P. WriterBryan Willowsby,
SummaryWe follow the life of Bryan, from age 8 until age 15. Bryan is a highly intelligent but terribly lonely 8 year-old boy, when he is spotted by 12 year-old Colton. Colton molds Bryan into not only being his own personal sex slave, but also a boy for hire. Bryan ends up in a detention center for boys, where he again has to submit an older, stronger boy. Later, when Bryan is released we follow him through the hardships of love, abuse and a childhood that just won't ever end!
First publ. Dec 2016-Feb 2017, edited Apr 2018.
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CharactersBryan, main character, (8-15yo); Colton, aka Colt (12-15yo); from ch. 11: Charles Jr., aka Charley, (15-16yo); from ch. 15: Davey (13-14yo); from ch. 42: Beau (13yo); from ch. 71: Kieran (9yo); from ch. 75: Rowan (16yo) Category & Story codesCoercive teen-boy storytb Mtb – coercion/cons mast oral anal – first humil prost ws spank (implied) (Explanation) |
Coercion story
Author's noteI've written this story with a lot of inspiration from a novel called The Guilty One written by Lisa Ballantyne and the Canadian movie named 10 et demi or 10½. In this story you will come across explicitly described sexual acts between males of varying ages, some of which are coerced and/or forced. Some acts of violence are described as well. This is not your average love story; it is a product of my imagination and is not an encouragement to, nor is it an endorsement of forcing, coercing or paying other people (underage or not) to have sex with you in real life. Although the story is set in England I've never been to the country; neither have I ever seen the insides of a real life juvenile detention centre. I have seen several jails and prisons for adults, and witnessed the conditions inmates have to get by during their incarceration, and with those in mind I've created the scenes in which the first half of the story take place. Any resemblance to any real life person or location is simply and utterly coincidental. Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author at pwriter(at)protonmail(dot)com through this feedback form with P. Writer: Bryan Willowsby, a boy named in the subject line. |
Table of Contents |
1 The beginningHe heard how the wire-mesh fence gate rattled while it slowly rolled in place behind the car. He involuntarily flinched when the gate came to a halt with a loud clonk and blocked the way out. He had watched it roll open when the car pulled up in front of it; then, after the car had moved through the opening, he had craned his neck to watch it close. His shoulders slumped and he let his head fell forwards until his chin again rested against the top of his chest. His eyes itched from when he had cried and he wanted to reach up and rub them with the back of his hands. He let out a small sigh as he could still feel the cold hard steel dig into his thin wrists keeping his arms firmly locked in place on his back. He hadn't seen the handcuffs as the man had made him put his hands on his back before he was handcuffed, but he remembered with shame how the two men had laughed when the first pair of handcuffs slid right over his hands. Then the long wait while one of the men went to get a smaller sized pair of handcuffs. The next humiliation stepped right up and slapped him in the face when his hands were finally secured behind his back. It happened when the man told him the handcuffs he now wore were really meant for women. It wasn't as if it was his fault he had small wrists; he was, after all, not a grown man, not even a teenager. He was just an 11 years old boy and a quite small one at that. He was a very confused and frightened little boy as he sat sat there in the back of the police car. One of the policemen sat in the rear seat next to him, but the boy wasn't comforted by the close proximity of the policeman; he kept his distance to him and sat as close to the door as he could. The boy wished for the door to magically obey his silent pleas, to open and let him out; for the handcuffs around his wrists to vanish into thin air, so he could go back to being the normal little boy he once had been, though it seemed so very long ago. The car door ignored him, much like everyone else had. He remembered the policewoman who had asked him lots of questions he couldn't answer. The other woman, who had said she was there to help him, hadn't done anything to stop the questioning. She had encouraged him to just spill the beans. He had wanted to tell the truth, but just couldn't tell what really happened and neither of the women believed the story he had told them. He had been so confused during the questioning too. Confusion seemed to be a constant factor in the boy's life. *** To be perfectly honest, the boy hadn't always been confused and certainly not always afraid. He was an only child, the result of many a fruitless attempt by his parents to have children. His parents had always wanted many children, but had postponed the pursuit of them until it had nearly been too late. Both parents were in their mid 30s before they gave in to their natal instincts and it was another two years before they realised they wouldn't be having any children the natural way. Had it not been for science, he would never have been conceived, which likely would've ended this story long before it could have even started. As it was, his life began in a Petri dish when a doctor carefully inseminated three eggs extracted from his mother with sperm cells from his father. All of the three embryos were placed inside his mother, but only one of them managed to survive and thrive there. When the first ultrasound scan proved the fact that a new life was developing inside of his mother, both parents burst into tears of joy. The joy they felt was briefly shadowed by the doctor's words when he told them this would be their only child unless they adopted or used donor eggs. His mother's ovary reserve had depleted before time due to a hormone imbalance that gone unnoticed until his parents had sought out medical assistance for infertility. They grieved for a while, but as days turned into weeks and weeks into months, so turned the embryo inside the mother into a foetus. 16 weeks from the day when the embryo had been transferred to his mother's uterus a new scan revealed they were expecting a boy, and not only was he a boy, he was in excellent physical health. There were no signs of the much feared abnormalities from his mother's hormone imbalance. Still, the parents weren't able to fully relax, there was a significant risk of the boy growing inside of his mother to be born with autism or an yet unknown level of brain damage. The ultra-scan couldn't reveal whether or not the wee one inside of his mother would ever be able to live a normal and independent life. But, since his parents at least knew the gender of the miracle growing inside of his mother, they set onto the task of finding the perfect name for him. After many a lengthy debate they decided to name him Bryan after his mother's great grandfather; it was a commonly used name and it sounded like the perfect name for a perfect little boy: Bryan Willowsby. It had a certain ring to it. Bryan first saw the light of the cold, harsh world when a doctor carefully used a scalpel to cut a small gap in his mother's abdomen, barely wide enough for Bryan to fit through, but out he came. He shrieked when he was pulled from the warm comfort of his mother's womb, but soon settled down while he was thoroughly wiped down and wrapped in a preheated soft cotton towel. After being placed on his mother's chest he had one near-sighted look at her face before he promptly fell asleep to the familiar sound of her heartbeat. His parents smiled to each other, feeling ever so happy. *** Bryan could feel the car accelerate after another wire-mesh gate had rattled aside, allowing them entry to this extremely scary place. He had heard of prisons before, had watched movies like Escape from Alcatraz, Shawshank Redemption and had even watched some of the Prison Break episodes. However, he hadn't the faintest idea as to what a prison would be like in real life, he had never thought it would be something he'd experience. All he knew was that he really did not want to go to prison, and yet there he was about to enter one. It felt as if he was dreaming, he wished for all of this to be nothing but a bad dream; that he'd soon wake up from his father's gentle shaking of his shoulder, wishing him a good morning. He'd be left in his bed with the very faint moisture left behind on his forehead from his father's morning kiss. Then he'd stretch his body while yawning before gingerly putting his feet down on the coldish floor of his bedroom. He'd hurry to the bathroom so he could pee, before returning to get out of his pajamas and get dressed in his school uniform. Bryan was abruptly pulled back to reality when the car stopped and the policeman next to him got out. Bryan stayed in his seat, there wasn't much else he could do, strapped in as he was by the seat belt, not to mention his hands cuffed on his back and the shut car door. Even if he had been able to somehow reach the door handle, he couldn't have opened the door. He had only recently succeeded in persuading his mother to disengage the child lock in the rear doors of the family cars, but the left rear door of the police car had the child lock engaged and he simply had to wait for it to be opened from the outside. The policeman behind the wheel of the car turned off the engine and exited the car as well. The door next to Bryan was opened and his seat belt released. He felt a hand grab hold of his upper arm and was more pulled than helped to his feet outside of the car. The policeman who dragged him out of the car was a tall man, Bryan dwarfed by his size. The policeman never let go of his arm, just nudged him towards a concrete staircase leading up to a door that in Bryan's eyes looked like the entryway to hell. *** Bryan was an easy baby and toddler, never made much of a fuss, seemed content to play with his toys and extremely happy whenever anyone paid attention to him. Yet, he never demanded attention like some kids seem to do. He was polite and kind to everyone he met; he happily shared the toys with other kids at the kindergarten he went to, and because of that easily made friends with anyone who sought out his company. However, Bryan never took the initiative. He was somewhat shy, but the biggest hindrance for Bryan was his self-esteem, or the lack thereof. If you had asked Bryan, he wouldn't be able to tell you the reason for it, and if anyone should have suggested it was due to his parents, he would've strongly defended them. But, once his parents had learned Bryan wasn't autistic, rather he was a lot smarter than average kids his age, they set their goals high for him, always demanded he'd perform better, quicker and smarter. Bryan was their first child and the only one they'd ever have, so he alone had to live up to all of the combined ambitions and expectations they had ever dreamed of for their children. Bryan did the best he could, but once he reached one milestone set by his parents, they immediately set another goal for him to aim for. His parents praised him and showed their approval, but not nearly to the point where Bryan ever felt like he had done enough to earn their love. When he was old enough to start school, it was quickly determined he was far ahead of the other children. So he was moved into an advanced study group after he finished the reception year. When after a year it turned out the advanced study group simply wasn't advanced enough to challenge him sufficiently, he was moved from year 2 straight into year 4. While the move helped him a whole lot academically speaking, it pretty much destroyed his social life. His former best friends stopped talking to him as he wasn't in their year any more and the older kids in his new year weren't at all happy with the snot-nosed wimp who scored higher in tests than they were able to. Bryan was confused, he thought of himself as being a nice kid, and it really wasn't his fault if he was a little more intelligent and knew a lot more words than the other kids in his year. 2 A friend?High IQ or not, Bryan was led up the concrete stairs and, after the door buzzed open, was ushered inside the old brick building. He took in a gasp of air when he saw the run-down state of everything inside that first room of the building. The old linoleum flooring was cracked, the paint peeled off the walls and the only furniture was a heavily scratched old counter he could barely see over the top of. "In here," the policeman still holding onto his arm said and nudged him towards an open door to the side. Bryan was forced to move, even if his feet felt like they were set in place. Had the policeman not nudged him, he wouldn't have been able to move on his own. The door was shut behind them and the policeman unlocked and slid open the handcuffs freeing his hands. Absent-mindedly he rubbed his wrists where the steel had made slight indentions in his skin. "Come on, kid," the other policeman said, "what are you waiting for?" Bryan looked at him, not knowing what was expected of him. He shrugged helplessly at the policeman. "Strip! No need to act all shy now." Bryan blinked up at the policeman, now he understood what was expected of him, but not why. "The sooner you get your clothes off so you can be processed the sooner me and my colleague can leave this dreadful place behind." The policeman had only just explained why he wanted Bryan naked when the door was opened. Bryan looked at the new person entering the room. "Got him ready yet?" Bryan heard the newcomer say. He was dressed in uniform too, but not the same as the policemen. Bryan instinctively knew this had to be a prison guard. "Wait," the guard said, "are you sure you picked up the right one?" "Of course we picked up the right kid. There was only one at the station and it was this little guy here." "Let me see," the guard said, shuffled the papers he held in his hands and then looked back at Bryan, "Are you Bryan Willowsby?" Bryan nodded in confirmation, after he briefly considered saying no. There'd be no denying who he was; the angry police woman had taken pictures of his face from three different angles, she had scanned his finger prints and even made him suck on a thin plastic rod with a small awful tasting sponge for a full 5 minutes to get a sample of his DNA. "Damn boy, you sure don't look 13 to me." "I'm not, I'm 11 years and 8 months old 3; In a few more days," Bryan found his voice. The guard looked bewildered at what Bryan told him and checked his papers again, "For f-Pete's sake, I can't allow him in, guys." "What?" the policeman who had ordered Bryan to strip asked. "We can't have him here, we're only licensed to take 13 to 17 year-olds." "What's that supposed to mean? We were told to bring him here," the other policeman said. "Ah, bloody hell," the guard pointed at Bryan, "You! Don't move an inch. Come with me, and let's get to the bottom of this," he told the policemen who followed him out. Bryan heard the door close and then the insertion of a key, finally the key turning and locking the door. The sound of the lock engaging echoed through the now way too quiet room and made Bryan jolt like he had heard a gunshot. He had a quick look around the room when he realised he was all alone in it. One of the walls looked as if it belonged in a bank safety deposit vault. Lots of small metal lockers each of them had locks; a couple still had the key in the lock. Curiously, Bryan opened one of the lockers with a key still in the lock and only discovered a small empty plastic basket hiding in the locker. He quietly shut the door to the small locker and sat on the sole chair in the room. He wondered what would happen to him, now he apparently was too little to go to prison, well, at least too little for this prison. He hoped they'd take him to his own house so he could sit and talk to his parents. I should have done that years ago, he thought miserably. *** Bryan had often been accused of being too little to do something, mostly it was when his sports class at school had to be divided into teams. He grew tired of listening to the other kids complain about having him on their team, so he found something else to do; when it was time for sports, he sneaked unseen into the storage room where all sorts of sports equipment was waiting to be dragged into the large gym. In the dusty storage room, Bryan was able to hide from not only the sports teacher but more importantly the other, older kids. It was boring and heartbreaking having to hide and still be able to clearly hear the shouts from his year mates having fun in the gym. Only when he heard the sports teacher announce the end of sports class, would he slip back into the gym and go get changed with the rest of the boys in his year. It was during one of these agonizingly boring long waits when Bryan was busted. He got a real scare when he heard someone loudly clearing their throat, thinking immediately it was the sports teacher who had finally found him. Instead, he realized, it was an older boy. Not just older than Bryan, this boy was clearly older than any of Bryan's year mates; he was taller than even the tallest kid in year 5 and looked far stronger too. "Did you get lost pipsqueak? Waiting for your mummy to come find you?" the older boy teased Bryan. Bryan blushed in humiliation, still he managed to shake his head negatively at the intruding boy. "Why are you here then? I thought the reception [first grade] had sports in the mornings?" "I'm not in reception any more!" Bryan snapped angrily. "Woah, chill little dude. I didn't mean it like that." "I'm in year 5." "No offence, but you look more like you belong in reception than year 5. You can't be 9 or 10 years old." "I just turned 8, what's that got to do with what year I'm in?" "Are you sure? You 3; uh never mind. Why are you sitting here all on your own?" "You hear the kids in there? They're playing basketball. D'you think they want me to play basketball with them? They'd sooner use me as the ball than letting me be on a team," Bryan explained, more calmly but with a profound sadness to his voice. "Oh little dude, please don't start crying." "I won't. I'm not a baby!" "I know you aren't, though you look younger than 8. What's your name? I can't keep calling you little dude if we're going to be mates." "You want to be my friend? Why?" "I don't know really. I think you're kind of cool, even for a little dude, y'know?" "Bryan." "Huh?" "I said my name's Bryan, not little dude," Bryan said gruffly, but the twinkle in his eyes let the older boy know he didn't mean it. "Cool, I'm Colt, y'know, like the gun?" "What kind of name is Colt? Oh, sorry." "Well, it's what all my mates call me, my real name is Colton, but you can call me Colt as well." "Okay, Colt!" 3 Getting a new keyBryan heard the faint sound of the buzzer when the entrance door opened, then heard the door shut a brief moment later. He thought he heard the engine of the police car as it started, but it was so faint he just wasn't sure. Three minutes later, according to the cheap digital wristwatch he wore, he heard the rattle when a key was inserted into the locked door. As it swung open he heard the last few words of a conversation. " 3;still don't like this, but here we go." In came the guard who had argued about Bryan staying at the prison along with another guard. "Now, Bryan, you'll be staying here until the court decides otherwise. We aren't used to having boys as young as you here, but I've been told you're smarter than most boys your age, even smarter than some of the older ones too. It'll be nice for a change to have a clever boy around. Before we show you to your room, we have to process you first. We want to make sure you aren't bringing anything you're not allowed to have, so you'll need to remove your clothes while we watch you do so." Bryan trembled a little as he started to undress; he remembered the exact words Colt had said, though it was so long ago he had heard them. "Come on, take them off, it'll be fun, I promise!" It hadn't been fun then and it wasn't fun now either. For once he wasn't wearing anything classy, just a jumper, tee shirt; a pair of sweatpants, tight white briefs, white tube socks and a pair of sneakers. The school clothes he wore when he was arrested had been seized by the police for their investigation, and until his mother had been able to hand in the set of clothes he was busy taking off now, all he had been given to wear was an adult-sized single-use white painter's coverall much too large for him. Bryan stopped when all he had on were his briefs. The guard told him to remove them as well. With a blush he pushed his tight boy panties down his thin legs and hurriedly clasped his hands in front of him before he stood back up, now fully naked but hiding his little package from the prison guards' eyes. "I'm afraid we'll have to see all of you, Bryan, only for a short moment." Bryan's cheeks blushed an even brighter red before he forced himself to move his hands away and let them hang idly next to his thighs. "This isn't fun for you, nor is it much fun for us, but grab hold of your penis and show us the head." "Gene, this little fella' can't be hiding anything there, do you think it's necessary to go through all of the steps with him?" "It's the rules, I'm not prepared to lose my job just because some idiot paper-pusher made the mistake to send him to us. Get on with it, Bryan, the sooner you do, the sooner you'll be able to put some clothes on." Bryan wasn't sure what the guard wanted him to do but held his willy between thumb and index finger and lifted it from where it had been resting against his balls. "No, you need to slide your foreskin back for us. We've seen kids hiding drugs there before." Inaudible sighing, Bryan did as instructed. It was his willy that had gotten him into all of this trouble, it was probably the main reason for him finding himself in the current situation. He just hoped it would behave itself now. The fear Bryan felt was more than adequate to keep his willy flaccid; if anything, he mostly felt a strong urge to pee. "Nice and clean, okay, show us the other side of it too, good, now spread your legs a bit and lift up your testes, show us the underside of your ball sack. Right, lift up your arms, very good. You can put them down now." The guard, Gene, moved to stand very close in front of Bryan and bent down so he could look him straight into his eyes. After a short moment he spoke again. "Open your mouth, no wider 3; Open up as wide as you can 3; yes, that's a lot better. Move your tongue all around so I can see you aren't trying to hide anything in your mouth." Bryan thought it was stupid, he wanted to giggle at the absurdity of having the man scrutinize his mouth like he was, but he was still nervous and butt-naked, and the two grownups could easily manhandle him if he made the wrong move. He was about to object when Gene told him to turn around and spread his legs wide, then bend over, reach back and spread apart his buttocks. But all it took was one look in the man's eyes and Bryan could see he meant business. So he did what he had been told and hoped his bum hole was as clean as the head of his willy had been, and that it wouldn't show any signs of what had happened to it over the past two or so years. "Consider this to be your lucky day, kid, I'm going to skip the cavity search. I doubt you'd be able to push anything of importance inside that scrawny little arse you have. I found a mobile phone in a kid's arse once but he was much older than you." "Come on, Bryan, it won't hurt you and it'll feel so good to me. Do it for your best mate eh?" After the guard had checked the soles of his feet, Bryan scrambled to put on the faded blue denim dungaree [An overall with a bib in front and braces] he was handed by the guard, whose name he so far hadn't heard. A new set of plastic slippers followed, but that was it, no underwear, no socks, no shirt. The dungaree and slippers were at least a few sizes too large for Bryan, but he didn't complain, it sure beat having to stand there naked in front of the two grownups he didn't know. He took off his watch without pause when he was asked to, but it was harder for him to remove the thin golden link necklace Colt had given him as a token of their friendship. The ring on his thumb was like welded in place and Bryan as per usual couldn't remove it, but finally it came off when one of the guards used liquid soap and a fair amount of force to slide it past the joint. It was yet another 'gift' from Colt. "If you do it, I'll give you my ring, I know you want that ring. I've seen you look at it so many times!" Now stripped from all of his personal belongings, the guard locked his watch, wallet (empty save for a bit of change and the picture that came with it when he had gotten it), necklace and the still soapy ring inside one of the small lockers and handed Bryan the key to it. "You mind that key now, if you lose it, it'll cost you 5 quid for a replacement." "Can I do it to you again? It's soooo fuckin' nice. I'll give you a fiver if you'll let me!" They escorted Bryan through a door that looked like it was solid steel, up a flight of stairs, unlocked a heavy gate made of steel bars and locked it behind them. They were now in a wide corridor with numbered doors on both sides, all closed. They stopped in front of number 37. Gene unlocked the door and went inside with Bryan. The other guard left them at that point. "Here's a folder that every new kid gets when they arrive here. It explains what's going to happen while they're here though most of what it says probably won't apply to you. So let me quickly tell you what you can expect. "First, you'll be confined to this room most of the time you're here. We have a small library where you can find books or magazines and bring back up here to read. I'll give you a pen and paper so you can draw or write letters if you feel up for that. We'll bring you food and as you can see, you have a sink over there so you can get something to drink, wash your hands and brush your teeth without having to leave your room. "The loo is out in the hallway, when you need it, push the call button over there by the door. If you need help, you can push the call button too, but don't disturb us unless it's for something that can't wait for the next time we check in on you. You have to keep your room clean, and make the bed on your own, but you're smart so I bet you already know how to do that. "It's 11:30 now and we'll bring your lunch around noon. You should have plenty of time to make your bed before then." With that, Gene got up and left the room, then locked the door. Bryan watched as the door closed, heard the key rattle and the lock engage. He felt utterly alone, in prison and more confused than ever before. His need for having a pee hadn't decreased and he looked over at the call button, but was afraid to be told off for not having asked to use the toilet while Gene had been with him. He looked at the sink and saw it sat way too high up on the wall for him to use as a urinal. On a small shelf above the sink sat a large plastic mug, but he didn't feel like peeing into something he'd most likely have to drink from later. He really didn't feel like using the sink for having a pee either, something like that was well beyond disgusting to him, but short of wetting himself or peeing on the floor, he could see no other option but to do just that. He took the chair Gene had sat on while he lectured him and moved it over in front of the sink. He climbed up on it and found he could easily reach when he sat up on his knees. He slipped the straps over his shoulders and with the dungaree bunched up around his thighs, he let loose a strong pale yellow stream right into the hole in the middle of the sink. While the drain gurgled, Bryan sighed as the pressure in his bladder slowly let up. "I'm not gonna give you any more stuff, I know you like the feel of my cock in your arse as much as I like putting it in. Turn over and spread your arse cheeks. More, come on. Oh man, little dude, your arse hole is still so bloody tight. Yeah, you like it eh? Here comes the rest of it, take all of it. No, I'm not stopping until I've finished. Shut up, I know you love when I fuck you!" *** Since that first chance meeting in the gym's storage room, Bryan and Colt spent as much time together as they could. Bryan was happy he finally had someone to talk to during the otherwise boring sports classes, someone who wasn't a little kid only interested in simple little kids' stuff. He saw Colt as a peer, someone he could relate to and, at first, look up to as a role model. Colt was elated too. Even without looking for one, he had found a gullible little kid he could mould into whatever he wanted. Bryan was one seriously cute little kid, he looked like a 6 year-old, even if he claimed to be 8. Whenever he talked, and the better he got to know Colt the more he talked, he sounded closer to being 30, but Colt wasn't put off by it. Colt didn't have many friends, contrary to what he told Bryan, in fact he was quite the loner. He wasn't smart, at least not academically, but he sure was strong, his muscles were like steel in Bryan's eyes. Colt had spent many an hour working out by pumping iron in the converted garage at home. His dad had helped him set up a schedule, but Colt soon extended it; he loved the way his body reacted to the more demanding workouts. His muscles grew, though they didn't get nearly as large as he wanted them to be. Colt might not have been the sharpest knife in the drawer, but he knew the Internet was more than just an easy way to access porn, and he soon learned how he could enhance his muscle mass if only he could get hold of some anabolic steroids. Anabolic steroids were however illegal to sell, buy and use. That in itself wasn't a problem for the 12 year-old boy. He had broken the law a number of times already and never gotten caught. No, the real problem was that he couldn't just walk into a store and purchase a bottle of anabolic steroids, or steal them, like he'd steal mild pain killers to deal with his sore muscles. Since anabolic steroids were illegal they were bloody expensive too. They cost much more than Colt would have been able to afford on his meagre amount of spending money he got from his dad every week. His income drastically improved when he discovered the secrets of public restrooms and when he had £150 in cash he talked to a friend of his dad and found out where he could buy anabolic steroids. The body builder he was referred to flat down refused to sell anything to Colt; he told him to go home and play with his Legos. He changed his mind when he saw the wad of bills Colt pulled from his pocket. Never questioning where the money came from, he told Colt to wait. Upon returning from the locker room, he gave Colt a single vial, explained it contained liquid anabolic steroids and a syringe, in return for all of the money Colt had brought with him. Back home, Colt tried to summon the courage needed to push the needle of the now full syringe into the muscle of his upper arm. He had at first thought steroids were pills, which would have been no problem for the boy to swallow. God knows, the kid had swallowed some strange things over the years and lately quite a lot of the seminal fluid and sperm erupting into his mouth from men he sucked off in the public loo; hence the sudden increase in spending money. Colt wasn't gay, far from it, but he needed the money and if it required having a strange taste in his mouth until he could rinse it, then that was just how it had to be. The needle looked like it was at least a foot [c. 30 cm] long and an inch [c. 2.3 cm] in diameter to the still young boy, though it was in fact only about one inch long and a tiny fraction of an inch in thickness. Colt had never liked needles, he still fussed when it was time for vaccinations; yet, he found himself sitting on his bed with a syringe in hand. It wasn't until he heard his father's car enter the driveway he finally quickly pushed the needle into his arm and injected the golden liquid inside of it. He could feel the sting from the needle but other than that he couldn't really feel anything. At first he thought the body builder had tricked him, but after reading more about anabolic steroids on the Internet, he learned how they worked. He also found out he had to take them regularly over a pretty long period of time for them to do anything, which meant he had to go back to the grubby public loo so he could earn more money by sucking off the men he met there. It was around that time Colt met Bryan for the first time. Now, Colt wasn't a bright kid, even so he sort of knew that if a man was willing to pay someone like him a tenner to suck the sperm out of him, he would pay at the very least 20 quid for being sucked off by a lot younger and cuter kid. Someone like Bryan, the little stunningly beauty he had met at school. Unfortunately for Colt, Bryan didn't know the first thing of what some men wanted boys to do for them in a public loo, and what the boys who knew that were able to easily earn from doing so. It was quite simply something Colt first would have to teach the small cute boy before he could bring him to the public loo. 4 Wrestling a pillow caseAfter Bryan had finished his pee he let the water run for at least a minute while he washed his hands. He hoped it would do away with any evidence of the crime he had committed by peeing into the sink. He remembered having been told to make the bed and he went on to that task next. It wasn't exactly something he had ever done before; every Saturday morning, his mum always made sure his comfy bed was smelling fresh and clean. But his mum wasn't there to make the bed with its rubber-coated mattress in the prison cell. He nearly caved in to the desire of crying a lot more, but managed to contain it somewhere deep inside of him. There's a time for crying and now isn't the time for that. I'll cry later, maybe tonight, right now I've got to figure out how to make the damned bed! Bryan took a deep breath as he fought off the tears and picked up the bedlinen. The sheet turned out to be the easiest thing to put on, albeit with some trial and error. At first he thought it was too short for the mattress, then he noted it wasn't a square but a diagonal. His third attempt was successful though he couldn't get the sheet wrapped around the mattress as nicely as his mum always did when she made his bed. He simply had to accept the disorderly way the wrinkled sheet lay on the bed. The pillow had to be wrestled into the pillowcase, which at first had seemed much too small; whenever he got one corner into the opening and went to get the other one in, the first one popped right out again. By using a lot of swearwords he had learned from Colt, and previously only ever said when the older boy had pushed him enough, he finally got the pillow inside the case. He turned his attention to the duvet next and tried to figure out a way to get the adult-sized thing inside its huge cover. Even when he held one end up high above his head with his arms stretched out as far as they could go, there was still a lot of the duvet bunched up on the floor in front of him. He knew it probably wasn't the way his mum did it but eventually he found a way to get it done. He first put the cover flat on the bed, then crawled inside of it pulling the duvet with him as he went further into the cover. When he reached the end, he worked the two corners of the duvet into the corners of the cover before he carefully crawled back out taking care not to accidentally pull the duvet back with him. Bryan sat gasping for breath and sweating from the unexpectedly hard work on the floor at the end of the bed when he heard the lock on the door disengage. He looked up when the door swung open and Gene came in. "Now what have you been up to?" the guard asked and sounded amused, but continued on with, "No, don't tell me, some things are better left alone." "I just 3;" Bryan started but was hushed to silence by Gene, and he finished his sentence silently, made the bloody bed like you told me to. "I hope whatever you did haven't ruined your appetite. It might not be as nice as what you're used to, but I know it is one of the favourites amongst the kids here." Bryan got up on his feet and followed Gene to the cart parked just outside his door. On it sat two large pots, a stack of plastic trays, plastic dishes and plastic spoons. He couldn't see what was in the pots as the combined height of the cart and pots was higher than him. Whatever food it was smelled nice enough to make his stomach rumble painfully from hunger. He was too shy and hungry to apologise for the sound which he could clearly tell Gene and the other, still nameless, guard had heard. Nameless handed Bryan a tray and placed a spoon, a paper napkin and two small sachets with salt and pepper on it. Meanwhile, Gene transferred food from the pots onto one of the plates. Bryan looked over to see a large amount of mashed potato was being drowned in a large amount of some kind of brown meat sauce. "Uh-oh, I think I may have overdone it a bit, kid. It's quite alright to leave whatever you can't eat on the plate." Gene said. "Don't you want your milk, boy? Hurry now, there are other kids waiting to be fed." Nameless said and Bryan turned his attention back to him and took the ½ litre [17 oz.] carton from the impatient guard. He nearly lost control of the tray when Gene without warning placed the overfilled plate on top of it and he quickly went back inside his room before he risked spilling all of his food on the floor. The door was shut and relocked before he even made it past his sink. He put the tray on the table top fixed to the wall opposite of his bed. With nothing better to entertain him while he ate, Bryan looked for the folder Gene had given him. He found it on the floor where it had landed while he made his bed. Like the guard had told him, it didn't seem like much of what it said had any relevance to him. He finished reading it before he was halfway through his meal and he read it again, more slowly the second time around. First it had a schedule of when different things would occur, such as the wake-up call, when the three meals per day was served; when medicine was to be picked up, when the door to one's room would be locked for the night. What to do and say in case of an emergency. Then it went on to list the days where there were school classes and/or work for the older kids. After that was a list of recreational activities, a very short list that sounded utterly boring to Bryan. Then a much longer list of rules that could be narrowed down to just one simple sentence, which is precisely what Bryan did; do as you're told or be prepared to suffer the consequences. And the consequences were listed too, not in order, but could be pretty much anything, loss of privileges such as being able to use the phone or shopping in the centre kiosk, confinement to ones room for any length of time, supervised yard visits or no yard visits at all, loss of visitation privileges and lots more. "Well, at least they won't smack me if I don't do something," Bryan said quietly to himself. "If you won't let me do it, I'll slap your arse. I'll smack your arse until you fuckin' beg me to do it." Bryan shuddered when he suddenly remembered the words said by a very drunk and very horny Colt. It hadn't been too long ago he had heard them the last time, but he couldn't really remember the first time Colt had threatened him. And when Bryan hadn't wanted to do it and didn't think Colt really would smack him, he had kept refusing. He had been so stupid back then and it had hurt terribly when Colt smacked his bottom. That had hurt him far more than when he'd just let Colt do it to him. But when Colt had to smack his bottom first in order to get his consent, Colt made sure it hurt a lot more than when Bryan didn't put up too much of a fuss prior to letting him do it. But no matter how often Colt did it to him, and he had done it a whole lot of times, Bryan never loved it. Bryan didn't even like it, certainly wouldn't have let Colt do it, if he thought the older boy would still want to be his friend if he couldn't do it to Bryan. But it had become as much a part of their friendship as anything else. Even more so than anything else. To the point where it seemed to have been the only reason for their friendship in the first place. And when Bryan had finally realised that, he just couldn't find a way to stop seeing the older boy without serious repercussions. Bryan fell asleep on top of his bed, suddenly overtaken by tiredness from the larger than normal amount of food he had eaten for lunch, while he thought of Colt and how his life had taken a sharp turn to the worse after he had met the older boy. *** About a month after their first chance meeting in the gym storage room, Colt invited Bryan to his house. There were however two things preventing this from happening. Bryan had to stay at the school for after-school activities until 15:30 when he'd get on the school bus. If he failed to show up at the activities centre, the teachers wouldn't check his name in the protocol. Same thing if he didn't get on the school bus before it left school. If either thing happened the school would most certainly ring Bryan's mum to find out why he had been absent. "So what? My mum would only tell them to quit bothering her." Colt said after Bryan had explained what would happen if he left school before he was meant to. "Not my mum. She'd be right cross with me and ask me lots of questions of where I went. Can't we just be mates during school hours?" Colt never gave up the hope of having Bryan over at his house. Colt had carefully drilled the smaller boy for information of how he spent his afternoons after school and had learned Bryan always let himself in to his empty house, made his own tea and then did his homework while waiting for his mum to return from work about an hour and a half later. If Bryan had any problems while he was home alone he'd either ring his parents or go to the elderly woman living next door. That meant if Colt could sneak Bryan away from school right after classes let out, they could be all alone at Colt's house for four and a half hours every day. Colt knew lots of things could happen in four and a half hours. Even more so, when it was four and a half hours every school day in guaranteed privacy with the little boy. It was risky hanging out with him at school and they couldn't do the things he really wanted for them to be doing. Which is why he mulled over the problem for a couple of days after Bryan had declined his invitation to come to his house. He came up with a lot of ideas but discarded them all almost as quickly as he thought of them. Until he came up with a solution; it was so simple it had to be foolproof, or childproof since Bryan may well have been much too naive for his own good but he certainly wasn't a fool. His plan was this: Bryan would rush to the activities centre after the school bell rang at 13:15 to get there as one of the first kids to be checked in by the teacher. He'd then sneak back out during the commotion of all of the other small kids coming to the centre after him. The driver of the school bus, which went around the neighbourhood where Bryan lived, was an old geezer and Colt thought it would be easy to con him into believing he was Bryan's older brother and they'd be walking home from then on. Colt lived about a mile [c. 1.6 km] from Bryan's house, just a quick five minutes ride on Colt's bicycle, even with Bryan sitting on the rack. Though Bryan was sceptical when he heard the older boy's plan he agreed to try it. He had never cared much for the childish stuff that took place in the activities centre. The bus driver never questioned Colt, when he the very next morning told him he was Bryan's older brother, though the two boys were quite different in both looks and attitude. He just said something about more kids ought to be walking on their own two feet rather than being chauffeured to and from school. At 13:15, Bryan packed his school bag quicker than ever before, ran to the activities centre and was signed in. No one noticed him when he left the building shortly thereafter. "I sneaked out like I was a secret agent like James Bond!" Bryan boasted when he met up with Colt outside the school gate. While Colt's slim four incher [10cm] always got massively stiff whenever he thought of Bryan sucking on it, he somehow managed to keep from raping the little kid as soon as the two of them entered his deserted house for the first time. Compared to Bryan's family home, Colt's was far less impressive and quite run-down, but it mattered not to the younger boy. It was far more important to him that he was with his cool friend and not at the boring activities centre. It was somewhat naughty for him to visit Colt's house without first asking for their parents' permission, but not extremely so. Sure, Bryan's parents would be cross with him, if they ever found out, but Bryan was getting fed up with always having to be a good little boy and strive for their love and attention. I know Colt doesn't love me, but at least he isn't always pushing me do better, and he actually listens when I tell him something. No, Colt is genuinely cool! It was all Bryan could do to keep their friendship a secret, he couldn't see a problem in befriending an older boy, one who was nearly four years his senior. His instincts told him his parents would frown upon their friendship, if they learned anything about it. So he didn't say anything at all about having made a new friend at school. And just then his cool friend offered him a glass of fizzy drink. Something normally reserved for Friday evenings or birthdays only; well at least it was at Bryan's house. When Bryan followed Colt to his bedroom he was at first appalled at the smell his nose picked up and the messed up appearance of it. He compared it to his own larger bedroom where everything was neatly put in its place. If his mum had cleaned his shelves and moved his stuff around he could tell it right away. Not only that, he also had to put his things back in their exact right places otherwise it bothered him so much he couldn't fall asleep at night. Although he wasn't autistic, he suffered from mild OCD. Colt, on the other hand, couldn't care less if his room was messy, still he had made an effort to pick it up the day prior to Bryan's first visit, at least some. He didn't want the little kid running away screaming his head off because he had seen the plate with a half-eaten sandwich left on it. Colt sat on his bed and casually picked up a pair of his used underwear only to throw it onto the floor near his hamper. He hoped Bryan hadn't noticed the little brown streaks in the seat of them. Bryan saw the dark brown spots, and thought that had to be where the smell came from, but the sight of them wasn't overly repulsive to him. It hadn't been so long since he had suffered from a pinworm infection and his underwear had looked far worse than the pair Colt had so indifferently thrown onto the floor instead of putting them into the already overflowing hamper. It had been a week of very poor sleep and an extremely itchy bum hole for Bryan before he finally told his dad and was taken to see the family doctor. And then another three days before the medicine had started working. He found the whole idea of something living inside his bum really repulsive. To him, a bum was for getting rid of solid (though sometimes runny) waste and in rarer circumstances, whenever he was feeling ill, for having his temperature taken and sometimes for medicine to go into. Other than that, a bum was a bum; everyone had one and it really wasn't a particularly interesting part of someone's body. 5 A place to sitBryan woke disorientated from his slumber. For a brief moment he was happily unaware of his current situation and was about to sink back into the world of dreams when reality suddenly struck him. He was locked inside a prison cell with bare concrete walls that had been painted any number of times. He realised this as he happened to be lying on his side and the first sight to meet his eyes, when he opened them, was a spot on the wall where the paint had started peeling a little. Almost from reflex he began fiddling with the edge of the peeling paint and suddenly found himself holding what at first looked to be a piece of the wall in his hand. On further investigation he saw it was only made up by layer upon layer of various coloured paint. The concrete wall itself was just as sturdy as the day it had been erected. As he lay there on the uncomfortably thin mattress, he felt a familiar sensation in his abdomen. I knew I shouldn't have eaten so much, he regrettably thought to himself. All of the mashed potatoes and meat sauce wants back out. I seriously need a poo and it had better be real soon. He got up from the bed and walked to the intercom system next to the door. There was just one button on it, at some time it maybe had an inscription saying 'Call', but by then so many fingers had pushed at it that it was worn completely blank. Desperately Bryan pressed his thumb against the button, he had no idea as to how it worked, if he only had to push it once or keep pushing it until someone answered. If there's ever been an emergency, this would be now! He concluded and kept his thumb on the button. He pressed at it so hard the blood from his finger tip was pushed away, leaving most of his finger nail white and not its usual pink color. "Get your finger off the button, kid, I'm not bloody deaf, you stupid boy!" A voice suddenly boomed out of the loudspeaker above the button. Bryan let go of the button as if it had burnt him. "Sorry," he blurted out towards the loudspeaker. "What do you want?" "I need to poo, now!" Bryan desperately said, blushing a little, but found it necessary to inform the guard of the grave nature and urgency of his request. Pooing was a much more serious matter than peeing and he simply couldn't poo in the sink. "All of the kids in the wing needs to have a good crap about now. You do realise you aren't the only kid here, don't you?" "Uh, no, sorry, I haven't seen anyone else." "Well, Mr. I-need-to-poo-now, you're going to have to hold it in for a while, there's a line for the crapper and it's long. We'll come get you when it's your turn." Bryan heard a loud beep, but didn't know what it meant. "But sir? Sorry, sir, it's extremely urgent!" He didn't get a response. He wondered if he should push the button again, but figured he'd only get yelled at more if he did. He went back and sat on the bed; it only made the sensation of having to poo worse, so he quickly got back up on his feet. He didn't have a clock in his room, so he had no way of telling time, but he thought it was at least 45 minutes before the door was finally unlocked and opened. It had been an agonizing wait, worsening by every passing minute. This is what it must feel like to be in labour, Bryan thought. He had spent the last five minutes standing with his legs crossed, flexing his buttocks and every other muscle in the lower part of his body desperately trying to keep himself from pooing. When the guard finally opened the door, Bryan practically ran out of the room into the corridor. "Where's the loo?" he asked the perplexed guard, he hadn't seen this one before, but he really couldn't be bothered with introductions or anything else for that matter. "Last door on the right," the guard said and pointed the way. Before he had finished talking, Bryan was already heading that way in a pace just short of sprinting. "Don't bloody run, kid!" Bryan heard the guard shout after him, but he couldn't comply with the instruction. If he slowed down to a walk, he'd poo in the too large dungaree he was wearing before he'd get to the toilet. When he reached the door, he realized it was not just one loo, there were two cubicles inside the room and a sink. One of the doors was closed and the sign above the door handle said 'Occupied'. The other door was fortunately ajar, and he could see the steel toilet inside the cubicle. He quickly went in there, felt how his bowels strained again and this time began to push out what was inside of him. It was too late, he could no longer stop the inevitable from happening. Frantically he slipped the straps over his shoulders and let the dungaree fall to his ankles. He quickly spun around and sat on the throne, and only then noticed he had forgotten all about the door to the cubicle. He saw the guard grinning at him from the doorway when he quickly reached over to shut the door and lock it. "Your arse cheeks are bloody pale, kid. Next time, shut the door and lock it before you take off your fucking clothes," Bryan heard the guard say from the other side of the flimsy door and then a loud laughter from the other cubicle. Ignoring both guard and the other kid, he took in a gasp of air and pushed down hard, and moaned quietly in pained frustration when he realised it would be one hell of a tough poo to get through. *** "Come over here, sit next to me," Colt said after a minute of Bryan taking in the sight of the near-teenager's bedroom. Bryan happily did as he was told, he loved snuggling up close to his parents and anyone else he trusted. Colt had, rather quickly after the first meet, started putting his arm over Bryan's shoulder and when the boy hadn't objected to it, he hugged him closer in the one-armed hug. The hugging had progressed to gentle strokes and pats, which Bryan hadn't objected to either. Bryan shuffled his way through various items of clothing laying on the floor and sat on the bed. He put his feet up on the mattress and used his legs to push himself backwards and closer to the wall. Bryan settled down and leaned back against the wall very close to Colt, if he had been any closer he would have had to sit on the older boy's lap. "I'm so happy you're finally here," Colt said and put his arm around Bryan's neck in a mock chokehold. "Ah! You're squishing me," Bryan cried out and tried in vain to pull Colt's arm away from his neck. The small boy's undeveloped muscles were no match to the much larger boy. "Don't be such a crybaby, You know I'd never truly hurt you." Bryan frowned at the words and kept pulling on Colt's arm. He had heard the dreaded word Colt had used to describe him, but had by then gotten almost used to hearing it from him and didn't comment. After a couple of minutes he gave up struggling, his energy all but spent. "Okay, you win," Bryan sighed, "again." "Win what?" Colt asked as he moved his arm a little lower and hugged the smaller boy tight. "Ugh! I don't know, the fight?" "Usually the winner gets a prize." "I don't have anything to give you." "Then you owe me one, again." It wasn't the first time Bryan heard those words either, but since Colt had never asked for him to pay up, he thought it was just a figure of speech. Something friends would say to one another. That first day when Bryan visited Colt's house they sat and talked on the bed until Bryan suddenly remembered having seen a computer sitting on Colt's desk. He had seen it when he had first entered the room, but momentarily forgotten all about it during the rough-housing with Colt. "Got any games on it?" He asked and pointed at the computer. "Yeah, I've some, but I don't think you'll like 'em much. They aren't little kids' games." "Sure I'll like them. I'm not a little kid." Colt switched the computer on and was elated when Bryan climbed on top of his lap. "You don't mind, do you? You only have one chair in your room," Bryan said as he settled down. Colt didn't mind, even if the boy sitting on top of him had one hell of a bony arse. After moving the kid around some, he managed to find a position where they were both comfortable. Without asking Bryan what he felt like playing, Colt chose a game and demonstrated to Bryan what he did with the stock car to make the most points. Colt smashed the car and ended the game much sooner than he normally would as he wasn't used to playing games with a squirming 8 year-old sitting on his lap. He leaned back and let Bryan start a new game, and after a while he placed his hands on top of the warm thighs of the smaller boy. Not long after that Colt's dick stiffened but neither of the boys said anything about it. When Bryan noticed the growing hardness between his buttocks, it took him a few minutes to realise what it was. He blushed childishly in shared empathy as he was always embarrassed whenever his willy got hard and stuck two inches [c. 5 cm] out from his body; it always happened to him at the worse times too. He didn't want to embarrass his older friend any further by making remarks of the state of his willy. Later in the afternoon Colt rode his bicycle with Bryan holding on for dear life behind him. It was the first time Bryan had ever tried sitting on the rack of a bike with another person doing the pedaling. He kept his legs straight and well off to either side of the bike, scared that his trousers leg might get caught on the chain and gear shifter. Bryan sighed from relief when Colt stopped the bicycle just outside his front door. After accepting and returning a proper firm hug from his friend, he stood waving until he could see him no more. For the first time since starting school, Bryan had to do his homework after dinner. He hadn't finished it by the time his mum reminded him to take his bath and was tucked into bed afterwards. He finished the rest of his homework while lying in his bed hidden underneath his duvet. 6 Broken heaterBryan wished he had some homework to do right then, it would have been a welcomed break from the train of thoughts running through his mind. That he was all alone in his room didn't bother him so much as one might think. After Bryan had been moved into year 4 in school he had gotten used to spending most of his time by himself, until the time he had met Colt. Bryan didn't exactly feel lonely in the room but he lacked something worthwhile to do. Unbeknownst to Bryan at the time was the fact that his parents were busy looking for a top rated attorney to represent him in the court of law. They knew their son was in a holding facility somewhere, as the police had told them so, but because of the paperwork having been messed up by a new police clerk, who unfortunately had left for an extended weekend, they didn't know where he was. The deal that had been made for Bryan to stay at Prankhurst Detention Centre hadn't been entered in the computer system yet, and nobody outside the centre knew he was there. Except for the police clerk who had sent him there, and the two policemen who had escorted him to the centre. And the three of them thought everything was in order and never considered telling anyone where the kid had been taken. Bryan's parents had been informed of the arrest of their son, the law was very clear on this when minors were arrested, as well as the charges against him; still they couldn't believe Bryan of all the people in the world could have done something like that. Their son hadn't yet turned 12, no way could their young and darling boy have done what the police thought he had. It just had to be a grave mistake. Until they could talk to him, they weren't able to get to the bottom of it. To talk to him, they first had to find him, however. "Mr Jenson. My name is Douglas Willowsby. I'm calling on behalf of my son who was arrested Tuesday afternoon. I was told you're one of the leading attorneys when it comes to defending youngsters who are facing murder charges. My son is 11 years old and he has never been in any kind of trouble with the police before. Please return my call as soon as you can. Thank you." Bryan stood on the chair and tried to look out the window in his room. It wasn't much he could see, a large privacy screen hung just a few inches [c. 7.5 cm] from the window on the outside. He could see through the small gaps on both sides of the screen, but the view wasn't interesting at all; only a little portion of a tarmac road to one side and the same road on the other side. That's when he remembered what Gene had said about pen and paper and he checked the tray he had been served his lunch on. When he lifted the now nearly empty plate, lo and behold, he found five small sheets of paper and a quite short old pencil hiding underneath it. He picked up the paper and pencil, and pushed the tray out of the way, almost sent it to the floor as the table top was so small, but he managed to grab hold of it just when it began to tip over. He moved the tray over to sit on the bed instead. The leftover food on the plate made him remember, far too well, how he had strained to keep from pooing while waiting for the angry guard, and how much he had to strain when he had finally sat on the toilet. He sat back down on the chair, took the pencil in his left hand and thought for a few minutes before he started writing:
It took Bryan a considerable amount of time to write even this short letter. He carefully printed each letter in the cursive script he had learned in school; he wasn't used to writing in hand. The short letter didn't say everything he wanted it to, but he figured he would explain further, if his parents were at all interested and if he ever got to see them again. Also, he had seen enough movies to know someone might read the letter before it was delivered to his parents. When he had finished writing and put the pencil down on the table, he glanced over at the intercom and wondered if it would be okay for him to use it. He wanted the letter delivered to his parents as quickly as possible, but he wasn't interested in being told off for disturbing the obnoxious guard again. Steeling himself, he slowly approached the call button. It was as if he feared it would come alive and bite his finger when he reached up for it. It didn't hurt when he pushed the button for a very brief moment, but just to be certain he took a backwards step immediately afterwards. A red light began flashing on the panel that held the intercom system; he hadn't noticed the light the first time he had desperately pushed the button. He looked at the flashing light almost trance-like until the loudspeaker finally cackled into action. "Mr 37, I-need-a-poo, do you need the crapper again so soon?" "Uh, no, sorry. I wrote a letter I'd like for my parents to have?" Bryan said timidly and turned his statement into a question. Insecure as he was, he just couldn't help himself. "We'll fetch it along with your tray when we make our next round. Unless it's an express letter, is it?" "No-no, that's fine, I just didn't know how things are done here 3; Uh, sir? There's one more thing 3;?" "Yes, Mr Poet?" "My name is Bryan, sir, but I was wondering, if it isn't too much trouble, can I please have a book to read? I, uh, it's dreadfully boring to sit and do nothing, sorry." "Okay, Bryan then. Oh, you're the new boy. Yes, well, the library is usually only open on Tuesdays, but I suppose I could take you down there now, since today is Thursday. It would be cruel to make you wait for almost a full week. Mind you, you won't have hours to spend down there today." Before Bryan could thank the guard, the loud beep sounded and the loudspeaker turned off. He walked the few steps back to the table and picked up the carefully written letter. He folded the sheet of paper once, then a second time. He stood there, waiting for the guard to show up and wondered how long it would be until he'd get there. Maybe he wasn't anywhere near Bryan's room. Maybe that was why it had taken the other guard so long to let him out to poo. But, it wasn't long at all when he heard the key rattle into the lock and saw the door with no door handles swing open. "Hi kid, Bryan right?" the guard who had opened the door asked. "Yes, sir." "Okay, come on then, let's go down to the library." Bryan still clutching the letter to his parents in his hand started for the door. "Hold on there, boy. Put some shoes on. We're going down to the basement. I can't let you run around bare feet here." Bryan blushed, but put on the oversized slippers. He had to put his feet so far into the slippers that his toes stuck out over the front of the soles, otherwise they'd slide right off his feet when he took the first step. He had folded up the legs of the dungaree so he wouldn't trip in it. Even with the straps pulled as tight as they could, the single item of clothing he wore still hung very low on his body. The seat of the dungaree was much closer to his knees than his buttocks and the waist so large one didn't have to use their imagination to picture Bryan's private parts. If anyone wanted to see what the boy had, all that it took was for them to stand next to him and have a sideways look down the front of the boy's body. "Hold up a bit, Bryan. Let me help you out a little, okay?" the guard said when Bryan was about to pass him on the way out, and he surprised the boy with the unexpected kindness in his voice. The guard locked the door while it was still open, then took out the key and closed it as far as it would go. The door was still ajar, but only just so. He walked closer to Bryan. "Turn around kid," he said, "no cause for alarm, I only want to adjust your clothing for you." Bryan turned around and faced away from the guard. Much to his surprise the guard reached over his shoulders and undid the clasps holding up the dungaree. "Now let's see if I can't make this sit just a little bit better on you," he said in a low voice. Bryan could feel the guard tug upwards on the dungaree until he felt the seat of it touch his bottom. The front of it slid up over his penis and small balls and ended up hugging them closely. "You have to help me out a little here, hold it up so I can adjust the straps." Bryan grabbed hold of the dungaree at the top of the side pockets in it. While he held it up, the guard redid the clasps and pulled each strap into a knot. "Try that for size now." Bryan let go of the pockets and the dungaree stayed in place. He could feel how it still hugged his backside and groin tight but it was miles better than having it hang all the way down between his legs. Even then, he still made an attempt to get the dungaree out of his bum crack. "Yes, I guess it's a bit snug on you now, but at least it doesn't allow anyone to have a clear view of your private parts any more. Let me fix the legs for you and we'll head on down." The guard followed Bryan through the gate and locked it behind them. Then they went in the opposite direction of the exit and down a couple of long flights of stairs. At the end of the second staircase, Bryan looked into a very grim looking cell, in the centre of which was a steel bed with a lot of leather belts. The colour vanished from his face when he pictured himself lying in there, strapped onto the bed unable to move at all. He felt a hand on his shoulder and was gently turned away from the doorway to the frightening cell. "Don't worry about that, it's a leftover from when this place was for adults, no kids are allowed in that bed, though I wouldn't mind seeing one or two special nutters strapped in it. Anyway, we only use the room for urine samples now." "Urine samples?" "Yes. You pee into a cup and then we'll test the pee for drugs. If it doesn't come out clean, or you won't pee into the cup when told to, there'll be consequences." "Oh." "Over here is the fine library of ours. I know it isn't much, but it's all we have. On Tuesdays you can order books from the public library if you don't like what you can find in here." The guard unlocked the door to the library. Bryan hadn't seen one unlocked door so far in the prison, except for the one leading into the two cubicle bathroom and the one to the scary cell. The only way Bryan would leave this place was if he was accompanied by someone with a key. Inside the small room, the so-called library, were rows of bookcases full of books, both novels and comic books as well as magazines. That was however the only resemblance to any other library Bryan had ever visited. The room was poorly lit and the contents of it was in a sorry state. Still, he had a quick look around, adhering to the warning he had received earlier about not spending too much time there. He glanced at the covers of the books, saw some familiar titles, while others he had never heard of. He picked the two Enid Blyton books he saw, they were part of the Famous Five series; he hadn't read any of her books before, but his dad had told him about them. "You can have another book if you want, you can take out three at a time or five magazines." Bryan glanced at the magazines, but wasn't too interested in them. Those he could see were clearly old motor magazines and he didn't much care for cars that had been fast some time long before he was born. Besides, he needed something to keep him occupied for a longer time than any magazine would be able to. He found a really thick and heavy novel, clearly meant for a much more mature audience than little kids, but it had a catchy title: War and Peace. The guard helped Bryan carry the books back up the stairs, but when they reached the gate Bryan had to carry them the rest of the way. Just when the guard was about to close and lock the door to Bryan's room, Bryan cried out. "But Sir, my letter! Please, don't forget my letter to my parents." He held the by then slightly crumpled folded piece of paper up for the guard to see. "No envelope?" the guard asked. "I don't have one," Bryan said in a small quivering voice. "Oh for heaven's sake, stop with the doggy eyes. Follow me, leave the books behind." Bryan followed the guard to an office where he saw him fish out an envelope. "I presume you don't have a post stamp either?" Bryan shrugged his shoulders and mentally kicked himself for not knowing a letter had to have a stamp. What are your parents' names?" "Doug and Alice." "And your surname?" "Willowsby." "Do you remember their address?" Bryan rattled off the address to his house. "Winlaton? That's in Blaydon-on-Tyne, isn't it?" "Yes." The guard scribbled the address onto the envelope, put the letter into it but didn't close the envelope. He used a big rubber stamp to put the address of the Prankhurst Detention Centre onto the back of the envelope. "Now, Bryan, the police need to read the letter before it is sent off to your parents. That's standard procedure for someone being remanded in custody. But they should have it on Tuesday or Wednesday at the latest. Unless you wrote something in the letter that the police don't want your parents to know." "I don't think I did." "Good, now, let's get you back to your room. I have some things to do before the end of my shift, so I really don't have the time to babysit you." As they walked the short distance back to Bryan's room, he asked how long he had to be confined to it. "I'm sorry little one, but I just don't know. I think you were put in this wing for your own protection. Just between you and me, if I had anything to say, you wouldn't have been brought here in the first place. Try to make the best of it, okay?" "Okay. Thanks, Sir." "I think we've moved beyond the 'Sir' stage, haven't we? I'm Steven." "Thank you for everything, Steven." "You're welcome little man. I have a son, he isn't much younger than you. So I care, okay?" Bryan started whimpering when Steven locked him inside his room again. But he managed to keep the sobs down until he was certain Steven couldn't hear them through the door. *** Bryan and Colt soon got settled into the new routine of Bryan ditching the after-school activities and spending time at Colt's house. Their friendship got more close-knit and the boys started sharing some of their little secrets. Bryan's were a lot more innocent and childish than most of Colt's. But, even with the hormones rushing through the older boy's body, he managed to refrain from talking about sex with Bryan. Neither did he try to feel up the small boy's body when they rough-housed or sat close together. Sure, his dick got stiff a lot, but neither boy paid it much attention. Bryan had scarcely glanced at the bulging of Colt's crotch in the beginning and had more or less become used to the unruly willy of the older boy. Sometimes Colt would adjust his clothing a little so it felt more comfortable to him, but he only did so when Bryan wouldn't notice it. Colt managed to behave himself for two weeks, after that, he felt they had bonded enough for him to openly adjust his hard prick in front of Bryan. Bryan at first didn't pick up on it, but as his shyness around Colt faded it was replaced by a growing curiosity. Then, one day when Colt adjusted his once again stiff willy, Bryan smirked at him. He got up from the chair and thrust his hips towards the older boy and showed him he also had a stiffness between his legs, albeit only one half the size of Colt's. Bryan quickly sat back down giggling at his own boldness. Colt then shocked the smaller boy by reaching a hand into his trousers and readjusted his prick, not so it would be less obvious, but to properly show off his bigger prick. When he pulled his hand back out of his trousers his prick made an impressive tent in the front of them. Bryan thought it looked funny and giggled more while he openly stared at Colt's crotch. The older boy didn't press on at the time, he was just happy Bryan had finally shown a bit of interest. The next day when Bryan said he needed a pee, Colt said he needed one too. Colt had felt the urge to pee since before they entered his house, but had held it back until the smaller boy announced he had to take a short break from the computer game. It was the first time the boys peed together, still neither one of them tried to prevent the other one from having a good look at what so far had been hiding in their trousers. Colt's groin was just as hairless as Bryan's, though he had indeed started spunking. Even as he grew older he shaved off all of his pubic hair just as soon as it appeared. Some of the men Colt sucked off for money also wanted to see and play with a hairless prick. Colt couldn't refuse the very easily earned extra 5 quid when some old pervert wanted to have him bone up and play with his stiffy. It even felt somewhat nice though he would've liked it more had it been a girl or woman who did it to him. From then on, whenever one of the boys needed the loo the other one would keep him company in the bathroom. If one of them had to poo, the other would sit on the edge of the bathtub and both would giggle hysterically at the sounds coming from the bowl of the loo. They'd playfully gag at the smell and act as if they were suffocating. Still, Colt didn't start anything sexually with Bryan, instead he'd fap furiously, when he lay in bed and dreamed of the little boy gagging on his dick. Much like he himself gagged on men's cocks right after he had taken Bryan home. When he sensed Bryan was comfortable with seeing him bare, well, as bare as anyone would be while going to the loo, he slowly progressed further with his plan. He took off his school uniform the very minute they entered his house and explained to Bryan his mum had been cross with him getting it all wrinkled. This was a lie, Colt's mum couldn't have cared less what her son's clothes looked like; she only complained about the cost when she had to buy him new things to wear. Colt knew she was buying used clothes for him, mostly it was the items for his dreaded school uniform that was second-hand, but they were at least fairly well-kept. Since he didn't have any real friends at school except for Bryan, he didn't have to impress anyone; he simply beat up the very few kids, who ever dared to whisper something about him, always in a manner so it wouldn't leave any evidence, but they soon stopped their whispering all the same. Colt simply took off his clothes when they got to his house until he was down to his underwear. He had to turn up the heat a little, not just figuratively speaking, his bedroom was a bit too cold to be comfortable while nearly nude. So he adjusted the heater in his room. Bryan didn't comment, just kept his own clothes on the first day when Colt undressed to his underwear. Before he headed off to school the next day, Colt turned up his heater another notch. He had sweated under the duvet during the night, and it would only get worse the night to come; still he thought it was a small price to pay for a chance to watch Bryan undress to his tight underwear in his bedroom. Later at school that day, Colt had to lock himself into one of the restroom cubicles during the lunch recess. His prick was seriously hard and throbbed from his sudden thoughts of Bryan getting too hot for wearing even as much as his tight underpants. He imagined the young boy sitting fully naked on his knees and begging for a chance to suck on his large prick. Alas, when they later sat in Colt's bedroom, the young boy only soldiered on in the heat. Colt could actually see Bryan's sweat run down his neck but the little boy didn't so much as undo his school tie. Colt swore at himself and at Bryan after he had returned the boy to his home. When he once more set about to adjust his heater the thermostat came right off. Try as he might, he just couldn't get it back in place on the heater. He was forced to stop when the heater and the pipes connecting it to the central heating got too hot to touch. Fortunately for Colt, the heater was underneath his window, not right next to his bed. So when he went to bed that night, he opened his window a little to let out some of the heat. Still he had to sleep with just a bed sheet for cover, the room temperature much too high for the duvet he usually slept with. "Oh my, it's really hot in here today, why have you turned up your heater so much?" Bryan asked when he entered the sauna-like bedroom the next day after school. "The fucking thermostat broke off," Colt said, "I can't fix it and my old man couldn't fix it either." The latter was a lie, Colt had not told his dad about the broken thermostat. He was afraid of what the old man would do to him if he told him he had broken the heater. Bryan had a look at the heater, or rather the inlet pipe to it, where the thermostat was clearly meant to sit. He even had a go at putting it back on, but like Colt he also had to give up due to the steaming hot pipe. The temperature of the water running into the heater wasn't exactly boiling but it sure felt that way to the young wannabe plumber. The temperature inside Colt's bedroom had to be well above 80F [27C], uncomfortably hot when it was nearly winter outside. The school uniform Bryan wore wasn't the warmest of clothing, but still he was dressed for winter in England, not summer in the tropics. Bryan tried to ignore the heat but when he sat on Colt's lap, the added warmth radiating from the almost naked older boy made him too uncomfortable to keep focus on the game he wanted to play. "Colt?" "What?" "Can you take me home now? I don't feel well." "Naw man, we only just got here." "But it's too hot in here." "You got too many clothes on. Here, let's take some of them off." "I don't want to." "Come on, take them off, it'll be fun, I promise!" Colt tugged at the smaller boy's school tie; he tried to locate the clip that held it around the neck of his little friend. "No, leave it!" "Oh, don't be such a big baby, I've seen your willy before, remember? It isn't like you'll be all bare, you can leave your panties on like me." "But, what if 3; What if someone comes?" Bryan argued. "Who would that be? No one ever comes here in the afternoons. See, the worst part is over now, I got your tie undone. God, I really hate that thing." Bryan watched when Colt carelessly threw his pristine school tie with its diagonal gold/blue stripes onto the floor next to them. "Hey, don't get it all wrinkled, my other one needs cleaning." "You've got two school ties?" "Sure, don't you?" "No, I only have the one old piece of shit," Colt scuffed and reached for the top button of Bryan's light blue shirt. "Ugh, no wonder you're always so flipping tense, Bryan, why have you done up the top button? You can't breathe properly when it's done up." "It's the rules." "Nobody will ever notice it being undone, I've never done mine up, ever." Bryan didn't respond, just sat stiff as a board as he watched one button after another being undone by Colt. When the older boys fingers got closer to the edge of Bryan's black trousers he could feel his shirt being tugged at. Bryan slid off of Colt's lap and undid his belt, if he really had to take off his clothes, he might as well do it properly; that way they wouldn't get all wrinkled up and make his mum complain about it. And she would! Colt sat in his chair and looked fascinated at the sight of the young and stunning boy undressing right there in his bedroom. He thought his dream was finally about to come true, his own private cocksucker, and later business partner. Well, not so much a partner as a labourer and hopefully one that wouldn't be too demanding when it came to the question of salary. He hoped he wouldn't have to beat up the little kid to make him agree to work for him; he was getting rather fond of the little boy. Bryan will end up sucking lots of pricks, mine included, even if I have to knock some sense into his pretty little head, Colt decided right then and there. For him it was far more important to get bigger muscles than to befriend the younger boy. He was sure he'd be able to pick from a large amount of girls or even older women, if only his muscles were big enough. To get big muscles, he needed anabolic steroids, to keep buying the steroids, he needed money. Real money. The only way for a kid his age to earn any real money was to offer his services to men. Because of the European Union, one couldn't even get a paper route until they turned 13. And Colt sure didn't want to be a paper boy, it sounded like it was hard work, he'd have to get up far too early in the mornings, and it just wouldn't pay enough. No, a boy as pretty as Bryan simply had to suck cocks, it would be like a crime if Colt didn't teach him how. The older boy quietly observed, with a growing hardness in the front of his underwear, while Bryan slid his trousers down his legs and carefully stepped out of them. The small boy neatly folded his trousers and looked for a place to put them. With a little shrug he placed them on the floor before he undid the last button on his shirt and took it off; he took off his white sleeveless undershirt and put it on top of the shirt and trousers. By then only wearing his grey tube socks and his underwear, he bent over to pick up his tie from where Colt had so carelessly thrown it. Unable to resist any more, Colt reached out and put one of his hands on the little behind on show so close to him. He only managed to caress it for a very brief second before Bryan bolted upright and pulled his rear end out of the older boy's reach. "Hey, that's my bum!" he loudly objected. "I know. It's such a sweet little bum on a very sweet little boy," Colt said, almost dreamingly. Bryan giggled at the words and the dreamy way Colt had said them. "You're acting so weird, it's only my bum." "I'm just very happy you've decided to stay for a bit longer. Here, get back on my lap so you can continue the game." When Bryan stepped closer to Colt the older boy leaned back on his chair. Bryan happened to look at Colt's underwear and immediately saw the big tent caused by the erection inside. "Your willy's gone all firm again," he pointed out. "Yeah, it gets so fucking hard all of the bloody time. Want to see it?" "I've seen it lots of times already." "Yes you've seen it soft, not all stiff like it is now. It feels harder than ever before. So, do you want to see it?" Bryan didn't care all that much about what Colt's willy looked like when stiff, but suddenly he was struck by boyish curiosity anyway. "Uh-huh," he said, though he was curious he didn't want Colt to think he was overly excited about getting to see his willy again. Even if it was big and all firmed up and pushed so hard against the underwear it left a gap between the waistband and the toned belly of the older boy. "You gotta show me yours first then." "Why? You've seen mine many times before too." "Not when it's all stiff." "Mine isn't stiff now," Bryan said after making sure that was indeed the case. "Well, make it stiff and then show me." "I can't. I don't know how to make it stiff." "Oh? Come sit on my lap again. I'll show you how to make it stiff, okay?" Bryan most of all just wanted to go home but he was nearly naked and he absolutely didn't want to lose his only friend. Even if his friend was acting quite weird at the time. He'd just get through this quickly and then they'd go back to playing the computer game. At least he hoped so. He moved closer to Colt and turned away from him, felt the older boy grab him by his hips and when he made a little backwards jump, Colt lifted him effortlessly up onto his lap. Bryan could feel the warm hardness touch his bum while he sat with his legs splayed wide open, Colt had lifted him right up to sit on top of what could only be his big and stiff willy. "All you got to do is lean back against my chest and relax. Let your best mate do the rest. Now, that's a boy." Bryan tried his best to relax, but this was something unexpected and new; he wasn't sure if he really wanted to know how to make his willy stiff on purpose. He wondered why Colt wanted to see his willy so badly, he had certainly seen it a lot of times already. Almost daily for the past three weeks. He had even seen it tenting out his school trousers once or twice when it got stiff all on its own. But then it had always been hidden from plain view. Bryan saw and felt when Colt put his hands on his tummy, just around where his belly button was. He held his breath as the hands slid downwards towards his underwear. He let out a little sigh of relief when the fingers stopped where they met the waistband and moved back up his tummy. It felt sort of ticklish to the boy but he didn't giggle from the sensation like he would've giggled out loud any other time. There was a tension in the room, one Bryan hadn't felt ever before. "Now, just close your eyes and relax, little dude." 7 Picture timeSteven and another guard came to collect the tray with the leftovers from Bryan's lunch. He was happy to get rid of the plate as the constant smell of food was making him hungry again. He opened the very small part of the window that could be opened in an attempt to air out his room, then lay back on his bed and continued reading the first of the Famous Five books. He was already a quarter into the book. The story took place in the 1940's England and though it spoke of things he didn't know anything about, such as payphones and boarding schools, he enjoyed reading it so much he forgot his surroundings. He still had no way of telling time and he was surprised when he suddenly heard a knock on his door and the rattle of the key. Yet another guard asked if he was hungry. By this time Bryan was famished and he readily went out into the corridor and got another tray of food from the cart. He got a big sandwich with tuna salad and lettuce and a small helping of potato salad. The guard asked for Bryan's mug which he filled with hot water from a large thermos. "Do you want coffee?" the guard asked him, then laughed when Bryan wrinkled up his nose in disgust at the thought of him actually drinking coffee, "I didn't think so, tea it is then. Sugar?" "Yes please, Sir." "Such a polite boy, what do you say of that, Phil? We need more of these younglings." "Don't grow too attached to him, when they find out where he is, he'll be out of here before you can even say goodbye to him." "I suppose you're right. Now, son, scoot, back in your cell now." "Sir, can I have some milk for my tea?" "You had milk with your lunch didn't you?" "Uh yes, but I drank it then, sir." "Well, if you want milk in your tea, you need to save some of it from lunch. Remember that. Now, back in you go." Bryan ate his dinner and sipped at the much too hot and spicy tea while he continued reading. When the guards came round the last time that day, he asked to use the loo before going to bed. It was early in the evening, only a little past 8, but it had been an emotional and stressful day for the young boy. He went to bed naked, having no sleepwear and feel asleep while reading the book. He didn't hear the guard knocking on the door the following morning and only woke up when he was rather harshly shaken awake. "When you've finished eating your breakfast, call for me. It's your turn for a bath today. Do you think you'll be needing the toilet before then?" Bryan wasn't yet fully awake as he was given the information. The female guard had to ask him another time before he realised she was waiting for an answer. "Come on, young fella', it's time to rise and shine," she said and pulled the duvet right off of Bryan. "They couldn't even be bothered to find you a pair of jammies to wear?" she asked when she saw Bryan's naked body, "Oh don't worry about hiding what you have between your legs, Bryan, I've seen everything my three sons have a million times before. If you want my opinion, you look no different to any other boy I've seen naked, only you're a tad bit younger than I thought when I read about having a new guest in our fine establishment. "Now Bryan, get out of bed and put on your dungaree. I'll see if I can't find some better clothes for you. If not, I might be able to at least find your undies and socks from when you arrived yesterday. Well, if you were wearing any? You do wear undies, don't you? You're not like my youngest who enjoys to free-ball? He's 17, but, oh never mind him now. I'll see what I can find. After your bath, I'll take you to see our nurse, so don't stay out there all day long, you hear me?" The poor boy felt like he had been bombarded with information from the very fast talking, yet very friendly female guard. He was still standing with just one leg inside the oversized dungaree when she left him and locked the door to his room. It wasn't but a few minutes later she was back, this time with the food cart. Bryan opted for a mix of cornflakes and oatmeal, a cup of tea and half a litre of milk. Like he had been instructed, he pushed the call button after he had finished eating, this time without being afraid of it. After a quick stopover in the loo, he was escorted to a shower stall. He was handed a threadbare smallish towel and a small bar of soap, then was locked inside the small room. The water was only lukewarm so he couldn't understand why the woman had thought it necessary to warn him not to stay in the shower for the rest of the day. He was shivering while he tried to get a decent lather out of the small bar of soap, then hurriedly soaped up the most important parts of his body. He wondered about how to wash his hair using soap, he had only ever used shampoo for that before. He did the best he could, then forced himself to stand underneath the rain of coldish water for as long as he figured it would take to wash out the soap from his hair. While he towelled himself after the shower, listening to the dripping water from the shower head and the gurgles from the badly clogged-up drain, he wondered about having to see the nurse. The only time he had been to the nurse's small clinic at school, there had been an old male doctor with her. He had spent a very long time tugging at and prodding Bryan's willy and balls. Especially his foreskin had been a concern, Bryan hadn't fully understood why at the time, but the doctor told him it was much too tight. He had been taught how to balloon-pee and was shown how to rub cream into his foreskin to make it expand enough for it to slide effortlessly back over his little helmet-shaped glans. The cream had helped some, he could easily pull back his foreskin when his willy was flaccid, though it took a quite a bit more effort when stiff. Sometimes, he still pinched his foreskin shut while peeing and watched it inflate from the pressure of his pee before he let go and the pee gushed out. There wasn't a doctor in the prison's surgery, only a nurse who asked him if he had been having trouble sleeping; if he felt depressed and if he took any kind of medicine before coming to the centre. When she asked if he used any drugs he nearly giggled at her. "I'm only 11, you know?" he asked her. "And your point is? I've seen 7 year-olds who were drinking and smoking. So, do you use any drugs? Meth, Coke? Are you experiencing withdrawals? Maybe you smoke weed?" "Why would anyone smoke weeds?" Bryan asked. "No, not weeds, weed, marijuana?" "Oh, no!" "Cigarettes?" "No thanks," Bryan said after a moment's hesitation. Though he would've gladly smoked a cigarette right there and then, he knew it would be better for him if he never again inhaled the nasty smoke from one. "Well, I'm going to tell the guards to give you a vitamin pill every day, the food they serve here isn't exactly what anyone, certainly not young growing boys such as yourself, needs. I'll also ask the doctor to make a prescription for something to help you sleep at night, just in case you'll ever need it." When the nurse had finished with Bryan, he was led outside by the friendly female guard. "I know it doesn't look like much and it might seem boring, but you need some fresh air," she explained and locked him inside a 4x7 meters [13x23 ft] fenced and roofed enclosure, "I'll be back for you in about 30 minutes and hopefully I'll have found something you can wear that'll fit you better by then." She left him with absolutely nothing to do. There was a ping-pong table in the enclosure, but he couldn't see any bats or balls, and he didn't know how to play ping-pong anyway. Finally he sat on a bench and pulled his feet up to his bum; he hugged his folded up legs and rested his chin on his knees and simply waited for the female guard to come back for him. He thought of the books in his room, about spending time with his mum and dad. He thought of the little boy whom the police thought he had murdered using a pair of scissors. He also thought of Colt and longed to be back in the older boy's bedroom if only it meant he didn't have to stay locked up with nothing at all to do; his mind brought him back to the day when Colt had shown him how to make his willy grow stiff. *** Bryan closed his eyes like Colt had told him to. He did his best to relax but found it nearly impossible to do so when he felt the fingers of one hand start to slowly run circles around his belly button. The other hand slipped down and rested for a short moment on one of his thighs, before it too began to gently caress him there. He flinched a little when the hand on his thigh brushed against his balls, but settled right down when it moved away from the precious little things again. Then it returned, not just brushing against his balls, but cupping them gently through his underpants. No matter what Colt had told him to do, this was too much for Bryan to sit with closed eyes and endure. Very few people had ever touched his private bits and no one had ever touched him quite like that. He opened his eyes but remained still on Colt's lap. He saw the hand that had made circles around his belly button move down, it got ever closer to the waistband of his underpants. He watched it move over the front of his underpants, could feel the light pressure while it sought out his willy. Colt seemed to know exactly where it was, which at first amazed Bryan. Then he remembered the hand on his balls. Of course he knew where to find my willy, he had already found my balls. Colt moved his hand gently over Bryan's willy, fiddled with it, egged it to inflate with blood and stand at attention. It took a few more minutes, but finally Colt could feel the flaccid little thing begin to stiffen. To Bryan it felt strange. It was the first time his willy had ever been manipulated into an erection. The doctor had almost done so back when he had been examined for phimosis, but he had stopped well before anything actually happened. Colt, however, didn't stop. If anything, his manipulation of the once so innocent little boy willy increased. Bryan felt a weird sensation in his lower abdomen; it felt a bit like he had to pee, but not entirely so. "I think it's as stiff as it'll ever be now, Bryan," Colt whispered, "Get up and let me see it, okay?" Bryan slid off Colt's lap and slowly turned to face the older boy. He stood in between the knees of the older boy and looked down at his underpants. He could see the older boy's willy was still stiff, it too seemed to flex just a little under the white garment, like his own was flexing inside his underpants. He glanced uncertainly up at Colt's face. "Go on, let's have a look." Bryan looked back down, then slowly put his thumbs inside the waistband of his underpants. Without looking up at Colt he pulled the waistband out from his tummy and slowly pushed the underpants down below his little balls. Suddenly a bright flash of light appeared from out of nowhere and when Bryan looked up, he saw Colt sitting with a smartphone in his hand. Before he could pull up his underpants the flash went off again, momentarily blinding the little boy. "You should see the look on your face, Bryan, it's fucking hysterical!" Colt laughed. "Why did you take a picture of my willy?" Bryan asked in an angry voice, "You didn't say anything about taking pictures!" Colt tapped on the screen of the phone, and turned it around so Bryan could see what was on it. There, on the screen, was a little boy with his underpants pushed down to about mid-thigh with a small but rock hard willy in about the centre of the picture. At the top of the picture he could just see the first pair of ribs stick out over the slightly indented stomach. "That's a great picture, but it's such a shame it doesn't show your face too," Colt said, "So it's a good thing you gave me time to adjust the angle a bit before you pulled your little panties back up. See?" With a slide of the older boy's finger another picture came up on the screen. This one clearly showed Bryan's face as well as his stiff willy. It had been taken at such a perfect time that it looked like Bryan was standing there, proudly showing his erection to the camera. Bryan was shocked at seeing the pictures. "Please, Colt, you've got to delete those pictures." "Hell no, Bryan, these are too fucking nice to be deleted. I'm going to keep them forever. I want them so I'll always remember this moment." "But if anyone sees them, I'll die from shame!" "Don't worry, I won't show them to anyone. Well, not unless 3;" "Unless what? No, please, you can't keep them!" Bryan made an attempt to get the smartphone, but Colt was too quick and moved it well out of his reach. "Oh no, you don't," he said and put the phone on a bookshelf high above the desk where the computer sat, "Now, fair's fair, I've seen yours, now I'll show you mine." With that he pushed his underwear down to his knees and stood close to the small boy by then nearly in tears. 8 Best of friends"Hey kiddo, I've managed to find some better clothes for you to wear. Let's go up to your room and you can try them on, okay?" The clothes the friendly female guard handed Bryan weren't exactly what one might describe as being new, but at least they were only about one size too large for him. On top of the small pile of clothing lay a grey pair of boxer shorts. "Right, you try everything on now, then let me know what you'd like to borrow and I'll take the rest back to where I found it," she told him and fortunately for Bryan she left him alone. He took off the dungaree and put on the boxer shorts. They were 'something to grow into' as his mum would have said. But at least they didn't fall straight down to his ankles when he let go of the loose waistband. Next was a polo-shirt, at some time it had probably been fire engine red, but the colour had faded and looked almost pink to Bryan's eyes. He put it on all the same anyway. A pair of grey slacks was next and they actually fit the slim boy rather nicely. The adjustable waist on the back of the slacks sure helped a lot, though the legs were too long and felt quite loose on him. A very large white tee-shirt was left on the bed, along with his own socks and his sneakers! He almost felt overdressed when he looked at the blue denim dungaree lying discarded on the floor. The plastic slippers were somewhere underneath it. He pushed the call button and shortly after the nice female guard was back. "Oh, you look so much more like a human now. The tee-shirt, use it as sleepwear for now, I'm sure your parents will bring you some of your own clothes when they come to visit you. The clothes you wore when you got here have to be washed before we can let you have them, but I just couldn't stand seeing you walking around in those god-awful slippers and bare feet any more. Don't tell anyone that I gave them you to you, okay?" She winked at him and he winked back. He asked what was going to happen him from then on. He knew the police was probably conducting some kind of investigation, but didn't know what was going to happen to him in the meantime. The woman sat on his bed and asked him to sit as well. She told him he'd soon be allowed to spend time with some of the kids in the centre when they found some that matched him. Then his days would be almost as described in the folder until he'd have to appear in court for his trial. "There's a remote chance you'll be transferred to another detention centre, you probably already know this centre is meant for kids older than you. There may not be room for you anywhere else, but someone is already looking into it. Don't worry about that yet, if it happens at all, it won't be until after the weekend." She spent a little more time in Bryan's room and just when he was beginning to feel more comfortable talking to her, she looked at her watch. "Oh dear, time sure passes quickly when you're having a nice time. I need to get back to work. If you need anything, just holler, and I'll be here as soon as I can." Bryan had started reading the heavy novel when he heard the door lock disengage and she was back holding a cordless telephone. "It's your attorney," she said and handed him the phone, "call, when you're done talking to him." He waited until the door had shut behind her before he put the phone up to his ear. "Hello?" He asked in a small voice, he wasn't at all interested in talking to the female attorney the police had arranged for him. He was surprised when he heard a male voice sounding so much more friendly than the woman had been. "Hello Bryan, Dan Jenson speaking. I've talked to your father and we've decided I'll be handling your case from now on. I just wanted to briefly introduce myself and let you know that I'm doing everything I can to get you relocated to a more suitable holding facility, though it isn't easy and the police won't let you stay at home until your trial. They are accusing you of unlawful murder and I doubt any magistrate would release you from custody if I put forward a motion of that. "I'm sorry, but it means you won't be able to go home for a few months at best. I'm on my way to the centre as I speak, I just wanted you to know you're not all alone in this. Also, I've told your parents where you are and they'll visit you tomorrow or Sunday if they can arrange it with the centre and the police." Bryan called for the guard to come fetch the phone after saying goodbye to his new attorney. He had been more informative than the female attorney and already Bryan liked him. Bryan went back to reading War and Peace but couldn't concentrate on the story. "A few months," Dan had said on the phone. Bryan wasn't sure if he could stand another week all alone in the miserable 'room' he was in and he felt a desperate need to cry. *** "Don't cry, Bryan, I'm not going to hurt you. It's just a game, you'll see, a fun game." Bryan wasn't as stupid, he knew this wasn't a game any more. The pictures of him naked and sporting a stiffy were still on Colt's phone. He had to somehow get to that phone and delete them. "Hey, look at my dick. It's so hard and big, all because of you!" Bryan looked, not at Colt's stiffy, but into his eyes, "What do you mean your willy's stiff because of me?" "It likes you a lot." Bryan furrowed his eyebrows, "A willy can't like anyone, it doesn't have a brain." "You only say that because you're still a little boy. It is true, my dick fancies you. Just look at it, see how it's bouncing up and down?" Bryan couldn't help himself and looked at the bigger boy's willy. It really was bouncing. Rhythmically, almost entrancing him. "Go on, touch it, it really wants for you to touch it," Bryan heard Colt's words, but they sounded as if they came from far away. Without thinking he reached his hand out towards the big flexing willy. "That's a boy, this is what true mates do to each other, Bryan." "Why?" "Because it feels so bloody good. Mates want to make each other feel good, real good mates don't even have to be asked to help his mate feel good. And we are real good mates by now, aren't we, little dude?" "I s'pose so." "Of course we are," Colt intoned, "here, let me show you how to do it. Come closer." Bryan shuffled closer, then watched Colt reach for his underpants. Watched when his bigger friend, or was it really his tormentor, pulled them down and uncovered his small willy again. Small yes, but still just as hard as the bigger willy he was holding on to. Colt grabbed the small two incher [5cm] with three fingers and forced back the foreskin. He didn't much care for handling the dicks of the older men who paid him to do so, but this was somehow different. Bryan wasn't expecting to get his rocks off, maybe he wasn't able to climax at all yet; the little kid hadn't even known how to get his baby dick stiff. For a while Colt contemplated rubbing Bryan's dick to see if he could get the small boy off, but settled for just showing the little kid what he had to do. If he wants me to get him off, he'll have to pay for it, just like everyone else does. "See, all you have to do is move the skin back and forth, just like this. But you can fold your fingers around my dick, like so," Colt demonstrated on his own dick with his other hand while still slowly working the smaller boy's tight foreskin back and forth. "Now, go ahead and try it. Hey, you're fucking good at this. You're my very best mate, you know that, right?" "I am?" "Yeah, I don't do this with any of my other mates." Which was true, but mostly because Colt didn't know anyone well enough to ask them if they wanted to fap with him. He could've found another junior kid and threatened him to do so, but he didn't want to risk it. And he didn't have to any longer. If I play my cards just right, Bryan will soon be begging to suck me off and happily eat all of my spunk. All I have to do is convince the little naive kid that it's only what real mates do. Only those who can spunk up gets to be sucked, though. I'm not sucking on his little prick. Not unless he gives me 10 quid for it. While the little boy slowly but steadily manipulated Colt closer to his orgasm, Colt moved his hand off Bryan's stiffy. He wanted to be able to fully concentrate on the great feelings spreading from his groin and enjoy them. It was far from the first time someone other than himself wanked him off, but it was the first time he didn't have to close his eyes and imagine it being done by a good-looking girl or woman. Bryan was a male, but he was a very small and extremely pretty, and young boy. If not for the little thing sticking out between his legs, he could've been mistaken for a girl with short hair. His unbroken voice also sounded quite a bit girlish. Although Colt had never heard the term, nor would he have known what it meant if he heard it, Bryan was as androgynous as a boy could be at 8 years of age. "Oh man, fuck, little one, you're really being a great mate, just do it a little faster now and it won't be long." Bryan was getting fatigued from the unusual way he had to move his hand and had silently hoped for the whole ordeal to be over right quick. If Colt hadn't told him he'd be able to stop soon, he would have asked him just how much longer he had to keep stroking his warm and hard willy. Maybe friends really do this to each other? I wonder why they would. It felt kind of nice when Colt touched my willy, but it's just so weird! Bryan thought to himself while he concentrated on sliding his hand back and forth exactly like the older boy wanted him to. 9 First clueBryan was escorted to a visitation room when his new attorney arrived to the detention centre. He had to wait on his own for short time, then a young man with a large briefcase in hand was let into the room. Bryan felt almost grownup when he shook the man's hand and sat down in front of him on the other side of the table. Although his feet didn't quite reach the floor when he sat in the chair, he felt much older than the 11 years he was. The first words out of his mouth showed his true age however. "Are you really my very own attorney?" "Well, I do have other clients, but yes Bryan, I am your very own attorney," Dan smiled while he said this. "Do you have a business card I can have?" Dan reached into his pocket, took out one of his cards and handed it to the boy. Bryan read it and was impressed to read that Dan really was an attorney at law. A junior partner too, whatever that meant. "Before we discuss the criminal case against you and what will happen from now on, I'd like to hear how you've been treated by the police and while you've been here." "Uh, okay I guess," Bryan said, "I've never been questioned by the police before Tuesday and this is my first time in a prison so I'm not sure how I'm s'posed to be treated and all that." "Of course not. How are the other boys treating you, have any of them been threatening you or done anything to you?" "I haven't seen any boys at all here. Only guards so far. Well, I spoke to a nurse too, but no kids." "Hmm. That's a little peculiar, the magistrate ordered you to be remanded in custody, but not to be kept in isolation while waiting for your trial. I'll have a word with someone after we're done here. You don't seem to be bothered of not having been able to interact with kids your age?" "They said I'm really too young to be here, that you have to be at least 13. So there aren't any kids my age around here." "Well, yes, I knew that. The first thing I did after talking to your father, and when I finally tracked you down, was to see if I could have you transported to another facility. But, as you might imagine, there aren't many detention centres, or jails, around here for kids your age. Those my secretary contacted are either full or very far from here. If you want me to, I could argue for you being moved, but it might make it a little difficult for your parents to visit you as often." Bryan silently mulled over it for some time. "No, I'd rather stay here then. Sorry for the trouble your secretary had, but I don't want to be any more of a nuisance to my mum and dad than I already am." "That's very mature of you. Your father told me you are an intelligent boy, but I didn't expect you to be this mature. Very well, if that's what you want, you'll stay here." "Thanks. But, do you know how long it will be until I get to go home? It is quite boring here." "I don't think anyone can say for sure. If I have to make an estimate based on my experience with cases like yours, I'd say anywhere from three months up to around nine months, maybe a year before the police and the prosecutor are ready to go to court. It very much depends on whether you'll plead guilty or not guilty as charged." "I didn't do what the police claim I did." "So that means you'll plead not guilty." Bryan nodded in the affirmative, "Yes, I'm not guilty as charged." "Okay, heh, well it isn't me you have to convince, though I would like you to tell me everything that happened on the day of your arrest. I'll record what you say, if you won't mind, just so I can have my secretary type it all up for me. Don't worry, everything we discuss here will stay between you and me, I won't tell the police or your parents, unless I get your approval first. Are you okay with this?" "Uh-huh." "Splendid," Dan reached into his briefcase and pulled out a small tape recorder. Bryan watched while Dan put in a small tape, pressed the record button and placed the tape recorder on the table between them. "Today is Friday, the 6th of May, 2016, and it is," Dan looked at this watch, "10:08 in the morning. I'm interviewing Bryan Willowsby, born October 14th, 2005, is that right Bryan?" "Not 2005, 2004. If I had been born in 2005, I'd only be 10 now." "Oh yes, that's quite right. Okay, and your street address?" Bryan looked at the tape recorder and said his address in a loud and clear voice. "You don't have to talk so loud, Bryan, the tape recorder will pick up anything you say even if it's only a whisper." "Oh, sorry." "That's okay. It's more so my secretary won't have to adjust the volume all the time when she listens to the recording later." "Sorry Mr Jenson's secretary, I'll keep my voice low from now on I promise." Dan smiled at the boy and winked. "You can call me Dan, you'll be seeing me a lot in the upcoming months. Now, can you please tell me what happened this Tuesday afternoon, from let's say around 1 o'clock?" "Hmm," Bryan said and rested his chin on top of his hands. "I left school after class and went to a nearby park." "Was this the Greenborough Park?" "I didn't know the park has a name but if you say so, then it probably was." "I'll bring a map next time I come visit you, it's very important you can point out exactly where you went." "Okay, well for now, all I can say is that I went to this park." "Tell me, why did you go to the park, weren't you meant to be at the after-school activities centre at the St. Matthews primary school?" "Sorry, I did go to the activities centre after school let out, but I didn't feel like staying so I decided to go to the park instead. I didn't tell anyone I left as I figured they'd only make me stay." "Okay, proceed please. What did you do when you came to the park?" "I just tried to make the time pass quickly until I figured it would be safe to go to my house without anyone being suspicious about me not being at school." "Did you meet anyone at the park; did you play with any kids there?" "Is it really necessary I tell you all of this? I already told the police what happened that day so many times." "It is vitally important. I know you went over this with the police, but please humour me." "Oh okay, then. Only because you said please. I went into this really wide and dense thicket where I knew nobody would be able to see me." "Alright, do you remember why you went into the thicket?" "I didn't want anyone to see me in the park and maybe call my school. I was still in uniform, remember?" "Yes, now you've brought it up yourself; The police took a statement from a witness who swears to have seen you and a younger boy enter Greenborough Park, both of you wearing school uniforms he identified from a photo to be from St. Matthews primary school." "He's lying! I went there alone, all on my own, minding myself. Like he should've minded his own business!" "Calm down, remember what I told you about not raising your voice?" "Sorry. It's just the police kept asking me about that over and over and over again. After they had talked to that guy. He must've seen someone else. I was all alone." "It's okay, so you were hiding in the dense thicket, what did you do in there?" "I just looked for bugs and such, got my clothes royally messed up too." "I see, what happened then?" "I went home after that." "Ah, no Bryan. Something clearly doesn't add up here. You were arrested inside the men's restroom in the park and the police seized the clothes you wore that day. They found blood on your trousers, your shoes and your coat. And on your hands, not to forget." Bryan sighed, then thought for a while. "Bryan?" "Okay, okay. I didn't say this to the police, cause I was scared, y'know? But I found this little boy, he was lying on his front in the dirt in the middle of the thicket. First I guess I asked him if he was alright, but he just kept lying there, y'know, not moving at all. I thought he was asleep so I shook his shoulder to try and wake him. I thought it was strange for a little kid to lie like that, his face was like mashed into the dirt. He wouldn't wake up, so I turned him over, and then I saw he had a pair of scissors sticking out from his belly. "I guess he didn't listen to what the teachers always tell you about not running with scissors. I wasn't sure what to do, but I 3; Uh, after a minute or so, I pulled out the scissors and like all of his blood splattered all over my front. It was awful! I tried to put my hand on the wound to stop the bleeding, like I've seen on the telly. But it didn't work. His blood still came out and he didn't wake up. He just wouldn't wake up!" Bryan cried when he said the last words, sobbed loudly. Dan stopped the tape recorder and hurried to the other side of the table. He hugged the little upset boy close and tried to soothe him. He told him it was alright, that it wasn't his fault he hadn't been able to help the smaller boy. *** "Do it faster now, I'm almost there," Colt said. Bryan wondered where there was exactly, Colt was still sitting in the chair right in front of him. He did his very best to move his hand faster up and down on the large stiff willy. Then all of a sudden Colt's body jerked and he felt a bit of wetness on his hand. He thought Colt was peeing and quickly let go of the stiff willy. "No! You can't fucking stop now! Keep doing it, just for a few seconds more." Bryan was disgusted but did what Colt had told him to. He studied the willy in his hand more closely while he wanked it and he saw it happen. From the little slit, where the pee would come out when peeing, a spurt of clear liquid shot up into the air before gravity took over and forced the liquid to land on Colt's thigh, only barely missing Bryan's arm. Then another small spurt rushed out and Bryan felt it splatter onto his arm. The little boy was alarmed by it, nevertheless he kept stroking the prick. A third and final time liquid came out of the pee slit; it oozed out, went down his fingers and dripped from them to Colt's ball sack. "Ah, okay 3; Uh Bryan, you can stop now, little dude. It kind of hurts if you keep doing it after the sperm comes out." "Sperm? I thought you peed." "No, this is what makes babies. You know, when you get older." Bryan had a very vague idea of how babies were made, but in all honesty, he was far from fully up to speed on the subject. He ignored it for the moment as he was still grossed out from the sperm stuff that had landed on his arm and by then was working its way down towards his wrist. It left behind a path of moisture, not unlike the trail a small snail would leave behind when it moved, he thought. "Can I go wash this stuff off now?" he asked Colt. "If you want to, it's really very tasty." "You're pulling my leg! It came from your willy. From where you pee!" "No, it's true. See?" To Bryan's utter astonishment and no less disgust, Colt licked the stuff right off his arm. He could feel the warmth from the older boy's tongue as it went over his skin and licked up the stuff. Then Colt brought his tongue back into his mouth and swallowed! "You should try some yourself, it is really yummy. See, there's still some left of it on your fingers." "I don't want to." "I guess you're still too much of a fucking crybaby to try. Oh alright then, you can go wash your hands." Bryan absolutely hated when Colt called him a crybaby but he certainly didn't want to taste the slimy liquid on his fingers. Instead, he practically ran to the sink in the bathroom and washed his hands and arm, not just once, but twice to make sure every last bit of the older boy's slimy sperm had been washed off his skin. 10 Day of firstsDan didn't resume the interview of Bryan that day. He could clearly see it had already been extremely emotional for the boy to explain what had happened on the day when he allegedly had killed a younger boy. Bryan's version was very different from what the police claimed. That wasn't strange at all to Dan, the police got the facts wrong a lot of times. Bryan's explanation was quite weak in places and he had also blatantly lied about leaving the park to go home. That kids would tell a lie in an attempt to get out of an embarrassing or troubling situation wasn't so strange or worryingly to Dan either; he knew there was more than sufficient time for him and Bryan to get the story straight before the court hearing. Bryan had clearly stated he was innocent, that as far as he knew, he hadn't killed anyone. That was all Dan really needed to know. It was the police investigators' and the prosecutor's job to produce enough evidence to prove Bryan was guilty, it wasn't up to Dan and the boy to prove his innocence. Before Dan left the detention centre he managed to have a friendly chat with the assisting manager of the privately run facility. By using words even an idiot could have comprehended, he let her know how he'd sue the facility, the company behind it and everyone who owned stock in the company, if Bryan's isolation wasn't immediately lifted. It was one thing a small boy had to stay in a detention centre clearly not designed for young children, but damned if Bryan was going to suffer more than he absolutely had to while awaiting his trial. "If he isn't allowed out and about with other boys close to his age, I'll file an official complaint, not only to the police but also the magistrate's office. I'll ring my office and have them draft it so I can file it as soon as I get back there," Dan said in a stern voice. The assistant manager hadn't been informed of Bryan's arrival, nor was she aware he was more than a year younger than the usual inmates, and she immediately ordered him released from isolation. "He is to be treated like any of our other visitors waiting for appearing in court. Yes, that's right, no special treatment for Bryan Willowsby. See to it at once or I will personally come down to the floor and do it myself," she hung up the phone without waiting for an answer, then looked at Dan. "Are you quite satisfied now, Mr. Jenson?" "Indeed. You have my gratitude. I think it's a misfortune Bryan has to be here at all, but I feel that he will be just a little bit better off from now on. Thank you." *** Bryan and Colt spent the rest of the afternoon in their underpants, only getting dressed when it was time for Bryan to go home. Bryan was happy Colt didn't want him to play with his willy again that day, he wished the older boy would never again ask for him to do it. But, he reckoned it would only be a matter of time before it would happen again. He clearly remembered how much Colt had seemed to enjoy it. And, although it had been kind of labouring for Bryan, especially near the end, it hadn't physically hurt him. Later, when he was really supposed to concentrate on his schoolwork, he gave it some more thought. It was only his feelings that had been hurt by Colt. Everybody Bryan knew, his mum and dad included, seemed to hurt his feelings from time to time. Why should Colt have been any different than everyone else? Sure, there was the matter of the two pictures of him on Colt's smartphone now. Nudes even. But he hadn't teased him. What was it he said? Oh yes. Colt had said he wanted the photos so he could look at them and always remember this day. He had also said Bryan was his very best mate. Maybe, if Bryan had owned a smartphone, Colt would have let him take a picture of his willy too. So Bryan would always remember the day as well. But Bryan didn't have a smartphone, not even one of those awful old phones his grandpa insisted on using. One that didn't have any games on it. Maybe years from now, Colt will remember the pictures and show them to me and we'll have a good laugh over them, Bryan thought. That day of firsts, the first time Bryan had ever gotten a stiffy on purpose and shown it to Colt, the first time he had seen Colt's bigger stiffy, and the first time he had wanked Colt, had been a Friday. Since it had been a Friday, Bryan had a couple of days to think about what had happened before Colt could ask him to stroke his willy for him again. He pondered about the liquid that had shot out of Colt's willy, the sperm as the older boy had called it. He didn't quite believe what the older kid had said about babies coming from the slimy stuff that looked like egg whites. Thus, early Saturday morning, long before Bryan's mum and dad even so much as thought about getting out of bed, Bryan sat down in front of the computer in the living room. After it had booted and Internet Explorer had loaded, he carefully punched in the phrase Do babies come from sperm? and clicked on the search button. Instead of Google telling him if it was true or not, a page with a big orange banner at top appeared on the screen. He read the words, 'Net Nanny.' Below it said: 'The website requested has been blocked for the following reason(s): Pornography, Profanity.' He clicked on the provided link and read the details of why his search had been blocked. He swore under his breath at the annoying parental control program that interfered with his quest for more knowledge. It wasn't like he wanted to look at naked people having sex. That seemed quite repulsive and disturbing to him. Well, if Net nanny won't let me know, then there are other ways to learn. He thought of the old but comprehensive encyclopaedia consisting of 32 large books with descriptions of pretty much every known word and likely some made-up ones too. Maybe he'd be able to find what he was looking for in one of the books. He scampered upstairs and into his dad's little home office. He wasn't exactly allowed to enter it on his own, but no one would be any the wiser if only he'd manage to leave everything like he found it before his parents woke up. There, taking up more than a meter [c. 3 ft] of space on the bottom row in the bookcase, was the encyclopaedia. He used a finger to trace along the back of the large books, all the way until he found the one he looked for. He tugged at the heavy book; carefully he made sure it wouldn't accidentally fall to the floor when it came off the shelf. He placed the book on the floor, sat in front of it and turned to the first page. The word he was looking for was on page 462, and he found it after turning pages back and forth for a couple of minutes. He began to read what the book had to say about sperm.
This didn't make Bryan any the wiser of what sperm was or if babies really came from it. But then he read on:
He didn't understand many of the words, even as intelligent as he was. Words like chromosomes, flagellum and several others were things he had never seen nor heard of before. But now he knew that sperm was indeed one of the ingredients needed to make new organisms, hence babies. He giggled when he read the part about fertilizing an egg, picturing Colt standing with a chicken's egg in one hand and squirting his sperm onto it before putting it back in the fridge. That surely couldn't be what it meant. Bryan sighed when he realised what he had managed to read left him with more questions than before. He didn't have time to find out what the strange words meant, his parents would soon be up and he didn't want to risk being caught trespassing in his dad's private office. He simply had to ask the only person who wouldn't think of him being too young to know about such things and trust him to tell the truth when asked. 11 New best mateNot long after Dan Jenson left his new client in the Prankhurst Detention Centre, Bryan's door was unlocked. In came the nice female guard who had provided him with his better fitting clothes. "Bryan, be a dear and quickly gather everything you want to take with you. You're being moved to another wing, and you won't be returning unless you break the rules or we find out you aren't safe around the other boys 3; Never mind that now, you need to bring the books from the library, the bedlinen and the extra clothes you have." She watched while Bryan quickly picked up everything as ordered. She took pity and helped him with the linen when she saw how hard it was for the boy to carry everything. They made their way through the gate, up a flight of stairs and stopped just short of another locked gate. Behind it was a closed door. Bryan could hear muted voices coming through the door. "Listen to me, Bryan. I'm not at all sure this move is in your best interest. It's however what your attorney wanted and maybe it will be good for you to be around other kids, even some who are a bit older than you. I don't know everyone in this wing, but some of them are bound to be troublemakers. If anyone says or does something to you that you don't want, please tell one of my colleagues straight away. Then we'll do everything we can to put stop to it, even move you back if necessary. Do you understand?" Bryan nodded solemnly. "Okay dear. Chin up now and let's face the lions." She unlocked the gate and locked it behind them before she opened the door to the wing. Immediately the sounds of other kids got louder; Bryan was able to pick up individual voices now. When he was gently pushed through the doorway into a long corridor, the voices died down. Then someone spoke up loudly. "Hey, which one of you had a baby and didn't tell us?" "Is it 'bring your kid to work' day today?" "I didn't think babies were allowed in prisons!" "Shut it!" the female guard said in a much sterner voice than she had ever used with Bryan. The boys, all older and bigger than Bryan immediately hushed down. It didn't stop them from moving into the corridor and watch his every step while he followed closely behind the lady guard. The room they entered wasn't much different from the one he had so far stayed in. He did however notice one major difference. There's a door handle on both sides of the door! I can shut the door and open it whenever I want to. I can even leave my room when I need to. The loos are right there just across the corridor, Bryan was pleased. It was only but a very small step towards freedom but it was a step in the right direction. "Right honey, here we are. Make yourself comfortable, this will be your home for some time to come, I'll try to stop by every now and then, I'm afraid it won't be very often. You're my colleagues' responsibility now, but they are great guys. You'll find out for yourself." She almost motherly stroked his cheek once and then she was gone; the door shut behind her when she left. Bryan looked around his new home and found there wasn't much to it. On his left side was a large old heater, a battered sink, the same type of small scratched table top fitted to the wall underneath an empty cork bulletin board with a few pins stuck in it. A single and simple wooden chair was pushed in underneath the table. Then the end wall, with the barred window sitting high up on it and a small corner shelf. On the right hand side was a bed with a mattress that looked every bit as uncomfortable as the one he had slept in thus far, and finally an empty cupboard with its door ajar. Pretty much a carbon copy of the room he had just vacated, though the bed in this new room of his wasn't yet made. Of course it isn't made! I can't expect anyone to make my bed any more, Bryan thought and decided to get it done with. He was wrestling the large sheet when he heard his door open. He looked at the door fully expecting it to be a guard, and instead he saw a large boy slip into the room and quietly shut the door behind him. "Hi, you don't mind me popping in to meet you, do you?" the boy asked. Bryan shook his head even though he'd rather be left alone at the time; he hadn't even managed to put the sheet on his bed and already he had a visitor. The boy who could be any age between 13 and 17, Bryan wasn't good at estimating people's age, went to the chair, turned it around and sat on it. He sat with the seatback between his legs and put his elbows on top of it. "So, what's your name, new kid?" "Bryan." "Oh, I like that name, Bryan. Yeah, you do look exactly like a Bryan, now that I think about it." Bryan didn't say anything but thought it strange that one could look like their name. Maybe if his name had been Orange, and he had looked like an orange, one could have said that. But what did a Bryan look like? "So, I guess it falls on me to welcome you to the 3C wing. I'm Charley, well originally my name was Charles, Junior, but I didn't much care for having my old man's name, so I changed it to Charley." "Uh, well I guess if you don't like your name it's okay to change it," Bryan said, he didn't want to offend a guest, not even one who had invited himself into his room. "If you knew what my old man was like, you wouldn't want to share his name either." "I s'pose not." "So what did you do?" "I went to school." Charley laughed out loud and it made Bryan's cheeks blush some. "Naw, kid. What did you do? Why are you here?" "I didn't do anything," Bryan shrugged his shoulders. That made Charley laugh again. "That's what everyone says. I don't think the police would throw your butt in prison for doing nothing, even if it means you didn't do your schoolwork." "They keep saying I did something but I didn't do what they think." "So, you're completely and utterly innocent, just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time?" "I guess." "What are they accusing you of doing?" "Is that really so important? I'm just here until my hearing." "Oh well, I'll find out sooner or later. You didn't cut up an old grandma did you? Like Steve did? Oh yeah, it's true, I'd stay far away from him if I were you, Steve is one sick bastard. He used a large bread knife and really went berserk on that poor little old grandma. Hell, I think she was shorter than you, kid. And Steve, that crazy dude, he's tall but a right pussy when he's not facing someone smaller than him." "He doesn't sound very nice." "Oh he isn't. Not as nice as I am. You sound really nice yourself." "Thanks." "You know what, I have a terribly weak spot for short, skinny runts like you. You wouldn't stand a chance alone against the perverts out there in the wing, but I'll be your friend. I'll keep you safe and all, if you want?" "What would I have to do?" "Oh, you know how it works already? Cool, then I won't have to explain all of it. Well, you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours. Well, maybe not in person, but I'll find someone to scratch your back for me." Bryan looked bewildered at Charley. He surely couldn't be talking about scratching backs, not literally. No, it has to be more than that. But he can't be meaning that, can he? "You mean, like sex stuff?" Bryan asked in a timid voice, afraid to have misjudged the older boy's intentions and offend him by suggesting it was what he meant. "Yeah kid, that's right. I mean like sex stuff. You haven't seen any girls in this here wing, have you? Naw, I haven't either, so it's just us guys here. And since you're really not much of a guy yet, you might as well pretend to be my girlfriend while you're here." "Why do you think I'd want to do that?" "If you don't want to be a girl for me, Bryan, I'll leave you to the lot out there. And trust me, you won't look pretty after they're through with you. Hell, I wouldn't want to fuck your sorry arse after Steve has finished raping it." Bryan gulped. Not even in prison would he be safe from people wanting to hurt him. "Hey now, relax, it won't be all bad. I'm not asking much of you, just a daily suck and the occasional quick bum fuck. I'll look after you and make sure you're safe, take you under my wing so to speak. I'll even find someone to suck your prick and you can fuck him whenever you want. Well, if your fuck stick is large enough for it, anyway." "I don't know," Bryan hesitated and tried to think of ways to escape the unwanted attention from not only the boy inside his room, but also the other boys he now thought were looming in the corridor outside his door only waiting for a chance to beat him up and rape him. "What don't you know? If you want to be my girlfriend and be protected from harm or if your prick's too small to be of any use?" Bryan blushed even more but kept silent. "What of it, kid? Me or the ten sex starved crazy kids out there? I'll bet Steve would want to bite you since he doesn't have a knife in here. I'll tell you this, I'm much gentler with chickens than Steve or anyone else here. Hell, you might even enjoy some of the things we'll be doing." Bryan had heard those words before. And no, he hadn't enjoyed it. Not it. Some of the other stuff had been somewhat tolerable, but not exactly to the point where he wanted to do any of it ever again if he had any say in it. But that's just it, I really don't have anything to say now. Maybe when I'm older, bigger and stronger, I'll have something to say. But not now, Bryan sighed when he realised he could only do one thing. "Okay, I'll be your gi 3; I'll be your friend, but please go easy on me?" he begged of the larger boy in front of him. "Oh we're going to be the very best of mates, just you wait and see." *** The following Monday, Bryan as per usual, walked with Colt to the older boy's house. They small-talked about their weekend and what had happened at school, much like normal friends would. But the subject abruptly changed as soon as the front door shut behind them. "You know, Bryan, I've been thinking all weekend of what you did to me Friday. You really made me feel so fucking good. Will you help out your best mate again today?" "Well uh 3; I might, if you'll answer some questions for me first." "I'll try, or we can probably find what you want to know on the Internet." "I tried that already. Net nanny blocked all of my searches." "Net nanny? The fuck is that?" "It's the parental control program on the computer at my house." "Well it certainly isn't on mine. I'd beat the crap out of anyone who'd try to install shite like that on my computer" "Okay, uh, you told me it was sperm that came out of your willy. I tried to find out if it's really what makes babies." Bryan blushed to a deep crimson red. "I told you it is, don't you trust what I tell you?" "It just sounded weird to me. So, uh, I found out that it does, but I just don't see how." "Well they won't teach you anything about that at school since it's a Catholic school we go to. So, let's go to my room and I'll find something that'll teach you all you want to know about making babies." Colt's way of teaching the younger boy about reproduction was a lot more hands on than any school curriculum would have allowed for. At first, he let Bryan decide what web sites they should visit, based on simple Google searches. They started with the theory, mostly text based explanations of the nature of sex and how to reproduce. It was kind of tame for the older boy, but he relented to the smaller boy's pleas of letting him read. "I think I got it now," Bryan said after having read the third description of the act. It wasn't a moment too soon for Colt who promptly went to his favourite website. He quickly moved past the annoying pop-up before Bryan had a chance to see it was a warning of sexually explicit material only meant for an adult audience. "Let me show you what it is really about then. Sex isn't just for making babies, it's something to make you feel good too." He started a movie clip starring a naked woman with very large breasts and a man with an impossibly large stiff willy. Bryan was both fascinated and slightly grossed out by the things that went on in the movie clip. "See how she's stroking his prick? That's what you did to mine on Friday." Colt explained. Bryan didn't respond, he just sat on Colt's lap and could feel the older boy's willy push firmly up against his bum while he watched what happened on the computer screen. The woman stroked the man's willy with both her hands, while the man did unspeakable things to her private area. He could hear the man groan when she put her mouth on his willy. Bryan watched, mouth agape, flabbergasted at the disgusting sight. "Now my friend, what she's doing to him is what I really want for you to do to me," he heard Colt say. 12 There be monsters!Bryan's new boyfriend left the room when a guard entered and told him to "git." "Damn but you are one small kid. What did you do? Raid a sweets store? No, don't tell me, I don't want to hear how you haven't done anything. I'm just a guy trying to do his job and my job is to make sure the public is kept safe from the likes of you. That's why you're here, you've been deemed unsafe for society. Anyway, since you're now in my wing, you need to know how we do things here. "If you do everything we tell you to, we'll get along just fine. If you don't, step one will be for you to stay locked inside this room all day long without any visitors. You'll eat your meals in here and you'll only be escorted to the toilet and shower when everyone else in the wing isn't around. Usually we don't have to go to step two, which would be moving you back to the isolation wing. "Anyway, we'll unlock your door around 7 in the mornings. At 07:20 you can go have breakfast along with the other kids in the common room. On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays school lessons will start precisely at 08:00. They'll conclude at noon when lunch is served. After lunch, you're fairly free to do what you want inside the wing as long as you do so quietly. "In the afternoons you can go outside along with the kids from this wing and the other junior boys' wings. Yard time is two hours every day and you need to sign up for it before 14:00, otherwise you forfeit your chance of getting some fresh air that day. At 17:30 dinner will be served. 20:00 sharp you'll go get your meds and then return to your room. We'll lock your door for the night at 20:15. You can stay up for as long as you want to, just don't make any noise at all after bang-up. "We expect you to keep yourself clean. This means you'll have a shower every other day, if not more often, and you'll brush your teeth every morning at a minimum. "As you can see there's an intercom system in your room, just like the one you had in the other wing. However, if you aren't being murdered, you're never to use the intercom during the day. At night when your door is locked, you can call for us if you need to use the toilet and you simply can't wait until morning. If you call for us you'd better have a really good reason, though. Don't call because you're feeling homesick or something silly like that." When the guard left shortly after explaining all that, Bryan turned his attention back to his new bed and the sheet he still hadn't had the time to put on. But it was only half a minute or so after the guard had left and shut the door, he heard it being opened and Charley popped in again. "Fuck man, I thought he'd never leave. That guy is someone you never want to piss off." Bryan threw the sheet back onto the bed. He'd never get to put it on if people kept disturbing him like this. He heard the sound of a zipper being undone and instinctively knew what it meant. Sure enough when he looked up he saw Charley reach into his fly and pull out a prick that made the little 11 year-old gasp for air. Surely a willy so large as that belongs on a horse, not an underaged kid! Bryan thought and couldn't move his eyes away from the spectacular sight. Charley grinned wickedly at Bryan. "Don't be afraid it won't hurt you. Naw, I won't lie to you, Bryan. It'll hurt some the first couple of times I stick it in your arse, but I'll go real slow and be very gentle with you." No way is that monster of a willy going into my bum, Bryan thought, it'll end up going all the way through my body to come right out of my mouth. Charley's prick was indeed very large, many a man would've envied the boy for what nature had blessed him with. It was just shy of nine inches [23 cm] long and its thickness matched its length. It was shaped like a banana and bent downwards and outwards from the older boy's middle. "I'm just dying for a good suck man, so sit on the edge of the bed and open up wide. Daddy's got a boner and it's all yours," Charley said, "I don't care how you do it, long as you suck on it and make it squirt. I want you to swallow every last drop of my jism and lick my prick clean before you put it back in my underwear and rezip my jeans." Bryan had heard words similar to what he just heard then. But they had been a bit kinder. Well, at least in the beginning. *** "Wait, you mean you want me to suck on it?" Bryan asked Colt. He was still sitting on the bigger boy's lap and could easily feel the object he was referring to underneath his bottom. The underpants both boys were wearing were loose enough for Colt's penis to have embedded itself in the shallow valley between his buttocks. "Unless you'd rather want me stick it up where the sun don't shine?" Colt said huskily. "What?" Now Bryan was utterly confused. He hated when people said things in such a way it made them impossible to understand. "Forget about it, you're still a bit too small for that. But yeah, I'd really like for you to suck my prick. I'll even go wash it real well so it'll be all nice and clean for your first time." All Bryan had wanted to learn that day was how babies came to be, or to be more precise how exactly a sperm cell would fuse with an egg cell. Instead, Colt had shown him a video clip with sex in it. And now the older boy was asking him to suck on his willy. Even though Bryan was young, he was beginning to see a disturbing pattern by then. Every time Colt said he really wanted Bryan to do something, Bryan ended up doing it. Whether or not it's something I want to do. The clever young boy had an idea. "Can I try something first? I mean on the computer?" "Sure, little man. You know what to do." Bryan quickly stopped the movie clip that was still been playing. The corny music and loud moaning suddenly stopped and the two naked grownups on the sofa froze in place. The man with his big willy deep inside the woman's vagina. Bryan typed in the address for the google search engine and when it appeared on screen, he typed in the word 'friendship' and clicked on the search button. "Why are you looking for that?" Colt asked. Bryan didn't respond, just clicked on the first result. It was a Wikipedia page explaining what friendship means. "Hey, if you're going to read all of that crap we won't have time for anything else," Colt objected when he noticed how much text there was on the page Bryan had found. "Just let me read a little, it won't be long at all." "I still don't know why you're wasting time reading when we could be having fun instead." Bryan skimmed through the text, he wanted to see if friendships required having to do something for a friend he absolutely had no wish to do. But all it said was something about bonding. That having friends made you happier and you'd have the ability to be yourself, the true person you were, when amongst friends with no need for acting like someone you weren't. And it's true in a way, I'm actually happier now than I was before I met Colt, am I not? I don't like everything we do when we're together, but can anyone really expect to always be happy? Bryan mulled over the question he had asked himself for a few seconds before answering it, No! No one can be happy all of the time. That much he had already learnt. As to being able to be one's true self, isn't that what we're actually doing right now, sitting in just our underpants, looking up things on the Internet our parents and teachers wouldn't want us to? Bryan had made up his mind and switched off the powerstrip where the computer, monitor and Colt's computer speakers were fed from. "Aw fuck! I've told you so many times you got to shut Windows down the proper way until it shuts off the computer, you can't just kill the powerstrip like that. Now I'll have to wait for half an hour while it checks for errors the next time I turn it on, you nutter," Colt complained. "I'm sorry, Colt." "It's okay. I, uh, I didn't mean it like that. Did you learn anything new about friendships then?" "Not really." "Uh, not to be pushy or anything, but we only have like 45 minutes before you have to be home. Will you please help me out with this thing?" Colt pushed up with his hips, which in turn forced his dick further up between Bryan's buttocks. If they hadn't been wearing their underwear, it could have broken into the tight passageway hiding there. Bryan felt the hardness poke him in his rear end. "Okay," he said flatly. "Really? Uh, I meant great!" "I'm not going to suck on it." "You don't have to, not this time anyway. But soon, I'd like it if you did suck it for me, it feels so much better." "I don't know." "What if I'd give you something in return?" "Like what?" "Hmm, I'm not sure. What do you want for it?" "If you delete those pictures you took of me Friday, then I'll do it. Afterwards!" "Heh, no little man, those pictures mean too much to me. I look at them a lot, you know?" "You do?" "Yeah, I even watched them today at school. I went to the loo, so don't worry, no one else saw them." "You bring your phone to school? But you're not s'posed to do that." "I know, I keep it switched off most of the time. None of the teachers will ever find out." "Do you really like looking at me so much?" "Sure I do, you're my best mate. I miss you when you aren't here. And you have an amazing body for a little guy. Would be better if you had some muscles but it's nice all the same." "I do too have muscles. See?" Bryan flexed his arm muscles but not really to the point where Colt was impressed. He didn't say that though. Instead he gave him praise. "Oh yeah, you do! Well, if you'll suck my dick I'll give you 3; Hmm, I'd give you my necklace." "But your grandpa gave it to you." Colt hadn't gotten it from his grandpa, just some old geezer that had enjoyed the attention Colt gave his semi-flaccid old wrinkled cock so much he had given him the necklace afterwards. It didn't have any sentimental value to Colt but he wore it all the same as he thought it looked nice against his tanned skin. "Wait, that's right, I did get it from my dear old grandpa! So I couldn't possibly part with it unless you'll suck me off a lot. Like, uh, 25 times." "Uh! That's a lot for a necklace." "Yeah, but it's such a nice necklace and it sure does mean a lot to me. But I think it would look great on you. If you wore it, I'd see it like a, hmm, how do you say it, a token of our friendship." "Well 3; Okay then," Bryan sighed, "But I'm not sucking your willy today and I'm not going to suck it every day either." "Let's say you suck my dick on Fridays then. Starting this Friday. But you'd best suck me off nicely or I'll be wanting it back." "Alright," Bryan said with a lot less enthusiasm than the word might have suggested. 13 More picturesWhen Bryan had started sucking Colt's dick he had just been a little kid all of 8 years old. This time, as he was about to suck on his new friend's willy, he was 11, but not much bigger than he had been at 8. Two inches taller and a few pounds heavier, but still smaller than your average boy of 11. And he was quite certain he'd die from trying to suck the monster dick that was so blatantly waiting for him to put his lips around it. If I don't die while sucking on that willy I'll surely drown in the sea of sperm when it shoots into my mouth. Such were Bryan's thoughts when he tried to mentally brace himself for what was about to happen. He sat on the bed, partway on top of the now forgotten sheet. He was thirsty and his mouth felt dry. No, not simply dry, it's like the Sahara desert spread into my mouth, he thought wryly. He tried to work up some saliva, to his knowledge, most guys seemed to favour a wet and messy blow job rather than a drier, cleaner one. Bryan didn't know the difference. He had never felt what it was like to have his willy sucked. Even though there had in fact been men who had asked Colt for a chance to blow his little friend's prick, Colt had never once allowed them to. Finally, by imagining having the biggest chocolate bar in his hand, ready for him to bite into, Bryan managed to get his mouth water flowing. Charley came closer, guided by his dick. He positioned himself right in front of Bryan who bent over a little and gingerly put first one hand on Charley's massive dick then the other. His fingers on one hand couldn't reach around the thick curved pole so he had to use both to get a steady grip on it. Slowly he brought his head closer, apparently too slow for Charley who put his hands behind Bryan's neck and pulled at the small boy's head. When Bryan felt the monster willy hit him on the tip of his nose, he tilted his head backwards and opened his mouth. He quickly realised he had to open as wide as he could for the dick head to fit inside his mouth. Even then, it was a tight fit. He managed to get the head and maybe half an inch [1 cm] of the shaft inside the warm confinements of his mouth. He couldn't help but wonder what it felt like for the older boy and what it had been for the countless number of men he had sucked. "Try wanking it while you suck on the head. Suck in your cheeks," Bryan heard, "Yeah, now that's exactly how I like it. You're really great at this. I knew you'd be good right from when I saw you enter my wing." Bryan stored that information somewhere in his brain. He had been told something like that before, but he had never been able to pinpoint exactly what it was about him that let other males know he was good at sucking dicks. He had looked many a time into the full length mirror in the lobby at his house and had never seen anything but a smallish boy looking back at him. Smallish, yet utterly normal. Maybe it's something to do with how I walk or talk? *** Colt never gave Bryan the chance to forget his promise of sucking on his dick. Even when they parted that late Monday afternoon he reminded the little boy of what they'd be doing Friday. The next day, back at Colt's house, the older boy showed Bryan how he had transferred the two nude photographs from his phone to his computer. If Bryan had been in doubt before, he was now certain that it in fact was him in the photos. The 24" wide-screen monitor and the program Colt used to view the photos removed any slivers of doubts he might have had. Colt used the mouse wheel to zoom in on first Bryan's face then his little stiffy. The flash had been merciless, Bryan could see tiny fine hairs where he had always been certain no hair existed; though the downy almost transparent hairs hardly qualified for being called facial or pubic hair. He could even see a small drop of liquid that could only be pee right at the opening of his tight foreskin. Bryan had a very difficult time figuring out what he was supposed to feel like right then. He felt terribly embarrassed of Colt having taken pictures of what Bryan thought had been a very private moment. Yet he felt little pangs of excitement through all of the humiliation. It was too weird for Bryan to dwell at the fact he was somewhat excited from being humiliated by the older boy. Apart from that, the level of naughtiness was well beyond anything else the little boy had previously done, willingly or coerced. And Bryan had learned he enjoyed doing things he thought his parents would consider naughty. When Colt asked him if he could take more photographs of him, he had a hard time deciding whether he should agree to it or not. Deep inside he knew Colt could use the photos to blackmail him. If he wants to make me do things I don't want to, he already has two very good photos of me he can use. Another one or two won't change that, Bryan decided. Besides Bryan liked having his picture taken. Well, when he was dressed that is. His parents had often used every possible excuse to take pictures of their beloved son. Including full-blown nudes, though that had been back when Bryan was a lot younger and he had considered it perfectly normal, and lots of fun, to run around naked on the beach and in the large backyard at home. Whenever his parents turned on the 42" smart-TV in the sitting room and browsed the many digital pictures they had taken of him over the years, especially at times when they had friends over, Bryan knew he had to make himself scarce before they'd get to the first nude picture of him. Otherwise he'd have to sit and politely listen to the "oohs" and "aahs" while his cheeks got redder by the second. Sometimes one of the women present would say something like "Oh he's so adorable" or "His little buttocks look sweet enough to eat, don't they?" The latter had been his mum's exact words. And her lady friend had agreed! Meanwhile, all he had been able to do was stare at the floor and pretend to appreciate the lovingly said words that had left him feeling utterly embarrassed. Colt on the other hand didn't go ballistic with kind words and so the humiliation was somewhat easier to cope with for Bryan who felt certain the older boy would never show the pictures to anyone. If he did, he would have to somehow explain how he got hold of them. Besides, it just might be fun to have more pictures taken. If for nothing else, it has to take Colt's one-tracked mind off Friday afternoon when I'll have to suck on his willy. The two boys spent the next hour and half thinking up things for Bryan to do while Colt snapped pictures of him with his smartphone. Most of the time Bryan was quite naked, though in a number of pictures he was more or less dressed. Sometimes in just his school tie or his unbuttoned school shirt. They only stopped when there was no space left on Colt's phone to store any more photos. "Sweet Jesus, holy fucking mother of Mary," Colt exclaimed when he connected the phone to his computer and used Windows Explorer to copy the pictures to the hard drive, "I took nearly 500 pictures of you!" "I think you got the persons wrong," Bryan giggled. He lay on his front, as naked as when he had been pulled from his mum's womb, faced away from the older boy. He still had his legs spread as wide as they'd go. "I don't care, it's all nonsense anyway. But didn't you hear? Five hundred pictures!" Bryan turned over to lie on his back so he could see Colt better. "So? It was like mad fun!" "You're too young to understand. I'll bet you, someone would pay good money to see these pictures. Just think of it, if they'd pay a quid per picture? That would be like 400 quid!" "Well, more like 500 pounds, but it doesn't matter, no one will ever see those pictures. I don't want anyone but you and me even knowing about them!" "Well, I don't know. If I sold them, I'd give you like 5p for each picture." "5 p? I'm not stupid! I'm the one in the pictures, if not for me, you wouldn't be able to sell them in the first place. I should get at least half 3; No, full stop! You're not going to sell any pictures of me to anyone for any price!" "Oh stuff it, I'm not going to sell them. It was just a stupid idea." "You're damned right it's a stupid idea." "Hah, you swore!" Colt said then continued on in a silly singsong voice, "Wittle Bwyan used a naughty word." "So what, you always swear. You're a bad influence to me." "Oh, I am, am I?" When Colt said the last word he vaulted himself on top of the smaller, still very naked boy. He tickled the boy all over, leaving no spot untouched, for the next ten minutes. Colt eventually heeded the pleas of the smaller boy and Bryan scampered off to pee. Colt briefly considered going too, but he had seen the smaller boy pee so many times before. Besides, they were well past the stage where he had to desensitize Bryan into believing being nude with a friend was no big issue. Instead he decided to browse through the many pictures he had taken of the young nude model. He began from the end and watched the last picture he had snapped of Bryan. He was still staring at that picture when Bryan returned from his tickle-induced need to pee. He took his place on top of Colt's lap, still naked. He too looked at the picture on the screen. It was the first time he was able to study himself from this angle. It was like his nether opening stared right back at him. Colt had moved right up close to him so his spread out bum filled a large portion of the high definition picture. Colt had deliberately centred on the innocent hole he now so badly wanted to push his dick into. Since Colt had gotten his wish, or at least was well on the way to having his dream of finally being sucked by Bryan come true, he was quick to set a new goal. He'd slowly work on furthering Bryan's sexual knowledge right up to the point where he'd fuck the kid. During his quest for porn to wank to, he had read that a young boy's bum hole was nearly as good to fuck as a girl's snatch. Some argued it was even better. Colt had a hard time believing it; still a hole was a hole. If Bryan could be persuaded into letting him practice fucking with him, Colt knew he'd be a hit with the ladies. It'll take time for my muscles to grow big enough to attract the ladies I want. Meanwhile, I can fuck Bryan's arse. I could do it right now, it's only a matter of pulling my dick out of my undies and push upwards into his little hole. I could use the picture as a map! Suddenly Bryan heard Colt chuckle, "What's so funny?" he asked. "Your hole! You know, you really need to learn how to wipe properly after a shit." "Oh," Bryan muttered embarrassedly. He had another look at the image in front of him and he saw a few bits of what could only be poo. There wasn't a lot of it, but enough to be noticeable to both kids. "Don't worry little man, I bet there are someone out there who likes little dirty boy holes." Bryan refused to make a comment to that statement. 14 Friends, they shareEven if he should have wanted to, Bryan couldn't have said anything at the time. His mouth was filled to capacity by the largest stiffy he had ever been told to suck on. He used his hands to stroke on the part of the dick that wasn't inside his mouth; he did both without having to concentrate on the task at hand. He had done it so often before and so many times that he could let his thoughts wander without the one being sucked ever realising it. He didn't let his thoughts wander due to being offended of having to suck on the large stiffy. Nor did he feel abused; maybe he'd admit to his jaw muscles hurting a bit from having to strain so much, but it wasn't due to the slight discomfort of that either. No, he was plain simply bored with sucking on stiffies, though he wasn't entirely unhappy with his new situation. If Charley kept him safe from the sex-starved maniacs in the wing, he was prepared to do pretty much anything the older boy with his monster willy asked of him. In his mind he wasn't at the centre, nor anywhere near it; he was running as quickly as he could through a never ending field of long, soft grass and wild flowers. He could feel how his heart pumped to bring oxygen to his muscles and take away the carbon dioxide they built up. He laughed loudly, without restraint, while he kept running; he ran for no reason, other than simply because he could. When his long laugh ebbed out he gasped in a long breath of air and gasped it back out. Bryan's daydream was interrupted by outside noises. He heard someone gasp for air and it wasn't him. He focused back on real life when he heard Charley's increasingly laboured breathing. He knew what this meant, he had experienced it often enough to know it would only be a matter of very little time before sperm once again would come flying into his mouth. He wouldn't have to worry for much longer whether or not he'd drown in the river of liquid he was expecting such a big stiffy would be able to expel. Charley's sperm didn't amount to any river Bryan knew of. Maybe someone as small as a flea would have seen it as a substantial mass of liquid, but it was no more than maybe three tablespoons worth of sperm. Still an impressive amount, but hardly enough for anyone to drown in. Bryan did as he had been told, he moved his head back some to allow his jaw muscles to relax a bit. He kept his lips pressed against the large prick head and they formed a seal around the pee slit, and then he swallowed. And again. He had grown used to the flavour of sperm, particularly the saltiness of it. He knew sperm not by its texture, as sometimes it was thick and slimy, other times more watery, but it always tasted like salt. He no longer got sick when he swallowed the produce from an older male's balls and knew it would be absorbed by his body. He had been so small and childish the very first time he tried it; he had gotten very close to being sick all over Colt's carpeted bedroom floor. He had somehow lived through it though his stomach only settled down hours after. This time, with Charley, he simply sucked at the end of the monster willy, pretty much as if he was trying to suck out the last drops of a milkshake through a straw. While he kept sucking, he pumped the stiffy using enough pressure from his fingers to force the remaining sperm out of it into his mouth. When the sperm ceased flowing into his mouth he stopped the suction and swallowed one last time. He couldn't see any traces of sperm on the glistening dick head, but took one last lick of it anyway to make absolutely certain nothing was left. The massive willy in front of Bryan seemed every bit as firm as it had been before the older boy shot his sperm and it was a struggle to get it tucked safely away inside the jeans and underwear. He almost couldn't pull up the zipper, but finally that too was accomplished and he looked up at Charley. "Hot damn! I thought you'd be good, I never expected you to be an expert cocksucker!" "Thanks," Bryan said timidly, he didn't appreciate the degrading word the older boy had used to describe him, but he had heard the appreciation too. Charley reached out and grabbed Bryan by the hand. "Come, it's time for you to meet the other kids here." *** Colt didn't stay exclusive with Bryan, something he gladly would have done if only the smaller kid had any money to give him. What little money Bryan was given daily to pay for his lunch at school, wouldn't have been enough to pay for one monthly vial of anabolic steroids, and Colt needed one every week. Plus, the kid had to eat, Colt knew that. Since his little mate didn't have access to the family wealth, Colt was forced to keep going back to the public loo so he could earn his own money. The men he serviced there came from every part of society, workers and business owners; clergy men and churchgoers, even law enforcement officers. It didn't matter to Colt what a man did for a living, if he had a family or not, whether he'd spunk or not. As long as Colt got a tenner for ten minutes of his time, up front, he would suck off anyone who knocked the signal on the door to his cubicle in the men's restroom. Now, it wasn't like men would queue up outside the cubicle forming a long line, waiting for their ten minutes of happiness. The cubicles in the restroom didn't offer much privacy and a long line would also only have brought unwanted attention to the small business enterprise taking place. Instead they'd time their arrival in such a way it wouldn't arouse undue suspicion. Some of the men lived in the neighbourhood, though most were strangers who only visited the park's loo for their weekly or even daily unload of sperm. Colt always entered the last of four cubicles when he went to the filthy public loo. There, he'd sit on the toilet and stick one of his sneaker-clad feet just an inch or two [2-5 cm] out underneath the locked cubicle door. His regulars, or men who had been told what to look for, knew this was the all-clear sign from Colt; it meant he was alone in the cubicle, likely jerking his little cock, ready for someone to knock on the door. If the man knew the code, Colt unlocked the door. The man would then let himself into the cubicle and lock the door while Colt held out his hand waiting for a tenner, or two fivers from the man; someone once paid him 10 quid in coins, which earned him a disgusted look from Colt and banishment from his services until he could pay with proper money. But if the man placed the proper amount of money in Colt's hand he would undo the man's trousers and go to work. Sometimes a guy wanted his service for longer than ten minutes, which was okay with Colt as long the man paid a pound per extra minute, but it made his regulars somewhat disgruntled; it messed with their schedule. Some men were nicer than others and very few were downright rapists. Most respected that no means no, and the very few who didn't, were sought out and taught a few things about life by Colt's regulars; men who didn't appreciate their little and always willing cocksucker sporting a black eye or two. So, all in all, Colt's business went well. Sometimes he received offers of spending a weekend or a night, or just an hour with a guy, but he declined all of them. Either Colt would suck the man's prick right there in the cubicle at the public restroom or he wouldn't do it at all. He didn't want to risk being kidnapped. He watched the news on TV and had heard of kids being kidnapped and abused or worse, and he wasn't about to take the risk, though he was offered serious money. He had also been kindly asked if he'd turn around and allow men access to his other opening, but no matter what amount of money was offered in return he always refused. Especially after a very strong man, without warning, had overpowered and picked up the 12 year-old boy and pulled down his jeans before having his way with him. It had hurt like hell and Colt screamed from the pain. Two of his regulars heard his screams when they arrived to the restroom four minutes later, and they kicked in the door and dragged the man away from Colt and out of the building. Colt bled from his arse for days after, and even worse yet, Colt hadn't been given any money before the creepy guy had started raping him. But, as far as he knew, that one guy was now talking to the fish in a remote lake somewhere. After that episode, Colt came up with the idea of requiring a code before unlocking the newly repaired cubicle door. The word spread and from that day onwards nobody ever asked him again if he'd take it up the arse. He made lot of money in that cubicle and had he saved any of it, he would have had enough for a good few years after he was forced to give up his current line of work. He couldn't stop his body from growing, he wouldn't have wanted to do that even if he had been able to, and as his body started maturing his muscles grew ever larger too. He was quickly turning into a very toned and good-looking young man, but young men just wasn't what his clients were looking for. Some stuck with him, but far from all. The young teenager's business was quickly slowing down. After all, why should someone want to pay for a blow job from Colt, when they could almost as easily go to a gay bar or club and pick up a young man that would go all the way for free? There were plenty of young gay and bisexual men who didn't look a day older than Colt was, but wasn't jail bait. Still, Colt stuck to his plan, sort of anyway. All the girls and women, he had foreseen falling head over heels in love with him the first time they saw him, had so far not shown themselves. Sure, some girls found him interesting, but their looks lacked in the important places and their intellect resembled that of a frozen pizza, and he quickly dumped them. He still had Bryan to fall back to. And it was a good thing Colt had started teaching Bryan the ways of life when he did. Bryan had taken to sucking his dick with great apprehension at first, but when Colt told him he had to do better or he'd take back the fake golden necklace, he worked harder at learning how to suck the older boys cock properly. Gradually he got better at pleasuring Colt and needed fewer instructions and less encouragement for every passing Friday, and he got better at ignoring his gag reflex whenever Colt stood in front of him and stroked his hair as he sucked on his stiff willy. Colt's stiffy, which in the beginning of their friendship had been four inches [10 cm] long and slim, grew to an average six inches [15 cm] in length and its girth increased as well, though not all at once. Thus Bryan was able to slowly adjust to the prick not just pushing far into the back of his mouth but also a fair bit into his throat. Eventually the smaller boy had sucked off Colt the agreed 25 times. Every single time he swallowed the sperm that shot into his mouth. 25 Friday afternoons Bryan had sat on his knees, sat or lain on the bed; once he had lain on his back on the dining table in the kitchen while Colt fucked his prick in and out of his throat. 25 consecutive Fridays with only two exceptions, one when Bryan had been sick with the flu and the other when his parents had taken him to France for a week long family holiday. Bryan had dutifully marked every Friday spent sucking on the increasingly larger prick in a calendar. When Bryan finally marked the 25th Friday and counted the marks again just to make certain he had gotten it right, he told Colt that he was done sucking him as per their agreement when the older boy asked him to get onto his knees. Colt, who by then had grown accustomed to starting his weekends by getting sucked, before taking the boy home and continue on to the ever more desolated public restroom in the park, wasn't pleased. Wanking just didn't compare to the warm mouth and tongue that had been trained to goad the sperm out of his balls. Colt counted the Fridays along with Bryan. Even debated whether or not he had been sucked on a particular Friday. But Bryan stood his ground. He had only put a mark in the calendar after he had sucked the older boy's willy and returned home afterwards. It was the first thing Bryan did upon entering his room, before he took off his school uniform. "But Bryan, you're so good at it, and it helps me relax from a long boring and hard week in school." "I don't care, I'm not doing it any more! We agreed to 25 times for the necklace." "Well, then. If you don't care at all, I suppose I'll show all the girls at school what you look like out of uniform." "Colt, no! You promised you wouldn't let anyone see the pictures!" "I'd hate having to break a promise. But I will, trust me, I'll show them all. And I'll ignore you in school, I won't ever let you come to my house again as we wouldn't be mates any longer." "You'd," Bryan started choking up, "you won't be my friend if I don't suck your willy?" "No," Colt said and suddenly had an idea, "since you had to act like a little spoilt brat just now, sucking on my prick wouldn't be enough." "What do you mean?" "Your mouth is real nice and all, but you sucking on my prick on Fridays just isn't good enough for me. If you want to keep hanging with me every day after school, we'll have to make a new deal." "That isn't what friendships are about." "But it is. Friends, they give and take, they share with each other. I'll share my valuable time with you and you, uh 3; You'll share all of your body with me." "I don't get it." "Remember that one picture we studied so long together? The one of your arse hole? Wait, let me find it real quick 3; Yeah, there it is." "What of my bum hole?" "Every Friday from now on I'm going to stick my prick into it. I want to fuck your little arse!" "NO!" Bryan cried out in shock. "Every single day, as soon as we get to my house, you'll give me a nice long suck, including Fridays when I will fuck you in your arse after you've sucked my prick." "I don't want you to fuck my bum." "Come on, Bryan, it won't hurt you and it'll feel so good to me. Do it for your best mate eh?" "You're no friend of mine!" "If I'm not your friend, there's no reason I shouldn't be selling copies of every picture I have of you. I might even make a picture book out of them and put your name and address on front. That picture there will go on the front page, then this one here, oh yes, see how happy you are lying on my bed wanking your little stiffy 3;" "NO! I'm going to tell on you. I'll tell someone about this. And all of the things you made me do." "I doubt you'd want anyone to know. What would your mum and dad think of their precious little baby having spent so much time with me? I think they'd be angry with you for skipping the activities centre they pay so much for you attend. I'm sure they'd smack you, I know I would if it was my son who had lied to me for so long. What about your teachers? Will they be happy learning how you've skipped every sports class? "And who would ever believe you if you told them I made you do anything against your will? The pictures only show you, not me. And if you tell anyone, I'll fucking beat you up every day for the rest of your life," Colt finished his monologue with the more direct threat. "Please 3;" "No, Bryan. I told you what I want and what I'll do if you won't do it. It's as plain and simple as that." Bryan was openly crying by then. Colt worried he had overdone his threats and tried to calm the younger boy. "Listen, little dude. I know you probably think it'll hurt lots and lots. But it won't be all that bad. Someone once fucked my arse, he had a very large prick, much larger than mine and I'm fine. If I could do it, so can you." "Someone did that? Put his willy in your bum?" Bryan managed to ask in between hiccups. "Yes." "Why didn't you tell on him?" "I didn't have anyone to tell, just like you don't have anyone either." "Why are you doing this to me? I thought we were friends." "We can still be the best of mates. But I'm growing up and my balls need to be emptied regularly. You're the only one who can help me with that. Don't you see it?" "No." "If you do it, I'll give you my ring, I know you want that ring. I've seen you look at it so many times!" Colt took off the ring in question. A very thick and heavy golden ring. "It'll never fit. It's much too large for any of my fingers." "I don't think it is." Colt took Bryan's hand and held it perfectly still while Bryan tried in vain to yank it away from him. Colt forced Bryan's thumb away from the little tightly closed fist and slid the ring onto it. It took a bit of effort to work it past the joint, but then it sat like it had been custom made for the young boy's thumb. "See? It's a perfect fit even!" Colt let go of the smaller boy's hand and Bryan immediately tried to remove the ring from his thumb. It wouldn't go back over the wide joint. "Come on kid, leave it be. It looks great on you." Bryan still tried to get the ring off, but it was like it just didn't want to come off his finger. He wouldn't let up so easily however and tugged harder at it. His fingers began to sweat and the moisture made it even harder for him to get a proper hold on the golden ring. Suddenly it was as if all fight left the small 8 year-old boy. He sighed heftily, but made the only decision he could think of, it would be the lesser of evils as no one would ever know what he had been up to. He nodded. "Okay, okay I'll do it if you promise it won't hurt me." "I'll do everything I can so it won't hurt you too much. But you'll have to keep your arse hole relaxed. You can't tense up or it'll hurt like hell. Just act like you're trying to poo when I stick it in." Colt had done a bit of research on anal sex. Not a lot, but he had anticipated this day would come and he wanted to be ready for it. "Come now, suck it off real nice for me first, afterwards we'll watch some porn and when my dick is hard and ready for another go, I'll stick it right in your arse." Bryan could see way out of it, but that was when he first began to imagine he was somewhere far, far away from where he was. An ability he had to rely on for many more times to come. 15 Meet the chickenCharley never let go of Bryan's hand as they quickly walked to the common room and he pushed the small boy in through the open door and stopped him just inside the room. Bryan felt the older boy hug him tight from behind and had to stand there in full view of the group of boys in the common room while Charley addressed them. "Everyone, this is the new chicken! I've already claimed him so you can all stop dreaming of him right now, this one's mine. Understand? Mine! And I'm not sharing him with you lot. If any of you creeps so much as look at my chicken in a strange way, I'll make sure he'll end up in the infirmary wing and he won't ever able to pee while standing again. "Now that's settled, his name is Bryan. Bryan, meet the creeps. If you want to know their names you can ask them later." Charley led Bryan to his room. Charley's room that is. It was easy for Bryan to see his new friend and protector had spent a lot of time in the room already as the older boy had done a lot to make it feel cosy and more homely. "Sit on my bed." Bryan sat on the older boy's bed and was surprised. It wasn't as uncomfortable as the one in his room. Far from it. This one felt much like his own bed at home. "Yeah, it's great isn't it? I'll explain what you have to say to the nurse to have one of your own later. Now, did any of the creeps out there turn you on?" "Turn me on?" "Yeah, do you fancy having sex with any of them?" "Not really." "You can try out my old chicken then, he's the next youngest now that you're here. He doesn't suck cock as well as you, but he ain't all bad. And he has a quite nice super tight arse." "Do I have to do stuff with him?" "Not if you don't want to, but I'd like you to at least give him a chance. Let him show you what he's learned from me." "Well, if you really want 3;" "I do! Wait here, I'll go find him." Bryan looked around the older boy's room as he sat waiting, nervously. Would his willy be getting him into trouble again? He didn't have to wait for long before Charley was back with a boy in tow. He hadn't been out with the other boys Charley had introduced him to. Well, when Charley had told them to stay away from him. "Bryan, this is Davey. He's 13." "13 and three quarters. I'm almost 14!" "Yeah, whatever, you're still 13, Davey. You're 13 right until the day you turn 14. Well, he's all yours, Bryan. He'll agree to pretty much anything you want to do with him, isn't that so, Davey?" "Uh-huh. I really like sex stuff." "He is a bit stupid, but he's a good kid. Treat him nicely and you'll have a great friend. Treat him like shit and he won't be none the wiser." Davey nodded at this and Charley spun the boy around and slapped him hard on his bum, "Run along and play now. Me and Bryan will be busy for another half hour or so, you can play with him after." "Okay," Davey said over his shoulder and left the room while he tried to rub the pain out of his buttock. "Yeah, I know," Charley told Bryan when the door shut, "Davey isn't super smart, but he's a real good kid once you get to know him. But forget about him for now, I want to get to know you better." Charley sat next to Bryan on the bed and then he leaned over and kissed the smaller boy. Smack dead on his lips, and not just a little quick peck like his parents and grandparents sometimes, though not recently, had kissed his lips. It was a long, sensual kiss. 30 seconds passed and Bryan felt something push hard at his lips; it separated them just enough to slide past to be blocked by his front teeth. He wondered what it was and then it struck him. It has got to be his tongue! Bryan wanted to tell Charley to quit kissing him, that he wasn't interested in having the older boy's tongue in his mouth. But, when he opened his mouth in an attempt to tell him, the older boy just stuck his tongue further inside of it. When Bryan tried to move away, Charley put one hand on his shoulder and clasped the back of his head with his other hand. Charley held Bryan in a wise-like grip and only loosened it a little, after several minutes had passed, when he felt the smaller boy start to relax in his hands. After Bryan got over the initial shock of the unexpected intimate act and the very strange sensation of having another person's tongue inside his mouth, he relaxed his tensed up muscles. He sat passively on the bed and allowed the older and far more experienced boy to explore his mouth. He had agreed to be Charley's pretend girlfriend for as long as the older boy would look after him and Bryan was a boy who kept his word. Still, he hadn't expected kissing to be part of the deal. Well, boys and girls kiss each other when they're in love. I've seen it on the telly. And kissing is so much better than when I had to lie and wait for Colt to finish hurting my bum, Bryan happily concluded. *** Kissing was something Colt absolutely wouldn't do, unless it was with a girl, and it was one of the few things he'd never do with Bryan when they were together. But, bum fucking the boy, nearly four years his junior, was something he very much wanted to do. That first Friday when he stuck his dick into Bryan, neither of them knew what it would feel like, nor did they know how it should be done properly. Colt didn't understand, nor did he care much about, the finer aspects of bum fucking; that the hole had to be carefully prepared by a finger or at least something slimmer than his dick until it would relax enough for easy and painless entry. And he wasn't about to waste his time with Bryan by looking up instructions for bum fucking. Hence, Colt didn't know much about lubrication either so at first he simply tried to force his dick into the young boy's unlubed arse. Bryan screeched and fought the entry. " OOW! It fucking hurts! Stop! Colt, please! STOP!" Colt didn't stop though, and after another fruitless attempt of gaining entry, Colt quickly spat on Bryan's bum hole and then pushed down with all of his might. The 13 year-old was horny and nothing could deny him the release he needed so much even though he had shot his sperm into the small boy's mouth only half an hour earlier. Just when he felt his dick finally started to go into the tight hole, Bryan let loose an ear piercing scream. Colt quickly placed one of his hands over Bryan's mouth and muted the scream to a much more tolerable level. The mumbled noises emitting from the smaller boy couldn't be heard by anyone but Colt and he didn't care as he pushed his dick as far as he could into the boy trapped underneath him. The small boy still had some fight left in him, and he tried to kick at the larger boy lying on top of him. Colt caught the kicking legs with his own and easily pushed them firmly into the mattress. When Colt got tired of trying to avoid being hit in his face, he let go of the younger boy's mouth for the second or two it took him to gain control of the thin and weak arms. He pulled at them until they were stretched out far above the young boy's head. Here, he held them with just one of his hands while the other went back to block the renewed loud protests coming out of the boy's mouth. With nothing left to stop him, Colt started the motion of first pulling back his hips a little, then pushed them forwards again. He was amazed of how nice it felt to fuck someone, even a young boy, and wondered why he hadn't fucked Bryan the very instant he had found him sitting all alone in the gym storage room. Fucking was so nice he reached orgasm nearly before he got started. Since his dick never deflated even just a little, Colt kept going, albeit in a slower tempo. The sperm he had shot deep into Bryan's core helped lubricate the boy's tight hole further, in turn making it somewhat easier for Colt to move his dick in and out of it. It made it just a little easier on Bryan too, though he never realised it. He hadn't noticed Colt's sperm shooting into his bum, the way his bum hole hurt overpowered everything else. It felt as if it had been lit on fire, a true agonizing pain not soothed by the constant friction caused by the still nearly dry prick moving back and forth through it. Bryan did the only thing he could at the time, he imagined to be somewhere else and that he was doing something completely different. Subconsciously, he knew his boy body was still being violated, but his conscious being wouldn't allow him to experience it. When he returned to his body, after an unknown period of time, he found himself sobbing into the bed linen, his bum hole hurt, it felt like a Coke bottle had been forced up deep inside of him. His hole tried to pucker up and pangs of pain shot from it as it first tightened then relaxed again. He sensed Colt had left him alone in the room, but wasn't yet ready to force himself to move. It wasn't until some minutes later he gingerly first sat up on the bed and then, by using an unknown reserve of strength, he carefully got onto his feet. His bum still hurt, though there was no blood to be seen on the fingertip he used to gently examine the painful centre of it. There was a bit of brown/yellowish fluid on his finger but not the blood he had expected to find. Amidst all the pain he briefly wondered how a part of his body could hurt so much and not be bleeding. He quickly got dressed, his underpants wrong way out and his tie shoved into his pocket, but at that very moment the boy, who had always been fussy about his appearance, just wanted to get to his house as quickly as he could. He used the sleeves of his normally so pristine school shirt to wipe away the tears and snot on his face. He grabbed his school bag on his way out and for the first time ever he walked home alone. Bryan's bum healed, as bruised human tissue tends to do, but his once so immaculate looking anus would never look quite the same as it had prior to being brutally fucked by Colt. A small haemorrhoid was clearly visible, marring the image of the no longer virginal anus. Bryan spent the entire weekend trying to come up with ideas of how to avoid Colt in the future. His young brilliant mind couldn't find a way to accomplish that without his parents finding out, and above all he didn't want them to know of what he had done with the older boy. He had also spent hours at a time trying to get the golden ring to come off his thumb. Still it just sat there, like it was laughing at him and reminded him of what had taken place. It's got to be protected by some kind of spell, Bryan thought, even though he knew it couldn't be. It would have been far easier to get rid of the necklace, but Bryan had all but forgotten the golden thing around his neck. He had gotten the necklace for sucking off Colt, which had never been as bad, in fact it had been real easy compared to what he had went through for the bloody ring now sitting on his thumb as if it had been welded in place. No, Bryan just couldn't tell his parents how Colt had abused him from fear of being lectured of having been so very childishly stupid and immature. He already knew that and felt no desire for them to confirm it. Neither could he easily avoid the older boy; they went to the same smallish school. The thought of Colt spreading copies of the lewd pictures he had taken of him scared Bryan so much he went home with him the following Monday. Their companionship continued on, but it changed radically after the bum fucking started. When they had first started hanging out, Bryan had thought them to be equals. Not any more, Colt was now the master and Bryan his small slave. Colt had by then lost most of his regular customers and the very few he had left only kept returning because he now offered them to watch the pictures of Bryan he had on his phone while he sucked them off. Almost immediately he got the first request for a go with the younger boy. And then another. Colt, at first didn't want to share his very obedient fuck toy, even though his original plan had been for Bryan to take over for him in the cubicle. When the offered amount for a measly ten minutes with Bryan got high enough, Colt said he'd consider it. And think he did, not if he wanted the man to spend time with Bryan, but how he could get Bryan to agree to it. For £50, Colt was ready to do anything to make sure Bryan would do it and not put up a fuss in front of a well-paying customer. £50 was more than Colt now made in a night, he was lucky if he brought home half of that. When word gets round, men will once again readily line up to give me their money so they can feed Bryan's hot little mouth lots of sperm, Colt dreamed. It wasn't as hard to get Bryan to agree to it as Colt had feared. He had sort of expected and quite looked forward to having to threaten or slap the kid into submission, but by then he had already broken most of the young boy's spirit. "Okay," was all Bryan said when Colt offered him a deal of £5 for every guy he'd suck off in the cubicle in the public men's room in the park near their school. Colt dressed Bryan in some of his own old play clothes, he couldn't let the boy go home with his school uniform in a mess. Even though some of the men would likely have paid him more for being sucked off by a small boy in his primary school uniform, it just wasn't worth the risk of Bryan's mum finding sperm on her son's clothes. Bryan was still so far from puberty his parents had to know it was impossible for him to make any sperm of his own. Colt sent a text to the man who had seemed most desperate for a go at Bryan's mouth and asked him if he was able to meet on short notice. The guy had to cancel a business meeting to hook up with the two youngsters in the park, but he didn't think twice when Colt sent him an MMS with a picture of Bryan sitting on his knees with his mouth wide open and a twinkle in his eyes. There was no telling Colt had forced Bryan to look every bit as happy as he could when he snapped the picture of him. When the business man arrived at the public toilets, he was met by Colt at the sinks. After an exchange of a few hushed words and half of the agreed amount of money was handed over, the man went to the rearmost cubicle where a frightened, but sufficiently subdued Bryan was waiting for him. The man wasted no time in freeing his dick from his trousers as he had been told the clock would start ticking the moment the door was locked behind him. Bryan opened his mouth wide and nearly choked when the somewhat longer stiff willy went straight into his throat. It took him a couple of minutes to adjust to sucking someone other than Colt; the man was rather more aggressive and his willy tasted different than Colt's. Fortunately the man didn't last the full 10 minutes, he shot his sperm and told Bryan to swallow after only 7 minutes had passed. He tucked everything back in place and readjusted his trousers; with nothing more than an appreciative pat to Bryan's head he unlocked the door, handed over the rest of the fee to Colt and left the building without looking back. Colt was elated. He had just made 45 quid having done absolutely nothing but count the ten crisp £5 notes. He had only told the man where to go and not to talk to Bryan while he was in the cubicle with him. While the man had been getting his jollies off, Colt had been busy on his phone. Messages had been sent back and forth between him and six other guys. When he received the last £25 from the first man, three more were already on their way to the loo. I'm back in business! Fuck, 45 quid already, with three more today, it'll be 180. That's enough for two vials of roids with the rebate! Colt thought as he went to the last cubicle to tell Bryan he'd be servicing another three men within the next 50 minutes. He heard quiet sniffles from behind the closed but unlocked door and he pushed it open to see a miserably looking kid, trying hard not to cry for real. "Hey, little dude. Don't cry, see this? This is for you. You did good! You can bet your little arse he'll be back for more and often too." Colt held out the £5 note for Bryan to see, but the sad little boy didn't so much as look at it. "Oy! If you don't want it, I'll keep it." Finally Bryan took the note but still looked miserable. The older boy shrugged his shoulders, reached down and ripped off a length of toilet paper. He went to one of the sinks, moistened the paper with a bit of water and returned to wipe off Bryan's tear-stained cheeks. He ripped off another piece of toilet paper and had Bryan blow his nose in it. "Now, Bryan. You had better shape up. If you're going to act like a fucking big crybaby and all, our clients won't think you love sucking pricks as much as I told them. You can cry later if you have to. There's fuck all of three more coming today and after that you'll have 20 quid you can spend on anything you want!" Bryan only sniffed another time. "If you won't stop your crying, I'll smack you so you'll have a real reason for being a crybaby. Stop it now!" Bryan nodded his head, sniffed harder and longer, and sucked up the snot that was dangerously close to running out of his nose. The texture of it was very much like the sperm he had only just swallowed. He didn't feel like doing so, but he looked up at Colt and smiled, though only the tiniest of smiles. "That's more like it, Bryan. Now, suck me off while we wait for the next one." 16 New activitiesTrue to his word, Charley and Bryan spent almost a full 30 minutes kissing. Bryan had started kissing back after the first 5 minutes, by then fully enjoying the non-hurting activity. It even gave him a stiffy and his two incher [5 cm] flexed in rhythm to his heartbeat but he ignored it as best as he could. While Bryan had been subjected to a lot of sex during the past 3 and a half years, he had never once experienced the great wonders of an orgasm. He had fapped his little joystick a number of times, but hadn't done it for long enough to shudder through a mind-blowing kiddy orgasm. The one and only time he had come close to having his stiffy sucked off, it had ended with him being arrested by the police and thrown in prison. Hence he simply ignored the signals from his body trying to tell him something. Well, he did until Charley noticed it. "Man, your little cock is hard like rock," he heard Charley say after the older boy broke off the kiss. Bryan didn't have time to think of a response, neither was he given any opportunity to say anything as Charley immediately resumed the kissing. It went on for a little while longer, then Charley finally pulled away and relaxed back on the bed. He put his hand on top of Bryan's stiffy and had a proper feel. "Seriously man, you should go find Davey and have some fun of your own. I don't mind feeling you up like this, but I ain't gonna get you off. I'm no queer." Bryan heard the older boy's suggestion but lacked the self-esteem required to ask anyone if they'd do anything for him. Instead of looking up Davey, he went to the loo for a pee and then back to his room where he found the bed still waiting to be made. He heard a quiet knock on his door the same instant he picked up the bed sheet. No way, I'm starting to think this fucking thing is bloody cursed too! He cursed to himself and loudly said "yes?" towards the door. In entered Davey who shut the door after him. "Charley told me you're looking for me," he said. "No, uh 3; Sorry." "Are you sure? Cause Charley said you have a problem. I can sort it for you." Bryan was still holding the sheet in his hands and desperate for a way to have Davey leave him alone, he said the only thing that popped into his mind. "Um, I do have a problem, I've been trying all day to make my bed but I can't 3;" "Here, I'll do it," Davey didn't even blink. Bryan moved away from the bed when Davey quickly set about wrapping the sheet around the mattress. He did it just as effortlessly and as smoothly as he had seen his mum do it. Davey sat on top of the bed after he had fluffed the pillow and duvet. "I may be a bit slow, but I'm sure that wasn't what Charley meant. C'mere, I won't bite. Only if you want me to," he said with a smile. Bryan didn't want to offend the boy who seemed so eager to please. On the other hand, he wasn't ready for whatever it was he had in mind. He sat on the bed, not so far away he thought it was obvious, but nowhere close to Davey either. If someone had joined them, he could have sat in between them and comfortably so. "Oooh, you're playing hard to get," Davey giggled, "I like when a man does that. Are you a man, Bryan?" Bryan wasn't sure how to answer the question properly. Biologically, and in the eyes of the law, he wasn't a man yet. So he shook his head, "I'm a boy, Davey. I'm only 11. No 11 year-old boy can claim to be a man." "Aw, don't worry, Bryan, I'll make you more of a man than anyone else in this wing, uh, apart from Charley," he said passionately and quickly moved to sit right next to Bryan. *** When Bryan finally made it home that late afternoon, he had sucked off four men. And Colt too, not once, but twice. In his pocket he had four £5 notes. He forgot all about the money, only thought of them when he put on his school trousers the next morning. It was a good thing his mum didn't wash his school uniform every day. He didn't know what to do with the crumbled notes, all he knew was he couldn't risk leaving them in his pocket for his mum to find. In the end he did what any kid would do with money they didn't know how to spend; he put them in his piggy bank. He knew the exact amount of money he had in his piggy bank and the £20 he put in it, increased his wealth almost to the double. Prior to Bryan's arrest, he had amassed close to £1,500 all in £5 notes. Which, unbeknownst to him, meant Colt had earned almost £13,500 from selling Bryan's services to horny men. Before long Bryan had to stop putting the money in his piggy bank and find another place to keep them. There just wasn't room for any more money in the ceramic piggy bank of his. It wasn't every day they went to the public toilets so Bryan could go to work earning money for them, but twice a week, he found himself on his knees or sitting on the toilet with a man-sized stiffy in his mouth. Some men asked him to fondle their balls while he sucked their stiffy, or that he sucked their balls while he stroked it. He absolutely hated sucking on hairy balls as it always meant he'd end up with nasty hair stuck between his teeth, but he never let his disapproval shine through his faked enthusiasm. Bryan rarely declined doing something inside the cubicle. The first time it had been with a heavyset man, quite obese, but that hadn't been why Bryan refused to do as he was told. The man wanted Bryan to suck on his short and fat prick and he wanted to feel one of Bryan's slim fingers pushing in and out of his hairy bum hole while he was sucked. Bryan did both of those things, though he was extremely disgusted throughout all of the 8 minutes it took for him to get the man to sperm. He was even more, far more disgusted when the man told him to lick and suck on the finger that had been inside of his bum hole; Bryan's finger bore clear evidence of having been there, it smelled from poo and even had traces of the foul stuff on it. Bryan refused to do it, which made the man angry and Colt even more so. He had been set straight when they returned to the teenager's bedroom afterwards. Colt had smacked his bottom, and though he had only used his palm to smack Bryan, it was on his bare buttocks. It was the first ever smacking Bryan had experienced and it hurt a lot as Colt never held back at all. After the smacking, Bryan was told to put his finger inside his own bum hole; Colt didn't want anything, not even one of Bryan's slim fingers, up his arse. Bryan was made to do it so Colt could watch it being done properly. When Colt was certain the boy's finger couldn't go any further inside, he told him to wriggle it about real well and to trace the fingertip all the way around just inside the tight ring of his boy hole. When Bryan had done that for a full two minutes, Colt stopped him. "Suck on your finger now. Lick all of your fucking shit off of it. When it comes back out of your mouth, it had better be clean. Under the nail too."
Colt made Bryan repeat it twice more before he violently flung the boy onto the bed, belly down. He spread the small reddened buttocks wide, spat on the hole and shoved the whole of his dick in one mighty push into it before the small boy had a chance to realise what was about to happen. Bryan didn't know what hurt the most, his buttocks, his hole or his pride. But, after that one time, he didn't object to much of what the men who entered the cubicle wanted him to, no matter how strange or offensive he found it to be. The real money started flowing when Colt finally decided to allow men the use of Bryan's arse for their pleasure too. He extended the time men could spend inside the cubicle with Bryan to 15 minutes if they wanted to sink their dick into his still tight hole. All at a modest fee of £100, of which Bryan only ever saw £10. Fortunately for Bryan, the first man who wanted to bum him knew what he had to do. He used lubrication specifically designed for bum fucking, slick stuff that contained a mild anaesthetic. The anaesthetic served two purposes; one, it would numb the bum hole, somewhat, and second, it numbed the dick that fucked into the bum, enabling the guy to last a little longer before orgasming. Colt didn't worry about STDs [Sexually Transmitted Diseases], and Bryan didn't even know of any such thing, so it was up to the individual man whether or not he'd wear a condom. Most didn't, but from pure luck, Bryan never contracted a disease from the time he spent in the cubicle. 17 The weirdo"So, cowboy, is that a real gun in your pocket?" Davey asked Bryan in a most feminine voice. Bryan was stiff as a board, well, his body was stiff, his willy not so, not at that very moment. He hadn't found himself in a situation quite like this before and it made him most uncomfortable. If he had been closer to the door, he would have made a run for it, but as it was, Davey sat between him and the door. The window, sitting high up on the wall, had bars in front of it making it impossible for Bryan to flee his room. The smaller boy practically jumped when he felt the first soft feather-like touch of fingers on his crotch. Davey giggled a little at the reaction to his gentle touches. "You're a little jumpy, eh? You've nothing to worry about, sweet one. We're all alone, Charley will keep anyone from disturbing us and I'd never ever do anything to hurt you." "Why?" "Why what, dear?" "Why won't you hurt me? What makes you different from everyone?" "Oh my sweet little darling. You've had a real rough life I guess. I'm different, you see? I like making people feel good, it's so much better than hurting someone." Bryan relaxed little by little while they talked, but he would've enjoyed it so much more, if Davey hadn't constantly stroked his hand over his crotch. Bryan's body could only withstand the attention for so long before the inevitable happened. Both boys felt the small willy firm up, it made Davey elated and Bryan embarrassed. His embarrassment increased tenfold when Davey moved his hand right inside of his trousers. The adjustable waist in them proved useful for other purposes than allowing a growing boy to wear them for a longer time. The too-large boxer shorts offered no protection either, Bryan found out. He could feel how Davey used two fingers to gently work his tight foreskin down and unhood his helmet-shaped glans. How he used a third finger to trace the flared edge all around the head of his willy. It was unexpectedly nice, certainly quite strange, but it sure felt all kinds of nice to Bryan and he shuddered from the sensation. "I know you're a real good kisser, Charley told me. Let's kiss, let me taste you." By this point Bryan was about ready to throw all caution to the wind. He had fully enjoyed kissing Charley. If being kissed by Davey would only feel half as good, it would still be great. It was still somewhat uncomfortable for him to have Davey's hand explore his willy, he knew the nice sensations could quickly turn into agonizing pain. But, when he felt Davey's lips gently latch onto his, he soon forgot about the things happening to his stiffy. Davey was used to handling the much more experienced Charley, so when he felt Bryan's stiff 2 incher [5 cm] quite quickly begin to flex under his fingers, while it attempted to shoot out the sperm Bryan's balls were still years from producing, he was caught by surprise. Bryan stopped his tongue from moving and only moaned into Davey's mouth during his kiddy orgasm. Davey let the exhausted, utterly confused and yet so satisfied smaller boy lie down on the bed. He pulled his hand out of the trousers and checked his fingers for evidence of the apparent orgasm, and to his surprise, and utter disappointment, he found none. He lay on his side next to the smaller boy, put his left leg across him and placed his left hand on the small heaving chest. He could feel how the heart was rapidly pumping behind the ribs of the small boy and he saw the content smile on his face, smiled happily back and snuggled up close to him. None of the boys knew just how long they spent snuggling in Bryan's bed. It was only when the door suddenly burst open and Charley joined them they returned to the harsh reality of being in prison; a prison for kids maybe, with some glorified name, but a prison all the same. "Did he do it?" Charley asked excitedly. "Yeah. He don't got no sperm," Davey said. "That's brilliant, all the better for me. I like my chickens young." "But I like sperm and now you got Bryan here, I won't be getting none." "Tough luck, Davey. I only ever have one chicken at a time and he gets all off my sperm. You can still play with him as much as you like. The two of you can do anything you want as long as both of you want it. And don't ever let the guards catch you, keep it quiet." "I know, you taught me good." "I taught you well. Uh, since you've spent the entire afternoon in here, I guess you don't know it's time for dinner? The prick is getting everything lined up." "I hate that idiot." "Don't we all? Bryan, don't act up to the guy serving us dinner today, he's a proper arsehole. Come on then. The food's getting cold." *** The second time Bryan had to service the guy with the special lube, he asked him in a small voice if he could maybe buy some from him. The guy had never heard Bryan's voice before. It was such a sweet voice and the guy had to stop pushing his finger into the tight arse for a moment while he considered the small request. When the guy left Bryan leaning over the tank of the toilet with the borrowed sweatpants around his ankles and his small bottom full of sperm, he also left behind the small bottle of lube on the floor. The next time the guy came around to the public loo, he had two larger bottles of the same lube with him. Bryan saw the price tag on one of the bottles and silently offered the guy four of his £5 notes to cover the expense. But the man told Bryan to keep the money, he was just happy that he could finally fuck the small elvish looking boy on a regular basis instead of only having his cock sucked off by him. £100 was a fairly steep price for only 15 minutes of fun, but the small boy seemed to genuinely enjoy being fucked in his extremely tight arse and the man had more than enough money to pay for doing so twice per week. When the man left Bryan after having pumped the small arse full of sperm for the second time, he left the small boy with the two bottles of lube. Not all of the men who came for Bryan's services were as nice as the guy with the lube. One man in particular had a really bizarre fetish; he wanted to fuck the shit out of the small boy's arse and quite literally so. He asked Colt to be the first one to fuck the boy whenever his services were available and he made it very clear that he wanted the kid's arse to be as full as possible prior to the fuck. He offered to pay extra for it and Colt readily agreed to it. The first day Colt arranged for the weirdo to get his wish fulfilled, he told Bryan he couldn't go sit on the toilet when the little boy announced he was going for a poo. "But I need to. I'll poo myself!" "Naw, you only have to keep it in for another 30 minutes until we're at the park. You can do that right?" "But I always poo right when we come to your house after school. I'm used to pooing now, I've done it ever since you told me I have to do it now and not in the mornings, so my bum will be cleaner for when 3; You know 3; It!" "Yeah well, from now on you won't be pooing for two days before we go to the park. I talked to someone who wants your arse to be full of shit when he fucks it." "But why 3; Why would anyone want to do that?" "I don't know, it's what he likes, I guess. It doesn't matter anyway, you're not gonna have a shit until after he fucks your arse." Colt wasn't familiar with the saying about the customer always being right, but he lived by it. Especially since it wasn't him who had to do it. No way was he ever going to allow anyone to stick their dick into his arse again, messy or not. Both the weird man and Colt knew it was going to be a downright filthy event and they agreed for it to take place in the dense shrubs right next to the public toilets building. If it had taken place inside the usual cubicle, no sane man would've wanted to enter it afterwards. The man brought a damp towel with him to wipe both boy and himself off after he had finished with him. Colt got the 200 quid he had demanded and walked away from the odd couple. He wanted no part of it, he didn't want to watch, nor hear it take place. Bryan, naturally, wasn't as lucky. It was beyond weird when he felt a hard prick press into his bum where there was no room for it. What was already inside was pushed aside until it had nowhere to go but out. It was squeezed out of Bryan's bum hole past the 6.5 inch [16.5 cm] long dick see-sawing in and out of it. Bryan tried in vain to hold it back, his bum hole dilated further and even more of the smelly stuff vacated his body. The man finally shot his sperm into Bryan and pulled his dick out. The boy dared not look down at the ground between his feet afraid of what he'd see. When he was told to, he bore down hard where he stood and pooed out what little had remained inside of him during the very messy intercourse. A series of small watery farts could be heard while he strained to fully empty his bowels in the unusual position. He felt the coldness of the damp towel as the man wiped his bottom and suddenly had a flashback to when he had been 3.5 years old and his dad had done the very same thing. He sensed the weird man behind him fold the towel over and the insides of his legs were wiped down, then the back of them. The guy had fucked him from behind with Bryan standing with his legs wide apart holding onto the trunk of a tree, and he told the boy not to move until after he had left the shrubs. When Bryan was alone, he carefully stepped away from the tree and hurriedly began putting on his clothes and sneakers. It had not only been weird for the small boy to have been fucked while his bum was overflowing, it had taken place while he was outside and stark naked. Bryan now fully understood the reasons for why he had to be naked, it wouldn't have been much fun for him having to walk back to Colt's house wearing clothes with poo on them; it was however with a great sense of relief he got fully dressed again. He knew he had to take down the sweatpants again shortly afterwards, but at least then he'd be in the semi-privacy of the cubicle. 18 The cricket bat handlePrivacy was something Bryan absolutely didn't have while he was about to eat the muck that had been placed on his plate. He wasn't sure it was what the rude guard had claimed it to be; it sure didn't look or smell anything like the version his mum had served back at home. "Hey chicken, come sit with me!" A boy called out when Bryan walked away from the table where the guard had set up base. It was some gangly kid who had called out and waved at him; one he could remember having sat at the table when Charley had introduced him to "the creeps." Bryan ignored him and walked to the table where Charley already sat and sat down next to him. Davey sat on the other side of the table and tried unsuccessfully to get the older boy's attention. With a sigh he began to eat the food on his plate. After Charley had finished eating he told Bryan to come with him. They quickly returned their trays to the guard then went to Charley's room. Here Charley got a clean pair of underwear, a towel and a bottle of shampoo from his cupboard. "Do you have any clean clothes to change into after we've showered?" "No. I only have what I'm wearing now and a night shirt." "Okay, here, you can have these, they're too small for me now, likely too large for you. They're clean, though." Charley handed Bryan a pair of bright yellow boxer tights. They looked really cool to Bryan who had only ever worn the little-boy white briefs his mum bought him, prior to his arrest. The boxer tights were even better than the grey loaner boxer shorts he was wearing. "We've got to get you a towel of your own, the ones they have here are so disgusting. You'll have to make do with one of them for now." The two boys went to the guards' office at the end of the corridor, near the closed and locked door leading out to the rest of the prison. Charley knocked on the door frame and poked his head into the office. "Hey, Phil! You back there, man?" "Wait up," a voice bellowed out from the office. They waited for a short while; Charley made the time pass quickly as he kept trying to tickle Bryan. "S'up?" The voice asked, much closer now than it had been before. Bryan looked up and saw a guard he had seen when he was in the other wing, "Oh, it's you. Bryan, right?" "Yeah, his name is Bryan alright," Charley confirmed, "Is it okay if we use shower 1 for about 30 3; 45 minutes, boss-man Phil?" "Lay off with the name calling, Charley, or I'll have to write you up. Well, the other kids can use 2 and 3 if they're in the mood for showering tonight, so no problem with me." Phil crossed the corridor and unlocked a door with a '1' on it. He went inside, unlocked a cabinet and took out a small bar of soap and a towel for Bryan. "Don't you think he's kind of too young for you?" Phil asked quietly when he shut and relocked the cabinet. "Not at all, this kid's been around, Phil. He knows tricks you could only dream of." "I'm not messing about with little kids. Now, you, yeah, maybe I'd be interested in you," Phil said and pointed at Charley. "Nah, I'm not queer, man. I only go with young chickens cause there are no girls available." "Up to you. One word of caution though, if I or any of the other guards ever hear as much as a tiny waft of a complaint from young Bryan here, you'll be spending the rest of your time in isolation. Are we clear?" "Yes, sir! It'll never come to that, you know me. I take care of my chickens." "You had better make damned sure you treat Bryan a lot nicer than the other two you've had, this little fellow is far too young to be here in the first place and the last thing we need is a law suit on our hands," Phil said, left the shower room and locked the two boys inside of it. "Finally, we're all alone again. Let me quickly turn on the water so it'll be nice and hot for us when we're naked." Bryan began taking off his clothes and soon heard the spray of water when Charley worked the faucet. The older boy dashed back out of the shower stall before the water could hit him and quickly started undressing too. Soon the hot water started misting up the small room and the two naked boys ducked under the shower curtain into the spray. "Oh man, Bryan! I'll never grow tired from seeing you naked. You're truly a stunner. Grade 'A' if I have to say so myself." Bryan blushed and looked down. As he did, his eyes were drawn to the big elephant trunk-like prick dangling from Charley's crotch. The pubic hair was the same dark brown colour as the hair on top of the older boy's head. Charley's body wasn't overly hairy, most what he had was on top of his prick, and some at the sides of it. His large ball sack was nearly hairless save for a single hair here and there. But it was the prick that held Bryan's attention; even flaccid it was huge to the small boy's eyes. "Hey you," Charley said and Bryan looked up at him. As he did, Charley bent down and kissed the sweet lips of his new chicken. He hugged him close as the kissing intensified. It came as no surprise to Bryan when he felt the monster prick start to inflate. His own little-boy willy had already stiffened and jutted proudly into the air. He couldn't see the older boy's dick, but he could sure feel it as it became harder and started poking into his tummy. The down-turned head of the prick poked straight into his belly button. Bryan knew it would sooner or later enter his body again though it wouldn't be through his belly button. "Oh Bryan, I could kiss you like this forever and ever, but we only have so little time tonight," Charley said after he pulled his head back, "I'm about dying here, I seriously need to fuck you, but you must keep real quiet. Can you do that for me?" Bryan nodded. He knew it would hurt him a lot being fucked by the older boy. The monster prick in front of him was simply so bloody big and his bum hole had never had anything close to its size pushed inside of it. Plus it had been five days since the last time he had been fucked by Colt. While Bryan's bum hole had adapted somewhat to Colt's prick, the six incher [15cm] of his former mate was no match to the nine incher [23cm] now pushing into his belly button. Still, the small boy allowed himself to be turned around and spread his legs a bit when he felt one of Charley's feet push in between his. He didn't say a word when he heard the shampoo bottle snap open, nor when he felt a soapy finger sneak in between his firm little buttocks. The tiniest of moans escaped his mouth when the finger carefully breached into him and spread the soapy liquid around his bum hole, inside and out. The water stopped cascading over the two boys when Charley turned the faucet off. The older boy transferred more shampoo to Bryan's bum hole, covered it with the foam-like slippery film of shampoo. He put more shampoo on his hand before giving himself a quick wank, more for the sake of making his prick slippery than making it harder. It was already as hard as it could get, it was as if it knew it would soon be engulfed by a hot and extremely tight, silky smooth, pulsing band of 100% pure boy-hole. Charley had to stop for a moment, or he would have sprayed his sperm onto the smaller boy's back rather than deep inside of his bum. When he thought it safe, he gingerly bent his knees, carefully so he wouldn't slip on the tiles of the small shower stall in which he was about to fuck the cutest, sweetest and by far youngest boy he had ever fucked. He had to bend his knees so much it nearly hurt him, his banana-shaped prick so long and pointing in the wrong direction for easy entry into the much shorter kid slightly bent over in front of him. Bryan stood with his hands held high on the tiled wall and waited for the monster to invade his small body. He braced himself for the sharp pain he already knew would mark the beginning of the bum fuck of his young life. Bryan prayed for the pain to disappear quickly, but had no doubt it would take ages for his bum hole to adjust to having such a big prick pushing into it. He felt Charley grab hold of his left buttock, separated it further from its twin, and bared the soapy entry to his innards. He felt the sudden heat when the blunt end of the prick head made first contact to his hole; at first it was just a slight push, as if Charley was checking the temperature of a pool before jumping into the water. The small boy was about to tell Charley he had changed his mind; he suddenly feared he wouldn't be able to hold in a scream if the monster prick was forced into him the same way Colt usually forced his into him. The shampoo already stung his tender bum hole and it would only be a far worse pain he'd feel when Charley pushed his monster stiffy into him. Charley had to pause yet again, just the slight touch of Bryan's hot little arse hole on his prick had nearly pushed him over the edge. He had never felt so turned on by Davey, nor the boy before him. They had been older and bigger than Bryan, more mature. Fucking Bryan will be like fucking a little angel! Charley thought and waited for a much longer period of time, he could nearly hear the minutes tick by while he forced himself not to touch his prick. He didn't know this only worsened Bryan's fear of what was about to happen. Charley still held one of Bryan's bum cheeks to the side, with his thumb close to the orifice he so badly wanted to plunge his prick into, yet couldn't for fear of a premature release of his sperm. He started caressing Bryan's hole with his thumb, moved it about in small circles. Ever so slowly he pushed harder against the hole until it began to enter the small quivering boy. His thumb was thicker than the index finger he had used to put the shampoo inside the bum hole, but it wasn't long before the hole opened enough for it. Bryan was happy when he realised it wasn't the giant head of the older boy's prick that was pushed inside of him. He deduced it could only be the older boy's thumb. Slowly and gently it went further inside. As he calmed down, his bum hole relaxed enough for the thumb to enter fully. Bryan didn't feel any pain, only the weird, and yet so familiar, sensation of something pushing inside a hole originally designed for pushing stuff out of. Just when he neared the state of complete relaxation he felt the thumb move away from his hole. The monster prick once again pushed against his hole that seemed so tiny in comparison. Large as the prick was, Bryan could tell Charley had gotten the angle perfectly right for entry. If the prick had been the size of Colt's, Bryan could have said it was a smooth entry. But even the gentlest insertion of an object as large as Charley's prick would have hurt the small boy. And though Charley was trying his best to be careful and gentle, he was still very much a teenaged boy on the brink of orgasm. The entry wasn't smooth, far from it. Bryan had to bite his lower lip so hard, to keep from uttering a sound higher than a low-pitched groan of pain, he could taste the metallic flavour of his own blood. Charley never backed off, he had found the way into Bryan, and he wanted to see how much of his prick such a small kid could take. He kept up the pressure and felt the head of his prick being compressed almost uncomfortably by the narrow band of muscle tissue blocking his passage. He could have pushed harder, he wanted to, but didn't. He knew it was hurting Bryan, it had to hurt terribly being fucked by a prick as large as his, although all he could compare it to was the number of times when he had been constipated. His prick moved further into the small boy in front of him, it happened so slowly he rather felt than saw it happen. When finally the head breached through the throbbing and still protesting bum hole, he let up on the pressure. He allowed himself to relax and gave Bryan a chance to adjust to the widest object ever having penetrated into his bum. Bryan sobbed quietly and breathed shallowly and rapidly in an attempt to ease the pain from his bum. He was afraid to move a muscle in case it would worsen the pain sweeping through his body. Every nerve ending in his bum was sending out signals of distress to his brain and for a brief moment he found himself running in the field of long soft grass, enjoying running for the sake of nothing but. It was a short-lived time he spent in the field, as the pain from his bottom suddenly increased and drowned out the happy thoughts. There'd be no easy way out of it for him. Charley wasn't having such an easy time either, the hole he was pushing his prick into was really too small. It felt like he was trying to fuck his prick into the opening of a glass bottle. Still he wouldn't give up, Davey's arse had been hard to enter in the beginning of their relationship as well. And lately, he had begged Charley to fuck him as hard as he could. Bryan will turn out the same. The chickens I fuck always come asking for more of my prick. Charley thought and pushed his hips just a tiny bit harder upwards against Bryan. Finally Charley could feel his prick moving a little easier, not easily nor freely, but at least it moved. The shaft of his prick was slightly thinner than the flared head, and since the head had already passed through the tight band of muscle, the rest of the journey was somewhat easier for both boys. Still Charley moved ever so slowly. He dared not push too hard into the hot young boy or he'd blast off well before his prick bottomed out. He wanted to feel his dick head push into the far end of the small boy's rectum and hoped he'd be able to snake it a lot deeper into the boy. Davey hadn't much enjoyed it when Charley fucked him deeply at first. He had complained about it feeling really weird in his tummy whenever Charley's prick went fully in. Charley had studied the anatomy of humans, both female and male, and had seen a sketched up drawing of the rectum and intestines. He had noted how the sigmoid colon, the last part of the intestine, made a hard turn before it turned into the rectum. It was this bend that had to straighten out some before the last three inches [7.5 cm] of his prick could fully enter Davey's arse. I'll be lucky if I can get half of my prick into Bryan's arse. Fuck he's so small and tight. Charley wanted to yell his emotions out, but had to suffice with a small moan of his own. The slow process of inserting his dick into the small boy continued on. Charley no longer paused, he kept pushing his dick in one very slow continual fluid motion into Bryan's butt. He let out a somewhat louder moan when he felt himself nearing the point of no return. He knew he'd climax within 10 seconds, no matter what he did, and he increased the force and pushed harder. One inch [2.5 cm] and then another rapidly went inside the boy. He knew he had to be close to the end of the small boy's rectum. Just then he felt the small boy jump a bit and the head of his dick made contact with a seemingly non-yielding point deep inside the small boy's arse. And in that same second, he felt his scrotum contract as it prepared the first of six shots of sperm. He could only imagine what it looked like inside the small boy while the sperm rushed out of his prick. He had often wondered if his sperm would search in vain for an egg to fertilize; if the millions of sperm cells would somehow feel cheated when they realised they were inside a young boy's arse instead of a fertile woman. However, Charley didn't wonder about much right then; he surrendered himself to the joy of a 21 seconds long orgasm. When it had finally finished ravaging through his body, he found it hard to remain standing in a squat behind the small boy. He quickly sat on one knee and at the same his still hard prick was pulled out of the small boy's abused behind. Bryan no longer able to contain his sobs, cried out briefly when he felt the monster prick vacate his bum so quickly. The small boy crumbled forwards, but before he could curl himself up in the foetal position, he found himself sitting in Charley's lap being smothered with gentle kisses. Charley reached up and turned the water back on. He tenderly washed Bryan while they sat there on the cold, hard tiled floor as the water cascaded down on them. Later, after Phil had let them out of the shower room, and the guard had locked Bryan in for the night, he changed into the large tee-shirt given to him by the friendly female guard. He had only just gotten into bed and lay as comfortable as he could while still being able to read the heavy War and Peace novel, when he heard a knock on his door and looked up from the book when it was unlocked and opened. "Kid, I know you're new and all, but you need to pick up your meds before you're locked in. Quickly now, I want to finish my shift so I can go home." Bryan tried to explain that he didn't want the sleeping pill, that it was only for when he felt like he simply couldn't fall asleep, but the guard wouldn't listen to him. He sighed, put on his sneakers and followed the guard to the office. He stood there wearing only the much too large tee-shirt and his sneakers and swallowed the pills while the guard watched his every move. He was rushed back to his room and heard his door being locked for the second time that evening. He went back to reading the novel, it was a quite surprisingly exciting read. But, Bryan didn't read for long. The sleeping pill had been dissolved by the water and his stomach digested it. The drugs had spread throughout his body and brain and suddenly his head slipped from the hand it had been resting on. Bryan was asleep and didn't even stir when his head fell to rest on top of the thick book he had been reading. He only woke up the following morning when a guard shook him awake. "It's morning Bryan, time to get up," he heard. Bryan woke feeling quite drowsy and confused, and when he later wanted to continue reading, he had no recollection of having read the last five pages. Most of the kids of the wing were a lot less enthusiastic that morning than they had been during the day before. They looked every bit as groggy as Bryan felt while he waited for a toilet stall to be vacated, so he could sit and do his business. It was a troubled wait for him; the shampoo used for lubricating his bum hole the previous night had upset his bowels and it practically ran out of him when he was finally able to sit on the toilet. He washed his hands afterwards, he wanted to wash his bum too before pulling up the clean boxer tights, but had to trust his wiping abilities to be sufficient. When he got back into the privacy of his own room, he shut the door and quickly undressed. He was in the middle of cleaning his bum hole and buttocks using wet toilet paper when his door opened and Charley burst into the room. He grinned at Bryan and quickly shut the door, when he saw the small boy was quite naked. Bryan blushed crimson red and quickly moved his hands from his rear end. "Is it sore?" Charley asked as he plunked down on Bryan's bed and snuggled in under the still warm duvet, "Oh, I love the way your smell is all over your pillow," he said and pushed his face deep into just that. "You're so weird!" Bryan giggled and proceeded in a much more serious tone of voice, "My bum feels like it had a cricket bat in it last night. Your willy felt so bloody huge when it went all the way in." "Mmmh, my prick isn't the size of a cricket bat, maybe the handle of one. And I didn't stick all of it into your lovely tight arse, we need to practice some more before we can do that. So, why are you washing it now?" "Uhm, I had the runs just now." "Eww, that's so gross." "You asked!" "Yeah, but I don't need all of the little nasty details, like how it sprayed all over the inside of the bog." "Argh, now you're the disgusting one! It wasn't like that at all!" "Whatever. After we've had breakfast, do you want to come with the rest of us outside? One of the guards has arranged for an extra hour of yard time for our wing alone. You don't have to come if you don't want to, but you'll miss on a lot of fun. We'll be playing footy [Soccer]." "I'm too small to do any sports." "Who told you that? Some of the best footballers in the world are pretty small." "Maybe, but I'm useless at sports." "Aw, you can't be all that bad. Join us and have some fun. Are you going to get dressed or are you planning to eat breakfast like that?" Charley half-laughed, half-giggled, "I mean, I personally wouldn't mind if you did, but I doubt the guards will let you." Bryan didn't waltz out of his room and had breakfast naked, he got dressed first. His bum hole still smarted, but he soon forgot about it when he joined all of the other kids from the wing in a six-a-side football match. To his utter amazement, he wasn't the worst at ball control, Davey was by far even worse than him. When the soon-to-be 14 year-old kicked at the ball, it went in every other direction than the one he intended it to, making it a far more unpredictably match than it otherwise would have been. They had fun, though, right up until Charley tackled the gangly kid that had called out for Bryan at dinner the previous night. The kid, Adam, jumped back on his feet and quickly caught up with Charley, and shoved him away from the ball. It would've ended in fists flying if the two guards hadn't quickly separated the two 15 year-olds. Unfortunately the episode put an end to the extra yard time. On their way back up to the wing, the two boys were still bickering at each other, and called each other names, one worse than the other, until one of the guards finally had enough. "Button up, the two of you! The next one of you to say anything, anything at all, will be going straight to his room for the rest of the day." That quieted them right down but they still pulled faces at each other on the way up the stairs. When they were let into the corridor, one of the guards saw Adam poke his tongue out at Charley. "Right, that's it! Adam, go to your room now!" "But sir!" Adam cried out, "He started it!" "And now I'm ending it. Your room, now if you'd please." "It's totally SO NOT FAIR! Why does he always get away with everything?" Adam said loudly while he walked to his room, stomping his feet all the way down the corridor. The guard went with him inside the room, spent a couple of minutes in there before he locked Adam inside. Bryan could hear the teen shout out in anger from behind the locked door. "If there's any more trouble, you'll all be confined to your rooms. Am I making myself clear?" The guard asked when he returned to the rest of the boys who had been snickering at Adam's punishment. All except for Bryan. His voice joined the chorus of "Yes, sir," and the guard left them. "Hey you two, come with me," Charley said. Bryan and Davey followed the older boy into his room. "All the running around made me so horny," he told the younger boys, "I want to see what it looks like when two kids get it on with each other." Bryan looked at Davey, who grinningly looked back at him, then he looked at Charley. "You mean, we gotta do sex stuff while you watch?" he asked. "Yeah. I want to see Davey suck your prick, then you suck his." "This'll be so great," Davey exclaimed and got busy undressing, "Come on slow poke, get nekkid. I'll suck your little stiffy so good for you." Bryan took off his clothes, albeit at a slower pace. He wasn't so sure he'd enjoy what was in store for him. Charley sat in his armchair, it looked exactly like the three that were in the common area where they had their meals. Bryan wondered how Charley had managed to steal the chair and place it in his room without anyone batting an eye at it. But he didn't get to think about that for long as Davey pulled him to the bed and pushed at him so he had to sit on it. "Oh, it's still sleeping," Davey said when he sat on his knees in between Bryan's legs and noticed the flaccid state of his prick. "Give it a tug or two and it'll spring right into life," Charley told him. Davey fortunately didn't tug too hard at the little worm resting on top of Bryan's small balls. The scrotum had shrunk right up and held his balls close to his body. Instead Davey's gentle touches manipulated the 1.5 inch [4 cm] floppy tube of flesh into two inches [5 cm] of hard-as-steel boy stiffy. He moved his head close to the younger boy's crotch and sucked the small stiffy right into his mouth without so much as a warning. Bryan had to gasp at the velvety-smooth warmth that so suddenly engulfed his stiffy. And then another time when he felt the older boy open his mouth wider and suck in the both of his little balls too. He lay on the bed with his feet dangling off of it and propped up his head so he could watch what wonders took place between his legs. He couldn't see much however, only the dirty blonde hair on top of Davey's head bobbing up and down. But he did not need to see it happen, he could very much feel it. "I know you're enjoying yourself, Bryan, but it isn't fair to Davey. Why don't you suck on his prick too?" "At the same time?" Bryan asked and wondered how that could be done. Davey was kneeling on the floor, he'd surely break his neck if he were to make an attempt of reaching the older boy's willy with his mouth. "Yeah, scoot back up on the bed, lie on your side and Davey will lie down in front of you." The boys quickly did as asked by the director of the private porn show. Davey was somewhat taller than Bryan and the older boy had to arch his back a bit while Bryan stretched his neck so they could 69. Bryan had a bit of trouble concentrating on sucking while he was being sucked himself, the sensation so unknown, and yet so thrillingly pleasing. "Watch out Davey, we don't want for him to shoot too soon," Charley said. Davey pulled away from the now saliva-coated prick he had been sucking, "But, he can't shoot?" "He's shooting blanks," Charley tried to explain in a way so Davey would understand, "Don't get him off just yet. I'm enjoying watching you far too much," Charley was fondling his monster prick through his trousers, "You know, Bryan has an owie in his little bum, why don't you kiss it better for him?" "For real?" "Uh-huh. I want you to kiss him right on his arse hole, really kiss it well, and Bryan will keep sucking your prick while you do that." Bryan was happy that he had at least tried to clean his bum really well earlier in the morning, though he had only used water for it. He would have died from shame, if Davey had to kiss his messy hole. As to having it done, it would be another first for the young boy and it didn't sound like something he'd want to do to anyone. Still, he didn't object to the idea. Sex had so far been a strange and confusing concept to Bryan, but after the quick wank Davey had given him the previous day, he now grasped why men and older boys wanted to shoot their sperm. He could even sort of understand how someone could need it so badly that they'd be able to hurt someone in the process. Charley had told him he knew it would hurt when he'd put that monster of his in his bum, but he just had to do it anyway. And while Bryan did have a sore bum hole, in an odd way it didn't hurt so much since he knew, at least in part, what Charley had gotten out of sticking his oversized prick into him. If only the darn thing hadn't been so fucking huge! Bryan kept sucking on Davey's prick when the boy moved him around and rearranged his legs so that he could gain access to his bum. The five inch [13 cm] prick slipped from his mouth a couple of times but he quickly sucked it right back inside. He allowed Davey to lift his left leg a little and then he could feel the warm humid air from Davey's nose as the boy moved his head close to his buttocks. Only a few seconds later he felt Davey's moist lips touch his most private place. It was another weird sensation to Bryan. Up until then, all of Bryan's experiences that had something to do with another person doing stuff to his bum had involved pain in one form or another. This didn't hurt, on the contrary, it actually felt nice. Strange yes, but no less nice. His bum hole still felt mighty sore, but the older boy's kisses were soothing. Charley got up from the chair and moved closer to the bed, and he leaned over Davey to get a closer look at what he was doing to the small boy. He hadn't thought Davey would agree to do it, to kiss someone right on their arse hole, but it hadn't taken much persuasion to get the boy to do it. The fifteen year-old was struck by the sight of one boy making out with the arse hole of another boy. It made him feel somewhat powerful being able to make someone do something so nasty, and it made him hornier than he already was. The oldest of the three wasn't completely corrupted by the power he held over the two younger boys. He seriously longed to fuck the youngest of them hard in his little arse with his nine inch long prick, but that was pretty much the only flaw in his personality. He'd never make them do anything they'd strongly object to, and both boys had submitted to his giant prick penetrating their arses without questioning his right as the alpha male to do so. They had accepted it after he had explained the consequences they'd face if they refused his protection; that he'd simply leave them to be raped by one or more of the other kids in the wing. He hadn't forced either one of his three chickens to have sex with him, and though he knew his prick was massive, he would have gladly done the same as they had, if the roles had been reversed. He had heard muted squeals from weaker boys as they were brutally raped by first Adam and then Steve, and he had seen what it did to a boy being raped. He felt pity for them when they were taken to the infirmary, and yet he hadn't said anything when the guards had tried to find the perpetrator. He hadn't tried to put a stop to it as he hadn't been strong enough at the time to protect those poor boys, neither physically nor mentally. It had taken Charley many months to become what he was now. A sort of protector for the weakest boy of the wing, who'd in return would act as an outlet for his pent-up hormones; the weaker and younger boy would play the feminine role whenever Charley needed or wanted him to. Which was quite often. Charley had been in prison since before he turned eleven, at first at another facility, and when he had turned 13, he was transferred to Prankhurst along with Adam. Steve had shown up six months later. Charley wasn't proud of what he had done to end up in prison and he tried not to dwell too much on it. It was only when he spoke to the counsellor once a month, he was forced to remember his crime. She always had to bring it up, she couldn't just let the past stay in the past. Even though she knew, just as well as he did, it would be several more years before he'd be allowed back out on the streets again. He wasn't in a great hurry to get out of prison anyway. Here, in wing 3C, he was like an emperor. When he got out on the other side of the tall wall and the wire-mesh fence, he'd again be reduced to no one special. Charley quickly did away with his thoughts and concentrated on the captivating sight of one boy kissing another one on his arse hole. "French him," he thought out loud, and cleared his throat and spoke louder, "Kiss his arse hole, Davey, just like you kiss him on the mouth." Davey amazingly did just that, like a small puppy eager to please his master. Apparently it felt nice as Bryan started making cute little whimpering noises, almost forgetting all about sucking on Davey's prick. "Keep sucking him, Bryan. Make him squirt." Bryan increased his effort to suck off Davey, upped the tempo at which he moved his lips back and forth over the stiff five incher. He made sure to keep his lips tightly pressed around the prick so the stretchy foreskin moved along with his lips. He used his tongue to push the prick up against the roof of his mouth, sucked it all the way in until his lips were right up against Davey's pubic bone. The fine pubic hair tickled his chin, but he scarcely noticed it, he was busy concentrating on the strange, happy feelings emitting from his bum hole. The small boy could taste the small amount of pre-sperm flowing out of Davey's prick. It wasn't much, but enough for him to realise the older boy was about ready to shoot his sperm into his mouth. "Don't swallow when he squirts, just keep it in your mouth," he heard Charley say. Bryan didn't release the prick from his mouth to say he'd do that, nor could he easily nod, so he gave a thumbs up to show he had heard the oldest boy. Davey moaned into his bum hole and he sped up just a little more, pushed for the final leg of the run. He knew what it had to feel like for the older boy and he wanted to give him the joyful feeling of an orgasm running through his body. It didn't take long at all before Davey rewarded him with the first spurt of sperm. He backed off a little so he only had the sensitive head of Davey's prick in his mouth. He kept his lips perfectly sealed just behind the ridge of the head and used the tip of his tongue to tickle the underside of it. The 13 year-old, soon-to-be-14, shot four blasts of sperm into Bryan's hot mouth before his balls had emptied. The last shot burst out with less force than the previous three, but just as voluminous. About a tablespoon and a half of sperm shot into Bryan's mouth before Davey's balls had emptied themselves. "Is he done?" Charley asked. Bryan sucked in his cheeks as he pulled off the spent prick. He nodded at the older boy, couldn't open his mouth, lest the sperm he had in it would spill out. "Good. Davey, time to kiss the other end. French him on his mouth." Charley reached into his trousers and stroked his prick as the two boys untangled themselves from each other. They locked lips and he could see from the way their jaws worked in small movements that their tongues were indeed wrestling. Charley was slightly repulsed but also extremely turned on by the thought of Davey's sperm flowing between one mouth and the other. When he saw Davey swallow some of his own seeds, he nearly came in his underwear. When Bryan followed suit and swallowed as well, Charley pushed his trousers down along with his underwear. "Bryan, quickly, put your mouth on my dick. I'm about to blow!" The little boy moved almost without thinking and forced more of the giant snake into his mouth than he had taken before. Around a third of it sank into his mouth before it could go no further. The throat of the youngest boy was simply too narrow for the thick oversized prick that started shooting almost as soon as it went past his lips. Charley quickly pulled back some, he wanted for Bryan to get a good taste of his sperm and not send it directly into the throat of the young kid. After Charley composed himself a bit, he told Bryan and Davey to kiss again. He knew Davey loved the flavour of his sperm and he wasn't about to deny him a small taste of it. He never lost his erection while he watched the two boys kiss, he was simply too turned on for that to happen. Bryan's arse may still be sore, but I simply have to fuck him again. He thought and went to the sink where he had put his shampoo bottle and when he reached out to grab it, he saw a small bottle of body lotion, that has got to be more slippery than shampoo and hopefully Bryan won't have the runs after being fucked with body lotion as lube. "Davey, put some of this on your prick while I work a bit of it into his sweet little arse." "Really?" Davey asked. "Um, yeah, I need to fuck him again, he's just a bit too tight still. Your small prick can loosen him up for me." Bryan didn't much appreciate the way the two boys talked about him like he wasn't right there in the room with them, nevertheless he presented his bum to Charley when he saw the older boy move towards him. He reached back with both hands and spread his buttocks, and gasped at the sensation of the coldish lotion touching his hole. Bryan didn't try to evade the probing finger, he kept his buttocks firmly spread out and tried to relax his bum hole. It hurt a bit when Charley's finger penetrated his rear end, but Bryan had grown somewhat accustomed to being fucked several times in one afternoon and knew the hurt would soon be replaced by a dull ache when he adjusted to having something in his backside again. Charley had to tell Davey what to do as his ex-chicken had never fucked anyone. Davey had never experienced any kind of sex before he ended up in prison and was sought out by Charley. He had played doctor with a girl from next door, though that hardly qualified for being sex. Although Davey hadn't fucked anyone and was somewhat dimwitted, he had been fucked so many times by Charley to know he had to go slow and easy at first. His slim dick easily speared itself into Bryan's well-lubricated hole, though the younger boy gave out a pained low moan as it went fully inside of him. Bryan was happy for Charley's decision of not fucking him right there and then. Davey's stiffy was a lot smaller than the older boy's monster prick and didn't hurt when it slowly slid back out of his bum and then back inside. Being fucked by Davey first wouldn't make much of a difference in the end, yet he still hoped for the monster cock to go in a little easier, when the time came for it to enter his back door again. "How's it feel like Bryan? Am I doing it right?" Davey asked while he slowly fucked the smaller boy. Is he doing it right? What does he mean by right? Bryan wondered. He was used to people doing pretty much whatever they wanted to him and afterwards, most of the time, they'd hurriedly clean themselves a bit before leaving as soon as possible after the deed was done. Bryan didn't know what to say and hence the young lad said nothing. "Did you fall asleep? Oh my god, I knew my prick would be too small for you. Bryan?" "What? I'm not sleeping." "Does it feel good? Am I making you feel good?" "It's okay, it isn't hurting." "Not hurting? Course it isn't, I'm trying to make you feel good!" "Oh." "Stop worrying about that for now, Davey. You can make him feel good later. I'm so fucking horny I think my prick will come right off if I don't get to fuck him soon." Davey wanted to tell Charley he could just fuck him while he fucked Bryan, but sadly realised he had been replaced by the much smaller and much prettier boy the very instant Bryan had set foot in the wing. It would be hard for him to get by without ever again having sex with Charley and if he had been a more vengeful boy, he would have seen Bryan as a competitor for Charley's huge prick and might have tried to harm the little boy. The soon-to-be-14 year-old might not have been smart, but he knew Bryan wasn't to blame. Besides, if he were to hurt Bryan, Charley would hurt him so much worse in revenge. Instead of trying to make Bryan enjoy being buggered, Davey focused on his own enjoyment. The little boy's bum hole was hot and slippery, and it hugged his prick tight; the experience was much better than when he had been sucked by the little boy. And it was much, much better than when he lay in bed at night after being locked inside his room and jerked his prick while recollecting what it felt like when Charley fucked his arse. It took a lot more of his stamina to keep his hips going back and forth, and keep up the rhythm, but the feelings in his prick made it worthwhile. "Tell me if it starts to hurt you," he told the small boy he was buggering from behind and increased the speed and intensity of the bum fuck. Bryan didn't say anything even though it did hurt some, just a bit, as his hole hadn't yet fully recovered from the previous evening. Had it not been for the burning sensation, he would have thoroughly enjoyed the smaller prick moving in and out of him. It was just long and stiff enough to bump into and across his prostate but the slight pain he experienced prevented him from having an anal orgasm. Had Davey been a more seasoned fucker and had he been able to carry on for longer, Bryan might have gotten off again simply by being fucked. Alas, Davey fired a small load of sperm into his bum far too soon for him to have a chance of enjoying the bum fuck. The 13 year-old pulled away from Bryan, feeling weary, but quite satisfied. Before Bryan's bum hole could tighten back up he felt the monster snake-like nine inches of Charley's prick push right up against it. Charley had put a liberal amount of body lotion on his prick head and it helped the entry into the still tight passageway. It took some determined thrusts from Charley to get his head lodged inside of Bryan, but as the 15 year-old had orgasmed not many minutes earlier, he could do so without getting close to coming again. Bryan's bum hole, although it had been loosened somewhat by Davey's prick, sent shrieks of protests to the brutal insertion. It took all of his willpower not to cry out in pain. He bore down harder and strained his muscles in his abdomen, and willed his boy hole to relax and open enough to accept the giant intruder. Charley used his hands to guide his prick while it gained entry and then moved them to hold onto Bryan's hips. Though the body lotion made it harder for his hands to get a firm grip he held the small boy as firmly as he could. Charley still wasn't close to finishing when he felt his cock reach the far end of Bryan's rectum. This was as far as he had managed the previous evening, but he was fast determined of getting more of his cock into the small boy. He used the same movements as he did when fucking Davey deeply; while he kept pushing forwards into the boy, he bent his knees slightly. This changed the direction of his cock inside the small boy's arse. Both boys could feel it when the large prick head found the way further into Bryan. Slowly but steadily Charley pushed harder, felt and saw his cock gain momentum and slide in another half inch [1 cm]. Bryan had never in his life felt so full down there. The monster deep inside his arse felt like it was pushing at his lungs. It had hurt him a lot when the prick had reached the end of his bum. When the older boy changed his position Bryan had felt a sharp pain as the prick went further inside of him. When the prick moved even further inside of him, the intensity of the pain decreased somewhat, but was still present. Bryan was simply stunned, when he through the pain, suddenly could feel Charley's pubic hair tickle his buttocks. Charley was no less surprised to see he had managed to get the whole of his cock inside the small boy and now he waited. He could feel how the boy's innards pulsed around the entire length of his dick, how the tight band of Bryan's arse hole clasped tightly around the base of his cock. It was tight enough to block the blood supply to his cock and he waited for it to dilate a bit before he'd continue. Bryan was part happy, part unhappy for the unexpected pause. Happy because it gave his bum time to adjust to the very large intruder inside of him. Unhappy, because he just wanted Charley to hurry up and stop hurting him. Charley was in no hurry now that he finally had his cock all the way inside of his new chicken. He had told the little boy they'd have to practise for it to happen, but it had went smoother than he had ever dared to hope for. His thighs were however cramping up from having to stand in the difficult position with his knees bent, and so he moved his hands from Bryan's hips up to his shoulders. He pushed down at them, wanted the boy to get off his elbows and put his chest down on top of the mattress. "Bryan," he said impatiently when the boy didn't budge, "move your arms and thrust your arse high up in the air." Davey, eager to show Charley he was still of some use, helped Bryan to get into the position he knew Charley favoured. He wished it was him who was lying like that instead of Bryan, he still wanted to please the older boy. Bryan felt the mass shift inside of him when he changed positions. It put a strain on his spine lying like that and it added to his discomfort. He did it because he had no choice and desperately hoped that the whole thing would come to an end soon. His mind had yet again failed him, he was very much present with the other two boys, not running across a seemingly never-ending field, just for the sake and joy of running. When Bryan was finally in the position Charley wanted, he pulled back his hips a little and straightened out his legs. His cock moved with his hips, partway out of the small boy's arse and he immediately pushed it back in. It felt great to the older boy and his prick moved a lot more easily, so he pulled it out a little and pushed it fully back inside again. After a short pause he repeated the action. "Get ready, Bryan, it's about to feel super great!" Davey exclaimed as he watched the older boy prepare himself for a proper long fuck. Davey hoped for Bryan it would be both long and hard as he himself enjoyed that the most. He couldn't remember what a painful first experience it had been to be fucked deep and hard by the older boy in that position. All he remembered was what it felt like after having gotten used to it. "Davey, shut up and kiss him," Charley ordered. "Alright!" As the two younger boys locked lips and began swapping spit, Charley fucked the youngest of them. Slowly and careful in the beginning, he moved just a couple of inches [c. 5 cm] in and out. His dick head stayed well inside of Bryan's colon and didn't slip back into the rectum. Not during the first 5 or 6 minutes anyway. Kissing Davey occupied Bryan's thoughts and kept him from focusing on what was going on in his rear end. He could feel the monster prick move in and out of his bum, the pain was ever present, but being able to kiss Davey made it so much more bearable. Charley paused after having pulled out about five inches [13 cm] of his cock. The hand lotion which had at first seemed so slippery was now fast becoming sticky. It had increased the friction to the point where Charley didn't enjoy it any more. He preferred his chickens to be well-lubed, his monster of a cock so thick it was more painful than pleasing to fuck an arse not squishy full of lube, whether it was shampoo or lotion. And he fully enjoyed listening to the munching and squelching sounds whenever he fucked a tight wet arse. He put more lotion on the accessible part of his cock before he pushed it right back in where it felt like it belonged. Almost immediately he could feel the effect of the added lotion, it made it easier to slide his cock in and out. It was still a little difficult to get his prick head to move fluidly into the colon inside Bryan, it got caught for a split second before it found the way deeper inside of the boy. But even the slightly bumping ride felt really nice to Charley. It was a different point of view Bryan had on the matter. It hurt him every time the head bumped through the curve just past his rectum, and while the thick stalk of the prick indirectly massaged his prostate it just didn't feel as nice as when Davey's prick had bumped straight into it repeatedly. His hole had by then dilated fully and didn't hurt any more, except for when it once in a while cramped as it tried in vain to shrink back up. Bryan didn't know that actively working his bum hole in time with Charley's in and out thrusts, would have made the older boy shoot his sperm a whole lot sooner. Even if he had known it, I'm not sure he would've done it. He was by then fully enjoying kissing Davey and didn't really mind the monster prick moving increasingly faster fully in and out of his arse. It was only when Charley got really close to orgasm, he was brought back to concentrate on what took place in his behind. Charley moved his hands back to the slim 11 year-old boy's hips and pulled hard at them, and Bryan's lips were jerked away from Davey's. Charley heavily laid into Bryan, used his strong thigh muscles to propel his cock deep into the small boy's arse while he used his powerful arms to pull Bryan's hips back to meet his forwards thrust. He pushed the boy away from him as he pulled ¾ of his cock out before fucking it forcibly back into the little kid. Bryan gasped from the impact of Charley's pelvis crashing into his small buttocks. It rippled through his body and forced the air out of his lungs. He scarcely had time to breathe in before another impact forced back out what little air he had managed to inhale. Davey meanwhile sat back and stared mesmerized at the sight in front of him. His five inch prick jutted into the air all but forgotten. He felt how the bed moved under him; he heard it squeak like it was objecting to the treatment the little boy was subjected to. When Charley put in the very last bit of effort left in him, the bed frame began knocking loudly against the wall behind it in time with his thrusts. Charley's moans grew increasingly louder until suddenly, all at once, he stopped in mid-stroke, his cock fully embedded in the desperate-for-air little boy's arse. Davey watched Charley's scrotum contract rhythmically as it yet again unloaded tasty sperm into the young boy. This time, alas, there would be none of it for him. Not unless he sucked it out of the little boy's bum, which he wasn't about to do, no matter how much he enjoyed the flavour of Charley's sperm. He knew body lotion tasted horridly, not to mention what else likely resided inside of the little boy's arse. He settled for kissing the tears off the small boy's cheeks; they were salty too, though not nearly as salty as sperm. Bryan was indeed weeping. The bum fuck had been brutal near the end and he was overwhelmed from having hyperventilated through the last bit of it. Even as the little boy gasped for breath, and could feel how Davey kissed his cheeks, his mind was focusing on one rather troubling fact. It's feels bloody nice now Charley's monster willy is all the fucking way in my bum! |