PZA Boy Stories

Adventures of the Masked Shota

The Mysterious Z-Battler


Masked Shota, the superhero boy, gets a strange new classmate.
Publ. this site Jan 2010
Finished 24,000 words (48 pages)


Shotaru "Masked Shota" Miyamoto (12yo) and Arron Von Zerguvze (12yo) with Achilles (adult)

Category & Story codes

Other story
Mb bb – cons oral anal mast – superhero-boy


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Author's note

An ~MS~ Gift Fiction for Fallen Angel ^___^
By The ~Masked Shota~
Pairing: Shotaru x Various
Warnings: Shota!!, Violence o.o;
Disclaimer: The ~Masked Shota~ belongs to ME, so just don't go stealing him without asking me please. Achilles and Arron are both Copyrighted to Fallen Angel, so don't just go snatching them without asking either. ^_^

Orphan story

I downloaded this story years ago – in 2004 to be exactly. I have no idea from which website and the story doesn't include an e-mail address. Are you the author, please contact me.

Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the collector through this feedback form with Adventures of the Masked Shota in the subject line.



General Ozarks didn't expect a quick answer to his question. The explosion that had just rocked his top secret military base and nearly knocked him from his chair was obviously just that – an explosion. The first person who was stupid enough to tell him so would probably end up cleaning toilets for the rest of the year.

The general rose from his chair and stalked across the mission control center quick as a flash. He looked over the shoulders of his many technicians, who typed away at their keyboards and yelled frantically into their headsets. Alarms were blaring, lights were flashing. Data was streaming across the various screens faster than the general could keep up with. This was the highest level alert that the base had ever seen, which either meant that the explosion had caused critical damage to the electrical systems or 3; something worse.


That certainly got them talking. Everyone was suddenly rambling off their reports, trying to be heard over the person next to them.

"Sir, structural integrity severely compromised in section 3;"

" 3;electronic security and surveillance of inner and outer chambers negated 3;"

" 3;life support systems for units in stasis offline 3;"

"OH MY GOD! Sir, Project Young has escaped its holding cell!!"

The general's eyes bugged to cartoonish extremes.

"HOW THE HELL 3;" he started, then froze, a pang of fear stabbing him in the chest. "T-THE PROTOTYPE Z-BATTLER EXOSKELETAL SUIT, IS IT SECURE??? DID PROJECT YOUNG TAKE 3; GAH!!"

Another massive explosion shook the base, this time making the lights flicker out and toppling the general and several techs onto the floor. Before he could recover, the general heard a distant voice coming from the headset of tech nearest to him. He snatched the set and put it up to his ear, hoping that he hadn't heard the voice right.

" 3;repeat: Project Young has broken through perimeter security with the Z-Battler suit, and is no longer on the base!!!"

NO! The general screamed in his head, smashing his fist down painfully against the metal floor. This was his worst nightmare come true. He had to take care of this problem as soon as humanly possible, or everything would be ruined.



It was the middle of another night, one like any other, when an alarm was going off on one side of the city. The police responded quickly to the scene of the crime, but as was often the case, the crook had already gotten away. In fact, he was still making his getaway, just to be sure he was nowhere near the robbery site when the helicopters went up in search of him.

Oh yes, there'll be helicopters and news coverage he thought, cackling a little at his own deviousness. He scampered across the rooftops, easily hopping from one to the other and placing more blocks between himself and his crime. When they find out what I stole, they'll all be so surprised!

Amidst more evil laughter, he stopped and, in perhaps the vainest moment of his life, stuck a gloved hand into the bag he carried and pulled out his booty. It was a solid gold crown, heavily bedecked in jewels of the finest quality. It was rumored to be the crown of a great and unknown king, and was so beautiful that it was being sent to spend time at all the great museums of the world. It had only been at the one he stole it from for about a week, and even though it was under heavy guard, he'd been able to steal it without the smallest problem.

"Bwaaahahaahahaaa! I'll go down in history as the worlds greatest thief!" He jammed the crown onto his head and posed in the moonlight. "And I'll sell this for millions so I'll be filthy rich too!. This is the best night of my 3;"


"GACK!" The thief nearly had a heart attack. He turned quickly to see who had been able to find him so far from his evil deed, and his jaw dropped when he saw the little boy standing just a few feet away.

'Gaaah, he's so 3; so 3; so sexy!' he thought, feeling a little drool drip down his lip as he continued to stare at the scantily clad youth across from him. 'That smooth tummy 3; his tanned arms and legs 3; his cute mask 3;'

"Um 3; hello?" the boy tried again, looking a little confused.

' 3; his little shirt is so snug I can see his nipples under it 3; his pants are so tight I can see his 3;'

"HEY!!! STOP STARING AT ME!" the boy practically screamed, snapping the thief out of his trance.

"AH," the thief said, sort of embarrassed. But it looked like the boy was a little embarrassed too. He was blushing. "So you must be the Masked Shota!"

"Oh wow, you recognize me? Hahaha, I didn't know I was that popular yet," the boy replied, looking really pleased. Then his face turned serious all of a sudden. "If you know who I am, then you must know what it is I do. You're going to have to come with me."

The thief coughed nervously. Even though the Masked Shota was just a kid, the word on the street was that he fought with the strength of several men, and he had put a few people in jail since he appeared a little while ago.

'Still 3; he looks just like a normal kid to me,' the thief thought, and, still feeling pretty confident after his successful robbery, he decided that he'd top the night off by having a little fun with the boy.

"Heheheh. You really think you can beat me, kid? Well then come on, I'm not running from some little boy." He balled up his fist and put up his guard. "Come on, let me show you how a man fights."

The boy shook his head and shrugged, the eyes peeking through the holes in the mask rolling. "Don't say I didn't give you a chance to give yourself up! Yaah!"


The thief was totally unprepared for the speed of the boy's charge, and he found himself on his back beneath the young superhero before he could even blink his eyes. The fact that he was pretty much caught didn't even cross his mind though. All he could think of was the shapely bulge of the boy's small black shorts, and the feeling of the young firm butt pressed against his own crotch. He made a sort of strangled sound as the Masked Shota produced some rope to tie his hands.

"Well, you didn't put up much of a 3;oh!" the boy began, apparently surprised by the sudden erection of the thief poking into his butt. His cheeks turned red and he seemed completely flustered for a moment. That was all the thief needed. Quickly he grabbed the boy's wrists and flipped over so that he was the one on top.

"Hahahaaa, Now who's in charge!?" the man yelled, leering down at the pinned super hero. The boy struggled against him, but it wasn't anything that the man couldn't handle. "Heheheh, it looks like you aren't putting up much of a fight," he said, leaning down so that his lips were on the boy's smooth neck. He took a deep breath. "Mmm, super-boys smell better than regular ones. Heheheheh."

The thief had forgotten all about his heist. All he could think of was the boy under him. It seemed like the young hero was completely susceptible to such sexual tactics, as he had stopped his struggling all together and was groaning as the mans hand rubbed across his chest and tweaked his hard little nipples. He trailed his tongue down the boy's neck, and spread his legs with a knee. He moved the hand lower and lower, across the naked tummy that quivered at his touch, to the hard bulge between his legs.

"Mmm 3; you really like this don't you?," the thief whispered lustfully, massaging the hard boy cock through the thin material of the shorts. "How about I take these shorts of so we can really 3;huh?"

There was a high pitched whine in the air suddenly, that was getting louder by the second. Both the thief and the hero looked up at the sound, just in time to see the swarm of tiny missiles explode right next to them, blasting them both across the rooftop.

Shotaru coughed, struggling up to his knees. There was a cloud of dust and debris around him, making it hard to see in the distance, but he wasn't burned or cut badly, and neither was the thief who lay unconscious next to him.

'It was just impact grenades he thought. I still feel like I was hit by a bus 3; but who 3;?'

He squinted through the heavy veil all around him and was able to make out a figure atop the rooftop entrance to the building they were on. The person was oddly shaped, bulky in some parts, skinny in others, very angular and all around weird looking. Shotaru tried to stand but his head spun and he lost his balance, collapsing onto his side.

"Subject 3; worthy," he heard a voice say before he passed out all together.


The next day at school, Shotaru sat in the back of the class alone – as usual – and thought about what had happened the night before.

'Why would somebody shoot impact grenades at me?' he thought. 'Or maybe they were shooting at the crook 3; maybe it's a new super hero, he thought with distaste. I Just got started and now somebody who can shoot missiles and stuff is trying to take my place. Awww maaan.'

The bell rung and the other students rushed into class from outside in the hallway. Shotaru didn't pay them much attention, until someone sat down in the seat next to him, which was usually empty.

'Wow 3; he's cute!' he thought, staring at the boy, who had to be new because Shotaru would have definitely been sporting a woody every day if the boy had been there. He had very light colored hair, and Shotaru couldn't tell if it was white or a faint reddish, sort of pink tint to it. It was brushed forward so that it hung out a bit over his face, which was as flawless as any face Shotaru had ever seen. He also looked very good in the school uniform, in better shape than even Shotaru himself, who trained every single day so that he'd be in top condition for his nightly activities.

'Ah, I better stop staring,' he said to himself, remembering the way the thief had gawked at him before. He chuckled a little bit at the thought of it, but then felt a bit embarrassed. When he'd woke up that morning he was at home in bed, which meant Achilles had been watching over him and taken him home after he passed out.

That also means that he must have seen me being naughty with that guy 3; 'Craaap, I know he's going to be making fun of me today.'

At the head of the room, the teacher cleared his throat and Shotaru looked up to pay attention. "Good Morning Class," he said, smiling and adjusting his glasses a bit.

"Good morning Mr. Thomas," the class replied, some of them cheerfully, but most of them tiredly.

"Before we get into our lessons today, I wanted to make sure you all know that there's a new student in our class." He pointed back where the new boy was sitting, and everyone, including Shotaru, turned to look at him. "Please stand up and introduce yourself to the class so everyone knows who you are."

The boy pushed his chair back, which seemed to scuff extra loudly across the floor in the total silence of the room. Shotaru remembered when he had to stand up and make his introduction a few months ago. He had been incredibly nervous.

'This guy doesn't seem nervous at all 3;' he thought, watching the new kids face for any signs of shyness.

"My name is Arron Von Zerguvze," the boy said, and there were a few snickers at his name, but he didn't seem to care. He stood for a few more moments, and then sat down.

"Well, we all welcome you to the class Arron," the teacher went on, in his usual smiling and happy way. "You made a good choice sitting next to Shotaru. He's a very good student, and should be able to help you with any questions you have. You be friendly back there, Shotaru."

"I will, Mr. Thomas," Shotaru replied, torn between being happy about being paired up with the new kid, and being embarrassed by all the compliments. There was a little more snickering, but he didn't let it get to him. Arron's intense eyes were turned on him, and he felt his cheeks warming under the boy's gaze.

"Ah, well hi," he tried, smiling. To his relief, Arron smiled back.

"Hi. Your name is Shotaru, right?"

"Yeah, Shotaru Miyamoto. See, I have a strange last name too. Heheh."

"Strange?" Arron said, looking shocked. "My last name is strange?"

"N 3;No, not strange 3; I mean, it's different 3; I mean I like it but 3;" Shotaru stuttered, hoping he didn't offend Arron before he even got to know him.

"Oh 3; You like it?," Arron replied.

"Y 3;Yeah," Shotaru said, a bit relieved.

"I like your name too, Shotaru Miyamoto," he said, and Shotaru blushed at the sound of his name coming from the other boy's mouth.

"Thanks 3; Arron."

"Ah, it's good to see that you boys are getting along back there," Mr. Thomas chimed in, "but class is in progress so I'd appreciate it if you saved the talking for later."

A couple kids giggled and snickered, but Shotaru didn't even notice. He and Arron shared smiles with one another, chuckled a little bit, and got to work.


The day went on in much the same way. Each new class they went to together, Arron sat next to Shotaru, and each time they got in trouble for talking. By this time, there were already people whispering rumors about them. The new kid and the unpopular kid were together all day. It was like they were in looove. Shotaru didn't pay any attention to them though. Arron was the only thing he thought about all day, and when it was time to head to the gym for P.E., he thought about him in the locker room, stripping down to his underwear to change into the gym outfit. He had to walk down the hallway with his books held in front of his crotch because of that.

Arron walked next to him, as he had done all day, and they continued their on going conversation. So far, they had exchanged birthdays (June 8th for Shotaru, and August 27th for Arron) and ages (both 12). For the rest of the time, Shotaru talked about cartoons and anime that he liked, trying to explain it all to Arron who apparently wasn't allowed to watch too much TV.

"So, what is this 'P.E.' class we're going too?" Arron asked as they walked down the hall, a naked version of the boy dancing in Shotaru's head.

"O 3;Oh, you don't know? It's Physical Education. We just do exercise and play games like basketball and football. It's pretty fun, and I'm great friends with one of the teachers."

"Oh, Physical Education 3; I understand. Hey Shotaru 3;"

"You can call me Shota. That's what my friends called me back where I'm from," Shotaru chimed in, beaming at Arron.

"Oh 3; So you and I are friends now?" the fair haired boy asked, sporting the same surprised look from earlier. Shotaru stopped and looked at him, a little unsure of himself.

"I mean 3; I thought 3; Well, um 3; Do you want to be my friend?" he asked, feeling nervous all over again. Arron kept surprising him with questions like that. He wasn't like other kids that Shotaru knew.

"Of course," Arron answered, grinning. "Come on, we'll be late for P.E," he continued, grabbing Shotaru's hand and pulling him along after him. Shotaru felt a shiver run through him at the touch of his friends cool skin. He was so occupied with the thought of it, he almost let himself be dragged right past the gym.

"Hey, it's over here!" he laughed, now dragging Arron behind him.

He headed straight for the locker room, where one of the coaches was waiting with a suit for the new kid. Arron took it and they headed inside. It was warm and humid, and it had a strange smell that never failed to get Shotaru horny. It didn't help matters that there was nothing but half naked boys all over the place, some of them bending over to pull up their pants, their briefs clinging tightly to their perfect, sexy butts. Not to mention the boys who had big bulges in the fronts. Shotaru kept his eyes on the floor, but when he looked at Arron to see the boy's reaction, he saw him looking around with a rosy tint to his cheeks.

Hey 3; does it get to him too?

As expected, Arron chose to store his clothes in the locker next to Shotaru's, and they started to undress right next to each other. Shotaru tried to keep his eyes facing forward as he pulled off his shirt, and felt his face burn as he pulled down his pants. His boyhood tented up his little briefs immediately after the pants came down.

Oh geez 3;

He snuck a glance over at Arron's crotch and was shocked to see a tent bigger than his. His eyes went wide as he looked it over. He could clearly make out the shape of the head through the fabric, and he could even see it a little bit. When he felt a hand fall on his shoulder he almost jumped through the roof. It was Arron, looking at him with a bashful grin. His face was an even darker red than before.

"Shota 3; does this place effect you this way too?" he asked in a soft voice, gesturing down at his rigid cock.

Shotaru stood up straight too, letting his erection push hard against his own undies, and nodded his head. His own face had to be just as dark as Arron's. They both giggled a little, but stopped quick when they heard laughter from the other side of the locker room. Neither of them looked to see what was funny. They dressed quickly and slipped out of the locker room in the shorts and T-shirt combo that was provided by the school for exercise. On the shirt was a picture of an eagle, the school mascot. The shorts themselves didn't go a long way towards hiding their erections though, so they just found a spot in the bleachers where not a lot of other people were.

He 3; was hard like me, Shotaru thought as they sat silently, waiting for the locker rooms to empty. He just couldn't stop blushing, and as long as he could remember the sight of Arron's tented briefs, he was going to stay aroused.


"Ah 3; yeah, Arron?"

"You have a nice body. You look strong."

It took Shotaru a while to process what he'd just heard, and then even longer to decide on how to take it.

Was he 3; checking me out in the locker room? he thought, the sound of his heartbeat loud in his ears.

If that was true, then maybe Arron really liked him. They certainly got along well enough. As for his body looking strong, Shotaru didn't think he was much different from other athletic boys. That is to say, he wasn't bulging with muscles or anything to make him look stronger than most other active boys his age. Even so, it made him happy to think that Arron was looking at him that way, and thought he looked strong.

Slowly he turned his head to face the other boy, who was watching him with a cute grin, some of his hair falling down over his forehead. Letting his eyes roam over his friend's body, under the guise of checking to see how 'strong' he looked, Shotaru was able to tell that Arron was still showing the effects of the locker room too.

I wonder if he's thinking about me 3; Shotaru wondered, while at the same time hoping it was true. It was a wonderful experience for him to have finally found a friend at this new school, but it would be even better if that friend was even closer to him. Of course, at the age of 12 not all boys were thinking about the same things as Shotaru, so he couldn't guess what might happen between him and his friend.

"Thanks!" he decided on finally, tacking on a "You look strong yourself," at the end. They had another of their mutual smiles, once again into their normal conversation groove.

"So what do we do now?" Arron asked, and Shotaru almost misunderstood what the other boy was asking.

"OH! You mean here, in class," he said, laughing with a little embarrassment. "Well we wait for all the kids to come sit out here, and then we line up down on the floor to do some exercises. After that, they usually set up different areas of the gym for different types of games. It's kind of cold out today, so I don't think we'll be going outside."

"Ah 3; I see. Well, what games do you usually play?"

"Well, I like to play soccer a lot," Shotaru said, smiling. "But if I can't play that I usually just do some extra exercises 3; I mean I'm good at basket ball and volley ball but 3;" he couldn't bring himself to say the truth, that he didn't really have any friends at the school who would pick him for those games, but there were usually not enough kids who wanted to play soccer so he was always chosen to play there." 3; I'd just rather not play those most of the time."

"Oh 3;" Arron said, squinting a little so that Shotaru felt that the boy could see through his little lie.

Luckily, Achilles came over to their side of the bleachers at just that moment, and called Shotaru down for a talk. When he stood up to go meet the man, Arron stood too.

"Hey, you should stay out here until I get back," Shotaru said, feeling a little bad about leaving his friend behind for the first time. "Just follow the directions of the coaches to learn the exercises and other things you should do. I'll be back."

Arron nodded and sat back down. "Ok Shota," he replied with a smile. "I hope you come back soon."

"I will!" the retreating boy called as he hopped down the bleachers to meet his favorite teacher and best adult friend.

He remembered when he'd first met him just a few months earlier 3;


It was the end of the day and all the boy's were changing back into their school clothes and filing outside to the buses in the lot. Shotaru was nearly ready to leave himself, when he heard a special news report on the television inside the coaches' office. Slipping over close to the door, he listen in. Apparently there was a robbery in progress, and there might have been hostages inside the building.

'I haven't revealed myself to the police yet,' he thought, 'but I'm sure I could help them this time by sneaking inside to see whether or not anyone is in danger. I just have to move fast 3;'

He made his way down the hall to the showers and slipped into the door when no one was looking. It was pretty dark in the room now that the lights were out, but a little light from outside shown in through the small window he would use for his escape. It opened into a closed in courtyard that was sure to be empty at that time of day, so he wouldn't have to worry about being seen. He started to strip out of his clothes, digging into his backpack for his costume, and he was just finished tying on the mask when Achilles padded into the room, completely naked with a towel over his shoulders.

Shotaru froze in place. He had already found himself attracted to his P.E. teacher. With his muscular build, cool, spiked, silver hair, twinkling green eyes and cute glasses with circled lenses, Achilles was extremely alluring to Shotaru. He even liked to tell jokes and play around, so that all the students liked him – but Shotaru Loved him. Now there he stood, naked, with a stunned look on his face that probably matched Shotaru's own, he himself wearing only his mask and underwear.

For a few moments they stood looking at each other, then Shotaru's brain kicked in, and he grabbed his things and sped off towards the window. Achilles came after him so quickly though, that he wasn't even halfway there when he felt the man's big hand close around his arm. Reflexively, Shotaru kicked back, but his captor blocked the kick with incredible accuracy, raising his knee and turning a bit so Shotaru's sock-clad foot hit the hard muscle of Achilles' thigh. The teacher smiled.

"Nice form," he said, and Shotaru was never sure if he was talking about his body or his kick.

He lowered his leg to the floor and turned to face his elder, looking up to meet his gaze, since the man's cock was dangling right about eye level with him. "T 3;Thanks," he stammered, a bit put off by the thick meat right in front of him.

"Let me guess," the man went on, still keeping a firm hold on Shotaru's arm. "The Masked Shota, right?" Shotaru nodded. "Otherwise known as Shotaru Miyamoto, hm?" Shotaru's eyes flashed, but he didn't say anything.

'How does he know!?' he thought, feeling the fear creeping into his mind. 'What if he tells my mom? What do I do!?'

"Hmm, you really should tell your mom not to write your name on your underwear," Achilles said, laughing. Shotaru looked down and sure enough, there was his name written out on the band. As embarrassing as that was, it was even more embarrassing to see how aroused he'd become being held in front of Achilles' cock like that. He tried not to look at the thing, but his eyes kept sneaking peeks. Now he was so afraid though, he wasn't even thinking about it – that is, until he felt it pressing against his cheek.

Startled, he let his eyes fall from Achilles' face, down to his cock, which was huge now that it was hard.

"Yeah," Achilles said, softer than before. "You aren't the only one aroused by all this. What do you think we should do about it huh?" The smile on his face was so seductive that Shotaru couldn't have told the man no, even if he wanted to. Without hesitation, he placed his hands on the long cock and squeezed it a little, rubbing it against his cheek, enjoying the warm feel. "I guess that answers my question then," Achilles said, moaning softly afterwards as Shotaru played with his hefty member. Then he reached down and touched the boy on the shoulder. "How about you get out of all those clothes before we get started", he said jokingly. Shotaru laughed.

"It might take me some time," he giggled, slipping off his underwear and socks. When he reached up to undo his mask, Achilles stopped him.

"Leave it on. I've always wanted to do it with a superhero." He smiled and Shotaru thought he would melt from the sight of it. Achilles took his hand and guided him under one of the shower heads, turning the nozzle so the cool water sprayed down on them. He turned on a few nearby as well. "Just in case we get a little loud," he said, but Shotaru barely heard him. His eyes were stuck on the man's wet and chiseled body. He stuck out his hands and pressed them down on the hard, tanned abs, rubbing them up and down. He could still feel the cock rubbing against the side of his face, and he turned his head to lick the side of it. Achilles groaned quietly, and then reached out to touch Shotaru.

Shotaru felt the hands on his chest first, rubbing across his nipples and making him gasp. The water beating down on him made it seem as though his back was being massaged while his front was being toyed with. He pointed Achilles' cock straight up, and licked along the underside of it, already tasting the precum oozing from the slit. He sucked at the head, just over the dripping little hole, trying to keep any of the salty cum from being washed away by the water. He wriggled and dragged his tongue across the sensitive knob, coaxing out more of the gooey stuff into his mouth. Achilles pinched the boys nipples and made him cry out, his little dick jumping from the sudden shock. The big hands on his wet body traveled down, the fingers skating in patterns along his skin that made him moan and shiver.

"Mmm 3;" Achilles placed a hand on Shotaru's shoulder and pulled his dick away from the boy's mouth, which elicited a pitiful whine.

"Why are we stopping??" Shotaru asked in a pleading voice, but Achilles just shook his head and knelt down so that they were face to face.

"Who said anything about stopping?" he asked, and pressed his lips to Shota's before the boy could reply, not that he minded being cut off that way.

The tongue that pressed at his lips felt good in his mouth. He sucked on it and lapped at it with his own. He could feel the hands on him again, and he wrapped his arms around Achilles' neck for support as he could already feel his knees growing weak. The fingers were dancing between his legs, stroking his inner thighs sensually, tracing up to just below his drawn up scrotum, and then gently fondling it. "AH!" Shotaru cried, breaking the kiss for just a moment, then finding his lips captured once more by his teacher's. The fingers on his balls continued their light stroking, just the finger tips brushing against the underside of his scrotum, and it was maddening. Shotaru felt the muscles in his tummy tightening, his arms strengthening their grip, his whole body bending like a bow, slowly thrusting his cock forward, nearing his end. But Achilles stopped yet again, pulling out of the kiss breathlessly. This time Shotaru pounded his chest.

"I 3; I was so close!" he complained, but Achilles only laughed.

"I know that 3; that's why I stopped 3;" He lay on his back, the water splashing and bouncing off of his hard body. "Lay down on top of me, the other way. I think you know what to do."

Shotaru followed directions, lying atop Achilles in the 69-position, and wasting no time in sucking on the man's cock head. He felt the muscles under him spasming when he slid his tongue all over the thick member, and enjoying the feeling, he took a littel more of the monster dick into his mouth. It all came out when he felt something hot and soft pressing against his hole and he opened his mouth wide, unable to even moan the feeling was so intense. His whole body went rigid, and he felt his boy cock spilling precum and pumping wildly, but Achilles pulled away, Again.

"You stop, I stop," he said simply, and never in his life had Shotaru stuffed a cock into his mouth so quickly. He had the man under him writhing and moaning he did so well, and all because he wanted that tongue pressed against his hole again.

Needless to say, he got his wish. Achilles pressed his mouth to the puckered entrance between the boy's cheeks and went at his task with such fervor that Shotaru had to take as much of the man's throbbing dick into his mouth as he could to avoid having it flop out with all his moaning. The tongue was soft and licking, firm and thrusting, entering him with such a sweet pleasure that his orgasm had to work hard to make him feel any better than he felt at that moment – and it did. He came like a firecracker, popping off shots of cum so hard he felt for sure that he was shooting holes into the man who was ravaging his behind. It took every bit of his will power not to clench his teeth or pull away and scream out his satisfaction. Instead he channeled the entire orgasm into a licking, sucking, slurp fest on the massive member in his mouth, bobbing up and down like a piston, sucking on it like vacuum until, with a sudden grunt, Achilles filled his mouth to overflow with spurt after spurt of cum. The boy swallowed, but he didn't have the superhuman ability of a hooker to not spill a drop. The thick white liquid dribbled over his lips and down his chin, splattering in little drops on Achilles' abs and silvery pubic hair. It was all washed away in moments by the water still raining down on them, so there wasn't even anything for Shotaru to lick up.

He let the soft dick slip from his mouth and flop down against its owner's leg. He felt himself lifting with the heavy rise and fall of the man's chest, and it still felt tingly between his crack but he knew that there was no tongue there. He had wanted to say something right then, but it was a while before either of them spoke. In between it was just the sound of the water falling, and Shotaru realizing he'd totally forgotten why he'd come into the showers in the first place. Then Achilles spoke, and the words, though decidedly unnecessary after all of that, were still the best ones.

"Your secret is safe with me, Shotaru."

Now they were pretty much partners. Achilles had been training Shotaru in all kinds of martial arts. He seemed to know quite a bit about the art of fighting and stealth. And even though Shotaru could, at times, be many times stronger than him, he'd never been able to beat him in a fight.


Now as Achilles led him to his office, Shotaru found himself worried more about how Arron would do on his own than what jokes Achilles would make about him and his fooling around with the thief the night before.

They walked inside the little office and closed the door. Shotaru was used to the place by now. He had been there so many times he could remember everything about it perfectly. That wasn't hard to do anyway though, because the office was pretty small, and the only furniture in it was a single locker, Achilles' messy desk, and a row of chairs for a few students to sit in. Achilles walked behind his desk and sat down, swiveling to look at Shotaru with a slight grin on his face.

"Who was that boy, hmm?" he asked in a way that made it obvious he was implying something. Shotaru felt himself blush and his friend laughed loudly. "Ahhh, so there IS something special about him?"

"Nooo, he's just my friend!" Shotaru said, honestly.

"Well even that is something special. He's the first friend I've seen you with since you got here. It Would be a new guy, wouldn't it? I guess none of the kids that were here when you came were good enough." He winked and Shotaru laughed. Achilles flipped through some pages on his desk. "Ah, Arron Von 3; um 3; Zerguvze? Did I say it right?" Shotaru nodded, giggling. "Well then, I'm glad that you've found a new friend Shota, although 3; Now that you mention it, I did see you with another friend of yours."

"Huh?" Shotaru said, confused. "Who???" he asked, realizing at the very last minute that he had just been set up for a joke.

"Why, the thief you were chasing last night. The two of you looked awful friendly from what I saw."

"Oh, shut up!" Shotaru shot back, and they both fell into laughter. "Is that all you called me in here for? To make fun of me?"

"Of course not, that was just my ulterior motive. The real reason is that I have some information on your mystery guest from last night."

"Oh, that's right, you must have seen them. I couldn't really get a good look 3;"

"Yeah, I know. From where I was I didn't get the best view either, but I saw enough to get the info I needed. Here." He tossed a folder over to Shotaru, who caught it easily and flipped it open. There was a picture of some sort of mechanical body suit.

"Hmm 3; the Z-Battler Exo 3; exoskel 3; a. Huh?"

Achilles chuckled. "Maybe you need to spend more time with your English teacher than me, eh Shota." He held up his hand to quiet any protest. "It's the Z-Battler Exoskeletal Suit, the top secret military prototype of a suit that would, ultimately, be mass produced and given to all soldiers for warfare purposes." Shotaru turned the page and saw another photo, this time of the helmet that went with the rest of the suit. "If you're wondering, no, this is not what I'm getting you for Christmas. That's what your attacker was wearing last night."

"Really? Does that mean 3; the military is testing it out on me or something?" the boy asked, still pretty lost.

"No, not at all, though that would be an interesting test. The suit enhances all the senses, speed, strength, and overall combat ability. It would be interesting to see how it compares to your own abilities but 3; well you would be at a handicap because it has an arsenal of deadly weapons built in."

"What about those impact grenades it used on me last night? Those weren't deadly."

"Good thing they weren't. You were so busy playing around with that thief that you would have been dead meat. I always tell you not to let your urges get the best of you, but 3;"

"Alright, alright! Gomen na sai! Now can you please finish telling me about the Z-Battler Ex-thing!?" Shotaru said. He hated it when Achilles pointed out something stupid he had done, but it was mainly because of Arron waiting for him that he was trying to hurry him up.

"Uh oh, you only speak Japanese when you're upset, so I'll hurry this along," Shotaru gave an 'I'm sorry' expression, but Achilles just waved it away good naturedly. "Anyway, whoever was in that suit didn't use deadly force because they aren't trying to kill you. It was more like a message. 'I'm here' or something. It's been happening all across the country since the suit was stolen three months ago. The government has done a great job keeping it out of the news, but this person has been fighting all kinds of people all over the place. I don't really know why, but chances are we'll be finding out soon. They are sure to seek you out again, and next time it will probably be for a real fight.

For a few moments, Achilles was thoughtfully quiet while Shotaru mulled over the pictures in the folder.

'This thing looks pretty strong 3; I'll have to be really careful if I don't want to be caught off guard again.'

"Well that's really all I had to say, Shota," Achilles said, putting on his glasses and rifling through the papers on his desk. "You can leave now, if you want."

Shotaru looked up at him, not fooled. He was able to detect the slightest hint of insincerity in his teacher's voice, and he knew that Achilles didn't want him to leave just yet.

He tossed the file back onto the desk and walked around to stand beside his 'busy' teacher. "Thank you for finding all this for me. Arigato, sensei," he said leaning forward and speaking softly into Achilles' ear. He kissed the man on the cheek and turned to leave, but as expected, he was snatched back over to his teacher's side.

"What kind of kiss was that!?" Achilles cried, feigning disgust. "Aaah, a teacher's work is never done. THIS is the correct way to kiss your teacher," he said, wrapping his arms around the smiling boy and kissing him hard, plunging his tongue into the eager little mouth. He grabbed Shotaru's behind and squeezed, and the boy jumped a little, then melted into the feeling of the massage that Achilles began giving him there. He pressed harder into the kiss, tongues slipping and sliding across one another, making him hotter by the moment. He felt Achilles' hands slide down past the band of his little shorts in back, slipping into his undies as well, feeling hot against his smooth boy bottom.

"Nnnn!" the boy moaned, feeling his cheeks spreading, and a finger pressed against his hole, rubbing it in little circles and pressing against it harder little by little. When the tip of the finger slipped inside him, he clenched around it and moaned loudly into the mouth still clamped over his, then thrust his bottom back towards the finger, urging Achilles to continue on, knowing that Arron would be waiting a bit longer than he anticipated 3;


When Shotaru finally made it out of the teacher's office, flushed faced and walking a little funny, the opening exercises were already over, and the other kids were already at their different stations. He looked around for Arron and saw him sitting back on the bleachers near where they had been before, with a group of three boys standing around him. Shotaru headed over, curious as to whether they were just talking to or teasing him, but the boys left before he got there, and Arron greeted him with a smiling face, so he assumed it wasn't anything bad.

"Hello, Shota!" Arron called, standing as his friend returned. "I missed you, what happened?"

Shotaru blushed, but he was sure his face was already too red for it to make much of a difference. "Well, ah, Achilles had some important things to tell me 3; ah, about grades and stuff," he replied, and changed the subject. "Those boys weren't messing with you, were they?"

Arron blinked a few times. "Oh, no 3; they just asked me to play a game with them. I told them I was waiting for you and they said it was 'cool', and 'maybe later'."

"Oh, ok," Shotaru replied, a bit jealous that Arron was already getting invited to play games. No one had ever asked him to play anything, or at least, not on his first few days. "Well, I'm sorry I took so long. I know you are probably bored just sitting here. We can go play some games now, whatever you want to play."

"I'm not bored, as long as you are here," Arron replied, making Shotaru's heart just about burst with happiness.

"T 3;Thanks, man 3; so you don't mind if we don't play any games today? We can just 3; sit up here and talk?" Shotaru asked, making sure he wasn't mistaken.

"Sure," Arron replied simply, with one of his beautiful smiles, and Shotaru smiled in return.


At the end of P.E., on the way back to the locker room, Shotaru offered to walk with Arron on the way home. For the first time, he was sad to see a school day end. After spending time with his new friend practically the entire day, it was going to be hard to go home and be alone for the rest of the afternoon. Even going out and doing his super hero thing didn't seem exciting, especially considering he'd probably end up dodging missiles all night.

"Ahh, Mr. Va 3; er, Arron?"

The two boys, in the middle of changing back into their school clothes, turned to look at the assistant coach at the same time.

"Yes?" Arron said, when the man didn't say anything for a while.

"Oh, you're Arron! Well, I need you to come get some papers to take home for your parents to sign. I also need to ask you a few questions about your records from your old school. Sorry I'm asking at the end of the day. I'll make it quick so you won't miss your bus or anything."

"That's okay. I don't ride the bus anyway." He turned to Shotaru. "Will you wait for me?"

"Of course! I'll be just outside, next to the exit."


Shotaru watched the two walk out of the locker room, probably to the main office since that's where he'd gone on his first day. He dressed himself quickly and left the locker room, waving to Achilles in his office on the way. Outside, he leaned against the wall beside the door and waited.

'I wonder 3; if I'll be okay tonight,' he thought. 'If that person sneaks up on me again, and they use real explosives, I won't have a chance 3; and Achilles will keep on following me. He must think I can't handle this on my own, but I've done it alone for a while 3;'

A while meant nearly a year. That hardly made Shotaru a veteran in the superhero business, but it was still long enough for him to prove he could handle himself. During that one year he'd taken down his fair share of criminals, and dealt with situations that were even more dangerous than the one he was in now. Plus, he'd had to do it in five different states, and even in another country during the summer that his mother took him to Japan to visit family.

If that doesn't show I can do it, I don't know what does, he thought, shaking his head. But then 3; maybe I've just been lucky all this time. I still don't really understand my powers 3; and with us moving all the time, no one has ever been prepared for me 3;

This time there was someone who knew about him though. Not only that, they didn't seem to have a problem finding him or sneaking up on him either.

'Well 3; Achilles said this person wants to fight me, not kill me. So I guess I don't have to be that worried 3; but how does he know that anyway? Hm 3;'

Shotaru pondered it for a while, but he could only figure out so much without any extra info. Achilles always seemed to have the right info, as if he was magically pulling it out of a hat or something. Since he was only helping, Shotaru never thought much of it, but it was strange that his gym teacher could find out just about anything he needed to know. He shrugged.

'Probably found it on the internet or something 3;'

The line of boys coming out of the locker room exit had thinned away to nothing a short time ago, and the buses were in the process of pulling off as he watched. A few minutes passed and he was the only kid still standing at the front of the school. Arron was officially taking longer than necessary just to get a few papers and answer some questions. Shotaru wasn't bothered by it, as he'd made Arron wait longer than that earlier, but he was still curious as to what was taking so long, so he opened the door and stepped back inside.

The first thing he noticed when he entered was that there were sounds coming from up ahead. The lights were off, but like in the showers there were a few thick windows with warped glass so that you couldn't see anything through them, but they still let in some pale light. The door opened into a hallway that had a shower room on either side, and then opened up at the end into the big square locker room. With the place empty and silent, the noise from up ahead echoed pretty loudly down the hall to where Shota stood, slowly closing the door behind him as instinct warned him against making any noise for some reason.

"N 3; No 3;"

It was Arron's voice, followed by a few snickers and a rustling noise. Shotaru wrinkled his brow in thought. What was Arron doing? He crept forward quietly 3;

"What do you mean no? You said you'd play the game with us later. You can't back out now – that wouldn't be right", came a boy's voice that Shotaru didn't recognize. There was some more laughter.

"Well 3; I guess," Arron said, and there was some more soft noise. "A 3; Ah!"

What 3;?!

Shotaru dashed forward into the locker room just in time to see the mystery boy's cock sinking inside of Arron's hole. He was sitting on the edge of a bench while two boys held his legs apart and the third boy thrust inside. Shotaru immediately recognized them as the three boys he'd seen earlier, though he'd guessed as much from the conversation he heard. Briefly, very briefly, he stood transfixed by the site of the blushing boy cock making it's way laboriously into Arron's tight entry way, but it only took one look at his friends painful expression to break the spell.

"GET OFF OF HIM!" Shotaru yelled, his voice echoing so that it sounded much louder than he could have made it on his own. The boys jumped off of Arron and ran from the locker room so quickly, Shotaru was sure they didn't even know who they were running from. The one boy didn't even take the time to pull up his pants, but he was quite the shuffler, and made it out just as quickly as the other two.

Not wasting his time thinking about them, Shotaru sat next to his friend and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Are you ok, Arron?" he asked after a few moments of silence. Arron nodded to him after some time, but the boy looked dazed. Shotaru shook his head. "I didn't think they would do 3; something so mean. Here, let me help you."

Ever the friend, Shotaru knelt in front of Arron to grab his pants and pull them up. In the process, his own hands brushed along the boy's smooth, creamy skin. Arron made a small sound, and when Shotaru looked up at him, he saw the boys erection before he noticed his blushing face. Looking down quickly, his own cheeks flaming, Shotaru tried to busy himself with pulling up Arron's pants. But that was a task that only led his hands further up along his friend's legs, his fingers grazing along the hairless skin the entire time until he reached the point that forced him to look at the cock just in front of his face. He swallowed hard.

"Er 3; uh 3; I 3; I 3; just need to 3;" with a trembling hand, he reached up, intending only to push it back a bit so he wouldn't snag it in the zipper but, the moment his fingertips touched it 3;

"Nnn!" A sound from Arron, who seemed to be trying to hold the noise in. Shotaru recognized the sound, a moan caged behind teeth. He made the same noise often, when he didn't want a particularly sexy, touchy-feely criminal to know that he was enjoying what was being done to him.

'What 3; do I do 3;?'

The soft, damp skin of Arron's boyhood was hot. It felt like the heat was transferring through Shotaru's fingertips, coursing a shivering path along his nerve synapses, and coming to rest in his own crotch. His arousal was like an electrical storm raging in his groin, and his thoughts scattered like people running from the rain. Before he knew what he was doing, Arron's cock was in his mouth and his tongue was slithering across every inch of it. He took the whole thing in, the oozing tip of it almost touching the back of his throat, but not nearly a problem compared to Achilles'. Arron groaned, loudly this time, and didn't move at all except to push upwards into Shotaru's mouth and grab the boy's shoulders.

'If I'm dreaming I'm not going to waste it!' Shotaru thought to himself, sucking hard so that his cheeks curved inwards while his head bobbed back and forth on Arron's tasty dick. He was working fast because he didn't know if the moment was something he was imagining. He kept thinking he would wake up and find himself in class, with people giggling at him and a wet feeling in his underwear. But it would be worth it if he could make Arron cum, even in a dream, to taste the pink haired boy's jizz filling up his mouth would make him happy for the rest of the day.

It was only a few moments more before he got his wish, a jet of sweet, thick liquid hitting the back of his throat once, twice, three times, then dribbling down onto his tongue. Arron's cry of release seemed to echo in the locker room forever, even when he was just panting and whimpering quietly as Shotaru cleaned him up, licking the dripping boy cock clean, and of course, swallowing the sweet load in his mouth.

It was here that Shotaru's sheepishness returned, now as he let the softening erection slip from between his lips. Sure, he had just sucked Arron off, but he didn't ask permission, and Shotaru knew that even a straight kid would let another boy suck him off. It didn't mean that Arron liked him, just that Arron was a boy who's penis was in working order. For a solid minute, he remained knelt where he was, staring at the now totally soft limb he'd just had his mouth all over, wondering if Arron was about to make him feel lower than dirt by calling him a fag and walking off into the sunset.

' 3; Achilles is right, I really do need to learn to control myself,' he thought, the soft panting of his friend serving as the background to his inner voice. Shotaru was afraid to even look up at him.

"Shota 3; ?" the fair haired youth called timidly.

"Y 3;Yes 3; ?" Shotaru replied, still unable to look up.

"T 3;Thanks 3;"

Eyes wide, Shotaru looked up to find Arron smiling at him sheepishly, and it wasn't the smile of someone who thought he was a 'fag' or that he was a 'weird new kid' with a funny last name. It was the smile of someone who liked him – really liked him – and wasn't several years older than himself. All of a sudden the world seemed like a happier place. Shotaru wanted to sit in the locker room with Arron forever, because the locker room had become a magical place for him. He wanted to dance across the benches and drum on all the locker doors. He wanted to tackle Arron and kiss him all over. He wanted to do a million things at once, but he settled for just one.

He smiled back.

"Lets go."


'I should have asked him to suck me too 3;'

Up on the rooftop of a particularly tall building, Shotaru's moment of bliss had worn off. After walking Arron to his neighborhood, and going home himself to do homework, chores, and eat dinner, he was still hard. He tried to slip away several times to take care of it himself, but his mom had him so busy that he never got the chance. Now, out above the streets, hopping from building to building in search of crimes to foil, the front of his pants looked as if they were stuffed with a banana.

This was actually a mixed blessing of sorts. Aroused as he was, Shotaru's strength, agility, and all five of his senses, were increased to a very high level. He could leap 20 feet [6 m] straight into the air or lift a car over his head, see off into the distance for miles, or see something close to microscopic, hear anything, smell anything, and feel things a thousand times better. That was the part that wasn't so good. The hornier he was, the easier it was for him to be seduced.

'Right now someone could probably breathe on me and I'd cum,' he thought dolefully. 'At least it makes patrolling easier 3;'

He scanned the world below him, full of zooming cars and a few people walking along the dark streets. The sound of a woman crying out caught his attention, and he turned in the general direction of the sound just in time to see someone yanked into a dark alleyway. It took him no time to spring into action, leaping from the rooftop across the street far below to the top of a building bordering the alley. He landed in a crouch, then sprinted to the edge of the building, grabbed hold of an air conditioning shaft, and slid down it till he was close enough to let go and free fall into the alley.

He fell into the darkness silently, landing without disturbing so much as a piece of trash. His eyes cut through the shadows easily enough, making out a bulky man holding a woman pressed up against a wall. He crept closer, listening to what the thug was saying.

"Heheh, yeah baby, just calm down. The less noise you make, the less pain you feel. Yeah, that's more like it 3; What the 3;!?"

The memory of the boys attempting to rape Arron fresh in his mind, Shotaru had absolutely no patience with – or sympathy for – the man once he realized what he was trying to do. He'd walked right up behind him so quietly that not even the woman had noticed, and lifted the hulking fiend into the air.

"Go on, get out of here," he said to the woman, who appeared to be more stunned by the sight of a little kid holding a full grown man over his head than happy to be free. His words startled her out of her surprise though, and, after muttering a thank you, she dashed out of the alley, her high heels clicking rapidly against the pavement.

"H 3;Hey! Put me down god dammit I'll beat the crap out of you little shi 3;"

"Hey, watch your mouth!" Shotaru said, throwing the guy face first into a wall, Hard, yet as easily as he would throw a wad of paper. The man bounced off and landed on the alleyway floor, unconscious. "I'm only a kid, after all," he finished, laughing at his own joke. There probably wasn't a curse word in the book he hadn't heard.

Without giving the thug another thought, he hopped deftly from wall to wall until he was once again on the rooftops, almost running smack into another roof hopper when he got there.

"Hey, watch where you're 3;"

Before he could even finish the sentence, the young superhero came to the conclusion that this was not someone he was going to just bump into and move along. The first thing that tipped him off was that he ran into this person on the rooftops in the first place. The second thing was the man's black clothes, the wicked looking sword he carried, and the big bag slung over his back that made clanging noises each time the figure moved.

Apparently, looking Shotaru over as well, the thief had come to a similar conclusion. He didn't hesitate to slash at the boy with his sword, and even with his heightened awareness, Shotaru wasn't able to escape damage completely. The blade sliced cleanly up from his stomach, and across his chest, turning his top into a vest that he shrugged out of. Normally, the shallow wound left behind would have taken a bit of time to heal, but in his current state it was gone almost before it had a chance to bleed. Still he winced, and a thin crimson mark was left behind.

"Hahahahaaa! The famed Masked Shota, I presume," the thief said, rather loudly.

"Eheheh, really? I'm famed now?" Shotaru asked, totally stoked for a moment.

"Errm 3; yes?"

"YEAH! Only a few months and I'm already feared in the underground criminal world here! I must be getting better. Hahaha! 3;Huh?"

The man's dark chuckling interrupted Shotaru's little celebration.

"I said Famed, not Feared. From what I hear, you're only good at catching crooks if you have sex with them first."

"Whaaaa???" Shotaru almost fell over he was so embarrassed. It was pretty true though. Sure, he stopped a lot of crimes each night, but usually, when he had to go through all the trouble of capturing someone and getting them to the police, it turned into a porno video. The swordsman cackled at the boy's embarrassed expression.

"That's right, I know all about you! You're like the whore of the superhero business!" Shotaru made a strangling noise. "Bwahahaaa, but it won't work on me! Look at this!" The thief took off one of his gloves and flashed his wedding band at Shotaru. "I'm a happily married man! I have absolutely no attraction whatsoever to little boys! So, run along jail bait. You can't catch me."

"Grrr." Shotaru's hands were clenched at his sides in anger, but his mind was filled with thoughts of Arron dancing naked in the locker room. He wanted to be as horny as possible when he finally hit this guy. He wanted to send him flying into the stratosphere. No one had ever been so insulting to him in his life, and he'd dealt with a lot of insults being a kid superhero. "Alright buddy, if you really wanted to make me mad then you did your job!" He pulled a handle from inside his glove, pressing a button so that the blade sprung out. "Besides, you're ugly anyway, no way would I do anything with you. Nyaah."

"Why you little 3;!"

The two came together and danced apart in less than the space of a second, the sharp twang of their blades connecting ringing out into the night. Though Shota's blade was much smaller than his opponents, he could move with enough speed and accuracy to fight effectively. He only needed to get into the right position to throw the guy off balance once, and then 3;

POW! Shotaru thought as he charged in again.

The sword came down hard above him and he reached his arm up to block it, twisting his wrist so the blades connected right above his head. The swordsman tried to kick him but he slapped the man's leg away roughly and jumped back, disconnecting them again, then rushing back in. This time the strike came from one side, and just as he moved to block it, his opponent showed incredible speed of his own, twisting and slicing from the other direction before Shotaru could move to counter. The boy leapt back just the blade bit into his leg, cutting deeper than the first strike.

"Ouch!" He staggered back and, obviously a skilled swordsman, his opponent pressed in on him during his moment of weakness, managing to get in several more cuts before finally disarming Shotaru completely. "Grr 3; crap."

"Ha 3; Ha 3;" the man laughed between breaths. Both of them were breathing heavily by this point, though only Shotaru's clothes were shredded. "Well 3; I guess I can 3; see why everyone 3; finds you 3; attractive," he wheezed out, making Shotaru blush a bit in spite of himself.

He took a look down at his body and realized that he was probably More alluring now than he had been at the beginning of the fight. His naked torso was glistening with sweat, and his shorts were clinging to him by threads, while his hardon poked out further, only being held on by his briefs.

'At least my boots are okay,' he thought, imagining how much Achilles was going to gripe at him later for ruining his entire costume. The feeling of the cold sword blade against his cheek brought him back to the business at hand.

Looking back into the villain's eyes, Shotaru was a little bit surprised to see the man looking him over lustfully.

'Didn't he just say that he's marrie 3;' "Gah!"

The swordsman had tackled Shotaru to the ground so suddenly, the boy couldn't react. Of course, it would be a simple thing for him to escape now that there wasn't a sword between him and the roof hopping thief – or it least it would have been If Shotaru weren't so distracted by the man's hands roving all over his naked chest.

"Agggh, I can't help myself!" the man cried out desperately, groping the young form pinned under him. Shotaru squirmed a bit, knowing that he should fight his way out of the situation, but enjoying the feel of the man's tongue on his neck, hot and wet, slithering down onto his chest.

"Ah!" Shotaru felt his tattered shorts and briefs yanked down roughly, and his young cock thwap up against his tummy. The thief's cool gloved hand gripped the boy's erection, squeezing it so that Shotaru couldn't help but cry out again. The other hand tugged on the boys balls, cupped them, then slid beneath them, questing into his crack. Shotaru clenched his cheeks together, but it was to late to start resisting at that point. The leather clad finger was already pressed against his hole, making small circles that got smoother as the finger was moistened by the boy's sweat. Soon Shotaru's concentration slipped up, and the muscles in his bottom relaxed, his tight little sphincter opening like a blooming flower. The finger pressed into him, as far as it could, the leather making it thicker than it would be, spreading the boy wider. "Nngh" Shotaru grunted through clenched teeth, tensing up again. Of course this only made his insides hug tighter to the finger wriggling inside him, and that only made it feel even better.

"Ah 3; you're really tight down here. I'd think someone who's had as much sex as you would be a little loose by now. I can't waste this fingering you, heheh."

Shotaru didn't even hear what the man said. All he knew was that the pressure in his butt stopped suddenly, and he wasn't sure he was happy about it. The man laughed.

"You aren't even fighting it 3; you really like it don't you?" Shotaru shook his head, trying to clear his mind of the fog-like pleasure. He felt like he was thinking in slow motion, like he was trying to run underwater. That was the risk of being so horny in the middle of a fight. He reached up, trying to push the man off, but it was a half-hearted effort. His hands were just slapped away. "Oh please, give it a rest 3; you know you want this."

'Do I?' Shotaru thought. But it was a confusing question. 'Who wouldn't want pleasure like this! 3; But 3; I do want to be respected as a super hero too 3; what do I 3;' "Oh!"

Once again his thoughts were interrupted by the criminal holding him down. Shotaru felt the fleshy head of the man's cock resting at the entrance between his slightly parted cheeks. It was a feeling that made him, involuntarily, shiver with anticipation. He found it hard to think of anything else but the feeling that was soon to come; that painful stretching, that hot friction of something sliding into him, filling him up inside. It was like his mind were a chalkboard, and someone had erased all the words and drawn a cock. The hero moaned, his green eyes fluttering closed, his body relaxing and accepting the inevitable.

"That's a good boy," the thief laughed, his own voice shaky. "All you wanted was a good fuck, huh? Yeah, you calmed down as soon as you felt this baby up against your ass. I hope you're ready because I sure 3;huh?"

Shotaru had heard the noise a second before the creep who knelt between his legs, and what's more, he knew what the high pitched sound had to be.


He flipped back, swinging his legs away from the man and over his own head and pushing off the ground with his hands. He landed in a squat a few feet away, just in time to realize that he hadn't jumped back far enough.

The missiles exploded all around him, in bright flashes of light that blinded him, and with a concussive force that flung him across the rooftop, knocking him out cold.


The Masked Shota could feel himself rising, slowly, drifting upwards like a dandelion spore on a gentle breeze. Where was he rising from? How had he fallen? He was asking himself these questions as he rose, up and up through darkness. He tried to remember who he was, where he was, what had happened. Gradually it began to come back to him, and he realized that he wasn't really rising. He was just regaining consciousness. Feeling was creeping back into his limbs, like cold water coursing up through his veins, chilling his skin.

'It's cold 3; and I still don't have any clothes on 3;'

He was lying on a floor, on his back. There was a pain at the back of his head, nagging like an itch, that told him he must have had a nasty bruise there while he was out, but that it was pretty much healed up. He couldn't hear anything out of the ordinary, but this could just be because he wasn't the least bit aroused anymore, and his hearing was back down to a normal level.

Wincing, he sat up, twisting his body and rolling his head side to side to get out the numerous kinks that had accumulated in his muscles. His eyes now open, Shotaru found himself sitting in the middle of a large, empty warehouse, illuminated only buy blue moonlight shining in from the high windows. As it turned out he wasn't completely naked. He still had on his boots and gloves, and whoever had brought him there had the decency to pull up his briefs and mangled shorts first. There were plenty of shadows that his sight couldn't penetrate, but his intuition told him that he was not the only one in the spacious room. He rose, carefully, listening intently for even the slightest sound to tip him off in case of a surprise attack.

'Not that I can do anything nearly naked like this,' he thought. 'The guy has missiles and who knows what else.'

Grumbling, Shotaru turned around full circle, looking for something to give him an idea of where the guy – or girl – was hiding. But there were no footprints on the cracked concrete floor, or eerie silhouettes in the distance, or big blinking signs that said "ENEMY HERE" on them. It was just dark and quiet.

'Hmm 3; Well then, I guess I'll have to get him to come out 3;'

"Ahem," he started, then stopped, mistaking the echo of his own voice for someone else. Muttering, he continued. "I know who you are, Z-Battler," he called. His voice wasn't as confident as he would have liked, but he went on anyway. "Why don't you come out here? I know why you brought me here, anyway. You wanna fight, right?"

Silence. Shotaru sighed.


It was an anonymous voice, androgynous and robotic, and it came from behind him. Shota spun to face his adversary, only to be blinded by the sudden simultaneous activation of every light in the building. He threw a hand up to shield his eyes, staggering back a bit, trying to squint through the shine to get a good look at the figure that now stood right there in plain site. For the first seconds, while his vision was still blurry, Shotaru saw the same fuzzy form he'd seen the night before. As it all came into focus though, he was surprised at the final picture.

The person who stood before him had to be the Z-Battler. Shotaru was sure of it, because they were wearing the stolen exoskeleton. The surprising part was that it was a boy, just like him. Of course, he couldn't seen the boy's face behind the visor on the helmet, but he could tell it was a boy by the bulge in the crotch of the black body suit that he wore beneath the heavy duty gauntlets and boots. And he was around the same height and build as Shota too.

'He's just 3; another kid like me?'

"Impressive," the mystery boy spoke again, crossing his arms across his chest. Shotaru wondered how the suit made it possible for the boy to even lift his arms with those overlarge metal gloves on. "You already have information on me. You are the first to know who I am. You are a more worthy opponent than I thought."

Shotaru scratched the back of his head. "Eheheh 3; well, thanks, but I had help finding out," he said, deflecting the undeserved credit.

"No matter," the voice continued, "This means we can skip the introductions, and get right to the battle!"

"Wha 3;Agh!" Shotaru moved just quickly enough to avoid having his crotch carved out by a laser beam. It had still come close enough to scorch the band of his shorts, which fell away without him noticing at all.

'This guy's not playing around!' he thought, as they circled each other – Shotaru running while the Z-Battler seemingly glided a few inches above the ground, the laser trained on Shotaru the entire time. Another thin red beam lanced out at him, and he skidded to a halt, pitching into a series of back flips as the beam sliced at him again and again, burning hot grooves into the floor. Shotaru halted his flips, crouching down, grabbing something from his boot, and leaping forward over the laser, thrusting his hand out and releasing a flurry of throwing stars. It was obvious that he wasn't very good with them yet – he'd only had a few lessons so far – as many of them missed the target all together. Some others were blocked, and the ones that did make contact glanced off without leaving any marks – but Shotaru had only meant for them to be a diversion. With the laser momentarily deactivated, he lunged forward and launched his fist into the other boy's stomach as hard as he could, making him double over even as Shotaru snatched his hand back, shaking away the pain.

Even that suit is hard as rocks, he thought, re-clenching his fist and going in for another blow. His hand was caught mid strike, and squeezed in a bone crushing grip.

"GAH!" he cried, tugging hard, trying to get away before his hand snapped under the pressure. Unable to do it the easy way, he jumped up and kicked out with both feet, smashing the glass on the Z-Battler's visor and making his head snap back. But he didn't let go of Shotaru's hand. If anything he squeezed harder. "AHHH!"

Through the broken visor, Shotaru saw the hard eyes of his enemy, and they held each other's gaze while the boy fought not to scream at the pain in his hand. It was Shotaru who wavered first, looking away to hide his suffering expression. He fell down to one knee, sucked in a breath through his teeth, and slammed his fist into the Z-Battler's crotch.

His hand was freed.


Shotaru leapt back, massaging his mangled hand as he watched the boy holding his crotch in pain.

'I need to come up with some kind of 3;!'

"GAAAAAAAAH!" The Z-Battler slammed into Shota, amidst the sound of booming thrusters erupting from his feet and propelling him forward. Shotaru felt all the air forced out of him as he was carried quickly across the length of the entire warehouse and then flung into one of the walls so hard that it cracked as he bounced off it. Pain blasted up through him as he crumbled to the ground. A hand gripped his neck and lifted him, and he felt his underwear ripped away.

"Let us see how YOU like it," the Z-Battler said, but with his helmet damaged, his voice sounded much different, almost familiar. Shotaru was more concerned about the statement than the voice, though, and his eyes flew open just in time to see a steel fist the size of his head rocketing towards his crotch. Moving faster than he'd ever moved in his life, he swung his legs up so they wrapped around the arm that held his neck. The fist smashed a hole in the wall just under his butt, and he cringed, thinking that could have been him. Thinking quickly, he pried away the fingers from his neck, and swung with the whole weight of his body so that the arm he was clinging to twisted painfully almost totally around. For the second time, Shota heard the Z-Battler cry out, and he leapt from the boy's arm before he could be smashed into the wall again.

This time Shotaru stood as ready as he could be, every muscle in his body tensed to respond to even the slightest sign of attack. Now that he was naked – except for the boots and gloves – he would have to be even more careful. It wasn't that his cotton briefs had been offering some kind of special protection, but they had kept his dick from dangling all over the place. It would be a simple thing for him to forget about that and have it get snagged in something.

'I don't even want to think about it,' he thought, his face screwing up with distaste. Meanwhile, his opponent was not even looking his way.

"Interesting 3;" There was that voice again. Why was it familiar?

"Yeah, I'm not as easy to beat when you're not sneaking up on me after I'm already pinned down," Shota shot back. The Z-Battler turned to face him.

"I never expected the battle to be simple 3; but I did not believe that the data gathered on you was accurate," he said, slowly walking towards Shotaru. "Your strength is a match even for the Z-Battler Exoskeleton 3; and 3; there are chemical deterrents 3;"

Shotaru quirked an eyebrow. "If you're trying to confuse me," he started, but the Z-Battler continued talking, getting closer and closer.

" 3; that lower my chances at conventional victory. To defeat you, I will have redefine my goal 3; from killing you 3; to 3;"

"Ah 3;huh?"

Shotaru froze, fist drawn back at the ready, expecting the hand extended towards him to grab his neck again, or try to beam his eyes out or something. He was totally unprepared for the light touch of the metal tips against his cheek, sliding up till the hand was cradling his cheek reverently. Shotaru's eyes went wide with surprise, but he shook his head roughly and threw the punch anyway. This time he was caught by his wrist, and his other hand was grabbed in the same fashion before he could try anything else.

"This is the only thing you cannot fight against," the Z-Battler said, his voice softer, lustful. Shotaru struggled but he had very little chance of breaking free. He would have repeated his earlier performance of jump-kicking out, but the other boy was too close. He couldn't maneuver.

'I have to get away!' he thought frantically, because he could fell himself responding already to the softness of the voice, and even the rough way he was being held turned him on. This would work to his advantage though, since he would get even stronger the hornier he became – but it would be harder to resist letting the boy have his way with him then. It was a dangerous game.

'But it's the only way I stand a chance 3;'

This whole time, the Z-Battler had been forcing Shotaru to walk backwards until the masked hero found himself backed up against a wall. Of course, this would make it that much more difficult to escape, but perhaps it would be easier once Z-Battler was off guard. With that in mind, Shotaru quit his struggling and allowed himself to be positioned against the wall.

He felt the Z-Battler's knee spreading his legs apart, grinding softly under his balls, an intensely sensitive place for him. His mouth hung open, and he moaned loudly. He leaned his head back against the wall, clenched his hands into fists. Metal fingertips slid down his cheek, his neck, stroked his chest delicately, chilled and tantalized his nipples with their cold touch. Shotaru writhed under the pleasurable onslaught, a fresh sweat breaking out across his naked skin, his heart thrumming, his chest heaving.

"You see 3; you can't resist," he heard the Z-Battler say, but for a moment he thought it was someone else's voice 3; he imagined that it was Arron doing these things to him. He shook his head. "Oh yes 3; don't deny it, Masked Shota. I have you."

'Noo 3;!'

It was true. Shotaru could feel himself giving in to the pleasure as his body became more sensitive and the feelings grew in potency. One of the hard armored fingers slipped into his mouth, the metal clicking against his teeth, cool and smooth against his tongue. He wrapped his lips around it and suckled, letting his tongue swirl around the artificial limb just as if it were the real thing. He felt the fingers moving lower down his body, following the shallow grooves around his boyish muscles, dipping into his belly button, dragging across the smooth area just above his cock making him tremble and groan.

"My only worthy opponent," the Z-Battler said, quietly, his eyes swimming with adoration. "I can't kill you now 3;"

The finger was pulled from between his lips, a gleaming string of saliva connecting it to his tongue for a brief moment before breaking. The hand teasing the skin above his cock moved to turn his body, and Shotaru complied, facing the wall, lifting his hands up to press against the wall almost by instinct. Those same cold fingertips raked softly down the middle of his back, while the Z-Battler wasted no time in placing the wet one at Shota's hole. His body reacted, tensing, forcing a gasp from him, then a groan. The wedged shape of the metal sheath around the finger allowed it to pry into him even though he clenched, but he wasn't fighting it for long, and the thick metal appendage slid into him segment by segment until it was buried inside.

"Ah!" Shotaru could feel it, hard and cool inside him, wriggling around, spreading him. He pressed his body to the wall, his cheek, his chest, his rigid cock that slipped against the smooth surface, slicked by precum. The finger slowly slid in and out of him, moving at different angles, curling and massaging his insides, speeding up faster and faster. Soon it moved in him effortlessly, and any pain had subsided completely. If it kept going, faster still, if it kept hitting him in the right spot, just like it was, he thought he might cum so hard that he'd put a hole in the wall.

But all of a sudden, the Z-Battler stopped, and pulled away, leaving Shota to slump against the wall, huffing.

'Whyyyyyy?' he thought, turning to see what was happening behind him. The Z-Battler was looking around up at the windows, with a very serious look on his face. Shotaru looked up but he didn't seen anything.

'Wait 3; that noise?'

He concentrated, and he could hear something odd. It was a whirring sound, or several individual whirring sounds.

3; and car engines 3; and 3;


"Wha 3;!"

Glass rained down on him as all the windows seemed to blast in at one time. He staggered back from the wall and looked up as soldiers in dark uniforms climbed in, tossing ropes down the side of the walls, their green goggles trained on him and the Z-Battler.

"PROJECT YOUNG! WE HAVE YOU SURROUNDED!!" The men were sliding down the ropes, and Shotaru noticed with alarm that each of them carried huge guns. Helicopters hovered almost silently outside the windows, shining huge spotlights into the already bright room. Shota shielded his eyes. Next to him he heard the Z-Battler launching a volley of missiles. Explosions erupted all around him, screams filled the air. "THERE IS NO ESCAPE!! SURRENDER YOURSELF!!" Another explosion, this time outside. "WHAT? WHERE DID ALL THIS SMO 3;*cough*"




"ARR 3;agh!"

Shotaru felt hot, sharp pains in his stomach and chest. There was smoke all around, and he twirled, trying to see where Achilles was, taking steps in what he thought was the right direction. Before he could make it very far, someone grabbed him around the waist and put a hand over his mouth, tugging him the opposite way. He couldn't breath, and the pain had spread like fire all over him.

He lost consciousness for the second time in two nights.






3; 3;

Why 3; was Arron there 3;?

"Shotaru 3; Shota 3;"

Achilles again 3;? I don't understand. Why is it so 3; dark 3;?


Shotaru open his eyes, a little startled to find himself on the floor in the Achilles' office back at school. Achilles was kneeling over him, smiling down at him. There was a bandage over his eye.

"What happened?" Shota asked, sitting up quickly and upsetting a metal pan next to him. A few medical tools skittered across the floor, along with two long, bloody and battered bullets. "I was 3; shot?" He placed his hand up to the spots on his chest and stomach that had hurt him before he passed out, but of course, the wounds were completely healed.

"Yeah, you got shot," Achilles said, standing up and offering a hand to help Shota stand. Shota took it, and was pulled to his feet. "Luckily, you were pretty worked up. The wounds healed quickly once I got you here and took the bullets out. Not all of us are such quick healers though," he said with a grin, pointing up to his bandage. He held out his hand to silence Shota. "Don't worry. Just a knick."

The coach flopped down into his chair tiredly, and Shotaru stood in front him, leaning his side against the desk. He gave his teacher a few moments to settle down before he asked his first question.

"Did Arron make it out ok?" he asked. Achilles quirked an eyebrow.

"What was he doing there? You didn't 3;"

"No, I thought you brought him." Shota shook his head. "I mean, I thought I heard him when you called my name 3; I must have 3; just misheard you."

"Hmmm 3;" Achilles scratched his chin, and seemed to be thinking hard about it. "Yeah 3; that's probably all it was," he said, a little enigmatically. Shotaru, feeling a bit embarrassed, moved on.

"Well 3; what happened? I mean, I know that had to be the military after the Z-Battler but 3; how did you get there, past all of them?"

Achilles chuckled some before answering. "I followed you out again tonight, just in case you ran into the Z-Battler and needed my help. I saw him capture you in the middle of your fight with that sword guy, but I wasn't fast enough to stop him from taking you away. I followed you both to that empty warehouse, but I was pretty far behind him, and got there about midway into the fight. Then I was detained by some scouts. That's how I found out that they were on their way. So I escaped and came back to warn you, but it was too late then, so I had to come in and get you out."

'Wow 3; he escaped from military scouts 3;?'

"But how did you do it? It seemed like there was a whole army there!" Shotaru exclaimed in disbelief. Achilles was just supposed to be his gym teacher, but it seemed like there was more to him than that.

"Heheh. I can't give away all my secrets Shotaru," the elder man chided, laughing when Shota pouted in return. "Alright, alright. It wasn't really that hard. They were so focused on the Z-Battler inside that it was easy for me to throw smoke pellets – the ones I keep telling you To Take With You," he added sternly, making Shotaru wince and give a little 'forgive me' grin, " 3; into the crowd. Then I tossed a few more inside through the hole Z-Battler punched in the wall, and snuck in that way. Then I grabbed you and got the hell out of there."

Shotaru nodded, and looked thoughtful for a moment. "They must have caught him for sure, then 3; huh?" he asked, trying not to sound as regretful as he felt.

'Even if he was trying to kill me at first 3; there was something about him 3;'

"Actually, I can't be sure. When I say I got the hell out of there I mean I ran and didn't look back. It sounded like World War III was going on behind me in that warehouse. Whatever the outcome, the Z-Battler gave a good fight. I wouldn't be surprised if he got away. We did, after all."

"Hmm 3;" So there's a chance that I'll see him again, Shotaru thought, his mind revisiting the way it felt to be touched by those metal gloves. He was staring off into space when Achilles' chuckling brought him back to earth.

"Whatever you're thinking about is sure getting you worked up," he said, and Shota blushed. "Care to share with the class, Shotaru?"

"Ah..heheh 3; well 3;"

"You forget, I saw what the two of you were doing before the military had to butt in. If only I'd brought my camera 3;"

"Achilles!!" Shotaru could feel his face burning. No matter how many times Achilles caught him fooling around with the bad guys, it was always really embarrassing.

"Actually," the teacher said, his voice a little lower, "I was really horny watching you two 3; And you posing naked like that isn't making it any easier on me. You'd better hurry up and put your spare clothes or I can guarantee that you'll be more worn out than usual when you go to bed tonight." He grinned lecherously, and Shotaru felt a shiver of excitement go down his spine. He padded barefoot over to stand directly in front of his coach, then turned his back to him, bent over, and looked between his legs with a silly grin.

"I guess I'll just have to be tired tomorrow," he said, squinting his eyes devilishly. Achilles laughed and slipped from his chair, down onto his knees on the floor.

"Don't you ever get enough?" he asked, gripping Shota's smooth ass and rubbing the globular cheeks lovingly. Shotaru groaned softly, clenching his buns, making them firmer in Achilles' hands.

"I haven't gotten Any in the past two nights. Everyone gets so close but it gets interrupted. I want to get fucked!!," he whined. Achilles slapped his bottom. "Ah!"

"Watch your language, Shotaru-kun."

"Hai, Sensei 3;"

"Sorry to hit you 3; does this make it better?"

Shotaru felt the familiar warm wetness of his teacher's tongue lapping along the curve of his behind. "Hai 3;", he said, his voice shivering with excitement. Each warm spot became cool as the tongue left his skin coated in saliva. The feelings of warmth and coolness switched back and forth as the tongue skated across the boys young bottom. Soon it was dipping down into his crack, swirling around first at the very top of it, a sensitive spot for him. "Ahh! Achilles!"

Achilles lapped deeper, spreading Shotaru's cheeks for easy access, he followed the boy's crevice down, moving slowly, making every inch slick and wet. Finally, he hit the mark, and started to lube and probe Shotaru's puckered, quivering boy-hole. Clear droplets of precum fell freely from the boy's cock, splattering onto the floor. He trembled, nearly collapsing from the feelings that weakened him till he felt like he'd melt into a puddle just like the cum at his feet. He reached out to hold on to the desk to keep from falling, his hand crinkling papers when it clenched and he moaned.

Achilles unplugged his tongue from Shota's hole, making it clench tight reflexively at the sudden feel of cold air on the now dripping wet surface. Shota gasped and looked back, his face a mixture of pleading and curiosity.

"That's a good idea," Achilles said, after giving his lips a good lick. "You might want to put both hands on the desk. You know how this can get 3;"

The masked boy was quick to comply, swiveling so that his upper body was supported atop the messy desk. He could feel pieces of papers sticking to his sweaty skin, absorbing the moisture, rubbing roughly across his sensitive surfaces. Achilles plunged a finger into him without preamble, and Shotaru yelped in response to the stab of pleasure pain, falling more heavily onto the desk. The fingers wouldn't stay in him long he knew 3;

'He wants it 3;'

3; that when Achilles was rough with him, it meant the foreplay would be cut short. Already Shota felt two thick fingers spreading his saliva slicked insides, opening and closing like scissors, curling upward and probing for that sweet spot that could make him cream without fail 3;

'But I want him to 3;!'

3; even if Achilles only brushed lightly. Shotaru wanted to say something, to plead for the cock that he wanted to feel inside him, but he was reduced to a writhing, moaning, state – made nearly senseless with pleasure. He clenched around the fingers, wiggled his butt side to side to feel them widen him more, pumped forward so that his slippery dick rubbed against the side of the desk. The cold metal reminded him of the Z-Battler, and it only made him hotter. He was beginning not to care whether he came this way or not, the more he got into it, and as usual, it was then that Achilles pulled away.

Shota groaned in disappointment, even though he knew that the best part was next. Achilles chuckled.

"You begged for it and now you're groaning about it? Some people are just hard to please."

Shotaru shot him a withering look, but it faded when he saw Achilles behind him with his pants down, and his huge erection aimed at the boy's eager bottom. In his mind, Shota could already feel it plowing into him, making him scream with ecstasy. He wanted to beg for it, but he knew that Achilles would only tease him more.

"Mmm 3;" He pressed the head of it against the slippery hole, adding pressure gradually so that it sunk into Shotaru little bit by little bit, stretching him beyond what the fingers had done. It Hurt him. He winced, and clenched his fist, crumbling up random articles of paper in the process. But even the pain was erotic to him. Feeling himself stretched to his limit as the thick cock head dug into him only made him want it more.

With a grunt, Achilles forced the rest of the head into Shota's little boy bottom, causing the boy to whimper softly and tremble. He could feel the member pulsing and hot inside him. He urged back but Achilles held him still and began to push deeper. In one steady motion, Achilles buried his cock inside the boy, who's insides clenched hard around it, creating a friction that was delicious to them both. This was the feeling that Shotaru longed for. To be filled up inside with a hot, throbbing cock just like this.

'Now, just faster 3; and harder 3;'

As if reading the boy's mind, Achilles pulled back and drove back in hard.

"AH!" Shotaru cried, sliding forward a bit on the desk. Achilles held still a moment, buried deep into him, then pulled out and rammed in again. "Nngh!" This time there was no delay. Achilles began to pump his hips in earnest, pounding Shotaru's bottom just how he knew the boy liked it. Soon the rhythm was frantic, with Achilles shoving in so hard that the desk scraped across the floor, and Shotaru screaming out till his voice echoed throughout the entire locker room. It was only a matter of time before Shotaru's cock began blasting out his cum, frosting the side of the desk with creamy white strings of it amidst the boy's impassioned cries. Reflexively, his buns clenched around the huge dick still plowing into him, and even though Achilles tried to resist, it was as if his orgasm was squeezed out of him, filling Shotaru to overflow with his own thick, hot, semen.

So it ended. The two of them remained in position, like a porno on freeze frame, just waiting for someone to push play and end the long stretch of heavy breathing and silence. Achilles slowly moved to pull out his cum covered cock, letting the gooey stuff ooze out of Shota's bum and splatter on the floor. Shota rested his head on a pile of fieldtrip fliers, wondering at how empty he felt now that his teacher had pulled out of him. He lifted his head lightly and looked back at his teacher.

"Umm 3; one more time?" he asked, smiling timidly while Achilles looked at him bug-eyed.

"Geez, Shotaru," he replied, scratching the back of his head, "As much as I'd like to fuck you in never-ending cycle of passion, some of us non-superheroes have to recover for a few minutes after each go."

Shotaru giggled, a little short of breath himself. He would always ask for more, even though he always knew what Achilles would say. It always seemed so funny to him.

"Well, how about, you know, after you charge back up, some?" the boy quipped, wiggling his cum covered bottom for effect. "You know you wanna." Achilles made a strangling sound and Shotaru laughed.

"You," the teacher replied, slapping Shota's behind playfully, "Should have named yourself the Masked Rabbit. Go to the showers and get cleaned up. You still have school tomorrow morning you know, and besides, I have something I need to do tonight. So come on, get moving."

With a groan of mock disappointment, and good natured grin, Shota lifted himself from the desk and hobbled his way off to the showers. Outside of the coach's office, the events of the night came back to prey on him, but basking in the afterglow of amazing sex made him much more optimistic than he would usually be.

'Tomorrow, I'll just go back to the warehouse and look for clues. I'm bound to find out if Z-Battler escaped or not 3; and even if he didn't, Achilles will be able to get me some information like always.'

He came to a stop, just before the door to the showers, his eyes looking down at the floor.

'What do I plan to do if I find him?' he thought, knowing already that there were two parts to the answer.

Shotaru's pride had been injured. Sure, he'd lost fights before, but to adult criminals who were – no matter how much he hated to admit it – smarter, and sometimes even stronger than him. But the Z-Battler was just another boy his age, and Shotaru had given the battle all he had only to be defeated in the end anyway. So one reason that he wanted to find the Z-Battler again was to fight him, to settle the score between them, but what was the other reason?

Grinning, Shotaru pushed his way past the door into the showers. The blush in his cheeks was answer enough to that question.


The next morning in school, Shotaru regretted his late night quickie with Achilles.

Not only was his bottom sore, but he could barely keep his eyes open in class. Plus, as of his second class, Arron still hadn't shown up.

I hope he's okay 3; maybe he was there at the warehouse and something happened to him, he thought, as improbable as it all sounded. He then proceeded to fall asleep on the desk only to be shook awoke moments later.

"Huh? Achil 3;I mean, Mr. Achilles what are you 3;"

"I need to speak with you about something urgent," Achilles said, his expression severe. He looked over to the concerned looking teacher who had frozen with his hand hovering at the chalkboard. "I'm sorry Hank, I need to take Shotaru out of class. It's an emergency."

"Then by all means, go right ahead. I hope everything is okay," the teacher said, his words following Shotaru as Achilles dragged him out into the hall amidst the curious stares of all his classmates.

"What is it?" Shota asked as he practically jogged to keep up with his speed-walking instructor. I don't remember the last time I saw Achilles with such a serious expression 3;

"It's your friend Arron," the man began, making Shota freeze in his tracks. "He 3;"

"So he was at the warehouse!" he exclaimed. "What happened to him?!?"

"Shhh!" Achilles admonished, looking back and forth along the hallway – which was thankfully empty. "Yes, he was at the warehouse." He went on in a harsh whisper. "Because he IS the Z-Battler."

At first, the words almost didn't make sense to Shotaru, but the idea quickly went from being completely inconceivable to being easily believable.

'I kept thinking that there was something familiar about him 3; in his movements 3; and especially his voice. But now that I think about it 3; he and the Z-Battler appeared at just the same time 3; and 3; I know that was his voice I heard. How could I not have realized it!?'

"Shotaru!" With a rough shake of his shoulder, Shota snapped back to reality. "Did you hear me? I said that Arron is in trouble. I'm asking you if you want to help him or not."

"Of cou 3;"

"Wait. Before you answer I want to be sure you understand what you're getting into. You need to realize that Arron is the same person who was fighting to kill you last night. He also stole that suit he was wearing along with some sensitive government information, so he's a criminal. And 3;"

Shotaru waited a few seconds, but Achilles still didn't go on. "And?" the boy prodded.

"And 3; Arron isn't a completely real boy. He's an android."

" 3; so?" Shota asked, not completely clear on why that was so hard to say.

"I just thought, if you knew that 3;" Achilles shook his head and grinned a little. "I should have known you wouldn't care. Ok, forget about it. We don't have too much time anyway. Are you going to help him or not?"

" 3; Arron is my friend and 3; I don't believe he is a bad person. So, if I can help him, then I want to at least try to 3;"

"Even if it's wrong?" Achilles asked. Shota had a feeling that his sensei was only asking to check his resolve, not from any concern about how right or wrong it was to help out. After all, if he thought it was wrong, Achilles would have never given him the choice to get involved in the first place.

"Is it ever wrong 3; to help a friend?" Shotaru asked, letting the question serve as his answer.


What Achilles had for Shotaru was a location, pilfered from an intercepted order to terminate Project Young, aka, Arron Von Zerguvze, and to retrieve the Z-Battler Exoskeleton along with some classified data. The order had been for units to converge on the given location at 0930 hours. That gave Shotaru exactly thirty minutes to make it there and warn Arron to escape. He had changed in the back of Achilles' car on the way. They arrived a the location with 10 minutes to spare.

Shotaru hopped out of the car. "I don't see any helicopters or planes in the distance," he said, peering off into the clear blue sky. They were just outside of the city limits, on an abandoned stretch of road in a place called "Old Town". All the buildings in the area were either condemned and scheduled for bulldozing, or had fallen apart years ago. The address they'd stopped in front of was an old car garage, still in pretty good condition.

"That doesn't mean they aren't coming, Shotaru," Achilles whispered, his voice urgent. "Get in while you have the chance. I'm going to park the car over in that alley across the street. If you can't find a way to get him out of there fast, get out yourself. I can't warn you if they come because that'll just get me caught and I won't be able to help. So you're on your own in there."

Shota nodded. "I understand. I'll be quick."

"And careful!"

"Of course!" The boy called as he dashed across the street, leaping up onto a pile of rubble, and launching himself onto the buildings roof, which promptly gave in under the weight of his landing.

"OUCH!" He managed to land on his feet, but couldn't get his hand up fast enough to block the first bit of debris from hitting his head. "So much for being careful," he muttered.

"Are you ok, Shotaru?"

Arron! Shotaru spun to face his friend, only to find himself shocked at the other boy's condition. "A 3;Arron 3; your arm 3;"

Across from him, Shotaru's friend stood nude before his Z-Battler suit, which appeared to be badly damaged, but still in tact. Arron himself looked fine, except that the lower part of his right arm was in his left hand, and where there should have been a bloody nub, there was a bloody mass of wires and metal connectors.

"It's fine, Shotaru. I'm just about done repairing myself." As he spoke, he put the piece of his arm up to the nub and the wires began to mesh and intertwine. "You shouldn't have come here 3; there's going to be a battle."

Shotaru stood up, and walked towards his friend. There wasn't going to be a fight between them, not now. He could hear it the other boy's voice.

'He knows that they're coming 3; but he stayed. He expects to die here 3; but 3;'

"I know 3; that they're coming, but 3; You're a criminal, Arron 3; at least that's what it seems like. If it's true, then I 3;"

"It's not true. It's not true, Shota." For a moment, the two locked eyes. Shotaru didn't know exactly what he saw in Arron's gaze, but whatever it was, it made him believe what his friend was saying. But even he knew that he couldn't trust himself in this situation. So he pressed on.

"I want to believe you but 3; why did you steal the Z-Battler Exo 3; um, suit, and the secret data? The military wouldn't be after you if you hadn't done something wrong, right?"

"You are right. Stealing is wrong 3; but, I have good reasons. It is your choice to believe me or not 3; Right now you could easily defeat me. Even without the helmet, I can tell that. So, this situation is in your hands. I will tell you my side of the story and 3; you can decide what to do from there." Shotaru nodded. He was aware that time was running out, but if this was the only way he'd hear the full story, then this was how he'd hear it.

"I think you know now that I'm an android, but that may different from what you think it is. My name really is Arron Von Zerguvze and I am a real boy 3; or at least I was, until I was killed." He held up his hand, and Shotaru marveled at how completely the arm had healed, his words dieing on his tongue. "Please let me finish, they are very close now.

"From birth I was raised to be an assassin. This was all done as part of a specially funded secret military project – Project Young. The premise was that to unlock the full potential of a human being to be used as a soldier, or a weapon, they would have to start rigorous training from birth. The general put in charge of the project, General Ozarks, took the programs idea a step farther. He combined Project Young with another ongoing project to build fully robotic soldiers, and yet another project that was on hiatus due to cost – the mass production of the Z-Battler Exoskeleton. With all three of these things combined, his goal was to create super powerful soldiers that would each be as strong as a small army – or at least, that's what he reported himself as trying to do 3; but 3;

"Over the many years that he was the head of the project, he had a hidden agenda. He had many test subjects killed off and put in cryo-stasis under the guise of 'studying the differences in their developments' to help make the perfect soldier. I was supposed to be that perfect soldier. Even my DNA was altered to make me flawless 3; but in the end, I was really just the first test subject for his true purpose. He wanted a way to make soldiers that could not be killed unless they were totally destroyed. So he killed me, and brought me back to life with machines. He plans on bringing all the dead soldiers back, and using them to cripple the military in a vie for control over the country. It's a long shot, but he's made us powerful enough that it just might work 3;

"Without the data, though, he can't complete the most crucial portion of the plan. He needs to make it so that we are all obedient to him. He couldn't do it with me, so I was able to escape, with the data and the prototype Exoskeleton. If I destroy it all, then his plans are ruined 3; but 3; then he has no reason to keep me alive 3; and 3; 3; .I don't want to die."

"That's too bad, number 322," an insidious voice called from above, surprising both boys. 'I didn't hear anything!' Shotaru thought, leaping back and looking up just as a lean figure leapt down through the hole in the ceiling. "Because you are going to die here."

Shotaru was only able to get a glimpse at the cloth covered back of the assassin before the man pounced onto Arron. Reacting without hesitation, Arron fell backwards, bending his legs down until the figure was just over him, then kicking out with both feet so hard that his assailant's back snapped before he was flung across the room. Back on his feet, Arron turned to Shotaru, his face full of fear.

"SHOTA GET OUT OF HERE!" he screamed. Two more shadowy figures fell silently from above and set upon him immediately. Forming his hand so it was flat, Arron leapt into the air over the first, stabbing his hand down into the man's head. A fountain of blood gushed into the air as the body crumbled to the floor, but Arron never stopped moving, bringing his leg down in a powerful kick to the other man's shoulder, the force of it ripping off the entire arm. "THEY'RE THE OTHER ASSASSINS! YOU HAVE TO 3; GUH!"

'But he 3; his back???'

The very first enemy to drop down into the room, whose back had been broken, slammed his fist into Arron's gut, lifting the boy into the air. Shotaru watched in horror as the other two, mortally wounded recovered from the attacks as if they were nothing. He saw the same wires that were inside of his friend stitching them back together until there was no sign they had been hurt except the blood. This is what Arron had meant. These were the other members of Project Young.

'I 3; I 3; have to run 3;'

"Get the data." Shotaru could not tell which of them spoke the words, but he could see all of them react. Their eyes began to glow an eerie green, their mouths opened so wide that he was sure their jaws must have broken. They stuck out their tongues, all thick and black, dripping globs of spit onto the floor. Arron struggled, but they all had a grip on him. One tipped up his head and forced open his mouth with the tongue. The others were licking him all over one in his ears, and the other behind him, holding his legs apart, sticking that long snake-like tongue inside of him. Then even Arron's eyes took on the same strange glow.

'W 3; What 3; Oh my 3;!'

The tongues began to protrude even further, till Shotaru saw them for what the were. Bundles of cables and wires, unraveling and slithering across his friends body like leeches, slithering into his ears, his mouth, dozens of them wriggling their way between his cheeks, even forcing their way into the slit of his cock. Shotaru felt bile rise into his mouth. He had to run. He had to get away. He had to 3;

I have to 3; save my friend!


Shotaru reached down into his boots and pulled out 18 kunai, throwing knives that Achilles had given him in preparation for this fight, holding them between his fingers the way he'd practiced, charging forward to the three sets of glowing eyes that had turned to him, screaming out his rage. His feet moved like lightening. His vision sharpened a thousand times over. The power poured into every inch of his body and he knew that he could not lose.


The cyborg in the middle retracted his wires, spinning to face the oncoming hero with a blade of his own. Shotaru sped right into him, ducking the swing of the blade as if it were in slow motion. He stretched one leg out in front of him and crouched low on the other, laying his body forward and sliding between the man's legs, slicing them straight through with the knives as he went. In the next second he was at a stop between the other two, and using his momentum, he flung both arms across his chest, releasing the kunai into both of them, then swinging his arms back out, his hands in fist, smashing into both of their chest with enough strength to send them flying back across the room, tentacle tongues and all. Arron dropped to the floor in front of him, gasping, just as Shotaru spun in a round house kick to send the other assassin across the room with his partners, legless.

"Arron, are you okay?!" he called, never taking his eyes off of the enemies, who were already recovering from his assault.

"I am 3; alright. They could not do me harm until they confirmed 3; that I no longer have the data stored on my systems 3;" Shotaru cast a glance back at his friend. So he already destroyed it 3; he does plan to die here. The two met eyes. "Now things will get serious 3; You should have run away 3;"

"Are you serious? Even if they can keep healing up, there are only three of them. If we work together we can 3;"

"No. Even if we managed to beat these three, there would still be the rest of them." He pointed a finger upwards and Shotaru gasped. The opening in the ceiling was surrounded by assassins, crowded together, leaning forward and leering insanely down at them. Looking around, Shotaru could see their shadowy figures moving beyond the grimy windows. They're everywhere! he thought frantically. "They called me 322 because I am the 322nd Project Young soldier. So even if we beat these three 3; we won't make it out of here alive 3; I wish 3; I wish that you had run away!"

"Heheh 3; I'm starting to wish I had too." Shotaru swallowed hard. "But I'm not about to die here!" He assumed his fighting stance. Or at least I'll die fighting, he added mentally, gritting his teeth. Achilles, if you're out there now would be a good time to help out!

As if on cue, a sharp whistle pierced the air outside, escalating into roar. All of a sudden a huge explosion took out a group of the soldiers the roof, taking a section of the rickety structure with them. A chorus of the high pitched whistling filled the air as the soldiers quickly scrambled for cover. Shotaru could hear the familiar sound of the quiet helicopters hovering nearby, and the sound of gunshots popping off all over the place.

'Not This again!'

"Why are they attacking 3; their own people?!?" he yelled over the noise. Another explosion shook the structure, and debris rained down on the two of them.

"Because they must know the truth now!" Arron said, a strange grin flitting across his face. "You have to get out of here! If they find you with me they'll 3;??!!"

A car came crashing through the rusted garage door, skidding to a halt inches from Shota.


"GET IN!!" he boomed, and neither of the boys hesitated to follow his order. "KEEP YOUR HEADS DOWN!!" he shouted, switching to reverse and swinging the front of the vehicle around, slamming down on the gas so that the tires screamed and jets of rubble and dust shot up into the air behind them before they were launched forward out into the street. Almost immediately the back window was shot through and shattered, the bullets imbedding in the leather upholstery and showering the boys huddled in the back seat with foam. Neither of them looked up to see the bedlam around them. It was enough to hear the explosions, the endless chorus of gunshots rattling off from the automatic weapons, the metallic clang of bullets hitting the side of the car, the engine roaring, the tires screeching with each wild turn, the wind roaring in through the broken glass. Even when the sounds began to die down, Shotaru kept his face pressed down against the seat, his hands covering the back of his head. Achilles was still driving fast without saying anything, and he wasn't going to peek up until he was sure it was safe.

"Ok, I don't think they're following us anymore," the man finally said, yelling over the sounds of the straining engine.

Shotaru lifted his head at the same time as Arron. The two of them looked one another over before turning to look out the windows to see if they were really in the clear. The scenery had changed, and they were driving through a run down looking neighborhood. Surprisingly, Achilles pulled into the parking lot of an auto body shop and cut the car off.

"Hop out boys, we're making a quick change."

Still a bit dazed and confused, Shotaru hopped out, followed by a still naked Arron, and looked up at Achilles curiously. He felt weird just standing there in his costume, and he could feel Arron standing close behind him, trying to hide his nakedness from the general public. Achilles looked down at them both and chuckled.

"Aren't we an odd looking group?" he asked, and both boys giggled. "Both of you get into that red car over there, and try to lay low a bit. There are some spare gym outfits back there that I'd suggest you change into. I've got to go inside and talk to the manager. It shouldn't be too long."

Shotaru was about so ask a question, but Achilles rushed off into the shop. For a moment the boys stood indecisive.

"Come on, Shota," Arron called, pulling the door to car open and looking around alertly. "They'll probably still be looking for us for a while."

"Right 3;" Shotaru made his way over to the new vehicle, sliding into the back beside his friend. Then something occurred to him. "Hey, they were able to find you before so what if 3;"

"It wasn't me they were tracking. It was the suit."

'Phew,' Shota thought, sinking back into his seat with relief. Neither of the boys had said anything about it, but they were both sitting really low in their seats so that it would be impossible to see them unless someone was standing right next to the car. They both looked at each other and shared a laugh, and then a thoughtful silence.

"You know 3;" Arron began, after a while, his voice low enough not to really disturb the moment. "I didn't plan on escaping." He said it simply, with a touch of disbelief. Shotaru looked at him and saw that his friend was smiling a small smile, looking up at the ceiling.

"Yeah, I thought so," he said, reaching behind his head to undo his mask. "But I never really planned on letting you stay either." He tugged the piece of black fabric away, shaking his head vigorously to un-flatten his hair. He wasn't looking at Arron, but he could feel the android's eyes watching him as he began to undress, waiting for him to continue talking. Feeling a little shy, Shota leaned forward and worked on pulling off his boots. "When Achilles told me that you were the Z-Battler 3; it was funny because that's when I knew I had to help you no matter what." He tugged off his second boot, wriggling his toes around in his socks. He remained bent forward as he began to unzip his shirt.

" 3; It might sound funny to you. Even after you were trying to kill me before 3; that I would feel that way. But 3; well 3; I knew that you wouldn't have tried to kill me if you knew it was me under the mask 3; and 3;" He had pulled the zipper all the way down, and the shirt hung open. The air in the car was heated from all the sun and felt good against his chest. He wanted to stop talking, and just enjoy the feeling. He didn't want to botch it all up by saying something stupid.

'I really like you 3; that's what I want to say 3; but what if he 3; thinks about me differently? Just because 3; he didn't mind that I 3;' Shotaru blushed, remembering how it'd felt to go down on Arron back in the locker room. In his mind he saw Arron's blushing boyhood just before his lips, the pink head gleaming, the whole youthful member pulsing with the boy's heart beat. Shota felt his cheeks getting hotter. He just kept thinking, if he looked to the side, there was Arron, naked. There was the same penis he'd licked and sucked only a day ago, laying there under the sunlight between those lean, hairless legs.

'I bet 3; he'd let me do it again 3; Shotaru thought. But that doesn't mean that he really likes me 3; not really.'

Shota kept his eyes on the floor, noticing for the first time the duffle bag fully of the familiar gym uniforms. Maybe he just finish changing and forget about the rest of what he was going to say. He didn't have to say it right away, anyway, did he?

'No 3; there'll be other times, but 3;'

"Do you need help?"

It was surprising to feel, so suddenly, Arron's breath on his ear. Shotaru didn't realize the boy had moved so close to him. He felt the other boy's hands on his neck, hooking into his open shirt and spreading it wider, then sliding it down his arms. Shotaru moved along with his friend, a bit dazed and nervous. He had just realized that all his naughty thoughts had given him a woody that would make it embarrassing to change in the car. He was surprised that Arron hadn't noticed the tent in his shorts already.

He felt the shirt pulled away from his body, and heard it land softly, dropped onto the floor. Arron's arms wrapped around his waist, and Shota's eyes went wide as he felt his friends torso pressed hotly against his back. When Arron' spoke, it was directly into Shotaru's ear, the tickling and tingling greatly amplified by the hero's hot and bothered state.

"It's not weird to me, Shota 3; I really like you, you know? I just thought that 3; once you found out about me you wouldn't like me any more. But I see that I was wrong 3;" The hands that lay clasped across Shota's belly disengaged themselves from one another and slid down into his shorts, completely bypassing his outer and underwear in favor of the boy's hot, sweat dampened flesh. "You must still like me after all, heehee."

"I 3;I do 3;" Shota got out quickly, before the feeling of fingers kneading and playing with the soft skin of his boyhood reduced him to a sputtering drooling invalid. "B 3;But you d 3;don't 3; h 3;have to 3;"

"Do this?? I know 3; but 3; I told you that this is the only way that I can defeat you. Even though I know we aren't enemies anymore 3; I still thought it was a good idea."

Shotaru was past all argument. He was remembering the way it felt to be pressed up against the warehouse wall, the metal fingers plunging into him. This wasn't the same situation, but it was the same boy – not the shy boy from school, but the boy who had fought him as an equal – and his body was reacting the same way. Arron's touch was so precise, his fingers managing to be nimble even within the cramped confines of Shota's tight briefs, fondling the boy into a heightened arousal. Shotaru leaned back into his friend, feeling Arron's own erection rubbing against his lower back, and reached up, interlocking his fingers behind the other boy's neck. It made his body taut, lifting his bum from the seat and pressing his crotch up into the fingers that deftly manipulated him. Swiftly, Arron took advantage of his position and slipped the shorts down, not completely, but enough so that Shota's stiffy and drawn up balls were fully exposed, as well as his smooth bottom, which came to rest on Arron's thighs.

"The one thing you can't resist 3;" Arron said, and Shotaru could feel how worked up he was; he could feel his friend's heart beating overtime. "And I can't resist it either 3;"

Shotaru felt himself being lifted and pushed forward, so he stood up, his cock slippery against the leather covering of the seat in front of him. He held onto it as Arron pulled his shorts and briefs down completely, then took hold of his ass cheeks and spread them. Shota felt his hole quivering under the anal inspection, as if he could feel Arron's eyes caressing the sight before him. He squeezed the seat tighter, looking back over his shoulder just in time to see the pink-haired head lean forward between his cheeks.

Shota cried out the moment he felt the wet tongue pressing against his hole. He felt the sensitive area teased, the slippery tongue exploring every wrinkle of his puckered sphincter. He pressed his butt into the feeling, but firm hands grabbed his hips and forced them forward, so that Arron was in total control of the act. Shotaru groaned, but he didn't fight it. It was this kind of treatment that he remembered from the fight in the warehouse; being overpowered and controlled. It really turned him on – on top of everything else Arron was doing to his body.

The way the android was tonguing his hole was unbelievable! He seemed to know just where to lick, and just how, gradually making Shotaru wetter and wetter until his ass was literally dripping with saliva. He wanted to thrust back into the feeling so much, and his body went for it plenty of times without his permission, but the hands on his sides held him firmly, and even pressed him harder against the seat. His dick was sandwiched against the leather seat, which was super slick from all the clear, sticky precum he'd been leaking against it since the beginning. As if he knew this, Arron started to guide Shotaru's waist from side to side, forcing his cock to drag back and forth across the textured surface of the seat, making the boy whimper with pleasure. Even as this went on, Shotaru could feel Arron's tongue going beneath the surface and wriggling around just inside him. He parted his legs a bit more to make it easier for his friend to explore further, but the fair haired boy would not take the hint. He continued to lick just at that spot, not going any deeper, and Shotaru cried out as much from pleasure as frustration. Just this simple teasing was making him crazy. He braced himself against the orgasm that was building quickly in his cock. He could feel the cum rising like the mercury in a thermometer, going up with each little lick, each drag of his young cock across the bumpy leather.

"I'm gonna 3; I'm gonna 3;!"

"No you aren't. Not yet."

Shotaru's eyes widened as he heard the words and the way Arron said them, lustfully for sure, but almost commandingly as if he expected Shota to make himself not cum. The feeling of the tongue slithering around his backside came to a stop, and he was held perfectly still while he battled against the hot jizz that was practically bubbling up out of his cock. After a few seconds, the climax started to recede, and he relaxed visibly, all the tenseness disappearing from his muscles. Not missing a beat, Arron turned Shotaru around so that they were facing one another. He grinned up at his flustered buddy naughtily, but Shota was only able to stare back, red faced and sweaty. His cock felt painfully hard now after being cheated out of release, and it pointed straight up, dripping semen almost defiantly.

"Well 3; looks like we can continue after all," the android whispered, reaching up to run his fingers across Shotaru's sweat covered chest. He followed the soft definition of the boy's muscles, thrumming his finger tips lightly at the side of his pecs while he massaged the hero's nipples with his thumbs. Shota dropped his head forward, droplets of perspiration falling onto Arron's creamy arms. He moaned loudly, and Arron pinched the little fleshy nubs to make him moan again. "Hold on to the seat. I'm going to lift you 3;"

Shotaru did as he was told, holding on to the seat as his legs were lifted up onto the seat. When he let go he was in Arron's lap, with his back resting against the wet chair – not that he noticed as he was slippery all over by this point – and their cocks rubbing together. Shota was breathing hard, looking at Arron through half lidded eyes and waiting. He knew what was coming. It felt like he was up against that warehouse wall all over again. He was sure that if he could have seen Arron's face back then, it would have looked just like it did now. Shotaru averted his eyes and felt his face burn hotter, if that were even possible. There was some soft laughter, and a hand touched his face, bidding his eyes to look back at his angelic lover. They kept their eyes locked as Shota was lifted one more time, just enough to let Arron's boyhood slip under him and wedge into his spit lubed crack. It was then, when the heaving brunette found himself about to be impaled on his friend's member, that Arron's eyes looked away, apparently to watch Shotaru's behind swallow his dick. Shota himself closed his eyes, and concentrating on feeling it.

The spongy head, squishing against his heated entrance, parting him little by little, stretching him. There were tiny, sharp pains as it pushed further, digging in, making him gasp and cringe. A little more pressure and 'pop', the head slipped inside. Shotaru grunted softly and Arron "mmmmed" as he followed up, sliding in the rest of his cock with one steady, practiced movement that both boys savored for the sensations born from the delightful heat and friction. Shota judged the cock inside him to be about five inches [12½ cm] long, and even though he was more than used to bigger, he could feel all five of those inches being hugged tight by his insides. He could feel the blood throbbing in it, the shape of it creating its own unique sensations, spreading him a certain way, making him moan just so. Now he only wanted to feel it moving in and out of him. He clenched his muscles around it insistently, and Arron got the message. He pulled back, and slid back in, this time without nearly as much resistance, but a much more vocal response from his mate. He did it again, and again till he was burying it to the hilt, faster and with more force until Shotaru could hear Arron's thighs clapping against his butt with each thrust. But by that time he was too far gone to even recognize the noise.

It was all about the cock plunging into him and attacking his insides, grazing his prostate, rubbing it, jabbing into it over and over sending jarring shocks of pleasure through him until he'd screamed his voice away. It wasn't even about cumming anymore. If he opened his eyes he'd see his boy juice had already rained all over the place, spurting out in arching jets that splashed across Arron's face and chest, their tummies and the seat that held them. And he'd felt his hole fill with thick, hot cum more than once, making the ride up and down his friend's boy pole all the more slick and sloppy. Each time it speared up into him he felt hot jizz ooze out of his hole, spilling down onto Arron's flexing thighs, and forming a puddle on the floor.

'Don't stop don't stop don't stop don't stop!' he repeated in his mind, senselessly craving the pleasure, a slave to the drug-like high that it took him too.

It sense that it was so good. This was the first cock that stayed hard in him for so long, the first time he'd felt himself pumped so full of cum. It was the first time he'd had cum so many times in a row, with orgasms crashing down on him like an endless succession of ocean waves. It was the first time Shota had had sex with someone else who had a super-human sex drive like his own. The two of them didn't need to stop and catch their breath. They didn't have to recover after each orgasm rocked their bodies. They just kept going and going and going, fucking and cumming, screaming and moaning, sweating and heaving until 3;!

3; until the door suddenly opened and scared them both so badly that they tumbled out into the parking lot, a shouting, cum and sweat drenched mass of tangled limbs.

'Whhhyyyyy???' Shotaru groaned in his head as he disengaged himself from his equally disappointed mate. The moment Arron's cock was unplugged from Shota's hole, a gush of cum splashed out onto the ground. Somewhat embarrassed, he stood up and faced the one who had interrupted them. Unsurprisingly, it was Achilles who stared down at him. Sneaking a peek over at Arron who stood silently beside him, Shotaru saw that his friends face was beet red.

I bet I look just as bad, he thought. It only made matters worse that he could feel a hot stream of cum rolling down his inner thigh. He clenched his bottom tight and waited to hear what his teacher had to say, finding it hard to keep from grinning.

"I'd like to say that I'm sorry I interrupted you, but I've been waiting for you little rabbits to take a break for the last 45 minutes. I came back about ten minutes after I left, and the windows to the car were already so fogged up that I couldn't even see what was going on, and believe me I tried." Both boys giggled but Achilles just kept going on, his face a mockery of anger. "So I moved the other car into the garage, ate some lunch, took a shower, a nap, played some chess, ran a marathon and when I came back the car was still rocking." There were more giggles here, and even the man himself finally gave in to laughter. He shook his head at both of the boys who stood their, naked, hard, and grinning foolishly. "Ahh, damn. I can't even pretend to be mad at you. Get back in the car before I put you both over the hood and screw you myself."

Shotaru and Arron exchanged glances and giggles, but neither of them moved an inch.

'He must have forgotten who he's talking to,' Shota thought, putting his hands on his hips and staring at his teacher impatiently.

Achilles waited a few seconds before he burst into laughter.

"I was joking you horn dogs. Get in the car!"

Giggling, both boys turned to climb back into the car, Achilles slapping their naked bottoms as they went. He slammed the door shut and walked around to the drivers side, and by the time he got there, the car was already rocking again. He hopped into the drivers seat and started up the car.

"Cut it out back there!," he yelled, and then, "I'm not letting you cum all over the backseat unless you move to the middle so I can watch you in the rearview! 3; Much better."


Achilles drove the boys both back to school, surprisingly, and took them to the showers to get cleaned up. By that time the were both completely exhausted, and dragged their feet for the rest of the day. Achilles exempted them from exercises in P.E. later on, and while the other kids had free play, the two boys sat in the office with him and watched some TV while he worked on some papers.

"Well, Arron. I'm wondering if you have a plan now," he asked, sliding some forms to the side and looking up at the boy over his glasses. Arron, who was stretched across two chairs with his head in Shotaru's lap, screwed his mouth up a bit and shook his head.

"I'm not sure what I will do. I've been returning to that run down area of the city each night since I got here 3; but that was just because there wasn't another place where I could hide the Z-Battler suit well enough. I really don't have anywhere to go 3; or anything to do."

'Wow 3; I didn't think of that,' Shotaru thought. He squeezed his friend's shoulder comfortingly. 'Oh! I know 3;'

"Hey, why don't you stay with Achilles now? That's okay, right Achilles?" Shota suggested hopefully. Arron looked as though he liked the idea himself, but he watched Achilles for some kind of reaction before he said anything. There was another pause, during which a laugh track played two or three times on the sitcom they were watching. Achilles scratched the back of his head.

"Well it shouldn't be too hard. I mean, to just have you staying with me. We'll have to work on getting your documents 3; and come up with a story for Social Services 3; but I think we can handle that. Heheh, in fact, it sounds like the best idea. Being with anyone else, you'd run the risk of having your secret discovered. What do you think about it, Arron?"

"I'd love to move in with you! What else was I going to do anyway?" He grinned and settled back into watching TV, which he seemed to have an extra appetite for considering he hadn't ever really watched it before. Achilles chuckled and winked at Shotaru before getting back to his work. Shota sighed, relieved.

Well that's settled, he thought as he leaned back in his seat, idly playing in his friend's hair and laughing every now and then at something that happened on television. For him, the story couldn't have a happier ending. Now Arron would be around permanently and he would finally have a friend his age – not to mention someone who could go as long as he could when it came to sex. Everything had ended up perfectly.

Except that I still don't know what the heck happened back 3; huh?

The program they were watching was interrupted by a special news bulletin and the picture on the screen was of the same run down area he'd rescued Arron from earlier that day.

"Geez, they totally leveled it 3;" he said quietly. Of course, the other two had noticed and were watching now. Achilles reached over and turned it up.

" 3; military strike that ended in multiple casualties," a serious female voice said as the camera panned across the ravaged landscape. There were soldiers all over the area, retrieving the bodies of their fallen and the remains of what could only be the android assassins. "An entire rogue military battalion was surrounded here in the old district and forced into battle by a team consisting of elite soldiers from all branches of the military. Reports say that the rogue battalion was lead by this man, General Storky Ozarks." A picture of the general took up the screen and Achilles shook his head.

"His name is Storky? I guess I can see why he was crazy 3;" he joked, more to himself than the boys.

"Apparently, the movement of the rogue group was completely secret, and would have gone unnoticed if not for an anonymous inside tipster who delivered to a top official data outlining a far reaching plan for a take over of the country. It sounds like something that a cartoon super villain would think up, but we've got the scoop on how this real life super villain planned to take over the world, next 3;"

"So that's how they knew!" Shota exclaimed. "Somebody tipped them off. Huh. Well that was lucky for us. I wonder who it was though 3; who would have that kind 3; of 3; data 3; ?" His words trailed off as he realized that there was only One person who could have had the data. The boy they'd been chasing all over the country to get that data. The same boy who had his head on Shotaru's lap and was smiling up at the boy. "Arron?! But you said 3;"

"I said that if I destroyed the data they would have no use for me. I never said I did destroy it though."

"Well that was smart of you," Achilles chimed in. "Even if you'd managed to get away from that garage on your own somehow, if you didn't do something about General Ozarks, you'd have to keep running and fighting forever. Now the guy will be locked up in some dark dank prison somewhere having intimate moments with a man named Bubba."

"Hmm 3; that doesn't sound so bad," Shotaru joked. Achilles crumpled up a piece of paper and hit him with it. "Hey!"

"That's for saying prison sex 'doesn't sound so bad'," the man said, his eyes never rising from his work. "Maybe you should change your name to the Masked Nympho, Shotaru. Geez." He smirked a tiny bit, just to make sure everyone knew he was joking.

"I wouldn't mind that so much, myself," Arron said, nuzzling his head against his friend's crotch to emphasize the statement. Shotaru's cheeks flushed and Achilles looked over with an eyebrow quirked.

"Hey Shotaru 3; I've been thinking," he said, waaay to casually.

Uh oh 3; what's this all about? Shota thought. Usually when he sounds like that, he's setting me up for a joke 3;

"With all the commotion going on 3; with the military probably still searching around the area and all, I think it'd be a good idea for you to skip patrol for this week. It's just too dangerous."

Shotaru blinked. He hadn't been expecting that. "I guess you're right. I hadn't really thought of it 3; What?" Achilles still looked like he had something to say.

"Well, since you won't be busy, I was wondering if you might be free to come spend the night at my place – you know, to help Arron adjust to his new environment." Both boys' eyes seemed to shine. "Of course, you'd have to get permission from your mother but 3;"

"I'm sure she'll say yes!! She'll be happy to hear that I finally made a friend at school! Ohh, this is perfect Achilles thank you!"

Shotaru stood up so fast he almost knocked Arron onto the floor. "I can call her now, it'll be great!" All he could think of was spending an entire night with Arron and Achilles 3; together 3; in a bed for once. Just thinking about it made him drool. He reached for the phone, intent on making the call right away, but Achilles stopped his hand.

"Ah, ah, ah. Before you decide you want to come, you should know that I have strict rules." For once, Achilles looked dead serious. Shotaru blinked a few times, surprised.

"What kind of rules?" he asked, curious as to how his laid back teacher's home life would be different from school.

"Well, the kind I expect You to follow. Number one: All boys have to walk around naked." It took Shotaru a second to realize what he'd just heard was a joke. He and Arron both burst into laughter just as Achilles called out the second rule. "Rule two: Bed time is at nine o'clock sharp. Rule Number 3 3; Heheh: There will be no sleeping in bed. If you think you can handle those rules," he finished, letting go of Shota's hand, "Then by all means, dial the number."

No one was surprised to see Shotaru dialing away.

The End