PZA Boy Stories

Tomas Sabas
(SM Boy Writers)

Young Juan's Awakening


For several summers I had enjoyed young Juan’s boyish enthusiasm until he neared the magic age of thirteen. Little did I know that he had ofte been fantasising over being in bondage and punished. This is how he blossomed and what we were able to do together, until our final sad parting.
Ch. 1-4 publ. Mar 2008 (Nifty); this site Jul 2012 with ch. 5-6 added
12,500 words (25 pages)


Juan (13yo) and Tomas (adult)

Category & Story codes

Consensual BDSM story
Mt – cons mastbond spank


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Author's note

Sorry, since Sept. 2014 I haven't heard from SM Boywriters


Chapter One

I first met the young boy Juan three years before this account. My name is Tomas, I am single and thirty years old. Every year I rent the same holiday villa in Tenerife for a long summer holiday. It is a lovely rambling building surrounded by high walls which along with electric gates gives it total privacy from passers by. It has it's own pool and a grassy area to lounge on and better still, I am able to keep my small motor cruiser in the adjacent harbour.

Juan at the time of this story was twelve years old, just coming up to thirteen and I had watched him grow up for the last three years. I had befriended his family who I got on well with and so had known him from the age of ten. His parents were only too happy for him to spend time with me as they were not very active and so I had taught the boy to swim and sail a dinghy. Finally I realised in this happy summer that he had grown into a wonderful and desirable boy with all the appropriate pubescent yearnings! He had got to that magic age of twelve, going on thirteen.

I had had the perhaps doubtful benefit of a boarding school single sex education under very old fashioned rules, namely hard discipline and plenty of corporal punishment. I had gradually during my schooldays come to admire the beauty and delights of the younger boys. At school it was accepted as normal for the older boys to make sexual advances to the new young intake each year and I was only too happy to take part! My hobbies now were swimming, boating and fishing with my pride and joy, a small nine metre cabin cruiser.

Juan's parents were old and actually lived in this village. His Dad was slightly crippled and, as I said before, they were only too glad to have their boy befriended and taken off for days by myself. This suited me admirably now that Juan was such a beauty. He had delightful smooth lightly tanned skin. His muscles were beginning to form nicely and the puppy fat had given way to a flat smooth tummy with a delicious little cave of a navel. He had the lovely soft colour of Spanish skin, and a mop of glossy black hair. As often as I could I took him swimming, enjoying his youthful vigorous approach to all activities.

When I first met him aged ten he had worn baggy swimming shorts like so many modern boys. I had managed to change this by giving him a pair of very brief black shiny speedo's that I told him used to be mine. As he grew each year I would give him another pair, and wondered if he believed me that I had kept them from when I was his age! In fact I enjoyed buying from sexy swimwear from an internet shop that specialised in such things, but it certainly seemed to make him happy to wear them and provided me with constant delight. I found it difficult to take my eyes off his wonderfully flat little tummy and the way his groin lines so nearly met just above the waistcord and his boyhood bulge.

He seemed to sense way back at the age of ten that I enjoyed watching him and he would make a point of diving in and then climbing out, making sure that his briefs settled even lower as he struck funny poses for me. But now, three years had passed and he had matured into a superb specimen of boyhood. This year I was looking forward to a day with him on my little cabin cruiser. We were going to go along the coast and find a quiet anchorage for a picnic lunch

At ten o'clock I was already on the boat and when Juan came to a skidding halt on the pontoon, sliding his bike in a lovely carefree way that seems to be the way with pubescent boys. With a big grin he chucked his small back pack aboard, and stepped over the rail. All he wore were thin white sports shorts and a loose fitting tee shirt, and his smooth brown legs ended with his feet in open toed soft sandals. His shock of dense dark hair set off his cherubic face to perfection, and he gazed at me from wide excited deep brown eyes.

We set too to get the boat ready to leave and while we did so I enjoyed watching this perfect youngster as he worked around the deck. I enjoyed watching the movements of his supple young body inside those very thin shorts. I could make out the outline of what appeared to be small white briefs under them. I felt my erection grow in my own shorts but I always took the precaution to wear a tight restrictive white leather thong under them to hide my uncontrollable desire when I was with him. My plan for the day was finalised though when I bought a small yellow satin thong of his size, and even more ambitiously a shiny yellow satin g-string that tied on one hip with a thin string waistband. How I thought I was ever going to persuade him to wear that I was not sure. Only time would tell.

As soon as we had cast off he announced that it was so nice and hot that would it be ok if he wore his swimmers. Not much argument against that I thought to myself! He went below to change. Emerging a minute later in his old black speedo, grinning at me as I eyed him up and down. You look great I told him and he giggled as I reached for my camera.

"You are always watching me and taking photos of me, Tomas. Do you enjoy watching me? It sometimes makes me feel kind of strange! You do like watching me, don't you?" he asked me.

"Well yes," I said. "You have grown into a super looking boy. And since you realise that Juan, I have brought a little present for you in case you want to get even more of that body of yours sun tanned, and let me see even more of it! Maybe you will be too shy to wear them, but look in the draw by the chart table and you will find a small package. Have a look!"

While he was doing this I motored the boat into a favourite secluded cove and dropped the anchor, saying that it was time to stop for a picnic or some fishing.

I heard the draw open, and a soft giggle.

"Do you want me to put them on now," he called.

"Oh yes please," I replied, " but only if you want to Juan."

It obviously did not take much to persuade him, because he very quickly emerged in the new bright yellow shiny satin thong. He looked absolutely stunning and even more so when he did a slow turn in the cockpit, arms above his head, as I aimed my camera at him and snapped a few shots.

"You like?" he asked.

"Absolutely fabulous," I replied, and my hand went to my crotch where even the restrictive leather thong was having trouble keeping control of my raging erection.

"Lets face it," I said, "no one can see us out here, we could even be naked if we wanted to be, but frankly I think you look great like you are. But, I said, pausing a moment, I have an even briefer costume, but I only want you to try it if you really want to and like the idea."

"What, briefer than this? Wow, can I try it?"

"Well, it is very very brief Juan so have a look at it first. You will find it in the drawer under the bunk and it is the smallest possible without being naked. It is a little yellow satin g-string that I bought specially with you in mind. So go on and try it but like I said, only if you want to."

Juan was only a few moments before he emerged, now virtually naked wearing the tiny pouch. The thin string tied on one hip and just the string appearing from between his bubble butt cheeks. I could see the line of deeper tan where his old black speedo had covered him, but with his Spanish colouring it was not the same contrast as you would see on a pale white boy.

I picked up my camera and he struck poses in front of me.

"Put your hands on your head Juan," I told him. Then, as I took shot after shot I thought I could see the bulge in the tiny pouch growing, and then starting to push the front out in erotic folds as the excitement of wearing such a minute costume took hold of his young pubescent body. He giggled and put his hands down to cover himself.

"No," I said, "Please don't be embarrassed and your reaction is quite normal and lovely and it is just great for me having you aboard. Come on over here and stand beside me, cos I think you are old enough now for me to show you a thing or two."

I reached out as he came over to me, and ran my hands down that smooth body of his, caressing him from his shoulders, down his arms, ribs and waist, until my hands were lightly resting over the growing yellow pouch. Then as I felt his now growing stiffie he reacted by pushing my hands very gently away.

I tried again, slightly firmer this time and again he gently pushed my hands away.

"Does me touching you like that worry you Juan," I asked him.

"Well not really but I sort of think I ought to try and stop you," and he gave me a beaming smile.

"So I just cant help pushing you away a bit," he giggled.

"I have an easy answer to that," I told him. "Turn your back to me and put your hands behind you and I will soon fix the problem!".

He immediately he did as I asked and I picked up the short length of thin cord that I had ready at hand and started to wrap it around those thin wrists, while giving him every opportunity to pull away if he wanted, and while doing this I could admire his superb and so nearly naked figure.

"What are you doing," he squeaked.

"Quite simple Juan, I am tying your hands behind your back so that you cannot stop me from feeling that excited bit of boyhood that you have hidden in that little pouch."

"Oh wow," came the reply. "I have often dreamt of being tied up. I have even imagined that I have been captured, and brought as a slave by cruel men, I have been held as a captive while they whip and torture me in all sorts of ways."

Then Juan seemed to totally relax while I tied and cinched his wrists before turning him to stand in front of me. Now his erection was jutting forward in the light satin folds of yellow cloth, and I reached down to feel the pulsing member. I knew that I had him now. Hands firmly bound behind his back, wonderfully excited, almost shyly pulling gently at his wrists. He took a step or two back from me then.

"I can still keep away from your hand, and anyway, and I could still kick you," he giggled.

"In that case young Juan, I will have to tie your legs as well, so I think that it might be the best idea if I take you down below decks and do just that. After all, we don't want anyone from the shore seeing what we are doing, do we?"

"Wow Tomas, will you really tie me up like that?"

"Indeed I will boy, and not only just tie your legs but let you see what it is like to be under a bit of stress in a full hogtie, since you seem to like being tied up anyway! After that we will discuss what may happen to you in the next few days!"

I helped the now willing and half tied excited boy down the cabin steps and helped him to lie on his tummy on the bunk. I marvelled at the smoothness of his beautiful body, and his beautiful brown back with just the faintest down of fine hair across his shoulders. I caressed his arms which of course were tied tightly behind him, and felt his firm young buttocks, naked apart from the thin crotch string of his little satin pouch. I picked up the cord that I had optimistically laid out ready. He lay quite still and unresisting as I bound his ankles firmly.

"Tighter," he muttered. "Make it really tight. I don't mind if you hurt me Tomas, it is really exciting and I like it so much."

"Oh you wait Juan until I make the hogtie and then maybe you will be asking me to go easy," I laughed.

"I bet I don't, I bet you cant make it so tight that I have to plead mercy," he told me.

So then, when I was ready, I pulled his legs back up to meet his wrists and bound them tightly together so his back was wonderfully arched.

"Wow," came a muttered voice, but I was far from finished. I had put a couple of metres of thicker rope ready with a bit of padding wrapped around the middle of it.

I ordered him to open his mouth which he willingly did, and I put the padded centre in his open mouth before pulling the ends back to tie them firmly to his ankle and wrist bonds so he was pulled right back into a glorious seductive and slightly painful arch.

I pushed him gently over on his side and he lay, his body tensed as he pulled at his bonds and squirmed in his bondage. And all the time my eyes were on that erotic yellow satin pouch that I was about to take off!

I knelt in front of the bound boy, and was fascinated by the beauty of him as I stretched forward to untie the little pouch and lift it away. His straining rock hard smooth boyish penis, with only a few fine new black soft wispy hairs at it's base, pulsed and throbbed with excitement as I put my finger and thumb around it and started to softly masturbate him. Within a minute his whole body was tensing as he pulled at his bonds, and little gasps came from around the thick soft rope in his mouth. Inevitably, and finally, a small jet of clear boy cum shot out and onto the floor beside the bunk. His audible sigh of pleasure came through the rope in his mouth.

I untied the rope that was still pulling his head back so he could speak and immediately he made his feelings known. "Wow, wow, wow, that was fantastic Tomas, absolutely fantastic." And he lay quietly with his body relaxed and limp but still arched back tightly by the hogtie. I ruffled his hair and he put on that cheeky grin of his.

"So you didn't mind me tying you up like that Juan? In fact you seem to really enjoy it. I have often imagined doing something like that to you, and now we both know we enjoy it I wonder how soon you will let me do it again?"

"Oh soon, please soon, because I want to prove to you how tough I am," this delightful boy told me. "I have often dreamt of being tied up, and I even dream of being whipped. I know that probably sounds silly but I have imagined it for a long time, so maybe you could do that to me in your villa during this holiday?" I felt my aching erection throb at the thought of this gorgeous boy willingly stripping naked to let me tie him ready for the whip. I knew then that I was going to make every effort to bring this about as soon as possible.

Chapter Two

The boat rocked gently in the slight swell and I waited a moment for Juan to settle down. Then, although he seemed to be quite happy in his tightly hogtied position I untied his bonds and helped him to sit up. He immediately leant towards me and flung his arms around my neck. With his eager excited face so close to mine I kissed him for the first time, gently on the lips. He responded at once, and as he did so his hands went from around me to run down my body towards the draw string of my brief swimming shorts.

I leaned back and looked into his dark wide brown eyes.

"Juan, you can strip me if you want to, because after all, I have seen all there is to see of you so that would be quite fair!"

I stood up in front of him as he sat naked on the bunk so that my midriff and briefs would be directly in front of him. He looked up at me and gave his usual beaming smile before I was able to look down and watched him undoing my drawstring.

"Oh wow, I did not realise you wore something under your trunks. Can I take these off as well!

He found the little straps and buckles which made the soft white leather thong truly restrictive and as he released them my raging hard on was free at last. I explained to him that I nearly always got a stiffie when watching him, or any boys come to that, and that this cleverly hid it from prying eyes.

"Tell you what though, now we know each other better and will be playing new games together I will not bother with the thong so you can see the effect you are having on me! You can take it as a challenge to watch how you affect me!"

Now the inevitable delight happened as Juan's soft young hand grasped my raging cock and within two quick pumps I had cum in a series of fantastic orgasms, shooting thick white ropes of cum over the willing and amazed boy!

I sat down then beside him, both of us naked, I put my arm around him and he responded by snuggling up close to me. His warm soft silky smooth body a total delight to me.

"Juan, I must ask you this. You seem to like being tied and helpless, and you said you had often imagined being whipped and tortured. Do you really mean that, because if you do then I would love to grant your wish. Not to really seriously hurt you or damage you but make you suffer and squirm for my pleasure before any sex play that it might lead to."

"Yes I did mean it Tomas, really. Will you tie me up and whip me, please Tomas, please, pleeez! I want to submit to whatever you want to do to me, even if it hurts a lot. I love being with you and will do anything for you."

"I will do what you ask, my new slave boy, and we will see how tough you really are. One thing though, although you are willing and want to be punished, we must arrange your safe word."

He wanted to know what I meant by a safe word and I explained how he could stop his punishment at any time by using it. All he had to do was choose an easy word to shout out if it got too much for him.

"But Tomas, that's silly! The whole point is that I want to be whipped and if I can just stop you whenever I want that is not really punishment, is it?. Why don't we agree together what punishment I am to take from you and that will be what you give me. I worship you Tomas and I trust you and know you will not take it too far. After all, my Mum and Dad must not see me all covered in lash marks when I come home, must they! I have thought about this. I imagine myself writhing around hanging from my wrists while you whip me. Please Tomas do it to me. I so respect you and admire you and I think I know that you really want to do this to me."

"Juan, you are so right. I love you. I love that beautiful body of yours and the way your mind works. I love watching you in that little g-string, so excited and rampant and knowing that you are about to be whipped. And now you will have no way to stop it.

Anyway, come on, time to put that little speedo back on so we look respectable when we get back to harbour. Tomorrow is another day and I am going to ask your Dad if you can stay over for the night. I will tell him that we are planning to go on a very early dawn fishing trip and I am sure he will agree to you staying over"

We got back to put the little boat in her dock, and I enjoyed watching young Juan as he pulled just his tee shirt on over his brief black speedo before leaping on his bike and pedalling off for home. I packed up the boat, full of my randy thoughts and anyone watching me could have seen that I had a huge erection as I had not put my thong back in place and the tent in my shorts was more than obvious!

My first job on getting back to the villa was to phone Juan's parents to see if they would allow the boy to come over and stay for a night and a couple of days. My heart was thumping as his Dad answered.

"Juan has really enjoyed today, and we want to go on an early fishing trip the day after tomorrow. I was just wondering if it would be alright for him to stay over for a night?"

"Now that is an amazing coincidence Tomas. I have just today been given an appointment to a hospital on the mainland to have an operation on my back. My wife has to come with me and I expected to have to take Juan, but this would mean him hanging around the hospital for some days getting bored out of his mind. I know it is a lot to ask, but we were wondering if it would be possible for him to stay with you. We know you both get on well and he speaks a lot about you so we just wondered?"

"Trying not to sound too keen I said I thought it would be fun to have the boy. How long are you likely to be away and anyway when do you go?"

"Well I don't know if you could manage this but we need to go tomorrow on the midday flight. We would drop Juan up to you in our taxi about 0900 tomorrow.We will pack some clothes for him and of course we want to pay you for his keep.We will be away for about ten days but will ring you regularly to report on progress and see how you are getting on. One last thing Tomas, if he should misbehave you have my permission to take a belt to his backside. I can tell you it would not be the first time!"

"I am sure I can manage to look after him ok," I told him, and I wondered if this corporal punishment was why Juan had these fantasies about being punished. Whatever the reason I was enormously excited at the prospect of a superb boy, clearly a masochist being sent to stay with me for ten days. As Juan would say, "Wow."

The following morning I was up in good time to prepare a few things for the day. I realised that the boy was serious about me punishing him and my excited penis would simply not lie down. So I collected from my goodies store some lengths of nylon cord. I sorted out the flogging whip that my long time friend and I had used on many occasions, both he and I practised S&M and many were the times that he or I had submitted to a hard whipping. The lash had twelve soft tails about 1cm [<½ inch] wide and 60cm [2 ft] long and I knew these would not cut even the boy's tender skin as long as I was reasonably sensible. I sorted out four soft leather thong loops and fastened one at each end of the exercise bar set beside the pool with the other two at the base of each upright. Finally, I made up a bedroom for him in the spare room with the big double bed that had stout posts at each corner! I laid out on the bed the satin yellow thong and the tiny g-string so he would see them first. I was ready and I sat down to a well deserved coffee while waiting for the families arrival. Just to look really presentable to his parents I put on a pair of slacks and short sleeved shirt over my usual swimming shorts under which I no longer had my restrictive thong to hide my excitement.

Promptly at 0900 the gate buzzer rang and I operated the electronic switch to let the taxi in. Juan was having a job to hide his excitement and looked stunning in white cotton PE shorts and thin white tee shirt with his usual bare feet and open sandals. We quickly sorted out a time for phone calls and his clothes and money were passed over, then wishing me good luck his Mum kissed him and they left to catch their flight.

I put my arm around Juan's shoulders and gave him a squeeze.

"How are you feeling slave boy?" I joked with him.

"Excited," came the breathless reply.

Come on then and I will show you where you will be sleeping, and giving his shock of dark hair a friendly ruffle I guided him through the wide open sun doors into the villa.

"Your room is the last door at the end of the passage and when you have unpacked you will find me by the pool." And I left him to sort himself out as I did not want or need to rush things. I quickly stripped off my slacks and shirt and left for the pool.

Five minutes passed and then I heard a gleeful shout from the villa sun door. He stood there, wearing just the g-string which as usual with him was deliciously tented, the shiny erotic folds of thin yellow satin pushing out from his groin. With a wild whoop he rushed down and skidded to a stop immediately in front of me. He looked straight at me and raised his arms high above his head before turning a small circle to deliberately show himself off to me. He was to my eyes stunningly beautiful as he stretched his slim lithe tanned young body seductively upwards. For a moment I drank in the sight, then, I stood up and swept him into my arms and hugged and kissed him. I could feel his hard little erection pushing into mine as I lifted him off his feet and pulled him tightly to me.

"How ready are you to be whipped my young slave boy? If you think you are strong enough turn your back to me and put your hands behind you. You need to be got into the right mood so you will usually have your hands tied behind you for the next few days while you are staying with me." He immediately did as I told him and stood quietly and willingly while I bound his wrists.

"Are we going to start right now." He asked, and my hand which had already strayed to his tiny yellow pouch felt it twitch and throb as we spoke! Meanwhile I revelled in the sight of his beautiful nubile body, so nearly deliciously naked. Just the thin crotch string emerging from the soft cleavage of his buttocks.

We were ready, but first we had to agree his total whipping as he absolutely refused to choose a safe word. We sat together, he with tied hands and enjoying the feel of that, and me with mightily tented swimming shorts.

I record here the punishment list we drew up for him and I wrote down for us both to sign later.

  • He would be tied by the wrists under the exercise frame.

  • Punishment would start when I undid the g-string cord on his hip.

  • He was to take twenty strokes of the lash across his back and buttocks.

  • Then ten on his chest and tummy.

  • He was then to be made to climax and be left to think about it for ten minutes.

  • Then release and relax until bedtime when he would be in bondage for the night.

Juan looked up at me. He looked so cute and innocent with his near nudity, raging erection and hands bound firmly behind him, but most of all, the growing excitement and willingness!

"Just one thing Tomas," he said.

"This has been part of my dream for a long time. I am not allowed to plead for you to stop, or to go more gently. If I do plead I want us to agree now that any lashes remaining will be doubled and I will be gagged to stop any further pleading."

"If you are sure about that my boy, come over here and we will fasten your wrists in these leather loops." Your whipping is about to commence."

He stood then and came to me under the exercise bar. We were ready to start!!

Chapter Three

I moved to stand behind him, revelling in his perfect naked back which he so willingly and excitedly wanted me to whip. I untied his wrists that I had bound behind him and Juan immediately held his hands up for me to place the soft leather thong loops around them. Having secured each thin wrist in the loops I tightened up the rope holding them to the corners of the frame so that he stood, feet together and lightly stretched, arms outstretched upwards so his body was tantalisingly vulnerable. I could see that he was clearly enjoying the build up to what he had always dreamt about, his little yellow satin g-string being pushed out from his tummy with his inability to make any adjustments!

"I am going to leave you there for a few minutes while I go and get the whip, so you can just think about what you have let yourself in for while I am gone," I told him. All I got was that delightful cheeky grin and then a slightly anxious question.

"Tomas, are you sure no one can see me from outside the wall. I mean being out in the open. Suppose we were seen?"

"No problem my boy. I have checked all round and the gates are electronically locked so we are totally safe. I like being in the open and the hot sun will add a sheen of sweat to that young body of yours."

I looked back from the villa and thought how small he looked, standing awaiting his chosen punishment. He also looked stunningly beautiful and excitingly vulnerable as he stood, arms outstretched, waiting under the exercise frame. This, by the way, was a simple couple of 5cm [2 inch] thick steel uprights 2mtrs [7 feet] apart with a cross bar for pull ups etc. The upper bar was just over 3mtrs [10 feet] above the ground so that one could easily jump and hang from it for exercising. It had proved perfect for spreadeagling my friend or myself in our previous sex games but I had never thought to have this perfect specimen of thirteen year old boyhood (well all but thirteen!) ready and waiting below it. I selected the chosen flogger whip and walked back down to Juan. I was still at this stage wearing just my black unlined swimmers so that the tented front would be fully obvious to him. I showed him the whip before placing it's soft thongs around his neck to dangle down his chest. In that way I liked to think that he would get the feel of the leather!

"I need now to fasten your legs boy." I fastened a leather thong around each of his slender ankles and noted that he held each one out to me to make this easier. He was clearly deep in his fantasy theme and very excited.

"Spread your legs boy," I ordered him and as he meekly complied I tightened up each side so that his legs were well spread and now only his toes reached the ground. I stood behind the spreadeagled boy then, and asked if he was ready to take his requested punishment.

"Yes sir, please whip me sir, I deserve it sir, and I want you to do it!"

I shucked my swimmers down to stand behind him naked. I put my arms around the stretched splayed boy, and undid the tie on his right hip to let his g-string free. For a moment it remained hooked up on his rigid penis, before I flicked it clear and he was gloriously naked. I stood back and uttered the immortal words.

"Brace yourself boy." And swinging the lash I landed the first stroke high on his shoulders. He pulled at all his bonds but made no noise, so I followed with another stroke, then a third and fourth.

"Tomas, you can go harder than that. I can hardly feel that!"

Well of course I knew that I wanted the boy to enjoy his fantasies, and was not intending any more really than a gentle whipping so this threw me somewhat, but he seemed to know what he wanted and his penis was so hard it was almost touching his tummy. So I landed a much harder stroke on his mid back which made him buck in his bondage despite the tightness of the lashings.

"More like that he gasped, please sir, whip me properly."

I laid on the whip then, down his back until at sixteen I was laying them across his nearly white buttocks and he had started sobbing and writhing. I dropped the whip and still behind him put my arms around him. My rock hard penis was now laying in the soft cleavage of his bottom. I made no attempt to abuse his virginity in any way and in fact I do not like that type of approach. But the whole scene had excited me so much that I held him tight with a hand around his slim hips, and a hand gently pumping his rigid boyhood, until we both came at the same moment. Finally when we were both spent we stood together, sweating, satisfied, and liberally covered in my cum.

"Oh wow Tomas, wow, wow. That was fantastic but you must not let me go yet. I still have four lashes on my back to come. Can you leave me here to get back in the mood and then after my back is finished I must take the whipping on my front."

I stood away to look at him then. His small penis was now soft. His back was criss crossed with light red stripes and he was covered in a sheen of sweat. His buttocks and upper legs were also covered in copious quantities of my cum! Having a sudden idea I picked up the swimming pool hose pipe, turned it half on and picking up a sponge I washed both him and myself down from head to toe and left us to dry off in the sun.

"Hey that's cold Tomas," he shouted out, but as the sun effect quickly kicked in he just giggled. He was clearly enjoying himself, which after all was the whole idea of this scene. Now I could see his little member hardening up as mine did the same. I had a good look at his back then, and already the red was fading and apart from where a lash or two had crossed and left an angry wheal I knew I had done a good job. He had been properly restrained and well punished by the whip and yet with no real damage. I reached forward and caressed him and my reward was him whispering to me.

"Please go on Tomas, I am ready again."

I noticed that by now, true to the vigorous puberty urges in boys, Juan was really hard and throbbing again, and I marvelled at it. His lovely uncut smooth almost hairless penis was again twitching against that smooth flat tummy of his. I took up a position to one side of him and he turned his head to look at me. I too was erect, and who could not be with such a gorgeous sight to look at and such a wonderfully erotic task to carry out? Of two things though I was sure. One was that the boy really pined for a real whipping and two, that I must not damage him so that he lost the sexual thrill that was essential while accepting it. This was going to be a fine balance! So first and fairly gently, I gave his shoulders the last four on his back, then moved so that I could see my target better. His delightful chest and tummy. My first stroke was high on his chest and quite hard and a red wheal appeared at once as he gave a gasping whimper. The second was lower and slightly less hard. He took it silently. I followed with three, four and five in quick succession and he was now sobbing again and throwing himself around in the thong lashings. I had worked down leaving a line of red stripes, but although obviously painful they were not going to last. Six and seven were high on his tummy but still he remained rigidly erect and apart from the sobbing accepting the lashes willingly and quietly.

Then suddenly, in his high boyish voice he called out.

"Tomas, sir, only three to come. Harder please, and low, really close to my cock. I can stand it sir, and I really want it"

"You asked for it you super boy so now here it comes."

The next stroke was hard and painted a bright red line on the part of him I admired most. That flat smooth tanned hairless tummy. I thought it was ok although he cried out in pain so I repeated the strength and went lower still. Again he shouted out in minor agony and yet his firm erection remained.

"Are you read then slaveboy to take your final stroke, at least for today I emphasised!"

"Yes sir, please do it he sobbed," and the lash whistled down to land on his most tender lower tummy, a fraction above his excited penis. I dropped the whip and went to hug him and gently caress his now slightly sore young body.

"Oh you wonderful boy Juan. You have proved your allegiance to me and your toughness and willingness. Now we are stopping all this for the rest of the day. We need some lunch, then I think we swim and lie by the pool. I would like you to wear that yellow satin thong I bought you and which you have not had much time to wear yet. Anyway, your g-string is still under the frame and needs rinsing and drying!"

Juan scampered off to the villa and a few moments later emerged wearing the thong. Coming over to me where I had settled on one of the pools loungers, he stopped in front of me grinning widely. Then raising his arms high above his head he slowly turned to display his body to me. I drank in the sight while immediately I hardened up and this time made no move to hide it from the boy. I found that the shiny yellow thong dividing his tight young buttocks was as good a turn on as the g-string, and the tiny pouch which only just covered his genitals was as usual with this boy, nicely tented.

"I see you still enjoy looking at me Tomas, and we have several days together. I wonder what you will do to me next!?"

"For today Juan, a relaxing day by the pool, a good BBQ lunch, and for later I have some fish we caught last week for supper and then maybe a video or two before bed time. What I can tell you now is that to make sure you do not try and escape in the night I will be keeping you in bondage until breakfast! I also have a neat little present for you that you will wear during the night, so you can start wondering what that might be right now!"

"Pretty cool Tomas." And with that Juan lay back on the lounger next to mine and spread out his delightful body for the sun. I was happy to see that the marks had almost completely faded from his whipping. He had had his fantasy fulfilled, and with no damage. I knew that as he lay beside me his mind was already wondering what was in store for him tonight. I could tell this by the movements in the satin folds of his thong which of course he was rather proud to let me see!

Chapter Four

During the lazy afternoon that followed Juan's willingly accepted whipping we both laid out in the hot sun and enjoyed relaxing for a while. Then, after about half an hour came the first of what was to be many questions from the boy to Tomas.

"Can I ask you something Tomas?"

"Of course you can Juan. What is it you want to know? I will certainly do my very best to answer."

"Well I know you enjoy watching me and I think that is why you bought me these sexy costumes and now you have stopped wearing that thong under your trunks I can see you getting excited all the time. Is it really just me that makes you go hard?"

"You are right, I have enjoyed watching you ever since I first saw you Juan. And now you have matured into such a fine looking boy I enjoy it all the more. Does that answer your question?"

"Well some of it, but you also seemed to enjoy tying me up on the boat and you quickly accepted me asking for punishment. I bet you have never met another boy like me that wanted you to punish him?"

"Oh yes Juan several in fact but I tell you now, none as perfect as you. You must never be embarrassed by what you want. I was whipped at school by a master who liked to restrain us by tieing us down. Although he only used a fairly soft lash, he would put us over a tressle with our wrists tied to the legs on one side and our legs splayed out on the other for our ankles to be tied. None of the boys ever complained about this because secretly we all rather enjoyed it! I am telling you this because it always got me excited and gave me an erection and in the end I would deliberately do something just to be punished! So you see there is nothing strange in what you want."

"Wow, how hard did he whip you and how many lashes? Did he see you had got excited and hard?"

"Yes because I admit that I let him see my bulging shorts on purpose. The master then had me by myself and told me that as I seemed to enjoy it I should be tied up a different way and first I should remove my shorts! When I did this he tied my wrists in front of me, then pulled them up over my head to an overhead beam. My shirt was now hanging down over my buttocks which he said was no good. So he untied me, made me strip off my shirt, than tied me up again, naked. Juan, I can see by your little yellow thong that this story is making you pretty hard now!"

"Well yes, I can imagine you doing that to me Tomas, and that is what causes me to go stiff. Do you think I am silly or even am I a bit weird?"

"Of course not Juan. Don't you ever think that. I can tell you that I still get hard just thinking about how I used to be tied up and it is very normal for young boys to be like that. Often they grow out of it and find a girl and get married. But like you see with me, not always. Some of us just go on loving bondage scenes, and especially with lively young boys like you perhaps!"

"Well does that mean that you would still like to be punished Tomas? But who would you get to punish you. Do you actually know someone who would do this to you?"

"It may surprise you Juan, but yes, I have a friend the same age as me that went to the same school. We meet up off and on and draw lots as to which of us should take the punishment. I can tell you some of it is pretty hard punishment but also very exciting for us."

I could see that the boy was getting more and more curious as to what adults did to each other so I went on. "I have been whipped under that same frame that you were under this afternoon, but the whip we use on each other is somewhat harder and quite rightly so! It often took three or four days for the stripes to disappear, but as I am living alone this does not matter. I want to be a lot more careful with you until you are older."

"I am tougher than you think. I bet I could take anything that you can Tomas. I have not told you yet of most of my ideas. There is one thing that I really want done to me as I have seen pictures of boys on the internet having it done to them. But I am sort of shy to tell you really."

"Don't be silly Juan. I have seen you naked, tied and whipped and I have seen you enjoying the experience so whatever could you have in mind that I should not know about?"

"Alright then, but pleased don't laugh at me. I want you to tie me up suspended on a cross, so I am spread wide and hanging from my wrists with my ankles bound to the upright. There, now you know and I suppose you think it weird? What do you think of me now, Tomas?"

"Juan, I think you are the most wonderful honest boy and I love to have your company. I want to make you happy and do things with you that you want to have me do. There is nothing silly or wrong in that. If you want me to tie you on a cross, then I will do that for you. But like when I whipped you, I do not want to damage you and there are several things we must do right. Firstly, you must have some support under your feet so you can take some of the pressure off your wrists and arms. Secondly, you know about safe words now and you must have one for this scene. We will also have to make up a cross and set it up ready. I think in the garage where the roof is nice and high will be the best place!"

"Oh great Tomas. When can we do it? Can we do it this evening? Please Tomas, please, lets do it this evening."

"Now look young Juan. You have already had a whipping today and a wonderful sexy orgasm with me. Now just slow down a bit. I have told you that you are to be kept in bondage tonight, and I mean all night. Spreadeagled on your bed tied to each corner with ropes. You will also be wearing on your cock a little device that I have had modified to boy size for you. I think you will enjoy the experience and whenever you wake up in the night and find yourself tied, you can think of what is going to happen tomorrow. I promise you now that in the morning we will make the cross, and in the afternoon you will be crucified. I look forward to taking many photos as you suffer on the cross." I put my hand across to him and gently felt his rigid little erection pushing those sexy yellow folds out, and he turned slightly towards me to make it easier for me to feel him.

"You are a cracking boy Juan. An absolute cracker and I am looking forward to the next few days, but now, have a little siesta because tonight you may not sleep quite as well as in your own bed at home!"

So the lovely hot afternoon wore on and we lay happily on our sunbeds, chatting occasionally about all sorts of things as well as sex. Then finally it was time to go in for supper and prepare the boy for his night time bondage. I made him put on his small cotton shorts with nothing underneath, and a tee shirt so that there would be more emphasis when he had to strip later in the evening. I did the same myself, also wearing no underwear so that he could see my excitement every time it happened.

Juan could hardly eat his supper fast enough and was fidgeting on his stool in anticipation of what was to come.

As soon as we were finished eating I sent him up to the shower to get ready. He appeared out of the shower naked, and gorgeously erect and I caught my breath at the sheer beauty of him. Knowing the effect he had on me he stood posing, arms aloft and turned a circle for me to admire him.

"Get on the bed Juan," I ordered. And obediently and willingly he climbed up onto the big double bed.

"Spread your arms and legs." He did so with mounting excitement. I tied the lengths of cord around his wrists and pulled them out tightly to the headboard, then his ankles which I pulled hard down to the base. All this time I could lust on the smooth young body now tied so seductively naked on the bed. The little device that I had got for him from the sex shop had to be specially modified for his size. It consisted of five rings. One large to go over his entire genitals and tie around his waist and between his legs with light leather cords. The other four rings to fit over his penis and these would make it tight and exciting when he got erect. I realised that it would be a job to get him soft enough to thread his penis through the rings but knew that if I made him cum first I would be able to do it if I was quick!!

"Now I will introduce you to your little present Juan!" and I fetched the rings and showed them to him. "I will have to give you a quick orgasm to get you soft enough to get the rings over your penis." He lifted his head and looked at the rings and squeaked out. "But my cock will never go through those rings Tomas and what is the big ring for?"

"Just you wait young man." And I started the gently masturbation action with one hand while the rings lay beside him on the bed. Alongside them some moisturising cream ready for lubrication. It only took a moment before he had his orgasm and I quickly used my other hand to apply the slippery cream. Then quickly, slipped the big ring over and tight to his body, and pulled and squeezed his penis through first one, then another until the four rings were all on his soft shaft. He looked stunning with each ring held by a small black strap and shiny stud.

"Lift up your butt so I can get these cords fastened around your waist and between your legs." I ordered him, and with superb obedience he arched his midriff up as far as his bonds allowed for me to fasten the cords tightly so that the ring was held close to his body. As I finished tying the cords his penis expanded in the rings until it was held rigidly, its head engorged by the device. I reached over and ruffled his hair and then left him to his own devices while I went off to have a shower myself.

I had already decided that I would have to sleep in the same room as I could not leave him bound and alone all night. When I returned ten minutes later he was still wide awake and so perfect and the thought of making the cross and tieing him into position in the morning was keeping me pretty excited.

As I climbed onto my bed, a small voice came across to me.

"Tomas, do you promise that you will really crucify me tomorrow, you really will won't you?"

"Yes indeed I will boy. Tomorrow you will suffer for me and I will enjoy every minute. Now, go to sleep!

Chapter Five

Everytime I woke that night I took a long lustful look at this glorious young boy spreadagled and naked beside me. His cock seemed to be permanently erect even held as it was in the steel rings and thin leather straps. Finally, around six o'clock I could wait no longer, and reached across to run my hand down his chest, gently squeezing his nipples until he turned his head and grinned at me. My hand wandered on down his flat firm and incredibly smooth tummy to caress his almost hairless rigid boyhood tightly restricted as it was by the steel rings, so that he moaned in pleasure, while pulling erotically on his bound limbs.

"Tomas, please sir, you are going to crucify me today arn't you. You did promise!"

"Yup, no problem there Juan. In a minute I will untie you and we will get up and shower before going to the garage where you will help me make your cross. I have got all the bits we need but I want you to help me put it together! You will be able to imagine just what it is going to be like, to be tied to it in pain for my pleasure!"

When I released him from his spreadeagle I told him to wear only his tiny thong over his penis rings which I had told him to keep on for the time being as I could see it was giving him pleasure to wear them with their erotic feel.

"But are you going to strip as well now Tomas? It seems fair that if I am nearly naked that you should be too!"

"Listen to me my little slave! From now on you call me Sir, or Master, and not Tomas. Further to that you should not ask me to do things to you or for you. If I want to whip you I will and if I am ready to crucify you, then I will, but it is up to me. If you keep chattering I will have to gag you and you have seen the ball gags in the garage!" But having told the boy that, I very willingly stripped and stood naked in front of him, rigidly and excitedly erect and dripping pre-cum.

After that we had breakfast and I noticed that Juan seemed in a great hurry to finish! Then it was to the garage where I had laid out a solid bit of 9cm [3½ inch] square post some two and half metres [8 feet] in length. Another plank about fifteen cm [6 inch] wide, two metres [6½ feet] long and two cm [<1 inch] thick was my planned horizontal beam and beside them both was a collection of eyebolts and screw eyes that would hold the boy's wrists and ankles when he was tied or strapped into position. I knew that wrist and ankle cuffs would be sensible, but I suspected that Juan would want to be tied. The danger to me was that I might damage his wrists and that was not the point of crucifixion. The point was to suspend the victim so that his body suffered and I could enjoy the dance of the cross as I knew some people had called it as the boy writhed and heaved to try and ease the pain in his chest and arms. Now, just looking at the pieces collected to make up the cross filled me with mounting excitement as I imagined my beautiful Juan willingly tied to it and writhing and struggling for me. I was going to hoist the cross under the main beam of the garage roof by a tackle from my boat so that Juan would be tied or strapped to it laying on the ground initially, enabling me to make sure he was fastened exactly how I wanted!

After we had finished breakfast I took him to the garage and I could see that he was really enjoying settling down to help me make the cross. As I watched him I could not but help marvelling at how this young boy was getting his thrills out of making a device that would really cruelly punish him, but that, I realised was true masochism and as I also enjoyed sessions with my friends by being whipped and punished I of all people could well understand it. He just seemed so beautiful, so smooth, young and innocent, and I could hardly wait!.

When we had tightened the last bolts and the cross was complete it lay on the floor with both of us standing over it. The basic wooden structure was as I had planned but I had added a cross piece to the base on which it would rest when hoisted. The cross would be hoisted by the tackle when the boy was in place! So I finally decided it would be leather cuffs and straps from my store of goodies to secure his wrists and ankles and not use the rope however much he pleaded for me to use it! The cuffs I would use were lined with soft sheepskin and had a long strap about thirty cm long ending in a ring. That strap would go over the cross beam, be tensioned to keep the arms straight, and then placed over an eyebolt and secured with a spring clip. His ankles would be clipped together and a short chain taken to an eyebolt so that his legs were slightly bent. I had originally thought to have a small platform for his feet but decided that with the padded ankle cuffs it would be alright without and deliver a better amount of pain and stress.

"Wow Tomas, I mean sir, are you going to put me on it now?"

"No, you must wait for a while. We are going to swim, have lunch and then, it will be to the crucifixion! Just keep dreaming Juan for the morning to pass and then the pain will start!"

"Sir, please sir, I have always wondered about being gagged, are you going to do that to me if I keep on asking questions!?"

"There you go again boy, asking me questions, and a bit of punishment is in order. Go over to the wall and get me that light flogger, now, look sharp!" He brought back the flogger and gave it to me. "Stand over there, hands on the wall above your head, legs apart, and do not make any noise!"

I laid the first stroke across his little butt and enjoyed seeing him wince. Another and another, and at six I stopped and told him to turn around and face me. Amazingly I could see that being whipped while not being tied in anyway had made his almost permanent arousal go soft and a few tears were tricking down his cheeks, so quickly I reached over to him, pulled down the pouch of his thong, and eased the four rings down and off his soft penis.

"I had intended to have you unadorned for your crucifixion Juan, so seeing you soft seemed a good time to get those rings off!"

"Does that mean you are about to start sir? Please sir, how long must I wait?"

"Boy, go and get that red ball gag waiting on that hook on the wall, it is time to keep you quiet! I can see that you will find it too hard to wait boy, so it looks like we should get on with the punishment!"

He opened his mouth obediently and I pushed the red rubber ball in and buckled the straps around the back of his neck. Having done that I slapped his butt with my hand and ordered him to lie down on the cross which was lying ready beside us! I helped him stand astride the upright and then eased him to lie back down, spreading his arms along the cross beam. I knelt beside my obedient boy and strapped on the wrist and ankle cuffs that were waiting ready and it took only a few moments to have him secured firmly. He was now spread in classic fashion, arms outstretched and strapped to the cross, and ankles secured together with the short chain to an eyebolt just above them.

I finally properly removed the thong now, regretfully cutting the sides to lift it away but leaving the superb sight of his naked form, the only adornment being the big base ring of what had been his cock ring device. This no longer needed the thin cord around his waist and between his legs as it was firmly held by his ever swollen genitals. I did not mind the ring remaining because he looked so cute, strapped down for his punishment and naked but for the one steel ring which only seemed to emphasise his general arousment!

I moved to the tackle then and started to hoist him upright and as he became upright so the struggle started and his delightful and desirable young body writhed and heaved as he alternately pushed up on his ankle cuffs to relieve his arms and then collapsed down again. I stood up close to him, and kissed his now sweaty forehead while my hands ran gently down his ribs, buttocks and the top of his smooth young legs. All I could hear was the moaning into his gag as the pain slowly built up and for me, it all became to much to stand without yet another climax and without touching myself as I shot cum all over his midriff and legs.

I decided after fifteen minutes that it was enough and taking his rampant little organ in my hand I worked him up to climax and he came, shuddering and going limp to hang from the cross and his bonds. I let him down then, lowering the cross to lie flat again and releasing the boy to stand up groggily in my arms.

"Oh wow sir, oh wow. That was fantastic and I will never forget that climax in all my life, thank you sir, thank you for everything!"

"You should not be thanking me boy, it is me who should be thanking you, but anyway, we have several days yet and after a gentle afternoon you will be kept in bondage again tonight, close to me and tied on my bed!"

And that is how the crucifixion day ended with both of us being satisfied beyond anything that we had ever experienced before. At bed time, both dog tired, me in my thong, and Juan in his g-string that I had found for him, and with Juan slightly marked from his light whipping and with wrists and ankles a bit red from his crucifixion bondage, we retired to our bedroom where first I tied the boy down in his usual spread eagled position. I left his erection proud, and unadorned except for the one steel ring mentioned before. Somehow, to see that velvety smooth, rigid little pole with the purple head creeping out from under the foreskin seemed the right way for him to be. Simply and utterly beautiful.

In the next and final part of this story young Juan is called away by his parents to live on the Spanish mainland where unfortunately I will not be able to meet up with him. But I think that I have had the very best of the formative years of this wonderful boy so I must not grumble, and anyway there is one more scene for us before I put him on a plane to go to his parents who after his Dad's operation are staying in Lisbon. He has asked for a final whipping to remember me by and who am I to deny him!!

Chapter Six

Juan wanted me to do a special whipping on him tomorrow as it was nearing his last day with me, and I willingly agreed. He said he wanted me to use the bullwhip, but only if I wanted to, and he wanted to be tied with his feet off the ground, fully suspended. What could I say to this wonderful little masochist! But I was slightly frightened that I would damage this thirteen year old or mark him too much that his parents would notice when they returned.

I was about to settle down beside the naked boy when I heard the phone ringing in my downstairs office. I nipped quickly down, wondering who it could be at this time of night and found to my dismay that it was Juan's Dad from the mainland hospital where he had had an operation on his back. He told me that things had not gone well for him and that he had been advised to stay near the hospital for a year or so.

The couple had managed to find an apartment that was suitable but obviously as they would now be staying permanently they would like Juan to come over to join them. My heart sank slowly as we talked.

"Tomas, we do appreciate what you have done for Ryan, but look, can you put him on a flight to Lisbon this weekend so he can join us. Maybe you will be able to see him again next summer if we manage to return to Tenerife because I know he would like that?"

I could only promise to do as he asked, and inevitably he asked if it was too late to speak to the boy. I assured him that Ryan was asleep, and could not help a smile as I thought of what he would say if he knew that his boy was spread eagled tightly on my bed, naked and willing for any punishments I might want to do to him!

So it was duly arranged that I would book a flight for Juan and see him on the plane at our local airport with his meagre bag of clothes. His Dad promised to forward the money for the ticket and for my part I agreed that I would ring him back tomorrow and give him the flight time. I sadly made my way upstairs to find my wide awake naked, spread eagled thirteen year old curious as to who had phoned.

"It was your Dad Juan. He has to stay over in Lisbon for a year, near the hospital and has got an apartment there. You are to go over to them the day after tomorrow when I have got you a ticket."

"But sir, will you come too? I don't want to go, I want to stay with you here!" and suddenly the boy started crying, sobbing quietly with tears streaming down his face!

"Pull yourself together boy. Maybe we will be able to meet up again later, or next year, and meanwhile you have punishment due tomorrow when we still have all day together!"

"Well I want to be whipped harder and longer than ever before so you will always remember me and I will remember it all my life! Will you do that sir?"

"Indeed I will my little slave that so likes the whip, and judging by the state of your stiffie you know I will!"

I stripped off my shorts, and naked climbed up beside the boy, and sliding an arm under his waist I hugged him as tightly as I could within the restrictions of his bonds. We slept eventually like that, but both of us had fitful dreams, and I brought him to orgasm in the middle of the night to try and settle him down. I was sad because I so enjoyed the feel of that silky smooth and firm young body so willingly tied beside me.

In the morning I told Juan to try and forget that he must go tomorrow, and to now stand by for his punishment. I untied him from the bed, and put padded wrist cuffs on him so that his wrists would not be cut of harmed by suspension for his whipping.

"Can you do the whipping now sir, before we have breakfast or do anything. I want to be punished first sir, and then maybe again later in the day!"

"Put your hands behind you boy, now." And I clipped his wrist cuffs together tightly behind him, at the same time enjoying the sight of his firm little butt and the down of superfine hairs that ran down the base of his spine in the small of his beautiful back. The back that I knew would soon be striped and sore as he accepted his whipping.

I marched him to the punishment room with a hand behind his head, giving his hair a quick ruffle of affection as we went. He enthusiastically went to the centre of the room where the overhead rope hung with a spreader bar on it already that I had prepared last night. I unclipped his hands.

"Hands above your head boy, close to the spacer bar, look sharp again, don't keep me waiting or it will be even harder for you!"

I was getting him in his fantasy zone and watched his erection twitching and almost touching his tummy. I ran a hand down that shaft and marvelled as usual at it's velvety smoothness but I quickly stopped when I realised that with the excitement of impending whipping he was almost at orgasm! Having clipped his wrist cuffs to the spreader bar I hoisted on the tackle to pull him up until his toes were only just touching the floor. His slim young body shown to perfection, concave tummy, long slim smooth legs and arms straining up to the bar.

"Make me higher sir, please sir, my feet are still on the floor!" I picked up another spreader bar and pulling his legs apart fastened each ankle with a length of cord to the eyes in the end of the bar. Now his toes were only just kissing the floor but to make sure for him I hoisted him another thirty cm by the tackle. He hung there, swinging gently while I went to select the whip, which by his own request was the lethal looking single tailed leather plaited bull whip.

"Are you ready boy?"

"Yes sir, do your worst, I can take it!"

At the first lash across those lovely brown shoulders he cried out in anguish and I asked him if I was going to have to gag him. I noticed the thin red wheal across his smooth soft skin and realised I would have to be careful!

"Yes sir, please gag me, and give me whatever you think I can stand!" So I did just that, revelling in watching this boy, the boy I had seen grow up, taking a severe whipping and amazingly, apparently, writhing in the agony of enjoying it!! After twenty lashes, which I admit I kept to a sensible strength so as not to break the skin which was a rule I always stuck to, I saw him convulsing and heaving, his legs being thrown back and forth as he hung, and then, superbly, he had an orgasm through the pain of the whipping without me touching him. My gorgeous boy hung, inert, from his bonds and I gently lowered him to stand under the tackle.

"Oh wow sir, that was incredible and I will never ever forget it, whatever happens to me in the future" And so the day passed with him and me satisfied until it was again time for bed but this night, he asked a special favour as it was his last night with me.

"Please sir, it is our last night together and I am off to my parents and will maybe not see you again certainly until next year when I will be almost fourteen! Can we just lie together sir, just naked, and holding each other?"

I was slightly disappointed not to tie him but on the other hand, after a few minutes of clutching this naked young boy in my arms to spend the night I was as usual in heaven. The morning came all too soon and I helped him pack and off we went to the airport for his flight. He shed a solitary tear as we parted at the boarding gate and then was gone hidden amongst the other passengers.

I returned sadly to my villa in the mountains and started making plans for the future. First and foremost were my weekend plans which included going down to the old quay to watch the local boys swimming. I knew that somewhere there would be another boy I could enjoy!

The final part of this story is sort of happy for Juan but sad for me, but nothing can wipe away the memories of what he and I did and enjoyed! I had a pretty card of Lisbon and on it Juan had written a thank you "for all the fun I had with you!" And guess what, you will find this hard to believe but I have met a girl my age! She is lovely, and well, she likes doing the sort of things we used to do, if you know what I mean!

I went down to the old quay again, and was soon to meet my new young protégé. A lovely twelve year old boy who noticed me watching him and came over to chat, and the way he looked at me was a real turn on.

So we started chatting 3;

The End

Good luck to Juan and boys like him the world over!!


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