BbillingsA Strange Arrangement |
SummaryThree boys in a locker room, and one goes a little too far with his prank, leading to a very strange arrangement.
Publ. Dec 2011
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CharactersEvan, Pat and Alexi (12yo)Category & Story codesConsensual Boy-Boy storybb – cons (reluc) oral mast – coer (Explanation) |
DisclaimerIf you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place? This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life. It is just a story, ok? |
Author's noteThank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author at bbillings(at)hushmail(dot)com or through this feedback form with Bbillings - A Strange Arrangement in the subject line. |
After a nice, long swim in the pool, the three boys, Evan, Alexi, and Pat had the entire changing room all to themselves. In fact, they had the entire pool basically to themselves all night, although there were a few moms with toddlers there as well. It was rare that kids would want to swim at an indoor pool during the summer, but since the local pool was under construction for the week, the three boys had very few other options. Unlike the outdoor pool, where they would sit in the sun and bake for a few minutes, or play volleyball to help dry themselves off before leaving, today they had no choice but to change in the locker room before they got in Alexi's father's car. He would never have them get in as soaked as they were, and the night air was chilly despite the fact that it was June. Being about to enter middle school, where they would be forced to change for gym every day, Evan was almost excited to get the opportunity to watch his friends change. He had what he considered to be a pretty small penis for twelve, only an inch or two [5 cm] soft, but maybe four inches [10 cm] hard on a good day. From what he read in his school health books, some boys already had some hair down there, and he certainly felt like that might be a whole year away. He was a little nervous about changing too, though, but his friends were clearly nervous as well. They showered off the chlorine still in their swimsuits and grabbed the towels provided by the center. Evan was happy to see that they wouldn't cover much, even on three skinny little 5th graders. Quickly toweling off as he walked back to the lockers, Alexi thought to make a quick exit and change before the other boys were done. Unfortunately for him, the other boys noticed, and with just a look at each other, they knew they had a plan. Pat grabbed two towels, handed one to Evan, and the two boys crept around the corner, hiding beside the lockers, where they could wait. When they heard the tell-tale sound of a wet swimsuit falling to the ground, Pat winked at Evan, and the two boys walked around the edge of the corner at the most convenient and embarrassing time possible. Taking their places on either side of their friend, each was able to get a decent look at Alexi's naked body, and neither boy was embarrassed about making it obvious they were looking. Alexi's body was slim and tightly muscled, even for a kid. He immigrated to the country from Russia, and he had said at times that he wanted to pursue a military career. It looked to most boys like he was already training. His close-cropped brown hair glistened with moisture, and his pasty white cheeks were turning red with embarrassment at a rapid pace. Clearly, he had thought that he could get away with sneaking off. He wasn't the smartest or the nicest kid out there, and he had a bit of a mean streak too, but his athleticism earned him the respect of his peers. Standing there naked, where every muscle on his slim body was visible, it was hard not to be impressed. To Evan's surprise, Alexi, the oldest of the boys, was no farther along in puberty than he was himself. Evan looked enviously at the nice six-pack abs, and followed their lines down, where they formed a muscular bulge right above his uncircumcised dick, still soft, but growing, and growing quickly. Alexi had a bigger member than Evan did when he was soft, but as he knew the other boys were looking, Alexi wasn't able to control his sexual energy and quickly got hard as he was toweling off his inner thighs. His erect penis was a skinny little three and a half inches [8½ cm] long, with some foreskin still covering a portion of the head. Satisfying small, at least for Evan, who was very self-conscious about his own size. Dressing himself quickly to the waist, Alexi sat down on the bench and pretended to fuss with his short hair while blatantly turning his attention over to Evan. Evan was already hard at this point, and a noticeable tent had formed in his suit. Taking a look across to Pat, he noticed that his other friend had conveniently blocked the view of his cock by standing with his far foot on the ground, and the nearer one balanced on the bench. Pat was also looking his way; apparently it was Evan's turn next, and his friends were going to be just as obvious about watching him. Taking his time, Evan undid the tie-strings that held up his swimming suit, and opened the lock to his locker. He wasn't showing off anything, at least not any longer than he needed to. Building a little assembly line with his briefs, shorts and t-shirt, he finally felt ready. As ready as he could be. Standing up, he gave the little shuck to his suit that normally worked just fine when he was alone in his room changing clothes without a raging hard on. This time, the tip of his suit caught on the edge of his dick, and presented a quick little view of his hairless midsection and the shaft of his cock. Alexi put down the towel he had been absentmindedly patting his hair down with, and was now smiling as he watched, and touching himself softly through his pants. Evan was not nearly as muscled at Alexi was, but his soft, smooth chest and abs were not flabby, either. He just simply didn't have too much muscle to show off, and nothing else to catch their attention either. Except for the little woody that was holding up his meager covering. Evan quickly blocked that view by toweling off his pubic area, then sighed, realizing the pointlessness, and then removed his suit entirely. His cock was now fully visible, and fully erect. This part of him that rarely saw the light of day was bone white along the shaft, with a dramatic bright red color shift as you reached the head. When it was hard, you could even see a vein or two popping out along it's four inch [10 cm] length, of which Evan was particularly proud. Dressing as quickly as he could, trying in vain to ignore the stares of his friends, and finishing up quickly, he breathed a sigh of relief, knowing the hardest part of the day was over. It wasn't that bad, but it was still tough. Alexi's little hard on was bulging his pants just as much as Evan's was, and there was only one boy left: Patrick, a little Irish boy who was not only 6 months younger than the other two boys, but also a good five or six inches [13-15 cm] shorter than everyone else in their 5th grade class. He was a little chubby as well, but nobody would ever call him fat. He was another who had pasty white skin, but much lighter hair than Alexi, almost a strawberry blonde, which highlighted his bright blue eyes. His freckles often made teachers and other parents think he was an innocent youngster, but the majority of his friends, Evan and Alexi included, were friends with Pat primarily because if they weren't, he had threatened to reveal certain secrets about certain events that might get them in severe trouble. Alexi and Evan, standing around in their pants only, might have looked awkward standing and staring at another boy who was about to get changed under normal circumstances, but in an empty changing room at night, there was nothing stopping them or making them think twice. It may have been a little weird, but who was there to care? To their surprise, instead of dropping trow and getting dressed, Pat reached into his bag and pulled out a huge, body-sized towel and wrapped it around himself completely, tucking it over itself to hold it up right underneath his hairless armpits. He then reached down, and over the top of the huge, sight-blocking towel, he was able to pull down his swimming trunks, their squishy moistness flopping down wetly on the ground, and he was even able to dry off his pubes without showing off a thing, simply padding the thick towel against his body underneath. "What the fuck you doing?" asked Alexi. "What the fuck is this?" "C'mon," Evan chimed in. "We totally showed you ours." "Hey, it isn't my fault you two didn't think about this," Pat said, reaching for his underwear after padding himself dry. "I just came prepared. There's no way I'm going to show off like you just did." Sure enough, he was able to bend over, slip his feet into the holes, and slide them right up his chubby little legs without revealing as much as a peek into that big, thick towel. Alexi looked over at Evan with a spark of anger in his eyes that Evan had never seen, and then he walked around the corner, giving another significant glance that Evan took to mean he should follow. He had seen Alexi mad before, almost everyone in their school had, and this was far past mad. He was dangerous when he couldn't keep his emotions in check. "Fine," Evan said to Pat, clearly pissed off that his friend would get to avoid the embarrassment that he just had to endure. It was just another little thing that Pat could get away with that everyone else had to suffer through. "I guess we'll just leave you alone." "Nice dicks, by the way," Pat said triumphantly as his friends turned the corner and walked, shirtless, down to the other side of the changing room, where there was a bathroom. "Kinda small, though," he called after them, mockingly. "I hate that little fucker," Alexi said. "You know, we didn't have to show off, but I know you did, and after you saw me, I didn't mind as long as I got the same chance." Evan wasn't sure that he considered the quick change he made to be 'showing off' but he wasn't about to argue with the angry Russian. "I want to do something about this. I want to see him naked and make him do something 3; something to remember this by." "Alright, then what did you have in mind?" Alexi paused for a minute, looking off into the corner, tapping his foot. With his arms crossed on his chest, it really showed off the muscles that laced his upper body. "I 3; I have an idea, but 3;" "Well let's do it," Evan said. "We don't have much time, either way. Your dad is probably already waiting. I'll grab Pat, can you do the rest?" "Yeah, let's go." Turning the corner, the boys walked purposefully towards Pat, who had already dressed himself fully. Wearing khaki shorts and a loose-fitting white polo shirt, he was drying off his shaggy hair as much as he could with the small towel that the other boys had changed with. It barely covered his head. "C'mon guys, I don't want to be here all night while you little homo naked boys bitch." With the towel over his head, he had no way of seeing Evan come up from behind with a bear hug. "Got him," Evan said, wrapping his hands around each other with a tight grip. Pat immediately started wiggling as much of his body as he could, making it difficult for Evan to hold on, and even harder for Alexi to perform the intricate motions of removing the boy's tightly fitting shorts and belt. "I can't get it," Alexi said, just as Pat twisted again, and Evan watched the end of Pat's belt writhe right out of Alexi's hands. "Fuckin' kid." Alexi stood and delivered a sharp kick to the locker next to him. His anger was starting to boil over, and Evan wasn't sure that the prospect of this small revenge on Pat was worth being around for that. Alexi had nearly killed a classmate a few years ago after the kid had knocked him out of dodgeball. Still holding on to Pat's upper body, Evan muscled him down a ways, and then laid him out on top of himself, balancing on the thin bench and used his legs to flatten Pat out on top of him. Alexi watched approvingly, and then waited for Evan to maneuver their friend in such a way that he couldn't move. "Fuck you guys," Pat cried as he struggled for freedom. "I can get you both in so much trouble for this!" "Right," Alexi said, helping Evan by pushing Pat's legs into position, and sitting across his knees. "I'll do it, too!" he said. "I can tell about that rat we kept as a pet, or about just exactly who broke Ms. Chinnicker's windows!" This was the kind of blackmail that they had endured on a near-daily basis ever since they first started hanging out with Pat, and both boys were pretty much over it, their rationality being thrown out the window in their state of immature sexual frenzy. "You know what, Pat," Evan said from underneath him. "I don't fucking care. We put up with this shit all the damn time, and I'm tired of you getting your way all the time." "Yeah," Alexi said, cutting Pat off before he could speak. "It's time you learned." "This is 3;" Pat started struggling, running out of breath. His brow was furrowing with the difficulty of trying to speak and wrestle at the same time. "This is rape, you know. You'd better stop, and you'd better stop now!" "This ain't rape you stupid kid," Alexi said. "This is payback for that 'kinda small' comment." It didn't take too long before Evan could get his legs wrapped around Pat's, holding everything in it's place. Alexi jumped off to leverage himself, saying "Let's just see how small our dicks are then." Alexi was able to deftly remove his friend's belt buckle and rip open the button at the top of his fly. As he was drawing the zipper down Pat's pubic region, it caught while changing course to go around a small round bump, the first sighting of Pat's little penis. With Pat's pants sagging down, Alexi took little time in going right for his underwear, and removed those with such force that he almost tore the fabric of the cloth. Who would have thought that little Patrick, the tubby, short, unassuming and generally shy boy from their 5th grade class would have been the only boy of the three to have any pubic hair growing wild down there. Barely cresting the base of his cock with just a few thick strands, it looked impressive when compared to the slimmer, muscular boys' bald pates. His cock itself was a little less remarkable, still small in it's way, yet much fatter in girth than what the two other boys had, even in just the beginning stages of hardening. Though clearly cut at birth, the young boy's foreskin was still partially covering the head, peeling back slowly and surely as his little tree was growing into it's full size. Eyes closed, fighting the sensation, Pat was unable to do much more than quicken the pace of his growth, until his General was standing at attention, slightly curved back towards his body, but otherwise perfectly perpendicular to the pudgy, hairy landing field below. Hard, it was twice as thick as Evan's, and a good inch [3 cm] or so longer as well. Alexi, angry as he was, was stunned, staring for a moment, and absentmindedly stroking his own cock as he looked. Evan, still holding Pat down on the bench, was equally astonished at the budding preteen beauty, jealous of the hair and the size to be sure, but not so sure of what to do with the boy now that they had seen what he was trying to hide. All was fairly played by now, but Evan was sure that there was no way Pat would see it that way – he had a way of always getting more than he deserved. Pat was always the kid with the newest videogames, his own laptop computer with unrestricted internet, plenty of candies thrown in his lunch bag 3; it was easy for him since his parents were divorced. He played them off one another until they each bent over backwards to win him over. He had developed this innate ability to scheme and plot, and he used it frequently in all facets of his life, and, as Evan and Alexi were well aware, he wasn't above using any little comment or action to get other people in trouble. This time, he had threatened rape. Evan wasn't so sure what that meant exactly, but he had heard about rapists going to prison, so he had the distinct idea that this was going to be more serious than a few broken windows or a potentially rabid pet. What's worse was that there was little doubt in his mind that as soon as Alexi's father dropped Pat off with his mother, the first words out of his mouth would be "Evan and Alexi raped me," and before he even arrived home to defend himself or deflect the situation, he'd be serving a far worse punishment than he'd ever thought of before. But leave it to Alexi to make the whole thing worse almost as soon as it had started. Shaking his head as if to bring himself back to reality, he suddenly drew back his fist and landed it square in Pat's exposed balls. Pat's knees jerked forward even before impact, escaping Evan's grasp, and clipping Alexi's knee and driving his thigh directly into the side of the bench, while Pat's upper body jerked free of the bear hug Evan was using to restrain him. Pat rolled over onto the cold tile floor, nothing supporting him any longer, and crawled, face blood red in a silent scream of pain. He was heading for the shower, not even caring any longer that he was nearly naked and that his naughty bits were completely exposed. Alexi tried standing and failed miserably, and on his second attempt, he had to ask the stunned Evan for help. Evan had no idea what to do. His two friends now injured and miserable, one naked, embarrassed and willing to say that any number of things had happened alone in the changing room; the other angry and limping with what could be a serious injury, and at the same time, he was horny as could be. Evan still sported a hard-on after seeing their cocks, and while he never really considered himself gay, he did have some dreams of kissing other guys. This was not the time for thinking though, this was a time where he had to act. Alexi had royally fucked this up, that's for sure. His need to see Pat's dick didn't really have any value when the comeuppance was likely to be a severe punishment. And for rape of all things. But Evan knew one thing about the way Pat worked, and that one hope was all he had to go on. At the end of the day, if Pat was happy with them, he would still be their friend. Although that wasn't exactly what Evan really wanted at that point in time, if it kept him out of trouble, he'd accept it. And that's when he decided on his plan. Rolling Pat over onto his back, he carefully split his legs apart and pulled them back down. Pat was looking down on Evan, now crouched over his crotch, with a look of wonderment, still quite red in the face, and obviously still in pain. His large balls were turning a bright shade of red, but his dick was still ready for action. Shivering as his bare legs touched the cold tile floor, Pat partially obeyed his friend's gentle touch to spread his legs farther, and opened his eyes wide and sighed a loud, pleading sigh of pleasure when Evan's lips fully enveloped the head of his big penis. The chance to suck on another guy's dick was something that Evan had always secretly wanted, and now here, he figured his only chance to get out of Pat's revenge on Alexi was to pleasure the boy who had a hold on him. If Pat were happy with him, he could get out of this sticky situation, without a doubt. So pleasure him he did. Using his tongue to slather saliva on all sides of the reddish-pink head, he forced part of the shaft up into his mouth, and using his lips for suction, pulled the Pat's foreskin up around his tongue as he did a few laps around the sensitive area connecting the head of his cock to the shaft. By the time Alexi had hobbled his way over to look at what was going on, Evan had his own cock out, protruding through the fly of his jeans, and was jacking it off softly and smoothly with his left hand, using his right for support. It didn't take even a minute before Alexi was lying on the tile next to them, his pants and underwear sagging down right underneath his muscular ass, jacking himself quickly and robustly while watching the action up close. He didn't say a word; he understood Evan's plan without needing to be told. Besides, Evan thought, I can't be the only guy in the world who's thought about this. While he couldn't really see what was going on with Pat's legs lifted off the floor and blocking his vision, Evan knew where Alexi was, and shifting his support to his left hand, he used his right to feel down his other friend's muscular chest, and used the hard triangular ab muscles closest to his hips to guide his right hand onto his other friend's slightly smaller, skinnier member. As he did this, he felt his own cock being taken in hand and guided to orgasm with great speed. Taking his mouth off of Pat's cock, he instructed Alexi in between licking Pat's shaft right above the hairline. "Slower, dude 3; yeah, aw 3; now loosen up your grip 3; yes, just like 3; yes, that." Alexi used his hands to guide Evan as Evan had guided him, squeezing Evan's hand to indicate that he wanted a tighter grip, and taking him by the wrist, guided him through a couple of quick little strokes that didn't go nearly as far down his friend's dick as Evan had been going. Evan reached a squirming, dry orgasm first. Hips convulsing, knees squeezed together, partially to block any more contact with his bright red cock head, and partially in pain from the excessive rough contact Alexi had just given him in his most sensitive areas. It took significant effort for him not to bite down on Pat's monster cock that found itself squashing itself along the roof of his mouth, but he found the ability somewhere. Alexi's legs then fitfully jumped, his hips jutting forward, and a small stream of goo seeped forth onto Evan's hand. Apparently he could cum, and Evan was jealous of the ability to be sure. Wiping all of the viscous fluid off onto his thumb and forefinger, Evan brought it back underneath him so he could take a look at what this sperm was supposed to be like, while still sucking off his other friend. It was a slick mess, partially clear and partially white, and as it cooled a bit in his hands it got slightly lumpy. Pat was looking down on it too, interested, but not as much as the boy who couldn't do it yet. Then, all of a sudden, Pat's hands shot up to hold Evan's head over his saliva-soaked cock, his abdominal muscles clenching in an effort to keep his upper body off of the ice cold floor. His hands forced Evan's head down farther onto his hard penis, with it's bulging head violently driving straight back down his throat, deeper than Evan had let it go before. Evan gagged and choked at that point, unable to breathe for a few quick seconds. And then, it happened. Hips driving up, Pat's dick suddenly gave a little hiccup, and a thick liquid coated the back of Evan's tongue as the dick in his mouth slackened. As the rapidly softening cock fell out of Evan's mouth, it dragged a little bit of the slime down along Evan's tongue. It had the texture and feeling of a sweet honey, but in reality, it had a rusty, corrosive flavor. It tasted awful; it tasted like Pat. Seeing that his friend was about to retch, Pat looked down on him without pity. "Swallow it," he said, and Evan had little choice but to comply. Pat, soon propped up on his elbows and ass, leaned his head back in enjoyment. He was watching the scene below with great interest. Evan was on his hands and knees, looking for all the world as though he was about to be violently ill, while Alexi's tiny little penis was hard again, and in his hand, getting yet another workout. The boys did not know what they had gotten themselves into. This was where Pat thrived. For any normal negotiator, the raunchy changing room blowjob would more than pay off the debt owed by forcibly removing Pat's clothes, and maybe even for the punch as well, but not for Pat. He always got what he wanted, always, and as he thought about it, he came to the conclusion that the opportunities here were near endless. As the boys dressed, already having taken much longer than what Alexi's father probably thought typical, Pat laid out his demands. With no experience in negotiation like this, Alexi and Evan had no real choice but to accept. Once a week, Pat expected to be sucked off by one or both of them. On a different day, he expected the other to jack him off where ever, whenever he decided. And on the first weekend, when Alexi went over to his house on a Tuesday afternoon, Pat appeared at the door with a digital camera in hand, and Alexi found himself naked and posing for blackmail pictures within minutes. Evan had to endure the same. This arrangement lasted for the next two years, and saw puberty pass through all three of the boys, until Pat, and his big dick, finally ended up moving away. They had sucked him off and drank his cum nearly a hundred times since then, and never once did Pat return the favor. He made them sleep over at his house and perform tag-team masturbations on him, and once he even made Alexi silently jack him off under a blanket while the three boys were watching television with Pat's parents. And while Evan and Alexi did not necessarily appreciate all of the attention they found themselves forced to give their "friend", they did find themselves alone together, practicing in a dark bedroom, feeling the same sensations that Pat was, but much more frequently, occasionally daily. A strange arrangement, to be sure, but one that eventually ended up paying dividends for everyone involved.
The End |
Send feedback to the author through this feedback form with B. Billings – A Strange Arrangement in the subject line. |