Chapter 1
"You SON OF A BITCH!" Jeremy shouted, slamming his locker door when he found it empty. Once again, the biggest boy on the team, Lenny, and his friends, had stolen Jeremy's clothes. It wasn't the first time, but they always left his stuff where he could easily recover it – in the middle of the gymnasium floor, on the stage, in the hallway, or somewhere where he wouldn't have to expose himself naked for too long to recover it.
Once, they'd left it all outside in the bushes, where Jeremy had encountered the Head while reclaiming it.
"Well, then
3; carry on, boy!" The Head had mumbled, clearly amused.
This time, they'd only left his cleats and socks and shin guards.
"What you get for being the last one out the showers!" Lenny's voice called, as Jeremy heard the exit doors slam, "Least your feet won't get dirty!"
"Shit," Jeremy mumbled, shaking his mop of wet brown hair out of his face. They hadn't even left him a towel. To make matters worse, Jeremy had an erection – just like he always did in the showers. He figured he'd just wait. No way was he going out across the pitch, naked, with a hard-on, he decided. After all, he could see from the far window as he peeked out of the locker room door, his clothing currently flying just beneath the flag on the distant pole at the far end of the place.
Even his athletic supporter!
"Not that you need one," Lenny always teased him.
He had to admit, though, his colors looked pretty good up there.
Jeremy looked down at his small package, but reassured himself that it was getting bigger, slow but sure. Since turning twelve, he'd really started to grow. His balls had dropped some, his scrotum wasn't so tight, and while he was still the smallest 'shrimp' on the team, he knew from Health class that he was hitting puberty hard now. He was having hard-ons more and more, and he'd figured out that it felt really good to play with his dick. He just wasn't sure what to do with it, really, when the other bigger boys like Lenny would talk about 'jacking off' or 'having a wank' and 'spurting' or 'cumming'. Jeremy knew how it worked, what wet dreams were, and all that. He just wasn't sure how to make it happen – and he sure as hell wasn't going to ask anybody!
Horseplay in the showers happened all the time, and it was a big joke to leave someone naked in the locker room. Or lock them naked in a locker. Or leave them hog-tied naked in the middle of the floor. Lenny's latest idea had been dribbling more shampoo over Jeremy's head while he was trying to rinse. Jeremy couldn't open his eyes, and the lather just wouldn't quit. By the time he'd figured it out, Lenny and his crew had fled, taking his clothes. Still, it beat what they'd done to Jamie the week before – getting him down and washing his mouth out with soap and laughing at him getting a hard-on while being pinned to the floor.
"Watch out! Faggot's got a stiffie in the shower!"
Teasing each other about their bits was just as much fun as insulting each other's mothers, but no one made fun of Lenny's bits. He was the biggest boy there, and everybody was jealous of his stuff. No one would admit it, but they all knew it. Jeremy sighed as he looked at his thin, almost-three-inch hard-on that made his balls pull up close. Holding someone in place under a cold shower was another good prank too. "Look! He's got no balls! They musta fell out and gone down the drain!" Everyone would laugh.
But it could have been worse. Jeremy could have been as small as Eddie, who always got teased that he was really just a little girl with an overgrown clittie and a boy's haircut. Yeah, Eddie's stuff was very small. Really small. Cold shower jokes or not, you had to wonder if Eddie even had any balls, or ever got a stiffie.
"I can't help it! I got one stuck up inside me, and had to get an operation to get it down!" Eddie would always protest. "You know I was off school for it, Lenny!"
"It didn't help!" Lenny teased him, when Eddie had returned to school some time afterwards.
"Cut you open for nuthin'!" Jamie snickered, "Should've got implants!"
Jeremy was almost drip-dry when he heard the door squeak. He peeked around the corner of the row of lockers. "Jamie?" He wondered, "Eddie?" If anyone would rescue him, it would be one of them. A towel came flying over the lockers, and Jeremy grabbed it. "Thanks!" He started drying his hair, but realized that the towel smelled funny. It was making him dizzy. He sat down quick on a bench, looked at the towel, sniffed it, and the room spun.
Then something was pulled over his head, and it smelled even worse. He breathed in, needing air, but all he got was that awful, suffocating smell. Then someone had a hold of him.
"Lenny, you fuh
3; fuhhhhh
3; kuuuuur," Jeremy slurred, as everything went black. The last thing Jeremy thought was the old starting fluid trick, canned ether really. Make you dizzy or pass out, and you'd wake up stuck in a locker, or naked out in the middle of the pitch. Hopefully not tied to the flagpole.
"Aw, shit," Jeremy thought, as he passed out.
Jeremy woke up feeling woozy. His head hurt, and when he tried to stretch, he found out he couldn't move. At all. It scared him, when he realized that this wasn't another prank. He couldn't even move his head, and he could feel things holding him down. But it wasn't rope. Whatever had him was soft and wide. He couldn't raise his head, but when he looked down at his feet, he saw that he was still naked. Wide leather cuffs with soft padding inside were holding him at the ankles, his legs spread, like his arms. Spread-eagle, he wondered, tugging and struggling. His arms were restrained, too, and so was his head. He could feel the strap over his forehead, and see the one over his waist.
"What the fuck?" Jeremy mumbled, wishing he had a drink of water. His mouth was dry.
He tugged at the straps some more, but they weren't going to give. He was stuck. "What the FUCK?" He yelled, knowing that this wasn't something his mates could do. He'd never seen anything like the room he was in. For one thing, it was so bright. All the walls were white. No windows. So was the ceiling. The lights right over him were shining in his face, too, so bright he could hardly see. And it was really warm.
"Aw, not now!" Jeremy groaned, as his prick was so hard it was throbbing with his fast heartbeat.
Jeremy heard a click, then a door shut somewhere behind him.
"I trust you're comfortable, boy?" A man asked.
"Who the fuck are you? Where am I?" Jeremy exclaimed.
"Language, or I'll wash your mouth out with soap, just like Jamie!"
Jeremy froze. "How do you know that?"
"I've had a camera hidden in your shower room for weeks," the man replied, still behind him, so Jeremy couldn't see him, "Took me that long to decide which one of you I wanted."
"W-wanted for what?" Jeremy squeaked it out, starting to tremble, as he didn't know who this was. He'd been kidnapped!
"Nothing bad, boy," the man assured him, "In fact, you're going to have a really good time, Jeremy. I like little boys like you! You're just the right age!"
"I'm not little! HELP!" Jeremy then screamed.
"Go ahead, scream! You have no idea where you are, no one can hear you, and in your predicament, boy, I'd advise cooperation," the man said.
"P-please d-don't kill me!" Jeremy started to cry.
"Well now, why would I go to all this trouble? What a waste that would be!" The man assured him, rubbing Jeremy's shoulders, "When I said I liked boys, I didn't mean for dinner!" He laughed, which only scared Jeremy more. "You're tense," the man went on, and then Jeremy could hear him rattling around with something. Then he saw him as he came forward – a doctor? He had a white mask over his face, and looked like a doctor in white scrubs and gloves, even a white beanie type cap. He was holding a needle.
"NO!" Jeremy screamed again, as the man leaned over and jabbed the needle into the side of Jeremy's right buttock. "OUCH!"
"That will help with the headache and the nerves. Sorry for the starter fluid. Crude, I know. The shot is just to help you relax, boy." He then held a straw to Jeremy's mouth. Cold water. Jeremy drank until the man pulled the straw away. "Nice little erection you have there, boy. I'd say your prick likes the idea of being strapped down and helpless?"
The man then popped open something, CLICK!, and then began rubbing Jeremy's prick. He slid the foreskin back, stroking it, back and forth. He'd put baby oil or something on his gloves, and just kept the slow, even rubbing going. Jeremy got even harder. He'd never had anyone but his own doctor touch him there for the team physicals, and the doctor had certainly never done anything like this!
"You like that, boy?"
"Liar!" The man laughed, as he kept stroking, "Your cock likes it!"
Jeremy could feel his balls tightening, drawing up. He was shivering again, but not from fear. This must have been what Lenny called 'jerking' or 'wanking', and it felt really good! It was just that there was this strange man doing it to him – the man who'd kidnapped him! Something inside of Jeremy was tightening up too, and starting to burn.
"You ever cum before?" The man asked.
"No! I dunno how!" Jeremy answered him honestly.
The man stopped. "Really?"
"Really! Lenny knows, though? Why don't you grab him?" Jeremy asked.
"Lenny's too far along, too big a prick, too much pubic hair," the man said, "Too tall, too big, too smelly. You're just right, though, Jeremy."
3; for what?" Jeremy gasped, surprising himself that he was disappointed that the man had stopped stroking his little prick. He was curious to know what would have happened. He figured he'd have probably spurted if the man had kept going! Not that he could do anything about it, though, and certainly not make him stop. Never mind that he'd been kidnapped by someone who wanted to jerk him off? "What do you WANT?" Jeremy cried.
"To play with you, to have fun with you, to teach you," the man assured him, going back to slowly stroking Jeremy's hard prick again. He also fondled his balls, rolling them around, as if studying them. "Just a couple little soft hairs here and there, nice testicles, boy. Not too big yet. Tell me, have you ever had anything inserted into your rectum?"
"HuH?" Jeremy gasped, starting to enjoying the masturbation again. "Wha's that mean?"
"Have you ever had anything stuck up your arse, to talk dirty about it?" The man rephrased it.
"NO! I'm not gay!" Jeremy gasped, "Please, sir! Where am I? Please let me go! I swear, I won't tell anyone!"
"You're a boy, I'm a man, and it looks like you ARE enjoying this, boy? At least, your prick is?" The man informed him. "You like showering with the boys, don't you, Jeremy? You try and hide your erection from them, but most of you get them. You tease about them, in good fun? Call each other things like homo, or faggot?" He went out of sight for a moment, then came back with a portable DVD player. It was playing a movie of the football team in the showers! And sure enough, Jeremy had an erection. After a bit, he put the player up to continue masturbating him.
"Yeah," Jeremy confessed, as those tightening, burning feelings started coming back. Then the man stopped again. Jeremy felt him move something, and saw that he'd taken a small section from under the table. Like a barber's chair, the man then did something that made the table go up and around some. Jeremy could feel his buttocks fully exposed, and when the man came back over, Jeremy felt his slick gloved hands spreading his buttocks. "WHAT
Then he felt the man's finger rubbing at his arsehole. Just touching it, tickling it, and Jeremy pulled against his restraints in surprise. He giggled; he couldn't help it. It tickled.
"Feels good?" The man asked. "Be honest, boy. It's better to be honest!"
"Y-yes," Jeremy admitted, feeling some pressure. He knew what was about to happen. "P-Please don't!"
"It might hurt just a bit at first," the man assured him, as he carefully worked the tip of his finger into Jeremy's hole.
"OWWW!" Jeremy howled, as he felt the finger stop.
"Give you a moment to get used to it, boy," the man told him, patting Jeremy's stomach, "You must like it, you're still erect?"
"I don't!" Jeremy declared, as it did hurt some.
"Let me take your mind off of it," the man offered, tickling the boy's ribs with his free hand. Jeremy squealed and squirmed. He was quite ticklish, after all.
But the hurt at his hole was fading. It felt like all day, then the man moved his finger again, pushing it in further and touching something. Jeremy thought he might piss himself.
Jeremy screamed and started to breathe harder.
"That's your prostate gland, boy," the man informed him, "Now you see why gay boys like it up the bum?" He moved his finger slowly back and forth, rubbing at Jeremy's prostate. "Feels about normal, not too small. Very smooth, just the right size."
Jeremy just moaned, feeling relaxed as the medication fully hit him.
"That's it, relax. Push out easy, like you have to go. Good," the man encouraged him, still rubbing. Jeremy wished he'd go back to rubbing his prick, but that burning, tightening feeling was coming back. "You can cum just by having your prostate rubbed, did you know, Jeremy?"
"You want me to do that? Make you cum?"
"But what if you like it? What if you like having your tight little bum fucked like this, or with a sex toy, or even a man's prick?" The man asked. "You know what sex toys are, boy?"
"Yes! I mean NO! No, then! I'm not gay!" Jeremy repeated, but the feelings coming from inside made him wonder. His head was spinning as the man kept rubbing him. His bum felt so loose, like he'd taken a monster shite, and he could feel a second finger going in. The man began to squeeze the prostate gland.
Jeremy howled, his prick pulsed, and his whole body began to shake. It felt like something was exploding out of him, and he screamed. The man just kept rubbing at him. The feelings got more intense, but the man didn't stop. Jeremy jerked at his restraints, as his very first orgasm hit him. He felt like the top of his head was coming off, but the man just kept rubbing it.
"You're lucky, boy. Very few boys ever have their first cum by having their prostate rubbed, and not even touching their prick!" The man told him, noting the thin dribble of just slightly cloudy fluid that had leaked out of the boy's prick. "Oh, you didn't shoot it out, and there's not all that much, probably no sperm in it yet," he noted, pulling off his slightly soiled glove with a SNAP! Jeremy got his eyes open just in time to see the man running his finger though the small bit of fluid, gathering it all up. Perhaps two or three drops. "The perfect age!" He repeated, and before Jeremy realized what he was going to do, the man stuck his finger in Jeremy's mouth!
"Suck it off, don't waste it, boy! I think you'll find you like the flavor!"
Between the orgasm and the shot of drugs, Jeremy wasn't in any condition to protest. He did as he was told. He yawned. It didn't taste so bad.
"You have a nice nap, Jeremy. We'll talk later," the man told him, as he shut out the lights.
Exhausted, Jeremy went to sleep.
When woke up, Jeremy had to pee. Bad. The lights were back on, but the bright room was quiet. He was still strapped down, too. "I – I have to pee?" He called out. "Some help here?"
The door opened. "Thought you might," the man told him, sounding happy as he gave the boy a drink of water. It only made the urge worse.
"Someone's gonna miss me and call the police!" Jeremy warned him.
"No, they think you're at Eddie's house," the man told him, "They won't miss you until Sunday evening."
"What is it now?" Jeremy wondered, "PLEASE! I have to pee!"
"I grabbed you Friday evening, it's now early Saturday morning, boy." He then held up a plastic tube. "Know what this is?"
"It's called a catheter," the man told Jeremy, "I slide this up inside your prick, into your bladder, and it drains your piss out."
Jeremy's eyes went wide and he struggled. It didn't help. He watched, scared, as the man put some lubricant on the catheter. He then placed it in a pan on his cart full of … things … and got a syringe with no needle. "Just some lubricant," he told the boy, injecting it up Jeremy's urethra.
"OWWW!" Jeremy howled.
"That didn't hurt," the man told him, "You just don't know what to make of it. Now," he then began inserting the catheter. "Just relax! That's it!"
Jeremy squirmed as the catheter slid up his prick, inside him, tickling and burning a little at the same time. Then it stopped. "Relax, now, pee!" The man told him. Jeremy did that, and felt the catheter slid in further.
"I can't stop!" Jeremy exclaimed.
"That's because the tube is holding your bladder open," the man explained, watching the connected bag filling. "You were full!" When the flow stopped, he slid the catheter back out. He then injected more gel into Jeremy's urethra, and the pain stopped.
Jeremy was panting. He'd never had the inside of his prick stimulated before!
Not sure what to say or do, he said, "I'm hungry."
"I'll get you an IV feeding kit," the man told him.
"You a doctor?" Jeremy asked.
"Yes, in fact I am," the man told him, still in surgical garb, "And I'm afraid you can't eat, boy. You see, we need to get you prepped for surgery today."
"SURGERY?!" Jeremy screamed, "FOR WHAT?"
"It's just a little operation that some boys have, Jeremy. It's called castration. I'm going to take out your testicles, before they get you any further into puberty. Before your voice breaks, or you get more hair down there, or your prick gets any larger. And before you turn into a Lenny! Of course, you won't be able to make babies, or, after a few weeks, even be able to get hard anymore. Your prick won't grow any bigger, in fact, it will shrink a lot. It might even get so small that it will retract into your body! And of course, you'll never be able to have intercourse. Fuck anyone, if you want to talk dirty? No girls for you, my boy!"
"WHY?!" Jeremy screamed, struggling with his straps again. "NO! I don't wanna be cast-a-rated!"
"But I want you castrated, Jeremy," the man told him, "So you'll be so much fun to play with in the future!"
"I wanna go home!" Jeremy wailed.
"And so you will," The man told him, "If I keep you, I'd have to feed you. And when you grow up? What then? No, I'll just sedate you and drop you off somewhere when we're done. It's a simple little snip, boy. A few stitches, a pain pill or four, and a bandage. Take it easy for two weeks, or three – good as new!"
"I don't want me balls cut off!" Jeremy wailed again.
"Why not?"
3; I wanna have sex someday! I wanna fuck someone! I might want kids! And we had Health class! I know what balls do! I know what testosterone is! I don't wanna be a little, skinny wimp all my life!" Jeremy cried.
"Oh, you can't have testosterone, Jeremy. I don't think you'll want any. It won't do you any good, either. You see, when I castrate you, Jeremy, you won't want to tell anyone right off! So how will you get a doctor to give you hormone shots? Everyone would know, even your parents. But you'll still be able to cum, trust me!"
"NO!" Jeremy screamed again.
"This way, it'll be years before anyone finds out," The man assured him, taking off his gloves and rubbing Jeremy's stomach again. "And no one would believe you." He then picked up a small bottle and connected a straw. "Drink that, it's fruity. Now, as soon as you have your next bowel movement," he placed a bedpan under the boy, "We can get you washed up and ready to get those annoying testicles out!"
"Please, no!" Jeremy cried again, as the man began probing the boy's anus once more. Jeremy felt something slick sliding in.
"Suppository laxative. I'd very much like to give you a nice long enema session, boy, but you need to be back home by Sunday evening. Like I said, a couple of stitches, a small bandage, and no one need ever know!"
"I won't go, then!"
But the suppository, and the oral laxative he didn't know he'd drank, proved otherwise. It wasn't long until Jeremy filled his bedpan, and had to endure the humiliation of being given a sponge bath. He was embarrassed to be hard the whole time, but the man never offered to masturbate him again. He did, however, hold up what looked like a large pink egg on a cord.
"This is a vibrator, boy. Once I place it in your rectum, I'll turn it on. I'll let it rub your prostate for an hour or so, maybe give it a few shocks, and let you have a couple of orgasms that way. We'll see what drips out of you this time. I think you'll like it!"
"NO!" Jeremy protested again, but there was nothing he could do as the man put the vibrator in him and turned it on. It felt strange, but it wasn't long before he was hard again. His erection bobbed and seemed to tease him, with no one to touch it. The feelings were there again, that burning and tightening feeling inside. The man turned the speed of the vibrator down, then Jeremy felt a light shock inside of him. He gasped. He pulled at the straps, wanting nothing more than to grab his prick and rub it. He needed to, so bad.
But he couldn't.
The man turned the lights out and left.
"Enjoy yourself, boy!" He called, as the door shut.
Inside his rectum, the vibrator shocked Jeremy's prostate again. It vibrated. (duh
3; ), it rubbed. It slowed. It stopped. Jeremy gasped again. The feelings began to subside. "No!" He yelled at the darkness. The vibrator came back on, faster. Jeremy groaned in relief.
"Now if I could just cum," he thought, clenching his buttocks together, his anus sucking at the toy like a baby with a bottle.
It felt good.
But it wasn't making him cum.
For how long this went on, Jeremy didn't know. The vibrator went off, came on, changed speed, and randomly shocked him. He thought he was going to go crazy. He needed to cum! It was all he could think about.
"Please!" He cried out, "C'mon, man! Don't tease me! It's mean!" He waited, "Well, what else do you say?" He wondered, working his bum as hard he could to get pleasure from the toy that he was helpless to remove.
Then the vibrator kicked up speed, and the rubbing became constant. The little shock pulses became timed. It started to feel really good.
"AHHH!" Jeremy groaned, as his second-ever orgasm hit him. Unable to see, he didn't know if he shot out anything, but his prick felt wet on the topside. Still, no lights.
And the vibrator didn't shut off.
It began to run harder.
"WHAT?" Jeremy gasped. "Another go?"
He wasn't sure how long it was, but he had another orgasm. It wasn't as strong, but it was still good. The lights came on, and the vibrator stopped. The man came in and removed it.
"Bet you could do that all day long?" He joked. "You liked it, didn't you?"
"Yehhhs," Jeremy sighed.
"Tell me you liked it, and you want more of it," the man told him.
"I liked it, and I want more!" Jeremy agreed, blushing.
"Don't be ashamed, boy. Lots of boys like you like it up the bum. That's why I want to castrate you now, so you'll never be able to wank, jack off if you will, or penetrate anyone. You'll never really enjoy a wet orgasm, spurting, that is. Or really appreciate a blow job, oral sex, I mean. You see, boy, with your testicles gone, you'll love those prostate orgasms even more! Why, you'll never even wonder what dominant penetrative sex is all about. Sticking your hard cock into someone, that is! Not that you'll be able to. All you'll care about is getting something big up your bum!"
Jeremy cried as the man washed him down again. The room was warm, and he'd been sweating. "It's gonna hurt!" Jeremy whinged.
"No, no, I don't want it to hurt," the man assured him, "Just a few shots," he picked up a needle, "to numb it. And you get to watch! Won't that be fun, boy?" He then gave him a shot of a mild tranquilizer.
Jeremy gaped at him as the shots made his whole middle go numb. The man in the doctor scrubs and mask was checking his tray of tools, then rubbing Jeremy's genitals down in some brown liquid. He then poked a little gear wheel tool over Jeremy's prick.
"I can't feel that!" Jeremy gasped.
"Good!" The man picked up a scalpel. "Ready?"
"Too bad!"
The man then ran the blade down the line of skin in the middle of the boy's scrotum. The little line that stood up and looked like a seam, to Jeremy. It was just a short little cut, not much blood, and the man dabbed it away. Jeremy couldn't help but watch, the tranquilizers calming him, making him curious. The man was using a hooked tool of some kind, and suddenly, what looked like a small grayish-pink egg on a string came out of the cut!
"That's your left testicle, boy!" The man told him.
"Wow!" Jeremy breathed, the drugs having since fully gotten to him. He seemed quite happy about seeing his exposed testicle. Then the man pulled it out some, and laid it over the side. He dabbed the blood up, and fished the right one out.
"Those are your balls, boy!" He nodded happily.
"Put 'em back?" Jeremy asked, wondering at how small they were, "Pleeeeease?"
"Oh, no, can't do that," the man told him. "Sorry! Once out, they have to come off. You won't miss them, Jeremy. Trust me. You'll feel so good when we're done."
"Oh-kaaaaay," Jeremy agreed, watching as the man pulled his left testicle down again. He put a clamp on the cord that held it, then tied the cord. It looked really tight. Jeremy smiled. The man tied the cord again, then he picked up a small pair of scissors.
He cut the cord.
Somewhere up inside him, Jeremy could feel the cord going up.
"That's one!" He then swished the severed testicle in a pan of something, shook it off, patted it dry, and laid it on the boy's bare chest. It looked like a small, ugly gray egg with a stem.
"Ewww!" Jeremy pulled a face, watching, as the man then snipped off the remaining testicle. He washed it as well, and put it aside it's mate.
Strapped down and helpless, the boy just stared, all bemused, as his severed balls laying there on his chest.
"Congratulations, Jeremy. You're a eunuch now. That's what you call a castrated boy."
"No more hard-ons?" Jeremy asked dreamily.
"No, no more," the man assured him, patting his stomach again. He then began stitching the cut. When he was done, he bandaged it and put the testicles in a small jar. He wrote "JEREMY 12" on the label, and the date. Jeremy saw him put the jar on the cart next to another jar like it. It seemed to have something in it, too?
Jeremy yawned. He wasn't sleepy, but he just felt so good and so relaxed. He grinned as the man removed his own trouser scrubs, showing him his large erection and low-hanging balls, his neatly trimmed black hair. The man stroked himself. His prick was really big, Jeremy thought.
"See, boy, yours will never, ever get like this. It'll never be hard again, remember? It'll just be limp, and get smaller and smaller. You'll never be able to do this, boy!" The man reminded him, "I need to masturbate now, you see. Castrating you has me all worked up!"
"Oh-kay," Jeremy agreed, watching in fascination, and some regret. He'd really been curious to know what wanking, like Lenny called it, was all about. Now he'd never know.
He watched in wonder as the man kept stroking his own prick, making little sounds now and then, and finally shot his load all over the boy and table. It was white, hot, and there was a lot of it.
"Would you like to suck it?" He then asked the drugged boy, "It'll taste good?"
"Oh-kaaay," Jeremy agreed, as he opened his mouth and did just that. He sucked the man's prick until he felt him shooting another smaller load into his mouth.
"Just swallow it, it's OK," the man assured him, stroking the boy's hair and patting his cheek. Jeremy did that, smacking his lips. "You go sleep now, boy," the man told him. "When you wake up, we'll have some more fun. Then you can take a nap and go home, OK?"
"Oh-kaaaaay," Jeremy agreed.
When Jeremy woke up again, he felt a stinging pain between his legs. He struggled with his restraints again, then realized where he was.
Then he remembered what had happened to him.
He moved his eyes to look right.
There on the metal cart was a jar among the tools – a jar with two gray orbs in it, floating in clear liquid. The label had his name on it: JEREMY 12.
"He really cut my balls off!" Jeremy gasped.
"Yes, I did," the man told him, now naked with only his mask on. He was hard again, and his prick pointed at Jeremy.
With the drugs worn off, Jeremy struggled again. He yelled. He cursed as the man adjusted the table to put him upright, then bent forward as if bending over, presenting his helpless arse.
"I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU!" Jeremy screamed, "You cut my balls off, you pervert! I'll get you for this!"
"No, boy, I'll get you!" The man told him, as Jeremy felt the tip of the man's prick pressing at his hole. He felt pressure. He just knew what was about to happen! The boys joked about it, teased each other about it and liking it, but it was about to really happen!
Jeremy knew he was about to be butt-fucked.
"Relax," the man told him, rubbing his shoulders, and pressing harder.
It hurt a bit at first, and Jeremy gasped. He clenched his teeth, shut his eyes tight, and tried not to cry as the man's prick entered him. It made him feel so full. It seemed to just keeping going in and in, and when he relaxed all the way, it slid on past something.
It touched his prostate, rubbing it.
"Oh!" Jeremy groaned, as the man began moving in and out, slowly, as not to hurt him too much.
It wasn't long before Jeremy felt the man shooting his hot load inside of him.
When he pulled out, Jeremy felt empty – and loose. But so empty. There was a drop or two of juice at the tip of his cock, and the man kissed it clean.
Something stung Jeremy again.
"When you wake up, just go on home," the man told him, putting aside the needle, "You did very well, boy. I'm pleased with you."
"You fucking raped me!" Jeremy accused him.
"You can't rape the willing, boy – and that last erection of yours tells me you were willing!" The man countered. "And just for that, I'm not masturbating you, even if it is your last chance!"
He turned the lights off on his way out.
When Jeremy woke up again, he was dressed in clothes that weren't his. He had a satiny red T-shirt on, and loose black football shorts. In the pocket, he found a wad of cash. He had his cleats and socks and shin guards on. He yawned and stretched, but it hurt a bit between his legs. Pulling out the elastic waistband, he saw that he was wearing a supporter over the bandage. He looked around and saw grass and bushes. He looked up, and saw rocks and a foot bridge over a small ravine.
"Hawthorne Parke?" He wondered, having been there many times. No one ever used that foot bridge; it was a bit rickety.
He'd also found a note taped to his shirt front:
Jeremy, I had a good time. I hope you did, too. If you ever want to play with me again, just come here on Friday after school and pull the big red stone out of the support wall. There's a bottle of ether and a rag in there, just the right amount. Put yourself to sleep, I'll come pick you up, and when we're done playing, I'll bring you back. Please don't tell. It'll be more fun this way, playing our little kidnap game. Besides, who'll have fun with you, if you do tell? Remember, you're castrated now. You can't wank, or fuck – ever, with that limp little cock now. Just take it easy for a couple weeks, and keep your bandage changed and clean. Take the pills in your pocket, they're antibiotics and pain pills. One pink one twice a day, and one white one each morning. And think about how much you liked it! I know I did. I miss you. Buy whatever you like with the cash, too. It's the least I can do for such a good boy. Signed, Your Big Friend
"Shit!" Jeremy exclaimed, carefully getting up to walk home. It wasn't that far.
Still, walking felt funny. Jeremy could feel the bandage. He could feel his balls being gone.
And he could feel his bum.
It felt so loose and empty.
Three weeks later
"I can't believe you pulled a hernia, right before playoffs!" Lenny complained, as the other football boys headed to the showers, "You are such a loser, Jeremy! And Eddie sucks as a keeper!"
"I can't help it!" Jeremy retorted, putting his statistics notebook in the cabinet, "And thanks again for leaving me here naked that last time! Tosser!"
"Could be worse, they stuck a small soap bar up me bum last week," Jamie complained, "Farted bubbles for days!"
"You loved it, got your boy-pussy all clean and ready," Lenny laughed, as Jeremy just smirked and turned to walk home. He wasn't so sore now, and his stitches had since popped and started coming out. It tickled some, so he'd carefully pulled them out with tweezers and put antibiotic ointment on them.
His scrotum was now flat and empty, and he wondered how he'd explain it to Lenny and the boys when he finally went back to playing football and showering with them? They'll razz me like they do Eddie, Jeremy told himself, as he detoured to Hawthorne Park, Asking me if I even have balls! Which I don't! Not now."
Mabye I'll tell 'em they twisted up? Maybe got mashed? Or cancer! They'll feel sorry for me then!
But for three weeks, about all he'd thought about was how empty he felt. His prick wasn't getting hard, and playing with it didn't help. It wouldn't harden all the way now, and rubbing it like he'd seen the man who had kidnapped him do to himself, didn't work for Jeremy. He couldn't get those good, tight feelings, even now that he knew how to do it.
He just couldn't do it. His limp little cock just sat there, uninterested and nonfunctional but to pee.
"Fuckin' cut me balls off, he weren't lyin'," Jeremy muttered, as he stopped at the small cafe on the corner for a snack. He was just finishing his Coca-Cola when he crossed the rattly old footbridge and ducked down under the embankment. "What the hell?" He told himself, "Wasn't that bad?" Thinking about how it felt to get fucked. In his bum. By a man.
By a man with a hard prick and full balls.
Something he'd never have again.
Something he'd never ever be able to do.
Must've been the drugs, he'd kept telling himself.
But Jeremy didn't believe that. Not really.
True, he'd been kidnapped and castrated. He'd been raped – fucked and made to do oral on a man. But, the man whose name he didn't even know (Your Friend), had been right after all: Jeremy had liked it. He'd liked it, and he wanted to do it again.
He just didn't want to admit it to himself, how good it felt, and how exciting it was. He liked how it felt to have his prostate rubbed. He didn't mind sucking that man, making him happy. And it hadn't tasted so bad, not really. And he liked having his shoulders rubbed. And being tickled.
But what if the man really was a pervert, a murderer, even? What if he didn't bring him back this time? What if he ended up ax-murdered and dumped in the river? Or chopped up and on a barbecue grill?
Then who would I have fun with? Jeremy remembered him asking.
He'd just pulled the red rock out and was trying to find the bottle and rag when he heard something. Someone was using the bridge. He shoved the rock back in and spun around.
"Hey, Jeremy!" Eddie smiled at him, dropping off the ledge and coming on over, "What'cha doin' here? 'Bout nobody ever comes here?"
"EDDIE?!" Jeremy just stared in disbelief.
"Yeah?" Eddie smiled, "Last time I looked, I were me?"
Jeremy just stared at him. Then he pointed at him, jaw dropping. Eddie tilted his head, grinning.
3; you
3; are you
Look! He's got no balls! They musta fell out and gone down the drain! Jeremy remembered Lenny's teasing.
"Are you ca-cah-cast-
3;?" He tried it again.
"Castrated?" Eddie just smiled, nodding. "Who do ya think told him about you?" Then he tried to pull the red rock out. It was stuck.
"Your operation?" Jeremy realized.
"That were when he grabbed me!" Eddie smiled, as the rock finally came out.
There were two little cans of ether and two rags.
Then both boys started laughing.
Chapter 2 Lenny's Comeuppance
Jeremy and Eddie have been getting bullied by Lenny, so their big friend decides to do something about it. It's weekend playdates, as usual, for the boys - but with an added bonus.
In the weeks that had passed since their abductions and castrations, both Eddie and Jeremy had totally healed up. Eddie, much more so, in that he'd been abducted and castrated some weeks before Jeremy had. As some of the other boys had teased him, Eddie was indeed starting to look like a shorter-haired girl with an overgrown clit, and hardly a boy as his empty scrotum shrank up. Growing his hair out didn't help matters, either, but his mother had decided that since it was in fashion, that he looked better with it longer. While Eddie was accustomed to his small genitals and the teasing, Jeremy wasn't. In those few weeks, Jeremy's already-snug scrotum had dramatically shrunken up once emptied, and Lenny and his mates had certainly taken note of it when Jeremy had been deemed medically fit (by his abductor's note, no less) to return to playing sports.
They'd just finished up with what was Jeremy's first active practice, and headed into the showers. Jeremy tried to keep his back to everyone, as it was obvious that something was not quite right with his scrotum. He could hardly believe how much it had contracted since his castration, and when Lenny reached over and cut the hot water to his shower, the freezing spray not only made Jeremy flinch, but it also immediately began to cause shrinkage. Add to that the shampoo in his eyes, and that there really wasn't anything that he could do about it at the moment.
"The hell did they do to you, Jeremy?" Lenny exclaimed, as Jeremy tried to get rinsed so he could go and grab his towel, "Take your knackers out to fix a hernia?"
"Cold water, you stupid mug," Jeremy replied, "When was the last time you heard of a doctor cuttin' someone's nuts off, but for cancer? They pulled up, is all! Do I look like I've had chemo?"
"You just about got Eddie beat!" One of Lenny's friends, Matthew, laughed.
Jeremy could feel himself blushing as he grabbed up his towel and went to get dressed. At least this time, they'd not been able to pinch his clothes, making him have to go outside naked to reclaim them or something.
"Won't need a box [cup], now to play keeper, will you?" Matthew laughed again, "Nothin' to hit!"
"Fuck you!" Jeremy retorted.
"Not with that pathetic thing, you won't," Lenny snickered, "I bet you'd like to try, though?"
"Nah, bet he'd like to get fucked, though!" Matthew put in, noting Jeremy and Eddie both glaring at them. Most of the other boys had ignored it, hoping to get away from the bullies unscathed.
"I read somewhere that the guys with the longest pricks in the showers are usually the faggots," Eddie offered, which got him a painful snap to his bare bum with a rolled up a towel. It left a good sized red welt.
"Yeah, well, you're just jealous!" Lenny told him, "The doc said I were big for my age!" He added proudly, and in fact, he was. Puberty was in full swing for Lenny, having already given him a good five inch erection, short pubic hair, and a set of testicles that were impossible to miss.
"Give 'em, oh, about ten years!" Matthew laughed again, as he wasn't as big as Lenny, but also fairly well along.
"Keep it up, girls, or we'll have to hide this somewhere!" Lenny held up his used bar of soap. Jamie fled.
"Do it, and I'll have your arse for assault!" Eddie threatened him.
"Rat on me, and I'll have your prick for a light snack!" Lenny replied.
"I've seen those little canned sausages, what are bigger," Matthew added, as he and Lenny advanced on the naked, smaller boys.
Jeremy and Eddie backed up, but were cornered. The other boys either watched in fear, or ran. Lenny grabbed Jeremy, and Matthew grabbed Eddie. "Don't make it any harder than it has be, girls!" Lenny teased them.
"It already feels hard," Jeremy grunted, as Lenny pulled his arms behind him. Jeremy could feel the bigger boy's erection poking him, and Lenny hadn't been boasting. He really did have a big prick for his age.
With is other hand, Lenny jammed a sock in Jeremy's mouth and gagged him with his other. He then used Jeremy's supporter (which he honestly didn't need to wear) and tied his hands with it. Matthew was doing the same to Eddie, and then both naked boys were shoved into their lockers and locked in.
"Think anyone'll miss 'em?" Matthew wondered.
"Not for a while!" Lenny laughed, as they dried off, snickering at Jeremy's and Eddie's feeble attempts to free themselves.
"I swear, he's got a scar on his sack," Matthew said.
"Well, he had surgery?" Lenny reminded him, as they headed out.
"You think either one's really had his balls out?" Matthew asked.
"Like they'd miss 'em!" Lenny laughed.
Some time later, and both boys heard a loud SNAP! They found their lockers being opened, once they'd stumbled out and managed to free themselves, spitting out their sock-gags in disgust, they saw a note on the bench:
Don't worry about Lenny, I'll take care of him. -Your Friend PS – see you Friday night?
It had become a weekly thing for the boys. Every Friday night, one would tell the other's parents that he was staying at his friend's house. The other would tell his parents the same. Then the boys would go to the park, pull out the red rock under the bridge, and use the ether they'd find there. They'd awaken to find themselves in the care of their friend: the mystery man who'd abducted them, castrated them, and then introduced them to the world of man/boy sex. What would follow would be a weekend of not only sex, but video games, movies, junk food, and a bit of spending money to take home.
Of course, they never saw their benefactor's face. He always wore a surgical mask and a cap, and always the kept the boys in some sort of restraint.
"You're so cute in that straitjacket," he'd tell Eddie. 'Mr Big', as the boys had whimsically come to call him, had a variety of bondage items, but nothing that ever really hurt the boys. "If I hurt you, you might not want to come back and play!" He'd tell them, "Then what would I do for fun?"
"Grab someone else, sir?" Jeremy wondered.
"Now there's a novel idea!" Mr Big agreed, "Got anyone in mind?"
"Maybe, sir," Eddie mused, sitting there on Mr Big's lap, in his straitjacket, as the man gently fucked him. Using a combination of Viagra and some desensitizing cream, Mr Big could make it last for a long time, which drove both of the boys wild. Since neither of them could really do anything with his own small prick, having their prostates rubbed had become their favorite thing to do. Sucking each other's pricks was fine, too, but it didn't make them feel the same.
"I'd like to see Lenny get his!" Jeremy had once said, waiting his turn and nibbling on some chips. As his hands were cuffed and connected to his collar, he couldn't move them that far from his face. The short chain that connected the cuffs on his ankles also made it difficult for him to move around.
"Tell me all about Lenny?" Mr Big wondered.
And so the boys did that.
"I don't think I much fancy this kid," Mr Big mused, "Sounds like he needs to be taught a lesson, I wonder?"
"Good luck with that, sir," Jeremy sighed, going back to watching the video. Two teenage boys, both castrated, were having sex. Mr Big explained that the boy on top had had hormone therapy, while the boy on the bottom had not.
"I've not decided if either of you should ever have it," he told them, "I'll have to think about it in a few years! You're so much more adorable with those tiny, useless pricks!"
Jeremy and Eddie both stared at the note.
"What do'ya think he'll do?" Eddie breathed.
Jeremy shrugged. "He'll do what he's gonna do, mate. I just hope we get to see it!"
"Too bad Jamie won't get to see it," Eddie sighed, "They're so bad to him, I don't know why he puts up with it?"
"He's terrified," Jeremy shrugged, as they dressed and left the locker room.
"J-Jeremy, you don't think he'd like
3;make Lenny just
3;d-disappear, do you?" Eddie fretted.
"I don't think so," Jeremy replied, "If he wanted to do that, he'd have done it. Either with us, or those boys on the DVD's. I'd think if someone just vanished, he'd be hunted down by the police?"
Eddie just shrugged. "See you tomorrow!"
Their next game was the following Friday, and Jeremy found another note in his locker as he suited up:
Lenny's folks think he's spending the weekend at your place. After the game, come to the park as usual. You'll be surprised! -Your Friend
After the game, Lenny returned from his shower to find his clothes missing. Of course, everyone denied taking them. No one offered Lenny so much as a pair of shorts, either, all making their retreat, but for Matthew.
Then the lights all went out.
"What stinks?" Lenny gasped.
Some time later, Matthew awoke with a headache. The lights were on, but Lenny was gone.
As usual, Eddie and Jeremy awoke with slight headaches. They were both naked, stretched out on the padded tables in the warm, windowless, white room where they always woke up. And as usual, there was a clear, fizzy drink for each of them; both boys knew there'd be something for the headaches mixed in, so they drank them and waited. Both boys were secured to the tables by the ankles and catheterized, but that was it. A movie was playing on the TV for them, a just-released superhero action flick that neither had had the chance to see in the theatre.
"He must be busy?" Eddie wondered, reaching over to check out the snack tray, "This is something new?"
"I bet he's got Lenny!" Jeremy said hopefully, as they set in to watching the DVD.
The movie was a good two hours long, and the boys weren't interrupted. Both figured that the usual enema session would be later, as they'd never eaten upon awakening before. As the credits were rolling, the door opened.
"Sorry to keep you waiting, boys!" Mr Big announced, clapping his hands. He was dressed in his usual mask and cap and scrubs. "Good flick?"
"The best, sir!" Eddie smiled, fiddling with his prick.
"Sorry for the catheters," Mr Big apologized, carefully connecting them to leg bags, "Something new, I thought, and I was busy. We'll just keep those in for a bit, shall we?"
Not that it would have done the boys any good to complain. He then undid their ankle restraints, and the boys carefully got up and stretched.
"It's going to take a while for your friend to wake up, in fact, he'll probably sleep all night. I gassed him pretty good!" Mr Big laughed, "In the meantime, you two can stay up late, play video games, and I'll come and tuck you both in later!" He led them from the room and down a corridor. "You can stay up late, but tomorrow's a big day!" He promised.
"Friend?" Jeremy squeaked, "LENNY?"
Mr Big nodded.
"He's up to something!" Eddie smiled, as the boys decided on what game to play. Mr Big kissed them both, fondled them a bit, and then locked them in the playroom.
They also looked at the selection of various bondage gear on the shelves, sex toys, and wondered what they'd be doing the next day. After what seemed like hours, with the both of them yawning, their friend returned. Of course, he wouldn't tell them, but both boys were consumed with curiosity.
"I don't want to ruin the surprise!" Mr Big told them, as he administered their "bedtime enemas". After the usual soap and rinse session, he then strapped them down to their usual beds. After blindfolding them, putting in ball gags and small butt plugs to get them ready for the next day, he then turned on the white noise device and shut off the lights, locking the door.
The boys had no idea what time it was when they were awakened. Once up and moving, their catheter bags changed, and they were given a "morning rinse" enema session, followed by a bracing cold shower to fully wake them up. Small plugs were put back up their bums to keep them ready, but ones not large enough to stimulate their prostates. Mr Big then put matching posture collars on the both of them, making it impossible for either boy to turn his head, and connected them with a twelve inch chain. Breakfast was a chocolate flavored shake of some kind, and then they were led to the surgical room, which both of them remembered well. After all, it was where they'd both been castrated.
There was something new, though: a small room, more like an added on cubicle, with a large one-way glass on the front.
There was also a boy strapped down to the table. He was naked, catheterized, and unconscious.
"Lenny!" The boys whispered to one another, as they were ushered into the new room's back door.
"He can't see you, but you can see him!" Mr Big explained, "The room's soundproof, and we'll be recording the procedure."
"Are you gonna castrate him, sir?" Jeremy asked hopefully.
"No," Mr Big replied, his eyes sparkling, but both boys sighed.
"AWWW!" They both groaned.
"Let me finish! I'm going to cut his penis off!" Mr Big added, clapping his hands together.
Both boys just stared at him in shock.
"No shit?" Eddie gasped.
"No shit," Mr Big patted his head, "And I'll probably be so worked up over it, that you two will certainly have a hard day!" He laughed.
With the boys locked in the observation room, Mr Big then revived Lenny.
"Wh-where am I?" Lenny moaned, trying to sit up, but finding himself restrained. He started to panic, as all he could see was the white ceiling.
"Relax, Lenny," Mr Big told him, "You're safe. Relatively speaking."
Lenny began to pant, fear evident on his face. Eddie and Jeremy rather liked that. Lenny then realized what had happened: he'd been kidnapped. He started to cry and beg. Eddie and Jeremy laughed, having never seen this side of their enemy. Lenny was now nothing more than a sniveling, scared-stiff kid.
"M-my dad's got m-money!" Lenny finally tried that line.
"Oh, shut up!" Mr Big told him, "It's not money I want, Lenny. Yes, I know your name! I know all about you, and how much of a bully you are!"
"P-please, sir!" Lenny begged some more, his mind trying to cope with his situation. Mr Big put a paper bag over his head for hyperventilating.
"You like making fun of smaller boys, Lenny? Proud of that big prick of yours? You think poor little Jamie likes it when you shove soap up his bum?"
"How do you know that?" Lenny gasped.
"I said, I know all about you," Mr Big crooned, stroking the boy's belly, and noting that Lenny was getting an erection. "That can't be too comfortable with that catheter in?"
"Feels funny!" Lenny gasped, as the bag was removed. Of course, Mr Big explained it all. "Wh-what'r you gonna do to me?" Lenny started crying again.
"Nothing you don't deserve, Lenny," the man informed him, "And when I'm done with you, I think you'll have a greater respect for smaller, less fortunate boys."
"P-please don't rape me! I don't wanna die!" Lenny howled, sobbing again, desperately trying to get loose.
"Oh, stop that! I'm not going to kill you, Lenny, but I am going to use that tight little bum of yours!" He promised the boy, "Have you ever had an enema, Lenny?" He then held up a nozzle and bag.
Lenny screamed. In the booth, Eddie and Jeremy laughed harder as Mr Big prepared Lenny for a good colon cleansing. He squirmed as his legs were freed and then put up in stirrups, and he was lubricated. He screamed again as an inflatable nozzle was eased into his anus, inflated to make leaking impossible, and the flow was started.
"We'll make you hold a quart and half of soapy hot water," Mr Big told him, "Hard telling how long this might take. You might need four or five sessions, boy!"
Lenny howled as the cramps hit him and his belly began to distend. Mr Big rubbed it for him. "It looks like that oversize prick of yours likes it?" He pointed out, and indeed, Lenny was fully erect, despite his catheter.
"It hurts!" He moaned.
"Don't be a pussy," Mr Big told him, checking the time. After what seemed like forever, he placed a large bedpan under the miserable boy and let him release. "No boy should smell so bad!" He observed, when Lenny was finally done, panting in relief. It was short-lived, though, as he prepared a rinse and put the nozzle back in.
Lenny howled again. The procedure was repeated a total of five times, until the discharge was clean.
"Don't worry, the mix contains a stimulant," Mr Big told him, "You won't sleep for days," he told the boy. He then secured Lenny's ankles together with a padded cuff, making it impossible for the boy to walk. He released the other restraints, then secured Lenny's hands behind his back.
Lenny groaned as he was picked up and carried to the shower and told to stand still.
"AIGH!" He yelled, as the cold water hit him.
"Be quiet, or I'll gag you," Mr Big warned him, as he scrubbed the boy down, "Shrinks up in cold water, doesn't it? Weren't you making fun of someone for that the other day?"
Lenny nodded miserably, shivering.
"Won't do it again, will you?"
"No – what?" Mr Big then smacked the boy's bare butt, hard.
Lenny yelped. "No, sir!"
"Better," he swatted him again. Lenny cried out again, which got him a good over-the-knee, bare-bum spanking. SWAT! Again and again, Mr Big smacked Lenny's buttocks, holding him securely, as he reddened Lenny's buttocks. SWAT! SWAT! SWAT!
"P-p-please stop!" Lenny begged, sobbing again, "Please, sir!"
Mr Big stopped. "Now, wasn't that easy? My, my!" He then observed, "You're nice and stiff! I think you like the rough stuff, Lenny? Don't you?"
"N-no, sir!" Lenny denied it, his prick all the way erect and oozing precum around the catheter.
"Liar!" Mr Big laughed, as he carried Lenny back to the table. He then removed the catheter, which was a somewhat disturbing experience for Lenny. "Well, now that you're all empty and loosened up," he went on, selecting a small vibrator and showing it to him, "You know where this goes?"
"Please, NO!" Lenny screamed again, which got him a promised gag. He struggled as he was strapped down again, spread-eagle.
"We're going to see how much you like it up the bum," Mr Big then told him, as he lubricated the toy and began working it in. Lenny went fully erect again as the vibrator touched his prostate. He groaned as a glob of cum leaked out of his prick. "I think you like it!" Mr Big concluded, as he continued to work the boy with the toy. He moved it a bit faster, and Lenny's erection bobbed in time with his rapid pulse.
After a few minutes, and a lot of leakage, Lenny squealed into his gag as he came, shooting an impressive load all over his own chest and face. Mr Big continued to work him until the boy's erection began to go down. He then removed the gag and wiped up the cum on his finger. He removed the gag with his other hand.
"Open your mouth, Lenny," he crooned.
Lenny refused.
Mr Big grabbed the boy by the balls and squeezed.
"AIGH!" Lenny yelped, as the man stuck his finger in the boy's mouth.
"Suck it!" He ordered Lenny, wiping up every bit and feeding it to Lenny, who was now sobbing again. When he was done, he got a washcloth and cleaned the boy up. He also inserted a small plug into Lenny's rectum, just large enough to antagonize him and keep him loose.
"Do you like girls, Lenny?" Mr Big then asked, fetching a TV on a cart.
"Y-yes, sir?" Lenny managed, clearly in shock. Mr Big then got him a cold drink and propped his head up.
"Ever done it with a girl?"
Lenny blushed.
"The truth? I'd hate to have to spank you again, boy?"
"N-no, sir," Lenny confessed.
"Enjoy a good wank, about every day?"
"Y-yes, sir," Lenny admitted.
"You have a very nice prick, for a boy your age. What are you, thirteen?"
"Yes, sir."
"Good! Well, you rest up," he fixed up a straw for the boy, and turned the TV on. It was a porno, with lesbians and then straight porn – anything one could pick up online. The usual heterosexual fare. "Now, you watch that for a bit, like I said, rest up. I'll be back!"
"Yes, sir," Lenny didn't argue.
What Lenny wasn't prepared for was the frustration. Being a horny teenage boy, he was ready to go again in less than an hour. However, restrained as he was, he was unable to touch himself. His prick throbbed and oozed, but there was nothing he could do about it. The small plug in his bum only added to his frustration.
While Lenny was watching TV, Mr Big got Eddie and Jeremy out the back door of the observation booth and led the connected boys off to the playroom. He stroked his own erect member as he released the boys, removed the catheters, and watched them suck each other for a bit. Of course, neither castrated boy got an erection, not fully, but it was still fun to watch.
When Mr Big was ready, Jeremy went first. The man entered him, slowly, gently, and took his time before he climaxed inside the boy. All the while, Eddie had just sat and watched, fiddling with his own limp prick. Mr Big then put Jeremy in a harness that held the boy's arms horizontally across his back, and then fucked Eddie. When he was done, he put Eddie in his usual straitjacket. Before taking them back to the observation room, he inserted small vibrators into each boy's rectum, lubricated with a slightly irritant cream and turned them on, strapping the control boxes to each boy's leg. He then wiped them up with a sanitary wipe, and put catheters back in each of them.
"I'm going to be busy, so no time for potty breaks," he informed them. "It takes a while to cut a penis off, you see!" He laughed.
Leaving the two anxious boys to watch from their hiding place, Mr Big went back to Lenny. The movie was over, but Lenny was still awake and still struggling.
"It's been hours, I'll bet your ready to go again?" He asked the boy.
"Yes, sir," Lenny replied dully. He grunted as his plug was removed, and he was allowed to pee in a urinal. His erection had gone down some, but it still took him a while.
"You ever had a blow job, Lenny?"
"No, sir."
"Want one?"
Lenny just stared at him.
"Too bad!" Mr Big shook his head, grinning, as he took Lenny's prick in his mouth. The boy got fully erect at once. "I think you like it," the man pointed out, as he gave Lenny his first (and last) blow job. Lenny groaned, unable to help himself. He never imagined he'd be blown by a man, much less kidnapped and raped and tortured. Still, he shot another load into Mr Big's mouth, panting when it was done.
"I hope you liked that?" The man asked, but Lenny was too shocked to answer. He struggled with his restraints again, sniffling. "Lenny, look at me."
Lenny did that.
"I said I hoped you liked it, Lenny, because it's the last one you'll ever get. You see, you'll never get to fuck a girl, Lenny. Or a boy. Of course, you can always be fucked, up the bum, if you like. And I think you'll learn to like it, Lenny. I'm going to do it to you later, whether you like it or not. I hope you learn to like it, because it's going to be the only way you'll be able to get off!"
"Wh-what do you mean?" Lenny gasped.
"Well, you seemed to like it when I used the vibrator on you?"
"NO, I didn't!" Lenny protested, "I hated it! You raped me with it! You're a pervert, and a freak!" Lenny pulled in vain at his restraints, then started crying again, "And you said you wouldn't kill me! What do you mean, I won't get another blow job? Or fuck anyone?" He paused. "Y-you're gonna keep me here?" Lenny gasped, his face going white.
Mr Big laughed. "Oh, hell no! Why would I want to keep a boy like you, Lenny?" He laughed harder. In the booth, Eddie and Jeremy were near hysterical. "No, I'm letting you go home tomorrow night, boy. But your prick is staying here!"
"I'm going to cut your penis off, Lenny," Mr Big said softly, stroking the boy's prick again, making it hard once more. "No fucking, no more wanking, and no more blow jobs! But I'll leave your nice, full balls, yes! All those hormones, and all those urges you won't be able to satisfy! You'll see pretty girls, and want so badly to fuck them! But you won't be able to, because you won't have a penis!"
Mr Big laughed harder.
So did Eddie and Jeremy.
Lenny screamed.
He screamed until his throat was raw and his voice failed.
"I won't even leave you a stub," Mr Big teased him, tickling the boy's prick, fondling his balls, "When I'm done, it'll look like you never even had one to begin with!" He paused for a moment. "A lifetime of sexual longing and frustration, Lenny! Maybe this will teach you to be kinder to others!"
Lenny couldn't scream anymore, and given the stimulants, couldn't even faint.
Mr Big then got down to it. He cleaned Lenny up again, and checked the restraints. He tightened them some more, and gave the boy a muscle relaxer. He shaved off the short pubic hair that Lenny had been so proud of. He then picked up a long, round rod.
"This is a urethral sound, Lenny. I'm going to push it up inside your penis, which will make it easier for me to slice off. I'll then be able to quickly pull it and get a catheter in you, so you'll still have a place to pee from when I'm done. Oh, silly me! You'll need this!" Mr Big then fetched a unit of blood and set up the IV. "Some antibiotics, too, and a mild tranquilizer. Now, don't make me tape your eyes open, boy! I want you to watch."
Lenny could only whimper as he was wiped down with brown liquid, sterilizing the area again. The sound was lubricated and pushed up inside him. As it went deeper into his penis, he felt like he needed to pee or cum, he didn't know which.
Then the man who'd kidnapped him picked up a scalpel.
Lenny managed a hoarse croak as his erect penis was then sliced off. The blade moved slowly around it, cutting it flush with his body, and then he watched in horror as the severed organ slid on down the sound rod and off the end. It was the worst pain he'd ever felt in his life, and he screamed.
He clenched his eyes closed, and got a hard slap to the balls for it.
He looked to see his erect penis lying there on his chest, bleeding out and shrinking. Blood was oozing from the wound where his penis had been, and the man was quickly putting a catheter in him again. Once set, he began to stitch the wound, stopping now and then to touch an electronic cauterising device here and there to bleeders. It seemed to take forever as he brought some scrotal skin up to help close the wound.
"I'm leaving the urethral opening where it was," Mr Big told him, "So whenever you piss, it'll run down all over your balls. It's going to be pretty messy, so you might consider rerouting it in the future."
In the booth, both Jeremy and Eddie were on the verge of a faint. With itching, irritated rectums and over-stimulated prostates, both of them shivered in orgasm as they watched Lenny's formerly impressive penis come off.
"Shite! He really cut it off!" Jeremy gasped.
Eddie could just stare, shuddering and making funny little noises as they watched their friend cleaning up Lenny. Both boys just stared at the severed organ.
When he was finally done, Mr Big washed Lenny up. He gave the boy an oxygen line and checked his IV. He then cleaned up the table as best he could, washed Lenny up some more, and checked the catheter and stitches one more time. He coated the area in antibiotic cream, bandaged it up, then propped Lenny's head up with a bigger pillow. He stroked the boy's hair for a bit, assuring him that it would be all right.
"Oh, almost forgot!" Mr Big then picked up the severed penis from the tray he'd put it in, cleaned it up, held it up to admire, then lamented at how it had shrunk. "I think I'll have this stuffed and mounted. What do you think, Lenny? Fuck you with your own prick next time?"
Lenny just stared in horror.
"It's too bad you can't sleep now," Mr Big told him, as he started the porno movie to playing again, "But this might help take your mind off of it? Then again, maybe not? You might feel some erection in the part of the penis that's inside you, as I'm not equipped to take it out by the root. Don't worry, it's a professional job, but you'll probably be taken to hospital for a check. It'll take several weeks to heal, and you'll have to wear the catheter the whole time. I'll be back to check on you for bleeding, but in the meantime, you just lay there and rest up. I'm off to have some fun with my friends!"
Lenny could only cry.
He was too hoarse and sore to scream or struggle. The slightest movement was awful pain, and his crotch felt like it was on fire. He could feel an erection, but he knew it wasn't there.
And since there was nothing he could do, Lenny just lay there and stared at the ceiling, trying to tune out the sounds of pleasure coming from the TV. Sounds of pleasure that he'd never experience again.
Eddie and Jeremy were fascinated as the bound boys viewed Lenny's severed organ. While both of them were keen to get down to playing again, and getting some relief, they waited patiently as Mr Big worked on the amputated appendage. Not only was he skilled at surgery, he was also skilled at preservation. He sealed the end of the penis, then began filling it with fluid to pump it back up.
"That's about right!" Eddie cut in, as Mr Big pulled the needle, sealed the end again, and dipped Lenny's penis in a glazing compound.
"It should still feel fairly real," Mr Big assured them, "Would you like to touch it, boys, when it's dry?"
Of course, they both did, that next day.
They then retired to the playroom, where the boys spent the rest of the evening giving and receiving pleasure.
"For two castrated boys, you're both certainly horny enough?" Mr Big reminded them, taking a break while the boys sucked one another 'off' again. Not that they would get off that way, just then, but they certainly tried. "I think I like watching you two more?"
"But we'll never be able to do it with each other, sir?" Jeremy pointed out, sounding sad.
"You can with a strap-on," Mr Big assured him, "And I've not decided if you should get hormones later in life or not? Your penises would still grow, and be fully functional, you know."
"I can't wait to see Lenny at school!" Eddie said deviously.
"I don't know that he'll be back soon," Mr Big told him, "What we've done to him might well send him 'round the bend! End up in a rubber room after flying over the cuckoo's nest!"
"Batshit crazy!" Jeremy laughed.
"Never heard that one," Mr Big sighed, as he fetched some dinner and turned the boys loose to eat. With their lusts satiated for the time, he bathed them both, gave them a bedtime enema, and let them stay up playing video games until they drifted off on the sofa in the rec room. The boys were so tired from all the excitement that they didn't even wake up as their friend decided to just leave them there. He put Goodnights on them, just in case, and then chained their collars together. Positioning them in a spooning position, he then locked their hands behind one another's backs, and secured their ankles together. He then kissed them goodnight and turned off the light, locking the door.
For Lenny, it was a long night. He was exhausted, but couldn't sleep. He was somewhat hungry, but a straw and cold water was all he got. He was kept on an IV drip, which was also providing the mild stimulants. Mr Big kept him clean, and checked his wound regularly. He insisted that the boy drink more. He also kept the pornos playing on the TV, putting in a gay-themed one "so that you'll know how it's done, in the future," Mr Big told him. Lenny cried some more. "I know a lot of boys who don't even think about using their pricks for sex!"
"Shut up," Lenny rasped, his voice all but gone.
"Now, is that any way to talk to your host?" Mr Big lamented, and not convincingly, "I'd suggest that you sweeten up, Len, old man," he added, "You never know when you'll need a friend. Or help. Just because you no longer have a penis, doesn't mean that you can't have an active and rewarding sex life. Like I said, I know a lot of boys who
"I bet you do," Lenny interrupted as best he could. Mr Big got him something for his throat. Around noon, even though the boys had no idea what time it was, Mr Big gave Lenny something else.
"This is liquid LSD," he told Lenny, "It's going to send you on a hallucinogenic trip, and when they find you, it'll still be in your system. In fact, you'll still be high. Don't worry, someone will know and come to take care of you." He placed it on the boy's tongue, and Lenny was helpless to do anything about it. "They'll just think you got high, mutilated yourself, and not believe a word you say – if you even remember this place."
He left Lenny to his own devices.
Jeremy and Eddie spent the rest of Sunday 'playing with their friend,' as they'd come to call it. By the end of the day, when Mr Big announced that it was time to go home, both boys sighed. They'd even given the strap-ons a go, and found that quite entertaining.
"It's almost like really fucking someone!" Jeremy observed.
As the boys were stripped out of their gear, washed up and given cleansing enemas to remove any DNA evidence, their minds were still spinning over Lenny's penectomy.
"Wonder when we'll see him again?" Jeremy asked.
"I wonder if we'll ever see him again?" Eddie replied, "Man, my bum feels like a lorry drove through it!"
"Mine too!" Jeremy agreed, as they dressed and waited for Mr Big to knock them out and take them home.
The boys awoke to find themselves under their usual bridge late Sunday evening. There was £100 in each of their pockets, and when they checked, the ether kits were right where they should have been.
They found Lenny, fully dressed, lying on the grass and staring at the sunset.
3;" he mumbled, his voice very hoarse, "All melting together, like a'orange drink!"
He was dressed in his football uniform, cleats and all, and the urine collection bag strapped to his thigh showed a bit below the leg of his shorts.
"The grass is talking to me!" He told the boys, who flagged down a passerby and asked him to call for help.
Lenny was taken to hospital, where it was determined that the boy had tried LSD, and perhaps severed his own organ. No one could explain where the professional repair job had been done on him, but the fact that Lenny had a bloody knife in his pocket with no one's fingerprints but his own was pretty damning. When he came 'back down', he claimed to have no memory of his ordeal, nor of the boys finding him in the park.
He also experienced a nervous collapse.
Jeremy and Eddie, of course, said that they'd just found him there, after going out for a stroll.
Lenny did not return to school that term. His schoolwork was sent to the facility to which he'd been admitted, but he jut didn't care. He almost didn't advance, and didn't come back to football that term, either. While away, he also refused visitors. Rumors flew at school, of course, but Jeremy and Eddie were there to set the record straight.
"We found him in the park, high as a kite!" Jeremy told everyone.
"He must have gone trippin', an' cut his own cock off!" Eddie would agree.
"Who'd have thought?" Matthew wondered, "Why would you do that?" Still, he was suspicious, but the boys had ironclad alibis.
"You think we did this to him?" Jeremy accused Matthew, one night after football practice.
"Well, you did hate him!" Matthew accused them back.
"We're not doctors," Jeremy pointed out, "Some pro helped him."
"I don't hate anybody," Eddie replied, "Yeah, he was a git! But he didn't deserve that!" The boy neatly lied, having watched Lenny's penectomy in person, and nearly going ''round the bend' himself with the eroticism of it all! "Poor bloke's probably sitting in there, all alone, horny as hell, with no prick to wank now! Wouldn't blame him for losing his mind!"
"No one deserves that," Jeremy agreed, hardly able to keep from laughing as he dried off.
Matthew acted as if he still didn't believe them, though. He tried to hide his erection, but failed, dressing in a rush. He left, muttering.
"I know
sure as hell don't miss him," little Jamie Moore put in.
"You don't like soap up the bum?" Jeremy laughed, "Kidding, mate! I know it must have hurt."
"He even made fun of you having an operation, Jer," Jamie shook his head, "I don't feel sorry for him at all. I hope they keep him in that nuthouse forever!" He paused. "I'm sorry for that wisecrack about implants, Eddie."
"s'OK. You didn't say if it hurt?" Eddie reminded him, and Jamie blushed brightly.
"I ain't nobody's bum boy!" Jamie declared.
"Then how come your shorts are tented out, talking about it?" Jeremy laughed, clapping him on the shoulder.
Jamie blushed even more deeply. He looked like he might cry as he jerked his shoes on. He pulled his left back off, finding a crumpled note in his shoe.
"Too bad," Jeremy shrugged, as he closed his locker, "'cause I am," he admitted.
Jamie looked from the note to Jeremy and Eddie. He raised his eyebrows. Jeremy and Eddie looked at the familiar paper and did the same. Then they laughed.
3; I've never been invited over for a weekend," Jamie admitted, holding out the note, "Are you guys asking me – really
And while the boys certainly hadn't written the note, they knew who had!
"Well, we're not much good for girls, if that's what you mean!" Eddie grinned.
Jamie gasped.
Then he smiled.
"I thought I were the only one," he admitted.
"Tell you what, mate," Jeremy put his arm around Jamie's shoulders, "Why don't you just hang out in here Friday, after the game, and see what happens?"
Jamie nodded, and the three of them left together.
"So how come you both had to have operations?" Jamie asked.
The End