PZA Boy Stories

Daniel Master

Special Breed of Boys


The story tells about a small village in the middle of the mountains where men pay a lot of money to enjoy the 'company' of the boy slaves. They do so because the boy slaves there are the best one can find in the world.
Publ. Dec 1998 & Apr 1999(ASSGM); this site Mar 2010
Finished 5,500 words (11 pages)


110.12a (6yo) and 117.45a (13? yo)

Category & Story codes

Boy Slave/Prostitution story
MbSlave anal oral – Part II: tort spank elect


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Orphan story

This is an orphan story, that means that the author's e-mail address is no longer active:
16 Aug 2007 Hi. This is the qmail-send program at yahoo.com. I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the following addresses. This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't work out.

<master_daniel_65@hotmail.com>: 63.xxx.xxx.xx does not like recipient. Remote host said: 550 Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable. Giving up on 63.xxx.xxx.xx.

There is no other way to contact the author. Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the collector through this feedback form with Daniel Master - Special Breed of Boys in the subject line.

Author's note

This story is a product of my imagination I do not advertise forced sex between adults and boys The story just planted itself in my head and I had to write it. I didn't tell the ages of the boys because I believe that is up to your imagination. It might get cruel at times and if you don't like that sort of sex don't read it.

I changed the order of both parts, since the original second part explains the situation. Cel.


Part I
Training 110.12a

I have to start by telling you I am extremely wealthy, a lot of you even know my name. Some of you might have guessed I am gay, I try my best to hide it. But only a few know of my hobby. A few I pay very well to keep my secret. When I visit my little village in the mountains I always wear a leather hood I can't afford to be recognized, not even by my clientele. Only when I am alone with my boys I can let my guard down. They know my true face. I am their beloved master. There is nothing they wouldn't do for me. They would gladly die for my pleasure.

Some of the boys are trained by me personally; I used to train all of them. But that was before my 'business on the side' became a very profiting one. Nowadays I only train the very special ones, the ones reserved for special clients.

Let me tell you how it all began. About twenty years ago I came to the USA. Taking with me my price winning body, a heavy accent and the dream of one-day becoming an actor. I played a few roles in adult movies, or more plainly sex movies. I have always known I am attracted to men but I never knew I loved little boy bodies until that one movie I did. I had to play a man raping a young boy; he was 12 or 13 but looked like he was 9 years old. I had to ram my rock hard huge cock up this little boy's tight ass and he screamed like a pig. But I know he loved it, his ass felt like it tried to milk my cock and his own boy cock was even harder than mine was. He pushed back at my cock as hard as he could. His screams changed to moans of pleasure and before long he was begging me to fuck him harder and harder. I picked him up and made him sit on his hands and knees at the edge of the bed and slammed my fat cock in his ass as hard as I could. I grabbed him by his small waist I was in heaven. I felt him cum cause his ass muscles went crazy, I panted and groaned as I felt my juices start to boil too. I shot the biggest load of my life up that little one's ass and my cock staid rockhard, so I just kept fucking him. He shot four loads before collapsing, I shot three.

From that moment on I was hooked. I had to have boy ass on a regular base. But I had a hard time finding what I wanted. I didn't want to rape a child, cause I did want the kid to enjoy it too. After I did a few movies and made some good cash. The idea of breeding my own boys started to slip into my head. I bought a little abandoned village deep in a desert in the south of the USA. Surrounded by high mountains, almost impossible to reach by anything other than a helicopter. I had a discreet contractor build some houses, a bathhouse, a small hospital, and a prison without walls just iron bars. Slowly the idea started to come together in my head. I build a huge electric fence around my property.

About a year after I bought the place I was ready to start breeding. I found three women who agreed to give birth to a child. Three beautiful women, one African American, one Mexican and one Caucasian female. Unfortunately the first two newborns were girls. They were of no use to me so I gave them up for adoption; the third one was a beautiful little boy. A boy of mixed blood African American and Caucasian to be exact. I used donor seed, collected from the best men available, straight a students, politicians, celebrities.

I learned a lot from that first boy, he is still mine, I taught him everything he knows and he is now the head of the village. I however made a lot of mistakes with him. I forced him to have sex at to young an age. I never really educated him when he was young. I just waited for him to be old enough to fuck. He forgave me for my mistakes. He taught me patience. It is because of him that my boys are the best in the world. I consider him to be the love of my life. He taught me you accomplish a lot more with love than with force. His name is Peter and he is the only one I named. The rest of the boys have numbers. Peter is 18 now and a very smart young man, he set up a training schedule for the boys born after him.

I actually stopped for a few years after I got Peter. I think I was a little disappointed at how long it took for him to be able to take my cock up his sweet ass.

Peter was almost 6 when four more boys were born. He helped me raise them and he personally picked out the men he wanted to take care of the boys. He knew exactly what he wanted.

He wanted strong, gentle men. Men that wouldn't try to have a go at the boys, but would give their lives to protect them. He wanted gay men because he said they were the only ones he trusted. I hired almost all of the men he suggested. When he was done we had specialists in every field. Doctors, teachers, trainers, coaches, military men, a specialist in acupuncture, an experienced master, a few slaves to practice on, a gourmet cook, a master in arms, a leading karate specialist, a sports masseur, hell he even had me hire experts for cleaning the houses.

I thought he overdid it a little for four boys but he told he I had to see the bigger picture and he was right. Only one year later we had a stable of 16 and now we have 50 beautiful boys. I think about all of the ethnic groups are covered.

The oldest boys are almost 12 by now; some of the boys didn't survive the games their temporary master's put them through. And now I am faced with a new problem; my clientele wants young boys. I don't know what to do with the boys when they get to old to be hired. They have earned me a lot of money and I love each and every one, so I don't want them to be left somewhere to die, but they never learned to live in a 'normal' environment. I know some of them feel left out or even useless because they haven't been hired in quite some time.

Peter came up with the idea of having them choose a life as a slave, sold on the slavemarket held every month in a town nearby. Or fight each other to the death in Roman style games for the entertainment of guests. I must admit I like the sound of the games but I have to look into it first, I want to find out more about these games. I don't want my boys to just kill each other. It has to be a spectacle to watch and to perform in.

Let me now tell you a little about the training of the boys and about the way they live. The women I use live in a luxurious environment, not on the property in the mountains. The boys are taken from them immediately but they are fed with mother-milk for the first three months. None of my boys have ever seen a woman. They are raised by men, cared for by men, educated by men and loved by men. They do not wear clothes and neither do the men taking care of them. Until the age of six their education is mostly playful. Their minds are challenged, they learn about the ancient Greeks and their love for young boys. They are never forced to do anything sexual.

After their sixth birthday they are moved to a different part of town to start their sex education among other things.

I will try to make it more clear to you by following just one boy In his training.

His number is 110.12a which means he is from the seed of donor 110 he is the 12th boy of that seed and he is class a. I'll start at his fifth birthday.

This morning 110.12a felt something funny when he got his daily massage. When the masseur rubbed his little cock he felt a tingle in his tummy and when the masseur touched his little boy sphincter and rubbed the oil around it he wanted to push back so the finger would slid in. His little boycock felt funny too, it felt like it was stiff. Just like the cock of his house-daddy when he woke up in the morning. 110.12a looked down at his cock and saw it was indeed stiff. He sighed and lay back down. The masseur followed the little boys gaze and smiled, "First time that ever happened to you little one?"

"Yes sir, never had that before."

"Don't worry about it, just talk to your house-daddy and he will explain everything to you."

"Yes sir."

The little boy jumped of the table and ran to his house, his little hard cock leading the way.

"Daddy, daddy," he called out when he came in.

"Daddy I got a boner just like you!" The house-daddy walked into the living room smiling

"Let me see that boner of yours little boy. Wow that is quite a boner alright, how does it feel to have a stiff cock?"

"Oh daddy it feels so great, now I can do what you showed me, I can jack off now, please daddy show it to me again… please."

His daddy's cock was hard as a rock to by now,

"Ok little one lets sit down."

110.12a and his house-daddy sat down together and both took their throbbing cock in their hand.

"Ok little one now get your hand greasy, here use this handlotion, and move your hand slowly up and down. Watch your daddy do it."

"Ok daddy," the little boy greased up his hands and slowly fisted his small cock.

"Daddy I don't feel anything, I thought you said it felt good I don't feel a thing."

The little boy was so disappointed, he had watched his daddy jerk off so many times before and he had seen it felt good. He wanted that too.

"I'm sorry little one, perhaps when you are a little older."

But the little boy couldn't wait anymore and he started to whine

"NO daddy I want it now I want to feel it now, you do it like I saw you do to the others."

"Are you sure little one? Are you really sure you want me to touch your cock?"

"Yes daddy please I want to feel good too, I am a good boy am I not?"

"Yes little one you are a good boy, ok come here and sit on my lap your daddy will jerk you off."

The little boy crawled on his daddy's lap and sat with his back resting on the broad hairy chest. He sighed it felt so good to sit there. He always enjoyed the way his daddy's cock pressed in his buttcheeks. The house-daddy greased up his hand and slowly rubbed the little boys groin with it. He rubbed the small balls between his big fingers enjoying the way they felt, like little marbles in a silk sack. The little boy sighed and softly moaned. His whole body tingled and his breath came in small puffs. Daddy moved his big hand to the small little cock and moved up and down. The little boy's breathing became faster and faster ooooohhhhhhhh daddy yyyyesssssssss ooh daddy that feels so wonderful ooooooh daddy………daddy's hand moved faster and faster causing the boy's body to jerk and twist.

"Oooooh daddy push you finger in my ass please. Please daddy like you do to yourself I want to fell it daddy pleeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaassssssssssee pleeeeeaaaaaasssssse do it daddy."

Daddy's greasy finger slid easy in the boy's tight ass and the boy pushed back on it to get as much as possible inside.

"OOOOOOH daddy it feels so good yessss yesssss ooohhhh daddyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!."

The boy's ass started to twitch and pull the big finger further inside and daddy knew his little boy was having the first orgasm of his life. He felt happy that he was the one to give it to him. The little boy couldn't believe the feelings going through his little body. He never felt anything like it. His entire body felt so alive and sensitive little jerks of pleasure went through it. When his daddy moved his big finger still up his ass he thought he would pass out and when he felt the big hand on his tiny cock he felt an other shot of pleasure.

"Oh daddy that felt so good, I loved it can we do that again tonight please? And daddy can I do it to you too? I want to see you shoot that stuff out again."

110.12a jumped of his Daddy's lap and ran out the door to tell his friends what had just happened. His daddy smiled and shook his head.

Later that day 110.12a kept his word and with his little hands jerked off his house-daddy. While all of his housemates watched. He surprised his daddy in the shower.

"Come on daddy get out and dry yourself I want to make you feel good now."

The house-daddy did as his little one asked he dried himself real fast and practically ran into the living room.

"Sit down here daddy I want to touch your big cock now, I'm gonna make you feel good. Will you jerk me off again to daddy please?"

"Yes little one I will jerk you off later if that is what you want."

"OH yes Daddy I want that so bad."

The little boy greased up his little hands and carefully touched his daddy's big cock. He let his fingers slip under the foreskin feeling around. When his daddy started moaning and moving his hips he knew he did something right. Daddy's cock started to leak precum like crazy and the boy smeared it all over the still hidden cockhead. Slowly the little one pulled back the foreskin to expose the very wet head of his daddy's cock.

"Can I taste it Daddy?"

"Ooohh yes little one but only if you really want to."

Daddy's breathing went so fast he sounded like steamer in heat. It had been a long time since little hands had touched him and by god he loved it. Tantalizingly slow the little boy stuck out his pointy little tongue and licked some of the juices of his daddy's fat cock. Wow that tasted good he thought and he sucked as much of the huge dick in his mouth as he possibly could.

"Ohhhhhhhhh shit little one if you keep that up daddy is going to shoot real soon, that feels so good my boy."

The little boy felt so proud for giving his daddy so much pleasure. He sucked on the big cock like it was a lollipop, then he started to move both his hands up and down the huge rock hard pole. Daddy couldn't do anything but moan out loud.

Suddenly he felt little fingers rubbing his big balls that had pulled up tight to his body. Two small hot sucking mouths attached themselves to his big stiff nipples and a small finger was pushing itself into his hot mancunt soon to be followed by a second and third one, before long he felt a whole boyhand up his ass. That is when daddy went crazy, he moved his hips to force the small hand in as far as possible. He moaned and thrashed around on the couch.

"Oh my god, Oh my GGGGOOODDDDDDD. Oh YEESSSSssssss oh oh yes Oh that feels so good ohhhh yesssss fuck your daddy fuck me ohhhhhhhhh yeeeeesssssss move your fingers ooooohhhhhhhhhhhhh…… oooohhh oooohhhh suck on daddy's cock suck on it hard……suck my nipples oohhhh boys you are making daddy feel so goooooood… oh yes oh yes I'm gonna shoot soon, Oh god I'm gonna shoot so hard………oooooh oooooohhhhhh here it comes little boy here it comes daddy's gonna cum oooooohhhhhhhhh oooohhhh oooohhhhhh."

He couldn't believe the sensations shooting through his body; his body had never been stimulated like that. He felt his orgasm in every nerve, every fiber of his being. It lasted and lasted, just when he was sure he would die from the sensations they slowly subsided until his body just pulsed with every heartbeat and occasional involuntary jerks of pleasure. The boys that brought him this great pleasure sat beside him with their stiff little cocks in their hands. Jealous of their daddy's ability to shoot, knowing they would have to wait a long time for their bodies to be ready to do that.

Part II
117.45a and his customer

The men that come to the small village in the middle of the mountains pay a lot of money to enjoy the 'company' of the boys. They do so because the boys are the best one can find in the world. I know this because I breed them myself. I chose the surrogate mothers, I chose the donors, I selected the best seeds and using the newest technologies I made them into what I wanted them to be. Obedient, pretty, willing to please, ready to die for their master and so much more. I make sure my guests get what they want, no matter how cruel, the boys are trained to endure everything a guest does to them. I don't like loosing boys, but if it's part of the deal 3;

The boys have no names they have numbers it makes it easier for me to dispose of their bodies if it's just a number. The first three numbers are the number of the donor, the second two is their own number and the letter is the quality of the boy. They run from 'a' to 'e', 'a' being the best of course. But lets get on with the story. You won't see me again, I never take part in any of the cruelty I have my own herd of boys.

It was an exiting day for 117.45a today he was to serve his first master he heard the others of his line talk about this master and they said he never killed a boy, not that he was worried about getting killed he just wanted to please his first master. He hoped for a roundabout he loved being passed on.

Two hours before his first master arrived 117.45a was taken to the bathroom by one of his brothers and washed in- and outside, he received a relaxing massage and was rubbed in with oil. He was taken to the playroom only minutes before his master arrived, he stood in the middle of the room with his head down and listened to the sound of someone coming closer.

"Let me look at you boy."

A harsh voice said and when he looked up a very big man looked down at him. At least 6.6 [2 m] and 300 lbs. [135 kg], long, black hair, dark blue eyes, full red lips, straight nose a, very handsome man. 117.45a thought he looked like he was about 33 years old and he was dressed in black leather.

"Drop to your knees and take my cock out of my pants."

117.45a obeyed immediately he opened the man's fly and with a little difficulty took out a huge cock 10 inches [25 cm] and very fat. The boy looked at it and licked his lips he wanted that in his mouth.

"Lick the head make it very wet but don't touch anything else."

The boy opened his mouth and with his soft tongue licked the fat head of his master's cock. His master moaned a little and the boy knew he did well.

"Open your mouth and take as much of my cock as you can."

117.45a opened his mouth and the fat head slid in he could get about 4 inches [10 cm] in without choking on it.

"Oh that is a good boy now you just hold still and I'm gonna fuck that pretty little face of yours."

The master slowly started to move his hips forcing two more inches [5 cm] in the boys mouth before pulling back out. He started a slow rhythm of pushing in as far as possible holding it there until he new the boy desperately needed to breath and then pulling back very slow. He could feel the muscles in the boy's throat massaging the head of his cock. He kept it up for about 15 minutes, slowly pushing in slowly pulling out fucking the boy's face. The master was very pleased with the boy.

"Little boy use both your hands to squeeze my balls hard."

The boy took his master's big balls in his hands and squeezed them gently at first but quickly he squeezed and pulled harder. The master moaned out loud, "That's a good little boy pull on those balls boy squeeze them hard."

The master squeezed his own cock hard and suddenly pulled out of the boy's mouth.

"Undress me."

The boy got up and started to open the buttons on his master's black leather shirt careful not to touch his master's skin. He had to get on the tips of his toes to undo the top button. After he slid the shirt of his master's back he took a hanger on which he hung the shirt. Then he opened the top button of his master's trousers and slid them down the powerful thighs he noticed his mistake immediately and hurried to pull the pants back up. To late his master pulled him up by his arms.

"That was not very smart little boy I'll let it go this once because of the perfect face fuck you took but no more mistakes."

The boy cast his eyes down quickly removing his master's boots and socks he rolled up the socks and put them inside the boots. Than he finally removed the pants his master didn't wear any underwear so he was naked by now.

The boy's cock was hard by now, he loved to see his master naked. He wanted to touch the hard body but he knew he could never make a mistake like that. So he awaited his next command, it came soon enough.

"Get on all fours boy I'm gonna fuck your tight little ass."

117.45a quickly got down and wondered if he would be lubed up first he almost sighed as he felt something cold being spread on his ass. He would have taken it dry but he was happy his master didn't make him.

"Open your legs wider, little boy"

The master got on his knees behind the boy and pushed his monstercock inside. Not giving the boy time to get used to it he started to fuck, fast and hard, he was soon moaning loud. Suddenly he grabbed the boy's hips and got up with his big cock still in the boy's ass and moved to the bed. He lay down flat on his back and told the boy to ride him slowly, the boy enjoyed the big cock up his tight ass and slid up and down. The rim of the wide cockhead sliding past his prostate made him groan and his boycock started to leak precum.

"Are you enjoying this little boy?" his master asked

"Yes sir," the boy replied, he moaned out loud he felt like he could fuck himself on this big cock forever. The master allowed the boy to fuck himself a few minutes more on the fat cock and then ordered him to stop.

"Get up boy"

117.45a did as he was ordered he stood beside the big bed and waited for his master to get up too. The master took the boy by the arm and placed him on a small platform in the middle of the room he put leather traps around his ankles and wrists. The boy stood spread-eagle and helpless. The master picked a small whip from a sizeable assortment of whips hanging on the wall. He stroked the boy's body with the whip.

"I want to hear you scream little boy so don't hold back."

He stroked the boy's balls and hard cock with the whip, suddenly he lashed out and hit the boy's ass, the boy screamed hard. He didn't have to pretend, it hurt like hell but his cock started leaking precum. Every time the whip hit his body the boy screamed his earsplitting scream. The master whipped his ass and back until it was covered with flaming red stripes. Then the master picked out an other whip, a smaller one. He started stroking the boy's cock and balls with it. The boy moaned he was hotter than he had been in his life he wanted to cum but he knew better then to ask. Then his master hit his balls with the small whip. 117.45a screamed at the tops of his lungs. He saw a flash of light before his eyes; his balls where not hard enough to take that kind of abuse. He almost lost consciousness. The master didn't like that.

"You better be ready for the next blow little boy I'm gonna really whip your balls before I am done with you."

The boy now felt the sting of the whip on the base of his cock he screamed again but he also started bucking his hips, the whip hit him time and time again, he screamed and moaned his cock leaking a steady flow of precum.

"You are a hot little fucker aren't you I think I'm gonna fuck you some more."

The master untied the boy's wrists and made him bend over grabbing his ankles he slid his big cock in and slowly fucked the boy.

"Little boy I'm giving you permission to shoot in a while I'm gonna untie you and you'll crawl to the bed get on the bed on all fours."

The boy crawled to the bed while his master followed him. Halfway down the master changed his mind he picked the boy up and placed him on his fat cock face down.

"Wrap your legs around me little boy make sure my cock doesn't leave that hot hole or you'll pay."

The boy did as he was told he grabbed his master with his legs and when the master let go of him he hung upside down but the fat cock was still deep inside his guts.

"That's a good little boy."

The master walked over to the bed and told the boy to walk on his hands over the bed until his legs would be on the edge. When the master sat on his knees beside the bed the boy was told to lower his legs and sit on his knees on the bed. The master told him to brace himself and started to fuck the boy hard and fast.

"Stroke that beautiful cock of yours until you almost cum then warn me."

The boy grabbed his cock which was a nice size almost 7½ inches [19 cm] and franticly stoked it in time with his master's thrusts after a little while he moaned, "Sir I'm almost gonna shoot."

The master picked up his speed and told the boy to go ahead and cum. The boy moaned louder and louder and then a big load shot out of his tortured dick causing his ass muscles to twitch and milk the seed out of his master. They both moaned loud and long.

"oh shit little boy you are a hot one I love that tight little hole I'm gonna have a lot of fun with you the rest of my stay here."

The boy smiled happy to please as always.

"Come on little boy we're going to get something to eat now."

They sat together in the little kitchen after room-service brought their lunch. The boy sat on his master's lap feeding him.

"Suck on my nipples little boy."

117.45a sucked those big nipples in his mouth licking around them with his tongue pinching the other one with his fingers.

"Oh yes little boy do you feel my big cock? Now don't let go of those nipples, I'm gonna impale you on my big fat cock again."

The boy moaned as he felt that fat cock slide up his well used boycunt. The master held the boy by his hips and slid him up and down like he didn't weigh a thing.

"OH shit little boy you are so tight chew on my nipples little boy chew on them hard, OH SHIT yes little boy I'm gonna fuck your brains out."

The boy bit down on his master's nipples until he tasted blood and his master fucked him hard making him bounce up and down like a rag doll.

Suddenly the master stopped

"I'm not gonna shoot my load yet little boy I'm gonna have some more fun with you first hang on we are going back to the playroom."

And with the boy impaled on his fat cock he walked over to the playroom.

In the playroom he attached a ball harness to the boy's balls and a steel cockring just behind the boy's cockhead, The cockring was connected to the ball harness with thin wires. He spread the boy's legs with a two foot [60 cm] spreaderbar immobilizing him by fastening the ends to rings in the floor. He placed a collar around the boy's neck and cuffed his hands behind his back. The master than attached the collar to rings in the ceiling with chains, causing the boy to stand on his tiptoes.

"I'm gonna lower you in a minute little boy then I'm gonna attach your balls to those wires and I'm gonna run some electricity through them, you scream as loud as you like you know I love to hear little boys scream."

The master lowered the boy a little so he could stand normal then he send a little shock through the boy's body causing the boy to twitch a little, every time he hit the switch he build up the power. Finally he seemed to hit the boy's threshold and the boy screamed in pain but his cock was leaking like crazy. The feelings running through his body where unbelievable there was pain but also pleasure his balls felt like they where gonna fall off but his cock was harder then it had ever been. The boy felt nipple clamps being attached to his nipples and the next time the master pushed the button caused the boy to scream and thrash at his bonds even harder because his entire body shook with the attack. The master increased the volume a little more.

"Do you want to shoot little boy?"

"Yes sir."

"Is this making you hot and hard for me little boy?"

"Yes sir."

"I'm gonna lower you just a little more little boy when I do you bend your knees and I'm gonna fuck you hard. I love to fuck little boys while they get electrocuted it makes their ass twitch like crazy."

The boy's body trashed involuntary against his bonds his body seemed out of control. The master lowered the boy a little and without effort pushed his hard fat cock up the boy's ass he then continued to push the button slightly increasing the volume bit by bit. The boy really screamed now he needed to shoot his load bad.

"Beg me to make you cum little boy."

The master whispered in his ear and the boy begged, "Please master please make me shoot my load sir I need to shoot sir please make me shoot my load."

The master made him beg for a long time, then he shut of the power and released the ball harness he stroked the boy's cock in time with his own thrusts, "Tell me how it feels little boy tell me how grateful you are I'm gonna make you shoot."

"Thank you sir thank you for making me cum thank you for touching my no good cock for stroking my no good little boy cock thank you for allowing me to shoot."

"Good little boy the master grunted in his ear good little boy I'm gonna shoot now and you had better join me when I do."

The master stroked and fucked even faster making the boy moan out loud

"OH yesss sir yes master I'm cumming I'm cumming."

The master shot his second load in the boy's ass grunting and moaning to the boy

"You are so damned tight yes little boy squeeze that ass milk my cock."

The boy lost consciousnes and his master quickly unhooked the chains before he hung himself. After about half an hour the boy awoke and found himself lying in his master's bed.

"I see you are awake little boy come here and relax."

The master said from the hot tub. The boy got up and walked over to the hot tub he slowly sank his tired body in the hot water and sighed.

"Feels good doesn't it little boy come overhere and sit between my legs I'll scrub your back for you."

The End