AnonymousThe Collector |
SummaryA man makes his job of kidnapping boys and preparing them as sex slaves for rich perverts.
Publ. before 2003 (ANCGS?); this site Jan 2012
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CharactersThe Collector and several boys (6-12yo)Category & Story codesNon-consensual Boy storyMb Fb – non-cons mast oral anal – bond (Explanation) |
DisclaimerThis story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.The theme explored in this story is FANTASY. Just as one can enjoy violent videogames or movies without committing or condoning violence in real life, a person can enjoy violent fantasies of abuse without promoting abuse in real life.
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Céladon's noteIn October 2003 sent to, by Ebonsoul. Thanks to AyasDC and Joe P. for his advise to include this story on my site.Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the moderator through this feedback form, with The Collector in the subject line. |
Hope you guys enjoy these stories collected over the years. Miss the old ancgs crowd and hoping to be able to talk with fellow storylovers and writers so would love to hear from kindred souls :)
PrologueI love my job. Cannot say that it is a decent job though; a person with even a small hint of conscience would have died from guilt a long time ago. That's just it; I don't have a conscience, not even a pinch of it. It all started out years ago when me and my twin bro were practically begging for small scraps of food at our hometown somewhere in Mexico. Thats when it struck me. What if we venture into a business that has an extremely high demand and little supply? Thats when we decided to go into the kidnapping business; and I do mean 'KID-napping' business. We also decided to traffic in boys than girls. That was because its easy to get a girl anyway, with anyone with enough money and connection. But a little boy– nah, those are rarer. You have to remember that this was during the 70s, when folks arent as scared-stiff and paranoid than they are now. Girls were also sluts then, selling off their little cunts for some money and drugs. Boys, however, at least the little ones were still clean and innocent, exactly the merchandise our customers were after.Setting up the business took quite a while. Even though times were much more liberal then, it still took us years to meet the right connections and come up with the perfect set-up. It was amazing how many of them perverts were filthy rich; some were rich enough to buy their own island, and many did. They were very intrigued by our business proposition; we must have received close to twenty million bucks as 'investment'. Remember that this was thirty years ago, twenty million was a lot. The basic plan was simple. Our contacts would fly or carry us by boat across the US border. My twin brother, of course would remain behind. I do the kidnappings and he will be my 'decoy'. Mexico has one of the most terrible record-keeping practices. With the proper incentive to the cops and book-keepers, no one would even know that there was more than one of us. Someone suspects me, all they have to do is check on 'me' in Mexico; I made sure that my bro is somewhere where he has a lot of witnesses who can vouch for him. Of course, the most difficult part for me is not getting caught in the act. Growing up in poverty in Mexico has taught me how to get away slick. Thats what I like about the US of A, they are so spoiled that they don't have a lot of brains or common sense for that matter. Anyway, after getting my 'order', the plan involved carrying me and my catch back to this private island on the border of the US and Mexico, by the Gulf of M. Over a hundred and a half miles [250 km] away from the nearest coast and surrounded by shark-infestated waters, the island was a prison of no-escape. The only way to get out oof the island was by boat. There, the 'order' would be 'processed' and delivered prompty. It is a double thrill for me. Coming up with different ideas of how to fill my 'order' was fun enough but seeing the 'order' get 'consumed' was double-fun. Don't get me wrong, I am no pervert, at least not in that sense. But seeing them little boys get deflowered or abused does turn me on. Cannot really say its sexual but it is as nice. Maybe it was the part of me that hates them for being so rich and spoiled. The only part that I hate is when some of them rich customers finally get tired of their 'order'. I hate it when they had to kill them poor kids. I made my voice heard in that one. I guess I have a big voice, since they stopped killing. Instead, they just ship their 'spent order' to brothels or mines in Southern America. Cheap labour, I suppose. Some of them kids, especially the great looking ones were later retained, to be used as 'body banks' but more on that later.
Big Mac's order was simple, actually. He wanted a twelve year old or so who looks like twelve but still years from getting hair. He also liked them blond, smooth and light-skinned. It took me a month to finally select the perfect catch for him. The kid's name was Daniel. Although his parents were separated, he was still pampered by his rich mom's wealth. He was the youngest of five, and the only boy. I could tell, by observing him that he was one of them brats who think he owns the world but pretends to be nice. He is pretty good looking too. Light blond hair, blue eyes, some freckles but otherwise smooth like a girl. The only thing I didn't like how he looked like was his 'parrot' nose but Big Mac didn't say anything about how the nose should look like so I didn't care. Getting the kid was easy too. He felt so insecure of how he looked like that he would wait till no one was in the changing rooms at the beach before he would change. So I waited one day until I saw him going in the changing room. I placed a 'Changing Room being cleaned, please come back later.' signboard on the door before I sneaked in. The boy jumped when he saw me come in. He immediately tried to put his clothes back on (he was shirtless). I smiled at him before I ran to where he was and pressed a prepared hanky soaked with chroloform on his face. The boy gave a feeble struggle as the fumes entered his nose. Finally, the boy's 105 pound [47 kg] body went limp on my arms. I examined my prize. I pulled down his pants and underwear. His small boyhood was completely hairless. Being only barely two inches [5 cm] long, I could tell that puberty was still a long way to go. I carressed his legs and his chest. Totally smooth, I mussed to myself, Big Mac would like this. Satisfied, I stuffed him into a prepared box I placed in the changing room in advance. I then slipped into a custodian's attire and wheeled the box off to a waiting van in the parking lot. I was careful to put on a big hat so no one could identify me, in the unlikely event someone would grow suspicious. I then drove to a pier an hour away, and carried the box into a waiting yacht. "So, you got the boy?" Big Mac asked me as the boat started moving. "But of course, Big Mac." I excitedly opened the box and pulled the still-unconscious boy out. I could tell that Big Mac was getting excited as he saw my catch. He told me to pilot the ship as he examined the boy. He saw down and pulled the limp figure on top of him. He then proceeded to carress and rub the unconscious 12-year old's body. "Hmmm, he is so delicious." The fat man replied as he sucked the boy's neck, his hands going all over the boy's body. "I cannot wait till we reach the island. I prepared a special room just for him." Poor kid, I thought to myself. I have been around Big Mac long enough to know that he was going to have the worst time of his life. The trip to the island took four hours. I made sure that the boy was chloroformed every two hours to make sure he didn't wake up during the trip. When he finally arrived, it was almost sunset. "Here, take him." Big Mac ordered a waiting henchmen. "Make sure you give him a bath." As they were carrying the boy off, Big Mac hollered. "No, change that, just drop him off my room. I will be the one to give him a bath." He said. I could almost taste the hunger in his voice. By the time Daniel finally woke up, he found himself sitting down entirely naked in a huge jacuzzi-type tub. His hands were chained to opposite sides of the wall. Water was rushing in through a tube on the opposite side of the tub. The boy futilely tried to struggle out of his chains. He screamed for help. I smiled as I watch the whole scene from a video camera attached to the roofing of the room. I made Big Mac promise me that I would get to watch his fun with the boy. I sat there, in the adjoining room, drinking my coke as Big Mac entered the room. It was a good thing that I havent eaten dinner yet. The man's naked body was disgusting. Huge folds of flesh decorated his stomach area while fur-like hair covered his chest. The worse thing was this big, and I do mean big, 10 inch [25 cm] cock hanging down. I watched as the man entered the jacuzzi area. As it was the seventies then, video clips didn't have any sound but I didn't care much, as long as I can see, and record the whole scene. The boy was apparently screaming as the naked hulk approached him. He tried kicking the man away but Big Mac went around and wrapped the boy in his arms. He tried kissing the boy, but the boy shook him off. That earned the boy a powerful slap on the face. The man then wrapped his hand around the boy's cock and penis and pressed hard. The boy shook in pain as the man increased his grip on the boy's delicate genitals. Big Mac whispered something to the boy, then released his hold on the small cock and balls. The boy relaxed, and didn't resist as the man lick and sucked on his neck, then going down and sucking his small nipples, now slightly more erect because of the man's sucking. The man's hands were pinching and rubbing the boy's smooth inner thighs as he continued his oral trek around the boy's slightly freckled chest. I could tell that the boy was repulsed by the whole thing but was helpless to resist. Finally, Big Mac took hold of the boy's little cock and started rubbing it up and down. The boy shook his head as he experienced what was apparently his first masturbation experience. The man kept on stroking the little cock until it got to its full 4 inch [10 cm] lenght. He continued his fondling until the boy's body started to spasm and hump. I wasn't sure if it was a dry or wet orgasm but the boy nevertless collapsed afterwards. I spent the next half hour watching the overweight man massage and lather the boy with soap. Daniel seemed passive and submissive. Finally, the man click on the release valve so that the water in the tub could escape. Then, he reached for a towel and dried himself and the boy. He then pressed another switch, which caused the attachment link of the boy's chains to detach themselves from the ceiling. The boy quickly used this chance to try to escape. He jumped out of the tub and ran to the door. By the time he found out that the door was locked, Big Mac was next to him. Grabbing the boy by the arms, the huge man lifted the small body and dropped him on his shoulders. The boy kicked and punched him as he carried Daniel to where the bed was. He dropped his load onto the bed, and, holding fast to the boy, chained him to the post of the bed, so that the boy was now lying eagle-spread on the bed, his hands helplessly chained to the posts. Satisfied that the boy was secured, Big Mac then walked to a cabinet and got some equipment from it. I grinned as I saw all that bondage-equipment he was carrying. The boy screamed in pain and shook his head as the man clamped something to his nipples. Then his balls were covered with some sort of leather material, with wires protuding from it. The man sat next to where the boy laid and pressed a remote control thingie on it. Immediately, the boy's body convulsed and jumped. Apparently, his balls were now attached to some form of electrical machine. I could just imagine the pain the kid was going through. The fat man laughed as the crying boy pleaded him to stop. He repeatedly pressed the remote. I could also hear the sharp contrast in that room, between the boy's pathetic cries for mercy and the man's relentless and cold laugh. This just went on for hours until the boy was too weak and drained to even move. Big Mac seemed tired too, as he took off the things attached to the boy and laid next to him. He was carressing the boy's smooth body by the time I turned off the videomachine and went to bed myself. I was awaken the next morning by sounds coming from the garden. Putting on clothes, I walked to the balcony to see what the sound was all about. Big Mac was walking his new pet across the garden. In contrast to the man's elegant suit, the boy was merely cut-off, sleeveless T-shirt and ridiculously short white shorts. I could tell he wasn't wearing underwear since his penis was drooping down one of the shorts-opening. Big Mac was walking the boy by a chain attached to a collar on the boy's neck. Daniel seemed to be in a trance as he followed his master like an obedient puppy. Once in a while, Big Mac would pinch or carress the boy's thighs or give him a long french kiss. "Good morning, Big Mac." I hollowered. "Fine morning, isn't it?" He returned, the boy following him like one entranced. I walked back to my bed and looked over my notes. I was amused by the number of 'orders' I got. I was so immersed in reading and examining them that I lost track of the time. The lunch bell snapped me out of my trance. I hurried down to the dining room. Daniel was sitting naked on the big blob of flesh that was Big Mac. Blood and semem was oozing out of the boy's button as the man humped him up and down. The boy's face was marked with pain and resignation as he continued to wrapped his arms around his tormentor's huge neck, enduring the passionate kisses and lickings the man gave his face. I was amused that Big Mac's big cock managed to enter the virgin hole so quickly. "Ahem." I announced myself. "Oh, sorry, we were just having a good time. Do sit down and eat. Make yourself at home." The man panted as he continued to pump his juice into the boy. I sat myself and started eating. I couldn't help but wonder how horny Big Mac can be. Sixteen hours with his new slave and he isn't showing any signs of weariness. I silently hope that the boy could endure such horniness. It didn't turn out very badly afterall. After two or three months, I found out that Daniel came to accept his new situation. I didn't know exactly what Big Mac did but the boy was clearly 'domesticated' now (I was away on various 'assignments' most of the time). The boy would ran up to the man when the man would return from his business ventures and wrapped his legs around the man's humongous waist. They would passionately kiss. I could just imagine the numerous sex orgies those two did. It wasn't too bad for the kid. After he underdid puberty (at fifteen too), he became Big Mac's heir-apparent. After Big Mac passed away a few years ago, Daniel eventually took over the whole drug operation. It was too bad that the kid grew up to be straight, he would had been a nice customer too.
Anyway, it took me a month and a half to find my most promising candidate. The kid's name was Brian. He must be around twelve. I saw him playing soccer and couldn't help to notice such 3; developed leg muscles. The kid was big for his age, not excessively but big as in 'stud' big. Dark blond hair, sharp face but incredibly handsome(not cute) and a slightly tanned complexion, the kid was just bulging with muscles. Man, you should see how he would kick the soccer ball, way across the field. He looked kinda physically mature too, but judging from high still slightly high-pitch voice, I reckoned puberty is still at least a year away. I followed him stealthfully, back to his house and spied on them using planted bugs and miniature video cams for two weeks. That was when I came up with a daring plan. The plan was simple, and not even original. It required me hiring two bums to help me but it was no big deal. IT was a Saturday evening, and the kid was riding his bike going home from a soccer game. I knew his parents wouldnt be available to pick him up that day since his sister had another game at the time. I drove the van beside him and before he could even react, my two assistants pulled him into the van, bike and all. The kid gave quite a good struggle too. He managed to break one of my helper's nose while kicked the other on the chin. A powerful punch to his stomach and a strong application of chroloform on his face finally downed him. My two helpers, and they weren't weaklings were panting after the boy finally dropped to the floor. We talked the rest of the way about how strong the kid was. We finally reached the waiting yacht. I gave my two assistants their money and saw them walk off. Pitiful fools, I mussed. I had earlier gave them a glass of whisky each to drink. Being the bums that they are, they accepted my offer greedily and gulped their whisky without hesitation. Little did they know that I had dropped a few drops of incure-frog poison in their drink. I dropped enough for it to have a delayed reaction, no more than two days. The effects, once the poison hit their nervous system is instantaneous, no more than five minutes. Such a waste of human life, even those as worthless as these, made me somewhat sad. But oh well, I didn't need any potential witnesses, or worse, blackmailers. It was late night, so I didn't bother to be careful as I carried the boy on my shoulders to the waiting yacht. Man, the kid was heavy. I reckoned that he must be around a hundred ten [50 kg] or so. Pressing my hand on his inner thigh as I carried him, I could tell that the weight wasn't from fat too. The boy's legs were smooth but hard with muscle. Dr. Thomas better enjoy this, I thought to myself as I sailed off to the island. Dr. Thomas arrived the morning after. He rushed to the room where Brian was. I had made sure that the boy was still sedated. There was no telling if the ropes can hold him anyhow. The doctor examined the boy up and down, much like what he would do with any of his patients. He gently pulled up the boy's soccer shirt and felt his muscular chest. He pinched the boy's nipples slightly then went down and probed the boy's legs, first by stroking and rubbing his thighs then going down to his knees. "Hmmmmmm," he whispered to me, "a very very good catch." "Always trying to please me customers, Dr. Thomas." He lifted the boy's left leg and stroked the inside of his leg. I could tell that the doctor was getting excited since I could see a tent forming inside his white pants. "Excellent. Would you kindly bring him down to the room I had Mr. McDougal specially prepared for me?" "Of course." I lifted the boy and once more carried him on my shoulders as we walked down to one of the basement rooms. Inside the room were several devices that look medical to me. There were flasks and test tubes on the table. A stationary running and bicycle machine were also in the room. In the middle of the room was a twin side bed, with each leg having a chain attachment. Without waiting for the doc's instructions, I laid the kid on the bed and fastened the chains to his hands and ankles. "Good. Good. Thank you very much. You may go now." The doctor certainly didn't mince his words. Without replying, I exited the room and went up to my quarters and quickly turned on the video-camera. I was very curious to see what Dr. Thomas would do to the kid. By the time I did reach my room, the doctor had slipped off his medical attire and was standing nude besides the sleeping 12 year old. I nearly puke seeing his wasted, frail, skinny body. Thankfully, I could control the angle of the camera so I moved it to where I didn't have to see him too much. He bent down and started carressing the boy's body. He grabbed a pair of scissors from the table and proceeded to cut off the kid's T-shirt and shorts. He then pulled off his socks and shoes so that only his cotton-white underwear was left on him. Thomas then pulled his briefs down to where his chins meet. The kid's penis and balls were big. Totally hairless but big, I guess that puberty was just along the corner. This apparently made the doctor excited. His mouth doved and swallowed the kid's 4 inch cock [10 cm] (and it was still soft too). The kid, even though asleep, began to shake uncomfortably as the skinny doctor continued to suck and lick his cock. The muscular body, after maybe ten to fifteen minutes, started to shake and hump the doctor's waiting mouth. When the boy's body finallyr relaxed, the doctor retracted his mouth. Cum was dripping down his mouth. I guess the boy was old enough to produce man-juice, I guessed. Satisfied, the doctor got something from the table where the flasks were and waved it close to the boy's nose. The kid gradually opened his eyes. He started struggling and yelling once he grasped his predicament. Thomas probably got even more turned on by the boy's struggles. He sat besides the struggling, thrashing kid and rubbed the muscular leg. The boy was struggling so much that even I could see the muscle just budging on his leg and arms. The man continued to pinch and rub the boy's legs and arms until the boy finally relaxed from exhaustion. I couldn't hear what they were talking about but the kid looked very scared and might had been pleading hm to let him go. The doctor's response was a dive to the kid's face. The kid tried to avoid him but found his mouth invaded by the doctor's tongue. The boy couldn't dislodge the frail man's oral advances as the tongue went all around the insides of his mouth for ten long minutes. The doctor's hands were no less busy as they rubbed and pinched the boy's now-erect nipples and thighs while kissing him. When the good doctor finally got tired of kissing and fondling the kid, he walked over to where his test tubes and flasks were and started mixing some chemicals up. A few minues later, he walked over to where the boy laid with a test tube filled with a milky substance. He said something to the kid which made him cringe. He then had the kid drink the liquid from the tube. After that, he reached for a pistol under the bed and started unfastening the boy's chains. The boy was led to where the stationary bicycle was. Having sat the boy on the machine, the man then commanded the kid to start pedalling. The boy was fast on that machine, I reckon he must had been doing 20 to 30 mph [30-50 km/h]. Thomas just sat there next to him, with pistol in hand, watching him. After watching the same scene for ten minutes, I grew tired and started working on paperwork. It was only an hour or so later that I decided to check on them again. Sure enough, the kid was still pedalling. I could see the liters of sweat dripping down his naked body. He was panting and red faced. Thomas stood besides him, the pistol in one hand while the other gently rubbed the boy's wet chest, occasionarry pinching or pressing on his hard nipples. The man was obviously stimulated by the whole thing. After almost two hours of rigorous biking, the man finally had the boy step down. The boy nearly collapsed on the floor. He was led back to the bed. The boy laid there, completely exhausted and unable to move. Half-asleep, he just stared at the man as the man fondled his cock and balls. Slowly, the boy's cock stiffen. The boy was too tired to do anything as, minutes later, he squirted more of his boyjuice unto a waiting petri-dish. After making sure that the boy squirted allof his cum, Thomas withdrew back to his experiment-table and allowed the kid to sleep. This went on for days, always the same basic cycle. The man would force the boy to bike or run rigorously for hours. After the boy was basically exhausted, the man would masturbate him and collect his boy cum. What surprised me was that the boy always had a lot of cum coming out of his athletic body. Found out later on that Thomas administered a powerful sex-drug to the kid. It was suppose to stimulate the sexual glands to produce more semen. Well it worked rather well, if I can say so. Anyway, as the result of weeks of doing this cycle, the kid's body became one muscular system. He was still incredibly handsome bu must have gained an additional ten pounds [5 kg] of muscles. I guess Thomas was obsessed with muscles and all that. He just loved to pinch and rub the kid's muscular body. I don't know for sure why he loved to collect the boy's cum. Since he was crazy, I guess that he wanted to clone the kid or make up some muscle-gene for himself. I am not sure what eventually happened to the kid. Thomas decided, after a month or two playing around with him, to bring him with him to his private laboratory somewhere in Europe. I never did hear anything else from that lunatic.
The guy who wanted Jeffrey was, ironically, his uncle. Professor Moody, as he would like to be called lived on the other coast of the US, living the rest of his retirement years in solitude at his moutain mansion. Having made some very interesting, not to mention lucrative scientific discoveries as well as historical digs, Moody could use a bundle of hundred dollar bills to light up his cigar and wouldnt even give a shit about it. He was also very nice to me, giving me advances and all the resources I would ask for, be it related to his order or not. It was when he planned out the details of how he wanted his order to be carried out that I realized how dangerous this man was. The saying, you cannot judge a book by its cover applies much to this guy. Moody, has for years, been fanatically in love with his nephew. His sister, Jeff's mother, was his half-sister. Although she and he seldom communicate, she did send him some pics of the family once in a while. That was when he started lusting after his nephew. He told me that he would cum off every night thinking of Jeff's body and how much he wanted the kid to be his. Before he laid out his plan to me, I figured that a simple kidnapping would do, but Moody wanted much more than that. I argued with him at first, but he gave me this look that made me, yes me, finch. They say looks can kill, well the look he gave me made me feel I was a hundred feet [30 m] under. He wanted me to commit murder 3; and I do mean murder. Before meeting him, I saw myself as ruthless, but compared to him, the real him that is, I was an angel. I sneaked in the suburban house that night. Garbed with jet-black clothes, I picked their lock and tip-toed in the house. Fortunately, they didn't bother to install a security system in their house, which made my job a lot easier. Moody must had bribed a housing official or something, because he gave me a complete blueprint/layout of the house. Anyway, I quietly opened the kid's bedroom. Since it was one in the morning, the kid's breathing was deep. Satisfied, I pressed a piece of cloth soaked with chroloform against his nose and mouth. The kid didn't even react as he immediately went into a deep sleep. I pinched his arm a little to check if he would wake up. Happily, he didn't. I then entered the master bedroom. Jeff's parents were sound asleep on their bed. It was too bad, Jeff's mom, Moody's sister was very beautiful. His dad was kinda old though, and balding. Quietly, I injected them with incure. This was an undiluted dose, so they probably died in mere seconds. After this, I looked around to see if there was someone else that was uncounted for. Satisfied, I went back to the kid's room. I bent down and lifted the kid up. The kid was somewhat heavy but this was a twelve year old. Man, his legs were so smooth. If he was a girl, I would be over him ust like that. Going out through the backdoor, I covered him with a big trash bad and carried him to my van about two blocks away, on an open highway. I stuffed him inside the van and hurried back to the house. I went to the kitchen area and tampered with the gas systems as Moody showed me. Then I set up this incendiary device he himself invented. It was suppose to monitor the level of gas in the air, and once the gas level reached a certain point, its flint-like mechanism would turn on, blowing the whole house to bits. He planned it so that it looked like their was a gas leak and the oven just exploded. His device also contained a form of super-flammatory liquid which would practically blow up everything, leaving no trace whatsoever for the cops to check on. I had to admit, his plan was devious, 3; in a devilish way, that is. I didn't stay to see if his device was successful. I ran back to my van and drove off. It took me two hours to get into the yacht. I set off to the island. It was late morning the next day that the boy finally woke up. I was reading the newspaper at the time, checking out if they had any article of any burning house or something. I guess it was still too early for the report to show up. Anyway, the boy stirred a little. I gazed at his smooth, sexybody. He only had a white, plain T-shirt on and black boxers. His skin shone as he slowly yawn and opened his eyes. He looked at me and froze. "Relax, kid." I said casually. He didn't seem to listen as he jumped out of bed and tried to ran out of the room. I managed to grabbed his arm as he ran past me and hurled him back on the bed. I then pressed my arm under his neck. He tried to struggle, and mind you, he was fairly strong but no match for me. "Listen, Jeffrey. If you do not want to get hurt, you better just lie still." The boy finally calmed down and obeyed. He kept on looking at me as I retracted my arm and stood next to him. "Where am I? What are you going to do with me?" "You are somewhere far far away, cutiepie." I couldn't believe I called him that but he was so cute. I couldn't resist so I slowly began to stroke his hairless, smooth legs. That made him jump up and kicked my hand away. "As for what we are going to do with you," I continued. "Thats for someone else to decide." "And I have decided to adopt you, nephew." I didn't even hear him enter the room. I have to hand it to the prof, he is sneaky. The man continued, ignoring his nephew's puzzled look. "You see, Jeffrey. Your parents had met an unfortunate accident and have passed on. As one of your closest, adult relative, I am entitled to the legal right of adopting you." "You are crazy." The boy shouted as he tried to ran once more to the door. Before I could do anything, the prof just yanked the kid by the waist and hurled him to the wall. The kid rebounded off the wall like a basketball, falling flat on the ground. I could tell from the impact that he must had some torn muscles or broken bones. Moody just walked casually where the boy was trying to raise himself and yanked the boy's hair up, causing the boy to scream in pain as he was force to stand up next to his uncle. Still pulling up (rather painfully) the kid's hair, he planted a kiss on the boy's smooth cheek before licking up the boy's hairline. "You are going to be mine whether you like it or not, nephew." The man continued as he, with Jeff's hair still in his hand, led the boy out of the room. "Everything you do, say or even think will be mine to command, you hear? Your body is mine. Your will is mine." I followed the two, deathly curious to see what the Prof had in mind for the kid. We walked to one of the master rooms, where some of the Prof's hencemen were waiting. I was cautious at first whether they can be trusted. Moody assured me that they woud put a bullet on their own heads before they would even think of betraying him. I figured that Moody probably held their loved ones as hostages or something. No one could command such blind loyalty without a catch to it. But then again, he did convince me of murder, didn't he? He threw the kid to their waiting arms. Two of them grabbed the boy's arms. The boy tried struggling but I guess the facts that they were stronger than him and he was still hurting from the impact made escape very unlikely. "Gentlemen, please dress my nephew properly." The man commanded, gesturing me to sit on a chair besides him. I sat down and watched bemusingly as the three men ripped out the boy's T-shirt and pulled down his boxers. I have to confess that I got a hard-on seeing the boy's perfect chest, and the completely hairless but long penis hanging from where his legs met. They lowered the thrashing kid on the ground. While two of them were holding his arms down, the othes putting on this shiny, leather gym shorts on him. The shorts probably was only about five inches [12½ cm] long, not even enough to cover his cock entirely. Then they had the kid put on this cut-off T-shirt. Sheeveless and only reaching down to mid-chest, the kid was incredibly sexy. "Good." Moody hissed as they threw the kid back to a spot a few feet in front of his feet. He casually stood up and bent down besides the kid. "My men here have rather dangerous toys, nephew." He whispered, his voice as icy and monotonous as anything I could imagine being cold. He pointed to his men, who pulled out .44 magnums and pointed them at the shivering kid. "If you resist me in anyway, Jeffrey, I will not hesitate to command them to kill you. Is that clear?" The boy shook his head fearfully. He was sobbing now. "Good. Now come, my pet." He led the kid back to the chair he was sitting on. He sat on it first, then had the kid sit on his lap. His hands started roaming all over the kid's smooth body, rubbing his delicious thighs, carressing his chest, pinching his nipples and licking and kissing his neck and cheeks. The boy's shorts were pulled down too. "You are so lovely." The man murmured as he continued fondling the frightened twelve year old. Finally, his right hand, starting from the kid's knee, crept up to the kid's hairless penis and started stroking it up and down. The man gave a feeble whimper and his uncle continued masturbating him. The little, sexy body wiggled uncomfortably as the man kept on pulling on his penis. Finally, the boy's body convulsed as small squirs of semen came out of his penis. The man, grinning, scooped a little with his finger and inserted it into his mouth. "Very delicious. You are growing up so deliciously, my boy," the man complimented the kid as he pressed his mouth on the boy's mouth. The man frenched the kid for a long time, his hands never ceasing in fondling the kid's body. The whole scene made me nearly puncture my pants. Never thought of myself as being a pervert but I have to admit, Jeff would make anyone have a turn-on. "If you will excuse me, Professor. I have other things to attend to." I excused myself. I had to because my cock was going to explode. I ran to the nearby restroom and relieved myself. I then went back to my own quarters and began studying my next order. It was maybe an hour or two later that I decided to go back and see how things are going. As part of me also wanted to see that lucious kid again. Professor Moody was kneeling down on top of the kid. The man was completely naked, his massive 9 inch [23 cm] cock throbbing on top of the boy's tender buttocks. The kid laid there, face down, tears flowing from his eyes as the man savagely pulled his buttocks apart and jammed his cock into the virgin hole. The boy screamed in pain as the man held his arms. "Yes 3; take your new daddy's seed in you, my darling." The man panted as he raped the kid. The kid squirmed a little but finally relaxed, totally submissive now to his new guardian's perverted will. When he was finally satisfied and spent, the man bent down and kiss the boy's neck. Then standing up, he commanded his men to clean the boy up and take him to his quarters. They were leaving tomorrow and he wanted to maximize his time with the boy that night. "You did an extremely fine job." He complimented me. I stood there, amused as he left the room behind me. His men followed shortly behind, dragging the kid. For a brief moment, the kid looked at me with tear-filled eyes. It was one of those times that I had to ask myself, what did I get myself into.
His order wasn't specific at all. Get him a kid, don't care how old or young, as long as he can make some old men hard. Since I had multitudes of other orders to do, I just drove to a town roughly three hundred miles [450 km] away from the pier I 'parked' the yacht in and watched a local baseball game, little league that is. There was this kid, maybe twelve or thirteen that attracted my attention. He was different from the other kids I got the chance to 'recruit'. Make no mistake, the kid was extremely handsome but he had features that differentiate him from the rest. He was on the skinny side, not excessively but skinny nevertheless. He had this sharp, deep face that was both mysterious and attractive; a 'tall, dark and handsome' type without the tall part, that is. He had light complexion, and quite athletic from what I can see. I followed him home after the game. I wasn't sure if this was the kid I wanted but decided just to check nevertheless. They finally drove in a garage at a nearby house. I parked my car quite a few houses away and started planning. Getting the kid at night would be dangerous since the place was an unknown to me. I don't have the time or patience to wait for the kid to come out by himself. Even if he did, he was still too close to the house and parents might be watching. I was still debating with myself when I saw the kid bicycling away from his house. He was still in his little league costume. From a safe distance, I followed him to a park a few blocks away. He went down a small hill so I parked the van and stealthfully followed him. Lucky for me there weren't that many people at the park and the few that were there couldn't care less. Hiding behind some bushes, I spied the kid meeting two other boys. The older kid, also twelve or thirteen years old, was even skinnier than the kid, but handsome nevertheless. He had dark brown hair, big but cute brown eyes and a slight but hardly noticiable tan. The younger kid was this strikingly handsome and cute nine year old, blessed with silky, shiny and long blond hair and light skin. They also wore baseball costumes. "Hey, Evan." The other older kid asked. "You win your game today?" "Yep 3; three to four. How about you, David?" "Beat ya, we won by 9 to five." The kid replied. "Can we go to the mall now, David?" The younger kid asked. I made an educated guess then that those two were siblings. "Just wait you little shitface. We have plenty of time." The older boys laughed at the little kid, whose face grimaced. As they continued their little boy-talk, I was thinking what was the best way of getting Evan. I might even get the other two, as 'reserves'. But a single guy, no matter how big or strong would have trouble getting three kids in a public place. Then the answer hit me. I hurried back to the van and got a blow gun one of my clients loaned me. He told me that the darts inside the gun were laced with a powerful sedative. It was intentionally used by African tribesmen to hunt down big prey like deer. Well, I, I told myself, am hunting prey right now and this would do the job just right. I hurried back to my hiding place. The three kids were still chatting. Carefully, I aimed the blow gun at Evan, who seemed to be the oldest and most capable kid of the bunch. I blew, hitting him square at the neck. I immediately blew more darts at the two other kids. All three kids fell onto the ground, totally unconscious. My, these darts are quick, I complimented myself. I looked around to see if anyone was nearby. Satisfied, I went down and dragged Evan to my hiding place. I examined the kid carefully. He was sharply handsome all right. Not exactly my type but who knows. Whistling, I casually walked back to the van, which was parked just about a minute's walk away and took out a garbage box. I placed the box over a dolley and wheeled it back to the area where the boys were. I stuffed Evan in the box (the box couldn't hold more than one person) and wheeled the box back to the van. I carried the box inside the van and then closed the van door. I took the kid out of the box and sat him on one of the back seats. I did the same thing to the other two boys. I then drove back to the yacht, feeling good about myself. Voltz seemed very pleased with my selection. He had his men take Evan somewhere to 'prepare' him. He said he didn't care much about the other two so I had some men just hold them somewhere under sedation until we can find some use for them. Voltz then invited me to the 'party' that night to see the 'fruits of my labour'. Out of curiosity, I accepted his offer. The meeting place I was told to go to was this mansion isolated somewhere in the Sierra Madre area. It was built hundreds of years ago by a rich, eccentric settler and had been deserted since, until Voltz bought it. It was much bigger inside that what it appeared to be from outside. As he led me into the mansion, I noticed quite a few cars on the parking site, most of which were high-class cars like Cadillacs and mustangs. He brought me into this hall filled with people. There were about twenty or so round tables scattered throughout the massive room. Although there were maybe two or three women, all of them were men dressed in suits. They were all chatting and mingling like old friends. Voltz led me up the stage on the corner of the room and asked the people there to give him their attention. "Well, folks. It seems that the whole gang's here." Voltz commented through the microphone. "I am sure that all of us will have plenty of fun here." That earned him quite a loud applause and a barrage of laughter. "Before we proceed with the main event, I would like to introduce to all of you my friend here. He doesnt like to be called by his real name so lets just call him the Collector. Without his help, we wouldnt have this fun night, you know." That caused me to blush a little bit. "So, if you have any need of his services, especially in recruiting 3; delicious little things, just talk to him, ok." They all clapped at me, cheering me on. I waved at them before Voltz gestured me to sit down on a chair reserved for me just besides the stage. "Ok, ladies and gentlemen. I am here to present to you 3;" He started as he signalled his men to open the curtains behind him. "Evan!!" When the curtains were completely pulled away, the audience gasped as they beheld the twelve year old tied, eaglespread, standing against a metal 'x'-shaped pillar. His hands and ankles were chained to the pillar. The kid's baseball costume was still on him. The kid struggled against his bonds as some of the people in the audience started taking pictures. "I suggest you use your film conservatively, folks. There will be a lot more better 3; picture moments later." Voltz laughingly broadcasted. "So, kid. Whats your name again?" Voltz asked as he approached the kid. The kid kept on struggling to get free but froze when he felt something cold and metallic poking him from behind. He heard someone whisper to him to better cooperate and obey Voltz or else he would have a new bellybutton. "E-evan." The kid whispered. "Cannot hear you." "EVAN" The kid finally shouted. "How old are you, Evan?" "Twelve, almost thirteen." "A good ripe age. Tell me Evan, you ever fucked before?" "No." The kid answered disgustingly. "Hmmm, hear that, folks. He is a virgin!" The whole audience erupted in cheers and laughter. "Well, folks. It would seem here that Evan needs to learn the birds and the bees real soon. Where should we start?" His question earned a multitude of shouts and answers. They were so mixed-up that I couldn't even discern a single, coherent sentence from them. "Okay Okay folks. Let's do it this way so everything would go peaceful and dandy. Lets do an auction here." That brought a solid approval from the crowd. "Lets start with a strip-tease, shall we?" Voltz continued, his voice teasing. "What say, who would like to take off this cutie's shirt?" "Fifty bucks!" One person shouted. "Seventy!" Another replied. "Eighty" "Eighty Five." "Hundred Twenty" "Anyone else going over a hundred twenty?" Voltz asked. "Okay, going one, going twice 3; sold!" He gestured for the gentleman to come up on the stage. The guy was this old man, maybe sixty or so. He looks like the Kentucky Fried Chicken guy, I had to admit. He gave Voltz the money and walked to where the kid was tied. The kid shivered as the man unbuttoned his shirt, then pulled it away, exposing his bare chest. The man's wrinkled hands started rubbing his smooth chest, pinching his small nipples. After a few minutes, Voltz gently led the old man down the stage and resumed his broadcasting. "Okay folks. Now, lets get down to 3;" He teased. "His pants!" That brought a whole barrage of offers, going all the way to five hundred bucks. The lucky winner pulled down the kid's pants, revealing his hairless, smooth bare legs. I thought of them as being rather skinny but I guess the rest of the audience didn't care as they all gasped and took pictures of the helpless and frustrated kid in front of them. "Nice legs you have there, Evan-dear." Voltz commented as he carressed the kid's inner thighs. The kid shook as the man stroked his legs. "Hmmmm, delicious folks, bet you cannot wait to get your hands on this merchandise now, wouldnt you?" "Now 3; for the most exciting part 3; who wants to pull down this cutie-pie's undies?" I sat down amused as everyone offered to do the 'deundying'. The whole thing took thirty minutes until an offer of five thousand finally resolved the issue. The guy went up the stage and slowly pulled down Evan's cotton white briefs. The boy started sobbing when theman started carressing and stroking his now erect 4 inch [10 cm] cock and balls. The whole audience went wild as shouts and camera flashes were everywhere. "Well, Mr. Holzt. How was he?" Volzt asked. "Completely hairless and delicious." "Okay folks, now. Lets get on with the main event, now, shall we?" There was this brief and uncanny silence after he said this. I saw some people panting with lust while others already began taking off their belts and pulling down their pants. "Everyone of you was given a number when you first came in. You will be called by that number. You just tell me what you want to do with this hunk and how much you are going to pay for it. I will then decide on how long you can get to do it by how much you give me, okay?" That brought forth a resounding "OKAY!" from the crowd. "Okay, number one!" A red-faced gentlemen walked up the stage at the calling of his number. I would say he was middle age, and new in his game, judging from his awkward stance. "Okay, Mr. Gates. What would you like to do and how much are you willing to offer me?" "W-well, I just want to have a feel and maybe a few kisses. Would a grand do?" "For a grand, Mr. Gates." Voltz assured him, "you can have the kid for ten minutes." Excitedly, the man came to where the boy was and started carressing the kid's body. His hands were all over the kid, stroking his legs, pinching his nipples, rubbing his arms while he sucked, licked and kiss every part of the boy's upper body. When the ten minutes were up, the man was led down the stage, a noticable splotch of wetness can be seen on where his pants covered his genital area. The whole thing went on hours, if not days. They came in droves, varying from merely kissing the kid to fucking him. There was this lady, kinda oldish if not haggish, who paid ten thousand dollars to masturbate the kid inbetween her breasts repeatedly. Poor kid, after being licked all over, sucked all over that he had hickeys all over his body, even finger-fucked numerous times, he had to also endure the indignity of cumming all over an old lady's boobs. I didn't know whether I should feel sorry for him or laugh at the whole thing. I noticed that the kid hasn't been butt fucked yet. That was finally resolved as the last twelve clients came in. They paid from twenty thousand to a hundred thousand to rape the kid. For this, the kid was transfered to a bed, his hands chained to the bedposts while eleven men humped him in varied ways, from the 69 technique to oral-fucking. The boy was covered with semen and sweat by the time the second to the last person was done with him. Blood was also oozing from his ripped butthole. The boy stared at the wall blindly. I guess his mind just snapped. I felt sorry for him then. "Okay, Harry." Voltz addressed his last client (the rest already left, apparently satisfied and wanting more). "He is all yours." "Wonderful." His companion answered, handing a stack of cash to Voltz. I would make an educated guess that it was around five hundred grand. "Hope to do business with you again someday." The big man replied as he released the frozen boy from his chains and lifted him up on his arms like some raggedy doll. He carressed the boy's smooth inner thighs as he walked out of the room. Before walking out of the room altogether, he bent the boy a little bit and gave him a long, deep kiss before throwing him up on his arms again and walking away from sight. "Oh, you will. Harry, you will." I heard Voltz whisper, grinning and winking at me. "Five million in one night, Collector." He complimented me as he handed me my part of the deal, five hundred grand. I accepted the money greedily. "Very nice." "We should do this again very soon." "Just tell me when, Mr. Voltz." I answered back as I walked out of the room, fanning my face with hundred dollar bills.
Shaking, Barge knelt down to where little Travis was sitting. Hesitantly, he reached out and carressed the sobbing boy's cheek. The boy jumped as the man continued to caress his face with shaking hands. Gently, the man kissed the boy's wet cheeks softly. "He is such a lovely boy. Mr. Collector." Mr. Collector, I liked that. This guy is such a geek, I tell you. "How much is he?" "This is a package deal, Mr. Barge. You want the blondie cutie, you have to get his big brother too." The man gazed at the older boy. He didn't seem that interested in the twelve year old but I could see that he was thinking things over. "Come on, look at him. He maybe a little skinny but I guarantee you he is a grade A boy-hunk. Bet you he is still a virgin too." "Very well. Mr. Collector. I will take both of them. How will you ensure me that they will be 3; cooperative though? I don't think I can handle them myself." Judging by how weak and timid the guy was, I doubt he could even handle a cockroach. I sighed. "Leave that to us, Mr. Barge. It will take us a month or so, but we will make sure that they will be 3; cooperative." With that, the contract was made. Barge was this no-guts guy who inherited millions from his parents and was living meaninglessly for the past decade or so. He finally got the guts to come to me so that he can have his life-long desire, whatever that was. Anyway, this deal did give me the chance to try out a brainwashing technique a collegue learned from them Chinese. The procedure was simple. Remove the subject from any stimuli until his mind softens then mold it according to what you want him to be. I didn't really have the know-hows to do a lot of those things but Big Mac recommended this guy he knew to help me. The guy's name was Kevin McKenzie. He was a behavioral expert. Later on, he was also going to be one of my costumers but that is another story. Kevin told me that younger kids can be reprogramed a lot easier than older ones so Travie was going to be our first experiment. We locked the nine year old up in this empty room. It reminded me of those rooms they put loonie bins in at the asylums (no, havent been to one). Kevin made sure that the lights were off 23 hours a day, except when food is pushed through a prepared bin for the kid to eat. The food is always the same too, hamburgers and water, three times a day. We didn't want the kid to be skin and bones, afterall. The one hour a day that the lights were on, I or Kevin would go in the room, and without talking to the naked kid, caress and masturbate him. Slowly, the kid's resistance broke. When we first started, he would run away from us and try to punch us when we use his body but later on, he should sat there in the corner of the room and stared at us coldly as we fondled him. By the end of two and a half weeks, the kid was totally ours. I remember that day too. The room stinked completely of waste products. The kid was smelly, dirty and totally pathetic. Kevin assured me that the kid was now programmed. I entered the room and gestured him to turn on the light. The kid walked up to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. He started trying to pull down my pants. I grinned and told him to stop. He stared at me coldly, with no emotion or spirit whatsover left in him. "Very good, Kevin." I shouted to him. "Barge will be very happy." "His older brother might be a little more complicated." He returned with his usual icy voice. David's ordeal was definitely different. He was tied around a metal pillar, his arms and legs chained to the pillar behind him so that he couldn't even move a muscle. Kevin, making use of some oriental technique inserted a couple of needles around the naked boy's body. Kevin later explained to me that the needles control the nerve-impulses going to the kid's brain. The needles near his eyes prevent him from sleeping while the ones around his body made sure that any stimuli is cut off. In effect, the kid cannot see, hear, taste or touch or smell anything. In addition, some needles were especially inserted near the kid's still hairless genitalia so that if his penis or balls get touched, he would feel the sexual feeling a hundred times more than usual. Kevin told me that this was the ultimate conditioning. We had to feed the boy intravenously, of course. We left the kid alone for five days. After the fifth day, the boy groaned and started gibbering. Kevin told me that this was due to extreme sleep and sense-deprivation. He then, for about five minutes every hour for twelve hours a day fondled the kid's genitalia, causing him to shake and sob as the man masturbated him. Maybe I was getting used to all this kind of craziness because I didn't feel bad for the kid or anything. Anyway, after three weeks of torment, the boy's mind finally broke entirely. All he wanted now is for his peepeee to be touched. The day came when we delivered the goods to Barge. Living in virtual isolation in his mountainside mansion, the recluse could not believe that the kids were totally brokened. "My dear little Travis," I commanded the kid, who was wearing only his cute little undies, "why don't you show your new daddy your stuff." The little boy promptly ran to where Barge was standing and before he could react, pulled down his pants and underwear and started sucking on his penis. The man groaned in startled but welcomed pleasure as the cute nine year old sucked his organ. He carressed the boy's hair as he finally came in the boy's mouth. The kid swallowed all that cum greedily. "Satisfied, I hope." I interrupted them. The man was still panting as he pulled up his underwear and pants. Without me even commanding him, David walked to him and wrapped his slender arms around the short man's shoulders. He pulled the man's head and kissed him hard on the lips. The man returned the twelve year old's advances by wrapping one arm around the thin waist while his other hand cupped the boy's little asscheeks and squeezed. They frenched for a long time. "Ahem!" I finally shouted. "Eerrrr yes." Barge pulled away from the boy and asked him to stand still. The boy, not satisfied, pulled down his briefs and grabbing the man's hand, made him rub and play with his penis, causing it to grow to its full four inch [10 cm] erection. The boy groaned in ectasy as the man, not being able to resist, continued to masturbate him until the boy came in his hands. "As I was saying," the man commented as he wiped the cum in his hands on his pants, "I am very happy. I don't know how you did it but I was very pleased. You will find your 3; reward in the envelope." He handled me a white envelope. I grinned as the man continued to play around with his new toys. "A silly old nerd with his new sex slave-sons." I whispered sarcastically as I walked away from the scene.
I could have laughed then. I have gotten used to being referred to as the 'Collector' but his comment had a twist. 'Childish' is such an ironic term to use as I scanned the room. Everywhere were baby-related equipment: cribs, pacifiers, diapers, toys, etc. Even the wallpaper consisted of baby pictures. I could not help but be amused that even though the stuff were all for babies, they have been modified to accomodate a slightly 3;older kid. The crib, for example, was large and long enough for a small man to lie in. I smiled. "You into babies a lot, heh, Mr. Hackman?" Ignoring his earlier remark about my true name, which I would like to keep private from all my customers. The man grinned. "You might say that, Mr. Collector." The man was a piece of irony himself. He was over six feet and three inches [1.90 m] tall, from what I can see. Two hundred fifty pounds [113 kg] of pure muscle, hardly any fat. He probably was strong enough to lift me up and break me into two if he so wanted to. A monster of a man, and he was into babies. "You see, Mr. Collector. I am not into babies as in little babies. I would like to have my own baby, you see. Lets say 3; a twelve year old?" I thought it over. This was something new to me. Abducting a kid is one thing, but turning him into a baby of sorts is another. "That might be quite difficult to arrange, Hackman." "I am willing to pay you a very 3; enjoyable sum of money for your services, Mr. Collector." Those were the magic words. "Okay, give me two months. Any preference?" "Oh I am sure you can think of something I will enjoy, Mr. Collector." He laughed so loud that it echoed across the room. Later that night, I had another one on one chat with Kevin McKenzie. He was increasingly becoming very useful. I was seriously considering having him as a full time partner. Afterall, he was unmatched in his knowledge of mind control and drugs. "This one is a really weird request, Kevin." "I gather." He teased as he fiddled with a test tube with some vomit-like liquid in it. "But not an impossible task." "So you have something that can help me?" I have to admit, I was blunt. He smiled as he continued staring at the tube in his hand, shaking it periodically. "As a matter of fact, I think I do. It will take me a week or two to come up with it though." "No problem," I replied. "That will give me time to find a nice subject to use." We both laughed at this. It took me two weeks to finally find a prospective subject to catch. The kid's name was also Kevin. He looked twelve. Slightly over five feet [1½ m] high and probably twenty pounds [10 kg] overweight. The kid wasn't really fat or anything, from what I can observe. He just had a lot of baby-fat left in his preteen body. I mean, even his face was very babyish but still extremely handsome in appearance – robust cheeks, nice puppy eyes, soft blond hair and no freckles or blemishes at all. I waited behind some bushes at the park where Kevin usually rode his bike. He usually hanged out with some of his friends there. I waited until it was time for him to go home. I specially selected a spot to hide at in the park, an area far enough from their hang out area so that his friends are beyond visual range but at the same time, still far away from the main road. I readied my tranquilizer gun, waiting for him to pass. It was a short wait as I heard him coming closer. I scanned around to check if there were any spectators; there was none. I aimed my weapon and carefully took aim. He was probably around a hundred feet [30 m] away when I pulled the trigger. The kid was totally taken by surprised as the dart hit him right on his shoulder. He fell off his bike and landed hard on the soft, moist grass. I ran over to where he was and, after scanning for potential witnesses, hauled my prize back into my hiding place. Man, the kid was heavy but his skin was so smooth and 'meaty'. The tranquilizer dart Kevin (the alchemist) prepared for me was especially potent. The kid was unconscious right away. Good, I did not have to bother with quieting him up or even having to put him down. I ran back to where his bike was laying on the grass and carried it back behind the bushes. I am pretty sure people will find it eventually but it wouldn't matter. I was wearing gloves. Satisfied, I tried carrying the kid on the shoulders but he was too heavy for me to support and maintain my balance at the same time. So I had to push him in an extra large and reinforced trash bag I brought with me for such an occasion. Holding him by his ankles, I pulled him like some dead animal to where my van was waiting. I was wearing sunglasses and a cap, just in case some people might see me hauling this big trash bag around. I made a mental note to replace my van after this assignment as well. That was too bad, I was getting attached to it too. I made sure the kid was safety settled in the back of the vehicle, opening the bag a little for air to get in. I was then on my way. The trip itself took over half a day. It was a boring ride for me. Had Kevin (the kid) been a little less 3; meaty, I would had probably enjoyed his body on the way but nah 3; Hackman wanted a kid that can be his baby. What better choice than a kid who looks like an overgrown baby? By the time I got to Kevin (the alchemist)'s place, it was already nearing three in the morning. I was dead tired. "You certainly know how to arrive at the most convenient times." He yawned as he opened the door for me. His 'lab' was this small house in the middle of nowhere. I didn't reply out of exhaustion. We both carried the still-unconscious kid inside. "Quite a big catch you have here." he joked as he pulled the trash bag away from the boy. He patted the boy's thighs a little, causing them to 'bounce' a little bit from the still abundant baby-fat in them. "Hah hah." I retorted. "Well 3; can you 'fix' him so that we can deliver to Hackman?" "Probably." He answered as he slowly pulled down the 12-year-old's shorts. The kid's genitals were still completely immature and hairless. He gently placed his hand over the boy's cock and balls and started to play around with them. In no time, the boy's penis began to stiffen, growing to its two and a half inch [6 cm] lenght. The boy began to shake his body a little as he started to feel his first (probably) orgasm. I held him down a little. The kid humped his body a little and then relaxed. Satisfied, MacKenzie released the boy's genitals. "Good, it was a dry orgasm and the kid's sexual organ's full lenght is still way immature for his age." I hated it when he talked in scientific lingo. I glared at him a little, hoping that it would convey to him the idea to talk simple English. I guess I was feeling a little moody, with the driving and the time of the day and all. He understood. "In short, the kid is a slow developer. It will be easy to administer the 'baby' drug to him. In fact you might like how I prepared the drug." He teased as he walked over to one of his cabinet and pulled out a baby bottle with something that looked like milk in it. I laughed. He laughed back as he handed me the bottle. "It is a special drug that actually retards the sypnapses of the brain, greatly inhibiting deep level thinking." Sensing that I was starting to become irritated by all the technical talk, he swifted language gears. " It forces him to think and behave like a baby. Since he is a slow developer, the drug's effect will be much more effective. Here, give him a drink." Excitedly, I forced the boy's mouth open by squeezing his cheeks with my hand. I then inserted the baby bottle's pacifier inside and shook the bottle a little so that the liquid would start moving out. At first, the boy did not respond. Slowly, he began to chew on the pacifier a little. In less than fifteen minutes, the whole bottle was empty. "Good." Mackenzie grinned. "He will probably remain unconscious for a few more hours. We better take a little nap first." His advise was extremely inviting. I laid down on the nearby recliner and dozed off in no time. I was later awakened by loud crying. I slowly opened my eyes and looked at my watch. I had been asleep for four hours. It was already eight in the morning. I scanned around the room. Mackenzie was still asleep on the coach. The kid was crying his heart out, kicking and punching the open air. It was a miracle he didn't fall off the table. I leaped to where he was and restrained his arms. He stared at me with empty eyes, as if trying his best to understand what was happening but couldn't. "Now, now, Kevin." I was careful in how I said it. The kid's brain may have been fried but he still possess a 115 lb [52 kg] body. "Everything's ok." Slowly, I carressed his blond, soft hair. He began to relax. He then inserted his thumb inside his mouth and started sucking. I tried hard not to laugh. "Well now, it seems that you have become an instant father." Mackenzie whispered. I didn't even notice him waking. I gave him a funny look as I continued to rock and coo the kid. Finally, the kid fell back to sleep. "Well, I think the boy is ready to be delivered." The alchemist commented. "But I think we should dress him up properly first." I could not agree more with him. The kid was still wearing his baseball shirt and long shorts. Making sure that I wasn't being too rough (and end up waking the big baby again), I pulled off his shoes and socks. I then pulled off the boy's shorts and shirt. The kid was entirely naked now. His smooth and unblemished body still had lots of baby fat in it, as I suspected. I carressed his legs, feeling the smooth, silky surface. I then rubbed his tits. He shook a little as I continued pinching (lighty) his nipples. "Nice body." I had to comment. "Well, since you seem to be enjoying yourself, I am going out to get the kid the proper clothes, not to mention get breakfast for both of us." After he left, I continued to stare at the sleeping kid, his thumb still in his mouth. My hand crept up to his penis and started fondling it. It was so soft. I began to feel tinglings of sexual pleasure as I continued to rub the little organ. A small grin appeared on the boy's face. He seemed to be enjoying my masturbating him as much as I do. I bent down and started sucking his nips. They were so meaty and poking out that they reminded me of girl's boobs, you know 3; twelve or thirteen year old girl's 3; when their boobs arent fully developed but succulent nevertheless). I licked and sucked his nipples hungrily, while my hand continued to masturbate him. He was so delicious. Since the closest store was tens of miles away, I knew that it will take my partner hours to get back. Normally, the thought of me actually being so 3; involved with my merchandise wasn't an issue. I like my cock inside a lady's hole, not a boy's but Kevin here was so smooth and helpless that he turned me on. I stripped myself of everything I was wearing. Completely naked, I laid besides the sleeping youth. My hand resumed fondling his sweet cock. I nibbled his smooth neck while my other hand carress his soft hair and face. My stiff cock was at the same time poking his meaty butt cheeks. I didn't want to penetrate the kid because it might damage his value. "You are so sweet, kid." I cooed. The boy did not respond. He just laid there, soundly asleep as I continued to play with his helpless body. I turned him a little so that I was almost on top of him. I did not want to apply any weight on him and thus, wake him up so I used my left hand to balanced myself. I bent down and resumed sucking his delicious nipples. The sensations were so sweet that after a few minutes, I found myself humping the boy's sensoous thighs. I moaned in ectasy as my cum splattered all over his body. Sated, I wiped myself clean and then put my clothes back on. I grabbed a towel and gently wiped the kid cleaned as well. "It was fun, thanks, Kevin." I quietly laughed. By the time MacKenzie finally showed up, I was vegetating outside the cottage, enjoying the cool, rural breeze. Lying on the soft grass, with the sun above me was relaxing. He had two large paper bags with him. "So, the kid awake yet?" "Nope." I casually answered. "Good." He returned. "Come on, we have lots of work to do." Inside, he set all the things he bought on the table: baby powder, diapers, a pacifier, towels and a bar of baby soap. "We are going to give our big baby here," He grinned as he patted the sleeping kid's legs, "a baby bath." "Hmmmm." What else can I say? My partner gently slapped the boy's butt cheeks. Slowly the kid's eyes opened. He stared at us, again with those puppy confused eyes. He began to whimper and then cry loudly. Maybe there was that part of him that the drugs repressed that told him that something's wrong. Anyhow, I grabbed his thrashing arms, trying to hold him down. I have to give him credit, he was strong. "Here this might help you." The alchemist offered another baby bottle to the kid. The boy stared at the bottle for a few seconds, uncertain of what to do. Then he took it into his mouth and started sucking. His body relaxed. "There, there now, baby. wasn't that fun?" Gently as not to antagonize the boy, I placed my arm around his waist and helped him wobble to the front door. Due to the drug's effect, the kid's coordination and balance were fuzzy. I led him outside and sat him by the porch, in between my lap. He rested his head against my chest as he kept on sucking. In the meantime, MacKenzie got the hose and started to spray us with water. The boy smiled at the pleasant sensation of water running down his naked body. MacKenzie handed me the baby soap. It was a welcomed invitation, as I wipe my soapy hands all over the 12 year old's body, especially his private area. The kid giggled as I played with his small penis and butthole. Oh my cock was already at its full lenght by the time I was done soaping and rinsing him up. "I see that Hackman isn't the only one who has a liking to this boy." MacKenzie had to say. I returned his laughter. When the boy was completely clean, and I do mean completely, butthole and all, we brought him back on the table. He didn't even want to let go of me, his smooth arms around my neck. When he was laying back on the table, MacKenzie gave me the baby oil and powder. Excitedly, I filled my hands with oil and wiped it all over the boy's body. The boy apparently enjoyed the sensation of hands rubbing and stroking every part of his body. He smiled at us innocently. By the time we were done, the boy was smelling so good and babyish that I nearly fainted from the sensation. MacKenzie lifted the boy's legs up and sprinkled some baby powder on the boy's butt cheeks. He playfully slap and tap the boy's fatty butt cheeks, causing it to bounce like jello. I gave a quiet laugh. He then put the boy down, making sure that the diaper was in the proper position. "There, that wasn't so hard now, was it?" I smiled. Poor twelve year old Kevin. He was a sports nut – a little macho kid. Now looking at him, wearing only a diaper, sucking his thumb and smelling like a new born. Such a humiliation would have been devastating for him, had he had the cognitance to understand what was happening to him. I took a deep breath, greatly enjoying the boy's sweet smell. We delivered the boy to Hackman. The man literally salivated when he saw the kid – diaper and all. They rather made the perfect couple, in my opinion – or is that father and baby? I laughed at the thought. MacKenzie and I laughed so hard when the enormous Hackman started sucking on the kid's penis. At the same time, the kid was given a lollipop, which he began to suck greedilly. It was a sight to remember, I have to admit. I couldn't help but wonder what would happen to the kid when puberty finally sets in (although MacKenzie told me that his drug greatly retards sexual development). Oh well, I suppose that is none of my business as I counted the 500 grand Hackman gave me for 'services rendered'.
I carressed her smooth cheek with the back of my hand. I have had a lot of women in bed before, but nothing like Sandra. Blond, blue-eyed and beautiful, what else could a man desire in a woman? She was a professional and totally cultured. Not a single freckle or blemish can be found on her soft, silky skin. I started licking her boobs. "Super,darling." I replied, suckling and licking at the same time. "So will you do it?" She asked, her breathing heavy. "Of course." "Good." Her lips pressed themselves against mine as her hand continued to pump my very-much erect cock. That was a few days ago. Fun's over, and I am on the hunt again. This time, my prey was a 6 year old kid by the name of Bryan. Dark brown hair, small and as energetic as a wild bull, the kid was also incredibly cute. I am not into little kids, mind you but Bryan sure was sexy for a little kid. His smile was heart warming, or in the case of some people, pant-stretching. Totally innocent 3; or so it seems. The fact of the matter is that the kid was super hyper and uncontrollable, not to mention rude and disrespectful. Sandra would know. Afterall, she had been his teacher 3; that is until she got fired by the spoiled kid's parents. All she wanted to do was to teach the kid a lesson 3; a little swat on the butt with a ruler or something 3; but no, parents had her fired and blacklisted. Ten unblemished years of teaching all wasted just because of a bratty little kid. I guess, even that could break even the sanest minds 3; and Sandra wasn't all that sane to start with. Well, now, she is going to have her revenge and yours truly is going to make it happen for her. Getting Bryan was going to be a little tricky. Little kids are usually more protected and watched over than older ones. And someone with a reputation of being hyper and energetic like Bryan would most probably have someone looking after him even more. It took me weeks of investigating and planning to come up with a good plan of how to get the kid. Every month, the family would go up to the mountains to camp out and relax. Of course, anywhere with Bryan in it is far from 'relaxing' but people can dream, I suppose. The place where they camped were already filled withother campers so any chance for me to strike there would be very remote. However, as if on cue, I gleefully spied on the little boy running away from his dad. The dad, already red-faced with frustration, was at his wit's end as he tried his best to chase the little demon. "Bryan! Come back here!" He shouted as he stopped chasing the still-running kid. Normally, I would think that he would be worried that the kid might get lost in the woods. I guess that Bryan has done this numerous times before, and always knew his way back. That was his mistake. I followed the kid inconspiculously until he stopped by some bushes far away from site and hid behind them. I grinned. I love it when a plan works together. I silently circled around until I was behind him. I was glad that the ground was moist, so the kid cannot hear me approaching. By the time he did sense my presence, it was already too late. I pressed the chroloformed-cloth against his nose and mouth for a good number of seconds. At first, the kid thrashed and kicked 3; but eventually, the little body relaxed and fell in a stupor. Satisfied that he was completely unconscious, I carried him back to my waiting car (making sure that no one was nearby) and drove off. Sandra would be so pleased. Sandra's basement was completely remodelled by the time I got there. I have to hand it to her; she was just truly deranged. There were S/M gears and machines everywhere 3; chains, whips, torture devices, et al. I glanced at the sleeping boy in my arms. A part of me was hesistant in wanting to turn over this little kid to such an insane bitch, but hey, she was paying me bigtime, not to mention heavycore sex as well. "You have him, sweet." She hissed at me. With only a leather bikini on, she had a look that would had frozen anyone who had a conscience or fear in him. Luckily for me, I had neither. "Yeah, cute kid, isn't he?" She sensually walked to where I was and started to carress the little boy's arms and legs, periodically groping his private areas. She smiled at me, and then pressed her lips against mine while at the same time, inserting her hand in the shorts of the little boy and started to fondle his genitalia. Finally withdrawing both, she grinned. "Yes, he is cute and he will be mine forever to love." The boy slowly came to. I watched bemused as the kid started to become aware where he was and what situation he was in. I sure would not be comfortable being tied, eagled spread upright, with my mouth gagged and wearing only my underwear (in Bryan's case, fun-pal briefs). The boy wiggled and squirmed. He glared at me with those beautiful, big and sexy eyes 3; reflecting both fear and confusion. I didn't say anything to the kid 3; Sandra made me promised. I just sat there, facing the kid. "Awww 3; is my baby awake?" She just came out of nowhere behind the kid. Her hand started carressing the boy's nips and inner thighs. Bryan was maybe too young to know what sex was but he sure didn't feel comfortable about anyone touching him like this. He tried to moved away from the molesting hands but the chains attached to his wrists and ankles were too tight. Tears flowed down his eyes as the hands continued to rub him all over. "Hmmm, so smooth 3; so sexy 3; so innocent." Sandra purred, as if intoxicated with lust and madness. "I wish all my men were like that." She licked her tongue before she used it to lick the boy's cheeks and neck. Then she went down and started to suck on the little nipples. The boy screamed beneath the gags 3; his beautiful face filled with fear and irritatiion. "Hmmm 3; so delicious 3;" She continued to purr as she continued to suck on the little mounds. Then she bit 3; not hard enough to cause any damage, but enough to make the kid jumped and screamed quietly in pain and shock. "Do you remember me, my sweet?" I could tell from the boy's face that he did. "Of course you do." She continued. "Afterall, I was the only one in your life who told you what you truly are 3;" She carressed the boy 's inner thighs and circled to behind him. SLAP! I bet that her hand left a mark on the place on the boy's ass where it hit. "Do you have any idea how long I have waited for this 3; you son-of-a-bitch?" She softly told the crying boy. SLAP! "A long long time." SLAP "Dreaming of what to do with you once you are mine." SLAP She stopped and resumed carressing the kid. "But no 3; I don't hate you anymore, cutiepie. Actually, I love you very much now 3; very very much." She went over to a shelf and got some clamps. "Here, let me show you how much I love you, my baby." The boy nearly loss consciousness as clamps were placed on his nips and balls. Ouch 3; even for a 6-year-old, that would had hurt 3; The child was now shaking uncontrollably in pain. "But no, my cutiepie 3;" She purred at him as he licked his neck. Her hand slowly removed the clamp holding his tiny balls. "I don't want my baby's balls to be damaged. AFterall, they will give me milk to drink now, wont they?" "Of course, you are still too young, my sweet." She sucked on the smooth neck. " But don't worry, I will take care of you from now on 3; until your little balls," fingers started fondling the little sac, "are mature enough to give me milk now 3; then you will make me very ery happy 3;" I left the room, not sure whether to be disgusted or amused by the whole thing. Oh well, I thought to myself as I started counting the bundles of cash on the way out 3; Its not my business.
"Hows the kid, lover?" I teased. "Hmmmmm," she purred. I can tell even from the other side of the phone that she was playing with herself again. "Being trained just nice." "Great to hear that, you slut." I laughed. She didn't laugh back but I think I know her well enough that she took that quite positively. "I am bored 3;" She finally admitted. "Bryan not fun enough?" She sighed. "Its not that. I spend hours upon hours training him, carressing his smooth, soft body 3; rubbing it with baby oil for hours 3; pumping his little treasure just as long." Her breathing was getting heavy now. "I also love to hear him scream as I ram my finger inside his little hole 3; but its just not the same as with someone more 3; virile." "I am coming right over then, babe." I immediately offered. "I didn't mean it that way, you fool." She snapped. I can still remember feeling the whiplash of how she said it too. "I want young flesh." She murmured sensously. "I want to carress the innocent body of a kid who is about to become a man. I want to drink his fresh juice. Get one for me 3;" I sighed. A part of me wanted to tell her off. So I wasn't good enough for her, heh? "I will pay you double." I quickly changed my mind and accepted the assignment. What can I say 3; business first before personal feelings. The kid's name was Robert 3; Robbie for short. Thirteen but looks eleven if not for his height. Even I was struck by his fresh face, gorgeous eyes, sexy lips and that smooth, creamy and such electrifying skin. There was just something about him that was alluring, even for bis like myself. Getting him was not all that hard, as he would bike by himself everywhere. He was passing thru the normally sparsely visited area of the park, where I was waiting behind some bushes. I would normally bring a tranquilizer gun, but I have to pass thru a populated area of the park on the way to the van so that would not be practical. Fortunately, I was ready. I was testing out a small blow gun for a friend, who also especializes in drugs and chemicals. The 1-inch [2½ cm] dart was laid with a special deviation of LSD and truth drug. It was suppose, at its present level of strenght, to render a person completely docile once it enters the bloodstream. The range of the blow gun I used wasn't that bad either 3; 75 feet [25 m]. The boy was only fifty feet [15 m] away when I struck. He immediately fell of his bike and tumbled across the grass a few feet. I was glad that the grass cushioned his landing. I am sure Sandra would not enjoy her 3; young toy to be damaged in anyway. I immediately ran out of my hiding place and bent next to him. He was weakly shaking his head. I knew that the drug was working fast on his system. "Stand up slowly, Robbie." I commanded. He quickly obeyed, standing up, facing me with sleepy, almost unreflexive eyes. "Good, now come with me behind those bushes." Zombielike, he followed me behind the bushes where I got a backpack of clothes ready for him to put on. I don't want him to be seen with me matching his present outfit 3; too dangerous and too stupid on my part if I did. "Now, take off your clothes and put these on." I said, handling him a heavy set jacket and baggy pants. This was in sharp contrast to the simple T-shirt and long shorts he was wearing. I immediately felt my boner trying to rip itself thru my pants as I watched the boy strip slowly. His skin was so smooth and beautiful. For a thirteen year old, I bet he is smoother than most 9 year olds. And his face 3; now that I can see it closer, is just so 3; well, its hard to explain 3; He is not 'cute' in a little kid sense but not exactly handsome in a teen sense either. I guess its somewhere in between 3; both cute and handsome. Gorgeous brown eyes and dark brown hair, in contrast to his creamy white skin were added benefits. Once he finished dressing up, I handed him a cap to wear and stuffed his old clothes in my backpack. I told him to just stay behind the bushes while I stashed his bike behind another one. Making sure that there were indeed no spectators around, I then commanded him to follow me to my car. Much to my delight, no one took notice of us 3; Everyone just assumed that we were father and son walking thru the park. On the drive back to my house (I wanted to make sure the kid was totally dressed up for Sandra before I deliver him) 3; I couldn't help but asked him a couple of questions. Because of the drug, he had no choice but to tell me the truth. "How old are you, Robbie?" "I just turned thirteen." His voice was monotonous and groggy. I grinned. "You a virgin?" He paused a min. I was amused 3; even the drug cannot completely supressed a person's natural reaction. "Yes." He said weakly. "You were jacked off?" He didn't answer. I thought that maybe the drug was wearing off. Then it dawned on me 3; maybe the kid was even more innocent than he looked. "You were touch yourself in your privates to feel good?" I rephrased the question. "No." Great 3; a thirteen year who knows nothing about sex. I was starting to regret going to deliver this hunk to Sandra. I know men who would be willing to pay double to have a kid like this. But alas, a deal is a deal 3; since I already gave the kids pic to her. "Pull down your pants, Robbie." He pulled them down. I gazed at his pubic area. Completely hairless, it was just so succulent that I nearly lost control of the car. His cock though was fairly long, at four inches [10 cm] unerected. Sandra would love to milk this one, I mussed. I reached out and started playing with the soft organ. It was just ectasy 3; smooth, soft and delicious. I went down to his inner thighs and started carressing it. My boner was just throbbing crazy at the sensation. Then I stopped myself. Imagine me 3; falling for a thirteen year old 3; a boy even. Nah, just isn't me 3; With these thoughts, I drove on 3; Telling myself that I am no homo pedo while fondling the kid's smooth body. "W-where am I?" The boy's still soprano voice broke the silence of the room, shattering the wild sex orgy that I was having with Sandra while waiting for her latest catch to wake up. She bounced off the floor where we were laying and approached the kid. I spied on little Bryan, sitting on a corner, sucking his thumb while his hand was playing with his little (but hard) boyhood. She sure did train that kid well 3; considering how he was at first. Like some slittering snake, she approached the still-dazed kid and stood behind him. Like Bryan a few weeks before, Robbie was eagle-tied upright, with only his boxers on. I sat myself and amused myself watching her go. She wrapped her arms across his smooth hairless chest, rubbing his nipples and massaging his shoulders. "N-no 3; don't d-do that." The boy pleaded. "Hush, my love." She lick his neck as her hands went down and started rubbing his inner thighs. "Hmmm, your skin is so smooth 3; so silky 3; I like that." "P-please 3; don't do 3; mmphhh 3;" Her hand tightly pressed itself against his mouth. She forced his head to turn to face her hardened face. I could almost feel the fire in her eyes. The boy recoiled a little as she pulled his hair a little. "My sweet darling," her voice was as soft 3; and sinister as a snake, "please do not say anything or else I will have to be 3; nasty 3; ok?" Bryan must have experienced her being nasty often, because he quickly turned while and hid behind a table. "Please I want to go home." That was the poor kid's mistake. He shouldnt have disobeyed so quickly after she lifted her hand. Her hand went down and started squishing the kids balls thru his boxers 3; The kid screamed as she squished 3; hard. "I told you I will be nasty, my dear toy." She purred, as one hand continued torturing the boy's balls while the other pinched his nipple 3; so hard that they were turning blood red. At the same time, she was licking his cheeks and neck up and down. "You are so sexy, you know that?" I observed Bryan whimpering behind the table, putting his hands against his ears as the older kid kept on crying and screaming. He was so scared that he was pissing. Sandra must have heard it too. "Bryan, come here." She ordered. Hesitantly, the six year stood up and walked towards her. She has by now stopped torturing the 13 year old. Robbie's head was down; crying and panting. "You have been a bad boy, my little toy," she chastised, talking as if she was talking to a dog. "You know what happens to bad boy now, don't you." Bryan started crying hysterically. "Please, mistes, I didn't mean to." I love the way he called her too 3; Sandra grinned, obviously enjoying the terror of the little kid. "I might spare you this time, my little slave 3; but only if you show your big brother here what you do to make me happy." Bryan, both glad that he wasn't going to be punished and confused by what she meant, came closer to the two. She gently pulled down the crying, cringing lad's boxers, revealing his cock and reddened balls. "Suck him like you do me, Bryan 3; I know he has a lovely penis, but suck it anyhow 3; like you suck my boobs." Bryan cautiously approached the contrite boy. Slowly, he took the 4 incher [10 cm] in his small hands and inserted it in his mouth and started sucking. Robbie's body started to shake 3; from both the terror of his abuse and the sensuous emotions being evoked by the sucking. At the same time, his torturer was having the fun of her life rubbing his nipples, arms and inner thighs. Finally, the boy's body started shaking. Immediately, Sandra pushed Bryan violently away, so that he landed with a loud thud on the floor. She quickly bent down and took over the sucking. The 13 year old finally convulsed and shook. Like some alcoholic given alcohol after a long time of abstinence, she swallowed the cum greedily 3; I took the crying Bryan into my arms and laid him on my lap. He was still too young for my taste 3; but the thought of a young, smooth and innocent body on mine was always tantalizing. My hand rubbed the little kid's cock and inner thighs as we continued watching her slurp every drop of cum from the boy's cock. Finally, the boy fainted from the exhaustion, shock and terror. What a wimp, I thought to myself, a cute one though. As if thinking that there was more to suck from, she continued sucking for five more mins before she withdrew and wipe her mouth. She smiled at me 3; apparently satisfied. "Hmmm," she traced her mouth with her finger." Delicious 3; I have to say, Mr. Collector 3; you have the finest taste." "Anything to please a customer, 'mam" I returned humourously, my hands still roaming Bryan's little body. "Come here, Bryan." She commanded. I felt his body shook with total terror when he heard her call him. He slowly stood up and walk towards her. She bent down and started carressing his arms and legs 3; especially his inner thighs. She smiled at the tear-filled face. "Let me share with you my joy, my love." With these words, she pulled him closer and pressed her lips against his. The boy's body shook as her tongue roamed all over his mouth, sharing withhim the cum she drank from the unconscious boy tied up behind her. Her hands grabbed his small butt cheeks and started pressing them and pulled them apart, while at the same time, continuing the kiss. Finally, after ten long mins, she withdrew her mouth and told the boy to go to his room, which the boy eagerly obeyed. I allowed her to circle around me, her hands continously carressing my broad shoulders. I grinned 3; Sandra was indeed one of a kind. "He is so delicious." She purred. "I figured he would be. So what are you going to do to him?" "He won't be trained as easily as my little pet. But he will be trained 3; I promise you." "You sure you want to do this? I mean, he might try something. A 13 year old is not a 6 year old, you know." She smiled. "Rest assured, Mr. Collector 3; He will be my cow soon enough 3; By the time I am done with him, he will be begging me to suck on his delicious cock and drink his milk." We both laughed, before we ended up in a deep kiss. I tasted a little of the boy's cum in her mouth, which increased my sexual ferocity. We ended up spending the next few hours on the floor.
The End?18 parts were announced, only 8 were sent, does anybody have nos. 9-19?