Larry ClaytonMy Brother's Kids Are Now Mine |
SummaryIn an accident Larry's brother and sister-in-law were both killed. Larry, a gay male teacher, was listed as God Father to their two boys and immediately fell heir to both children and the house they lived in. The boys were were excited that their 'uncle' was taking them instead of Social Services horning in. But 3; there were certain aspects of their young lives that were up to this moment not in his field of awareness; mainly that the 12-year old had some special scouting lessons that he had shared already with the 9½-year old. And then Larry begins to fall in love with his 18-year old student Korey, the boys' child-sitter. Even more revelation by the boys adds to Larry's inner conflicts. From there 3; we'll see how things go!
Publ. Mar 2008-
3; (Nifty); this site Apr 2008-
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CharactersEaton (12yo), Casey (9yo), their uncle Larry (27½yo) and Korey (18yo)Category & Story codesConsensual Man-Boy story/loveMt Mb bb – cons mast oral anal (Explanation) |
DisclaimerThis story is fiction, for the most part; I will not reveal which parts might have truth in them. I will say that the names used are not actual names of real people, nor does the activity reflect actual illegal acts being done with underage boys. Because of the fictional nature of the story, safe sex is not described within, but the author insists on the intelligence of its use in real life scenarios, as well as the wisdom of older gentlemen in regard to abuse of our youth.All the legal disclaimers are applicable, and you know what those are already. So, if you pass all the tests, enjoy the story as it unfolds. |
Author's noteThank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author at larry_c_(at)excite(dot)com or through this feedback form, please mention the story title in the subject line. |
Chapter One
The first chapter is foundational, and I promise that by chapter two, temperatures will rise. Let me know what you think!
I was shocked out of a deep sleep by a telephone call from the State Police at three o'clock in the morning. I was asked if I knew a Morris Freeburg of Monterey, California. I stammered a moment until my mouth began to work properly, and I said 3; "Yes 3; he's my brother. Is he in trouble? Is he drinking again, and needs someone to drive him back home? Damn Shit head! I told him he needed to stop that habit before it hurt his wife and kids!" "Uh Sir, 3; That's not why we called! I am sorry to say that I wish that was the case 3; but 3; this is Officer Radbury, and I found your name in his wallet as the person to contact in case of an emergency. There has been a terrible automobile accident on the interstate here near Salinas, and 3;" "Officer 3; is he hurt? What hospital is he going to? I can be there in twenty five minutes 3;" "Mr. Freeburg 3; he isn't going to the hospital, sir. Neither is his wife. The Coroner has 3;" "Coroner? FUCK! 3; SHIT! 3; Excuse me Officer, but 3; just tell me two things 3; Was there booze involved? 3; and two 3; were my nephews there too?" "Sir 3; Yes, Alcohol does seem to be a contributor, but this time it was the other driver who was highly intoxicated, not your brother and his wife. It seems that the other driver was mesmerized by the oncoming headlights, and swerved to Morris's side of the highway 3; hitting his car head-on at over 70 miles per hour[110 km/h] 3; not even a chance for your brother to react 3; I am sorry, Sir. But as to your second question, there was no sign of any children in Morris's car. Evidently, that much is positive."
"Officer, when the Coroner has finished with his job, please have him call me so that I may make proper arrangements. Meanwhile, I am heading over to my brother's home. I am sure the boys are with a responsible sitter, but I want to be the one to tell them what happened. The phone number there, if I am needed before I return to this number is (408) 555-9811. I do appreciate you calling me (gulp), but I just can't handle any more details right this minute
3; I'm sure you understand! Thank you, Officer Radbury." Immediately, I felt sick to my stomach. I had to face my nephews with the bad news, and I knew that they had heard me tell Morris many times that booze would be his death 3; but this way? HELL! It wasn't fair 3; he'd tried very hard to be sober for at least six months straight now, 3; and someone else's habit screwed up the whole thing for both him and his wife, Anne. God, I hope it was instantaneous! Neither of them deserved to die in pain and agony! Then it hit me, the Officer didn't mention whether or not the other driver lived. Maybe because he didn't want me to come unglued and go after the bastard if he was still alive 3; or maybe because I didn't ask 3; I don't know! For now that was police business 3; I have two nephews to take care of first! I immediately got myself dressed, after splashing cold water on my face and eyes. Then, I headed out toward my brother's house to send the sitter away and somehow break the news to my nephews 3; uh, now my boys, because in Morris's will, I was to take the two as my own if anything ever happened to Morris and Anne. I was the kids' Godfather, as well as their Uncle 3; by legal declaration. Oh, Man! I am now a parent! I'm not married 3; there will be no mother for the boys! There never will be, either, because Morris knew I would never marry any woman. He understood me very well, and had clearly discussed it with Anne, who also never held my personal choices against me. They both trusted me totally to care for the boys anyway. I had never even attempted to make any advances toward either one of them, as my own desires were closeted, and strictly restricted to fantasizing about hunks in magazines, on TV, or maybe in a movie or two. Well, I suppose there were a few trips or so to a XXX-Vid shop, or to a secluded park bathroom that sported a glory hole 3; but only when I was out of town on a trip, and no one would ever have any idea who I was. After all, a 27½ year-old High School Teacher could never let on that he had desires for other guys, or even toward a couple of his students, now could he! I arrived at Morris's house, and used my key to enter, so as not to wake the boys by knocking. The sitter was a bit surprised to hear the door open, but as soon as he saw it was me, he relaxed a bit. He was one of my music students who I had often recommended to Anne as a decent and responsible H.S. Senior who had four younger brothers at home, qualifying him to take care of her two easily. "Hi, Kor, it's me, Larry Freeburg 3; how are the boys?" "Oh, Mr. Freeburg, they're asleep, and they were good as gold for me. Thanks for recommending me in the first place a few months ago. I needed the job, and I do enjoy these guys a lot more than I do my own little bratty brothers. Uh 3; but 3; why is it you here instead of Mr. and Mrs. Freeburg? I expected them home an hour ago." "Well, Kor 3; it's this way 3; (and I told him the details that I knew so far.) 3; so I will make sure you get paid for your good work. But, just in case I need some help for the next few minutes, you mind staying while I tell the boys? If they freak out, I just might need an extra hand." "Uh 3; I don't know what I could do, but for you, Sir 3; of course I'll stay, just 'cause you asked. You've been such a great teacher for me, helping me through a lot; so it's the least I can do for you! God, I'm so sorry, Mr. F!" I walked slowly toward my oldest nephew's bedroom door, trying to gather my thoughts as to just how I was going to break the news 3; when he almost staggered out his door with a shocked look on his face. "Uncle Larry 3; (running to me, and burying his head in my chest) 3; what I just saw on TV 3; was that 3; it looked like 3; Dad and Mom's car on the news?" (Picking him up in my arms and carrying him to the couch) 3; "Eaton, Eaton 3; my dear boy 3; I'm here because I wanted you to find out from me, not from TV. Yes it was their car. I wish it wasn't. I know it's gonna hurt, but you need to know the truth, and let me help you face it and deal with it the best we can together." We both cried together as the reality sank in. I did wonder why Eaton happened to see it on TV so early in the morning when he usually slept so soundly that it usually takes an earthquake to arouse him back to consciousness. He told me that he had a dream that woke him, and because he didn't want to go back to sleep yet, he had turned the TV on, instead of bothering Korey with his dream details. I asked whether he wasn't yet comfortable sharing things with Kor, and he answered by a solid 3; " I like him a lot. He's cool. But I thought he might be asleep on the couch and I didn't wanna wake him, and have us both not able to sleep. Besides, I'll be twelve in about a month 3; I didn't want Korey to think I was still a little kid!" "Geesh, Eaton, I'd never think that! You're a whole lot cooler than my Seventh Grade brother 3; I much rather spend time with you than him, any day!" "Eaton 3; Son 3; do me a favor, and stay here with Kor while I wake up Casey and bring him out here with us, OK?" "Sure, Uncle Lar 3;", as he scooted toward Korey, and Kor wrapped his arm around Eaton's shoulder like a big brother would do. Eaton almost melted into Kor's arm, and tried not to sob too hard as Korey used his other hand to rub gently on Eaton's back to comfort him. I opened Casey's door, finding him totally asleep without a care in the world 3; hating the idea of even waking him to share the terrible news. I felt guilty, but knew it was necessary. I pulled back his covers, and lifted his nine-year old body into my arms, resting his head against my neck as I carried him to the living room. As we made our way there, Casey began to awaken, yawned hugely, and almost moaned out a 3; "Hey, Unk 3; is it morning already? Whatcha doin' here so early?", (and he kissed my neck as he still attempted to be aware of the things going on.) It didn't take too long for him to realize that Kor was still here, his brother was awake too, and that it was me here instead of his Mama and Dad. He looked puzzled, and somehow he knew something just wasn't right 3; but as he began to shake a little, he wasn't too sure he wanted to ask! "Casey, listen to me, My Boy 3; something has happened that I wanted to be the one to tell you about. I'm here right now because your Mom and Dad won't be coming home tonight, or tomorrow either." "Uh 3; and Korey isn't staying with us 3; he's gotta go home for school, right? So you're here, Unk 3; to watch us till Mama gets back?" "Uh 3; Case 3; I wish that was the whole truth 3; but 3;" "Uh 3; Eaton, 3; you're crying 3; You never cry 3; uh 3; Uncle Lar 3; what's all this mean?" "Listen carefully, Son 3; Daddy and Mama won't be coming home any more. They went to a new home tonight. You know which one I mean 3; the one with Jesus!" "NNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! I still need them! Jesus' got a whole bunch of mommies and daddies up there with Him 3; I only got one set! UUUUUUUUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNKKKKKKKKKKKK 3;" I held him so tightly 3; so close 3; while he sobbed so hard that I thought he would shake off my lap. My clothes were getting quite wet from tears, and I didn't even care if his nose dripped all over my chest 3; he had to know he was safe with me, no matter how scared and torn up he felt. The inner torment this little guy was feeling made Eaton more upset, too, and I was so thankful that Kor had stayed to give Eaton support while I tried to comfort Casey. The next half-hour was anything but easy to get through. But eventually, the tears ran out and the shaking stopped. "Uh 3; Mr. F 3; I really need to go now, unless you think it would help for me to stay here until school time. I could call my 'rents and let 'em know if you still need me." "Korey 3; you have done plenty, and I am so grateful. Go ahead and head on home. I probably will not be at school for a day or so, getting things all taken care of and such; so since you're my student director anyway, help the substitute keep things going properly. I know I can trust you with that responsibility on my behalf. By the way, here's a $50.00 bill for your job well done tonight." "Mr. F 3; I only earned about $20 bucks 3; I can't 3; I mean, I'd really rather not get paid at all, just to help you any way I can!" "Kor, I know where your heart is, and I am more than grateful, believe me. But you have monetary needs too, and you did earn your wage. So if I want to add to the pot as a thank-you 3; that's my business, OK?" "Uh 3; OK, I guess! Just be sure that I won't let you down at school, either, Mr. F. You've been more of a Dad for me these last four years than my own father ever was. All you gotta do is ask, and I'm here for ya 3; Honest!" Korey took a moment to give a hug to both boys, letting them also know that he cared for them as well as for me, and he left. I have to admit that if I had any of my own kids, I would wish that Korey was one of them. Why his father never gave a shit if he existed or not totally escapes my mind. And to think of how great a kid he is in spite of all that, well 3; the young man is just plain special! (You know, he's the student that started the entire music and drama departments calling me "Papa", which has grown and spread all over campus as my reputation of being available for any kids who need to have a person who cares about them as important people. What a Kid!.) I guess you can tell that I feel like he is almost 'family' to me 3; guess it's because I started my first year teaching at the same time Kor began as a Freshman, and we were drawn together to travel these last four years as support for one another through the good times and the bad ones too. That's the other reason I trusted my nephews to his watchful eye, convincing my brother and sister-in-law to use him as a sitter during this past half-year. They grew to consider him more than just a sitter, too. He made me proud of my trust in him, both here and at school. Hell, yes 3; I love him as if he was my own kid. What do you expect? The guy needs a caring man in his life, too. Anyway, back to my boys! As soon as Korey left, both my guys snuggled under my arms and held on to me with every ounce of strength they could muster. It was like they were never going to let me get out of their site. I assured them that we were going to be together for good, and that we all needed to get to sleep till morning since we had things to attend to as a family unit. Eaton was astute enough to realize that now I was going to be their Father in place or Morris. He even told me that Anne had explained to him exactly what a God-Father was about a year ago, and that he would help tell Casey what it all meant. I was impressed with the amount of maturity showing through Eaton's character at this moment. But, there was still some little kid left in him when he also said 3; "Uh 3; Papa Larry? If we all gotta get some sleep 3; can we sleep together? I know Casey needs it that way 3; can we 3; for him 3; too?" Looking into his eyes, I could see he needed it as badly as he thought Casey did, and so without making any fuss over the fact that he was almost 12, I gathered them both, and headed to the king-sized bed in the master suite. They fell asleep almost instantly, but I was laying there taking in the smells and the feel of my new sons as I tried to push the pain out of my heart enough to get some rest before tackling the new day's necessities. It was almost 11 AM before I was awakened by a phone ringing loudly in my ear. It was the Coroner's office in Salinas, our County Seat. The Coroner was calling to say that he had finished his work, and wanted to know who he should call to make the transfer of the remains for proper burial arrangements. I responded almost automatically for him to contact The Paul Mortuary in P.G., since it had been the place which handled all our family members since I was a child, and maybe even before that. The owner is my good friend and fellow Kiwanian, so I knew I would have no question as to the quality of service we would receive from the firm. Next, I called Paul's and made an appointment to make arrangements. Since I wanted Korey to come back and be with the boys while I took care of details, I made it for 4:00 PM. Then, I called the school. (Ooops 3; I didn't wake up this morning to call for a substitute 3; oh, man 3; I was a bit nervous as I made the call now.) 3; "Oh Larry, this is Sheila 3; We are so very sorry for your loss. Korey came in first thing this morning and told us everything. We called a sub right away, and we want you to take whatever time you need. We'll stand behind you through it all. Mr. Jacobs wants to know when the services will be, so he can cancel school that day to allow your friends here to attend and support you in this time." "Thank you so much, Sheila, and tell Frank thanks, too. But I need one favor. Can you find Korey Prince for me, and ask him to come to the house after school. I need him to watch the boys while I go to the Funeral Home." "I have his schedule right in front of me. He said you might call for him. No problem, Larry. I'll take care of it right away. Consider it done." I thanked her, and hung up, letting my new sons know that he'd be here right after school 3; "But Papa 3; can't we go with you? We don't want you to leave!" (Evidently, Eaton had already told Casey the fact that I was now their new Father, and suggested the term 'Papa' to make it easier than using 'Dad' for other than Morris.) "Look, Casey 3; I'll be back sooner than you know. This something only I can do, and it won't take that long. I'm going to make sure things are done right for saying g'bye to your Mommy and Daddy. We all need to do that together, but this part is just for me to do 3; OK?" "Just promise you're coming back! Please!" "Of course I'll be back, and Korey will be here to make the time go faster till I do get back. We'll all go out for dinner afterwards 3; Korey too!" Just then, the doorbell rang, and in popped Korey. He surprised me, however, by coming to me, grabbing me in a big hug, holding to me for a bit longer than expected 3; and then standing back a little, looking into my eyes, wondering if I minded the hug. I drew him back to me, and returned a hug that showed him I was pleased that he wanted to show me that he cared so much. There seemed to be some powerful electrical charge that surged between us as we held one another this time. My God 3; what just happened? I know my guard is down right now because of my having to deal with so much, but this? I mean, Korey is my student! He's still in High School 3; the one where I work every day. Yes, we have a close relationship, as teacher/student, but 3; it's just that, isn't it? It has to be! It can't be any more! It's so absolutely forbidden! But as he stood there in front of me, his eyes drilling into my heart; I began to look at him in a totally different way 3; before, he was my Marching Band Drum Major, striking to look at in that crème-colored uniform, commanding in his stance, authoritative in his body language, and respected by his peers. But now 3; he was 5'10" [1.78 m] of well-toned muscle, perfect skin texture and color, sculptured and chiseled in his body shape (a little like the statue of David in my mind's eye), and a radiance to his smile that melted my heart. And then there was 3; was 3; the other sensation I felt as we hugged 3; that 3; pressure against my groin 3; from what must have been his 3; his 3; (Oh, Shit!) maleness in a very erect condition. Korey? No, it must have been my imagination! He just isn't that way! What am I thinking! Why am I even thinking it? "Korey, I asked you to be here with my boys while I go to the Funeral Home. I'm not sure how long I will be gone, but if you can stay till I get back, I'll take you to dinner with the guys 3; if you don't have any other pressing duties for the evening." "Mr. F 3; "Papa F., my time is yours! I'll tell you why at dinner, but for now 3; don't worry a bit about the boys. We'll get along great!" 3; And then, he hugged me again, and snuck a kiss onto my neck on the side where the little guys couldn't see. Another high voltage bolt shot through me. I left the house silently, but my guts were trembling, and my mind swirling around new thoughts that ran rampant inside my head. I drove down Forest Hill, all the way to the waterfront, and then around the beach to the golf course, that is, next to it at the Chapel By The Sea where the Funeral Home owner scheduled our meeting time. As I pulled into the Cemetery grounds, I came to the realization that for the entire drive there, I had been sporting the hardest erection of my life, and that there was a spot forming near my zipper that could be very embarrassing if noticed. So, since the shirt I had on was one that could be worn tucked in or hanging out, I tugged it out of my belt, and let it fall in front of me as I walked around the grounds for a couple minutes to allow a return to normalcy before heading into the Chapel office. Randy was waiting there for me when I arrived. Being that we had been friends for so long, none of that formality of the stereotype Funeral Director was part of our greeting each other. It took a little more than an hour to discuss alternatives and make appropriate choices for both Morris and Anne. The service would be a duo, to symbolize that they were together in life, and also in death. The rest of the details are not important to share with you, but for sure, a positive memory picture would remain for all who attended to honor my loved ones. I returned to the house, satisfied that things were being handled both professionally and with the compassion of my close friend adding to the positiveness of a tough situation. I knew the boys would be comforted by what they still had to go through. I was greeted at the door by three smiling faces 3; trying to calm down from what was evidently a blast they were having together before I arrived. "Alright Dudes 3; stop trying to look solemn. You can still have fun. It's OK! In fact, it's a good thing! I guess Korey has done a fine job keeping you happy!" "Gee, Unka 3; I mean, Papa 3; he sure has. I wish he could stay with us for good!" "Well, Case 3; he has a life of his own, but I'm glad you think so highly of him! I am sure glad I can count on him at school. He's certainly my right-hand man. I know how you feel!" "Uh 3; Papa Larry? We gonna go eat soon? I'm starved!" "Just when are you not hungry, Eaton? I bet if I kept record of your intake, I could feed all the rest of us on less than what it costs to fill you up! But, hey 3; you need it, you're gonna get it! So 3; how does the Outrigger Restaurant sound?" "Mr.F., that place is so 3; so 3; well, fancy and uh 3; if I had a girlfriend, it'd be kind'a romantic! South Seas atmosphere, Polynesian menu, ocean view 3; that's really something special 3; you sure you want to waste it on us guys?" "Look, Korey 3; if I thought it was a waste, I wouldn't have suggested it. You three deserve the best, and right now 3; we all need some atmosphere!" We all piled into my car, Kor in the front seat, and the little guys in the back. I could see some whispering as I looked in the rear view mirror. Those two were sharing something that they didn't want me or Korey to hear. Ever so often, a giggle or two bounced around between the comments. Maybe by bedtime, they'd share with me the mysterious and humorous topic of their playfulness. If not, hey 3; they're boys! I wondered more about the fact that Korey was so silent and contemplative through the entire drive to the restaurant. He kept looking my way, smiling, and then staring out the side window again. I knew he had something bothering him, but since he didn't bring it up, neither did I. I did have ideas about the possibilities, though. Maybe he had figured out what inappropriate thoughts had crossed my mind earlier. Maybe he was thinking he ought to distance himself from me, because my reactions were scaring him off. I had tried not to convey any negative vibes earlier, but maybe I didn't succeed. Damn Me! If I lose this young man's friendship 3; I think I might just curl up and die 3; but then Casey and Eaton would have nobody! FUCK! Have I already screwed up the best thing that ever happened to me up to this point? It was early May, and the evenings were very pleasant on the Peninsula. Since I loved the smell of the sea and the feel of salt air, we decided to sit outdoors on the Lanai deck as the waves splashed onto the beach below us. There was one table near the corner of the deck, where we could be away from other guests and not be concerned about anything that might come up in conversation 3; after all, kids aren't always used to being out in high class society, as if this mattered to me a bit tonight! This was my special treat to the three young people I loved, and I wanted them to be free to be themselves. We were first served a 'Pu-Pu Platter' of Hawaiian appetizers, and the boys attacked that as if they were locusts. The little guys turned their noses up at the Turtle soup, probably just because of the idea of it being turtles. However, as soon as Korey showed them how good it tasted, they copied his lead, and that too disappeared 3; but with a little less enthusiasm then was given the platter. I couldn't help but notice the effect Kor was having on the boys. If he had been a teen-age movie star out of High School Musical, he couldn't receive more idol worship than he was getting at this moment. For the main course, Casey and Eaton wanted Fish and Chips. (Hey 3; maybe some day they will appreciate Lobster!) Kor and I had Calamari and Filet Mignon Surf and Turf Combos, a la Moana. Of course the boys finished before we did, and ran down the staircase to the beach while we slowly enjoyed our meal. It was then that Korey began to open up about what was on his mind 3; "Uh 3; Papa F., uh 3; remember I said earlier at the house that I would tell you why my time was yours for as long as you needed me?" "Yes, Kor 3; I certainly do remember 3; and I am listening probably more intently to you than I have ever done up till now! Go on!" "Hope you don't get turned off on me, or nuthin', but 3; I gotta say it now, or I never will! I love you, Papa. I have for over a year now! Maybe longer! But now that I have turned 18, and will graduate in a month 3; You gotta know just how I feel. I left home last week, because I couldn't deal with my Dad's accusations and his rejection of me any longer. Mom is OK with me being out on my own, because she hates what Dad says too, as well as how he's treated me all my life. It'll be tougher for me to make it alone, but maybe 3; just maybe, I won't have to be alone 3; that is, if 3; uh 3; uh 3;" "Korey, you know I will help you any way I can to make sure you can succeed. If you want to tell me details, you know I care enough to not only listen but to help too. You are very special to me, Kor 3; in fact, I have come to the realization lately that I love you too 3; much more than as just a student. And, my boys 3; they almost idolize you. In fact, Casey even asked me if you could 3;" "Yeah, I heard him ask. I'll be honest about my feelings 3; I want to be a part of your family. I want to be like a big brother to the boys 3; or maybe even better like an Uncle. But 3; damn it; I don't want to call you Papa anymore! I want to be your lover, and I think I have picked up on the fact that you may just feel the same way about me! There! I said it! Hate me if you want, but I can't hide it any longer!" "Hate you! Hell 3; that will never happen! NEVER! Damn it, Kor 3; I 3; I 3; want us to become lovers, I really do, but the school, the boys, your Mom 3; the entire community would ostracize us. I'd be out of a job and a career before we ever got to share our love the way I want to 3; there 3; I said it too, I do want you as my lover! I just don't know how we could pull it off, and not be drawn and quartered." "Mom already knows how I feel. She has known that I figured out I was gay at the age of 13. Dad doesn't give a shit what I am, because he says Mom was unfaithful while he was in the service, and that I wasn't his kid anyway 3; so I could crawl in a hole somewhere and die, and he'd be happy not to be bothered with me ever again. As far as the boys are concerned 3; they already feel like I belong. I heard some of the whispers in the back seat. Little Casey was telling Eaton that he figured that you already loved me 3; and Eaton said that some guys like other guys, and that if you and I did, he wouldn't be surprised, or disappointed. God, Larry 3; it fits so beautifully! Shit! I called you Larry 3; sorry I 3;" "Larry's fine away from school, Kor. That is my name! Just so the other students don't hear you use it. You know, respect thing on campus and all. Tell you what! I have an idea that might buy us some time to see just how it all might work out. Since my brother's house is now mine, and I have to live there for the sake of the boys not having to move 3; and of course since I'm their father now, too 3; the apartment condo I bought for myself is vacant. You need a place to live at least until you graduate, right? Well 3; that place is yours if you want it, free of charge, so you don't have to earn rent money while you finish school. After graduation, we can evaluate the possibilities of future changes, but at least by then 3; you will no longer be my student, and the school will have no real say about impropriety." "Man, that sounds so wonderful. But, Larry 3; do we have to do absolutely nothing about sharing our love till after graduation? As I said, I am 18 now! There's no legality problem with two consenting adults!" "I don't know, Kor 3; I really don't! That kiss you gave me on the neck 3; the hard cock I felt against my groin when we hugged 3; the lightning bolt that went through me when 3; if there's any way we can share, I'll find it! But, we still have to keep from blowing things up as far as the community is concerned. We can't jeopardize our jobs, and even worse, the boys! Imagine what Social Services would say if they found out the boys were being raised by two male lovers! Kor 3; I wish I had the right answers!" "Just tell me you will work on it. That's all I need to hear!" "Shit, Love! If you don't know that already 3; we're in deep Doo-Doo!"
Chapter Two(Giggle*) 3; "Gee Whiz, Mr. F., (teasing manner), I didn't know you cared! All these past four years, all I thought I meant to you was that I was someone who could make the band rehearse while you drank coffee in your office. You mean 3; I'm actually 3;""Twerp! If I thought you were serious 3;" (a quick kiss) 3; "God, Kor 3; I want this to work out so wonderfully! And, hell's bells 3; you've known that for a while, or you wouldn't have been so much a part of my daily life as you have been. By the way 3; where are you sleeping since you left your house? "Well, the nights are pretty calm and clear, and the temperatures aren't too bad 3; so I've been enjoying the stars. Did you know that out on Lover's Point rocks there is a cool mini-cave on the water side? Well, more like a shelf of solid rock covering an area out of sight from anyone. I have a sleeping bag hidden inside there, so at night I can walk out on the point, scoot inside when no one else is nearby, and it's been pretty comfy 3; as rocks go! In the morning I can use the beach house restroom to wash up and get ready for school 3; or if I really need it, I use the school locker room showers before class starts. I'm OK!" "That sucks! You deserve better! No boyfriend of mine is going to rough it like that! Now, no argument! Here's the key to my condo so you can use it freely. You've been by there a time or two before a band trip, so you know which one it is. Top floor of the condo unit on Lighthouse Avenue 3; the beige one on the corner of Alder, with those eucalyptus trees shading the front elevator entrance." "Larry, my Love 3; Thank you so much 3; for your heart, your home, and your support of my physical and emotional needs as well. That cave isn't the best place to sleep and still get to school looking like I belonged there. It's been good that my first class each day is P.E. That was my Mom's biggest concern when I left home the day I turned 18 and could legally do so. But now I can tell her about having a place to stay. She'll be so grateful to you. She already knows what a special teacher you are for all the kids. Uh 3; Larry? You sure you want me to use that cool apartment?" "Now that makes me mad! I wouldn't have offered it if I didn't want you to use it! Why didn't you say something sooner! Kor, Dear, if I had known before this, my door would have been open to you sooner! I wouldn't have given a damn what the school thought if I knew you were on the streets!" "But I would have! No way I'd let you get a bad rep over me living with you 3; especially since I wasn't totally sure until today that we both felt the same way toward each other, and about the future. I guess I better get going before the boys wake up and find me still here. See you at school in the morning!" (longer kiss) "Good night, Larry 3; I love you so much!" Korey disappeared out the front door, and I felt like my heart was ripped away with him. I wanted so badly for us to share a night together to celebrate the truth being out in the open between us. I know there is almost 10 years between us, but right now that means absolutely nothing to me 3; nor to him, evidently! I know I already mentioned that he was a gorgeous young man, 5'10" [1.78 m] of well-toned muscle, weighing approximately 170 pounds [77 kg], with perfect skin texture and color covering his sculptured and chiseled body shape (a little like the statue of David in my mind's eye), and a radiance to his smile that melts my heart. Let me add that he has emerald green eyes, beautiful red hair and a light splash of freckles to add to his attractiveness. I think that 'Red Heads' are so friggin' hot! And if that bulge in his Dockers is any indication, he has Sea Biscuit as an ancestor! (Not that I wouldn't love him just as much if he were a eunuch!) So far, all you really know about me is that I am almost 28 years old. I guess it might help if I told you that I am 5'6" [1.68 m] tall, and used to be on the swim team in college 3; made State twice in my career, and still go to a gym twice a week to keep in shape. Mostly by still swimming 3; I'm not into weights and bulk! I weigh a nice 155 pounds [77 kg], (only 10 pounds [5 kg] over my H.S. Graduation weight), and it is all well-toned muscles. I have a fine layer of light brown hair on my chest and legs, but I am no way near what they call a 'bear' type. To be honest, most people think I am younger than 28, too 3; because I have facial features that make me look closer to 20 or so; not too good for a teacher of High Schoolers that might think I'm the same age as they are. (They find out soon, though, that I earn the respect due the authority of my position.) The one part of me that truly shows manly maturity is my package. I'm not bragging, but I have seven-and-a-half inches [18 cm] of quite thick tubular muscle hiding under my Speedo during my work-outs. In fact, I have decided to purchase new swim wear just to get away from the glances and stares I receive at poolside. A Public School teacher has no business advertising. Modesty needs to be the name of the game, especially in our town! Enough of physical attributes! Right after Korey left, I headed for bed. My new sons were asleep, and I was drained of strength from both mental and physical output of the last day or so. I stripped and crawled under my sheet. However, sleep didn't come right away. My mind was playing brain videos of my Kor! I had seen him in baggies at the pool when he was my guest at the gym on occasion 3; but now, these 'thought films' were undressing him, highlighting and maybe even over-exagerating the exposed glory previously hidden from me. I became so aroused without even touching myself that I shot a huge load of man juice all over my chest and legs just because of the intensity of the images flashing through my head. My respect for him as a helper has become love, and that love so wants to be expressed by lust, now that we both know the truth we so deeply share. Now, with that eruption from my deepest being having added to the drain of my strength, I fell to sleep without even trying to clean up any of the evidence of my orgasm. I was awakened by my soon-to-be 12 year old son, who recognized the remnant fragrance as well as the dried crust on my body that was no longer covered by a kicked-off sheet 3; "Hey, Papa 3; you got a girl friend now? She must be hot, or you wouldn'ta had a 'wettie'!" (Snickering like he had caught me in an act of having wild sex;) "Eaton 3; just how do you know about that stuff already? You can't be old enough yet to be having them yourself 3; can you?" "Heck'a yeah I am! Started a couple months ago on a scout campout. The other guys told me that made me a real man, like them! See 3; I got a few pubies startin' already. Ain't that so cool! I showed Dad just last week 3; uh 3; uh 3;" "Yes, that is certainly cool, Son! And know what else is cool? 3; You feeling OK with showing me. That makes me feel accepted as your Papa. C'mere!" I gave Eaton a Papa-to-Son kiss and hug! I also kissed away a couple tears that were falling from his trusting and loving eyes caused by the comment about showing his Dad! He melted into my arms; clinging tight for quite a few minutes, not caring that I was stark naked 3; and I didn't think anything about that part, either. At least not until he headed to his bathroom to get ready for school, and I crawled out of the sack. That's when I realized that holding him that close caused him to become hard. Fact is 3; my own cock swelled a bit as well. Man, I have to be careful! Eaton is family. He's my Son, now! OMG, where is my head? I have to get a grip! I put on my robe and headed to Casey's bedroom to wake him up. He was still sawing logs! I tickled him lightly to bring him around, and he giggled and smiled a 'g'mornin' Papa' as he turned onto his back and sat up to give me a quick kiss 3; "Papa 3; is Korey gonna move in with us? Do we all get to keep him?" "Not quite, Case! He is going to use my condo for a while, and he will be the person I always have come here to watch you two when I have to be out. But he isn't going to be actual family 3; just a great friend to all of us, like he already is!" "But 3; he seems like a big brother already, Papa! And the way you look at him 3; uh, well, I just sort'a thought 3;" FUCK! What the hell is this nine year old baby boy thinking, anyway? How in shit can he have any idea about me and Korey being more like lovers instead of just being two guys brought together as Teacher and Student? Naw! He couldn't know that 3; not yet! I have to stop making implications way beyond reality because I hear stuff that could have several meanings to an adult mind! This perfectly innocent 4th grader is simply saying he wants a big brother 3; that's all! It's gotta be! Casey went into the same bathroom as Eaton. The two of them readied themselves for breakfast and school, which included the normal short squabbles and teasing that accompany young brothers who battle for supremacy inn the age-old matter of sibling rivalry. Frankly, it was refreshing to me to hear such normal activity coming from two kids that are going through such tough times. Having me as a Papa now must be giving them the security they need to function, in spite of the turmoil they are dealing with. Maybe Morris and Anne knew this would be the case when they made me God Father in the first place. This new situation was so right! I went to my own bathroom, off the Master Suite, and made sure I was also presentable for Campus Life 3; and then headed for the kitchen to feed the brood before hunger pangs turned them into animals. After we all finished our repast, and cleaned up as well as we could in the short time we had, we loaded up in my car for the trip to respective schools; Casey to his 4th grade Elementary building, Eaton to Middle School campus, and me to the High School early enough to attend the morning Faculty meeting before period one began. Right after the meeting, I sought out Mr. Jacobs, you remember the Principal, and explained the fact that Korey had moved out of his family home at age 18, and that I allowed him to rent my previous home at a reduced rate so he could make his way as an adult in a way less pressuring to his finishing the school year and preparing for college. I figured that if this was out in the open, as an innocent situation, no one would get suspicious of a possible relationship lying beneath my professionalism. It worked! Mr. J. was supportive of the idea, and actually suggested that maybe part of his rent would be to watch my new sons when I had faculty duties at late hours. I smiled and thanked him for his wise suggestion, and mentioned I would bring the idea to Korey as an option he might consider. Just as I was heading to the Music complex, I saw Korey park his car and jump out to make it to Gym Class on time. He was already dressed in his P.E. Uniform to avoid being late 3; his regular school clothes in hand, to change into after class. I had to hurry to the Band room because I popped a huge boner the moment I saw those nice muscular legs of his carrying that red-headed stud so fast and yet so gracefully across the campus 3; and his magnificent smile as he acknowledged seeing me. Maybe you don't need to hear the details, but heck 3; first period was my prep period, (no students until 2nd period), so I had a few minutes to take care of my sudden lusts. I have my own rest room off my Director's office, so I hid myself in there for a little while, and found relief. I could imagine my entire Jazz Band seeing me so tented, and wondering the reason behind the problem! They'd hound me for days, just because I showed my humanity and healthy maleness. Knowing that, I had no choice but to drop my slacks, pull my shirt tail up, and jerk myself silly until I blasted away all my horniness. Well, maybe not 'silly', because I handled myself slowly and sensually as I pictured Korey being the one taking care of my problem for me; making sure the tip was rubbed by one finger, spreading my leakage around the mushroom to give me the feel of being sucked 3; pulling gently on my nut sack with one hand as my other hand created sensual heaven all over my 7½ inches [18 cm] of hot sausage 3; occasionally allowing a finger to massage my rosebud as if Kor was tonguing me from behind. I was so involved in my dream world of the moment that almost the entire prep period was over before I blew the biggest load I ever remember blasting. I used my boxers to collect the entire mess because I couldn't leave any evidences, or someone might accidentally find it, and I'd be found out! I hid my soaked CK's in my locked desk drawer, lightly sprayed some air freshener around the room, and spent the day commando 3; hoping nothing more would excite a second need, and its resulting embarrassment. The break between first and second periods began, and Korey came into my office. Of course, as my assistant, he always gathered the music from the files for the rehearsal schedule of the day, so there was nothing suspicious about him being there. But, when he came up to me and whispered that he wanted to borrow the key to my locked drawer, I became nervous because of what was already in there. However, this was my Kor asking, and somehow I couldn't refuse his request. As he opened the drawer 3; "Damn, Larry 3; I mean Mr. F., sorry about the slip 3; won't happen when the other kids can hear 3; promise! But, are those what I think they are?" "Shhhhh, Kor 3; and yes! I had a little accident, and I figured I'd 3;" (Laughing 3; ) "So did I 3; after my shower, when the other guys had already left the locker room. I was gonna hide mine in here to avoid anyone else knowing! Guess we really are tuned in to each other 3; our secret, though!" "After school, you can take mine home, and I'll keep yours 3; so we both have something to enjoy tonight at our respective bed pillows. Just hurry, and get the music ready before the bell sounds! And sure as hell lock the drawer and give me back the key! I have to open the classroom doors 3; the bell is about to ring!" "Mr. F., breathe! You're sweating a little. Here's the key! Be cool!" Jazz Band went off like clockwork! Both Kor and I showed no outward signs of anything unusual. That helped the rest of the day go smoothly as well. Marching Band took place right after lunch, and Kor took the group to the football field, and blocked out the week's show completely while I stayed in the office writing the corresponding script for the announcer. Since the P.E. Coach was on duty outside, I had that option, because proper faculty supervision was present on the field. Sometimes, I did the same for him when he needed to draw out new plays for the week's game. We cooperate a lot more than most Athletic and Music Directors usually do, which also leads to good relations between our student groups. After school, there was a rehearsal of Sound of Music, our Spring Musical this year. Since I also ran the Drama department, a combined effort was not that difficult to manage. But I did need Kor to go pick up the boys, and supervise them at home while I stayed on campus for another two hours or so. He was happy to oblige, especially since I had shared Mr. J's suggestion with him, and we laughed about the coincidence. (I also promised not to forget the locked-up items of interest!) I arrived at the house about six o'clock, and found all three of my favorite people wrestling on the living room carpet. I beamed as I watched my guys enjoying time together, seeing just why my sons wanted Kor around as much as I do. Then, I noticed something that did surprise me a little 3; all three guys were wearing sports shorts and nothing else. My first thought was that wrestling was easier without the complication of pants, shoes, or shirts to get in the way of fast reactions. However, the longer I watched, the more I began to think otherwise! The way my two kids were all over Kor 3; and 3; and 3; did I see their shorts tenting? Not just Kor's, but all three frontal pockets poking outward as bodies tossed and rubbed! Even Casey's? I excused it simply as human male reactions to various stimuli and not as sexual play. After all, Kor wouldn't seduce the boys, and Casey wouldn't yet be thinking about such things 3; and Eaton? Well, he was a normal pubescent boy who would get hard at a fly landing on his crotch. "Oh, Hi, Larry 3; I fed the boys already. So, I hope you don't mind a special dinner out on the patio for just us! The guys set it up with a table cloth and even a candle. Guess they want us to feel sort'a special 3; like family or something. Man, I never knew this place had an ocean view through the tall pine trees, since the front window looks out on the Safeway store. I bet the sunset'll be real nice from here." "Fine. I need a shower, and then I'll join you all. I'm pooped. Hard rehearsal today. Act 1 was supposed to be all memorized, but those Jr. High kids playing the Von Trapp brood 3; just not as used to getting work done as the HS cast members are. Be right out!" As I stripped and got into the shower, I heard a flow of piss hitting the water in my toilet bowl. It was Eaton 3; "Hey, Little Man, why you using my bathroom while I'm showering?" "Well, Papa 3; I wanted to say something while we were alone, and I figured this was the only way to do it. Uh 3; and if I'm wrong, just say so, and I'll never bring it up again! But 3; uh 3; you like Korey a lot, don't you!" "Of course! We all like him, don't we!" "Papa 3; I think you know I mean more than that! You like Korey more than as a friend or a student! I may only be in 6th grade, but I do know stuff about older things! We guys at school and in scouts talk about a lot of different big-people junk. Well, not junk, actually 3; but you know what I mean. Anyway, I know some guys like other guys 3; and it looks to me that you and Kor 3; well!" "Listen, Eaton! I have to be honest with you, and not lie 3; but you have to keep it a secret. I could lose my job if anyone else found out. Can you do that for me, Son?" "Sure can! And so can Casey! He sees it too, even if I had to explain it to him when he asked about what he noticed. And Papa 3; neither of us minds a bit! We decided that maybe, if we showed you by making your dinner nice 3; that you would feel free to really be yourself, and so would Korey. Maybe someday, Kor will be part of the family! We hope so!" "Well, I'll be damned! You are so sharp! I had no idea that you were that aware of life! I am so lucky to have you as a son! Both of you! Now scoot while I get out and dry off. And don't forget 3; I'm counting on both of you to keep this quiet!" "We know! And we promise we will! But it might just cost ya somethin'!" (Giggle*) I stepped out of the shower, thinking he had left the room, but there he was 3; handing me my towel, and grinning from ear to ear as he looked me over from head to toe 3; "Eaton? Cost me what?" "Maybe nuthin', maybe sumthin' 3; not sure yet! But you'll like it if you ever get a bill! Promise! See ya!" 3; and out he went. I dried off, dressed, and headed to the patio to meet Korey. The two little guys headed for the video center in my study to occupy themselves while Kor and I had some time alone over dinner. Kor was quite the cook! He made a shrimp bisque with garlic toast, along with spinach salad and a Pot Roast that melted off the bone. I guess his Mother had taught him well about taking care of himself 3; knowing that he'd be out on his own sooner than she wanted. And, oh yes, he had remembered to light the candle the boys had put on the table. When we finished the meal, and sat there long enough to follow the sun to its sinking past the horizon, Eaton's words about "Kor being family" kept hammering in my head. Did it show that clearly to everyone else? Or, was it just the fact that Eaton and Casey were so close to me that they could read me better than everyone else? I hoped the latter was the truth. If anyone at school had suspicions, they would have said something 3; right? Right then, Korey scooted his chair right up next to mine, and leaned over toward me 3; and kissed my cheek 3; "Larry 3; relax, Man! It's fine! The boys and I talked this afternoon, and I answered them as simply as possible when they asked me if I loved you. I never mentioned sexual stuff. I just said I loved you like family. Casey asked if it was like 'son' family or 'brother' family. But before I could say which, Eaton answered Casey with 'even more closer than those, bro. And someday, you'll know more what I mean by that!' I just nodded and said nothing more. But they knew how I felt. I know that because Casey hugged me, and Eaton jokingly called me 'Uncle Kor'. I asked why he called me that 3; and he said, 'because I'm never gonna call you Mama!' That's when we got into that laughter-filled wrestling match as you came in the door." I was a little shocked that my sons were aware of, and accepting as they were of the situation. When I was a kid, even not that long ago, I didn't even know the word 'gay' nor did we ever meet what was called back then 3; a homo; let alone have a male-male relationship in our own home. It was dirty 3; yucky 3; taboo, even to talk about it as a possibility before we hit High School Sex Ed class. Even then, if the teacher brought it up first, she would have been fired, no questions asked. Things have sure changed nowadays 3; as early as fourth grade 3; damn! After the sun set and our little confab finished, we cleared the dinner mess and went inside to get rid of the night chill that had just begun to hit our awareness. Korey said that he better head for the condo and get some rest for tomorrow's school. He had a test to do 3; last section of the graduation exam, I suppose. I asked him if he needed any help with the material, and he said not, because it was the Math section, and he was a straight A student in that area. Figures! I'm not sure he has a single grade below a B in any subject 3; the smarty-pants! But then, he took me into a wonderful embrace, and kissed me directly on the lips 3; deeply 3; romantically 3; damn, even sexually packed; tongue and all! I lost all concern for the danger of it as I returned the kiss with as much vigor as he showed. I don't know how long it lasted, but in my heart 3; it felt like part of eternity had begun. Neither of us wanted to break it off, but it was a necessity. Need I tell you why? I doubt it! When we did part our lips and tear our bodies away from one another, Korey stared deeply into my eyes and said 3; "After June 17th 3;" and he backed out the front door, his gaze still locked on my facial expression that seemed to say back 3; "God 3; I don't want to have to wait that long! But we both know 3;" I closed the door, locking it, and turning toward the living room, was tackled by two youthful bundles of energy 3; "Way to go, Papa 3; Casey won the bet! But I'm glad I lost it." "What bet, you little 3; ?" "That you two would kiss! That was a doozey! Better than the one in the movie we watched!" "Wait a sec, if you were watching the movie 3; how'd you see 3;" "Well, Papa 3; guess I'm gonna be a teacher like you, someday, and I gotta develop the skill of seein' a lot'a things goin' on in the classroom all at once! Besides, we sort'a spied through the door every so often! (Giggles from both boys*) You mad at us?" "Eaton, my sweet sweet boy 3; no way I can be mad at you. If you two don't understand how things are, how can I expect you to be accepting of the real me? I'm just glad you two aren't mad at me or ashamed that I'm your Papa." "We'd never feel that way about you, Papa. You are ours, and we are yours 3; for good! That makes us happy, and we want you to be happy too!" "God 3; I couldn't be any happier. You boys are my very life and being! And if Korey is added to the equation, so much the better! If not 3; you two are enough for me! I love you both so much!" With that, we all headed to our bedrooms. Of course, I tucked Casey in, but I just told Eaton good night with a hug before he crawled under his covers. I figured he was getting old enough to be beyond the kiss and tuck thing. But then, the topic of the wrestling match came up 3; "Papa? When you and Kor practice after school 3; uh 3; you guys ever wrestle?" "No 3; why do you ask that, Eaton?" "I dunno 3; I just wondered if 3; well 3; if it happened to you when you wrestled, if you wrestled 3; that's all." "If what happened, Eaton?" "If you both got a stiffy? 3; like I did when I felt Korey get one?" "Does it bother you that you got one, Eaton?" "Naw 3; not really! I get 'em all the time. A lot of the guys in my class do! Its' funny how many kids brag about getting' em! But 3;" "But what, Son? You can feel free to talk it out with me anytime!" "Well 3; uh 3; on scout trips, I get 'em when I watch the other guys play in the water. And 3; uh 3; when me and Matt share a tent, I kind'a have one all night long! And the last time we shared, I saw him play with his a lot, until he had a little fit sort'a like, and breathed funny. I asked him if he was OK, and he said he was real good! He asked me if I ever 3; you know 3; and I said yes, 'cause I had felt around some here at home when I'm alone. So he took hold of mine, and made me feel real good too. I didn't know just how good it could feel until then. And that's when I found out I had some wetties too. Papa 3; am I bad for letting him do that to me?" "Absolutely not! You are a very good boy. Most boys your age experiment with their dicks. It doesn't mean a thing at your age, Son. It's totally normal, a part of growing up as a boy! In a couple of years, you'll begin to notice the girls, and those stiffies will get even bigger and last longer. Eventually you will find the right girl, and get married 3; and have a couple kids of your own. May sound yucky right now 3; but that's what happened to Morris and Anne, and that's why you and Casey are here." "If you say so 3; but, Papa Larry? You never got married! You don't even like girls much! And if you and Korey love each other, you'll never have kids!" "Very true, Eaton 3; but I already have you and your brother as mine. I don't need any more." "So 3; if I grow up and still don't like girls, will it still be OK?" "Son, it's way too early for you to worry about that as a possibility. Let things happen naturally. Just for the record, though 3; no matter how things turn out, you will be special to me. I will love you the same, no matter what you decide later on in life. As long as it's the real you, and not you trying to be like me that reveals the truth 3; it will be OK. Honest. Now, go to sleep. I love you, Son!" "Papa 3; you can still kiss me g'night if you wanna! I'll never get too old for that from you!" I leaned down and gave him a loving kiss, and he grabbed my neck and clung to me like I was a long-lost puppy returning home 3; and then gave me a kiss copied after the one he saw me give Korey. I swear I felt his hard-on pressing my abs 3; but I just plain ignored it on purpose. No way I was going to make a scene over it, and give him any kind of guilt complex. I knew so well how bad those were from my childhood experiences with my own Dad 3; Damn him!" I dragged myself to my own bedroom, stripped naked, and fell into my waiting cozy bedding, of course thinking of my Korey 3; when a small figure appeared at my doorway in the dim light of the lamp post outside my uncovered window. I let my eyes focus again, and saw that it was Casey 3; and he was sniffing and shaking a little as he stood frozen in the archway 3; "What's the matter, Pal? Have a bad dream?" "Dunno 3; all of a sudden I started thinkin' of Daddy and Mommy, and I kind'a felt like they were in my room. Can I come jump in with you, Papa?" "Of course you can 3; just let me get a pair of boxers on first!" He didn't wait for me to find a pair, he just ran over and crawled in next to me and held onto me for dear life. I know that he is nine-and-a-half years old, but right this minute, he seemed like I remembered him when he was six, and a thunder storm chased him into my guest room when I visited from out-of-town back then. Somehow, this little guy was always Unca'Lar's boy on a stormy night. Well, maybe even more often than that! I guess he chose me when Eaton was already cuddled up to Morris. I never did mind it 3; and neither did Morris. There was never any jealousy between my brother and me when it came to the boys. I suppose that was another reason why Anne had made sure I was the God Father with all the legalities that were included with the title. Right this minute, that distinction given to me was the most important thing ever granted me. I was here for my Casey's need! "Well, Kiddo 3; wanna talk about what you thought happened?" "Uh 3; guess it didn't bother me that I thought they were there with me, but I sure wanted to just touch somebody real 3; warm and loving real! I hope that's Ok, Papa." "You bet it's OK, Case! I'm here for you, anytime, and for any reason! And you know what? It's Ok too that you feel like Mom and Dad are still looking over you. They will always be in your heart 3; and ought to be! I know they still love you very much, even though they're up in Heaven. And I am also glad that they let me be the one to take care of you now! That was part of their love too 3; for both of us." I heard a sigh of relief from my little man, and then his fingers began to trace my chest as if he was checking out how real I was. I let him explore a while, all the time I couldn't help getting all boned up. This kid was unknowingly turning me on with his touching of my sensitive spots. I treated his exploration the same way I handled Eaton's physical response earlier. But I had to bite my lip a time or two to keep from giving any indication of my own reactions to his innocent seeking of security in my arms. I fell asleep holding my little Casey in my arms. By morning, I awoke finding him lying completely on top of me, with his legs squeezed together on either side of my morning woodie, and his mouth resting on my right nipple. Fuck! I lost it! My cock busted loose with a quart of hot juices that flew all over Case's back and legs. I shook like I was being tossed by an earthquake 3; and of course, Casey woke up from all the movement underneath him. He turned his head until he was looking directly into my eyes, and the partial shock of his expression drilling right into me like a hot poker 3; "Uh 3; Papa? What happened?"
Chapter Three"Uh 3; Case, I am so sorry! I had an accident! I must have had a special kind of dream that men have, and my body reacted without me even knowing it was happening."(Lots of little boy giggles*) "That's OK, Papa Larry 3; Eaton has those sometimes too, when we play scout campout. He calls them a 'wettie', I think!" "Wait a second 3; Eaton? And you? Just how does the game scout campout go, anyway?" "Well, especially after he goes on a week-end trip with the scouts, he comes home and let's me sneak into his room and crawl in bed with him. Then he goes and tells me all the new merit badges he earns, especially ones like the 'snake hunter' badge. Sometimes he even lets me try to earn the badges by doing what he did to get his. I like earning scout badges 3; a lot!" "But, Case? 3; uh 3; what has a 'wettie' have to do with scout badges?" "Sometimes, I fall asleep on Eaton, just like I'm here on you right now, and I wake up with some snake venom between me and him. It didn't used to happen, but in the last couple'a months, the snake spit! Eaton told me that the other scouts cheered when his snake started to spit like theirs did. I think he said something about initia 3; uh 3; really belonging now! And he told me that someday, mine will do it too, when I get a little bigger. He also told me that when I felt real good from my worm looking for his snake, and I shook all over the place, that I was doin' good enough to join scouts when I get to be eleven. I can hardly wait, Papa Larry!" "Did Eaton say it was OK to tell me about the merit badges? 3; and that word you tried to say was initiation!" "Yeah, that's the word he said 3; but, Uh 3; nope about tellin'! He said I shouldn't tell anyone! 'cept that once, Daddy came into the room and saw us playing, and didn't get mad. Daddy said that we were just bein' boys 3; didn't mean anything to get all mad about, but that maybe we ought to find a different game. Guess I figured since your snake spit too, it was OK to tell you. You mad at us, Papa?" "Course not, Little Buddy! I'm just a bit surprised by it all, that's all. Maybe you better not tell Eaton you told me all of this 3; not yet, anyway. Let me get you cleaned up. I bet my snake shot a lot more than Eaton's did!" "Yeah 3; a lot more, and its whiter and thicker venom, too. Does it taste as good as Eaton's does? I usually help him clean us both up!" "OMG 3; you mean 3; " "Yeah! With our tongues. Feels almost as good as when our snakes play rubbies with each other!" "Casey 3; listen to me, please! I will wipe you off with a wet rag, and we will not taste anything! We can't. It may be OK for you and Eaton as kids to find out all about growing up, because you are close to the same age, and both inexperienced. I'm sure there is nothing involved about your sexual preferences 3; uh 3; sorry, big words 3; but someday you'll understand them. What happened with my snake was totally an accident. I was not trying to get good feelings from you being on top of me. I wouldn't ever do that to you. I hope you know that I love you as my son, and nothing more, or less." "But Papa Larry 3; I do know you love me, and I love you! I love Eaton too, and our games show that to both of us when we play them. We even kiss after we feel good! So why can't I show you the same way?" "Casey 3; it's the law, Son! Older people cannot play these kinds of games with younger ones. There are so many good ways to let me know how much you love me. You never have to hunt my snake and make it spit venom for me to know how you feel. My heart tells me how deep our love is already! And one of these days, you and Eaton may not play this way ever again 3; and he will still love you as much as he does right now. That love will not change! Trust me!" "I do trust you, Papa, honest! But if I forget sometime, and still snuggle close 3; you gonna get mad at me for forgetting?" "To tell you the truth, Casey 3; I'm more worried that I might forget sometime, and then it would be me that I am mad at 3; not you 3; Ever!" I wiped the drying cum off Casey's body as we chatted, and was still rigid from the kid's wiggling his spicket against my abs as I reached for the residue on his legs. I know I should have jumped out of bed and washed him as he stood in front of me 3; but the conversation was so intimate that I couldn't make myself pull away and be so non-personal. That would hurt my boy a lot more than just by semi-harsh words of these needed explanations. When he was all cleaned up, we kissed (like a dad and son 3; not in a sensual manner) and I helped him to his feet and sent him to his room to get dressed. I guess he was OK with our conversation, because he had a good attitude as he headed out the door. But as for me? I was in a daze 3; about Eaton and Casey doing things sexually as such young guys 3; about my image of the scout troop that was teaching Eaton things way beyond 'being prepared' for the wilderness 3; and the fact that I somehow couldn't honestly say that I was repulsed by the way Casey tried to show me how much he loved me. I know he had no idea that it was 'gay' and 'dirty'! To him, it was the same as what he shared with Eaton 3; and that wasn't wrong; his Daddy had said that, as far as Case was concerned. So why was it wrong to show me the same way! To him, it wasn't wrong! It was pure love 3; that's all. How do I keep from confusing him, and still teach him the whole truth! And as far as Eaton 3; well 3; he probably had no concept of lust and homosexuality at his age, either. To him, it's a merit badge, for God's sake! What am I going to do?" I showered, and yes, I had to jerk myself off just to be able to put my cock back into my dress pants for the day. My mind had turned from my two sons' activities to thoughts of my Korey! I pictured him lying in my previous bed at the condo, with my cum-soaked underwear covering his nose, and jerking himself raw from the same desire of being with me someday like I have about being with him. Honestly, I had no idea how large his dick was, or if he was smooth or becoming hairy. I did know that his body structure turned me on even when he was fully uniformed and proper. And again 3; that red hair! Add to that, the tent I saw when he was wrestling my boys 3; shit! 3; with the boys! All three of them had stiffies, didn't they! No! I can't believe Kor would mistreat the boys just to get himself off! Maybe I better have a chat with him about limits, too. After all, he is now an adult. Kid-on-kid rules no longer applied to him, either. And, HELL 3; I want him for myself, and I don't think I could handle sharing him with anybody else 3; even if it were my own sons! FUCK! Where did that come from? Have I gone totally bonkers? I cooked a good breakfast for my guys, and took them both to their respective schools on my way to my office. When I arrived, Korey was waiting for me, all spit-spot because he had a good night's sleep and a place to clean up and dress without having to run for the gym before anyone else got there. Man, did he look sharp! In fact, after everything that had passed through my screwed up brain this morning already, he looked delicious! I opened my office door, and we both entered. I closed and locked the door, so that no other early bird could show up and get me sidetracked from getting the day's lessons ready. But then, Kor grabbed me and laid a huge wet kiss on me that made my head spin 3; "Dang, Kor 3; lemme breathe! No, let me kiss you back! Hell with everyone! C'mere again! I need to show you my love. (KIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISSSSSSSSSS) There! Whew! Just remember, Kor 3; this can't be a rendezvous spot for us. We have to keep above board at all costs. This is still school, and you are still my student!" "Lar 3; did I say anything different? What's got you so turned on this morning? I like it 3; a bunch, for sure! But it sounds more like you're convincing yourself instead of instructing me! What gives?" "Jeesh, Kor 3; I just found out some stuff about my boys that has me in a mental dither! Eaton has been learning things at scouts that he is sharing with Casey 3; and Casey doesn't understand why he can't show me the same stuff, because he and Eaton do it as brothers who love each other. To top that off, you already know that they have figured out that you and I 3; and they're fine with it. In fact, they hope we do more than what we have so far. They want you to live with us as their Uncle! But you told me that much! Kor 3; am I going nuts? Can I hide all this, and keep my job? Can I even keep the kids if people ever find out that I have these thoughts? God, Man, hold me! Help me!" Korey held me close, and rubbed my back as he kissed my forehead. He tried to calm me down and assure me that it would all work out. He started by sharing the fact that since I was a God Father, and not an outsider trying to adopt the boys, that Social Services wouldn't even be involved in whether the boys were mine or not. That was a done deal already! He also told me how California Law changes had opened the door for two men to raise boys, especially since those people who covering child welfare issues were not allowed to simply suspect that things would be improper in a sexual way in such cases 3; or to allow new 'family' definitions to be made suspect any longer. I relaxed, and got myself regrouped emotionally, gave Kor a short kiss of thanks, and sent him off to the Gym as I hurried to prep my lessons. Just then, a knock on my office door startled me a bit. I opened the door, and there was a pleasant-looking middle aged lady standing there looking a bit confused 3; "Mr. Freeburg? I didn't expect you to be here today. I was told that you'd be out for a few days for family funeral leave. I'm Miss Baxter, your substitute. Are you OK, Sir?" "Uh 3; yes, I'm fine. I just stopped by to pick up some music I wanted to use for the services. Please come in 3; I'll be gone in just a few moments, before any of the students even know I'm here. Thank you for your concern." I fumbled through a file drawer and took out a couple sheets. (I didn't need them, but I had to cover!) Then I put them into my brief case and headed out the door toward my car. I called the Gym Coach on my cell phone, and asked to speak to Korey. The Coach called him to the phone 3; "Kor 3; I sure screwed things up this morning. I totally forgot that I wasn't even supposed to be here today and tomorrow. The substitute just met me at the Music Office. So, I'm heading off campus for the Funeral Home to finalize services. Make sure you don't say a word about me being here. Just help the sub with whatever, and after school I'll meet you at the condo." "Yeah 3; I sort'a wondered myself about you showing up. But know what? I wanted you to! That's why I was there when you got there. I wanted so badly to see you, even for a short moment that I hoped you might show up! I'll be at the condo about 4:00. But, please take it easy today. One step at a time! It'll be hard, but keep focused on the need of the day 3; not on me, or the boys! And since the Coach left the office 3; love ya, Lar! Later!"
**** CLICK ***
When I arrived at Paul's for the final arrangement session, Randy handed me a note on a phone message sheet 3; that said: "Sorry 3; forgot to say I'd pick up the boys after school, and take them to the Youth Center to have supervised fun while we meet at the condo! Initialed K!" Man, I was glad Kor was calm and thinking for the two of us. He's such a jewel! Randy and I took almost two hours to make the arrangements. The hardest part was choosing the caskets! I knew Morris loved to work with wood in his home shop, so that made the choice for his a lot easier. There was no question that Batesville made the best quality caskets, and I knew Morris's favorite wood to work with was Mahogany, so I chose the Paragon Mahogany with LifeSymbols corner option, and lined with Eggshell Whitehall velvet. I knew his favorite suit would be set off perfectly and very tastefully by this unit. I so wanted a positive memory picture for the boys to cling to for years to come 3; any way I could insure an easier transition and lessen the trauma for them! I didn't care about the cost. But then, it was time to choose Anne's casket. I had to try to make sure the two caskets would compliment each other, since it was to be a double service situation. I narrowed it down to two units, and had to decide on what she would wear before I could finalize the choice. I thought of her 'going-away' dress from their wedding, and it was rich deep rose colored velvet. She looked so beautiful that day, and I wanted her to look her best as she departed with Morris for their reward. That made the choice a bit easier. I chose a Batesville for her as well 3; one called Renaissance Rose, a delicately toned brushed silver with gold piping and gilded roses inlayed on the handle hardware. The elegance of the unit was enhanced by Urn corners, and of course, it was lined with Premium grade velvet in a light pink hue, which would highlight her dress beautifully. I was satisfied! There was a spot in the cemetery that was just high enough above the rest, with a slight angle that would allow a view of the ocean waves breaking near the lighthouse. Now, I know in reality, they could not see the view 3; but when the boys and I would visit the grave, we could. And of course, all of us knew how much the ocean meant to our entire family. So that was finalized as well. We called the Minister and a close friend of mine who was an organist, and made sure they were available. I knew that Casey's favorite hymn was Amazing Grace, and that Eaton's was How Great Thou Art, so those two numbers were put in as congregational songs. The rest of the service was left to the Minister to decide, and I left the remaining details to Randy. By the time I left the Chapel Office, I had to head for the waterfront where the waves crashed over a huge outcrop of rocks 3; just to absorb some peace of knowing it was all in God's hands now! Then I headed for the condo. It was almost 4:00 already, and I didn't want to miss out on time with Corey. I needed his presence and his comforting. I needed his arms around me! I needed HIM! Yes, just like Casey had needed to be held by me when he thought of his Daddy and Mommy 3; and I 'm not ashamed to say I felt just like that right now! Korey's car was in the parking garage already, so I used guest parking, and went directly to my unit 3; or his, now! I used my spare key, opened the door, and walked in 3; calling his name, so he knew it was me. He called back from the bedroom 3; "In here, Lar 3; figured you'd be bushed. Come rest a while with me." I entered the bedroom, and he was already in bed, sheet to his waist, bare chest showing above the sheet, and his arms open for me to fall into. I tore off my tie and jacket, unbuttoned my collar, kicked off my shoes, and almost collapsed into his waiting hold. He kissed my forehead, and pressed me to his chest. I could feel his heart pounding as hard as mine. But I'll be honest 3; at this moment, it wasn't a sexual thing between us, but pure love 3; I mean as if we were 3; well 3; it felt like we were married or something. I know that it was at least that we were two made one in heart at that moment. No age difference mattered. No teacher/student thought even passed through my mind, or his! He was feeling exactly the same sorrow from my loss that I was experiencing. He was also sending me the security and support I needed to handle the pain I could no longer cover up. It was the most beautiful experience of my life to this point 3; and I didn't care who else knew! I now felt complete and I was safe in the arms of my true love! I'll be honest, though 3; it didn't take long for my fingers to do some walking! Without me even thinking about it, they decided on their own to wander through the light reddish fuzz that almost seemed like a layer of aura-like sheen on Kor's chest. They found one nip, and began to wander a few times around the small peak in the middle of the dark quarter-sized ring centered on the most beautifully sculptured pec I had ever been close to. As Kor enjoyed this attention, his head turned toward my face, and his warm gentle breath blew across my nostrils, sending a message clear to my crotch that he was very pleased by my loving caresses. My head lowered slightly until my tongue found the other twin hilltop, and began to taste its clean fresh teen-aged maleness. Kor wasn't hesitant to respond, either. I soon felt his fingers opening the remaining buttons on my shirt, and then his hand tenderly pulling the material away from my shoulders and out from under my body. I was now naked above the waist just like Korey was, and our arms instinctively drew our chests together as our lips pressed firmly into what felt like 3; I dunno 3; maybe it reminded me of the old 'sealing wax on a letter' days 3; hot, wet, melting into a molded seal that permanently told the world that what was inside was meant only for the addressee 3; does that make any sense? But it didn't stop there! Soon, Kor's hand lowered to my belt and unbuckled it, lowered my zipper, tugged romantically at the waistband until I lifted my hip enough for him to remove the items that evidently kept him from his desired target. Was his method sensual? Hell, yes it was! Combining the actions of his undressing me and my tongue trying to connect the dots from freckle to freckle all over his torso 3; I could have cum a quart without even touching my raging cock! And that Little Tease 3; he knew it way too well. I was surprised by the skill he had in raising me to a peak, and then letting me back down just before the moment of no return. It crossed my mind to wonder where he learned all this, but it didn't matter at this point 3; not to me! The fact that he knew me so well, and could read me so clearly just added more support to my assurance that this was my man, and I was his! I had come to the conclusion that nothing could get any better than this 3; but I was so wrong! Why? Easy! As soon as I was totally naked, Korey rolled over on top of me, and he revealed that he was as bare below his waist as he was above 3; and as rigid as I was in the organ loft. It was time for the music to begin! We both knew it instinctively! When his lower body rested on mine, it was as if someone threw an electric switch to shoot a Frankenseinian charge of life into our union. The fiery red pubic hairs of Kor's groin seemed to set my brown forest ablaze. The immediate amount of our combined leakage collecting between our abs felt as if it was being brought to a boil by the heat of the mini-forest-fire building below! Our passion built to even a higher level than previously experienced together 3; and our bodies began secreting sweat as if to try to put out the growing flames before we got burned. But again 3; neither of us wanted this to be extinguished. Rather, we wanted to be fully consumed and resurrected again like the Phoenix of old myth! Needless to say, the next hour went by so rapidly it felt as if the clock lied! Both of us must have released loads of man seed at least twice without even masturbating or fucking one another 3; simply from our passions mixing and growing to such heights of newness. So why did we even realize the hour had passed? The Boys! Hell 3; we had to pick up the boys before 5:30 because the Center closed for the dinner hour, and it was already 5:15. I jumped up from the bed and headed to take the quickest shower of my life before dressing again. I couldn't let the boys detect any tell-tale smells. By now, I was well aware of the fact that they knew more about growing up than I even imagined. I wasn't about to give them any more education along those lines 3; at least not yet. They already had figured out that Kor and I were in love, but they didn't need to know how deeply! Was I ashamed of it 3; NO! Did I want them to stay somewhat innocent for a while longer 3; YES! Was I worried that if they knew too much, others might find out by accidental spillage of secrets 3; damn right I was! I trusted my boys, but under pressure or just plain boy talk at school, an unintentional blurb might just sneak out 3; and then, my future would be shot to hell in a handbag! I couldn't afford that 3; and the boys sure as hell don't need to deal with the resulting stigma that would fall on our entire family unit. (By the way, almost miraculously, I arrived at the Center at 5:29 3; whew!) My boys saw me drive up, and ran out to the car as if I had been gone for days. Oh, they had fun at the Center, for sure 3; but they were that happy to be with me again. That made me feel real good, too. Somehow they had both become comfortable with me taking their parents' place already, and felt secure in my hands. That has to be the best feeling a guy can have 3; at least for this guy 3; to know that my God Children have accepted me as Papa makes a lot of the pain of loss I feel melt away. Be sure, though, that I have not replaced Morris and Anne, and there's no way I'd want to do that. But to know I am helping the boys deal with the loss, and for them to feel secure in the newness of change 3; just terrific! (Have I already said that? Forgive me, but it means so much that I can't help repeating!) Both boys piled into the front seat with me. I know the seat belt law says differently, but I just couldn't make one jump into the back. Which one would have to be disappointed by hearing he couldn't be as near to me as the other? I made sure the seat belt reached around them both before I drove away. This time, to me, it was enough! Of course, the conversation came up about my meeting at the Funeral Home; were Mommy and Daddy gonna be treated nice as we said G'Bye in a day or so; can we see 'em before they go; and a few more such questions. I was able to give very positive responses to each question popping up in their young minds. But then I was asked something a bit off the subject 3; "Papa, did you and Korey play wrestling when you went by to visit him?" "Huh? What makes you ask that, Casey?" "Your clothes look like you played rough!" "And Papa 3; your hair is not even combed! That's not like you!" "Leave it to you, Eaton, to notice my hair! But why would you two think we were wrestling, for goodness sake?" "Just 'cause 3; we told you how much fun we had with Korey playin' that, and I kind'a thought maybe you believed it, and wanted to see for yourself!" (Giggle from Casey 3; ) "Besides, you smell good, like a fresh shower 3; and that means you played rough, 'cause you wouldn'ta needed a shower from just goin' to a meeting at the cemetery place, Papa! Even I know that!" "Boys 3; Korey and I did wrestle a little while to help take all my worries and sad feelings away. Kor seems to know how to make me feel good, just like I somehow make you feel better when you feel sad. I guess it's because he and I have worked together at school for four whole years now. We do understand each other." (A silent moment or two of thinking, and then Eaton responded 3; ) "C'mon, say it again, Papa 3; to us and to yourself! Uncle Kor loves you, and you love him! Just admit it! It's obvious, at least to us! It's just as important for you to realize the truth in that 3; as it is in us admitting the truth that Dad and Mom are gone! Otherwise, life from here on would suck!" "Didn't I already say that to you boys earlier? C'mon, Eaton 3; what do you mean admit it to myself?" "Papa 3; I'm sorry, but until you admit it to yourself, you'll hide it from everybody, and that will kill your gut! Case and I won't let it hurt you at school. We already promised that! But you won't be able to be a good teacher if you're fighting your own guts at the same time. Besides, real soon, school will be out, and Uncle Kor won't be a student any longer. You two have a right to share as adults. Please don't hurt yourself, or Korey, or us either, for that matter." I had tears in my eyes. Eaton had just proved a maturity of heart that knocked me off my butt! And Casey? He said nothing, but he took a Kleenex and started to wipe the falling tears off my cheek, which showed me he cared as much as did Eaton about my welfare and happiness. And when Casey stretched enough to kiss my cheek, and whispered: "It's OK for you to love Korey, Papa", I had to pull to the side of the road, and let it all out. We all hugged 3; I confirmed the depth of my love for Korey, and told the boys that after graduation I wanted Kor to move in with all of us. They almost cheered as they hugged me again, and said they wanted the same thing. I regained my composure, and as I was about to pull back on the road, I looked in the rear view mirror, and 3; oops! Blue and Red flashing lights on a motorcycle appeared behind us 3; and a friendly face was looking in through the open window on my side of the car. "Hello Officer 3; uh 3; is there a problem?" "I was about to ask you the same thing, Mr. Freeburg 3; you being here on the shoulder; two kids hugging you; signs of crying; uh 3; I remember having you as a teacher in my Senior year 3; your first year of teaching I believe, and you never seemed to be upset before. Do you need some help?" "Uh 3; Brad Backenburg? Is that you? You played trombone, didn't you?" "Yes, Sir 3; glad you remember me! I'll never forget all you did for me back then. I probably would have been on the other side of the Law if you hadn't taken time in your office to straighten me out! So 3; are you all right?" "Brad, I appreciate you asking. My brother and his wife just passed away, and I am feeling the loss 3; and these two boys are my sons now 3; they were Morris's boys until 3; well, you understand! So we just pulled over here to let a few tears flow, so I could keep driving safely home. That's all. No need for emergency units or anything. But, Brad 3; to know you care enough to offer help makes me feel good!" "Gee, Mr. F 3; I'll always care about you! You sure did about me when I needed it. Not too many teachers ever care like that! But I do have to say one thing 3; legal-like 3; One of these wonderful boys of yours has to get in the back seat and buckle up, or I won't have a choice 3; know what I mean, Sir?" "Papa 3; let Casey stay up here with you. I can sit back there to help things out till we get home!" "Looks like these boys are being raised right, Mr. F. Is there a service for your brother and his wife?" "Yes, Brad 3; Friday morning, 10:00, Chapel-By-The-Sea. I would consider it an honor to have you there!" "Count on it, Sir 3; and I know a whole lot of your past students would love to come support you through this tough time. I'll spread the word. Drive safely!" Off he went, and I just sat there a moment letting a feeling of warmth flood over me. I hadn't realized how many students I have already affected in just four years. And then, when Eaton leaned forward and whispered in my ear: "See Papa, it's Ok to care about students like you do! They love you back 3; lots of 'em!" Well 3; you tell me how I felt! We got back to the house, and there was a note attached to the front door. It was a nicely drawn card 3; an invitation 3; for me and my boys to come to the school cafeteria at 7:00 PM tonight. No other information given 3; no signature either. But the handwork that created the card showed a lot of care going into the effort. Casey squealed out 3; "So what we waiting for, Papa? 3; and tugged me back to the car. Eaton plopped his body in the back seat again, and off we went! (In spite of not knowing if it was good news or bad;)
Chapter FourWe arrived at the campus cafeteria, and there were dozens of cars parked all around 3; with one spot clearly marked "reserved for Mr. F." right near the main entrance. Eaton looked at me, and handed me his comb. I grinned at him as I quickly straightened out the mop to make it more presentable 3; and we all went in.I about fell over when I saw every member of my choir and band groups, as well as my drama kids standing in a circle around the large room. Several of their parents were there with them, as were many of my teacher colleagues. A large sign draped across the wall above a huge table of food. It read: "Papa, we feel your sorrow, and love you!" I almost cried just staring at everything. It wasn't that I never knew that my students liked me a lot 3; yeah, maybe even loved me 3; but to think that they would go to all this trouble to help me and my new sons to get through this tough time 3; well, it was almost overwhelming! Then my moistened eyes fell on one figure at the head of the table. It was Korey, and he was dressed in a 3-piece suit 3; the nicest I've ever seen him look 3; holding his hand in such a way as to say: 'Right this way, Papa 3; you first!' I took my boys by the hand and walked to where Korey stood. He handed all three of us plates, and had us lead the way through the buffet line. As soon as we had our plates filled, he led us to the head table that was nicely decorated, but surely not overdone to give too much of a party feeling. Centered on the table was a large sympathy card signed by everyone in the room 3; along with a small but tasteful vase of flowers, with a bow and two ribbons. On the ribbons, lettering simply said: 'Loving Brother' and 'Loving Sister-In-Law'. As I sat down, I buried my face in my folded arms, and quietly wept a moment. My two boys hugged me before taking their seats on either side of me, and laid their hands on my shoulders. Korey sat on the other side of Eaton and simply allowed me to have my moment of mourning. Then he got up, stood behind me, and leaned down to whisper in my ear 3; "Papa 3; it's alright. We know it hurts! Be yourself! And remember, I LOVE YOU, and I'm here for you 3; tonight and always!" No one else heard a word, but it screamed in my ear like a tornado 3; tonight, and always! 3; always! 3; "Yes, Kor, always for me too!" 3; was my heart's cry, and at that moment I felt freedom from the loneliness that had gripped my gut from the second I heard of my Brother's death. Oh, I had my faith in God to help 3; I hadn't lost that! But now, I had mature flesh and blood to cling to, as well as my two new sons to share life with. I thanked God for His gift of Grace that would sustain me, and help me regain my composure and strength to carry on my duties with every kid in this building tonight. And somehow, I knew that Korey was part of this gift. Now let me get one thing straight 3; I don't say that God gave me a sex partner! Nope! That's not His style. But He gave me a companion who loved me and cared for me from his heart. If something more sexual came from the union that would be our design, not God's 3; and if that was wrong, then God would have to deal with us both in whatever way He chose. I do know that God loves all of us, sometimes in spite of our choices, so I still give Him thanks for His gift 3; no, all three of His gifts. Eaton and Casey were as much of a gift to fill my need for love as was Korey. It did cross my mind to make sure I didn't misuse these gifts! As folk filled their plates and passed by my table, I felt a surge of strength fill my being from their presence. Maybe this pot luck gathering was more important than even having the service this Saturday 3; (Randy and I moved it from Friday, so school didn't have to be dismissed for a day on my behalf!) 3; even for Eaton and Casey. They were almost thrilled, (if that might apply to such a gathering), that we all had so many friends who cared about our pain, and shared our loss. They responded more like mini-adults than little boys as they thanked people for showing love to them. I was so proud of my little men! After the meal, there were no speeches, but Korey did stand and thank everyone for responding so quickly and warmly 3; and reminded them of Saturday's service, if they desired to attend. (Oops, I told Officer Backenburg Friday, but I guess the newspaper obit would correct that error.) With that, people began to slowly leave. Korey escorted me and the boys to our car, and wished us a pleasant night. He wanted us to have it all to ourselves 3; even though he knew he would rather come over and hold me close all night long. It was his way of showing his understanding that our newly formed family of three was first priority. I looked him in the eye, and nodded my acceptance of his decision, but he knew by my look that I wished he would come with us! He walked to his car, and drove off toward his downtown condo as I drove the other direction toward our new home on the hill. The three of us made it home, and we were all wiped out, both energy-wise and emotionally. The next day there would be no school for the boys or for me, but we knew we had to visit the Funeral Home to view Morris and Anne, and I still wasn't confident that the boys should have to experience that part of the necessary duties I needed to carry out. Some adults aren't ready to do it, so why should I expect kids to be required? I didn't want to discuss it this evening though, because I wanted them to get a good night's sleep before the subject came up. I sent the boys to their rooms, and suggested they get ready for bed 3; and that I'd be in to check on them in a few minutes. Casey didn't want to let go of me, but I kissed his forehead, hugged him, assured him that I would be there soon, and gently peeled his arms off my waist as I turned him toward his doorway. Eaton stood there watching me sending Casey, and then took my hand and walked me to my door 3; "Papa, I am so glad that Mama and Dad gave us to you! I can tell how much you love us both already 3; well, you always have as our Uncle 3; but I mean like a new Dad does. Just so you know 3; I love you too! G'night!" 3; And he let go of my hand and slowly walked to his room and closed the door. I entered my room, splashed some water in my face to erase the signs of my earlier tearful moments, and to keep me from another emotional response to my boys' actions and words. I was very touched by both. I stripped down to my T-shirt and boxers, which is what I slept in now, because it was more appropriate with kids in the house. (Heck, they didn't need to see a naked guy wandering around! 3; even if I'm not that bad to look at.) I made a call to Korey and told him how grateful I was for what he had put together earlier this evening, and told him I missed him a lot! We chatted for about 20 minutes, and then I realized I better go check on the boys like I promised to do. Kor assured me that's why he chose to head to his own place 3; because tonight I belonged to the little guys! So I told him good night, and blew him a kiss over the phone as I hung up. Then I headed for Casey's room. I opened the door and tip-toed to his bedside, so if he was asleep already, I wouldn't wake him. He most of all needed to get all the rest possible. But 3; he wasn't there! His bed was mussed, his pillow scrunched a bit 3; but, there was no body present. For a moment I was a bit shook, but then it dawned on me 3; he probably went into Eaton's room to avoid being alone. So I headed that way. As I opened Eaton's door, which wasn't all the way closed anyway, there he was 3; snuggled into the same bed as Eaton, but surprisingly to me, head-to-tow; both ends of the blankets were loose, and heads poking out from the edges, but never-the-less, end-to-end boys. So I asked 3; "Guys 3; why the two-way pillows?" "Easy, Papa 3; we used to share the same bed all the time and Dad had us sleep this way so we didn't get in each other's way." "But sometimes, Eaton flips around and I get his foot in my mouth! Yuck!" "C'mon, Case 3; you're the one that 3;" "Guys 3; guys 3; no need to start a mini-war over anything. You ever tried sleeping with both your heads at the same end? It's a lot easier and probably nicer too. Try it 3; here, I'll tuck in the bottom end, and Casey, you turn around. Both of you sleep on your backs. Like that! Better?" "Yeah, Papa 3; I like lookin' at Eaton's head a lot better'n smellin' his stinky feet!" (Giggle*) "Hey, Bro 3; you could go back to your own bed, you know! I just let you crawl in here because you didn't wanna be alone tonight!" "I'm sorry, Eaton 3; I wanna stay! Please?" "Sure 3; just don't complain about my feet!" Man, did this make me feel like a real father? You bet it did! I reached down and tucked them both in, and kissed Casey g'night. I was about to tell Eaton to have a good night too, when he looked at me with moisture in his eyes 3; "Papa 3; is he the only one who gets a kiss? I know I'm older, but tonight I sure could use one!" I stretched over the top of Casey to give Eaton a kiss on the cheek, and both boys grabbed my neck in a huge hug! I almost lost my footing and ended up flat across them both 3; being bombarded with kisses all over my face 3; as they both shouted out 3; "Gotch'a!" I started to tickle them both, mainly to get loose from their grips, but also to let them have a lighter few minutes with me. It was good for all of us to laugh together. When I stopped, I made sure each got a real kiss from a loving father! Of course there was nothing sexy about it, but we connected almost spiritually as our lips touched. It added a great peace to our hearts as we sealed the family relationship in such a tangible and endearing way. Instead of going back to my room, I decided to go to the TV room and catch up on the nightly news, and contemplate the new relationship with my boys. The fact that I was no longer Uncle Lar 3; but Papa 3; WOW! Overpowering! But, you know what? 3; I like it! Yes, there's a much greater responsibility on my shoulders, now 3; but it's OK! In fact, it's great! Just so I can be to them what they need me to be! After the news was over, I turned the TV off, and sat there in the almost dark room 3; just the moonlight filtering in from the rear windows overlooking the trees and ocean view 3; knowing I ought to go to bed, but just basking in the inner warmth I was feeling from this new parental mantle I now wore 3; and I heard some sounds coming from the boy's room. I figured that by now they'd be asleep! What was going on? I snuck back to the doorway, which again was still ajar, and peeked in to see what was causing those noises. All I could see in the relative darkness was two humps beneath the covers, but the sounds were a lot more recognizable from this vantage point. ("slurp 3; slurp, giggle, slurp, MMMmmmmm, Dang, Case 3; you're doing better'n ever! Slurp, OOOHHHhh, you too, Eaton! More! I'm feelin' it again! Slurp 3; slurp.") I knew that if I interrupted this, they'd be so embarrassed and hurt that I even knew what they were up to! It was sure clear this wasn't their first time! And maybe they needed this tonight to help deal with all the rest going on. I decided I would leave and say nothing at all 3; for both their sakes. After all, they're just little guys. It doesn't mean that they've decided to be gay 3; course not! They're just experimenting with things that make them feel better 3; and right now, that may be necessary! So, let it stay a private boy thing between them! I left as quietly as I had come. Except for one little thing 3; I was rock hard! Damn! Why did these two little angels turn me on? Maybe I was thinking about Korey and me doing what they were involved in? I couldn't be wishing that they and me 3; ah Hell No! That's gross and stupid! They're my sons! Korey is at least a man now! That's cool! I must be really tired! I gotta sleep! I gotta 3; I gotta 3; JERK! Oh, Kor 3; why aren't you here tonight? Meanwhile, back in the boys' room 3; (Snicker 3; ) "Did you see him there, Eaton?" (Hee hee 3; ) "Oh yeah! Papa watched us, for sure!" "How come he didn't say nuthin, then?" "Little Bro 3; guess he didn't wanna hurt us or embarrass us! But the funny part is that he has no idea we did it to let him see it! Wonder what he'll say when he finds out for real?" "Dunno 3; but he sure had a stiffy! He's big, too! Bigger'n Daddy was!" "Well, I did mention scout outings before, so he knows I have played around a little. And, I also mentioned that I thought it was a good thing he had Korey for a good friend 3; and that I called him Uncle Kor already. So, we'll see how long it takes for all this to sink in 3; and then maybe, we'll tell him about our little secret surprise tonight! So, cuddle up, spoon-like, Bro 3; I'll hold you close all night." "Thanks, Eaton 3; (Kiss) 3; and if you accidentally poke me 3; I won't mind. I'm glad we love each other so much! I just wish Dad had never made us move to our own rooms after he caught us playin' 'round that first time! I like it here sleepin' this way! G'NIGHT!" The next morning came, faster than I wanted it to 3; and I heard the shower running in the boys' bathroom. I also heard a lot of giggling and squealing from both guys 3; more than usual! So I went to check things out. Sure enough, they were showering together. I know when they were younger, it was usual for them to bathe in the same tub of water, but with Eaton maturing more, I figured he'd shower, and Casey would still be taking baths. I also noticed something else 3; they were soaping each other up 3; all over! And the giggles? 3; when the hands got busy in the crotch of the opposite boy! Now I began to wonder just how far this kind of exploration had already gone. Was it really a more serious situation, and deserved a more serious parental response? Then Casey saw me standing there 3; "Hi Papa, 3; Lookie! My stiffie is a whole three inches [7½ cm] long now! Isn't that cool? Maybe I'll catch up to Eaton pretty soon 3; you think?" "C'mon, Case, you know I'm growin' too! My 4½" [11 cm] is getting' fatter too 3; you got a long way to catch up, especially if I grow bigger even faster now! Gees, I'm already twice as thick as you!" I listened with my mouth hanging wide open, chin clear down to my chest from surprise. I had no answer! And the boys were grinning from ear to ear at my shock! "Hey Papa 3; wanna shower with us? We could wash you all over real good!" "UH 3; uh 3; maybe not this time! A Father doesn't usually wash his sons after they reach about 6 or 7 years old. Uh 3; unless the little guy is hurt, or sick, or can't do it himself for some reason. It's just 3; just 3;" I turned and almost ran to my own bathroom. I had to, or they'd see my own tell-tale hard-on developing! I heard even more laughter from the other room. It dawned on me this time that they were teasing me, and trying to see if I'd get embarrassed. What I hoped they hadn't figured out 3; and wouldn't 3; is that I wasn't embarrassed, I was downright horny! After how I saw them get rigid wrestling with Korey, and sucking each other last night 3; and now, they asking for me to shower with them 3; so they could soap me up! FUCK! SHIT! DAMN IT ALL! DAMN, ME! DAMN ME FOR WANTING 3; WANTING TO 3; TO LET THEM! I gott'a be goin' crazy! The next thing I became aware of was that as the hot water was rinsing over my own body, I was pounding my meat, and shooting a huge load down the drain! The worst part of my awareness was the fact that this time I wasn't thinking of Korey's nine inches [23 cm] 3; but of those two gorgeous little men in their shower, their beautifully balanced body builds sporting such delicious looking boy cocks at full attention as they made sure I noticed! I knew how wrong this was 3; but at this moment, I really didn't give a shit! I gotta stop thinking this way! Things will get out of hand! Please, God 3; make them stop asking and teasing 3; or I won't be able to say no! I blasted myself with cold water to clear my head, and got out to dry off and dress. I felt so guilty about my sudden fantasy, but I just couldn't let the boys detect my momentary slip into evil desire. I headed to the kitchen to set out bowls of cereal and fruit, hot chocolate, and hot Cinabon rolls I picked up at the mall on my last trip there. They skipped into the room, all dressed nicely to go see Mom and Dad with me 3; as if they had done nothing at all to tease me earlier. I was quite pleased that during our breakfast, the atmosphere had no trace of heaviness over the earlier episode, and that the boys seemed not to detect any uneasiness on my part. Guess it was the Actor in my blood that allowed the front I was hiding behind to be believable. I suppose, too, that the conversation that did arise was serious enough to be a help 3; "Papa? 3; Do we look OK to go see Mama?" "Yes, Eaton 3; both of you look very nice, like little gentlemen! Mom and Dad would be very proud of you both right now! Are you sure you want to go, though?" "Gee, Papa 3; you seen'em, haven't ya?" "Yes, Casey 3; of course I have!" "Well 3; then we wanna! Whatever you do, we wanna do! We wanna be just like you, Papa!" "Besides, Pop 3; we want to say g'bye to them without all the other people bein' there with us! Just in case we cry and don't feel too good! Just us and you! We may be growin' up some, but we're still kids, and it still hurts!" "Oh, Eaton 3; my Son, I know that, and I understand that completely. It still hurts me too, and I'm all grown up! And if that's what you both really want, of course I'll be there with you the whole time, and we'll share our feelings with each other as freely and openly as we need to 3; as family does! I grabbed my suit jacket and tie, and we headed out 3; the drive to the Chapel being only about five or six minutes, seemed a lot longer in the silence of the car as all of us contemplated the moments to come following our arrival. When we parked and walked into the Chapel Foyer, Randy met us, and showed us to the Slumber Room. I asked him if he would keep Casey in the Foyer for a moment while I took Eaton in alone. I just wasn't sure how they'd handle things, and I wanted to be there for each boy as his own reaction called out with need. Casey nodded as I gave his hand to Randy. He knew I trusted Randy, and because of that, so did he. Eaton approached the caskets, and stood totally silent for a minute or so 3; and then turned to me with tears in his eyes 3; "Pop 3; you said the other night that they were already with Jesus, didn't you?" "Yes, Eaton. I said exactly that 3; and I believe it whole-heartedly!" "Then I guess I'm happy for them, even though I'm sad I don't have them here with me any more. Will we see them again someday?" "I'm sure we will, Son 3; when Jesus asks us to come join Him too!" "Then 3; As long as I have you here, it'd be selfish to ask them to come back here when they got it so good now!" 3; and he buried his face in my side and hung on tightly as he silently sobbed a moment 3; and then stood back up and walked back to the caskets, saying 3;"Bye, Mom 3; Bye, Dad 3; enjoy Heaven, and wait for me! See Ya later! I'll be fine with Daddy Larry. Thanks for giving him to us. I love him, too, and he loves me!" Then he turned to me, and asked if he could go get Casey while I waited here. I nodded yes, mainly because I was still absorbing what he had said a minute ago. He walked calmly to where Randy was standing, took Casey's hand, and brought him into the Slumber Room and up to the caskets. Casey froze as he stared at the two bodies before him. He looked at Eaton, and started to shake with fear. Eaton leaned down and spoke to Casey 3; "Little Brother 3; it's OK. Mama and Daddy aren't here any more 3; like Larry said the other night. These are just the houses that they used to live in. See how happy they left the faces. Mama and Daddy are happy, and they don't hurt a bit! Larry said we'd all see each other again someday, so for now 3; we can remember how much they love us, and these empty houses can be put to rest. They did the job that Mama and Daddy needed them to do." With that, Casey walked up to each casket 3; looked in, looked back at Eaton, nodded his acceptance, and came back to me 3; grabbing my hand 3; and saying: "Papa Larry? 3; Is it alright if we call you Daddy now? You're Papa to all the kids at school. I want you to be more special to us 3; I love you!" (My heart melted, and my tears flowed 3; ) "Of course you can, Case! I know Morris wouldn't mind at all! He knew you needed a Dad. That's me now! I would be proud to be called 'Daddy' by you 3; if you're ready! And yes 3; I love you, too!" Eaton came along side both me and Casey, hugged us both, and called me Dad, too. Randy stood at the door during the entire time we were in the room. I looked his way, and could tell that he was touched by the scene he just witnessed 3; not a usual reaction for a professional. It sure let me know how much a friend he really was. As soon as we left the Chapel, both boys were back to normal 3; giggling, poking, and begging for lunch! I took off my tie, and they copied me. So I removed my coat too 3; so did they. It became a game of copy-cat for the next few minutes. I still had to drive, so they played like they were driving, too. We drove around the waterfront until we got to the main public beach at Lover's Point, and parked the car. Then it became a race to the hamburger stand that I remember eating at when I was their age. Sure enough, the same Lady was cooking those delicious home-made burgers I could still taste and smell. I ordered six with cheese, three of her hot deep fried hand-made potato chips 3; oh yes, and three of her wonderful strawberry shakes, still created from real ice cream and fresh strawberries. She even remembered me by name, and asked if these two young men were my boys. I introduced them to her. Evidently, they had never been at this stand before, which surprised me that Morris hadn't brought them. She handed both a Mountain Bar for dessert, saying that she remembered it was my favorite snack as a kid 3; and told them to call her 'Miss Carole' 3; because every one of her friends for years did the same. Then she said: "Ya'all come back now 3; Ya' hear!" We sat at the picnic tables on the lawn overlooking the beach, watching a few swimmers and a couple surf-boarders play in the water as we ate. When we finished the food, we headed out onto the rocks of the point itself, and had a great time searching out whatever we could find. Sure enough I spotted that rock-ledge mini-cave that Korey had mentioned. Funny how I never found it when I was a kid, but it sure had to be there back then. Soon, though, we were tuckered! Even with all the resolve that had been reached during our time at the Chapel, we felt drained. So home we went. It was 2:00 PM, and I had told Korey I'd meet him at 4:00 3; I figured a two hour siesta might be just the right thing for all of us. It took all of three minutes for all of us to get in the front door and aim for our bedrooms. I undressed and crawled under my cozy sheets and blankets to simply collapse a while. I figured that since the boys were so pooped, they'd hit their beds and turn into a couple of logs 3; so I took advantage of the situation and got totally naked to get full benefit of relaxation without encumbrance. But 3; giggle 3; squeal 3; jump 3; pow! I was invaded by you know who! Both of them all at once. One on each side of me 3; cuddling close and snuggling in for the duration. And 3; uh 3; they were as naked as I was! Each putting one hand on my chest, and tossing a leg on top of mine! I was trapped! My arms wrapped each boy into a hug, and I simply gave in to their need to be close. I began to relax a little when I detected quiet snores and deep breathing from my little guys, and just about dozed off until 3; I felt hands move toward my crotch 3; which, as if you couldn't have guessed 3; was not as dormant as my eyes now wanted to be. God, I hoped they were really asleep!