PZA Boy Stories


Steven's Summer in Chains


Steven always spends the summer at the beach with his uncle. They've shared a very special relationship over the years and Steven always get to indulge in his boyish tie-up fantasies under the watchful protective eye of his loving uncle. In the past they've played 'the slave game' together, but this year the boy is going to learn that it is much more than a game, and that once he starts, there will be no going back.
Publ. May 2008- 3;
Under construction, Dec 2009; Length 89,000 words (178 pages)


Steven (13 yo) and uncle Mark

Category & Story codes

Consensual story/bdsm
Mt Mdom cons oral anal mast bdsm chast humil cbt spank pierc ws scat


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Author's note

Comments always welcome at Istari_olias(at)yahoo(dot)com or using this feedback form (please mention the story title in the subject line).

Chapter 1

It was the first day of summer vacation. Steven Carson looked out the window in anticipation. The boy had just celebrated his thirteenth birthday a few weeks ago and he was eagerly awaiting the arrival of his uncle Mark. Ever since Steve was six years old he would spend a month with his favorite uncle. This year, after much begging, and Uncle Mark's reassurances that it would not be a bother, his mother had agreed to let the boy spend the whole summer at his uncle's beach house on the Eastern Shore. Steven loved the wide-open spaces, the sounds and smells of the shore, the warm breezes and the somewhat cooler temperatures. He also loved his uncle, and the special relationship they shared. He knew this year's visit would be the best summer ever.

Uncle Mark arrived in his sports car and pulled into the driveway. Steve ran away from the window and out the front door.

"Cool car, Uncle Mark!" he said, standing in front of the red coupe with a look of boyish admiration in his eyes.

Steven stood barely five-feet [1.50 m] tall and weighed barely ninety-five pounds [45 kg] soaking wet. His hair was a light brown, always worn shoulder length, and his eyes were a deep thoughtful blue that some would call sensitive. He was thin, but not skinny. A lean, athletic youth who excelled at swimming and cycling and wrestling. His voice really hadn't started to change yet, but it would occasionally break at the most embarrassing times. Today he was wearing denim shorts and a gray t-shirt with the sleeves cut off. He hadn't bothered with socks or shoes.

"Thanks, kiddo," Mark said as he closed the driver's side door and put his hand on the boy's shoulder. "Too old for a hug?"

"Kinda," the boy said guiltily. "But as long as no one's looking."

Mark gave his favorite and only nephew a quick hug. "I think we're in the clear, Steve."

"Don't want my sister seeing that," the boy replied with a smile.

"All packed?"

"Yeah. I packed just what you told me to. Doesn't seem like enough clothes for all summer." The thirteen-year-old winked playfully at his uncle. He knew he wouldn't be wearing much clothing once they got to Mark's house. And since it was the beach, shorts and a t-shirt was all he'd need whenever they went out.

Mark tussled the boy's hair and noticed the silver rings Steven's ears. That was new.

"Quit it!" the boy protested.

"Alright. Let's go say bye to your mom and get your stuff loaded up."


"Nice rings by the way."

Steve turned his head back and smiled. "Thought you'd like 'em."

Thirty minutes later, Mark and Steve were on the road headed east, talking casually about sports and music and other largely inconsequential things. They stopped for lunch at a fast food joint. Mark watched in mock horror as the barely adolescent boy polished off two value meals in one sitting.

"Where are you putting that?" his uncle asked.

"I dunno. I was just real hungry I guess."

When they got back to the car, Mark didn't start the engine right away. He fished around in a duffel bag in the back seat and brought out a pair of handcuffs and a small leather collar. "Take your shirt off, Steven."

The boy grinned widely and his blue eyes lit up. "I was wondering when you were gonna put the cuffs on me."

"Right now, boy," Mark asked, his voice a little more stern than it had been just moments before.

Steve quickly pulled off his t-shirt and threw it in the back seat. The boy had developed some nice little muscles since the last time Mark had seen him.

"Sit forward. Put your hands behind your back."

Steve scooted up in the seat and put his arms behind him. He felt the metal going around his wrists, first left then right. He heard the cuffs clicking. It was an ominous sound, but one he loved. He knew his entire summer would be spent being tied up or chained or both. He was about to sit back when his uncle stopped him.

"Not yet. I've got to put this collar on you."

Steve had been introduced to the collar last summer and had worn it a couple of times, so it wasn't new to him at all. He stretched his neck out to accept the leather collar with small silver studs. Mark buckled it tightly, but not so tight as to make it hard for the boy to breathe. Steven was a bit surprised when his uncle attached a padlock to the buckle and snapped it closed. That was different.

"The collar isn't coming off this year, Steve. You'll be wearing it all summer. Even when we go out."

"Awesome!" the boy said excitedly.

"Glad you're so willing. You can sit back now."

Steve scooted back in the seat until his cuffed hands were pressed against the upholstery. He felt a little funny being shirtless in public like this, but it was summer, and the car was a convertible, and he was thirteen, so it really wasn't a terribly unusual sight. Even the collar was something he'd seen other boys his age wearing, though he figured for them it was probably nothing more than a fashion statement to make them look tough. Mark started the car and they left the parking lot and continued their journey.

"Steve, there's a few things we need to talk about," his uncle said as he drove. "You're thirteen now. That makes you a young man in my book. Things are going to be different this summer."

Steve shot his uncle a worried look. "You're still gonna tie me up, right?"

"Oh, I'm going to tie you up, sport, don't worry about that," Mark replied, looking over at the handcuffed young teenager in the passenger seat. "That's what we need to talk about. The slave game."

"You know I love that game. We played it a lot last summer."

"Well, kiddo, this summer it's not going to be a game, and we're not going to stop."

Steve's thoughts turned to the leather collar around his neck. Mark had made him wear the collar last summer too, but only when they were playing the game. It never had a lock on it like it did now. His eyes narrowed a bit as he thought about what that meant. The lock. He couldn't take the collar off, even if he wanted to, which at the moment he didn't. But just knowing that Mark was the only one who could remove the lock and the collar had a rather overwhelming effect. The boy felt his dick getting hard in his shorts. He often sprang a boner when his uncle tied him up or put the chains on him, but this time, sitting there in the car, his hands cuffed behind him, the collar locked around his neck, it felt different.

Having just turned thirteen, Steven had just started being able to produce a small amount of sperm when he had an orgasm. He'd been jerking off since he was ten, and he already understood enough about himself to know that being bound and chained and sometimes collared and gagged almost always got him excited. Last summer he'd secretly wished that his uncle would maybe do things with him when he had him tied up, but it never happened. He wanted Mark to touch his hard little penis and make it feel good. Now he was having those feelings again, only even stronger.

Looking over from the driver's seat, Mark could see the outline of his thirteen-year-old nephew's erection in the boy's shorts. He smiled. He'd known for years that Steven was turned on by this sort of thing, and he'd often toyed with the idea of introducing some sexual elements into their play, and taking their relationship in a new direction. Now that the boy was older, he decided to take a risk.

"Looks like you got a boner there," he said casually, focusing his attention on the road. He didn't want the young teen to think he was teasing him.

"Uh, yeah, I kinda do," Steve said back, spreading his smooth hairless legs a little wider to give his boyhood more room. There was no shame in his voice, for which Mark was glad.

It was the first time that Mark had ever acknowledged the fact that Steven had an erection. He'd always just ignored it before. That simple exchange told them both that things were indeed going to be very different this summer.


It was early evening when they got to Mark's house. Mark was a researcher at a nearby university, and though the youngest of three siblings had already done quite well for himself. To call him bright would have been an understatement. His house was large, for a single man in his early thirties, and located on a nice piece of ocean-front property pretty much off to itself. Steven could see the homes of the nearest neighbors, but they were considerably more than shouting distance away. It offered a private enough setting for the two of them to enjoy their special summers without meddlesome interference from outsiders.

Mark came around and gently pulled his nephew forward on the seat so he could get to the handcuffs. Once they were off, the shirtless boy stepped out of the car and stretched his arms above his head. Mark gazed at the boy's pale hairless armpits, then trailed his eyes down the thirteen-year-old's tight, muscular torso.

"We need to get you some sun, Steve," he said. "You're a ghost."

The boy smiled and grabbed his bag from the back seat and started heading into the house.

"Not so fast. I've got some rules for you to learn. First one. Take your shoes off when you get to the front door and leave them outside. Boys don't wear shoes in the house."

"We had that one last year," Steve said.

"I'm glad you remember."

Steve scurried up the steps, trying hard to hide his excitement. He was here for the whole summer, and it sure sounded like Mark had some interesting things planned for him. Once on the front porch, the boy dutifully removed his shoes. He never bothered wearing socks. Mark unlocked the front door and the barefoot boy stepped inside.

"I'm gonna take my bag up to room, okay?" the boy asked, taking a quick look around. Everything was basically like he remembered it from last year.

"Second rule," Mark said, leaving the door open to let in an ocean breeze. "Boys don't wear clothes in this house unless I tell them too. From now on you'll be naked. Take your pants off."

This rule was new. Steven had grown accustomed to not wearing a lot of clothing while he was here, but he'd never really had to go naked. He hesitated for a moment, not sure if he heard his uncle clearly.

"Strip, boy. No clothes means no clothes. You'll be naked most of the summer, so you might as well get used to it right now."

"Okay. Okay, Mark," the thirteen-year-old replied. He wasn't sure he liked this rule, but he trusted his uncle and he figured as long as he stayed in the house no one but Mark would see him running around with his ding-dong hanging out anyway. He unbuttoned his denim shorts and slid them down his slender hips. He was wearing colorful Spongebob Squarepants boxers.

"Those too, kid," Mark said, standing in front of him.

Steve dug his thumbs inside the waistband and pulled the cotton boxers down and stepped out of them. Not knowing what else to do, he just let them drop on the floor. He stood up straight again. Funny thing when you're naked, you really don't know what to do with your hands. The boy naturally clasped them over his genitals.

"That's better," his uncle said. "Move your hands. Put them at your sides. That's rule number three. You are not allowed to cover yourself, or touch yourself down there unless I say so."

Steve swallowed hard and moved his hands.

Mark couldn't help but let out a little gasp of surprise. The boy hadn't changed much in height since last summer, but at least one part of him had done a lot of growing. The thirteen-year-old's penis was big, well over three inches [7½ cm] long, and his balls were ripe and healthy and quite large for a boy his age. They hung down low in his soft pink scrotum. He still did not have a lick of hair on his body.

"You look nice," Mark said, admiring the flawless young teenaged body in front of him.

Steven blushed and smiled shyly. Even in front of his uncle, from whom he had no secrets, it felt strange being naked. His penis started to harden. "Thanks."

"Take your bag upstairs then come on down. Stay naked. I'll be in the den."

"Ok, Uncle Mark," the boy said. By now he was sporting a full erection, nearly five inches [12½ cm] of young teenaged boy meat pointing proudly toward his cute little navel. He grabbed his bag and scurried upstairs. Mark watched appreciatively. The kid had a great butt and a beautiful set of legs. Yes, this was going to be an interesting summer.

Chapter 2

When Steven got upstairs to his bedroom, he saw that it was just like he remembered. This was his room, even though he only stayed in it for a short time each year. He had all the things a young boy would want 3; television, computer, X-box, the works. He stood there for a few seconds, his little heart racing in his chest. He'd just gotten here, and already he was naked and wearing a collar that wouldn't come off. His young dick was still half hard by the time he put his bag down and saw the white envelope on the bed. It had his name on it, so like any bold and curious thirteen-year-old he picked it up and opened it.

Seven bronze-colored padlocks fell out, and there was note written in Mark's neat script. The boy pulled it out and read it.

'Steven, I'm so glad you're here. We have the whole summer together this time. Right now you're naked and wearing a collar. If you want to stop right there, you can. We'll still have lots of fun together. If you want to go further, and be my little slave boy this summer, walk over to the dresser and open the top drawer. Put on the things you find there and use the padlocks. Don't take too long.'

Steven didn't really need to think about it. His penis was fully erect now, a nice stiff five incher [12½ cm], bouncing up and down as he marched over to the dresser. In the top drawer were four leather cuffs, two for his wrists, two for his ankles. They had silver studs on them just like the collar around his neck. The boy picked one of them up. It had a wide strap and a buckle and metal post where the padlock would go. It was a lot heavier than it looked. He bent over and put it around his left ankle, pulling it tight, buckling it in place and snapping the padlock closed. He did his right ankle next, then his wrists, left and right. He checked the envelope to see if the keys were inside, but they weren't. He smiled to himself. He loved the way they felt. He ran over to the full-length mirror on the closet door and studied the slender, hairless, thirteen-year-old boy gazing back at him.

'Wow! I look totally hot in this stuff!' he thought to himself as he tried various sexy poses. His hard penis was still bobbing and bouncing. His young balls, rather big for a boy just turned thirteen, were swinging low in their pink silky-smooth sack. He wanted to jerk off right there, but he remembered Mark's new rule for him about not touching himself. Instead he went back to the dresser and found a few more items.

The first one was easy to identify if difficult to put on. A small leather chest harness that matched the collar and cuffs. Steve put it on backwards at first, but quickly figured out his mistake. He adjusted the buckles and rings and straps until it looked and felt right. It was, in fact, a perfect fit, since Mark had had it made especially for him.

The second item was a thick steel chain about two feet [60 cm] long. Steven knew this was meant to go between his ankles and that he'd need two more padlocks to secure them in place. With his penis now painfully hard, he bent down and connected the chain to the leather cuffs around his ankles. He liked the weight of it, and the sound it made as it dragged on the polished wood floor.

There was one last item in the drawer. Steven picked it up and stared at it with a puzzled expression. It was a small plastic tube-shaped cage. He was a clever and imaginative boy, but still quite innocent about a lot of things. He held the cage in his left hand and the extra padlock in his right. Staring down at his boner, he began to get a vague notion as to where the cage was supposed to go, but he had no idea how it was supposed to go on there. He decided he'd better just take it downstairs with him and let Uncle Mark explain how it worked. Holding it in his hand he took one last look at the sexy leather-clad boy in the mirror then shuffled down the hall in his chains, hobbling his way slowly down the steps.

When Steven got to the living room, he saw that the big double doors to the deck were open. Uncle Mark had the grill going. Steven hesitated for a moment, not sure if it was okay for him to go outside in his current state of undress, but then he remembered that the next nearest house was rather far away and that no one could see him shuffling along chained and naked. He presented himself to his uncle with a big smile on his face. His penis was still extraordinarily hard, the way only a thirteen-year-old boy's can be.

"Wow!" Mark said, seeing Steven in his leather and chains. "You look great. How does it feel?"

"I really like it," the boy replied. "I put everything on and used all the locks, except for this." He held out the small plastic cage. "I 3; uh 3; I didn't really know how it was supposed to go on 3;" The boy's blushed as he said it.

"But you do know where it's supposed to go, right?"

Steven looked down at his five-inch erection. "I'm pretty sure I do."

"Well, go put it on the table for now. We can't get you into it while you've got a boner like that. We'll put it on you after dinner. There's burgers in the fridge. Bring them back out with you."

"Yes, sir," Steven said with a wink and a smile. Somehow just the thought of his uncle ordering him around was making his dick even harder. Looking down he saw it was leaking that clear stuff, and a lot of it. He really wanted to jerk off and he wondered if Mark was going to let him, but he figured the new rule about not touching himself down there definitely applied to whacking off too.

Steven laid the strange and rather frightening device on the table in the living room and hurried into the kitchen with his hard drooling thirteen-year-old dick wagging from side to side. Even the cold air from the fridge did little to soften the boy's erection. It actually felt kind of neat, walking around naked and hard like this. Steven suddenly felt very sexy and very excited about spending the next two months as Mark's slave boy. He brought the burgers out, holding the plate above his waist so as not to drip his pre-cum all over the meat.

Mark put a cook's apron over the boy's shoulders and tied it snug around Steven's slender tapered waist. "Think you're old enough to man the grill?"

Steven's eyes lit up. Back home with his mom and big sister he was always the baby. He didn't get much chance to do grown up sort of stuff, even though he was, supposedly, the 'man' of the house.

"Sure," the boy said, placing the burgers on the grill with the tongs Mark had just provided. "How long should I let 'em cook?"

"'Til they get nice and seared on the outside."

"Got it."

"Wanna beer?"

"What? Really? I can have one?"

"Just one, and just because it's your first night."

"Hell yeah!"

Mark tussled his naked nephew's hair and left the boy at the grill while he fetched two cans.

"Don't tell your mother," he said when he got back and put an ice-cold can into the thirteen-year-old's hands.

Steven took a quick sip, decided he really didn't like it all that much, but determined he would finish it anyway, not wanting to look like a sissy in front of Mark.

"Not so good, ay?" Mark said, taking a large gulp himself.

"I'd rather have a soda, but I'll finish this one."

Mark ran his right hand softly down the boy's bare back and gently caressed Steven's perfect round young teenaged boy ass. Setting down his beer, he reached round the boy's front and wrapped his left hand around the thirteen-year-old's erect penis.

Steven gasped and jolted in surprise and a moment of mild panic. No hand but his own had ever touched his penis like this. It felt amazingly good.

"Oh, shit 3; that 3; feels awesome 3;"

Mark gave the boy's boner a few quick firm strokes, squeezing more pre-cum out of the boy's throbbing organ. When he again took his hand away, the boy moaned in protest.

"That's all you get, Stevo," his uncle said softly.

"Yeah," the boy replied, coming back to his senses. "Guess I can't cook that meat," he pointed to the burgers on the grill, "if I'm thinking about this meat," and he reached down to stroke his erection. Mark gently but firmly pulled the boy's hand away.

"No touching." He gave the boy a loving little swat on the butt. "Remember, from now on you are not allowed to touch your cock. Got it?"

"Yes, sir," the boy replied with a wicked smile. At that moment he was still too naïve to realize that his beloved uncle wasn't kidding.

Steven did an admirable job on the burgers. Mark baked up some frozen fries and the two of them had a nice relaxing dinner on the back porch. Steven's penis had finally managed to go soft once again, flopping lazily over his plump ripe balls as he sat naked on one of the patio chairs, swinging his chained ankles back and forth. He loved feeling the weight of the chain at his feet.

Mark really couldn't take his eyes off the boy. Last summer, Steven had still been a little guy, small and still shaped like a child, now there was a very cute and very sexy young teenager sitting across from him, lean and trim and absolutely gorgeous and still without a lick of hair anywhere but on his head.

"You are so cute," Mark said.

Steve shot his bright eyes up immediately. Some of the girls at school had called him that, but he wasn't really interested in them at all. This was the first time another guy had complimented him on how he looked, the fact that it was a close relative didn't matter much. He smiled shyly.

"Well, you've got to say that, you're my uncle."

Mark laughed. "I'd say that even if I weren't. You've got a great little body there, kiddo."

Steve looked down at his naked frame and smiled again. He was pretty happy with the way he was starting to look. Taking his last bite of burger he set his plate down and gazed at his uncle for a moment.

"Uncle Mark, when did you know you were 3; I mean 3; you know 3;"

"When did I know I was gay?"

"Yeah, that."

"Ever since I can remember, really. I mean when you're real little you don't think about it at all, but looking back it was pretty obvious. I guess I finally 'got it' when I was eleven or twelve."

Steve sat back and let out a sigh of relief. "So its, like, normal that I like boys and stuff 3; I mean its okay that I'm gay 3;"

Now Mark had suspected Steven's future sexuality since he was about eight years old, but this was first time they'd really talked about it. Up until now, their summer slave games had been free of the complications of sex. Steve just liked being tied up and naked, and lots of boys, gay and straight are into that when they're young. Adding sex to the mix was going to be a big step for both of them, but Mark knew that eventually it would be inevitable.

"Whatever you are is fine with me. And if anyone has a problem with it, that's really their problem and not yours. Never be afraid to be yourself."

"I won't, Mark. I promise."

"Good. Now go clean everything up and come into the living room. It's time we got that cock of yours under control."

Steven's heart was pounding as he did the dishes. He knew, he just knew, that he and his uncle would be doing sex stuff this summer, and probably lots of it, with him tied up or in chains most of the time. At thirteen he wasn't entirely naïve about gay sex, and he had a good idea about the types of things he'd get to do and have done to him.

'Wonder if he's gonna fuck me?' the boy thought to himself as he dried off the plates.All the while his eager young penis was rock hard, wagging back and forth as he moved around the kitchen. He wanted to jerk off right there, but he didn't want to break the rules, at least not so soon. He put the last of the dishes away, marched naked into the living room and presented himself to his uncle.

"Still have that boner, I see," Mark said with a smirk as the nude thirteen-year-old stood before him. "Put your hands behind your head."

Steven did as he was told, stood up a little taller and closed his eyes. He could feel his pulse racing now. His cock was almost painfully hard. He gasped in surprise when he felt his uncle's hand gently encircle his boyish five inch [12½ cm] erection. The feeling was electric.

"Ohhh, wow 3;"

"Hush. No more talking or I'll gag you."

The boy's penis pulsed even harder. Mark continued to play with it.

"This little thing's not going to get soft any time soon, is it, boy?"

His eyes still closed, Steven slowly shook his head.

"Well, only one thing to do about that."

Mark jerked the boy off, hard and fast, working his hand swiftly and firmly up and down the thirteen-year-old's eager erection. Within moments young Steven was gasping in erratic breaths. Sweet high-pitched moans issued from his throat.

"Come on, boy," Mark teased him, "I don't have all night."

"Feels 3; mmmm 3; soooo good 3;" Steven threw his head back, enjoying the ecstasy of having his penis manhandled so roughly. "Oh, god 3;"

"Shoot for me, boy. Shoot your pathetic little load on the floor and get it over with."

Amazingly, or not, the young teen did exactly as ordered.

His cute toes curled.

His superbly lean and utterly hairless body stiffened.

His blue eyes shot open in surprise. He'd only been having wet cums for a few months now, but he knew this one was going to be intense.

He felt that familiar burning in his balls and tried to hold back as long as he could. Mark reached around with his free hand and slapped him on his perfectly shaped butt.

"Cum for me, you little shit, stop wasting my time 3;"

Mark had never talked to him like this. It made his dick even harder. Steven felt it happening. He called out in a wild shriek and had his orgasm, shooting a modest amount of milky-white fluid onto the floor. Mark held the boy's throbbing penis the entire time, directing the thirteen-year-old's sperm at his feet.

It was, certainly, the fastest, hardest orgasm Steven had so far experienced in his brief life. He legs felt all wobbly. If his uncle hadn't wrapped his arm around the boy's waist, he would have surely collapsed. Mark continued stroking the boy's quickly deflating penis, coaxing every last bit of boy-seed from the lad's balls. Like most boys, Steve had learned that his penis became extremely sensitive after an orgasm. Mark's continued strokes quickly became painful and maddening. Steven squirmed in his uncle's strong grip.

"Get it all out, that's right. We've got to drain those cute little balls."

After another minute of sheer torment for the boy, Mark was finally satisfied that Steven had produced all the milk he was capable of. He let go of the boy's soft cock and rubbed his nephew's shoulders.

"Did you enjoy that?" he whispered into Steven's ear.

"Oh yeah," the boy gasped.

"I'm glad. That's the only one you're going to have all summer."

Steven quickly lost his dreamy expression. "But it felt so great 3;"

"I know. And you'll be begging for another one for the next two months. Now let's get this little boy's cock all locked up so it can't get hard anymore."

Looking down at his soft and well-used penis, the boy quietly said, "I don't think I'm gonna like this very much."

"That's kind of the idea, kid. Now keep your hands behind your head and try not to get hard again, ok?"


Mark started by pulling his nephew's cock and balls through a small ring. Steve winced and groaned as his balls were squeezed through the opening. Looking down, he saw his hairless genitals now ringed, pulled out from his body in a way that made him feel very exposed and very sexy. His cock began to stiffen. Mark gave it a firm slap.

"This belongs to me now, and I don't want it hard."

"Not ever?" Steven asked, breathless and excited and now a little frightened.

"Never." Mark gave him a little wink, enough for the boy to know that never didn't really mean never. "Unless I want it that way 3; and that's not going to happen any time soon."

The thirteen-year-old took a deep breath, tried his best not to let his dick get any harder, and watched with a mix of youthful fascination and childish horror as Mark placed the cock cage over his three inch [7½ cm] penis and attached it to the ring. The effect of the cage was obvious and immediate. Steven's young penis was now held in a permanent downward curve, and there was absolutely no room inside the cage for his eager needy boyhood to expand. Erections would be totally impossible in this contraption.

"Oh, man," Steve moaned softly.

"How's it feel?" Uncle Mark asked as he locked everything together with a small brass padlock.

"Real tight. No way I'm getting a boner in this thing."

"That's the point."

"Do I get to take off?"

"Why should you?" Mark jiggled the boy's newly caged cock. "This little thing is mine. And since I've already got a bigger one, I don't really need it. The only cock in this house that matters to you is this one." Mark pointed to the obvious erection in his own jeans. "And you might as well learn how to take care of it."

Mark unzipped and lowered his pants, revealing his powerful man-sized erection. Steve stared at it with wide eyes. His head was starting to spin. Everything was happening so fast. His cock responded by trying to harden inside its new cage. Nowhere to go. Nothing but denial and frustration. The boy wiggled his hips and gazed up at his beloved uncle with his soft sensitive eyes.

"What do you think of it?" Mark asked, pointing down at his manhood.

"It's way bigger than mine," the boy replied nervously. "What 3; what do I do with it?"

"What do you want to do with it?"

"Can I 3; um 3; put it, like, in my mouth?"

"That's a good way to start, Stevie."

Steve glared at his uncle momentarily. No one ever called him Stevie. "I hate that name."

"I know, Stevie. Now get on your knees and suck my cock."

The boy's heart was pounding like a jackhammer now. He dropped to his knees and stared at that big hard dick in front of him, crowned with a thick patch of pubic hair. Mark's balls were big and hanging very low. With a tentative hand Steven reached out and touched them. Mark let out a soft gasp, enjoying the young teen's delicate touch. Steven explored his uncle's balls for a moment, rolling them between his fingers. They felt just like his, only considerably larger and heavier.

"Think mine'll ever get this big?" he asked, looking up at his uncle.

"They're already pretty big for a kid your age," Mark replied with a reassuring smile. "Don't be in such a hurry to grow up though. I like you just the way you are."

"I'm not too small 3; you know 3; " the boy looked down at his caged genitals.

"Every thing about you is just the right size, Stevie. Now stop talking and put my cock in your mouth."

"I just 3; suck on it 3; right?"

"For starters."

Steven shuffled forward on his knees, rested his hands on his thighs and took his beloved uncle's cock into his mouth. This wasn't the first cock he'd ever sucked. He'd sucked off his best friend Jason just a few days before his uncle came to pick him up. Jason was thirteen too and his cock was just a little bigger than Steven's. Jason however had a nice little tuft of pubic hair, something that made his still hairless friend rather jealous. After just a few minutes of sucking Jase's dick, his fellow thirteen-year-old shouted and moaned and shot his young teen spunk all over Steve's face.

'Now you do me,' Steve had suggested, with Jason's cum still dribbling from his chin and a throbbing erection poking out of his shorts.

'Nah,' his best friend had replied. 'That'd be totally gay.'

'But I sucked you 3; '

'But you like boys, right, so it's okay if you do it. If I did it 3; well 3; sorry, Steve, I just can't. You can suck mine again, if you want.'

And so Steven had been left rather bewildered and angry and frustrated, and he hadn't spoken to Jason or even called him once since that day. Now it was a much larger cock in his young mouth, one belonging to a grown man, a man who loved him a whole lot and didn't care if he was gay or not.

Mark felt the boy's warm soft lips wrap around the end of his dick, but his nephew didn't stop there. Moments later he'd sucked more than half of Mark's seven-inch [18 cm] length into his eager mouth.

'Wow. He's done this before,' Mark thought to himself, but he didn't want to say anything that might embarrass the boy. Instead he praised the boy's inexperienced but earnest efforts. "Mmmm. That feels great, Steve. Use your tongue a bit 3; that's right 3; don't let me feel your teeth 3;"

Steven was in gay teen-boy heaven. He'd wanted so much to do sex stuff with his uncle last summer, and he'd been thinking about it, and making it a part of his jerk off fantasies for months now. And now, here he was, the evening of his very first day and it was already happening. He had a collar locked around his neck, leather cuffs around his wrists and ankles, and his cock locked away in a little cage. The thought, just the thought, that he might have to spend the whole summer with that thing on his dick was making him hornier by the second. He started to suck faster, bobbing his head back and forth along Mark's long thick hard shaft. After a few seconds of this he started to choke. Mark gently took the boy's head between his hands and eased him back a bit.

"Slow down, little guy," he said. "No need to rush. You've got all summer to learn. Just take as much as you can 3;"

"Mmmph, mmph," the boy replied, looking up at Mark with watering eyes.

"Are you crying?"

Steven nodded and blinked the tears out of his eyes.

"Why, Stevie?"

The boy pulled back all the way for just a moment. "I've wanted to do this for like so long 3; I mean, do this with you 3;"

"Aw," Mark ruffled his nephew's silken mop of unkempt hair. "You are so sweet."

The boy's reply was to start sucking again right away.

"Spread your legs," Mark ordered him.

Steve obeyed instantly and felt his uncle's foot playfully nudging the cock cage, causing the boy's young penis to strain even harder inside its confining little prison. Steve moaned plaintively. The cage was driving him crazy already, and Mark had just put it on him a few minutes ago. He managed to look down and see his penis trapped inside the plastic cage. The thirteen-year-old knew that he'd be sporting a raging erection right now if he weren't wearing it. Then his uncle's words played back in his head.

'The only cock in this house that matters is mine.' Steve tried not to think about his own penis, to focus all of his efforts on sucking Mark's dick. His teenaged cock didn't soften all that much, but he did feel it shrink a bit inside its little cage.

At the same time, the boy's clumsy but adorably eager efforts were having their inevitable effect on Mark.

"I'm getting close, Stevie. I'm going to cum in your mouth. You're going to swallow it."

Steven's heart skipped. He could hear his own pulse pounding in his ears. He sucked a little faster now, feeling his uncle's penis grow even larger in his mouth.

'Oh man 3; this is so totally hot!' he thought to himself. Mark's thoughts in that instant were almost identical to his nephew's.

"Get ready, boy," Mark gasped, trying to hold back as long as he could. "Here 3; it 3; comes 3;"

Steven closed his eyes tightly just as he felt Mark's penis begin to spasm wildly in his mouth. He felt his uncle's warm sperm shooting into the back of his throat. The boy swallowed as fast as he could, but couldn't help allowing several sticky gobs to escape from his lips and roll down his chin. Mark held the boy's head until his orgasm passed, then gently pushed him away. Steven remained on his knees, gazing up at his uncle with dreamy eyes. His throat felt rather icky, but his first real taste of cum hadn't been all that bad.

"Did I do okay?" he asked.

"More than okay, kiddo," Mark replied, bending over and kissing Steven on the forehead. "I think you'll be doing a lot more of that this summer."

"Cool," the boy said, suppressing a yawn.


"Yeah. I had kind of a busy day, gettin' my cock locked up and all that stuff," the boy smirked.

Mark helped the thirteen-year-old to his feet. "Get upstairs and brush your teeth. I'll be up to put you bed in a few minutes. Got one more thing we need to do tonight before you go to sleep."

Steven's eyes flashed their silent question.

"No. You'll find out soon enough. Now get your ass upstairs." To help the boy on his way, Mark gave him a good hard swat on the rump.

Mark found Steven waiting by his bed, fingering the collar around his neck.

"Too tight?" he asked, setting down the small plastic bag he was carrying.

"Nope," the boy replied, taking only passing notice of the bag. "Just right. You gonna tie me up tonight or what?"

"You bet. That's one thing that hasn't changed."

Steven smiled.

"Ropes or chains?" Mark asked.

"I get a choice?"

"Just for tonight."


"Go get them then. Same place they were last summer."

The boy returned with four sets of short heavy chains, one for each of his slender beautiful limbs. Together he and Mark anchored them to the four posts of the nautically-styled bed. Steven was about to climb up when Mark pulled him back.

"Don't lie down yet. There's one more thing, remember."

"Oh, yeah. What is it?" the boy asked without anxiety. This was his special summer, like all of his summers here. He was happy and safe and could be himself, his true self for the next two months.

Mark picked up the plastic bag and pulled out its contents. It looked like it was made of rubber, round and bulbous at one end, tapering down and flanging back out again at the other. Steven's eyes widened.

"What the hell is that?"

"It's a plug. It goes in your butt."

"No way!" It was not a protest, but rather an exclamation of disbelief.

"Oh, yes way." Mark tossed it to his nephew and let him examine it up close. "The narrow end makes sure it stays put once I get it in you."

"Is it gonna hurt?"

"At first, when I put it in. You won't ever quite get used to it, but you're gonna have that plug up your butt all summer. It only comes out when you use the bathroom. You'll find it very arousing after a while."

Steven's eyes betrayed genuine fear for the first time, but his penis responded by swelling inside its cage.

"I see you like the idea."

"I don't know 3; I mean 3; you said it'd hurt when it goes in. How bad?"

"Bad. But you have to have one in you. Slave boys wear butt plugs, all the time."

"Will I cry?"

"Yes. But I'm here with you. You're always safe with me, right?"


"We'll do it slow, since you've never had anything up there before."

Steven gave his uncle a sheepish guilty glance.

"What? Have you put things in your butt before?"

The boy blushed and nodded slowly.

"It's nothing to be ashamed of. That's what little gay boys do. What did you use?"

"Just my finger," Steven stammered nervously. "I tried sticking a hot dog up there too, but it just broke and I had mushed up hot dog all over my hands."

Mark started laughing at the boy's adorable reply.

"It's not funny! My mom was like, 'Did you eat a hot dog after school? We're missing one. Those were supposed to be for dinner.' God it was so totally embarrassing!"

"Well, how did it feel with your finger up there?"

"Awesome. There's 3; like 3; this spot up there inside me 3; feels totally wild when I touch it 3;"

"Well, this plug is a lot bigger than your finger, and it'll be touching that spot all the time."

"Neat," the boy replied with enthusiasm. Steven of course was far too young to understand what was going to happen to him being plugged and locked in chastity every day, but he would, very shortly, be finding out just what a frustrating and unpleasant fate that could be.

Mark took the plug back and pointed to a place on the floor in front of the bed. "It's best if you get down on your hands and knees, little guy."


"I'm going to put some lubricant in your hole first."


Moments later, Steven was cooing with pleasure as Mark applied a liberal amount of jelly to his nephew's pink virginal orifice. Mark went on for a while, letting the boy enjoy these new sensations and loosening the lad's opening to ready it for the plug. The boy was disappointed when his uncle finally removed his finger.

"Take a deep breath and try to relax. Don't fight it or it will hurt even worse."

Steven sucked in a big gulp of air. "I'm ready."

"You can scream if you need to."

Steven didn't think it could possibly be that bad, but a moment later, as the large plug slid relentlessly into him, he shouted and shrieked and clawed at the hardwood floor. "Oooww! Stop! Stop! It hurts!"

But Mark didn't stop. He just kept pushing the plug into him. "Take it easy, it's almost there. Spread your legs a little more. Deep breaths now."

Steven hung on to the calm reassuring voice of his uncle. Naturally if any other person had tried to do something like this to him, he'd have been out there in a shot, but this was Mark, and what they had was special. He knew there'd have to be some pain this summer. There always was.

"J 3; just 3; hurry 3; I can't 3; oooohhhh 3;" and with that final moan of pain and sudden pleasure, the plug was in, nestled neatly in his cute little butt. Steven sniffled for a moment and let out a little whimper.

"There. All done. I'm very proud of you. Stand up now."

That simple task proved awkward as Steven got his first lesson in moving around with the plug inside him. "Oh, man, I can really feel it up there 3;"

"That's the idea."

The young teen looked down at his caged penis, swelling up uselessly once again thanks to the constant pressure of the plug.

"Trying to get hard, isn't it?"


"Well it can't and it won't."

"I'm gonna go nuts with this thing on my dick 3; and that thing in my butt 3;"

"That's also the idea. You're going to be a crazy little hornball all summer."

Steven smiled. He figured he was already a little hornball anyway. He yawned again, this time a colossal one.

"Okay. Bed time. Get on up there."

"On my stomach like last year?"

"That's going to be difficult with your cock locked up. You'll sleep on your back this summer."

"Oh, yeah. Makes sense."

Steven crawled into the bed and rolled onto his back, lying above the covers. Mark quickly removed the chain that connected the boy's ankle cuffs. Without needing to be told, Steven spread his arms and legs out toward the posts. Mark adjusted the links of the chains and one limb at a time attached them to the leather cuffs with padlocks. Each click of the little brass locks made Steven's young cock twitch. This was what he'd been waiting for all year. Chained to the bed, helpless and completely at his uncle's mercy. He breathed a contented sigh when the final lock was secured. Mark ran his hands along the length of the boy's lean torso, swirling his fingers playfully around Steve's belly button.

"Since it's your first night, I'll leave you a little slack."

Steven tested the limits of his bondage, moving his arms and legs as far as he could in his spread-eagle position. His cock was painfully hard inside the snug confines of his new chastity device, trying in vain to achieve its full five-inch [12½ cm] hardness within the narrow three-inch [7½ cm] long plastic tube. He stared down at his imprisoned genitals and then desperately at his uncle.

"It's not coming off," Mark said gently. "You'll learn to live with it, but you probably won't get much sleep tonight."

"It's driving me crazy already," the boy said. "Man, I wanna get hard so bad." He wiggled again in his bonds, feeling the butt-plug jab him in that most sensitive spot. He laid his head back on the pillow in frustration. Mark produced a leather blindfold.

"One more thing. Lift your head back up 3;"

Steven obeyed and everything was cast into total darkness a moment later as the thick heavy blindfold was brought down over his eyes. He trembled for a moment in sudden panic. Mark put his hand on the boy's chest to calm him down.

"It's just a blindfold. You're perfectly safe, okay."


"Do you trust me?"

"I trust you."

Mark playfully jiggled the boy's chastity cage, then patted him on the thigh. "Try to get some sleep. You've got chores to do before breakfast tomorrow. I'm putting you to work this summer."

Steven nodded slowly, still getting used to the enforced darkness and his spread-eagle position. He'd slept this way lots of times last summer, but things were a lot more serious this year and it felt a lot different, even a little scary.

"Are you afraid?"

"Sorta," Steven admitted, turning his head in the direction of Mark's voice.

"That's the point," Mark told him, "but I promise I won't make you do anything you're not ready for."

The boy allowed himself to relax, surprised to discover just how tense his muscles had been. Mark left the young teen uncovered on the bed and turned out the lights. He opened the windows, allowing the cool ocean breeze to blow gently over the naked boy. He then closed and locked the door from the outside. There was almost no chance Steven could work free of his bondage, but the sound of the door clicking, the knowledge that he was locked in, had a profound effect on the young teenager.

'I don't have to do anything I'm not ready for,' he thought to himself. 'What the hell does that mean? I don't even know what I'm not ready for 3;'

Again Steven struggled briefly with his bondage, pulling against the unforgiving chains at his wrists and ankles. Finally he gave up thrashing and decided to lie still. There were lots of noises from the world outside and he could occasionally hear Mark walking around downstairs. He knew there would be no rescue. He'd be spending the whole night stretched and tied down to the bed. The thought of that made his penis, which had only moments ago gone soft, try once again to get hard inside the constricting plastic cage. He'd been wearing the cock cage for exactly two hours now, and already he'd lost count of the number of times he'd been denied the pleasure of a nice throbbing teen boy hard-on. Steven had never needed to jerk off so badly in his life, and the knowledge that he couldn't seemed to make that need even stronger. He wondered if he'd be allowed to jerk off at all this summer, or if maybe Mark would just keep his penis locked in that cage for the next two months.

With these conflicting thoughts running through his head, thirteen-year-old Steven fell asleep. His first day with his uncle had already proven more adventurous, more exciting and more frightening than all of his past summers combined.

Chapter 3

Normally Steven loved sleeping tied-up or bound. At home he'd secretly tie his ankles and knees together before turning out the light, then hide the rope in the back of his closet each morning after setting himself free. During all these summers with his uncle, he'd spent most nights heavily chained or tightly bound. Once, on his visit here last year, Mark had actually left him hog-tied overnight, wearing nothing but the skimpy purple speedo that had become his only clothing around the house. Steven remembered pressing his hard little cock into the mattress until his whole body shuddered with his pre-teen orgasm 3; three times during the course of the night. He was still having dry cums back then, so there was no tell-tale evidence for his uncle to discover in the morning.

Tonight it was different. Steven was still enjoying himself, but not in the relaxed contented way of summers gone by. It was hot in his room. The wind had shifted sometime during the night, and the air was now still and sticky, leaving the boy's body covered in a fine sheen of sweat. The house was close enough to the beach that he could hear the faint crashing of the waves, but it did nothing to calm him down. This was his first night of what promised to be a whole summer of living as Uncle Mark's slave. That thought alone would have probably been enough to keep him awake, and every time he did manage to drift off, he would awaken again with the uncomfortable sensation of his young penis straining uselessly inside the unforgiving cock-cage. Every time he moved or shifted his body, the plug in his butt jabbed him in that special spot up inside him. He could feel his penis leaking that sticky clear stuff that always dripped out just before he came, but he knew he wouldn't be cumming tonight. He wished he could get his hands free, rip that cage off his dick and jerk off faster and harder than he ever had before. By morning, young Steven was a very horny, very sweaty, very frustrated and mostly sleepless boy.

Mark entered the boy's room quietly. Through the open windows the sun was just starting to rise over the ocean. Mark loved this particular view, but today his eyes were entirely focused elsewhere.

The boy was sleeping, or at least appeared to be, his head turned to one side, his shaggy mop of soft light brown hair splayed upon the pillow as the first light of the sun shone upon him.

'Oh god, he's so beautiful'

The site of the boy's lean, slender, hairless nude body, stretched spread-eagled in chains on the bed was enough to make Mark's cock throb to life in his pants. He just stood there for a moment, gazing down at the thirteen-year-old's naked frame, turned on by the boy's developing muscles and those perfect delicious legs. He watched the young teenager breathing for a moment, the gentle rise and fall of the boy's chest, the soft curve of his sleeping mouth. He loved the way the little cock-cage looked around Steven's genitals. It made the kid even hotter in his adoring eyes. He was surprised at the large wet spot between the boy's legs. The poor horny little kid had been leaking pre-cum all night. Mark reached down and ran a single finger slowly along the boy's taut stomach.

Steven gasped awake and strained against the chains which bound him.

"It's just me," Mark said reassuringly. "I wouldn't let anyone else in here. I want your sexy little body all to myself."

The boy laid his head back on the pillow, immediately feeling calm and safe under his uncle's loving touch. Mark continued, working his finger slowly up the boy's sweaty torso, feeling the boy's ribs beneath his smooth skin. Then with both hands, he started to play with Steven's cute little dime-sized nipples. He rubbed them, then pinched them, then gave them both a firm twist.

Steven gasped again and felt his cock trying to harden inside its tight little prison.

"Never played with these before?" Mark asked as he continued to toy with Steven's little boy-tits.

"Ah 3; no, sir, never."

Mark pinched them again, a lot harder than the first time. Steven let out a little wail and wiggled his slender hips.

"Does it feel good?"

"Yes, sir."

"And since when did you start calling me 'sir'?"

"Since now, I guess."

Mark smiled and removed the boy's blindfold. "Well, I like it. I think little slave boys should call their master's 'sir', don't you?"

Steven blinked his eyes open slowly and returned his uncle's smile. "Yes, sir."

"So, how did you sleep last night?"

"Not very good."

Mark reached down between the boy's legs and jiggled the little cock-cage. "Well, it was your first night in a chastity device 3; and with a plug up your little butt. You'll get used to it."

"This is just so cruel," the boy said. "I mean, are you really gonna keep it locked up like that all summer?" Just the thought of that possibility made the boy's penis swell painfully inside its cage.

Mark flicked the cage with his fingers, then played with the boy's balls. "From the looks of things, you seem to like that idea."

The thirteen-year-old shook his head vehemently. "Maybe my dick does, but I don't!"

Mark laughed and kissed Steven on the forehead. "Don't worry. I'll take it off once in a while and give your cute little dick a good work out 3; "

Steven smiled and sighed in relief. Mark continued his gentle lecture. "But you need to get it into your head that you're not the one in charge of that little thing anymore. I am. So I don't want you asking about it again, understood?"

"Yes, sir," Steven said solemnly.

"From now on I decide when you can get hard and when you can cum. And I am going to keep it locked up most of the time."

"This isn't going to be easy for me," the boy confessed.

"I know. It's not supposed to be. That's how I want you all summer, horny and frustrated and wanting it every second 3; and knowing you can't get it." Mark gently tussled the boy's hair. "But since you can't touch your own cock, I'll give you another one to play with."

Mark straddled the boy's lean torso and opened his boxers, finally releasing his thick throbbing erection, already glistening with pre-cum. "I want you to take your time," he said in a low voice as Steven dutifully opened his mouth. "This is the first of your morning chores."

For the next ten minutes an oddly beautiful chorus filled the room, a perfect mix of the sounds of a man's moaning, the sounds of a young boy's sloppy inexperienced sucking, and the sounds of the great indifferent ocean in the distance. Mark could feel himself getting close. Steven's soft wet lips and his playful little tongue were working wonders, and quickly. He pulled out of the boy's mouth suddenly, sat back on the boy's hips and jerked himself off.

"Close your eyes, Stevie," he gasped in a rough voice. Then with a loud grunt of pleasure he ejaculated onto the bewildered boy's face and chest.

Steven felt his uncle's hot jets of sperm landing on his cheeks, then his neck, the last ones falling onto his sweaty stomach. He looked up at his uncle in surprise, a slightly wounded look in his soft sensitive eyes. "Did I do it wrong?" he asked, wondering why Mark had pulled away from him.

"No, little guy," Mark replied with a smile, suddenly realizing how it must have seemed from the boy's point of view. "You did great. I just wanted to cum all over your sexy little body."

Steven raised his head off the pillow and examined the trail of Mark's seed running perfectly along that little line that divided his stomach, and pooling in his navel.

"Now you just lay here for a bit and let that dry," his uncle said. "I want you to have my cum on you while you do the rest of your chores this morning. I'll be back to let you out in a few minutes."

A few minutes was about all Steven could take, as by now he was desperate for his morning piss.

"I can't hold it much longer!" the boy said frantically when Mark returned to release him from the chains.

"If you pee in your bed, I'll have to put you in a diaper."

Steven glared at his uncle. "What! No way you'd ever do that," the boy said.

"Don't be so sure. You're my slave this summer. I can dress you any way I want. You'd look so cute in them," Mark replied teasingly, swirling his finger around the boy's navel. "Especially some little teddy-bear ones."

The thirteen-year-old rolled his eyes in that defiant yet indifferent way only young teens can. "I don't think so."

Mark started with Steven's right ankle and released the chains in a counterclockwise direction. His limbs now free, but still wearing his leather collar and cuffs, the boy took off toward the bathroom. Mark followed along leisurely, waiting for the inevitable.

Standing in front of the toilet, Steven only then realized that peeing was going to be somewhat different now that his penis was locked up. "Um 3; how should I 3; I mean 3; I can't really aim it can I?"

"From now on you'll have to sit down."

"That's totally girly. Maybe you can take the cage off 3; you know, just while I pee?"

"What, and give you a chance to play with it? Nope," Mark replied with an evil grin on his face. "It stays on all the time. You'll even have to shower with it. You can squat and take a piss, or you can keep holding it 'til you burst. Your choice."

Figuring this was a battle he'd never win, Steven sat down and finally let his aching bladder go with a loud sigh of relief.

"Feels funny with the plug up my butt," he said. "Hey yeah, what do I do when I, like, need to take a crap or something?"

"You come and ask me for permission."

"No way. Really?" the boy asked as he stood up and flushed. He stared down at his caged cock and smiled. Peeing had helped it soften considerably, though it was still half hard inside the cage. He liked the way it looked all locked up in there. He figured he'd gone about twelve hours now without touching it or being able to have an erection. Certainly a personal record on both counts for this particular thirteen-year-old.

"Yes really," Mark continued. "Shake the cage a bit so all the pee drips come off."

Steven obeyed, quickly jiggling the little plastic chastity cage over the toilet.

"I think we'll start you on enemas today too. Slave boys need to be clean inside and out."

Steve's cute little smile disappeared. He'd experienced enemas before, back when he was eight, sick with the flu and having a problem going. That was the last time he'd been naked in front of his mother, and he could still remember his older sister spying through the crack in the bathroom door. 'I saw your balls, Stevie, and your little thingy too!' she laughed at him when he was back in bed. Not surprisingly he'd taken to calling them 'enemies' back then, and he wasn't entirely sure about this new development. Mark could read the boy's worried expression.

"Hey, you've already got a plug up your butt, so me sticking a little nozzle up there isn't going to be any worse. I'll be with you the whole time 3; and no I won't tease you like your sister did."

Steven sighed in relief, but it was still a worry in the back of his mind. "If you promise."

"Have I ever lied to you?"

"No, sir."

"Good. Now I've got a list of chores for you on the kitchen table. We'll have breakfast when you're finished."

"Don't I need to put on some clothes first, or something?"

"Nope. I love your sexy little body, so I'm keeping you naked for a while. Get used to it."

The boy smiled and swayed his hips provocatively. "Yes, sir!"

"Oh, you are a tease, aren't you? You know what happens to little boys who tease their uncles?"

"Nope. But I bet you're gonna show me."

Mark sent the boy off with a firm swat on the behind. Steven yelped in mock protest and scurried down the steps to get started on his morning list.

Steven's remaining chores turned out to be a lot more mundane than the first one he'd performed while still chained to the bed. Watering the box-planters on the second floor porch, hauling the garbage out to the big can in the garage, sweeping the sand and dune grass from the deck. All this was made somewhat less boring for the boy by the fact that he was doing it all naked, wearing only his leather collar and his little cock-cage, a plug up his butt, and with his ankles hobbled by a set of heavy old-style leg-irons that seemed to fit him perfectly.

"They're antiques," Mark explained, when Steven questioned him about their size and obvious age.

"People must have been a lot smaller back then," the boy astutely observed, rather liking the way his slender ankles were engulfed by the thick heavy iron fetters. He secretly hoped he might be forced to wear them all day.

"Well, that, or perhaps they were made for a boy your age. Times were hard in the old days."

Steven nodded astutely. "Anyway, I really feel like a slave with these things on."

"Good. Now stop talking and get working."

Each summer Mark always had a bunch of around-the-house jobs for Steve to do, mostly to keep him busy and out of trouble while Mark worked from his home office. Last year the then-twelve-year-old had worn a tight little speedo during his daily chores, offering Mark a wonderful look at his delicious perky little butt, and the adorable pre-teen bulge between his legs. Steven was then only vaguely aware of his flirtatious powers, but the boy certainly noticed that Uncle Mark always stopped whatever it was he was doing whenever he walked by the open door to the office. This summer the young teenager was considerably more self-aware. He knew he was a good-looking kid, lots of people told him so. He didn't find it all that strange that his uncle thought he was sexy, but this was the first time anyone had ever told him that, and the first time he'd really thought about himself as a sexual being. As he worked through his list of chores in the early morning light, the heavy shackles at his ankles rattling along with each step, his young mind was racing with all the strange new things that had happened to him in just his first day here.

He was sure the best part was when Mark jerked him off and made him cum. No other hand but his own had ever handled his penis like that before. He was of two minds about the butt-plug. It was really uncomfortable and a little embarrassing, but it always seemed to be pushing on that special spot inside him and that was very cool. He found if he walked a certain way or wiggled his hips a bit, he could make that insistent maddening pleasure even better.

'Fuck, I'm so horny,' he thought to himself, realizing that the plug was the chief culprit in this state of affairs. Trapped in its little cage, his already frustrated young cock was leaking pre-cum almost constantly now, a sensation Steven rather enjoyed. 'Hope he lets me out of this thing soon 3; ' the boy mused as he swept the deck. He paused for a moment and took in a deep breath of cool morning ocean air. He could see the beach from here. They were a few miles from town with all the hotels and the boardwalk and the great food, but that was ok. Steven looked northward in that general direction. There was all summer for that. In front of him was the quiet stretch of beach he'd come to love since he was a little kid. Occasionally he'd have to share it with some of the neighbors, but especially here in the early morning, it felt like he was the only boy in the world. The sun was up now, and already Steve could feel its warmth and strength on his bare shoulders. He'd be a golden bronze by the end of his vacation. With a contented breath and a rumbling stomach, he quickly finished up and went back inside. All the windows were open, and the house was cool and breezy.

'Being naked's not so bad,' he thought as he trudged up the stairs in his chains.

"I'm all done," the naked thirteen-year-old announced as he casually sauntered into the office and stood beside his uncle. Mark was answering his e-mails from the night before.

"Good boy," Mark replied, running his hand gently over his nephew's cute little ass and pressing playfully on the end of the boy's butt-plug. Steven let out a little moan but made no further protest. Having Steven in the house again was great, having him naked was even better. "I'm done here," Mark said as he closed the program and started the screen-saver. Steven's eyes nearly bugged out of his head.

"Whoa! What's that?" he practically shouted, his voice squeaking and breaking adorably.

A parade of naked young men, teens, and boys was now cascading across the computer screen. Quite a few of them were as young or younger than Steven. The boy felt his cock trying to harden as he watched these naughty pictures flash before his innocent eyes.

"Holy shit 3; are those real 3;?"

"Yep. None of them are as cute as you though."

Steven was too busy gawking to be paying much attention to his uncle's genuine compliment.

"How come I never saw these before?"

Mark shrugged. "You were still just a little kid last year. It didn't seem right to let you see this kind of stuff 3; didn't want to warp your little mind or anything."

The boy laughed and leaned in to study the images closer. As a naturally curious thirteen-year-old he was very much interested in seeing how other boys looked, how big (or small) their cocks and balls were compared to his own, how much hair they had down there, especially since he still had none.

"I don't think you could warp me any more than I already am 3; damn, some of those guys are a lot bigger than me," he observed.

"Yes, and some of them aren't."

"Wish I had some hair down there, you know, just a little."

"You'll get some. Probably before summer's over."

Steven's bright sensitive eyes lit up. "Ya really think?"

Mark reached over and gently caressed Steven's hairless ball-sac, impressed at the weight of the thirteen-year-old boy's balls. "These things are definitely bigger than they were last year 3; so's your dick. It won't be long before you start sprouting hairs. And stop worrying that you're too small down there. It's just the right size for a boy like you."

"Like me? What's that mean?"

"I think you'll figure that out this summer, kiddo."

As he continued staring at the cute naked guys, Steven was getting hotter and hotter and his penis straining harder and harder inside its little cage. "Can I, uh, you know, look at more of this stuff?"

"Is it turning you on?"

"Hell, yeah! 3; I mean, yes, sir, very much!"

"Alright. I'll let you look at more of them later. Maybe I could even take some pictures of you."

"Can I be tied up and stuff?"

"If you want."

"That would be awesome." The boy made a series of provocative poses, pouting his lips and blowing kisses in his uncle's general direction. Mark gave the boy a hard swat on the butt. The sound echoed around the room.

"Yeowch!," the boy squealed. "What was that for?!"

"Because you are just much too willing! Hungry?"


"Good. You can cook me breakfast this morning."

"Um, well, I'm not too good at that 3; I mean unless it's pop-tarts or frozen waffles or something."

"You can scramble an egg or two, can't you? And fry up some bacon?"

"Well yeah, I can do that."

"That's good enough. Now march."

Naked, collared, shackled, butt-plugged, cock-caged, Steven enthusiastically followed his uncle downstairs, taking one last longing look at the images on the computer screen.

Steven learned that morning that cooking while naked is strangely erotic and thrilling, especially as he dodged the crackling oil from the bacon.

"Don't burn those eggs, Stevie," Mark offered as he poured his second cup of coffee. He set his cup down on the counter and stood behind the barely five-foot tall boy. Steven could feel his uncle's hard penis pressed against his back. Mark laid a hand gently on Steven's right shoulder, careful not to disturb his frantic stirring of the eggs.

"What made you decide to get these rings?" he asked, tugging playfully at the small silver loop in the boy's right ear. In his left ear there was another one just like it.

"Lots of boys have both ears done," Steven explained. "It's no big deal really. Hurt a bit when they put the holes in 'em."

"That's not what I asked. You've never gone along with the crowd. So why did you decide to get them done?"

"Well 3; like you said, I'm not a little kid anymore 3; an I think they look real good on me 3; "

"They do."

"And, you know, I kinda 3; well I wanted to look really cool for you this summer, okay. There I said it."

"Put the spatula down."


"Just do it."

Steven obeyed and was immediately spun around in his uncle's strong arms. They gazed at one another for a moment, man and boy, always best friends, always family, but something more now?

"I'm going to kiss you for being so sweet and so cute."

Steven smiled, closed his eyes and stood up on his toes. "And I'm going to let you."

It was the boy's first real kiss, a brief but unforgettable moment in a summer that would be full of firsts.

"You can do that again, if you want," the young teenager said after they'd broken their embrace.

"I would, but it looks like your eggs are in trouble."

"Oh, shit!"

Breakfast therefore was a steaming pile of rubbery bone-dry eggs and rather scorched bacon. The coffee at least was good, and Steven had his first cup ever, finding it got a lot better with a lot of milk and sugar.

"Sorry, Uncle Mark," Steven offered with a guilty expression as he poked his eggs with a fork.

"It's my fault. Serves me right for letting a horny thirteen-year-old cook my breakfast."

Another of Steven's standing duties was clearing up the dishes. Mark gave him strict orders to be quick and neat about it. "When you're done, come up to the bathroom. We need to give you your enema. No stalling down here."

The boy nodded with a grim expression, his heart already pounding, and a sense of dread building in his gut. When he finished, he marched upstairs in his shackles like a boy condemned. Mark was ready and waiting for him in the bathroom, with the enema equipment on resting on the sink. Steven's eyes locked on the hot water bottle and immediately began to glisten with tears.

'Be brave 3; be brave' he told himself. 'Don't cry 3; don't cry.'

"Scared?" Mark asked as he used a sanitary wipe on the enema nozzle.

"Yeah. You promise it's not gonna be like when I was a kid?"

"Promise. No evil big sisters teasing you. But you have to understand that slave boys need enemas. It's not supposed to be fun and it is meant to be humiliating. That's the point. You have no power here. You have no say. I'm in control of everything you do. That includes going to the bathroom. The only time your butt-plug comes out is when the enema nozzle goes in. Now I expect you to be quiet and behave yourself once we get started. If you start whining, I can make it really bad for you, understand?"

Steven's eyes grew wide. He'd never really heard his uncle talk to him like this. It scared him and excited him too. "I 3; I understand, sir."

"Good. Now you're probably going to try to get an erection once we get going, but the cock cage will help keep you soft. Get down on your hands and knees. Spread your legs nice and wide."

"Yes, sir."

Steven obediently dropped to all fours and waited there, his head hung down gazing at his wide-spread legs and his caged genitals dangling there useless and totally off limits.

"I've got to take your plug out first. Take a deep breath now and hold it."

In his youthful inexperience, Steven had never figured that taking the plug out would hurt just a much as putting it in. He shrieked and yelped and slapped his hands against the cold tile floor as the latex invader was pulled out of him. He sniffled and wiped his eyes.

"There, it's out. Good boy," Mark praised him, running his hand along the line of the boy's spine. He applied some lubricant to his finger and swirled it around the thirteen-year-old's pink virginal orifice. "Now the nozzle goes in."

Steven's momentary relief at the absence of the bulbous butt-plug was short-lived as the long cold narrow enema nozzle took its place. He let out a little whimper but stiffened his shoulders. Still staring down at the floor, he heard the water running at the tap, and the tell-tale sound of the water bottle being filled.

'Why are those bottles always red?' he wondered privately.

"Okay, kiddo. Here we go. I'm going to start filling you up now. It's just warm water. Don't panic when you start to cramp."

"I won't, sir. I promise."

"I'm right here with you. Once it's all in, I want you to hold it for a few minutes. Think you can do that yourself, or do I need to plug you again?"

"I can do it."

"Alright. Take a deep breath now and try to relax."

Mark opened the clamp and started the water flowing. It took a few seconds for Steven to even notice, but soon he was gasping and grunting as the warm water began to fill him up. His penis did start to harden, just as Mark had said it would. It throbbed eagerly against the bars of the cock-cage, softened for a few moments, only to start the cycle again.

"Almost done," Mark said, pleased to see the bag already half empty and that Steven was being so brave. He stopped the flow for a moment, rubbed his nephew's back and played with the boy's hairless dangling ball-sac.

"Mmmmm," the boy moaned.

"My little slave likes having his little balls played with, doesn't he?"

"Mmmm 3; yes, sir."

"Does he like having them squeezed?" Mark tightened his grip, applying a bit of pressure on the thirteen-year-old's ripening orbs.

"Aw 3; damn 3; yeah 3; "




"Yeah 3; owww 3;"

"Does he like having them pulled?" Mark yanked down slowly, but firmly, tugging the boy's balls down with insistent force.

"Oh man 3; yeah 3; "

"Harder?" "Yeah!"


"Ghhh 3; yesss, please sir 3; "

Mark let go of the boy's testicles and opened the clamp once again, allowing the rest of the water to flood the young teen's guts. The first cramp hit almost immediately.

"Ohh, ohhhh, stop 3; stop! 3; gawd that hurts 3; "

"It's all in, Stevie. Can you hold it?" "Y 3; yesss, sssir 3; I can 3;"

Mark removed the nozzle and knelt behind his nephew, reaching around to massage the boy's distended belly.

"Ouch 3; please don't 3; "

"We need to work it through. Deep breaths."

Steven obeyed then let out another loud yelp as the cramps got worse and worse. After a few more minutes of this most horrible torture, Mark slapped him on the butt. "Onto the toilet."

The boy needed no further motivation. The second he sat down he finally lost control and emptied his guts into the bowl. Mark stayed close by, running his fingers through the boy's sweaty hair.

"All done?" Mark asked after Steven had spent ten minutes on the toilet, afraid to stand up.

"Yeah. All done."

"How do you feel?"

"Empty," the boy said with a relieved laugh.

"That's the idea. You'll find the butt-plug a lot easier to deal with now. Wipe yourself then get back on all fours."

Having the plug re-inserted wasn't nearly as difficult as the first time. In fact young Steven rather enjoyed the feeling it was now giving him. Standing up he wiped the last crocodile tears away and gave his uncle a smile. Mark drew him close and hugged him.

"I'm very proud of you."

Steven nodded and stood a little taller. "So, what's next?"

"I think that's a good start for now. Let's get those shackles off you and we can hit the beach for a while. Go see if your purple speedo still fits."

Steven gave his uncle a knowing wink. He'd worn that speedo since he was ten. It had been a tight enough fight last year, showing off his cute little butt and his even cuter little-boy bulge. The boy knew that this summer it would leave even less to the imagination and that suited him just fine.

Chapter 4

"Still fits me," Steven said with a sly smirk as he showed off the purple speedo. "Tight in all the right places!" It was definitely tighter than last year. One might say obscenely so. He spun around in a slow circle and wiggled his perfect thirteen-year-old butt for his appreciative uncle.

"Looks like it's painted on you," Mark laughed, adjusting the instant erection the boy's appearance had caused.

"Yeah," the boy said, looking down at himself and the thin layer of stretched lycra that just barely covered his middle. "And the cage thing really shows, doesn't it?"

Mark realized that Steven was quite right. The outline of the boy's chastity device could be clearly detected beneath the shiny purple fabric, as well as the little padlock that ensured the horny young teen couldn't take it off by himself.

"It is rather obvious, isn't it?" Mark agreed, completely enjoying the sight of the lean and shapely boy. Steven definitely couldn't wear it when they went into town, but fortunately the stretch of beach in front of the house was mostly private. "Well, it won't be a problem around here at least. And if any one is looking at you that closely down there, we should probably invite them over for some fun!"

Steven's eyes got big and he felt his cock swelling just a bit inside its cage. "You wouldn't really? Would you?"

"No, silly," Mark said, running his hands over the boy's bare shoulders. Steven's skin was warm and soft. "I told you. I'm keeping you all to myself."

Steven seemed relieved at that. In spite of the fact that he found the possibility of having sex with several men rather exciting, it was also really scary. Even just the idea of sex was still very new to him, and he wasn't exactly sure what it would really be like when it finally happened. He only knew he didn't want it to be anyone but Mark.

"We need to put some sunscreen on you, Stevie," his uncle said as they walked out onto the deck.

The morning sun was already strong and hot. Steve could feel it against his pale bare skin. There was a cool breeze blowing in off the ocean. The sounds of seagulls filled the air overhead.

"But I'm white as a ghost. I wanna get my tan back."

"Don't worry, kiddo. You'll be golden brown by the end of the summer. But you know you can't do it all at once. I don't want you looking like a lobster. Sunburns aren't fun 3; and they'd really get in the way of some of the things I've got planned for you."

The boy's eyes danced with titillated curiosity. "What kind of things, uncle?" he asked in mock innocence.

"You'll find out soon enough, you little hornball. Now run back inside and get us some beach towels and the lotion. Be quick or I'll spank that sexy little ass."

"Yes, sir," Steven replied, giving his uncle a quick bow.

"Oh, I like that. Go on, little slave. Everything's in the linen closet."

Steven was off like a shot, providing his uncle with an entertaining view of his sexy speedo-clad behind and his gorgeous bare legs.

A few minutes later the boy was back with two huge towels and the bottle of sunscreen. "Are you gonna put this on me?" he asked playfully.

"Of course," Mark replied, taking the bottle from his nephew's hand. "Stand up straight and keep your arms at your sides."

"Yes, sir," the thirteen-year-old obeyed with a smile.

"This is a good position for you to learn. Spread your legs a little. Chest out. Shoulders back. Eyes forward. Good. That's how a little slave boy is supposed to stand when he's waiting for his master."

Steven nodded slowly that he understood. Mark pulled a small key from his pocket and removed the padlock securing Steven's collar.

"Salt water and leather don't mix, young man, so no collar while you're in the ocean."

"Aww," the boy moaned. He'd quickly grown accustomed to having the collar locked around his neck. "Maybe we can get a chain or something like that. I mean, I think if I'm your slave, I should be wearing a collar all the time."

Mark smiled and kissed the boy on the forehead as he lovingly unbuckled the collar and set it on a deck chair. "That's a good idea. Maybe a choke chain would look good on you."

Steven's blue eyes widened. "You mean like dogs wear?"

"I mean just like dogs wear. Maybe I'll train you to be my little puppy boy this summer! Would my naughty little slave like that? Crawling around on all fours 3; drinking out of a doggie dish 3; wearing a leash 3; your cute little butt in the air all the time for your master?"

Steven found the idea extremely scary and also extremely hot. "I 3; um 3; I don't know," he stammered softly, casting his eyes down at his feet. His cock was painfully engorged inside its unforgiving little cage.

"Just thinking about that makes your little cock want to get hard, doesn't it, Stevie?" Mark asked softly.

'How the hell does he know what turns me on? I don't even know that yet!' Steven thought to himself, but there was certainly no point in denying it, or ignoring something so painfully obvious. "Yeah. It does." And then in a small embarrassed voice, "But I don't know why. Sometimes I feel like a total freakazoid."

"Look at me," Mark said, placing his hand under the boy's chin.

Steven slowly raised his head. His eyes were moist. Mark could easily read the confusion and shame on the boy's face.

"There's another rule you need to learn, and you need to learn it right now. I don't ever want you to feel ashamed of who you are. Got it?"

Steven nodded but he didn't smile. "Yes, sir. But who am I? I mean, normal boys don't feel this way, do they? I mean, they don't get off on being tied up and stuff, right? I know I'm different 3; I guess I've known that for a long time, but I don't know why."

Mark kissed the boy on the forehead, breathing in the intoxicating smell of his fresh boyish young teen scent. "You've got all summer to learn that, if you'll let me teach you."

"Ok," the boy's voice was small.

Mark sat down on one of the deck chairs, moving the boy's collar aside. He gazed at the collar and for a fleeting moment he had doubts. But he knew Steven very well, really knew him, probably better than anybody. They were opposite sides of the same coin. He took Steven's wrists and pulled the boy in front of him. "Why do you like being tied up? Let's start with that."

Steven thought hard about that. His uncle had been tying him up every summer since he was seven years old. "Well, when I was little, it was just fun, you know like playing pirate or secret agent or something, that's usually what I imagined when we did it back then. I always got a warm feeling inside, you know, but I don't remember if my dick ever got hard."

"That's normal. Little boys usually don't know it when they've got boners," Mark informed him.

"Yeah, but I sure know when I get one now!" the boy replied with a laugh. "And the last couple years it's felt real different. I always get hard when you tie me up. Did you know that last year, I mean 3; that it gave me a boner and stuff?"

"I sort of figured that's what was going on. I could see it in your eyes. But you were barely twelve years old, you needed time to figure out the basics first, so I didn't say anything."

Steven bowed his head again. "I made myself cum a few times last year when you left me tied up all night. They were dry ones, so you never knew."

Mark smirked.

"What?" the boy asked, his voice squeaking.

"I heard you in your room a few times, making those cute little noises. I knew what you were doing. I thought it was adorable."

Steven slapped his hand to his forehead. "God, I can't believe I'm telling you all this! And I can't believe you knew the whole time!"

"We've never really had any secrets from each other, have we? So why should this be any different. And you still really haven't answered me. Why do you like being tied up?"

"I guess it is just, like, I'm not in control of things, you know. Like you tie me up and I'm naked or mostly naked and I can't get out. I like the way that feels."

"Being helpless?"

"Yeah, that's kinda it. It's more like knowing I don't have any choice or any say in what happens to me. I never know how long you're gonna keep me that way and I know you're not gonna let me go no matter how much I want you to 3; but, I also know I'm totally safe 3; like I know you'd never hurt me and if I really really really had to get out, you'd take care of it."

"I'd never hurt you, or let you hurt yourself."

"I know. That's what makes it good. Like I just give everything to you, and you decide. You always know what I need. Hell, you're doing that right now. I've never told anyone this stuff before."

"Feels good to talk about it sometimes, doesn't it?"

"Yeah," the boy's blue eyes brightened. "Hey you know, it's funny, 'cause this cage thing on my dick is a lot like when you tie me up or use the chains on me. It's the same feeling. Like I'm not in control anymore."

"You aren't. That's the whole point."

"It won't ever come off unless you take if off. I mean I can't even get hard anymore."

"That's right. And you won't unless I want you to, which I promise you is not going to be that often."

"And that is just so fuckin' hot!"

"So are you starting to figure it out?"

"Yeah, kinda. I guess I like it when you're in charge of me. There's a word for that, isn't there?"

"The word you want is submissive. That means you get turned on when people take control of you and make you do things 3; sometimes things you don't want."

"Yeah. That's it exactly. That's why I like the slave game so much!"

Mark tapped his finger against the boy's nose. "Precisely, Sherlock. And that's why it's not going to be a game anymore."

"Are you really gonna teach me, you know, about sex stuff and being 3; submissive?"

"I can't teach you to be submissive, Steven. That's simply what you are. You were born that way, just like you were born gay, blue-eyed and totally gorgeous."

The boy finally managed to smile again, a big bright happy one that melted Mark's heart.

"But I can help you deal with all these feelings you're having."

"So I'm not weird. I mean, it's okay that I'm this way?"

"You are not weird. You're special. There's a big difference."

Steven flung his slender arms around his uncle's neck and hugged him. Mark returned the boy's embrace, running his hands softly down the length of the thirteen-year-old's back, finally patting him on the rump.

"Now we've got to get some lotion on you before the sun starts cooking you. Get back into position. That's an order."

"Yes, sir!"

Mark squeezed out a large glob of lotion and started at Steven's neck. He worked the lotion slowly over the young teen's shoulders and into his chest, paying extra attention to the boy's tiny nipples, thinking how nice they'd look with a pair of rings in them.

"Mmmm 3; smells like coconut," Steven said softly, his eyes distant and dreamy. He was from a touchy family, always giving and receiving a lot of hugs and affectionate nudges, but this was different. This was his uncle. This was almost heaven.

"Nice, isn't it?"

"Yeah. You can rub this stuff on me every day!"

"I might take you up on that, kiddo."

Mark worked slowly down the boy's slender hairless legs, rubbing the lotion into Steven's thighs and calves, feeling the tight developing muscles beneath that smooth silken skin. Steven sighed and stretched his lean torso.

"My dick's trying to get hard," he whispered, unable to mask the excitement in his voice.

"I know. Try to control yourself, little slave. Now lift your foot for me."

Steven obediently raised his left foot off the deck, allowing Mark to apply lotion to it.

"I got a sunburn on my feet when I was kid," Mark explained. "Not fun. Give me your right one now."

"That tickles," the boy giggled, wiggling his toes and trying not to back away.

"You'll thank me later. There we go. All done. Let's go."


As they crossed the dunes to the beach, Steven noticed his uncle, really noticed his uncle for the first time. He had a great body, tall and muscular without too much hair. The boy felt a little guilty. Lately during his nightly jerk-off sessions he'd been fantasizing about doing it with some of his friends, sucking their teenaged cocks (which he imagined were all bigger than his own) and whacking them off 'til they came, but he'd never ever looked at his uncle, or any grown man, like that before. The thoughts that were presently in his young head were somewhat less than innocent.

'Wonder what it's gonna feel like?' he thought to himself.

Mark had already noticed the way his young nephew was looking at him, but he didn't want to embarrass the sensitive and sexually innocent boy. He just smiled inwardly and imagined all the things they'd be doing together.

'Wonder what it's going to feel like?' he thought to himself. 'I'm going to teach him to be the perfect little slave.'

Steven was a fantastic swimmer, and the ocean was like a second home to him. It was just the start of summer, but the water was already warm. Pools were great, but there was nothing like the feeling of the ocean on his bare skin. He spent the next hour body surfing and splashing around in the surf, sometimes acting like a confident young teenager, other times jumping and laughing like a little boy. He was at that magical age when he could still easily be both. It was certainly a different experience for him this year, since his cock was locked up and he had a plug in his butt. Every move he made seemed to remind him of these two new elements of his life, but it didn't make things any less fun. He still found the butt-plug maddening, but it was not nearly as uncomfortable as it had been just the night before, and it kept pressing on that magic spot inside him which he rather liked.

'I am so fucking horny,' the thirteen-year-old thought to himself as he bobbed up and down with the waves.

Mark sat on the beach, watching his beautiful thirteen-year-old nephew and feeling positively like the luckiest man on the planet. From the canvas bag he'd brought down with him, he pulled out his digital camcorder and started recording. No matter what other adventures and experiments they got into this summer, Mark promised himself they would always make time for the beach.

Dripping wet and glistening in the early morning sun, Steven dragged himself from the water and up to the towels they'd laid out. He stood in front of his uncle with an enormous smile on his face. "That water is so warm," he said. "It's great. Why didn't you come in with me?" he asked, his chest still heaving from his exertions.

"I'm enjoying the show just fine from right here," Mark replied, gesturing to the digital camera.

"Oooo, were you making a movie of me?" the boy asked in a lilting voice.


"My mom's always telling me to watch out for bad men like you," the boy winked.

"Guilty again."

Still dripping wet, Steven struck several poses he thought would be sexy. Mostly they were just comically adorable. Mark happily obliged and filmed the young teen's antics for several minutes. "Show me those big huge muscles, Stevie."

Steven needed little encouragement, and the slim hundred-pound [45 kg] boy flexed his developing young physique for his uncle's lens.

"Has anyone ever told you what a great little body you've got?"

"You're the first, uncle," Steven replied. "And you look real nice too," he added in a shy whisper.


"I need a rest, so I'll keep you company for a bit," Steven announced as he sat down on his towel and shook the water out of his hair. Mark's heart was pounding at the sight of this lean young teenager beside him. "Got the beach all to ourselves this morning," the boy observed, looking up and down the deserted expanse of ocean front. In the far distance, he could just make out a kite, high in the sky. "Bet the boardwalk's already packed."

"I'm sure it is. Think maybe we'll head down there for lunch today."


"We'll need to get you some clothes too, I guess. Can't have you parading around in that little speedo."

"Yeah, it doesn't leave much to the imagination, does it? I like wearing it for you, though."

"Well from now on I think I'll be the only one who sees you in it," Mark teased, reaching over and tickling the boy's stomach.

"Actually I'd like to get some cool beach clothes, I mean if that's ok 3; mom gave me some money to spend this summer, and I earned some extra mowing lawns and things, so I can pay for it all myself."

"I'd buy you anything your little heart wants, kiddo, you know that. But I know how it is being thirteen. If you want to spend your own cash, that's cool. I get the final say on what you buy though. Slaves don't make those kind of decisions on their own."

"I never thought of that," Steven replied thoughtfully. He took a few moments to process that new information. "Well, ok. As long as you don't make me get anything dorky."


Steven laid back and clasped his hands behind his head. Mark couldn't resist staring at the boy's lean torso, stretched so provocatively, and the boy's sexy armpits totally smooth and hairless. The outline of the cock-cage that constrained the young teen's penis was quite pronounced now that the speedo was soaking wet. Mark wanted to reach over and tickle his nephew's ribs, and maybe a few other parts of him, but the sight alone was simply so beautiful.

"I love it here," Steven said in a wistful tenor. "Wish we could move. It'd be so cool if we lived here too, then I could see you every day."

"But then our summers wouldn't be special anymore. I love having you stay here. Don't get me wrong, kiddo, it would be great if we could see each other all year, but I don't think it would feel the same, you know what I mean?"

"Yeah, that's true," the boy said, closing his eyes and wiggling his toes. "This is special, isn't it? It'd totally suck if that ever changed. And hey, this is already the wildest summer ever."

Mark nudged the boy playfully and finally gave into temptation, tickling Steven's outstretched ribs until the boy was thrashing and giggling and gasping for air.

"You 3; you know I hate being tickled!" Steven said between gaping breaths.

"Indeed I do," Mark replied with a wicked grin on his face.

After ten minutes of silence, Steven got back on his feet. "I'm going back in the water for a bit. Wanna come?"

Mark nodded and joined the boy on the leisurely walk to the ocean. He noticed the boy's gait betrayed no sign of the latex butt-plug currently inserted into his rectum. He smiled inwardly and kept his thoughts private. 'He's gotten used to it already. Just like a good little gay boy should.'


"Shorts and a t-shirt. No underwear allowed. Bring your sneakers. Your hair can dry on the way," Mark shouted up the steps as the naked boy stood on the landing. His hair was still wet, having just washed the saltwater out of it.

"Got it. Be right down," Steven called back and hurried to his bedroom. He was excited about going into town. He loved the boardwalk, and this year he was thinking maybe he'd get to see some cute boys. The thirteen-year-old pulled on a pair of light khaki shorts and a long blue t-shirt with a flashy skateboard design on the front. He checked himself in the mirror and was happy with the boy staring back at him. He thundered down the steps and came skidding to a stop in front of his uncle.

"Ready for inspection, sir," he said, drawing himself to attention with a sly grin on his face. Much to his surprise, his uncle actually did take a good long look at him, making him turn around, checking that he'd cleaned behind his ears and between his toes and brushed his teeth.

"You will always make a good impression, no matter where we're going or what we're doing," Mark said softly in what Steven was coming to know as his uncle's 'Master' voice.

"Yes, sir. I want to look good for you 3; and for me too!"

Mark smiled and tussled the boy's wet hair. "Good boy. How's your cock?"

"It's soft right now," Steven replied easily. "It tried to get hard when I was in the shower. And I mean really hard! This cage thingy is totally wild. I'm leaking all this clear stuff."

"That's pre-cum. Boys your age don't usually get a chance to make much of it, since you jerk off so much and so fast. But since you won't be whacking that little penis anymore, you'll be leaking like a faucet most of the time."

"It's really a sexy feeling. I like it."

"I thought you would," Mark said, wrapping an arm around the boy's waist and pulling him close.

"Feels kinda weird wearing pants over the cage."

"That's the idea, kid. I'm keeping your cock locked up all the time, even when we go out. Leaving the house doesn't mean you stop being my slave."

"That's awesome," the young teen replied with a smile.

"How's your butt? Can you make it all afternoon with the plug up there?"

"I think so."

Mark shook his head. "That is not an answer a slave gives his master. Once we get there, you'll be stuck with it. I'm going to let you decide, just this once."

"Okay," Steven said, trying to figure out what he should do. He understood that Mark was giving him a chance to be let off the hook, but he didn't want to quit, and he didn't want Mark to be disappointed in him, and the butt-plug really wasn't all that bad. He sort of liked the way it was making him feel extra horny all the time. "Let's keep it in. I'm a big boy. I can handle it."

"I know you can. Where'd we leave your collar?"

"It's still out on the deck, sir."

"Run out there and get it. And I mean run, boy."

"Yes, sir!" Steven shouted and ran out to the back deck as fast his beautiful teen legs could carry him. He was already wearing the collar when he returned to the foyer. He handed the padlock to his uncle. Mark set the brass lock on the side-table.

"Not gonna lock me into it?" the boy asked, rather disappointed.

"I think that would draw a little too much attention to you."

"Oh. Yeah. Guess that would be kinda hard to explain, huh?"

"A boy in a collar is not that unusual. A boy in a collar with a big lock on it, that's a bit harder for people to accept. Besides, I know you won't try to take it off."

Steve smiled, stood up on his toes and gave Mark a kiss. Mark trailed his hands down the boy's back, finally resting them on Steven's khaki-clad butt. The boy sighed contently, enjoying the man's tender caress. They broke their embrace and gazed into each other's eyes. Mark knew if they didn't get out the door now, they probably never would today.

"Come on, Stevie. Let's go shopping."

"Ok," the boy replied, closing his eyes and trying to get control of his ever increasing sexual arousal.

They took the convertible into town, driving along Coastal Route 1.

"This car is so cool," Steven exclaimed as the wind blew through his hair.

"I've wanted a convertible since I was your age. Figured it was about time. Besides, if I waited too much longer, I'd be too old to be seen in it!"

"Yeah. No old guys in cool cars!"

As they continued down the road, Mark noticed Steven fidgeting and moving around in his seat, an occasional grimace coming to his face. The source of the boy's problem was obvious.

"The plug's bothering you, isn't it?"

Steven nodded and sat forward a bit. "It's not easy sitting down with this thing inside me. Maybe I should have let you take it out."

"Well, it's too late for that now, sport. Butt-plugs are supposed to be a bit uncomfortable. That's the point. If you're going to be my slave, you're going to have to get used to that."

"Yes, sir," the boy replied. "Why is it so totally hot when you talk to me like that?"

"Because part of you needs it."

"And I know which part," the boy laughed, gazing down at his groin.

Mark smiled and laid his hand on Steven's bare thigh. "I think you'll find it's all a bit more complicated than that. If this were just about your dick, it would be easy. But it goes a lot deeper."

"I'm starting to get that, yeah," Steven said as the wind blew through his hair. "When did things get so complicated?"

"They always do when you really start growing up. But the good news is, you get to do things your mean uncle wouldn't let you do before."

Steven gave his uncle a withering look. "Gee, like have a huge plug shoved up my butt and getting my dick locked in a cage. How's that good news?"

"You tell me, little slave."

Steven fell silent and turned his head to the passing dune grass along the side of the road. It was good. Strange and a little frightening all the same, but it was good. He knew himself well enough to know that if his penis hadn't been locked up, he'd have already played with it five or six times. Cums were going to be special now, when he was allowed to have them, and that made it neat, just thinking about when he might have one, and how awesome it was going to be, and how long his uncle might make him go before letting his little dick out of its cage.

'Yeah. It is good news,' he thought to himself as they turned off into town.

The main strip was crowded as it always was during summer. Mark drove all the way down to the end of the street where it met the boardwalk and circled back around the other direction. Steven was looking this way and that at all the stores and shops and places to eat, most familiar to this young summertime resident, several new and promising. His thirteen-year-old eye was also caught by the many boys and young men out and about in their shorts and swimsuits. His cock made a vain attempt to harden inside its little cage and stayed that way for quite a while.

"Damn, it's like a boy buffet out here today," Mark observed, easily noticing his young nephew's preoccupation since he himself shared it.

"Yeah. Look at that one," Steven half whispered as they drove past a tall, lean and shirtless blonde about Steven's age.

"I am," Mark replied, conveniently slowing down for a yellow light.

"I didn't really notice all this last year," Steve said, following the blonde on the sidewalk until the boy turned down a side street.

"You were still a little kid last year. People noticed you though."

Steven turned his head sharply in surprise. "Really?"

"Really. You were incredibly cute last year. And this year, you're incredibly handsome."

"Am I?"

"You're a little hottie. Don't be surprised if guys start staring at you a lot this summer. I know I would if I saw you walking down the street."

"Yeah, but 3; well, you like boys 3; I mean boys my age, right?"

"I do. And so do a lot of other gay guys. That doesn't mean they're all gonna try to get into your pants. Don't worry. No one here's gonna hit on you or do anything stupid. But there are probably spots in town you shouldn't go by yourself."

"That's why I've got you, right. To look out for me."

"You, Steven, are the most important person in my life. Even when you're two hundred miles away."

"Cool." Mark found a parking spot not far from the big t-shirt store. "I suppose you'll want to go in there and get some cool tees, but I think we should buy you some nicer stuff first."

"Okay. Where?" Steven asked as he adjusted his sunglasses and closed the car door.

"You'll see. Come on."

Steven eagerly followed, wondering what 'nicer' meant, and just how much of his hard-earned summer money was going to disappear on his first full day. Their first stop was 'Beach Male and Casual', a little shop a block off the main strip.

"Oh, I remember this place. This is where I got my baseball cap last year."

"The same."

"The owner was really nice to me 3; most places like this just ignore kids like me 3; oh 3; I get it."

Mark winked. "Yeah."

"So this place is just for gay guys," Steven declared as they entered.

"Well, David will sell anything to anyone, but ninety percent of the guys who come in here are family. And now so are you."

"Cool beans."

The aforementioned David was at the counter when Mark and Steven came into the store. He recognized Mark immediately and came around and offered a friendly hello. "Good to see you, Mark," he said before resting his lively gray eyes on young Steven. "Oh no, this can't be Steven? Can it?"

"It certainly is. His mother kicked him out for the summer," Mark said jokingly. "Now he's my problem."

"What a lucky problem to have," David laughed. "How are you, young man?" he asked the boy, holding out his hand.

Steven returned the gesture. "I'm fine, sir."

"You've done a lot of growing since last summer."

Steven was, in actuality, only an inch or two [5 cm] taller, but he was starting to understand that boys grow in lots of ways other than just straight up. "Yes, sir. I guess I have."

"Better keep a tight leash on this one," David told Mark. "Someone might try to steal him away from you."

Mark and Steven shared a knowing glance and winked at each other. The possibility of Steven wearing a leash had already been discussed and approved.

"So, what are we looking for today?"

"Well, I need some shirts," Mark replied, "And Steven wants to pick out a few things for himself."

"Great. I'll leave you two to browse. Just ask if you've got any questions."

As Mark and Steven disappeared amongst the racks, the boy whispered up to his uncle. "Does he like boys too, or was he just being funny?"

"David is an old queen, my dear. He likes pretty much anyone with a cock between his legs. That includes cute thirteen-year-olds."

Steven smiled, rather liking this sudden power he was discovering. Soon he was looking through the store's collection of fine shirts and shorts, all very stylish and appropriately summery. He picked out a pair of board-shorts with bold red stripes, a nice pair of khaki's in a lighter beige and much nicer material than the Wal-mart brand he was currently wearing, and a pair of silky blue running shorts that caught his eye when they first went inside. For shirts he got just one, a nice knit collarless pull-over that would fit him loosely just the way he liked. He figured he'd get the rest of his shirts at the t-shirt place.

"Still need to get you a swimsuit, kiddo," Mark suggested.

"Oh yeah. The speedo thing. What type should I get?"

"That's up to you. Nothing quite so tight."

As Steven browsed through the store's collection of stylish and rather high-priced swimsuits, Mark and David talked at the counter.

"When did he get so gorgeous, Mark?"

"Sometime during the last year, I suppose."

"Well, he was a little cutie last summer. This summer he's just totally hot."

"He's my nephew," Mark said with a laugh. "Don't get any ideas."

"None that you aren't already having."

"I'm the dirty older man in his life. He doesn't need two of them."

"You are very lucky. I like the collar by the way. Suits him."

'More than you know,' Mark thought quietly as he smiled at the compliment.

Steven scampered over a moment later, with a swimsuit in each hand and a guilty look on his face. One was the awful knee-length 'clamdigger' style that most American boys (and most prudish American moms) seemed to favor, the other was a pair of very short lycra trunks, black with white stripes down the sides. They wouldn't have been much less revealing than the boy's speedo. "I can't decide," he said, looking at the two men with an adorable smile on his face, the smile that says 'I know you're going to buy me both of them anyway, so lets not bother arguing about it'.

"Why not try them both on?" David suggested helpfully, seeing the chance for a double sale, and the possibility of seeing the beautiful young teenager without his shirt.

"Can I?" Steven asked his uncle.

"Go on."

David pointed the way to the dressing room and casually followed them both over. Steven disappeared behind the door. Both men could watch as the boy shucked off his sneakers revealing his sweet adorable boy-feet, but that was, at the moment, all they could see of him. His t-shirt hit the floor next and then his shorts. David took note that no underwear followed. Either the boy was keeping those on, or he was presently naked in the dressing room. Later he would have to check the video on the hidden camera he'd installed in there for just these sorts of special occasions.

The boy came out first in the long-legged shorts. David let out a soft sigh as he got his first glimpse of the thirteen-year-old's bare chest. Mark winked at the older man and gave him a knowing look.

"You are one lucky bastard, Mark," was all David could say.

"I like these," Steven announced in his soft tenor. "They fit me nice."

The trunks did look good on him, accentuating his cute butt and calling attention to his shapely calves. They were a blue floral print with a drawstring in the front which the boy had tied in a loose knot.

"Okay, kiddo. Next pair," Mark said.

Steven's blue eyes danced. He knew the shorter trunks were going to make him look and feel really sexy. He disappeared back into the dressing room, took off the clamdiggers and folded them neatly, then slid the much tighter and much shorter lycra pair up over his slim hips. He immediately loved the look and feel of them. The material was breezy and airy but of the highest quality. They were the silkiest, sexiest things he'd ever worn. They did a much better job of concealing the outline of the boy's cock-cage than the old speedo. If he wore these on the boardwalk or in town, a long t-shirt would keep people from noticing it at all.

"Come on out and let us see them," Mark demanded with a smile.

Steven had been so struck by his own appearance in the mirror that he'd nearly forgotten to show them to the man who'd be paying for them.

"Okay, uncle Mark."

Both men felt their knees going weak when the boy stepped out of the dressing room. Here was surely one of the sexiest and most beautiful little creatures either of them had ever seen. The expensive ninety-dollar designer shorts looked like they were simply made for him.

"I don't get to sell too many of these in boy's sizes," David observed happily. "But then most boys don't really care what they wear."

"I didn't used to either, 'til I saw these," Steven replied, gazing down the length of his lean torso at the amazing fit of these cool and sexy shorts. "We have got to get these!"

"Yes, we certainly do!" Mark exclaimed. His cock was so hard in his pants at the moment it was almost painful. David's was too, and Steven's probably would have been if it weren't locked away in its tiny plastic cage.

The grand total for their visit to Beach Male and Casual was close to three hundred dollars. One hundred of which came from Steven's own battered wallet. The pride on his face that he could at least partially foot the bill for his own clothes was obvious. He still had enough left over to get him through the rest of the summer.

"We should get you a new wallet too," Mark observed as Steven folded the tattered old thing up and stuffed it into his back pocket. "That's a little boy's wallet."

"Yeah, I've had it since I was nine."

"Well, pick out a new one quick," Mark said, gesturing to the collection of wallets and billfolds behind a glass case.

An extra thirty dollars later, Mark and Steven left the store with their bags. David watched them go, getting a good glimpse at the fantastic asses on both man and boy. He had noticed the outline of the cock-cage beneath the boy's new lycra trunks and had a pretty keen idea what might be going on in that house over the summer, but he was enough of a gentleman not to say a word, nor would he. From behind the counter he played back the video from the dressing room, seeing Steven's perfect hairless young body in all its glory. Sure enough, when the boy turned to face the mirror, there locked around his penis was a small chastity device, complete with padlock.

'Mark you devil,' he thought playfully to himself. 'You lucky devil.'

David smiled and adjusted his erection as he clicked 'save'. This would be a video he'd be watching again later with his own young friend, a boy not much older than Steven.


"Thanks for all the cool stuff," Steven said as he and Mark strolled along the main avenue and made their way toward the t-shirt place.

"You are welcome, little guy. You are worth every penny. And believe me, I'll be finding interesting ways for you to pay me back all summer long."

Steven's penis swelled inside its cage at the very thought of what might lie in store for him.