PZA Boy Stories

Shakey Psyche



This is the story of a young boy finding his Master and growing up as a beloved slave. He experiences all the pains, joys, and trials that come with being a particular type of slave. His training extends past the domain of just slave training to include all the things that'll force him to grow into the man he is intended to be. There are life and death complications that arise to complete him.
Publ. Apr 2008-Jul 2010
Finished 180,000 words (360 pages)


Daniel 'Trae' (10-13yo) and his master Sloan

Category & Story codes

Consensual Man-Boy story/bdsm
Mb bb cons oral anal mast – bdsm spank chast


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Author's note

In the story, you'll find some things brought into it that exist in another story, called "Mastering Alex" by Istari. He's given me his blessing to use those scenes. Thank you, Istari. I have also had some assistance from others; Speedo Boy and Owen and Istari himself has helped. Thank you all; it's greatly appreciated. I hope the story's enjoyed.

Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author using this feedback form with Shakey Psyche - Rutilus in the subject line.

Table of Contents

  1. Beginnings
  2. Watching and Learning
  3. Friday
  4. Surreal
  5. Studying the Arts
  6. Master Nathan
  7. Missing the Marks
  8. Dogged Determination
  9. Cody and Nathan
  10. Swinging and Believing
  11. Finally Willing
  12. Christmas Tap Dance
  13. New Year; New Life
  14. Fears
  15. Menage á Trois
  16. People
  17. A Simple Valentine's Day
  18. Marching Through
  19. Revealing Retreat
  20. Outfoxed
  1. Worked Over
  2. Pinned And Tied
  3. Reality Check
  4. Cody's Farewell
  5. Eyes Wide Open
  6. Rutilus
  7. Moving On
  8. Beginning Again
  9. Holiday Cheer
  10. Season of Giving
  11. Singed Eyebrows
  12. Southbound
  13. A Little Help From My Friends
  14. Junior High
  15. Another Davis And Quartet
  16. Fresh Christmas
  17. Six Months
  18. Meeting Andrew
  19. Kumite
  20. Finale

Chapter One

The year was 1977 and I had turned ten years old that spring. I was a little tall for my age, but as skinny as a rail. My grandmother always joked that if I turned sideways I would disappear. But I liked my physique, really. I sported blond hair, which I wished my parents would've let me grow out longer, but with my father being in the military, it wasn't going to happen. I inherited my mother's blue eyes, and I am thankful for that, at the very least. Most people that met me thought it was my best feature; that and my perky ass.

Now, there are a few other things that need to be made clear before going onward. My parents were, and still are, strict and religious. Spankings were part of the norm when it came to discipline. Church was another large part of our lives as I grew up. And anything having to do with anything homosexual was more than taboo. Even the topic of sex in general was a forbidden topic. My mother explained the basics, but that was it.

Next, my name was a constant source of irritation. I was named after my father, and he after his father, so I was a 'third'. Daniel Oliver Bowman III, at your service; nicknamed Trae. My parents thought they were being clever. I thought they were being sadistic. As the name rhymed with 'gay', it was definitely a problem.

In those days, being gay was a real problem. Most men would've died before being called out. Now, it's a lifestyle, but at the time it wasn't accepted so easily. Entire families were split apart by someone 'coming out'.

As military life often does, it has us move around a lot and that summer had us moving to a new post in San Antonio, Texas. My dad was apparently going to be an instructor of some sort there. Normal things happened as we moved into the neighborhood and we got settled.

School started on schedule, unfortunately. My first month in the new school was the usual bullshit of getting hassled because I was the new kid. I never hated the studies; just the assholes in my classes. My younger brother (by two and a half years) never had those problems; the brat could walk into a room and come away with at least a dozen friends. I, on the other hand, was lucky to get one friend from the same room. Couple that with my nickname, one can imagine what my school life was like.

I did manage to sort of make a friend. His name was Harry Mason. He and I were of the same build, but he was slightly shorter. His hair was darker and he had hazel eyes. A few freckles were on his high cheekbones. He wasn't too bad on the eyes, but his one problem was that he wore glasses, and it bothered him a lot. Other kids took advantage of that at every opportunity. I didn't see what the big deal was, but it bothered him. I think the only reason we became friends in the first place, was that neither of us had any others. I guess I should've known that we'd have problems from the start. Anyway, about a month into the school year, on a Friday afternoon, I was riding my bike around the neighborhood. I stopped to take a breather, and spotted a two story house. For our area, that was slightly unusual. As I looked at the house, a car pulled up to it. A man got out and walked up to the door. He was standing very oddly, like he was a servant of some sorts. After knocking on the door, he stood and waited. Another man answered the door and placed what looked like a collar around this one's neck. The visitor bowed and walked in as the man turned to let him.

I was stunned. The man that answered the door saw me and smiled. It wasn't a malicious smile; more of a friendly one. I was still too stunned to move, so I didn't smile back or do anything else to acknowledge him. He didn't seem to mind at all as the door closed. Finally, kicking myself into gear, I left the area.

That night, I kept thinking about what I saw there in front of the house. It didn't like turn me on; it more like piqued my curiosity. My dad noticed that I was kind of quiet that night, and asked me about it at bedtime. I told him that I had something on my mind, but it wasn't all that important. He nodded and tucked me in for the night.

The next day, I headed back to the two story house to find the owner in the yard trimming the hedges. I stopped my bike at the entrance to the driveway, but didn't venture onto the property yet. My mom always said that it was rude to invite yourself onto another's land. He turned and smiled when he saw me there.

"Hello," he said with that same smile. He was of a firm build; stocky. He didn't look menacing, so I answered him with the same greeting. He saw me just standing there, and then beckoned me onto his lawn.

"I'm not supposed to talk to strangers," I said, choosing that route than what my mother taught me.

"Who's a stranger? The name's Sloan Carpenter."

I looked around and, not really seeing any danger, I put the kickstand down on my bike and walked up his driveway. He stuck his hand out and I tentatively took it.

"Trae," I said as we shook our hands. We dropped our grip quickly.

"Trae?" he asked, questioning my name. I nodded. "Did your parents not like you very much?" He was smiling, as if he was good-naturedly joking.

"I'm the third; Trae means three," I said, sort of shrugging my shoulders and not really looking at him full in the face.

"Well, that's clever," he said, still smiling.

"You try living with it," I answered, frowning a little. He laughed at my sarcasm.

"Fair enough. What's your real name?"


"Okay, 'Daniel' it is." That was all he said and sort of went back to inspecting his handiwork with the hedges. They looked pretty good, actually. After a few minutes of gazing at them, I decided it was time for the real reason I was there.

"Why was that man here, yesterday?"

"He was here for some fun," was his answer.

"What kinda fun?"

"Well, the adult kind," he said after thinking about it for half a minute. I wasn't going to let him off the hook that easily.

"Adult fun? Like sex?"

"Something like that, Daniel," he said with a sly smile, now, "and don't ask me what that was about. When you get to be an adult, you'll get to have some of that kind of fun. Until then, don't worry about it."

"What was the collar for?" I was insisting, now.

"Let's just say that he likes to be tied up in certain way."

"Well, I like to be tied up also," I said, but wasn't instigating anything; just merely stating a fact at the time.

"Why?" he asked, simply.

"I dunno; it just feels good," I said, shrugging my shoulders.

"I tell you what, you figure out why you like it, and I'll tell you everything about what he and I did. Deal?"

I thought about it for a minute or so, and thought it was a fair arrangement. I nodded at him. We shook on it and he said he had some things to do inside, so he turned and left. I did the same. I went straight home. After parking my bike in the back yard, I found my brother in his room, which was rare.

"Brad," I said, entering his room. He turned to face me away from his action figures. "Tie me up."

"Huh?" he asked, intelligently.

"I want you to tie me up," I insisted.

"Why?" he asked, with a stupid look on his face.

"Because I want you to; I wanna feel it," I said. I was really pushing him to do it before our mom walked in.

"Okay," he said, not really understanding, but how many times does a young kid get to tie up his older brother?

He got some rope from his closet while I took my shirt, shoes and socks off.

"What're you doing that for?" he asked when he turned back around.

"I wanna feel the ropes on my skin," I said, still trying to keep it quiet.

"You're weird, Trae," he said, but did it anyway.

I crossed my hands behind my back at the wrists and he wound the rope around them a few times. I told him to do it real tight, like he didn't want me to get out of it. He answered back that he would. The rope was wound around and through several times to get the desired tautness needed.

My little dick was getting hard in anticipation of it all. I was still too young, at the time, to know what the hell to do about it, but it felt good. I held on as he went and got a belt he used for his church clothes. He wrapped the belt around my arms just above the elbows and chest, and then cinched it tight.

"Real tight," I repeated.

"I know," he shot back, a little frustrated with me, as he got a second belt to go around my wrists and waist.

"Now my feet, Brad," I told him.

"This is getting real creepy, Trae," he said, shaking his head in disbelief.

"Just do it," I retorted.

"I am," he argued back.

I crossed my ankles, but he suggested I knelt down or I might fall. It was a sensible precaution, so I did. I crossed my ankles again and he tied them tight with a tie from his church outfit. Before I could say anything else, he pushed me forward to the floor. I hit the floor with my hard on sticking straight out. Man, did that hurt like hell. I had to burry my face into the floor to keep from screaming out loud. I grunted as best as I could, though.

"What's wrong, Trae?" he asked in genuine concern.

"Nothing, Brad, just finish doing it."

I didn't want him to know I just drove my cock into the floor. It still hurt after a few minutes, but there was nothing I could do about it. He pulled my feet up and tied the excess to my wrists. I was now effectively hog-tied. I wiggled around a little to try and get out of it. He didn't do too bad a job.

I moved a certain way and then the door opened. Our mom walked in the room. Brad stood up and moved away from me to show he had "nothing to do with this". She, of course, saw me laying only a few steps away from her, looking like a prized turkey dinner for Thanksgiving.

"What's going on here?" she asked, somewhere between upset and amused.

"He wanted me to, Mom," Brad instantly confessed before I even opened my mouth.

"I just wanted to know what it felt like, Mom," I said, embarrassed at the whole scene.

"And now?" she asked.

"I know what it feels like," I said, truthfully, as if she needed to be told that.

It took her a few minutes to come up with the next thing to say. To be honest, it was a very long few minutes. I thought I was in some serious trouble. Mercifully, she couldn't see my cock, as I was lying on it. Thanks to her coming in the room, though, it had deflated back to its original stubby.

"Well, Brad, just leave your brother to his fun, then. At least now I know where you'll be when I call you for supper."

With that, she turned and left the room. My brother followed right behind her.

"Wait! I wanna be let out, now!"

"Too bad, Trae," she said from down the hall.

I was now seriously frustrated. I moved around a little to try and get comfortable. It wasn't easy, but I managed to actually do it. Now, I had to find a way to get out of this before Brad got the idea to bring some of his friends over then I would have an even worse time at school.

I pushed my torso a little along the carpeted floor, using my legs, and the belt around my wrists moved downward a little. I pushed my fists hard into my buttocks to try and get a little more slack for the next try and it worked. I moved again and so did the belt down my frame. Three more tries and my wrists were free.

My wrists were tied pretty tight, but thankfully, Brad didn't know too much about knots. I wormed a few fingers around to loosen it. It was also slow going, but I managed to get it loose. A little more pressure and the knot slipped out. I worked a little longer, and it totally came undone. The ropes were then pulled and stretched to allow my hands to slip through them. My feet were let down when my wrists were freed.

The tough one was the belt across my chest. It was pretty tight and no matter how I tried, I couldn't get my hands around to reach the buckle. I had to move my arms in closer behind my back to get enough slack to allow it to slide down my body. A few minutes later, and I had it accomplished. I rolled over and quickly untied my ankles.

Everything was then replaced in his room. I was always a neat child, even though he wasn't. After grabbing my clothes, I quickly left for my own room. I just got inside when I heard the front door open and some young kids flood into the house. I smiled as I got dressed as fast as I could. I was lying on my bed, reading a comic when the door to my room opened.

"How'd you get out?" Brad asked with three of his friends right behind him.

"What're you talking about, Brad?"

"I told you he was lying," a young Trent said behind my brother to one of the others.

Brad got real red-faced and shot me a look. The others turned to go back to his room and he quickly walked to my bed.

"You know what I'm talking about, Trae," he hissed at me.

"Yeah, but you shouldn't have gone and gotten your friends," I snapped back with.

"Don't ever ask me to do that again," he seethed and turned from my room. I knew he was just embarrassed at having it look like he was lying to his friends, but it served him right to try and do that to me. It was bad enough that our mom knew about it; I didn't want the whole flipping world to know also.

That evening at dinner, Brad kept giving me angry looks across the dinner table. It happened one too many times and my dad caught on. He asked what was going on between us and we just looked at each other. But I could always count on my mom to fill in the gaps when it came to something like this.

"And are you going to do something like this again, Trae?" he asked after hearing all the wonderful details from Mom.

"No," I said, thinking that I certainly wasn't going to get Brad to do it again.

As I lay in bed that night, I thought about how it felt to be tied up and semi-helpless. My dick got hard, but the organ was still a mystery to me and I did nothing about it. It did take some time for me to eventually fall asleep that night.

Church the next day was agonizingly slow. I actually thought the minute hand was going backward at one time. The preacher droned on and on for what seemed like a long eternity. If heaven was anything like listening to him preach, I'll take the other place instead. After an equally agonizing lunch with my family, we finally made it home.

Inside of two minutes, I was stripped of my church clothes and dressed in my jeans and shirt. I high-tailed it back to Sloan's house as fast as my young legs could peddle me there. Minding his car in the driveway, I parked my bike on his sidewalk going up to the front door. I rang the doorbell and waited. And waited. And waited. I reached up to ring the buzzer again, but I then heard footsteps coming towards it.

"Hello, Daniel," he said, sticking his face out.

"Hello," I answered back. "I know why it feels good."

He smiled and opened the door to let me inside. It was really nice inside. Five bedrooms, three baths, a drawing room (he was an architect), kitchen, dinning room, and a basement filled the two stories of his house. A two car garage was attached to the side of it.

Sloan escorted me to the kitchen and after retrieving me a soda, encouraged me to sit down at the table. After a sip of his, he asked me to explain.

"Because I give up my freedom to do what I want," I said, finally.

"Not bad," he said, smirking a bit. "Anything else?"

I searched for the words before I told him that it made my 'thing' hard.

"You can call it a 'cock' while you're here, Daniel," he said, laughing.

"Why does it do that?"

"Well, because you get excited at the thought or feeling of something sensual," he said, trying to keep the vocabulary simple for me.

"Sensual," I said, not really to him, but he took it that way.

"It means having something to do with one of your senses; in this case your sense of touch. Did you do something about it when it got hard?"

"What d'you mean?"

"Well, did you stroke it to make it feel good?" he asked, cautiously.

"No. Should I have done that?"

"It's up to you, Daniel, but you can. If you stroke it with your hand, it'll feel pretty good eventually. But as you do, it'll build to something that you don't know about. Don't stop if it scares you; just keep stroking it until you have some really intense feelings."

"Like what?" I had no idea what he was talking about, obviously.

"Like something more powerful than you've ever felt before in your life. Try it tonight. Begin with thinking about how it felt being tied up and keep that on your mind as you stroke your cock. It'll feel wonderful; trust me."

I nodded, telling him that I would try it.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked.

"Go ahead. It doesn't mean I have to answer."

I conceded that point to him.

"Um, are you gay?" I asked, cautiously. He laughed slightly before thoughtfully answering.

"Well, I like to say that I like to keep my options open, Daniel. I don't like labels; they limit a person. I prefer to think of myself as still looking for that one person to spend the rest of my life with. If that's with another man, then so be it."

I nodded again that I understood. We talked some more about mundane things and then he led me on a tour of his house. One of the rooms we visited was a room right underneath his master bedroom. It was hard wood floored and bare, except for some light weapons on the walls.

"This is called a 'dojo'," he said, with obvious pride. "It's where I practice my martial arts."

"You know karate?" I asked, impressed further with him.

"Actually, it's more than karate. My sensei taught me a fighting skill that encompassed a wide range of disciplines, karate included."

"Will you teach me? Please?" I was pleading as best as I could for this.

"We can discuss this later, Daniel. Right now, though, I want you to go ahead and go home. Think about what we've talked about, and then come see me. Can you make it back over here on Tuesday after school?" I nodded. "Good. I'll live up to my end of the bargain then and tell you about what happened on Friday evening."

I agreed and left his house. I sort of played around that day by myself, as usual. I was kind of quiet again at dinner, but Dad didn't make a stink about it at bedtime. I just got my usual tuck into bed. Once the door was closed though, things changed.

I rolled over onto my back and began thinking about Saturday's adventure into being tied up. My cock answered as it the day before. I reached down and slid my pajama pants down my legs. My underpants were next. My cock sprang back up and smacked my pubis as the cloth freed it. With my sleeping garments down around my knees, my hand went right to my stiffy.

I remembered what Sloan said about keeping the tie up event in my mind. I began stroking my stick with just my finger and thumb. I liked it and added another finger. I let out a real quiet moan as my hand began doing its thing on my 'thing'. It did feel good. I couldn't believe that no one ever told me about this.

A few strokes later, I decided to envelope all three inches [7½ cm] of my rod with the stroking hand. The feelings increased and I did get a little scared. I slowed my pace, but recalled what Sloan mentioned about it all. I put it behind me and sped back up. My body's natural tendencies took over then. My hips bucked on their own accord as I worked myself to a fever pitch speed. It just felt too good to stop.

"Oh God!" I said, trying to keep it down, but also unable to stop it.

"Something wrong, Daniel?" I heard my mother ask from the other room.

"No, Mom, I'm fine," I said after a minute or so. Talk about blowing a mood. I frowned at both the interruption and my own carelessness. Undaunted, though, I resumed my previous activity, hopefully with out the vocals.

I rolled to my side facing away from the door and began again. It didn't take too long to get back to the point prior to the disturbance. My hips began bucking in time with my strokes as they knew more about what my body wanted than I did.

A few seconds later, I had to pull the pillow over my mouth as I had to grunt/groan through an intense feeling unlike anything else. It didn't feel like what Sloan was describing, but it felt great. I let it overtake me, but didn't stop my assault on my new play toy.

Not to be distracted by anything else, I was determined to feel what Sloan intended me to experience. I continued onward as best as I knew how. The feeling that I just had had subsided, but I just got the inclination that there was something more. There had to be something I was missing.

Just as my memory recessed back to the day before and my arms trying to get out of the hog-tie, my dick responded by getting even harder. It didn't get bigger, only time and puberty would do that, but it definitely got stiffer. Without any warning whatsoever from my young body, my first ever climax slammed into me. That time, I really had to cover my mouth with the pillow.

I grunted and moaned and thrashed as best as I could while trying to be super quiet. It was the most mind-blowing and confusing feeling I have had up to that point. I knew my parents probably wouldn't approve of what I was enjoying, so I knew that I had to be quiet, but this really rocked my world.

And my new life began 3;

Chapter Two
Watching and Learning

The next day was the first day I have ever woken up with a smile on my face. And it wouldn't go away for hours. People at school kept asking me if I was okay. They probably thought I was getting into the catnip, or something. Well, a happy kitty is a nice kitty.

After a long, but pleasant day, I made it home. I told my mom I would be in my room doing homework. It wasn't a complete lie, as it was homework; just of a pleasurable kind. I closed my door and threw off my clothes. Thinking back on what happened the night before, I began playing with my new toy. It was hard in seconds. As I now had some experience, I knew what to expect and how to achieve it.

My dick responded well to my ministrations as my hand glided along the short length of it. I began bucking my hips, trying to force the orgasm to hit me as soon as possible. It seemed to take longer than the previous night's endeavor. The problem was, I kept thinking my mom was going to come into the room, so my attention was divided between concern and desire. After a while, I gave up and got dressed. I actually did get a little actual homework done, though.

The next day was tougher as I kept wondering what Sloan was going to tell me. I made it home in record time, threw my books into my room, and shot over to Sloan's house. He had asked me to park my bike beside the house, as opposed to the front. When I got there, there was a car in the drive that I didn't recognize. I was visibly disappointed that someone else was here and I wasn't going to be able to talk to him like I wanted. After parking the bike where he asked me to, I went to the door and knocked anyway.

I was about to tell him hello, when he held up a hand to stop me. He put a finger to his lips, telling me to be quiet and I nodded slightly. He eased himself out the door and knelt down to look me in the eye.

"I didn't want you to say anything because I have someone inside. I thought I would show you instead of tell you. You up for it?"

I nodded, trying to keep quiet. He turned and led me back inside his home. I heard someone in the back living room, and it sounded like a whimper. He continued to lead the way and as he moved aside when we got there, I got the shock of my short life. I involuntarily gasped at the sight. Sloan quickly put his finger to his lips, telling me not to say a word. I nodded, but continued to stare at the sight in front of me.

There was an older man in the room. He was a little overweight, but not too bad off. It wasn't his appearance that shocked me. What shocked me was that he was tied spread-eagled to the wall and blindfolded. A ball gag was in his mouth and he was drooling all over himself and the wall. Ropes tied to eyebolts held his wrists and ankles to the wall. His whole butt was red and some kind of clear liquid ran down the wall between his legs.

Even though I was shocked, my cock woke up a little at the sight. Sloan motioned for me to sit down in the stool next to the bar that separated his small dinning room and the kitchen. I nodded and walked over to sit down. He went back to work on the older man.

"Looks like my boy enjoys his spanking," he said, more to himself than the man, but the other man shook his head anyway. Almost for a second, I thought he was talking to me when he said 'boy'.

"Don't lie to me, boy!" He made like he was pissed and swung his hand against the tied one's left buttock. The man bellowed into the ball gag. His left leg vibrated a little also, and he ground his hips into the wall.

"And just 'look' at this mess you've made of my wall! Boy needs to be taught a lesson about self-control." He turned and picked up an instrument that I didn't know about at the time. I would later become intimately involved with that thing; it was a fairly long, thin riding crop. With the strength of years of working out, he brought the crop down across the man's backside as hard as he liked.

The man screamed into the gag, but worked his groin into the wall again. He strained against the bonds that held him to the wall, but they held on tightly. Again Sloan cracked it against his butt, leaving another dark red line. Several times in a row, the crop did its damage to the man, but Sloan never let up. I think it was about after ten times that the man's body shook and some kind of pale yellow liquid began slipping down the wall. Sloan dropped the crop back to the table he got it from.

He walked up behind the man and unlocked the ball gag from behind his head. Sloan then untied the man's ankles from the wall's eyebolts. The man's arm flopped down when it was untied. As he reached for the other wrist's rope, he grabbed the back of the man's head by his hair.

"Before you do anything else, boy, clean up the mess you made, and do it right!" Sloan hissed in his ear. The man nodded slightly and his arm was freed. The blindfold was removed, but Sloan made sure the man didn't turn around to see me yet. He guided the man's head downward to the liquid that had been splattered on his wall.

As Sloan guided the man's head down, he turned and motioned me with the other hand to get behind the bar and stay out of sight. I nodded and quietly slipped off the barstool. I slid behind the counter, but barely moved my head around the side so just my left eye could continue watching what was happening. I was turned on something fierce by watching this whole thing.

I got a good view of the man using his tongue to clean up what was on the wall. When he was sufficiently finished for Sloan's liking, he jerked the man back up by his hair to look him full in the face.

"Now, get your clothes on and get out of here, boy; you're done here."

"Yes sir," he said and went about doing what Sloan told him to do.

I stayed where I was until the front door opened and closed. Stunned, I eased out from behind the counter. I wondered if the man ever knew I was even there to witness his masochistic act. Sloan turned to me as both of us heard the car back out of the driveway.

"So, what do you think?" he asked, turning back to the wall.

"Wow," was all I could come up with.

"I know what you mean," he said, laughing jovially.

"Did he really want that done to him?"

"Yes. He's what you would call a 'masochist'. He likes to be hurt." He grabbed a rag and began cleaning the spot on the wall the man had left behind. I knelt down and helped him.


"After what you told me about being tied up, I would've guessed you would know the answer to that. Think about it for a second." I did, and then answered.

"It gets his thing, I mean 'cock', hard."

"And more. You saw what happened; he came all over my wall."


"Orgasmed. It's the name for what you felt when you stroked your cock Sunday night. It has a lot of names, but orgasm, cum, and climax are the top ones. Now, before we go on with anything, I want you to promise me something."

"Okay," I said, a little leery.

"I want you to promise that whatever you saw and whatever we talk about is not to be discussed outside this house. It could cause trouble."

"I won't; I promise," I told him.

"Good. Now, tell me what you felt when you saw this going on here." We finished cleaning the spot on the wall and we took the bowl with soapy water back to the kitchen.

"I felt like I did on Saturday when I was tied up," I said.

"So, you were turned on?"

"Turned on?"

"Excited in a sexual way," he explained as he dumped the water out and began wringing the cloths out.

"Oh. Yeah, I guess that's it."

"Were you imagining that you were the one on the wall?" He stopped with the rags for a second to turn and look at me as he asked.

How did he guess that? My eyes widened in shock at it.

"It's okay, Daniel, I know," he said, with a look that showed a knowing intelligence. I bowed my head in shame at being so transparent to him. He put down the rag and with the crook of his finger, lifted my head up by my chin. I looked into his light blue eyes.

"Don't be ashamed of who or what you are, Daniel. The first time I saw you, I figured you would like it also."

I nodded that I understood him clearly.

"Are we weird for wanting that?" thinking of what Brad said. He casually laughed at the notion.

"No, you're not weird. You just have a desire for submission, that's all."


"You basically want someone else to be in charge of you. That's why you liked being tied up."

"Like him?" I asked, motioning to the man that had left.

"Sort of, but he's more of a masochist than submissive. Some like both, some go extremely far with it, some just play with it. It's all up to the individual person."

"And you?"

"I am what you would call a 'dominant-sadist'. I like to be in control of the whole experience. When two people like this get together; one being either a sadist or dominant and the other being the masochist or submissive, it completes the picture perfectly. Both people can have fun with it, but within limits, of course."

"And you think I'm a submissive person?"

"It takes a courageous person to submit themselves to another. It involves completely trusting the other person with their life. I believe you have it in you to be that type of person, yes. But, it's ultimately your choice, Daniel."

I thought about what he said for a few minutes while he went back to washing semen out of the rags. A lot of things went through my head as I leaned against the counter. When I came to my conclusion, it surprised me a lot more than him.

"Can you teach me this?" I asked, shyly.

"No one can teach you to be a submissive, Daniel. Either it's in you or it isn't."

"What I meant was, could you show me things like this?"

"How far do you want to take this?" he asked with a scrutinizing gaze.

"I dunno. Would I have to do what that man did?" I asked.

"That and more, Daniel. Before you ask another question, let me explain something about this lifestyle we're talking about. You might not understand what I'm going to tell you, but I'm going to hope that you get some of it. Earlier I said that some people play around with it. Remember?"

I nodded.

"Those people that just play around with it don't experience the fullness of what it has to offer. There are others that just barely get into it, but back off when it gets too much for them to handle.

"Then there are those who fully commit themselves to it. They experience all that this is about. All the feelings, emotions, and sexuality of being a submissive is theirs for them to experience. It fully envelopes them and they live it day to day. It's not a matter of thinking about it; it comes naturally. That is the ultimate way of living for them; truly knowing and being themselves. They call themselves 'slaves'."

"And I can do this? Be a 3; a 3; a slave?" I wasn't too sure I liked the sound of that word, but was still intrigued by the idea.

"Again, that's your decision. I can train you to that point, yes, but it has to be up to you."

"Will you?" I was breathless as I asked it.

"Let's try this," he said after a moment's pause, "let's give you a taste of some of it and see if you want to continue. If you don't, then no harm done and you go on your merry way. If you do, then I will teach you all that you need to know."

I thought about it and it seemed a fair proposal to me. I wasn't sure what he had in mind, but I thought I could trust him on this one small dose. So, I nodded yet again. He smiled and walked into the family room with me in tow. He turned around to face me when he got to the middle of the room and I stopped a few feet from him.

"Now, as you don't know anything about it but raw feelings, you're going to have to trust me that I know what I'm doing. I'm going to show you a few positions and then give you an order. Do not ask any questions; just do it."

I nodded my head that I understood. I was nervous about this, but also excited. The man could snap me in half like a twig if he wanted. And I was giving myself over to him for this brief test.

"The correct response is, 'yes sir'," he said with an icy stare that sent a shiver through me.

"Yes sir," I said back in answer.

"The first position you need to know is, the 'standing position'. Stand with your feet about shoulder-width out."

I looked down and spread my feet out a little more to make them about as wide as my shoulders. He then told me to put my hands behind my neck and interlace my fingers. I did, thinking this was a stupid place to put my hands.

"Elbows back," he said, once my hands were on the back of my neck. I pulled them back a little. "More, Daniel." I did it again, but it still wasn't enough. "Make them even with your body." I pulled them back to the indicated position. This pulled my chest and belly outward.

"Stand up straight, Daniel," he said and I stood taller, pulling in my belly. "Don't lock your knees backward; just bend them slightly." Again, I complied. "Good. Now, head up higher; be proud of yourself." I lifted my chin, forcing my arms backward a little more.

As unnatural as this position was, I felt a strange sense of starting something important. It was like being on a new road and taking the first step. I did actually feel a little emboldened by doing this simple thing. It wasn't just that I wanted to make him proud of me, it was more that I wanted to be proud of myself for once.

"Keep your head and eyes forward," he said when I followed him as he moved to my right. I jerked them back and picked a spot on the far wall to look at. Sloan moved a little more to my right, putting him beyond my line of sight. He moved back to stand in front of me again.

"Remember where everything on your body is right now, because whenever I tell you to stand, this is the position you are to get into. Understand?"

"Yes sir," I said, remembering what he said earlier.

"The next one is a resting position. Let your hands drop down, but put them behind your back." I did as he told me, but couldn't find a good place for them. "Place one hand over the other and put them in the small of your back." I nodded and then moved them upwards a little. He told me to go a little higher.

The thing that impressed me so far, was that he didn't 'bark' out the instructions. All he did was state simply and calmly. I just got the feeling that he could, though, especially after the scene with the older man earlier still on my mind.

He walked around me again, making me fidget a little under his scrutiny. I kept wondering what he was looking at. I wasn't new to him after all. He walked all the way around me this time and then stood square in front of me in my line of sight. The man that I had trusted up to now then barked out an order I'll never forget.


My eyes hit the size of saucers. I looked up to him in disbelief! I was about to say something; a question, but he held up his hand to stop me.

"Either strip your clothes off or leave for good," he said simply.

It all came back to it being my choice. I took a second to decide. That door looked tempting, but I was still absorbed by everything he had said to me earlier. I wanted to know more about it. I took a deep breath and knelt down to untie my shoes.

My hands were shaking so much, that I fumbled with my shoelaces for a second before getting them back under my control. I slipped one and then the other off my feet. The socks came next and were summarily stuffed into my shoes.

"Fold them neatly, Daniel," he directed calmly.

I pulled them from the shoes and 'fluffed' them out before folding them in half. They were put on the coffee table to my right. Then I pulled my shirt over my head and neatly folded it up also. I noticed my nipples were hard as diamonds, sticking out on my chest. I took another deep breath and reached for my jeans. I closed my eyes as I reached for the snap holding them to my waist.

"Open your eyes, Daniel," he said, catching it. I guess he wanted me 'tuned-in' to what I was doing.

My hands began shaking again as I pulled the freed ends apart, making my zipper glide downwards. I pealed them down my slender legs, making sure they weren't turned inside-out. I stepped out of them and picked them up in the same motion. I flipped the legs out to get them straightened and then folded them up as well. As I placed them on the shirt, he coughed.

"What are those?" he asked, looking at my underpants. I flushed as red as a cherry.

"Underoos, sir," I mumbled to him. He just had to snicker at that. God, it was just about as embarrassing as when I got kissed by my mom in front of my fourth grade class the previous year.

"Well," he said, recovering as best as he could under the circumstances, "I never want to see those on you again, Daniel. Understand?"

"Yes sir," I said, with full intentions of burning this pair the instant I returned home, but there was now a problem. "But, what am I supposed to wear under my pants?"


A third violent shock of the day. I had never worn anything without some kind of underpants before. Just thinking about it made me nervous, although my cock had a different idea. I finally returned to standing before him in my superhero underpants, making yet another decision.

This time, Sloan didn't say anything. He had made his point clear earlier that all of this was my decision. I had the power to stay or leave. If I stayed, though, I would have to follow his orders. Another deep breath later, and I hooked my thumbs in the waistband of the undershorts.

I bent a little at the waist and began lowering them downward to my ankles. My hands shook, my face was flushed, and to beat all, my cock was at full tilt. I stepped out of them and after folding them, I placed them on my folded jeans.

"Stand!" he barked as I turned back towards him and was about to place my hands over my little stiffy and hairless balls. It took about half a second to register what he wanted; after all, I was already standing. The realization hit me and I then knew what he wanted. More embarrassment to follow, apparently.

For the first time in my life, I was standing naked before a person that was not either one of my parents. I raised my hands up to put them behind my head, showing him every bit of me in all my preteen glory. My cock didn't even consider getting soft. Talk about having a mind of its own.

"Head up, Daniel," he said, going back to a softer voice. I raised my head up, and tried not to think about what he was seeing. I also concentrated on remembering everything about where to put every part of my body in this position. Hands on neck, elbows back, feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, stomach in; all of it ran through my mind quickly and I made adjustments accordingly.

"Hold as still as possible, boy," calling me that for the first time. I obeyed as best as I could.

With a maddeningly vast amount of patience, he began circling me. This time, though, he was significantly closer to me. He reached out a hand and it was like electricity when he touched my left bottom rib. I flinched at it. He kept still until I returned to my original starting position. Then he moved his hand with him as he continued circling me.

He moved it upward as he tracked around behind. A finger found its way over my underarm skin. I giggled and flinched at the ticklish light touch. Again, he waited for me to compose myself. His hand traced across my upper back and to the opposite shoulder blade. I forced myself to hold still as the same finger hit the ticklish spot of that side as well. I had to close my eyes, but I managed it better.

"Much better," he said.

"Thank you," I answered, but forgot the 'sir'.

"Excuse me?" I caught my mistake.

"Oh shit. Sorry, sir. Thank you, sir." I retried.

"That's the last curse word you'll utter in my presence, Daniel. Profanity is the language of the ignorant, and I will not have an ignorant person serving me." Emphasis on 'not'.

"Sorry sir," I said.

"No apologies, Daniel, just don't do it again," he came back with.

"Yes sir."

His right hand then reached out and ran down my chest and then over my flattened stomach. I thought I knew were he was going next, but I was wrong. He didn't come any closer to my privates on this trip. He did run it over my left leg, then moved it to my right briefly. Moving back behind me, he ran that same hand up and then went behind me with him, completely ignoring my throbbing member. I got frustrated at that move, but didn't show it. He did trace something else, though.

His powerful, but smooth hand moved along the skin of my quivering right buttcheek. It was the most wonderful and terrifying feeling in the world. I was allowing a man I met only a scant few days ago touch me in places I never should have. It made me quiver even more. I was nothing but a mess of jumbled nerves by this time.

"Take a deep breath and relax, Daniel," he whispered, not two inches [5 cm] from my ear. I took that deep breath, as I definitely felt I needed it and I became a little more relaxed. I felt him move the same hand over both of the globes of my ass. His whole hand almost encompassed my small backside. Not knowing what was next was driving me out of my mind.

I found out a second later. His finger wedged itself into the crack that parted the two globes. I flexed it tighter.

"Relax, Daniel, I'm not going to do anything," he soothingly whispered in my ear. I forced myself to relax my gluttial muscles, although I didn't really want to.

His finger ran the length of my crack and departed. I heard him breath in deeply behind me.

"Smells like 'boy'," he said, "but it also smells like you need to clean yourself better, Daniel. If I were to check, I'm sure I'd find a skidmark on those 'Underoos' of yours, right?"

My face flushed red again. I bowed my head in utter shame.

"Yes sir," I said, not really wanting to admit it to myself.

"Head up." I raised it back up and he continued. "Make sure you're clean from now on, Daniel."

"Yes sir," I said, with a little more conviction. I was glad that he didn't embarrass me further. All of this had been bad enough, as it is.

Without warning, he pulled his hand back and let it fly, slapping me hard on the ass. I yelped at the surprise of it. It stung, but it was more the surprise that caused me to cry out.

"And that'll help you to remember it," he commented.

The stinging of his hand print continued for a few minutes, and then eased off to a dull sensation. It did bring my prick back to its full attention, though.

He continued inspecting my body as close as he could. His hands just wouldn't stop that soft, gentle touch. It was driving me nuts having to stand there and take it. I would've preferred him to rub or use all of his hand. His hand actually traced along the print it had made as well.

"Let me take care of this for you," he said, moving his hand around to my groin's flagpole.

"Yes sir," was all I could say.

He took his hand off briefly, but when it was replaced, it felt slicker somehow. I didn't know it, but he had gotten a bottle of baby oil when he was behind me. I was about to look down, but decided against it.

When his hand enveloped all three inches [7½ cm] of my boyhood, I groaned in pleasure. It felt better than when I did it. His hand slipped off after gliding upward once. He replaced it again and repeated the slide. I jerked slightly each time his hand slid over the head of my cock. After doing that a couple to three times, he kept my member enclosed in his fist.

"Mmmm," was about all I could utter.

"Like that?" he asked simply.

"Yeesssssssirrrrr," I moaned out as he continued molesting me.

I began bucking my hips in time with his strokes. Sloan didn't like that.

"Stand still, boy," he said. It felt too good not to, but I obeyed as best as I could.

Throughout the whole experience, he never once picked up speed with his hand. He just let me feel his hand slide over my dick. He never built to my climax; just allowed my body to get there on its own. It did arrive at that peak about five minutes later.

I groaned through a fierce climax and then collapsed onto his floor. I lay there twitching for a minute or so, and then opened my eyes to see him wiping the oil and my clear liquid off his hand.

"Wow," I said to him. By the look on his face, I thought I was in trouble for moving without permission. He just extended his hand down to me and I took it. He smiled at me as I stood up again.


All I could do, was nod. He sniggered lightheartedly. He offered me the towel and I took it to wipe off the oil on my drooping dick. I flinched a little as the cloth rubbed the sensitive part right at the head. After I was done, I folded the towel and laid it on the coffee table next to my clothes. Then I realized that I had moved and quickly got into my 'standing posture'.

"Do you think you should be punished for that little slight?" he asked, but not menacingly.

I figured that he was probably testing me on this. If I said no, then I wasn't submitting myself to him. If I said yes, then I was in for the punishment, whatever he had in mind. Finally, I answered.

"Well, sort of, sir," I tried to him-haw around the issue. It didn't have a prayer of taking flight.

"Never give a halfway answer, Daniel; it's not tolerated here," he said. So, I tried again.

"Yes sir," answering in a lower voice.

"Why?" he asked. I wasn't ready for that question, but came up with a quick answer.

"Because I didn't do what you told me to do, sir. I moved."

He smiled at me affectionately as he walked over. I figured I was in for it, but I was wrong again. He just wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tight.

"Normally, yes, you would've gotten punished for that. However, since this is a trial experience, I'll let it slip. But you did answer correctly and I like that. Always be honest with me, Daniel, and you'll never have anything to be ashamed of with me."

I relaxed my arms and slipped them inside his. I returned his hug as genuinely as I could. Somehow, it felt very natural for me to be in his arms.

Chapter Three

"Before you leave, Daniel, there's something I need to give you," he said, parting our hug.

I nodded and he left the room. It felt a little more than strange to be standing by myself in his house without a stitch on me. I looked around the room, and my eyes fell on a sword lying on the fireplace's mantle. Making sure he was gone, I walked over to it. I couldn't help but pull it down from the stand it rested on.

I took the handle and pulled the sword out of the scabbard, just enough to see the blade. There was some Chinese symbols on the blade. I was gazing so intently that I didn't hear Sloan reenter the room.

"It's a katana sword," he said, almost scaring me into dropping the thing, "and you'd better be careful with it. I wouldn't want you to chop your dick off before you really got a chance to use it."

"You scared me, though, sir," I said, with a sly smile. I replaced it back on the mantle and turned to face him.

He held out a leather collar to me. It wasn't a dog collar. But it had a similar simple style, with a buckle to fasten it. The width was about an inch and a half [4 cm] and it was fairly thick, but not bulky. It was adjustable, all the way down to someone with my sized neck. After looking at it, I looked to him for an explanation.

"Go home and think about all that you've seen and experienced here today. While you're thinking, I'm going to give you a warning; if you want to do this, then we do it all the way. Nothing done half-assed; you would belong to me totally. So, if you can continue this under those conditions, be back here before the weekend, wearing this collar.

"The collar means that I own you; every part of you. When you put this on, you are giving everything that you are to me. You are trusting me with your whole being. Any questions to any of that?"

I knew he needed to know that I understood just what it meant to be someone's slave. I shook my head, no, that I didn't have any questions. I was just starting to understand what it meant to give up myself for someone else.

"What do I tell my parents, sir?"

"You could tell them that I'm training you in martial arts," he suggested and my eyes lit up like a Christmas tree in December. "Yes, I am willing to train you if you want."

"Oh, yes sir, I do want to," I said, excitedly. Being a slave or not, I still wanted to have him teach me his martial arts.

As I got dressed, he told me to tell my parents that he and I met through his son, Cody.

"You have a son?" I asked, shocked.

"No, it's my nephew, but we can use him in that way when needed."

I nodded and finished getting dressed then he sent me on my way. My underpants and the collar were placed inside my pant's line in the small of my back. When I got home, my mother griped me out for not knowing where I was all afternoon.

"I was out riding, Mom," I said. It wasn't a complete lie; after all, I was out riding my bike. I was more afraid of her giving me a spanking and seeing what was behind my back.

"Fine, Trae, go get cleaned up for supper," she said after a second's thought.

I breathed easier when she turned around and walked back to the kitchen. I went to my bedroom and discarded my Underoos and collar. I took all my underpants and put them in the bottom drawer of the dresser, never to be used again. I put the collar in a safe place next to the dresser.

Remembering what Sloan told me, I went to the bathroom and closed and locked the door. After wetting and soaping up a washcloth, I cleaned along the crack of my ass. He was right; I needed to be more thorough when I wiped from now on.

Dinner was painfully normal, except I was quiet again. Brad was his normal, bratty self, telling all about what he and his friends had done all day. I didn't care, but made it look like I was interested so that the attention was off me. I jacked off something fierce that night to the memory of Sloan ordering me to strip in front of him.

When I got home that Wednesday afternoon, instead of going out and playing, I slipped into my room and closed the door. I practiced what Sloan taught me about the two positions and perfected them as best as I could. I kept having to remember to suck in my gut a little as I forced my elbows back in the standing position, but after a few times I did it without thinking. That night, I whacked off to that same memory of Sloan ordering me to strip again. It just got me so hard thinking about it.

Thursday night, I even went so far as to get the collar out and slip it around my neck as I practiced my standing and resting positions. I was nervous, worried about my mom walking in on me, as was her habit, but I forced myself to do it anyway. That night, I retrieved it after my parents went to bed and beat off twice with it around my neck. Just the thought of someone owning me, body and soul, turned me on like nothing else could. My mind was made up right then and there; I belonged to Sloan Carpenter.

The most difficult thing about those two days was having to get used to wearing jeans without underpants. Wednesday was especially tough, because I kept imagining someone walking up behind me and yanking my pants down for the whole world to see me. It about drove me nuts the whole day. The next day was easier, though. Friday I didn't even think about it at all.

That afternoon found me standing outside his door with my collar fit tightly around my neck. My leg vibrated furiously as I reached out to the doorbell. Remembering to put my hand behind my back after ringing it, my finger pushed on the button. I was back to being a jumble of nerves as I waited for him to answer the door. It took so long that I was about to ring it again when I heard footfalls behind the door and resumed my resting position.

"Good afternoon, Daniel," he said politely as he opened the door.

"Good afternoon, sir," I said, slightly bowing my head to him. He moved aside and motioned me inside. I took the invite as intended.

"Last chance to back out, Daniel," he said, turning to me. "If I close this door, there's no turning back."

"I understand, sir," I said, but didn't make a move to the door. He took it for what it was intended; I was his. He simply closed the door behind me.

"Strip," he said, walking past me. I knew that was coming and I was ready for it.

"Yes sir," I said and went about doing it right there in the entryway. Par for the course lately, my cock was standing at full mast as soon as he gave the order.

After my clothes were removed and placed on the chair beside the door, I automatically assumed my standing position in front of him. My whole body was as I had been practicing over the past two days; perfectly positioned. I was so proud of myself that I didn't even have to think about it. Sloan stood before me, actually impressed with me.

"Looks like someone's been practicing," he said, smiling.

"Yes sir. I couldn't help but think about 3;" I began but he cut me off with a wave of his hand.

"Don't embellish, Daniel. No one likes a talkative slave. Keep your answers as short as possible."

"Yes sir," I said simply, remembering his stance on apologies also.

He walked up to me and around me, looking over my body again. He made one pass, and then on the second circuit, I felt his hand at my backdoor. This time, I didn't even tighten my butt muscles, let him inspect my boyhole. He sniffed again.

"Still smells like 'boy', but I guess I can live with that. At least it doesn't smell like waste. Very good, boy."

"Thank you, sir."

"What would a slave call the person that owns him?" he asked as he circled back in front of me.

"Um, 'Master', sir?" I asked after a second's thought.

"Exactly, and that's how you are to refer to me; 'Master', 'Master Sloan', or 'Sir'," he said, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Yes Master," I answered, and the bond was sealed. Our roles were now defined between the two of us. One master and one slave; present and accounted for. And my cock twitched again at the thought of it. God, it ached to be stroked, but I knew better.

He walked up to me and lifted my head by my chin with his finger. I looked him straight in the eye. It was what he expected. He reached over with his other hand and placed his forefinger to my lips.

"Who do these belong to?" he asked simply.

"They belong to you, Master," I said after a moment's thought. I wondered where he was going with this.

His hands moved south to both of my diamond hardened nipples.

"And these?"

"You, Master."

As his hands moved further south, he moved around behind me. I felt one hand grasp my leaking fountain of a cock and the other holding on to my trim stomach.

"And this?" he asked, whispering seductively in my ear and squeezing my cock. I gulped.

"You, Master," I said, now catching on to what he was doing. He was taking ownership of every part of me and making me give them over to him, one at a time. My heart began beating faster and faster in my chest as things progressed.

The hand that had my boyhood, squeezed, and let go to move downward a little to my almond sized nuts. My eyes began watering as everything was hitting home so vividly.


"You, Master," I said with my lower lip quivering. I was giving up everything that was once mine to him. It was then that I began to comprehend just how serious this was.

He snaked both hands around behind me and to both globes of my ass.

"And these?"

"You, Master." Oh God, I knew what was coming next. My eyes filled to the brim with tears and two of them broke loose, running down my cheeks. I almost made a move to wipe them off, but thought better of it.

One lone finger traced along the cleft of my butt to the crack. Wiggling it to get to the last vestige of what was once mine, he touched the tip to it. I gasped out a sigh when it made contact.

"And this is 3; ?" he asked one final time.

"Yours, Master," I breathed out, finishing his sentence. It was final; I was his and his alone. Every part of me now belonged to him.

He walked back around again to face me. Lifting my chin again, he lowered his face to mine. I looked deep into his light blue eyes, but they were different this time. The previous times they were almost demanding in a way. Now, they were slightly softer, more encouraging.

Without asking, he leaned forward and kissed me on the lips. I flinched at the unexpected touch of his mouth to mine, but soon warmed to it. After all that had happened over the past few minutes, I wasn't about to fail this test. I closed my eyes and slowly began kissing him back.

Breaking from his orders of standing still, I wrapped my arms lovingly around his neck. I felt his hands move around my torso as we gave in a little to our feelings. I felt him kneel down and our bodies got even closer while we kissed. That first kiss still gets me hard thinking about it.

He broke apart from me and used his thumbs to wipe my tears away. When I opened my eyes again, he was boring into me with his.

"Did I say you could move?" he asked, with a smirk.

"No sir," I said, quickly snapping back into the previous position.

"Relax, Daniel, I was teasing." I breathed a little easier and slipped into my 'rest position'. "Follow me, though. There are some things I want you to have."

"Yes Master," I said, and it seemed very natural for me to say that all of a sudden. It was almost as if it had been there all along.

We walked into the living room with me a few steps behind him. I purposefully kept my hands behind my back, but remembered to keep my shoulders back and not to slouch as well. At the coffee table, he stood aside and passed his hands over the items on the table.

Lined up along the edge of the coffee table were twelve lengths of black leather bands that matched my collar perfectly. There were five pairs of bands and two extras of different lengths. They were different from my collar in two ways. First, that they had at least one d-ring on each of them. Second, instead of the buckle to clasp the ends together, they had locks similar to the ones on luggage. To lock them into place, all that had to be done was fit one end into the other until it latches.

There was another item that stumped me severely, though. It was set to the left of the leather bands. It had a few leather bands on it also, but what puzzled me was one part of it. He saw where my eyes were going and the look on my face.

"I'll explain that one later, Daniel," he said.

"All of this is for me, sir?" I couldn't believe that he would go to such lengths just for me. I was awed by that fact alone. He nodded simply.

"And all of it is going on you. Right now."

My dick twitched again at the thought. He saw it and smiled.

"Turn and walk towards the kitchen a little." I did as he told me to. "Stand!" he said once I got where he wanted me. I snapped to the indicated position without a thought. I heard him grab something from the coffee table and walk up behind me. I looked down as he was putting one of the bands around my right ankle.

"Head and eyes straight forward, boy!" A swat to my ass accented his demand.

I hissed and snapped my head back up, mentally cursing myself for the relapse.

"Now, I'm going to put these in different places and when I do, I want you to tell me if it's too tight or too loose."

"Yes Master," I said.

He continued to place the first one around my right ankle and after hearing the click, I felt it was a little too loose.

"Too loose, Master," I told him.

He unlocked it and after making an adjustment that I couldn't see, retried. It felt just right. As I didn't say anything to him, he assumed what I already knew and proceeded to the next one. It was too loose also, and he made the appropriate adjustment to it.

He left and returned with two more to put around my legs just above my knees. They were slightly too tight until he altered them to fit.

"Spread your legs a little wider, Daniel," he said as he walked up behind me a third time. I moved them outward and he knelt behind me again. These two straps were fastened around my thighs just below the hip joint. To keep them from slipping, he had to get them just slightly tighter than the others.

"Arms straight out to your sides," he said, pulling a fourth set of bands. I put my arms out as if trying to take flight. The two bands were wrapped around my arms just above the elbows, with him making only one adjustment; too tight. My wrists were next to be enfolded in leather.

"Take your collar off for right now, Daniel," he said, turning away to get the next piece of leather. Another collar was put around my neck and locked in place. It was snug, but not too much as to cut off air supply.

As each piece was added, I felt like I did back at the door when he labeled each part of me as his. But this time, it was my limbs that were getting the treatment. It didn't feel like it did before, though. At the door, it was my private areas that were being given. This felt like an extension of that, but not so personal.

After the collar was locked in, his hands rested on my shoulders. I felt him lower his head down to my left ear.

"Why don't you go take a look at yourself in the mirror?" he said softly.

"Yes Master," I said with the giddiness of a ten-year-old and ran to the mirror in the living room. I now knew why he had a full-length mirror in this room.

I got there and stared in shock at myself. The leather bands stood out prominently on every part of my body. I reached and touched every one of them in turn. It felt so erotic touching the leather that bound my limbs and my dick responded by leaking more fluid onto his floor.

I noticed that each of the bindings on my extremities had four rings each. The collar had three, with the lock taking the fourth place. I asked him what they were for.

"They're used to restrain you in some way. I can get a rope or lock into those d-rings and tie you anyway I want." My cock ached even more for relief at the thought of that. I thought about touching it, but decided against it, for some reason or other. I simply went back to looking at myself in the mirror.

"So, what do you think?" he asked, walking up behind me.

"I think you own every part of me now, Master Sloan," I said, slightly smirking, but also serious. It was now totally true of the situation. He had almost unlimited access to do as he pleased to any part of me he wanted.

"Well, if that's true, make this," touching my cock, "go down."

"I can't, Master. It seems to have a mind of its own." I put my hands behind me for my 'resting pose'.

"They normally do, but I still want you to make it get soft without playing with it." This had to be another test, but I just couldn't think of how to do it.

"How can I do that, sir?" This thing was hard and it had no intentions of changing its mind any time soon.

"Well, try thinking about something else besides what you are doing."

I nodded and closed my eyes to the whole room. I thought about the one time that my mom interrupted me when I was jacking off. I thought about getting caught while tied up by Brad's friends. A few other things came to mind; like my grandmother being in the room. I shuddered at that thought.

"Okay, good, now keep your eyes closed." Apparently, it was working.

"Yes Master," I said, obeying him. I tried to continue to think about mundane things of this world that wouldn't excite me again.

All at once, something cold and metal touched the tip of my cock. My concentration was blown and I opened my eyes. I saw in the reflection of the mirror the odd item being used on me. It looked like a strap of thin leather with some locks and a set of chrome-plated rings on it. Another thin layer of leather connected the rings together and to the belt itself. Two pieces of leather were attached to the last ring in the set.

My cock was slipped into the opening of the largest ring as the belt was put around my waist. Once Master Sloan got that locked into place, the two free straps were pulled down and back through my legs. He made some adjustments and two clicks later, my cock was being bent downward. He had me turn and face him to check things in the front.

"Now, try to get hard," he said when he was satisfied with the end result.

"Yes Master," I answered, thinking this was going to be easy. As I easily conjured up thoughts of the past few minutes, my cock began to grow, but suddenly got a little uncomfortable, then painful. I winced and eventually had to double over from the pain. I went to my knees, it was so bad.

"Please, Master, take this off me," I pleaded up to him, but got a sly grin in return.

"No. This is part of what it means to be owned, Daniel," he said with that smile still intact.

"But why do I have to wear this thing, sir?"

"How many times have you played with yourself in the past week that we've known each other?"

I had to think about it for few seconds to count them all up. I finally told him six times.

"That's why. When you learn a little more control, I'll take it off. It stays on until then. And before you send me an argument about having to wear it around your parents or other people, don't. No one will be able to see it under your clothes."

I squirmed around a few minutes, trying to get some kind of relief, but it wasn't happening. After some time, the pain lessened as my cock softened and I was able to recover.

"Now, stand!" he said, and I did. Once I was in position, he continued. "You'll be able to urinate easily and the straps that pull it downward are wide enough to allow waste to exit. That being the case, you should have no problems wearing it full time."

"Yes, Master," I said, still shaking a little from the brief encounter with this thing. I didn't like the idea of not being able to jack off whenever I wanted, that was for sure. And, oh, how I wanted to so badly.

"Now, the straps holding it to your body are thin enough to cut easily with a pair of scissors if you absolutely have to. But if you cut it just simply to play with your cock, and I will know if you lie to me about it, we will stop everything right there and go no further. Do you understand that?" It was a severe warning and I was smart enough to heed it.

"Yes sir, I understand," I embellished a little, hoping he'd appreciate my feelings. He did, but cited something else.

"Good. Now, there is one little matter we need to clear up. You put on quite a display about having to wear that chastity device. That's something I won't let slip by. Normally, something like that would constitute a severe thrashing, but since you're just starting out on this, I'll be lenient and let you off with only ten swats."

"Ten swats, sir?" I asked, with my eyes as wide as saucers again. This was now getting really real.

"Should I make it fifteen?" he casually threatened.

"No sir," I answered back a little too quickly.

"Now is the time for you to learn a new position; the punishment one. Turn around and spread your legs a little wider than you have them."

I did as he told me. I was hoping he wasn't going to use his full strength on me as he did that man earlier in the week.

"Bend over at the waist and place your hands on your knees. You may bend your knees if you wish, but don't move from either position during the time you get these."

"Yes Master," I said, bending over as he instructed. I bent my knees slightly and waited for him to deliver my punishment.

"You will count them, Daniel, and if you make a mistake on the count, we start again at 'one'. Understood?"

"Yes sir," I said, closing my eyes, anticipating the worst. The problem was that my cock had other ideas as it attempted to grow again. It strained against the force of the rings keeping it captive. I groaned at the renewed pain of it.

"I haven't even started yet, Daniel. What's the 3?" He stopped in mid-sentence. "Oh, your dick's getting hard, is it?"

"It's trying to, Master," I said, trying to add a little humor to a very surreal scene. He caught it and smiled a little. My leg began to vibrate again due to nerves as he lined up behind me with the riding crop.

Master Sloan pulled it back and let the first swipe fly across my bare butt with deadly accuracy. I hissed at the pain, but forced myself to keep from voicing anything else. From what I'd seen earlier, this was not his full strength, and I was eternally grateful. It still hurt pretty intensely.

"One, Master," I said through clenched teeth. I readied myself for the next one.

It came and landed just above that one and I counted out, "Two, Master". It seemed to take him forever between strikes. I would've preferred him to just get it over with quickly, but he was in charge of this, now.

"Three, Master," I seethed again as the third one connected below the first one. The fourth and fifth lashes of that thing managed to criss-cross the first ones. The contact on my sensitive skin hurt all the more when I felt it again. I grunted through each of those hits.

Tears began welling up in my eyes for the second time in front of my new master. As with the last time, I couldn't help it; they just came. I tried not to, but the crying couldn't be stopped. A sixth swat brought me out of reverie concerning my tears.

"Six, Master," I breathed out through my drying mouth.

The sharp pain made me wonder if he really was using his full strength or not. After counting out the seventh hit, I thought about taking a bold step when the ninth one was done. My face was a mess from the crying and my butt was getting sorer by the minute, but inside I felt calm. I was nervous, of course, but psychologically calm.

The eighth swat landed and I took a deep breath after counting it to him. I readied myself for my own test of inner strength.

"Nine, Master," I said when it struck, then continued, "Is this the best you can do, sir?"

"Oh, little boy wants to push himself, eh?" he said while snickering. I knew it was a rhetorical question, so I didn't bother answering it. I just held on for what I knew was actually going to be a full, all out, harder-than-life pelting on the final one.

Master Sloan knew he was going to give it to me, and he knew what I would probably do when he did. So, he got the ball gag that he had the older man using and put it to my mouth.

"Bite down, boy," he said. I opened my mouth and he slipped some of it inside. It was an adult sized one, so the whole thing wouldn't fit, but I got enough to hold it in place. He didn't lock it behind my head; it was just there for me to scream into when the tenth strike landed.

He pulled it back and with all of his strength swung that crop hard across my reddened asscheeks. It seemed to explode across my whole buttocks emanating from that one line all at once. My eyes almost came out of their sockets and I screamed like I never have before into that ball gag. I kept screaming and screaming till I was hoarse enough that I had to stop.

I had gripped my knees at the pain as well, but I made sure my feet, butt, and upper body didn't move out of position. Even through the pain, it was important to me to hold myself in place. I had to show that I could take it. Although I was a mess, I was kind of proud of myself that I took the worse off it and maintained control.

"Ten 3; ugh 3; Master," I said after spitting out the ball gag finally. I was breathing hard and shaking like hell, but dealing with it. I learned right then to never encourage a sadist; they have enough encouragement all on their own.

After putting the crop, which I thought was now broken, on the coffee table, my master walked to stand in front of me. He reached down and grabbed my arms and lifted me to stand before him. No words were needed from either of us. As gently as possible, he leaned down and tenderly kissed me again.

I kissed him back as well and wrapped my arms lovingly around his neck again. He reached around me and picked me up, minding my butt area. I enclosed my legs around his waist. He took us to the couch and gently lay me down on the cushions. I winced and turned over when we broke from our kiss.

He left me to go to the kitchen. After wiping my face of my tears, I took the opportunity to survey the damage.

"Oh God," I said to myself at the sight. Nine raised, red criss-crossing lines were etched in the skin of my butt. One angry red one was on the lower part of it, standing out predominantly above the rest of them. I used my left forefinger and gingerly traced that one. It was going to hurt for quite some time.

"Don't move, Daniel," he said returning with a jar of some cream and an ice pack.

"Yes Master," I said, sort of smiling and flopping back down onto a pillow I pulled under my head.

"Right now I am not your master, but your friend," he said, kneeling down next to me on the floor.

"Am I not in one of my collars, sir?" I asked with a smile.

"That's easily enough fixed," he said and pulled out a key from his pocket. I found out that the key he was using for this particular collar also worked on all the other bands he had put on me. After taking off the collar, he handed it to me.

"While I'm taking care of your butt, go ahead and undo the ones from your wrists and elbows."

I nodded and took it from him. He rubbed the liniment ointment into my buttcheeks, tenderly but firmly. I had gotten the fourth binding off when he was through and placed the ice pack square on top of my enflamed butt. I hissed at the initial touch and gripped the pillow tighter, but didn't try to buck it off.

He removed the other six bindings as I lay there allowing my butt to cool. I saw the last strap on the table. It was the same as the others, but had six d-rings, as opposed to four, and was longer. I asked him about it.

"It's to go around your waist, but we'll save it for next time," he commented.

I nodded and then saw the clock; it read almost six o'clock. Stunned, I jolted upright.

"I gotta go, Master," I said quickly. "My mom's gonna kill me as it is."

Still sore, I got to my clothes as best as I could. Wincing at every move I made, I got dressed as fast as possible. He came over to me, carrying my servant's collar and handed it to me.

"If your parents give you any trouble, just tell them that I was giving you your first martial arts lesson," he stated simply. "In fact, why don't you pitch the idea to them and invite them over tomorrow. I can show them the dojo and make them more comfortable about you being over here."

I nodded that it was a good idea and after grabbing my collar, bolted to the door, but stopped. I turned and walked back to him. He knelt down to my level. We looked each other in the eye and I leaned forward to kiss him fully on his lips.

"Thank you, Master," I whispered to him as we hugged good-bye.

Chapter Four

The whole way home, I knew I was in for it. I couldn't sit down on my bike's seat, and with the speed I needed to get home, it would've been a waste of my time to do so. I parked my bike in the back yard and ran inside to a set of extremely angry parents and an almost excited Brad.

"Where the hell have you been, Trae?" my father almost practically yelled at me.

I was about to give him the cover story Master Sloan suggested when he didn't want to hear it at all. He just grabbed my arm and pulled me to him. Without any regard for my sore ass, not that he knew or that I wanted him to know, he used his full strength to swat it several times. I almost counted them out loud, but refrained. I did make it a point not to yelp, which was my normal response in this situation.

The one thing I did do was tear up a little in the eyes. After the crop from Master Sloan, the spanking was almost unbearable. After about five or six of them, he sent me to the bathroom to get cleaned up for dinner.

"Yes sir," I said and made my way to the bathroom.

God, my ass was sore! Of course I think He knew that already. I washed my face and hands and then checked the damage on my backside. It was still severely lined from the crop and some red had reappeared from the spanking, but it wasn't too bad off. I think the liniment and ice treatment had helped a lot with the recovery. The straps that held the chastity device protected welts from forming under them, but around them it was still tender.

I pulled my pants back up and made my way to the dinner table. When I sat down carefully, that is, both of my parents were looking at me in a strange way.

"What?" I asked them.

"You called me, 'sir', Trae," my father said. I jolted back a second at the same realization, but quickly recovered.

"Should I have not called you that?" It was a simple question, devoid of any sarcasm.

"Well, it's just that you've never called me that before, son," he said simply.

"Do you want me to stop?"

"It's not that; I was just wondering why?"

"Master Sloan said to call him that, so I have," I said simply, but forgot for that split second just who I was talking to.

"Master Sloan?" my mother asked quickly. Oh shit. Thankfully something was already in place to use as a cover for that slip, but I was going to have to be a lot more careful in the future.

"Yeah; he's the reason I was late. He's teaching me some martial arts in his home. He wants to see you tomorrow if you can." I was sitting on my hands, trying to relieve some of the ache that was going through my sitting area.

"Why didn't you tell me?" my dad asked.

"You didn't give me a chance to, sir," I quietly commented, looking down at my empty plate.

I saw out of the corner of my eye both of my parents look at each other in shock. And for the first time in my life, probably recorded history, my father apologized. And it was to me, of all people.

"I'm sorry, Trae, I should've heard you out," he said, squeezing my shoulder with his strong hand. I nodded, trying not to cry again. I thought I had cried enough for one day. My brother said the blessing that he had been reciting since he was two and we began to eat dinner.

"So, how long've you been doing this, Trae?" my mom asked.

"Just Tuesday and today, ma'am," I said, still thinking of being courteous. It wouldn't do too well to give respect to my dad and not to my mom.

"So you lied to me on Tuesday, when you said that you were just out riding around," she said, looking at me severely.

"Yes, ma'am, I'm sorry," I said, thinking about my mistake. The mistake was including that day into the conversation. I realized right then how easy it was to slip up. I had done it twice in one conversation. I made a mental note not to do it again.

"Apology accepted, but you could've told me then and saved yourself some trouble in the meantime."

"I know, but I just wanted to try it out a little before telling you," I said, hoping that they would end the inquisition. They did and then Brad took over the whole of the conversation, and to be honest, I let him. I finished dinner just trying not to fidget.

Before bed, both of my parents told me that they would talk to Master Sloan the next day about my training. For some reason, I got the feeling that he was going to leave out the part about the slave training.

I had to sleep on my side that night. I found that I couldn't fall asleep with the torture device on my cock. As far as my backside goes, it hurt every time I rolled over onto it. Thankfully, I was already pretty much used to doing that, but there were times when it felt better being on my back or front.

My parents went to bed that night and I heard the door close as they did. They were having sex, and I knew it; it was the only time they closed their doors.

"Lucky stiff," I said to myself, thinking of not being able to get my own dick hard.

The next morning found the four of us standing in front of Master Sloan's house at about nine o'clock. He ushered us inside after the intros were made. Now it felt strange to be in this house with clothes on. He showed them the dojo then we went to the informal dinning area for some tea for the adults and sodas for me and Brad.

When I sat down, I was reminded again of what had transpired in this very room not yet a full day ago. It wasn't smarting like the previous night, but it still ached a little, especially the welt from the tenth strike.

"How did you two meet, Sloan?" my dad asked him once the drinks were given out.

"Through my son; Cody. He was outside playing when Daniel drove by on his bike. The two got to talking and he invited him inside. He was quite enamored when he saw my dojo and asked if I would teach him. We've tried a few small, little sessions and he seems quite able to do it."

Small? Little? Pugh! There was nothing 'little' about the previous day's experience. I had given him all that I was and he called it 'little'. I was a bit put out with that and I guess it showed on my face. He let me know my place at the next convenient time by giving me a stern look when my parents weren't looking. I softened my facial expression to mask my feelings better.

"Well, just let us know what you charge, and we'll get you a check each week," my father offered.

"No charge, Mr. Bowman. My parents didn't get charged by my sensei for my lessons, so I won't charge you, either."

"Fair enough," he said.

"But he will have to be here each afternoon for a couple of hours. Is that a problem?"

My parents both shook their heads.

"Not on our end, although you might think differently after a few weeks with him," my dad joked.

"Hey!" I said, speaking up for the first time.

All three had a laugh at my expense. This was so weird having my parents and my master in the same room joking with each other. If they only knew how much of 'my master' he really was.

"Where's your son now?" my mom asked.

"With his mother. We've been divorced for the past few years and he spends most of the time with her. I get him every other weekend and most holidays." Damn, he was good on his feet.

They continued to talk over some of the things that would consist of my training and that more than a few times I would be sore from the workouts. Again; if they only knew. Master Sloan walked us to the door and I asked to remain behind when we got there. My parents agreed and left with Brad.

The one thing I found funny about the whole thing was that Brad was quiet the entire time being there. He was miserable and didn't even touch his soda when it was given to him. For the first time, the attention wasn't totally on him. I found that encouraging.

"You almost blew it, Daniel," he said as he closed the door when my family was gone.

"Yes Master, I know. I just got a little irked at calling yesterday, 'little'."

He knelt down to look me straight in the eye. This was always the case when he wanted to tell me something of significance or make sure I knew what was going on.

"I don't consider yesterday to be little. I was honored by the fact that you're willing to give yourself to me, and I will never make light of that. You impressed me with your maturity and control. But, I couldn't just come out and say something like that to your parents. What we're doing is dangerous, Daniel, especially for me."

"Why, Master?"

He turned and walked away from the door. I knelt down and began untying my shoes. As I was slipping them from my feet, he turned back to me.

"What're you doing?" he asked, slightly amused.

"I feel weird being in this house with my clothes on, Master," I said, not looking up, but pulling my socks down.

I heard him laugh and that was when I looked up. I smiled back at him. I continued to undress as he retrieved my collar with the d-rings. I was fully nude when he made it back and I clicked it into place.

"Why's this dangerous for you, Master?" I asked again, pushing the issue.

He didn't say anything until we got to the kitchen. I looked around for the other bindings, but didn't find them, of course. He would've had a hard time explaining to my parents why bindings small enough to fit onto a boy were doing in his house. I fidgeted some, feeling slightly uncomfortable without them on me.

"What's wrong?" he asked, watching me squirm a little.

"I just feel like I need those bindings, Master," I said shyly.

His hand went to his face as he tried to cover the smile of unbelieveability. He looked at me through his fingers, still not believing what I just told him. He pulled his hand away and flashed it, as if to say, "okay".

"Masochists!" he said as he got close to me on his way to get the bindings.

"Sadists," I answered, smirking, as he passed me.

He stopped suddenly and turned back. His right hand quickly went to the side of my face with his thumb on the opposite side of my chin from his fingers. I was startled a little by the suddenness of it, but remained still. He began moving his thumb over my lips and I closed my eyes to the sensation.

I moaned as my master's thumb slowly inched along the outside of my lips. The feeling gave me shivers up my back and goose-flesh broke out all over. I stood perfectly still and allowed him to molest his property as he would.

He went back and forth a few times and then stopped at the front. His thumb began pressing a little harder on my lips, wanting me to open my mouth. I gasped as I opened and allowed him entry. I felt it hit my tongue and edge along my teeth.

"Close," he whispered, and I knew it wasn't with my teeth. I sealed my lips, enclosing his thumb inside. He began working it in and out, coating his digit with my saliva. Finally, he pulled it out and ran it over my closed lips again.

He traced his thumb down my chin and over my windpipe. Suddenly, the thumb was gone. When his hand was gone, so was he. I opened my eyes as he opened the door to the basement. It was the one room that he eluded in the tour he gave me of his house. I almost felt abandoned as he left so abruptly. But I had to remind myself that it was his will I was having to bend to now, not my own anymore.

Master Sloan returned quickly with all the bindings for me. As he handed each of them to me, he called out where they go on my body; "elbow", "ankle", etc. The last one needed no identification as it was the longest one and went around my waist. When I was finally retrofitted, I stood, 'relaxed'.

"May I ask a question, Master?" I asked finally, trying a different tact.

"I know what you're going to ask, Daniel," he said, sighing, and walking by me to the kitchen.

"Actually, sir, I was going to ask why you were dodging the question," I said, turning towards him.

He turned back to me with a smirk. I got the feeling he came to the realization to stop underestimating me. I might've been a little naïve, but I certainly wasn't stupid.

"You'll understand that question when I answer the first one."

"Are you going to answer the first one, Master?"

"Yes. It's dangerous for me because I'm an adult and you're a child," he said it simply, not as an insult.

"So what, Master?"

"Okay, Daniel, here it is simply. And don't interrupt me till I get done." I nodded as he continued. "The law is rigid when it comes to a relationship between an adult and a child; that it be a nonsexual one. The law is there to protect minors, or children, from adults who want to harm them. Adults, mostly men, that have sex with kids go to prison for at least ten years and most of them don't come out."

"Why not?" I got the feeling this was a conversation between us as people instead of as a master and slave, no matter how I was dressed, or undressed.

"They usually get killed by the other inmates inside," he said with a certain sadness.

"The others kill them?" I couldn't believe that would happen in our prison system.

"Yes," he said, nodding, "and that's the dangerous part. If we are ever caught doing anything sexual, I would be the one in serious trouble, not you. As much as you're placing your life in my hands in this world, I'm doing the same in the outside world. I hope you can understand that."

I took a second to let it sink in before I answered him back.

"It's all about trust, isn't it, sir?"

"That's what it boils down to, yes," he said, smiling calmly. He knew then that I could be trusted. "If you're ever going to make a mistake about any of this, then do it by being overly cautious."

"'Err on the side of caution', Master?"

"Where've you heard that?" he asked, visibly impressed.

"I do read occasionally, Master," I said, smirking back at him. He laughed modestly along with me, but then I got serious again. "They don't care if I want to do this, do they?"

"No, the law will think that I'm forcing you into this and hurting you for my own purposes," he answered, getting serious again with me.

"That's stupid."

"I couldn't agree more, but they don't think you have the ability to handle such complex adult situations like sex."

"Who told them that?"

"Usually, they're right, but sometimes a special child comes along and is mature enough to make those kind of decisions."

"Like me, Master?"

"Yep, like you, little slave," he said looking admirably at me.

An idea crept into my mind and I got a sort of wild look in my eyes.

"So if you're my master in here because I'm giving myself to you, and it's the other way around outside here 3;" He knew where I was going with that.

"Oh, don't you even think it," getting a similar look on his face that was on mine.

All at once, he ran towards me. Getting into the game, I turned and ran, giving him something to chase. We ran around the house for quite some time, until he finally caught me in the formal living room, pinning me to the ground.

"HA! You're all mine now, little slave," he said in a mock malicious tone.

I turned over and looked him dead in the eye. He had me pinned down only by my lower body, so I was able to raise up to him.

"Yes I am, Master," I whispered into his ear as I hugged him around his neck.

He picked me up off the floor and I wrapped my legs around him, locking my ankles behind his back. I had to unlock them as he sat us down on the sofa. Then I had to just straddle his legs and lap with my knees bent. Once he leaned back, I felt him running his hands up and down my back. It felt good.

"Teach me, Master," I whispered to him in his ear, "teach me about sex."

"I will when you're ready, Daniel," he said, pulling me back to look me in the eye.

"I'm ready now, sir," I said, looking down my smooth body. He raised my head back up to look at him again.

"You only think you are. You've trusted me so far. Trust me about this."

"Yes sir," I said, disappointedly. I felt like he was rejecting me. My eyes began watering up again at the thought.

"Hey now," he said softly and pulled me back to him. I grabbed him around the neck again. His strong arms held me in a tight embrace while we just sat there for a while till I settled down again.

Soon, I felt him kiss me on the shoulder and I slipped into the feeling of it. I tried not to, as it was going to cause pain to my cock, but at the time, I was beyond caring. He sort of pushed me away from him, but not in a way that had been done before. As he separated us, he kept touching his lips to my upper body. It felt so good the whole time.

But, as my cock began filling with my life's blood, it strained against the rings of the chastity. I winced at the pain of it and flinched my hips.

"Please free my cock, Master," I pleaded. I fully expected him to deny me this, but he surprised me yet again. He slipped his hand into his pocket and fished out the key. With two clicks, the belt holding it around my slim waist fell. I let out a huge gasp as my cock was pulled from inside it. As was its usual mindset, it sprang to full attention with its first taste of freedom in a day.

"Trust me?" he asked as I sat back down to his legs.

"With everything I am, Master," I said. What did I have to do or say to convince him?

"Raise up a little bit," he said and I did.

I held onto the back of his head and lifted my body up a little. His mouth kissed my nipples one at a time when my chest got level with it. Both times, his tongue snaked out to tease the tips while the lips of his mouth sucked on the rest of my brown nips. The feelings of ecstasy surged through my young body.

"Oh, that feels good, Master," I gasped.

I felt him place his hands on the tender globes of my ass. I winced at the dull ache that the lines caused, but otherwise handled it fairly well. He was then pushing upward on them and I got the impression that he wanted me to get higher. I used my legs to stand taller and his mouth kissed all the way down my chest and over my stomach.

He kept pushing me upwards and it was then that I figured out what he was doing. It came an instant before his hot breath hit my bare sex. I groaned at the sensation of it hitting me there. Without a moment's further hesitation, he slipped his warm mouth over my erection and sucked me into him.

"Oh God!" I bellowed out. I then realized that I was now trusting my new master with everything that made me a boy. With one bite, it would be gone forever. That lone thought exhilarated me further.

I grasped his hair between my fingers and held on as he was giving me feelings that were a hundred times more intense than when he used his hand. I felt his tongue move along the bottom of my erection, making it even more intense.

Once I was at the right height, his hands were no longer needed to push me further upward; I was right where both of us wanted me to be. Both hands slithered between my legs and his torso and I widened them to give him more room to do as he wanted.

One hand reached through my legs and one of its fingers located my backdoor. It began wiggling, trying to find the doorknob. The other reached in and grabbed my nuts. A squeeze of them brought a dull surge of pain to the region. I groaned again at everything he was doing. God, I thought I was going to explode from all this. When his finger at my backdoor pushed a little, he stopped it.

I had bent over a little bit at the waist, putting some of me on his head. Through my sex-crazed mind, I realized why his finger stopped.

"Go ahead, Master; it's yours," I said, bending down to whisper in his ear again.

When he began wiggling again, it told me I was right; he was waiting for confirmation once again. Within a few seconds, I felt my sphincter muscle begin to split open, but this time, something was going the opposite way than normal. I opened my legs a little more, trying to allow him better access with it, and he slipped in a little more. It hurt a little, but it helped build my pleasure even more.

Without warning, though, a very intense orgasm surged through me. His tongue had done its work extremely effectively. I never had to buck my hips into his face even once. Talk about being a true master.

As the tremors passed, I lowered myself down, only to realize that he still hadn't removed his finger from my inner sanctum. I looked him in the eye again and wondered what it was he wanted.

"Did you want something, Master?" I asked innocently. He nodded slowly. "What?"

"Not till you're ready, Daniel," he said and sadly moved me aside. His finger came out from behind me as I moved. He stood up to face away from me with his head in his hands.

I felt ashamed that I was there and had felt so much. He had given me so much pleasure and gotten nothing back. I felt it was now time for me to try and take a little control of this. It wasn't fair for him to deny me the opportunity to serve him after all he had done for me over the past week.

I got up and walked around the coffee table to stand in front of my master. Without being told or asked, I reached up and undid his belt on his pants. It got his attention. Placing his hands firmly around my arms, he pushed me away. I looked up at him.

"Why won't you let me, Master?" I asked, tears welling up again.

"Because I don't think you fully understand what you're delving into, Daniel," he said and I could tell he was trying his best to control himself. But I was at a loss.

Admitting defeat, I sank to my knees with my legs going one way and my hands between them. I looked down at the carpeted floor in exasperation. He knelt down before me to look me in the eye yet again.

"I'm choosing kindness this time, Daniel, and you should respect that. I care about what kind of damage I could do to you if we rush into this too fast."

"Can't I do something for you, Master?" I guessed he was right by what he said, but I was still trying to reach him and make him understand. "Please?"

"Come here," he said and stood up.

I got up and as he walked out of the living room, I followed him like a little puppy. We headed upstairs to his bedroom. He sat on the edge of the bed and pulled me in between his legs. I reached out and placed my hand on his crotch.

I could tell two things from that touch. One, that he was as hard as I just was, and two, he was huge. Well, at least huge to me. My dad never showed himself naked to me, so I had never seen a grown up's cock. Without moving my hand away, he looked me in the eye again.

"Once we do something like what we're about to do, there's no going back. Our relationship will change, Daniel."

"Is it that bad?" I was now a little worried now that we were in his bedroom.

"Oh, we're not going to do anything quite as bad as what you're thinking. But I am going to show you just why I have to wait a while before we actually do. You'll understand when you see me."

When I got started in all this, I kind of figured this was going to happen eventually. I knew this was sexual, but I still didn't understand why he was being so apprehensive about it.

"Okay, go ahead," he said with a nod.

I nodded back and smiled. Trembling a little, I reached forward and pulled the belt out that I had loosened downstairs. His pants were unbuttoned and I opened them up. I placed a hand on his boxers that hid his manhood. I was right about him; he was significantly large.

Being a servant as well as a slave, I knelt down and removed his shoes and socks for him. When I stood back up, I began unbuttoning his shirt. The opening cloth revealed a slightly hairy chest. He had a little bit more hair there than my dad and I sort of ran a finger through it, teasingly. After that, I pulled it off his shoulders and down his arms.

I laid a kiss on his hair-haloed nipples. He sucked in some air and I saw him close his eyes as I had done earlier. His hands began massaging my back and I stopped what I was doing to look back up at him.

"Let me give you pleasure, Master," I said.

"Touching you gives me pleasure, Daniel," he countered with a smile.

"Oh. Well, touch away, I suppose," I said, smirking back.

He laughed and pulled me into a warm embrace. A thought went through my mind.



"How do we have sex?"

He pulled back again and looked at me. After taking a deep breath, he answered.

"My cock goes where my finger was earlier," he said simply.

Now I understood fully what he was talking about earlier and why he wanted to wait. I only thought I knew everything about what was going to happen, but now I got the full implications of man/boy sex. The thought terrified me, thinking about how big his finger was as opposed to his cock that was much larger in comparison. And that thing was supposed to fit back there?

"Now you know why I told you we are going to take this slowly, Daniel," he said, seeing the look of horror on my face.

I nodded. He was right; I got it now. But at the same time, I was still willing to be his slave. The fact that he was willing to wait, even though I had tried to show him that I was completely his, made me trust him even more. And that trust began to grow into something much more powerful.

"Now that you know, you still have the choice to leave."

"I understand, Master, but I meant what I said when I told you that I was yours. Thank you for caring enough to stop me. I still wanna do something for you, though."

"And you can, Daniel. You can do just what I had in mind when I led you up here. Just keep doing what you're doing, okay?"

"Yes Master," I said subserviently.

I reached down and pulled his pants off him. He had to raise up to allow them to slide off his toned backside, but it worked. Now the only thing separating me from his manhood was one piece of thin cotton. I reached back down and ran my young hand over his firmness. I kept thinking that there was no way in holy hell that this monstrosity was going to fit into my little hole.

I shook my head to get the thought out of it for the time being. I had a master to take care of right now. The future would take care of itself. Taking a bold step forward, I reached inside the opening of his boxers and for the first time, felt a cock that wasn't mine.

"Let's get rid of the boxer shorts, hm?" he said with a slight smile. I nodded.

With a significant amount of grace and style, he slid them down his middle and off his legs. I moved back to my place between his legs. I replaced my hand on his cock and felt the whole length of it, mesmerized by it, but also frightened of it. It's the same reason people keep poisonous snakes.

"What do you want me to do, Master?" I asked, looking up at him.

"For this time, just stroke it, but let me show you how I like it," he said and I nodded.

He reached for the nightstand and pulled out a bottle of baby oil. He took my hand and squirted some into my palm. He moved my hand to his rod and wrapped it around the top of it. His breathing increased once my hand got around as much as it possibly can. My hand didn't have a chance in making it all the way around that thing at its widest point, but it didn't stop me from trying.

He patiently guided my hand down the length of his cock, showing me how he liked it. I got the gist of it after a few times. He leaned back a little onto his hands and allowed me to continue on my own. When he didn't go any farther back, I put my left hand on his abdomen and gently pushed. He got the message and lay all the way back down onto the bed.

Since he liked to play with my body, I climbed up onto the bed and straddled his torso, facing down his legs. I wrapped my hand back around his cock and began sliding it along its stalk again. I felt his hands go to my feet and he tickled them briefly.

I giggled until he stopped and went back to work on him. I became fascinated by his fuzzy balls just beyond what I was playing with. They were huge, like the rest of him. I wondered if he liked them played with also, but I kept in mind the sensitivity of my own set and was careful. My hand lovingly stroked down the scrotum sack to one of the eggs inside. As I picked it up, it almost took up my whole palm.

"Master, is anything on you small?"

He laughed and playfully slapped my butt.

"Just you." It took me a second to get that, and when I did, I turned to him and teasingly frowned.

"Oh, you're just too funny, sir."

I returned to my work to find him just as hard as before. But I now paid more attention to what I was doing. Using him as an example, I never increased the speed of my hand as I masturbated his cock. I just let it slide along the palm of my hand while I played with his fuzzy balls with the other.

After a few minutes, though, I leaned down and licked the tip of it. I got some of his precum in my mouth, but didn't spit it out. It didn't taste all that bad; kind of bland and slimy. So, I repeatedly licked it from time to time.

It took some time and I paid attention to his breathing. My ministrations began having their effect on him when I heard him breathing harder. I knew he was close, but I refused to speed anything up. On one concluding pass of my hand over the head of his stiff cock and final lick, he stiffened and came with a soft moan.

I had forgotten the older man shooting jizm out and when Master Sloan came, he shot his all over my face. It certainly surprised me, but I figured I could get cleaned up later, and didn't move away from his cock. I did remember, however, how sensitive a dick is after cumming and only softly played with his as he calmed down.

He had me go get cleaned up and when I was finished, I got a washrag to clean him up also. His cum was all over his pubic area, so it took a few minutes to do so. He threw his pants and shirt back on and we walked downstairs to the front door. My bindings and collar were removed and I got dressed as well. My chastity device was unfortunately locked back into place before I got my clothes on.

"Your training begins Monday, little slave," he said with a kiss.

Chapter Five
Studying the Arts

I recall that Sunday's church lesson was actually on serving your fellow man. I sat in the pew and actually paid attention to the sermon wholeheartedly while Brad drew on more than one of the envelopes. On the way home, I had the whole thing on my mind. I even looked up a few verses in the bible about Jesus and how he served his fellow man.

I took to walking around the area that afternoon, not really caring where I went. I found myself walking towards Master Sloan's house, but not intending to go inside. I was about two houses away when I heard my name being called out. I turned and it was Harry.

"Hey, Harry," I said, glad it was a friend.

"Hey. You looked like you were a million miles away right then."

"Yeah, I guess so," I conceded to him.

Master Sloan was out in the yard, trimming the lawn as we walked by. I nodded to him and he nodded back to us with a casual wave.

"Dude, that guy's a fag," he said when we got past the house.

"How do you know?"

"I seen a lot a guys go over to his house and no girls," he almost whispered it.

"Maybe they're business partners or something. Maybe he hasn't found the right girl for him, yet. There's lots of reasons why something like that's going on."

"Why're you defending him, man?"

"Why're you attacking him?"

He stopped and looked at me. I looked back. We stood like that for a few minutes before he commented.

"You're weird," he said and turned and left me standing there. I figured that was pretty much the end of our friendship. People can be so narrow-minded sometimes.

Monday was a long day for two reasons. It had now been almost two full days that I had been in my chastity device and my cock ached for release. The other reason was that I was looking forward to my first real lesson with Master Sloan. I was to spend an hour learning my slave's duties and another hour learning my martial arts.

I got there at about three o'clock and after he opened the door, I got undressed and put my bindings on right away. He told me that from now on, I didn't have to knock as I was going to be there everyday.

"The first thing you're going to work on, is simple; standing still," he said as we walked into the living room area.

"Yes, Master," I said plainly.

"When I give you the word, you will stand still for a minute. Should you move even a little bit, you get a swat from the crop and the time starts over. Understand?"

"Yes, Master," I answered.

"Stand!" he said without preamble or warning.

I quickly got into my standing position and the clock started. Fifteen seconds into it, I flinched. SWAT!

"Start over!" So much for this being simple.

It took me five times that day to stand there for a solid minute without moving. And I had four new lines to add to my other ten. I never realized just how difficult it was to stand perfectly still. Nevermind that I was only ten years old. But I was feeling pretty proud of myself after completing a solid minute.

"Rest!" and I moved my arms accordingly.

Two seconds later, another swat to my ass.

"Start over!"

He didn't say anything about doing that in this position! I thought that was unfair, but chose not to argue about it. He was the master, after all. It took another five times to get this one down also. My ass was probably looking like a ball of red yarn by this time.

"Okay, you're next task is a new position; kneel," he said when I had done the first ones properly. "Get down on your knees and sit back on your heels. Spread your legs. Put your hands between them with your palms flat on the floor. Head up. Shoulders back."

I did all that he directed as he told me. I made myself remember all that he was telling me and where everything on my body was at that moment.

"Stand!" and I did. I stood there for almost a solid minute, flinched, got a swat for my troubles, and started over.

"Rest!" and I did. I did this for the lapsed time with no problem.

"Kneel!" and I did. This one took three tries before I got it down right. After I got it right that time, he had me relax. Relaxing meant that I could move as I wanted, but stay pretty much in the same position.

"You did better than I expected, Daniel," he said sitting in the couch next to me. I felt like a dog sitting next to his master at the couch. I'm sure that was pretty much the effect he was going for again.

"That was better, Master? I kept screwing up!" I told him, reminding him of the many mistakes I had made.

"Yes, but standing still is one of the hardest things for both a new slave and a child to do; and you are both."

"Thank you, Master." I said, grasping that the first comment was a compliment.

We had only been at it about half an hour, so for the rest of the time, he showed me about setting the dinner table properly and how to serve it. It was becoming clear to me that this extended far beyond just being a sex slave. I was to serve him in every capacity possible. When I thought about it, I didn't really get angry at it. I kept remembering how Jesus served and used Him as an example to what I was doing here. Oh, I knew that sex was going to be part of it, and that Jesus would probably never approve, but He was still my guide in how to serve.

Half an hour later, we walked into the dojo for my martial arts lesson. He started with how to stretch and keep limber and loose. From there, he moved into how to protect myself from an offensive move made by an opponent and make it not so damaging to me. Blocking and deflecting was significantly more important that punching.

"The most important thing about fighting is, to pick your battles, Daniel. Don't just get into a fight because you can win it. Make sure that other options are explored before getting into an altercation."

"In other words, Master, make sure it's worth it," I said, making sure I got it.

"Exactly. In the world of fighting, there are artists and brawlers. Brawlers get into a fight and hope to win it. Artists win the fight first; sometimes by simply walking away from it."

"Sun Tzu said that, didn't he?" I asked, confirming my suspicions. He was paraphrasing to suit his purpose, but I got the idea.

"I am going to have to stop underestimating you, boy," he said with a smirk.

"I would've thought you'd learned that by now, Master," I said, smirking back at him.

I had read The Art of War that previous summer, actually. When I bought it, I thought that it was about how to draw different war scenes. Talk about totally misunderstanding the intent. But I got a great deal of maturity out of it and I still do. I try to get back to it about once a year or so.

The next day, I woke up early to do two things; stretch and run. I spent almost half an hour stretching out just about every muscle in my body, and another half an hour with some calisthenics and a mile [1½ km] jog. Master Sloan 'suggested' it heavily to me, so I made the effort to make it part of my morning's routine.

During the short time that encompassed that week, I learned more about myself that I had in over a year with my parents. I felt like I had a new walk in life and it gave me a type of inner strength. I've heard that taking martial arts does that to a young person, but for me, it was my slave's training.

I tolerated that damn chastity device as best as I could, knowing that my master was correct; I needed control. It wore well under my clothes, so no one ever suspected I was wearing the thing. I kept hoping that he would take it off me and allow me to play with myself, but it didn't happen, and I didn't ask.

"Tell your parents that I will need you to stay later on Friday evening, Daniel," he said after Wednesday's practices.

"Yes Master," I said, so wanting to ask why, but knew better. I tried a different tact. "What if my parents ask 'why', Master?"

"Very sneaky, Daniel," he saw right through it. "But it is a legitimate concern, so tell them that there are a few more moves I want to show you."

"Can't I just tell them that I'll be tied up for the evening?" I asked, smirking good-naturedly.

"Oh, what am I going to do with you, boy?" he asked with his hand over his face.

"What're you supposed to do with a masochist, Master?"

He turned with that wild look in his eye again and ran towards me again. I turned and playfully ran away from him. He finally caught me as I was going up the stairs and tripped me to fall upwards. I landed on the floor of the second story. He was straddling me on my back before I had a chance to get up and go again.

The tickle torture he put me through had me screaming at him to stop after just a few minutes. I was also laughing so hard I was crying my eyes out. It took a full minute to stop both when he ceased his assault on my sensitive skin.

That previous Saturday was the last time that we 'played' and I was kind of getting antsy for some of that kind of fun. When I rolled over to face him, I ran my hand over his manhood through the material of his gi. He looked down at me and smirked. I pushed a little firmer along the outline of his cock, trying to get it to respond. It didn't take long.

He countered by picking me up off the floor and carrying me back to his bedroom. I held onto him in my usual manner when he does this. It always felt good to wrap my legs around his torso when he carried me. After laying me on his bed, he stood back up, tall, and took his gi top off. I looked up to him to see his bold, full chest. God, he looked so powerful to me.

I reached down and untied the belt hold up his bottoms, allowing them to fall to the floor. He reached down and pulled his jock strap down his legs. The full maturity of who he was stood out prominently.

He bent down and kissed me passionately on the lips again. His full cock lay down between us and I felt the top part of it press against my own caged cock. My arms went automatically around his neck as we began intertwining our bodies. His hand moved down to undo the belt to my own gi and my shirt was opened.

I wormed out of it while he did something unexpected again. His tongue found its way into my mouth. This was something new.

"Mmmm," I answered back and began wrestling his with mine.

My cock was responding well to his manipulations; too well, actually. It strained against the rings that held it prisoner and I winced at the pain. I had the sneaky suspicion that if I asked to allow it to be freed, it would be shot down, and so I didn't bother. The best thing for me was to try and control it myself. That wasn't going to be easy.

I had to do two things at once; keep him interested (that wasn't too difficult), and make myself think of something else. I kept kissing him back in earnest and began thinking of something outside; the sun, a tree, etc. He rolled to my right and I went with him, putting me on top again. My belt was loosened and I had to push upward to allow the bottoms to fall. I slipped my feet out of them and straddled my master's torso again.

My total attention was now on him. I leaned down and we kissed heavily for quite some time. I moved my body down to capture his cock between my thighs. I felt the tip touch the spot between my asscheeks and I flinched. He caught it too.

"Not yet, Daniel," he said, thinking I was going to do something else.

"No sir, I know. I'm not ready." I said it plainly without any frustration in my voice. "But do you want me to do what I did last time?"

"Oh, I think I can be persuaded," he said, flippantly.

"Well, I wouldn't want to force you to do something you don't wanna," I said right back at him.

He laughed simply and I gave him one final kiss before I began trekking down his body. I paid attention to his nipples for several minutes, while I eased my hand down to keep his cock awake and alert. His precum made a natural lubricant for my hand to use on it and I took advantage of it.

Knowing that he liked my body as much as I was fascinated by his, I sort of moved off his body and while continuing my trek south, moved right back on top of him when I got close to my goal. I had my feet on both sides of his head and I rose up onto all fours to keep my chastity rings from digging into the skin of his chest.

As he ran his hands along the outside of my legs, I took his cock firmly in one of mine. Both of my hands could've fit around it and still have room for the tip. He was that large and what's more, he knew how to use the thing. But that came later.

Being bolder than the previous time we played, I licked his cock from base to tip in one swipe of my tongue. I didn't stop there; it was all over the stalk of him. My master groaned at the touch of a ten year old tongue giving his cock a quick bath. I swathed his cock several times over while gliding my along its length.

I was also having a personal tug-of-war with my cock. It seemed to want to get hard and I was trying to spare myself a little pain. I was actually winning the battle until I felt my master's finger at my backdoor again.

"Ohhh," I moaned, but not in pleasure. This was so unfair.

"Problem, boy?" he asked.

"No sir," I answered and continued to play with his stone-like cock.

His left hand moved up to my buttcheek on the same side as I felt him push a little on my virgin door. A little scared again, but wanting to do this, I moved my right leg out a little to give him some more room. He took his finger away for a minute and I thought he had changed his mind for that time, but it was back quickly. This time, though, it was slicker due to some baby oil on it.

I felt his finger move along the entire crevice that separated my buttcheeks several times until I guess he felt like I was ready for his finger again. With the type of patience born out of years of discipline, he worked my ass's barrier till it gave way to his finger. I grunted in reply, but continued my work on his stiff cock.

I thought that if he was going to push things along, so was I. I remembered what he did for me on the sofa and took a look at the tip of his dick. I took a deep breath and aimed it for my mouth. I heard a moan as it passed into my warm mouth. It was so large, that it filled my mouth to capacity. I was able to get only about three inches [7½ cm] inside before I gagged, but he didn't seem to mind.

Keeping in mind his lesson on me, I used my tongue to massage the larger tool. He seemed to like that, so I kept it up. But he wasn't making it easy on me. His finger worked its way inside and as I felt the rest of his hand get between my crack, he began withdrawing it. Getting finger fucked was making my cock win our little private battle, and causing it some pain as it strained in its prison.

My mouth and hand worked in unison to build him to his climax and when it hit, I was ready. When he stiffened and groaned, I moved away and allowed his jizm to land on his belly. I felt him pull his finger out of me and I relaxed that my private insides were mine again. I enjoyed what he was doing to me, but I also felt like some part of me should still be mine for the time being.

I finally won my personal battle with my cock, forcing it to obey my commands for once. I actually felt kind of proud of that. I didn't give into my natural lustful feelings. I gave my master pleasure while denying myself the same thing. It may have been an adult way of looking at it, but it was becoming a part of a ten year old boy's life.

I cleaned both of us up with a washrag again. When I was cleaning his cock, I licked it again, just for spite and giggled when he growled at me. But then I got serious again.

"Master, when am I going to get big like you?" I was comparing his cock size to mine as I straddled his torso again.

"You'll grow soon enough, little slave," he said, raising up to hug me.

I leaned back against him as his arms went around me. I looked down at our two cocks lying between my legs. I felt puny, small.

"I wish it was now, sir," I said to him.

"I like you just the way you are, Daniel. Don't try to grow up too fast. You have only about a hundred years on this planet and over eighty of it will be as an adult."

"Yes Master," I said, understanding where he was going with that.

We headed downstairs and he asked me a very peculiar question.

"When do you get your report card, Daniel?"

The question stunned me for a moment and I had to think.

"This coming Monday, sir," I answered.

"I want to see it when you get it," he said with a look that kind of bothered me.

I got dressed and after a kiss good-bye, I headed home. I told my parents about Friday, and they had no problems with it. I informed Master Sloan of their response. He just simply nodded, but gave me no indication as to what it was all about.

Thursday's lessons were pretty much the same as the rest of the week's. Except that I only required one hit of the crop to remind me to stand still. Something did happen that stunned both of my parents that evening; I helped my mom with the dishes without being asked. Brad went to play in his room.

Both of my parents looked at each other but didn't ask. I guess they didn't want to make a big deal out of it. It was either that, or they just couldn't look a gift horse in the mouth.

Friday morning arrived and I was anxious about both that evening and his question concerning my report card. I knew my grades weren't all that wonderful, so I had a terrified feeling that if he didn't like them, that he would do something I hated. My morning workout helped alleviate my anxieties a little, but the day did tend to be a little slow because of it.

Friday afternoon arrived with another shock to my already overloaded system.