Daemon WayThe Hampton Club
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SummaryA poor laborer and secret boylover at a local high class sports and culture club has dreams of rescuing the teenage boys attending the club from their lives with detached and uncaring but rich parents. When the boys discover his intent, he finds his dreams are no where near reality.
Publ. Sept 2016
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CharactersGordon (13yo), Bobby (14yo), Theodore (15yo), Bryce (13yo), and Arnold (42yo)Category & Story codesMan-boy storyMt – cons mast oral anal (Explanation) |
DisclaimerIf you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place? This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life. It is just a story, ok? |
Author's noteThank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author at daemonway(at)yahoo(dot)ca or through this feedback form with Daemon Way – The Hampton Club in the subject line.Sincerely, Daemon Way
That Arnold Appleton, assistant caretaker on the Hamptons County Sports and Social Club maintenance staff, was cleaning the balcony viewing window at Badminton Court 2B at two in the afternoon on Saturday was no accident. The court was booked every Saturday at that time by the same four players. There was nobody else in the viewing balcony so he could openly watch the four players as he pretended to be washing the window. Thirteen-year-old Gordon Glencoe, son of Malcolm Glencoe of Glencoe Distilleries International, was dominating the play as he usually did. He was wearing his tight-fitting black muscle shirt as usual, revealing his well-developed biceps and muscular chest and his silky pit hair, surprisingly thick and long considering his age. Also thick and long was the bulge in his extra tight black athletic shorts. Unlike the other boys, he seldom wore a cup and his tight shorts revealed the exact shape of his shaft and knob. His partner, Bobby Witherspoon, in his crisp monogramed Hampton's sports T and shorts, looked like he was about to walk down the red carpet at some movie premier. He looked so much like Romeo Beckham, the young son of the football player David Beckham, they could be twins. Despite chasing about the court for the past half hour his clothes didn't have a wrinkle and showed no sign of sweat, and his perfectly groomed hair, chocolate brown with light and dark highlights, didn't have a hair out of place. Although a year older than Gordon, the two boys were the same height and build. Their opponent, Theodore Bronson, son of their three-term mayor Albert (Big Al) Bronson, on the other hand, was sweating like a pig. His pale blue T had a huge dark blue splotch across the back and huge damp circles under each armpit. He had dark hair and narrow, calculating eyes that made Arnold always imagine the boy was thinking of something dirty, and at the age of fifteen and a real heartthrob and macho man like his father, he probably was. Theodore's partner, Bryce Dekker, was the direct opposite physically and in personality. Having long, pale blond hair with dark eyebrows and deep blue eyes, he was a quiet boy and a follower compared to Theodore's boisterous behavior. Theodore was in constant competition with Gordon for leadership of the foursome, and in whatever game they played, though the two boys were the best of friends. Skipping backward, he took an underhand swing and sent the shuttlecock back over the net to land just out of Gordon's reach. The boy was an excellent player, and in excellent physical condition. It was a shame his parents didn't appreciate him. None of their parents appreciated them. All the months Arnold had worked at the club not once had he seen the parents of any of the four boys in the balcony watching. They didn't care. They were too busy with their own lives. That was a shame. If Theodore was his son he'd be there for the boy, watching him play, praising his skill, giving him advice. He would be the father Theodore didn't have. He was forty-two, close to what the boy's father's age would be. With one last look, Arnold turned and headed for the showers. He had just enough time to get his tools and set up his ladder and turn off the corner shower before the boys arrived. He twisted around and pretended to struggle with the showerhead, in reality positioning himself so he could glance under his arm at the four boys as they began to shower. "Trouble with the shower again?" asked Gordon. Arnold nodded. "Bugger is always getting plugged," he muttered and the boys glanced at each other and twittered. Arnold smiled. Boys that age are always amused hearing a little vulgarity. Arnold knew. He knew teenage boys. Climbing down the ladder and bending over to pick up his tools, he glanced one last time at the boys. Gordon had a thick, wiry bush that matched the tight, sandy brown curls on his head, and a nice sized cock for a thirteen year old, and Theodore's dick was long and thick just as you would expect from a boy his size and age. As Bobby raised his arm and lathered up his pit and the soapy suds ran down his smooth, tanned torso, Arnold felt a twinge between his legs. He had to get out of there before he sprung a boner and the boys noticed, though he was tempted to wait and give them something else to twitter about. They'd get a great kick out of seeing him with a bulge. He knew. He knew teenage boys. Leaning the ladder up in the hallway, Arnold stepped into the locker room. The boys had left their sweaty clothes strewn about the benches. Typical boys. This time he headed straight for Bobby's undershorts. The boy only wore tighty-whities with a tan monogramed BW, for Bobby Weatherspoon. He usually wore a jock but on this day he had not, which was why Arnold had been drawn to his underwear. The crotch was still warm and damp. Arnold buried his nose in them and inhaled deeply and was rewarded with the sharp, musky fragrance of sweaty teenage balls. He immediately sprang a boner. He inhaled deeply again, picturing the handsome fourteen year old out on the court, and the glimpse of him he had just now in the showers. How he'd love to kiss the boy's lips, those soft, cherry red lips. How he'd love to caress his smooth, perfect body. Boys that age had great confusion over their maturing and changing bodies, their new sexual feelings, the sudden erections at the most inconvenient time. Arnold knew. He knew what it was like to be an adolescent boy. He'd listen, and talk if he was the father of one of them. He'd be there to explain, not like today's dads who referred their sons to some article on the internet if they had a question. He remembered when he was a young teen. He understood a boy's needs and what it was like. He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply. Boys today had nobody to talk to, nobody to confide in. They always had their noses in their cell phones and I-pads, as did their parents. Arnold was a good listener, and he wouldn't judge. "Holy crap!" Arnold's eyes flew open. "Are those your briefs he's sniffing, Bobby?" "Christ!" "That is so gross!" "Hundo p!" "I wasn't," Arnold denied, dropping the boy's underwear as if it were suddenly red hot. His cheeks were burning. "I was just picking your clothes up. You shouldn't just toss them around the locker room like this. There are others using these lockers you know." "Sure thing," Theo said, leaning over and looking over at Arnold's name tag, "Mother Appleton." The other boys laughed at his joke, except for Bobby Witherspoon. "That's a crock of bull. You were sniffing them," Bobby accused, his eyes filled with horror as he stared at his crumpled shorts laying on the floor. "We've had a report of crabs," Arnold lied. "That's why it's important to hang your clothes up or toss them in your kit. I was just checking for you. I wouldn't like to see you get--." "If you like sniffing Bobby's shorts, maybe you'd like to sniff the real stuff," interrupted Gordon. "Go ahead, Bobby, let him have a good sniff of your family jewels." "Are you kidding? No fucking way!" Bobby exclaimed as he cringed and the other boys laughed. "Really, you have this all wrong." Arnold said desperately. "I was just picking your stuff up. You know the rules," he said, nodding to the sign on the wall with the rules, which did included picking up their soiled clothes and damp towels. "But hey, that's okay. I know what it is to be a teenage boy. I understand. I'm not going to report you for breaking the rules." "Oh, you understand, do you? What it's like to be a teenage boy. Understand what?" pressed Gordon. "What it is like, you know, your feelings and stuff, to have questions." "Questions? What questions?" asked Bryce, speaking up for the first time. "Like what Bobby's shorts smell like," replied Gordon and the others laughed. "Like, you know, the changes you're going through, the things you're feeling. Things that you have difficulty talking to your parents about. Like about your body." "I have a body question," said Gordon. "Why does Theo's body have those hairs growing out of those warts on his ass?" The boys guffawed. "All right, all joking aside," Arnold said, glad the boys were joking and had dropped the accusatory tone. That had been tense. "Seriously, I'm here if you need me, really. If you need someone to talk to, about anything, someone to confide in, I'm a good listener, and I won't judge." "Judge? Judge about what?" "Well, anything. Like, you know, if you have questions about your feelings about other boys, or about men for example." "Holy crap!" Bryce exclaimed as what Arnold was talking about dawned on him. "Zero chill! Zero chill!" he exclaimed, holding up his hands in front of him as if warding off something. "And like why would you care about how we feel … Arnie?" asked Gordon, leaning over and looking at Arnold's name tag. He had an idea. Arnold hated being called that. He hadn't been called that since when he was junior high school, when he was being bullied. "All right. Honest. Because I care. Because … I'm a boylover," he confessed. "Oh fuck! I am like so out of here," said Bobby, opening his locker and grabbing his street clothes. "Hold on a minute," said Gordon reaching out and stopping Bobby. "A boylover," he repeated, looking at Arnold. "You understand what it's like to be a teenage boy." "Yes." "Com'on, Gordo. You're not believing this perv's crap are you?" asked Bryce. "Course not." "So I'm with Bobby," said Bryce, his voice cracking much to his embarrassment. "Let's get out of here boots. This guy's giving me the creeps." "Just hold up a bit," Gordon persisted. He turned to Arnold. "Soooo, you like, maybe, to mess around with boys, boys our age?" "Well, we don't have to do anything physical," Arnold explained, hoping to keep this on a mental level, at least for now. Teenage boys were sensitive about the physical part, in the beginning. "But if you're curious, and want to, well, I'm not going to judge that." "So like, if I want you to, you'd give me a blow job." "Well, if you wanted to," Arnold said with a laugh. Gordon didn't laugh. Nor did his companions. "Gordo, you're not really thinking--?" "Hey, we all knew before now that this B's been sneaking looks at us, and who knows how long he's been getting off sniffing our cups and sweats? It's time for him to pay up for the thrills we've been giving him." Gordon knew he was in dangerous territory here, with the weirdo on the floor, and with his four best buddies, but he was always a risk taker, like his grandfather and father his family all said. "Yeah. He should pay boots," agreed Theo slowly, seeing where Gordo was heading and seeing an opportunity where he might take part in leading this group too, besides putting the dick on the floor in his place. "Nobody checks my stuff out for free." He looked at Arnold with a glare in his eyes. He had a temper like his dad. The trash had been checking him out, and probably even thinking about getting a blow job from him. Well, do onto others as they would have done onto you his dad always said, and he loved and respected his dad and he'd never known his dad to be wrong. Besides, if Gordo was right about this, he couldn't let him get too big a lead. "There does have to be consequences for his actions," agreed Bryce. His father was CEO for Dekker and Associates, Financial Advisors. He'd heard his father say that many times and a lot of people respected his father, including himself. He and his dad spent a lot of time on weekends playing board games or going to the horse races and talking about stuff, school and sports and his dad's work. "Yeah, well, there's the courts," Bobby suggested, a little frightened where this was heading. These were his closest buds, but they did get a little wild for his comfort sometimes. "So he gets a slap on the wrists. Dudes like this don't get punished. Besides, you gonna go to court and stand up before everyone and tell them you caught this B sniffing your shorts?" Bobby quickly shook his head in the negative. "No way!" "So whattaya say? It could be lit," said Gordo "You gotta be kidding!" "Why not?" Gordon asked with a shrug. "We were all just gonna go home and wank one off before dinner anyway." He slowly looked at each of his companions. "Com'on, admit it," he challenged, his voice suddenly cracking, which it seemed to be doing a lot lately. The boys turned various shades of red. That was true. Gordon knew it was for him, and was sure it was for the others. Well, maybe not Bobby. He himself was particularly randy and normally wanked off a least four times a day: first thing in the morning in the can, one in the afternoon after school or after gym at the Club, one in the evening, and one long one in bed before going to sleep. Truth was, like most boys in junior high school, sexually he was unfulfilled when it came to women, and so were his buddies. "Have any of you ever had a blow job before?" "Well, there's Melissa," said Theo with a smirk. "Everyone one knows--." "Seriously. She ever actually give you one?" "Well, no." "You've all wondered what it might be like to have one though," he accused, looking at each of them in turn. He knew they had. He was certainly curious, and had thought about Melissa. He'd also thought about Bobby actually. He figured if anyone would try it with another guy it would be Bobby. "Well, okay. With a female," admitted Bryce. "What's the difference? It's not like you're gonna be messing with his cock or nothing. Just close your eyes and think Melissa." The boys glanced at each other. "Well, I'm not going to pass up this opportunity to see what it's like," Gordon said with a shrug. "Bobby, keep an eye on the door." Accustomed to following the others, Bobby did so. Gordon stepped up and waved his limp cock in Arnold's face. Arnold sat there frozen in place. He had certainly fantasized sucking the boy off. All of them. But not like this. In his fantasy they had done it out of love, and gratitude having someone who cared about them. Though, if he did it now, they would appreciate it, and it could grow into a loving relationship, and lead to other things with them. He opened his mouth. His lips breaking into a grin, Gordo stepped forward. Arnold slipped his lips over the teenage boy's limp dick. Although he had fantasized about a group thing with these very boys many times in the past, Arnold found he was embarrassed. This wasn't at all like his fantasy where they were all overcome by lust and the desire to please each other and all jumped in. Still, they were the ones that had taken the initiative. Gordon anyway. Gordon could not believe it. He actually had his dick in the guy's mouth, and the guy was sucking it. He had been the first to notice the guy checking them out several months ago, and once they were aware of it they had all noticed him. That had been sick. A looser checking out their stuff. He wasn't even the caretaker. The assistant. They had never thought seriously about him. Actually, he had become a big joke. So give the perv a thrill. Soap up the old crotch and watch the old B's eyeballs pop out. The guy was pathetic. Of course that shouldn't be a surprise. Like what sort of job was assistant caretaker? A looser job. His dad probably made more in one day than the guy made in a month. He was hard now. He was actually getting a blow job, the Big BJ. He had wondered what it might be like, and it was actually better than he had imagined. His cock was swollen and throbbing and the rim of his bulb was itching, just like when he jerked off. Of the four of them, he was the first getting it, and that was great too. He didn't have to think of Melissa. This was feeling great all by itself. Really great actually. His cock was stiff AF, and the fucker was sucking on it like it was a pop sickle and it was a blistering hot day. Well, he was blistering hot and this pop sickle was about to melt. Gordon's thick eyebrows knitted. Christ, he really was about to come! His cock was throbbing and the knob burning. It was like hundo p better than jerking. "I'm gonna do it! I'm gonna squirt boots in the B's mouth! Oh fuck!" And then he was. His stuff was spurting out the tip of his cock and into the guy's mouth and the guy was gulping it down. He really was! He was swallowing his fucking slime. Gordon was gasping and snorting and his thighs felt weak. It had been way better than he had ever imagined. But it was over all too soon. He stepped back, his four and a half inches [11 cm] of cock still sticking up in the air, shiny with spittle, his thirteen-year-old balls drawn up tight under his cock, a streamer of cum hanging in a pearly pendant from the tip. "He actually did it!" exclaimed Bryce, having thought perhaps Gordo had bluffed it. He'd put one over on them before. "He really came. In the B's mouth!" "How was it?" asked Bobby. "Oh shit, that was way live. Like, it was lit!" "I'm next," said Theo, eagerly stepping up. His cock was already half way erect. He inhaled nervously as Arnold slipped his lips over his knob, uncertain but not about to let Gordo do him one better. Besides, he was curious, and Gordo was right, he would have just gone home and wanked one off anyway. The guy began to suck. Really suck. He could feel the suction tugging on his knob. The guy slipped his lips further down his shaft and wrapping them tight he began to slide them up and down his shaft as he continued to suck. Theo's cock stiffened and the knob began to ache. This was way lit just like Gordo had said! Who would have thought getting blown by a guy would feel so good! This was so better than his hand. No comparison. He inhaled and exhaled deeply as the B sucked on his cock. What a fucking looser. Maybe they should all leave him a few bucks, like a ho. The guy could probably use the money. Theo closed his eyes and concentrated on the throbbing of his boner and the itching of his dickhead. It was fantastic. He actually had his dick in a guy's mouth. He was actually getting a blow job! Before long he was shooting his load down the guy's throat to join Gordo's. Blast after blast shot down the guy's throat and the derp was drinking it down like it was soda pop or something. "So?" asked Gordo as Theo stepped back, his cock at half-mast and the tip drooling with slime. "Like you said, like way live man. The B's a hunty!" Bryce stepped up next. Having just recently turned thirteen and the youngest of the four of them, his cock was the smallest, four inches [10 cm] and two fingers thick but he was just as randy, perhaps even more so, puberty being more recent than the others and his feelings still much of a mystery. He was already stiff and the moment it was in Arnold's mouth he was blasting off a load. Caught by surprise, Arnold could not keep up and his hot, thin, sweet slime oozed out of the corners of his mouth. "Fuck! You fuckin' done already?" asked Theo in surprise. "Obvi," said Gordo. Bryce stepped back and looked down at Arnold. "That was fleekin!" he gasped. "Really?" asked Bobby. "Totally fleekin!" Bryce repeated huskily. "I've never shot one off so fast in my life, not even while watching porn on the Internet!" Bryce actually spent a lot of time watching porn videos, and visiting porn story sites. The most sensitive and artistic of the four, he was really shaken by what had just happened. Bobby stepped forward and Gordo took his place at the door. Of the four, he led a sheltered, naïve life and was the least certain about what they were doing. He was also the most ready to give in to his peers. The fourteen-year-old hesitantly stepped up to the perv. As far as he was concerned, this was still so zero chill. He didn't feel the least bit horny. The others had all boned up and come. Bryce had shot one off as soon as he'd stuck his dick in the B's mouth for Chrissake! Suppose he couldn't get a boner? Suppose he couldn't come? He could fake it. He could pretend he was coming, jerk his hips and grunt or something. He'd only jerked a couple times, unsure if it was safe. Like, suppose a guy only had so much sperm. He'd hate to run out before he got married. Besides, he wasn't sure other guys really did it or if they were just putting other guys on. Guys were like that. He slowly realized he had a boner. He really did. And it was feeling way live. He glanced down at the perv sucking his cock. He had all of his dick, all five inches [12 cm], in his mouth. His eyes were closed and his cheeks sunk in and he looked like he was actually enjoying it. It did feel good. It was throbbing and the tip aching just like when he jerked off. He wondered how the guy was feeling about this. What sort of freak sucked a filthy cock? What sort of guy did it in front of other guys? What sort of guy for that matter sniffed a guy's undershorts? He knew there were weirdos around. He and his dad had a long talk about that a couple years ago, about men who preyed on boys, and despite what others say it hadn't been embarrassing or uncomfortable or anything. He and his dad had a good relationship like that where they could talk about stuff. Arnold sucked on the fourteen year old boy's five inches [12 cm] with a detached feeling. Oh yes, the boy was enjoying getting a blow job, as had the others, and he could feel the pure, raw sexuality of the four boys, but it was not as abandoned and as lustful as he had imagined it. There was no mutual satisfaction. They really did not care how he was feeling. All they cared about was themselves and getting their nuts off. Of course that was what it was like for a teenage boy. Everything was about themselves. He knew that. He knew teenage boys. It was especially like that with rich teenage boys. And then Bobby was coming and he began swallowing the teenager's cum, and like the others, the boy's young balls were loaded. When he was finished, Bobby stepped back and looked down at him with those innocent, naïve, chocolate brown eyes. His hair was still perfect, not a hair out of place. He parted those cherry red lips and smiled. A warmth suddenly flooded over Arnold's groin, wet and sticky. "Dafuq!" exclaimed Theo. "What?" the others asked. They followed Theo's gaze and Arnold turned a bright red. "Is that what I think it is?" "That's sick AF!" "Oh man! Like that is like so snatched!" "One hundred percent!" "Hey, give him a break. The perv liked doing it," said Gordo with a shrug. "He's not the only one," confessed Bryce. "That was a deadass great idea, Gordo." "Yeah, that was hot AF," agreed Bobby. "Wanna go for seconds?" asked Gordon. "That is one deadass idea," replied Bryce. "Goal AF!" Theo and Bobby chorused. "You know someplace more private?" Gordon asked Arnold. Despite the fantasies he'd had and after what had just happened, Arnold was not that keen about a second round, though staying there in the locker room was a bad idea. "There's the maintenance office. I have the key and the next shift isn't until six." "That's gucci." "Ode." Tossing their gym clothes in their kits and wrapping towels about them, the boys followed Arnold. His boxers stuck to his crotch and he was sure he could feel his slime oozing down his legs. Well, he had dreamed about having sex with them. Perhaps now that they had gotten their rocks off once they wouldn't be so randy and there would be more mutual satisfaction of each other's needs. It would just take a bit of time. They were teenagers after all. Arnold understood. "So, who's first?" Bryce asked as Arnold locked the door and the boys dropped their duffle bags and towels. "I think I'd like to try a piece of ass," said Gordo. "You serious?" "One hundred percent." "Like that's snatched," observed Bryce. "Like totally!" agreed Bobby. "So like drop your pants, B," ordered Gordon with a leer. "Now boys, what you are talking about is serious," Arnold said hesitantly. In his fantasies, and in his real life, he was the one doing the fucking. In real life he'd never actually been fucked himself. "Serious AF." "Right AF." "Ode." "Hundo p." The boys all stared at him. This was not at all as he had imagined, nor like anything he'd ever done. The few boys he had seduced over the years had been virgins and naïve and he had been the one doing the fucking. Slowly, he turned and reaching up behind the thick floor polisher manual he took out the tube where he had hidden it, "What's that?" "KY. It's a lubricant." "Way live." "Yeah. Like gucci!" Arnold slowly and self-consciously unbuckled and unzipped his trousers and stepped out of them. He was feeling embarrassed and ashamed. His boxers had a huge wet splotch about the fly and were stuck to his stomach and legs. As he drew them down and stepped out of them the boys all looked at his crotch unabashedly. His hairs and stomach were sticky with his slime. "Oh man, you really creamed your shorts dude!" "Obvi." "Sucking us off musta got you hot AF!" "Totally," agreed Bryce. "If you freakin' liked that, then you're like so deadass gonna love this!" said Gordo as he stepped forward and took the lube. The thirteen-year-old was already hard and he squeezed out a dollop of KY and handed it back to Arnold as he lubed up his four and a half inches [11 cm]. Squeezing out a dollop on the tip of his middle finger, Arnold reached behind and lubed his pucker and then slowly eased his finger up his rectum. Bryce and Bobby glanced at each other and grinned as they watched, their limp peckers slowly beginning to rise. "Oh fuck, man, look'it the perv! He's got his finger up his fuckin' ass!" "Wicked!" "Ode!" This was not right. The boys were making fun of him and talking as if he wasn't even there. Truthfully, half of what they were saying he didn't understand. Dropping to his knees and elbows with a sinking heart, Arnold spread his legs and Gordon knelt between them. Placing the tip of his greased pecker against Arnold's hole, he slowly pushed forward. He had never done anything like this, hadn't even seen a photo or a video, but he had a pretty good idea how it was done. Every so slowly he eased forward and his cockhead wedged open Arnold's greased anus and then suddenly popped inside. Grasping Arnold's buttocks, he continued pushing forward until his thick bush was brushing up against Arnold's butt. "I've done it guys! I've got my fuckin' pecker up his fuckin' ass! Right up! This is so fuckin' lit you're not gonna believe it." "Fleekin," observed Bryce, his stiff cock, half an inch shorter than Gordon's, sticking up in the air and jerking eagerly. "Totally," agreed Gordon. As Gordon began to pump his hips to and fro, Bryce stepped up to Arnold and kneeling down before him, he pressed down on his erect cock with his thumb until it was in line with Gordon's mouth. As the man opened his mouth, Bryce shuffled forward and Arnold took his cock in his mouth and began to suck it for a second time. The man was unbelievable. So was getting a blow job. He wasn't particularly turned on by the idea of sticking his cock up the man's shithole. In fact it turned him off. Feeling the guy sucking the air out of his cock and feeling the tug on his knob was something else on the other hand. As he looked down at the guy as he slid his lips up and down his shaft he couldn't believe it was happening. You told a guy to suck it as an insult, a major insult. You told it to a guy who was trash, which was exactly what this perv was. It took the two boys longer to come a second time, giving them more time to enjoy the pleasure throbbing through their swollen cocks, an experience that was still novel and addicting for the teenagers. As his breathing became more laboured, Gordon's thrusts and withdrawals became jerkier and less rhythmic. His stiff cock, now numb, was throbbing pleasantly up Arnold's rectum, which was throbbing in time with his cock. And then he was squirting his stuff up the forty-two-year-old assistant caretaker's ass. At the same time Bryce, also gasping and snorting for breath, tensed and began squirting his juice down the man's throat for the second time, and this time way better than the first. Arnold knelt there staring at the floor and wishing this ordeal was over. This was all wrong. He was supposed to be enjoying this. The two boys finally backed away and Theo and Bobby stepped forward to take their places, Theo stepping up to the man's ass. Whatever Gordon did he could do, and he could do it better. He felt excited as he lubed up his already stiff cock, like a kid about to go on a new amusement ride. And this was going to be some ride! He'd wondered what it would be like to fuck ever since he knew that was what his cock was for. Of course he had in mind a female and a cunt, but hey, an ass was the next best thing, and that it was a man's didn't mean anything. Kneeling behind Arnold, he placed the tip of his stiff, aching cock against the man's asshole and began to push forward. Between the KY and his eagerness, his cock stretched open Arnold's asshole with no trouble at all and slid up his rectum with ease. Theo inhaled deeply and sighed with the pleasure of having his stiff, aching five inches [12 cm] buried up the man's ass and feeling his hot, moist flesh throbbing about his bone. He was fucking! Having stepped up in front of Arnold, feeling much the same as Bryce about sticking his dick up some guy's shit hole, Bobby knelt and presented his cock to the man. It was an inch shorter than Theo's but throbbing and aching just as badly as the fifteen-year-old's. Once again he watched as the man slipped his lips around his prick and began to suck. Of the four of them he had not really thought that much about sex, but that was about to change. This was hot. He was not feeling as horny the second time around, and had time to enjoy the experience of feeling the suction on his knob and the feel of having the man's lips wrapped about his bone. That the guy was old enough to be his father was zero chill but he tried to ignore that. The breathing of the two boys became more laboured as their lusts increased and the need to pop a nut increased. Their cocks throbbed and their dickheads ached and their teenage nuts drew up tight beneath their swollen pricks. They held back as long as they could and finally shuddered with the release of their cum and the room was refreshed with the musky fragrance of spilt teenage semen. Theo's spurted up Arnold's ass to join and mix with Gordon's, and the thought of their two loads mixing send a shiver of red hot lust up Theo's spine. Now that was a truly wicked thought! Meanwhile Bobby was squirting his slime down Arnold's throat for a second time and the fourteen-year-old boy swayed dizzily with his climax. "Man, like that was like so fleekin," observed Theo. "Oh yeah. Fleekin AF," agreed Bobby. Gordon approached Arnold with a wicked gleam in his eyes and a shuttlecock in his hand. Stepping up behind the man he placed the ball in his anus and wedged the shuttlecock up his hole. "Go ahead," Gordon said, addressing Arnold, "sit up and jack one off for us." He and his three companions glanced at each other and smirked. Sitting back on his haunches, Arnold reached down and began to stroke his semi-erect cock. He did not feel horny. He didn't feel any need at all as the four boys stood there watching with leers on their faces. His mouth tasted of cock and teenage slime and his rectum was filled with the boy's thick cum. The smell of teen sex hung heavy in the small office. "What's the matter boylover?" "Maybe he needs that shuttlecock pushed further up his ass." "Maybe the B would rather suck on it." "Maybe he'd like to lick his ass slime off my dick," said Theo. Arnold began to spurt and the boys stood there and watched with wide-mouthed grins and glanced at each other with leering eyes. "Fuck. Just the thought of licking up his ass slime got him shooting." "What a looser." "A real derp." "Obvi." "Total trash." "Oh shit. Look at the time! My dad's gonna be here to pick us up any moment," Gordon observed. "We'd better move it." Grabbing their gym bags and wrapping the towels about their loins, the boys headed for the door. "Next Saturday dude!" "You one hundred percent be there," one of them called as the door slammed shut. Arnold knelt there, sweaty and sticky, his now limp cock dripping cum, the boy's excited voices fading as they ran up the hallway. "That was like so gucci." "Ode." "Hot AF!" "Tope man, tope!" "I can't effing wait for next Saturday!" "That is deadass right," Gordon agreed. "Oh, hi, Dad. We'll join ya boots." The EndAuthor's note: 2016 Teen slang, translation for readers over 19AF = very (short for as fuck. As in "Cute AF, cute as fuck, very cute." B = bitch, a disliked individual (offensive and used for either gender) boots = adds emphasis to an adjective or verb. Tired boots means really tired, studying boots means studying hard dafuq = what the fuck (from text messaging) deadass = seriously, as in "that is a deadass great shirt." derp = dumbass, as in "my brother is such a derp" (female is sometimes derpina) dope = seriously great, as in "Justin Beiber is dope." fleekin = awesome goal AF = goal as fuck, something you admire or want. As in a response to "what do you think of that new jacket in the store?" you say "goal AF", or after seeing a clip on two movie stars you say "goals AF" meaning you want to be like them. gucci = that's gucci, that's cool, that's good. As in when someone says "I'll be there at noon." You say. "that's gucci." hunty = honey and cunt. Can be endearing or demeaning. As in "My girlfriend's a real hunty." Or "Our school principal is a real hunty." lit = pretty effing amazing as in "That show was lit." Now on its way out as it is overused. live = cool, exciting, fun; also extreme/intense. As in "that movie was way live." or "our physics teacher was way too live today." obvi = obvious or obviously (from texting) ode = really or very, as in "that is ode gucci (that is very cool). Pronounced OhDe. one hundred percent = definitely, absolutely, as in "you 100% send them a message." Also hundo p as in when asked "are you going to the party?" you say, "hundo p." snatched = looking really good, slaying, fierce, as in "Your new sweater is snatched." or "Your eyebrows are snatched." tope = totally and dope, very seriously great trash = someone or something that is terrible, classless or tasteless (a strong insult). He is trash. zero chill = unpopular, uncool |
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