StorytimeThe Little Helper |
Summary14th century, fantasy. A homeless kid gets sick and almost dies but a town guard brings him to the hospital. He's so sorry he can't pay when the healer heals him and the hospital staff just can't let him out on his own again cuz he'll just get sick and die so they agree to let him work at the hospital to make up for it. Mainly he's there to entertain the kids and make them be less frightened of the whole experience and boy does he do a good job of making the boys feel better! Oh and the ending is awesome too.
Publ. 2005 (Nifty); this site Jan 2010
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CharactersPeter (11yo) and Sam (14yo)Category & Story codesConsensual Boy erotic story/lovetb – cons mast oral anal – first (Explanation) |
WarningThis story contains descriptions of sexual acts between minors. If this is not to your tastes, or is illegal wherever you live, please leave now, unless you wish to be educated and/or have an open mind. Nothing was hurt in the making of this story except for maybe a headache here and there when I wrote it too late at night. This story is pure and total fiction and if you don't realize that after the first paragraph, you've been smoking some funky stuff. Any resemblance to any individual, alive or dead, is completely coincidental. This story expresses my and everyone's attraction to little boys and is obviously fictional. |
Author's noteI lost contact with the author. Are you the author, please contact me. |
Note: this story takes place in the same world as some of my other stories. If you don't know what I'm talking about, just think 14th century England with towns and farmers and woods and creatures and stuff just like in most video games (except with more cute boys than video games.) Well enjoy :)
Peter slowly walked down the path through the woods, growing more and more nervous about finding a good place to stay before it got dark. His tattered clothes didn't provide much protection from the air that was growing colder and colder around him. His shoes were so worn that they were past the comfortable stage and in the starting to be hard to walk in stage. He pressed on anyway though for the sole reason that he had no other choice.
He was only eleven years old and a pretty scrawny kid. He was very skinny and not very strong; probably because he rarely got a lot of food to eat. Even when his parents were still alive, he didn't have much to eat because his dad didn't have a real job. It seemed like he couldn't find work no matter where he looked except for random, temporary labor. If they had enough money to move, they would have tried their luck in a different town but they didn't. Then there was that tragic night when his parents were out hunting in the woods together and they never came back. Peter worried all night and in the morning thought long and hard about what to do. After staying in the house alone for a full day, he cried himself to sleep, knowing that something terrible must have happened to his parents. In the morning he woke up and it all came back to him and he cried some more. Their house was a little outside town so he decided the only thing he could do was start walking to see where that would take him. He stopped at so many houses but nobody knew him or really believed his story. They all just assumed he was lying to get a place to stay so they politely or rudely turned him away despite his tears. He finally found a place to stay with a nice old woman but after two nights he felt it would be wrong to stay any more so he headed off. Every few days he was lucky enough to find someone to stay with but most of the time he was sleeping out on the streets. The town guards tried to tell him he couldn't do that but when they realized there was no place for him to go and no place they could put him, they left him alone. For many days the poor, young boy was so hungry that he could barely walk around to try and find food. At first he was too appalled and embarrassed to take food out of the garbage but soon there was no choice. Once or twice someone was nice enough to see him doing so and give him some food but it almost did more bad than good. He felt so ashamed when someone came up to him and offered to give him some food because digging out of the garbage was so unsanitary and terrible. When they said things like that it made him feel so bad inside that he almost wished they hadn't approached him at all. Eventually all the sleeping outdoors in the cold and rain caught up to him and the inevitable happened. Peter caught a bad illness and felt even more hopeless than before. He coughed and sneezed and his nose ran and he felt so warm even with nothing to cover up with at night. He hoped it would pass like every other time but with nothing to treat it, he just kept getting worse. He felt too sick to eat which was a nice match with not being able to move around much. He hadn't eaten in a day and a half and was starting to feel its effects. By the time he was too sick to even cry, he sat against the side of a building near the alley where he usually stayed and closed his eyes. He tried to think about what he could do to help himself before he was in mortal danger but the fever and lack of food and water had made it impossible to think coherently. He just sat there and slowly slipped into a less and less conscious state. A couple of people walked by on the street that night but were either too busy or too frightened by the pale as a ghost boy sitting there with his eyes closed with dark circles under them, seeming half awake and half asleep. Some people stopped and wondered if they should do anything but they all quickly decided that it wasn't in their busy schedule or budget to help this poor kid and someone else would probably do it instead. Unfortunately, everyone shared that opinion so nobody helped him and evening turned into night. When it got colder, Peter had just enough sense left to fall on his side and pull his knees up closer to him despite how incredibly hot his fever was making him. He shivered and tried to get warmer but it seemed so stupid since he was so hot. He was too messed up to think any different though so he just laid there, unable to even realize that he would be dead by morning. When he had slipped into a very dangerous sleep that normally he wouldn't have woken up from, his luck finally turned around. One of the guards that had seen him a couple times before was on night patrol and he walked past and saw him in that condition. At first he was going to politely ask the boy to sleep in the alley instead of in front of the building but as he got closer he saw how pale the boy was. He tried to wake him but for the most part he was unresponsive. Without even thinking of what the consequences would be, the guard picked the boy up and brought him to the imperial owned hospital down the street. He told one of the helpers everything they needed to know and they immediately rushed to treat him. For once, people were finally doing something to help Peter instead of just ignoring him and his needs. If they had stopped to think for a second where the money was going to come from to pay the bill for treating him, they all would have realized this was obviously going to be unpaid work but nobody really thought of that at the moment. They managed to get him to swallow some water and get some soft food in him and he woke up a little more but still didn't speak a word to anyone. He seemed like he just wanted to go back to bed and rest and recover on his own but that was never going to happen. The helpers kept cold rags on Peter's forehead to keep the fever down and stayed with him all night. The next morning, the head of the hospital arrived. He was a mage trained in the healing arts who worked for the empire. The helpers had realized that nobody was going to pay the bill but they asked the mage if he could do anything to help the boy anyway. He took one look at the boy who still lay there, sleeping and still very pale, and tried to make a decision. At first he argued that if they stopped to help every homeless or poor person that ever got sick just because it was a nice thing to do, they would go broke. But then he considered the alternatives and found that there really weren't any. He couldn't just refuse to treat him and let him die in the hospital and he couldn't just carry the boy outside the hospital to let him die. Also, turning him over to the undertaker before he was even dead seemed too close to murder. He thought of his own six year old son that was at home and decided that money wasn't going to stop him from helping Peter. The mage examined Peter thoroughly and figured out that it was pneumonia from the flu that was ailing him. He gently removed Peter's shirt and that feeling just happened to rouse him enough that he opened his eyes. He looked up at the blurry image of a man standing over him at the bedside and was still to out of it to say anything. His eyes followed the man's hands as he set them on his young, undeveloped chest. He had a strong feeling that nobody had ever touched him quite like that before. The man's hands were so warm as they set on his chest and when he repositioned them a little higher it felt pretty nice. Peter closed his eyes and almost smiled then felt a strange tingling feeling. He opened his eyes and glanced down and saw the hands glowing as they healed his lungs. Then the hands moved up to his throat and the gentle, warm hand made it all better too. It was already so much easier to breathe and it didn't hurt anymore. Also, he could feel his body temperature go from blazing back down to somewhat normal. Then the hands hovered above his face so he quickly closed his eyes and relaxed all of his face muscles. The hands glided from under his smooth chin to his cheeks and across his lips and then over his nose and rested on his forehead and he felt almost completely better. Peter was so wiped out from everything though that he kept his eyes closed, turned on his side, and snuggled up comfortable with the pillow and fell asleep. One of the helpers came and set his dirty shirt aside and covered his naked upper half with a blanket and made sure everything was quiet enough to let him sleep. When Peter woke up around noon he felt the soft pillow against his cheek and wondered what was going on. Then some fuzzy memories came back and he pieced together most of what had happened. At first he innocently decided not to open his eyes because he wanted to stay lying in that soft bed with that soft pillow and the fresh blanket against his skin. After about an hour of that though, he was starting to feel the discomfort that was telling him to get out of bed and move around soon. He started thinking more about his situation though and realized the sooner he got up, the sooner he'd be back out on the streets alone so he decided he'd stay there as long as he could. About a half hour later, one of the helpers came in and saw that he was awake. "Hey there little fellow, you feeling better now?" the woman asked. Peter lazily opened his eyes for a second then slowly closed them again and nodded yes with his head still embedded in the pillow. "Come on and sit up now, we've got to get some food in you. I brought you some nice, warm chicken soup." Peter opened his eyes again and decided he best do as he was told. He sat up with his bare back against the pillow and stared shyly and innocently at the helper as she carefully brought over a tray with a steaming bowl of soup and a spoon. Peter stared at the soup and instead of getting in a position for her to set the tray down, he stayed with his knees bent up and peered shyly over them. He felt like he could hide behind his knees forever but instead he figured he ought to give the kind lady an explanation. "Sawwy, I don't have any money fowr that," Peter quietly murmured into his knees with his slight speech impediment. "Aww, it's okay sweetie. Don't worry about a thing. We won't make a sick young boy pay for anything." "But 3; now I think I'm all bettew cuz that nice guy fixed me up 3; do I hafta pay now?" Peter cutely asked. The helper smiled at the boy's silly young logic and replied, "Of course not. Just enjoy that soup for now, okay?" "Okay," Peter replied, still very quietly and put his knees down. The helper set the tray in his lap and tried not to laugh as the first thing he did was pick up the bowl and start to drink from it. Clearly, this boy had no manners because he was obviously homeless but it seemed so cute watching him do it. "Hey, um 3;" the helper started to interrupt him and watched as he stopped tilting the bowl and with looked over with his lips still on the edge of the bowl. "Use the spoon," she whispered and smiled as she pointed at the spoon. Peter quickly set the bowl down because he didn't want to do anything wrong now that these people were being so nice to him and giving him free food. He'd eat it standing on his head if they wanted him to because it was their food and they could take it away if they all of a sudden didn't like him for some reason. He picked up the spoon and started carefully bringing a spoonful of the delicious soup up to his lips but he stopped halfway and said, "I'm sawwy, I'll eat it the wight way now." The helper smiled at his adorable speech impediment that made every cute thing he did even cuter and said, "Just relax and enjoy it." She walked out and Peter happily gobbled down the rest of the soup with the spoon. He was careful not to spill any on the clean sheets though. A while later, the helper returned and picked up the tray and Peter graciously said, "Thank you vewy, vewy much. It was wiwwly yummy." "You're very welcome young man. You're so nice and polite." After the helper walked out, Peter turned on his side again and snuggled up with the pillow and closed his eyes. A short while later the helper came back in and he clearly heard her but chose to ignore her. She could see that he was wide awake though. She saw his eyes open slightly for a second then close tight as he pretended to be asleep. Peter figured it wasn't working though and when he heard her bend down right over him on the bed, he snickered a little and opened his eyes and looked up at her shyly and they both laughed. "Hi," he cutely said with a toothy smile. The helper laughed at the boy's silly, playful grin and hated the fact that she had to tell him he had to leave now. She knew it would break his little heart and the smile faded from her face when he playfully turned onto his stomach and clutched the pillow tightly and said, "But I don't wanna leave." Now that it was out in the open, both didn't know what to do about it. After a few moments passed though, Peter turned over and looked up at the helper with a look that told her he knew he did something bad and was ashamed about it. "I'm sawwy," he said in a low voice. "I'm being pwetty wude after you wewr so nice to me. I'll be a good boy and leave now." "You don't have anywhere to go, do you?" Peter buried his chin shamefully in his chest to avoid her gaze as he shook his head no. "Awww, I'd feel terrible sending you out on your own again 3; I don't know of anything I can do though," the helpers kindly said and started thinking of ways she could help the poor kid. "It's okay, I know nobody can help me," Peter sadly said and grabbed his shirt and put it on. Just then, the man that had healed him earlier came in and said, "Oh, you're awake. That's good. How are you feeling?" "I'm all bettew now. Thank you very much. Sawwy I can't pay you anything." "It's alright, don't worry about it, kid." After he said that, there was yet another awkward silence since nobody wanted to even bring up the fact that such an innocent, homeless boy had to go back out on the streets now. Peter decided to make it easy on them because they were so nice to him and said, "I was just on my way out." He started to get up out of the bed but the helper told him to hold on for a moment. She pulled the mage over to a corner of the room and turned away so they could talk without Peter hearing. "We can't just send that poor little boy out on the streets again. He doesn't have anywhere to stay and nothing to protect himself from the cold and rain. He'll probably just get sick again," the helper argued. "But what can we do for him?" he replied. They both glanced back at Peter and he avoided their stare as he sat on the edge of the bed and quietly said, "I know you guys don't wanna just make me leave but it was the nicest thing anyone's evew done to me to make me all bettew so I don't wanna be wude and make you feel like you gotta do something mowe fowr me." Peter hopped off the bed and slowly strolled towards the door. "But if he goes back out there and spends more nights in the cold and rain and barely any food, he'll probably die," the helper quickly whispered to the mage. He remembered how cute the boy was snuggling up with his pillow after he healed him and the helper remembered his cute, playful smile and giggle and they both almost started crying thinking of him out on the street alone and cold or even worse, his skinny, young body lying lifeless on the street. "Hold on, we can't let you leave yet," the mage quickly said and held Peter so he couldn't walk out of the room. Peter thought he might be in trouble now or they decided they wanted something in return so he cautiously looked up didn't say anything. "You'll just get sick again if we let you go out there in the cold with no place to stay and we might not be there for you next time," the helper explained. Peter hadn't really realized that up until that point so now a hopeless feeling set in. If he kept living like he did he would probably eventually die a very early death from either starvation or disease. A few tears rolled down his face and he hung his head low again and he sniffled. "So you don't have any parents or anyone to stay with at all?" Peter shook his head. "And no money or anything?" "No, I don't have anything," Peter whimpered. "Well I can't just stay hewe fowever and you guys don't want a kid like me staying at youw house and I don't have a job ow any way to pay for a place to stay 3;" The first and third points stuck with the mage and he mixed them together in his head and suddenly had the perfect idea. "Well I think I've got an idea. We never fill up every room at once here so I think it would be nice and fair if you lived in your own room here and worked for us in exchange." "But 3; what can I do? I'm just a kid," Peter asked. "Well there's lots to do. Our helpers are always so busy and they'd love to have a little boy around to help them out. And it would definitely be a more than fair exchange to pay you with food and a place to stay and that's it." "You'd wiwwy let me do that?" Peter asked just to be sure it wasn't a trick and that they were sure that's what they wanted. "Of course. It sounds like a wonderful idea," the helper answered with a smile. "Wow, you 3; you guys awe the best," Peter said excitedly with a huge smile and wrapped his arms around the mage's midsection and hugged him tight. Both adults laughed at his excited cuteness and were very thankful that they could help him out. "Oh, I can nevew thank you enough," Peter continued as he buried his cheek affectionately in the man's stomach. "I'll be the best helpew evew." So the rest of the day, Peter followed around the helper lady that he knew from before and found out all the jobs that he could do. He started to feel slightly less happy after hours of working but then it was supper time and he got another nice meal of fresh bread and an absolutely delicious egg and bacon combination with some juice to wash it down. "Mmmm, ohhhh thank you so much fow letting me stay here. Fowget sleeping hewe, I'd wowk just to get one meal like this evewy day." "Aww, don't worry honey, we'll take care of you for meals and a bed," the helper replied. "And something fun to do all day too," Peter cheerfully added. After another day they decided that working him really hard was sort of unfair. He was a desperate little homeless boy with no other choice but to stay there and do what they said, but they still knew it was very mean to make him work really hard every day in exchange for just food and a room. They didn't really need either of the two so they told Peter he could just do whatever he saw that needed to be done around the hospital as he could. It was also a lot easier on the helpers that way because they didn't have to keep thinking of tasks that he'd be able to do. Soon, Peter's job turned more and more into cheering up the patients. This came about mainly after one event when Peter followed the mage over to a patients bed when he was about to treat him. "Hey 3; what happens if you get sick?" Peter asked him curiously. "Well then I just heal myself," the mage answered. "What if you get like me and youw too sick to do that?" "I try to heal myself before anything gets that bad." "What if you get sick weal fast though?" "That hasn't happened yet." "But what if it does?" Peter asked then before he could answer he added, "Sawwy, I'm being annoying awn't I?" The mage just smiled and patted him on the head and messed up his already messy, short, brown hair and he giggled. The mage told him that no, he wasn't being annoying. The patient that he happened to be treating was a twelve year old boy and he started smiling and laughing after that scene, which was something he hadn't done since he arrived. He had an infected cut and was pretty worried about it but now that this silly boy was around to entertain him, he was in a much better mood. The helpers later told Peter that the best job he could do was to entertain the people that stayed in the hospital and make sure they weren't sad or worried. That was the perfect job for such an adorably cute and energetic little boy and he could certainly do a better job at it than anyone of the adults.
Peter thought he had hit the jackpot with this new job. Now he had a place to stay, people to be with, and great food and all he had to do was be himself and play around all day. He was having the time of his life now and things got even more interesting about a week later. A fourteen year old boy was brought in with a broken bone in his right arm. The mage was away for the day so they had to wrap up the boy's arm and keep it from moving until he could get it healed the next day. Peter paid a visit to the boy in his room to keep him company while he waited. "Hello," Peter greeted him after sneaking into the room. Only his eyes peered above the edge of the bed and the fourteen year old boy smiled already. "Hey there," he said. "Who are you?" "I'm Petew and I wowrk here now. What's youw name?" "I'm Sam 3; do you really work here?" "Yeah. I'm homeless and one day I got wiwwy sick and almost died but a guawd bwought me in and they healed me fow fwee. And then I didn't have anywhewe to go so now I help out hewe and they give me food and a bed." "Awww, you poor kid," Sam said and put his hand on Peter's shoulders. "Hey, it's okay now. I love this place! Now I got a place to stay! Befowe my pawents died we didn't even have food like this cuz we wewr wiwwly poow 3; so do you got a bwoken awm?" "Yeah, I fell off of a horse." "Ooh, ouch. Well you'll get it all nice and healed up tomowow. Does it huwrt?" "Nah, they gave me something for the pain." "You still sound a little sad. Is thewe anything else bothewing you?" "Well yeah, this is my right arm." "Um, yeah 3; so? You don't have to wite anything befowe tomowwow do you?" "No, but duh, there's something even more important than that," Sam said with a slight smile. "Umm 3; like what?" Peter asked, totally drawing a blank on what it might be that was so important that he needed his right arm for. Sam smiled and snickered a little when he realized that Peter didn't figure out how to jack off yet. "How old are you?" "I'm eleven" "Are you right handed?" "Uh-huh, I suwre am," Peter answered and wiggled his right arm around. "Well then I guess you're just too young," Sam teased. "Heeeeey, whadda you mean?" Sam laughed and looked at Peter's cute expression then answered, "You really wanna know, don't you?" Peter rapidly nodded his head yes and hoped he'd tell him. "Okay, I'll make you a deal. If you do a little something for me I'll tell you what the best thing you can ever do with your right hand is." "Well it's my job to help all the patients so okay, it's a deal," Peter agreed. "Go shut and lock the door, okay?" Peter wondered why he had to do that but he was so curious that he didn't care. He scampered over to the door and quietly shut and locked it then skipped back to the bed. "Now what?" he asked excitedly. "Okay, now we both gotta take our pants and underwear off," Sam explained. Peter's mouth hung open a little then he blushed profusely as a million thoughts ran through his head. "Oh don't be shy; we're both boys here and I definitely won't make fun of you or laugh at you or anything," Sam assured him. Peter was still so curious about what Sam was talking about that he decided it was worth it. He took off the new pants that one of the helpers had gotten him then pulled Sam's pants off for him. "You can take my underwear off first if you want," Sam kindly offered. Without saying a word, Peter placed both hands on Sam's waistband and pulled his underwear carefully off revealing his much older and much bigger penis. It had a little bit of short hair growing around it and Peter stared at it for a good amount of time because he had never seen any other boy's penis before. "Wow 3; it's a lot bigger than mine 3; and hairier too," Peter commented. "Heh heh heh, thanks. Yeah, that's what happens when you get older. It gets a bunch bigger and longer and gets a bit of hair around it." Peter just smiled and quickly took off his underwear exposing his perfectly hairless, young penis. It had started growing a little because puberty was setting in already but it was still only about four and a half inches [11 cm] long when hard. "Yup, just wait a couple years and you'll have a big, hairy one like me too." Peter giggled and blushed a whole bunch then stared at Sam waiting for what to do next. "You know how your penis can get hard sometimes?" Sam asked. Peter shyly nodded yes. "Okay, well that's a good thing 3; it's a very good thing. When it's hard that means it's ready to do some real fun stuff. Usually you can make it hard just by moving it around a little." Sam took his left hand and moved around his penis and it shot up to his full six inches [15 cm]. "Wow, youws looks even biggew now too." "Well let's see yours little guy. Hey, take of your shirt and come lay next to me and I'll show you what kind of fun stuff we can do while it's hard." Peter obediently took his shirt off and laid down on the bed next to Sam, now completely naked. Sam put his left arm behind Peter's neck and set his hand on his small shoulder. "Okay little dude, now just take your right hand and wrap it around my penis," Sam instructed. Peter looked over at him and blushed and giggled softly but Sam assured him it was okay for him to grab onto him there so he reached out and did so. It felt so strange to him to be holding another boy's hard penis in his hand. "Okay, now just slide the skin up and down with your hand." Peter started to slowly slide the tight skin up and down until Sam told him to speed it up a little. "Ohhhh, mmmmm, yeah," Sam sighed and Peter watched him curiously. Obviously those were happy sighs so what he was doing to him must have been making him feel really good. He sped up even more and watched Sam's reaction increase. "Oh yeah, Peter, that's perfect 3; ohhh that feels nice. Go ahead and try it out on yourself, I know you'll like it." Peter eagerly took his hand off of Sam's long pole and started working on his own until it got hard. Then he placed his hand around his the same way and pumped up and down a few times. A new feeling that he had never felt before filled his body. He pumped up and down slowly and kept doing so and smiled. "Yeah, you like that, don't you?" "Uhhhh-huhhhhh," Peter sighed and started to move his hand faster and faster. Peter panted and gasped and went faster and faster until he was panting like an overheated dog and moving his hand as quickly as he could. "It feels so good, doesn't it? Well I won't interrupt you now. Just keep doing it like that and you'll see what happens at the end." Peter didn't have any idea what he meant about the end and at that moment he really didn't care. He just wanted more of that glorious feeling so he kept his little hand moving rapidly up and down. Soon though he started to get a strange feeling like something was different. As the feeling grew he thought it sort of felt like he had to pee. Sam saw that he had slowed down a little and there was a slightly confused look on his face so he said, "It's okay, I know it kinda feels like you gotta pee but that won't happen. It's just gonna squirt out a little white stuff and feel super good." "Okay," Peter said and diligently kept his hand going. About a minute later, he felt the stuff enter his penis and the muscles started moving on their own. The contracted and let go and just like Sam said, a little bit of white stuff shot out onto his chest and stomach. Peter moaned out loud and panted like crazy. The feeling was so strong he could barely believe it. His whole body felt so good and a euphoric feeling came after he was all done squirting. He finally gave his hand a rest and lay there panting and smiling. "Did ya like that?" Sam asked. "Uhhhhh, oh I suwe did," Peter quietly sighed. Sam cuddled closer to him and lightly brushed his hand across his cheek. He rubbed his hand up and down Peter's leg and side then set one finger on his chest and affectionately moved it around. The feeling of someone else gently caressing him like that felt so different after the feeling of his first orgasm. It was like the best touching anyone had ever done to him. The fact that cuddling with a boy and touching like that, especially naked, was really weird didn't even cross his mind. He just wanted more of it so he almost automatically started returned to soft touches. Also, Peter totally trusted Sam now because he seemed to know everything about making a little boy feel good. Sam slowly ran his finger through some of the white stuff that had shot out of him earlier and brought the finger up to Peter's lips as Peter slowly rubbed his shoulder. "Here, taste some, it's pretty good," Sam said in his sexiest voice. If it was anyone else than Sam, Peter would have thought twice about it but he trusted him. He stuck his tongue out and licked around his finger then took the whole thing in his mouth and sucked on it. The thick, white liquid tasted sort of strange but it wasn't too bad so he kept sucking on Sam's finger. He could see that Sam had a big smile on his face so he must have really liked Peter's slow sucking of his finger. When he was done he took his mouth off of it and said, "Tastes kinda funny but I guess I like it." "Heh heh heh, you're so cute," Sam said. "Here, lemme clean you off now." Sam grabbed a towel that was sitting on the side of the bed and cleaned up the little mess Peter had made on his chest and stomach. Then he rubbed the towel around his softening penis and Peter sighed again and closed his eyes. "Ooh, you like that too, huh?" Sam asked playfully. Peter nodded with his eyes closed then felt a strange feeling against his cheek. He opened his eyes to find that it was Sam's lips. Sam was lying on his side now and was cuddled up closely to Peter. He rested his chin on Peter's shoulder then kissed him again. Peter didn't know what to say. He had never been kissed by a boy before. In fact he was rarely kissed by anyone at all. It felt pretty good though so he decided to let Sam do whatever he wanted to make him feel really good. Sam started to kiss and suck on Peter's neck and the tingly feeling spread through his whole body. He felt compelled to turn on his side and wrap his arms around Sam to get closer to him so he did. Sam was delighted to see that the little cutie was really getting into it now. Peter closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around Sam's shoulders, being careful not to touch his broken arm. He wanted to pay Sam back so much for showing him everything and making him feel so good so he decided he should do exactly what Sam was doing to him. He found his way to Sam's neck and started to kiss it slowly. He noticed after a few seconds that Sam's penis was getting hard and poking up against his thighs so he knew Sam really liked it. When Peter stopped kissing his neck, Sam scooted down a little so their lips were at the same level and smiled. Then he put his hand lovingly behind Peter's neck and brought their lips together. Peter didn't think about the fact that it was a boy or that this was his first ever kiss on the lips like that. All he was thinking about was the great sensations flowing through his body from all the wonderful things that Sam was doing to him. He couldn't believe how lucky he was to find a boy to teach him things like that. He didn't even know that things that felt this good existed before then. "Do you like kissing?" Sam whispered. "Yeah," Peter whispered back and moved his head forward a little and waited for another one. "Aww, that's so cute. You want another one," Sam said and gladly gave him another kiss. This time he let his tongue lick across Peter's lips. They cuddled together and kissed for a couple minutes and Peter found that he loved Sam more than anyone at that moment and he had to let him know. "I love you so much, Sam, and 3; umm 3; what did you want me to do fow you befowe? I'll do anything fow you!" Sam stopped and silently admired how cuddly and affectionate this little cutie was after his first ever orgasm and smiled. Then he answered, "Well, I just wanted you to use your hand on me cuz I can't use mine and I just can't do it left handed for some reason." "I'd love to," Peter cutely sighed and kissed Sam's neck some more. "Hmm, but your arm is probably still tired from before. Trust me, I know how tired and sore your arm muscles can get when you first learn to do it." "I don't cawe. I wanna make you feel good." Sam couldn't stand to have the little guy hurting his arm just because he thought he owed him. He figured the other way was best for both of them. "Hey sweetie, I don't want you to hurt that little arm of yours. There's another way to do it." "Wiwwy? Tell me! Tell me! I wanna do it fow you!" Peter said excitedly and sat up. "Wow, you sure are an energetic little guy," Sam said and got a gleeful smile in return. "Well, instead of using your hand, I heard it feels really good when someone sucks on it with their mouth." Peter contemplated the strange idea for a moment and decided that it probably would feel pretty good. He smiled as Sam reinforced the idea. "Ooh, just thinking about your warm, wet lips and tongue sliding over it is making me so hard. Whadda you say little dude?" "I say it's sucking time," Peter excitedly declared and jumped over between Sam's legs. "Hey, um 3; can you swing around this way so I can look at those cute buns of yours while you're sucking me?" "Oh my gosh! You think my butt's cute?" Peter gasped and blushed like crazy. "Heh heh heh, yeah, I sure do, cutie. I kinda like boys," Sam explained with a smile. "Well okay," Peter said, still a little red and swung around the opposite way. Sam rubbed both hands across Peter's smooth, perfect buns and said, "Oh yeah, I love em." Peter giggled then grabbed onto Sam's still hard penis. "Um 3; so I just suck it up and down?" Peter asked shyly. Sam could tell he was a little nervous so he assured him, "Yeah, don't worry. I know you'll do fine. It's real easy." "Okay," Peter said and slowly moved his head down until most of Sam's penis was in his mouth. He heard Sam sigh with pleasure as he moved his tongue around a little then started to move up and down. "Ohhhh Peter that feels so good," Sam quietly moaned. "Yay, I'm doing a good job!" Peter thought to himself and sucked away. At first Peter kept both hands around the base of Sam's penis but then he let go and sucked all the way up and down. He could almost fit the whole thing in his mouth. Sam couldn't believe how amazing the sensation of a cute, young boy sucking on his boyhood felt. It was so much better than just jacking off by himself. Staring at those wonderful boy buns wiggling around in front of him as Peter sucked him vigorously was making the whole experience feel even better. He knew he was going to cum soon but then he got an idea of how to make Peter feel nice in the meantime. "Hey sweetie, I wanna do something else that feels pretty nice so try and relax and enjoy it." "Okay," Peter said with Sam's penis still in his mouth then continued sucking. Sam licked his index finger on his left hand and got it all nice and coated with thick saliva then gently started massaging around Peter's perfect little hole. When he could tell that Peter was relaxed, he gradually inserted his finger and Peter stopped sucking for a second. When it was all the way in, he wiggled it around Peter's prostate gland and noticed that the sucking had stopped. "Hey, that doesn't hurt, does it? I'll stop if you don't like it," Sam quickly said in a concerned tone. "Nah, I like it. It feel pwetty good," Peter replied and got back to his awesome blow job. Peter liked the new feeling that was coming from inside of him. He definitely never expected so many strange things to feel so good. Sam kept his finger moving the whole time but as soon as he stopped and moaned loudly, Peter knew what to expect. And sure enough, out poured a round of warm bursts into his mouth. It tasted similar as his own and he swallowed it down as quickly as possible then took his mouth off and caressed his penis with his hands and cutely asked if he did a good job. "Ohhh, oh yeah Peter. Oh my gosh 3; ohh that felt so good," Sam panted. "Yay, oh I'm so glad I could make you feel so good!" Peter exclaimed. Sam took his finger out of Peter's tight hole and he immediately spun around for another kiss. "You still got a little on your lips, cutie," Sam said and licked it off. Peter closed his eyes and enjoyed the familiar feeling of Sam's tongue gliding across his lips. Sam stared up at the beautiful boy on top of him and couldn't believe how lucky he was to be there with him like that. The adorable little guy had his eyes closed and Sam couldn't stop staring at the pleasureful smile on his face. Sam caressed his narrow neck and shoulders then set his hand on Peter's thigh with one hand while his broken arm remained limp on the bed. As soon as Peter's bright blue eyes opened, Sam said, "You did real good, sweetie. I love you so much. Thank for doing this with me. The hospital sure hired the right boy for the job." Peter smiled wide then lowered himself down so his cheek was resting against Sam's chest and replied, "You'we the one that taught me all this cool stuff. I should be thanking you!" "Well that blow job you just gave me sure was a nice thank you." "Is that what it's called?" "Yep, that's it you cute little sucker," Sam answered and they both giggled. "Hey do you think we could maybe do this again tomorrow after I get all fixed up?" "Oh gosh, I hope so!" Peter exclaimed. "I know I'll be hewe!" "Okay then, it's a date." "Heh heh heh, what am I youw boyfwiend?" Peter cutely giggled. "Yeah, sure. Why not? You can be my boyfriend." "Alwight 3; oh I'd just can't wait till tomowow!" "Hey, wanna sleep here with me tonight? I'd love to have a cute, naked boy to cuddle with." "Mmm, sure. I'm not goin anywhewe," Peter softly replied and nestled his cheek against Sam's chest again. Sam covered then both up with a blanket and before long, both boys were fast asleep.
In the morning, they woke up around the same time and the first thing Sam heard was Peter's giggling. "Oh, so I'm not the only one that wakes up like that," Peter giggled as he pointed at Sam's hard penis that was sticking up. "Heh heh heh, nope, all boys wake up like that most of the time," Sam answered. "Do we wiwwy have to wait till you get healed to have some mowe fun?" Peter begged. "Well I don't see why not. I see you're all excited and ready to go too," Sam answered and ran his fingers up and down Peter's also morning-stiff penis. "Mmm, oh yeah. Ooh, this is gonna be so good! Mmm, I love it! Oh I love you!" Peter exclaimed. "Wow, you're so horny, heh heh heh 3; and so cute when you're horny! Come on, let's suck each other at the same time," Sam suggested. "Ooh, hey, that's a wiwwy good idea! I like it! Let's do it!" Peter excitedly exclaimed and bounced up and down on the bed. Sam stared at his cute, bouncing butt and it went up and down and couldn't wait to have the cutie's lips around his penis again. "Um 3; how do we do it?" Peter asked. "Here, just spin around this way 3;" Sam said and showed him how to do it so they were both lying on their sides in front of each other's stiff penises. "Okay, now you just 3;" Sam started then was interrupted by pleasureful sensations coming from his penis that Peter was already sucking on. "Mmm, yeah just like that, sweetie 3; ohhhhh yeah," Sam moaned and squeezed Peter's soft butt then added, "I'm gonna show you just how good sucking can feel." Sam licked his finger on his left hand again and reached around and started rubbing it around Peter's tight, young hole until it slid inside of him again. He found his prostate gland right away and started massaging it. A soft vibration traveled down Sam's penis as Peter moaned while he continued sucking it and he loved it. Sam wet his lips and started to slowly move around the head of Peter's penis with his tongue. Then he let the tip of his tongue crawl across the sensitive underside and Peter shuddered. "Mmm, you like that, don't ya?" Sam sexily asked. Sam finally put Peter's entire penis in his mouth and sucked it up and down perfectly. It was so easily to pleasure Peter's penis because it was so small and easy to work around in his mouth. He had never sucked anyone before but he still figured that the younger boys were the easiest to please. After a few moments, Sam felt Peter's breathe coming out of his nose across the few little hairs that he had above his penis and he knew it meant that Peter was really enjoying it. An idea popped into Sam's head and he happily accepted it. He decided to see if he could make Peter blow his load first. Sam increased his sucking and perfected the rhythm of stroking Peter's prostate gland inside of his perfect little butt. He smiled a little when he saw that Peter was so distracted by the amazing feelings that he couldn't concentrate on sucking much at all. Sam didn't mind a bit though because seeing the little guy so full of pleasure was great. Soon all he could do was hold onto Sam's penis and moan softly. Peter suddenly took his mouth off of Sam's penis to let out a high pitched sigh and moan as his whole body exploded with good feelings. He thrust his hips slightly while his little penis pumped out a good deal of his thin, sweet juice into Sam's mouth. As soon as he was done squirting like crazy, he realized his arms were wrapped very tightly around Sam's legs so he quickly let go. "Heh heh heh, awwww, you're so adorable," Sam laughed then started his lick-cleaning of Peter's still excited penis. He shuddered like crazy and moaned so cutely from the extra sensitivity. "Oh I love to hear that beautiful voice of yours moan," Sam affectionately said and ran his hand through Peter's hair. "Thank you," Peter shyly replied then paused and decided to turn around so he could embrace the sweet boy that he had come to love. "Mmm, I love you so much, Sammy," Peter said as he wrapped his arms around his naked chest. He noticed that he was right at nipple level so he started playing with one of Sam's nipples between his fingers. He didn't really mean anything by it but to do something affectionate with his hands but when he saw the look on Sam's face he figured it must be yet another thing that felt good. "Hey Sammy, does that feel good?" "Mmm, oh yeah 3; how'd you know?" "I didn't," Peter beamed. "I guess I just leawned something." Peter starting licking and sucking on Sam's nipple while he continued playing with the other one between his fingers. Sam ran his fingers through Peter's soft, brown hair and kept giving the sweet little boy nice compliments. "You're so sweet, you know that? And cute too. And you're the best little sucker I've ever seen. I love you so much. Wow, your hair is so soft; I could rub it all day. And I love that butt of yours. And your sweet boy juice was wonderful. Everything about you is so perfect." Peter stopped sucking and Sam asked what was wrong. He gently lifted his head up and saw that there were tears running down from his bright blue eyes. "What's wrong, sweetie?" "Nobody's evew said stuff like that to me. Even befowe my pawents died 3; they didn't have lotsa good stuff to say about me eithew. Then aftew that it's like evewyone hated me and nobody wanted to help me 3; but now you 3;" "Shhh, Peter, it's okay. Don't cry. I don't know how people could be so mean to a poor kid that's had so much bad luck. I don't know about them but I love you so much already. I guess I like boys a lot and maybe that helps but you're just so sweet and charming, I don't know how anyone could not like you!" After a long pause, more tears streamed down Peter's face and he sniffled a little then said, "I'm gonna miss you so much when youw gone." Sam hadn't thought about being away from his new love until now and when it hit him, he felt like crying too. "Oh man 3;" was all he could say. Peter laid against his chest again and sniffled and tried to stop crying. Without even thinking about it at all, Sam suggested, "Well why don't you come with me? Then I won't have to worry about coming all this way to visit you cuz I doubt I ever could 3; we live kinda far away." "Oh Sammy, you wiwwy think I could?!" Peter asked with bright eyes. "Well 3;" Sam stalled as he thought about it. "I guess we could give it a try. I really don't know how my parents would react if I just suddenly asked them if we could adopt a little homeless boy. I mean, they're real nice people but I don't know what they'll say." "Well can you please twy when they come? Pleeeeeease?!" Peter begged. "And tell them I'll do anything to live thewe with you. I don't cawe if they tweat me like a slave as long as I can be awound you some of the time." "Awww, sweetie, they'd never do that! And don't worry, I'll try my best to convince them when they come this afternoon. I think I've got some ideas." "Oh thank you, thank you, thank you!" Peter exclaimed and hugged Sam tightly again. Then he slowed down a little and gave Sam a slow, sexy, open mouthed kiss and his penis shot back up to full hardness again. "Ohhh yeahhhh, I gotta bring you home just for that," Sam sighed and it made Peter smile so happily. They cuddled together until they heard the doorknob being turned. The door was locked but they knew the helpers all had keys. "Quick, let's get dwessed befowe she gets the key," Peter whispered frantically. "I can't go that fast! My arm's broke!" Sam whispered back. "Okay, just youw undees then. That won't look weiwd," Peter replied and helped him put his underwear back on. When they both had their underwear back on, they jumped into bed together and threw the sheets over. A few seconds later, the helper walked in, thought the two were still sleeping, smiled at how adorable the scene was, then left them alone. "Heh heh heh," Peter giggled after she was gone. "Yep, we awe just two kids sleepin togethew cutely." Sam laughed too and gave Peter another kiss. They rubbed each others bodies under the sheets and before long, both had their hands under the others' underwear. "Ooh, I just can't take my hand off those perfect little buns of yours." "And I can't take mine off of that big penis you got thewe," Peter replied back with a smile. "I never did finish sucking you 3; I spose we can't do it now cuz the helpew will come back and see us." "Aww, they won't mind watching those cute little buns of yours wiggle around while you suck me," Sam joked and Peter giggled like crazy as he pictured himself doing so with the helper watching him. "Yeah, I'm suwe they wouldn't," Peter said and kissed him a bunch more times. "I'm gonna save my juice for when I get my arm healed. Then we can have some real fun. I think you'll like it a lot." "Ooh, you mean thewe's mowe we can to togethew?!" Peter gleefully exclaimed. Sam laughed at his cute expression then decided to have some fun and asked, "Can you guess what we can do together?" Peter thought about it for a while and Sam admired his absolutely adorable thinking face. "I dunno, I give up," Peter admitted. "Well 3; I'll give you a hint. It has something to do with my penis and that tight little hole you've got between those perfect little buns of yours," Sam said and put his hand under Peter's buns and rubbed them around. Peter's jaw dropped open for a second then he smiled shyly and blushed and asked, "Is youw penis going up my butt?" Sam pulled Peter forward onto his chest for another hug and rubbed him gently across the back and said, "Only if you want to try it, sweetie. It might kinda hurt at first but boy is it worth it! I'll let you stick your little penis up my butt too and that feels so good you won't even believe it!" Peter gasped then quickly said, "Ooh ooh, yeah, I wanna do that!" He was so excited that he started bouncing up and down again as he sat on Sam's stomach. Then he got a sly smile and started to bounce up and down rhythmically like he was sliding over an imaginary penis in his butt. "Ohhh yeahhhh, I want it so bad," Peter sighed. "I want that big penis of youws in me. Then I wanna stick mine in you and go 3;" Then Peter imitated him thrusting his hips back and forth like he was inside of Sam now. "Aww, you're just so cute," Sam laughed and gave him another big bear hug. "Come on now, stop all that cuteness before the helper comes in and sees how horny you are." "Hey Sam 3; what's howny mean?" Peter asked curiously. "It means you're in the mood to have some sexy fun like we did," Sam gladly answered. "Yup, that's me alwight!" Peter declared. "How about we get dwessed then I'll go make you some nice, wawm, yummy bweakfast. Then we can eat and get youw awm healed then have mowe sexy fun." "That sounds wonderful. You're the best little boy I could ever meet, Peter, and I love you so much," Sam said lovingly and gave Peter a volley of kisses and hugs as he caressed him. The two got dressed and Peter gave Sam help because of his broken arm. When they were all set, Peter left for the kitchen area and said good morning to everyone then brought back some food. He and Sam enjoyed a nice breakfast together then Peter remembered he had a job to do and brought food to the rest of the patients. When he returned to Sam's room he was delighted to find that the mage was there and ready to heal him. "Oh boy, oh boy, you'we gonna heal Sammy," Peter said excitedly and took up spot next to the bed. He watched with wide eyes as the mage's hand glowed and then Sam moved his arm around and smiled. "It doesn't huwt you anymowe?" Peter beamed. "Nope, it feels just fine," Sam replied gladly. "Thank you so much, sir. You saved me a long time of healing and not moving. I can't thank you enough. My parents will be by to pick me up later. Right now I just wanna rest and hang out with this nice little guy you hired." "Alright," the mage said and smiled at Peter then left. Peter hopped up onto the bed once he saw that the door was closed and asked shyly, "Should I lock the door?" "Not quite yet. First we gotta have something slippery so it'll slide right up that hot little hole of yours. This is a hospital so I know they've gotta have something like that around. It's called lubricant 3;" Sam said then proceeded to explain what the lubricant would look like and where it would probably be. Then Peter snuck off to go get it. He swiped some from the supply room without anyone seeing then put the tube in his pocket and headed back to the room. On the way in, he locked the door and the smile on his face told Sam immediately just how horny he was. He jumped up onto the bed, took the tube of lube out, waved it around, and said, "Lookey what I got." "Good job, sweetie. Now I'm gonna make you so glad that you got it." "Heh heh heh, yay!" Peter said excitedly. Then he grabbed onto Sam's shirt and said, "I know youw awm is all bettew now but can I still take youw clothes off fow you?" "Ooh, go right ahead. I love it when you strip me, you little hottie." Peter smiled and pulled Sam's shirt up, turning it inside out in the process, but left it so the top covered his face. Sam wondered what was going on until he started to feel a wonderful licking feeling coming from one of his nipples. He sighed and his breathing increased a bit so Peter knew he was doing something really good that he really liked. Then Peter felt Sam's penis hardening against his and liked it. He pulled Sam's shirt off the rest of the way and smiled playfully. "Looks like you'we nice and hawd now," Peter commented. "Yeah, you know what makes me excited," Sam said and placed a hand on each side of Peter's lower back. "It feels so good to be able to hold your sexy little body with both hands." Sam slowly took off Peter's shirt and tossed it aside. Then he put his hands on Peter shoulders and pulled him in for a passionate kiss on the lips. Sam's kissing moved lower and after a few soft kisses on the neck, he was sucking on one of Peter's beautiful, pink nipples. "Ohhhh, that does feel good," Peter sighed quietly. Sam could feel Peter's heart start to pump faster and faster under his lips. He felt Peter's penis poking against his so he knew Peter must react to the feeling in pretty much the same way. "Mmm, I could suck on these forever," Sam said in between his licking and sucking. "But I know you're excited about having real sex for the first time." Peter gasped then asked, "You mean it's weal sex to do that?" "Well, it's not really like sex cuz it's not with a girl but for boys I guess it's sex," Sam answered. "Wowie! I wanna do it, come on!" Peter said excitedly and jumped up and threw his pants off. Sam watched the beautiful boy dance around energetically in just his socks and underwear on the bed and could hardly believe how adorable it was. Sam took his pants off then said, "Heh heh heh, get that cute butt down here so we can have some fun." "Yeah, so you can get inside it and we can have sex," Peter said with a gigantic smile. He plopped down on the bed cross legged then a moment later, leaned back and slid his underwear off. His little penis was sticking straight up and his naked buns were looking cute as ever. Peter quickly got between Sam's legs and pulled his underwear off for him and threw them onto the pile of clothes on the floor. Then he saw the tube of lube still sitting on the bed and grabbed it. "Hey, I bet you put this on youw penis so it can be all slippewy and slide weal nice up my butt," Peter said as he waved the tube around. "Yep, that's right, cutie," Sam replied and opened the tube and squirted some of the clear gel onto his penis. He spread it up and down then applied even more to make sure it was thickly coated. As soon as he was done, he noticed that Peter had a towel for him to clean his hand off with. "Hey thanks. I sure get good service around here," Sam joked. "Yeah, sexy sewvice," Peter replied and took a couple more licks at Sam's nipples. "Yeah, they should have hired you to have sex with all the patients that come in. Now that would make everyone happy!" "Oh gosh 3; with the giwls too?" Peter asked and blushed. "Sure, why not? You can have sex with all the girls and boys that come in. How's that for a job? Heh heh heh. I hear it's lots of fun to have sex with girls too cuz they got that special thing between their legs that's like the best place you could ever stick your penis into." "Wow 3; sounds like fun," Peter said and continued turning a little red as he pictured naked girls. "But now I got you and this will be lots and lots of fun too!" "So what position do you want to do it in?" Sam asked. "Ummm 3;" Peter pondered then shyly admitted, "I don't know any positions I guess." "Oh, sorry, I should have figured that. Well how about we try it nice and easy. You sit on my tummy here and then just lean back and slide it right on," Sam explained. "Alwight, that sounds good to me," Peter said and did as he was told. He put a leg on each side of Sam's hips and got nice and comfy. Sam put a little lube in his finger and reached around and spread Peter's buns apart a little. Then he massaged around his hole with his finger like the other times and soon Peter was all loosened up and ready. He stuck first one finger in then two and started to move then in and out. "How does that feel?" Sam asked. "Wiwwy good," Peter sighed and closed his eyes. He laid forward against Sam's chest and licked lazily at one of his nipples again as Sam continued stroking his prostate gland. "Okay, you ready for my penis in there?" Sam asked him. "Yeah, I'm weady for youw big penis," Peter smiled. "Heh heh heh, you keep calling it big but it's not totally huge or anything." "Well it's biggew than mine by a lot. I wiwwy like it," Peter said with an affectionate smile. "Thanks sweetie. I like your penis a lot too. Okay, now just do it like I told you and make sure you keep everything nice and loose down there," Sam replied. Peter leaned forward and planted a quick kiss on Sam's lips before raising himself up and grabbing onto Sam's slippery penis. He guided it up to his hole and when he was sure it was properly lined up, he set the head of it against it. "Now just relax everything down there as much as you can and it shouldn't hurt very much," Sam instructed. "Okay," Peter said and tried his best to do exactly as Sam told him. Sam felt the boy's little ring of muscle loosen a great deal and felt him start to press downward with his whole body. The second that Sam saw a little twinge of pain on Peter's face as his penis started entering him, he hated it and immediately wanted to call it off. Peter noticed the look on Sam's face so he said, "It's okay; it just feels weiwd. I wiwwy, wiwwy wanna do this." Peter kept gradually working his way down and before he knew it, he had Sam's entire penis inside of him and he was sitting there in his lap. "Wowie, it feels even biggew now that it's inside thewe," Peter said. "Well that's cuz that amazing hole of yours is so tight. Ooh I love it! It's so nice and warm and slippery. And you got the sexiest little body I've ever seen." "Heh heh heh, thanks," Peter blushed. "Now I'm gonna make you feel weal good." Peter flexed his knees and slid most of Sam's penis out of his butt. He paused and placed his hands on his buns and spread them a little then massaged them around and sighed. "It feels pwetty good to have it go past that spot that you always put youw fingew on," Peter said then let his weight slide him back down. "Mmm, yeah." Peter sighed as he went up and down again then once more. He got going in a steady pace and Sam placed his hands on each side of Peter's skinny midsection again. Feeling his penis rush past the warm, smooth surface and having Peter's incredibly soft buns bounce on him every time he came down was giving him such a great feeling throughout his body. He wished it could last forever. When Peter's pace started to slow, Sam suggested, "How about I give those sexy little legs of yours a break and we do it in a different position?" "Alwight," Peter said and got up so Sam could rearrange them. While they were moving, he rubbed his butt and added, "It wiwwly does feel pwetty good, Sammy." Sam wrapped his arms around him lovingly and said, "Ohhhh, it sure does. Heh heh heh. This is the best feeling I ever felt! And it's your turn next." "Ooh, I can't wait!" Peter said excitedly. Sam told him to get on his stomach so he obediently did so. Then Sam got on top of him and slowly slid his penis back inside of Peter's super tight hole, making sure that Peter wasn't in any pain. When Peter told him that it felt so good having Sam's penis inside of him again, he knew it was okay. "Mmm, oh yeah, Peter. Your butt feels SO good," Sam moaned as he started to move faster and faster. Something about moving his own hips made the great sensation spread through his body even more. He panted and moaned like crazy now and Peter was glad he was making him so happy. It was a little uncomfortable for him but it still felt great having his prostate gland stimulated constantly. He just laid there, totally relaxed, and let Sam bump into his butt over and over and over until he finally announced he was going to squirt. Peter felt Sam's penis pulse in his little hole as he held it deep inside of him. Sam let out a long moan as he felt a whole stream of his juice spurt out of him. The orgasm that followed felt the best ever because something about shooting off inside of a person made everything feel so right. "Ohhhh, Peter," Sam moaned and kissed the back of his neck. "You sound like you had fun," Peter giggled. "Mmmm, yeah. It feels so good," Sam sighed and slid his hands under Peter's upper chest so he could rub him there. Then he started to slowly kiss all over Peter's neck and he giggled a little. "Thanks for letting me do this with you. It felt soooo good." "I liked it too," Peter replied. Sam pulled his penis out so Peter could turn around under him and then they kissed some more. Peter moaned a little between each kiss and passionately rubbed his arms up and down Sam's back so Sam knew he must really be in the mood now. "Seems like you're extra horny now," Sam said and rubbed Peter's soft hair. "Yup, I'm weady fow some sexy sex!" Peter exclaimed. Sam reached down and started stroking Peter's hard penis and said, "Yeah, you're nice and hard. I can tell you're ready. Let's get that little pole of yours all lubed up so we can start." "Okay," Peter said and laid back comfortably on the bed. Sam opened the lube and spread some up and down Peter's excited penis. "So what position awe we gonna do it in now?" Peter asked, picturing sticking his penis into Sam all different ways. "Well, I've got one I think you'll really like," he answered and described it to him. "Yeah, okay," Peter said with a beaming smile. Sam laid back on the bed and Peter got between his legs and lifted them up a bit. "Oh boy, this is going to be so fun!" he exclaimed then lined up his slippery little penis to Sam's hole. "Okay, go ahead," Sam said and felt Peter slowly stick his penis inside. It didn't feel bad at all because Peter had such a small penis. "Mmmm, I like it," Peter said with a smile then started to slide it back and forth and sighed and moaned some more, with a big, happy smile plastered on his face that wasn't going to leave any time soon. "Go as fast as you want, cutie. It feels really good." Peter started humping away like mad and Sam loved the feeling of Peter ramming into his buns over and over as fast as the little guy could manage. Peter leaned forward and set both hands on Sam's chest and closed his eyes and moaned. "Ooh, looks like you're enjoying it a lot. You're so cute when you're having sex." Peter showed a little grin then gave out a long moan and said, "I think I'm gonna squiwt soon." "Well you're really going to like that part," Sam replied. He brushed his hand through Peter's hair again and again until he finally heard a big, beautiful moan and felt Peter's penis pulsing inside of him. Then he felt Peter's soft breath on his face while the little guy panted like crazy. "Just like a little puppy," Sam laughed then pulled Peter down onto his chest and kissed his forehead. "Oh Sammy 3; I gotta come home with you. I wanna do that with you all the time," Peter begged. "I'll try my best, okay? I think my parents might actually let you live with us if I ask real nicely." "I wiwwly hope so," Peter said and cuddled closely with Sam, nestling his cheek into his favorite spot on his chest. They laid together like that for a while then got dressed and Peter went about his other hospital duties.
When Sam's parents arrived, Peter ran over and Sam introduced him. "Sammy's my new best fwiend," he said and wrapped his arms around his chest in a big bear hug. Sam told them Peter's whole history and the parents looked so sorry for him. Right after they expressed their condolences for everything bad that had happened to the little guy in his life, Sam came right out and asked if Peter could come home and live with them. His parents didn't reply right away. They just looked at each other and a million thoughts ran through their heads. "I wiwwy wiwwy want to live with you guys. Sammy's like my new big bwothew that I always wanted and I love him so much. I don't want him to leave! I just wanna live like a nowmal kid with a nice family and be happy," Peter said and his eyes started getting all teared up. Sam's parents could barely stand Peter's pathetic adorably cuteness and charm. "Well we always did want to have another kid but we never could because of complications when Sam was born," his mother said and Peter's eyes lit up. "If you'll excuse us, we'll need to talk about this for a bit first," his dad said and they both stepped aside. Peter called out to them, "I don't eat much ow take up a lot of woom and I'm quiet as a mouse and I'll do anything you say and 3;" Sam quickly pulled him off to the side, snickering at Peter's cuteness. "Come on, let's go ask the hospital people if they'd let you leave if they say yes." They went to the mage and asked him if it would be okay if he left to live with their family. "I know I kinda owe you a lot but I always wanted to live with a family like a nowmal kid with a nice bwothew and finally be happy," Peter said, basically repeating the same arguments he used with Sam's parents. The mage thought for a moment them smiled and answered, "Well I couldn't keep you from moving in with a loving family because I know that would make you the happiest. Don't worry about it." "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Peter exclaimed and gave the mage a big hug around his stomach. "Let's go see if youw pawent decided yet," Peter said and he and Sam ran excitedly back to his parents. "We made up our minds," his dad said and the smile on his face already told them what the answer was. "Come on Peter, we're going home." "YAY!" he yelled and he and Sam danced around happily together. Peter ran up to his new parents and gave them both big, energetic hugs. On their way out he looked up at them and asked, "Can I call you mom and dad?" From then on, Peter lived with his new family. They were really kind to him and he and Sam had a lot of opportunities to play together. Peter showed Sam the many tubes of slippery stuff he had swiped more of before and they both laughed. They were both the happiest boys in the world from then on 3; and they all lived happily ever after. Heh heh heh :D The End |