AnonymousMr. Hemming's School |
SummaryA man is invited to spend a term on a very special school for boys. Teachers are allowed to do anything, and that is anything you they like with the boys.
Publ. before 1994 (reposted to a.s.s., Dec 1994); this site Feb 2009
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CharactersEight dorm boys (12-14yo), Mark (13yo) and the narrator (adult)Category & Story codesSchool Boy storyMtb tb – Mdom oral anal mast – bond spank electr (Explanation) |
DisclaimerIf you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place? This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life. It is just a story, ok? |
Céladon's noteThank you for taking the time to send feedback to the moderator through this feedback form, please mention the story title in the subject line. |
1It all began, like so many other things, over dinner with the Baron at his house in San Francisco. As usual, our conversation soon got round to the subject of boys. He began to talk about a rather special school of his."I've got about twenty boarders there," he said. "You know how boys disappear from home and aren't seen again." I did know, indeed. Some of the Baron's agents were behind those kidnappings. "Well, a lot of the best of them end up at my school. It's a real boy-bordello. If you'd like to spend a term there, I can arrange that!"I couldn't resist such an invitation. Next Friday, I got into the Baron's private plane. After a couple of hours' flight, we had left the land behind us and were heading out into the open sea. "The Gulf of California," said the pilot, "the west coast of Mexico!" Then we began to descend towards a small island, lying quite by itself in the blue waters 3; A few minutes later, we touched down on a primitive landing-strip. The air was warm and balmy. A grey-haired man was waiting on the tarmac. "I'm Hemming," he said, with a slight foreign accent. "Come along." We got into an old wooden shooting-brake, and in a few minutes we had arrived at the gates of the school. The gate was opened by a burly man in a khaki uniform. "That's the Sergeant," said Mr. Hemming. "He's here to help me keep the boys in order. And stop them from trying to escape. Not that they can get very far, if they do!" In front of the school buildings, there was a grassy field surrounded on three sides by trees and shrubberies. Mr. Hemming stopped the car, and we got out. A group of young boys, from about twelve to fourteen years old, were playing kick-about with a football. They were all deliciously pretty kids, real all-American boys, and were dressed in jerseys and shorts of different colours, white and yellow, green and red, carefully chosen to set off their good looks to the best advantage. "There are some of my boys," said Mr. Hemming. "You can do anything, and I mean anything you like with them!" In the late afternoon sunlight, that field with the boys in it,every single one of them available, looked like Paradise. "But first of all, let me show you to your quarters!" We went through the front door into a cool, panelled hall. The whole place had the authentic atmosphere of a prep school. My host led me up a broad staircase, along a corridor and into a nicely furnished room, with a big,comfortable bed. The walls were covered with pictures of outrageously pretty boys, in various stages of undress 3; and erection! Mr. Hemming opened another door which led into the next room. I went through and found myself in a boy's dormitory, with eight black-painted cast-iron beds, neatly made with white pillows and sheets turned down over grey school blankets. "You'll be the master on dorms," said Mr. Hemming. "You can either get into the boys' beds, or take them into your room, whichever you like. They all know how to get fucked!" For a moment, I was back at my old school again,feeling up the younger boys underneath their little cotton pyjamas 3; "They're a high-spirited lot sometimes," he went on. "If you want to exercise a little discipline, you'll find all the instruments you need in your room. Please do not use any others. We've got to keep the boys in good condition! I'll leave you now to have a rest and unpack. Come downstairs for a cocktail before dinner 3; shall we say in an hour's time?" I lay back on the bed, thinking 3; On the wall in front of me, there was an oil-painting of a nude boy with a rampant prick and great, lustful eyes 3; He looked just like my fag at Eton, coming naked into my prefect's bedroom! Then I went downstairs. A boy, neatly dressed in a cherry-red school blazer buttoned up over grey flannel shorts, was waiting for me in the hall. He was a deliciously pretty thirteen-year-old, with a thick cap of honey-gold hair cut in a fringe, a round sweet face and brown eyes. "I'm Gareth" he said softly in a rich deep choir-boy's voice. He took me by the hand and led me into Mr. Hemming's study. A dark-haired boy was standing there dressed in the same school uniform. He had full red lips and eyes so dark and lustrous that I took him for a Jew, although he had the most perfect little snub nose in the world. "Take a chair," said my host,cordially. "The boys will pour our drinks!" As the fair-haired boy brought mine over, I put my arm round him and drew him down onto my knee. When I felt the first touch of his so sweet lips on mine, I didn't want a cocktail,anymore 3; After a little while, we went into the dining-hall. I noticed that all the boys were in the same cherry-red blazers and grey shorts. They were sitting on benches down the length of the room. Mr. Hemming and I sat down at the top table, with the two boys from the sitting-room to wait on us. "They're my prefects!" he said. He was a liberal host, and his cooking was almost as good as the Baron's. I could see that the boys were eating the same food. And they seemed to be enjoying themselves. Mr. Hemming pointed to the left-hand table. "That's your dormitory, there," he said, quietly. He looked across at Gareth, sitting there beside me. "And he's your dorm prefect!" After dinner we had coffee in Mr. Hemming's study, with Gareth sitting close beside me on the sofa, and the dark-haired boy, who was called Yomtob, curled up with my host in his big arm-chair. Gareth's brown eyes were gazing up at me, and as I kissed him over and over again and ruffled his soft yellow hair, my other hand slowly unbuttoned the fly of his shorts, and slipped inside 3; What I felt there was already hard and moist to my touch, promising sweet delights to come. Neither of us spoke. Mr. Hemming was similarly occupied with the boy on his knee. Suddenly, a bell rang outside. "That's the boys' bedtime," said Mr.Hemming, getting up. "Come along with me, please." He led the way back to the dining-hall, where the other boys were reading and larking about. The two prefects briskly separated their charges into their respective groups. Gareth gathered his group around me. "Good night, my dear sir," said Mr. Hemming, and left the room, followed by Yomtob and his contingent. It was clearly time for me to take over. "Right, boys," I said, "go up to the dorm now, and lie down on your beds. But none of you start getting undressed till I come! Gareth, I want you to find a gramophone and some pop records. We're going to have a ball." I went upstairs to my room, washed and changed into a satin shirt and a pair of soft creamy leather breeches with a pull-down flap in front, fastened at the waist by two buttons. I knew that most boys were turned on by the feel of leather rubbing against their soft bodies. And it would be the work of a moment to get out my prick. A long, thin, whippy black riding-switch had been left in my room. Now I was equipped for sex! I went through to the dorm. There I was, alone with a bevy of nubile kids, sitting and lying on their neatly-made beds in their red blazers and short grey flannel pants. I licked my lips. Before the night was finished, their clothes would be scattered all over the floor, in such confusion that no one would know who they belonged to 3; and those beds would be so rumpled, that matron would have had a fit! I went over to Gareth's bed and pulled the boy onto his feet. I stood there quietly for a moment, with my arm about his waist, looking round at the other boys. "We'll start with a strip-tease competition," I shouted, "each one of you in turn. We've got plenty of time. And the best boy will win a prize!" Gareth put on a long-playing pop record, and suddenly the dormitory was full of sound. I sat down on the edge of his bed, and motioned two of the other boys to come and sit there with me. "I shall be wanting some assistance," I said to the boy on my right, squeezing him gently between his legs. He was a lovely, tall, slim dark-haired youngster of fourteen, with deep blue eyes. "What's your name?." "Adam," he replied. The other boy, called Robert, was a sturdy thirteen-year-old with thick, deep red-gold hair, cut in a fringe over his widely-spaced blue eyes. I left Gareth standing there in front of me. Slowly, my eyes travelled up and down his body. "You're the first heat," I shouted. "You like discos, don't you. So take your blazer off!" Obediently, the young boy undid the brass button in front of his red blazer and slipped it off his shoulders. In his grey pullover and shorts, he began to wriggle his hips in time with music. As he stood there dancing, his eyes set in his head and his little pink tongue was protruding from his mouth. After a little while, the music changed from a fast tempo to a slower,smoochy number. "Come on, you luscious boy," I said, smiling, "you're going to strip for me. Unfasten your shorts at the waist. That's right 3; Now 3; open your fly-buttons. Lovely 3;" I reached forward, undid the bottom button of his shirt and pulled it apart. A light on the dormitory wall shone like a spot on the boy's grey uniform shorts, still hugging his hips but now showing a broad V of his white underpants, stretched out tight over his under belly. I watched him for a couple of minutes, as his hips twisted slowly 3; "Oh 3; you little 3; beauty," I shouted, quite entranced. "Take off your sweater!" His slim body stretched out as he pulled it up over his head, and made his wriggling hips look even more sexy in their grey school-boy shorts. "And your tie," I shouted. The red and yellow tie came off. "Undo your collar." How I was enjoying that pretty kid! I could see his chest heaving under his shirt. "Now get your shorts half down to your knees. Stop there! Legs apart 3; Keep them up like that!" The boy was obeying my every command. "Take your hands away," I shouted, "and twist 3; I want to see those shorts come down by themselves!" All the time, I was playing with the two boys on either side of me, rubbing at their cocks over the front of their shorts and going up inside the legs to feel their peachy thighs! Inch by inch, Gareth's grey shorts slipped down to his knees 3; and down his legs 3; until they sank in a rumpled heap over his shoes. "Kick them off," I ordered. "Shoes and socks off." He bent down, his hair brushing against my crotch. Then I made him stand up again, and go on dancing. All the boy seemed to have on now was his snowy-white shirt, which fell back around his hips 3; and how sexy his long slim legs looked underneath it! The pace of the music became faster again. "Put your hands on your hips, and ruck up your shirt," I shouted. Now I could see his white underpants. They had faded to that pale shade through frequent washing. I was sure that in this place, they often became soaked with cum! And yes 3; they were showing a nice, big bulge in front. "Undo your shirt, kid!" I ordered. His little fingers went down the front undoing the buttons, revealing his sweet boy's chest. And his little pink tits. "Take it off! Come on, honey 3; that's it." He pulled his shirt off his back and there was that pretty Gareth, stripped naked except for his tight cotton briefs. I hugged Adam and Robert round their waists. "Now 3; you two 3; get down, either side of him. You boys pull his briefs down. Slo 3;wly!!!" I sat there, on Gareth's bed, to watch the last scrap of clothing being removed from the boy's lush body. The thin white cotton stretched and creased 3; and there was his prick, stiff and rampant, and his balls, all swelling out firm and round, and still smooth and hairless. The blue knickers slid right down his slender legs. "Adam 3; Robert 3; get hold of his arms," I shouted, "bring him up close 3; and keep him standing there, just like that!" I leaned forward to take him, and the boy's cock slipped smoothly into my open mouth. I sucked and sucked 3; while the boys held him there, standing up. His hips lurched and heaved, the boy gasped, and began to shoot. That kid almost choked me with his first load! Then the boys let go of him, and Gareth tumbled into a heap on the floor. I stood up, the blood pounding in my ears. That kid had been playing up to me all evening, and I couldn't hold myself back any longer. I just had to fuck him now. And fuck him hard. I lifted him off the floor and threw him onto the nearest bed. The naked boy lay there on his back, panting, with his arms and legs sprawled out. In a moment, I had unbuttoned the front of my breeches. I dabbed some KY onto my burning prick, grabbed the boy by his ankles and pulled his body towards me until his narrow hips were resting on the cast-iron rail of the bedstead. Then I raised his feet up to the level of my ears, stretching his legs out straight, held them open wide 3; and with a savage thrust, I had him! Gareth yelled as he felt my prick slide right home between his bottom-cheeks. My hands worked his legs back and forth in the air as I plunged and plunged again, deep into his hot, squeezing little-boy cunt! He put his hands behind his thighs to support his legs. I looked down between them at the boy writhing on the bed. All the other boys were watching us. I caught the eye of a dark-haired twelve-year-old called Lee. "Come over and wank him," I shouted. Lee scrambled onto the bed and took Gareth's cock into his little hand. Then I was conscious only of a blur of cherry-red and grey around the naked Gareth struggling beneath me as we fucked him and wanked him at the same time. The boy moaned as a stream of white cum spurted out onto his creamy chest and stomach. Then, with one final lunge, my prick pumped its load of sperm into him! I pulled out of him, flung myself down on the bed with him and cuddled him close for a moment. I felt his naked body pressing against mine, hot with sweat and all sticky with his cum. Then I got a towel and rubbed him down, made him put on his night-clothes and get into bed. Those boys didn't wear pyjamas. Mr. Hemming liked them to sleep in white cotton vests, and little sports shorts fitting tight round their hips. I thought how nicely they would come off when I got into bed with them. I fastened up my leather breeches and sat down on the bed again. Now I would have the next boy to play with. I beckoned to a beautiful twelve-year-old kid, who was sitting there quietly on the edge of his bed. He had long soft fair hair, curling over his ears. I looked up and down his slim figure. This little boy had all three blazer buttons done up, and his grey shorts looked trim and neat under his coat. "What's your name," I asked. "Lawrence," he replied softly, "they call me Lol." I told two of the other boys, Mitchie and Preston, to come over. "It's Lol's turn next," I said, "and you boys are going to do the stripping. Take his blazer off!" I could feel myself getting another hard-on, as their little hands unbuttoned Lol's red blazer and peeled it back off his sloping shoulders. "Hands on your head, Lol 3; stretch 3; really stretch 3; and start jiving!" I watched him dance like that for a little while. Then 3; "pullover off 3;," I shouted, "now his tie 3; You boys like stripping him, don't you!" The music swelled up again to an excited frenzy. "Get his shorts open 3;," I shouted. "Down a bit. Now leave them 3; just there 3;" They had got his fly open, down to his crotch, and the grey flannel nicely rumpled around his hips. The boy was wriggling his thighs about 3; but this time the shorts wouldn't come down by themselves! I leaned forward, and little by little I pulled and teased at them until they slid down his legs to his feet. He stepped out of them with a sexy smile 3; "We'll have his shirt off, next." The two boys were quick to oblige. The shirt was unbuttoned, revealing a white cotton vest on underneath. "Take his vest off," I shouted. "Now 3; you sexy boy," I went on, loving every moment of it, "I will remove your briefs!" I leaned forward and slowly pulled his little white pants down. "You're naked now, honey," I said, softly, "and I'm going to watch you being fucked! Mitchie 3; Preston 3; get your shirts off. Quickly." I was already undoing their shorts. While they struggled with ties and buttons, I pulled the boys' shorts and their pants right down to their feet. Then I made Lol lie down over the edge of his bed, with his knees on the floor, slightly apart. I placed his pillow under his head, and he drew up his elbows on either side of it, to support his head on his hands. He looked round, and smiled at me seductively. "You've been had before!" I said. "Yes, the little tart!" exclaimed Mitchie, suddenly, "he gets it almost every night." I looked hard at him. "Well, Mitchie," I laughed, "since you know all about it 3; you can go up him first!" The boys watched me as I spread the KY between Lol's bottom-cheeks, and rubbed it right inside with first one, then two fingers. His face flushed, and he wriggled his hips under my probing hand. Mitchie's little-boy's prick was sticking out in front of him like a poker. I took it into my hand, which was all wet and sticky with the KY, and squeezed him gently. The flesh was hard 3; and hot! Then I picked up my black riding-switch, and slowly drew it across the fair-haired boy's bottom. "There you are, Mitch!" I shouted. "Now I want to see you ride him!" Mitchie got down in front of his victim, roughly parted Lol's slender thighs and pressed in 3; Lol let out a gasping cry as the boy's thrust went home. I raised my switch high above my head, and THWAAAACK! 3; down it came across Mitchie's outstripped, naked bottom. And again 3; and again 3; The room was filled with a succession of strangled yelps as with every plunge into the fair-haired boy beneath him, my switch whipped down on Mitchie's heaving buttocks. I was goading him to rape that writhing boy without mercy! The four boys who still had all their clothes on were clutching at the front of their shorts 3; or each other's. Someone began to pull Lee's pants down. Then Mitchie yelled out loud as he spent himself in Lol's body. I pushed him aside and made Preston take his place. I whipped up that dark-haired beauty as he fucked Lol 3; till he came off inside him, too! Then the storm broke. The whole dorm was out of control. Shorts and underpants were coming off 3; shirts torn open 3; the boys were rolling about on the beds and tumbling onto the floor, sucking and fucking each other in a mad orgy. I had to join in! I threw the riding-whip away, tore the waistband of my breeches wide open, pulled another boy off the half-naked Lee 3; and with one lunge I was in him, up to the hilt. The little twelve-year-old loins gripped me so tight that I couldn't move. We rolled over and over on the bed, the boy impaled on my burning prick. Preston's wet mouth closed over Lee's cock. My hands reached down and dug themselves into his thick back hair, and held him. Lee was yelling out with the pain. But his tightly clenched muscles would not let me go. His body twisted in a great convulsion as he came off deep inside Preston's throat. Another boy's cock slipped smoothly between my lips. I caught a glimpse of half pulled-down sky-blue shorts. It was Gareth! The next moment, his creamy sperm was flooding into my mouth. That was enough. My whole body tensed like a spring 3; and burning hot cum spurted out of me in spasm after spasm, deep into Lee's young body. I stayed there, with the boy's muscles hugging me, until my prick softened and I could pull out of him. For a long time, I just lay there with little Lee in my arms, almost oblivious to my surroundings. I was faintly aware that the tumult around me had died down to little scufflings and laughter. Then I sat up and looked around. All was quiet in the big dormitory. The boys were lying around, some in couples and some alone, their legs spread out in attitudes of complete abandon. One or two still had their shirts or vests on, but there wasn't a pair of shorts or underpants left on among the lot of them. It was time to take matters in hand. "Get up, boys, all of you," I shouted. "We're all going under the hot shower. That'll make you feel better!" Gareth led the way, and in a few moments I was splashing about in the shower-room with them, while the boys soaped each other's bodies 3; and mine, too! I noticed what a beautiful body young Robert had. He saw me looking at him, and smiled back at me with open invitation in his blue eyes. Yes 3; I was going to have him next. We towelled ourselves dry, and the boys trooped back into the dormitory. I made them all put on their little vests and shorts. I was still completely naked. I walked slowly round the dormitory, getting the boys into bed and tucking them up, giving a boy a tongue-kiss here and slipping my hand down tight moist shorts there. I left Robert to the last. Then, without a word, I pulled him out of his bed and led him along to my private room. Once I had got him inside and the door was closed, I put my hands on his shoulders and looked hard at him. "What would you like to do, Robert?," I said, softly. He smiled back at me with desire in his eyes. "Like to tie me up? Hands behind the back?," he replied, suiting the action to the word. So that youngster was into bondage, was he! There were lots of box-ropes in the cupboard. I turned the boy round and made him feel the knots go home. I pushed him back onto the bed. Then I tied Robert's ankles securely to the bedposts. My prick rose up in a great hard-on. I was all alone with that boy, and I had him securely bound hand and foot, with his black polyester sports shorts spread open wide! I went to see what other instruments Mr. Hemming had left out for me to punish the boys with. There was a little creamy-white gadget for giving them electric shocks. If that was safe to use on the boy, well 3; I would enjoy watching him writhe in his bonds! I plugged it into the mains, and sat down on the bed beside him, with the wicked little device in my hand. "How about a touch of this, Robert!" I said, smiling down at the pinioned boy as he lay there. "Do you know how it feels?." "No," he gasped out, "but I've seen the other kids get it. Try it on me 3; Try it now!" Very slowly and deliberately, I pulled his vest out from under the elastic waist of his tight black sports shorts, front and back. I switched the little white applicator on, and began to rub it against the boy's naked flesh under the vest, caressing his stomach, round and round his little belly-button, rucking up his vest as I went along. What an effect it had on that boy! Robert was bucking and jerking wildly on the bed as the shocks went coursing through his body. His lips parted, and his breath began to come in great panting gasps. His cock was stiffening under the elastic waistband of his shorts. I pulled the vest right up to his neck, and nudged the machine over one of the boy's stiff little pink tits, and held it there 3; Then, I did the same with the other nipple 3; Robert was making little tormented, choking, moaning noises. I began to rub the device up and down his naked thighs 3; over the legs of his tight silky shorts 3; and then I pressed it in between them, and held it down on the bulge of his cock. The boy closed his eyes. He was tossing himself wildly from side to side, and his whole body broke out in great beads of sweat. Oh 3; that sweet musky smell of young boy 3; I was back again in the changing-room at Eton, pulling the baggy blue football pants off a young red-haired boy, rather like him, who had just come in hot from games! Robert's body jerked even more violently 3; once 3; and then again 3; and I put my hand there and felt the delicious wetness seeping through his shorts all over my clutching fingers. As I did so, a great tingling sensation ran right up my arm, and pulsed and thrilled through my body. The sight of that boy in his orgasm, while I felt the shocks I was giving him, was more than my flesh and blood could stand. Involuntarily, I was jerking off 3; and my cum sprayed right into his crotch, soaking the boy's shorts for the second time! Gently, I untied the knots which bound his hands and feet. Then I gathered the half-fainting kid up, just as he was, and got him into bed. I turned out the lights, slipped in beside him, and held him tight 3; SO tight! In a moment, Robert's breathing became soft and regular. The boy was fast asleep. I pulled his vest down to his waist, but I left his sopping wet shorts on. They felt all warm and lovely, pressed close against my prick.
The next morning, I awoke early. Far from being exhausted by the night's rampages, I felt alert and ready for more games. I got up without disturbing the sleeping boy beside me, and went back into the dormitory. The morning sunlight was pouring in through the big windows, but all the boys were still fast asleep. I looked down at young Adam, with his dark hair and flushed cheek pressed against his pillow. Quietly, I got into the boy's bed. Adam stirred and slowly opened his cornflower-blue eyes. He was in that delicious state of drowsiness, halfway between sleeping and waking, when young boys are so often at their sexiest! He tightened his slender arms around me. I was still completely naked, and the thin cotton of his white T-shirt felt soft and smooth against my body. I was now going to get him into the same state of essential nudity! I slipped my hands into the elastic of his blue shorts, and began to pull them down over his hips. Yes, they were tight, but soon I had got them down to his knees. Suddenly the boy lurched, drew up one leg, got his foot inside his pants and kicked them down to the bottom of the bed. The narrow mattress creaked under his wriggling body, and all the bedclothes began to come off. The scuffling noise we were making woke up Lol, and another little boy called Nicky, who were sleeping on either side of him. They sat up in bed in their white short-sleeved vests, watching us. I looked round at them both, and smiled. Then I got on top of Adam, pulled his white vest up over his shoulders, and began to suck him off. The last of the bedclothes slipped away. I turned the boy's slim hips over to make him lie on his face. He rested his head on his hands,waiting 3; I hadn't got the KY, but my prick was drooling with its morning erection, and Adam was fourteen! I jabbed it hard into his body. At once the boy gave way 3; and I was plunging up and down, up and down, inside his throbbing boy-cunt. In less than a minute, the sperm came flooding out of me, deep down in him 3; and the boy came too, all over the white sheet. Then I told all the boys to get up and get dressed. I lay back on Adam's bed, lazily watching them pulling up their little grey shorts and tying their ties. I took them downstairs to breakfast. Mr. Hemming was there to greet me. Over a hearty meal, he explained that the boys had their lessons in the morning. These always included an hour in the gym. "Take your cane,"he said, chuckling. "I expect you'll find an excuse to use it." He turned round to Gareth. "You're a prefect 3; but you still get beaten quite often, don't you!" "Yes 3;," the boy murmured, wriggling his little bottom about in his chair as if he could feel the cane coming down on him.
2After breakfast, I took the boys along to the classroom. The master's desk was on a raised platform, and all the boys' desks had wide double seats, so that he could squeeze in close beside them if he wanted to. I wondered vaguely what I was going to teach them, but then Mr. Hemming came in with a little book in his hand. It was a collection of outrageously sexy school-boy stories. I called little fair-haired Nicky up to the platform and made him start reading the first one aloud in his sweet treble voice. His blue eyes opened wide like saucers. That book was full of pictures of little boys,sucking each other off, or with their pricks up one another's buttocks. The story began with a description of the new boy being captured, stripped naked and held down 3; and fucked by each of his school-mates in turn, while the others pulled his head up and thrust their cocks into his mouth. How Nicky blushed and smiled! Obviously he hadn't heard these stories before. He couldn't help himself getting a hard-on in front of the whole class. Soon the boy was wriggling his hips about, and his cock was pushing out against the front of his shorts.I went up to the boy, unbuttoned his blazer, and slipped it off his shoulders. Then I stepped back a couple of paces, and looked sternly at him 3; "Right, Nicky," I said slowly, "I want you to take your shorts down!" The boy hesitated for a moment, staring at me open-mouthed 3; "PANTS OFF!" I barked. I kept my eyes on his crotch as the boy slowly undid the front of his shorts, unzipped his fly and let them fall around his ankles. Then he stepped out of them. "Now give them me!" I ran my hands into and through the soft grey flannel, still warm and moist from contact with the boy's thighs. Then I carefully folded them up,and pinned them to the top of the blackboard with some drawing-pins. "Go back to your desk, now," I shouted. "You can sit there in your knickers till the end of the period. And if you play with yourself, I'll come and take your knickers down!" I called up pretty, dark-haired Lee. As he went on with the reading, I sat down beside Nicky and felt the little dampness of pre-cum juice oozing into his cotton briefs. In a moment, the boy was jerking off into my hand. "Stop there, Lee," I shouted. "Get your shorts down, boy!" I watched him pull them down and step out of them. Then I got up, went back to the master's desk, and I pinned them to the blackboard beside Nicky's discarded shorts. "Stay there! Hands on your head!" I commanded him, to make him stretch his body out. In that position, his shirt didn't even cover the front of his little boy's white underpants. "Now, Nicky," I called out. "Come over here. Take your pants down. They're all wet, aren't they! Come on. Or do you want me to take them down for you?." I watched the boy take his pants off. "Leave them there, on the floor!" I looked hard at him. The little boy's legs were trembling. "You're too young for the cane, on your bare bottom. Go and fetch me the tawse. You know where it's kept, don't you!" There was complete silence in that classroom as he went 3; very slowly 3; over to the corner 3; and then came slowly back, with his eyes averted, and held it out for me. A nice, supple, leather strap with two tails about nine inches [23 cm] long. They were all shiny and polished by frequent use on bare,sweaty boy-flesh 3; "Now bend over my desk. Get right over. Legs straight!" Nicky lay there prone across the sloping wooden desk-top, his feet just touching the ground. I rucked up his shirt-tail under his soft grey pullover. There was his delicious boy's bum, stretched out naked and exposed. And his lovely long bare legs, right down to his little white socks and shoes. I picked up my tawse. One 3; two 3; three strokes whistled down on him,each of them leaving a mark on that naked bottom. Then I sent the snivelling boy back to a seat in the front row, so I could keep an eye on him squirming uneasily on the hard wooden bench 3; I went back to stand beside Lee. "Go on, honey" I said, softly, putting my arm round him. As he read out an account of a wild bed-room orgy which left absolutely nothing to the imagination, with the naked boys tumbling about and rolling over and over together in orgasm after orgasm, his soft sweet voice began to falter, and his shoulders were trembling. The other boys were sitting at their desks and leaning forward with shining eyes. One after another I saw a boy's hand steal down into his crotch. They were working themselves up. The temperature of that classroom was fast rising to the boiling-point. With no shorts on, Lee couldn't even attempt to conceal his erection 3; Then Mr. Hemming came back into the classroom. He stood there by the door for a moment, looking at the half-stripped boys and nodding his approval,and then caught my eye. Together, we bent Lee right over my desk and yanked his little white pants down. Once again, I had a young boy's naked bottom waiting to receive its punishment. Mr. Hemming held the boy down while I administered one 3; two 3; three 3; strokes of the tawse, hearing the boy squeal and watching the helpless bottom-cheeks slowly pinken after each stroke. His underpants had caught tight around his calves, holding his legs together. So I brought the tawse lashing down once more, right across both his tender thighs. Lee yelled even louder and broke down in a flood of tears 3; We let him get up and sent him back to sit in the front row. Then I made young Robert start reading, at the point where the boys had been sent up to the headmaster for a public flogging in front of the whole school. The ring-leader was strapped down over a heavy wooden whipping-block, and his schoolboy shorts and pants were removed. It was so like what he had just seen happening to his class-mates, and what he knew was going to happen to him 3; But as he read out a description of a green birch rod being taken out of a bucket of brine, and laid over and over again on the helpless boy's naked bottom, Robert's whole body stiffened, he arched his back and he thrust out his hips in their tight grey shorts towards me. I wasn't going to let him stop now! "Go on!" I said sternly, raising my cane this time. He was a sturdy little boy, who was big enough to take a caning, but only over his shorts, though, I fancied 3; Robert caught my eye and went on reading, his voice all husky with passion, until suddenly it trailed away. A stream of white milky stuff was dribbling out of the leg of his shorts, and running down his bare thigh 3; Without a word, I took the book away from him. I motioned him with my cane to bend right over the front of my desk. I took hold of his legs, and spread them wide apart. The grey flannel shorts stretched out taut 3; just as they should be for a real caning. Slowly, I drew the skirt of the boy's red blazer up to his waist, out of the way 3; then I brought my cane whipping down on him, as hard as I could THWAAAAACK! 3; THWAAAAACK!! 3; THWAAAAACK!!! 3; "Right," said Mr. Hemming, "let's see how good you are with the cane!" He had taken it in silence, like the plucky boy he was, but I had done enough to start the tears drippling down his cheeks 3; Roughly, we pulled the boy's shorts and pants down. The weals were very pink and very level. Mr. Hemming caught my eye, and we both began to spank that little striped bottom, our hands coming down simultaneously on each of his quivering cheeks. We went on till the boy was blubbering nicely 3; Then the bell rang. "It's gym now," said Mr. Hemming. Gareth led the way to the changing-room, and all the boys stripped off and changed into their tight white cotton gym-kit. There was a similar outfit there for me. I decided to start the class with a little drill 3; so I made the boys stand with their hands clasped above their heads and their elbows thrust out sideways. In that position, the little white cotton gym-shorts stretched tight over their hips 3; and I could put my hands and arms round them, and go inside the elastic of those tight pants. Next, I got all the boys standing in a line, and made them stay quite still while I walked up and down with my cane, tickling their scantily-clothed bodies with the tip of it. If any boy so much as moved, then at once I whipped it down with a little, stinging flick on a bare thigh 3; or across a boy's rump 3; or over the front of his shorts, just hard enough to make him squeal out loud and his bare legs in their little white socks and gym-shoes dance up and down. Then I thought we should have some proper gymnastics. I made the kids vault over the horse in turn, and exercise their slim bodies on the parallel bars. That gave me plenty of opportunities to play my cane over every part of their soft bodies. After about half an hour of this, I got little dark-haired Preston on the trampoline. "Come on, fight me!" I challenged him. The boy gripped me round the waist and we had a lovely, long, sexy struggle. He was as quick and agile as a kitten, and my weight and strength could not tell on that springy surface. At last I got him down. We rolled over and over together, bouncing about on the canvas mat. I grabbed hold of him by the elastic waist of his white shorts. They were tight over his hips 3; but soon they were coming down. He could only hold on to me with the same grip. As we struggled together on the bouncy mat, my pants were coming off, too 3; I clinched the boy tight. His cock was stiff and hard against my stomach. Then Preston twisted himself round, and his hands were on top of my head, excitedly pushing, guiding me downwards until 3; I felt my lips on his cock. I opened my mouth wide to take him. The boy twisted and wriggled even more violently. His dark head went between my legs. My prick pushed in and out of the warm wetness of his mouth, one 3; two 3; three times 3; until Preston gripped and held me between his teeth. I yelled out with mingled pain and ecstasy at the feel of him. Then the boy's hips went into a wild convulsion, and he shot his sweet cream deep down inside my throat. He gasped and let go his biting hold on my prick. But I was coming 3; oh yes 3;it spurted out of me right into the boy's face! I suddenly felt a shower of warm, wet splashes tickling me all over the small of my back. I sat up and looked about me. The whole class were kneeling round the trampoline, with their gym-shorts down. They were having a circle jerk over us! Then two of them pulled little Preston off me and got him lying flat on his back on the floor. He was naked except for the white vest rucked up in a narrow ring under his armpits. My white cum was dribbling down all over his face and cheeks and lips. I wondered what the boys were going to do to him next. They put their knees on his arms and thighs to hold him down. Then Gareth stripped completely naked and stood astride the boy's prone body. I looked on fascinated as Gareth pointed his stiff little prick right at Preston's face, and started wanking himself. With a luscious, sexy wriggle from his hips, Gareth jerked off all over him, adding his creamy load to the gobbets of white cum which bespattered the boy's cheeks. "Prefect's jerk!" he said, laughing and stepping lightly off Preston's body. "Oh no, you don't," I replied sternly. "You'll do as I say, now." I seized hold of Gareth and bent the naked boy right over the vaulting-horse. "Stay there 3; while I get my cane." I got the KY as well, and slowly lubricated myself as I walked back towards him with the cane in my hand. "All the rest of you," I said, "can get your clothes back on 3; And you, Preston!" I waited until all of them had got into their white gym-kit. "Right! 3; Now watch!" This was the high-spot of the morning. Now I was going to cane a completely naked boy, in front of his mates 3; What a place this was! I raised my whippy yellow cane high above my head and 3; THWAAAAACK! 3; it came down across Gareth's quivering bottom. A bright pink weal sprang upon the naked flesh. I drew my finger-tip slowly along the stripe I had made on him. The boy gave a sharp intake of breath. I put my hand on his golden head and pressed him further over the horse. Then my cane came down the second time 3; THWAAAAACK! 3; and there was a second stripe on him, half an inch [1 cm] below the first one. I held him down with one hand on the small of his back, and rubbed my other hand all over his smarting little bottom. "You're getting a good caning,aren't you, boy," I said, laughing. Then I stepped well back, and SSSHHTHHWAAAAACK! 3; the cane whistled down on him for the third time! That tough young boy-prefect squealed out loud. He couldn't help it! I put down the cane. Now I was going to fuck him! My prick had swollen to its maximum hardness. I bent over him, with my hands on his back, and it nudged nicely into position against his little striped bottom. A fierce jab from my hips 3; and another 3; and then I felt his sphincter muscles giving way. Another thrust 3; and I was in the saddle. I was going to have a long,wild ride on that little colt! Back and forward 3; back and forward 3; until the boy's body was bucking madly under me. Then my thrusting hips forced his feet right off the floor. His long slender legs thrashed about wildly as I pushed him further over the horse. Then my feet left the ground 3; and I had the boy held down on the end of my prick. I supported myself with my hands on the two ends of the horse, and began to fuck him without mercy. My hips were thudding against his bottom, and wriggling round and round on top of him. All I could see was his golden head hanging down helplessly over the far side of the horse, and his arms struggling vainly in mid-air 3; but how it felt to be embedded in the hot, squelching, churning body of that gorgeous, thirteen-year-old boy! I could just imagine what I was doing torso, cock, trapped and squeezed against the leather top of the horse. Then at last my pent-up cum boiled over in my balls, and spurt 3; spurt 3; spurt 3; spurt 3; spurt 3; it buried itself deep inside him! The boys were standing round me in a semi-circle. I hadn't dismissed them. "Right, kids," I said, "it's all over. Run along now. Get up, Gareth." The naked boy got up rather uncertainly, and stretched himself. "You are a lovely fuck," I said, patting his juicy little striped bottom as he went out with the others. I got my clothes on and made my way back to the dining-hall. Lunch was a rather informal affair, and I noticed that the boys had changed out of their red and grey uniforms into other clothes. Gareth was rubbing at his bottom under a dark blue blazer and blue corduroy shorts. Yomtob and some of the others were similarly dressed. "Those belong to the choir," said Mr. Hemming. "I like my little choir-boys to wear something special!" My eyes roamed appreciatively over their long, bare thighs. They would look very good, I thought, standing up and singing in those shorts. Then I saw that Lee and Mitchie, in complete contrast, were dressed rather like boy-scouts in khaki-drill open-necked shirts and shorts. "That's to-day's fatigue party," said Mr. Hemming, slowly. "They will be chopping wood in the shrubberies, this afternoon. It makes them feel good!" "They're two of my boys," I replied. "I think I'd better go and keep an eye on them for you. I might, perhaps, interfere with them a little." After lunch, I went down into the woodland and soon found the boys already hard at work. Dark-haired Mitchie was standing with his back to me, the thin denim of his khaki shorts stretching and creasing as he bent over the sandpit. I motioned Lee to keep quiet as I came up behind Mitchie, seized the boy by his legs and threw him down on his face. "I just love pretty little boy-scouts, like you," I said, turning him over and putting my hand on the bulge in front of his little khaki shorts, "and even more when they 3; can't get away!" I unbuttoned the waistband of Mitchie's shorts, jerked the half-open zip down and slipped my hands inside, down over the smoothness of his underbelly, until I found his cock, all stiffly tangled up inside the warm, damp cotton of the boy's underpants. Then I gripped hold of his shorts and underpants and dragged them down below his knees. I hadn't raped that boy yet! I looked at him lying there, while I slowly got my trousers off. Then I went down on him! He wriggled and rolled about in the fallen leaves and sawdust. They were all over the boy's dark hair. His muscles closed around me and held me tight. He was making little grunting noises through his half-open mouth as my tool probed up and down inside him. But I was going to torment that boy-scout a little, while I fucked him. I seized his thrashing arms and twisted them behind his back until his shoulder-joints were screaming. Then I held him there, yelling out with the pain, until my throbbing cock pulsed out its orgasm into him. Then I got up, panting, and turned Mitchie onto his back. His slender cock stood upright. I seized Lee between his legs and started fingering him through his little khaki pants. "Get down on him and suck him off," I shouted. "Can't you see he needs it!" I stood there, watching the pretty picture they made as the two little boy-scouts, one fully dressed and the other with his pants down, rolled over and over together on the ground at my feet. While I was having this game with the boys, I heard the plane circling about overhead, and coming in to land. I wondered vaguely why it was returning to the island so soon. After a few minutes, Mr. Hemming's car came up the drive, and I saw the Sergeant and another man, who I took for one of the gardeners, unload a long, rectangular wooden crate and carry it round to a side entrance. I went into the house to freshen up and have a short rest in my own room. I must have slept for about an hour when there was a tap at my door. It was Yomtob, dressed in his choirboy's blue blazer and blue corduroy shorts. He looked luscious. I smiled at him, and he came right over to the bed where I was lying. "Please, sir 3;," he said in his soft voice, "Mr. Hemming would like to see you downstairs, in half an hour 3; but in the meantime, if there is anything I can do for you 3;." The front of his velvety blue boy's shorts was only a few inches from my face. Instinctively, I reached out for them and drew the zipper down 3; I pulled the boy down onto the bed, got him with one leg over my shoulder and the other tucked under my armpit, and buried my face in the warmth of his crotch. And then that black-haired beauty was rolling over and over on the bed with me. His blazer slipped off his shoulders 3; his shorts were coming down 3; and his lips were on my prick. I sat up in bed, with my naked legs spread wide apart, and my hands on Yomtob's dark hair, watching the beautiful boy's sucking cheeks, and his full red lips moving forwards and backwards over my shaft, pulling out to tickle my cockhead with his pink little tongue, and then taking me deep into his mouth again. I abandoned myself completely to the delicious sensations his gentle sex-play was arousing in my body. Slowly, that boy made me come inside him with an orgasm so exquisite that I could only whisper my thanks. Then I rolled him over on his back and took him, gently, feeling his boy's cock throb and thrill on my tongue, and spurt his creamy load, all sweet and salty, into the back of my throat. With a smile, that sweet boy pulled up his pants and shorts again. He stayed in the room with me while I got my clothes on, and then he took me by the hand and led me, not to Mr. Hemming's study, but to another room at the back of the house. It looked like a games room. The walls were of plain grey breeze-blocks, and it contained no furniture except a green table-tennis board, from which the net had been removed, and an electric light fitting overhead with a green plastic shade. That wooden packing-case was on the floor beside the table. Now I could see that it was made of plain unvarnished deal, and the top was nailed down and pierced with eight or ten holes, each about an inch [2½ cm] in diameter. Mr. Hemming was standing there,reading a letter. "All right, Yomtob," he said, "you can go." He turned to me with a sudden frosty smile, more like a grimace, which vanished almost immediately. "We've got a new boy, just come in." He handed me the letter. It was from the Baron, and said, simply
"I'm sending you Mark, under separate cover. He is thirteen, and he's a tough little youngster. Up to as many tricks as a monkey. He specialises in getting out of knots! Got my handcuffs off in ten seconds. So you'd better tie him up well to begin with." Mr. Hemming looked meaningly at the wooden packing-case. I understood him perfectly. There was a boy in it, who had been drugged, crated, and shipped to the island like so much cargo. Mr. Hemming picked up a metal wrench and prised open the lid. There the boy was, lying on his back, completely unconscious, and cocooned in a black plastic sack with a zip up the front. He had a handsome, tough-little-boy's face, which looked pale under his lightly tanned skin, high cheek-bones, and glossy straight deep blond hair. We got him out of the deal box, and laid him down on the table. Then Mr. Hemming slowly drew the tab downwards, revealing a tall sturdy little body clothed in an open-necked check shirt, long brown needle cord trousers, and white socks and shoes. "We'll leave him to come round," said Mr. Hemming, with another of his frosty smiles. "It usually takes an hour or so. And then 3;," he went on, pulling a shiny pair of handcuffs out of his pocket, "we'll see how good he is at getting out of these!" He clipped them around the boy's wrists. They were a nice, tight fit. Then I took the leather belt out of my trousers, and wound it round and round the boy's ankles until his legs were tightly strapped together. "That's good," said my companion, "come along now. The Sergeant will keep an eye on him!" While we waited for the new boy to recover, I went out onto the field in front of the school and spent a happy hour playing football with the boys there. It was a warm afternoon, and some of them were already stripped to the waist. While they punted the ball about, I was tackling them around their bare legs, bringing them down on the grass and grabbing hold of handfuls of tumescent boy through hot little silky pants 3; or inside the loose, elastic waists, slipping them down over slender, boyish hips 3; Then I let my victim pull his shorts up again, and went after another boy. Soon all of them had big wet stains on the front of their football kit 3; I was enjoying them so much that I didn't notice Mr. Hemming come up. "That boy's ready now," he said. We went back to the room where we had left him, as we thought firmly bound. To our amazement, we found that the boy had freed himself, and was standing with his back to the wall, and glaring at the Sergeant. "I decided I'd better stay here," said the Sergeant, gruffly. The handcuffs we had put on him were lying on the floor. "He can get out of anything, the young devil!" "Very well," said Mr. Hemming, smoothly, "we'll tie him up now, so that he'll never get free. Hold him tight, Sergeant!" The man seized the boy and twisted his arms behind his back. Mr. Hemming looked at the kicking, struggling youngster and then at me. I took the hint at once. I pulled his dirty white trainers and socks off, and then I unbuckled the belt round his waist, and tugged his tight brown needlecord trousers right down over his long, slender legs. I took his white pants down 3; and then, with a rapid movement, the Sergeant flung the boy sprawling on the floor, got hold of him by both his ankles and dragged him back towards me. I bent over him and stripped off the kid's check shirt. He was naked. And what a beautiful body that boy had. Lightly tanned all over, even at his crotch! Then the Sergeant and I laid him on his back on the table-tennis board,and held him down while Mr. Hemming tied his hands and feet to the four corners with straps of thick black elastic material. The boy was spread-eagled, but he could still struggle against his bonds. "But not for much longer," said Mr. Hemming, pulling a long silken cord out of his pocket. He looped the cord round behind the boy's smooth ball-sac, tied the knot tight and handed the other end to the Sergeant, who got up on the table and standing with his booted feet astride the boy's body, ran it through the metal electric light fitting. Then he passed the end of the cord back to Mr.Hemming. Never have I heard a yell like that kid let out as Mr. Hemming pulled on the cord, and slowly hoisted him up by his balls. He got the boy's buttocks right off the table, and still Mr. Hemming went on pulling, until the naked boy was strung up crabwise, just able to support himself by his hands and feet spread out on the smooth green table-top, against the pull of the elastic straps which still bound them to the four corners. Then Mr. Hemming signalled to the Sergeant to make the cord fast. The boy's cock was now standing up like a flag pole. "Bring some chairs, Sergeant," said Mr. Hemming, "and some tea. And get the special ready for that boy!" We drank our tea slowly, gazing at that pretty thirteen-year-old youngster lying there trussed up on the table before us, with his slim body arched like a bow and his head lolling back helplessly. Every time he struggled, it only increased the tension on his balls. So he soon learned that it was better to lie still. But he did not cry out. Much of the boy's weight was still supported by his hands and feet, so we could keep him there with that cruel pull on his genitals for a long time, without doing him injury. Then, when we had finished our tea, Mr. Hemming put his 'special' on the table underneath our victim. It was a round metal drum, with a rubber dildo in the top, and a switch to make it jerk in and out. And there was a rubber ball squeezer which discharged a jet of pre-heated white sticky cream through the dildo, just like a man's sperm, which could be made to come again and again,until the contents of the drum were exhausted. I climbed onto the table, and loosed the knot around the light-fitting, which let the boy fall slowly back until the dildo was nicely in position. Mr. Hemming put both hands on the boy's hips, and pressed them hard down until the kid's muscles gave way and he lay there impaled. Then he set the machine going. After a little while, we squirted the burning hot cream again and again into his sweating body, to make it feel like a real fuck. We stood over that boy being raped, gloating at the contortions of his pretty face and the helpless flexing of the thigh and body muscles beneath his skin, as he writhed against the elastic straps. His moans and screams echoed through the bare room. A short pause 3; and we started it up again, jerking up and down and ejaculating inside him! We went on and on fucking him for a good half-hour 3; until at last the boy fainted, and Mr. Hemming rang for the Sergeant to carry him away.
I didn't see Mark again for a week or more. It was Mr. Hemming's custom to give his new boys some private tuition in his own apartments, before they were allowed to join the others. But I had lots of fun with my class. I played all the sexy games I could desire with boys in shorts. I fucked them, sucked them off, put them into bondage every possible way, and watched them having one another 3; and every night, I had several different boys in my bed, or I got into theirs. It was a real school! But I couldn't forget that kid with the light-blue eyes. Then one day I saw him in the grounds, wearing the boy-scout's dress of the 'fatigue party.' As he walked past me, his gorgeous slim legs striding along in their tight khaki-drill shorts, I suddenly realised that he was going to mean far more to me than any of the others. The next moment, he was gone. Later that afternoon, I was rolling about on the soft, sweet grass with little fair-haired Lol, and I had just got his blue football pants down and sucked him off, when Mr. Hemming and the Sergeant came panting up to me. "Young Mark's escaped," they shouted. "Come and help us find him!" We had along hunt through the woods around the school. Eventually, I espied Mark hiding in a thicket quite close to me. I was alone. The others hadn't seen him. "Mark!" I called out, gently. Something in my voice made the boy stop. I went up to him. "Mark 3;," I said, putting my hands on his shoulders, "you've got to come back now. And take what's coming to you. But I'll find away of getting you out of here." His strange, light-blue eyes searched me through, and in that moment the bond of love was struck between us. I had to have that boy, to hold him in my arms night after night, week after week, month after month 3; I looked down at his tight shorts 3; then I took him by the hand and led him back to the men. "I'd like to take charge of this kid," I said to Mr. Hemming. The Sergeant growled out something about the punishment which boys got for trying to escape. I could see that he was itching to get his hands on the boy. "Never mind about that" I said, firmly. Mr. Hemming nodded his head and patted his foot, like someone who passes a point but does not forget it. I took Mark back to my private room, and telephoned the Baron. In a few minutes, I had made all the necessary arrangements. I had bought the boy. As we spoke, Mark came up and stood close beside me, his arm twining tight around my waist. When the Baron and I had finished speaking, I turned to him and took him into my arms. We tumbled sprawling onto the bed, and his lips sought mine in a sweet, biting, eager boy-kiss which turned my heart to water. I suddenly realised it was the first time I had ever felt Mark's lips on mine and they were freely given! We kissed and kissed 3; I was tearing his tight scout's shorts open 3; his strong fingers were unbuttoning my trousers 3; and all the time I was looking deep into his wonderful eyes. His shirt was open 3; and off his back 3; and I slowly eased the white pant down over his lovely, neat, rounded bottom. Then I got on top of him, and began to play with his little pink tits. I tongue-kissed them and nibbled at them gently with my teeth. They stiffened at once. Mark began to moan softly, and wriggle under my body. I felt his cock hardening like a man's against me. After all, the kid was thirteen! I raised myself up to straddle him between my hands and knees. The boy grunted and with a sudden movement, he turned over to lie on his face. I reached out for the KY 3; and spread it all over my drooling prick. Then I went down on him, and slid easily, smoothly, into the velvety softness of Mark's slim body. I fucked him tenderly, slowly moving up and down his warm, moist boy-cunt, while he twisted from side to side beneath me, moaning softly. Then his buttocks jerked in a violent spasm, and he came all over the rumpled bedclothes. It was so smooth and hot, deep in that luscious boy, that I nearly lost the feel of him 3; but then, slowly and luxuriously, I came, too! That night, I fucked the boy three times, and let him have me, while we crooned and moaned with love. We left the island next morning. As we flew back to San Francisco, his sweet fair head on my shoulder, we made our plans for the future. I would send him, as a day-boy, to a good English school. To all outward appearance, he would be an ordinary schoolboy in long trousers, but once he got home, and my front door had closed behind him, he would change into short pants, and then 3; we both thought what fun it would be for me to tie him up fast, and play with him while he slowly struggled free! And so it turned out. With his short hair and little fringe, he looked specially good in a pullover and those long-legged shorts and white gym-pants of my own schooldays, which I still kept as treasured memories of younger boys 3; Two years later, we had travelled the world together. He still looked hardly more than fourteen, and everyone turned round to stare at my handsome boy, as he strode down to the beach with me in the skimpy blue Speedo briefs I had given him when I first took him home. But we had our secrets the others didn't know 3; that on my boat he had got a tan all over his sexy body, underneath his pants as well, or 3; that his bottom still bore the marks of a love-whipping I had given him the night before!
The End |