." Steve got surprised. He had never seen Jake this serious. Not even when Steve told him he liked guys instead of girls. He wondered what could have triggered something like this. Suddenly Jake turned into a dirt road and stopped the car. Then he started to tell him all about what happened at the park. How he met Toby, Toby's mum and what was happening now with Toby. It took Steve a while to let everything sink in. "So when we get to your place we'll be welcomed by a naked boy my age who needs to be educated?" Steve finally said. "Uh 3; Yes, I guess you don't mind?" "No, I'm looking forward to meeting him. And teaching him, he he." "Okay. But you do remember my rules, right?" "Which one do you mean?" "No one has to do anything against his or her will." "Of course not. Trust me. Did I ever broke that rule?" "No not yet, but your reaction and summary gave me some doubt." "No need." "Okay, let's go home then." Jake started the car again and they headed home. He pulled into the garage and Steve helped him with the groceries. When Toby heard a noise in the kitchen he came bursting in. "Hi, Jake, what did you get me for cl 3;" Suddenly Toby stopped. He had almost startled Steve out of his socks. Steve put the groceries down and stuck out his hand. "Hi, I'm Steve." "Uh 3; hi. Toby." This was a side Jake hadn't seen with the boy. He had never seen him this shy. "Uh 3; Jake, can I talk to you for a sec?" Toby asked. "Sure." Jake followed Toby to the hall. "What's wrong? Why suddenly the shyness?" "Who is he?" "The boy next door. His mum had to go to some relative in the hospital so he's staying here for a while." "Do you think he thinks I'm a weirdo?" "Why would he?" "Because I walk around naked!" "And why should you mind that with him and not with me?" "Well, you're a nudist, he's not." "You don't know that. But I think I know what's the real reason. You like him don't you?" Immediately Toby's face turned red. "Please don't tell him." "Don't worry, I won't. But I think he feels the same about you." "How do you now?" "When you busted in just now he had to swallow." "So?" "So he was uncomfortable. Trust me; he likes you. I know his type and you're it." Jake gave Toby the bags with clothes so he could take those to his room. In the meantime Jake went back to the kitchen. Steve had already started putting the groceries away. "What do you think about him?" "Toby? He's nice," Steve said without looking at Jake. "Just nice?" Jake asked, noticing how Steve tried to hide his face. "Don't you mean cute?" Immediately Steve cleared his throat as if he had swallowed a fish-bone. He gave Jake a shy smile. "Don't worry. I understand it completely. By the way, he just told me he liked you too." "No way, you're pulling my leg." "No, really." "Wow!" "Say, I told you he had never gone to school, didn't I?" "Yeah." "Well, I'm going to home school him. Want to help?" "Of course!" Then Toby entered the kitchen. He had put some of the new clothes on and had put the rest away. Toby wore a wide T-shirt and a just as wide pair of shorts. Jake and Steve smiled. Toby hadn't noticed that he had his shirt inside out. Steve walked up to him and helped Toby to straiten it out. Immediately Toby ran out of the room. "Wait, Toby!" Steve yelled. "Don't worry," Jake said and he went after Toby. In the hall Jake could hear a vague noise coming from the first floor. At the top of the stairs he could clearly hear the sounds of a sobbing boy coming from Toby's room. He knocked on the door and entered. "Get out! Leave me alone!" Toby yelled. Jake found Toby lying on the bed face down, crying. He sat next to the boy and laid a hand on his back. "What is this? Why all those tears?" "He must think I'm a dork. A stupid, idiot dork." "Why?" "I'm almost eleven and I can't even dress myself properly." "Don't worry. I don't think he thinks you're a dork. I think he still likes you. And I'm positive that if we tell him the situation he'll understand. Okay?" "You really think so?" Toby asked between sobs. "I really do." This had reassured Toby and, after he wiped his tears, Toby and Jake went back downstairs. They found Steve at the kitchen table. As the red-eyed Toby entered he was immediately hugged by Steve. "I don't know what I did wrong, but I apologize. Still friends?" Steve said with a sad face as he let go of Toby. Toby looked at Jake in surprise and then at Steve. He couldn't understand it. "No, Steve, if there is someone who needs to apologize it's me. I'm sorry for my behavior, but I thought you wouldn't like me anymore. That you thought I was a dork." "Never! Why did you think that?" "Because I can't even dress right." "So? There's probably a reason for it." "Uuh 3; Would you believe I've never worn clothes in my life?" "What? Never?" "No, I've always lived on a nudist-resort. I never needed any clothes." "Wow! Tell me about it. You must have had dozens of adventures." Now Jake interrupted. "Sorry, but that has to wait. It's time we get started on your schooling Toby. Do you want Steve to help?" Toby was in doubt. What if Steve thought he was stupid because he can't even read? "Eh, sorry, Steve, but would you mind if Jake and I do this alone?" "No, if that's what you want. I'll be in the playroom if you want me." "Have fun," Jake said seeing how hurt Steve was by Toby's rejection. Jake and Toby went to the study and Steve sauntered off to the basement. When Jake and Toby had settled at Jake's desk he started to confront Toby. "Why did you reject Steve? I think he was a bit hurt by it." Toby looked at Jake in shock. "You think? Shit! I can't do anything right around him. Every time I do something stupid," Toby said with tears forming in his eyes. "Don't cry," Jake said while he patted the boy on his head. "But you still haven't answered my question." "If he finds out I can't read or write he'll really think I'm stupid." "Toby, on my way over here with Steve I told him about you staying here and about your situation on the educational level." "So he knew?" "And he still liked you." "I bet he doesn't anymore." "I wouldn't be so sure about that. He is an intelligent boy. He'll understand. You know what? Why don't you ask him later, to help you with your homework?" "Yeah, thanks, that's a great idea!" Then Jake and Toby started on the lessons. In the meantime, Steve had plugged in a video-game and had started to play. He couldn't keep his head on the game. Why did Toby react this way? Since the game didn't go like he wanted Steve decided to go for a swim. That would clear his mind. Because the mansion was very secluded Steve didn't bother to put on a swimsuit and went skinny dipping. After an hour of swimming he climbed onto the side and rested. He loved the feeling of the sun on his body. Especially the way it warmed his private parts. Suddenly he heard Jake call his name. Steve had lay with his eyes closed so he hadn't noticed Jake coming out. He was startled. "Sorry. I wanted to go for a swim. I hope you don't mind." "If it means I get to see you like that, then I certainly don't mind." Steve immediately got a beet red face. "I was getting us some drinks. Can I get you something?" "A bitter lemon would be nice. Say Jake, are you sure Toby likes me? It looks like he's avoiding me." "Trust me, he likes you. He's just very insecure about himself. Just like with dressing he was afraid you wouldn't like him if you found out that he couldn't read or write. He's very insecure and is afraid you will think he's stupid." "I would never think that." "I know, but he doesn't know you this well. Besides, I think you're the first person who he ever fell in love with." "In love?" "Yeah. And don't deny that you don't feel the same about him. I've seen the way you look at each other." Steve turned even more red. To cool down and hide his situation from Jake, Steve dove into the pool. Jake couldn't help it and, laughing out loud, he went back inside. After a while he came back and gave Steve his drink. "Listen, I suggested to Toby to let you help him with his homework, so he'll probably be asking it in a while. When he does, maybe you can act a bit surprised but willing, okay?" "Of course I'm willing," Steve answered Jake with a wink. "You've got a dirty mind, you know that?" Jake said as he rose laughing. "Yeah, but what can you do?" Then Jake went back inside to go to Toby. They continued working for an hour and then he gave Toby some homework. Jake stayed to read some from his library while Toby went to his room to do his homework. On his way he saw Steve at the pool, and went out and walked up to the pool. "Hey, Steve, want to help me with my homework?" "So now you want me around?" Toby was startled by Steve's reaction. "S-sorry," Toby said with a trembling voice. With a sad face he turned around and, on the brink of crying, he started to go back inside. Steve hadn't expected such a reaction. He quickly jumped out of the pool and ran after Toby. "Hey, just kidding. Of course I'd like to help you. Come on." Immediately Toby's face lighted up. Only by then Toby noticed that Steve was naked. This was the first time Toby got aroused by a naked body. Steve noticed him staring. He really loves me. Steve thought. Then he made a full turn to show himself off to Toby. This broke the spell Toby was under. "Are you a nudist?" Toby asked. "No. I was just too lazy to get my swimsuit. Besides the only ones who can see me here are you and Jake and I don't mind you two watching. And I had seen you naked so now we're even." With a shy smile Toby walked into the house followed by a dripping, naked Steve. Once upstairs, Toby went to his room thinking Steve would follow, but he didn't. When Toby stuck his head out of the door he saw Steve coming out of the bathroom. "Just grabbed a towel to dry off." Then they lay down on Toby's bed and started to work on the homework. They lay side-by-side, face down. Toby had to read two pages of a book that looked to Steve like a book for a seven-year-old. Steve was surprised. After a few starting problems Toby read it quite well. Steve by now had put his arm around Toby's shoulder. This had an effect on Toby's reading. Not that it got worse but he read much more slowly than at first. "Why is your speed slipping?" Steve asked, already knowing the answer. "These are tough words." "Yeah, right. These aren't any tougher than the earlier ones. I think you're stalling." "Do you mind?" "Yes and no." "Huh?" "When you're doing this we can stay here longer. But if you get this over with we can stay here and do some other things." Toby smiled and he read with the same haste as he started with. After fifteen minutes they had read the pages and started with the writing assignment. This took Toby half an hour. Then the two boys lay next to each other and started kissing. Toby still had his clothes on but Steve was completely naked. Toby couldn't resist and, without warning, he started to stroke Steve's genitals. After massaging his balls for a while he started jerking on Steve's dick. Suddenly Steve pushed Toby away and on his back. Toby had no time to think 'Why?' because Steve immediately started to undress him. He stripped the boy completely and when Toby was naked as well, the boys went back to kissing and caressing their bodies. Their hands went all over. Every sensitive body-part was treated. Especially their balls and cocks got a wonderful and loving massage. All this affection had its effect and both boys had the best orgasms of their young lives. Meanwhile, Jake had been busy in the kitchen and he was almost ready with diner. He wanted the boys to set the table so he went upstairs. When he got in front of Toby's bedroom-door Jake listened. He heard some sniffling. Surprised at what was wrong Jake opened the door and he saw Toby and Steve on the bed. Toby was crying his heart out and Steve looked scared at Jake. "I don't know what's wrong. He just all of a sudden started to cry." "What is it, Toby?" Jake asked as he sat down next to him and put an arm around the boy's shoulder, "Why are you crying?" "Because of you!" "Me?" Jake asked surprised. "You and Steve!" "Why? What did we do wrong?" "Nothing. That's just it. You are both so nice and kind to me. First you took me in when my mum threw me out and then I met Steve and I really liked him and now 3; and now 3;" Toby's crying had intensified so much it was getting hard for him to speak. "Easy, Toby," Jake said, comforting the boy, "Take a deep breath and tell me what happened." Toby swallowed a few times and then said "Steve asked me to be his boyfriend." Jake looked at Steve and the boy bowed his head and looked at Jake with a guilty look. "And? What is your answer?" "Isn't it obvious? Yes, of course!" "So, you're not crying out of sadness but because you're extremely happy?" "Yes." This completely cheered up Steve. He threw himself around Toby's neck. The impact pushed Toby to his back. The boys immediately started to kiss passionately. Jake left them like that for a while, but then he remembered he still had the food on the stove. "Guys, I'm really happy for you two. But the reason I came up here was that I wanted you two to set the table." "Okay." Both boys jumped of the bed and ran down to the dining room. And while they set the table Jake came in with the food. During diner they talked all about Toby's progress in reading and writing and the new relationship he and Steve had entered. The rest of the day the boys were inseparable and at bedtime they both ended up in one bed: Toby's.
"Hi, Jake, hope I didn't wake you?" "Not at all, Maud. I was just making breakfast." "Good, good. I'm calling because I need to ask you another big favor." "Just name it." "Can you watch Steve a little longer? My dad is going to be here for a while and I don't want to leave him." "Don't worry, Maud. You just take your time. Steve is no problem, I love having him around. You just make sure your dad is getting well." "You really mean that? He's no problem?" Maud asked with disbelieve in her voice. "No, he isn't. You just focus on your dad's health, okay?" "Okay. Thank you. I'll be in touch." "Okay. Goodbye." "Goodbye." Immediately as Jake put the phone down it dawned on him that with his two guests the supplies would run out earlier then expected. This meant he had to go back to the store. By now Steve had slowly awakened as well. He turned his head and looked at the beautiful angelic smiling face of Toby. Toby hugged his new lover and pulled him close. "He He, You have a stiffy," he giggled. Steve lifted the blankets up and looked down. "So do you," he replied. "Yeah, but can you blame me? I lie next to my boyfriend and I need to pee really bad." "You know what? Let's hit the shower together." Steve didn't have to say that again. Immediately Toby raced Steve to the bathroom and soon, after letting their golden liquid go down the drain, two hot boys were soaping each other. After the soaping, which took longer then strictly necessary, they rinsed each other off. Steve rinsed off Toby first and in doing so, he rubbed his little mate until Toby began to moan and clung to Steve's arms. With a deep moan Toby felt the incredible feeling of the orgasm taking control of his body. A few minutes later Toby collapsed to his knees. While Toby was still panting, he looked up to his lover and then did something Steve never expected. The young boy leaned forward and started to suck on his friend's young dick. Steve looked amazed at his boyfriend. Soon he couldn't control himself anymore. He grabbed Toby's head by his hair and started to moan. Toby felt happy he was giving his new friend such a good time. It didn't took long 'til he felt the reward he longed for. Long strings of cum were shot into his throat. Toby loved the taste of Steve's teenage spunk. He swallowed every drop. But then Steve collapsed to his knees as well and the shower party ended in a big hug and French kissing. Fifteen minutes later the boys were dressed and entered the kitchen. Jake handed them their plates and as the boys sat down at the table Jake told them about his problem. "So, I'll be going to the stores once more in about half an hour. You guys want to come with me?" "Yeah," they said in chorus. And so the party of three turned up near the 24/7 an hour later. Jake took a cart and Steve and Toby rushed in to check out all the new stuff. Especially the newly released computer-games got a big part of their attention. After a while Toby told Steve he needed to go to the restroom. Since those were behind the registers, Toby told him, so he knew his new boyfriend had left the store. Toby quickly went to the gents and found an empty cubicle. He was only just in time. As soon as he had pulled out his dicky, he felt the blessed relaxation of relieving himself. Toby, now completely empty, left the cubicle and went to the taps to wash his hands. When Toby looked up, he got the shock of a lifetime. There in the mirror 3;. Toby quickly turned and saw his daemon was really there. It was Bubba. An old client from his mum. Toby tried to escape but Bubba was surprisingly quick. He grabbed Toby by the arm and pulled him close. Toby felt something against his neck and in the mirror he saw the blinking of a knife. Bubba pulled Toby back into the cubicle and forced him to sit down on the seat. "Keep quiet!" Bubba started to unbuckle his ragged jeans and pulled out his adult cock. "Suck it, you little bitch!" Toby didn't want to, but he knew he had no choice. Bubba was certainly a guy who was not afraid of plunging that knife between his small ribs. In a one-to-one combat Toby had no chance. Reluctantly he took hold of the man's big piece of meat and took it into his mouth. A few minutes later the man was hard and he was fucking Toby's mouth. Toby had to do his best not to choke on this intruder. Luckily for Toby Bubba soon cummed and this part of his ordeal would soon be over. But when Bubba cummed his load tasted nothing like Steve's. Where Steve was sweet and creamy, Bubba tasted sour and Toby tasted a hint of pee. After this, Bubba pulled up his trousers again. He pulled Toby to his feet and dragged him out of the cubicle. "You're coming with me, you little shit. And don't try do attract any attention or I'll cut your throat." Bubba put the knife against Toby's side and together they walked out of the restroom and out of the store. Bubba led Toby to the side of the store and there was Bubba's car. He opened the trunk and ordered Toby to get in. While he obliged, Toby begged Bubba with tears in his eyes not to hurt him. All the bastard did was laugh and then he pulled Toby's arms and legs together. He hogtied the boy and then closed the lid. A few seconds later Toby heard the engine start and then despair hit him. Was he back to square one? He had just found a nice guy who maybe could be considered his new dad and a wonderful boyfriend who loved him. And now, with every second, there was more distance between them and him. Would they find him again? The more he thought about it, the more he was convinced of the fact that he didn't deserve a happy life. He was destined to live a life of misery. All he could do, was cry his little heart out.
Jake spent his time well and an hour later he had all the stuff he needed. He saw Steve coming his way. First he was happy, but then he looked worried. "Have you seen Toby?" "Toby? No, I thought he was with you." "He was, but he needed to use the restroom. But that was almost half an hour ago. I hoped he was with you. I can't find him anywhere in the store." "Don't worry," Jake said, "he can't be far." It was not so much to comfort Steve, as well as to comfort himself. What if something happened to the little fellow? He would never forgive himself. Steve checked the restroom again. But when he came out empty handed, Jake decided to alert the store's security. They were very friendly and where happy to help. They didn't think it would be to much of a big deal. Often lost children turned up hours later, after wondering off in the big store. Because the boy had used the restroom and there was a camera directed to the door, they decided to look at the camera-images before searching any where else. Suddenly all of them got the shock of their lives. On the screen Toby came out of the room in the company of a shady looking character. They didn't understand why the boy went with him, but then someone noticed the knife, pointing at the boy's side. They followed the two as far as they could. They saw them going outside and then turn a corner. "Shit! That's one of the blind spots. There's no cam there." Suddenly they saw a saloon-car spurting away. In the driver seat the shape was a blur, but it could have been the big fellow. Unfortunately the footage was of too poor quality to make out the license-plate. The employees immediately called the police. Unfortunately the officers couldn't give Jake and Steve much hope of a good end. After sitting there for a couple of hours, with Steve in his arms, Jake decided to go home. There was nothing they could do here anyway. After what seemed the longest drive in his life, Jake finally got home. How could his boy be lost? And why him? Hadn't Toby already had his share of sorrow? Hadn't he had enough pain for a lifetime? Jake looked to his right, to the passenger seat. Steve was reduced to nothing but a pile of misery. He had cried the whole way and sat now all curled up on the seat. With his head resting on the side of the car, he cried his eyes out. Jake himself had fought off the tears. He needed to be able to see the road. Now that they were home, he didn't have to anymore. He could now let his tears run wild. And with his arms resting on the steering wheel, he lowered his head and started to sob. Jake finally stepped out and walked over to Steve's side. The boy was so overwhelmed by emotions, that he was oblivious to the world around him. Jake unbuckled the seat belt and picked up the sorry mess. He carried Steve inside and laid the boy on the couch. Then he went back to get the groceries. After putting them away, Jake went back to the living room to see if he could do anything for Steve. But then he got another shock. Steve was gone. On the wooden floor panels however, he saw a trail of fallen drops. He followed Steve's trail of tears and ended upstairs in front of Toby's room. Jake softly pushed the door open and saw Steve lying in Toby's bed, clinging to the shirt Toby wore yesterday. The boy was totally out of this world. It broke Jake's heart to see the otherwise cheerful boy so miserable. He choked up and walked downstairs, to fetch himself a drink.
Somewhere, a few miles from the town, after a ride of an hour and a half, a car came to a halt. Toby was now numb to his surroundings. He had given up. He had accepted his fate. The trunk suddenly opened and Toby was pulled out without caring for his welfare. He was dropped on the ground and then Bubba dragged his new trophy into his home. Toby looked around. It was an isolated place. It was an abandoned trailer park. From the somewhat ten trailers, only two were occupied, one of them belonging to Bubba. He pulled Toby in and tossed the boy on the bed. He untied Toby's limbs. Then he started to undress the boy. When Toby was naked, he was tied in a spreadeagled way, on his tummy, on the bed. Bubba took hold of the boy's little pecker and gave it a yank. Toby gave a scream at the top of his longs. Then Bubba grabbed the boy's balls and gave them a squeeze. Again Toby screamed as loud as he could. "He he, scream all you want. There's no one here who'll help you." Toby felt movement on the bed. When he looked to the side he saw Bubba's clothes on the floor. He also felt Bubba moving in on him. Suddenly Bubba lay on top of him. He stroked the little boy's chest and pinched his nipples. It amused him to hear the small boy yelp. Then Bubba started to make fucking movements. And while he fumbled Toby's little dick, Toby felt the adult member rubbing through his ass-crack. Toby concluded that Bubba probably was going to fuck him. He had never been fucked before, but he had heard about it. After the experience of Jake pleasing him under the shower with his finger, Toby was afraid. The finger had already taken a lot from him to accept it inside him. And that was a lot smaller then Bubba's adult dick. The little boy didn't understand why it took so long before the penetration would take place. The simple reason was that Bubba was too wasted to get an erection. Rubbing it through the crack was the best next thing that he could do. Not much later Toby felt the warm, sticky liquid on the lower end of his back. Exhausted, Bubba rolled off of Toby and immediately was out. Toby felt miserable. Was this what his life was going to be? A sex-toy for a bully? He thought about Jake and Steve. How much they'd probably miss him too. And how they might never see each other again. Softly crying, trying not to affront Bubba, Toby closed his eyes and drifted off. Toby woke up. He was still tied up, but not on the bed. He was back in the hogtie way. This time he wasn't in the trunk of a regular car but in the open bed of a pick-up. He looked out to a door and as soon as it opened and Jake and Steve came out, the truck sped off with incredible speed, leaving his two loved-ones behind. After a while the ruck backed up and parked in front of the door again. And again the truck sped off at exactly the same time. This dream repeated itself over and over again during the whole night. Every time Toby felt more and more sorry.
Back home, Jake went back upstairs. Steve was still in Toby's bed and holding on to the shirt. But by now he was asleep. Jake carefully climbed in behind Steve and put his arm around the pile of sorrow. Jake was scared for Steve's sanity. The boy had suffered the biggest blow he could get at his age. He had lost his true love. Jake had already lost one boy today, he wasn't about to let the other go as well. He would protect him in every way he could.
The next morning, in the trailer park, Toby suddenly felt something while he was in the back facing the door. As soon as Toby realized what it was, he was clearly awake. Bubba had put a very large amount of spit on his victim's hole. Then Toby felt the head of Bubba's member invading his back entrance. He wanted to shout but his vocal cords blocked. Bubba pushed his pole in until the rim of his glans had just passed Toby's sphincter. Toby had tears streaming down his cheeks. He was convinced now would come the fucking he had dreaded so much. But Bubba was more cruel than that. Instead of fucking the boy's sorry little pucker, he opened his tap and let his piss fill up the youngster's bowels. He had put a steel bucket next to the bed and when Bubba was done he kept his dickhead inside Toby, as if it was a butt-plug. Bubba untied the boy's hands and feet. Meanwhile he threatened Toby some more. "Don't you dare to soil the bed, you bitch. You'll keep my piss in you until I tell you to let it go." Bubba lifted Toby up and planted the boy on the bucket. Not much later the sound was heard of the pee hitting the metal of the bucket. Immediately Bubba gave two smacks to Toby's face. "I told you to keep it inside!" "I couldn't hold it any longer. It hurt too much." A second pair of smacks was given. "Stop whining!" Bubba walked up to Toby and dangled his meat in front of Toby's face. "Lick and suck it clean!" Toby reluctantly obliged. As soon as he took the piece of meat in his mouth, he could taste his own excrement on the intruder. Toby almost gagged, but he managed not to. Then Bubba grabbed the boy's head and held it in place. "Okay boy, now show your skills. Suck me to my climax." Toby did his best. Although it was hard for him to take it all without gagging, Toby had developed enough skills to satisfy this bully. Toby tasted the stuff that Bubba shot down his throat and immediately Toby was reminded of the moment when he had tasted Steve for the first time. Again he felt the despair of losing him forever. But then the despair switched over to determination. He didn't know how, but if Steve didn't know how to come to him, he would find a way to get to Steve!
"I'm going to the shops again. Be ready for some nice big multiple fucking when I get back." And with that Bubba left. Toby struggled in his bonds. Apparently Bubba hadn't been fully awake yet. This time he had been a bit sloppy in making the knots. Toby shifted as much up as the bonds around his ankles would let him. Now he could, if he stretched as much as he could, reach the knots with which the rope was tied to the bedposts. Toby started to fumble the knot and with a lot of effort and patience he succeeded in freeing his right hand. After that the other ropes were easy. Within minutes he was freed. Toby started to check out the trailer. Bubba had locked the door so he had to come up with another plan. After searching the trailer for useful parts he found something. He decided to wait for Bubba to return. Luckily for Toby he didn't have to wait long. After the sound of the engine was killed, it took about five seconds before Bubba reached the door. He obviously had been to a bar, because he was more drunk than when he left. He walked in with his drunken head and started to shout at the bed to wake up and prepare. Only then he noticed it was empty. Before Bubba could turn around he collapsed on the floor. Behind him stood an adrenaline filled boy with a frying-pan in his little hands. Bubba laid there, moaning. He lifted his head once and then passed out. Toby checked Bubba to be sure it wasn't a trick, but Bubba really was knocked out. Then he started to use the robes on the big man. He tied Bubba in a hogtie. To pull him onto the bed and tie him there asked too much of the little guy. Bubba was a big heavy overweight fellow and, unconscious, he was 'dead weight'. When he had tied Bubba up, Toby just couldn't let it be. He stood behind the man and kicked him a few times between the legs. Now Toby had to figure out what to do next. On his search through the trailer, he noticed there was no phone. He walked out of the trailer and locked the door behind him. He looked around. It gave him an eerie sight. All those dark trailers, a gushing wind blowing dust around. Toby went to the only other trailer that looked inhabited. He walked up to the window and carefully looked inside. He saw a woman, lying on the floor. She looked dead. She had an unhealthy color and her eyes were wide open, and she didn't move. Then his eyes noticed something on the table. Next to some empty beer-bottles there was a cell-phone. Toby decided to take the chance. He carefully opened the door and walked up to the table. His eyes never lost sight of the body on the floor. You could never know. The phone still worked. But suddenly he heard some muffled sounds coming from behind a folding door. Toby carefully walked over to the door and looked through a gap. There, on a king-size bed, there were two boys, naked, bound and gagged. Toby carefully opened the door and looked around. No-one else seemed to be there. He walked up to the boys. They looked miserable. It was obvious that they hadn't had a good meal for a long time. Toby removed the gags. The boys looked at him in surprise. "Who are you?" "I'm Toby. And you guys?" "I'm Roger and he's William." "Who's that woman?" Toby untied the boys and then they looked into the adjacent room. The boys looked at Toby in fear. It took a while before he understood. "She was already dead when I got here." "She was the one who looked after us when Bubba was out looking for customers." "Customers?" "Yeah. Guys who pay him to molest us." Toby knew he had to get away. And so did these boys. But what if he called the police? Officially he didn't exist. They would probably end up in an orphanage and he would never see Steve again. Then he remembered something. He grabbed a piece of paper out of his pocket and dialed the number. "Troy." "Hi. I don't know if you remember me. It's me Toby." "Of course I remember. How are you? You sound upset." "I'm in trouble. I need your help." "Any time buddy. Where are you?" "I don't know. I couldn't see when I was brought here." Luckily Roger knew where they were. Troy knew the place. He had passed that place many times. "I'll be there in thirty minutes." "Thank you, Troy." Toby brought the boys some water. He told the boys his story. About Jake and Steve and about his abduction. After he had finished, Toby asked the boys their story. "Well, as I said, I'm Roger. I'm eleven. And he's my brother William, he's nine. We're orphans and we were at the orphanage down town. One day we were on our way back from the movies, when suddenly this car pulled over. That woman threw us in and Bubba drove off. We tried to get out but apparently they had put on the child-locks. We couldn't open the doors from the inside and the had disabled the electric windows in the back. When we got here we were dragged in here and since then haven't been out." "When was this?" "What date is it?" "November 11." "Then it's two months." "What happened during those two months?" "Like I said, Bubba would bring in paying customers. He would send them in here and we had to do what they wanted or Bubba would punish us severely. We 3; we had to 3;" Roger tried to tell Toby but he clammed up. "Don't worry," Toby said, "Before Jake showed up I too was in a similar situation." "You were also sold?" "No, my mum was a drunk and her boyfriends came to me if she didn't satisfy them," Toby said with a lump in his throat, fed by hate and frustration. "But now I'm with Jake and he's really a cool guy. He's awesome." "If he's so awesome why isn't he here to rescue you?" William scoffed. "Hush!" Roger told his younger brother, "Maybe this Jake is doing his best but doesn't know where Toby is." "Yeah!" Toby said, "Don't you ever talk that way about Jake again!" William kept quiet from then on. He was embittered. Why should this Jake be any better? Every guy he had met that he could remember was a bastard who cared only for himself, not how Roger or he felt about it. Suddenly they heard a big engine. Toby walked to the window and looked through the blinds. He recognized the truck. "It's Troy." And Toby ran to the door. "Hey. Wait. You're naked." "Yeah, so? Do you see any clothes around?" Toby replied and then ran out the door. From behind the blinds the two boys watched what happened. Toby ran strait into Troy's arms and then hung around his neck. The boys were amazed. That guy didn't make anything about Toby being naked. But it didn't look like it had something to do with a sexual way. It looked as if Troy just didn't notice. Troy finally put the boy down and asked him what was going on. Toby told him his story. Then Troy looked to the two trailers. "So in one lies a bastard, completely tied up. And in the other a dead woman and two scared boys." "Yes. They seem to be ashamed to be naked." "Well, they probably aren't nudists." Troy turned around and went to his truck. Toby watched as Troy came back with two towels. He gave them to Toby. "Here, if they are so worried about being naked around me, tell them they can wrap these around their waists." Toby ran back to the trailer and gave the boys the towels then he winked at Troy that he could come in now. As soon as Troy saw the boys he was shocked. The boys were worried. They had never seen someone look at them that way. What was it what this man was thinking? They didn't get a chance to ask. Troy left the trailer and then came back with a plastic box. He gave it to Roger. "Here, help yourself and your brother," Troy said. Roger opened the box and saw some tasty sandwiches. He looked at Troy and then at Toby. After Toby had gestured it was okay, Roger gave one to William and took one himself. "It's my lunch, but you guys seemed to needed it more then me." The boys devoured the tasty good food. It was the first time in days that they had something decent to eat. Then it was time for the group to think about what they should do now. Troy decided to go have a look around Bubba's trailer. The man was still out cold on the floor. Troy found a door that was locked. He wanted to know what was behind it. He put his shoulder to it and broke it down. Once inside he saw all kind of equipment. He saw all kinds of DVDs lying around. There was a desk with a computer. He fired it up and when it had started he decided to watch one of the DVDs. What he saw, made the hairs in his neck stand up. First on the screen came a text: Judge M. Holloway. Then the screen showed a man in the room in the other trailer together with Roger and William. After he had told them to lie down, he started to play with the boys' genitals. After a while he turned Roger around and started to fuck the boy. Troy quickly turned of the sound. He couldn't stand Roger's screams of pain. William wanted to pull the man off, but then the man pushed him on his back and grabbed the poor boy's balls. It looked like he said something, so Troy turned up the volume again and rewound. "Never attack me again, boy, or you'll loose your precious merchandise." Now both Roger and William were screaming in horror. Both were in a lot of pain. After the man had climaxed, he gave one last squeeze to William's balls and a big slap on Roger's. Both boys were now rolling around on the bed, cupping their privates. The man left and the DVD ended. Troy watched some other DVD's and now understood what Bubba had been doing. He had rented the boys out to influential people from the town. He could black-mail any one of importance. Troy decided some could come in handy, so he copied a few. After that he returned to the three boys. He told them he would take them with him. Toby told his new mates Troy was trustworthy and then they all went to the truck.
"Oh yeah, that's right, you've never been to my place," he said with a meaningful smile. Immediately Toby cheered up. Especially when he saw his old friends coming out of the house. He quickly jumped out of the truck and greeted them. Roger and William were a little shy, but Toby ran over and pulled them closer. "These are my kids. This is Brian. He's 13 and the oldest. This is Mariah, she's 11. And this is Troy Jr., or Junior for short. He's 9." The two brothers shyly gave the three siblings a hand. They felt awkward being naked in front of them. Troy noticed the hesitation and recognized it from the new kids on the nudist resort. They didn't feel comfortable with their nudity. "Junior, do you think you have some clothes you could lend to William?" "Sure. Come on!" Junior said, as he took William by the hand and pulled him inside. "And maybe Brian has something for you, Roger." "Thank you, Sir." "Oh, just call me Troy." They all went inside and while Brian took Roger to his room to look for some clothes, Toby and Mariah went with Troy to the kitchen. Troy fixed his guests something to eat. In the meantime, Mariah asked Toby everything about what had happened since they had last seen each other. When he had told them everything, Mariah started to show a big interest in the other boys and Roger in particular. Toby didn't know much about the two brothers, but told them everything he knew. In the meantime, Junior had dived into his closet and dug up a nice outfit for William. As Junior turned to give William a boxer, he was pleasantly surprised. William had dropped his towel and was standing in Junior's room completely naked. Junior swallowed. He had already taken a liking to the boy as he got out of Troy's truck, but now that he was standing there, completely naked, in front of him, Junior felt feelings he had never felt before. His stomach was feeling funny. Junior stared at the beautiful dick and balls that were between these gorgeous smooth legs. Suddenly he came back to earth. He felt he was blushing and staring. With a shameful face he handed William the underwear and then the rest of the clothes. William thought this guy was actually kind of cute. William took the clothes but didn't put them on right away. He dropped them on the bed and then turned to Junior. "Do you like what you see?" William asked. Junior started to blush even more and couldn't speak, so he just nodded. William gave him a grin and when that grin turned into a smile Junior felt he was going weak in the knees. That smile was what did it. Junior felt his mouth drop, but he couldn't do anything about it. William walked up to Junior and started to unbuckle his trousers. "You've seen me, now I want to see you," William whispered into Junior's ear. Meanwhile, in the other bedroom, Brian and Roger were going through Brian's clothes to find something to fit. Roger had shed the towel, but Brian didn't make a point out of it. He was used to seeing naked guys. So as long Roger wasn't bothered by being naked in his presence anymore, Brian didn't saw any reason why he should. Unfortunately everything they picked was too large. But then all of a sudden there was a smile on Brian's face. He walked over to a big black plastic bag and threw it on the bed. "I sorted my clothes last week. These were headed for the shelter. They're my old clothes that I've grown out off. They might be a little out-dated, but I think they'll fit you better than what's in my closet now." Immediately Roger found something he liked. After putting on an old boxer he tried several outfits. Surprisingly there was a lot that fit the young boy. After choosing an outfit, Roger and Brian went downstairs and joined the others in the kitchen for something to eat. Half an hour later William and Junior came down. William had a nice new outfit on, but unfortunately Junior hadn't been too careful. Mariah started to giggle. "Did you guys have fun?" Junior didn't understand but then she pointed to his shirt, which wasn't completely tucked in. And to his zipper, which was down. With a beet-red face Junior straightened himself. They all started to laugh. Embarrassed about this, he flew up to his room. Troy immediately went after him and found him lying on his bed, face down, crying. "Hey, what's wrong? Don't worry about them. What do they know?" Troy tired to calm down his youngest. "Dad," Junior asked in a scared and sad voice. "Yes?" "Would you hate me if I turned out to be a fag?" Now Troy got mad. He grabbed his son by the upper arms and shook him. "Don't you ever say that again!" Junior looked at him with fear in his eyes. When Troy saw it, he calmed down and hugged his son. "Listen carefully, Junior," Troy said in his ear as he held him close, "I don't mind if you like boys instead of girls. You'll always be my beautiful son. But don't you ever call yourself by that nasty word. It puts you down and you are much too wonderful to do that to yourself, okay?" Junior wrapped his arms around his dad and let go a stream of tears of relieve. After a good five minutes the tears started to subside and Troy and Junior went back downstairs. Immediately Mariah walked up to them. "I'm sorry, bro. I didn't want to upset you like that." Junior hugged her and, with that, everything was okay again. "Okay. Now that that is out of the way, we should focus on the next step. And that is to get you back to what you call home," Troy said to Toby. "Oh yes, please," Toby replied. "Would you please do that?" "Of course." Brian and Junior, who hadn't heard Toby's story, were looking surprised. For as far as they knew, Toby was still living with his nasty mother. Then Troy noticed the look of his sons and understood what was going on. "Do you think that guy would mind if you bring extra guests?" Toby immediately understood what Troy meant and he got really excited. He loved to show his new home to his friends. And his new boyfriend. They first devoured the meal Troy had prepared them in a hurry. Some nice sandwiches with all kinds of toppings. It was clear to everyone that the boys hadn't had a decent meal for days. After the plates were emptied and the stomachs filled, the party of seven headed off. They were really crowding up the cabin of Troy's truck. Troy was behind the wheel and next to him were Toby and Brian. In the back, on the bed, William and Junior and Mariah and Roger had taken places. "You do know where that house is, right?" Troy said laughing. "Actually 3;" Toby said shyly, "I don't know the address. But if you go back to the supermarket I bet I can find the way back." And so that's what they did. Troy drove to the parking lot where Toby had been kidnapped. From there they retraced the route to Toby's new home. At first they took some wrong turns, but in the end they finally found the right road. After a few miles, Toby pointed at the big gate. "That's it! That's the gate to the house!" "That? A house with such a gate? Wow!" All the kids were surprised about the grandness of the house. The gate, however, was closed. Toby stepped out of the truck and pressed the bell. "Sorry, but we're not buying," a voice said through the speaker. Toby had recognized it and immediately tears of joy filled up his eyes. "Hi, dad," he said with a trembling voice, "I'm home." "Toby??" Jake shouted through the speaker. Immediately the gate swung open. Troy motioned to Toby to get in again and, as soon as he was inside, Troy drove up the driveway. He almost drove over an overjoyed Jake who came running towards them. As Toby stepped out of the truck, he flew into Jake's arms and they hugged for what seemed to them hours. In fact they hugged for a couple of minutes. Then Jake stood up and started to shake hands with Troy. "Dad, where is Steve?" "He's upstairs. But he isn't doing so well." "Why? What's wrong with him?" "Come, I'll take you to him," Jake said. "That is if you don't mind?" he said to the others, "I'll be right back. Why don't you go into the living room?" Jake lead his new guests into the house and told them where the living room was. As Jake took Toby upstairs to see his boyfriend, Troy took the other children to the living room and told them to behave. They were all in awe over where their little unfortunate friend had ended up. Upstairs Jake took Toby to his own bedroom. As Jake carefully pushed the door open, Toby saw Steve lying in the bed, his eyes shut, Toby's shirt still tightly clenched in his hands. "He's in a terrible shape. He hasn't eaten anything since you were kidnapped. And I can't reach him. It's like he's in a world of his own, far away from here." With tears in his eyes Toby looked up at Jake. "I was hoping he might respond to you or your voice." Toby carefully walked up to the bed and climbed in, next to Steve. He took his boyfriend in his arms and hugged him tight. "Steve, please open your eyes," Toby begged in a trembling voice. "It's me, Toby. Please wake up. Please come back to us." Slowly there came life into Steve's face. His eyebrows moved and slowly his eyelids opened. It took a few seconds before Steve's eyes had adjusted to the light, but then he looked straight into Toby's eyes. "Toby? Is it you? Is it really you?" Steve said in a breaking voice. After a little nod from Toby the boys fell into each others arms and immediately the love and passion between the two boys had been restored. Jake, still standing in the doorway, looked at the scene with tears in his eyes. Tears of joy. He had both boys back.
"Wonderful place you have here." "Thank you. I love it too," Jake said. "Did I see that right? Do you have a swimming pool?" a very enthusiastic Junior asked. Jake smiled and confirmed there was a pool. "Say, if you don't have plans for the rest of the day, I would like to invite you for dinner." "Know what your saying," Troy answered. "These two can eat you to bankruptcy," pointing to Brian and Junior. "Oh, dad!" "Don't worry. I don't think that will happen in one day," Jake said laughing. "I was thinking of having a BBQ outside, next to the pool." That was greeted by a big cheer from all of the kids. "But with so many extra eaters I have to make an extra trip to the supermarket. Anyone wants to come?" Brian volunteered and so did Junior. And not leaving his new found lover, William followed. "Okay, then I guess I leave you in charge, Troy. If you need anything the kitchen is through there. Help yourself." Then Jake took his three assistants with him to the shop, while Troy was looking around in his magnificent house. There were five bedrooms upstairs and a very nice bathroom with all the luxury you could think off. There was one door Troy didn't dare to open. Behind it were the giggling and moaning of two boys madly in love. With a smile on his face Troy went back downstairs. "What is so funny?" Mariah asked as she encountered her dad in the hall. "O, nothing. I'm just happy for Toby. Sounds like he has really found happiness here." "I'm so happy for him. But 3; uh 3; actually, dad, Roger and I are getting a bit bored." "Mmmh. Well, let's see what we've got here." Troy opened another door and found a study. There were a lot of books on the shelves. But in one of the cupboards there was a stack of boardgames. Eventually, the three decided to play a game of monopoly.
Meanwhile, down town, Jake's group had ended up at the supermarket and went in. "Okay, what do we need? Meat, salad-ingredients and sauces. Why don't you all pick stuff you like? I guess you know what the others like, too,right?" "Yeah." William and Junior went off and wandered through the store, but came back every five minutes with new stuff to put in the cart. Brian on the other hand stayed with Jake. "So how long do you know Toby?" Jake asked, while the others were off again. "About three years. We go to that resort every year since our mum died." Brian tried to keep a straight face, but Jake saw that he still had a hard time with the loss. "I'm sorry to hear that. I didn't mean to 3;" Brian shrugged his shoulders. "Dad thought it was a nice way of getting our minds off things after the funeral. And now it's a bit of a family tradition." "May I ask how your mum died?" "She had lung-cancer. She had a long sickbed. I guess I'm also a bit relieved. That she doesn't have to suffer any more. In the end she had a real hard time breathing." Jake put an arm around the boy's shoulder and pulled him close for a second. There came a shy smile on Brian's face. Jake recognized what it was. Brian was a typical adolescent growing up. He didn't like to have affection shown in public, he felt he was too big for that, too grown-up. But on the other hand, he enjoyed the token of love and understanding. He still needed that, from time to time. With three assistants at hand, the shopping went very quickly. Within half an hour the cart was full. Jake paid and they went back home. As they were waiting for a traffic light to turn green, Brian turned to Jake. Inaudible to Junior and William, who were in the backseat, Brian whispered to Jake, "Thank you. I needed that," Jake gave him an understanding and comforting smile and moved his lips as to whisper, "You're welcome."
After playing for an hour, the game had finally ended and Mariah had beaten the others. As they were putting the game back in the box, they heard footsteps coming down the stairs. The three of them went out to look and found Steve and Toby in the hall. Toby quickly introduced everyone. "Thank you so much for bringing him safely back, Sir," Steve said to Troy. "Oh, I can't take all the credit. He has done a lot himself." Toby blushed and didn't know what to say. But luckily there was something else that attracted their attention. The other group just arrived back from the store. Troy opened the door and everyone helped with unloading the groceries. Steve and Toby loved the idea of a pool-party. But unfortunately not everyone was so outgoing. Roger and William were a bit reluctant at first. Changing in front of a peer, okay. But being totally naked in front of all of these people? But when they saw that the others had no problem with the nudity, they, too, came out of the house in their birthday-suits. Jake couldn't help smiling and he pointed Troy to the scene he was looking at. Roger was still not completely comfortable with the situation. And seeing the beautiful Mariah completely naked didn't help. He had his hands in front of him all the way to the pool. Once he slid in, and the water hid the source of his embarrassment, he seemed to relax a bit. But than Jake couldn't help himself. "Is the water cold enough for you, Roger?" Immediately the poor boy turned red. He had been caught. And not only by Jake. Brian informed his sister next to him, what he had seen when Roger entered the pool. She looked from Roger to Brian and back to Roger. Then she decided to swim up to Roger and sit next to him. She turned to Roger and said, "Don't worry. I'm flattered you like me that much." And as she said that, Roger felt a hand slowly moving over the hard shaft of his raging dick. "Stop that. What if your dad finds out?" "Her dad doesn't control her," a loud voice said above his head. "Gave that up a while a go. I only give advice and hope she listens to it once in a while." Again Roger felt embarrassed. But Troy rubbed the boy's hair and said that it was okay as long as they played it safe. "Ah, dad." Troy loved to tease his daughter like that. And now he had teased her boyfriend at the same time. Laughing he went over to Jake to see if he could help out. Immediately it was clear that Troy was going to be in charge of the grill. Jake hadn't had much experience with it. He never owned one before and he had only been able to try this one two, maybe three times. Without much success. Troy however seemed to know what he was doing and produced one tasty burger after another. Brian by now had came out of the pool and served the plates to the others who were still coupled up in the pool. William and Junior, Steve and Toby and Mariah and Roger. When everyone was served Jake, Troy and Brian took places in some deckchairs at the side of the pool. They all enjoyed the meals and each other. But when Jake looked aside he noticed something with Troy. "What is it Troy? Looks as if you're worried." "Ah, nothing." "Are you sure? If there is anything, please let me know." "Well 3; I might loose them," Troy said with a trembling in his voice. "What? Why?" Troy stood up and went inside, motioning Jake to follow. "Promise me you won't tell them. I don't want them to hear from someone else than me." "No, of course I won't. But please tell me. If there is anything I can do to help 3;" "It all was fine. We were doing great, but then my wife got sick." "Yes, Brian said something like that. 'C', right?" "Yes. In the lungs. She had a long sickbed. I tried to keep everything as normal as possible. And it all went well. Until two weeks ago. I got a letter. A new neighbor had complained. She had just moved in half a year ago, and she was now judging my family! The nerve!" Troy was obviously getting upset as he remembered the letter. "But anyway, it stated that she had called child-services and that the children were alone far too long. I'm a trucker. I already have agreed not to take too long shifts, but sometimes I am still away the entire week. And now they have threatened to take them away if I don't provide a solution for when I'm on the road." Jake looked straight ahead. He was clearly thinking things over. "Do Roger and William have a home yet?" "No. That is another problem I'm worried about. You see how much Mariah and Junior have grown fond of those two. What if they have to say goodbye? How will they cope?" "I think I might have a solution," Jake said mysteriously. Suddenly Jake walked back outside and motioned Troy to follow him. As they walked along the pool Jake noticed the sad look on Brian's face. Maybe he missed his mother again? Jake would ask him later. First he had to show something to Troy. After a fair walk they reached a building that looked a bit neglected. At a closer look its state wasn't too bad. The structure itself was solid. It just needed some cleaning and a fresh coat of paint. "This is the old guesthouse. I cleaned it when I had just bought the place, but since I never used it, it's been a bit neglected since then." The two men inspected the place. It was a simple but spacy building. A big communal area with a sitting area and an open kitchen. From there, a small corridor lead to the bedrooms and bathroom. It had one master bedroom and three smaller bedrooms. "I thought about it this way. In the main house there are two bedrooms vacant. One for Roger and one for William. They can move in with me. And at the same time, you and your family can move into here." "Are you sure? This would mean a solution to all our problems." "Problems?" said a voice. Jake and Troy looked at the doorway. Brian had followed them. "What kind of problems, dad?" "Brian, I'm sorry that you have to find out this way. Come over here." Troy motioned with his arm for Brian to come closer. Brian walked up to his dad and Troy put his arm around the puzzled looking boy. "Listen. I haven't told you guys because I didn't know how to solve it." Now Brian looked scared at his dad. "I received a letter. Someone had complained that I was neglecting you and your siblings. They threatened to take you away from me if the situation wouldn't change." "They can't do that!" "I'm sorry, son, but I'm afraid they can," Troy said with a big sigh. "But fortunately Jake here came up with a solution." Brian looked around. "You mean moving here?" "It needs some tidying up, but then it could be our new home." "Don't worry, you're always welcome to come to the main house anytime. But this way you all have a room of your own with your own bed." Brian looked around again. Then he turned to Jake and gave him a big hug. "Thank you." Jake hugged Brian back and said, "No, thank you. It's the least I can do. After all, you guys have brought Toby back to Steve and me." As he loosened the hug, Jake looked down on Brian. "Brian, can I ask you something?" "Sure." "Were you a bit sad? I thought I saw something like that when we just passed you at the pool." Brian bowed his head. He doubted for a while if he should tell, but finally he said: "It was just that 3; well 3; everyone else had someone. Steve had Toby. Mariah had Roger. Even Junior has William. I just felt 3; lonely." Immediately Brian felt two pairs of arms around him. "When we're around you should never feel that way, okay?" Troy said. "We love you and I'm confident you'll find someone too. Very soon." "How do you know?" "I just do. And in the meantime, just know that we all love you to pieces. So if you ever feel lonely or sad again, just say so, okay?" With tears in his eyes Brian looked up at Jake and Troy. "Thank you." Both men noticed that the naked Brian had undergone some changes since he had stood there in the doorway. All the love he had received had done him good. So good even, that his boyhood had reacted by now sticking straight forward. "Sorry," a blushing Brian said. "I guess it's all the hugging and your bare bodies touching me and stuff." "Don't worry," Jake replied, "It's perfectly normal. Besides, I think it looks very nice. Nothing to feel ashamed about." Brian looked at Jake with wide open eyes. "And I think he is right," Troy chipped in. Brian didn't know what was going on. His mind was racing to understand what was being said. These men liked him? They really thought he was handsome? No way! "You really mean that?" Brian asked in disbelieve. "Yes, you're a very handsome young man. I would love to get a chance to play with that beautiful part of you. Sorry, but I hope you guys don't take offense at me for saying so," Jake said while he looked at both his guests. "I don't. I think the same way. He's developing very nicely." Brian was looking at the two men. They liked his body? He never thought anyone would rate his stocky body as 'handsome'. "You really think so?" "Yes." "And you, too, dad?" "Yes, son." "Oh, okay," Brian said shyly, but then a smile appeared. "Well, you're welcome to feel if you want to." Brian hadn't said it or he had a man standing on either side of him. They both had one hand stroking his backside, going from his head and shoulders to his ass-cheeks. The other two hands were doing the same on the front of his body. The fingers were playing with his young nipples that were getting hard by now. And then slowly the hands moved downwards. Brian's genitals were now becoming the center of attention. His nice 4½" [11½ cm] hard on was being caressed and stroked. His sensitive 13 yo balls were being fondled by Jake and Troy's fingertips. Brian was just standing there with his eyes closed. He had never been so nicely loved. Brian started to moan and Troy and Jake looked at each other with an understanding look. Suddenly Brian was lifted up and carefully laid down on the floor. And while Troy continued to please his boy by kissing and sucking Brian's nipples, Jake was sucking on something else. Jake had pulled Brian's foreskin back and was now pleasuring the small swollen glans with his tongue. Brian was going crazy. His moans got louder, only muffled by his dad's mouth that was now firmly pressed on his. Jake had now swallowed the entire young dick and was giving his young guest the hottest blowjob he had ever had in his short life. It didn't take long before Brian started to stiffen up. Jake let go of the young dick and Troy, too, moved back. Brian had a wonderful intense orgasm. His young boyhood pulsated heavily and with each pulse a strong string of boycum shot out of his love-stick. The first string came up to his chin, the second to his chest and the third filled up his inny bellybutton. After that, the rest of the cum was just slowly oozing out of the softening organ. Troy started to lick the upper half of his boy clean. His chin and chest. Jake concentrated on the bellybutton, the pelvis and the small dick itself. Brian lay there for a while. He had to catch his breath again. But while he did he looked at his two lovers with a look filled with pride, joy and gratitude.
Steve had found his love again and he was making sure to make up for lost time. While he had Toby's cute little dick in his mouth, his own member was being licked at by a very enthusiastic Toby. On the opposite side of the pool two other boys were doing the same thing. Junior and William had really found each other and were now very much into each other. Both figuratively and literally. They were so in love and had such a warm feelings for each other. And they showed it by each taking the love-meat of the other in his mouth. Between the two pairs of guys was a girl lying on top of a boy. Roger had buried his mouth completely between Mariah's legs and was now pleasuring her with his tongue in the best ways he knew how. Apparently those were very good ways, because, although her mouth was filled with Roger's gorgeous stiffy, moans of ecstasy were clearly audible from Mariah. Jake and Troy lay back down on the deckchairs, admiring the scene. The three couples of horny youngsters were very pleasing to their eyes. A fact that was proven by the big pieces of hard man meat that were between their legs. Brian had noticed this as well and instead of lying back on his own chair, he decided to kneel between the other two. After giving both men a quick look, Brian took a hard raging cock in either hand and started to jerk his father and their host. When Brian noticed they were enjoying it, he bent forward and took Jake's pulsating glans in his mouth. After a few blows he changed to his father's cock and did the same. Both men were slowly drifting off into ecstasy. The hot action continued for several minutes and then a chain reaction started of people having an orgasm one after the other. And every climax was intense and loudly signaled by the heavy moaning. Some fifteen minutes after the last climax had happened everyone was slowly back to breathing normally again. Troy and Jake found it then to be the time to inform the rest of the gang about the new developments. "Guys, could you come over here please? Jake and I have to discuss something with you," Troy said. "What is it, Dad?" Mariah asked. Troy explained what had happened. About the letter and the solution that Jake had suggested. "Wow!" they all shouted, "That's great!" Troy and Jake were happy that all accepted the new situation with so much enthusiasm. The arrangements were quickly made. Then Troy and his children said goodbye. The knowledge that this would only be a short break-up lightened the sadness with the kids in love. After the extra group had left, Jake took Roger and William to their new bedrooms. They couldn't believe how fortunate they had been meeting this generous guy. They were overwhelmed by joy. They couldn't remember ever having a room of their own. Both gave Jake a very tight and loving hug. By now it was time to go to bed. Steve and Toby went to Toby's room and Roger and William went to theirs. Jake first checked in at Toby and Steve and was happy to see two very cheerful boys. Steve didn't show a sign of his depressed mood any more. And Toby was his own cheerful self. Then Jake went to check with William. He gave the boy a nice hug. He always loved to hug young boys. To feel their love and affection. But then William asked Jake something he didn't expect. "Sir, if you want you can give him a good night kiss as well," William said, while he pointed at his little boy-member. "Please, call me Jake," Jake replied and then gave a tender kiss on William's exposed dickhead. He then ruffled William's hair and after a last kiss on the boy's head, Jake left the room. He now went to look in on Roger. The boy was apparently exhausted because he was already sound asleep. Jake walked up to the bed and carefully gave a small kiss on Roger's head. This made Roger to turn onto his back. Because of the warm night Roger had decided to keep the blankets off. So now Jake had a perfect view of Roger's wonderful boy-body. His nicely developed torso and his cute private parts. Suddenly it occurred to Jake how much the two boys looked alike. Roger was definitely an older version of his brother, where William still had his child parts, Roger had started to developed a little. His balls had already clearly grown. It wouldn't take long now and his small boy-penis would follow. The thing that gave it away to Jake was the fact that Roger had a cute patch of fluff just above his member. Jake smiled and left the room again. It was late enough. Time for Jake to go to bed himself. Fifteen minutes after lying down Jake was in Dreamland. An hour later Jake was awakened. He opened his eyes and when they had adjusted to the dark, Jake noticed a small person entering his room. As the boy walked up to the bed, Jake recognized Toby. Due to the heat that night Jake had decided to use a single sheet. Suddenly Toby crawled underneath the sheet and immediately Jake felt two soft boy-hands around his adult dick. And then Jake felt Toby's warm mouth going over his exposed glans. Jake threw the sheets back and looked at the boy's head going up and down in his crotch. Jake put a hand on Toby's shoulder and stopped the boy in his actions. "Why?" Jake asked, "Don't get me wrong, I love you and I love what you are doing, but why are you here with me? Shouldn't you be with Steve?" "I wanted to thank you for all you did," Toby said, "Taking in William and Roger. And helping out Troy and his family." Jake gave Toby a big comforting smile. But then Toby threw his arms around Jake. "You're the best. And I'm proud to call you my friend." Then all of a sudden Toby looked Jake in the eye with a serious look on his face. "Is it 3; is it okay if I call you.. 'Dad'?" "Would you like to? Would you feel comfortable to do so?" "Yes. You're the closest to a real dad I ever had." "Then I'm okay, NO, I'm PROUD to be called that by a wonderful boy like you," Jake replied and gave Toby a passionate hug. But then Jake told Toby that it would probably be better if he went back to his own room before Steve would miss him. Toby gave Jake a last kiss and then quickly went back to his room. Once he got there and crawled back into bed, he noticed Steve lying on his side with his back towards Toby. Then he noticed a little movement from his boyfriend. "Steve," Toby whispered, "are you awake?" "Yeah," Steve answered. Toby couldn't help to notice the hurt in Steve's voice. "Please, Steve, don't do this. Don't be mad. Please." "What do you care? Don't you have to go to your new boyfriend?" "New boyfriend?" "Yeah, Roger. Where else were you gone to?" "I wasn't there. I was with Jake. I wanted to thank him for everything he has done for me and everyone else." "Yeah, right." Toby couldn't believe his ears. He had just gotten his boyfriend back, but was now loosing him again. Toby was on the brink of breaking down. He fled the room and ran back into Jake's. There he crawled into bed with Jake and clung to him and had a serious breakdown. Jake couldn't get any sensible word out of the boy. His tears were such that Toby couldn't speak clearly enough. All Jake could do was hug the boy and give him the love and warmth he so desperately needed. Jake decided to talk about it the next morning. He didn't think he would get much sense out of the boy tonight. The next morning Jake was awakened by a terrible wreckage coming from the hall-way. Jake immediately jumped out of bed and went to see what the noise was. Right there on the floor he found Steve fighting with Roger. Jake quickly grabbed each boy by an arm and when they had calmed down, he asked what was going on. "I don't know," Roger said, "I was on my way to the bathroom, minding my own business, when suddenly he attacked me." Immediately Steve tried to kick Roger again. "Stop that!" Jake shouted at Steve, "What's wrong with you?" "He stole Toby." "I did what?" Roger asked in disbelief. "Roger, go to the bathroom and do your business. Steve, you're coming with me!" Jake said in a very annoyed way. Back in Jake's room Jake threw the angry boy on his bed. Toby, by now, had crawled into a corner of the room, afraid of how Steve was behaving. It reminded him of his angry mother and all the pain, both mentally as well as physically, she had given him. Suddenly Steve noticed Toby. Then it hit Steve that Toby must have told him the truth. As Steve then wanted to walk up to Toby, the frightened boy ducked away behind Jake. "Please, Dad, don't let him hurt me." "What? But, Toby, I just 3; I'm sorry 3; I 3;" Steve said. Jake gently pushed Steve towards the bed and let him sit down. Steve now had tears flowing down his cheeks. Then Jake turned to Toby and beckoned him to come closer. "Why were you so afraid of Steve?" Jake asked. "The way he behaved. It reminded me of my mum." Immediately Jake knelt down and took Toby in his arms. He let the boy cry it all out of his system. In the meantime, Steve was still sitting on the bed. He was trying to figure out what Toby was saying. By the time Toby had finished crying, Jake sent the boy off to his own room so he could have a word with Steve. "Now, why did you attack Roger?" "I thought he was taking Toby away from me. That Toby snuck off to his room last night." "Toby wasn't with Roger, he was with me. Why would you think he was with Roger?" "Well, they are old friends and 3; I don't know," Steve said, starting to get annoyed and frustrated by his own actions. "So you were jealous. That is a very nasty feeling. It can make you do very nasty things and break things that might never heal again." "Jake, what did he mean by 'I reminded him of his mum'?" Steve asked with a fearful undertone in his voice. "Mmh. Now that I know you were jealous, I think I have a good hunch as to what he meant. You know that I told you how I met Toby and what happened when I visited his mum, right?" "Yes, you told me when we drove up from the supermarket that first day." "What I didn't tell you, was how Toby's life was prior to him living with me," Jake continued, "His dad had left his mum when he heard she was pregnant with Toby. Apparently he couldn't face up to the responsibility. Eventually his mum found a cottage at the nudist park. But she couldn't cope with the situation and resorted to alcohol. And every time she had a tantrum, Toby was the closest person and a suitable target to release her anger at." "What?" Steve shouted. Jake could see the boy's underlip tremble. "Didn't she love him?" "Maybe somewhere deep down she did. But the alcohol made her judgment cloudy and she blamed him for her miserable life." "But that's not fair!" "I know. That's why I'm so happy to have him here. I will do anything to make him feel better and have a good life. He really deserves it." "Yes, he does," Steve said. But then he remembered what Toby had said and immediately tears were running down his cheeks. "Oh my God, and he saw in me the same as his mum. He must really not want to have anything to do with me any more." "Don't worry," Jake said as he tried to comfort the now sobbing boy. "I'll have a talk with Toby now and explain to him what happened. That he doesn't have to be scared of you at all." "You really think you can make him see it that way?" Steve said unbelieving between his sniffs. "I can at least try. But it's up to Toby to decide." "I understand," Steve said. Then Jake stood up and went to the door to go to Toby. "Jake, could you bring my clothes in here? I think it's better if I leave Toby alone for now, until he tells me it's okay again." "Okay, I'll do that." "Okay if I use your bathroom?" "Yes, go ahead." Jake walked across the hallway to Toby's room. He was impressed by the empathy shown by Steve. He really was a remarkable boy. Jake knocked on the door. "Toby, it's me, Jake. Okay if I come in?" "Yes." Jake opened the door and saw the little boy sitting on his bed with his legs pulled up, his arms wrapped around them. "Dad, do you think Steve will hurt me?" "No, never," Jake said, "he didn't hurt you now did he? He went for Roger." "But why? How could he be so violent? I never saw him that way." "How long do you know him?" Jake answered with a smile. "Sometimes people don't get to know the person they love for a long time. Sometimes they even live with someone for years and then find out that the one they thought they loved is someone else. Someone completely different. But I don't think that's the case here. Steve is not the violent type. Trust me, I know him a lot longer than you." "But he was violent. Against one of my friends." "Yes, he was. And I talked to him about it. Do you remember how Steve was when Troy brought you back to us?" "Yes. He didn't notice me. It was as if he wasn't here." "Right. He had given up on life. He thought he had lost you forever and didn't see any light at the end of the tunnel. He just gave up." "But what has that got to do with this?" "I want you to see how much Steve loves you. You are the love of his life." "I thought the same way about him, but now that I saw this side of him 3; I don't like it, Dad. I don't like it at all!" "I know, Toby. But the reason your mum was violent and Steve was, are two very different reasons." "So?" "Your mum was mad at you for things that she had done and was blaming you for it. Steve was mad at Roger for something that hadn't happened and he pointed his anger at Roger, not you." "Still I don't like the way I saw Steve right now." "I know. But the reason was that he thought he was loosing you again." "What?" "He thought he was loosing you to Roger." "No way!" "Yes. That Roger was a boyfriend who would take you away from him. His anger was fed by jealousy." Toby bowed his head. Jake could see that Toby's brain was spinning at high-speed. "So Steve did it because he loves me?" "Yes. And he feels incredibly sorry about what he did. He now knows how wrong he acted. I know it's still very fresh, but do you think you can ever forgive him?" "Oh, I don't know," Toby said in a sneaky voice. But then he gave Jake a comforting smile. "Of course I can. But don't tell him that." "Why not?" "Instead, tell him that I will only forgive him if he apologizes to Roger." Now Jake gave Toby a smile and a big hug. He knew it would all turn out all right. Now Jake gathered Steve's clothes and went back to his room. Toby was a bit surprised by Jake's action, but didn't dare to ask. Back in his room Jake placed the clothes on his bed and then went to the bathroom to take a nice shower himself. As he stepped into the bathroom Steve was still in the shower. "Hi. Room for one more?" "Sure." Jake stepped under shower and let the warm water soak his body. As he looked at the wall he noticed something on there. He then looked at Steve, who got a beet-red face. "Sorry, but I had a morning wood and I needed some relief so 3;" "Well, I don't mind, but next time, please rinse it off the wall, okay? It's difficult to clean up when it dries up." "Oh, okay." Steve wiped the wall clean with his hand and then continued to rinse off himself. "Did you wash your hair yet?" "No." "Come here, I'll help you." Jake took a big glob of shampoo and massaged it into Steve's hair. Then he rinsed it out. Steve then did the same for Jake. Then suddenly Steve gave Jake a big hug. "Thank you for helping me and Toby." Jake hugged back and after that they stepped out of the shower and dried off. As they went to the bedroom to get dressed, Steve got curious. "How did it go?" "With Toby you mean?" "Of course with Toby, what else?" "He said he would forgive you, if you would apologize to Roger." "I already wanted to do that." "Then there shouldn't be any problems." Steve was feeling relieved. Although he was not completely sure if that would heal things with Toby, he was willing to do what ever it took to win Toby's trust back. Jake and Steve then went downstairs and to the dining-room. To their surprise William had already set the table and was waiting for them, along with Roger and Toby. "You didn't have to do that," Jake said. "Oh," William said timidly. "No, don't worry. I do appreciate it, but you didn't HAVE TO do it," Jake said as he hugged the young boy. Now William was beaming from ear to ear. In the meantime, Steve had walked up to Roger and with his head bowed he said: "Roger, I'm sorry for what happened in the hallway. Could you please for give me?" "Forgive you? You accused me of something that wasn't true! And I should forgive you?" Now Steve was getting scared. What if Roger didn't accept his apology? Would Toby still forgive him? "But I'm really sorry," Steve said on the brink of breaking down. "Yeah, so?" Roger said. Steve backed off and silently took his place at the table. He just sat there. His head bowed and tears running over his cheeks. Then Roger looked at Toby. Jake noticed the exchange of understanding between the two boys. Suddenly they heard a soft sound. A very soft 'bling'. They looked in Steve's direction and then saw that the thing that made the noise was Steve's tears falling on his empty plate. Immediately Roger and Toby ran to Steve and tried to bring the boy out of his misery. "Don't cry," Roger said, "I do forgive you." Steve looked up to Roger. "We wanted to see how you would react," Toby said, "To see if you would get violent again or not." "What? You did what?" Steve shouted, "How dare you play with my feelings like that?" Immediately Steve jumped up and ran upstairs. "Steve!!" Toby yelled, his voice filled with powerlessness and disbelieve. Jake gave a deep sigh and stood up to follow Steve. This was going to be a very long day. On the first floor Jake found Steve in his room and tried everything he could to convince Steve to come down. But no matter how much he tried Steve wouldn't budge. He finally gave up and went back down. He told the boys to have their breakfast and let Steve alone for a while. They all obliged, but when they all had finished their breakfast and Jake, assisted by William, started to clean the table, Toby made another plate. After he had finished, Toby took the plate upstairs. He then knocked on the bedroom-door. "Steve, I've got some breakfast for you. Please, don't be like this. I'm really sorry we did this. Please," Toby said with his voice filled with grief. When he didn't get an answer, Toby put the plate down on the floor. "I've put it down behind the door. It's there if you feel up to it." Then Toby went back downstairs. He went to the living-room and crawled up the couch. He felt so sad about the whole situation. Roger was sitting on the opposite side of the table and was feeling sorry, too, for what they had done. Suddenly Jake couldn't stand it any more. He took the two boys with him and the three of them went upstairs and entered Jake's room. As Steve saw the group he wanted to get up and leave, but Jake shouted at him: "SIT DOWN! AND YOU, TOO!" "What is wrong with you guys?" Jake asked as the boys had seated. "Why all this stubbornness? Steve, apologize to Roger." "Sorry," Jake said in a non-meaning way. "Steve, do you remember what Toby said?" "Yeah. And I did apologize, but he didn't accept it. And now I don't get Toby back. So what's the point?" "The point is that you and Toby still love each other. Okay, Roger, do you accept his apologizes?" "Well, not this one, but I already accepted those that he made at the table." "And do you guys have anything to say to Steve?" "We're sorry for messing with your feelings. We just didn't think. Please forgive us." Steve looked at the two boys. "Come on, Steve. They just made the same mistake. You didn't think things through when you accused Roger and they didn't think it through when they gave you a hard time," Jake said. "I guess you're right. Okay, I forgive you, guys." And with a big strong group hug they all made amends. Then Jake stood up and said: "Okay, guys, I was planning on taking Roger and William to the stores for some shopping. Clothes and stuff. Do you want to come with us?" Toby looked at Steve and then said: "Actually I'd rather stay here if that's okay." "Why? I hope the experience of the abduction hasn't frightened you so that you don't want to go to the stores anymore?" "No, it's not that," Toby replied, looking at Steve once more. "I just want to make up with Steve," he said, winking at Jake. Jake just laughed and said: "Okay, we'll be back before supper. Have fun you two." Then Jake and Roger went downstairs and, after picking up William, they left to the shops. Chapter 9
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