Chapter One Visit to the Boy Emporium
I was a bit startled when I found myself pitched forward as a small hurtling body clobbered me from behind. As I turned, a small naked slaveboy, an absolutely delightful sight with his stiff little boy penis jutting straight forward its full 2½ inches [6.4 cm], was trying to right himself. The small silver 'exciter bands' attached to his penis standing out in stark contrast to the very dark brown skin and especially the even darker hues of his miniature genital sac. After a strange set of facial expressions passed over his visage – strange in that I could not totally read him – the boy quickly knelt before me in trained obeisance apologized profusely for his recklessness. As he spoke the formal greeting of a slaveboy still awaiting a bonding to his permanent master, I thought I could detect in his tone a less than total sincerely for his abominable breach of expected slave courtesy especially when in a semi-public venue. Of course my attention was much more on his stunningly cute small and perfectly formed little boy body, and his totally smooth and flawless naked skin as he now knelt with his head touching the soft floor covering and his perfectly formed dimpled boy butt sticking upward. I was surprised to see that the brown pucker of his darkened little boy rear love hole totally unplugged. I later discovered that his rectal and enhanced prostate stimulator was totally contained within his rectum.
Just as I was about to address the ill performing boy, commanding him to report to one of the torture frames for some appropriate punishment, I was interrupted by one of the teen slaves who oversaw the day to day routines of the slave training facility. He bowed with characteristic agility and deference denoting our respective status and addressed me: "Worthy sir. My I speak?"
The teen himself was stunning with his own trim musculature and typical build of a 15 year old. His blond hair, blue eyes, and total golden tan was well appreciated by many connoisseurs of boy slave flesh even if my own preferences were for much darker and certainly very much younger boy flesh. The young teen, with a trim 110 pounds [50 kg] on a 5½ foot [1.70 m] frame, was remarkable (given that most of the population of Bundus III were most commonly a mixture of several racial mixes) in his deep blue eyes, very light skinned complexion and long blond hair. He wore one of the new dark toned metallic collars, its material and design specially engineered to avoid irritation and chafing, and other strategically placed metallic items including substantial cuffs attached to wrists and ankles along with a complement of heavy rings piercing his nibs and another substantially larger one dangling from his crinkled scrotal sac. The dark tone of the attachments contrasted well with his lightly tanned skin. I only wished that his chastity device had not blocked my view of so much of his beautiful endowment. Though obviously a work slave, no doubt he was also well utilized at night.
I took my attention away from his remarkable body and replied: "Certainly boy. Speak up."
"Worthy sir, I apologize for not anticipating the actions of this boy, slave designate S125b. I myself must acknowledge my own culpability. I have observed that S125b has a habit of propelling himself at new prospective clients for a couple of reasons. One, he wishes to be noticed, hoping to obtain the interest of a prospective young master like yourself, and two, even his expected punishment would be relished as he has been conditioned for sexual masochism. If I may sir, I might suggest that I receive the physical punishment while this boy be merely detained in a room by himself for some period of time without restraint or prospect of being physically handled or tortured for an appropriate period of time. That for him would be a true punishment."
I looked at the now contrite S125b. The number designation used here were the last sequence of their authority slave numbers. It was utilized here since all slaveboys here had been not only been brain pathway modified, but their memories had been 'trimmed' to eliminate any memory which could inhibit their conditioning into becoming successful sand even enthusiastic laves. This included their having no memories of their former names.
I looked down at the small boy and thought I could detect a small whimper from him. I could see that the teen overseer was most likely correct in his observation. But I was also delighted to see that this boy only wanted a master so bad that he had became a bit over enthusiastic. But of course his behavior still had to be corrected.
I addressed the attendant. "Very well boy. Send this cute miscreant to the void room, and when you are finished your immediate duties, report yourself to the punishment bench for 10 stripes of a medium weight tawse."
I could see from the teen's expression that he was definitely not pleased by his prospective punishment – more severe than he had probably anticipated – but the small boy was now unabashedly crying. I almost relented but stopped at the last moment realizing that the young slaveboy would be better served by his punishment. He had to learn that he was property, and that only absolute obedience was to be countenanced.
As he was taken away he looked back wiping a tear from his cheek with his manacled hand. Though he had already been fitted with his permanent wrist and ankle cuffs, there were at this time no linking restraints.
As I made my way through the facility I was quite taken by the beauty and sexual allure of the amazing variety of pure boy pulchritude. Though some of the boys were presently held in some sort of cage or for a couple, a rigid punishment frame, many of them were not only free to circulate throughout the entire complex, but quite a few sported no restraints whatsoever. Of course this new method of conditioning and training slaveboys for their prospective life roles allowed for the intermingling of boys at vastly different stages of physical development and varying modification has been proven quite successful. Along with sporting technological adjuncts such as the genital stimulators, strategically placed neural implants, and mechanical restraints already permanently affixed to their bodies, both physical and behavioral conditioning continued almost relentlessly. But the severe and intensive program of conditioning and training into their slave roles was occasionally interspersed with allowing the boys to be simply boys. It was determined that this free interaction actually added to their motivation as the boys tended to be naturally competitive. And in their lives the only goal is to become the perfect slaveboy.
As I looked about the first several rooms of the complex I noted that many of the boys with varying degrees of physical encumbrances continued well engrossed in their games and little boy pursuits until I came within range where they dutifully greeted me as their training demanded. I smiled as I noted that as engrossed as they seemed to be, they still made sure that any prospective master claimed their immediate attention and dutiful regard. Also, of the dozen or so boys I had so far seen, only three of them sported any restraints at all. I later learned that many of the boys had earned this short period of relative freedom as a reward for good behavior and adhering to their training slaveboy protocols.
As I next entered what was called the enclosure room, with its line of small boy cages along three of its walls, and where most of the boys were kept during their 'down-time,' only three were presently occupied. One line contained the punishment cages, so designed as to permit almost no movement whatsoever of the incarcerated boy. One of these was presently occupied by a boy entirely restrained within a series of metal rings and connecting bars entrapping every portion of his anatomy. For some reason I felt myself drawn to this boy who was looking ahead with such large unblinking but tearful eyes. The small portion of his face which was visible was quite able to show a totally mournful and sorrowful expression. Even with his mouth gag and half-face muzzle hiding much of his face, I thought I could sense a great air of sadness about the small boy, who at first glance, due to his size, seemed not a day over 7 years of age but on accessing the boy's data via wrist com, I ascertained that the boy, chronologically, was much older. What surprised me was the air of abject misery coming from a boy who supposedly had been modified and 'conditioned' to not only accept his slave status but to even thrive in it.
As I approached the cage I could see his eyes track me. Though I knew it was totally unlikely, I thought I could sense a surge of hope flicker through him even if most of his naked body and face were not available to view. As I approached, another slave attendant, this one a totally nullified boy whose body exhibited the physical attributes of a pre-pubertal teen, awaiting any questions I might have.
I turned toward him and inquired: "Boy, this slave here. What can you tell me about him?"
The young teen smiled warmly and spoke with due deference: "Worthy sir, this boy, S112b, has been totally enhanced by both gene splice, brain modification, and device insertions during his stay at the labs of BoyToys, Inc. His chronological age is 13 years and his physical age has been completely fixed to remain at seven. His features as you can see have been made to conform to those of a black oriental mix which has obviously resulted in a beautiful exotic collaboration. As all the boys within this training facility he is a Class Three permanent slave, in training as a combination sex toy and boy companion
I interrupted his memorized recitation since I was already quite familiar with the usual circumstances and attributes of the boys here, but was wondering about the apparent maldisposition of this unfortunate boy.
"Boy, I am wondering about his present situation and punishment?"
The slave attendant bowed in proper deference and immediately answered: "He is currently in punishment for his continued failure to adopt the totality of proper slave protocol. Although the boy's physical changes have been properly accomplished and his sex parts very successfully enhanced, Dr. Mirabilu has arranged for the BoyToy labs to repossess him since it is quite clear that the boy's mental and emotional modifications and preconditioning has not brought about the necessary results. The boy is clearly not functioning as expected of a proper slave even after extensive attempts at training."
I looked at the naked teen and his naked groin and inquired: "And you are so properly conditioned?"
"Oh yes, worthy sir. I am well adapted to my slave existence and am quite content. I can not imagine being anything different."
I had to assume that the teen was speaking the absolute truth but he seemed in fact too passive for my taste. I was wondering, in spite of his apparently nullified state, if he could in fact experience some manner of sexual arousal or orgasm. At this time in my life, I was indeed at long last seeking out a permanent slaveboy but wanted one who could also be rewarded sexually. And who could be a true companion.
I returned my attention to this small dusky complexioned boy whose situation was starting to intrigue me. At just that moment the boy in question could be heard screaming through his severe gag and muzzle though it would probably not have been audible much farther away. In addition, I could see the boy attempting to thrash around in his quite rigid and severe restraints attached to all portions of his entire torso to exclude any possibility of any significant movement.
The teen slave explained: "The boy's punishment regimen has been recently advanced to class three electro torture in an effort to dissuade him from his recalcitrant attitude and lack of submission. However, successful results are doubtful."
I wondered at the teen's total lack of empathy at the boy's severe pain and discomfiture, as I watched the tears flowing down the poor boy's face. By his reactions I could see that his pain and anguish were considerable. I myself never saw the need to use such severe torture on a boy. I always believed that there should be much more humane means of eliciting willful cooperation and obedience.
I touched a control on my wrist com and asked for a non-slave manager to attend us here. One seemingly materialized within moments. After a short conference, I stated that I could possibly be interested in the boy in the chance that his punishment had not yet rendered him incapable of responding to my questions.
The electric current was turned off, and the boy was removed from the punishment cage still whimpering and shaking, unable to stand without help. I could now see that he was certainly of a size of a more typical 7 or 8 year old, but there was still a bit about his head and especially his eyes which could allow one to suspect that he was indeed quite a bit older. I was definitely hoping for the more mature response of a boy with a mental age of 12 or 13 as this was my certain preference in a boy slave. As I mentioned the purpose of my current visit to this establishment – one of the more well respected purveyors of boy sex slaves – was in my now purposeful effort to find a permanent slaveboy.
As soon as the boy was released from his ankle and knee restraints he stumbled over to me and made his best attempt to abase himself in the proscribed manner that all new slaves are taught. I could see that his limbs were still unable to function properly after the extreme torture – extreme for such a small boy – and despite having his arms still manacled behind him he soon dropped into the required position. I was delighted. The boy of course could not speak and made no attempt to do so.
"Stand boy." I commanded.
With great effort the small boy eventually complied with no help from anyone else. But instead of the required downward cast eyes, those of the boy met my own stare unabashedly. And definitely with only the barest flicker of any apparent submission. But instead of being put off by the boy's lack of proper behavior I was further intrigued. I touched a remote control and his muzzle released and I reached out and removed the straps holding it in place along with what I found to be a quite severe mouth gag opening the boy's mouth to its fullest extent. I could see in his resulting posture that he was quite grateful to have the invading thing removed but all he did was to close his mouth and stay silent. Thus, except for his lack of proper slave decorum, he seemed to be actually submitting.
I addressed the cute dark dusky hued small boy. He was amazingly cute with small nose which didn't make its appearance until two widely distended nostrils suddenly spread almost horizontally above his luscious lips. And those black eyes above stared at one with an intensity that could melt one's soul. But in addition to his looks, his expression seemed to have just a small amount of impertinent imp included. I too was wondering about the efficacy of his brain pathway and other gene splice conditioning as I could determine a strong aspect of willfulness still in that staring gaze.
"Boy, what it your slave designation?"
"Master, I am slave S4335 5664 112b. I am a Class Three Permanent Slave, master, specifically modified for man-boy sex."
And instead of his lowering his head in proper protocol of slave submission, he had the impertinence of maintaining eye contact and then broke out into a cute half smile. And just minutes after his release from his severe punishment. I was intrigued.
"Boy, are you not taught to obey proper slave protocol?"
"Yes master."
I smiled. I thought that this boy was playing with me by not explaining himself even though my inquiry had implied such a response.
"And do you not believe that your impertinence right now should receive further punishment boy? Explain yourself."
The boy actually sighed. And then smiled even brighter. "Master, thank you. I've been trying to explain myself for several weeks master. All that protocol stuff is to train us to be the best slaves we can be. But it don't actually do anything. I already AM the best slave I can be. And my impertinence is a matter of interpretation master. I contend that it is spirit. I am only hoping that my future master wants a real boy, master. And not a robot. Master."
I could actually see the sincerity in the boy's expression and demeanor, even if there was also a trace if pride usually not countenanced in sex slaves. I made a rebuttal.
"But boy, you are the slave. It is totally the prerogative of the master to judge if a slave is impertinent. Or behaving properly. Again I need an explanation."
Now he lost his smile and got a very serious look which seemed incongruous on the visage of a boy who looked about 7 years of age. And I was reminded that this boy was indeed 13 years old when subject to modification at the BoyToy labs.
He replied. "Master. I admit that perhaps I am not the perfectly performing and meek slave boy many of those with me here have been conditioned to be. But my will to be a good slave can not possibly be questioned. But I must confess. I have deliberately been resisting what I consider some of the most trivial behavior regimens imposed on the slaveboys here in training. And of course I'm quite willing to accept the consequent punishments. But with all my heart I wish to get a master who can appreciate the fact that I most naturally wish to be a good slave and am not doing so because my personality has been somehow half done away with. Sorry master but I can't seem to explain it better."
I could see a small tear leaking down one of this boy's cheeks. And his answer was nothing that I'd have ever expected from a typically well modified and conditioned slaveboy. But instead of being offended by the boy's obvious assertive streak, I was perplexed by his strange combination of submission and independence.
I decided to first of all put this boy into harness so that I could take him about the complex and get to know and understand him a bit better. And this of course included accessing the boy's Modification and Conditioning Report.
"Boy, you will attend me."
His emotive responses seemed to switch back and forth. He was suddenly smiling again. And in addition to his personality profile I was also interested how he responded on a more basic physical level to his enforced slavery.
I carefully watched the boy's reactions as I attached first a slave body harness, designed to exert a master's control, while also highlighting the boy's sex parts. I continued with a head harness with a bit gag, constrictive but so designed to still allow speech, and finally a tail butt plug, which would give continuous stimulation to the boy's enhanced prostate. His erect dark brown penis had already been permanently fitted with the usual 'exciter bands,' a much better method of controlling a sex slave's level of arousal. In addition, much of the boy's outfit was designed to keep his enhanced sex parts quite aroused. And this particular harness was especially restrictive, forcing body and limbs in deliberately severe restraint just permitting him the ability to walk. His hands and arms were totally immobilized in the small of his back and his legs were severely restricted by the leather hobbling straps attached to his permanent ankle shackles with an additional temporary set just above his knees. And as I was manipulating this boy's body and limbs I was happy to note the boy's extreme positive sexual response in spite of his penile 'exciter bands' being, for the time being, at very minimal level.
This particular harness allowed total access physically and visually to his cute little boy small marble sized testicles together with his cute dark-skinned penis now thrust forward its full 2¾ [7 cm] inches in rigid attention. I could see that he was quite conscious of his arousal whose intensity always surprised the boys when they first experienced it after their enhancements and release from the modification and gene-splice tanks. I was told that for most of these boys, this arousal could be forced to be significantly greater then for any normal teen. But unlike a normal boy who could assuage his sex drive by bringing himself to orgasm by penile stimulation, only a through fucking of this boy's rectum could provide total – if only temporary – relief. The stimulation of his small penis, aside from producing a powerful aphrodisiac, brought a very intense rise toward orgasm but allow no climax nor absolute 'relief' for his arousal which could be allowed at a high level. Thus these special boys were not only physically programmed for man-boy sex, but with a natural physical need to be repeatedly fucked. The perfect sex toy for any man so inclined.
I was so inclined.
Part of the idea of such physical bondage was not just to maintain the total control of thos boy's physical person, but to also elicit just such a sexual and sensual response. After all, I realized that his very slavery had at its root a very sexual aspect. And his being a sex slave was also to be an enjoyable experience not just for the master but just as much so for the slave. (At least as far as I was concerned). It was the entire idea behind the enhancement of his entire sex drive and sex parts. My original assessment so far, was that he not only enjoyed his sexual response, but his entire body language seemed to say very clearly that he liked the entire extreme bondage experience.
Of course all these boys were specifically selected with just this in mind. Their natural predispositions to not just man-boy sex, but to be totally dominated, was both selected for and deliberately enhanced by device augmentation, biological modifications, gene-splice, and brain pathway restructuring. Of course, as was suspected for this boy, his mental conditioning for submissiveness, obedience, and easy training as a sex slave, was thought to have been somehow either incomplete or based upon flawed brain map procedures. I suppose time would soon tell, but I was not totally against the idea of obtaining a boy who could inject his own unique personality into this equation. I was not only looking for a boy who would successfully be trained as an obedient and submissive sex slave, but who could actually thrive in such a role even so far as to attain a significant measure of happiness.
I finally attached a leash to his body harness and led the boy, who was now in extreme sexual arousal, into a courtyard which was open to public perusal. I was interested in seeing just how this boy responded to the very sexual nature of his treatment, and possibly see his reactions and evaluate his determination to obey when he was literally totally exposed to some strangers.
I was happy right off to note that even though he was taking in his surroundings, moving his head as much as his harness would permit, he still maintained enough attention to the person leading him, namely myself, so that he would be aware instantly of any possible need or command from his would be master. This of course was a vital and necessary condition of a boy's slavery. As I changed direction or merely stopped to speak with one of the patrons visiting the establishment, the boy seemed to attend almost with practiced ease. I was impressed.
I eventually called up on my wrist com all this boy's latest MCR (Modification and Conditioning Report).
After reading through much of it, I decided to discuss some of it with the boy himself to help ascertain not only his own understanding of the results of his testing and modifications, but also to gain a better understanding of just what made this particular slave the way he was.
I spoke aloud as I read. "Let's see here boy. It says you are a Class Three Permanent Slave #S4335 5664 112b. That means non-consensual. You were forced into slavery. Yet earlier you stated that you willingly wanted to be a good slave. Explain boy."
"Master. I remember enough. True, I had no choice in the matter. But that does not mean that I was totally opposed to the idea of being a person's personal slave. In fact the idea of having a master seemed to appeal to me to some extent and even excited me. I don't know why, but it's still true."
I read on. "It says here that your name was Toby Adabu, physiological age at time of enslavement, 12.4 years, chronological age, 13.9 years. You understand what that means boy?"
"I think so master. I know I was almost 14 but quite a shrimp for my age."
Close enough I thought. "Also it says here cognitive development equivalent to 15.1 years, Peterson Intelligence Equivalence 132."
"Yes master. Is that higher than yours master?"
"Damn impertinent imp!" I mumbled. I asked in a louder voice: "Boy, you believe that that reply is within the parameters of your slave protocols?"
He had the audacity to smirk. "Master. I will obey and totally submit. And if you wish me never speak about my IE again, I will definitely obey. But I assumed that you wanted to get a good measure of my personality and emotive responses. And yes master, I suspect that I AM impertinent at times. But I promise that in no way will it effect how much I want to be a good slave."
I was touched by the earnestness in the boy's voice.
"Ah boy. It says here emotional age equivalent, 11.9 years!"
"Master," he actually sniggered. "I suspect that just makes me that much cuter as a slave boy."
I laughed. I was starting to like this kid!
"After modification, height 4 feet [1.20 m] nothing and 50 [22½ kg] pounds. Ethnicity per DNA Gumpter equivalence, 23% Negro, 25% Chinese, 50% Thai."
The boy laughed.
"OK boy what's so funny?"
"Master, that must mean that I am only a 98% person."
I laughed too. What it really meant, however, was that 2% was not determinable.
"Boy, it has your acquisition history here. How much of your memory is intact?"
He laughed again. "Master. Is that a serious question?"
I thought a moment and then laughed with him. "I suppose not. I suppose it's hard to remember what you have been made to forget. But I assume that you do have relatively complete memory of your growing years?"
For the first time the boy took on a sad expression.
"Master, I had a thoroughly miserable childhood. I wish more of my memories had been taken from me. I was actually hoping for that."
I decided to read what was here anyway. "Acquisition history: Toby Adabu was acquired through an agent of BoyAbductions, Lmt. of Bundus III from the New Earth Colony of Tringus IV. Subject was born into a fundamentalist religious household and discarded at real age 13.8 when brain scans revealed imperfections not countenanced by their religious dogma. As per their usual procedure subject was being 'returned to their creator for reassignment.' Our agent was easily able to substitute a simulacrum just before child was to be incinerated as per religious custom and from there transferred to Slave Facility VII on Bundus III for evaluation. It was quickly determined that said boy was an optimal candidate for BoyToy modification protocols and thus a highly prized commodity. The boy was then transferred to laboratory 6 under the direction of Dr. Pais Erastes and deemed quite suitable for almost all gene splices available including brain pathway procedures."
I was momentarily shaken. I looked at the boy and could see tears running down his cheeks. We stopped and I looked at a suddenly stricken boy. He gave out a tremulous wail. "Master. Please! I need someone to want me!"
I wanted to tell him that I indeed wanted him, but I resisted. I needed more time to consider. I could see that he wanted to put himself in my arms but he stopped. Now he decided to adhere to his slave protocol.
I changed the subject as I read: "Slavery classification: Subject was legally relegated, as per Indenture, Consensual, and Non-Consensual Slavery Laws of the Aligned Nations of 621 AF, to Class Three status, Non-consensual Permanent, with child care exception."
I was surprised to see the boy actually smile again. I continued: "Modifications: Physical modifications. Facial features were changed to realize a better aesthetic as per Oriental norm and skin tone slightly darkened to a rich dark dusky olive complexion. Body form was slightly modified to conform to slim configuration with optimal pleasant aspect. Musculature typical for age. (See 360holo # 5r6671) . Usual protocols were followed to maintain permanent physical, emotional, and mental age as noted above. Mouth, throat, anus, rectal sphincters received usual upgrade protocols to insure indefinite and superior sexual stimulation for penises up to 8.1 inches [20.5 cm] in length and 2.16 inches [5.5 cm] in diameter. Boy's genitalia modified to produce the latest in aphrodisiac and sexual intensifiers and recovery ability. Genitalia and prostate enhancement to enable boy to enjoy significant sexual stimulation, arousal, and orgasm. Mouth retained teeth (reconditioned to resist decay and deformation) and no other procedures were performed."
The boy was smiling.
"Comment boy?"
"Master. Wow. I never understood before how sex could feel so great. I'm one lucky slaveboy."
I continued. "Mental, memory, and brain pathway modifications. Subject was reconditioned using latest in precise brain pathway and memory reconfigurations. Sexual orientation: With only a 6.2 % increase, male-male sexual and emotive response: 99.34%. Age response: Primary affective response to adult male of average physique optimized for age 30-55."
"Master, that means I think you are really sexy!"
I continued reading aloud: "Submissive sexual response: 4.5 on Henchler scale. (See appendix 3A for particulars). Thus this boy, although capable of being persuaded to respond on his own initiative, is almost totally passive in sexual response. In addition, Acmine's reactive parameter response denotes this boy has exceptionally positive responses to commands and more especially to extremes of forced acceptance. Reacts very well to moderate to extreme bondage and physical constraints even over periods of time in excess of 12 hours. Granger's response parameters suggest this boy will respond most positively to light to only moderate physical tactile pain for discipline purposes and will be most effective if done in conjunction within a sexual context. Masochistic predisposition is very low."
I stopped at the far back of the grounds next to a small waterfall. I looked at the boy and asked if he understood any of that.
"Master, I know that I only want to have sex with a man. And I find you quite attractive. And I like it a whole lot when things are done to me. And I really like being tied up and put into restraints. Makes me feel quite sexy. But all those scale numbers I have not a clue."
I was not very familiar with all that technical jargon myself.
"Well part of it says what you stated yourself. Being a slave is a real sex turn on for you."
"Master, I keep trying to tell people that."
"OK boy, I believe you. Let's see here. Emotive Response: Subject will best thrive in a monogamous environment with positive feedback responses. Subject is typical in this regard, and will positively respond to extreme command and control structure. Subject has been conditioned to respond very positively in a very strict master-slave protocol. Caution: With emotive and cognitive conditioning to slave mind set (Conditioning at level 6.9 on Craig Scale with maximum of 7.0), subject would in fact experience severe negative response unless subjugation under a complete master-slave regimen is strictly maintained."
I was impressed. A 6.9 was rarely achieved even with brain pathway modification. Damn, the boy was telling the truth.
I continued: "Special Characteristics: Maximization of slave response was achieved at a 19% memory erasure, and personality complex was reintegrated with only a necessary 13% brain pathway restructuring. This is significant and places this boy in top 3 percentile of being a natural slave. This boy exhibits almost full range of typical boy and age related responses, has a typically and naturally sunny and happy disposition and should bring its owner more than merely sexual satisfaction. This boy will be a delight both in your bed and in your life. Caution: This boy's emotive response will deteriorate without at least a continual moderate acculturation in normal day to day master-slave relationship. With proper care and attention this boy will respond with extreme loyalty and affection even under the most strict slave regimen."
The boy was now crying again. I was struck. Now what?
"Boy what is the problem?"
"See! I told everyone I was a good slave. But they keep saying I need to be sent back and redone!"
I finally grabbed the boy into my arms. "Look boy. You will make some master a very good slave. And you definitely will not be redone as you say."
The boy took me into a near death grip. And he whispered through his tears. "Please master. Please make me your slave. I promise to be a good slave."
I led the boy, once I commended him to let go of me, back to the compound. I eventually read the last of the boy's MCR.
"Conditions: Due to nature of predispositions and post conditioning, this boy will thrive best with an owner who is willing to give his sole attention to this one slave. This slave will respond positively to moderate physical punishment under strict behavior expectation standards. (Caution: This slave's emotive aspect would deteriorate dramatically under anything more than mild sexual torture). Sale price: 40,000 DHU (non-negotiable)."
Wow. One expensive boy. But with the possibility of being 'sent back' looming over his head I wondered just how negotiable 'non-negotiable' must just be.
I walked out of the compound, after having placed 'surety payment' against anything happening to the boy with his owners, and took him down into the more populated section of the city. In spite of slave boys being relatively common in this particular quite liberal section of Calais, the boy still drew some stares. He definitely was quite cute. And damned inquisitive. He had to look at everything and kept looking at me seemingly to egg me on to allow his to ask questions. After a lengthy period, if for no other reason than to make sure he knew he was the slave, I finally gave him permission to ask questions. I even took off his gag bit so that I didn't have to keep straining to understand him. His curiosity was unquenchable, at least about his surroundings and other things of interest. But I was happy to see that he was holding to proper slave protocol in not asking any personal information from his prospective master. After sitting on a bench looking out at the ocean – with the slave kneeling at my side of course – we spoke about more important things such as his expectations and hopes as a slave.
"Master, of course I wish to adhere to your own hopes and expectations of myself. And I actually think that I can be happy with a wide range of outcomes."
He started to continue but suddenly stopped. He looked up at me with some kind of mute appeal. I was a bit intrigued.
"Ok boy, say what is on your mind. Forget about protocols."
He wanly smiled and replied: "Master, ah
3;ah do you think I could also learn things?" He rushed to justify this seeming imposition of his presumptive master: "Of course only if it pleases you, but I get so excited about everything."
As we began our retreat back to the MacMasters' Boy Emporium, I was now almost as quiet as the boy who was again sporting bit gag and partial muzzle. I was trying to do my own evaluation of expectations and hopes. I seriously was thinking about buying this boy. But of course I have learned never make any major purchase with haste. And 400,000 BHU was definitely major. I would have to dip significantly into my trust fund. I was certainly glad that I HAD a trust fund.
I eventually sat the boy down on a small bench just outside the Institute assembly room and talked about the possibility of my purchasing him. He quickly got right to the very basic idea of just why I should buy him.
"Please master. No one seems to understand. I don't just want to be a slave boy because I find it sexy feeling. Or because it makes me feel good. Or even now with all my sex parts giving me such great feelings and intense 'gasms. That's all great. And I really like being changed like this. What I can't seem to make people understand is I wanted to belong to someone before all this was done to me."
"Well, of course boy, that was why you and the others were picked. Because you were predisposed to be submissive and enjoy being used for man-boy sex. And being a good slave."
"Master, I feel I was different. I don't understand it very well but somehow I also liked the idea of being a slave so I could please my master. Sure I wanted some master to appreciate me and cherish me, and have me for sex and all that stuff. I can't say it right. I so very much need a master to so want me, but that's not all of it. I don't just like the feelings this gives me but I also like the very idea of making my master happy. Can you understand? Sir."
I thought I was just starting to. And I decided to forget about his apparent lack of any so-called trained submissive behaviors, or his impetuous personality. This boy was a true slave deep inside him. The mental conditionings had not gone awry. They were almost totally unneeded. The programs not just strengthen a boy's natural mental and emotional dispositions for slavery, but also eliminate anything which might militate against full acceptance of his slavery. But it would seem in this boy's case, there was nothing much to either eliminate or change. But his current 'conditioning' is now possibly unique due to his own strange inherent desires and needs. I could also note in him a real and intense need for not just a master, but for a master who would care for him. Perhaps this was the genesis of his submissive and slave oriented disposition. It didn't matter. I had already decided I wanted this boy exactly the way he was. And apparently he also could read me. He smiled. Well, he tried to smile considering the bit gag.
"Boy, how about all these things?" I pointed to his gag and harness.
"I love it all. And master, you can even torture me. I don't care. Just please make me your slave boy. I'll do anything you want. I want to please you."
"Almost no boy likes torture. I don't care how good a conditioning you got. Masochism is mostly a learned response."
The boy looked up puzzled.
I explained: "Liking pain or using pain to be sexually aroused is learned. I have very rarely seen a small boy who actually liked being tortured."
"Master. I hate all that pain stuff. I really hurts! Specially that real bad pain I got today and yesterday. But it don't matter. You can hurt me all you want. I just want to please you."
I certainly did enjoy using minimal discipline and even pain on boys as a preliminary to sex. But I never did it gratuitously, and definitely the idea was to get a sexual response from both man and boy. (Well that was MY desire). The idea of it was to elicit his response, and a minimum of pain was just as good as a lot of pain as far as I was concerned. Although I must admit I liked to draw out some of these preliminary sessions for even hours at a time. There is just something in a little boy's scream which was so stimulating. But I never wanted to be cruel for the sake of cruelty.
"Boy, let's see about buying you right now."
(Yes, I know, beware of impulsive buying).
I removed his bit gag. I wanted to see his full smile. He dropped to his knees and started crying. "Thank you, master. Thank you. You won't be disappointed. I will be the very best slaveboy on the planet."
I was pretty sure he would make a good attempt at it, at least according to his own understanding. I was certainly glad that modern bioengineering, gene splicing, and technology, could create such a boy. And especially a boy who would never physically or emotionally mature. He was perfect as he was.
An hour later I was 378,000 BHU poorer (yes it was negotiable) but one slaveboy richer.
Now how to explain the purchase of a slave boy to my ultra conservative parents who barely were able to 'just not mention things' when I'd occasionally rent a boy for a night now and then. Well I'll worry about that later. And thanks Grande Mama for that trust fund.
Three hours later, as the money transfer was confirmed, and their doctor made the last minute determination of the boy's complete health, I owned one Toby Adabu, Class Three Non-consensual Slave. Of course there also was the exorbitant Slave Acquisition Tax. The boy smiled as I finally fit him into the proffered SafeSecure Boy Transport Cage for his ride home.