PZA Boy Stories

Boy Slave Stories

erotic stories set in societies (present, future or fantasy) with boys in slavery

Nonconsensual fantasies should only be read by consenting adults. Although the category 'Boy Slaves Stories' has stories pertaining to nonconsensual sex acts, we DO NOT condone such acts. This category is provided as unusual adult entertainment only.

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Updated 2 July 2017


About a Boy by Patrick

Mb Mtb – slave anal oral mast – spank humil chast
| 12,000 words (24 pages)
Link to story

Book 2 of "I bought five little boy slaves"
A former slave boy becomes a master to his friends.

Adam by Shakey Psyche

Mb bb Mdom cons nc oral anal fistbdsm spank enema toys elect | 74,000 words (148 pages)
Links to chapters: 1-8   9-16  

Kyle Henderson, a weathy Chicago man, finds a boy of about ten or so that has been abused on the streets. After offering him a way off the streets, he begins to find out that there's more to this boy than meets the eye.

The Adventures of Brother Timothy by Maiocxx

bb Mb – slave/cons mast oral anal – first | 28,000 words (56 pages)
Link to story

Tales from the World of Cody and Lucas II A young man from a noble family answers a 'calling' and becomes a simple Brother in the Community of the Abbey of St. Patrick at Ionia. In the process, he is tasked with raising two young boys.

The Aftermath by Maiocxx

Mb bb slave cons oral anal | 14,500 words (29 pages)
Link to story

I bought five little boy slaves
In chapter 52 of his amazing story I Bought Five Little Boy-Slaves author Patrick brings his saga almost to a close. Jan and Marcus have now been freed and Mike has acknowledged Marcus as his son. But, what does life hold in store for Mike and Marcus and the five remaining slaves. Mike had worried what might happen to all of them when they were no longer boys. And he grieved that their land had to be deprived of such outstanding young talents 3; boys whose only 'crime' was youthful exuberance.

Age of Full Use by Mister Red

Mt – slave mast oral anal – humil spank ws | 29,000 words (58 pages)
Link to story

14-year-old Peyton is the top jock of his middle school. He's indentured and purchased as a slaveboy for the school 'sissyboy' Percy. Percy's grandfather and other men try to find ways around the 'Age of Full Use Laws', which bar insertion sex with slaveboys under 16 – even if that means moving to another state that has different laws. Peyton's father returns, but will the boy end up free or will he end up indentured for life at an S&M boy brothel?

Almost Brothers by Maiocxx

bb – slave mast oral anal – humil spank | 41,000 words (82 pages)
Link to story

Tales from the World of Cody and Lucas II
When a terrible a catastrophe forces a young boy to accept his very best friend as a slave 3; his slave 3; can their love endure until his friend can be free and they can freely express their love for each other once more?

Amano - My Life As A Slave by Cho

Mb bb slave mast – spank | 14,500 words (29 pages)
Link to story

Amano is a young blond boy, a Chilra, a slave boy. He is alone in a prison cell in the Chilra Hunter pen, where boys kept after being captured from various places around the North. This is where it starts, but not where it ends, Amano's journey now begins.

Andrew - A Boy Rescued by Maiocxx

Mb bb – cons mast oralchast | 14,500 words (29 pages)
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Tales from the World of Cody and Lucas II
This story takes place four years after The Boy With No Name and introduces a young boy and his father who will become very important to Li and Eric and Peter.

An Argumentative Day by Greenfrog

Mb tb slave oral analbond interr | 7,000 words (14 pages)
Link to story

Two friends buy a pleasure slave.

The Aurora School for Boys by Zackary Dillon

Mb – slave mast oral analcastr | 3,500 words (7 pages)
Link to story

The Chronicles of New Atlantis
The story of a school for gifted artists and beautiful boys.

Azrael de Wonderjongen by Istari

MFbMdom Fdom nosex – bond chast | 2,200 words (4½ pages)
Link naar het verhaal

(Dutch translation of Azrael the WonderBoy).
Azrael is sterartiest in het circus zonder dieren 'Circus de la Lune'. De kleine durfal acrobaat is de favoriet van de fans, overal waar de show doorgaat. Nochtans is zijn leven achter de schermen heel anders dan het leven van andere jongens van zijn leeftijd. Zijn trainers hebben een strikt regime voor hem opgesteld, van training en discipline om hem in topconditie te houden, zowel mentaal als fysiek.

Azrael the WonderBoy by Istari

MFbMdom Fdom nosex – bond chast | 2,200 words (4½ pages)
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Young Azrael is a star performer in the all-human 'Circus de la Lune'. The daredevil little acrobat is a favorite of fans wherever the show goes. His life behind the scenes however is rather different from that lived by most boys his age. His trainers have established a strict regime of discpline and training to keep him in top mental and physical condition.

Baghdad 790 AD by Funtails

Mb – slave nosex (sex implied) | 5,500 words (11 pages)
Link to story

A wealthy layabout has to take on responsibility when he's given a gift he cannot refuse: A slave boy..

Born to Serve by Steam Train

Mb – nosex – ws | 2,300 words (4½ pages)
Link to story

Kip thought of himself as being lucky in life. Most other twelve year old juveniles would not have thought the same if they had found themselves in Kip's position. Kip was a slave, he had been born a slave and as far as he was concerned would always be a slave.

Boxed by Rpike

Mb tb – slave anal oralbond | 6,500 words (13 pages)
Link to story

Twelve-year old slave Jan becomes too old to be attractive for his master and is sold and transported to a new master.

The Boxing of a Boy by Dirt

Mt Mb Mdom nc/cons anal oral bondage body-modification tort chast prost interr | 27,500 words (55 pages)
Link to story

This is primarily the story, taking place in the BoyToys, Inc. universe, of four different slave boys. Two already have masters, one finds a master, and one is put into a box. The Xanadu Pleasure Dome slave-boy resort plays a large role.

A Boy in Trouble
by P. Writer

Mb tbnon-cons/coerc/conc oral anal – slavery humil bond spank chast forced-petplay cross-dressing | 190,000 words (380 pages)
Link to story 

A small nine year old boy has to figure out how to survive on his own. He has no one to turn to for help, except for one person. You! Help him make the right choices, so he can reunite with his family as quickly as possible, or if you prefer, you can make him take the 'scenic route'. It's really up to you. This is a slave boy story, which may contain a lot of suffering for the boy. Though he may also find caring and loving people, if he makes the right decisions, highly motivated by you, the reader.

Boy Sketches by Jason Masters

Mb – slave cons coerc mast – prost bond | 24,000 words (48 pages)
Link to story

Short sketches about young boys

Boy Swap by Dirt

Mb Slave non-cons oral analbond interr | 7,500 words (15 pages)
Link to story

Kade sees an advertisement for a Boy Swap, but rues the fact that he has no boy to swap for his 'dream slavebyoy' 10 year old Bong.

Boy Vignettes by Unikue

Mb bb – non-cons slave oral analcastr | 56,550 words (113 pages)
Links to chapters: 1-25  26-50  51-52

Short vignettes, mostly about boys being castrated and enslaved. - 51 stories.

The Boy With No Name by Maiocxx

bb – slave/cons mast oral anal | 7,500 words (15 pages)
Link to story

Tales from the World of Cody and Lucas II
This story takes place two years after Almost Brothers and continues the adventures of the boys in that tale. But, there are changes afoot.

Boys Gone Bonkers by William Rush

Mbslave oral analspank interr | 15,000 words (30 pages)
Link to story

The Chronicles of New Atlantis A young boy named Devon fulfils his greatest fantasy, appearing on the hit BoyTV show Boys Gone Bonkers!

A Boy's Life: Adventures of an orphan boy by Patrick

Mb bb Slave mast – humil spank | 8,000 words (16 pages)
Links to chapters: 1-2  

Orphan boy Marek learns his new role in life.

Boys of Aertha: Three short stories by William Rush

MbMdom / cons oral anal prost | 16,000 words (32 pages)
Link to story

The following stories take place in Aertha. Throughout the three stories that follow you will learn a bit about this world, slavery, and the darker side sex. It is suggested that you read these stories before reading The Travels of Antosh Teshna, which also takes place in Aertha.

  • The Apprentice.
    A young boy earns money for food by serving a man's more puriant desires.
  • Into the Valley. The story of a young Kithian orphan, who is taken to a valley by three Suthian men to suffer an ancient ritual.
  • The Slaves of Derethe. This story follows the adventures of a young girl and boy as they travel from Suth to the coastal city of Derethe. Along the way the boy becomes the target of the slave master's lust.

The Boys of Cockney Hills by Zackary Dillon

Mb – slav/cons mast oralspank interr | 20,500 words (41 pages)
Link to story

The Chronicles of New Atlantis When pederasty becomes legal, a man decides to make up for lost time by seducing two boys that have caught his eye.

BoyToys, Inc. by Dirt

Mtb Mdom nc/cons anal oral – bondage body-modification interr | 51,000 words (102 pages)
Links to chapters: 1-3   4-6   7-9  

It is far enough in the future to have interstellar transportation, a multiple planet Federation, and new gene-splice technology. Of course one of the most important consequences is that now there is a fail safe method for keeping boys – as boys. The march through puberty and a boy's physical maturity can be stopped in its tracks. And other even more 'specialized' alterations also become possible to provide a new 'remodeled boy' to sexual recreation resorts, and even to individuals as long as they were rich enough to afford their indulgence. And the major corporation to take advantage of this new 'high end' market is BoyToys, Inc. on Bundus III.

Bren, the Slave Boy / Bren & Cat by Sid G

Mt ttSlave oral analtort bdsm spank prost | 4,500 words (9 pages)
Link to story

Two short stories: two vistis of a regular client to the back room Morgan's Leather Emporium, where you can do whatever you chose, short of murder, to the boy-slaves.

Buying Gavril by Anonymous

Mb – nosex – castr | 14,000 words (28 pages)
Link to story

In a parallel universe, where poor parents are sometimes forced by poverty to sell their young children, a middle-aged man buys a young houseboy 3;

The Cage Story by Unikue

Mb tbslave oral anal – castr chastity incest | 3,000 words (6 pages)
Link to story

Two brothers get enslaved early at the Cage Store.

Camillus Famulatus by Unikue

Mb bbslave oral anal – castration | 4,000 words (8 pages)
Link to story

Sacrificing Youth to Serve: The costs of Social Assistance.

Capture and Enslavement by Dirt

Mt Mdom nc oral mast – bdsm spank chast interr | 60,500 words (121 pages)
Links to chapters: 1-6   7-11  

An author and boy lover does what he had only fantasized about for quite a number of years. He kidnaps and installs his boy, Peter, in his house, fully intending to keep the boy 'forever.' Over the next year he introduces his boy to quite serious bondage, and makes ever increasing demands on his new slave. The boy, Peter, gradually submits but uses every opportunity to manipulate his new master. He finds he even enjoys some of what this person has done to him but keeps engaging in a battle of wits trying to better his situation. He deliberately conducts a campaign to make his master see him as more than just a slave. He is party successful. And Peter finally gets his chance to escape. But suddenly he realizes that he has a decision to make that he'd never considered. It seems that his master had become for him much more than merely a master, or even a companion.

Chesapeake Boy 2203 AD by Bill

Mbcons Mdom anal mast oral – interr prost spank ws | 39,000 words (78 pages)
Links to chapters: 1-2   3-4  

200 years after a terrorist-released virus nearly wiped out the human race. A 12-year old white boy is sold by his father to pay the tax money. The boy is bought to serve in a boy brothel.

A Christmas in New Atlantis by William Rush

Mt tbslave mast oral – med spank | 6,750 words (13½ pages)
Link to story

Brent gets a special present for Christmas that will change his life forever.

The Christmas Present by Greenfrog

bb – slav nosex – spank bond | 4,500 words (9 pages)
Link to story

Darren gets a slaveboy for Christmas, but the present isn't all it seems.

Chronicles of a Neighbourhood Babysitter by Steam Train

tg bg Fg tb tt gg – Mdom Fdom 'girl-dom' mast oral anal humil spank toy enema chast | 94,000 words (188 pages)
Links to chapters: 1-7   8-13   14-17   18-22  

Fourteen-year-old Jennifer Dailey is a sought after local community babysitter who discovered from the moment she started babysitting at age twelve that she enjoyed dominating her male charges. Jennifer lives in a strict society that believes in making misbehaving juveniles serve the community as naked 'NEWDD' Juvenile Servants for a court ordered period of time. Though she has managed to avoid any formal NEWDD punishments, Jennifer whilst still a young teenager finds herself caught up in the new government initiative called 'Taking Back Control' which results in Jennifer and her male and female juvenile peers experiencing a range of totally embarrassing and humiliating experiences as they make their way through their formative years.

The Chronicles of Thomas Connors by Shawn Hunter

Mb – reluc/cons oral anal – incest | 98,000 words (196 pages)
Links to chapters: 1-9  10-13  13-17  18-20 

The Chronicles of Thomas Connors is a Novel which follows the despicable life and actions of Thomas Connors, a scumbag who made his riches, dealing in 3; well, 'exotic pets'. The first few chapters are pretty lengthy and describe in detail the request, inspection, sale, purchase and smuggling of two 'pets' from Romania to the United States.

Later on, you will experience a major shift as the story morphs into a more macabre theme. Be warned however, short of snuff, this story will deal with almost every single type of perversion known to man, from dehumanization, humiliation, sadism, to rape, torture, fetishes and everything that comes in between.

Another shift in the plot line will be when Thomas Connors, the main character, retires unexpectedly from his previous career as he finds and teams up with the 'right people' for a new, less requiring yet money-making job.

This is not all however, I won't be spilling anymore spoilers but be ready for a lot of unexpected twist and turns, be ready for a really, really long story 3;

Closing the Books - A Five Little Boy Slaves Story by Maiocxx

Mb slave analhumil spank bond | 35,500 words (71 pages)
Link to story

This story follows the action in Danny's Education. Marcus has taken on two boys, Willie and Joe, and they might just be more than he bargained for. Will he and Michael be able to tame Willie and Joe?

The Codicil by Pueros

MFt Mdom anal mast oral chastbd cbt electr enema humil pierc prost spank tort | 71,000 words (142 pages)
Links to chapters: 1-2   3-4   5

Slaveboy series 1 This is a 5-part story of sexual sado-masochism, as rumoured to be practised by some of the new multi-millionaires and billionaires of modern Russia.

Cody and Lucas: A Personal Slave Boy Story by Maiocxx

tbcons tdom oral anal mastbond spank pierce | 242,000 words (484 pages)
Links to chapters: 1-2   3-4   5-6   7-8   9-10   11   12-13   14-17   18-19   20-21  

This story follows the lives of two boys, one a personal slave boy belonging to the other. It is set in the same universe as Barefoot Guy's story Personal Slaveboy. Please read his story before continuing in this one, as it will set the scene for our tale. Hearty thanks to Barefoot Guy for welcoming us as neighbors to Alexander and Dakota.

Cody and the Wombat by Sockluver

Mt tt nc oral anal humil bdsm spank pierce ws, 'sock/clothing fetish', cross-dressing | 72,500 words (145 pages)
Links to chapters: 1-4   5-8

The Wombat is a small cruise ship captained by Robert Foster. It sails the oceans of the world providing male flesh of the teenaged variety to those who could pay for it. His scouts were always on the lookout for new cabin boys for his ship that could be trained into being the perfect companions for his guests.
While berthed in Southern California, the captain's 14-year-old son Nathan is given permission to 'recruit' his own cabin boy. When he meets 15-year old Cody Gillam at the beach, Nathan has found his cabin boy. But how willing is Cody to fill the position?

The Collar by Mathieu

Mt slave nudity nosex – humil bond cbt | 4,000 words (9 pages)
Link to story

My father is working as a deliveryman for the Slave Administration, and a collar sent to him to be used in a delivery arrived by post at home, and just to play I try it, just to see how it looks like on me, and that's the beginning of troubles for me

Collars by Bill Underhill

Mt tt tb bb slave/cons mast oral anal – humil prost chast bond | 54,000 words (108 pages)
Links to chapters: 1-6  7-12

PZA 5th Anniversary 2007-2012 Story

See table of contents for these stories with the "rules".

The summer vacation routine is enlivened for prepubescent friends Richie and Mike when the latter finds two old government-issue slave collars that are obviously authentic but apparently inactivated. Amazingly, there's a key that can unlock and lock the collars, too, and they start playing erotic games with each other in the woods, pretending to be escaped slave boys.

Le Collier by Mathieu

Mt slave nudity nosex – humil bond cbt | 4,000 words (9 pages)
Link to story

Mon père travaille comme livreur pour le Ministère de la Jeunesse et de l'Esclavage, et un collier qui lui est envoyé pour servir lors d'une livraison arrive chez nous par la poste. Juste par jeu, je l'essaie, pour voir de quoi j'ai l'air avec. C'est alors que les ennuis commencent pour moi.
For an English translation, see The Collar

by Ignacious

bb – slavery oral – first med ws toys milking | 26,000 words (52 pages)
Link to story

A boy's family is going through rough financial times, so for the sake of his younger brother, his parents 'volunteer' him to become a cow-boy, the producers of the most popular healthy drink in the world: cow-boy milk.

Curiosity Can Get You Into Trouble by Maiocxx

tb bb slave oral – humil spank bond | 6,000 words (12 pages)
Link to story

PZA 5th Anniversary 2007-2012 Story
See table of contents for these stories with the "rules".

A teenager and his two young brothers are caught up in a nearly deadly game of 'playing' at Master and Slaves.

Danny's Education - A Five Little Boy Slaves Story by Maiocxx

Mb slave mast oral – humil spank bond | 40,000 words (80 pages)
Links to chapters: 1-2  3 

A young boy who has been raised as a free child is 'educated' at his father's wish by being enslaved. He comes to know fully what slavery means and his master, for the first time, fully understands his own life as a former slave.

A Day in the Life of a Dog, A Birthday Story by Greenfrog

Fbslave nosex – tort | 4,000 words (8 pages)
Link to story

The daughter of a wealthy Russian gets a young slave boy for her birthday. The boy saves her life.

A Different Kind of School by Dirt

Mt Mdom cons oral anal bdsm chast toys | 11,500 words (23 pages)
Links to chapters: 1-4  

A young teen, against the wishes of his parents, petitions the government to be allowed to choose the education that he believes will be best for him. For the next seven months he undergoes rigorous training, both physical and psychological, at one of the best slave training schools in the country. If successful, he will be allowed to permanently relinquish his status as a free citizen and be allowed to bond with a permanent master according to the country's Consensual Slavery Laws. Not only does he discover insight into his own motivations and needs, but helps few of his comrades along the way.

Educating Quinn by Istari

Mb Mt tb slave oral anal – humil bond chast tort pierce body modification ws enem spank milking | 65,500 words (131 pages)
Links to chapters: 1-3  4-7  8-10
Book II by Maiocxx

Tales from a World of Slavery 4 Quinn van Doorn's adventure at the Slave Processing and Discipline Center was only the beginning. What began as an innocent experiment for the young master becomes a serious crisis when word of the free boy's punishment becomes public. Lies were told and laws were broken and the lives of Quinn, his father and their beloved slave Brandon are now all at stake. Quinn must make a choice, the most difficult one of his young life 3;

Elite Academy Programme & The Trial of Tristan 440 by CalvinC

bbslave mast analcastr humil medical tort mod | 22,000 words (44 pages)
Link to story

In a future where an Elite class rules the helots and slaves, and a competition is used to choose the new rulers, one boy learns the hard way that you should never trust even your best friends.
Followed by The Trial of Tristan 440: Tristan was a promising boy who enrolled for the prestigious but dangerous Elite Academy to better his life. But all went bad for him on the day he murdered Skippy, and he was castrated and expelled from the programme. Now he is to face trial for the murder.

Erlhantos: The First Book of The Times and Life of Torak-Zoza by Giorgii Williams

Mt Mb tb bb Mgcons Mdom nc oral anal interr/interspecies (Elves, Orc) tort ws scat spank | 75,000 words (150 pages)
Links to chapters: 1-2   3-4   5  

This is the life story of Erlhantos El' Rhynn, a half elven boy who is a Sherhram, an elven Wizard. It takes him some time to discover what those gifts really mean. In this first book his father is murdered by the Holylighers. He takes revenge by killing all adult Holylighters he finds. On this mission he meets three Ebon boys, who became is step-brothers. They suffer brutal sex by his step-father and his Orc slave-boy, but also discover the pleasures of sex.

Even the Modest Must Serve by Steam Train

Mt ttMdom cons oral mast – humil spank | 54,000 words (108 pages)
Links to chapters: 1-8   9-16

After his father is sentenced to a lifetime of slavery for committing serious white collar crimes, fourteen year old Thomas' pampered life of wealth and privilege abruptly ceases. To ensure that Thomas and his older brother Edward are properly cared for and to raise much needed funds, his mother sells the two boys into fifteen years of civil indentured servitude, in effect also making them slaves. The body shy Thomas quickly discovers that as an indentured servant he has no right to modesty, that even the modest must serve in any way their masters desire.

The Fab Five: You Can't Make Me by Just Another Grimm

Mtb slave masthumil bond spank cbt ws | 41,500 words (83 pages)
Links to chapters: 1-30  31-36 

PZA 5th Anniversary 2007-2012 Story

See table of contents for these stories with the "rules".

Five boys, all playmates in the past, have grown apart as their teenage years start. Mike and Richie find old slave collars and decide to play 'You Can't Make Me' taking one of their old games to new places. Bored their older friends decide to join in and get the 12 year olds in trouble. But one of the older boys outsmarts himself, placing all five in jeopardy by reporting the youngest as run way slaves. The deputy at the County Slave Center has other ideas. So they are caught up in a slave system they have only knew existed.

The Fate of a Poor Man's Son by Mister Red

MtMdom mast anal oral humil spank ws | 78,000 words (156 pages)
Links to chapters: 1-9  10-15  16-20

Wally's dad is in financial trouble. He thinks his boss is being kind when the older man offers to purchase his cute fourteen-year-old son. Wally was always a good boy, an athlete and most popular boy in his middle school. The boy is unprepared for the humiliation of being turned into a pleasure slave for older men.

A Father's Story by Mister Red

Mt slave mast oralhumil spank chast prost (implied) | 7,500 words (15 pages)
Link to story

MODERN SLAVE Magazine invited a reader to share his positive experiences with the Indentured Servitude program. While not an expert, this reader's story is valuable because he is a real person dealing with the realities of financial pressures and raising children.

The Fifth Slave Boy by Dirt

Mb Slave mast oral anal – body modification bond tort mind control interr | 24,000 words (48 pages)
Link to story

It was a future where amazing things could be done to increase one's lifespan, if one were rich enough. A certain wealthy individual, was more than wealthy and was now looking for his fifth and final slaveboy. A young teen is captured, greatly modified for his master's use, and after the attachment of a number of bondage items, both permanent and detachable, he is permanently installed within the confines of his new master's mansion. He, along with his master's other four slaveboys, will become quite familiar with both the room where he is to spend much of his time, and every fifth day, another room which brought them all measures of both fear and arousal – the room of pain and pleasure.

Flavius Aulus by Bara

Mtb tt tb – Mdom cons anal oral – humil spank | 356,000 words (712 pages)
Links to chapters: I 1-7   8-13
II 1-8   9-15  
III 1-7   8-14  
IV 1-8   9-16  

This is a story of a boy, his friends and his mentors living in a world where the Roman Empire still exists. They face challenges and lead lives that are impossible here but in many ways their world is very similar to ours.

The Forever Slave by Maiocxx

Mb Fb– slave oral analspank, ref. to tort | 20,500 words (41 pages)
Link to story

A British diplomat serving abroad acquires a young slave 3; a very unusual boy who does not wish to be free. On the return from a visit to his father, a serious problem arises.

The Fremont Stakes by Istari

Mtbslave Mdom Bdom oralchast bond humil body modification | 7,500 words (15 pages)
Link to story

The Annual Fremont Stakes is the premier race for boy-jockeys and their specially trained boy-stallions. Twelve-year-old Jamie Taylor and his stallion, fourteen-year-old Caliban have won this race before and are favorites to reach the winner's circle once again. Jamie learns that this year's race however comes with very high and very dangerous stakes indeed. The final results will change young Jamie's life forever.

From Two Slaves To Four by StoTelAlex

bb Mb tgslave mast oral anal – spank | 4,500 words (9 pages)
Link to story

PZA 5th Anniversary 2007-2012 Story

See table of contents for these stories with the "rules".

Richie and Mike get into trouble after finding two slave-collars. Their brothers are playing a joke on them, but that backfires.

FSL Boys by Dirt

MbSlave non-cons oral anal rim body-modification bond interr | 14,500 words (29 pages)
Link to story

Mr. Banyon gets saddled with a 10 year old son, Henry, whom he didn't even knew existed until several months before. But instead of a liability, little Henry would prove a great asset.

Full Circle by Bara

tbslave oral analhumil spank | 7,500 words (15 pages)
Link to story

PZA 5th Anniversary 2007-2012 Story

See table of contents for these stories with the "rules".

Richie and Mike get into trouble after finding two slave-collars.

Gabriëls nachtmerrie by Darkfire Knight

MbMdom Fdom anal oral – bd electr scat tort toys ws | 50,500 words (101 pages)
Links to chapters: 1  

De tien jaar oude Gabriël en zijn broertje en zus worden door hun moeder aan een groep perverselingen verkocht (of voor twee maanden verhuurd). Gabriël wordt opgeleid tot hondenjongetje en seksslaaf.

Gabriel's Nightmare by Darkfire Knight

MbMdom Fdom anal oral – bd electr scat tort toys ws | 105,000 words (210 pages)
Links to chapters: 1-4   5-8   9-12   13-14  

Ten-year old Gabriel and his brother and sister are sold (or rented for two months) by their mother to a group of perverts. Gabriel is trained to be a pet boy and sex slave.

Gladiatorjongens Wereldwijd by Istari

Mtb Mdom Fdom anal oral chast bd cbt electr enema humil spank tort toys | 207,500 words (415 pages)
Links to chapters: 1-5   6-10   11-15   16-20   21-25   26-29   30-32   33-36   37-40   41  

(Dutch translation of World Wide Gladiator Boys).
In de niet al te verre toekomst was Extreme Action Broadcasting het meest bekeken netwerk in de wereld geworden. Omdat ze een zaterdagse publiekstrekker wilden hebben dat verder ging dan ze ooit eerder gedaan hadden, kwam een jonge producente met het concept van de "Gladiatorjongens Wereldwijd." Gelokt door de grote som geld die ze zouden krijgen na afloop van hun contracten, zijn tien jonge jongens in de leeftijd van van 10 tot 14 jaar aangeworven om de allereerste gladiatoren te worden. Elke week zullen deze atleten deelnemen aan extreme wedstrijden die zo vernederend, beschamend en pijnlijk zullen zijn als de organisatoren maar kunnen bedenken. Tussen de wedstrijden worden de jongens onderworpen aan een zwaar regime van conditionering en oefening.

Grandpa's Boys by Mister Red

Mt slave oral (more implied) – humil | 5,000 words (10 pages)
Link to story

Jeremy is a wealthy boy from a fine family, but his father is about to go on trial for fraud. Jeremy's mother knows the only way to save her three oldest sons from the risk of enslavement would be to sell them as indentured servants before the trial begins. She trusts her stepfather to be the boys' new owner. But Jeremy already knows his step grandpa is a perv.

Hard in Their Cages by Purveyor of Silent Thoughts

Ft – slave nosex – humil chast | 10,500 words (21 pages)
Link to story

Jason receives instructions from his mother about his role in a strictly segmented, authoritarian welfare state based on hard artificial intelligence and positive eugenics.

Haunted Holidays by Boymike

bbslave – humil | 4,000 words (8 pages)
Link to story

PZA 5th Anniversary 2007-2012 Story

See table of contents for these stories with the "rules".

Heavy Collars by Unikue

tbslave oral analspank | 2,500 words (5 pages)
Link to story

Richie and Mike get into trouble after finding two slave-collars.

The Hidden Village Secret by Unikue

Mb – nosex – bond castration | 2,500 words (5 pages)
Link to story

2015 Challenge story: This large town is located in the desert and looks run-down. It is best-known for a tumultuous history and its beautiful park. Also, rumor has it that the inhabitants are hiding something.

The Houseboys by Bara

Mttdom anal oral – bd humil spank | 99,500 words (199 pages)
Links to chapters: 1-6   7-12

In a future where slavery has been re-introduced in all but name a young man is desperately trying to keep himself and his younger brother safe and out of the clutches of the organisation that should protect them but has it's own agenda.

How To Cage a Boy by Dirt

Mt Mb Mdom nc/cons anal oral bondage body-modification tort chast prost interr | 35,000 words (70 pages)
Link to story

Take a boy lover who kidnaps boys. Mix in boys and bondage, and there you have it!

I Bought Five Little Boy Slaves by Patrick

Mb Mtb – Mdom anal oral mast – tort bd spank humil pierc chast electr cbt ws | 201,500 words (403 pages)
Links to chapters: 1-7   8-13   14-19   20-26   27-33   34-39   40-45   46-54  

Mike, an experienced and cruel slaveholder, bought five little boys sentenced to slavery by an inhuman judicial system. They struggled hard to cope with their new life but they are not the only ones to learn.

Indentured Stepson by Mister Red

Mt tb – slavery oral anal – humil spank | 23,000 words (46 pages)
Link to story

Lucas has just graduated from middle school and come home to find his mother has been sent to rehab and his stepfather and two stepbrothers have had him enslaved. He is outraged, but cannot protest as he is stripped and trained in service by his stepfamily.

The Island by Unikue

Mbslave oral anal – chastity incest | 3,000 words (4 pages)
Link to story

Alex and his father visit an old friend.

The Island of Dr. Monroe by Quark Master

MtMdom anal oral rim – bd cbt enema humil med spank tort toy scat wsmod | 68,000 words (136 pages)
Links to chapters: 1-6   7-11   12-17  

When young Jason's parents die in a plane crash, he's shocked to discover that his father was in debt to the man Jason had thought was his father's best friend; the brilliant bio-geneticist, Dr. Monroe, Jason's godfather. Little did Jason realize, as he left the U.S. to live with his new benefactor on his private South Pacific island, that his father had made arrangements to pay for his debt, and that Jason was the payment.

It's Not Funny to the IPA by Y Lee Coyote

tt slave oral anal – humil spank chast | 3,000 words (6 pages)
Link to story

PZA 5th Anniversary 2007-2012 Story

See table of contents for these stories with the "rules".

Two free boys just playing at being slaves are captured after being betrayed by their older cousin. The Authorities do not appreciate the 'joke' of this and the traitor pays a heavy price for his despicable deed.

Jawhar, Consensual Slaveboy by Dirt

Mt Mb – Slave (nc/cons) anal oral – bondage chast body-modification | 54,000 words (108 pages)
Links to chapters: 1-2  3  4 

Although there is much here about the other main characters and their relationships, this story centers on one boy, Kevin, who was raised in a home where his step-Dad had his own sex slave, and his experiences mainly from right before his auction as a consensual slave boy, to the entire process of being modified, and trained as his master's slave. It explores his experiences and his reactions to these experiences. The points of view of some of the main characters are also expressed.

Johan by Koos Smit

tt – Mdom cons oral anal mast – spank | 58,500 words (117 pages)
Links to chapters: 1-8   9-12   13-17  

Johan de Beer, a 13-year-old white South-African boy, got busted for lifting a box of condoms and is sentenced to six months in a private correctional facility operating on a working farm in the Northern Transvaal. He has to do hard farm chores with a lot of punishment and sex with the other boys.

Jongensslaafjes by Timmetje

Mb bb Mdom oral – humil tort spank interr | 37,000 words (74 pages)
Links to chapters: 1-4   5-9  

In dit verhaal, in een niet nader te bepalen, maar ook niet erg ver weg zijnde toekomst is een test ontwikkeld om te beslissen welke kinderen een criminele aanleg hebben en welke niet. Omdat de criminaliteit onder mannen veel hoger is dan die onder vrouwen worden vooral jongens getest. Alle jongens van tussen de acht en dertien jaar worden jaarlijks getest. Wanneer een criminele aanleg blijkt worden de kinderen gedehumaniseerd en als slaafjes verkocht. Een van de ontwikkelaars van de test vertelt in dit verhaal zijn wederwaardigheden met vier knaapjes die hij als slaaf verwerft.

The Joseph Experience by Shakey Psyche

Mb bb tbMdom nc cons mast oral anal – bd spank tort cbt electr pierc | 77,500 words (155 pages)
Links to chapters: 1-10   11-20   21-29

Young Sean finds himself being sold into slavery by his brothers and uncle. He is bought by a Kazakhstani man where he is put in charge of the man's house slaves. During his tenure there, he finds he has a destiny that goes outside of the castle walls. (Some historical facts have been changed to fit the story.)

Josh by Brian

Mt tt Mdom cons & nc anal oral cbt spank electr med ws chast best interr | 58,000 words (116 pages)
Links to chapters: 1-7   8-14  

A retired major of the Secret Service kidnaps a 15 year old boy and wants to keep him as a sex slave. The boy turns out to be a very willing victim. And then they start a slave farm.

Journal of Male Pediatric Sexuality by Peter Pierce

Mtb – nosex | 2,000 words (4 pages)
Link to story

An academic Journal on WHAT? I read an essay and it turned into a bit of fun and some sex.
Now prove to the world your an expert in your PZA field and take my challenge. I'm handing out PHD's and you can pad your resume's with how your scholarly article was published in my disreputable Journal.

Jupiter, the Pony-Boy by Istari

Mb bbMdom bdom oral anal mast – pony play chast bond humil spank ws | 8,500 words (17 pages)
Link to story

For several generations there has been a special and rather unusual tradition practiced by the McCord family. As the eldest son, it is young Jayden's honor and duty to work the family ranch as a pony-boy. Initiated into his new life at age eight, Jayden, now twelve, has become a seasoned and well trained little beast. His life now consists of an exhausting daily routine of hard physical labor, strict discipline, and sexual use by the other male members of his family. Naked, gagged, harnessed and kept perpetually horny, this is his story, in his own words.

Juvenile Deterrence by Steam Train

Mt tb tt tg – Mdom Fdom mast oral humil med spank | 108,000 words (216 pages)
Links to chapters: 1-9   10-16   17-22   23-29   30-34  

Fourteen year old Daniel is caught by the police vandalizing an old factory. Unfortunately for him, he lives in a very strict society that believes in making misbehaving juveniles serve the community as naked slaves for a court ordered period of time. This 'Juvenile Deterrence' program is deliberately designed to be such a totally embarrassing and humiliating experience that it usually results in very upright law abiding young citizens emerging from the scheme, with no desire to re-offend.

Kidnapped by Sid G

Mb tbNon-cons/Slave mast oral anal – humil non-sex death | 12,000 words (24 pages)
Link to story

A young boy finds himself suddenly in an awkward situation: from a happy schoolboy he is now a boy slave. Is he kidnapped or not?

Liam and Luke's Halloween Adventure by Cowra

tbnon-cons oral – bond | 9,500 words (19 pages)
Link to story

Two brothers who join a haunted house show with their brothers. They meet several other boys and one special one on what they hope is a fun and wild adventure. It turns out to be wild, but not so fun for three of them.

The Lipstick Adventure by The Devil's Advocate

MbSlave anal oral – feminization humil chast "and more" | 35,000 words (70 pages)
Link to story

This story follows the adventures of a tube of lipstick. It has ties with Christian's School of Humility and a brief appearance of some of the characters from Ah Paris (Laura's Vacation) . However, the story stands on it's own.

Little Slave Boys by Timmetje

Mb bb Mdom oral – humil tort spank interr | 31,000 words (62 pages)
Links to chapters: 1  

In the not too distant future a test was developed to decide which children might have a criminal disposition and which have not. Because the crime rate is much higher among men than among women, especially boys are tested. All boys between eight and thirteen are tested annually. When they show a criminal disposition, the children will be removed from society and sold as slaves. One of the developers of the test tells about his adventures with his four slave boys.

The Little Soul by Dirt

Mb Slave oral analbody modification bdsm chast tort interr | 7,000 words (14 pages)
Link to story  

This short episode takes place in the future setting of the BoyToy, Inc. Universe, where slaveboys can be modified by gene-slice and other procedures to become permanent prepubescent sex laves for their masters. A wealthy young man visit's a Boy Emporium where all manner of prepubescent and barely pubescent modified slave boys undergo special conditioning and training to become that special perfect boy for the (affluent) master seeking the very ultimate in boy sex slave and companion.

The Lives of Owen and Bobby by Maiocxx

bb Mbslave/nc/cons mast oral analinterr first bdsm tort | 101,500 words (203 pages)
Links to chapters: 1. Escape to Israel
2. Little Boys Condemned, pt. 1   pt. 2
3 Return from Israel
4 Reclaiming Sir Robert's Heritage
5 Daniel in the Lion's Den

Tales from the World of Cody and Lucas I
Two boys from two different generations struggle to escape from agonizing deaths and torture 3; one from an unscrupulous master and the other from the British Empire itself.

  1. Escape to Israel. The parents of a young boy are unjustly executed and he becomes a slave. He finds a new family, but must eventually escape from a cruel and sadistic master.
  2. Little Boys Condemned. In this story we learn the fate of three young boys who are condemned to death for the gruesome torture and murder of a little girl. In lieu of hanging they are consigned to a drug manufacturer to use as test subjects. We were introduced to the three condemned boys in the previous story Escape to Israel, as the family in that story was leaving England forever.
  3. Return from Israel. In this saga we'll attempt to answer some questions: 1. How have Owen and Brent fared in their adoptive homeland? 2. Will they ever return to England? 3. Will Owen find justice for his parents?
  4. Reclaiming Sir Robert's Heritage. It takes place about fifteen years after the events in Return from Israel and the young boys from that story, slave and free, are now grown to manhood. Together they must struggle to wrest Sir Robert's heritage away from an unworthy and grasping inheritor.
  5. Daniel in the Lion's Den. This story continues the tale of Bobby's son, Daniel, that began in the story Reclaiming Sir Robert's Heritage

Livestock Show by Unikue

Mb bbslave oral anal – castration | 4,000 words (8 pages)
Link to story

This is an open ended series intended on creating a world with independent story lines converging on the same event, but not being tied to each other. I would encourage anyone who wants to write a story in this universe no matter how close or divergent, to go for it.

Master and His Little Slaveboys by Tommy

Mb – Mdom mast anal oral – humil spank toys | 27,500 words (55 pages)
Link to story

Lord Sutton gets his first 10yo slaveboy, and soon gets a second one to care for. He trains them to become obedient slaves and sextoys.
Tommy's original story is called Mistress and Her Little Slaveboys. With his consent, I "transgendered" his Fdom-story into a Mdom. The original is also in this archive, click here.

Master Chat by Mister Red

Mt Mb – slave anal oral – humil spank ws | 22,000 words (44 pages)
Link to story

"Bob" is a prominent attorney and friend to many in the upper echelons of the slave trading community. He has kept a record of his Instant Messenger chats with many of his friends and clients, but has deleted his own comments from these transcribed conversations. He has changed names and locations or removed names where appropriate.
Three stories:

  1. Wild Pups Sale
    "Wild Pups Sale" is where men can purchase recently-enslaved free boys. Grandpa Jones brings his two cute grandsons. The boys don't know that they'll be on the auction block.
  2. Adopted Twins
    A wealthy man tells the story of the the enslavement of the cute twin blond boys that he adopted years earlier.
  3. Surferboy Stepson
    Stepdad finds a loophole in his wife's will to enslave his cute (but irresponsible) stepson.

Master Maxwell's House of Slaves by MaxStevens

Mb – slave – bond tort | 10,000 words (20 pages)
Link to story

Chris was 'adopted' as an orphan and eventually trained by his Master, Maxwell. In this world, slavery is still illegal and the slave market is 'underground' but still thriving. The majority of the story takes place after he has been a slaveboy for two years. His master's bosses tell him (his master) that they would like him to train more boys at the same time and that he can either hire an assistant or train Chris to help with the new kids' training.

The Master's Son by Steam Train

Mt – Mdom mast – humil electr | 2,000 words (4 pages)
Link to story

Due to financial difficulties, the father of thirteen year old Brett sells him into twenty-five years of indentured servitude. Immediately following his change of status from free citizen to legal slave, Brett suffers a series of very embarrassing and humiliating events that affront the young teen's dignity to the very core.

Michael's Birthday Party by Bara

tbslave sex implied – spank | 2,500 words (5 pages)
Link to story

He might be fourteen but as Provincial Governor, Flavius has unlimited power. He saves his anger and vengeance for those who go behind his back as others have found to their cost in his other adventures.

Mijn Ierse slaafje by Edgar Kirin

Mb slave oral anal – spank tort chast ws | 4,500 words (9 pages)
Link to story

Mijn seksslaafje gaat een week logeren bij mijn vriend; daarna vieren we Halloween.

Mijn nieuwe speeltjes, Daan en Bobo by Abcent Guy

Mb bb slave mast anal – humil spank scat | 10,000 words (20 pages)
Link to story

In 2156 wordt de leeftijd voor slavernij verlaagd van 16 naar 8 jaar. Martens schoolvriendje heeft te veel strafpunten en wordt volgens de nieuwe wet slaaf.

Mike and Richie's Slave Adventures by Abcent Guy

Mb tb bb slave oral anal – humil bond chast tort spank | 9,500 words (18 pages)
Link to story

PZA 5th Anniversary 2007-2012 Story

See table of contents for these stories with the "rules".

Richie and Mike get into trouble after finding two slave-collars.

Modern Slavery by Deda

Mtslavery oral anal | 3,500 words (7 pages)
Link to story

Fifteen year-old Jim Martin left home leaving an abusive father behind. After months on the road, he thought that he had found a place where he was safe. Little did he know, that he was about to become a sex slave.

My 14th Birthday by Dirt

Mbcons anal oral – interr bdsm chast spank | 3,250 words (6½ pages)
Link to story

Little Mikie Forrester (not quite 14) had a great summer as a guest (along with his step-dad) at the estate of billionaire Wang Yung-ching near Singapore. Or more importantly where the 24 year old son, Wang Shui-bian (A-bian), took a very sexual interest in the naïve and totally inexperienced Caucasian boy

My Boy by Dirt

Mb Slave oral analbody modification bdsm chast toys interr | 10,000 words (20 pages)
Link to story

This is a short story about a man acquiring his new sex slave. It takes place in an undefined near future age.

My Time in Eden by William Rush

Mt Mb tbslave circ oral anal – med spank | 43,500 words (87 pages)
Links to chapters: 1-7  8-12

The Chronicles of New Atlantis A tale of love, lust, and boys in the world of New Atlantis.

Nathan's Tale by Platypus

Mt tt Mdom mast – tort humil | 9,000 words (18 pages)
Link to story

Fourteen-year-old Nathan is sent to a program of discipline and humiliation for boys, because he was considered defiant, at the suggestion of his grandmother. The consequences for Nathan are life-changing.

Nathans Verhaal by Platypus

Mt tt Mdom mast – tort humil | 9,000 words (18 pages)
Link naar het verhaal

(Dutch translation of Nathan's Tale).
De veertienjarige Nathan moet een programma volgen van vernedering en discipline voor jongens, omdat hij beschouwd wordt als ongehoorzaam, op aanraden van zijn grootmoeder. De gevolgen voor Nathan veranderen zijn leven.

The Neuro-stim by Maiocxx

bb Mb – slave mast oral anal – med castration pierce ws non-sexual death | 16,500 words (33 pages)
Link to story

Tales from the World of Cody and Lucas III
Two young brothers are kidnapped during an expedition and are trained to be slaves to be used in the development of a hideous new device for controlling human behavior.

A New Beginning - A Five Little Boy Slaves Story by Maiocxx

Mb slave analhumil spank bond | 35,500 words (71 pages)
Link to story

Bereft of his mate, Marcus must find a way to rekindle his life. He has, after all, Robbie to consider. Will his travels bring him out of his deadly spiral downward, or will his son be an orphan once more.

No Such Thing As Coincidence by Dirt

Mb Slave cons/nc oral anal – body modification bond interr | 35,500 words (71 pages)
Link to story

Craig Matthews, an 'in the closet' boy lover, comes to the rescue of a boy, Tommy Nethers, who was charged as an adult for numerous counts of deviant behavior, and as an 'unrecoverable offender'. Abandoned by his family, Tommy devises a plan to escape which includes Craig's help and his own enslavement. What happens next is a perfect storybook coincidence.

Numbered by Unikue

Mb bbslave oral anal – castration | 2,500 words (4 pages)
Link to story

Numbered takes place in Upper California where all boys are slaves.

An Odd Sort of Day by Yokedboiz

Mt tb slave mast oral ponyboy humil spank | 8,500 words (17 pages)
Link to story

Young Giles, a free boy, is allowed to see his older slave brother for the day

On the Valuation of Boys by Unikue

Mbslave no sex | 1,500 words (3 pages)
Link to story

An article about how boys are sold and valued.

One Percenter by Peter Pierce

Mb bbslave oral analhumil | 14,500 words (29 pages)
Link to story

PZA 5th Anniversary 2007-2012 Story

See table of contents for these stories with the "rules".

Richie and Mike get into trouble after finding two slave-collars.

Out of Africa by Zelamir

Mb – oral – humil spank interr | 14,500 words (29 pages)
Link to story

David is kidnapped in South Africa and transported with a group of black boys to be sold as a slave.

Painful Training and Discipline by Greenfrog

Mb – non-consensual slave references to sex – torture mutilation | 26,000 words (52 pages)
Link to story

A group of boys is kidnapped, deported to North Africa to a slave training academy. They are sorted, trained for various types of slavery and then sold off. The story unfolds through the eyes of a slave boy called Franco. Thus hopefully we shall have personal emotional feelings of an individual involved as well as seeing the suffering, treatment and actions of others.

The Perfect Slave Boy by Dirt

Mt Mdom nc/cons anal oral – bondage body-modification | 66,000 words (132 pages)
Links to chapters: 1-3   4-7   8-11   12-14  

Chris Wong, a gay 15 year old has recently discovered not only his sexuality but also his unaccountable interest in allowing himself be dominated by another. His best friend Brian would not mind becoming his boyfriend. But Chris falls into an Internet trap, is kidnapped, and shipped halfway around the world. The buyer, a brilliant biochemist, Dr. Yi, has other plans for this boy. With experimental procedures and new biochemical treatments his plan is to make Chris into his 'perfect slave boy.'

Personal Slaveboy by Barefoot Guy

tb tdom oral mast – bd spank chast | 35,500 words (71 pages)
Link to story

In an alternate and possibly better universe from our own, slavery has never disappeared, it just evolved. History as we know it is similar there but slight changes in the outcome of important events combined to create this world.
Fifteen year old Alexander, the son of well to do parents in suburban British America has his own personal slaveboy, twelve year old Dakota. While they are Master and slave, they are also best friends. This is the story of their world and their relationship.

The Plantation Owner's Son by Callum

Mt t-pig Ft – non-cons slave mast oral analhumil castr best | 42,000 words (84 pages)
Links to chapters: 1-4  5-7 

14 year old Callum Macintosh life is turned upside down when his father sells him to slave traders to pay his bank debt, the slave traders have plans for Callum that don't include his testicles 3; It is a continuing saga of a white planter's son who is sold into slavery under false pretences.

Pleasing Mr. Petrov by Mister Red

Mt – reluc mast oralhumil | 8,500 words (17 pages)
Link to story

An ambitious businessman is eager to close the biggest deal of his career. But the strange Russian billionaire seems more interested in the man's handsome 14-year-old son.

The Pleasure Slave by Greenfrog

Mb tb slave oral analbond interr | 12,500 words (25 pages)
Link to story

A young boy is kidnapped while part of a diplomatic mission with his father. Abused and enslaved, he is trained as a Pleasure Slave and sold to an African dictator. Years later, the boy's father learns where he is being held, but the outcome is unclear.

Polly, the Mystery Boy by Xero

Mb slave anal – body modification spank | 2,500 words (5 pages)
Link to story

A man finds a boy in a hood and a short see through plastic dress and takes him to his friend, a doctor. Finders, keepers.

Pony Boy Racers by Barefoot Guy

MtMdom anal oral – bond spank ws | 12,500 words (25 pages)
Link to story  

A group of adults likes their races, only they race teenaged boys. After a day on the beach a young teen finds himself kidnapped and forced to race in the middle of the night. His new life in the world of captive pony boys is just beginning.
This story is based on the story A Night at the Races (read it) but is more explicit and involves slavery of the boys.

Poor Little Rich Boy by Dirt

Mb Slave non-cons/cons oral analmod interr (not emphasized: chast, rim) | 66,500 words (133 pages)
Links to chapters: 1-4  5-7  8-10 

The 12-year-old heir to one of the wealthiest family fortunes in the Federation is sold by his cousin to an agent who finds boys to make into slaves.

Processing Garret by Istari

MbMdom implied anal oralbond humil chast | 13,000 words (26 pages)
Link to story

Tales from a World of Slavery 1 In the not too distant future, young Garret Weathers is sentenced to four years of enslavement and hard labor for a rather petty crime of accidental vandalism. Garret quickly learns that in a world of slavery, justice (if it can be called that) is swift and harsh. This story follows Garret and his family as they witness his journey into enslavement at the local Slave Processing Center.

Punishing Brandon by Istari

MbMdom/bdom oral anal (both implied) – humil bond chast enem spank milking | 13,000 words (26 pages)
Link to story

Tales from a World of Slavery 3 In the not too distant future, Greg van Doorn and his son Quinn pay a visit to the local Slave Processing and Discipline Center to subject their teenaged slave boy Brandon to a session of corrective discipline. Brandon will be placed on one of the Center's cruel and merciless punishment machines, where he will experience an ordeal that will render him a much more docile and manageable boy. Much to Greg's surprise, young Quinn, out of some sense of boyish guilt and curiosity, insists on sharing the young slave's punishment. Special arrangements are made, allowing Quinn to masquerade as a slave boy for the day and experience the same ordeal Brandon is being subjected to. Quinn will learn what it truly means to be a slave. And Greg will witness his son and his slave boy being tortured side by side, with far reaching consequences for all three of them.

The Purchase by Dirt

Mt Mdom nc/cons anal oral – bondage body-modification pierc spank chast electr interr | 27,000 words (54 pages)
Links to chapters: 1-10

Chen, a precocious and sex driven 14 year old, allows someone to 'molest' him and to train him in the art of man-boy sex. It's what happens next that he had not anticipated. He is sold to someone who is intent on procuring and training someone to become his permanent slave. By various "stages" his new "boy" gradually discovers just what it means to be a true slave. Eventually it is not just his body which becomes his master's property as they both eventually discover desires and emotions somewhat beyond the traditional slave-master relationship.

The Quality of Mercy - A Five Little Boy Slaves Story by Maiocxx

Mtbslave oral | 23,500 words (47 pages)
Link to story

Two boys perform a simple act of kindness, never realizing their society would consider them outlaws.

Ranger by R. Blue

Mb – slave oralspank | 7,500 words (15 pages)
Link to story

A Ranger discovers a 9 year old poacher, and the court orders temporary enslavement as punishment and educational experience.

Ray's Revenge by Sid G

ttcons mast oral – milking docking | 18,500 words (37 pages)
Link to story

Hank, the 15yo tutor of 13yo Ray, forces his pupil to a blowjob. What Hank doesn't know is that Ray is a slave of his father by adoption.

Recollections of a Reluctant Gelder by Anonymous

Mtb – slavery nosex (yet) – castration | 93,000 words (186 pages)
Links to chapters: 1-4  5-6½  7-10 

A well-to-do man recalls the first time that his father took him to see the geldings in the town square. He was just a boy then, and the first gelding he saw was his best friend's.

The Reluctant Slaves by Maiocxx

Mb bb cons/non-cons oral anal – toys chast tort (not very explicit) | 9,500 words (19 pages)
Link to story

It is several years after Reunion and just when life seems to have settled down for Roger and his extended family and friends, a mass kidnapping leaves everyone grasping for answers.

Reprocessing Garret by Deda

Mtslave anal oralhumil | 14,000 words (28 pages)
Link to story

Continuation of Istari's Processing Garret. What happens when Garret, now sixteen, completes his sentence as a naked slave working on a chain gang that serves as a road crew for the county? This story follows Garret and his family as they witness his journey from enslavement back into the world of free citizens.

The Resort by Sockluver

Mt tt tbMdom oral anal humil spank bdsm ws pierce cross-dressing tickle 'sock/clothing fetish' | 79,000 words (158 pages)
Links to chapters: 1-7   8-12   13-17  

Luke is a teenager hitchhiker running away from what he thinks is an unfair situation, until he is hitching a ride with a trucker who is also a supplier for the Resort.
The Resort is a privately owned island in the South Pacific far off the beaten track of anywhere. Its owners provide a unique service for those who could afford to pay; there are a surprising number of people who could pay. It is a kind of a 'Fantasy Island' for rich men who liked teenage boys. Any kind of fetish or perversion, short of murder, that a customer wants will be carried out for the right price. But for the resort to be a success, it needs a fresh supply of boys. Luke is the latest addition.

Reunion by Maiocxx

Mb bb cons (non-cons) – | 24,000 words (32 pages)
Link to story

The first part of this story takes place about four years after Roger's Closet 3; if you have not already read it, you may wish to do so 3; and involves many of the same characters. The exception is Timothy Greene whom you will shortly meet. Roger narrates the first part.

SafeSecure TM Transport Boy Cages by Dirt

Mt Mb Mdom nosex (sex is only implied) – bdsm body-modification tort (all implied) | 6,000 words (12 pages)
Link to story

Good companies understand their markets, and BoyServices, Inc., a subsidiary of BoyAbductions, Lmt. of Bundus III, have come up with another winner – their newly re-engineered line of SafeSecure™ Transport Boy Cages. These absolutely top of the line boy cages have quickly become the fastest selling cages among slave boy owners. The following is a synopsis of the advanced promotional advertisement of the SafeSecure™ Transport Boy Cages and their most commonly sold attachments.

Sailing With Seven by Thole

Mb bbMdom oral anal mastspank | 6,800 words (13½ pages)
Link to story

A sweet little lovestory of a slavetrader and a seven-year old slaveboy, set in a future world where boys are raised as slaves.

The Sandman by Ben

Mtb slave mast oral anal prost | 35,000 words (70 pages)
Link to story

In some distant world orphans are automatically slaves. Many boy slave serve as 'bed partners' for a single master or in brothels. The bed partners have a lullaby song, "Hush hush hush, don't you cry, For one day we will say bye, because that will be the day we become free, When the Sandman rescues you and me." Is this Sandman a fairy tale or is he real?

Scotty's Graduation Present by Mister Red

Mt ttMdom anal oral humil | 8,500 words (17 pages)
Link to story

This is my second adaptation of The Gift written by George Edington. It has also been adapted by others. My first version, Cyril's Graduation Present was about a boy helping his dad's boss pick out a high school graduation present for the boss's son. This story is about a middle school graduation. In this case the boy and his father accompany the boss to the slave traders. While some parts of the story are similar, much has been changed.

The Scrubs by Barefoot Guy

MbMdom oral anal – bond prost tort chast spank ws | 48,000 words (96 pages)
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A hundred years in the future, after the fall of civilization, humanity is recovering but only in limited areas, like the Pacific Ocean coast area of California. The vast American desert and mid-west is a lawless wasteland where life is hard, dangerous and cheap. To survive people do what they have too. Anything or anyone can be had for a price. Often the children are traded and sold. Offered by their starving parents as their only assets of value or kidnapped in raids to be sold elsewhere. This story follows the expedition of one man who lives in the civilized section out into this lawless wasteland known as The Scrubs to find and purchase a slaveboy to take home.

Sean's Story by Shakey Psyche

Mb bb slave nosex | 30,000 words (60 pages)
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Script for a film on the kidnapping of 9-year old Sean, sold as a slave in an Arab country

Selling Dylan by Istari

MtbMdom implied anal oralbond humil chast body modification | 9,500 words (19 pages)
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Tales from a World of Slavery 2 In the not too distant future, fourteen-year-old Dylan Randall has become too difficult and disrespectful for his own good. His father and step-mother come up with the perfect solution. Sell the boy into slavery. Dylan is quickly sent to a slave dealers, sold at auction and actually ends up in the hands of a wealthy relative who transforms him into an obedient boy-pet.

The Sex Offense Prevention Reformatory on Pluto by Yaro Minnaar

Mtb alien-t – non-cons mast anal oral – interr cbt electr | 8,250 words (16½ pages)
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In a futuristic society where sex is forbidden and people's instincts are suppressed through the use of a drug called oblivion, Brénainn Aodhan – an eccentric millionaire – has built a Sex Offense Prevention Reformatory on Pluto. This place was created after discovering that all homosexual males where immune to the sex-drive suppressant. Ever since, Aodhan has rid humanity of homosexuals. What is really taking place in the SOPR?

Sinterklaas (Santa Klaus), the Origin Story by Maikeli

Mb tb – slave oral analcastr (nullification) interr humil | 40,500 words (81 pages)
Link to story 

An account, based loosely on historical facts, of how the Santa/Black Pete myth came to be.

The Skewed World by Skadadel

| 11,000 words (22 pages)
Link to story

In this document I describe the Skewed World, an alternative universe that I intend to use as a setting for fiction writing

Slave Act World Vignettes by Unikue

Mb bb – non-cons slave oral analcastr | 3,500 words (7 pages)
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Short vignettes, mostly about boys being castrated and enslaved.

New story
The Slave Boy Planet
by Quozax

Mtb tb bb – slave mast oral anal – bond incest | 8,500 words (17 pages)
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In an distant world half the population of the planet become slave boys.

A Slave is a Slave by Bill Underhill

Mb tb bb gb Mg – slave mast oral anal – bond enem first electr humil rim mod | 75,000 words (150 pages)
Links to chapters: 1-7  8-14  15-20  21 

In thousands of counties and major population centers across the U.S.A., each comfort complex stands as an oasis of pleasure for the deserving citizen, where submissive slaves are provided by a benevolent federal government to satisfy the carnal appetites of the millions who now freely exercise their normal and natural lust for pretty little boys. And (just for variety) the occasional woman, little girl, or adult male gigolo. These are the stories of one such comfort complex, in the heart of flyover country, where the free citizens of Hadley County and its environs - the salt of the earth, the very essence of American exceptionalism - explore the simple joys of sexual satisfaction upon the tender flesh of government property in human form.

The Slave School by Unikue

Mbslave oral anal – chastity spank incest | 4,000 words (8 pages)
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Because of a temporary closure of their school, Chris and Andy have to go to a another school with very strict rules.

The Slave Whisperer: Opening Jeffy by Skadadel

Mb – slave anal oral – bdsm cbt electr humil toys ws (implied) | 14,000 words (28 pages)
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Michael's big dick prevents him from fully using his little slave Jeffy. Diego, host of the reality show The Slave Whisperer, helps Michael mold Jeffy into the 'little bro' sextoy he's always wanted.

Slaveboy From Moscow by Pueros

Mt Mdom anal oral chast – enema humil spank tort toys | 11,000 words (22 pages)
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Slaveboy series 2B This is the first sequel to The Codicil and Slaveboy From New York and relates the continuing painful adventures of young Sergei. Only two parts published. Both parts were completely included and continued in the combined story Slaveboys From Moscow & New York, see below.

Slaveboy From New York by Pueros

Mt Mdom mast anal oral chasthist.fact bd humil interr spank toyscastr | 24,500 words (49 pages)
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Slaveboy series 2A This 5-part story is partly written to illustrate the fact that a certain large-scale social evil still persists into the 21st century, as well as to suggest that it is about time the world community did something to end the abhorrent practice. An adapted version is published as Slaveboys From Moscow & New York, see below.

Slaveboy Trilogy by Dicaleb

Mt tt – Mdom anal oral – humil tort ws scat | 20,000 words (40 pages)
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In a distant future 10% of the male population are slaves. From their 13th birthday on every boy had to choose yearly at his birthday if he volunteers to become a slave or wants to be randomly selected as slave.

  1. Ponykids Race
    Ponykids, young ponyslaves, have to be trained to do the work as a horse.
  2. My First Year as a Pigslave
    David has to choose, do I want to be a slave or not?
  3. Dad Bought a Dogslave
    At selection day a 19 year old boy tells about the fun he and his brothers had the last year with a 15 year old dogslave.

Slaveboys From Moscow & New York by Pueros

Mt Mdom anal oral mast chast – hist.fact bd enema humil interr spank tort toys | 37,500 words (75 pages)
Links to chapters: 1-3   4-5

Slaveboy series 3 For the Nialos website Pueros combined the 5-part story Slaveboy From New York with the unfinished story Slaveboy From Moscow, which was continued. Slaveboy From New York is adapted partly and set in 1999 instead of 2001 as the original.

Slave's Birthday by Istari

Mtslave anal oral – bond chast humil | 2,500 words (5 pages)
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Every year, Slave receives a special birthday gift from his master, but this year it is Slave who has a special idea of his own.

Slaves Walk Together by Unikue

Mb bbslave implied oral – castration | 2,500 words (5 pages)
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What can happen to boys that break the law.

Smuggler by British Boy

Mt – slave cons anal oral | 17,500 words (35 pages)
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Many, many years in the future, Earth was destroyed by an astronomical event. Mankind, even having already colonized a few planets, faced the serious risk of becoming extinct for the first time.
Charlie has to survive as a interplanetary spaceship cargo pilot on this dangerous environment with the help of his illegal 14yo slave boy Lucca. Being a space smuggler on his free time, he has to avoid and dodge every HGA inspection on the less colonized side of the galaxy or he may lose his beloved loverboy to the evil empire. Will Charlie be able to handle Lucca's sexual demands, sneaky clients, pirates, HGA ruthless inspectors all at the same time?

The Sons of Jan and Christopher Dantz by Maiocxx

Mb bb cons ref. to sexref. to tort & spank | 48,500 words (97 pages)
Links to chapters: 1-2  3-4 

  1. Jasper: A young boy is rescued from a notorious boy brothel, but it will take years of love and understanding by his new parents for him to be 'normal'. But, can they succeed before it's too late?
  2. Charlie: After the death of their first son, Jan and Chris decide to adopt another young boy. Will they have better luck raising this boy?
  3. Yoshi and Arico: The two young Japanese boys from Chapter 2 have returned to their families. How will their parents react to their new relationship?
  4. Monsters in Scotland; While Jan, Yoshi and Arico are traveling in Japan, Chris and Charlie take a vacation in Scotland. It lasts a bit longer and is much more dangerous than they had anticipated.

Het Speelgoedknaapje by Timmetje

tb slave humil tort | 25,000 words (50 pages)
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Autobiografisch verhaal van een tien jaar oud jongetje dat wordt opgeleid tot en verkocht als speelgoed voor vrije kinderen. Zijn meester, een jongen die een paar jaar ouder is dan hij, heeft er veel plezier steeds weer nieuwe manieren te bedenken om zijn slaafje te treiteren en pijn te doen.

De straf van Brandon by Istari

MbMdom/bdom oral anal (both implied) – humil bond chast enem spank milking | 12,500 words (25 pages)
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In een niet al te verre toekomst, bezoeken Greg Van Doorn en zijn zoon Quinn het locale centrum voor verwerking en discipline van slaven, om hun tiener slavenjongen Brandon te onderwerpen aan een sessie van correctieve discipline. Brandon zal op een van de gruwelijke en meedogenloze strafmachines van het centrum gelegd worden, waar hij een beproeving zal ondergaan die hem handelbaarder en gehoorzamer moet maken. Tot Gregs verrassing dringt Quinn er op aan om samen met de slaaf aan de bestraffing blootgesteld te worden, een vorm van jongensachtig schuldgevoel en nieuwsgierigheid. Er worden speciale maatregelen getroffen, om Quinn als slaaf voor een dag te doen worden en dezelfde beproeving te ondergaan als de jonge slaaf. Quinn zal leren hoe het is om slaaf te zijn. En Greg zal er getuige van zijn hoe zijn zoon en zijn slavenjongetje zij aan zij zullen gefolterd worden, met ver reikende gevolgen voor alle drie.

The Strongest Poison by Calvinus

Mb tb – non-cons slave mast oral anal – humil spank tort ws | 52,500 words (105 pages)
Links to chapters: 1-19  20-33 

Rhys Thomas is just an ordinary 11 year old boy who has just started in a new school along with his annoying and nerdy cousin, Tom. They don't really get on too well. Rhys wants to be in with the in crowd, and especially his friend Finn, who is good at sports and funny and cool. Tom, on the other hand, seems to lack any social skills at all and is a liability to Rhys' street cred.
None of that counts for anything though on the day they come across a mysterious sphere of light on their way home from school, and in an instant Rhys is swept away into another world. Did he go back in time? was this a parallel universe? is he just hallucinating? And who are those people coming to get him and why do they look so unfriendly?
As Rhys is swept up into a world of slavery, violence and mistrust and evil, how can he ever find his way home? and will he ever find happiness again?

Taking Wally to Gaytown by Mister Red

MtMdom anal oral humil spank | 29,000 words (58 pages)
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This story is told by a father who believes gay boys should be enslaved. When he finds evidence that his 14-year-old son has been giving blowjobs, he packs up the boy and takes him to the Gaytown Slave Hall for sale. Dad then forms a surprising friendship with his son's new owner.

Tales of a Summer Afternoon by Deda

Mt tt slave/cons mast oral anal – humil | 6,000 words (12 pages)
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PZA 5th Anniversary 2007-2012 Story

See table of contents for these stories with the "rules".

During their summer holidays, twin brothers Ritchie and Mike find two old slave collars and think that it would be fun to play at being master and slave. What they don't realize is that once a slave collar is put around a person's neck; it automatically activates and sends a signal the authorities. When they are captured as escaped slaves, Tim, their older brother tells the slave police that the family doesn't own any slaves. This results in the boys being arrested and taken to the slave police station. The police officers do not believe Richie and Mike that it was all a game. When their slave collars are scanned to check their slave status, only blank statistics appear further confusing the slave police. Clearing up the mystery becomes vital to regaining their freedom.

Ten Shorts: Slave Boy Genesis by Dirt

Mb Mt slave non-cons reluc cons anal oral – bondage body-modification interr | 81,500 words (163 pages)
Links to chapters: 1-4  5-7  8-10 

Stories set in the present day or near future, with one major theme, the use of boys as slaves and/or sex toys. Some are consensual, most are non-consensual.

  1. Masked Boy: A 10 year old boy thinks he is being taken to a foster home. His new life is not as he expected.
  2. Kato & the Aphrodisiac Factory:Fourteen year old Kato is happy to be free from his abusive dad when his uncle invites him on a vacation tour of his out-world business ventures. The last stop is at an aphrodisiac factory.
  3. Captured for Sale: A horny 14 year old discoveres a porn store where a kind man will let in underage gay teens into the back door to view special gay videos. Unfortunately, this kind individual has his own agenda.
  4. The Training of Jeremy:Mr. Smith has a someone procure for him the perfect boy.
  5. Capture, Rescue, & 3; Rescue: Thirteen year old Dave is barely rescued in the nick of time after having been sold as a slave and readied for shipment. But things get so bad at home that he contemplates to run away, but where to go.
  6. Perceptions Can Differ: Officer Jim Legotts' son gets kidnapped by a human trafficker.
  7. Master and Slave: 13 year old Ronaldo is kidnapped and held in a man's basement.
  8. The Mounting: Mr. Forbes acquires his newest slave, young Jamal.
  9. Mikie: Cole Banion gets a young teen boy 3; and a surprise.
  10. Twins: Katsumi Konawa acquired twin boys and trains them to be his slaveboy.

Theo's Teddy by Dirt

Tbcons/nc oral anal mast – bd tort mind-control | 17,500 words (35 pages)
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Theodore Banks, a small but precocious 11 year old, finally discovers the purpose and powers of his long owned 'Teddy Bear.' Through it's agency, he is transported to another world where his is eventually 'trained' to become the slave boy of the ruler's teenage son and heir to the throne.

The Thirteenth Slave Boy by Jason Masters

tb Mtslave anal – spank enema, milking cum-drinking | 5,000 words (10 pages)
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A thirteen-year-old free boy gets his first (seven-year-old) slave boy and thinks he can do a better job than his father, a professional slave Transporter. He learns better when he unintentionally gets a proper taste of what it's like to be a real slave.

Three Slaves by Dirt

Mtb Slave cons mast oral anal interr bond bdsm toy spank first | 68,500 words (137 pages)
Links to chapters: 1-2   3-4   5  

This is a story about a not quite reformed pederast and a not quite innocent boy, who get thrust into a world of sex slavery, kidnap victims, the bad guys (usually, but not always, the buyers and sellers of the young boys), and the good guys (usually, but not always, the authorities and police). As the story progresses both the pederast and the boy find themselves not only in a web of intrigue and danger but gradually forming their own web of deception as they progressively bond as master and consensual slave. Along the way are the stories of two other boys and their own 'masters.'

Timmy by Brian

Mt Mb tb tgoral anal mast – spank bd tort humil chast castr | 51,000 words (102 pages)
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A group of tourist on safari in Central-Africa is ambushed. The adults are killed and the children enslaved. The story follows 14yo Timmy, who becomes a sex slave for a warlord and his men.

Timmy in Chains by Sid G & Erik

Mt tbMdom oral analtort bdsm spank ws prost | 21,500 words (43 pages)
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On a weekend home alone 12yo Timmy is turned into a sexslave by his older brother Roger and his friends. The boy is also pimped out to others over the weekend. One of them is Captain Morgan, who ownes some very profitable and specialised brothels. Roger sells his brother to Captain Morgan and Timmy really starts his journey into sexual slavery and learns a lot more about himself and some of the mysteries about his very being.

Timothy's Enslavement by Dirt

Mt Mdom nc/cons anal oral – bondage body-modification interr | 13,000 words (26 pages)
Links to chapters: 1-4  

A BoyToys Inc. Story
It has been over 20 years since BoyToys, Inc. had taken the bold steps into using gene-splice technology in their ongoing efforts to provide special 'boytoys' maintained at prepubescent or early pubescent physical ages to satisfy the sexual appetites of a select market of those rich enough to afford their product.
But now a new kind of market is being tested. There are those rich enough who can purchase their own special boytoy slave, specifically 'retooled' biologically and mentally to fulfill life long roles as someone's special 'slave boy,' and specifically 'tailored' both physically and mentally for that one person. Timothy becomes one of the first in this new line of gene manipulated boytoy slave. He is selected because he already has a predisposition for being totally submissive and an inclination to serve a master who will care for him.

Tour to Hell & The Resort From Hell by BoyMasterUS

Mt ttnc oraltort bd spank ws | 7,500 words (15 pages)
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On a remote island is a very special resort, the Resort from Hell. Guests are entertained by beautiful slave boys. The story includes the Guest's Manual and describes the way a group of boys is kidnapped and transformed into slave boys.

The Toy by Sub39m

t – nosex | 3,000 words (6 pages)
Link to story

Sequel to Dicaleb's Slaveboy Trilogy. To prepare for Selection Day a 14th year old slave has to write about his first Selection Day, a year ago.

The Toy Collection by Fisal & Fisal Fan

Mb Mt tt Slave anal oralbody modification pet-boys age-regression bdsm chast ws | 37,000 words (74 pages)
1st part by Fisal
Sequel by Fisal Fan

A story set in at an indeterminable point in the future where two men meet and discover a way to turn innocent boys into playthings that allow them to fulfil the needs of their loving but sadistic natures.

Tragedy in Black by Zelamir

Mb Fb MF – Mdom mast – humil interr tort spank | 30,500 words (61 pages)
Link to story

Young Cassius fantasises about being kidnapped and shipped to the Southern States to work as a slave. He discovers that his mother and white step father have similar fantasies and asks to be allowed to join their 'game.' Soon the boundaries between realty and fantasy become blurred and Cassius learns what slavery really means.

The Travels of Antosh Teshna by William Rush

Mb Tbcons nc oral analprost | 65,000 words (130 pages)
Links to chapters: Part I – Part II  Part III 

This is a story about a naive teenager's journey in the lands of Aertha. From his adventures with a young a dancer boy in Sammal to a quick and sudden lesson in slavery, this truly is a story about a boy becoming a man.

Travels with Drew and Li by Maiocxx

bb Mb – slave mast oral anal – humil spank | 66,000 words (132 pages)
Links to chapters: 1-4  5-9 

Tales from the World of Cody and Lucas II A Series of tales featuring Drew Nelson and Li Soon Hamilton as they continue to grow and serve others as taught them at the Alice Springs School For Exceptional Boys

Two Collars by Sam the Ham

bbslave oral &ndashl; spank | 8,500 words (17 pages)
Link to story

PZA 5th Anniversary 2007-2012 Story

See table of contents for these stories with the "rules".

Richie and Mike (12 yo) find two old collars of slaves of one the boy's father; they start playing (erotic) master and slave in the woods.

Understanding Modern Indenture by Mister Red

Mt – slavery mast oral analhumil incest | 29,500 words (59 pages)
Link to story

The government of the Great North Plains Federation of States profits from selling the best looking and most athletic 17-year-old boys as pleasure slaves. To help ease and encourage this transition for the most desirable teenage boys, schools offer Understanding Modern Indenture Classes in their sophomore year of high school. In Book I we hear from one of the first UMI instructors. He developed curriculum with the assistance of the Institute for Slave Management, and works cooperatively with local slave dealers and trainers. Book II tells the story of one of the boys.

Unfortunate Friends by Boygymnast

Mb tb bb slave oral anal – humil bond chast tort spank | 14,000 words (28 pages)
Links to chapters: 1-3

PZA 5th Anniversary 2007-2012 Story

See table of contents for these stories with the "rules".

Richie and Mike get into trouble after finding two slave-collars.

The Upper Fremont Pony Club by Istari

MbtMdom cons nc oral anal – bd humil chast pierc ws "pony play" | 29,000 words (58 pages)
Links to chapters: 1-3   4-5  

In the not too distant future, the Harrison family spends the first two weeks of summer vacation at a very special club. Their eleven-year-old son Kevin is quickly broken and trained as a pony boy, along with his best friend Jacob. Along the way they suffer an endless variety of humiliations, punishments, sexual abuse, and some mild body modification.

De verkoop van Dylan by Istari

MtbMdom implied anal oralbond humil chast body modification | 9,500 words (19 pages)
Link to story

Verhalen uit de wereld van de slavernij 2 In een niet zo verre toekomst is de 14-jarige Dylan Randall te moeilijk geworden dan goed voor hem is en zonder respect voor anderen. Zijn vader en stiefmoeder kennen de perfecte oplossing. De jongen verkopen als slaaf. Dylan wordt vlug naar een slavenkoopman gezonden, verkocht op een veiling en komt uiteindelijk terecht in handen van een rijk familielid die hem verandert in een gehoorzaam jongensdiertje.

De Verwerking van Garret by Istari

MbMdom implied anal oralbond humil chast | 13,000 words (26 pages)
Link to story

Verhalen uit de wereld van de slavernij 1 In een niet zo verre toekomst is de jonge Garret Weathers veroordeeld tot vier jaar slavernij en hard labeur voor een nogal luttel vergrijp, niet opzettelijk vandalisme. Garret leert al snel dat in de wereld van de slavernij, rechtvaardigheid (zo kan het genoemd worden) nogal vluchtig is en hardvochtig. Dit verhaal volgt Garret en zijn familie die getuige zijn van zijn reis naar de slavernij, in het lokale verwerkingscentrum.

Wally's Sleepover by Mister Red

Mb bbcons mastincest | words (19 pages)
Link to story

A story of a divorces man, his son and his son's friends.

The War by Sarge

tt tb Mt – slave oral anal – humil bdsm | 33,000 words (66 pages)
Link to story

Following a war, a teen loses track of his family and finds the rules have changed as he is sold as a slave. He struggles to find out if his brother and parents were okay while having to please his master. His situation continues to get worse as he is sold and re-sold.

What Money Can Buy by Unikue

Mb bbslave oral anal – castration | 2,000 words (4 pages)
Link to story

A boy wants to buy a computer. There is a way to earn quickly enough money.

Whatever Happened To Tommy Vescu by Dirt

Mt Mb – Slave (nc/cons) anal oral – bondage body-modification | 92,000 words (184 pages)
Links to chapters: 1-3   4-5   6-7   8-9  

This story centers itself on several characters. One boy, Tommy, endures many trials and tribulations as he is thrust into the world of slavery in this futuristic tale. Tommy, in an effort to help his family financially, opts for a 6 year voluntary Indenture, as per the Indenture, Consensual, and Non-Consensual Slavery Laws of the Aligned Nations of 621 AF of Bundus III (planet of the infamous BoyToys, Inc. labs). But all does not quite go as planned and now an investigator, Vasili Dumitrov, currently semi-retired and former legal agent of SlaveAcquisitions, Inc. and his slave boy, Kon Yan, [he and his master introduced in a previous story Boxing of a Boy], at the behest of Tommy's bereft mother, are trying to find out just what has happened to her youngest son. Interesting components of the world of legalized slavery come into focus as the story unfolds. And introducing the Faun Compound at the famous Xanadu Pleasure Dome resort.

When You're At The Bottom by Bara

Mt tt slave mast oral anal – humil spank | 92,000 words (184 pages)
Links to chapters: 1-4  5-8  9-13 

Timmy's life was spiralling downhill towards disaster. Just when he seemed to be crashing to the bottom he saw his chance and from then his only way was up.

The White Rat by David Clarke

tt tb bb tdom bdom non-conc/coerc/cons mast oral anal humil spank cross-dressing ws interr | 261,000 words (522 pages)
Links to chapters: 1-4  5-8  9-12  13-16  17-20  21-24  25-27  28-30 

A spoiled and rather unpleasant boy takes advantage of a position of authority at school to punish several other boys, particularly those he considers to be his social inferiors, but doesn't realise that his authority is only temporary. What will happen when those he has wronged are free to take their revenge - and will he learn anything from the experience?

Winning The Lottery by Bara

Mt Mb tb slave oral analhumil chast spank | 94,500 words (189 pages)
Links to chapters: 1-7   8-15

Robert Smith had just turned sixty, had just won the lottery and lived on a world that had slavery for youth under the age of 25. Robert began to plan for a comfortable retirement and bought seven slaves. Being a master of slaves was not as easy as he thought.

Worldwide Boy Gladiators by Istari

Mtb Mdom Fdom anal oral chast bd cbt electr enema humil spank tort toys | 216,000 words (432 pages)
Links to chapters: 1-5   6-10   11-15   16-20   21-25   26-29   30-32   33-36   37-40   41-42  

In the not too distant future, Extreme Action Broadcasting has become the most watched network in the world. Needing a Saturday night blockbuster program to go beyond anything they've done before, a young producer comes up with the concept of 'Worldwide Boy Gladiators.' Lured by the huge amount of money they'll be paid upon expiration of their indenture contracts, ten young boys ages 10 to 14 are recruited to be the initial gladiators. Each week, these athletes will participate in extreme completions that are as humiliating, embarrassing and painful as the organizers can devise. Between competitions, the boys are subject to an arduous schedule of conditioning and training.

Worldwide Boy Gladiators (continuation) by BoyMaster

Mtb Mdom Fdom anal oral chast bd cbt electr enema humil sad spank tort toys | 3,000 words (6 pages)
Link to story

Continuation of Istari's Worldwide Boy Gladiators.

Xanadu Pleasure Dome, Part I The Stables by Dirt

Mtb Mdom nc/cons anal oral – bondage body-modification interr | 43,000 words (86 pages)
Links to chapters: 1-2  3-4  5 

Another Approach to the Manufacture and Use of Pony Boys – A BoyToys, Inc. Universe story.
(In time takes place before The Boxing of a Boy )

Xander: A Slave to the Sport by Paolo

Mtcons mast – humil bond chast spank (implied) | 24,000 words (48 pages)
Links to chapters: 1-3

Inspired by the writings of Istari, and especially his epic 'Worldwide Boy Gladiators' story, I wrote this one-shot as a gift for him in thanks for his works. Set in the same alternate universe as 'WBG, the story details what happens when a boy having his 13th birthday wants to order 'Gladi-A-Wear' – the same gear that his idols on the XB-1 Network wear as the real Boy Gladiators. Once his special present arrives, however, and his uncle helps him put it on, Xander discovers that his fantasy present has suddenly turned into harsh reality!

Young Black Master by Zelamir

Mb bb – slave mast – interr spank humil toys | 93,000 words (186 pages)
Links to chapters: 1-6   7-14   15-18  

General Peter Obutu President of a recently formed African State is determined that his son should enjoy all he privileges and opportunities that were denied him as a boy under colonial rule. He sends his son, Mark, to an old and prestigious UK Boarding School. Mark becomes close friends with a white boy, Bobby whom he invites to his home in Africa during the long summer holidays. Bobby finds it difficult adjusting to the harsh realities of African life and the presence of another white boy in the General's household, the son of a ruined planter complicates matters.

Zero, the Special-Needs Slaveboy by Paolo

Mbslave mast oral – bond interr | 240,500 words (481 pages)
Links to chapters: 1-4   5-8   9-11   12-14   15-17   18-19   20-23   24-26   27-28  

When his nephew graduates college, a rather successful businessman finds himself alone in an 'empty nest'. Out of curiosity, he attends his first slave auction one night. No one there wants poor little Boy#000, the last of the lot to be offered, because of his special needs and the fact that he's 'plain'. But there's something about Zero that no one else can see, and the 'defective' slave just might be able to fill up a big, empty house.


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