Johnny KapeThe Voice That Can't Be Heard |
SummaryBen, a ten-year-old well-trained secret agent, kept executing secret missions and got his rewards for completing them. However, he accidentally dropped this time 3;
Publ. 2010 (Nifty); this site Apr 2013
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CharactersBen (10yo) and Bob (adult); Ray (c. 13-14yo) and his 'daddy'Category & Story codesMan-Boy story/otherMb bb – cons oral anal (Explanation) |
DisclaimerIf you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.If you don't like reading erotic stories about boys, why are you here in the first place? This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life. It is just a story, ok? |
Author's noteEvery word of this story is fiction. Just like my other story, "The Captive Boy", this story is also a work of my early imaginations. The main character and the background of this story were formed in my early teens, maybe 12 or 13 years old. They had been in my mind for more than 20 years. Not long ago, I had a dream, which made me start to form the whole story. Hope you enjoy it. Finally, special thanks to my editor, Matthew Templar, who helped me a lot in many aspects besides my English. All story writers like to receive your feedback, and I am no exception. I'd love to hear from you about your thoughts, comments and criticisms of all my stories. I'll answer all emails. Thank you. Send feedback to the author at johnny.kape(at)gmail(dot)com or through this feedback form with Johnny Kape - The Voice That Can't Be Heard in the subject line. |
Chapter 1Ben looked up. There were no ladders at that side of the building. Only a plastic pipe was there, from the roof to the ground. The window at the 15th floor was open. His destination was the 17th floor. It should not be too difficult. He started to climb up the pipe. Theoretically, the pipe couldn't hold too much weight. However, Ben's body was very small, slim and lightweight. He tested the pipe and made sure that the pipe could support him without falling off. Then he started to climb up. In Ben's ten years, most of the time he was trained for his physical capability, martial skills, and some other skills necessary for missions, such as picking locks and shooting. He even was trained for pain endurance in case he was ever captured. Climbing up the pipe was a piece of cake for him. He climbed up slowly and carefully. He had sprayed a special slip stopper on the bottom of his shoes. He moved up inch by inch, and tried not to make any sound. He climbed up to the height of the 15th floor. The window was open, but there was no light. He listened for a while to make sure that there was nobody in the room. He went over to the windowsill and looked inside. It was a big kitchen. He jumped into it quietly. He listened again. There was sound in another room. From the sound they made, it seemed that someone was getting her reward. He wondered what mission the woman accomplished. He took his gloves from his pocket put them on, and then he walked to the door of the kitchen. He took a look at the living room to make sure that no cameras were monitoring. Soon, Ben walked to the front door of this luxury apartment. There was a device on the door. He knew that he would trigger an alarm if he opened the door. He observed the wire layout. Though there was a burglar alarm in this apartment, apparently the owner didn't understand it very well and didn't care about it either. In a short time he found the wire he needed to cut, and then cut it. He opened the door and watched the cameras outside. At the corner there was a camera in the ceiling. He looked at the camera carefully and, when the lens turned to another direction, he closed the door and rushed to the stairway. Ben went up to the 17th floor. The security seemed to be stricter. He looked at two guards walking and chatting along the hallway. He waited there patiently. He counted the time the guards showed up again, and the time the camera turned back to this hallway. He estimated the time he would have. When he rushed to the target gate, he had only less than two minutes to unlock the gate, or he would need to wait for the next chance. The first chance came. He rushed to the gate and looked at the locks. There were two locks on the door, but they were both simple ones. He took out two needles and stirred in the lock. The first lock was unlocked. He rushed back to the stairway. In the second chance, he unlocked the second lock and opened the door a small slit to make sure that no devices were on the door. He then sneaked into the apartment and locked the door from inside. He looked at the apartment. Bob told him that the thing he needed to steal would be in a hidden safe, probably in the study. He started to observe all the rooms. He sneaked into the first room. It seemed to be a boy's room. The room was even bigger than Bob's. On the bed lay a boy. He didn't know the boy's age, but apparently the boy was older than him. The boy was naked and was sleeping deeply. The boy's dick was much larger than his and was semi-hard. There was some sparse hairs, too. He thought of one of his recently completed missions. The target he needed to shoot was also naked and sleeping like a pig, ugly like one, too. In this mission he didn't need to kill anyone. He had no gun after all. He looked at the room. Though Bob told him that the safe should be in the study, he didn't want to miss any possibility. Finally he was sure that there was not any safe in the naked boy's room. He sneaked into the second room. Nobody was in the room, so he walked into it and looked carefully. It was also a big room, but quite simple; only a queen-sized bed, a big cabinet, a desk and a shelf. It was more like a bedroom than a study. On the wall beside the cabinet hung a painting. The painting was of a knight with a long sword. He had sneaked into uncountable offices and apartments. His instincts told him that this painting did not fit in the room. He looked carefully. The painting was not hanging there, but stuck on the wall. He looked at the distance behind the paint, then he got out his flashlight. He took a chair and stood on it. He shined his light on the painting, then nodded slightly. There were some very small dents on the painting; so small that he needed to look for them very carefully. He looked at the layout of these dents. He thought of the time that Bob once let him see a similar safe. If he made his insertion into the wrong dents, a silent alarm would be triggered. He observed the depth of these dents, then he had his answer. He took a needle out and stuck it into one of the small dents. He heard a click and he knew that he got it. He took out three more needles and stuck each into another three small holes. When the fourth was done, he heard another bigger click, and the painting opened. He took his flashlight and looked inside the safe. Inside it were a lot of documents. He flipped back and forth to search for what he needed. Bob used to teach him to read, but only limited to let him know what documents he needed to steal or to photograph. He found what he wanted. According to Bob, they were contracts about trades of large amounts of ammunitions. With these documents the government could target and seize a big organization that smuggled large amounts of ammunitions. Actually, Ben didn't care about the contents of the missions and why he needed to accomplish those missions. He just knew that he would get his reward from Bob after finishing them. He got all the documents he wanted out of the safe and put them into his own bodysuit. Then he closed the painting and removed the needles. He left the room. He walked to another room. It was a big kitchen. He opened the window and looked outside. Yes, the pipe he climbed was beside the window. He climbed up onto the outside windowsill and closed the window from the outside. He grabbed for and swung over to the pipe. He climbed down, still slowly and silently. He also used his bodysuit to wipe the fingerprints he might have left on the pipe. Soon he reached the ground and left the building. He came to the point Bob assigned to him. A black limousine was waiting there. Ben looked around and made sure that nobody was watching them. He rushed to the car, opened the door, and got into it. Once inside, he hid under the seat. The door closed. The car started to move and, after a few minutes, Ben got up and sat beside Bob. "Did you get them?" asked Bob. Ben took the documents from his bodysuit. Bob took a look at the documents and smiled. He nodded. "Good. Mission completed. Go back and get your dinner. I'll give you your reward tonight." Ben nodded. He casually watched the view from the limousine's windows as it passed by them. *** Ben enjoyed his postponed dinner and took a bath, and then stood in front of a mirror. He looked at his own naked body. His body was small and slim, but the training he'd had made his body very strong and had given him clear muscle definition. There were some scars on his body too. That was because he was captured once, and was beaten up a lot. On his neck there was an obvious mark. Bob told him that when he was very young, someone attacked his parents and killed them and he witnessed the whole process. Then the killer tried to strangle him. A cop passed by and saw them, then the killer ran away. He was sent to the hospital and was saved. However, his vocal cords were so seriously damaged that he couldn't make a sound anymore. And Ben was quite aware of why he was selected to be trained a lot and execute all kinds of missions at such a young age. The main reason was certainly that he lost his voice. If he was captured by the enemy, they would never get anything from him, because he couldn't speak. Ben became convinced of this when he was captured the last time. In that mission, he sneaked into a building to get a secret document to take photos of it. However, he triggered an infrared alarm. He almost escaped, but at the last moment he was caught. He was then sent to an office. Some fierce guys asked him about who sent him there, and about what he wanted. Ben was not afraid at all, but at that moment he realized that, his lost sound was always Bob's weapon, or say, Bob's insurance. He was beaten up a lot, but Bob didn't come to save him. He got a chance to escape the room where he was imprisoned and went back to Bob's house with an injured body. Bob didn't blame him. He just found a doctor to bandage Ben and let Ben recuperate for a few days. Actually, Ben was named not long before. His real name was Thirty-Six – Yeah, it was just a number. In the mission previous to the last mission, he took advantage of his small body to sneak into a luxury apartment through a small vent. He then killed a guy, – who was, according to Bob, the leader of a notorious gang – and escaped successfully. Ben was brought to see Bob's boss. Bob's boss looked at Ben and patted his head. "What's his name?" asked Bob's boss. Bob shook his head. "His agent number is thirty-six." Bob's boss seemed to be surprised. He stood up and yelled at Bob. "What? You didn't even give him a name? Is this the way you treat 3;" Bob made a gesture and Bob's boss stopped. Bob's boss stared at Bob. "So he knows nothing, right?" asked Bob's boss after a while. Bob shook his head. Bob's boss tried to calm down. Then he turned to number thirty-six and said, "All right. From now on, your name is 3; Benjamin." Ben didn't quite understand why Bob's boss gave him a name. Thirty-six, Benjamin, or Ben, they all didn't mean much to him. However, he saw that apparently Bob's boss was angry with Bob. It was the first time he saw that Bob was blamed. He felt very funny. "Treat him nicer, Bob. This boy is our treasure," said Bob's boss. That night he got many more rewards. Bob's boss took them to a restaurant – that was Ben's first time to go to a restaurant outside – and he had a great dinner. Then it was also the first time that Bob had Ali, his servant, give Ben his rewards together. The mission was simple, but Ben still completed it perfectly. It meant that Ben could get a good late dinner and he didn't need to sleep in his small room, which was just like a storeroom. He looked at himself in the mirror, and then moved to Bob's room in the nude. He never asked why Bob's room was so large (even Ali's room was better than his) and he could only sleep in a small room. He was trained to execute Bob's commands, not asking why. He sat on Bob's bed, waiting for his reward. He sat there comfortably. He waited there, almost falling asleep. Bob and Ali walked in, and Ben woke up. There was a small tray in Ali's hands, with two small bottles on it. Ali put the tray on the nightstand beside the bed and gave Ben a smile. "Tired?" asked Bob. He gave Ben a smile too. Ben shook his head. He stood up and started to take off Bob's shirt. "Don't hurry. I can do it myself." Bob smiled. He took off his own shirt and pants, and handed them to Ali. Ali hung Bob's clothes in the cabinet, bowed to Bob, then left the room. "I'll take a bath. Wait on the bed for a few minutes." Ben couldn't wait, but he still sat back on the bed. Bob walked into the bathroom and closed the door. Ben listened to the sound of the water. After a few minutes, Bob walked out of the bathroom and dried himself with a big towel. He grinned to Ben. "Oh, I thought that you might be asleep. You must have been waiting for a long time." Bob laid Ben on the bed and took a bottle. He poured out some lotion and started to massage Ben's body. Ben closed his eyes. He enjoyed the feeling of Bob's hands touching and walking on his body. Bob did think that it could harm his own self-esteem to 'serve' this 10-year-old boy. However, Ben's little body did stimulate him very much. He liked to play with Ben's small nipples and see Ben's reaction. He liked to touch Ben's muscle lines. He liked to rub Ben's small penis. Though Ben couldn't make any sound, his emotions being carried away by Bob's action made Bob feel very sexy. Sometimes Bob would try to make Ben have oral sex with him. However, apparently Ben didn't like it. Only that night in which Ben got his name from Bob's boss he let Ali have sex with Ben too. Ben seemed to be happy having oral sex with Ali. After that, Ali penetrated Ben too. He wondered if there would be other relations between Ali and Ben. It was a normal reward. Ben lifted his legs up to his shoulders. Bob applied the lubrication from the other bottle to Ben's anus and his own dick and rubbed Ben's little hard penis. Ben became excited soon and Bob started to penetrate Ben violently. Ben liked the feeling of Bob's dick penetrating his own hole violently. Finally Bob reached his climax and cum inside Ben's hot tunnel. Bob pulled out his dick and shot the remaining semen on Ben's body. Ben smiled at Bob, then he closed his eyes. Ben fell asleep very soon after getting his reward. Bob sat up on the bed, and lit a cigarette. He sneered at sleeping Ben. Then he got another document from the drawer of the nightstand to read. Chapter 2Ben hid behind the clump of bushes and observed carefully. This mission seemed to be very tough. Bob argued with his boss in front of Ben for a long time. His boss didn't agree with this action, but Bob insisted to let Ben execute this tough mission. The location was in the Embassy of Feroga. Actually, Ben didn't quite understand what 'Embassy' meant. However, he knew that it meant the security would be very strict and he would definitely fall into hell if he was caught, because Bob and his boss would never come to rescue him. It rained very hard. The rain provided both good and bad conditions to this mission. The rain and the noise it made could cover Ben's action and the guards outside the building would be fewer and less often. The rain would even affect their automatic weapons so that they would have more difficulties to detecting intruders.. It would be easier for Ben to sneak into the Embassy; that's why they decided to execute this mission in such a heavy rain. However, the totally wet clothes would leave water on the floor when sneaking into the Embassy, to make the guards notice; so he needed to take off all his clothes after sneaking inside and change into another bodysuit in a very short time, or continue in the nude. Ben climbed up to a big tree beside the Embassy and jumped into the area of the Embassy easily in the gap that guards didn't notice and automatic weapons couldn't detect. The area of the Embassy wasn't large, but there were some automatic weapons. Ben's mission was to sneak into the Embassy and install wiretaps in some places. He found two automatic guns. One was on a wall of the Embassy building and another was on a tree. He estimated the path that of the bullets go after being fired, and then crawled on all fours carefully. It was summer, but the heavy rain hitting his back stung him and made him feel cold. He advanced very carefully, until he reached the bushes beside the building. There seemed to be only one possible entrance – the window on the second floor. It was not difficult to climb up, because there were many protrusions on the wall on this side of the building. However, his time was very tight. If he was found when climbing up, he would have no way to survive. Besides, according to the floor plan Bob gave him, inside the window should be the Ambassador's office. The window would certainly be locked and the room was still lit. There might be someone in the office. Ben thought for a while. He decided to take some risk. He waited for the guards to pass by him, then he started to climb up. He got to the windowsill very quickly and took a look inside. Nobody was there. He tried to push the window open. The window wouldn't open. He observed the window for a while and tried again by pulling it this time. To his surprise, the window wasn't locked! Ben couldn't believe how lucky he was. He pulled the window and jumped in, then he closed the window. He looked outside. There was a big tree which was not too far from the window. He planned for his escape path in case of an emergency, then he turned his attention back to the inside. The lamp on the ambassador's desk was still lit. He seemed to have left just a short time before, and might be back soon. Ben took off his clothes without leaving too much water on the floor. He took a dry rag from one of his two waterproof bags and put his wet bodysuit into the bag. He dried himself and both bags and put the wet rag into the bag. Then he fixed both bags onto his nude body. Ben listened carefully. He heard that there were two people arguing very loudly, from behind a door in the office. Ben couldn't hear them clearly. However, it was a wonderful time to eavesdrop. Bob was waiting. He took a wiretap from the bag and put it into the crack between the door and the floor. He planned to install it in that office later. He looked around to find a place to hide. There was a small space between the big shelf and the ceiling. It could be a good place for Ben to hide. He climbed up the shelf, and curled his body into the small space. There, he waited quietly. Ben was naked. He felt a bit cold. Fortunately it was summer, so it was bearable for Ben. He didn't wait for a long time. Two men walked into the room he was hiding in. They were still arguing. "Please tell the Prime Minister, I don't agree with his decision," said one man angrily. "Do you want to defy his order? You should know the result," said the other coldly. "Do you know the possible result of this decision?" the first man said, still angry. "Can you afford the result of leading us to a war?" "Follow our orders. No war will be started," said the other. He left the office without looking at the first man again. The first man stood there, trying to calm himself down. After a while, he hit the shelf with his fist heavily. Ben was startled and held his breath. The man turned off the lamp and left the office. Ben waited for a while to make sure that the second man left that part of the Embassy and there wasn't any other sound. He jumped down from the shelf. Ben entered the meeting room through the door where he'd placed the wiretap. There was a big table and several chairs in the room. Ben took the wiretap from under the door and installed it under the big table. Back in the ambassador's office, Ben installed a wiretap under the desk and in the phone. He left the office when he was done. According to Bob's plan, he needed to install wiretaps in the guest meeting room on the first floor, the office of the ambassador and another meeting room on the second floor, and the ambassador's bedroom on the third floor. He had done the part on the second floor. The only difficulty would be how to install the wiretap in the ambassador's bedroom. He decided to install the next wiretap in the guest meeting room first. Ben listened. It seemed that all of the guards were chatting in another room. The whole security was much looser than Bob and he expected. He sneaked into the guest meeting room and installed a wiretap. He could accomplish the mission after installing the last wiretap in the bedroom of the ambassador. He walked up the stairs to the third floor. There were two rooms on the third floor. One was the ambassador's bedroom. The other room's door was just half closed. He thought about his tactics. He decided to sneak into the other room first. Only a small lamp was lit in the room. He pushed the door open a little more and entered the room. The whole room was faint, however it was quite warm. It made Ben, who was in the nude, feel very comfortable. There was a sweet smell in the room. The walls were brightly painted, full of colors and graphics. The ceiling looked like a sky full of stars. There were many dolls hanging from the ceiling. There were also many toys in the room. There was a small bed in the center of the room. Ben walked to it. An infant was sleeping on the bed. Ben stared at the infant. He didn't know how old the infant was. He had never been with children his age, let alone such a small baby. The face of the infant looked so 3; so 3; Ben didn't know how to describe it. Anyway, the face of the infant attracted Ben very much. The infant had gold and sparse hair, a tiny nose, little ears, a small mouth, red and plump cheeks, and a pair of tightly closed eyes. Ben was attracted by the charm of the baby so deeply. Suddenly Ben had an impulse. He wanted to touch the small baby. He touched the baby's small face with his fingers. He had never touched something like that. Contrary to Ben's coarse fingers full of callus, the baby's face was so smooth, so soft, so 3; The infant shuddered and started crying. Ben was taken back. He didn't expect the infant would cry. He didn't know how to deal with that either. Soon the door of the ambassador's bedroom opened and a woman walked into the room. She faced Ben. The woman looked at Ben, who was naked and with two bags on his body. Her chin dropped. Time froze. After a long time, no, maybe just a second, the woman started to scream. Scream loudly. Scream very loudly. "Ahhh~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Help! Help! Thief!!" Shit! Ben cursed to himself in his mind. He rushed out of the room and almost jumped all the way down to the second floor along the stairs. Many guards rushed up from the stairs, too. They saw Ben rushing into the ambassador's office. "There! A naked boy! Freeze, kid!!!" The building was full of a baby crying, a woman's screams, and the guards' roar. Then came two gun shots. PANG! PANG! Ben felt a sting in his right arm that quickly began to hurt badly. He was still running to the window in the office. He jumped up onto the windowsill, pushed the window open, and jumped out as far as he could. PANG! PANG! PANG! PANG! More gunshots came from inside the office and the automatic weapons outside. Ben didn't know how many places he was shot. He jumped into the tree near the window and again jumped with the bounce of the tree to outside of the Embassy area. That was the emergency escape path he had just planned. The wire mesh with thorns atop the fence slashed Ben's thigh. However, he still made it all the way out of the Embassy area. The uproar in the Embassy area kept up. He ran to the street as fast as he could. The heavy rain hit Ben's naked body. The rain could wash away his blood, to avoid his enemies tracking. However he felt cold and hurt. Not only the sting as the rain hit his body, but also the hurt from his wounds. He ran and ran. Ben didn't know how long he ran. He saw an abandoned building. He ran into it. Ben sat in the corner, gasping for breath. He felt cold. His whole body trembled. He tried to gather himself up and examine his wounds. Both of his arms, left belly and right thigh were injured and bleeding. He untied his bags and took his bodysuit out. He used his knife to cut his bodysuit into strips and started to bandage himself. His hands were still trembling. He tried to hang on. After he was done, he put the remaining suit into bag and fixed both bags onto his body again. He stood up. He had to go back to the point Bob assigned, or go back to Bob's house by himself. He just stood up and a dizzy and nauseated feeling came upon him. He retched for a while, but he tried to prop up against the wall. He walked two steps, and felt the world was spinning. He fell down and fainted. Chapter 3"Daddy, he still has a fever," a fuzzy sound said beside Ben. "Okay, come and get this towel," another far sound said. Ben felt that someone took something away from his forehead. After a while, something cool was put on his forehead again. He didn't know where he was. He tried to open his eyes after a few minutes. He felt himself lying on a wooden bed. There was a wet towel on his forehead. He seemed to be still naked, but a thin quilt covered his body. He didn't feel cold anymore, but very hot instead. "Daddy, he woke up!" a boy's voice shouted excitingly. "Really? Let me see," a man said. He walked to Ben. Ben turned his head to look at this man. He was shirtless, only wearing a pair of very dirty boxers. Beside the man was a shirtless boy, wearing only boxers as well. The boy had long brown hair and was very thin. He seemed to be a bit older than Ben. "Oh, you finally woke up." The man took the towel off and touched Ben's forehead with his hand. "You have been unconscious for the whole day. Hmm 3; still have a fever. How do you feel now?" Ben didn't know how to answer his question. He couldn't answer anyway. He just looked at the man. The man passed the towel to the boy. "Go get a bucket of water. Let's wipe his body with wet towels and see if it could bring down his fever more." The boy ran away quickly. The man squatted beside Ben. "How do you feel now? Any better?" Ben still felt a bit dizzy, but he nodded slightly. "Ray found you downstairs, lying on the floor. He called me. We found that you were lying there, naked and totally wet. There were two bags on your body. You were injured and bandaged, but your wounds were still bleeding. You had a bad fever. We brought you here. What on earth happened to you?" Suddenly almost everything came back to Ben's mind. He thought of his mission. He thought of the Embassy. He thought of the small baby who attracted him so much, but then cried and destroyed his mission; almost made him die. He looked at the man's concerned face but he didn't react. The boy came back with an old plastic bucket. The man didn't ask any more questions. He lifted the thin cover from Ben's body. Ben found that his bandages were changed. The man seemed to have cut a white undershirt into strips and bandaged him, just like what he did. The man took a towel from the bucket and twisted it, then he started to wipe Ben's face. The boy named Ray also took another towel and started to wipe Ben's body. Cool towels made Ben clearer. The man wiped Ben's face and looked at Ben with his concerned eyes. The man's eyes 3; Ben felt that the man's eyes gave him a very warm feeling, just like Ali's eyes when taking care of him, at the time when he was caught and escaped back to Bob's house. Ray wiped Ben's body diligently. However, he touched Ben's wounds on his thigh accidentally. Ben opened his mouth making a painful face, but he didn't make any sound. The man stopped his actions. Ray stopped too. "Did I touch your wound? Sorry," said Ray in apology. Ben shook his head. The man didn't act anymore; he just looked at Ben thoughtfully. Ray continued to wipe Ben's body carefully. He wiped Ben's belly. When he wiped Ben's small penis, he kissed it as a joke. Then he grinned to Ben. The man didn't blame Ray for kissing Ben's penis. He just smiled at Ray. "Ray, he still has a fever, and he was injured. Don't do that, okay?" Ray still grinned. He jumped off the bed and washed the towel. The man turned Ben's body over and wiped his back. Ben felt the man use his hands to touch his ass and his hole. When they were done wiping him down, they turned Ben onto his back again and the man put another wet towel on Ben's forehead. He took a chair and sat beside Ben. He still looked at Ben thoughtfully. Ray jumped up onto the bed and sat beside Ben. He held Ben's hand and looked at Ben too. After a while, the man started to speak. "You can't make any sound and hence can't speak, right?" Ben looked at the man. He nodded after a few seconds. "It seems that you can hear us. Tell me, were you raped? I noticed that you were penetrated there before." Ben shook his head. "No? Are you a runaway?" Ben looked at the man's eyes. He didn't know how to explain his identity and conditions. He couldn't explain either. "Daddy, I think that you'd better not to ask so much now. He seems not to know how to explain himself to you." Ben turned his head and watched Ray in surprise. How did Ray know his thoughts? Was it just a lucky guess? Or was it his own facial expression that told Ray? Ray's daddy laughed. Ray laughed too. Ray's laughter made Ben feel 3; feel 3; yeah, relaxed. He felt that he could totally relax in front of this boy and his daddy. Once he relaxed, he felt an urge to pee. "Do you wanna pee?" asked Ray suddenly. Ray's daddy looked at Ray, then looked at Ben. Ben nodded. Ray and his daddy propped Ben up. Then Ray's daddy put the bucket in front of Ben. "Pee here. I'll change the water later." Ray held Ben's penis to aim it at the bucket. Ben started to relieve the pressure of the liquid in his body. When Ben was done, Ray and his daddy helped Ben lie on the bed again. Ray's daddy took the bucket out of the room and came back a few minutes later with a new bucket of water. He put the bucket on the floor and sat on the chair. He asked Ray curiously, "Ray, how did you know that he wanted to pee?" "I don't know. I heard a voice, saying wanna pee," said Ray. His daddy laughed. "I also heard the same voice just now, saying something like how to answer these questions?" Ray's daddy looked at Ben's eyes. Ben looked at Ray's daddy's eyes too. After a minute, Ray's daddy said, "All right. Take more rest. I have no medicine, so I can only change your bandages later with cleaner clothes. Ray, the sky is going to be dark. Let's take a bath now." Ben was curious that how they could take a bath here. Ray jumped down from the bed, gave Ben a smile, and took off his boxers. Ray stood in front of his daddy in the nude. His daddy took the towel he just used to wipe Ben's face, rinsed it in the bucket, wrung it out, and started to wipe Ray's body gently. Ben looked at Ray's body. Contrary to Ben's well-trained, swarthy and strong body, Ray's body was a lot thinner and his skin was quite white. Ray's chest was so thin that Ben could see his ribs. There were some marks on Ray's arms and thighs, showing that Ray used to be beaten up. Ray's penis was much larger then Ben's. Ray closed his eyes. He seemed to enjoy the gentle touch of his daddy. His daddy looked at Ray with his gentle eyes. He wiped Ray's back, ass, thigh and legs. Finally he wiped Ray's penis and sac. When Ray's daddy was done, Ray took the towel and rinsed it again. Then he took off his daddy's boxers and started to wipe his daddy's body too. His daddy's body was not as thick as Bob's. His slender waist and strong chest were more like Ali's. His penis was as large and hairy as Bob's and it was growing up as Ray wiped it. Ray wiped and rubbed his daddy's penis, then he held it with his mouth. "Ray, don't do that. There is someone else here," said Ray's daddy. Ray released his daddy's dick and smiled at Ben. "I want it. And I think that he won't mind. Right?" Ben shook his head. Ray held his daddy's dick with his mouth again. However, his daddy pulled his penis out. "I'll have to bandage him later. Let's finish our bath first," Ray's daddy smiled and said. Ray pouted, but he gave up. He wiped his daddy's body again. His daddy still smiled and looked at Ray with his gentle eyes. When Ray was done, his daddy took a white, long-sleeve undershirt from a box. "This one is cleaner. It should work." "Daddy, you have already cut one of your undershirts. This is your best one. If you cut it, what will you wear in winter?" "Ray, this boy is wounded and needs to be bandaged. We should do our best to help him. We can't just think about ourselves." Ben looked at Ray's daddy. He had a feeling that he didn't know how to describe. He had never met this boy and his daddy before. However, they wanted to sacrifice their best clothes to bandage him. He didn't know how to react. He wanted to tell Ray's daddy that there was part of his bodysuit left in his waterproof bag. They didn't need to cut their own clothes. Ben knocked the bed with his hand. Ray and his daddy looked at Ben. Ben looked at them too. After a while, Ray's daddy pushed Ray slightly. "Do you know what he wants to say?" Ray shook his head. "No voice this time?" his daddy asked. Ray shook his head again. Maybe it was just coincidences? Ben gave up the thought to transfer his meaning with his eyes or facial expression. He pointed to his own chest with his fingers, and drew a diagonal line from his left shoulder to his right waist. "Do you mean your bags on your body?" asked Ray's daddy. Ben nodded. Ray's daddy helped Ben sit up on the bed. Ray went to the corner to take Ben's waterproof bags and handed them to Ben. "We didn't open them," said Ray's daddy. Ben searched for a while and took the remaining bodysuit from the bag. He handed it to Ray's daddy. "Do you mean to bandage you with this?" Ben nodded. "Well, it is still wet. We can't use this," said Ray's daddy, with a smile. "Did you cut your own clothes into strips to bandage yourself?" Ben nodded again. "Hmm 3; there are only very few kids that can do it," murmured Ray's daddy. He watched Ben thoughtfully again. He twisted Ben's bodysuit to squeeze the water out. Then he hung it on a rope. He took scissors from a drawer of a table. Then he started to scissor his own undershirt. "Ray, remove the old bandages from his body." Ray walked to Ben and started to help him remove the bandages. However he found that some of the bandages were stuck on Ben's wounds. "Daddy, it was stuck by his blood. I can't remove them." "Okay, it means that the bleeding stopped. Remove as much as you can, and I'll take care of it later." Ray continued his work. Ray's daddy cut his undershirt into several long strips, then he came to Ben with scissors. He observed how the bandage was stuck on Ben's wounds. "Oops, these scissors are too large. I need a smaller knife. Ray, get the knife in the drawer." Ben patted Ray's daddy. He took his own small knife from his bag and handed it to Ray's daddy. "Yeah, it should work," said Ray's daddy, still with a pair of thoughtful eyes. He wondered why this small boy would have such a sharp small knife with him. Who on earth was this boy? He started to remove the bandages which were stuck on Ben's wounds with Ben's small knife, very carefully. The sky was getting dark. "Ray, light a candle. We must use it tonight." Ray took a candle and a lighter from a box. He lit the candle and stuck it on a small piece of cardboard. "Here." Ray moved to his daddy, who was still cutting the bandages from Ben's wounds very carefully. When Ray's daddy was done, the candle had only about one third left. "Okay. It seems that your wounds heal well," said Ray's daddy, who was full of sweat again. He bandaged Ben with new strips. "Too bad I don't have any medicine. Be careful not to make your scars break again." Ray's daddy stood up and took two small pieces of bread from another box. He gave them to Ray and Ben. "Eat something. We don't have much to eat, but you haven't eaten anything the whole day. Eat it and drink some water, then have a good sleep," said Ray's daddy. Ben looked at this small piece of bread. Ray gave him a cup of water. Again he had a feeling that he didn't know how to describe. He had never been so 3; so 3; yeah, grateful! He had never been so grateful to anyone. He liked Ali. He liked Bob. However, he had never been so grateful to anyone, even to Ali, Bob, and Bob's boss who gave him a name. Ben bit into the small piece of bread. He felt that this bit of bread was a lot more delicious than the dinner Ali made for him after his mission. "Why not eat, daddy? I think we still have some bread," asked Ray. "Well, don't worry about me. Just have it. I need to leave some food for you to eat tomorrow. I'll try to get more food tomorrow." Ray's daddy patted Ray. Then he turned to Ben. "Fortunately you aren't injured too badly. However, you still have a fever. Have a good sleep. Ray, tonight you sleep with him and I'll sleep on the floor. If you wake up at night, see if he is still feverish, okay?" "Okay." Ray finished his bread. He ran somewhere to take a straw mat and put it on the floor. Then he looked at his daddy with wishful eyes. "Hmm 3; can I 3; have 3; it with you tonight?" Ray's daddy laughed. "No. You have to help me take care of this boy. He needs rest." Ray pouted, but he jumped onto the bed and lay beside Ben. "Good night," Ray's daddy said. He helped Ben lie down. Then he kissed both boys and blew the candle out. The sky was totally dark, but the moonlight lit a bit of the room. Ben looked at Ray's sleeping face. There was another feeling besides gratitude in his mind. He still couldn't describe how he felt. He closed his eyes. Chapter 4Ben didn't sleep well. He dreamed that he was still on a mission. He was being chased. He ran and ran, as fast as he could. He ran to the roof of a building and jumped to the roof of another building to hide. However, he was finally found by his enemies and they were getting close to him. At the moment the enemies caught him, he woke up. Ben felt that his heart was beating crazily. The towel was still on his forehead, but his body was covered with sweat. After a while, Ben found that Ray was not lying beside him. The sky was getting light. Ben turned his head and saw that Ray was lying on the straw mat on the floor, with his daddy. They were both naked. Ray's daddy was kissing Ray's neck. His hands were caressing Ray's body and rubbing Ray's erect penis. "Oh 3; daddy 3; oh 3; yes 3;," Ray moaned slightly. Ray's daddy kept up his actions. Ray's body was trembling. His hands were grasping his daddy. Finally, some milk-white liquid spurted from Ray's dick to both Ray's and his daddy's body. Ray sighed with satisfaction and smiled at his daddy. His daddy kissed Ray and smiled at Ray too. Ray wiped the semen off of his daddy's body with his fingers. After a while, Ray climbed up and started to hold his daddy's erect dick in his mouth. He moved his head up and down to let his daddy's dick go in and out of his mouth. Ray's daddy closed his eyes to enjoy the feeling. Ben looked at their actions quietly. It seemed that Ray was getting his reward from his daddy. But what mission did Ray complete? Was it because Ray saved Ben's life? Yeah, Bob would give Ben his reward after he completed a mission, but only when he completed it successfully. Somehow Ben felt that the reward Ray's daddy gave Ray seemed to be more attractive, and Ray's reaction was much more intense than Ben's. When Bob gave him rewards, Bob would massage him at the start and then use the lubrication on his asshole, then start to penetrate him violently. Sometimes Bob would try to let Ben hold Bob's dick in his mouth; however the disgusting smell made Ben sick. On the night that Bob had Ali help him give Ben his reward together, Ali put his penis into Ben's mouth too. Ben still felt uncomfortable, but at least it was not as disgusting as Bob's, and Ben did like Ali, so Ben didn't resist. Ben couldn't understand why Ray held his daddy's dick so happily. Ben returned from his thoughts to reality. Ray's daddy had raised up and Ray lay on the floor. Ray lifted both of his legs and his daddy spit on his asshole. Ray's daddy started to penetrate Ray with his fully erect penis. Ray's daddy moved slowly and tenderly, not as violently as Bob. "Oh 3; daddy, hurry 3; yes 3;" As Ray moaned, his daddy started to speed up. Ray's hands grasped the straw mat and moaned louder and louder. "Oh 3; Uh 3; Daddy 3; I love 3; love you so much 3;" Ray's daddy kissed Ray's mouth while moving in and out of Ray's small hole. Then he whispered, "Don't be too loud. You'll wake this boy up." Ray's daddy still concerned about Ben even when he was giving Ray his rewards. Ben felt deeply touched. Then he thought about how he had failed to complete the mission and might stir up a hornets' nest. He couldn't get any reward this time and that might be the smallest problem. He didn't even know if Bob would want him back anymore. Ray kept moaning and his daddy was penetrating him at a fast speed. After a minute or two, Ray's daddy pulled out his dick. He squeezed some white liquid from his erect dick and dripped it on Ray's body, then he lay down beside Ray and gasped. Ray relaxed too. Then he hugged his daddy and kissed him. "It was so wonderful, Daddy," whispered Ray, with a smile. "Yeah." Ray's daddy nodded. "Did we awake this boy?" Ben closed his eyes to pretend that he was still sleeping. "I don't understand. Who on earth is this boy? I think that he is not a runaway like you," Ray's daddy continued. Ray was a runaway? Ben was a bit surprised. So, Ray's 'daddy' was not his real father? "He is so strong; not as thin as me. His muscle definitions on his chest and waist are so clear, just like you," said Ray. "Yeah, and he knows how to cut his clothes into strips to bandage himself. He seems to be a well-trained soldier, special agent or something similar. However, he is too young to be one. Maybe a bit younger than you, right?" "Yeah." "I really don't understand. Anyway, you can't go with me today. You must stay here to take care of this boy. I'll try to get more food for you. There are still four small pieces of bread in the box. You can eat them today." "Daddy, you haven't eaten anything since last evening. Do you want to eat some? He and I can just share two breads." "Well, don't worry about me. Make him drink more water. Wipe his body with wet towels just like yesterday. Stay here and wait for me to come back, okay?" "Okay." After a few minutes, Ben felt that someone took the towel away from his forehead, touched his forehead, and then changed to another cool towel. Ben opened his eyes. He saw that Ray's daddy watched him with gentle eyes. "Did I awake you?" said Ray's daddy softly. Ben shook his head. "You still have a fever, but your body was full of sweat. Your temperature should be coming down soon. I think you will be a lot better today." Ray jumped on the bed and sat beside Ben. He held Ben's hands. "I'll take care of you here today," said Ray. Looking at Ray's smile, Ben felt so grateful to this boy and his daddy. He wanted to say thank you, but he couldn't. "Oh!!" Ray exclaimed suddenly. Ben and Ray's daddy was taken back. They looked at Ray. "The voice came again, saying thank you!" Ray's daddy looked at Ben, then at Ray. Ben looked at Ray in surprise too. Ray hit it again. Was it really a coincidence? Ray's daddy thought for a while and nodded. "Is it because you are holding his hand?" Ray looked at his hand, then looked at Ben. Ben looked at Ray too. He thought, Can you really hear what I wanna say? Ray laughed. "Yeah! Really! I heard that! I can really hear the voice in your mind!" Ray's daddy held Ben's hand too. Ben looked at Ray's daddy and thought, Can you hear too? After a while, Ray's daddy shook his head. "No, I can't hear anything. It seems that only Ray can hear you. Can you tell Ray what your name is?" Ray kept holding Ben's hand. Ben looked at Ray and thought about the name Bob's boss gave him: Benjamin. "I got it! You name is Benjamin. Right?" Ray shouted excitingly. Ben nodded. "Wow, that's amazing!" smiled Ray's daddy. "I didn't know you have such gift, Ray. Now you can chat with each other for the whole day." Ray gave Ben a big smile. "Okay, I have to go to work. Don't be too tired, Ben. Ray, do you know where to find me if his condition becomes worse?" Ray nodded. "Good boy." Ray's daddy put on a t-shirt, a dirty pair of shorts and a very old pair of shoes. He kissed both boys then left the room. "Let me clean your body. You are covered with sweat," said Ray. Ray jumped off the bed and took the towel from Ben's forehead. He then left the room. Ben felt a lot better than yesterday. He didn't feel dizzy at all. He sat up and leaned against the wall and looked at this room. It seemed to be a room in the abandoned building he escaped into. The whole room was old and shabby, but it was not as dirty and messy as where he fainted. This room seemed to be cleaned out by Ray and his daddy. The wallpaper was moldy. A wooden desk was put against the wall. The windows were open. One of the window's glass was broken and a paper was pasted on it to cover the broken hole. Ben looked at the bed he slept. It was an old wooden bed, with two old pillows and only a thin quilt. The sunshine lit the room and it started to become hot. However, Ben wondered how Ray and his daddy could live through the cold days in winter in this room. Ray walked in with the old plastic bucket as Ben thought about a lot of things. "How do you feel now?" Ray put the bucket on the floor and asked. Ben nodded. Ray rinsed and wrung the towel out. "Okay, now let me clean your body." Ray started to wipe Ben carefully. He wiped Ben's face, neck and then Ben's strong chest. "Wow, you are so strong! How did you train your body?" said Ray in admiration. He rinsed the towel again and started to wipe Ben's belly. When Ray wiped Ben's penis and sac, he again put Ben's penis in his mouth. He licked and sucked Ben's penis. Ben felt a bit itchy. He watched Ray's action. Bob would play and rub Ben's small penis, however he never held it in his mouth, let alone lick or suck it. Ben used to hold Bob's huge dick in his mouth. It made him feel disgusting and sick. He wondered why Ray would hold his daddy's dick so happily. He also wondered why Ray would want to hold his dick. Ben thought that Ray just got his reward from his daddy. Ben patted Ray. Ray released Ben's dick and raised his head. He grinned at Ben. Ben held Ray's hands. Ray knew that Ben had something to say. I saw that you got your reward from your daddy. "Got my reward?" asked Ray in question. Ben pointed to the dry semen on Ray's body. Then he used his index fingers to touch Ray's cleft between his cheeks. He wiped some sticky liquid from there and showed Ray. "Oh, this," laughed Ray. "It is daddy's seeds." Did you get your reward because you saved my life? "Reward? I don't understand what you mean." Bob would give me my reward only after I completed a mission. "Bob? Who is Bob?" Yeah, who is Bob? Ben didn't know how to explain Bob to Ray. However, he saw Ray laughed. "All right, don't explain if you don't know how to. However I still don't understand; what do you mean by getting rewards?" I saw your daddy give you your reward in the early morning. He inserted his dick into your ass. "Oh yes, he did. However it wasn't a reward for me. We were making love." Making love? "Yeah, making love. I like Daddy. I love Daddy. I like to make love with Daddy. He would penetrate my hole with his big cock and seed inside my body. The feeling is so wonderful." Ben agreed that the feeling was wonderful. When Bob penetrated Ben's hole with his big dick, Ben felt wonderful and amazing too. However, Ben was still confused. If this action was not a reward 3; "But it wasn't a reward. Daddy has never taken it as a reward for me. We make love because I love Daddy and Daddy loves me," Ray said excitingly. Then suddenly he realized. "Oh, I see. Did you mean that Bob used it as a reward for you?" Ben retrieved his hands. His wounds hurt him, but he didn't care about it at all. When he finished his training and started to execute Bob's missions, such things were always his 'rewards' from Bob. Bob told him that he needed to complete a mission to get such a reward. Everyone would need to complete a mission to get their rewards. Nobody could be an exception. He never challenged Bob's words or orders. He was trained to obey Bob's order, not to question him. Ray's words hit Ben heavily. If it wasn't a reward, it meant 3; Bob deceived him all that time? Ray looked at Ben's pale and depressed face. He asked with concern, "What happened? Are you okay?" Ray tried to hold Ben's hands again, but Ben held his knees with his hands tightly and didn't want to hold Ray's hands. He buried his head into his knees and tears started to escape from his eyes. Chapter 5Ben seldom cried. Since he grew up, finished his training and started to execute all kinds of missions, he almost didn't cry at all. Even at the time he was caught and beaten up, he didn't cry either. However, after hearing Ray's words and understanding that Bob deceived him all his life, Ben couldn't control his tears. He didn't know why. Ben held his own knees. His body was shaking. Ray sat beside Ben and caressed Ben's back gently. "Are you okay?" asked Ray softly. The concern in Ray's voice almost made Ben break down. His tears kept running down his face. He felt that the whole world was crashing down. In his life, there were only Bob, Ali, Bob's boss, and all kinds of missions. At that moment, he knew that Bob, who was the most important person in his life, deceived and used him all the time. He couldn't accept that. He didn't know how to face that fact. Ray kept caressing Ben's back. Feeling Ray's fingers touch his back, Ben felt a bit better. He thought of Ray and his daddy. Though he had never met Ray and his daddy before, they still did their best to help him and take care of him. He raised his head and watched Ray tearfully. Ray smiled at Ben. He took the towel to wipe Ben's face. Then he lifted Ben's chin with his hand. All of a sudden, Ray started to kiss Ben's lips. Ben was startled. He watched Ray's face without knowing what to do. He just let Ray kiss him deeply. He felt Ray's tongue touch his own. He felt that Ray was sucking in his mouth. After a while, Ray released Ben. "Do you feel better now?" asked Ray with a smile. Ben felt that his face was hot. He couldn't describe how he felt. But yes, he seemed to feel better. "When I was unhappy, uncomfortable, or crying, Daddy would kiss me like that. Then I would feel a lot better," said Ray, still with a warm smile. Ben looked at Ray's smile. There was a wonderful strength in it. Ben just found that his life was a big lie. However, at that moment, Ray's smile made Ben feel that it was not a big deal to live in a big lie. The most important thing was that, Ben felt that he liked this boy in front of him so much, much more than Ali and Bob. Ben wiped his own tears and held Ray's hand again. I felt a lot better. Why do you and your daddy treat me so nice? "Why? No reason." Nobody treated me so nice like you. "Really? How about Bob? Is he your daddy?" No. Bob said that my parents were killed when I was very young. I was already living with Bob when I had my youngest memory. However, about his parents, did Bob lie to him again? Ben couldn't tell. How many things in his life were true and how many were false? "Oh, just like I live with my daddy? Didn't Bob treat you nice?" Ben didn't want to talk about Bob anymore. He changed the topic. Your daddy 3; is he your real father? "No. My father would beat my mother and me when he was drunk. My mother couldn't bear him and left us, then I was beaten up even more. Finally I ran away from him too." Then? "Then I had wandered everywhere for a long time. One day I went to this building, just like you. I fell asleep downstairs, and Daddy saw me. He woke me up and brought me here. Since then we live together." Does your daddy treat you nice? "Yes, very nice. We are poor, and we frequently lack enough food. However, I'm so happy living with Daddy." Speaking of life, Ben thought about his own life again. This room was old and shabby; not as big and luxury as Bob's house. Even Ben's own small room was a lot better than here. However, Ray seemed to be very happy living here with his daddy. Ben thought about himself. He didn't know if he had ever been happy or not. So 3; your reward 3; no, you made love not because your daddy wanted to give you a reward? Ray shook his head. "No. It is because I like Daddy. I love Daddy. Daddy loves me too. That's why it is called 'make love'." I like you so much too. Does it mean that I can 3; make love with you? Ray laughed. "Sure, do you want to?" Ben nodded. Ray helped Ben lay down and lay beside him. He hugged Ben and kissed Ben's mouth again. Again, Ben felt Ray's tongue moving in his mouth. He felt Ray sucking too. Ben watched Ray. Ray's eyes were closed. Ray's body touched Ben's. His hands caressed Ben's back softly. Ray's body gave Ben a very different feeling; very different from Bob's hairy body. Ben closed his eyes and hugged Ray too. He enjoyed Ray's caresses. He enjoyed Ray's warm tongue. At that moment, he even enjoyed the pain when Ray touched his wounds. He caressed Ray's back too. Ray was so thin; he almost just wore his skin on his bones. However, his skin was still very smooth. Ray released Ben's mouth. Ben opened his eyes and saw that Ray was smiling at him. Ray kissed Ben's cheek, his ears and his neck. Soon, Ray started to kiss Ben's nipple. Ben felt a bit itchy. Ben was quite familiar with this feeling, because Bob also liked to kiss Ben's nipples and play with them with his hands. However, Ben also felt that he had never had such a wonderful feeling. "You are really so strong; as strong as Daddy," said Ray in envy. Ben watched Ray's action. Ray kept kissing Ben's strong chest. Ray's hands moved to Ben's ass. He massaged Ben's mounds with his hands slightly, and moved his head to Ben's bellybutton and groin. Ray made Ben's thighs open and knelt between them. He started to kiss and lick Ben's sac. Ben closed his eyes again to concentrate on the wonderful feeling Ray's tongue brought to him. Then Ray gently pushed Ben's foreskin with his fingers, until Ben's little head revealed totally. The feeling of a sting made Ben frown. Ray grinned at him and started to lick Ben's little penis head. Almost immediately, a strong exciting feeling hit Ben. Ben's body became tense and it made Ben's wounds hurt him violently. Ray kept on licking, kissing, and sucking Ben's penis head. He also rubbed Ben's small, hard pillar. Ben's body trembled violently. He couldn't moan or shout, but the exciting feeling overwhelmed his whole body; almost until he was out of breath. Finally, Ben sighed deeply and his body relaxed. Ray released Ben's penis. However, once Ben relaxed, the pain from his wounds replaced the exciting feeling immediately. Ben gasped and bit his own lips to endure the pain. Ray smiled at Ben. "Did you feel good?" Though the painful feeling replaced the excitement, Ben still felt fulfilled. Bob used to give him similar feelings, but not as strong as this time; so strong that it almost made Ben out of breath. He gasped for a while and then held Ray's hands. Yeah, it's so wonderful. But now I feel all my wounds hurt. And I'm so hungry. "Me too. Daddy left some pieces of bread for us. I'll go get them." Ray was going to jump off the bed, but Ben pulled Ray's hand. Ray watched Ben in question. Ben pulled Ray to lie beside him. He hugged Ray and started to kiss Ray's mouth. It was the first time Ben kissed somebody actively. Before that, Ali sometimes would kiss Ben's cheeks. When Ben 3; hmm 3; got his reward from Bob, Bob had never had such intimate actions with Ben. Though Ben would ask Bob for his reward actively, he always passively let Bob do everything to him. Making love with Ray gave Ben a really intimate feeling. Ray and his daddy made Ben feel that they were really concerned about him; more concerned than Bob. Ben felt that Ray was so 3; attractive to him; so attractive that he wanted to do something to Ray actively. It was a deep kiss. Ray enjoyed Ben's kiss very much. He embraced Ben and licked Ben's warm mouth. After a long time, Ben released Ray and held his hand again. I like you so much. "Me too," said Ray with smile. Watching Ray's smile, Ben smiled too. I don't remember when the last time was that I smiled or laughed. Is it happiness? I seem to have never been happy before. When I was with Ali and Bob, I didn't have the same feelings as I do being with you; a feeling of happy and relax. "Really? Who is Ali?" Ali is Bob's servant. Actually, he treated me nice, but not as nice as you and your daddy. "Let's eat our bread and drink some water first. Daddy said that you need to drink more water. Then tell me more of your story, okay?" *** Ben had never talked to anybody. Of course it was because he lost his voice. However, Ray could hear his voice that others couldn't hear. It was not only an all new experience, but also a liberation for Ben. He could 'talk' with Ray without needing to use his body language. Ben spent almost the whole day telling Ray his own story. He told Ray about his youngest memory, about Bob and Ali. He told Ray about how he got all kinds of training. He talked about his missions; from stealing all kinds of things to killing somebody. He described how Bob gave him rewards. He told Ray the story Bob told him, about how his parents were killed and how he lost his voice. He told Ray about the time he got caught and beaten up and how he escaped the room which imprisoned him. Finally, he told Ray about his last mission in the Embassy of Feroga; how he was attracted to the small baby; how this small baby destroyed his mission; and how he escaped from the Embassy and ran here. Ray was very interested in Ben's story. He also asked some questions. When Ben finished his story, he felt that he didn't care about Bob deceiving him all the time anymore; only that, he didn't want to go back to Bob anymore. "So, you don't wanna go back anymore?" Ben shook his head. Will your daddy agree to let me stay here with you? "Sure," Ray replied almost immediately. "Daddy is the best person in the world." However, speaking of Ray's daddy, the sky was getting dark but Ray's daddy hadn't come home yet. They started to worry about him. Ray lit a candle. Does your daddy always come home so late? Ray shook his head. "If he needed to come home so late, he would bring me with him. We have no electricity here and we can't see anything at night. Daddy doesn't want to leave me here alone in the dark." Ray and Ben watched the fire dancing on the candle. Their worries increased. After a long time, Ben heard something like footsteps. He pushed Ray. Ray nodded. He heard it too. It must be Daddy. "Daddy, is that you?" Ray shouted. "Yeah, I'm home," said Ray's daddy from downstairs. The two boys sighed with relief. Ray jumped off the bed and ran to the door. When Ray's daddy appeared from the stairs, Ray embraced his daddy tightly. "Why so late? I'm worried about you so much." "I'm sorry. I had two more jobs today." Ray's daddy hugged Ray and kissed him. "See what I brought back for you." There was a bag in the hand of Ray's daddy. Ray walked into the room with his daddy. His daddy took a ham out. "Wow, a ham! It's been a long time since I've eaten ham!" exclaimed Ray. "Did you work so late to earn more money to buy this food?" "Yeah, I bought more food for you." Ray's daddy took a knife out from the drawer of the desk. He started to cut the ham into pieces. Then he took some pieces of bread out. "You must be hungry. Come and eat it. Do you still have a fever, Ben?" Ben shook his head. Ray's daddy gave Ben a piece of ham and bread, then he sat beside Ben. He touched Ben's forehead and saw his wounds. "Good, no more fever. However your wounds bled again. How did you break your scars?" Ben thought that it must be because he made love with Ray that day. He blushed. Fortunately Ray's daddy didn't see it under the faint light of the candle. "Ben told me a lot of stories today," said Ray while he wolfed down the bread and ham. "Oh, really?" asked Ray's daddy. He took a piece of bread and ham too. Ray started to tell his daddy about Ben's story excitedly. To Ray's surprise, his daddy wasn't as excited as he was. He just listened to Ray silently and looked at Ben. When Ray finished the story of Ben's last mission, he saw that his daddy looked at Ben with a serious face. Ray's daddy caressed Ben's hair and face. "I know that. There is a big disturbance outside. The wiretaps you installed were found, but nobody knew who intruded into the Embassy. They only knew that it was a small boy. Nobody admitted to instigating it. The government was under a great deal of pressure and the police searched for any clues. In fact, when I heard the news, I wondered if the intruder was you or not." Ben looked at Ray's daddy. The mission failed through and through, Ben thought. "Fortunately you weren't injured badly enough to need a hospital. You may need to hide here to stay away from the trouble outside. What do you think?" asked Ray's daddy. "Ben said that he wants to live with us," said Ray. "Sure, no problem. However, what worries me is not the police, but your holder, Bob, right? I'm afraid that he may want to shut you up." "Shut Ben up? What do you mean?" asked Ray. Ben didn't understand either. He couldn't speak anyway, could he? Why would Bob still need to 'shut him up'? He watched Ray's daddy in question. Ray's daddy sighed, and finally said after a while, "It means Bob may want to kill Ben." Both boys were startled by this answer. The atmosphere seemed to be frigid. "It can't be," said Ray after a long silence. "It can," said Ray's daddy firmly. "The stories Ben told you proved my guess. He is really a secret agent trained by our government. Nobody would expect that the government would train such a small boy to be a secret agent and execute so many secret missions including killing people; let alone now it becomes an international problem. Shutting Ben up is the simplest way to cover all these things up." Ben lowered his head. He had never thought about that. He knew that he would definitely fall into hell if he was caught; Bob and his boss would never come to rescue him. However, he had never thought that, if he failed but wasn't caught, it might be even more tough for Bob. Ray's daddy patted Ben's shoulder. "Don't think about that now. Finish your bread and ham, and I'll have to change your bandages later. Just stay here to recuperate. I'll try my best to protect you and find more food for you. However, you can't go out. It isn't a good thing for you to reveal yourself outside now. Okay?" Ray's daddy hugged Ben and kissed his cheek. Ben bit into the bread and ham. He got a very complicated feeling. He felt grateful to Ray and his daddy. However, he also felt uneasy that he might be 'shut up'. He didn't fear Bob. However, if Bob really wanted to kill him 3; Chapter 6Ben couldn't sleep. He lay awake almost all night. He had never had trouble sleeping before; he could fall asleep almost right after lying down. However, on that night, he couldn't sleep at all. His wounds hurt, but it was not the reason that kept Ben awake. Ben watched Ray, who snored beside him, and Ray's daddy, who lay on the floor. He thought about the warning Ray's daddy gave him. He thought of Bob. Would Bob really want to kill him? He couldn't speak anyway. He couldn't reveal any secret Bob wanted to keep. However, Ray could hear his voice in his mind. Ray had known all his stories. Did it mean that 3; Bob would want to shut Ray up? Ben watched Ray's sleeping face. Ray should be older than him. However, Ray's sleeping face made Ben think of the small baby in the Embassy; they both were very attractive to Ben; they both were very 3; very 3; hmm 3; yeah, naive! Ben recalled this word. He didn't know many words. He only knew words necessary for his missions. Sometimes Ali would teach him some words, but Ali didn't know many words either. Ben felt that these days he had many feelings that he didn't know how to describe. He needed to try very hard to find the appropriate words. Would Bob kill Ray too? Maybe not. Nobody knew that Ray could hear his voice in his mind, except Ray's daddy. Ben decided that he would never let any other person know about this. However, would it be possible that the two of them got killed just because they saved Ben's life? Ben didn't dare to go on thinking about this. Ray's daddy promised that he would protect Ben. However, Ben wondered how Ray's daddy could protect him. Ben felt grateful to Ray's daddy, however he thought that it should be him that protected Ray and his daddy. A lot of thoughts were running in Ben's mind. He fell asleep almost at dawn. When Ben woke up, Ray's daddy had left the room. Ray sat on the floor in the nude, playing with a small wooden stick. After a while, Ray raised his head and saw that Ben woke up. He smiled at Ben. "Good morning. You finally woke up." Ben sat up. His wounds didn't hurt like last night. He rubbed his eyes. "Come and eat something." Ray stood up and poured a cup of water and passed a piece of bread to Ben. Ben took the bread and water and looked at Ray with questioning eyes. "Do you wanna ask where Daddy is?" Ben nodded. "He went to work. He said that he will want to do more jobs and buy more food. He also wants to buy some clothes for you. So he will come home late." Ben lowered his head and looked at the bread in his hand. He thought that Ray's daddy needed to work a long time to get the bread. Ray's daddy also needed to work a long time to get clothes for him. Ray's daddy 3; "Why not eat?" asked Ray. Ben's thoughts were interrupted. He looked at Ray and started to bite the bread. Ben looked at Ray's nude body while having his breakfast. Ray was really thin. It must be because he didn't eat enough. His hair was very long; long enough to cover his shoulders. To be honest, if it weren't that Ray's chest was so flat and thin that his ribs were revealed and his bat and balls were hanging between his thighs, he would be a beautiful girl. Ben finished his bread and drank the water. He got off the bed and stood up. The wounds on his thigh started to hurt again. He tried to walk a step, but he limped. Ray came to support Ben's body. "Are you okay? Don't force yourself if you don't feel good." Ben propped against Ray's shoulder with one hand and held Ray's hand with the other. It's okay. I want to get up and walk for a while. Ben tried to walk for two more steps. It had been several days that he didn't walk. His legs were a bit limp, but soon he felt better. "Okay?" asked Ray in concern. Ben nodded. My thigh still hurts, but it's okay. Ray released Ben and let Ben walk by himself. He just followed Ben to prevent him falling down. Ben walked along the wall to the door and walked back. He nodded to Ray. He held Ray's hand again. I'm okay, but I wanna pee now. Where do you pee? Can you take me to pee? Ray nodded. He held Ben's hand and brought him to an abandoned restroom outside their room. "Daddy said that we can use this restroom. However, we don't have tap-water. We need to get water to wash the toilets ourselves." Ben stood in front of the urinal and started to pee. He looked around this restroom. Though it was old, it was not dirty or stinky at all. Ray and his daddy must have cleaned it up. Ben held Ray's hand and walked back to the room. "What are we going to do now?" I'd like to look at this building. But 3; "But what?" I thought a lot last night. You and your daddy know my story now. If Bob wants to kill me, I'm afraid that you may be in danger too. Ray shuddered. "It can't be. Can it?" I don't know. I hope not. You and your daddy are the people who treat me nicest. I hope that you won't be in danger because of me. Ray, don't tell anyone that you can hear my voice in my mind. Okay? "Oh, okay." Ben watched Ray's face. He couldn't help kissing Ray's cheek again. I like you and your daddy so much. You are the best persons in the world. Ray smiled again. He hugged Ben and kissed Ben's lips. The kisses Ben got those three days might be a lot more than he'd gotten in the last ten years. He closed his eyes and enjoyed Ray's hot kiss. He wanted to do something for Ray actively. Ben thought about how Ray made him so exciting and wonderful before. He hoped that Ray could feel the same way. Ray released Ben's mouth and smiled at Ben. Ben opened his eyes and smiled at Ray too. I'd like to thank you for treating me so nice. Ray laughed. "How?" Ben released Ray's hands. He knelt down and started to lick Ray's penis. There was a smell in Ray's groin too, but it was not as strong as Bob's. And the most important thing was that, the smell in Ray's groin was not disgusting at all. On the contrary, Ben felt that he liked everything about Ray. There was a layer of filth on Ray's white skin, which was generated because Ray hadn't taken a good bath for a long time. However at that moment, Ben felt that even the filth on Ray's skin attracted him so much. He totally got rid of the fear from holding Bob's dick in his mouth. He concentrated on licking and sucking Ray's penis . Ben pushed Ray's foreskin back until Ray's smooth penis head was revealed. Ben licked it and found that Ray shuddered too, just like him before. Ben raised his head and smiled at Ray, then he kept kissing Ray's penis head. Ray sat down on the bed. Ben still knelt down on the floor. He buried his head into Ray's groin. He smelled the wonderful smell from Ray's groin. He licked Ray's dick which was growing hard. He kissed Ray's bags which held his two candy balls. Then he kissed Ray's iron stick and finally back to Ray's penis head. He rubbed Ray's hard rock stick with his hands, just like the way Ray did to him the day before. Then Ben held Ray's whole penis head into his mouth. His tongue kept licking; his mouth kept sucking; and his hands kept rubbing. "Oh 3; oh 3; Ben 3; yes! Just like that 3; Oh 3;" Ray started to moan. Ben felt that Ray's moans were wonderful too. He liked everything about Ray. He went on with his actions. "Oh 3; Ben 3; I'm 3; I'm going to 3; Oh 3;" Ray grasped the thin quilt on the bed tightly. His body was tense and trembling. A very exciting feeling overwhelmed him. Then the volcano exploded. A lot of milky-white sticky liquid started to shoot from Ray's hard rock pipe and injected into Ben's mouth. Ben didn't release Ray's dick. He just let Ray cum in his mouth. Finally Ray pulled out his penis. He shot some on Ben's face and body. Then he lay down and gasped. Ben still knelt there, tasting the juice Ray injected in his mouth. Comparing to Bob's and Ali's, he felt that Ray's was much more yummy. He smiled watching Ray who was still gasping. After relaxing for a while, Ray got up and propped Ben up too. He kissed Ben deeply. He tasted his own seeds in Ben's mouth. They kissed for a long time. "It was so good, so wonderful," said Ray. Ben held Ray's hands. I liked it too. Your seed was so yummy. Bob once let me eat his, but it was very disgusting. Ray laughed out. *** The remaining time of that day, Ben took out his own flashlight, and Ray took Ben to explore the whole building. Ray used to explore the whole building before. However, Ben's ability to observe was much better than Ray, and this time they got a flashlight. They found many interesting things. Ray, see this window. It is still complete. Can we use this to replace the broken window in your room? "Good idea, Ben." Both boys took the window down and took it back to their room. They compared old and new windows then replaced the broken window the with new one. "Daddy will be very happy," said Ray excitedly. They went on with their exploration. Ben found a very dirty spring mattress, which had not become moldy yet. They also found some iron pots. In another room, Ben pointed to a wooden chair. If it is too cold in winter, you can disassemble it and start a campfire. They went to a room which looked like an office before. A big table and a big chair were in the room. Ray sat on the big chair. "I like to sit here when I'm alone. Just like a big boss." Ben watched Ray. He saw many 'big bosses' before. They were drunk and took off all their clothes, revealing their fat bodies and lying on the floor, just like pigs. He couldn't understand why Ray enjoyed imagining himself as a 'big boss'. The two boys explored the building for the whole day and went back to their room when the sky was getting dark. Ray took a bucket of water into the room. "We should take a bath before Daddy 3;" A tiny sound went into Ben's ears. He raised his hands to hint at Ray to stop talking. Ray listened to the sound too. It sounded like staggering footsteps. He looked at Ben. Who came here? His daddy would not come home so early in the day. Ben walked to the door quietly. He looked outside. After a while, he waved to Ray hurriedly and ran out of the door. Ray ran after Ben too. When Ray had just gotten out the door, he saw that Ben was holding up his daddy. Ray was surprised and ran to his daddy to hold him too. "Daddy, daddy, what happened?" Ray's daddy didn't reply. The boys helped him into the room and laid him on the bed. Ray's daddy's T-shirt was gone. His body was full of wounds from being beaten up. There was a broken bag in his hand. A pair of shorts was inside. "Daddy, are you okay?" Ray asked, worried about his favorite man. "I'm okay," said Ray's daddy weakly. "I got a good job today. It didn't take me much time but gave me much pay. I bought some food for you, and clothes and a pair of shorts for Ben. However, on the way home I was robbed by several people. They beat me up. All the food was gone 3; I'm sorry, you may suffer from hunger tomorrow 3;" "I don't want food. I just want you to come back safely 3;" Ray's tears ran out of his eyes. Ray's daddy smiled at Ray. "I'm okay. Don't worry. I just need to rest for a night." Ben looked at Ray and his daddy. Again there was a feeling that he couldn't describe in his mind. Ray's daddy worked so hard to get food and clothes for Ben and Ray, however he was robbed and beaten up. When Ray's daddy came back injured, he just felt sorry that all the food was gone. Ben felt that he was going to cry too. He tried his best to hold his tears back. He rinsed the towel in the bucket and started to wipe the wounds on the body of Ray's daddy. He told himself that he must do something for Ray and his daddy; especially for Ray's daddy. Chapter 7Ben woke up. He lay on the straw mat on the floor. Ray was sleeping beside him, and Ray's daddy was sleeping on the bed. He looked out of the window. He didn't know what time it was, but he thought that it should be about dawn. The sky was getting lighter and lighter. He got up. Ben watched Ray's daddy quietly. He had made up his mind the night before; he wanted to get up very early to do something for them. He put on the shorts Ray's daddy brought back to him and took his own waterproof bags. He left the room. He walked out of the abandoned building and looked around. He tried to think about the direction he came from. There were only some small houses beside the abandoned building, but there were some other tall buildings not too far away. That area seemed to have more people living there. It was summer, but it was still a bit cold in the early morning. Ben was shirtless. He shuddered a bit. He started to walk after deciding the direction he wanted to go. After walking for about ten minutes, he started to observe the houses. There were some beautiful houses. Ben looked at them and decided on his target. There was a car outside, so he thought there should be someone living at that house. Though Ben's arms and right thigh were injured, he still jumped over the fence and entered the garden of that house easily. He walked to the back door. He tried and found that the door was locked. He took two needles out from his waterproof bags. He stirred in the lock with the needles and soon the door was unlocked. He opened the door and entered the house. It was a small kitchen. Ben listened and made sure that nobody was awake. He walked to the refrigerator and opened it. There were not many things inside, only some pieces of cheeses and some sausages. Ben was disappointed, but he still took them out of the refrigerator. Ben looked at the kitchen again. A T-shirt was left on the chair. Ben took the T-shirt and looked at it. He thought that the T-shirt should be suitable for Ray's daddy. He used the T-shirt to wrap the food he just got from the refrigerator, then put everything into his waterproof bag. He left the kitchen and closed the door. He jumped over the fence again and went back to the street. The sky was getting light. He walked and walked. Then Ben smelled something. It was the smell of fresh bread which was just baked. He thought of Ali, who could make bread too. When Ali baked the bread, the smell was so good. He walked two or three blocks and saw his target. There was a bread store there. The lamp was lit and there were some people working inside. Ben looked at the bread store. A woman kept walking in and out of the store. Many big loaves of bread were put on a rack which was put in a room beside the store. Ben walked toward the store quietly. When the woman walked into the store again, Ben took two loaves of big breads from the rack and left the store at a fast speed. He ran in the direction that he had come from. After running three blocks, he opened his bag and tried to put the bread inside. These two loaves of big bread could let them eat for more than one day. Ben walked back and kept observing. He wanted to get some clothes for Ray. However, the sun was about to rise and people would start their day. Ben decided to get more food and clothes that night or the next morning. Ben walked toward the abandoned building. He imagined Ray's exciting face when Ray saw the food. Ben smiled. He really liked Ray very much. Ray's daddy was the best person in the world. Ben had a desire to be a part of their family, to live with them in the abandoned building. Though they were poor, they could still be very happy. He could protect Ray and his daddy. He could get food for them every day. He wouldn't need to think about missions. He could make love with Ray or even Ray's daddy without needing to complete any mission. Ben went back to the abandoned building happily. He went upstairs and walked into their room quietly. Ray was still sleeping; so was Ray's daddy. Ben put his waterproof bag down and took his trophies out and put them on the desk. Ben sat on the floor, watching Ray and his nude body. Ray was still sleeping deeply. His penis was fully erect. Watching Ray's erect dick, Ben started to have the desire to let Ray give him his reward 3; no, to let Ray penetrate his small hole. Would Ray agree? Ben looked at Ray's dick, he couldn't control himself anymore. He kissed Ray's erect dick. Then he started to suck it into his mouth and lick it. "Oh 3; um 3;" Ray was still sleeping, but he moaned slightly. Ben felt very funny. He kept licking Ray's penis, and let Ray's penis move in and out of his mouth. "Ssss 3; hmm 3; oh 3; uh 3;" More moans. Ben released Ray's penis and started to lick his sac. Finally Ben kissed Ray's cheek. Ray woke up. He looked at Ben's face and smiled. "You got up so early, huh?" said Ray. Ben held Ray's hand. Yeah. I saw that your thingy stood up and started to lick and hold it. The sound you made was so funny! "Oh, it was you. I thought it was Daddy." Ben kissed Ray's cheek again. I'd like to 3; make love with you again. "Okay, but I wanna pee now." Ray got up and went to the restroom outside. He came back a few minutes later and saw the food on the desk. "Ben, what are these?" Ben held Ray's hands and pulled him to sit down. I got them in the early morning. The T-shirt is for your daddy. I wanted to find more T-shirts and shorts for you but I couldn't find appropriate ones. "Wow, the bread is so large. We can eat for a few days!" Ray was as exciting as Ben expected. Ben smiled and kissed Ray. Then he took off his own shorts. Can you 3; penetrate me with your dick? "Really? I've never tried that before. I always let Daddy penetrate me. And how about your wounds at your waist and thigh?" Come on, please 3; Ray smiled again. He hugged Ben and kissed Ben again. Ben felt that he finally had done something for Ray and his daddy. He felt very happy. He enjoyed Ray's hugs, touchs and kisses. Though Ray had just known Ben for only two days, He felt that he liked Ben very much. He liked to caress Ben's small, short, but strong body. He kissed Ben and felt Ben's hand was rubbing his own dick, which was growing. Ray licked Ben's skin. Ben's skin was swarthy. It must be because he was trained very much. Ben's muscles were quite firm, not only at his chest, but also his waist. Ray laid Ben on the floor and kept licking Ben's body, from his strong chest, nipple, to his muscle lines at his belly. Ben shuddered and made a painful face. "What happened?" asked Ray. You made me ticklish and my wounds hurt when I laughed. "Oh, sorry." It's okay. I like you touching me like that. Go on. Ray kept licking Ben's body, from his belly to his groin. Suddenly Ben got up and pushed Ray to lie on the floor. Ray was startled. Ben smiled at Ray and knelt between Ray's thighs. He pushed Ray's foreskin to reveal his penis head. Ben started to lick and hold Ray's semi-hard dick. Ben licked and sucked with gusto. Ray's reactions were stronger and stronger. When Ray's penis was fully erect, Ben released his mouth. Ben moved to Ray's side and made a prone position. He gave Ray eye contact. Ray laughed. "Really?" Ben nodded. Ray got up and moved to the back of Ben. He looked at Ben's ass. That was the whitest part on Ben's body. Ray opened Ben's mounds to see his small hole. Ray thought of how his daddy did these things. He spit onto Ben's pucker, then tried to penetrate it with his own dick. Ben endured the pain from both of his arms and waited for Ray's penis. Ray tried several times and finally found the correct way to send his dick into Ben's tunnel. There were no difficulties sending it in. Soon, Ray felt a warm feeling around his own dick; kind of it felt like when his daddy held his cock with mouth, but somehow still a bit different. He followed his daddy's example and started to go in and out of Ben's hole slowly. Ben turned his head and looked at Ray. He begged Ray, with his eyes, to move faster. Ray saw Ben's eyes and smiled at him. Then Ray started to speed up. Ben started to get the familiar feeling; the feeling of excitement, from his hole to his whole body. Ray kept moving in and out. It was his first time to penetrate somebody. He was careful not to touch Ben's wounds at his waist and thigh. He just put his hands on Ben's peaches and kept moving his own waist to go in and out, feeling the hot temperature in Ben's small, hot tunnel. Ray felt that Ben's body became more and more tense. Then Ben started shaking. After a deep sigh, Ben's body went limp and Ben lay prone on the floor. Ray pulled out of his own dick and helped Ben stand up. Ben was still limp, and his wounds hurt him, but he still tried to stand up and hold Ray's hands. It was so wonderful; a lot better than with Bob. How about you? "I don't know. It was my first time to penetrate somebody. I don't know how to say my feelings. However, I didn't shoot." Didn't you? Ben was a bit disappointed. "Boys, you are both in good spirits, aren't you?" It was Ray's daddy's voice. The two boys turned their heads to see the source of the voice. Ray's daddy was awake and smiled at them. Both boys blushed. "Daddy, how do you feel now?" Ray walked toward his daddy and supported his daddy to sit up. "I'm fine. My body still hurts a little, but it's okay. Ray, you really grew up. You can penetrate others now," said Ray's daddy with a smile. Ray blushed so deeply as if a vat of red paint had poured onto his head. Ben couldn't wait to show his trophies to Ray's daddy. He walked to the desk and got the T-shirt, then he walked to the bed and sat beside Ray and his daddy. He passed the T-shirt to Ray's daddy. Ray's daddy looked at Ben with questioning eyes. "Where is it from?" asked Ray's daddy. "Daddy, Ben got it for you from somewhere. He brought some food back in the early morning too," said Ray excitingly. Ben smiled at Ray and his daddy. It was the first time he felt happy with what he had done. To Ben's surprise, Ray's daddy pulled a long face and watched Ben. "You stole it from somewhere, right?" asked Ray's daddy. Ben nodded. "I don't want anything that is stolen." Ben couldn't believe what he heard. He stood up and watched Ray's daddy. Ray's daddy looked at Ben sharply too. "Daddy 3;" Ray couldn't believe what he heard either. "I don't want to eat any stolen food even if I starved. I don't want to wear any stolen clothes even if I had nothing to wear," said Ray's daddy with a very serious face. "Daddy, Ben got up very early to get this T-shirt and this food. You were robbed 3;" "Ray," Ray's daddy interrupted Ray. "I prefer to starve rather than being a thief. If you really want to touch this stolen food, then leave here. Don't live with me anymore." It was the first time Ray heard his daddy speaking in such a serious manner; almost blaming him. Ray couldn't close his mouth. He just watched his daddy as if he had never met his daddy before. Ben's face turned red. He didn't expect Ray's daddy would have such reactions. He got up so early to do something for Ray and his daddy. However, he couldn't believe that Ray's daddy would blame him for doing so. He couldn't understand why Ray's daddy would say that he didn't want any stolen food. They needed food, didn't they? Ben had stolen uncountable things. Was it such a big deal to steal anything? "Ben," said Ray's daddy in a softer manner. "If you don't put these things back to their original place, I don't want you to live with us. It will never be an option for us to be thieves." Ben didn't know how to react. He didn't know if he was angry or ashamed. He expected that what he had done could make Ray and his daddy happy; however what he got was Ray's daddy's blame. Tears ran out of Ben's eyes and flowed along Ben's cheeks. He turned around and ran out of the room. "Ben!" Ray shouted. Ben didn't stop. He ran out of the door and ran upstairs. He ran and ran, until he reached the highest floor. He saw a small room and ran inside it. He sat in the corner and buried his head into his knees. His tears didn't stop running all the way. Chapter 8Ben didn't know how long he had cried. It seemed to have been a long time, but maybe it had been just a few minutes. He felt very depressed. Ray's daddy didn't want him to live with them. It put out the fire of Ben's desire; the desire to be family with Ray and his daddy. Ben didn't know what to do. Then he heard some footsteps and a voice. "Ben, where are you?" It was Ray's daddy. Ben didn't want to be found, so he looked around and soon climbed up to a cupboard and crawled on top of it. Ray's daddy walked in and looked around the room, then Ray came in too. "No, not here," said Ray's daddy. "Did he run out of the building?" It was Ray's anxious voice. "I don't think so. Ben should know that it would be dangerous for him to run out of the building. Besides, he was naked. However, if Ben really wants to hide, we won't find him. He is a well-trained agent. I think that we'd better go back to our room and let him calm down. He may come back after calming down." Ray and his daddy left the room. Ben still stayed above the cupboard. He didn't cry anymore, just sobbed. He looked at the sky out of the window. *** Ben woke up with a start. He didn't know when he fell asleep and how long he slept. However he had an uneasy feeling. What awakened him? He listened. There were footsteps and some voices, from downstairs. He jumped off the cupboard and ran downstairs hastily. He heard a scream when he was halfway there. "Ahhhh 3;" It was Ray's scream. Ben was flustered and sped up. He heard another voice, this time from Ray's daddy. "What are you doing? Release Ray!" said Ray's very excited daddy. "Tell me, where Thirty-Six 3;, no, where Benjamin is?" It was Bob's voice! Ben couldn't believe it. He stopped moving. "I don't know. Release Ray!!" "You don't know? This is his bag. This is his bodysuit. He must be here. You've hidden him somewhere, haven't you?" Another scream reached Ben's ears. "Ahhh 3; Hurt 3;" Ben heard Ray crying. Ray's daddy begged, "Ben ran away. Really! I don't know where he is now. Please, don't hurt Ray!" Then Ben heard some muffled sounds. It seemed that Ray and his daddy were gagged. Ben had an urge to save them, but he held himself back, quickly. He had no any weapon. He was even naked. He couldn't save Ray and his daddy like that. He would definitely be caught if he appeared that time, and all three of them would be killed. He made his disicion and hid himself. "You should know the secret of Thirty-Six by now," said Bob coldly. Though it was a bit far, Ben still could hear them clearly. "Well, you may not know that Thirty-Six is Ben's agent number. It has taken me quite some effort to find him. Fortunately he left a wiretap here." Wiretap! Ben was quite upset with himself. Why didn't he think of it? Ben knew that Ray and his daddy would be in danger if Bob realized that they knew Ben's stories. However he didn't think that the wiretap could reveal that fact to Bob! "Thirty-Six, I don't want to find you now. I know that you can hear me," Bob increased his volume. "I'll take them away now. If you want them to live, come and find me. If you don't appear before 12 o'clock tonight, you'll see their dead bodies!" More gagged voices and footsteps, then no sound at all, leaving Ben alone. He knew that Ray and his daddy were caught by Bob. He had no desire to reveal Bob's secrets. He just wanted to cut off his relations with Bob and live with Ray and his daddy. However, just like Ray's daddy had said, Bob didn't want to let Ben go. He wanted to shut Ben up, as well as Ray and his daddy! Ben stood there. His body trembled due to anger. He had never been so angry before. He held his fists and tried to constrain his anger. He calmed a bit after a few minutes. He walked back to Ray's room. The chair was overturned; all the food on the table was swept to the floor. The shorts Ray's daddy brought back to Ben were on the floor too. Ben picked them up. Ray's daddy worked so hard to get food and clothes for them, but then he was robbed and beaten up. Then he was in danger again because of Ben. Ben's tears filled his eyes again. Ben didn't care about the blame from Ray's daddy anymore. He just wanted to save Ray and his daddy from Bob. It was okay even if Ray's daddy didn't want Ben to live with them; Ben just wanted Ray and his daddy to be safe. Ben put on the shorts. He looked at the room again. His waterproof bags were gone. He thought of the knife Ray's daddy used to slice the ham. He opened the drawer and saw the knife. Ben took it out from the drawer. Ben kept looking for something he could use. Ray and his daddy's clothes were hanging on the rope. They must have been caught in the nude, too. Ben took Ray's T-shirt and put it on, then he took Ray's daddy's T-shirt to wrap up the knife. He found a strip to tie the bag, made with Ray's daddy's T-shirt, onto his own body. Ben looked around the room the last time. He didn't know if he would have any chance to come back to the room again. He had just stayed at the room for three days, but those days seemed to be Ben's happiest days in his life. In those three days, Ben's world was turned upside down. He finally understood that he was just a pawn, deceived and used by Bob. He finally understood that the 'reward' was not a reward, but a wonderful thing to do with the person he liked. He finally understand that he could be happy without living in a big house and having good food, just like Ray and his daddy. Ben turned around and left the room. There was only one thought in Ben's mind: to save Ray and his daddy's life, even if he needed to sacrifice his own life. He looked around and decided the direction to go. The sun was in the sky. It was very hot. Ben didn't wear any shoes so he had to walk barefoot. The ground burned Ben's feet, but he didn't care at all. He walked and walked. Some people in the street looked surprised when they looked at this boy, who wore a strange T-shirt and was barefoot, with bandages on his arms and thigh. Ben didn't care about them at all. He put on Ray's and his daddy's clothes, just as though Ray and his daddy were with him. He was full of courage. He wasn't afraid at all, even if he would lose his life eventually. Ben walked toward the outskirts of the city. He didn't know how long he'd walked; he just knew that the sun was about to set. He thought about the fact that he hadn't eaten anything; just drank some water. Would Ali make some food for Ray and his daddy? They must be hungry too. However, they were taken hostage by Bob. Would Bob let them eat something? When Ben arrived at Bob's big house, the sun was totally set. He just watched for a while. He was quite familiar with the whole house. He thought that the most possible place to imprison Ray and his daddy was the basement. He knew that there was a small hole that could let him sneak into the basement. Ben had played the game many times when Bob was not at home and Ben was not on a mission. However, did Bob know the existence of the hole? If Ray and his daddy were imprisoned in the basement, did he have a chance to sneak into it via the hole? Bob's black limousine was not there. It usually meant that Bob was not home. However, Ben couldn't exclude the possibility that it was just Bob's camouflage. He sneaked into the garden easily and got close to the house quickly. He found the hole to the basement. He looked into the hole. As Ben's expect, Ray and his daddy were in the basement. They both sat in the corner. They were both naked and their hands were tied behind them. Their mouths were covered. Ray was still sobbing. Ray's daddy crawled; he seemed to be trying to untie his hands. Ben had an urge to sneak into the hole to save them. However, the instinct that his long time training had brought to him told him that it was a pitfall. He calmed himself down and observed carefully. Yeah, a small red point of light was on the side of the hole. Ray's daddy seemed to see Ben. He looked like he was trying frantically to yell at Ben, but it was all garbled behind the gag. Ben looked at Ray's daddy and put his index finger to his lips. However, Ray's daddy shook his head violently. He seemed to be trying to warn Ben about something. Ray looked at Ben too. He also shook his head violently. Ben nodded to both of them. He observed the source of the small red point. It was an infrared emitter, with a gun beside it. The path was blocked. Ben thought about other entrances. He looked at the window on the second floor. Soon he gave up the thought. Even the hole was blocked. He didn't need to think about other obvious entrances. Ben thought for a while and made his decision. He nodded to Ray and his daddy again and left the hole. He needed to take the risk. He walked to the gate and pushed the doorbell. The door was opened after a minute. It was Ali. Ali saw Ben and was surprised. He soon looked around cautiously and waved Ben into the house. Ben walked into the familiar gate. Ali closed the door and hugged Ben. "Are you okay?" asked Ali in a low voice. Ben nodded. "They are in the basement," said Ali. "Bob will come home soon. He expected that you would come here just before midnight." Ben raised his head to look at Ali. Ali winked at Ben. Ben knew what Ali meant. Bob was in the house and Ben knew that, right after he'd walked into the house. The hint Ali gave him assured him about this. "Go downstairs to untie them now. I'll see if Bob has come back or not." Ali patted Ben's shoulder and nodded to him. Ben glanced at the upstairs and walked toward the basement door. He had an idea. Ray saw Ben walking into the basement and he hummed again. Ben put his finger to his lips. Ben took out the knife and cut the rope on Ray's hands. He took the rag from Ray's mouth too. He hugged Ray tightly and then held his hands. Tell your daddy, never to be close to the door. Okay? Ray nodded. He whispered to his daddy, and his daddy nodded too. Ben cut the rope on Ray's daddy's hands too. Ben pushed Ray and his daddy to another side of the wall. Then he walked to the infrared emitter. He started to adjust the position of the gun, just the gun, very carefully, trying not to touch the infrared light. He moved the gun to let it aim at the door to the basement. He estimated the path of the bullets. Then he put the rope on the floor to mark that point. Everything was ready. Ben walked to Ray and held his hands tightly. Some footsteps came from far away, getting closer and closer. Then Bob and Ali appeared. There was a gun in Ali's hand. "You deserve to be called a genius secret agent, Thirty-Six," said Bob. "You really came here a lot earlier than I expected. You didn't walk into all the traps I set for you. I'm so proud of you." Ben just stood there quietly. "Your mission failed through and through. You should know that there is no way that I can let you live anymore. However, the security in the Embassy was so loose and I admit that I also underestimated your ability. I didn't expect that you could escape from their hands and then you got the two persons behind you involved. Thirty-Six, you should know that I have no choice but to shut them up too. It's you that is making me do so." Bob sneered. "Ali, kill them all. First Thirty-Six!" Ali walked two steps and raised his gun. He aimed it at Ben. Ray trembled and held Ben's hands tightly. Ben just stood there quietly and looked at Ali. After a few seconds, Ali turned his body and pointed his gun at Bob. Bob snorted at him. "You want to betray me, huh?" "I can't accept that you are so cold-blooded to Ben. You have never treated him as a normal person," Ali said, with his hands trembling. "You used him to execute your missions. You deceived him to quench your own desire. He is just a kid!" "So you have never quenched your desire on him, huh?" Bob said scornfully. "I 3;" Ali's tongue tied. "So, shoot me," said Bob. "If I die, you will be sent back to your country. Do you remember who has protected you all these years, to prevent you from being sent back to the jail?" Being sent back to the jail? Ben was very surprised. At that moment Bob advanced a step. Ali pulled the trigger. Click! The gun had not fired. Ali looked at Bob in panic. Bob sneered at him. "I knew that you would betray me, so I didn't put any bullets in the gun," said Bob. "Now, pay for your disloyalty. Even Thirty-Six has no way to save your life this time." Ali's body trembled. Bob took out another gun and advanced another step. He stepped on the rope on the floor. He kicked the rope aside. "Go to hell," Bob said coldly and raised his gun. At that moment, Ben started his action. He threw Ray's daddy's T-shirt into the air. PANG!! Chapter 9Ben threw the T-shirt into the air, and triggered the infrared emitter. The automatic gun shot. "Ouch!!" Bob didn't expect that Ben would use the pitfall he set to attack him. The bullet hit his waist and he bent his body. Ben rushed to Bob and kicked Bob's hand and Bob's gun was knocked away. Bob sat on the floor with a great deal of pain. His waist was bleeding. "Thirty-Six, you 3;" Ben walked to the gun and picked it up. He raised the gun and aimed it at Bob. Bob looked at Ben painfully. "Do you want 3; to kill 3; me? Just shoot!" "Don't shoot, Ben," said Ray's daddy. Ben raised his head to look at Ray's daddy. "There is no benefit for you to kill him. Let the law deal with him! Though he shouldn't treat you like that, you were raised up by him after all. You shouldn't force your revenge on him even if he didn't treat you nice." Listening to Ray's daddy's words, many pictures of the past were playing again in Ben's mind. Yeah, Bob used him and deceived him, telling him that making love was a reward for completing a mission. However, he was actually raised up by Bob. Bob trained him. When he completed a mission, Bob would massage his body. Sometimes Bob would play some games with him. Ali would make meals for him every day. Bob and Ali were the most important persons in his life, until Ray and his daddy came along and taught him what love was. However, Bob wanted to kill him. Bob would kill Ray and his daddy just because they knew his secrets. Bob would even kill Ali. There was no doubt that Bob knew Ben couldn't speak. Ben's not being able to speak was always Bob's weapon and insurance, wasn't it? Kill Bob! Bob just treated him as a tool, not a human. Two sides of thoughts were fighting in Ben's mind. To shoot, or not to shoot? Ben was struggling. However, after a while, Ben found that there were a pair of arms wrapping around his shoulders, giving him some warm support. They belonged to Ray's daddy. "I know that you won't shoot," said Ray's daddy softly. Yes, Ben found that he couldn't shoot at all. It was not like a mission. In a mission Ben had no concern, he just shot. Ben didn't know how he felt. He lowered his arms and stood there quietly. Ray's daddy sighed in relief. "Can you call the police and the ambulance?" he asked Ali. "Oh 3; okay." Ali ran out of the basement hastily. Bob sat there on the floor and gasped. The pain from his wounds made his face twisted together. Ray's daddy hugged Ben, then he picked up his own T-shirt, which was also pierced by the bullet. He walked back to Bob and tried to stop his bleeding. Bob pushed Ray's daddy away. "You 3; ruined everything 3; What I've done 3; was for our country! You destroyed 3; all my efforts 3;" "Even if it is for our country, you can't sacrifice such a small kid like Ben," said Ray's daddy. He stood up. "Let alone you deceived Ben all that time, to make him live in a big lie! Anybody with just a tiny conscience would never accept your way of doing all these things." "Thirty-Six 3; was born to be 3; a secret agent 3; Both his parents 3; were excellent ones!" Ben's eyes opened widely. He just knew that his parents were attacked and killed, but nothing more. "So it is true that his parents were attacked and killed, right?" Ray's daddy didn't show any surprise. He asked peacefully. "Of course 3; it's real 3; I don't need 3; to lie to him 3; about this 3;" "What's Ben's real name?" asked Ray's daddy. He tried to get as much information about Ben from Bob as he could. "I 3; don't know 3; Not many people 3; knew about his birth 3; until his parents 3; got killed 3; We knew that they 3; had a son 3; Nobody knew 3; his real name 3;" It was Ben's first time to hear these things from Bob. He grabbed Bob's shoulder and shook him violently. Ray's daddy pulled Ben away from Bob. "Don't do that, Ben. It won't be too difficult to find out about your parents. There must be someone else who knows them." Bob snorted and didn't talk anymore. As Bob bled more and more, he started to lose consciousness. He lay down on the floor. Ray's daddy tried to stop Bob's bleeding with his own T-shirt again. Ben saw that Ray still stood there, dumbfounded. He walked toward Ray and hugged him tightly. Ray sighed with relief, then he started to weep. Ben caressed Ray's back softly. Then all of a sudden, he kissed Ray deeply. Ray was startled, but soon he had stopped weeping and kissed Ben deeply too. After kissing for a while, Ben released Ray and held his hands. Do you feel better now? Ray wiped away his tears and laughed. Ray's daddy stood up and looked at them with a smile. Ali walked into the basement. He handed two big towels to Ray and his daddy. "Wrap yourself with the big towels. The police and the ambulance have arrived." Ben rushed to Ali and embraced Ali tightly. It was Ben's turn to weep, voicelessly. Ali was startled, but then he embraced Ben tightly too. "Why cry, my dear boy?" said Ali softly. Ben raised his head and looked at Ali's smile tearfully. "Don't worry about me," said Ali. "I'm a coward, not as brave as you. I refused to go back to my country to face my own destiny. I have just been hiding here. However, I've hidden long enough. Ben, it has been the happiest time in my life to meet you, take care of you and watch you growing up. I don't have the ability to protect you. I don't have the courage to tell you the truth either. I'm sorry, Ben." Ben buried his head into Ali's chest, still weeping. He knew that he might never see Ali again. Ali seemed to know what Ben thought. He patted Ben's back softly. "Yes, we will meet again. When I finish my time in the jail, I'll come back to see you. You should be a handsome young man by that time." Ali's tears dropped from his face to Ben's. He embraced Ben tightly. Some policemen and medical staff came in. A police marked where Bob was lying. The medical staff put Bob on a stretcher and took him out of the basement. "Please wait here and don't touch anything. There will be an officer coming here to ask you questions," said a policeman. They just waited there. After a short time, an older policeman came in. "Okay. What happened here?" asked the officer. "Who is the man that is injured? How was he shot?" "Sir, he was shot by the gun up there," said Ray's daddy, pointing at the automatic gun. "Please be careful. It is an automatic weapon triggered by the infrared beam. If the gun shoots now, the bullet may pierce your heart and make a hole there, which probably wouldn't do you any good." The officer was taken back by Ray's daddy's warning. He jumped aside quickly. Ray laughed when seeing the officer's actions. The officer looked at Ray's daddy, and said after a few seconds, "You 3; are you Jeff?" Ray's daddy smiled and nodded. "Yeah. Long time no see, Sir." Ray and Ben were both so surprised that they couldn't close their mouths. They then saw 'Sir' hug Ray's daddy. He stepped backward and looked at Ray's daddy. "It seems that you are still self-exiling, aren't you?" Ray's daddy didn't answer. "Come back to the cop team. You were a very good officer. I've told you that one million and five times; that kid's death was not your fault." "Daddy 3; you 3; you were a cop before?" Ray raised his head and asked, surprised. Ray had never asked his daddy about the past. He also didn't know why his daddy lived alone in the abandoned building. "Yes," said the officer. "Your daddy was a very excellent cop before. However, in a gun fight, a bullet shot an innocent boy. Though the boy was sent to the hospital, the doctor still couldn't save his life. Then your daddy resigned as a cop and exiled himself from then on." Ray and Ben looked at Ray's daddy, still surprised. "If the boy was still alive, he would be your age." Ray's daddy looked at Ray. His tone was peaceful, but with a bit of sorrow. "I will never forget the boy's face." "Jeff, it wasn't your fault. Why blame yourself like that?" Ray's daddy didn't speak anymore. "All right, you are still as stubborn as before. I need you to come with me to the police station and tell me everything." *** The following days, the society was shocked by this super news. Ray's daddy told the officer everything; including how Ben was used to execute all kinds of missions; how Ben sneaked into the Embassy of Feroga to install wiretaps; how Ray found Ben in the abandoned building, lying on the floor; and how Bob wanted to shut them up. People were very angry when they knew that the government trained such a small kid like Ben to be a secret agent, and then wanted to kill him when he messed up his mission. The government was under a lot of pressure again. Bob was arrested, and his boss was dismissed from his position. As for Ali, he was sent back to his country to serve his prison sentence. When the officer in the immigration office escorted Ali into the police car and was ready to send him back, Ben rushed out of the crowd of reporters and hugged Ali tightly. The scene of Ben weeping voicelessly into Ali's chest was sent out to the whole community, and made a lot of people cry. Someone gave Ben his parent's photos to let him know his parents again. As for Ray, the policeman brought him the news that his blood father died due to alcohol abuse. Ray didn't show many emotions when hearing this news; he just lowered his head. Contrary to that news, he resisted very much when he knew that he needed to be sent to a foster family, hence couldn't live with his daddy anymore. "No, I don't want to go anywhere! I just want to live with you!" "Ray, the Children Service refused to let me adopt you both. I know I can't give you a good life either. However, I've negotiated with them and they agreed to let you live in the foster family with Ben. You will always lack of food living with me. They can give you a better life." Ray's daddy tried to pacify him. "No, no, no!" Ray shouted and cried. "I would rather starve than leaving you. I want to live with you!!" "Ray, you are no longer a kid! You can't be so childish!" Ray's daddy looked as stern as he could at him. Ben embraced Ray tightly. Ray buried his face into Ben's shoulders and wept. "Ben, you are a lot more mature than Ray. He may have a difficult time to connect with the new environment. Take care of Ray, okay?" Ben nodded. Suddenly, he released Ray and rushed to Ray's daddy. He embraced Ray's daddy too. He didn't want to be taken away from Ray's daddy either. He hoped that Ray's daddy could be his daddy too. He hoped to be a part of the family with Ray and his daddy 3; "I agree," said Ray's daddy suddenly. Ben raised his head. Ray's daddy smiled at him and nodded to him. "I heard that. You wished me to be your daddy, right?" Ben was surprised and very happy. He nodded as hard as he could. "Sorry, son. I was too strict with you. I should have understood that you were trained and they ordered you to steal all kinds of things. You may not think it a big deal to be a thief. I agree to be your daddy. However, you need to promise me that you will take care of Ray, and won't steal anything under any condition, okay?" Ben buried his head into the chest of Ray's daddy, oh, also his daddy. "Ray, come on. Let me hug you again." Ray went to hug his daddy too. Ben embraced the two people, who finally became his family; who could hear his voice that couldn't be heard by others. Chapter 10Ben walked out of the bathroom wearing only his underwear. He saw that Ray was sitting in front of the desk, looking out of the window in a trance. They had been in the foster family for more than one month. Their foster parents treated them very nice, but Ray still often sat in front of the desk in a trance like that. Ben held Ray's hand. Are you missing Daddy again? Ray lowered his head. He didn't reply to Ben. Ben looked at Ray's face. He decided to tell Ray what he had been planning for the last few days. Do you want to go 3; Ray raised his head and looked at Ben. However, Ben was interrupted because their foster dad walked into the room. "Boys, it's time to sleep. Ben, where are your pajamas?" Ben put on the pajamas his foster parents prepared for him, reluctantly. Then he lay down on his own bed. Ray stood up and walked to his bed and lay down silently too. Their foster dad kissed their cheeks and covered them with thin quilts. "Good night, boys." "Good night." Ray's voice was still a bit down. Their foster dad turned off the light and closed the door. The footsteps were quieter as they seemed to get farther away. After a minute, Ben jumped off his bed and went to Ray's bed. He lay beside Ray and held Ray's hand. Do you want to go to find Daddy? "Really?" said Ray in a low voice. Yeah. When our foster parents fall asleep, I can take you there. Ray became excited. "Yeah, that's great!" However, we can't go out through the gate. There is a burglar alarm on the gate. I can break it, but I don't want to. "So, how can we go out?" Ben pointed to the window in their room. "Oh." It will take some time to wait for Mom and Dad to go to bed. Can I 3; make love with you now? Ray laughed. He grimaced at Ben. "No, you need to take me to find Daddy first." Ben pouted. Mom and Dad haven't gone to bed. If we go out now, we will be caught and brought back in a short time. Come on, please. I want to make love with you. Ray liked to tease Ben like that. During the time in the foster family, Ray felt that he could only liberate himself during the times he was alone with Ben. Though the material life in the foster family was a lot better than before; he would have as much food as he could eat; he had a lot more new clothes; he had a haircut; and he could take showers every day. However he still missed his daddy a lot. He felt happy only during the times he was alone with Ben. Ben was the same. Though he took to the new environment better than Ray, he still missed Ali and Daddy. He liked to be with Ray alone too. He always hoped to do something for Ray when he saw Ray unhappy. Finally, he decided to bring Ray back to find their daddy without telling their foster parents. Ben was a bit unhappy when he saw that Ray just grinned without having any further action. He turned his back toward Ray. Ray hugged Ben from his back and said softly, "Come on. I'm just kidding. Don't be angry, okay?" Ray turned Ben back and kissed Ben's cheek. He started to unbutton Ben's pajamas. Ben's chest was revealed in front of Ray. Ray loved to caress Ben's strong torso. Though Ben was short, Ray felt that his muscle definitions were very beautiful. Ben's body also made Ray think of his daddy's. He rubbed Ben's chest and waist with his cheek. Ray's daddy liked to rub Ray's body with his beard, making Ray feel very ticklish and giggle. Ray had no beard, however he found that Ben enjoyed very much when he rubbed Ben's body with his cheek like his daddy. Ben really loved it. He closed his eyes and enjoyed the warm, soft and comfortable touch from Ray's cheek. Ray kissed Ben's nipples. It made Ben think of Bob. Bob liked to kiss and play with his nipples too. However, after making love with Ray, Ben knew that Bob wasn't concerned about him anyway. Ben also understood that making love should make them both feel very happy. Ray unbuttoned and took off his pajamas. Ben took off his pajamas too, however Ray stopped him when he started to take off his pajama trousers. "Don't touch it. Let me do it for you." Ben lay down and waited there happily. Ray started to rub Ben's body with his own nude body. Again, he kissed Ben. He was so desperate to find the treasures inside Ben's mouth. Ben embraced Ray tightly. He closed his eyes, feeling the joy Ray's mouth and nude body brought to him. Ben felt that making love in the foster family's house was much more comfortable than in the abandoned building. Maybe it was because the air conditioner made the temperate of their room cool enough. Ray's tongue was crawling in Ben's mouth, touching Ben's tongue. Then Ray started to kiss Ben's neck. Ben felt so ticklish that he giggled. Ray raised his head and smiled at Ben. He started to take off Ben's pajama trousers. Ben's penis had already been standing up and propped his own underwear up to become a small tent. Ray rubbed Ben's thigh with his own cheek. He kissed Ben's groin and the pillar of Ben's small tent. After kissing for a while, Ray took off Ben's underwear. Ben couldn't wait anymore. He lifted both his legs and revealed his tunnel. He gave Ray eye contact. Ray grinned at Ben. He buried his head into Ben's groin. He rubbed Ben's erect dick with his hand and licked Ben's pucker. A familiar exciting feeling was upon Ben. Ben loved the feeling very much. Though he had similar feelings when Bob did the same thing to him, it was not as strong as with Ray. Ray kept on with his actions. Since he was sent to the foster family, the time sleeping with Ben was his favorite time. He would recall the actions his daddy did to him and followed his daddy's example to do the same with Ben. He always felt very happy to watch Ben's fulfilled smile. Again, Ray spit on Ben's hole and wiped it with his finger. Then he pushed his erect bat against Ben's small hole. He nestled his body up against Ben's and kissed Ben. His bat slid into Ben's tunnel slowly. Ray started to move his waist. Ray's hard rod went in and out of Ben's hole. Ben embraced Ray tightly and kissed him crazily. Ray felt the warm and comfortable feeling Ben's tunnel brought to him happily. Ray started to speed up and Ben went into a totally exciting state again. Ben's hands grabbed Ray's back. He knew that since he couldn't make any noise if he moaned, he could let himself go and fully enjoy the pleasant sensations Ray brought to him, without any concern. Ray kissed Ben crazily while attacking Ben's hole. He could feel that Ben had put himself into the act of lovemaking totally. His body touched Ben's, which had been totally tense and hence become stronger. Ben's body always made Ray think of his daddy. However, gradually Ray started to feel that he liked Ben more than his daddy. To his daddy, it was a feeling of trust. He felt that his daddy was more like his real father. However, with Ben, there were different emotions; more than just liking him. He always felt very happy when his body was binding with Ben. Again, Ray climbed up to the hill-top. He started to shoot his desire into Ben's body. All too soon, Ray pulled out his dick and lay beside Ben, gasping. Ben relaxed from the totally tense state too. He felt Ray's seed flowing in his body. He hugged Ray and kissed his cheek, then he held Ray's hands. I love you so much. Ray was still gasping. He smiled at Ben and said, "Me too. I love you." Let's sleep now. We can slip away later. "Just sleep. I'm so excited when thinking about going to find Daddy later. I think I can't sleep now. I'll wake you up when Dad and Mom fall asleep. Okay?" Ben nodded. He closed his eyes and fell asleep very quickly. Ray hugged Ben. He looked at Ben's sleeping face. In the foster family, Ben was his brother. However, in his mind, Ben was his lover. He was always happy with Ben. Though Ben was three years younger than him, he always felt that it was Ben who take care of him. Their foster parents arranged for them to go to school in the fall. Ray was unhappy and depressed when he thought that he might not see Ben for at least half a day. Ray started to yawn. Soon he fell asleep too. When Ray woke up, he cursed to himself. "Gosh! What time is it?" Ray promised Ben to wake him up after their foster parents fell asleep. However, he fell asleep himself! Ray looked around. Ben was not on the bed. He was standing beside the bed and grinning at Ray. Ray saw that Ben had put on his clothes and had a bag in his hand. Ray jumped off the bed and started to put on his clothes. He pouted and complained to Ben, "Why didn't you wake me up? What time is it?" Ben held Ray's hands, still grinning. It's three-thirty now. You slept so well and it's so funny to see you sleeping, so I didn't want to wake you up. "What's in the bag?" Some bread and food I have been saving for Daddy these days. I'm also bringing a bottle of water because we may walk for a long time. "Then what are we waiting for?" Ben took a rope. Ray looked at it carefully. Ben had tied clothes together to form a long rope from the ones their foster parents bought for them. Ben tied an end of the rope to the foot of his bed and threw the other end out of the window. Then he held Ray's hands again. I'll go first. The length of it is not long enough, but you can climb down the rope and then jump down. It will not be too high. Ray nodded. Ben climbed up to the windowsill and pulled the rope made from their clothes to make sure that it wouldn't come off. Then he started to climb downwards and soon he jumped down to the ground. He waved to Ray. Ray climbed up to the windowsill and held the rope tightly. Though he was scared, soon he became excited when thinking about his daddy. He followed Ben's example to climb down and soon jumped down to the ground. However, he was not as agile as Ben. He stumbled and fell down while jumping onto the ground. Ben was there to support his body very quickly. Are you okay? Ray nodded and stood up. Ben held Ray's hands and they walked to the street. Ben looked in the right direction and started to walk. Ray walked with Ben happily. "Do you know where to go?" Yeah, just toward the west, I think. "How long do we need to walk?" I don't know. About one hour, maybe. Ben was right. After walking for nearly one hour, Ben pointed to a building far away. That should be it. "Yeah, great! We are going to arrive," said Ray excitedly. They sped up. When they were getting close to the building, Ray felt that the area was becoming more and more familiar to him. Ray felt very excited. When they arrived at the abandoned building the sky was getting light. Ray couldn't wait for one more second. He ran up the stairs and ran into the familiar room. He saw that his daddy just got up. "Daddy!" shouted Ray. He rushed to his daddy. "Ray?" Ray's daddy was very surprised. After a second, Ray jumped up on his daddy. "Daddy, I miss you so much," said Ray. Tears had escaped from Ray's eyes. Ray hugged his daddy very tightly and buried his head into his daddy's shoulder. He started to cry. Ray's daddy patted Ray's back and set him down. "Don't cry, Ray. I miss you so much too. Wow, you had a hair cut, huh? You've become so handsome. Where is Ben? He brought you here, right?" Ray wiped his tears and nodded. His daddy saw that Ben was standing beside the door. "Ben, come on. Let Daddy hug you." Ben heard the word 'Daddy' and became happy. He ran to his daddy and hugged him tightly too. Daddy, I miss you so much. Daddy patted Ben. "Me too." I brought something for you. "What is it?" Daddy released both boys and asked. Ben started to take food and bread out of the bag. "So 3; you didn't steal them, did you?" asked Daddy trying to look very stern. But he had already guessed the answer. Ben shook his head. Ray said, "Ben collected the remaining food and bread these days for you." Daddy laughed. "That's my good boy!" Daddy hugged both boys tightly again. *** Daddy decided not to go to work that day because of Ray and Ben's visit. They all sat in the room, hand in hand. Ray and Ben told their daddy about everything in the foster family. They had talked for hours and couldn't stop. While they were talking, Ben looked out of the window suddenly. Somebody is coming. Ray and his daddy stopped talking. They also heard the sound. Someone closed the door of a car, then walked into the building and up the stairs. Oh 3; it could be our foster dad. Ben was right. A man walked into the room with a bag in his hand. He was Ray's and Ben's foster father. "I knew that you must be here," said Ray's and Ben's foster father with a smile. Ray's and Ben's daddy greeted him while Ray and Ben lowered their heads. They felt unhappy and depressed when they thought that they would be taken back soon. "Well, when I went to their room to wake them up in the morning, I found that nobody was in the room. They tied their clothes together to form a rope and ran away from the window. That would be Ben's excellent work, right?" their foster dad laughed. "Yeah, I think so. If Ben decided to run away or hide, it would be very difficult to find him. He is a well-trained agent!" Their daddy patted Ben's head and laughed too. "Ray, Ben, come here." Their foster dad waved to them. Ray and Ben were both reluctant. Their daddy pushed them. "Go, your dad is calling you." Ray and Ben stood up, walked to their foster dad with their heads lowered. Their foster dad squatted and looked at both boys. "I brought you some food and clothes," said their foster dad. "You can stay here with your daddy today. I'll come here again to pick you up tomorrow morning." Both boys raised their head with surprise. Their foster dad nodded to them, smiling. "I promise to you that, if you want to see your daddy, you can come here." "Really?" said Ray happily. "Yes. But 3;" their foster dad paused a while and then continued, "You need to promise me two things." "Promise what?" "First, if you want to come here to see your daddy, you need to tell me or your mom. I can bring you here. You don't need to walk for such a long way. Don't sneak away like today anymore, okay? Your mom worried about you so much." "Oh, sorry. I wanted Ben to bring me here," Ray glanced at Ben and said. Ben grinned. Their foster dad smiled. "Second, you both need to go to school in the fall, okay? I have arranged to let you both be in the same class. Ray, you are older than Ben, but you haven't gone to school before, right?" "Really? I can go to school with Ben? Hurray!" Ray jumped excitedly. He hugged his foster dad. "Ben, come on. Let me hug you too," their foster dad said. Ben embraced their foster dad too. After a while, their foster dad said, "Go. Chat with your daddy. I'll come back tomorrow morning." Ray and Ben ran back to their daddy happily. Their foster dad stood up and waved to them. He left the room. "Okay, now what are we going to do?" asked Ray. Ben held Ray and Daddy's hands. How about making love? "Good idea, Ben." "Hey, wait a mo 3;" shouted their daddy. However Ray and Ben had thrown themselves on their daddy's body before their daddy finished his words. They embraced and kissed their daddy; the man they loved so much. The End |
Author's noteWell, someone said that I ended this story "even with the suspense which just adds so much." Do you think so? He asked me if I have any further development. No, I have no idea now. If you have good ideas, or if you have any questions about any characters and hope me to write on, please tell me. Special thanks to my editor, Matthew Templar, who helped me a lot in many aspects besides my English. Johnny Kape – johnny.kape(at)gmail(dot)com |
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