Chapter One The Island
The morning broke cool and clear as the sun began its rise, peaking above the waves over the eastern horizon, announcing the start of a new day. The ocean terminated its journey lapping gently on the golden sand. The smell of the sea air, along with the scents of the nearby vegetation, provided an invigorating start to another peaceful beautiful day. Breaking the quiet of the serene atmosphere, a small black and tan mongrel dog ran along the shore barking her greeting to the new dawn. She paused for a moment; her ears cocked, then quickly turned inwards and plunged into the nearby trees, approximately 50 feet [15 m] from where the ocean waves ended on the beach.
"For a 7-year-old, you sure can run," yelled a man from his porch as he began eating his breakfast. A smile creased his face as he saw his dog disappear into the foliage. Once again he was enjoying the start of another day watching the sky grow brighter. At 40 years of age he felt great. In fact, on mornings like this, he felt 10 or more years younger. The stress and nightmares of a few years ago were fading into memory. The struggles of a low-paying job and never seeing his life getting any better, the three years spent in prison for the love of a boy, the months afterwards trying to find a job just to survive, had brought him on the brink of suicide. A 100-million dollar winning lottery ticket brought him back from the abyss to a new life people mostly dream of and he certainly never expected to ever obtain.
The weeks and months after winning seemed like a blur. People he never met in his life were bombarding him; accountants, stockbrokers, financial consultants, individuals requesting backing for this scheme or that. He understood that these types of tactics were expected when someone comes into a large sum of money. But what really disgusted him were the so-called friends who abandoned him when news got out of his sexual involvement with a 9-year-old boy, never wrote one letter to him during the three years of his imprisonment, and totally ignored his requests to help him get back on his feet again upon release. Now they came out of the woodwork. They couldn't say enough good things about him and treated his crime with such triviality, like it was a parking ticket. His former landlord, who refused to rent to him again after being released from prison, wanted to expand his real estate holdings and was looking for a partner; the next door neighbor who claimed to have invented something that would change the world needed a financial backer; the parents of a child who implored him to fund a very expensive operation to save their daughter's life. The list went on and on. Every day either through telephone calls, U.S. Mail or e-mail, requests and solicitations kept pouring in. It was as though everyone expected him to become a philanthropist and give away his newly won fortune. No way he told himself. If anything, he wanted to get away from everyone. He knew he would always be badgered for money, and if he refused his criminal past was brought up and thrown in his face. In one conversation/meeting he could go from a possible financial savior to the scum of the earth when their request was denied. It was then that he thought about buying his own private island.
He had read about people buying their own island, usually off the eastern coast of the United States. But he didn't want to be living within the jurisdiction of any state. He wanted a place where he could set his own laws and no country on earth could tell him how to live or what he could do. There were no islands he found in the Atlantic Ocean and the few he could locate in European waters again required adherence to a specific country's laws and statutes. Cost of purchase and maintaining such an island along with its taxes could bankrupt him, even with 100 million dollars. Among the super millionaires and billionaires, he was considered among the poor. His background, when discovered, also proved a hindrance among these snobbish people. So he turned his sights to the Pacific Ocean.
That wasn't proving very easy either as most of the islands belonged to one Federation or another, like Fiji, Marshall Islands, Kiribati, the Solomons, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu for example. It took several months before an island was located that was for sale and not under the jurisdiction of any country. That was surprising as islands that were administered by the United States surrounded its location. It was approximately 100 miles [150 km] east of the Marshall Islands. A rich Malaysian merchant had purchased the island 10 years earlier and had everything imported and built to maintain a pretty sufficient self-sustaining environment. Lying between the Tropic of Cancer and the Equator, the weather was appealing year round.
After three months of negotiation, the deal was made and he took possession of the isle, renaming it 'Paradise Island'. He recalled the excitement as he flew from Los Angeles to Honolulu to Majuro in the Marshall Islands and by helicopter to his new home. Before heading east the pilot flew over some of the 64 islands that made up the atoll. Majuro itself was located on an island less than ten square miles. Not long after he settled into his new home, he wondered if he had made the right decision. He learned his answer after nearly a year on the island. He had brought his weight down to 170 pounds [55 kg] on his five-foot nine-inch [1.75 m] frame. Dark brown hair and brown eyes made up the youthful looking facial features. He had an even tan from head to toe after the weeks and months spent in the nude. Yes, he was happy. He knew this was what he wanted.
Loneliness was never a problem with him. He had never had many friends and most adult acquaintances always seemed to end on a bad note. Joshua, the young boy whose relationship cost three years of his life, had been the one exception. He now dedicated himself to enjoying this two-square mile [5 km2] paradise with the three pets he had brought along with him. With the dog disappearing into the bushes, he looked down at the two cats staring at him waiting for a handout from his breakfast of bacon, eggs and toast.
"You two are persistent, aren't you?" smiled the man as he handed each cat a small strip of bacon. "Where's Princess?" he inquired his two felines of the dog. "She's not usually late for breakfast." He looked at his two cats he had brought over from America, along with the dog. Both were black. The difference between the two was that one had white feet and a blaze down the front of her face to a wet pink nose. It was that one that meowed back.
"You really don't care, do you Boots," laughed the man as he scratched her back causing her to purr quite loudly.
"Do you have anything to say Blackie? Don't have any opinion?" as he petted the solid black colored cat. Of the two, she was the longhaired. She lay on her side like nothing in the world would bother her, certainly not some overdue mutt. She swished her tail gently back and forth. "Well Princess had better hurry or there won't be any bacon left for her."
The man slowly leaned back on his chair after popping another piece of toast dunked in egg yolk in his mouth. These first months here had been wonderful. He didn't miss any of the familiar sights and sounds of the big city. Yes, occasionally he yearned something from a fast-food restaurant, but decided the sacrifice was worth it for the life he had today. After nearly a year on this island, he felt just as happy and contented as when he first set foot on its pristine sandy shores. His mind drifted once more to many years ago when he lived in a small town where everybody knew everybody. He worked for an employer who gave him just above minimum wage for a salary. He struggled for years trying to pay his bills. Repeated requests for raises were denied. He thought so often of quitting and finding a new job, but was more scared of the consequences were he unsuccessful.
Animals were his joy. He lived in a mobile home surrounded by acres of open land. Stray dogs and cats would show up at his doorstep and he would feed them, taxing even more his meager funds. But their companionship more than compensated for whatever sacrifice he had to make to feed them. He even fed the birds that hung around singing and chirping to brighten his day. For years, that was his life. Then he met Joshua.
A meow broke into his thoughts. Looking down, he smiled. "All rights Boots, Princess had her chance." He took the remaining bacon and divided in between the two cats. Boots gulped hers down quickly while Blackie took her time, savoring each bite. "Where is that dog?" he wondered as he looked toward the foliage where she had dashed in and had not yet reappeared. He then drank the last of his coffee.
His mind shifted gears as he thought about his 'neighbors'. After living here on the island for six months without any visitors, except for a weekly supply run from Majuro, he enjoyed his nude walks along the shore. The sun felt great on his bare skin and there was nobody within miles who could spy on him. One morning he was shocked to see a large canoe heading toward his island. Not wanting those approaching seeing him for the first time wearing no clothing, he ran back to his house and threw on a pair of cutoffs. He also pocketed a pistol. Living alone was wonderful, but one mustn't be foolish. It never hurt to be prepared. It had never crossed his mind that there could be nearby populated islands within canoe paddling distance. He went back to the shore. He could see more clearly those in the craft. Could these half-naked savages desire to do him harm? He readied himself to run back to his house for safety. But his fears quickly dissipated when a young boy, not spotted at first among the six men paddling the canoe, got out and came up to him without hesitation wearing a big smile. He quickly learned that these were very friendly people and had waited several months to make their presence known until they felt they could trust their new neighbor. The previous Malaysian owner had not been so friendly and sometimes chased them away by firing his rifle in the air. He found out that for many weeks one from their village had been spying on him trying to determine if they could approach him. He had been seen many times while walking naked around the island. This seemed to fit in with a part of their own lifestyle and thus they took a chance and paddled over.
He smiled as he thought of their four monthly visits since then. A lifestyle he thought he would never enjoy again had opened up to him. In the short time he had known these people, called the Kalaukans, after their island of Kalauka, he had become like a honorary member of their tribe as many of their secrets were revealed to him. In their most recent visit, he had been invited over to their island for his first visit next week to participate in a 'Rite of Manhood' ceremony. His cock twitched for the first time that morning as he thought of the pleasure and honor waiting for him during that initiation.
Again the man looked to the foliage where his dog had disappeared. "Maybe she got stuck somewhere," he thought out loud. Like most coral islands, Paradise Island was relatively flat with low rolling hills and a variety of native vegetation. During the early weeks of exploring the island, he had found some caves which he thought were old vents from long ago volcanic activity. In fact, there was a hot springs near the center of the island that apparently was heated from somewhere below.
"Want to help me find her girls?" he asked looking at the cats. Both just lay there looking at him not showing any interest, washing themselves. "I guess not." He got up from the table and began the walk down the half-dozen steps to the shore below. He took a look back at his home. The porch he just left gave a view to the western horizon. The house itself looked pretty typical like something taken from a housing track back in the United States. The previous owner, rather than erect a dwelling indicative of his native background, decided to construct as modern and solid a structure as possible and knew that American housing followed a strict law of building codes. The Malaysian even hired an American contractor. Of course, there were limitations due to the fact the house was built on a two-square mile [5 km2] island. But otherwise, you could have plucked it from Paradise Island; set it down in any American neighborhood and no one would know the difference. In fact, while searching for his own island, he nearly declined interest in this one as the house reminded him too much of earlier times and the emotions he had gone through. He liked, though, everything else he saw, and in reality he was running out of available places to check out that fit his original criteria. And so he decided this was to be his new home.
He discovered after he moved in that the home made it easier to settle down and adjust to, rather than something foreign he may have had problems with or discover later he didn't like. He still had abundant funds left from his lottery winnings in case modifications were necessary. The house was about 2000 square feet [185 m2] with three bedrooms and two baths. It was situated on the highest hill of the island on its western side and less than 100 feet from the ocean's edge. Each room was large and the house included both a porch facing west and a slightly smaller one facing east. Large windows were in each room and no matter where you were you looked out at either the beauty of the Pacific Ocean or the rolling hills that dotted the interior. Occasionally he'd hear an airplane overhead. He never saw any ships and figured his island was off the normal shipping routes.
The porch the man just left led straight to the shoreline. From the porch on the eastern side of the house, steps lead to several trails crisscrossing the island, one leading to the hot springs. A little distant north of the house was a helicopter landing pad as well as a boat dock. To help make the island self-sufficient a wind generator harnessed the ocean breezes and provided the electrical needs of the island. Backup generators were also available if needed. A small desalinization plant provided unlimited water. Communications was through a satellite dish and a second dish provided all the radio and television stations he could pick up. These modern amenities helped overcome the man's initial dislike of the island based on his first look at the house. The clincher, though, was the glass bedroom. It was an independent structure on the eastern side of the island set up on the edge of the shore as it met the foliage. It was a large octagon shape dwelling approximately 35 feet [10 m] across set on stilts six feet [1½ m] above the ground. He called it the glass bedroom because the four sides of the eight-sided structure facing the east had large glass windowpanes. A 180-degree view was provided to anyone who wanted to watch the sunrise. The man spent many nights in the early weeks on the island in this unique dwelling furnished just like a master bedroom.
As he reached the shore, he turned to his left and began a slow walk along the edge of the ocean. His bare feet enjoyed the feel of the grains of sand. He had become impressed with the cleanliness of the sand and the clarity of the water. He recalled how dirty the beaches were back home and the constant news about how polluted the oceans were getting. Here, he'd even seen a couple of turtles come ashore to lay their eggs and made sure he avoided walking anywhere nearby. The longer he was here, the more he realized how lucky he was to have found this place and had decided to make it his home. In fact, it just dawned on him that today was Saturday and he would be getting his weekly visit from Troy. The man first met Troy nearly a year ago as he flew him from Majuro for his first look at what was later to be his new island home. The man appreciated Troy's knowledge of the area and when he did decide to purchase the island, Troy became the middleman handling all the transactions and necessary documentations. Troy seemed to have connections everywhere, although he was only 22 years old. He would call Troy each week to not only let him know he was okay, but to order food or other necessities not provided by the island. If a trip were required, Troy would fly in by helicopter to Paradise Island on Saturdays. Today would be one of those visits.
The man continued his walk along the shore heading toward the area where he saw his dog dash into the foliage. He thought he heard her barking but wasn't sure as the waves were crashing along the shore a little louder than usual. He came across one of the inland trails that ended at the shore. He decided to take it. "What a beautiful morning," he thought to himself. He recalled back to the many hours spent exploring the island. The previous owner had cut several trails throughout. On some of the main ones leading to and from the house, he even strung some electric bulbs to light the way at night. The island boasted many varieties of vegetation. The man didn't know the names of most of what grew here but was trying to use the Internet to identify as much as possible. The easiest to identify and most prolific plant on the island were the coconut trees. Troy had tried to encourage him to hire workers to harvest the coconuts to offset some of the expenses of running the island. But he had refused, not wanting strangers living on his island, at least not yet. During his many walks along the various trails, he would pull a small four-wheel cart, about the size of a kid's wagon, but with 18-inch [45 cm] sides, and gather the coconuts that had fallen to the ground. He would store them in a shack next to the helipad and give them to Troy when he stopped by. Troy was instructed to give them freely to those less fortunate. There didn't seem to be any animal life, although a variety of birds made their home on the island, while others paused to rest before continuing on their journey.
The man stopped. He thought he heard voices but couldn't be sure. The wind rustling through the leaves of the various plants were creating their own symphony of sound. He closed his eyes and tried to concentrate. If he didn't know better, he could have sworn he heard a child's voice. "It must be the way the wind is blowing," he rationalized to himself. He resumed walking, but took the next trail he came upon that headed back to the beach. The foliage ended and the man stepped back upon the sand. He halted and blinked his eyes several times. Not only was his eyes trying to adjust to the bright sunlight after emerging from the shadows of the trees, but also he wasn't sure of the apparition he saw about 100 feet [30 cm] away. Blocking the light with his hand, he saw what looked like some sort of small boat that appeared beached on the shore. It looked like some type of lifeboat. The three children standing beside it were wearing what appeared to be orange life preservers. They were huddled close together so that a determination of whether they were boys, girls, or a mixture of both was difficult. Halfway between the man and the children stood Princess barking at these intruders to her domain. Either the three were afraid of the dog or didn't know what to do next. The man guessed they had just landed on the island based on their appearance of still being soaking wet, dripping water from their bodies.
The first thought that came to the man was that he was glad he was dressed. The early mornings were a little chilly and he usually didn't shed all his clothes until nearer the noonday. Soaking wet with a barking dog in front of them, a naked man was the last thing these children needed to see. Slowly, the man approached the three recently landed visitors. Many questions flooded his mind. Who were there? What happened? Was anyone hurt? After a moment he concluded the only way he was going to get his answers would be when he approached the craft and its former occupants. He quickened his pace. Besides the Kalaukan tribe, who had since made monthly visits, these were the first unannounced visitors. The three appeared to be light-skinned, not typical of the pigmentation of the many native islanders of the South Pacific, although one must not rule that out completely. Quit speculating he told himself. First see if they are all right. Then get them to the house to dry off and get some warmth.
The three children had been closely watching the dog and then the man as he pulled even with his pet. One of them pointed a finger at him and spoke something to the other two. The man couldn't make out what was said. He hoped they spoke English or this would be a difficult exchange in communication. "I wonder if I look scary to them coming in cut-offs, shirt and no shoes. I probably look like a beach bum." Once again he was glad that he was clothed, if only partially. A 40-year-old naked man approaching three scared kids wouldn't have helped the situation. After telling his dog that everything was all right and to stay put, the man continued his approach toward the shivering group. When he was within twenty feet [6 m] he was able to make out the name on the bow of the lifeboat, Sea Queen. The man knew nothing of lifeboats or life rafts, but this one seemed pretty small, maybe large enough to hold five or six adults. What were three kids doing alone in it?
At ten feet [3 m] from the trio he stopped. He studied them for a moment. They were all approximately the same height and guessed they were about 12-years-old. Two had longer hair that seemed plastered to the side of their face and neck, so he wasn't sure if they were boys or girls. The third he was positive was a boy. "Are you alright?" the man inquired. "Are any of you hurt?" No response. The man's fears grew that they knew no English and he, himself, spoke no other tongue. "Can any of you speak English?"
Slowly, the one the man knew was definitely a boy stepped forward a few steps. Looking at the man, he asked in a trembling voice, "Who are you?"
English! The man breathed a sigh of relief. "My name is John. You landed on an island and I live here. "My house is just a short walk along this beach. If you can make it, we'll get you warm and dry and find something to eat."
"We can make it," the boy responded. Turning back to face the other two, he called to them, "It's okay, let's follow him."
"Are there any others in the boat?"
"No, there is no one else."
"All right. Leave your life jackets in the boat and let's go. It won't take too long to get to my home."
Slowly they took their life preservers off and dropped them inside the boat. John turned around keeping a 15-foot [5 m] distance between him and the three and led the way. Calling his dog, he led the newly landed visitors along the shore and headed in a northerly direction to his house. As they passed a couple of trails leading inward, he could sense their eyes darting everywhere as though expecting something or someone to jump out of the foliage. John thought of using one of them as they would get to the house a little faster, but their reactions caused him to quickly discard that idea. Up ahead, the island jutted out a little way and the sand gave way to some rocky shoal. An inland trail would have been easier. But he realized an open shore would be less frightening than a closed forest. As John turned to check on their progress he was able to confirm his first observation of the three castaways. They were all boys.
Soon, though, everyone was at the bottom of the steps leading up the porch and to the house where he had just finished breakfast a short while ago. "This is where I live. It's just a few steps, but take it slow. I'll help you if you want." None of the three spoke a word, so John began the climb of the six wooden steps taking a couple of looks back to see that everyone was okay. When the three reached the porch, John motioned to the chairs. "Come on, it's alright. Just sit down." The three youngsters slowly sat down while their eyes continuously darted about them. They were definitely still scared.
"Here's what I'll do," began the adult. "I have two bathrooms with showers that two of you can use right away. Whoever finishes first, the last of you will go. I'll bring some dry clean towels. I'll try to get your clothes washed and dried as quickly as possible. I'll heat up some warm soup. After you've eaten you can all rest for a while. Does that sound okay?"
"Thank you sir," spoke the same boy who greeted him at the lifeboat. The boy nodded his head to his two companions indicating that they should be first to use the showers. They looked at their companion with some hesitation. "Go ahead, I believe he really wants to help us."
John nodded his head in return and led the two selected boys inside. After retrieving towels from a linen closet, he pointed down the hallway to show the boys where the two bathrooms were. "Dry yourself with one towel and use the other to cover yourself while I get your clothes washed. When you're through, just leave your clothes and towels on the floor outside the bathroom."
As they reached the first bathroom, one boy walked in and closed the door not saying a word. At the second bathroom, which was in the master bedroom, the boy looked John in the eye and quietly spoke, "Thank you sir." For a second John stood a little stunned. The face looking at him seemed so familiar, yet he knew he had never met this boy in his life. He blinked a couple of times, quickly regained his composure, and smiled at the lad. "You're quite welcome. And by the way, my name is John."
As the boy nodded and closed the door, John grabbed three more towels to take to the last boy still waiting at the porch. "Here, wrap one around you. When your turn comes, use the second towel to dry and the third to wear until I get your clothes washed. There should still be plenty of soap and shampoo in either bathroom." As John handed the boy the towels, he again stopped abruptly as he gazed at the face of the youth. Once more, he got that eerie feeling that he had seen that face before just like the one he spoke to a few moments ago. Quickly, he continued talking as though never missing a beat. "Come inside to the kitchen while I start heating some soup."
The kitchen was adjacent to the porch and had all the modern appliances any home could have. John opened a couple of cans of chicken noodle soup. What kid didn't like chicken noodle soup! As he began heating the contents he looked at the clock on the wall and noticed it was already 10:00. What a morning it had been so far! He occasionally glanced at the boy sitting at the kitchen table and again got that feeling that he should know whom he and the other one currently taking a shower were. Despite his hair plastered down from exposure to the salt water of the sea, he was a handsome looking lad. After six months of total solitude, in the span of four months four young boys had set foot on his island.
As he continuously glanced at the young visitor, his mind reflected back to the days of Joshua and their relationship. Although the boy was only 9 at the time, he had a smart head on his shoulders. He had continued to amaze John with his maturity and understanding for someone so young. He constantly reminded John that he did not feel the man was taking advantage of him, despite their age difference, and that he wanted, and enjoyed, the sex the two of them consummated. Their six-month relationship came to an abrupt end when Joshua secretly told his older 13-year-old brother about what was going on between him and the adult. He thought he could trust his brother to keep the confidentiality he shared. Instead, the older brother informed his parents who called the police. Joshua refused to testify against his adult friend. John later learned that Joshua received beatings from his father to get him to turn against his 'molester'. Rather than see his young friend continue facing pressure at home to testify against him and being possibly traumatized by describing what sex acts occurred between he and the adult in an open court, John agreed to plea bargain to a three-year prison sentence. Looking at the boy sitting at the table brought back the more pleasurable aspects of John's relationship with Joshua. He wondered at this boy and what pleasures he could have with him. He felt his cock starting to tent in his cutoffs.
"Stop that!" he told himself. "Don't start imagining things that cannot happen." He felt a little angry with himself. "Don't you get enough sex from the Kalaukan boy? This lad and his companions have just been through one hell of an experience. There's family searching for them at this very moment. First, make sure they are all right, call Majuro and get them picked up as quickly as possible."
At that moment John felt the presence of the boy waiting his turn to shower standing next to him. He turned and gazed at the boy once again getting that feeling that he should recognize him from the past. Smiling, he said, "This chicken noodle soup will do the trick and then you can all sleep for a while."
"Thank you sir. I wanted you to know how much we appreciate you helping us."
"You're welcome, but how about calling me John and telling me what your name is?"
"Okay John," the boy answered with a slight smile. "My name is Michael, but everyone calls me Mike"
"Glad to meet you Mike," the man replied sticking his hand out. Mike grabbed it and they shook hands. "How old are you?"
A slight hesitation, "Sixteen."
"Sixteen?" John responded with a slight sense of disbelief in his voice.
"That's the truth. I know I look like twelve, but I'm really sixteen. I guess I'm way behind on the growing up part."
That would be the truth as the boy seemed to stand about five feet three inches [1.60 m] in height and maybe around 100 pounds [45 kg]. The boy had sandy blond hair and gray eyes. His face was smooth with no inkling of any changes commonly occurring when entering puberty. His voice seemed a tad lower than maybe a normal twelve-year-old, but not deep enough to indicate the changes associated with becoming a teenager. He was an attractive lad and once again John had to fight the sexual urges he was feeling. Damn, where had he seen this boy before?
Changing the subject, he asked Mike, "What are the names and ages of your two companions?"
"Matt is 12-years-old and Chris 13," was the answer. "We've been together for about two months."
At that moment one of the boys walked into the kitchen, his towel wrapped tightly around him. John had given the boys large beach-type towels so when wrapped around the body, especially a young boy, they covered from just above the nipples to their knees. Taking a 50-50 chance, John greeted the lad. ""How do you feel Matt? Here's a bowl of hot soup." John had made the right guess on the boy's name as the lad made eye contact with him and slowly nodded his head. He then looked at Mike and sensing no problems, sat down and began eating his soup. John then led Mike to the just vacated bathroom and to make sure repeated the same instructions he had given the boy earlier on the porch.
Returning to the kitchen, he tried to strike up a conversation with Matt, but the boy just looked at him and said nothing. Once again the man was intrigued by the fact that this boy was also so familiar looking to him. He felt that strangeness again wondering how three boys could land on his island in a lifeboat and all have facial features he swore he recognized. Not that they were bad looking. As the third boy, Chris, came in and started on the soup John poured for him, he concluded that all three were quite handsome. Being a boylover himself, he could appreciate even more the beauty of boys at that age. He wasn't sure if Mike was pulling his leg claiming he was sixteen, but that didn't matter. He would enjoy their company in the short time they were here until they left to rejoin their families.
Matt and Chris finished their soup and sat quietly until Mike arrived, also wrapped tightly by the large towel. John was a little disappointed he couldn't see anything, but again chided himself on being selfish under the circumstances. Sure, having three good-looking boys a few feet away was erotically enticing, but he had to remember what they had just gone through and the people right now looking for them.
As Mike sat down joining the other two, John tried once again to gain a little more information from him about the three of them. "You said you've been together for a couple of months. Do you all live in the same neighborhood?"
There was a long silence as Mike first looked at his two companions before facing the adult and slowly responding. "We're orphans."
The statement shocked John. He expected Mike to give a location, probably in the United States as their hometown, but not this. "Orphans! Then how did you end up on that lifeboat?"
Mike cast his eyes down and the man could tell he didn't want to talk about it anymore.
"All right, no more questions. Everybody rest and we'll talk later." Mike looked relieved at not having to say anymore. John decided the answers to the many questions popping into his mind, especially how they had ended up in that lifeboat, would just have to wait for later.
John led the boys to the three bedrooms he had and assigned one bed to each boy. Although the house had come with three bedrooms, he never thought that all would be used at the same time. Even when the Kalaukans paid their monthly visits, everyone slept outdoors. "All your clothes will be ready when you wake up," he told the three of them. "The towels will have to be your pajamas for tonight. Sleep as long as you like and when you wake up we'll talk and decide what the next step should be."
Shortly after the boys heard the man's footsteps receding down the hallway, both Matt and Chris left their rooms and preceded to the one Mike was occupying, which happened to be John's bedroom.
Chris looked at Mike and asked, "What are we going to do? Do you think John will take us back?"
Mike thought for a moment before replying. "I don't know. We'll have to wait and see. He's different from the others we've known. Maybe he can help us."
After assuring that everyone was all right, John realized he better get ready for the supply pick-up. He called Princess to accompany him. She had remained outdoors eyeing the new strangers suspiciously. She could have come inside at any time as she had her own entrance cut into the kitchen door allowing her access in and out of the house anytime she wanted. His two cats could also use the same entrance. John wasn't sure where they were at the moment, as he hadn't seen them since leaving the porch searching for his dog.
He arrived at the helipad just as he faintly heard the familiar sound of the helicopter approaching the island. He then went to the shack and got the wagon-cart he used to bring the coconuts he had collected the past week. Looking up, he saw the helicopter grow larger as it drew nearer and then finally settling down on the concrete surface.
John waited until the rotary blades completely stopped before approaching, recognizing Troy, his friend from Majuro.
"How's everything in paradise?" the young pilot smiled as he started unloading supplies John had ordered a few days ago.
"Fine Troy, just loving it." John decided to go straight for the question uppermost in his mind. "By the way, have you heard of any boats or ships in trouble the past few days around here? Any S.O.S.?"
Troy stopped and paused for a moment. "No I haven't. Why?"
"Oh nothing. I was just wondering if anything exciting happens in the waters around here."
"I thought that was why you moved out here, so you could get away from excitement." That was the reasoning John had given the pilot originally, as Troy did not know about his real background. He had kept quiet about the Kalaukan visits and then decided not to also mention the three boys currently sleeping in his house.
"You're right. But I'm still allowed my curiosity, aren't I?"
Small talk continued as the last of the supplies were unloaded and the coconuts placed aboard. After exchanging good-byes, John pulled his loaded cart away as Troy started the copter. A few moments later he lifted skyward waving to John as he began his return trip to Majuro.
As he pulled the cart up the slight incline to the house, John wondered about what Troy had told him. So no S.O.S. had been picked up recently. That in itself really didn't mean anything. Maybe there was no serious trouble aboard the boat and the boys were put in the life raft as a precautionary measure. So why didn't the ship come back and pick them up? Or are they looking for them at this very moment? Maybe the vessel sank before they could signal for help. That seemed highly unlikely. What would three supposedly orphan boys be doing in the middle of the South Pacific? Mike didn't seem to want to talk about it yet. John thought there was no use trying guesses. When the boys awake he will get the answers. But the bigger question still lingered in his mind. Why did the three boys look so familiar to him?
Returning to the house, John stored away all the groceries and supplies that had been delivered. Of course when he ordered, he wasn't anticipating feeding three more mouths. But, he thought to himself, they'll be gone within a day or two. He began collecting all the wet clothes and towels to be washed. As he entered the utility room, he spotted his two cats sitting on a shelf staring at him.
"So there you are! Sorry about this morning. It was completely unexpected. Come back to the kitchen with me and I'll feed you." The cats followed him ever watchful for the new strangers inside their house. John fed his cats and Princess while the washing machine did its work. He had looked through the boys' clothing to see if there was anything to help solve the mystery of the three, but there was nothing, not even a scrap of paper. After he had eaten some lunch, he decided to listen to the radio and see if there was any news about any vessel in trouble or missing, anything about a ship called the Sea Queen. After an hour tuning to various stations and hearing nothing, he decided to go check out the lifeboat and see if there was anything he could learn from it.
The craft was still there, pretty well beached. It wouldn't be going anywhere for a while, but John decided he had better tow it to the boat dock as soon as possible. Looking inside he first spotted the life vests the boys had discarded. But what he saw next surprised him. Although the boat looked old, it had many life-saving equipment for whoever the passengers were. Everything was clearly marked. There were bottles of water, food packets, flares, a fishing kit, and signaling mirror. A flashlight and first-aid kit was also discovered. Other items were there too. But it appeared that none of the life-saving items were touched. Obviously the boys knew nothing about using survival gear. That's usually the responsibility of the crewman assigned to that lifeboat. So where was he? John couldn't believe the boys were place in this craft with no adult to take care of them. Or was there one and he got lost overboard? That would have happened early in the water, as again John didn't notice evidence of any of the survival gear being used. He thought how fortunate the boys were to land on his island. It would have been a terrible way to end not knowing how to use the very equipment stored to save their lives.
The man headed back to the house, knowing no more than before but with even more questions. So much did not make sense. Instead of enjoying another day of peace and solitude on his own private island, here he stood with a major mystery on his hands.
When he returned home, he decided to check on the three boys to see that they were okay. Mike and Matt were both sleeping under the covers, the towels discarded by the side of the bed. When he got to Chris' room, the sight startled him. Like Mike and Matt, Chris had also left his towel by the bedside. But unlike the other boys, Chris was sleeping on top of the covers totally naked. The boy lay on his stomach. His smooth back, ass, thighs and legs were exposed. John slowly stepped inside the room and stood by the bed. The sight of such beauty was causing an instant erection inside his cutoffs. He wanted so badly to lightly rub his hands along the soft skin just inches away, but resisted the temptation. If the boy woke up and caught him, who knows what he would say to anyone else and John didn't want any repercussions coming to his island. Although the man wanted badly to see the front of the boy and his 'package', again he resisted the temptation to do anything. Instead he let his mind wander back four years to the last light-skinned youth he had enjoyed, Joshua.
As John continued to admire the back of this naked boy, he noticed something. The time spent in the lifeboat had tanned their arms and he could see a slight redness from the exposure. But Chris also had a regular suntan. What caught John's eye was that the suntan was even from the neck down to his feet. The boy had tanned himself outdoors in the nude! There was not even any faded white line showing where any sort of undergarment circled his middle. It appeared that the boy had spent a lot of time outdoors naked in the sun. John tried not to read too much into what he saw. He figured it was just more questions to add, but due to the sensitivity of the subject, one he probably won't get answers to.
John quietly left the bedroom and returned to the utility room to do more laundry. He placed a chair beside each bedroom and placed their clean folded clothes on them. He used the rest of the afternoon picking up coconuts and once again trying to find answers to his questions. By sunset, he was pretty well exhausted, physically and mentally. He fixed a light dinner, watched a video and as his eyes got tired, prepared for bed. He showered, and then fixed the living room sofa to sleep upon. Princess slept on the floor next to the sofa while the cats each occupied an armrest.
As he awaited sleep to overcome him, he slowly stroked his cock as he recalled the sight of Chris' backside and the even tan. He had been used to jacking off almost every evening thinking of the Kalaukan boy he had come to know and have sex with. He had nearly forgotten about Joshua and what they shared four years earlier. As he stroked himself to orgasm coating his hand with cum, he couldn't help but think of his three visitors. As he cleaned up and slowly lost consciousness, his final though was lying in bed with Chris sleeping on one side of him and Aukai, the Kalaukan boy, sleeping on the other, and all three of them totally naked.
Chapter Two Revelations
He heard his name called, but wasn't sure if it was part of his dream. The Kalaukan boy, Aukai, was getting ready to suck his cock. He shivered in expectation of the erotic sensations he would be feeling.
"John." The voice was a little more urgent.
No, it wasn't the dream. Someone was actually calling his name. He struggled to consciousness, seeing the Kalaukan boy's naked features fade away. He opened his eyes. Mike stood there by the sofa looking at him.
"What's the matter? Is something wrong?" as the man tried to clear the cobwebs from his eyes. He then realized he was stroking his cock under the covers. He quickly released it hoping the boy never saw what he was doing while dreaming. Mike's facial features didn't seem to indicate any surprise or shock at seeing anything out of the ordinary. Instead, it reflected concern, as was the tone in his voice.
"No, everything's fine. I wanted to talk to you before Matt and Chris woke up."
"Okay Mike, let me go take a shower and then we'll go into the kitchen and start making some breakfast." John looked at the clock on the wall and saw it was 7:10. The sun was already up. The dog and cats were nowhere to be seen, so he assumed they were probably outside or hid when the boy approached the couch. Yawning and stretching John realized he was naked under the covers. So he wrapped them around him and went to the bathroom to try to look a little decent before facing the day. Mike showed no reaction of any kind to the man's attempt to cover himself. After a quick shower John decided to wear cutoffs again and to wear a shirt. He noticed Mike had dressed in his original clothes he wore when he landed on the beach that John washed the previous day.
So Mike wanted to talk. Good! Maybe some questions would get answered. After leaving the bathroom, John took a quick peek in the other bedrooms. Matt and Chris were still asleep, although this time Chris had covered himself. John recalled vividly the sight of the boy's nude backside and the inescapable tan covering him completely. Mike was waiting for him as John entered the kitchen.
"How about a glass of orange juice to start?"
"Thank you. That sounds good." Mike was talking in a more upbeat mood. "And these clothes feel good after being soaking wet."
"You look and sound better. You slept nearly eighteen hours. You must have been really exhausted." Mike didn't seem surprised when told of the long sleep he had just concluded.
"No one slept the entire time we were in the lifeboat," the boy replied.
As John set the glass of juice in front of the boy, he looked directly at him and asked, "Do you want to talk about it now?"
The boy's tone of voice changed instantly becoming more serious as he looked back at the adult. "Can I ask some questions first?"
John nodded his head as he turned back to the stove to prepare some omelets. "Go right ahead. I'll answer anything I can." Maybe Mike needed to trust him more before opening up. He needed to know John's intentions.
"Have you reported us to the police?"
John froze when he heard the question. That was the last one he ever expected. The Police! The last contact he ever wanted again was with law enforcement! The whole purpose of getting away and having his independent island was to not be under the jurisdiction of any agency. If it weren't for that, even his escapades with the Kalaukan boy, Aukai, would be of grave concern of discovery. Despite the seriousness of Mike's question, and his initial reaction, John relaxed and even chuckled a little. This caused the boy to look at the man with confusion, not knowing what prompted the man to react to his question in such a manner.
"I'm sorry," John replied getting serious. "You took me by surprise with that question. Let me tell you more about where your lifeboat trip ended. As I told you yesterday at the shore, you landed on an island. It's about two miles square [5 km2] and I own it entirely. You're in the South Pacific, east of the Marshall Islands. You're standing on 'Paradise Island', the name I gave this place when I bought it almost a year ago. I live here with my dog, that you saw yesterday, and two cats you haven't had the pleasure of meeting yet. This island is not under the jurisdiction of any country. I can set my own rules and not worry about someone else telling me what to do. I do have radio equipment, so I can call for help or anything else if necessary. If you hadn't told me you were orphans, I would have contacted someone right away to locate your family and let them know you were safe. And although I'm very curious about you, I have not spoken to anyone else about your landing here.
"While you were sleeping, a helicopter arrived yesterday with my weekly supplies. I asked the pilot if he had heard about a boat or ship in trouble, maybe your Sea Queen. He told me he hadn't heard any news about that around here. I didn't tell him I had three young survivors in my house. At the moment, I'm the only person who knows you're here."
"What are you going to do with us?" Mike asked, somewhat nervously, a flashback of a more recent time going through his head. He didn't know if what the adult had told him was good news or bad.
"Like I told you yesterday, I wanted us to talk and then we can decide together, the four of us, what to do. You said you were on a ship. Where were you going? What was your final destination?"
"Singapore! Why were you going there?"
"Mr. Lam Sin bought us."
"Bought you! I don't understand. What do you mean 'bought you'? I thought all of you were orphans."
"We are orphans! I guess the only way to explain it is to start from the beginning."
John held up his hand to silence the boy while he gathered his thoughts. Yes, the Internet was full of web sites about child slavery in Southeast Asia, especially for sexual purposes. Boys and girls were bought and sold like cattle, or kidnapped if necessary. There were instances of white children disappearing, usually in Europe, and thought to have been forced into prostitution. John always believed that sex, regardless of age difference, must always be consensual. It should never be forced. If the three boys on his island were scheduled for such a fate, would their new 'owner' be looking for them? The fact that he 'paid' for these three did not bode well for their future.
He could dwell on suppositions for hours if he let them, but John decided to hear the boy out first, and then see what options were available. But first he had to ask Mike a question that had been bothering him since he first laid eyes on all of them yesterday morning.
"Mike, have we ever met before? Ever since I saw you, Chris and Matt, there's been something familiar about the three of you."
The 16-year-old gave a half-smile and responded cryptically, "Yes and no."
"What kind of an answer is that?" The man replied, a little upset at such a response. "No games or lies. Your future depends on the truth."
"Please John, let me tell you about us," Mike cried back.
John turned back to the stove and continued the business of fixing breakfast when he said to the boy, "Alright, go ahead."
"We all used to live in a foster home on a ranch about 20 miles [30 km] from Barstow, California. It was out in the middle of the desert with nothing all around. The three of us all lost our parents at about the same time and were in temporary foster care before we got sent to Mrs. Janice and her sons Bruce and Kevin. They owned the ranch. In the beginning it was okay. After a month though, we wanted to live somewhere else where we could go to school with other kids. The three of us used to live in the city and although we had each other, we felt so isolated as we never got to leave the ranch. At first we asked Mrs. Janice. We said we liked her very much, but we missed being around other kids and going to school. I myself liked to play sports a lot. But she said that this was our home. The next time the caseworker came by we asked him to place us in a different foster home. But he said no, that we were special and that the ranch would stay our home. He also said that Mrs. Janice and her boys were going to prepare us for a wonderful adventure and that we would be leaving soon.
"Last week, Mrs. Janice told us that Mr. Lam Sin had bought us and that we were going on a fantastic trip to Singapore and live with him. We were scared, but there was nothing we could do. A helicopter came to the ranch and picked all of us up and took us to a loading port where we were taken aboard a ship. It looked like a freighter as there were containers stacked all around. Most of the time we were kept locked up in cabins. Two days ago, an explosion occurred somewhere on board. The ship's Captain came and got us, told us to be quiet and quickly put us in a lifeboat. We never saw what happened to the ship, as it was foggy. We spent the rest of that day and all night in the lifeboat before it landed on your shore."
John didn't speak for several moments as he finished the omelets, putting one on Mike's plate and one on his own. He sensed that what the boy had told him was just the tip of the iceberg. The part about being sold, especially boys under the supervision of a foster child agency didn't ring true. There was a lot more he was holding back. "You know Mike, that's the most unusual story I have ever heard. It almost sounds like you memorized it from some movie or T.V. show. Do you really expect me to believe it?"
"It's true John, I'm not lying!"
"Come on Mike. I want to help you. But first though, we're going to have to trust each other. I tried to prove my trust by not reporting you to anyone. Now I need to trust you by hearing the truth."
At that moment John heard movement from the other two bedrooms and knew that Matt and Chris had awakened. A couple minutes later both appeared in the kitchen dressed in the clothes they wore when they landed yesterday. They said good morning to the adult and thanked him for the breakfast. Otherwise, they were quiet. John decided to go outside and feed his pets leaving the three boys alone. On the porch, where just 24 hours ago he had started his day, he called Princess and the cats to him and fed them. Occasionally, he peeked through the window into the kitchen and saw the three talking with each other. They were speaking in very low tones and the man wasn't able to pick up anything from their exchanges. He then decided that before he pressed for any further information on their past and how they ended up on his island, he would allow them to see for themselves all this island had to offer.
After breakfast, John called the three boys to the porch. He had hoped that after their private conversation among themselves, they would voluntarily start filling in the gaps about their mysterious past. But no one spoke. So John decided on a ploy. He went into details about the features of the island, how he came upon purchasing it through his lottery winnings and that at the moment, only the four of them were here. He deliberately left out his past with Joshua and its consequences. "I didn't report you to anyone because I wanted to know what happened. Despite what Mike told me, I feel there are still too many questions to be answered. I would like to be your friend and help you. I have a feeling you haven't been able to trust an adult recently. So trusting me may take some time. I can understand that. You've only known me for a day. I don't believe in forcing anyone to do anything against his will. And that means keeping you on this island if you don't want to stay. If you want, I can make a call on my radio and a boat will be here within a day or two and can either take you back to California or ahead to Singapore."
That last statement got reactions. All three boys seemed visibly upset. John figured that neither east nor west was where any of them wanted to go. Wanting to ease their concerns, he changed tactics. "Tell you what, " he continued. "No more talk of California or Singapore. We don't have to make any decisions right away. First, let me take you on a tour of the island to show you everything I described a short while ago. Okay?" The three nodded their heads and John led the small procession down the steps to the shore and began the long walk around the island.
At first, the group was quiet as they began their walk. John suggested they all take off their shoes and socks, tie the shoestrings together and just hang the pair of shoes around their necks. Everyone agreed and as the four of them felt the sand beneath their feet, the boys starting talking among themselves. For Mike, who explained, this was his first walk along an ocean shore as he had been raised in Arizona and later moved to San Bernardino, California. He lost his parents shortly afterwards before they could take him to the beach. All three boys even rolled up their pants legs so that they could go a few feet into the water. John was surprised at that considering that they had been recently surrounded by an ocean in a boat with no idea of what was going to happen to them.
Their first stop was the boat dock where moored was the 42-foot [12.8 m] Sea Ray Motor Yacht. The boys' eyes were like saucers as they climbed aboard and discovered all the creature comforts the yacht provided. Of course they all wanted a ride, but John told them that if it were possible, their opportunity would come. Parked next to the yacht was a 21-foot [6.4 m] Bayliner for shorter trips.
The tour continued. The boys asked about the trails they saw leading from the shore. John explained that maybe later they could take a tour by themselves and explore the interior of the island. He even told them about the hot springs. When they reached the halfway point of their walk, now on the eastern side of the island, they came upon the glass bedroom. Once again the boys became fascinated by the structure standing on stilts with a view of the ocean and the rising sun.
As the morning wore on, they arrived at the helipad. John explained how he would call in his supply needs each Wednesday and that on Saturdays someone would fly over to the island for delivery. He mentioned again that while they were sleeping, Troy had brought over John's requests. The boys seemed a little quieter here. Maybe that part of Mike's story of being taken by helicopter to a ship and unknown future was true and the boys were recalling that ride.
The last part of the walk around the island took them past the lifeboat, still beached where it had landed the day before. Nobody spoke a word and before long they were back at the house. As the trip concluded, the boys realized that they indeed were on an island. They even thought it was possible they had found sanctuary from whatever future they had been headed to.
"Now you've seen the island for yourself and can believe what I've told you so far." The three lads nodded their heads. "Matt, Chris, why don't you go and explore some of the interior. The trails are well marked, so stay on them. Don't take more than 90 minutes," as John noticed Matt was wearing a watch that was somehow still working after the drenching from the ocean, "and by the time you get back I'll have some lunch ready for all of us. You saw on our tour some caves. Do not go in any of them. I haven't fully explored them myself and I don't know how dangerous they could be. Mike, do you mind staying here. I'd like to hear more of that story you started telling me earlier?" The older boy nodded his head.
Before entering the house and heading toward the kitchen, John watched Matt and Chris. Leaving their shoes and socks on the porch, they skipped down the steps and started their walk along the shore. So far, the man had noticed that the three were pretty resilient kids considering what they had gone through the past 24 to 48 hours. The two boys chatted between themselves and looked like normal youngsters. Thankfully, their mental and physical ordeals did not appear long lasting. They seemed to be burying whatever horrors they went through well and letting their real personalities come out. This walk just between the two of them could be good therapy as they discussed their present situation.
John reached the freezer and took whatever steaks he had out for thawing. For dinner, he thought a good old-fashioned barbeque would be a great way to end the day. For lunch, though, sandwiches would be the meal. He turned and looked at the boy standing a few feet away from him. Again, he couldn't accept the fact that this boy, who looked like he was 12 or 13, was actually 16. He seemed to have the maturity of a mid-teenager, but the body of one a few years younger. Then he found himself staring at the boy from a purely sexual standpoint wondering if the body underneath the clothing was one of a pre-pubescent child? John quickly turned his head away again chiding himself for such thinking. He thought that when he purchased this island, his new life would allow him never to miss the companionship of a young boy and any sexual involvement based on his experience with Joshua. In fact, for the first few months it worked that way, as he was busy exploring the island and enjoying his new life. He always wanted to write and the peace and solitude was giving him that opportunity. He joined social groups on the Internet and made friends there, but nothing in conjunction withy sex talk of any kind.
But the arrival of the Kalaukans and their sexual openness brought back all the old memories, pleasures and desires of the past. The problem was that their visit was only once a month and only for overnight. In between visits, John would think about the beautiful native boy, his bronze soft skin and his willingness to have sex with him each visit. Pleasant memories of being with Joshua returned despite how their relationship ended. And even though he had his own private island subject to no one else's laws, he didn't want to find himself mentally trapped by thoughts of boy sex. He looked forward to Aukai's next visit, but wasn't marking days off on a calendar until he arrived. He realized that no matter where he resided he knew he would always be a boylover. But he also knew he had to concentrate instead on other things, like managing his remaining millions and maybe start taking trips with his Bayliner to Majuro instead of relying on Troy for all his needs. He tried to focus on the future with the Kalaukans, as a limited break from the day-to-day routine rather than the main emphasis of his present life.
But now, he had on his island three orphan boys who were just as beautiful as any you could find. Chris had blond hair and blue eyes to die for. And knowing that he ran around outdoors in the nude, based on his full body tan, seemed to indicate being naked was nothing new to him. Matt had light brown hair and brown eyes and seemed like the perfect specimen of what a 12-year-old boy should look like. Again he snapped back to reality as he realized Mike was waiting for him to start the conversation.
"All right Mike, I've been open and honest with you. I took you on a tour of the island and answered your questions. I tried to make you feel at home and at ease but most important, safe. I did this so that I won't be such a stranger to you. Besides the obvious that you're shipwrecked on my island, I feel there is a lot more that needs explaining. Now it's your turn to be open and honest with me. Tell me the truth. How did all of you end up being on that lifeboat?"
The boy took a few moments before answering. His own mind was churning with the possibilities ahead. He decided to open up and tell John the entire story. The three of them definitely didn't want to go on to Singapore. Maybe the adult could be a friend and help them out of this situation. He kind of took it upon himself as the oldest to sort of look after the other two. He had to take a chance and be upfront and truthful about their recent past. He realized that part of what he would say would seem like something made up. Some of what happened would be very difficult to talk about. But he had to tell it anyway and hope John would not react negatively to what he was about to share.
"What I told you earlier this morning was the truth. I just left out a lot of it."
John nodded, signaling his willingness to hear Mike out before making any comments or asking questions.
"The three of us did come from different temporary foster homes at about the same time two months ago. As I said before, it was a ranch many miles from Barstow. I remember a long dirt road before reaching the ranch when I got there. Chris had arrived the day before and Matt came the following day.
"The lady who owned the ranch was Mrs. Janice as she wanted us to call her. She told us her husband died about a year earlier and that she and her two sons decided to be a foster family for whoever needed one. Bruce was the oldest. I think he was 25, and Kevin was 18.
"The house we lived in was big, even bigger than this one," Mike explained talking about John's own home. "I think they said they owned 20 acres. Each of us had our own bedroom. Bruce and Kevin started showing us how a ranch is run, taking care of the outside. They had several dogs, but no other animals, like horses or cattle or chickens. Bruce told us they sold the animals after their father died and hoped that with new help, meaning us, there would be farm animals again. That excited us and we tried to learn and help as much as we could. Chris, Matt and I became real good friends and kind of felt like brothers in a nice home.
"But after the first month, we started noticing things. We had yet to leave the ranch for any reason. Mrs. Janice gave us some schoolbooks and told us we should read and ask her any questions we had. We were going to be home-schooled. We also realized there were no telephones. Mrs. Janice, Bruce and Kevin had cell phones, but we never saw them out of their sight. When we asked about that, Mrs. Janice said it was too expensive to bring a phone line way out here and, by the way, whom were we ever going to call, as we had no other family? In our rooms we had TV and cable as the ranch had a satellite dish. We had computers, but no Internet. We realized that there was no way to contact anyone outside of the ranch. We tried to like living there, but felt uneasy about being cut off so completely."
Mike paused for a moment gathering his thoughts. John sat quietly waiting for the boy to continue. Although the three boys may have found their living situation a little unusual, maybe after living in a city-type environment, nothing came across as strange to the man so far. They were living in a nice home, being taken care of and learning responsibilities. Not having a phone or Internet didn't indicate anything nefarious. But soon he was to learn otherwise as Mike continued.
"When our caseworker came by to check up on us, we didn't mention to him about no way to contact anyone outside the ranch. We spoke honestly to him and instead told him that although we liked the ranch and that Mrs. Janice and her sons had been nice to us, we wanted to live in a regular neighborhood where we could go to school, meet friends and do other things. We felt so cut off here. The caseworker told us that we hadn't really given the place a chance being there just one month. And if we left, he would have to split the three of us up in order to find new homes. Then he said something that was kind of creepy. We would be learning new things over the next few weeks that would make us very special and valuable boys and that Mrs. Janice and her sons were going to prepare us for a wonderful adventure. Of course we didn't know what he meant at that time. He did tell us that when he came back next month, if we still felt the same, he would find us new homes. We didn't know then that it would be the last time we would ever see him."
The boy took a deep breath as he recollected the past and how he was going to present it to John. This was going to be the hardest part and he wasn't sure how the man was going to take it. John, himself, felt that what he had been told was just the first layer of an extraordinary series of events. A bizarre story was about to unfold.
"After the caseworker left, Mrs. Janice called the three of us together and told us that we were special for two reasons. First, we looked a lot like some of the child stars that had made a movie in the past. She told us that everyone on the earth usually had a double or someone who looked like one's twin brother or sister. We were fortunate to look like some boys from a movie. She then went and got some photos from a drawer and showed them to us. She said I looked like Thomas Sangster from The Last Legion. Chris looked like Sam Huntington from Jungle 2 Jungle but with a much shorter haircut, and Matt looked like Joey Cramer from Flight of the Navigator. We starred at the pictures and couldn't believe what we saw. Chris was only two-years-old when 'Jungle 2 Jungle' came out, so he had no idea that he would later resemble this character. Matt wasn't even born when the movie character he supposedly resembled was released. I never saw the movie, The Last Legion, so I had no idea who Thomas Sangster was and why I looked so much like him."
John was stunned. Yes, of course! That's why the faces looked so familiar. He hadn't seen Flight of the Navigator or Jungle 2 Jungle in at least four years since when he first met Joshua. That's why Matt and Chris were harder to place. But he had seen The Last Legion around the time he won the lottery, so Mike seemed more familiar. Wow, he thought. What are the odds of three such boys being together at the same place with features so closely resembling boy stars of the past? But what about the second reason Mrs. Janice spoke about?
"Mrs. Janice pulled out the three movies she talked about and we spent several hours watching them. I'm sure Chris and Matt felt like I did when we saw what looked like ourselves on TV. Back home, before our parents died, no one ever said anything about us being look-a-likes to someone else. Even after seeing the movies, we still didn't understand what the caseworker meant when he said we were special and valuable boys."
John's cock was twitching like mad and he was having a hard time not thinking about it or dropping his hand between his legs. Was this story going the way he thought it was? He could tell Mike was feeling more uncomfortable as his tale went along. He knew the next part would be the most explosive point of the narration so far.
Mike paused and then took a deep breath. Besides having to relive what he was about to share, his, Matt's and Chris' futures hinged on John's reactions. "Bruce told us that boylovers, men who like boys, fantasize a lot about having sex with them when watching these movies or seeing their photos. He said of course that was impossible as there was no way they could have contact with these young stars."
Silently John agreed. During the many years before he met Joshua, his fantasy world revolved around such boy actors he saw on T.V. or video.
"Kevin told us one special boylover would have the next best thing: three look-a-like young stars to take home to spoil and enjoy them as sexually as possible. For the next four weeks we would learn about sex and how to please a man. Then we would go on a trip to our new home somewhere in another country to live our lives as sex toys.
"I can't speak for Matt or Chris, but I don't know if I was more shocked or scared of Kevin's announcement that we were going to be trained as sex toys. All of us I know were told many times when we were younger about staying away from strangers and how there were those who kidnapped boys and did nasty things to them. And now we were going to have to live that nightmare. Of course we refused and threaten to tell the caseworker. Kevin then laughed and told us that the caseworker was part of their search and train group. He had placed many boys in homes in the past always looking for the one look-a-like to prepare and sell. He hit the jackpot when he found three of us.
"We were told not to try to run away as there was miles of open desert with temperatures over 110 degrees [43°C]. We wouldn't last too long out there. Bruce tried to calm us by saying we weren't going to be hurt or tortured and that if we did exactly as we were told, we would even get to learn to like sex. Our new master would buy us expensive gifts and take us on trips all over the world. Once we got over our embarrassment, it would be more like a game. We were then told to go to our rooms and get completely naked, that Bruce and Kevin would be there shortly."
At this point Mike stopped and decided to see what John would say from what he had been told thus far. Would the adult be disgusted at the thought that the three boys on his island had been trained as sex toys? Maybe, although he was telling the truth, he had already said too much. It was possible John was now contemplating calling someone to get the three off his island. But John's response surprised him.
"Amazing!" was what first came from out of his mouth. "I knew the three of you looked familiar. But I never thought of associating your features with movie stars. Facebook on the Internet is full of family pictures and I thought you resembled some I might have seen and personally liked. But yes, I remember the movies. I even have them here in my DVD collection. I just haven't viewed them lately due to some other distractions," carefully avoiding the subject of the Kalaukans' visit and his sex with Aukai. "But now that I think about it, you three do look almost identical to the original stars. I can understand why boylovers would do almost anything to have the three of you to enjoy," then immediately realized that he might have said too much as Mike gave him a quizzical look. John then encouraged him to go on, that he was doing a great job of telling a difficult story.
Mike tried to figure out why John agreed with Kevin's comments about boylovers. Brushing that thought aside, he continued. "Later, when Chris, Matt and myself compared our experiences, we realized we all went through pretty much the same thing. When Bruce and Kevin came into my bedroom, Bruce had a digital camera in his hands and Kevin was holding what looked like a paddle used for spanking. I hadn't taken off anything when they came in. Bruce told me that all he wanted today was to take pictures of me naked. No one would touch me unless I refused. Bruce said I wouldn't look good in the pictures with bruise marks on my butt from the paddling his brother would give me. So slowly I got undressed and stood naked before the two of them. Bruce and Kevin whistled at me and said they were surprised that even though I was a 16-year-old look-a-like of Thomas Sangster, I had not grown any hair anywhere."
John thought he was going to cream in his pants at that very moment. It was becoming increasingly difficult to ignore the tenting in his pants, the certain pre-cum he was surely leaking and to keep a straight non-committal face while listening to the boy's narration. But he did notice that Mike was becoming a little more comfortable telling his story, as probably the first mention of sex was the most difficult and John hadn't reacted adversely to what was told so far. He wondered why the boy would share something intimate like him being hairless. Was he suspecting something of John?
"I don't remember how many pictures Bruce took of me. He took a lot. He took different measurements of me and weighed me. He had me standing with my hands by my side, straight up above my head, taking pictures of my underarms. He took close-ups of my nipples. He took a lot of pictures of my cock, soft and hard. He had me lift up my cock to get close-ups of my balls. I spread my legs while he lay on his back between them taking more pictures. He had me turn around while he took pictures of my back, especially my butt. He told me to bend over and spread my butt cheeks and took more pictures. I was scared, but did everything I was told, rather than refuse and have them get mad and maybe beat me," throwing that out so John wouldn't think he was a willing participant in this humiliation.
But that wasn't what the man was thinking at all. Instead, he was wishing he had a complete set of all the photos taken of the three boys so he could enjoy viewing every inch and cranny of their hot little bodies. Again, he wondered why Mike was so explicit in describing all the intimate shots taken of his naked body.
"After they were through, Kevin took every piece of clothing I had from the closet and dresser drawers except shoes and socks and told me that from now on out I would be completely naked for the rest of our training. We could move around the ranch, but again was advised about being in the sun too long. I guess we three were too scared and embarrassed to come out in the open in front of each other and a grown woman, so we stayed in our rooms the rest of that day. Bruce and Kevin brought us our dinners later that night."
As Mike paused, John could only think to himself how unbelievable this story was being unfolded by this small 16-year-old lad. It didn't take long for him to realize the potentiality of what he currently had on his island. Despite what the boy had shared with him so far, he sensed there were more erotic parts of the story yet to be told. Mike looked as though he was awaiting some initial reaction from him, as the adult hadn't said anything more since his comments about the similarities of the boys and their movie star counterparts and the desire by boylovers.
"I'm a little stunned," John began. "First, let me thank you for being truthful with me. I know it hasn't been easy sharing what you, Chris and Matt have gone through. You did nothing to deserve being treated like that. Don't be afraid that I'm judging you by what you've shared or will continue to share with me. I told you that I would try to help. You've taken a giant step so far. Together, we'll decide what course to take so that all of us will be happy." John was choosing his words carefully. An opportunity was at his doorstep.
Mike looked at John not sure exactly what he meant. The man was being nice, but he sensed there was more to what he was saying. But at least he didn't detect any negative reaction based on what had happened to them. If anything, he though he sensed some excitement in the man's eyes. Maybe living by himself on this island, anything spoken of sexually was not something that happened here much. Encouraged, he moved on. "The next morning we were told we couldn't stay in the bedroom all day, that there was work to be done and that it was time for breakfast. So we three came out naked together for the first time. I don't think Matt, Chris and I seeing each other naked bothered us much. After all, we were about the same size."
"Height and weight size or some specific part of their anatomy?" John wondered.
"But standing with no clothes in front of a woman took some getting used to. Mrs. Janice told us not to be embarrassed, as her sons Bruce and Kevin were naked nearly every day when they were our ages, so she was used to seeing naked little boys. So every day after breakfast we would go outside with nothing on and do some chores. We stayed in the shade as much as possible, but still got sunburned."
That explained the even tan John saw on Chris. So all three boys were probably tanned the same from head to toe. More pre-cum was leaking.
"For the first week that's all we had to do, just be naked. No one touched us or asked us to do anything. In fact, it seemed back to normal except we were wearing no clothes. We soon got used to it and thought if this was the worst thing we had to do, we would be okay. That didn't mean we liked it. We asked many times if we could have our clothes back and we were told no. We knew we couldn't run away naked in the heat. We talked about running away at night when it was cooler. But first it would be hard with no clothes on; second we didn't know how many miles we would have to walk; and third, if we didn't find help before the sun came up, we would probably die. While Kevin was outside once, we found his cell phone and tried to call out, but discovered you needed a special code to get it to work.
"Then one morning two weeks later when we went to breakfast, we saw that Bruce and Kevin were naked too. They told us that we would start learning the next part of being sex toys. We got scared. I thought probably Chris and Matt had never seen a grown-up naked before. I had seen magazines and pictures of men and women naked, but it was the first time for all of us to see a grown man with no clothes in person. We remembered what Bruce had told us about learning to please a man. The three of us had wondered and talked among ourselves what men liked to do with boys. All of us had heard some bad things. That's what scared us when we first had to go naked. But when nothing happened after a couple of days, we hoped that running around with no clothes on to be looked at by grown men was the worst we would experience."
John held up his hand halting Mike's narrative. "Sorry to interrupt, but what about Bruce and Kevin's mother, Mrs. Janice. How was she involved during the two weeks you wore no clothing and when her sons first appeared naked too?"
"Believe it or not, she treated us okay. She always dressed nicely. She was a great cook and baker. We always had three good meals every day and there were always cookies, a cake or pie we could snack on. I guess before we arrived there she had filled her refrigerator and two big freezers with lots of food. She and Kevin went out once a week to buy more groceries. She kept the ranch house clean, changed the linen on our beds regularly and she never touched us the entire time we were there. All she ever told us was to obey Bruce and Kevin and that everything would be alright."
"I guess she figured if she could make you happy that way, you wouldn't feel so scared about being naked and anything else that was coming," John thought out loud.
"She didn't act any different that first day when Bruce and Kevin were naked and they kissed their mom good morning. It was like this was nothing new to them saying good morning to their mom wearing nothing. I was thinking I could have never done the same thing with my mother." The boy paused as another recollection from that morning came to mind. "I hope you don't think of me weird or something, but I remember when I saw Kevin naked how I realized how different he and I were. He had a few hairs under his arms and some above his cock and here I was just two years younger without one hair anywhere to show I was growing. Instead I still looked like some 12-year-old."
The man couldn't believe what he had heard. Mike was sharing comparisons with Kevin. Could this boy, being older, not be adverse to sex as maybe Chris or Matt? Could he be sending a message to him? At the ranch, being naked all day long, was he secretly admiring his fellow companions and had sexual thoughts about them? John wanted to tell him that such a lad as he at his age and having not entered puberty was worth its weight in gold, but instead just told the boy there was nothing to be ashamed of.
"Bruce told us it was time to learn how to have sex with a man. We were going to learn this over the next two weeks. We would also learn to have sex with each other. Bruce said he and his brother got naked also to show us that they were going to do the same things as we did. If we did the training right, we would grow to love sex. Starting that night and for the next three evenings two of us would sleep, one each, with Kevin and him. The third boy would get the night off. The fourth, fifth and sixth nights we would sleep with each other. By then we should know what we needed to be sex toys."
Again, John stopped Mike using the excuse he had to use the bathroom. He needed to relax and unwind before he made an obvious mess in his pants. He tried cleaning himself a little and washed his face. This was unbelievable! Mike was narrating a story that one would have to search the Internet for anything similar. Yet these events actually happened. If the boy was lying just to see what the man's reaction would be, he was going a great job. He returned to where Mike was sitting. It was at this time that he noticed a small tent growing in Mike's pants. It appeared that retelling his experiences was somewhat exciting for him also. The boy seemed more relaxed talking about his erotic episode at the ranch. Maybe the boy actually enjoyed his sexual interaction with a grown man. Would that translate in wanting to stay here and do the same with him?
"Later, when we had the chance. Chris, Matt and I described what we went through with Bruce and Kevin and found out we all experienced the same 'training'. That first night I spent it with Bruce. He told me to lay on the bed with him. He had a remote in his hand and turned on a DVD player. It showed a movie where a man and a boy, I guess around 11 or 12-years-old, were in bed naked and about to have sex. The man started by kissing the boy all over. When he reached his cock…" Mike stopped, not sure if he was going too far, or at one point John might get upset and say enough, that he didn't want some fag kids living with him. He didn't know that instead it was having the opposite effect on the man. John couldn't believe what he was hearing. He was trying to concentrate on Mike's story while at the same time wondering if and how to tell the boy about himself without appearing to be another Bruce or Kevin.
"You're doing fine Mike," he continued to encourage. "I'm impressed that you're narrating a difficult story to really a stranger you've only known 24 hours."
Mike nodded his head, swallowed and continued. "The man in the movie used his mouth and tongue all over the boy, also licking his cock and balls. Then he put the boy's cock in his mouth and sucked on it. At the same time, he was sticking a couple of fingers in the boy's ass. The boy seemed to like it as he was moaning all the time. I guess he came because the man stopped sucking him, lay on his back and had the boy start kissing and licking him. He didn't put his fingers in the man's ass, but did put his cock in his mouth and sucked him. The man moaned real loud and I noticed that Bruce was playing with his own cock. Mine was hard too, but I tried not to touch it. I wasn't sure what Bruce and I were going to do after the movie was over, but I had a good guess. The boy in the movie sucked the man's cock until the man came. I could see the boy trying to swallow as fast as possible, but a little bit did come out the corner of his mouth."
John wasn't sure what sexual experiences Mike might have had prior to being in bed with Bruce, but the way he was describing the sex acts observed in the movie, it seem to indicate if not by experience, at least by reading and learning, he wasn't completely naïve about such acts nor felt unduly uncomfortable describing them. After all, Mike was 16, a teenager. What teenager isn't horny all the time whether he's five foot or six foot tall?
"The man then turned the boy over and started playing with his butt, spreading it and sticking his fingers inside again. I don't know how long this went on, but when it looked like the man was going to stick his cock in the boy's ass, Bruce stopped the video. He told me not to worry about that part of sex because neither he nor Kevin was going to… fuck… us," hesitating on that four-letter word. Again a pause from Mike as John raised his hand. "Please John, we were forced to watch and do things!" he cried out. He knew for sure he had gone too far in describing his training.
"No, No, Mike! I'm not upset. You were being forced to do something against your will. If you hadn't obeyed, who knows what would have happened to you. I just wanted you to take a break. I know this hasn't been easy. Let me tell you a little secret," trying to calm the teenager down. "I love sex myself. I have videos in my collection I view and get off on. But I don't believe in forcing anyone to do something they didn't want. Now I would be lying if I said your story didn't excite me sexually, but I also must remember this wasn't a fun time for the three of you either."
Mike thought carefully about what the man had said. Did he like doing things with boys? Were his videos of man/boy sex like Bruce's? Was he trying to figure out if Mike liked the sex he learned? But what if John was just another Bruce or Kevin? John had a beautiful island, but would they end up being sex toys for this man instead? Maybe that's why he hadn't told anyone of their presence on the island. If no one knew, no one would come looking for them. But whom would the boys want to find them: Mrs. Janice and her two sons from California, or Mr. Lam Sin from Singapore? But deep inside Mike knew he had to start trusting someone. John had been good to them so far. Be open and honest about what happened, trust your feelings and chance the adult would react accordingly. He continued on.
"After Bruce turned off the DVD, he told me we were going to now start doing the same things we just saw in the movie. He told me to lie on my back and then he started to lick and kiss me all over. He kept telling me that a man liked doing this to a boy, that they liked the smooth, soft, hairless skin. While he was using his mouth on me, he had one hand always playing with my cock and balls and keeping me hard all the time. He licked my underarms and sucked on each of my nipples. He then stopped and told me to get on my hands and knees. He rubbed and squeezed my butt cheeks. The next part surprised me, as we never saw that part in the movie. He spread my cheeks and started licking my asshole. He said that was calling rimming. It was a strange sensation. While he was licking there he continued to play with my cock. After a while he told me to turn over and lie on my back again. When he got to my cock, he put it in his mouth and started sucking on it. I couldn't help myself. I had heard so many stories of how being sucked was one of the greatest feelings in the world. I had jacked off a lot and remembered how great that felt. But this was something different." He was now admitting to John that sexual feelings were not new to him. "Bruce's hand pinched my nipples and rubbed all over my chest as he kept using his tongue and lips on my cock. I wasn't sure if he wanted me to cum in his mouth, but since it looked like that was what was done in the movie, it was okay. I couldn't hold back any longer and squirted into Bruce's mouth but not much. I didn't know what to say when Bruce told me that my cum had a wonderful taste."
John recalled getting off numerous times from reading boylove stories on Nifty, PZA Boy Stories or other web sites, but to hear a first hand detailed account from a boy who actually had sex with a man was something totally different. His cock was hard as a rock and he found himself shuffling in his seat to conceal it. He thought he noticed a slight smile from the boy as he looked at him for a long time before continuing on.
"Then it was my turn to do it to Bruce. I guess I did okay because Bruce was moaning a lot and telling me how good I was doing and to keep it up. I copied what he did to me, kissing and licking all over and playing with his cock and balls. The only sex I started to say no to was the rimming part. Bruce told me to try it before passing judgment. I was afraid it was going to be dirty or smell. I remember starting to feel like I was going to throw up with that thought. But I discovered his hole was clean and had a nice smell to it after being washed. Bruce told me that like any other part of the body before doing sex that area had to be thoroughly cleaned too. So I went ahead and licked it real good and Bruce kept moaning some more.
"Finally, I had to suck his cock. I licked the sides and head a lot before putting my mouth over it. I could only get about half of it in. Bruce said it was okay being my first time. He told me that with training, a boy could use his throat and get a man's entire cock in his mouth no matter what the size. I couldn't see how that was possible without choking or gagging. Anyhow, I sucked on his cock remembering how he used his tongue and lips on mine, pulling it out until just the head was in my mouth, then sliding it inside again. Bruce moaned and said how good my mouth felt and then let me know when he was about to cum. I felt it hit the back of my mouth three or four times. I wasn't sure if I wanted to swallow it, but then had to as he kept filling my mouth. It wasn't the best thing I ever tasted, but it wasn't the worst either. Bruce told me I did a great job for my first lesson and would eventually make a great sex toy. He even kissed me and played with my cock again. He said I would repeat what we did again tomorrow, but with his brother Kevin. He turned off the lights and we went to sleep."
That was all John could take. Making an excuse again his need to use the bathroom, he went inside and after closing the door, dropped his cutoffs and shorts and quickly starting jacking his already rock-hard cock. It was completely slick from all the pre-cum leaking while listening to Mike described his sexual initiation. So it didn't take but a couple of pumps with his fist and he felt his hand get covered with his juices. He saw he had to replace the shorts and cutoffs as they had numerous wet spots on them. He cleaned up and changed and as he returned to the kitchen to hear more of Mike's story, he wondered if the boy would notice he was wearing a different pair of cutoffs. If he had, he didn't say anything. As he prepared the last of the sandwiches, he told Mike to go on with his narrative.
"Chris had spent the night with Kevin and the next day when we talked about what we did, we found it was almost the exact same acts the men did to us and we to them. Matt was going to spend his first night with Bruce that evening and he acted pretty scared. He had been the quietest of the three of us while we had been naked, and told us he didn't want to do such dirty stuff with a grown man. Chris and I didn't like the idea of being called sex toys either, but told Matt that so far no one had hurt us and if we just did what we were told, everything would be all right. So that night I slept with Kevin. We didn't watch any videos, but he did the same thing to me as Bruce did the night before and I did the same to Kevin. Bruce's bedroom was next door and I heard Matt crying and asking Bruce not to make him do the things he was supposed to. Matt never talked to us about what happened with Bruce and Kevin. I guess it was a pretty bad experience for him. After all three of us had spent a night each with Kevin and Bruce, we took turns sleeping with each other. Chris and I mainly just played with each other's cocks. We didn't do any kissing, licking or sucking. When Matt came to spend the night with me, he asked if he could just cuddle up to me. He didn't mind my arm around his shoulder, but didn't want to do anything sexual. That's how we slept together."
Mike stopped at that point and asked John if he could have something to drink. John apologized for letting him talk so long not realizing how thirsty the boy was getting. While he went to the kitchen to fetch a soda, he wondered about Mike. He was being so explicit in his description of the sexual acts he participated and performed in. This was amazing considering John and the boy first met barely 24 hours ago. John wasn't sure if the teen, although forced to do what was told, hated what he did or finally discovered sex, as any horny teenage boy would want to do, and found some elements of pleasure.
As he handed Mike a soda, he asked, "How long ago did all this take place?"
"Is today Sunday, July 2nd?"
"Yes it is."
Mike closed his eyes as he thought back to those evenings he spent with the two brothers. I slept with Bruce on June 20th and with Kevin on the 21st, about ten days ago."
There was silence as John digested the fact that the three boys had been introduced to sex as recently as ten days ago. The tone upon which Mike described his initial encounter as well as Chris' reactions seemed to indicate that they suffered no long-term effect having sex with a man. Matt, though, was another story. He may have been more traumatized by what probably was forced upon him. Or possibly there was something in his past no one knew about.
Mike became more chronologically specific. On Thursday, the 26th, Bruce and Kevin came into our bedrooms to wake us up. The first thing we noticed was that they were wearing clothes. Then they gave us our clothes and told us to shower, dress and get ready for breakfast. During breakfast Bruce congratulated us and told us we had passed our training and were now sex toys. And later that day we would begin a new adventure. At first we were scared not knowing exactly what that meant. We kept asking Bruce and Kevin what adventure they were talking about, but they told us to wait and see, that it wouldn't be long now. We also noticed suitcases stacked outside the front door and asked about them. Bruce said he, his mother and Kevin were also going on a great adventure. That confused us even more.
"Later in the day Mrs. Janice baked a cake and got out ice cream and treated the day like it was a birthday party. It was almost dark when we heard the helicopter arriving."
Mike stopped and didn't say anything for a while. John knew the part leading up to their being on the lifeboat was about to be told. "I remember the suitcases being loaded. We asked about getting our stuff and were told we wouldn't need it where we were going. The six of us got on board and the helicopter took off. We were barely in the air when we heard an explosion. We looked down and the ranch was on fire. I looked at Mrs. Janice and her sons and they didn't seem shocked at all about the fire. They acted as though they had expected it. I was never so scared in my life. And I know Chris and Matt were too. We kept asking what was happening, what were they going to do with us? But no one said anything. We were bringing nothing with us but the clothes we wore; our home for the past two months was gone and nobody would say anything to us. I honestly thought we were going to be killed. And although it was my first ride in a helicopter, I was too terrified to enjoy it.
"I don't know how long the trip was, but I remember smelling the ocean. Bruce finally talked to us and told us that was the port of Long Beach below. In a few minutes we would be landing near a ship. We boys were going to be passengers on one until the boat reached Singapore. That's when he told us Mr. Lam Sin had bought us and that we were now his personal property, his new sex toys. Matt really started crying then and Chris and I didn't know what to do. I did see the name of the ship, as we were about to land by it and saw it was called the Sea Queen. Mrs. Janice said goodbye to us and said they were also going on their own adventure to their new home. Lam Sin had paid a big price for the three of us and they were going to enjoy the money in another country."
Mike paused again as he took another sip of his soda. Once again John tried to comprehend what had happened. Obviously all this had been planned a while back while the caseworker had been searching for boy child star look-a-likes. Lam Sin had apparently offered a great deal of money for such boys. When he saw the photos taken of the boys naked and saw their resemblances, the Oriental must have paid handsomely and made plans to have them brought to him. Finding three was like hitting the lottery three consecutive times. The money offered by Lam Sin had to have been huge to allow Mrs. Janice and her sons to destroy the ranch and disappear from the United States. The caseworker had probably vanished too. Lam Sin had wanted the boys broken in sexually, but not too much, for his enjoyment upon their arrival. The lack of anal sex with Bruce and Kevin seemed to suggest Lam Sin wanted the pleasure of taking their virginities himself. Yes, the authorities would put two and two together and figure something criminal happened. But with a ranch burned to the ground, the boys going one direction, obviously on a Lam Sin owned freighter, and Mrs. Janice and her boys heading Lord knows where, it was going to be difficult tracing what had become of everyone.
After a couple more sips of his soda, Mike went on. "After we got off the helicopter, we were locked in some cabins. There were three connecting cabins so we could each have our own bed. But the doors leading out of the cabins were locked. We could open the portholes and look at the ocean, but that was all. I guess it was the cook who brought us our meals each day. He didn't talk to us or answered our questions. All we could do was talk among ourselves wondering what Singapore was like, who was this Mr. Lam Sin and what sex things he was going to make us do.
"It was our third day Thursday when we met the Captain for the first time. He brought us some ice cream and asked if we were okay. We asked him the same questions we had asked the cook, but the Captain really didn't have any answers. He said he just found out before leaving port that he was going to have three young boys as passengers on the trip to Singapore. They were to be watched very closely and brought unharmed to Mr. Lam Sin, the owner of this freighter. That's why we were locked up. I remember him saying real low that I almost didn't hear it that he didn't mind hauling weapons and drugs, but that child slaves was going too far. The Captain promised that before long he would let us out of our cabins so we could go on deck and get some fresh air. Chris and I did our best to be brave and help Matt. He was always crying saying how scared he was. He wouldn't eat any of the food brought to us and we were afraid he was going to get very sick.
"On Friday," as Mike paused, realizing that what he was about to describe happened just two days ago, "it was real foggy. We looked out the portholes and couldn't see even down to the ocean below us. Right after lunch was delivered to us, we heard an explosion that shook our cabins pretty good. Boy, were we scared thinking of the explosion we witnessed at the ranch. We heard a lot of yelling and screaming. We banged on our doors but no one stopped. Finally the Captain came in and told us to follow him topside. We stayed real close together as the fog and smoke from whatever fire was happening made it impossible to see. The Captain gave us life jackets and told us to get in this boat. He said he didn't know what the trouble was, but wanted us to be safe. If he got the fire under control, he would come back and get us, otherwise, he'd radio another ship to pick us up. He lowered us into the water and pretty soon, with the fog, we could no longer see the ship. We heard voices, but after a while they faded. All the rest of that day and all night we waited for the Captain or someone to pick us up. We all threw up more than once. The waves were pretty rough. I never said this to Matt or Chris, but I remember saying to myself that anything as a sex toy was better than what we were going through then in that boat. When daylight came, we saw your beach and waited until the boat landed. We had just gotten out of it when your dog came and started barking at us. Then we saw you." Mike heaved a small sigh as though glad he had made it through telling of their past two months.
"The Captain didn't put a crewman in the lifeboat with you?" John asked.
The boy responded with a shake of his head.
"It appears you were never meant to be picked up; that the Captain did what he did to keep you out of the hands of Lam Sin. He probably knew these waters well and hoped you would land somewhere close where you would be safe. The explosion offered the perfect opportunity to get you off his ship."
The conclusion of that fantastic narrative from Mike was timed perfectly as John heard the voices of Chris and Matt, as they climbed up the stairs from the shore and entered the kitchen. They immediately sat down and started on the pile of sandwiches John had prepared. Mike didn't say anything about revealing to the adult what they had gone through recently and the other two offered no new insights. Instead, the questions were about more details on specific points on the island. After lunch, John asked Matt and Chris to take Mike and show him the places they had discovered. All agreed. After they left, John cleaned up the kitchen, went out on the porch and tried to go over everything Mike had told him this morning.
What an amazing story! John had to admit that what Mike shared was true. It didn't make any sense to lie, describing learning about sex with a man in front of another man he had barely known for a day. In fact, except for a couple of times when the boy thought maybe he had gone too far, he related his introduction to man/boy love very calmly, not betraying any unusual embarrassment or discomfort. Was there more to it or was he trying to second-guess the boy's real feelings? Armed with this knowledge of the boys' recent past, he, the boylover that he was, was already thinking ahead to the possibility of going to bed with each of the three newcomers. His cock was taking control. Although at first glance the boys seemed pretty resilient after their stay with Mrs. Janice and her sons, especially the past ten days, John had to also understand that these boys were orphans. Apparently there were no relatives to claim them. Their psychological needs had to be addressed first. He wondered when was the last time a grown-up hugged each of these boys and said I love you?
His thoughts were interrupted when he noticed his three pets standing by his leg. "Oh, I'm sorry," as he got up and went back into the kitchen. "I'll feed you right now." After taking care of the animals' needs, he returned to his chair on the porch to resume his dilemma. He realized he had to give the boys some time to unwind from their ordeal at the ranch and on the lifeboat and to feel safe and happy with him. But even if he control his urges and made no sexual advance, sooner or later he would have to tell them about his own background and Joshua. And in a few days he was supposed to make his first trip to Kalauka Island to participate in Aukai's 'Rite of Manhood' ceremony. What if he took his three new visitors with him? How would they react surrounded by naked men, women and children? And being naked themselves would be required to stay on that island. Would they resist and put up a scene? John realized that the talk of sex and of his own lifestyle past, present and future might have to be explained to the boys a lot quicker than would have been recommended. Maybe he should approach this with Mike first, being older and having already talked of sex in describing what happened to him and the others. Depending on his reactions, maybe the older boy could pass on John's openness to Chris and Matt in a way that wouldn't upset them.
He then thought about the Captain's actions aboard the Sea Queen. Based on Mike's description of the man's attitude about participating in the sale of sex toys or sex slaves, could he have created the scenario that allowed him to put the boys on a lifeboat? John again concluded that the Captain never had any intention of going back to get his passengers. If the danger to the ship was real, he would have at least put a crewman in the lifeboat with the boys, someone trained in the use of the survival gear that wasn't touched during the time the boys were in it. Being a Captain and knowing the surrounding waters, he must have known there was some populated nearby islands the boys could land on to escape Lam Sin. Silently John thanked the Captain for delivering three such beautiful boys to him. He wondered, though, what the Captain would tell Lam Sin about the boys' disappearance? And what would be Lam Sin's reactions having not received the trio he paid so much for? And who was this Lam Sin anyhow? John had never heard the name before. He must have great wealth and influence to arrange getting these boys from the United States.
He hadn't noticed the long shadows of the late afternoon until he heard the voices of the three boys returning from their exploration. He greeted them and asked how their journey went.
"We found the hot springs," piped Mike. "Is it too hot or dangerous to go into?"
"Not at all. I've spent many hours sitting in it. Unlike being in a bathtub, you don't have to worry about the water getting cold. I believe a very deep volcanic geyser underneath the island heats it. You've seen several caves. I think they used to be lava vents."
"Yes, some looked like they go quite a way down," again Mike.
"Well, be very careful. I haven't had a chance to explore more closely some of the caves. Like you said Mike, some appear to go quite deep."
"Will a volcano ever erupt here?" spoke Chris for the first time.
John smiled, happy to have his first direct contact with Chris. "I wouldn't worry about it Chris. This island and many around here was formed thousands of years ago. To the west closer to Japan and the Philippines is where some volcanic and earthquake activity still occurs. To the east, the Hawaiian Islands still have active volcanoes." He then mentioned that he was going to fire up the barbeque grill on the porch and that soon everyone was going to enjoy steak and baked potatoes.
"Do you guys recall seeing a little ways from here a pit that looked like a fire had burned?" All the boys nodded their heads. "How about doing me a favor and gather wood. After dinner, we'll light it up and have a big bonfire." That was greeted with enthusiasm and soon the three ran down the steps along the shore. By the time the boys returned, John had the steaks and baked potatoes ready and all four sat down to eat. During the meal Mike informed John that Matt would share the bed with him tonight so that John could have his bedroom back. The man thanked everyone as they returned to eating. He was mostly a listener as the boys talked mainly among themselves. Mike and Chris did talk about their parents and how they missed them. But Matt remained quiet. Maybe his parents' passing was more recent and the pain of their loss was still strong within him.
To John's surprise, the boys offered to clean the dishes and the barbeque grill. "Well I guess that was one thing I should thank Mrs. Janice for," he thought to himself. "Apparently they learn manners and responsibilities. Maybe other good points would emerge from their stay at the ranch." So while they were doing that, he went down to the pit and got the fire going. It was a roaring bonfire by the time the three boys joined him. Even Princess was there.
Mike sat by John while Matt and Chris were together on the other side of the fire. The man asked the boy if he had told the other two of his sharing of their experiences at the ranch.
Mike nodded his head. "I told them that I had given you the entire story of what happened to us and our training as sex toys."
"How did they feel about that?"
"Chris was okay with it. He felt you should know about it since you were kind enough to help us. Matt was afraid you would think of us as terrible kids and send us on to Singapore."
"I can understand his feeling. All of you have only known me for a short while. You went through some rough times at the ranch with grown-ups who should have protected and taken care of you. Now you're on an island with another grown-up and you may have some doubts. It's hard right now to trust an adult."
"I trust you John."
"Thank you Mike, I appreciate that."
The 16-year-old seemed to think for a few moments before proceeding on. "Can I tell you something John and please don't get upset at me?"
"Of course you can. As for being upset, I could never be that after the courage it took to share with me some unpleasant things done to you."
Mike then blurted out, "That's just it. It really wasn't that unpleasant. I liked the sex I did with Bruce and Kevin!"
All John could say innocently to that was, "Oh?" His suspicions about the boy's sex drive were correct.
"I mean I didn't like being in bed with either of them. I just liked the feelings I got. Does that make me bad?"
John closed his eyes and thought for a moment. He knew his next words were going to be very important to how the future relationship with Mike and the others might be. "No Mike, you're not bad. And before you ask, it doesn't prove you're gay either. You're a 16-year-old teenager. Maybe the growth hormones are a little behind schedule, thus your physical development right now, but apparently those that affect sexuality appear to be doing fine. Maybe another boy or man, girl or woman will introduce you properly to the world of sex. However it happens, you're discovering new feelings. In the beginning you may feel ashamed or embarrassed about playing with yourself and jacking off, but it's all part of the normal growing up to adulthood." John leaned his head closer to the boy. "In fact, if ever you wanted to go to your bedroom or bathroom and jack off, I wouldn't even give it a second thought."
Mike's eyes widened as he looked at John. He wasn't sure how to interpret what he had just been told. He took a chance telling the man how he felt while he was with Bruce and Kevin. He thought John had gotten aroused earlier in the afternoon when he narrated their time at the ranch. He was sure he saw a wet spot on John's cutoffs during one of the times the man tried to hide his erection. John had mentioned that he liked sex himself and had a collection of sex movies. What were the man's sexual preferences? After living on this island by himself for many months, was he trying to tell him, Chris and Matt, that he wouldn't mind having sex with the three of them? In spite of his thoughts, He wondered how to respond to John's proposition that he could go whenever he wanted and jack off. Softly, he gave a simple, "Okay."
"We've covered a lot here today," John began looking at Mike. "Between us, we're going to have to decide what your future is going to be. Going forward to Lam Sin is out of the question. Despite how your body feels about sex right now, I doubt in Singapore you would continue to feel the same way. Bruce and Kevin just barely introduced you to sex. What you haven't learned yet could be used as torture and give you a great deal of pain. Yes Mike, sex when done right can bring the best feelings in the world; done wrong could scar you for life. I don't mean to scare you, but I'm guessing people like Lam Sin seem to enjoy the soft smooth hairless bodies of young boys, like the three of you. You would be there for the purpose of pleasing 'him'. If you got good feelings at the same time, that's okay. Otherwise it's too bad. That's not what you're there for. He probably has several boys with him right now. Like a kid, he seems to be looking for new 'toys'. He probably can get all the boys he wants in his country or one of the nearby ones. But white boys who look like former child stars are a rarity. You must also think of this: since he apparently loves young smooth boys, once puberty sets in, where you start changing from a boy to a young man, you may not be as attractive to Lam Sin. He probably would get tired of you and look for a new young boy to replace you. In fact, the three of you might have been on your way to replace some boys of his had you reached Singapore. What would you then do or go? You would know too much about Lam Sin and his practices with boys. More than likely, the three of you would disappear."
Mike shivered as he had a good idea what 'disappear' meant. "Do you mean that all Lam Sin would want to do is… fuck us?" Mike had read and heard enough stories about anal sex to conclude that it could be a very painful experience between a boy and a man if not done slowly and properly. Supposedly, it could also be a great new feeling to add to those already enjoyed, but required a great deal of trust and love to make it so. John's silence gave Mike the answer he was afraid of as to what their fates would be under Lam Sin.
"On the other hand," the man continued, "you could return to the United States. Odds are the three of you would be split up into different new foster homes as that caseworker told you. But you would finally have a regular life. My concern is how you would be treated before that happens."
"What do you mean?"
"I'm sure by now the authorities are investigating what happened to the ranch and the disappearance of you three and Mrs. Janice and her sons. It's probably in the newspapers and on TV by now. If you went back, you would have to tell your story I'm sure more than once. And Chris and Matt would have to also. You would probably be considered sexually abused and have to go through psychological counseling for who knows how long. If Mrs. Janice and her boys were caught, you'd probably have to testify in court and again retell everything that happened, good and bad. And of course there would be the publicity. Even though minors' names are forbidden in court trials, it would somehow leak out being the big case it would be. How will that affect your new life?"
Mike didn't know what to think. Leaving the island, no matter which way they went, did not present an enjoyable prospect. "What if we wanted to stay here with you? Would you want us? What would we have to do?" The last question was thrown out to see if sex was to be part of their future. He sensed John's desire toward him, but wanted to know if he was looking at him and his fellow orphans as just sex toys too.
John, though, was encouraged by Mike's request and also sensed the sex issue was being intertwined within the questions. "You'd be welcomed to stay if that's what you want. In all honesty, though, since you were open and shared your past, it's only right that I share mine. So tomorrow, the four of us will sit down and I'll you about myself. I'll give you time to think about it and will respect and help you in whatever decision you make." He and Mike stood up. "I'm going to call it a day and go to bed. When you guys are ready to turn in, make sure you put out the fire." He was then surprised when Mike said goodnight, grabbed a hand of his and gave it a squeeze.
As the adult disappeared into the dark, both Chris and Matt approached Mike and asked what he and John had talked about. He mentioned the three choices facing them and that they would have to decide what they wanted to do with their future. Since the grown-up knew about their past, he would share his sometime tomorrow. Then he threw out what he suspected of the adult. "I think John wants to have sex with us."
"Does he want us as his sex toys," Chris asked.
"No, I'm sure he doesn't. I believe he just wants us to feel good. He got real excited when I told him about what we did with Bruce and Kevin. He even said he wouldn't mind if I wanted to jack off somewhere. And he told me there were other good feelings we could learn."
Chris thought about it. As a 13-year-old, he too was starting to experience his own sexual awakening. He had just learned to jack off and cum when he lost his parents. Without admitting it, he too like Mike, enjoyed the sensations he experienced with the brothers. The night he slept with Mike, he recalled the way his body was feeling as his bed partner played with his cock and balls. Both fondled and stroked each other until they each release a small amount of boy sperm. Like Mike, he naively thought his indenture as a sex toy was only going to be having those same feelings every day. Would he get the same feelings with John? Somehow he felt, that if sex was to be a part of their new lives on Paradise Island, he would rather chance it here than with Mr. Lam Sin in far away Singapore.
"I want to listen to John's story first," Chris finally spoke. "Then I can decide if I want to stay here and do any sex with him," getting a nod of the head from Mike.
But it was Matt's reaction that somewhat surprised the other two. "No way!" he shouted. "I hated every minute of the time we were naked at the ranch." His voice started cracking as tears formed. "I'm not going to run around here with no clothes on. My mom and dad told me it was bad for a stranger touch my private parts. I couldn't stop Bruce and Kevin from doing that, but I'm not letting John ever touch me," as the tears rolled down his face and he ran the opposite direction from the house. Mike and Chris called out to him, but the boy didn't stop. They figured Matt would come to the house when he got tired and sleepy. They made sure the fire was out and went back home. Mike tried to stay awake as long as possible waiting for Matt to join him in bed. But soon sleep overtook him. In the other two bedrooms Chris and John were also asleep, the cats and dog on the bed with the adult. Out on the shore, Matt continued his walk listening to the waves, his mind a jumble of thoughts about his future. Thankfully a full moon lit the sky making it a little easier walking along the shore. He concluded that none of the three choices available to him were any good.
Chapter Three Building Trust
Mike - Age 16 Chris- Age 13 Matt - Age 12
John felt some movement on his bed and half opened his eyes to see his dog and two cats quickly jump off. Before he could focus on what caused them to all leave at the same time, he spotted Mike standing next to his bed. He blinked his eyes several times to make sure the vision he saw was correct. Mike was standing there just in his underwear. John tried not to stare but couldn't help roving over what he could see of this 16-year-old teen in a 12-year-old body. The upper torso was smooth with nickel size nipples. Even though he had not yet entered into normal puberty, the extra years allowed some definition of his pectoral muscles leading into a slightly smaller waist. The thighs and legs were also smooth, muscular and hairless. The outline he could see in the shorts indicated what the boy had told him that he wasn't much larger than a younger 12-year-old. What was also evident was the tan he saw covering Mike's chest and stomach and leading into the waistband of his shorts and continuing from each leg. Like Chris, he must have been outdoors enough in the nude to get a full body tan. John realized that he was starring at the boy's body while not inquiring of his presence.
"I'm sorry, Mike. What's the matter?"
"Matt never came in last night."
"What? What do you mean never came in? From where?"
"From the bonfire."
John's mind wandered to last night's events. The evening had started with a barbeque of steak and baked potatoes along with corn-on-the-cob. Chocolate pudding was the desert and when everyone told him they couldn't eat another bite, they all went to a large fire set up on the edge of the shore. Matt and Chris kept to themselves while he and Mike talked. John thought the discussion of sex, though in an oblique way, went well. Being the oldest, Mike would probably understand what the man was trying to tell him without frightening the lad. As John returned to the house, he felt a step in that direction had been accomplished, as he sensed no fear or aversion about that topic. He had also told Mike that he would be open and honest about his own past and share it with the three of them. Although talks of sex at this early stage, considering the boys had only been on the island two days, would probably be considered pushing it too fast. But with the Kalaukan visit just four days away, the ice had to be broken. But what Mike told him next seemed to set a serious setback to getting at least one boy to be open-minded about the idea.
"After you left the fire last night, I told Chris and Matt that I thought you wanted to have sex with us. Matt started crying and got all upset and said he would never do any sex again with a grown-up. He then ran down along the shore away from the fire. Chris and I went back to the house and I thought Matt would show up pretty soon when he got tired. I guess I fell asleep and when I woke up and looked around the house, I realized he never came back."
Oh God, John thought to himself. Where could the boy have gone? The man's thoughts went to visualizing the boy injured somewhere on the island, especially at night. Although the island wasn't that big, it would take several hours covering the shore and the trails. He looked at Mike.
"Why did you tell Matt and Chris I wanted to have sex with them? I don't recall mentioning their names." Mike then realized that he had made a mistake. He had misunderstood John the entire time the topic of sex was implied. He knew the man was interested in him, but thought he was also interested in Chris and Matt also. The boy was a little frightened thinking he had made a terrible mess of the situation. John could see the confusion on the boy's face. "I'm sorry Mike. I didn't mean to sound angry. You did nothing wrong. It's my fault. I shouldn't have ever brought up that subject in any way considering what you three went through and were facing. Whatever my feelings or urges were, I was selfish thinking only of myself," as John wrapped the covers around himself and sat up on the edge of the bed.
Mike came over and sat next to John putting an arm over his bare shoulder. "No, you were right. No matter what I thought about sex, I should have remembered how frightened Matt was when he spent the nights with Bruce and Kevin. I shouldn't have said anything in front of him. I probably made him more scared than ever before."
John smiled at the teen. "There's no use worrying about what was said last night. Our first priority is to find Matt and make sure he's okay. Go wake up Chris and when we're ready, we'll go looking for our lost friend."
Mike got up and headed for Chris' bedroom while John went to the bathroom to shower and dress. When everyone met in the kitchen, it was agreed that breakfast could wait until after they found Matt. The three descended the steps to the shore. It was then that John realized how early in the day it was as the sky had yet to shed its last cover of the previous night's darkness. There was enough light to see though, and would get brighter quickly.
"Okay, you two go in the direction you last saw Matt. Stay on the shore. I'll go the opposite direction. We'll circle the island and meet on the other side. If we haven't found Matt, then we'll start inland along the trails." Mike and Chris nodded their heads and took off. Taking a deep breath, the man began his own walk along the shore.
This wasn't the way he had wanted his association with these three boys to begin. He had dropped several hints to Mike. He may be wrong, but thought he received some positive signs that the boy was interested in continuing his education and enjoyment of sex, even with John himself. Despite his physical stature, Mike had three and four years maturity over Chris and Matt. That amounted to a lot of information and self-experimentations on the subject of sex. John had barely exchanged a few words with Chris and so far Matt had yet to mutter a sentence to the man of any substance. He knew that Mike was only repeating his conversation with him last night along with some thoughts of his own. Despite how close the three had been the past two months when first thrust together at the ranch, apparently neither Mike nor Chris expected the outburst from the 12-year-old. The pent-up emotions of the past month had finally reached a boiling point and Matt exploded.
A little while later John came upon the lifeboat, still beached where it had landed Saturday morning. He recalled that it was his intention sometime today to move it toward the boat dock and moor it there. Right now, it was like a beacon pointing to anyone looking for the boys that here they were. John's mind churned with the emotions he was currently feeling. He began his life on this island enjoying the peace and solitude accompanied by his three pets. Troy's weekly deliveries allowed him the occasional contact with another human being. Now here it was, Monday morning, just two days after the boys landed here and one boy had panicked and run off after the idea of sex with another adult was brought up. John would never force Matt into something he didn't want to do. But he wondered what life would be like if Mike and/or Chris consented to a sexual relationship with him while Matt was thoroughly opposed? It could create an awkward situation.
But John just realized something else. There was no groundwork for any emotional attachment. If there were no feelings between each other, then the boys would surely be nothing but sex toys. Love and trust usually comes before any sex. This arrangement was being pushed in the opposite direction. He then recalled telling Mike that today he would be open about his own past. He realized this could be the opportunity to let the three know that what occurred in years gone by was based on sex alone, only to find love and trust in the end with Joshua.
A short time later, he came upon the glass bedroom. He wondered if the boy had sought refuge in there last night. He went up the steps leading to the entrance and opened the door. The room was nicely furnished with a king-size bed, a couple of dressers, chairs, a nightstand and lamp, closet and bathroom. Its use was not intended to be as a regular bedroom, but on those mornings when one wanted to watch the sunrise greet the day. Stepping through the door, John spotted Matt curled up in a fetal position sound asleep on the bed. Not wanting to startle the boy, he softly called his name. Matt jerked awake, blinked his eyes a few times, and then saw the adult by the door. He quickly scooted to the far side of the bed as he looked at John with some fear.
"Easy Matt," as John raised both hands to try to reassure the boy. "You didn't come back to the house last night, so Mike, Chris and I were concerned. I started going one way along the shore and your friends went the opposite. They should be here any minute and I know they'll be happy to see you safe." Matt said nothing, but continue to watch the man very closely.
"Matt, Mike told me how you felt when the subject of sex was brought up. After what happened with you at the ranch with Bruce and Kevin, I can understand that you might think I'm just like them, only seeing you as a sex toy. And for the most part, I'm still somewhat of a stranger to you. We've only been together on this island a couple of days. You know nothing about me and except for your time at the ranch, I know nothing about you. So we still have a lot to learn about each other."
At that moment steps could be heard as Mike and Chris entered the glass bedroom. "There you are!" both boys happen to say at the same time running to the bed and jumping on sitting next to Matt. "I'm sorry for scaring you last night," Mike was first to say.
"I was just telling Matt that we need to know more about each other so we can learn to trust one another. If we all want to live here together, first we must have that sort of confidence, that we are who we say we are. I want us to be good friends and hopefully more."
Mike then spoke. "That's right. John wants to tell us today about his life. Remember, he saved us. Let's give him a chance. Chris and I feel we can be happy living on this island with John. We want you to feel the same. This could be our only chance. We can't go forward to Lam Sin. And back home we'd always be having to talk about what happened at the ranch to different authorities." Matt acted as though he was going to say something, but instead just continued to look at John.
"Come on Matt," invited the adult. "I'm hungry and want breakfast. Let's go eat and then I'll bore you with my life story."
Chris and Mike reached to Matt and each grabbed a hand. Slowly, they got him up, and with John leading the way, left the glass bedroom and walked along the shore returning to the house. A short time later all were in the kitchen as John put together some bacon and eggs for their meal. He realized that when he made his next weekly call for supplies Wednesday, he would have to substantially increase the food quantity with three extra mouths to feed. It was a good thing he was going to Kalauka Island in three days on Thursday, the day before the ceremony. He worried he would run out of food before Saturday. He wondered how he would justify the increase with Troy? A bigger concern yet was how to explain the Kalaukans to these boys, especially with Matt's fragile attitude about sex. After breakfast and with the boys again offering to clean up the dishes and kitchen, John suggested everyone sit in the living room while he told them about himself.
"My parents came from Europe. I don't know, but maybe sex wasn't supposed to be discussed or talked about within the family. You need to remember that this was before the Internet and cable TV. All the shows on television were family oriented. There was never even the slightest hint of sex. So I knew absolutely nothing until I was 12-years-old and in the 6th grade," as John looked at Matt, the 12-year-old boy. "Even not counting your time at the ranch, you three were probably exposed to sex almost everywhere you turned. Boys and girls talk about it freely at school. It's discussed on TV with kids your age and younger. Sex education classes are the norm. Good or bad," as the adult addressed the boy, "you have been exposed to a lot more sex at your age than I was.
"A classmate of mine, named Larry, gave me my first exposure to sex, if you want to call what we did, sex. He talked to me about building a secret clubhouse in the woods near our homes. We found some old lumber, set up walls and a roof and although not big, we were proud of it. Then Larry said we should have an initiation as first members. He suggested we get naked and give each other five light swats on the other's bare butt. Of course this was something totally new to me. Up to then, I never thought of my body as something to show to others. But I'll never forget that first tingling feeling in my cock by his proposal. We found an old mattress and brought it to our clubhouse. We took off our clothes, lay on that mattress and gave each other the five swats. To me, a 12-year-old who had never done anything like this in his life, what we did to each other was sex." Mike, Chris, and even Matt smiled.
"Like I said a moment ago, today, before any kid has his first sexual encounter, he already knows a lot by his exposure to what's put out on the Internet and TV. Believe it or not, what we did that day was the most sex we ever did. We played card games and board games we brought from home, usually naked, with the loser getting swats on the butt. We never touched each other's cock or balls, never used our mouths to kiss or suck. We were ignorant of such pleasures. After a while, Larry and I decided we would try to get others to join our clubhouse. I remember we got another boy from our class to join named Ernest. And we even got a girl to join. Her name was Peggy. Since I knew nothing about girls, she was the first one I ever saw naked and to notice the difference between boys and girls.
"Right after Peggy joined our club, my family moved at the end of the school year. My parents bought a larger house about 30 miles [50 km] away to accommodate our newborn sister. I was never so miserable in my life. I was enjoying new feelings, even if it was just my cock being hard all the time I was naked. Sometimes after all these years, I wonder what would have happened had the clubhouse continued. Would the four of us, or maybe more, have finally taken the next step and done something that could really be classified as sex? Summer vacation was upon us, so who knows? Of course I have no idea what happened to Larry, Ernest and Peggy after I left.
"After we moved, there was still three months before school was to start and I would meet new fellow classmates. I was missing my old friends terribly. For the first time, I started playing with myself as I thought back to the clubhouse. My cock was giving me better feelings each time I rubbed and played with it and I guess you could say I started having orgasms, even though I couldn't cum yet. Although I had no new friends, I did have an 8-year-old brother. Before we both became teenagers, we were pretty close. When my parents decided I was old enough to take care of my brother while they were away, I talked my brother into taking off his clothes together with me. He hesitated at first, but once I was naked, he joined me. For the next three years, he was my sex partner. He watched me as I entered puberty and saw my cock and balls get bigger, hairs grow down there and some under my arms. One day I took the initiative by using my hands to fondle him and rub his chest, stomach, back and butt. My brother didn't object as he was getting some good feelings out of it himself. And I was feeling good just because my cock was rock hard. All the time we were naked together on the bed, he just lie there and let me touch and feel him all over. In the beginning, just lying there together with no clothes really didn't make what we were doing anything exciting. Again, this was really nothing hard-core. I still didn't know anything about sucking, using my mouth or other methods for sexual enjoyment.
"I met some boys in school that I tried to talk to into messing around with me, but never had any luck. I guess I was, as you call them today, too much of a geek. As my brother approached his 12th birthday, he decided he didn't want to be naked with me anymore. There was really no real sex being done between us. He got tired of my hands just fondling his nude body. That's when I found myself at night in bed playing with myself even more. All of a sudden I started getting this fantastic feeling inside and came for the first time. Again, even at the age of 15, I knew nothing about sex and had no idea what an orgasm was, the end result was cumming and the feeling that came with it. What scared me was this sticky stuff coming out of my cock. At first, as naïve as I was, I thought I had done something to hurt myself. About that time though, I did meet a fellow classmate, named Jeff, who did want to mess around. His parents went bowling every Friday night and left him alone at home. So each week when my parents let me, I would go to his place. But all Jeff and I did was fondle each other and rub against one another keeping each other's cocks hard. Still not knowing that an orgasm was the end result of the good feelings between two people, and afraid of cumming on top of Jeff or in his bed, not knowing if that was natural, I would excuse myself, head to the bathroom and finish by jacking off.
"Jeff and I met quite a few times until we graduated from high school and then I spent the next four years in the military. The first three years there was no sex in my life. When I first joined, I did spot a fellow serviceman, named Terry. He was a baby face guy and I wanted to have sex with him so badly. I tried to talk him into it, but he wasn't interested. I don't recall ever hearing the term homosexual or gay, but now that I was an adult, I guess I was. And although I enjoyed the time spent with Jeff, my happiest memories I would recall was with the clubhouse gang and my little brother. Before the sale of child pornography was outlawed, you could still go down to an underground adult bookstore and find magazines and films about children in sex. I bought everything I could that involved boys."
John paused for a moment, as he looked at the three listeners to see if he could gauge their reactions to what he had shared so far. He thought Mike had a bemused look on his face. In fact, after listening to the adult tell how he went to the bathroom to get off when he was visiting Jeff, Mike figured it was the same thing when he told his story the day before and John made excuses to go to relieve himself. Chris seemed to have the look of curiosity discovering that maybe there was more to sex than even he knew. Matt's face, though, seemed frozen not showing any reaction. John tried to take it as a positive sign that the boy wasn't going to react the same way as he did last night at the bonfire.
"My last year in the military was spent overseas in Madrid, Spain. I had the rank of Sergeant. That rank allowed me to live off base instead of on base in barracks. Apartments were cheap to rent in Madrid and so I rented a small one-bedroom on the third floor. Right from the beginning I noticed a 12-year-old boy in the downstairs lobby who offered to shine shoes for 25 cents. Being in the military, you always had to have your shoes shined. There were several military people who lived in that apartment building and took advantage of getting their shoes shined each morning as they walked out the door to the base. So many mornings I would pay this boy a little extra to shine my shoes. He spoke some English and I knew a little Spanish. It didn't take long before I was looking at him as more than a shoeshine boy." Stopping, John looked at the boys and smiled. "You know where this is going, don't you?" The three nodded their heads affirmatively.
"His name was Roberto and he was an orphan. In Spain, they didn't have a foster family system in place. The churches had orphanages for those who had no one else to live with. Almost all the orphaned kids under 13 ended up there, but many would hustle in the streets selling this or that to scratch out a living. I became Roberto's best customer and tried to learn more about him each time he shined my shoes. One Saturday I went down to the lobby and took a chance and invited him upstairs. Being a weekend, business was slow for him. Some men only used his shoeshine business once a week. Of course, my invitation made him a little suspicious, but I told him he was welcome to use the shower while I got his clothes cleaned. He accepted, and after he competed his shower, he'd wrap himself in a large towel until his clothes were ready. Between our broken Spanish and English, we exchanged small tidbits of information about each other. Once his clothes were dry, he would dress and leave, despite my offer for him to sleep on the sofa. This went on for three straight Saturday nights. Looking back, I believe he was judging me to see if he could trust me. I'm sure he knew what I was after." John looked at Matt as though saying their situation was basically the same, but the 12-year-old gave no reaction.
"On the fourth Saturday he shocked me. He invited me to take a shower with him. This was something I had never done before with anyone, young or old. It only took a few minutes to realize that this street-wise kid knew more about sex than I did being an adult. I could tell he had done this with men before. Roberto told me that when he didn't make enough money during the week, he would hustle for sex. He really didn't like it, but it was either that, starve, or end up in one of the orphanages, which he didn't want to go. He surprised me when he revealed that he had spent many nights with other servicemen in our apartment building. I began to realize that boylovers were everywhere, even in the military. With them, he charged for the sex they requested of him. My being a regular shoeshine customer and paying him extra had given him many weeks with enough money to buy food. He was able lately to refuse the sexual advances he had gotten recently. He concluded I wasn't going to be rough or hurt him, so he took a chance to repay me by offering himself sexually. It had been five years since I had such a young sex partner since the days with my brother.
That night he was the teacher and I was the student. I remember him smiling at me when he realized how little I really knew about sex. That was the best night I ever had. He gave me my first ever blowjob and sucked me dry. I, of course, returned the favor. It was the first time I had ever sucked a cock. In the beginning I wasn't good at it, but Roberto was patient. Each time I was getting better and I could tell by the moaning he would do, as he got ready to cum. He knew just what parts of me to touch, lick and suck to make sex wonderful. And I was in heaven as I returned the favor to him. Imagine my surprise and excitement when I discovered the world of fucking. He was the first boy I got to put my cock into his ass. It was a totally new fantastic feeling. And Roberto loved it when his smaller cock plowed mine. This 12-year-old boy was opening doors in the pleasures of sex I never knew existed." The three boys' seemed to hang on to every word. They reminded John how yesterday he was mesmerized as he became fascinated with listening to what the boys had gone through at the ranch.
"I saw Roberto every morning as he would shine my shoes, but I couldn't wait until Saturday when he'd spend the night with me and we had such wonderful sex. I tried to get him to move in with me, but he wouldn't accept it. After learning how to take care of himself, being independent, he wasn't ready to lose that control. He was just happy with our current weekly sexual relationship. For the next four months it was the best time of my life since the early days at the clubhouse. Now I look back to those Saturday evenings as when I first started experiencing what would be called sexual feelings to having Roberto teaching me how to use my mouth, tongue, lips and hands. I would cum all over him and he would laugh and say it was another excuse to shower together. He taught me how to suck cock, tease the nipples and to kiss.
"Then one morning he didn't show up at his usual place in the lobby. At first I panicked thinking I had done something wrong the night he stayed with me, but couldn't think of anything. One day turned into two, three and then a whole week without seeing him. I asked the other servicemen in the building if they had seen him, but they were just as surprised at his disappearance as I was. I had a car and drove all over the city trying to find him. But Madrid was a huge city with over two million people. The apartment manager told me one possibility was that Roberto got picked up by the police because of his age and placed in one of the orphanages. Having been the manager for many years at that building, he had seen boys come and go. Roberto was just the most recent. I wouldn't accept that. I checked a couple of local orphanages and Roberto wasn't there. Before I ever found him again, my tour in the military was up; I was discharged and sent back home.
"As I settled into my life as a civilian, I thought constantly of Roberto and wondered what happened to him. I relived in my mind over and over again the hours spent with him in bed. He would flip on his stomach, wiggle that ass of his and invite to slide my cock inside him. I realized after he disappeared that all the times we spent together, I never took a photograph of him. As the years went by, his face kept fading in my memory. So instead my thoughts were occupied fantasizing with the magazines and videos I had. I can't begin to tell you how many times I jacked off looking at them and pretending Roberto was right there with me. Through these magazines and videos I associated how men enjoyed sex with boys by what Roberto and I did together. Much of what I originally read I had never done before. Otherwise, I kept to myself in my own private little world. I never seriously considered having a girlfriend or the idea of getting married. Somehow I just couldn't stop thinking of the ways I enjoyed sex as a boy myself; the clubhouse, my brother, Jeff and Roberto. My biggest fantasies were to turn back the clock and relive those days of the past. I knew it was illegal to have such relationships with young boys in this country and that fear kept me from trying anything. I coached little league for a couple of seasons just so I could have some hot sexy young boys around me. I met a lot of boys over the years and wondered what it would have been like to get intimately close, but that was the extent of it. I just lived on memories and fantasies.
"Four years ago I met Joshua. He was nine-years-old. His father and I worked at the same company, but his Dad worked the graveyard shift, so he usually was asleep during the day when Joshua was awake. I'll never forget the day I was visiting him and his mother, which I did regularly as they were one of the few friends I had, when I said I had to go home and take care of something. Joshua surprised me by asking if he could come and visit. I had never had a kid in my home since Spain and wasn't sure if I should. But Joshua kept asking and his mother gave the okay if it was no bother for me. When he got to my place, he wanted to learn about computers, as his family didn't have one. So I would sit on a chair with him on my lap and show him. This was the first of many visits. I guess you could say we got closer with each get-together. Every time he sat on my lap, I would hold him closer to me, then start rubbing his bare arms and then even slid my hand under his shirt to touch his chest and stomach. Joshua kept telling me how good that felt and how much he liked me. That should have been a warning, but instead I looked for an opportunity to go further.
"One visit while I was in the kitchen getting a soda for each of us, somehow Joshua came upon a gay web site. I was shocked when I came back and saw what he was viewing. I immediately changed web sites and told him he shouldn't see such things. But I underestimated his curiosity and maturity. He begged me to explain sex and what the men were doing. Again, I ignored that warning sign for not stopping right there. I had already crossed the boundary by reaching under his shirt and rubbing his bare flesh. And yet, here was this cute blond-headed 9-year-old boy wanting me to teach him about sex. And so I did. This time I played the part of Roberto and Joshua was I as the lessons began. I was surprised at how at the very beginning he would get naked like it was no big thing. I remember when I took off my clothes in front of him for the first time he took it so casually, saying he had seen his Dad naked on several occasions and knew what a grown man looked like. He would just come up to me and hug me, my hands roaming down his back and butt. He was a quick learner and found everything I taught him enjoyable, as never was any force used. As the weeks went by he would visit almost every afternoon and all day during the weekends. The moment he walked through the door, he would strip naked and wait for me to get undressed also and to do the sex we both had been enjoying. He never seemed shocked at whatever we tried. I loved it when I sucked his little cock and watch his eyes squeeze shut and his body arched as he went through one of his orgasms. Of course, he was too young to shoot any cum. And he surprised me even more when he sucked my cock and would swallow what I shot in his mouth. He was too young to fuck, but I stimulated his ass with my fingers.
"When Joshua's parents saw how well we were getting along, they used that as an excuse to go out weekends together. Joshua's older brother, Donnie, stayed with some friends and Joshua spent the Saturdays and Sundays with me. At first, I took the relationship between him and I as an avenue for satisfying my own sexual needs. I tried thinking of him as Roberto and not as Joshua. Yes, I made him feel good and he was always asking me if it felt good whenever he did something to me. It was like Spain all over again. But I got a surprise one day when he hugged me and said he loved me. I realized that in all the sexual experiences of the past, even in Madrid, love was never a part of it. And here I was naked with this little boy who said he loved me. That's when I grew to love him in return. I honestly believe the sex between us became more enjoyable now that we were pleasing each other out of love, not just to reach orgasm. In the back of my mind I thanked Roberto for what he taught me, and the many wonderful hours we spent together. But it was time to finally close that chapter of my life. Now it belonged to Joshua and included a love relationship also. It was a wonderful period. Most people would find it difficult to believe that a nine-year-old boy really understood love. But they would have had to know Joshua. Like I said, he was very mature for his age." John then paused. He closed his eyes and took several deep breaths. The next part was going to be hard. Mike seemed to sense it.
"Something went wrong, didn't it?" the teen asked. He thought he saw tears in the man's eyes.
"Yes Mike, it did. Joshua spent so much time with me over the months that his parents were wondering what he did during all those visits. They seemed satisfied with the explanation that we watched TV, played video games or I would take Joshua out to a movie. Once more, I should have seen the warning signs and cut back on Joshua's visits, but I guess I was blinded by my love for him. To his parents, he never let slip what he and I were doing. Without reminding him, he knew it was a secret just between us. But one day his mother refused another of his requests to come over. She thought he was spending too much time with me and that I needed time alone without a little boy bothering him. Joshua got upset. It was then that he confided in his older brother what had been transpiring between him and I thinking his brother would keep his secret. Instead Donnie informed his parents. My world came crashing down after that. Joshua was confronted with this information, but the little trooper never betrayed me, denying everything. His parents didn't believe him and called the police. I was arrested and charged with sex crimes against a minor. I refused to say anything to the police and Joshua, bless his heart, continued to deny that anything sexual ever happened. I heard later he was threatened and beaten many times for refusing to cooperate; his parents trying to convince him I was evil and took advantage of a sweet young boy. But he never wavered. I was told I was facing at least fifteen years in prison if this went to trial. I was offered a plea agreement of three years. At first, I was going to refuse. If Joshua kept his silence, there would be no evidence to convict me. But the thought of Joshua being on the witness stand and the prosecutor constantly badgering him to spill what had happened and the possible trauma by that event to him changed my mind. I loved him too much to think about my own welfare. I accepted the plea agreement and spent the next three years in prison."
You could have heard a pin drop as there was complete silence in the room. The three boys were becoming captivated by John's story. Mike was becoming more comfortable with his initial instincts in that John was a good man. Chris was thinking of the term 'sex toy'. Roberto had probably been John's sex toy. Maybe in the beginning Joshua was just a sex toy too. But when the man began to love the boy that was no longer the case. And that love was proven even more when John picked prison rather than subject Joshua to a public trial. Matt's emotions were jumbled. He wasn't looking at John with the same fear and revulsion as he did last night. But having sex with the adult was something he couldn't yet accept in his mind.
"I lost everything and spent the next three years of my life as an inmate. I tried telling myself that my love for Joshua was worth what I was going through. But staff and other prisoners don't look at you the same way. I was constantly reminded that I was a sick person, a child molester, and scum of the earth. I had to see psychologists who kept telling me how wrong my actions were. I was forced to take classes to learn how to have adult relationships. By the time I got out of prison, I was starting to believe I was really a predator who took advantage of innocent boys. Looking back now, I realize that I was completely brainwashed. Before I had to report to prison, among the few personal items I had saved and stored were all the magazines and videos I told you about. I retrieved them when I was released and burned them all trying to blame them for my fantasies and my eventual acts upon Joshua.
"But my punishment didn't stop there. Everyone in my hometown wouldn't talk to me or help me get my life started again. Some were very cruel saying I didn't deserve any help, that I should go somewhere and just die. I heard that Joshua, now 12-years-old, tried to come and see me after I got released, but his parents kept him on a tight leash. If I had met him, I planned on apologizing for all the bad things I had put him through. I got to the point where I sort of expected the rest of my life to be miserable. Then, by the grace of God or whatever, I held the winning lottery ticket to one of the largest jackpots ever in California history."
Mike's eyes lit up as he interjected, "Was that you? I remember seeing that on the news." Even in Arizona, that was a newsworthy item. The boy closed his eyes for a moment. "Your face was on TV." Mike then quipped, "Yes, you do look familiar," repeating John's similar comments when he first met Mike.
John smiled back. "Touché. I didn't want the publicity as I figured everyone would know my past. Instead, having money, everyone became my friend wanting to borrow some of it." Skipping many details, he concluded his narrative by telling the boys of his desire to get away from the life he was facing back home and to buy his own personal island. "I thought being away from temptation, meaning young boys, I could live here with a clear conscience knowing I wasn't going to harm any other child. I had several cats and dogs at the time I went to prison. I tried to give them to good homes. Sadly, when I got out, most were gone. I was able to get back one dog and two cats and brought them with me here."
Chris was the first with a question. "So when you came to this island, you felt the same way about sex as you did when you got out of prison?"
"Yes I did Chris. Somehow, I thought this isolation would push memories of the past so far away that I wouldn't think of them again. Besides that, there were no hot looking young boys on the island with me to remind me of them." The three immediately knew whom he was referring to. "But then after a while, I thought to myself that reliving those memories wasn't bad. Some nights I had dreams of those long ago days. So at times I would jack off thinking of those encounters. After all, unlike in the United States, there was no one here to tell me what kind of person I was or what I could or could not do. Having fantasies and dreams was not harmful. I had let my self-esteem, or self-respect hit rock bottom when I got out of prison. I decided not to let my life here be for regretting the past."
"Do you miss Joshua?" came the first words from Matt, surprising everyone there.
"It's hard not to miss him after the price I paid for our relationship and not knowing what his own life has been since I last saw him. It's been almost four years and I wonder, as he became a teenager, if he now looks at what we did as something good or bad. It was very special then in that I learned love along with sex. I see in front of me three beautiful boys I would love to go to bed with and share such wonderful sexual feelings. But I also see three boys that I would like to love with my heart if they would give me the chance."
"You make it sound like the only way we get to stay on this island is to have sex with you," again Matt.
"No Matt, that's not it," replied the man. "Hopefully I've made it clear that I never believe in forcing someone to do anything against their will. If you don't want to do anything sexually with me or Mike or Chris, that is fine. You will still be treated as an equal member of our new family. Whatever each one of you decides, everyone else will accept it. That means whoever wants to have sex, or not have sex, should be respected for their decision. Can everyone agree on that?" All three boys nodded their heads.
John continued. "Wow! We've sure learned a lot about each other in the short time we've been together. Let's go have lunch. Afterwards we need to move the lifeboat off the shore and moor it at the boat dock."
During lunch, John spoke to the three boys. "I don't know if I believe in destiny. Look at me, having the life I had, its ups and downs and yet ending up here. If you hadn't had a concerned Captain or if your lifeboat had drifted a few miles one way or another, we wouldn't be together today. I don't want you to interpret this wrongly, but I believe this island is allowing me to catch up on all the years I was never allowed to share any emotions with young boys. I thought that first chance came a few months ago. But now I believe I've been given more opportunities with the three of you here. You boys can also reflect on what you went through and how fate brought you to this island. Have the four of us been given a new chance, a new life?"
The boys looked at John with confusion. What did he mean by first chance a few months ago? Before they could ask questions, John spoke with a smile. "Tomorrow I will tell you of my life since I've been on this island. If you think my past was amazing, what I share with you after breakfast will knock your socks off!"
Mike's next comments made John realize that the teen was a lot smarter than he looked. "You said you felt bad about sex with boys after you got out of prison and it stayed that way when you bought this island. But now you would enjoy having sex with us. Did something happen that changed your mind?"
"Tomorrow," was all John would say.
John realized that the boys had been presented with quite a story about his own sexual background. He hoped his account would show them what type of a personality he had. He didn't want them to think they were trading one lifestyle waiting with Lam Sin with a similar one on this island. He had decided before he began his narration not to spend too much time describing daily specific graphical details of the sex between himself, Roberto and Joshua. His three visitors had not yet consented to accepting what he hoped they would want and enjoy while living here. There would be plenty of opportunities to relive those memories in detail to the three boys when the time was appropriate. He decided to excuse himself for a few moments to allow the boys some privacy to talk among themselves. It was Mike who asked the other two what they thought.
Chris responded first. "I don't know. Would running around here naked be any worse than running around naked at the ranch? You know, after a couple days naked at the ranch, I never really gave it much thought. It didn't even bother me standing with no clothes on in front of Mrs. Janice." Mike nodded his head in agreement. "I remember guys in school telling me that they saw pictures on the Internet where in Europe entire families go to the beaches naked. Over here we'd have our own private beach. And if we have fun in bed with John or with each other, is that a bad thing?"
"So you wouldn't mind having sex with John?" Mike asked.
The 13-year-old shrugged his shoulders. "As long as he doesn't force me to do something that I don't want, I could handle it. I'm sure it would be a lot better than what we did with Bruce and Kevin. And if Roberto and Joshua kept coming back for more, it must have felt good."
Mike turned to Matt. "What about you?"
"I don't know," he replied slowly. "I'm confused. I just keep remembering what my parents had told me about sex being bad. And I can't keep forgetting how Bruce and Kevin forced me to do stuff with them."
John walked back into the kitchen at that moment. "I heard those last statements Matt, and I can understand how you miss your family and wish to honor them by obeying what they taught you. But they are gone now. You have to start living your own life. Have you ever been told to do one thing and wanted to do something else?" Matt nodded his head. "So even as a young boy you were already exercising your desire to be independent, to do what 'you' want. Most kids don't get to do that until they're 18 years old. Despite your personal tragedy, you're getting an opportunity to be your own man at the age of twelve. Sure, there are rules and the need for common sense here, but otherwise you can explore what's really inside you. Once you open up and really be yourself, you may be surprised at what you had tried to keep inside for so long.
"Now let's talk about sex. You were told it was wrong and it seemed that was proven to you by what the two brothers made you do at the ranch. Do you know what rape is against a boy?" directing the question to Matt.
The boy felt a little uncomfortable verbally describing what the word meant. "I think it means forcing sex on him against his will."
"That's a good simplified explanation. If a boy's first sex was being raped, do you think he would ever want to do sex with anyone afterwards or even imagine it being enjoyable? Right now I believe it isn't your parents' teaching that is holding you back, but the experience at the ranch. You're 12-years-old. Boys think a lot about sex at that age." Matt slowly nodded his head.
"Too many boys think of sex with a man as being frightening, painful or humiliating. That makes them afraid to try it, or be embarrassed if they do something wrong. If a boy learns the pleasures of sex from someone he trusts and knows that he'll be gentle and kind, there's no way he can say he doesn't love it. You heard my story with Roberto and Joshua. No force was ever used and it still stands as the most beautiful sex I've ever enjoyed. And if the two of them were here today, I'd bet anything they would say the same thing.
"Sadly your introduction to sex at the ranch was not the right way to discover its pleasure. You were forced to participate. You didn't get a chance to try it, to enjoy it slowly at your pace. That doesn't mean sex is bad. It was the way you had to start learning it.
"Look, we've talked enough about sex for one morning. You three have been through more traumatic experiences in the past two months than even most adults in their lifetimes. I believe that your experiences forced you to mature a lot faster than other boys your age. So despite all we've share about each other over the past two days, I know you can handle it. You're not innocent little boys anymore. I'm not a pervert trying to twist your mind or trick you into doing something you feel uncomfortable about. I want you to give careful thought about how you want to live on this island." Everyone then finished their lunch and as the dishes were cleaned, John continued. "We need to go and move that lifeboat. I don't want it spotted and be known to anyone that you're here, right?" The boys nodded their heads in agreement.
"Okay, one more piece of news to give you. I told you that on Saturdays I get my weekly supplies flown in by helicopter. I call in my week's needs the Wednesday before. So the day after tomorrow I'll have to make my requests. I'll increase the food supply for sure. But I also need to get at least one change of clothing for you. You can't wear what you have on now forever. After dinner, I'll let you look at some clothing catalogs I have. You can pick a few items to start your wardrobe collection for me to order. I'll get exact sizes from you and by this weekend you'll have some news clothes."
The boys were happy to hear that and stated they were looking forward to wearing something different. Although no one was saying anything, John wondered if unconsciously they were associating what they were currently wearing with the ordeal of leaving the ranch to drifting alone in a lifeboat. They were not allowed to pack anything before they left their foster home.
John continued. "I don't know about you, but I'm going to put on a pair of cutoffs and walk barefoot as we go get the lifeboat. How about you?"
Chris replied, "We can go barefoot, but we have no cutoffs."
The man walked to a small table, pulled out a pair of scissors from a drawer and answered, "Why don't we make the pants you're wearing cutoffs?"
The boys agreed to that. John had each boy stand in front of him as he marked off with a piece of chalk where he would make the cut, just above the knees. He asked each boy to remove their pants while he used the scissors to trim the jeans they were wearing. He was somewhat surprised when even Matt removed his pants without hesitation. Of course, all the boys were still wearing under shorts. Just like his two companions, Matt's legs also revealed the time spent in the sun. Of the three boys, only Chris' lower legs had slightly darker blond fuzz. John guessed the boy was getting closer to entering puberty. It wasn't long before the boys had put on their new cutoff jeans, removed their shoes and socks and were ready to go.
After John changed into his cutoffs, all four left the house and walked down the steps to the shore. "Mike, Chris, I want you two to go to the lifeboat and wait for me there. Matt, you come with me and we'll get the Bayliner and drive around to where the lifeboat is." Everyone voiced their acknowledgment and the group split in two. John turned to Matt, "Let's go back inside and go out the back door to the boat dock." The boy replied with an okay.
At the dock, John helped Matt on board. He watched the 12-year-old carefully to make sure that being back in a watercraft would not elicit any negative reaction, based on his lifeboat experience, as was last night when the subject of sex was brought up. But the boy didn't exhibit anything but curiosity as he observed the adult going through the motions of checking all gauges to insure the craft was ready to go. After making sure there was a rope in order to tow the lifeboat, John reached down and grabbed two life jackets, handing one to Matt. The boy froze, not making any movement at taking the life jacket from John's outstretched hand.
"Matt, I know the last time you wore one of these you went through a very bad experience. But this is different now. We're only going a short way off the shore. The island will always be in sight. And I'm right here to make sure nothing will ever happen to you. And God forbid you fell off the boat, this will save your life." John approached the boy and assisted him in putting on the life vest without any resistance. After putting on his own life jacket the man announced, "Alright, let's go."
John fired up the 190HP motor, made sure the mooring line was released and stored and slowly eased his Bayliner Deck Boat out of the dock. He went straight out about a 500 feet [150 m] so that Matt could get a view of the island. The few times John had taken this craft out, he had always stayed within sight of the island. Even though the Bayliner and yacht had top of the line navigation systems, he wasn't familiar with their usage. He knew if he got into trouble he could use his radio, but so far had found no reason to take more than just joy rides circling the island. This Thursday, though, he was going to make his first real journey away from Paradise Island as he navigated the 40 miles [60 km] to Kalauka Island.
Matt became more animated as John made a turn and headed in the direction of where the lifeboat was beached. It wasn't long before Matt spotted Chris and Mike and started yelling and waving his arms. The two on shore saw the approaching craft and hollered their greetings in return. John got as close as he could to the shore without beaching the craft itself and killed the motor. Grabbing the rope, he tied one end to the stern, jumped into the water and threw the remainder of the rope towards the boys on the sand. Mike and Chris quickly went into the water and retrieved their end of the rope. Following the adult's instructions, the two boys got into the lifeboat and found a spot on its stern to tie the rope. Hoping not to get the same reaction as he had from Matt, he instructed Mike and Chris to get into the lifeboat and put on a lifejacket. Fortunately, the older boys seemed to have gotten over their trauma of a few days ago. They hopped on board, don life vests and yelled they were ready to go.
With the motor fired up again, John slowly eased the throttle forward and pulled the lifeboat out of the sand and into the water. He then instructed the boys to untie the line on the stern and retie it on the bow. With everything secured, the slow leisurely trip to the boat dock began. As in the beginning, John went out about a 500 feet [150 m] before turning landward. The slightly rougher seas caused the lifeboat to bounce more on the waves. John carefully watched the boys to make sure they were all right. Rather than associating that feeling with the experiences of the past, Mike and Chris just laughed and screamed. Matt also took great delight seeing his friends enjoying the ride. Everyone was having such a good time that John decided to pass the dock and make a complete circle around the island. He continued to be amazed at the boys' emotional adjustment so soon after their terrifying events.
Soon though, they were approaching the boat dock and John eased the 21' [6½ m] craft to its mooring. Then everyone pulled the rope bringing the lifeboat in and secured it under an overhang that hid it from prying eyes. After removing their life vests, everyone proceeded back to the house. It was still a little early for dinner, so John suggested that the boys entertain themselves however they wanted. He was going to spend some time at the hot springs. There was some ice cream in the freezer if the boys wanted.
When John arrived at the hot springs, he removed his shirt but left his cutoffs on. After being naked so much when alone, he decided not to be caught as such while the boys were contemplating their future living situation. He hadn't told the three visitors about being nude during most of his residency on the island to date. In fact, if he stood naked in front of them, they would see that he also had a tan from head to toe, as he discovered the boys had also.
The formation of the hot springs in eons past included a couple of jutting rocks underneath the water that made perfect seats. As John sat down, the water reached about halfway up his chest. It was a shallow hot springs, only about three-and-a-half feet [1 m] deep. It was somewhat circular in shape, the widest part being only 10 feet [3 m] across, just perfect for a small group. In essence it was more like a hot tub. When he first stepped into the warm water several months ago, he wasn't sure if the bottom rock floor would be too hot or if there were vents spouting hot steam. But neither was the case and John concluded the heat must come from very far below so that by the time it warmed the water on top, the temperature was just right.
The man closed his eyes and thought about the revelations everyone had shared about each other. A more perfect set of opportunities couldn't have presented themselves. Coming to this island to live like a monk, purging all the evil inclinations of being sexually involved with a boy had reversed itself. He was sure that the three boys would soon enjoy the life of love and sexuality. Love. John knew that this was a totally different situation from years past. These boys would depend on him. How they emerged from their teenage years into adulthood would surely be influenced on how their experiences on this island evolved. If they grew up thinking that sex was all there was to life, their futures would be bleak. A path had to be set for their imminent adulthood.
It had been four years since he had enjoyed the soft tender flesh of a young boy when Aukai first visited his island. The revelation by the native boy that the Kalaukan people believed in a lifestyle that involved a lot of inter-gender sexuality gave John the opportunity to relive the old days of being a 100% boylover. But he had only seen the native boy in overnight monthly visits when he came to Paradise Island. Forty miles back and forth was quite a distance, even for the accompanying warriors who paddled the small canoe. But he had grown close to the native boy and as the two learned more about each other, he was even starting to feel love. Now he had three beautiful boys on his island to possibly love and hopefully enjoy a sexual relationship with. How was that going to affect his connection with Aukai? It was too many questions right now to answer. The warm soothing water caused John to slowly close his eyes. How long he was dozing he didn't know when he heard footsteps approaching the hot springs. Looking up, he saw Chris standing at the edge.
"I thought you were with Mike and Matt?"
"They wanted to go back to the beach. Mike wanted to talk to Matt alone about our future. I decided to find you."
"Well come on in. I think you'll like the water. I try to come here as often as I can. It's one of my favorite spots on the island. John realized that Chris could see that he wasn't wearing any shirt and was probably wondering about the rest. He stood up. "Don't worry Chris. I'm still wearing some pants." The boy smiled, took off his shirt and stepped into the pool of warm water that continued to emit some steam.
"I wasn't scared that you might be naked," the 13-year-old spoke more to assure himself.
"You being scared was the last thought on my mind. After what you've been through, I'm thinking more of a boy with a lot of courage." John noticed the boy was pondering a question he wanted to ask. "Go ahead and ask whatever's on your mind. If we're going to be family, we need to be open and honest with each other."
Family! That was the second time today that John had spoken of all four of them together as family. "Can we really be a family?" Chris asked.
"Why not? I'm aware it's going to be an adjustment after losing your own parents and what happened at the ranch. As for myself, I guess being alone after Joshua had made me forget what love is like. Up until I met him, I just wanted to relive the past when I was a boy. But it took another boy's love to make me realize that it was more than just sex. If I hadn't loved Joshua, I know I wouldn't have made the sacrifice to go to prison rather than fight the charges against me. And as I told you earlier, for a moment I forgot about that when I first saw the three of you and viewed your arrival at first as my own new sex toys. I was selfish in my thoughts thinking Lam Sin's loss was my personal gain. But I believe, as we grow closer, we'll have more feelings toward each other. Then sex will be an extension of those feelings and more enjoyable for everyone. And that's how we'll be a family."
Chris nodded his head in understanding. Then for the next hour the talk was of sports, favorite teams and players. Chris told John how he enjoyed sports and even played on a little league team. That comment made the man flash back to his own time, when he coached 11 and 12-year-old boys. Chris shared some information on his parents and how they worked hard every day. His father was hoping that his mother could soon stop working and add another child to the family. About 6 months ago his mother and father were invited to fly with some friends of theirs who owned a small plane to Las Vegas for a weekend. Chris was left with a babysitter. When the weekend ended and the small craft took off from the airport, the engine caught fire and the plane crashed killing all aboard. After the funeral, it was discovered that his parents were very deep in debt. No relatives could be located or for some reason couldn't take the orphaned boy in. There was nothing left for Chris and therefore he was placed in the foster system. He lived with one family for about four months before they decided they wanted to retire and move overseas. His next placement was at the ranch.
"Thanks for sharing that Chris. I know it wasn't easy reliving those events. Nothing will ever replace your real family, but maybe the four of us will be the next best thing." The boy nodded his head as John continued. "I think we're wrinkled enough. Let's get back to the house," as he threw Chris one of the towels he had brought with him. Despite what the man had say moments earlier about love preceding sex, he couldn't help but admire the boy as he stood up, got out of the hot springs and began to dry himself off. The water has caused the nipples to shrink to tiny little points on the boy's chest and John thought how sexy they looked. The cutoffs had clung to his midriff so that the outline of Chris' cock and balls could almost be made out.
Chris could sense that John was admiring him, so he shocked him with the question, "Do you think I'm sexy?"
John was caught off guard and for a moment and couldn't answer. Chris laughed at the man's momentary embarrassment. "That's okay. I think you're sexy though."
Recovering, John responded, "Thank you Chris, and yes, I do think you're sexy."
"You don't have any hair under your arms," the boy observed.
This was moving really fast. "No, I shave what few I have there." Taking a chance he went a step further. "I also shave my pubic hairs. Even though I'm an adult, I always wanted to think of myself as a young boy from my old days, so I keep myself hairless as much as possible."
"Cool," as the boy raised his arms showing his armpits. "I'm hairless all over too, although I guess I'll be growing some soon." Only extreme willpower prevented the adult from challenging the boy to show him that he was indeed hairless all over.
Once again, noticing the slightly darker blond hairs on his lower legs, John replied, "Yes, you'll be showing signs soon of changing from a boy to a handsome teenager."
Abruptly, the conversation ended as the two turned toward the house. Upon entering, they found Mike and Matt on John's computer playing some video games. The man went to the kitchen to fix dinner. This time the three boys offered to help prepare the meal. As they ate, Chris mentioned his enjoyment at the hot springs, but left out said nothing of the sexually themed exchange he had with John.
Later, the boys wanted to watch a video from John's collection. He reminded them that first they had to look at the clothing catalogs to get some idea what new clothes they wanted. This gave the man the opportunity to seclude himself on the porch with pad and paper to determine what essentials to order for the larger family the next time he spoke to Troy on Wednesday. The time passed quickly and before John knew it Mike had come to the porch.
"Chris and Matt are going to take the two bedrooms. Can I sleep with you?"
Caught by surprise, all John could mumble was, "Sure, I'd like that very much," wondering what the boy had in mind. "How was your conversation with Matt?"
"I think he still believes he has no choice. That if he doesn't join us he'll be making it difficult for the rest of us."
"Matt is still thinking negatively. It's an extension of his parents' death, being in a foster home with no real family left and then being subjected to what all of you went through at the ranch. We have to turn him around and see the positive side of life here. He'll have a new family, a man that will care and love him. In essence he'll have two new brothers who'll look after him. He'll be living on a beautiful private island. And when the last barrier to sex comes down, he'll discover a more fascinating world than anything he experienced with Bruce and Kevin."
"I hope so. Chris and I decided not to push him and let him change his mind at his own pace."
"Good thinking Mike."
After he showered and waited for Mike, John fed his pets. The cats had made themselves scarce still not accepting the new intruders. Princess, his dog, was becoming friendlier and was even allowing the boys to pet her. As he reached down and scratched her head, he told her, "I don't mean to ignore you girl. It's just been hectic these past three days."
John sat on the edge of his bed as he waited for Mike. He decided to wear boxer shorts. He wasn't sure if Mike sleeping with him was going to produce anything sexually, but didn't want to imply sex by greeting him naked. He tried to keep his thoughts in neutral so as to not get hard and show an obvious bulge when the boy walked in the door. He got a pleasant surprise when Mike walked in just wearing briefs also. Although the most interesting parts were covered, seeing the rest of the boy's body was an erotic sight. It was hard to believe this lad was 16-years-old. His package outlined in his briefs showed a probable three-inch [7½ m] cock and balls that could be seen hanging in its sack. Mike quickly hopped on the bed and got under the covers lying on his back. Lacing his fingers across the top of his head gave John another set of hairless armpits to drool over when the time became right. Playing it by ear, John turned off the lights in the bedroom and soon it was plunged into darkness. Gradually the lights from the stars outside could be seen through the half-opened window and a soft sea breeze flowed in. The man could smell the shampoo and soap the boy used and resisted the urge to turn and start running his hands over the teenager's smooth body. Instead, he lay on his back, but with his arms by his side.
"John?" Mike broke the silence.
"What is it Mike?"
"Do I really look like that boy in the movie?"
"Why? Did you want me to start calling you by his character name, Romulus?"
The boy turned to face John and lightly hit him on the shoulder. "No, I mean I know I look like him, but wondered if you thought so too?"
"You could be twins. But remember, he is he and you are you. Other than looking alike, each of you has his own personality, his own life experiences. That's what makes you special Mike. If you two were to meet, I bet you would find you have nothing in common with each other except appearances. At the ranch they only saw the outside of you as a sexual object and wanted to exploit that. I want to know the inside of you too," as he gently poked his finger on the boy's bare chest. John looked at the teenage face and could tell he was contemplating another question. "What else is on your mind?"
"If Chris, Matt and I live here with you and only have sex between the four of us, does that mean we're going to grow up gay?"
John thought carefully how to respond to this. "Have you had sex with a girl?"
The boy shook his head no. "I messed around with some guys I knew several years ago. But as they kept growing and I didn't, nobody was interested in me. Some of the girls thought of me as a cute little brother. But I've been curious how it would be with a girl. Would I ever get that chance living here?"
"Is it that important to experience sex with a girl?"
Mike gave another shake of the head. "I guess not. I was just wondering."
"Don't let the title 'gay' lock you into one sexual lifestyle. In the U.S., I would be classified as a pedophile. I let that bother me for many years. But today it doesn't mean a thing to me. I do what I want because I enjoy it. Hopefully whoever else is enjoying sex with me is experiencing the same good feelings. None of us know what the future holds for us. I don't want to make you into a gay person or something else. Over time I know you will have the opportunity to enjoy sex with girls and maybe other men. I bet also you, Chris and Matt will find different parts of sex are more enjoyable to each of you than other parts. It's what you find pleasure with that determines the type of sex you desire, not whether what you do is gay or not."
Abruptly, Mike turned his back toward John and said goodnight. It surprised the man, but figured the boy was tired and had already assimilated a lot of information today. John knew that tomorrow when he told them about the Kalaukans, they would really be in for a surprise. Whether it moved things forward sexually or created a new roadblock was unknown. He scooted his back as close to Mike without touching. As he was about to fall asleep, he felt Mike turn and press himself against the man's back and drape his right arm over his chest. John could feel the boy's now hardened cock pressing against his lower back. He grabbed Mike's hand and gave it a slight squeeze. Smiling, he fell asleep. Better a half naked boy in bed with him than none at all.