PZA Boy Stories


Jupiter, the Pony-Boy


For several generations there has been a special and rather unusual tradition practiced by the McCord family. As the eldest son, it is young Jayden's honor and duty to work the family ranch as a pony-boy. Initiated into his new life at age eight, Jayden, now twelve, has become a seasoned and well trained little beast. His life now consists of an exhausting daily routine of hard physical labor, strict discipline, and sexual use by the other male members of his family. Naked, gagged, harnessed and kept perpetually horny, this is his story, in his own words.
Publ. May 2009 Finished 8,500 words (17 pages)


Jupiter (12 yo), Titan (12 yo), Jupiter's brothers Seth (11 yo) and Ethan (10 yo). Jupiter's father and his Uncle Rob.

Category & Story codes

Boy-Slave story/Slave now
Mb bbMdom bdom oral anal mast – pony play chast bond humil spank ws


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Author's note

For a long while now I've wanted to write a boy slave story narrated by the boy himself, entirely in his own words and from his own perspective. I've tried to capture here the thoughts, emotions and 'tone of voice' of a young and poorly educated twelve year old boy. Any grammatical and spelling errors the reader encounters should thus be considered intentional. This story owes a large conceptual debt to Dirt's recent masterpiece "Xanadu Pleasure Dome, Part 1: The Stables" on this archive. While completely different in style and tone, Dirt's ability to capture the inner thoughts of his young hero Jodi, and to express them in a convincing first-person narrative, inspired me to write this quick little tale. Enjoy.

Comments always welcome at Istari_olias(at)yahoo(dot)com or using this feedback form (please mention the story title in the subject line).


Of all the animals, the boy is the most unmanageable.

Hi, my name is Jayden, but everybody in my family calls me Jupiter. That's my pony name and I have it cuz I am a pony-boy. I've been Jupiter since I was like eight years old. I'm twelve now. It's sorta a tradition in my family for the oldest son to be a pony-boy, so that's what I decided to be when I turned eight. Right after I blew out the candles on my cake my dad asked me if I was ready to be a pony. I could have said no and it would have been okay and I could'a gone on just bein' a normal little kid, but my dad was a pony when he was a boy, and I wanted to be one too. So I said yes. My life changed a lot that day, that's for sure.

I had to take all my clothes off right in front of everybody. I remember my mom was so proud of me. She was crying and everything. My little brothers laughed. My dad took me out to the old barn and showed me the little stall that I'd be kept in from then on. I was kinda scared, but I also felt real special, you know, like I was doing something important. Dad said he loved me and that I was gonna be the best pony-boy ever. He locked a big heavy chain around my neck and I spent my first night naked in my stall. That night I jerked off for the first time in my life. I had a wicked dry cum, I mean my whole entire body was shaking and my dick was so hard and it was bouncing up and down like it was about to break off. It was awesome. My dick was still hard when I fell asleep. Yeah, that was my first whack-off, and it turned out to be my last! I ain't been allowed to play with myself like that ever since. See my pony-boy training started first thing the next morning, and, like two days after that, my whole family went into town where I stood totally naked in front of this judge guy with my ankles chained together and my hands cuffed behind me and he asked me all kinds of questions.

Did I know what a slave was? Yes.

Did I know what a pony-boy was? Yes, kinda.

Did I know what sex was? Sorta.

Was I gay or straight? I don't know, but I did remember telling the judge I thought girls were 'icky'. Everyone laughed.

Was this my own choice? Yes!

Then he said my full name real loud and scary like, 'Jayden Samuel McCord', and then he said something like 'I now declare you a slave. You are the property of your parents to do with as they please.' Then a piece of paper was given to my parents and they signed it. Then the judge signed it, and then I had to sign it too. That was real hard to do with my hands cuffed behind my back, but they made me do it anyway. That was last time I ever used my hands to write anything, well 'cept for the journal they make me keep. I started it back when I was nine. My mom was worried that I'd forget how to read 'n write and stuff like that, so they got me this little book with blank pages in it. My mom makes me write in it once each week and sometimes she gives me puzzles and math stuff to do in it too. My dad doesn't think it's all that important, but my mom says I got to always practice my words and letters and stuff, and keep my brain workin', since I ain't gonna be a pony-boy forever.

I'm twelve now, and mom wants me to do even more writing. Like stories or essays and junk. She just don't know when to quit. Anyway, I didn't know what to write, so my dad said write about what you know. Well, I know about being a pony boy and that's about it, so that's what I'm writing about and that's why I'm writing this. My writing time is like the only time I'm not treated like a real horse. I get to sit on my butt in my stall and I have a pencil and my notebook that I can write in. My neck is chained to the wall behind me and my ankles are chained together and I've got these leather cuffs around my knees with this long metal bar between them that keeps my legs spread wide. I don't have a desk or nothin'. I just sit the journal on my right leg and do it that way. It's really uncomfortable but dad says it's supposed to be. On my writing day I have to write all morning 'til they put me in my pony-gear and take me out to the fields to work.

Guess maybe I should start by explainin' more about my family and what it's like to live with them and be their pony. I just turned twelve a few weeks ago. My family had a big party for me where I got all kinds of cool pony stuff. Dad says I'm growin' like a weed and I've outgrown a lot of my old harness and collars and junk. So I like my birthday cuz I get to see all the new stuff I'll be wearing.

My family is me, my mom and dad, my two brothers, Seth, he's eleven, and Ethan, he's ten. They're not ponies. There's also my uncle Rob, my Aunt Catherine and their son Caleb who's twelve like me, but a couple months younger and a pony boy too just like I am. Everyone calls him Titan. Titan's like a moon of Saturn or something, so me and Caleb are Jupiter and Titan. I got black hair and blue eyes like my mom, but my skin's sorta tan all the time like my dad. Titan's got brown hair and his eyes are this real cool green. Ain't nobody in the family got green eyes, so we all wonder where he gets 'em from. His skin's lighter than mine, I can tell by how white he is under his arms, but since we're out in the sun so much, he's all tanned and brown just like me. I ain't quite five feet [1½ m] tall, and Titan is a little shorter than me. We both got nice muscles from working on the farm every day. Our legs are really strong and we can both pull a lot of weight, 'specially when we work together.

We all live together on a big ranch in Wyoming. We've got cattle and sheeps and stuff like that and we grow soy and corn and things. Titan and me really are ponies, I mean we have to work real hard on the ranch, pulling carts and wagons and stuff and we never stop being ponies. We stay outside in the barn, even in the winter time. We each have our little stalls where we sleep and the barn is where we eat and go to the bathroom and stuff. The rest of the family lives in a big farmhouse, but Titan and me ain't allowed to go any further than the front porch when we go up there. I haven't been inside the house since I was eight. I haven't left the ranch much since then either. Titan and I stay chained up in our stalls whenever the family goes out to eat or go shopping or things like that. They don't really have to chain us, but dad says it's all part of being a pony-boy.

I don't ever wear clothes, or shoes. Neither does Titan. We're both naked all the time, even when it's rainy or cold outside. Being naked is kinda cool, I guess. When I was younger it sorta embarrassed me at first, you know, everybody seeing my wiener and all, but now I'm used to it. Me and Titan do have some stuff to wear. Neat pony-boy stuff. We have matching leather collars which are always locked around our necks, and then there's our harnesses and bits and bridles. Oh and we both have pony-tail plugs in our butts. They stay in there all the time and only come out when we're given our enemas in the morning. My tail is black, since I got black hair I guess, and Titan's is brown. We both wear little cages around our dicks to keep them from getting hard and to keep us from playing with ourselfs. We also have these weird long plastic tubes in our pee holes, they go all they way down inside our dicks and into us. Dad says they're called catythers, no wait, cath-e-ters or something funny sounding like that. Grown ups have the weirdest names for junk. I just call it my pee-tube. The ends that stick out of our dicks have a little clamp on them. The only way Titan and me can ever pee is when our dads or one of my brothers opens the clamp for us, then it all just pours out of us like a drippy hose or something. That's the only part about being a pony that I don't like too much. You probably think we could just open the clamp thingies ourselfs and start peeing, but see pony-boys aren't ever supposed to use their hands, so most of the time we've got ours locked into these weird-lookin' mitts. They totally cover our hands and make us keep them clenched up inside like fists. They come up around our wrists where they lock. They look kinda like horsey hooves. I think they're cool. Titan's not so sure about them. He totally freaked out the first time they put the mitts on him. I don't think he's ever got used to 'em. He still tries to use his hands sometimes, even when he's got the mitts on them. He gets punished for that a lot.

The cages around our dicks only come off when we're working or pulling carts around the farm. Our dicks get so hard then, but our arms and hands are strapped down to our sides by our harnesses. Titan and me can never touch our dicks. I haven't been able to touch mine since I jerked off that very first time when I was eight years old!

So we're always walking around the ranch with boners. We are both totally horny all the time. My dick's a lot bit bigger than Titan's. Daddy measured it for me just last week when it was hard and it's like five inches [12½ cm] long when it's like that. Titan's is only about three inches [7½ cm]. My balls are a lot bigger than his too. My sack hangs down real low and my balls swing around when I walk. It's really cool. I don't have any hair anywhere on my body, well 'cept for my head of course. Titan doesn't either. Lately my dick's started leakin' this clear sticky stuff. I don't know what it is. I heard my Uncle Rob say to my dad a few weeks ago, when he saw how much my dick was leakin, 'We're gonna have to start milking that pony real soon!' My dad agreed it would be a smart idea. Titan's dick doesn't leak like mine does.

Sometimes, when I've been really good, one of my brothers, Seth or Ethan will jerk me off real quick before they put me back into my stall for the night and lock my cock-cage back on. They ain't supposed to do that to me, but they think it's funny when I start to shoot. It feels so awesome when my white stuff shoots out of my dick. My piss-tube is still in there, but the white stuff just comes out around it. I'd do just about anything to have that happen more often, but it doesn't. Most of the time my dick's either locked up or hard and I can't do anything about it either way. That part kinda sucks, but Uncle Rob told me it's not good for pony boys to cum, that it makes them weak and lazy. Keeping Titan and me horny all the time helps us work harder and longer. I guess he's right. He knows way more about pony boys than I do, even though I am one, cuz he was in charge of my dad when my dad was a pony.

When they put us in our stalls at night, we sleep just like real ponies do, on our feet. Titan and me both have to wear a special harness that goes around our chests and keeps our arms strapped to our sides all night. Once we're in our harnesses, the pony-boy mitts get taken off so our hands can be free for a while, not that we can use them, since they'll be stuck at our sides all night long. Our harnesses are attached to a long metal bar that hangs down on chains from the ceiling of our stalls. The bar is on some sort of pulley type thing and once we're all hooked up its easy to hoist us up or down. Even my ten-year-old brother Ethan is strong enough to yank on the chains and raise the bar, and me along with it, 'til I'm up on my toes. It goes up just high enough that my toes just barely touch the ground. It's usually Ethan's job to put me away like this each night. Once I'm hanging there, he climbs up on a stool and makes me drink a whole bottle of water. Dad says its gots lots of vitamins and stuff mixed in, things a pony boy needs to stay strong. After I'm done drinking, Ethan puts this special gag they have for me into my mouth. It's big and shaped just like a dick. Ethan pulls the straps tight around the back of my head and buckles it real good. I'm not really sure what having a dick-gag in my mouth has to do with being a pony, but it goes in there every night. Next Ethan puts a blindfold over my eyes and sticks these plug things in my ears so I can't see or hear anything. He opens the catheter thingy in my dick, I can always feel it when he does that, and lets me pee. I never really feel like I'm done when he closes the clamp again. Having that tube in there makes me feel like I gotta pee all the time, even when I really don't. Like I said, that part of being a pony kinda isn't so good.

After Ethan's done with all that, I spend the rest of the night hanging there from the bar. The stalls Titan and me sleep in are really small. Just like three feet [90 cm] on both sides. They ain't big enough to lay down in, cuz ponies aren't supposed to lay down. The floor is made of dirt and some straw and that's it. The walls are just wooden planks. There's bolts in them where they can chain us up if they need to. I'm chained to the wall right now while I'm writing this. It's always warm in the stables. In the winter time there are big heaters that keep it that way. In the summer, like right now, it's sticky and hot and so Titan and me go all night sweating and there's always flies buzzing around us. It took me a long time to learn to sleep this way, but now I just do it without even trying.

When morning gets here, my dick is always so hard inside its cage and I always gotta piss real bad. It's Seth's job to get me and Titan ready for work each morning. He's eleven but already as tall as me. Usually the sun's just comin' up when he lowers the pully-thing and puts me back on my feet. He pulls off my blindfold and takes the plugs out of my ears.

"Hey, Jupiter," he always says. Seth's got black hair just like me, 'cept mine is really long and always hanging down in my face. Most mornings he's got on his boots and overalls. In the summer he never wears a shirt under them, or undies neither. Since the dick-gag is still in my mouth I can't really answer him. I'm not supposed to talk like a regular boy anyway. He smacks my leg with his hand just to remind me he's the boss. "Time to get moving."

Seth takes off my night harness and frees my arms, then he puts the pony mitts back on my hands and locks 'em up. By now I always need to pee so bad it hurts, and my dick is pressing real hard against the bars of my cock-cage. I can't get real boners when I'm wearing it, but I can still get really really hard. Some days Seth giggles at my locked-up dick, most days he just ignores it, since he's got a lot of work to do before he can go back to the house for breakfast. He hooks a chain to my collar and walks me out into the middle of the barn. There's a long trench running along the dirt floor and out under the back wall. He stands me over this with my legs spread on either side of it. After four years, I know what I'm supposed to do and I bend over so he can pull out my butt-plug. It's only out for a few seconds when Seth rolls out the big hose and sticks the nozzle part up inside me. He screws the other end to the tap and starts the water. For the last four years, ever since I chose to be a pony-boy, I've never gone more than a few minutes without something stuck up my butt: my pony-tail butt-plug, an enema nozzle, or the big hairy dicks of my dad or my uncle.

The first time I got an enema was my first morning as a pony-boy. I cried and screamed and got real scared. My dick must have gotten real hard too, cuz Uncle Rob pointed between my legs and laughed and told my father, "Yep, he's a real pony-boy!"

Now I'm used to it. But I still don't like it. It's the only way I'm allowed to take a shit anymore and it's kinda embarrassing. Seth knows just how much water he needs to fill me up real good and after a few minutes he turns off the water. It's always cold and I can feel it inside me. I start to shiver right away. He always leaves the hose in my butt until I'm ready to let it all out. I'm fidgeting by now because on top of the ice-cold water in my belly I still really gotta pee too. I snort into my gag and make my little pony-boy noises that tell him I need to go real bad. Usually he just pats me on the head and goes, 'Easy there, Jupiter, easy,' and he makes me wait while he goes and lets Titan down and does the same things to him.

Once Titan is bent over the trench with the second hose in his butt and his belly full of water, Seth comes back to me and hits me on my leg with his crop. I'm happy cuz it means I can finally take a pee and shit. I get into position, squatting down as low as I can over the trench. Seth thinks its funny to make me piss and shit at the same time, so he pulls the hose out and tells me, 'Not 'til I say so,' and I have to hold it for a few more seconds before he takes the clamp off my pee-tube. After he does that, there's no way I can help it any longer. Everything just starts comin' out. I start peeing right away, and tube makes it so I can't stop 'til I'm empty, then the water shoots out of my butt real fast. It smells bad and makes this funny splashing noise, but it feels so good inside me when it's all finally done. Sometimes it takes a while to get it all out and sometimes Seth has to put the hose in again and give me another one. The best part about all this is that when it's finally over, my dick has finally gone soft inside its cage so it doesn't hurt anymore.

Titan gets cleaned out this way too. He moans and cries a lot when its happening, actually I guess I do too, and when we're both done Seth tells us to get up, so we do. This is when our dick-gags are finally taken out. Then, with the same hoses he used up our butts, he sprays our bodies down with the icy cold water to get us cleaned up. We have to bend over again and show him our poop-holes and he sprays those real good too. After this, when we're still soakin' wet, he takes us over to our feed trough and chains us to it by our necks. We have to wait 'til he's sprayed out the trench where we pissed and shit before we get fed.

Me and Titan don't get normal food anymore. We get this gray mush, once in the morning and once at night. It's cold and looks like oatmeal but it don't taste like nothin' at all. Ethan brings this out to us in a big bucket. He's usually dressed just like Seth, 'cept Ethan most always goes barefoot. With a wood spoon he puts the stuff into our feed trough.

'Okay ponies,' he says with a giggle, 'eat your slop! It's good for ya!'

And since we're almost always starving, we do. Since our hands are already locked in the pony-mitts, we just bend over and stick our faces right into the mush and eat it that way. We're not finished until we've licked the inside of the trough clean with our tongues.

Once they've fed us, my younger brothers put our pony-tail butt-plugs back inside us, and get us harnessed and bridled for the day's work. Before they strap the bits back in our mouths, they usually unbutton their overalls, shuck 'em down to their ankles and show us their hard dicks. Even though Seth is a year younger 'n me, his dick is already bigger than mine and he's even got a little bit of hair around it. Ethan's is still a tiny thing and he's totally hairless like me and Titan. Seth points at Ethan's little wienie and laughs at him for being so small, but Ethan knows he's about to get it sucked and that's all he cares about. Titan sucks Ethan's dick for him, and I suck Seth's.

Seth's totally horny all the time, just like me, 'cept he can actually do something about it whenever he wants. I usually suck his dick for him at least twice each day, sometimes more. He likes to jerk off in front of me too, and spray his white stuff all over me, and tease me cuz he can play with his dick and make it shoot and I'm not allowed to do that.

When I've got all of my brother's dick in my mouth, he grabs my head and starts ramming his rod down my throat hard and fast. Seth's dick is long, like I already said, but not real thick yet, so I don't have to worry 'bout choking on it. I go right down until my nose us up against his pubes. He doesn't have many yet, but since I don't have any at all, it makes him feel all big and bossy. It ain't long before he starts moaning and grunting and fucking my face so fast his balls are slapping against my chin. Then he pushes in real hard and goes up on his toes and shouts something like, 'Oh fuck yeah!' and shoots his stuff down my throat. He's only been shooting white stuff for like a month now, but he sure makes a lot of it. First time it happened I gagged on it. Seth said he was sorry, but the next time it happened, he held on to my head and said 'Swallow it, Jupiter. Dad says ponies need their milk.'

So I swallowed it, and I've been swallowing his, and my dad's and Uncle Rob's now ever since. Guess they must think I need lots of milk cuz between the three of them I get five or six drinks a day!

Ethan gets his cock sucked a lot too, by both me and Titan. He can't shoot anything yet, but he moans and groans and goes all wiggly and his little dick jumps around in my mouth. His dick likes to stay hard after he has his cum, so sometimes he tells me to keep sucking.

'Wanna have another one,' he always says, and he always does a few seconds later.

This morning, after I'm done with Seth and Titan's done with Ethan, they stand us up again and give us each a sugar cube for being good ponies. Ethan rubs us down with a clean rag and they both put oil on our skins and rub that in. Both of them get boners when they do this, and me and Titan get hard inside our cock-cages too. Then they put us in our bits and bridles, put their overalls back on and walk us out to the paddock. There's a big tall fence all around it and it's covered in soft green grass. It's always wet and cool here in the mornings, even in the summer.

Seth and Ethan set us loose for our morning run and lock the paddock door so we can't get out. The fence is too tall for us to climb, especially with our hands locked up in the pony mitts, so we run around together and get our muscles all loose and ready for some real hard work later on. This is our favorite part of the day, when we can just run around and have fun. We can't talk to each other since we've got the bits in our mouths, but me and Titan have sorta worked out some signals with our eyes, and dad and Uncle Rob taught us both a bunch of pony sounds that we both understand. Took us both a long time to really learn those, but now we use them a lot, especially when we're working together.

Today we have to turn over the soybean field. That means we're both going to be chained to this big plow thing and have to drag it up and down the field all day until we're done. Ethan takes the first turn driving us, walking along behind us with a crop and swatting us on our legs or our butts if we slow down or get out of line. If we don't do it perfectly straight, the stuff won't grow right when me and Titan drag the big seed spreader over it later on. Ethan's being really serious about keeping us in line today and he hits us hard, and a lot. Titan and me look at each other. Even with the big plow chained to our harnesses, would could probably turn around and beat the shit out of my little brother, but we're pony-boys. Ethan is just doing his job and helping us do ours, so we just keep moving and try to do a better job of keeping straight ahead.

Like always, we got let out of our cock-cages once we were chained up to the plow. I boned up right away and so did Titan, and our dicks are hard and bouncing up and down as we pull the plow behind us. Getting a boner feels funny with that catether, I mean cath-e-ter thingy in there, but we're both used to it by now. My dick keeps on leaking that clear stuff all the time. Sometimes there's like a long thin string of it just hanging down from my dick. It just hangs there while I work. Dad says I'm a horny little beast, and I guess he's right. I try not to think about it, or my boner, since we've got so much work to do.

Our legs are like totally aching and we're not even half-way done. We're both real sweaty by now. Lately I've noticed I'm startin' to kinda get a stink under my arms, like my dad and my Uncle Rob. I don't have any hair under there yet, don't have any hair anywhere 'cept what's on my head, but I sure do got a smell now. Titan doesn't have it yet, but I think I'm a little bit ahead of him. I mean my dick and balls are a lot bigger than his and so are my feet, and I'm starting to get taller than him too.

'Looks like Jupiter's starting puberty,' my dad said one day when he and Uncle Rob were hosing us down. 'Yeah,' my uncle said, 'looks like Titan's got some catching up to do.' I looked over at Titan and we blinked our eyes together. Neither of us knew what this puberty thing was, but I guess I was in it and Titan wasn't. If it means how my boy-parts are gettin' bigger well then that's a good thing, right?

Ethan stops us working and lets us take a break and gives us each some water. He keeps us chained to the plow though. Then he opens our catheters and lets us pee. We just go right there in field. Ethan watches us and giggles. It's hard for us to pee since we've both got boners, but neither of us can control what happens once our pee-tubes are opened. I start peeing almost right away. It burns a bit until my dick goes limp, then I just keep peeing all over the ground. Titan's doing the same thing right next to me. The dirt gets all wet with it and we're both standing in our own pee. I think that's kinda nasty. I remember before I became a pony-boy I used the bathroom and the toilet just like everyone else in my family. Now I just go outside, whenever Seth or Ethan or my dad or uncle let me that is. I haven't been in a real bathroom since I was eight. I probably don't even know how to use a toilet anymore!

After our pee break, Ethan goes off to do some other chores and Seth takes over. He puts the clamps back on our pee-tubes and gives us both a hard lash across our backs with this special whip dad bought him for his birthday. He's still too small to use the big whips on us, the ones my dad and Uncle Rob have, and the ones Titan and me are really afraid of, but this one is just right for him and it stings real bad when he hits us with it.

Seth doesn't take any shit from either of us and he'll whip us every time we take a bad step or slow down even a little.

Once we're back to work, it ain't long before my dick's hard again. Titan's got a boner too. Ethan pretty much ignores our boners, but not Seth. He likes to tease me. He'll walk right along beside me while we're pulling the plow or whatever and reach right in and start rubbing my dick real hard and real fast, like eight or nine times until I start to feel all tingly. Then he'll stop until my tingly feeling goes away, then he'll do it again, over and over, all day long until we're done working. Most days he's got my dick leaking so bad it's crazy. My balls start hurting too, this real weird ache like way deep inside them or something. Guess that's cuz I need to cum so bad and I almost never get to. Seth never says nothin' to me when he's messing with my dick, but he's always got this evil look in his eyes and I can see his boner though his overalls. There's usually a wet stain in the front of 'em so I know he's leaking too.

Seth made me cum by mistake a few times when he first started doing this to me, but now he knows just how much he can rub my dick without making me shoot my stuff. He almost never makes me cum now even though I sure want to. He's always got this big mean smile on his face when dad puts my cock-cage back on in the barn. You know, sometimes, I really fuckin' hate Seth!

I think my dad knows what's going on, but just gives me this look and pats me on the head and tells me 'Good boy,' when he locks my cock-cage.

One of the best parts about being pony-boy is when I get fucked by my dad. He's got a huge dick and I love having it in my butt. Every weekend we have a long 'fuck-fest' as my brother Seth calls it. My dad always says that pony-boys need to be fucked and fucked hard on a regular basis to keep them calm and obedient and happy and he's right. It usually starts at night, right after my brothers have fed us our mush. Titan and me are bent over a pair of saw horses. Our butt-plugs are pulled out and then our wrists and ankles are tied to the wooden legs. One time Ethan said, 'Let's put the ponies on the horses,' and everybody laughed and he smiled that everyone actually paid attention to him for once. Being the youngest boy out here on the ranch must suck, I guess. Seth treats him pretty shitty most of the time, bossing him around and stuff, and sometimes I give him a hard time too, you know, misbehave on purpose just to piss him off and make him miserable. I never do it when we're actually workin', but like back in the barn I'll just not do anything he tells me. He'll get so angry and his face will go all red and he'll even start crying a bit.

'You gotta do as I say, Jupiter! You're just a stupid pony!'

I may be a pony, but I am still his big brother. Making life tough for him is sorta my job, right!

Back to the fuck-fest. It is so awesome, but it can get kinda rough. Once us ponies are tied down to the horses, dad and Uncle Rob and Seth and Ethan all get naked. Our moms usually come to watch too, but they never take their clothes off and they never do any sex stuff with us, that's just for our dads and my brothers. We always get a spanking or a paddling first, right on our butts, usually by our dads, but sometimes our moms will do this part. Seth got to paddle me for the first time last week. Wow that kid hits hard! Dad finally had to stop him since I was screaming so much and crying. I had snot runnin' outta my nose and everything. I was a mess. I'm still sorta purple back there. This week it's Seth again. He walks around me real slowly, swinging the paddle around. He's got a boner already and I know he can't wait to put it in me.

"Don't go so hard this time, sport," I hear my dad tell Seth as he stands behind me.

"Okay, dad. I am sorry, Jupiter," he says to me. He pats me on my butt and sticks one of his fingers right up my ass. It feels nice and a whole big glob of that sticky clear stuff dribbles out of my dick. "I didn't mean to hurt you so bad last time. Guess I got carried away."

I make a little pony-boy whiny to let him know its okay. It doesn't really matter anyway. I'm a pony-boy, and pony-boy's take whatever their given.

I get ten hard swats with the paddle, but Seth is definitely going easy on me. Guess he really does feel bad about last week. Next to me, Uncle Rob is laying into Titan. He must have done something wrong this week that I didn't know about, cuz he's really getting it. Uncle Rob is shouting at him and hitting him so hard. I've never seen him do that before. Titan's crying and shrieking and thrashing around on the horse. It must hurt real bad cuz he even shouts out like a boy, "No more! Ppppleeeease stop! I'll be good, I promise!"

That's probably the first time either of us have talked in months, maybe longer.

Uncle Rob is furious. I can raise my head just enough to see him. "Shut up, you filthy little animal! Ponies do not speak! Ever! Just for that you'll get ten more."

By now Seth had stopped working on my butt and joined Uncle Rob in hitting poor Titan. It's a good thing Titan and me are never allowed to sit down, because he sure won't be able too for a week at least. The horses we're strapped to are positioned so that when we raise our heads we can look right at each other. Titan's not looking at me right now. I guess he's too ashamed and embarrassed. When they're all done with him he's sniffling and making these little whining noises.

"I got a way to quiet him down," Seth says and sticks his five inch [12½ cm] long boner into Titan's mouth.

Titan starts slurping and sucking right away.

Ethan stands naked in front of me. His little cock is hard too. I open my mouth and he puts his little thingy inside. "Suck it, Jupiter," he says. I like sucking Ethan's cock. It's so small that it doesn't hurt my jaw at all. I don't even have to open my mouth that much to get it in. Ethan starts moanin' and groanin' right away. My dick is trying to get hard inside its cage. It'll be like that for the next few hours, driving me fuckin' crazy!

I keep on sucking and can feel a big hard cock bein' pushed against my butt.

"Ready for a ride, Jupiter?" It's my uncle. He always goes first.

I snort like a good pony-boy and try to spread my tied-up legs a little wider for him.

He slaps me hard on the ass. "Good boy. Spread 'em for your Uncle Rob. Let's see that pink little hole."

But he does more than just look at it. He don't give me no warning and he don't bother with that gooey lube stuff. He jams his big boner right up in me. I grunt real loud. I can't help it. It hurts. Ethan's lucky I'm used to it by now or he'd get his dick bit off in my mouth! Uncle Rob always does me hard and real rough. He loves me, I know that, but I'm also pretty sure he likes hurting me. I keep working on Ethan's hard little dickie while my uncle gives me the good deep fucking he says I deserve. I try to clench my butt muscles to make him cum faster, but Uncle Rob doesn't like that. He slaps my ass hard again.

"Stop that! You just take it, boy. I'll cum when I damned good and ready."

Ethan is wiggling and gasping and clawing at my head with his fingers. He's havin' his first dry orgasm of the night. He'll have lots more of them before everything is done. He pulls out, his little weenie all red and shiny with my spit and still hard as a nail. Uncle Rob is being really rough tonight. I guess he's still mad at Titan for whatever he did wrong, and now he's taking it out on my ass. I'm sobbing and moaning. He's hurting me real bad, but he's also hittin' that magic spot up inside me and it feels so freaky wild. My dick is just leakin' and leakin' now and I feel like I could maybe shoot my stuff, even with the cage around my dick. I'm like so confused right now. It hurts so bad. It feels so good. I start crying. Really crying. I don't mean to, but do. Then I feel a pair of hands around my head and a big hard cock on my lips.

"Easy, boy. Just let it happen. Daddy's here."

It is my dad. I raise my head and see him smiling down at me. He's proud that I can take my uncle's huge cock so well. I open my mouth and slurp his dick down my throat.

"Look, Ethan," I hear Seth say with a laugh. "Jupiter's gettin' dicked at both ends."

My younger brothers think this is very funny. Ethan is laughing and tugging at his hard little prick. Seth still has his cock buried in Titan's mouth and after a few quick jerky thrusts he throws his head back and shouts, "Ahh, gawd, I'm cumming!" and he does. Titan does his best to swallow all of Seth's boy-juice but a lot of it dribbles out his mouth onto the ground.

I can tell that my uncle is about to cum. I can feel his cock getting even bigger and harder inside me. He grunts and growls and digs his hands into my hips like claws and shoots his cum up my butt. I'm so horny now that even the pain doesn't matter anymore. My cock is so hard inside its cage now that it's starting to hurt. My balls feel like they're gonna explode! I grind my hips against the wooden horse and clench my butt muscles as tight as I can. Maybe I can make myself cum 3; maybe 3; maybe 3; but I can't. His dick's already getting soft. This time, Uncle Rob seems to like what I'm doing with my butthole and he pats my ribs with his hands.

"Good fuck, Jupiter," he says as he slowly pulls out of my butt. It comes out with a wet slurpy sound.

My dad hasn't cum yet and he pulls out of my mouth. He's still hard and nice and slick with my spit.

"Is Jupiter ready for his daddy?" he asks me.

I'm sore back there, and I can feel my uncle's spunk oozin' out of my butt, but I'm so horny I couldn't think straight even if I wanted to. I nod my head and snort and whiny. I want my daddy inside me. I want him so bad. He won't hurt me. He'll make me feel good.

"Nice and steady now," he whispers as he slides his cock into my little hole. "I know you hurt. I'll make it better. Give my boy a nice long ride."

I close my eyes and breathe in real deep like he taught me. My dad's fucking me now, slow and easy, just exactly the way I like it. It doesn't hurt at all. I relax and just let him do it. I can feel his big ball bag smacking against my legs. Dad goes in real deep until I moan out loud, then he pulls back slowly. He knows right where my special spot is and he makes sure he hits it every time. I can sort of hear what's going on around me. Titan is screaming, so I guess that means Uncle Rob is fucking him good, but I really don't care. Dad presses his body against mine. He's heavy, but it feels good. I'm all sweaty now. The wooden horse I'm strapped to is creaking as dad and me move together. Ethan comes back and waves his hard little two inch [5 cm] weenie in front of my face. I'm totally out of it and don't really know what the hell he wants. After a few seconds I get it and open my mouth for him. I can't really pay attention to his hot little prick in my mouth. There's a way huger one in my butt that's all I can think about right now. Ethan doesn't seem to mind. He grabs my head and starts pushing in and out, fucking my face with his two-inch [5 cm] boner.

Dad's really going slow tonight, making sure I get to enjoy it too. Dad says when I'm really into it, I start purring like a little kitten. So, I guess I'm purring and moaning as he keeps going, in and out, in and out, all the way in, all the way out. I think I'm the luckiest boy in the world. My cock's still dripping clear stuff. I can feel it coming out of me. Dad reaches down under me, between my legs, and grabs hold of my cock-cage. He starts to jiggle it and play with it. That makes my dick even harder. He starts to fuck me a little faster, then a lot faster, and finally he's going as hard as Uncle Rob was before. I'm shrieking and shouting now, every time he goes in me, and my whole body is shaking. He's hittin' that spot up inside me again and again and again. I close my eyes and I see lightning bolts. Dad keeps pulling on my cock-cage, then he squeezes my balls and presses on that spot right under my ball sack. I can feel it happening. I can't believe it. I'm gonna 3; I'm gonna 3;

"Aaaahaaahhh!" I shout and my white stuff starts shooting out. It feels so good and there sure is a hell of a lot of it. It's been like five weeks since the last time I had one, so it just spurts out, once, twice, three, four, five times, all over the dirt floor. My caged-up dick ain't even hard all the way, but I don't care and doesn't matter. It feels so good. Dad growls real loud then and rams his cock way inside me. He has his cum too then leans over my back and kisses me on the neck.

"Good boy," he says, roughing up my hair.

With me and Titan both pretty well fucked already, the family heads back up to the house for dinner. They leave us tied to the wooden sawhorses. Fuck juices are running out of my butt and down my legs. Same thing is happening to Titan. We raise our heads and look at each for the first time in a few hours. Titan's eyes are red and puffy. He's been crying. Mine probably are too. He looks down at the puddle of white spunk beneath my sawhorse.

"Did you shoot all that out?" he whispers. Since he'd already broken the rules about talkin' I guess he figured he might as well just keep going.

"Yeah. I did," I answer. Feels funny to talk like a human boy. My voice is all scratchy and breaky. It sounds a lot like Seth's. I look down under Titan's sawhorse and I can see a tiny little piddle of white stuff. Titan shot his very first load when his dad was fucking him. "Did you cum?" I asked him.

He nodded his head and grinned and whispered, "I guess so. It felt totally wild!"

"Is that why you were screaming so loud?"

Titan giggled and nodded his head again.

Titan and me spend the next hour trying to calm down. My ass hurts from the paddling, and my butt hole feels like its totally wide open. There's still stuff dribblin' out of there, I can feel it running down the insides of my legs. My cock is still half hard inside its cage. That cum that dad made me have was awesome, but I'm still totally horny. Me and Titan decide we're basically done talkin' to each other, we ain't got nothing else to say really, so we just stay there tied to the wooden horses and wait. They'll all be coming back later on. Uncle Rob, and my dad and even Seth will all take turns fucking our butts and our mouths. After that, Ethan will probably get to shove his little fists up our butts and really go at us with them while everyone else watches. Dad and Uncle Rob line our sawhorses up so my little shit of a brother can do both of us at the same time. He'll have his right hand buried all the way in my butt, and his left one in Titan's. We'll both be screaming so loud all the bats in the barn will fly out thinkin' there's a fire or somethin'. I have another cum and shoot my stuff again and so does Titan, but he's dry already. Ethan makes Titan have like two more dry ones before my dad makes him stop fisting us. When Ethan's done, we have to lick our own butt-juice off his hands. That part's nasty, but me and Titan are both so fuckin' out of it that we hardly give a shit.

By now Titan and me are both totally wiped out, but there'll still be more whippings. They string us up by our wrists and take turns whippin' us while we're hangin' there. Finally they'll take us outside in the dark, piss all over us, and in our mouths too (yuck!) and then they'll hose us down. After that it's back into our stalls for the rest of the night, but I don't think either me or Titan is gonna get much sleep. Morning comes awfully early around here. Before he puts the plugs in my ears and covers my eyes with the blindfold, Seth grabs his crotch and smiles.

"See you tomorrow, Jupiter. I'll make sure my balls are nice and full for you!"

Seth closes the door and slides the bolt to lock it. In the dark, hanging from my chains with my toes barely touching the ground, I close my eyes behind my blindfold and take a deep breath. It's quiet now. With the plugs in my ears I can't hear a thing. I'm sore and achy but I'm so turned on. I've got a plug in my butt, a tube in my caged-up dick, plugs in my ears and a big dick-gag in my mouth. The only holes on my body that don't have somethin' in 'em are my nose holes. This is how it is every night. Yeah, I'm like sore all over, and I'm still horny as hell, but its okay. This is how it is in my family. This is what I was meant to be, and I can't go back now, even if I wanted to. My name is Jayden. I'm twelve years old. You can call me Jupiter.

The End