Bara ProduktionsThe Houseboys |
SummaryIn a future where slavery has been re-introduced in all but name a young man is desperately trying to keep himself and his younger brother safe and out of the clutches of the organisation that should protect them but has it's own agenda. |
CharactersCraig (16yo), Ethan (13yo), Jake (13yo)Category & Story codesBoy-Slave story/futureMt – tdom anal oral – bd humil spank (Explanation) |
DisclaimerIf you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place? This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to their character(s) to happen to anyone in real life. It is just a story, ok? |
Author's noteThis story is the property and copyright of Bara Produktions. It may only be downloaded copied or stored for the purpose of reading it. It may not be published, displayed or used in any other way without the written consent of Bara Produktions.For further information about Bara Produktions please visit our site at or email us at tales(at) or use this feedback form, please mention the story title in the subject line. |
Chapter 1Craig felt distinctly nervous as he entered the csc Placement centre even though he was entering as a customer and not a participant in the scheme but at sixteen he was still nine years away from the official Age of Adulthood and so was still under the auspices of the csc.As fears over crime, vandalism and general anti-social had increased, the authorities had been allowed to pass increasingly draconian measures that had, in all but name, reintroduced slavery. As had happened throughout the whole of history, the people who had made it and were comfortably off needed people to blame for the troubles of the world and their favourite targets were the young. It was also true that the young did get into more trouble than older folk but again it had always been that way because youngsters are more adventurous and less experienced than their elders. So apart from the obvious, murder, armed robbery and so on, the authorities could always drum up a few votes by getting tough on vandalism, graffiti and other small time crime. Juveniles and the homeless could be rounded up easily. As 'power was returned to the people', so it became harder for these groups to protect and defend themselves. Compulsory Social Care was supposed to be an umbrella organisation that dealt with cases according to need and a radical alternative to prison. The theory was that everyone who needed help could be placed in the care of suitable organisations and individuals. Many aspects of csc worked well. Churches and charities ran genuine programs that helped many people turn their lives around and leave the scheme. Medical care had improved beyond recognition and generally everyone's health had improved. Since there were obvious benefits to the scheme, no one noticed or worried about the complete loss of civil and citizen rights of participants, as they were officially called until the abuses started becoming obvious. An 'Age of Adulthood' was established and was deemed to start at 25. Everyone below that age were automatically participants in the scheme. It was popular with parents and official bodies as it gave them a lot more control. In effect youngsters were guilty until they could prove their innocence and had to show that they were supported by their family, in full time education or had a job and that they were responsible enough to support themselves. Over 25s could only enter csc through the courts. Not everyone one approved of the scheme and there was now powerful opposition to it. This opposition did more for the well being of participants than anything else. At least those seen in public. If a slave was seen to be malnourished or injured or harmed in any way, someone was bound to report it and there would be a public outcry, and so, guardians applied a certain amount of pressure on each other to see that complaints were far and few between. What happened to slaves not seen in public was another story. Unofficially the authorities liked occasional incidents of abuse to be exposed to boost the deterrent value of the scheme. On the other hand csc had a high profile where it was seen to be doing it's job. Beggars and the homeless had disappeared. Crime had dropped dramatically. The compulsory labour force meant the streets were always clean, parks and gardens well tended and even the moderately well off could afford domestic staff. Craig was only too aware of the csc scheme because he was desperately trying to keep his younger brother and himself out of it. Their parents had died in a car crash five months earlier. They had no close relatives and no one to take responsibility for them. csc was legally obliged to find them appropriate care. Since it was not their fault that they were in need of help, they should be fostered with a suitable family at least while they were in education. In practice there were few suitable places and so they would be expected to 'rough it' for a while in a home for 'less deserving' children. That was often the start of a downward spiral that was difficult to get out of. Their father who had been driving was held partly to blame for accident and so there had been no compensation, just some modest life insurance payouts. They had no living relatives and no one willing to take responsibility for them. Craig was nearly 16 when his parents had died. Their estate had been simple. Insurance policies, a couple of bank accounts and that was all. They had lived in rented accommodation, had no investments, debts or anything else. Luckily for Craig, their landlord was a kindly man who helped him through all the paperwork. On his suggestion they had moved from their house into a cosy flat, cheaper and much easier for two boys to maintain. He had given Craig a part time job cleaning and tidying his properties and the two boys had managed to keep going on Craig's earnings and the insurance money. Things were not going well though. Craig's brother was not much help. At thirteen Ethan meant well but had little sense of urgency and still thought that the adults would sort everything out. Craig had tried his best but he could not keep up with looking after the flat, his school work and his job. A csc worker would be visiting in a few of weeks to see that the boys were meeting all the necessary criteria. The state of the flat and Craig's exhaustion would be enough to show that they needed Social Care. Craig had talked things over with Mr Crosis, his landlord and they had come up with a plan. Craig would quit school and work for Mr Crosis full time. Mr Crosis needed help in the office and he would train Craig to become his manager and Craig could continue with his studies at night school. It would take him longer to gain his certificates but he would get them. The final part of the plan saw them entering the local csc placement centre. For placement centre read slave market. "No!" Mr Crosis was saying as they entered, "We don't want the Youth section. You couldn't afford the fees." "But aren't they all criminals in there?" asked Craig pointing at the Senior section. "I don't want a murderer or a kiddy fiddler hanging around Ethan." "It's a bit like hunting for a cheap car." replied Mr Crosis. "Most are wrecks and complete dogs but occasionally you find a real bargain. This is a bit of a long shot, but you never know." He was disappointed at Craig's 'kiddy fiddling' jibe as he was was attracted to Craig. He would have to be content with just looking for a while but he still hoped Craig might be willing. "I'm still not sure," muttered Craig. "Look!" snapped Mr Crosis, "You don't have many options. You've got a job and you've got a place to live. In spite of your age you'll probably be OK. "Ethan is a different matter. Can you prove that you can look after him properly? The csc need feel good stories. They can say that they're looking after Ethan while you find your feet." Mr Crosis continued in a kinder manner, "My offer still stands. You can both come and live with me. I'll look after you." "I know and thanks." replied Craig, "It's just 3; you know 3;" "You know I'd want to get my hand inside your pants. Ethan's as well. I'm going to see what's in the Youth section or will that make me a kiddy fiddler as well?" "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be rude. You wouldn't kill or torture your boys, would you? I know they'd they'd have to do sex with you but you'd give them a chance like you've given me. "If it came to it, I'd rather sign Ethan over to you rather than let him go through the system." Mr Crosis laughed. "I think that was a compliment." he said, "Off you go. We'll meet back here." As Craig entered the senior section he was greeted by a teenager only a couple of years older than himself. He wore shorts and sandals. He wore a stainless steel chain around his neck. It had been welded shut and had four fixing rings spaced evenly around it. Also fixed to the chain was a plate which read 'Registered G2 2054 hfr 4760' and on the next line 'Warner St. Placement Centre.' Craig and Ethan were grade 5 and would have started out in care at that grade. G2 meant that this boy had been in trouble and had slipped down 3 grades. 2054 was the year he had been registered at this grade and the other letters and numbers made the rest of his registration number. The chain also carried a tracker so that satellites could pinpoint his position at any time. It was now 2059 and Craig realised with a start that he had been about Ethan's age when he had been graded. "May I help you, sir," the youth asked, "Or do you wish to wait for your parents, sir?" "My parents died six months ago." replied Craig harshly, "I need help to look after my younger brother and keep him out of csc. Someone who can do the housework for me." Have you got anything?" "Yes, I understand completely. I'm sorry! I meant no offence, sir." The servant had been terrified by the tone of Craig's voice, expecting to be punished for his rudeness. "You didn't offend me," replied Craig quietly. "I need someone to keep house so I can work and study. A csc worker is visiting soon and it must look as if I can cope." "Again may I ask sir. Do you realise this is the male placement centre? Wouldn't a female housekeeper be more appropriate?" "It doesn't matter too much in this day and age. If I can't find anything here I'll try the female centre." Craig had been brought up to be polite and courteous especially towards women. The idea that he might have to discipline a female slave terrified him. "I don't suppose you want me, do you?" "Can you cook and do the housework?" "We're taught the basics, sir," the boy replied, " and I'm a quick learner." "I need someone who knows what to do. Sorry!" said Craig. "I understand, sir" said the slave, "Your brother is very lucky to have you looking out for him." "So what happened to you?" "I was twelve and my Uncle tried to fuck me. He bent me over the kitchen table. There was a knife on it. I panicked and grabbed it. As I swung round, the knife slashed his cheek. You know how it is. I'd wounded an adult and no one helped me." He paused for a moment with a look of sadness on his face. "My parents had always said I'd been an accident and looking back, they wanted rid of me. They didn't help me. My Uncle denied trying to rape me and I was found guilty of assault. I was graded 2 and because it was such a serious conviction I was sent to the Main adult section." He paused again trying to hold back tears. "I wish you'd been my brother. I wish someone had cared about me." "What's your name?" The boy looked sad again. "It was Paul. Now it's 4760 or just 'Boy'." "I'm sorry, Paul," said Craig, "but I do need someone who knows what to do." The boy nodded, "I understand, sir. I'll do my best to help. If you'd like to take a seat at this console, I'll call up some files." While they had been talking Paul had led Craig to one of interview rooms. The room was divided in two. The end that Craig was shown into was carpeted, had a small table equipped to serve drinks. There was a large desk with a computer console, notepad and a large luxurious chair facing the far end of the room. The other half of the room was bare except for a punishment horse; two A-frames connected by beams. Craig remembered pictures of wooden saw horses but this was metal with various securing rings attached. There were various whips and canes on the wall behind it. There were various securing rings fixed to the walls, ceiling and the bare concrete floor. As the the boys looked through the files, Craig asked Paul questions and for the first time that Paul could remember someone was listening to his opinion. They quickly identified a likely candidate. He was a Grade 4 member who had been convicted of embezzlement. According to his profile he'd lived in a nice house with a couple of slaves to look after him. "That doesn't mean he knows how to do the jobs himself," said Craig. "No sir, that's right." replied Paul, "but he knows what's needed and you should interview him to see what he does know." Paul suddenly became rigid with fear staring at the punishment horse, "I'm sorry sir, I shouldn't have been so disrespectful. I'm sorry, I forgot my place." "No, you didn't," replied Craig, "I asked you for help, you're giving it and I will interview him like you suggested." "Thank you, sir," said Paul relaxing slightly. Following the instructions on the screen Craig filled out the application form. He typed in his own ID number and reason for wanting a slave and that was it. A resume of his circumstances was called up from Central Records together with an announcement that he could take on five members. Going to the next screen he typed in the Registration number of the one he wanted to see and as an afterthought typed in Paul's number as well. Paul had discretely taken up a position at the far end of the room out of the line of sight of the monitor so he could not look at Craig's details while they were displayed and so did not see Craig ask to formally inspect him. An idea was going through Craig's mind and he needed time to work on it but he did not want to get Paul's hopes up. The csc still wanted to give the illusion that participants were properly treated and so prospective owners were expected to behave with the utmost decorum while in the centre. Craig had signed an agreement to that effect before they even been allowed inside the building. The room was monitored by cctv and had Craig tried to molest or abuse Paul in any way he would have been in deep trouble. A prospective owner rights to physically handling a Centre inmate depended solely on it's purpose. For example an owner wanting a manual labourer would be allowed to feel a slave's muscles. The Centre's goal was not to protect the inmate. It was to prevent an undercover reporter proving that abuse happened on Government property. A security officer was always present during the interviews and the recordings from the cctv were kept. Slaves were displayed naked and could be shackled in any position the buyer wanted. The result was a quaint 'look but don't damage the goods' policy that protected the csc's image but humiliated the slave in order to demonstrate his new relationship with his owner. Ethan had a close friend, Jake Sanders. They were both getting into more trouble and Mrs Sanders was as worried about Jake as Craig was about Ethan. While waiting for the slave to be brought up for inspection Craig slipped out into reception and called Mrs Sanders on his mobile. He outlined the scheme he had in mind and she readily agreed to allow Craig extend it to Jake. He also rang Mr Crosis about the second part of his plan who also seemed willing to give it a try. As he finished his calls an attendant approached him. "Excuse me sir," he said, "but I understand you wish to inspect hfr 4760. Could you explain why you want to make a more thorough examination of him, please? You've already spent time with him. You could just put in an order for him." "I didn't know that," replied Craig. I just filled in the form on the console. I do maintenance work and I'm thinking that he may be able to help me. I would like to inspect him though if someone could help me. I need to know my brother is safe if I take him." "Yes of course. If you'd wait her for a couple of seconds I'll see what I can do. I'll take the boy and see that he's prepared." "No!" said Craig, "I know he's not cleaned up ready for display. That's OK. Like you say I've already spent time with him." The attendant walked away satisfied that Craig had a genuine interest in Paul and returned a few minutes later with a small earpiece. "You will be monitored automatically on the cctv," he said, "This will allow us to make suggestions without the participants knowing. It will make you seem more authoritative." "Thank you!" replied Craig, "I'll wait inside." He had been seated at the desk for just a few minutes before a naked man in his fifties was led into the far end of the room. The man had no body hair and the hair on his head had been cropped short like Paul's hair. Where Paul was blond this man was grey. He had a slight paunch but he looked fairly fit for his age. It was the first time he had seen a man of this age naked and so Craig studied the man's cock and balls carefully. Like the rest of him they seemed pretty average. His hands were handcuffed behind his back The attendant who had brought him came and stood behind Craig adopting a military 'At Ease' position. He obviously was not graded as he had no chain around his neck so he was standing on the carpet without permission and he had a relaxed air about him, adjusting his position every so often. Remembering a trick that he had seen on television Craig snapped his fingers and pointed to just in front of the desk. The man paused before saying, "Oh! Do you want me to come closer, lad?" Craig did not need the whisper from the earpiece to know the man was being insolent but he would not have plucked up the courage to punish him if he had not received advice from his adviser. "No!" replied Craig after a pause of his own, "I want you to bend over that horse while I find a suitable cane." Craig enjoyed seeing the shocked look that appeared on the man's face. He felt his cock stir slightly. The man looked desperately at the attendant hoping that he would intervene. "Would you like him shackled, sir?" the attendant asked. "If he doesn't move soon, I'll want him tied up for a whipping." The man jumped to obey. "Can we have his hands held further up his back? He's trying to cover his backside." "Yes, of course, sir." The attendant picked up a length of cord made a loop at one end which he slipped over the man's neck. Pulling the handcuffs up as far as possible he tied the other end of the rope to them. "Thank you." said Craig as the attendant stood back. He swished the cane he had chosen through the air a couple of times watching as the man tightened his muscles trying to prepare for the blow. The third time Craig landed the blow with all his force. There was a brief pause before the man let rip with a deafening scream. Craig watched fascinated as the red weal developed. Spots of blood appeared along the injury. "You're due another five of those." said Craig, "I'll do them at the end of the inspection. I'll add more or knock some off according to how you behave. Do you understand?" "Yes sir. I'm sorry if I was rude. I'll behave. I promise. Please don't hit me again." "I wanted a simple 'yes sir' or 'no sir' so you've just earned another one. Now go and stand where I told you." The man struggled to his feet and ran to the desk. Craig looked uncertainly at the attendant. He nodded approvingly and Craig felt more comfortable. Craig sat down behind the desk and glanced at the man's profile displayed on the console. "So! Your name name used to be Timothy Edward James Everington. From now on it's Tom. Any questions?" "No sir. Whatever 3; No Sir." "You're learning. I need a housekeeper. What can you do?" "Sir, when I was younger I lived alone a lot. I had a small house which I looked after and kept tidy. I learned how to cook. Nothing fancy but it was nourishing, sir." "Were you married?" "Yes sir. For twenty years until the divorce." "So what happened?" "My wife and my business partner accused me of fraud and here I am, sir." "You will be looking after my brother and me in our flat. You will obey me first and then you will obey my brother. You don't speak unless you are spoken to first. You obey without question." He remembered another line from a television show. "Look at your cock and balls. Keep them hairless and remember that you are the little boy in this set up. Respect your betters. Understood?" "Yes sir." Tom was completely demoralised. His wrists hurt from the angle of the cuffs and his arms ached from the effort of keeping their weight from the loop around his neck His delay approaching the desk had been his last attempt to keep some control of his life. He had also resented the way a mere boy had expected him to obey a snap of his fingers. All that had changed. He understood the power that Craig had over him and he had no answer to the suggestion that he was just a little boy. His friends had called him Tim. He had not dared question Craig's decision to call him Tom and so another part of his identity had slipped away. In fact, it had been a slip of the tongue on Craig's part. He had been distracted by the growing pressure in his underwear. He thought he was straight and even now thoughts of the girl he desperately wanted to date crowded his mind. But, there was no doubt that he had enjoyed his mastery of Tom and was looking forward to it even more with Paul. His next command sent Tom scuttling over to stand in a corner once again emphasising that Tom's status was that of a naughty child. Craig now turned his attention to Paul who had been watching events carefully. The same snap of the fingers brought Paul hurrying to stand before the desk as Tom had done. Paul stood nervously as Craig looked him over. "OK! Now strip." Paul was startled at the command but immediately obeyed. Uncertainly he dropped his shorts on the floor." Craig examined Paul's well muscled body. Like Tom he had no body hair but unlike Tom the fine crop on his head was a light blond. Also, unlike Tom, he sported a slight erection. Stiff enough to point away from his body but still pointing towards the floor. Craig was slightly jealous of Paul's physique, forgetting the difference in their ages. "My brother is curious about sex," began Craig curtly, "He may think he can use a slave to experiment with. How would you react to that?" "Do you mean, would I lash out and hurt him,sir? I wouldn't do that, sir." "So you say. How can I believe you?Are you used to it now?" "No sir! I've never had sex with anyone." Had Paul been sent to the Youth section, he probably would have ended up in the sex industry so the Judge had done him a favour by sending him to the adult section. He was sent to work in the kitchens and so was out of sight to prospective buyers. By the time he turned sixteen his youthful strength and his Grade 2 status made him seem threatening. Yet he was not developed enough to do heavy manual labour and since machines did most of the heavy work, there was not that much demand. Now that he was eighteen he was being inspected for labouring work now and again, but there were plenty of others who weren't classified violent. The authorities did not care about how teenagers were used after being placed outside their Centre but were paranoid about abuse in their establishments and any sort of sexual behaviour was prohibited. "So if I was to play with you, you'd panic and lash out at me." "No sir! My Uncle took me my surprise. I was a free boy then and I panicked. I wouldn't do it now. I know I have to obey my guardian." "Go and bend over the horse!" Again Paul looked scared but did not hesitate to obey. "Spread your cheeks." Paul grabbed his buttocks and pulled them apart exposing his hole. Craig raised a couple of fingers and looked at the camera. Listening to a response from the earpiece he approached Paul. Craig was in scary territory. If he had wanted to, he could have fucked Paul. It would have been allowed because Craig had a legitimate reason to test Paul's reactions but Craig was not going to drop his trousers in front of the attendant nor was he going to perform on camera. At sixteen, he was still very shy. He was nervous and uncertain about using his hands to play with Paul sexually but he had to be sure Paul would behave. Paul shuddered as Craig's hands touched and explored his skin gradually approaching his crack. He experienced wonderful new sensations as Craig's touch stimulated his body. He felt a gentle pressure at his hole and then a finger enter him. At the same Craig's other hand played with his balls. His cock lay trapped between his stomach and the cold metal of the horse. His every movement stroked and stimulated it. He could not help it. Suddenly he shuddered and shot streams of cum in short convulsive jerks. Craig withdrew his hands and stood back. "Stand up." he ordered. Paul obeyed and stood, embarrassed at the sticky mess on his stomach and the horse. He was also scared at how he would be punished for causing the mess. "I think he passed that test OK." said Craig smiling. The attendant laughed and nodded. "I'll take him as well." said Craig, "The prices are right aren't they?" "Yes sir." replied the attendant. "That one is too old to be valuable and at G2 the boy is officially too dangerous for him to be worth much. I probably shouldn't say this but we all like Paul and think he had a rough deal from his family. I'm glad you're' giving him a chance." "I can apply to have his grade changed, can't I?" "Yes, but not yet. You'd have to show your training has improved him." "Five years in csc has done that, hasn't it?" "You still have to own him for three months but put in an application today and you can include it in his processing. Otherwise you'll have to pay for a second processing later." The csc would be only too please to assist Craig in upgrading Paul. It would be a real success story for them and excellent PR. Paul was in turmoil. He had liked Craig from the the first moment that he had met him. He had not really expected to be taken on by Craig and he had offered himself without thinking. While Paul genuinely admired the way that Craig was trying to look out for his brother, Craig's treatment of Tom had shown him another side of Craig and made Paul more wary of the younger boy but at the same time, Tom should have behaved better and Craig had to establish his authority. It had been a shock to realise that Craig was thinking of taking him on as well and a part of him had been delighted. He also found it strange and uncomfortable to be naked in front of Craig. He had spent most of the last six years naked and was used to it but it had been in front of adults and it was a new experience for Paul to show deference to a boy two years his junior. When Craig had fingered him it had felt wonderful and he had shot one of the biggest loads of his life although he also resented the fact that he had no choice in the matter. Craig's conversation about raising his grade stunned him. He'd understood that he had to show he was not a threat to Craig's brother but now he realised that his situation could improve dramatically with Craig and so a desire to please Craig was mixed in with the resentment. Tom had heard most of what had been said. He was still in shock because of the way his life had changed in a few months. He knew he had underestimated Craig and the consequences of that mistake were costing him dear. He was at the mercy of some punk kid and could do nothing about it and Craig's' treatment of Paul had emphasised his despair. When Craig ordered him back to the horse he felt nothing. He did not even care when he realised that he was going to lie in Paul's drying cum. He reacted to the three agonising blows by screaming then bursting into tears for the first time in forty years. He waited in dread anticipation for the fourth blow not understanding Craig's instruction to release his handcuffs. He finally realised that his ordeal was over when Craig ordered him to stand up. He tried to wipe his face but responded instantly when Craig ordered him to stand still with his hands behind his back. It dawned on him that he had been let off some strokes and actually felt grateful to Craig for his kindness. Craig was feeling proud of himself. He was now an Owner and he had bought two slaves for less than he had expected to pay for one. "Shall I take them out to Collections while you sort some clothes for them and settle your account?" asked the Attendant. "You can take Tom but Paul was my attendant when I arrived. Could he carry on until I'm done?" "No problem. He knows where to go. Send him through when you're done." Paul followed Craig out of the Interview room. "I need some stuff from the shop. First I need to talk to you." Paul waited quietly while Craig continued, "When your upgrade comes through you'll be working for my boss. You'll be helping me maintain his properties. You can't do it yet because a Grade 2 slave would scare his tenants half to death. When Ethan is safe I'll do what I can about you. "Yes sir. Thank you sir," replied Paul. It was not a standard slave response because Craig heard the real feeling Paul had put into it. "Don't thank me until you hear about the next three months." Craig retorted, "I'm going to give you shit." Paul stared at Craig as he continued, "I've got to give Ethan a fucking great jolt. He thinks any problem can be sorted later. If he skips school he'll catch up later. We've got a csc worker coming to check up on us but we can sort it nearer the time. Do you get the idea?" "Yes sir." "I'm going to be the worst sort of master to you that I can be. I want him to understand what could happen to him. Give me any excuse and I'll beat you half to death. OK?" Paul had gone pale as Craig talked but replied, "Excuse me sir but it almost seems as if you want me to give you that excuse." "I can't ask you to misbehave but it would be useful." Paul was silent for a moment. "May I speak openly, please sir?" Craig nodded. "I feel good being with you. I've never felt like this with anyone else. Even if you are just a kid I'll serve you as best I can because I want to, not because you'll make me. Do what you need to do to help your brother even if you have to have me crucified in the town centre." "Wow!" gasped Craig, "it sound as though you love me." Paul giggled, "I don't know about that, Master." "Thanks for what you said but if you ever call me a kid again I'll whip the skin off your back." For a few moments they stood and giggled like typical teenage friends then Craig became serious again. "Ethan is going to get a bit of a shock tonight and I need to get to the shop here to buy his surprises. I've still got to pay for you." Just then Mr Crosis appeared looking a bit disappointed. "It's all so expensive in there. How did you get on?" "I got myself a housekeeper. He's fifty eight and I can get that other project under way." "You're not going to get much work out of a fifty year old labourer." interrupted Mr Crosis, "but I said you can give it a go and I meant it." Craig gave Paul a sly wink as they headed for shop. After gathering the things he needed he settled his account and gave the bag to Paul. "See that my slaves put on the shorts and they can look after the rest of this stuff while they're waiting for me." "Yes sir. I'll see everything's ready for you." replied Paul and headed off. "Slaves? How many did you get?" asked Mr Crosis. "I got two. The other one's for the labouring work. He's a Grade 2 but he seems harmless enough. The csc are backing a regrade." "It seems a bit risky to me." Mr Crosis noticed a glint in Craig's eye. "OK! What's the story?" "You'll see." Craig replied. When they reached the collection point they found Tom and Paul standing side by side waiting for them. Tom was still in shock and Paul was visibly frightened. Over the years he had become thoroughly institutionalised and up to a couple of minutes ago, if he had been caught in this outer area of the Centre, he would have been severely punished. In his turn Craig was startled to see that Paul's ankles were manacled the connecting chain being just long enough to allow him to walk but not run and his wrists handcuffed behind his back. There were five grades. A grade 5 simply meant that the participant could be stopped, searched or have his ID checked at any time by a policeman, security guard or owner of the premises the participant was on. Grade 4 meant that the participant needed a pass from his Guardian to be away from home. Grade 2 meant that the participant had to be restrained and supervised in public while Grade 1 meant 24 hour restraint and supervision. Grade 3 was used for temporary and voluntary grading. For example, parents could volunteer to have their children graded 3 as a punishment for up to a year. Craig completed the paperwork and signalled Tom and Paul to follow him. "How on earth can you afford the young one?" asked Mr. Crosis. "I listened to his story." Craig replied, "And checked the records. Even the Judge at his trial seemed to believe him but he had no family support. He's nearly developed enough for the labour gangs but he still wouldn't fetch much at auction. I was surprised. The staff seemed to like him and thought he'd have a better chance with me." "That flat of yours is going to be crowded. How will you manage?" "Putting Paul to work straight away and using the income he generates to get somewhere bigger." "Decorating the flat above yours?" asked Mr Crosis, "I wondered why you phoned about it just now." Craig nodded, "The repairs have been done but it needs clearing up and decorating. It's dry and the water's on. The workers can sleep up there." They had reached Mr Crosis' car by then and were heading home. Tom and Paul were sitting in the back, listening to the conversation. Tom was still in shock but Paul was content with what he was hearing until Mr Crosis asked Craig whether he could use Paul sometimes. Craig smiled, "I might give him a go a few times first, but I don't see why not." "You?" asked Mr Crosis, surprised, " I thought you could only think of the Lindsay girl." "I've never had a slave before." Craig replied, "It could be fun." As his owner, Craig had absolute power over Paul. The csc might call Craig a Guardian whose job was to train and guide him but Master and Slave fitted their relationship far more accurately. The puritanical regime of the Placement Centre had left Paul with little experience with sex and he found Craig's and Mr Crosis' conversation something of a shock. Paul was beginning to realize just how much his life was changing. His Uncle had startled and frightened him with the fierceness of his his attack which had made him lash out with a knife. The irony was that if his Uncle had been gentler in his approach then Paul would have been a very willing partner. Mr Crosis dropped Craig off at the flat and headed off. Craig led his two new servants into the flat that he and Ethan shared. Paul was used to the disciplined order of the Centre while Tom was used to a house kept tidy by his own servants. They looked in horror at the mess that only boisterous teenagers can make as Craig released Paul's handcuffs. "Tom! Start tidying up." Craig snapped feeling embarrassed as he looked around at his failure to keep order. "Paul, you will follow Tom's orders and help him. Ethan is in from school by 4.20 and I'm having visitors at five. I expect this room to be ready for them and the kitchen ready for you to start the evening meal. "I'll be in my bedroom. Paul, bring me a can of coke from the fridge." People tended to forget that Craig was only sixteen. He was mature and capable but the trip to the csc had pushed that maturity to the limits. More than anything now he wanted time to himself. He threw himself on the bed and would have fallen asleep if Paul had not knocked on the door carrying a large plate on which stood a can of Cola and a glass. "Tom says that he's sorry that he couldn't find a tray, sir." said Paul, "Shall I pour it for you?" Craig reached out and placed his hand on Paul's crotch. He felt Paul's cock begin to stir. He smiled to himself as he lay back with his hands behind his head. "No! You can give me a blow job though." Paul was too used to obeying orders to argue so he knelt down beside the bed and undid Craig's trousers. He stopped when he saw Craig's boxers. He had not worn underwear since he was arrested and had to think what to do. Craig helped by lifting his hips off the bed so that Paul could pull them down. "You're not very good at this, are you?" Craig said, "I thought you Graders knew all about sex." "No sir," Paul replied, "It's not allowed in the Centre. I've only done this a couple of times before." "You mean you broke the rules?" Craig trying not to laugh, "And I thought you were such a well trained boy." Paul felt a sudden surge of panic at admitting to his bad behaviour and was humiliated by his inexperience in front of the younger boy. Craig could see the devastating effect his comment was having. "Didn't you get teased in the Centre either?" he asked. "Sometimes, sir!" Paul answered relieved that he was not in trouble. "Just relax and try not to bite it off." laughed Craig. Paul bent down to his task. It was not the best blow job ever but as Paul's tongue and lips worked their magic Craig's cock stiffened, becoming rock hard. It was not only Paul's clumsy ministrations that was stimulating Craig. He was enjoying the power he exerted and the freedom his new circumstances gave him. If he had brought a girl friend into his bedroom, or even another boy he could get into a lot of trouble if their parents complained. Encouraged by his success Paul plucked up the courage to gently play with Craig's balls. As Craig tensed and bucked violently Paul felt the salty streams fill his mouth. He swallowed making room for more, impressed with the strength and force of the younger boys climax and Craig descended from the highest peak he had ever ascended to a state of complete relaxation and sense of peace. Sending Paul to work for Tom, Craig fell asleep listening to the chink of the chain still clamped to Paul's ankles. Paul could feel his own hard on straining to escape his shorts. He surreptitiously adjusted himself when he had the chance while doing the tasks Tom set him. He needed the toilet and was waiting to be told to go. Tom noticed his increasing discomfort and with it he felt his own need to relieve himself. Tom was not sure what to do. A few months ago, taking a piss had been no big deal and he still had not got used to the idea that he could only go when ordered. Craig's instructions had been vague and for the first time since his arrest he was having to organise his time and make decisions. He was feeling panicky as he made his mind start working again. "We've done the living room, and I can get more of the kitchen done. If we go together, you can start on the bathroom so that it's clean and ready for Master Craig and his brother. Just piss but wait for Master Craig to tell you what to do about your hard on." Paul nodded relieved he had been told what to do, hoping that Tom would not be in trouble. Paul had to flick his cock so that the sting deflated it enough so that he empty his bladder. They worked steadily until just after four when Tom realised he had another decision to make. Craig had not stirred since he had laid down. Should he wake his young master ready for Ethan's arrival or let him sleep on? In the end he sent Paul to wake Craig. Paul was unaware of a problem and simply followed his orders. Craig was already stirring and opened his eyes to the sound of Paul's ankle chain. The first thing he saw was Paul's shorts tented outwards almost pointing at him. "Is that thing likely to go off," Craig asked lightly. "No sir," Paul replied, "It's waiting for your command to fire." Craig laughed. "So! How's the cleaning going? Any problems?" Craig frowned as Paul hesitated. "Tell me!" "We needed to piss, sir" "And?" "We had not been told to go. We used your bathroom, sir but I cleaned it afterwards, sir" Craig was puzzled by Paul's behaviour and could see Paul was genuinely upset. "That's OK." Craig replied, "You're not at the Centre now and the rules are different. I'm surprised you didn't take care of that at the same time." "Tom said that I should wait for your orders, sir." Craig nodded. "I like that. Fetch me the keys to the cuffs." Craig unlocked the manacles and bade Paul to remove his shorts before replacing the leg cuffs. Being naked all the time was one of the humiliations that Ethan had to expect. "Now you can show me what you and Tom have been up to." Craig was delighted with the transformation of the apartment. His two houseboys had worked hard and the place was almost ready for the csc inspection. Tom looked nervous when Craig queried piles of bags stacked against the kitchen wall. "I'm sorry, sir," he replied, "Some are rubbish that needs to be taken down. I need permission to leave the flat. The rest is dirty clothing. If you could give me a pass I'll take them to the laundrette." "No! Not today." Craig replied, "There's no time. Ethan's already late and I'm going to need your help with him. Tom, forget about obeying Ethan like I said earlier. You only obey me. When Ethan does finally get home I want you to stand by the front door so that he can't leave. Do you understand. I think so!" replied Tom mystified. But Ethan did not show up. Tom and Paul became more and more frightened of Craig's growing anger. Finally the doorbell rang. Craig was still angry as he snapped, "Tom answer that. Paul find a towel and rap it round your waist." Craig greeted Mrs Sanders who looked puzzled. "Where's Jake?" she asked, "I thought he was here doing a project with Ethan." "No! I told Ethan to come straight home after school."Craig replied. "Tom. Make a drink for my guest." Craig and Mrs Sanders sat and chatted while they waited for Ethan and possibly, Jake to show up. Finally they heard the boys at the door and Mrs Sanders slipped into the kitchen. "Where have you been?" Craig asked angrily, "I needed you home early today?" "Jake and I had this project for school. We went to his place and Mrs Sanders made us tea. I tried phoning but this crap phone doesn't work." The two boys had been staring curiously at Tom and Paul but before they could change the subject and distract Craig, Mrs Sanders stepped into the room. "You are going to tell me the truth about where you've been," Craig said, "but first, you are going to strip." "No way," exclaimed Ethan. "Paul over there has spent the last five years in a csc centre. He knows about discipline. Strip or I tell Paul to do it for you." Craig looked questioningly at Mrs Sanders who nodded. "Jake. You strip as well." Jake looked despairingly at his mother and then at Paul and began removing his clothes. Ethan was almost in tears as he followed suit. At thirteen both boys were almost hairless. Jake had the makings of a bush around his cock and was a little chubby. Ethan was far more muscular but he only a few hairs on his body. "Turn and face Paul." Craig commanded. As the boys obeyed Craig slipped an ID chain around Ethan's neck. The joining link consisted of a male and female halves. The surfaces had millions of tiny burrs all lying in the same direction. They slid together easily but jammed solid if they were pulled apart. "Stand still," snapped Paul who immediately looked terrified as he turned to Craig for approval. Ethan had raised his arms to feel the collar but had dropped them at Paul's command. Craig nodded approvingly and fitted the second collar around Jake. Craig then used his mobile to activate the trackers and make the grading official. The plates read 'Registered G3. Temporary.' "Face me." Craig ordered. The grading did not need all the theatricals but Craig was not sure how to do things so again he was relying on scenes he had watched on television. "You're both regraded to Grade 3 for three months," Craig said, "If your school work and your behaviour improves it won't make much difference to you. If I have to I'll extend it to the full twelve months and keep you under Grade 2 or even Grade 1 supervision." "Fuck you!" Ethan yelled, "You can't do this. I'm out of here." Ethan started for the front door and saw Tom standing there and then remembered he was naked. Helplessly he turned back to Craig. "Please Craig." he cried, "Don't do this to me." Craig felt tears in his eyes and he nearly gave in. He wanted to be playing football with his brother or something, not punishing him like this. "You've done it to yourselves," Mrs Sanders said firmly, "I want to know what you've been up to today and you are going to tell us. Do you have a cane or anything, Craig?" "Yes. I bought one today." Mrs Sanders pointed at Paul. "Could he take Jake out into the kitchen and question him?" "No! Craig please!" Ethan sobbed, "We were at the library." "Excuse me sir," Paul said, "Should I separate them before they say anything else as Mrs Sanders requested?" Craig noticed the emphasis that Paul put on 'separate". "Good idea." Craig handed Paul the bag of goods he bought at the placement centre. "Don't stand any nonsense from him. Mrs Sanders and the boys had noticed that Paul's ankles were shackled but it only really impacted on their consciousness as he stepped forward and the chain rattled. As he reached forward, the towel came loose and fell to the floor leaving Paul standing naked before them. He froze, not out of embarrassment but out of fear that he would be punished for allowing it to happen. "Sorry about that." Craig said to Mrs Sanders, "I'm still getting things organised." "Don't worry about it." Mrs Sanders replied, "I've seen naked graders before though maybe not so young. The place I work for has got a couple of 4s for heavy lifting. They've got tunics but no one really cares whether they wear them or not. "Are you sure it's safe for you to have a G2 here?" "His upgrade's being processed." Craig replied, "I checked him out before I got him." "Fair enough." Mrs Sanders said, "OK Jake. Move it. Get to the kitchen." As Paul and Jake disappeared, Craig tipped Ethan's school bag onto the table then picked his clothes up, one by one checking the pockets and emptying them onto the pile of school stuff. Mrs Sanders did the same with Jake's things. "Where's the work you were doing at the library?" she asked. "Er 3; It was just reading." Ethan muttered nervously. "I don't know how Craig intends punishing you for lying but you're only making it worse. Were you at the library?" Perfectly on cue they heard a groan and a yelp from the kitchen. The noise ended all resistance in Ethan and he shook his head. "Good! Where did this come from?" Craig asked picking up a pile of money from Ethan's things." All the colour drained from Ethan's face. Since the first caveman left images on a cave wall porn has flourished. With the advent of the csc, the most basic of tastes could be catered for. The one exception was 'fresh meat'. Pictures of Graded youngsters were so commonplace that they were worthless. It was virtually impossible to remove the grade chain for a photo shoot and those that tried often ended up Grade 1. It was also rare for a teenager graded 4 or lower not to bear any punishment marks. Paul carried faint marks on his backside that would be there for the rest of his life. Jake and Ethan were doing very nicely posing for photographers wanting the fresh unsullied look. Ethan mumbled disjointedly so it took a while but in the end they had the full story. Craig headed for the kitchen to discover what Paul had learned. The sight that was revealed when he opened the door stopped him dead. Jake was bent over the table while Paul knelt behind him. Paul was holding Jake's buns apart exposing Jake's hole. Paul stood up turning respectfully towards his master. "Having fun?" Craig asked quietly. "Yes sir," Paul answered smiling but the smile faded as he saw the anger in Craig's eyes. "Explain." "He squeezed my balls." Jake yelled out in an outraged voice. "Craig. Can I have a word in private, please." Mrs Sanders asked. Sending Tom through to the kitchen Craig and Mrs Sanders stood in the living room. "I'm sorry." Craig said, miserably, "I shouldn't have brought Paul home. I've messed up, haven't I?" "Not really." Mrs Sanders replied gently, "I didn't think about the sex implications of a regrade either but I should have done. I'd been thinking about some sort of short sharp shock for Jake for a while. The pamphlets I got did mention it but somehow I never thought it would affect my little boy." "Paul still shouldn't have touched him there without permission. I am sorry about that." "Don't be." Mrs Sanders said, "Let's get Paul in here and see what he has to say for himself. Paul was desperately unhappy and wished he was back at the Centre. He knew the rules there but here he just kept messing up. He wanted to please Craig but did not know how to go about it. "Did you play with Jake's balls?" Craig asked. Paul nodded, "Yes sir. And with his cock, sir." "You were supposed to be finding out what he had been up to not having fun." "Please sir, they do it like that in the Centre's inductance zone. It teaches new members that they've got no control any more and you reward them with nice feelings if they're answering properly and you hurt them if they're not." "l see," said Mrs Sanders, "So what about his backside?" "When Jake told me what they had been doing I wondered if it had gone any further. I've seen boys come into the adult section after being sold on by a brothel. He seems tight enough, sir. I don't think he's been fucked, sir." "Thank God," Mrs Sanders sobbed in relief. "You shouldn't have touched Jake like that without his Mother's say so." Craig said. "Don't worry about it," Mrs Sanders said, "Maybe he'd better check Ethan though. Is something bothering you?" "Yes ma'am," Paul replied, "I'm doing things wrong and I don't know what." Paul was getting hysterical, "I'm sorry sir. I'm trying to be good, I really am." Craig stepped forward to put his arm round Paul but Paul flinched as if he was going to be beaten. "Easy." Mrs Sanders said quietly and each boy wondered if she was talking to him."Temporary grading is to warn youngsters what might happen to them if they're graded by the courts." Attitudes had changed over the years. As the authorities got increasing rights to stop and search youngsters so they in turn became more adept in concealing things resulting in increased powers of search. Any csc participant could be strip searched in the street including internal examinations. It only became possible because of a carefully orchestrated change in attitudes. It was now commonplace for boys to do physical training in the nude in schools. That had been fairly easy to introduce. Gymnasium was Ancient Greek for a 'place to be naked' and nude swimming was commonplace in Europe well into the 1980s. Nudity in young people had been easy to promote as being traditional and healthy. Sexual contact had proved harder to justify and most people still had an ambivalent attitude towards it. The attitude was that Grades 1 to 4 deserved anything they got but people became uneasy when it became too blatant, hence the csc's approach. Grade 5 were treated more carefully but it was still difficult for them to make any complaint about an adult. Mrs Sanders accepted these ideas as normal. She was at alarmed at how Jake and Ethan had put themselves in danger by going with strange men. She also needed to get used to Jake's temporary status. Like countless mothers throughout history she was having to accept that she could no longer protect her son. "I don't like what you've done to Jake but I know it's necessary." she said, "Just don't do any permanent damage. Do you understand?" "Yes ma'am," Paul replied, "Thank you." "Go and check Ethan," Craig ordered, "Like Mrs Sanders said, show him what could happen to him but don't do anything permanent. You and Tom are shaved. Maybe they should be as well." "It's getting on a bit so could they do their homework first." Mrs Sanders asked. Craig was so relieved that Mrs Sanders was there to help him. Mrs Sanders was impressed with what Craig was trying to do but his youth and inexperience was obvious. Tom was summoned from the kitchen. He explained that he could knock a meal up for the boys but the old and stale food, supplemented with tinned food would not be suitable for Craig and his guest. He needed to stock the kitchen. Tom had been a successful business man all his life. His biggest mistake had been to miss the developing affair between his wife and his business partner. Rather than murder him, they had framed him and his life had been in a steady downward spiral ever since. The worst point was receiving a caning from a sixteen year old boy and realising he was completely in Craig's control. He felt a little more confident about the future as he began to understand Craig's problems and his desire to keep Ethan safe. Tom liked Paul and they had worked hard and well together that afternoon clearing the flat but he had mainly been a spectator while the boys were regraded. He had been frightened of admitting that there would be difficulties in preparing a meal. He was delighted that not only was his explanation accepted and that his master and Mrs Sanders would order in a pizza but he would be given a pass and some money to go shopping the next day. After three months detention, the prospect was a daunting and exciting one. He fussed around preparing the boys food and even laid the table in the living room for Craig and Mrs Sanders warming plates for their food. Jake and Ethan worked at the kitchen table. Ethan was sulky, seeing Tom as an adult and therefore an enemy. Jake was upset and thoroughly humiliated at his treatment in front of his mother but was bright enough to realise that Tom was not much better off than them. Tom talked about his life and his experiences in the centre while Jake listened with increasing alarm. When the conversation switched round to the posing the boys were surprised that Tom was horrified. "You're lucky to be alive." he said, "Did they want pictures of you bent over showing your tight little holes?" Jake nodded. "And were they going to pay more if you did something a bit more exciting?" Again Jake nodded. "Something like that." "That something would be opening up your hole. If it was their cock or their fingers it would hurt like mad but you'd get over it. The nastiest thing I heard about was a red hot poker. This time Ethan stared at him with as much horror as Jake. "Don't talk shit," he snapped. "I'm not." replied Tom, "Sex is cheap nowadays. If someone wants something a bit unusual then they need to grab a virgin or someone innocent. There's a craze for finding new ways to take their cherry. In this case the two guys responsible had a thing about the murder of the English king, Edward ll. He had a lot of favourites that the nobles didn't like but they needed a way of killing him that wouldn't be too obvious once he was in his coffin. They reckoned he was gay and the poker up his arse was their form of gay bashing." "You mean that could have happened to us?" asked Jake in a terrified voice. "Probably not that extreme but it could have been very unpleasant. Do you understand why your families are so worried about you?" Even Ethan nodded thoughtfully before they all returned to their work. Tom had not mentioned that incidents like this were extremely common because the official police position was that if the child was not safely home with his guardian then he was running wild and could not be trusted and so complaints were rarely believed. Meanwhile Craig and Mrs Sanders had also discussed the topic as well as working out various other details of the next few months. It was the sort of day to day trivia that Craig had not considered. Paul's ankle shackles had also been mentioned. Mrs Sanders now agreed with Craig that Paul was not violent. She was more uncomfortable with Paul's nudity than she was ready to admit to. She found him very sexy. Craig was unaware of this but had been uncertain what to do about the chain. As Grade 2 Paul was supposed to be restrained but as Mrs Sanders pointed out, Paul had everything to lose and nothing to gain by running away. Craig had been unhappy at shackling Paul and sent him to the bedroom to free his ankles and don his shorts. Inevitably the conversation turned to the sexual use of the boys. Outside the csc attitudes to sex were hopelessly confused. There was the same mix of prejudice and tolerance against gays, sex outside of marriage that we see, plus the debate whether graders deserved everything they got or whether they should have some protection. Usually anything that increased the deterrent value or had a sense of punishment was acceptable. Mrs Sanders had been brought up with these attitudes and so apart from another request not to do any permanent damage, Craig had a free hand. Before Mrs Sanders took Jake home, his and Ethan's body hair was removed. Paul placed a chair beside the sink and in turn Jake and Ethan were made to stand on it while Paul shaved them. Craig, Mrs Sanders and Tom looked on while Paul freely handled them with his head at times, inches from their cocks. Both boys were in tears at the humiliation unable to look at the adults. "What happens to you stays in this flat. No one else need know." Craig said, "Just remember, if you don't sort yourselves out this is how it will be for the rest of your lives. Your entire class, their parents or just about anyone else could be watching." Ethan and Jake nodded, neither one daring to speak until a thought struck Jake. "At least you're not taking photographs and putting them on the Internet." Jake faced another humiliation. It was a cool night and Mrs Sanders first reaction was to have him wrapped up warm. Fussing like that was not appropriate and Jake headed out into the night wearing nothing but a pair of shorts and trainers with his hands cuffed behind him. He been made to wear his school bag on his back and as he trotted home behind his mother he looked just like any other servant carrying his mistresses things. He told Tom and Ethan to tidy up and then they could sleep on the kitchen floor. With final instructions for the following morning Craig headed for the bathroom and then to his bedroom where Paul had been sent to wait for him. Craig was tired in spite of his sleep that afternoon. He hated being the 'responsible adult' and having to discipline Ethan and the evening's events had completely drained him. The one bright spot was Paul. His acceptance of Craig's authority and eagerness to help Craig did more to encourage Craig than Paul could ever realise. Paul admired Craig and was concerned about the strain Craig was under. As he stood in the bedroom respectfully awaiting his master he was, in his turn, worried about the mistakes he had made. At the Centre, a stressed guard and a servant's mistakes meant severe punishment so he wondered what was in store for him when Craig returned. Strangely, as well as being nervous, he looked forward to the chance to please Craig. He had slipped out of his shorts and stood at the 'at ease' position as he had been taught at the csc. When Craig returned to the bedroom he immediately became hard again. Although his fantasies centred around his possible girlfriend, seeing Paul waiting meekly for his his master was a definite turn on. "OK slave. Undress me." Craig ordered. He half expected Paul to protest but his servant knelt down and began removing his shoes and socks. Craig's shirt followed and then his trousers and shorts. The erotic experience aroused Craig so that Paul had trouble working the shorts over Craig's manhood. Finally Craig was naked and Paul waited for his next orders. Paul's cock also pointed stiffly upwards and he hoped Craig would allow him a chance to get relief. It was a tense moment for both boys as they pondered the next move. "You can't have Ethan's bed. That wouldn't be right." Craig said, "You'll sleep on the floor unless I have you in mine." "Yes sir." Paul replied, "Whatever you say, Master." Craig was still uncertain and just stood. "Shall I make the bed for you, sir" Paul asked showing a rare initiative. Craig and Ethan had single beds on either side of the room. It was the only room that had not been tidied and so Paul's question could have been considered criticism leading to a severe punishment. "Yes," Then lay down on top of it." Craig cautiously sat down on the edge of the bed then laid down against Paul. As Craig's back spooned into Paul's chest, Paul hesitated before wrapping his arm around his owner but as Craig nestled in even closer to him Paul relaxed. He felt his own cock hardening and tunnelling it's way between their two bodies and felt Craig push more tightly into him then Craig slid round so that he was on his back. Craig gripped Paul's wrist and pulled it down onto his cock. "Do something with that," Craig whispered "Or I won't get any sleep." Paul began gently stroking and Craig's cock immediately hardened until it was almost solid. Craig's muscles contracted and his cream shot over his chest. Like the blow job Paul had given him that afternoon it was not the best of jerk offs but Craig was content to have pressure released from his balls. Craig looked at the mess on his chest. He was lying on one of Paul's arms, pressed up against Paul and did not feel like moving. He glanced down at Paul's rigid member. Still curious about how far he could push Paul he said, "I don't want you stabbing me with that all night. Do something about it. Then you can clean us up. I'm not moving so you'll have to scoop it it up and swallow it." Paul had managed to sneak the odd jerk off with guys at the Centre but they had been hurried sessions with the fear of being caught and severely punished. Now he was acting under orders. He almost trembled with excitement as his fingers drifted over Craig's torso and groin. Craig stirred as Paul rubbed his nipples and Paul hastily scooped some of the cum and swallowed it. He need not have worried for Craig was asleep. The stresses and worries of the last few months had exhausted him. With Paul laying beside him, he felt safe and protected and he had fallen into deep and contented slumber. Paul slowly stroked himself to his own wonderful climax. Somewhere deep in his sub-conscious Craig felt Paul's own pleasure and happiness when his balls released their load. As Paul gently explored his body again he absorbed the sensations turning them into dreams of happy times and fun with his friends.
Chapter 2When Paul woke the next morning he was confused by his surroundings. The room was completely silent yet his body clock was saying bells should be ringing and guards shouting and threatening punishments if he did not stir. Realising the body beside him was not a wonderful dream alarmed him until the memories of the previous day came flooding back. The beauty of the dream was completely shattered when he felt the wet, sticky patch around his groin and on Craig's back."That felt good," Craig said softly, "But shouldn't graders wait for permission?" Paul burst into tears. "I'm sorry sir," he sobbed, "I've let you down again." "I don't know about that," Craig replied, deliberately talking at crossed purposes, "I'm still well up." Sitting up to give Paul some space he snapped, "Over on your stomach." Craig sat and admired Paul's muscular body for a few moments before landing a heavy slap on Paul's arse cheeks. Paul grunted, more with surprise than pain. Craig straddled Paul, nestling his cock in Paul's crack and began a rocking motion rubbing his cock between Paul's cheeks and his own stomach. Paul's cock, sandwiched between his stomach and the bed became hard again as his body moved under Craig's motion. Craig speeded up his stroke until the action became convulsive and and his mind could only feel the pressure squirting from his cock. As the warm sticky fluid spread around his stomach he collapsed onto Paul in contented exhaustion. Dimly he became aware that Paul was sobbing again. "What's wrong?" he asked. "Please sir, I've cum again." Paul replied, "I couldn't stop myself and it's all over the bed clothes." Craig slid his hand under Paul feeling the familiar wetness and then rubbing Paul's cock. "Until I say differently, you are responsible for this room." Craig said softly. "You will see that it is always ready for me. OK?" "Yes sir," replied Paul nervously. "Do a good job because if you give me an excuse, I'll put you over my knee and spank you. It could be fun – for me anyway." "You don't need an excuse, sir." Paul answered, "You could do it anyway even if I wasn't behaving so badly." Craig sat up and gently stroked Paul's arse cheeks. "Maybe you should punish me for being a bad master." Craig said thoughtfully, "I haven't made it clear what I want from you have I?" Paul had no idea how to reply. When he was at the Centre, if he had made the slightest hint of a criticism of a guardian, he would have been severely punished. He remembered something Craig had said the day before about wanting Ethan to see how a grader can be punished. Maybe he wants an excuse to punish me for being rude, he thought. Aloud he replied, "Maybe you're trying to do too much at once, sir. New graders always take time to get used to the new discipline." He tensed, waiting for Craig's anger. Instead he felt Craig kiss his neck. "You could be right." Craig answered. Hearing a buzzer from the kitchen he continued, "Tom'll be bringing me a cup of coffee soon." I think I'll get washed and dressed before the rush." "You don't rush, Craig. You're the master." Paul said without thinking. He panicked as Craig tensed and climbed from his back. He had definitely gone too far that time. "Careful about calling me Craig when the others are around." Craig said, "I need a piss so I'll wash while I'm there. You get this bed sorted then I can lie back down. When Tom politely knocked he found Craig laying on his back with Paul kneeling on the floor sucking on Craig's cock. "I'll be getting up in half an hour," Craig said, "See that you three are washed and ready and have had your breakfast. Come back then Paul." "Yes sir," Paul replied. "Craig looked at Tom until he also replied, "Yes sir. I'll see to it." Craig relaxed and listened to the noise outside. He wondered how Ethan was coping with a communal bathroom. He thought he had heard some squeals of protest then a sharp tone in Paul's response and everything went quiet. Right on time Paul returned. "How did it go." Craig asked. "Paul smiled, "We only had time for cereal, sir. I'd forgotten how good they tasted but Ethan said he didn't like them. Tom says your scrambled eggs will be ready in twenty minutes. He hopes you'll make do with them followed by cereal. He's a bit worried that he can't cook properly for you still." Craig grinned. "Am I more like a Master now?" "Yes sir." Paul said, also grinning before he became serious. "I've sorted out the cleanest clothes I can find for you. We do need to get some washing done for you, sir." Craig nodded. He dressed and headed for the living room. The table was old and badly scratched but it looked cleaner than it had ever done and there was a meal setting ready for Craig. Beside the setting were a couple of envelopes and passes already made out for Craig to sign. The mail was uninteresting, an advert and a letter from the csc confirming the time and date of their inspection. There were three passes for Tom. The first allowed him to take Ethan and Jake to school, the second allowed him to shop at the nearest supermarket and the third allowed him to go to the laundrette. The fourth pass allowed Ethan to walk between home and school if he was accompanied by Tom, Craig or Mrs Sanders. Craig added Mr Crosis to the list and added an amount of money to Tom's pass that he was allowed to carry while shopping. Tom was nervous as he brought Craig his breakfast and was relieved when Craig did not complain. He'd been uncertain about presenting the paperwork as he had but when he had been free he had trained his own servants in this way. Craig felt shy and self conscious as he ate. Tom joined Paul and Ethan who were lined up along the wall waiting their Master's pleasure Paul and Ethan were still naked but Tom wore shorts and an apron because of his cooking. Craig was enjoying his role as head of the household. He and Paul had talked that morning and both had a clearer idea how they should behave. Paul had also spoken to Tom and Ethan about their attitudes reminding Ethan that he was long overdue for a spanking. Ethan was more worried about Paul's willingness to grab his cock and was not going to give him an excuse. Where Craig was straight but able to enjoy Paul's subservience to him, Ethan was gay. At thirteen his sexuality was developing and he found contact with a good looking boy like Paul very arousing and he hoped to have sex with him soon but that did not mean that he liked the control Paul exerted over him. Paul and Tom's talk of how they were treated at the centre frightened him more than he would ever admit. He resented standing there waiting for his brother's pleasure just as he had hated being left to sleep on the cold hard kitchen floor but realised he had little choice if he was going to stay out of the csc's clutches. Tom was straight but had allowed Ethan lie beside him with Ethan resting his head on his arm. Tom still saw Craig as a child and still had trouble accepting his change in status. It did not help that Paul seemed to be in charge or at least, number one in the pecking order. Paul warned him that if their present positions did not work out, Paul would end up on a work gang while Tom spent countless hours cooking the porridge based gruel that heavy workers ate. Like Ethan, Paul was gay and falling in love with Craig. He admired Craig for the way he was trying to make a better life for them all, was flattered at how Craig listened to his opinions and ideas. He was still confused by the difference in attitudes between Craig and the Centre but it was a fantasy come true that he could now explore his new sexuality with such a handsome and gentle young man. Ask most people and they would say that graders were only allowed shorts. In fact the law only required the grade chain to be clearly visible. Although Jake and Ethan could go to school in uniform apart from the chain around their necks, it would attract a lot of unwelcome attention. The school was more than happy to cater for the more humiliating custom since it was the greater deterrent but insisted that all students wear school uniform in school. Graders were faced with the prospect of changing in full view just inside school grounds. Grade chains had little impact in class. Schools had always banned jewellery and the like on the grounds that in the boisterous world of youngsters, a ring in the face or a chain pulled tight could cause serious injury and so it was during breaks and sports that their effects were most felt. Graders spent most of their exercise time doing drills. Ethan was dreading his first day at school. After clearing the table Tom set off first with Ethan reluctantly in tow. Once they were alone, Craig gently kissed Paul on the cheek and they hugged. "You acted like a real master, sir," Paul said, "Just like we said." "You can call me Craig now we're alone." "No sir," Paul replied, "I'll be your friend with what I say but I am your slave with how I say it." "I think I get that." Craig laughed, "and you're right as usual. Maybe I should punish you for being a smartass all the time." "Yes sir. Whatever you say," Paul replied nervously. He thought that Craig was teasing but was not that certain of things yet. He yelped and bent forward as Craig squeezed his cock tight. It was more surprise than pain. Craig pushed his chest back with his free hand back then kissed him again letting the hand around Paul's cock begin a gentle stroking. "I've got to go now, slave." Craig said with the smile still on his face, "Make sure you're ready for me when I get back." "Yes, oh great and glorious Master," Paul said finally accepting Craig's mood. "It is always an honour to serve." Paul looked wistfully as Craig left trying to remember what it felt like to be able to go outside without needing permission or restraints. Craig's first port of call was the school. He needed to inform them of the situation with Ethan and Jake. He arrived before Tom, Ethan and Jake and headed for the office. He explained that he was more concerned that the men that the boy's had posed for might come looking for them which was why Tom had to chaperone them to and from school. The school was very sympathetic and thoroughly approved of Craig's efforts to look after Ethan. Craig and Ethan had been good students. With Craig seeming to drop out and Ethan's behaviour deteriorating, the schools position in the league tables was slipping. The school was more than willing to hear of Craig's new plans for his own education and give him the help he needed to catch up and then return for the run up to his exam year. He left with a pile of work to get started and appointments to visit teachers who would be willing to tutor him. As Craig left the school he saw Ethan blushing furiously, changing into his school uniform. Ethan tried to call out to Craig but all he got for his trouble was a teacher yelling at him inches from his face before dropping to the ground doing press ups. There were about a dozen or so other graders in the group. Since his activities with Paul he found himself looking at them with more interest than before. As Ethan's muscles strained with the exertion Craig realised that he was becoming an attractive young man and his bubble butts especially alluring. Craig was uncomfortable at the idea others might look at his brother in the same way and decided that in future he could wear his school uniform shorts to save him the ordeal of getting naked in public each day. Craig knew that someone was bound to complain that Ethan was not wearing standard cotton shorts but he would face that when the time came. Mr Crosis was surprised to see Craig arrive at the office so early. He was pleased for Craig that his plans seemed to be working out so well. "So you don't want to work for me after all." he said, "I'll have to start looking for someone." "How about Tom?" Craig asked, "He'll have the flat under control today and he's had experience." "You lend him to me, would you?" "Hire him out to you." Craig corrected, "I've got to earn some money so while he works in the office I'll go back to the maintenance work I used to do. Paul can start on the flat upstairs. He can't work in public but he could work in other empty properties even if I have to sit in there with him and do my school work there." "You've got it all worked out as usual, haven't you." laughed Mr Crosis, "but it makes sense. I'll do it on one condition. You lend me Paul when I need him." Mr Crosis laughed as he saw the worried look on Craig's face. "Don't worry," he said, "I just thought that he's got inside info. I wondered whether he could find me a couple of cheap ones." Craig was flustered, uncertain what to say. Mr. Crosis had never made it a secret that he liked boys but he would never force himself on Craig or Ethan. Craig knew that he liked the look of Paul but Craig was not ready to share him yet. "It the least I can do," Craig finally managed to say, "I'm sorry. I thought you meant something else." "You thought I wanted to ravish your property and leave you with the left overs." Craig blushed, realizing that Paul had become special and he wanted to divert the conversation. "If the csc visitor isn't happy, you'll probably have me, Ethan and Paul to choose from." he said. "I'm sure everything will be OK." Mr Crosis replied. "You've done a fantastic job over the last six months. You can be really proud of yourself." With that they settled down to work, catching up on the files and checking the books. With two of them it did not take long even with Mr Crosis explaining the different procedures to Craig. Mr. Crosis took Craig to lunch and then they discussed how best to use Paul and Tom. Mr Crosis had bought a couple of buildings that he wanted to convert into apartments. Somehow he had been caught out and they had needed a lot more work than he intended and so he was having his own financial problems. It was not desperate yet but he needed to concentrate on the project. He was satisfied with the contractors he had hired and would normally leave them to get on with it but he had to monitor their work closely to ensure they stayed in budget. It was something of a relief that he would be able to hand over some of the day to day routine. Craig was home by early afternoon. Under Tom's instruction, Paul had transformed the bedroom. It was now neat and tidy without the piles of clothes waiting to be sorted and the two beds were clean and fresh. There was a change of clothing laid out for Craig on Ethan's bed. There was a box on Ethan's bed as well. It rested neatly at the foot of the bed against the wall. When Craig examined the contents he found the manacles, canes and other equipment a 'slave owner' needed. The kitchen was spotless and the cupboards were fully stocked. The receipts for the shopping and the change from the money that Craig had given Tom were on the table waiting for Craig to check them. Mrs Sanders worked during the day and so Tom was going to collect Jake from school with Ethan. Tom was slightly flustered because he was about to set off. Craig was quite happy to spend some time alone with Paul and sent Tom on his way. While Tom had been allowed shorts and t-shirt, Paul had stayed naked. Having Craig's undivided attention was a turn on for him and Craig watched as Paul's cock swelled and pointed outwards. "That's what I feel," Craig said huskily, "Bedroom." Whatever Paul needed, he dutifully undressed his Master and as Craig lay down on the bed he took Craig's cock into his mouth and began to suck. Craig was getting more confident with the situation and allowed his servant to lay beside him in a 69 position. It did not occur to Craig to suck on Paul but he explored his slave's body with his hands working his way down Paul's crack to his anus. Paul lifted his leg in submissive cooperation enjoying the touch of another boy. Craig was on the border of new territory. They both accepted Craig's ownership of Paul but Craig could take that ownership to a new level by claiming rights to this new virgin entrance. Sixteen year olds are not always as confident or as worldly wise as they seem and he hesitated. Paul took the initiative and pushed slightly onto Craig's finger. Craig took the hint and pressed against the lips. They resisted until Paul relaxed and Craig penetrated that final sanctum. As Craig realized, that soon now, he would fuck Paul, his own muscles began to tighten and convulse as he shot stream after stream of cum into the back of Paul's throat. Paul gagged as his mouth and throat filled so completely and pulled off. He immediately grabbed Craig's cock and pumped the last of Craig's cream onto his chest. Craig's finger had done it's own pumping, almost without Craig realizing and had penetrated deep inside Paul. There was a little soreness and discomfort from the unaccustomed stretching but spreading out from that source of discomfort were sensations he could not believe possible. His cock felt as if it was bursting in its desire to shoot its own cream trying to swamp Paul's training to wait for permission. Craig's finger won and he looked on in amazement as wad after wad shot past Paul's head. It landed on his legs and on the bed but he would sworn that some disappeared over the edge of the bed onto the floor. For a time, Paul was lost in the ecstasy of the moment but as he descended from the heights he waited for Craig's reaction to his behaviour. "I wonder if Tom will want you spanked for messing up the bed clothes." Paul caught the mischievous tone in Craig's voice and replied, "It was your finger that did it. Maybe, he'd want you spanked as well." "Maybe." Craig agree laughing, "The least you can do is lick my legs and feet clean." Craig lay back lost in the sensual pleasure of Paul's gentle ministrations. Paul started with his feet, sucking each toe before working his way up his body to clean his own spunk off his stomach. "That felt real good," Craig said as he allowed Paul to relax beside him resting his head on Craig's chest. "Aren't you angry with me?" Paul asked, "I couldn't finish sucking you, came without permission and made the bed dirty. I'm not a good servant, sir." "That's for me to say." Craig retorted, "I've loved this afternoon so you've pleased your Master. How does that make you a bad servant?" "I don't know, sir." "The others'll be back soon." Craig said, "I'd better get dressed. Sort the bed out." Their lives settled quickly into a routine. Tom was kept the busiest. He was up first to get the others ready for the day. After taking the boys to school he would head for Mr Crosis' office and work there until it was time to collect Jake and Ethan from school. After the first day they would head for Jake's home. He would prepare a meal for Mrs Sanders and Jake while the boys did housework. When he and Ethan got home he would check to see that everything was in order before giving Paul his instructions the next day. Craig had allowed him to buy sleeping bags for Ethan and himself. He had loved his wife up to the moment he was arrested and had been blind to the difficulties and stresses in the marriage. His arrest and time at the Centre had been traumatic and had nearly destroyed him. From the moment that he had arrived at the flat he had began to relax. He understood the role he was to play and felt the care and concern that Craig offered to all his charges, especially the love he felt for his brother, Ethan. It had been frightening to go out unsupervised at first. The police and Neighbourhood Patrol had been suspicious and he had been constantly stopped to show his passes. On one occasion Jake, Ethan and Tom had all been strip searched with the boys having to empty their bags out onto the ground. Tom had rapidly become part of the scenery and now they would even stop and chat especially on weekends when he and Ethan did the shopping. Ethan was more confused than anything by his change in status. He hated the highly regimented life he now endured and had been thoroughly humiliated by Paul's treatment of him the first night. In the evenings he was allowed to spend time with Craig. They would watch television, play games and sometimes Craig would take him to the park where they would kick a ball around or something until curfew. It was wonderful to bond with his brother again and be part of a family. He accepted now that he had made a bad mistake posing for the photographs and took the risks of getting into the csc's clutches far more seriously. At first he had been scared that he would be raped or forced into some sort of sexual activity and then disappointed when nothing had happened. Paul had handled his genitals and even examined his hole. As his new life settled down he remembered the pleasant effects of the contact started to want more. He knew that Paul belonged to Craig and would not look twice at him unless Craig approved. Tom was straight and had a thing about breasts. Tom had comforted him and tried to make him more comfortable on the hard floor but it had been paternal instincts for Tom not sexual. Paul was happier than he could ever remember. It was as if he had a new family. He worked on the new flat upstairs, kept the present flat clean and tidy under Tom's directions and even learned how to prepare some of the meals. Craig had caught him looking sadly at the people in the street below wishing he could go outside. When csc had first started there had been a craze for rickshaws. It had not lasted long. In terms of speed, stamina or maintenance an electric car was superior and pollution free but they had not disappeared completely. Mr Crosis had one stowed away in an old shed. On his first walk in the open air in five years Craig took him to the shed and had him clean it up. The rickshaw was wide enough for two people and Craig had one of the seats removed. When Craig visited Mr Crosis' properties he could carry far more tools than before and did not need to keep returning to the office. Although he could only stand, handcuffed to the push bar and only wearing shorts, no matter what the weather, Paul was spending time outdoors with Craig which was heaven. Not everyone was happy with a Grade 2 being so lightly restrained until an elderly tenant asked if Paul could take her to the shops. She had been most indignant when Craig had agreed but had wanted to walk beside the rickshaw. She may not be able to walk far but she still had her faculties. Craig was going to be a while cleaning the hallways and clearing rubbish so he relented. She got ready and climbed into the rickshaw carrying a light whip. As they set off she landed a lash on Paul's bare back and yelled, faster. When they returned, Paul was exhausted, breathing in painful gasps, and his back was covered in welts. They were accompanied by a policeman and an irate lady who was evidently a passionate anti-slaver and was determined to bring cruelty charges. When Craig appeared, the anti-slaver demanded that Paul's handcuffs be removed, the old lady was yelling that Graders got what they deserved, the policeman was struggling to keep the two women apart and it was not until a couple of the Neighbourhood Patrol arrived that he was able extricate himself and speak to Craig. "The boy insisted on bringing her home," the policeman said, "He was done in by then and I would have got a taxi for her but he didn't want to let you down." "She's a vicious old cow," a neighbour who had popped out to watch the fun said, "She'll just use you. You won't get a word of thanks and she'll slag you off behind your back to anyone who'll listen. Bring the boy into my place. He can sit in the kitchen and have something to drink. I haven't got anything for his back though." At a nod from the policeman Craig released Paul from the rickshaw. He was about to cuff Paul's hands behind him when the neighbour said, "Forget those things. He's in no state to cause trouble." No one seemed inclined to argue with the man except for the old lady who saw a new target for her venom. "You ought to be graded yourself," she screamed, "God damned liberals pandering to that scum." When they reached the neighbours kitchen he guided Paul to a chair and made him sit. He went to the fridge and fetched a can of beer which he handed to Paul. "Drink that," he ordered, "It'll put hairs on your chest." He paused, "I'm sorry, I forgot. You'll only to have shave them off again. By the way, I'm Harry Smith." Craig shook the hand that Harry offered and introduced himself. One of the Neighbourhood Patrol joined them. Seeing the uniform, Paul tried to stand but Harry put a hand on his shoulder. The Patrol member introduced himself as James. "Giving a grader alcohol are we, Harry? You'd better bribe me into silence with one as well. You'd better give him one as well." "They all sat down round the table. Paul waited for Craig's say so then opened his can. "Don't worry about Mrs Tibbs." James said, "She's a bloody nuisance. I know your story Craig. You won't get any problems from me over all this. You're Ethan Ryder's brother, aren't you?" And you've got another servant, Tom?" "Yes sir," replied Craig nervously. "It's OK." James said, "This is a small town and we tend to know people. I've spoken to Ethan and Tom on their way to school and I know about this one's Grade 2 status." "His name is Paul," Craig said, "I didn't realize we're being watched." "Well, your situation is unusual but we like what we see. So don't worry about it. Actually, Harry here was going to ask you for some help but I don't think you'd be interested now." "My help?" Craig asked, "What could I do?" "Your rickshaw." Harry answered, "There are a number of people in our Patrol area who are housebound. You can't help with the shopping because you couldn't go into the shops but some would really like to visit the park and see the flower displays." Paul looked worried and as if he wanted to speak but James spoke first. "Mrs Tibbs won't be one of them," he said firmly, "and we'd see that it was properly supervised. We've got another rickshaw and if we can find another boy to pull it, then we could make an afternoon of it." "Maybe I could I could do that," Craig said, "What do you think, Paul?" Paul's chest still hurt and he was still shocked by events but if Craig thought it was a good idea, he would not argue. "I don't think they should be allowed to use whips on Master Craig," he said. "They won't be allowed to use whips on you, either," James said firmly, "Mrs Tibbs had no right damaging Craig's property." They discussed plans for the old peoples outing and set a date which happened to be the Sunday before the csc visit. "Are you fit to haul that rickshaw again?"James asked as he spoke he was checking on his hand held computer. "Yes sir," Paul replied. "Harry! Have you got those cuffs with the long chain and waist chain?" "Yes, Somewhere. Why do you want them?" "His upgrade has been approved but it can't be fully implemented until the three month ownership qualification has been met." James said, "In the circumstances I'm approving Craig's application for minimal restraint." Craig looked puzzled. "What application?" he asked. There was twinkle in James' eyes as he replied, "The one you'll make when you sign here. Normally these orders are to force slack owners to control their boys more. If you agree we'll get it sorted." Craig happily nodded and at a command from James, Paul stood up. First Harry gave Paul a red arm band to put on. This meant that the Neighbourhood Patrol had issued special instructions. Paul held out his hands as he was manacled. The chains were fixed to a third chain which was padlocked around his waist. His arm movements were restricted but he would be able to carry out a variety of tasks. "If you file a travel plan he can travel unsupervised." James continued. Craig looked puzzled again and James continued, "We've taken up too much of your time already and you'll want to get home to meet Ethan from school. The travel plan is like a pass and it must be registered first and it has to be for a useful purpose. You can't send him to play football in the park or anything." While he had been talking, he had gone to the relevant web site address and shown Craig how to fill in the form. "There you are," James said, "Travel plan approved. Do you want to cancel it?" "No." Craig replied, "Does that mean Paul can do the property maintenance with me." "It does," James confirmed handing Paul a printout. "Tuck that in your armband and listen to your Master's instructions." "Take the rickshaw back to Mr. Crosis' office then go home." The colour drained out of Paul's faced and he started trembling. "Please sir," He asked in a panic stricken voice, "Do you mean alone?" "Yes! What's wrong?" "What happens if I mess up again or there's a problem. What would I do? I'm not allowed outside." Craig looked at James. He was unnerved at Paul's panic. James seemed surprised as well. "Take a look at the pass. Can you see Craig's phone number?" Paul nodded. "If there's a problem hand someone that pass and ask them to call your Master. Say that you can't do or say anything without his permission." "Yes sir." Paul replied uncertainly, "But do I have to go out alone?" Harry used to work at the Placement Centre before taking early retirement and working part time for the Patrol. He had an idea of the problem. "I'll walk you out and see you to the end of the road. Will that help?" "Can I come back in if I want to, please?" Paul asked. "Only if you want to disobey your Master," Harry replied a little impatiently. "You'll be all right once you're away." When he led Paul away it was almost as if he was taking the boy to be executed. "Five years in the Centre will do that," he said when he returned, "Stepping through the wrong door is one of the biggest crimes there. It's OK if he's cuffed or with someone but I bet he has trouble with some doors at home. "I haven't noticed anything," Craig replied, "I hope he's all right." Craig hurried home. It was Mrs Sanders' day off and she had collected Jake herself. As James had guessed, he was always glad to see that Ethan was OK but today he was worried about Paul. Ethan wondered why he was so distracted and became concerned himself when he discovered the reason. They did not have long to wait before he appeared and stood staring at the outer door to the flats. They watched as he took a deep breath and gingerly pressed the bell. When he got into the flat he was trembling with excitement as Craig removed the chains and had him strip. Normally, no self respecting teenager would admit to be thrilled by a little adventure. It just would not be cool but Paul was not allowed secrets and had to account for his time out. He had been a little uncomfortable with everyone staring at his chains and red armband but he accepted that as part of his life. The sense of being on his own and responsible for himself had been wonderful, if overwhelming. The first real test had been at the end of the road. He had almost stopped to await instructions. He had to choose which to go and as he turned the corner he tensed and his skin prickled as he waited for an angry shout or even a taser shock. Mr. Crosis had been surprised to see him and had checked his pass. It had been difficult for Paul to leave the office. His chest had tightened and he had nearly been sick. His back had tingled as it desperately strained to detect the blow or bullet that an escaper could expect. The feelings had passed and he felt a sense of achievement His real fun had started as he walked past the row of shops that he had taken Mrs Tibbs to. One of the shop keepers recognised him. She had experience of Mrs Tibbs and all her sympathies had been with Paul. She insisted on him coming into the shop and putting an ointment on the marks on his back and then gave him an ice cream. People had really stared then at the sight of a Grade 2 strolling along in his chains licking a large cornet. The town of Defborough where they lived was a small provincial town. Since fuel prices had risen so high the trend had been for people to work nearer and nearer to where they lived and so in places like Defborough a real community spirit was developing. Everyone knew about Craig, his brother and his new servants. The armband meant that his status was officially sanctioned and Mrs Tibbs was universally disliked which overrode their disapproval of Paul's lax treatment. He even found people smiling at him, bidding him 'Good Afternoon' or asking after his back. The final challenge of his adventure had been the door bell. Training dictated that he stand and wait until someone dealt with him but he knew he should complete his journey and not loiter outside. Greatly daring, he pressed the bell. Once in the flat, Paul excitedly described his adventures. Craig seemed pleased for him until he mentioned the ice cream. "I did not give you permission to eat ice cream," Craig said in a stern voice, "I'll punish you later." "You can't do that." Ethan cried out, "He didn't do anything wrong." "Did you have permission to accept gifts?" Craig asked. "No sir." Paul replied. "I'm sorry sir. It won't happen again." "No. It won't." replied Craig, "And six strokes of the cane will remind you." "Craig! That's not right." Ethan yelled, "He's not done anything wrong." "Drop it or I will have to punish you." "No! It's not fair." "Two strokes of the cane. Do you want to try for four?" Ethan looked defeated, "No." "Then go and start your homework. Paul. Come with me." Craig took Paul up to the flat that they were decorating and set him to work. "I don't mind you accepting treats." Craig said, "I was thinking of Ethan and strangers. I shouldn't punish you because I'm worried about him. I'm a bad Guardian to you, aren't I?" "Yes Craig. You are." Before Craig could recover from the shock of Paul's reply, Paul continued, "You took me in so that you could show Ethan what being graded could really mean but you're too kind and gentle. A good guardian has to be strict and in charge. He doesn't explain things and if he wants to fuck his servant then he does it. He doesn't worry about hurting him." "I don't like this Master/Servant business. I just want to be friends with you." "Friends look out for each other and help each other, don't they?" Craig nodded. "I'd like to see you get your certificates and get a good job and I want to help you protect Ethan. Does that make us friends?" Still unable to speak Craig nodded again. "You've saved me from the labour gangs and I can go outdoors alone so you've done the same for me. That makes us friends as well." Paul left the painting he had started and stood before Craig, legs apart and with his hands behind his head. "I'm not your servant. I'm your slave. It's what I want, sir." "Get back to work, boy." Craig said. He nearly added 'thank you' but realized that it would be against what Paul had said. Craig checked the front door then went over to Paul. "The front door is locked and I have the only key," Craig said, "Which means no one can catch us. When that happens I wouldn't mind if you were the Master and I was the slave." Paul smiled. "In that case, strip." Craig hesitated for a moment then obeyed. He stood uncertainly and as Paul stared at him, Craig adopted the stance that Paul had taken before a few moments ago. Paul's cock swelled as he admired the boy in front of him. He leaned forward and grabbed Craig's pubic hairs. "Ouch!" Craig yelped, "Be careful, Paul." "A Guardian at the centre used to tell us to be careful what we asked for because we might get it." Paul said softly, "So if you want me to be careful there 3;" It was Craig's pits that Paul yanked and twisted next. It hurt and Craig brought his arms down to trap Paul's hands. Paul pulled his hands free and waited until Craig resumed the position. Craig sweated nervously and a bright sheen appeared on his body as Paul walked behind him. He jumped as Paul's finger slid into his crack and found his cherry. Paul's finger jerked upwards. Craig stumbled forward trying to avoid the invasion. Paul moved round in front of Craig. "Are you sure you want to be my slave, Craig." "Craig shook his head. "I'm sorry Paul. I just wanted someone to take care of me for a while but that's the wrong way, isn't it?" "Like I said, Be careful what you ask for." Paul said, then knelt in front of Craig taking his cock into his mouth, gently massaging it with his tongue. Craig groaned losing himself in the glorious feeling. Paul pulled back. "Wait here." he commanded. He disappeared into the hall returning with an old mattress that had left with a pile of rubbish waiting to be thrown out. "It's not really suitable for my Master but it's better than getting splinters from the floorboards. Lay down on your back, put your hands behind your head and let your slave do the work." Paul knelt down between Craig's legs and took his cock into his mouth again sucking more insistently as Craig's member became engorged and erect. Paul shifted his position so that he straddled Craig's waist. He guided Craig's cock and carefully adjusted his position until the head grazed the opening to his love chute. He pushed down against the rigid member allowing it to open him up. He winced as a burning pain seared through him but almost instantly it was gone and he pushed down further. Craig was staring wide-eyed at him, not daring to move and spoil the magic of the moment. Paul could feel Craig's pubes brushing his cheeks and paused for a moment to adjust to the intrusion and then savour the incredible feelings spreading through his body. He lifted up slightly then settled down again, repeating the action so that it developed into a steady pumping action. Craig could not restrain himself and grabbed Paul's thighs to control the movement and began his own pumping action with his hips. Suddenly Craig tensed and dug his fingers deep into Paul's flesh. His hips convulsed violently as wad after wad of his cream spurted into Paul. The moment was just as intense for Paul and he shot his own load over Craig's chest and face. Craig relaxed and collapsed into the mattress. Paul just knelt back leaving himself impaled on his master. He waited, as respectfully as he could, with his hands behind his back. Emotionally he was soaring. The glorious physical feelings accompanied the ecstasy of them being created by someone he loved. As he looked down on the Craig's smiling face he knew that he had pleased his Master and the full feeling from Craig's penetration seemed to confirm his willing submission to Craig. True, he had taken the lead briefly but Craig had been shy and nervous. Craig had entered him with his fingers but they had been brief tentative excursions, not the confident thrusts Paul had expected from his master. They had exercised him and stretched him which had helped him today. All the stresses and tensions of the last few months had been squeezed out of Craig with his jism. He had never experienced such an intensely powerful moment before. As he gripped Paul's thighs Craig knew he was hurting Paul. There were traces of blood where his nails had dug in. He could not stop himself. For that brief moment he had no control over his convulsing muscles and the only thing in the universe was his pulsating cock. As the moment passed he felt a contentment that he could not have believed possible. "Wow." he whispered when he found enough energy to speak, "That was fantastic. I'm sorry that I hurt you." "You shouldn't be, Master," Paul replied, "I'm just a slave." Legally Grade 1 to 4 and under 25s are participants in the csc scheme. Those in the care of an individual were known as wards. The person in charge was their guardian. At grade 5 Craig had some rights. Craig was a ward of the state and was under constant scrutiny, hence the forthcoming inspection but he had a place to live, a job and education opportunities and had never been in trouble so he had a right to try and make a go things and that included looking after his brother. Unofficially grades 1 to 4 were known as graders, servants or even slaves. Since they had no rights slave was probably the most accurate description. Officially graders were made wards because they had shown that they could not manage their affairs properly and needed the guidance of a guardian. Unofficially they were troublemakers who got what they deserved. Although extreme, Mrs Tibbs attitude was common. The difference between the legal and unofficial lines provided endless debate and argument which neither side could win and left Craig less and less certain about how to deal with Paul. Paul's reply reminded Craig of some of the uncertainties he had to face. "You're more of a friend than a slave." he said softly. Paul thought for a moment before asking, "Would you do something for your friend?" "Yes of course. Anything I can do." "When I can go out without chains, Ethan is out of trouble and your inspection is over can I go to that shop again and have another ice cream?" "Definitely." Craig answered, "Every day for a month, if you like. Is that all you want?" "If it's going to happen then you need to be a tough master. People will want to see you in control, not being friendly." "Spare the rod and spoil the child." Craig added, "Is that what you mean?" "One of the guards used to say, if a grader got raped, who fucking cares?" "OK! You've made your point." Craig said. "Now come here." Craig had stretched his arms out and as Paul leant forward, Craig pulled him down in a hug. They both felt a little lost as Craig's, now soft, cock slid out but enjoyed the feel of Paul's pole sandwiched between them. "You know," Craig said half teasing but wanting reassurance, "You've convinced me that when I cane you later I mustn't hold back." Paul shuddered. "Your friend agrees. Your slave begs for mercy." "How do you do that?" Craig asked, "You almost seem to be two different people." Paul shrugged. "I hadn't thought about it. You need a friend and a slave so I tried to imagine what a friend could do for you. You don't need him now that's he shown you how to use your slave." "Thank you friend. I'll see you again soon. Slave, get on with your work or I'll add more strokes of the cane. "Yes sir," Paul replied politely and got up to obey. Craig lay quietly on the mattress thinking about their conversation watching Paul get on with the painting. He was finally disturbed by a tap on the door. Paul immediately put down his brush and answered it, showing Ethan into the room. Ethan was startled to see his brother naked sprawled out on a mattress. He had already seen the marks on Paul's thighs and was mature enough to have guessed what had been happening causing his own cock to swell. Paul had taken it for granted that he would be naked most of the time and Craig had fallen in with it and so Ethan also found himself naked. When Craig had first mentioned getting a servant both Ethan and Jake had seen the chance for some sexual adventures but in reality their temporary grading had cut their opportunities to play around and not expanded them. "Tom says that dinner will be ready in fifteen minutes." Ethan said, "I've done my homework and it's on the table ready for you to look at." "I'll be there shortly," Craig replied, "Get the cane and put it on the table as well." Craig saw Paul and Ethan stiffen and Ethan's friendly smile was replaced by a much more hostile look as he turned away. Craig got dressed and headed back to the flat followed by Paul. He examined Ethan's homework and was pleased to see that even in just a few days there was a marked improvement. "Ethan. I am very proud of you." Craig said, "You really are knuckling down and making an effort. Ethan smiled happily. He knew he had caused Craig a lot of worry and was pleased to get some praise. "I'm also glad you stuck up for Paul," Craig continued, "but you went too far. Do you want him to be Grade 2 for the rest of his life?" "No! Of course not." "Paul had been told to say that he shouldn't say or do anything without permission and should have got that shopkeeper to phone me first. He has to be extremely careful how he deals with members of the public." "That shopkeeper was wrong to offer him anything, wasn't she?" Ethan asked, "She interfered with his training." "That's right." Craig replied, "And so did Mrs Tibbs. I made a mistake with her and we can't afford any more." Ethan nodded. Craig picked up the cane and told Ethan to hold his hand out. Aiming carefully Craig brought the cane down across the palm. Ethan yelped and jerked his hand back. He was trembling as he followed Craig's order to hold out his other hand. Ethan cried out again as the cane struck. Ethan stood hunched with his hands pressed to his body by the opposite arm trying to ease the pain. He watched as Paul bent over a chair. If it had not been for his own pain he would have got hard watching Paul's buttocks clenching as he waited for the first blow. He gasped as it landed and the red stripe appeared. Specks of blood appeared with the second blow which landed beside the first and Paul cried out. The next three were just as fierce and his eyes were watering on the verge of tears. The final stroke landed on his thighs just above his knees and would be visible even if he was wearing his shorts. At Craig's command he stood up and walked stiffly to stand beside Ethan. His face was drawn, his wet eyes were obvious as he desperately walked and stood to keep the pain to the minimum. Craig was deeply upset at having to hurt Paul so much. He sat down at the table as Tom brought his meal out to him but just stared at it. Tom shepherded the other two into the kitchen to have their food. He returned with a glass of water. "Did I over react to this ice cream thing?" Craig asked. "I suggest you forget about the ice cream, sir," Tom replied, "Ask yourself whether Paul trusts people a little too much and whether you had to teach him to be more careful." "I'd have thought that five years with csc would have made him cautious enough." "Yes but he's a naturally friendly person and has had to be very reliant on others. Don't worry. We all know you're doing your best for us. We may not like it but if you say jump, the only question we should ask, is, 'can I jump high enough'. May I offer some advice about something else, sir." Craig nodded. "Don't feel bad if you get a hard on while punishing us, sir. It's even OK to enjoy the feel of it. I did when I had to deal with my boys. Just make sure it's your head that controls discipline and not your cock." Craig was not only startled by Tom's comments but by Tom understanding one of his major problems. He knew that Paul would disapprove of this conversation but he felt better for the older man's opinion and tucked hungrily into his food. After the meal he settled down in front of the television and called Ethan in to join him. They sat with Ethan cuddled into him and his arm round Ethan's shoulder. For the first time they talked about their parents and their sense of loss. Craig talked about his fears and uncertainties and Ethan finally realised how much Craig really loved him and needed him. "I'm sorry I've been an arsehole," Ethan said, "You should see some of the boys at school. Their dads really lay into them so you're not so bad." "Thanks." "Craig. There's something I've got to tell you. I'm gay." "I thought so," replied Craig, "You and Jake an item?" "He's too shy. He doesn't want to do much stuff. Could we play around some?" "I'm not gay." Craig replied hastily trying to close the conversation. "Go on!" Ethan laughed, "Tom and I have both heard you and Paul. Why were you naked in the new flat?" "Paul's available and I use him instead of giving myself hand jobs all the time." Craig said, "I still want to date Lindsay." Ethan was thoughtful for a while. "What would you say if I did stuff with Paul or Tom?" "While you're a grader, I wouldn't say anything but I'd cane your backside raw." "Why?" "You could get hurt." Craig replied carefully, "When that chain comes off your neck you'll have a completely different relationship with Tom and Paul. And you can't even think about doing anything wrong until that fucking inspection is over." "You swore. That's not like you. Is the inspection really worrying you?" Craig nodded, "I'm terrified. I don't want us ending up like Paul or Tom." "I'll behave." Ethan said, "I promise. I just hope I haven't fouled things up already." "You haven't done that." Craig replied, "We'll probably be OK and I'm worrying about nothing. Let's just play safe." When Craig decided it was time for bed he sent Paul through to the bedroom as usual. No matter how hard he tried, Paul could not hide his exhaustion. It had been a long day of emotional peaks and troughs as well as full of physical demands. Craig was full of the advice he had received, not to be soft. With a cheeky grin on his face he made Paul undress him and insisted that everything be tidied up and put away. He then made Paul kneel in front of him to give him a long sensuous blow job. When he felt himself getting close he would make Paul lick his balls, the sensitive insides of his thighs or anywhere else until he directed his boy's mouth back onto to his sensitive pole. He held out for as long as he could but finally, his hips convulsed and he sent strings of cum down Paul's throat. Contentedly he got into bed telling Paul to sleep on the floor. As he settled down for the night he whispered, "Good night, Friend," but Paul was already asleep. The rest of their days in the run up to the inspection were comparitively quiet. Craig and Ethan found themselves getting closer as brothers. Paul enjoyed his new freedoms and Tom was content with his role of housekeeper. Even taking the old folks round the park was an anti-climax. Craig dressed in shorts like Paul and they met groups at an outdoor café in the middle of the park. Their passengers were delighted to be out and about. Much to Paul's amusement, both boys were given little treats by the pensioners and warned not to tell their master. Paul was nervous that a number of James and Harry's colleagues were there ferrying the old folks to and from their homes. There was one particularly fierce looking man who seemed to glare angrily at Paul. Discovering from Craig that ice cream was a real treat the man bought Paul, Craig and himself the largest scoops available and amused the two boys with some of the corniest jokes they had ever heard. After that day, if a member of the public complained about a Grade 2 wandering about with scarcely any restraint, Paul could always rely on a Neighbourhood Patrol coming to his defence.
Chapter 3The start of the day of the inspection saw all four of them sitting around waiting for Mrs Jones, the inspector. Paul and Ethan had been allowed to wear shorts in deference to a female visitor.At 11 o clock sharp the door bell rang. Tom answered the door and ushered the unsmiling woman into the flat. She scarcely accepted Craig's hand before asking to be shown around. Craig also showed her the new flat they hoping to move into. She studied various reports especially Ethan's school record which had shown a marked improvement over the last few weeks. "Craig," she finally said, "I am far from satisfied. I think we need to make new arrangements." "Why?" Craig gasped, "What's wrong?" "First! it was highly irresponsible of you to bring a Grade 2 into such close contact with your brother. You're failing to keep him properly restrained and from how you've described the sleeping arrangements, you're more interested in your sexual pleasure than Ethan's well-being." As Craig tried to protest, Mrs Jones held up her hand for silence. "Second. You appear to have lost control of your own life. You had to drop out of school, you then threw away employment with good prospects for a dead end caretaker's job while claiming to be trying to catch up enough to return to school. Consistency is most important for study and you seem to be directionless. There are grants you could have applied for if you were having financial problems. It was your responsibility to find out, not wait to be told." As Craig again tried to protest she snapped, "Will you be quiet? It's seems to me that you're letting yourself run riot. No wonder you can't control Ethan." "My final concern is that you're putting the public at risk by your handling of the Grade 2. I know you say he was recommended by the Placement Centre. They would. They make targets by contracting participants out to guardians. The Neighbourhood Patrol are just volunteers. They are not experienced csc workers. It seems to me that you've handed over responsibility to inappropriate authorities." Craig was close to tears. He sat shocked at Mrs Jones attitude. The other three were equally stunned. "The sooner this mess is sorted out the better. I'll arrange for the two graders to be returned to the Placement Centre. Then we'll get you and Ethan to more suitable accommodation. Please sign there that you agree." Craig very nearly did sign the proffered form. Only a loud cough from Tom broke the spell. "I'm not going to sign anything until I know my rights." he said firmly. "Don't be foolish. Just sign and stop wasting time." "You said it was my responsibility to find out about grants so I assume it's my responsibility to find about my rights. I will not sign." "You are well on your way to a grading yourself, young man. This is your last chance." "A court gave me custody of Ethan and myself. So I wonder if a court has to end it. "When this is over you'll be graded and I'll see to it that you get the whipping of your life. You've got yourself another day or so while I file this report with the court. Make the most of them." Mrs Jones flounced angrily out leaving Craig with his head in his hands crying. Paul and Ethan rushed over to comfort him but Tom hesitated for a moment. "Sir, may I use the phone please?" Craig managed a nod, too distraught to care what Tom was doing. Tom disappeared into the kitchen and dialled the number of an old friend. "Bannister and Povey," the voice at the other end of the line said, "May I help you?" "I used to be Tim Everington. Would Mr Baxter be willing to speak to me?" "They've found you at last. Thank heavens. Mr Baxter is in court. Could you get to our office by three?" "I don't think that's possible. Why were you looking for me?" "Haven't you heard the news? I'm sorry but I think Mr Baxter should talk to you about it." "No I haven't heard anything. I wanted to speak to Mr Baxter about a matter that involves my Guardian. I was wondering if he could visit briefly." Tom gave the receptionist their address and she suggested a time that her boss could be there. Before confirming he approached Craig. "Sir, would you mind if a lawyer visited us tonight at about three thirty this afternoon." Tom asked, "I thought he might help." Craig stared at Tom. "I can't afford a lawyer." Craig said, "But thanks for the thought." "He's an old friend of mine. He always promised to help me if he could. It might be worth talking to him." "OK! Tell him to come." Tom spoke into the phone then hung up with a puzzled look on his face. "He's bringing a Wilberforce lawyer as well. I don't know what's going on." The Wilberforce Foundation was an institution set up to fight the csc system and to give Graders some human rights. So far it had been singularly unsuccessful in getting the law changed. An off shoot of the Foundation was the Wilberforce Estate. It was a weird establishment intended to help Graders who had been wrongfully graded. It obtained the contracts but allowed its wards to live as they pleased with the estate simply taking care of the administration. The Estate had earned a grudging respect and even a few legal concessions but in return it was limited in what it could do. None of this helped Tom work out what was happening and the four of them could only wait around until Mr Baxter arrived. "Tim! How are you?" Mr Baxter greeted him when Tom answered the door to him. "You look well." "It's good to see you again, sir," Tom replied, "My Guardian is expecting you." "Er, yes of course," Mr Baxter said, "Lead the way." Tom introduced Craig to Mr Baxter. There was an awkward silence. Mr Baxter was confused by Craig's youth and embarrassed at treating his old friend like a servant. He was also conscious of the worried and gloomy atmosphere. "I've got some good news for you Tim and you wanted to see me for something. I've got a colleague who wants to talk to you so while we're waiting for him why don't we discuss your problem?" Craig tried but became hopelessly confused. Tom tried to sort out the detail and gradually Mr Baxter came to understand the problem. "It sounds to me as if this Jones woman was falling outside her target band." Seeing the blank expression on everyone's face Mr Baxter added, "Nationally a certain percentage of these interviews result in people entering the csc programs. It's assumed that interviewers will keep to within a band around this percentage. If Mrs Jones passes or fails too many people then she will be investigated and it may be suggested she be retrained. To avoid that she's going to try and fail some to get back in the band." "That doesn't sound fair." Ethan said. "It's not fair but it happens. Let's stick to your interview. We'll come up with a long term plan for your education or job training and take it from there and in return we'll concede her arguments about Paul and send him back. " "No!" replied Craig firmly, "She was wrong about Paul as well. I don't see why he should suffer. He's part of my plan to get back to school." "The csc only has to show cause for worry. The judge will have to order appropriate help. They will argue that Mrs Jones' comments show that cause. You'll have to get rid of Paul or else you'll lose everything. Another problem is that you are going to lose Tim as well." "OK Graham," Tom said, completely forgetting himself in his exasperation, "What's this all about me." "Mavis and Lewis were investigated for tax evasion." Graham replied, "While the Inland Revenue examining the books they'd found how they'd framed you. They've been charged with perverting the course of justice. Your affairs have been handed over to the Wilberforce Estate and they've been trying to find you." Tom collapsed onto the nearest chair as all the colour drained from his face. As the others rushed to help he held up his hand. "I'm OK." he said, "What about the business and my home." "The business is ticking over. With all the uncertainties, it's lost a lot of ground. You may have to let staff go soon. The Wilberforce Estate hired a manager to run your home. You could move back in today." "My two wards?" "They're still there. Mavis and Lewis treated them pretty badly but they're OK." Tom struggled to his feet and turned to Craig. "Shall I make tea for you and your guest, sir? It would give me time to think." After Tom had disappeared into the kitchen Craig said, "I'm glad for Tom but it doesn't help me much, does it?" "I do apologize." Graham said, "I should have said. Mr Davis, he's the Wilberforce solicitor, can't get here before about six. He's got a long way to come. He's more experienced in this field of law than I am. I'd like to discuss some ideas I have with him first." Tom fetched their tea and disappeared back into kitchen. Ethan just stood shocked and confused by the days events. Paul was not much better off. The last few weeks had been wonderful for him. His world had opened up so much and had looked as though it could expand even more. Now his future looked bleak and he would end up with nothing. Craig and Graham talked in a desultory fashion, just filling in time until Mr Davis arrived. he had been delayed and it was nearer seven when he finally rang the bell. He talked with Graham for a time then asked to speak to Tom on his own. He disappeared into the kitchen for a time and when he returned he looked curiously at Craig. "You seem to have made quite an impression on Mr. Everington, young man." he said, not unkindly. "Would you object if he waited in the kitchen? His wife is likely to end up Grade 4 and he has a considerable amount of emotional adjustment to make." "That's OK!" Craig replied, "We'll leave him alone." "We do what we can for our clients but at the end of the day they are still graders. There's no appeal process and the best they can hope for is Grade 1. We've been campaigning to allow a regrade to five but it's going nowhere. The best Mr. Everington can hope for is a bill going through now that will allow a revue when he is seventy." Mr Davis paused before continuing, "If he came to us, we would try to treat him like an ungraded client but at the end of the day he would still have to ask for a pass if he wanted to go for a walk and he would need one of our agents with him to sign business cheques or confirm any sort of deal. "Mr. Everington understands this and his alternative plan has a lot of merit. He would like to stay under your guardianship. That means you will inherit his estate. His one condition is we set up a trust to help you manage it until you are twenty five." "How would this affect the court case?" Craig asked. "This is substantial information that you were unable to offer before." Graham replied, "At the very least the review would have to be done again." "And Paul?" "He should go back. It would help the csc save face and they might concede other points." Mr Baxter said. "They could also present it as another gut reaction and lack of consistency. Mr Davis replied, "We need to show that Craig has good judgement and is a steady influence on his brother." They were silent for a time. "So what do think of Mr. Everington's offer?" Mr Davis asked, "It would help if you walked into court worth four or five million." "Five million what?" Craig asked feeling very stupid as it sank in what the lawyer had meant. It was nearer fifteen but some's gone for good and we may recover another three or four." "And Tom wants me to have it?" Craig asked incredulously. "Like I said, he holds you in very high esteem and he's come to think of you all as family. Do you accept?" Craig nodded, "Does that mean Tom – er - Mr Everington is my boss now?" "Oh no! He will remain your ward. If this goes through he will have to sign away all his rights. The Trust will be your boss, or rather, your guardian." Craig had not eaten since breakfast. He had been too worried. Now that things seemed to be looking up his body started to react. "I'm hungry," Craig announced, "Paul, Ethan go and sort a meal out for us. Tom can lie down on my bed if he likes." Ethan and Paul returned almost immediately. "Tom says he's not seventy yet and he's not letting us loose in his kitchen." Paul said grinning, "Dinner will be in half an hour but it will just be frozen meals." "Tim always did like cooking," Graham laughed, "but frozen meals? I didn't think even the csc could persuade him to cook them." Finally the two lawyers took their leave. Craig was ready for bed. He wasn't tired but had got used to time with Paul. Sometimes Paul would just hold him, they might talk or Craig might fuck him. That night Craig just lay back while Paul ran his tongue and fingers over every part of his body. Craig shuddered as the sensuous feelings relaxed him and stroked the tension out of his body. Understanding Craig's needs, Paul directed his caresses more and more towards Craig's cock which inevitably began to swell. Paul straddled Craig and impaled himself on Craig's rigid pole. Craig bucked his hips thrusting firmly and confidently into Paul. As Craig took control Paul began stroking his own cock. As he became hard and rigid, Paul eased his stroking. He was far more confident as well with their relationship but he would never cum before his master. As Craig shot deep into Paul, Paul allowed his own cream to spray over Craig's chest and stomach. Craig pulled Paul down onto him and they fell asleep in each others arms. The following day was something of an anti climax. They all tried following their usual routine but nobody's heart was in it. Craig phoned the school and explained the situation. He also went into work with Paul and Tom as usual and had a long talk with Mr. Crosis. Mr Crosis sent Paul and Craig home with instructions to work on the new flat if they felt like it. Tom and Mr. Crosis also spent most of the day chatting rather than working. The evening was a quiet, gloomy affair and that night Paul was unable to comfort Craig. Craig had received a phone call from Graham saying they had to be at the court by ten o clock the next day. Graham also wanted Paul and Tom to be in the court as well as Mr Crosis, James, Harry and Mrs Sanders, if any of them could make it at such short notice. They all filed in and stood for Judge Winters. There were the usual formalities and then they were ready. "I'm happy to keep this informal. I've read the briefs so I know the basics on both sides. Now I notice a couple of graders here. Is one of them hfr 4760? If so I'd like him to step forward." Paul was trembling as he obeyed the judge. He remembered his last experience in front of one. "Why are you wearing that red armband?" Paul managed to stammer out a confused reply then relaxed as Judge Winters gently questioned him trying to understand. "Mrs Jones, I see no mention of this permit nor any mention of this park event in your report." "No Your Honour. I didn't think it relevant. I was concerned about the lax security. Not relevant? This boy is central to your application. Did you obtain a report from the officer concerned?" "No, Your Honour." "You say in your account that he is completely unrestrained indoors?" "Yes Your Honour and in close company with the defendant's young brother." "Ethan, you mean. I said I want this hearing to be informal. I assume you mean Craig when you say defendant?" "Yes, Your Honour." Turning back to Paul, "You were working as an attendant at the Placement Centre. How were you restrained when Craig first saw you?" "I wasn't restrained, sir. I was a trustee. There were guards standing around and I didn't have the codes for security doors." "Did any member of public object to this freedom?" "No sir. Not that I know of." "And that's the restraint your guardian makes you wear in public?" Under the judges directions Paul extended his his arms demonstrating the amount of movement he had. "Have you had any trouble with members of the public?" Judge Winters asked. Paul started trembling again. "Yes sir." he whispered looking desperately at James. "Tell me about it." ordered Judge Winters. Paul tried to tell him about Mrs Tibbs but it was obvious he was just too frightened. James stood up and offered to explain events and the Judge almost looked grateful. "OK! Just one more thing Paul. Has anyone spoken to you about a regrade?" Paul looked surprised. "I thought it had gone through, sir. I thought I was just waiting for the three months to be up." "Something else, you didn't think relevant, Mrs Jones?" "With respect Your Honour, it is irrelevant. hfr 4760 is Grade 2 because of violent behaviour and he is a risk to Ethan and to the public. Those restraints are useless." "Craig will you unlock those manacles and bring them to me to look at." "You're right Mrs Jones. They are useless." Judge Winters said after examining them, "You may as well leave them off. Let me have your permit." Paul handed him the permit tucked into the armband and he wrote on it before applying a court stamp and handing it back. "Thank you Paul. I wish I'd known you were referred to by a name. I get confused by all these numbers." He was glaring at Mrs Jones as he spoke. "If your guardian doesn't object would you run an errand for me, please?" Surprised, Paul looked at Craig who, looking equally surprised nodded. "I was running a bit late and missed out on a caffeine fix. Would you go up to the canteen and fetch me a cup of coffee, please?" Judge Winters handed Paul some coins leaving him to walk across the courtroom and walk out the door. "Now let's deal with the school reports. Both boys have had a difficult time with the loss of their parents. Some falling off of standards is to be expected. Mrs Jones, your report seems to suggest that Craig should have anticipated Ethan's behaviour and stopped it before it began. As a parent I would be very interested to learn the secret of that little trick. Would you be so kind as to enlighten me?" "Your Honour. I did not mean to imply that." Mrs Jones answered angrily, "I was merely demonstrating an area of concern." "An area of concern that's already been noted and is being successfully dealt with." retorted Judge Winters, "At least you included the school report even if you did not bother to refer to it." Judge Winters turned to Craig. "I have a few questions for you." He was interrupted as the door opened and Paul re-entered. Paul quickly put the coffee on the bench leaving the change beside it and sat down again beside James. He was bright red and breathing heavily with the excitement of his moment of freedom and the fact that everyone was watching him. "How do you expect to return to school if you haven't been in contact with them." "I have spoken with them. They've given me coursework to catch up on and they've arranged for it to be marked. My marks are on target so far." "Sorry Craig. This seems to be another irrelevancy. I think I've heard enough. These boys have been badly treated and I am not going to make things worse by keeping them waiting any longer for a decision. I will make a verbal ruling now, adjourn for two hours to allow both parties to request any changes to the detail and then issue the full written version in due course. Are there any objections?" Every body could see the anger in Judge Winters eyes and could hear it in his voice. No one objected. "Very well. I fail to see why Craig and his household were given an adverse report. I can only assume it served other interests and egos. The omissions in the csc case amount to contempt of court or perversion of justice and the appropriate will authorities will be asked to investigate. "The only real issue concerns Craig's education and prospects and I agree that some supervision is needed in that area." The judge looked at Craig. "Before Craig panics I have to say that the csc has demonstrated a complete inability to help this household and I order they are not to be involved. "I'm not sure that it is right to congratulate a grader who has just discovered that he shouldn't have been graded but I did read the appeal for a new assessment plus the request for time to establish the trust. In the circumstances I have to deny that appeal as I have already barred further involvement by the csc. The trust founders will report directly to this court and will include provision for Craig's training and development in their plans. This court is adjourned until 2 p.m. If no objections are lodged by two then you can all go home." The csc lawyer walked across and spoke to Graham. They chatted for a few minutes then parted. "That's it." Graham said, "The csc are not appealing. At least not in in any major way." "Oh yes we are," shouted Mrs Jones across the room, "I'm not going to be treated like this." The csc lawyer spoke quietly to her but she grabbed her phone and started speaking furiously into it. The lawyer shrugged and signalled for Graham to get his clients away. Once outside everyone crowded around Graham. The adults seemed as excited as the boys. "There's a pub across the road." Graham said, "It allows graders providing they stay away from the bar." The other customers looked curiously at the strange party. James and Graham bought the drinks. Only Craig and Ethan were restricted to soft drinks because of their age. "Reg Lyons had warned the csc against presenting their case." Graham said, "The judge knew everything was being done in a rush and would have tolerated a few mistakes. Mrs Jones was probably trying to rely on that but when Reg got our defence yesterday afternoon he knew they were in trouble. He took me into Judges Chambers this morning because he was so worried about it. He even phoned Mrs Jones from there. We heard the conversation on the speaker. I think we'd won the case when she said something about courts doing as they're told and shouldn't be interfering in csc affairs." "Is she mad or something?" Ethan asked. "No! She's had a lot power and courts do tend to rubber stamp csc recommendations. It's gone to her head a little." At that moment Reg walked into the bar. Graham called him over. After the usual greetings Reg announced that Mrs Jones had been arrested. "I don't think it'll come to trial." he said, "A good defence lawyer will argue that they were all oversights due to overwork but she'll be sacked and lose her pension. There'll probably be a shake up in the csc as well." "If you thought it was so wrong why were you helping them?" snapped Ethan. "We both agreed to let Judge Winters handle the case. Reg could have insisted on a much more formal hearing and it would have been harder on Paul and Craig." "Sorry." Ethan muttered. "Thanks for your help." "By the way. I'd like to know what he wrote on your permit." Reg said trying to change the subject. Everyone turned to Paul who blushed at the sudden attention. He handed Reg the permit. "No restraint needed." Reg read out, "And it's properly signed and sealed. That woman certainly riled the Judge. I've never heard of that on a Grade 2 pass before." "Things are moving pretty fast at the moment. The powers that be are grateful that I kept the shit away from from the organisation. They want me to prepare an opinion for an appeal though." There was a stunned silence. "Let me explain." Reg continued, "It's just my advice they're asking for. Mrs Jones was trying to railroad you. She fast tracked everything thinking you wouldn't have time to find help. Luckily Graham was on the ball and emailed his defence yesterday afternoon. Once I'd read it, I knew the csc was in trouble. I contacted my superiors and they took it seriously as well. I got a call from a very high ranking director at two o clock in the morning. He was high enough to sort any rivalries between the Inspectorate and the Placement Department. "The csc wants this settled before the press gets wind of it. They don't want a scandal and the judge agreed to keep the spotlight off csc procedures. All this means that they don't want to do anything that will stir things up. "Normally this conversation would be most improper but I've been told to protect the csc's interests with 'quote' the same tact and diplomacy that I've already shown 'unquote'.There are two issues where we could challenge the decision." Everyone was quiet, concerned about the possibility of an appeal. "Altering Paul's permit was out of order." Reg continued after taking a sip of his drink, "Craig had not made an application and the Judge couldn't have been more insulting if he tried. Sending Paul for a coffee was incredible. It was complete contempt for Mrs Jones opinions." Reg looked at James and Harry. "As representatives of the Neighbourhood Patrol, do you have any objections to the changes?" They looked at each other and shook their heads. "No. We're happy with it." James replied. "If you'd make statements to that effect it would be difficult to proceed. Placement might argue that it's undermining the three month probationary period but my recommendation would be that any gain would be outweighed by the fuss it could cause. Besides Placement will be quite happy to put one over on the Inspectorate. "The main objection is the order barring any csc involvement. Judge Winters let his temper get away with him there. By law Craig is a participant of the csc scheme until he is twenty five therefore the csc cannot be excluded. "What I propose is that you allow the csc to appoint a trustee. Assuming you set the trust up to need a quorum of least four members then the csc will always be outnumbered but they're doing their legal duty." Reg took another sip from his drink waiting for a response. "I don't like it." Ethan said, "Keep the fuckers out." "Careful with the language, Ethan. You could be thrown out." Graham said, "I think the csc would make a big issue of this. Once they make a big deal of one thing, they may as well go for everything. If we do this voluntarily we keep their involvement under control with the Trust Deeds." "Precisely." Reg said, "Graham and I will talk to the Judge and get him to vary the order. Is that OK with you, Craig. You're the defendant." "No, I don't think it is." Craig replied. "I came close to getting a chain round my neck. I was lucky that I could get a lawyer. How many kids have been unlucky?" He looked determinedly at Reg. "I don't want the csc involved in my affairs unless we can do something about all the others." "That goes for me too!" Ethan added. "They don't want bad publicity." Craig said, "Covering up kids wrongly graded would be pretty bad." "I've been asked to get you to sign a non-disclosure agreement." Reg said, "I take it that would be conditional on a full investigation of Mrs Jones' cases." "No! Everyone's cases." Craig said firmly. "You can't take on the csc like this. You'll put it on the defensive and it will try to crush you." Reg said, "Even if there is an investigation it will take time and you're threatening to keep your case open while it's going on. Supposing you agree to a temporary non-disclosure and the terms we propose for your case and in return we'll set up an investigation." "I think that's the best deal you're going to get, Craig." Graham said, "I advise you to accept." "Providing I can talk to the Wilberforce people about it." Reg could see the determination in Craig's eyes as he spoke. Time was running short and the deal would buy the csc time so he held out his hand. "We agree." he said, "Graham and I will go and see the Judge now. You can carry on celebrating. You've earned it. Don't forget. Ethan and Craig are allowed to drink with a meal." "Instead of eating here, why don't we all go back to my place?" Mr Crosis said, "I think a party is called for." No one objected and after leaving a voice mail message for Graham and Reg to join them, they headed off. The party expanded. James' family and some of Craig and Ethan's school friends were invited as well. Some of the parents would show up as well. In the current climate, supervision was an obsession. Mr Crosis had a servant; a Grade 4 in his thirties called Mark. At first, he could not take his eyes off Paul but he switched his attention when he learned how Craig had stood up to the csc. The party was remarkable for the way that Graders and others mixed freely. James' wife, a couple of mothers and Tom took over the kitchen preparing snacks with Tom enjoying some much needed female attention. Mr Crosis and Mark ran the bar. Mrs Sanders sat quietly keeping a discrete eye on Jake and Ethan but increasingly she left that job to other parents and spent more time talking with Harry. There were girls amongst the guests and they all took a great deal of interest in Paul. Traditionally dressed in just shorts he could not avoid looking sexy but they quickly decided that Craig and some of the other boys were just as attractive and much better catches. The boys found themselves divided by interest in the girls and fascination with Paul's tough, bad guy image. His grade 2 chain added mystery to the power of his well defined, muscular body. Paul was disconcerted by one boy's interest and tried staying close to Craig while glancing nervously at the boy's father but Craig was too busy flirting with the girls and keeping a watchful eye on various parents chaperoning the party. The boy's father noticed his son's eager attention and joined them, listening to the boy's chatter. The boy talked excitedly about the strict drill and physical training participants undergo at the Placement Centre. Just as he was about to send the boy for a drink, the boy disappeared to the bathroom. "I'm Allan." James said, "I hope Adam's not annoying you." "No. He's a nice boy, sir." Allan smiled, "And you'd put up with him because you're a grader, right?" "Yes sir but I'm not just putting up with him. It's nice talking to him. I'm a bit worried about some of his questions though." "Like what?" "He wanted to know how it felt to have my cock shaved, sir." Allan laughed covering his embarrassment as Adam returned. "Dad, can you stop Paul calling me sir." Adam said, "I want to be his friend." "You can't be his friend like you can be with a boy at school." Allan replied, "If Paul called you Adam, you could complain to Craig that he was rude and have him punished." "So Paul can't have friends." Allan found himself beginning to flounder. He was not sure how to answer. "Craig can punish me and I have to serve him." Paul explained, "I want to help him make his life better and he wants to help me in the same way so I think of him as my friend as well." "Some of the boys at school say it's OK to do things with Graders because they're property and not citizens. That's not right, is it?" "You should know from your Citizenship lessons that's wrong. Graders are people who cannot handle citizenship and so they have a guardian. In return they have to help their guardian. If you want Paul to do anything for you, then you must Craig's permission first." "So how do I know what Paul wants?" "It would help if we stopped talking about Paul as if he wasn't here." Allan said, "Paul's glass is empty and he won't walk away from us to go to the bar without permission. I'm sorry Paul. I'm talking about you again. Would you like another drink?" "Yes please sir." "I'll get it." snapped Adam, rushing off. "Sorry again about all that. We didn't mean to be rude." "He's trying to understand, sir." Paul replied, "I'm still not used to people caring about my feelings. It's nice." "You also seem to be getting a bit of hero worship. Enjoy that too!" Adam returned. He stood holding a small tray with a drink for Paul and another one for his father. "Is this how a grader would do it?" he asked. Seeing the amused look on Allan face, Paul replied, "No! A grader would stand there so that he could be seen without disturbing his betters. He would stand with his feet apart and hold the tray higher so it was at a comfortable height to take the glasses. He would stand still and not speak ,looking forward and downwards slightly." Adam shifted his stance in compliance with Paul's instructions and waited quietly. "Of course, a grader would only be wearing shorts and we might start talking about his body." Paul added, "One of us might even feel him up." Adam blushed deep red but kept still. "You're usually naked indoors aren't you, Paul?" Allan asked. "Oh yes." Paul replied, "A grader shouldn't have any secrets from his betters." Adam's embarrassment was not helped by the room going quiet as everyone watched the little game developing. He could never have put it into clear thoughts but he had instinctively wanted to show his respect for Paul and acting as waiter was something Paul would have understood. It seemed that Paul and his father understood only too well and he was being teased by it. If he ended his act he would lose face but he was nervous about where the conversation was leading. "Do you think he understands what I meant about talking about a person as if they weren't there?" Allan asked. "I doubt it." Paul replied, "Graders don't learn anything unless it's beaten into them." "Maybe this one should strip off." Allan suggested. "There are ladies present so he should wear something." Paul replied. "He looks as though he might do a runner so he should manacled." "No way!" Adam exclaimed putting the tray on the nearest table. "You're not tying me up. Were you chained up much in the Centre?" "Hardly ever." Paul replied, "The guards had pacifiers. You only had to look at a guy being shocked with one and you do as you're told. Today's the first time I've been outdoors without restraints though." "Was that the worst thing?" Adam asked, fascinated by Paul's ordeal. "No," Paul replied, "The worst thing is when you first arrive. You strip naked and they start handling your cock, balls and anus. It's horrible, even if you do something right and they stroke it as a reward. It really does show that you're no longer in control. I've never forgotten the first few days." "That's enough Adam." Allan said, "Paul's here to enjoy himself. Maybe we should get back to teasing him, Paul." Most of the guests who had watched Adam's teasing had lost interest when Adam dropped his pose and lost the game but some of the boys were distinctly jealous of Adam. There may have been a sexual element to that envy but there is a primeval survival instinct where youngsters attach themselves to a successful adult to learn their skills. Paul was tough, a survivor and flourishing, not to mention good looking and intelligent and he had chosen Adam as his initiate. All this was bubbling through Adam's sub-conscious as well and it helped that he was gay. Allan saw Paul as a disciplined and polite young man. James had told him how Paul got graded and assumed he would have no sexual interest in his son. Paul had been uncomfortable to start with by being treated like a guest and not expected to do anything. Talking to Adam and answering his questions was more familiar territory and he had genuinely liked Adam's naive innocence. No one rebuked him when he had asked for a beer and so he'd had a couple more which had relaxed him enough to play along with Allan. Adam had been embarrassed by the way his father and Paul had talked about him in front of others, especially his school friends. They had tried pulling his leg about it but he replied that Paul had suffered worse. Then they started teasing him for backing out. The teasing turned into a dare that he could not serve Paul for the evening. That was enough for Adam. What young man can refuse a dare? He grabbed the tray and fetched more drinks for Paul and Allan, standing as he had been told. "I thought you'd had enough." Paul said after ignoring Adam for a suitable time, "How come you're back?" Adam described the dare. He had been uncertain whether he should say anything but he remembered what Paul had said about not being allowed secrets. Paul looked at Allan who shrugged. "It's up to you." he said, "He knows what to expect. Just make sure you enjoy yourself." "No one cares about my grade. I don't have to ask to take a piss. I could walk away from you and Adam if I wanted." Paul replied, "And I can just walk up to the bar and get another drink. I've even got a slave of my own. This is the best night of my life." Paul looked at Adam. "Are you wearing underwear, boy?" "Yes sir." Adam replied nervously. "Put the tray down. Go to the bathroom. Strip naked then just put those trousers back on. Get a carrier bag from Mark put the rest of clothes in it and hand it to your dad." When Adam had gone, Paul turned to Allen and said, "Was that going too far." "No!" Allan replied, "He gets into all sorts of scrapes and the school's mentioned temporary grading. It's nothing serious yet but maybe you can get through to him and calm him down before we have to do anything formal." "Yes sir. I'll do my best." Paul blushed as he realised how he had answered and added, "I know that was a request but I do like Adam and I'll try to help." By now Paul and Allan had grabbed a chair each and Paul had learned not to leap up if someone spoke to him though his back still tingled ready for the whipping. Adam returned causing a stir dressed as he was. He stood in front of Paul putting his hands behind his head. Adam was slim. As he raised his arms his ribs became visible and enhanced the tapering shape to his torso. His muscled were nicely developed for a boy of his age and Paul's cock swelled at the sight. He leaned forward and removed Adam's belt and popped the buttons so that only the zip fly stood between Adam and disaster. Also at Adam's bidding he rolled up the trouser legs to just below his knees which was as far as they would go. Paul then told him to go and wait on everyone in the room starting with his friends. With the legs rolled tight around his legs, they tended to pull his trousers down and without them secured around his waist they slid easily downwards. One way or another Adam was going to lose his dignity. Either by his trousers slipping so far that he would reveal all or by a constant struggle to hold the tray and his trousers at the same time. Graders spent most of their time naked, especially when newly chained. Paul had not wanted to humiliate Adam completely, just make him a little uncomfortable and remind him what could happen. The party was going well and everyone seemed to enjoying themselves. Harry and Mrs Sanders were well past the chatting stage, much to Jake's embarrassment and several of the youngsters were enjoying some one to one company. Mr Crosis and Mark looked benignly across the room, pleased with the success and looking forward to their own private party in bed. They still planned ways to include some fresh young bodies in their bed but they were happy with each other and could wait until a chance presented itself. One of the ladies in the kitchen was the grandmother of one of the younger guests and a widow. Tom was wondering whether Craig would let him accept her invitation to go home with her for the night. Jake and Ethan spent the night close together. They'd managed some quick gropes but had spent most of their time making wilder and wilder plans to sneak away together. The other guests were all having fun doing their own thing and the adults had dropped their guard enough to allow couples to sneak into the garden alone including one obvious lesbian couple. Craig had exchanged kisses with Lindsay and was wondering about their own trip outside into the dark shadows. More than anything it was Paul's night. He was not drunk but the alcohol had left him with a strange sense of well being. He could see that Adam was gay and enjoyed the boy's attention. He was having a fine time talking to Allen. They were both passionate about football and Allen was happily filling him in on the last five years of games. One of Paul's biggest regrets was that he would never play again but it was still exciting hearing about his favourite teams progress. Adam was not exactly enjoying himself, especially when one of his friends pulled on his trousers exposing his buttocks and some pubic hair. He'd dropped the tray and sent a couple of glasses flying much to everyone's raucous amusement. He sensed that Paul was keeping an appraising eye on him and wanted to pass the test that Paul had set him so he said nothing. Graham Baxter and Reg arrived at about seven after the party had been going on for around three hours. They both stared at Adam when he took their orders for drinks but Craig and Ethan were anxious for news. The judge had happily approved the variations to his decisions and they would have arrived sooner if Reg had not been fielding calls about Paul fetching the coffee. Mrs Jones had stated that Paul was a risk to the public and Judge Winters had immediately sent him unrestrained through a very public area. It was an incredibly blatant insult to Mrs Jones and the csc Inspectorate. The Placement Department loved it as a vindication of their decisions and the judiciary were treating Judge Winters like a hero for standing up to the csc and challenging the rubber stamp policy they had been expected to follow. Reg did not know what the csc would do but it was stuck with a massive damage limitation exercise. "They'll make Mrs Jones the scapegoat and try and focus attention on her activities but Judge Winters is supporting Craig's demand for an investigation." Reg said, "And I think some other Judges are going to speak up as well. It looks as though the Inspectorate is in for a major shake up and you're going to get one hell of an investigation, Craig." The party continued, in an even more festive mood. Paul called Adam over to him. Taking the tray from the boy turned the boy around and leaning over his shoulder Paul re-buttoned Adam's trousers. Standing with Paul's hands held across Adam's chest, he whispered, "No more dares. Just enjoy yourself." Adam gently pressed back into Paul twisting his head upwards to grin at Paul. His own hand pressed onto Paul's thighs. For the rest of the evening Adam stayed close to Paul. If Paul sat down Adam would either sit on his lap or on the arm of the chair. Allan watched and a few others noticed their behaviour. Adam had not actually come out but from then on it was accepted that he was gay. As the party drew to a close Mr Crosis looked around at his tired but contented guests. He was especially glad that Craig and his household had enjoyed themselves. They had got through a difficult time and could make a new start. When the last guest had gone and he headed up stairs for bed, he was still thinking of Craig, wondering whether his life would settle into a quiet normalcy or whether there were new challenges ahead.