PZA Boy Stories




A son sees his father masturbating with a gay magazine. That is the beginning of hot sexual contacts with his father, his brother, friends etc.
Publ. 1998 (bibliodozer); this site Nov 2012
Finished 56,500 words (113 pages)


David (14yo), Scotty (12yo), John Logan, their father (35yo), Travis (21yo), their uncle. Donnie (14yo), a friend, Lex (11yo), Scotty's friend

Category & Story codes

Consensual Man-Boy story/incest
Mt tt tb bb cons mast oral analfirst incest


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Orphan story

This is an orphan story, that means that the author's e-mail address is no longer active and there is no other way to contact the author. Are you the author, please contact me.

Céladon's note

This story is more pornographic than erotic, but after long thought I have included it here. Especially the first few chapters are fine, but then the story starts to repeat the same over and over. However, the dialogues I like the most. and that's why it's included on this site.

Chapter 1

It was a hot night. He looked at the blazing digital alarm next to his bed. It read 2:33 a.m. David kicked off the single sheet covering his naked body. He had a hard-on. He needed to piss. Delicately, he slipped from the double waterbed he shared with his younger brother, Scotty, and picked his way carefully in the dark toward the bathroom he and his brother shared with their father. With only the night light in the bathroom to guide his aim, he directed a silent stream of urine from his rock-hard cock toward the porcelain target, trying not to make any splashing noises that might disturb the old man. The door from the bathroom to his father's room was closed but he didn't want to wake his dad anyway.

He needed a drink of water. He looked about the ill-lit room but could find nothing to drink from. The paper cups were all gone and the glass that sometimes sat on the counter was missing as well. He briefly considered donning his robe but decided instead to just make his way, naked, in the dark, to the kitchen and find one.

A few minutes later, as he was coming back toward his room with a glass of water from the fridge, he noticed through the crack where his dad's bedroom door was ajar, that the light was on over the bed. His dad must be reading. It was pretty late for him to be reading though. His curiosity aroused, he peeked in as best he could without moving the door.

He could see his dad reading a magazine but little else. He seemed to be slumped against several pillows, holding it up in front of him in his left hand. He was about to go back to bed when he heard his dad moan. Silently he pushed the door open a bit further to reveal the fact that his dad was naked in bed. This wasn't any big surprise. He, his father, and even his little brother nearly always slept naked, especially in the summer when it was hot. He'd seen his dad naked dozens of times. What DID surprise him was that his dad had a hard-on and was stroking it gently, up and down with his right hand.

David blinked. He'd heard boys at school talk about "stroking" or "jerking" or "jacking off". Hell, he'd even tried it a time or two himself. The feeling had been kind of strange but nothing to write home about, so to speak.

His dad was really getting into it though, his hand glistening with some kind of greasy stuff as it moved rapidly up and down the length of what looked to David to be something on the order of close to seven inches [18 cm] of thick, hard, man-cock. He'd seen his dad's cock lots of times, but never before seen him naked and hard like this. The look on his dad's face told him something special was happening 3; or was about to. He'd never seen such a look before. It was kind of smiling but also strangely tight and weird. Hypnotized almost, David knelt and sat down the glass of water, staring at the stroking fist moving faster and faster up and down over the length of his dad's hard, throbbing, naked, man-cock. He felt his own cock get hard and jut up from his thin, hairless groin. His dad had lots of hair around his cock. It was blond, like his own. He wondered how long before he'd be as hairy as his dad. As he watched, his father began to tremble noticeably. If he listened carefully, David could hear his dad breathing heavily and could hear the sound his dad's hand made as it stroked up and down on the massive cock that had become the focus of his entire existence at the moment. Faster and faster he watched his father jack his cock. The magazine his father held in his hand was shaking uncontrollably. He could hear tiny little grunts, tiny cries of pleasure, little moaning sounds as the tension in his father's muscular, lean, hard, naked body grew more and more noticeable, delineating every sinew of glowing man-flesh.

Something was going to happen. David could tell. He watched in disbelief as his father began arching his slender naked body, heaving his hips off the rumpled sheets, higher and higher in the air as he pumped his cock, faster, harder, his strokes becoming wilder and more irregular.

Then 3; THEN 3; then it HAPPENED.

There was a white flash of thick, syrupy liquid David saw erupt from the red hot tip of his father's massive cock and jet high into the air, plopping well up onto his chest 3; then ANOTHER 3; his father cried out, then yet ANOTHER one, this one not as big or powerful as the first two. It coated his father's fist as it gripped the head of his cock.

"OHHHH GOD, AHAEHHREHHAHHHHhhhhhh 3;" David heard his father growl in naked sexual pleasure as a fourth drop oozed from his dad's cockhead. In front of him, his own cock was heaving and throbbing, juicy stuff oozing from it, not like had come jetting from his father's overheated monster, but enough to coat his hand as he wiped it away.

His dad slumped back to the bed tiredly, his magazine having long since fallen away, the look on his face one of such supreme bliss David thought for a moment his father might be dead. But his heavy breathing quickly reassured him his dad was very much alive.

David felt strange, tingling, tickling sensations in his cock he'd never felt before. He rubbed it a little with his own fist, as he'd seen his father do, and was startled by the powerful feelings of sexual pleasure he felt. Then, David suddenly realized, as his dad's eyes suddenly darted to the slightly opened door, that his father had SEEN him.

Horrified, David scampered back to his room and into bed, pulling the sheet up over his naked, sexually aroused, young boy-body and tucking it in under his neck. Next to him, Scotty stirred, rolling over onto his side, his back to him. David held his breath, half-way expecting at any moment, his father to come storming in, stark naked, berating him loudly for spying on him in his most private moment. He knew how HE'D feel if someone had seen HIM doing to HIS cock what he'd seen his DAD doing to HIS.

But it didn't happen.

Nothing happened.

Scotty continued his soft, steady breathing.

David's cock was hard and STAYED hard, tenting up the light blue sheets and leaving a dark wet spot where his cockhead touched the soft cotton. David couldn't resist. Slowly, silently, tentatively, he let his fingers creep down over his slender, naked, little fourteen-year-old boy-body and find his cock. It filled his fist. It ached and tingled within him. It had never felt this way before. Never in his wildest imagination could he have ever conceived of doing to himself what he'd seen him father do. Yet now, nothing in the world could have stopped him from doing it. He didn't need any greasy stuff. The liquid leaking from his cock was more than enough to lubricate his hand as it stroked his cock. His mind kept trying to slow him down, worried about waking Scotty, but everything he felt, every last fiber of his sexual being told him to do it more, faster, harder, deeper, faster and faster, harder and harder, jacking his cock, jacking himself off. He knew all the words, knew all the terms, now he was finding out what they meant. It was feeling better and better. Unbelievably better and better. It was incredible. No, it was way PAST incredible, it was 3; there was no word for it. He felt his guts melting, felt his loins aching, felt his groin tightening, the pleasure so far past anything he'd ever felt before in his young life he could hardly breathe. It was going to happen to HIM too.

He was going to make that stuff pop out of HIS cock too, or he'd die trying. It felt so good it was scaring him, but still he did it to himself. He felt like he was dying yet he'd never felt more ALIVE before in his entire life. He couldn't believe it. Whenever he felt it couldn't POSSIBLY feel any better, suddenly it DID, better and better and better, more and more and more sexual pleasure, oozing out of him, suddenly causing him to realize what his father had felt, what the strange look on his father's face meant.

He struggled mightily to keep from crying out. The waterbed must be rolling like a tsunami but he didn't care. To hell with Scotty. If he woke up, he woke up, he'd deal with his little brother later. Right now, he just wanted it to end 3; no, not end 3; go on forever, make the feeling last FOREVER, the endless pleasure, rising inside him, higher and higher, no end in sight, yet knowing, having seen it--what happened when it ended. He wanted it. He wanted to feel it. He couldn't wait. It was going to happen. He could feel it. He could feel the feeling. It was coming 3; it was HAPPENING 3; it was happening to HIM, he could feel IT 3;


his mind cried out as he spilled his pleasure and no small amount of virginal boy-cream all over himself. He felt the feeling explode deep within him, twisting his aching, naked groin viciously, pounding, pulsating, throbbing within him, wave after wave of incredible ecstasy rolling over him, his tiny, smooth, naked, little boy-body trembling and quivering from head to toe with sexual pleasure so devastating he could hardly remain conscious. The peak seemed to last an incredibly long time before he felt it start to ebb, felt his naked young body slump tiredly back down to earth, felt his breathing once more under control, and his mind return back to his head.

Just as before, as he'd listened for some sound from his father, he now lay trembling in fear that he might have awakened his little twelve-year-old brother beside him, naked in bed. Scotty was a sound sleeper though. He could see no indication that the little fucker was awake.

He breathed a long, slow, sigh of relief. His cock was starting to get a little soft now, even though, deep inside him, seemingly at the base of his cock, things still seemed to be in an uproar. Tiny tremors, still pulsed within him. Tiny jolts of leftover sexual pleasure still startled him every few seconds. His arm ached. Never in his life had he ever given it such a workout. There was sperm all over his tiny, slender, naked belly. He made no move to wipe it up or cover himself. He was too exhausted. Everything within him cried out for sleep now. He couldn't resist that either. It had been one hell of an orgasm. He'd needed it bad. It had been a couple days since he'd done it to himself. He had cum from his hairless chest to the blond wisps at his navel. His hard, throbbing, boy-cock still pulsated, arching up powerfully from his aching balls. They'd delivered quite a load. He could still feel the pleasure radiating up from his naked groin. He floated nakedly in a sexual oblivion of sweet ecstasy, mindlessly wallowing in the lingering pleasure, drinking it all in, drowning in it, completely satisfied sexually.

It was then John Logan heard the muted sound of his older son. He knew the sound well. It was kind of a whimper 3; one he'd know since the boy was a baby. He caught a glimpse of him through the crack in the bedroom door as he scampered away. He saw two bare ass cheeks. The kid had been naked, probably hard, watching him jacking off 3; probably jacking off himself. For just a second he was alarmed, then he realized he was too tired to be alarmed. So what. At fourteen, he'd probably not seen anything he'd not done to himself dozens of times anyway. Besides, it was done now. If he hadn't before, from now on his teenage son would see him as a sexual being, not just a father.

With this in mind, he layed the porno magazine beside him over on the night stand, and turned out the bedside lamp. He was tired. Sexual pleasure always made him more tired, but he didn't fall asleep. He gradually began to realize the fact that if his son would now see HIM as a sexual being, the other side of the coin would also reveal itself. He would, from now on, have to view his SON as a sexual being as well. For even if the boy had never jacked off before, he certainly would now, after the performance he'd just turned in. No boy he knew could resist such an urge. The image he must have presented to the boy flashed before his eyes, and with it, a second later, the image of his son, in the same position, in the same BED even, stroking his cock, jacking himself off, shooting his cum 3; perhaps his FIRST load of cum, perhaps at that very instant!

He got up and crept nakedly to the bedroom door. He'd just check an make sure the boy was alright. The CARPET was wet! My god, what had he done, scared the PISS outta the kid? It was too COLD for piss though. His toe touched a glass. He bent and picked it up. Undeterred, he tiptoed into the hallway and the few feet to the boys' room. The door was open. It was dark inside though there was a soft glow of moonlight coming from the undraped window. The room was a fucking MESS as usual. He dared not go in for fear of stepping on something lethal. He could see them both as his eyes adjusted gradually to the low light. Scotty lay on his side, his back to David. He appeared to be asleep. David though, was NOT asleep. The boy lay out on top of the sheets, completely and utterly naked, his legs spread slighly apart, his head lying back, staring straight up at the ceiling, his left hand clutching his lithe, lean, slender thigh, his right, his cock. Even in the darkness John could see the boy had a respectable length of boyflesh. It wasn't enormous by any stretch, but a good five or six inches [13-15 cm] --adequate for the needs of a fourteen- year-old boy. He smiled to himself. Speaking of needs, David was jacking himself off, just as he'd expected. He watched expectantly, wondering how far along the boy was. He could hear him, stroking, breathing, gasping from time to time, no doubt from the considerable pleasure he must be giving himself. It was an image he wouldn't have missed for anything in the world. He wondered if the boy were embarking on his FIRST orgasm or if this was a regular occurrence. There seemed to be a sort of ineptness in the was he was stroking himself that led John to believe it MIGHT be his first time. He wanted to think it was. He'd been there for his son's first words, his first steps, his first birthday, his first swimming lesson, his first date, his first 3; now 3; god, his first orgasm. The more he watched the boy stroke himself, the surer he became. David was a first-timer. He remembered his own first time. He remembered the feeling, the feelings, the fear, the excitement, the uncertainty, the delicious beauty of it all, the devastating power he'd unleashed within himself, the incredible spurting, pounding, wringing, writhing pleasure he'd felt. He could see and feel those same feelings now, watching his son feel them, feeling them for the first time, enjoying them, wallowing nakedly in them, aching, heaving, thrusting, pounding, pumping, harder, faster, wildly 3; it was the most beautiful sight he'd ever seen, the most beautiful BOY he'd ever seen, a boy he loved dearly, more than life itself, about to drink deeply of the most beautiful pleasure a boy could ever feel.

David was getting close. John could see it plainly. There was a jerkiness to his stroke. He was going to cum 3; any second 3; he could feel it too 3; the pleasure was incredible. He could feel it along with his son, not literally perhaps, but in his mind, feel every devastating jolt, growing within him, stronger and stronger. Then there was a soft grunt, then a lounder moan, followed by a sigh of seductive sexual pleasure so powerful it was all John could do to keep from throwing himself upon the boy and drinking up every last drop of his son's virginal semon as it jetted high out of David's tortured, hard cock. It wasn't like before, but he felt a sort of mini-orgasm himself. It wasn't like he shot his cum again, but the incredible, naked beauty of it all was just overwhelming. David was beautiful! He couldn't see the look of sexual ecstasy on his face but he could imagine it. He didn't have to imagine anything about the exquisitely beautiful, young, teenage boy-body he saw though. David was slender, his naked young body lithely well-built, not muscular yet, but more that of the swimmer he was, lean and well defined, tight and just slightly wiry. He could see it especially as the boy struggled through his orgasm, every inch of his trembling, adolescent nakedness stretched taunt with straining, sexual pleasure. Then he watched that naked, young boy-body suddenly grow limp as the pleasure passed its peak.

He wanted with all his heart soul to be able to hold the boy now, to kiss him, to comfort him, to touch and fondle that jewel of naked, sexual beauty. He dared not. He dared not MOVE even. He knew how he'd felt when he'd realized David had been watching HIM. He could imagine how much more stressful it would be on the boy in the same situation. Before him, in the shadows, his cock was rock hard again, aching again, bobbing up and down, demanding to be released again. How wonderful it would be to feel David naked in his arm, hard against his cock, holding him, touching him, fondling him, shooting his cum with him, spurting it out, coating him with it, anointing him with it, making him his crown prince LOVER as well as his son!

Softly, silently, John crept back toward his room, startled once again at the wet spot by his door. David must have been after a glass of water when he'd seen his light on. He closed the door, then turned the bedside lamp back on. He took the towel from his bed which he'd used to wipe up his cum and tossed it down on the floor by the door, stepping on it, soaking up some of the dampness on THIS side of the door at least. He made a mental note to use it on the hall side the next morning before the boys got up. If Scotty stepped in it, both he and David might have some embarrassing explaining to do. As it was, the little moment of sexual awakening they'd shared would remain with them, a sort of silent, unspoken secret between a father and his son.

John folded up the magazine he'd left on the night stand. The title jump off the cover: NAKED SONS! He stared at it for several seconds. His eyes wondered to the sweet face of the young boy beneath the logo. He was blond 3; like David. He was beautiful 3; not as beautiful as David but almost. There was a cute, devilish, sexy look in the boy's eyes. Inside, the boy was completely naked. It was the same boy he'd been staring at when he'd shot his cum. There was cum on the picture in fact, down in the corner. Suddenly he realized WHY it had been THIS picture that had jumped out at him at the adult book store that day. He realized why he'd chosen IT to jack off with that night. The boy looked incredibly like David 3; not quite 3; not quite as lovely, not quite as dangerously seductive as David, but so close 3; close enough to scare the hell out of him. He was feeling it again, the same feeling he'd felt moments before as he'd watched his son orgasm for the very first time. He was fixating sexually on his own son! He was falling in love with his SON. What he felt for David was no longer the love of a father for a son but the love of a man for a boy--a naked teenage boy so devastatingly beautiful he was amazed he'd not realized it before. It was a weird feeling, part horror and part delight. His conscience told him to stop but his hard, throbbing, aching cock cried out in joy that David was HIS boy, his SON, his own flesh 3; it was as if he'd suddenly realized he could suck his own cock! The question was now, could he? Would he? And worst of all, SHOULD he.


The next morning, David's cock was hard again as he awoke to the glow of morning streaming in the window. It was still early. He needed to take a piss again. Beside him in bed, lay the nearly naked body of his brother. Scotty was still asleep, lying on his back, his right arm raised over his head, his left hand resting on his thin, slender, little belly. The sheet was rumpled, crossing his loins, barely covering his cock, which, like his own, David could tell was hard, though not quite as big. He wondered if Scotty jacked off like his father. No, he'd know about it if he did. There was almost NOTHING the boys kept from one another, and something as earth-shattering as that, he'd know about. He smiled. Scotty looked so sweet and innocent when he was asleep, when in fact he was anything BUT. Unlike himself, Scotty hard brown hair. He had large eyes, a tiny nose, and a mischievous mouth. He was cute in a little-boy sort of way, David decided, having never before actually studied his little brother's features in such a critical way. He wasn't sure, why now, he suddenly took such interest but it didn't last for long.

He had to go pee. He sat up. It took only an instant to feel the dried cum on his belly. He rubbed his hand over it. It was kind of scaly. He scratched it with his finger. It kind of flaked off. He got up and stumbled to the bathroom. When he came back, his cock was still hard but not like it had been before. Scotty was awake, having pulled the sheet up over him more.

"Dad awake?" Scotty asked, peeling his eyes open one at a time.

"Hell, I don't know, go fuckin' ASK him," David looked about the dirty clothes on the floor for a pair of briefs. Finally, he decided it'd be easier to get a clean pair from his drawer. Scotty sat up in bed, wiping the sleep from his eyes, then standing up, stretching in all his glorious, twelve-year-old nakedness. David pulled his white, bikini-cut, cotton briefs up over his hard, throbbing cock even as he tried not to be to obvious in eyeing his little brother's exquisite naked boy-body. Scotty's cock stood straight up, probably a little more than four inches [10 cm]. He's seen Scotty naked and hard before, but this time, for some reason, he even went so far as to mentally measure his brother's cock. Had shooting his cum the night before made him suddenly interested in other boy's cocks, even his own BROTHER'S?

Scotty made no move to cover himself as he followed his cock to the bathroom. David could hear him pissing into the water. Scotty never bothered to make the effort to piss quietly. When he came back, like his own, Scotty's cock wasn't as hard as before, but it still stood straight out and hadn't shrunk an inch.

Their dad was up. David saw through the bathroom the door open. Normally he would have ignored him, but this time, he couldn't tear his eyes from the naked man that came through it, nor the piss-hard cock that sprung up from the blond pubic hair of his father's learn, hard, powerful loins. He saw him only for an instant, but there was no mistaking the fact that his father was huge and hard, and very, very naked. David felt his own cock suddenly get hard again as he forced himself to stop staring at the bathroom door.

"Where the fuck's my underwear?" Scotty poked around with his foot at the pile of dirty clothes.

"Try wearing some CLEAN ones for once," David told him dryly.

"You boys get this mess cleaned up in there today." They heard their father from the bathroom. David was afraid to look up and meet his father's gaze for fear his cock might REALLY take off.

"Scotty, it's YOUR turn to do the laundry this week."

"I know 3;" Scotty sighed as he turned his back to his dad, struggling into a pair of white, bikini briefs that were, in fact, probably his brothers. They seemed a little larger than his own though the two of them were getting to be almost the same size so it really didn't matter so long as David didn't complain. He didn't mind David seeing him naked and hard, but there was something about his DAD seeing him with a hard-on that made him suddenly modest.

"Whadya want for breakfast?" John Logan asked as he observed his two slender young sons getting dressed.

"Waffles!" Scotty cried.

"Eggs!" David spouted.

"There's Frosted Flakes in the cupboard and milk in the fridge." John told them as he headed back toward his room.

"Shithead, he always does that," Scotty sighed in digust.

"And WE always fall for it," David sighed along with him.

"One of these days I'm gonna serve him cereal and milk in bed and accidentally SPILL it all over him," Scotty promised, heading barefoot to the kitchen, still in nothing but his underwear.

"No you won't," David laughed as he watched his half-naked little brother heading for the kitchen. "You don't got the BALLS!" He called after him.

"Yes, I DO!" Scotty yelled back, now halfway to the kitchen.

"What you guys arguing about already?" John asked, standing once more in the bathroom door, this time wearing his white terry robe, eyeing David as he zipped up a pair of shorts.

"BALLS!" David told him as he ignored his father and headed himself toward the kitchen himself.

"Oh." John blinked, a half smile on his face. "I'm glad it was something important at least," he said, to himself this time since both boys had now evacuated the room. He shook his head in amusement, realizing once more what a difference a day made 3; or in this case, a NIGHT. He felt himself getting a hard-on and he hadn't even seen his son naked, just barechested, and still he got turned on. My god, he thought to himself, it was going to be a rough day. Last night had just been the start. He was horny already and it wasn't even eight a.m. yet. Already he wanted to take his son's lithe, lean, slender, young boy-body in his arms and crush him, hold him, kiss him, make love to him 3; he shook his head, trying to clear it. Get a grip, he told himself. You can't go around molesting your own son whenever ya get a hard-on.

"DAD! David's drinkin' all the orange juice!" Scotty complained as John joined his son's for breakfast.

"Which one of you lost this." John held the empty glass he'd found in the hallway.

"Lost it?" Scotty laughed.

David very nearly DID lose it. He didn't answer, unable to even LOOK at his father, realizing his dad knew damn well which of them had LOST it and was now rubbing it in, picking on him, getting even for his having spied on him at such an intimate moment last night.

"Dad 3;" Scotty pleaded, "Make him share."

"Share with your brother." John told his older son in a quiet, dry voice, watching the boy carefully for some sign of admission that what had happened last night really HAD happened. David wordlessly pushed his half-empty glass of juice across the glass-topped table toward his brother, continuing to avert his father's gaze. Scotty gulped it down in almost one swallow, then jumped up from the table, leaving a half-eaten bowl of cereal.

"Hey, I almost forgot, I gotta get dressed, Lexus is coming over this morning, we're goin' fishin'.

"Why should today be any different 3;" David signed, eyeing the now empty glass, then the cleaner one his father had set down on the table beside it. John followed his son's gaze as he sat down in Scotty's empty seat, continuing to watch David anxiously.

"Wanna talk about it?"

Chapter 2

David felt something of a lump rise in his throat as his father gazed intently at him. It wasn't the donut he was eating either. He looked down over his bare chest into his lap. At least, thankfully, his cock wasn't hard. Suddenly he felt very naked, nonetheless.

"Talk about what?" He replied mechanically, his voice soft and slightly trembling. He hoped his father didn't notice.

"Last night." John replied, his voice as steady as his gaze.

"Last night?" David was on auto-pilot, playing dumb.

"The wet spot on the carpet, by my door?" John eyed the glass as his son's gaze finally lifted from his lap to meet his.

"Sorry," David sighed shyly.

"For what?" John couldn't believe his son was apologizing for spilling water.

"Last night, spying on you," David finally came to grips with his father's forcing the situation.

"I guess I SHOULD be angry, but 3; frankly David, I find I don't mind at all." John told his son.

"You don't?" David's eyes grew wider, more beautiful.

John smiled. "I'd probably done the same thing if I'd been you 3; well, maybe not spilled the water but 3;"

David forced a smile. "Sorry about THAT too," he apologized again.

"For a minute I thought you'd cum all over the carpet." His father joked.

David didn't laugh. He tried not to blush. His father was embarrassing the hell out of him.

"Last night your first time?" John had to ask.

"Huh?" David looked up from the crumbs he'd been minutely examining on the kitchen table in dismay, unsure what his father meant, but also fearful he DID know what he meant.

"After I shot my wad 3; in your room 3; .I watched YOU." John made it sound like turnabout fair play.

"Oh my GAWDDDD 3;" David gasped in surprise. Spying on his father jacking off was one thing, but his father watching him 3; well, for some reason it seemed ten times worse. No wonder his dad wasn't pissed at him for watching!

John smiled at his son's reaction. "Nice load 3; didn't know you had it in ya, kid."

David wanted to run screaming from the room in horror, but restrained himself. He didn't want to let his father know how ashamed and embarrassed he was. He started counting the crumbs on the table.

"WAS it your first time?" John asked again, studying his son's trembling lips as minutely as David studied the crumbs on the table.

David nodded, not trusting his voice, nor any other part of his physical anatomy at the moment.

"I thought so. A father can tell." John smiled, wanting to reach out and hold his son, soothing away the embarrassment he was causing the boy. "How was it?"

"Okay." David's voice was now hardly above a whisper.

John laughed. "Only okay? Looked a little better than merely okay to ME."

"Felt good," David admitted.

"Nice feeling isn't it?" John tried to ease his son past any initial embarrassment at something that should be so natural a part of his life as to be second-nature to him.

David shrugged. "Yeah, I guess," he admitted, wishing his life would end at any second.

"David, don't be embarrassed, don't be frightened by what happened to you last night." John decided to take a more direct, honest approach. "It's a natural part of growing up, of being a boy 3; of becoming a man. Sexual pleasure is a part of your life now, it will be for the REST of your life. I know it's new to you, you haven't had time to get use to it yet, but before long, you'll be jacking yourself off every night 3; every morning too 3; morning, NOON, and night," he laughed.

David smiled inspite of himself. He shyly lifted his eyes to meet his fathers. "Next do I find out where babies come from?" He tried to joke.

"You don't KNOW about that 3; your mother never told you?" John asked in amazement.

"Of COURSE I know 'bout stuff like that." This time it was David's turn to laugh.

John pretended to heave a sigh of relief, enjoying the fact David was finally loosening up. "But not from your MOTHER I bet."

"No." David's mood returned when reminded that he'd not even SEEN his mother in three years, since her and his father had split. He'd talked to her on the phone a few times and gotten pictures in the mail, but she never came around.

"She'll come back." John promised his son, realizing instantly it wasn't SEX the boy was thinking about now.

"Why'd she leave?" David decided to use their little heart-to-heart to his own advantage. He'd never really known. One day she was there, the next she was gone. It was like she'd DIED. This time it was John's turn to feel most uncomfortable. It was a subject he'd always dreaded confronting the boys about when they were old enough to understand. Well, for David at least, it looked like the time had come.

"Because of ME, I guess," he admitted.

David stared at him blankly. It seemed inconceivable his father had caused his mother to leave 3; he'd always been the perfect father, and so far as David knew, the perfect husband. He'd always blamed his MOTHER for leaving, never once considering any other fault. "What happened 3; ?"

"I guess you're old enough to know now 3; especially after last night." John tied the two together.

"Last night 3; know what?" David made NO connection.

"David, I don't know any other way to say this except just to come right out and say it." John began. "The fact is 3; I'm gay," he paused for what seemed an eternity, watching his son's every beautiful, facial feature intently for some sign 3; some reaction. There was none. So, he plunged on. "Your mother found out. She couldn't handle it."

"Another 3; man?" David wouldn't have been so surprised had it been another woman. His dad was a good-looking guy, even at 35, it wouldn't be the first time a man had fallen for another woman and gotten a divorce.

"Well, actually, TWO other men." John murmured softly.

"Two 3; at the same time?" David gasped in dismay.

His father's ready smile returned. "Not quite. Seems your MOTHER was seeing one of them," he explained.

"You sucks cocks and 3; and fuck other guys up the ass?" David struggled mightily to come to grips with all his father was telling him.

John ignored his son's question and plunged on with his original train of thought. "It made the separation easier for both of us. It's why she's never come back I think." John added. "Her 3; boyfriend 3; is hardly much older than you are 3; he was barely eighteen at the time. Not exactly 'father' material."

"They get married?" David wanted to know.

"I don't think so. Craig's not exactly the marrying kind." His father told him.

It was the first time David had ever heard the name. "What happened to 3; your 3;?" David didn't know exactly how to ask.

"Travis? We still see each other once in a while."

"Travis?" David tried to put a name to a face.

John smiled. "Your UNCLE 3; ?" He realized David didn't have a clue.

"Uncle Trav 3; ?!!" David gasped in surprise beyond belief.

"Yes 3; your mother's brother 3; Travis 3; probably another reason she left and hasn't come back." John added.

David's mother, Tricia, had been the oldest of ten. Travis was her youngest brother. He was now almost twenty. He'd been just 16 at the time Trish had found them together, naked in bed, sucking each other's cocks. There was a stink, but not as big a stink as there would have been if John hadn't already known about his wife's infidelity for several months.

"Sixteen? He would'a been just sixteen 3;" David let the number sink in. HE was just fourteen.

"Hey, what's so hard to imagine about that 3; I'm a good-looking, attractive young man 3; young studs like your Uncle Travis 3; well, they just naturally 3;" John tried to explain without sounding immodest. "Your uncle was just discovering he liked 3; liked men 3; boys really 3; anyway 3; I was helping him get over an earlier relationship with a boy his age who left him 3; it just 3; just sort of happened 3; we didn't mean for it to 3; to go so far but 3;"

"Uncle Travis is gay too?" Somehow, what his father was saying wasn't sinking in in precisely the same order he was saying it. David had always felt especially close to his uncle. There was only about six years difference in their ages.

"You 3; you guys still 3; still fuck and stuff?" He struggled desperately to come to grips with all his father was telling him.

"Quite a lot to absorb all at once isn't it?" John sympathized with his son, reaching out, resting his hand on David's. "I'm sorry I couldn't break it to you any more gently."

"You fuck any other guys?" David no longer cared about delicacy and he sensed his father was avoiding the question.

John shook his head. "No. I'm not what you call promiscuous," he smiled. "I DO jack off a lot though 3; as you saw last night."

"Morning, noon and night 3; right 3;" David reminded him.

"I wish! Hey, I'm still young, but I'm not fourteen." John laughed. "Once in a while maybe three times but 3;"

David laughed too, suddenly realizing his cock was getting hard in his pants, just picturing his father and his Uncle Travis naked together. "You LIKE suckin' cocks?" David asked as the laughter subsided and several moments of silence ensued.

John drew in a deep breath. He liked it better when the boy had been too embarrassed to ask such questions. "It's what gays do to share sexual pleasure," he replied in general terms. "I know it's hard to imagine, taking another boy's cock in your mouth but 3; if you love someone 3;"

"I could never do that," David shuddered at the thought. Just the idea of TOUCHING another boy's cock made him uncomfortable. "I'd gag. I'd throw up."

"I've done both." John admitted. "It's not something that comes naturally. I've always assumed you boys would be straight so that's a natural reaction. Don't worry about it." His father's words eased David's mind somewhat.

"You guys fuck each other too?"

"Not often 3; we HAVE 3; it's not your Uncle Travis' favorite way of cumming so usually we just 3;" John suddenly stopped short. "Why all this sudden interest in my sex life?" He laughed covering his own embarrassment somewhat.

David shrugged. He struggled, trying to decide whether to admit to his father that he, too, had had such feelings for other boys. "Just curious, I guess," he admitted instead.

"I suppose that's natural under the circumstances." John smiled indulgently. "Listen, David, the reason I'm telling you all this now is that 3; well 3; after last night 3; we're both men 3; both male, sexual animals 3; we both know now what sex feels like and how good we can make our naked bodies feel. It's time you realized I have sexual feelings the same as you and that I'm not all that different from you in the ways I seek to gratify those sexual feelings. As you get older, you'll understand better," he told his son hopefully, their little father-son talk having gone better, though a lot FURTHER, than he expected.

"What about Scotty?" David asked. This one was coming straight out of left field.

"What about Scotty?" John blinked in surprise. "We both still sleep together," David worried. In fact, they slept NAKED together. Until last night it made no difference. Now it seemed, to him at least, it made a LOT of difference.

"So?" John wasn't sure what his son was getting at. The boys had slept together almost since Scotty left the crib.

"We sleep naked. Isn't that kind of 3; 'gay'?" David suddenly worried.

"Oh forgodsake." John laughed, only starting to realize how profoundly what he'd just told his son was effecting the boy.

"No 3; I mean 3; how am I gonna jack off with HIM in the room 3; in BED with me even?" David asked, hating the way his father was making light of his concern.

"Oh." John had to admit he'd not really thought about that.

"Well I can't afford separate rooms if that's what you want 3; there's not even room for two separate beds in there 3; bunk beds maybe but 3;"

"Oh, never mind," David dismissed the idea. His father was right of course. But on top of that, he didn't feel like explaining to Scotty why he suddenly wanted separate beds anyway. The two of them heard Scotty, hopefully now dressed, slam the front door on the way out. Out of the corner of his eye, David could see out the window, his brother and his friend, Lex, from next door, with some of their fishing paraphernalia.

"Well, sounds like your brother just solved your problem." John teased his son, winking at him sexily. "For the moment at least 3; if you hurry 3; depends on if the fish are biting 3;" David rolled his eyes at his father's obscene suggestion, like he should run back to his room, lock the door, get naked and jack himself off as fast as he could in what little privacy he had for the moment. Except for the fact that he had a raging hard-on, he might have laughed the idea off as the joke his father intended it to be. But actually, he wanted to do just that, and this somehow made the attempt at humor fall strangely flat.

"You DO got a hard-on don't you?"

John knew his son well enough to know the boy was quite easily aroused sexually. He knew how easily it could happen to HIM, and David was HIS son. David didn't have to answer, his face gave him away.

"Need me to show you how?" He volunteered jokingly. "Cause this sure has given ME quite a boner."

David smiled shyly, shaking his head, struggling to find his feet a he got up from the table. He was unsure exactly WHAT he was going to do, but he realized that there was no way he was going to hide from his father the fact that he now had a monstrous hard-on and that it was going to show the instant he got up.

"Go ahead, enjoy yourself, I'll let ya know if Scotty comes back."

His father joked as he eyed the bulge in David's shorts passing just a few inches in front of him. David went back to his room and closed the door, though he didn't hear it latch. He flopped back on his unmade bed, his legs hanging out over the edge, his bare feet resting on the floor. He raised his hands over his head and stared vacantly up at the ceiling texture he knew so well over their be. Inside his briefs and his shorts, his hard, throbbing, young boy-cock ached painfully, seeking release from the confines of his crotch and for some of the naked, sexual pleasure he'd only just managed to taste for the first time the night before. What the fuck, his dad said it was okay, in one sudden movement, David hoisted his hips from the bed and slipped off both his shorts and briefs in one slick move, instantly becoming completely naked. His cock sprung up like a radio antenna that had been bent back for too long. He could almost here it go, BOING! He looked down at himself, propping himself up on both elbows, staring at his hard, throbbing, young boy-cock. It seemed bigger than he'd ever noticed before. It had a pinkish head and just the tiniest bit of pale fuzz around the base. His tiny testicles were totally hairless, resting comfortably between his slightly spread thighs. It was quite an impressive cock for a boy his age. In the showers at school, he'd seen bigger, but most boys his age were smaller than him. Resting on one elbow, he couldn't resist reaching down and touching it 3; not stroking it 3; not yet 3; but just holding it, feeling it, kind of fondling it, getting a feel for what it was like to have a hard, stiff, young boy-cock. Just as he had last night, he was feeling feelings now that pleaded with him to feed them, to get on with it, to stop playing around, to take his cock in hand and lead it to that screaming moment of pounding sexual pleasure just like he'd felt before.

He reached behind him and grabbed a big pillow, leaning up against it, half reclining now so he could better see and reach that soaring miracle of naked boy-flesh heaving up before him now. He felt the fingers of his right hand close around it, felt its hardness, its mass, its power. He began to stroke himself, slowly, gently, softly, wanting to feel the pleasure slowly building up from deep inside himself. He could feel it. He had no trouble doing that. He could feel the aching, the kind of ticklish sensation, kind of an itch he could only scratch by jacking his cock, jacking it a little harder, feeling the pleasure a little more intensely, jacking it, jacking himself, jacking himself off, feeling the feeling stronger and stronger, harder and faster, jacking his cock, jacking his cock, doing it, doing it, really hard, his hand, his arm, no longer a part of him, but a separate entity, stroking him, giving him pleasure, deep, deep, powerful, aching, sexual pleasure, growing, growing, itching to be scratched, tingling within him, closer and closer he could feel it, creeping up on him as he jacked his cock.

It was happening again. It was GOING to happen again. There was no stopping it now. He was past the point of no return, he was running on automatic, his cock throbbing, pulsating in his hand, his entire naked, young, boy-body growing as stiff as his cock, heaving, thrusting, pumping, trembling, quivering, his balls drawing up, his orgasm already eating at him, pushing him, closer and closer,

"Oh GODDDDDDDDD!!!!" he cried.

The white stuff suddenly exploded from his cock. Seeing it happen in broad daylight was somehow the sexiest, most erotic sight he'd ever seen in his life, his own cock, like his dad's, erupting, squirting sperm high into the air, like a geyser!


David screamed out his pleasure, completely uninhibited this time in feeling and expressing every ounce of naked sexual ecstasy his slender, young fourteen-year-old boy-body was capable of giving him. It was even better than last night. It hit him hard. The feeling was jolting him, spurt after spurt covering him with his syrupy sweet semen. He was drowning in the feeling, in the pleasure, his mind melting into his cock, each tremor of orgasmic bliss seemingly more powerful than the one before.


John Logan nudged his son's bedroom door open with his bare foot. "You gonna be okay?" he asked the boy.

David jolted upright, the fell back instantly, startled, incensed that his father had once more been spying on him, but then, the next moment, not caring. He was too drained to care about anything but the lingering feelings of sexual pleasure still coursing through his veins, numbing him to anything but the acute feeling of aching beauty emanating from his cock.

"Shut the door," he told his father, seeking to wallow in the sexual beauty of the moment alone. He heard the door shut and latch, except that instead of privacy, he looked up and saw his father towering over him, still clad in the white terry robe he'd worn before, and beneath that, he was completely naked. He felt his father sit down on the edge of his bed, next to his naked, spent, young boy-body.

"You shot a lot." John commented, not caring if his son wanted to be alone in his naked, sexual reverie. From the pocket of his robe, he took out a cloth handkerchief and began mopping up the cum puddled here and there over his son's thin, naked abdomen. There was cum still looping down in a microscopically thin string from the tip of David's cock to his delicately-slender, little belly. It was a beautiful sight to see, a work of art, still pulsating in pleasure.

"You don't mind if I kind of clean up the mess do you?" John asked belatedly.

If he HAD minded, David hadn't the will to object. All he wanted to do was drift off into some sexual oblivion and waste himself in sleep.

"I wasn't spying on you 3; not his time." John told his son. "I came in AFTER I heard you cum," he smiled. "I see why you're worried about Scotty," he sympathized with the boy. "I was even getting a little concerned about the NEIGHBORS," he joked.

"I'm sorry, guess I kinda got carried away," David sighed as he felt his father delicately clean the cum from his tiny, thin heaving belly. He wondered if he'd stop there or wipe it off his COCK too.

"You were right, you're going to have trouble hiding your new sexual lifestyle from your little brother." John noted as he gazed down into his son's beautiful, green, trusting eyes.

David didn't want to think about it 3; not now 3; he couldn't think about ANYTHING but the feeling 3; the feeling he'd felt 3; the feeling he was STILL feeling, the feeling that gripped him, even now, deep inside him, aching, itching, still wanting more.

"You given any thought as to what you're gonna say 3; or DO 3; when he finds out?" John asked the boy, still drinking in his naked sexual beauty, struggling hard not to reach out and devour every inch of his lovely young son with his arms, his lips, his own naked body.

He didn't need this. He didn't WANT this. He couldn't STAND this. He could no more think about Scotty right now than he could tell his dad to get the fuck out. He wasn't put together that way. He loved his father 3; .even his GAY father 3; even this new tact, this bonding his father insisted upon doing, based upon the similarities of their newfound sexual feelings. But it didn't take a rocket scientist to realize his father was pushing it. Before it had been Travis 3; his Uncle Travis 3; sixteen years old. Now, as much as he hated to admit it, this time it was HIM lying out completely and utterly naked, exposed, and completely vulnerable. He wondered if his uncle had struggled with the same feelings the first time his dad had come on to HIM.

Chapter 3

"What are you gonna do to me?" David looked up trustingly at his father, sitting next to his lithe, lean, slender, young, boy-body lying out completely naked on the bed.

"Do to you?" David's father smiled, gazing down at his son's cum-coated, semi-hard cock resting gently against the smooth, hairless whiteness of the boy's thin, naked loins. "What makes you think I want to DO something to you?"

"Is this the way it started with Uncle Travis?" David asked softly, unsure if he wanted to know the answer of not.

"No, as a matter of fact it's not." John told his son. "What, you think I go around looking for beautiful young boys like yourself and seducing them?"

David shrugged. "I don't know."

"What happened between your Uncle Travis and me 3;" John considered telling the boy it was none of his damn business, but then relented. "It was more of an accident 3; well 3; not a real accident as in accidental, but 3; a matter of circumstances 3; something neither one of us thought would happen but 3;"

"Did you suck his cock?" David asked bluntly.

"As I said before 3; Travis was young 3; sixteen I think at the time 3; I think he knew 3; or suspected I was gay 3; he'd certainly been having 3; homosexual feelings himself for some time." John decided to tell his son the whole story. "He'd had a crush on this friend of his at school 3; I forget his name 3; whatever the case, he's arranged for this friend to sleep over and 3; well, Travis had 3; come out to him 3; you know what that means?"

"No," David shook his head innocently, gazing up at his father.

"It's like this morning 3; I came out to you 3; told you I was gay." John explained to the lovely young boy lying out completely naked next to him. "Except this boy didn't take it as well as you did 3; called Travis a queer 3; Travis made him promise not to tell anyone else but 3; they never were friends again. Travis was devastated. The next morning he came over here. Your mom had gone to work 3; you two were at school 3; I was in the shower."

"Did he come on to you?" David asked, wanting his father to simplify the story, cut to the chase.

"No." John continued. "He was just standing in there, I hadn't heard him come in. When I stepped out of the shower, he was just standing there, looking at me. He never moved 3; I dried off, wrapped a towel around me 3; we sat down in the kitchen over a cup of coffee."

David sat up on one elbow, waiting for his dad to go on, having no idea how incredibly seductive he looked to his father.

John swallowed hard and went on. "We talked 3; he told me about his friend, told me he might be gay. I didn't say much, just listened, all the time I was getting one hell of a harrdon just LOOKING at him 3; your Uncle Travis was 3; well 3; still IS a very attractive young man 3; as a young boy of sixteen, he was 3; god, delicious looking."

"Am I delicious, dad?" David asked softly, gazing down over his slender, naked, young boy-body.

John drank in his son's exquisite, sexual beauty. He smiled. "Yes, I guess you could say that," he told the boy in all seriousness.

"Did you tell Uncle Travis you were gay too?" David asked, wide-eyed with interest.

"Somewhere along the line, yes, I suppose I did." John admitted, though for the life of him he couldn't really recall having done so.

"What'd he say?" David asked anxiously. "Did he want to go to bed with you?"

"No." John smiled. "He asked if HE could take a shower too." John recalled. "I was a little surprised by the request but said, sure, okay. He went in, took off his clothes 3; I started making the bed as I recall 3; it wasn't much of a shower, in and out, just a few seconds more or less 3; next thing I know, he's standing there, completely naked, his cock pointing straight up, staring at me."

"Wow!" David gasped. This was better than anything he could have made up in his mind.

"Yeah, I guess that was kinda MY reaction too." John smiled down at his son, already starting to get another hard-on. "We didn't say much 3; I don't think he knew exactly WHAT to say, and I sure as hell didn't." John explained. It was obvious the shower thing was just a ruse for him to get naked. I took one look at him and got a hard-on 3; the towel around my waist musta fell off because of it 3; all I remember is that we were both standing there, completely naked, the half-made bed between us, both our cocks jutting up, hard as rocks.

"What happened next?" David asked, his cock throbbing, pointing straight toward is navel.

"Well, I think I asked him, you sure you want this 3; want this to happen." John went on. "He nodded and knelt 3; kind of crawled upright halfway across the bed. I met him in the middle and took him in my arms. We kissed."

"Dad, your cock's sticking out," David teased his father. There was more than a small gap in his father's robe.

"So's yours." John teased back.

"Go on, don't stop now," David egged him on.

"Well, we kissed, we layed down on the bed together, we held one another, felt our cocks naked and hard against one another between us, we kissed some more 3;" John gave his son a synopsis rather than a 'blow by blow' account.

"Mind if I jack off again while you tell the story," David asked impishly, his hand already stroking his stiff, young, boy-cock.

"You horny little fucker." John smiled down at his son, lying out naked on the bed, masturbating himself. "Well, I guess to make a long story short, we were both so turned on, I forget, which of us shot first 3; I jacked him off I think, then he did it to me, I forget, we both shot MASSIVE amounts of cum that morning 3; I think I taught him how to suck me 3; I know I remember sucking HIM off once or twice 3; god, you're inept, how the fuck you ever cum jacking off like that?" John asked his son, watching the boy holding his hard young cock in three fingers. "Here, let me show you 3; hold it in your whole fist like this." John closed the boy's entire hand around his cock, holding it, stroking with the boy up and down a few times. "There, doesn't that feel better."

"Would you do me like you did Uncle Travis 3; jack me off?" David dared to ask now that his father had broken the ice, all but touched his cock. David removed his hand and instantly felt his father's warm, loving grip replace his one.

"David 3; you realize 3; you realize what's happening 3; what we're doing here?" John asked, unsure the boy had any idea what he was getting into.

"Wha'dya mean?" David asked innocently. "Oh, mannnn, feels good the way you do it."

"Mmmm 3; thanks 3; what I mean is 3; I'm 3; I'm your father 3; I'm jacking you off 3; I'm gonna make you cum 3; doesn't that bother you?"

"Did it bother Uncle Travis?" David asked pointedly.

"Well, no, but 3; we were like 3; like brothers 3; brothers-in-law really, it wasn't like I was 3; I was his 3;" John choked up at the impact, not to mention the sexual beauty of what was happening between them, the boy lying out naked beside him in the bed, letting him stroke his cock, feeling that cock, rock hard, sliding up and down in his fist, pre-cum oozing out all over the place, lubricating it.

"His dad?" David asked, starting to move his tiny, thin, naked hips, fucking his cock into his father's fist now, anxious to feel even more naked, sexual pleasure.

"Yeah 3; ohhh, god, David 3; David, you're so 3; so beautiful, I can't believe 3;" The intensity of sexual feeling between himself and his son was almost too much for him.

"You gonna make me cum?" David asked, eyeing his father hopefully.

"You close?" John asked in return.

"Yeah," David replied, though in fact, he'd had so little experience with sex he really had no idea just how close he was. He felt his father begin stroking him a little harder, more firmly than before, a little faster too.

"Do it, David." John breathed as his hand worked at masturbating his son's cock. "I want it to happen to you 3; I wanna see you cum 3; see you cum hard, just once 3; just this one time."

"Feels good, dad," David smiled up at his father. "Keep doin it to me like that, feels good."

John smiled back. "You like this do you boy?" He stroked a bit harder. "Like this feeling, like this feeling your dad's givin' your cock, like how good it feels, like how good I'm makin' your cock feel right now 3; ohhh, god, you got such a nice cock, nice hard, beautiful cock, David, feels so good in my hand 3; yeah, yeah, feel it, boy, feel the feeling, feel how good it feels to have your dad jack your cock off, feel the pleasure, feel it, really fuckin' feel it, son, feel it building up, feel yourself getting closer, closer and closer, the feeling's really gettin' to you ain't it boy, I can tell, I can tell by the look on your sweet face, you're gonna cum any second 3; gettin' you close, closer and closer, closer and closer and closer and 3;"

"Ohhh, dad, I'm gonna CUMMMMMMM 3;!" David suddenly let loose without much warning, his cock dislodging it's first, massive spurt several inches into the thick, musty air enshrouding his sexual pleasure.

"Ohhh, yeah, yeah, yeah, son, NICE one, nice shot 3; oooo AGAIN! Whoa, boy, you really shoot hard, just like me, yeah, ohhh yeah, MORE, god, what a load, boy, I can't believe 3; and you already shot once this morning 3;" John congratulated his son on his prodigious sexual output. "Ohh yeah, yeah, that's it, boy, feels good don't it, feels good to shoot your cum like this, oh yeah, more, give me more, give me one good shot more, boy, cum on, cum on, jacking your cock, gonna get one more glob 3; OHHHHHHH YES, I knew you could do it, OHHH GOD, YES, YES, YES, SOOOO GOOD, SON, so good, soo beautiful 3; yes, makin' you feel it sooo good, sooo hard, oh, yeah, David, feel it, really fuckin' feeeeeell it, feel the pleasure, feel the feeling of shooting your cum so hard like this, again and again and again." John sighed softly oozing the sweet, succulent, young boy-juice from the tip of his young son's turgid hot cock.

"Ohh, dad, dad, dad, do it to me, man, jack me off, jack me off, make me cum, make me cum, keep makin' me cum, man, do it to me, keep doin' it to me, don't stop, don't stop, don't ever stop, dad, feels so good, feels sooo fuckin' goood, ahghehhh god, the feeling, the feeling you're givin' my cock 3; ahhhhe god, ahhahehhhhh goddddddddd!!!" David lost himself in the ejaculating pleasure his father was bestowing upon his tired, trembling, little boy body.

"I know, I know, I can't believe it either." John sighed as he shrugged the robe off his shoulders and lay down next to his son, feeling the boy's soft, smooth, firm, naked boyflesh against his own for the first time in his life. "It's the most powerful, the most beautiful feeling in the world when ya cum. I've been cumming for twenty years and I never get over the feeling," he murmured softly against his son's lips, not kissing the boy, but whispering, kind of breathing the words between his lips.

David kissed him. "I love you," he whispered softly. He didn't care what the words meant. He didn't even want to THINK about how he meant them. It just seemed like what he should say, his father holding him naked 3; BOTH of them naked, he realized. Now he realized why his Uncle Travis had wanted to be naked with his father. It seemed so right, so natural. He felt the incredible, sexual warmth of his father, holding him, kissing him now, bonding with him like more than a father and a son.

"Ohhh, god, David 3;"

Upon hearing his son's words, regardless of how he meant them, John threw himself on the boy, kissing him hard, ravishing his tiny, sweet, delicate lips with kisses only a man could give another man 3; or boy in this case, startling himself even at the wanton pleasure of the moment. He felt his cock against his son's bare leg. He couldn't stop, he was rubbing it against the boy, fucking his tiny, thin, naked body, using him, struggling desperately to shoot his own cum, just as he'd made his son do, feeling the pleasure, feeling it mount, welling up within him, more and more intense, more and more demanding, more and more pleasurable, aching, pulsating, jolting him 3;


John screamed out as his pleasure skyrocketed past anything he could ever remember feeling with anyone else in his life 3; Travis, Trish, no one had ever given him such naked sexual pleasure. David was a bit startled by it all. He'd been aware his father was rubbing his cock against his leg but the fact that his father should have an orgasm too, shook him a little.

"You shootin' too?" he asked a bit dumbly.

"Ohh, god, yes, David, OOOHHH YESSS 3; YESSSS 3; YESSS 3;" John got off several more hard, pounding spurts, whitewashing his son's slender, bare leg with his sexual juices, his cock humping the boy's slender, little naked body mercilessly.

"Feel good?" David asked impishly.

"Yeah 3; I 3; I guess you could say that." John smiled down at his mischievous, naked, little boy, kissing him one more time. "Like you had to ask."

"We shot our cum together," David whispered, the realization of what they'd just done coming to rest in his brain by now, not just in his cock.

"Right 3; pretty wild, huh?" John hoped not to get into any kind of guilt trip about incest or anything. He wasn't ready for that kind of pressure. All he wanted to do right now was to just hold his naked, young son in his naked arms and kiss him and love him forever. "We kinda got cum all over the place."

David broke free of his father's embrace and surveyed the rather messy situation.

"We'll change the sheets."

John pulled the boy back down into his arms playfully, kissing him again.

"Fuck the sheet, feels more like I need a shower," he sat up once again.

"You and Uncle Travis ever shower together?" David asked impulsively.

"God, you're a nosy little fucker." John managed to struggle upright in the bed beside his son.

"Did you?" David insisted.

"I suppose 3; why, you wanna shower together?" he guessed.

"Can we!?" David asked excitedly.

"God, David you're moving awfully fast with this." John struggled with his misgivings about what he was doing to his son.

"With what?" David asked innocently.

"Sex." John replied in a single word.

"You said it was okay to jack off, right?" David questioned anxiously.

"Well, yet, but I hadn't anticipated starting a masturbation service at the time." John joked. "Come on, you wanna shower with the old man, I guess after what we've just done, it's the LEAST we can do 3; one more intimacy down the tubes."

"Huh?" David had no idea what his father was talking about as he followed the naked man next door to the bathroom. God, his father had a great body!

"Get some towels, I fix the water." John told the exquisitely naked young boy following him around like a little puppy-dog. "Just think how much water we'll be saving."

"You won't tell Scotty will you?" David worried as he layed out two enormous white towels on the hamper.

John laughed out loud. "No 3; god, no 3; come on, stud-puppy, get your horny little ass in here." John all but dragged his fourteen-year-old son in to the roomy glass stall, then closed the door. "I don't wanna have to mop the bathroom."

"God, this feels weird, being naked in the shower with my dad," David giggled as he felt his father's hands, seemingly all over him, lathering up his naked young boy-body. He instantly got another hard-on. So did his dad.

"Look what you did, fucker, went and got me hard again." John complained as he felt his son's hands on his cock, soaping it up, fondling it endlessly.

"Man, you're fuckin' HUGE," David sighed as he felt the incredible power of his dad's cock and balls filling both his hands and then some.

"Hey, be careful there, you'll make me cum again." John joked as what David was doing to him ceased being good, clean fun and began to feel like sexual arousal.

"God, I hope I have a cock like this some day," David sighed as he began consciously masturbating his father's soapy, hard, man-cock.

"You little fucker, you're TRYING to make me cum!" John suddenly realized the boy wasn't just playing around.

"Can you shoot again?" David asked, his practiced stroke much like what his father had shown him.

"Can I?" John laughed. "Shit, boy, what you're doin' to me, I'm gonna FLOOD the place any second!"

"Really, feels good?" David was a bit startled to realize he could GIVE sexual pleasure as easily as he could RECEIVE it from his father.

"God, you're naive." John sighed. "Boy, you start fooling with a man's cock like that and you're gonna get a flood of cum so fast 3;"

"Do it," David ordered. "Do it, I wanna see YOU cum this time 3; like before, when you jacked me off 3; I wanna see YOU cum this time."

"My god, you're a horny little bastard!" John willed himself to feel as much sexual pleasure as he could from the boy's now slightly less inept pleasure strokes.

"Give me your cum," David pleaded, now pumping his father with strong, firm, full, deliberate strokes, feeling the cock in his hand pulsate, faster and harder, knowing instinctively he was getting him close. "Cum on, do it, Dad, shoot your cum, shoot your cum, man, give it to me, give me your cum, cum on, cum on, you can do it, dad, you can do it, cum on, my arm's gettin' tired, shoot it, shoot it, yes, cum on, feel it 3; feel how good I'm makin' YOUR cock feel this time," David echoed some of the words that had so fiercely turned him on a few minutes before, hoping the same words would help get his father off.

"I'm feeling it." John breathed, leaning back against the shower wall, thrusting forward his powerful, muscular hips, narrow hips, groomed for fucking, a naked body groomed for sex, lean, hard, slender, a thin waist, washboard abs, broad shoulders, firm pecs, not massive, but well-defined. "Do it to me, son, jack me off, baby, jack me off, make me cum, make me shoot my cum, boy, cum on, yeah, oh yeah, yeah, yeah, feels good, boy, do it, to me, keep doin' it to me, man, you're gonna get me off, you're gonna make me cum, yeah, oh, yeahh, oh fuckin' YEAH, boy, ohh god, feels good, feels good, ohh yeah, jack that fucker, son, jack that fuckin' cock, man, jack that big, hard, fuckin' MAN-cock boy, oh yeah, more, more, harder, faster, ohh god, David, gettin' to me, man, gettin' me close 3; ohh god, soo close, so close, soo fuckin' close, David, I'm goonna cum, I'm gonna fuckin' cum, David, make me cum, make me cum, don't stop, jack me, baby, jack that fuckin cock 3; .here it cums 3; here it CUMS 3; NOW 3; AHGEHHOEIHOIH GOD NOW, GHEOIHIOEHO GOD, CUMMING, DAVID, CUMMING, DAVID, JACK MY COCK, JACK ME OFF, DAVID, JACK ME OFF, JACK ME OFF, KEEP JACKING ME 3; AGHEOAIEIOIEOHEOHOIG GOD, FEELS GOOD, FEELS GOOD, FEELS SOO FUCKIN' GOOD, DAVID, AHGHEOIHOEIH GOD, THE FEELING, THE FEELING, YOU JACKIN' MY COCK, JACKIN' MY COCK, EHGIOEHAOIEHORI GOD, GOD, GODDDDDDDdddddddd 3;"


David cried in surprise as the massive amounts of cum his father was capable of unloading.

"Ohhh, god, David, David, David, I love you, I love you, I love you sooo much." John pulled the naked, wet soapy body of his beautiful, young son into his arms tightly, kissing him, hugging him, loving him endlessly, his cock still oozing out the evidence of that love between David's legs. He could feel the boy's own cock pressing up tightly against him now, moving against him. The boy was fucking him with is cock, trying to get off again himself. John returned the thrusts, one for one, helping the boy, knowing how much he needed to cum again.

"Ohh, dad, I'm gonna cum again, I think I'm gonna cum again," David moaned between his father's kisses as the two of them made love again, fucking in the shower.

"Yes, do it, do it, son, cum again, do it, shoot your cum again, I want you to, I want you to cum again, I want you to cum a MILLION TIMES, David, feeling more and more naked sexual pleasure each time you cum, David, yes, fuck me, David, fuck me with your cock, feel how good it feels to fuck your old man with that huge, hard, fuckin' cock you got jutting up from between your legs, boy, yes, yes, feeling it, feeling it, feeling the feeling, cum on, David, shoot it again, shoot your cum again, again, again 3;"

"Help me, dad, help me, fuck me, make me cum, I wanna cum again, ohh god, I wanna cum again, soo bad, dad, soo bad, I wanna shoot, it, man, I wanna cum with you again, again and again, ahhehhhoeooeoh god, dad feels sooo good cumming with you, fuckin' youi like this 3; ohahhh god, gonna make me cum dad, gonna make me cum, make me cum, make me 3; FUCKIN' CUMMMMMM 3; .FUCKIN' CUMMM 3; AGHEHHOIEHO GOD, DAD, FUCKIN' CUMMIN', FUCKIN' CUMMING, AHGEOIIHOIHOI GOD, CUMMIN', CUMMIN' CUMMIN'"


"Oh, god, dad 3; that 3; that was 3; whew, that was 3;" David couldn't even THINK, much less express the powerful forces jarring him, twisting him, aching within him.

"Don't talk 3; don't try to say anything 3; just hold me 3; feel me 3; .enjoy me 3; let ME enjoy you 3; sooo beautiful, the feeling 3; .ohhh god, soooo beautiful."

Chapter 4

Inspite of the way it had started, once David and his father roused themselves from their naked, sexual pleasure in the shower, the rest of the day was surprisingly mundane. David had spent most of it mowing the lawn, then he and Scott had cleaned the pool, dipping out all the cut grass they'd blown into it, before swimming in the hot summer evening. It was hard for David to grasp how much had changed and yet how 'normal' everything seemed to be. Lunch had been normal, so had dinner.

That night, Scotty had played with a Sega-Genesis game while their father worked on a presentation he had to make the next day. He was an architect and had an office, but he only went in once or twice a week. The rest of the time he worked out of his home office. David liked to tell his friends his father specialized in designing houses for rich people. David had spent the night reading and chatting with some friends on the internet. Both he and his brother were still up when their dad stuck his head in the door of their room about eleven and told them goodnight. David noticed with some amusement that this time his door was shut tight. He wondered if it was locked but hadn't the nerve to try it to see.

It was almost midnight when Scotty turned off the TV and his game outfit, then headed for the bathroom for a shower. When he came back, naked, without so much as a towel draped around his slender, little, boy-body, David was already in bed. He was naked too, as usual, but had taken pains to pull the sheet and blanket up over his nakedness even though Scotty knew he always slept naked and Scotty was naked as well, and not the least bit modest about the fact. Scotty seemed to DELIGHT in not only BEING naked but actually FLAUNTING it. David thought sometimes, the kid was probably BORN naked.

"Turn the light off," David reminded his little brother as Scotty started to get into bed on the right. David always slept on the left, his brother on the right. They'd done so since either of them could remember.

"How come it's always ME, has to turn out the light?" Scotty complained.

"Cause you're always the last one in bed," David reminded him.

Scotty turned off the light, then nearly tripped over one of his shoes on the way back to the bed in the semi-darkness. A streetlight outside cast a bluish glow in through the window. Tonight there was also a full moon which further lit up the room.

"Damn, wish you'd pick up your fuckin' shoes!" He complained, inspite of the fact it was HIS shoe he'd tripped over.

"If dad hears you talkin' like that, it'll be HIS shoe up your ASS!" David warned his little brother.

"Up your's!" Scotty shot back.

Usually the boys got along pretty well, but occasionally they tended to get on one another's nerves, at which times things sometimes got a little obscene.

"When you get one big enough," David rolled over on his side, his back to Scotty, seeking closure to their little verbal joust.

"Fuck off," Scotty replied, rolling to the far edge of his side of the bed, his back also to David.

"You volunteering?" David couldn't let him have the last word.

"Huh?" Scotty rolled over on his back, looking at David strangely, wondering what he'd meant.

"Never mind." It didn't bear repeating in the first place and it'd been a dumb think to say anyway.

"Go to sleep. Goodnight."

Scotty grunted something in return, then rolled back over and went to sleep. David didn't go to sleep though. He couldn't. After what had happened to him during the last twenty-four hours, no matter how many lawns he'd mowed or how many pools he'd cleaned that day, the only thing he could think about was the feeling. It filled his mind, practically his every waking thought, all day long. The feeling, how good it had felt, how could it FEEL so good, how much he wanted to feel it again, how good his dad had made his cock feel when he'd jacked him off, not once but TWICE, once in bed, once in the shower. Ohhhh, god, it had been soo 3; soo intense 3; felt sooo gooood. His cock was hard again 3; hell, it'd hardly been soft all day. Inspite of the number of times he'd shot his cum, it was STILL hard 3; wanting more 3; stiff, upright, aching for pleasure. David rolled over onto his back, reaching down, touching himself down there, feeling how hard he was, playing silently with his balls, rolling them around with his fingers, amazed at their size and how much cum they'd poured out the three or four times he'd cum 3; FOUR times 3; he'd cum four times now 3; he realized to his amusement that he was actually keeping track of how many times he'd ever cum.

He wondered how long he could keep track of his cums. He wondered if any other boys bothered to keep track. He wondered if it was worth the bother. He wondered if he jacked off now if Scotty would hear him, or feel the waterbed move. He wondered just how much noise and physical movement he could get away before the exertion would wake his little brother.

David listened careful, hoping to hear the steady, soft breathing that told him Scotty was asleep. He could hear his brother breathing but it didn't sound like when he was asleep. Having slept with his little brother for so many years, they knew each other pretty well 3; their sleep habits, the sounds they made in their sleep, the sound they made when the WERE asleep. It was like they were more than just brothers 3; almost like TWINS. Lightly, David began fondling his cock, feeling the first twinges of sexual pleasure when he did, then stroking it, gently, carefully, slowly, scared to death he'd wake his brother by jacking off.

Scotty made no moves. He wasn't asleep though, not really. He was drowsy but still conscious. He was conscious when he felt David kick off the sheet and blanket, conscious that his older brother was lying out completely naked on his back in the bed beside him. It wasn't really HOT in the room. He wanted to go to sleep. He was tired. Fishing was hard work, especially the way his friend, Lex VanDyne did it, constantly insisting on changing spots every five minutes. He liked Lex though 3; liked him a lot. He was his very best friend and they were together all the time it seemed. They were the same age almost. Lex was a month or so younger than him but to see them together, Lex actually looked a little older. He was blond, had a cute face, was as little taller than he was, and seemed a little more slender as a result. Otherwise, they were pretty much alike 3; even their cocks were the same size, though Scott had never seen Lex hard, so it was difficult to say whether they were REALLY the same size when it counted. Why couldn't he go to sleep? He was trying hard. He tried to blank out his mind, thinking of absolutely nothing. It didn't work. Gradually, he became aware that the bed was shaking. At first he thought it was just his imagination, or his heart beating, or maybe David breathing, but the more he tried to go to sleep, the more he concentrated on it, the more he realized it WASN'T his imagination. It was David. He tried to ignore it. What the hell was he doing? He tried harder to go to sleep. He became angry, first with himself for not being able to go to sleep, then with David for keeping him awake. Suddenly, he could take it no longer. He rolled over.

"What the hell you doing, calisthenics?"

"Oh, god, you scared the shit outta me," David gasped, caught red-handed, his cock in his hand, stroking himself.

"What the fuck you doin?" Scotty asked once again.

"Go to sleep," David ordered, not moving.

"My god, you gotta hard-on," Scotty laughed, realizing for the first time David had his fist wrapped firmly around his cock.

"What the fuck ya doin?" He repeated. David was silent this time, realizing that Scotty was on to him and that no amount of excuses or getting pissed off at him would stop the questions.

"Masturbating," he told his brother finally.

"Oh," Scotty said, having never heard the term before. He then rolled back over and tried to go to sleep again. After a moment, he rolled back over, facing David, who was now lying out naked and very still, his cock still hard, but he was no longer holding it.

"What's masticating?"

David almost laughed. "That's when you chew something."

"Oh," Scotty pondered that for a moment. "Whatcha chewin'?"

This time David DID laugh. "Ok, fuckhead, I'm jackin' off, that any of your business, now go back to sleep."

"What's jackin' off?" Scotty asked immediately this time.

"It's strokin' my cock 3; like this 3;" David gave him a quick demonstrating of half dozen or so strokes.

"Why?" Scotty asked innocently.

"Cause it feels good," David told him frankly.

"It does?" Scotty reached down and rubbed his own cock a couple times. He wasn't even hard.

"You're too young to feel anything," David laughed. "Besides, ya gotta have a hard-on anyway."

"How do ya get it hard?" Scotty asked. He'd had a hard-on before but he'd never considered he could MAKE his cock hard on his own.

"My god, don't you fuckin' know ANYTHING?" David laughed. "Ya stroke it, makes it hard."

"Really?" Scotty started playing with his cock.

David rolled his eyes. Now he'd NEVER get his brother to go back to sleep. His hand began to mechanically play with his OWN cock. He wasn't even conscious he was doing it to himself again.

"You're RIGHT! It's gettin' hard, but it don't feel no different," Scotty reported.

David realized suddenly he'd created a monster. "Forget it," he tried to undo what he'd done. He rolled over on his side again, feigning sleep.

"How do ya make it feel good?" Scotty ineptly played with his cock. Having gotten it hard, he had no idea what to do next. "Show me how YOU do it," he insisted, reaching out, rolling his naked older brother back over onto his back. "Show me how to jack off."

David was torn between ignoring him, getting pissed off and telling the little fucker he'd beat the shit outta him if he didn't go back to sleep, or rising to the challenge and actually SHOWING him. Heaving a deep sigh, and wanting more than anything else just to finish what he'd started in the first place, David relented. "Look, ya grab your cock like this and you take some of the juice that comes out and ya use it to slick down your cock so it slides up and down through your hand like this," he began a steady, up and down rythmn.

"How long ya gotta do it before it starts feelin' good," Scotty asked as he tried quite ineffectively to do as David instructed.

"Ya do it 'til ya shoot your cum," David told him.

"Cum?" Scotty asked blankly.

David wished now he'd chosen some other course of action. How the hell was he going to shoot his if all he could do was answer his brother's stupid questions. "You're probably too young to shoot," he told him. "So shut the fuck up and go back to sleep."

"How old ya gotta be?" Scotty asked question number 21 or so.

"How the hell should I know, older'n you anyway," he told his brother.

"Do you shoot?" Scotty asked.

"Of course I shoot," David replied indignantly, not getting much pleasure from his own cock since his little brother was making it so damn hard to concentrate.

"Show me," Scotty challenged him.

"What?" David stopped dead in his tracks. He'd not been expecting Scotty to demand proof.

"Show me how you cum 3; shoot some for me, let me see you cum," Scotty pressed him.

"I can't jack off with someone watchin' me," David countered. Actually, he'd never really TRIED jacking off with someone watching him 3; not that he'd KNOWN about anyway. His father peeking in the other night didn't count because he didn't KNOW about it at the time.

"You probably can't shoot either," Scotty laughed.

"Ok, punk, you asked for it 3;" David started wildly jacking his cock, pumping the hell outta it, not feeling much, but knowing if he pumped it long enough and hard enough, something was bound to happen. Something happened alright. His arm got tired. His cock, on the other hand, while giving him a few twinges of sexual pleasure, didn't seem to be quite in the mood to deliver much more. He worked valiantly but had to stop after a couple minutes.

"What's wrong?" Scotty asked anxiously.

"I'm tired," David admitted. "See, I told you I couldn't cum if someone was watching me," he added angrily. Actually he wasn't sure if he were madder at his little brother or his own naked body for not responding adequately when called upon. Scotty tried doing to his own cock what he'd seen David do to his.

"You're right, your arm gets tired." His arm rested, David sighed and resumed a slower stroke, waiting for the feelings of naked sexual pleasure to start to kick in.

"Do it slower," He told his brother.

Scotty had stopped doing it at all, now more fascinated by watching than participating. It was weird, lying there completely naked with his older brother, both of them with hard-ons, playing with their cocks. It made him vaguely uncomfortable, yet the curiosity of it all was overwhelming.

"It feeling good yet?"

"Sorta," David admitted to himself, if not Scotty, that his orgasm was a long way off. He tried to picture in his mind, him and his father, naked together in the shower, jacking their cocks, making each other cum. It helped. He felt his cock get harder in his jacking fist.

"God, my arm aches," Scotty complained. "How's it feeling now?"

"Mine too," David joked.

"No, your cock, how's your COCK feel?" Scotty laughed.

"Feels pretty good," David told him. Actually, he was starting to feel something though it wasn't all that intense, just a sort of vague, achy feeling deep down at the base of his cock.

"Tell me when ya cum," Scotty reminded him. "What's cum look like?"

"Kinda thick, whitish 3; like 3; a little like Elmer's Glue," David told him for lack of a better comparison.

"Gross," Scotty wrinkled up his cute little nose, but seemed no less avidly interested.

"Startin' to feel pretty good," David exaggerated a little. It definitely WAS feeling something now, but it was still pretty mild. He kept a steady, up and down pace with the pre-cum starting to lubricate his stroke pretty well by now. He wished he had some soap like he'd used with his dad's cock.

"What's it feel like?" Scotty asked naively, his eyes now glued to David's soaring, hard, boy-cock in the half-light coming in the window.

"Like 3; god, I don't know 3; feels great 3; better than 3; than anything 3; better than anything ya ever felt before 3; in your entire life 3; better than anything." David struggled for words, even though the pleasure in his groin was now more definite and should have made his description easier and more vivid.

"Ya gonna make it shoot this time?" Scotty asked anxiously.

"Yeah, I think so." David tried not to rush, letting the feeling of naked, sexual pleasure rise inside him on its own, knowing he couldn't force it as he'd tried to do before.

"You got a nice, big cock," Scotty complimented him, his eyes still glued to it and the jacking fist encircling it.

"Thanks, yours is pretty big too," David politely returned the compliment, though Scotty at best could muster barely four inches [10 cm] as compared to his nearly SIX [15 cm].

"I figure I'll be as big as you when I'm 14," Scotty estimated. "God, ain't your arm gettin' tired again?"

"Yeah, a little 3; it's easier when ya don't go so fast," David explained the value of letting nature take its course. He liked being a big brother sometimes.

"Oh," Scotty was anxiously drinking it all in. "When ya gonna cum?"

"Soon," David told him, the feelings of sexual pleasure now growing more noticeable, now more of a dull ache, telling him he was on the right road at least.

"You shoot very much stuff?" Scotty asked impatiently.

"Some," David answered generically. "A teaspoon maybe."

"That's not very much," Scotty told him, having expected maybe something more like a cup or so.

"It's enough to make babies," David smiled over at his cute little brother, now starting to feel very close to the naked little boy watching him masturbate himself.

"No its not, ya gotta have a girl and mix your cum with hers," Scotty proved he had at least a basic grasp of the facts of life.

"Right," David laughed, amused at his brother's virginal innocence.

"You ever fuck a girl?" Scotty asked softly.

David laughed again. "Of course not. Did you?" He joked.

"No," Scotty took his question seriously. "How's it feel NOW?"

"Better," David found that if he could concentrate on his cock and not all of Scotty's stupid questions, the pleasure was more intense.

"I wish you'd hurry up and cum," Scotty sighed, his interest starting to flag.

"I wish you'd shut the fuck up, it'd make it easier," David told him, trying to focus acutely on the aching, sexual pleasure he could feel at the base of his cock. He started jacking a little faster and was instantly rewarded this time with increased pleasure.

"Feeling better and better," he told Scotty.

"Do it, shoot your cum," Scotty pleaded anxiously. "Make it cum, make yourself cum, shoot your cum. I wanna see ya shoot your cum," Scotty's words worked like magic on him.

David felt the pleasure grow within him enormously. "Ohhh, god feeling good, feeling better, feeling better, feeling better and better and better, man, Ohhh god, feels gooood."

"Really!?" Scotty's interest grew more intent now.

"Ohhh, god, yes, feels really good now, feels like I'm gettin' close, gonna cum pretty soon," David realized suddenly he LIKED Scotty watching him. He was starting to enjoy putting on a show for his virginal little brother. "Oh, man, feels good, feels good, feels better and better all the time, jackin' my cock, makin' it feel good, makin' it feel better and better and better and 3; ohhehhhghhfgod, the feeling 3; the feeling, I can't believe, the feeling, ohh man, it's gonna cum 3;"

"Yeah, do it man, do it, do it, do it to yourself, make yourself cum, jack your cock, jack it off, jack your whole fuckin' cock off, man, cum on do it, do it, I wanna see you cum, I wanna see that cum shootin' outta your cock, make it cum TWO teaspoonfuls," Scotty egged him on, the excitement now starting to get to his OWN cock as well, making it kind of tingle and throb. "Do it, David, cum on, jack your cock off, man, jack it off, jack it off, jack it off, cum on, cum on, do it, do it, do it, make it cum, make it cum, make it cum 3;"


David suddenly cried out with every burping blast of his thick, hot, juicy boy-cum as it rocketed high into the air over his spurting cock and jacking fist, before plopping down on his thin, trembling belly, or coating has fingers with it's whitish luster.


"Ohhhh, mannnnnnn 3;" David gasped for air as his fist finally slowed in jacking his cock, then gradually stopped, even as his mighty length of boy-cock continued to ooze out his cream all over his slender, heaving abdomen.

"Wow, I guess," Scotty was certainly impressed. "Looks more like liquid soap though," he commented on the stuff David had just pumped from his cock.

"Soap?" David laughed, unsure what Scotty was even talking about his mind was in such a buzz as a result of the naked, sexual pleasure he was still feeling.

"Ooo, feels like it too," Scotty squished a little of David's cum between his fingers, then wiped it back all over his brother's naked belly.

"Feels like I just died," David sighed, finding the words now to describe somewhat the excruicating pleasure he was still enjoying.

"You gonna be alright?" Scotty worried, realizing for the first time the incredible power of the sexual pleasure David had unleashed upon himself.

"I think so," David breathed, his breath still far from normal, a sweat breaking out across his forehead and behind his neck from the physical exertion needed to attain his pleasure. Scotty suddenly grew strangely silent. It was a noticeably silence, seeming so strange after the hundreds of questions he'd poured out before. David turned his head, looking up into his younger brother's eyes, searching for what he must be thinking and feeling. Scotty's face was suddenly very serious. "Would you do it like that to me now?"

Chapter 5

David laughed. "You're shittin' me!"

"Please" Scotty whispered softly. "I wanna feel it."

The smile on David's face melted. He could see what Scotty asked was important to him. Even though he'd jacked off his father, the idea of taking another boy's cock in his hand seemed foreign to him. "Can I rest my arm first?"

"My cock feels funny already," Scotty told him. "Like you said."

"You know, you're probably too young to cum," David sighed. "I don't know how old ya gotta be but 3;"

"I wanna try," Scotty replied innocently.

"Well, go right ahead and try, I'll watch, tell ya what you're doin' wrong," David volunteered, giving him a way not to have to touch his little brother's cock and at the same time save his poor, tired arm more pain.

"I tried, remember, nothing happened," Scotty reminded him. "I want YOU to do it FOR me."

David took a deep breath. "You always WERE a lazy bastard," he sighed as he moved himself into position and let his fingers close around the modest four-inches [10 cm] of Scotty's hard, throbbing, little boy-cock. "God, this feels weird," he whispered, feeling the steely hardness. It seemed so small after his dad's, or even his OWN, yet strangely exciting, knowing that he had it in the power in his stroking fist to bestow upon his naked little brother a feeling of sexual pleasure so incredible 3; more than anything else he wanted to watch his brother's reaction.

"Feels weird to ME too," Scotty kind of giggled as he watched in the dim light, his big brother's hand stroking his cock. David spit on his hand then began working his brother's cock a little harder.

"Whad'ya do that for?" Scotty asked in dismay.

"Lubrication 3; makes it slide easier 3; makes it feel better too," he told Scotty knowledgeably.

"Oh." Scott said, wide eyed with anticipation, propping himself up now on both elbows, gazing down over his lithe, lean, slender, little naked body at his hairless, hard cock.

"Howyadoin?" David looked up at his little brother anxiously.

"Okay. Feels good," Scotty replied, obviously not really getting turned on by it all yet.

"Thanks a lot," David sighed, increasing the pace, wishing he could feel the effects of what he was doing. It would make it easier to decide how fast to go, how hard to jack him.

"You're makin' it feel good," Scotty told him, hoping to encourage him to do more.

"Hmph," David grunted, eyeing his little brother suspiciously, knowing a line of bullshit when he heard it.

"No, really, it does, it feels good, ohhhhh, yeah, feels good," Scotty tried to make it sound a little more believable.

David continued jacking his cock though he wasn't convinced it was doing much good. "God, my arm's killing me."

"Don't stop!" Scotty told him sharply. "Ohhh, god, please, don't stop, don't stop, don't stop!"

Actually it WAS starting to get to him some. David grinned, watching his brother's sweetly beautiful young face as much as his cock and the rest of his writhing naked body. He was starting to believe Scotty was feeling something.

"God, I wish you had a bigger cock, it'd make holdin' onto it easier," he complained.

"Just jack me off and skip the fuckin' comments," Scotty complained.

"Hell, I'm not even sure I CAN jack you off 3; if you're OLD enough to jack off," David sighed, unsure whether his efforts might not be in vain.

"Please, David, do it to me, make me cum, David, I wanna feel it 3; I wanna feel it too 3; just like you 3; I wanna feel what it feels like when you shoot that stuff outta your cock, man, cum on, man, do it, do it, do it to me, make me cum, make me cum, make me cummmmm 3;" Scotty was growing a bit anxious as the strange feeling brewing deep inside him promised only more of the same glowing, sexual pleasure he was already starting to feel.

"Mmmm 3; startin' to FEEL it, huh?" David was experienced enough now to recognized REAL sexual pleasure when he saw it. "Startin' to get to ya now, huh kid, feeling it, feeling what my hand can do to your cock, feelin' how good it feels, feeling the feeling, huh? You like it? You like that feeling 3; feeling it gettin' stronger, feelin' it feeling better and better and better now, huh 3; huh 3;?"

"Yeah," Scotty breathed, gasped, really, the pleasure so strange, it was all he could do to think, much less talk.

"Hey, forgodsakes, help me out here, tell me what you're feeling, this ain't fuckin' EASY ya know," David was more than a little underwhelmed by his little brother's enthusiasm.

"God, I can't believe the feeling," Scotty sighed as he squirmed a little under David's manual manipulation of his hard, throbbing, young boy-cock.

"Believe it baby, it only gets BETTER," David told the naked little boy to whom he was giving such incredible sexual pleasure.

"Yeah, tell me about it!" Scotty was starting to feel for himself just HOW much better it could feel. "Oh, god, it DOES feel better 3; like you said, better and better and better 3; "Ohhhhhhahhhhhhhhh 3;!!!"

"MMMMmmm, you like that huh 3;?" David laughed as he tightened up and jacked Scotty a little harder.

"Ohhh yeah, man, do it to me like that, do it to me, do it to me, jack me, man, jack me off, jack me off, jack me off, man, come on, do it to me, harder, faster, jack that fucker, make me cum, David, cum on, jack me off and make me cum, ahhhah man the feeling, it's 3; it's startin' to feel 3; ohh man, feels so good, better than 3; than 3; I can't believe how good it feels, David, ohhh god, David, David, David 3;" Scotty was starting to lose it. He was already trembling uncontrolably, his slender, naked, little boy-body writhing around in David's grip, trying to contain the growing feelings of succulent sexual ecstacy that were swelling up within him.

"Ohh, yes, yes, yes, baby brother, feel that feeling, man, feel it, feel it, really fuckin' FEEL it now, man, you're gettin' close, I can tell, cum on, cum on, feel how good it feels, feel how good my hand's makin' your cock feel little buddy, oh yeahhh, yeah, do it, boy, do it, do it, cum on, shoot it, cum on, cum on, give me your cum, Scotty, give it to me, cum on, cum on, you can do it, you can shoot it, yeah, yeah, cum on, cum on, baby, shoot, shoot, shoot!" David cried anxiously as he masturbated his little brother closer and closer to the brink of sexual chaos.

"Ho, ho, ho, whoaaa 3; David, hold me, I 3; I can't take it 3; the feeling 3; it's 3; it's 3; too much, man, I 3; hooo god, 3; I 3; David 3; .I 3; I 3; AIIIEEGEIIGEHRHEHGHHOOEHH IEIAHGOIEHOHHEHAEHH GOD, GOD, AHHGEHHIIH GOD, AHAHHHH GOD, DAVID, DAVID, AHEIHEAOIEHAERERGHHHHHhhhhhhh 3;"

Scotty finaly got his orgasm though without shooting any cum, which made it all the more excruciatingly pleasurable as his tortured, little-boy body struggled vainly to produce at least a drop or two of his virginal young boy-cum.


David sighed as finally his aching arm could come to rest, his hand still gripping his little brother's cock, still trying to milk a drop or two of boy-juice from its overheated head.

"Ohhh, god, David, stop, stop, stop, it feels too good, the feeling 3; HAHEHHGHEHHA GOD, THE FEELING, THE FEELING, THE FEELING!!!" Scotty forced David's hand to rest, the pleasure within him too intense to go on as his orgasm exploded inside him like an atom bomb, tearing him to pieces sexually, rocketing sexual pleasure to his brain with such force it all but killed him. "Ohhh man, NOTHING ever felt so good!"

"Well, little brother, that's what it feels like," David told the young boy proudly. Actually he was a little disappointed that he'd not been able to make Scotty shoot any cum, but the look on his face, the way his entire little body stiffened, struggling to make cum, it had been worth the pain in his arm and shoulder for that once-in-a-lifetime experience. Scotty would never be quite the same little virgin boy again.

"Ohh, man, that was fantastic, do it to me like that again," Scotty insisted as the pleasure within him began to die down.

David laughed. "Don't ya think you better give it a rest? Maybe five minutes at LEAST?"

"Okay," Scotty agreed. Actually his naked little boy-body considered that maybe TEN minutes might be better.

"You okay?" David gazed up at his sexual play-toy. "You gonna survive?"

"Well, don't call 911 3; YET!" Scotty joked.

"Gees, I hope DAD didn't hear us 3; god, the way you squealed 3;" David worried.

"You got to carryin' on pretty loud TOO!" Scotty countered, holding his older brother close to him, somehow not wanting to let go.

"He's KILL us if he knew what we were doing," David smiled. Scotty obviously didn't know their father very well. Actually, he'd be more likely to want to JOIN them.

"He knows," he told his brother confidently.

"He KNOWS?" Scotty gasped in horror. "He knows boys jack off 3; he was a boy once too, you think he never jacked himself off?" David asked in mild amusement.

Scotty considered that for a moment. "You think he jacks off now?"

David was silent, afraid anything he might say would give away their little sexual secret.

"You think he jacks off now 3; now since mom left?" Scotty asked, pulling David up into his arms, clinging to him tightly. It seemed strange how now everything seemed different.

"I figure he does 3;" David tried to make it sound like only an opinion.

"Yeah 3; men jack off too, right 3; not just boys, right?" Scotty asked softly.

"I think maybe boys do it more often though," David recalled what his father had said about no longer being 14 years old. "Older guys can't cum as often."

"Oh 3; yeah 3; probably not," Scotty agreed. "That's cause younger guys need to fuck more often so they can make more babies, right?"

David tried not to laugh. "Right," he agreed.

"You think it's been long enough you could do it to me again?" Scotty asked innocently.

"Shit NO!" David rejected the suggestion immediately. "My arm would fall off if I even LOOKED at your cock again."

"It's hard again," Scotty observed.

"Don't you mean STILL? David corrected. "I don't think you ever got soft."

"It's a pretty nice cock, really," Scotty peeked down to admire his four-inch [10 cm] boy-stick still standing up pertly. "Don't you think?"

"It's a pretty nice cock," David humored him, hugging him, feeling suddenly very warm and close toward his brother.

"Your's is hard too 3; .AGAIN," Scotty made a point in noting. "You gonna try and cum again?"

"I don't think so 3; not tonight 3; it's late," David tried to break free from his little brother's hold on him.

"Will 3; will you sleep naked with me tonight?" Scotty requested softly.

"Don't I USUALLY sleep naked with you 3; every night?" David laughed.

"No 3; I don't mean like that 3; like usual 3; hold me 3; let's sleep naked like THIS tonight 3; close like this, okay?" Scotty was feeling suddenly very vulnerable and he needed someone to hold him close. "I like it when we're naked like this together and both our cocks are hard."

"If you think you're gonna get me all turned on again and I'll jack you off again, you're crazy," David insisted, though he made no move to slip free of Scotty's clinging, naked embrace.

Scotty stretched his tiny neck, kissing his big brother's cheek in gratitude. "Goodnight," he whispered 3; and 3; thanks."

David kissed him back, but not on the cheek. It was a quick kiss 3; on the lips 3; kind of dry, but a kiss nonetheless. David wasn't any more sure WHY he did it than was Scotty, who kind of flinched a little it had been so totally unexpected. But he liked it just the same. I served to further cement their loving relationship and right now at least, to both of them, it just felt so right.


Travis Logan dialed his brother-in-law's number, waiting impatiently in his yellow bikini trunks to go out and catch a few rays to heighten his already incredible tan.

"Yeah," he heard John answer.

"Hi." Travis knew there was no need to identify himself.

"What'sup?" John asked smiling, having a pretty good idea.

"My grass." Travis surprised him. "When's Scotty coming over to mow?"

"Hell, I don't know, he's got this computer camp thing he's at every morning this week." John sighed.

"Well, it's been over a week, it's a good too inches 3; the neighbors will start to complain soon." Travis worried. "Well, you could fuckin' mow it YOURSELF." John joked, knowing full well Travis hadn't TOUCHED lawnmower in years.

"What about David?" Travis suggested.

"David? Yeah, sure I guess." John laughed. David didn't like mowing any more than Travis but it would do him good, get him out of the house.

"He can use my mower. How about this morning?" Travis pressed.

"Okay, I'll tell him." John smiled, knowing the reaction David would have to the news he might actually have to do a little manual labor. "By the way, how's it hangin', it's been a while?"

"When you free?" Travis' mood brightened somewhat.

"You mean when won't the boys be here, shit, I don't know, I'll see what I can arrange." John sighed. "Maybe while David's over there mowing?"

"That'd only take an hour 3; besides, I better stay and supervise." Travis sighed.

"Okay, he should be there within the hour," David promised his son to Travis. "Don't try and seduce him now, ya'hear?"

Travis looked at the phone receiver in his hand in disbelief. "Yeah, sure 3;" Then he hung up in dismay. He grabbed a towel then headed out the back patio slider toward the communal pool directly behind his condo. It was nice not having to worry about keeping it clean. He did have a sizable yard however, and in return for others taking care of the pool, he'd agreed to be responsible for the grass. The problem was, as a salesman for a line of exercise equipment, he was on the road so much he seldom had time to even SEE the grass, much less mow it, and in fact, he detested the act anyway. It seemed such a waste, the damn stuff kept growing back.

He layed the towel down on an empty chaise lounge then dove into the water. It was not a big pool, and one or two dips a day was all he really wanted. Occasionally, he'd swim some laps but in general he preferred to work out in the nude on his private GymDandy machine to keep his 5'10" [1.78 m] male body in the incredible shape it had always been. Travis was the kind of male specimen that turned heads, male and female, wherever he went. With dark wavy hair, a drop-dead smile, bright, greenish, sparkling eyes, a lean, tanned face with high cheekbones, and strong, arching eyebrows, his face was as spectacular as the rest of him. And in the tiny, yellow bikini he was wearing, the REST of him was clearly on display for all the world to admire. The suit left little to the imagination, covering just enough of his generous crotch to keep him from getting arrested, but leaving little doubt he was as spectacular there as everywhere else. Climbing out of the water, he stretched his lean, hard, muscular frame over the chaise and closed his eyes, letting the slightly hazy sun dry him off. He wondered how long it would be before David came over. He drifted off to sleep.


David wasn't the least bit happy his dad had promised his services as a lawn boy to his Uncle Travis, but this fact was tempered somewhat by the realization that for the first time in his life he would be looking upon his uncle in a different light, knowing he was gay, and knowing that spectacular body of his was kept spectacular for a very good reason-to appeal to his father sexually. It was only as he leaned his bike up against a tree and saw his uncle stretched out practically naked by the pool that he realized that his Uncle Travis also appealed to HIM sexually. It was quite a jolt. He'd always LIKED his Uncle Trav, but this went far beyond that. He actually felt his cock getting hard, seeing the man and gazing all over his incredible, nearly naked body. He'd always thought his DAD had a great body, but his Uncle Travis was so lean, slender, hard, and muscular it nearly took his breath away. He found himself staring.

"Hi," David ventured as he drew nearer.

Travis opened one eye. "Hi," he greeted him dryly. "Wanna mow?"

"No," David reacted, still ogling his uncle's incredible body.

"How's ten bucks sound?" Travis tempted him monetarily.

"Fifteen" David argued.

"Twelve." Travis bargained.

"Thirteen," David drove a hard bargain.

"The mower's over there in the storage building." Travis nodded in the direction of the small brown building near the pool. "Wake me when it's over."

"Right," David sighed. He stripped off his shirt and left it on the chaise next to his Uncle's feet. "Can I take a dip in the pool afterward?"

"Bring your trunks?" Travis eyed him suspiciously.

"Got'em on," David looked down at his denim cut-offs. Actually that's ALL he had on.

"Twelve dollars then." Travis could drive a hard bargain too.

"Okay." Davis sighed, the pool already starting to look inviting. "And lunch 3;"

"Get to work!" Travis laughed, tired of the game. "It's starting to get cloudy, better hurry, it might rain," he warned as he dozed back off to sleep inspite of the noisy mower. He'd gotten in after midnight the night before from Indianapolis, sleep came easy for him.

When he finished mowing, David put everything away, then slipped off his leather sandals and hit the pool. It felt gloriously refreshing. His uncle continued to sleep by the pool. The sun was gone and his uncle had been right, it did look like rain. He swam back and forth a couple times more then got out. He started to wake his uncle but then saw the "Do Not Disturb" sign printed across his uncle's towel so he decided to take him at his word. He went in and got a drink from the fridge. He was leaving behind a wet trail wherever he went, so he headed for the bathroom to dry off. The shower looked inviting so he stripped out of his wet denim cut-offs and took advantage of the opportunity to wash off the heavy chlorine odor he'd acquired in swimming. Naked, he left his cutoffs hanging in the shower, then dried off. He heard his uncle come in.

"I'm in here," he called to his Uncle Travis. "It's raining." Travis smiled when he saw his nephew wrapped in one of his towels. "I was so tired, I nearly slept right through it. Hadn't been for the thunder 3;"

"I took a shower to wash off all that chlorine you keep the water out there loaded with," David told his uncle. "Hope you don't mind."

"That'll cost ya another buck 3; what's that make, eleven now." Travis joked. "Actually, sounds like a good idea, you leave me any hot water?"

"Nope," David joked as his uncle went into the bathroom and stripped naked. He peeked around the corner hoping to see him. He wasn't disappointed, though it was just from the back. The view was pretty spectacular in any case.

"Make yourself at home." Travis called from the shower as David waundered about the emaculately neat condo. He ended up in his uncle's bedroom, admiring himself in the full length mirrors that made up one whole wall of the room. He dropped his towel and looked at himself naked in the mirrors, flexing his budding young muscles, wishing he could hold a candle to his uncle's impressive physique. He wasn't bad, but still much more immature than he liked. He promised himself he'd ask if he could work out on his uncle's weight machine. wondered, since his uncle sold them, if he could talk his dad into getting one for them to use. He sat down on the edge of the bed. On the night stand, he noticed some magazines. He wasn't at all surprised to see they were body-building magazines. The had a few girls in them, but mostly they were muscle-bound guys and not only that, they were all young and spectacularly good looking. But even his uncle couldn't match the kind of muscles THEY sported. He began to page through them, feeling his cock getting hard, looking at all the might-as-well-be naked bodies.

"You gettin' into body-building?" His uncle startled him, standing in the door of the bedroom, completely naked, toweling off his mop of dark brown hair. David almost quit breathing. His uncle was not only spectacularly naked, but his cock jutted up at an impressive angle from his shaven crotch like a cannon ready to be fired. David quickly closed the magazine and looked around frantically for his towel to cover himself and his own hard, throbbing cock. It was clear across the room.

Travis laughed. He threw David his towel. "Here borrow mine. I'm done with it."

Chapter 6

The sight of his Uncle Travis' stunning, completely naked body had a devastating effect upon David. His uncle's cock stood upright at a good seven inches [18 cm], probably more, and though the man was no where near as muscular as those in the magazine David let slowly slip from his hand, he was quite well toned, every muscle in his naked body so well-defined he looked like something out of an anatomy book he'd once seen in the library.

"Ya wanna try out the machine?" Travis nodded toward the GymDandy in the corner of the bedroom. "Looks like you're already well on your way to a great body."

David looked down at his nakedness self-consciously, realizing once again that his own cock stood up just as hard and erect as that of his uncle. He wondered if HE was the reason his Uncle Travis had such a massive, soaring hard-on. "Thanks," he gazed back up at his uncle, finding his voice a bit creaky. He eyed the machine with some trepidation. "You show me how it works?"

"Of course, come over here." Travis told him, making no move to cover his own nakedness and apparently oblivious to David's. "Whatcha wanna work on first?" he asked, eyeing the boy with some interest.

"My pecs maybe 3; ?" David replied shyly, approaching his uncle and his machine somewhat shyly.

"Good, come here, lie down on the bench here." Travis motioned for David to join him. "That's it, just like that, now grab those grips and push up 3; that'a boy! Great!"

David felt terribly naked, exposed, and vulnerable, his hard, throbbing, young boy-cock arching up, out, and hovering proudly over his lithe, lean, slender, naked loins. He trustingly did as his uncle told him, straining, feeling the weight, realizing the man knew what he was talking about. He looked up at his uncle beside him, the nearness of the naked man making his stomach churn with excitement, tinged with anxiety. His uncle's cock looked even bigger and harder than before. He tried not to notice it. He couldn't help staring.

"Should I put something on?" Travis asked, noticing the boy's mind was not so much on the machine as HIS naked body. David made a conscious effort not to blush. He wasn't sure if he was succeeding or not.

"No, it's okay." Then he smiled up at his uncle. "Should I?"

"Why borther, I work out here in the nude all the time 3; I like to watch myself in the mirror. Besides, we've seen each other now 3; why bother? Looks like you got nothing to be ashamed of anyway," he grinned, winking at his nephew.

"You got a FANTASTIC body," David gushed, starting to feel a little more at ease with his uncle, even with both of them naked, and still sporting two of the hardest cocks he'd ever seen.

"I have to keep in shape, I SELL these fuckers." Travis laughed, patting his workout merchandise. "It helps, believe me, tight pants, tight shirts, thong underwear, the works, you wouldn't believe how many guys take one look at me and dig out their checkbooks."

"You show'em THAT too?" David asked, unmistakably referring to his uncle's massive, hard man-cock.

Travis smiled, "No, but I don't HIDE it either 3; I don't walk in with a boner, but neither do I make any effort to conceal the obvious."

"God, it's HUGE," David couldn't help indulging in a little hero worship."

Now it was Travis' turn to be a bit embarrassed, such a comment coming from his nephew. "Thanks 3; almost eight inches [20 cm] 3; looks like you got a good six [15 cm]," he commented, turning the tables on the boy.

"And still growing," David wasn't the least bit embarrassed now, either by being naked with his uncle or the fact they were now opening discussing their hard, throbbing cocks.

"You'll be bigger'n your old man one of these days." Travis commented as he watched the naked young boy work out. He seemed to know all the right moves. Travis' reference to his dad's cock stunned David, but only for a second.

"Dad's almost as big as you," he smiled up at his uncle.

"How about YOU do it now? I wanna watch you," he got up from the narrow, padded bench.

"Sure." Travis took David's place on the bench enjoying the chance to show off. "Your dad's got a nice cock, not as long as mine, but thicker," he did several more reps. "God, we're gonna be workin' up a sweat here in a minute, then we'll have to hit the showers again."

"God 3; you're beautiful 3;" David sighed, making no effort now to hide his worship of his uncle's incredible naked body.

Travis sat up. "David 3;" he paused, realizing for the first time he was reacting sexually to the sight of his naked, young nephew. It opened his eyes. "If you only knew how beautiful 3; YOU are 3;" he told the boy softly.

David was neither embarrassed or self-conscious, but actually, supremely self- confident instead. "I like being naked," he told his uncle proudly.

Travis gazed lovingly at the boy. "You know I'm gay, don't you?" he asked, sensing something about David's attitude and demeanor.

"Dad told me," David admitted.

"About us?" Travis stood up, gazing down at the boy as he wiped his brow with a towel that had been hanging from the machine. David nodded, breathless, dizzy from the intoxicating nearness and smell of his twenty-one-year-old uncle. Travis was a bit dizzy too, drinking in the incredible, sexual sweetness the fourteen-year-old boy seemed to radiate from every naked pore of his exquisitely beautiful, adolescent, boy-body. He slowly reached out and touched David's soft, slender upper arm, then gradually let his fingers glide upwards to the boy's shoulder, then his neck, then touching his cheek, gently guiding the boy's lips to his own, kissing him delicately. After no more than a couple seconds, he released him.

"Oh, godddd 3;" he sighed as he breathed in the delicious sexual aroma the adolescent boy possessed. "God, I could love you."

David savored the kiss, his eyes closed, then opened them as their lips parted, gazing longingly up into his uncle's face, trying to read the torment of indecision he saw. The look on David's face was one of such incredible innocense Travis felt he was plucking a delicate cherry from a tree, savoring its beauty but at the same time wanting to devour it too.

"You realize what's happening here?" He felt obliged to ask the boy.

"This how it was the first time with you and dad?" David asked softly, his eyes never leaving his uncle's.

Travis was a bit startled by his nephew's words. "I was older 3; HE was older 3; you WANT this to happen, don't you?" He suddenly realized what David was feeling. The mention of the boy's father ignited in him memories of their first time. He began to realize he was being seduced 3; by a fourteen- year-old boy 3; his nephew 3; his beautiful, sweet, deliciously seductive young nephew.

"Do you?" David asked, a little bolder than he felt at the moment, trying to get inside his uncle's head, trying to decide if he was making a fool of himself or if they were about to become something together he would remember for the rest of his life. Travis leaned over and kissed him again.

He whispered between the boy's lips, "Yes." Then suddenly pulled David into his arms, crushing both their hard, throbbing cocks between them as he devoured his nephew completely.

"Awesome!" David gasped as their lips parted after close to a full minute of sexual contact so complete he felt he was being eaten alive. Travis smiled, in love with the young boy and his choice of words.

"Yeah, awesome," he suddenly swept David's lithe, lean, slender, naked boy-body up into his arms and carried him over to the bed where he lowered the two of them to the white satin comforter, his hands now moving all over him, wanting to touch, fondle, and feel every wonderous square inch of his nephew's lovely, naked boyflesh. David felt as if he were in some sort of dream the way his Uncle Travis was making him feel. It was no wonder his father loved making love to him, he felt like a toy in his uncle's hands.

"Hoooo, god, I wanna cum soo bad," David moaned as he felt his uncle's warm, naked flesh against his own and the rock hardness of every muscle in the man's writhing, naked body.

"Yesssssss 3; ." Travis sighed as he rolled over onto his back, pulling David over atop him, feeling their cocks hard against one another. "I want you to cum," he whispered between their kisses. "I wanna cum too."

"God, my cock's gonna explode," David gasped as he instinctively moved it against Travis's monstrous, hard shaft.

"I know." Travis moaned, I want us both to cum 3; together, David, make us both cum together." His uncle's words caused him to suddenly realize that HE was as much responsible for what was happening as his uncle, that he bore at least half the responsibility for their being naked like this together, and that what happened next, would be as much HIS doing as his uncle's. He began to fuck his uncle's cock with a heaving, thrusting movement that nearly jolted him into orgasm instantly.

"Stop 3; don't move." Travis suddenly gripped his nephew's tiny, taunt ass with both hands. "Don't even breathe."

"Hooo god 3;" David realized he'd almost made them BOTH cum.

"I don't want it to end 3; not now 3;" Travis kissed him. "Not ever 3; I want us to 3; go on forever like this 3; naked, hard 3; ohhh, god, David, I almost cum."

"Me too," David gasped, struggling hard to control his cock.

"Hooo, man, that was close." Travis signed. "God, you're a hot little fucker."

"I know," David giggled. "Felt good though 3; almost cumming."

"Too good." Travis gasped as he gradually regained control of his libido. "God, there's a lot of your father in you."

"Why, he make you cum really fast too?" David questioned, now that their sexual movements had settled down to an easy rhythm. He felt his uncle in control, holding him, moving him, using him for both their sexual pleasure.

Travis laughed. "Yeah, sometimes 3; if he wants to 3; no 3; it's 3; the way you move, god, you're so much like him 3; your face 3; your lips 3; the way we kiss."

"Feels good, don't it?" David sighed, kissing his uncle endlessly as they made love.

"Yeah, god I love holding you like this, holding your cute, little, naked, boy-body in my arms 3; in my hands 3; god, you got a nice ass 3; feeling our cocks so hard 3; moving you, making us feel better and better.." Travis was losing himself in the sexual beauty of it all as he skillfully manipulated his nephew's naked young boy-body against his own.

"You gonna let us cum this time?" David asked as his cock responded to the workout his uncle with giving it.

"You want me to?" Travis whispered as his own cock began to approach orgasm a second time.

"How many times can you cum? David asked anxiously, wanting his orgasm but also wanting what they were doing and feeling together to NEVER end.

"Six," Travis told him.

"Bullshit," David knew bullshit when he heard it. "Four maybe?"

Travis sighed, realizing he was in danger of having to PROVE his sexual stamina with his horny little nephew.

"Okay 3; make us cum but 3; soon as we get hard again 3; we gotta cum some more," David insisted.

"I was afraid of that." Travis joked as he relaxed, pulling out all the stops, letting David do his thing atop him while he did his from below.

"Let's cum 3;" David whispered as he began to wildly fuck his hips and his cock, hard against his uncle's, feeling the pleasure within him rise to epic proportions.

"Hooo, god, I couldn't stop if I wanted to." Travis gasped as he felt his orgasm swelling within him, ready to pop at any moment. "God, boy, you sure know all the right moves, I can't believe how good you're makin' me feel 3;"

"I know, I'm feeling it too," David gasped as his cock pulsated wildly with pre-orgasmic pleasure.

"Let's do it!" Travis cried. "Let's cummmmm 3;" he pressed down with both hands on David's taunt little ass, taking charge, increasing the pressure, moving him, grinding their cocks together between them, his orgasm no longer his to command.



"Your father? Travis guessed. "How'd you 3;" David realized he'd been set up. " 3; know"

"I could feel it in you." Travis sighed as his cock oozed the last of his cum and his naked body savored the last tremors of orgasmic pleasure. "You're too good 3; too much like your father."

"He jacked me off yesterday is all," David confided in his father's naked lover.

"That's it?" Travis asked incredulously. "Felt like you and him been doin' it for YEARS."

"Just that one time, I just started cummin a day or so ago," David sighed as his own cock continued to pulsate wildly between them.

"God 3; felt like you been doin' it for 3; years." Travis laughed. "Mannn, you made me cum hard."

"Thanks," David whispered, kissing his uncle's lips once more, totally in love with the man. "I really shot hard too."

"Yeah 3; I can feel it." Travis reached down between them and felt the flood of cum all over their thin, powerful, trembling loins.

"You shot a lot!" David let his hand play in the cum all over them both as he rolled off his uncle's rock-hard body. "Wow! A LOT!"

"Big balls." Travis joked. "Mmmm 3; speaking of big balls 3;" he let his fingers find David's and toy with them. "God, and not a hair within miles 3;"

"I figure I will any day now," David promised.

"Will what?" Travis asked, rolling over on his side, facing David as the boy lay on his back. He continued to play in their cum.

"Start gettin' hairs," David was enjoying the warm closeness AFTER they'd cum almost as much as when they'd been shooting together.

"Oh 3; I shave mine." Travis told him, "Your dad loves it 3; reminds him of when I was your age 3; maybe a little older."

"Is dad good in bed?" David asked softly.

Travis laughed. "You little fuckstick 3; prying into your dad's sex life. Yes, your dad's good in bed 3; but then you found that out when he jacked you off, right?"

"I watched him jack off 3; then I went back to MY room and did it 3; he sneaked in and watched me 3; then the next morning he made me cum," David recounted briefly his OWN sex life, careful to leave out any mention of Scotty.

"Sweet." Travis smiled as he toyed with David's cum-coated, semi-hard cock. "I can see how he might be tempted."

"YOU wanna jack me off?" David realized the implications of what his uncle was saying.

"What? You think you can cum again so soon?" Travis joked, even though he could feel his nephew's cock in his hand, hardening quickly.

"Sure," David reacted anxiously. "Just try me."

"God, you're horny little fucker, you're hard again already." Travis laughed, even though his stroking fingers were mostly responsible for the boy's state.

"Mmmm 3; like you're surprised," David joked.

"Beautiful cock 3;" Travis admired it in his fingers.

"Make it cum again," David sighed softly, suddenly serious about his own sexual pleasure.

"It's your funeral." Travis sighed as he began using their cum to lubricate the flow of the boy's cock up and down inside his fist. "Just don't come crying to me when you run outta cum and have to adopt all your children."

"I'm gay, I don't figure I'll have any kids," David startled himself somewhat by declaring. "I'm just gonna fuck guys, not girls."

"Oh, I see." Travis nodded in amusement. "God, you're sooo 3; innocent," he had been going to say naive, but decided not to risk upsetting the boy. He couldn't believe how a fourteen-year-old boy could possibly have his entire sexual life already planned out. He smiled to himself. It only underlined the fact that he had been set up 3; seduced so skillfully by this naked little wonder in his stroking grip that he only NOW realized how completely and effortlessly he'd been taken in.

"MMMM 3; feels good 3; you're even better'n dad," David compared their sexual skills.

Travis laughed. "Thanks, kid 3; I'll be sure to relate that to your father next time I see him."

"Your're gonna TELL him we 3;" David sat up in surprise and dismay.

"HELL NO!" Travis laughed. "God, what the fuck you take me for, an IDIOT?"

"I won't tell him either," David promised as he once more lay back and enjoyed what his uncle's sexually skilled fingers were doing to his cock.

"Ummmm 3; that's nice to know." Travis shook his head smiling. It was cracks like that which made him realize, inspite of the boy's precocious seduction skills, HE was the one sexually molesting a fourteen-year old. Strangely, the fact didn't frightened him so much as it excited him, egging him on in his attempt to give his nephew still more of the naked, sexual pleasure the boy seemed to crave so completely.

"I'm, feeling it," David whispered hoarsely.

"I know, I can tell 3; I've jacked off a few 3; few boys like you in my time." Travis divulged. "None as cute or sweet or sexy or 3; or HORNY as you, but 3; oooo, you like that did you," he laughed as David responded involuntarily to one of his slicker masturbating moves.

"Hooo god, yes 3; what'd you do 3; god, that felt good 3;" David cried out as his pleasure suddenly leaped within him.

"Little thumb action across the head 3; your cockhead must be especially sensitive 3; god you're so sweet 3; so virginal 3;" Travis realized what he'd done had very nearly triggered an orgasm within the boy. He was not use to such sensitive sexual instruments.

"I almost cum," David confirmed.

Travis smiled. "You want it now?"

"Yes 3;" David gasped, availing himself of his uncle's orgasm on command service and unable to resist the aching cramp of sexual pleasure swelling deep within his thin, naked groin. "Now 3; now 3; NOW 3; NOW 3; AHIEIHHEHHH GOD, NOW, NOW, NOW, GHEIHOEHOH GOD, OHHEHH GOD, TRAV 3; YOU 3; AHGHEOIHOEIHOIEH MAN, YOU 3; IIEHEHROEIHO GOD, GOD, I CAN'T BELIEVE WHAT YOU'RE DOIN' TO ME 3; MY COCK 3; GHEOIHO FUCK 3; FUCK..FUCK, FUCK, FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK!!!"


Chapter 7

"Someone's knocking on the door," David told his Uncle Travis as the two of them lay naked across his uncle's bed.

"Let'em knock." Travis sighed, unwilling to rouse himself from the beauty of their mutual, sexual indulgences.

"Maybe it's dad?" David suggested.

"He's got a key 3;" Travis sighed, then realized what he'd just said. "But then on the other hand, maybe we better not have him come barging in here and catch us naked in bed with cum all over us," he decided, getting up. He threw on a short, red, satin robe and headed for the back patio sliding door.

"Sorry to bother you," the boy said as Travis slid open the patio door. It was Donnie Rivers from next door, the boy who took care of the pool.

"What is it, Donnie?" Travis asked the bikini clad fourteen-year-old. "Someone blew a bunch of grass into the pool, then locked the door to the storage building where the leaf skimmer is, I need your key," the boy told Travis.

"Oh 3; right 3; okay, wait here." Travis slid shut the door.

"Who is it?" David came out of the bedroom, still naked except for the white towel around his slender waist.

"Donnie, the pool boy." Travis sighed as he searched for the key. David went to the window and peeked out.

"My god, he's CUTE!" he exclaimed.

"Yes, you might say that." Travis smiled. "Seems some dufuss blew grass into the pool then locked the door on the storage shed when they put the lawnmower away. He needs to get out the leaf skimmer and I haven't seen the key in several weeks."

"What's his name?" David asked, still peering out the window, secretly watching the slender boy his about his own age.

"Donnie Rivers." Travis stopped, smiling over at David. "Want me to introduce you?"

"Hooo, god, WOULD you?" David gushed.

"Cost ya ten bucks." Travis joked, finally finding the key.

"Five" David bargained away almost half what he'd earned mowing that day.

"Alright, get out your money." Travis agreed.

"I can't, you haven't paid me yet!" David laughed.

"Oh, right, okay." Travis returned to the door.

"Come on in, Donnie," he told the boy as he handed him the key. It was obvious Donnie was doing a little peeking at David now, especially the fact that he was young, and apparently naked except for the towel around his waist. "This is David, my nephew 3; he 3; he's the 'dufuss' who blew grass into your pristine pool." Travis introduced, not to mention EMBARRASSED his young nephew.

"Sorry," David nodded and smiled shyly, drinking in the incredible, sexual beauty of the almost-naked teenager.

"David came over to mow and work out on the GymDandy." Travis told the boy. "Donnie uses it too on weekends." Travis explained to David.

"Yeah, I was wondering 3; mom said it'd be okay if I did some time on it after I finish with the pool if it's okay with you." Donnie smiled hopefully, first at Travis, then David.

"Sure 3; David, why don't you get on your shorts and go help Donnie, seeing as how you made the mess in the first place." Travis suggested.

"I'm almost done, it won't take long." Donnie told him.

"Sure," David quickly agreed. "Wait, I'll be right out," he retreated to the bathroom where he found his still-damp cutoffs. He was back a few seconds later.

"That was fast." Travis observed David as he stood at the window, watching Donnie work the dip net by the pool.

"God, he's incredibly cute," David smiled as he joined his uncle at the glass sliding door, watching Donnie.

"He work out with you naked too?" He was joking.

"As a matter of fact he does." Travis startled his nephew by admitting.

"He DOES?!" David gulped in dismay, tinged with excitement. "Remember I told you I'd made more than a few young boys your age shoot their cum." Travis reminded him. "He's one hell of a cummer."

"Oh my GODDDDDD 3;" David gasped. "You gonna go help him or just stand there drooling?" Travis asked in amusement.

"Right," David slid open the door and hurried out. Travis watched as David shyly stood next to Donnie, watching him work, the two boys talking a little. He wished he could hear what they were saying.

"Sorry I screwed things up," David apologized again for the mess he'd made in the pool.

"The skimmer got most of it." Donnie told him dryly. "Travis really your uncle?"

"He's my mom's youngest brother," David related their kinship.

"He's cool." Donnie looked up briefly at David from the water, then returned his eyes to the net and the floating grass he was trying to capture. "Lets me use his machine on weekends when he's home."

"I can tell," David felt no reluctance in staring at Donnie's incredible, adolescent physique. He seemed almost a miniature copy of Travis. "How long you been 3; doin' it?"

Donnie looked up at David sharply, then smiled. "Six months. You?"

"Just today," David wasn't sure whether Donnie had read more into his question than he'd intended.

"How was it?" Donnie asked, once more eyeing him critically, a note of amusement in his voice.

"Great 3; it's fun," David replied, trying to get a grip on the conversation.

"Looks like you got a good start already." Donnie looked David over from head to toe.

"I wanna work on my pecs and abs," David patted his slender belly. "God, your's look great!"

"I do a lot of sit-ups on weekdays," Donnie informed him. "How old are you?"

"Fourteen," David told him. "Can I try it?"

"Me too. Here." Donnie handed him the long, metal, pipe-like handle. "Just try not to lose it after you pick it up," he told him by way of instructions, referring to the grass in the water.

"You got nice pecs too," David complimented his newfound friend, trying to keep his eyes on the skimmer, not Donnie's nearly-naked young boy-body.

"Thanks. The machine is really great for that. Travis helps me a lot." Donnie confessed.

"I bet he does," David smiled knowingly. Donnie looked at him, his own knowing smile crossing his cute face.

"He been helping YOU out a lot too?" The question was inescapably sexual.

"You could say that," David answered, hoping to seem innocent of what Donnie was implying but at the same time, leaving open the possibility of being taken either way.

"Your dad know?" Donnie asked a bit uneasily.

David looked at the boy in dismay, no longer able to have it both ways. "No 3; yours?"

"They know I spend a lot of time over there but 3;" Donnie let his voice trail off, his meaning unmistakable.

David felt his cock harden in his cutoffs. He wondered if Donnie would notice. "I didn't mean to invade your turf," he told Donnie.

Donnie laughed. "Join the crowd." Then he reached and took back the handle. "Looks like we've done about all the damage we can do here," he headed off toward the pool building to stow the dip net.

"Wha'dya mean, join the crowd?" David followed after him in dismay.

Donnie laughed again. "You'll find out." Was all he'd volunteer as he closed up the door but not the padlock. David looked at him strangely. He followed the boy barefooted across the new-mown lawn towards Travis' patio.

"Gotta return the key." Donnie told David as he let himself in without knocking. David followed him, closing the glass sliding door behind him. He wiped his feet, removing all the cut grass he could, unlike Donnie, who'd left a trail across the white vinyl in the kitchen toward the bedroom.

"Here's your key back." Donnie told Travis as he tossed it on the bedroom dresser. Travis was lying back on the weight bench, pressing upward on the handlebars. He was naked. Donnie seemed not to notice.

"You and David get your job done?" he asked Donnie as the boy stood by the machine, staring down at him.

"We got acquainted." Donnie replied, his voice heavy with innuendo, letting Travis know without saying so that he and David were both aware of the other's sexual orientation.

Travis stopped, looking up at both boys, then smiled. "Good."

"We kind of hit it off," David told his uncle.

"Mmmm 3; I'm not surprised." Travis sat up. "Alright, which one of you horny little fuckers wants to do it first?" He offered the boys his machine.

"Go ahead," David breathlessly offered Donnie his turn first.

"Thanks." Donnie smiled graciously as he slid down on the bench and took Travis' place under the weight bar. He began working out like he'd done it a few times before.

"Isn't he beautiful?" Travis rested his arm around his nephew's slender, naked shoulders as he watched the nearly-naked, teenage boy's slender, nubile, young muscles strain under the weighty stress of the machine.

"Incredible," David had to agree, watching what he thought sure might be an increase in the mass of Donnie's barely concealed cock. "I'm sculpting him into a body fit for a king." Travis told David proudly. "You're my next victim."

"Or a queen 3;" Donnie looked up, smiling, joking, never breaking the rhythm of his reps.

"Alright, give David a chance now." Travis brokered the time on the machine between the two boys.

"Okay." Donnie relinquished the handlebars, watching intently as David replaced him and began his own workout.

"Nooo, move your legs in closer, tighten your ass," he instructed as he reached down, forcing David's legs in tighter against he machine. "It helps build up your calves that way. The touch of Donnie's hands on his bare thighs was enough to send David's cock unreeling. His shorts were so tight it hurt.

"You better lay off, you'll give him a hard-on." Travis joked as he watched his nephew's crotch and the distressed look on David's face.

"Mmmm 3; we wouldn't wanna do THAT now would we?" Donnie elbowed Travis gently 3; "I don't know about him but 3;" he eyed Travis' lengthening organ.

"Just keep your hands to yourself." Travis warned.

Donnie laughed. "Yeah 3; right 3; !"

The two of them watched for several minutes as David did his best with Donnie from time to time offering pointed suggestions for improving his routine.

"Alright, good enough, you boys hit the showers, I'll be waiting for you when you get back," he told David and Donnie. Donnie headed for the bathroom as David extracted himself from the torture wrack.

"But 3; you only GOT one shower?"

Travis laughed. "You need an engraved invitation?"

David looked at him in dismay for a moment, then a smile slowly crossed his face. "Cool," he winked at his uncle, then headed for the bathroom himself.

"Better hurry before he 3; .finishes without you." Travis encouraged the two boys to get even BETTER acquainted.

"Mind if I join you?" David asked as he slid open the shower door.

"What took you so long?" Donnie smiled, welcoming the naked boy into the small enclosure.

"Just a little slow I guess," David smiled back, their hard, upthrust cocks all but touching between them as Donnie gave him the bar of soap.

"Want me to wash you back?" Donnie offered as he began running his hands over David's naked boy-body even before he could answer. There was nothing slow about Donnie.

"God you got nice hands," David sighed as he soaped himself generously, feeling Donnie's hands seemingly all over him.

"I've played this scene before." Donnie smiled as he let his middle finger stray between David's ass cheeks, probing for David's anal entrance.

"Ooooo 3; ohmigod!" David reacted as Donnie goosed him, slipping his soapy fingers past David's sphincter.

Donnie laughed. "Virgin, huh? You like that?"

"I ain't never been fucked up the ass, if that's what you mean," David quickly told him.

"Wanna be?" Donnie just as quickly asked.

"You're kidding?" David turned around suddenly, facing the much more sexually experienced naked boy.

"No." Donnie told him frankly.

"I don't think so," David had the common sense to know when he was in way over his head.

Donnie smiled. "It'll happen," he smiled, leaning forward and kissing David unexpectantly on the lips. "Ever been sucked, then?"

"No," David responded once more, further underlining his virginity. This time Donnie didn't ask. He sank to his knees there in the shower and quickly engulfed David's soaring, hard, throbbing, boy-cock with one deliciously pleasurable gulp, sweeping down on it with such incredible expertise, he was able to lodge its six-inch length completely down his throat.

"Hoooo, FUCCCKKKKKK 3;" David gasped as the realization of what his new friend was doing to his cock struck him like a load of lumber. Donnie turned eyes upward, reading the pleasure on David's face as he sucked, deep, hard, ravenously on David's steely hard cock. "Ohhhhh, SHIT 3; god what a feeling!" David cried out as the pleasure soared within him. Donnie worked quickly, adeptly, with a cocksucking skill that belied his tender years and delicate, sweet features. His sucking lips, swept up and down over David's cock with a pumping velocity that left his victim trembling breathlessly in his hands. "Ohhh, gees, you're suckin' me 3; suckin' my cock, suckin' my cock and 3; ohhhh god, the feeling, ohhhh, man, suckin me, suckin' me and suckin' me and 3; Ohhhhh god, Donnie, suckin my cock, suck my cock, gonna suck me off, man, gonna fuckin' suck me off 3; ohh god, god, god, Donnie 3; ohh god, god, goddddddd 3;" he moaned as the sexual feeling of pleasure grew more and more intense and he found Donnie's pounding rhythm. He began to face-fuck the naked boy sucking his cock, holding Donnie head gently in his hands and driving his cock deeper and deeper into the boy's mouth. Donnie took it like he'd been sucking cocks like David's all his life. The fact was, David was easy compared to Travis' eight-inch [20 cm] monster. He worked with practiced ease, feeling David's cock pulsating in his mouth, sucking it hard, looking forward to the boy's spurting hot load of succulent, sweet sperm.


David ejaculated blast after syrupy blast of sweet, salty, boy-cum past Donnie's tonsils and straight down the boy's throat in what seemed to him the orgasm to end all orgasms. Donnie didn't stop when he'd devoured every last drop David had to offer. He sucked him soft. Then, letting David's flacid cock slip from his lips, he stood and kissed him, letting some of David's own cum flow back between his lips, into David's mouth. At first David wasn't aware of what as happening. Then he realized suddenly he was tasting his own cum. He pulled away sputtering. "What the fuck 3;?"

"Get use to it." Donnie smiled. "Travis just loves to pull that trick."

David spit it out. "Tastes awful 3;" he gagged.

Donnie laughed. "Yeah, takes a little gettin' use to I guess."

"Ohhhh, god 3;" David held onto Donnie for support, his knees suddenly weak with pleasure, his mind suddenly overcome with the enormity of what he'd gotten himself into. "Pretty good load, how many times you shot today?" Donnie asked, holding David close to him now, kissing him gently on the back of the neck.

"Too many," David quickly admitted. "Three I think."

"I can do five on a good day." Donnie bragged. "If the other guy's really good."

"My cock feels like it's been through a meat grinder," David moaned, the first time today he'd not been at least HALF hard following an orgasm.

"It has." Donnie laughed. "Travis is a good teacher," he reached behind them and turned off the water.

"Tell me about it," David sighed, once more starting to feel like he could stand on his own too feet again.

"Here, let me help you 3; don't slip 3; let me dry you off." Donnie treated his newfound virgin boy with great delicacy as he helped him from the shower. David's head was spinning as once more it felt like Donnie's hands were all over him, this time with a towel, patting him down, almost as if he were prepping him for more yet to come.

"God, you're 3; beautiful 3; incredible 3;" David sighed as he gradually regained his senses, watching as his new friend dried himself off now, his cock as huge and hard and rigidly upright as before.

"You better get it hard again, Travis said he'd be waiting for us when we got done." Donnie reminded David.

"Waiting for 3;" Donnie's words sank in. "You mean 3;?"

"What, you don't wanna shoot your cum again?" Donnie looked at him in disbelief.

"But I just 3; I mean 3; you just 3;" David couldn't believe he was going to be called upon to perform sexually again.

"Hey, get use to it, around here it's just one big cum-party." Donnie smiled, once more leaning forward kissing David. "Want me to get it hard for you again?" David looked down, watching almost in disbelief as his cock once more responded to the naked, sexual arousal he was feeling, holding Donnie close. He smiled. "I don't think that'll be necessary."

Chapter 8

Donnie and David weren't disappointed when they finished their showers, dried off, and hardened up their cocks in preparation to return to the boudoir of their sexual mentor. Travis lay sprawled out on his back across his massive king-size waterbed, completely naked and hard, slowly stroking his soaring sexual pleasure organ, just waiting for them. Even Donnie swallowed hard as he gaped in stunned awe at the naked sex god that lay out before them. David's eyes nearly popped. Travis propped himself up on one elbow, never missing a stroke when he saw the two, naked, adolescent boys standing at the foot of his bed, both their hard, throbbing, teenage cocks soaring up at least six inches [15 cm] from their thin, hairless groins. He too was awestruck. One such boy about to offer his naked, sexual services to him was devastating. TWO was very nearly intimidating.

"I see you two have become better acquainted," he suggested euphemistically. Then he lay back and held out both arms. "Come to daddy 3;" he invited them into his sexual love nest.

David and Donnie looked at one another, then smiled, then crept naked across the white, satin comforter and into Travis' arms, melting into his naked, sexual embrace, one on either side of him.

"I feel like I'm in some sort of DREAM," David sighed as his cock touched Travis' naked thigh and the jolt of sexual pleasure it sent coursing to his brain nearly overwhelmed his adolescent senses.

"I think I know the feeling." Travis sighed, turning his head, kissing first one boy on the lips, then the other.

"God, three hard cocks in one bed! Wow!" Donnie's hand closed around Travis' cock and began to stroke it. "Ohhh, god, love this cock," he sighed as he worshipped Travis' massive sexual pleasure pole.

"You guys have a nice cum in there?" Travis asked. "You make each other cum pretty good?"

"Donnie sucked me," David sighed as he felt renewed sexual pleasure in his cock inspite of having just cum straight down Donnie's throat just a few mintues before. "I never been sucked before."

"I love virgin cock." Donnie smiled, feeling David's hand on Travis' cock along with his own.

"You remember YOUR first blowjob?" Travis smiled down at the boy. "You sucked me off while I was trying to work out on the machine."

Donnie laughed. "God, talk about a WORKOUT!"

"I think it was the first time he'd ever shot any cum too 3; what, about a year ago?" Travis tried to recall.

"Yeah, Travis had made me cum 3; well, not cum 3; made me feel it 3; orgasm 3; gave me an ORGASM several times before that 3; jackin' me off and stuff 3; he'd never sucked me before though and I'd never shot any cum 'til that night." Donnie sighed as he relived the moment of excruiciating pleasure Travis had bestowed on his virginal, little, naked, boy-body.

"You remember the first time 3; you know 3; when you felt what it felt like to 3; to ORGASM?" David asked the naked young boy whose hand he was now holding while both of them jacked Travis' cock.

"I do."

Travis smiled down at Donnie, once more kissing his lips. "He was almost thirteen 3; still only twelve years old 3; he'd gone swimming and locked himself out of his place 3; his parents weren't home 3; I sort of baby sat him 3; he took a shower, I loaned him my robe 'til his trunks were dry. I told him jackin' off was good for his biceps. I showed him how to do it then we jacked off together. Later we did each other 3; it was wild 3; also very sweet."

"It was beautiful." Donnie recalled dreamily. "Wish I could go back to being a virgin again, so I could feel that feeling again for the very first time again 3;"

"I remember my first time," David didn't have to think back very far. "I secretly saw a friend jacking off. When I got home I tried it 3; hoooo mannnnn 3;"

"You shoot a lot?" Donnie asked as he and David all but fought over Travis' pulsating, hard, man-cock.

"Just a little 3; thought I was gonna die 3; my heart was beating harder than it ever beat before 3; thought I was having a heart attack 3; a stroke or something 3; scared me a little it felt so good 3; thought I'd done something wrong," David recalled vividly his feelings at having discovered what it meant to be a boy. "It's such an 3; and INCREDIBLE feeling."

"Hey, guys, I hate to say this but I'm not feeling very INCREDIBLE down there, you two both trying to jack me off at the same time 3; why don't you take turns suckin' me or something?" Travis suggested as the two boys took it upon themselves to satisfy his wildest, sexual fantasy.

"Suck you 3;" David echoed in dismay.

"His lips are still virgin." Donnie smiled. "Come on down, I'll show ya how it's done." Donnie invited as he instantly flipped around so that his head lay mere inches from Travis' towering hard cock and hairless, shaven crotch. David once more took a big bite of reality, then rose to the occasion. He followed Donnie down the length of Travis' lithe, lean, slender, tightly- muscled nakedness. The man's massive hard cock loomed up before his eyes like a giant redwood as Donnie held it upright, ready to devour it for David's edification.

"All you gotta do is pretend it's a giant ice cream cone 3; lick it a lot, suck down on it before it starts to melt 3; like this 3;" Donnie demonstrated.

"My god it's 3;" David paused. Recounting it's size seemed meaningless, it was nothing less than the biggest cock he'd ever seen.

"Try it." Donnie egged him on. David stuck out his tongue timidly and half-heartedly licked it. Suddenly Donnie forced his head down on it, gagging him instantly.

"DONNIE!!" Travis cried angrily and slapped his hands away from David's head, freeing his young nephew to recover. "That was a fuckin' stupid thing to do!!"

"Sorry." Donnie apologized softly.

"Don't tell me 3; tell HIM." Travis insisted.

"Sorry." Donnie repeated for David's benefit.

"I'm trying to make a first-class cocksucker outta him and you're trying to ruin him for life, my god, kid, where'd you leave your fuckin' BRAINS this morning!" Travis berated the boy.

"Sorry." Donnie repeated for a third time.

"It's okay," David whispered, moving his lips back to Travis' cock and this time swallowing the entire, massive head as if to prove there'd been no real harm done.

"Well, don't just lie there like a lump on a bog, help him out." Travis insisted as he all but forced Donnie's talented, sucking lips back into action on his cock. Donnie licked one side of Travis' cock while David more or less imitated him, licking the other side, the magic moment coming when their lips met, trapping the head of Travis' cock between them in the most erotic kiss either of them could have imagined.

"Ohhhhh goddddd 3; .." Travis hadn't been expecting such an initial jolt of pure, naked, sexual pleasure. Seeing Travis' reaction, the two boys repeated the move, starting to enjoy, not only sucking but kissing as well, feeling Travis' cockhead shudder between their lips involuntarily. Suddenly, half a cock wasn't enough for David. He fully engorged himself on his uncle's massive organ, again choking, but this time, not letting go, sucking him now on his own as both Donnie and Travis watched in amazement the ease with which David began handling his cock. "God, he's fuckin GOOD."

Even Donnie had to admit. "Maybe he's not such a virgin afterall."

"Oh, he's a virgin alright 3; or WAS until a minute ago." Travis insisted from personal experience. "It's just that he comes by his talents naturally 3; instinctively almost 3; knowing what to do sexually with a man without being told. It's a gift."

"You feelin' it? Donnie asked Travis anxiously.

"Hoooo, yeah." Travis was feeling it more than a little. Deep inside him, David's sucking lips were doing something to him he'd never felt before 3; kind of tickling him, deep inside him, at the base of his cock 3; it was literally an itch he couldn't scratch. He didn't have to though. David was doing it for him. "The kid's a natural."

"Don't let it go to your head, that's what he said about me the first time I ever sucked him off, too." Donnie smiled, watching as David gradually perfected his cocksucking techniques.

"Ohhh, man, he's really fuckin' gettin' into it." Travis sighed as the sexual pleasure he felt grew along with David's expertise on his cock. "Both of you 3; like before." Travis directed, pushing Donnie's head back down to his cock. "Suck you queer little motherfucker, help him make me cum."

Donnie sucked 3; so did David, and Travis struggled vainly to control them both, not to mention his own sexual pleasure at what the boys were now doing to him. "Ohh, god yes, that's better 3; feels sooo good, whoa!" It was the first time in his life two naked, teenage boys had tried sucking him off at the same time. He wondered why he'd never had boys do it to him like that before. He was astounded by how good it felt. Travis tried desperately to control his sexual movements, fearing he might frighten the boys, preferring instead to let them do the work while he merely layed back and enjoyed the stereo sexual stimulation. He could feel it wouldn't be long before his orgasm swept over him at the rate the boys were going to town on his cock.

Inspite of having cum three times already that morning, David was turned on as never before in his short, sparsely settled, lifetime of sexual experience, consisting of all of two or three days. He matched Donnie's stroking lip movements on Travis' cock one on one, up and down, up and down, concentrating mostly on the head, thinking more of kissing Donnie's succulent, sweet lips than sucking Travis' cock.

"Ohhh, god, boys do it to me, boys, do it to me, do it to me, do it to me, ohhh yeah, feels good, feels good, feels sooo good, suckin' me, boys, suckin' my cock, suckin' me soo good, sooo hard, feeling it soo good, aahhahhhaahhhh god, yes, yes, yes, keep suckin' me, keep suckin' me like that, boys, yeah, up and down, suckin' me, suckin' me, suckin' me, boys, ahahhhhha god, yeah, you guys are good, wow, a duet, singin' the praises of my cock, worshipping me, together, kissing, sucking, kissing, sucking, kissing, sucking, hooo man, you guys 3; ahahhehaehhrehhrhhghhhg god, really gettin' to me, boys, really fuckin' gettin' to me now, ahhhehhhaeh man, feels soo good, suckin' my cock, boys, suckin' my cock, ahghheh yeah, more, more, more, harder, faster, deeper, suck me off, boys, suck me off, make me cum, boys, suck my cock and make me cum 3; .ohehhhh god, ahahehh gees, the feeling, boys, the feeling, the feeling you're givin' me, my cock, the feeling you're both givin' my cock, hoooooo god, I can't hold out much longer, you're gonna make me cum, cum, David, Donnie, yeah, I'm gettin' close boys, gonna give you my cum, boys, yeah, yeah, hoo god, get ready, here it cums, here it 3; it 3; CUMMMMMSSSS 3; HOOO GOD, HERE IT CUMMMMS 3; CUMMMMS 3; CUMMMMMSSS 3; AHGHEH GOD, CUMMING, CUMMING, CUMMING, BOYS, CUMMING, SOOO HARD, AGHEY GOD, AHEHOAEIIEOHRIOHO GOD, THE FEELING, SHOOTIN' MY CUM 3; AHH AHHH 3; AHHHH 3; UNNNNGGHHHHHAHAHEGEHOIH 3; UNNGGGHHHH 3; AHGOD, GHEHOAOEIHROIHOHHHH MAN, SUCK ME, BOYS, SUCK ME OFF, SUCK MY CUM, TAKE IT, TAKE IT ALL, HHEHHAH YEAH, YEAH, YEAH, SOOO GOOD, SOOO BEAUTIFUL, BOTH OF YOU, SUCKIN' ME OFF 3; SUCKIN' ME OFFFFFFF 3; SUCKIN' ME OFFFFFF 3;!"

Travis heaved and thrust, jarring them with his upward hip movements, writhing madly under the spell of their cocksucking sexual pleasure as mostly Donnie drank in his searing, hot eruptions of thick, spurting man-juice.

"Whoa, mannnnn 3;" David gasped as he watched close-up in amazement the orgasm Travis was enduring, hardly able to comprehend that he'd been even HALF responsible for triggering it. When it came to devouring Travis' cum, he let Donnie have his way with him. Travis seemed totally out of control, wallowing in such intense sexual pleasure David wondered if the man might be going insane. Everything about the naked, hard-muscled man seemed larger than life, about to explode in millions of sexual pieces. It seemed to go on and on. Donnie clung bravely to the man's cock inspite of the almost brutal face-fucking Travis was giving him, jamming his cock deep into Donnie's throat, spurting massive globs of thick, flowing, cock lava with every heaving thrust of his thin, naked loins up from the bed into Donnie's mouth. It took Travis, David estimated, more than a minute to once again settle down. Even then, the man's cock still leaked a lingering ooze of glistening, white cum while Donnie's face looked like he'd been SWIMMING in the stuff.

"My god, that was incredible 3;" Travis moaned as he fell back against the billow, trying to recover his senses from such a torrent of sexual pleasure visited upon him by the boys. "One boy he can handle, two and he's goes off the deep end."

Donnie sighed as both he and David now cuddled tightly against their still-trembling sex object.

"You've done this before 3; with other boys?" David asked in dismay.

Donnie laughed. "Your Uncle Travis uses that fuckin' machine over there as boy-bait." Donnie told him. "And THIS 3;" he held Travis' semi-hard cock in his hand. "This is pretty good boy-bait too."

"Actually only two other boys 3; both only on rare occasions and both of their own free will 3; nothing heavy 3; some sucking, some jacking off 3; none of the boys could take this fucker up the ass." Travis said almost sadly.

David wanted to ask if his FATHER could take it up the ass but he restrained him self. "What other boys?" he asked instead, wondering if he knew any of them.

"A man doesn't kiss and tell." Travis smiled at first one boy then the other.

"Colton and Dustin." Donnie blurted, having no such reservations.

"Donnie, you got a fuckin' big mouth!" Travis complained.

"I'd have to have to take this fucker." Donnie waved Travis' cock playfully, flopping it back and forth.

"I know Colton 3; Colton's gay?" David gasped.

"We call him Colt 3; little stud-boy 3; horniest little fucker I ever saw 3; nice size cock 3; can't cum yet but man does he go berserk when you make him orgasm, man, he really knows how to use that hot little fuckstick of his 3; all five inches [13 cm] of it 3; sucked him off last week and my mouth is still sore 3; slipped out, almost poked me in the fuckin' eye with it." Donnie recounted.

"He's a handful when you get him strokin' that little fucker." Travis had to agree. "All I can do to control him once he starts gettin' off. And my god, an orgasm 'bout KILLS him 3; you think he's goin' off the deep end 3;"

"Who's the other kid 3; Dustin?" David knew a few boys named Dustin but couldn't picture ANY of them involved with Travis or Donnie.

Donnie laughed self-consciously 3; my little brother," he told David.

"Your little brother 3; how little?" David asked immediately.

"Don't ask 3; god, Donnie, you should be ashamed of yourself molesting an eleven-year-old 3; my god 3;" Travis complained.

"We don't make him cum on nothing, he just likes to 3; you know 3; play around naked with us 3; he can't even handle the machine 3; got quite a hard little cock though 3; BIG cock, really, for a little kid 3; almost as big as MINE." Donnie told them.

"He IS as big as you 3; every inch as big 3; and one of these days he's gonna be BIGGER'N you." Travis corrected the naked young boy in his arms. "Donnie brought him over one night and we kind of all three got carried away. We ended up naked in bed and him and Donnie took turns jackin' me off 3; one night 3; and he makes it sound like I got a little-boy harem or something."

"Me and Colt did it to you more than one night." Donnie insisted. "This one night, I don't know HOW many times we made him cum. We was teachin' Colt how to suck his cock. Little fucker really got into it 3; wouldn't stop."

"Hooo, yes 3; my cock still aches whenever I think about it." Travis rubbed his balls. " 3; about like now in fact," he sighed. He massaged his groin in mock pain. "Hey, you boys are still hard 3; think maybe it's about time for a couple more orgasms for you guys? He reached over and took each boy's cock, one in each hand and began stroking them.

"Talk about aching balls," David sighed, feeling his doing just that as his uncle began to once more stroke him. "Yeah, I forgot, you've already cum about three times this morning." Travis smiled over at his incredibly cute, young nephew. "You think you can do it again?"

"I'll try," David promised, unwilling for his uncle to stop now what he was doing to his cock.

"Four times is about most boys your age's limit." Travis smiled. "Except for horny little toads like Colt and stud-puppies like Donnie here 3; I once juiced him up FIVE TIMES in one night! David winced in pain involuntarily just at the thought of cumming that many times, even as he felt the pleasure of what Travis's hand was doing to his pulsating hard cock.

"Colt don't shoot yet so he can get off DOZENS of times." Donnie laughed.

"Well 3; theoretically I suppose 3;" Travis smiled. "Actually I'd be afraid to push it with Colt, god, he gets so hyper 3; once you get him started, no telling WHAT he might do."

"I'm gettin' pretty hyper too." Donnie writhed under the renewed onslaught of Travis' talented fingers on his stiff young cock.

"Yeah, I can tell 3; aren't you guys glad I'm ambidexterous." Travis laughed, quite ably jacking off both their cocks at the same time.

"More like ambiSEXterous if you ask ME." Donnie joked as his cock began to throb maddeningly in Travis's magic, stroking fingers. "Travis is really good jackin' boys off 3; really knows how to do it 3; almost like he can feel it himself." Donnie sighed, concentrating every nerve in his slender, young boy-body upon feeling the pleasure Travis was giving him.

"Yeah 3; god, I can tell!" David moaned as the feelings of sexual pleasure deep within him began to become more and more acute.

"Feels good don't it?" Donnie sighed as he let the looming sexual pleasure swell within him like a balloon slowly inflating.

"God, you boys both got such nice cocks 3; hard, throbbing, pounding, pulsating 3; hoo man, I wanna make you BOTH cum soooo BADDDDD 3;" Travis gradually increased the pace of his stroking fists on the boys' cocks.

"Hooo, god, tell me about it!" Donnie gasped as serious jolts of pleasure were now pricking him from within. "God, I love it when you do it to me like this."

David was strangely silent, unsure if the pleasure he felt building up deep within his trembling, adolescent groin was something he could deal with or not. It was becoming almost excruciating, incredible pleasure but a looming sense that it could very easily turn to pain if it got any MORE intense, and his every sexual experience told him it WOULD get more and more intense with every up and down stroke of his uncle's pounding fist on his cock.

"You're awfully quiet, kid you doin' okay with this 3; you feeling it 3; feeling it really good, really strong now, feeling what my talented fingers are doing to your cock now 3; gonna make you cum, David, you feeling it, gonna make you cum?" Travis questioned his naked young nephew anxiously.

"Yeah 3; I 3; hoooo god 3; I 3; I think 3; ahhhghehahhehhrh god, Uncle Trav 3; hooo god, my cock, hoo god, hoooooooo god 3; hooooooooo god, aergegehhhhhhhhh 3;" David was crying out in acute sexual pleasure already and his orgasm was still several strokes away, yet the feeling was so powerful he winced at the thought it would get even stronger before it was over.

"He's feeling it." Donnie smiled, lifting his head, also concerned that David might be going too far in tackling his FOURTH orgasm in one morning.

"You gonna be alright, still want me to go on?" Travis asked in concern while not stopping for an instant the intense sexual stimulation causing his concern.

"Don't 3; don't stop 3;" David made his decision to let his uncle keep doing it to him, even though deep within him he doubted he could endure any MORE pleasure.

"Make us cum, do it, man, jack our cocks and make us cum, Trav, cum on, cum on, do it, do it, I wanna shoot it, I wanna shoot my cum again, man, do it to me, man, do it to me hard, harder, harder, jack me off, jack us BOTH off, I want us to cum together 3; hard, harder than you ever made us cum before 3; shootin' more cum than ever before 3; aehrhg god, Travis 3; I can't stand this much longer 3; I'm 3; ahghehh god, this feeling 3; I'm gonna do it, man, ahghehhaehhhhehrhah god, make me cum, man, hehoaiehoihoihoaehri FUCK, ahgoeihoaierohoaehi FUCK 3; oeoihiehoirhohoIWIIHIHAOEHOAHEOIRHOH FUCK, FUCK, FUCK, FUCCCCCKKKKKKKK 3; AHEIOAHOIHEOHORE MY GOD, GHEOIHAEOI GOD, OHEIOOEIROHAOEIOIHO SHOOTIN' 3; OOEIHOEIHHAE IEIIEIAIEIEIIIEIHGHEHHHHH 3; .OOOEEIIIEEGEHHGHHH GOD, GOD, GOD, CUMMING, CUMMING, CUMMING, TRAVIS, MILKIN' ME, MILKIN' THE CUM RIGHT OUTTA MY BALLLLLSSSS, MAN 3; HGHEAOIEHIH FUCK, THE FEELING, SOOO SHARP 3; SO 3; WOWWWWWW 3; AHHIEIIEHIHOGIHEOH." Donnie suffered through his orgasm with even more than his usual screams of sexual pleasure as his cock drove home three MASSIVE spurts of his white, hot boy-cum. "OHHH YEAHHH, BABE, THAT'S THE WAY, DONNIE, SHOOT IT, BOY, SHOOT THAT FUCKIN' BABY BATTER, SON, SHOOT IT, SHOOT IT SHOOT IT ALL OVER THE PLACE, BOY, YEAH, HARDER, HARDER 3; OHHEHH GOD, WHAT A FUCKIN' SHOT, WOW, YOU SEE HOW HIGH YOU SHOT IT THAT TIME 3; MUSTA BEEN THREE FUCKIN' FEET 3; MY GOD, YOU HORNY FUCKER, WOW, MORE, OH YEAH, GIVE ME YOUR CUM, DONNIE, MORE, MORE MORE, GIVE IT TO ME, GIVE IT TO ME, GIVE IT TO MEEEeeeee 3;"

Travis concentrated his attention on Donnie to the point his hand all but stopped on David, easing the pressure for the sexually tortured young boy to cum. "Make David cum too, do it to him, man, get him off too 3; make him cum, make him cum, make him cum, Travis, yeah, yeah, jack his cock, jack that fucker, do it to him, do it to him hard, harder, get him off get him fuckin' OFFFFFFFF!" Donnie cried as if David's orgasm was a part of his own.

"Workin' on him, gonna do it any second, man, gonna make him cum, gettin' him close, gonna pop him off any second 3; cum on David, one more, one more time, then we'll leave your cock alone 3; let you limp home to recover, boy, yeah, cum on, cum on, you can do it, David, cum on, shoot it, shoot it, one more big blast of boy-juice, I know you got it in ya, cum on, cum on, cum on, cum on 3; ." Travis really turned up the heat on David's tortured hard boy-cock.

"AIIIIEIIEIIEAEIIIEIIEIGHHHEIAIEIIEIRIGHHEIEEIIEIGHEHIIEIGHHH!!!" David suddenly screamed out in real, sexual pain as his orgasm pounced on him with the ferocity of an attacking lion, tearing him apart inside, the pleasure so intense it wavered between pain and pleasure, one moment catapulting him to the heights of sexual ecstasy and with the next pulsating blast, making him scream out in excruiciating pain. It was an orgasm like he never wanted to have again for the rest of his life, yet a second later he never wanted it to end. "IIIIAIEIAHEIHOIEHOIHEIHOIAH GOD, STOP, STOP 3; YOU'RE HURTING ME 3; NO, NO, DON'T STOP, DON'T EVER STOP, JACK ME, JACK MY COCK, JACK ME OFF, MAN, I'M FEELING 3; IEIAEHIHOIHOEHROAH GOD, OHEHIOAEOH GOD, THE PAIN 3; AHOEIHOIEHOR GOD, AHHH, AHHAHH OHH GOD, FEELS SOOO GOOD, FEELS SOOO 3; SOOO 3; HHEHAHEORIHOH UNCLE TRAVIS, MY COCK, MY 3; .MY 3; OEOIHEIOAHEOIHROIHROI GOD, GOD, GOD, GOD!!!!"

David seemed to die a million deaths as he alternated between the towering pleasure and devastating agony of his fourth orgasm of the morning. Tears streamed from his eyes, a few drops of cum oozed from his cock, his naked little boy body shaking in sobs of pleasure and pain. He passed out, unable to take it anymore.