Darkfire KnightGabriel's Nightmare |
SummaryTen-year old Gabriel and his brother and sister are sold (or rented for two months) by their mother to a group of perverts. Gabriel is trained to be a pet boy and sex slave.Nederlandse vertaling: Gabriëls nachtmerrie .
Publ. 2002 (ANCGS, chapters 1-6); this site Jul 2007; chapter 7-... Nov 2008-...
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CharactersGabriel (10yo), Clint his master, and several boy-slaves (8-14yo), among them Randy (13yo)Category & Story codesBoy-Slave story/nowMb – Mdom Fdom anal oral – bd electr scat tort toys ws (Explanation) |
DisclaimerThis story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.The theme explored in this story is FANTASY. Just as one can enjoy violent videogames or movies without committing or condoning violence in real life, a person can enjoy violent fantasies of abuse without promoting abuse in real life.
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Author's noteThis story contains scenes of sexual activities between an adult and a child of a violent nature. If you are offended by this you should not read any further. Furthermore, this is intended for adult enjoyment. Children should not be reading this. If your child has gotten this far and you are a parent that finds yourself appalled, than do what you should be doing, taking care of your child and not letting a computer baby-sit for you. If you are below the legal age, you should leave now. I do not want to be the blame if you find your young mind corrupted by this story. For those out there who think this should be acted on instead of enjoyed, leave. I do not, and will not, condone this type of activity in real life. For the rest of you, please read on 3;Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author using this feedback form with Darkfire Knight - Gabriel's Nightmare in the subject line. |
Chapter 1Gabriel listened to the school bell ring with a cringe. Summer vacation was here. With downcast eyes he stood and exited his 4th grade classroom. The teacher didn't even notice the dark haired, green eyed boy's reaction as she busily started grabbing her things.By the time Gabriel reached the playground most of the other kids were already racing for the fence eager to start a summer of carefree fun. He glanced back to the main building and took a deep breath. There would be no more guaranteed lunch meals from within those walls for three months. This also meant there would be no guaranteed meals period for three months. Clutching his report card in hand, he glanced around again finally spotting his younger brother and sister. The twins didn't look any happier then he did. Oh well, maybe mom wouldn't be home for a few more days. He would run down to the donut house about midnight and grab all the pastries they threw out every night. It would at least provide some food. "Come on Sara." He shouted after a few minutes, "I don't want you getting all dirty." Gabriel's younger sister stopped digging in the bush for the small cat she knew lived there and came over. "Why?" "Cause we don't know if dad paid to have the water heater fixed yet. You want to take a cold bath?" The 2nd grade girl looked up to her older brother and shook her head. "Dad always comes through!" Michael stated coming to his sister's defense. "Yea, but only if he knows about it. Mom may not have told him yet." Gabriel replied. "We just better be happy he pays all the bills or mom would spend it all on drugs." "She would not!" Sara responded with an angry push. "Yes she would." Michael shifted his feet uneasily, "And you know it!" "Enough!" Gabriel growled as he grabbed the hands of his younger siblings. "Let's get home 'fore someone hears and we get put back into foster care." The threat caused Michael and Sara to quiet down instantly. Neither of the twins wanted anything to do with that nasty lady who locked them in the basement every night. All she had wanted was the money she got from the state. Gabriel hated her for feeding them oatmeal for dinner every night and locking them up in the dark basement. He had to make sure they all got baths and did their homework. If he didn't, she told him she would tell the social worker he was stealing things. He knew that would mean he would get sent to a shelter and the twins would be split up. He had promised his dad he would take care of his bother and sister, so he went along. As he walked keeping a hold of the hands of his siblings, Gabriel thought back to what had become an every worsening nightmare. A year ago mom had found pleasure at the end of a heroin needle. Things started disappearing as she pawned more and more things to get a new load of junk for the needle. Dad finally had enough, and slapped her one night. She called the police and he was arrested. The police then took the all three of them and put them into foster care while they checked to see if dad hit them too. Every day they had to go see a person who kept on asking questions about dad and mom. None of them said anything about the drugs, afraid to get mom in trouble. Finally they were returned home, only to find dad had a court order to not live at home or even contact them. He broke the restraining order once, but got thrown back in jail for a week because of it. Now he only paid all the bills, made sure the house stayed working right, and paid to have the lawn kept up. The money he sent for food went to mom, which meant it went for drugs. Dad, of course knew this, so he sent groceries once a week too, but mom often times fed her drug providers with it and let her kids go hungry. She also went through binges of eating and throwing up. When all was said and done, Gabriel usually managed to get three days of food per week. The rest was the lunches dad paid for at school and him sneaking behind fast food places to grad food thrown away after busy times, and the always-reliable Donut House. He tried to contact his dad a few times, but with no luck. He was just old enough to understand his dad was not made of money and was spending almost everything he made trying to take care of them. This meant sacrificing some of the things most took for grated, like a phone. With out a phone, Gabriel didn't know of any way to find were his dad lived, so he was stuck. Summer, which only a year ago he dreamed of, now seemed like a 3-month sentence of being the only adult in the house. A house, he thought to himself, not a home like most kids have. As the trio of children rounded the corner of their street, Gabriel's stomach twitched. One of his mom's 'contacts' sat on the porch smoking a cigarette. "So much for mom staying gone." He said aloud. Michael looked up, "That's Toby." The 8-year-old's voice shook, "He's mean!" "I know Mikey." Gabriel sighed, "But you know he'll only be madder if we don't go home right now. Remember that black eye he gave me and him locking you and Sara in the closet?" "Yea." The boy whispered. "We could hide till he leaves." "Where? He could be here for days Mikey." "I know." Michael held back a sob. "He hates us though." "Come on." Gabriel ordered while pulling at the hands of the twins. "Let get this over with. He'll get tired of us and leave sooner or later." "Sooner I hope." Sara gulped as they made their way up the front lawn. Toby stood upon seeing the children. The look on his face told all three children he was indeed in a normal foul mood. "Get yer butts in the house. We've been waitin' fer ya!" Gabriel knew by the sound of the man's voice he best better do exactly as they were told. Looking over the hill at the driveway, he noticed 8 other cars plus Toby's. Never before had he seen his driveway so full. His mom was going to have another party. Only this time all the other cars looked really nice instead of the junkers her drug friends drove. It really didn't matter. Toby would beat the snot out of all of them if they didn't get inside. Gabriel entered and climbed the steps to the living room. He saw his mom first. She was dressed in a nice dress for the first time in, well he couldn't even remember when. Her eyes told him she was really out of it. Several men lounged around in business suits while a pair of ladies wearing skimpy outfits served drinks. The room went silent as he entered the room. Gabriel didn't like the looks of this at all, but he noticed Toby and one of his goons had shut the door and were standing guard. Another pair of Toby's drug dealing partners stepped out of the kitchen blocking the back door. They were trapped. One of the older men smiled showing perfect teeth. "This must be Gabriel, Michael, and Sara! Come on in children. We have been interested in seeing you all." Gabriel clutched the hands of the twins harder. "What is going on?" His voice betrayed his fear. "Oh, your mom has invited us here for an auction of sorts." "Auction? What is being sold now?" The man looked over the group of men, "More like rented, Gabriel." "Rented?" Gabriel looked even more confused. He looked around wonder what was going on and how it involved them. His 10-year-old mind just didn't want to put the pieces in place. "Yes." Turning away from the children, he looked over the other 7 men. "Who wants to put in the first bid? Remember minimum bid is 1500." The smallest of the men in suits spoke first. "1500 for the girl." Gabriel felt his eyes go wide. "You can't buy my sister!" The spokesman turned to Toby. "They need to be restrained. Do not hurt them." Instantly all three of Toby's men rushed forward. Each took one of the children. Gabriel saw Michael fighting, "Don't Mikey! They may change their minds!" As Michael stopped struggling, the older man turned to Gabriel with a smile, "Well done my boy. You are very intelligent. I will bid 4500 for Gabriel." The oldest man chuckled, "Ouch. I'll go 5000." "6500." The spokesman replied with a twinkling in his eyes. Another man shook his head; "I'm not going that high for a boy. I'll bid 2500 for the girl though." "3000." Yet another man spoke. Gabriel couldn't believe what he was hearing. These men were biding for himself and his brother and sister. The prices continued to go up. His little brother was the first to 'sell'. The last bid was 15500. His sister's price continued to spiral upwards. But finally ended when the small guy who had started the biding raised the stakes by adding 2000 to the last bid of 17000. At that point three men left shaking their heads, but talking about how much fun it had been. The man who seemed to lead the others was clearly dead set on getting him, Gabriel realized after a few minutes. It soon became equally apparent to the others as well. One by one they fell silent. At 21750, all the bidding stopped. With a smile he looked around. "Very well. It looks like we have all given our final bids. This is the last chance for a higher bid gentlemen." The only man remaining without a winning bid took a deep breath. "No I think I will have to pass. Lucky for your pocket book Gabriel is not blond though. My son prefers blonds." "Maybe our next auction will be more to your liking. Toby what else do you have for us?" "I think I can get Mr. Miller to agree to one of these for his children after his boys finish with soccer. They only have two weeks of games left." Toby answered with a nasty grin. "Nothing sooner?" The spokesman asked with a scowl. "Don't you worry none. I've got four or five others I can get set up over the next few days. Just remember to split and forward the money." "It will be in the bank accounts we agreed to by close of business." The spokesman turned to the other two winning bidders. "Make your deposits to my account. I will have one of my women transfer funds." One of the skimpily clad women opened a briefcase computer and started typing. While the other one went outside with the last of the low bidders. Gabriel made one attempt to pull free, but Toby's man only clutched harder causing a tingling of pain. He looked back at the men with a sick feeling in the pit of his stomach. There was no way to escape. "The money is transferred, sir." The woman with the computer stated. "All three accounts have an equal split. "Very good. Who wants to take their property first?" The small man stood, "I'll take her as is. Just put her in the car." Sara started screaming as the big brute grabbed her arms and pushed her toward the front door. Desperately she tried to reach Gabriel, but never stood a chance. Finally she screamed out, "I need bunny! I need bunny!" Gabriel knew he couldn't do much, but he could at least try to persuade the ugly man with the hooknose to take Sara's favorite stuffed animal. "Sir please let her get her stuffed animals!" The man's face took on a nasty smirk; "She won't need it." Gabriel, desperately turned to the man who had bid for him, "I will do whatever you want sir, please!" "Hold up." The spokesman stated as he looked back to the man holding Gabriel. "Let him go for a second." "You sure?" "Yes." The man released Gabriel with a shove tossing the ten-year-old boy to the floor. The spokesman smiled as Gabriel stayed on the floor glaring at the brute. "Boy come here and stand next to me." A new round of fear clutched at his chest, but Sara's sobs overpowered his fear. He stood and walked up to the man. He looked at the floor as Michael gazed at him in total disbelief. "Let the girl take her stuffed toys." The man stated as he pulled Gabriel closer to himself. "She won't need em. She'll have other things to sleep with." The hooked nosed man stated in disgust. "She will have some time alone. Both you and your wife work. Humor me." The man looked down at the balling girl. "If I let you take some of your stuffed animals will you shut up?" Sara looked over to Gabriel with tear streaked cheeks. Her eyes begged for him to come save her yet also showed love for what he had just done. Gabriel had a hard time holding back tears of his own as he nodded, "Get Bunny and don't yell any more Sara." Clearly aggravated by the whole mess, the hook nosed man pushed Sara down the hall, "Show me your room so we can leave!" Two minutes latter Sara left quietly holding a large pink stuffed rabbit and tree smaller animals. Trembling Gabriel looked up at the man who now had a hand pushed down the neck hole of his tee shirt and was caressing his chest. "Thank you." "You are very well behaved and polite Gabriel. But from now on you end every spoken statement to me with sir. Do you understand?" "Yes sir." "Excellent." The man guided Gabriel back to a chair and sat the boy on his lap. As he did so he turned to the man who had bid for Michael. "You take care of your business. I know you do not need or want Toby's men around." The spokesman looked back to Gabriel, "What does your brother get to take along?" Gabriel looked at his brother and the man who had bid for him; "Could you let him take his ferret and let him feed it every day?" The man grinned one of the evilest looking smiles Gabriel could ever remember seeing as he nodded and grabbed his little brother. Michael let out a yelp of pain as his arms were pulled behind him. The man then reached over and grabbed a paper sack with markings which read The Adult Pleasure Pit. Gabriel started to jump up only feel the man pull him down. "Sit and remain quiet. He heard whispered into his ear, "or else I will have Sara watch as her toys get ripped apart limb from limb." Gabriel finally broke down and cried, "Can't I at least talk to Mikey sir?' "No. You promised to do as your were told. Are you going back on your word?" Gabriel shook his head and forced himself not to cry out loud even as tears streamed down his face. He knew the man could make a call and Sara's bunny would be ripped apart in front of her. Or even worse that Flash would be killed in front of his brother. The little ferret was Mikey's best friend. If he caused anything to happen to the frisky little beast he would never forgive himself. "I asked you a question Gabriel." The man stated harshly, "I expect an answer." "No." Gabriel managed to force out through trembling lips. "No, what?" The man clamped down on Gabriel's index finger and started to bend it back. "No, sir." He managed to gasp out, "I keep my word, sir" Pressure let up instantly as the man released the boy's hand, "Good. Than Sara will keep her toys and Michael will be given a few minutes a day to care for his pet. Now no more talking without permission." Gabriel felt totally helpless as Toby and his men left together joking and laughing about what they were going to do with their cut of the money. He wanted to kill his mom as she left with them without ever saying a word or even looking back. Off in the distance he heard the man who had taken Michael demand to know where the girl's room was. "I won't put that on!" Michael yelled after a few minutes. Then the sounds of a beating echoed in the empty house. Michael screamed over and over then finally started pleading for the beating to end. Still it didn't stop. Gabriel looked up at the man holding him in his lap with pleading eyes, but got no reaction. Slowly he realized the man's hand was moving up his thigh into the leg hole of his shorts. He squirmed for a second, but the man's had gripped his leg with such force he cried out. Chewing on his lip to fight of the sudden pain he forced himself to stop moving. Michael's pleas continued well after the sounds of the slaps stopped. The adult voice from down the hall was too muffled to hear, but Michael's higher pitched voice carried better. "No please! 3; That hurts! 3; Daddy! 3; Gabe! 3; PLEEEAAASSSEEEE STOOOP!" More cries of pain followed then they slowed to sobs. Gabriel was in his own private hell by this time. The man holding him had pushed his hand all the way into the leg of his undershorts and was lightly pinching and pulling at his balls. The other hand was playing with his tiny nipples and they were pinched more painfully. Making matters even worse the guy kept biting at his neck and ears. Every time he tried to move his head away the next bite came even harder. Suddenly a door down the hall opened. The man holding Gabriel stopped what he was doing and placed his hands over the boy's crotch. "Watch boy. This will be the last time you see your brother for a full two months." Michael walked down into the living room with an odd tight-legged strut. Choking sobs came out of a strange looking gag which was held in place by a large rubber band. Its external side looked like a pair of lips so it was hard to see except for the band going behind his ears and disappearing in his long brown hair. He wore a white dress, girl dress shoes, pink frilly socks, and had clip on earrings hanging off both ears. The backs of his legs were red enough to match the empty coke can lying on its side next to the 8-year-old. His hands were tied in front of him tightly enough to where his fingers were slightly red and puffy. "Looks like he got a fast lesson." The man holding Gabriel joked lightly. "Yes she did." The other man grinned while slapping Michael in the rear causing the boy to arch his back in pain. "Do you need a butt plug for that one?" "No, but thanks. Gabriel and I are going to stay here for a few days before I take him to my studio. What about you?" "Michelle needs to learn to be a good little slut before I turn her over to my boys. I don't want my teenager getting bit or anything." "Oh, how true. Your oldest just turned 13, right?" "Turns 13 next week. He's no longer daddy's little boy. And my next in line won't be 8 for 2 years. Any chance of buying this one outright?" "No, but maybe one of the other auctions will have better terms. I'm surprised you wanted him considering we only get them for a couple months." "Randy wanted a birthday present he could have some fun with, and most of the fun for me will be gone by the time his birthday hits anyway. This one sure has a tight little ass though. I had to really push to get the smallest plug up in there." "Sounded like he was a real fighter too." "Yea, all the more fun for me! Hell my hand is still stinging from smacking that cute little butt and legs. She never stopped kicking either." "I'm glad you enjoy your rental. Hope you turn up for the next one." "I'll be there!" The man yanked Michael by the hair, "Come on Michelle. Walk like a good little girl out to the car or I'll drag you back in there and start from scratch." Gabriel watched in hopeless horror as his brother was forced to walk out side dressed like a girl. Michael never stood a chance. The neighbors would only see a little girl getting into a car. He couldn't scream with the weird gag and the man kept a handful of hair clutched discreetly behind his head. The tied hands were hidden by his sister's school backpack he was being forced to carry. It was full of his sister's prettiest clothing. The man swung Flash's cage from side to side showing no concern for the little creature inside. Gabriel sat still as a powerful car's engine started, then sped away. He was now completely alone in his house with the stranger who had been the spokesman for the group. "Now my young pet, the house is ours." The man stood putting Gabriel on his feet. He walked over to a briefcase partially hidden under the old couch. "Go to the bathroom and relieve any piss you may have in you. Then show me to your room." Gabriel briefly thought about making a run for the door, he could easily make it, but then his brother and sister could be anywhere. If he managed to get to the police, his brother and sister would surely be worse off than they already were. The boy who had been forced into being the man of the family slumped his shoulder as he realized the only way he could protect his brother and sister as he promised his father, would be to do what this man wanted. Gabriel walked back to his room and opened the door. The sight of his brother's bed caused him to further second-guess himself. If he had done what Michael had suggested his brother wouldn't have been brutally beaten and abused. He turned around only to find the man standing behind him. "May I talk now sir." "No." The man put down the case and opened it. He pulled out a collar with a strange box on one side, "Come here my pet. Kneel down in front of me here." Gabriel cringed at the man calling him a pet but did as he was told. He looked up as the man adjusted the collar and snapped it shut. It was just tight enough to be slightly uncomfortable, like a button up shirt that is half a size too small. It seemed kind of hard to take a deep breath. "The collar you're wearing is a training tool. You will wear it until I decide you are ready to go without it. This is what it does." Quickly the man pushed on something inside the briefcase. Pain tore into Gabriel's throat and neck. He desperately pulled at the collar which only made breathing harder. More electrical shock caused him to start choking. As quickly as the pain started it stopped. Gasping for air the boy rolled around on the ground and cried. The man waited for the boy to recover. "Now get back over here and kneel in front of me again." This time Gabriel scrambled to obey. His throat still burned with the taste of bile form a stomach that tried to purge itself. He tried to cough, but that didn't seem to want work either. He looked up at the man with panicked eyes. "That was a very low setting Gabriel. And if you are good you will never have to feel it again. I am not like Benjamin. You will not receive a single beating form me. Your punishments will be from the collar or something even worse after I take the collar off. Now I am going to list off all the rules you must obey. They are simple and strait forward. Are you ready to listen?" Gabriel tried to talk but only a squeak came out. He swallowed a few times then tried again; "Yes sir." "OK let me start at the very top. I will never repeat myself. If you do not understand something you must ask for a clarification. In order to ask you must repeat back what I said as best as you can. That tells me you were listening to begin with. Is this rule clear?" "What if I do not hear you sir?" "Than you get punished. Any more questions?" "No sir." Gabriel whimpered lightly. "Next you already know I expect every statement to me to end with sir, so I will not go any further with that. As you can guess, being the smart boy I already know you are, If I tell you to do something than you do it. If I get to the count of three and you are not getting started I simply punish you. I will not back off just because you start to hustle after I am already reaching for the button either. By that time it is too late." The man ruffled Gabriel's black hair before continuing, "This is very important. So pay close attention." The man lifted his arms and moved them around. "Do you see my reach?" Gabriel frowned, "I guess sir." "Look carefully, for your sake this is no time to guess. Unless I give you permission to do something outside of this reach, you will be within it. No matter what I am doing, I better be able to touch you without taking a step." Gabriel looked stunned, "What about bathroom stuff?" The man reached over and pressed something inside the case. Gabriel dropped to the ground and thrashed about as a new wave of shocks ripped into him. Once Gabriel calmed, the man shook his head, "What did you do wrong my pet." In a high whining voice Gabriel squeaked out, "I don't know." "Um, maybe I gave you too much credit, you just forgot again. What was the first rule you were told?" "Sir!" Gabriel sobbed, "Always call you sir." "Correct. Which you failed to do again." Once more his hand slipped inside the case and again the boy fell kicking and rolling as he pulled helplessly on the collar. Desperation guided Gabriel as he crawled over to the man. He had to stay within the man's reach, he had to say sir, he had to obey, and he had to listen. The rules the man had spoken spun through his mind over and over. At the moment he would do anything to avoid another shock. "Are you ready to hear the final few rules my child pet?" "Yes sir." "Very well. You will not speak unless spoken to unless you first ask for permission. This will be done by saying: Request permission to speak. Now how do you ask to speak?" "Request permission to speak sir." Gabriel felt his whole body shaking form the shocks as he forced his voice box to work. "Excellent. Any other words will get you punished. If I say no, you are to remain silent for at least 30 minutes before you can ask again. I will time you to make sure." The man pulled up Gabriel's shirt to wipe some of the snot off the boy's face. "Do you have a long tee shirt?" "No sir." Gabriel didn't like the look he saw so he quickly added, "but dad still has some of his stuff here sir." "Ahh, your intelligence is stating to show again. Very good. Bring three or four of you dad's tee shirts here." Gabriel looked up than figured he better ask a question. "Request permission to speak sir." "Granted." "I have a question about your rules sir." "Then you best ask now." "If you tell me to get something do I have ask to leave so I don't get punished, sir?" "No. You must do as you are told, then as quickly as possible get back within my reach." The man smiled, "let me put the rules in some sort of order for you. First always end every spoken statement with sir. I will not repeat myself. Do what you are told. Stay with in my reach. Do not speak without prompting unless you are asking permission to do so. Is all that now clear?" "Yes sir." "Then get the shirts and come back here." Gabriel stood and wobbled for a moment as he started to see stars around the corners of his eyes. The man steadied him for a moment before his head cleared and he went to his mom's room. He knew dad had some clothing still in the old dresser so he pulled open all the drawers until he found a stack of old V neck white tee shirts. Quickly he grabbed four and brought them back to the man. "Hold one up to yourself boy." The man commanded. Gabriel put one up to his shoulders and it hung almost to his knees. Tears threatened to spill as he wished the man who owned these were here right now. "Perfect. Now for the last rule. At least for now. The only clothing you are allowed unless I say otherwise is one of those shirts." Gabriel looked at the man with an open mouth, but recovered as he saw the words come to the man's lips. "One 3; Two 3;" Gabriel quickly yanked off his shirt and kicked off his shoes. The man's hand hovered over the briefcase as he hesitated in pulling down his shorts. This caused all modesty to leave. Without further prompting he pulled off his shorts and underwear. He started to reach for the shirt, but was stopped by the man pointing to his feet. Gabriel no longer cared about being naked. He pulled off the socks then grabbed one of the shirts. The huge neck hole nearly dropped over his slender shoulders so he had to pull it back up. "Much better. Put your clothing away. Than come and kneel in front of me again my pet." Gabriel knelt again. Looking up he saw the man looking around his room ignoring him. A million questions seemed to go through his mind. Why was this man doing this? What was happening to Sara and Mikey? When would all this be over? And most of importantly, How had mom gotten so wrapped up into drugs to where she would allow her children to be auctioned off? As he continued to ask himself questions he noticed the man unsnapping and unzipping his pants. With extreme fear, Gabriel started to slide back on the dirty carpet shaking his head as he went. He looked over at the briefcase and stopped. Trying to get away would be stupid and he knew it. A simple push of some button would drop him to the floor. Nothing he could do would prevent what the man wanted. "Gabriel, you were thinking of running weren't you?" The man asked without any real voice inflection. "Yes, sir." Gabriel trembled expecting the searing pain to explode into his neck again. When nothing happened he opened his eyes. His gaze centered on the man's dark brown eyes which seemed to hold a certain amount of compassion intermixed with hardness that was in and of itself impenetrable. "You have broken none of my rules. There is no reason to fear punishment." He motioned for Gabriel to stand. "What I am sure you already guessed is that you are going to get well acquainted with this." He stroked his stiffening cock. The man pulled Gabriel closer, "Touch it." Gabriel reached forward, barely making contact. He pulled back looking at the hairy mound surrounding it. "No more of that. Rub it with your whole hand until I tell you to stop." Gabriel let out a whimper as he again reached out. This time the man took his hand and placed it on his cock. Gabriel let the man guide his hand up and down over the now rock hard tool. Finally he gave up closing his eyes and looked at it. It wasn't very long, only about 5½ inches. But what it didn't have in length, it made up for in width. The boy's thumb couldn't touch a single finger as his hand was moved up and down the shaft. The man moved faster as a few clear drops appeared at the tip. Seconds latter a stream of sticky white liquid shot out in four blasts coating Gabriel's hand. The man stopped moving the boy's hand but still held on. After a second of recovery, he pushed the hand toward Gabriel's mouth, "Lick it clean." Gabriel looked at the man with pleading eyes, but could see he wasn't going to get anywhere with that. Seeing lips move to a silent "one 3;" caused him to force his tongue out and lap at the nasty smelling goo. His stomach heaved, but he knew what would happen if he didn't do exactly what he was told. "Get used to the taste, my pet. You will be getting much more of that over the next 61 days." Tears dripped down Gabriel's cheeks as he finished cleaning his fingers. He had bathed his brother and sister before, but other than that had never seen anyone's private parts before. He had no idea what he had just been forced to eat, but it came out of the place people peed out of. That thought alone made him physically ill. Hearing he would have to get used to the taste made it much much worse. "I hear you know how to cook. Is this true?" Gabriel almost missed the question and panicked a little. Biting at his fingernails, he quickly recovered, "I can cook some stuff sir." "What is your favorite food?" "I like to brown hamburger, them mix it with macaroni and cheese. I also like to ad real cheese with it sir." Talking about something like this his nerves calmed considerably. "I can live with that. Go cook and come up here and get me when it is finished." "I don't think there is any food in the house sir." "There is. I made sure we are well stocked." The man watched as his purchase turned to leave, "Gabriel?" Gabriel turned and spun, "Sir?" "You need to think about something." "What sir." "You must have already guessed you have been paid for by me to be a sexual slave, right?" Gabriel took a deep breath and shrugged, "I really don't know exactly what that means, but I kinda guessed that when you started touching me." He paused then quickly added, "sir." "What it means is your existence for the next 61 days revolves around keeping me happy. What you need to think over is this," The man paused for effect, "Do you do so willingly or do you resist, get punished, and end up obeying anyway? Because as you already know, I am not going to let you slide on a single point of the rules I set down. Now remain silent and fix us dinner. By the way, if you are thinking about running, you better rethink your ideas. The collar will go off at full power if you get further than 20 meters from my controller. At that setting it will not only prevent any yells for help, it will also burn your neck and throat so badly you may never be able to speak again." Dinner came and went quickly. Gabriel hated the fact the man made him sit on his lap over the meal. It also disgusted the boy that he was made to feed the man so he could have both hands free to grope and feel every inch of Gabriel's body. The only minutes of reprieve came when the man answered his cell phone. Being so close, it was easy for Gabriel to hear the whole conversation. "Hello?" "Clint, this is Jerry. I just got a call form our contact. Toby set up another auction for next Tuesday. You interested?" "Always. You didn't bid much today, something wrong?" "No, I liked the older one, but I knew he was yours." Clint laughed and nibbled lightly on Gabriel before answering, "Yea, he is worth every dime. Give me a call when you get the details. With any luck, my little pet will be disciplined enough to join us." "Oh, that would be great! Oh, one last thing, Toby said he took care of our host. Now all you have to do is get a judge to drop matters and return custody." "Already have one of my women handling that end. He'll get them, no problem." "Great, cause I don't want him getting second thoughts." "Not a chance. He is in way too deep. You worry to much Jerry." "I know, Clint." "Quick question, how many, how old and how long for the next transaction?" "Just two, 7 and 11 both our preferred types, best of all they are up for the taking, not renting." "Hum, better bring a large pocketbook than." "Sure sounds that way. Talk to you soon." "You too. Have a great weekend." Clint hung up and looked down squeezing Gabriel's balls hard enough to make the boy cry out, "I know you were listening. I expect you to be ready to go with me on Tuesday." Gabriel shuddered with pain, but managed to look up, "I'll be ready sir." "Good." Clint replied. "Now finish feeding me so you can give me a bath." The rest of the evening was terrible for the boy. Clint didn't give him a moment of peace. He had to do everything for the man: undress him, bath him, clothe him, hold his dick while he peed, even wipe his butt after he took a dump. When it came time for bed, Clint finally allowed him to use the bathroom again, but watched as he did so. He then got his teeth brushed by Clint and was taken to his bedroom. Clint sat on the bed, "Kneel my pet." Gabriel knelt down on the floor and looked up. He could see this was not going to be much fun, at least for him. Clint's eyes had that mean look to them yet again. "Pull out my cock boy." Gabriel swallowed hard, but did as instructed. By now he was somewhat used to opening up the man's pants, having done it each time Clint had even the slightest inclination to pee. This time however than man's dick stood strait up as he pulled down on the elastic band of Clint's underwear. This was the hardest he had seen it since Clint had made him rub it earlier in the day. "Time for you to get used to my taste again boy." Gabriel reached up to start rubbing but his hand was pushed away. He looked up not understanding at all what his captor wanted. Clint face lit up with a twisted smile upon seeing the confusion in the boy's lovely eyes. He reached forward and twisted Gabriel's hair in his hands as he pulled forward. Gabriel screeched in pain as he shuffled on his knees closer to Clint. Realizing he had no chose with his hair still being pulled he put his face directly up to the man's crotch. "Come on my pet, start licking." Clint demanded with another sharp tug of hair. Gabriel retched, as he understood what was being demanded. But yet another yank on his hair brought out the fact he had no choice. Crying, he forced his tongue out of his mouth and started liking on the man's pole. Clint sighed, feeling the boy's moist lips brush against his throbbing cock. Pleasure was not just in the feeling though, his excitement was heightened as he looked down and saw tears. Keeping one hand behind Gabriel's head he used the other to stroke the boy's cheeks and taste the tears. He felt his excitement grow to a boiling point so he pulled Gabriel's head back not wanting it to end so quickly. He let go allowing Gabriel to fall to the ground. "Good start my pet, but you have just begun." Gabriel looked up through teary eyes. He thought about making a break for it, but knew it would only make whatever was next far worse. He rolled into a ball and cried. Clint watched with a bemused grin. Once he knew himself to be back from the edge of climax he spoke up. "Get back up here my pet." Gabriel heard, but didn't move he hated this man, hated his mom, and hated his whole life. Suddenly he felt pain rip into his neck again. It had been several hours since the collar had been used, but he knew this time the power had been turned up. He thrashed around trying to scream, to breath, to pull the shocking implement away from his body, all for not. Just as suddenly as it started it stopped. He lay on the floor gasping for breath. Unlike before, he was not given a chance to fully recover before another push of a button caused it to start all over again. It took a third shock for him to understand he would not be given a chance to lay on the floor and recuperate. He had disobeyed and would get shock after shock until he did as he was told. Crawling on all fours he made his way back to Clint, gulping air and shaking like a leaf the whole way. "You were warned my pet." Clint state without a hint of remorse for what he had just put the boy through. "Now you get an extra bit of correction to fix your poor behavior. Stay put I'll be back!" Gabriel fell to the floor in front of the bed wondering what else the man could possibly do to him. His throat was very dry, hurt, and itched inside from the shocks. To make matters worse he was running out of saliva to swallow. The one dental filling he had in a back tooth also hurt so badly now he felt like throwing up. The man returned with a small board and laid it down right next to the bed and sat back down. "Put your knees right on the edge of this and pull out my dick again." Gabriel did as instructed. It was uncomfortable at first but not unbearable. He leaned forward slightly expecting to have to lick the man's cock again but was stopped. "No more licking pet. Open up and take it into your mouth." Appalled, Gabriel looked up only to see the man's lips move slightly. Knowing he was already counting he pushed his head down and opened wide enough to take the man's cock into his mouth. It was huge, his mouth barely opened far enough to take in the whole head. As it started to swell and grow again it got even harder. His jaw started to ache after only a few seconds and his toothache only made it worse. "Now suck and use your tongue." Clint demanded, "The more spit you get on it the better off the rest of your night will be." By now Gabriel was starting to understand what the board was for. The longer he knelt the more the edge dug into his knees. He had no idea what the man meant by getting more spit on his dick, but he also realized everything he had been told up to know had basically been true. These thoughts, however, were interrupted when he felt the man grab his ears and pull. The massive cock pushed down deep into his mouth he found it harder and harder to breathe. He struggled, but it did him no good. Just as he was about to pass out he felt the weapon slide back some. With his mouth totally full he breathed rapidly as possible through his nose smelling the man's sweat and excitement. As soon as he was past the danger point of passing out it all started over again. His raw throat was partially spared further torment because the Clint didn't have a long dick, but what did make it to his throat was huge and really hurt as it rubbed on the soft linings of the passage to his lungs and stomach. The pain and ache of his first face fuck slowly become secondary to the agony his knees were feeling. It wasn't noticeable at first, but after a couple of minutes Gabriel realized the man was not only pulling him back and forth by his ears, he was also putting on some downward pressure. Just that little bit extra allowed the small section of 2x4 to dig in deeper. Just when it got to be so bad he thought he would die, Clint stopped. "Last chance to get it good and moist pet." Gabriel didn't know what was next but knew he better do as instructed. He forced himself to put as much spit as he could over the invader sill shoved into his mouth. Clint pulled Gabriel's head back allowing his again rock hard tool to stand up. As he did so he lifted the exhausted boy up and pulled up his shirt. Gabriel feebly moved his jaw around trying to get rid of the agony in the joints on both sides of his head. As he looked down he could see the imprint of the board's edge in his knees. Both looked slightly bruised. His relief was short lived as he comprehended what was about to happen. He felt Clint spreading his butt cheeks and saw the man lining his tool up with what was now exposed. The only problem was there was nothing he could do about it. Before all the shocks, mouth fucking, and knelling on the board he might have been able to put up a little fight, but there was nothing left for him to fight with. He cried in anguish as he felt the huge cock head push up against his ass hole. The opening resisted for a few seconds, but his own weight was more than it could take for more than those few moments slowly he writhed in total agony as it pushed past and into the depths of his body beyond. Centimeter by centimeter he slid down the pole until he felt the man's hairs on his butt. He screamed until his voice was raw, but even as his already wounded throat began to tighten up, all he could feel was the searing pain of his ass hole stretched to the breaking point by Clint's thick manhood. Clint smiled enjoying the thrashing of the child. Each movement sent new sensations of pleasure up his dick until he could hold back no longer with a mighty exhale he released a flood of cum into the boy's bowels. Once Clint recovered, it was time to make the lad clean up. He pulled the boy off seeing a bit of blood and shit on his cock. He smiled; the blood was less than he expected. The slow impalement worked to perfection, allowing the virgin hole to extend at a gradual pace, except for the fist breakthrough, of course. Pushing the sobbing boy back onto the board, he pulled Gabriel's head up to his crotch. "Lick it. I expect to be as clean as I was after the bath by the time you finish!" Gabriel had nothing left to fight with. His mind screamed now as his mouth opened to clean off the terrible smelling and even worse tasting muck, but he did it. He was then allowed to use the bathroom get a drink, and re-brush his teeth before returning to the board. Clint smiled at Gabriel as he slipped the old battery out and put a new battery into the collar the boy was wearing and re-locked it; "I have set up a camera." He pointed to a tripod. I am going to get some sleep, but if I check out that tape and find your knees left that board even once, you will be punished far worse my pet, far worse. Do you understand?" "Yes sir." Gabriel managed to croak out as the man shut off the light, lay down and put an arm around the silently crying child's shoulders. Gabriel rested his head on the bed next to the man's face all night, but his knees remained pushing into the board keeping him awake. Every inch of him had pain, his mouth, legs, butt, pinched nipples, shocked neck, and nibbled on ears. He looked over the man knowing if he obeyed he would be uncomfortable and would be fucked repeatedly, but at least he wouldn't be kneeling on a board all night and his neck wouldn't burn from all the shocks. Somewhere along the course of the day Gabriel had begun to think of himself as Clint's pet. The long night only reinforced it.
Chapter 2Gabriel jumped a little as Clint woke. The extra movement only increased his agony as his knees moved across the board he was kneeling on. Clint glanced down nodding approval as he saw how deeply Gabriel's knees had embedded themselves onto the board."How is my pet this morning?" Gabriel shuddered under the man's twisted grin. His voice came out as more of a crackling sound. The repeated shocks from the collar the day before coupled with the face fucking had left his throat wounded. "I hurt sir." "I am sure you do. Hopefully you have learned your lessons well enough to allow some healing today." Clint pulled Gabriel into the small bed with him. Getting no resistance, Clint stroked the boy's hair for a few seconds before sliding down so he could rub on the deep imprints and bruises left on Gabriel's knees. Gabriel whimpered for a few seconds but was too tired and sore to struggle even if he had wanted to, which he definitely didn't. Actually, after the first few rubs the man's actions seemed to help the pain in is legs. He tightened slightly as the man's hands started moving further up his legs, but he knew any resistance would only make matters worse. Clint allowed himself to fully explore Gabriel's body inch by smooth inch. Such tender skin he thought to himself as he pulled at the boy's ball sack. Part of him wanted Gabriel to resist so he could have a reason to make the boy cry out; however, he was not displeased to find the child so totally subservient. One of the reasons he had paid such a high price for this lad centered on his combination of looks, intelligence, and common sense. With just a little more work this boy would be quite valuable to him and his plans for the summer. Letting the boy rest a while longer he lay down next to him and pulled him close. The whole time his hands continued to explore the wonderful olive colored skin which he had clearly gained from his father's Greek lineage. Finally tiring of this he sat up, "My pet it is time for your morning duties." Gabriel had almost fallen asleep, but the sounds of the man's voice got his full attention, "I do not know what my morning duties are sir." Clint ruffled Gabriel's hair; "You are about to find out. This will be a daily thing for you my pet, so pay close attention. I will not be nearly as kind as I was last night if you fail me further." Kind could not have been more opposite of how Gabriel felt he had been handled the previous night, however, he felt certain the man would not mind finding ways to be more cruel if given half the chance. To this end Gabriel shook off as much drowsiness as he could then looked over, "What do you want me to do sir?" "Ahh, this is more like how I expect you to behave! Come," Clint motioned for Gabriel to slide up next to him. "Put your head down to my cock." Gabriel cringed as he swallowed. His throat was scratchy from the torment the night before so his saliva didn't go down easily. Even as he tried to think of a way out of sucking on the man' tool again he bent down to accept it. There was no real choice. Clint pulled on Gabriel's ears as the boy's mouth opened to accept his manhood. The second he felt the head of his dick in the youngster's mouth he gripped on the ears harder "Do not go any further my pet. Swallow your spit a few times so you get used to being able to do so." Gabriel struggled to follow the instructions given, but his mouth was simply too dry and the massively thick cock forced his moth open further than he could normally stand. All in all any swallowing would be next to impossible, or so he thought. Clint waited a full minute, "I believe sufficient time has passed." With an evil grin he released his bladder, filling the remainder of Gabriel's mouth with warm piss. Expecting the gagging reaction, he stopped the flow, pulled out, and clamped the boy's mouth and nose shut before a drop could come out. He knew Gabriel's natural reaction would be to swallow. Once he saw the boy's throat gulp down his own juices he released Gabriel's nose and mouth so he could breath. "Again!" Gabriel wanted to puke, to spit, to do anything to get rid of what he knew he had just been forced to drink, but he also saw the man already counting. With a heaving stomach he forced himself to take the man's prick back into his mouth. Clint seemed to snort with a mixture of disappointment and approval. Part of him wanted to punish Gabriel, yet he was quite pleased as he watched the expression on the child's face as his manhood was again taking into the child's mouth. "You know what to expect now Gabriel, I will not pull out again, though I will go slow and hold your nose so you do not dribble. I will allow you to breathe after every mouthful as long as you keep your teeth completely away form my tool. Any scratch will cause you to drown. Blink your eyes twice if you understand." Gabriel knew there was nothing he could do. If he didn't follow through exactly as ordered he would suffocate. Helplessly he looked into Clint's eyes and blinked two times. "Excellent!" Clint again filled Gabriel's mouth with warm piss and stopped pinching the child's nose to make him swallow. Over and over he repeated the process until his list trickle of piss flowed into Gabriel's throat. Clint gripped a hand full of hair and pulled his rented captive's head back. He couldn't help but chuckle at the ill look on Gabriel's face. It almost looked green! "Don't puke my pet, or you will have to drink my water every time I feel the need." Gabriel clutched he mouth and forced himself to down the bile over and over until he finally overcame the desire. He could imagine nothing this nasty in his young tortured mind. All he wanted to do was run and hide, but he knew there was no chance of that. Clint watched in amusement as Gabriel fought his body's desire to expel what had been forced down his throat. When he realized the boy had actually beaten the odds he felt some surprise. For the first time a boy had managed to get it right the first time. He much preferred it when a boy took days before they could hold his juices down. So be it, it was time to teach the child the second part of his morning routine. "Quite well done my pet. As long as you do this every morning you will only have to drink of me once a day. The second I awake, you are to accept my gift to you. The rest of the day you may simply hold my cock as I relieve myself. Understood." Gabriel felt the urge to puke again, but held it in check, "Yes sir." He squeaked instead. Clint pushed Gabriel toward the bathroom. "You are proving to be a very good pet. Let me continue with your morning duties then." Gabriel shuddered wondering what would come next. He didn't have long to wait. Clint sat down on the toilet and pulled Gabriel up onto his lap. His hands pushed apart the boy's ass cheeks and again allowed the child to slide down onto his protruding manhood. Gabriel hollered in agony. His butt, already wounded from the prior night gave in to the assault with little resistance but lots of pain. He flailed about for a few seconds before he settled onto Clint's mound of public hair. The distress in his gut settled into a simple ache after a few minutes but any movement form either himself or his current owner caused a flash of anguish which caused him to cry out. It didn't take him long to realize Clint was making a game of it, just barley allowing him to settle before moving again. Over and over this trend was repeated until Gabriel went somewhat numb. Clint twitched a few time to make sure his little play thing was not simply holding back before he started moving the beautiful creature up and down on his manhood. As he reached orgasm he sighed and let his own bowels move. "Now my pet the next part of your Morning duties to me are ready to be performed." He lifted Gabriel off his cock and put him on the floor. "First, you must get my cock clean like you did last night." Clint stood and pulled Gabriel's head down to his thick weapon." Gabriel could see the man had taken a dump in the stool and guessed what his next chore would be, but as he licked off the man's cum and his own shit and blood off the man's cock he realized it wouldn't be any worse. He finished licking the man's cock and balls so there was no trace of what was just done even as he felt blood and cum slide out of his own ass and down his legs. "I am impressed." Clint's praise sounded sincere for the first time since he had met the boy looking up at him. Let us move on then." He turned around and pulled his ass cheeks apart exposing his anus to the boy, "Lick me clean here as well. Do a good job or you will eat what I left behind for your morning meal!" Gabriel felt his stomach heave as he again almost got sick. The mere thought of eating shit out of the toilet spurred him forward. There was no hesitation at all. He licked the man's ass from top to bottom tasting and smelling the man's shit was horrible beyond belief. However, the toilet was still within eyeshot when he pulled back for a breath and there was no way he wanted anything to do with the pair of dark brown logs and several smaller clumps of shit floating in it. He backed away satisfied he had completed his task. Clint almost pulled a piece of toilet paper, but stopped himself. The boy had done an outstanding job and deserved this small chance to get it right, "My pet when you take a crap and wipe, do you not make sure you get the crap out of the hole?" Gabriel's eyes betrayed his fear. For a brief second he thought he would be forced to eat out of the stool, but he also noticed the man had kept his butt cheeks pulled open. He moved back in and started working his tongue around the rim of the man's anus then licked just inside the rim. Getting a tongue full of crap he gagged, but managed to suck it down. He repeated the process until he tasted no more foulness. When he backed off this time he watched with shakes as Clint wiped his butt with white toilet paper three times. Each time Gabriel breathed a sigh of relief when it came back clean. "My my, You are a real pro my pet. You got all major morning duties correct the very first time! All that remains is for you to give us a shower, drink some Listerine, wash your mouth with mouthwash and brush your teeth." Gabriel sighed deeply as he heard this. Part of his tormented mind even allowed himself to be proud of himself. Praise, no matter what the source, was something he got very little of. The rest of the morning chores went by quickly. At long last he was able to put on one of his father's tee shirts. Clothed, at least somewhat, he stuck close to his master the remainder of the day. Occasionally he would be pulled closer so the man's hands could explore his body, but for the most part he simply listened to the man run his business in stock trading from his laptop computer. His eyes flicked in amazement as millions of dollars traded hands time and time again with just a few pushes of the keyboard. He was given some time away from the man's constantly groping hands to cook the meals for the day and even given half an hour to play a game on the computer on a couple of occasions, while the man fingered his anus with first one finger then two. Being nowhere the thickness of the man's cock it was only a minor discomfort. There was an advantage to these intrusions, however. For over the entire course of the day he was not allowed to speak, nor was he spoken to except to be told to prepare meals. After each of the fingerings, he had to lick the man's fingers clean and was given a chance to brush his teeth. This was the only times he got a chance to use the bathroom, although he did have to hold the Clint's cock on a few occasions while the man took a leak. The best part of the day for young Gabriel centered on the collar. The shock collar stayed on but he never once had to feel its bite the whole day. Of course much of the day he spent in the man's lap trying to nap. A full night without sleep was simply something a ten-year-old could not handle. At last the man closed his computer and plugged it into the wall to recharge. As he did so he replaced the battery in Gabriel's collar as well. He then escorted Gabriel to his own bed and sat down at the foot of it. "You see my pet, when you behave and follow my rules your day goes much better. Don't you agree?" "Yes I do sir." Clint stroked the boy's hair; "There are other benefits to being a well behaved pet as well. Would you like to find out what one of them is?" Gabriel half wondered if this was some sort of trick or trap, but he knew he would be better off if he simply played along. "Yes sir." "Very good!" Clint praised, "Lie down with your head on the pillow." Again the praise given by the sadistic man made Gabriel feel good. Part of him wanted to keep him happy so he could hear more. He complied with the man's request wondering if this was the start of more pain. Clint rubbed Gabriel's feet and lower legs for a few minutes then he lifted on of the legs up and started licking on the boy's toes. He couldn't help but smile as the youngster wiggled under the tickling sensation. Clint was not much into being a pleasure giver. The truth of the matter was, the thought of having to suck someone's dick disgusted him, however the taste of a boy's feet always turned him on. He knew it was his fetish and he was somewhat embarrassed by it, but this was a shear delight for him, it ranked right up there with having a boy on his rock hard cock or his ass being licked clean by a boy's little tongue. Gabriel could not believe the sensation. For the first time since the man had made the first bid for him, he felt almost comfortable. His butt still felt raw and hurt a great deal, but otherwise everything else was great. He was almost asleep when he felt the tongue and mouth get removed from his toes for the last time. Clint looked down, "How was that, my pet?" "I liked it a lot sir." Gabriel said as he yawned. "Sit up." Clint demanded while showing a smile. Gabriel yawned again but did as instructed. His mind was already preparing for a new round of torture. His shaking body betrayed his fear and exhaustion. Clint pulled off the tee-shirt covering Gabriel and moved his hands down to spread the boy's ass cheeks. Seeing an involuntary wince he stopped, "I suppose you are pretty tender there aren't you?" Gabriel nodded, "It hurts a lot sir." Clint frowned then sighed, "Well I don't want you permanently injured so I suppose we will give it a rest for tonight. Tomorrow you will start off with your morning duties to me, then I will show you what else I expect. You may put the shirt back on and watch one hour of television, then you will cook me dinner, feed me, and clean up around here. Your mother was 3;" Clint stopped, smiled cruelly, and started speaking again, "Your mother is a real slob. I want this house spotless before bed." By nine, the house was picked up, all the laundry scattered around the house was washed dried, and folded and a basic vacuuming job had been completed. Gabriel walked up to the man dearly hoping his efforts had been enough. Clint grinned at the look in the child's eyes standing before him. "Are you satisfied with your house being clean?" Gabriel swallowed hard, "No, but I did everything I know how to do sir." "Such as?" Gabriel looked up in tired confusion. Fortunately, he knew if he didn't understand a question he could ask for a clarification as long as he had heard the words, "I am not sure what you mean by "such as", sir." "What do you think I mean?" Gabriel shrugged and tightened in fear, "I don't know sir." Gabriel paused but seeing the mean look returning to Clint's eyes spurred on a longer reply, "I guess it means what I could do sir." Clint looked down in momentary disapproval the shook it off, "I could see how you could take it as such. What I really wanted to know was what you think still needs to be done." "Oh," Gabriel breathed a sigh of relief seeing his current owner was not going to punish him, "I don't know how to get the floor in the kitchen clean or how to make the smell go away sir." "Maybe we can work on that after you finish your training. You only have two full days left before Tuesday so we don't have time to dawdle on such things, wouldn't you agree?" "I guess so sir." Gabriel looked up after a moment, "Request permission to speak sir." "Granted." Clint stated calmly knowing what question was sure to come. "What else do I have to learn sir?" "The next two days will be completely different compared to what you have done thus far. You have come along very well, so I am sure you will learn your new tasks equally as well. All you have to worry about is, following the rules, doing what you are told and performing your morning duties. Then we will start work on the last major phase of your training." Clint almost stopped then did something very much out of character for him. "I will make you one small promise my pet. If you do well at the auction on Tuesday, I will guarantee the rest of your summer will be much easier on you than I normally am with my new belongings." Never before had he offered so much as a flicker of hope to a boy before, but for some reason he had liked Gabriel from the moment he had seen him. Not just liked the way he looked or how he cried, but genuinely liked the boy. This didn't mean Gabriel would get off easy, not by a long shot. For Clint tears, cries of pain, and pleading looks are what really made boys sexy and him horny. Yet He would give Gabriel one chance to be more than a pet. The rest was all up to the boy standing before him. "I don't think I need to tell you what will happen if you fail me on Tuesday, do I?" "No sir." Gabriel gulped. For in the single glimmer of hope he also saw the deepest darkest look Clint had yet given him. There was no question in his tender mind that everything he had gone through up to now and would in the future would pale with the torments he would undergo if he didn't' perform up to whatever standards the man held for him in three days. Right then and there, Gabriel made up his mind to do whatever, no matter how foul or nasty, to not only deal with the next two days of 'training', but also be the absolutely perfect slave for the upcoming sale. "I will be ready on Tuesday sir." Clint fought hard to keep his eyes cold. Never before had he seen such determination and dedication in a boy's eyes and words before. "We shall see my pet." Gabriel lowered his head knowing full well he had almost certainly made the next couple of days harder than they already were going to be. He thought back to his brother and sister. He hoped they were as smart as he was being, although, he doubted Mikey would be. "May I ask another question sir?" "You have permission to speak my pet." "Can you please check to see if Flash is being fed, sir?" "Flash?" "My brother's ferret, sir." Clint glared for a moment then nodded, "I did promise your brother would get such a chance if you followed through, which for the most part you have, so I will make a quick phone call. In the mean time you have ten minutes to use the toilet and brush your teeth before I expect you to join me in bed. If you are so much as a second late, you will spend a second night on the board and I will make a second phone call about little Flash. Understood?" "Yes sir." Gabriel nodded then bolted out of the room. Clint chuckled to himself as he stretched. He didn't even bother to look at the clock knowing his little pet would be back well before the time limit. He picked up his cell phone and made the call as promised. Hearing Michael pleading for something to stop in the background did much to make him horny again. Gabriel returned to find Clint standing next to the bed. The man pointed to himself and nodded. Momentary panic set in as he realized the man wanted something, yet he didn't know what. "Request permission to speak sir." "You don't know what I want?" "No sir." Gabriel shook as he expected the collar to send electrical pain ripping into him. "You have night duties to perform as well my pet." Gabriel looked at the man blankly for a couple of seconds then realized he would basically have to repeat the morning chores in reverse things he first undressed Clint then allowed himself to be escorted into the bathroom. He half expected to have to lick the man's butt again after he took a dump, but sighed in relief as Clint simply handed him the toilet paper. Clint's eyes glinted with some malice; "You only have to give me a tongue cleaning in the mornings my pet. But since I cannot enjoy your tight little ass, I guess it is time for you to learn how to finish off a real blow job." Clint allowed Gabriel to finish wiping his crack before he pulled Gabriel by his hair back to the bedroom. Still completely naked he sat on the edge of the bed and pushed the boy down to his knees. "Do you remember having to lick my cum from your hand?" "You mean the white stuff sir?" Gabriel asked while steadying himself to have to repeat the procedure. "Yes my pet." Clint grinned somewhat evilly, "That is called cum. Your duty now is to take my cock in your mouth and make it cum. You will swallow every drop. If you do a good job you will sleep on top of me with tonight. If not, it will be another night on the board with no sleep." Gabriel nodded understanding as he felt the man grab his ears and pull him forward. He opened his mouth wide and accepted the huge head of the man's cock. Several times Gabriel though he would pass out as the man pressed his shaft as deep as it would go down his throat. He had absolutely no control because the man's hips or hands guided every thrust and shove. Several times Gabriel thought it would at last end only to feel the man pull back and hold his head firmly. Once Clint's dick started to subside the man viscously pulled on his ears again and the rod pushed deep into his mouth. Gabriel's jaw ached as tears rolled down his cheeks as the torment continued for minute after agonizing minute. Finally he felt Clint's hands tighten painfully on his ears, pulling at his hair as they did so. Burst after burst of the somewhat salty liquid erupted down his throat as he tried desperately to breathe. He almost blacked out before he realized Clint had pulled back enough to allow him to get in some breaths through his nose. The man's voice stayed hard as it instructed him, "Suck on it hard my pet and use your tongue to clean out the piss slit!" Gabriel struggled to obey. His jaw hurt terribly and he still had to keep his total focus on not letting the man feel his teeth. He knew the second he made a mistake that hurt the man, this would all seem like a good time. When Clint finally pulled out all the way Gabriel could do nothing but gasp for breath after deep breath. Clint pulled Gabriel up into the bed and laid back making sure his left hand gripped the boy's balls. "You did good for a beginner boy. Over the next few days though, you better put more effort into the sucking and licking or I'll have to find other ways to train you." Gabriel whimpered at the combination of the pressure on his nuts and the man's words. Just the way they had been spoken told him he didn't want to find out what other training ways were. As he settled down with his head resting on the man's chest he wondered what else he could possibly be made to go through. Being thoroughly exhausted after being up the night before kneeling on a board his mind numbed quickly and he fell fast asleep. Several times he woke only to find Clint's hands had squeezed a little too hard on his balls or had pinched a nipple with enough force to wake him. More than once he woke only to find himself crying out in pain. Each time Gabriel tried to move or squiggle to show displeasure only got him a second squeeze harder and often time a third and a fourth as well. Eventually he realized any reaction by him would only get him punished so he forced himself to stop moving and endured with being woken up time and time again. Finally about two in the morning all groping ceased and he got a few real hours of peace and a chance to sleep. The last thing he heard mutter by Clint as the man chewed lightly on his ear sent shudders through him. "You are the best I've ever had!" Clint yawned as he pulled Gabriel tightly into his chest. "Tomorrow, you will find out what being a pet is all about my little slave."
Chapter 3Gabriel screamed out in pain as Clint woke him by twisting his ball sack. Tears flowed as he sobbed, "What did I do wrong sir?"Clint looked at the boy holding his wounded testicles with no sign of remorse, "I am awake and you have not started your morning duties yet." Gabriel wiped at his tears with the back of his hand, "I was sleeping, I didn't know you were awake sir." "Your duty is to feel me wake up!" Clint hissed, "Now why are you not getting to work?" Gabriel scrambled to get his head down in the man's crotch. The last thing he wanted was to get punished again. As he pushed his mouth onto the man's already rock hard cock; he braced himself for the coming flood of piss into his mouth. Clint took a breath showing his displeasure with his new toy had been sedated at least for the moment. He reached down and pinched the boy's nose to make sure his juices were swallowed as he released his bladder. "Remember not a drop must spill, my pet." Gabriel gulped own several mouthfuls before being allowed to get a few breaths of air. Like the day before he had to fight extremely hard not to puke. Before he even got his breath fully back he felt a pull on his ears. Knowing he was helpless to prevent it he moved forward for a second then a third round of drinking Clint's waste. At last he felt the warm stream of bitter liquid trickle to a halt. He used his tongue, as he knew he would be instructed to do until Clint at last pulled back on his ears. "You are getting better. Just remember, I will not be so lenient next time I wake and have to tell you what to do!" Clint rose from the bed grabbing Gabriel by his hair as he did so. "Bathroom, now!" Gabriel let out a yelp as his hair was yanked. He had not gotten near enough sleep for a boy his age, but at the moment felt wide awake. The sudden harshness of Clint took him off guard, but being the one who had to take care of a his younger brother and sister, he had more maturity than most boys his age. His body reeled under the new pain, but his mind stayed focused enough to remember the routine from the day before. Instead of being forced to sit on Clint's massively think piece of manhood, he was forced to take it in his mouth as the man took a shit. He nearly gagged under the combination of cock in his mouth and smell coming from the toilet, but he knew the worst part was yet to come. Clint turned around and spread his ass cheeks. "Get to work pet!" Gabriel took a single deep breath before pushing his face in to clean the man's waist from his crack. Of everything the man had forced him to do so far, this was the worst. Gabriel could not think of anything this bad, but like the day before, the floating lumps of crap in the toilet reminded him of his fate if he didn't complete the task to his captor's satisfaction. To this end he made sure to push his tongue deep into the man's asshole so there would be no chance of him finding any brown on the toilet paper. Ten full minutes past before he withdrew and clamped his hands over his mouth so he would not throw up. Clint sighed, not wanting Gabriel to be done so soon. He almost made the kid continue the rim job, but he had promised he would not do such things if he were clean. He smirked as he pulled a piece of toilet paper, he could already feel Gabriel had done a good job, but liked the look of terror as he reached behind him and slowly wiped. For another instant he toyed with the idea of forcing his finger in his own ass so it would come out dirty. The fact of the matter was, he knew he could not, his ass was exit only except for a boy's wet little tongue. Clint grinned as Gabriel nearly collapsed with relief when it came away clean, "Listorine, teeth brush, mouthwash!" Clint commanded as he slipped on a pair of shorts, "I'll be back for my shower in a couple of minutes!" Gabriel happily obeyed as Clint slipped out of view. The taste was so nasty and the thought of what he had been forced to swallow was so terrible he almost puked again, but at the last second he slapped his hands over his face while he forced down the bile. He knew the camera in the corner was recording his every move. Finally he forced his stomach to stop heaving as he finished swishing around a mouth full of mint flavored mouthwash. Below he could hear the closing of the front door. He waited looking at the bathroom door hoping, beyond all hope Clint had left. After only a few minutes his hopes were crushed as he saw the man put down a large plastic tub and some sort of box covered with a blanket. Judging by the huffing and puffing, the box weighed a great deal. He came into the shower and looked down, "What you waiting for pet? I can't take a shower with clothing!" Gabriel didn't hesitate in coming over to remove the shorts but his hands were slapped as he started to grab the waistband. "You have a mouth, use it." Clint glared with a wicked look. Gabriel chewed on his lip, then caught sign of Clint counting silently. The thought of the shock collar reentered his mind as he bent over and secured the waistband in his teeth and started to lower himself. It didn't take long to figure out he would have to work his way around the man, pulling on various areas until at long last they feel to the floor. Clint made it a point to let out a fart as he worked his way to the backside. Gabriel stood up; his face flush with shame and humiliation as Clint stepped out of the shorts. The shower went much better, but was by no means fun; Gabriel had to give the man a full tongue bath before finishing by washing every inch with soapy hands. At last Clint washed him from head to toe, before making Gabriel dry him off. Clint glanced over; "You get to drip dry while you fix us breakfast. It'll be your last normal meal today, so you may want to make it a good one!" Gabriel didn't at all like the sound of it being his only meal: The word normal had escaped him as he dashed down the stairs. Clint waited a few moments to make sure Gabriel was indeed down in the kitchen before he pulled off the blanket revealing a medium sized dog cage used by many airlines. He quickly opened it and pulled out a large bag of kitty litter. He smiled as he dumped the bag's absorbent granules into the baby sized plastic sandbox. Satisfied he turned to his briefcase like bag and withdrew a length of fiber optic cable with a hook and a connector on one end and a loop and a button on the other. He set this out on the bed then dug back into his little bag of toys. This time he pulled out two pieces of cloth which looked like socks without the feet part. Each of them hand thin fiber optic cables as well, only these cables had a number of little plastic disks attached to them. Finally he pulled out a new collar. This one had two small box extensions with adjustable lengths. Each extension also had a small metal disk on the end. He worked quickly; showing his knowledge of how everything was supposed to be connected was well practiced. He finished putting the last connectors into the collar well before the smell of bacon drifted up the stairs. Looking a round, Clint scowled, then held up a finger as he remembered what was missing. He moved back over to the cage and pulled out a pair of bowls. He filled one with water from the bathroom sink, while he set the other right beside the one with water. The second one remained empty. Satisfied at last he made his way down the stars to the kitchen. Gabriel turned as he heard the steps creak. His brief moment of semi-freedom had come to an end and he knew whatever awaited would not be pleasant. The sight of Clint entering the dining room smiling was somehow very unnerving. "How long?" Clint asked as he stretched. "Almost ready sir." Gabriel answered while wondering what the big hurry was. From the moment he had been painfully jerked awake, everything had seemed to be rushed, almost like Clint was eager to get things moving. The thought of this was not very comforting to the boy who had been turned into little more than a living sex toy. His thoughts were interrupted by the breakfast he was cooking. Quickly he had to smack at his chest as a little bacon grease sputtered from the pan and burned him. Cooking naked, Gabriel realized, was pretty dangerous. At last he dished up the plates of food and served his captor as he had been taught. He waited with his own plate in hand expecting to be pulled into the man's lap. Clint shook his head, "Not this morning my pet. You eat across from me, and make sure you get a full meal in you. Your training for the next auction will start the second you finish. No talking. You may get up for more milk, orange juice, or food without asking." Gabriel seriously thought about eating slowly, but figured such a ply would not only be notice by the man across from him, but would also insure extra punishments. On the other hand he had been given free reign to eat and drink what he wanted so he did so. Finally after the eggs, bacon, pancakes and toast were gone, he ate a bowl of Cocoa Krispies and had a glass of chocolate milk. He finished off with a Strawberry Poptarts and another glass of orange juice. Clint raised an eyebrow as Gabriel sighed, "Are you finished stuffing yourself?" Gabriel managed to grin, "Yes sir." "Very good. Now I want you to go up to your room and look around. You are a smart boy so I think you can figure out want most of the things I set up are for." Gabriel started to stand then he saw Clint motion for him to sit back down. The look on Clint's face seemed almost apologetic. If this man felt bad about what was going to happen Gabriel knew it spelled something very awful for him indeed. "Hold up one second and let me explain a few things to you Gabriel." Gabriel was astonished to hear his name spoken with a note of concern by the man, but Clint's eyes told of the seriousness of what he was about to say. Gabriel paused and focused all his attention on the man knowing if he missed any instructions he would suffer. "As you can probably guess I have done this more than a few times to other boys. I have gotten into a sort of routine. You, however, kind of broke up what I normally do because you submitted willfully, albeit for a price. This change of pace has been rather enjoyable for me and thus your price is being paid. Your brother gets exactly 10 uninterrupted minutes with his pet alone and the creature is not bothered by anyone. Your sister gets to nap with her toys every day and like your brother's pet the toys are not disturbed. "I have never done anything like this before. Yet you have kept your end of the bargain extremely well for the most part, so I am pleased with the arrangement up to this point. Fortunately, it is not a major inconvenience for either of my friends to keep your side, but it put me out on a bit of a limb with them. There is talk I do not care to hear." Clint looked up at the ceiling, "You are probably wondering were all this is going so let me get to the point. From now until just before this next auction you will learn everything just the way I want you to, just like you are already doing. However, the pace and the intensity of what you must learn is being pushed into an overdrive mode so you will ready on time. This means I am going to do things I don't normally do for days within hours and things I usually limit for punishments will be included in your training. Furthermore, some forms of punishment I basically refuse to use unless a boy hurts me will be fair game. I know I told you I do not hit, but I am afraid I might bend this rule over the next two days as the need arises, which it certainly will. What I am demanding should take you two weeks to learn, not two days. "Your real test will be with the people who now care for your brother and sister along with others who will try to shake you into misbehaving to make me look bad. And believe me, you do not want to find out how I will act if I am made to look bad due even in part by your actions. Making matters far worse for you will be the fact some of the others will, upon seeing you behave like a proper little boy-pet, become jealous and will join in with those who resent my power, money and status within the organization. Basically, what I am saying is, the better you act the worse it will be for you until they give me credit for your training or the auction starts. Even then you will have to be ready for anything." Clint stared strait into Gabriel's eyes, "If you show my decision to allow your siblings some mercy was a good one by performing perfectly, you will be rewarded, maybe not in a way you will like, but when you look back; it will be a major reward. If not, your next month and three weeks will be a living hell of the worst sort. Am I being clear?" Gabriel felt like his eyes were bugging out of his head. His mind raced with terrible thoughts of his fingers being broken by vice grips or worse yet his balls. The man's face looked that deadly serious! "I understand sir." Slowly Clint nodded, "Excellent! Now rule one. Until told otherwise you will not be allowed to speak a single word. Even if you are punished and need to cry out you will not say a single word that can be understood or even mistaken for a word. Clear?" Gabriel nodded, "I 3;" He fell to the floor under a shock setting so high it actually left two tiny burn marks on his neck. Clint shook his head reached down and actually lifted Gabriel by his tiny penis and balls getting a window shaking scream of pain, "Much better, screams, cries, moans, and whimpers are all tolerable, at least for now. But no words, means no words! You are not allowed to answer back, no words! Now get upstairs, look around, and get you mind set for what is to come." Gabriel struggled to his feet and staggered up the steps clutching his wounded groin. Getting to the top of the steps he gulped in a few lung-fulls of air. The terrible pain of the wake up twist to his scrotum had been bad, but it was like a feather being run down his back when compared to being pulled off the ground by his privates. Tears ran down his face as he shook. His mind suddenly realized if he screwed up and didn't pass the "test" his thoughts as to what would happen had been off some. Those things would just be a few warm ups to the real pain that would follow. At last regaining some strength, Gabriel entered his room and saw the new layout. Part of his mind understood instantly what would be expected, but the compassionate side rebelled saying it couldn't be true, yet as he gazed at the small cage, dog dishes, new collar with the strange attachments and leash he slowly realized why Clint kept calling him a pet. Getting over the shock of knowing he would very shortly be treated as a dog he walked around and looked at the sandbox. His puzzlement lasted for only a few seconds as his eyes saw the half-empty bag of kitty litter. Right then and there he knew he would not even be allowed to use the toilet! An extra horror took shape as he noticed both dishes were stenciled with the name "Gabe". Without realizing it, Gabriel let his shoulders sag and head fall; seconds later came a new flow of tears as the pure indignity of what awaited hit him. Clint entered the room over 20 minutes after telling Gabriel to go take a look. He wanted the kid to get a good idea what he was in for so the training could begin without the normal protests, fits, and rebelling every other brat had given him over the years. He felt his cock harden as he saw the look of hopelessness on Gabriel's gorgeous tear-streaked face. Clint wanted to get started right away, but he could not resist one quick detour. He sat on the bed, grabbed the boy, and pulled him close and twisted a nipple. Clint smiled, as the tears grew even more intense. His tongue flashed out and tasted a few of the drops before he pulled the boy's face to his mouth. Eagerly he got to work licking Gabriel's face until he got his fill of the wonderful taste of salty boy tears. It was a silly weakness, Clint knew, but the taste of a boy's feet were only matched by a boy's tears and licking a face was wonderful in and of itself because the disgust was there to look at the whole time! Wth his desire settled at last he pushed Gabriel to the floor hard, "Stay on all fours!" Gabriel desperately wanted to wipe his face. He could feel the man's saliva all over his cheeks, forehead, and chin, but he fought the urge knowing it would certainly get him a punishment. To fight his desire he concentrated on gripping the blanket his hands and knees now rested on as tightly as possible. Clint made short work of removing the old shock collar and replacing it with the new one equipped with the leash and other attachments. He then knelt next to Gabriel while grabbing the boy's left foot. With skill he slid the first of the two sock-like cloth things up the boy's leg until it covered his knee. Satisfied he took a quick lick of the foot in his hand before repeating the process with the right leg. Gabriel remained as still as possible. Having his foot grabbed almost made him fall over, but he managed to stay on his hands and one knee. After the somewhat tight cloth was pulled over both knees, he watched as Clint secured the thin wires attaching the knee things to the collar he now wore to first his sides, then hips and lastly outer thighs. This was done with a set of sticky pads hanging on each wire. Although he didn't know what they were, he could tell by their cold feeling they had metal centers. This in turn told him they would probably shock him as well. This thought didn't make Gabriel happy at all, especially since the box on the new collar was much bigger and heavier. He again guessed, correctly, this meant it had a more powerful battery. He didn't have much time to dwell on this though because Clint was still very busy and grabbed his arms one at a time to continue his work. Two new wires were then run down his arms, again attached by the sticky pads with metal centers. The ends were stuck into the center of his hands. These felt weird at first, but they were so thin and stretched to the movements of his hands so well they weren't really uncomfortable. He was starting to get used to the feel of the whole set up when he saw Clint pull on the last two leads protruding from the collar. Even though he could not see what was going on, as Clint pulled the small boxes behind him, he could feel them being stuck on under each of his ears. Gabriel shook with a wave of pain as they were shoved into place. He was relieved the pain quit the second Clint pulled his hands back, but he could still feel a lingering sensation all the way through his jaw. Clint couldn't help but smile at Gabriel's reaction to the placement of the last connectors. He clearly got them over the pressure points on the first try. Part of him didn't want to use those twin boxes bulging out from under the boy's ears like a little version of Frankenstein, but he figured he would have to. The more pain the boy learned to endure the better off Clint was. Besides, he could always trigger them as a warning as to what life would be like if Gabriel failed him! This idea gave him a bit of a hard-on. Gabriel remained on all fours clutching the blanket as much to give his mind something to focus on as it was to give him some kind of security. This came to an abrupt halt as his captor stood up then stepped down hard on his right hand. He fell forward screaming not knowing what he had done wrong. Clint calmly waited for Gabriel to regain his senses, "Lesson 2. You are a boy- pet, nothing more than a dog! Dogs don't have hands thus a boy-pet is not allowed to use hands. Now get both of your front feet on the floor like a good boy-pet!" Gabriel obeyed instantly, placing both his hands on the ground with palms flat. His right hand hurt something awful and he really wanted to use his other hand to rub it but knew to do so would just invite a new attack. "Much better." Clint nodded slightly to show approval. "Now let me run down how a boy-pet is to respond and act. Any breach of these guidelines will result in instant retaliation. There will be no three counts, there will be no second chances, and there will be no recovery time allowed. There will be a simple explanation followed by a second reminder of what happens when my boy-pet misbehaves." Clint dropped the leash so Gabriel could see it. "When held this must not be allowed to pull on your collar or you will feel it. As long as you stay close to the holder and allow it to sag some you will be fine." Clint walked over to the sandbox, "This is your bathroom, make sure if you have to shit, you bury it with your feet like a dog. I don't want to smell it! Any use of hand-like motions will guarantee you having your crap along with the kitty litter as a snack." Clint continued on by pointing down at the two dishes, "This is your food and water bowl, Gabe. You will get food in your dish once a day and the water will be filled when needed. You will eat and drink like any good pet. Hands are for humans, monkeys, and apes and boy-pets do not rate that high! "Also like any good pet you will walk on all fours. The pads on your front feet and knees will know if you do not walk like a good boy-pet and will also respond if you do not keep all four feet firmly planted when you are not moving. This means you sit like a dog with your front paws on the ground or you will feel your mistake in short order. Let me warn you that each time you fuck up the collar will send a harder shock until you either learn or it kills you. Also note I get a readout on my computer each time a shock happens so in addition to the collar you will get my personal attention as well." Patting the small cage Clint smiled, "This home is your safe spot, but you may only enter it when commanded. When in here your collar and other devices are automatically put into a save mode. Thus the only place you can safely sleep is in your home." Gabriel desperately wanted to figure out how to get out of this. After hearing all of this he would have been more than happy to lick the man's shit hole clean or even let him take a crap directly into his mouth, but he couldn't say anything. The first peep of a word and he knew he would be back on the floor rolling in waves of electrically generated agony. Without words there was no way he could convey his thoughts so he stayed on his hands and knees quaking with fear, disgust, and humiliation. For a few moments he wondered what would have happened if he had not spoken up for his brother and sister, but his mind went back to what Clint said at the breakfast table. This would have happened anyway, just slower. Trying to figure out a way to keep his own spirits up his mind locked onto a positive thought: Maybe this was all for the best, he could just get it over with this way and if it ended with Clint being happy then his life might get a little easier. Clint's mind was equally spinning, although the direction was completely different. He looked down at Gabriel wondering if he could really train the boy in the time he had allotted. His reputation and even his directorship within the organization he helped to found could be jeopardized if this failed. Yet, if this gambit succeeded, he could be named the new president! He would control the whole operation and have access to everyone's stash. As a director, he could stop by and partake of any normal member's harem just as a normal member could demand the same from the junior members. But only the president could put his fingers on a director's property. Part of him missed the man who had been the real driving force behind the organization known only as "The Group", but another part of him had been jealous. More than once the man had appeared unexpectedly at his door just to "sample the goods" as he so nicely put it. Yes it had been his right, and no, Clint didn't really want to see the man dead. But the plane crash had brought about a new freedom. He no longer had to worry about a favorite toy being taken by the man for a week, month, or even longer only to be returned with an ass widened by numerous devices and a dick that had been sucked on so often and roughly it had teeth-mark scars. The election of a new president was something no one had thought about so no rules existed prior to the man's sudden demise. The directors got together in an emergency meeting and after much grandstanding, arguing, and a few close calls with fists, it was decided to let actions speak louder than words. It would be left up to the normal members by the casting of electronic votes via-e-mail. At the same time, a new director would be selected from the current roster of normal members. The vote would come the following Saturday. So if Gabe managed to succeed, his chances of getting the presidency would improve a hundred-fold because the next auction would draw quite a crowd. The playthings were for sale, not for rent so the interest in this one would be very high. It also meant those that did not or could not attend would surely hear about it. The down side, of course, would be if Gabe screwed up. Everyone would know of his failure and it was even possible there would be a big enough outcry to put his directorship status to a vote of no confidence. On that he doubted he would lose, but his reputation would be all but ruined if it did come to such an extreme. Clint shook his head to refocus on his little boy-pet, "You look like you have had enough time to digest the information about your general behaviors so now let me run down a few things expected of all boy-pets by their masters. "First off, as I am sure you have already guessed, you must continue to follow all commands. "Secondly, there is no reason why you cannot suck cock while on all fours nor is there any reason you cannot accept the same cock up your ass." Gabriel stayed on his hands and knees without any sign of emotion. As much as he dreaded having a dick poked into him, the one thing he had figured out was that his mouth and butt would continue to be filled with the man's dick no matter what else happened. He half wondered why Clint had even bothered to bring it up. "Stay still and don't move your head." Clint commanded as he walked around behind Gabriel. "The real challenge of being a boy-pet is not reacting." Without warning Clint shoved a finger up into Gabriel's butt. Gabriel fell forward and yelled "Ouch!" Instantly shocks tore down through the collar and into the arm and leg wires. So intense was the pain Gabriel rolled on the floor as if on fire. He screamed repeatedly until the voltage suddenly stopped. Roughly Clint yanked the boy off the ground and slammed his hands and knees back onto the floor. Still supporting the boy because he knew Gabriel was not capable of doing so on his own he yelled right into the child's ear "Ouch is a human word boy-pet! You are Gabe, a pet, my pet. Now stop your shaking." Gabriel couldn't stop shaking. Every muscle in his body seemed to have knotted up under the blast of shocks sent along the wises attached to his body. Everything from his neck to his chest to his hands and feet ached. He barely managed to stay up on his hands and knees as Clint let go. Seconds later a swishing sound filled the air then a terrible wet smack landed over his butt cheeks. Gabriel again fell and screamed. Involuntary actions took over as his hands moved to cover his wounded rear. Before he realized what he had done another round of shocks tore trough him, then another swish. This time the blow came across his knuckles causing yet more screams and shocks. He tried to roll into a ball while keeping his hands and knees on the floor, but it didn't work. Each craklkllll the tightly rolled wet towel drove him to move and made the collar shock him. His ability to stay up ended after only a few minutes of the combination assaults. At last he fell and the collar blasted him continuously as Clint moved around him striking seemingly endless whip-like blows from the coiled wet towel. This continued until he at last blacked out. Gabriel woke and tried to stretch only to find he could barely move. He opened his eyes and saw only a gray wall centimeters from his nose and a little light trickling in form behind him. His body hurt all over and he was desperately cold. He realized his teeth were even chattering some. It took him a few more seconds to realize he was soaking wet. Shivering like crazy, he started to test what he could and could not do. Slowly he came to realize he was inside the cage. The overhead clearance was not quite tall enough for him to stand on all fours so he had to keep crouched down some and his forehead was almost hitting the back of the cage at the same time he could feel his feet touching the metal cage door. There was, however, some side to side room. Slowly he managed to rotate himself too look out of the opening. The first thing he noticed was he was no longer in his room, the cage was in the basement. He could clearly see the side of the dryer. The second thing he noticed was Clint holding a water hose that normally went into the washer. He had connected a sprayer to the hose like the one dad used to wash the car with. Clint noticed Gabe looking at him and the hose. He pointed the spryer at the cage and pulled the handle. A spray of cold water hit Gabriel right in the face. He kept it on the boy for quite a few minutes before finally putting it down. "Now that you are awake again I think it is time we continue your training, only this time I think it would be better if we did it down here. I had to convince the neighbors I was house sitting and all the yelling was actually the new TV stereo hook up. It isn't much fun having to apologize for you. Nor am I happy that I had to call in a favor and get a new stereo delivered here so I could cover it up if the bitch comes back." The thought of such a near rescue from the man standing in front of him was like a final nail in a coffin. He was crushed. Gabriel head fell against the locked cage door as he started to cry. Clint shrugged and sprayed another burst of water at the boy to shut him up. "Enough of that. You are supposed to be learning how to be a good boy-pet. Now before I was so rudely interrupted by your use of a human sounding word, I was trying to explain you have to learn how to not react. This includes taking a finger up the ass as well as staying quiet while someone plays with your balls. It also includes things which may be very uncomfortable, such as being cold." Another burst of water hit Gabriel in the face. "This will stop as soon as you remain still with no obvious shaking for five minutes." Gabriel fought to control his body's shivering. Every minute or so he got a burst of cold water to not only keep him cold, but also to make him move. It took quite some time realize he had to simply endure the water and not move. Once he got his mind prepared he learned that if he tightened up his body and closed his eyes the water would be cold and would sting, but he could remain otherwise motionless. Well after an hour and a half of this torment Clint at last put down the hose and disappeared out of sight. Gabriel could hear the man fiddling with the hose and spraying some water, but what exactly was going on he could not tell. Suddenly he reappeared and a new blast of water shot out, this time very hot water. Gabriel again screamed. Clint sat back on the chair calmly, "I adjusted the temperature setting on the new water heater your father bought. It is not hot enough to scald you, but it will come close. You learned how to handle cold so now let's turn up the heat a little." Clint again aimed and fired, and as he expected he was rewarded with a new scream. He pushed the handle again just to hear the wonderful sound of pain and helplessness. He smiled as he was thus rewarded. Gabriel tried over and over again to do what he had done with the cold water, but the water was so hot it burned. He couldn't just brace himself and take it. Each new blast made his skin redder and the pain more intense. Finally he just gave up trying to defend against it. He lowered his head and bit his lip hard to prevent himself from screaming at the pain. 5, 6, 7, more times the hot water sprayed into his face and arms, then, before he really understood that he had managed to pass this test Clint unlocked the cage, drug him out of it, and slapped a new battery into the collar. "See you can do it if you just figure out a way to endure it." Clint stroked Gabriel's hair and ran his had down the boy's beet read skin. Satisfied there were no actual burns he stood and walked over to the hose and turned it off. On the way back he slammed his finger into Gabriel's ass again. This time Gabriel winced and rocked forward from the unexpected assault but otherwise remained motionless and on all fours. Pulling out his finger Clint chuckled, "Well done Gabe. Now lick it clean." Gabriel opened his mouth and accepted the finger that had just been removed from his ass without any hesitation. This was so minor compared with the shocks, the towel, the cage, and the water it was like nothing at all. Such a little thing didn't matter to him any more. Clint smiled to himself. Gabe, his little boy-pet, might just make it at the auction after all. Picking up the leash he looked down. "You did well enough to give yourself a little bit of a break. I am going to turn off the collar for 10 minutes so you can get used to being lead around like a good boy-pet should. Then we will go for a 2-hour walk around the house until you are just as good at walking as you are at not reacting to little annoyances." Gabriel didn't really care about being lead around. It was easy enough to get used to. All he really had to do was crawl like a baby. The really nice thing for him was the fact the collar had been turned off briefly so he could stretch out his cramped limbs. He half expected Clint to punish him, but when it didn't happen he shook of the last of the cramps in his legs and started crawling along like he knew he would have to. Clint dropped the leash so Gabriel could see it, "OK, you got it down pretty well but I am going to give you another few minutes before the collar comes on. You are walking properly, but you do not stay close enough. You would have been getting shocks the whole time!" Clint exhaled knowing his boy-pet should not be expected to be in the early 2nd week of his training in less than a day, so a little understanding was warranted. "You need to pay attention to the leash as well. If it goes tight you will get shocked." Clint reached down and squeezed Gabriel's nuts hard. He was extremely pleased when his little boy-pet let out a slight whimper but otherwise remained still. "This is your only break Gabe, so you better use it, or you will really be hating the rest of your day." Gabriel forced the thoughts of the pain inflicted on his groin from his mind as he spent another few minutes trying to figure out how to keep the leash from sagging when the stupid thing was so short. Every time Clint turned unexpectedly the leash would go tight before Gabriel could compensate. Well before he really got a good feel of how to make it work the collar was turned back on. Clint continued to walk around the house allowing shock after shock to bite the boy. He took no time for recovery and even increased the number of shocks by continuously taking his boy-pet up and down the steps, something he knew form experience with other boy-pets was the hardest of things to master. To further accelerate the training and make sure Gabe was prepared for the unexpected, he picked up his umbrella and used it to further torment the lad. Every once and a while he would roughly shove the tip into the boy or yank at an arm or leg with the curved handle to simulate the abuse of others. Several times this caused Gabe to fall or jerk, which in turn caused the collar to really unleash a wave of shocks. By the time the battery needed to be changed, Gabriel was a twitching mass of pain. He knew if it were not for his brother and sister who probably going through much of the same and at least in his brother's case worse, he would just stop. He would be happy to just let the man kill him. But every time he started to give up, Clint would simply pat his cell phone and ask if he should call to remove the protection off of Flash. Knowing it would crush his brother and would also eliminate the ten short minutes free of the man who held him, Gabriel continued on. Yet he also knew he had figured out a few very important things. First was how to prevent the leash from going tight. All he had to do was stay in contact with Clint's leg. This way even if the man moved he could react before the leash pulled on the collar. The second was every bit as important, at least in Gabreil's tortured mind. It was the fact that the pokes, smacks and trips from the umbrella were nothing when compared to what the collar would do. So, by ignoring the minor pains he could get away from the big one. Well before he was ready, he felt Clint stand back up, grabbing the leash as he did so. He was taken up to his water dish and allowed to drink and piss in the sandbox before the whole thing started all over again. This time Gabriel did everything in his power to just keep next to Clint and keep his knees and hands moving or on the ground. The steps were the worst, but he managed to get through them three times in a row without getting shocked. The stairs also hurt his knees a great deal. Something finally dawned on the boy as he was again walked through the basement and back up the steps. He had been told two hours, but it had been way longer than that. As he wondered about this he felt another shock and shook in anger at himself for messing up. He took a deep breath and moved so he was again in contact with Clint's leg. Of course this gave the man a chance to once again shove a finger up his ass. Without thinking about it, Gabriel opened his mouth to suck it clean. Clint chuckled as he drug his finger along the boy's lips before sticking it in so it could be properly cleaned, "You are getting much better my boy-pet, but now I have to start the stopwatch over again. You must really like all this exercise!" Gabriel's shoulders slumped as he hung his head as the new realization set in. The two hours would only be over if he were not punished during them. For the first time in several hours Gabriel cried. Clint sighed. He looked at his watch and shrugged, "OK, Gabe, lets take a break. I'll get you some more water and get your dinner. You may go up to your cage if you would like or stay out, but remember it you stay out of your cage you must remain on all hands because the collar still works even if I am not holding on to the leash. "It's up to you, but it will probably be an hour or more because I am going to eat first. I'd think you would want the cage." Gabriel looked up with total confusion. How could he get into the cage when one: It was down in the basement and two: it had a spring-loaded latch that would require him to use his hands to open. Clint started to walk away then noticed Gabe was not moving. He almost reached for the controller to shock him for not following instruction, but stopped just before he pressed the button. The boy's eyes told him something was wrong. Frowning he walked back over to his boy-pet and knelt. "You may speak like a boy for one minute." Gabriel gulped nervously, but figured he better ask. "How do I get my cage to my room and open the door to it sir?" The simple fact he had finally been allowed to say something felt very good to him. It never occurred to him that he had called the cage his. Nor did it strike him as odd that he actually saw the cage as his. Clint cringed, "You are correct, it is still in the basement. I will get it up to your room. As far as getting into it, you can push the button on the left side of the cage as you face it. That will open the door for exactly 30 seconds. Make sure your whole body is inside by the time it closes or your collar will go off." Gabriel used the sandbox again and finished off the water as best as he could. Not having a tongue like a dog, he had to put his face in the dish and slurp up the water to drink. It was humiliating, but the water really helped his repeatedly shocked throat and allowed him to regain some strength. He briefly thought about staying out of the cage but at least while in it he could rest and could not get shocked. Reluctantly, he pushed the button with his forehead and scrambled around to crawl in. Well before he could get himself turned around in the cramped space, the door had already shut and locked Clint came in and looked in the cage to find Gabe sound asleep. It always amazed him when he saw one of his boy-pets sleeping in the tiny confines. Boys were so amazing. They could adapt to things so quickly. He started to kick the cage but stopped himself. He had already pushed the boy far further than he had ever though possible and it was only 1500. If he got the boy up at 1800 or even 1900, fed him and got started again, he would still have plenty of time for Gabe to complete his two-hour assignment. Clint already guessed Gabe would make it. The boy's love for his brother and sister drove him to do whatever was required to help them, even if it was only a ten minute break a day, in Gabe's mind it was something. "So be it," Clint whispered to himself, "if it gets me the presidency, I will get his siblings whatever he wants once we have to give them back to daddy. I just wonder what Gabe would do if knew this had all been daddy's idea." Clint laughed softly as he made his way down to his car. Gabe was not going anywhere so he could get out and make sure what he was being told from the others was true. Besides, he liked exercising his directorship powers once and a while.
Chapter 4Clint pushed the call button to let the owners of the estate house know they had company. The speaker box crackled for a second before a young girl's voice politely asked, "Can I help you sir?"Clint's eyebrows shot up. The voice was not one he recognized. "This is Clint. Get the mistress." Clint drummed his fingers across the steering wheel of his BMW for over two full minutes before the speaker again crackled, "Clint?" "Yea, it's me Tony." Clint responded as he watched a couple of cute boys of about eight peddling their bikes toward the park only a couple of blocks away. The gate started to open, but he didn't pull in until the two boys were no longer in his sights. At last he let his foot off the break and guided the powerful machine down the hill toward a house that used to be owned by a powerful plantation owner. Part of him found it ironic that slaves once again attended to the house so long after the wonderful institution had been crushed by the animals who lived well to the north. His southern up bringing was a proper one, and he like many others still felt the states of the Old South were being punished by the men in Washington D.C. A young man of no more than 15 come down the steps wearing a thin black tee shirt and extremely tight black shorts that showed off his package well. Around his neck was a tuxedo quality white bow tie. Clint allowed the youngster to open the door for him before he spoke to him. "How are you doing Lawrence?" "I am well Master Clint. Do you wish me to park your automobile?" "Not one scratch Lawrence." Clint commanded as he pushed the keys into the boy's hand with his left hand. His right hand went down to squeeze the boy's well outlined testicles until he heard a slight gasp of pain. "No scratches Master Clint." The boy managed to say albeit an octave higher than before. Clint released the boy with a bit of a glare; "You are to old to show pain Lawrence." "My apologies Master Clint. What punishment due you decree?" "Report to the mistress for twenty strikes on each of your balls." The boy's calm looking face fell in dismay at the command, "Master please not that!" Clint raised an eyebrow, "Lawrence, you have not talked back to me in almost a year. I thought you were finally beyond being a boy-pet, but maybe not." The boy lowered his head in fear; "I am sorry Master I shall go to the mistress as soon as your Automobile is parked." "And why should I allow your newest misbehavior to go unpunished?" Clint demanded. Almost petrified at the thought of what would happen if his outburst was reported, he shook slightly, "I will do whatever you command Master." "Fine," Clint's face told of his unhappiness with the lad in front of him, "You will park my car and proceed up to your room. When I get up there I want to see two of the smaller, yet not two small, newer servants with guts full from an enema and butt plugs in place. You will be nude and will hand each servant a ruler when I enter your room. As soon as the door closes you will command then to lock you to your bed. One will be commanded to hit your left nut the other your right nut until I am satisfied. Lastly, you will have a bucket so I can catch what comes out of each servant and you will then drink until the bucket is empty. If I am not happy with your choices of servants than I will find four others. Then all six will take turns on you. "The alternative is to go tell the mistress of your actions and tell her your desire to be a boy-pet until you are 16 years of age. I am sure you would find the cage a bit more cramped now that you are several centimeters taller." Tears poured down Lawrence's cheeks as he shook with a mixture of terror and revulsion; "I will be waiting in my room with everything set as you commanded Master Clint." "You will fetch a good price from the emerald mines in South America when they tire of you boy." Clint commented cruelly as he marched up the steps only to have it opened by one of the few boys he had ever really wanted but had been out bid on. Clint ruffled the hair of the little 9-year-old who happened to have golden blond hair and a left eye that was dark green and a right one that was blue as the sky. This splendid creature held the record of highest priced sale. He fetched the drunk mother a handsome 275,000 English Pounds. The only problem with his purchase was he was never trained other than to be a nude butler, so he was off limits to the directors and even the president. The first time his ass lost its virginity, he would no longer have such a status. Unfortunately, this little prize was actually loved by Tony, so he refused to let anything of the sort happen to his beautiful little butler. Truth be told, little Jamie had a private room, toys, and full run of the house when the services of a butler were not needed. The only requirement was the boy being nude. "What Can I do for you Clint?" Tony's voice sounded from the top of the stairs. "Other than giving me about 30 minutes with Lawrence and a quick look in on your new rental, I just wanted to inform you of my intentions to bring Gabriel to the outing on Tuesday." Tony straightened up in some surprise; "You're bringing a lap-boy so soon?" "Oh, no." Clint smiled, "I'm bringing a boy-pet, not a lap-boy." Tony came down the steps shaking his head; "There's no way! He will fail within 20 minutes." "If he doesn't can I count on your vote for president?" Tony chewed on his lip in thought for a second, "Sure. As long as if he fails I get that cute little Polish kid you bought a few months back." Tony paused then added, "For keeps." Clint winced for a second, "That is a hell of a price. I'll deal if I can have a few non-penetration photo shoots with Jamie here." "Nothing up the ass at all, not even a thermometer, and no dick sucking of anyone older than he is. You agree, and we have a deal." "What about Gabriel, he is not large at all." Tony looked at the boy with an almost fatherly love, "Yea, I guess that would be OK. But I want a copy of the films and they only stay between you and me." "Done!" Clint shook with anticipation at the idea of having a few videos with Jamie on them, even if they were soft porn. Clint made short work of checking on little Sara. He found the girl wearing nothing at all licking a toddler's ass clean in the nursery while a pregnant older girl of about 13 or 14 watched on. Whenever Sara tried to back off a large dildo got shoved further up her ass. The older girl turned as she saw them, "Don't worry Master Anthony. She'll have that in her all the way before nightfall, then you'll fill her little twat with your cock so both ends will seem full all night." "Kind of a strange duty for her. What did she do?" Clint asked as Sara continued to cry and lick at the toddler's shit smeared butt. He also noticed a crib with her stuffed animals in a corner of the room. Unlike most baby crib's, however, this one had a lid and a clasp to lock it shut. Clint shrugged; the girl was almost certainly getting a few minutes to nap with her toys and would not be disturbed in such a contraption. "She didn't like the idea of helping my girls in the maternity area get their pussies clean once they pissed, so my lovely wife figured maybe she would like a day in the nursery instead. Our younger girls are in no state to get up, even for the bathroom just before they fully ripen. Hopefully tomorrow she will learn to like pussy juice. My wife is really looking forward to having that sweet little face shoved in her cunt every morning." "Oh, I bet she is." Clint chuckled, "How long does she get for a nap time?" "I told the girls an hour a day, but I know they give her at least two hours. I'm pretty lax up here cause these girls are expected to produce enough to keep my supply of kids for wanting parents who have no other source. Hell I got to make sure three of the girls who dropped this month get another bun in the oven. You know, not every person out there wants to put up with a baby, they would prefer to get a kid of about three who is already potty trained. You would be surprised what that little shit will get me once he is walking and knows when to go to the toilet." Clint had heard this all before, but babies disgusted him. He could readily understand why people would pay 50000 or more for a kid who was potty-trained. All he really wanted was to get out of this section and have some fun with Lawrence. "Sounds like you are busy, so if you don't mind I will see to Lawrence then take my leave." "Enjoy him while you can. We started taking bids on him last week." "Damn, so soon?" Clint smirked, "Oh well, he is filling out a little too much to be cute anyway." "Yea, and he doesn't have much success getting my girls plump so he is beginning to be more of a burden than keeping him justifies. He has only fathered four dozen times. You know I am really looking forward to Jamie being able to father kids. If I can just get one or two with those eyes 3;" Anthony's voice drifted off as he smiled at the thought of creating such perfection. Clint had never thought of this aspect of Tony's work before and silently shook his head. The man rarely bought boys, but now he understood why he did buy them on occasion. He was trying to make better-looking kids to sell! There was no way anyone would want a hooked nose, nor would they want Tony's other facial features. Flatly speaking, Tony was unattractive. Until now, Clint hadn't thought about whom actually fathered Anthony's stock. As he walked up to Lawrence's room he found he had a whole new respect for Anthony and his wife. He half wondered if maybe he had found whom he would support to be put on the directors' board to replace the man who would become president. In other words, Clint smiled as he placed his hand on the doorknob to Lawrence's room; maybe he had found a person worthy of support to replace himself. Clint opened the door quickly to provide as little warning as possible. His eyes scanned the room quickly. He smiled. His commands were being followed but had not been completed yet. A girl of about 11 had tears in her eyes and looked almost pregnant under the water of the enema. She held her stomach as she struggled with a new wave of cramps. Clint had to chuckle to himself. This would be good for the little twat. With in a year or two she would be in the wing with the other girls whose sole job was too drop babies. The medications she would be given would all but assure her of getting twins or even triplets. Tony only made money if his 45 or so girls produced. These minor gut cramps he was witnessing would be nothing when compared to having a kid or three in her at only 12 or 13 years of age. On the other side of the bed Lawrence was working a butt plug into a fairly new boy. Clint smiled as he remembered the boy from an auction only a month or so ago. The youngster had stabbed his own grandfather with a long pencil as soon as he figured out what was going on. The youngster had then pulled out the pencil, stabbed the old man again, and walked to the center of the room asking who was next. Tony had been the only one to react. He jumped up and restrained the lad while offering the first and last bid on the kid. The kid looked quite a bit different now. His hands cuffed to a chair, ass sticking up in the air, and gut bloated with water. Yet one thing had not changed. He was not crying, nor was he begging for the large piece of plastic to be removed from his backside. He was a tough one! Lawrence looked up from behind an 11-year-old boy with wide eyes showing his fear, "Master Clint, I am not ready yet." "So I noticed!" Clint growled. "What is the holdup?" "The enema tip was too big. I had to get a smaller one master." Lawrence whimpered in fear at having failed to get things ready as instructed. "You boys are just too damn spoiled here!" Clint shouted as he slammed the door blocking out other sounds from the massive mansion. "He's been here for a month and hasn't even had his ass stretched properly yet!" Lawrence backed away as Clint came up behind the boy cuffed to the chair; "I am sorry master Clint, but the mistress set aside his training because he is good at making babies." Clint felt his eyebrows arch in surprise. He stopped putting spit on his fingers, choosing instead to run his hands down the boy. "So you can cum already?" "Yes master." The youngster almost growled. "Hum, I shall have to see this for myself." Clint glanced over this shoulder, "Lawrence, squeeze this water into him then get me the smallest buttplug you can find and secure it in this boy. Once finished allow the new whore to strap you in as instructed earlier." Eagerly, Clint went to work rubbing the boy's quite impressive piece of meat. Within only a few minutes he could feel the boy getting ready to shoot a load. "Not yet boy." Clint stated as he took the offered buttplug from Lawrence. The youngster groaned in the frustration of having been brought so close to orgasm only to have it stopped. Clint quickly pulled out the enema tube and shoved in the buttplug, finally getting a yelp of pain from the boy. Still the boy stifled a flow of tears as he gritted his teeth. "Damn, what an ass." Clint remarked as he smacked the bare cheeks and the rubber plug held firmly in place between the smooth white half-moons. Clint resumed stroking the boy's meat until it was once again almost ready to fire off a wave or two of sperm. So close was the boy this time there were even a few drops of clear precum on the boy's circumcised cock. "No question, you are ripe. Pretty impressive for a kid who would have completed fifth grade this summer. Be a good boy and you'll actually get to relieve this." Clint stood and glanced over at Lawrence. He smiled as the girl worked hard to secure the older boy to the bed with the leather bondage gear already attached to each post. Her efforts were badly hampered, however, by new waves of cramps coming from her bloated intestines. Clint made a quick check of the area for any potential weapons before removing the handcuffs holding the younger lad to the chair. He stepped back waiting for a possible attack, but none came. Instead the boy rolled off the chair and cringed as the water in his gut gave him a cramp. Clint looked evilly at Lawrence, "Let me explain something to both of you younger ones. Over the next few years you will get to know me. I am Master Clint. Now I don't care for girls much, but I do occasionally indulge, so neither one of you are of the hook with me. It is also of some note that I live very close by so you will see me quite often. On the other hand, You can get on my good side. I don't know your names, nor will I ever need to know them as long as you keep me happy. "I got to know Lawrence's name, here, the very first time I met him a little over six years ago now. He spilled hot coffee on me while calling me an asshole. He has been a favorite of mine ever since. Now you two are being punished because he spoke back to me today. One thing I know very well about Lawrence is his terrible disgust of human waste. Therefore, you get to beat him for making you both get an enema, then he will get to drink what comes out of both of you. "Now if either of you has any thoughts of holding back, remember he chose you. I had nothing to do with the selection of his enema toys. Furthermore, your actions up here will either be rewarded or punished depending on how I view your handling of Lawrence." Clint moved over and stroked the boy again for a few moments, "You either get to use this in your cute little girlfriend across the bed from you or I will let Lawrence chew on it while my cock slams up inside your virgin ass." Clint smirked as he saw a hint of fear spread across the boy's face as he moved around to the girl. "And you little sweet thing, can either get a taste of real sex form a boy about your age or from me in your ass and Lawrence in your twat at the same time." Clint stood and smiled, "One last thing both of you should know. Master Anthony and the Mistress here do not often give enemas. But I will guarantee you will live with them every single day, for at least 8 hours a day for one year if you do not do a good enough job on Lawrence's balls." Clint handed the boy and girl each a 12-inch [30 cm] flimsy plastic school ruler then pulled Lawrence's legs further apart, "Begin, but work to get your timing down. The blows should hit at the same moment." Lawrence started begging before the first smack of the ruler connected with his exposed testicles. Within a few seconds all the boy could do was scream. Clint made sure to move between the two children pushing on their bloated guts while warning them of what it would feel like if they had to get twice as much liquid for 8 hours. The girl, in particular, needed a little more attention to get her into the mood, but a few quick shoves of a the buttplug deeper into her already extended bowels did wonders to keep the blows firm and well aimed. Clint waited until Lawrence could no longer scream before pulling both of the younger children back. "Now I want you to remove each other's plugs. Make sure you are over the bucket because if any spills, you will lick it all the floor." Clint almost turned his attention back to Lawrence before holding up a finger, "Boy, you get yours out first. Girl, since you didn't really get in to the spirit of this, you will clean boy's ass off with your tongue. Once Lawrence has consumed the first load, girl will get her plug removed and will sit on Lawrence's face until girl's ass is clean. "Boy, you will then be given girl to do what you want with for the rest of the day. Boy is to have no more duties other than to summon help to clean up Lawrence. Good job boy." Clint watched in amusement as his commands were followed. It was particularly enjoyable to watch Lawrence repeated puke, then re-eat the enema water from the kids. At last tiring of this, and getting more than a little sick of the smell he ordered one of the other slaves to see to it Lawrence finished up and was cleaned up. As Jamie escorted him down the stairs, he smiled as Tony's wife stepped into view. "Hello, Mistress Elizabeth!" "And a good day to you Master Clint! Judging from the screaming, little Lawrence must have been quite a bad boy!" Clint shrugged, "He had the nerve to talk back to me today." "Is he alive?" Elizabeth asked with no real concern in her voice. "Oh yea. He will probably be unable to walk for a day or two though. His jewels will be terribly swollen for a few days at least." "I am sure we will find chores for him that do not require walking then." Elizabeth smiled, "I understand you had Nicky and Samantha helping you. Did they do an adequate job?" "Nicky is the boy?" "Yes. He give you problems?" "No." Clint stated honestly, "He was quite well behaved. He is adorable. I would love to get a photo shoot with him." "I am sure it can be arranged. Did you see him cum?" "Yea, I let him have Samantha and watched. I was wondering if we could set a up a three way with those two and Gabriel." "From what Anthony tells me, you'll be able to do whatever you want if you pull off this stunt with Gabriel. I have not seen the boy yet, but Anthony said he would have bid almost as high on him as he did for Jamie if we could have kept him. "He is a splendid looking boy, there is no doubt." Elizabeth sighed, "So is his sister. A shame they are not for keeps. Do you really think you will have Gabriel ready is such a short span of time?" "Indeed I do." "You will certainly get our support if you have turned him into a boy-pet in under a week!" Clint smiled as he made his way out to his car. Lawrence was in no shape to grab it for him, that was for sure. Briefly he thought about checking on Michael, but shrugged, he had enough fun today and Gabriel needed some more practice. A call on the cell phone would be enough to make sure the little brother was getting time to feed and play with the ferret. As he made his way slowly out the gate Clint again rubbed his groin at the thought of getting Gabriel again before bed. All the excitement with Lawrence had him terribly horny. As he pulled up to the stop sign he spied the two boys riding bikes in the park again. He pulled out a camera and snapped a few photos with a telephoto digital camera and e-mailed them to a friend. He included the time of day and the street crossing with the e-mail before pulling out into traffic. Clint sighed as he pulled into the garage at Gabriel's house. The summer months were always the hardest to drive in. There were just too many cute boys to look at. It made watching out for other cars more of a chore. He glanced down at his watch as the automatic door slid closed behind him. He had spent far too long at Tony's house. He shrugged. There was still time to put Gabe through his paces one last time before bed. Gabriel heard the cage door whine as the motor opened the door. For a brief moment he thought about not moving, but the memory of what had happened when he did not wake up when he was supposed to changed his mind. He managed to crawl out of the cage, but his movements were awkward. Clint rubbed Gabriel's hair for a moment; "You may stand and stretch for a couple of minutes. Then you will learn how to be fucked while facing me." Gabriel took a deep breath and stood, half expecting the wires to hit him with a new wave of electric pain. When nothing happened he sighed in relief at finally being able to stand. The fact he was again going to feel the man's massive dick up his butt seemed like a small price to pay at this point. In fact, his butt was one of the few places that didn't hurt on him. Clint watched Gabriel work out all the kinks in his slender body. Just watching the boy caused his cock to get hard. He puled up a few pictures off his computer and waited for Gabriel to look more or less comfortable. "Come here a minute." Gabriel rolled his head as he made his way over to Clint. He could hear his stomach rumble with hunger, but he had been told no more meals so he didn't hold any hope of getting any. Clint put his arm around Gabriel and started playing with the boy's cock. As he did so he hit a button on the computer. A picture of a boy about Gabriel's age appeared. The brown haired, blue eyed boy was on his back, arms behind his knees, holding himself up so his boy pussy was easily available. The next few shots showed an older blond haired boy move up to the exposed asshole and mount the younger child. It was clear by the look on the younger kid's face, he was not enjoying the attention, but he continued to hold his legs up until the final shot showed the older kid withdraw his cum and shit coated dick from the other boy's ass. Gabriel swallowed hard as the computer clicked off. There was no question in his mind that he had just seen a version of what was going to happen. Only he knew there would be a part not shown, where he would use his mouth to clean off the dick once it was pulled out of him. Clint closed the laptop computer. "I don't see any need to make further explanations. This will be how we have sex from now on so get used to it. Now undress me and get into bed like a good little sex toy. Gabriel did as instructed with little in the way of self-pity. As he lay back on the bed and pulled his feet up in the air, he wondered why he was not ashamed or scared. Even as the searing pain of a Clint's massively thick cock broke through his spincster caused him to cry out, he felt nothing other than the pain. The feelings of revulsion, disgust, and even helplessness were no longer there. It was almost as if this was his place. Finally the new round of pain subsided. Without even bothering to see what Clint wanted he sat up and took the man's cock into his mouth and started cleaning it off. Clint sighed in pleasure as he clamped his hands down on the boy's head and pushed his face forward so his whole cock was buried as deep as possible in Gabriel's throat. Gabriel's actions took him by surprise, but he didn't argue. The boy was smart and knew what to expect in short order. This would only make the last part of the training easier. Clint released the boy's ears at long last and smiled, "Very good Gabe. Only next time you need to keep your feet up higher so I can lick them when I feel the desire. You get to take a quick mouth cleaning and shower by yourself, then come back here so we can finish your four-legged walking practice. Gabriel climbed into the shower with a wince, his ass hurt and he could feel some of the cum and shit sliding down his legs. The warm water actually stung on his skin some, probably because of the hat and cold water from earlier in the day, he thought. Still the shower felt great. The only problem was it got the pads on the wires all wet. He was only ten, but he knew electricity and water shouldn't be mixed. This fear was evident on his face as he came back into his room. "You may speak like a boy Gabriel." Clint commented as he saw the look on the boy's face. "The sticky things hooked to the collar are all wet sir." Clint laughed, "Oh the water will not hurt them or you, worry not. Besides, they will dry while you eat your dinner!" Gabriel looked down at where Clint was pointing. The dish next tot he water bowl held clumps of brown colored chunks with nasty looking gravy. Gabriel felt his shoulders slump as he saw the empty can of pedigree dog food next to dish. "Gabe, a boy-pet must eat like a pet as well as walk like one. Your food will sit there until you eat it all. Besides, I am being very nice to you. Most of my pets tell me pedigree tastes pretty good." Gabriel stifled a sob as he moved to his hands and knees over the dog food. The smell was not as bad as he had first thought it would be, but it was not pleasant by a long shot. Still his stomach again rumbled and he knew he was very hungry. Closing his eyes he pushed his head into the strange chunks and forced himself to eat. To prevent himself for puking, he forced his thoughts on the fact it was nowhere near as bad as what he had to eat out of Clint's ass every morning. Clint watched on as Gabriel reluctantly ate the dog food. This little humiliation was one calculated to more fully destroy a boy's will. Up to this point, everything else had been forced on the boy, but this had not. There was no punishment for not eating, just hunger. Hunger, however, was a tool of immense power. Still it surprised Clint that Gabreil's hesitation had been only momentary. Most boys would stare at the food, sometimes for hours, a few even went a full day before losing the battle and sticking their face down into the chunks the can said were lamb and rice. Clint wiped Gabriel's face off as soon as the kid had braved every bit he could get to, "Well done, yet again Gabe. You are becoming quite the boy-pet!" Gabriel moved over and slurped as much water as he could to wash down what was still in his mouth. He was somewhat surprised that it hadn't been as bad as he had first thought. The taste had been strong, but not any worse than some of the things his mother had cooked when she was high. This thought made him wonder exactly what mom had feed him on occasion. His thoughts switched quickly away from his mom, as he saw Clint grab the leash. Instantly he moved to be in contact with Clint's leg so he would not have to feel the shocks of the collar. For a second he remembered the water, but forgot about that quickly enough as he was once again lead around the house. Two and a half hours later Clint led him back to his room and pointed to the kitty litter, "Do what you need to do and get in your cage. You did well tonight, so I will let you stay in your cage all night." Gabriel scrambled to obey. As he crammed himself into his cage and the door shut, he breathed a sigh. The tight cage was not comfortable, but he would be allowed to sleep without being pinched, poked, and prodded all night. Within minutes he was fast asleep curled up with a thumb in his mouth. Morning came all too soon for Gabriel; he once again heard the motor whine as the door opened. He crawled out and stretched the best he could while staying on all fours. Clint watched for a few minutes before cracking a slight smile, "Well done Gabe, you didn't even try to test the collar this morning. You may get up and work out the kinks then we have morning duties!" Gabriel stood and shook his limbs to get all the feeling back then moved up and knelt in front of Clint while taking the man's cock into his mouth. He then resumed his position of being on all fours as he waited for the blast of warm urine into his throat. Clint pinched Gabriel's nose and released his morning piss. The boy clearly had his mind set to do everything perfectly, so Clint took full advantage. Within an hour he had shit, shaved and was clean with both a tongue bath and a nice warm shower with the boy. Gabriel was then feed another can of pedigree and taken for a long walk around the house. This time, however, Clint was quite a bit rougher with his pet. Instead of just poking Gabe with an umbrella or hooking an arm or leg, he took to stepping on Gabe's hands and smacking the umbrella into Gabe's testicles. He took few breaks, only fucking Gabe once and letting him shit in the sandbox before starting all over again. By time night fell Gabe was able to take just about everything Clint could imagine his partners in The Group could come up with. He fed Gabe one more time and pushed the exhausted boy into the cage. Clint looked down at the boy's snot and tear streaked face. "Gabriel you may speak now that you are in your cage. Tomorrow may be the last day you will have to feel like this, and with any luck, but nightfall you will see this has all been worth while." Still crying form the day's torments Gabriel looked out form behind the cage door, "I won't have to be a boy-pet no more sir?" Clint pushed a wet rag through the mesh on the cage door so Gabriel could wipe his face. "You will still be a boy-pet Gabe, but not all the time and you will not be held to such high standards. You need to get through tomorrow and make me proud. Everything that you do from the moment I pull into the auction site to the moment I drive away will determine your how the rest of your summer goes, and to a lesser extent play a part on how your brother and sister fair as well." Gabriel used the cloth to clean the mixture of dog food and snot off his face then looked up, "Are Michael and Sara really OK sir?" Clint couldn't believe the caged boy in front of him could still hold so much concern for his brother and sister after everything he had been through. Yet he clearly did. Those two younger ones were very lucky to have such a brother. Clint nodded slowly, "I saw Sara today. She has not exactly followed instructions and was being punished, but she will be fine. I didn't actually see Michael, but I checked on him again by phone. He is settling in a little bit better than he did the first day and a half. He is a real fighter, so he gets disciplined now and again, but he is learning. "Both will end up far better off if you do well tomorrow though." "I will sir. Promise!" Clint patted the top of the cage, "I am sure you will. Get some sleep." Clint walked down the steps and flipped on his computer. He stared at the screen for a few minutes then looked at the controller for Gabriel's collar. The plastic safety covered button stared back at him. "Do I or don't I." He whispered to himself. He shook his head as picked up the control unit. He made his way to the basement. "Gabriel, I am sorry, but this is just too important. You have been extremely good and I will make it up to you. That is a promise from me." After making a few last preparations Clint walked up to Gabriel's room and slid into the boy's bed. He gazed on the cage wishing he could sleep with the boy, but that would have to wait. There would be time for enjoyment after he had secured his place at the top of The Group.